World of Darkness Errata

World of Darkness rulebook, p. 109: The Language Merit changes to reflect a less American understanding of languages. Here in America, we can barely speak our own native language. As it turns out, other countries -- and people who put forth a modicum of effort -- can speak several languages with ease. How about that?

<3>Language (•)

<n>Effect: Your character knows an additional language besides his own, one that he can read, write and speak with fluency. If he wishes to convince others that he is a native speaker, however, the Storyteller might call for an Intelligence + Expression roll, contested with a reflexive Intelligence + Academics roll by anyone who is suspicious.

You must specify which language your character is familiar with when purchasing this Merit. You may take this Merit multiple times, with a different language for each.

World of Darkness rulebook, p. 144: If your fool ass gets run over, it's lethal damage, not bashing.

"…Each success on the resulting roll inflicts a point of lethal damage to the target."

World of Darkness rulebook, p. 176: The system for diseases is incorrect.

Resisting disease is not a contested action.

Typically, only a single success is required on the Stamina + Resolve roll, and this roll is modified by the severity of the disease in question.

In some cases, resisting disease might be an extended action, such as recovery from cancer. In cases like these, the Storyteller still sets the benchmark for how many successes are necessary, and the subject's pool might still be penalized by the disease's severity.

World of Darkness rulebook, pp. 176-177: The system for drugs is incorrect.

Like resisting disease, resisting the effects of drugs is not a contested action.

Typically, only a single success is required on the Stamina + Resolve roll, and this roll is modified by the potency of the drug in question.

In some cases, resisting the effects of a drug might be an extended action, such as a prolonged exposure to low levels of arsenic. In cases like these, the Storyteller still sets the benchmark for how many successes are necessary, and the subject's pool might still be penalized by the drug's potency.

World of Darkness rulebook, pp. 180-181: The system for poisons and toxins is incorrect.

Like resisting disease, resisting the effects of poisons and toxins is not a contested action.

Typically, only a single success is required on the Stamina + Resolve roll, and this roll is modified by the toxicity of the poison in question.

In some cases, resisting the effects of a drug might be an extended action, such as drug or alcohol abuse. In cases like these, the Storyteller still sets the benchmark for how many successes are necessary, and the subject's pool might still be penalized by the poison's toxicity.

World of Darkness rulebook, p. 203: Damn, those are some badass animals.

Change the Dog's Resolve from 4 to 3.

Change the Raven's Resolve from 4 to 3.

World of Darkness rulebook, pp. 208-216: We've made some organizational changes to ghosts and "spirits." These don't affect how ghosts function right now, but they'll come to mean more going forward into Werewolf and Mage.

A ghost is no longer a "spirit" in the context of the rules. A ghost is an entity that is made of spiritual stuff, but it is distinct from a "spirit." A spirit is a creature made of Essence, with an origin specifically in the Shadow Realm. The collective description for spiritual creatures (both spirits and ghosts) is "ephemera," though the two branches of ephemera (spirits and ghosts) are separate types of entities. You can't bind a ghost into a fetish, for example, and werewolf powers don't typically affect or relate to ghosts.

This document is copyright White Wolf Publishing. All rights reserved.


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