---WELCOME TO THE GROUP------------ ----------- --------------------------TRAINING BASICS TUTORIAL PART 1


The contents

  1. OBE. Powerful start up

  1. Meditation, centering, and grounding

  1. Telepathy, sensing impressions, vibrating, and psychic influence.

  1. Basics of energy manipulation

  1. Final thoughts, answering skeptics and a funny story

This is the revised beginning tutorial. This is more of a, from the ground up tutorial than the last one was. This is also for the intermediate to advanced students of psi. I will try to get you on the path to gathering and manipulating energy in the shortest possible time. I will throw in as many tricks as I know, (well almost all) in this one to get you going fast. So let's begin with the one exercise that's got the most power, both metaphysically and psychologically. The OBE.

1. O.B.E. or out of body experience, is the most powerful way for a beginner to get their bio-electric system pumping. Nothing comes close to the OBE for raw power. When The OBE comes on it's like a kundalini awakening. Electricity shoots up your spine and flows through your whole body paralyzing and energizing your whole body. You will feel fear at this point. It is natural, it's not because anything is dangerous but because the excess electricity is stimulating your adrenal glands and releasing adrenaline into your body producing the tension or fear that high adrenaline releases always produce. This is known as the fight or flight syndrome. You must think of this as transitional energy to help you pass to the astral plane, which is at a much higher “frequency” than our day to day reality. Once you force yourself to be calm and except this energy you will immediately OBE. Do what ever you have to, to get out of your body imagine climbing a rope, or whatever imagery works for you. I focus on letting the energy suck me out like I am a pebble in a great stream, being pulled along by the current. Then when you are out, get away from your body. Being too close to your body will pull you back in, in fact a lot of things can pull you back in, being cold, having to go to the bathroom, loud noises, etc. Most beginners worry about not being able to get back in but it's the opposite that's true, it's too easy to get sucked back in.

To start off, get in bed and prop yourself up with pillows. We want to be comfortable, but not fall asleep. I suggest that you use a bi-naural beat CD. This is a CD with music and two hidden frequencies on it that combine to forma third frequency, a beat frequency ,that entrains, or induces your brain to a specific frequency range. We want a CD that helps us into theta or delta. This is the frequency that we are in just before falling into a deep sleep. These are also the frequencies that are associated with deep meditation. If you don't have a CD don't worry. You can keep your self in this almost asleep state till you OBE. Just calm yourself and relax. Try to meditate while in your propped up position. Just relax and concentrate on your breathing. Feel and hear your heart pumping blood through your body. Do you feel a tingling in the middle of your forehead, almost between your eyes? That's a good sign that you are awakening your third eye, a mystical gate of psychic power. We will talk about Chakras, (like the third eye Chakra)and energy gates later in the tutorial.

If you still haven't OBEd after a couple of weeks of consistent trying, try this exercise, it's called Polarization. Lie in bed with the top of your head facing North. This is the yogic technique of going with the forces of nature. When you take a magnet and rub it against an ordinary piece of metal it causes the molecules of the normal metal to line up like it's molecules, giving it order. The mind is like the magnet, the body like the metal which must be ordered by the mind. Now relax on the bed without pillows, and slowly breath in and out for 1-2 minutes or until your heartbeat is slowed down some. Now, on the inhale, visualize pulling in warm prannic energy through the top of your head and pushing it out the bottom of your feet.. Then on the exhale, pulling in cool aprannic energy through your feet and out the top of your head. Can you feel the energy flowing in one direction then another? Just relax and continue this till you OBE.

( ( This is an addition - Take some ginko biloba and melatonin before hand. Meditate on your third eye. This helps a lot, I can almost always OOB when I meditate on my third
eye. Breath in and pull in energy and hold it for a few seconds, then as
you exhale, feel the energy going out your third eye.
Important tips: make sure your nose and sinus passages are clear and not
dry, that can distract you, and give you a headache. Make sure that your
hands are palm up or resting on their sides comfortably. You don't want
your fingertips to touch anything. They are very sensitive and will
distract you. Don't wear any rings, watches or jewelry, etc. Do it in a
room that is a comfortable temperature. It's best to do this with out any
covers on you, nothing touching you.))

It may take a few weeks to get this, but it's so worth it. Once you rend the veil between the two worlds, all your doubts about another unseen world disappear. And this conditions your body to be able to use more power. When you can do this consistently, you will be able to channel a lot of power. This is best done in a comfortably warm, but not hot or cold room.

A word on lucid dreaming VS OBEing. Asrtal projection and lucid dreaming are two different things. Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming, and you suddenly
realize it, and in effect can take control every aspect of your
dream. There is no physical changes involved, it's all a mental
phenomenon. Astal Projection on the other hand can cause very powerful
physical changes in your body. People who project are tapping into a
subconscious power source, that can do amazing things. Most people
who do this experience paralysis and a sense of fear of something
unknown, due to adrenaline being released from the
electrical stimulation of the body, also known as the"fight or flight
syndrome". Some people have been known to hear things as well, such
as thunder, or the rushing of a great wind,at the onset of being
able to project. The reason this takes so much energy from your
body is that you are rending the veil between two worlds, the
physical and the spiritual.
The hindu's have a word for this bodily energy, it's called
Kundalini. This is the spiritual energy that is in an untapped
reserve at the base of the spine. When you release this energy
consciously through meditation, yoga, chi-gung, etc, or
subconsciously, you are releasing a huge amount of energy into the
body. Unless you are ready for it, you are going to have trouble
controlling it. In other words unless you have purified your body
of toxins, and emotional impediments such as fear, greed, prejudice,
and have a good degree of bodily control by cleansing the spiritual
energy centers of your body, known as the chakras, you are going to
have to deal with a some physical difficulties such as, paralysis due
a huge uncontrolled energy release in the body to get to the astral
plain. Later we will do this with meditation alone.
There is a huge difference between beleiving in something and
knowing something. I know I am not dreaming when I project because I
can see things happening that I can check up on later. Until you do
this yourself, it's all just talk and speculation, but do yourself a
favor and try it. I hate to be Sam I Am but
you never know, you will open yourself up to a whole new world.



This is getting your consciousness shut down to where all you feel is yourself. Beyond the worries of the day, beyond all of your hopes and fears and dreams, this is the core of your being, that your everyday thoughts and feelings are spawned by. This is the thoughtless meditative state we try to achieve when doing telekinesis.

"Centering" involves relaxing and stopping your thought processes by concentrating on your breathing and your energy flow through the body. I want you to visualize your self as a single point of consciousness in a sea of consciousnesses, feeling the flow of the universal energy through you.


Now that you're a point of consciousness in an endless vacuum, put your "feeling out" to use. You may be quite surprised to find that there are other consciousnesses here too. In fact, there's a huge one, extending in all directions, beneath you. This is the Earth.

I won't bother to explain exactly how the Earth has a consciousness, because it would only serve to complicate things. For the moment, just realize that everything has a consciousness to some extent; some are simply operating on a different scale of time. And for the Earth, your lifetime is the blink of an eye. Go read pyro's thoughts on how psi works file for more info.

"Grounding" is creating a psychic connection between yourself and the earth. You do this by dropping anchor, so to speak, from your heart chakra through your root chakra and into the Earth. Again, don't imagine it, force yourself to feel it; sinking like a stone through water, deep into the ground, and imbedding itself there. Open yourself generously as you do this, offering yourself to the Earth for acceptance. You can only take if you give.

Like a garden hose, all of your excess energy will flow out and down through this link. If you've managed to ground correctly, it will happen so much and so quickly that you may be frightened that the Earth is sucking you psychically dry. But it always works out -- like a projectile at the top of an arc, the exchange will slow, halt, and reverse. You'll be filled up with fresh, clean, raw psychic energy from the ground. It's like a metaphysical oil change.


Pretty much everyone has experienced that phone call in which someone says, "Oh! I was just thinking of you!" It's not a coincidence -- it's just a subconsciously-created astral link. Sometimes it filters through the mental barriers we have and we act on it. Thomas Jefferson observed and tested this phenomena by occasionally writing a full, detailed letter to someone on a specific subject; then he would rip it up and throw it out. A few days later, he would mysteriously receive a letter from the guinea pig discussing the same topic.

Centering yourself, feeling out someone or something else (such as we just did with the Earth), and establishing a connection between them, is a very standard method of magick/psychic connection called linking. You send, or draw, whatever you like through the line, and usually snap the connection afterwards. You can link to objects just as well as people -- you'll do this later with things like candles.

How do you snap the connection? By formulating the abstract concept of something sharp and pulling it through the link. The connection should snap like a rubber band.

For reference, realize that any time a spell calls for "a lock of hair" or "a personal item" from your target, it's only used in order to establish a link. Just thinking about the person during gnosis, if you have a good feel for him/her, is usually potent enough to connect to them. (Besides, it's annoying to have to "feel out" a person from their fingernail clippings.)

You may wonder how ESP and magic can work over such a great distance. In truth, astral consciousness can extend as far as you're willing to believe it can, because astral dimensions are purely subjective. Simple linking, such as you read about above, can easily connect to people or objects in other countries, if that was what you were going for. You'll learn to appreciate this flexibility, with a little experience.

Charging up

Grounding is an essential method of magic because what you're linking to -- the Earth -- is an almost inexhaustible supply of raw psychic energy. As opposed to simply linking to smaller objects, grounding to the Earth can fill your cup to overflowing, and you can pour the excess energy into a spell (to give it oomph). The more energy pulled into a spell, the more powerful the results will be.

To "charge up," or draw extra energy from the Earth, remember the electromagnet analogy. With each passing moment you're connected to the Earth, your energy field grows stronger, and as a result, your magnetism increases. You can use the attractive force to pull even more energy in. In effect, you become a sort of tornado, growing in destructive power as you gather mass from debris.

A second method of charging up involves your crown chakra. Open it generously just as you did with your root chakra, and link to something from above. Some people consider it the cosmos, others consider it God, and others have similar religiously-influenced explanations; but in any case, this is where that much-mentioned "white light" comes from. Sitting upright, feel-out your chakras until you are aware of the straight line connecting them. Then rock yourself repeatedly in a gentle circle, creating a thin conical path of energy flowing down your spine. As the radius of your rocking grows gradually wider, the attraction of energy becomes more pronounced -- again, creating a tornado-like vortex. You'll know if you've gotten it right, because you'll appreciate how silly it is to have to "imagine" a white light streaming down from above.

You can use either method of charging up, or both, to draw in as much energy you can handle into your ritual.

The combination of meditative relaxation and excess power creates a state of mind occultists have termed ecstasy. You'll know if you've achieved this. It feels much like getting a rush of adrenaline from a roller coaster, and the experience is very intense. Thus, this should only be attempted by those of sound mind and body.


Telepathy is something that can only come from a lot of practice so you are going to need a partner for this. If you can't find a partner you can do the next best thing and guess what people are going to say. But really to get this it's best to have a partner.

To start off you can meditate with a friend or alone and then keeping your mind in a relaxed state, try to guess what someone is thinking, or if you don't have a partner, what someone is going to say. The secret to this is not to have any preconceived notions about what the person is thinking, or going to say. This is simply a matter of practice. You will get it with time, especially if you stick to reading the mind of one person. However after you can read a person's thoughts once in a while. Then and only then should you try it on different people. It is like trying to get a bunch of fuzzy radio stations to come in. If you try hard with one you understand the skill it takes to get the others to come in clearly.

Sensing impressions is exactly what it sounds like. Find an object, who's history you don't know, but can ask the answer to. You might pick up an heirloom in an antique shop and try to determine what sort of person once owned it. Were they female or male? What sort of attitude did they have toward life? The answers will be perfectly apparent with a small amount of meditative focus, a quiet moment to clear your mind. There is no "imagination" involved because you're not required to invent an answer... just to interpret the new, exotic feelings you're getting. objects that the person touches will get "smeared" with their essence, and the environments he frequents will positively full of their tell tale signs. Like a magnet that touches metal and magnetizes the metal, when people touch things their essence or specific astral frequency influences the object they touch. The more personal and the more they touch it the better quality of feeling you'll get from psychically sensing it.

Interpretation is more difficult than it sounds. If the owner of the object was a woman, you may encounter a gentle, motherly sort of feeling. It is easy to infer from this what sort of attitude she might have had -- a loving, nurturing side, at least. The problem is that words like "motherly" will not pop into your head automatically, just as the words "salty" or "sour" do not automatically pop into your head when you bite into a piece of food. It takes interpretation, and, more importantly, experience to cross-reference by.

Thus, the feelings you decipher from the astral realm will be nothing more than abstract concepts. You will have to learn to speak this language just as you did English. Using abstract concepts in meditation is a matter of necessity -- because right-brain consciousness is used primarily in alpha state. In remote viewing, (scientific clairvoyance) We only write things out, never saying things out loud. This helps in bypassing our right brained need to analyze psychic information as it comes in to our brains, and cuts down on AOL or Analytic OverLay which s to say our brains need to assign meaning to psychic impressions which may be colored by our imagination or knowledge of the target object. Try reading an object by touching it, then try reading a different object sitting in a chair, touching it with your non dominant hand, while meditating. Let your other hand have a pencil on paper at a desk and just move the pencil slowly around just trying to get a feel for the target object. Write down whatever impressions come to you. See which method feels, and works better for you. Start off with objects that you can find the answer to.

Vibrating is the first step towards mentally stimulating/controlling others.

Let's say you're near the girl/guy of your dreams, and she doesn't notice you. Well, obviously you're just blending in with the scenery, as far as power-level goes. Instead of continuing the process of exuding this energy in minimal amounts, just being "background" noise, why not use some force to make yourself sound louder?

You can do this by feeling-out your own astral side, then desperately willing it to echo forth from you just as a sound wave bellows from a speaker. It's hard to explain just how to do this -- but, if your senses are as developed as they should be by now, it's almost instinctual. You'll know you've gotten it right when you feel the pulse wave leave you. This is much the same feeling as you get when you're frustrated enough to "scream silently" -- it's as if your very soul shrieks. In a way, it does -- and other people can hear it subconsciously, through the thoughts that constantly trickle down from their own astral selves. So then, of course, the lady should look over at you if you've done it properly, without really realizing why. This is called vibrating.

"Vibration" is much like using sound waves. The astral plane has different frequencies, just as your radio does. On each frequency, there are different levels of reality (just as you'll find different radio stations across your dial). The reality you see every day is on a slightly lower frequency than the astral reality, which contains your "soul." In vibrating, you've tapped into that astral frequency and made "harmony" that those tuned in can hear. (There are higher and lower astral frequencies, which you'll discover if you experiment with vibration enough). "Vibration," as such, is like putting music into the radio station. Changing the essence of your messages changes the "harmonics" slightly.

This is important for you to know later in the advanced chapters, but at the moment I'll explain psychic energy as "smell" because describing how something smells is just as intellectually hard to grasp as how music makes you feel. There are no logical words to encompass exactly how it works. You'll understand it only through experience.

Vibration is an extremely simple concept as far as witchcraft goes, but it's one of the most essential tools you'll need. This works well for making people take notice, but to truly master telepathy/psychic influencing, you need to work the abstract concepts we've talked about into your method of vibrating. I do this every day for simple tasks -- like vibrating, for example, at someone who's blocking traffic... a suggestion that now might be a good time to change lanes. You'll be amazed at how often this works.

You do this by saturating your essence with the abstract concept of your desire. For example, let's say you wanted to do a spell for money. You would exude and concentrate, on the astral plane, the feeling of wealth. This is not to say that you imagine yourself as a rich man; but instead formulate and pour out, so to speak, the feeling that every wealthy man has when he receives a paycheck. It is one of confidence and security, associated with the ideals of money. Again, it is hard to explain since it is an abstract concept, but you'll get the idea when you try it. Don't think negatively or you will get negative energy back. When you can feel other people's frequency try to psychically suggest to their subconscious what you want them to do.


To start learning any of the psi-disciplines, I suggest
you start out with what I call the bare basics. This includes regular exercise. It doesn't have to be strenuous but a body that is used to responding to your commands just works better, plus your system gets used to the increased electric demands placed on it later. Also we are trying to achieve mind over matter. Which means we must first master our minds, and it helps if we have mastered our bodies as well, as they are connected.

So I suggest a daily meditation session. The type you choose, yoga, tai-chi, chi-gong,
Zen, or transcendental it's up to you. If you choose yoga try Kundalini, or
Hatha yoga. Both are good. I do a combo of Chi-gong and kundalini yoga. Remember, just because you are using a system of energy manipulation that is from a different religion (Buddhist chi-gong for example)

Doesn't mean you are a worshipping Buddhist. So relax, we don't push any religion here. In fact if you want to, (when you are more advanced) you may turn your meditation into a prayer meditation for your faith. (Christianity for example---“Our father who art in heaven open me to your divine wisdom and knowledge”.

might be useful to start a meditation for clairgnosticism. Or Wiccan “Great mother Earth give us strength and guidance” might be a good way to begin a meditation to connect with the powerful energy of the Earth, which we teach in here.)

Meditation is nothing more than turning your focus inward to connect with the

universe within you. This may seem like a strange statement, but you are made

of energy, everything is. It is a scientific fact that everything in the universe is simultaneously connected. So it should not seem strange that you can “tune” your mind to “receive” others thoughts, or move things on a table the way you use the electricity of your neuromuscular system to move you muscles and bones, to move something the usual way. It takes an open mind to fully appreciate the power and mystery of the universe. (See my file on the mechanics of consciousness and how psychic powers work)

The next step is to make sure you are getting
all the support you need to be your best. Try taking a multi-vitamin and
some ginko biloba to increase blood/oxygen to the brain. Oxygen is one of
the most important, but overlooked aspects of training. One of the things
I've discovered in moving meditation, is that it's ok to breathe through the
mouth to take in more air as long as you still have the tongue on the roof
of the mouth. Scientist believe that psi was used more often by our ancestors as a tool for survival. As little as 300 years ago there was 30 percent oxygen in the atmosphere, now there is about twenty percent.

A word of caution if you fell dizzy,woozy or have heart palipitations stop and send your awareness to the soles of your feet. This will ground you, sending all the psychic energy you've collected into the ground. Then immediately sit down and take a break, and replace your electrolytes. Drink some Gator-aid or another sports drink. Some people with low blood sugar, low blood pressure or depressed immune systems should consult a doctor before attempting meditation or other exercise here in this tutorial. The reason is that we are slowing our systems down, this may adversely effect these people.

PYROKINESIS- How I practice pyrokinesis is to do my meditation first,
then try to light a candle. Candles work better than incense, and matches
work better than candles, so feel free to start off with a match. Try
sticking one into the top of a candle or hold on to it, which ever feels
more comfortable. From a seated position, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Feel the energy circulate through your body,
listen to the blood pump through your veins. Now imagine a tube in front of
you, like a big fat straw. As you breath you are filling this tube with
energy, do this until you can feel the energy come off the tube or feel you
can't pack anymore energy in to it. Now stretch this tube from your third
eye chakra(a spot between the eyes and about an inch in your head.), and the
match. Look down through the tube at the match, and concentrate all the
tubes energy on the match. Feel it getting hotter and hotter. Imagine you
can see the atoms of the match spinning faster and faster, its getting
hotter and hotter. Eventually you will see it smoke and burst in to flames.
This is the exact exercise I gave to Hiru_619 and she got the candle lit on the first

try, but she could already put the candle out first. Don't beat yourself up if you don't

get it the first time. Relaxation,
belief, self control, and practice are the keys to success.

TELEKINESIS---- There are many ways to do TK. In my experience beginners should try both moving and stationary meditation to see which works best for them. Do the energy pathways cleansing part of the psi-ball exercise, then try seated meditation. Put a psi-wheel in front of you. Get into a comfortable seated position, crossed leg preferably. Put your thumbs and index, (pointing) finger together and lay your hands on your knees. Now close your eyes and just concentrate on your breathing. Relax. Clear your mind. Feel and hear your blood pumping in your body. Know that you are made of energy. Do this for 2 minutes. Now concentrate on your third eye Chakra, the spot between and just above your eyes. You may feel a tingling there already. Imagine with every breath, you are adding energy to this area. See it as a liquid vortex of energy. Feel the energy of your body. After 5 to 10 minutes open your eyes slowly and bring your hands on either side of the psi-wheel, and channel that energy that is still in your 3rd eye down to the wheel and add it to it. See the molecules of the wheel speed up and start to move the wheel. This is a good beginning exercise. Relaxation and unfocusing the mind is half the keys to success.

How far can we take telekinesis? People have been able to lift cars with their minds. We've all heard the stories of the 100 pound mom lifting the car off her
trapped child. Well there is no scientific proof that adrenaline can
produce effect beyond a certain point. Like for the 100 pound mom
maybe 300 pounds might be her maximum weight lifting ability under
extreme stress. But think for a moment, isn't it possible that she
isn't thinking for that moment that she's only 100 pounds. All she's
thinking is that her kid is under that car. She circumvents her
logical mind to tap into her subconscious powers. There are plenty
off cases of hypnosis releasing psi powers in people. Look into
somnambulism(sleep walking) there are cases of people walking right
over there friends or family members beside them in bed without
waking them. It's a fact that your weight is reduced at this time.
We need a way to bypass the thinking rational mind. We use
meditation, hypnosis, accupunture to stimulate certain senses, drugs,
both natural,(endorphins in the brain) and manufactured ones. what
you have to remember about drugs is that they don't create a high in
your brain they simply cause you to release certain chemicals into
the brain. The chemicals you produce are already there. If you could
get your body to release them through say meditation(which we do) you
will tap into that altered state of consciousness without drugs.
That's why it's easier to do stuff in steps so that you can say to
your rational mind "look what I can do." "Maybe we can do a little
better next time we try to move the psi-wheel." What are the limits
of human potential? We've all heard stories of great
supernatural/psychic powers. Moses parting the Red sea, Jesus
raising the dead, great yogis and saint levitating, projecting
themselves through teleportation, bi-location, etc. How far can we
take this?
Who knows. What I do know is that this world is not as
solid and rigid as it seems. All the energy that flows in this world
is not chaotic, but has patterns. We tap that at a basic subconscious level.

If your hands hurt after doing the psi ball exercise or the other chi-gong , it means that you are putting too much energy through your hand meridians/minor chakras in the hands. Back off for a couple of days and try some thing else, then come back to it . These are great exercises for increasing your energy, sensing it, and controlling it.

PSI-BALLS- A BALL OF PSYCHIC ENERGY THAT CAN MOVE THINGS. Psi-balls are a gravitational distortion effect. See pyro's thoughts on how psi works file. Lets start out with the Chi-Gong stance of power, this is the
basic stance of most forms of chi-gung. This stance allows maximum
energy flow through the body. Start with the feet shoulder width
apart, knees slightly bent, so if you looked down the knees would
just cover the view of the toes. relax all the joints of the body
don't tense up any joints, we want the energy to be able to flow
freely. You should be using the minimum amount of energy to stand.
Your body is relaxed, and your weight is sunk into the ground. In
fact I want you to imagine that there are roots coming out of the
bottom of your feet, ready to absorb and transfer energy. The spine
is straight and stretched, as though the head is lifting away from
the base of the spine. The abdomen is relaxed not pulled in or up.
We will be breathing with the diaphram, so that when we breathe in
the belly will expand, and when we breathe out the belly will
contract. This natural breathing will allow you to slow your breath
to maybe 5 or 6 breaths in and out per minute, but don't force it, do
what is comfortable for you. The shoulders are sitting downward and
relaxed. The head is straight and should feel light as though being
pulled slightly from above through your crown chakra above your
head. The eyes are open, but not focused on anything in particular,
in fact if you can do this facing a blank wall please do.
Meditating with a uniform field of view is called a
ganzfeld. The word Zen is japanese but comes from the
chinese which means wall meditation. This isn't important right now,
I just want you to meditate with as little distraction as possible.
The tip of the tongue is touching the upper palette, (roof of your mouth) this
completes an energy circuit, and generates saliva to keep your mouth
from drying out. I was trained to always breathe through my nose,
but there are times when you will need your maximum breathe capacity,
so feel free to breathe through the mouth as long as you keep the
tongue touching the top of the mouth.
Your mind should be clear, and you should focus on the
flow of energy through your body as you breathe.
Now we are ready to begin.
This fist preparation exercise is called drop the chi and cleanse
the internal organs. This is a cleansing and detoxification exercise
designed to clear your energy pathways.
I want you to imagine yourself as a singularity. Some of
you may have heard me talk about being a singularity while
meditating, this means that you send your awareness out, and
visualize yourself as a piece of energy in a sea of energy. Your
view of the universe is unobstructed. You can see the energy all
around you.
Next we start to lift the arms from the side of the body
and slowly reach up and embrace/absorb the chi of heaven and earth
that is all around us. As you breathe in, feel the energy flowing in
to your body. As you your arms go up they should curl in toward the
top of your head. You are pulling the energy down to you now. Your
arms should look like your head is a giant ball that you are resting
your hands on. Your hands should be just slightly in front of your
head not directly over. (That's the breath in.)
Hold the breath there for a second and turn your mind inward.
Close your eyes, and turn the senses in, listen to your blood
flowing. Now as you exhale push your hands down your body WITHOUT
touching it,to the dan tien just below the navel. The dan tien is
the primary energy reserve point for the body. As you push your
hands with this energy in them, you are pushing this energy into your
body mixing it with the chi of the body, clearing out old stagnant
chi and vitalizing the body. feel the chi being pushed through the
internal organs.
Stop at the dan tien. (That is the exhale.)
Now inhale and push down from the dan tien, bending over
slightly till the hands reach the knees, pushing the toxic chi out
through the feet with a full exhale as you return to the upright
position, in the chi-gung stance of power.
I want you to do this 5 to 9 times. 5 and 9 are magical numbers
in chi-gung.
When you get good at this technique, you should be able to feel
any energy imbalances within the various organs, and be able to
adjust the chi in them to return them a balanced state of health.
The next exercise is called standing post meditation, and
creates a strong chi field between your hands. This meditation
really lets you feel the energy flowing through the hands and sets up
the next exercise which is the formation of the psi-balls.
start from the chi-gung stance of power. Remember we are
breathing with the diaphram. Slowly raise your arms to the front,
palms facing up, till you reach the shoulder height,as you breathe
in. What you are trying to do is to lift your arms not with the
shoulder but with the wrists, with the elbows down slightly, as
though there are ballons under your palms,lifting your arms. This
incourages belly breathing and discourages breathing with the chest.
That's the inhale. On the exhale, sink down slightly and
pull the arms in to yourself slightly. Turn the hands inward as you
exhale. You should look like you are holding a big ball to your
chest. Your hands should be open and the fingers should be pointing
at each other but not touching. Now breathe in and out slowly as you
hold this position. fell the energy flowing between your hands.
Try this for 2-10 minutes.
Now for the psi-ball creation.
From the previous position cross the hands, right over left, palms
facing DOWN and cross the wrists at about two inches from the wrist
line. This opens up two accupuncture points called the Nei-guan and
the Loa-guan, the inner and outer gates. Hold this position for about
20 to 30 seconds and feel the energy flow between the two points.
Then turn your hands palm UP and repeat. Now bring the hands down to
the level of the dan-tien. The back of the right hand should be over
this lines up two more accupuncture points in the middle of the
hands. Once again feel the energy flow between the two points as you
concentrate on your breathing. At this point you should really feel
some energy in your fingers. Flip your right(the top)hand over and
breathe in as you raise it up to just below your nose, the left(lower)
hand stays stationary during this next part. Hold it there for 10 -
20 seconds. Take the right and push down on the lower (stationary)
hand, as you breathe out. can you feel the magnetic field between the
two hands? I can pull on my friends arm at this point if they stick
their hand in between mine. Don't give up if you don't feel this the
first time you try. Nobody gets a black belt over night.
If you don't feel the magnetic field keep pulsing, keep
breathing, don't worry it will come. Let yourself relax more and just
feel yourself breathing, and circulating energy.
If you do feel that magnetic force, start to push both hands
together as you breathe out, feel the energy compressing. As you
breathe out,the energy may feel thinner as you pull away from the psi-
ball you are compressing and denser as you bring your hands together
to add more energy to the ball, this is normal. Keep breathing ang
keep compressing till you can really feel a solid ball in your hands.
Like I said it takes practice. t The important thing the first few
times is to feel that energy. If you feel that your psi-ball is
solid enough push it away from yourself at a target, something set up
in advance, something lightweight. Perhaps a psi-wheel or something
else handy. How did you do? Good I hope. If you felt a pushing
force on the inhale instead of on the exhale, that's ok it means the
polarity of the field is flip flopped. I can reverse the field
direction in a few breathes. This is something you may want to try
to get a better feel for the field strength and polarity. Also try
stating with your Left hand (nei-guan,or innergate) over the right (wai-
guan,or outergate) hand. see which one gives you better results.
I kept a portion of this technique out of the text. The portion is
called snake standing technique, I thought that It might be
unneccessary and help limit time constraints. I wanted this one to be
shorter so people wouldn't feel that it was too long. I have a
feeling this will help the beginners. Depending on your results, I
may put it back in.

LEVITAION-(SELF)----Work through the exercise listed as pyro's psi-ball exercise, then when it's time to throw the psi-ball instead grab the energy back into your hands and extend your arms out to the side palms down and push away from the ground on the exhale, and concentrate on absorbing energy on the inhale. You will feel a lightness to your body. as though there were powerful magnets in your hands pushing you up from a metal floor.(even though the floor's not metal) After a few times practicing like that, extend that feeling of pushing away from the floor to your whole arms. It should feel as though you have magnets stuck to the under side of your arms as you push down. Then when you can feel it all through your arms, extend it down your legs and out the bottom of your feet. You want to push with the maximum area of your body, when you get to the feet part, meditate on a scale and see the weight loss. This is an advanced Technique, but with practice you will gradually lose weight till you weigh nothing then float. Tibetan monks tell us that it can take upwards of twenty years to master self levitation. But we have one tool they didn't have, science. Try meditating with a bi-naural beat CD, or a brain wave generator. These help put you in the state of mind for deep meditation fast.

PSYCHIC CHI-GONG TO STIMULATE THE PSYCHIC MERIDIANS. The psi-ball exercise is a modified chi-gong exercise I`ve done for a long time now, about a year. Here are part two and three of the psychic chi-gong exercises. The first is a beginners version of San bao.(sounds like bow of a boat) This
translates to "the three treasures." These are what the Chinese call
the Three Dan tiens.(the elixir seas of long life) They correspond
to the lower and upper navel Chakras and the third eye.
We start this like any other exercise. First we warm up, and
loosen up the body with some jumping jacks and some stretching.
These are like other exercises except for the fact that we are
using our minds more, so after these exercises, or any other psychic
exercises the cool down is even more important for us. In regular
exercise if you don't cool down after exercise you risk torn
ligaments and muscles. With the psychic disciplines you risk damaged
energy meridians and Chakras. When we do these exercises we are
releasing endorphins in the body. If we dont close your selves down
psychically after and turn off the production of endorphins this can
damage us psychically and psychologically. This is usually not a
problem for beginners because they have not opened themselves up
fully yet. It is the intermediate to advanced students who must be
mindful to close themselves down after a work out, or if they are
going to do psychic work or healing practice then after that.
To start San Bao, get into the chi-gong stance of power. The
feet should be shoulder width apart. The knees slightly bent. All the
joints of the body should be loose and flexible, we don't want to
inhibit the flow of energy unless that's required somewhere. The
back should be straight, and the head light on the shoulders. The
arms should be loose at the sides, palms facing you.
What we are trying to do is add energy to these areas, mix it
with the energy that's there, and release any stagnant energy to open
these energy centers.
First relax and breath in. As you do, pull yourself up. When I
say that I mean, push your legs up,but not all the way, we don't want
to close any energy gates. Lift the shoulders up and lift the arms
out to the sides slightly(maybe 12 inches tops) and feel the energy.
Then exhale and release that energy lowering your arms and sinking
back to your original position. (These exercises are to cleanse and
atune you.) Do this for 1-2 minutes. Now, on the inhale, draw your
arms up, at a 45 degree angle \./ pulling energy to you. Bring your
hands (palms towards you) in front of your third eye. Take the energy
you have gathered and mix it with the energy of the third eye and
hold your breathe, while you do this, mix the energy there fully.
After about 5 seconds exhale and extend your arms out,(palms turning
out)releasing that energy. Inhale and pull your arms and the enrgy
you are gathering to the upper navel Dantien. Hold your breath there
and mix the energy again. Release your breath slowly as you extend
your arms and release this mixed energy. Now as you draw in energy
and your arms again, bring your arms to your lower dantien,and hold
your breath, again mixing the energy there and release it as you
exhale and extend the arms. Now as you draw in energy and pull your
arms back to the lower Dantien and UP the center of the body, back to
the third eye, and hold your breath and mix this energy again.
This starts the cycle over again. When you extend the arms we are
slowly turning the hands palm out to face away from us and then turn
them back towards us as we draw energy to us. We are making a
circular motion at the end of the extension. In other words we are
not going straight out and straight back to the body. It's an even
fluid motion. We are breathing with the diaphram as always.
This is an easy exercise to do, so do it as many times as you

PART 3- This exercise is called Ba Fao,(Fao rhymes with now)
which means 8 methods. This chi-gong exercise is a derivative of
red palace chi-gong. It is used to clear and strengthen the 8
psychic meridians. If you haven't done the San bao exercises under
part two do that first. This is just a little more advanced.
We start off with some warm up exercises, and stretching. rotate
the joints starting at the feet and move up finishing at the neck.
Remember that we are breathing with the diaphram. If at anytime you
feel dizzy or have heart palipatations immediately stop and put your
focus on the soles of your feet and send that energy into the
ground. Then sit down and rest.
Start off in the chi-gong stance of power. Do your regular
energy warm up breathing, lifting up on the inhale sinking back down
on the exhale. 1-2 minutes should be OK. On the next repitition
inhale deeply and lift the body, straightening the legs almost to
the top of your max stretch, lift your shoulders up like your giving
a big shrug, pulling in energy as you do. On the exhale sink down
and bend the knees a little more than where you started, and release
that energy. Let the shoulders drop as you bring the hands
togehther in a v at lower Dantien.
Inhale, as you draw yourself up, and rotate the hands so that
the fingers point to you (palm up at the upper Dantien)and exhale
while continuing to rotate to the outside.(palms out like you are
parting people in a crowd)raise your arms (to shoulder height)as you
push out your hands away from the body.
Inhale when you reach shoulder height with your arms, and
rotate the arms palm down, pulling the arms back to you to the
outside chest area at sternum height. Exhale slowly when your hands
are almost touching you, and bend the knees fully, as you extend
your hands, palms out.
Inhale and rotate hands palm up and extend them slowly out to the
sides as you stand up into the chi-gong stance of power, with your
arms out at a 45 degree angle. \+/
Exhale while dropping down into the original V arm shape,(hands
at the lower Dantien)at the begining. Except this time instead of
rotating the hands in towards you, palms up, draw the hands up to the
sternum hold your breath energy there for 5 seconds then release
letting your arms go down to the V shape again. This constitutes
one repitition. repeat this exercise 5-9 times if possible. Take
your time with your breath. the more relaxed and just being in the
moment the better.

ELECTROKINESIS- This is a pretty simple exercise to prove that you can feel the electricity in things. Find an electric appliance with a large motor. A vacuum is perfect. Start it up and put your hands on either side of the cord with out touching it. Feel the energy flowing through the cord. It may feel like a vibration because the energy goes both ways. Energy has to complete a circular path to be used, and some of the energy flows out of the cord. The energy in the cord is called the poynting energy(The caught energy)The energy that flows with it but out side the cord is the magnetic component.

5. FINAL THOUGHTS, ANSWERING SKEPTICS, AND A FUNNY STORY—There are plenty of people out there that don't believe in psychic powers. These people fall into two basic categories. The person who doesn't have a large natural ability. These people have never had a psychic moment,(clairvoyance for example) a paranormal moment(seeing a ghost), or a near death experience. I have had all three so it's easy for me to believe in The psychic world most people can't or don't want to see. They come seeking proof that psi exists. These people you can teach and skepticism is a healthy thing. I myself am very skeptical. Not everybody who hears voices in their head is telepathic. Then there is the die hard skeptic. These fall into two categories the scientific and the anti-religious. The scientific says that psi powers can't exist because science can't explain them or reproduce 100 % of the time. I love science and I know psi powers exist so I went looking for hard science that was off the main stream but still solid science. (see pyro's thoughts on how psi works file) Then there is the “there is only the world I can see” skeptic. This is the skeptic who would burn you at the stake 300 years ago. Their world view is so tenuous that they can't discuss the possibility of psi or the paranormal without it causing them great stress. The Amazing Randi is just such a person. He is an ex-stage magician who “debunks” psychics. He “debunked” Uri geller by using a spoon made of memory metal (a metal that returns to it's original shape when heated, say by rubbing it with your fingers the way URI Geller rubbed spoons to add energy to bend them.)to prove that Uri COULD have cheated. But He never directly tested Geller, just talked a lot of crap behind his back. He didn't take into account the facts that Uri bent spoons people brought to him not his own, and he could get people to bend spoons themselves in his presence, just as some Yogic masters have awakened psychic powers in their students. Uri geller while in a lab setting broke a ring in a scientist's clenched fist, causing the metal to crystalize in a way not known to science. He also erased information off a computer with his mind. He was tested and could read people's minds. Uri made millions in south America finding oil for oil and gas companies down there, not bad huh? I heard that The Amazing Randi had a heart attack after he was forced to pay out to the guy who proved that homeopathic medicine was as good as regular medicine.

There is an old Chinese saying: "Those people who say that a
thing cannot be done, should not interfere with those people who are
doing it." That's good advice for any skeptic.
Remember to check out the How psi powers work file by me pyro, It will help you know that science isn't against us. We are leading the way to the science of tomorrow.

PS I am putting the Chakra exercises advanced and beginner in a separate file. AS well as the remote viewing files in a separate file.

Now for the interesting story -- This is the true story that has the Russian monks who
came to Alaska, And the Man who would become known as Saint Herman.
It was written by a guy named Tom Kenyon. I love this story and I
am sure you will find it interesting. Anything in Italics( ) is my
Emphasis, not Tom's.

Siddhis and the Powers of Consciousness
By Tom Kenyon

My first encounter with yogic powers was in my early twenties. I had
gone to Atlanta with some friends for a rock festival and we had
slipped into some shops on Peach Street. This was the late sixties
and although the flower era had ended in San Francisco, it had just
caught up with Atlanta. Day-glow colored buildings, tie-dyed shirts
and psychedelic rock abounded.
One of my compatriots wanted to check out a really weird shop with
clouds of incense that would shame any Catholic church. At the time,
the music sounded really, really strange to this southern boy from
Virginia. The music? Sitars. The shelves were filled with books about
yoga and other exotic things. Then, as we were leaving, my eyes
caught a book entitled Autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa
Yogannanda.((you can download this book for free at A photo of him adorned the cover;
our eyes met and the world instantly changed. I stood transfixed and
was unable to move. It was like I was suddenly transported into a
dream, those strange dreams where you can't move.
My friend called out to me as he started to leave. I turned around in
really, really slow motion. And it seemed that the book was pulling
at me, drawing me over to its shelf. With extraordinary will power, I
forced myself away from the book and pulled myself out of the shop.
Only when I had gotten out the door and onto the street did the
strange powers of the book stop affecting me.
I did not know it at the time, for I had no context for such an
experience, but I had experienced yogic power first hand. When I
finally read the book, a few years later, I understood the strange
affect it had on me.
Reading Yogannanda's words activated memories from my many past lives
in India, and they reconnected me with one of my primary spiritual
lineages. His yogic powers (siddhis) were considerable and everything
he touched or wrote carried some of his energy. This is a typical
trait, I later discovered, of all accomplished yogis and yoginis
(women yogis), as well as certain saints and mystics.
The siddhis or yogic powers are not limited to yogis or yoginis,
however. There are many well-documented cases of Buddhist, Christian,
Islamic, Jewish and Taoists saints and mystics who have attained the
siddhis as well. In addition, it is well known among indigenous
cultures that shamans often exhibit such powers as well.
Several years ago, I had an experience with the siddhis of a mystic
in one of the most unlikely places on earth--Kodiak, Alaska.
I had been invited to teach a series of workshops in Anchorage and
the following weekend I taught a workshop on Kodiak Island. After the
final workshop on the island, I had a few days off. My organizer gave
me a few options, and I chose the boat ride to a small island
inhabited by Russian Orthodox monks where an Orthodox saint had
lived. I was told that visitors more often than not, had to turn back
due to rough seas. In fact, I was told the prelates of the Church in
charge of the monastery had never been able to see it, as every time
they went for a visit, high seas forced them back.
This was a source of immense humor among the native peoples.
We took a small airplane ride to a nearby island and landed on a spit
of land that ended abruptly into turbulent and frigid waters. We were
greeted by a local fisherman's wife driving a pickup truck, and I
hopped in the back of the Ford. My organizer got in the front.
It was summer, but there was a light snowfall as we headed for her
house by the sea. I remember feeling quite cold and wondering how in
the hell people survived here in the winter. We pulled up to a small
house surrounded by cedar trees and went inside. Sitting by a large
wooden table we sipped tea. Now anyone who has been to northern
Alaska knows that time is a strange bird in these parts. We just sat
and sat, talking a little here and there, waiting it seemed for some
opportune time to leave. Finally, our host announced that it was time
to go, and we piled back into the Ford pickup, and headed for the
dock where her husband was waiting with a fishing trawler.
We took off across an amazingly placid sea. Our host sat next to a
boom, knitting, and commented how unusual it was to have such a calm
passing. I sat looking out at the rich unbelievably beautiful
landscape of the neighboring islands as our boat chugged along at a
fairly crisp pace. Seals followed us part way.
Passing an outcropping of boulders, we came into a small natural
harbor. The water was too shallow for the trawler, so we got into a
dinghy and headed to shore. The scene was like something out of the
Middle Ages. A group of men were on the beach burning brush, the air
thick with billows of white smoke which swirled in eddies against a
stark blue sky. The monks wore long beards, typical of Russian and
Greek Orthodox clerics, and they were wearing long grey robes with
thin ropes tied about the waist. Each one of them also wore a
Stepping out of the boat onto the sand, we were greeted by someone
who appeared to be in his early thirties and had the air of authority
about him. Our host explained that I had come from Washington State
to visit. The Abbott smiled approvingly and proceeded to take us on a
tour of the small monastery, which consisted of perhaps a dozen men
or so. As we headed up a path into the shade of cedars, he noted that
the monastery did not often get to host pilgrims.
He took us to several spots including the small hut where the saint
lived. I recall the air being musty from the old manuscripts and
pictures of icons that had been in the saint's possession. But there
was also an unmistakable sense of serenity. The Abbott also took us
to a sacred spring reputed to have healing powers. Finally he took us
to the small chapel where the saint had been previously buried. His
body had since been removed, but the site was still considered holy.
The Abbott caught me staring at a corner of the chapel. He asked me
what I was seeing, and I said I was seeing a column of white light
coming out of the floor and going up through the roof. The Abbott
seemed to smile a bit and said that the saint had been buried in that
corner of the church. Then he said something in a somewhat dreamy
voice as if he were part way into another world, I remember his words
because they sounded so odd to me at the time, "would that we were
all so sensitive."
Seeming to rouse himself from his reveries, the Abbott said, "There
is one more thing I would like to show you."
He guided us back down the hill to a very small chapel that had
obviously just recently been built. It was quite unusual in that it
was perhaps nine feet square and some twenty feet tall. The inside of
the building glowed from the gold pigments of recently painted icons.
They depicted the life of Saints along with other prominent figures
of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the back of the chapel there was a
very small altar with a Bible in Russian.
The Abbott pointed out the various icons and their meanings and then
said that the tour had come to an end. He motioned us out of the
chapel and closed the door behind us. I remember suddenly having a
question about mysticism I thought the Abbott might be able to
clarify. I knocked at the door, but there was no answer. I knocked
again, still no sign of anyone inside.
Gingerly I opened the door to find the chapel completely empty. For a
moment I stood in shock. Then my ever-skeptical mind came in, and I
began to search for trap doors or other entrances. I even picked up
the small frayed rug on the floor to see if there was a secret exit.
Still in a kind of shock, I wandered out the door and on to the beach
where our party was waiting. There, clearly in view was the Abbott.
He was talking to my host, and as I stepped up he nodded his head
with a distinct twinkle in his eyes. We boarded the dinghy and headed
back to trawler. The sun was low in sky, and I stood on the deck
looking over the stern as we headed back into the sea. I was very
As I write these words I am caught up in the feelings of awe and
wonder I felt then. I had known the siddhis existed, had studied the
physics of them, and had made it a hobby of mine to collect stories
and documentations. But here on a small island off Kodiak, a humble
contemplative had shown me the mystery of yogic powers firsthand.
Halfway through the ride back, the fisherman's wife turned from her
knitting and said, "You know, they do things like that all the time!"
"Things like what, I asked?"
"Oh, you know, teleporting, bi-locating... things like that."
"Really," I said.
"Yes," she replied, not taking her eyes off her knitting. "That
island is a remote place. There is no mail service. We see them
sometimes in town picking up their mail and buying things. And..."
she said in a most conspiratorial tone, "they don't have any way of
getting there!"
The powers of consciousness, or siddhis, range from what are called
the lesser siddhis to what are termed the greater siddhis. The lesser
siddhis include such psychic abilities as clairvoyance (inner
seeing), clairaudience (inner hearing), clairsentience (inner
feeling), as well as clairgnosis (inner knowing), as in knowing
something, but not knowing how you know it. The first three,
clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, are refinements of
the physical senses.
As psychic powers unfold, they often tend to present themselves in
one of these three forms, or in combination. Thus one might begin to
see things in the mind's eye that can't be physically seen. These
visual impressions manifest as a subtle sense of seeing something
that cannot be seen physically (i.e., auras, guides, etc.). In
scientific studies involving remote viewing, this siddhi is most
often used.
Studies show that persons can, under the right conditions (i.e.
mental relaxation), accurately report visual impressions of objects
or locations hundreds of miles away with no previous knowledge of
them. The reception of such visual information must presumably come
from some other source than that of physical sight since the viewers
were nowhere near the locations they described.
Many yogis/yoginis, saints and mystics have reported that they could
often see their disciples in distant locations when it was called
for. In one account, the yogi Neem Karoli Baba suddenly asked for
large amounts of food to be brought to him. Those present report that
he consumed a mind-boggling amount of food before going into samadhi
(yogic meditation). When the yogi came out of meditation, his
disciples asked him what had happened. He reported that he had
suddenly seen one of his disciples dying in the desert. The last
desire of the dying man was to eat. Baba said that the student had
reached a level of attainment where there was no further need to
reincarnate. But with the desire for food on his mind, he would have
been brought back into the wheel of birth and death merely through
the power of this one unfulfilled desire! Baba had taken upon himself
the task of fulfilling the man's last wish for food, and using his
yogic powers, he transmuted the desire.
When psychic information is received auditorially, the person is
called clairaudient. Such persons have subtle impressions of hearing
sounds and/or voices. The inner realms of consciousness are filled
with sounds and music that are incredibly beautiful. It has been
suggested by some that many of the great composers actually heard the
music of these realms and that this music of the spheres greatly
influenced their compositions.
Some individuals feel things at a very subtle level and these persons
are called clairsentients. There is often a fine line between a
clairsentient and an empath. Empaths have highly developed
sensitivities and often feel other people's feelings, especially
those around them. Clairsentients may also be empathic, but in
addition, they receive psychic impressions in the form of subtle
feelings, which are often physical
Clairgnosis is one of the more fascinating siddhis. When you have a
hunch about something, but have no idea how you might know such a
thing, this is clairgnosis. (That is, if your hunch turns out to be
true. If it turns out to be false, we call that delusion.) Some have
suggested that clairgnosis is an attribute of pure consciousness
which is omniscient and omnipresent. As one rises higher up the
ladder of consciousness, one's own personal awareness takes on some
of these qualities and episodes of clairgnosis increase.
The lesser siddhis also include such things as healing abilities and
limited powers of prophecy. This class of yogic powers also includes
the ability for awareness to become very small or very large, in
other words, not confined by the limitations of the body.
The greater siddhis include such things as levitation (in which the
body floats or hovers in air). Again this siddhi is not confined to
Indian yogis or yoginis as some believe. There are well-documented
sightings of St. Francis of Assisi, for one, hovering in the air. St.
Francis exhibited other siddhis as well. In fact, his physical
remains have spiritual powers even after his death. While visiting
his shrine in Assisi, I was transported into the spiritual realms
through the emanations from his crypt! I heard a sound like wind
blowing through Aspen trees whenever I stood near his body, and when
I returned to my hotel room my skin was red, as if I had a mild
By the way, if you are ever at Assisi, here's a little tip. As you
enter the main entrance into the Basilica where St. Francis's remains
are kept, turn to your left. Off to both sides there will be stairs
that lead down to the crypt, and it is certainly worth visiting. The
problem is that there are usually throngs of people milling about,
and it is difficult to find a quiet space. If you proceed further,
though, on the main floor, past the stairs, you will see a large
altar in the distance. It is the only altar in this part of the
church. On the floor, in front of the altar, there is a geometric
figure. It sits directly above St. Francis's tomb, and the emanations
from this area are very strong. No one seems to know about it, so you
can stand directly on the spot and receive the emanations in relative
The greater siddhis also include such remarkable abilities such as
teleportation (like the Abbott I mentioned earlier) and bi-location
(being in two places at once). There are other abilities that fall
under this category, but they are too numerous to list here.
Siddhis or yogic powers are attained as a natural consequence of
spiritual development. There is, however, a very real dilemma with
the siddhis. If not tempered with wisdom, the premature attainment of
yogic powers can lead to karmic entanglements.
A short anecdote about a well-known yogi may help to make this clear.
He is quite an extraordinary being, and many years ago, I had the
wonderful experience of studying with him during a weeklong retreat.
According to a close disciple of his, whom I came to know, the yogi
had gone to India for a spiritual retreat in his early twenties,
having attained some of the siddhis. He was resting against a tree
listening to the beautiful music of a master musician who was caught
up in the fervor of bhakti (Divine Love), and due to the intensity of
devotion within the music, our yogi was transported into a deep state
of samadhi and experienced great ecstasies and bliss.
The concert abruptly ended when it started to rain and the musician
rushed indoors. Using his siddhic powers, the yogi caused the rain to
stop, and the musician returned to his kirtans (sacred singing). Very
quickly our yogi was transported back into samadhi, but his bliss was
rudely ended by an old man kicking him in the side. The man was also
a yogi, and in a furor he continued to kick the younger yogi, yelling
obscenities at him.
"What are you doing?" he asked. "Don't you realize this area has been
suffering from a drought? And you, you stopped the rains for your own
selfish desires." The ancient yogi raised his staff in the air and
pointed it at his younger peer. "Mark my words, if you don't stop
this, you will pay a great karmic debt. You will spend a thousand
lifetimes as a sea creature!" The old yogi then kicked some dust in
the direction of the young man and left before he could respond.
Immediately the younger yogi went into meditation and through his
siddhic powers returned the rains. He fervently prayed to God to take
away his siddhis, and miraculously they left him. But over the years
they slowly returned to a much wiser and less flamboyant man.
Generally speaking, the siddhis are looked upon, by most people, as
being more magical and exotic than practical. Part of this is due, no
doubt, to a pervasive misunderstanding about their place among other
human abilities, such as the ability to reason and to make language,
both of which we take for granted.
The siddhis are inherent human abilities, but they only show up when
consciousness has reached a certain level of development. When this
level has been attained, the siddhis or yogic powers, spontaneously
appear. They are like fruits on a tree.
Although one may have an apple tree in one's yard, only when it has
reached a certain level of maturity and development is it capable of
manifesting the fruits of its nature. This is also true of the powers
of consciousness. We all possess them, in potential, but not all of
us will demonstrate them in actuality.
As one looks at the various internal alchemies of the world, they all
have their own version of the siddhis and views on how to attain
them. Traditionally, this knowledge has been kept secret, and only
those admitted to these esoteric schools or spiritiual lineages have
been given access to the technology of self-evolution.
Personally, I believe that knowledge of the siddhis is a human
birthright, and this technology for the acceleration of self-
evolution should be made as widely available as possible.
As I said earlier, the siddhis are a natural expression of human
evolution. They unfold as a consequence of spiritual growth and they
are, I believe, one of our next evolutionary benchmarks. The greater
siddhis (such as levitation, bi-location and teleportation) rarely
manifest except in the advanced stages of spiritual development. The
lesser siddhis, however, can develop quite quickly. The development
of these lesser siddhis, has a generally enhancing effect on
creativity and intelligence. And, for this reason alone, they are
well worth exploring.
Recently, there have been reports from around the world about some
children possessing extraordinary powers. These children are not
undergoing years of rigorous yogic training. They are, in fact,
spontaneously demonstrating the siddhis. This points to the fact, I
believe, that the siddhis are a natural part of human evolution,
albeit unusual.
If the Bell Curve formula of evolution applies here as it does to
most other evolutionary situations, these children are at the
forefront of the human race in terms of mental abilities. As time
moves forward, their numbers will presumably grow until the majority
of mankind possesses these inherent powers of consciousness.
As I wrote that last sentence, I remembered the Mayan calendar and
its prediction regarding the powers of consciousness. According to
some translations of the Mayan prophesies, at the year 2012A.D. we
will depart from the Age of the Intellect and time, as we know it. If
they are correct, we will pass through a collective planetary portal
on that date and enter the Age of the Gods.
Indeed, if the majority of humanity reaches the level of attaining
siddhic powers, we would be very much in the Age of the Gods. Only
time will tell if the Mayan prophecies are correct in this regard. In
point of fact, it would not take a majority of humanity to express
the siddhis in order to usher in a new Age of the Gods. It would only
take a small percentage of individuals to tip the scales, so to
Those of us engaged in spiritual practices to accelerate personal
evolution are, I believe, making a tangible contribution to the
future destiny of this world. Consciousness has a subtle, yet potent
affect upon the environment. Numerous scientific studies have
demonstrated this.
I am thinking, in particular, about experiments on the effects of
prayer conducted by Larry Dossey, M.D. There have also been extensive
studies conducted by Maharishi International University on the
effects of the siddhis on the environment. Specifically, when a group
of individuals enters a high state of coherency, as in yogic
meditation, there are distinct positive influences on the
environment. These include such things as increased wellness of the
individuals, decreased psychological stress and a decrease in crime.
This is very interesting stuff. It shows that we don't live in a
vacuum, that our thoughts and experiences have measurable effects on
the world around us.
One reason I wrote this article is to bring the concept of the
siddhis to a larger audience outside the traditional yogic circles.
My motivation for this? I believe that more and more of us are
experiencing spontaneous arisings of the siddhis, especially the
lesser siddhis. I am already seeing this happen, and suspect there
will be an even greater increase as we pass through the next ten
years. Knowing that they are a natural part of spiritual evolution
may, perhaps, make it easier for you to accept them when they arise.
In closing, I would like to address a couple of ideas in regards to
the siddhis. The first is what I call the myth of happiness. The
delusion here is that by developing yogic powers we will be happy. In
point of fact, these powers have very little to do with happiness.
They are simply expressions of consciousness and its inherent
abilities, like, for instance, the ability to speak.
Talking does not, necessarily produce happiness. It can just as
easily produce conflict. It's what we say to ourselves and to each
other that determines whether it is a contribution or a distraction
to our happiness. The same is true for the siddhis or yogic powers.
It's what we do with them that counts. If you think that your
problems will magically disappear as a result of cultivating the
powers of consciousness you will be sorely disappointed. But if your
consciousness gets stronger, you certainly have the possibility of
making better and more creative choices for yourself. This is, I
believe, one of the major benefits for cultivating the powers of
The second point concerns spiritual enlightenment. Attaining yogic
powers does not necessarily mean that one is enlightened, or even
spiritually mature. It simply means that these powers are manifesting
due to either cultivation or spontaneous unfoldment.
Don't, in other words, be mesmerized by those who demonstrate such
powers, and don't delude yourself when they start showing up in you.
Spiritual attainment often causes the siddhis to spontaneously
manifest. A quick look at the lives of saints throughout the world
will demonstrate this quite clearly. Virtually every saint in history
has demonstrated some of these non-ordinary powers. But the presence
of these powers does not necessarily mean that the person possessing
them is illuminated.
I believe that those of us working with spiritual technologies need
to understand the potential of what we are dealing with. And I
believe that we would be well advised to enter this mysterious realm
of human potential with the three jewels of wisdom, compassion and
humor. Yes... humor. Seriousness is, after all, the death-knell to
liberating spirituality.
On that note, I will leave you with this final thought…
What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor?
"Make me one with everything!"

Well hope you enjoyed the tutorial and got something out of it. This is the sort of thing you can come back to again and again.

I would like to thank Emperess Norton for the centering and grounding advise, Tom Bearden for the scientific advise, and The Great Spirit for opening my eyes to a bigger world than most people get to see.


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