TN Winter quiz

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Macmillan Polska 2011


Teacher’s Notes

Winter quiz

by Magdalena Kondro

Type of activity: group work
Focus: vocabulary connected with winter, weather

and geography; listening and speaking skills
Level: pre-intermediate – upper-intermediate
Time: 30 minutes
Preparation: Make one copy of Team A worksheet

for each student in Team A and one copy of Team B

worksheet for each student in Team B.
Write Winter quiz on the board. Explain that

students are going to take a quiz on winter and

ask them to predict what the questions will be

about. Listen to their ideas without confi rming


2. Divide the class into two teams: A and B and ask

them to sit separately so that they cannot see or

hear the other team’s answers. Choose a captain

in each team. Give each student a copy of their

team’s worksheet. Students read the questions

and check their ideas from the fi rst stage above.

3. Elicit or, if necessary, explain the meaning of the

following words and phrases from the quiz:

glaciers, the North/South Pole, hemisphere,

winter solstice, hailstone, the Arctic and the

Antarctic circle, the Tropic of Cancer and the

Tropic of Capricorn. If you have a map of the

world, ask a volunteer to locate and point to the

geographic places mentioned.

4. Students match the answers from the box to each

question without copying them. Then they

compare their answers with other team members.

Make sure that they have matched the answers

correctly. They write the answers beside different

letters: a, b or c. Each student has to note the

answer for each question beside the same letter

as the other team members.

Answer key:
Team A:

1. –89.2 °C

2. About 10%

3. Marek Kamiński

4. In Chamonix France

5. The winter solstice 21st or 22nd December

6. The Tropic of Capricorn

7. None

8. 1 kg

Team B
1. About 30%

2. Roald Amudsen

3. A puck

4. In 1924

5 A house

6. 193 cm

7. 24 hours of daylight

8. 38 cm in diameter

5. All the team members together come up with two

additional false answers for each question and

write them down.

6. A member of Team A then reads their fi rst question

and three answers to Team B. Team B members

have 30 seconds to discuss the answers. The team

captain makes the fi nal choice based on the

discussion and tells the answer to Team A. If it is

correct, Team B get 2 points. If it is false, they

can try to guess again for 1 point. If they fail

twice, they do not get points. The game continues

with different Team A members reading the

questions and answers.

7. When all of the Team A’s questions have been

asked and answered, the teams change roles and

repeat the activity with Team B members reading

their quiz questions. The team with more points

at the end wins the quiz.

In the same teams, students write a similar quiz with

facts about the summer. If you do not have access to

the Internet in class, students can do the research at

home and bring the results for the next lesson to

write the questions together.


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