Chapter 6 May I have this dance part 3

-- Chapter 6 - May I have this dance part 3 --

Yuuki’s gaze skimmed his school uniform. “Still on duty, huh…?” she said gently. He shrugged as they walked down the corridor and through the building. It was not necessary for Zero to be on duty, as the Chairman had already requested for and received help from the Council. Selected vampire hunters i.e. the not trigger-happy ones, were to act as guardians tonight, to ensure nothing went out of hand. Kaname had also agreed to his, briefing the Night Class teachers and students beforehand, warning them to be on their best behaviour. But Zero being Zero… Yuuki sighed.

Zero shortened his stride to enable Yuuki to keep up, partly out of consideration for the high heels she wore that brought the top of her head almost to his shoulder, and partly also to keep her to himself for a little while longer. They exited the main building and started down the path leading towards the brightly lit school hall. As they walked nearer the hall, lively music could be heard. Smoke rose from a barbeque pit set up nearby and appetizing smells wafted over in the night breeze as uniformed waiters walked in and out of the hall, balancing trays of mixed fruit punch.

The cool night wind teased Yuuki’s shawl, giving Zero a tantalising glimpse of creamy smooth bare shoulders, only partially hidden by the gauzy material. He also couldn’t keep his eyes off the tempting shadow visible above her neckline, having both seen - and touched - what lay beneath.

He took a steadying breath then spoke “You sure wearing that is a good idea?” At her surprised look, he nodded at her dress. Yuuki frowned a little, she could’ve sworn his eyes said she looked good earlier…

Why, doesn’t the dress suit me?” she asked, a small note of hurt apparent in her voice.

Zero blinked. “You look good enough to eat, Yuuki… “ he said wryly. He saw the enchanting colour creep up her cheeks before continuing “It’s just that half the people there will be vampires, you know…” God, did that sound as inane as he thought it did?

But Yuuki just smiled up at him, completely unafraid of the prospect. “I won’t be the only girl wearing a dress, Zero. Besides, I’m walking with one such person now, and I feel perfectly safe” she said serenely.

Ouch! - Zero winced at her remark, almost choking in surprise. Geez, sometimes the things Yuuki said…

Well - of course, but that’s because I’ve already… already…” he broke off suddenly, stopping abruptly on the path and making Yuuki stop as well. “Are you laughing at me?” he demanded.

Yuuki looked back at him with wide eyed innocence and waited until doubt surfaced in Zero’s eyes before she relented and laughed softly. “You know what the Chairman and Kaname-sempai have agreed on, right? The Night Class would be sure to take lots of blood tablets right before the dance, and they’ve promised there would be no blood letting. Kaname-sempai will see to that…”

Zero grunted, only partially appeased but not wanting to hear anymore about the pureblood vampire. He looked away, frowning slightly. “You’re not really safe from me, you know…” he muttered.

Yuuki reached for his hand, linking her fingers with his, squeezing lightly. “Of course I am, Zero” she said softly.

He scoffed lightly at that even as his fingers tightened in response. “I’ve taken from you each time.”

That’s not what I meant” Yuuki said gently. “You’ve never taken from me by force… other than well, that first time, which is not counted by the way…”

Zero glanced at her then turned away, staring into the distance.

Zero?” He didn’t say anything.

Yuuki reached up gentle fingers to turn his face towards her. “What is it?” she asked softly.

He jerked his chin out of her hand, giving her a grim look before turning away again, jaw clenched. “One day, Yuuki, I may do just that. Take from you by force.” His voice was hard. "So don't think you'll always be safe around me..."

There was a deafening silence for a long moment before he glanced back at Yuuki. She looked completely stricken at his words and silent tears had started to course down her suddenly pale cheeks.

Zero's throat constricted and he muttered a curse, Yuuki was entirely too soft for her own good. He'd only meant to remind both of them that he wasn't just a normal boy, that he was also... also... But suddenly, it was no longer important. The only thing that mattered now was that Yuuki had been so excited over the dance and he’d gone and spoiled the entire evening for her with a few careless words.

The tears continued to fall unheeded and Zero swallowed hard. Then they spoke together at the same time.

I didn’t mean…”

Don’t say that…”

They paused for a moment, Yuuki biting her lip and looking as though she’d burst into full fledged sobs at any moment. His heart pounding with remorse, Zero reached out to capture both her hands in his warm ones.

I’m sorry Yuuki, I shouldn’t have said that. Not tonight...” he said quickly. Yuuki swallowed and took a shaky breath, blinking hard.

Please - don’t cry” he added wretchedly. I can’t bear it if you do… he added silently.

Stop apologising, Zero, or I swear, I will cry” said Yuuki, her voice trembling a little despite her efforts to steady it. He fell silent, looking at her as if he didn’t quite know what to say.

Yuuki looked away and blinked again, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Get a grip, Yuuki, don't think about this now. I completely forbid you to go to the dance with a red nose… she scolded herself.

Finally, she turned back to Zero, giving him a rather tremulous smile. “OK, I’m fine now…” she said softly, pulling her hands out of his to swipe away the tears on her cheeks. Zero exhaled in relief but continued to stare at her worriedly.

Yuuki hesitated and bit her lip for a moment, looking at him. “Zero? Don’t think about that tonight please?” she said softly.

I won’t” Zero promised gravely. He placed an arm around her shoulders and hugged her to his side for a moment, resting his chin lightly on her hair, breathing in her soft sweet scent. “I’m sorry” he whispered. More tears threatened to well up at his soft apology and Yuuki let her cheek rest against his jacket for a moment before pushing him away in mock annoyance. “Hey, you’re messing up my hair…”

Zero released her, then offered her his arm silently. Surprised, she placed her fingers on his arm as they continued walking down the path. Yuuki shook off her sombre mood, trying to recapture the excitement and anticipation that had flowed through her as she’d gotten ready earlier. She wasn’t going to enter the hall with a long face, not when she’d gone to all this trouble of dressing up…

They could see couples walking towards the hall as well. Some were holding hands, other girls had one hand tucked in their escort’s arm. A couple walked past the gates of the Moon Dorm under the watchful eye of one of the dorm caretakers and Yuuki recognised Shiki Senri and Tooya Rima holding hands and giggling over a shared joke. They nodded at Yuuki, doing a double take at the sight of her evening dress. Yuuki smiled at them and they waved, then walked on towards the hall.

Feeling more optimistic, she promised herself again that Zero was going to get a dance from her tonight, if from no one else. Zero… the moody and grumpy boy beside her with the tortured eyes and anguished heart who had walked into her life on cold winter’s night four years ago… and had turned out to be the one closest to her, who knew her inside out, bickered with her constantly, made her worry about him endlessly and… and… she broke off as she tripped and lost her balance on the top step of the school hall.

Strong arms caught her and stopped her from falling. “Stop daydreaming, you’ll see your pureblood boyfriend soon enough” commented Zero, in a long suffering voice he knew would rile Yuuki, releasing her after ensuring she was steady on her feet once more. She swung towards him immediately. “I was not thinking of Kaname-sempai…!” she said.

Zero smirked, noting the colour creeping into her cheeks. “Oh, really?” he drawled, stopping to survey her with folded arms.

Yes, really!” she insisted.

Ichijo Takuma, then?” he enquired, unable to stop himself and almost biting his tongue again as soon as the words had left his mouth. Damn, what was wrong with him this evening...!

Who? Ichijo-sempai?” Yuuki frowned, completely forgetting her rash words of a few days ago. “Why would I - no, not him!”

He raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing even as a surge of relief welled up in him. OK, so Yuuki wasn’t really besotted with him then…

Well, if you must know, I was thinking about you!” Yuuki confessed a little breathlessly. Both eyebrows shot up this time as he stared at her.

Why would you be thinking about me?” he asked, frowning.

It’s nothing” Yuuki muttered.

Tell me…” Zero began, reaching for her hand but Yuuki just smiled, moving her hand away. “You’ll know later…” she said gently. Then, catching his hand once more in hers, she urged him into the ballroom. “Let’s go, we’re late…!”

Inside the hall, the dance was already going full swing. The hall was tastefully decorated and wide swathes of ribbons and bunches of flowers adorned the eight French windows around the sides of the hall that lead out to small balconies overlooking the lake on one side and the dorms and classrooms on the other. Couples swung past in time to the music, creating a kaleidoscope of colourful evening dresses coupled with black or white dinner jackets.

Yuuki, eyes sparkling, looked around excitedly, waving at Yori and enjoying the open mouthed look of surprise on her friend’s face and on some of the Day Class girls, who looked as they couldn’t reconcile the girl standing in front of them with the strict no-nonsense School Prefect. Yuuki knew that Yori’s astounded look was in no small part due to the fact she had entered the hall on the arm of the moody, sullen and grumpy Zero Kiriyu and she grinned to herself, recalling Yori’s amazement when informed that she - Yuuki - was going to get a dance out of Zero.

Yuuki was also secretly pleased to note even the elegant Night Class female students seemed mildly surprised at her ‘transformation’ so to speak. It gave her confidence another boost and she looked up at Zero, smiling.

Zero on the other hand, was feeling rather self-conscious. It was one thing to stride into the hall on his own, his school uniform and customary scowl screaming the fact that he was there strictly ‘on duty’ only, requiring no further explanation on his part. It was quite another thing to stroll into the hall with an exquisitely dressed creature on his arm, looking for all the world as though she’d just entered an enchanted ballroom complete with princely escort. He didn’t know whether to look as invisible as possible, or to walk tall and beam with pride. Something of the conflict must have reflected in his eyes as Yuuki stopped, her smile faltering.

Zero, what’s wrong?” she asked softly.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked down at her. “Nothing, Yuuki” The smile that had been about to appear on his lips vanished as he sensed the pureblood leader’s presence. He looked up to see Kaname making his way towards them, his step as assured as the smile on his face. Dressed in an elegant white tuxedo that fitted his tall lithe figure to perfection, the pureblood looked if possible, even more handsome than usual and Zero scowled blackly. Not even bothering to greet him, he dropped his arm, causing Yuuki’s fingers to slide off. Even as he turned away, he heard Yuuki’s happy cry of greeting and the low voice answer in reply.

- o -

The evening progressed as couples took turns on the floor and rested in between, wandering out of the hall in search of drinks or food or resting on the small groups of chairs along the walls. Zero spent most of his time in the hall, leaning casually against the wall, eyes moving past the dancers. He’d nodded to several of the vampire hunters walking around but his eyes were mostly glued to Yuuki and her partners. She’d taken a couple of short breaks during the faster paced songs to have a bite to eat with Yori and chat with some of the other students but other than that, she was surprisingly swamped with offers to dance, even by the Day and Night Class teachers. He supposed he should be glad that Yuuki seemed to be enjoying herself hugely; she was smiling or laughing with delight every time he laid eyes on her.

But he was unable to look away. Kaname danced with Yuuki more than once, he’d gotten the first dance from her and stayed close by after that, ensuring with his mere presence that all succeeding partners of Yuuki, Day or Night Class, behaved impeccably towards her.

But Yuuki wasn’t the only one with more partners than she could handle. More than once, he spied Hanabusa Aido surreptitiously trying to creep away with a gaggle of Day Class girls on his tail. Zero smirked, was that a look of near panic on the blond aristocrat’s normally arrogant face?

The cool beauty Ruka Souen didn’t look as if she was fully enjoying herself either. There was a strange look on her face when she’d first caught sight of Yuuki that even Zero couldn’t fail to notice. She didn’t bother to mask her dislike as Kaname escorted Yuuki onto the floor. As expected, the pureblood was all assured grace and poised elegance and Zero’s scowl deepened even further as he saw Yuuki laughing and blushing at his words. Ruka didn’t have long to watch the dancing couple as the Day Class boys were also onto her. Each awkwardly blushing and stammering male student from the Day Class petitioning her for a dance were summarily rebuked with little hesitation and she only danced with her fellow classmates.

As the hours drifted past, Zero wondered more than once if he were insane to simply be staying there. He wanted to dance with her, without a doubt, but he also wasn’t going to ask her… and he didn’t even know why. Yuuki wouldn’t turn him down, he was sure of it… then why? Was he afraid she’d compare his dancing to the pureblood’s and find him lacking?

Yuuki on the other hand, was enjoying herself immensely. She’d opted to sit out the faster dances, fully aware she wasn’t used to the three inch heels she was wearing and not wanting to risk an embarrassing fall or a sprained ankle.

Her first dance with Kaname had started a little awkwardly as she was too aware of the stares directed at them as well as the admiration in the enigmatic dark eyes as they stared at her, slowly roving over her face, neck and shoulders. As the song started, she placed her hands tentatively on his broad shoulders; her heels lending her height as Kaname’s hands circled her slender waist. Clearly aware of Yuuki’s initial awkwardness, he’d smiled tenderly at her then, his murmured compliments melting any hesitation on her part and making her glow with confidence again. Hearing her delighted laugh, Zero scowled even more. He couldn’t hear what the low voice was saying but he had a pretty good idea of what the words meant. He turned away when the dance finally ended to avoid seeing Kaname raising Yuuki’s small hand to his warm lips.

The Day Class Dorm Leader approached Yuuki next, causing Zero’s eyebrows to shoot up in surprise - he’d never have thought the sports crazed guy remotely interested in Yuuki before although he shouldn’t really be surprised. Tonight, the enchanting creature was miles away from the no-nonsense whistle-blowing School Prefect…

When the Chairman approached Yuuki to claim his turn, Zero couldn’t stop his lips twitching upwards at the cautiously wary look on Yuuki’s face. Turning, she caught his look and rolled her eyes at him. Zero’s smile turned into an actual grin for a moment, causing a couple of Day Class girls to point at him and stare, whispering to each other. His smile disappeared almost immediately as he resumed his normal deadpan expression.

Zero tensed when he saw Ichijo Takuma walking towards Yuuki a few dances later, good naturedly ignoring a group of Day Class girls who trailed hopefully after him, eyelashes fluttering outrageously. Zero rolled his eyes at their antics – what idiots!

Yuuki, about to slip off to the Ladies’, blushed prettily as Assistant Dorm Leader Ichijo approached her. “Yuuki-chan!” he greeted her happily. He was the only Night Class student who could get away with addressing her with such familiarity without incurring either her annoyance or the wrath of Kaname. He bowed before her now with easy grace, light glinting off the soft brown hair that fell over his right eye. “May I?” he asked, gallantly holding out a hand.

Yuuki smiled. It was so easy to forget this tall gentle person was a vampire, especially when he smiled. As they whirled around, she reached up to whisper teasingly in his ear “Don’t forget to dance with some of your loyal followers, OK, Ichijo-sempai?”

She could hardly be unaware of them, what with their glares practically boring holes into her back. Ichijo laughed gaily, not in the least bit perturbed. “I’m leaving them all for Aido, I don’t think he has enough fans tonight…” he said seriously, although the naughty twinkle in his eyes gave him away. Yuuki giggled appreciatively at his reply; Aido’s group of fans was definitely the largest one so far.

As they twirled again, Yuuki suddenly caught sight of Zero leaning against the wall, his arms folded across his chest. He was glaring daggers at them, causing her to miss a step. Ichijo covered her mistake smoothly, his hands keeping her balanced. “Anything the matter, Yuuki-chan?” he asked.

Er… nothing” said Yuuki quickly, finally remembering what she’d carelessly flung at Zero during lunch earlier in the week, about wanting to dance with Ichijo-sempai. But surely Zero didn’t have to look like he’d like nothing better than the murder Ichijo with his bare hands…

All the same, Yuuki moved slightly back from the aristocrat, even though he’d been holding her faultlessly all the while. A mock sigh feathered her bangs and she looked up. “Kiriyu-kun looks rather mad, doesn’t he?” murmured Ichijo, looking more intrigued than anything else as he continued looking over her shoulder at Zero. Oh dear, was it that obvious? thought Yuuki, wishing Ichijo would have the decency to look more chastened than openly curious and even slightly amused.

A rather mischievous smile suddenly curved the vampire’s lips. “Hmm.. I wonder how this’ll affect him…” he said, moving his hands around Yuuki’s back to pull her closer to him. Yuuki gasped softly, not daring to look at Zero but somehow fully expecting him to grab her arm and haul her off at any moment. As they turned once more, Ichijo caught sight of Kaname this time round and his sure step faltered slightly at the dark look in the pureblood’s eyes that held a note of warning against further intimacy. Oops…

Automatically, Ichijo loosened his hold, moving slightly away from Yuuki before smiling rather ruefully down at her. “You’re playing with fire, Yuuki-chan…” he murmured. Yuuki hadn’t seen Kaname, so she assumed Ichijo was still talking about Zero and didn't bother to reply. When the dance ended and Ichijo had dusted a light kiss on her knuckles, Yuuki purposely turned her back on Zero as she hurried off towards the Ladies washrooms at the far end of the hall to cool down and take a rest.

Zero controlled the sudden irrational surge of rage with an effort. He should be glad that Yuuki was dancing with Assistant Dorm Leader Ichijo Takuma – after all, he was the kindest one of the lot of damned vampire nobles and had never displayed any wish to taste Yuuki’s blood, had he? Although Zero couldn’t quite shake off the feeling that his pulling Yuuki closer during the dance just now was quite deliberate… In any case, he was quite unlike that arrogant blond brat - this thoughts broke off as Hanabusa Aido – having shaken off most of his persistently adoring fans for the moment - approached Yuuki for the next dance as she returned from the washroom.

Instinctively, Zero tensed, then forced himself to relax as the tall figure of Kaname appeared beside Yuuki almost magically. Knowing that Aido would be on his best behaviour under the watchful eye of the pureblood, and Yuuki would be in no danger from the playboy vampire now, Zero allowed his gaze to wander over the other dancers.

Twice he glanced back at Yuuki dancing with Aido. The vampire was holding her faultlessly as they waltzed together, his steps graceful and confident. His fingers rested very lightly on Yuuki’s right shoulder and at her slender waist as if to avoid any possible recrimination from the watchful Kaname Kuran.

And Zero couldn’t help but smirk again.

He, Zero Kiriyu, wasn’t a noble class vampire, he didn’t even qualify for the lower class of normal vampires… but -

He’d touched those creamy smooth shoulders… and not just with his fingertips…

He was intimate with the soft skin on her neck on both sides.

He’d wrapped both arms around that slender waist and pulled her to him on more than a dozen different occasions…

And as he watched Aido raising Yuuki’s small hand to his lips diffidently and kissing her fingertips in thanking her for the dance, Zero savoured a dark surge of triumph.

He’d held her hand a million times… he’d never even had to ask for permission…

She’d caught his hand in hers just as many times…

He’d even kissed and licked her fingers, her palm…

Zero broke off suddenly, breathing hard and scowling fiercely as the hot surge of triumph in his chest disappeared suddenly, leaving a hollow ache in its place… but it wasn’t him that Yuuki was dancing with now, was it? It wasn’t him whom Yuuki was smiling up at… Then why the hell was he still here in the hall, heart thumping each time a dance ended, trying to drag up enough courage to approach her for a dance? What a goddamned prized idiot he was…

Why would Yuuki want to dance with him anyway? It was time he cut her a break, she was always looking out for him, worrying over him… Yes, Yuuki should at least enjoy tonight without his moody presence, without the anguish in his eyes dampening the sparkle in hers, without his inner torment causing her generous tears to flow…

Deliberately, he looked away, heading for one of the French windows.

You could ask her, you know…” Zero paused and looked down, startled. He’d noticed Yori coming towards him out of the corner of his eye but had assumed she was merely making her way to the entrance of the hall to look for refreshments.

Ask who what?” he asked evenly, even though he knew who she meant. His frown deepened forbiddingly.

Yori sighed - rather dramatically, he thought. “You could ask Yuuki to dance with you…” she elaborated, pronouncing each word slowly and with care, as though thinking him rather dense.

I don’t dance” he answered shortly, wishing she’d just go away and leave him alone.

Yori shrugged. “Well, you’ve been staring at her the whole evening, I thought…” she trailed off. Apparently, Zero was unaware of Yuuki’s plan to dance with him, she realised rather belatedly. Well, well…

Zero glared at her furiously. “I have not been staring at Yuuki” he ground out, even as he felt his cheeks heat up.

Yori pursed her lips for a moment, looking at him. “Could’ve fooled me…” she murmured very softly. Goodness, was Zero Kiriyu actually blushing? she thought.

Zero inhaled sharply, his glare increasing by the second, wanting to hit something, anything…

Well, OK, if you say so…” said Yori rather vaguely, finally aware of the danger vibes emanating from Zero’s tense person and quickly brushing past him to escape out of the hall.

Zero closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head back against the wall. God, had he been staring at Yuuki the whole evening? Was it that obvious? His gaze swept around the hall – it didn’t look like anyone’d noticed his brief conversation with Yori.

Exhaling suddenly, he turned around and continued on his way to the nearest French windows, muttering curses under his breath and causing Shiki and Rima to glance at him in surprise as they waltzed past.

-- To Be Continued --


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