D G Parker [To Have and To Hold] Wedding Favors (pdf)(1)

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Wedding Favors ♥ D.G. Parker











it,” the tanned blond said, taking a long drink from

the wine bottle and passing it back. “I’m through with

Bobby Callahan stretched and finished the bottle,

letting it drop the few inches to the floor. He was a little too
old to have sex on a mattress on the floor, but his new friend
didn’t have much furniture. Luckily, he had an abundance of
other gifts. “Trust me, honey,” Bobby said, fumbling for his
watch among the other assorted crap piled on the milk-crate
nightstand, “you don’t know the half of it. I have three
sisters, and they’ve been married four times in the past two
years. Add in all the cousins and friends, and I’ve been in
seven weddings in two years. And I’ve got at least one more
this year.”

“Man, that sucks.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve spent a fortune on engagement

gifts, shower gifts, wedding gifts….”

“Quite a racket the breeders have going.”

“Not to mention I get frequent-flyer discounts at the

tuxedo rental place. Shit, is it three already? The reception’s
starting.” Bobby eased himself off the mattress with a groan

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and started sifting through discarded clothes. Behind him,
the other man settled deeper into bed. “You coming?”

“Nah, I’m skipping. Cheap liquor, lousy music, crappy

cake, been there, done that. Besides, I barely know the girl;
don’t know why they invited me. Spare towels in the closet if
you want to shower,” he said with a yawn.

“No time,” Bobby mumbled, fumbling with the buttons

on his shirt. The cummerbund went on easily enough, but
the damn bowtie had taken him forever this morning. Damn
Marc and his fucking no-clip-on rule. He draped it around
his neck and sat down to put on his socks, panicking for a
minute when he couldn’t find the second one. He jammed
his shoes on and knelt on the bed to give a quick kiss to
whatshisname. “Thanks. Gotta get going.”

“Have fun.”

Bobby ran the three blocks to the Holiday Inn, sweat

gathering in his armpits under the stifling tuxedo jacket. He
skidded into the lobby, sighing reflexively as the air-
conditioning hit his skin. A black sign with slightly crooked
removable white letters informed him that the Keller wedding
was being held in the Moonlight Ballroom. A helpful arrow
directed him to the left.

The entire wedding party mobbed him as soon as he

turned the corner. “Where the fuck were you?” Marc hissed.
“Jesus, you look like you’ve been rolling around in the dirt.”
Bobby stood compliant as a multitude of hands brushed at
his jacket, messed with his hair, and otherwise made him

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presentable. Marc attacked the bowtie with a vengeance,
tying it a bit tighter than was strictly necessary. “And you
smell like….” Marc snorted in disgust. “It’s my fucking
wedding day, Bobby. Just for once, can’t you think about
something besides your dick?”

Bobby felt his face heat. Of all the unfair, self-absorbed,


A small hand closed on his elbow. Shelley, the short,

plump bridesmaid he’d been paired with, gave him a
sympathetic look. “Let it go,” she murmured. “His nerves are
shot. You can always kick his ass tomorrow.”

He took a deep breath and nodded. Marc had a history

of dickish behavior when under stress, and Bobby had been
late. He managed a smile for his partner, tucking her hand
into the crook of his elbow. Together, they waited to be

Four hours later, the band was packing up and most of

the guests had left. Bobby and the wedding party moved
from the hall to the hotel bar. Since he had booked a room
for the night Bobby was on his way to being pretty damn
drunk, and Shelley was right there with him. They were
slumped together at the bar, shouting to be heard over the
general chaos in the room. Shelley had been chattering
animatedly a bit earlier, but her body and her eyes had
drooped over the past half-hour. She was now talking
clumsily to Bobby’s left elbow, which was leaning in a puddle
of spilled beer.

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“You see this thing?” she muttered, yanking at the

oversized bow across the bosom of her peach dress. “See this
ugly fucking dress? Janine picked them out, she said,
because we can wear it again. Where the fuck am I gonna
wear this monstrosity again?”

Bobby glanced over his shoulder at where the bride was

sitting in her new husband’s lap, both of them glowing from
alcohol and exuberance. If Janine heard her fashion choice
being maligned, it apparently didn’t bother her.

Shelley continued her elbow-focused rant. “I’m gonna

hang this ugly thing up in my closet next to all the other
ones. The teal and black velvet one with the giant ass-bow.
The yellow one with the bustier and the hoop.”

“Hoop? Seriously?”

“Linda was going through a Gone with the Wind thing. It

had a hat and everything. Jesus, I looked like a fucking

Bobby snorted beer up his nose. Shelley was a cynical,

foul-mouthed broad. He really liked her. “I’ve been in a ton of
weddings, but at least I can rent the tux. Hey, they should
do that for women too. Let ’em rent the dress and return it.”

“I wish. What am I supposed to do with these damn ugly


“Burn ’em,” Bobby declared, belching into his fist.

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“Yeah, I will!” Shelley straightened and became a bit

more animated. “Put ’em in a big fucking pile and burn ’em.
On behalf of all the single girls out there.” She drained her
wineglass and set it down on the bar with a careless thunk.
“I never wanted to get married,” she said, suddenly quiet.
“But these weddings make me feel like shit. Like I’m a failure
for not having a husband and kids.”

Bobby, drunk and feeling melancholy himself, slung an

arm around her shoulder. “Hey, I know how you feel.”

Shelley gave him a glum, bleary look. “You do?”

“Hell yeah! Except the opposite, kind of. I can’t really get

married, so I must be a slut. People have high expectations
for you—”

“And low ones for you. That sucks.”

Bobby finished his beer and gestured for refills for both

of them. “It does suck. You wanna know the suckiest part?”


“I actually am a slut.”

Shelley laughed so hard she nearly fell off her stool.

When she had her breath back, her drunken good cheer was
back too. “And just to add insult to injury, not only do we get
other peoples’ weddings shoved in our faces, we have to pay
for the fucking privilege.”

“No shit. If I could have back all the money I’ve spent on

weddings, I could probably buy a Mercedes.”

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“And why shouldn’t you? Get it back, I mean. Just

because we’re single, and/or gay, why should we have to buy
our own housewares? I mean, I want a blender. I want a new
toaster. When’s my shower?”

“Yeah! A still-single shower! You can register at


“Oh! And Ben and Jerry’s!” They both fell out laughing

again, and Shelley punched him—hard—on the arm. “And
you should do it too! You should totally have a non-wedding.
Or an un-wedding, if you prefer.”

“I will totally invite you to my un-wedding,” he promised


“I will totally attend,” she responded, equally as sober.

“Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to my room to throw
up.” She patted him on the arm and slipped unsteadily off
her stool.

“Let me walk you up,” Bobby said. He tossed some bills

on the bar, snagged his beer bottle, and staggered into the
lobby with Shelley. They compared notes while waiting for
the elevator. She was on the third floor, he was on the
fourth. They got off on her floor and squinted at the
numbered doors until they found hers. He had to help her
with her keycard. “Sure you’re gonna be okay?” He felt bad
leaving her, but in truth he wasn’t much better off.

“Fine.” She waved, kicking off her shoes. “Just, unzip

me, would you?” She turned around and he obliged. “You’re

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a good guy,” she slurred, her eyes barely open. “You should
totally find someone to un-marry.”

He chuckled and waved good night to her, hearing her

door close as he weaved his way down the hall.

There was a cute bellhop in the elevator. Bobby talked

him into bed in just one floor.

It was a personal record.

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in Stacey Zelman’s backyard, Bobby shifted his

wineglass to his right hand without dropping his plate and
ran his left hand over his head. The late spring sun was
beating down on him, probably burning his scalp along the
part in his hair. A few people had already moved into the
shade of the poplar trees, and Bobby decided he’d do the
same. First things first, though.

He made his way toward the knot of guests surrounding

the brides, patiently waiting his turn to congratulate them.
Liz looked beautiful in a simple, flowing ivory dress and
flowers in her curly blond hair. Karen was, as always, more
plainly dressed, wearing an ivory pantsuit that was well-
suited to her stockier frame. Bobby leaned in to kiss Liz on
the cheek and was rewarded with a sunny smile. “We’re so
glad you came, Bobby.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Hi, Karen. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Oh yeah, beautiful ceremony. And the garden looks

great. Stacey really outdid herself.”

Karen laughed and raised a glass to her lips. “I didn’t

hear a word that was said, I was so nervous.”

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“You did great, honey,” Liz said, giving her new wife a

kiss. “Excuse me for a sec. I’ll be right back.” She hooked her
arm through Bobby’s and led him a short distance down a
little flagstone path. “So who’d you end up bringing?”

“No one,” he sighed, giving her a pathetic pout that had

always gotten him sympathy. “Patrick left me in the lurch,
and Neil is in Miami for the week.”

Liz stopped and took his hands. “Bobby, you’re thirty-

two. How long are you gonna carry on like a frat boy?”

“I do not carry on like a frat boy! For one thing, I can’t

drink like that anymore.”

She punched his arm and stamped her slippered foot,

something he’d seen her do at least a hundred times when
they were children. “I’m serious! I want you to stop messing
around and find a good man. Someone who will be a life
partner, and love you like you deserve to be loved.”

“Who says I want that? Lizzie, I’m glad you found that,

and I wish you and Karen every happiness under the sun.
But you know how I feel about marriage.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that cynical rant enough times to know

it by heart. And I know you like playing the field and not
having commitments. But don’t you ever want the
permanence? Don’t you miss having someone who knows
you, who accepts you for who you really are? Who wants you
for more than your body?”

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“Perish the thought.” He shuddered, earning himself

another punch. “Ow. Liz, you’ve been looking out for me ever
since we were kids on the block. I love you for wanting the
best for me. And maybe I’ll want that someday, but not now.
I’m enjoying myself too much.”

Liz gaze him a long, searching look before giving in with

a huff. “Classic Peter Pan,” she sighed. “Okay, lecture’s over.
I just worry.”

He kissed her nose and linked her arm through his. “No

need. Come on; let’s go get some cake.”

Having deposited Liz back with her wife, Bobby took his

cake and moved into the shade. He was poking suspiciously
at a sugary purple rose when he heard a voice call his name.
Oh lord, it was the blond from Marc’s wedding. What the hell
was his name again? Bobby plastered a grin on his face and
decided to fake it. “Hey! How’ve you been?”

The other man was smiling as he leaned in for a quick

kiss. “Great, great. You?”

“Great. Hey, I thought you were done with weddings?”

The blond laughed and gave a little “what can you do”

shrug. “That was the plan. Unfortunately my friends didn’t
get the memo.”

“You a friend of Karen’s?”

“Yeah, we used to work together at the bank. You’re

with Liz?”

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“We grew up together. She’s like a sister.”

They stood in awkward silence for a few moments.

Bobby went back to poking at the remains of his cake,
stealing little glances at the other man as he tried to
remember his name. Around them the wedding reception
continued, filled with flowers and soft violin music and tiny
little sandwiches with the crusts cut off. Lesbians, Bobby
thought with an internal eye-roll, and stole a glance at his
watch. At least another hour before he could make his
escape. He was trying to decide if he felt like going to the
gym when the blond laid a hand on his arm. Bobby looked
up and directly into a pair of very blue eyes. “Come on,” the
blond said, jerking his head toward the path. “Let’s take a

Bobby eyed him with interest. He was undeniably hot

and he smelled fantastic, a mix of sweat and a light, sporty

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys with a rule about

repeat performances.” The blond grinned.

Setting his plate down on a nearby table, Bobby looked

around for Liz. “It’s more of a guideline than a rule,” he
drawled, spotting his friend deep in conversation—and
looking the other way. “Let’s go.”

The path led to a neat shed. The door squealed on a

rusty hinge and banged shut behind them, leaving them in
near darkness. Thin, dirty light filtered through one small
window, casting them in silhouette. The air was hot and

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close, musty and loamy in his nose as the blond’s mouth
closed over his in a hungry kiss. Blondie went straight for
the kill zone, his hand moving to Bobby’s crotch to squeeze
his burgeoning erection. Bobby crashed back against a shelf,
moaning and grabbing a handful of firm, delectable ass. His
other hand came up to grab Blondie by the back of the neck
and pull his mouth closer. Blondie’s hand—

“Wait,” he panted, tearing his mouth away. “What—

what’s your name again?”

“Jason,” his lover panted, moving a hand up to rub

Bobby’s nipple through his shirt.

“Oh fuck, Jason.” Bobby unbuttoned his jacket and

pulled out his shirt, fumbling with his fly. Jason’s cock was
already exposed and fully hard. For a moment Bobby nearly
gave in to the urge to drop down and suck that beautiful
tool, but reluctantly decided against it. His suit was taking
enough of a beating as it was. He hissed as hot flesh met hot
flesh, their cocks bobbing in a clumsy grind until Jason spit
in his palm and wrapped his fist loosely around them both.

Bobby tightened his grip, pulling Jason’s pelvis against

his own with needy force. His elbow knocked over a flowerpot
on the shelf. A shovel fell slowly over with a clatter, raising a
cloud of dust. Jason sneezed but never missed a stroke.
“Hang on,” he muttered, slowing their pace. Bobby could just
make out his movements as he reached for his chest.
Something cool and silky wrapped around their snug cocks,
adding a whole new sensation to the mix.

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“Oh,” Bobby called softly, his hips moving quicker. “Oh,

oh.” Jason’s head fell to his shoulder and the blond groaned,
tightening his grip just a bit as their thrusts grew desperate.
Bobby’s balls drew up and he gasped, shoving his pelvis
forward and coming hard. Jason thrust against him a few
more times and then shuddered, blowing hot breath against
Bobby’s neck.

They panted in the darkness for a moment, sweat

running down their backs under their shirts, before moving
apart with a shared chuckle. Things were wiped off and
tucked in, buttons were buttoned, and they shared a last
kiss before opening the shed door. They stepped into the
light, squinting. Jason tossed his soiled pocket square into a
large green garbage can and covered it with leaves. They
spent a few minutes brushing the dust from each other’s
suits. “I probably have cobwebs in my pubes,” Jason
bemoaned as they started back down the path.

Bobby laughed. “Totally worth it, though.”


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was sick of weddings and had decided to sit this one

out, especially since he barely knew Dave and Angie. Then
he found out the ceremony was in Hawaii, for chrissakes.
Like he was going to miss an opportunity like that when he
hadn’t taken a vacation in three years. He flew down a full
day before the wedding and checked in to the hotel, staying
in his room long enough to change and dig out his
sunscreen before hitting the beach. Laid out on a blanket in
his tiny trunks, oiled up and baking in the sun, Bobby spent
a very pleasant afternoon taking in the scenery. The scenery
was so inviting that he treated himself to a nice leisurely
jack-off session in the shower before dressing and heading
down to dinner.

He debated sitting at the bar and chatting up a few of

his fellow patrons, but he was feeling tired and mellow
enough to want solitude for a change. The hostess showed
him to a booth in the back and left him to peruse the menu.
He was trying to decide between the sea bass and pepper-
crusted sirloin when a shadow fell over his table.

“I know I should be surprised to see you here, but

somehow I’m not.”

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Bobby wasn’t terribly shocked, either. Some part of his

mind had come to expect Jason as part and parcel of the
whole wedding experience. He grinned and shook his head.
“Wouldn’t be a wedding without you. Join me?”

“Wow, I don’t know. I mean, that would make this a

third date. Are you sure you’re ready for that level of

Rolling his eyes, Bobby pushed the chair out with his

foot. “I’m not asking you to meet my mother.”

“You should. Mothers love me.” Jason sat and scooted a

little closer to the table, unfolding his napkin and draping it
over his lap. “What looks good?”

After a few moments of deliberating, Bobby ordered the

sirloin. Jason went with the swordfish, and they got a bottle
of merlot to share. Bobby asked the now-familiar question.
“So, bride or groom?”

“Groom this time. Best friends since freshman year at

college. You?”

“Bride. Angie’s a freelancer my company uses from time

to time.”

“Yeah? What do you do?”

“I design video games. First-person shooters, sword and

sorcery, that kind of thing.”

Jason grinned. “That fits you perfectly. A job you’ll never

have to grow up for.”

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“Excuse me? I can’t believe I’m being accused of

immaturity by a guy with milk-crate furniture.”

“Hey, I told you, I’d just moved in! You should see the

place now. I’ve even got a big-boy bed.”

Bobby caught the sparkle in his eyes and slid his leg

forward until their feet touched under the table. “Now that,
I’d like to see.” The mood was abruptly broken when the
waiter arrived with their food.

The steak was superb. He offered Jason a taste, and he

agreed. The swordfish, they decided, was good but not in the
sirloin’s league. As the food vanished and the bottle emptied,
they compared flights and itineraries, chatted about the
year’s earlier weddings, and raved about the hotel amenities.
By the time the wine was gone, they were both tipsy and
decided some fresh air was in order.

The sun hadn’t quite gone down when they hit the

beach, carrying their shoes and walking barefoot in the
warm sand. The breeze stirred their hair and ruffled their
clothes, blowing away the slight mental fog left by the merlot.
Bobby ran a hand through his hair and yawned. “I must be
getting old. I had all these plans of checking out the local
nightlife, maybe head to that luau the hotel was pushing,
but I’m not sure I have it in me.”

“Jet lag’s a bitch,” Jason agreed. “Think you’re gonna

call it an early night?”

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“Hmm, not sure,” he pondered. “My room is really nice,

but it seems a shame to come all the way to Hawaii and
spend the time inside.”

“You know, I always wanted to make love on the beach,

like in that movie.”

From Here to Eternity?”

“Yeah. That was hot, for hetero sex. Desperate kissing,

the surf crashing over them….”

“The sand in their ass cracks, sunburn in unspeakable


“You really have the soul of a romantic, you know that?

Okay, so no sex on the beach.”

“No. In a cabana, however, that’s another story.” Bobby

tilted his head with a smile.

Jason looked past him at the striped tents down the

beach. “Not too many people on the beach tonight,” he noted

“Must all be at the luau,” Bobby agreed, equally

nonchalant. Their eyes met, and then they were dashing
down the beach, laughing and racing each other to the
cabanas. The first one they reached had its flaps drawn and
definite sounds of occupancy. Bobby grabbed his lover’s
hand and led him farther down the beach to a cabana that
was empty and fairly distant from the others. Bobby lit the
fat citronella candle he found on a low table between two

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plastic lounge chairs. The last of the fading evening sun
abruptly disappeared as Jason released the flaps, leaving
them alone in the guttering yellow candlelight. Bobby
dropped his shoes and flopped onto one of the lounges,
throwing one arm over his head and giving the other man his
best come-hither look.

Jason obliged, unbuttoning his shirt and covering the

distance between them in a bona fide slink. He gave Bobby a
smoldering, teasing smile as he slid the fabric from his
shoulders and let it fall to the sand. Straddling the lounge,
he lowered himself until their clothed groins nestled
together. Bobby sighed in pleasure as Jason’s hands slid
under his shirt, drawing shivers out of his overheated skin.
His lover exposed his chest to the night air and leaned in to
tongue a nipple. Groaning, Bobby cupped the blond head
and ground his hips against Jason’s in a slow, sweet

Jason’s hair smelled like strawberries and slid through

his fingers like silk. Bobby framed his face with both hands
and pulled him up for a kiss. How had he failed to notice the
sheer sensual treat of kissing this man? He would almost be
content to stay this way, Jason’s half-naked body draped
across his, Jason’s tongue, slightly bitter from the merlot,
mapping the unseen terrain of his mouth. It was Jason who
finally pulled away with a sigh, leaning back to unbuckle
Bobby’s belt and open his fly.

“I wish we had lube,” Bobby groaned. “I really wanna

fuck that sweet ass.”

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Jason grinned and rose from the lounge. “Aren’t you

lucky I’ve got an eye for detail?” He moved to the far side of
the cabana, near the other chair, and retrieved something
from the ground. Triumphantly he held up his prize—a small
bottle of suntan lotion left behind by some previous tenant.

Bobby pushed his pants off his hips with a growl. “Get

naked. Now.”

“Look who’s so bossy all of a sudden,” Jason quipped as

he shucked out of his pants and dropped them on the empty
chair. “Good thing for you I’m feeling kind of subby tonight.
Any other orders, oh master?”

It was getting hot in the cabana. Bobby ran his fingers

through the light sheen of sweat on his chest and took his
heavy cock in hand, stroking it lazily. “Get over here,” he
demanded, his voice low and raspy with desire. “Bring that
bottle; you’re gonna need it.”

“Promises, promises.” Jason dropped the bottle on

Bobby’s stomach and went to his knees next to the chair.
Leaning over, he gave the head of Bobby’s cock a teasing
swipe with his tongue, then ducked his head lower to nose
his balls. Bobby let his head fall back as that hot mouth
licked up his shaft, swirled around the glans and slid back
down the other side to the base of his cock. Wet heat
enveloped him, sliding down and taking him almost to the
root. Jason’s fingers closed around his balls, rolling the orbs
inside their sacs and stroking the sensitive skin.

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There was nothing like a long, slow blow job to relax a

man, Bobby decided as he closed his eyes, ears filled with
the sounds of the surf and Jason’s muffled slurping. And
wasn’t this encounter taking an interesting turn? Their
previous couplings had been hot and hard, quick mutual
gratification followed by amiable goodbyes. Tonight Bobby
found he was feeling affectionate, even tender, toward his
occasional lover. He wanted to take this man to his room and
make love in the big bed, with the tropical breeze blowing
through the balcony door and drying the sweat on their skin.
He wondered what it would be like to sleep next to him, wake
up with him, see his face across the table at breakfast.

Jason ceased his ministrations and sat back. “You’re

thinking too hard,” he scolded, reaching for the lotion. “What
put that cute little frown on your face?”

“I was just thinking,” Bobby said slowly, testing the

words as they came out of his mouth. “I could really get used
to you.”

Jason gifted him with a sunny smile. “Good,” was all he


Bobby hummed in pleasure as a generous amount of

warm, coconut-scented lotion was applied to his cock.
Stroking his cock lazily, he watched Jason prepare himself.
Barely a minute later the blond, clearly unwilling to waste
any more time, straddled his lap and guided Bobby’s cock
into his body. His thigh muscles bunched and released as he
slowly raised and lowered himself, pausing each time his ass
landed flush on Bobby’s pelvis. Bobby slid one hand across

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the tanned chest to pinch a nipple, grasping Jason’s hip with
the other. He couldn’t help but thrust a little at the slick
velvet grip Jason’s passage had on his cock, but for now he
was content to let the blond set the pace.

Jason was holding his cock but not yet stroking it. His

breathing was loud in the stifling tent, his head thrown
back, his face a mask of concentration. A bead of sweat
formed on his jaw and trickled down the column of his
throat. Bobby caught it with a fingertip as it reached the
collarbone and raised it to his lips, savoring the sting of salt
on his tongue. “God, you’re so hot,” he murmured, caressing
his lover’s body from shoulder to hip. Jason leaned over and
captured his mouth without missing a stroke.

As much as he was enjoying things, Bobby was starting

to feel like a freeloader and decided it was time he pulled his
weight. Gently moving Jason from his lap, he rose and urged
the blond to lay on his back on the lounge. His lover needed
very little direction, pulling his legs up to his chest. Bobby
squirted more of the suntan lotion on Jason’s eager entrance
and guided his cock back inside. Leaning forward, he damn
near folded the man in half, hooking his hands under
Jason’s knees and pushing forward until his ass left the
plastic chair. Bobby settled into a rhythm of deep, slow
strokes, changing his angle slightly until Jason’s gasp told
him he’d hit his prostate.

Jason had squeezed his hand in between their bodies to

grasp his own cock, working it to the rhythm of Bobby’s
thrusts. Every stroke was nudging his prostate. Bobby

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strained forward to catch the breathy cries that escaped his
mouth. “Come for me, baby,” he whispered, quickening his
pace. “Come on, give it up.” Jason sucked in a great breath
of air and let it out in a long, keening moan, his body jerking
in the throes of orgasm.

Oh, thank God, Bobby thought as he felt Jason’s release

spray his stomach. Not sure how much longer I could’ve
Jason’s ass tightened almost unbearably around his
cock and Bobby’s thrusts became erratic as sweat poured
down his back. “Oh, oh, oh,” he heard himself pant as he
pounded desperately toward his climax, the cheap chair
creaking ominously. Groaning deep in his throat, he pressed
his face into Jason’s chest and thrust deeply one final time.
His body froze, the orgasm tearing from his toes to his scalp
before rushing to the hot, wet place where their bodies
joined. Jason cupped a hand behind his neck, holding him
while he rode out the aftershocks.

Panting and covered in sweat, reeking of sex and

coconuts, they lay quietly for several long moments before
Jason’s hips began to protest. Bobby kissed him and
dragged himself to his feet. Watching Jason swing his legs
over the chair and stretch with a rueful smile, Bobby
couldn’t help himself. “I want you for breakfast,” he blurted.

Jason barked a laugh, rising to his feet with a slight

wobble. “Tired of oatmeal, are we?”

“I mean it,” Bobby insisted, taking the blond into his

arms. “Come back to my room. Stay the night. I’ll buy you

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Wedding Favors ♥ D.G. Parker



“As many as you want.”

Jason pretended to consider it. “Well, if there’s waffles

in it for me, how can I refuse?” Standing there with a wry
grin and laughter dancing in his eyes, he looked so damn
sexy Bobby felt his cock give an interested, if futile, twitch.
He pulled him close and took his mouth with a slow,
comfortable kiss that was frighteningly beyond passion.

“We stink,” Jason declared, scratching his chest. He

moved to the cabana’s opening and stuck his head out,
peering up and down the beach. “The coast is clear,” he said.
“Literally, in this case. Come on; let’s go for a swim.”

Giggling like children, they dashed naked into the surf.

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Wedding Favors ♥ D.G. Parker





spends her days posing as a mild-mannered

hospital administrator in upstate New York. Her alter ego
has been reading and writing voraciously since childhood
and dreams of one day publishing the “Great American
Novel.” She’s taken her pen name from the very quotable
Dorothy Parker, who reminds us all that “You can lead a
horticulture, but you can’t make her think.”

Visit her blog at http://dgparker.wordpress.com/.

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Wedding Favors ♥ D.G. Parker


background image

Wedding Favors ♥ D.G. Parker


Wedding Favors ©Copyright D.G. Parker, 2009

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034 http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/

Released in the United States of America
June, 2009


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