Pride In The Old West

Pride In The Old West

By Lee

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Jump to new as of April 16, 1998

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Part 1

"Well, there it is!" sighed Binger "Whadda ya think?"

It was on a hot and dry afternoon that the two had finally reached the crest of the hill. As they topped the ridge the large ranch house came into view.

"Its a right nice piece of property," answers Darc, twisting around in his saddle.

"Of course, its not Pemberose, but then I don't know of anything that can equal it anyway," admits Binger. He points down into the valley, "I figure to build a good sized barn over there next to the bunkhouse and then tear the old one down. Its weather beaten and boards are falling in."

"Yup!" agrees Darc "Look over here!" he motions. "We can run them doggies down that ridge there and right into this pasture area over here."

"Good idea, Darc. Hadn't thought about that. C'mon, lets go down to the main house, I want to show you the insides."

The men nudge their horses ahead down into the valley. The steep walls force them to weave their way back and forth. The valley is breathtaking. The closer they get to the valley floor, the more Darc envies Binger's acquisition. The basin has a good water supply and many areas of decent pasture land.

"Hey Binger! Whose house is that? Does it belong to you, too?" asks Darc, pointing to a small house situated some distance from the main house.

"Yeah, it came with it. It belongs to the ranch foreman. The former owner gave him the place. I haven't met him yet, his name's Bennet, I think."

The horses carry their masters slowly up to the main house. The home was a large two story house having a separate wing coming off each side. Tall white columns frame the front of the house.

Darc is speechless and yet so sure that had he found it first, he would be moving in instead of Binger. Yes, his friend had made an excellent purchase. The horses come to a stop in front of the house. The men jump down and slap the dust off their clothes.

"Hey Darc, tie your horse up and c'mon in." bellowed Binger, walking through the door.

Darc obediently does as he is told. As he continues dusting off his clothes, he gets the strangest feeling that someone is watching him. He turns and looks toward the barn, but doesn't see anyone.

Oh well, it must be his imagination, he decides. He adjusts his hat and slowly enters the house. The door slams shut behind him.

The heavy drapes are pulled making it dark in the dwelling. Most of the furniture is covered with sheets. He walks further into the house. He looks around trying to discern something that will tell him in what part of the house he is in. He looks overhead and notices the chandelier and surmises that he must be in the parlor. He stands silent.

"Darc?" shouts Binger, from somewhere upstairs.

"What?" yells Darc in return.

"Come up the stairs."

"Well...all right." answered Darc, turning around in circles until he finally locates the stairs. He starts up them cautiously.

"Where are you?" he says, arriving at the top.

"I'm in here," replies Binger

Darc turns and heads in the direction of the voice. "What are you doing in here?"

"This is going to be my room," answers Binger

"Well, as best as I can see it, it will be a good room. Why don't you open the curtains?"

Binger walks over and pulls the curtain back, "This will be the room where I will bring my bride."

"What bride?" inquires Darc, stunned.

"The one that I am going to have."

Darc looks at his friend, "Wait just a cotton pickin' minute here, when are you getting married? Better yet, who are you marrying?"

"Oh, I don't know yet," pauses Binger, "that's just my plan for the house."

"Oh. You scared me there for a minute. Thought I had missed something," grins Darc.

"Naw, I'm just saying that I'm ready to settle down. Every one has to have a home of their own, and this is where I want to live and have a family. I'm tired of living with my sisters."

"Hey, I understand." replies Darc, nodding his head. I'd want to move, too, if I had to live with Caroline.

"Well, Darc, time's awastin. I guess we better be heading back. The trip back is gonna be twice as long because we can't go back the way we came in."

Binger reaches up and starts sliding the curtain back into place when he suddenly stops.

"What's wrong?" asks Darc

Binger continues to stare out the window. He doesn't move or even acknowledge that Darc had spoken. He waits for his friend, but curiosity getting the better of him, walks over to the window.

"What are you looking at?" questions Darc, reaching the window. He looks out and sees a young woman standing by their horses. "Oh! I see!"

She is very beautiful. A tall girl, probably in her 20's, fair complexed and a sweet countenance on her face. Her golden blond hair, shining in the remaining sunlight, is swept up in a bun on the back of her head.

"Have you ever seen a prettier girl?" exclaims Binger

"Where did she come from?"

"I don't know. She must be the foreman's daughter. She is an angel." Binger abruptly releases the curtain and starts running out of the room. "C'mon Darc. I gotta meet her."

"All right," replies Darc, "but hold your horses. You don't want to make a fool out of yourself by busting out the front door. Slow down and walk!"

Binger slows and waits for his friend to catch up. Together they start down the stairs.

"Al; right....stop right there!" shouts a strange voice. "stick your hands up!"

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Chapter 2

Darc's and Binger's hands shot up rapidly in the air. They stood silently on the staircase.

"Now! Who are you?" barked the voice

"I'm..I'm Binger, uh…. Charles Bingley and this is my friend Darcy Williams. Who are you?"

"Doesn't matter! What are you doing in this house?" it asks louder.

"I...I own it." replied Binger, shakily.

"You don't sound so sure."

"Well, you've got a gun pointed at me!" spouts Binger

"If this is your house, why are you sneaking around in it?"

"I 'm not sneaking around!" answers Binger

"You're in here in the dark." answers the voice, sarcastically.

Binger takes another step down the stairs only to have the gun get closer to his face, "Listen! I can prove it. I bought the house from Mr. Parkerson."

"Mr. Parkerson?"

"Yes… Mr. Parkerson." replies Binger, matter of factly.

"That doesn't prove anything. Anyone coulda known that. He lived here for nigh unto 20 years."

"Mister, I can promise you that he has purchased this house. I was with him when he signed the papers in Dodge City." inserts Darc.

"Yes," says Binger, abruptly. "I have them with me in my saddle bag. If you'll just let me go and get 'em."

Binger inches his way down the stairs with Darc right behind him. The man with the gun allows them to come into the parlour. Darc can make out a second figure standing at the window.

"All right, Lizzy. Open the curtains." says the man.

"Okay, Pa!" she says.

The drapes are pulled back. The light from outside suddenly comes rushing in blinding the two cowboys. Darc and Binger both blink their eyes trying to get adjusted to the unexpected brightness. A heavy-set balding man stands before them holding the gun. A woman comes and stands by the man's side. She whispers something to the man. Darc stares at her. She, like the other woman, is fair complexed, maybe 19 or 20. She is dressed in pants and a shirt, her hair is obviously stuck under the hat.

"Well, my girl and I have decided that maybe we will just let you go get your saddle bag and have a look-see at those papers." He motions with the gun for the men to walk.

As they reach the back door, they spot their horses. Binger steps out and catches sight of the woman he had seen from upstairs. He freezes, but then feels the urge of the gun in his back. He and Darc walk out and stop by the horses. Binger opens his saddle bag, at the same time keeping an eye on the lady. He takes out the papers and hands it to the old man.

"There! I am the owner," he states

The man gazes over the papers from front to back. "Well, so ya are," he finally say.

Binger stares at him. The man slowly lowers his gun and hands the papers back to Binger. He takes out his handkerchief to wipe off his face. He extends his hand slowly.

"Afternoon, Mr. Bingley. I'm Bennet, the Ranch Foreman." He steps forward to shake hands with Binger. "Sorry about all of that but around these parts you can't be too sure. Ever since Mr. Parkerson left, its just been me and my family."

He smiles at Bennet. "Think nothing more about it. I'm glad that you are watching the place so well. I take it you still live in the lodge."

"Yes sir. Mr. Parkerson gave me the place afore he left. He said that I was the best foreman that he had had and that I belonged at Nether Valley."

Darc silently observes the discussion between Binger and Bennet. It is decided that Bennet will continue to work for Binger and take care of the ranch. He will also take care of hiring on more ranch hands, as Parkerson had let everyone else go. His attention soon gets drawn away as he notices the two young ladies talking. The boyish girl appears to be in very deep conversation with the other lady. Her eyes dance with every word. They glisten with every laugh. Under all of that manlike apparel was a very beautiful woman. Darc is oblivious to everything around him, but he does manage to hear Binger.

"Bennet, I am assuming that these ladies are with you?" smiles Binger.

"Yessir, they are." Bennet steps back to allow the men full view of the women. "Mr. Bingley, these are my daughters, Jane and Elizabeth."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, ladies!" replies Binger. Both men tip their hats to the women. The ladies smile sweetly back.

"I guess that I should introduce ourselves as well. This is my friend, Darcy Williams, but we just call him Darc and my name is Charles Bingley but everyone calls me Binger."

"Nice to meet you." Jane and Elizabeth chimed.

"Mr. Bingley, " starts Bennet, "were you planning to leave the valley tonight?"

"We were."

"Well, I was just thinking, its getting pretty dark and its dangerous in these parts at night. I don't think that you will make it out safely. Why don't you wait until mornin'?"

"But the house is not ready." replies Binger

"We have an extra room that you can bunk down in. You can eat with us and leave in the mornin." he suggests.

"All right, we'll stay and eat supper, but we'll come back over here afterwards. We both have our bedrolls."

"Whatever suits ya!" answers Bennet, walking away. "C'mon over to the house and meet the rest of the family."

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Chapter 3

The girls trail behind their father. Binger and Darc walk fast to catch up with the family. Binger manages to work his way around to Jane's side and start a conversation. As their discussion lengthens, they fall behind, leaving a nervous Darc to walk with Lizzy and Bennet. He begins to sweat. He can't understand it. He's comfortable enough around his regular circle of friends. After much self debate, he finally summons up the courage to talk when Lizzy suddenly speaks up.

"Where do you live, Mr. Williams?" she asks.

"I have a ranch on the outskirts of Amarillo." answers Darc, turning to look at her. She smiles, making him more nervous. "Its called Pemberose."

Bennet grunts slightly at the mention of it causing Darc to turn his attention to him. Lizzy continues with, "Oh. I think I've have heard of it."

"You have?" he says, turning back.

"Yeah. It's real big, right? With several head of cattle?"

"Yeah. I live there with my sister."

A lull in the conversation causes him to look away. He glances down at the ground and then turns

to Bennet. "How long have you lived here, Bennet?"

"Fifteen years this summer." he says pausing, "You know1/4..I really hope Mr. Bingley is as easy

to work for as Mr. Parkerson was."

"Well, I don't see a problem there. Binger's a good man."

"I hope so." says Bennet, reaching the front porch of the house. He spits out his tobacco before going up the steps "Is supper ready?" he bellows, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

"Of course it is. Where have you been?" answers the voice from the kitchen.

"I seen some horses over at the house went to see who it was." he replies. Bennet walks over to the table with Binger and Darc behind. Jane and Elizabeth quickly disappear.

"Good Lord! was someone breaking in the house?"

"No, nothing like that!" he replies, sarcastically.

"Well, who was it?" She says, entering the room with her arms laden with food.

"The new owner of Nether Valley." He replies, motioning toward Binger. "This is my wife, Mr. Bingley. She's used to cook for Mr. Parkerson."

The woman puts the food on the table and uses her apron to wipe her hands. "Pleased to meet ya." She says, sticking out her hand.

"Likewise 'mam." responds Binger, "and this is my friend Darc Williams."

"How'd ya do, mam?" Darc says

Mrs. Bennet shakes Darc's hand and rushes off to finish setting the table. "I guess that I should add two plates to the table, right?"

"Yeah. Mr. Bingley and Mr. Williams will be staying for supper and then they're gonna head back over to the house for the night."

"We have an extra room, you know." she calls back.

"I know that... but they want to go back!" huffs Bennet. He points the men toward the kitchen, "You two go ahead and wash up. I'm gonna to stoke up the fire before we eat."

The aroma in the kitchen is overwhelming. Darc's stomach growls in anticipation. It had been a long day and a good hot meal would hit the spot. Binger sticks his hands into the wash basin first and begins soaping them up.

"So, whaddya think about Jane?"

"She's real pretty." answers Darc, helping himself to the soap.

"Awww, whaddya mean?" exclaims Binger "she's beautiful"

"Yeah, I guess she is. She smiles a lot."

"You always find something wrong with everyone. You never like anybody!" sighs Binger, drying his hands.

Darc reaches and takes the towel from Binger. "And you always like everybody."

They walk out of the kitchen, their spurs clicking the floor as they take their places at the table. Darc sits down across from Elizabeth but cannot believe what he is seeing. She doesn't look like the person they had seen at the ranch house. This person looked like a lady. Elizabeth had changed into a dress and had taken off that hat that hid her good features. Her hair was swept back from her face. Elizabeth catches his gaze and smiles at him. He grins back shyly.

Bennet mutters a fast prayer and the family begins passing plates and bowls. Spoons and dishes clatter together. Soon everyone has something on their plate and are eating contentedly.

"How'd you know about Nether Valley, Mr. Bingley?" asks Mrs. Bennet, between bites.

"I have some friends in San Antonio that knew Mr. Parkerson. He told them about the place and that it was for sale." he laughs "I bought it the day I saw it."

"Will the rest of your family come here?"

"No mam. They have homes of their own in Amarillo. Louisa is married to a rancher and Caroline owns the hotel in town. I'm sure they will come and see it, though."

"Your sister owns the Blue Dove Hotel?" asks Jane

Binger stares at Jane. "Yes," he finally says.

"Running a hotel is a big job. Her husband must help her a lot." states Elizabeth

"Oh," responds Binger, sipping his coffee. "She's not married. She wants to be, it just hasn't happened yet and I'm beginning to wonder if it ever will." Darc withdraws his breath sharply and almost chokes on his coffee. He sputters and spurts until he is slapped firmly on the back by Mrs. Bennet. He cuts his eyes sharply at Binger, who sits and grins.

Mrs. Bennet sits down and turns her attention to Darc, "Do you live in Amarillo, too?"

"Yes mam. I have a ranch on the outskirts of town." he replies, clearing his throat. "I live there with my sister, Georgianna."

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Chapter 4

"But," interrupts Binger "I hope he hangs around here a lot. I'm gonna need some help." Darc smiles quickly at Binger's comment, then turns to observe Elizabeth's reaction. She lowers her

head slightly and stares at her plate. He watches her eyes trail up until they are looking face to face at each other.

"Whatever it takes to get this ranch back up to running condition." answers Darc, smiling at Elizabeth.

"Once we get some hands hired, it shouldn't take so long." says Bennet.

The youngest of the girls nudges her father in the side. "All right, Kitty! Hold your horses! Mr. Bingley, you've met Jane and Lizzy but these are my other girls, Kitty and Mary."

Binger and Darc look at both girls. Kitty, being the prettier of the two, smiles and Mary raises her head of her book long enough to acknowledge both men and then returns to her reading.

"Papa, you forgot Lydia." exclaims Kitty, turning to face Binger and Darc, "She works in town."

"If that's what you want to call it." mutters Bennet.

"Why? Where does she work?" inquires Binger

"At the Longborn Saloon."

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Chapter 5

"What kind of girl is she?" asks Darc, after they are out of earshot of the house.

"Who? Lydia?" replies Binger, walking and gazing at the moon.

"Yeah. Why would Bennet let her work at the saloon?"

"I don't know." answers Binger, reaching the horses. He begins to untie their bedrolls. "Why shouldn't she?"

"You saw those girls in there!" exclaims Darc "They're not the saloon type. Something's not right."

"Why do you think that?"

"I dunno," pauses Darc "after Kitty brought up Lydia, everyone suddenly got quiet. Even Mrs. Bennet. You probably didn't notice it though. Your eyes were too full of Jane."

With a spring in his step, he jumps up on the back stoop and opens the door of the ranch house, "Well, what can I say." smiles Binger.

"I know what to say," answers Darc, closing the door. "We're going to make a stop the Longborn Saloon."

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"Well, girls! Whadda ya think of the new owner and his friend?" asks Mrs. Bennet, sitting back down to the table.

Not wanting to participate, Mary rises from the table and starts putting away the food but Kitty slides in closer to Jane to take part in the discussion. "I think they're both good looking." she inserts.

"Well, dear, I think that they're both too old for you. Now finish clearing the table." orders Mrs. Bennet. She returns her attention back to her two eldest. "I think that Mr. Bingley has a fancy for you, Jane. He couldn't take his eyes off of you."

"Well, Mr. Williams stared constantly at Lizzy." retaliates Jane.

"I noticed that," answers Mrs. Bennet. "Lizzy, do you know who Mr. Williams is?"

"No, nothing other than as Mr. Bingley's friend but I've heard of his ranch before. Why?"

"You should have heard of it. Its only the largest and most profitable ranch in these parts." replies Mrs. Bennet, standing up from the table. "Bingley ain't got nothing compared to him." Mrs. Bennet walks away leaving Jane and Lizzy to look at each other.

"You know," she yells back from the kitchen, "it'd be nice if one of you could land one of them."

Bennet enters the room in time to hear Mrs. Bennet's last comment. He stops and rests his hands on his hips. Both girls look silently at their father as Mrs. Bennet returns. "I declare, Frances, here ya go matchmakin' again. You'd think you would've learn't your lesson by now. Poor Charlotte! Married to that idiot."

"Bennet don't go talkin' like that. You know Willie Collins is a good man. He's just a little touched that's all." she replies in her defense.

"He looks like a big 'ole bullfrog" laughs Kitty. "All sweaty and slimy and all.."

The girls try to cover their snickers but can't. "Hush, Kitty." spouts her mother. "Bennet, I am not matchmakin'. I am merely makin' an observation. He appeared interested in Jane and that's all I was saying."

Bennet shifts his position and takes a step closer to Mrs. Bennet. "No, you said that it would be nice if one of 'em could land him. That sounds like the beginnin's of matchmakin' to me. If he likes her then let him tell her but don't you go suggesting anything."

"I won't! I won't!" she mutters, smiling inwardly.

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"Whoa. Whoa!"

The horses come to a stop and both men dismount and tie them up to the post outside the saloon. The saloon is quiet this time of day, with only a few cowboys inside. Darc and Binger mosey up to the bar and order a beer. The bartender brings two mugs and sits them down in front of them.

"Hey Pardner, do you know a Lydia Bennet?"

"Who wants to know?"

"I'm just a friend of the family." answers Binger

"She don't got no family." he replies, sarcastically.

"If you'll just tell me where I can find her." starts Darc, throwing a gold coin down on the bar.

"It's a little early for love, honey, but for you, I'll make an exception." calls a voice from behind them.

Binger and Darc whirl around to come face to face with a beautiful lady. She stands smiling profusely at them. She is a pretty redhead with a few sprinkling of freckles. She walks over and props both elbows up on the bar and stands between them.

"Now, what was it you were wanting?" she says, smiling at Darc.

"Lydia?" asks Binger

"No sugar, I'm Mary King, but I'm just as good as she is."

"We need to talk to her" states Darc, ignoring her innuendo.

'Well, you can't, so you'll just have to settle for me."

"When can we see her?" inquires Binger

"She'll be here tonight." she says in a defeated tone. "But it won't do you any good. She thinks she special because of who she is. Now 'bout your gold coin here, honey. We don't usually work during the day, but I'll explain it to the Captain and I'm sure he'll approve."

"The captain?" asks Darc

"Yeah, the Captain. He was in the war. He came in here and opened up the saloon. He gave lots of us girls jobs here."

"Even Lydia?" asks Darc

"No, not her." replies Mary "She don't work for the Captain."

"She doesn't?"

"Naaww! She stays here and …." starts Mary

"Mary!!" booms a loud voice. "Get back to work!"

Both men turn to see a large figure standing on the staircase. Mary quickly responds to his voice and takes their glasses behind the bar. Darc leans over and whispers to Mary, "Who is that?"

"It's the Captain" she responds hastily.

He turns back around to see the man walking towards them. Mary hurriedly busies herself helping the bartender and waiting on the few customers that are in the saloon.

As he draws nearer, Darc sees that he is a large man, gray hair, slightly balding. His heavy footsteps echo across the floor. The closer he comes, the more afraid Mary appears to be.

"Afternoon Gentlemen. Can I help you with something?" he asks

"Yeah," Binger replies shakily. "We're looking for Lydia Bennet."

"She's not here." He replies, matter of factly.

"When will she be here?" asks Darc

"Don't know." he answers

"We were told that she'd be here tonight." counters Binger.

"You can't believe anything saloon trash tells you." He replies, cutting his eyes at Mary. "Now I can hook you up with any of the other girls in here. I got Mary here, and Fanny and Lucy. But Lydia's taken."

"Listen mister, you don't understand…" starts Darc

"Now you listen," he says, holding a finger in Darc's face. "My name is Captain William Lucas and this is my saloon and you'll be with whoever I say or you won't be at all."

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Chapter 6

"We're not interested in your girls." replies Darc, harshly. He reaches and grabs the Captain's finger and pushes it out of his face. In an instant, two men are restraining Darc's arms.

"Don't make a mistake, pardner. These women ain't worth it." says Captain "Now, if you ain't interested in my girls and you obviously ain't drinkin', then you ain't staying."

The Captain nods to his men, "Denny, Sanderson, show these men out.

Binger and Darc are roughly taken by the arms to the front of the saloon and are pushed out so forcefully that they land in the middle of the street on their hands and knees. Darc immediately jumps to his feet and starts to run back inside when Binger grabs him around the waist.

"Darc! Hold on!" cries Binger, struggling to maintain control.

"They can't do that to us, Binger." exclaims Darc, swinging his fists.

"Well, they just did."

"You wanna fight? C'mon out here!" Darc shouts at the two men.

Denny and Sanderson laugh off Darc's challenge and retreat back into the saloon. Binger finally releases Darc and reaches down and picks up his hat, dusting it off.

"Here. Put this on."

Darc reluctantly puts his hat back on. "Well, I guess we'll never know now."

"There's got to be another way to find out." sighs Binger

"Has to be! How could she live here and not work for the Captain?" answers Darc.

The men walk to where their horses are tied up. Darc and Binger check their horses' saddle straps then Binger mounts his horse and waits for Darc.

"Yeah and apparently have the freedom to leave when she feels like it." adds Binger

"Whatever is going on, Mary feels that its better than what she has." replies Darc, putting his foot in the stirrup and heaving himself into the saddle.


"What was that?" asks Binger

"Psssttt!" comes the noise again.

Binger and Darc twist around in their saddles trying to locate the source of the noise. A sudden quick movement down the alley behind the saloon catches their eye. Cautiously, they dismount and head down the alley.

"Well, honey, it took you long enough." comes a voice from the shadows.

"Mary?" ventures Darc

"Who else, sugar!" she replies, looking up both sides of the alley. "I just wanted to give ya a bit of advice. Don't show up here tonight. The Captain never forgets. Denny and Sanderson will be watching and I don't want that pretty face of yours all messed up."

Mary reaches up and caresses Darc' face. He looks at Binger and then back to Mary, and takes her hand in his, "If I promise not to show up, will you tell me what you know about her?"

"Well, you know, I do have to make a living." she winks.

"Ok, I understand." answers Darc, patting his vest pocket. "Now, where is Lydia?"

"She only lives here when Tex is passing through these parts. Captain keeps a room just for her."

Darc winces at mention of Tex. Surely its not him. What would he be doing in this little town? "Who is Tex?" he asks, half expecting a different answer.

"Uunhhh!" groans Mary, rolling her eyes. "Why Tex Wickham, of course."

A sudden stream of memories come rushing in on Darc. He turns his head away from Mary and Binger and walks over to the other side of the alley.

Binger doesn't notice Darc's reaction and picks up where he left off, "And are they coming here today?"

"She's already here." sneers Mary, "Captain's just protectin' that saloon hussy."

"If she don't work for the Captain, why does he keep a room for her?" asks Darc, joining them again.

"Tex and the Captain are long time friends. Something to do with the war, I think." she pauses, "You know, I hope you do come back here tonight and find her. None of us girls like her, especially me."

"Why?" asks Binger

"She stole Tex from me. She just walked right in here and took him from me. He told me that he was gonna marry me." stomped Mary

"So, she came here to be his woman?"

"Oh no! She was already working here when Tex came in one day. When he found out who she was, he didn't have any more use for me and she's been with him ever since." Mary sighed. "That Tex is a smooth talker. Its easy for a girl to fall for him."

"Found out who she was?" interrupts Darc

"Yeah, she." began Mary

The back door suddenly swings open and a figure comes out. "Mary, you know that the Captain told us not to do it in the alley. You know what happened last time with that Collins man!"

"Lucy Steele, you git back in there and mind yer own business! I'll take care of the Captain." retaliates Mary, defiantly.

The door slams shut loudly and Mary turns back to the men. "Well, I better git inside before she goes and tells Denny or Sanderson." She says extending her open palm.

"They won't hurt you, will they?" asks Darc, dropping three gold coins into her hand.

"Naw. I know how to shut those two up." she replies. "They're easy!"

She turns and opens up the back door. Before going in, she smiles at the two cowboys and then winks at Darc. "See ya tonight, sweetie!"

The two men head quickly up the alley. They reach the horses and get on them and start to meander down the street.

"What are we gonna do, Darc?"

He thinks for a minute, "You're gonna wire your sisters to not to expect you and I'm gonna get some supplies. We going back to Nether Valley." Darc spurs his horse into a quicker gant.

"Why?" inquires Binger, trying to keep up.

"Because I know Tex Wickham!" he replies, pushing ahead in a full gallop.

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Part 7

Hello Sisters! STOP

Being delayed STOP

Everything all right STOP

Will contact you soon STOP


"I hate it when he uses that nickname!" mutters Caroline, under her breath. She grabs the telegram from the boy and deposits a coin in his hand. She waits until he is out of sight and then spins around to her sister.

"See, I told you." she bellows, waving the telegram in the air. "Charles is already having problems."

"He said that everything was all right."

"Yeah, but he just doesn't want us to worry."

"True, but I'm sure if something was wrong he would've told us." replies Louisa "Besides, Darc is with him."

"I know, but Charles isn't ready for this responsibility. He should just stay with one of us for a while longer."

"Caroline, he's 22 years old!"

"That doesn't mean he's grown up."

"Why don't you trust Charles?"

"I do trust him." she states, walking over to the window, "I just can bear the thought of him being so far away."

Louisa rolls her eyes behind her sister's back. "Nether Valley is not that far away."

"It's a good day's ride!" she retorts, angrily

"Look, why don't you just admit what's bothering you!" Louisa exclaims

"I don't know what you're talking about." answers Caroline, shifting her eyes to her sister.

"Sure you do! Why don't you just admit that if Charles moves, we won't see Darc as often. He'll have no need to come around us if Charles isn't here."

"That's not true!" blurts Caroline, walking toward Louisa.

"Sure it is. Everybody knows you're in love with him. I know it! Charles knows it! Even Darc knows it!"

"Well, you shouldn't be so sure of yourself!" replies Caroline

"Okay, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you don't love him, but if you do, you're gonna have to find out how he feels," she says, standing up to her sister. "and you're never going to find out sitting here."

"And what do you suggest I do?" asks Caroline

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"He tried to elope with her?"

"Yeah, but I caught up to 'em and stopped it before it could go any further." replies Darc, starting down the stairs.

"That just don't seem like Georgiana." muses Binger, following Darc

Darc stops at the bottom of the stairs, "Well, she was young and like Mary said, he's a smooth talker and he just convinced her."

"So, she left him there and went back home with you?"

"Oh, well, she was mad at first but after she heard how he turned out to be, she's glad that she did."

"How 'bout Tex? I bet he was mad!" states Binger, heading into the kitchen.

"Fightin' mad! I never in all my born days seen any one man so tore up." replies Darc, shaking his head and following Binger. "He hollered and he cussed at me. He said he'd get me back, but we never seen any more out of him, but that sure don't mean he's forgot."

"No, I doubt he has." sighs Binger, looking around in the kitchen. "All right, what's for breakfast?"

Binger and Darc eye all of the grub that they brought back with them from town. They finally settle on some dried beef, bread and coffee. They build a fire in the stove and settle down with their food at the table and wait on the coffee to get hot.

"I tell you, it's a good thing Mary caught us before we left town. I sure wouldn't have relished riding all the way back there last night."

"I guess this'll give you time to get some hands hired here and then Friday, we'll go back to town and find Lydia and Tex."

"I wonder why he left town in such a hurry." Binger ponders

"Who knows, probably runnin' from something." answers Darc, between bites.

The coffee begins to boil and Binger gets up and starts pouring them both a cup. Darc notices a figure standing outside the kitchen window. He motions to Binger and points out the window. Binger goes to the back door only to find Bennet standing, about to knock.

"Mornin' Bennet!" smiles Binger, stepping back to allow Bennet in.

"Mornin' Mr. Bingley! Mr. Williams!" replies Bennet. He stands silent for a few minutes and then suddenly remembering his hat, quickly removes it.

"Would you care for a cup of coffee?" asks Binger, motioning toward an extra cup.

"No sir, I just finished my breakfast. But thank ya, anyway." Bennet pauses for a few seconds before beginning again. "I thought you were going home yesterday?"

"Well ya see, Bennet" starts Darc, "we stopped in town and struck up conversations with some of the men. We seen that several of them are interested in working out here on the ranch."

"We decided to ride back into town today and post the jobs. You know, take advantage while we have the interest. We'll be stayin' here at least until Friday to see how many apply." adds Binger.

"Well, that'll make the Missus happy. She loves cookin' for a crowd."

"Good! We're sure enough going to be needin' your help now. You're gonna to have to help us decide who works at Nether Valley and who don't. We've only just met some of these people" states Binger.

"Good! I'm ready to get this ranch up and running." replies Bennet, "You just let me know when I can help. Its been so long since it was active around here."

Bennet turns to leave but stops suddenly. He reaches in to his shirt pocket and pulls out a piece of paper.

"I almost forgot! I was supposed to give you this." Bennet looks at Darc and continues, "I was out here at the house doing some work inside when it arrived."

Binger opens the telegram, reads it and closes it back up. He turns and smiles slightly at Bennet. " Why don't ya go ahead and ride on in to town and put out the word that Nether Valley is hiring on hands."

Darc stands up and approaches Binger, "I thought we were going to do that."

"We need to stay here and get the house ready." replies Binger

"Why?" inquires Darc, with a feeling of dread.

"Because this telegram is from my sister." he answers looking at Darc. "Caroline and Louisa are on their way here."


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