“Bend It Like Beckham” is a movie about football, race, gender and culture.
Jesminder (Jess) is an 18 year old British Indian girl from a Sikh family with traditional ideas. Jess loves football and her favourite football star, David Beckham. But her parents are unhappy that their daughter runs around in shorts chasing a ball. They want her to study to become a lawyer, learn to cook Indian food and marry a nice Indian boy. Will Jess follow her dream of becoming a professional footballer?
Read the text above and answer the questions:
Lisez le texte ci-dessus puis répondez aux questions :
What is the main character’s name? _______________________________________
How old is she? _______________________________________________________
Who is her idol? _______________________________________________________
Which country are her parents originally from? ______________________________
What is their religion? __________________________________________________
Are her parents happy about her dream of becoming a professional footballer? ______
What job do they want her to do? _________________________________________
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvcVQYKgtnc Bend it Like Beckham, trailer.
http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi4172874009/ Bend it Like Beckham, trailer, French subtitles
carefully to the beginning of the trailer and fill out the blanks:
Ecoutez attentivement le début de la bande-annonce et complétez :
To see the video, right click on the link below and select “open hyperlink”.
Pour visionner la video, cliquez droit sur le lien ci-dessous et sélectionnez “ouvrez l’hyperlien”
http://www.cinemovies.fr/fiche_multimedia.php?IDfilm=890 Joue-la comme Beckham VOST
“Some ____________ only want one thing:
Eyes down, look sad! A new bride never smiles; you’ll ruin the bloody ______________!
Jess Bhamra wants something more.
Football shoot ball! Your ______________ is getting engaged and you’re sitting here watching this skinhead boy!
You must start behaving like a proper ________________.
You’re alright? Yeah! Just one more day of freedom!
I was married at your _______! You don’t even want to learn how to _______ dhal!
I’m joining a girls’ team.
Oh ....!
Let me ask you ________________: what nice Indian family would like a daughter-in-law who can keep a football all day but can’t ___________ round chapatti?
No more football!
Come on, what I’m saying is, there is a reason why sporty Spice (Girl) is the only one of them _____________ a fellow.
What’s wrong with you Jess? You’re quite funny, mind! Just pamper your hair and put some make-up on you and you’ll look alright.”
Now listen to what some people in London said about passions:
"Circus, circus performing. I perform in the circus. I do trapeze and web rope and I also run a circus company. I suppose it's just - the exhilaration of it, you know? There's an element of danger to it. It’s exciting. It's… performing in front of an audience is also a real buzz, as well."
"Sports, politics…and music, I'd say, are three passions of mine."
"My passion is music, because it's everywhere and it helps me to cheer up, or to calm down. It's just everything and it's everywhere."
Focus on the 3 last lines. Listen to the recording a few times. Open Audacity and record yourself reading those lines. Then say (and record) what you’re passionate about.
Concentrez-vous sur les 3 dernières lignes. Ecoutez l’enregistrement plusieurs fois. Ouvrez Audacity et enregistrez-vous lisant ces lignes. Ensuite, dites (et enregistrez) ce qui vous passionne.