Chapter 2 Hate me

-- Chapter Two - Hate me --

Hey, you! Get back here” shouted Zero, glaring at the first year student surreptitiously sneaking up the path that led to the Moon Dorms. The first year student froze on the spot then slowly looked over her shoulder, guilt and apprehension written all over her thin face. “I – I was just going to… er…” she stammered, looking about to cry. “Well?” Zero demanded, arms folded over his chest and glaring at her.

Yuuki’s sharp retort died on her tongue. She swung to Zero. “You don’t have to overdo the “bad prefect” routine, you know…” she scolded. “You’ve been at it the whole morning already! Give us all a break, Zero!”

She turned back to the girl. “All right… come here” she began in a softer tone, only to break off as Zero left her side, striding over to the hapless girl. He reached out and grabbed her arm. “Just what did you think you were doing?” he hissed, amethyst eyes narrowed and glaring at her beneath his unruly bangs. “I’m fed up of always having to tail you crazy girls all over school!”

Yuuki gasped as he walked back towards her, practically dragging the poor girl behind him.

Zero, it’s OK” Yuuki said hurriedly, afraid the girl was going to lose her balance and fall – that would be bad enough but she was sure to graze an elbow or knee on the concrete path at the very least…

As if to prove Yuuki right, the girl’s legs being much shorter than Zero’s caused her to miss a step and trip, falling on her knees and scraping them painfully as Zero took two more steps before he realised what had happened and stopped.

Oh no” moaned Yuuki. She darted forward, slapping Zero’s arm away from the girl. He released his hold and stood there, stunned, as the girl pushed herself up, sat on the path and promptly burst into tears. “Zero… you’re so mean! I hate you…” she sobbed.

Neither Zero nor Yuuki heard her, their attention was riveted on how blood was welling from a particularly nasty cut on one knee. “Uh oh” muttered Yuuki, her heart sinking. They’d have to move her away real quick. It was only just lunchtime but vampire senses were really sensitive, no telling how little time they had before the Night Class students woke up to the scent of freshly spilt blood…

Yuuki whipped out a tissue from her skirt pocket, kept there specially for moments like this – ‘emergency blood situations’ - she thought grimly to herself as she dropped onto her knees and pressed it to the wound gently but firmly. The last thing they needed was to leave a trail of blood on the ground… “Ouch!” said the girl; Yuuki ignored her.

Zero, let’s get her to the infirmary…” she looked up at Zero, only to find his gaze still riveted on the bloodstained tissue in Yuuki’s hand. She could hear his quickened breathing and her heart sank further as she saw how pale he looked, skin stretched tight over the fine bone structure that made Zero one hell of a good looking guy… “Zero!” she hissed, punching him in the arm to draw his attention.

He started and looked at her, one long fingered hand already moving to his chest. She knew his symptoms of blood lust but… “Not now!” she mouthed at him. He swallowed hard but his eyes changed anyway, the amethyst hue slowing being obscured by crimson. “Sorry…” he gasped. Before she could say anything, he swung around, crashed through the bushes the lined the path and vaulted over the stone railing along the covered walkway that also led to the main building, but through a side entrance.

Yuuki bit her lip, annoyed that he had left her to take care of the girl, but understanding perfectly why he did it. It would never do to have word going around the school that one of the two prefects was a vampire… and worse, had attacked a student…

Fifteen minutes later, Yuuki left the infirmary with the girl, having cleaned the scraped knees and bandaged them up securely. She left the student in the school canteen complaining to her pals what had happened. Yuuki ignored that as well.

Now, to take care of the other problem… she thought to herself, standing in the main hall indecisively for a moment as she wondered where Zero might have disappeared to. She frowned to herself, she should’ve known he was starving… after all, it had been a full four days since he’d last drunk from her veins…

He’d been moody all yesterday evening and even more bad tempered this morning, glaring and snapping at anyone he met and steadfastly ignoring Yuuki’s increasingly pointed gaze.

A quick glance in the empty kitchen and dining room, then Yuuki hurried down the corridor, peeping in the main bathroom – empty. Perhaps his bedroom? she wondered… But it was empty too… Angry that she was using up her lunchtime looking at him and worried that she didn’t know where she was, she stopped suddenly. C’mon Yuuki, think! You know him better than anyone else… She closed her eyes, remembering the effortless way he’d boosted himself one handed over the stone railing – she’d have ended up with two scraped knees if she tried that stunt… Automatically, she turned and headed off to the side entrance that led to the covered walkway.

Her footsteps slowed down, the walkway was empty but instinct told her Zero was nearby. She finally found him behind the garden storeroom, hidden from view by flowering bushes. He was on his knees beside the building, one hand on the wooden plank wall, the other clutching at his chest, panting. His jacket and tie was carelessly flung on the nearby grass. He showed that he was aware of her presence by turning away from her, resting his head against the wood.

Go away, Yuuki…” he gasped when she tugged on his arm. “Not a chance!” she retorted, pulling hard. He shook her off, almost causing her to fall backwards, but she threw herself forward and grabbed his arm once more. He was taller than she was, stronger than her, how was she going to get him away? Someone could chance upon them at any moment…. “Quick, someone’s coming…!” she said urgently. The lie worked – Zero’s head jerked up then he struggled to his feet as Yuuki tugged hard on his sleeve once more. She glanced around but it was too risky to get to their bedrooms with him in this state…

Here…” she hissed and pulled him round to the door of the garden storeroom. Thank goodness the part time gardener hadn’t locked the door… Yuuki thrust the door open, pushed Zero in, then slipped in and shut the door. Her fingers felt for the rusty latch and she shot it home, knees almost buckling under her in relief. Phew – that was close!

She turned back to Zero. The storeroom was small – only four feet by six, its interior made even smaller by the shelves that lined three of the walls. It was also dim, as sunshine filtering in from the skylight was partially obscured by fallen leaves. Zero looked … even taller than usual. Something… she wasn’t quite sure what… made Yuuki take a tentative step backwards. “You’ve locked me in here… but you’re on the wrong side of the door…” Zero’s voice reached her, sounding strangely sinister.

Yuuki swallowed. Nonsense, she thought. This was Zero after all, her best friend for the past four years…

Zero? You’d better drink… “ she broke off, hearing the telltale quiver in her voice. What the hell was wrong with her? Other than the first shocking time he’d attacked her from behind, she’d never feared him before… perhaps it was the dimly lit room… the way he seemed more like a shadow than a person, his white shirt and silver hair showing up in the darkness… the sound of his harsh breathing strangely magnified in the close surroundings…

Quit playing around, Zero…!” she said impatiently. She unbuttoned her jacket and shrugged it off, turning to snag it on a row of hooks she knew was nailed across the back of the door. She was unbuttoning the second button of her shirt when she heard his step on the rough concrete floor and his ragged breathing close to her ear. Long fingers with the strength of steel clamped down on her shoulders and spun her around forcefully, tightening their grip to stop her as soon as she was facing him.

Her fingers frozen on her shirt front, she stared at him. “Zero?” she squeaked uncertainly.

Zero didn’t say anything. With his eyes boring into hers, he reached down and caught her wrists unerringly in his grasp, holding them up at her ear level. With the sounds of his laboured breathing in her ears, he backed her up until her head and shoulders hit the storeroom wall next to the door, the backs of her hands hitting the rough wood of the wall. He pinned her slender form against the wall with his body and continued glaring down at her, knowing his eyes were glazed with crimson and pulled back his lips to reveal his long pointed fangs. Yuuki stared up at him, not saying anything, her shallow breathing almost soundless in contrast to his.

Dammit, doesn’t anything faze that girl…! He steeled himself by inhaling sharply, only to almost break down as he breathed in the sweet, sweet scent that was Yuuki’s alone… No, do it now! he thought desperately then swooped down to bury his face in her neck and bit down. Hard. His fangs sank deep into tender flesh, deeper even than the first time he bit her.

Ouch…! Despite bracing herself, it hurt. It really did. Yuuki gasped at the sudden pain, her body tensing automatically against his, her face turned away, tears of pain spurting out from her eyes before she squeezed them shut.

Zero knew it would hurt, even before he heard the soft gasp and the way her body tensed up. Good, he thought steeling himself, hate me…hate me…

Red blood welled up from the wounds, he sucked it into his mouth and swallowed hungrily again and again, hating himself even more with each gulp. She clamped her lips shut, refusing to say anything, holding in her sobs, stopping herself back from instinctively wanting to push him away. He could feel her crying silently, tears slipping past her closed lids and falling down her cheeks, her body shaking. Go on… shout at me! he thought desperately. Push me away…go on, dammit!

Jerking his lips away, he lifted his head and glared down at her, twin streaks of blood dripping from the sides of his mouth down his chin and staining his shirt collar. “Are you frightened, Yuuki? Now, are you finally scared of this monster…?!” he barked at her. She gazed back at him through tear-filled eyes. Wordlessly, she shook her head.

Zero’s lips drew back in a snarl and she saw gleaming fangs and teeth awash in red. “Well, you should be!” he raged. He dipped his head down again to continue drinking until the red haze receded and his breathing slowed down but the tightening in his chest didn’t abate one bit.

He stopped then, panting against her neck, filled with disgust at the way he had hurt her… and anger at how she accepted it without protest. It didn’t work… she didn’t stop him at all… he almost groaned aloud in despair.

Yuuki had closed her eyes again. He’s strong, she thought…. he could’ve killed me easily if he really wanted to… could’ve really hurt me if he wanted to… His hands were still clamped tight around her wrists, the lack of blood was causing her finger tips to start tingling with pins and needles.

Zero…? He shuddered at the sound of her voice against his ear, gentle and low. “Let go of my hands, please” she kept her voice calm although her heart was still racing.

Slowly, he lifted his head to look at her. “No…” he said just as calmly, but with a note of despair he couldn’t quite hide. Does she… does she hate me now? he wondered, faint hope mixing with despair. Yuuki…hate me, please… push me away now… don’t be a victim anymore …

But she somehow found the courage to smile at him tremulously, knowing full well he was trying his hardest to make her disgusted with his behaviour. “Let go of my hands, Zero… so that I can hold you close…” she said softly.

Zero’s eyes widened in shock, unaware of just how vulnerable and lost he looked despite her blood staining his lips and chin. “You…why…you should be pushing me away, Yuuki… you should be scared of me… you should hate me…” he whispered wonderingly, shaking his head in disbelief.

Holding his gaze steadily, Yuuki shook her head as well. “Never, Zero…” she said. “Never…”

He exhaled suddenly and took a deep shuddering breath, releasing her wrists. She let her arms drop limply to her sides, wincing as blood flowed back to her numbed hands and fingers. “Yuuki, you idiot…” he breathed, his voice holding a thread of laughter that sounded strangely close to tears. Then she was caught up suddenly in strong arms that squeezed her hard against his body for an agonizing moment before they loosened their hold, trembling with the effort not to crush her with his strength. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” he whispered again and again against her hair, one arm around her back, the other pressing her head to his chest.

She wrapped her own arms tightly around his back. “Don’t be…” she whispered back. Tears fell again but they were of relief this time. After a while, he fell silent and held her as if he never wanted her to leave, rocking her very slightly. Yuuki, eyes shut tight, face pressed against his shirt, surrounded by his warmth and oh so familiar scent, found herself not ever wanting to leave his embrace… savouring the now gentle side of Zero with his guard down.

He sighed against her hair, then cleared his throat to speak

I bit you too hard this time…” he sounded almost … shy, she thought.

It’s OK…”

You’ll be dizzy, I drank too much…”

I’m fine, Zero…”

You should go lie down and …”

Zero, shut up!”

He obeyed her but tightened his arms around her, bringing her even closer to him. Yuuki sighed knowing that lunchtime was almost over. As if hearing her thoughts, Zero stirred then pulled back reluctantly, his hands moving to her arms as if afraid she’s fall if he let go completely. “We’d better go…” he sighed. He released her to push long slim fingers through his hair before shoving one hand deep in his trouser pocket. He unlatched the door then reached for the doorknob. “About that girl” he offered over one shoulder “sorry I didn’t…”

Hands on hips, Yuuki glared at him in mock annoyance. “Zero, enough already!”

He glanced back at her and hunched a shoulder in reply then turned back to open the door.

Zero, wait! You should… er, clean up…” She pulled another clean tissue from her pocket and handed it to him. His lips twisted but he took it without comment and swiped it across his lips and chin. Balling it up tightly in his hand, he glanced at her neck. “You should get changed first” he commented. Her own eyes moved to his shirt collar. “You too” she returned. “Yeah”.

Zero opened the door cautiously and they both peeped out. The corridor was empty, as lunchtime was over and afternoon classes had started. They slipped out quietly, Yuuki already buttoned into her jacket; Zero collecting his jacket and tie from the grass before making their way back to the main building and their bedrooms. It almost felt like they’d been… making out… in secret, and Yuuki was glad of the cool wind to cool down her slightly flushed cheeks. The air smelt clean and fresh after the stuffiness of the storeroom.

“…two minutes” said Zero as he left her at her bedroom door, not looking at her.

She glared at his retreating back. “Hey, I need three…”

In her room, she stripped off her stained shirt, then washed off the bloodstains at her neck and front, wincing as the cold water stung her wounds. After sticking on a band aid, she wore a fresh shirt, making a mental note to collect Zero’s stained shirt from his room that night to soak …

It wasn’t quite three minutes when she opened her door but she wasn’t surprised to see Zero already waiting for her. He was leaning almost casually against the wall, hands back in his pockets, the knot of his tie already snugly nestled under the snowy collar of a clean shirt under his jacket. Silently, he swung into step alongside her as they made their way down the corridor and out towards the school grounds. “Zero… do you… do you think we’ll get detention again?” asked Yuuki more to break the silence than anything else.

Dunno” he shrugged, frowning at the ground. His head jerked up suddenly. The Chairman was making his way from the classrooms towards them. “Chairman!” greeted Yuuki, smiling widely and waving both arms. Zero glanced sideways at her. One would’ve never known she’s had her blood drunk just minutes ago… he thought.

I’ve just been to see your teacher” beamed the Chairman. “Told him you were late running errands for me…” Looking at their surprised faces, he continued “Well, it would never do to have my two Guardians in detention when the classes switch, right? Off you go then. Oh, and here, take these…” he pushed bread rolls and a bottle of drinking water into their hands then shooed them off towards the classroom.

Zero and Yuuki stared in unison at the rolls in their hands, at the Chairman as he continued on his way towards the main building, then at each other. “Well, lucky for us…” said Yuuki, surprised.

Yeah…” Zero’s eyes narrowed on the retreating figure of the Chairman. I wonder… he thought to himself before finding his hand caught by Yuuki’s much smaller one. She urged him to the side of the school building. “Let’s eat this before we go in… I’m starving…”

Five minutes later, they threw the empty wrappers and bottle in a nearby bin and walked back to the front entrance. “C’mon, race you to class!” Yuuki said, grabbing his hand again and forcing him to run with her. He shook his hand free, then lengthened his stride, taking the lead with little effort, forcing her to quicken her pace. He won the race easily, bounding up onto the main entrance to the classrooms and swinging around to see her. “Hah, I win again!”

Yuuki was a few steps behind, laughing, her wide eyes sparkling with the joy of running. He looked at her for a moment, enjoying the sight of her smile and the sound of her laughter. His lips tilted in the small smile he reserved specially for her, then he took her elbow. Crossing over to the classroom door, they knocked and entered at the teacher’s command.

-- Chapter End --


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