TN Memorial Day LO

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Macmillan Polska 2011


Teacher’s Notes


by Małgorzata Krzemińska-Adamek

Type of activity: whole-class, group work and

individual work
Focus: vocabulary connected with Memorial Day,

speaking skills
Level: intermediate – upper intermediate
Time: 35-40 minutes

Preparation: The lesson requires students’

preparation prior to the lesson, i.e. fi nding on

the internet and getting familiar with basic

information concerning Memorial Day. Photocopy

student’s worksheets – Worksheet 1 – one per group

(optionally, as you may use the board only), Worksheet

2 and 3 – one per student.

Write quotations from Worksheet 1 on the board.

Explain unknown vocabulary and check

understanding. Tell students that they should

work in 4 groups. Give each group one quotation

(either photocopied – Worksheet 1 – or written on

the board). Ask students to decide in their groups

what their quotation means and if they agree with

the statement or not. After 3–4 minutes collect

students ideas in a whole-class discussion.

2. Ask students if they have found on the Internet

the information about Memorial Day. Tell them

that they are going to do a quiz on it. Distribute

Worksheet 2. Ask students to work in the same

groups as in activity 1. Give students 8-10 minutes

to read the quiz questions and choose the answers.

The students may consult their answers within

their groups only. Then check answers as a class.

Ask each group how many questions they answered


Answers: 1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a

3. Ask students what patriotism means to them, if

they consider themselves patriots etc. You may

work out a brief defi nition of patriotism. Distribute

Worksheet 3. Ask students to read the fi ve

statements and decide whether they agree, partly

agree or disagree with them. Allow students to

think about the statements for about three

minutes, then ask students to work in groups of 4

to discuss their answers. Encourage students

to give reasons for their opinions. Allow for

a 5-minute discussion in groups. Monitor the

activity. Organise a brief whole-class discussion

summarising the group’s conclusions.


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