Annie Alvarez [Hightower 02] Cheating Death (docx)

Cheating Death

I had finally gotten comfortable living with my vampire girlfriend. Settled into our new home, we were the happy couple until Kaley, Tamara's sister, came for an unexpected visit. In-laws are always an iffy thing, especially when it's the powerful and respected Hightowers who rule the East Coast. But Kaley crossed the lines with me. Can Tamara stop her sister before irreparable damage is done? Or is our love stronger than the new yearnings Kaley has woken in me?


My foster parents, the Katzes, were pivotal in teaching me about my half-witch self. They took me in when I was a ward of the State. My parents died when I was very young and the State bounced me around from foster home to foster home. They always sent me back because the temporary foster parents labeled me as possessed. I had no idea I was half-witch until the Katzes, witches themselves, took me in and taught me how to use and control my powers. Along with their knowledge of witchcraft, they also exposed me to tales of vampires and werewolves, to which I, Izzy Denzier, didn’t exactly subscribe.

Upon their death, I decided to move to sunny Florida and quickly ran out money. One night, I went to the beach to try to clear my head and just my luck, a rogue vampire attacked me. Damn it to hell, if the Katzes weren’t right! Thankfully, Kaley Hightower interrupted his attempt to bleed me, or worse yet, turn me. That’s how I got involved with vamps. Kaley, a vamp from a family of old, reputable vamps, saved my life in more ways than one.

She took me in and put me to work at her donor center. Yeah, I frequently donated blood so that vamps didn’t feel the need to pounce on unsuspecting victims. She taught me everything I needed to know about vampires, or so I thought. She didn’t teach me how not to fall in love with one of them. Her sister, to be exact.

I fell head over heels instantly for Tamara Hightower, the enforcer of the East Coast. You’re thinking that she used her special powers over me, but no, she didn’t spell me or do any of that vampire mental stuff. I promise, this was all my own doing, you see, my half-witch side keeps me from getting charmed by a vampire. Now, here’s a secret—sex with a vampire is phenomenal! I highly recommend it, if you can trust one of them.

After several months, we decided to move in together, and to celebrate, we met Kaley and her new friend, Jules, at a bar. Several things happened that night. Tamara enforced her law of not bleeding a human to death and took her vengeance out on the guilty fledgling. This was when we met Shamana, and her daughter, Celeste, on the ugly end of Shamana’s magic. They both teamed up against Tamara in the alley behind the bar, thinking she had killed Shamana’s sister. That night my powers surged to life, defending Tamara.

Everyone managed to escape the nightmare of a major fight when Edgar showed up on behalf of Lady Katherine Hightower, Kaley and Tamara’s mother. It turns out that Shamana and Katherine knew each other from way back. Edgar escorted the bruja, the witch and her vixen daughter Celeste, back to the Hightower Estate.

I officially met the Matriarch of the Hightower clan, the Lady Katherine Hightower. I thought we hit it off really well, she especially liked my bite me tee shirt. Hurray for me. I also met formally, Shamana and Celeste. Shamana and Katherine obviously shared an extensive history, and both spewed about the Council and how the Council planned to destroy anything qualified as non-human.

Celeste, on the other hand, took a real liking to Tamara. I was not happy about having a two-hundred year old vixen bitch digging her nasty pheromones into my undead girlfriend. That she was just coming into her sexual prime and didn’t look a day older than twenty-three just added to my unease—if I could only have figured out a way to keep Celeste away from Tamara…

Chapter 1

That night at Dale’s Bar, Jules had played hard to get and made Kaley dance with her hands in her pockets. The two of them ended up a hot item. I wish I had known it was that easy to win a Hightower over before I agreed to being tied to a wall, just so I could get close to Tamara. Oh, the things I do for love…

Her mother, the majestic Lady Katherine Hightower, has taken a real liking to me. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because Tamara’s badass attitude does not intimidate me. Either way, Katherine and I are becoming close—as close as you ever want to get with your in-laws. She’s as protective of me as she is about her own daughters. It’s somewhat nice in a strange vampire way.

 Obsessed with ferreting out the Council mole, Katherine has Tamara working double time chasing down half-baked ideas. There’s been no real news of council activity lately, and we don’t think her fears are legit, but we haven’t had the nerve to tell her especially with Shamana feeding her fears.

On Tamara’s request, I’ve been spending more time with Jules getting to know her better and that’s no easy task. Lucky me. Jules is a very reserved person, but I did find out that she comes from a big religious family in a small town somewhere in the mid-west. She has a degree in paranormal psychology and hates chocolate. She’s a very strange cookie.

I’ve been trying to keep Celeste, the vixen bitch from hell who still wants my girlfriend, away from us. She shows up unexpectedly—like the other night while Tamara and I were having sex—and she wouldn’t leave. Instead, she asks if she could join us. That woman grates on my last nerve!

In the midst of all of that, I’ve been learning about my witch powers, and no, it’s not working out as well as I’d hoped. I’ve successfully managed to set the downstairs of our house on fire, twice, with uncontrollable energy balls. My apologies and gratitude to the Lake Worthington Fire Department for being true heroes and containing the fire before it reached Tamara’s sleeping chambers. Now that we’ve settled nicely into each other’s routines, it would really suck if I had burned her to death. She was relieved to hear that I’ve put my magic on hold for a while and in the interim, she gave me a dance bar to keep me busy during the day while she sleeps.

Fangs used to be a popular place to hang out until one of the vamp owners went crazy and attacked everyone at the bar. Tamara showed up and permanently put him to rest, then acquired the business from the other owner. You know how newscasters are, especially in a small town—big slaughter, a lot of blood, one or two survivors, blah, blah, blah. They gave it more attention than it deserved ruining the bars reputation. Unfortunately, no one bothered to clean up the mess before locking the doors. The building sat empty for several years giving the blood, the grime and the bad reputation plenty of time to adhere itself to every nook and cranny.

It took me a while, but I finally got it cleaned up and remodeled. With the help of a good witch in town, who performed a cleansing, I got the bad stigma removed from the bar. Fangs is now Club Red and voted the trendiest dance bar in town. Dale’s isn’t happy with the competition, but they’ll live. It wasn’t easy resurrecting a vampire-massacred club and turning a profit. I give myself a good pat on the back for that one.

Kaley’s been busy running her donor centers and opening new ones in the North East—Connecticut and Maine, to be exact. She complains about the cold weather in between trips, but she’s determined to solidify the Hightower reach, especially if she can see a profit in it. Since they moved in together, Kaley doesn’t say much about Jules anymore. Occasionally she’ll make a comment that sounds like Jules has a problem with her being a vampire. Go figure.

We haven’t had a chance to see much of Kaley, so I was excited when she came for a visit. As I opened the door, I thought the hairs standing up on the back of my neck were excitement, but Kaley’s vampmones sideswiped me. Vampmones are what I call the vampire pheromones combined with the ability to cloud your mind with sexual impulses. Older vampires seemed to develop immunity to it over time, but humans and new vampires don’t stand a chance. Me? Being a half-witch kept me from completely falling victim to it, but a powerful vamp can still cloud my mind.

Kaley’s vampmones had me mesmerized the moment I opened the front door. I know. It’s pathetic that I was entranced in my own home, huh? I should have known better, but I didn’t think I should guard myself against Tamara’s sister. Either her vampmones were stronger than I imagined or I completely had my guard down. My hormones soared into overdrive. It was both exciting me, and making me crave her touch. That rational little voice in my head that usually warned me when there’s trouble started screaming. Shit! Shit! Shit! That’s when I realized it wasn’t Kaley’s touch, I would get.

She stood at the door and looked as regal as a Hightower always did, but her energy was darker, more desperate. She locked her black eyes onto mine. “I need.”

“I know,” I replied.

Shit! Shit! I knew I was in trouble. Even under the influence of Kaley’s vampmones, I knew I wouldn’t be the one to condemn Tamara’s sister to an eternity of the punishment. The punishment is a curse that afflicts the Hightowers—they cannot take blood from the unwilling. Doing so, will forever ruin the copper taste of blood from whomever they feed. I’ve heard that several Hightower relatives’ afflicted by the punishment died from starvation by refusing to take in nourishment. It is quite a dilemma for them and I wasn’t going to be the catalyst for Kaley.

“Bid me your blood,” Kaley’s words softly echoed in my mind. Her suggestion wrapped around my consciousness, drowning out all my logical thinking. Her cool breath bounced off my skin, reinforcing her suggestion, sending jolts of desperateness through me. I had no choice—I had to give in to her.

What I wanted to say was, oh hell no, but instead, I found myself mumbling, “Yes.”

  Within moments, I heard the sound of her long, black overcoat breaking through the air as we glided across the foyer. She pressed her lips against my neck forming a tight seal and sank her fangs into my artery before the opposing wall pinned me in an upright position.

  Kaley’s bite drowned me in overwhelming ecstasy. Her every touch heightened and fueled my desires even more. My skin tingled and my blood warmed while she drank my sweet life sustaining nectar. My muscles finally relaxed, and I leaned my slender body into Kaley’s hard core, pushing my neck harder against her mouth. My pleasure built with her every draw. My excitement was agonizing. I needed release, and at that moment, I realized that I would gladly have given Kaley every drop of my blood to feel the euphoric pleasure her vampmones promised.

It had been no more than a couple of seconds when my legs grew too weak to sustain my own weight and my knees buckled underneath me. That’s when I partially came to my senses and my mind screamed for Tamara. Kaley held me tightly, pressing me against the wall effortlessly and ruthlessly, as she continued to drain my life from me.

My vision was going blurry and exhaustion was setting into my muscles. Shit, I knew Kaley had all ready taken too much. I tried to scream for Tamara, but my voice failed me. I had flashes of my adoptive parents, the Katzes. Meeting Kaley then flashed through my mind and everything seemed to slow down when I thought of Tamara and how we met in the Medieval Room of Kaley’s Center. My eyelids grew heavy. I struggled to keep them open. I wanted to face my demise staring back at death, not hiding behind unconsciousness. With one last effort, I forced my eyes open, and saw a blur flying down our long narrow staircase. I saw Tamara poised, ready to drive an elbow into Kaley’s side but then, I felt a jolt, and heard skin ripping. I felt an incredible burning. My neck was on fire, and I was too weak to reach up and touch the wound.

I knew Kaley had taken too much blood. I was dying, but it was comforting to know Tamara was there with me. She knew my wishes. She knew I would rather face death than to be turned, I only hoped she would remember and respect that.

With the curse of punishment, the Hightowers perfected their abilities to fine-tune their mind control and to get you willingly to agree to anything. That’s one of the ways they ended up with so many riches, and that’s how I ended up here, dying on my living room floor. By sharpening their mind control, they also learned how to fine-tune their night vision, making it more precise. Boosting their smells and sounds made it harder to defeat a Hightower in combat. I knew this was going to be a glorified pissing contest between the two sisters, with me as the grand prize. Yippee!

Tamara crouched, ready to attack. She hissed, showing her pearly white fangs and I felt her vampmones permeate the air. It was an official challenge Kaley couldn’t ignore.

Kaley stared at me for several seconds without ever looking at Tamara, then she released her grip and I slid helplessly down the wall until I finally landed in a sitting position on the floor. Kaley turned, replying with her own low-toned hiss. The energy in the room was so dense, it tightly hugged my lungs and threatened to suffocate me.

I fought to keep my eyes open, but the sound of fists connecting jarred me from slipping into unconsciousness.

Kaley swung a roundhouse kick, but Tamara moved, narrowly escaping contact with the heel on her boot. Tamara moved into Kaley grabbing her wrist, but she was too quick. She spun around, grabbed Tamara and lifted her up throwing her through a closed door, moving the fight into another room. Kaley’s strength was remarkable.

I struggled to keep my head up as weakness overpowered my fragile body. I lay against the wall helpless and my eyes closed. I screamed at myself to get up! To open my eyes, damn it! My body betrayed me.

The wall I leaned against trembled and I prayed it had not been Tamara connecting with it. Several more minutes passed in total darkness when I heard her whisper. “Don’t die.” Then I felt her vampmones surge through me. My eyes flew open. I was gasping for a breath of air.

Moments later, Tamara flew out of the doorway landing heavily against the living room wall, warping the drywall behind her. She fell to the floor and, with a catlike roll, landed crouching on her feet ready to attack. Her eyes locked on mine momentarily as she ran her tongue over her cut lip. She threw a renewed blast of vampmones at Kaley and the two sisters ran toward each other with incredible speed. Leaping into the air, Tamara’s leg stretched ahead of her, ready to land her foot against her sister’s chest, but Kaley shifted, missing contact with Tamara’s powerful kick. In return, Kaley slammed her fist into Tamara’s face.

The unmistakable thud of her well-placed jab dropped Tamara out of the air, dropping her onto the marble coffee table, shattering it. Falling hard against the floor, Tamara laid motionless. Kaley stood over her, legs firmly planted on the ground. She watched her sister’s unmoving body on the crumbled marble and then angrily hissed at her, challenging her to stand and fight. I watched in horror as the scene unfolded.

I stared at Tamara as she lay perfectly still. Her eyes were the only thing that moved. She was looking at me when I felt her spark quickly fading. I felt a sudden pull. Someone gripped the small spark of life I had in me. My lungs burned for air. I felt myself growing weaker. I felt myself slipping away and I knew my end was near when suddenly, I felt Tamara’s spark burst with a radiance of life that I had never felt before. My eyes rolled up and everything went black.








Chapter 2



I saw a bare white ceiling staring back at me and then I noticed the dark ebony bedpost. I knew that I was at the Hightower Estate. Lady Hightower sat on the bed next to me. “How are you feeling child?”

That was a good question. How was I feeling? I mentally scanned my body from head to toe—a trick I had learned in an Aikido class. Apart from feeling an insatiable hunger and someone actively beating my head with a two by four wood stud, I think everything else was manageable.

I remembered the fight between Tamara and Kaley, but I couldn’t remember how I got to the Estate. All I remembered were parts of a dream where I focused on Tamara’s green eyes and her saying I would be okay.

“What happened?” The words scrapped my dry throat. “Where’s Tamara?”

“Tamara is fine. She is resting.” Katherine’s soothing voice washed over me.

I have never known her to rest. In fact, she refused to rest saying that she wanted to take full advantage of what little time she had of the night since, daylight was lost to her.

“Resting?” My voice cracked. “Tamara doesn’t rest. Where is she?” Every word burned a new ache into my parched throat. I fumbled with the heavy comforter trying to get out of bed. I had to find Tamara.

“Relax,” Katherine reassured me, pushing my shoulders back against the mattress. “She is fine.”

I stared at her trying to decide if I believed her. She met my gaze with raised eyebrows. I knew she was holding something back. Something important. I didn’t have the strength to fumble my way out from underneath the comforter and argue with her, so I dropped back onto the bed.

“She is tired, that is all.”

Katherine’s voice seeped into me. I knew she was using her vamp voice to calm me. When I’m a hundred percent and the vampire isn’t extremely powerful, my witching abilities protect my mind from their enchantments. I knew that even on a good day, I was no match for her, but for some reason, her suggestions weren’t fully affecting me now. It wouldn’t be the last time her vamp abilities would fail with me. My witching abilities were a natural talent.

Katherine’s eyebrows pinched in frustration.

The little struggle with the comforter had tired me out, which was weird. Used to jogging two miles a day and working out regularly, I knew that something was wrong. The room seemed exceptionally bright, like being in a bar when they turn all the lights on after last call. It was jarring, almost unbearable.

“What happened?”

Katherine caressed my arm and took a deep breath. I knew it was for my benefit because vampires as old as Katherine spend so little time with humans, they forget to do the one simple thing that hides their existence—breathe.

“Kaley came to your house four nights ago. She was looking for Tamara to help her control her hunger, but instead, she found you. Her thirst was too much for her to command on her own…by the time Tamara intervened, it was too late.”

“Four nights ago, is that what you said…she took from me?” Taking from me was an understatement. Vampires are the only species I know that could down play any situation. I shifted so I could meet her eye to eye. “She didn’t just take from me, she tried to bleed me.”

Katherine shifted her weight on the bed. “You’re right…I’m sorry. I should have been more forthright.” She waved her hands. “Tamara has brought you here. She has forbidden anyone to help care for you. She has been nursing you back to health since Friday night.”

That got my attention, nursing me back to health? Now I knew Katherine was holding back.

“Oh God! Did Kaley turn me?” Fear struck my voice as I fumbled my hand under the comforter trying to feel my pulse.

“Not exactly.” Katherine broke eye contact.

“Not exactly? What the hell does that mean, not exactly?” I sneered.

“My daughters have wronged you and for that I am sorry.” Katherine lowered her head.

Oh, for the love of God, I was a fucking vampire! Tamara knew my wishes. She knew I never wanted to be turned. I thought we were clear on that subject, but I guess I was wrong. My eyes swelled with tears.

“Relax child, you are not entirely vampire.”

“What does that mean, not entirely?” I shot her a questioning look. My understanding about vampires is that it was like being pregnant—you were, or you weren’t—there was no in between.

Katherine rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me. “Perhaps I should let Tamara explain.”

“Bullshit!” I glared at her. “You started this—finish it.”

Suddenly, my stomach clenched and a shot of jagged, sharp pain coursed through my body. I grabbed my stomach and rolled up into a fetal position, rocking myself until the pain subsided.

“What the hell was that?” I yelled.

Katherine’s fluid movement made her look like she effortlessly glided across the hardwood floors as she opened the large massive French doors that led to the outside patio. The cool breeze came off the Intercoastal and hit my face, calming me. I always enjoyed the smell of the salty ocean, it’s my aromatherapy. The stars were all ready in place in the nighttime sky and the moon shone her majestic light, illuminating the horizon. It was breathtaking to see the nighttime beauty Florida had to offer.

“What do you see?” Katherine’s silhouette against the full moon was seductive as her dress swayed in the breeze. It was picture perfect, but that’s what the Hightowers were known for, their seductive abilities.

“Everything I saw last night. Nothing has changed,” I snapped, throwing the sheet over my head.

“You did not wake last night, or the night before.” Her voice was even. “Not even the night before that or the night before that one.”

I heard her take a deep breath. Again, I knew she was trying to make a point.

“This is Tuesday night.” She paused. “Tamara has been feeding you for four nights.”

“I thought you said feeding me.” I threw the sheets off me and nearly fell off the bed as I staggered to join her on the patio. “Feeding me what…blood? Then it’s true, I’ve been turned!”

“Kaley took too much from you.” She leaned on the railing, keeping her back to me. “By the time you arrived, Tamara had lost you.”

Oh God! Lost me? I had a feeling she didn’t mean that she misplaced me. Had I really died? I hadn’t seen a bright light, or seen my parents waiting for me. I don’t remember anything that told me what would happen when we died. Where was my day of reckoning? Unless, all of the stories of a higher power and a day of reckoning were just to keep humans in check. Is it possible there really isn’t anything after death? Is it possible I believe in something that exists only in the mind of its believers? I believe that a God and a Goddess exists and a day of atonement, but now, I wasn’t so sure. Tamara bringing me back as a vampire wasn’t just giving me a second chance—it was challenging my entire belief system.

My mind was racing. My world started closing in on me. My legs went weak, where they could barely support my weight. I leaned toward the lounge chair next to the French doors as my world started to spin. I plopped into the chair and just like every good drunk, I placed a foot solidly on the ground to stop the spinning. It didn’t work. My world continued to whirl.

“It was Tamara’s decision to keep you with us.” Katherine turned to face me. “She has been nursing life back into your body. The problem is that…we’re not sure how the half-witch in you will react with our blood.”

I hid my face in my hands. If I heard Katherine right, I was neither vampire nor human. I wouldn’t be accepted anywhere. The vamps would see me as a mistake and humans wouldn’t trust me to control my bloodlust.

“I’m a freak.” I sobbed.

“No child. You are different, that is all. Your veins carry our blood and your heart beats. Things will change for you, unfortunately, we do not know how. Shamana and I have been watching your recovery, and we will continue to watch you.” Katherine rubbed a caressing hand on my back.

 Shamana is an older bruja that attacked Tamara and I in the alley. That night, defending Tamara, I found out that my own witch powers had grown. It turned out that Shamana knew Katherine from long ago. Shamana and Celeste have since moved into the Estate’s cottage.

“Do I need to…you know…drink blood?” I turned my face, hiding the fear that crept up inside me. I knew I wasn’t ready to know the truth, but this fell under the, I need to know column.

“I do not know. Only time will tell.”

Leave it to Katherine to be blunt. I stood and leaned against the patio balcony. Fatigue and dizziness wore over me quickly as I tried to deal with the shock of the century. Me, a vampire. Okay, me, a sort of vampire. How the hell was I supposed to live life now? Better yet, what the hell was going to happen to me? I tried not to get too far ahead of myself. Panic would serve no purpose.

“Where’s Kaley?” Even saying her name made my skin crawl.

Katherine turned and stared out into the openness of the night. “She has been missing since Friday night. Tamara and Celeste have been out looking for her.”

Why didn’t that strike me as odd? Of course, Celeste would help Tamara, that young vixen would do anything to get into Tamara’s bed. She had been trying to woo Tamara since day two. On day one, Celeste tried to kill her, but she made a mistake…she underestimated me, and I wasn’t about to give Tamara up without a fight. That little Vixen Bitch! I couldn’t help, but wonder how else she had been helping Tamara.

The cool breeze from the night air cut to my core and my stomach knotted up. The pain ran through my body, seizing my muscles, my world began to spin out of control. Thank God, I wasn’t far from the lounger, which was close to the floor. I saw the ground coming on me fast and then darkness.

I woke to see Tamara’s beautiful green eyes staring back at me, laden with concern.

“Hello my love.” Her voice was soft, sweet.

I tried focusing my blurry vision. I wanted a good, clear target of where to land my fist. I still couldn’t believe she turned me, but shit, a lot of things have been happening I couldn’t or wouldn’t believe.

“Are you okay?” I heard her say as she came into focus.

“I’m so going to kick your ass for this.”

Except there was one obvious problem. Tamara was as beautiful as ever, and instead of throwing her a sucker punch, I couldn’t help but smile. I smiled knowing that her tender eyes always sucked me into a feeling of safety I felt with no other. Her high cheekbones accentuated her delicate feminine features. Her long black straight hair cascaded over her face hiding the cheek scarred with an irregular shaped k. I inhaled taking in Tamara’s sweet smell. The smell lingered in my nose and reassured me that she would always be there for me. Tamara smelled a lot like her mother, but Katherine also carried a strong musk smell about her. It seemed I was unintentionally using my new vampire sniffing abilities.

I swam in Tamara’s calmness, and for a moment the world seemed perfect. That was, until Celeste and Shamana entered the room and my super sensitive nose picked up Tamara’s smell on Celeste. It was subtle but to the point, I can’t say it jumped out at me and smacked me because it didn’t. It was obvious enough that she had had intimate contact with Celeste. Damn! One minute, it’s all bliss and the next minute, it’s shot to hell.

“Oh hell no, you didn’t,” I snapped at Tamara and Celeste stopped in mid-step, donning a mischievous grin.

An anger I had never felt before rose from the very depth of my soul. It took on a life of its own wanting to pounce on the sleazy vixen, but it couldn’t escape my mortal body, and so it slammed against me instead. It pounded against my organs, causing excruciating pain, and it pushed against my skin trying to claw its way out. My new beast demanded satisfaction and when none came, it settled in my stomach. My stomach cramped, my mouth started salivating wanting the taste of Celeste’s blood. The anger crawled under my skin, boiling and festering while building more anger and hunger inside me. I tried yelling, but my beast took control from me. I felt trapped inside my own anger.

“Izzy,” Tamara’s voice echoed from a distance.

Darkness faded the edges of my sight. Celeste was on my radar and locked in as my target. My anger was impatient. It slammed into me again, demanding release, demanding satisfaction. I feared it would kill me if I didn’t give it what it wanted. I curled my fingers into the palms of my hands until my nails drew blood, but nothing distracted my anger. Instead, my beast got angrier as it paced frantically before it crashed against my insides threatening to rip its way out of me. I didn’t know how to fight the creature that took over me, so I surrendered to it. I dropped my mental walls and saw it staring back at me, enraged, and hungry for the taste of her blood. It forced its way into my mind and found my witch. It circled it, sizing it up, pouncing on it, and kicking my witch into a darkened abyss.

I watched, as a spectator, as my body flew through the air. I was gaining ground on Celeste. Soon she would be within my grasp, my hands mere inches from her neck. I could smell her fear. It was so powerful and so enticing it charged my beast with renewed strength.


I don’t know who yelled, and I didn’t care. What I cared about was that Celeste seemed to be getting further away. Her precious throat now looked miles away from me instead of inches. Tamara laid on top of me and Katherine was crouched in front of Celeste. Tamara used her body to catapult me into the wall. She had a firm grip on me, pinning me against her body. I struggled to break loose, but her grip stiffened locking me in place.

“Izzy please don’t do this.” Tamara whispered.

However, my beast didn’t care. It wanted resolution. It wanted to rip Celeste apart. I struggled with Tamara, but she pinned my wrists to the floor. I brought my knee up and rammed it into her gut. Her grip loosened and I wiggled under her and broke free. Before we knew it, Tamara and I were both on our feet, with Tamara standing between Katherine and me.

“You cannot do this.” She hissed at me, making no effort to hide her fully projected fangs. Her eyes were pitch black and her left leg balanced her weight for a counterattack.

Didn’t Tamara understand that I couldn’t control the monster that had taken over me?

Tamara matched my every move. I swayed to the right and Tamara swayed with me. I veered to the left, and she veered too. I stepped forward. She did too, closing the gap between us. I stopped and we both held our ground. I knew if I approached Celeste, Tamara would defend her and that thought fueled my anger even more. Shamana’s movement caught my attention. I leaned toward her and Tamara leaned toward me.

“No!” A deep hiss escaped my lips. Was that really me? Did I really sound like that?

“It’s normal to feel this way.” Tamara explained, as she took a step forward. “It is part of the transformation. It will pass.”

“Claim her,” Katherine ordered.

Claiming a vampire guaranteed control over them. Unclaimed vampires would wreak enough havoc that the human community would join the Council in eradicating vampires permanently. The humans would be fear stricken and the bloodshed on both sides would be astronomical. Vampires just couldn’t afford that kind of negative publicity.

“No,” Tamara moaned.

“Then control her. Now!” Katherine bellowed.

Tamara ignored her mother and continued to stare at me, matching every move I made. My beast couldn’t stand the waiting any longer and leapt toward Shamana.

Please God, don’t let Tamara kill me.

Tamara leapt toward me and caught me in mid-air, wrapping her arms around me as she took me to the ground in a tight grip, slamming my face against the wooden floor. She brought my arms together behind my back and jammed her knee against my shoulder blades, once again, holding me prisoner.

Celeste took a step back and threw a black energy ball at us. Right before the ball hit us, Shamana stepped into its path absorbing the power of it onto her own body. It crashed upon her threatening to pull Shamana into the depth of its destruction. Her face withered in pain, but she made no sound.

Celeste stood staring in horror as she watched her mother take in the full force of her fatal blow.

Shamana didn’t even stagger, she slowly inhaled and stood strong as a rock, pulling the energy into herself and turning it into a smoothing cascade of colors. She pulled the last of the energy in and gave Celeste a disapproving look.

“Enough!” Shamana barked.

Celeste perched, raising her hands ready to strike again and Shamana raised her arms calling her power. It swept through the room touching everyone. It prickled my skin like needles. It was incredible.

“Enough!” Shamana’s voice echoed. It carried a boom that radiated around the room. Celeste finally lowered her hands, and Shamana turned to me.

“Are we done here?” she asked.

I nodded my head. I conceded. I would not try to attack Celeste again tonight. Trapped underneath Tamara, my beast had slowly been calming itself, and I was again in control.

“Celeste outside now! And you,” she said pointing at me. “Talk to Tamara.”

Katherine and Shamana locked eyes upon each other and their hard gaze turned soft, and for a moment, I felt the love they once shared. Nodding, they quietly left the room.

“Can I let you go?” Tamara’s voice was calm.

Wait. I also heard fear. I didn’t hear it I felt it. I felt the fear in her words. I didn’t think Tamara ever felt fear, but she did and it left a very distinct taste on my tongue.

“Afraid of me? Isn’t that sweet?”

Tamara pulled my arms up causing me more pain. Pain always seems to make a point with me when my smug attitude gets in the way.

“Afraid I’ll have to kill you.” Her words burned with truth. “Can I let you go now?”

I felt defeated. My anger had defeated me and Tamara had defeated my anger. It was obvious that in a room with two Master vampires, I was the weakest. I was quickly learning my place in this new life.

“Yes, I’ll behave.”

Tamara loosened her grip even though I was still pinned to the floor unable to get away from her.

“Promise?” she asked.


She finally let go and I steadied myself on the wall as I got up. Tamara offered me her hand, and I pushed past it. I didn’t want her sympathy now. I felt like she was rubbing in the fact that she was stronger. After the few short steps, I fell onto the waiting mattress hiding my face from her. I was tired, hungry and confused. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep this nightmare away.

“I’m sorry.”

There it was again, the fear swept through me. “Did you sleep with her?” I yelled through the pillow.

Tamara hesitated and I raised my head to meet her gaze.

“I…I’m not sure how to answer that.”

Damn it, I felt the truth in her words she really didn’t know how to answer me. She shuffled her feet as she came closer.

How could she be so childlike and forgiving after what just happened? Me, I would have been pissed off that I had to tackle my girlfriend and pin her to the floor. Tamara could not care less. For her it was over.

“It’s really quite simple.” I took a deep breath. “Did you fuck her or not?”

Again, Tamara hesitated. I leaned my head to the side and just stared at her.

She lowered her gaze. “No…no, I didn’t fuck her.”

Damn it again. It sounded like the truth. I rolled over tucking the pillow under my head for support and continued to stare at her. Tamara stepped forward and I raised my hand up to stop her. I didn’t want her touching me right now.

“Did she fuck you?”

Tamara raised her brow. “No. She did not…Please let me come closer.”

“Just tell me what happened between you two,” I snapped, tired of dragging the truth out of her.

Tamara lowered her gaze and cautiously sat next to me on the bed. She took my hand in hers and shivers ran up my spine. Was she trying to roll me with her mind? I yanked my hand away from her.

“Celeste tried to seduce me and would have succeeded if Shamana had not interfered.”

I felt the truth.

She sat quietly for a moment then blurted out. “I drank from her. Okay? Are you happy now?”

I had forgotten Katherine told me Tamara had been feeding me, and I turned my face away.

“You couldn’t wait for me to heal?”

“No.” She stretched out on the bed, lying next to me. “I was too weak from feeding you.”

I was at a crossroad. I did find it kind of amusing that after all this time Tamara was now providing me with blood, but I wanted desperately to hold on to my mortality. Who would have thought that I would end up counting on her for my sustenance?

“What am I supposed to do now?” I laid my head on her arm.

“Your body has not healed completely.” Tamara gently stroked my hair. “It is time for another…” She didn’t finish that sentence. She didn’t have to.

“And if I refuse?”

“Then you will convulse until you pass out, and I will make you drink, anyway. I am not ready to lose you, my love.” Her tone was stern.

I would feed, one way or another, and it scared me. I knew she felt my fear, and I didn’t care. I didn’t want to drink her blood. I didn’t want to be a vampire, but I wasn’t ready to die either.

“This can be a beautiful thing…we can make this a beautiful thing,” she said, kissing my hand.

This was one of those moments, when I wished I had listened to the Katzes, when they told me to avoid vampires. They warned me that vampires are stubborn, and once they get an idea in their head, nothing short of killing them was going to change their minds. There were two problems that I saw right off the bat. One, I was too tired to fight and two, I didn’t want to kill Tamara. I wanted to live a very long life with her. Decisions, decisions. Pass out and have her feed me, or put my big girl panties on and deal with it?

Feeling conquered, I said, “Show me how beautiful this can be.”

Her eyes lit up. She kissed my hand running her sweet kisses up my arm until she reached my neck. She rolled on top of me kissing my lips, her hands caressing my thighs. I felt a prickling sensation then goose bumps.

“Please.” She kissed my lips. “Give me this…let me in.”

Her lips were as soft as the snow falling from a gentle breeze, her light kisses melted my tenseness away. Having her body pressed against mine comforted a restlessness I wasn’t aware I had. Tamara convinced me to give my fears up to her affections. Again, I felt a prickling. Only it wasn’t needles this time, it was a delicate nudge. Her presence permeated into all my senses. She was pressing against my thoughts and slowly changing my desires. I tried thinking about other things, but she redirected my thoughts. I fought to keep control, but I was losing. The pressure grew stronger, as it pushed against the inside of my head. Her power was a vise grip slowly pushing her thoughts into my mind. I felt joy, but it wasn’t mine. I knew it wasn’t mine but the joy I had brought into her life. I felt Tamara’s fear of losing me, I felt the love she treasured for Mila and the love she now had for me. I felt warm and safe with her.

I thought about Celeste, and her power tightened against my mind, slamming the door shut as she shifted my thoughts to the warm safe feeling of being in her arms. I saw us entwined in each other’s arms, passion growing between us. She had complete entry into my most private possession, my mind. I relished the intimacy we shared. I felt loved. I felt her passion and her joy. I felt an insatiable thirst and an overwhelming desire to drink. I hesitated. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I felt Tamara’s presence enveloping my thoughts again, pushing harder against my doubts.

I changed my mind. I didn’t want to do this anymore. She pushed harder, her presence enveloped me, claiming my last bit of free will and the feelings of satisfaction returned, warming me. Strength slowly returned to my fragile body. I wanted this feeling to last forever. I opened my eyes and saw Tamara watching me as I suckled her wrist. Oh God! What have I done? I stopped suckling, but left my mouth on her bloody wrist, afraid to move, afraid that if I pulled away I would never have this feeling again. She smiled and looked at me with loving eyes. I felt like I had waited an eternity to do this…this one thing and it felt wonderful. It felt refreshing, and it felt natural, my body craved for more. I instinctively stuck the tip of my tongue in her open wound to keep it from closing.

She moaned. I couldn’t do this. I convinced myself I had to pull away, but instead I closed my eyes and sucked harder. Tamara moaned louder. In spite of my efforts, her wound began sealing up. I wasn’t ready for it to end…not yet. I sucked harder, but nothing came.

Quietly she lay next to me, caressing her fingers through my hair, letting me lap up what little blood remained. My bittersweet fountain had drizzled dry as I licked the blood from her wrist. I pushed her arm away, disgusted with myself. How could I have done that? And the realization finally hit me, how can I survive without it?

“Feeling better my love?” Her tone was delicate.

Yeah. I felt better, but I didn’t want to admit that to Tamara. Knowing her as well as I do, she’ll hang on to this for a very long time and that’s all I seem to have ahead of me, time. My body felt rejuvenated and strong. Even before I was turned, I had never felt this alive. I felt a connection with everything. I finally understood this thing called life. I felt like I was the creator of my own destiny. Shit, I felt like I owned the world, but did Tamara now own me?

“Oh God. Am I a fledgling?” The words slipped out of my mouth.

“No, my love.” She smiled. “You are not my fledgling, you are my complement. No one will claim you.”

Her words calmed me, but did nothing to soothe the inner battle I had going on with myself. She softly caressed my hair and let me snuggle into her while I laid in bed wondering what other joys awaited me as a vampire. If tonight was any indication of what I was to expect, I wanted nothing to do with it. I couldn’t get enough of her blood, it scared me that all blood would feel like that.

I examined her wrist. Tamara’s wound healed quickly, not even leaving a scar. Her blood… her blood gave me energy. I rolled over on top of her kissing her neck and then pressed my lips against hers. I had an undeniable passion that burned in my soul. My fingers fumbled with her zipper—I wanted her now. Tamara placed her hand over mine and helped me unzip her pants. I worked my hand into her leather pants and found her crotch. Sliding my fingers through her wetness, I gently brushed against her clit and she jerked.

“Take your pants off,” I ordered as my fingers slid through her wetness.

She moaned a deep growl as I forced another finger deep inside her while she struggled to get out of her pants.

Finally, she raised her pants up, showing me her long toned legs.

I kissed her passionately caressing her fangs with my tongue.

She froze.

I had her at my mercy. I could do anything I wanted and I wanted her to fuck me. I broke from our kiss and she quickly turned me around scooting me up the bed until her mouth was at my groin.

She buried her face into my pussy eagerly tasting me. Her tongue surged new energy through me while she explored every fold and tasted every wet crevice. Her passion drew me in, pulling me deeper into her erotic abyss.

I bent over and tasted her for the first time with my new senses. Her sacred juices held me captivated by her sweet taste, a taste that called the thirst-craved maniac in me. I ravaged her with a renewed passion, taking her in my mouth and rolling my tongue on her sweet bud.

Tamara wrapped her arms around my waist and yanked me tightly against her naked body as she brought me to the edge of orgasm.

My body froze. I wasn’t ready to cum, not yet. She had driven me to the edge too quick. I wanted to feel everything she had to give, I needed to feel myself inside her. I craved her inside of me. I wanted her to roll my mind, drop me into the middle of an orgasmic ocean and drown me with her pleasure.

She rolled my rigid body over onto my stomach and kissed my back, firmly caressing my butt cheeks. I was wet and desperate.

“Please…please,” I gasped.

She lay on top of me, balancing her weight on one arm. Thrusting her groin against my butt cheeks, I felt her soft pubic hair slide across my ass. Her other hand slid between my legs. Her fingers thrust into my tight eager cunt finding that one spot that she knows so well that commands my pleasure and releases all my inhibitions. She found it on the first try, gently flicking it, bringing my g-spot to life.

“Oh…shit.” A deep moan escaped from the back of my throat.

“So tight,” she whispered in my ear and wetness leaked from me.

She used her knees to spread my legs further apart while she flicked and teased my g-spot.

My body trembled uncontrollably at her touch. My wetness drenched her hand. My breathing changed. The night air chilled my skin where the sweat had trailed down my back. I was close. Then Tamara ruthlessly forced another two fingers into me, making me stretch even more as she filled me. Slowly she pulled out of me and forced herself back in, harder and faster.

“Oh God!” I bucked, but she pressed me tightly against the mattress. She fucked me as if she wanted to touch every inch inside me. Pleasure washed over me repeatedly—the next orgasm more powerful than the last. I balled the sheets into my fist as another orgasm ricocheted through my body. God, help me, I couldn’t stop cumming—I was truly at her mercy!

“Please…stop…please,” I cried.

Instantly, she pulled out of me and rolled me over onto my back. She lay next to me with her arm stretched out under my neck holding my other arm down. She straddled her leg over me, keeping my legs apart. Softly her fingertips caressed my sensitive spot. I struggled to move, to get away from her touch, but she grabbed my arm even tighter. She teased me until every nerve fiber was firing with pleasure. Slowly she continued teasing my helpless clit, building the pressure housed inside my small erect bundle. My body burned and my legs trembled as her fingers continued their merciless task. I was a hostage to my own desires. My back arched and I screamed as a wave of ecstasy crashed through me. Tamara never faltered. She moved with my hips, following the rhythm of my groin, moving her fingertips to stay directly on me. I screamed and pushed myself half way off the bed as the last wave of euphoria drained from my lifeless body. In one swift motion, she pulled me back onto the bed. I was tired, I was hot and I was exhausted. I found the pillow we had thrown aside and nestled my head into it finding darkness waiting for me.








Chapter 3



A distinct copper smell that screamed dinner, woke me. My stomach growled and I knew what that meant—there was blood nearby. My heightened senses smelled it. I felt the fear and heard the pleading energizing the air. Every inch of my body stood at attention, but I wouldn’t give in to it this time. I couldn’t live the kind of life that necessitated drinking blood. What if I lost control while visiting friends? Would I bleed them, kill them or turn them? This life was better suited for Tamara. She had mastered control over her blood lust, not me. I tried to ignore the temptation while disregarding the hunger that the bittersweet coppery smell created. I attempted to ignore my body as it screamed for sustenance. I was holding steadfast until I heard the fear escalate in the young woman’s voice as she begged.

“Please, don’t hurt me.” The woman’s fear soaked into my essence with every word, “please…”

Fear, I learned, was a great motivator. It was an irresistible dinner bell to a vampire. I tried tuning it out. I buried my head into the pillow. I tried humming loud enough to drown out her cries. I tossed and turned in the bed and I hummed louder. I wouldn’t give in this easily. Yet what exactly would I be giving? I mean, I am a vampire now and this is what vampires do, isn’t it? I wouldn’t deny my physical hunger, would I? No! It’s these kinds of thoughts that make me weak and give my monster strength.

“Please…God help me,” the woman prayed. How poetic…stop it! I couldn’t allow myself to think like that. I should be feeding off some poor innocent creature. Creature? What was I thinking! She’s a human being, not a creature! My inner hunger was growing. My stomach cramps hit me harder and more painful than the last. I knew what my body wanted. It wanted me to feed. I gripped my stomach and rolled up into a small ball, rocking myself. The pain increased, and the agony gripped me. I was shivering in a puddle of my own sweat and drool.

“Help me!” I cried out to Tamara.

“Come…come to us.” Nice. This is her way of helping, encouraging me to feed.

I pulled myself up into a tight crouching position, tucking my knees underneath me. It was pathetic, but short of jumping out of the bed and ravaging the woman for her blood, it was the best I could do. I opened my eyes and saw them lying on the very lounger I was in earlier. Tamara had her face nestled into the woman’s neck.

Come to us. I heard Tamara’s thoughts. Come, my love.

“No!” I screamed as another stomach cramp bolted through my body. “No!” I cried and rocked back and forth waiting for the pain to let go. The overwhelming smell of blood was pulling on me breaking down my defenses. Against my will, I staggered across the hard wood floors on uncooperative legs that were determined to deliver me to my feed. My body had finally betrayed me. Sweat was stinging my eyes, but I couldn’t turn back now. I was so close to them.

I saw Tamara’s neat, little, bite marks on the stranger’s neck. Did she have to be so damn clean and precise? She didn’t let one single drop of blood go to waste. I would be the opposite, a child first learning how to eat. It would get messy and… messier. God help me for what I was about to do. I barely stayed on my feet as I reached Tamara, my stomach raging in hungered pain.

She looked at me with those damn, green eyes, and a slight smile broke across her blood tainted lips. She knew my hunger would eventually win. I staggered to stay on my feet and grabbed her shoulder for support.

“You must feed, my love.” She placed a firm hand on mine and taking me in her arms, she positioned me where she had been sitting.

I felt lost. All the blood I had taken up to this point had been from Tamara’s wrist, not someone’s neck. I stared at the thumping pulse calling to me with a religious reverence. Tamara moved me closer to the stranger that was to become my first meal hoping my instincts would take hold of me. I rested my head on the woman’s chest and heard her heart pounding within its tight constraints. I caressed her face and felt her soft, clammy skin against my cold fingers. I smelled her fear and heard her cries.

“Please,” she begged through her sobs.

Her fear saturated my senses like a drunk on ecstasy. I leaned into her neck and wrapped my cold lips around Tamara’s puncture wounds. I licked her skin and tasted the remnants of blood. It excited me. My lips kissed her tender skin and my tongue traced the puncture wounds Tamara had left. I sucked on her skin, the woman cried, but no blood came.

“Use your fangs.” Tamara caressed my back.

How nice was that? My comforting girlfriend encouraged me to drink a stranger’s life away.

I kissed her skin and closed my eyes. I wanted to savor this moment, the moment that there was no turning back. The moment that would not only change my life, but that would give me life. I took a deep breath inhaling the woman’s scent and bit down. The woman yelled. I knew it hurt. I didn’t posses Tamara’s ability to mask the pain, yet her pain was my aphrodisiac. I sucked until I tasted the coopery fluid grab my taste buds and dance along my tongue then slide down the back of my throat. I drank until I felt warm. I drank until I felt strong. I drank until I felt the woman’s body cooling and heard her heart slowing. I felt her essence waiting for me to reach out and claim it, leaving nothing of her behind except for an empty shell.

“Enough my love.” Tamara kissed my neck. “There will be others.”

Tamara tried to stop me. No. No. I wasn’t ready. I finally had my first real taste and I longed for more. I tightened my grip on the woman’s neck and sucked harder. I felt Tamara’s hand on the nape of my neck, her fingers spread out, giving her a strong grip on me.

“Enough,” she scolded me in a low rumble.

I ignored her. I had finally become what she made me. She would have to deal with it as I filled my mouth with the woman’s warm, sweet blood.

“Enough!” Tamara’s word resonated through my entire body, leaving me dazed. At that moment, she pulled me away from the woman’s neck.

“I made you a vampire, not a killer.” Her tone was soft. She leaned into me very slowly, stopping just short of kissing me and licked the blood from my lips.

“I gave my word that no harm would befall her tonight.”

“You gave your word? You set me up?”

“You weren’t feeding.” She cupped my face in her hands. “You were dying.”

“I trusted you to take care of me.” I jerked away from her.

“I am taking care of you!”

“You didn’t even give me the chance to figure this out on my own.” I pushed her away from me and raced to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me.

“How much time?” Tamara yelled through the closed door. “How much time did you want me to give you? Another three weeks? A month? A year? What? Tell me!”

I yanked open the bathroom door screaming, “Three weeks nothing! We just made love last night and Katherine told me I was only out of it for four nights!”

Tamara stepped back as spit went flying out of my mouth. “Izzy,” she lowered her voice. “That was three weeks ago my love.”

“Liar!” I screamed. “Liar!”

It was inconceivable that I lost three weeks of my life. Wait! Rewind. That I lost three weeks out of my fucking undead life. Before I realized what I was doing, I landed a well-placed right hook across Tamara’s jaw then a left hook into her abdomen. Tamara jolted right then doubled over, never falling off her feet. She stood straight up and faced me. Blood stained her lower lip where I busted it open. Suddenly I wanted to run to her and lick the blood off her, but my raging anger controlled the vampire in me. I swung another punch at her and she just stood there, taking it as I unleashed one punch, then another and another and another. Tamara never fought back or tried to restrain me. I threw punches until I fell to the floor exhausted. Then she did the one thing I never expected her to do. She picked me up in her arms, gave me a kiss on the forehead, tucked me into bed and said, “I love you.”











Chapter 4



The ringing phone woke me from a dead sleep. Jules asked if I would pick her up from the hospital. Apparently, she had been there for a few weeks and hadn’t been able to get a hold of Kaley. Thanks to Tamara setting me up to feed, I was feeling better. I threw on a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and my flip-flops since that’s all the clothes you ever need in sunny Florida. I was a little hesitant about venturing outside, especially after I found out that 3 weeks of my life were missing, and oh yeah, I couldn’t forget that I was a vampire now too. So how could I have been awake during the sunny daylight hours? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I was going to take full advantage of the fact that I was awake while the sun was shining. I snuck down to the Estate’s massive front doors, not knowing if Tamara gave the servants orders to keep me in today, and I didn’t want to risk running into anyone. Viola, their cook, was the sweetest person anyone could ever meet, but I didn’t underestimate her, she’d hack you to pieces to protect and obey any one of the Hightowers.

Before I ran outside to my uncertain doom, I stuck a finger out past the front door and waited to see if anything happened. No smoke and no burning. That was a positive note. I became more daring, and stuck my whole hand out and wiggled my fingers. My hand didn’t burst into a ball of flames so I figured I was safe and headed outside. The blinding sun stopped me in my tracks. It never appeared this bright before. I desperately needed sunglasses and found a pair in Tamara’s precious Lexus. I took it as a sign that I should take her car. It was not as if Tamara would need it today.

Little did I know that worrying about the sun would be the least of my worries today. I headed to Club Red first. After being absent for three weeks, I thought I should check in on things. The Club doesn’t open until after sundown so I was surprised to see the parking lot full. As I came up to the doors, a tall, muscular man stepped in front of me blocking my entrance.

“ID, please.”

I stared at him dumbfounded. I was shocked that my own club carded me. “Look lady, I need to see an ID or I can’t let you in.”

“Let me in?”

“Yeah, those are the rules. No ID, no can enter.”

I fumbled in my back pocket and pulled out my driver’s license handing it to Mr. Intelligent.

He did a double take at my license and said, “I’m so sorry.” Pulling the door open, he introduced himself. “I’m Ralph, please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”

I was a little afraid to go inside the establishment. I was all ready dreading the changes I had seen. The small entryway reverberated with the sound of music. The bass was deep enough to catch my breath. Coming out of the hallway, I stopped and stared at the naked dancers on stage.

A young waitress, wearing nothing but tight mini shorts asked, “Hey, cutie, can I get you something?”

“What?” I yelled over the music.

“Oh honey, first time here? It’s okay. We’ll get you set up.” She smiled, walked away and called out, “Bunny!”

Who or what the hell was a bunny and, what the hell was it doing in my Club? I scanned the bar for all the new changes. Tables were set up close to the stage with every seat occupied. Lights flashed and smoke rose from behind the stage as a woman did a cartwheel and landed in a split, impaling herself on a male dancer’s hard cock. The patrons oohed and aahed while she rode him until they both had an orgasm. The crowd cheered, demanding more. Waiters carrying large platters of food whisked by me serving guests their meals.

It looks like a respectable establishment until you glance up at the stage and see naked men and women performing acrobatics and having sex with each other.

A voice from behind broke my concentration from the show I was observing. “I’m Bunny and oh my, you are a cutie,” the tall brunette said, slapping my ass. “It’s okay, love, we’ll get you set up all nice and pretty.”

The combination of Bunny slapping my ass and the spectacle on stage did my patience in. I fumbled through the crowd of waiters, waitresses and patrons with Bunny hot on my heels until I reached the door to my private office. Locked, I started banging on the door hoping someone would answer, but Bunny grabbed my arm.

“That’s a private office sweetie,” she said sympathetically, pulling on my shoulder. “You’re boyfriend ain’t in there. I promise.”

Oh no, she didn’t just touch me again. I called an energy ball to zap her a bit, not much, but just enough to teach her to be careful of where she put her hands. Unfortunately, my energy fizzled before it zapped. That could be a problem.

“No, my boyfriend isn’t in there, but you’re final check is.” I spun around, grabbing her hand and twisted her arm into a vise lock. “If you ever touch me again, I’ll rip your arm off.”

I dug deep into my pocket pulling out my keys and unlocked the door, flinging Bunny into the room with me. “Sit down and shut up.”

In a moment of utter confusion, Bunny did as told. She sat down on one of the leather chairs I had ordered. At least that was the same. Now I had to find out who the hell thought they were in charge of my dance club. I ruffled through my desk drawers looking for a clue.

“S-S-Stacia’s n-n-n-not going t-t-t-to like you g-g-g-going through her drawers,” Bunny stuttered.

“Stacia huh?” I plopped down in my desk chair. I had heard Tamara mention a Stacia. Could it be the same girl? “You go find Stacia and tell her the club’s owner is here. Now!”

Bunny shot up out of the seat and headed back outside into the crowded room.

Well at least my office remained the same—nothing had been moved or replaced. Yippee! I sat watching Bunny through the large mirrored wall that looked onto the dance floor. I saw her talking to Ralph, who promptly dismissed her. Mr. Intelligent just earned the right to keep his job. Bunny was now on the phone, frantic. After a few minutes, she hung up the phone and calmly walked back into my office.

Knock! She opened the door and let herself in. Knock!

“Stacia will be here momentarily,” Bunny announced and closed the door behind her.

She was a smart girl for not wanting to be here when I reamed the alleged manager for all the unapproved changes.

I watched as the patrons clapped and cheered for the dancers performing mediocre dance moves on the stage, though there wasn’t anything special about the sex either. It’s almost as if they were hypnotized into watching and wanting more from the show.

Finally, a tall, thin woman wearing a custom made Italian suit walked through the door. Her beauty immediately gripped me. She carried a day runner and a cell phone the way police officers carry their weapons. The way she gently flicked her blonde hair out of her face portrayed her as a calm, collected woman in the face of adversity. She stood in the doorway to my office and batted her long blonde eyelashes drawing attention to her blue eyes. Damn! Now I knew Tamara was behind this, Stacia definitely fit Tamara’s profile for employees. Tall, blonde and gorgeous.


I nodded my head.

“It’s good to finally meet you.” she said, holding out an envelope with my handwritten name on it. I immediately recognized Tamara’s handwriting.


My Love,

I took the liberty of re-arranging a few things at the club while you were indisposed. I’ve increased your revenue by forty-three percent and have made Club Red the ultimate in adult entertainment. Stacia is my trusted servant. I’ve appointed her your assistant with the understanding that you may replace her at a later date. The choice is yours. I suggest you use her for the knowledge she has. You can use the rest of the club employees at your discretion.

All my love,



Oh, Tamara can infuriate me! If it’s true that revenue was up forty three percent, I needed to rethink this. I couldn’t have done that myself. The club was only making ends meet before I took a leave of absence. Maybe I should give Stacia a chance. I laid my feet up on my desk and leaned back in the chair. Was I trying to play Ms. Tough Guy? Probably, what would it hurt?

“Talk to me,” I said without looking at her.

“Revenue is up. Attendance is up. The restaurant and the shows are booked solid for the next four months. At seven o’clock, we close the doors for two hours while we rearrange for the dance club. At precisely nine o’clock, the doors reopen for Club Red’s all night dance extravaganza. We’ve had to hire three more bouncers outside, as our lines usually wrap around the building. Every day, we attract clientele from as far north as Georgia and from South Florida, not limiting the Keys. The dance club has a full house almost every night of the week and I have confirmed reports that Club Red’s popularity has grown to as far away as New York. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“Yes. Are you usually so smug?”

“Yes. It comes with experience.” She closed the office door. “I’ll leave if you want me, too. The club is making money hand over fist. Please hire someone who will keep your best interest in mind.”

Her comment made sense. Who could I hire that would treat Club Red as their own and make it profitable and this popular, especially in Lake Worthington? I wrote down my cell number and handed it to Stacia.

“I want to know about major changes before they happen. Get rid of Bunny, today. No one grabs my ass and calls me sweetie. And make sure the staff knows who I am.”

Stacia took my number and immediately stored it in her cell phone. “Anything else?”

“Yes, give Ralph a raise.”

Stacia smiled. She knew I had just given her carte blanche with my club. I wasn’t ready to leave, but I told Jules I’d pick her up from the hospital.








Chapter 5



Jules was little Miss Chatty from hell. She jumped right into the car and into a conversation, leaving it up to me to make sense of what she was saying. She told me that she had needed eight out of the ten usual pints of blood the normal human body needed to sustain itself and that it had been Kaley who had taken so much from her.

Oh, poor baby. No sympathy from me…sorry.

She told me that that night had started earlier than usual. She had called Kaley and asked her to cancel her donors meeting. A donors meeting is when a vampire, oh…like me now, has a donor literally donate blood for them. Jules said Kaley had objected, telling her that it wasn’t a good day, but Jules had insisted, telling Kaley it was imperative for her to get home quickly.

Kaley hesitantly agreed. Then Jules told me she decided it was time for her to satisfy not only Kaley’s hunger, but her own curiosity as well. No one had ever bitten her and wondered what it would feel like.

I must have gotten that glazed look on my face because Jules started talking louder. When she gets flustered, she gets a high pitch voice that scrapes across my eardrums making me want to rip her vocal cords out and hang them to dry. I smiled. What else could I do other than kill her and save my eardrums from rupturing?

After taking a deep breath, she preceded to tell me she wore a new, silk, nightgown that she paraded in while cleaning the house. She confessed to knowing that Kaley was sensitive to emotions, and that she first had to convince herself that this is what she wanted, or she’d never convince Kaley.

Ah, Jules isn’t the dumb blonde we all thought she was.

She said she heard the front door lock click, and without a second thought, sprung to meet Kaley at the door, wearing her new nightie, a smile and a dash of her favorite perfume. I couldn’t bear to get intimate details about Kaley’s sex life. That was just icky. Kaley isn’t just my sister-in-law, she’s also the bitch who killed me and I didn’t want to know intimate details about her.

“Wait.” I threw my hands up. “Don’t you think this is getting a little too personal now?”

“I’m sorry.” Jules stared out the window for a moment. “I don’t know anyone else to trust. I’ve been alone in the hospital for three weeks unable to talk to anyone. They wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to turn into a vamp, you know?”

Funny thing is, yeah, I knew exactly what she meant. It was still against the law to turn someone without written consent. It requires a bunch of legal paperwork crossing over a bunch of Judges’ desks to approve such an act. Sure, I could have Kaley put to death, but I would have to include Tamara in the charges and I wasn’t about to do that.

Wait a minute! Three weeks ago Friday, was when Kaley showed up at my front door and bled me. “Three weeks ago Friday?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Jules mumbled with tears running down her face as she laid her head against the window.

Damn it! Why didn’t I put it all together and why did she have to cry? Now I felt sorry for her. “I’m sorry Jules.” I placed my hand on her arm. “I really do want to know.”

She spouted, “Throughout the evening Kaley’s anxiousness increased. Kaley would begin to pace and when I finally managed to sit her down, she would start tapping her fingers to an unknown tune. But I was relentless, hugging and kissing on her, carefully watching her eyes turn a chocolate color and then lighten up to a beautiful blue.” Jules took a breath and whispered, “I was confident handcuffs would hold her.” Then she wiped tears from her face and mumbled, “I sat in Kaley’s lap knowing it would drive her crazy and bit her neck, slowly dragging my teeth against her skin.”

Really? How Slow? That gave me goose bumps.

Sobbing loudly Jules continued, “I thought I heard a cracking sound and paused for only a moment and that’s when it all turned to shit. Kaley yanked my head backward. Her eyes were pitch black and had a coldness that resembled the devils own eyes. I panicked.”

Oh forceful. Now it was getting interesting.

Jules clammed up on me after that, she just stared out of the window until we pulled into her driveway.

She was eagerly out of the car and on the front wraparound porch before I had a chance to turn off the car’s engine. I followed her into the house and it was a mess, whatever pictures still hung on the walls, hung crooked. The misplaced living room furniture littered the small room. The large couch rested on end in one corner, the coffee table was broken in half and the massive solid wood entertainment center laid in pieces. A bottle of spilled red wine lay on the white carpet. I made my way into the kitchen for a wet rag, and saw a very large butcher knife lying on the kitchen floor. There was that smell, that tinny, cooper smell I had become so acquainted with. Although no blood was visible, I knew it once covered the kitchen floor. Whatever happened here was brutal. I rounded the kitchen corner with the wet rag and found Jules sitting on the carpet next to the red stain, crying again.

“It’s not blood,” I said, announcing my presence.

“I know.” Jules paused. “She wouldn’t be that careless.”

I hate to see anyone cry, even Jules so I sat down next to her and held her.

“I miss her so much,” Jules declared through wet sobs.

“I know,” I repeated, trying to comfort her. “I know.”

It took a box of tissues, a cup of chamomile tea and some minor furniture rearranging before Jules calmed down.

“You and Tamara are together, right?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded head.

“Tamara’s a vampire, too, isn’t she?” Jules looked so innocent asking such a loaded question.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“How do you do it?”

I raised an eyebrow.

“How do you keep her needs met?” Jules put her hand to her mouth. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that question. I mean how did you two meet?”

I smiled. I knew exactly what Jules meant but I wasn’t ready to share that with her yet. “We met about a year ago. We started out in an unusual relationship. I was appointed her donor.” Knowing Jules felt donors were glorified blood prostitutes, I waited for a reaction and when none came, I continued. “I worked for Kaley, and after a while she decided to introduce me to Tamara. Tamara’s lover Mila was killed many years ago.”

“Oh no,” Jules exclaimed.

“Kaley said Tamara wasn’t the same since Mila died and hoped I could help Tamara come out of her shell.” I stretched out on the hard kitchen chair. “Kaley said I have a rebellious nature that allows me to offset the darkest moments of life into either something enjoyable or rewarding.” I took a sip of tea wondering how the hell I was going to do that now. “ Kaley said I’m a corncob magnet and Tamara definitely qualified for my services. Kaley asked me if I would spend time with Tamara and loosen her up a bit.”

What I didn’t tell Jules is that no one else would spend time alone with Tamara because of her reputation and Kaley had to guarantee my safety.

I cradled the teacup in my hands, enjoying its warmth. “I made Kaley a lot of money and she treated me very well so when I asked to retire, Kaley didn’t deny me. She knew I had decided to share my blood with only Tamara, and that made Kaley extremely happy.” I blew the steam off the top of the cup. “You know, what you did was brave, but it was kind of stupid.”

“Yeah it was,” Jules replied, placing a hand on her neck.

“Don’t worry, it won’t start bleeding. Kaley sealed up the puncture wounds.” I paused. “Why, Jules? Why did you do it?”

Jules eyes went wide. I dropped the two twisted halves of the handcuffs on the table with a note from Kaley that simply read, I’m sorry.

Jules went pale. “I underestimated…” she paused.

“Her strength?” I volunteered with a grin.

Jules told me that she had refused to believe that Kaley, her soft, kind, gentle, loving Kaley was the person she described herself to be. Jules talked for almost an hour about how loving and gentle, and compassionate Kaley was and that she had never seen her lift a finger to harm another soul. I, on the other hand, knew the capabilities of a Hightower and their rage. I experienced it firsthand.

“Damn it, Izzy! I know what you’re thinking. Kaley wouldn’t hurt anyone. She’s not a monster!” Jules snapped through tears.

I cocked my head. No, she’s not a monster, but she is a vampire and she did attack me. Did Jules not realize the full extent of who Kaley Hightower was? Everybody knows the Hightower clan does not do compassion, not now…not ever. In fact, even the few elders that remain, respect and fear them.

In the early days of our relationship, Tamara had introduced me to the Hightowers reputation. Tamara had said, know your friends as well as your enemies, and she showed me paintings of her ancestors. Some, she said, are still alive. Know them by sight and never give them your back.

It was startling how similar the females looked. They had inherited all the Hightower qualities, the same tall, muscular, well-defined, toned body and eyes as blue and clear as the purest beaches. Except for Tamara, her eyes were an emerald green. They all had long, straight black hair that seemed to sway in the slightest breeze. Their skin looked flawless and unblemished, they were so majestic looking that even in their portraits their beauty immediately captured people’s attention. Which for them, I thought, was a good thing, but now I had to wonder if Kaley had entranced Jules.

“No, Jules, she is not a monster,” I said, leaning into the table cradling my head in the palms of my hands. “She’s a vampire, sweetie. Has Kaley not told you about herself?” I rubbed my burning eyes. It seems like the drama of the past several weeks were catching up to me or maybe…maybe I needed to feed again.

“Yes,” Jules replied confidently. “She has.”

“Then?” I sighed, waiting for her to answer. After a few moments, my patience wore out. “Did you not realize that as a vampire, Kaley needs to drink blood?” I was more frustrated at myself for letting Kaley get the better of me than I was at Jules, who was just an easy target for me right now.

“She doesn’t want to be that way anymore,” Jules yelled.

I almost laughed aloud.

“Did Kaley tell you that? That she didn’t want to be a vampire anymore?”

I couldn’t believe the nonsense that I had just heard. It wasn’t as if Kaley had a choice other than death…permanent death.

“No, she hasn’t,” Jules replied defensively, then took in a deep breath and lowered her voice. “Kaley says that she is what she is.”

It isn’t easy to be honest with yourself, even in this day and age when everyone claims to have an open mind, people run, loved ones get hurt and witch-hunts still happen. I didn’t want to hurt Jules feelings, I mean I was starting to like her as a friend, but I knew that she needed a serious reality check.

I lowered my collar, allowing two, small, minute scars to show. “This is Tamara.” I pointed to my neck and, moving my fingers slightly to the side, I exposed the scar from the wound Kaley made when Tamara elbowed her off me. “This is Kaley.”

Jules sat stunned.

“Do you see the difference?” I pointed to the scar Kaley left behind. “Tamara is sustaining her needs. Kaley’s is much deeper, more intense. She had no intention on stopping, Jules. What happened that night that drove Kaley to take a chunk out of my throat?”

 “I had never seen Kaley in such a…state,” Jules yelled and her tears started flowing again.

“She asked for my blood. I said no. She started lifting and throwing the heavy furniture like weightless twigs. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I swore to defend myself, as I pleaded with her to stop. She stopped, but she had a cynical look about her, then a playful grin broke across her face and she showed me her fangs.”

Jules hugged herself.

“Instantly Kaley had maneuvered herself around me. Hugging me from behind, she locked her arms around me, and grabbed the hand that held the knife. She turned the knife on her own throat and started yelling, is this want you want, you want to kill me? She pushed the knife harder against her throat. I thought she was going to cut her own throat open so I fought with her to let go of the knife, but she was stronger than I was. I remembered thinking I would die trying to protect myself and so stopped struggling. Moments later, Kaley’s grip loosened, and the knife fell from my hand. I can’t remember anything else. I woke up in the hospital. I haven’t even heard from her since.”

By this point Jules was in an all out sobbing fit.

Jules is the reason why Kaley sucked the life out of me. Oh geez, just when I was starting to like her, too. I guess a part of me still wanted her as a friend because I wanted to beat the shit out of her, not kill her. If she had just finished what she started, none of this would have happened. Kaley would have had her taste and neither Jules nor I would be recovering from a vampires temper tantrum. Damn it! I had to put my anger in check before my new monster reared its ugly head. I can’t say I took a deep breath because it didn’t feel like I did, but for the first time in my life I counted to ten, then twenty, then thirty.

“Kaley had to get your permission, Jules. You waved a hefty meal in front of a hungry vampire and then told her she couldn’t eat. I’d have freaked, too.”

Jules curled her lip. Her confusion was obvious.

“The Hightowers are cursed with the punishment.” No sooner had I finished that statement and Jules wore a blank face. “They were cursed by a bruja. The Hightowers can’t take blood from the unwilling.”

Jules looked at me dumbfounded. “I thought all vampires could take blood when they wanted to.”

“No, Jules.” I shook my head. “The Hightowers can’t.” My anger rose again. I had to count, count until I could explain this to her again. Jules just wasn’t getting it. Was it possible Kaley hadn’t told her about their biggest weakness? Well, if Kaley hadn’t told her, then I would. This fell under the Jules-needs-to-know category.

“Listen, Jules, when the Council first began, the Hightowers were responsible for most of the original members’ deaths, seeking out and destroying each and every potential member. It was then, that they decided to curse the Hightowers in an effort to slow them down long enough so that they could grow in numbers. Since the United States passed the indoctrination of directive seventy-three-eleven, it made it illegal to hunt and kill vampires, but that didn’t stop the Council, they didn’t care. They took it upon themselves to continue their lifelong work of eradicating vampires. They once admitted that when vampires infiltrated into mainstream society, it made it more difficult to eliminate them because they were now more visible. But that wouldn’t distract them from their duties as God-fearing extremists, and the Council swore to continue opposing the directive.”

There was so much I didn’t say that Jules was oblivious. She had no idea that vampire blood was rich in nutrients and enzymes that cured most fatal diseases. The world had seen a ninety percent reduction in cancer cases, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and we now were close to finding a permanent cure for AIDS.

“Vampires have done a lot of good for humans. And some people still aren’t happy with bloodsuckers running around free.”

She didn’t flinch at the term bloodsuckers, in fact, I got no reaction from her at all. I guess shock does have some benefit. “The United States was not the first to incorporate vampires into society. We fell behind major countries like the U.K., Switzerland, Russia, Australia, and even the small island of Cuba. Now, vampires are everywhere, even in small towns like Lake Worthington, Florida.”

“Vampires have strict rules and laws they must obey. Aside from humans monitoring them, master vampires are responsible for every vampire they create. The elders knew how important it was to integrate successfully with humans, so in the early days, the Masters used many vampires as an example to send a quick and fearful message across the board.”

“Tamara once shared with me that humans were their greatest resource and they wouldn’t deplete the world of their food source.”

Jules sat stunned trying to absorb everything I was telling her. Did I need to tell her all of that? Probably not, but it wouldn’t hurt her to know some background. Honestly, if it were me, I would have fallen asleep by now, but she hung on. I felt the fear that she now carried, and I felt responsible for shattering her illusion of the normal world she thought she lived in. Yeah, incorporating vampires into mainstream society did come with its drawbacks.

“Kaley obviously loves you very much,” I said. “But you need to understand the world she lives in is much different than ours.” Ours. How funny, I’m still hanging on to the part of me that doesn’t want to be a vampire.

Jules didn’t say much, just a simple, “Would you mind staying the night and keeping me company.”

Shit. I wanted to get home to Tamara, but I couldn’t refuse Jules request. I knew I freaked her out and with good reason. Hesitantly, I agreed. Knowing Tamara wouldn’t be up for a couple hours, I called her cell phone and left a long-winded message, telling her I went by the club and met Stacia. I told her everything I found out from Jules. I apologized for sneaking out of the house, knowing I probably worried her. Oh and for taking her car. I let her know I was staying at Jules’ tonight. Then I settled onto the sofa bed Jules had prepared for me and found a classic, black and white vampire movie, the kind of movies vampires love to watch and make fun of the story. I’ve even known Tamara to throw popcorn at the TV set and mimic, look into my eyes with a foreign accent.








Chapter 6



I don’t remember seeing the end of the movie, but Tamara’s energy woke me to a white noise TV screen. Jules didn’t have cable. She had whatever she was able to get with her old-fashioned antennae.

I felt Tamara was somewhere close and she was pissed off. I’m sure she put Jules and Kaley’s fight together and she blames Jules for their fight, my being turned and for Kaley’s disappearance. I quietly set off to find her searching all the common areas and finding nothing. If Tamara were here to see me, why would she hide? Unless, she wasn’t here for me at all—Oh, Shit! Tamara had come for Jules.

I gasped and started up the stairs to Jules, master bedroom. Slowly, I cracked open the bedroom door, the large curtains that covered the French doors gently flapped in a soft breeze, startling me. I saw a large Victorian dresser, a fainting chair matching the Victorian era and an extremely large bed. Jules curled herself up in the middle of the bed, surrounded by a black comforter.

I felt Tamara’s presence invading Jules unprotected mind, keeping her peacefully asleep. I barely caught a blurred glimpse of Tamara standing in the shadows, when suddenly she was standing next to Jules’ bed, staring down at her. I always wondered if it was vampire willies that gave the illusion that they moved so fast, but since I’d been upgraded, so to speak, I can tell you that it’s real, they, I mean, we really move that fast.

No! My mind screamed.

Tamara turned and stared at me.

Leave. Her thoughts slipped into my mind. Leave now.

“I can’t.” I whispered, knowing she would hear me.

This is not for you to see. Her voice echoed in my head.

Tamara seemed calm compared to my desperateness to keep Jules alive. I glanced at Jules while she lay peacefully sleeping, oblivious to the fact that she was about to have her throat ripped open.

“I can’t,” I whispered again. “This is not you,” I paused, taking in a deep breath. “You don’t kill for the pleasure of killing.”

I had never challenged Tamara like this before—okay, the whole Celeste thing from earlier doesn’t count. I’ve never mingled in Tamara’s affairs, but this time was different. Jules trusted me. She asked me to keep her company tonight and I wouldn’t let Tamara kill her. I had watched her interactions with her fledglings and being their superior, no one ever denied Tamara anything. They would throw themselves onto a wooden stake if she had only asked. I knew she ruled with a strong fist, but I wouldn’t concede to her superiority. I hoped that her love for me would protect me from her temper.

I do as I please, she shouted in my head.

I covered my ears trying to drown out her bark.

“Not tonight my love.” I whimpered back. If you stood between your pissed off Master vampire girlfriend and you’re normal human friend, you’d be scared, too.

Tamara approached me with exquisite speed. She seemed to glide across the hardwood floors without making a sound. Within moments, we were face to face, our noses barely touching.

She leaned in close taking in the fear that permeated from my pores. Emotions created powerful chemicals that vampires basked in, where it touched their core animalistic side. There I go again, it touched our core, warming us, and teasing our hunger in a crude manner. It was a powerful aphrodisiac to feed and I continued to hope that Tamara’s love would keep me safe. Before my upgrade, I had a powerful tool to use for manipulating Tamara. All I had to do was deny her request to feed from me. Now, I wasn’t sure how it worked. I was playing a new game with a new set of rules. How did a Master vamp deal with an unruly vampire girlfriend? It didn’t matter. I wouldn’t consent to anything until the anger that ruled Tamara calmed itself.

“And now you betray me?” Her breath bounced off my skin.

 “I don’t,” I paused. “Your anger betrays you.”

Tamara ran her tongue up my neck allowing her teeth to scrape my soft skin. She woke the hunger in me, not just for blood, but for sex, too. I wanted to feel the same sensations she felt when she fed from me while I orgasm.

I exposed my neck to her in a way that was seductive, not submissive. It was vampire foreplay.

She placed a firm grip around my waist and pulled me closer, her free hand moving inside my loose fitting shirt. She worked her way up my back, rubbing and caressing my stiff muscles.

Tamara’s touch was rougher than usual.

I knew her anger screamed to be satisfied. Working her tongue back down my neck, I knew she could hear the intoxicating beat of my pulse. She stopped to feel the consistent pattern thumping against her tongue, a single fang brushed my skin. Feeling her anticipation, I pulled away from her.

Tamara let a mischievous smile slip from her lips. “And now you deny me?” she whispered letting her breath tease my ear again. “You protect her even though she cost you your mortality?”

I knew vampires didn’t really breathe, but she played on my desires well. Her free hand slowly moved down my back, sliding into the back of my shorts.

“Jules didn’t turn me.” I wrapped my hands around her waist. “You did, don’t blame her for your choices.”

Tamara ignored me. Firmly caressing my butt cheeks, she pulled me even closer as she kissed my soft lips.

After a year of loving her, I had mastered kissing a vampire. My tongue no longer fumbled with her fangs. Instead, I expertly explored her mouth and even learned how to tease her points without them stabbing me—not that it mattered anymore. I slid my tongue past her pointed fangs, probing her mouth while grabbing her ass and pulling our bodies so closely together that the air seemed to disappear between us. Tamara froze in my grip. I still knew how to command her pleasure. I took my time, carefully rubbing my tongue against her pointed daggers. I knew the thought that I so comfortably played with her fangs drove her insane with desire. My tongue caressed them, teased them and for a few brief moments, controlled them. I loved that her most feared weapon was her Achilles heel. She taught me to find people’s weaknesses and use them against them. She had taught me well. I loved the absolute control I had over her, keeping Tamara the Master Vampire in an involuntary state of submission until I decided otherwise. Sometimes, I would make her wait for hours before I rewarded her. We knew her fledglings would not take kindly to their Master being submissive to anyone so we kept it our little secret.

Before releasing Tamara from my grip, I gently rubbed the crotch of her tight fitting leather pants. Feeling the warmth hiding within, I grabbed her crotch and held it while I slowly thrust my hips against her. She let out a soft moan, but didn’t dare move.

Pulling my tongue back, I released the power I had over her and felt my own wetness escape me. If she could breathe, she would have taken a deep sigh of relief. Jules moaned and stretched out as if being held in someone’s embrace.

 “Are her dreams exciting?” I asked, sliding my thigh between Tamara’s legs and rubbed against her groin. She leaned forward rubbing herself harder against my thigh. I waited for her to thrust her groin against me a few times then placed my foot firmly on the floor, pulling away from her.

“Give me your word you will not harm Jules in any way.” I knew I was asking a lot from her. I teased her neck with sweet kisses trying to seduce her sexual hunger as incentive for Jules’ safety and I turned my head exposing my vulnerable neck. “And I will consider giving you what you want.”

 A bold move, but sometimes neither of us played fair. It was a formidable challenge to keep my vampire lover in check. I was awe-struck by her beauty. Her long, black hair accentuated her olive complexion while her high cheekbones thinned her face, making her appear more feminine. A very small scar in the shape of a misaligned k adorned her right cheek, and her seductive light green eyes seemed to command, effortlessly, my attention. At that moment, I realized she had invaded my mind, steering me in the direction she wanted.

“You naughty little vamp.” I gently nibbled her earlobe. “Now, you’re playing dirty. No mind games.”

Tamara took in my smell and grinned.

“I give you my word,” she promised through clenched teeth, “she will live to see another day.”

Finally, her anger yielded to my request. Relieved, I led her downstairs to the sofa bed Jules had prepared. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it gave us more privacy to play our cat and mouse game.

I found a couple of old sashes and turned the TV off. Tamara’s expression was priceless when I pushed her away from me and ordered her to strip off her clothes. She obeyed, bashfully removing her garments. I, then, tied one of the sashes around her wrist.

“You’re going to be tied up.” I grabbed her other wrist and tied her hands together.

Her apprehensiveness faded and a smile curled at the corner of her lips.

“Really?” She raised her bound hands. “And the other sash is it for my feet?”

“Oh, no.” I kissed her gently on the lips. “This one.” I raised it up for her to see. “Is for those treacherous little fangs of yours.”

She pinched her eyebrows together. “You’re not serious?”

My game had taken a twist she hadn’t expected. Sometimes, it’s good to keep your vampire girlfriend guessing. I tied a knot in the sash. “Come on, open that pretty little mouth. I’m the only one doing any biting tonight.” Hesitantly, she followed my instructions and I placed the knot in her mouth, tying the sash around her neck. I pulled on the sash making sure there was no slack. “Is it too tight?”

She shook her head no.

I positioned her back directly in front of the mattress. “Be a good girl. Stand right here and don’t move.” I took off my tee shirt, then my jeans. The bra was next and I wiggled my bare breasts at her. I slowly slid out of my bikini-floss undies and ran my hands up her thighs. One of my hands stopped at her crotch, the other hand, lightly brushed against her stomach making her muscles quiver under my touch.

I pressed my naked body against her and gave us a gentle push. Tamara tumbled backward onto the mattress and I fell on top of her, thrusting my loins against her naked body. Passionately kissing her neck, I ran my hand down to her pussy, sliding my fingers through her wet and swollen lips. She thrust her hips up and I moved my hand with her, keeping my touch just slightly out of her reach. As her hips went down, my hand followed. I would not let her escape my teasing touch so easily. Straddling across her waist, my tongue teasing her cleavage, I stopped momentarily to feel her nipple grow and stiffen at my touch. Tamara moaned. She’s never liked her breasts played with, but I love the feel of her hard nipple burrowed in my mouth. I knew not to linger on her breast for too long, or she’d start getting agitated. Caressing my tongue down her stomach, her muscles flinched at my delicate touch. I checked her hands to make sure she hadn’t broken free of her bonds. “You’re so good,” I whispered and then bit her belly. Hard.

“Huh ha.” She moaned through the knotted invader in her mouth as she squirmed under me.

My tongue found her curly pubic hair and I smelled the irresistible sweet scents that belong to her. I slipped my tongue past her soft clump of fur and flicked her clit. She raised her hips to meet me, and I pulled away, moving my tongue back up the same path I had followed down—up her stomach, past her chest and up to her neck. Frustrated, she dropped her hips on the mattress. I slowly rubbed my wet pussy against hers, teasing her with my fingertips and gently kissing her neck. Nuzzling into her neck, I continued the deliberate tease feeling her nub swell underneath my fingers.

She moaned raising her hips higher and another slippery wave drenched my fingers.

“Don’t move,” I ordered while gently nibbling on her neck.

She raised her hips to me, in a skewed way she considered this begging.

“Shh…” I bit her neck harder and rammed three fingers deep inside her. “I said don’t move.”

Her eyes turned black. I now dealt with her vampire, but she obeyed. She didn’t move, but clenched her jaw so hard I thought she would break a fang. I slid my nakedness over her and finger-fucked her as if I wanted to touch every part, every muscle and every organ inside her. I took her to the edge of orgasm and waited for that one moment I knew she would start to come. That will be when her hip thrusts, change from a steady rhythm to a sporadic, holding her hips up in the air and giving a couple of short quick thrusts.

Finally, I sank my fangs deep into her soft neck. As my teeth broke her skin, two things happened. She screamed and wildly bucked her hips and I drowned in the delightful taste of her orgasm. It takes restraint to keep from bleeding your partner during sex. The chemical reactions that sex causes also change the smells and tastes of the body making them sweeter, almost addicting. One thing I had forgotten was how much I enjoyed taking a dominant role and having her obey my wishes. No matter how mean or ruthless she is to everyone else, give me a few minutes alone with her, and Ms. Nasty is obeying my every command and…loving it. “Did I say you could cum?” I moved my hand away from her.

Tamara shook her head.

“Then why did you?”

She lifted her hips to meet my touch.

I ignored her futile begging.

“Bad vamp!” I slapped her pussy and she raised her hips higher. Oh yeah, she was submissively begging now and I loved it! I positioned her bound hands on my pussy while I caressed her swollen clit. “Tease me and don’t stop. You must make me cum now.”

She nodded her head and her fingers immediately went to work. I let her build my pleasure, then I pulled away.

Caressing my fingers through her wetness, I said. “Make…me…cum…” and rammed two fingers deep inside her.

Her second orgasm exploded without warning as my fingers forced their way inside her. She bucked her hips, moaned, and just like all my ex-boyfriends, suddenly went still, falling asleep in my arms —leaving me horny and frustrated.








Chapter 7



Bang! Bang! Clank!

I woke up naked and alone cuddling with the two sashes we were intimate with last night. Jules was in the kitchen, playing toss across with the pots and pans. I fumbled for my cell phone—it’s my makeshift watch. Great, it’s seven o’clock, I only had two hours of sleep and I was exhausted. Damn. I wanted a shower and needed some peace and quiet. Last night had been phenomenal, I had no idea I could feel that alive. There’s something to say about feeding while you’re having sex. Now I understood why vamps go overboard and bleed their partners. It has nothing to do with love, believe me. It’s all about self-restraint. You just can’t get enough of an addiction.


My stomach ached and my head thundered with every clash and bang Jules made in the kitchen. If I stayed here any longer, I swear my head would explode. Then again, I could use a small snack before I actually got my day started. Oh no, not those kinds of thoughts again. I couldn’t do that to Jules, not after last night. I just couldn’t.

Bang. Bang!

I would be in Tamara’s good graces if I… No! I couldn’t allow myself to think like that. My cell phone still in hand, I called the one number I programmed into my quick dial—Tamara. I didn’t think I would talk to her, but maybe if I heard her voice it would calm my craving.

The phone rang once, then twice and instead of getting her voicemail I heard, “Good morning, Miss Izzy.” I knew by the British accent that it was Viola, the Hightowers cook.

I threw the covers over my head, thinking that it would shield my voice from Jules. “Umm. Hello,” I whispered.

“Miss Izzy, Lady T’mra asked me to answer your call.” Viola sounded so chipper, I almost hated her for it.

Bang. Clank. Bang!

“She knew I was going to call?”


“Oh yes, Miss Izzy. She left you with the idea.”

 “Really? What other ideas did she leave me with?” I asked, wondering if the craving to taste Jules came from Tamara or from my own sick mind. I couldn’t even trust my feelings to be my own.

“Oh no, Miss Izzy,” Viola gasped. “Your thoughts are your own.”


Great! That was comforting. I couldn’t even blame Tamara for the subtle changes in my thinking.

“Miss Izzy,” Viola lowed her voice. “Lady T’mra told me what happened last night,” she paused. “Vampire blood only provides immediate satisfaction. It is not an adequate substitute for nourishment. Have you fed yet?”

Bang. Bang!

I wanted to scream. How could Tamara not tell me? How could she leave me alone in the house with Jules, unless it was Tamara’s idea of poetic justice. She does have a wicked sense of humor.

“Miss Izzy?”

Bang, Bang, Bang! Clash!

“No!” I cradled the phone closer to my face. “No, I haven’t yet… Viola, I can’t do this. I can’t be around Jules right now.”

I had all ready started sweating and my cravings were getting worse. The hunger sat on the back of my throat screaming to feed it. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I couldn’t control myself and Jules would unwillingly feel my wrath.


“Relax child,” Viola comforted me. “Someone is in route to pick you up. Her name is Stacia and she will tend to you while Lady T’mra sleeps.”

Bang, Bang!

I hoped that it wasn’t the same Stacia to whom I had been a bitch. That really wouldn’t do well for my self-esteem if she ended up having to take care of me while Tamara sleeps.


“Miss Izzy, may I suggest you get dressed, Stacia is only five minutes from you.”

“How did you know I wasn’t…oh forget it. Yeah, I’ll be ready. And thanks, Viola.”

The line went silent for a moment and then I heard her whisper. “It is you who deserve our thanks, Miss Izzy.” The line went dead.

I pulled myself up from the sofa bed and staggered directly into the downstairs half bath. I splashed water on my face and smeared toothpaste on my finger, rubbing it across my teeth, feeling for the little pointed daggers I knew were there. Even making faces in the mirror didn’t reveal my fangs easily. I sipped water and gargled the rest. I was in such a hurry to get into the bathroom, I forgot to grab my clothes. I peeked out the door and saw them neatly folded on the back of the sofa, even though I had flung my clothes on the floor last night. Were we that loud that we woke Jules from Tamara’s charm? A small hand towel barely big enough to cover my pubes hung on the back of the door. I had no choice, I would have to make a naked run for my clothes. Determined to keep my dignity, I took a deep breath, put my shoulders back and marched out of the bathroom, butt naked. I picked up my shirt and a flowery, clean, smell hit me. Shit. Jules had washed, dried and folded my clothes. What kind of monster have I become to think about hurting her? I slipped my jeans on and had my shirt over my head when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Jules called out.


I had slipped into my flip-flops when Jules led Stacia into the living room.

“Umm, Izzy? I think you have company.” Jules slid into the loveseat, letting her feet hang over the armrest.

“As I explained to Jules, Tamara asked me to pick you up.” Stacia’s tight lips pressed together as she smiled at me. “We have some personal business to tend to today. I’m sorry, Jules,” Stacia shrugged her shoulders. “I know this is probably an inconvenience for you, and we mean no disrespect, Izzy’s presence really is needed elsewhere. I’m sure Tamara would be happy to treat you two to a private all girls shopping adventure another day. She’ll probably even throw in some massages for you both.”

Stacia’s glow had me mesmerized. Her colors were so vibrant and full of life. Why hadn’t I noticed it at the club? Stacia’s outgoing charisma had won Jules over. The two of them were acting like old school friends, giggling and hugging each other. Then Stacia nonchalantly blocked my view from Jules and handed me a pair of sunglasses.

“Don’t forget these.” She pointed to her own eyes.

Oh God! My eyes must have turned black and I wasn’t even aware of it. “Thank you,” I said, fumbling to put them on.

I know Jules must have thought it weird that I was wearing sunglasses in the house, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t ready to share that part of me with her, yet.

My stomach started cramping. Unfortunately, I was becoming too acquainted with these feed-me pains and I clumsily tripped trying to get back to the sofa bed. Noticing my instability, Stacia held out her hand to me and I gracefully accepted, letting her take the lead. After all, that’s what she was here for, right?

“Why don’t you call me and I’ll set up your shopping date?” Stacia pulled a business card out of her day runner and handed it to Jules. “Really don’t be shy. Call me.” She turned to me. “Izzy, are you ready?”

Oh yeah, this had become a matter of urgency. Between the hues of their auras now radiating a brilliant red and my grumbling stomach, I was ready to sink my teeth into anything with a heartbeat. I didn’t know what she was supposed to do with me, but I knew I had to give into my hunger soon.

Stacia wasn’t a vampire. That was obvious, but when the pain doubled me over, she was extremely quick in grabbing me and pulling me upright. “Be careful, and don’t trip over yourself,” she said sliding her arm through mine, holding up most of my weight.

“I’m so sorry, Jules,” I mumbled a sincere apology as Stacia ushered me out the front door and settled me in the front seat of her black four x four black truck.

“I guess we meet again,” she said, strapping on my seatbelt.

I crouched in the front seat, the pain lasting longer than usual.

I felt the pull of Stacia’s warm, red aura calling to me, but I also sensed Tamara and Katherine’s essence in her. Even as a new vamp, I knew not to violate the boundaries of a Master’s claim. It was frustrating.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I grunted, rocking myself in the front seat.

Stacia caressed my back as she drove. Shivering and trembling uncontrollably, I considered having her drop me off at the nearest Emergency Room. Squeezing my eyelids closed didn’t help. I saw red dancing sparkles float across the darkness. I was losing myself to the blood sucking monster hiding within me.

“Hang on, we’re almost there.” Her voice echoed as if miles away.

A new stomach cramp hit me and I screamed, feeling my fangs rub against my bottom lip.

The pangs and the yearnings were worse with each passing ache. The truck came to a squealing stop, propelling me into the dash.

Hands grabbed me, carrying me into an old abandoned warehouse, dropping me on an old Army cot. The stench of old blood, sweat and misery grabbed my senses. It was overwhelmingly feeding my monster.

I curled up into a fetal position, and rocked myself while the stomach cramps gripped me. I lost track of time. If they were planning on waiting for Tamara to show up, I wouldn’t survive the pain. They had to do something or I would surely die.

After a while, I heard footsteps and my nose twitched. I smelled blood and started salivating. I felt a distant fear coming from the other end of the building. My body trembled uncontrollably in anticipation of feeding my hunger. I picked my head up and saw Stacia sitting in a chair only a few feet from me. She wore a beautiful calm smile.

“You can feel it, can’t you?” She leaned in, holding my face in her hand and wiping the sweat from my forehead with a damp rag.

I looked at her puzzled, wondering if I could ignore Lady Hightower’s protective scent emanating from her.

 “I know what you’re thinking,” she said as she wiped my forehead again. “I am not here for you. However, another is. You need to start using your abilities and learn how to feed on your own, or you’ll never survive.” She dropped the damp rag on the floor. “I suggest you find him before he finds a way out.” She leaned back into the chair, femininely crossing her legs.

“Tamara…will…help…me,” I stuttered, fearing the evil that resides in me.

“Tamara is not here. What will you do, wait for her to wake?” She opened her day runner and started going through the calendar. “Will you depend on Tamara to sustain you for the rest of eternity or will you feed on your friends when the hunger strikes again?” she calmly asked while turning a page.

“I…can’t…won’t…do this,” my trembling body rocking the cot.

She put her day runner down and stared at me. “You are of the Hightower bloodline and Lady Hightower is very fond of you, but,” she paused, “you are a vulnerable link to an extremely strong hierarchy. Lady Katherine believes a hunt will help you come into your own.”

A hunt? They really expected me to hunt someone down like an animal? It didn’t matter what I wanted, my monster was ready to feed. I smelled the air. My nose led me to the east side of the warehouse. I smelled three distinct people—two carried the same scent that Stacia carried, the other carried no scent that I recognized. I heard heartbeats—two were slow and steady and one was quick and growing faster. The faster heartbeat moved closer to me. I forced my trembling legs to hold me up and staggered forward. I found it easy to see my surrounding in spite of the darkness. A red glow was stumbling to my left, two more to my right and yet another directly behind me—Stacia. Following the stumbling image and brushing past him, I smelled a heavy dose of testosterone.

The man started yelling, “Come on, bitch! I felt you.”

He didn’t have a clue! I stayed close to him, hearing his pulse quicken and feeling his fear increase.

“Izzy,” Stacia whispered. “Can you get what you need if he can see you, too?” Immediately, the upper level lights came to life giving off the same glow as a regular street corner at night. Surprised, I looked at the bald man and saw his fist hurdling toward my face, the blow knocking me to the ground as he ran for the stairs.

“God damnit,” I cursed, seeing my meal running away.

“God had nothing to do with that, Izzy. Cueball did.”

It was Stacia again. Now she was acting as my commentator. Great!

Cueball busted my lip open and I was pissed, because feeding wasn’t supposed to be this hard. I thought about spitting the blood out of my mouth, but decided to let it swoosh around my tongue for a minute, then I swallowed it.

“Hey, bitch,” Cueball called. “Come on, Puta, I got something for you now.”

I started up the stairs, and realizing that my flip-flops were announcing my entrance, I slipped out of them… Cueball and I had a date and I wouldn’t disappoint him. The upper level of the warehouse had rows of stacked boxes. The floor was a tight metal mesh, where any sudden movement made the floor creak. The ceiling, adorned with pipes running along the length of the warehouse. It was a great perching place to find Cueball. Only, now, I had no idea how to get up there without falling.

“Izzy.” It was Stacia again.

“This is getting old,” I yelled at her.

“Trust your instincts.”

I stared at one specific pipe and jumped for it. I jumped so high I almost overshot it. If I hadn’t grabbed the pipe and swung my body onto it, I would have missed it, altogether. It wasn’t the most graceful of landings, but at least I made it up there. I had a bird’s eye view from where I was. The warehouse’s upper level, shaped in a square, had a cutout in the center of the floor leading directly to the lower level. Seven rows of boxes, eighteen to twenty boxes deep, and three boxes high lined the second floor, giving Cueball plenty of hiding spaces. If he had stayed still, I wouldn’t have noticed the red glow slowly moving between the boxes. Cautiously, I found my footing as I moved along the pipe and positioned myself directly over him. I stepped off the pipe letting gravity take hold of me. Landing directly behind him, he turned swinging a metal pipe. I sprang backward trying to avoid his new weapon and landed on top of a box labeled Fragile. I heard glass breaking as I settled neatly on the crushed cardboard. Cueball had an incredible talent of disappearing into the darkness.

Stunned, I laid there wondering if I could ever provide my own nourishment. That was a scary thought—a vampire who couldn’t feed herself. I found renewed strength in that thought and picked myself up off the floor. I wouldn’t end up having to depend on Tamara because I couldn’t take care of myself. Jumping for the ceiling pipe again, landing much smoother this time, I scanned the second floor of the warehouse, finding nothing. Then, I scanned the first floor on the East side, and saw the familiar two red glows I had seen earlier. I saw Stacia and a few feet behind her, I saw Cueball’s red glow sneaking up on her. I focused even harder, seeing the metal pipe in his hands. He would kill her if I didn’t do something quick. The distance to the first floor was considerable. I didn’t know if I would survive the fall. He kept inching closer. I couldn’t let Cueball kill Stacia and he certainly wasn’t going to wait for me to make up my mind. The hell with it. Hoping for the best, I stepped off the pipe. Dropping my body to the ground, my feet hit the floor, jarring my insides and my knees instinctively buckled. I remembered watching Tamara do a catlike roll and tucked my arms into my chest. My feet found the floor and I sprung up, staring at Stacia. I had done it!

“I’m impressed,” she said, looking surprised.

I took a step toward her.

“I am not for you,” she said with a heavy tone.

I paused.

Cueball took a step closer and I matched his step.

Pulling a gun from behind her back, Stacia warned. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

Cueball was almost on top of her.

I took another step, closing the gap between us.

Cueball raised the metal pipe over her head.

I jumped toward him and as she fired, I turned slightly to the left, hoping to avoid her shot. I whizzed past her and tackled Cueball as he brought the pipe down, missing her completely. We crashed onto the hard floor and my body landed on top of his. I heard the pipe bounce on the concrete and Stacia gasped. This time I had him and he wouldn’t get away from me. I heard his heart pounding erratically, his fear inundated my senses. I drew my head back, opened my mouth and drove my fangs into his neck. Cueball yelled as he fumbled underneath me, trying to crawl away. The more he struggled, the more alluring he became. I drank until he went still.

 A hand gripped my shoulder. “A heart that does not beat, cannot feed.”

I ignored Stacia and her wisdom. She sounded too much like Tamara and she had all ready pulled me off someone once before. Determined to fill my hunger, I wasn’t about to let Cueball go now. I drank until I heard his heart thump to a mere whisper and then I drank some more. I took every drop his body offered me. The last thump was a quiet, peaceful sound. Sitting back on my knees, looking at the now pale figure lying in front of me, the realization that I had just taken a human life so easily hit me. I saw the monster I was surely becoming. Gripping my shoulder, I turned hissing at Stacia, Cueball’s blood dripping off my chin.

“It is done,” she said.

I stared at Cueball, and wondered how many human lives I would take before I got a handle on my vampire…or my vampire got a handle on me?

“I’m supposed to take you to the estate,” she said, handing me a damp rag. “Here. You should at least wipe off your face.”

Feeling paralyzed, my inner hunger was calm, but my moral consciousness screamed at me. I didn’t want to feel okay after taking someone’s life for my own benefit. Yet, here I was kneeling next to my first victim. Would it give me nightmares? Would I hate myself after a dozen of these?

“Come on, Izzy. We have to go.” She nudged me.

“Was this,” I waved my hands toward Cueball, “really necessary?”

She knelt beside me. “Now that you are acquainted with your beast, you can better control it. It takes times to be able to feed without taking a life…it takes practice.”

Practice is the one thing I didn’t want to do with humans, I could easily rack up numbers quickly. “What about Cueball?” I said, stumbling to my feet.

 “What about him?” She cocked her head.

“What happens to him now?”

Her mouth opened as if she was going to say, Oh, then she nodded her head in understanding. “He will be disposed of properly. Come on, we have to get back.” She reached out her hand to me.







Chapter 8



Back at the Estate, I found Celeste in the kitchen having a cup of coffee with Viola, the family’s personal cook. I’ve tried not to harbor ill feelings toward Celeste, but she makes it so easy for me to dislike her. Okay more like hate her guts, but what can I do? Tamara and Lady Hightower made it very clear that I am not to harm her.

“Hey, Izzy, heard you had a rough day?” She licked a drop of coffee off the rim of her cup. “In the midst of your problems, are you remembering to tend to Tamara’s needs as well?”

Oh, this woman infuriated me! How is it that she always seems to know about what I’m doing is beyond me, but alas, she found out about my feeding experience.

“Yes, Celeste.” I plopped myself onto the kitchen stool next to her. “Tamara’s needs are well cared for. How’s your out of control vixen hormones, kill anyone lately?” The sarcasm dripped off my every word.

Viola rolled her eyes and handed me a cup of coffee.

“You know.” Celeste shifted around in her seat to get a better look at me. “We could call a truce if you wanted to.”

“Really?” Is she kidding me? A truce? I took a sip of coffee, and let the warmth slowly run down my throat. It would be a cold day in hell before I called a truce with that wretched vixen. “And how do you propose we do that?”

“Well, we both want the same thing.” She leaned over the table exposing her magnificent cleavage. She was wearing a very low cut, black shirt that allowed the better top of her breasts to fall over into perfect round half melons. She was a big-busted girl. She saw me noticing her breasts and smiled.

“Why don’t we let Tamara decide what she wants?” She leaned her chest closer to me.

I thought I knew what Tamara would want, but after everything I’ve put her through these past few weeks, I wasn’t sure anymore. Oh God! I just realized that I had become a high maintenance girlfriend. Maybe Tamara wanted someone with less drama, someone who wasn’t as complicated. With boobs like that, I knew Tamara’s hormones would soar right into Celeste’s pants.

I scrunched my nose. I didn’t like that idea at all. “Why don’t we just assume Tamara has all ready decided and you’ve lost?”

“Have it your way.” Celeste got up and swinging her ass from one side of her tight miniskirt to the other, she strutted out of the kitchen.

“That one is trouble,” Viola sneered.

“Yes. She is.” Grabbing my coffee, I headed outside. It was too beautiful of a day to spend it indoors. Lying on the hammock, I took in the pleasure of feeling the warm sun baking on my skin and appreciating the many complex sounds that a simple Mockingbird sang. It’s truly amazing to me how being outside can calm me down. I fell asleep forgetting about Celeste.


The pain in my head was what woke me from my nap. My head throbbed, threatening to split open. I heard Tamara’s desperate call and nearly fell out of the hammock, regaining my footing quite rapidly. I ran through the house, reaching the stairs, my head threatening to explode with each upward step, but I pushed on. Tamara needed me. Slamming open the bedroom door, I found her lying in bed with a mischievous grin plastered across her face.

“What?” I barked catching my breath. “Are you dying?” The pressure in my head immediately disappeared.

“I missed you,” she said, rubbing her tongue along her fangs.

“That’s all!” I snapped, “What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you were in trouble!”

I didn’t take kindly to Tamara scrambling my brains just because she missed me. She could have been a little more subtle in getting my attention. This vampire shit was getting on my nerves. “You’re worse than some of the boyfriends I’ve had,” I scorned.

“Why do you have to be like that? I was just playing around.” Tamara’s childlike attitude was almost endearing and I would have easily forgiven her until she opened her mouth, comparing me to the vixen bitch. “Celeste wouldn’t mind playing with me.”

Oh yeah, she had to go there. Forget forgiving her. My anger rose swelling inside me, clawing at my skin, demanding release. I saw Tamara soaking it up, letting it seep into every fiber of her being. I fought with my beast to keep it under control.

“Fine,” I said. “Then go play with Celeste.”

My beast paced erratically, threatening to emerge. I knew I had to put distance between us. I had felt like this once before. I was angry with Celeste, but Tamara proved to me that she could best my beast. I wasn’t going there again, not with her. I grabbed her car keys and headed out the front door. I knew Tamara wouldn’t follow me. She was good about giving me some space to cool off in moments like these. My beast carried a new rage and I didn’t care, maybe I was finally getting mad at her for making me a vampire.

Driving through the streets, I realized the Festival of Costumes would start in a few days. Businesses were all ready preparing for the Festival, posting signs and decorating their windows enticing both newcomers and regulars to their establishment. The eight blocks that surrounded the Strip would cram thousands of pedestrians into a four-mile radius. Our small town would bulge at the seams, but it needed the Festival of Costumes for its survival. This was an event of epic proportions for our town. It’s the big money maker. When the Festival comes, the big money follows.

The costumes would be elaborate, as I heard they were every year. Queen Elizabeth would grace the strip accompanied by Henry the Eighth. Snow White and the seven dwarves, Neptune God of the sea, Little Bo Peep and Zombies would make their yearly debut. Of course, let’s not forget the all-time favorite witches, warlocks and vampires. Werewolves seem to avoid the south, partially due to the heat and humidity. I met one werewolf last year and the poor guy had a heat stroke before the night was out. Kaley took him in and nursed him back to health. Mark left before the sun came out the next morning.


Stopped at a red light, I noticed the intense smells that marked our sweet, little city. I got my first whiff of nasty rotting garbage. It made me nauseous as it embedded into the fine hairs of my nose. Then the sweet aroma of roses slowly lingered up into my nasal cavity as two girls approached the street corner. The smell of roses following them was leaving the stench of garbage in its wake.

City Workers were hurrying to set up tents and watering stations along the road. I smelled their sweat and musk as I drove past. If I focused hard, I could almost see the smell radiating off them. I wondered if this was how Tamara viewed the world. Suddenly, I wanted to head back to the estate and see her, but the thought of being near her made me angrier. What the hell was happening to me?

I drove around aimlessly for a couple of hours until I thought about Michael, sweet Michael who had shacked up with Alea, one of Tamara’s evil fledglings. I hadn’t seen him in several months, not since Alea found us in the throes of a hard and heavy fuck-our-brains-out session. She lost a fang over it! Well not literally, but one could always hope. Tamara took it in stride, as the Master vampire that she was. She kindly reprimanded me about sleeping with her fledgling’s lovers, but she thought it necessary to set some ground rules.

For starters, she asked me to respect our relationship by not cheating on her again. I couldn’t blame her for wanting the same respect she had given me. Touché. Points for her. She was calmer than I would have been, but then again, I didn’t have a Masterly reputation to uphold. If I had been another vampire, I would have had to fight Alea for the right to sleep with him. Secondly, she asked that if I was going to cheat on her that I didn’t do it with one of her fledglings partners because she would always find out about it. Third, she reminded me that I was the one who decided our relationship was a monogamous relationship and if I had changed my mind, she would be happy to oblige. She even offered to find us mutual partners to share. That snapped some sense into me. I didn’t want Tamara sharing her bed with anyone other than me. That night, I swore off Tequila and Michael forever.

Michael and I had a very short fling a few months after Tamara and I moved in together. I was new to having a vampire lover and we were both craving a warm human touch. Then I found out Tamara had other donors. Upset, I ran into Michael’s arms with the help of Tequila and we escaped into a world that didn’t involve vampires. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Since then, I’ve learned a few things. When vampires first rise for the night, their bodies are cold. It’s not until they feed that they warm up. They warm up according to how much they’ve fed, the warmer the body, the more powerful the vamp because they have a plethora of willing donors.

I, for one, cherish Tamara’s warm body, where her cold body reminds me too much of a corpse, and two, she’s really grumpy until she feeds. So we settled on a primera sangre—a first blood donor—and I welcomed her with open arms.

Trisha is a nice girl, she comes over, let’s Tamara bite her and she leaves. Tamara specifically chose a straight girl whom we pay very well to fulfill her duties. I’m so comfortable with Trisha that I’ve even quit noticing when she comes and goes. In spite of everything, for me running into Michael’s arms was a learning curve. Besides that, I couldn’t deny that Michael is a great looking piece of ass. Standing at six foot four, Michael’s muscles bulge with the slightest movement. Having been a professional weightlifter and giving it up after a serious shoulder injury, he continues to drink Alea’s blood which keeps him young. He also exercises to keep in shape.

Not having my phone on me, I headed straight for his house hoping Alea wouldn’t be there.

I sat in the car for a while getting the nerve up to knock on the front door. What would I do if Alea answered? It’s not as if I could press the matter of Alea being Tamara’s fledgling and say, gee remember me, Tamara’s other half. I’m going to borrow Michael. Can you give us some privacy?

I held my breath and faintly tapped on the door realizing afterward that it was a stupid thing to do. Alea would hear it before Michael did. To my surprise, Michael greeted me.

“Well, hello gorgeous,” he said, stretching his firm muscles. “You caught me in the middle of a workout.” His smile could brighten any dark room.

I love the way he towered over my little five-foot-five frame. His toned body glimmering against the dim streetlight, and the sweat running down his broad shoulders, dripping down his chest, captivates me. I especially enjoy the way his tight shorts emphasize his large bulge.

“I’m sorry for coming over like this,” I lied. “I should have called first.”

“No problem,” he assured me. “I was wondering when you’d show up. Come on in,” he said, stepping aside. “Alea was just asking about you the other day.”

I knew if Alea had been asking about me, it wasn’t in a nice way, but Michael has a tendency to downplay, everything. I can’t believe Alea still hasn’t let it go. Shit. If she found us tonight, she would take it out on Michael and that’s not what I wanted. The problem was that I wasn’t sure what I wanted.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come,” I lied again. “Maybe I should go.” There, that was the truth.

“No.” Michael stepped in front of me, blocking the door.

I felt his hormones surge. His breathing changed and his heart was beating faster. I didn’t have to be a vampire to know he was excited.

“I’ve missed you. I’m glad you came.”

I felt the truth in his words.

I also knew what Michael meant. Sometimes you just wanted to break up the monotony of someone biting you all the time. The problem was, vampires loved to bite you when you cum, and now, I understood why. It’s boring always doing or having the same thing happen when you’re having sex.

“Is she home?” I couldn’t sense her as I could sense Tamara. “Is this a bad time?”

Leaning in close, he pressed his sweaty body tightly against mine. “We have time,” he said, kissing me.

“Not in the doorway.” I pushed him and he tumbled a couple of steps back, then stared at me. I wasn’t even aware of my own strength. “Anyway, I just want to talk,” I whispered.

“Don’t kid yourself,” he said, catching his balance. “You only came here for one reason.”

He quickly reminded me of his bluntness. He was right. I didn’t want to talk, but he didn’t have to be so crass about it.

“Michael, please,” I whispered, hoping he would ignore my objection. I wanted him to pick me up and sweep me into the next room. I wanted him to rule my head and body with his total dedication. I wanted him to conquer my nightmares and satisfy my anger.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I returned his kisses and felt him stiffen against me. Picking me up, he carried me to the weight bench that was still damp from his sweat. Laying me on it, he pulled my shorts off, and freed his cock from his tight shorts. I grabbed the bar for leverage, and held my breath in anticipation of his claim. I wanted him to fill the void my anger created, and forcefully ram his stiff dick into me. However, Michael didn’t enter me. Instead, he worked his kisses up my thighs and into my folds. My apprehensions disappeared under his tongue’s gentle caresses. I pulled on the bar arching my back, while he slowly worked his way up my neck, spreading his delicate kisses on my exposed skin. His tongue tenderly teased my lips as he rubbed his groin against my leg.

“Please.” I raised my hips seeking him.

I looked down the length of my body and saw him stroking his cock. Scooting down the bench until I was eye level with his cock, I kissed his hand away and wrapped my lips around his half-stiff member. I took him in slowly, savoring every taste, until he filled my mouth. I let him slide out and I ran my tongue down his long stiff shaft. My tongue flicked and teased his head, making him grow stiffer and harder. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me.

“Oh God,” he moaned, grabbing the bench bar for support as he thrust his stiffness against my tongue. He was as hard as he would get and I knew it.

“Take me.” I pleaded.

Picking me up in his sweaty arms, he placed me on my knees on the soft floor mat. Kneeling behind me, he lifted my hips into the air positioning me where he wanted and with one swift thrust, forced himself deep inside.

I yelped as he continued pushing deeper into my tightness, filling me until his length could go no further. Digging my nails into the mat, I waited for the momentary pain to ease. Michael was a big boy. He held his position deep inside me for several moments then slowly slid out. Increasing his momentum, his groin slapping against my butt cheeks, I raised my hips and pushed into him, taking him in even deeper.

Michael’s raw emotions washed over me, enveloping me in a sexual frenzy. The feeling moved up my spine, seeping into my skin making me crave him more. I took him and felt his passion with every thrust. He was free to do what he wanted, what he needed and what he craved.

With a tight grip, he held my hips where he wanted, ramming into me, making me take the full length of his cock. He rammed into me harder with every new thrust, as if he was trying to go through me. I tightened the muscles in my wet cunt, trying to embrace his every move. It was intoxicating. I buried my face into the mat and yelled with pleasure. This was better than I thought it would be. I closed my eyes and focused on him, suddenly I was caressing his mind within mine. Harder, I thought, and he increased his momentum. I pushed against him meeting his thrusts. I basked in the warmth he had tucked away from the rest of the world. He was filling and inviting.

Michael’s rhythm slowed. “You’re…taking…too…much,” he whimpered in short gasps.

Finally, I felt it. I felt myself pulling his energy from him. I felt his tired and fatigued muscles burning, desperately trying to keep up with my demands.

“Don’t. Stop!” I commanded and he got a second wind and rammed deeper into to me with renewed strength. He felt delicious. My orgasm was near. “Harder!” I shouted, raising my ass to meet his thrusts. “Faster!”

His next lunge took me by surprise, nearly tumbling me off the mat. I waited for the next wild plunge, but there wasn’t one. He had abruptly stopped, leaving his cock buried deep inside me.

I felt Tamara’s presence before I ever looked up. I knew she was in the room with us. Two things happened at once—one I saw myself for the first time in Michael’s mirrored walls. My eyes were black and my fangs peeked out from under my upper lip. Two, I felt Michael’s fear escalate.

I dropped my head on the mat. “Your timing is impeccable,” I snapped, raising my face smiling. “Want to join us?”

Tamara stood casually leaning against the doorway with her arms and legs crossed watching us.

She kicked my shorts toward me. “Get dressed.”

I rubbed against Michael a final time before separating from him.

Fully exposed, he went crawling toward her, remaining on his knees while he kissed the palm of her hand, pathetically begging for mercy. Kissing a vamp’s hand while on one knee is an extreme way of begging for forgiveness. Something I swore I would never do with her.

“Forgive me, Mistress,” he pleaded, kissing her hand. “Please forgive me.”

She let her hand hang loose, ignoring him as he lathered kisses across her palm. That’s a good sign, because it means she’s accepting his apology or she would have killed him by now.

“Get dressed!” she growled, staring at me.

She glanced down at Michael and motioned him to stand. Keeping his head bowed, he stood displaying his neck to her. A great submissive move.

Slowly leaning into his neck, she casually sniffed him. Finally, her fangs pushed out from underneath her lip and scraped his salty skin as her tongue glided along his neck and rested on his artery. I felt her anger demanding satisfaction. Her fangs barely nicked his skin and he jerked back whimpering, cornering himself against the wall.

Michael shook, keeping his head lowered and turned his face exposing more to her.

He was petrified—I could feel it. It washed over me, exhilarating me once again.

A sinister chuckle escaped Tamara’s throat and I understood the meaning of it, she was playing with him. She approached him again, and again he flinched.

The scene unfolding mesmerized me. It was a beautiful dance between predator and prey. Tamara’s small five-foot-nine inch frame loomed over the six-foot-four inch muscular giant next to her.

It was fascinating, watching her manipulate his emotions. I caught the refreshing unadulterated fear that seeped from his skin. Pulling my thoughts back, I slipped my shorts on and approached them. I stared at him, then gave him a kiss on the cheek, and turning to Tamara I pressed my lips against her ear. “Going for sloppy seconds, my love?”

Her eyes turned black as she pulled away from him and that’s when she noticed his hand holding his stiff cock. “Do not touch yourself!” she scorned.

He obediently obeyed dropping his hand to his side and fell to his knees, continuing to kiss her palm. “Forgive me Mistress, please forgive me.”

Tamara stepped toward me. “Do not challenge me in front of Alea.” She sneered at me through clenched teeth while gripping my arm.

I realized she had warned me that Alea had caught the two of us red-handed, again. I also knew from the first time Alea had caught us that Tamara was able to avoid a true reprimand because I was human. I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be now that I was a vamp.

The moment Tamara touched me my anger soared. My beast clawed at my insides. She’s done nothing wrong except find Michael and me in the throes of passion. Something I promised wouldn’t happen again. What was wrong with me? Why was I mad at her for interrupting me? Why wasn’t I upset I had betrayed her trust?

I rolled my eyes at her and tried sidestepping to pass her, but she quickly tightened her grip on my arm, yanking me behind her, giving me a look that burned into my soul. She was the Master and I was subservient. She had made that very clear. I knew the situation was serious, but my inner beast didn’t care. It carried a hatred that fueled my rage for her.

She motioned for Michael to follow us as we stepped out of the hallway and into the living room where Alea had been pacing, waiting for Tamara to emerge with us from the workout room.

Alea took one look at Michael’s nakedness and leapt toward him hissing.

My first instinct was to step back, but I couldn’t, Tamara had a firm grip on my arm. Alea’s enraged energy hit me dead on, pulling the air out from my lungs. Tamara calmly stepped in her way, stopping her almost instantly. That was a bold move, but being a Master vampire allowed her certain privileges and using her body as a way to extend protection was one of them.

Alea froze mid-step.

Tamara stepped forward and Alea hesitated, but eventually took a step back as she hissed at Michael. Good, the lines were drawn.

“Enough,” Tamara’s calm voice ordered. “He will stay with Lady Alex until your anger passes.”

“He gave himself to me,” Alea snarled. “He is mine to do with as I please.”

“And you belong to me.” Her hard tone was obvious. It was not open for discussion.

Alea understood exactly what she meant. It didn’t matter who her fledglings took for companions, as long as she was Master, she owned their partners as well. The union continued only if Tamara sanctioned it.

Alea leapt forward, swinging at Michael. Two things happened at once as he flinched. Tamara’s free hand grabbed Alea’s wrist mere seconds from Michael’s face and spun her around, jamming Alea’s arm up and into her own shoulder, holding her in an awkward position.

“He goes to Lady Alex!” Tamara declared, holding Alea in an awkward grip.

“Mistress,” Michael swallowed hard. “Lady Alex?”

I heard the concern in Michael’s voice and I understood why. Lady Alex was very strict with her ward. She was as old and respected as Tamara’s mother, the Lady Katherine Hightower. Four hundred years ago, Lady Alex decided to seclude herself from the battling clans and establish a name for herself in the world of mortal pleasures. They call her, The Dominatrix in both the vampire and human worlds. She is very selective about whom she takes in—it has to be a special kind of human. It has to be one that thrives to be controlled or one that needs severe punishment. Many human housewives have offered Lady Alex a fortune if she would only teach their husbands how to treat a lady properly.

Lady Alex’s companionship was either heaven or hell there was no in-between. Yet, Michael didn’t thrive to be controlled. This was his punishment. Although Lady Alex never raised a hand to anyone beneath her, she vigilantly maintained order and control by way of sexual humiliation and pleasure. Your stay with her was ultimately your own making. If you obeyed, your gift was a sexual satisfaction unlike anything you had ever experienced. If you disobeyed, well, the punishment would continue until Lady Alex believed you’d learned your lesson, and she had all the time in the world to wait. One form of punishment was that she made men carry an erection for days, which could be quite painful from what I heard. If they were found trying to relieve themselves, she would let her older dominates punish him as they saw fit. Anything short of death was acceptable. Lady Alex could also be sexually cruel at times. A couple of rumors that had spread were that she enjoyed putting straight men in a harness with an anal plug. Another rumor was that only Lady Alex wore clothes in her house and men had to wear cock leashes, led around by someone with more seniority.

Since Michael had given himself to Alea, it was ultimately Tamara’s responsibility to protect him not only from Alea, but from her own anger as well. Michael would soon pay the price for sleeping with me. At least it wouldn’t be Alea punishing him. I knew she would have killed him.

“Your ride will be here in a minute,” Tamara answered him. “The rumors are true. You’ll need no clothes.”

She released Alea from her grip pushing her back several feet and, within moments, there was a soft knock at the front door.

“Come.” Tamara answered.

A small, Asian woman wearing a red silk robe carrying a small bag entered and approached Tamara.

“I am called Déri, Master T’mra,” she said, bowing and showing her neck to Tamara—a sign of submissiveness—then stood tall. “I understand that my Master is expecting something from you?”

Something? What, now Michael is a something? I thought.

Yes, until I deem otherwise, he is a something I will punish.

“Shit! You can read my thoughts?” I blurted.

“Yes,” she answered with pinched brows.

Michael looked at Tamara with a boyish face, almost as if questioning her decision to send him to Lady Alex and she nodded her head yes. He bowed his head, and approached Déri. He had accepted his punishment.

Déri held her hands out stopping Michael. “Master T’mra, with your permission he must be fitted before I can take him outside to meet my Master.”

“Yes, of course.” Tamara waved her hand toward the empty workout room. “Michael, take her there.”

Déri’s smile was almost sinister and I got the distinct impression that she enjoyed this part of her job a little too much. I knew this was going to be rough on Michael, but short of Tamara taking his life, he didn’t have any choice. Alea had kept Michael young. He’s well over 100 human years old and if he stopped receiving his daily dose of vampire blood, he would age quickly. Lady Alex would continue his antidote.

Michael led the petit woman to the workout room, where she closed the door behind them for privacy. We were all silent. After a few minutes, we heard Michael yelp and Déri came out leading Michael by a leash attacked to a cock ring. Slowly, he followed in a labored pace.

Do not interfere with what is happening! Tamara’s order flooded my mind.

Briefly, bowing, Déri passed Tamara with Michael in tow. I now understood why his pace was awkward. The little woman fitted him into a harness that looked too tight. The leather straps snuggled against his skin, and ran up his ass like butt floss. Michael passed without saying a word to any of us.

I followed them to the door and watched Déri as she introduced Michael to Lady Alex.

Michael stood just outside the open Limo door with his head bowed. What a sight for the neighbors to see.

Déri bowed holding the cock leash out and Lady Alex accepted it, taking control of Michael. She gave the leash a swift tug and Michael fell onto the Limo’s floor landing next to her feet. Talk about humiliation. Déri took her place next to her Master, the driver closed the door and they drove off.

“Leave me that one while mine is absent,” Alea sneered while pointing at me.

I huffed at Alea’s ridiculous request. She didn’t really expect Tamara to leave me here with her.

She wouldn’t, would she?

“You have others. I will check on Michael in a week’s time,” Tamara answered.

Suddenly, Alea stepped forward smelling the air. She must have just gotten the whiff of my new status and I knew that meant trouble.

“She is not human!” Alea snapped and stepped back positioning herself in a classic fighting stance. “Under our law, I demand retribution!”

Tamara cocked her head and pinched her eyebrows. “Really? You want it now?”

Alea smiled coyly, and cautiously stepped toward me. I looked at Tamara. This could go very badly for me. I was no match for Alea and under their law, if I wanted Michael, I would have to fight Alea for him. Slowly she came closer, stopping directly in front of me, hissing, “This is not over between us.”

“It is over between you and Izzy,” Tamara sneered. “Your retribution is with me.”

“No!” Alea hissed in my face.

I knew she wasn’t about to let this go, regardless of what Tamara said. Warning me, I knew that she would find a way to get her fangs into me.

Tamara calmly stepped between us and Alea hesitantly took a step back, bowing a cautious curtsy.

“As my lady wishes,” she snickered.

Tamara led me out of Alea’s house and crossing the threshold, I tried yanking free from her grip. She had to drag me to the car I had taken from the estate. Since there was no other car in the driveway, how did she get here? “You didn’t fly here did you?” I yelled.

Tamara just looked at me.

“Well, did you?” I snapped while she pushed me into the passenger’s seat.

“No. You know I cannot fly.” She closed my door and walked around to the driver’s side.

As soon as her door closed, I was yelling again.

“What the hell was that about? Did you have to do that to Michael? Did you have to show up now?” I yelled at her while slapping her hands away as she tried strapping me into the seatbelt.

“Would you prefer I had left you to Alea?” Giving me an inquisitive look, she started the engine and drove off.

“I was having fun. You know that don’t you!”

Tamara looked at me, nodded her head and smiled. Her smug attitude infuriated me!

“I hate you, you bitch!” As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I regretted saying it, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“I love you, too, dear.” She gave me another smug smile. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”

“There is nothing wrong with me!” I punched her arm. “Why do you want to change who I am? You just won’t stop will you? You’re going to change me so much I won’t be me anymore!”

Tamara giggled. “Celeste has spelled you…Shamana has worked a counter spell. We’re going back to the estate.”

“Oh, that was sweet of her.” I slapped a hand over my mouth, shocked at what I had just said.

By the time we arrived at the estate, I had thrown a few more punches at Tamara, insulted her, cussed her out and tried to bite her while she drove. Thank God, she had the sense to strap me into the seat belt. I’m sure it would have been worse had I not been somewhat restrained. She pulled me out of the car as I screamed and flung my fists at her. Hurling me onto her shoulder, she carried me into the kitchen, gently dropping me in front of Shamana. Points go to her because I would have dropped her on her ass.

“Fix her!” she demanded while holding my wrists together to keep me from hitting her again.

Shamana had brewed a counter-potion, all right. It smelled dreadful. All they had to do was get me to drink it, but when it came close to my mouth, I started yelling obscenities and throwing punches. I had no self-control, at this point.

“See what I’ve had to put up with?” Tamara sneered. “Fix her now!”

Shamana approached me. “Izzy, you must drink this, it’s for your own good. Please child, just do this.”

Turning my face away from her, she tried putting the cup to my lips, but I head-butted her hand, spilling some of the potion.

“It’s the spell,” Shamana said. “It won’t let her help herself.”

Tamara was agitated, her eyes black, she held her shoulders firm and paced around the kitchen. She grabbed both of my wrists in one hand, positioned herself behind me and pinched my nose shut.

I struggled trying to get out of Tamara’s grip because I knew she was trying to suffocate me.

After letting me struggle for a few seconds, she said, “Open your mouth to breathe. You still do that, don’t you…breathe.”

I realized she was right and stopped struggling to take in a lung full of air. Shamana poured the nastiest, foulest, excuse for a brew into my mouth as I was taking a breath of air, sealing my lips with her hand to keep me from spitting out the sludge. I did the next best thing I could think of—I kicked Tamara in the shin. Letting go of me, I slapped her, trying to spit the nastiness out of my mouth, but Shamana had maneuvered herself behind me, getting a firm grip on me.

“Damn it!” Tamara yelled.

“She needs to swallow it,” Shamana countered.

I struggled to get Shamana out from behind me, but Tamara grabbed my face in her hands.

“I’m sorry,” I heard her say before her powers ripped through my mind stripping me of my own consciousness. I felt my body go slack and relax. My mind was a dark, empty space waiting for a thought, waiting for a suggestion or an idea.

“Swallow,” she whispered.

No sooner did I hear Tamara’s voice telling me to swallow, I then waited for something else to do.

“Sleep,” she suggested and I closed my eyes.








Chapter 9



I woke to my head pounding, and felt like my tongue sprouted a thick layer of hair. Then I noticed that I was lying naked on Tamara’s bed, covered under a heavy silk comforter. Tamara came out of the bathroom with a towel thrown over her head, wearing her acclaimed black leather pants, and square-toed biker boots.

“I really…” The words pounded my head and I lowered my voice to a whisper, “Need to buy you new clothes.”

Tamara froze in mid-step. “So are you normal again?”

I stretched my arms out. “Would you prefer someone else?”

“No.” She threw the towel on the floor, slipped her shirt over her head and headed into the closet.

I knew Tamara was upset with me, because she had never given me one-word answers. I couldn’t blame her, she did catch me having sex with Michael and I created a big problem with Alea.

“Are we okay?” I asked loud enough that she would hear me in the closet.

“Sort of.” Her words echoed back.

I pulled the comforter up over my head. Maybe I could hide here all night, and forget that I’d caused Tamara problems. Yeah, I get it. She’s not just Tamara. She’s the Master of the city.

She stormed out of the closet.

“You know I love you, right?” Her voice was calm.

Why do people always start bad conversations with you know I love you, right? That’s bullshit! I love you, but I’m leaving. I love you, but I’m not in love with you. I love you, but your parents just died. I love you, but… doesn’t cut it! I knew I wasn’t going to like what she said next so I braced for the next awful part of that I love you…

 “Yeah. I know.” I mumbled still hiding under the comforter in case I started to cry.

“Yesterday was difficult in ways you have yet to understand.”

I felt her sit on the edge of the bed.

“As Master of this City, I carry certain responsibilities and you are one of them. Alea is demanding I punish you for your actions.” She paused. “The problem is that I don’t want to punish you.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. I’d known Tamara to be harsh with her punishments, but that was who she was and that was how she maintained order in a city that would otherwise be a free-for-all.

“You’re a new vampire Izzy, and I know that you can’t know all the rules and laws that govern us, but that doesn’t make you exempt from them, either.”

“I know,” I said poking my head out from the comforter. “I know, I’ve caused problems and I know that you’ll remember that Celeste spelled me and I wasn’t being myself.”

Tamara lowered her brow, softening her harsh face. I knew reason was getting through to her.

“All I ever want to do is love you. I don’t want to be a vampire, and I don’t want to do half the stuff you expect me to do. Hell, I don’t even know what you expect of me. I feel like I’m constantly putting you in the middle of my screw-ups. I don’t want this kind of life.” Placing my hand on her back, she leaned away from me. “But it’s what I ended up with, I don’t want to feel like I’m cheating death anymore. Give Alea what she wants, if it’s the only way to put an end to the mess I’ve made.”

“No.” She stood facing me and placed a tender kiss on my lips. “I’m not ready to lose you…not like that.” Sitting back down on the bed, she continued. “I was selfish. I didn’t want to lose you permanently. I wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together. As a human, I could forgive a lot of your obvious human traits but now that you ‘re one of us, you’re bound to our laws.” She lowered her gaze.

“What more can I say?” I asked. “I just agreed to have Alea kick my ass or kill me. Give her what she wants. That way you can keep your precious city running in the right direction.”

“No. Listen to me.” She took my hand. “There is a way to settle this, once and for all.”

“I’m listening.”

“We can have a union. It will bind us forever. I’ve heard it’s tricky, but it could work.”

“What do you mean tricky? Not to mention you’ve heard it could work. Are you serious? You’d endanger both of us for Alea?”

I must have put Tamara in a really bad spot if she was willing to endanger both of us. I’ve never known her to take unnecessary chances. She is, after all, a survivor to have lived this long.

“No! Not for Alea.” Her lips tightened and her face-hardened. “To save your life. She’ll massacre you. And no, I would never endanger your life,” Tamara snapped. “It’s possible we could pull this off. We would both be stronger afterward.”

“Oh, so there it is.” I started yelling, “It would make you stronger and that’s what you want isn’t it? It sucks having a fucking weakling like me around, doesn’t it?”

“Izzy that’s not what I meant.” Tamara kneeled against the bed and took my hands in hers. “It would make us both stronger. It would join us forever. If you died, I would die. Don’t you get it? It’s a fucking honor to have someone ask for a union.”

What exactly did she mean that if I died, she would die? Did that work in the opposite too? I took a deep breath. “What exactly are you trying to talk me into?” Shit! That’s not how I wanted to say it.

Tamara’s face went blank.

“I’m sorry. That’s not want I meant to say.” I leaned toward her and she pulled away from me, holding her hands up to keep distance between us.

“Please listen to me,” I begged. “I’m really sorry. That just came out the wrong way.”

I wish I were one of those girls that could cry on command. She always had a soft spot for my tears. Come to think of it, I haven’t cried since she turned me. Imagine that.

“I’ve been trying to keep you alive,” she answered coldly. “Yes. I turned you. I’ve also nursed you back to health and kept you alive by feeding you when you wouldn’t feed yourself. I’ve given you Stacia, my most trusted servant to help you during the daylight hours. I’ve given you my heart and my love. I’ve given you carte blanche with my fortune. I’ve given you a home and a place to call your refuge.” Tamara stepped back. “I don’t want anything from you, anymore,” she said, heading for the door.

“Tamara, please,” I jumped out of bed grabbing her arm. “Please don’t leave. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”

“What do you want me to think, Izzy?”

My grip tightened. It stopped her from leaving.

“I screwed up, okay! I didn’t want to lose you. I didn’t think you’d turn out like this either. I can’t keep doing this with you. I can’t keep saving you from yourself. If you want to have it out with Alea, fine I’ll arrange it and your funeral.”

“Stop, Tamara, please,” I pleaded in a low voice. “I don’t want to have it out with Alea. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I tugged her toward me. “Can’t you see that I’m scared?”

“I don’t smell fear.” Tamara’s muscles were rigid, I knew if I let go she would walk out.

“No. It’s a different kind of fear,” I said and started crying. Thank you, God for the tears! “I’m afraid that I make you weak, don’t you understand? I feel like I could never be as good as you.” The tears freely flowed.

Her tension loosened and she stroked my hair. “I feel the same way about you, my love. I could never have the kind heart you have.” She picked me up into her arms, laid me on the bed and snuggled next to me. “You are the kindest, most loving and easy going person I have ever met. How can I compete with that? I want us to be equals. I want us to rule the cities together…forever.”

That was an interesting proposition. Here I am, a non-person, and suddenly, they offer me the keys to the East Coast and I’m afraid to take them.

 “How do we do this union thing?” I caressed her face. “And how does it work?”

“We mix our blood within an empty host and then we both drink the mixture, making us equal parts of the same. Afterwards, we will have each other’s memories, strengths and weaknesses. When I am not present and you speak, you will be speaking for me. There will be no doubt that your word is my word,” and then she paused. “It’s possible that if one of us dies, the other will follow in death.”

“Oh!” I gasped. “And who knows this?”

“Every vampire and every human that wants to kill a Master,” she replied, giving me an inquisitive look, making me wonder if that was something that I should have known.

This is serious. I would be a walking target to destroy Tamara. My existence would always be in danger. Anyone wanting to destroy a Master would seek me out first. Yippee! It just couldn’t get any better! I fall in love with a vampire. She turns me into a vampire, and now I’ll be a walking target for a vampire. Starting to see a pattern emerge, I couldn’t see my life without her.

“Okay. Tell me more about what else I can expect.”

Tamara rubbed her cool hands on my soft cheek. “Other than sharing our memories? It is probable that we will share thoughts with each other and not be able to tell whose thoughts belong to whom…and it is possible you will lose your witch abilities and inherit more of mine.”

“Oh, is that all?” I chuckled trying to wrap my mind around yet another fiasco that involved loving her.

“This is not a laughing matter, my love. It is of the most serious gravity.” She scowled.

“Okay. We’ll be bound forever, is that what you’re telling me?”


As I said earlier, I couldn’t see my life without her in it, so I really didn’t have much choice. “Okay, let’s do it,” I whispered.

Tamara looked surprised. “Are you sure?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes pretending to be thinking and then said, “Yup. Let’s do it.”

“You won’t regret this, I promise,” she said, hugging me so tight, I thought she was going to squeeze the life out of me.

“Um…when do we do it?” I asked losing my breath.

She let go of me and jumped out of the bed. “Soon,” she said on the way out the door. She stopped, came back, leaned over me, kissed my lips and said, “Very soon.” She then opened the bedroom door and darted down the hallway, bellowing for her mother.

I barely had enough time to shower and get dressed when Viola and Stacia paid me a visit.

“The ceremony will be held tomorrow night, the night before the Festival of Costumes,” Viola said. “We must prepare you for the union, unless you’ve changed your mind?”

Viola was so excited, she carried a hippy hop to her step and Stacia shot me a, you’d-better-be-sure-you-want-to-do-this look. I could tell that even though she was human, Stacia didn’t show emotions well.

“No, I haven’t changed my mind. Has Tamara?”

Stacia’s answer was brisk. “Master T’mra and Lady Hightower are preparing now.”

Master, huh? Would they call me Master when this was all finished, or would they call me Mrs. Master? Wow, I felt like I was getting married. All I needed was a pretty, white wedding gown, a bouquet of fresh flowers and my dearest and closest friends. Okay, scratch that. I’d been keeping away from my friends for fear I’d try to feed on them, to the point that I’d ignored them all, but the rest of it sounded good.

“Miss Izzy,” Viola interrupted my daydream. “We are excited that you and Master T’mra are uniting. We haven’t seen her this happy since Mila.” Viola lowered her head, “I’m sorry, it’s still a painful topic,” she said, wiping tears from her face. “Mila’s death changed Master T’mra, she hasn’t been the same and now she glows when you get near.” Viola leaned in close to my ear, “She’s, well, she’s been a bit difficult to get along with for a few hundred years.”

“Yeah,” Stacia agreed.

She looked at me over the rim of her glasses.

“Wait a minute,” I said looking at Stacia. “How could you be a few hundred years old if you’re not a vampire?”

“Master T’mra’s blood keeps her young as Lady Hightowers blood does for me.” Viola spouted off without waiting for Stacia to answer.

Stacia rolled her eyes and plopped her nose back into her day-runner. “I really hate newbies,” she mumbled without looking up. “Gotta teach them everything.” She held up a finger as if putting us on hold. “Yes. I’ll hold,” she spoke into the Bluetooth hanging on her ear…”Yes. Yes, I understand. Tell the Master it’s an official invitation to Master T’mra’s union. This Thursday night. Yes, tomorrow night. Thank you.” She touched her earpiece. “Do you know how many of these calls I have to make?” she snipped under her breath as she started dialing another number.

I sat next to her. “Tamara couldn’t have been that bad, could she?”

“No. Not at all,” she said as she curled her lip. “She’s earned her evil reputation because she’s been such a peach to be around.” She chuckled as if her answer was amusing. Ah, Stacia made a funny and I didn’t get it. “Yes.” Stacia held up her finger again, telling me to wait. “I’m calling from the Hightower Estate. Yes. I’ll hold.”

I thought this was going to be a quick exchange of vows, do some blood drinking and we were done. Apparently, this was turning out to be a major deal. Vampires from as far as Ireland were planning to attend. I guess it wasn’t a quick, let’s-do-it-and-get-it-over-with thingy.

“There are things you should know about the ceremony.” Viola interrupted Stacia’s wait-a-minute finger. “There will be very important vampires present. Once the ceremony starts, you should not speak to anyone except Lady T’mra or Lady Hightower, until the ceremony ends. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head yes, and my stomach started doing flips.

“If anyone speaks to you, you must ignore them. Lady Hightower will choose a host, so you must ignore their pleas. Treat them as though they are not there. You must do exactly as Lady Hightower tells you to do. Oh dear.” Viola gasped. “We must fit you for your new robes!”

“New robes?”

“Why yes. We can’t let you go around naked after the ceremony,” she responded as though it was a silly question.

“What…what do you mean naked?” I swallowed uncomfortably.

Stacia covered the mouthpiece of the Bluetooth and whispered. “You know nude? Without clothes… Yes. Yes, I’m here.” And she turned her attention back to the little piece of plastic dangling off her ear.

“Naked…what don’t I know about the ceremony?”

Viola took a step back with raised eyebrows. “Miss Izzy, did Lady T’mra not explain the ceremony?” She asked placing her hands on her hips.

I hated feeling stupid, I had no idea what they expected of me. “Huh, no.” I answered with a shy grin.

“Oh dear,” Viola let out a long sigh. “Well, we’ll have to solve that. Here, hold this.” She handed me one end of a seamstress tape and took measurements of my breasts, waist and length. “We can’t have you tripping on your robes. I’ll get the seamstress to start on these tonight,” she excitedly exclaimed.

“Viola, what did you mean by Lady Hightower would chose a host? Are we using a live person for this?” I almost choked on the words. I couldn’t bear the thought of taking another life.

“Yes,” Stacia snapped.

“Did Lady T’mra not tell you?” Again, Viola sounded stunned.

“No, she neglected that part. Will the…host be okay?” It seemed Tamara had neglected telling me quite a bit about this Union.

“No!” Stacia barked, “You and Master T’mra will feed until their end.”

Miss Stacia, the compassionate, strikes again, but I did notice she said their end instead of their death. Were we using a vampire as the host? Even so, my morals were screaming at me that this was wrong in so many ways, and yet I couldn’t deny Tamara this pleasure.

“Viola, I don’t think I can do this.” By this time, I was sweating. “I don’t want to take another life.”

“It’s not a human, which should make you feel better. It’s a vampire you will take life from.” Stacia snapped.

Oh yes, Miss Compassionate speaks while she sits on hold, waiting for God knows whom to answer the phone, just so she can leave a message. Yeah.

“She is right. You will not be taking a human life,” Viola reassured me. “Lady Hightower has made her decision about the host. She said it is time for Lady T’mra to set things right.”







Chapter 10



I woke a little panicked. I didn’t see Tamara at all last night. According to Viola, Tamara and Katherine had much to do to prepare for our union. This morning Edgar, the butler who is also Katherine’s personal assistant, had been busy answering the door and leading guests down the cellar better known as, the vamp cave. Apparently, when Katherine bought the Estate, she had the cellar remodeled and added several private rooms, as well as a grand ballroom. I haven’t seen it, but I heard it’s as big as the house itself. Now I know where Tamara hides from the sun. I was actually enjoying my morning until Celeste invited herself into the kitchen.

“Hey, V,” she called out a chipper greeting plopping herself on the stool next to me. “Can I have some coffee?”

Viola stared at her, waiting for her to do something diabolical.

“Okay, no funny business.” She threw her hands up. “I promise.” She crossed her heart.

I just looked at her not wanting to take my eyes off her.

With a huff, Viola poured a cup of coffee and set it down in front of her. “No funny business!” she warned, shaking a finger at Celeste.

“Cross my heart. I just want some coffee.”

Celeste’s long hair hid part of her face. I wished I knew what she was thinking. She had the tops of her breast nicely tucked over her tight, thin undershirt. I hated her prefect cleavage. She worked so little at being so beautiful. It was disgusting.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” she said, blowing the steam off the top of her cup.

Viola and I intently watched her without saying a word. If Celeste were to do any witchcraft, one of us would catch her. She cradled the cup in her hands and stood. We both jerked as if catching us off guard and she smiled. She knew she had us unnerved.

I nodded my head.

“Well, congratulations,” then headed out through the back door, giggling.

“She makes me nervous,” I mumbled.

“Me, too,” Viola said while chopping veggies. “There’s nothing good about that girl.”

Not two minutes after Celeste left the kitchen, she was back. “Oh, sorry,” she said. “I forgot to get some creamer. Mommy Dearest doesn’t like black coffee.”

“Get what you need and go,” Viola said, waving the large knife in the air.

We stared at her while she opened the fridge, and pulled out the creamer. Did we think she’d pull a rabbit out of the fridge? Yeah, I guess we did because we never took our eyes off her.

Once she was gone, Viola put the knife down. “Don’t go anywhere. I’m calling Shamana to check you for spells.”

Viola sent Stacia to join me in the kitchen while she went in search of Shamana. It was unsettling to feel as though I needed a babysitter.

Ding! Dong! Dong! Ding!

Stacia ignored the door chimes and I followed her cue.

Ding! Dong! Dong! Ding!

Stacia looked up from the paper she was reading and waited a moment.

Ding! Dong! Dong! Ding!

“Ah shit. Come on,” she mumbled, dropping the financial section on the table. “I can’t leave you alone.”

Wide eyed, I looked at her.

“Yes, you,” She said pointing at me. “Come on.”

Ding! Dong! Dong! Ding!

Stacia opened the doors and found two very muscular gentlemen standing in the doorway.

“Benfield,” the man wearing the black suit announced.

“Yes, you’re expected. Please bring them this way.” Stacia waited until two coffins were unloaded from a delivery truck. Once inside, she showed the small battalion that followed, where the service elevator to the vamp cave was and allowed them to take their masters down to get situated.

“That was interesting,” I said, trying to strike up a conversation.

“How else did you expect them to travel?”

I slapped my forehead. “Of course, why didn’t it occur to me? Duh.”

Stacia smiled.

Oh my God, Stacia smiled! She did have a personality. I was amazed.

“Well, that accounts for most of the major houses. The smaller clans should be arriving soon,” she said, leading me back to the kitchen where Viola and Shamana waited for me.

The two were sitting at the table drinking coffee and giggling. Shamana put her cup down and stared at me.

“Nope, no spells.” She giggled. “You’re clean child. How are you feeling?”

I haven’t spent any time with Shamana since my little outburst with Celeste. I was so infuriated with her daughter that it was just easier staying away from both of them. She and Katherine were keeping an eye on me since I was turned. I can’t say I went out of my way to avoid Shamana, but I didn’t actively seek her out either.

Being a Bruja, I wanted to talk with her about the Anger Beast that rose up from inside me and pushed my witch out, but I was afraid that she would only tell me it was normal for the vampire to squash my witch. It was easier for me to avoid her than to hear the truth. I plopped down next to her and let out an exaggerated sigh. “I guess I’m okay.”

She smiled. “How are your witching abilities lately?”

“You know, don’t you?”

She smiled again. “Know what, child?”

“Don’t play coy with me. You know I’ve lost them.” I dropped my head on the table.

“I suspected as much. If I’m right, you’ll lose the rest of your witching abilities after the union tonight. It is natural that you will each take on more of each other.”

Everyone seemed to be talking in riddles when it comes to this union or…maybe I’m just not understanding the true scope of what’s going to happen. I’ll take on more of her. She’ll take on more of me, blah, blah, blah.

“What should I prepare for?” I asked Shamana hoping to get some insider news or tips.

“It will be lovely. You’ll come into the grand ball room wearing a white robe.”

Viola popped up. “Then Katherine will prepare the host—”

“And you and Tamara will both feed simultaneously,” Shamana interrupted. “We are not sure what will happen after that. Never forget that you and Tamara are two different people, so don’t get lost in her memories. I must go prepare.” Shamana grabbed her cup of coffee, kissed my forehead and headed back to the estate’s cottage.

I sat on the steps the rest of the day watching Edgar lead at least half a dozen other clans into the vamp cave. Each house or clan had unique characteristics. Some had pets they traveled with and others had a barrage of servants. What was interesting was that from their appearances I could tell where they came from. Layla’s House, or House of Layla as Stacia corrected me earlier, apparently came from Egypt or some kind of Egyptian descent. The men were bald, had broad shoulders and wore a linen cloth wrapped around the waist covering their bottom torso and mid thigh. The women were delicate looking, wearing longer tunics and sporting wide embellished collared necklaces.

What fascinated me was the way their eyes beamed even under the make-up—and yes, even the men wore make-up. I felt like I had stepped back in time and watched a royal procession, complete with servants, maids, belly dancers and guards go by. It was simply stunning to see how they carried themselves even though their Master was sleeping. Talk about devotion.

The other houses weren’t as extravagant. The House of Benfield, from England, didn’t have as many servants, but it was impressive enough on its own. The men wore tailored suits, complete with very fashionable suspenders. They all had a thin gold chain looped in front of their vests tucked into their pockets. I thought it was for decoration until I saw one gentleman pull out his pocket watch and check the time.

The women’s dresses aren’t my favorite. I still don’t understand how any woman can walk around in a dress that’s so tight it barely fits around her butt and then add frilly bows to it. Not to mention, why would anyone wear a big flowery, fufu hat and carry a dainty umbrella? Yeah it’s Florida. It’s going to rain.

I was getting bored, really quick. I mean it was great if you wanted to sit on the stairs and people watch, but me, being who I am, I was bored. I wanted to follow Edgar down into vamp cave and watch everyone step up for their Masters’ grand awaking. Now that would be exciting.

“You’re still there?” Stacia called to me from the bottom floor.

I shook my head. What else could I do? My butt had fallen asleep and my legs were now tingling, and not in a good way. When I noticed two, beautiful Egyptian women come into sight behind Stacia.

The two women smiled and one of them said, “Master Layla would like to present part of her gift to you and Tamara.”

I shook my head and waved my hands. “Uh, no thanks. I’m not going down that road again.”

“No, no. It’s not like that. She wants to help you prepare for tonight. These lovely women.” Stacia pointed at them. “Are going to pamper you in a bath.”

“What?” I know I didn’t hear her say that they were going to give me a bath. “I see,” I sighed. My day was so exciting all ready, what was I going to do with myself?

Stacia started up the stairs with the two women in tow. They really were beautiful, with their mid-length tunic strapped tightly against their perfect bodies, outlining their flawless feminine features.

Stacia held her hand out to me and I took it. What else was I to do while I waited for the sun to go down and for the vamps to wake up. The two women followed us into the main bathroom and sprung to action. One of the women immediately started filling the oversize tub with warm water while the other woman quietly slipped away. Within minutes, she was back with two other girls. They poured oils into the bath water that made the room smell like jasmine. Another girl lit candles she brought up, and turned off all the overhead lights.

I let myself get carried away with the ambiance and soon found myself naked, laying in a scented oil bathtub surrounded by beautiful women. One of the ladies stood to the side of the tub, and danced for me. I was in heaven and with my own personal entertainment.

Each girl took particular care to massage every muscle I had while each washed me thoroughly. The smell of jasmine, the glow of the soft candle light, and the entertainment helped me release my tension and anxiety about tonight so much, that I almost fell asleep.

After the bath, the girls led me back to my bedroom where they had arranged pillows on the floor for me to lay on. The massaging continued and I wasn’t going to argue. Layla was a lucky Master to have these girls with her. Each girl worked simultaneously with the other to make sure to massage or touch every inch of my body. One girl massaged my head and neck while another massaged my back and the third, my butt and legs. It was wonderful having so many hands on me at once. I could definitely get used to this. I closed my eyes and enjoyed what they offered. I heard one of the girls speak in broken English.

“Missy Izzy,” the woman whispered softly, “roll over.”

Unconsciously I understood what she wanted and rolled myself over exposing my belly. I never heard them giggle or chuckle as was normal for American girls to do. Instead, they treated my front side as devotedly as my backside, massaging my face and neck, my breasts, chest, stomach, hips, thighs, legs and feet. They even massaged each individual toe.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke to the girls who were now giggling and I felt Tamara’s presence. I kept my eyes closed as I focused on the absolute wonderful feeling I had. I felt warm lips press against my pubic bone and a warm tongue slowly work its way up my stomach, chest and neck giving me goose bumps. Then I felt her lips press against mine and I heard the girls giggle louder. I opened my eyes and saw Tamara’s beautiful face.

“Layla is spoiling you,” she whispered.

“Oh yes,” I moaned. “Maybe you can spoil me before the ceremony?”

 “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Tamara chuckled.

“Oh yeah,” I stretched to feel her body hovering over me.

“Master T’mra,” Stacia called, “we must get back downstairs. Our guests are wondering where you are.”

Tamara dropped her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry. I have to go. The ceremony will start soon. Viola will bring you downstairs,” she said, kissing my lips.

“Master T’mra,” Stacia called again.

“Yes, yes. I hear you,” she snapped, gently lifting herself off me.

Viola came into the room moments after Tamara left.

“It is time we got you dressed, Miss Izzy. Here put this on,” she said, handing me a white, see-through cotton robe.

“Really?” I twirled around making the bottom of the robe swirl in the air. “You can see through the whole thing, I might as well go naked. Do I really have to wear this?”

Viola laughed. “Yes, Miss Izzy, it is see-through, but at least it’s something.”

“Why can’t I wear a robe like Tamara’s?” I whined.

“Ah, but you will. The seamstress is putting the finishing touches on it right now.”

Viola put my hair up into a classy updo. It was still a little messy, but she reassured me that was the latest style. I felt really weird with my hair done up. I’m the blue jeans and flip-flop type of girl. Give me a tie-dyed tee shirt and shorts any day of the week, but I had to admit, that I looked classy, even though the white linen robe clearly showed off every, and I do mean every, part of my body. Wow, I didn’t think I could look this good.








Chapter 11



Viola led me down the spiral staircase and into the main family room, decorated in golds and purples. What struck me as odd was the amount of vampires that had made it there in such short notice. There must have been upward of twenty or thirty clans. I even recognized some of them from watching their grand entrance earlier.

As we entered the main room, the vampires moved aside, giving us a clear passage to join Tamara, Lady Hightower and the stretcher that had replaced the furniture. The stretcher was the same kind you find in an Emergency room and they had Alea strapped to it.

Lady Hightower and Tamara stood with their backs to her, watching me enter the room.

Katherine stood at the head of the gurney, wearing a ceremonial, deep purple velvet, floor length robe with the innate Hightower insignia—a fanciful H, embroidered with diamonds and rubies. It was truly exquisite.

Tamara stood to the right of Lady Hightower wearing the same purple color robe, only hers was a thinner cotton material, and her embroidered insignia looked like gold thread. They both turned and the room went quiet, yes, quiet enough to hear a pin drop. It was weird and I had to remind myself that vampires don’t breathe.

Tamara walked toward me and Viola held my hand out for her to take, just as they do in traditional weddings when the father passes off the would-be bride. Tamara took my other hand, stepping in very close to me. She wrapped her robe around me, and I felt her lips press against mine as her hand slid along my pubes, found my hole and inserted a very small vibrating object deep inside me. How was I going to concentrate now? That was so wrong.

Immediately, my body reacted to it, and my muscles tightened around my invader.

“I love you.” She smiled, and took a step back, leaving this little bullet to play havoc with my pleasure. She, then, led me toward her mother, the Lady Katherine Hightower.

I was speechless. I could only hope my facial expressions wouldn’t give me away or embarrass me. As we approached Katherine, Alea and I locked eyes and she started struggling against her restraints.

“You bitch! I’ll kill you!” she snarled.

At that moment, my little vibrating friend shifted and I smiled, feeling the wetness escape me. The crowd mumbled an approving moan. Perhaps Tamara’s peers approved of my I-don’t-give-a-shit-attitude. Perhaps they all knew about my little friend vibrating its heart out. Either way, I didn’t care.

I froze in mid-step, waiting for the bullet to move off my g-spot. Pulling my hand, Tamara forced me to take a step and the bullet shifted, thank God. I was dangerously close to having a mini orgasm. Tamara led me to the end of the stretcher, where Alea’s feet were strapped down. She positioned herself to the left of the stretcher leaving me on the right side. Starting at Alea’s feet we raised our hands up, and walked up the length of her horizontal body as she screamed and yelled that she would kill me. When we reached her face, she bucked, trying to bite me. I instinctively tried yanking my hand away from the perceived threat, but Tamara had a firm grip on me.

Relax, Tamara whispered in my mind. You are safe tonight. Just do as my mother tells you.

I slowly nodded my head and another whoosh of wetness escaped me. I shifted my weight and smiled. Katherine raised an eyebrow, and stared at me for a few moments, then pressed her lips together in a tight smile. She knew. Katherine knew about the little demon buried deep inside me.

“Today we have come together to celebrate the union between my daughter Tamara and Izzy, who shall forever more be known as Lady Izzy Hightower.” Katherine glanced at me, smiled and then continued. “This is truly a spectacular occasion for this family. Never did we imagine that Tamara would take another partner after Mila, or feel so strongly about it that we find ourselves sharing in her union. My only regret is that Kaley is not here to witness this bonding. With that, I will not delay the inevitable.”

Edgar, who had been standing behind Katherine, disrobed her and the crowd oohed at her beautifully preserved naked body. Katherine’s skin was a flawless masterpiece. Her breasts were round, perky and perfectly spaced apart—a plastic surgeons dream. Her stomach was flat with the tiniest hint of muscles rippling under the skin. Her waistline was curvy and smooth and her long legs were toned and muscular. The similarities between Tamara and Katherine were astounding. I even caught myself staring in awe at my new mother-in-law.

In all her regal nakedness, Katherine bent down into the crevice of Alea’s neck and warned, “This is going to hurt.” She then dug her teeth deep into her neck. Seeing the blood pour out, I realized that Katherine wasn’t feeding. She was draining her.

Alea screamed and thrashed against the restraints holding her prisoner. After a few moments, Katherine pulled away without the traditional licking of the wound, which heals due to a chemical in vampire saliva that seals the wound without leaving a scar.

I watched as Alea’s blood freely flowed and pooled underneath her. The harder she thrashed, the quicker her blood gushed out of her wound.

It was a terrifying scene, I tried pulling my hand back, but Tamara wouldn’t let me go.

Relax. It will be over soon. Tamara’s words burned in my mind.

Alea struggled for several more minutes before her movements became sluggish, her eyes glazing over, and sporadically biting at the air. She reminded me of a great white shark when they bite.

Katherine bent down and sunk her fangs into Alea once more. This time I could see Katherine swallowing. She was pulling out the last bit of blood left in Alea’s body. Without pulling away, Katherine raised her hand and gripped Tamara’s arm pulling it into Alea’s suckling mouth. Tamara didn’t even flinch when Alea’s fangs embedded into her flesh and she started suckling the fresh wound.

Mother is draining her of her natural blood supply. She will take blood from me, then from you and then we drink from her together.

Tonight I was grateful Tamara could implant her thoughts into my mind. Tonight, it helped.

She cocked her head, waiting for a response.

I nodded. I was actually at a loss for words about the carnage I was witnessing. Vampires are not supposed to be emotionally sensitive creatures, but the coldness in Katherine’s attack left me shocked. I hoped that I never developed her callousness.

My little friend shifted and another wave of pleasure crashed through me. My face went blank as wetness escaped me. I had no doubt that I was flushed and sweating.

Alea drank from Tamara for several minutes before Katherine pulled away from Alea’s neck. Blood dripping down Katherine’s face, leaving a red streak rolling down her cleavage, she claimed, “The blood is pure. Alea has been removed.” With that confirmation, the crowd let out a loud sigh.

 Edgar redressed Katherine in her robes. She waited several more minutes before prying Tamara’s wrist from Alea’s mouth and then motioned for me to place my wrist in its place. I stared at Tamara and cautiously moved my wrist toward Alea’s fangs.

In case I forgot to mention it earlier, I’m highly allergic to pain and the thought of being bitten on the wrist without sex, wasn’t appealing to my better judgment. The moment Alea bit into my wrist, my little friend shifted and a wave of pleasure coursed through my body gripping me as the bullet vibrated on my g-spot. I moaned. Perhaps Tamara was on to something when she inserted my little vibrating demon. Alea had bitten me and I had had a mini orgasm. The night couldn’t have gotten any better.

As Alea took my blood, I got lightheaded and found it increasingly difficult to stay on my feet. Was it from the loss of blood, the mini orgasm or both? I didn’t know, but I knew I was swaying. Katherine finally pried my wrist free and placed a supporting hand at my back.

“Together you and Tamara will now share the mixture of your blood.” Katherine addressed the crowd, but she looked at me with soft, gentle eyes. “You will become two separate parts of a whole person that only death can separate. Drink and solidify the bond.”

I was still woozy on my feet and with a nod from Katherine, Viola stepped forward and removed my white robe. Stacia stood behind a naked Tamara holding her robe. Then, Katherine gently pushed me on my back moving her hand up until it reached at my nape and coaxed me down to Alea’s neck. I watched Tamara bend into the crevice of her groin.

“Join me,” Tamara said.

I closed my eyes and dug my fangs deep into Alea’s neck finding her artery. Her blood filled my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could take, but it kept flowing, pleasing the vampire in me. I felt her essence slipping away and thought about pulling back, but Katherine kept pressure on my neck, holding my head in place. Soon, the urge to pull away faded and I realized that I couldn’t get enough of the sweet taste we had created.

Tamara’s memories flooded my mind. Memories of her childhood, her father, Kaley and her mother, Katherine. Memories of Mila—every memory she ever had of Mila washed over me.

Every memory of every human she drained or drank from swelled in my mind. Every thought and every feeling Tamara ever had crashed into me pushing my own memories aside to make room for hers, making room for the century’s worth of memories she had. It was overwhelming. Then I remembered what Stacia had said, remember that you and Tamara are different people. That helped me remember where and who I was, and I took Tamara’s memories and created a place in my mind specifically for them. There, they could live and thrive without pushing me out of my own mind. I relaxed allowing our minds to blend. I saw the technological age take form and advance to what it is today and I saw beyond that. I saw four, five, six centuries ago. I watched everything she had lived through and had experienced. I saw and felt the terror that she was capable of creating. Then with a sudden crash, I was back to present day.

Tamara was still holding my hand as we both finished draining Alea of our precious concoction. I sucked at her wound and nothing came. Katherine nodded her head and I knew it was time to release the host and face Tamara. I lifted my head and looked at my beautiful lover, blood painted onto her mouth, lips, and chest and I felt the connection between us take hold of me. It settled into me, soothing me, with the reassurance that we were now, two parts of a whole.

Everyone was silent for a few minutes and then suddenly, Tamara gripped her chest and doubled over. Stacia caught Tamara before she hit the floor and gently laid her down. Her cheeks were rosy, a color I only see after she feeds. She grabbed her chest again and moaned. Katherine was all ready by her side, kneeling next to her. Edgar and Stacia had moved the curious crowd back a few feet as I stepped past the spectators and knelt beside her.

“Don’t you dare die on me,” I whispered, laying my head on her shoulder.

For the first time, I saw Tamara take an unconscious breath of air and heard a soft thump emanating from her chest. It was not possible, I told myself. Yet, my mind saw what it wanted to see. Tamara hasn’t breathed or had a heartbeat in centuries. I convinced myself that I had imagined it.

“Are you well?” Katherine asked me, with concern flashing across her face.

“Yes,” I answered without moving my head from Tamara’s shoulder.

Tamara moved and I shifted to see her face.

“I always knew you were special,” she whispered.

I helped her up, and eventually got her back on her feet. The crowd cheered as though nothing had happened and congratulated us on our union. No one harped on Tamara’s fall.

Viola rubbed me down with a damp towel, removing the dried blood. Stacia was doing the same for Tamara. I didn’t realize we would go after Alea as if she was a wounded animal. After drying me off, Viola stepped back leaving me naked while Stacia slipped Tamara back into her exquisite robe.

Katherine took my hand. “It is tradition to see if our blood has accepted you.”

Immediately, I knew that that it wasn’t tradition Katherine was seeking. She wanted to see if I had accepted their bloodline. If not, it would have driven me slowly insane. That was another major point Tamara happened to leave out when she was explaining this union to me.

“Your blood has not accepted me,” I answered. “I have accepted it.”

Katherine’s lips pressed into an approving smile, and Viola slipped me into my own deep purple robe with the Hightower insignia on it. Tamara and I were now wearing matching robes. Peachy.

“Well said, child. Tonight, we have a new addition to our family, so let the festivities begin,” she said, throwing her hands up.

Music emanated from the adjoining room from a quartet that I hadn’t noticed until now. The spectators all gathered, wishing us good fortune and a lasting reign. Funny how vampires wished you a lasting reign and humans just wished you luck, plain simple luck.

I made it a point to stick close to Tamara, for a few reasons. One, I wanted to make sure she’d be okay and second, I wanted this little dancing demon out of me. I was grateful it had quieted down while she passed out. Maybe its batteries were finally dying.

An older, heavy-set, short man approached us. “I am Count Vladimir,” he said curtly, bowing, showing me his neck. I knew that was a sign of submission and I knew why he was submissive. He was the vampire that betrayed Tamara, causing Mila’s untimely and gruesome death.

“Yes,” I said, keeping a firm, erect posture. “I know who you are.”

“Ah,” he chuckled, a deep fierce laughter. “Of course, you do.”

Tamara had let Count Vladimir live, but not before stripping him of all his possessions, in effect, Tamara owned him and all his fortunes. He knew it and most importantly, I knew it.

“I am at your service, my lady.” He bowed and kissed my hand.

“Yes,” I said. “You are.”

“Allow me to introduce myself.” A young, British man stepped forward, pushing Count Vladimir out of the way. “I am Sir—”

“Sir Thomas Benfield of Yale,” I interrupted. “It is an honor to have you join us tonight.” He was shocked that I knew who he was, but recovered quickly.

“Yes, that it is an honor, Lady Izzy.”

Sir Thomas’ memory burned to the forefront. I knew that in the late eighteen hundreds, he and Tamara had scoured the countryside, seducing innocent victims. They were bored and had made it a game. I also knew that Tamara had defeated his count by a mere thirteen. I knew that Sir Thomas’s family, the Benfield’s, was as close to stature as the Hightowers and we each exchanged the traditional showing of the neck as a mutual sign of respect for each other.

I met some other prominent vampires, Lady Chandra from India, Lord Shun from China, Lady Ryanne and her companion Nia from Ireland, and Lady Gianna from Italy, and of course their entourage, which consisted of their protectors, their servants and typically their primera sangre.

“Lady T’mra.” Layla approached us. “It was quite a show we witnessed. Are you better now?”

“Yes, Layla.” Tamara hugged her. “Your concern is well noted. How are you, old friend?”

“I am as I always was.” Layla smiled. “It is dreadful not to be worshipped anymore.”

She laughed a soft delicate laugh and Tamara’s memory of Layla jumped at me. They had been friends the longest. She had changed her name from Inanna to Layla, born of the night, after the fall of the Roman Empire, worshipped as the goddess of love and war until Christianity invaded their lands and beliefs. Once rooted, Christianity spread like wild fire, becoming the most brutal, bloodthirsty, religion, mortals would ever face. Early Christians actively sought out all who worshipped a different God and created inhumane torture devices to run the demons out of the nonbelievers’ bodies before facing a gruesome death. After years of fighting and losing many of her worshippers, Inanna forced herself to hide, along with her worshippers.

 Wow! Who would have thought I’d be rubbing elbows with a one-time goddess?

I smiled. “Thank you for your gift.”

“That was only a part,” Layla said in the most beautiful accent I had ever heard. “The other part is for Tamara to choose. I have a delectable selection with me.”

Master Layla was truly magnificent. Her thin frame accentuated her near perfect body. Her straight, pitch-black hair fell to the middle of her back. Layla also wore makeup, only hers was subtler, but the colors were the same green and black the rest of her house wore. Her sloping forehead and long nose only accentuated her magnificent eyes. She was a refined woman. Every step, and every movement had a purpose, and even the sound of her voice was hypnotizing. Her words were so gentle, they rang together sounding like a song.

“Izzy.” Tamara gently nudged me.

“What?” I replied as Tamara pulled me out of my trance.

“Layla.” Tamara frowned. “It is impolite to enchant my equal.”

“Yes, you are right. I apologize, Lady Izzy. I was curious of what attracted Tamara to you.” Layla waved her hands. “Rest assured it will not happen again.”

Tamara cocked her head and raised a brow.

“My word,” Layla responded.

“Very well, my friend.” They both hugged, and Layla walked away, with her barrage obediently following.

“Did I miss something? What just happened?”

“Nothing happened, my love.” Tamara kissed my cheek. “Let’s go mingle with our guests, shall we?”

I was getting bored with the meet and greet. At least my parties consisted of very loud music and a lot of drinking. This was completely lame even for vampire standards. I enjoyed seeing some of the unique clothing, but how much could that satisfy a girl? Anyway, I didn’t see the point in continuing to meet people I could simply pull up from Tamara’s memory.

Everything was getting on my nerves and walking through the crowded room wearing this long, heavy robe wasn’t helping. If I wasn’t worried that I’d trip myself, I was worried that someone else would step on the robe and trip me. Tamara moved behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Remember my love, this is a chance for them to meet you.”

I let out a low gut-hurling sigh and leaned back allowing her to hold my full weight. All I wanted was to go back to the simple life I once had and instead, here I was meeting and greeting vampires from all around the world, wearing a hot, heavy, annoying robe.

“Come.” Tamara said, pulling me through the crowded room leading me upstairs.

“These robes are a pain in the ass,” she said, stripping out of her robe. “Let’s get out of them, but first I want my gift back.” She gave me a sheepish smile and I followed her gaze down my stomach until it rested at my crotch.

I had totally forgotten about the little friend that accompanied me this evening and helped me get through Alea biting me. I dropped my robe to the floor and lay on the bed spread eagle.

 “I dare you to find it.” I caressed my pubic hair. “I know its buried deep. It may take you a while.”

She moved toward me as though she was stalking prey. She leaned against the side of the bed and pressed her thighs against mine, spreading my legs even further apart. Laying her cool hands on my warm belly gave me chills and I squirmed under her gentle touch. Her hands caressed my thighs while she spread my legs wider. She bent over me, her tongue barely making contact with my nipples. Tamara knew how to work me up as she teased me with the anticipation of her touch. Slowly, her tongue worked its way down my body, coming closer and closer to my waiting pussy, then without warning, her fingers slid deep inside me. They forced themselves through my tightness causing my little friend to jump back to life, vibrating its way around my tight cunt as her fingers went deeper inside me. Her tongue was so close I could feel her forced breath breathing on my clit.

“My Ladies,” I heard Viola call from the hallway, “your guests are eager to conclude the ceremony.”

Tamara slid her fingers out of me and rammed them back in. My hips uncontrollably bucked to her touch.

“My ladies, please,” Viola called again. “The guests know you’re in here. They would like to start their own celebrations.”

Tamara wrapped her lips around my hood and tenderly pulled my nub out with her teeth as her tongue caressed it.

I gasped for air, pushing her head harder against my groin.

Viola tapped lightly on the bedroom door. “My ladies, please answer the door.”

Tamara lifted her head abruptly and my hips dropped to the bed.

“Yes…yes. We heard you,” she snapped. “Come in all ready.”

“No, wait!” I yelled, fumbling to hide my exposed body under the sheets.

Viola needed no second invitation and came through the door, protesting. “They are mumbling that you have retreated for your own private party. The guests are disappointed that you would not open the remainder of the celebrations for them.”

I had pulled enough of the sheet to cover Tamara at my groin, but she flipped the covers back, exposing not only her face, but her position as well.

“Open what celebration?” I asked.

“It is customary for you and Lady T’mra to start the festivities,” Viola responded as she picked up our robes and laid them on the chair’s backrest.

“What festivities?”

Tamara tried hiding as she pulled the sheet over her head and dropped her head onto my groin, her fingers traveling inside me, retrieving the bullet.

Viola shook her head, disapprovingly. “Master T’mra has not told you?”

I reached under the sheet, grabbing a handful of Tamara’s hair and pulled her face to eye level. “Told me what?” I said, staring at her.

She smiled. “I didn’t know how to tell you, but we are supposed to start the…umm…” she looked down, avoiding my eyes.

“The sexual festivities!” Viola blurted out.

I tugged at her hair. “What sexual festivities?”

“To solidify our union,” she whispered.

“Is there anything else you’ve forgotten to tell me? Anything else that’s expected of me, of you, of us?”

“No,” she mumbled and tried to kiss me, but I pulled her head back by her hair. “Look me in the eye and tell me that,” I demanded, keeping her head in a safe non-kissing distance from me.

“I promise,” she said. “With the exception that other clans will be showing what they can offer us.”

“You mean a playmate?”

“Uh-huh.” Tamara moaned.

“I see. Do we need one?” I asked incredulous that she would even consider it.

Tamara smiled.

I shuffled out from underneath her and pulled the sheet with me to cover my naked body. “But you want one?”

“Well, no, but this happens so infrequently, we should keep our options open.”

“She’s right, Miss Izzy. Think of it as inheriting a sex slave.”

“Shush!” I scorned Viola. “I know you’d say anything to help her.”

“Scouts honor, Miss Izzy.” Viola made a cross over her heart. “As we sit up here, Masters have been preparing their offerings downstairs.”

Offerings? It sounded like sacrifices to me, not offerings. I tried pulling these ceremonial orgies from Tamara’s memories and came up blank. I gave up. I couldn’t believe I was saying that, but I figured I was just along for the ride now. How did we go from just Tamara and me to a fanatic sex party where we get a sex slave?

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, let’s go see.”

Viola slipped the heavy robes back on me. Tamara followed only a few feet behind as we headed downstairs to the alleged sex pit they had created for us. Imagine my surprise when I saw that each clan had occupied a section of the rooms, creating a small version of their own little world. Lady Chandra’s clan from India had set up directly at the foot of the stairs. It was almost impossible to get around them without going through the little harem they had built.

Evenly spread hookah pipes decorated their section and women lay on large pillows that covered the floor while men obediently kneeled and subtly obeyed the women’s commands. I had never seen a live orgy and honestly, as strange as it sounds, it was turning me on to see so many naked bodies engaging in mortal pleasures. Some women gave men blowjobs and some men were happily lapping up every drop of the women. Then, of course, there was the actual fucking that was done right out in the open. Men pounding their partner’s doggie style, missionary and a few other positions I had no idea were physically possible. If Tamara thought that she was going to get me in one of those positions, she’d lost her mind, because those moves belonged to a Barbie doll, not me. Overall, once the initial shock wore off, it was pretty boring and conservative. At least, it was nothing different from what some cable channels offered after dark.

With Tamara flanking me to my right, I followed her to Lady Gianna’s Clan. At least there was some diversity there. The Italian’s really knew how to worship every part of a women’s body. A well-built male was positioned doggie style, fucking one of Lady Gianna’s servants, who was, in turn, buried in Lady Gianna’s crotch, licking and sucking the lovely lady until she screamed in pleasure.

However, the moaning from the Irish clan was what caught my attention. There were a dozen men and women wearing black, leather, bondage vests. Some had their wrists strapped to their sides and others, blindfolded. Three tall, blonde, sexy dominatrix women controlled the group’s pleasures. Two armed with whips and one with a paddle.


The whip lunged forward connecting across one of the men’s backs.

“That is pathetic!” the dominatrix corrected him. “Fuck her like you mean it.”

“Yes, mistress,” he gasped and pumped his hips faster into the tied woman.

“Please,” I heard a woman beg. “Please.”

I scanned the tangled bodies until I found a woman tied spread eagle to the wall. Her naked body limply rested on the binds that kept her upright. Men, wearing masks lined up in front of her, waiting to ram their thick cocks into her.

“Please.” Her despairing voice echoed in my head as the men took turns fucking her.

I had to do something. It’s okay to have a giant sex orgy. I get it, but this was madness. Openly raping this poor girl was not on my list of acceptable ceremonial things to perform. I stepped toward her and one of the dominatrix grabbed my arm.

“Wait,” she whispered, knowing I was going to interfere. “Just wait and watch.”

When the current man finished fucking her, he collapsed and two people helped carry him away before the next man eagerly took his turn and stepped up to the bound woman. She looked at him eagerly.

“Where have you been, my love? Take me. Take all that is me.”

He slid his cock deep inside her, ramming and pounding his very essence into the tied woman.

“More” she begged. “Please. Please.”

“She is not like us.” The dominatrix leaned closer into me. “She is a Sylph, a fairy that will drain the life out of any single man who tries to bed her. She’s getting exactly what she has asked for.”

I stood and watched as the next man approached her and again they had to carry him away.

“Where have you been my love? Take me. Take all that is me.” Then the begging would begin. “Please, please,” she cried.

“I don’t understand,” I whispered. “I thought fairies were a myth?”

“Not a myth, Lady Izzy, a reality.” The dominatrix turned, cracking her whip against a young man’s back. The loud pop of the whip made me jump. The dominatrix stopped and looked over her shoulder.

“I’m Helena, please come visit me later.”

Yeah…no. Whips are not my style. I found Tamara with Master Layla’s clan. She lay on the soft cushions while being fed grapes. Unreal. Tamara lay with the pampered goddess, eating while a naked female servant massaged her head.

“My love, have you found anything intriguing, yet?” Tamara asked, waving away the servant.

I plopped down on the cushion next to her and leaned my head on her belly. “No,” I puffed disappointingly.

Layla waved at one of her servants and the girl approached me from behind and tenderly massaged my head. Damn! Her gentle fingers softly rubbing my temples and working down my neck was getting me excited. I closed my eyes and felt the anxiety of finding a sex slave melt away. Every sound in the room seemed to disappear. There was an unusual quietness where chaos and sex once ruled. From a distance, I heard Helena’s soft voice echo and felt her presence. I opened my eyes and she was kneeling before me, presenting me with her whip.

“My lady, if you would do me the honors. I would love to feel the crack of your whip.”

Tamara smiled, while she subtly raised her brow to me.

“I…I can’t,” I stuttered. “I’ve…I’ve never whipped anyone.”

Helena’s face perked up. “Well then, it’s my honor to be your first.” She bowed her head lower and extended her hands, holding the whip higher.

I should have thought something was odd, but I didn’t understand that a dominatrix was a mindset and that no true dominatrix would volunteer herself for someone to punish her. As I came to my feet I took the whip from her hands, she stood and leaned into me slowly.

“Here, hold the handle like this,” she instructed while gently caressing my hand into the correct whip-holding position. “…and snap your wrist, like this.” Again, she caressed and manipulated my hand while showing me how to snap my wrist quickly to get the most efficient crack of the whip.

I felt totally out of my element and looked to Tamara for reassurances. Some help she was, she just smiled and lightly nodded her head as if telling me it was all my decision. I snapped my wrist like Helena showed me and the whip went soaring through the air popping at the end of its length.

Tamara grinned and lay back down, allowing Layla’s servant to feed her.

Helena slid her hands into the opening of my robe and pulled herself in until I felt her hard nipples rub against my bare chest. She cradled her face on the crutch of my shoulder and my neck. Her warm breath excited me.

“Please tie me to the wall before you take pleasure from me,” she whispered ever so gently in my ear, her breath teasing me.

I felt drunk with desire. Helena ordering me to command her, sent chills down my spine, making me want to carry out her requests. I nudged my face next to hers, and her soft lips brushed against mine.

I stopped. I promised Tamara I wouldn’t cheat on her again. I couldn’t kiss Helena. I looked over at Tamara and found only an empty space where she once was. My muscles went frigid. Could I have ruined our union by being this close to Helena?

Helena softly kissed my neck, then slowly swept her tender kisses down to my chest. Her teeth held my nipple out while her tongue quickly flicked it. I couldn’t respond…I wouldn’t break my promise to Tamara. Helena’s hand caressed the inside of my thigh, slowly moving close to my groin, then down, then up, occasionally making contact against my pubic hair. This was way too much seducing for me, I would lose control and I knew it.

“Please, Master,” Helena pleaded. “Tell me what you want.”

The touch of her hand gently caressing my pubes sent a slow desperate burning through me. My body craved her touch. My pussy wanted to feel her touching me, caressing me and loving me. How could I find the courage to refuse her?

Helena moved closer into my robe. I didn’t back away, but stood firm, waiting. Waiting to see what would happen next. Her hands caressed my waist while her hard, erect nipples brushed against my bare chest. I closed my eyes soaking in the ravenous sexual energy this evening had been fueling. I imagined Helena’s naked body on top of me, making love to me while Tamara rode her from behind. I would love to teach Helena how to please both of us. Her hands leisurely stirred behind me fondling my ass, grabbing and caressing each cheek.

Wetness seeped from me.

I looked for Tamara, but she was nowhere near. What if Tamara was testing my resolve for monogamy? I would stand my ground. Stronger vamps never back away…the weak do and I wasn’t weak. Helena’s lips lavishly kissed my neck and then worked their way up to my mouth. Her tongue teased my lips and goaded my tongue out for a seductive dance. Energy sparked between us, energy so powerful it filled me with a fiery passion, and I suddenly wanted to do things to Helena I had never thought about doing. Nasty things.

Helena’s been a very bad girl, Tamara’s voice echoed in my head. She needs to be punished.

Helena’s tongue slid out of my mouth while mine, instinctively, followed hers. She grabbed my tongue with her teeth and held me prisoner as she enticed my imagination of things yet to come.

Who belongs to whom? Again, Tamara slipped into my mind.

Shit! I hate it when Tamara gets in my head. I can’t wait until I’ve perfected my own abilities. It sucks to have your girlfriend in your head while you’re kissing another girl.

Who belongs to whom? I heard her frustration. I knew she was getting impatient.

Helena wrapped her soft, warm lips around mine, her tongue sucking on my tongue, teasing and enticing me. Desire crawled through my skin threatening to break free and take satisfaction.

Who belongs to whom! It wasn’t a question anymore. Tamara demanded an answer.

Damn it! My mind screamed. I belong to you. Then I felt Helena yanked away from me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Tamara standing between Helena and me. Tamara had commanded her submissiveness. Helena rolled her shoulders forward and she didn’t look up for fear of Tamara’s wrath.

“Go to our room and prepare for your punishment,” Tamara ordered.

“As you wish, Master.” Helena glanced at me.

“Now!” Tamara barked.

Helena flinched and sulked away, eagerly.

I leaned into Tamara, wrapping my arms around her waist, and she stepped aside. Her eyes were fixed on me, her brow was tight, her lips pressed into thin lines. I lowered my head afraid I had ruined our relationship. She’s asked me not to cheat on her and look what I just did. Shit!

“You’ve been a naughty little girl, Izzy Hightower.”

Tamara’s tight lips curled into a smile. A beautiful smile and I knew where she was leading me. She wanted to be Master of our bed tonight and I could certainly play along with that.

“Yes, my love. I’ve been a very bad girl,” I sheepishly smiled.

Tamara led me by the hand to our bedroom. Helena was naked, curled up on the foot of the bed waiting for us.

“Master…” Helena jolted up from the bed realizing no one gave her permission to be there yet.

Tamara placed her finger over her mouth to quiet Helena, and her slave stopped talking in mid-sentence. She waved Helena over and she obeyed, standing face to face with Tamara.

“You are not to speak unless spoken too.” She caressed Helena’s breast. “You will obey our every wish.” She ran her fingers down her chest. “Or you will be punished.”

Helena shivered, but nodded in agreement.

“Go tie yourself to our bed.”

Helena quickly found the hidden straps attached to the bedposts. She laid spread eagle and tied her ankles to the leather restraints first. Pulling the wrist straps, she slipped her left wrist into the leather strap and pulled it tight.

“Your ties better be tight,” Tamara warned her.

Helena slipped her right wrist into the leather strap and lay quietly, patiently waiting for someone to confine her free arm.

Tamara then turned her attention to me. Her face was hard. She showed no emotions. Only the twinkle in her eyes let me know she was enjoying this. “Finish tying her up and get our toys.” She unrobed me, allowing it to fall to the ground. Then her robe came off and she handed it to me. “Hang both robes while you get the toys.”

I bent over to pick up my robe and she slapped my ass, making my cheeks burn. She was serious about the Master role she had set earlier. I’d never really done a lot of role-playing, and the only time I experienced such bonds was in the Medieval Room, where I first met Tamara. My cheeks still stung from her loose hand. Maybe we needed a safe word in case things got out of hand tonight. “Shouldn’t we have a safe word?”

“Not tonight.” She grinned. “Tonight, I have other things in store for you. You will call me Master, and obey me.”

She touched my breast and her energy filled me. She placed her soft lips against mine and kissed me with a passion that shot down my spine and settled in my all ready excited pussy. That settled it. I would willingly give myself to her. She grabbed the nape of my neck and pulled my head back.

“Go hang the robes, then put your naked pussy over her face, but do not let her touch you…yet.”

I typically resist Tamara’s commands better than this, but this time I found myself obeying her without question. I was uncomfortable having a threesome, but that wouldn’t stop me. I hung the robes as instructed and climbed onto the bed, positioning myself over Helena’s mouth. She stretched her tongue trying to reach my engorged pussy. I wanted to drop onto her face and have her tongue fuck me, but I would not disobey Master tonight, so I leaned away from her.

“Good, girl,” Tamara said. “Now, I want you to give her a little taste, but do not linger.”

Slowly, I leaned onto Helena’s waiting tongue. She quickly swiped it across my clit while leaning further into her, I held my stance above her.

“Enough,” Tamara snapped.

Hesitantly, I pulled away from Helena’s tongue and lingered inches above her warm breath.

“Come here.” Tamara pointed to the edge of the bed. “Now.”

Seeing the toys spread out on the bed, I crawled to her wondering what she had in store for me.

“You were a bad girl and must be punished,” she declared, pulling out a remote control bullet. “Put this inside your pussy and do not let it fall out.”

I leaned back, spreading my thighs and ran my fingers through the slit of my engorged lips inserting the bullet. My wet cunt sucked it up, tightening my muscles around it, holding it in place.

“Good, girl,” she said holding out our harness. “Now put the harness on me and make sure it’s tight.”

I was nervously excited. I fumbled getting the snaps around the cock-ring that housed the enormous dildo she had set aside. Then I struggled getting the harness fitted around her waist.

“You’d better hurry before my patience wears thin.” She pointed at my pussy. “I haven’t even turned it on yet.”

I snapped one end closed and my cunt started vibrating. Oh, God. The pulse of the bullet slamming against my cunt muscles aroused my g-spot. Every vibration radiated sending jolts of pleasure to my sweet spot. I wiggled my hips enjoying the sensation and the vibration stopped.

“Did I say you could wiggle?”

“No.” I lowered my head.

“No, what?”

“No, Master.” I swallowed my pride.

“Finish your task.” She leaned slightly into me. “You cannot expect me to prepare your own punishment.”

My own punishment? The thought of preparing my own punishment sent a new sense of excitement through me. The same excitement I felt when I bossed Tamara around in the medieval dungeon in Kaley’s Center. As I finished snapping the other half of the harness, Tamara handed me an anal plug and a tube of lube.

“Our new friend is lonely,” she said, adjusting her cock, then sat on the edge of the bed. “See to it that she feels full.”

I spread the lube on the plug and poured some on Helena’s pussy.

“I gave you an anal plug, not a vibrator.” She cocked her head. “You’re wasting time playing with her pussy.”

“I’m trying,” I snapped at her, frustrated.

Tamara’s eyes grew wide. “You’re trying…what?”

Tamara’s tone sounded as though I would face punishment for misbehaving. She raised her brow and her smile tightened. I was worried.

“You’re trying…what?” she asked, again.

I wasn’t sure what to say. What was it she had said earlier? That I would call her Master and obey her. I swallowed hard and whimpered, “Master?”

Her smile spread across her face, lighting up her mood, “Very good. Now, you,” she pointed at me. “Stay right there.”

With her cock pointing straight up into the air, Tamara leaned back against pillows and freed Helena from her bonds.

“You,” she pointed at Helena, then at her hard cock. “Suck it. Now.”

Helena jumped at Tamara’s command, wrapping her lips around her hard dick. Helena was up on all fours, her ass up in the air. Slowly the tip disappeared into her mouth. She pushed down and Tamara moaned as it rubbed against her.

It was agony watching some stranger giving my girlfriend head when it should have been me taking her deep into my mouth and making her squirm, but I stayed where Master had put me.

“Now, Izzy.” She panted while Helena took her deeper into her mouth. “Now.”

I knew exactly what she wanted me to do. She had staged this whole scene to grant me easier access to Helena’s ass. I spread her butt cheeks and found her red puckered hole. It looked so fragile and small compared to the plug Tamara picked for her ass. I lubed up the plug again and this time I poured the lube directly onto her ass. It startled her. She winced as the cold liquid hit her. I put the plug against her tight hole and gently gave it a push, but it hesitated. She moaned, jerking forward away from the punishment trying to invade her and I stopped. The opening wasn’t large enough to fit the anal plug I held in my hand.

Her jerking forward pressed the base of Tamara’s stiff cock against her clit. Tamara grabbed Helena’s head and pushed her even further down the rubber shaft until she was gagging for air. Slowly, she guided Helena’s head up and down her cock.

“Do it!” She stared at me. “And don’t stop until she’s full.”

I pushed repeatedly, Helena moaned, but I didn’t stop. I kept pushing until the tip disappeared inside her virgin ass. Slowly, I kept pushing against the resisting force that threatened to reject the invader until she was full. She grunted pulling away from me and Tamara grabbed a hand full of hair pushing her face up.

“Is this your first time?”

“Yes…Master.” Helena’s words were forced.

“Good.” She paused. “Your punishment should hurt, but if you relax it will be easier on you.”

“Yes…Master…thank…you.” She stuttered and the vibrator inside me sparked to life, rekindling my threatening orgasm.

Master looked me in the eye and I tried pushing my orgasm back, but the entire evenings events were flooding my senses. I realized just how excited I was punishing Helena and obeying Master’s wishes. This new world of sexual passion whispered to me and I couldn’t ignore its calling. Suddenly, the vibrator stopped, giving me a reprieve.

“Do not cum without permission,” she declared.

“Fuck her,” Tamara ordered and my hand moved, sliding the anal plug in and out of Helena’s ass.

She groaned, but this time she didn’t move. She would obey Master’s wishes. Tamara pushed Helena’s mouth back onto her waiting cock and forced her to take it as I fucked her cherry virgin ass. After several minutes, she swayed forward taking Tamara’s cock deep into her mouth and swayed back into me fucking herself with the plug I held in place. She had gotten a rhythm going. Helena was now enjoying herself.

“Stop,” Tamara ordered and we both froze. She lifted Helena’s head. “Izzy hold her plug in place. Helena lay down. I want to watch you taste each other.”

We lay as instructed, Helena on bottom, her plug securely in place and me on top, our faces at each other’s pussies.

“Well, get to it. Show me how good you can make each other feel.”

Helena’s tongue parted my lips and found my engorged clit. Without hesitation, she gently pushed the hood back with her teeth and flicked it with her tongue.

I moaned and buried my face in her crotch. My tongue fumbling through her juices until I felt her hard bud and took it into my mouth.

She worked her tongue expertly, finding and stroking my sweet spot without mercy. My groin thrusting harder against her face, I was dangerously close to cumming without permission.

“Do not cum yet,” I heard Master warn.

We slowed our pace. I felt hands grab my waist from behind and squirt lube on me.

“Raise your hips, but do not stop what you are doing…higher…higher…good stay right there.” Tamara’s hands rubbed lube down the crack of my ass. I felt her fingers touching Helena’s tongue while she rubbed and sucked on my excited bundle. Pressure built inside me, the thought of her fondling Helena’s tongue while she pleasured me was mind-boggling.

“You promised me something when we first met and tonight you will make good on your word.”

Tamara’s hands massaged the lube around my ass hole. I remembered I promised her that she could take my ass! The thought scared me and excited me at the same time. I had never had anal sex, and yet here I was getting ready to take her. The vibrator jumped to life distracting my fear.

“I am going to fuck you until I cum.”

I felt a hard tip poke me.

“Do not cum before me.”

I held my breath waiting for the intrusion. Slowly, the tip began to push itself in. A burning pain soared through me. I gasped, and Tamara stopped.

“Relax.” She panted. “It will hurt less.”

Tamara’s hands steadily held my hips where she wanted me as she continued to force her cock inside me. I tried to relax. I breathed deeply and felt Helena’s tongue teasing my clit. I felt more cold lube glide down my ass as Tamara slid her cock in a little deeper, and I felt the bullet slam against her hardness. It was a feeling of euphoria. Helena’s tongue continued my torture and Tamara filled me. I was sweating and panting as I held myself rigid. Tamara did not give me permission to cum even though my orgasm threatened to explode.

She slid deeper into me. I felt the cold harness slam against my cheeks and hold itself there. Then, I felt her slowly sliding out of me, then pushing herself back in. Tamara’s rhythm changed, her hands grabbed the back of my shoulders pushing me harder into her as she was thrusting harder into me, wiggling her hips. I knew her clit was feeling it. Helena worked furiously on my swollen pleasure while Tamara filled me with her cock. The vibrator inside raced at a new speed, vibrating harder and faster. Tamara’s rhythm increased. She pumped her cock faster. Then her thrusts became sporadic. I felt her body tense behind me, her thrusts were deeper and with a purpose, I knew she was close. Helena nibbled my clit, I sucked the juices out of her cunt and she bucked her hips underneath me.

“Not yet,” Tamara bellowed.

Helena stopped moving, but I knew she had lost control. Her taste had all ready changed and her juices became sweeter and thicker. She had disobeyed Master. She was cumming.

Pulling my tongue away from her pussy, I leaned into Tamara’s hard core, shifting my hips against the base of her strap-on. Squirming harder forcing the base to rub against her, she bucked. I knew I had the right spot. I fought my orgasm off and worked on bringing her to the edge of hers before she noticed that Helena had all ready cum. She bucked wildly. Then she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me onto her, bucking slower and deeper. I felt one last hard thrust go deeper than any before.

“Now!” she barked and I reared down on Helena’s face while she bucked behind me. I thrust my ass harder against her as we both screamed in pleasure.

Tamara and I were working on another orgasm. She thrust slower, harder and deeper and I came again knowing that Tamara claimed my ass as hers. Her second orgasm sent me spinning into a third orgasm as she pushed my back down arching it, raising my ass higher. She pumped her cock frantically until she screamed releasing another orgasm.

Tamara collapsed her full weight onto my back. I was sandwiched between her and Helena. Remembering that she was human, I lifted our combined weight off her. I felt Tamara slowly sliding out of me. It hurt. I groaned and Tamara immediately stopped moving. I knew there was no easy way to get her out of me so I leaned forward until I felt her backing out again.

“Slow, but don’t stop,” I whispered. She did as I asked until I felt it pop out of me.

I rolled us both over onto the mattress away from Helena, landing on Tamara and her cock slid between my legs. We both giggled.

“Helena disobeyed you.” I tightened my legs caressing her attachment between my thighs.

“I know,” she whispered. “Punish her well for disobeying me.”

“Master?” Helena mumbled.

I raised my head to get a look at Helena. “You will sleep at the foot of the bed.”

“Master?” she asked.

“You will address us both as Master.” Tamara snapped.

Helena shifted, trying to pull the anal plug out of her.

“No!” Tamara barked. “You have not earned the freedom of it. Take your place at the foot of the bed. Now!”

Obediently, Helena shifted her body to lie across the foot of the bed. She curled up under the blanket and fell asleep with the anal plug securely inside her.

“That was fun,” I said, facing her and tracing the outline of her face with my fingers. “How did you know I would enjoy it so much?”

Tamara giggled. “I saw some of your fantasies when we exchanged memories.”

“That’s cheating.” I gently slapped her.

“Yes, I guess it is. I feel the sun coming.” She turned over and laid her head on the pillow. “We’ll finish this when I awake. And please stay out of trouble.”

I lay next to Tamara while she tossed and turned waiting for the sun to rise and temporarily claim her precious life from her. The rest of the house had been quiet for a while now. Pulling the covers with her, she left me exposed. I pulled the sheets back over me and she tossed again.

“Are you okay?” I rolled on top of her.

“Yes, I feel the pull of the sun and I don’t want to sleep yet. I am enjoying your company so much.”

“Well, if that’s how you feel then we need to talk.”

“My love, if this cannot wait please be quick.” She smiled. “I know you hate it when I cannot finish a conversation and the sun will claim me soon.”

Oh, we needed to talk all right. My only question was how was I going to tell my girlfriend that the sun that had claimed her for so many years, failed to claim her today?








Chapter 12



Here we are a week later, and little has changed. Tamara is still awake during the day, and what little sleep she does get is due to being able to ingest an absurd amount of sedatives. She’s taking enough tranquilizers to drop an elephant in its track, but that only gives her two to three hours of sleep and let me tell you, sleep deprivation makes for a cranky vampire. I find myself dozing off every once in a while. I keep in touch with Stacia and Jules via cell phone giving them the lame excuse that Tamara and I are on our honeymoon.

If they only knew the truth.

I’m afraid that if Tamara doesn’t get some real sleep soon, she’ll lose her mind. I watch her patiently wait for the sun and get frustrated when it doesn’t claim her. I’ve dedicated my days to keeping her company and since she insists on keeping to a schedule, I spend my nights patrolling the city with her and running interference when she loses her temper. I don’t know how much longer we can both last.

She refuses to talk to Katherine, but I think she knows something’s wrong because she keeps asking me if everything’s okay. I’m getting tired of avoiding her. We have moved Helena to a different room because Tamara doesn’t want anyone finding out that she can’t sleep. She said the other Masters would demand my blood and she can’t afford a war right now.

The festival of costumes came and went. Tamara went as herself, no big surprise there. Neither one of us spent a lot of time at the festival, we were too busy at Kaley’s Donor Centers to appreciate the once a year festivity. With the influx of vampires attending the festival, we had to re-rotate our donors, which wasn’t an easy task, but we all managed to survive the weekend. Speaking of Kaley, she’s still missing, so Tamara has sent out teams to track her down. Hopefully, someone will find her soon.

Our Primera Sangre, Trisha, is voicing concerns about being alone with Tamara, and I don’t blame her. Just yesterday, she got unusually rough with Trisha. I’ll either have to start sitting in with them or start rotating girls from the Centers if Trisha quits. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that, that doesn’t happen.

On a note of faith, Tamara went out alone tonight saying she needed some time to think, I made her promise not to lose her temper or flip out on anyone. The last thing we need is for people to think we have a psycho vamp running around our streets. With her out for a while, I settled into bed ready to catch up on some sleep. I had curled up in the center of the bed and finished cocooning myself in the comforter when Katherine’s voice shook the walls. I jumped out of bed and ran to the landing. I froze at the horrific sight on the main floor.

Tamara lay in a puddle of blood, holding a strange woman in her arms. Katherine and Edgar both stood close, coaxing her to release the woman from her embrace. She growled as they stepped toward her, pulling the stranger closer.

“Do not hurt her.” At first, I thought Katherine was talking to Tamara, but Edgar nodded his head. The two of them circled her with short, precise steps.

“It’s okay, child,” Katherine stepped closer. “Let us share as we did in the old days.”

Tamara scooted away from Katherine dragging the lifeless woman with her. If we didn’t do something soon, the woman would die. I could hear her heartbeat fading. I took a deep breath, put my shoulders back and tried like hell to hide the fear that crept inside me as I headed down the stairs.

“Hello, my love.” I walked past Edgar ignoring him and put my hand out for Tamara to take.

Katherine had stepped back, watching me. “You’ve had a long night. I know you’re tired. Why don’t we go to bed?” I held my hand out for her, waiting for her to take it and drop the stranger.

She finally put her hand in mine, and I helped her up, leaving the woman on the ground for Edgar to care for. She snuggled her face in the crutch of my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me, much as a child would do with a parent. I stroked her long hair and caressed her back. Yes, this was my badass vampire girlfriend that we’re talking about. Katherine stepped toward us and I put my hand out stopping her.

“Tamara’s not been able to sleep this past week. Maybe you could help us? Perhaps, before you go to sleep?”

“Of course, child. That’s all you had to say.” Katherine’s face lit up. “We have a remedy for that, too.”

“You do?” I moaned as I guided Tamara upstairs. It’s not that she was uncooperative. She was lethargic.

“Of course. Shamana and I have been watching you both since the Union.” Katherine stepped ahead of us on the stairs taking the lead. “Come, we will tend to this sleeplessness tonight.”

I followed Katherine into our bedroom. She helped me get Tamara on the bed and she took off her shirt. This is the second time I’ve seen Katherine’s breasts. Vampires are not shy when it comes to nudity.

She must have noticed me staring, caressing her breast, she said, “Bodies are a thing to be admired.”

I looked away, embarrassed that I was goggling my new mother-in-law while she fondled her breast. Katherine sat on the edge of the bed and cradled her in her arms, and with a loving touch, she led Tamara’s face to her exposed neck.

“Drink my child and rest.”

She latched onto Katherine’s neck, digging her fangs deep and suckled her mother’s blood, as if she was nursing a bottle.

Katherine rocked Tamara until she fell asleep in her arms.

I woke up on the lounger in time to watch Katherine tuck her daughter in for the night. Her motherly touch made me miss my mother and I wondered if she had been that loving with me before they suffered that fatal car crash.

“I know you’re awake,” Katherine whispered as she approached me and sat on the edge of the lounger with me. “She’ll sleep for a while. Her mind is distraught. She’ll need to learn how to adapt to this new life she has come into.”

“Yeah, some new life,” I whispered, fearing that I might wake Tamara. “It’s driving her mad.”

Katherine laid her head against my shoulder. “She’ll need time to adjust and she’ll need someone to help her. I hope I can count you.”

“That goes without saying.” I caressed Katherine’s shoulder. “I would do anything for her.”

“I hope you remember that.” She stood and quietly left the room leaving me wondering what she meant.

Tamara slept the entire night and the following day. It wasn’t until sundown that she woke, and she woke with an insatiable hunger. I knew better than to send Trisha in to her, since she would not be able to control herself. I arranged for several Donors to come by and appease her craving. I had to supervise Tamara’s feedings. I wasn’t about to start carrying bodies out of the estate.

Viola, Edgar and I took turns sitting with her while she took her much needed sustenance.

Katherine approached me as I leaned against the wall just outside our bedroom. “Izzy, we need to talk. Reports have come in that a rogue is on the loose. I need you to check it out and, if it is Kaley, I need you to bring her home.”

I squatted to a sitting position. I couldn’t handle a vampire much less, a rogue. They are too strong and independent. They have no Master and they listen to no one.

“Katherine, I can’t do this even if it is Kaley. She’ll kill me before I lift a finger.” I slunk my head down. “I’m no match for another vampire. Especially, not a Hightower.”

Katherine sat on the floor next to me. “I will arrange for a tactical team to assist you.” She took my hand in hers. “I will make sure you are ready for this. Remember you and Tamara are bound to each other now. I would protect you as if Tamara’s life depended on it.”

Funny thing is that Tamara’s life does depend on mine now and that’s how Katherine convinced me that she would protect me from this rogue vampire.

“The vampire was last seen in Fort Worth, that’s where you’ll start your search. I have arranged a week’s visit within Lady Adele’s territory for you and my team. Her people will watch you from a distance, but no one will help you except for your own. Remember that.” Katherine placed a caressing hand on my face. “We must get you ready. The plane leaves in two hours.”

“Two hours? What about Tamara?” I couldn’t leave when she needed me the most.

“Izzy, I will care for Tamara. Please, bring her sister back home.”

Yeah. Katherine won that argument. Within the hour, I was in the kitchen with her and Shamana. Little did I know that getting me ready consisted of more vampire tricks, as well as, some of Shamana’s spells.

Katherine cut her hand, let a few drops of blood drip into a cup, then she said, “This will not hurt child,” and proceeded to cut my hand, letting my blood drip into the same cup.

I had no idea what they planned to do. It didn’t look like enough blood to do anything with, but I played along as Shamana cast her spell and Katherine drank the mixture.

“You must feed from Katherine now,” Shamana said, holding her hands out in front of her while Katherine turned her neck submissively, calling my hunger. It was an urge I couldn’t refuse, my vampire escaped from my mental confines and latched onto her neck, drinking her blood for all that it had.

“You will have Katherine’s experiences to call upon as you go through this journey.”

I concentrated on what Shamana repeated and my head felt like it suddenly exploded. I saw a fog and within that fog, Katherine appeared.

“You will have me by your side and you will learn what it is to be a true Master. I take from you your weaknesses, and give you my strengths. You will know everything I know and will be a part of me until you return with my daughter.”

A radiant white light blinded me and Katherine was gone.


When I woke, I was sitting in the front seat of a four by four truck. Three people wearing long black overcoats had a man laying face down on the ground.

“What shall we do with you?” The tallest man asked as he kicked the stranger in the side.

I slid out of the front seat and my black square-toed boots hit the ground with a thump.

“Master Izzy!” The woman intently staring at the downed stranger gasped.

“What’s his charge?” I asked, leaning against the truck’s door.

“Master Adele presented us with a gift on our arrival,” the shortest of the men announced, a Harley Biker wearing a fine Italian custom suit. “He transported Kaley here and cut her loose.”

“I see.” I closed my coat as the Texas wind hit, cutting through me.

“Please don’t kill me. I was only following orders.” The man coughed and spat blood.

“Who’s orders?” I really hated the cold weather. It reminded me of the Nor’easter’s back home and I couldn’t wait to get away from them.

“It was a woman.” He spat out more blood and then gasped for air. “She’s called the Watcher. That’s all I know, I swear.”

“Very well.” I leaned into the truck’s cab and motioned for the woman to join me. “What’s he called?” I pointed to the Harley man that kept kicking the poor soul lying on the ground.

“He is known as Hummer.” She cocked her head at me inquisitively.

“Hummer?” I called to him.

“Yes, Master?” he replied quickly.

I like that. I like obedience. Then again, true to Katherine’s word, I didn’t think I’d have a problem with this group.

“Don’t hurt him.”

“But, Master—” the woman gasped.

“Raven, don’t,” Hummer interrupted.

I scooted back into the passenger seat and pointed the hot jet of air at my face. I don’t know how anyone can take warmth for granted. Getting my hands and face warm, I turned to Hummer who had been patiently waiting. I called on Katherine’s experience and didn’t like the outcome, but the sooner we find Kaley, the quicker I can get back to Tamara. Right now, that’s what it’s all about for me—Tamara.

“Don’t hurt him, just kill him.”

“Please, please. Why do you do this?” the man begged.

I stared at him trying to think of a way to explain everything I had recently been through and that my only objective now was to find Kaley and return home to Tamara, but the only words that came to mind were, “Because I can.”


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