TASK 1. Complete the sentences with suitable words.

  1. At least 7 people are thought to have been killed and many others injured in Madrid when two car bombs _____________________ (exploded) during the morning r _____________________ hour.

  2. Two men are accused of p_____________________ a bomb on the plane. (secretly putting)

  3. Thirty-six people died in the b______________. (explosion)

  4. Al-Shabab, which controls much of southern Somalia, has been fighting i_____________________ (temporary/transitional) government forces for control of Mogadishu in recent months.

  5. Spanish police said that so far no one has ____________________________________ (wziąć odpowiedzialność za spowodowanie) the expolsions.

  6. The Russians have already i_____________________ (showed) their willingness to cooperate.

  7. Col Gaddafi is the Arab world's longest-serving leader, having ruled the oil-rich desert state since a c________________ in 1969. (a sudden and sometimes violent attempt by citizens or the army to take control of the government)

  8. A group of soldiers s________________ the airport. (took control of)

  9. A rebel group in Azerbaijan is reported to have ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________ 4 members of the government ________________ (wziać zakładników)

  10. Soldiers loyal to the government had been d ______________ in a battle at the city’s airport.

  11. The government a ________________ (admitted) that its forces ________________________ (odniosły straty).

  12. The situation in the region is t___________________. (napięta)

  13. The rebels are led by two f ______________________ (ex) senior government figures who were d ______________ (odwołani/zwolnieni ze swoich stanowisk) in separate c_________________________ (okolicznościach).

  14. The revolutionaries' a­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________ (objęcie/ przejęcie) of power took the army by surprise.

  15. All the candidates have given/made p_____________________ (promise) not to raise taxes if they are elected.

  16. Previous c ___________________________________ (przerwanie ognia) between two warring factions c________________________ (upadło).

  17. On the e_______________ of (w przeddzień) of the elections they were sure of victory.

  18. If the heavy rain had c__________________________ with an extreme high tide, serious flooding would have resulted. (zbiegać się w czasie)

  19. Other hard line Palestinian groups o _____________________ (sprzeciwiły się) the a _______________ (ugodzie) and called for strikes and protest marches.

TASK 2. Translate the following sentences into Polish

A man who attended a rally in Tripoli's central Green Square said snipers on rooftops had fired indiscriminately into the crowd using machine guns.

Everybody predicts tough bargaining for key cabinet posts.

The government wants to take a hard line against the strikers.

TASK 3. Translate the phrases into English/ Polish.

  1. osiągnąć porozumienie dotyczące zakończenia trzyletniej wojny domowej –

  2. ustanowić rząd tymczasowy –

  3. przeprowadzać wybory –

  4. pomoc humanitarna –

  5. ruch dowodzony przez –

  6. unikać starć –

  7. to defuse a bomb

  8. a shoot-out

  9. to breach the enemy defence lines


TASK 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

  1. Security forces used live ammunition and tear gas to d __________________ crowds. (to make people go away in different directions)

  2. Inner-city r________________ erupted when a local man was shot by police.(zamieszki)

  3. There has been a serious o _______________________ of rioting in South Africa.

  4. A police vehicle ________________________________ (został podpalony) yesterday.

  5. The government and the opposition parties have cl________________________ (starły się) over the cuts in defence spending.

  6. A crowd had g_________________________to hear her speak. (zebrał się)

  7. Politicians have a __________________________________ (zaapelowali do ) security forces not to use tear gas and rubber bullets.

  8. The attack was c ______________________ (potępiony) by the government.

  9. The Indian PM has gone to the e __________________________________________(rejonu dotkniętego trzęsieniem ziemi) to inspect r_________________________________ (akcje pomocy humanitarnej)

  10. They decided to p_____________________ their holiday until next year. (przełożyć)

  11. A French team is searching for bodies in the r________________________ (gruz) with the help of s ______________ dogs.

  12. The military c___________________ in Burundi appears to have c___________________ (nie powiódł się)

  13. The former leader was today r______________________ to power in the first free elections for twenty years. (przywrócić)

  14. He is trying to p__________________________ (przekonać) local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.

  15. There may also have been one armed u____________________(powstanie, bunt) against a military garrison.

  16. The former ministers t__________________ r _____________________(schronili się) in embassies at the time of the coup.

  17. The power in the city is off and the streets are mostly d ___________________(empty/opuszczone)

  18. The fighters moved south to their mountain s____________________________. (bastion)

  19. The a____________________________ victim made the complaint at a police station in York. (domniemana)

  20. The town was c________________________ after a siege lasting ten days. (przechwycone)

  21. Tourist are believed to be allowed to leave s ____________________ (wkrótce)

  22. Mexican government categorically d ____________________ (zaprzeczać) local press reports that rebels forces were organising in the jungle.

TASK 2. Translate the following sentences/ phrases into Polish.

  1. The accident on the main road through town is causing widespread disruption for motorists.

  2. to lay down arms

  3. The situation in the country is on the brink of mass violence.

  4. Rockets and shells are landing indiscriminately around the city.

  5. to issue a statement –

6. sophisticated radio equipment –


TASK 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

  1. Chileans have been commemorating the anniversary of last year's e________________________ (trzęęienie ziemi), which killed more than 500 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless.

  2. The explosion, which r______________________ (wstrząsnęło) the city, killed 300.

  3. Many people are said to have f ______________ (escaped) their homes.

  4. It was extremely hard to a ______________ (evaluate) the s _______________ (importance) of the damage.

  5. The drought l__________________ (trwała) for several months.

  6. We have discussed these plans on n____________________ (very many) occasions.

  7. Scientists seem to have no way of p _________________ (przepowiadać) when such major earthquakes might o __________________ (happen).

  8. We n_____________________ the list of candidates down from ten to three. (limited/reduced)

  9. The security Council has c ______________________ (criticized strongly) the latest attack by the Bosnian Serbs.

  10. The government is afraid of further serious r________________ today. (zamieszki)

  11. The government's r____________________ (odmowa) to see that the protection of the environment must be our first priority today is a great tragedy.

  12. The country will go to the p_________________ on September 13th. (vote)

  13. His announcement is an a ________________ (próba) to d ________________ (ease) the crisis.

  14. The Court of Appeal r_________________ (changed, called away) the earlier judgment.

  15. A major problem now is how to g ____________________ (pozbyć się) the right wingers without provoking confrontation.

  16. A commission has just been a________________ (chosen) to investigate fraud claims.

  17. Iraqi aircraft are b ______________ from (forbidden) entering exclusion zone over the internationally protected Kurdish area over northern Iraq.

  18. The American Defence Secretary postponed his trip to Asia to s _______________ (nadzorować) the i___________________ (investigation).

  19. He expressed his s_________________ at my father's death. (grief)

  20. I learned most of what I know about gardening through t____________ and error.

  21. The first priority is to p_____________ (convince) the management of the urgency of this matter.

  22. He has d ________________(domagał się) an immediate end to the Serb bombardment of the Bosnian capital.

  23. The United Nations is sending a special e__________________ (emissary) to the area.

  24. Management have agreed to e__________________ the deadline.(przedłużyć)

  25. The deadline is due to e ___________________ (upłynąć) next week.

  26. We've received u_________________ (not proved yet)reports of an explosion in central London.

  27. This election has profound i_________________ (serious future effect) for the future of U.S. democracy.

  28. Salmon farmers are w__________________ (ostrzegają) of the severe crisis facing the industry.

TASK 2. Translate into English/Polish.

  1. wstrząsy wtórne –

  2. pomścić śmierć –

  3. narastające napięcie-

  4. rzecznik prasowy

  5. a high-profile public figure

  6. to review operating procedures –

  7. to examine sth -

  8. The right wingers have increased the tension considerably.-

  9. delay was made at the request of –

UNITS 19-24

TASK 1. Find the synonyms for the following words / phrases.

accord (n) – c _ _ _ _ _ _ bystander (n) – o_ _ _ _ _ _ _

kidnap (v) – a_ _ _ _ _ plunder (v) – l_ _ _

cargo (n) – f_ _ _ _ _ _ angered (adj) – e_ _ _ _ _ _

fighting (adj) – w_ rr_ _ _ reminiscent of (adj) – r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _of

to obey the rules – to c_ _ _ _ _ with the rules in custody – d_ _ _ _ _ _ d

TASK 2. Find the antonyms for the following words/ phrases.

success (n) – f____________________ emerge(v) – su_ _ _ _ _ _

defensive (n, adj) – o_______________ take up arms – l______ d_____ arms

including –e______________________ temporary (adj) – p__________________

accidently(adj) – de_ _ b_ _a_ _ _ _ imprison(v) – r_ _ _ _ _ e

at dusk – at d_____________________ be loyal / faithful to sb – b_ _ _ _ _ (v) sb

TASK 3. Explain the difference between the words.

arrested / detained

genocide / annihilation

crowd / mob

ransack / rampage / ransom

suppress / restrain / forestall

TASK 4. Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1.As a result of an armed m______________(revolt, rebellion) the President of Blueland was s_______________ of (deprived of) his executive powers.

2.The President was forced to d_______________ (bring to an end) the Parliament.

3.The summit talks have come to a total d________________ (the point in a dispute where two sides cannot agree, where no progress can be made)

4.A massive rescue operation was l______________ (mounted) after the train crashed.

5.Some people were trapped in the w__________________ (remains) of the train for five hours.

6.A temporary m___________________ (morgue) was set up under a tent next to the field hospital.

7.The exact death t_________( total number of people killed) is still unknown.

8.Every p____________________ (safeguard) has been taken to avoid further terrorist attacks.

9.The enemy forces were surrounded and finally v____________ (defeated completely).

10.The conflict e________________ ( increased in intensity) after Redland deployed its heavy artillery along the border.

TASK 5. Translate the following words / phrases.

scapegoat (n) The team has failed, but they made the captain a scapegoat.

abstain (from sth (v)) The left –wing parties abstained in the vote on joining the EU. He abstained from drinking.

prompt(v) The investigation was prompted by a sex-abuse scandal in the company.

strive(v) He strived to be a better person although it wasn’t easy for him.

abscond (v) He absconded with everyone’s wages and has never been seen again.


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