Czasowniki be have can

Czasowniki „to be”, „have got” oraz „can”

to be – być

I am Stefan. I am from Poland.

have got – mieć

I have got a lot of toys. She has got a nice dress.

can – móc umieć potrafić

- I can run very fast!

- Yeah, when pigs fly!

Używając tych trzech czasowników możesz przekazać komuś całą masę ważnych informacji, na przykład:

- jak masz na imię: I am Adam.

- skąd jesteś: I am from Poland.

- czym się zajmujesz: I am a student.

- jak wyglądasz: I have got blue eyes, long blond hair and small nose.

- co posiadasz: I have got a lot of money.

- co potrafisz robić: I can sing and play the guitar.

Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij tabelkę, wpisując informacje o sobie oraz twoim przyjacielu. Wykorzystaj czasowniki to be, can oraz have got.


My friend




What have you got?

What can you do?

What do you do?

Ćwiczenie 2

Od podanych zdań utwórz przeczenie, pytanie oraz krótko na nie odpowiedz.


You are a student.

You aren’t a student.

- Are you a student?

Yes, I am.

  1. She is a teacher.




  1. He can sing very well.




  1. They have got a lot of cars.




  1. The dog is thin and small.




  1. The girl is tall and slim.




  1. Boys can play football very well.




  1. He is a shop assistant.




  1. She is from Spain.




  1. He has got some pasta.




  1. I can speak English fluently.




  1. I can sing and play the guitar.




  1. She is as beautiful as your sister.




  1. He is more talented than you are.




  1. He speaks very quietly.




  1. Ania is a very funny girl.




  1. My mom and dad are very kind.




Ćwiczenie 3

Zgadnij, o kim lub o czym czym mowa.

It can be big or small. It has got four legs.

It barks. It can live in your house and sleep with you. ____________________________

You can see it at school. It can talk. It runs very fast.

It always talks and never listen. ____________________________

It has got four legs. It has got a long tongue. It’s usually green. ____________________________

It goes to school. It has got two legs and two eyes. It always talks.

Sometimes it can ruin your day. ____________________________


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