olimpus J A4 2005

background image

1. Which sentences are true?

a) The clock

in the room.

is old

b) There are pictures on the walls.

c) The table

in the room.

is round

2. What is on the table?




7. Jak powiedzieæ


„czêstuj siê”

8. Gdyby Ciê przedstawiano starszej pani, np. Pani

Kowalskiej, to jakbyœ siê do niej zwróci³:

a) Hallo, Mrs. Kowalska.

b) How do you do, Mrs. Kowalska.

c) Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kowalska.

9. Jak powitasz przyjaciela o godzinie 3 po po³udniu?

a) Good evening Greg.

b) Bye Greg.

c) Good afternoon Greg.

4. There are …

a) many chairs round the table.

a) Just take it.

b) Help yourself.

c) Enjoy your meal.


The dinning-room is big. There are three nice pictures on
the wall. The walls of the room are yellow and the floor is

There is a round table in the middle of the room and there
are seven chairs round it. There is an electric lamp over the
table. There is an old clock in the corner of the room.

There is a white table-cloth on the table and there are
plates, spoons and forks. There are no knives on it.

3. The ...

a) floor is brown.

b) walls are yellow.

c) table-cloth is white.

10. A: ……………………………….........

B: Yes?

A: Is there a restaurant near here?

a) Sorry!

b) Excuse me.

c) Hello.

11. A: ………..………

B: It's Fryderyk Chopin.










b) lamps over the table.

c) plastic plates on the table.

5. S³owo

oznacza w jêzyku polskim:


a) okr¹g³y

b) pe³ny
c) dooko³a

12. Decide which words can be in the balloon.

a) Thank you.

b) Help!

c) Thanks for your help.


6. I have a problem. …………. help me please?

a) Could you …

b) Can you …
c) You

a) Who is this boy?

b) What is he?

c) Who's that man?

background image

16. Rozwi¹¿ rebus.

Rozwi¹zaniem rebusu jest s³owo, które w jêzyku
polskim oznacza:

a) œnie¿ka

b) ba³wan

c) ferie zimowe

22. What does Emy …………. ?

a) do

b) does

c) doing

23. I …………. three dogs.

a) has

b) have

c) like

24. There …………. two cinemas in Konin.

a) are

b) is

c) has

25. A: Do kangaroos fly?

B: No, they ……….… .

a) aren't

b) haven't

c) don't

26. ………….. drawer.

a) There are four pencils in this …

27. A: Look: (1) …………......... that?

B: (2) ………….............................
C: On the floor under your bed.

a) (1) Who is; (2) Where?

b) (1) What's; (2) Where?

c) 1) Where's; (2) What?

28. Change into plural.

a) Have they got a pictures in her rooms?

c) Have they got the pictures in their rooms?

29. Jane …………. twin-sister.

a) 's my

b) has a

c) 's a

30. Where is mistake?

a) five - fifteen - fifty

b) four - fourteen forty

c) three - thirteen - thirty

b) There is some pencils on this …

c) There are four pencils in that …

b) Has she got the pictures in their rooms?

14. The name of my …………. is Poland.

a) city

b) town

c) country

17. You ………….. the guitar.

a) can play

b) take

c) meet

15. How …………. are you?

a) high

b) tall

c) heavy

13. What group do the words belong to?

a) A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

b) A - 2; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1

c) A - 1; B - 3; C - 2; D - 4


A. tulip, orchid, rose, daisy, daffodil, lily

B. car, train, tram, bus, airplane

C. black, pink, blue, purple, white

1. names of animals

2. colours

3. forms of transport

18. The living-room is …

a) bed

b) bad

c) big

19. My …………. is Robin.

a) name

b) sister

c) surname

20. Read the text below and select the animals which

Christopher has.

a) 1; 2; 3; 4

b) 1; 3; 5

c) 1; 2; 5

21. (1) …………. have (2) …………. papers.

a)(1) Their,

(2) they

b) (1) We

(2) their

c) (1) Your

(2) my

D. mouse, rat, camel, dear, whale, fox

3. types of flowers



Has she got a picture in her room?

Most of the people have dogs or cats, but Philip
has got a parrot and Brenda has got a rabbit.
Christopher has got a lot of animals on his farm:
dogs, cats, horses, cows and one tortoise.
He hasn't got any birds.






= ?


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