Jennifer Dellerman Shifters 01 Shifting Positions

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Shifting Positions

A Ravenous Romance™ Original Publication

Jennifer Dellerman

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A Ravenous Romance™ Original Publication

Copyright © 2010 by Jennifer Dellerman

Ravenous Romance™
100 Cummings Center
Suite 123A
Beverly, MA 01915

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written
permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection
with a review.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60777-347-4

This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely

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Chapter One

How did that old song go? If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re


Not that Tess Gentry actually loved a man. But lust? Definitely. When the itch hit, she

found a man to scratch it. Maybe that small kernel of emptiness in the pit of her stomach never

reached fulfillment, but at least her body felt sated, if only temporarily. And with the massive

amount of prickling going on lately, if she didn’t get a hold of a male soon, she just might

spontaneously combust into a smoldering pile of ash.

Which was why she’d accepted Matt’s invitation to visit one of the local bars in town.

Who better to assuage this unprecedented ache then a man she’d not only grown up with, but

dated in high school?

Unfortunately, it wasn’t happening. She couldn’t even work up enough interest to, well,

be interested. It was like ordering a nice, thick, juicy rib-eye and getting a plate full of Spam.

What had she been thinking? She’d vowed no more senseless sex. After years of hopping

from one man to another, hoping to ease the restless hungry that threatened her long-learned

composure, she promised the next time would only be with the right man, and that man most

definitely wasn’t Matt West. The right man made her tingle with just a look, made her heart leap

every time she saw him, and frankly, that wasn’t Matt. Mostly his touch just made her want to

throw up.

His hands felt wrong, he smelled wrong and for some reason a feeling of guilt crashed

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over her. Try as she might, she could not get Caleb Bennett, the brawny and too hot sheriff of

Woodcliff, Colorado, out of her head.

Now that Caleb popped back in her brain – again – she couldn’t help but remember the

first time they’d met.

Just over a week ago Tess had pulled her new Nissan Pathfinder to a halt outside her

mom’s house and was struck dumb at the sight that greeted her.

An astonishingly handsome man straightened and turned from the trunk of her mother’s

car, grocery bags in hand. Faded jeans hugged his hips and muscled thighs. A long-sleeved

flannel shirt was tucked into his pants, baring a gun to Tess’s view, giving her a shock until she

realized a badge was also clipped to his waist.. A narrow face emphasized strong bones stretched

taut under golden tanned skin. Soft lines fanned out from his dark, deep-set eyes, giving her the

uncomfortable feeling of drowning. At that moment, with his intent gaze directed at her, a

welcoming smile on his face, the wind picked up, catching his dark brown hair and ruffling it

against his collar.

She’d sucked in a hard breath, her palms going damp with nerves. Unused to feeling

uneasy, Tess had, in her defense, acted cooler than normal, even causing her mom’s brow to

raise in question. She’d worked long and hard to control herself and her responses, to never give

in to her temper and dark desires. Those urges were locked down tight, impenetrable.

Then Caleb touched her hand and the jolt of electricity nearly fried all her nerve endings.

She could feel her internal locks breaking, and something sinful and decadent sprang free,

shocking the hell out of her. When his nostrils flared and his eyes widened, melting into a deep

amber of predatory intent, Tess realized he was a wolf. One of those possessive, fickle, and

chauvinistic wolves she’d grown up and lived among for the first eighteen years of her life. Her

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father was one of the worst, until he divorced her mother and ran off with his new found mate.

After that devastation Tess began to erect barriers, showing only what she wanted the

world to see and never what truly churned deep inside. She became a cool, sophisticated young

woman who knew what she wanted and didn’t bother with the rest. As soon as she’d graduated

high school she’d fled, seeking a life that did not include shapeshifters..

Then just a few months back, her mother, Ruth, had been diagnosed with a brain

aneurism and stalled on having surgery. Tess and her sister, Kaylie, coordinated a quick trip

home to talk with their mom, confer with doctors and set a date. Shortly after, Tess made the

decision to quit her job as a model instead of taking a leave of absence. She sold her upscale

condo in New York, along with most of her belongings, and moved home to care for her mom..

The choice to leave the modeling industry she’d worked in for the last seven years hadn’t

been as difficult as she’d thought. Though at twenty-eight she still had a few good years left,

being wanted for her face and body had become tiresome and more than a little aggravating.

Physicality was only part of her makeup and she wanted more. Always that urge wrestled in her

chest to seek out that unidentified something that would sate her, whether it was physical,

intellectual or spiritual, and she was tired of settling.

Now without the long hours of travel, work and superficially socializing to provide a

distraction, she was going crazy. She was bored, edgy, and worried about her mother’s health

and her own sanity. She needed to figure out her own future and at the same time stomp this

irritating arousal into submission before she exploded.

She sighed, imagining Caleb’s clear chocolate-brown eyes and felt a responding warmth

creep up her body. Then she shook her head hard because Caleb wasn’t the right man either. He

couldn’t be. The sheriff was a wolf. Albeit a gorgeously built hunk of male virility that made all

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of Tess’s girl parts stand up and praise the Lord, but he still turned furry once a month. Fate

could be so cruel.

With a sigh of frustration, Tess opened her eyes and stared out the driver’s side window.

Matt, aka Spam, mistook the sound for encouragement and moved his hand to cover her breast.

He gripped the soft mound of flesh hard enough to make her wince.

“Matt, stop,” Tess said firmly and pushed hard on his shoulders. “I can’t.”

The cloth seat of his Camry groaned as Matt shifted and pulled back. His boyishly

handsome face was flushed with arousal but his eyes narrowed with impatience. “What the hell

are you talking about? You came out with me knowing full well what I expected.”

She frowned. Evidently they both had thought the same thing only Tess couldn’t follow

through. Now she had to finagle a way out without hurting Matt’s feelings. “ I’m just not

ready, Matt. I’m sorry…”she began in a calm tone but he cut her off.

“Sorry? You’re sorry and that’s supposed to be acceptable?”

She eyed him warily for a moment. “It is acceptable for either party to say no”.

“Since you’re the one saying no, of course you’d spout that nonsense. But I know what

you really want so don’t try and deny it. You want my dick.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Jesus Matt. We’ve known each other for twenty years. You

know I’m not a tease.”

“This isn’t new to you Tess. We’ve been together before.”

She could feel the cold cloak of protection wrap her in familiar detachment. “That was in

high school. Taking my virginity then doesn’t give you the right to attack me now.”

His face tightened, twisting his passable features into bitter resolve. “You left me. You

owe me another chance.”

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“You idiot.” The angrier she got, the colder she felt. Her hazel eyes turned hard and icy.

“You were too busy making the rounds with every willing female for me to owe you anything.”

He sneered, and it wasn’t pretty. “Is that what this is? Some sort of punishment for

cheating on you?”

“No, Matt. This is about right here and now. This is about me telling you no.”

He grabbed her wrists and yanked roughly. “I don’t think so. I’ve heard the stories about

you, and I know how insatiable you were in high school. We both know you’re going to put out

so drop the act.”

This was more than alcohol and pride talking, it was plain stupidity.

Before she could formulate a response, or palm-in-the-nose offensive action, the driver’s

side door was thrown open. A massive hand reached down, clamped around Matt’s neck and

tossed him out of the car in one blurring motion.

Tess was left eyeing the torso and legs of a big male dressed in jeans, flannel top, and gun

holster. She grimaced. She didn’t need to see the sheriff’s badge clipped to his waist to know that

muscled physique.

“Get out of the car, Tess.” The words that came from his unseen mouth were quiet and

measured. Either he thought she was drunk, or he was pissed. From the guttural tone she was

going with the latter.

Pursing her lips in resolve, she took a moment to gather her composure. Then she

snatched her purse from the floorboard and swung her legs out of the car.

“Good evening, Sheriff,” she said smoothly as she eyed him over the roof of the car.

The moon gave off enough light to reveal large hands clenched into fists. Twin muscles

ticked madly in his strong jaw. Anything else she might have added stuck in the back of her

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throat. Who knew brown eyes could look so cold? They practically drilled into the back of her

skull. “Get in the truck.” The air steamed with his breath.

At his command she narrowed her eyes. When she didn’t move fast enough, he growled.


She straightened to her full height, an impressive five feet eleven inches. “I think I’ll

walk from here.” The road she stood on was in fact part of her very long driveway. Although the

outside temperature hit near freezing, the exercise and self-berating would keep her warm.

A moan cut into the silent night and Tess moved around the car to see Matt sitting on the

snowy ground, rubbing a hand over shoulder. “What the hell, Sheriff?”

Never taking his eyes off Tess, Caleb answered. “Go home, Matt, and be glad I don’t

haul you in for attempted rape.”

“What?” Matt blinked at Caleb and then up at Tess.

“You heard me.” The tone was so cold that Tess was amazed icicles didn’t form around

the sheriff’s lips. “Leave before I change my mind.” He stabbed a finger at Tess, pointed to his

truck and then stalked to the driver’s side.

Very briefly she thought about ignoring his directive and taking off on foot, but the idea

of him coming after her and possibly throwing her over his shoulder made her cringe. That

would just be the icing on the cake of humiliation.

Just to be difficult, knowing from experience that shifters had little patience, she gave one

long look down her road before walking to Caleb’s truck.

As she climbed in Matt’s voice reached her ears in a disgruntled whine. “Tess, how could


Caleb shot a deadly glare at the man as he shifted into drive and peeled out.

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The cab was warm and quiet and full of the sheriff’s scent, much like a forest after a

rainstorm. It wrapped her in a sensual embrace, making her palms damp. She wanted to drown in

his scent, rub her body along his until he covered her, filled her thick and full, until she could no

longer think and only feel. Her heart raced at the erotic thoughts.

What is wrong with me?

She squeezed her thighs together, trying to hold back the instant arousal a moment too

late. Her panties were already damp, damn it. She managed enough spit to swallow and prayed

for a casual tone. “Thank you for the ride home.”

Leather creaked and she caught his gloved hands tightening on the steering wheel. “What

the hell were you thinking?”

She kept her eyes forward. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Being with West?”

“I simply went out with an old friend.” No way was she going to tell Caleb of her original

intentions to use Matt as a substitute for Caleb. She felt stupid enough as it was.

“Oh, really? And is that how old friend’s treat each other?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I can take care of myself.”

“It sure didn’t look like it to me.”

She sent him a cool smile. “I do have self defense skills.”

A noncommittal grumble was her only response and the rest of the short drive was made

in complete silence.

He pulled up to the single-story house, switched off the ignition and was around the truck

before she could even close the door. When he grasped her arm an electric charge raced from her

arm, over her breasts and down to her groin. With a hiss she yanked out of his hold. She’d been

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so careful not to touch him again for this very reason. The man was a walking, talking, sexual

fantasy that turned her into pure want. No foreplay required. “I can walk myself. Thank you

again for the ride. Good night.”

If at all possible his face became even harder. “We need to talk.”

No talk, just do me. Disgusted at her lack of self control, she frowned. “So talk.”

“Inside.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her up the steps.

The man really had to work on his dominance problem, Tess thought, tugging her hand

free to dig out her keys. Unlocking the door, and against her better judgment, she went inside and

made room for Caleb to follow.

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Chapter Two

She walked through the small foyer and into the homey kitchen. Setting her purse on the

counter she turned, and took a hasty step back. Caleb was right behind her, invading her much

needed personal space. A deep throbbing began low in her belly. Oh she knew she wanted him,

but having him would only bring a world of trouble. Wolves were fickle, unless you were a mate,

and then a woman became a possession, nothing more. As neither option was pleasing to Tess,

she plastered on a serene expression and leaned against the counter, crossing her arms under her

breasts which emphasized her generous D cups. His eyes dropped to follow the movement.

Yikes. Was that lust heating his eyes?

She should be used to it. With her streaked blonde hair, flawless complexion, bee-stung

lips, and long legs that made the most of her height, she was used to drawing attention. But with

Caleb, his obvious sexual interest was igniting hers.

She cleared her throat and tried for casual indifference. “I’m up here,” she said pointing

to her face.

Nonplussed at being caught staring at her nicely rounded breasts, Caleb raised his eyes to

hers, the intensity in them making her second guess her demand. Any other man who eyed her

like she was their own personal banquet after a week-long fast would get a harsh set down, but

something about the sheriff made her want to find the closest flat surface and give him leave to

gorge. Little arrows of lust prickled her skin and her nipples rasped uncomfortably against her

bra. And she thought she’d been heading into the danger zone with Matt. Compared to the shifter

standing before her, Matt was a like a newborn kitten. The sheriff looked as if he wanted to

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gobble her up on one bite. Amazingly enough, she was actually considering it. Damn hormones.

He stripped off his gloves and tossed them on the counter. “You’re everywhere.”

Her brows rose under the silky fall of hair on her forehead. . “Excuse me?”

He took a step forward, then another until he stood so close she could feel the heat

emanating from his body. “Your scent calls to me, Tess. I’ve tried to be patient, to give you time

to acclimate yourself and spend time with your mom. But whenever we meet, you’re coolly

polite and damn careful not to touch me. I know you want me and yet you purposely set out to

avoid me. Why is that? Especially when you go and let that piece of shit touch you.”

Tess felt her face heat at his comment about wanting him. Damn wolf senses. Ignoring

that, and the way her breasts had begun to ache, she made an unladylike grunt. “You did not just

get me away from Matt so you could accost me yourself, did you?”

Caleb growled. “Don’t even think to compare me with him!He’s just an egotistical

human. I know when a woman is interested. I can smell it on her. On you.””

She pursed her lips, silently cursing his wolf senses. “Maybe I was interested. Maybe I

just wanted to go to some place more comfortable.”

“This is not a joke, Tess.” His eyes narrowed into slits, his voice hard with barely

restrained anger. “Just the idea of his hands on you made me want to beat him bloody. Now I

want to tear him limb from limb.”

It was never a good idea to piss off a wolf.

“Look. Maybe you’re right.” She shrugged. “Maybe by accepting his invitation he got the

idea I wanted to sleep with him.”

Without warning his big hands gripped her shoulders, not hard enough to bruise, but tight

enough to get her full attention. “Never.”

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Tess gasped. Right now Caleb’s animalistic side was in full force, and it was turning her

on, hard core. That restless craving grew, reaching out for him every damn time he was near, and

right now it took every ounce of her control to not set his visible erection free and beg him to fill

the emptiness inside her.

No, not going there. Think about an ice bath, or Woody Allen naked.

She eased back from the naughty thoughts, though only by a mere fraction. It was

enough. Sending him a bland look, she said in a cool tone, “I don’t understand why you’re so

bothered by this.”

Caleb’s nostrils flared. “His stench is all over you and it’s pissing me off.”

She opened her mouth to retort and his head descended, covering her lips with his own.

His tongue shoved past shocked lips and delved in her moist mouth. A wave of heat exploded

from her mouth to sizzle every nerve ending and she clutched her hands into fists to stop the

instinctual urge to wrap them around his neck and hold him close. She remained frozen, an ice

maiden, intent on rejecting his touch…for the first few seconds anyway. Then she melted.

Caleb tunneled one hand into her hair, tilting her head for a better angle. God, he tasted

so good. Better than she could have imagined, and she had quite an imagination. His lips were

soft, his tongue rough and the opposing textures were enthralling. She swallowed his groan, felt

his hand on her ass as he pressed her closer. Her breasts flattened against his chest and his

erection pushed into the valley between her thighs. Then his hips rocked and he thrust.

Tess couldn’t stop the moan of need that left her throat, didn’t stop her arms from

wrapping around his neck. She arched her hips in blatant invitation, seeking relief from the new

rush of arousal clinging to her thighs.

Suddenly Caleb gripped her hips and set her on the counter. A clatter followed and was

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ignored as he pushed her knees apart and stepped between them.

Madness had overtaken her. His strength enveloped her. That enticing scent of his

invaded every pore and made her head swirl with desire. The crushing need to be filled by him,

to be possessed, claimed even, made her oblivious to everything else. She didn’t care where

they were, couldn’t give a damn that they weren’t alone in the house. She only knew she wanted


Under her ragged gasps of need, Tess vaguely heard her mother voice calling her name

on the intercom. Caleb must have heard at the same time as he slowly withdrew his mouth from

her clinging lips and pulled back.. .

Tess’s eyes opened, glazed and full of dark desire, and not a little alarm. Caleb groaned

and buried his face in the warmth of her neck.

“Tess? Are you okay?”

Shaken, she fumbled for the respond button. “I’m fine, mom.” Her voice was

embarrassingly husky and she took a moment to clear it. “I just knocked some stuff over on the

counter. I’ll come see you once I clean up.”

“All right, dear. Thank you for bringing her home safe, Caleb. You know how a mother


Caleb’s fingers clenched on Tess’s hips and she could have sworn his lips curved into a

smile against her heated flesh. Then he pulled back and stared into her eyes. “It was my pleasure,

Ruth. You have a good night.”

“Good night, Caleb, and be safe out there! It said on the news it might sleet tonight.”

“Yes ma’am, I will. Thank you.”

The intercom went dead and Caleb laid his forehead on hers. “I swear your mother has a

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sixth sense.”

Tess struggled for composure. “She always did seem to know when Kaylie or I were

doing something wrong.”

He ran his hand over her hair, sliding his fingers in the silky tresses. “Her surgery’s

Wednesday, right?”

She felt so damn cozy, sleepy, and yes horny, she didn’t want to move. “Yes.”

“Do you need a ride?”

Tess blinked up at him. “Ah, no, thanks. I’ve got it covered.”

His nostrils flared and something flashed in his eyes. Several heartbeats passed as Caleb

seemed to get himself under control. “Your sister can’t make it back?”

Confused by his casual questioning – didn’t he just have his tongue down her throat a

minute ago? – it took Tess a few seconds to respond. “Kaylie is taking her final exams and can’t

make it back until late next week, though she’s making a nuisance of herself by calling every

day. Just because she’s going to school to become a veterinarian, she thinks she knows regular

medicine, too..”

“She’s a good kid.”

“Mmm. Look. Thanks again for the ride home, but I’m too tired to talk so, good night.”

She tried to brush him off.

Caleb leaned down, his warm breath whispered over her lips making her head swim. “Is

that what we were doing? Talking?”

Heat flushed her face at his words and she shoved her hands onto Caleb’s chest and

pushed. When he moved back she jumped to her feet and stepped away, putting distance between

their bodies. “Yes,” she hissed. “Anything else was a mistake and will not happen again.”

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He snagged her hand, tugging it behind her back as he pulled her hard against him. His

free hand moved to touch her jaw. “Not only will it happen again, it will happen quite often, so

get used to it.”

She ignored the little happy dance her heart started doing. “Are you insane?”

“No.” He let out a chuckle. “Just giving you fair warning, sweet.”

“Fair warning? Of what?”

He nipped her bottom lip. “Of claiming you for my mate. Now I have to go make sure

West didn’t drive himself into a ditch again.”

Caleb kissed her again, his lips hard against her open mouth. Then he swiveled on his

booted heel and stalked out of the room, leaving Tess to gape after him.

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Chapter Three

Once she put away the dishes scattered in the drying rack she’d bumped into, Tess

trudged up the stairs to her mom’s room. With a quick grin to hide the irritation left behind from

Caleb’s declaration, she settled on the bed, legs crossed, and simply looked at the amazing

woman who’d given her life. But did said woman want to talk about her upcoming surgery?

Nope. Ruth started in on Tess, with all the love and confusion she’d always shown her oldest


“So you left with Matt and came home with Caleb. Did something happen?”

Tess’s lips turned down. “Nothing other than my own stupidity.”

“Would you like to explain that comment?” Ruth asked with a raised brow.

“Not really.” Tess’s shoulders slumped.

“Well I for one am glad that Caleb brought you home. I’ve never forgiven Matt for

hurting you when you two dated in high school. And since then, he’s grown into such a reckless

young man.” Ruth turned a hard stare at her daughter. “His behavior is so at odds with his

father’s loving nature that one could swear Charles didn’t sire him.”

“He didn’t. I don’t know if Matt even knows who is father is.” Tess answered on auto

pilot, thinking more about Caleb then actually listening to her mother.

Ruth clapped her hands startlingly Tess. “I knew it!”

“Uh?” Tess shook her head and focused. “What do you mean?”

“It’s the eyes. The color is very distinctive and he looks so much like…”

When her mom paused, Tess leaned in and whispered, “Who?’

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But Ruth only shook her head. “It’s only a guess and I’ll not say anything more as I don’t

want to influence your thinking. Besides, if you haven’t seen the man I believe to be Matt’s

biological father, you will soon.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tess never could resist a puzzle.

Her mom shook her head. “Not saying anything more about the subject. Though I would

like to know if Matt’s cruelty had anything to do with you going all the way to New York for


Tess leaned back against the headboard and closed her eyes. This wasn’t a new

discussion. “No, Mom. It was one of the schools that offered me a partial scholarship.”

“And?’ Ruth prompted.

“And I didn’t want to end up with someone like Dad.” Agitated, Tess hopped off the bed

and began to pace the room.

“A shifter you mean.”

Tess waved a hand in the air. “Yes, a shifter. A domineering, arrogant and paranoid

shifter. Seriously, Mom. What kind of man has a house built that contains a secret entrance?”

Ruth answered with slow deliberation. “The kind of man who had his entire family

burned alive in their home during the Pack Wars.”

“Exactly. As awful as that was for Dad, and no matter how bad I feel for the plight of the

shifter race, I don’t want to have anything to do with that dangerous world. I wanted a normal

life. Not one full of fur and fangs.”

Ruth frowned. “And you considered modeling a ”normal” world? I take it you never

came across a male who turned into a beast because of stupidity, drink or possessiveness?”

Ruth’s voice was quiet and calm, her words hitting a little too close to the truth.

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“More than one,” Tess muttered under her breath. Turning, she crossed her arms over her

chest in defense. “But that’s different. At least those men were human and only looking to get

laid. With shifters, it’s a life long commitment of being a broodmare. And that’s if the woman is

unlucky enough to have the compatible genes to carry shifter cubs. If not, she gets dumped at the

first sniff of a woman who is, just like Dad did to you. One situation is a rock and the other is a

hard place.”

Her arms waved in agitation as she continued. “As the daughter of a wolf, odds are that I

carry the right DNA to be a mate. As I find that particular ritual or process or whatever it is both

mentally and physically abusive to females, I didn’t want to stick around a known canine

territory just in case my “mate” happened along and tried to claim me.”

Ruth rolled her eyes. “The odds have nothing to do with it, Tess. Any fertile female could

provide a shifter with a child.” She held up a hand to forestall her daughter’s irate comment.

“While it’s true that only a small percentage, whether she be half-wolf or completely human,

could give birth to males that can actually change, it really boils down to chemistry,

compatibility and fate. I don’t understand where on earth you came up with those crazy notions,

but it’s no different than in the human world and you know it. If the physical, mental or

emotional attachments aren’t there or they fizzle out, the relationship will not last, period.”

She paused, as if mulling over a new train of thought.. “It appears you and one extremely

handsome sheriff have some serious chemistry going on.”. I’ve never seen him act around

another woman the way he does you which makes me guess you are his true mate. That means

more than just having compatible DNA, Tess.” Ruth shook her head. “I don’t understand why

you are fretting. You’ll be well taken care of…”

Tess threw up her hands, interrupting the lecture. “Like Dad took care of you? He left

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you after eight years of marriage. Like a damn dog in heat, he took one whiff of that woman at

that business convention and left you high and dry.”

Ruth’s eyes narrowed in a rare display of temper “What happened between your father

and me was no different than a divorce between two full-blooded humans. He also didn’t leave

me high and dry, Tess, and you know it. He paid child support and alimony and helped out

whenever needed. You and Kaylie saw him two weeks every year in the summer and he always

remembered birthdays and Christmas.” She pointed a finger at her daughter.. “It was different

with your father and me. You can do the math, Tess. I was pregnant before we got married. He

didn’t have to tie himself to me. That’s not their way, but he did the honorable thing and we

made the most of what we had.” She clenched her hands into fists and laid them over her heart.

“You take what you’re given and run with it. If I had turned my back on the chance with your

father, than, yes, I would have you, but I wouldn’t have Kaylie. And as much as you two nitter at

each other, I would never wish that.”

Feeling like a petulant child - no one laid guilt with so much subtle panache as her

mother - Tess kicked a leg of the dresser. “Yeah, well I don’t want to be taken care of. I can do

that myself and have done so for a long time now.”

“But you’re not happy.” It wasn’t a question.

“I…” Tess dragged her hands through her dark blonde hair. “I don’t know what I am.”

“He could make you happy if you gave it a chance.”

There was that word again. Chance. And dating a shifter was a chance she was not going

to take. The repercussions went against everything she’d fought for. She placed her hands on her

hips and faced her mom. “He’d have me popping out kids left and right. How is that supposed to

make me happy?”

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“Then I guess it’s the wrong time to tell you that wolves are fabulous lovers,” Ruth said

unrepentantly and with a sly twitch to her lips.


Her mother let out a bubble of laughter. . “Oh Tess, honey. Marriage, even to a wolf, is

more than having babies. And babies are a blessing, not something to fear or regret. Besides.”

Ruth dropped her eyes, hiding the sparkling mischief in them as she ran a hand slowly over the

bed cover in a feeble manner. “I would like to hold my grandchild before I die.”

Tess pointed a finger at the wily woman. “Don’t start. It won’t work.”

Once again using silence as a weapon, Ruth kept her face averted even as Tess came up

to the bed and crouched down beside her. “Mom?”

“I’m not getting any younger you know.”

Tess picked up her mom’s hand, noting the dark spots and the ravages of arthritis. Her

heart stuttered in her chest. Her mom had aged behind her back. The reality hit hard and fast.

“Are you worried about the surgery?”

Ruth shrugged. “The doctors will be going into my femoral artery, through my body and

into my brain. What’s not to worry about?”

Tears prickled Tess’s eyes. She wrapped her arms around her mom and hugged her close,

pressing her check to the older woman’s hair. “It will be all right. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Ruth said, hugging her daughter back.

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Chapter Four

Wednesday morning broke much too soon and much too cold. After a quick shower and

brief check to make sure her mom was up and ready to go, Tess stumbled outside to warm up her


As the sun had yet to climb over the mountain peaks, and still half-asleep despite the two

cups of coffee she’d downed, it took Tess a few moments to realize a large SUV sat idling

behind her own vehicle. She felt her body go on full alert as Caleb strode toward her, decked in

leg-hugging jeans and a dark brown long-sleeve pullover that molded over the muscles of his

chest and arms. She frowned as her hormones succumbed to all that masculine potency striding

her way. This would not do. Didn’t she have a serious talk with herself last night? And the day

before? And the day before that? “What are you doing here?”

Caleb only raised a brow at the accusatory tone. “I’m your chauffer for the day. My truck

is already warm and from the look of you, you aren’t awake enough for the hour drive to the


When she only glared at him he added, “Just doing my duty to keep the roads safe,

ma’am. What would people say if I, the town sheriff, allowed an inebriated woman to drive?”

She remained immobile as he deftly plucked the two bags from her shoulders and stowed

them in the rear of his Tahoe. “It’s not an hour away,” she grouched, “and I’m not inebriated.”

“Reflexes and comprehension are just as slow when you’re tired as when you’ve had a

few drinks.” He touched a surprisingly warm finger to her cold cheek and lowered his voice. “I

want to do this. And I’m not the only one.”

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He looked over his shoulder and bewildered, Tess stepped aside his large frame to squint

at an approaching vehicle. Recognizing the old orange truck as belonging to Jackie Reynolds, her

mom’s best friend, she relaxed. Behind them came another pair of headlights, though the

morning light was still too dim for Tess to make out who was in the second vehicle.

Cold but curiously at ease, she wrapped her arms around her middle for warmth and

rocked back on her heels, right into a hard chest. Instantly she stiffened. Strong arms crossed

over hers and pulled her gently back, enveloping her in Caleb’s enticing scent and sultry heat.

All too aware of the cozy picture they made, Tess attempted pull away. Caleb only tightened his

hold. “Let go. People will think there’s something between us.”

“There is something between us.” His voice brushed over her like hot fudge, warm, thick

and enticing. Lips nipped at her ear and his erection nudged her ass, turning her tummy to jelly.

A slow burn sparked through her and she clenched her thighs in reaction. “But right now I’m

only keeping you warm. What were you thinking, coming out here without a coat?”

Momentarily lured by the heat and rich male musk of desire, she snuggled in and closed

her eyes, giving rein to his seductive touch and her own arousal. The urge to turn and curl in his

arms grew exponentially. To give up all control and place her life in the hands of this gorgeous

shifter whose arms wrapped her in a cocoon of warmth.

But she didn’t trust easily and her control was slipping to dangerously low levels. Then

his thumbs slid under her sweater to idly caress bare flesh, and she inhaled deep, struggling to

maintain that control.

Maybe non-existence levels was more apt.

Between worrying for her mom and this outrageous physical response to Caleb, the

ability to mask her natural responses deteriorated with every passing day.

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Knowing her camouflage of cool indifference was in danger of splintering wide open, she

straightened. “I was thinking I was only going to start the truck, not entertain for an impromptu


She felt his lips curve down in displeasure. “It’s not a party,” he drawled, his large hands

gripping her hips and giving her a small shake. “It’s support. For your mom.” He placed a kiss

on her temple with a tenderness that belied his irritation and made her knees wobble. “And for


Tess frowned, not comprehending. She could take care of herself and her mom. What

was the deal with people? She was just driving her mother to a hospital for God’s sake. Where

her mom was having something akin to brain surgery. And where Tess would wait alone for

hours. By herself. Alone with nothing but her terrified thoughts and endless worry.

The dots clicked together and she sagged into Caleb’s strong arms. God, she was an idiot,

not to mention a world-class bitch. Maybe the years away had beaten it out of her, the

compassion, the caring of a close-knit community. She’d thought it quaint remembrance at first

and later figured she recalled Woodcliff through a child’s rosy outlook. At any rate, right now,

standing in the dusky shadows created by the early hour while the cold air threatened to turn her

face and hands blue, she realized it was neither. It simply was. The bonds of a small town that

created deep affection between honest, hard-working people who looked out for one another,

regardless of the day, night or distance.

Blinking back the confusing mix of tears that filled her eyes, she drew in a trembling

breath. Caleb’s warm strength surrounded her, providing the support she craved, though she

would have bitten of her tongue before she told him that.

By the time the Reynolds’ truck came to a halt in front of them, Tess managed to regain

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control over the unplanned near weep fest. The passenger window rolled down and Jackie stuck

her head out, seemingly unaware of the soft, fat snowflakes that drifted gently from overhead.

With sixty-seven years behind her belt, Jackie Reynolds enjoyed life with an easy grace,

confidence and a love to gossip. Her wild red hair offset intelligent bright blue eyes; eyes that

didn’t miss Tess’s uncoated figure or Caleb’s possessive stance. The hold shouted to Jackie that

the good sheriff wasn’t just keeping Tess warm, he was staking a claim. Nearly giddy at the idea

of a budding romance for the daughter of her best friend, Jackie’s pixie face glowed behind the

worry that pinched her features. “Oh good, you haven’t left yet. I was so afraid we’d miss you.”

“Perfect timing,” Caleb said, his chest rumbled at Tess’s back, the sensation somehow

both soothing and arousing at the same time. “Tess was just getting her mom. And a coat, unless

you want me to keep you warm.” The last was whispered in a low, husky tone for her ears only.

Tess’s eyes fluttered, concerns of being caught in his embrace drying up as more burning

matters, such as the small hip move Caleb had just done which ground the hard ridge of his

erection into her ass, reared up. Need spiked through her body, molten and aching, arousing her

so much she could barely stand still. The damn wolf was making her stupid. Or was that her

hormones? Or his pheromones? Either way she knew she was on the fast track to Frustration

City, with no way to apply the brakes.

Silently cursing the science of chemistry, shifters and all men in general, she abruptly

broke from Caleb’s hold and raced inside to gather her mom, a deep chuckle of smug male

amusement following in her wake.

Twenty minutes later, Tess and her mother were ensconced in Caleb’s truck, with a

convey behind them, traveling down the highway to the hospital.

The damn truck smelled like Caleb. It was making her edgy and she found herself

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thinking more about him, especially all that strength she’d felt under his clothes, rather than her

mother’s upcoming surgery. Irritated at the carnal images, Tess looked over her shoulder at the

long line of headlights for the millionth time and Caleb laughed. “Would you relax, m`lupa? This

is normal.”

“Nothing about this is normal to me.” She scowled at his reflection in the rearview

mirror. “What did you call me?”

He grinned. “M`lupa. It’s a term of affection roughly translated to ‘my she-wolf’.”

Ruth twisted in her seat to glance back at Tess, the twinkle in her eyes unmistakable.

Tess sneered. “I am not your she-wolf, your mate or your anything. Do not call me that.”

Caleb shrugged. “Yes, you are. Science doesn’t lie.”

Tess cursed him under her breath in difference to her mom’s presence, though Ruth

looked as if she was enjoying herself. Now was not the time, but Tess would definitely give

Caleb a piece of her mind on the way back home. On second thought, she would hitch a ride with

Jackie and not deal with the arrogant shifter at all. Maybe ignoring him would make him go

away, and just maybe this compelling need to be near him would disappear.

Right. And maybe the moon is made of cheese.

Tangled up in emotional and physical overload, Tess set about ignoring both Caleb and

her mom as they chatted about all sorts of things and instead, concentrated on the passing


After awhile she forgot about the trail of vehicles and in fact nodded off in the warm

interior of the truck. When Caleb pulled to a halt, she jerked upright, blinking as she tried to

orient herself. Before she could gather her wits, Caleb had rounded the hood and was helping her

mom onto the ground at the hospital entrance. At the sight, a little fissure of pleasure cracked

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through Tess’s protective walls and wrapped around her soul. Grumbling, she alighted and met

her two traveling companions.

“I’ll go park while you take your mom in.”

Her first thought was to say something snarky, but her heart really wasn’t in it. “Thanks,


He just looked at her quizzically for a moment. Then he laid a gentle finger on her cheek

and said, “I’ll find you.”

With her body thrumming from his simple touch, Tess trotted through the automatic door

after her mom and stood by her side at the admittance desk. Within moments the doors slid open

again and Tess watched in silent fascination as the foyer began to swell with people from


At the receptionist’s obvious shock, Tess said, “They’re with us.”

The woman blinked back sudden tears and laid both hands on her chest. “Oh. That just

makes my heart happy to see. But I’d better show you the waiting room.”

With a map in hand and a huge round of hugs and well wishes from everyone, Tess

waved her mom off with tremulous smile. When her free hand was grasped by a very warm and

large male hand, she glanced up in surprise.

“Where to,” Caleb asked reaching for the map.

Tess held the piece of paper away. “I’ve got it.”

Jackie came up and snatched the map out of Tess’s hand. “No, I’ve got it. The way you

young people argue, your mom will be out of surgery before we even get to the waiting room

and I for one have got to find a restroom.”

Rolling her eyes, Tess and at least twenty others followed Jackie and prepared to wait.

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While Tess had had misgivings about so many people surrounding her at a stressful time,

she was more than grateful for their presence four hours later when the doctor came out. Dr.

Willik’s eyes were concerned, her mouth pinched and, suddenly terrified, Tess unconsciously

grabbed Caleb’s arm and squeezed.

“First of all,” Dr. Willik began as she crouched down in front of Tess, keeping her voice

low, “I want to let you know that the surgery was a success and the aneurism has been filled.”


“But, while on the operating table, Ruth had a stroke.” At Tess’s quickly indrawn breath,

the doctor added, “we were able to administer the proper counteractive procedures right away,

but we won’t know the effects of the stroke until your mom wakes up.”

Tess gulped, unaware of Caleb’s supporting arm around her shoulder, and stared into the

doctor’s tired eyes. “What does that mean?”

“It means she may not have suffered any damage or she may have some mental or

physical difficulties. Her extremities respond to outside stimuli so I don’t perceive any paralysis,

but she may have some coordination or memory loss.” The doctor went on to explain exactly

what happened and then shifted to inform Tess on how to take care of Ruth once she checks out

of the hospital. “Which could be anywhere from two days to a week, all depending on her rate of


“Where is she now,” Caleb asked.

“She’s in a recovery room now. The desk nurse will let you know when she’s awake and

you can see her.” The doctor looked from Caleb to Tess. “Do either of you have any questions

for me?”

Tess shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

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Caleb stood and shook hands with the other woman. “Thank you, Doctor.”

Dr. Willik nodded her head. “If either of you have any questions, give me or my assistant

a call.” After providing the number, she walked away, leaving them shocked, yet thankful

because it could have been so much worse.

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Chapter Five

Caleb rubbed a calloused hand over the back of his neck, taking yet another restless turn

around the hospital hallway while he waited for Tess. While he was relieved to hear that Ruth

was alive and probably suffered few, if any, effects from the stroke, he couldn’t help that his

worry and thoughts automatically shifted to Tess. Just thinking of her made his stomach tangle in

knots of lust and cautious hope. It was unsettling, how quickly the fierce need to hold her, kiss

her, be inside her, had gripped him in greedy claws. Caleb breathed it down, forcing himself to

be patient, focusing on what she needed. Unfortunately, his floundering relationship with Tess at

the moment was based more on the physical rather than the intellectual or spiritual. In other

words, he didn’t have a clue what his mate needed.

Stymied with that bit of reality, along with a feeling of helplessness, he snarled loud

enough to cause a few heads to swivel in his direction. Grimacing at his lack of common sense,

he turned to face a series of pictures that hung in the long hallway, featuring many of the

hospital’s top doctors, both past and present. Under the pretense of reading the captions on each

one, he laced his fingers on the back of his head and closed his eyes.

She wants you, his wolf whispered through his mind, planting the seed. Her response to

your kiss the other day and the way she perfumes the air with the sweet scent of her arousal is

proof that she lusts for you.

Superficial, maybe, but Caleb seized that kernel of knowledge with both hands. He would

nourish it with gentle words, affection and his body with ruthless abandon.

He could visualize her velvety skin glowing in the moonlight that speared across his bed,

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body spread wide for his eager eyes, that enticing cleft between her thighs glistening with desire.

His cock twitched as blood rushed to his groin, shooting from semi-hard – a constant state since

recognizing Tess as his mate – to full-blown agony in seconds. God he couldn’t wait to bury

himself in her, to taste her completely. To lap at those succulent slippery pink folds, delve his

tongue into her moist pussy and taste all that lush cream. He groaned, imagining burying his face

in the silky tangle of her hair as he covered her slender body with his, slamming into her tight

wetness with the primal urgency that screamed at him in frustrated awareness. To feel her flood

over his…

A soft hand touched his shoulder and he jerked around. The awkwardness at being caught

in the middle of an erotic daydream, complete with an unmistakable erection, faded as the object

of his fascination, and damn near obsession, came into view. He battled the hunger back and let

his eyes drift over her delicate features. Though he could see a hint of sadness, and more than a

little exhaustion, she didn’t appear as scared as she’d been an hour ago. Her soft lips no longer

pressed together in an effort to keep her tears at bay, her shoulders were no longer taut with

restrained emotion.

His wolf howled in anger, fighting to be free and rip something, anything, into thousands

of tiny pieces for causing its mate distress. And the man. Well, though the man wanted nothing

less, logic kicked in. While a frenzied display of rage would do nothing for his woman, affection

- and an orgasm or three - would.

Tess dropped her hand as if burnt, the predatory look in his eyes making her stutter.

“She’s, she’s okay. Awake and coherent.” A small, wry smile curled her lips. “Guess if she was

going to have a stoke she was at least in the best place for it to happen.”

Caleb nodded and stepped close. Hands cupping her jaw, he traced his thumbs over the

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corners of her mouth in a tender caress. She didn’t pull away and in fact, her breath hitched and

her lashes fluttered at the intimate contact. Pleased with her response, he did it again, soothing,

subtly arousing. “I’m glad for your mom. Now, how are you?”

Her speech was slurred, sleepy. “I’d like to go home, Caleb. Will you take me?”

“Anything for you.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, an unconscious act of

compassion that filled him with the simple rightness of having this woman in his life. He drew

back a step and slid his hands to her waist, his manner both possessive and sympathetic. “Let’s

get your things.”

They chatted briefly with Jackie, her husband, Martin, and the others who had waited

with Tess and for Ruth. Dolen O’Keef, Ruth’s boss and owner of the town’s most popular café,

popped out of his chair and headed back to check on Ruth after Tess gave the okay. Though

Caleb watched his retreating back with a raised brow, he didn’t give in to his thoughts until he

and Tess had climbed into his truck. “Is something going on between your mom and Dolen?”

Tess glanced at his profile. “Mom’s had a thing for him ever since he opened his café five

years ago, but he’s resisted her. Why I don’t know. It’s pretty obvious he has feelings for her.

Maybe he’s scared.” She paused and turned her head to stare out the side window. “Maybe now

he’ll realize how short life is, how easily and quickly it could all end.”

Caleb cursed under his breath. He hadn’t meant to say anything to push her deeper into

macabre thoughts, yet he couldn’t help wondering if she might take her own words to heart.

Open to his affections and accepting of his claim. An act that really was no different than a

marriage except a scent marker via a bite by the male shifter replaced the physical symbol of a

ring. Sure, the males in the family, God-willing a large family at that, might turn furry once a

month. And maybe the marriage could never be broken because if the female ever left, the male

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would hunt her down and drag her back where she belonged. But other than that, it was just like

a human marriage. Why wouldn’t any woman want that?

Caleb rubbed the heel of his hand over a sudden ache in his chest. Confused by the

unfamiliar sensation, he set his jaw. She would recognize him as her mate, one way or another.

The declining population of his species rested on it. The arrogance, inbreeding and territorial

disputes between the packs had led to the Pack Wars fifty years ago. Over the subsequent ten

years, entire packs were wiped out, homes destroyed and most of their recorded scientific data

and history lost forever. To the unknowing human populace, the violence was believed to be

gang wars. Very few knew better.

As most shifters had lived on the east coast, many were able to flee to the mountains and

make new lives built on secrecy and caution. Very slowly, the following years saw a shift from

arrogance to compassion and havens for shifters began to crop up, erected by those who

witnessed first hand the devastation wrought by their ancestors’ hostile attitudes. Under William

Gentry, Tess’s father, Woodcliff became one of those havens.

As the humans encroached on their territory, it became imperative to hide in plain sight,

until it was understood that more female non-shifters were being born rather than male cubs. In

order to re-populate without inbreeding, it became necessary to let some of the humans know of

their existence. Whether due to their extraordinary sense of smell or because of their past

experience, shifters developed a knack for knowing which human to trust. But more importantly,

the males knew which female had the compatible DNA to provide them with male shifter cubs,

creating the ‘mate’ phenomenon. For Caleb, Tess Gentry was most definitely his mate. .

Since determination kept his mind busy, while Tess’s no doubt rested with her mom, the

trip to the Gentry house was made in near silence. It wasn’t until he’d followed Tess inside that

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he realized his lost opportunity. He should have talked with her. Told her about himself and what

it was like growing up in a shifter family. Not sat there like a lump leaving her to her own dreary

thoughts. It wasn’t like him. Hell, he could even draw a guffaw out of old Henry and that man

was the crankiest shifter or human Caleb knew.

Calling himself every kind of stupid, he gently shut the front door behind him and, as she

strolled away, locked it.

When he walked into the kitchen he found her standing at the counter, her back to him.

She’d taken off her long coat, giving him an enthralling view of her shapely ass. “Thanks for

bringing me home, again, and for taking us.” He heard the audible swallow. “Would you like

something to drink before you leave?”

Heart thudding, he slowly came up behind her and carefully placed his hands on her

shoulders. Though she twitched once under his touch, she didn’t try to push him away. Pleased,

he ran his hands gently down her arms until he covered her much smaller ones that lay flat on the

formica top. He could hear her heart pick up as he entwined their fingers. His lips brushed her

ear, his voice low and husky. “I’m not leaving. I’m taking you to bed.”

She jerked in his arms. “I’m not…”

“Shh.” He interrupted, making his tone as soothing as possible, even though the feel of

her in his arms and the citrus smell of her skin shot blood straight to his groin. “You’re

exhausted. Let me take care of you.” He nuzzled her neck, licked the sensitive flesh just under

her ear. The soft sound that came from her throat made his gut clench with fierce need.

As the scent of arousal permeated his senses, a slow, feral smile curved his lips. Tess

might not know what to think of him, but she couldn’t deny the smoldering attraction that

crackled between them. He held back a growl, barely. “Let me love you.”

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Though his brain needed her to make the final decision, his body insisted that a little

enticement wouldn’t hurt. He nipped carefully at the erratic pulse at her throat, seducing with his

lips and tongue. His hips rocked against her ass in slow, gentle waves, tugging at her resistance.

Just when he was sure he’d have to walk away, leave before his control snapped and he did

something he’d regret, her muscles relaxed and she leaned into his chest. Her eyes were closed,

face flushed, but the one word that passed her soft lips nearly had him drop to his knees in

profound gratitude. “Yes.”

Without giving her time to change her mind, he swept her into his arms and carried her

up the stairs. He didn’t need her to tell him which room was hers; the heady scent that would

forever belong only to his mate drifted from an open doorway and led the way. He laid her

carefully on the bed and just looked at her. She’d not only twisted her head away, but she’d

squeezed her eyes shut, making him think of a virginal Victorian bride, preparing herself for the

unpleasant task of consuming her marriage. Torn between dismay and amusement, he leaned

down and cupped her cheeks, turning her face back so he could press his lips to hers. “Tess, I’m

not going to hurt you. I want only to please you. Open your beautiful eyes, m’lupa. Look at me.”

When she complied, he smiled in approval. “That’s better.” Then he took her lips with his

own and lost himself in the exquisite taste of her mouth. He rubbed his tongue over hers, licked

over sensitive flesh and howled in silent delight when she met his marauding invasion with her

own. Their tongues dueled, danced, and explored. Teeth nipped and scraped. Hands slid under

loosened clothing to touch bare skin.

Caleb reared back to get her sweater off and flung it carelessly away. Then he reached

under her body to unclasp her bra. Too impatient to draw off the straps, he pushed the cups up

enough to reveal twin mounds of white creamy flesh tipped with dusky pink nipples. Rough

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fingertips whispered over one peak causing it to tighten in a hard bud. Groaning at the exquisite

sight, he leaned down and took her in his mouth.

He’d only meant to lick gently her breast, to tease and coax, but when the warm taste of

her exploded through his senses, he lost it. His fingers dug into the jeans at her hip while his

mouth worked her engorged nipple to the roof of his mouth, suckling hard.

Her hand dug into his scalp, to keep him there or pull him away, he didn’t know, but it

was enough to give him pause. He eased up, brushing his lips over the abused nipple in silent

apology. Leaving a moist trail, he shifted and flicked the tip of his tongue over her other breast.

When she moaned and arched into his mouth, he reached between her legs and cupped her

mound. Her hips jerked under his hand, the thick material already damp from her arousal. Caleb

let out a guttural sound. He had to get his mouth there and right now. Right at her sweet spot or

he’d surely die.

With little finesse he worked her jeans loose, stood and dragged both her pants and thong

- God help him - from her body in one swift motion. Then he simply stared, raking his eyes over

her flat tummy, the slender legs toned with soft muscles and the nearly bare flesh between her

thighs. Only a small strip of trimmed hair adorned her mound, leaving her glistening folds open

to his hungry gaze.

Heaving in a lungful of air, he swung her around until she lay sidewise on the bed and he

stood between her open thighs. He reached for a delicate foot, caressing her arch as he rested it

against the mattress. Then he repeated the action with her other foot, sliding his hands in awe

over ankles and calves, the feel of her soft flesh under his touch making him feel greedy for

more. When he had her the way he wanted, he froze, eating her with ravenous eyes. The explicit

position enflamed his wolf, demanding that the man take her and mate now. Not only was Caleb

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fighting the lust riding him hard, but both man and beast knew Tess was ripe for breeding and a

cub would surely result from this first union.

He bit back a curse, barely leashing the feral creature demanding an unemotional fuck.

This was for Tess and by God he would not give into his beast and take her like an animal.

Anything else would only prove her idiotic theories and he’d definitely lose any chance at having

a life with her.

His hands clenched on her calves and he dropped to his knees on the thick carpet, anxious

to make her understand shifters knew how to give as well as take. Not to mention his mouth had

been watering for weeks to taste the sweet juices creaming from her pussy.

“Caleb, what are you doing?” Tess’s voice shook with uncertainty, making him chuckle.

“Baby, if you don’t know, you’ve been with the wrong men.” And by God, she would

never be with another man again.

Wrapping his left arm around her leg, he raised his right hand to gently caress her

drenched cleft with his fingertips. Then, opening her further with a finger and thumb, he made

one hard pass over her glistening flesh with his tongue.

His body shuddered in unadulterated delight as the taste of her arousal flooded his senses

and scalded his blood. Even as his cock pushed adamantly against his zipper he took his time,

leisurely exploring her succulent folds, drinking in every drop of her arousal. He traced the tip of

his tongue over her swollen entrance and gloried in the feel of her delicate muscles trembling

against his gentle probing. A hungry sound passed his lips. “You taste so good I could eat you all

fucking night long.”

Caleb flicked his tongue over her clit, watching with eager eyes as she arched her neck,

her mouth open, her breathing quickening. When he flattened his tongue and ground it in a slow

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circle against her clit he was rewarded by a sharp little gasp and a rush of scent as her arousal

grew stronger.

Thrilled and unbelievably excited by her uninhibited response, he stiffened his tongue

and delved into the heated depths of her pussy, swirling and tasting. He devoured her, his mouth

nearly covering her whole mound as thrust and dove deep with his tongue. Tess writhed and

twisted under his touch, nearly freeing herself from his tight hold as he worked her sex hard. He

wanted to bathe in her juices, brand his essence into her silken sheath until Caleb Bennett was all

she knew and all she would ever want. Tess was his and by God she would know it before he

was done.

When the need to breathe became too much, he raised his head and stared at his

handiwork. “Look at you. So pretty and wet for me.” He traced one finger over the engorged

flesh, barely dipping inside to feel her inner muscles squeeze around him as if desperate to draw

him in. “Do you want my finger in your pussy, Tess?” She let out a whimper, her hips rocking

against his hand. Taking that as a yes, he slid the thick digit fully into the blazing heat of her


Caleb watched her face as he slowing plunged his finger in and out of her pulsing sheath.

His own cock was throbbing so hard that he rubbed it against the side of the bed in concert with

his thrusting finger in an attempt to ease the painful ache. When she clamped around him his

eyes crossed, the sensation making his balls tighten in near climax. “Damn woman. You’ll make

me come in my jeans.”

Another finger joined the tender invasion and she made a mewling sound, her hips

bucking against his hand. He groaned as she contracted around him. “You’re so tight, so

beautifully wet. I want to be inside you so much, Tess. To have your sweet pussy milking my

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cock like you’re doing my fingers.”

He let out a hiss as more of her delicious cream coated his hand. “You like that. You like

when I talk dirty to you.”

Her head twisted on the mattress, hands digging desperately into the covers, and had the

nerve to lie. “No. No, I don’t.”

A rough chuckle left his throat. “Yes, you do. I can feel your pussy clamping around my

fingers like a vise. So slick and soft. So ready. Come for me, Tess.”

She moaned in denial even as her hips fucked his fingers. “I can’t.”

“Yes you can.” She was so close, her control slipping with every powerful thrust. Caleb

knew it and craved it. He wanted her to shatter, wanted to bathe in the glow of her release.

As her inner muscles spasmed yet again, he growled low, eyes closing to half mast as he

imagined his dick buried inside her. Adding a third finger, he twisted his wrist with each thrust,

creating a sensual friction against her swollen entrance, the tips rubbing deep inside against the

quarter-sized patch of ridged flesh. “I can almost feel you around my cock, squeezing me dry.

I’m going to fuck you hard and deep Tess, until you scream my name.” She panted, tightening

around his fingers, her hips kicking up with frantic need. Oh yeah. She loved being talked dirty


“I want to pound into your tight pussy. Can’t you feel it?” Lowering his head, he licked

her throbbing clit. “Feel me deep inside, Tess. Shafting you, fucking you.” He took the pearled

nub into his mouth and, ever so gently, bit down.

Tess exploded. Her body stiffened, her back bowed in a high arch as a strangled sob

escaped her lips. The sight was so beautiful, so erotic that Caleb lost it. For the first time ever, he

lost all control over his body’s demands. His eyes glazed over as an orgasm swept him away in a

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hard furious wave of blinding heat and, with an agonized howl, he came, spilling his seed in hot

jets, not into the precious womb of his mate, but uselessly into the thick denim of his jeans.

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Chapter Six

Tess woke with the distressing feeling of nakedness. Not that her nudity was in any way

uncomfortable. It was the memory of how she become in such a state that caused a not altogether

unpleasant shiver to travel through her body. The ease at which Caleb played her senses,

wrecking both her body and mind in one erotic act, had her squeezing her eyes in mortification,

and press her thighs together in an attempt to combat the fresh bout of arousal.

When a phone rang, she reached out and snatched it up, desperate for a distraction.


Silence greeted her a moment before a female voice asked cautiously, “Ah, this is Officer

Karen Thossen. I’m looking for Sheriff Bennett. Is he there?”

Tess quickly sat up and glanced around the room, clutching the covers over her breasts.

“He doesn’t appear to be.” Then she frowned into the phone, picturing the pretty young blonde

that manned the station like a drill sergeant. “And why would he? He brought me home,” she

looked at the bedside clock, “over two hours ago.”

Karen cleared her throat. “Well,” she said, her amusement clear, “you are answering his

cell phone.”

“What?” Tess drew the offending piece of equipment away and stared at it. “Oh shit.”

Hearing a suspicious choking sound over the line, Tess brought Caleb’s phone back to

her ear. “He must have set it down and forgot it.”

“Uh, huh. Because a diligent sheriff like Caleb is always remiss with his gear,” she said.

Tess closed her eyes and sighed. “There’s no reason for him to still be here, but just let

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me get some clothes on and I’ll look for him.”

Suppressed laughter bubbled out and Tess cringed, knowing full well how the other

woman took her words. “It’s not like that!”

“I’m sure.” Karen wheezed out, trying unsuccessfully to keep the mirth out of her tone. “I

know he doesn’t come,” a giggle escaped, “on shift until eight, but the Kolter brothers are being

a nuisance and Caleb seems to be the only one able to knock some sense into them.”

The Kolter brothers were more than a mere nuisance. The three were a damn disaster

waiting to happen. Well, the oldest one was anyway. Kyle Kolter was a thirty year old child who

considered the inhabitants of Woodcliff his personal playthings. Though he’d never done serious

damage to anyone, the threat always seemed to linger in his predatory eyes. His two brothers,

Kevin and Koby, were more responsible. Though every now and again the three got together and

caused a big enough ruckus that required the intervention of the new alpha, Dean Kinigos - who

also happened to be the mayor - or Caleb.

What Tess had only learned that morning from her mother, which Tess had only partly

listened to as mornings were not her best time, Caleb was not only second in command of the

Woodcliff shifter pack, he was also one of the leaders.

When Dean had taken over the pack, he re-structured it so that, while the alpha continued

to have the final word, there were a group of eight appointed “leaders” or sub-alphas. These

leaders basically watched over, listened and governed over smaller shifter groups, creating a

more intimate pack atmosphere. Any disputes, question or concerns that affected the entire pack

were discussed between the leaders and the alpha and voted on, though the alpha still retained

veto power. It was an odd mix of shifter monarchy and human democracy that actually seemed

to be working very well.

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“Um, just a sec,” Tess muttered as footsteps sounded down the hall. She twisted to face

the doorway, grasping the sheets to cover her backside with the same hand that held the phone,

as Caleb stalked through the doorway.

The sight of him caused all the spit to dry up in her mouth, and she forgot all about

Karen. Not only did the man look good enough to eat with his disheveled hair, broad shoulders

and air of masculinity, his sensual mouth had her remembering what he’d done to her with said

organ. Her nipples tightened into sensitized beads, begging for a repeat, not to mention the

immediate and wet reaction that was occurring between her thighs.

“You’re awake.” Possessiveness made his eyes glitter with heat for a few seconds before

becoming more guarded.

Tess shivered, the husky tone in his voice reminding her of the naughty things he’d said

while his clever mouth and fingers brought her to the most amazing orgasm ever. She flushed,

dragging her eyes away from his hypnotic ones, and caught sight of his phone. “Caleb…”

He shoved both hands through his hair, the gesture rough and unsteady. “Do you have

any idea what you did to me?”

Nothing like what you did to me.

With a huge inhale she tilted her head back and watched him through the thick fringe of

her lashes. “Ah, no?”

His eyes gleamed hot as he raked them over her body, lingering with male ownership on

her breasts and thighs. “You made me lose control. I never even got inside you and I lost it.” He

strode forward, his steps purposeful, like a wolf after targeted prey. Her heart responded to his

stance, pounding loud and ragged in her chest. She drew in a shaky breath, unbelievably aroused

by his aggressive attitude.

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“I don’t like it Tess. Do you understand what I’m saying?” He was at the edge of the bed

now and leaned over her, putting an arm on either side of her, forcing her back down on the

mattress. His growl was low and harsh, his expression clearly annoyed. “Like some untried cub

that sees a naked woman for the first time, you made me blow.” His jaw tightened. “I came when

you did.”

Helplessly, she glanced down to his groin, noticing that, yes, while he had an erection -

and a very impressive one thank you very much – the material didn’t have any revealing wet


His eyes narrowed. “Yeah. I came in my pants, Tess. In my fucking jeans. Do you have

any idea how that makes me feel?”

She gulped and raised her hand. “Phone’s for you.”

A fascinating shade of red rushed to fill his face. He closed his eyes briefly than snatched

the phone out of her hand, standing stiffly. “What?” He barked into the small device.

Dark eyes tinged with amber flashed dangerously at Tess as he listened, and she had to

press her lips together to hold in the laughter.

She knew all about mortification. Didn’t that emotion knock her flat just a few minutes

ago? Embarrassed at what Caleb would say or do when she next saw him? Instead the

manipulative jerk had revealed a weakness, making her feel all gooey inside. Not only did the

man cause little electric pulses of sexual awareness to cruise through her body when he was near,

she now had firsthand knowledge that Caleb Bennett had the experience to make her body hum

in decadent appreciation like no other man ever had. One romp in the sack was usually enough to

get a man out of her system, but Tess had the uncomfortable feeling that having sex with Caleb

would only bind them closer.

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A sobering thought that made her break eye contact and realize just how vulnerable she

was, lying naked in her bed. She looked longingly at her dresser. Call her a coward, but she

wasn’t about to walk naked in front of him to get any clothes.

Caleb snapped the phone shut and hooked it on his belt. “I have to go, but don’t think this

conversation is over.”

Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“We need to talk, Tess, about our future.” His eyes lingered on her bare shoulder. “I want

my mark right there, a warning to all other shifters that you’re mine. The need is unlike anything

I’ve ever felt before, well, except getting inside your delectable body.”

Tess couldn’t help herself. Her jaw simply dropped at his audacity. “What?” she shrieked

in outrage.

His nostrils flared, his eyes melting into that amber glow Tess knew spelled danger.

“You’re my mate in every way. Not only does your scent make me crazy,” his voice became a

low rumble, thickening with desire. “I’ve been hard as a rock since I first met you. I can barely

function because I want nothing more than to be inside you, to spill my seed deep in your womb.

You’ll give me healthy male cubs.” His lips twisted in a wicked grin. “Even if we have to try

multiple times a day.”

A red haze filled her vision and she nearly screeched with the fury vibrating throughout

her body. “You conceited ass! What the hell makes you think I’d want to tie myself to you?

Huh? What do I get out of your claim? Nothing but a swollen belly and dirty diapers, that’s what.

Well no thank you and goodbye.”

His head reared back at the harsh rejection. “What? Where the hell are you talking about?

Damn it Tess, a mate is the most important person in a shifter’s life.”

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She turned her head pointedly away, chin thrust out in belligerence, her shoulders tense

as if ready for battle.

A muscle twitched under his left eye and he paused, as if suddenly understanding he’d

made a huge tactical error and was desperately trying to figure out how to get back on track.

“You will have my vow of protection, faithfulness, affection and stability.”

“Yeah,” she glared daggers at him from the corner of her eyes. “And what about love?

Do you love me, Caleb?”

He shrugged. “Love will come. Even in the human world there’s a sort of sequence of

events. Usually it starts with physical attraction followed by a mental compatibility and then, if

it’s destined, with love. With wolves, each event is simply more intense. We know whether or

not a woman is our mate at the physical attraction stage. Waiting for the other two takes up

precious time we can’t afford.”

He may have nearly repeated the words her mother spoke only last night, but his lack of

tact left her aghast. Just when she decided she wanted to learn more about him, chauvinistic

garbage spews out of his mouth, making her so angry she wanted to hang him upside down. By

the balls.

“You’re the daughter of a shifter and know this already, Tess. Why are you even arguing

with me?”

The man really did look baffled, the idiot. “Know this Caleb. I will not tie myself to any

man without love. Period.”

His eyes went flat, instantly making her suspicious. “I’ve had my finger inside you, Tess.

I know you’re not a virgin.”


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“Did you love every man you took to bed?” At her mutinous glare he continued. “So

physical attraction was enough to risk being tied to a man?”


“A baby, Tess.”

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “I’ve always had safe sex!”

He came closer, leaning over her once again, hands resting on the pillow on either side of

her head, his face mere inches from hers. “Only abstinence is effective against pregnancy. A tie

you claim you don’t want unless love is involved.”

A buzzing sounded in her ears and she licked suddenly dry lips. “No.”

“Yes. We definitely have the physical attraction in spades. Next is the getting to know

each other step.”

“This isn’t a damn dance, Caleb. It’s life.”

“Life is a dance, sweetheart. Whether it’s a sweet and slow waltz, a fun and heart-racing

polka or an erotic tango. For the lucky ones, it’s a combination of all three. And I plan on being

very lucky.”

Though part of her wanted to jump up and down and scream Yes!, the logical part of her

brain was still trying to figure out how she’d lost control of what she considered a cut-and-dried


It was his pheromones.

Pissed at being taken in by his seductive techniques, she thumped a fist on his hard chest.

“Bastard . I don’t even find you remotely attractive.”

His eyes glittered dangerously. “Don’t ever lie to me, Tess.” Then he climbed fully onto

the bed, straddling her. His heavy thighs pinned her to the mattress, his erection hard and thick

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between her legs. Lust slammed hard, making her ache to squirm and wiggle against the bulge

that nudged her clit.

“I know you want me. I don’t have to ask.” His nostrils flared and his eyes burned with

scorching heat. “I can smell your arousal. It’s making me crazed for another taste of your sweet


Embarrassment flushed her face. Damn wolf senses.

Tess rushed to contradict him, stating haughtily, “That’s just left over from before.

Nothing more.”

Brown eyes flashed with wicked amusement, causing Tess to shift uneasily. “Liar. Want

to know how I know?”

She shook her head, realizing whatever he had to say couldn’t be good if it put that smug

look of satisfaction on his handsome face. “Not particularly.”

“I’ll tell you anyway.” He leaned down and nuzzled her throat. Then he burned a slow

and erotic trail to her ear with his tongue. His warm breath caressed her damp skin as he

whispered, “because after you came, I licked you clean.”

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Chapter Seven

While Ruth healed from her surgery, Tess had agreed to take over her mom’s duties at

O’Keef’s Café. So at seven the next morning, an exhausted Tess pulled into the café’s rear

parking lot. Though a phone call confirmed Ruth was recovering quite well, it was a much later

call that had kept her up most of the night.

Tess scrambled out of her truck, her groan not only for the cold wind whipping her hair

against her face, but for her wandering thoughts as they circled back to Caleb. He’d called last

night because, or so he’d said, he simply wanted to hear her voice. One minute the man acted

like a chauvinistic wolf and the next he turned into an adoring boyfriend.

Where the hell did that come from? Tess scrunched up her nose. Boyfriend my ass. “I’m

just more tired than I thought,” she told herself firmly as she stepped into the warm kitchen.

Stripping off her coat, she turned and came face to face with Dolen.

“Morning.” Tess said, pasting on a cheery smile.

Dolen nodded in greeting, his smooth head gleaming in the overhead lights. “Tess.” He

glanced back over his shoulder at one of the huge stoves. “I already put the chickens on to boil

for the daily soup, but ah, we need more chili, too.”

“More? It couldn’t have gone bad.”

“No, it didn’t. We just had a problem making the minestrone yesterday. No one here can

make soup like your mom. Needless to say, it didn’t come out right and we ended up tossing it

out. Had to rely on the chili which meant it went twice as fast.”

Her jaw dropped. “You threw away soup? How could you? It’s a very forgiving dish.”

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His wince gave Tess the notion he’d heard that before. “Let’s not go there. Just, please.

Can you make both the chicken tortilla and chili?”

The big man looked so crestfallen that Tess straightened her shoulders. “All right, don’t

worry. I’ll just need some help pulling the chicken.”

“Great,” he flashed a smile wide enough to span the Pacific. “You’ll have everything you


Need, huh? A memory of Caleb’s head between her thighs as he worked her into a

sensual frenzy made her quiver. “Got any temptation reduction pills?”

“Ah, excuse me?”

Tess shook her head at her whimsy. “Never mind. I’ll get started on the rolls that go with

the soup.”

The kitchen soon became a chaotic ballet as people shuffled in for breakfast and orders

piled in. Tess listened with half an ear as she kneaded dough, sautéed onions and green peppers

and browned ground beef. She was just about to shred the chickens when a particularly tearful

comment made her turn.

“What’s going on?”

Gina Wilson stood next to an aggravated Dolen. Petite and slim with a head full of

straight chestnut hair, the young woman resembled nothing of the chubby, freckled face girl Tess

babysat once upon a time. Now tears streamed down her pretty face and, with a violent wipe

with the palm of her hand, she answered Tess. “It’s Kyle Kolter. He and his brothers are here and

he’s being a jerk. Sniffing at me, telling me I was ripe and that I should be serving a wolf, not

this slop.” The girl’s voice hitched. “It’s so embarrassing. I don’t think I can go back out there.”

“Slop my ass. I’m going to kill him.” Though Dolen had the build of a man used to hard

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physical labor, he was still human, an older one at that, and no match for Kyle.

Not to mention the ramifications of Kyle’s comments if anyone unaware of shifter

existence was still eating. And men were supposed to be the logical ones.

“Gina,” Tess said, “are there any tourists out there? Kids?”

She shook her head. “No. Just the Archers and Kelly and…some other people.”

Wanting to roll her eyes, Tess stepped up to the swinging door that separated the kitchen

from the dining room and peered out the large plexiglass window.

The three Kolters sat at a large corner table at the far end of the room and appeared to be

arguing. The Archers were a non-shifter older couple who had lived in Woodcliff forever. Used

to the odd goings-on of the community, they paid the men no heed as they chatted over their

plates. Kelly Ranson, the tall blonde who worked at the grocery store, perched on a stool at the

long counter, a firm frown on her pretty face. Glenda, Tess didn’t know her last name, sat next to

her, busy texting, no doubt contacting the police as she worked the night shift as a dispatcher. At

a four-top near her position sat two men and a woman, all probably in their thirties. Tess knew

the woman was married to a shifter and guessed by the way one of the men had his arm

possessively around her shoulders that he was her husband.

“I’ll take care of it,” Tess said without averting her eyes. “When their order is ready, I’ll

take it out.”

Dolen shook his head. “There is no way I’m letting you handle Kyle. Not only is it a

man’s job, Caleb would kill me if anything happened to you. And then your mom would skin me


A man’s job? Tess looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes. “That’s exactly what

Kyle wants. To start trouble, maybe even a fight. I can calm him down. No violence necessary.”

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Liar. Now’s your opportunity to show the world what you’re made of. Tess clenched her

jaw against the little voice that taunted her in her head. She desperately wanted to give in to the

urging and let her caged temper loose.. As a preventative measure, she wrapped her torn and

tattered veil of cool composure more tightly and raised a brow, awaiting Dolen’s assent.

“It’s not a good idea, Tess. This is my place, my staff he’s messing with.”

“You’re too angry and you’ll only end up hurting yourself.”

Dolen paused in whatever he was about to say when Sean, the morning cook, announced

that the Kolter’s order was up. Tess grinned evilly. “Too late.”

She piled the plates on a tray and as she sailed out of the kitchen into the dining room,

she heard Dolen tell someone to call Caleb.

Nothing is going to happen, she thought as she strolled through the room, stopping at the

table where the Kolter brothers sat. She kicked out her hip and pasted on the secret smile that

sold millions of SI swimsuit magazines. “Good morning, gentlemen. Who gets what?’

Koby, the youngest, flushed a deep red and mumbled, “Um, I had the pancakes.”

Tess set his plate in front of him with a flourish and looked at Kevin. “And you darling?”

Kevin gave her a friendly smile. In the same grade growing up in a small town, Tess

knew him the best. He was the fun-loving and charming brother, harmless unless riled up, and it

took a lot to rile him up. “The eggs. You look fabulous, Tess. It’s good to see you.”

Tess laid his plate down and gave him a wink. “It’s good to be seen.” Then she turned to

Kyle. “By process of elimination,” she set the last plate in front of the shifter, “you must be the


Way to handle the situation without the threat of violence.

Twin stains of red darkened the oldest brother’s cheek. Unable to let the comment go, he

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leered at her, raking her from head to toe in such a manner that Tess felt the need for a scorching

shower. “And any woman who takes off her clothes for the world to see is nothing but a whore.”

She may have stripped to skimpy bikinis or sexy lingerie for money, but she’d never had

sex of any kind for cash, privileges or services rendered.

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Better to be a rich whore than an obnoxious jerk who

couldn’t tell his dick from a pencil.” Obviously she had as little tact as Caleb, but damn, she was

having fun.

Koby choked and Kevin let out a whoop of laughter. Kyle, on the other hand, didn’t take

the description of his manhood well.

Kyle shoved back his chair to tower over her. At least he tried. When he drew himself up

to his full height, ready to intimidate, he realized he stood eye to eye with Tess and his anger

grew. “Apologize.”

Tess rounded her eyes in false innocence. “Goodness. For what?”

Kyle snarled, his light brown eyes burning into amber, alerting Tess to the sudden and

imminent danger of an out of control shifter.

“Kyle, knock it off. Tess was just responding to your idiot comment.” Kevin said as he

dug into his eggs. Though his tone was casual, his body was tense, ready to act if Kyle got out of


“Is that what you’re doing, Tess? Having fun with me?”

“It’s no different than what you do to everyone else.” She cocked her head. “What? You

can dish it out but you can’t take it?”

Kyle’s muscled bunched. “Think you’re better than me because you got money? Think

you’re safe because Caleb’s made a verbal claim on you?” His nostrils widened unflatteringly.

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“Without his scent on you the claim isn’t official. That makes you prey, bitch. Prey that needs to

be put in her place.”

Instinctively she shifted to rest on the balls of her feet, her muscles readying for a

physical assault. “Excuse you?”

“I’m going to fuck you into submission and there’s not a damn thing you can do about


She heard the gasps, the scraping of chairs on the linoleum floor as people stood,

including the two Kolter brothers. But before anyone could so much as move an inch, Tess

demonstrated to those in the cafe exactly who and what she was.

The tray left her hand and, before it even hit the floor, she’d kneed Kyle in the groin and

plowed her fist in his throat with enough force to destroy the windpipe of a human male. He

dropped like a stone, one hand cupping his balls, the other grasping his throat as he wheezed for


Tess leaned forward, her eyes glittering, turning lighter as she allowed her own animal

freedom for the first time. “I am not prey, I am a huntress. I am the daughter of William Gentry,

the strongest and most deadly alpha Woodcliff has ever had. I do not obey yours or any other

man’s command.”

Tess grabbed a hunk of Kyle’s shirt and, in an amazing show of strength that brought

more gasps from those around her, she lifted Kyle off the floor and up on his toes. The shock,

and not a little fear, that crossed his features was a balm to her anger. “And don’t even think for a

nanosecond that you can just ‘take me’ because you’ll die trying.” The words that spilled from

her mouth were low and thick, a rasping growl she never knew her throat could produce, and she

liked it.

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Tess released him and then turned back to his astonished brothers with a cheery smile.

“Enjoy your breakfast, boys.”

Conscience of Caleb’s still presence at the front door, Tess scooped up her tray and sailed

back into the kitchen without meeting his gaze. Her heart sank with each step, knowing her

reckless display was a problem. Wolves wanted their women soft and obedient, available to

soothe and nurture. They wanted to be the protectors, not mate with warriors.

And because she was terrified that she had lost him – not that she ever wanted him in the

first place, right? – she never saw his eyes gleam with admiration as he watched her walk away,

never saw the grin that lit his face with pride and certainly never heard him say, with deep

reverance, “That’s my woman.”

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Chapter Eight

After her shift at Dolen’s, Tess drove straight to the hospital to check on her mom. As

happens in small towns, news traveled fast, and a phone call would always beat out a car for


The first words out of Ruth’s mouth were, “So I heard you put Kyle Kolter in his place.”

Rolling her eyes, Tess calmly explained what had happened and then deftly changed the subject

to her mom’s health and recovery. She wasn’t ready to reveal just how affected she was by the

earlier incident. By acting on instinct rather than her normal cool control back at the café, Tess

had let loose an elemental part of herself that she realized she relished.. That aching emptiness

she’d been carrying around forever was gone, and it its place was a sense of awareness and a

certain understanding of herself . Now if she could understand what she wanted from Caleb.

The feelings she had for the man were surprisingly strong considering the short time

period she’d known him. And the physical attraction? Wow. The man was sex personified. Just

the thought of him had her blood warming, her nipples tightening. He was right in that they had

the physical attraction in spades and she already wanted to know more about him. His likes and

dislikes. Where he was born, why he went into law enforcement and what his favorite color was.

But love? That was a tricky business. One she wasn’t sure she wanted to risk.

She always thought she knew herself so well, but the last few weeks proved her wrong.

She hated feeling so out of control of her emotions, which was probably why she always kept

them bottled up. Between her mom’s medical condition, leaving her job, moving home, her new

and confusing reactions to Caleb and now letting go of her inner wolf, she was in an emotional

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turmoil and was struggling to find her equilibrium. Sticking her head in the sand to ignore the

problem was no longer going to work, and she hated that.

As she pulled onto the dirt road leading home the headlights captured the sudden fall of

wet snowflakes, turning the last leg of her journey into a cold, slushy trek that begged to end

with a roaring fire in the stone hearth and a cuddle next to a strong man.

Caleb would be beautiful by firelight, full of decadent shadows and hard angles. Tess

could easily imagine exploring his powerful body in the flickering light, discovering each corded

muscle, licking every salty inch of his heated flesh as she worked oh so slowly down his length

until she could wrap her lips around his cock. She wanted to take him in her mouth, wanted to

feel his body quiver and strain beneath her wondering hands. Wanted to watch his face as she

stroked him with her tongue and lips. Witness the moment he lost control and gave in to

pleasure, exploding in her mouth.

Tess shivered as the byplay caused her pussy to pulse and dampen her thong. She’d never

wanted that before, to swallow a man’s very essence. But she wanted Caleb’s. She ached to have

some part of him deep inside her, to keep forever. God, she was an idiot. Now that she’d lost

him, she wanted him more than ever. Wasn’t that just sickeningly cliché?

When the house came into view the first thing she noticed was Caleb’s truck. The second

was the smoke rising in a steady flow from the chimney. Confusion drew her brows together.

Tess shut off the engine and trudged through the damp snow. When the warm air rushed

from inside the house to great her she shivered in pleasure. Then she took a large sniff. The

unexpected, homey smell of fried chicken filled her senses and her tummy rumbled with hunger.

Curious, she closed the door, hung up her coat and gloves in the front closet and walked back

into the kitchen.

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“You’re just in time,” Caleb said as she stopped, stunned. He transferred the last of

perfectly fried chicken onto paper towels to drain. “Dinner’s just about ready.”

“What are you doing?”

He glanced at her over his shoulder, his smile wide and welcoming and making her heart

flutter. “Making dinner, obviously.”

Tess blinked, and then blinked again. “I mean, what are you doing here? How did you get


“You’re mom called from the hospital when you left, told me where the key was.” A

buzzer sounded and Caleb retrieved a cookie sheet of golden biscuits from the oven and set it on

hot pads. “Said you were going to be hungry by the time you got home.” He turned to look at her

fully. “Coincidently, I’m hungry too.”

She sucked in a breath. He may have said he was hungry, but the glint in his eyes and

husky timbre of his voice told Tess his appetite had nothing to do with food. Then his eyes

narrowed and he took three long strides to cross in front of her. He raised his hands and cupped

her face. “You look sad.”

“No, just a bit confused.”

Caleb raised a brow and then confounded her even more by wrapping his strong arms

around her and pulling her close. She felt his lips press against the top of her head. “Want to tell

me about it?”

Tess closed her eyes, letting his warmth envelop her. His intoxicating scent filled her

senses, making her dizzy. Held so sweetly in his arms, the last thing Tess wanted was to talk.

Face buried in his neck, she murmured, “Make love to me.”

He stiffened. “What?”

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Grasping her courage with both hands, Tess tilted her head back to look him in the eye.

“Make love to me, or fuck me, I don’t care. Just…,” she swallowed. “I just want to feel you

inside me before you leave.”

Anger flared in his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you don’t want me anymore.”

His brows shot up. “What?”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

“Fabulous.” Caleb gripped her chin as she dropped her head down. “Then maybe you can

explain it to me.”

Tess stared into his stormy eyes, uncertainty making her statement more of a question.

“Wolves want demure mates and, well, my behavior this morning was anything but.”

Caleb stared, his face a mask of varying emotions before his mouth twitched once, twice.

Then he let out a chuckle. “You little idiot.”

Indignant, Tess struggled in his arms, but he held fast. “Let me go.”

“Never.” He threaded his hand through her hair and pressed her face into his throat. “I’ll

never let you go. Do you understand me, Tess? The last thing I want is some quiet and

unassuming female to share my life with. Just as a male made from the same ilk would bore you

to death. I want a woman with her own ideas. Who’s not afraid to tell it like it is. Who will stand

up for herself and others. Who is smart and beautiful and sexy.” He drew her head back. “In

short, Tess, I want you.”

His head lowered and kissed her, softly, sweetly. When she opened her mouth in

acceptance, he growled low, the sound making her shiver with need. Then he scooped her up in

his arms and carried her into the living room.

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Chapter Nine

Caleb gently lowered Tess onto the nest of blankets and pillows in front of the roaring

fire. Then he lay next to her, propping his head on one hand to watch the light play over her

features. “I was only going to feed you, maybe cuddle with you here, let you get used to me

being around, but I can’t.” His hand skimmed down the long length of her body, following the

path of his heated gaze. “I want you too much. I need to be with you, Tess. I need to feel you,

inside and out.”

Tess glanced at the fire, the cozily arranged bedding and then back at Caleb. “So you

didn’t think to seduce me?” she asked.

Chuckling, he reached into his back pocket and he pulled out a condom. “See how well

you know me already?”

A reluctant smiled tugged at her lips. “Only one?”

He winked as he dug into another pocket and a long strip of condoms rolled from his

hand. “Yeah, so? I was hopeful.”

“And confident.” She didn’t bother hiding her amusement any longer. Relief had her

giddy, arousal had her craving.

His eyes crinkled and he reached out to trace her moist lips with his fingertips. “So

argumentative. You’ll never make my life dull.”

Shifting suddenly, Caleb straddled her, his weight balanced on his knees and forearms as

he kissed her. “I’ve never been with a woman without one and in my line of work I have to be

checked out yearly. I’m clean. I want you to know that.”

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Tess felt heat rush into her own face. “Me, too. I mean…”

Caleb chuckled when she stumbled, pressed his lips to her temple. “I know.” He breathed

in her scent. “Let me love you, Tess. Completely. No hidden agenda, no reservations. Just you

and me. Two people who want to be intimate with each other.”

With his mouth nuzzling the sensitive cords of her neck and turning her insides to jelly,

she would have agreed to anything. “Yes,” she whispered. “Love me, Caleb.”

His lips came back to hers and he nipped the corner of her mouth. She opened and he

settled in for a long, slow, deep kiss. He left nothing unexplored, not the roof of her mouth, the

insides of her cheeks, her teeth. The leisurely pace began to quicken as blood turned molten with

desire. Her tongue dueled with his, thrusting, and searching his own moist heat..

Tess fumbled with the buttons on Caleb’s shirt until he sat up and simply pulled the

flannel over his head. She’d been right. His body glowed in the firelight, the planes and muscles

on his smooth chest making her mouth water. She stopped him as he began to lower himself back

over her. “Wait.”

Caleb held still, eyes questioning. She levered up, ran her hands over his body already

damp from desire. When she pressed a kiss to his chest, he let out a sigh, and when she licked a

flat nipple, he groaned low and thick. His eyes closed as if relishing her touch. Large hands

tunneled into her hair, his hold gentle yet firm as he cradled her head against his skin.

Amazed by his unguarded response, she felt a sudden desire to give him more, give him

the same kind of sensual pleasure he gave her yesterday. Just the thought of wrapping her lips

around his hard cock caused another rush of liquid heat to gather between her thighs. With

anticipation vibrating in her blood, she took his nipple into her mouth and suckled. He twitched

under the erotic attention and, taking that as a good sign, she dropped all reserve and took what

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she wanted.

Her hands whispered over his flesh, kneading his strong back, curving down and around

to trace the corded muscles of his abdomen. When she reached the waistband of his jeans and the

enticing bulge straining the seam, he hissed, sucking air between his teeth. “Enough. You keep

that up and I won’t last.”

She ignored his demands and carefully tugged down his zipper. She slipped her hand

inside his jeans, wrapped her fingers around the hidden prize and set his erection free. “Christ,

Tess. What are you doing?”

She smiled against his hot skin, moved her mouth to his other nipple. “Having my way

with you.” She scrapped her teeth against the hard nub as she stroked the length of his cock,

shivering in dark delight. He filled her hand; long, thick, hard and oh so velvety smooth. She slid

her thumb over the engorged head, finding a bead of moisture at the tip. She barely held back a

moan of need and instead twisted briefly away to stack some pillows together. Then she settled

back into a reclining position. With both hands gripping his penis, and a wicked gleam in her

eye, she tugged lightly. “Give me.”

Understanding dawned and his groin pulsed harder with excitement. “Tess, you don’t

have to do this.”

“I know what I want, Caleb, and I want this. Now scoot up here and give it to me. I want

to taste you.”





With his jeans pushed down around his thighs, Caleb, inched slowly up her body on his

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knees until his cock was level with her mouth. When she parted her lips and touched the tip of

him with her tongue, his stomach clenched. She murmured in appreciation at the first taste,

circling the slit with a light, damp flick. Then she flattened her tongue and rubbed the sensitive

spot just under the engorged head, making him grit his teeth against the need to plunge into her

mouth. Beneath him, laid out like she was, she was completely vulnerable. He could easily shove

his aching cock past her lips, push into that supple moistness and lose himself. He ached so

much, needed this woman to provide release so bad that, to his shame, the idea stumbled through

his hazed brain.

He felt as if he’d waited for this moment with Tess forever, and his beast agreed,

growling at him to just take her. Lay her beneath his hard body and simply rut. It didn’t matter

that he’d come last night. He needed to be inside her, moving through her tight sheath until he

spilled his seed into her womb. But giving in to his wolf right now would destroy any trust she

had for him, and that kind of loss would simply kill him. With everything he had, he caged his

animal. Whatever Tess wanted, he would give, and nothing more.

His hand drifted over her hair, his body tingling in tortuous delight as he watched her lips

slowly part over his cock, slid down his aching flesh, and take him into her mouth.

His eyelids grew heavy, lust clawing through his gut. The need to thrust grew stronger

with each caress of her soft lips. One soft hand clasped his shaft at the base, stroking up and

down in time with her mouth, the other clutched his thigh as if to keep him in place. Her tongue

twirled and danced around his hard length every time she glided up his cock. Then she scrapped

her teeth ever so gently on the underside of his shaft and he knew he was a goner. Gently holding

her head still, he moved his hips forward, sinking his cock farther inside her mouth. “Take me,

Tess. Relax your throat and take me.”

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She did as he commanded and he slipped in further. He closed his eyes briefly, harsh

growls of pleasure ripping from his throat. “That’s right, m’lupa. Fuck me with your pretty


He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the erotic sight of his cock swallowed up by her

eager mouth. The friction made by her glistening lips increased, and he knew he wasn’t going to

last much longer. Tension, already thick and rigid, coiled to the snapping point. “Enough.”

When she only clamped her lips around him tighter, sucked him harder, he curled his

hands into fists in her hair. “Tess. I’m going to come,” he growled out, warning her, giving her

time to push him away.

She only hummed in pleasure, making his fingers flex as the vibrations shot fiery

sensations through his pulsing cock. Then she peered up at him through her lashes, eyes glinting

with desire, lips stretched wide to accommodate his thrusting shaft, and he exploded. He threw

his head back as the orgasm tore through his balls and bulleted out his cock. Wave after wave of

painful pleasure made lights dance behind his eyes as he emptied himself again and again into

Tess’s waiting mouth.

When he could think again, Caleb traced trembling fingers over Tess’s cheeks, silently

thanking her, and drew his still hard, and now very sensitive, flesh from her mouth. She let him

go with a popping sound that echoed in the quiet room. He lay on his back next to her, eyes

closed, breathe heavy. His heated cock was moist from her mouth and as the cool air brushed

over him, it twitched as if in regret, or renewed hunger. Caleb groaned, knowing his need for

Tess wouldn’t abate in the least until he’d emptied himself in her pussy, again and again. Maybe

after a month of gluttony he’d be able to ease off and only take her once or twice a day for the

next forty years. His shaft bobbed in agreement.

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With another groan, Caleb shifted down the pillows and turned on his side, dragging Tess

down as well until they lay face to face. He traced the curve of her cheek with a rough fingertip,

the skin so soft and smooth against his own calloused flesh. “You are so fucking beautiful. I’ll

never get enough of you and I fear that will be the death of me.”

Her brows arched and after a moment she said in a teasing tone, “Since I don’t want you

to die, maybe we shouldn’t take this any farther.”

With a low growl he rolled on top of her, pinning her under his body. Resting his

forearms on either side of her shoulder he wrapped his hands around the nape of her neck. His

erection, hard enough to pound nails even after the best orgasm of his life, pressed into her thigh.

“Not in this lifetime. Besides,” he said, nibbling her ear lobe, “I can’t think of a better way to


She let out a sigh as he shifted his attention to her throat, placing open mouthed kisses

down the throbbing pulse and then licking his way back up.

“You have too many clothes on, woman,” Caleb said and drew back on his knees,

anxious to rid her of said clothes when his phone rang. He closed his eyes and bit out a curse.

“You have got to fucking be kidding me.”

“What is it?” Tess asked.

“I’m off duty.”


Caleb gave her a hard look. “And I’m with you. There’s only one thing that would drag

me away right now.”

Tess licked her lips. “How do you know it’s work related?”

“The ring.” He scrubbed his face with both hands in agitation and then reached for the

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phone still clipped to his waist band. “Bennett,” he barked, eyes still on Tess.

“I’m really sorry…,” Phil Davis, one of his deputies, started but Caleb snarled,

uninterested in his apology.

“Just tell me.”

“We have a dead body,” Phil blurted.

Caleb’s eyes went cold and flat. “Where?”

“On the east side of the highway at mile marker 260, approximately two hundred yards



“That’s the bad part.” Phil sighed and lowered his voice. “Looks like a wolf, Sheriff and

not the normal kind either.”

Caleb went still, muscles locking as dread seeped through every pore. If the victim was

human… “Who?”

“Dave Collins. Still just a kid really.”

Human, Caleb thought running a ragged hand through his hair. Fucking fantastic. This

was beyond bad. Woodcliff had its fair share of crime, but murder, even with the violent and

sometimes unpredictable actions of the shifters, was rare. There hadn’t been a shifter on human

killing in over thirty years. Not since the Woodcliff pack had fought the neighboring Bridgetons,

resulting in the loss of many shifter lives on both sides of the territory, including five humans

who’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Since the change in pack mentality, shifters came and went from each pack with

moderate ease, as long as they received approval from alpha of each pack. Candidates were

measured on their physical and mental strengths and then placed in the pack hierarchy as

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befitting their abilities. Caleb himself had placed second upon his arrival in Woodcliff two years

ago. A rare feat as most members had to work their way up. But he’d more than earned that

exalted position and now he had the respect of his pack and the whole community. Until now. To

Caleb, a murder in his territory was akin to a middle finger salute to his authority.

He growled in anger, both man and beast more than ready to hunt down the rabid killer

like the coward he was.

Oblivious to his thoughts, Tess squirmed under him and he pinned her with his gaze. She

went shockingly still, her eyes filling with something a little too close to fear for his own good.

He cursed low and rough, damning himself for putting that look in her face.

Pushing to his feet, he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear as he carefully

tucked his raging hard-on in his jeans. Zipping was damn near painful and he welcomed the

sensation as it dampened his anger. “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he told Phil and snapped the

phone shut, hooking it back on his belt. Then he bent over, placed his hands on either side of

Tess’s waist and lifted her to her feet in one smooth, powerful move. So as not to scare her

further, he slowly reached out and touched a lock of her silky hair, sliding it behind her ear. “I

have to go.”

“All right.”

Not liking her distant tone, Caleb pulled her close, pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m sorry,”

he said. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m angry and not at you. I’d never hurt you.” He drew

back, grasped her chin with a finger and thumb. “You know that, right? I’d die before I ever did


Her face morphed into that cool mask he hated so much. “Sure.”

“Damn it, Tess,” he couldn’t stop the low rumble that came out. “I’m pissed because we

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were interrupted. I’m angry because I have to leave you and I’m beyond enraged because

someone is dead.”

Her eyes flew wide. “Dead?”

Shaking his head at his bluntness, he cursed again, dropping his hands to his hips.

“Christ, I’m an idiot.”

Tess narrowed her eyes as he stood before her, his muscles still and tense as a coiled

spring. His chin tipped down, his eyes closed, his breath sawed in and out as he reigned in his


Caleb might act like an idiot at times, but he was far from being one. Tess placed a

tentative hand on his chest. “No, you’re not.”

He laid his hand over her’s, pressing it to his thudding heart and let out a derisive laugh.

“Yes, with you I am. It’s just...” he paused. “This is new for me, Tess. This need I have for you.

It’s so strong it’s distracting and a distracted shifter - or cop for that matter - can be a death

sentence. It’s terrifying.” He tunneled his hand through her hair to hold her head. “And

exhilarating,” he whispered against her lips before taking her mouth with his.

The kiss started slow, almost tentative, coaxing. Tess sighed and Caleb swept in, his

tongue hot and hard. “Soon I will be inside your sweet little sexy body,” he vowed, his breath

caressing her swollen lips, his eyes fixed with hot anticipation on hers, “and it will be…perfect.”

Then with great reluctance, he moved back and searched out his shirt. “But duty calls.”

“Caleb,” she said softly, “can you tell me what happened?”

He yanked on his top. “I won’t know until I get out there. Just lock the door behind me.”

She put a hand to her throat. “That doesn’t sound good.”

He raked his gaze over her body, puffed out his cheeks. “No, it doesn’t. Walk me to the

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door?” he held out his hand, palm up.

Tess placed her smaller hand in his and Caleb kissed her knuckles before twining their

fingers. At the front door he stopped and gathered her close for a hard kiss. “I’ll call you later.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”

“It’s not a matter of have to, sweetheart. It’s a matter of want to.”

A shy smile curved her lips. “I’d like that.”

Pleased, Caleb pressed his lips to her forehead. “Keep your cell close.”

“Will do. And Caleb?”


“Be careful.”

He smiled against her soft skin. “Anything for you.”

And as instructed, Tess locked the door behind him, her nerves taut with need and worry.

She blew out a heavy breath and walked into the kitchen to sooth her senses with the food Caleb

had prepared. If she couldn’t feed one hunger, she would just make do with another.

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Chapter Ten

Caleb crouched down by the cooling body of Dave Collins. Born in Woodcliff, Dave had

been a likable and quiet man just shy of his twenty-second birthday, which he’d now never see.

Legs sprawled, one arm thrown wide, the other lay awkwardly behind his back, sightless brown

eyes staring up at the treetops. No sign of a struggle. The attack was swift and violent as

illustrated by the deep claw marks on the victim’s jacket and shredded jugular. .

With a tinge of regret, Caleb pulled his gaze away and searched the thick woods, his eyes

slowly adjusting from the bright flood lights pointing down to the body to take in the

surrounding darkness. The calming pine scents and shuffling sounds of nocturnal animals were

gone, replaced by an ominous foreboding that made his gut clench.

“Couldn’t have happened more than an hour or two ago, though Doc Peters is on his way

for time of death.” Phil’s voice was shockingly loud in the silence of the forest.

Caleb locked his jaw. At that time Tess had been driving down the highway, not very far

away. Alone and in the fading light. His blood boiled, knowing his mate could have been hurt,

even killed if her vehicle had broken down or if she’d come into contact with whoever got a hold

of Collins. Then his cop instinct kicked in. He’d have to question her. Ask if she saw not only the

blue Camry on the side of the road, but if anything or anyone appeared. Christ. His stomach

tightened in knots. She’d just become a possible witness.

He looked over his shoulder at his deputy. Phil stood straight, hands clenching and

unclenching, fidgeting. The kid looked ashen in the dark, his eyes wide and not a bit frightened.

At twenty-four, the Woodcliff native was smart, friendly, ambitious and a shifter. And right now,

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by the way he kept glancing from one side to the other as if expecting an attack, the rookie

deputy was a bit overwhelmed by the current situation.

“You smell something?” Caleb asked him.

Phil shook his head. “No, sir, and that’s just plain weird. I should be able to smell

something, but other than…” Phil swallowed and waved a shaking hand at the body. “I just smell

normal forest scents. I mean, we’re still a few days away from the full moon. Other than the

alpha, you and some of the other sub-leaders in the pack, I don’t know of anyone else who can

shift without the draw of the full moon. ”

Caleb arched a brow. “So you’re saying either Dean or I did this?”

“God no!” Phil’s Adam’s apple bobbled wildly. “Never.”

Caleb stood and turned to face Phil fully, the look in the sheriff’s eye cold enough to

cause Phil to take two steps back before he came to an abrupt halt.

Good for him. Though Caleb approved the kid’s resolve, Phil had more to learn about law

enforcement. “Always use your brain, Phil. We shifters have complicated lives. Not only do we

have to adjust to being half-human and half-wolf, we have allegiances to our pack, alpha, family

and profession. Just because you’ve sworn an oath to Dean doesn’t necessarily take him off the

suspicion list.”

Phil sucked in a breath. ‘You think he might have done this?” His voice was low, his eyes

wide as saucers.

Caleb’s face twisted as he smelled something rank. “Hell no. But that’s because I know

the man, not because of some damn allegiance or oath.” He slanted his eyes to the body on the

ground, the claw marks on the torso, the torn out throat. “You look at the evidence, investigate

and re-check everything. Never assume. You doand someone else could die.”

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“And you don’t want to live with that kind of guilt,” the new male voice was raspy and

low. Caleb had heard Brandon Dermot sneak up and the resulting startled yelp from Phil had him

shaking his head in amusement.

“Jesus, Brandon. What’d ya do that for?” Phil gasped at the other deputy.

Brandon narrowed his dark eyes. “Learn to use all your senses, kid, or you’ll get yourself

killed.” Brandon turned his back on Phil so only Caleb could see the pleased look in the big

man’s black eyes. At six-four, Brandon was built like a line-backer, broad shoulders, thick chest,

huge arms and thighs. His military short black hair was only a few shades darker than his skin,

making it damn near impossible to see his expression, but the rolling of his eyes said it all.

Caleb manly held back a grin. “What can you tell me?”

“Single wolf attack, went straight for the jugular.” Brandon was all business now. “Claw

marks on the torso suggest a big wolf as the kid was tall, nearly my height but a hell of a lot

skinnier. They grappled a bit before the wolf got the upper hand. Deliberate or defensive attack

on the wolf’s part. A shifter wolf and definitely not from our pack.” The last was said with

deliberate intent at Phil.

“Really?” Phil took a few steps closer. “How do you know?”

Brandon grabbed him by the back of the neck and thrust him over the body. “Take a big

whiff, cub. What do you smell?”

Caleb rubbed a hand over his mouth to hide his smile. Brandon was third in the pack,

tough-as-nails, rough around the edges and had been heading straight towards self-destruction

before coming across his mate in St. Louis, Missouri. Both Caleb and Brandon had been on the

police force when a beautiful reporter got caught between them and a bad guy. After a short

hostage situation, in which the feisty brunette had done more damage to her captor then he to

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her, Tia made the decision to return to her hometown and take over the Woodcliff Press from her

uncle. Brandon had, of course, followed. Not six months later Brandon had convinced Caleb to

do the same and he’d never regretted it. Especially since the move brought him into contact with


The warm thought of his mate was interrupted by Phil’s gurgling. The kid barely made it

out of Brandon’s hold before he ran a short distance away and lost his dinner.

“Damn,” Brandon said. “Probably screwed up some evidence.”

“Serves you right for screwing with his head.”

Caleb and Brandon whirled as one to see their alpha, Dean Kinigos, leaning with casual

indifference against a tree not ten feet from them. His dark hair was long and caught at the nape

of his neck by a leather thong, bringing his high cheek bones and full lips into stark relief. His

skin, bronzed by his Greek heritage, seemed to glow from an inner light. At six-feet even with a

lithely muscled body, and dressed much like Caleb in jeans and flannel shirt, their alpha may not

be as tall or as thickly built as most wolves, but the man simply radiated strength, predatory

grace and menace.

If Caleb had once thought Brandon on the road to self-destruction than their alpha was at

the final T-junction. The alpha of any pack had a tough enough job and when combined with the

additional responsibilities of a town mayor, the stress became two-fold. Only the toughest and

most controlled of individuals could handle that kind of pressure. Dean was only thirty-six, really

in the prime of his life, but Caleb sensed that in his alpha’s case, it was the mileage rather than

the years that counted. Adding to his tension was the fact that he was a virile, handsome and

single man and thus, to his eternal irritation, women flocked to his side…his home…his office. It

was enough to make any man insane from the lack of privacy.

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And right now, that man was not happy. Power surged from Dean in a hair-raising rush,

similar to sticking a wet finger in a light socket and having the resulting electric jolt slam

through your body. The force behind it told the two cops that their alpha was not pleased by their


Brandon coughed, masking a groan of pain. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.” The power surge shut off like a switch, allowing the men to suck in

relieved breathes. “So what do you smell, Brandon?”

Caleb was quick to note the subtle relaxing of Brandon’s muscles. “Single wolf attacker.

The scent isn’t familiar but that doesn’t mean we can rule out every Woodcliff shifter. Jumped

Collins straight up, not a rear attack. In fact,” Brandon nodded to Dean’s left, “tracks indicated

he came at Collins at a full run, no hint of hesitation. Collins was dead in seconds.”

“Anything else?” Dean wanted to know.

Caleb squatted and inhaled. “Smells almost sweet, but not from the human.” He pushed

to his feet and followed the tracks a few steps. Took in another breathe and drew in his brows.

“Very distinctive, but not familiar. I can only separate it from the scent of death because of the

light breeze heading in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, it suddenly disappears about ten

feet from the body. I’d think the killer got into a vehicle, but there is no scent of exhaust, oil or

gas. And unless he flew away, I just don’t have an answer. Yet.”

Brandon shrugged. “Easy. All we have to do is sniff every shifter in town and in the

surrounding counties. Should only take two or three months.”

“If he hasn’t already left the state,” Dean said drily.

“Yeah,” Brandon’s nostrils flared again. “Wait a minute.” He closed his eyes and turned

in a slow circle. “He was also…aroused? That’s odd. Unless.” His eyes popped open and he

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stared straight at Caleb. “It’s you. Christ, Caleb. You’re messing with my nose.”

Caleb involuntarily winced. “Hell. It’s not like I planned this. I had to leave Tess before

we could, well, you know.”

Brandon smirked.. “Fuck her?”

Caleb’s mouth parted to reveal teeth that quickly lengthened into deadly points. “Watch


The growl that emanated from the sheriff’s chest warned Brandon to cease and desist his

joking. The deputy just grinned. “Thanks. I look forward to it.”

Caleb’s hand fisted and he took a deliberate step forward to knock the mischievous glint

out of his former best friend’s eye.

Dean sighed gustily. “I think one dead body is enough, don’t you?”

Ignoring their alpha, Caleb and Brandon squared off. Caleb with deadly intent in his eye

while Brandon’s was full of wicked amusement

“What?” Brandon waved a hand in the air, egging Caleb on. “Can’t handle a little ribbing

when it comes to your mate? How did you think I felt back in St. Louis?”

“I was jealous.” Caleb snarled, bending his knees. “You found your woman and you

weren’t even looking for her. All I ever wanted was to find a mate and raise a family, but I didn’t

know it would be like this.” His voice rose in frustration. “You never told me it was like this.”

“Like men share feelings,” Brandon sneered.

“Friends do! You could have told me.”

You should have guessed!”

Seeming to have had it with the two snarling shifters, Dean rolled his head on his

shoulders, the stiff muscles popping from constant tension, and let loose an attention-grabbing

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roar with more force then necessary. Tree limbs shuddered from the powerful sound wave and

both men whipped around to instant attention, their expressions briefly showing their shock and

not a little alarm. “Since I’m the only one that seems to be able to think properly at the moment,

might I suggest one of you find out where Dave’s next of kin is and let them know their son is


Caleb scrubbed his face with both hands. This mate thing sucked. He lacked control over

his libido, his emotions were strung tighter than a drum, his professionalism was shot to hell and

he’d nearly pounded his best friend in the dirt. All in all, he felt like a damn cub going through

puberty. Again. “Sorry, Dean,” he gave his alpha his full attention. “It won’t happen again.”

Dean pursed his lips and shot a warning frown to Brandon who lifted his massive

shoulders in a shrug. “We’re done.”

Dean grunted and then slanted his startling emerald green eyes to the left, sending Phil,

who had slowly crept up, an indecipherable look. “Phillip?”

Phil nearly tumbled to the ground in submission. “Yes, sir?”

“Feeling better?”

“Y-yes, sir,” Phil stammered, face flushing with mortification for tossing his cookies..

“Thank you.”

Dean nodded once. “Unless any of you have anything further to say, I need to get back

and start damage control.”

“We may have a witness.” Caleb said, his heart twisting at the thought of bringing his

mate into any of this ugliness. “Tess was driving back from the hospital about the same time this

happened. If she remembers seeing Collins’ car and what time that was, it would give us a better

timeframe of the murder. She may have also unwittingly seen something else that may be helpful

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to the investigation.”

Dean’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “If she did see something you may need to keep a

close eye on her. Let me know if we need to provide additional protection.”

Caleb nodded gratefully, knowing Dean meant shifter rather than official protection. “I’d

appreciate that.”

“Good. Now that you two are back to normal, I’ll let you continue your work.” Dean

started through the forest, his steps as silent as a ghost, and glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, and

Caleb. When you go talk with Tess, take care of that… problem you’re having before you

hamper the investigation any further.”

Gritting his teeth, Caleb refused to follow Dean’s gaze to his groin where he knew an

erection was sporting hard, heavy, and very inappropriately, against his jeans. “Yes, sir.” Caleb

glared at a smirking Brandon from the corner of his eyes. “Don’t say a fucking word.”

Brandon raised his hands in a defensive gesture and then made a zipping motion over his

mouth with his hand.

Cursing silently, Caleb yanked out his cell phone. “I’ll make the trip to Collins’ parents

and let them know what happened. Then I’ll check in on Tess and find out if she remembers

anything. In the meantime Brandon, start on the crime scene photos and begin bagging and

tagging. Phil, head back to the road to show the doc the way in. Derek’s stuck out there directing

traffic and deflecting any nosy civilians. Jason will be here shortly to help, but you’ll need to

guide the doc here and back. Damn human losses his way out of the grocery store parking lot.”

As the two deputies started on their assignments, Caleb looked down at Dave Collins and

shook his head. “Damn Dave. What were you doing way the hell out here and who did you piss


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Chapter Eleven

Tess slid aside the small, blue-checkered curtain from the kitchen door window and

looked out past her reflection into the moonlit night. With her cell phone clutched in her hand,

and a frown marring her brow, she mulled over Caleb’s brief instructions. Lock the doors, don’t

go outside and think about her drive both to and back from visiting her mother at the hospital.

He’d come by later tonight to talk with her more formally, but he wanted to give her ample

opportunity to create a timeline. Her memories could help catch a killer.

Needless to say, dinner sat like lead in her belly.

She was positive she hadn’t seen any wolves or humans mulling around. Though a car

parked on the shoulder on the opposite side of the highway had caught her attention, she’d just

assumed someone was either off on a stroll through the trees or, more likely, taking a leak. There

was absolutely nothing on that stretch of road other than trees for nearly thirty miles.

What really bothered her was the fact she didn’t remember the young man that was

killed, and presumably the driver of the parkedvehicle. Granted, Dave was years younger than

she was, but Tess felt she should have at least heard about the man, if not known him personally.

In a town of less than two thousand residents, most everyone heard, saw or gossiped about

everyone else.

Then again, being away for ten years with fewvisits no doubt worked against not only her

memory of people, but also contributed to dissolving old relationships. Since she’d been back,

Tess almost felt as if she were starting over in a new place. Acquaintances of her youth had

either moved away or were busy running their own businesses and raising children. Many of the

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shifters had fled the small town in search of a mate or because of the man who’d declared

himself alpha after her father took off after his mate. Frank Kolter was a sadistic and controlling

alpha and had made many a shifter’s life miserable. How the man had kept his title was still a

mystery. Then one day, Dean challenged Frank and within seconds became the new alpha. Since

Dean’s reign, the Woodcliff pack had been turned back into the welcoming shifter community,

like it was in the days when her father ruled..

All in all, Woodcliff was both the same and different from a decade ago.

The phone suddenly rang in her hand, the jarring tone loud in the quiet house. She

jumped a foot in the air, dropping the curtain in the process. With a hand over her racing heart

Tess glanced at the screen. Her sister. “Hey, Kaylie.”

“Hey yourself. I just got off the phone with mom. She sounds good and said she’d be

going home tomorrow.”

“As long as nothing else happens. Her blood pressure’s back to normal, her incision is

healing nicely and she doesn’t appear to have any lasting effects from her stroke.” Tess walked

into the living room and settled onto the over-stuffed couch where she proceeded to toe off her

shoes so she could tuck her long legs under her. “All in all, she’s doing very well.”

Kaylie let out a huge sigh. “God it’s making me nuts that I wasn’t there. I should have

been there. A good daughter would have been.”

“Kaylie, you have finals. Mom knew that. She wanted the whole thing done and over

with before you came home for the holidays.”

“Moved back home you mean.”

Tess blinked. “Excuse me?”

After a moment of silence Kaylie said quietly, “You do know I’m moving back

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permanently when my exams are over, don’t you?”

No, she hadn’t known that. “Don’t you have some sort of residency or intern thing first?”

“Are you trying to tell me not to come home?” Dry amusement filled her sister’s tone.

“No, not at all,” Tess protested, though silently she worried how soon disaster would

result when three totally different and completely independent women suddenly began living in

the same house. Lord knew she and Kaylie had more than their share of sisterly squabbles

growing up.

Though both had a temper, Tess rarely lost hers while Kaylie let hers free range, loud and

frequently. Tomboyish and mischievous, Kaylie loved to play and laugh as hard as she worked.

She never hid her feelings or bit her tongue. One always knew where they stood with the

younger Gentry sister, whether it was as friend or foe.

On the other hand, and about the time of her parent’s divorce, Tess learned to hide her

fear behind a mask of ultra feminine cool disdain, which resulted in smothering an outgoing

nature. Not a fear of shifters per say, but of what they represented; virile males on the hunt for

females to provide sex and babies. Sex to sooth their constant hunger and cubs to ensure their


As Tess wasn’t interested in either, she went against her own nature and ended up turning

into a creature she’d begun to lose respect for. But she knew, damn well knew, if she gave her

own dark desires an inch of freedom she’d never be the same, never be free to make her own

choices or make her own way in life. The idea of being stuck in a loveless marriage, all for the

sake of producing a new generation, terrified her. And after years of preventative measures and

painful cages, here she was. Mated to one of the very creatures she’d taken such pains to avoid.

She’d lost her tight hold on her control and, within days, given in to both temper and temptation.

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Her mom was right, as usual. Fate had snuck up and given her one swift kick in the ass.

“Tess!” Kaylie’s voice was sharp and Tess realized with a wince that her sister must have

called her name a few times without receiving a response.

“Sorry, I was thinking.” And getting a headache. Tess rubbed her temples with her thumb

and forefinger. “So you’re coming home to stay?” She prompted.

“Yes,” the answer came quick. “I did my residency while in school and will be assisting

Dr. Thomas at Woodcliff Veterinary Clinic starting the second week in January.”

“Hmmm. And you’re staying here. With mom and I?”

“Uh, yeah. It would be stupid to rent a place when mom has that big house all to herself.

Besides, I already asked and she wants me home.”

Tess’s eye began to twitch. Living with mom was one thing, living with her sister

another, entirely different matter. Love wasn’t the issue. The not killing each other was. Her

worry for her mother and her ridiculous physical attraction toward Caleb had caused her defenses

to start crumbling. The situation with Kyle in the café this morning had allowed her latent shifter

to break free. As a female, she couldn’t actually change into wolf form, but she did possess the

heightened strength, desires and senses as the males, just not as acutely. With all the changes in

her life, she felt vulnerable, as if she were swinging in the air, naked, covered in honey and

dangling over a pit of hungry bears. She could actually feel herself regress into an unsure

adolescent and her liberated wolf wasn’t about to let her stuff her emotions back in that little box.

Once her boisterous sister, who had always purposely pushed her buttons moved back, all hell

was going to break loose.

Maybe she should investigate the real estate market in town. Starting tomorrow. But right

now, she would play Kaylie’s game. An evil little smirk lifted one side of her lips. After all,

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what’s a big sister for? “You know mom turned your room into a sewing room?”

“Uh, no. She turned your room into a craft room.”

“Not anymore.”

Kaylie shrieked and ranted and Tess was forced to pull the phone from her ear. Instead of

making her feel better, the tirade soon became irritating. Tess jumped off the couch and snapped

back. “Damn it Kaylie, quit acting like a spoiled brat! It’s mom’s bloody house and she can do

whatever she wants with it. Christ. We can move the furniture around again. It’s not like your

stuff is gone. It’s still in your damn room, along with the sewing machine, fabric, yarn, and a

million other things.” God her head was pounding!

Focused as she was on padding up the stairs and to the bathroom, it took Tess a minute to

recognize the sound now coming over the line. She flipped on the light and paused. “Are you

laughing at me?”

“Hell yes. Oh my God, Tess, it’s true. You’re not only mated to a wolf but you’ve lost

control over your own. It’s fabulous and about damn time!”

“Witch.” Tess held the phone between her ear and shoulder as she dug out four Tylenol

from the medicine cabinet. “It’s not in the least amusing.”

“It’s ironic is what it is. You fought against your own nature for so long and this is what

happens. It’s classic.”

Feeling mildly depressed, Tess glared at her pale reflection. “How did you know?”

Kaylie let out a sigh. “Oh Tess, sweety. I always suspected. Your metabolism has always

been faster and you were always stronger than me even though I played sports and you sat on

your ass looking through fashion magazines. Mom and I were concerned you were acting against

your natural instincts. She continued to coddle you, hoping you wouldn’t squash all your feelings

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and become an ice queen and I set out to deliberately taunt you to get a rise out of you. Of course

envy made me do it often, but I have no regrets.”

“Envy, huh?”

“Sure. You’re a tall, gorgeous babe with boobs. I’m not. But then you tried birth control

pills to help with your period and they didn’t work. My jealousy died a quick death as every

month I watched you in agony while I got off with only minor twinges.”

Tess put a hand to her belly as her womb gave a small quiver in remembered horror.

“They’re still pretty bad. Nothing works, not the pill, the patch, the ring, injections. Nothing.”

“That’s because human hormonal birth control doesn’t work on female shifters. Even

though you don’t change form, your DNA is too different. As much as I know you hate to hear it,

physiology is the one thing you can’t control.”

“Perfect,” Tess let out a resigned sigh and turned on the tap. “Always knew you were the

smart one.”

“True.” Immodest, Kaylie wasn’t. “What are you doing?”

Tess popped the pills in her mouth and mumbled, “Taking Tylenol.”


She swallowed two at a time with a glass of water. “Yes. It just came out of the blue.”

“Probably due to the hormonal changes of meeting your mate and freeing your wolf.

You’re also no doubt ready to or have already started the mating heat. The symptoms usually

occur one week after physical contact with a potential mate.”

Tess winced. “What the hell?”

Kaylie chuckled unrepentantly. “Sorry. It’s the doctor in me. I can’t help but analyzing

everything. It makes my roommates crazy.”

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“Great.” The last thing Tess wanted was to be analyzed, and by her younger sister of all

people. “Just don’t be pulling that medical crap on me when you get home.”

“Whatever. So tell me, what’s it like with a shifter?”

Tess crossed over the hallway into her bedroom, leaving the light off, and lay down over

the bed cover. “What’s what like?”

“Sex of course.”

“Kaylie!” Tess choked out.

“Don’t tell me you and Caleb haven’t done the dirty deed yet. You’ve been there what,

over a week now? How could you resist that hunky sheriff?”

Tess closed her eyes, images of what had occurred in this very bed last night. His head

between her legs as he laved her pussy with his tongue, his thick fingers pushing in and out of

her wet flesh. She’d never orgasmed so hard before. Usually she used a man to get excited and

then once he left, gave herself release. But not with Caleb. He not only took his time, he knew

exactly what he was doing. Best of all, he seemed to enjoy it if what he told her after was true.

That he had climaxed in his jeans. She shivered at that, wondered if it was truly possible.

Then she remembered how she’d felt when her lips were wrapped around his cock. So

large he’d barely fit in her mouth as he slid in and out. She’d never been one to enjoy giving a

man oral sex, but with Caleb it was intensely erotic. She had ached to have him in her mouth.

He’d thrust so carefully while she clutched the strong columns of his thighs. The way his

muscles had bunched under her hands, head thrown back in ecstasy as he came. And his taste.

She let out a small moan as her sex quivered and began to ache with renewed arousal.

“That good?” Kaylie whispered with awe.

That snapped Tess back. “I did not have sex with Caleb.”

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“Well why not?”

Tess’s mouth opened, closed, opened again. “Because I’m not that easy.”

Kaylie laughed. “Oh please. I know you. If you want a man, you go after him. Besides,

I’ve read about your exploits in the tabloids.”

“And I’ve told you time and again that you shouldn’t believe everything you read. Geez,

Kaylie. Half those men I quote dated unquote, were gay.”

“And the other half?”

Tess ran her tongue over dry lips, hesitating before she answered. “Not so much.”

Maybe she’d been with more than a few men. Maybe she even regretted a few of her

sexual conquests. But she’d needed something. Something to ease the emptiness inside her. So

maybe, possibly, could be, the deep seated feeling of loneliness that had always existed in the pit

of her stomach had made her act a bit irrationally when it came to the opposite sex.

She frowned, unconsciously covering her tummy with her free hand. There was no knot

of nerves, no sense of loss. She felt like something was missing, but it wasn’t clawing at her gut.

Just a gentle sense of waiting, knowing that what she needed was coming.

Shit. It was Caleb. Son of a bitch. She really was his mate. She was so screwed.

The front doorbell rang just as she finished her mental cursing and her heart gave one

mighty leap before it picked up sped. Caleb had informed her earlier that he would be by after

talking to Dave’s parents. Dave. She forgot to mention him to Kaylie. Then again, she probably

shouldn’t say anything until she talked with Caleb.

Tess glanced at the slim watch on her wrist. Nearly an hour since she spoke with him.

Time sure did fly when reality, and sisters, smacked you upside the head.

“Hold on, someone’s at the door.” Tess walked over the wooden floor and looked out her

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bedroom window. “What the hell?”

“What wrong?” Kaylie asked.

Confused, Tess whispered, “It’s Frank Kolter.”

“Rat bastard,” Kaylie hissed out. “What’s he doing there?” Unknowingly, she had

lowered her voice to match Tess’s.

Tess squeezed her eyes shut as she realized the likely reason for the former alpha’s

impromptu visit. “He’s probably here because of a little incident this morning involving Kyle

and myself.”

“You mean when you beat the crap out of his eldest son?”

Tess rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Just perfect. Do you know everything?”

“Yep. Listen. Don’t answer the door.”

As Tess was already on the way down the stairs she asked, “Why not?”

“Because Frank’s a two-faced snake. You know how horrible the wolves’ lives here

were. Hell, everyone in this town had major problems. It got so bad that humans were afraid to

go out at night. Tourism plummeted. It was a nightmare his last couple of years as alpha. I

almost told mom to move out.”

Tess stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “What? I didn’t know this. I mean I knew he

wasn’t the leader that Dad was, but I didn’t know it was that bad.”

“Oh yeah. Dean finally come into town about three years ago, beat the crap out of Frank

in like ten seconds flat for some perceived slight and declared himself alpha. Then demanded

anyone who thought they could take him and the position over do so. Needless to say, no shifter

accepted the invitation and furthermore, never has. He rebuilt the pack, cleaned up the town and

is even the town mayor.”

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Though she knew this, something in her sister’s tone caught Tess’s interest. “Dean, huh?”

Kaylie let out a gusty sigh. “Yeah. Dean. Jerkwad. For such a smart man, he hasn’t a clue

about what’s right in front of his face.”

“Why do I have a feeling you’re going to show him when you come home?”

The sound of her sister’s sputters caused Tess to cover her twitching mouth just as the

doorbell peeled again. “Evidently we need to have a chat, little sister.”

“I don’t think so.” Kaylie changed the subject. “Frank sounds insistent. Just don’t open

the door. Talk to him through it.”

Tess rolled her eyes. No wonder she had a headache with all the eye rolling she’d done

lately. “He’s a shifter, Kaylie. Do you really think a door would stop him? Besides, I’m not

going to let him think I might be afraid of him.” Though knowing how unpredictable shifters

could be did give her pause.

Kaylie let out a huff. “Fine. Then don’t hang up. I want to hear what he says so put it on

speakerphone. I’m also going to the land line in case I need to call the sheriff’s office.”

“Ten-four.” Tess hooked the phone to her jeans, leaving the line open and her hands free.

Then she reached for the knob.

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Chapter Twelve

“Good evening, Teresa.”

The yellow-bug light cast Frank Kolter in a sickly glow, emphasizing large black brows

and the widow’s peak which drew his straight, short hair back from his round face. His teeth

gleamed sharp as they emerged past thin lips stretched to accommodate an almost sinister smile.

The man screamed money from his soft suede shirt to his alligator loafers to his Cadillac

Escalade parked in her driveway.

A shudder ran down Tess’s back and she saw Frank’s nostril’s flare, his eyes blaze for a

fraction of a second as he scanned her body from head to toe and back again. Yuk. Now she was

going to have to take a shower to scrub herself clean from that look. Not to mention what his

cologne was doing to her clothes. The man reeked of some bizarre combination of ripe

watermelons and coffee.

By the time his grey eyes reached her face again, his true predatory nature slid behind a

mask of slick, faux innocence. Whether it was the alligator loafers paired with an Armani suit -

seriously? – or her age, Tess realized that Freaky Frank was nowhere near as scary as she

remembered. And that was when she noticed it.

His eyes. The color is a distinctive grey, just like Matt’s.

Knowing she could do nothing to prevent Frank from hearing her heart suddenly race into

overdrive she leaned a shoulder nonchalantly against the doorframe. One hand remained on the

open door, letting the cold evening air whip past her body and into the house. Fighting back a

need to shiver, she raised a brow in mild curiosity. “Mr. Kolter. This is a surprise. What brings

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you out here?”

“Ah, Teresa. Look at you. You’ve grown into such a lovely, young woman,” he said

fondly and then shook his head in reflection. “Should have let the kid have his way,” he added

under his breath.

Perplexed at the barely there comment, Tess curved her lips in a tight smile. The lust

oozing from every pore blended with his odd cologne, making her throat tighten in small

convulsions. After the confrontation with his son, the older shifter had to know she possessed the

ability to smell his arousal as any female shifter would. It made his complimentary words and

gentle tone all the more disgusting.

Her stomach churned alarmingly. The thought of losing her dinner all over his expensive

footwear made her smile genuine. “Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you.”

He beamed. “It’s only the truth. You mother is so very proud of you, as we all are. You

made a name for yourself in a tough industry. It shows great courage.”

Lying bastard. Her mom hated everything about Tess’s chosen profession and never

failed to comment upon it. Evidently, this was how Frank managed to not only become alpha

after her father left, but turned his lumber company into a lucrative business in a competitive

industry. He manipulated, goaded or coerced. Said what people wanted to hear in a tone so

soothing as to make an outright lie believable. Eight years of working in a cut-throat

environment attested to her recognition of his underhanded tactics.

Her smile froze in place. ‘Thank you again,” she said. Dissatisfaction crossed his features

when she didn’t respond with great ceremony. Inwardly pleased, she tilted her head to the side.

“I apologize if I seem short, but I need to get up quite early in the morning and was just heading

up to bed. Is there something you wished to speak to me about?”

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It took Frank the space of a heartbeat to regain his composure. “I’m the one who should

apologize, my dear. I didn’t realize the time.” He chuckled. “I should say I must apologize twice

then. Once for this impromptu visit and a second time for my eldest son’s actions this morning. I

understand he became a smidge uncontrollable and you were able to settle him down.”

Finally, Tess thought. If she hadn’t forced the issue, Frank would have pussy-footed

around until morning. “It’s certainly not your fault, Mr. Kolter. Kyle is a big boy.”

“Frank, dear. Please call me Frank.” He sighed. . “I’m afraid I’ve let that boy run free too

long. It’s been so hard, trying to raise three rambunctious cubs and run a business. Then when

their mother left us alone…well.” He let out another sigh.

You could have tried being a father instead of a sperm donor, Tess wanted to rail at him.

Hell, the man made it sound like Mrs. Kolter died when her children were only little boys. She

hadn’t. About nine years ago she’d packed a small suitcase, gathered her substantial amount of

jewelry and simply left. According to Tess’s mom, it was the smartest thing the woman had ever

done. Especially since the whole town knew Frank was a lecherous whore. The concept of

wolves mating for life meant nothing to him, nor did the vows of marriage.

Tess remained silent because, really, what could she say? Thankfully Frank shook out of

his phony morose. “Kyle just needs to find a mate.” He smiled suddenly, the expression putting

her on guard. “When I heard you were back in town, I’d hoped you two might make a go of it.”

Bile burned in her throat. No way can he think that is a compliment or that Kyle has a

chance in hell of getting in my pants.

Her face must have shown surprise because he quickly added, “But I hear that’s

impossible now. What with Caleb claiming you as mate.” He squinted at her neck and shoulder

as if he could see through her sweater. “Of course if he hasn’t marked you…”

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She nearly choked. This was another thing she hated about shifter logic. If she said Caleb

hadn’t, she would be considered fair game. If she said he had, the whole town would be planning

a wedding. Since she didn’t like either option she settled for a noncommittal, “Hmm.”

Though her sense of smell was, at times, unpleasantly acute, her hearing and eyesight

was only marginally better than human, so when lights flicked through the bare branches lining

the dirt road leading to her house, it caught her by surprise. Thankful for any interruption from

Frank’s shrewd gaze, she flicked her eyes away from his, keeping him in her peripheral. The lack

of attention made the shifter frown and he swiveled on his heels. “Expecting company?” His tone

held a bite of accusation Tess found more than a little annoying.

Her hands fisted and she wrapped them around her middle. Oh yeah she was expecting

company. And hot, sweaty monkey sex, with a steamy, dreamy shifter. But she only cleared her

throat, and lied. “No.”

The nearly full moon showcased the vehicle as it came into view and Tess nearly sagged

against the doorframe in relief. Caleb. She slanted her eyes at Frank, and then pressed her lips

together to keep from laughing at his expression. He looked as if he’d just swallowed a lemon.

Wonder what that’s all about.

Silence spread as they watched Caleb drive into the clearing. Just when Tess thought he

would wheel right past the house and head straight into the surrounding woods, he braked hard,

sending a large plume of snow to cover both his truck and Frank’s seventy thousand dollar gas

guzzler. Frank muttered something unflattering under his breath and Tess coughed to cover a

laugh. Evidently the animosity was reciprocated.

When she caught sight of Caleb, her pulse shot into high gear. He didn’t just walk toward

her, he stalked, his gait smooth and purposeful as the strong column of his thighs ate up the short

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distance. His dark eyes gleamed hot when they settled on her, then he glanced at Frank and back

again, the dark depths questioning. Though she gave a barely noticeable shrug, she knew he saw

the huge SOS in her own eyes because his jaw tightened and his eyes went cold and flat.

“Kolter,” Caleb said in a way that made Tess think of broken glass, cool and sharp.

“Sheriff,” Frank tilted his head back slightly in a pompous greeting.

The lines drawn, Caleb sauntered up the porch steps to her side and then shifted to stand

slightly in front of her, which in turn forced Frank back a few paces or risk being stepped on.

Though he didn’t touch her, Tess could feel Caleb’s warmth and protection wrap around

her like a velvety blanket, and she welcomed the sensation. This was more than the mating heat

working its strange magic to overpower her fierce independence. This was trust. The last man

she trusted had left when she needed him the most. Her father. Though as an adult she

understood the reasons, logic didn’t enter in the psychology of a broken home and the potential

everlasting affects. The need for baby steps was paramount. Her wolf half, on the other hand,

wanted to howl in satisfaction and pounce, clawing for a mile when Tess could only handle an


First things first. Every shifter knew the strength of Caleb’s loyalty to Dean, which

included Dean’s righteous trouncing of Frank to become alpha of the pack. In his own right,

Caleb could easily squash the older shifter like a bug, but Frank was crafty and never forgot a

slight. Two wolves at odds, and obviously hating each other, could make the current situation

turn into an explosion of temper and fur.

“Sheriff,” Tess said, purposely softening her voice to create a calming effect. “I’m glad

you stopped by. Something was brought to my attention earlier which requires your professional

opinion.” She glanced at Frank, flashing the man a sheepish smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I

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do apologize, Mr. Kolter. I have a private matter to discuss with the sheriff. As a concerned

citizen and wealthy business man, you’ll understand how something that at first might seem a

small glitch can quickly turn into a costly obstruction.”

As expected, the purposely inflated and vague explanation confused the shifter if the way

his forehead creased in a frown was any indication. However, the element regarding his status in

the community played to his ego, as Tess knew it would. His shoulders straightened and his face

smoothed into a look of pure benevolence. “Of course, my dear.” He reached for her hand,

ignoring Caleb’s subtle growl of warning. “Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.”

Then, as if he had a death wish, Frank pressed his lips to her knuckle.

Tess willed away the instinctive need to yank her hand away and scrub it on her jeans.

“Thank you for stopping by.”

“As if I could resist.” Frank nodded once to Caleb who responded likewise. The silence

stretched while the two shifters stared each other down.

Rolling her eyes, Tess said, “Sheriff, please come inside. I’d like to get this over with as

quickly as possible.”

Caleb’s lips twisted in a feral grin as he answered her, his eyes never leaving Frank’s.

“I’m all yours… mate.”

Groaning silently at the ring of possession in his words, Tess backed into the house and

headed at a fast clip to the kitchen where she could make some soothing tea. She was freezing.

Unlike the males whose body temperature ran at a canine’s level, female shifters had a core

temperature a few degrees below a normal human, and the cold affected them deeply. By not

allowing Frank in the house she’d subjected her body to the icy night air. Not enough to do any

serious damage, but enough that she had a numb nose and ached down to her bones.

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She pulled out a mug from the cabinet, filled it with water and popped it in the

microwave to heat. Then she dug around for a teabag.

“What the hell was Frank doing here?”

Tess looked over her shoulder to see Caleb glowering at her, his mouth hard and angry.

“Supposedly to apologize for his son’s behavior.”

“You need to stay away from him,” he bit off.

She turned to face him, leaning against the counter. A since of deja vu crept over her.

While Caleb was, once again, angry, this time she was only mildly annoyed. “I know that, Caleb.

I do possess a strong sense of self-preservation, not to mention a black belt in karate.”

He just stared at her as if she’d lost her mind. “He’s a slippery SOB. You can’t trust


“Well then I guess I’ll just have to rescind my invitation to tea tomorrow, won’t I?”

As thunder brewed in his eyes, a noise that sounded like laughter tinkled up from her hip.

They both looked at her waist for a moment before she remembered. “Kaylie.” How could she

have forgotten her sister?

She plucked up the phone, saying “All’s well. Thanks and nighty-night.” Hanging up

over her sister’s protests, she turned the phone off and set it on the counter.

“And that?’ Caleb asked, shoving his hands into his jean’s pocket. His coat hung over a

kitchen chair, revealing his change of clothing. Instead of the plaid flannel from earlier, he now

wore a dark green, long-sleeve Henley that molded to his chest. Knowing what was under that

shirt made her mouth water for a taste, and a nip or two.

She fought to get back on track. “Kaylie. We were talking when Frank stopped by.”

Caleb’s lips turned down at the mention of the other shifter’s name and Tess quickly concluded,

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“She wanted me to keep the line open to hear what he said.”

He seemed stunned for a moment and the microwave beeped. She added the tea bag and

some honey to the water. “Just as a precaution.”

“You two do that often?”

“Only in uncomfortable situations.” Or to cover their butts.



With her tea doctored, she returned her focus to Caleb. He stood across the kitchen from

her, as far away as the room allowed. It was disconcerting, the distance, the lack of heat in his

eyes. So at odds from the slow burn making her chest ache and her thighs quiver that she actually

wanted to run away and hide. Did he no longer want her? She gave herself a mental smack in the

head. This mate thing was making her crazy. Wading into new territory always played havoc

with her confidence and this budding relationship, yep, she was going there, was as foreign to

her as the Chinese language. Of course he still wanted her. He just hadn’t stopped by to jump her

bones. He’d come to talk with her about what she might have seen on the highway.

She dropped her head back on her shoulders and sighed, unintentionally exposing her

slender neck.

Caleb made a harsh sound of raw frustration low in his throat and Tess raised her head.

His brown eyes had bled to amber, his features shifting from professional detachment to furious

hunger in the space of a heartbeat.

“You’re killing me,” he growled in a strained tone, one hand dragging roughly through

his hair. “I want you so much my hands are shaking. I know the second I touch you I won’t stop

until I have you under me. Until I’m deep inside you, and I can’t do that right now.”

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Her face flushed, pleasure zinging through her at his words. All her hormones could think

was now, now, now. Right here and now nothing was more important than having this man

between her thighs. The rush of moisture that gathered between said thighs was proof enough.

Caleb’s nostril’s flared and he cursed. “Damn it, Tess. I’m barely holding on to my

control here.”

He looked anguished, his breathing rapid, the muscles in his jaw twitching. She couldn’t

help herself. She glanced down at his groin. A delicious bulge pushed against his fly with enough

force that Tess could see each individual straining button. Her breathing quickened. The

anticipation of releasing all that hard flesh had her blood heating faster than hot tea ever could.

The remaining part of her brain that still functioned warned her to wait, get the police business

over with and then go for broke. Her inner wolf snarled in fury. Take now, work later. Here was

a dilemma. Should she listen to the good girl or bad wolf? She licked her lips in consideration

and Caleb pressed a hand to the very spot she ogled, groaning softly. Oh yeah. Bad wolf is taking

charge. She took a step forward.

Caleb held up a hand, palm out as if to ward her away. “You’re not really having tea with

Kolter tomorrow, are you?”

She sighed, resigning to good girl mode. “No, Caleb. I was being sarcastic.”

His eyes narrowed. “Did he touch you?”

She shook her head. “Only the slobber on the hand and he only did that to piss you off.”

“It worked. Did he… smell odd to you?”

She wrinkled her nose in memory. “Actually, he did. Like coffee and watermelons. I

didn’t know if it was a funky cologne that combined with his natural scent or what.”

Caleb grunted. “Shifters don’t normally use perfumes. Strong scents can give us

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headaches. Besides, Frank doesn’t normally smell like coffee and watermelons.” The last was

little more than a murmur as he frowned in thought. “Did he say anything else?”

“Just that he blamed himself for allowing his sons too much freedom. Oh, and of course

how the loss of their mother made taking care of his family harder.”

“Huh.” He seemed to process that information. “How long ago did she die?”

Tess nearly choked on a snort of laughter. “Geez, Caleb. How long have you lived here?

Melissa didn’t die. She left them, as in packed her bags and skedaddled. About nine years ago.

The boys were definitely old enough to take care of themselves, even if they did still live at

home. Frank rarely talks about his wife and when he does, he uses roundabout words in a sad

tone so people think she died. Maybe that’s how he deals with her leaving.”

“Maybe he’s an ass.” He rested his hands on his hips.

She grinned. “Most of the town agrees.”

“Okay. Did he threaten you in anyway?”

As their conversation had taken an easy albeit interrogational flow, she automatically

responded. “Only by suggesting his hopes that Kyle and I…”

Caleb’s sudden roar obliterated her words. Yes, the man actually roared. He tilted his

head back and let out a sound so loud and full of wrath that the windows shook. “Fucker!”

Tess watched the loss of temper and subsequent swear words and death threats in silence,

though she needed to smoosh her lips together to stop the giggle tickling the roof of her mouth.

A minute went by. She took a sip of tea. Another minute passed. She finished her tea and

set the mug in the sink. Finally Caleb reigned in his rage. “Sorry,” he said, his voice hoarse, face

red from anger or embarrassment. Probably some of both.

She nodded once, one side of her mouth curling up in an easy smile. “Accepted.”

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He held still, watching her carefully as if waiting for some kind of retaliation or criticism.

When it became apparent that neither would occur, he let out a relieved sigh. “Tell me about

your drive back from the hospital this afternoon.”

Okay. Changing topics. “As in what I saw?”

He pulled out a small notebook from his back pocket, a pen clipped to the inside. “Yes.

Anything out of the ordinary happen or did something catch your attention?”

She put a hand to her neck, twisting a lock of hair with her fingers. “Nothing out of the

ordinary. On my way back I did notice a car on the side of the road just east of the ski resort sign.

As I didn’t see anyone and the hood wasn’t up, I didn’t stop.” At his blank look she added,

“That’s not all that unusual. People pull over along that stretch of road all the time. Most

specifically the tourists. They like to wander through the woods or get a closer look at the

wildflowers that bloom along the road”

Caleb raised a brow, the skepticism clear on his face. “Hey,” she defended, . “I’ve

stopped many times to pick flowers. Yes, I know it’s winter and no flowers are blooming. I’m

just saying what I saw wasn’t that odd.”

He scribbled a moment then looked up. “That it?”

Tess closed her eyes, rewinding her memory and taking one more trip. “That’s it.”

“Good. And for the record, until we catch this killer, don’t stop for anyone you don’t

know. In fact, don’t stop for anyone at all. Call the police.”

Before she could even glower at his mandate, Caleb dropped the book and pen on the

table and, with a feral grin, he moved toward her. In one smooth swoop, she was lifted by her

waist and hauled over his shoulder. Then he sprinted out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her


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Chapter Thirteen

Instead of feeling the mattress at her back when Caleb flipped her over his shoulder, Tess

landed on her feet, and fell unsteadily against the door of her bedroom.

“I think you bruised my ribcage,” she laughed, delighted and incredibly turned on by his


“I’ll kiss it all better.” He said holding her firmly, yet gently, in place with one large hand

wrapped at her throat. Knowing she could easily break his grasp if she wanted, she relaxed and

let the heat simmer through her body, the potent force making her knees weak. Grabbing his

shoulders in an effort to steady herself, she dug her nails into his strong shoulders. He growled in

approval, eyes burning to amber as his head descended in the next instant to ravage her mouth.

His tongue thrust hard and deep with wild primal hunger, filling her mouth with his exotic taste.

His other hand was everywhere: her hip, stomach, tunneling under her sweater to cup her

breast, his thumb and forefinger lightly pinching the hardened nipples. Each stroke built a fire

that threatened to turn her to ash. Her body became one huge throb of endless need from the

touch of his lips alone, breasts heavy, stomach clenching as tension began to coil hard and

unbearably thick. If this horrible ache was what Caleb lived with every day since they’d met, she

didn’t know how he could stand it. His control must be iron-clad. Her’s shattered, leaving a

longing so severe she thought if he didn’t assuage the passion flooding every atom in her body,

she’d spontaneously combust.

“Caleb.” His name came out as a breathy plea. It didn’t matter that foreplay was basically

nonexistent. The juices spilling from her pussy dampened her panties as if they’d kissed and

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touched for hours, not seconds. “Please.” Unable to wait, she kicked off her shoes and undid her

own pants, shoving them as far down as she could while still standing in his grasp.

A groan rumbled in his chest as he tilted her head to nip her neck with careful teeth, using

his rough tongue to sooth the pain. She arched, giving him access to anything he wanted.

His hand flattened on her tummy, his fingers edging lower, brushing over the short, soft

hair on her mound, straying further down to whisper over her wet slit. He teased a moment,

destroying her control as he traced the seam of her pussy. Then he parted her folds and began

working her clit in strong strokes, driving her insane. Her hips bucked wildly against his hand.

“More.” She pulled at his shirt in desperation. “I want more.”

“Everything.” He wrenched off his shirt and attacked his jeans, hers followed and both

were kicked carelessly to the side. Tess could practically feel herself drooling at the

unencumbered sight. His wide shoulders led to muscled arms that bunched enticingly with every

movement. She glanced down at his erection, fixated on the huge shaft straining toward her. A

bead of fluid dotted the fat head. The veins cording his cock pulsed hard and fast, trailing down

to disappear in a soft patch of dark hair.

How could she have forgotten how big he was? Not that having all that steely flesh inside

daunted her. It inflamed her.

Her hands itched to run over the smooth, contoured chest, to take one flat nipple between

her teeth and nibble. She placed both hands on his six pack abs, feeling the muscles quiver as she

slid her hands up his hot flesh. She wanted to pleasure him, needed to take him.

His hands locked on her hips as he rubbed his erection along her pussy and through the

juices collecting on her thighs. “Christ Tess, you make me insane.”

“Yes.” The ability to think evaporated in a puff of intense lust. “Now.”

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He let out an agonized chuckle and pushed a knee between her thighs. The head of his

cock grazed her swollen flesh, spreading her wetness to make his entry easier. She sucked in a

breath when she felt him at the small opening of her body and when he froze; she wiggled

impatiently to get him inside.

“Fuck,” he snarled and stepped away from her.

Panting, she popped her eyes open to see him pawing through his jeans. Condom. She

closed her eyes and banged her head against the door. How could she be so stupid? She never

forgot protection. And with Caleb, the need for it was imperative. She didn’t want to be a


“No,” he kissed her forehead. “No thinking. I told you to trust me. You’re more to me

than a uterus. You’re everything.”

Not exactly a declaration of love, but scary enough to make her suck in a shocked breath.

Before she could retort she felt him slide through her slick moisture, the friction sending pleasure

through every nerve ending. She nearly cursed him when he stopped barely an inch inside her.

Grabbing his ass, she tried to force him to move. All she could think was more, the word

resounding in her head like an echo.

“Easy, m’lupa” he pressed his lips to her temple, one hand wrapped around her back, the

other holding her thigh open wide for his possession. He flexed his hips back and then forward,

gaining another inch, stretching the delicate muscles that fluttered around every stroke of hard

flesh. When he was lodged to the hilt, he let out a growl of satisfaction. “You feel so damn good,

Tess. Better than I ever imagined. Like sweet, sinful heaven.”

It wasn’t just good, it was exquisite, wild and scorching and oh so perfect. Then he was

moving again, hips rolling as his cock shafted in and out, his pelvis grinding against hers. Her

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clit was in agony, her body on fire, her orgasm just out of reach.

Suddenly Caleb withdrew from her body and turned her around. He grabbed her hands

and placed them palm open on the door. Then he tilted her hips back, her rear thrust in the air.


“Better for you.” His voice was low and harsh as if words were beyond him. Then he

slipped between the soft globes of her ass and plunged inside, not as deep, but now rubbing over

just the spot she need.

“Oh, God. Caleb,” she cried out, her body shaking as blood roared in her ears.

“Fuck yeah. You like me fucking you from behind.” His hand came around to her belly

and pressed her close, fingers skating over her aching clit. Her breathing became loud and

gasping. She dropped her head, focusing every cell on their joined bodies, where his thick cock

rasped and stretched tender folds. The pleasure was so intense, the hunger so strong, she

instinctively tightened her inner muscles around him.

So. Damn. Close.

“That’s it.” His fingers moved frantically over the little knot of nerves, the pounding of

his shaft sending her to her toes with each hard thrust. “Come all over my cock.”

His hips moved side to side, his shaft swirling over the sensitive flesh, again and again.

Finally something snapped inside and she arched back, her body taut as a bow. Pinpoints of light

flashed behind her closed eyes as an unbelievably powerful orgasm exploded, turning her deaf

and blind in ecstasy.

Caleb let out a guttural howl, plunging in once, twice more and then froze as he followed

Tess over the edge into sweet abyss.

As limp as a newborn, she would have fallen to her knees without Caleb’s support. As it

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was, she fell against the door, unable to do anything else except breathe. She felt his heartbeat on

her back, the fierce hammering slowly easing to a measured beat. When he slipped from her

body she barely held back a whimper of disappointment.

He moved away from her briefly to dispose of the condom. Then in a graceful motion

bursting with power and dominance, he swept her off her feet and headed to the bed. He tossed

her down and covered her with his body, settling between thighs that automatically parted to

accommodate him. Violent pleasure surged through her at the feel of all his hard muscles fitting

so perfectly to her soft curves.

What was wrong with her? She didn’t know if it was this mating heat that made her react

with such sharp hunger to this particular man or not. And she couldn’t come up with enough

irritation to care.

Lust quickly re-ignited. Caleb responded to the prickling heat, his nostrils flaring and

eyes darkening with carnal knowledge. A dangerous grin curved his lips up, causing Tess to

squirm under his heavy body with reluctant eagerness.

“Oh no you don’t,” she breathed out, her voice embarrassingly husky. Self-preservation

insisted she brush him off, but her body refused to obey.

“Don’t what?” He lowered his head to nuzzle a spot just behind her ear, causing a full

body shiver.

“Don’t get to have another go at me.” She tried to swallow her groan of pleasure. It was

maddening how easily she turned into molten liquid for this man.

“Really.” His tone mocked her as his seeking lips found another point of weakness, this

time at the base of her throat.

She arched her head back and sighed. “Really.” His scent seeped into her skin, clouding

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her mind and tearing at her defenses. She lifted her hands to stroke down the hard planes of his

back. “What are you doing to me?”

His soft laugh tickled her ear. “Loving you.” He drew in a deep unsteady breathe. “I can’t

get enough of you. I don’t know if I ever will.”

He reared back to grasp the hem of her sweater and shoved it up and over her head. Her

bra came next and when discarded, he ran a searing gaze over her bared breasts. “I didn’t pay

near enough attention to these beauties before. Shame on me.”

The hunger in his eyes was a tangible force. Everywhere he looked her skin danced with

heat. “This is insane.”

He trailed a fingertip over her burgeoning nipple and hummed in appreciation. “No. This

is good.” Leaning down, he flicked his tongue over the nub, wrenching a moan from her throat.

“Very good.”

She felt his hardening erection pressing against her wet folds. Digging her hands in his

hair, she held him first to one breast and then the other, each rough stroke of his tongue shooting

bolts of desire straight to her groin. “Caleb.”

He surged upward to claim her lips in an openmouthed kiss that blazed with possession

and unrestrained lust. “I want you.”

She swallowed. “You just had me.”

With a soft chuckle he nibbled her throat. “Your point?”

“It’s too intense. This isn’t normal.”

He froze. “You want me to stop?” He sounded hurt and she didn’t blame him. Desire

burned a scorching path through her body but her brain demanded a break. Just to take a minute

and re-evaluate.

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“No. Yes. I don’t know.” The last came out as a near wail.

With a heavy sigh he rested his forehead to hers, hands tenderly cupping her flushed

cheeks, weight held up by his powerful arms. “What are you afraid of?”

She looked up into his eyes, so dark she wanted to dive in and let him take her over.

Meaningless sex she could handle. But whatever this was between her and Caleb went far

beyond sex. . He was unafraid to love, to laugh and to share his innermost feelings with her and

he made her want to reciprocate on every level. The risk to her independence was unnerving

enough, but she was afraid a broken heart would destroy her.

Kaylie should have been his mate, not cold-hearted Tess who was terrified of the


The thought of her sister lying with Caleb like this twisted her heart, leaving an ache so

painful she nearly cried out.

Yes or no, Tess? This is the deciding moment that will change your life forever. Do you

want to remain closed off, always feeling like something is missing, or do you take a leap of


“Tess?” Caleb urged gently, stroking her jaw with his thumbs.

The thought of not having Caleb in her life made her stomach churn and her wolf claw

and howl in abject rage. When she thought of having a life with him, everything settled in place

and a sense of peace came over her.

Time to be open and honest, just like him.

She drew in a shaky breath. “You.”

He shifted back, brows tight in surprised anguish. “You’re afraid of me? Why? I would

never hurt you.” His voice grew thicker with every word. “Ever. I’d rather die first.”

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She licked her dry lips. His eyes strayed to follow the movement of her tongue, the gleam

of undisguised hunger easy to spot through his thick lashes. “H-how do you know? Is it because

I’m one of a thousand that could be your mate?”

You are my mate. Yes, I’ve met a few women who possess the DNA required to carry

my cubs, but their scents didn’t raise my hackles in total awareness. And I certainly didn’t want

to beat my chest, throw any of them over my shoulder and haul ass to the nearest flat surface.

You are special. Everything about you calls to me. Your scent, your beauty,” he tapped her head,

“your brains and courage. If all I wanted was to mate for the sake of increasing the shifter

population, I could have settled long ago. Settled being the operative word, Tess, and ‘settling’ is

not for me. I want more. You’re that more. I know this because I’m right where I want to be.” He

tilted his head to the side, studying her. “How about you?”

Flabbergasted, she opened her mouth, closed it and tried again. “I, I don’t know.”

He studied her with a brooding gaze, then let out a sigh and rested his forehead against

hers. “As much as I want to hear you say ‘with you’ this is at least a start.”

“What do you mean?”

His eyes crinkled with his smile. “Because it means you’re seriously thinking about it.

Thinking about me. Us.”

Shying from his possessive tone, she glanced away. A subject change was in order.

Preferably something lighthearted. She lifted her hips suggestively and waggled her eyebrows.

“You bet I’ve been thinking about us.”

A brief look of disappointment crossed his features before he shook it off, as if accepting

she needed time to process everything. When he didn’t press the issue, Tess felt her chest


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“I understand. It’s my irresistible manly charm.” He smirked, eyes twinkling with smug


Caught off guard, her lips parted on a shocked gasp. “Not likely.”

Rather than answer with words, he skimmed one hand down her body. His lips followed,

leaving light as air kisses. He bent to tug one nipple into his mouth, rasping the hard aching

peaks with an easy skill that triggered the fires inside her to burn brighter. Just laying with him,

skin to skin, heart to heart, had kept her aroused. The instant he moved to stoke the flames, she


When he paused to lave her other creamy mound, his warm breath teased over her wet

flesh, the hand sliding over her ribcage causing her belly to quiver in anticipation. He moved

lower as he rose slightly to his knees, pressing a hand between her thighs, testing and teasing the

damp slit. She lifted up, pressing against his roaming touch, moving to position the throbbing

knot of nerves begging for attention. When he touched her clit she nearly came off the bed, her

hips jerking in tandem with his clever fingers.

“Thank God,” Caleb groaned as if in agony. Then he slid two calloused fingers through

the juices coating her pussy and thrust into her writhing body, stroking over the ultra-sensitive

flesh. Her back arched and she cried out in pained relief. She clenched around him, gripping

fistfuls of the bedding and riding his fingers with a wild abandon that would have embarrassed

her if it hadn’t felt so damn good.

He came fully to his knees, blindly reaching for protection that had somehow appeared

on the nightstand with one hand as he continued to fuck her with his fingers. “Fucking

beautiful,” he hissed, eyes glinting with intense fire as he watched his glistening fingers dip in

and out of her body.

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“Don’t stop, please,” Tess nearly sobbed.

“Never,” he rolled on a condom single-handedly and then leaned back over her. He

withdrew his hand from her swollen pussy, grasped his cock and parted her tender folds. She felt

him press against her, the thick juices flowing from her entrance coating him, slickening for

quick penetration.

He thrust upward, diving into her slow and sweet, as if that first stroke was to be relished,

treasured and remembered forever. She wrapped her hands around his biceps, holding on for dear

life while silently pleading for more.

Withdrawing just as carefully, he bent to kiss her, driving his tongue in her mouth as he

drove in her body, harder, faster, creating a spiraling pit of longing that terrified and thrilled with

equal fever.

When the need for air became too much, she broke the kiss, filling her lungs as she

looked into his face, his features pulled taunt as he concentrated on her pleasure rather than his

own. And his eyes. The look in them nearly undid her. They gleamed clear and true, as if willing

her to see into his soul, the brown and amber colors mixing with heat and some emotion she

didn’t want to identify.

Disconcerted, she ducked her head, pressing her lips to his shoulders, nipping and

suckling his sweat-soaked skin, eliciting a long groan from his lips. His taste was addicting, his

scent intoxicating, and the sex. Wow. She’d never before felt the scorching pleasure that now

gripped her in primal abandon. Never had the sensations reached a ferocious pitch she could not

escape. All inhibitions were lost as she became a being of pure sensation.

She felt the storm building inside her, circling in ever-tightening bands of erotic agony.

Her muscles flexed around his cock as he forged through her wet pussy. Her hips churned with

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each plunge, grinding her throbbing clit over the steel-hard shaft.

Hard, shimmering tremors of bliss tore through her, coiling, building, until she exploded

with a force that sent her arching backward, convulsing as the white-hot sensations raged up her

spine. He powered into her deep and hard, raking over exquisitely sensitive tissue, prolonging

her orgasm as he fell into his. Caleb threw his head back with a guttural shout of sublime

pleasure. He stiffened, shook and then collapsed over her. Though limp and exhausted, Tess

wrapped her arms and legs around his trembling body, swamped, for the first time ever, with the

need to hold a man close to her with all her might.

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Chapter Fourteen

Tess pulled into Dolen’s the next morning, ready to tackle the daily soup, triple up on the

chili to cover the weekend, and get her shift over so she could pick up her mom.

While mulling over Caleb’s words from last night, she’d succumbed to a deep sleep.

Though he never voiced his thoughts, she knew what rattled around in that thick skull of his. Just

because she held her emotions close, not tossing them out to be trampled on willy-nilly, didn’t

mean she was afraid to trust or love.

Turning off the engine, she sat a moment, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel.

Okay. So she was. But dammit, just because she felt biologically compelled to mate with Caleb

didn’t mean she had to love him or that he had to love her. And truly, that’s what she wanted. To

be loved. Which meant she needed to get past the belief that all men will leave like her father

did. It was cruelly unfair to Caleb, or any man, to judge them based on another’s actions. If the

situation were reversed, she would be pissed.

Feeling lighter, she shut her truck door and headed to the café’s rear entrance. Unbidden,

her eyes were drawn to the left, and there he was. Her traitorous heart leapt once, then proceeded

to do a foxtrot in her chest. Caleb stood just outside the police station talking to one of his

deputies, his tall, muscular frame clothed in his normal attire of jeans and flannel shirt, hand

gestures graceful for such a large man.

With a soft sigh, Tess remembered how those work-roughened hands touched her so

gently last night, arousing and petting, and then became inflexible as he gripped her hips as he

rode her hard. A heated shiver passed through her, pebbling her nipples in a way the cold air

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never could. Dampness began to collect between her thighs and her lips pursed, worry mixing

with the instant lust. Not that the desire ever actually died. The emptiness, simmering heat and

constant low-level throb low in her belly were all consistent with what her sister called “in heat”.

It made her sound like a dog and made her damn near crazy with the need to fuck.

As if sensing her nearness, Caleb suddenly turned his face and caught sight of her. A

warm smile split his face and she melted on the spot.

Face flushing, she sent him a brief smile before turning tail and hurrying into the café.

That mild throb bloomed into a full-fledged ache and she could not help but fantasize on

how soon she could get him alone and naked.

Maybe a quick trip to the police station is in order before I head off to get mom.

She ran the scenario in her head, trying to picture Caleb’s expression as she waltzed into

his office, shut and locked his door and then stripped. She clamped her hand over her mouth to

hold in the snicker. The man made her head spin. He confounded, astonished, irritated and

aroused her, but he also made her want to have fun. By far their relationship was the strangest

she’d ever had. She either wanted to smack him upside his hard head or fling her legs around his

waist and hold on tight.

Decisions, decisions.

Lost in naughty thoughts of seducing Caleb at his work, she voiced an offhanded good

morning to the kitchen in general and hung up her coat and gloves. A heavy silence greeted her,

so at odds to the day before, and she warily rotated to see two solemn faces peering back. One of

the morning shift waitresses, Penny Kroden, nodded once before exiting through the swinging

door into the dining room.

“Ah,” she muttered, immediately wondering who died. Then she remembered and her

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mischievous thoughts went up in a cloud of smoke. She twisted her features into a perplexed

look because, after all, who knew if the grim reception was due to the death of Dave Collins.

Maybe, God forbid, something else had happened last night.

“What’s going on?” She directed her question at Dolen who suddenly appeared in the

doorway that led to his small office.

He crossed his meaty arms over his chest. “Thought you already knew, what with you

and Caleb dating.”

No snappy retort because, frankly, you and Caleb are dating, she told herself.

. “Knew what?”

“Dave Collins was killed last night.”

Ten years of absence made both her ignorance and guarded tone very real. “I’m sorry.

Was he a friend of yours?”

Busy at the gigantic kitchen range, Sean let out a snort of laughter. Dolen shot him a

glare then turned back to Tess. “No he wasn’t. He was just a kid, barely in his twenties and still

finding his way in the world. I only knew him because he and Gina dated a bit until she broke it

off about six months or so back.” He rubbed the back of his neck with a hand the size of a

platter. “Not sure how she’s handling it.”

Tess glanced around. “She’s not here?”

Dolen shook his head. “She doesn’t work Fridays.” He cocked his head back and stared

up at the ceiling as if searching for an answer.

Tess looked to Sean who just shrugged. “What is it, Dolen?”

“Kids are weird nowadays.”

“Okay,” she stretched the word out, not sure how to respond, or if Dolen even expected a

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At his continued silence she gathered the makings for the daily soup, set them on the

large prep counter and retrieved a cup of coffee.

Dolen watched her silently for a moment as if contemplating his next words. “Here’s the

deal,” he finally stated. “Gina’s relationship with the Collins kid wasn’t well known, like she was

ashamed or something. After the breakup, he’d come around a time or two, try and talk with her,

but she always stopped him cold. From what she said to Dave, not that I was eavesdropping or

anything, she got herself another man, someone with balls is what I remember her saying.”

Tess took a sip of coffee, savoring the heat as it slid down her throat. “Your point?”

“Just that no one knows who this guy is. Gina’s keeping mum and why the secrecy?

Makes a body wonder if the new beau took care of the pesky old beau.”

Sean chortled and both Tess and Dolen looked at him. After a beat, Dolen narrowed his

eyes. “You know who it is, don’t you?”

“Maybe,” Sean poured batter into a pan.

“Who? He’s not married is he?” Dolen asked.

Sean shook his head. “Nope.”

“Well,” Dolen demanded. “Tell me.”

Sean raised a brow at his boss. “What will you give me?”

Dolen growled. “Your job.”

“Yeah.” Sean turned back to the stove.

With a huff Dolen added, “Fine, you can have off next Saturday.”

With a satisfied grin plastered to his thin face, Sean bobbed his head to some internal

beat. “That’s more like it. It’s Matt West.”

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Tess choked on her coffee. “Matt West? He’s a dozen years older than her.” Not to

mention that fact that he’d had his tongue down her throat four days ago. Bastard.

“Saw her driving away from his house early one morning.” The cook winked at Tess.

“My date turned hot so I was just getting home myself and as Matt lives just down the road,

well...” He shrugged one shoulder and turned back to flip a pancake. “She was either visiting him

or the Reynolds.”

Jackie? Her mom’s best friend? That was doubtful but easily confirmed. She gnawed her

lower lip. Should she tell Gina about Matt’s inability to keep his hands to himself? She didn’t

know the girl that well and if the relationship was a secret, maybe it wasn’t exclusive.

“What’s she doing hooking up with that drunk?” Dolen looked like an angry father.

Tess popped her head up. “Drunk?”

Dolen’s eyes took on a hard glint. “Can’t say I know much about it, but ever since I’ve

been here, that kid’s had more than his share of drink and women. Since he bartends over at the

Alehouse, he has access to both, and exploits it.”

“Yeah, ever since high school…” Sean’s voice petered off and he plastered inquisitive

eyes on Tess. “Wait a minute. You two dated in high school.”

Tess felt her face flush. “For awhile, yes.”

“Guess it’s because of you.”

“Excuse me?”

Sean shrugged. “I’m only two years younger and I remember how, just before graduation,

he suddenly turned from studious to reckless. Must have been you leaving that turned him


Tess placed her hands on her hips. “I left to go to college. Besides he left me first. The

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jerk was cheating on me.”

The cook’s jaw dropped as he scanned Tess over in an intense and totally un-sexual

appraisal. “He cheated on you?”

She shook her head in annoyance. “Looks evidently aren’t everything.”


Now she waved a hand in dismissal and turned back to her workstation.

“He really is stupid,” Sean said softly after a moment.

She couldn’t prevent the small smile of gratitude. “Thanks.”

“You know,” Dolan said, deciding to give his two cents. “A man cheats for three reasons.

He’s stupid, he’s angry at his woman, or he’s scared and is trying to run her off.”

“Or he’s trying to prove something to his friends or someone else. See, I can get anyone I

want.” Sean added.

“Which falls into the stupid category,” Dolan shot back.

Sean tipped his head back on his shoulders. “Touché.”

“Two number five’s,” Penny called from the window, deftly slipping the breakfast order

on the turnstile rack, then plunked a hand on one hefty hip. “Aren’t you done yet with table

eight’s order?”

With practiced ease, Sean slid golden brown pancakes onto one plate, waffles onto

another and yet French toast onto a third. “Tourists. Never figure out that protein is what will get

them through a day of skiing.”

Tess grinned to herself. Over the years she’d traveled far and wide for work and pleasure,

and in each place the natives always had something to say about tourists. They drove on the

wrong side of the road, wore the wrong clothing or couldn’t speak the language. Even in the

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small town of Woodcliff there were complaints. It was oddly comforting.

Dolen sidled up, leaning into her personal space. Habitually, she stiffened against the

intrusion and then just as quickly relaxed. “What’s wrong with your shoes?”

Confused, she straightened and peered down her long skirt to her low-heeled boots.

“Oops. Rubber soles only in the kitchen.” At Dolen’s grunt she flashed him a sweet smile. “I’m

sorry, Dolen. I wanted to look nice when I picked Mom up and didn’t want to go home and

change.” She blinked at him, hazel eyes wide and pleading.

“That look won’t work on me little girl.” He thrust a finger into his office. “Your mom

brought a pair of your sneakers in on Monday as she thought you might ‘forget’. Change.”

She managed not to roll her eyes. “Fine.”

“By the way, don’t suppose you could confirm any of the rumors about Dave’s death?

You know, because of Caleb.”

Easing her face into her normal cool mask of indifference felt wrong all of a sudden, so

she settled on mild interest. “I cannot confirm or deny anything.”

Dolen lifted the corner of his mouth in a resigned grimace. “I was afraid of that, but of

course I had to ask. Now…” he pointed to the office and headed over to the second range as

Penny called out for another order.

Tess washed her hands and then went into the small room to change her shoes. She found

her yellow sneakers easily enough as they rested before one of the two ladder-back chairs Dolen

used for guests. As she donned the proper foot attire, she thought about Gina, Dave and Matt.

What a strange triangle. Did Dave know about Matt and Gina? Was Dave trying to get Gina

back? Could he have had a confrontation with Matt? But Matt wasn’t a shifter. He didn’t even

like shifters if the things he used to say about them in high school were to be believed. Did he

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still feel the same? Did Gina?

Setting her Jimmy Choos carefully on the chair - no dirty floor for them - she had a

sudden urge to talk to Caleb. Not only to hash out her questions but to simply hear his voice.

With her gut twisting in strange and uncomfortable ways she stopped in the doorway, much as

Dolen had done earlier. The radio blared out hard rock as usual, making her wonder why the odd

silence upon her arrival. In deference to Penny?

Her curiosity about the town and its inhabitants grew as she looked around the kitchen,

from Sean breaking eggs into a pan to Dolen exiting the huge walk-in cooler to her worktop. Just

yesterday she’d not only lost her composure in this place, she’d taunted a shifter and showed her

strength, providing enough fodder for gossip to last several days. Contrary to what she’d

expected, no one yet mentioned the incident. Perhaps due to more important matters or maybe,

just maybe, she truly was accepted as herself, no matter what that self was. She pressed a hand to

her chest, and at a loud commotion, glanced at the rear door as Marla, the second morning-shift

waitress, scampered in.

“Sorry I’m late, Dolen,” she said in her Minnie Mouse voice.

“As if that’s different than normal,” Dolen grumbled.

Marla practically bounced in the bright red sneakers that matched the color of her lips.

Her tightly curled black hair shook with nervous energy. “You all hear what happened last night?

Lordy be. A killer shifter is on the loose and tomorrow’s the full moon. We all better be extra

careful and just stay indoors ‘till Sunday morning.” With that the young mother of two exuberant

toddlers scampered off to the dining room.

At Dolen’s glare Tess raised her hands in a helpless gesture. “I know nothing.”

He harrumphed, Sean laughed and Tess headed to her abandoned broccoli. A feeling of

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camaraderie washed over her, warming her heart and putting a smile on her face.

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Chapter Fifteen

What a mess.

Sitting in his truck at the entrance of the access road to Henry Harkins’ place, the engine

idling, Caleb tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and contemplated all the information he’d

gleaned about Dave Collins. Other than a few traffic tickets, the kid was clean. No personal

problems or grudges. His financials, on the other hand, were another matter, and not because of

anything illegal or due to excessive spending. About two months back, three five-man crews had

been temporarily laid off from the lumber yard and Dave worked on one of those crews. Unsure

of how long the hiatus might actually last, he’d interviewed at Stellinghouse, another lumber

company owned and operated by humans about two hours north of Woodcliff, with favorable

results according to Dave’s parents.

Which made the young man’s presence on Kolter Lumber property yesterday all the more


With the decrease in demand for wood, mills were laying employees off left and right, or

sadly, shutting their doors all together. Though Kolter Lumber still prospered, in part due to their

stellar product and partly because of Frank Kolter’s exceptional business sense, the company did

downsize. Had Dave Collins resented being let go? Though in tough times it’s necessary to do so

for the greater good, could the kid have been angry enough to consider sabotage? What was

going through his mind as he stood in the forest yesterday? According to the evidence, other than

old Henry who’d found the body, only Dave and his murderer had been in the area.

Then again, he thought with a frown, there was that partial print of a flat soled shoe. Had

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the killer approached in human form only to shift and then attack? Or did he attack first and shift

to human after? Did someone hold a grudge against Dave or was the attack based on a business

deal gone wrong? Was it just coincidence the kid had been on his former employer’s property?

With all the possibilities tangling in his brain, Caleb leaned his head back and closed his

eyes. The second he did, an image of Tess, her bare silky skin all warm and stretched out under

his hard body, popped up. Memories of last night washed over him in vivid detail. Every kiss,

every sensual touch, every wet stroke of his cock into sweet flesh replayed in his mind until he

was as aroused now as he’d been last night.

He jerked upright with a curse. Every damn time he closed his eyes, he saw her. Every

second of every day since that first time he laid eyes on her, he wanted her. And every time he

took her, he had to fight back the instinctual need to mark her as his mate, which made making

love with her a tormented pleasure. Honestly, he didn’t know how much longer he could hold

off. The first time, against the door, taking her from behind, the only reason he’d been able to

resist was because of her high-necked sweater. Otherwise he would have sunk fangs into the

enticing flesh of her shoulder while he drove his aching cock into her welcoming pussy, making

her his with both his body and beast.

He rubbed unsteady hands over his face. The need for her was like nothing he’d ever felt

before. He felt empty without her, as if part of his body was missing. Then he had to deal with

the persistent arousal that caused him to fly at half mast at all times. Except now, he growled

down at his lap. “Now I have a fucking hard-on to end all hard-ons.”

A glint in the far distance caught his eye and he shifted his focus to the left to watch an

approaching vehicle. Traffic was light this time of day, as most of the tourists were either at the

ski lodge or shopping in the city and with his current physical state he couldn’t handle a traffic

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stop. He also hoped the driver was someone he did not know so they would simply pass by.

In less than a minute recognition hit and his body responded like Pavlov’s dog. Lust he

just got under control ignited, causing his chest to tighten and blood to rush to his groin. Hell, he

was half-afraid he’d begin to pant like an overheated dog. With a glance at the clock, he realized

Tess was on her way to Togan to pick her mom up from the hospital.

His fingers flexed with the need to touch her creamy flesh. Sweat beaded along his


He shouldn’t.

He couldn’t.

He wouldn’t.

But as she got closer his dick got harder and his wolf snarled in agitation.

Oh hell. He was.

When she raced by, he floored the gas, his tires spitting up snow as they fought for

traction. Within seconds he came up behind her Pathfinder and flashed his front lights for her to

pull over. He just needed to see her. That’s all. To see and touch and maybe steal a quick kiss or


Nothing more he ordered both man and beast. If he could control his wolf during a full

moon, then he could damn well suppress this irrational craving.

Then Tess exited her truck and he gave voice to his hunger, letting out a harsh groan that

epitomized a need so raw he ached in every pore.

She was wearing a skirt. Fuck. Game over.

Peripherally he noticed the long brown skirt was paired with low-heeled brown boots and

a pretty pink and brown sweater, but all his brain could appreciate was how easily he could hike

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that skirt up and bury his throbbing member in her wet warmth.

His hands shook. He might feel guilty later, but with his cock egging him on, he radioed

Karen at the station and told her he was taking an hour personal time. Hour hell. He only needed

three minutes. Tossing the phone on the passenger seat, he opened his door to face his own

personal heaven, or hell depending on how she reacted to his appearance.

Though he might have had her twelve hours ago, he was currently so damned hard he

thought he might burst. He thought the craving would ease once he’d taken her. Wrong. The

want only grew, clawing at his gut, twisting his analytical brain into mush. As he stalked up to

her he saw the smoldering heat in her eyes and a rare smile, at least where he was concerned,

tilting her lips in curiosity. He couldn’t even come up with a civilized greeting.

More like three seconds, he thought hungrily as his vision blurred with lust.

“Lock your truck,” was what he said, his tone nearly unintelligible. Tess blinked in

surprise, her smile faltering. Something in his tight expression caused her to drop her gaze and,

like radar, she locked onto his erection. Her eyes flew back up to his, her face flushing a delicate

rosy hue. He could hear her heart pick up as she lifted the key fob over her shoulder and hit a

switch, causing the Pathfinder to beep once in response. Without another word he snatched her

hand, tugged her to his side and led her at a swift pace into the woods that bordered either side of

the highway.

“Caleb, whatever is the matter?” Her tone held mocking laughter, her grip playfully

resistant. “Do you need me or something?”

Delighted by her teasing, he grinned back at her as he threaded through the trees. She

might not be ready for the claiming, but she was more than willing to take and be taken. With

every step her arousal grew, the sweet scent of her juices filling his lungs and pushing his

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excitement to a fever pitch.

Once he determined they were far enough from the road to escape detection, he not so

gently pressed Tess back against a tree and then cut off her soft squeak with his mouth. He licked

at the seam of her lips, marveling at how cool they felt against his searing flesh, how incredibly

soft. When she opened to his seeking tongue, her taste exploded in his mouth. He held her head

steady as he delved deep, pumping his tongue past her lips to drown in her addictive flavor. She

met his passion with equal ardor, mating her tongue with his, dueling and licking every crevice

of his mouth. He felt as if he were tumbling through a wild and fiery storm, dazed, his senses

literally sizzled by the uninhibited exploration.

Pulling a hair’s width back from the intense kiss, he stared down at her, seeing the heat

that burned in her eyes. With a heart-felt groan, he ducked his head to the side to nuzzle her

temple while his hands slipped under her sweater to cradle her breasts. He caressed the hard

peaks through the thin material of her bra with his thumbs and she exhaled, a long sighing sound

that had his cock twitching in response.

He licked a wet trail down her throat, stroking his tongue over the rapidly beating pulse

that called to him. Then further down to the sensitive hollow where her shoulder joined her neck.

His fangs burned in his gums and he squeezed his eyes shut, fighting against the instinct to make

his claim irrefutable, make her his in the way his wolf demanded.

Clenching his teeth against the temptation, he dropped down to the forest floor, the mix

of dead leaves and snow crunching loudly under his knees. With such little finesse that he might

come to feel embarrassment for later, he shoved her skirt up to her waist, and nearly swallowed

his tongue. A pretty cream-colored lacy thong, made damp and transparent with her desire, did

little to cover her sweet pussy. He couldn’t stop the bone-deep shudder of need.

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Outlining the delicate edge with his fingertips, he murmured in a raspy voice, “Not that

I’m complaining, but what is it with the thongs?”

Tess opened eyes glazed with passion. “No panty lines.”

His lips curled in a wicked smile just before he leaned close and covered her sex through

the thin material with his mouth. Her gasp was part protest, part sudden pleasure, the sound loud

enough to startle the birds in the trees and causing them to take flight.

He pressed her legs further apart, hooked a finger into her panties and pulled. The fabric

shredded under his impatience hands. “Sorry,” he hissed out past a throat dry with thirst. “I’ll

buy you more.” With both thumbs, he separated her juicy folds, breathed deep, and dove in. Just

one taste of her feminine heat and he was drowning. He licked her, drawing her very essence

inside him. His whole body shook with the need to take her, with his mouth and with his cock.

On a low growl he flattened his tongue, licking in long, hungry strokes. He dipped his tongue

into her entrance, flicking and thrusting against the inner muscles. “You’re so damn sweet, Tess.

You’re taste drives me insane.”

She let out a whimper and he swiped at her again, his caresses more urgent, wanting to

swallow her whole, wanting to give her pleasure. Wanting everything. He brushed closed lips

over her clit, enjoying her soft moans and writhing hips. Drawing the sensitive bud in his mouth,

he suckled gently, gazing up her long, lithe body through his lashes. With her head arched back

against the tree trunk, eyes closed in ecstasy, she presented the most beautifully erotic picture

he’d ever seen.

Her legs parted farther, opening to him as his fingers found the snug opening of her

pussy. Teasing, he ran the pads of his fingers around the swollen entrance, dipping in briefly, just

enough to feel the slick grip of tender muscles before retreating. Again and again he played with

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her, tormenting her clit with his tongue, bathing his thick finger in the hot cream coating her sex.

He loved her response to his touch, even as each tiny spasm sent heat blistering through his

throbbing cock.

“Please, Caleb,” she begged, her tone full of sensual hunger. “Stop teasing me.”

He gave her sex one, slow, last lick. “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.” His voice was

fractured; a harsh, primitive sound that told him how close to the surface his beast was. “Get

ready for a wild ride.” He tore at his pants, shoving them down his thighs, releasing his swollen

cock to the cool air.

With one big hand, he cupped her bottom, lifting her nimbly off her feet to align their

bodies groin to groin. Her long legs wrapped around his waist, her arms clutching his neck. His

other arm snaked around her to cup her head, protecting her from the rough bark. The feel of her

juices lubricating the thick crest of his cock made him snarl as he fought to control the violent

hunger. Fire raced through his body, slashed at his balls and melted his brain. Then he was

parting her, her sex sucking at the head, clenching as he eased in an inch, then another inch. He

flexed his hips back, drawing nearly out of her body, and then he thrust back, gaining another

inch. She was so wet, but so fucking tight. Afraid of hurting her, he moved carefully; sweat

dripping down his back as he forged his way inside her body, stretching the sensitive tissue until

she accepted his full length.

Her back arched and the scent of her pleasure whipped around him. The fist-tight grip she

had on his cock nearly undid all his restraint. With another powerful thrust he sank in to the hilt,

and nearly spilled his seed. Grimacing, panting, he rolled his hips, solely focused on the intense

pleasure enveloping his cock as he tunneled through her soaked pussy. He buried his face in her

hair, picking up the rhythm until he was pounding in her hard and fast. “Ah fuck, Tess. I’m not

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gonna last much longer.”

“Not yet.” Her voice was a soft wail. “Not yet!” Her pussy tightened around his cock,

making each drive through her slick folds more intense. His stomach muscles clenched in agony

as he fought back the violent need to come. Her hips twisted, jerking and grinding against his

pelvis with every thrust. Just when he didn’t think he could hold off any longer, her body

stiffened and then convulsed. With a cry of pure pleasure her sex spasmed, squeezing around his

shaft in glorious bands of savage pleasure. With a harsh yell of absolute bliss, he slammed his

cock in deep one last time, his orgasm blasting through him before he remembered to yank free

of her clenching muscles, sending his release spurting hard and white-hot in the open air.

His body shook uncontrollably and he rested heavily against her, his chest heaving, his

skin damp. Her cheek lay on his shoulder, her body twitching every now and then with

aftershocks of pleasure. The sounds of their gasping to fill overtaxed lungs filled the silent forest

for a few minutes. When Caleb felt he could stand fully on his own legs without falling, he

leaned back, letting Tess slid her legs from his waist and slip down his body. As she

straightened, her long skirt fell around her legs, with nary a wrinkle in sight. Other than her red

and swollen lips, and the scent of sex that hung in the air, she appeared as perfect as when she’d

stepped from her truck.

Laughing at his astonished look she said, “Wrinkle free material. Very expensive and

very worth it.”

His lips curved in a warm, lazy smile. “You mean you’re worth it.”

She raised a slim brow. “Of course.”

God he loved this woman.

The realization smacked into him with the force of a Mack truck. Unprepared for the life-

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altering flash, his heart gave an alarming flop and he stiffened in astonishment.

If there was one thing Caleb knew, it was strategy. He’d planned on utilizing their intense

physical reactions to hold her close, get her used to him and the idea of a combined future. He

refused to feel any guilt as he didn’t consider it a deception. After all, the attraction was mutual,

explosive and very real. Her happiness and well-being was as important to him as keeping her in

his life, no matter what it took to accomplish both. But the long seduction and not so subtle

persuasions he’d envisioned had turned into something deeper, sharper and had circled around to

claim him in one hungry bite. He fell in love.

He rubbed the heel of his hand over his chest, the sudden panic gripping his heart a new

and uneasy feeling he had no care for.

“What is it?” Tess asked, a small frown marring her forehead.

“Ah, nothing,” he answered vaguely and turned his attention to straightening his jeans,

gingerly tucking his semi-hard cock inside the taut material. He buttoned up. “Just a little

embarrassed at my loss of control.”

She placed her hands on his chest, running them up and over his shoulders to wrap

around his neck. “I quite enjoyed your loss of control.”

Caleb hugged her tight, eyes closed as he drank in the feel of her snuggled to his body.

He wanted this, her warmth and acceptance, her sweet smile and sexy body, every day for the

rest of his life. All he needed now was her love. “I’ve made you late.”

“That’s okay. You’re worth it.”

His heart kicked up, lodging in his throat at her words.

“Besides, I wanted to speak to you about something I learned today. Did you know that

Gina Wilson, who works at the café, dated Dave? From the sound of things, it was very hush-

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hush until she broke it off about six months ago.”

With his head spinning with thoughts of his possible future, both bleak and divine, it took

a few moments for Tess’s words to register, than another few more to switch his brain into cop


His head abruptly snapped back and he stared down into her clear hazel eyes. “No one

mentioned that. Not his parents, his friends or anyone else both Brandon and I spoke to. Asking

about past and current intimate relationships is standard procedure so it’s not like we forgot that

particular question.”

Her forehead wrinkled, making him want to coddle and soothe her. He gritted his teeth,

calling himself every kind of fool. These new feelings were messing with his focus and that

would only lead to disaster if he let it continue. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he almost

missed her follow-up statement.

“And according to Sean, she’s now dating Matt West, in another mysterious affair.

Added to that, Dave evidently came around a few times after the break-up to talk with Gina and

she shut him down.”

“I don’t really know her. Maybe she just likes her privacy. Though I admit the later part

might be of interest if West was a shifter.”

“That’s another thing.” Tess said cautiously. “I think Frank Kolter is Matt’s biological


Taken aback, Caleb simply gaped at her. “What?”

“It’s in the eyes.”

“So because Matt has the same eyes as Frank, you think they are father and son?”


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“Tess,” Caleb breathed out her name. “That’s not logical. I have brown eyes and all three

of the Kolter boys have brown eyes. It doesn’t mean we are related.”


“And even if he is, it doesn’t pertain to this investigation. Matt isn’t a shifter. While

everyone has their own scent, underlining each shifter’s is a common, almost wet-fur type scent,

only much more pleasant. That might seem odd, but trust me when I say that shifters can sense

their own kind. It’s not something that can be disguised.”

She nibbled on her lower lip in thought and Caleb zeroed in on her lush mouth. Then his

eyes dropped to her throat, specifically where her sweater had stretched, exposing her delicate

collarbone to his hungry gaze. The sight of her soft flesh caused the familiar pang of extending

fangs to fill his mouth. He’d repeatedly controlled the urge to mark her, placing his stamp of

possession on her for all to see. Now, with love added to the mix of madness, his ragged control

nearly slipped. He caught himself just as his mouth opened, his fangs too damn close to her skin.

His beast slammed into his ribs, bruising them with its raging demands. She smelled of citrus and

woman and smoldering lust. With a silent curse, he jerked his head away and pulled gently out of

her arms.

Oblivious to Caleb’s torment, Tess glanced away, then back again and grimaced.

“There’s something else you should probably know.”

Something in her tone warned him that he was not going to like what she had to say and

dread coiled in his gut.

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Matt and I dated back in high school, and

unless he’s changed, which I doubt very much he has, he’s…” She paused and tilted her head

back to stare into the bare treetops. “How do I say this?”

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Though a flare of jealousy speared him, Caleb crossed to her side and squeezed her hand

reassuringly. No matter how he might feel, her needs were more important. “Just say it.”

Whatever she saw in his open gaze must have provided the support she needed because

she blurted out, “Matt doesn’t like shifters.”

Caleb blinked. Whatever he might have expected her to say, that wasn’t it. “Excuse me?”

Tess puffed out her cheeks. “He used to make snide comments about them behind their

backs, though he was their best friend when face-to-face. Because of Gina’s secretive association

with Matt now, and knowing Matt as I did, it made me wonder if Gina has a thing against

shifters as well and if she does, if that’s why she broke it off with Dave.”

His eyes narrowed as he considered his words carefully. “Dave worked at the lumber

yard for years before he was laid off a few months back. Maybe if what you say is true, his

working for a shifter might have been a sore spot with Gina, but nothing you’ve said makes me

think either one had anything to do with Dave’s death. ” When she opened her mouth he held up

the hand that still gripped hers to silence her. “He was killed by a shifter, Tess. That’s a fact.

Everything else is supposition.”

Her lips twisted into a perfect pout and, simultaneously turned on and amused, he caught

her by the chin and kissed her hard and quick. “Come on. I have to get back to work and you

need to pick up your mom. I’m sure she’s anxious to get home.”

As he walked her back to the highway, he let out an unsteady breath. It was better he

hadn’t told her. She still needed time to adjust, get used to him and all the changes happening in

her life. Claiming her as his mate could be construed as a declaration of simple shifter arrogance,

an announcement he knew she took with a mental shrug of her shoulders and a roll of her eyes.

She might grasp the fringes of shifter society, but not the inner workings, not the intensity or the

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bonds that lasted forever. And because of her father’s abandonment, she wouldn’t believe he’d

stick anyway. Events that happen in childhood have lasting repercussions, even beyond adult


Though her smaller hand was caught in his, the sense of peace that usually enveloped him

at her touch was absent. He was too busy battling back the primal urge to toss her over his

shoulder and lock her up in his lair. His hand twitched in reaction to the primitive thoughts,

tightening around hers enough that she looked up at him with a puzzled expression. Forcing a

charming smile through a face tight with nerves, he lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her


He had plenty of time to figure out the best way to tell her.

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Chapter Sixteen

The next afternoon Tess was restlessly pacing the living room floor. After twenty-four

hours of trying to keep her mom entertained, cooking for them both, thinking of Caleb, sleeping

and repeating the process, Tess was slowly going out of her mind. Both women felt helpless and

irritable; her mom because she couldn’t immediately jump back into the swing of her life and

Tess because of the persistent ache invading her body.

Other than a brief phone call last night and a surprisingly sweet good morning text, Tess

hadn’t heard from or seen Caleb since he’d practically mauled her in the woods. As extremely

satisfying as that encounter had been, the desire to see him and touch him now drove her nuts,

which in turn swelled her bad mood to a point she couldn’t even stand herself. She felt like one

of those clingy females, simpering and whining and begging for any scrap of attention, but she’d

be damned if she would act on it.

With a murder investigation going on, she logically understood he couldn’t be at her beck

and call, but emotionally she hated him at the moment for not wanting her enough to visit.

And what? She thought. Come over and have mind-blowing sex while mom’s upstairs

recuperating? That’s adult.

She gave herself a mental head slap. What she needed was a distraction. Something,

anything to take her mind off the throbbing of her loins and the impassioned fantasy of seeking

the man out, stripping him naked and jumping his bones.

She put both hands to her hair and pulled, the pain doing nothing to divert her attention

from the twinge between her thighs and the tell-tale cramp indicating her impending period.

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Between both physical afflictions, her breasts hurt and her nipples were so tender the soft cotton

bra felt like sandpaper. Her vaginal muscles clenched around nothing and her panties were damp.

The use of her vibrator and the massaging shower head this morning provided only a temporary

reprieve. What she needed was Caleb - or a large dose of valium - and since neither was

accessible, she needed something to do before she hurt someone. Namely that damn wolf for

doing this to her.

With Jackie upstairs visiting her mom, Tess was at an even greater loss, though now she

could take a fast walk or better yet, a grueling run and not worry about leaving her mom alone.

Decision made, she swiveled on her woolen socks to head up the stairs and change when the

house phone rang. Turning too quick, she ended up making a complete circle on the hard floor

before she could stop. She clamped a hand over her mouth as a giggle escaped. Then eyeing the

stairs warily, she took off at a fast clip toward the kitchen and suddenly came to a dead stop, her

momentum sending her gliding over the smooth floor before coming to a halt at the tiled

archway. With a grin of delight, she snatched up the cordless handset before her mom could

answer on her bedroom extension.


“Oh, thank God you’re home.” The relief in Dolen’s tone was unmistakable.

“Dolen? What’s wrong?”

“The fucking truck that was supposed to deliver Dean’s meat broke down over an hour

outside of town and I had to send Sean out with my truck and round up a couple more volunteers

to unload and reload the food and haul ass back to Moon Haven..”

Evidently this was a dire judging by the man’s tone, but she was clueless. What was

Moon Haven? “I’m sorry?”

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Dolen let out a ragged sigh. “Sorry. Sorry. You haven’t been here for awhile so you don’t

know. When Dean became alpha, he got the wolf community together to buy a huge chunk of

land. They built a community center on it and blocked off at least six acres on the backside,

which also contains two large barns.. It’s called the Moon Haven and has been finished for six

months. Each full moon most of the wolves head to the compound to ride out the pull of the

moon. They pay me to provide dinner and breakfast but also have sides of beef delivered for an

evening snack.”

Tess grimaced but otherwise kept quiet.

“The truck bringing the meat blew a radiator hose and can’t make the delivery. It’s the

first time I’ve used this particular service and damn well may be the last as the delivery was

actually supposed to happen yesterday. Since Sean’s out with my truck, I’m one down to help

with dinner. I can’t ask Martin Reynolds to help as I need him to cook at the café, though my

weekend waitress, Rachel Hodgins, will go with me to the Haven as long as I get her a


With the non-stop explanation, Tess couldn’t be certain whether she was more, or less

confused. She sank onto one of the kitchen chairs and prompted. “So you’re calling because...?”

He hesitated. “Well, ah, Ruth has helped out before and since she’s unavailable, and umm

you know, with you and Caleb, well, I thought that maybe you could help?”

“With waitressing?”

A heavy exhalation cut through the line like a balloon losing air. Obviously this monthly

thing was more critical than what she’d assumed, but damned if she had a clue as to what Dolen

needed. Either she was just slow today or he was beating around the bush.

“Not here at the café. I’ll need both you and your truck at the compound. It’s nearly three

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now. We need to load the food, haul ass over to the center and get started preparing the meal for

two hundred shifters. The Moon Haven, the name of the compound, is a half-hour north of town,

and the delivery truck is broke down over an hour south. I’m hoping Sean will be there by six,

but I’ll need help before then to get food on the table by seven.” His sigh was full of resigned

acceptance. “You know wolves. They need to rely on a certain structure and orderliness in their

lives. Probably to combat all that restless energy.”

Tess nodded even though Dolen couldn’t see her. “Unfortunately, that’s very true,

especially for the young ones. Deviations are confusing, and they don’t like confusing. It messes

with their senses, which in turn makes their beasts antsy.” And when had she turned into a know-

it-all that volunteered information?

A single grunt was his response.

“Listen, Jackie’s here, but I need to check and make sure she can stay longer. I don’t

foresee a problem, especially since her husband’s working tonight.” She glanced at the clock on

the stove. “It’ll take me about fifteen minutes to get there. Since you’re already short on time,

why don’t you head on over and I’ll get directions from mom? Ah, but what are you going to do

about a waitress?”

“Gina said she’d come back in as she only worked a four-hour shift this morning. She can

help you load the supplies I won’t be able to get in the car.” A quick thanks later and the phone

went dead. Yep. This monthly thing was a big deal.

Mixed between affront and humor, Tess dashed up the stairs to explain the situation to

Ruth and Jackie. She slid to a halt just inside her mom’s bedroom - she’d forgotten how much

she used to enjoy skating over the smooth wooden flooring in her socks - but when both women

turned to her with expected looks in their eye, she knew they knew. “You already know?”

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Jackie nodded. “Yes. Martin just called to tell me and of course I’ll stay here with your


Ruth rolled her eyes and huffed. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

Her best friend patted the hand that rested on the bedspread. “Please. You’re long since

past the diaper stage, though if you don’t rest up and heal properly you just might be back in one

and how would that feel, hmmm?”

Tess nearly snorted while Ruth merely shot Jackie a mutinous glare. Then she turned her

attention to Tess. “Go on and help Dolen, dear. The silly man is probably frantic and since he has

no hair left on his head, he might just start yanking out the ones on his chest.”

Brows arching high, Tess gaped at her mom. “How do you know he has hair on his

chest?” she squawked. Then she thrust out her hands in a defensive gesture, twisted her head

away and squeezed her eyes shut against the imagine now implanted in her mind. “Never mind! I

do not want to know.”

Her mom sent her a satisfied smirk. Tess gulped and glanced over at Jackie who, for the

moment at least, seemed a safer and saner bet. “Thanks. I should be back in two or three hours.”

Jackie nodded, her wild hair bouncing around her gently lined face. “I’ll keep our invalid

chained up.”

Lips curling into a smile at her mom’s outraged glare, Tess once again skated across the

smooth floor, barely avoiding a hallway collision by wrapping her hand on her bedroom door

jamb. Still smiling, she shook her head at her own antics, very aware that since she’d been home

her sophisticated composure had slowly melted away, until here she was, sliding down the

hallway in her socks and grinning like a loon.

“Oh!” She dropped to the edge of the bed in wonder. There was nothing wrong with her.

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What she felt was different, strange, yet achingly familiar. She was happy. Odd, considering the

events of the last couple of weeks, but there it was.

Instead of looking at the glass as half-empty, Tess could understand that she was on the

cusp of a new beginning. She could start a new career. Do something she’d always wanted.

Granted, she might not know exactly what that was, but at least she had the opportunity to figure

it out, and that was far more than most people ever had. Her mom was recovering quite nicely

from her surgery and subsequent stroke which was a blessing. Then there was her unbelievably

hot involvement with a smart, sexy and gorgeous man who wanted to claim her for his own.

The grandfather clock in the living room struck the hour and Tess started as the gongs

pulled her from her reverie. She chewed on her bottom lip as she changed and glanced at her

reflection in the dresser mirror, taking in the sleek dark blonde hair, naturally streaked by shifter

genetics, the smooth and clear complexion - also a gift from wolf DNA - and slightly tilted hazel

eyes. Though she couldn’t see her body under the jeans and lightweight sweater, she knew her

arms were toned, her tummy flat, butt pert, and legs long and slim. With a critical appraisal, she

realized she owed her previous seven-figure income to shifter genes, which put a new spin on re-

thinking the inner package.

Millions have seen and paid for the wrapping, but no one really knew what dwelled deep

in her soul, including herself, and the insight was way overdue. Though she’d already taken baby

steps, most especially in regards to her feelings for Caleb, she was now ready to lengthen her


With a determined nod and a mental pat on the back for encouragement, she hustled

down the stairs, put on her coat and dashed out the front door.

Eight minutes later she backed her truck up to the rear entrance of Dolen’s Café and,

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tucking her keys into her pocket, jogged inside.

“I’m here,” she called out as she entered and nearly tripped over the boxes stacked

haphazardly by the kitchen door. She cast a glance over at Martin who was flipping hamburger

patties on the grill. “Am I supposed to take these?”

Martin turned his head. “Yes,” he said his bright blue eyes vibrant against the dark

bronze skin. Martin was the proud product of a Native American male and Irish female, and he

was stunning. He was also the happiest man she’d ever encountered, smart, easy to talk with and

the first to come to another’s aid. He had a feline grace and stateliness about him that called to

others. People loved him, despite the quick temper that blew up almost as soon as it came upon

him. He always said it was better to let the poison out immediately then leave it to fester, and it

certainly seemed to work for him. “I’d help you but I’m a little chained to the stove at the


Tess gave him a lopsided grin, watching as he deftly scooped out French fries, coleslaw

and piled them next to hamburgers on three plates. Then she glanced at the order rack. The café

was certainly busy for a Saturday afternoon. As if he read her mind, Martin added, “Large group

of day trippers stopped by.”

Ah. Day trippers were those who made the trek to town to ski for the day, or half-day in

most cases. They hit the slopes first thing in the morning, getting in as much skiing as they could

before they headed wearily home. Most times, if they didn’t eat at the small restaurant attached

to the ski resort, they’d come to Woodcliff to chow down and wander through the gift shops.

“That’s fine,” she said, picking up an opened box filled with smaller boxes of tea. “It’ll

just take me a few minutes to load.”

Martin snickered. “Yeah, if that,” he nodded to the boxes, “was all there was. Gina!” He

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bellowed loud enough that her ears rang.

“You don’t…”

Gina slammed through the swinging door. “What’s the matter with you? I was on my

way back.”

Martin rolled his eyes. “I hit the damn call button two minutes ago. Table five’s food is

going to be cold by the time you get your ass moving.”

The waitress huffed, hand on her hips. “You did not. It’s barely been lit thirty seconds.

Besides, if I don’t chat with the customers they don’t leave good tips.” Tess knew the second

Gina realized she and Martin weren’t alone. “Oh.” She eyed the box in her arms. “Guess Dolen

suckered you into helping?”

“Don’t start, young lady. Get these plates out and then help Tess load.”

“Fine,” Gina grunted. “Like I have nothing else to do.”

Taken aback by the younger woman’s attitude, Tess protested, “No, that’s okay. I can

handle it.”

Gina sighed. “No, I’m sorry. I’m just cranky today.” She transferred the plates to a tray.

“Just give me a sec.”

When they were alone again, Martin shot Tess a worried look. “I don’t know what’s

going on, but that girl has developed an attitude problem in the last few weeks and it’s starting to

piss me off.”

Tess tilted her head, glancing from the door to Martin. “Growing pains?”

Martin let out a bark of laughter. “I wish. Don’t know if it’s college related, work related,

or male-related, but…”

Gina popped back in, effectively cutting Martin off. “There’s more in the walk-in cooler.

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Just prop the door open and we’ll get you loaded in no time.”

Tess and Martin sent each other similar arched brow expressions. With a crooked smile,

Tess took out the first box.

With two, the truck was filled in no time with numerous boxes containing tea, raw carrots

and potatoes, flour, sugar, blueberries, and vanilla ice cream. Luckily, those particular boxes,

along with the other cold items, also held bags of ice so nothing would become overly warm on

the half-hour drive. No wonder Dolen had been so upset about losing his own refrigerator truck.

Adding ice packs to everything created twice the load.

“I don’t know why you’d go there,” Gina said suddenly. “I wouldn’t step foot in that


Tess reached up and shut the hatch door. “Why would you say that?”

When the other woman didn’t answer right away, Tess turned around and caught Gina

standing by the open passenger side door. “Most everyone knows Caleb wants to claim you for

his mate and it’s obvious you haven’t agreed.” The last was said with a pointed stare at her neck.

Pursing her lips, Tess considered Gina’s ridiculous statement. Because, really, when - no,

if, definitely if - Tess accepted Caleb’s claim and he marked her, it wouldn’t be noticeable like a

hickey. Well, maybe at first, but with a shifter’s healing abilities, Tess wouldn’t sport a bruise for

more than a few hours so Gina eyeballing her throat didn’t make sense. Then again, most non-

shifters based their shifter beliefs on supposition rather than fact. At one time humans didn’t

even know of shifter existence. And now, maybe too many did.

Tess knew the bite was actually more of a scent marker to warn other shifters away. The

visual symbol would disappear quickly but the olfactory sign would last until her dying day, or

Caleb’s as the pheromone released by the marker was actually sustained by the male shifter’s

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touch. Or something to that affect. She really should talk with her sister more about this mating


Gina’s eyes narrowed, assessing her quietly. “Have you?”

Not that it was any of her business, but if Tess wanted information about Dave and Matt,

she should probably reciprocate. “I haven’t agreed to anything.”

The waitress’ face cleared immediately and she nodded knowingly. “Figured you were

probably slumming for a bit. .”

Slumming? With Caleb? Gina seriously needed to get her head on straight. “Hmmm,”

Tess murmured, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. “I meant, why would you not step foot in the

Haven? Is it dirty or smelly or something?”

Gina shot her a quizzical look as she loaded in the last box of napkins. “It’s full of

wolves,” she hissed, glancing from left to right to make sure she wasn’t being overhead. “You

know how dangerous and unpredictable they are. Just look at what happened to poor Dave.” Her

lips firmed into an angry line. “I told him not to go work at the lumber yard. If he had to go work

for a wolf, Frank Kolter should have been the last on the list. He’s an arrogant, conceited,

loathsome speck of dog shit and a worthless father. He and his shifter sons think humans are

their play toys and I’m sick of it.” She reached out and slammed the truck door with enough

force that Tess winced, sending a silent apology to her new baby.

Pulling the not-quite-familiar-any-more mask of serenity over her face, Tess leaned a hip

against the rear fender, and watched in silence as various emotions crossed Gina’s face.

Recalling what happened the other day in the café between Kyle and Gina, Tess could easily

understand and most definitely agree with a dislike of one particular wolf, but lumping all

shifters into the same category was completely unfair. The degree of hatred shooting from Gina’s

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light brown eyes did make Tess wonder if something specific caused the biased feeling. If she’d

warned Dave not to take a job at the lumber yard years ago when he first started, then Gina’s

attitude wasn’t a result of her time with Matt. But maybe being with Matt only exacerbated it.


“Gina,” she started only to be stopped by the other woman’s hand waving her off.

“Just…forget I said anything. I’m just restless and well,” she laid her hand over her

tummy, “crampy. You know how it is.”

Aided by a sudden and stiff breeze, Tess subtly drew in a deep breath, and knew Gina

was lying. There was no hint of pending menstruation, but there was a whole lot of musk and the

scent of Matt West. Knowing that the other woman had left Matt’s bed before coming to work

was way more information then Tess ever wanted to know. How did the wolves handle knowing

these things all the time? Ugh!

She grimaced. “Yeah, I know how it is.”

The relief in Gina’s face was clear. “Well, you’d better get going.”

Tess dug out her keys, looked down at them and contemplated. “Gina, if you need

someone to talk to….”

“Thanks, but I’m good. Like I said, just that time of the month.”

“Okay then. Thanks for your help.”

“Anytime,” Gina responded with a cheerful and completely fake smile. “Drive safe,” she

added as she walked back inside.

Closing her truck door, Tess stared in the rearview mirror, angled to picture the door

Gina had entered. “Cramps my ass. What’s really going on, Gina?”

Well, she thought, I have a good thirty minutes to ponder that.

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Then she shifted into gear and took off for the Moon Haven.

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Chapter Seventeen

“We may have a problem.” Dean said abruptly.

“Of course we do. It’s the full moon. We always have problems.” Caleb growled into his

cell phone. He in fact was returning from a problem featuring a half-dozen drunken tourists and a

brawl at the Alehouse, and it wasn’t even ten yet.

With Phil on the roster to run and hunt with the cubs tonight, Derek Givins barricaded at

the Moon, Jason Rusing handling an injury involved fender bender in town that was blocking

traffic, and one of his human deputies calling in sick with the flu, Caleb and Brandon were

running themselves ragged. Though the full moon normally brought out the odd in humans and

fur in shifters, tonight seemed especially chaotic.

Neither he nor Brandon had made any headway in the Collins case and he missed Tess.

And that was the crux of everything. Tess was in heat, it was the full moon and Caleb wanted his

mate in the most primal manner. Unable to be with her, and knowing his mark was absent on her

delectable body, only increased his unease.

He felt his fangs start to push through his burning gums. With a muttered oath, he shoved

all thoughts of his mate aside and focused on Dean. “What’s going on?”

“We’re missing six shifters.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that six of the two hundred plus wolves that normally stay at Moon Haven have

yet to arrive.”

Caleb pondered this a few moments. “Maybe they changed their minds or are running

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“Plausible of course, except that about an hour ago I had to intervene in an escape

attempt by a dozen young shifters, already in wolf form. Everyone knows the rule on the full

moon. Once you’re in, you don’t leave until morning.”

Frowning, Caleb maneuvered his truck onto the highway from the bar. “That’s rare.”

“Very. The thing is, when I forced Tim Bronson back to his human form and demanded

an explanation, he seemed…confused. Said he caught a scent too irresistible to ignore. Without

the fur, he’s still a little twitchy, but he’s controllable.”

Caleb glanced in his rearview mirror as headlights flashed briefly before turning in the

opposite direction. “Want me to head your way?”

“Where are you?” When Caleb told him he’d just left the Alehouse, Dean said, “Might as

well. Maybe you can sniff something out. I can’t smell a damn thing with all this wet fur.”

“Wet fur?”

Dean chuckled. “One of my deterrents, or did you forget about the extensive sprinkler

system I had installed?”

Caleb ran his tongue over his teeth. “No comment.”

“In spite of the stench, that’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

Which only meant his alpha needed a life, and a wife. “I’ll be there in twenty.” He hung

up the phone and, with one hand on the steering wheel, he turned the Silverado into a careful u-

turn. When his phone rang again, he didn’t bother to check the readout. “Bennett.”

“Hi, Caleb. It’s Tess.” Despite the instant pleasure at hearing her voice, the wariness in it

caused him concern. “What’s wrong, m’lupa?”

She hesitated. “I’m sorry to bother you…”

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“You are never a bother,” he rushed to say, feeling like a damn teenager with his first


“Remember how you said I might have some visitors of the furry persuasion the night of

the full moon?”

His smile dropped in wattage. “Got a wolf or two howling out the window?”

“More like twenty.”

“What!?” Caleb roared. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. It’s weird. There are about a dozen young ones sitting and staring at the

house just inside the clearing. Four adults are circling them, yapping every few minutes. Then

there are a separate bunch of adults that look to be play-fighting and every now and then, one of

those will run around the house. I’ve never seen anything like it. I didn’t know if it meant

something?” She posed the last as a question.

This time his u-turn consisted of burning rubber and squealing tires. “Did you go out

today? Anywhere? Walk around the block, go to the grocery store?”

“Actually, yes.” Tess told him about the situation with the refrigerator truck and how

Dolen asked her to help fix dinner at the Moon Haven.

When she finished Caleb let out a string of harsh and inventive curses. He knew about the

incident of course, but he never imagined Tess would somehow get involved. Hell, an unmated

female in heat, and with the full moon, would catch the attention of every free shifter within a

twenty mile radius, and she’d been at the compound for hours. No wonder there was an escape

attempt. The irresistible scent was Tess.

Caleb clenched his jaw so hard he cracked a tooth. “Don’t go outside, lock the doors and

for God’s sake, get away from the windows.”

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Silence met his statement for a moment. “Do not tell me they are capable of jumping

through a closed window. They’re triple-paned for God’s sake!”

“To get to you, yes.”


“Damn it, woman, you’re an unmated female in heat. The bloody wolves would claw

through a solid steel door to get to you.”

She gasped. “And then what? Try to do me? In wolf form? That’s disgusting!”

He closed his eyes briefly. “Right now most of them are more wolf than man. They’re not

thinking like a human. They are working on instinct rather than logic. Do you understand what

I’m saying?”

She made a disgruntled sound deep in her throat. “Yes. The wolves would do a knothole

if it smelled like me right now.”

Amazingly, Caleb felt a chuckle rumble in his chest. “That about sums it up.”

She sighed, the breathy whisper teasing his senses, and his cock. “Do you think, if it’s not

too much trouble, you or one of your deputies could make a trip out here?”

With his foot to the floor, Caleb answered. “I’m already on my way.”

“Oh. Oh, good.” There was a pause, then, “One wolf just came up onto the front porch.”

“Didn’t I tell you to get away from the window?” Frustration ate at him like acid. Why

wouldn’t the woman listen?

“He’s not doing anything, except. Oh my God. It’s my father!”

What? “What?”

“Caleb, my dad’s out there!”

Suddenly a howling came over the line followed by multiple answers that made his

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hackles rise. “What’s going on?”

“I thought you wanted me away from the window?”

“Damn it, Tess!” he bellowed.

After a moment’s pause he heard her suck in a breath. “It looks as if he’s making a stand,

protecting the house. Wait.”

Caleb’s hand tightened on the steering wheel and he glanced at his radio. At the speed he

was going, he knew he couldn’t safely keep Tess on the phone and call Brandon for backup, and

he’d be damned if he hung up on his mate. “Tess.”

“Oh God, Caleb, they’re moving in. They’ll tear him to pieces!”

“Don’t you dare,” he shouted in helpless rage as he heard the deadbolt click. “Damn you,

Tess, don’t you dare go outside!”

“I can’t just watch them rip my father apart, Caleb. I’m not that cold!”

“Tess? Tess!”

Impotent fury and blinding panic wrapped his heart in thick chains as he realized she’d

dropped the phone to defend her father. Red lights danced in front of his eyes and he struggled to

clear his vision, reaching for the radio after hooking the cell, his thin connection to Tess, to his


With sirens wailing and lights flashing, and after what felt like years, Caleb turned onto

the dirt road that led to the Gentry House. Never easing on the gas, he bumped and cursed and

roared up to the house, slamming into two wolves and knocking them back ten feet as he braked

hard. He wasn’t worried about the wolves, they’d live. It was Tess he was panicked for.

Jumping from the truck he barreled around the hood, and instantly froze as something

whizzed by his ear and landed behind him with a soft thump. Turning, he saw a brown wolf

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convulse and then drop, a bright pink dart sticking out of its hide. Glancing up, he spotted Jackie

and Ruth at a bedroom window, both holding dart guns. Once would fire while the other

reloaded, and though they were missing more than they were hitting, the sight was shocking and

awe inspiring.

The near miss forced him take a mental step back, and instead of racing in with his claws

blazing, he used years of honed police skill to take in the scene. There were a helluva lot more

than twenty. At least a dozen wolves were drugged, another eight were down and bleeding, the

two he’d hit were unmoving. Toward the porch another six were fighting each other. Caleb

recognized Phil and one of the other pack leaders sent to run and hunt with the cubs this night.

Now they were defending his mate. Pride blossomed in his chest.

A glance over his shoulder and into the woods showed two other wolves watching over a

dozen cubs that alternatively let out cries of terror and empathy at what they were witnessing. To

his left, another six adults eyed the scene with indecision. With a low snarl from Caleb, they

whimpered in fear and turned tail. Darkly pleased, he turned back to the house and saw one lone

black wolf at the bottom of the porch steps, obviously older by the amount of silver in his fur,

desperately fighting a much younger one. Tess’s father was bleeding from numerous cuts and

obviously tiring as he barely managed to avoid a deadly snap of teeth.

Tearing his gaze away, he searched frantically for Tess. When he finally spotted her

behind her father on the porch, he let out a roar of fury. She looked fragile compared to the two

grey wolves she valiantly fought off. He could see a cut on her pale cheek and the rip in her

sweater, exposing her slim ribcage. Her sweatpants were torn in several places and worst of all,

he could smell her blood. Even as he called on his beast he recognized both Frank and Kyle

Kolter as her attackers.

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Instantly the change came on him. Bones snapped and re-aligned, muscles elongated and

reshaped themselves. Chocolate brown fur sprouted from his taut skin. Within seconds he shifted

into a two hundred and twenty pound wolf. Blood lust gleamed in his amber eyes. Razor sharp

fangs glinted in the white light of the moon. Instincts took over and, with another mighty howl,

he reared back on his hind legs and swiped at the wolf attacking Tess’s father with enough force

to send it flying head over tail. The animal staggered up with an angry snarl and an impatient

shake of its head that sent droplets of blood arcing into the night. It turned, lips curled back in a

menacing sneer, and stopped dead. Its snout lifted high, sniffing the air. When the beast realized

who had attacked him he immediately dropped on the ground and rolled over, exposing his belly

in submission and whining

Disgusted, Caleb abandoned the young wolf and loped past Tess’s exhausted father. Just

then a dark grey wolf tumbled down the porch steps to land at Caleb’s feet. As Frank rose on

shaky legs, Caleb didn’t take the time to stare him down or wait for a submissive pose but

instead latched his sharp teeth onto Frank’s neck and forcefully flipped him onto his back. Then

he dragged the whimpering wolf away from the steps and into the snowy clearing, next to the

first wolf he took down. As he turned away, two pink darts sailed behind him to tag both downed


Wickedly satisfied, Caleb bounded up the porch steps. With a flying leap he crashed into

Kyle just as the wolf crouched to spring on Tess. They landed with a bone-jarring thud on the

porch slats, the wood groaning under the violence of the impact. The same odd scent he and

Brandon noticed in the woods filled his nose, stunning him for a moment. But a moment was all

it took for Kyle, in a flurry of claws, to break free and ram into Caleb’s neck, snapping his head

back. Before the other wolf could go for his jugular, Caleb rolled to his right, slashing his

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massive claws along Kyle’s side as he lunged forward.

Terrible howls of pain and fury filled the night as the two wolves squared off. Ears drawn

back tight against their heads, they stared at each other with intense fury. Then with a twitch of

their tails, they slammed into each other in a lightning strike blur of grey and brown fur. Claws

dug into the porch seeking purchase as they grappled and twisted. Kyle managed to swipe his

fangs over Caleb’s shoulder, drawing blood. Emitting a furious roar, Caleb retaliated with a hard

swipe to Kyle’s cheek, raking furrows in the flesh. He never let up as Kyle whined in agony.

With razor sharp teeth snapping and paws flying, they both howled as they fight for dominance,

rolling uncontrollably across the wood planks until they hit the railing on the far side.. Not sturdy

enough to hold the weight, the wood snapped and Kyle tumbled over the side and hit the ground


Caleb trotted over, muscles bunched, ready to leap and attack if necessary. Kyle slowly

raised his head off the ground to glare at Caleb before he flopped back and lay still. Not dead,

unfortunately. Just very badly hurt. Caleb knew if Kyle didn’t shift soon, he would bleed out and

die. And though as a cop he was sworn to protect and provide aid, as a shifter, he didn’t give a

damn. The treacherous wolf could rot in hell.

Colored lights flashed over the area and though part of him realized Brandon was pulling

in the yard at break-neck speed, he was more concerned about his mate.

He padded over to where she sat on the porch, back propped against the house for

support, head bent over. He could hear her racing heart and ragged breathing and rage flashed

anew. At his approach her head jerked up and he froze, the fear on her face crushing him.

Cautiously, he lowered himself to his belly and whined.

After a moment she whispered, “Caleb?”

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He whined again and inched forward until he lay next to her outstretched legs.

She reached up a shaking hand, cupping it under his snout. He snuffled and licked her

palm, keeping his gaze on hers. “I’m sorry, Caleb. I didn’t realize you’d come.”

I’ll always come for you, he said, but it came out as an odd rumpling of barks and growls.

“I also don’t speak wolfeze,” she added with a half smile. Her hand moved over his head

to stroke through his fur. Pleased, he inched closer until he could rest his head on her lap. “You

are most certainly a handsome and brave wolf.”

He let out a happy bark as she continued to pet him, content at the moment with the

physical contact as she got used to his beast. After a minute he gently nosed her torn sweater and

then lifted his head to look her in the eye. When she frowned at him he repeated the action.

“He wants to know if you’re okay,” a male voice said from the top of the staircase. “And

so do I.”

Over Caleb’s low growling, Tess let out a startled, “Oh.” She quickly averted her eyes

from her father’s naked form and pretended to take stock of her body. A blush crept up her

cheeks. “I’m fine. Just some scratches and bruises. Nothing that time and a hot shower won’t


“Caleb,” William Gentry raised both hands in the air in an innocent gesture and kept his

gaze on the protective wolf. “Why don’t you let your mate go clean up and check on her mother?

Your deputy is here, Brandon I believe his name is, and he’ll want to know what your orders


Caleb blinked at Tess’s father and then turned his head to her. “It’s okay, Caleb. Go talk

or growl or whatever it is you do to converse with Brandon while I check on my mom.”

If he could have rolled his eyes, he would have. Instead, Caleb rose to all four paws and

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backed up a few steps. As Tess pushed to her feet he changed back to his human form.

“Oh!” Tess gasped again as she was faced with another naked male. But this time her

eyes stayed glued to Caleb’s body. She licked her lips, the sight making his already hard cock

twitch. “Does it hurt?”

He raised his brows and slanted a look to her father and back to Tess again. Then he

realized she meant the change from wolf to man, not his erection.

Do I have a one-track mind or what?

He cleared his throat, and despite – or maybe because of – Tess’s keenly interested stare,

he wanted to snatch his spare clothes from his truck and cover up. It somehow just felt wrong,

sporting a hard-on while naked and standing in front of his mate’s father. “You get used to it.”

And though he wanted to hold her close, he nodded at the front door. “See if Jackie can stay with

your mom tonight and pack a bag. It won’t be safe for you to stay here with all these drugged

wolves. I don’t know how long they’ll be out and we don’t have enough man power to cart them

off your property.”

Tess’s eyes narrowed but before she could say anything her father shocked her. “He’s

right. I can stay here as well, until morning.”

She looked at her father as if seeing him for the first time, and not just naked. Both men

stood as bare as the day they were born, completely oblivious to the freezing temperature. “Dad,

what are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “I heard about you and Caleb. Good news travels fast in the shifter world. I

wanted to check him out, see if he was fit for my daughter.” He looked Caleb over and gave an

approving nod. “He’ll do.”

Tess rapidly shook her head. “He’ll do? You don’t even know the man and you’re saying

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‘he’ll do’? Because he’s a shifter or because you don’t give a damn?”

Her father’s shoulders slumped. “Tess, sweetheart, I always gave a damn. Yes, I know

my leaving hurt you and your sister, and I am truly sorry for causing you pain of any kind, but

when I met my mate, I couldn’t not leave. You have a taste of what that feels like now. I was

hoping that maybe you could forgive me.”

Tess grimaced and shifted her eyes from her father to stare a Caleb for a few moments.

When she looked back, she asked in a slightly stilted tone, “So, he’ll do?”

Caleb felt the tension between father and daughter ease just a little and was oddly proud

of his she-wolf.

William appeared to be relieved and proud as well. “A man learns a lot about another

man in the heat of battle. He came barreling in here like a bat out of hell, no doubt angry and

terrified for your safety, and jumped in the fray. And when it was over, instead of mounting his

mate and claiming her before all and sundry, as he obviously wants to,” he flicked his gaze to

Caleb’s groin, “his first action was to comfort. Not only does he care about you, he’ll protect you

with his life. I’ve seen all I need to know to say ‘he’ll do.’”

While she stood there trying to find something to say, he crossed over and took her arm.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, honey. Just go inside, clean up, pack a bag, and check on your

mom.” Then he was pushing her through the door.

Speechless with surprise, Caleb rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. Thanks seemed

a tacky comment and if he had this man’s approval, he didn’t want to do anything stupid to have

it revoked. Especially since this situation was making him more than a little uncomfortable with

every passing moment. He really wanted his clothes.

Luckily, he was saved from stupefaction when Will said, “She’ll be difficult to live with,

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but she’s worth it. Mark her soon or you’ll answer to me.” Then he slipped in the house behind

his daughter.

Caleb grimaced and whirled around to find Brandon staring up at him with one cockily

raised brow. “Should I even ask?”

“No.” Caleb stalked down the steps to his truck, his deputy trailing behind.

“Not all these wolves are ours,” Brandon commented, hands on his hips. “I checked them

out when I showed up. Nice work on the drugging by the way. How did that happen?”

Caleb set his duffle bag on the front seat and unzipped it. “Ruth and Jackie were taking

pot shots from the bedroom window. I don’t know who thought of it or where they got the

tranqs, but I’m grateful to them both. If they hadn’t…” He stopped as what could haves pierced

his gut like a double-bladed sword. Fury re-ignited and he yanked on his spare clothes. “They’re

from Bridgeton. Obviously we know why they’re here, but how the hell they knew about Tess to

begin with is beyond me.”

Brandon kicked lightly at one of the drugged wolves and then glanced over at Caleb to

see him reach back in the truck for his cell phone. “Dean?”

“Hell yeah.” Caleb bit off as he punched in the number. “I’m so pissed right now I’m

more likely to shoot Scott rather than have a diplomatic relation with him,” he said referring to

the alpha of the Bridgeton’s pack.

As Caleb called Dean, Brandon wandered over to talk with Phil and two of the other

shifters who’d managed to take out the rest of the bordering wolves. Brandon encouraged the

younger wolves to sniff and rub all over him, knowing that the physical contact with one of the

pack leaders would help to alleviate their fears and confusion. After a few minutes he sent them

off, via wolf form, to return to Moon Haven. No more hunting lessons would be taught this

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“He’s already on his way,” Caleb said as he approached Brandon who was now crouched

next to Frank Kolter’s furry and unconscious body. Red spots of anger flared in Caleb’s cheeks.

“Fucking Frank. The bastard actually had the balls to come out here a few days ago and was

openly checking her out. He also told her he hoped she and that reject,” he pointed a finger that

immediately stretched and sharpened into a dangerous claw toward Kyle, “would mate.” He spat

the last words.

Brandon sneered. “Asshole. What do you want me to do with them?”

“Throw them both in a cell. They can wait in a cage until I’m calm enough to hear them

out without gutting them.”

With the scent of pure and undiluted rage hanging in the air, Brandon took a furtive

glance at his friend, noticing the thick veins bulging in his neck and the tightly clenched hands.

The boss might have regained control of his beast, but if he didn’t regain control of his anger he

just might burst a blood vessel.

Brandon rose and laid a soothing hand on Caleb’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of it. Just get

your mate and take her home. That’s the best thing for the both of you right now.”

Between the heartfelt gesture and softly spoken words, Caleb felt some of the tension

leave his body. As shifters they were social, physical and open creatures. As men, most rarely

touched each other except when necessary, and they certainly didn’t express their feelings for

each other. Thankfully, Caleb and Brandon knew each other well enough to cross that line when

the situation called for it. They also understood when a simple gesture or look from the other

meant far more than it appeared.

Grateful, Caleb managed a gruff, “Thanks.”

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Brandon simply nodded in return.

When the front door opened, both men turned to watch Tess step out of the house. It was

obvious she’d taken a shower and changed into clean sweat pants and matching sweater. An

overnight case draped over one shoulder.

She scanned her surroundings, her face that blank expression Caleb hated, and then

walked quickly over to his side. “I’m ready.”

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Chapter Eighteen

In the dim interior of his truck, Tess was reminded of another night Caleb drove her

home, only this time they were heading to his house rather than hers. Though he’d been angry

then as he was now, Tess was different. That night she’d been polite but cool, until he’d cornered

her in the kitchen. This time? She couldn’t stop the heat glowing in her eyes or the direction of

her gaze.

“Tess,” he growled, “don’t. I’m barely hanging on here.”

She licked her lips. “I can see that. You’re hard.”

“And you’re wet,” he snapped back.

A gasp of shock and excitement left her lips. She wanted him now and spying the small

damp spot on the soft fabric of his tented sweats only made her ache more.

“Then we should do something about it, don’t you think?” She whispered, her voice low

and thick with desire.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “We’re almost home. Five minutes max.”

Trusting Caleb not to wreck, Tess undid her seatbelt. “I don’t want to wait that long,” she

said, raising the seat divider.

When she placed her hand on his cock he jumped. “What are you doing?” he shouted,

jerking the truck back on the right side of the road.

She chuckled. “Taking care of you.”

Unbearably aroused, she slipped a hand under his waistband and touched his hot flesh.

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“Fuck, Tess. This is not a good idea.”

Despite his denial, Tess saw the way his eyes fluttered and his dick thickened in her soft

grasp. “I think it’s a necessary one.” Her hand stroked over him, slow and tight. His thighs

quivered and he pressed harder on the gas. “Just watch the road.”

“Tess,” he groaned in frustration. His lids drooped as his hips instinctively rolled

toward her hand. “Oh shit, Tess. Just wait a minute, just another damn minute.”

“Mmmm. No, I don’t think so.” Then she twisted onto her left knee, bracing her body

with her right foot on the floorboard, and leaned over his lap. She heard his breathing accelerate

and when she licked the crown of his penis his whole body jerked in response and he nearly

drove off the road and into the ditch.

“Damn it!” he growled. Then, after righting the truck once again, he made the mistake of

glancing down. Her long hair gleamed in the moonlight, covering her face and tickling his

thighs. He drew one hand away from the steering wheel to lift her hair from her face, and became

mesmerized by the vision of her lips sliding over the blood-filled length of his cock. He groaned,

tangled his hand in the silky strands as he gripped the back of her head and urged her on. “That’s

good, m’lupa, so fucking good.”





He tore his eyes away to stare almost blindly through the windshield. Each luxuriant pull

of her mouth created red-hot streaks of lust that tore through his burning body. Sweat beaded on

his flesh and he started to tremble. He sucked air in desperate gasps as sexual tension snatched

him in its greedy claws and spun him higher. When she used the flat of her tongue to stroke over

the sensitive underside of his cock, a harsh cry ripped from his throat. Amazingly, he somehow

spotted the turn-off that led to his home and, as he applied the brakes, he moved his right hand

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from her head to her back, rubbing long urgent strokes from her tight, little ass to the nape of her

slender neck.

When they could, wolves lived a good distance away from any main thoroughfare and

close to the woods. This allowed not only privacy , but granted easy access to run free in the

forest at any time of the day or night. Normally he enjoyed the brief journey to his own little

slice of paradise. At the moment, however, he cursed the length of his dirt driveway. He needed

to slow down or both he and Tess would be tossed all over the truck interior, and he sure as hell

didn’t want to jar the woman while her mouth was gliding over his cock. As much as he enjoyed

a little rough sex now and again, teeth clamping around his dick was a definite no-no.

He made the left turn one-handed. “It’s going to get bumpy baby,” he warned her.

She made another one of those humming noises that vibrated straight through his cock to

laugh in the face of his fragile control. Instead of letting up, she tucked her lips over her teeth

and worked a slow path over his dick, creating a whole new sensation to mix and whirl with the

ones already sizzling over his scorching flesh. His balls tightened in agonizing pleasure.

Desperate, knowing he was going to come in her mouth if he didn’t do something now,

he shoved his hand under her sweatpants. The soft globes of her ass felt like heaven against his

kneading palm, the flesh cool to his fevered touch. He slid lower to dip between her cheeks,

brushing teasing fingertips through the slick folds to circle the swollen entrance. She stiffened,

and the small gasp that escaped misted over his cock, prickling his heated skin. When he thrust

one blunt finger into the humid depth of her pussy they both moaned. Then she pushed back

against his hand, her hips undulating in frantic movements. He added a second finger, forging

both through the slippery clench of her sex. “You always feel incredible,” he grunted. “So tight.

So wet.” He scrapped his knuckles back and forth within the small opening and she let out a

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whimper of need. “Almost there,,” he rasped, his own control in tatters as he maneuvered over

the last few yards, managing to stop just before he careened the vehicle up his front stairs.

He threw the truck into park and barked, “Now!” Then he was flipping her around to

claw at her shoes and pants. “Get a condom. I’m busy,” and his mouth was between her legs. Her

back arched as he lapped vigorously at her pussy. Her taste consumed him, enflamed him and he

wanted more. He wanted all of her.

He pressed his hands against her knees, opening her wider. Starved for her, he opened

his mouth wide, sucking and licking every flushed fold he could reach. He lashed her clit with

hot wet strokes before thrusting his tongue inside her. She choked out a sob, clenched his head as

her hips jerked against his mouth. “Oh God, Caleb.”

“Got it?” he demanded through teeth that tugged gently on her clit.

Taking the strangled sound she made as affirmation, he shifted back and pulled her over

his lap. He plucked the foil packet from her limp fingers and managed to cover up before he

rearranged Tess over his thighs, spreading her wide. Unable to wait any longer, he dropped the

reigns of his control with an animalist snarl and shoved the straining head of his cock into her

warm entrance, covering her surprised gasp with his possessive mouth. “Mine. You’re mine!”

Hands on his shoulders for support, she lifted her hips up, dragging his shaft through the

drenched clasp of her body. He met her return stroke with his own, driving back in with a

powerful thrust, pushing in deeper, stretching her, the pleasure so intense it was a sharp, physical


“That’s it,” he nipped at her lips. “Take all of me, baby. Fuck me as hard as you want.”

He gave it to her raw, pumping into her with all the hunger and aggression that clawed in his gut,

and she matched him stroke for stroke. He no longer had control of his body, the adrenalin and

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lust that boiled in his blood mixed with the blissful feeling of plunging into her tight sex. The

sound of flesh slapping on bare flesh filled the truck, the steaming windows locking them in their

own erotic world. Harsh pants and gasps of straining passion only intensified the desire

consuming him from the inside out.

Release bore down and he forced it back, needing to feel her explode around his cock.

Buried thick and deep, hips rising faster and faster, he tore his head away from her lips and

ripped off her sweater and bra. He latched onto a beaded nipple, sucking the small pearl against

the roof of his mouth, his fangs grazing her breast. Then he wedged a hand between their sweat-

slickened bodies and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit in tight circles. Her ragged pants

were music to his ears. She shook, her hips pistoning over his cock, her nails digging through his

shirt to scratch the flesh of his muscled shoulders. He knew she was close. And he knew just how

to push her over the edge. “Do it, Tess,” he growled, driving through the thick cream spilling

between her thighs. He was drowning in a fiery sea of hunger, lost to everything but his mate’s

need. “Own me. Come all over my cock and claim me.”

Her eyes glazed with voracious passion. “Yes! Mine!” Then her head arched back and

she climaxed, the tender muscles of her pussy fluttering, milking him with the sweetest spasms


With the delicate lines of her neck and shoulders exposed to his possessive gaze, and her

cry of fulfillment sweeping past his defenses, he blanked out, and his wolf took over. His mouth

curved over the smooth flesh off her shoulder and he bit, sinking his fangs through the skin to

mark her forever as his. As her blood seeped into his tongue he started to come, the blast of

pleasure sweeping through him in blistering waves of ecstasy. He roared out in triumph. “Fu-

ck!” His curse was drawn out and thick with emotion as he continued to thrust inside her quaking

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body. “Fuck, Tess. Oh God, Tess.”

Ever so slowly the manic need ebbed until he was gliding into her with leisurely ease.

Trembling, he wrapped his arms around her and dragged her tight against his body, while still

fully seated inside her wetness. One hand pressed her head to his so they sat chest to chest, cheek

to cheek, bathing in the afterglow.

A few minutes passed and as Caleb drifted on a cloud of peaceful bliss, Tess abruptly

jerked back in his arms. She touched her fingers to her neck and glanced down at the red drops

staining the tips. Eyes narrowed she accused, “You bit me.”

Contemplating his options at this critical point in time, Caleb ran a tongue over his teeth,

and tasted more of her tangy blood. A shudder of delight quivered down his spine. Tess was

claimed, mated and marked as his now. All his. Logically, he knew a man couldn’t own a

woman – even a joke about it would result in a slow and painful beheading – but, damn. His eyes

fell to half-mast as he thought about having her every day for the rest of his life. Not just for the

sex, though the fact that his cock was already primed for another round bespoke just how often

that aspect of their relationship would occur. He also wanted to wake every morning with her

wrapped in his arms, sit across the kitchen table and gaze into her beautiful face over every meal.

And yes, he couldn’t deny that he desperately wanted to see her belly swollen with his cubs.

He shifted his hands to cage her hips so she couldn’t withdraw to the other side of the

cab. Then he pressed his lips to the cut on her cheek. Each mark enraged him anew, but he

shoved it aside, for now. When he got a hold of the Kolter’s though, that would be a different

story. No one laid paws on the woman he loved and got away with it. “Yes.”

The flat statement seemed to surprise Tess, or maybe it was that he hadn’t offered any

flimsy excuses. Her eyes widened. “Yes?” she asked in disbelief.

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His fingers flinched as a flare of panic burned a hole in his chest. Relying on his instincts,

he kept his tone nice and even, his words succinct. “Yes,” he reiterated, “I bit you.”

She blinked in rising agitation, though Caleb noticed there was no real anger in her clear

gaze, only confusion. “But, but…” she flustered.

Immeasurably pleased that she hadn’t tried to vacate his lap, he traced his thumbs over

her ribcage in what he hoped was a soothing caress. “But?”

The sudden hard glint that entered her eyes forewarned him. “You didn’t ask

permission.” Then she gave a short nod as if that was the end of it and he should apologize.

As if he would. Not only did he not regret marking her, he figured he’d been pretty damn

patient and Tess needed to cut him some slack. “I only responded to what you said,” he retorted

with a little more force than he intended.

Once again his words took her by surprise. “What I said? What could I have possibly said

that would make you think I wanted you to mark me?”

His lips curved in a sensual smile, his voice husky in remembrance. “Right before you

came you said I was yours.”

Her jaw dropped. “I was caught up in the heat of the moment,” she railed, though there

was no heat in her tone. “I would have said anything.”

A burst of anger flared and he trapped her face in his hand, forcing her to look him in the

eye. “Really? And would you have told me you loved me if you didn’t mean it?”

You damn well better say no.

As much as he ached to hear those three words from her lips, he sure as hell didn’t want

them if she couldn’t mean it.


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“Sheriff, you there?” Caustic static filled the truck interior, cutting off Tess’s response.

Caleb squeezed his eyes shut against a bout of frustration. With a low growl he leaned

forward and snatched up the speaker of the vehicle’s in-dash radio. “I’m here, Glenda,” he said,

keeping his gaze on Tess.

“Sorry to bother you, Sheriff, but I’ve got Brandon on the land line. He says he’s been

trying to reach you on the cell with no answer and it’s urgent he speak with you.”

In an almost comical move, Caleb and Tess simultaneously glanced at the raised seat

partition. Between the closed lid and the solid cushions, any noise coming from his phone would

have been muffled. Add in their pre-occupation with other…physical matters and of course the

phone went unanswered.

Quick to find humor in almost any situation, Caleb let out a snort of amusement, which

nearly turned into a full blown belly laugh at Tess’s horrified glare. “Go ahead and patch him


“Yes, sir. Just a moment, please,” came the efficient reply.

Tess shifted to remove herself from Caleb’s lap but he stayed her with one hand. “Hold

on. You’ll get tangled in the cable.”

Tess looked at the cord that stretched across the seat in a coiled line. She could easily

maneuver under or over it which made the comment more of a request than a demand. When she

turned a raised brow in his direction he swore he could see the wheels of retribution circling

behind her eyes. He cleared his throat as a sliver of unease settled over him at her silent


“We have a problem,” Brandon said without preamble.

What else is new? He thought. “Now what?”

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“Kyle’s gone.”

Caleb’s eyes turned hard. “What do you mean, ‘gone’? You were supposed to take him

and his father to jail.” His voice rose as anger mounted. “That wasn’t a difficult request.”

“Do not shoot the messenger, bossman,” Brandon said in clipped tones. “I secured pops

in the truck and then got distracted by Dean and the Bridgeton’s alpha showing up on each

other’s heels. I had to explain about the tranqs as Scott accused us of killing the downed wolves,

then I had to stop Dean from physically attacking Scott and starting a pack war. By the time

everyone was calm again, Kyle was gone.”

Caleb roared out a string of oaths, causing Tess to flinch, which in turn caused her

muscles to squeeze around his cock. He sucked in a shocked breath as lust ricochet through his


Tess noticed the reaction and an unholy gleam filled her eyes.

Tense, Caleb cleared his throat, again. “Where are you now?”

“Well, that’s the other thing. I stuffed Frank’s still unconscious furry ass in a cell and was

just leaving when a call came in. It seems Sean Winters was coming home from a date and

noticed the front door ajar on Matt West’s house. He called it in and Rusing went out to take a

look. The place had been ransacked in a manner that indicated whoever did it was not only

pissed, but had claws.”

“Un-fucking-believable.” Caleb shook his head. “Where’s West?”

“Uh, we don’t know. He wasn’t on the premises and there were no signs of a struggle, but

he’s not answering his cell and his kin have no idea where he is.”

Tess laid a hand on Caleb’s arm. “Have him check with Gina Williams.”

Christ. Tess was right. With the preparations for the full moon, re-arranging schedules to

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accommodate sick deputies and the never-ending antics of craziness that always seemed to

accompany this time of the month, Caleb never had a chance to pull on that particular thread. He

relayed the request to Brandon, quickly explaining how Tess had learned of Gina’s involvement

with the human.

“You may want to send a human cop though, preferably female to speak with her,” Tess


“Why’s that?” Caleb and Brandon both wanted to know.

“I think she had a run-in with Frank Kolter at some time and whatever happened put a

really bad taste in her mouth for shifters. And if you’re going to question her romantic

involvement with Matt, a woman comes across as more sympathetic.”

Caleb waited a beat. “Call Karen in, Brandon. Explain the situation and have her go on

out to Gina’s place tonight.”

“That’s what I was thinking. Great minds and all.”

Knowing Brandon referred to more than just work, like how Caleb’s reaction to Tess

very closely mirrored Brandon’s own distracted responses when he met Tia, Caleb smiled in

relief. But just to be ornery he briskly stated, “Then I guess I don’t need to tell you to secure the

area. I’ll be there in about twenty to take a look.”

Brandon snorted. “Like I’m a rookie. Tess still with you?”

Caleb glanced down at their joined bodies, then back up at Tess’s face. Couldn’t she see

how good they were with each other? Again, not just the sex, but the fact they’d been locked

together as one this whole time without self-conscious thoughts or embarrassment. Didn’t she

realize how at ease she’d become with him?

“Oh yeah.” His mouth curled in a wicked grin as he reached up to brush the pads of his

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fingers over a softly pouting nipple. “She’s right here.”

For about two seconds a scowl marked her brow. Then with a sudden mischievous

twisting of her lips she lifted her hips high, sliding her sex over his cock while flexing her kegel

muscles. He shuddered and groaned as the feel of her wet, clasping pussy obliterated common

sense. His own hips rose of their own accord, grinding his pelvis into her clit. She let out a hiss

and began to rock over him.


Blindly fumbling with the radio, Caleb tried to halt Tess’s movements with one clumsy

hand. Well, maybe he thought about trying to halt her movements. “What was that?” he croaked

into the microphone.

Tess leaned down and nibbled at Caleb’s neck while he attempted to listen to Brandon.

“With Kyle on the loose, Tess will be safer back at her home rather than all alone at your place.”

“Ahhhhh. You’re probably right.”

“I know I am. I also know that it will be more like forty minutes before I see you.” With

that suggestive, and highly insightful, comment, Brandon hung up, breaking the connection.

Caleb tossed the mike onto the floorboard. Eyes crinkling with delight, he bent his head

to capture her lips in a hard kiss. “You are one naughty woman.”

“You like me naughty.”

“I love you naughty.”

The impish smile faltered and her nails sang deep into his shoulders. He gently cupped

her face in his hands, acutely aware of the shock behind her wide eyes. He halted her words with

a passionate kiss. “I love you, Tess,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, licking at the mating mark blooming on her

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creamy skin. Then he abruptly pulled back and leaned over the bench seat to grasp her overnight

bag. Spotting the condoms immediately, he snatched one up along with a tissue from the small

pack attached to his visor.

With a look of faux innocence, Tess rose up so he could dispatch the used condom.

“Can’t use one twice?”

Caleb grinned at her. “As much as I hate leaving your delectable body, a condom wasn’t

meant to be used more than once.”

Freshly covered, he grasped her hips and slid back inside, pumping his cock through her

slick heat in a deliberate, steady rhythm. Slowly her muscles unclenched and she began to meet

his every thrust with a hungry demand.

This was making love.

Emotions clogged his throat, burned behind his closed eyes. Every glide of his hand,

stroke of his tongue and thrust of his hips mirrored what filled his heart to bursting. The

incredible sensations seemed sharper, more breathtaking in its intensity. When she came with a

soft sigh his chest swelled with love, the sentiment super-charging his gathering orgasm into a

shower of fierce joy. He roared in pleasure, plunging deep one last time before succumbing to

sweet release.

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Chapter Nineteen

Tess stood in a small clearing in the middle of the woods. Though a light snow fell over

her, she didn’t feel the cold, only confusion as she gazed down at the large gift wrapped package

Matt shoved at her. “Here’s your present.”

Tentatively, she accepted the square box which was surprisingly heavy. “Matt…”

“Hurry and open it.”

With a puckered brow, she set the box down and opened it, and nearly fell on her ass as a

dark blonde wolf jumped out. The heavily kohled eyes, sleek snout and trim body designated the

beast as female. The wolf shook hard, as if ridding itself of debris. When it turned to look at her,

Tess swore its lips curved in an approving smile. The animal trotted off at an easy gait, straight

toward a chocolate brown male wolf that waited for her at the edge of the clearing. They rubbed

their cheeks together in an affectionate greeting, and then they were gone.

“Now where’s mine?”

On her haunches, Tess looked up at her former boyfriend. “Matt, I don’t have anything

for you.”

His features twisted in anger. “You were supposed to give me one. None of the other

bitches did and I’m tired of waiting.”

Ever so slowly, Tess rose and balanced on the balls of her feet. Before she could tell Matt

where he could take his comment, her name was called. A very familiar voice that carried a hint

of the mid-west.

Raising one hand to cup the large, warm one gently squeezing her shoulder, she turned.

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Blinking, Tess woke from her strange dream to find Caleb sitting on the edge of her bed.


He smiled, his tired eyes lighting with pleasure. “Good morning.”

She looked around her bedroom with a sense of déjà vu. “What are you doing here?”

He raised a cocky brow. “Can’t I come by and tell my mate hello?”

She felt her cheeks warm and automatically reached up to touch the mark he’d placed last

night on her shoulder. The area wasn’t sore and she couldn’t feel any lingering wounds. If she

hadn’t lived through it, and even argued with him about it afterwards, she might think it all a

crazy dream. Remembering that he’d sunk his fangs into her flesh right as she’d climaxed made

her face flame all the more. “Umm.”

His second brow rose in mock surprise. . “Nothing to say? Guess I need to wake you up

more often.” He leaned over and brushed a gentle kiss over her lips, one hand cupping her head

so his thumb was free to stroke over her temple. “I love you.”

Her heart twisted in her chest and she glanced away from the powerful emotion shining

in his eyes.

Fear? Happiness? What was that emotion that made her eyes burn, her throat thicken with

tears? Everything seemed to happen so fast. Too fast.

Caleb covered her mouth with a firm hand. “Don’t want to hear any rebuttal, rebuke or

your opinion on what I feel. I know it must seem unreal to you, given the circumstances, but my

heart doesn’t give a damn. I love you, I’ve marked you and I want to be with you for the rest of

our lives. Unfortunately, that’s not why I’m here.” He straightened and drew his hand away.

She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Well there’ll be no hanky-panky going on.”

“I know.”

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“What do you mean you know?”

He touched the side of his nose.

God! Was nothing about her body private anymore? She punched him in the shoulder. “I

meant because my mom’s here.” Though she sounded peevish, she was secretly delighted he

hadn’t so much as twitched under the force of her jab. The man was solid muscle.

Caleb laughed. “As is Dolen.”

“Dolen’s still here?” She sat up and leaned on the headboard.

“Yep. And making breakfast as we speak.”

She took in a deep breath. Under Caleb’s sexy scent she could detect frying potatoes and

onions. Her tummy rumbled in appreciation. “Guess I could eat.”

“Before we go down I need to tell you something.”

The grim set of his mouth made her nervous. “What?”

“I roused Frank early this morning.”

“And,” she prodded, when he paused.

His eyes went flat and hard. Cop eyes. “Once he found out his oldest son deserted him,

and after a few physical…mishaps, he spilled his guts. First off, he’s the one who instigated the

wolf gathering last night. He was hoping that with enough wolves, you - and anyone helping

you, aka me - wouldn’t be able to keep Kyle from getting a hold of you.” His voice became low

and dangerous, the raspy warning of how close he was to full-on fury. “The bastard wanted Kyle

to get you with child.”

She shuddered, knowing how close that ugly possibility had come. If Caleb hadn’t

arrived when he did… She shuddered again. “Nice, but I figured that one out myself. Did he

have anything to do with Dave’s death?”

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With obvious difficulty, Caleb reigned himself back in. “Apparently, Kyle received an

anonymous tip that Collins would be in the woods on that particular night at that particular time

because the kid was canvassing the area for prime lumber.”

She blinked at him owlishly. “Uh?”

He sighed. “Sorry. You weren’t privy to all of this. Collins took a job with a competitor

of the Kolter Lumber Company. According to Frank, the kid planned on tagging some of the

prime trees on Kolter’s land to be harvested and hauled away by his new employer.”

She thrust her chin up, a frown marring her brow. “That’s ridiculous. There’s no way a

team could sneak into the woods with the kind of equipment to take down those trees, and make

that kind of noise, without someone noticing. Not to mention the removal factor. It’s not


Caleb nodded. “I agree. It’s lame. Especially since Brent Hawkins, the owner of said

competitor, denies ever meeting Dave Collins. Not only are they not hiring, they are in fact going

through another round of layoffs.”

“I take it you believe him?” At his nod she nibbled on her lower lip in thought, and

noticed Caleb’s gaze follow the movement with intense focus. Now the tingles became prickles

of awareness. At least she didn’t have to worry that the physical attraction between them was

only due to the mating heat.

She cleared her throat. “So Frank went out to confront Dave and killed him?”

Caleb’s eyes flitted back to hers. “Actually, no. Kyle went out to confront Dave and

killed him.”

“Kyle? He doesn’t care about his father’s company.”

“Yes, well.” He rubbed a tired hand over his neck. “This is when it gets weird. Frank

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evidently has been experimenting with various chemicals and ‘herbs’ in order to mask his scent

and avoid detection by smell. The man had turned a secondary bedroom into a damn lab.

Anyway, Kyle found out about his father’s extracurricular activities about a month ago and

helped himself, repeatedly and often. When Frank confronted him about it, supposedly Kyle just

sneered and said he didn’t need his old man’s failed attempts as he’d created something that

actually worked. And until we find Kyle, we won’t know what that is or how much it’s affected

his thinking.”

“Great. Kyle’s not only a killer shifter, he’s crazy to boot.” Tess remembered the odd

scent that Frank carried the night he’d come over. “Makes you wonder what Kolter senior

planned on doing that he needed to mask his scent.”

Caleb shrugged. “Who knows? The guy’s not all there. I can’t see him robbing a bank

and he sure as hell wouldn’t dirty himself by spilling another’s blood. He didn’t even try and

defend himself against Dean when our alpha challenged him for the position. The only thing he

wants is money and women. Of course he can’t ge—”

Tess grabbed his arm and squeezed hard. “Oh my God, Caleb. Women.”

At Caleb’s confused look she shook him. “Think. If I’d been Kaylie, a human female

here alone, I wouldn’t have stood a chance against a shifter’s strength. One hit and I’d be out

cold, long enough for Frank to do anything to me he wanted and clean up afterwards. You’d only

have my word against his, if I even lived through it. Granted, anyone would take a snake’s word

over Frank’s, but that’s beside the point. He could never go to a human jail as he’s a shifter.

Maybe he’d be banished from the pack, but without evidence, without his scent, he’d get off scot

free and could do it again and again.”

She braced herself for the storm infusing his eyes with violent rage. One fisted hand

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slammed into the palm of his other, shaking the bed. “I’ll kill them both.,” he said in a hard,

gritty tone.

“Yes, possibly, but I think there’s more. I think I might know who tipped Kyle off.” At

Caleb’s incredulous look she added, “It’s a stretch, but just answer me this. Whose house got

ransacked last night?”

“West’s.” His brows shot up. “You think Matt made the call? Why? I thought you said

Matt hated shifters. Why would he try and help one?”

“Like I told you a couple of days ago, I think he’s Frank’s illegitimate son.”

Caleb jumped up off the bed. “That’s still supposition.”

Tess crawled to her knees and faced him. “Yes, I know. But,” she pointed a finger at him

when he opened his mouth, “between what I’ve heard over the last couple of days and what I

already know, it makes sense.” She told him about Gina’s reference to Frank’s ”shifter sons” and

Frank’s own muttered comment about letting the boy have his way. “When I found out Matt was

cheating on me, he specifically told me I wasn’t doing it for him and he had to try other females

to make it happen.”

A nasty snarl rumbled in his chest. “So he’s an asshole.”

“Agreed. The thing is, a shifter raised in a shifter family or pack understands at what age

the males change. Puberty, yes?”

“Sure. Anywhere between eleven and sixteen.”

Her eyes fell back to his chest to follow the play of muscles at his shrug. Nice, tight

muscles that only last night she’d marred with her nails. A primordial feeling of female

smugness almost made her smile, until she gave herself a mental head slap and refocused on his

face. “And you told me that shifters recognize their own kind.”

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“Yes.” His eyes narrowed as he tried to follow her thinking. “The scent is unmistakable.”

“Right. What if Matt found out who his father was and, being a naive teenager, went to

him to find out how to shift into a wolf? ? He’s dating me at the time, right?” She raised a hand,

palm up, her voice warming with excitement. “On one hand I have a cruel alpha, a.k.a. Frank,

who enjoys messing with humans. If shifters can scent their own, then Frank will know

immediately that Matt doesn’t have the ability, probably because his mother didn’t have the

compatible DNA to carry cubs, since only a small percentage of women do. Added to that is the

fact that Frank despised my father because of the way he ran the pack. She raised her other

hand, mirroring the first. “So what does a manipulative jerk say to the eager and impressionable

kid who is dating the daughter of the aforementioned hated alpha?”

Understanding filled his eyes. “Are you saying that Frank told Matt that the only way to

bring on his wolf was by screwing with every female he could? To hurt you? That makes no


She shook her head. “It does if you don’t have a clue. Most of the humans here don’t

know when the shifting ability hits. It’s like a person of one religion not knowing all about the

inner workings of another religion. Unless you actually experience it firsthand, any beliefs are

generally based on the most basic of ideas. They don’t see the cubs and it’s not like you all have

bar mitzvahs or whatever when it happens. Most of the town knows that some of their neighbors

turn furry once a month, but they don’t understand all the science and sociology behind shifters.

Now with Moon Haven built and housing shifters on the full moon, there’s not a sudden and odd

wolf population increase one night a month to draw unwanted attention from the tourists.”

“True. We had to do something to maintain some sort of secrecy or the pack would have

to leave and none of us want to do that. Woodcliff is our home. But back to Frank.”

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“Yes.” She raised a shoulder in a half shrug.. “Frank is a known womanizer. As a kid I

remember the rumors of other women. Since you weren’t here at the time, you wouldn’t know

about that. Who knows how many illegitimate children he might have from willing or unwilling

women? As alpha, he was considered untouchable and undeniable. Needless to say it was a very

unpleasant time for the shifter race.”

At his continued frown her shoulders slumped. “I told you it was a stretch. If nothing

else, why would Matt’s house be ransacked by a wolf two days after Dave’s murder? There’s got

to be a connection there. Maybe Matt is the one who called Kyle to rat out Dave. If Kyle did kill

Dave, as Frank said he did, maybe Kyle is now after Matt for sticking him in the position of a


“It’s all very circumstantial. I still don’t understand why Matt would make the phone call

to begin with.”

“Retribution. Frank not only lied, he denied claiming Matt as his son because he can’t

shift. What better way to get back at an arrogant shifter than to set his eldest son - who can shift -

up to take a fall?” He still looked unconvinced. “Fine. Answer me this then. Does Matt’s place

carry the same scent as the spot Dave was killed?” At the tightening of his lips she nodded and

began to tick ideas off her fingers. “With Matt missing and the violence left at his house, you can

gain access to his home and cell phone records. You can do the same at the Kolter Lumber Yard

because of Frank’s imprisonment and his claim that Kyle killed Dave.”

Caleb’s eyes were flat in cop mode and he only grunted at her words. Undaunted, Tess

continued. “When you talk to his mother again, you can bring up the question of Matt’s sire. You

can also check with Frank and see if he ever had any sexual relations with her. As a trained

investigator with an extra-sensitive nose, you’ll be able to tell if Frank is lying about knowing

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Mrs. West in a carnal sense and if Matt ever came to him claiming Frank was his father.”

His eyes narrowed in suspicions, Caleb asked, “Just what did you go to college for? Not


Tess laughed. “Of course not! That was a total fluke in my senior year. I was going for an

accounting degree, with criminal justice as my minor. I’m not an idiot, you know.”

“I know you’re not an idiot, m’lupa, but why accounting?”

Her smile was more than a little sheepish. “I’ve always gotten along better with numbers

than people. Numbers don’t lie.”

“And the criminal justice?”

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Forensic accounting appealed to me. What can

I say?”

Caleb reached for her and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her breathless. “I can

say you’re brainy as well as beautiful and you can say that you love me.”

“I know,” she whispered, her heart swelling with love while her tummy fluttered with

nerves. “I’m working up to it.”

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Chapter Twenty

With a murderer on the loose, one man missing and presumed dead and the owner of the

largest employer of Woodcliff in jail, the communities – both shifter and non-shifter – were more

than a little uneasy.

On Wednesday afternoon, Tess stepped out the back door of Dolen’s Café after ending

her shift to see Caleb leaning against her truck. As it did every time she saw him, her heart gave

a mighty leap and then fell back down in her chest to purr in pleasure. Not only did she love him,

she was in love with him, and every passing day the feeling grew..

It went deeper than biology or chemistry. She loved his brain, his strength, his

determination, his openness. She adored the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled.

And most of all, she loved the way he loved her.

Tell him. A little voice whispered in her head.

Unnerved, she nearly faltered in her steps. I will. I just need a few more days to get used

to the feeling. This is a big step for me.

The voice snorted at the lame excuse. A week ago you were ready to take giant leaps in

your life and now you’re faltering? Coward. Besides, if he never hears the words, you’ll hurt

him. Every day for the rest of his life, you’ll hurt him. How would you feel if the situation was


Knowing how true that statement was, Tess plodded through the thin layer of snow with a

sense of determination. She was not going to give in to her fears any longer. Caleb loved her and

she loved him. That emotion was real, undeniable and needed to be said. Everything else would,

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hopefully, fall into place..

As she stood in front of Caleb, she opened her mouth to tell him she loved him, but didn’t

have a chance.

“New boots?” he asked.

She automatically glanced down at the hiking boots. “Yep. I’m re-adjusting to life in the


He grinned and reached out to clasp her hands, drawing her close. His lips brushed hers.

“And you do it beautifully.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her tight until

they were chest to chest and groin to groin. She slipped her arms around his neck and wiggled

against his erection. A frustrated growl rumbled in his throat. “Witch.”

Her laugh transformed into a happy sigh when he dropped his head to nuzzle her neck,

specifically where his mark lay. “I miss you,” he said between urgent open-mouthed kisses along

her skin. “I want you.”

He pulled far enough back that his hot, hungry gaze bored into hers. “I love you,” he

whispered against her lips a second before he slanted his mouth over hers. She opened

automatically, craving his taste.

One hand cupped her bottom, pressing her tight as he rocked his hips, his rigid cock

rubbing at the notch between her thighs.

She felt herself begin a downward slide into a pool of hungry fire, the greedy flames

already licking at her, sucking her in. She was eager to be taken, swallowed whole and devoured.

With a small whimper she clung to him, matching his ravenous kiss, thrusting her tongue in

deep, mimicking the way she wanted him to thrust into her.

“Ahem.” The voice was low, but so close and authoritative that she jerked like a naughty

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child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Caleb grinned sheepishly over her shoulder. “Sorry,

Dean. I got carried away.” He looked back at Tess and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “I love

getting carried away.”

Embarrassed at being caught necking in the parking lot, Tess shimmied until Caleb

finally let her free with a chuckle. She spun around…and just as quickly stepped back towards


This was Dean? The pack’s alpha? And her little sister’s lust interest?

I don’t think so.

The man was too…too…dangerous. His thick hair, nearly midnight black, was held back

in a low ponytail, throwing his lean face into taut relief. His full lips would have seemed

feminine if not for the chiseled jaw and sharp cheekbones. She was nearly the same height which

probably put the alpha at around six feet. But it wasn’t the lean physique that gave her pause, it

was his eyes. They were a shockingly clear emerald green that somehow both mesmerized and

seemed to pierce into her very soul as if searching out every deep, dark secret. Predatory energy

radiated from his body, raising her hackles as if she sensed danger.

This man was a hunter, a stalker, a killer.

Even though he stood before her calmly, one eyebrow arched in question to her obvious

perusal, this was one man she would not want to meet in a dark alley. Or in a crowded park in

the middle of the day surrounded by soldiers with machine guns. There was no way in hell she’d

allow Kaylie within ten feet of this man.

Caleb’s hand came up to rest on her shoulder. “Tess, this is our alpha, Dean Kinigos.

Dean, my mate, Tess Gentry.”

Dean bowed his head politely, keeping his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “It’s a

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pleasure to meet you Ms. Gentry.”

His voice was a low rasp that tingled rather than grated while a hint of the Deep South

flowed over her like thick honey. The odd mix soothed even as it warned. She blew out a tense

breath. “Likewise.”

Caleb chuckled over her head. “Don’t let his looks fool you. He’s only dangerous when

he needs to be. Otherwise he’s a pussycat.”

The faintest of smiles touched the alpha’s mouth. “Please don’t let that get around. It’s

hard enough trying to control over a hundred mongrels as it is.”

“I’m sure,” she murmured, captivated by those wicked eyes.

“Dean’s buying the lumber company.”

“Oh, well, congratulations.”

“Thank you. I am, however, in need of some assistance. Though I know the industry, I

don’t have a lot of time to go through the books and conduct a thorough examination of past

practices versus what changes might need to take place.” He tilted his head. “I don’t suppose you

know of someone who is organized, level-headed, trust-worthy, and in need of a job?”

“Not off-hand, no. Sorry.” Dean raised a brow at Caleb who then pinched her ass. “Oh!

Are you asking if I’m interested?”

“Well,” Caleb shrugged, “Ruth is champing at the bit to return to work on Monday.

Granted, it’ll be part-time until she’s fully recovered, but I know you’ve been wondering what to

do when that happens. I thought if you were interested, maybe you could help Dean out.”

“I..I..” Baffled, she glanced from one man to the other.

Dean grinned self-consciously and she went shock-still. Holy hell. Now she understood

her sister’s interest. His smile altered his whole face, changing his appearance from borderline

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threatening to hot and handsome. Those intense eyes turned warm and seemed to glow with an

inner light and she felt an instant desire to reciprocate with a smile of her own.

“I apologize, Tess. We shouldn’t have tag-teamed you like this, but I didn’t think it

appropriate to come to you alone as you don’t know me.”

She tilted her head as if to consider the request. Her inner wolf gave her a thumb’s up, or

was that a paw up? Caleb obviously liked and trusted his alpha or he never would have agreed to

this impromptu meeting. Her eyes narrowed. Besides, if she stayed close, she could keep an eye

on him and keep her sister away until she made a final decision about Woodcliff’s alpha. “I

won’t be able to start for another two weeks.”

Caleb kissed the back of her head as if in approval or appreciation. Either one worked for


“Excellent,” Dean flashed another killer grin. “Here’s my number. Give me a call when

you’re ready to start.” He looked pointedly at Caleb. “We need to go. Thank you, Tess,” he

added before heading off to a large black truck.

Tess stuffed the little white card in her pocket and turned to Caleb. “Go?”

Caleb frowned, not quite meeting her eyes. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Caleb?” she implored.

He blew out a breath. “The pack leaders held a meeting on Monday to discuss Frank

Kolter’s actions and decide his fate.”

At her murmured, “Oh,” he suddenly snagged her to him and slanted his mouth over hers.

The kiss was hot, wild and very brief. “When can I have you again?”

She grinned, feeling very wanted. “How about tonight?”

He growled low and thick. “Thank God.” His hands ran repeatedly over her hips and

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back as if he couldn’t drag himself away. “Eat well. We have a lot of time to make up for.” Then

he kissed her one last time.

Tess watched him drive away realizing he’d never told her Frank’s fate. But as the

daughter of a former pack alpha, she knew. Justice in the packs was harsh and swift and in the

case of an insane or dangerous shifter, resulted in death.

Caleb would probably be upset afterward. Not that he’d disagree with the sentencing, but

because a life would be taken. So maybe she would tell him tonight. Tell him what was in her

heart, with her words and her body.

She got in her truck and tried it out. “I love you, Caleb.” God, it was so easy. The words

just melted from her lips. And she knew it was right because she suddenly felt light and free, as

if a huge weight had been lifted off her chest.

Intent on telling her mom her feelings for Caleb, Tess rushed through the house,

automatically locking the door behind her, and raced up the stairs. Later she would berate herself

for her distraction. Otherwise, what she saw when she walked into Ruth’s room wouldn’t have

come as a shock. But then again, when a man you dated in high school held a gun to your

mother’s temple, no amount of preparation would be enough.

“You’re late,” Matt said.

Tess instantly flicked her eyes to her mom, noting that while, yes, she was scared, she

was otherwise unharmed. Then she swung her gaze to Matt. By his ragged appearance he’d

obviously been in hiding for several days. His jaw and cheeks were unshaven, his eyes were

jittery and bloodshot, his complexion pale, and the hand holding the gun wavered slightly. The

smell of stale male sweat and body odor crawled up her nose, making her want to gag. He

probably hadn’t eaten or slept much since Saturday. All in all, Matt West was a man flirting with

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the edge of sanity.

She relaxed her jaw, fixing her expression into a nonchalant coolness she did not feel.

“What are you doing, Matt?”

He gestured with the gun. “What the hell does it look like I’m doing?”

Tess raised a brow. “Obviously you have a gun pointed at my mother’s head. Is there a

reason for your actions?”

He sneered. “Don’t you dare get all uppity on me.”

“I’m not getting uppity, Matt. I’m trying to remain calm. I would like to understand why

you came here and took my mother hostage.”

Matt’s throat moved. “I need protection.”

Tess glanced at her mom, who gave her a little shrug, then back to Matt. Even with a

shifter’s strength and speed, she’d never make it across the room before Matt fired. The gun was

too close to her mom to even try it. But maybe if she could get that weapon pointed in a different


She took a careful step in the room and saw in her peripheral her mom’s face change to

dawning horror. “Tess…”

Tess kept her eyes firmly on Matt. “Who do you need protection from?”

Matt wiped his mouth with the sleeved of his free arm. “That fucking wolf.”

“Which wolf, Matt?”

His gun arm jerked and Tess froze. “That fucking Kolter wolf. Kyle.”

“Why would Kyle want to hurt you?” she asked with pretend interest.

Matt’s eyes darted to the side and too quickly came back to Tess. “I called him. About


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Damn, Tess hated it when she was right. “And because Kyle killed Dave you think he

might want to kill you as well?”

“I know he does! He tore my house apart. What sane person does that?”

What sane person holds a gun to an infirm woman’s head? She wanted to shout back, and

though anger and terror ripped through her, she kept her expression serene. “Do you know why

Dave was in the woods at that time?”

For several heart-pounding moments, he didn’t answer. Then he shrugged. “I convinced

him my ‘uncle’ who owned Stellinghouse Lumber was screwed over by the Kolter’s and it

nearly destroyed his business. He was looking for a little payback. All Dave had to do was place

a marker separating state owned land from Kolter’s land and he’d get ten thousand.”

Tess gaped. “And he believed you?”

“Amazing what naivety and beer does to a boy, especially after I threw in Gina.”

Tess worked her jaw. “What do you mean?”

Matt’s lip curled in superiority. “Kid viewed me as a stud so I told him I’d help him get

Gina back. Since he had no idea I was fucking her, he jumped all over the chance to learn from

the pro.”

Oh, how she wanted to say, “pro asshole,” but she restrained herself. Once that gun was

away from her mother’s now angry face, Tess would rip him a new one. “Did Gina know what

you were doing?”

Matt looked disgusted. “Please. That bitch is only good for one thing. Well, two maybe.”

That settled it. Matt was going down, and by the black rage in her mom’s eyes, the two

women might have to fight each other to be the first to put him there. First, though, Tess needed

to know what Matt wanted from her. “What do you expect me to do?”

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He sneered and told her in explicit detail what he wanted her to do, which, thank God,

was nothing sexual.

She dialed a number on her cell and lifted it to her ear, very aware that Matt watched her

every move with weary intensity. The man just might pass out from lack of sleep before this was

over. If he didn’t accidentally shoot someone with that shaking hand first. “It’s Tess.”

“Tess,” Caleb hissed. “This isn’t a good time. I’m in a meeting.”

Nice way to put it. “Yes, I know. I’m terribly sorry to bother you,” she said, keeping her

voice cool and steady.

His instantly changed. “What’s wrong?” “Matt West is currently holding a gun to my

mom’s head.” She covered Caleb’s exuberant oath by adding, “And he’s seeking police

protection from Kyle Kolter.”

“And this is how the stupid son of a bitch does it?”

She wanted to wince as he roared in her ear. “Yes. Please come by the house and work

out a deal with him.”

“I’ll rip his beating heart out of his yellow bellied chest is what I’ll bloody well do.”

Tess breathed deep and prepared to lie as Matt had instructed. “Caleb, please listen. You

cannot come in through either door as he wired both with separate booms. Also, please do not try

to break any windows to gain entry into the house as Matt will hear and in retaliation of your

poor faith, he will shoot my mom.


Tess cleared her throat and added her own special directive. One she hoped Caleb

followed. “Caleb, as I’m only allowed one phone call, please contact Kaylie and tell her what is

going on and to stay away.” Matt’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “And hurry.”

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Tess snapped the phone shut.

“What was that with about your sister?”

Tess had no qualms about lying to Matt. “She finished classes yesterday and planned on

coming home this afternoon.”

Matt grunted and waved Tess over to sit on the far side of the bed. Then he walked

backwards until he stood just inside the doorway and grinned. “The better to hear any breaking


Tess clenched her jaw. If Caleb got through to Kaylie, her sister would tell him about the

secret entrance into the house. The one that led from the back of Tess’s closet, down through the

exterior wall, under the ground, and out to a hollowed tree. She just needed to make sure Matt

held his position so he wouldn’t see death coming. “Let the waiting begin,” she muttered under

her breath.

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Chapter Twenty-One

After an eternity, though the bedside clock lied and showed less than fifteen minutes had

past, Tess heard sirens. One minute later the sound was abruptly shut off and Caleb bellowed

Matt’s name.

Her heart sank in her chest. If Caleb was outside than he must not have reached Kaylie.

He didn’t know about the secret entrance and thus couldn’t sneak in the house. Not good. Now

this debacle would play out like any other hostage situation, and everyone knew how well those

worked out.

“Took him long enough,” Matt gestured with the gun. “Go over and open it. You’ll be

our mediator.”

Cautiously, Tess rose and walked to the front window. Awkwardly, refusing to give Matt

her back, she parted the heavy curtains and slid the glass open.

Two? She warranted only two cops? Furtively, she glanced around the surrounding area,

noting the absolute stillness. Dread seeped into her pores.

“Caleb,” she called out, transferring her gaze from the single, unknown deputy who stood

at his side to Caleb’s.

The anguished relief that crossed his face was palpable. Too bad this mate thing didn’t

come with telepathic abilities. At the moment, it would make life so much easier.

Though his hands were clenched in tight fists and his expression watchful, his tone was

soothing. “. How’re you holding up?”

Despite the situation, she nearly smiled. Caleb’s body language was at odds with his

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words and tone of voice and Tess knew he was up to something. She would just follow his lead

until he made his move. Hopefully she would know what that move was.

She stared out into the trees where she saw something glitter in the sunlight. “Okay.”

“And Ruth?”

“You know mom. She’s just lounging around in bed.”

“Knock it off,” Matt snarled. “Tell him what I want.”

“Matt wants me to tell you he wants police protection.” She faced the opening more fully

and mouthed the words “no boom.”. Caleb might not have a chance in hell seeing her lips

through the screen and shadows cast by the eave, but whoever was perched in the tree at the far

end of the clearing just might. If they were peering at her through a rifle scope or pair of

binoculars, that is.

“We’ll give him police protection,” Caleb growled. Suddenly, and oddly, he lifted one

hand to his ear.

“Great.” She glanced back at Matt. “There you go, just as you requested.”

But Matt was shaking his head, his eyes no more than slits, the gun now aimed and

wavering at the ceiling. “No, no. It’s not that easy. He wants a hostage first.”

Great. Obviously the man nuts. But then again, what sane man who wanted police

protection demanded it by taking two hostages?. “Matt, you must be exhausted and when was the

last time you ate? You may not be thinking clearly…”

“Don’t tell me what I’m thinking!” Matt bellowed, sweat dotting his forehead. “Just tell

the sheriff what I said.”

Tess blew out a breath, inching around until she stood sideways. She could see in her

peripheral that Caleb once again raised his hand to his ear. A mini walkie-talkie, a bluetooth?

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What was he planning?

Then she heard it. A very slight padding, like a cat walking.

Holy hell. Caleb got through to Kaylie, but if he was outside, who was coming down the


Desperately trying not to let anything show on her face, she purposely argued with Matt,

keeping his attention on her. “Tell him what, Matt? To pick a hostage? It’s not like he’s got a lot

of experience in this type of situation. Just how many hostage situations do you think occur…”

A blur of black fur came out of nowhere, landing squarely on Matt’s shoulders, taking

him down. The gun went off and Tess instinctively hit the floor, squeezing her eyes shut. Her

mom screamed, Matt cried out, a mighty roar came from outside and the wolf howled. Then


A heartbeat later, Tess sprinted to her mom’s side, just as a loud crash came from below.

“Are you okay?” Tess ran shaking hands over her mom.

“Oh,” Ruth blinked rapidly, one hand over her heart. “The gunshot just startled me, but

I’m okay. I’m fine, honey. Stop. Are you okay?”

Tess nearly slumped with relief. “Yeah. I’m good.”

“Tess!” Caleb’s bellow had her turning her head to see him barreling through the door.

He didn’t stop at the speed bump made up of human and fur but leapt right over it. He pulled her

into his arms and held on tight. “Oh, Christ. When that gun went off.” He shuddered and rocked

her in his arms.

“I’m okay, Caleb. We’re both okay.” Extremely relieved, she clung to him, soaking in his

scent, his warmth, his love. After a few moments she peered over his shoulder. “I see that you

got a hold of my sister, but who is that?”

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“Dean.” Caleb punctuated his words with kisses that he rained over her face. “We

decided I couldn’t go through the back way or Matt would become suspicious. You are my mate,

after all.”

She smiled. “Yes, I am your mate after all.”

Things happened quickly after that. Dean had tagged Matt in the shoulder of his gun arm,

not only doing serious damage to the flesh and tendons, but dislocating it as well. Brandon had

been the one perched in the tree with a pair of binoculars and had caught Tess’s silent words,

giving the go ahead to Caleb before the gun even went off.

Phil, the deputy Tess hadn’t met before but later found out had aided in the full moon

attack, and Brandon hauled an unconscious Matt up, handcuffed him and dragged him outside.

From the bedroom Tess heard her sister’s voice. “Mom? Tess?”

Surprised, Tess jumped up from the bed where she’d sat and turned to look out into the


Kaylie came to an abrupt stop at the top stair. “What the hell are you doing?” she

demanded, taking in great gulps of air as she rummaged around in the big black bag she had

over her shoulder. A large roll of gauze hit Brandon in the chest.

“Kaylie, we’ll get the doc to patch him up…”

“Shut up, you moron. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of wood

floors? And you,” Kaylie pointed a finger at Dean who had just appeared from Tess’s room, now

in human form and dressed in black slacks and a button-up black suede shirt. “Don’t you ever do

that again.”

Dean lifted a sardonic brow. “Excuse me?”

But Kaylie only held up one belligerent hand to cut him off, slipped past the three men

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blocking the hallway and hustled to Tess.

Laughing, Tess caught her sister in a welcoming hug. “What are you doing here?”

“I was almost home when I got Caleb’s call. Shit. Let me go. I can’t breathe.” Panting,

Kaylie dropped her bag and rested her hands on her thighs. “First, is anyone hurt? No? God! I

waited forever at the foot of the driveway and then snuck up with Dean to show him the

hollowed tree where the secret entrance was. Then I ran back to my car to get my medical bag

just in case. I was hoofing it back up the drive when I heard the gunshot and then bolted the rest

of the way. Could our driveway be any longer?”

Caleb walked over and lifted Kaylie’s shorter frame completely off the floor in a huge

hug. “Thank you.”

A soft growl had him glancing over Kaylie’s shoulder to see Dean glaring at them, his

green eyes glittering with amber. Surprised, wondering, Caleb mouthed the same words to Dean.

His alpha seemed to shake himself free of his irritation and gave Caleb a tight nod before

escaping silently down the stairs.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Within the hour, Jack Hodgins, who owned the local hardware store, not only installed a

new front door to replace the one Caleb had smashed through, he’d replaced the kitchen door as

well, both heavy-duty steel-core no less.

Phil, who’d hung around until the women were considered secure, took off with a plastic

baggie full of fresh chocolate chip cookies and a smitten wave. Men sure loved her mother’s


Finally the house was restored to order and cleaned, which took three times as long as it

should have because people from all over town kept coming by with casseroles and desserts to

assure themselves the Gentry women were safe and sound. By five o’clock, the house was full

and Tess, assured her mom and sister were in good hands with Jackie, Martin and Dolen keeping

sharp eyes on everyone, took off with one of the many casseroles to Caleb’s house. He’d stripped

the key off his ring before leaving earlier, asking Tess to meet him at his place.. She was more

than happy to comply.

So here she was, in Caleb’s beautiful house complete with four bedrooms, a huge

gourmet kitchen, a living room, a den, plus two full bathrooms and one powder room. The

Jacuzzi tub in the master bath was too tempting to leave alone, so after her tour, Tess undressed

and took a nice, quiet, long soak.

Which was how Caleb found her.

Eyes at half-mast with appreciation, he leaned against the door frame, slowly perusing

every visible creamy inch of her skin. “Now that’s what I call the perfect way to welcome me

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home,” he said in a tone full of lazy appreciation.

Tess smiled, eyes closed. “I can think of a better way to welcome you home.”

“Oh?” Curious, hopeful, he raised a brow, eyes glinting hot.

“Mmm.” Tess opened one eyes and cocked a come-hither finger.

Far from stupid, Caleb undressed in record time and lowered himself behind Tess,

flanking her legs with his, her ass resting against his erection. He wrapped both hands around

her, one curving up to cup a breast, the other snaking between her thighs. After what seemed like

eons of abstinence Tess was beyond aroused and his fingers moved like silk over the seam of her

pussy, slipping with practiced eased through her soft folds.

She arched into his touch, sighing with pleasure. “I love you.”

He froze. “What?”

She twisted around until she straddled his legs and took his slack jawed face in her hands.

“I love you, Caleb Bennett. I planned on telling you tonight and, well,” she glanced out the

window over the tub. The obscure glass patterned with rain droplets reflected their image so that

tiny Tess-and-Calebs looked back at them. “It’s tonight.”


When he couldn’t form any words, she kissed him. “I love you,” she repeated.

Slowly understanding dawned. First his eyes lit with a wondrous glow and then his

mouth curved into a huge grin. “I love you, Tess.” He straightened, holding her head still as he

slanted his mouth over hers with a ravenous kiss. “I love you, I love you.” He chanted between

kisses, easing down her neck until he suckled on his mark.

Her womb contracted sharply at the first touch of his tongue and her insides turned to

jelly. Even as he continued to nuzzle her, she reached to position him and eased down, taking his

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rigid cock into her aching core. He groaned and nipped at her flesh, his hands running all over

her body.

She rose up, oblivious to the water sloshing over the tub edge, sliding over his engorged

flesh. Inner muscles rippling impatiently as she took more of him inside. The friction was

incredible, rubbing as he stretched her, forging through sensitive tissue until she had him fully

sheathed. Something more than physical pleasure rushed through her.

His hand flexed on her back. “God, Tess. You have no idea how incredible you feel. I

want to be gentle, but I can’t. Not this time. I’ve waited too long..”

“So be gentle later,” she said.

Caleb laughed and then he was kissing her again, feeding her his growls, his passion, his

love. His arms were like steel bands around her body as he leaned back, the tub wall giving him

leverage to take charge and dive into her clenched sex. She lay against his searing heat, her

hands flat on the shockingly cool tub by his head. He pumped into her hard and deep, each thrust

touching places that jerked hoarse cries from her throat.

He fisted his hand in her hair, pulling her head back so he could alternately devour the

sweet arch of her neck and then flick his tongue over the rapid flutter of her pulse. “Mine,” he

growled against her flesh, his breath loud and uneven as it tickled her ear. “Say it.”

His hips rose faster, plunging every inch of his thick cock deep inside her, grinding

against her clit. “Damn it, Tess. Say it!”

“Yours,” she gasped out, her eyes dark and heavy with passion. “And you belong to me.”

“Forever,” he promised. “Forever, Tess.”

Sharp convulsions of ecstasy swept through her and she screamed his name, coming in

great waves of blinding joy, her tender muscles clenching around his cock, milking him like a

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tight, wet fist. He cursed and shuddered as she dragged him with her, his hips rising in hard,

heavy lunges as he shoved deep, filling her with his seed as his orgasm went on and on.

When their ragged breathing slowed, he asked, “When will you move in?”

Tess carefully rose to a sitting position, her muscles fluttering around his still hard cock,

making him groan in renewed pleasure. “Move in?”

He traced fingers over her cheek. “I know you want to go slow, m’lupa.”

She looked at him through sated eyes. “And me moving in here is going slow?”

Caleb grinned. “Compared to me hauling you to the nearest judge to get married, yes.

Besides,” he lifted his hips in short, quick movements, easily slipping through her drenched sex.

“Think of the fringe benefits.”

Her breath hitched as his cock danced inside her, making her dizzy with desire. Damn

wolf knew just how to get to her. “Sex?’

He stood in the tub and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. “Love and

sex,” he growled against her lips. “Never ever forget. I will always love you, witch.”

She crinkled her nose as he maneuvered them over the tub and walked out of the

bathroom, dripping water with every step. “Well then,” she sighed out as he laid her on the bed

and settled his large body over hers. “How does tomorrow sound?”

Caleb grinned, his eyes doing that crinkling thing she loved so much. “I think it’s




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