Dan Kennedy Advanced and Comprehensive Copywriting Bootcamp 2008 NOTES

Dan Kennedy - Advanced and Comprehensive Copywriting Bootcamp

DVD 01

Information is the least important component of what info marketers do. People do not want to buy information.

The business is based on building writing copy that motivates people to buy and you should not outsource it.

Read Think and Grow Rich in the context of a sales letter. It’s a sales letter masquerading as a book.

Before We Write A Word You Need:

  1. Inside info you have about your business

  1. Competition

  1. Comparables

  1. Industry or market information

  1. Sales Strategy

Psychology of Copy

  1. Who Buys Info?

  2. What Do They Actually Buy?

  3. Why Do They Buy / Not Buy?

  4. The Hurdles To Overcome

  1. Who Buys Info?

We are trying to do 2 difficult things with copy:

  1. Create a connection from a distance

  2. Sell an intangible


You need Empathy

Current Events


  1. What Do They Actually Buy?

What They DON'T Buy (Or Buy LEAST)

What They DO Buy...

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.

  1. Why Do They Buy?

Advanced Secret: They need confidence in themselves

Clicks On A Dial – Copy Devices

Important Copy Devices Frequently Used

Specific Devices

You want to use every device you can in copy.

DVD 02

GKIC Webstore Customer Path

  1. Google AdWords

  1. Squeeze Page

  1. Thank You Page

  1. Product Page (UpSell)

  1. Success Marketing Strategies Emails

  1. GKIC Webstore

Most Incredible FREE Gift Ever

This converted 5.8% with their best online letter and now the video is now a 9.3% converter.

Traffic comes from:

  1. Affiliate Email

  2. DanKennedy.com

  3. MIFGE Video 1 (Bill)

  4. MIFGE Video 2 (Bill & Dan)

  5. 6 Email Follow-Up Sequence

Online Video

You have to lead them by the hand.

MIFGE Video 1 (Bill)

MIFGE Video 2 (Bill & Dan)

6 Follow-Up Emails

1) Frankly ... I'm Puzzled!!

2) The Top Three Reasons...

3) Members Speak!

4) Answers to Common Questions...

5) A Video is Worth a Thousand Words...

6) I Give Up!

The Phenomenon Re-launch

  1. Pre-Launch Emails (to build a list of people who have interest)

  1. Survey (to find 'hot' buttons)

3) Survey is posted on a Blog

4) Re-launch - Video List Emails

1. I'm concerned

2. "I Won't Apologize" - Dan Kennedy

3. Video #3: The Story of Practitioner 10X!

4. Time is running out!

5. [First Name], open before 9/17

6. 4th video - "How can you trigger it?"

7. Sneak Preview (open before 1:30 Eastern)

8. The All-New Phenomenon is LIVE!

9. An important reminder (pls. act)

10. The truth about "mindset"

11. An important "Saturday" note

12. 38+ minutes of Dan-on-Demand (new bonus)

13. Too bad about this

14. Your deadline is Midnight on Sunday (last chance)

  1. Videos

  1. Order Process

  1. Preview Video

2. Online Sales Letter

3. Follow-Up Emails to Non-Buyers

4. Order Page

5. Upsell to Live Event (Thank You Page)

6. Follow-Up Upsell Emails to Buyers

7. Upsell Video

8. Offline Sales Letter

7) Post-Order Process

Getting Inside Your Customers Head

Using 3D Mail In Your Info-Business to cut through the mailbox clutter

without the 3D item.

(When you send somebody something of value for free, they feel obligated to at least give your mailing their time)

Eight Reasons to use 3D Mail In Your Info-Business

Step 1: A Boomerang with a headline We Want You Back

Step 2 : A compass with the headline Are you Lost?

Step 3: A small plastic bug is inserted into the envelope with the

headline, This is the last time I’m going to bug you!!

DVD 03

Thou Shalt Not Underestimate The Difficulty Of The Task

"Nothing can keep 'em from not coming to the ballpark." - Yogi Berra

Examples of· THE HURDLES to overcome

Writing Copy To Sell Seminars, Boot Camps & Conferences

What is it about?


Advanced Secrets

Advanced Advanced Secret


Speak to each differently and make different offers to each list. For example if you have a new member you might make a more generous offer. After this then you do the “I’m puzzled copy as a last ditch effort.” Some people only make decisions at the last minute anyway. GK use 101 contacts for the seminar (this includes newsletter inserts).



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