olimpus Z A4 2005

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1. The Benders ...

2. Barbara and John ....

a) are the twins.

b) go to the same school.

c) go to the same class.

d) are the school-boys.

3. Does Mr. Bender like his job?

a) Yes, he does.

b) No, he doesn't.

c) Not really.

d) No, he doesn't. His job is boring.

4. The Benders' flat is ....

9. Który z poni¿szych dialogów pasuje do rysunku?

a) live in block of flats far from the town.

b) have two children.

c) are Polish.

d) are the businessmen.



I. Reading

The Benders are English, but they are in Poland now. Mr.

Bender is a businessman. His job is very interesting and he is
very pleased with it. Mr. Bender's son, John, is a school-boy
and Mr. Bender's daughter, Barbara, is at school, too. They
are in the same school but in the different classes. John and
his family live in a block of flats near the centre of the town.
They have big and nice flat with a lot of flowers in it.

a) nice and small.

b) near the centre of the town.

c) comfortable.

d) empty.

5. Zwrot


“a lot of flowers”

a) kwiaty

b) mnóstwo kwiatów

c) ma³o kwiatów

d) bez kwiatów

II. Communication activity

6. A: .................................

B: It's Philip's brother.

a) What is this?

b) What's that?

c) Who's this?

d) How is he?

7. A: ...........................

B: They are brown.

a) What is your eye?

b) What colour are her cats?

c) Are your shoes brown?

d) What colour is her dress?

8. Jak zwróci³byœ/zwróci³abyœ siê do pani

Johnson, gdybyœ chcia³/chcia³a coœ jej powiedzieæ?

a) Hey, Mrs. Johnson

b) Sorry, Mrs. Johnson

c) Please, Mrs. Johnson

d) Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson

a) A : Excuse me, Miss Parker. Is this your pen?

B : No, it isn't.

b) A : Hey, John. How are you?

B : Fine, thanks.

c) A : Hey, Philip. Is this your ballpoint?

B : Yes, it is. Thanks, Rob.

d) A : Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson. Is this your pencil?

B : Yes, it is. Thank you, John.

10. A: .................................................................

B: No, I haven't. I have got only a bicycle.

a) Do you have a scooter?

b) Do you have much time?

c) Have you got a bicycle?

d) Have you got a car?

11. Which phrase do you often hear in a classroom?

/Które wyra¿enie czêsto s³yszysz w klasie?/

a) How much is it?

b) Pleased to meet you.

c) Can I help you?

d) Could you repeat?






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14. Days, weeks, months, ....

15. You wear this on your head.

a) shirt

b) hat

c) blouse

d) coat

a) years

b) year

c) hours

d) hour

13. Aeroplanes land there.

a) airport

b) airplane

c) airline

d) port

12. A: ..........................

B: How do you do.

a) How are you?

b) How do you do.

c) Who are you?

d) Nice to meet you.

III. Vocabulary

16. Look at the picture and decide what is missing.

/Spójrz na rysunek i zdecyduj czego brakuje./

a) ear

b) tail

c) leg

d) trunk

17. Pair up the words from column left and right.

/Po³¹cz wyrazy z kolumny lewej z wyrazami z kolumny prawej./

1. aunt

A: husband

2. girlfriend

3. niece

4. wife

5. daughter

B: uncle

C: son

D: nephew

E: boyfriend

a) 1 - B; 2 - E; 3 - A; 4 - D; 5 - C

b) 1 - A; 2 - E; 3 - D; 4 - B; 5 - C

c) 1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - E

d) 1 - B; 2 - E; 3 - D; 4 - A; 5 - C

18. Brenda and Tom have got many toys:

a) two dolls, three teddy bears and four cars.

b) two girls, three bears and four scooters.

c) girls, mascots and cars.

d) two dolls, three mascots and three cars.

19. ................. car is new.

20. ............................ twin brothers.

a) That is

b) This are

c) These are

d) Those is

a) They're

b) There

c) Their

d) They

IV. Grammar

21. Henry has (1) ........ dog and (2) ......... cat. (3)

dog is old, but (4) ........ cat is young.


a) (1) an; (2) an; (3) The; (4) the

b) (1) a; (2) a; (3) The; (4) the

c) (1) a; (2) the; (3) The; (4) a

d) (1) the; (2) the; (3) A; (4) a

22. Helen and Bill ............... got time for Jenny.

a) has

b) hasn't

c) haven't

d) are

23. Where ..........................

a) does they work?

b) they work?

c) does she work?

d) they don't work?

24. Cats like to eat ............... .

a) mouse

b) mouses

c) mice

d) mices

25. I ........................ milk every day.

a) drinks

b) drink

c) drinking

d) eat

26. Make a question: /U³ó¿ pytanie:/

has, a, Mr., little, Brown, house

a) Mr. Brown has a little house.

b) Has Mr. a Brown little house?

c) Mr. has a Brown little house.

d) Has Mr. Brown a little house?

27. 25 + 68 = 93

a) twenty-fife + sixty-eight = ninty-three

b) twelve-fife + sixty-eight = ninety-three

c) twenty-five + sixteen-eight = nineteen-three

d) twenty-five + sixty-eight = ninety-three

28. Look at (1) .......... daughter. (2) ........ is very beautiful.

a) (1) my; (2) He

b) (1) its; (2) Mine

c) (1) her; (2) She

d) (1) my; (2) Her

29. John ................... play hockey.

a) cans to

b) can to

c) can not to

d) cannot

30. Robert is absent ............ he is ill.

a) because

b) but

c) or

d) from


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