Chapter 6 May I have this dance part 1

-- Chapter 6 - May I have this dance? part 1 --

A dance?” echoed Zero blankly. “Another one…?” he repeated, slamming both hands down on the desk and glaring at the Chairman.

At the Chairman’s surprised nod, Zero’s brows drew together even more. “Day and Night Class together?” he grated out through clenched teeth.

Yuuki glanced at him. “Zero…” she murmured, not wanting to witness another argument between her adopted father and her adopted brother/childhood friend.

Well, why not?” beamed the Chairman, blithely ignoring Zero’s glare and focusing on Yuuki who shot a worried look at Zero. “After all, the last one was so successful…” he broke off as Zero inhaled sharply, then left the Chairman’s office without a word, slamming the door behind him.

I guess he really doesn’t enjoy music or dancing, huh...?” asked the older man rather vaguely, glancing at the door that Yuuki could’ve sworn was still vibrating very slightly, then back to her. She turned back, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, Chairman... you really shouldn’t tease Zero like that, you know what happened at the last dance...”

The Chairman sat down heavily on his chair. “You’re right, Yuuki... as usual...” Yuuki smiled at him. "And why didn't you call me 'Father'...?" Yuuki's smile disappeared immediately.

He sighed. “I just thought a dance would liven things up... both the Day Class and Night Class students have been rather down since coming back from All Souls Day last week, you know...”

Yuuki raised an eyebrow, something she’d learnt from Zero. “Really” she said, also in a passable imitation of Zero’s sardonic tone, recalling the almost hysterical reaction from the Day Class girls when the gates of the Moon Dorm had swung open last week and the Night Class students had walked out. Strolled, cat walked and sashayed out was more like it... with the reaction they’d gotten, one would’ve have thought the Night Class students had been away from Cross Academy for three months instead of a mere three day break over the weekend for All Souls Day.

Now Yuuki sighed. “I’ll see if I can bring him around” she offered half heartedly.

Her adopted father beamed at her again. “Wonderful, my dear... if anyone can do it, it’s you!” Then, before Yuuki had a chance to reply, he pulled his notepad closer and picked up a pen. “Now, let’s see. We’ll need caterers, decorators,...”

She rolled her eyes again and let herself out of the study. It was now lunchtime, the Chairman having cornered both of them just as classes ended, unable to wait till dinnertime to inform them of his latest brainwave.

Yuuki picked up cling wrapped sandwiches and canned drinks from the school canteen then walked up the sloping grassy hill that overlooked the lake, which was part of the school campus. It was a beautiful day with a gentle breeze that pulled many of the Day Class students outdoors to have their lunch in small groups scattered on the lawns and hill. Yuuki made for the large tree situated at the top of the hill. She had a feeling Zero would be there and sure enough, the moody School Guardian was leaning against the tree trunk, morosely staring at the lake, hands in his pockets, customary frown firmly in place as the wind pulled his tie out from behind his buttoned up school uniform jacket and playfully ruffled the fine strands of silver hair that fell over his forehead.

She wasn’t surprised that he knew it was her coming up from behind. It was most likely due to his vampire senses although the fact that she couldn’t think of anyone else who would dare to approach Zero without a good reason to, also played a part. In any case, she shook the hair out of her eyes and stepped closer to the tree.

Come to persuade me?” murmured Zero, turning around at the right moment, having caught her soft sweet scent borne by the wind. He relieved her of the two canned drinks she was grasping in one hand, her other hand balancing the wrapped sandwiches. Yuuki shook her wet hand to fling off the water droplets from the condensation on the icy cold cans, causing the upper sandwich to wobble dangerously.

Ooh...” she gasped, making a grab for the sandwich as it toppled off its partner.

I’ve got it...” Zero said, grabbing both sandwiches from her with his other hand in the blink of an eye. Yuuki gasped in surprise - wow, Zero’s reflexes were amazing, she thought as she shook her hand again, flinging off more water droplets.

Zero sat down, placing the cans on the grass beside him. He leaned against the tree trunk facing the lake once more and stretched out one long leg. This was one of his favourite spots in Cross Academy and the Day Class students normally kept away from it, intimidated by his glare and short temper. As far as Zero was concerned, that could only be a good thing.

Yuuki was still standing beside him and he reached up, pulling her hand. “Sit down, Yuuki...”

Then as Yuuki settled down beside him, he added “Your fingers sure are cold...” and tossing the sandwiches in her lap, he started rubbing her cold hand between two warm palms. Yuuki sighed happily; Zero’s hands, arms, in fact, his entire body always seemed warmer than hers… although you couldn’t really tell by just looking at him. Some things you just had to feel to know… Yuuki stopped and blinked, a little confused as to where her thoughts were leading her.

She waited until he’d released her hand and popped the tabs on both cans before handing him a sandwich. They ate in a companionable silence under the shade of the tree, looking at the sunlight glinting off the surface of the lake and enjoying the breeze ruffling their hair.

Well...?” said Zero after swallowing his last mouthful of sandwich and washing it down with a swig of his cola. He unbuttoned his jacket and shrugged out of it. Shaking the jacket to get rid of any bread crumbs, he then dropped it beside him on the grass “Why should I think this dance is a good idea?” Then, as Yuuki continued staring at the lake somewhat dreamily, he pulled up a blade of grass and flipped it at her. “C’mon, Yuuki, start persuading me…”

Yuuki flicked the grass off her jacket arm and looked at him, wrinkling her nose. “What makes you think...” she began, only to break off and giggle as Zero raised an eyebrow at her. “That’s exactly what I did to the Chairman just now after you’d left” she explained.

Zero didn’t smile but his eyes did, the rare look only Yuuki was familiar with and she smiled back at him. He gazed at her for a moment longer before sighing soundlessly, bending forward to rest his folded arms on his raised knee, and his chin on his arms as he looked back pensively at the lake. Yuuki didn’t notice his sigh, finishing off her sandwich as they sat in silence for a while more.

Will you be dancing, Zero?” she asked suddenly.


I said, will you dance?” Yuuki looked directly at him. He seemed surprised by her question. “Dance?” he repeated, looking back at her. “Of course not!”

As Yuuki opened her mouth to ask why not, he added “I don’t and that’s that!”


He interrupted her again. “And you don’t have to tell me - Kuran is at the top of Yuuki’s list of most desirable partners, right? The only one in fact...” he said, a note of bitterness creeping into his voice despite his attempts to sound nonchalant.

No, of course not!” shot back Yuuki, cheeks growing warm. “There is another guy I want to dance with too, you know!” How could she not dance with her childhood friend? They’d known each other for four years, they’d been through so much together, even though he was starting to irritate her right now.

Who, ‘Idol-sempai’?” he said, sarcastically mimicking the hysterical tones of the besotted Day Class girls who practically went bonkers each time the they caught sight of tousle haired blond aristocratic Hanabusa Aido.

Kyaaaa!” he added in a falsetto, doing a wicked impression of the same girls, having heard their screams a million times since then.

Yuuki pursed her lips as she glared at him, because if she didn’t, she’d start laughing in a minute. Zero seldom showed this side of him but when he did… he could be hilarious. Of course, she appeared to be the only one who thought so… but she wished more people did too…

Zero was a little disappointed that she didn’t smile again. “C’mon, admit it, you really like his attentions…” he goaded her. Yuuki, brought back from her reverie by his sarcastic tone, inhaled sharply. Sometimes, Zero was really, really annoying...! Couldn’t he tell it was him she wanted to dance with? What the hell would she be mooning about Aido for? For one thing, she had no interest whatsoever in him; for another, he had more than enough Day Class girls chasing after him. She also wasn’t interested in his arrogance and his penchant for keep on trying to taste her blood as well as making snide comments about her not being good enough for Kaname... as though she needed reminding...

She jumped to her feet and tossed her head. “Well, if you must know, I’m also going to dance with... with... Ichijo-sempai!” she shot back at him, hands on hips and brown eyes starting to flash with temper.

Zero’s eyebrows shot up as he stared up at her in surprise. “Ichijo?” he repeated blankly. “Ichijo Takuma? Since when did you…” he broke off, frowning and looking rather confused.

Yuuki exhaled in exasperation - she’d just blurted out the first name that came to mind - although come to think of it, she wouldn’t actually mind dancing with the tall, gentle vampire with the beautiful smile… if asked to, that is… Seeing Zero about to question her further, she tossed her head again, flinging a “So there!” behind her as she stomped back down the hill.

He stared after her, scowling darkly. As though dancing with the tall, charismatic and impossibly good looking Dorm Leader was not enough, she also wanted to dance with the equally tall, equally handsome and friendly Assistant Dorm Leader with the cheerful disposition and merry laugh?

Since when did Yuuki...he broke off, scowling even more heavily. Well, what did you expect? he asked himself sourly. Did you think Yuuki would want to dance with a grumpy and sullen person who barely spoke two words together when those two personable vampires would be more than happy to twirl her around the dance floor and pour sweet compliments in her ear with everyone else – humans and vampires alike – watching with admiration and envy? No way, why would she? Why should she?

Zero exhaled, annoyed with himself at getting so worked up over such a trivial thing like the dance. Enough of this nonsense already… he didn’t care if Yuuki danced with every single guy in Cross Academy, Day or Night Class, vampire or human, teacher or student. He didn’t care if she spent the entire night on the dance floor. And he would absolutely not even think of Yuuki being in anyone else’s arms other than his own.

Muttering curses under his breath, he gathered up his jacket, the empty wrappers and cans and started down the hill after Yuuki, his expression like a thundercloud. Coupled with his fierce frown and murderous look in his eyes, it was more than enough to make a group of Day Class girls skip hastily out of his way.

At dinner that night, the Chairman surprisingly kept off the subject of the dance, talking about various other matters instead. Both Zero and Yuuki ate their dinner in mutual relief, Zero not saying more than a dozen words as usual, mostly in reply to questions.

The Chairman’s surprising announcement had, as expected, caused both Day and Night class students to react to the forthcoming dance with approval and excitement. Especially the former. Not wanting to disrupt classes, the Chairman opted to have the hall decorations and music handled by professionals this time. A catering company would also be setting up rows of food buffet-style just outside the main hall, with tables and chairs set up nearby for dining.

As the week flew by, excitement on the upcoming dance grew. Whispers on who wanted to dance with whom – Ruka Souen was a firm favourite among the Day Class boys - gossip about dresses and hairstyles all augmented by barely suppressed giggles wore Zero’s patience thin. He lashed out frequently during the class changeover each evening, even more than usual, causing the Day Class girls to mutter and glare at him and Yuuki to tsk tsk reprovingly at him.

What is wrong with you these few days, Zero?” she shot at him out of the corner of her mouth after he’d practically moved a Day Class first year to tears by shouting at her for just putting a foot out of line.


Yeah, right. Cut it out, Zero...”

- o -

Is your dress ready?” asked Yori on Friday morning. They were walking to their next class and the dance was only one day away. For most of the students, classes on that day were just something to be tolerated, trivial stumbling blocks to suffer through till the actual dance day arrived…

Yuuki smiled happily. “Yup, it’s done. The Chairman picked it up for me yesterday…” she hugged herself as she thought of the simple knee length dress and the breathless wonder she'd felt when she’d worn it and found that both the cutting of the dress and the color suited her very well, other than the fact that the hem needed shortening to fit her petite figure. The girl reflected in the dress shop’s floor length mirror with the surprised expression, glowing eyes and softly flushed cheeks didn’t remotely look like her or like a school prefect…

I know who you’re dying to dance with!” teased Yori suddenly. Yuuki blushed slightly. “Well, Kaname-sempai, of course... but I also plan to dance with the Chairman, being my adopted father, he’d be hurt if I didn’t...” she winced slightly at a past memory, making a mental note to check with him if he’d practiced since the last time she danced with him, as she didn’t fancy him trouncing on her toes anymore... “oh, and Zero, of course...”

She walked a few steps more before realising that Yori had stopped behind her, standing stock still, eyes wide. “Zero? Zero Kiriyu?” she repeated rather mechanically.

Yuuki rolled her eyes at her. “Is there any other?”

Her friend blinked. “You don’t have to dance with him, just ‘coz he’s your fellow prefect slash adopted brother, you know. Any of the Night Class students would be honoured to dance with you.” She didn’t mention that any of the Day Class students would, on the other hand, be too intimidated to… having seen Yuuki in her School Prefect whistle-blowing mode during class changeover…

Yeah, right. Most of them don’t even know what Kanama-sempai sees in me...” muttered Yuuki, thinking silently - a normal plain human girl unworthy of the attention of a pureblood vampire...

But… Zero…! He’s – he’s moody, grumpy, bad tempered, ...” Yori started ticking off Zero’s shortcomings on one hand, frowning as the number grew to six and beyond, and she had to start ticking off the fingers on her other hand.

Yuuki didn’t hear past the first three. Moody? Yeah, sure... Grumpy? Yup, that too... Bad tempered? Everyday of the month, she’d say...

But Zero - he.. well, he was more than that. Zero was more than just a tall, handsome boy with a lean build, fine silvery hair, rare amethyst eyes and an expressionless if good looking face. He was more than a moody, grumpy and sullen School Prefect who terrorised the Day Class girls and barked at them if they stepped out of line. He was… he was… Yuuki frowned a little, lost in thought …

He was… tender. Yes. That was how she’d describe the way he held her after each time he’d drunk her blood, as though he were holding something very precious in his arms, that he never wanted to let go off. She loved how he hugged her. It made her feel so… well, cherished… protected… safe…

He was… caring. The way he thought of her comfort even when his bloodlust made him tremble with need and pain. The way how he always tried so hard not to take from her. The way he soothed the puncture wounds on her neck ever so gently with his lips and tongue and the almost shy way he said ‘thank you’ after drinking her blood.

He was… protective. The way he always watched out for her safety. The way he’d burst into the bathroom on hearing her scream with fear and how he’d tried to protect her from his bite by covering her naked neck and shoulders with his shirt. Even thought that hadn’t quite worked… a faint blush covered her cheeks and she pushed the incident to the back of her mind – no, don’t think of that now…

He was… loving. Yuuki stumbled over the word in her mind but then she recalled how he’d carried her to her bed when she’d fallen asleep over her algebra homework. The way he’d steadfastly taken care of her during her recent bout with fever despite suffering bloodlust, in constant pain from a deep knife wound in his leg and almost on the verge of collapse himself.

He was… cheeky. The way he could get her all worked up over nothing one minute and evaporate her annoyance the next by simply pulling her into his arms. The way he made her squirm and blush while ‘cleaning up’ after drinking her blood…

He was… Yuuki blinked suddenly as Yori’s annoyed voice broke into her thoughts. “Oi, Yuuki, stop spacing out! Why do you want to dance with that grumpy Kiriyu?”

Yuuki smiled at her, unaware that her large eyes were now shining with a gentle light. “Because he’s my partner...” she said serenely. Then, to change the subject “Well, what about you? Hanabusa Aido will be there too, you know...”

What?! You know I don’t want anything to do with those Night Class guys! They’re just so full of themselves. Especially that Aido character...” It worked, Yori started listing Aido’s shortcomings next as they walked on to their next classroom. Yuuki, still half listening to her friend, promised herself yet again that Zero would at least have one dance tomorrow night. Even if she had to force him to…

-- To Be Continued --


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