Puss 'n Boots A Twist in the Tail [MF] (pdf)

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A Twist in the Tail

An Erotic Story

By Puss ‘n Boots

Adult Erotica

A Twist in the Tail © 2013 by Puss ‘n Boots All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission from the author and publisher. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. WARNING: This

book is not transferable. It is for your personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will

be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and

graphic language, which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where minors cannot access them. Cover Design: Puss ‘n

Boots © 2013

Pierced Cherry Publishing™ All rights reserved


Also by Puss ‘n Boots:

The Academy

The Academy 2 Graduates and Degradation

Tatiania tossed the pile of unopened bills on the table and poured herself a stiff


“Down the hatch,” she muttered and felt the burning heat move down her throat and

settle in her churning gut.

“Better get ready for my date tonight.”

She turned on the shower and scrubbed herself until her skin burned.

“May as well get used to this feeling anyway, as I’ll be going to hell after what I’m

gonna be doing tonight.”

She used more make up than usual, paying special attention to her lips, as instructed by

the man who was going to pay her a huge sum of money for the privilege of spending a
few hours with her.

A parcel had been delivered that morning containing a cheer leader’s white skirt, a

white chiffon Gucci blouse, a pair of pale blue crotchless panties, flat pumps, and
Christian Dior make-up. Her instructions were clear – hair in tight pigtails, lips painted
bright red, eyes lined in black kohl and layers of mascara.

“Why the hell did I agree to this?” she thought as she opened the envelope containing

her credit card bill – the number of digits in the “amount due now” column was scary and
she tossed the bill back onto the table and picked up the skirt with determination.

She zipped the skimpy skirt and twirled around, enjoying the way it lifted up just

enough for a sneak preview of her shaved pussy and rounded ass before settling down
around her hips again. The crotchless panties felt soft against her newly shaved vagina
and the lace was real, not that cheap nylon crap.

“This man has taste,” she thought, “Let’s see if he got the shoe size right. Perfect.

And the color is to die for – love that neon green suede.”

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She picked up a package that lay beside the blouse, ripped off the paper, and pulled out

the ropes she was to use to bind up her breasts - her stomach lurched in dread and acid
whiskey flooded the back of her throat.

“I can’t be a sissy about this. This is payback time. I deserve pain and humiliation for

allowing myself to get into this financial mess.”

‘I wonder what he wants to do,’ she thought as she carefully painted her lips with the

luscious red lipstick. ‘Probably wants a blowjob as part of the deal,” she thought sourly.

Ten minutes before the meeting in the alley behind Vinnie’s Warehouse, she picked up

the first rope and began binding her breasts, making sure the rope was flush against her
rib cage, as instructed.

Her breasts were heavy and she knew that her huge tits were her greatest asset – and

the fact that they were real made them even more valuable. She probably wouldn’t be
doing this if they’d been plastic and of course, she had been willing to swallow the pills
he had sent her to induce lactation.

“Good luck, girls,” she said as she pinched her nipples one last time, “I’m gonna earn

money because of you. Don’t let me down, please.”

Her breasts would need release from their confines soon – before permanent damage

occurred to the delicate tissue.

She felt conspicuous as she walked towards Vinnie’s Warehouse, sure that everyone

could see that her bare breasts were in bondage. They probably thought she was on her
way to a BDSM party, or to meet a paying john.

“And they would be quite correct,” she thought as she walked down the dark alley

running beside the warehouse.

She heard a scuffling sound... a small animal? The smell of blocked sewers assailed

her nostrils and she felt a thrill of repulsion run through her.

She continued walking until she reached what she determined was halfway down the

block – the predetermined place where the encounter would take place.

Her breasts were hurting and she hoped they would survive the night without

permanent damage.

“Hello,” a voice said behind her. She spun around and saw a man of a certain age

standing there, dressed in the uniform of the rich and famous – blue blazer, gray tailored
trousers, hand-made loafers and the obligatory gold Rolex.

“Hello,” she replied, “I’m Tatiana.”

“Yes, I know, my dear,” he said and stepped back into the darkness. She felt unseen

eyes studying her and then he spoke again.

“Unbutton your blouse, slowly.”

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As she undid the top button, a bright spotlight came on and for a moment she was

blinded by the light.

“Keep on unbuttoning, please.”

‘At least he’s polite,’ she thought as her shaking fingers undid the expensive blouse,

‘even if he’s a perverted old man.’

“Take off the blouse and step forward.”

She stepped forward and her bound breasts seemed to glow in the harsh light. She

heard gasps coming from the darkness and realized there was more than one person out

“This is scary,” she thought and stepped back.

“Don’t think of leaving, Ms Vogel. We are not going to harm you. Actually, I think

you’ll be very happy with what happens this evening. And of course, there’s the money –
never forget the money. So just relax and spin around a few times.”

The gasps got raspier the faster she twirled. “Shh,” someone whispered, “don’t kick

my chair, you idiot!”

“Okay, Miss Vogel, walk to your left. Against the wall you will find a bar stool. Bring

it to the center of the light and sit down on it.”

Tatiana placed the white bar stool in the center of the light ring and sat down.

“Now slowly open your legs,” the dismembered voice said softly. “Slowly, I said!”

Tatiana felt ridiculous, yet a little excited. “Who the hell is out there watching me?”

When her legs were splayed wide, she peered into the darkness and said, “Now what?”

“Now nothing, Tatiana. You don’t mind if I call you Tatiana, do you?”

“What do you want me to do?” she insisted.

“All in good time, my dear, first let me… let us, enjoy looking at you. You are very

beautiful and you remind me so much of my sister, Sophia, when she was your age. She
loved wearing white skirts and blouses. You have an extremely cute pussy, and my
friends back here are betting between themselves who will be the first one to get at you.
Does it make you hot to think that they are throwing money down to buy a taste of your

“I don’t mean to be a party pooper,” Tatiana replied doggedly, “but these ropes are

becoming really uncomfortable.”

“So, what do you suggest, Miss Vogel? Seeing that your bound tits are part of the


“Well, could I undo them for a few minutes to let the blood flow back? Then I’ll tie

them back up again. Please?”

The silence endured and Tatiana glanced at her breasts, which were now a soft bluish

purple color, with swollen nipples of deep crimson.

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“Untie just one, Tatiana, and then stand up.”

Tatiana fumbled with the rope and felt the blood flow back into her breast. The pain

was intense and she stood up with difficulty, grasping her freed breast and massaging it

A collective sigh came from the darkness and the man appeared again. He stood in

front of her and placed both his hands on her bound breast and squeezed it hard.

Tatiana yelped in pain. ‘What the hell am I in for tonight?’ she thought.

“Calm down, Tatiana…. Here, let me help you,” he bent over and took the nipple in

his mouth. A thrill ran through her and she felt her pussy lubricate, sending warm juices
directly to her hole.

Another chair fell over in the darkness and a voice hissed, “Come on you guys, behave

or I’ll take you back to your assisted living hellhole.”

In the midst of panic and intense sexual pleasure, Tatiana realized she had an audience

of old men who were probably incapable of getting an erection and that eased her mind a

The man tweaked her nipples and watched in satisfaction as her bound breast turned

puce and began to lactate.

“Okay, guys, here goes,” he bent over Tatiana’s breast and licked off the liquid that

oozed from the nipple.

“Please, sir, Tatiana moaned, “Please release me, I can’t stand the pain anymore.”

Silently he released the rope. The rope marks were deep and he placed his fingers in

their indentations and squeezed her breast while attaching his lips firmly over the
dripping nipple.

“Sophia,” he groaned, “Oh, my little Sophia, at last I know what you taste like.”

The relief of being released was more than Tatiana could bear and she started to cry.

“No, no, don’t cry little sister,” he bit into her nipple and whispered, “You have perfect

tits, just like mama’s.”

“Hey, Cousin Anton, come here, my old friend,” he said lifting his head from her

breasts for a moment, “Come and suck on this, it’s quite delicious.” He reached out and
tweaked the nipple until the liquid gushed out, all the while drinking from her other teat.

Anton shuffled out of the darkness. His thin fingers curled around her soft breast and

she shuddered as his wrinkled mouth closed on her swollen nipple. He sucked and
swallowed her milk and she shuddered again in revulsion.

Both breasts were now lactating heavily and after a few minutes Anton took one last

long suck before stepping back and summonsing another man from the darkness.

Tatiana waited in anticipation to see who would be next. She was totally prepared to

let the old guys suck and nibble. After all she was getting paid a lot for this evening.

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A young, handsome man appeared. His stride was powerful and he looked like an

athlete; tall and tanned a golden bronze.

“Wipe your face, old man,” he sneered as he passed Anton. He came to a standstill in

front of Tatiana and spoke sharply to the still-suckling man.

“Hey, dad, enough already! Give us all a chance here. We need some of that magic

liquid, too.”

Tatiana was both repulsed and turned on and felt her pussy fill up again. She crossed

her legs self-consciously, not wanting anyone to see just how turned on she was. The son
pushed his father away from Tatiana’s tit and said, “Tell Nick to come over, dad, but not
till I call him. And thanks for sharing, by the way.”

He looked over at Tatiana, eying her huge breasts which were red and swollen

complete with dripping nipples, and he put his hand over his crotch.

“Aah, are you tired Tatiana? Or do you want some of this?” He unzipped his pants

and pulled out his huge cock and caressed it lovingly.

Tatiana immediately fantasized about having it rammed inside her, pounding her until

she cried for mercy.

“Well?” inquired the man. He was alone with her now that his father had reluctantly

walked away from the beautiful breasts he had bought for the evening.

“I think I need to sit for a while, Sir,” Tatiana whispered.

“Well, sit then, please, sit. And don’t call me Sir – that’s reserved for my father.

Everyone calls me Rico, so you can call me Mr. Rico.”

Tatiana sat down on the stool, trying to minimize any unnecessary movements. Her

breasts were on fire and milk was streaming out at an alarming rate.

“What do you want from me?” she whispered, keeping her eyes on the ground, not

wanting to look at Mr. Rico.

“What do I want from you? Well, Tatiana, my dad wanted this evening for himself,

but when my uncle Gio saw the size of your tits, he wanted in, too. And then it
progressed from there – now there are ten of us waiting in the wings, so to speak. Think
you’re up to the job?” Rico said as he forced her legs open and smiled when he saw her
crotchless panties.

“Aah, dad, nothing’s changed, huh? It isn’t just the breasts you want, is it? You want

pussy, too, don’t you? Well, you’d better hope no one tells your new wife, or you’ll be
dickless by tomorrow.”

Rico’s father answered from the darkness, “I don’t want pussy for me, son. Pussy’s for

everyone here who wants it. I just want those big saggy breasts in my mouth all night.
Damn I’m getting hard just thinking of that.”

He was quiet for a moment, and then said, “Hey son, I need more milk. Is the bitch

still producing?”

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Rico glanced down at Tatiana’s dripping breasts and shouted back, “Nope, all done,

looks like. Sorry, dad.”

He winked at Tatiana and then continued talking, “Hey, guys, looks like she’s all dried

up right now. Sit tight and I’ll get her going again.”

He hunkered down in front of her and pulled sharply on her breasts. Tatiana shrieked

in pain and Rico slapped her rapidly on both cheeks and she closed her mouth.

“Don’t make me mad, honey,” he whispered, “Dad’s greedy and he’ll suck your

nipples right off if I let him. If you behave, I’ll make sure you leave here relatively
unharmed, with both these babies intact. Deal?”

She nodded wordlessly.

Rico stood up and inserted his cock in her mouth. She could barely breathe and when

his cock touched her tonsils she gagged and choked. Rico held her head down and
pushed his groin into her, riding the gagging, moving in rhythm to her contractions.

He finally pulled himself out and fished in his pocket for a tissue. He wiped his penis

and then wiped Tatiana’s mouth with the soiled tissue.“There, that wasn’t too bad, was

She shook her head.

“Come on out, guys, she’s ready.”

He grabbed Tatiana’s shoulders and hauled her to her feet. “See them coming? They

all want you, darlin’. They all want you so bad but they can’t get it up anymore. So lucky
for you, I’m the only one who will get to fuck you tonight. Are you happy about that,
little girl?”

The men formed a circle around Tatiana and watched intently as Rico laid her down on

the hard ground. He carefully lifted up her skirt and spread her legs. The circle of men
wheezed and gasped and for an insane instant Tatiana wanted to laugh. At the same time
she felt incredibly aroused as she watched them peer into her split panties.

“Hmm, is this pussy juice I feel?” Rico’s big hand was pushing her pussy lips apart.

The panties gave way obligingly and exposed her fully.

“Why, yes, indeed, young lady. You’re all turned on. That’s great news, hey, guys?

We’ll keep the breasts for dad and me, and you guys can dip a finger into her delectable
pussy. Go on then fellas, have a taste. When you’re done, I’ll get the driver to take you
back to your complex before they notice you’re not in your rooms. You all want to be
able to do this again, don’t you? Perhaps once a week? I warn you, though, that the
betting will get heavy. There will be more guys attending. Are you all up for that, so to

Tatiana felt fingers dipping in and out of her and as the men sucked their fingers in

appreciation she felt her clit engorge and throb.

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Rico’s piercing eyes immediately noticed her throbbing, pushed the men aside and

knelt in front of Tatiana’s pussy and thrust his tongue deeply into her, flicking in and out,
inducing even more juices to flow into her vagina.

“You taste delicious, Tatters. My god, it’s like nectar, sweet and nutritious.”

Tatiana was amazed at what her body was doing despite the crazy situation she was in.

She began squirting and her brain disengaged itself from reality as she thrust her hips into
his face.

Rico’s father pushed his son roughly out of the way and put his face in Tatiana’s pussy.

He bit her clit then sucked on it. Tatiana orgasmed as the old man licked her.

“Get away from her, old man,” Rico’s voice was menacing and his father quickly

struggled to his feet, wiping his mouth and muttering obscenities at his son.

“Hey, driver!” Rico called out to the darkness, “Take all the guys back to the Home,

except my father. He’ll stay here with me. Come back and collect us in two hours.”

“Two hours?” Tatiana didn’t think she’d make it through two more hours of abuse.

“Yes, boss,” replied the driver. “Um, Mr. Rico, sir, do you think I could dip also?”

“Sure,” Rico laughed, “Don’t’ leave anything on my steering wheel though. I’ll fire

your ass if I find any trace of pussy anywhere. Or cum, for that matter, so make sure
these gentlemen behave themselves in the limo, okay?”

The driver knelt down and took off his cap in a gesture of politeness. His eyes were

riveted on Tatiana’s drooling pussy and he shifted to accommodate his growing hard-on.
He smiled at Tatiana and inserted two fingers into her and wriggled them around to get
the most juice on them. Then he slowly pulled them out and inserted them in his mouth,
one at a time.

Tatiana watched him work his fingers and she came again.

“Up!” Rico ordered and the driver dutifully put on his cap and stood up. He ushered

the watching men back into the darkness and a few minutes later the smooth hum of the
limo was heard.

Rico pulled off his trousers and said to his father, “This is how it’s done, dad. For

once and for all, old man, learn how to fuck properly. Maybe you’ll keep a wife then.”

He was wearing a pair of black sheer nylon thongs which barely contained his huge

cock. He pulled the material aside and held his penis up, so she could admire it. Then he
flipped her onto her tummy.

He lowered himself over her and inserted his cock inside her exposed pussy.

Goosebumps lifted Tatiana’s skin as she felt herself being filled with his huge cock. She
thrust out her hips.

“Keep still,” Rico ordered, “We’ll do this my way.”

She stilled her movements and closed her eyes. The alleyway wasn’t too dirty, but she

could smell stale cat urine, and dried fecal matter. ‘Could be animal or human,’ she

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thought as her cheek painfully grazed the rough blacktop while Rico was pumping into

Rico increased his tempo and grabbed her shoulders and pumped furiously until his

cock shuddered and his sperm spread hotly around her cavity.

He rested briefly on her body, his full weight lying on top of her and she felt the gravel

dig deeper into her skin.

“That was nice, Tatters, very, very nice. Your pussy is tight and very pliable. I really

enjoyed that. Hey dad, did you see how I did that?”

His father nodded and Rico laughed when he saw that the old man had his cock in his


“I need to fuck her now, son. Would you mind?”

“Sure, why not. This is your night anyway, and we have the same DNA, so mixing our

semen isn’t such a bad thing.”

Tatiana tried to lift her head up and voice her disapproval, but Rico put his foot on her

head and she felt the gravel biting down into her chin.

The father dropped his pants and squatted over the prone Tatiana and stuck his cock

into her ass. She yelped in pain and tried to get up; but Rico kept his foot on her head
while his father pumped into her ass. Then the father removed his penis and inserted it
into her pussy and came immediately.

“OK, old man, put your clothes back on.” Rico watched dispassionately as his father

struggled to climb into his trousers.

“Perhaps a visit to the gym would not be a bad thing, dad…”

“Fuck off, son,” his father retorted good-naturedly.

“Well, dad. That was fun. And profitable, since those old guys paid for the whole

evening. I counted the money they dropped for this evening and it’s far beyond what I
thought they’d pay. Very, very, nice.”

“Whew, takes it out of you, though, doesn’t it? All this excitement,” said the old man

as he buckled his belt.

“Get up, Tatters,” Rico ordered and watched as she struggled to stand up. “Pull your

skirt down, you slut.” The two men laughed as they saw their combined semen ooze out
of her cunt and roll down her legs.

The two men patted each other on the back. “Well done, son.” “Well done, dad.”

“And don’t you worry, dad, I won’t tell your wife. But you, Tatters, you have to

deliver more, do you understand me? Anything you need from her, dad?”

“Yeah. Bleach your anus.”

“That’s intriguing, dad, I like the thought of that. Hmm, then you may as well bleach

your vagina, Tatters. Go all out, darlin’, we want it all, don’t we dad?”

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Rico pulled out his erect cock and gestured to her to suck him off. “C’mon, dad, join

in the fun.”

The old man pulled out his limp cock and shrugged his shoulders resignedly.

“Alas, I can’t get it up on request,” he said, “But I can sure suck those nipples till they

fall off.”

“Not yet, dad. Let me finish her off and then I’ll join you.”

Tatiana orgasmed as Rico came in her mouth – then he latched on to a nipple and

invited his dad to suck. Milk gushed out of both breasts and the men could not keep up –
milk dripped down their chins and Rico used the soiled tissue to wipe up his and his dad’s

At last, they had had their fill.

“Well, dad, we pulled it off! New town, new scam, lots of dough.”

“Yeah, son, I think we got it made here. It’s a town of old men with too much money

and not enough time – perfect for us. Who wouldn’t want to eat this pussy, and suck
those tits, hmm?” He grabbed Tatiana’s tits and tweaked her nipples gently. “We could
work the old women, too… who wouldn’t want that cock of yours in them, huh?”

“I hope I didn’t hurt you too much, my darling,” he said turning his attention to


“Not really, dad, but my ass? Really? Did you have to fuck me in the ass?”

“Well, your brother wanted to see how it was done, so I did it. But really, I mean it,

get your ass whitened. I can’t stand that brown hole. I want it pink and inviting, d’you

He turned to his son. “Next time we’ll keep the guys here to watch and you’ll fuck

your sister in the ass and I’ll fuck her in the pussy. That’s my final word on it. It’s only
fair, don’t you think?”

His son and daughter grinned at each other and nodded.

“Okay, let’s divvy up the money.”

Also by Puss ‘n Boots:

The Academy

The Academy 2 Graduates and Degradation

By Constance Cummings:

A Birthday Spanking



The Diner

Captain Blackheart and Lady Annabelle

Flat Tire

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I’m Different

The Singer


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