unit 21 and unit 18


1.How are the hospitals classified economically?

Hospitals are classified into two main types: profit (private) hospital and non-profit (public) hospital

2. State the difference between profit and non-profit hospitals.

Private hospital: owned by corporation or individual person(often by a doctor); always patient pay for his treatment, hospitalization and laboratory tests.

Non-private hospital: financed by state or local government; they are endowments and health insurance which pay for patient’s treatment; frequently medical school is attached to it; sometimes is involved in science research (provide training for medical students)

3.How are hospitals classified according to the type of services they perform?

They are divided into general (community) hospital and specialist hospital

4.State the difference between general and specialist hospitals.

General hospital: treat patients of all ages with various illnesses and injuries; include various wards (e.g.:surgical, gynaecological, obstetric, paediatric, medical, dermatological, ophthalmic, geriatric, psychiatric, orthopaedic)

Specialist hospital: provide a specific type of medical service(e.g.: maternity hospital concerned with pregnancy and childbirth, children hospital concerned with children’s diseases, geriatric hospital deal with old people diseases, psychiatric hospital concerned with mental diseases)

5.Where are the drugs stored?

The drugs are stored in the Dispensary. It is a store-room for all medical stuffs and medicaments used in the hospital. It is also place where these drugs and other medical equipment are issued.

6. What are operating theatre?

It is special room in each hospital where the operations are performed. Other name is Operating Room

7.Where do the patients recover after an operation?

They recover in a special room which is referred to as Recovery Room. In this place patients are getting strong and convalescence.

8. Where is the blood needed for transfusions stored?

The blood is stored in Blood Bank. When you have good results of full blood count you can donate your blood. Blood donors are volunteers, they also don’t get money for it. Donating blood often help someone’s life.


1.While taking the patient’s history, what information does the doctor elicit?

While taking history, doctor elicit from patient information about preset and past ailments, their location and duration. He try to obtain as much information as possible. Nurse or doctor ask about age, childhood diseases, vaccines, allergy, operations, illness what occur in family. The knowledge about occupation, working conditions and lifestyle are also important.

2.What are the stages of physical examination?

The physical examination usually consist of four stages: inspection, palpation(superficial and deep), percussion, auscultation

3.What is the patient observed for?

The patient is observed for presence some abnormalities like: cyanosis, bruising, rash, hives, swollen organs, abnormal color of skin, injures, oedema , dyspnoea

4. What can be detected by palpation?

Doctor by palpation investigate the patient’s pulse and it’s rate, rhythm and pressure. Deep palpation is carried out to detect enlarged organs and other abnormalities such as hernia.

5.What is percussion used for?

Percussion is used for reveal some lungs disease. It is type of examination where doctor knocked in the chest and have to hear characteristic sound.

6.What can auscultation reveal?

Auscultation can reveal some diseases of respiratory system and some heart disorders. This examination is usually carried out with an instrument named stethoscope. Doctor have to listen specific sounds. He can hear wheezes or crackles in respiratory system or clicks and murmurs of heart.

7.What clinical and laboratory investigations are ordered to confirm the diagnosis?

The doctor can ordered various clinical and laboratory tests. They include: X-ray pictures, electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms, endoscopic examination which used speculum, ultrasonography, tomography. Laboratory tests are also important, they are: complete blood count, red blood count, white blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Also other specimens can be examinating, such as sputum, urine, faeces, cerebrospinal fluid and every kind of tissue.


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