The Education of Miss Bennet

The Education of Miss Bennet

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Part 1

ONE morning, about a week after Bingley's engagement with Jane had been formed, as he and the females of the family were sitting together in the dining room, their attention was suddenly drawn to the window, by the sound of a carriage; and they perceived a chaise and four driving up the lawn. It was too early in the morning for visitors, and besides, the equipage did not answer to that of any of their neighbours. The horses were post; and neither the carriage, nor the livery of the servant who preceded it, were familiar to them. As it was certain, however, that somebody was coming, Bingley instantly prevailed on Miss Bennet to avoid the confinement of such an intrusion, and walk away with him into the shrubbery. They both set off, Jane, hastily putting on her cloak to protect herself from the autumn cold.

They did not stop once they had reached the shrubbery, but continued walking, until they were past the gates of Longbourn and along the road that lead towards Netherfield, just as Jane suspected they would.

As they walked, they spoke lightly of the identity of the visitor to Longbourn and the cause of the visit, but neither had any grounds on which to base their speculation and the topic soon fell by the wayside.

Jane was delightfully aware of Bingley's closeness to her as they walked. As was their custom, he had drawn closer to her once they were safe from observation and had carefully adjusted his stride to keep pace with her smaller steps.

Jane made sure they were fully alone, then with downcast eyes and a becoming blush, asked, "Are you not going to kiss me, Mr. Bingley?"

She waited, a warming of anticipation lighting her features. Since the first day of their engagement, Charles had generously graced Jane with kisses. She accepted them with much more pleasure than propriety would deem acceptable, yet this did not trouble Jane. She trusted her fiancé, knowing he would keep her from any harm to her reputation.

This day, however, was the first time she had asked for his kiss, and she was not completely easy with her brazenness.

"No, Miss Bennet, I think not," he replied in a cooler tone than she had heard since his return to Meryton.

Jane was struck. Had she offended him? Her eyes widened, but she dared not look at him. Indeed, it was a struggle merely to keep walking. Jane was not used to giving offence to anyone, and she was quite unsure as to what to do.

"Mr. Bingley," she cried. "I, I am so sorry. I beg your pardon." Her distress was evident in her voice, even as she hid her features.

Bingley stopped and his gloved hand gently lifted her chin, so his eyes met hers. Instead of the disapproval Jane expected to find there, she found only a curious concern. "Jane, Angel," he said, his voice softly censuring her. "Oh my dearest, I am sorry. I meant only to tease you, and to make you perhaps say my name." His eyes were warm with kind affection.

"Mr. Bingley?"

"My Christian name, Angel."

"Oh," Jane brightened, relief replacing distress upon her countenance, which was soon replaced by the gentlest of smile. "Charles," she said shyly.

Bingley smiled warmly and his lips descended to hers. Jane closed her eyes and lifted her lips, awaiting the first touch with a flutter in her stomach. His kiss excited great emotion inside of her, emotion that softened with frequent repetition, but their first kiss after each separation still moved Jane greatly.

One kiss became two, then three. Charles forced himself to stop then, although there was little more he should like to do than continue kissing his beloved; he was well aware that a road was hardly discrete or conducive to romantic liaisons. Pulling back, he offered Jane his arm and they walked along together.

"I am very sorry to have troubled you, dearest," his voice sincere, yet not overly heavy with self-reproach.

True to her nature, Jane attempted to brush away the worth of her feelings, but Bingley would not have it. "Your happiness is my charge," he told her, his air thoughtful, yet pleasant. "It is a duty I take very seriously." He looked lovingly into her eyes. "I caused you so much suffering, my dear, I would wish you to never suffer again, especially at my hands."

Jane was humbled at the frank emotions she saw on his face and heard in his voice. While quite used to admiration for her beauty and kindness, such pure adoration was quite beyond her experience. She felt the strongest gratitude towards him, gratitude that might have been coloured by something stronger, that was still unnamed in her heart.

"Charles," she said again, the name a caress. He was undone by the sweet sound and paused to kiss her yet again. She accepted his kiss joyfully, then resting her head on his arm, walked a bit further with him in meditative silence.

Jane was concerned that her initial step of expressing her enjoyment of Mr. Bingley's attentions had been rebuffed, and while she entirely understood teasing, she was still not sure in her mind how Bingley felt about her behavior.

With an ease that came with trust, she spoke. "Charles," the name was so dear to her, "were you offended by my forwardness?"

Bingley looked at her in puzzlement; then he grasped her meaning and his expression cleared. "Not at all, my love. Were you uneasy?"

Jane lowered her head, "A bit," she owned. "I was not sure if you would approve, though I thought you would," she added quickly. "I know it is not strictly correct. But perhaps you would prefer that all such overtures should come from you."

Charles paused in his walk, and looked at Jane. Her words had provoked a well of feeling and thoughts, of which all he could be certain of was the knowledge that he that needed to examine them more closely. He looked about, and finding what he sought, led Jane off the road and down a little path, which led to an old folly, quite abandoned to the autumn cold.

He took off his greatcoat and laid it on the floor, helping Jane to sit upon it, then sat himself beside her and took her hand in his. It was an odd discovery he had made, that for some unknown reason, touching Jane helped him to focus his thoughts with greater clarity.

Jane waited peacefully for him to speak, trusting that he would when he was ready and quite enjoying this bit of privacy with him.

When Charles finally began, he was looking away, towards the trees. "Jane, I meant it when I told you I consider safeguarding your happiness to be my duty. It is that, and more; it is my greatest source of joy." He paused again, clearly choosing his words with unusual care. "You know that I have loved you for a very long time."

Jane nodded, her face happy.

"It is because of that love, that perhaps I have been taking greater liberties with you than I should." He looked very seriously at her. "Jane, am I making you unhappy with my attentions?"

"No!" Jane exclaimed strongly. "I worried I was making you unhappy because I enjoyed them so much." She lowered her head, ashamed at her admission, but continued on. "I have such tenderness for you as well, Charles, and when we are together, I do not feel as if you are taking from me, rather that you are giving me happiness." She smiled briefly to herself. "Even when we are apart, I think very frequently upon you." Here she lifted her eyes to him, "In truth, you are almost never out of my thoughts."

Charles squeezed her hand and smiled warmly at her admission. "Nor are you out of mine."

Jane colored with pleasure and went on, emboldened by his response, but still speaking quite timidly, "I know that as your betrothed, it is my obligation to safeguard my conduct with you. But I have never been uneasy around you. I trust you completely. I know you have my best interests always at heart, and will never harm me or my reputation, but I have to admit that sometimes, I," she paused and licked her lips, "sometimes I would like more."

Charles stared at her dumbfounded for a moment, then a broad, bright smile enhanced his features. He drew Jane into his embrace and kissed her deeply, deeper than he had ever before. When he released her lips, he asked, "Like that?"

"Oh yes, Charles," Jane breathed. And she was delighted by the return of his mouth to her own. Jane's awareness became impossibly focused on Charles and his lips; they were so soft against her own. His tongue had slipped softly into her mouth, and was teasing and tasting her, provoking her to respond. Timidly, she reached out, and lightly touched his teeth, then reached further, the pleasure increasing until from one moment to the next, she was not sure where her mouth ended and his began. She loved the feeling of intimacy and connection she had found with him. It was exciting and comforting at the same time.

At some point, Charles moved away from her mouth, and kissed her along her jaw to her ear. "My bold one," he murmured lovingly in her ear. "Dear Angel, I want to give you what ever makes you happy, but you must promise to tell me if I ask for too much."

Jane made a soft noise of agreement in her throat before she sought out his delicious mouth again. She ceased thinking or worrying.

Charles had made it clear that he was pleased with her, and that was all she needed. Found a freedom she had not known before in his approval and love, and she easily moved beyond the confines that had limited her before to a new realm of sensation that she wished to explore.

She relished the feel of him, and so attentive was she to their kissing, she soon found she lacked the energy to sit up any longer. Untying her cloak, she laid back, so Charles was resting beside and a little on top of her.

He draped her cloak over them both, creating a little woodland bed for them. Jane smiled her approval as she returned to kissing him.

While his kisses gave her more pleasure than she had ever known before, she found they also created a yearning. Her hands slipped inside his coat, touching his back through his clothes, but she needed more. He sensed her frustration; removed his coat and quickly undid the buttons of his waistcoat. Eagerly Jane slid her hands under the warm wool, against the soft linen of his shirt. She was better able to feel him; her hands examined the muscles and planes of his back as she felt his hands exploring her form.

Charles was moving with all the delicacy he could muster. While he longed to rush forward, he told himself again and again that he must proceed slowly, or risk frightening her. He understood his love well enough to know that Jane would never refuse anything he would ask of her, but the unspeakable sweetness of her asking him, of her wanting and taking pleasure in him, that was something precious he wished to preserve at all cost. He struggled to maintain the balance of giving her enough to encourage her to seek more, but not to overwhelm her. He found the only solution was to let her take the lead and to force his own desires away. It took all the control he could muster, but the benefit, he thought as he felt her small hands reaching hungrily for him, was beyond riches.

Lightly he stroked her upturned side, moving from her hip to the top of her waist and back again, over and over, letting her become accustomed to his touch. She sighed into his mouth, and he let his hand travel just a little bit higher in its next circuit. Slowly he moved upwards, until he was lightly brushing her breast.

A low cry of yearning signaled her approval and as he focused his touch on her sweet softness, she moved the slightest amount, to encourage him farther.

Charles continued kissing her as his hand rode over the swell of her breast, lightly skimming it. He could feel her nipple beneath her clothes, hard and pointed, and he gradually increased the pressure of his hand.

"Oh yes," Jane breathed, and as if hypnotized, Charles found himself lightly stroking her nipple. She made soft appealing noises in her throat, and her shoulder turned to give him freer access. Her eyes closed, Charles couldn't be certain how sensible Jane was to her actions, and he maintained his resolution to proceed carefully.

A single fingertip brushed the top of her breast, just above the edge of her gown. Jane reacted immediately raising her shoulders for more even as her eyes opened and looked into his. He waited, continuing the caress of that lone fingertip while she stared at him, her breath coming in short pants, both of their awareness locked on the point of connection between their bodies. Then she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, wordless expressing her wish for more. Charles slipped his finger into the neckline of her gown, caressing the sweet softness he found there.

Jane's lips moved, forming the words "oh yes," even if she didn't have the breath to carry them. Charles understood, and after a minute of this, he reached behind Jane and unfastened the three buttons he found there. His hand returned to her breast and he found he was able to draw the muslin down, revealing her chemise. He lightly pinched her nipple, which was hot in his hand, causing Jane to move her hips to and fro every so slightly. "More," she sighed breathily, and Charles moved her chemise, to expose her beauty to him.

And she was so beautiful. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed and her lips full and red. Her breast was creamy pale and the tip was the shape and color of a strawberry. Touching her, Charles was sure he had never felt anything so soft before in his life. He rubbed and squeezed it as he kissed Jane, her rhythmic movements wrecking havoc with his self-control. When she stopped kissing him and moved her mouth away in a clear signal he was torn. He questioned whether he should take the next step, fearing that he would be too much for Jane, and he also feared that he might not be able to stop if he went further.

He tried to distract her, by returning to kissing her with greater fervor as he stroked her breast, and while this worked for a short time, she again turned her face away, raising her breast to him once more. Charles recognized the danger he was in. He could not humiliate her by reducing her to begging; he would not crush her fragile boldness for anything, so he trusted in his love for her and kissed his way down to her sweet nipple.

She was the most wondrous thing he had ever tasted and he forced himself to stop from sucking too eagerly. Her one hand grasped his head to her, while the other labored to free her other breast. Charles was content to suckle from her, while he touched her other breast.

After a few minutes, he switched sides to Jane's clear approval.

Jane felt pleasure that up until this moment she had not known was possible course through her. She had been burning, dizzy with need until Charles took her nipple in his mouth. Sweet relief flooded her body. She wasn't worried about the correctness of it. How could anything that felt so delightful, that her beloved Charles was doing be wrong? She felt beautiful and happy and wanted him to never stop.

She was bitterly disappointed when he did stop. She looked at him, the pleasured haze quickly fading from her eyes as he pulled himself up beside her and embraced her in his arms.

"Why do you stop?" she asked softly.

Charles smiled lovingly at her, pleased and delighted by her responsiveness and willingness to trust him. He brushed her elegant curls away from her forehead. "Because, my darling, you deserve a bed, with many pillows and a warm fire in the grate when I take you as my wife."

Jane cast her eyes down and tried to steady her breathing. "I didn't realize we were that close," her voice trembled with suppressed desire.

"Close enough, my love," he told her gently.

Confusion covered Jane's expression, as she tried to put her feelings in order. Charles waited patiently for the storm to clear, his hands never leaving her body, but never asking for more.

Jane struggled to understand what had happened, but in the end, a simple realization came to her that Charles had done exactly as she had asked: given her more, yet not let her go into danger. And what he had given her! With such pleasure, she wondered why married people ever got out of bed. She stroked his chest and looked up into his eyes, her heart filling with admiration for him.

"Will it be like this, when we are married?" she asked.

"Yes, like this and more." He realized that he was not only the guardian of Jane's happiness, but also the instructor, and he resolved to begin her education. "Do you feel a need, a tightness, here?" He indicated her sex.

Jane nodded.

"That is your body's preparation for love, for me. When we are married, that tightness will be released in a highly pleasurable way."

Jane nodded. She was made easy by his knowledge, and felt comfortable with him. It was clear he felt no shame about what they had done, and that he wanted her to feel comfortable talking about love between them. She felt a lightness filling her, lifting her up with her knowledge of his affection for her. Charles was a good man who would be the best husband.

She found herself filled with a curiously to know more. Knowledge that had always been suppressed was suddenly available to her, and she hungered for it. Her body still burned for him, and she wanted to know more about that which she instinctively needed. "May I touch you?"

He nodded, his blue eyes cautious, yet trusting.

Her hand slid down his torso to the front of his breeches. She could see his form, in a state of excitement, against the cloth. Lightly she traced him with her fingers, surprised at his hardness. "Does it hurt?" she asked with total candour as she heard him draw in a gasp of breath.

"No, but it is very sensitive to every touch."

She passed her hand over him again, in the same manner as he had touched her breasts, while she watched his face. She saw his eyes widen and his breath grow shallow. "May I see?"

He looked at her uncertainly. She returned his look with open inquisitiveness. His hands moved easily, undoing the buttons and allowing the front to fall away.

Jane stared. He was very large, and a dark pink in colour. A nest of tight golden curls concealed the place where his phallus met his body. Jane found it hard to believe that this was a part of him, the man she trusted and knew so well. It was like a secret he had kept hidden from her. She felt as if a third person had joined them, that the phallus had its own will and identity.

"Does it disturb you?" Charles asked, his blue eyes carefully examining hers. This was the first sign of hesitation he had seen in her so far.

She shook her head. "I have simply never seen anything like it." She struggled for words, "It's very powerful."

"It is just me," he told her comfortingly. "Perhaps we should stop now."

"Wait," she halted his efforts. "May I touch it?


He indicated she could and gently she reached down. She was surprised to find it was very warm, and while it was very hard, the tip was also peculiarly soft, like velvet. She passed her hand over the entire length, and heard Charles gasp again.

"It doesn't hurt?"

"No, it feels exquisite," he panted.

"Oh," she smiled and moved her hand again.

"What are you doing?"

"I feel terribly selfish," she told him.

Charles frowned, confused by her admission. "In what way?"

"You gave me so much pleasure before," she smiled at her still uncovered breasts, "I wish to pleasure you, Charles."

"Jane, love," he realized he was in a dangerous position. "You don't understand. First of all, it gave me wonderful pleasure to kiss and suckle you before. And second, -ohhh"


"Jane, if you do this I will not be able to stop."

"I do not want you to stop. I want to pleasure you." She bit her lip uncertainly, and then asked, "Why do you want to stop if it feels so pleasurable? Am I doing something wrong? I keep doing this, what will happen?" Her voice grew soft as she thought, but her hand did not stop. "Charles, will you spill your seed?"

"Yes, that is why you should stop," he said between gritted teeth. He was losing all his control.

"No," she replied boldly. "I don't want to stop. I want to see what it looks like, before you are inside of me."

Charles pondered that his fiancé had picked a damned time to suddenly become defiant. His wisdom told him that this was nothing to fight about, and if Jane really wanted to see this, then it would be probably best that she did. He covered her hand with his own, and showed her how he liked to be touched, then he leaned back and took in her beauty. Her breasts were moving, with each stroke and it was not hard for him to imagine them in a very different setting. Sooner than he expected, his climax was upon him, and he stopped her hand as his seed poured out.

Jane was fascinated. She touched his belly and the hot white fluid she found there. She watched as his phallus sank and softened back to normal, then she looked up to Charles. "How did that feel?"

He smiled. "Very, very good." He kissed her tenderly. "Thank you, Jane."

Jane laid back, still astonished at what she had witnessed, while Charles used his handkerchief to clean himself. "And that is what will happen inside of me?" she asked uncertainly.

Charles drew her into his arms; and kissed her again, "Yes, my love, and it will feel very good for you as well."

She smiled, "I would like to know what it felt like."

Charles closed his eyes. Against his better judgment, he heard himself ask, "Would you? You can. I can show you." He opened his eyes and found her smiling shyly at him. "Are you sure?"

She nodded again. She could not fail to trust Charles. It was constitutionally impossible, and besides that, her curiosity had been piqued.

It was enough. Charles rolled her on her back and kissed her again, increasing the depth and intensity until her fire had returned. Charles knew it had never been extinguished, merely banked for later. When she was moaning again, he returned to her breasts, touching and teasing her nipples to full hardness. Then he drew up her skirts and slipped his hand underneath, finding her long legs. He stroked the length of her thigh as he kissed her, following her lead as he steadily pushed his hand closer to his goal.

When he reached the heart of her pleasure, he relinquished her mouth and returned to her nipple. Sweet blissful sighs told him when he had found the right place. She was molten; her wetness covered his fingers as he carefully explored her virgin core. She turned and opened to him, like a flower following the sun. Lightly he touched her, his fingers flickering like butterfly wings as his mouth suckled her nipple.

Tighter and tighter the tension inside of Jane grew. She thought she would burst; she thought she would explode. She didn't know what to do or what was happening, she only knew that it felt so good it hurt and she needed; needed something more. Closer and closer she went to a destination she could perceive but had no knowledge of, when suddenly the pressure broke forth. A wave of pleasure broke over her and she gasped in astonishment. She sagged to the earth, as slowly the tension faded from her body and she was as limp as a child's doll.

Charles took her into his arms and held her close, while she lay still beside him. He kissed her temple and rubbed her back reassuringly as he waited for her to return to him.

When her eyes did focus on his they were filled with tears. "Darling? Did I hurt you?" he asked, his expression of deepest concern.

"No," she spoke. She closed her eye and buried her face in his chest and breathed deep his scent. She felt closer to him than she had ever felt to another being. He held her tightly and she took comfort in it. "Charles, I love you."

"Jane?" his voice was soft with wonder.

"I love you. I love you," she repeated. And she did. The feelings she had never admitted or acknowledged, for fear of their power, she could not hold back any longer. "Thank you," she sighed.

They rested together in silence, their usual verbosity lost. Touches and looks served then instead as they enjoyed the unusual warmth of the day. After awhile, Charles knew they needed to move along. The afternoon was past its peak and they would soon be missed. He kissed her lips tenderly and gently helped her replace her dress.

When she smiled as he placed her cloak on her shoulders, he could see the change in her. She was different, and what was more, she was his. When they married, it would not be the docile transfer of a mindless beast from one owner to another. No, Jane now understood the role of women and men, the vibrant and essential differences between the sexes. Like Eve, she had tasted from the fruit of knowledge, and with that knowledge, she had chosen him.

He knew theirs would be a marriage of love, not just prudence, and that neither would be tempted to look outside of it for needs that were not met between them.

He kissed her a last time before they were in sight of Longbourn; one kiss to tide them over until his return tomorrow, when her education, and their relationship, would continue.

INSTEAD of receiving any such letter of excuse from his friend, as Elizabeth half expected Mr. Bingley to do, he was able to bring Darcy with him to Longbourn before many days had passed after Lady Catherine's visit. The gentlemen arrived early; and, before Mrs. Bennet had time to tell him of their having seen his aunt, of which her daughter sat in momentary dread, Bingley, who wanted to be alone with Jane, proposed their all walking out. It was agreed to. Mrs. Bennet was not in the habit of walking; Mary could never spare time; but the remaining five set off together. Bingley and Jane, however, soon allowed the others to outstrip them. They lagged behind, while Elizabeth, Kitty, and Darcy were to entertain each other. Very little was said by either; Kitty was too much afraid of him to talk; Elizabeth was secretly forming a desperate resolution; and perhaps he might be doing the same.

Jane, for her part, was simply relieved to once again be alone with Bingley. The autumn weather had proven consistently inconsistent the past few days, and that combined with frequent calls from well wishing neighbors had prevented Jane from receiving anything more than a stolen kiss and a warm caress since they last walked out together.

While Jane enjoyed the company of her family and her friends, she could not suppress the desire she shared with her betrothed to be alone together.

When the others were still in view, yet safely out of earshot, she took Bingley's arm and said, "It was such a surprise to see Mr. Darcy this morning."

Charles, mindful that they must wait a little longer answered, "I was quite surprised myself, but pleasantly so. He came home last night, after I had returned to Netherfield."

"He sent no word of his coming?"

"None," Charles smiled, "it is not like Darcy to be so impulsive, but he is always welcome at Netherfield, and I am glad he felt comfortable enough to come in such a sudden way."

Jane laughed softly to herself, "You approve of impulsiveness, Charles?"

Charles paused a breath, to savour the sounds of his name on her lips. "Indeed I do, in Darcy's case, at least. He has lent me some of his caution, so I feel it is only friendly to lend him some of my hastiness."

He took advantage of the momentary privacy granted to them as the other's crested a hill, to kiss Jane for as long as he dared. "I believe," he said against her sweet mouth, "that haste can sometimes be a virtue."

Jane flushed with pleasure, her eyes softening; she felt as if she had been granted the one thing she required for life. "Far be it for me to disagree, Charles."

The others reappeared before them, and Charles and Jane reassumed their positions of propriety. "I was quite astonished that Darcy insisted on accompanying me this morning," Charles continued.

Jane frowned thoughtfully, "Do you think it is possible he is still in love with Lizzy?"

Charles' eyes narrowed on his friend's straight back. "I doubt that is possible, more's the pity. They would be well matched, but I do not believe his tender feelings could survive being rejected in the way he was."

Jane nodded, her eyes on the other couple, "Yes, it is quite impossible. Lizzy has always disliked Mr. Darcy, though I cannot understand why."

Charles took Jane's hand in his own. "It is difficult. I feel such felicity with you, my own, I would wish it upon all I love."

Jane smiled up to him, "That is exactly how I feel as well. I want everyone to be as happy."

The others had finally passed from sight and Charles took the time to kiss Jane the way he wished to: long and lovingly. She returned his kiss with pleasure, taking delight in being able to express her affections once again. She moved into his embrace, her hands stealing beneath his great coat to wrap around his back.

"Oh my darling love," he sighed against her, feeling a sense of completion on holding her close once again. "Are you well, Jane?" he asked with a candour that their prior lack of privacy had prevented.

Jane smiled at his question and lifted her eyes to meet his, "Why should I not be?" Then she saw the concern clouding her lover's eyes. "I am well, Charles. Do not worry for me."

With a sigh of relief, Charles clasped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. "We have not been alone since - and I was worried you might be distressed about what happened then." He looked down a moment. "I know you are incapable of deceit, my own, but you can be very reserved about your feelings and I might fail to see if you were in distress."

Jane realized that her beloved needed her reassurance, which she was only too happy to give. She kissed him, gently and lovingly. "Charles, do believe me. I am well." She let her fingers brush the soft curls resting at his collar. "The only distress I have felt over what we did at the folly is wishing we could do it again."

Charles studied her eyes, and saw her eyelids drop while a becoming coy smile graced her lips. Desire he had kept tightly reined rose and he kissed her, exploring her mouth with his own, while expressing his own wishes.

They broke apart and aware of their surroundings, began walking again. "Jane," he sighed, her hand tightly clasped in his, "You are too good for me. I am sure I do not deserve you."

Jane smiled; pleased at the happiness she was able to give her beloved. "Shall we return to the folly then?"

"It's a bit cold for the folly, my love, but I have a different proposal you might find acceptable."

Jane looked to him in expectation.

"Walk with me a while, love."

Jane did as she was bid, making light and happy talk along with way. They talked some more about Elizabeth and Darcy, wondering at the purpose of the visit of his aunt, then turned the discussion towards the anticipated arrival of Bingley's sisters.

Charles directed them off the road and up a wide path. Finally a tiny building came into view. "What is this?" Jane asked as they walked to it.

"This is a shooting box belonging to Netherfield," he said with anxious quickness. He removed a key from his pocket and unlocked the door, opening it wide and allowing Jane to enter.

Jane's eyes traveled around the interior of the structure. It was small, but clean and she was surprised to find a large and comfortable looking bed, freshly made, in the midst of it. She returned her gaze to Charles, who was smiling nervously.

"I had my valet arrange to have it cleaned and made up. It's for us."

Uncertain yet trusting, Jane entered, hearing Charles follow and lock the door. There was a large fireplace, with a high backed bench before it, a scrubbed table with a few chairs, and the bed made up the whole of the single room, and while it was small, its attractiveness eased Jane's concerns.

Charles removed his greatcoat and gloves and started building up a fire in the grate. Jane walked slowly about the room, finding that everything met her with approval. "This is not for hunting, Charles."

He turned to look at her, and smiled guiltily, then turned back to the fire. "No, my love. It is for us. In truth, while our families are very dear to me, I have spent the last few days thinking on how there might be a time when we would wish to be by ourselves. I had this set up so that we might have some privacy, just the two of us, a respite away from mothers and sisters and servants." He looked to her again, "Do you approve?" he asked sincerely.

Jane was moved by the great concern for her feelings she found on Charles' face. Rarely had she encountered such a simple and artless expression of the affection he felt for her. She nodded, not trusting her voice and he crossed the short distance to her, embracing her close.

Jane closed her eyes to the comfort of his arms, his warmth and strength a balm for her strained emotions. "It is lovely, Charles. I'm sure it is the sweetest gift I have ever been given." She felt kisses raining down upon her bonnet, and quickly undid the ties, letting it fall from her head, as she lifted her lips to him. Questions and concerns were forgotten in the touch of his lips to hers. She lost herself for a happy time in his arms, until the need to be closer brought her out of her haze.

"May I?" he asked with gently solemnity as his fingers raised to the clasp of her cloak. Jane nodded once, equally solemn. He unfastened her cloak, and drew it from her shoulders, placing it with her bonnet on a hook behind the door, next to his great coat. Jane studied the garments, hanging together, side by side, and was reminded of how far she had developed in her relationship with Charles. In a little more than a month, they would be wed, and spend the rest of their lives side by side. While this thought brought her a spark of giddy happiness, it also reminded her of the impropriety of the current situation.

Charles stood beside her, seeming for understand her need to quiet reflection. Giving him a warm look, she said, "We should not be here."

He met her look with equal warmth, "Do you wish to leave?"

"No," she answered simply,

"Good, neither do I." He led her to the bench called a settle, where they sat, close to each other and stared into the fire, their hands gently touching, seeking reassurance in the other.

It seemed strange to Charles. He had set up this place just as he said, as a refuge, but he could not deny his hopes that in this private and comfortable location, he might continue Jane's education in love. It was that desire more than any that fuelled his plan he was forced to admit. Yet now that they were here, alone and free from any danger from prying eyes, he was content simply to hold her. A deep and uncommon thoughtfulness had fallen on him, and while he watched the patterns of flames in the fire, he meditated on Jane and their future together.

"Are you well, Charles?" Jane asked him from what seemed like a great distance.

He kissed her lightly and gently pulled her onto his lap. "I was troubled, my heart, that you would think ill of me for bringing you here. That you might think I meant to take advantage of you, or worse." He looking into her eyes, which were untroubled and understanding. "I was a fool, who should have known better," he grinned at his own expense. "Forgive me, Jane, for thinking you capable of such a thing."

"Charles," her voice was gently chastising him. "I have tried to be ashamed about what has happened between us, but I have failed completely. Not only can I not disapprove of my actions, but also my mother and father know I have spent some hours alone with you, and have not found cause to say anything about it. I doubt very much that you have any reason to censor our behaviour, so I will not waste any more time worrying about it." Her eyes met his and he saw the flash of steel they held. "I suggest that you follow my example, love."

Charles knew he was beaten and smiled in defeat. "I yield to your wisdom, my love."

Jane settled against him, at once soft and yielding in his arms and sighed contentedly. "Good. Now tell me your thoughts. Silence does not suit you well."

Charles kissed her lips, resting so close to his own. He was becoming increasingly aware of her body, as her scent penetrated his mind, stirring his desire once again. "I was thinking that the road to marriage was a long one," he told her, delighting in her closeness.

Jane's face erupted into a bright smile and a soft laugh escaped her lips.

"What makes you laugh so, my love?"

"I was simply amused at how our thoughts seem to be the same."

Charles smiled back, "Well, our coats are together, why should our thoughts not be?" He yielded to her merry lips and kissed her sweetly. "So, dearest angel, you have had thoughts regarding our passage to marriage?"

She nodded, "Yes indeed. It seems like it has been a very long time in coming. There were so many days when I felt so lonely, sure that I would never see you again." She said no more, but he could see in her expression that she was recalling the dark days, when they were separated and all the light had gone out of the world.

Charles indicated his agreement. "There are times when I fear this is all a sweet dream, and that I will wake up, alone and hopeless again."

Jane pulled his body close to hers, so that their hearts were at a level, and pressed her cheek to his to try and reinforce the strength of her presence. "I know. I have the same fear, late I night when I'm alone. But I'm here, Charles, and I'm real. We are together and never need feel hopeless again."

Charles' hands rested at her sides, and he pushed her back gently, so that he could reach her lips. The fears they shared needed more than words to overcome, and through his kiss, he both gave and took the comfort they needed so dearly.

"Jane, Jane," he sighed between kisses, her name the sweetest word he knew. She intoxicated him, her taste a potent wine, dizzying his mind. The soft cry she made in response inflamed him, as his hands traced the roundness of her figure.

She broke away from kissing him to remove his cravat. Charles lifted his chin to assist her as she struggled with trembling fingers against the complicated knot. "Love?" he asked softly.

"I need to touch you, Charles," she answered without any further explanation. In that moment, Charles learned something: that he could deny her nothing she needed. Plans and expectations shifted suddenly as he accepted this new knowledge. He recognized that her needs could lead them into dangerous grounds, but he accepted that. This was Jane, who in a little more than a month would be his wife and who long ago had become his reason for living. The rules of society, even those of the church, fell before her. If she needed him, he could not deny her, he would simply protect her afterwards.

When she finally pulled the yards of muslin free, he lowered his eyes to meet hers in complete confidence. "What do you need, my love?"


He gently raised her off his lap and stood up, offering her his hand, She took it, and walked with him the short distance to the bed. Although he was loath to break the silence between them, he felt he must, "Jane," his eyes capturing hers, "if you are at all unsure-"

She stopped him with a kiss. "I'm certain, Charles. I need this. I need to be yours. I need the fear that this isn't real to go away."

He pulled her close, and could feel her body tremble, though if it was from fear or excitement, he knew not. He kissed her, and found no fear in her, only passion. It was enough.

Between slow kisses, in which they seemed to melt into each other, they undressed each other. Any awkwardness was dismissed by gentle laughter as Charles helped Jane with her gown and she struggled with his boots, until finally they stood naked beside the bed. Jane felt her breath catch as she looked with new eyes on her beloved. He was flawless, pale and golden, his limbs formed in beauty and strength. Her eyes traveled up his length, only to be surprised by the admiration she found in his eyes.

Jane for the first time in her life, was fully aware of her beauty, and was glad of it, for the joy she found in Charles' face. She felt not only beautiful, but more worthwhile; she felt adored. Beauty had given her many lonely days; it was of little value compared to the devotion of the man she loved.

Overcome, she fell into his arms and breathed deeply his scent; it was clean and manly, totally foreign to her feminine past. Another glaring example of how her life was to change as she moved from the family of her birth, to the new household she was creating together with Charles.

At that thought, she stopped short and blushed. Her adoration had brought her to this point, but she was on uncertain ground, and gave way to allow Charles to lead, acquiescing to his greater experience. He pulled her close to him, his flesh hot against hers. She sighed happily as his arms closed around her, promising to take her to a new place that would be theirs alone.

The bedclothes were pulled down and slowly they lowered themselves to it. Jane made room for him, then quickly returned to the warmth of his side, the sheets cold against their skin, prompting them to both laugh.

He regarded her eyes, which were happy and eager. His patience in instructing her had been rewarded handsomely as she turned to him with nothing but joy and desire, all fear and worry having been banished.

They kissed and Jane shivered again, not from the chill but from the unique sensation of her bare skin touching his. She explored him with her fingertips as they kissed, his skin surprisingly smooth and lightly covered by soft curls. He was comfortingly familiar yet excitingly foreign at the same time, and she sought to know all of him.

She sighed happily into his mouth at the feel of his hands upon her, discovering her form and making her dizzy with the heat of his touch. 'Touch me," she sighed encouragingly.

She felt rather then saw his smile against her lips as he stroked her nearest breast. Jane felt her breath catch as the delightful feelings she had longed for since that afternoon at the folly returned. An unanticipated sense of reassurance came to her, with the return of her bliss. She was relieved to know that the last time had not been an aberration: that those sweet sensations would and could be repeated again and again. She smiled and laughed silently as she realized that she was tasting lust for the first time, and it was not horrible at all.

While Charles was pleased with the success that his role as educator had achieved, he realized now that it was more important for him to assume the role of lover. This moment was one he had been waiting for for over a year now, and he wanted to cherish it in his memory for the rest of his life. He would not rush her. Indeed, they had as long as they needed. He would be careful, to make sure her experience was all it should be, but mostly he needed to be with her, their spirits joined as their bodies.

Jane sighed again, then opened her eyes, to seek something in him. "Love?" he asked gently.

She blushed as she spoke. "I want to kiss you."

With amazement, he wondered how could his Jane be both so innocent and sensual. Her head slipped down to his chest and he felt her wet, warm tongue lightly licking his nipple. She seemed pleased with her discovery and continued her explorations, as he gasped softly. "Jane," he said lightly. "I thought you wanted me to touch you?"

She lifted her eyes to him and Charles was struck by the mixture of humour and wickedness he found there. "Can you not do both?" she asked softly, before returning to her self-appointed task.

Charles briefly wondered about the legends of fairies stealing the shape of women to bewitch and seduce men, then gave up on it all as Jane switched to his other nipple and her own body was exposed to him. One hand caressed her breast while the other went to her secret place. Jane sighed her approval, as her legs parted.

After a very short time, Jane found Charles' actions too distracting and she gave up his chest and laid on her back, to concentrate on what his hands were doing. She had tried, once, to recreate the sensations Charles was producing in her on her own, but while she had made some interesting discoveries, it was not the same.

The hand at her breast yielded to his mouth and Jane moaned. This was what she had been longing for, and it was even more pleasurable because she knew what was to come. She relaxed completely to his touch and her hand sought his soft silky hair, her fingers burying themselves there.

Jane felt herself getting taut with arousal, her release not fair away when Charles suddenly and quickly changed position so that it was not his hand between her legs but his body, his face and chest above hers. She had barely time to gasp in surprise when she felt a new sensation. Charles was still touching the heart of her pleasure, but she realized with a shock, he was not doing it with his fingers, but the tip of his erection. The knowledge of this, combined with the sensation of his body resting on hers, proved so exciting that she very quickly found her release, and cried into his mouth sweet sighs of pleasure.

Charles kissed her again, softly and gently then asked if she was ready. Jane nodded, her eyes still hazy with fading euphoria. He gathered her body in his arms and slowly entered her, pushing past the resistance he found and whispering comforting words in answer to her surprised gasp.

When he was halfway home, he stopped, allowing her to adjust to the sensation. "Are you well, my love?"

"Oh Charles!" she sighed.

"It won't hurt any more, my love. I promise, the pain is all over. Try and relax now.

'My maidenhead is gone' she thought silently to herself. She tried to do as she was bid. The pain had been sharp and sudden, but it was now fading away, and as she relaxed, Jane became aware of a much more exciting sensation, as she realized that Charles was inside her.

Charles could feel her easing around him and gently pushed a little deeper. He was rewarded by Jane's eyes widening and a timid smile. A gentle stroke strengthened her smile and by the time he was fully buried in her, the happy sighs he knew so well had returned. He kissed her, an expression of love amidst the passion, then let slip the reins that had been holding him back.

He lost himself in the sensation that was surrounding him. The vision of Jane, beneath him, heedless to all rational thought in pleasure, drove him on to his own climax. Her cries were met by his own, as he lost himself in her.

He rolled to his side and gathered her trembling body to him, holding her securely and whispering soothing words to her. When at last she opened her eyes, he asked, "My dearest, did it hurt?"

Jane smiled and kissed him lightly. "My love, the pain is forgotten. But the pleasure- the sensation- I have no words to describe it, but I hope that will never leave me."

Charles eyes' softened with relief. "Never, my sweetest one," he smiled happily. "The pleasure is something we will have for the rest of our lives together. It is a well, from which happiness and comfort shall always flow." Jane smiled, her arms tightening around him. "Seriously, my heart, I hope you have no regrets."

Jane looked it him with heartfelt delight. "My only regret is not doing this sooner, my love." He kissed her thankfully. "And that we will have to wait so long until we are married." He stretched sleepily beside her. "May we do this every night?"

Charles smiled, his heart feeling surprisingly protective toward her as she settled in his arms. "We may." He kissed her lightly. "I was going to ask if you would do me the great pleasure of sleeping with me, when ever it is convenient."

Her eyes closed, Jane smiled. "Love, there is no place else I would rather sleep, then just like this." Charles agreed, and promptly matched his actions to his words and slumbered peacefully.

He awoke an hour later, to find Jane still slumbering and watched her as she slept, amazed at his own good fortune. It seemed that fate, having tested the lovers, was now rewarding them with the happiness they had struggled so long for. The loneliness and pain, which had almost destroyed them, was banished forever, and a golden sweetness had taken its place.

He woke her with kisses and they made love again before dressing and returning to Longbourn.


"MY dear Lizzy, where can you have been walking to?'' was a question which Elizabeth received from Jane as soon as she entered their room, and from all the others when they sat down to table. She had only to say in reply, that they had wandered about, till she was beyond her own knowledge. She coloured as she spoke; but neither that, nor any thing else, awakened a suspicion of the truth.

The evening passed quietly, unmarked by any thing extraordinary. The acknowledged lovers talked and laughed, the unacknowledged were silent. Darcy was not of a disposition in which happiness overflows in mirth; and Elizabeth, agitated and confused, rather knew that she was happy than felt herself to be so; for, besides the immediate embarrassment, there were other evils before her. She anticipated what would be felt in the family when her situation became known; she was aware that no one liked him but Jane; and even feared that with the others it was a dislike which not all his fortune and consequence might do away.

At night she opened her heart to Jane. Though suspicion was very far from Miss Bennet's general habits, she was absolutely incredulous here.

"You are joking, Lizzy. This cannot be! -- engaged to Mr. Darcy! No, no, you shall not deceive me. I know it to be impossible.''

"This is a wretched beginning indeed! My sole dependence was on you; and I am sure nobody else will believe me, if you do not. Yet, indeed, I am in earnest. I speak nothing but the truth. He still loves me, and we are engaged.''

Jane looked at her doubtingly. "Oh, Lizzy! it cannot be. I know how much you dislike him.''

"You know nothing of the matter. That It is all to be forgot. Perhaps I did not always love him so well as I do now. But in such cases as these, a good memory is unpardonable. This is the last time I shall ever remember it myself.''

Miss Bennet still looked all amazement. Elizabeth again, and more seriously assured her of its truth.

``Good Heaven! can it be really so! Yet now I must believe you,'' cried Jane. "My dear, dear Lizzy, I would -- I do congratulate you -- but are you certain? forgive the question -- are you quite certain that you can be happy with him?''

"There can be no doubt of that. It is settled between us already, that we are to be the happiest couple in the world. But are you pleased, Jane? Shall you like to have such a brother?''

"Very, very much. Nothing could give either Bingley or myself more delight. But we considered it, we talked of it as impossible. And do you really love him quite well enough? Oh, Lizzy! do any thing rather than marry without affection. Are you quite sure that you feel what you ought to do?''

Jane received her sister's assurance and was eventually satisfied. They spent half the night in conversation, in which Jane learned of Darcy's share in Lydia's marriage. Jane was pleased to finally receive Elizabeth's confidence in the matter, but was also relieved in that she need not feel any guilt in not sharing her recent education with her dear sister, who she had no doubt, would soon, if she had not already begun, be receiving an education of her own.



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