Readings and Additional Resources

Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

1.2 Abortion and its Multiple Contexts

Strickler J, Danigelis NL. Changing Frameworks in Attitudes Toward Abortion. Sociological Forum. June 2002. 17(2); 187- 201.

Luna Z. From Rights to Justice: Women of Color Changing the Face of US Reproductive Rights Organizing. Societies Without Borders. 2009. 4. 343-365.

Evans J. Polarization in Abortion Attitudes in US Religious Traditions, 1972-1998. Sociological Forum. Sept. 2002. 17(3). 397-422.

Jelen T, Wilcox C. Causes and Consequences of Public Attitudes Toward Abortion: A Review and Research Agenda. Political Research Quarterly. Dec. 2003. 56(4); 489-500.

Luker, K. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

Tankard JW. Chapter 4: “The Empirical Approach to the Study of Media Framing.” Framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world (2001): 95-106.

1.3 Abortion in the International Context: Who, Why, When

Torjesen I. Banning abortion and contraception infringes women’s right to health, UN assembly heard. BMJ. 2011.

Erdman JN, DePineres T, Kismodi E. Updated WHO guidance on safe abortion: Health and human rights. International Journal Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2013. 120;200-3.

Khan KS, Wojdyla D, Say L. et. al. WHO analysis of causes of maternal death: a systematic review. Lancet. 2006. 367;1066-74.

Singh S, Wulf D, Hussain R, Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress. Guttmacher Institute. 2009. pp 1-68.

1.4 Global Abortion Overview

Shah I, Ahman E. Unsafe Abortion: Global and Regional Incidence, Trends, Consequences, and Challenges. Journal Obstetrics & Gynecology Canada. Dec. 2009. 31(12); 1149-58.

Sedgh G, Henshaw S, Singh S, Shman E, Shah I. Induced abortion: estimated rates and trends. Lancet. 2007. 370. 1338-45.

1.5 Preventing Maternal Mortality: The Role of Safe Abortion

Grimes DA, Benson J, Singh S, Romera M, Ganatra B. Okonofua R. Shah I. Unsafe abortion: the preventable pandemic. Lancet. 2006. 368(9550); 1908-19.

Ronsmans C. Graham WJ. Maternal mortality: who, when, where and why. Lancet. 2006. 368. 1189-200.

Stephenson P, Warner M, Badea M, Serbanescu F. Commentary: The Public Health Consequences of Restricted Induced Abortion – Lessons from Romania. American Journal of Public Health. Oct. 1992. 82(10);1328-31.

Harper CC, Blanchard K, Grossman D. Henderson JT. Darney PD. Reducing maternal mortality due to elective abortion: Potential impact of misoprostol in low-resource settings. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2007. 98. 66-69.

1.6 History of Abortion

Joffe CE. Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion Before and After Roe V. Wade. Boston, MA. Beacon Press, 1996.

Joffe CE. Dispatches from the Abortion Wars: The costs of fanaticism to doctors, patients, and the rest of us. Boston, MA. Beacon Press, 2009.

1.7 Abortion Stigma: What is it and how does it affect women’s health

Kumar A, Hessini L, Mitchell E. Conceptualizing abortion stigma. Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. July 2009. 11(6); 625-39.

Norris A, Bessett A, Steinberg J, Kavanaugh ML, De Zordo S, Becker, D. Abortion Stigma: A Reconceptualization of Constituents, Causes and Consequences. Women’s Health Issues. May – June 2011. 21(3); S49-S54.

Shellenberg KM, Moore AM, Bankole A, Juarex F. Omideyi AK, Palomino N. Sathar Z, Singh S, Tsui AO. Social stigma and disclosure about induced abortion: Results from an exploratory study. Global Public Health. July 2011. 6:sup1; S111-S125.

Harris LH, Debbink M, Martin L, Hassinger J. Dynamics of stigma in abortion work: Findings from a pilot study of the Providers Share Workshop. Social Science & Medicine. Oct. 2011. 73(7); 1062-70.

Freedman LR. Willing and Unable: Doctors’ Constraints in Abortion Care. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2010.

Shellenberg K. Abortion stigma in the United States: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives from women seeking abortion. The Johns Hopkins University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2010. 3410041.

1.8 Representations of Abortion in film and television

Sisson G, Kimport K. Telling stories about abortion: abortion-related plots in American film and television, 1916-2013. Contraception. May 2014. 89(5); 413-18.

Readings and Additional Resources

For up to date news coverage of family planning and other topics in the course, visit the Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications Facebook Page. (

In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided an assortment of recommended supplemental readings and videos on this week's topics from popular culture and academic literature:


Rachel Maddow: Wendy Davis seeks to rouse dormant Democratic giant in Texas

Vice News, Misconception

Motherless: A legacy of loss from illegal abortion.

Academic Literature

Harris L. Recognizing conscience in abortion provision. NEJM. 2012.

One Hundred Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A statement on abortion by 100 professors of obstetrics: 40 years later. AJOG. Sept. 2013. 193-9.

Perrucci AC. Decision Assessment and Counseling in Abortion Care: Philosophy and Practice. 2012.

Articles in Popular Culture

In Photos: The Journey to Get an Abortion From Texas' Rio Grande Valley”, Cosmopolitan.

The New Abortion Providers” The New York Times.

Where are the Doctors.” USA Today.

What happens to women when they are denied abortion.” The New York Times Magazine.

Values Clarifications Workshops resources described in lecture

Innovating Education in Reproductive Health

Caring for Challenging Patient

National Abortion Federation

Reproductive Health Access Group


General Resources

Innovating Education in Reproductive Health:

Guttmacher Institute:




Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

2.2 Abortion in the US after Legalization; Carole Joffe PhD

One Hundred Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A statement on abortion by 100 professors of obstetrics: 40 years later. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Sept. 2013. 193-9.

Harris LH, Cooper A, Rasinski KA, Curlin FA, Lyerly AD. Obstetrician-Gynecologists’ Objections to and Willingness to Help Patients Obtain and Abortion. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Oct. 2011. 118(4); 905-12.

2.3 Physicians’ Professional Responsibilities in Abortion Care; Jody Steinauer MD, MAS

American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. Committee Opinion No. 385: The Limits of Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine. Nov. 2007. Reaffirmed 2013.

Curlin FA, Lawrence RE, Chin MH, Lantos JD. Religions, Conscience, and Controversial Clinical Practice. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2007. 356; 593-600.

Eastwood KL, Kacmar JE, Steinauer J, Weitzen S, Boardman LA. Abortion Training in United States Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Aug. 2006. 108(2); 303-8.

2.4 Nursing Roles in Abortion Care: Clinical Responsibility and Professional Ethics; Amy Levi CNM, PhD

Kade K, Kumar D, Polis C, Schaffer K. Effect of nurses’ attitudes on hospital-based abortion procedures in Massachusetts. Contracpetion. 2004. 69(1): 59-62.

ANSIRH. Advancing access to abortion care: Landscape of health professional regulation of abortion provision in the U.S. Accessed Aug. 7, 2014.

Duin J. N.Y. nurse sues after being forced to aid abortion. The Washington Times. July 31, 2009.

2.5 Conscientious Provision and Refusal of Abortion Care; Lori Freedman PhD

Harris L. Recognizing conscience in abortion provision. NEJM. 2012. 367. 981-3.

Freedman, et al. When there’s a heartbeat: Miscarriage management in Catholic-owned hospitals. American Journal Public Health. Oct. 2008. 98(10): 1774-8.

Freedman, et al. Conflicts in Care for Obstetrics Complications in Catholic Hospitals. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research. Aug. 2013.

Bowes WA, Adams KE, Donohoe MT. Reproductive Rights Clinical Case. Virtual Mentor: AMA Journal of Ethics. 2004. 6(9).

2.6 Decision Counseling for Positive Pregnancy Test Results; Alissa Perrucci PhD

Perrucci AC. Decision Assessment and Counseling in Abortion Care: Philosophy and Practive. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers. Lanham, MD. 2012.

Reproductive Health Access Project. Options Counseling Articles.

2.7 Informed Consent, Decision Assessment, and Counseling in Abortion Care; Alissa Perrucci PhD

Matulich M, Cansino C, Culwell KR, Creinin MD. Understanding women’s desires for contraceptive counseling at the time of first-trimester surgical abortion. Contraception. 2014. 89(1): 36-41.

State Politicies in Brief: Counseling and Waiting Periods for Abortion. Guttmacher Institute. Aug. 2014. <>

2.8 Teaching Professionalism in Abortion Care; Jody Steinauer MD, MAS

Derksen F, Bensing J, Lagro-Janssen A. Effectiveness of empathy in general practice: a systemiatic review. British Journal of General Practice. 2013. 63(606): e76-84.

Hojat M, Vergare MJ, Maxell K, Brainard G, Herrine SK, Isenberg GA, Veloski J, Gonnella JS. The Devil is in the Third Year: A Longitudinal Study of Erosion of Empathy in Medical School. Academic Medicine. 2009. 84(9): 1182-91 In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided an assortment of recommended supplemental readings and videos on this week's topics from popular culture and academic literature:


Guttmacher Contraception in the United States:

Bedsider Real Stories

Forsaken Lives: The Harmful Impact of the Phillipine Criminal Abortion Ban

Articles in Popular Culture

I’m having an abortion this weekend”, Salon

Putting More Restrictions on Abortions Doesn't Magically Inspire Women to Embrace Their Pregnancies,” Slate

The Worlds Abortion Laws 2014:

Academic Literature

Grossman D, Baum S, Fuentes L, et al. Change in abortion services after implementation of a restrictive law in Texas. Contraception, 2014

National Abortion Federation, Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy.

Ipas (2014), Clinical Updates in Reproductive Health. A. Mark (Ed.). Chapel Hill, NC: Ipas.

Society of Family Planning, Clinical Guidelines

General Resources

Innovating Education in Reproductive Health:

Guttmacher Institute:


Women on Waves:

Women on the Web:

Bedsider providers:

Supplemental Videos - Expert Interviews

In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided interviews with experts in the field of reproductive health. These interviews were captured on mobile devices and via videoconferencing, so the dimensions and video/audio quality will vary from video to video.

This week's expert interviews include:

Backline ~ with Parker Dockray (interviewed by Lori Freedman) (6:31)

Harm Reduction ~ with Joanna Erdman (interviewed by Teresa dePiñeres) (3:56)

ANSIRH & mHealth ~ with Caitlin Gerdts (interviewed by Lori Freedman) (9:10)

Physicians for Reproductive Health ~ with Anne Davis (interviewed by Jody Steinauer) (13:35)

Readings and Additional Resources

For up to date news coverage of family planning and other topics in the course, visit the Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications Facebook Page. (

In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided an assortment of recommended supplemental readings and videos on this week's topics from popular culture and academic literature:


Willie Parker, The Complexity of Choice

Center for Reproductive Rights; In Harm's Way: The Video Report

Articles in Popular Culture

Meet One of the Only Abortion Providers Left in Mississippi”, Esquire

No, Abortion Does not Cause Breast Cancer”, Huffington Post

Academic Literature

Kerns J, Vanjani R, Freedman L, Meckstroth K, Drey EA, Steinauer J. Women's decision making regarding choice of second trimester termination method for pregnancy complications. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.2012:116(3):244-8.

ACOG Practice Bulletin 135: Second-Trimester Abortion. Obstetrics & Gynecology, June 2013, Vol 121, Issue 6, pg 1394-1406.

Fox MC, Krajewski CM. Cervical preparation for second-trimester surgical abortion prior to 20 weeks’ gestation: SFP Guideline 2013-14. Contraception. 2014 Feb; 89(2): 75-84.

General Resources

Innovating Education in Reproductive Health:


Guttmacher Institute:



Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

3.2 Medical Abortion; Karen Meckstroth MD

Kahn JG, Becker BJ, MacIsaa L. et. al. The efficacy of medical abortion: a meta-analysis. Contraception. 2000. 61(1); 29-40.

Winikoff B. Acceptability of Medical Abortion in Early Pregnancy. Family Planning Perspectives. 1995. 27(4); 142-8.

Cappiello J, Merrell J, Rentschler D. Women’s Experience of Decision-Making with Medication Abortion. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2014. 39(5);325-30.

Evidence of global demand for medication abortion information: an analysis of Contraception. 2014. 89(3); 174-80.

3.3 First-trimester aspiration abortion; Andrea Jackson MD

Yonke N, Leeman LM. First-trimester surgical abortion technique. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2013. 40(4):647-70.

Matulich M, Cansino C, Culwell KR, Creinin MD. Understanding women's desires for contraceptive counseling at the time of first-trimester surgical abortion. Contraception. 2014. 89(1):36-41.

Gatter M, Roth N, Safarian C, Nucatola D. Eliminating the routine postoperative surgical abortion visit. Contraception. 2012. 86(4):397-401.

Samora JB, Leslie N. The role of advanced practice clinicians in the availability of abortion services in the United States. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2007. 36(5):471-6.

3.4 Pain with Uterine Aspiration Abortion; Karen Meckstroth MD

Braaten KP, Hurwitz S, Fortin J, Goldberg AB. Intramuscular ketorolac versus oral ibuprofen for pain relief in first-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized clinical trial. Contraception. 2014. 89(2):116-21.

Micks EA, Edelman AB, Renner RM, et. al. Hydrocodone-acetaminophen for pain control in first-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2012. 120(5):1060-9

Guerrero JM, Castaño PM, Schmidt EO, Rosario L, Westhoff CL. Music as an auxiliary analgesic during first trimester surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Contraception. 2012. 86(2):157-62.

Renner RM, Nichols MD, Jensen JT, Li H, Edelman AB. Paracervical block for pain control in first-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2012. 119(5):1030-7

3.5 Global obstacles to abortion; Dan Grossman MD

Hessini L. Global progress in abortion advocacy and policy: an assessment of the decade since ICPD. Reprod Health Matters. 2005. 13(25):88-100.

Shah IH, Ahman E, Ortayli N. Access to safe abortion: progress and challenges since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). Contraception. 2014. pii: S0010-7824(14)00155-3.

Shah I, Ahman E. Unsafe abortion: global and regional incidence, trends, consequences, and challenges. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2009 Dec;31(12):1149-58.

3.6 Legislative obstacles to abortion in the US; Maya Manian JD

Ostrach B, Cheyney M. Navigating Social and Institutional Obstacles: Low-Income Women Seeking Abortion. Qual Health Res. 2014. 24(7):1006-1017.

Grossman D, Holt K, Peña M, et. al. Self-induction of abortion among women in the United States. Reprod Health Matters. 2010. 18(36):136-46.

Freedman L, Landy U, Darney P, Steinauer J. Obstacles to the integration of abortion into obstetrics and gynecology practice. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2010. 42(3):146-51.

Donohoe M. Increase in obstacles to abortion: the American perspective in 2004. J Am Med Womens Assoc. 2005. 60(1):16-25.

Joffe C. The politicization of abortion and the evolution of abortion counseling. Am J Public Health. 2013. 103(1):57-65.

Picket K. What Choice? Abortion-rights activists won an epic victory in Roe v. Wade. They’ve been losing ever since. Time Magazine. 2013.

3.7 Paying for abortion: how cost can be an obstacle to accessing care; Michael Policar MD, MPH

Jones RK, Upadhyay UD, Weitz TA. At what cost? Payment for abortion care by U.S. women. Womens Health Issues. 2013 May-Jun. 23(3):e173-8.

Roberts SC, Gould H, Kimport K, Weitz TA, Foster DG. Out-of-pocket costs and insurance coverage for abortion in the United States. Womens Health Issues. 2014 Mar-Apr;24(2):e211-8.

Dennis A, Blanchard K, Córdova D. Strategies for securing funding for abortion under the Hyde Amendment: a multistate study of abortion providers' experiences managing Medicaid. Am J Public Health. 2011. 101(11):2124-9.

3.8 Contraception; Jody Steinauer MD MAS

Ahmed et. al. Maternal deaths averted by contraceptive use: an analysis of 172 countries. Lancet. 2012. 380(9837); 111-25.

Williamson LM, Parkes A, Wight D, Petticrew M, Hart GJ. Limits to modern contraceptive use among young women in developing countries: a systematic review of qualitative research. Reprod Health. 2009. 19;6:3.

Thomas CM, Schmid R, Cameron S. Is it worth paying more for emergency hormonal contraception? The cost-effectiveness of ulipristal acetate versus levonorgestrel 1.5 mg. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care. 2010. 36(4):197-201.

course participants. Please review this course's Code of Ethics for more information. UCSF and Coursera reserve the right to remove discussion forum posts that include abusive language or harassment of course participants, and will continue to review forum posting policies throughout the course.

Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

4.2 Abortion After the First Trimester; Eleanor Drey MD EdM

Swanson M, Karasek D, Drey E, Foster DG. Delayed pregnancy testing and second-trimester abortion: can public health interventions assist with earlier detection of unintended pregnancy? Contraception. 2014. 89(5):400-6.

Andersson IM, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Christensson K. Caring for women undergoing second-trimester medical termination of pregnancy. Contraception. 2014. 89(5):460-5.

Jones BS, Weitz TA. Legal barriers to second-trimester abortion provision and public health consequences. Am J Public Health. 2009. 99(4):623-30.

Weitz TA, Yanow S. Implications of the Federal Abortion Ban for Women's Health in the United States. Reprod Health Matters. 2008. 16(31 Suppl):99-107.

Harris LH. Second trimester abortion provision: breaking the silence and changing the discourse. Reprod Health Matters. 2008 May;16(31 Suppl):74-81.

4.3 Global/Public Health Perspective – Why and Who has abortions after the first trimester; Dan Grossman MD & Eleanor Drey MD EdM

Constant D, Grossman D, Lince N, Harries J. Self-induction of abortion among women accessing second-trimester abortion services in the public sector, Western Cape Province, South Africa: an exploratory study. S Afr Med J. 2014 Apr;104(4):302-5.

Payne CM, Debbink MP, Steele EA, Buck CT, Martin LA, Hassinger JA, Harris LH. Why women are dying from unsafe abortion: narratives of Ghanaian abortion providers. Afr J Reprod Health. 2013 Jun;17(2):118-28.

Upadhyay UD, Weitz TA, Jones RK, Barar RE, Foster DG. Denial of abortion because of provider gestational age limits in the United States. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep;104(9):1687-94.

4.4 Panel on High Quality Abortion Care; Teresa DePineres MD & Dan Grossman MD

Berer M. Making abortions safe: a matter of good public health policy and practice. Bull World Health Organ. 2000;78(5):580-92.

Greenslade FC, Mckay H, Wolf M, Mclaurin K. Post-abortion care: a women's health initiative to combat unsafe abortion. Adv Abort Care. 1994;4(1):1-4.

4.5 Guidelines for Safe Abortion Care; Teresa DePineres MD

Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems. World Health Organization, Dept. of Reproductive Health and Research. Second Edt. 2012.

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 135: Second Trimester abortion. Obstet Gynecolo. 2013 Jun;121(6): 1394-406.

ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 143: Medical Management of First-Trimester Abortion. Obstet Gynecolo. 2014 Mar.

The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion: Summary. Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. 2011 Nov.

4.6 Improving access to safe abortion after the first trimester; Dan Grossman MD

Bartlett LA, Berg CJ, Shulman HB, et. al. Risk factors for legal induced abortion-related mortality in the United States. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Apr;103(4):729-37.

Sneeringer RK1, Billings DL, Ganatra B, Baird TL. Roles of pharmacists in expanding access to safe and effective medical abortion in developing countries: a review of the literature. J Public Health Policy. 2012 May;33(2):218-29.

Van Look PF, Cottingham JC. Unsafe abortion: an avoidable tragedy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2002 Apr;16(2):205-20.

Varkey P1, Balakrishna PP, Prasad JH, et. al. The reality of unsafe abortion in a rural community in South India. Reprod Health Matters. 2000 Nov;8(16):83-91.

4.7 Patient decision-making about abortion after the first trimester; Jennifer Kerns, MD, MPH

Schechtman KB, Gray DL, Baty JD, et. al. Decision-Making for Termination of Pregnancies with Fetal Anomalies: Analysis of 53,000 Pregnancies. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2002 Feb;99(2):216-22.

Vargas J1, Diedrich J. Second-trimester induction of labor. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Jun;52(2):188-97

Grimes DA1, Smith MS, Witham AD. Mifepristone and misoprostol versus dilation and evacuation for midtrimester abortion: a pilot randomized controlled trial. BJOG. 2004 Feb;111(2):148-53.

4.8 Part 1 - Managing complications of first trimester abortions; Jennifer Kerns, MD, MPH

Kapp N, Whyte P, Tang J, etl al. A review of evidence for safe abortion care. Contraception. 2012;88(3):350-63.

Bartz D, Maurer R, Allen RH, Fortin J, Kuang B, Goldberg AB. Buccal misoprostol compared with synthetic osmotic cervical dilator before surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Jul; 122(1):57-63.

Roberts H, Silva M, Xu S. Post abortion contraception and its effect on repeat abortions in Auckland, New Zealand. Contraception. 2010 Sep;82(3):260-5.

4.8 Part 2 - Managing complications of abortion after the first trimester; Jennifer Kerns, MD, MPH

Bartlett LA1, Berg CJ, Shulman HB, Zane SB, Green CA, Whitehead S, Atrash HK. Risk factors for legal induced abortion-related mortality in the United States. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Apr;103(4):729-37.

Diedrich J, Steinauer J. Complications of Surgical Abortion. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009 Jun;52(2):205-12.

Kerns J, Steinauer J. Management of postabortion hemorrhage: release date November 2012 SFP Guidelines #20131. Contraception. 2013 Mar;87(3)331-42.

4.9 Myths about long-term complications of abortion; Jennifer Kerns, MD, MPH

Jagannathan R. Relying on Surveys to Understand Abortion Behavior: Some Cautionary Evidence. AJPH. 2011 Nov;91(11);1825-31.

Mads Melbye, M.D., Jan Wohlfahrt, M.Sc., Jørgen H. Olsen, M.D. Induced Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer. NEJM. 1997 Jan;336:81-5.

Steinberg JR, Trussell J, Hall KS, Guthrie K. Fatal flaws in a recent meta-analysis on abortion and mental health. Contraception. 2012 Nov;86(5):430-7.

Kelly K. The spread of ‘Post Abortion Syndrome’ as social diagnosis. Soc Sci Med. 2014 Feb;102:18-25.

Lee S, Ralston P, Drey E, et. al. Fetal Pain: A Systematic Multidisciplinary Review of the Evidence. JAMA. 2005 Aug;294(8):947-54.

Readings and Additional Resources

For up to date news coverage of family planning and other topics in the course, visit the Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications Facebook Page. (

In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided an assortment of recommended supplemental readings and videos on this week's topics from popular culture and academic literature:


Huffington Post Live, Do We Need Better Abortion Curriculums?

Aljazeera America, Timeline: A history of the abortion debate in the United States

Articles in Popular Culture

The Long Road to Abortion for Some of the Country's Poorest Women”, Cosmopolitan

Academic Literature

Dehlendorf C, et al. Disparities in abortion rates: a public health approach. Am J Public Health, 2013. 103(10) 1172-9.

Steinauer JE, et al. Impact of partial participation in integrated family planning training on medical knowledge, patient communication and professionalism. Contraception, 2014. 89(4): 278-85.

Weitz T, et al. Advancing the scope of practice for advanced practice clinicians: more than a matter of access. Contraception. 2009 Aug; 80(2): 105-7.

General Resources


Innovating Education in Reproductive Health:

Guttmacher Institute:




Each week, students will complete a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz on the week's video lectures. Correct answers and scores are only revealed to students after the quiz has closed (multiple attempts are provided in case a student experiences technical errors or other problems with their initial attempt). These quizzes are usually due the week they are assigned. The Week 5 quiz is due at the end of this course week (Monday, November 17, 11:59am). Quizzes can be found by clicking the "Quizzes" link in the left-hand navigation menu for this course.

Grading Week 4 Peer Assessment

Peer Assessments are made up of three phases: Submission, Evaluation, and Results. Now that the Submission phase has ended for Week 4, and students can no longer submit this assignments students will enter the Evaluation phase and evaluate the work of their peers. In the Evaluation phase, you will return to the Peer Assessment section of the course (making sure to use a Coursera-supported browser), in order to review and score the work of your classmates. Using the grading rubric provided, select the appropriate score for your classmate's work from the dropdown menu displayed with each question.

In addition, please keep in mind that your classmates have a range of backgrounds, experiences, and skills, and that the goal of the peer assessment is NOT to be apply penalties if a student has issues with their writing structure or mechanics. Your primary goal as a grader is to determine whether your classmate made a genuine attempt to accurately reply to each question.

All students who completed the peer assessment are required to score at least five of their classmates' submissions. If you complete peer assessment evaluation for fewer than five of your classmates, your own assignment score will be deducted 20%. You are also invited to evaluate more than five of your classmates' work, but there is no additional credit for doing so. Your final score will be the median of all grades assigned by your classmates, and will be visible after the evaluation period ends on Monday, November 17 at 11:59 am Pacific Time. To grade the work of your peers, click the "Peer Assessments " link in the left-hand navigation menu of the course, then return to the Week 4 assignment by clicking the blue "Go to assignment " button.

Discussion Forums

In the Discussion Forums, students can introduce themselves, discuss assignments, report technical issues with the course, and talk about each week's video lectures. Since this is the first week of the class, please take a moment to introduce yourself to classmates in the Introductions forum. Each week of lectures has its own dedicated discussion forum; visit the Week 5 Lectures forum to discuss this week's video lectures and concepts.

Although we welcome a variety of perspectives on the issues raised in this course, we will have a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior, including threatening language, posting the same content repeatedly across multiple threads (spamming), or making any attempts to harass individual course participants. Please review this course's Code of Ethics for more information. UCSF and Coursera reserve the right to remove discussion forum posts that include abusive language or harassment of course participants, and will continue to review forum posting policies throughout the course.

Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

5.2 Abortion Disparities: A Public Health Approach & 5.3 Health Disparities in Abortion Care

Haider S, Stoffel C, Donenberg G, Geller S. Reproductive health disparities: a focus on family planning and prevention among minority women and adolescents. Glob Adv Health Med. 2013 Sep;2(5):94-9.

Finer LB, Zolna MR. Shifts in intended and unintended pregnancies in the United States, 2001-2008. Am J Public Health. 2014 Feb;104 Suppl 1:S43-8.

Dehlendorf C, Harris LH, Weitz TA. Disparities in abortion rates: a public health approach. Am J Public Health. 2013 Oct;103(10):1772-9.

Dehlendorf C, Weitz T. Access to abortion services: a neglected health disparity. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2011 May;22(2):415-21.

Diniz SG, d'Oliveira AF, Lansky S. Equity and women's health services for contraception, abortion and childbirth in Brazil. Reprod Health Matters. 2012 Dec;20(40):94-101.

Jacobson JC, Jensen JT. A policy of discrimination: reproductive health care in the military. Womens Health Issues. 2011 Jul-Aug;21(4):255-8.

5.4 Effect of obstacles on clinical care

Freedman L, Landy U, Darney P, Steinauer J. Obstacles to the integration of abortion into obstetrics and gynecology practice. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2010 Sep;42(3):146-51.

Grindlay K, Yanow S, Jelinska K, Gomperts R, Grossman D. Abortion restrictions in the U.S. military: voices from women deployed overseas. Womens Health Issues. 2011 Jul-Aug;21(4):259-64.

Darney BG, VanDerhei D, Weaver MR, Stevens NG, Prager SW. "We have to what?": lessons learned about engaging support staff in an interprofessional intervention to implement MVA for management of spontaneous abortion. Contraception. 2013 Aug;88(2):221-5.

5.5 Abortion Training

Steinauer JE, Turk JK, Preskill F, Devaskar S, Freedman L, Landy U. Impact of partial participation in integrated family planning training on medical knowledge, patient communication and professionalism. Contraception. 2014 Apr;89(4):278-85.

Turk JK, Preskill F, Landy U, Rocca CH, Steinauer JE. Availability and characteristics of abortion training in US ob-gyn residency programs: a national survey. Contraception. 2014 Apr;89(4):271-7.

Guiahi M, Lim S, Westover C, Gold M, Westhoff CL. Enablers of and barriers to abortion training. J Grad Med Educ. 2013 Jun;5(2):238-43.

Herbitter C, Bennett A, Schubert FD, Bennett IM, Gold M. Management of early pregnancy failure and induced abortion by family medicine educators. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Nov-Dec;26(6):751-8.

Fitzgerald JM, Krause KE, Yermak D, Dunne S, Hannigan A, Cullen W, Meagher D, McGrath D, Finucane P, Coffey C, Dunne C. The first survey of attitudes of medical students in Ireland towards termination of pregnancy. J Med Ethics. 2013 Aug 20. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2013-101608.

Steinauer JE, Hawkins M, Turk JK, Darney P, Preskill F, Landy U. Opting out of abortion training: benefits of partial participation in a dedicated family planning rotation for ob-gyn residents. Contraception. 2013 Jan;87(1):88-92.

Steinauer J, Dehlendorf C, Grumbach K, Landy U, Darney P. Multi-specialty family planning training: collaborating to meet the needs of women. Contraception. 2012 Sep;86(3):188-90.

5.6 Ob-gyn training story in the US – Interview with Uta Landy

One Hundred Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A statement on abortion by 100 professors of obstetrics: 40 years later. Contraception. 2013 Oct;88(4):568-76.

Steinauer JE, Turk JK, Fulton MC, Simonson KH, Landy U. The benefits of family planning training: a 10-year review of the Ryan Residency Training Program. Contraception. 2013 Aug;88(2):275-80.

Landy U, Blodgett M, Darney P. Medical education and family planning: developing future leaders and improving global health. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013 May;121 Suppl 1:S25-8.

Lathrop E, Landy U. The fellowship in family planning. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013 Apr;121(1):10-3.

Freedman L, Landy U, Steinauer J. Obstetrician-gynecologist experiences with abortion training: physician insights from a qualitative study. Contraception. 2010 Jun;81(6):525-30.

5.7 Abortion in primary care

Dehlendorf CE, Grumbach K. Medical liability insurance as a barrier to the provision of abortion services in family medicine. Am J Public Health. 2008 Oct;98(10):1770-4.

Wallace R, Dehlendorf C, Vittinghoff E, Gold KJ, Dalton VK. Early pregnancy failure management among family physicians. Fam Med. 2013 Mar;45(3):173-9.

Prine L, Shannon C, Gillespie G, Crowden WA, Fortin J, Howe M, Dzuba I. Medical abortion: outcomes in a family medicine setting. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010 Jul-Aug;23(4):509-13.

Bennett IM, Baylson M, Kalkstein K, Gillespie G, Bellamy SL, Fleischman J. Early abortion in family medicine: clinical outcomes. Ann Fam Med. 2009 Nov-Dec;7(6):527-33.

Rubin SE, Godfrey EM, Shapiro M, Gold M. Urban female patients' perceptions of the family medicine clinic as a site for abortion care. Contraception. 2009 Aug;80(2):174-9.

5.8 Advanced Practice Clinicians as Abortion Providers

Weitz T, Anderson P, Taylor D. Advancing scope of practice for advanced practice clinicians: more than a matter of access. Contraception. 2009 Aug;80(2):105-7.

Joffe C, Yanow S. Advanced practice clinicians as abortion providers: current developments in the United States. Reprod Health Matters. 2004 Nov;12(24 Suppl):198-206.

Hwang AC, Koyama A, Taylor D, Henderson JT, Miller S. Advanced practice clinicians' interest in providing medical abortion: results of a California survey. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2005 Jun;37(2):92-7.

Samora JB, Leslie N. The role of advanced practice clinicians in the availability of abortion services in the United States. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2007 Sep-Oct;36(5):471-6.

Kruse B. Advanced practice clinicians and medical abortion: increasing access to care. J Am Med Womens Assoc. 2000;55(3 Suppl):167-8.

Joffe C, Weitz TA. Normalizing the exceptional: incorporating the "abortion pill" into mainstream medicine. Soc Sci Med. 2003 Jun;56(12):2353-66.

Readings and Additional Resources

For up to date news coverage of family planning and other topics in the course, visit the Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications Facebook Page. (

In addition to this week's video lectures, we have provided an assortment of recommended supplemental readings and videos on this week's topics from popular culture and academic literature:


Oprah’s Next Chapter, Beyonce Opens Up About Her Miscarriage

Ipas, Unsafe abortion: A neglected crisis in women’s health

Articles in Popular Culture

I think she could have died”

Academic Literature

Wallace R, Dehlendorf C, et al. Early pregnancy failure management among family physicians. Fam Med. 2013 Mar; 45(3):173-9.

Wallace RR, et al. Counseling women with early pregnancy failure: utilizing evidence, preserving preference. Patient Educ Couns. 2010 Dec;81(3):454-61.

Lester F, Benfield N, Fathalla MM. Global women’s health in 2010: Facing the Challenges. 2010 Nov;19(11):2081-9.

General Resources

Early Pregnancy Loss:

Innovating Education in Reproductive Health:

Reproductive Health Access Project:


Guttmacher Institute:



Each week, students will complete a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz on the week's video lectures. Correct answers and scores are only revealed to students after the quiz has closed (multiple attempts are provided in case a student experiences technical errors or other problems with their initial attempt). These quizzes are usually due the week they are assigned. The Week 6 quiz is due at the end of this course week (Monday, November 24, 11:59am). Quizzes can be found by clicking the "Quizzes" link in the left-hand navigation menu for this course.

Discussion Forums

In the Discussion Forums, students can introduce themselves, discuss assignments, report technical issues with the course, and talk about each week's video lectures. Since this is the first week of the class, please take a moment to introduce yourself to classmates in the Introductions forum. Each week of lectures has its own dedicated discussion forum; visit the Week 6 Lectures forum to discuss this week's video lectures and concepts.

Although we welcome a variety of perspectives on the issues raised in this course, we will have a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior, including threatening language, posting the same content repeatedly across multiple threads (spamming), or making any attempts to harass individual course participants. Please review this course's Code of Ethics for more information. UCSF and Coursera reserve the right to remove discussion forum posts that include abusive language or harassment of course participants, and will continue to review forum posting policies throughout the course.

Supplemental Reading

The sources listed below pertain to this week's video lectures.

6.2 Diagnosis of Early Pregnancy Loss & 6.3 Management of Early Pregnancy Loss

Oliver A, Overton C. Diagnosis and management of miscarriage. Practitioner. 2014 May;258(1771):25-8, 3.

Beucher G, Dolley P, Stewart Z, Carles G, Dreyfus M. First trimester miscarriages: Benefits and harms of different management options. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2014 Sep;42(9):608-21.

Dalton VK, Liang A, Hutton DW, Zochkowski M, Fendrick AM. Beyond usual care: The economic consequences of expanding treatment options in early pregnancy loss. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Aug 28. pii: S0002-9378(14)00908-9.

Nadarajah R, Quek YS, Kuppannan K, Woon SY, Jeganathan R. A randomised controlled trial of expectant management versus surgical evacuation of early pregnancy loss. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014 Jul;178:35-41.

Brezina PR, Kutteh WH. Classic and cutting-edge strategies for the management of early pregnancy loss. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2014 Mar;41(1):1-18.

Sapra KJ, McLain AC, Maisog JM, Sundaram R, Buck Louis GM. Successive time to pregnancy among women experiencing pregnancy loss. Hum Reprod. 2014 Aug 27.

Kong G, Chung T, Lok I. The impact of supportive counselling on women's psychological wellbeing after miscarriage - a randomised controlled trial. BJOG. 2014 Sep;121(10):1253-62.

6.4 Interview on Post-Abortion Care

Ilboudo PG, Somda SM, Sundby J. Key determinants of induced abortion in women seeking postabortion care in hospital facilities in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Int J Womens Health. 2014 May 29;6:565-72.

Tsao TY, Yunzal-Butler C, Sackoff J, Kaplan D. Medicaid reimbursement for immediate post-abortion provision of long-acting reversible contraception reduces both unintended pregnancies and health care expenditures. Contraception. 2014 Jun 26. pii: S0010-7824(14)00351-5.

Undie CC, Van Lith LM, Wahome M, Obare F, Oloo E, Curtis C. Community mobilization and service strengthening to increase awareness and use of postabortion care and family planning in Kenya. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2014 Jul;126(1):8-13.

Esber A, Foraker RE, Hemed M, Norris A. Partner approval and intention to use contraception among Zanzibari women presenting for post-abortion care. Contraception. 2014 Jul;90(1):23-8.

Darney BG, Simancas-Mendoza W, Edelman AB, Guerra-Palacio C, Tolosa JE, Rodriguez MI. Post-abortion and induced abortion services in two public hospitals in Colombia. Contraception. 2014 Jul;90(1):36-41.

Constant D, de Tolly K, Harries J, Myer L. Mobile phone messages to provide support to women during the home phase of medical abortion in South Africa: a randomised controlled trial. Contraception. 2014 Sep;90(3):226-33.

Bracken H, Lohr PA, Taylor J, Morroni C, Winikoff B. RU OK? The acceptability and feasibility of remote technologies for follow-up after early medical abortion. Contraception. 2014 Jul;90(1):29-35.

6.5 Review of Global Public Health Issues

Please see week 1, week 3, and week 4 additional reading list for extensive literature recommendations related to global public health issues related to abortion


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