TN Ireland quiz LO

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Macmillan Polska 2011


Teacher’s Notes


by Magdalena Kondro

Type of activity: whole class or group work
Focus: vocabulary connected with Irish culture;

listening and speaking skills (version 1) plus reading

skills (version 2)
Level: pre-intermediate – upper-intermediate
Time: 25 minutes (quiz), 15 minutes (research –

Preparation: For a whole-class activity make one

copy of Student’s Worksheet version 1. For a group

activity make one copy of Team A’s worksheet for

each student in Team A and one copy of Team B’s

worksheet for each student in Team B.

Write Ireland on the board. Brainstorm the

associations students have with the country. Find

out if anyone in class has been to Ireland and

invite them to share their impression with the

whole class. Continue the lesson, choosing one of

the versions below:

VERSION 1 – a whole-class activity
2. Choose one student to be the Quiz Master and

give him/her a copy of the quiz with the answers

(version 1). Make sure it is a confi dent person

with a good knowledge of English and clear

pronunciation. Ask them to sit at the front,

facing the rest of the class.

3. Divide the class into two teams: A and B. Each

team chooses a captain.

4. The Quiz Master asks the fi rst question (without

reading the answer) to Team A whose members

have 20 seconds to discuss the answers. They

cannot use any resources such as their mobile

phones, encyclopaedias, etc. When the time is

up, the team captain chooses the fi nal answer to

submit. If it is correct, the team is awarded 2

points. If it is not, Team B can answer the question

for 1 point.

5. Next, it is Team B’s turn to answer the second

question. The procedure above is repeated.

6. The team with more points at the end wins the


Divide the class into two teams: A and B. The

teams should be of equal size. Give each student

a copy of their team’s worksheet (version 2).

Teams then use the Internet to fi nd the answers

to their questions. If you do not have access to

the Internet in class, assign this stage of the

activity for homework in the previous lesson.

3. Check the answers, using version 1 of the

worksheet. Make sure all the team members have

the same answers.

4. The fi rst member of Team A reads the fi rst question

(without the answer) to the fi rst member of Team

B who has 20 seconds to discuss the answers with

his/her team. The student asked then chooses

the fi nal answer to submit. If it is correct, his/her

team scores 2 points. If it is not, the student can

submit another answer for 1 point. If the second

answer is incorrect, the team gets no points.

5. Next, it is Team B’s turn. The second member of

Team B asks their fi rst question to the second

member of Team A and the procedure above is


6. The team with more points at the end wins the


Each team (A and B) prepares ten questions for a

quiz about Poland. Students need to fi nd the answers

to the questions as well. This can be done in class, if

you have the access to the Internet or for homework.

Read the questions and make sure the answers are

correct. Teams then do the quiz about Poland,

following steps 4-6 from version 2 above.


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