

Read he text and choose the right answer .

In order to get the most out of performance appraisals, it is essential to avoid certain problems which can arise out of the appraisal process. It is important that the performance appraisal is not seen as a reward-punishment situation. The emphasis should be based on assessing and commenting on the employee's performance, rather than on completing paperwork. Finally, care must be taken to avoid generating hostility from the employee if the feedback is at all unfavourable.

It may be helpful, instead on focussing on what to avoid, to think in terms of positive goals. Try to use the appraisal process as an opportunity to increase the employee's effectiveness and worth to the company. It is vital that employees see themselves and their contribution to the company in a positive light. If this is so, not only will they receive constructive criticism, but may actually take such pride in their work that they themselves seek out ways of improving performance.

Managers giving feedback need to interact with employees on a personal level, but must remain professional. They must resist the temptation to curry favour with the employee by being excessively informal. Neither should they hide behind paperwork and formalities. The manager should tailor each interview to the needs of the individual employee, giving him or her plenty of opportunity to air any concerns he or she may have and clear up any uncertainties. A manager may make notes during the interview, but should ideally write up the formal record of the appraisal only after the employee has left the room.

Naturally, suggestions should be made in a tactful manner. It is important not to forget to praise positive aspects of the employee's attitude and performance before going on to voice any criticisms. Criticisms should be directed at task performance, not at the individual. It is beneficial to emphasise what should be done rather than what should not. Last, but not least, goals for improving performance should be set which challenge the employee, but are realistic and, above all, precise. The employee should be in no doubt of what he or she is being asked to do or of what resources and assistance are available to aid him or her in meeting these objectives.

Question 1
What is not mentioned as a problem of the appraisal process?

  1. Employees may become angry if negative comments are made.

  2. Employees may think it is designed to reward and punish them.

  3. Record keeping may become a goal rather than a tool in the process.

  4. Managers may not know employees enough to appropriately appraise their performance.

Question 2
What are managers advised to aim at in the interview?

  1. Enhancing employees' self-esteem and competence.

  2. Getting a clear picture of the employee's ability and potential.

  3. Eliciting employees' comments about their work environment.

  4. Getting suggestions from employees on how performance might be improved.

Question 3
How managers recommended to conduct appraisal interviews?

  1. They should follow the official procedure to the letter.

  2. They should make sure the atmosphere is comfortable and relaxed.

  3. They should take the process seriously, but not excessively formal.

  4. They should begin by asking the employee about his or her worries and uncertainties.

Question 4
How should the formal record of the appraisal be made?

  1. The manager should write the formal record in private.

  2. The manager and the employee should fill in the forms together.

  3. The employee and manager should each make a separate record.

  4. The manager should fill in the forms and get the employee to read and sign them.

Question 5
According to the passage, what should be made clear to employees during the interview?

  1. What tasks are included in their job description

  2. What performance targets they are expected to meet

  3. What the consequences of failing to meet targets will be

  4. What forms of behaviour are not acceptable in the workplace


I. Read the sentences below. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D to fill each gap.

  1. We need to find a famous and respected athlete to ....................... our new running shoes.
    A) sponsor B) endorse C) agree with D) attract

  2. She teaches .................... at a famous business school.
    A) economy B) economics C) economic D) economist

  3. Tariffs and quotas are said to be .................. because they raise the price of imported goods so that domestically produced goods gain a price advantage.
    A) protective B) protectionist C) protection D) unprotective

  4. If the price of materials goes up any more, production will no longer be ............. -effective.
    A) price B) profit C) quality D) cost

  5. At last the other party's insurance company has admitted its liability and has agreed to settle our claim. You should receive a cheque for .............. in the next couple of weeks.
    A) quotation B) compensation C) premium D) cover

II. Choose the correct word or expression to match the following definitions.

  1. A document sent regularly by a bank to a customer that lists the amounts of money taken out of and paid into their bank account. A) bank statement B) bank invoice C) bill D) account balance

  2. An arrangement by which a bank pays a fixed amount of money from your account every month, year etc
    A) standing order B) bank's order C) direct debit D) A and B are correct

  3. The point where a business stops making a loss without showing a profit.
    A) cash flow forecast B) break even C) even break D) even point

  4. A way of buying expensive goods by regularly paying small amounts over a period of time.
    A) hire purchase B) installment payment C) purchase hire D) installment purchase

  5. A plan of how to spend money over a period of time.
    A) expenditure B) business plan C) cash flow forecast D) budget

III. Choose the phrase which best completes each sentence.

  1. A firm is said to be insolvent when it

    1. is making losses

    2. is making profit

    3. cannot meet its commitments

    4. isn't paying taxes

  1. Creditors are people

    1. who owe us money

    2. we owe money to

    3. who we own money

    4. who are our debtors

  1. Days of grace refer to

    1. the limited period during which a proposer is waiting for his policy to be accepted by the insurance company

    2. the limited period after termination during which non-payment of the premium is accepted

    3. the limited period after termination during which the insured must complete a claim form

    4. the unlimited period during which the insured must pay his premium

  1. Convenience goods are

    1. goods which are convenient to you because they are value for money

    2. the same as consumer goods

    3. are always bought in super markets, because it's the most convenient

    4. goods that people buy frequently and casually

  1. Deceptive advertising is

    1. practice involving the use of false statements or inaccurate depictions of product that are irrelevant to the consumer's decision to purchase and that are taken unintentionally to mislead rational consumers

    2. practice involving the use of false statements or inaccurate depictions which are irrelevant to the consumer's decision to purchase and that are undertaken intentionally to mislead rational consumers

    3. practice involving the use of false statements or inaccurate depictions which are relevant to the consumer's decision to purchase and that are undertaken unintentionally to mislead rational consumers

    4. practice involving the use of false statements or inaccurate depictions which are relevant to the consumer's decision to purchase the and that are undertaken intentionally to mislead rational consumers


You work for Arabica plc, a coffee company based in Brasil ( 284 Perrato, 68 NW Corumba). The company exports coffee to countries in all parts of the world.

On a recent sales trip to England, you made contact with a potential customer:
Ms Suzanne Darlington, the chief buyer in a major retail chain. You discussed the possibility of supplying coffee to the chain, although nothing was agreed. Now you want to build on the relationship in the hope of closing the deal.


Write a polite but friendly letter to Ms Darlington. Stress the quality of your product and the reliability of your service. Offer to show her round your production facility if she would like to visit you in your country. Offer to cover her expenses during her stay. End with the hope that you will be able to do business with her.

You are not supposed to lift expressions from the instructions. You should use the correct layout appropriate for business letters.


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