* Corresponding author. Tel.: #81-43-270-3778; fax: #81-73-270-
E-mail address: yosinari@tdc.ac.jp (M. Yoshinari).
Biomaterials 22 (2001) 2043}2048
In#uence of surface modi"cations to titanium on antibacterial
activity in vitro
M. Yoshinari
*, Y. Oda , T. Kato, K. Okuda
Department of Dental Materials Science and Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2, Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8502, Japan
Department of Microbiology and Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2, Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8502, Japan
Received 31 October 2000; accepted 3 November 2000
The antibacterial e!ect of surface modi"cations to titanium on Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 and Actinobacillus
actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 43718 was evaluated. Surface modi"cations were performed with dry processes including ion
implantation (Ca
>, N>, F>), oxidation (anode oxidation, titania spraying), ion plating (TiN, alumina), and ion beam mixing (Ag, Sn,
Zn, Pt) with Ar
> on polished pure titanium plates. F>-implanted specimens signi
"cantly inhibited the growth of both
P. gingivalis
and A. actinomycetemcomitans than the polished titanium. The other surface-modi"ed specimens did not exhibit e!ective antibacterial
activity against both bacteria. No release of the #uorine ion was detected from F-implanted specimens under dissolution testing. This
result and the characterization of the F
>-implanted surfaces suggested that the possible antibacterial mechanism of the F>-implanted
specimen was caused by the formation of a metal #uoride complex on the surfaces. In addition, F
>-implanted surfaces did not inhibit
the proliferation of "broblast L929-cells. These "ndings indicate that surface modi"cation by means of a dry process is useful in
providing antibacterial activity of oral bacteria to titanium implants exposed to the oral cavity.
2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Keywords: Surface modi"cation; Titanium; Implant; Oral bacteria; Antibacterial activity
1. Introduction
Microbial plaque accumulation surrounding dental
implants may develop into peri-implantitis or peri-im-
plantoclasia, which is de"ned as in#ammation or infec-
tion around an implant, with accompanying bone loss. It
is important to maintain plaque-free surfaces on both
supra- and sub-gingival portions of dental implants
to prevent peri-implantitis. There are at least two
methods of inhibiting the formation of microbial plaque.
The "rst method is to inhibit the initial adhesion of oral
bacteria. The second method is to inhibit the coloniz-
ation of oral bacteria, which involves surface antibac-
terial activity.
Microbial colonization and antibacterial activity on
metallic and ceramic implant materials have been re-
ported under in vitro and in vivo tests [1}6]. Titanium
itself has no antibacterial activity [7], but there is a prob-
able risk of plaque formation on titanium implants [8].
Nevertheless, few experiments have been conducted on
the surface modi"cation of titanium implants to inhibit
the colonization of oral bacteria [9].
The modi"ed surfaces must resist wear, because these
are the parts that are brushed as a means of plaque
control. Surface modi"cations using a dry process have
been utilized in the medical and dental "elds as suitable
methods for providing good resistance to wear as well as
creating thin and adhesive "ne ceramics [10}14].
In our previous study [8], the initial adherence of oral
bacteria on cp-titanium and surface-modi"ed titanium
with a dry process was investigated. The results showed
that comparatively large amounts of Porphyromonas gin-
givalis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, which
are major periodontopathic bacteria, adhered to polished
cp-titanium. These "ndings indicate that there is a prob-
able risk of bacterial adhesion to titanium surfaces at
the supra- and sub-gingival portions of implants, and
surface modi"cation to inhibit the adherence of oral
bacteria is required. The data showed that some surface
0142-9612/01/$ - see front matter
2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 6 1 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 9 2 - 6
Table 1
Cp-titanium and surface-modi"ed specimens with dry process
Cp-Ti plate (10
;10;1 mm)
Polished with 0.3
m alumina
Ion implantation
>, Acc voltage: 41 kV
Dose: 5
;10 ions/cm
>, Acc voltage: 15 kV
Depth: 30 nm
>, Acc voltage: 19 kV
Anode oxidation
Titania spraying
Ion plating
TiN-ion plating
Alumina-ion plating
Ion beam mixing
Ag, Acc voltage: 40 kV
Sn, Acc voltage: 25 kV
Dose: 5
;10 ions/cm
Zn, Acc voltage: 34 kV
Depth: 20 nm
Pt, Acc voltage: 50 kV
Fig. 1. A #ow chart of antibacterial activity test.
modi"cation with a dry process is useful in controlling
the initial adhesion of oral bacteria.
It is also required to provide antibacterial activity for
maintaining plaque-free surfaces on titanium implants
exposed to the oral cavity. The present study was there-
fore designed to investigate the in#uence of surface modi-
"cation to titanium on the colonization of oral bacteria
as an index of antibacterial activity in vitro. In addition,
this study evaluated the release of #uorine ions and
cytotoxicity of the L929 cells on F
>-implanted titanium
surfaces that exhibited remarkable antibacterial activity.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Preparation of specimens
Commercially pure wrought titanium (cp-Ti) plates
(99.9 mass% Ti, 10
;10;1 mm) were used as the substra-
te material for modi"cation. They were ground down to
1200 grit, then polished using 0.3
m alumina, and
ultrasonically cleaned with acetone and distilled water as
the control material. The polished titanium surfaces were
modi"ed with ion implantation (Ca
>, N>, F>), oxidation
(anode oxidation, titania spraying), ion plating (TiN,
alumina), and ion beam mixing (Ag, Sn, Zn, Pt) with Ar
as shown in Table 1.
2.2. Antibacterial activity test
The antibacterial activity of the surface-modi"ed speci-
mens was demonstrated against P. gingivalis ATCC
33277 (P.g.) and A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 43718
(A.a.) as summarized in Fig. 1. These strains were main-
tained anaerobically on blood agar plates containing
trypticase soy agar (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Sys-
tem, Cockeysville, MD) supplemented with 10% de"b-
rinated horse blood, hemin (5
g/ml; Sigma Chemical
Co., St. Louis, MO) and menadione (0.5
g/ml; Wako
Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka).
Polished titanium and surface-modi"ed specimens
were placed in a 15-mm-diameter glass bottle with a #at-
bottom surface with the modi"ed surface of the specimen
placed facing upward. They were then incubated anaer-
obically in trypticase soy broth (TSB) of 0.5 ml with both
P.g. and A.a. of 1
;10 cells/ml for 48 h at 37
shown in Fig. 1. After incubation, a 100-
l sample was
M. Yoshinari et al. / Biomaterials 22 (2001) 2043}2048
Fig. 2. The percent colony-forming units relative to control against P.
gingivalis ATCC 33277 on 1-cm
plates for 48 h (**p(0.01 to Ti-
Fig. 3. The percent colony forming units relative to control against A.
actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 43718 on 1-cm
plates for 48 h
(**p(0.01 to Ti-polished).
immediately transferred into 900
l of TSB and diluted in
a 10-fold series to l0
\. The TSB used as the dilution
solution was prepared with the addition of 0.8-mm glass
beads. Each 100
l of sample was plated on a blood agar
plate, spread evenly with a Conrage stick, and cultured at
373C for 7 days. At the end of the culture period, the
number of colonies (colony-forming unit: CFU) was
Antibacterial activity was expressed as the ratio of
CFUs on each specimen to those on the control that was
incubated without specimens. Each colonization test was
run in triplicate and repeated at "ve separate times. The
ratio of CFUs was analyzed via one-way ANOVA. The
CFU ratios were then compared with those of the control
by the Fisher PLSD (protected least signi"cant di!er-
ence) test.
2.3. Fluorine ion release test
The F
>-implanted specimens (10;10;1 mm) were
immersed in a 0.9% NaCl solution of 2 ml at 373C for
1 week. The F-ion concentration in the solution was then
measured using an ion electrode-type concentration
measuring instrument (IA-100, TOA Electric, Tokyo,
Japan). Five specimens were prepared.
2.4. Proliferation test of L929 cells
Mouse "broblast cell line L929 was used for the
cytotoxicity test. L929 cells were cultured with Eagle's
minimal essential medium (MEM) containing 10 vol%
fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 2 vol% antibiotic (penicillin
and streptomycin). F
>-implanted and Ti-polished speci-
mens (10
;10;1 mm) were placed in 24-well polystyrene
tissue-culture plates (well diameter of 16 mm), then 1 ml
of cell suspension containing 1
;10 cells was seeded into
each well. The plates were then placed inside the incuba-
tor at 373C in a humidi"ed atmosphere of 5% CO in air,
and incubated for 3}10 days. The culture medium was
changed every 3 days. At the end of the incubation peri-
od, the specimens were removed from the wells and the
cells were suspended using 0.05% trypsin}0.02% EDTA
solution of 1 ml. After centrifugation, the supernatant
#uid was discarded, and the remaining cells were sus-
pended with PBS(!) of 1 ml. The number of cells was
counted using a Coulter counter (Z-series, COULTER,
USA). Each cell proliferation test was run in triplicate
and repeated at three separate times.
3. Results
The percentage of CFUs relative to the control against
P.g. and A.a. are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
Analysis of the data via one-way ANOVA revealed sig-
ni"cant di!erences (p(0.01). F
>-implanted specimens
signi"cantly inhibited the growth of both P.g. and A.a.
(p(0.01) than Ti-polished specimen. Other surface-
modi"ed specimens did not show any inhibition of the
growth of either bacteria.
M. Yoshinari et al. / Biomaterials 22 (2001) 2043}2048
Fig. 4. The number of L929 cells proliferated on 1-cm
Table 2
Characterization of the modi"ed surfaces
Identi"ed compounds
of modi"ed layer
Maximum thickness
of modi"ed layer
30 nm
CaTiO, TiO, TiO
150 nm
TiN, TiN, TiO
300 nm
TiF, TiOF, TiO,TiO
150 nm
TiO (brookite), TiO
300 nm
TiO (rutile, anatase)
AlO (corundum)
Ag, TiO TiOV
100 nm
Sn, TiO TiOV
150 nm
Zn, TiO TiOV
100 nm
Pt, TiO
150 nm
Chemical compounds except Ti identi"ed by X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) and thin-"lm X-ray di!ractometry (XRD).
Equivalent thickness to sputtering rate of titanium by Ar-ion etching
on XPS depth analysis.
The concentration of #uorine ions released from F
implanted specimens in 0.9% NaCl solution was less
than 0.10 mg/l of the detection limit.
The number of L929 cells proliferated on 10
;10 mm
plates is shown in Fig. 4. No signi"cant di!erences were
observed between Ti-polished and F-implanted speci-
mens at either the 3- or 10-day intervals.
4. Discussion
It is generally believed that rapid osseointegration with
titanium compared with that of other metallic implants is
due to the ease with which calcium phosphates and
serum proteins are adsorbed on titanium surfaces. This
implies, however, that the calcium and pellicle in saliva
are adsorbed and form on titanium surfaces, and then,
that oral bacteria adhere and colonize on titanium surfa-
ces. This situation leads to the probable risk of plaque
formation to titanium implants exposed to the oral cav-
ity. Therefore, it is important to provide a source of
antibacterial activity as well as to inhibit the initial ad-
hesion of oral bacteria to titanium surfaces.
The surface modi"cations used in this study employed
the same methods as in our previous studies for ensuring
good wear resistance [8,14]. The surfaces were character-
ized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thin-
"lm X-ray di!ractometry as shown in Table 2. Brie#y,
ion-implanted surfaces (Ca
>-, N>-, and F>-implanted)
consisted of Ti compounds with the implanted elements,
titanates of the implanted elements, as well as titanium
oxides. Ti}F compounds were present on the F-im-
planted surfaces. The titanium oxides, mainly rutile, were
created on oxide "lms through titania spraying and
anodic oxidation. Anatase was also included in the oxide
"lms of the titania spraying. Ion-plated surfaces, includ-
ing TiN- and alumina-ion plating, had similar composi-
tions to those of the raw materials used for coating. The
surfaces treated with ion beam mixing (Ag-, Sn-, Zn-, and
Pt-IBM) consisted of raw metal elements and titanium
Fluoride is widely used as a highly e!ective anticaries
agent in dental "elds, and #uorine ions released from
#uoride can a!ect bacterial metabolism as an enzyme
inhibitor. Metal}#uoride complexes are also responsible
for #uoride inhibition of proton-translocating F-AT-
Pases and are thought to act by mimicking phosphate to
form complexes with ADP at the reaction centers of the
enzymes [15}17].
The photocatalytic reaction of titania, especially
anatase, was found by Fujishima and Honda [18]. The
antibacterial activity of titania was also reported in the
biomedical "elds [19}21]. Initially, TiO photocatalysis
promoted peroxidation of the polyunsaturated phos-
pholipid component of the lipid membrane and induced
major disorder in the bacteria. This photocatalytic activ-
ity becomes e!ective when irradiated with near-UV light
and coupled with a conductor such as platinum [19].
> inhibits the DNA synthesis with direct binding on
the bacterial DNA. Ag
> also adsorbs the protein on the
surface of the bacterial membrane, in#uencing membrane
synthesis with S}Ag bonds [22]. Silver is used in a mix-
ture with silica glass [23], silver coating, or to adsorb
zeolite [24]. However, halogenated silver such as AgCl or
an oxide such as AgO reduces antibacterial activity. In
general, Sn and Zn potentiate the antiseptic agents [25],
Stannous #uoride, stannous chloride, and zinc chloride
inhibited all strains tested [26}28]. Zn is also used in
zeolite with Ag [29], and as an amalgam component
[30]. Platinum complexes have been shown to be e!ec-
tive inhibitors of bacterial DNA, RNA, and protein syn-
thesis [31]. Metal chelates of the platinum group exhibit
signi"cant activity against a wide spectrum of microor-
ganisms at di!erent concentrations [32].
From characterizations of the modi"ed surfaces
studied previously and the above-mentioned reports, the
>-implanted, titania-sprayed, and Ag-, Sn-, Zn-,
and Pt-IBM specimens were expected to be e!ective in
M. Yoshinari et al. / Biomaterials 22 (2001) 2043}2048
promoting surface antibacterial activity. The results of
the experiments, however, showed that only the F
planted specimen e!ectively exhibited antibacterial activ-
ity against both P.g. and A.a.
There are two possible explanations for antibacterial
mechanism of the F
>-implanted specimen. One on hand,
the action of the #uorine ions could be responsible for
this mechanism; on the other hand, the action of the
metal}#uoride complexes could be responsible, as men-
tioned above. The concentration of #uorine ions released
from F
>-implanted specimens in 0.9% NaCl solution
was less than 0.10 mg/l of the detection limit. In our
previous study [8,14], the #uoride complex was observed
on the F
>-implanted specimen with thin
"lm X-ray dif-
fractometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It
has been reported that several #uoride salts with poly-
valent cations such as Cu
>, Sn>, and Al> exhibit
a direct antibacterial e!ect, and titanium tetra#uoride
seeded with bacteria had similar growth inhibition zones
to those of these salts [33]. Accordingly, the current
results indicate that the latter mechanism, caused by the
metal}#uoride complexes, is primarily responsible for the
antibacterial activity on the F
>-implanted specimen. In
the previous study [8], the initial adherence of bacteria
was not reduced on the F
>-implanted surface compared
to that of cp-Ti. In conclusion, the mode of action inhibi-
ting bacterial growth on F
>-implanted specimens is most
likely as follows: at "rst, the oral bacteria adhered to the
>-implanted surfaces. Then, the bacteria were injured
by the pharmacological e!ect of the metal}#uoride
complexes with their inhibition of enzymatic activity.
Incidentally, it was con"rmed that F
>-implanted surfa-
ces did not in#uence the proliferation of mouse-"broblast
Titania-sprayed specimens generated no antimicrobial
activity despite the anatase that formed on the surfaces.
This may be because no UV light was used, and no
coupling metals were used for stimulating photocatalytic
reactions. The Ag-, Sn-, Zn-, and Pt-IBM specimens also
did not exhibit any antibacterial activity. Ag, Sn, and Zn
work e!ectively on the surface of the bacterial membrane
as metal ions. The formation of halogenations, oxides or
sul"des of these elements markedly reduces antibacterial
activity. We believe that these compounds such as AgCl,
AgO or AgS were formed during the bacterial coloniz-
ation test. Platinum chelates, which were reported to
exhibit signi"cant activity against bacteria, seemed not to
be formed on the Pt-IBM specimens. Further investiga-
tions are necessary to clarify these phenomena. In this
study, we evaluated antibacterial activity on surfaces
treated with a dry process as surface modi"cations
with wear resistance. Other antibacterial treatments
are also considered e!ective such as a sulfated poly-
saccharide extracted from seaweed funoran, or 3-
chloride [34,35].
This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for
Scienti"c Research No. 10085839 from The Ministry of
Education, Science, Sports and Culture in Japan.
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