Is it important to make a favourable first impression? Why? Why not?
Making a favourable first impression is very important in a lot of situations. We behave in different way in various situations, for exemple during job interview, when we meet somebody on the street, on the first day at school or study, etc. When we meet new people we try to introduce ourselves in the best way because we want to be remembered in the manner which suits us. For instance we would like to be perceived as nice, friendly, helpful, involved, self-confident, etc. In this statement I want to go into job interview because it is the situation when we especially want to show ourselves in the best light.
There are a lot of aspects which have a beneficial influence on our first impression on job interview. First of all our attitude to this conversation. When we are full of positive energy we have bigger chances to make a favourable first impression and to get this job.
Moreover it is normal, that we are put under stress, so we should try to calm our nerves because our employer notice it very fast and it can caused that we will not get this job because we can’t manage in stressful situations.
Furthermore our clothes are also very important. Depending on the position which we can get we should match our attire to situation. When we want to work in the office we should look tidy, neatly, officially and well-dressed. When we But on the other hand when we apply for a job as construction foreman elegantly clothes aren’t necessary.
Last but not least our mimic is very essential. When we smile we make a good impression. But we shouldn’t smile all the time because there are situations in which we have to behave with dignity. We should sense when we can smile or not. We also shouldn’t forget about our gestures.
To sum up the first impression is very important on the job interview because it can cause if we get the job or not. We should be self-confident, nice, full of positive energy. We also should look appropriate and pay attention to our mimic and gestures.
- We behave in different way in various situations- zachowujemy się różnie w różnych sytuacjach
- remembered in the manner which suits us- zapamiętani w sposób który nas satysfakcjonuje
-for instance- na przykład
-perceived- postrzegani
-beneficial influence- korzystny wpływ
-attitude- postawa
-put under stress- pod wpływem stresu
-can not manage in stressfull situations- nie radzić sobie w stresowych sytuacjach
-depending- w zależności
-match our attire to situation- dopasować strój do sytuacji
-apply for a Job- starac się o prace
-behave with dignity- zachowywać sie z godnością
-can cause- może powodować