Faculty of Theology operates on the basis of the Act of 27 July 2005 Law on Higher Education

Faculty of Theology operates on the basis of the Act of 27 July 2005 Law on Higher Education, the Apostolic Constitution "Sapientia Christiana" of 15 April 1979 (AAS, 1979, pp. 469-499), and separate regulations, taking into account the provisions of the state and church, having the approval of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Basic tasks: educating students, conducting research and development of students' attitudes and education are carried out in two fields of study: theology and the doctrine of the family.

Faculty of Theology has a rich history. It was created at the time of the creation of the University of Warsaw in 1816, was approved by Pope Pius VII bull of October 3, 1818, At the beginning of 1823, due to intrigues by Nikolai Nowosilcow, Commissioner of the Council of State Tsar Polish Kingdom, suspended lectures at the Faculty of Theology and the Tsar Alexander I seminarians Decree of 11/23 November 1823, the seminar called Main. Group of professors, along with the Dean, Fr. Szymanski left the University, and the clerics were in the main seminar under the authority of the rector is not associated with the University. Professors of the Faculty of Theology came to the seminar with lectures. The repression after the November Uprising in 1831, the University of Warsaw was closed, and with it the Faculty of Theology.

In 1835 Tsar Nicholas I in place before the existing Central Seminary Theological Academy established the Roman Catholic (Decree 4/16 October 1835). Pope Gregory XVI on 15 June 1837 announced proximis litteris Ex breve, which made the canonical erection and gave the right to grant degrees. In 1867, the Academy was closed by the Russian authorities, and professors and students moved to the St. Petersburg Theological Academy (The school was moved there by Tsar Nicholas I in 1842 in Vilnius, the car called it the Imperial Academy Kościelna Roman Catholic). Lectures at the Academy were suspended in the spring of 1918,

Warsaw University reopened as a Polish university in 1915, the Faculty of Theology was established on 10 May 1918 by decree of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education (Official Gazette. Minimum WR and OP 1918 No. 4), approved April 4, 1920, by Pope Benedict XV. Department began operating on May 18 1918., Lectures began on 27 May 1918 From the academic year. 1920/1921 changed its name to the Faculty of Catholic Theology. After World War II the Catholic Theological Faculty was launched in autumn 1945

In 1954, the power of the resolutions of the then Prime Minister was formed Academy of Catholic Theology. The resolution of August 2, 1954, identified the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Warsaw, and the resolution of August 11, identified the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University, and turning it on it to Academy of Catholic Theology. ATK had three faculties: Theology, Canon Law and Christian Philosophy. November 22, 1954 was inaugurated the first academic year, during which the church authorities represented by Bishop Albert Majewski, suffragan of Warsaw. Polish Bishops' Conference has entrusted the care of the Bishop Anthony Pawłowski Academy of Wloclawek, who began to celebrate it on 29 March 1955, participating in a meeting of the Senate. Index Episcopal Commission for the university has a friendly resolution of 23 June 1955 on regulating the involvement of new researchers and students. Decision of the Congregation for Seminaries and Catholic Universities of April 1958 the authority of the Academy of Catholic Theology in the Church was commissioned Polish Primate, Fr. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who considered himself henceforth Grand Chancellor ATK. 12 September 1974, under the authority of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Catholic, Fr. Primate Stefan Wyszynski issued a decree conferring all degrees gained in the Academy of Catholic Theology canonical value. Since then, the representative of the Grand Chancellor participated in doctoral and habilitation, so have the meanings assigned canonical degrees. Full achieved canonical status ATK Decree Congregation for Catholic Education issued June 29, 1989, and was henceforth university of Church and State.

Parliamentary Decree Law of 3 September 1999, with effect from 1 October 1999, was created from the Academy of Catholic Theology, University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski. Decree of 28 September 1999, the Congregation for Catholic Education approved the inclusion of the University faculties: Theology, Canon Law and Christian Philosophy. For the Faculty of Theology on the Institute of Family Studies, previously acting as an independent institute with the rights of the faculty.

Faculty of Theology has a very strong track record of research and teaching. It worked for many prominent theologians who contributed much to the development of theology. Can now boast of a large staff of researchers. Definitely improved housing conditions. I hope that both of these facts contribute to the strengthening of the position of the Department.

Dean of the Faculty of Theology - Fr. prof. UKSW Assoc. Piotr Tomasik
Vice Dean for scientific and general-Ks. prof. UKSW Assoc. Richard Czekalski
Vice Dean for full-time - Fr. Dr. Jaroslaw Sobkowiak

General Theology
Media education and journalism
Theology of culture
teacher-Catechetical Specialization
Tourism countries Bible


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