As the Storm Settles

As the Storm Settles (I'll Stay by You)

Title: As the Storm Settles (I'll Stay by You)

Author: Sum3r

Pairing: HoMin

Rating: PG - NC-17

Disclaimer: Plot is mine. Characters aren't.

Summary: Short drabbles about Yunho and Changmin.

[A/N]: Straight up pwp


Changmin shuffles softly in his bed, wiggles and shakes and squirms and one moment it’s too hot and another it’s too cold. He’s tired and achy and all he wants to do is curl up in bed and sleep, but something’s missing and he can’t go to sleep without it.

He turns on his belly, on his sides, on his back and he can’t find it, can’t find the perfect spot to sleep in, and it’s frustrating him to no end. He sneaks in an open eye at the digital clock and nearly winces at the time. He wants to sleep goddamn it, but his body is refusing to and he’s almost tempted to get up and find somewhere else to sleep when he feels the covers slowly lift up.

mmmhf?” Changmin turns around, feeling cold air get inside his cavern of warmth and mumbles nonsense syllables to make his point across. He opens his mouth, but his jaw is too tired to move and he merely sinks back down into the pillow as the bed dips and a warm body slides in next to him.

mmmmhm,” keens Changmin softly, head falling on his chest as arms circle his waist, and pull him closer, until hips fit with hips and legs get too tangled to tell which is which.

Are you wearing my pajamas?” whispers Yunho with a laugh, softly in Changmin’s ears as the younger boy shifts slightly and buries the side of his face in the groove of Yunho’s shoulder and neck, feeling gentle hands stoke his hair.

“’m soft,” he says, but he squirms a bit more, until ah, and the last thing he remembers is a kiss on his forehead, un-chapped lips and a breath of warm air, and his body simply unwinds and lets go.


He’s angry, the heady, deep anger that makes him want to break things or yell out or throw something in rage. It shifts along a current underneath his skin and he feels like he’s almost about to pop open a vein; his blood pulsating with all the infuriation he’s kept up inside, wanting to break away but years of self-control locking it down.

It’s rage and jealousy and lust and love all at once, and he can feel it from Changmin, can practically see his struggle to keep it in and it burns inside of him, igniting something that keeps going and going and going.

On the bed,” he snaps and Changmin doesn’t hesitate, stepping out his clothes one by one and throwing them on the floor as he stumbles onto the bed, spreading his legs and palming his cock and fuck, if that wasn’t enough to cream his pants like he was in high school again—

He slides his belt out of its loops, slinks off his shirt, but keeps on his jeans and draws his boxers down instead, slipping out his cock.

The younger man lets out a moan when he sees Yunho climb into the bed with only his jeans on, a thick, scrambled noise from the back of his throat as Yunho settles in between his legs and leans over, hands on the sides of his head, and crashes his lips on his.

There’s a scream muffled in between a kiss, a loud wrecked noise that escapes when Yunho lets go for the briefest of seconds to angle Changmin’s face and fuck, fuck fuck— He knows he’s not one to manhandled, but he’s been feeling the itch for days now— and fucks his mouth, tongue sliding in and out and pulling out sexy half-whines and slick moans from the younger man, making his arch and scramble his hands onto his biceps.

Shit. Bad move, Yunho’s shoulders and muscles bunch with every move he makes, and Changmin can feel it, can feel the thick muscle and the hard, lean skin, and he can’t even grab onto it, and his hands can’t close around it—

Yunho jerks back, and Changmin can feel his cock hard against his thigh and he rubs against it, letting out a pitiful sound when Yunho moves away and pushes him down onto the bed, looming over him.

Please—can’t, fuck, Yunho, please—don’t, don’t know w-what, come on, come on.” Changmin has no idea what he’s babbling, but he’s arching into Yunho’s body and the jeans are scratchy against his skin, and the friction feels so, so, so good, and he wants it, fucking craves it.

Fuck, so hot—don’t even know it, look at me, Changmin, look at me,” and Changmin does, eyes wide and Yunho pushes his body down, his full weight, and pins him to the bed, and when his hand curls around his cock, Changmin rips out a whine, arching his neck and shuddering with only the feel of his hand. Feeling him jack his cock, and slid his thumb over the slit and fuck, fuck, fuck—

He’s too strung out, feeling Yunho everywhere, and he knows he’s about to come soon, but his hips jerk with every touch as he grounds himself against Yunho’s jeans, hears the hot pants and the curses near his ear, and feels a small sense of satisfaction. He’s fucked over, he knows, but it pleases him like no end to see the older man lose control.

Give i-it, Yunho, fuck, just give it—” too me, but Changmin feels the rush and he’s about to open his mouth, I’m coming, but he splurts all over Yunho’s hands, come staining the older man’s chest and covering all of Changmin’s, making the younger boy’s body jerk and shudder with the aftereffects.

Yunho kisses him through it, sloppy, wet kisses, but as Changmin comes down from his high, the older man slides his fingers in come, and touches the younger man’s bottom lip, tapping it gently, eyes hungry.

Opening his mouth, Changmin takes in two of Yunho’s fingers, cheeks hollowing and eyes widening as he looks up from his hair, working the older man’s fingers like he’s blowing on him, takes down all of it and flicks his tongue around them, heat and friction surrounding and swallowing his cum.

Shit,” Yunho rubs his hard cock against Changmin’s, making the younger boy close his eyes as he feels his softened cock all up against Yunho’s, and it borders on painful, but feels so fucking good and he whimpers slightly as he feels blood rush into his dick again.

Gonna be so good,” he’s saying in amusement, but it’s too hot and heated and makes Changmin moan around the wet fingers, “fuck you over with my fingers first, open you up, think you can take in four?”

Changmin jerks in Yunho’s grip, but the older man only chuckles and releases his fingers from Changmin’s mouth, salvia and cum sliding down the younger man’s mouth as he fingers Changmin’s belly button.

The younger man’s fingernails dig into his arms, and he’s about to let go when Yunho jerks up, moving the bed, and bites down on his shoulder, making him cry out and shudder when he feels his tongue lap over it, soothing and marking and making it open, and wide and shit— Changmin hadn’t realized he slid in a finger, warm hard flesh stretching him open and before he can say anything more, another one slides in next to it, wet and slimy and slick.

He rolls down his hips, fucking himself onto the fingers and he’s making all these desperate slutty sounds, and it shouldn’t be like this, (it never was, just casual sex and casual friendship, and this wasn’t on the agenda, but then again, love never was), but sweat pools down his back, and he wants more.

Told you—” Yunho rasps, as he slides in number four, lube out in one hand and he opens it with his mouth, flips open the bottle and pours half of it down his fingers, still in Changmin’s hole, and making him feel the cool liquid inside him everywhere. “So hot for my fingers…should see yourself—f-fucking yourself on t-them—God,” and it bursts out of him, a groan as he kisses him again, a split second of a hard kiss before he starts speaking again.

Make you feel it, beg for it, hard cock in your ass—you’d love it too, wrap your legs around me, fuck yourself on it, crying and moaning in that voice of yours—”

Changmin gasps and pants and closes his eyes, and he can picture it—can see himself against the wall, or over a desk, legs spread wide, being fucked down on a large cock, rolling his hips and making it jump inside of him and—

Yunho slides them out with a slick pop, and Changmin feels the emptiness even more so than before, feels the rough feel of his jeans and knows the marks are going to last for days.

Want…want you inside of me, fuck Yunho, inside and need it, me—” and Changmin has no idea what he’s saying, babbles and words that don’t make any sense and he leans forward, biting on Yunho’s ear and chewing on it like it’s his new favorite toy.

Please,” he whispers in his ears, and Yunho snaps, pushes himself off of the younger boy and spreads his legs wider, pulling him closer until his cock is snug between his legs and right where he wants it.

Gonna make you feel it,” he promises, as he pours the lube on the rest of his cock, and without warning, without hesitation, slides in straight to the hilt until Changmin is full of Yunho, screwed and fucked over as he takes all of it.

Changmin yells out, voice become hoarse already and won’t make it through the night, as he feels the hard, pulsating piece of flesh inside him, world narrowing down to only the feel of it, full and wet as he breathes out in gasps and moans, Yunho still as he watches the younger man settle into it.

He gives a tiny thrust, rocking the bed and Changmin with it, and there’s a moment of pure stillness before Changmin opens his eyes and says in a breathless voice, a small smirk at the corner of his mouth, “Thought you w-were gonna make me—Fuck,”

Yunho slides in all of it, pushing against Changmin’s sides as he grabs his hips and caresses them, grinning as he says, “You were saying something?” Changmin can only give out a strangled cry, torn from his voice and muffled and it’s some sort of choked sound, and the older man smirks, leaning forward to take in one of his nipples into his mouth.

He works at it, giving Changmin’s body small thrusts that shake his body and when he finally lets go, after nibbling and chewing and pulling at it, his lips are shiny with split and Changmin wonders if someone can die from feeling like this.

Fast now, make it feel good, you like that don’t you—All hot and messy, and fuck, gonna take you like this all the time—” and Yunho slides all the way out, making the younger man trying to pull himself down with him and he wants to say something, really, wipe that smirk off his face but all he can do is break into gasps and moans, and Yunho slams back in, faster and stronger thrusts and no wonder all he can do is take it.

Long strokes, and Changmin whines with every one, and there’s a moment’s notice before Yunho slides arm from underneath him and picks up, pushes him against his chest and Changmin nearly screams again when he feels his cock push against that spot of his, over and over and over again.

His jeans leaves marks all over his thighs and Changmin can feel how loud Yunho’s heartbeat is next to his own, can hear the pants and the feel of kisses on his neck.

He throws back his head and wraps his legs around him, thighs shaking as Yunho slides in and out of him, an irregular rhythm that touches his spot every fucking time, and he feels himself burning again, can feel the pressure rising inside of him.

He rolls his hips down with every thrust and it makes Yunho falter at first, curse and bite his neck, but then the older man nudges him even wider and Changmin can almost picture himself now, all heavy-lidded and fucked out, and he’s about to come, he knows, and the thrusts are almost frantic now, in and out, in and out.

I’m—need, n-eed, co—” This time Changmin almost blackens out, feels the edges of his vision dim and his body tighten up and his come splatters in between their chests; feels his head pitch over and his arms wrap around Yunho’s neck, body entirely held up by the older man.

Yunho fucks into him a few more times, lean, thick cock rubbing against his insides and pushing his hole open before he comes inside of the younger man with a moan, burying his face in Changmin’s neck and making him feel his cum, feel it filling inside of him.

Changmin slumps over, struggling to breathe and shuddering, with his body quaking in Yunho’s arms as cum slides out of him and into the sheets. Their bodies are hot and sleek and wet as Yunho gently slides him down, kisses his temple, and smoothes his sweat slick hair from his forehead, cleans him and wipes the both of them down.

Changmin moans softly as the older man settles in next to him, hip to hip, one hand underneath the younger boy’s head, touching his hair gently as Changmin slips an arm over his chest. Walking? Is his last thought, I don’t think I can even move.


The weather is cold outside, snowing and wind billowing and their activities are canceled for the night, their interviewers all sick and unable to make it.

Made you some hot chocolate,” said Yunho with a quick smile as Changmin walks in, blanket around his body and making him look like he’s five again.

He nods, mouths a thank you and takes it with grateful hands, closes his eyes as he breathes in the steam.

They grab their mugs, side by side, and rather than sit on the sofa, they sit on the floor, leaning against the sofa and spreading the blanket in between them. Changmin leans against Yunho and Yunho leans against Changmin, and the younger man sighs softly as they stare out the window.

It’s a cold night, dark and windy, but Changmin and Yunho merely settle in with a deep breath, watching the storm as it quiets down and clears up.


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