If I could fly

If I could fly


They'll drive a stake through the heart of the monster,

why do I feel a growing compulsion to save him,

why do I shy away when I know that the battle must be thought.

I'm like a scared hunted deer in the forest,

there's no chance of escape

and I'm not sure I want to,

why do I try to run,

when it seems more exciting to be caught.

I must bring you here to warn you,

save you from eternal nothingness,

so if have to, I will summon you to me.

If I could fly,

I'd fly away from you,

away from it all,

but I am trapped and fighting break free,

what have you done to me.

I wish I had wings,

no that's not true

if I had wings how could I help

flying straight to you.

I promised to be faithful,

I gave my heart forever,

that doesn't seem to matter now,

but how can I betray him,

how could I break my sacred vow.

If I could fly,

I'd fly away from you,

away from it all,

but I am trapped and fighting break free,

what have you done to me.

I wish I had wings,

no that's not true

if I had wings how could I help

flying straight to you.


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