Places to Go

Places to Go: Conversation

Read and Listen

Clark: Where do you want to go this weekend?

Luisa: I like City Park. They have museums and a zoo.

Clark: I don’t like the zoo much, and I don’t want to be indoors in a museum.

Luisa: Well, how about going to a baseball game at Brookline Stadium?

Clark: That would be fun for me, but I thought you didn’t like baseball.

Luisa: Well, what about the county fair? They have a carnival with rides and games.

Clark: Great idea! Is 3:00 a good time?

Luisa: Three o’clock is perfect. See you then.

Choose the Word

museums Stadium

games weekend

baseball game carnival

zoo county fair

museum rides

Clark: Where do you want to go this ___________?

Luisa: I like City Park. They have ___________ and a zoo.

Clark: I don’t like the ___________ much, and I don’t want to be indoors in a ___________.

Luisa: Well, how about going to a ___________ at Brookline ___________?

Clark: That would be fun for me, but I thought you didn’t like baseball.

Luisa: Well, what about the ___________? They have a ___________ with ___________ and ___________.

Clark: Great idea! Is 3:00 a good time?

Luisa: Three o’clock is perfect. See you then.

Play a Role

Clark: Where do you want to go this weekend?

YOU: Well, how about going to a baseball game at Brookline Stadium?

Clark: That would be fun for me, but I thought you didn’t like baseball.

YOU: Well, what about the county fair? They have a carnival with rides and games.

Clark: Great idea! Is 3:00 a good time?

YOU: Three o’clock is perfect. See you then.

© 2000 Oxford University Press


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