Pride in the Rain

Pride in the Rain

By Rachel C.

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Jump to new as of January 2, 2001
Jump to new as of January 14, 2001
Jump to new as of February 4, 2001

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Author's Note: This story is a cross between "Singing in the Rain" the movie, and Pride and Prejudice. The story is set in the time where silent movies are ending and talkies are beginning, about 1927. A lot of the text in the prologue is almost direct quotes from the movies so I'd just like to acknowledge that. The songs are all originals from the movie.


Posted on Sunday, 27 August 2000, at 10 : 25 p.m.

"This is Gertrude Phillips announcing in front of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Tonight the crowd has gathered here to watch the premiere of the movie "The Netherfield Rascal" and to await its stars Will Darcy and Caroline Lamont. Yes those lovers of the screen have finished their eighth movie of 1927.

"Look there is the famous, and rich actress, Mary King arriving with her new unknown fiancé George Wickham. I hope this turns out to be love, because Miss King has only had heartache in the past. Why, and here is Caroline Lamont's sister, Louisa Hurst with her husband.....whoops he seems to have stumbled, I hope he is all right he seems to look a little tipsy tonight.

"Oh, look!! I see a car pulling up, could it be Darcy and Lamont?" The crowd goes crazy with anticipation. They start to cheer, but when Richard Fitzwilliam steps out of the car, they groan. Rich stops, but then continues on walking toward the announcer, used to this sort of treatment. (However, a few are still cheering loudly and yelling something resembling Studmuffin and calling themselves Dwiggies, but the author can't seem to make it out.)

"Ah here is Will Darcy's best friend and cousin Rich Fitzwilliam!! Rich plays the piano on Darcy and Lamont's sets getting the two stars into a romantic mood. How are
you tonight, Rich, when do you expect the lovely couple to arrive?" Rich was about to answer when he was immediately cut off.

"Look!!! Here they are now! Those stars of the screen, those romantic lovebirds of the film, Will and Caroline." The crowd goes wild. "Come over here you two and
address your adoring fans!!" Darcy leads Caroline over to the announcer all the while smiling brightly and posing for several photographers.

"Hello Gertrude it's a great pleasure to be here tonight." Cheers erupt from the fans. Darcy acknowledges them with a bow and posing for more pictures.

"Will, are the rumors true? Are we soon to hear wedding bells for you and Miss Lamont?"

"While we have no comment to make at the time, I'd like to say that Caroline and I are just good friends." Several young girls let out a sigh of relief from the audience.

"Will, won't you delight your fans tonight and tell us how you got into show business?"

"But, Gertrude, in front of all of these people?"

"Please, Will, I'm sure no one here objects." Screams and pleadings burst forth from the crowd.

"Oh, all right. But any story of my youth would have to include my lifelong friend Rich Fitzwilliam. We were kids together, grew up together, and came here together." Darcy and Rich shook hands and smiled at each other. (Another catcall came from a certain part of the crowd yelling Studmuffin.......but Darcy continued.)

"Well, in all of my years, I've had only one motto: Pride......always pride. When I was young, my parents sent me to the finest dance schools and Rich and I would dance in
front of Mum and Dad's high society friends...." In reality Will was thinking about how Rich and himself would often dance in the bars and play the harmonica hoping for the
inebriated patrons to throw change to them before they would be hauled off by the owner.

"My parents also brought me up on the best and most sophisticated theater; shows of Shakespeare and of course Jane Austen (authors note: oh course!)....." Rich tried not to laugh as he remembered the only theater they ever saw was when they sneaked into the movie theaters when no one was looking.

"When we were older, both Rich and I attended the Cambridge Conservatory of Fine Arts where we learned more of music and dance. Then we attended Derbyshire Dancing Academy to finish off our education........" Will thought fondly back to the old saloon he and Rich used to play in.

"After all of our schooling was complete, Rich and I toured the country, dancing and playing music at only the best and exclusive clubs in town...." Rich and Will both thought back to their old amateur night club act. They wore plaid suits and played the fiddle while they danced and sang:

Fit as a fiddle, ready for love
I can jump over the moon up above
Fit as a fiddle, and ready for love.

Haven't a worry, haven't a care,
Feel like a feather just floating on air,
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.

Soon the church bells will be ringin'
And we'll march with Ma and Pa
How the church bells will be ringin'
With a hey nonny nonny and a ha-cha-cha.

Hi diddle diddle, my baby's okay
Ask me a riddle and what does she say?
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.

(Then they started to dance.......that is, until they were booed off stage)

"Audiences adored us......" Rich almost burst out laughing.

"Near the end of our tour we were stranded...I mean staying in California, when a lot of movie offers just came rolling in. So we decided to favor Pemberley Pictures....." Will thought back to their job of playing the mood music for the movies while the silent movie actors did their scenes. However, one day they were on the set of a Western movie
when one of the stuntmen, some guy named Collins, was squashed like a toad (author's note: a SLIMY toad) and knocked unconscious when he hit the bar in a saloon scene. Will quickly volunteered to replace him and did the stunt perfectly. From there he started doing all the stunts for Pemberley's films. He did stunts like crashing airplanes into barns and driving motorcycles off cliffs into rivers (author's note: and he always emerged with a wet shirt...*~giggle~*).

"Throughout all my early pictures, Caroline was an inspiration, a real lady..." Rich again found something quite humorous in Will's speech. Will remembered back to the time he first introduced himself to Caroline. He had gone up to talk to her, but she would not even acknowledge his presence. However, just then Charles F. Bingley, the producer exec for Pemberley Pictures, came along congratulating Will on his talent and offering him a role as Caroline's costar in the next film. Caroline immediately clung to Will.

(Will asked, " Oh, Miss Lamont, are you free tonight?" She shook her head no.

"Well that's funny, I'm busy." Will removed her arm from his and walked away.")

"Since then Caroline and I have had the same wonderful relationship. I have been through a lot to get to here, but I have always stayed true to my motto......pride, always
pride." Cheers erupted again from the crowd. Will and Caroline posed for more pictures, then headed into the theater.

Chapter 1

Everyone followed the two famous actors into the theater, that is, everyone except Charlotte Lucas and her sister Maria.

"Where could she be?" Maria exclaimed.

"You know Lizzy, she's always tardy.....oh look! I can see her looking for us." Charlotte waved at her best friend and caught her attention. Elizabeth ran over to them
quite frustrated.

"Did I miss them? Did I miss Darcy and Lamont?!?!?"

"Oh, honey, you did. I'm sorry, you arrived just as they headed into the theater. Maybe we'll see them after the movie." Elizabeth just nodded her head, she had been
looking forward to the glimpse of the famous couple for weeks. "Speaking of movies, we better hurry if we want to get good seats for the premiere. Come on you two!" Charlotte hooked arms with Elizabeth and Maria and dragged them into the theater.

The movie depicted a musketeer-like hero who won the heart of a noble woman. He was not in her high social class but he loved her. So he fought for her and saved her life on many occasions and eventually won over her family so they ended up together.

However, as the movie was drawing to a close, Elizabeth fretted over the time.

Elizabeth whispered to Charlotte, "I have to work for the Coconut Grove tonight Char, I don't think I can stay around for the actors' bows and speeches, I'm going to miss them again." Elizabeth pouted in her chair.

"Don't worry dear, I'm certain they'll make another movie together again, then we'll try to get premiere tickets again......somehow." Charlotte comforted her friend, but
then her attention was caught by the movie again, especially the male lead (author's note: *sigh* Darcy had that affect on people).

The movie ended and Elizabeth snuck out of the theater amid the cheers and encore calls and searched for her car.

"Darn dance job.....someday I'll be a real actress, and who knows, maybe I'll be the one curtseying and making speeches."

Meanwhile......back at the Chinese Theater.....

Will and Caroline walked onto the stage in front of the screen, bowing and curtseying respectively, acknowledging their fans. Will stepped forward to address the crowd.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm glad that you have all enjoyed "The Netherfield Rascal." We both enjoyed making it and want to thank you for all your praise." Caroline stepped forward and was about to say something herself when Will grabbed her arm and interrupted.

"We wish you all thanks again and hope that you will continue to enjoy our pictures." Caroline and Will bowed again, but Caroline tried again to speak, only to be
interrupted again by Will.

"We movie actors are no good at performing for a live audience so we'll just act out our thanks......good night!" Caroline blew kisses to the crowd as she walked off, but
shot Will a dirty look.

Maria sighed, "She's so refined."

Behind stage.........

"You two kids were so wonderful tonight, I think we have another hit on our hands!" Bingley proclaimed and hugged his prized stars. However, soon a high pitched, nasally voice, drowned him out.

"What's the big idea? Can't a girl get a word in edgewise?!?"

"Now Caroline......" Bingley said.

"Don't yew think I can make speeches too? After all, they're my public tew! What am I, dumb or somethin'?" Everyone looked away and avoided answering the question. Finally, the head of the publicity department spoke up.

"Caroline you're so beautiful (author's note: however the author thinks she looks like a duck in that orange dress she's wearing), the public thinks you have a voice to match. The studio has to keep its stars from looking foolish at any cost."

"No one's got that much money." Rich mumbled.

"Caroline, we just thought it would be best if Will did all of the talking. After all he has more experience......"

"Next time, right me out a speech....I can mimerize it."

"Now Caroline...." Will lectured.

"That's right. Why don't you just go out there now and recite one of Hamlet's soliloquies." Rich offered jokingly.

"What?!? Who are yew anyways, yew piano're just a nothin'." Caroline sulked over to Will and wrapped her arms around him. "Willy, are yew just gonna let him talk to me like that, your fianci?"

"My wait a minute here Caroline, you've been reading those fan magazines again, haven't you?" Caroline smiled and nodded ditzily. "Now, Caroline, you know there's nothing between us.....there's never been anything between us....just air."

"Oh Willy, I know yew don't mean that......"

"Now come on kids, let's get going to my party." Bingley interrupted, "And drive in separate vehicles, we don't want to draw too much of a crowd."

Caroline was dragged away, "Tootle-loo, darling!!!!" Will sighed.

"I just can't take this anymore Rich."

"Why? Everyone thinks she's irresistible, she told me so herself!" Rich laughed.

"No really, Rich, this cooked up romance just for publicity is driving me mad!"

"Oh come on Will, it's the price of fame." Rich clutched his chest dramatically, "Now look at me.....I've got no fame, I've got no glory, I've got no big mansions....but
I've got..........say, what have I got?"

Will laughed, "I don't know, what have you got?"

"I've gotta go.....come on, we'll be late for the party."

On the way to the party..........

POP!!! HISSSSSSSSSSsssssssssss..........

"Don't tell's a flat tire." Will got out of Rich's car annoyed.

"I don't understand it, this car hasn't given me a lick of trouble in six hours!"


"LOOK DWIGGIES!!!!! IT'S WILL DARCY!!!!!" girls and guys from all over the street ran for Will and started asking for autographs and tearing his clothing. "I want a piece of his shirt!!! No I want a piece of his shirt.....LOOK IT'S WET!!!!" Squeals erupted from the Dwiggies.

"Rich, help! Do me a cab!!!!"

"All're a cab!"

"Thanks a lot." Just then all of Will's stuntmen days was put to use as he hopped on the back of a car, onto the top of a trolley, and into a car going the opposite way.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" screamed the woman in the driver's seat almost losing control of the car.

"Now miss...."

"You get out of here!!!!! What do you think you're doing?!?!?!?"

"No, you don't underst...."

"*Gasp* I've seen you before!!!!! You must be a criminal!!! Get out of my car!!!"

"NO, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....." The driver pulled to the side of the road.

"OFFICER!!!! Officer, come here!!! This man just jumped into my car and....."

"Why, it's Will Darcy!!! How are you tonight Mr. Darcy?"

"Good, thanks."

"Anything the matter Miss?"

"Why......uh, no." The confused woman stammered.

"I should think move along." After she pulled out, there was an uncomfortable silence.

"Listen, I'm sorry to have done that to you Miss. I sure didn't mean to frighten you."

"Oh nonsense....I'm sorry about my behavior. Please accept my apologies."

"Well, I wouldn't have done it, but I was getting a little too much love from my adoring fans." Darcy motioned to his ripped tuxedo.

"They did that to you? Why that's horrible!" The woman exclaimed, then thought, "Hmmmm......nice shirt."

"You can just drop me off here if you would like."

"Well......I'm going by Sunset if you need a lift." The woman hoped and prayed he was heading that direction too, she knew she'd been waiting forever for a chance like this.

"That would be nice, thanks, I need to get out of this ventilated suit. Sunset and Camden okay?" The woman smiled and drove on. There was a few minutes silence as Will observed his companion.

"I, uh, would greatly like to know, who I am indebted to tonight."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Bennet, Elizabeth Bennet.....nice to meet you Mr. Darcy."

Will slid over next to her a little more. "Please, just call me Will." Elizabeth could swear he moved closer to her, but just thought she was paranoid.

"Well, Will, why aren't you at some big party tonight? I thought all movie stars were always at parties."

"You know, many people think the life of a movie star is all glamour and glory, but there is a price to fame. We movie stars get lonely too..." Will subtlety put his arm around Elizabeth. "Very lonely."

Now Lizzy knew she wasn't paranoid anymore.......just outraged. How dare he? Just because he was movie star didn't mean she had to fall at a dead faint at his feet and
worship him.......but Lizzy knew how to get even.

"So, I thought I heard you have a new movie coming out soon." Darcy rejoiced over his victory. *Sigh* it was too easy, and he knew he was handsome, what lady could resist?

"Yes, tonight actually. So how many of my movies have you seen?" Darcy knew her answer.....all ten of them. He sat back and grinned.

"Hmmm....I don't remember....I think I saw one once." Darcy's face fell.

"Saw one once?"

"Yes, let's were dueling.....oh yeah, and there was a girl....Caroline Lamont, I think." Darcy pulled his arm off Lizzy's shoulders. Now it was Elizabeth's turn to rejoice over her victory. "That should put him in his place," she thought.

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't know more. I'm not a great fan of the big screen. It's just fake acting and a lot of dumb show. You know....." Elizabeth made dramatic gestures with her hands. "See?" Elizabeth smirked at him.

"You mean, like what I do....this is your opinion of me?"
"Well.....yes, just a shadow on film.....oh here we are, Sunset and Camden." Elizabeth sung the last part and Darcy momentarily lost his nerve after hearing her angelic voice, but his pride wouldn't let him forget what she said.

"So what do you do that makes you so high and lofty above me?"

"Well, I'm actress....yes, an actress on the stage!"

"Oh, the stage...well. I'd love to see what you're in right now.....I could brush up on my English, or bring along a translator. You know, that is if they let in a movie actor."

"Um, well, I'm not in anything right now, but I'm going to go to New York and..."
"Oh New York, eh? Then I suppose we'll all hear of you someday. Elizabeth Bennet as Juliet, as Beatrice, as Benedict...well you'll have to wear a beard for that

"You just watch what you say." Elizabeth was furious now. "What makes you think that you can..." Will angrily cut in.

"I'd like to let you know, that millions of girls around the world would love to be in your shoes right now."

"*Loud Lydia snort* I highly doubt that.....and see you for who you really are? Maybe if you had behaved in a more gentleman-like manner I might have enjoyed this ride,

"More gentleman-like manner? Well how's this?" Will leaned in to give her a big kiss, just to prove that she couldn't resist him.

"You just stay away from me!"

"What? I can't hurt you, I'm just a shadow on film, remember? Not flesh and blood..."

"Just because you're some big shot movie star doesn't mean I'm going to worship the ground you walk on," Elizabeth shoved him back to the other side of the car. "Get out!"

"Oh, don't worry, dear lady, I won't molest you. I'm just a humble low-class servant at your feet, because you are too far above me!" Will dramatically got out of the car, but leaned back to lecture her. However, all he met was a beautiful pair of fine, fiery eyes and he paused, not noticing one of his tuxedo tails fall back into the car.
But her words soon snapped him out of it.

"You stupid, unfeeling, jerk..."

"Now I must tear myself from your side!" Will lunged away from the car, only to have half his tuxedo rip off, and hang from her car door.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Elizabeth had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. Will just turned beet red and stomped away towards his mansion.

Elizabeth wiped the tears away from her eyes. "*Giggle* Well, he deserved that. What a jerk! I can't believe I couldn't wait to see that arrogant jerk. Well now that I
have seen him, I never want to again!" Elizabeth sped away towards her job with the dance club.

When she arrived at the house she found one of the valets outside. "Is this C.F. Bingley's house?" He nodded. "Well I'm one of the girl's from the Coconut Grove."

"Around back Miss, please."

"Thank you." Elizabeth drove around to the back of the house to prepare for the number that night.

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Chapter 2

Posted on Tuesday, 29 August 2000, at 10 : 43 p.m.

Author's Note for later: Ethel Barrymore is a famous dramatic actress in the movies of this time.

"Presumptuous, upstart girl!" Darcy was pacing his bedroom, furiously finding another tuxedo to put on. "How dare she speak to me like that? She thinks she's an actress? Ha! I once started out as her, so far we are equal, but look at her career compared to mine, she had no right to talk to me like, that! I am a big movie star, and she is just some little starlet with no Hollywood connections who will never make it in show business! There, now I feel better. I will never think of her again!" Darcy angrily put his jacket on and stormed out to his limousine. (author's note: ha-ha....Darcy is kidding himself)

C.F. Simpson's house
(changing room)

"Elizabeth!! There you are, I was wondering if you were going to show up tonight!" Jane ran and hugged her beloved sister.

"I'm fine" snapped Elizabeth, "Just ran into some bad traffic."

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Oh Jane! When you become a big movie star, promise me you'll stay the same!! Don't turn into some egotistical, presumptuous, conceited...."

"Lizzy? Whatever are you talking about?" asked a confused Jane. "Did something go wrong at the movie? Did you get to see Darcy and Lamont?!?" Elizabeth gave her sister a big hug.

"It's a long story.....I'll just say that I saw the real Darcy. I better change and get warmed up."

"Well, tell me about it later!" Jane called to her sister. Elizabeth quickly got changed into her tight, skimpy, bright pink outfit.

"If he could only see me now........he'd be the one laughing." Elizabeth sighed. "Maybe I should have just fallen for him like everyone else. What could it have hurt? Maybe I'd be at some big premiere party tonight instead of entertaining some rich guy's friends." All of a sudden something clicked in Elizabeth's head, but she dismissed the thought. Lydia Crawford walked over, wearing an outfit that was way too small for her, as usual, showing off way too much of her body.

"Hello Lizzy! How was the movie? Did you see Will Darcy? I bet if my husband would have let me go, I would have been able to catch his eye. Maybe then I'd be watching you guys dance tonight at the party as his date."

"What did you say?" asked a dumbfounded Elizabeth.

"Be his date at the party.......didn't you know this was a party for the premiere of that movie you went to see tonight?" Elizabeth's head spun and she almost fainted.

"Y-y-y-ou mean, Will Darcy is going to be at the party tonight.......watching us?!?!?"

"No, he won't be here. I just heard from one of the servants that one of Will Darcy's servants, I think her name was Mrs. Reynolds or something, called and said he wasn't coming. Supposedly, he came bursting into his house in a ripped tuxedo saying he was in no mood for a party tonight, so his servant called C.F. Bingley to tell him to start without him." said Mary Collins as she interrupted their
conversation. "That's fine by me, I don't care about those stupid movie stars anyways."

"You're sure he's not going to be here?" asked Lizzy.

"I'm sure...well, at least the servant was sure."


"Good? How can you say that Lizzy? He's like one of the most handsome movie stars ever!"

"You can have him." Lizzy said with a sigh.

"*Snort* Don't mind if I do." Then she hopped away to tell the news to Kitty Elliot, her sister. Elizabeth just sighed again, and started stretching.

"Elizabeth Bennet!!! You've got cake duty tonight!" the owner of the club yelled her way.

"Great......just wonderful. This is turning out to be a lovely night." And once again, Lizzy sighed. "Well at least, I know Will Darcy won't be here tonight. That would have been the perfect ending to the worst day of my life." (author's note: ha-ha Lizzy is kidding herself too)

C.F. Bingley's house

When Will's limousine pulled up to Bingley's house he jumped out and hurried inside, knowing that he was really late. When he was shown into the ballroom, he found that nothing had really started yet. All of a sudden he was circled by people congratulating him on his newest movie (Will thought, "Deja vu....hmmm, I hope these aren't more of those dwiggies."). Rich finally saw Will and went to rescue him.

"How did you come Will, by way of Australia?"

"Rich, your my friend......tell me the truth. Do you think I'm a good actor?"

"As long as I work for Pemberley Pictures, you're the greatest actor of them all."

"No kidding Rich, what do you think? Do I overact? Is what I do considered acting at all?" When Rich saw that he wasn't kidding he got concerned.

"Of course you're a great actor, Will, what would make you think otherwise?"

"Oh it's nothing. I've just been shaken by what someone said. I'll tell you about it later."

"The new Will Darcy......I like it." Bingley spotted Will and came over.

"Darcy! I didn't think you were coming!" Will looked at him confused but shook it off. "Well I was about to start things, I'm glad you've made it."

"WILLY!!! Where have yew been darlin'? I've missed yew!!"

Will looked away. "Hello, Caroline."

"Well kiddies, let's get this party going." Bingley raised his voice to grab everyone's attention. "Well, it was a swell movie, a real hit, and we have you two to thank for it. No kidding, aren't these two wonderful?" Applause filled the air.

"Well, I've got a little surprise for everyone tonight. Can you please open up the screen?" A curtain pulled away to show a giant movie screen.

"Hey, Bingley, didn't we just watch a movie?" asked Will.

"This is no ordinary film. Just wait, you'll be surprised." As everyone sat down the movie started to play. However, when they saw a man shuffling papers on the screen, they also heard him shuffle them too. When, the man started talking and explaining that this was a talking picture, everyone gasped in disbelief and accused Bingley of saying the words. When it was over, there was a wide range of reactions: from love to hate.

"What do you think guys?" Bingley asked.

The head of the publicity department spoke up, "Ha! It will amount to nothing."

"That's what they said about the horseless carriage." Rich added.

"Well, De Bourgh Films is making a whole movie like this called the Jazz Singer. We'll soon find out how it goes." Bingley grabbed his favorite stars again.

"Come here you two kids, I've got another surprise for you. Here's a very special cake and I want you two to be the ones to see it first." Bingley brought them over to a
elaborately decorated lemon chiffon cake that read Will and Caroline and Pemberley Pictures on the side. Will was about to turn away again, when suddenly someone came jumping out of the cake.

"Ta-da!" Elizabeth yelled. All of a sudden her bright smile faded and she just stared at the man in front of her, turning red.

"Why if it isn't Ethel Barrymore!" Will smiled at the sight in front of him like a love-sick puppy. Elizabeth's head spun again, and this time she fell........right into Will's open arms. Will just stared at her (author's note: however he didn't look his usual perfectly handsome self with the drool hanging from his chin). Elizabeth soon remembered where she was and quickly jumped out of his arms and joined the other girls handing out confetti strings to the guests for them to throw as their intro to their dance number was playing in the background. Will quickly caught up with her.

"I'm so glad to see you again. Tell me please, what are you going to favor us with tonight? The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet?"

"Please...go away." hissed Elizabeth.

"No kidding, you'd make about the prettiest Juliet I'd ever seen." Elizabeth was about to turn away from him, when she saw that he was telling the truth, not just making fun of her. When he smiled and showed his dimples, she lost her head (author's note: dimples rule, and Lizzy drools).

"I....uh.." Suddenly, Elizabeth's musical cue came and she had to rush over to get in line with the other girls and start singing.

"All I do is dream of you the whole night through,
With the dawn I still go on, dreaming of you.
You're every thought, you're everything,
You're every song I ever sing,
Summer, winter, autumn, and spring.

And were there more than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content, dreaming away.
The skies are gray, the skies are blue,
Morning, noon, and nighttime too.
All I do, the whole day through, is dream of yooooou!"

(After they sang they started doing the charleston. However, Mary Collins, being the klutz she is, tripped and ended up whacking Caroline Lamont right in the nose.)

Will, smiling, never took his eyes off Lizzy the whole time, and was thrilled whenever she looked his way. However, there was another guy staring intently at one of the girls. It seems that C.F. Bingley had fallen, and fallen hard, for the blonde dancing right next to Lizzy. Once she looked up and him, smiled sweetly, and blushed. Little did she know that this look had captured his heart for her own, forever.

While the two men were lost, staring at their respective girls, the dancers finished and applause rang out. Will suddenly awoke from his daydream and grabbed Lizzy by the arm as she ran by.

"Wait a minute!"

"Let me go Mr. Darcy."

"Hold on, now that I know where you live," he gestured toward the cake, "I'd like to see you home." Elizabeth just scowled at him.

"Willy, who iz this dame?"

"Someone so lofty and high above us.......she could never learn anything from the movies."

"I'll show you one thing I learned from the movies!" Elizabeth spun around and grabbed the french silk pie behind her. As she threw it at Will's face, he realized what she was doing and ducked. However, Caroline was right behind him and got it smack-dab in the face.

Caroline cried, "OH!!!! Why yew leetle..." Caroline lunged at Lizzy, but Will held her back, all the while trying to conceal his laughter. Elizabeth ran back to the changing
room, leaving Will with a very irate Caroline. Rich ran over to see what the commotion was all about, but just started laughing when he saw Caroline. Will let go of her and ran after Elizabeth calling out her name.

"Willy?!?!? Willy!" cried Caroline.

When Will reached the dressing room, he just ran in, not thinking.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" sever girls screamed when he entered.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did anyone see where Miss Bennet went?"

"She just grabbed her things and ran.........anything I can help you with?" Lydia walked towards Will.

"Sorry, I don't have time to find out." Will hurriedly left, running after Elizabeth.

When he got outside, he saw her take off in her car. He called her name, but she just continued driving. He was about to head inside again, but decided it would be best to just head home and not have to face a whipped cream covered Caroline.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Friday, 15 September 2000

Throughout the weeks, Will couldn't stop thinking about Elizabeth; the way she looked, the way she acted, the things she said all played over and over in his head. He tried to find out where she was so he could apologize to her and hopefully gain her forgiveness. However, after he started making inquiries at the Coconut Grove, he soon discovered that Elizabeth Bennett had been fired over the whole pie fiasco. Will knew he had to find her then and make sure that she knew he was sorry. Will even persuaded Rich to help him out. He didn't know why he was so obsessed with finding her, but he knew he had to.

Weeks of searching had turned up nothing and Will gradually became depressed. His depression wasn't solely based on their inability to find Lizzy, but when he thought back to her words about how he wasn't a real actor, he truly started to doubt himself and became less self-assured for the first time in his life. Even his motto was gone, he wasn't very proud of what he was doing anymore.

Will showed up on the set one day and roamed around watching all the sets shoot their different movies.

"Hey, did you hear about 'The Jazz Singer,' Darcy?" one of Will's friends's said. "Number one in the box office this week, bet it will be dead last next!"

"We'll see Harry, I hope you're right."

"Will! Hey, Will! There you are!" Rich jogged to catch up with him. "I was wondering where you were. What are you up to?"

"Shooting starts today for my next picture."

"Really? Which one is that?"

" 'The Dueling Cavalier.' It's about......"

"Wait, let me're a high society aristocrat and she's a simple, lowly girl of the people and she won't give you the time of day."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Will laughed.

"I knew it. You've seen one, you've seen them all." Will stopped him suddenly.

"What did you say?"

"Look, Will, I didn't mean it like that, I meant...."

"That sounds like something that Elizabeth Bennet said to me about my acting. She was right." Will hung his head.

"Will? Come on. That was weeks ago, you still thinking about that?"

"I don't know Rich, I just can't seem to get it out of my head."

"What can't you get out of your head.........her or what she said?" Rich laughed at him and Will smiled.


"Come on now, snap out of it. You can't let something as trifling as this shake you up! Why, you're Will Darcy! And Will Darcy's an actor, isn't he? Well, what's the first thing an actor learns? The show must go on!--Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet--the show must go on!" Rich pushed Darcy to sit in a chair, grabbed a silly hat, and sat down at the piano. He was determined to cheer his cousin up. Rich started to play:

"Now the world is so fully of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy with, but are we? No! (he slammed on the piano) Definitely NO! Positively NO! Nuh-uh. (he started playing normal again) Short people have long faces, and long people have short faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all. (This got a laugh from Will and Rich dramatically started to lead himself away.)

"And in the words of that immortal bard Samuel J. Snodgrass, as he was about to be lead to the guillotine...(singing)

Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, (dancing)
Don't you know everyone wants to laugh (slaps Will with hat)
My dad said, 'Be an actor, my son,
But be a comical one!'

They'll be standing in line, (walking on knees)
For those old honky-tonk monkey shine.
Now you could study Shakespeare and be quite elite,(jumping)
And you could charm the critics and have nothing to eat. (fiddles with hat)
Just slip on a banana peel, the world's at your feet. (falls on Will)
Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!

Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh,
Don't you know everyone wants to laugh. (catches a ride on a wood board)
My grandpa said, 'Go out and tell 'em a joke, (swimming on board)
But give it plenty of hoke.'

Make 'em roar, make 'em scream.
Take a fall, butt a wall, split a seam. (ducks under sofa)
You start off by pretending you're a dancer with grace. (dancing)
You wiggle 'til they're giggling all over the place, (gets hit in the head with board)
And then you get a great big custard pie in the face.
Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh! (opens door and run into brick wall)

(sits down on sofa next to female mannequin, pretends they're on a date. she places hand on his legs, he kisses her and she slaps him. They fall behind sofa and are thrown up into the air, eventually he breaks away.)

Make 'em laugh........(laughing and doing flip off wall)
Make 'em laugh........(laughing and doing flip off wall)
MAKE 'EM LAUGH!!!!"...(laughing and flips through wall)

Rich collapsed on the ground and Will erupted with laughter and applause.

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Elizabeth's and Jane's Apartment...

"Grrrrrrr...I can't believe he had me fired!!!!"

"But Lizzy..."

"Jane, no! There is no way to defend that man, I don't care if he's a movie star or not. You heard what the Mr. Wickham said. He told me that Will Darcy is the one who called and had me fired for throwing that pie at him and hitting Caroline Lamont, his fiancée. I, however, can not think of two more deserving people of a pie in the face!"

"Lizzy, please, settle down. We've been over this for weeks! We do not even know that new office clerk, Wickham, we cannot know for sure that he is telling the truth."

"There was truth in all his looks!"

"Looks mean nothing, Lizzy. Just take Caroline Lamont for example!" teased Jane. Elizabeth stopped pacing the room and started to giggle.

"She did look awfully elegant in whipped cream! Okay, you got me there. Even if Wickham is not to be trusted, that still does not change the fact that Will Darcy is a self-absorbed, unfeeling, rude, arrogant ba-"

"Lizzy!" scolded Jane.

"Okay, I'll drop the subject, even though I'd like to drop him in-"

"Lizzy!" Elizabeth raised her hands to signal she was done.

"I'll stop, but I'm afraid I can't drop the subject of Hollywood men altogether." Jane looked at her, confused. "I was going through the mail this morning and happened to see another letter addressed to you from C.F. Bingley. You two seem to be quite charming." Jane blushed profusely.

"You could say that..."

"Hmmmm...maybe someday I'll be the sister-in-law of the great C.F. Bingley and influence him to fire Will Darcy!" All the response Elizabeth received was a pillow in the face.

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The Set of "The Dueling Cavalier"

Will walked out of his trailer in his French aristocrat outfit and headed for the set, but stopped short when he heard the all too familiar nasally voice.

"Fer heaven's sake! What dope would wear a thing like this?" Caroline adjusted the tall wig on her head.

"Caroline, everyone wore them." Will sighed.

"Well, then eevreebody's a dope." Caroline grabbed Will's arm as they walked to the set. "I looked fer yew at William Lucas's party last night, where were yew?" Darcy removed her from his arm.

"I was busy."

"I know what yew were busy at too." Caroline seated herself on the bench on the set. "Trying to find that gurl! Yew'd think yew'd be a leetle worried bout me, after all, I'm the one who go the pie in the kisser!"

"She was fired, Caroline, I was worried about her." Will started to walk away to his cue mark.

"Darn tootin' she's fired, I arranged it." Caroline turned around and smiled contentedly.

"You what?!?" Will started to lunge at her when he was stopped by the director.

"All right you two lovebirds, from the top of the scene! Will, remember, she's a shy girl and you have to win her heart over and overcome her timidity!" Will just glared at Caroline, who innocently batted her fake eyelashes, and then he moved offstage.

"All right, places everybody! Mood music! Lights! Ok, roll 'em!"

Will walked onto the scene searching for Caroline. When he spotted her, he moved quickly to sit beside her on the bench. He started to pretend to adore her and showered her with affection. However, all the while, the two were whispering quite differently to each other.

"Why you rattlesnake, you got that poor kid fired!"

"That's not all I'm gonna do if I get my hands on her!"

"What'd you do it for?"

"Cause yew liked her, I could tell."

"Well believe me, I don't like her half as much as I hate you, you reptile."

"Sticks and stones may break my bones..."

"I'd like to break every bone in your body!"

"Yew and who else, you big lug?" Will embraced her and kissed her passionately and she threw her arms around him (author's note: ewwwwwww). The director yelled cut, and Will immediately pushed her away, wiping off his mouth as if he was afraid of catching a disease. Will started to walk offstage again when Caroline caught up to him.

"Willy, yew can't kiss a gurl like that and not mean it one eensy-weensy bit!"

"Meet the greatest actor in the world!"

"Oh, come on..."

"I'd sooner eat a tarantula."

"Yew don' mean that."

"I don't...hey Rich! Bring me a tarantula!" The director cut in.

"Come on you two, let's start from the top!" All of a sudden C.F. Bingley came charging into the room.

"Stop rolling now!"

"All right, everybody, save it!" All the lights lowered.

"Save it? Tell them all to go home!"

"All right, everybody, go home till further notice!" Will walked up to Bingley.

"Hey, what's going on?"

" 'The Jazz Singer' that's what." the director laughed.

"What? That movie? It's just a fluke!"

"We should have just such a fluke at this studio." Bingley grabbed Will's arm. "We're going to start making talkies too."

"What? That means I'm out of a job!" Rich sulked. "Finally, I can start suffering and write that symphony."

"You're getting a promotion, Rich. You're the new head of the music department!" Bingley shook Rich's hand.

"Thanks! Finally, I can stop suffering and write that symphony!"

"Listen, Will, we're going to put our best foot forward, we're making 'The Dueling Cavalier' into a talking picture. Just think of it....Darcy and Lamont, they talk!" Caroline caught up with them.

"Of courwse wee talk, don' eevreebody?" All the men groaned.

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Chapter 4

Posted on Tuesday, 19 September 2000

Set of a movie fashion show

Lizzy had one of the main female dancing parts because she was assigned to stand and dance next to the guy who was singing during the song.

"Cameras!.........Action!" Elizabeth took her place beside the male singer.

"Beautiful girl, you're a lovely picture,
Beautiful girl, you're a gorgeous picture,
of all that lies under the big bright sky,
My heart cries.

Beautiful girl............

(C.F. Bingley was talking to the director and Rich while he watched them perform.

"Hey, Bert, who's that girl standing next to our lead singer? She looks familiar." Bingley looked closer but couldn't place her.

"Her? Oh, that's Elizabeth Bennet." The director answered. Bingley looked embarrassed and Rich looked shocked.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." Rich hurried off.

"That's Jane's sister. Wow, she is talented, just like Jane said."

"Who's Jane?"

"Never mind. I want her for Louisa's kid sister in her next movie coming out.")

There may be blondes and brunettes that are hard to resist,
You surpass them like a queen.
You've got those lips that were meant to be kissed
And you're only sweet 16......oh!

Beautiful girl, what a gorgeous creature,
Beautiful girl, let me call the preacher,
What can I do, but give my heart to you.

A beautiful girl is like a great work of art,
She's stylish, she's sleek,
And she also is smart.

Beautiful girl, for you I've got a passion,
Beautiful girl, you're my queen of fashion,
I'm in a whirl, over my beautiful girl!"

"Lizzy! Hey, come here!" Lizzy walked over to Bingley and the director. "Guess what? C.F. Bingley wants to put you in a movie. You would be Louisa Hurst's character's little sister. What do you say?" Lizzy beamed.

"Thank you so much Mr. Bingley." He shook hands with her.

"Your sister told me you were talented." Lizzy looked disappointed. "No! I didn't mean that. You got this job on your own, I was just saying that your sister was completely right." Elizabeth looked relieved, but that didn't last long.

"Elizabeth! Hey, that's Elizabeth Bennet!" Will came running over with Rich close at his heels. Lizzy looked quickly for a way to escape, but was unsuccessful.

"You know her?"

"Yeah, she......."

"I might as well tell you Mr. Bingley. I'm the girl who threw that pie in Miss Lamont's face, believe me it was actually met for Mr. Darcy here. I'm sorry Bert, I should have told you. Thanks for the movie offer anyway, I guess I'll be on my way." Bingley cut in. Will brightened up.

"Movie offer? Why that's great!"

"You mean you don't mind if Miss Bennet here works for the studio?"

"No, I think it's great!"

"Okay, it's all settled. Miss Bennet, you're hired, come to my office later to sign the contracts. Just nobody tell Caroline." Bingley and the director walked off, Rich smiled.

"Well we're both glad that we finally found you, Miss Bennet. We've been searching inside every cake in town!"

"Well, you could have just searched the Coconut Grove, that is until Mr. Darcy had me fired!" Elizabeth's eyes blazed with anger.

"What?!?!? Had you fired? Whatever are you talking about? That wasn't me!"

"Yeah right! I heard it from the office clerk himself. They were going to excuse my behavior, because, let's face it, Caroline deserved it (author's note: you go girl!) but Mr. Wickham said you called and said they had better fire me or the Grove would never be hired for any Hollywood parties again!"

"Mr. Wickham? Hah! That man is still mad at me because I got a role once that he was trying out for."

"Can you deny that you have done it?"

"Yes, I certainly can and gladly! Caroline Lamont is the one who called, she told me so herself. I almost wrung her neck when I found out." Darcy looked pleadingly in her eyes for her to believe him, but she wasn't convinced. "Even ask Rich, he knows all about it. I even dragged him along to help me search for you to apologize for my behavior and to help you out." Lizzy turned towards Rich.

"It's true, every word of it Miss Bennet." Lizzy looked confused and not sure what to do.

"I.....I....uh, I've got to go think about this." Elizabeth started to run out of the studio.

"Elizabeth! Wait!" Will grabbed her arm and forced her to look him in the eyes. She was caught in his gaze but she finally broke the trance. She pulled away abruptly and jogged out of the studio. Will just stared at the door she walked out of, lost in his thoughts. Rich patted him on the back, bringing him back to his senses.

"What did I do wrong?"

"First, you tried to hit on her in her car, and when she rejected you, you insulted her. Secondly, when she jumped out of that cake...." Will glared at him. "Just a joke Will. Don't worry, just let her think things through. She's been through a whirlwind of emotions today and just needs to reevaluate her opinions, and most importantly, her thoughts on your character. Everything will turn out fine, just give her time. I saw that look she gave you."

"I wish I was as confident as you."

"Hey, Will. It's almost time for your diction lesson. You don't want to have bad grammar for your new movie do you?" Will groaned.

"Good heavens, I had forgotten. I better get going. Hey, stop by later if you can and help me get out of it"

"Have fun Will," Rich grinned mischievously. "I'll think of something." Will laughed.

"Can't wait to see this. Bye!" Will left Rich to formulate his plan.

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Chapter 5

Lady Russell's Diction School

"Okay, repeat after me."

"Tah....tea...tie....toe....tew!" Lady Russell rolled her eyes at Caroline.

"Okay, we'll just move on. What's the line we're working on?"

"An' I cain' stan 'im!"

"No, no! And I cahn't stahnd him!"

"An, I cain'-"

"No! Cahn't!"

"Cain'!" Lady Russell rubbed her eyes. This was gong to be a long lesson.

Mr. Collin's Diction and Etiquette School

"Cahn't.....cahn't." Will recited.

"Very good. Now let us try some tongue twisters. Arrround the rrrocks, the rrrugged, rrrascal rrran."

"Around the rocks-"

"No! Arrround the rrrocks.....roll your R's."

"Arrround the rrrocks, the rrrugged rrrascal rrran." Rich walked into the room. "Hey Rich!" Rich winked at him.

"Oh, don't let me interrupt, just pretend I'm not here."

"Let's do another one, Mr. Darcy. Sinful Caesar sipped his snifter, seized his knees, and sneezed."

"Uh....Sinful Caesar....uh, sipped his snifter?, seized his knees, and sneezed."

"Very good."

"Oh wonderful, wonderful....please do another one!" Rich begged Mr. Collins dramatically.

"Oh, okay. Chester chooses chestnuts, cheddar cheese with chewy chives. He chews them and he chooses them, he chooses them and he chews them. Those chestnuts, cheddar cheese and chives in chewy cheery chunks." Rich nodded and encouraged him the whole time, it was all Will could do to not laugh.

"Wonderful! Fabulous! You are quite astounding at this, sir." Mr. Collins bowed humbly. "Please favor us with one more!" Collins starts reciting the tongue twister, all the while Rich is making faces at Will, but stops when Collins turns back around between lines.

"Moses supposes his toses are roses.....but Moses supposes erroneously.....Moses he knowses his toses aren't Moses supposes his toses to be." At the last line however, Collins turned around and saw the face Rich was making, and was immediately embarrassed and shoved the book at Will. Will tried not to laugh and cleared his throat.

"Moses supposes his toses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously," Rich cut in, stepping up the beat.

"But Moses he knowses his toses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toses to be!" Will chimed back in singing.

"Moses supposes his toses are roses,
As Moses supposes his toses to be,
A Mose is a Mose,
A rose is a rose,
A toes is a toes,

"Moses supposes his toses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously, Moses he knowses his toses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toses to be!

"Moses! Moses! Moses! As Moses supposes his toses to be!

"A rose is a rose is a rose is a roses,
A rose is what Moses supposes his toes is,
It couldn't be a Lilly or a taffy-daffy-dilly,
It's got to be a rose cause it rhymes with Mose.

"Moses! Moses!" Rich and Will tapped and danced all around the studio baffling Collins and showing off their incredible ability. After thoroughly confusing Collins (author's note: not a hard task), they started covering him with chairs, lampshades, and finally a sign from off the wall with the letter A on it.


Jane and Lizzy's Apartment

".....that's what he said, Jane. He's telling the truth too, his friend Rich was there to back up his story."

"Then Wickham wasn't to be trusted."

"No. I guess I was too quick to judge both of them. Mr. Wickham had all the appearance of good and innocence, and Will Darcy, well, aside from the movie star appeal, he was just an arrogant jerk." Jane slyly smiled.

"So.......what do you think of him now?"

"Jane, I don't like that tone of voice."

"What tone of voice?" Jane smiled again, but this time she got the pillow in the face.

Set of Dueling Cavalier

"Okay everyone, we need quiet on the set!" Will and Caroline waited for the director's instructions.

"Okay. This is the scene where you need to win her over, Will. Caroline, please remember your lines this time, this isn't practice anymore!"


"Now, I need you both to remember that there is a microphone in the bush right in front of you, so please say your dialogue into it. Okay, here we go!" Will and Caroline took their places.

"Cameras!......Action!" The director quickly went inside the sound booth.

"Pierre! Yew shouldn' have come!" However, the director heard none of it and stopped the scene.

"Caroline please! You have to talk into the microphone for us to pick up your voice! We can't hear you otherwise."

"Sheesh, this is dumb!"

"Caroline, it's okay. Listen Bert, we're going to get this right. It's just our first try, so everyone's just a little nervous. Oh, and you know that line I have coming up 'Imperious princess of the night...' or something or other, would it be all right if I just say what I always say.. 'I love you...I love you....I love you?'"

"Fine, fine.....whatever's comfortable, but say it into the bush!!! Okay, everyone! Cameras!......Action!!!" he quickly stepped back into the booth. Caroline said her lines again but he only caught every other word because she was moving her head in all directions.

"Cut!" Everyone groaned. "Caroline, we're only picking up every other word, you need to talk into the bush!"

"I cain' make love to a bush!"

"Well, then we'll just have to think of something else." The director called the costume department over and they ended up slipping the microphone into a pocket sewed in front of Caroline's dress.

"Cameras!......Action!" When he was in the booth, however, he heard most of her words, but also a low thumping sound. "What's that sound?"

"The microphone is picking up her heartbeat!"

"Cut!" The microphone finally ended up on her left shoulder where they hoped she could finally talk into it.

It was about this time Bingley slipped into the back of the sound stage while there were started to record again. He tripped on a wire on his way to the booth.

"What's this doing here? People can trip on it!" The stage manager tried to signal for him to be quiet, but Bingley didn't understand. Instead, he yanked the microphone wire which led to Caroline's dress and totally flipped her backwards off the bench.


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Chapter 6

Posted on Tuesday, 17 October 2000, at 11 : 38 a.m.

Will Darcy's Dressing Room

"Yes.......uh-huh......yep......I know......yes........sure Will whatever you say." Rich just rolled his eyes. This was about the twentieth time today Will was discussing the "Lizzy incident," and it was only noon. Rich decided he needed to find a way to shut Will up and get him and Elizabeth together, and give his ears a rest. "I'll just go for a walk, that will help me think."

Rich stepped outside, not even saying goodbye to Will, who didn't even realize he had left because he was still ranting on about Lizzy. Rich started walking around the studio lot in deep contemplation about how to help out his friend.

"Well let's see......I could, that wouldn't work.....duct tape! Of course, I could get them into the same room, tape them together, and make them sit down and talk to each other......although that would be fun for me, I think they'd just end up hurting each other. Well I, that wouldn't work...." Rich was looking down while he was thinking so he didn't see the studio golf cart barelling towards him. However, when he looked up, it was too late. "AHHHHHHHH!!!.................."

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Charlotte's Apartment "Yes......uh-huh.....sure Lizzy, .....yeah I know what you mean.....I'm not sure what he meant by that......of, don't think that......uh-huh." Charlotte rolled her eyes at the phone. "Okay, listen carefully to me I have your attention? JUST GO OUT WITH THE MAN!!!!! Ok? You obviously have feelings for him otherwise we wouldn't be discussing the "Will incident" over and over and over!......No Lizzy, don't do that.......I don't care what he said, he apologized profusely to you and I think you should consider forgiving him.......but I am your friend.......I know, I know Lizzy, I'd love to stay and discuss this for the 30th time today with you, but I have to get to work, ok?......yeah I love you I really mean it......forget about what he said......(*sigh*).....I really do have to go now......yes.....I know he's cute......I know he was a jerk.....uh-huh....yeah, I'm hanging up now....bye!....uh-huh......but Lizzy....bye!" Charlotte slammed down the phone with an exasperated sigh. This was going to be a long day.

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Chapter 7

Posted on Monday, 23 October 2000, at 4 : 08 p.m.

Charlotte quickly gathered her things and headed off to work before she was too late. Charlotte headed outside to take a trolley, when she suddenly realized she forgot her piano music back in her house.

"Ahhh! Is nothing going to go right today?" Charlotte quickly ran back to her house and grabbed the sheet music and ran back out her door. However, she was so intent on thinking about how late she was, she didn't see the bicycle barreling towards her.


Chpater 8

Rosings Park Hospital

"Owwwww.....*moan*......grrrrr.....why does my head feel like it has been hit with a hammer?" Charlotte slowly sat up in bed. "Where am I?" Charlotte looked around and saw a handsome man in the bed next to her smiling at her.

"You're in the hospital dearie." Charlotte blushed and suddenly realized she was wearing one of those hospital know, the one with the extra air vent in back? Charlotte quickly leaned back against the bed self-consciously.

"Uh....hi. What am I doing.....oh yeah, that's right." Charlotte rubbed her head.

"Hi! My name's Richard, but you can call me Rich, what's yours?"

" you hear that ringing?"

"Yes.....but I'm afraid we're the only ones who do. Possibly why they won't let us out of here." Charlotte smiled back at him. "So what are you in for?" Charlotte groaned.

"Some idiotic ex-stuntman turned diction coach turned reverend ran me over with his bicycle, you?" Rich groaned at his unhappy memory.

"Some ditzy, nasally movie star decided she wanted to take the studio tour car for a joy ride......and I guess I just happened to be one of the tour stops." Rich rubbed the bump on his head.

"Well, Rich, nice to meet you, too bad it was under these circumstances." Charlotte flashed him a smile.

"Yes, nice to meet you!" Rich flashed her a killer smile and Charlotte's head spinned, however it had nothing to do with the accident.

"Nothing against you or anything, but I wasn't aware they had mixed gender rooms. I am sure, however, that I look dazzling today in my designer hospital gown and all." Charlotte joked. Richard's head started to spin this time, he was a sucker for humor in the opposite sex.

"Um....yeah.....well it's kind of cozy, isn't it?" Richard raised his eyebrows suggestively. Charlotte smiled flirtatiously in return.

"Yes it is, but don't you think we should......." Will Darcy rushed into the room, interrupting Charlotte. Richard cursed Will for his bad timing.

"Rich! Oh my goodness!!!! Are you okay? I rushed over as soon as I heard what happened! Was it really Caroline? How awful! How do you feel? Are you going to be fine? What did the doctors say?......" Rich felt another headache coming on, and rolled his eyes at Will for only Charlotte to see. Charlotte giggled.

"To answer you questions.........I'm fine.....yes it was....sore....yes I will.......and finally...NO VISITORS!" Charlotte giggled again captivated by Rich, but suddenly realized who the stranger was.

Will, ignoring Richard's last statement, sat down and visited a while much to Rich's and Charlotte's annoyment. Will finally took the hint when Rich yawned quite a bit and pretended to be falling asleep. He said goodbye, and as soon as he left the room, Rich turned to Charlotte.

"So, where were we?" Charlotte smiled.

"Well, I was just about to say that we should......Lizzy!" Charlotte proclaimed. Richard gave her a curious look until he saw the lady walk into the room with flowers for Charlotte. Rich immediately turned away and pretended to be sleeping, so Elizabeth wouldn't recognize him, this was something he did not want to deal with right now.

"Charlotte!!!! How are you? I rushed over here as soon as Mariah called me! What happened? Is anything broken? How long have you been here? Who did this to you? What did the doctors say?" Charlotte peaked over at Rich, and heard a quiet chuckle coming from his bed.

"Well, to answer your questions.....I'm fine....I got hit by a bicycle...just my foot....physically probably 4 hours, mentally I'd say about a half hour....some psycho minister named Collins....and finally...." Charlotte stole another glance at Rich. "...NO VISITORS!" Rich quickly rolled over and gave Charlotte an amused look.

"Oh, who cares about that, I'm your best friend, they'll let me stay." Charlotte pretended to be happy, but rolled her eyes at Rich. "So tell me everything....."

Rich actually did start to fall asleep waiting for Lizzy to leave, but perked up again when he realized they were talking about Will.

"You know about our subject on the phone earlier today? I still don't know what to think about him, I think I'll just forget about him."

"Good Lizzy....uh-huh....whatever you say, but I'm getting kind of tired so if we could talk about the know, the incident later, I'd like to get some sleep. Okay?" Elizabeth finally got the hint and gave her a cautious hug, trying not to hurt her, and said goodbye. As soon as Lizzy left the room Rich once again focused on Charlotte.

"So you're Lizzy's best friend, huh?"

"So you're Will's cousin I've been hearing all about."

"Hearing all about? I see she's talking your ear off too." Rich rolled his eyes. Charlotte laughed.

"That's a nice way to put it. you have a plan?"

"My dear Charlotte," Charlotte blushed at this and Rich smiled, "I most certainly do."

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Chapter 9

Posted on Saturday, 25 November 2000, at 5 : 32 p.m.

C.F. Bingley's office at Pemberley Pictures

Will walked up the stairs to Bingley's office, dreaming of Lizzy and wondering where she could be. He signaled to the secretary and she buzzed him in. Will walked to the door and reached for the door knob, when the door was suddenly flung open and a beautiful lady emerged. She looked a little embarrassed at first for almost running into him, then a look of recognition crossed her face when she looked up at him. She turned embarrassed again as she addressed him.

"Uh, Mr. Darcy, I have a message for you from my sister. She would like to tell you that..." the woman trailed off when an impatient, angry look crossed Will's face.

"Excuse me, miss, but I don't know your sister and I really do have some business to attend to, so if you will excuse me. Oh, and do tell your sister, that famous actors prefer to be introduced to girls in person instead of from messages from their sisters." Will started for Bingley's office when the woman realized her error.

"No! Wait! But.....her name is....." Will walked inside and closed the door. "...Elizabeth, oh dear."

Will looked around for Bingley when he walked in, but didn't see him at first. Then he saw the chair behind Bingley's desk slowly spin around, revealing the owner himself as the occupant. He had a far off, dreamy look on his face, making Will quite fearful for his health. However, on closer examination, Will saw a faint trace of lipstick on his cheek and he knew the cause of his behavior. Will cleared his throat loudly. Bingley started and slowly focused on Will.

"Will!! Hey, how are you?" Will smiled.

"Just fine, do I dare ask how you are?"

"Splendid, splendid! I'm doing great! Yes, wonderful. Super, I'm doing fine...."

"So you say you're good?" Will chuckled. "Another starlet Bingley?" Bingley's face fell.

"Jane is no starlet! She's wonderful, she's beautiful, she's the best lady I have ever known!"

"Do you know for sure that she feels the same way about you?"

"Of course she does. Otherwise she would have tried to get herself a part in a movie instead of suggesting her sister Elizabeth for a role. You know Elizabeth don't you?" Darcy froze. His mind whirled and he suddenly realized what the woman outside the door was trying to say to him.

"What was her last name?"


"Elizabeth.....she's mean she...her sister was.....Jane was just....her message was from...I, uh..." Will sprinted out of Bingley's office.

Bingley sat confused about Will's behavior and quite fearful for his health when he heard him yelling Jane's name all the way down the hallway. However, memories of Jane were soon remembered and Will's health concerns quickly forgotten.

Lambton Park (north side)

"...I'm telling you man, her sister told me she had a message from Lizzy for me....did you just hear what I said?"

"Will, I know, I heard you, again, just like the first twenty recounts of the story, but what did she have to say to you?" Will colored.

"Well, I wasn't able to catch her sister....but we should be out looking for Elizabeth! She has something she wants to tell me!" Rich just searched the park, obviously looking for something. "Rich!"

"Yes, Will." Rich wanted nothing but for Will to shut up so he could keep his plan in motion, so he decided to deflate him a little bit. "Did you ever think that maybe she had bad news to tell you? Maybe that's why she didn't want to tell you in person." Will stopped walking, clearly thinking hard.

" that you put it that way.....maybe I should just go back home and think this over."

"Blast!" Rich thought, he was afraid he deflated him a bit too much. "Then again, knowing Miss Bennet's personality, she would have wanted to tell you off in person."

"You think?!?!?" Although this seemed hardly a positive thought, Will was full of hope. "Okay, Rich, why don't we...." Rich sighed in relief and tuned out Will's babbling. As he scanned the park, he smiled when he saw a familiar tree and swing.

"Finally," Rich thought, "Now to get rid of him."

".....and when I see her, I will tell her I'm so......" Rich pretended to trip. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, fine. Shoot! My shoelace has come undone. Go on without me, please. I'll meet you at that swing up there, I think I need to rest. You know, a little too much exercise after the accident."

"Okay, Rich, I'll be right up there." Will walked over to the bench and sat down, all the while planning out a conversation with Lizzy. Rich smiled at how gullible his cousin was and walked back over the hill with his still tied shoelace to meet a very special friend.

Lambton Park (south side)

"....and Jane completely forgot to tell him who she was so he just walked past her into the office." Lizzy sighed. "I don't know if I'm every going to be able to tell him, Charlotte. For some reason fate always gets in the way." Charlotte smiled knowingly.

"Well, Lizzy, sometimes, fate just needs a little push."

"That's true, but when am I every going to see him again?"

"Oh don't worry Lizzy, I'm sure it won't be long." Charlotte scanned the area and saw a familiar tree, hiding a bench behind it. "Lizzy, I'm afraid I need to use the restroom. Why don't you go sit on that bench over there behind that big tree and save it for us. I think I need to rest."

"I'm sorry! Are you in pain? I'm sorry I made you walk so far after the accident. We can go home if you want."

"NO!!!....I mean, the fresh air is doing me good. Just wait over there, and I'll be right back." Lizzy was convinced and headed for the bench. Charlotte prayed her partner in crime had done his job and quickly headed to where he hopefully would be waiting.

Lizzy round the tree and headed towards the bench, only to find it was already occupied.



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Chapter 10

Posted on Tuesday, 2 January 2001, at 11 : 49 p.m.

Jane and Elizabeth's place

"Oh Jane! I'm so happy!!" Jane beamed at her sister.

"I'm so glad for you Elizabeth. I'm happy that you two have made up and finally come together."

"Me too. I can hardly remember what we were fighting about now. I'm sure something silly. I'm just so happy Charlotte and Rich decided to take things into their own hands. I'd probably still be mad at him and never see him again." Jane giggled.

"Speaking of Charlotte and Rich, they look so well together don't they?"

"I know, they're so cute. I know it seems so sudden but Charlotte was talking about marriage between the two of them. They've actually discussed it!"

"Really?!? That's wonderful news! They seem so perfect for each other."

"Speaking of marriage....have you and Bingley ever talked about it?" Jane got a sparkle in her eye.

"Well....we haven't exactly talked specifically about it......but, oh, I love him dearly Lizzy!" Elizabeth went over and hugged her sister, she was so happy for her.

"So has he become more than 'the most amiable man of your acquaintance?" Jane colored.

"Yes, he certainly has. While we haven't discussed marriage, it seems to be a mutual understanding that in the future we will be married......the near future."

"That's wonderful Jane! I'm so very happy for you." Jane's demeanor quickly changed from romantic to mischievous.



"So.....Rich and Charlotte......Charles and I.....William and......well?" Elizabeth colored as she finally caught her meaning.

"'s too soon Jane......I think." She said the last part almost as if she were questioning herself, making Jane wonder.

"You don't sound so sure Lizzy."

"Well.....I like him so much. I spoke of him being proud before, but he has no improper pride. He only feels pride in his work and what he has accomplished. I'm so grateful he has forgiven me for the things I have said to him, they must have deeply hurt him. I know he insulted me, but he was only defending himself like me."

"You have completely forgiven him?"

"Yes, I have. I understand him now. We had a nice long talk about each other and we got to know one another. Every time I see him, he rises in my esteem."

"Just in your esteem?" teased Jane.

"No, not just esteem. He is the greatest man I have ever known.....I...." Elizabeth hesitated, knowing the importance of her words. "......I love him Jane." Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears and she quickly hugged her sister.

"And marriage?"

"Well, I'm still not sure.....we still need time. We don't know each that well yet." However Elizabeth questioned herself if that was really the truth.

"Well, no matter what the status of your relationship is, we had better call mother. I still haven't told her about Charles yet."

"Oh dear heavens, Jane, do we have to?" whined Elizabeth.

"You know she's due to be calling us soon wanting to know about any men in our lives."

"Oh, yes, yes, and if we don't have one, we'll have no compassion on her poor nerves!" Lizzy and Jane fell into a fit of laughter.

C.F. Bingley's Office

"Good for you Will. I'm so happy you've finally caught up to her."

"You're not the only one. Rich is glad I've stopped coming to him to discuss her with him. Although I doubt he'd pay attention anymore, he's too busy daydreaming about Charlotte. I do believe he is quite thankful that Caroline ran him over now." Will and Bingley laughed.

"I know Jane was telling me about how Charlotte is very happy also, they are possibly even thinking of marriage."

"Rich mentioned something like that, but I guess I didn't think he was serious. Well, maybe I should go talk to him about it."

"You're not going to talk him out of it are you?" Will shook his head.

"No, I wouldn't dream of it. He's the happiest I've ever seen him. I just want to hear his feelings on the subject."

"Jane says that they have discussed it among each other. Though he hasn't proposed, she's expecting them to get engaged soon." Will smirked.

"So what else does Jane say?" Bingley colored.

"Well,'s just that I get all my gossip from her." Will just smiled. "Oh, stop it, Will. I've had to put up with you talking about her sister all the time, I think you can put up with me for a while."

"Good point." Bingley shifted uncomfortably, obviously trying to work up some courage to discuss something with Will. "What is it Bingley?"

"Actually, Will, you may have to put up with me talking about her for a long time. I'm....well....." Bingley cleared his throat, "Well, I'm thinking of proposing to Jane." Will stared at Bingley.

'You're going to propose?........marriage?"

"Yes of course, what else would I propose to her?" Darcy quickly shut his mouth, realizing it had been hanging open for a while.

"I, uh, well...........congratulations Bingley."

"Well don't be too excited about it...."

"No, honestly, I'm happy for you. It just came as quite a shock."

"It's just that Jane is everything to me. I can't go through a day without having some type of contact with her. She's so sweet, innocent, angelic, gentle, loving, unselfish, kind....she's the perfect woman. I love her so much, I've never felt like this about anyone, I want to be with her for the rest of my life."

"She seems so serene, are you sure that she loves you too?"

"She's just shy, she doesn't know you very well. She's very talkative around me......and wonderful, caring....." Will rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Bingley. I think I get the picture. When do you plan on popping the question?"

"I'm not sure. I have to find just the right time, very romantic."

"Well good luck. Don't be nervous."

"Well, it's a little late for that, Will. It's forever, but I love her." Will smiled and left his office. Will sighed. All of his friends had found their soulmates, according to them, and were getting married. Will had waited and longed for Elizabeth for so long......but was this forever? After much contemplation, he decided he was sure she was his soulmate, but was he ready for this? More importantly, was she?

The more he thought about marrying Elizabeth, the more excited and happy he got. What would she say if he asked her?

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Chapter 11

Posted on Sunday, 7 January 2001, at 9 : 18 p.m.

It was tattered by now...the sides of the picture curling up, creases lining it, time smearing it with a tinge of yellow. The four of them were smiling so broadly and carefreely into the camera. her smile , the children... God...the children where like small miracles... It was taken on the most beautiful day, the sky had been clear, the wind brisk and invigorating, the sun casting its warmth like a loving embrace. But now the picture appeared how he felt, melancholy, overcast, and unequivocally doomed.

For the first time in what seemed months, Will actually cast his eyes about him surveying his surroundings. It was almost strange to him to do what normal people do on an everyday basis...observe. For the past...God he didn't even know how long it had been...year or two he had just walked around in a daze, eating and sleeping wherever he could, never staying anywhere long. not like he could, he was an American...a valuable commodity here.

Now as he looked about him he realized how completely dismal his surroundings looked. He remembered when he had come here about 3 years ago, before the war had touched this had been so beautiful, so picturesque. she had loved it so much . The beautiful bridge that had spanned the river, so strong, so ancient, now stood in shambles. Large pieces having crumbled from the mortars. He stood on one of the last remnants that actually remained.

Everything about this place had seemed new and wonderful to them then...especially to the children. Although Ilian had been upset about leaving school, at eight he had already begun to make wonderful friends in Boston, he had loved the new places they had traveled to. Asha was only six, young enough to see wonder in anything, and everything.

and she had loved it too... those dark eyes had twinkled as she gazed upon all their surroundings with such awe. It had seemed like such a great idea then, come to Bosnia with the Peace Core, help people for two years AND get rid of their med school loans. With those loans gone they could buy a house, maybe a nice car when they got back...

The irony of it all made Will laugh, but there was no mirth only bitterness in that laugh. It was a laugh that could easily be mistaken for a grimace, and it was filled with nothing but pain...

Those dreams...all those dreams...their family...amazing what one misplaced mortar in a civilian peacekeeping apartment complex could do. It ruined his life...

How long had it been, he couldn't even remember...all he knew was that there was nothing left...nothing...nothing but painful memories in the states...

And with that thought of despair, Will prepared to let go of his grip of the bridge, ready to jump into oblivion, ready to let nothingness swallow him...and ready to finally find peace...

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Chapter 12

Posted on Wednesday, 10 January 2001, at 5 : 36 p.m.

Jane and Lizzy's House

Charlotte and Jane nodded at each other. Lizzy had just told them about her fight yesterday with Will in the park, and they both knew why he had reacted that way.

"Uh, dear...." Jane said as she handed Elizabeth yet another bowl of ice cream. "Do you have any clue why Will reacted the way he did?"

"No! He just blew up! I can't understand why he was so hurt and angry! What did I say?" Charlotte sat down next to her.

"Lizzy, dear, don't you realize what he was trying to ask you?" Elizabeth shook her head in confusion.

"How long have Rich and I been together?"

"About a month." Jane sat down on her other side.

"And how long have you and Will been together?"

"Same time, a month." They looked at her, she still didn't understand. Charlotte spoke up.

"Why do you think he was so hurt and upset by you thinking that a relationship that started at the same time as yours was too early for marriage?"

"You're not saying that he was thinking about marriage between us?" Lizzy looked to her sister and then to her friend, both were nodding their heads.

"Although he reacted quite strongly, I believe he was trying to get your feelings on the subject." Elizabeth hung her head.

"He didn't react too strongly, he was probably vulnerable and had his hopes up. Then I said that to him. It must have crushed him. He was probably thinking I don't care! What am I going to do?"

"You could start by changing your mind and going to the preview of Will's new movie tonight." suggested Jane.

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Charlotte. "You guys can laugh and joke and everything will be better!"

"No, I can't. He won't want to talk to me, and he'd be the only reason I'd go. I wouldn't have enough courage and confidence to see Caroline hanging on his arm and not be jealous. Go on without me."

"Do you want us to give him a message?"

"Yes, that's a good idea. Tell him......tell him I was so foolish, but I understand now what he was trying to talk about. Tell him I want to talk to him about this." Charlotte smiled and winked at Jane.

"Say he agrees and comes over to talk.....what are you going to say? How will you answer? Come on girl, all the details!" Lizzy laughed.

"I'm really not sure.....however, Charlotte, I'm starting to understand how you and Rich feel. Now go! I just hope he will want to talk to me."

"Oh my goodness! It's 7 o'clock! Charlotte can I get a ride with you and Rich? Charles has some things to do at the theater beforehand so I need to meet him there."

"No problem, Jane. We'd love some company!" Lizzy walked them to the door.

"Well, goodnight girls. Remember the message! Don't' forget to tell him, please!"

"We promise Lizzy, don't worry. You'll meet again, love each other more, do some much needed talking, and all will be as it was, if not better!"

"I hope so!" Elizabeth opened the door and almost screamed in surprise. Outside was Will, completely soaked from the pouring rain. He looked as if he had been there a while, contemplating whether or not to knock. He looked up with a sad face, but seemed to be searching for a reason to hope. Recovering from the shock, Lizzy ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. Will's face melted from sadness into a huge content smile, complete with Lizzy's favorite dimples. Charlotte and Jane beamed at the united couple. Will pulled away.

"I said 7 o'clock right?"

"You're right on time!" laughed Lizzy and she hugged him again.

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Chapter 13

Posted on Saturday, 13 January 2001, at 5 : 02 p.m.

Charlotte smiled. "Well Jane, shall we get going?"

"Sounds good to me." Jane smirked at Lizzy. "Well, see you later?" Elizabeth nodded.

"Bye!" Lizzy waved from Will's embrace. The two women giggled as they walked off, happy for the couple and happy to be seeing their guys very soon.

"Let's never do that again, okay?" Will smiled and hugged her tighter.

"Never! I love you!"

"I love you too!!!"

"Liz, I'm so sorry."

"It's not all your fault, Will. We're both to blame. Next time, just tell me what's bugging you, I promise I'll understand."

"Well....I was trying to talk to you about something...."

"YES?!?" Lizzy was getting excited and very happy.

"....but it can wait till later." Will was looking at the ground so he didn't see her face fall in disappointment. "So will you still come with me tonight?"



"Not if you stay soaked like that, I won't." Lizzy smiled, trying to shake off what almost happened. However, the site of Will in a wet shirt soon pushed everything else from her mind.

Will walked inside, suddenly aware of all the water he was dripping. "Uh...could I borrow a towel? Hmmm......actually, I think I'm going to need more than that." Will started to wring out his sleeve as Lizzy laughed.

"Too bad my other handsome boyfriend didn't leave a spare change of clothes laying around." Will laughed.

"I thought you were going to get rid of him?"

"Oh I am.....have to let him down easy though, he's very fragile." Lizzy winked. "Well, go ahead and dry off in the bathroom and I'll go get ready."

"Remember, nothing too fancy, we're trying to blend in with the crowd. I don't want them to know we're there."

At the Theater...

Rich spotted Will and Elizabeth outside the theater hand in hand.

"Hey you two! Glad you finally made it! Bingley is inside worrying his head off waiting for you to show up!" Will started to escort Lizzy inside after paying for the tickets when Charlotte stopped him.

"You two better not go in together.....Caroline's right inside waiting to get her claws into you."

"I'm sorry Liz..."

"That's okay. Charlotte, Jane and I will lead your cheering section from the balcony." Will gave her a quick kiss.

"I'll see you afterwards!" called Will as Rich dragged him inside.

"Willy! There yew are!" Bingley grabbed Caroline's arm.

"SHHHHH!!!! We don't want people to know we're here, remember? This isn't a premiere!"

"Oh, never mind that. Willy, come here, I saved you a seat!" Will rolled his eyes at Rich who just groaned from the pain in his ears. Bingley, Will, Caroline, Rich and the director all sat in the back row on the first level to be able to gauge the audiences reaction. Suddenly the lights went down, the screen lit up, and much to Will's displeasure, Caroline clung tighter to his arm.

Bingley looked at them all. "Here we go!" The screen showed:

Will Darcy and Caroline Lamont

Will heard a very familiar trio of female voices cheering from overhead and Will smiled to himself. Next appeared:

"The Dueling Cavalier" 100% all talkie!

Clapping came from all over the audience.

Music by: Rich Fitzwilliam

Rich heard the familiar cat calls about studmuffin and colonel hotpants from that group that called themselves "Dwiggies" but suddenly they were muffled. Finally, one single familiar female voice cheered loudly and whistled triumphantly. Rich laughed and was confident he had found the right girl.

Produced by: C.F. Bingley and Pemberley Pictures

Again three female voices cheered loudly and Bingley blushed and sank lower in his seat as the movie started.

Caroline enters playing with her pearls which is making a lot of noise.

Bingley whispers to the director "What's that noise......a thunderstorm?"

"No, sir, it's those pearls rattling." Bingley just shook his head and continued watching.

Caroline started to speak in a haughty voice, but the nasal tone was still there, no matter how much she tried to cover it up.

"I am thee nobolest laydy of the court, second only to the queen, and yet I am thee saddest"

"Why is that my lady?"

"Oh Louisa, ay'm so downheartttted. Ay'm betrothed to the Baron de Mansfield and I cain stan 'im!"

The crowd laughs at Caroline's tone of voice. However, Caroline doesn't notice.

"Sounds good an' loud, don't it?" Caroline whispered and clung more onto Will's arm, who already foresaw trouble.

"Ay'm in love with Pierre, and I cahn't get im out of my mind!"

The scene switches and Caroline is alone in the garden. Will runs in and heavy footsteps are heard. He spots Caroline and throws his cane down, landing with a loud crash.

The crowd erupts with laughter. Bingley, Rich, and Will all sink lower in their seats.

"Oh Pierre! You shouldn' 'ave come! You're in danger..."

The audience laughs as you can only hear half of the dialogue because Caroline whips her head around obviously missing the microphone.

"She never could figure out where the microphone was boss." said the director sheepishly. Bingley glares at Caroline, who was still smiling and is ditzily oblivious to what was going on.

Will says his speech walking around, and all you hear is him stomping, the loud rustling of his clothes, and whispers of his dialogue. Will eventually settles back down on the bench saying something to Caroline who bangs him with a fan on his arm and all that is heard is a big boom.

The audience laughs and someone yells out asking what she hit him with.

Will leans over to Caroline and declares, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,......."

Again the audience laughs and someone yells out, "Did somebody get paid to write that dialogue?" Will sinks down in his chair lower and lower...

All of a sudden the film jumps and the sound and film are out of synchronization with each other as Will's character is getting ready to fight.

"Oh no! The sound is off from the film!" cried the director. Bingley grabbed him.

"Go tell them to fix it! Hurry!!!" The director ran off as Will sank lower and lower.....

Will read a ransom note. "Evan!? Kidnapped? OH! My Sword! My Sword! I must fly to her side! own..."

All this is being said while halfway through, the scene cuts to Caroline screaming for Will.

"Pierre!!! Pierre will sayve me!!!" cried Caroline...while it showed her captor talking.

"Pierre can't save you! He's miles away you wench!" The captor grabs her and kisses her during this scene and shows Caroline screaming no.

"NO! NO! NO!"...shows captor nodding yes.

"YES! YES! YES!"....Caroline shaking her head no.

"NO! NO! NO!"...nodding...

"YES! YES! YES!"...shaking...

"NOoooouuuoooo...nooouuuuoo....nnnnoooooooooooooooooooo..." The film jumps leaving an empty screen while the sound slows to a stop.

Will sinks all the way down in his seat as the audience is in hysterics.

Outside the theater

"That was horrible Bingley! What are we going to do?" Will raises the collar on his jacket so no one will recognize him as the audience walks out. He starts to hear the comments from the audience as they leave.

"That was horrendous! Give me pictures like the 'Jazz Singer' anytime, nothing like this!"

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." recites one boy as he and his buddies pass. Will grabs Bingley's arm.

"We can't release this picture! We'll be ruined!"

"We have to Will, we're booked to open in six weeks! Well, with stars like you though, I'm sure we'll come out of it all right." A couple passed them.

"I never want to see that Darcy and Lamont again!" Will slapped his forehead.

"We are ruined!"

"I liked it!!!" replied a cheery Caroline. The group just stared at her.

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Chapter 14, Will's House

Posted on Saturday, 3 February 2001, at 9 : 58 p.m.

"Well, take one last look at it. She'll be up for auction in the morning!" Lizzy walked over to Will in his kitchen and patted his shoulder.

"That's ridiculous, Will."

"'s Saturday! No one will foreclose until Monday!" offered Rich, which only got a dirty look from Will and amused glances from Charlotte and Lizzy.

"It's not that bad, Will." comforted Lizzy.

"No......the picture is a museum piece....I'm a museum piece. Everything you said, Liz, when we first met was true. I'm just a shadow on film."

"You know I didn't mean any of those things."

"Will, it will be okay." said Rich. Charlotte walked over to give him a hug.

"Just watch Will, it will all turn out okay."

"Thank you all for your confidence, but something happened to me tonight. I.......I saw my true self. I have no pride in what I do anymore. I'm washed up, I'm a's all a bunch of dumb show."

"At least your taking it lying down." joked Rich, Elizabeth threw him a dirty look.

"No kidding Rich. Have you ever seen something so stupid as me on that screen tonight?" Charlotte giggled, they all stared at her.

"Yes.......Caroline." she explained.

"Come on Will, cheer up! You're not through!" Lizzy sat down next to him. Rich winked at Charlotte and they walked over to him.

"Come on Will, why with looks and a figure like yours, you could drive an ice wagon..." Charlotte joined in.

"...shine shoes..."

"...block hats..."

"...dig ditches..."

"...sell pencils!" Will smiled weakly.

"Thanks for coming over to cheer me up guys, but it's over, I'm finished."

"Too bad we can't just go back to our old vaudeville number." Rich started to sing, "Fit as a fiddle, ready for love..." Lizzy suddenly perked up with an idea.

"Wait! Why can't you?"

"Huh?" asked Will, Rich, and Charlotte.

"Liz, darling, I really don't think those plaid suits are in style anymore...actually I don't think they were ever in style."

"No! Not the old show, I meant why don't you make the movie into a musical? You know......singing, dancing?" Charlotte chimed in.

"That's a great idea Lizzy! They could add songs here and there and Rich, honey, you could write the songs!" Rich jumped up.

"That's a great idea!"

"But do you think it will work?" asked Will, getting excited.

"I think it would."

"I'd go see it!"

"Cuz, I think you've got a way to save the movie!" Will glanced over at the daily calendar.

"Well it looks like the 21st is my lucky day!" Charlotte walked over and ripped off the day's date.

"No it's not Will. You're lucky day is the 22nd..." Everyone looked at her in confusion. "It's 1:30 already! It's morning!" Everyone laughed and Lizzy grabbed Will's arm.

"And what a lovely mornin'!" Everyone sang and danced around Will's kitchen and living room happy that they solved Will's problem and delirious from their lack of sleep.

"Good mornin'...Good mornin', We've talked the whole night through, Good mornin', good mornin' to you.

Good mornin', good mornin' It's great to stay up late. Good mornin', good mornin' to you.

When the band began to play, the stars were shining bright, Now the milkman's on his way, it's too late to say good night.

So say good mornin', good mornin' Sun beams will snooze the while through, Good mornin', good mornin' to you and you and you and you!

Good mornin', good mornin', We gabbed the whole night through. Good mornin', good mornin' to you.

When we left the movie show, the future wasn't bright, But came the dawn, the show goes on, and I don't wanna say goodnight.

So say good mornin', good mornin', Rainbows are shining through. Good mornin', good mornin' to you."

When everyone's energy fizzled out, they plopped down on the sofa in hysterical laughing fits. Rich, Charlotte, and Elizabeth were giggling amongst each other when Will had a sudden thought. The reality of the situation hit him and he groaned.

"It won't work! We can't do a musical." Everyone spun around to look at him, giggling suddenly ceasing.

"What?" "Why?" "What are you talking about?" They all asked at once.

"Caroline." Everyone groaned and leaned back on the couch. "She can't act, she can't sing, and she can't dance...a triple threat." They all sunk back into the hopeless situation they were in before, until Lizzy giggled. They all stared at her.

"I'm sorry, Will, but...." She giggled again, "..I think I liked her best on that screen tonight." She started to giggle again. "YES! YES! YES!" she giggled while shaking her head. Charlotte started to giggle too.

"NO! NO! NO!" she whined nasally as she nodded her head.


"NO! NO!..." Rich suddenly stood up interrupting Charlotte.

"Hold on! I'm just about to be brilliant! Come here you two!" Rich whispered something to Charlotte as he placed Elizabeth behind her, blocking Lizzy from view. "Now Lizzy, sing!"


"Just sing!" Lizzy shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok." She started to sing as Charlotte mouthed the words. "Good mornin'! Good mornin'! It's great to stay up late..." Rich stopped them.

"So? What do you think?" Will gave Rich a quizzical look.

"Charming.....what?" Charlotte understood and walked over to Will.

"Don't you get it? Lizzy dubs as Caroline's voice!" Lizzy rushed over to Will, who was still thinking.

"Wonderful, Rich! That's a great idea!" Will shook his head.

"No, we can't do that."

"Why ever not?"

"I won't let you do it Liz. You'd be throwing away your careers in the movies! No one will see you!"

"Will, it's only for one picture. I'm only doing this to help you, it will have no effect on my career. Please, Will, what do you say?" Will debated with himself for a while.

"Ok, Liz, but we'll make sure you're in the credits." She gave him a hug and a kiss.

"You're a genius, Will." Rich pouted.

"Well, I'm glad you thought of it." Charlotte smirked and hugged him.

"Oh, Rich, you're the best!" Rich wiggled his eyebrows at Will and Elizabeth then gave Charlotte a big kiss.

"Well....uh...we better get going." Charlotte poked Rich in the ribs as a hint.

"Yes, we better. There's something I need to discuss with you anyway." Rich raised his eyebrows at Will hoping he would catch his meaning.

Will understood and he mouthed "good luck." As Lizzy walked over to say goodbye to Charlotte, Rich pointed to his left ring finger and mouthed "You too?"

However, before Will could give an answer, Charlotte grabbed Rich's arm to leave.

"Bye Will! Bye Lizzy!"


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