Beautys Enchanted Beasts by Jessica Frost

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Spells of Seduction 1


Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts

Elizabeth Stuart thought she couldn’t hate the Duke of Norfolk any
more than she did. After he wins her in a bet and she’s forced to

live in his castle, she learns she was wrong. Penniless and
distraught, she moves in, vowing to make him pay.

Richard Albert has loved Elizabeth for so long. When her father

asks his help in protecting Elizabeth from the evil sorceress
Pondora, he agrees wholeheartedly, not knowing Elizabeth’s father

lied about why she’ll be staying with him. Now she thinks he’s evil

George Albert’s not happy his brother brought Lady Elizabeth
there. Considering the danger that lurks in Castle Norfolk’s

dungeon, she’s no safer with them. But after seeing how much
Richard loves her and realizing she’s the woman of George’s
sexual dreams, whom he so desires, he changes his mind and

plans on making every one of his erotic dreams come true.

Soon these three get caught in a web of deceit, sex, and love.

Little do they know Pondora has figured a way past the castle’s
enchantment and intends on executing her deadly curse.

Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 31,850words


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Spells of Seduction 1

Jessica Frost


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting

Copyright © 2012 by Jessica Frost
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-241-X

First E-book Publication: January 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Spells of Seduction 1


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Lady Elizabeth Stuart just couldn’t believe that in less than an

hour she’d be forever leaving the manor she called home for most of
her life.

She combed her hair with slow strokes, gazing at her reflection in

the mirror. Her eyes appeared sad and tired, the dark circles under
them a telltale sign she hadn’t slept in days. How could she, knowing
where she was headed? A shudder overcame her then.

As she placed the sterling silver brush on her boudoir, someone

knocked at her door.

“Come in, Ann.”
Her older sister peeked in with wide eyes. “How did you know it

was I?”

“Who else would it be? Certainly not Father. He wouldn’t dare

step foot in here,” Elizabeth said, following her sister’s entry with her

“Elizabeth, can’t you at least say good-bye?” Ann’s pleading eyes

didn’t sway Elizabeth’s conviction one bit.

With quickness, she replied, “No. He doesn’t deserve it.”
“Elizabeth…” Her sister persisted.

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Jessica Frost

Elizabeth put up her hand, signifying she should stop trying to

coax her into changing her mind. “I’ll never forgive him for what he

“He didn’t mean to do it. He had drunk too much and didn’t know

what he was doing when he placed the bet.”

“I don’t believe he was too drunk not to understand what he was

doing. If he were that incapacitated, he wouldn’t have been able to sit
at the table gambling away all our fortune for hours.”

Ann stared at her through the mirror’s reflection and caressed her

sister’s head as a frown overcame her. “I blame the Duke of Norfolk
more than I blame Father. He knew how inebriated Father was, and
yet he encouraged him to continue drinking and gambling. He did it
on purpose so he could get you.”

Elizabeth’s temperament began to rise as she conjured the image

of the Duke in her head. His thick black hair, his sharp blue eyes, and
well-defined features made him quite handsome. One of the
handsomest men she ever met, she had to admit. But his air of
arrogance and self-assurance on the few times they did speak also
made him the most repulsive man she ever laid eyes on.

“That may have been his plan, but he was wrong if he thought he

could have me. I’m not his to have.” She huffed.

Ann’s voice rose as she placed her hands gently and reassuringly

on Elizabeth’s shoulders. “I’ll make sure of that. Don’t you worry.”

Elizabeth smiled while she tapped her sister’s right hand. “Thank

God you’ll be accompanying me to the castle. If I’d be going all
alone, I don’t think I could handle that.”

“Well, you have to thank Father for that, at least. He convinced

the Duke that you needed a chaperone. Someone from the family to
be with you.”

“Thank Father? Ann, you’ll be little more than one of the servants.

I have to thank Father for that?”

“Well, it’s better that than becoming a beggar on the streets.”

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A tear trickled down Elizabeth’s cheek and she could barely hold

back the sorrow that threatened to spill out. “What will become of us,

Her sister’s eyes watered and she bent down to hug her tightly,

whispering in her ear, “At least we’ll be together.”

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Jessica Frost

Chapter Two

Richard Albert, the Duke of Norfolk, stepped out of the open

carriage door and stared at the sunny sky. He took a deep, inspiring
breath of fresh air. It was the most gorgeous day he had awoken to
this morning. One of those days where he felt he could move

Yet as inspired as he felt, he knew the hardest part of the day was

yet to come.

“Would you like me to tell Lord Stuart you have arrived, my

lord?” his coachman asked as he closed the carriage door behind him.

“No, Riley. I’d like to greet him alone. We still have many things

to discuss.”

“Of course, my lord.” Riley bowed and then stood still by the

carriage, waiting.

Walking over to the front door of the Stuart Manor, Richard lifted

his silver-tipped walking stick and tapped it brusquely on the oak

From the sound of footsteps, someone approached. The bronze

lever handle moved up and down and the door soon slid open with a
squeak. It obviously needed oil. Hubert Stuart’s weary face greeted
him then.

“Good morning, my lord.”
“Morning, Hubert. How are you?”
Hubert pushed the door open completely, gesturing with his hand

to come in. “As best as can be expected.”

Richard walked past him and stepped inside. “You look quite

tired. Did you not sleep well last night?”

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“No, no, I didn’t.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Richard looked into his eyes with

concern. “Are you not feeling well? Is that why you had trouble

“No. I’m just weary, and today is a very difficult day for me, as

you know, my lord.”

“Yes. I know. But I promise you, Elizabeth will be in the best

hands possible. I will do everything possible to protect her and make
her happy.”

“I know you will. But before I ask Elizabeth to come down, there

is something very important I need to tell you.”

“Oh, what?”
“It is a long and complicated story. One that you may not be

prepared to hear.” He put his hand on Richard’s back and guided him
to the living room. “Please, let us sit, and I’ll tell you everything.”

Richard walked alongside the old man and tried to read his

unreadable expression. “Hmm, I don’t like the sound of your tone,

“I think you’ll like what I have to say even less.”
Before Richard could ask what he meant by that, he heard

footsteps. He gazed up to see Elizabeth and Ann begin their descent
of the stairs, Ann ahead of Elizabeth. Ann wore a red gown that came
just off her shoulders. The burgundy shade of the satin material
complemented her red hair and pale complexion. She looked quite

But it was Elizabeth who took his breath away. She always did

when he beheld her beauty at the many social gatherings they had the
good fortune of both attending. She wore a royal blue velvet gown
that made her full, red lips and hazel eyes stand out. Her long blonde
hair was vibrant in color and shine. Her bare, porcelain-white
shoulders screamed for him to caress and kiss, and the hint of
cleavage that teased him made his mouth water.

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Jessica Frost

When she got to the bottom of the stairs, her red lips pursed. He

had to tame the urge to grab her in his arms and kiss her then. “Good
morning, my ladies.”

She huffed. “Morning it is, but I see nothing good in it.”
“Now, Elizabeth, be cordial to the Duke,” Ann said.
Richard took a step back. His jaw fell open in awe of her sharp

words. He peered at Hubert, who gave him a look of apology. “Have I
done something to offend you, my lady?”

Her eyes popped open and her voice rose. “I cannot believe you

could ask such a ridiculous question.” She stormed out of the room,
heading to the back of the manor while Ann followed after her, giving
him a rude look, as well.

Lifting his brow in bafflement, he asked Hubert, “Something tells

me this was part of the long and complicated story I was not going to

Hubert nodded. “I’m afraid so.”
“So can you tell me why Elizabeth wants to gouge out my eyes

and feed them to the crows?”

“Because she thinks you won her in a bet, my lord,” Hubert

blurted out.

Richard took a big swallow to dislodge the lump that formed in

his throat. “I beg your pardon?”

“I’m sorry, my lord, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. It would hurt

her too much, so I made up a lie and said I played piquet with you
when I was drunk and you bet for her. I lost, and now she has to come
live with you at Norfolk Castle.”

“I understand you couldn’t bring yourself to tell her the truth. She

probably wouldn’t have believed it anyway, but to say I placed a bet
on her and won. Now she’ll hate me forever.”

“There’s more to it than that, I’m afraid.” Hubert cringed.
Richard’s heart dropped to his stomach. “I’m too scared to ask

what it is.”

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“I said I gambled all my fortune away in that piquet game, and

now have no money. I asked if you could take in Ann, as well.
Perhaps have her work in some capacity for her food and lodgings.”

“Hmm, this keeps getting better and better. And why did you do

that, Hubert? You lost two daughters instead of one this way.”

“Because I couldn’t bear leaving Elizabeth all alone like that.”
“She’d have me. I promised to take care of her and protect her the

moment you told me of the predicament. Did I not?”

“Yes, and I am forever grateful that you listened and offered to

protect her. No one would have done what you did. Under your care
and the protection of your castle, no harm will come to her. But you
are a complete stranger to her, and it will be a most difficult transition
for her. Having Ann near her will help her come to terms with having
to live in your castle for the rest of her life.”

Richard nodded. “I suppose you’re right. But you should have told

me you wanted Ann to accompany her, also. I could have prepared
better accommodations for her.”

He really wanted to say So I could have better prepared my

brother, George, that two Stuart daughters would be staying with us,
not one

For the past decade after his parents died, he and George had been

living in the castle alone. Other than the servants who had been with
the family for many, many years, no one else came to live in the
castle. And that’s how they liked it. Until now.

George had been reluctant to offer Hubert’s daughter shelter in

their guarded castle, but when Richard told him Hubert came to him
begging for his help and protection, then he reluctantly agreed. It took
over a week of nagging and coaxing to get George to change his
mind. And in Ann’s case, her life was not in danger. How could
Richard get him to also agree to take her in?

No use pondering over it. He’d just tell him he gave his word to

Hubert Stuart, and he couldn’t go back on his promise now. Elizabeth

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Jessica Frost

needed kin with her, and that was that. Sparks and words would fly,
he had no doubt, but once George’s temper settled, he’d agree.

Getting Elizabeth not to look down upon him with hatred for the

rest of his life would be a far harder feat to achieve.

Tapping Hubert on the shoulder, he asked, “How about you get

me something to drink, and then tell me all the complicated details of
this supposed bet I won Elizabeth in. And exactly what she had to say
about it and me.”

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Chapter Three

“Let me see if I understand this correctly. Lady Elizabeth Stuart

thinks you won her in a bet and she despises you!” George smirked as
he leaned back in the wooden, plush chair, staring at his older brother.

“I’m glad this amuses you. It doesn’t amuse me in the least. I have

a rather nagging headache because of it. You should have seen the
daggers she shot at me in the carriage coming back here. I swear, if
looks could kill, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you now, but
instead buried six feet under.”

“Well, I warned you this arrangement you made with her father

would only cause us problems.” George pointed his stern finger at

Richard’s voice rose as he leaned forward in his chair. “What did

you want me to do when Hubert came to me asking for help? Was I
supposed to say no? For God’s sake, George, she needs our

Although George agreed that he had a point, he didn’t want to let

him off the hook so easily. He hated the fact that now they had to
worry not only about their own predicament, but to protect Elizabeth
Stuart, too.

Upon further reflection, if Hubert Stuart had come to him asking

the same question, he wondered if he could have easily dismissed his

She was a damsel in distress. And as Hubert claimed, they were

her only hope.

Still, a nagging thought kept poking at his psyche. “What makes

you think that she’ll be any safer here, dear brother?”

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“We have the moat, the protective outer walls…”
“Yes, yes. That will keep harm out, but what about inside?”
Richard frowned. “I’m not following your logic.”
“Think, brother, think.” George gasped.
His eyes opened wide. “No harm will come to her if we are

careful, if we make sure to keep the dungeon guarded and locked.”

“Mistakes can happen, protocol overlooked. It’s happened before.


Sorrow overtook Richard’s eyes. “Why would I forget such a

thing? It’s been forged in my mind and will haunt me for the rest of
my life. I will never forgive myself for what happened, nor will I ever
forget it.”

George stood up and tapped his brother’s shoulder in reassurance.

“As you should. Never forget it. Nor should I. But we’re only human.
Humans make mistakes. What if something we or the staff overlooks
puts Lady Elizabeth’s life in jeopardy?”

Richard slumped his shoulders. “Then what do you suggest I do?

Send her back to the Stuart Manor?”

“No, she isn’t safe there either, now. But maybe we should tell her

the truth.”

“Are you mad? She’d run out of here in fear, vowing never to

return again. No, no, mum’s the word. She should never know our
secret. What I’ll do is talk to the staff and make sure we all follow
procedures and look over each other’s backs. If we all look after each
other, then human error will not be overlooked.”

George wanted to continue arguing, but he knew his words would

fall on deaf ears. His brother was the Duke of Norfolk. He was the
head of the castle, not George. So he had the final word.

“As you wish.” He nodded. “So now that she’s here, what—”

There was a knock at the door, interrupting him.

“Come in,” Richard said aloud.
Brent peeked his head in. “My lord, Ladies Elizabeth and Ann are

settled in their quarters in the right wing as you wished.”

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“Thank you, Brent. Tell the cook to make something to eat and

have it sent upstairs. I’m sure they are tired and would prefer eating
lunch in their quarters.”

He bowed. “Yes, my lord.” He closed the door once again.
With a lifted brow and more curiosity than it took to kill a cat,

George glared at his brother. “Lady Ann is here, too?”

“Yes, she came with us in the carriage. There’s been a change of

plans.” Richard’s cheeks reddened.

George knew that meant his brother felt guilty, which also meant

there was more news he wouldn’t like.

“And what is the change?”
“Lady Ann will also be staying permanently with us. Hubert

didn’t want Elizabeth being all alone here, so he made up another lie
that he wagered all his fortunes in that supposed piquet game and lost
everything to me. He said that he then asked if I’d take her in and
have her pay for her food and lodgings by helping the staff in some
way. He didn’t want Elizabeth being without any kin. Now, she’ll
have Ann to help her and keep her company in this castle.”

“You know this means double the trouble, don’t you?” He huffed

in frustration.

“Bloody hell, George, what was I supposed to do? Deny Elizabeth

her sister’s company? She already hates me more than anything on
this earth. If I would have denied Ann shelter in our castle, she’d
loathe me forever and never forgive me.”

An enlightened thought beamed in George’s mind. “Oh, now I

see. You fancy Lady Elizabeth, don’t you, dear brother?”

Richard’s blush darkened. “She is quite breathtaking.”
George had never met Lady Elizabeth, but from the puppy dog

look in his brother’s eyes, he had no doubt his brother found her
irresistibly beautiful and had begun to have feelings for her.

He understood his brother’s sentiments all too well, for he, too,

had begun falling in love with the one woman he could never have.
She came to him almost every night, seducing and tantalizing him,

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Jessica Frost

and she left him every morning when he awoke. She was a figment of
his dreams, his imagination, but in his heart she had become so much
more. He’d had many trysts and sexual encounters most of his adult
life, but those sexual escapades left him unsated, and had him only
yearning her more.

Though he understood his brother’s feelings for Lady Elizabeth,

the inconvenience Richard now forced upon him irked him

He decided he should get back at Richard for putting this lifetime

burden on his shoulders, as well. The perfect way was to annoy him.
Unable to resist the urge to tease his brother and get him jealous, he
got up, smirking. He came to stand behind his chair, leaned in, and
spoke closely to his ear.

Beautiful is too mild a word to describe Lady Elizabeth. She is a

stunning woman, indeed.”

Richard frowned as he turned his head to stare at his brother. “I

thought you didn’t know her?”

“Whatever gave you that idea?”
“Oh, so then you do know her.” Richard took a deep breath before

continuing. “Now I pose the question back at you, dear brother. Do
you fancy Lady Elizabeth?”

“Aye, yes,” he lied.
George remained silent for a bit, smiling, enjoying seeing his

jealous brother squirm upon his revelation. It felt good to get back at
Richard for the lifetime burden he imposed on him.

To make his point, he added, “But not enough to turn my whole

world upside down like you are doing. No woman is worth that much

Richard stood up and walked over to the door, obviously

frustrated with George’s attitude. “I think she is. She is worth far
more than this.”

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George’s eyes grew wide and his jaw fell open. Before he could

even reply, his brother opened the door and shut it behind him in one
quick movement.

Tapping his index finger on his chin, he said aloud, “Richard, you

just don’t fancy Lady Elizabeth, nor are you starting to fall in love.
You already are hopelessly and madly in love with her.”

His heart softened and he decided that he would do whatever it

took to help make Lady Elizabeth see that his brother was a kind and
gentle soul, and not the monster she thought he was.

He had never played Cupid before, but this was as good a time as

any to start.

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Jessica Frost

Chapter Four

The walls felt like they would cave in on her as she stared at the

ceiling. Suffocating, she wanted to run, escape Norfolk Castle this
instant, and never return again.

Ann was in the adjacent room, napping. Like Elizabeth, her sister

hadn’t slept last night, too worried of what would transpire this day.
After unpacking their belongings an hour ago, she went to her room,
wanting to rest before dinnertime. She suggested Elizabeth do the

Taking Ann’s suggestion, she lay on the light blue silk bedcover

trying to close her eyes and sleep, but even though her body ached for
rest, her troubled mind brought her no peace.

After half an hour of trying to sleep, she was more awake than

when she lay on the bed. Sitting up, she sighed, slipping on her shoes.

Air. She needed to breathe. Walking over to the window, she

opened it and stuck her head out. The gentle breeze and sunshine
beaming on her face soothed her stress. Her breath caught in her
throat as she gazed on the gorgeous scenery below. A garden of
beautiful, colorful flowers and plants beckoned for her.

Sticking her head back in, she decided a relaxing walk in the

garden would help her more than futilely trying to take a nap.
Sneaking out so as not to make a sound to awaken her sister sleeping
next door, she headed down the staircase searching for a door that
would lead to the garden she beheld.

Unfortunately, no exit was in sight. Instead, a maze of corridors

and closed doors, each resembling the one before, confused and
distracted her. Elizabeth continued to search, opening doors to empty

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rooms or storage areas, until she came to a door and, upon opening it,
was surprised to see a man sat on a chaise longue reading a book.

“I’m terribly sorry. I thought this was the door leading outside,”

she said, blushing, trying to close the door behind her.

He instantly stood up, a look of shock plastered on his face. His

wide eyes just stared at her while he remained silent. Then he broke
eye contact and cleared his throat.

“It’s quite all right.” He approached her with a bright smile. The

sparkle in his sharp eyes looked familiar and she lost her breath for a
moment. “You must either be Lady Elizabeth or her sister, Ann.”

He took her hand and bowed, bringing her hand to his warm lips.

Never breaking his fixed gaze on her, he continued, “But from my
brother’s description, you must be the beautiful Lady Elizabeth, no

Her cheeks warmed at his compliment and she couldn’t help but

stare back at him in a trance. His beautiful azure eyes bewitched her,
as did his full lips and strong chin. When she finally acknowledged in
her mind that she had been gawking, she immediately lowered her
gaze to the floor in embarrassment. Words to reply came languidly as
time seemed to stop. After taking a shallow breath, she said, “I didn’t
realize the Duke of Norfolk had a brother.”

He chuckled. “Younger brother who gives him more headaches

than he’d care to have, I’m afraid. Perhaps that is the reason he never
mentioned me. My name is George.”

“Oh, well, your brother and I haven’t really spoken often, or for

long. We’ve barely conversed.”

His brow lifted in apparent surprise. “Really? And yet here you

are, Norfolk Castle your new permanent residence.”

“That, my lord, is your brother’s doing, not mine. I had no say in

this arrangement he and my father made.” Her anger rose.

“Ah, yes, the supposed bet. Yes, yes, I had forgotten about that.”

He walked around her, tapping his index finger on his pursed lips
while he looked her over like a prize.

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It was obvious the Duke’s brother had his same rude manners and

disrespect for women. Yet surprisingly, a part of her found George’s
admiring attention flattering. Before she could open her mouth to put
him in his place, he remarked, “What if there were no bet, my lady?”

“Pardon me?” She frowned, not understanding his question


“What if there really were no bet? Would you have come to live

here just the same?” he asked as he came to stand before her a mere
few inches away. She could swear she heard his heart beating for how
close he stood. His virility seemed to intoxicate her that instant.

“If there were no bet? Well, of course I wouldn’t.”
“Ever!” she reiterated with a firm tone.
“Even if your life were in danger?” George said, inching his face

closer to hers while his gorgeous eyes fixed on her lips.

Her lips throbbed under his hungry stare and her voice cracked.

“No, not even then.”

He broke his gaze then and frowned. “I see.” He turned and

walked to the window, staring outside with a blank, far-off expression
for a moment.

Feeling awkward, and disappointed he had diverted his attention

elsewhere, she made her way to the door. “I’m sorry for interrupting
you. I’ll be on my way now.”

He turned to look at her. “Where was it you were headed, my


“I was trying to find the door that led to the garden outside. I saw

it from my bedroom upstairs and wanted to take a leisurely walk in

“It’s a beautiful day outside, and the perfect time for a walk in the

gardens.” He walked up to her and extended his arm for her to take.
His brow lifted and a smile spread over his lips. “If my lady would
allow me the honor of showing her our prized gardens, I’d love to
show them to you.”

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Blushing once more, she replied, “I don’t want to be a bother, my

lord. You were reading when I interrupted you.”

“Yes, and the book was dreadfully boring. I’d much prefer the

company of a beautiful lady.”

Her brow lifted in warning at his wording and he laughed at his

gaffe. “I mean I’d much rather accompany a beautiful lady to see our
gardens than read a boring book.”

She looped her arm through his. A tiny shock, when her hand

made contact with his, traveled through her arm and targeted her
chest. Her breath caught in her throat and her legs became weak for a

He pulled her in closer, wrapping his arm around her waist, and

began to guide her through the door into the corridor.

Being so close to him as they walked made her palms sweaty and

her mouth dry. She wished the lump in her throat would dislodge so
she could begin to breathe again. Her bodice tightened on her nipples
as she tried to expand her chest to take in air. Then an uncontrollable,
arousing urge she had never before experienced overcame her.

In fear of the unbounded excitement surging in her body, she

desperately wanted to break free from him and run in urgency.

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Chapter Five

Damn it, but he never expected this in his wildest dreams! Okay,

actually, he did expect this in his wildest dreams, but never in reality.
There she stood, the woman of his visions. For real, in flesh and blood
and bone, right beside him. And she was even more breathtaking!
Granted, her hair was longer and blonde, not auburn red like in his
dreams. She was a little thinner, but she looked almost exactly like
her. It had to be her. But that was impossible, to say the least.

It took him a few moments to rationalize his thoughts. It was only

coincidence that the woman of his dreams and Lady Elizabeth looked
very similar. His need to make his dreams reality obviously played on
his mind, and he saw something that wasn’t there.

Yet he couldn’t deny what happened the moment he and Lady

Elizabeth made eye contact. The attraction, the pull to her, was
instantaneous and puissant when she peeked her pretty little head
inside the room. If he closed his eyes, he’d surely see the image of her
big hazel eyes and soft blonde curls that bobbed over her shoulder
playing in his mind’s eye.

Now it all became clear to him why Richard had fallen under her

spell. Her innocence, beauty, and her feistiness all melded into one
irresistible woman who could enchant any man, in reality and fantasy.

If he weren’t so determined to help his brother win her over, he’d

be right now trying to seduce her into his bed. Oh, the temptation was
there, so thick it could be cut with a knife. And the way she stared at
him when he kissed her hand before told him the intense attraction
was not only one-sided. She felt it, too.

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Now as he guided her outside the door, his nose couldn’t help take

in her rose-scented hair. His cock sprang to attention at being in such
close contact with her. He hadn’t been in the company of a woman in
the sexual sense for almost a month. His yearnings pulled at him as he
tried to tame them as best he could while he kept walking closely to
her, his arm wrapped around the back of her waist, guiding her.

Gazing at her face, he noted her smile suddenly disappeared and a

frightened look replaced it. She moved away from him and it seemed
to him she wanted to get as far away from him as possible that instant.

Something scared her. Was it something she saw? He doubted it.

No, he figured it was something she felt. From her flushed skin and
how her bosom heaved in the tight bodice around her chest, he
deduced she felt as sexually aroused by him as he felt by her.

He was dying to smile at the revelation. It made him quite happy

and even more excited. But that would only unnerve her, and she’d
run back to her room before he could show her the grounds.

No, he wanted her to stay, keep her company, get to know her

more. After all, he wanted to help his brother win her over. The poor
chap had been doing a dreadful job at charming her on his own. He
needed his help desperately.

And the only way to help him was finding out her likes and

dislikes, fears, passions, and all the stuff that Richard could use to
sway her and make her fall in love with him.

Thinking quickly on his feet, he figured if he distracted her, she’d

forget her fear long enough for them to make it to the gardens. There
he was sure the beauty to behold would keep her occupied long
enough for him to get the answers he needed.

Trying to break the tension and calm her down, he asked, “So how

do you like Norfolk Castle so far, my lady?”

“I haven’t seen much of it. Only my chambers, as well as my

sister’s.” Her long eyelashes fluttered, but her fear still showed with
her reply.

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His brow lifted. “Really? Well, that’s not nice of my brother. I’m

sorry for his inhospitableness. This is now your home and you should
be shown the entire castle inside and out.”

At the mention of his brother, Elizabeth’s frightened look turned

to one of anger. “Yes, his inhospitableness is no surprise.”

His ploy worked to an extent. It got rid of her fear, but fed her

anger toward Richard. It was like taking one step forward and two
steps back. No, not a good move.

In his defense, he added, “Well, I think he wanted you to settle in

first before showing you around.”

“He can wait as long as he likes, but I refuse to have him show my

sister and me the castle. I want to stay as far away from him as I can.”
She lifted her head in a snobby fashion.

My, my, but this is not going to be easy. “I see.” He paused,

thinking of what to reply next. Before he could come up with
something, she interrupted his thoughts.

“Which door leads to the gardens, my lord?” She glanced around


“It’s up ahead, my lady. Please follow me.” He didn’t try putting

his arm behind her to guide her like he had done before. He couldn’t
risk frightening her again.

As she followed by his side at a safe distance, he began to realize

how complicated this pretty lady beside him was. He best watch his
step and his mouth around her. Otherwise she’d start to hate him as
much as she hated Richard.

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Chapter Six

Richard kept pacing the dinner table, worrying. He had sent Brent

up to get Elizabeth and Ann half an hour ago. Yet here he remained
alone at the dining table, waiting. One of the servants began to bring
out the dishes when he lifted his hand.

“Not just yet, Ellen. Our guests and my brother have not yet

descended. Let’s wait until they come down before you begin to serve
the food. Otherwise it’ll be cold by the time they come.”

“Yes, my lord.” She nodded and turned to head back to the

kitchen when Ann came in.

He expected Elizabeth to be behind her. When he realized she was

alone, he asked, “Where is your sister? Is she feeling ill?”

Ann walked over to the other side of the table and before sitting

said, “I thought she’d be down here. I haven’t seen her for a few
hours. We both said we would take a late-afternoon nap to rest, and
when I awoke and checked on her, her room was empty.”

“Empty?” He didn’t like the sound of that. Panic began to ferment

in his mind. “Where can she be? You don’t think she tried to run
away, do you?” Would she be stubborn enough to do that? Did she
hate him that much and want to run away?

“I don’t know, my lord. She was still distraught when I left her.

You understand she didn’t want to come here. It was the last place she
wanted to be.”

“Yes, I know, but it’s not my fault. My hands were tied.”
She frowned. “I’m sorry, my lord. What do you mean by that? Did

you not wager a bet with my father and win her through it?”

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He wanted to scream No, I never made such a preposterous

wager! But he knew his lips should still remain sealed. Instead, he
replied, “I don’t want to discuss this now. My concern is with Lady
Elizabeth and her safety.” His mind twirled with his thoughts and he
imagined her lost in one of the villages surrounding the castle. If
Pondora found out she was out there alone, with no protection, she’d
come for her.

He’d never be able to find her then. He fidgeted in trepidation and

intended on getting Jerrod and a few other men to accompany him in
a search of the surrounding villages.

But before he could even get up, approaching footsteps and

giggles caught his attention. To his surprise, George and Elizabeth
waltzed in a slow gait into the room. They obviously were immersed
in deep conversation.

Pangs of jealousy started to shoot through him. “Well, well. Nice

of you both to join us.”

The moment George turned his attention to his brother, his smile

turned serious. “I was escorting Lady Elizabeth to her chambers when
Brent met us on the stairs and told us dinner was ready.”

“Escorting Lady Elizabeth to her chambers? Where were you

before that?”

Coming to stand next to his brother, George looked at Elizabeth as

she walked over to sit beside her sister. Richard stood up and waited
until she sat. Then both he and George sat, as well.

George replied, “We were outside in the gardens. I was showing

her the flowers, as well as the vegetable plants and orchards.”

She nodded. “You have magnificent roses and carnations, my


Civility. For the first time today, Lady Elizabeth had spoken to

him with civility and not disgust or hatred in her tone or eyes. Hmm,
how interesting.

“Elizabeth, you mustn’t run off like that without telling me. When

I didn’t see you in your chambers, I got so worried.”

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Elizabeth smiled and tapped her sister’s knee. “You are always

looking out for me, Ann. But there was nothing to worry about. When
I couldn’t sleep, I saw the gardens outside my window and wanted to
take a walk in them. I got lost trying to find my way around and…”

George interrupted, “And she found me, so I decided to take her

for a tour.”

“That was very nice of you, George.” Richard sneered, looking at

his brother.

George squinted while he gave Richard a long look, then replied,

“It was the least I could do to make our guests feel welcome since you
hadn’t shown them around. And speaking of guests”—he got up and
walked over to Lady Ann, then bowed—“since my brother lacks
cordiality today, I’ll introduce myself. It’s a pleasure to meet you,
Lady Ann. Your sister has told me quite a lot about you.” He kissed
the back of her hand, smiling, his gaze returning to Elizabeth when he
mentioned the word sister.

Richard noticed Ann blushing and lowering her gaze in shyness.

She was obviously smitten by him. But he saw the look his brother
gave Elizabeth when he looked at her. He knew that look all too well
and didn’t like it one bit.

Richard stood up and bowed. “Yes, I’m sorry, my ladies, for my

lack of manners. I was planning to show you the grounds and the
castle this evening after you had time to rest, freshen up, and have
dinner. But it seems my brother beat me to it with you, Lady
Elizabeth.” He frowned, addressing her.

George replied, “No, I haven’t, dear brother. The pleasure is still


“I see,” he replied, dumbfounded. “If you’ll excuse us, my ladies,

there is something I just remembered that I need to discuss with my
brother. It won’t take but a few minutes.”

He pointed for his brother to follow him to the next room.
“Of course, my lord,” Lady Ann replied.

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Elizabeth remained silent, just observing him with a blank

expression. He couldn’t decipher what it meant.

When he and George entered the room outside the dining area,

Richard quickly shut the door behind them and in a raised, agitated
voice asked, “What in God’s name do you think you’re doing?”

“Shhh, Richard! They can hear you.”
“At this point, I really don’t care. Now do you mind telling me

why you kept Lady Elizabeth company in the gardens? From the way
you and she were laughing before, you did more than show her the

George laughed. “Ah, dear brother, I hear jealousy in your voice.”
“Yes, indeed you do. You know that I have feelings for her.”
“Aye, I do. And it is that very reason why I decided to accompany

her to the gardens rather than have Brent or another servant show her
the way.”

Richard shook his head. “I’m not following your logic.”
“What do you think we talked about in the gardens all this time?”

George huffed in impatience.

“Damn if I know.” He shrugged.
“Yes, you. I tried to make her see that you aren’t the monster she

thinks you are.”

“Really?” Richard walked over to the plush, velvet, red chair in

the corner of the room and sat down looking at George.

“Yes, I told her about our childhood together and how you took

care of me and protected me when our parents died. You have been
always there for me.”

Richard’s mood began to lift. “And what did she say?”
“Well, she didn’t say much. She just listened.”
“Great, then that means she still hates me.”
“Not necessarily. She did find it a pleasant surprise that you did

have a kind side to you.”

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Richard couldn’t help but smile.
“Ah, now you’re in a better mood.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Good. I also got her to tell me more about herself, her childhood,

her mother’s early death, and how her father changed and remained
saddened after she died. About his drinking and it being the cause of
the bet he made in his drunkenness.”

“I hope you didn’t tell her the truth about the bet being a complete


“Do you think me an idiot? I said nothing. I’d be going against

your wishes if I did. And you are the Duke of Norfolk.”

George focused on the door leading back to the dining room. “We

should get back to our guests. Letting them wait is quite rude.”

“Yes, let’s go.” Richard stood up and followed George to the

door. “Before we leave, what can you tell me about her?”

George glanced at him then focused on the wall with a far-off

look in his eyes. A small smile spread on his lips. “She is quite
remarkable. She has a stubborn side and a short temper, as you’ve
noted. But her shyness and innocence, and the way she beholds the
world and all its beauties, make her shine like a bright star.”

The jealousy Richard had experienced earlier came back again.

“A bright star, you say? Hmm, then I was right. You do fancy her.”

George’s focus returned to Richard. His smile disappeared and his

brows furrowed. “What I feel for her is unimportant, Richard. You
have nothing to worry about. I won’t stand in your way. If anything,
I’ll continue to sway her toward you.”

Richard took a reassuring breath. The bond he and his brother

held was strong. Deep down he knew his brother wouldn’t ever wish
to betray him in that way. “Thank you, George. I’ll need all the help I
can get.”

As he placed his hand on the brass doorknob and began to turn it,

he added, “By the way, Lady Ann seems taken with you. Perhaps you

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could keep her company and show her the outside grounds while I
show Lady Elizabeth the castle after dinner.”

For a split second, he could have sworn he saw the jealousy he

had experienced cross his brother’s eyes, but it quickly disappeared
and a smile took its place.

“It would be my pleasure, dear brother. She is a beautiful lady as

is her sister.”

Richard opened the door, taking a deep breath. Maybe tonight was

the night for new beginnings for all four of them.

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Chapter Seven

The way he stared at her over the rim of his almost-full brandy

glass made Elizabeth uneasy. She wanted to tell him to stop gawking.
Otherwise she’d leave the room. Instead, she gulped down the last of
her third glass of brandy, felt it burn the inside of her throat as it
descended into her stomach, and remained silent.

George had been talking about the history of the castle for a few

minutes when he asked, “Would you ladies like to take a tour of the
place now?”

Ann responded first, “We’d be delighted, my lord. Wouldn’t we,


Elizabeth turned her attention away from the annoying Duke and

addressed her sister and George. “Of course I would. If the castle is
half as magnificent as the outside gardens were, then the tour will be
very enjoyable.”

“The castle has quite a lot of history to behold, my lady, that I’m

sure you’ll like to see,” Richard said while never breaking his fixed

Heat began to build in her stomach. Was it the brandy, or how he

eyed her so intensely? It felt like his gaze bore through her garments
and he could see her nude body. The excited feeling she experienced
earlier with his brother came back to swarm and suffocate her.

George stood up and walked over to Ann, held out his hand,

saying, “Would my lady like to accompany me to the gardens now,
before it gets too dark to see the beautiful blossoms?”

Blushing once more, Ann accepted his hand and stood, not saying

a word. It appeared to Elizabeth that her sister had become tongue-

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tied, as she was earlier. She obviously found the Duke’s brother quite
handsome, and so did Elizabeth. Upon further reflection, both he and
the Duke were equally handsome, but the difference was George had
charm and manners, while his brutish brother had none. The Duke
rarely smiled. In fact, she couldn’t remember ever seeing him smile at
the court balls the many times they both attended.

George made her feel at ease and his company was quite

entertaining. Their conversations earlier kept her enthralled and
laughing constantly. The Duke always made her uneasy. Tonight was
no exception. The thought of being alone with him while Ann and
George walked in the gardens overwhelmed her. When she saw Ann
move toward the door, Elizabeth instinctively got up to follow.

The Duke coughed and then said, “Where do you think you’re

going, my lady?”

“To see the gardens again, my lord. I’d like to see them this time

with my sister.”

“No, Lady Elizabeth, I would prefer you remain with me and keep

me company while I finish my brandy. Then I will give you a tour of
the castle once I’ve finished.”

She eyed her sister. “But…”
Ann looked at her with a lifted brow and concern, then at the

Duke. She obviously understood Elizabeth’s signal for help and that
she didn’t want to be alone with him.

“My lord, perhaps we can all see the gardens together, and then

the castle?” Ann asked.

He shook his head. “No, no, the gardens don’t interest me. You

and George can see them. Lady Elizabeth and I will tour the castle
alone.” His tone was firm, and her sister bowed.

“Of course, my lord.”
George extended his arm for Ann to take. “Shall we?”
“Yes, my lord.” She nodded, looping her arm through his, and

walked alongside him to the door. She glanced back at her sister and
worded I’m sorry before exiting.

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Once they left and shut the door, tension rebounded in the room

instantly. Elizabeth didn’t know what to do or say next. The Duke
continued to look at her and slowly sipped his brandy. Blasted! The
annoying sound he produced made chills of irritation crawl up her

She wished he would just gulp it down so they could be on their

way. At least then she’d be too distracted by the tour to notice his
hungry gaze upon her constantly.

The alcohol continued to wreak havoc on her body. She rarely

drank, and the few times she did indulge, sleepiness and fatigue
engulfed her mind and body after the second glass. This time, it had
the opposite effect. She was on fire. Heat surged through her torso
and she desperately wanted to tear off her tight bodice that restricted
her bosom. Her erect nipples rubbed against the tight material,
arousing her. She glanced at the Duke and his gaze fixated on her
chest. Hmm, she wondered if he sensed her arousal under his hungry
stare. Or was it his hungry stare that aroused her?

After taking another sip of brandy, he asked, “Do you like your

chambers, my lady? Are they satisfactory?”

She nodded. “Yes, they are spacious, and the bed is very


Trying to be cordial, she added, “Thank you for giving my sister

the room next to mine instead of having her stay with the servants.
That was very kind of you, my lord.”

“Servants? Why on earth would I have Lady Ann remain with

them?” He frowned, looking like her comment was ludicrous.

“Because, my lord, when my father lost everything to you in the

bet, we became penniless. You offered her accommodations here, but
she would have to earn her keep.”

“Oh, yes, I had forgotten your father said that.”
His comment baffled her. “I beg your pardon, my lord?”

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He shook his head, placed his half-empty glass on the table, and

stood up. “I’ve had enough of that. Would you like to begin the tour
now?” he said with a smile.

His eyes twinkled, and he resembled George quite a lot at that

moment. He should smile more often, she thought.

“Yes, my lord. I’m looking forward to it.”
Unlike his brother, he didn’t extend his arm for her to take.

Instead, he gestured with his hand that she should go before him.
“After you, my lady.”

In frustration, she huffed and got up hurriedly. The room suddenly

spun like a top on a hard surface, round and round and round.
Overwhelmed, she took a step forward, her knees buckled, and she
would have fallen to the floor if it weren’t for the Duke’s quick
reflexes and strong arms. He caught her just in time, holding her tight.

“Are you all right, my lady?” he asked, his eyes, his handsome

face, just mere inches away from hers. Green speckles danced in his
deep blue irises, captivating her. Her torso voluntarily leaned over so
she could observe their beauty in more detail. She knew she must look
quite peculiar in her curious stance, but frankly, the alcohol made her
not give a damn.

Flushed and out of breath, she wiped her brow. His face remained

centered, fixed in her vision, but the scenery behind him seemed to
shake back and forth more vigorously. “I’m a little dizzy, my lord.”

“Yes, I see that. You aren’t accustomed to drinking brandy, are

you, my lady?”

“No, not at all.”
“Then why did you accept a second, and then even a third glass?”

His stern voice denoted his disapproval.

“Because of you.”
His eyes widened. “Because of me? I didn’t force you to drink so


“No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Then what do you mean, my lady?”

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“I meant that you make me nervous. And I didn’t realize how

much I drank.”

“I see.” He frowned in disappointment and directed his gaze to the

wall. “I’m sorry if I make you that uncomfortable.” After a minute’s
silence, he took a deep breath, dipped, and lifted her into his strong

Startled, she exclaimed, “What on earth are you doing?”
The room’s spinning vortex changed from horizontal to vertical.

Elizabeth closed her eyes, fearing she’d crash to the floor, and
wrapped her arms tightly around the Duke’s neck. A whiff of his
manly scent floated into her nostrils, enticing her.

“I’m bringing you to your room.” The words flowed freely as if

the statement were irrelevant.

Fury built in her with his audacity. “How dare you?” She slapped

his cheek in retaliation of his forcefulness.

Dropping her to her feet, startled, he gazed at her wide-eyed.

“What did I do now?”

Her trembling legs gave way and she tumbled to the floor, landing

on her buttocks. The pain set in and her anger returned.

“Of all the…” Her fury boiled and the curses she yearned to spill

from her mouth didn’t. Instead, they turned into a groan and she tried
to get up. He extended his hand for her to take, but she refused.

“What did I say now that angered you so much, you slapped me

and refuse my help?” he repeated.

She gave him a stern look and changed position, getting on her

knees so her ascent was feasible. As she stood and straightened her
spine and neck, the room spun uncontrollably. He grabbed her in his
arms once again when she dipped backward. “You cannot walk on
your own. Please allow me to carry you, my lady.”

“No, not to my room.”
His eyes widened as comprehension dawned on him. “You truly

believe me such a monster that I would take advantage of you in this
vulnerable state?”

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Seeing the offense in his eyes, even in her encumbrance, she

understood how foolish her assumption had been. She remained silent
and listened as he continued.

“I understand you hate me and believe I am the reason for all of

your misfortune. But I am not. All I am doing is protecting you.”

Confusion made her head ache. Thankfully, the spinning had

settled somewhat. “Protect me? Why? And from whom, or what?”

His eyes averted her gaze as he replied, “I cannot say. I made a

promise to your father I wouldn’t tell you.”

“My father wanted you to protect me?”
“Yes, please don’t ask me any more questions, Lady Elizabeth.

Simply allow me to bring you to your room so you may rest and
awaken in the morning with a clear mind and feeling refreshed. We
will resume the tour of the castle then.”

“All right, but don’t think I’ll forget. I will ask you the same

question again tomorrow morning.”

He lifted her into his arms and began walking forward. “Fair

enough, Lady Elizabeth.” A smile spread over his features. “You
certainly are stubborn.”

“I could say the same of you, my lord.”
He laughed. Her hand resting on his muscular chest moved with

him and his flexing muscles intrigued her. She imagined how he
would look without his shirt on. A shiver of excitement traveled
through her body, hitting her cunt with her wanton arousal.

She couldn’t help but to stare at his handsome face as he held her,

bringing her to her room. His black hair, his blue eyes, and his
sensual, full mouth all drove her urges to lean in and kiss him. She
wondered how his lips would feel against hers. Soft? Hot? Hungry?
What other desires would a kiss by the Duke invoke in her?

Many, many naughty ideas fermented in her alcohol-induced

imagination, making her cheeks and body heat. Her breathing
deepened to complement her excitement. Her heart’s beating hastened

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in synchronicity, also. The sound of its drumming augmented in a
crescendo in her eardrums, making them vibrate profoundly.

She worried he could hear her drumming heartbeat and realize the

effect being this close to his body, in his strong, virile arms, was
having on her. He would see it as the perfect opportunity to seduce
her and take from her what he most desired all of these years. A smile
formed on her lips then.

She could hardly believe her reaction or the path her mind and

body were bringing her down. Never could she have anticipated this.
For God’s sake, she hated the Duke with all of her heart. The only
excuse was the alcohol. It must be driving each and every reaction she
was experiencing right at this moment.

But her realization still did not put a stop to the lustful effects.

Instead, it pulled her still, into a forbidden, wanton fantasy she could
not control or predict. She let the effects loose to flood her mind and
body, and relished every second of it.

A shiver of lewd pleasures flowed through her spine, torso, and

breasts as she began to envision how the Duke’s spell of seduction
would unfold. She saw him laying her on the rug, then and there, and
slowly kissing her with his hot, full lips. His tongue would slip out to
caress the outline of her lips before he sucked her lower lip and
proceeded to enter her mouth. There, his tongue would dominate over
hers in a dance of arousal, leading her to further submission.

Then he’d trail his flaming, hungry lips down her neck, heading

for her chest. Goose pimples of pleasure would form on the trail he
followed. His curious tongue and hands working in unison would free
her excited breasts from her bodice. He’d cup one, squeezing it so her
nipple puckered and was in the perfect position for his wet tongue to
taste and lick. He’d suck it, then rub his tongue around the areola,
making it more sensitive to the friction and the desires brewing in her
body and pussy.

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Wetness leaked out of her cunt now as she stared fixedly at his

lips and mouth while he carried her. Yes, they most definitely could
easily seduce her to doing whatever sexual wish he desired of her.

Her imagination continued to possess her as she envisioned him

undressing her and himself. Both of them would soon be stark naked,
lying on the carpeted floor. His hard, erect cock wet and at attention,
waiting for the moment it could claim her cunt as its own, filling her
to the hilt, pushing her walls and making her moan with pleasure.

She’d arch her back and ask that his sinful mouth return to teasing

her sensitive, demanding nipples as he slipped his cock deep into her
pussy. He’d slip in and out of her with swift, pleasuring movement,
his cock’s head bobbing with every movement. Its ridges would cause
friction and make her constrict around it.

She saw herself following his movement, reciprocating each thrust

of his with one as demanding and seductive of her own. She’d wrap
her legs around his midsection and hold his muscular, tanned body
close. His heavy breathing and pounding heart would be in
synchronicity with her own. Their movements would be quick as their
lust intensified. His inward thrusts would deepen, making moans
escape her lips. And each time his thick cock’s head hit her pleasure
spot, it would bring her that much closer to her climax.

She’d sink her nails into his skin and kiss him hungrily. She’d bite

his lower lip as she reached her peak, convulsing around him and
crying out her satisfaction while he came in her with the same
euphoric reaction.

Chills of ecstasy flowed through her, and goose pimples spread

throughout her body as she achieved the mental climax. Juices of
arousal leaked out of her. Her pussy now trembled with want. The
friction of the bodice of her undergarment rubbing against her erect
nipples drove her mad.

Her body yearned to make her sexual fantasy a reality, here and

now. She couldn’t take any more.

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By the time they ascended the stairs to the third floor and he

brought her to her quarters, her vivid imagination had run rampant.
More sexual adventures unfolded in her mind, ones where he took her
from behind and had her crying out for more. More!

What little clear, rational thought she had left in her brain, as the

alcohol obviously took its full effect on her, was losing its hold on
her. She struggled with her nimble fingers that desired to slip their
way into his shirt and touch his godlike skin. Her inner demons
wanted to seduce him into making love to her, and she feared if she
opened her mouth, they’d speak in her place. Instead, she bit her lip
and stared with unsated hunger into his gorgeous eyes.

He didn’t notice her ogle as he was too busy checking his footing.

He almost fell backward once, and her breath caught in her throat, but
he quickly recovered. When he finally got to her room, he motioned
with a smile as he dipped her lower. “Would you mind, my lady?”

His smile bedazzled her, making her reciprocate it. “No, not at

all.” She turned and opened the door.

As he stepped foot into the room and saw the bed, he stopped in

his tracks, glancing at her with a daring sideways stare. “Would it be
all right if I lay you on the bed, my lady? Or would you find that
inappropriate and slap me again?”

His humorous expression made her laugh. She couldn’t help it.

“No, my lord, I won’t slap you again.” Her inebriated mind actually
wanted her to say but I may bite you.

He nodded and chuckled, too. “Very good.”
He gently laid her on the bed while he gazed into her eyes. His

grin never disappeared, but softened into a slight smile of merriment.
She stared back at him and their gazes locked. “You are the most
beautiful woman I have ever seen, Elizabeth.”

His words, and that he called her simply Elizabeth, without the

formal address, pulled on her strings of emotions. So many of them,
not only the sexual ones but others much deeper, closer to her heart,
seemed to be affected, as well. Taking his hand, she brought it up to

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her chest, to her heart, exactly where his words had the biggest effect.
Her bosom was just under his open palm.

He looked at her chest and then back into her eyes. She leaned in

closer to him, her eyes telling him what to do next, her signal loud
and clear.

There was no delay in his actions. He leaned in and kissed her

lips, first softly touching his lips to hers. But when her tongue darted
out into his, his kiss intensified. He slipped his tongue deeper, to the
back of her throat, caressing all of it, and then brought it to loop
around her tongue, teasing it and enticing her further.

Excitement escalated. Her body reacted with lewd actions. Her

pussy throbbed and her nipples hardened. She moaned and pulled him
closer to her. His exhaling breath caressing her neck only added to the
sexual hunger both he and she experienced at this moment. He
lowered his hand to cup her left breast over her dress, then gently
squeezed it. A frenzy of sexual desires flooded her body. She wanted
more, so much more by him. She wanted what she imagined just
minutes before.

When she moaned deeper with pleasure, he released her mouth

and brought his scorching hot lips to the top of her mounds. He kissed
them and then licked her skin. Her legs widened and her clit throbbed.
He brought his hand to her bodice and loosened the lacing, so he
could push it down far enough to free her left breast.

Her nipple puckered with the cool air’s contact. He inched his

tongue down to her nipple and circled it. A shiver of desire made her
sigh. When he suckled and gently tugged on it with his teeth, her
breath stuck in her throat. More wetness seeped out of her contracting
pussy lips. She wanted even more, her lewd desires insatiable.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged his body down

onto hers as she leaned backward onto the bed. She could feel his
erect cock pushing against her body through their garments. With
anticipation and excitement, she waited for him to take things to the
next level of their sexual encounter.

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Then suddenly, without warning, he groaned. Taking a deep

breath, he pushed her away.

He exclaimed, panting, “This isn’t right.”
Disappointment smothered her. “Why? Don’t you want me?”
His eyes softened and he shook his head. “There is nothing or no

one on this earth I want more. There never has been.” He sighed. “But
this is not the real you. I cannot take advantage of you when you’re in
this state. You are obviously drunk and your body and mind are
reacting to the alcohol. If I were to allow this to continue, we would
both truly regret it. I cannot hurt you like that. When and if you want
me to make love to you once you are sober, and of sound mind, then I
will make love to you with all my heart, body, and soul, Lady

The formal address had been reinstated. She knew she lost him.

With the revelation, her stomach turned. Her lungs refused to breathe
and her chest became tight and heavy.

She opened her mouth to plead he take her now before she

became crazed by her sexual urges. But instead of her words of
seduction spilling out, something else rose into her mouth. The
brandy mixed with bile swirled up. Sickened beyond anything she
ever felt before and the scorching acidic mixture building in her
mouth, she turned to the side. She dipped her head downward in time,
just before it all spilled over.

As she emptied her stomach and her head pounded so chaotically

that it felt like it would explode, humiliation hovered over her like a
choking noose. This was without a doubt the worst possible
embarrassing thing that could ever happen.

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Chapter Eight

George couldn’t stop laughing. The more his brother told him of

the happenings three nights ago, the more he chuckled.

“I’m glad you find this all amusing.” Richard sneered.
He leaned back in his chair and lifted his brow. “Yes. Yes, it gets

better and better by the minute. So what did you do after the ghastly

“What do you think? I called the servants, and helped Elizabeth,

as well.”

Curiousness enticed him. “And then what happened?”
“Nothing. After I washed her face and fluffed up the pillows

under her head, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.”

His interest instantly deflated. “That’s it?”
This time Richard laughed. “What do you think would have

happened? She was in no condition for anything.”

“No. No, she wasn’t.” He leaned over and tapped him on the

shoulder. “But the news is good, brother.”

“Why? Neither she nor Ann came down for dinner tonight, or the

two nights before that. They have been avoiding us like the plague.”
He frowned, looking confused.

“Maybe she was indisposed or ill, and her sister remained with her

to take care of her. Or she may just be embarrassed of the whole
experience. Don’t let that discourage you. Instead, you should be

“Again, I repeat the question. Why?”

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Because now you know she isn’t repulsed by the sight of you any

longer, and is sexually attracted to you. There is hope to win her love

“Really?” His eyes brightened.
“No doubt in my mind.”
“So what do I do next?”
He stood up and walked over to the door. It was late. The sun had

already begun to set. They had to get everything ready before then.

He turned back to say, “Just leave that to me. Now let’s get down

to the dungeon. We have a lot to prepare, safety measures to verify
and proof, and it’s already eight thirty.”

Richard’s eyes widened. “Already?”
George smiled right before he closed the door behind him. “Lady

Elizabeth has made you lose sense of time. Usually it’s you reminding
me of the preparations instead of me reminding you.”

He didn’t wait for his brother’s response to the remark. Instead, he

made haste as time was quickly passing and he started to ponder what
should his next step be in helping his brother with his true love.

* * * *

“Is the coast clear?” Elizabeth asked Ann while she waited behind

the open door.

“Yes, I asked Mary, one of the servants, where the Duke and

George were. She said they had gone for the night and wouldn’t
return until morning.”

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stepped out. “Good. Then

let’s go out for a walk in the gardens.”

With a stern look, her hands on her hips, Ann asked, “Not before

you tell me why you refused to have dinner with them again this
evening. And why have we been avoiding them and hiding in our
quarters all this time?”

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She shook her head as faded memories of what happened three

nights ago overtook her thoughts. She remembered the sexual
fantasies she had of the Duke and that she then tried to seduce him.
She recalled him kissing her, things heating up between them, and
then the dreaded regurgitation. That was it. Beyond that, she
remembered nothing. She awoke the next morning with a horrible
headache, and she was dressed in her nightgown.

She didn’t dare tell her sister what transpired. What would she

think of her trying to seduce the Duke? The shame was overbearing. It
was doubly worse with the Duke and his brother. She couldn’t bring
herself to face either of them after the fool she made of herself that
night. And what actually happened from the point she passed out until
she awoke the next morning bothered her to no end.

She was sure the Duke had told his brother of her behavior and

what transpired between them. Both men must now think her a
trollop. And given that her sexual fantasies of the Duke didn’t end
that night, but continued on to the next two nights and also involved
his brother, she couldn’t help but think the same thing. She was a
trollop. The alcohol may have spurred on the urges, but it certainly
didn’t let them linger and grow. No, that came from inside her
conscience. And the fact they came out in her wet and erotic dreams
told her loud and clear that she was a trollop.

She tried to shrug off the memory of last night’s passionate dream

of the Duke and George naked, making love to her, that had started to
stir in her mind’s eye once more.

Taking a breath to calm herself, she responded to her sister’s

question. “I’m just not in the mood to see him or George is all.” She
didn’t lie. That was the truth.

“I see.” Her sister lowered her gaze in apparent disappointment.

“You know you can’t keep avoiding them, Elizabeth. Sooner or later
you have to come to terms with the fact that this is your home now.”

“Our home,” Elizabeth corrected her.

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“You’re right. Our home. You might as well accept it and be civil.

It’ll be easier for all of us. Frankly, the tension between you and the
Duke is so thick, it can be cut with a knife.”

She nodded, realizing her wise sister once again had given her

sound advice. She couldn’t continue to avoid them like this. She had
to face her inner demons, and them as well, sooner or later.

“I will, Ann,” she said in reassurance.
A wide smile spread on Elizabeth’s face as her mind brought her

to more pleasant thoughts. She took her sister’s hand. “That reminds
me, how did the tour go with George the other night?”

Ann grinned. “Very well. George was the perfect host, and the

castle is so beautiful. But you already know that since the Duke
showed you around the same night.”

“No, he didn’t,” she blurted before thinking.
Ann’s brow lifted and she looked at her with a sideways glance.

“Then what did you two do?”

Her mind stalled. She couldn’t reveal the truth, yet a plausible

excuse didn’t come. “Ah…”

She sighed and then the words thankfully came to her. “Nothing. I

was tired and asked to be excused.” Before her sister could ask her
any further questions, she posed, “Can you show me the grounds and
castle now?”

“Of course. Since our hosts are gone for the night, we have

nothing else to do.” She grinned, heading for the stairs, Elizabeth in

While they descended, Elizabeth wanted to know more. “So what

did you and George speak about? I saw the twinkle in your eyes
before you left.” Her smile widened.

Her sister’s face became serious for a second, then turned to a

slight grin. “About you. We talked about you.”

Elizabeth stopped in mid-descent. “Me? Why me?”

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“He wanted to know so many things about you, your favorite

flower, if you had a sweet tooth, how you were as a child.”

“Really?” She couldn’t help but grin as she spoke.
“Yes, and you should have seen the smile that spread on his face

at the funny stories I told him about you and your curious escapades
when we were children.”

Her heart skipped a beat with excitement. “What did he say?”
“That you and he were quite similar. He got himself into more

than one predicament in his life, and that Richard had to help him so

Elizabeth laughed. “Like you did with me.”
Ann pointed at Elizabeth’s face. “The wide grin and sparkle in

your eyes looks exactly like his whenever we spoke of you.”

“What are you implying, Ann?”
“That more than one Albert male is smitten with you. And

whether you have realized it or not, the feeling is mutual,” her astute
sister said.

Elizabeth’s jaw fell open with shock.

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Chapter Nine

“That is the most absurd thing I ever heard!” Elizabeth tried to

deflect the accusation.

Her sister gave her a daring stare. “Is it really?”
“Yes. Yes, it is. I hate the Duke, and George is his brother. Where

on earth did you get the idea that I’m smitten?”

“It’s not an idea. It’s just an observation. I saw the way you

looked at George and the Duke that night we were all together. You
didn’t realize how often your admiring gaze fixed on either of them.
But I did, and it was very often.”

“No, you’re wrong.”
“You can deny it to yourself, but not to me. I know you too well.

Both men are so handsome, and your reaction is normal. I, too,
admired George’s good looks.”

Elizabeth giggled. “Yes, the wide grin you gave me when George

offered to show you the gardens told me that.”

“Well, as I told you before. His interests lie with you, not me.”
Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel giddy at the news. She was sorry

for her sister and that George didn’t reciprocate her interest, but she
hoped her sister’s guess about his interest in her was right.

A flood of worry swarmed her with the revelation. She was

attracted to both brothers. Her wanton, sexual dreams screamed that
fact. Now if they both were interested in her, too, that posed a big
problem. Actually, it posed more than one problem, because even
though the Duke showed her his soft, kind, seductive side that night,
she couldn’t forget or forgive him for what he did to her, to her
family. They were penniless because of him.

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A plaguing, confusing memory of that night came back to her

again, a memory of him telling her, “I understand you hate me and
believe I am the reason for all of your misfortune. But I am not. All I
am doing is protecting you.”

What did he mean by that? It bothered her and haunted her all this

time. She couldn’t figure it out, but she had to. If he wasn’t
responsible for all their misfortunes, then who was?

Tomorrow, when he came back, she’d muster her courage to face

him again and ask him. He had avoided responding that night, but her
persistence and stubbornness would make him change his mind
sooner or later, and she’d get at the truth of who really was
responsible for their demise, and make that person pay.

Half an hour had now passed. The tour her sister gave her was

interesting. There were so many artifacts and paintings to admire.
Each room had its own mood and atmosphere, so much culture,
history, and beauty for Elizabeth’s eyes to behold. When Ann and she
got to the end of the first floor’s rooms, Ann turned to head for the

Feeling disappointed, Elizabeth reached out to hold her arm.

“Where are you going?”

“Outside, since there is nothing else to see.”
Elizabeth shook her head. “Yes, there is.” She pointed to the one

door Ann never opened.

“No, we can’t.”
“George said the dungeon and basement are down there, and that

no one is allowed down there, especially us.”

“Especially us! Why especially us?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. This isn’t our home, Elizabeth. If

George and the Duke don’t want us going down there, then we should
accept their wishes.”

“But aren’t you curious?” She lifted her brow, hoping to entice

her sister.

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Ann pointed an accusing finger at her. “I know what you’re trying

to do, and it’s not going to work. I don’t want to disobey our hosts’

Elizabeth tried the door. It was unlocked. “But our hosts aren’t

here now, and if we are careful, they will never have to know we ever
disobeyed their wishes.”

“No, Elizabeth. I refuse to listen to your foolish ideas.” She turned

to leave.

But Elizabeth knew what her reaction would be if she started

down the dark, dank stairs. She took the lit lantern hanging on the
wall beside the door and said, not looking at her sister, “Fine. You can
do as you wish, but I want to see what exactly is down there.”

She started to take a couple of steps down when she heard Ann

curse, saying, “Oh, Elizabeth, you are incorrigible!”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “You’re accompanying


“Do I have a choice? I promised Father I would take care of you,

and that means following you wherever your hard head tells you to
go. Even if it’s a cold, disgusting basement full of spiders and

Elizabeth’s heartbeat quickened. Skeletons! Could there be any in

the dungeon down here?

A part of her was excited, but another part of her remained

frightened. Taking a deep breath, she continued her descent. “We’ll
find out soon enough what lurks down here.”

Ann groaned. “Oh, you make it sound so interesting. I’m so

excited and overjoyed.”

She laughed. “Now, Ann, where is your sense of adventure?”
“It’s where my sound mind is, hiding and dreading every second

of this.”

The stairwell was winding. It took several minutes for them to get

to the bottom. There were no cobwebs or spiders along the way. The

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stairs were swept clean and made of smooth stone. The basement was
impeccably maintained, as was the rest of the castle.

Elizabeth raised the lantern, throwing its beaming light forward.

She saw a long, vacant corridor. Taking careful steps, she moved
forward. “I can see there’s a door at the end of this,” she told her

“Oh, goody. Let us see what is behind that door, too, shall we?”

Her sarcasm irked Elizabeth, and she turned to tell her she could go
back up and wait for her, she wouldn’t be long, when she heard
howling growls coming up ahead. Then loud banging, rattling, and
scratching came from the door. Elizabeth jumped and the lantern fell
to the ground, shattering.

In pitch-darkness, Ann grabbed her, screaming, “What was that?”
“I don’t know.” Elizabeth felt her way along the stone wall,

making her hasty retreat back. Suddenly, she saw a light coming
down the stairs. Her heart felt like it would explode with fear.

Ann held her free hand so tight it hurt. “Who’s that?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered back.
Within a minute’s time, she saw Mary. Her eyes were wide with

surprise. “My ladies, you mustn’t be down here.”

Relief cascaded over her. Her heart calmed and she was once

more able to breathe. “We’re sorry, Mary.”

Ann answered, “Yes, we got lost.”
Good girl. Her sister’s quick thinking was a nice surprise.
Elizabeth added, “Yes, we got lost and when we heard growling

coming from there”—she pointed to the door at the end of the
corridor—“I got frightened and made the lantern fall.”

Mary motioned with her hand for them to follow her back up. “It

isn’t safe down here. Please come upstairs, my ladies.”

Both of them didn’t hesitate. They hastened to retrack their steps

back up, right behind Mary.

When they got upstairs, Mary took a key out of her apron and

locked the door. The worry in her eyes told Elizabeth that the door

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should have been locked long before now, and that Mary or someone
else forgot to lock it.

Rubbing her nervous hands on her apron, she looked at them and

forced a smile. “Would my ladies like something to eat or something
to drink?”

Ann looked at her sister. “Yes, a glass of water would help calm

our nerves.”

She curtsied and was about to go fetch them water when Elizabeth

asked, “What made those growls we heard just now, Mary?”

“Growls, my lady?”
“Yes, loud howls more than growls. And the door shook as if

something were trying to get out.”

Her gaze shifted as she continued to rub her hands on her apron.

“Those are the lord’s hounds, my lady.”

“Yes, it is almost time for their feeding. When they heard your

footsteps, they must have thought we were coming with their food.”

Ann nodded. “Yes, they did sound very hungry.”
“Please sit in the lord’s smoking room and rest, my ladies, while I

get the water.” She curtsied once more and headed off.

Elizabeth followed her sister into the room and sat next to her on

the couch. So many thoughts whirled in her mind.

“What is it, Elizabeth?”
Squinting, she asked, “Don’t you find it odd there are hounds in

the basement?”

“No, if they are that aggressive, that would be the safest place to

keep them.”

“Aggressive? No, they were more like mad, in a frenzy, maybe

even rabid.”

Ann laughed. “Rabid? Why on earth would the Duke and George

keep rabid dogs here?”

Elizabeth leaned back and drummed her fingers on the wooden

armrest. “Now, that is a very good question.”

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Chapter Ten

Her gentle voice, like that of a Siren, beckoned him. “George,

come to me.”

Even though his body was weighted like an iron anchor sinking in

the abyss of the ocean, he forced himself to sit up and move. He
needed to get to her.

The floor beneath his feet disappeared and in its place a river

flowed. He removed his clothes and dived in. Every second away from
her was unbearable.

Although the river’s current pushed him back, he swam stronger

until he was able to move forward. It took quite some time, and he
swallowed several big mouthfuls of water because of the strong
whirlpool pulling him under, but he finally made it to shore.

The beach was vacant, the white sand undisturbed and hot. He

walked in a quickened gait trying to make haste, but the searing pain
on his feet from the inferno sand made his progress languid.

“George, I’m here. Come to me.”
He heard her voice from behind and turned to find her there

smiling. Her auburn-red hair was now long and blonde. It covered
her breasts, but not her pussy. Her blonde pubic hair hid her most
divine cunt, her inner and outer pussy lips and clit. There between her
loins did he find paradise, deep inside her cunt, with the tight passage
hugging his cock snugly while he pumped in and out of her. The
ridges of his cock rubbing against the walls deep inside her and how
she moaned whenever he hit her pleasure spot, yes, he found his
paradise there. He also found it in her kisses and her heart. Only she

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made him complete. She was as much a part of him as he was a part
of her.

“Did you miss me, George?”
“Yes, my love. I missed you so very much.”
“Then take me in your arms and fuck me.”
He didn’t hesitate, for there was nothing more he desired right at

that moment than to fuck her. He needed to make love to her, to bond
with her in intimacy and sexual hunger.

He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her in for a

kiss. Her hot, soft lips on his sent bolts of lightning through him,
headed straight for his cock. Blood flowed to the tip, making it thicker
and fully erect. In his tight pants, he could feel the pressure, and it
excited him all the more.

Breaking the kiss, he dipped down to scoop her into his arms. He

brought her to the shaded sand under a tree and gently placed her
down upon it. Her gaze never left his, her smile showing him how
much she really loved him and needed him.

As she leaned back, her blonde hair slid behind her, exposing her

perfect breasts. The pert, puckered nipples pointed upward and
enticed him. He bent down to cup her left breast, squeezing it gently
in his hand, then fondling it and the nipple with his index finger. He
made circles around the areola. It tightened to half its circumference
with her excitement. She moaned with pleasure, biting her lip.

He bent down lower and licked the tip, then sucked it and tugged

it between his teeth in a gentle, seductive way. She spread her legs
and arched her back, bringing her nipple closer to his face. Her
scented skin intoxicated him. She intoxicated him. She was his
addiction and his lifeline at the same time.

Her hand came up to his pants and she began to unbutton them.

Her dexterity was excellent, and she undid them quickly, pushing
them off his pelvis. He slipped them down to his bent knees with little
trouble. His cock sprang free. The cool breeze caressed its skin and it
twitched with desire for his woman.

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She turned her attention to his cock, fondling him, first in an up-

and-down motion, then in a pumping motion. She gazed deep into his
eyes while she pleased him.

He stopped playing with her breasts and stood to remove his pants

and clothes completely. She admired his every move and played with
her clit and pussy lips, coaxing him to be swift in his chore so they
may get on with their lovemaking. He had no qualms with that. Her
wet, swollen pussy wept for him.

Once completely naked, he put his legs on either side of her body.

He bent down and pushed her legs apart to see her delectable pussy
lips, both the inner ones, as well as the swollen outer ones. Bringing
his tongue to her clit, he rubbed it up and down. It throbbed under his
ministrations. When he made circles around her pussy lips and they
quivered, he knew she was ripe for him.

He lifted himself, moving up, and aligned his cock to her cunt. He

rubbed his head on her wet clit and lips. This time it was his head that
twitched, as if telling him to get on with the ritual. It desired to be
deep in her cunt, snug and pumping back and forth, feeling the
friction, the heat, and the passion in her.

Obeying its command, he slipped the head into her opening. The

tightness made his penetration a slow process, but he didn’t mind in
the least. It made it all the more pleasurable. When he had fully
impaled her and his cock’s head reached the top of her pussy, he
slowly moved out. The walls of her pussy constricted with his exit and
she pulled him to her, wrapping her legs around his waist. A clear
indication she wanted him to go in deeper and faster with each

He followed her lead, sinking deep into her and coming out, in

and out, in a steady speed that quickened with every minute that
passed. She followed his thrusts with wanton ones of her own.

His heart pumped with vigor and his rising arousal. Panting, he

stared into her beautiful, sultry eyes and saw they were one, body and
soul. In unity, they followed and complemented each other’s

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movements. Each time his cock sank into her and her pussy tightened
around him, a low moan of satisfaction escaped his lips.

Their dance of love and lust lasted for a few minutes. The walls of

her tight cunt continued to caress the ridges of his cock and caused
increased pleasure to surge throughout him.

When her peak came and she quivered under him, her pussy walls

tightening around his cock, he came inside her, moaning what he felt
deep inside his heart and soul. “Ah, Elizabeth, I love you!”

The words he spoke in his dream made him awaken instantly.
His head felt like it would explode, and he risked vomiting. The

aftereffects of the night before haunted him, and he knew it would
take a good dose of brandy to alleviate the discomfort.

Getting up from his bed, he noted how damp the satin sheets were.

He knew the aftereffects weren’t the cause of that, but his hot, wet
dream was.

He remembered every vivid image of it, every second of it.

Elizabeth was the woman in his dreams. She had been all along.

Now that he knew for sure, what he must do next became all too

clear. He needed to make her fall in love with him. He was already in
love with her. He had started to fall in love with her months ago,
when she first came to him in his dreams. But when she physically
came to the castle, these feelings for her intensified, and now he knew
he couldn’t live without her.

The problem was Richard was madly in love with her, too. Two

brothers in love with the same woman, such circumstances couldn’t
be good. Or could they?

Pouring himself a glass of brandy, he took a gulp and let the

alcohol burn a trail down his throat. Relief would soon be at hand.
Then he could think straight and figure a way of making both their
dreams come true with the woman they loved.

* * * *

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Richard could barely move. Even breathing pained him. Yet he

had to. The afternoon sun’s rays beaming in concentration on his
forehead spread intense heat on his skin to an irritating level.

Groaning, he turned in his bed and felt the pain surge as his blood

flowed through his veins with the exertion. Just once he wished it
would be easier. But it never was. He awoke each time after that
feeling like he had just fallen twenty feet and crashed on a bed of

The glass of water on the table beside his bed looked tempting.

His parched throat would certainly welcome its quenching effects, but
was the feat to get it worth it? Yes. It was.

He slowly pushed himself up until he sat in the bed and leaned

over to get the glass. He took a big gulp. The cool liquid coated his
mouth, tongue, and palate, extinguishing the fire that burned inside.

A knock came at the door when he took a second gulp.
“Come in.”
George stuck his head in, smiling. “You’re still in bed? Rise and

shine, my dear brother.”

Right at that moment he wanted to throw the water glass in his

hands at his annoying younger brother. “Don’t start, George. I am in
no mood for your jokes.”

“You never are.”
“Yes, but now especially.”
“I told you what the cure is for that.”
He nodded. “Yes, I know, brandy. Two glasses, straight.”
George jumped onto the foot of the bed and lay back, staring up at

the ceiling. “Exactly, it works for me every time.”

“Well, it may work for you, but alcohol isn’t my answer.”
George twirled his hand in the air. “To each his own, I suppose.”

Then he stared at him in silence.

Richard frowned. “You didn’t come in here just to tell me that.”

He took a deep intake of air. “So why did you come to see me now?”

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George swished his lips from side to side as if his nose was itchy

and he aimed to appease it without scratching. “There have been

“Complications? To what?” He didn’t like the sound of that, or

George’s use of the word complications.

“Mary came to see me not too long ago and told me that she found

Lady Elizabeth and Lady Ann in the basement last night. Near the

“What?” Richard’s glass fell onto the bed, spilling its contents on

his satin cover and rolling off to the floor, shattering into tiny shards.

Looking at the mess, George said, “Yes, I had the same reaction,

though thankfully, I didn’t spill my brandy. A waste of a hundred-
year-old stock would be such a shame.”

“Stop kidding, George. Do you know what this means?”
George sat back up, his smile fading, being replaced by a frown.

“I know exactly what this means. Was it not I who warned you
something like this could happen if you made Lady Elizabeth live in
the castle?”

“We set up protocols. Made sure the servants followed them

perfectly. That should not have happened unless…”

“Steven was taken suddenly ill last night with a stomach flu and

didn’t lock the basement door before he retreated to his room to

“And he told no one to take over?”
“Apparently not. If you were too busy vomiting your guts out,

something like locking a simple door could slip your mind, don’t you

“How much did they hear or see?”
“Don’t know exactly. When Mary realized the door wasn’t

locked, she decided to go check if everything was all right. That’s
when she heard something falling and breaking and saw them there.
They were very frightened.”

“I can imagine they would be.” He nodded.

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“What reason did she give them?”
“Hounds. You keep your hounds in the basement, and they were


“Excellent. And what was their reaction?”
“Lady Ann had no reaction, but Mary said Elizabeth looked at her

through squinted eyes and a frown.”

“You think she doesn’t believe it’s a plausible excuse?”
George stood up and paced slowly. “Well, Lady Elizabeth is a

very astute young woman. There’s a big possibility she doesn’t.”

Richard’s stomach turned over with worry. He knew his brother

could be right. “So what do you suggest we do next, George?”

George sat back down at the foot of the bed. “I have the most

perfect plan to get to the bottom of this without drawing any more

“A perfect plan, aye?”
“Yes, indeed.”
Richard chuckled. “I’ve seen you at work more times than I care

to mention on ‘the perfect plan.’ Each and every attempt has resulted
in failure of the biggest caliber.”

“Not this time, dear brother. It will work perfectly.”
“Why are you so sure?”
“Because we will use a game of seduction.”
“Seduction?” He liked the sound of that. “I’m listening.”
Tapping his brother’s shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile,

George said, “There’s a lot I need to explain to you. It may take a

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Chapter Eleven

Elizabeth knocked with apprehension. She had no idea what lay in

store for her once the door opened. She hadn’t seen the Duke or his
brother for more than four days, and wondered if they were still away.
But when she got news that the Duke wanted to see her in his private
chambers this afternoon, she began to worry. Had Mary told him of
she and Ann’s disregard for their wishes not to go down to the
basement? What would his reaction be? And what would be the
reprimand? As much as she hated the fact she was forced to come live
in the castle after her father gambled away all their fortune, she knew
she had no other place to go. If he were to kick her and Ann out, what
would become of them? How would they survive?

She sighed as the door creaked open a minute after. George and

his huge smile greeted her. She certainly didn’t expect that or him. He
opened the door wide and took her hand, staring fixedly into her eyes.

“Lady Elizabeth, you look lovelier each day that passes.” He then

lowered his gaze to her hand, turning it over so her palm faced
upward, and gently rubbed it with his thumb. A shiver of excitement
shot through her hand, up her arm, and straight to her chest, making
her heart skip a beat. Returning his gaze back to her eyes, he brought
her palm up to his face and kissed it with hot, full lips. Her arousal
continued to spread throughout her body. She wondered how his
alluring lips would feel on her own lips and body. Giddiness made her
legs weak and her pussy spasm with desire. It seemed his piercing
blue eyes were staring right to her soul. She feared he could read her
thoughts and how much she desired him that very moment.

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Her increasing wanton wishes surprised her. Before she ever came

to Norfolk Castle she never would have thought such lewd ideas, but
it seemed the Albert brothers brought the lustful side of her
personality out. It was blossoming at astounding speed, thanks to her
erotic dreams’ influence.

Ending the kiss, he never let go of her hand, but rather guided her

into the room and closed the door behind her.

“You’re right, George. She gets prettier and prettier by the

second,” the Duke said.

Startled, she jumped. Speaking of the devil…
“My lord, I didn’t see you there.”
He walked up to her and took her hand into his, just like George

did before. He rubbed it and brought it to his lips, but not only did he
kiss the inside palm, he continued to trail kisses to her wrist and lower
arm. Memories of the kisses and fondling they shared several nights
earlier came to her with his contact. Shockingly, humiliation or shame
didn’t accompany the memories. Instead, visions of her sexual
fantasies of him that night and her dreams of both brothers flooded
her thoughts.

Her heart began to drum faster in her chest, her breath quickening.

He looked so damn handsome today, as did George. Two virile,
desirable men so close to her made her body excited beyond compare.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the perfume on her wrist. “Mmm,

you smell wonderful, my lady.”

She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment, yet she didn’t pull

her hand away. Instead, she savored his touch. “Thank you, my lord.”

“Please, call me Richard. May we call you Elizabeth?”
“Of course my…I mean, Richard.”
He smiled at her falter, then while still holding her hand, guided

her to the sitting area in the wide, long room. “Please sit down,

She nodded and sat. Tongue-tied, she twirled her thumbs in her

lap and looked first at Richard, then George, who had both come to sit

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on each side of her on the couch. Richard’s leg rubbed against hers in
their close proximity, and George put his arm on the couch’s back,
behind her shoulders, and in doing so his chest touched her arm. He
sported a friendly, devilish smile that made her melt.

By now, her body was practically out of control. Having both their

bodies in contact with her drove her mad. Her recently awakened,
lustful alter ego wanted to turn around and kiss George on his lips and
finally know how they would feel on hers. Then she desired to taste
Richard’s lips once again, as well. That was what her wanton mind
screamed, but her sane mind told her to stay put and start talking.

“You wanted to talk to me about something, my…Richard?”
“No, not something specific, just chitchat.”
She moved forward, attempting to get up. “Then I’ll go get Ann,

so we can all chitchat together.”

She did it instinctively without thinking, but deep down she knew

it was because being between these two men was wreaking havoc on
her mind and body. Her heart beat so fast that she could hear its beat
vibrating in her eardrums. Her palms had become clammy, and her
breathing kept stopping. She had to force her lungs to expand every
few seconds, or risk fainting.

George took her hand. “No, Elizabeth, we just want to have the

pleasure of your company. Actually, George and I wanted to spend
some time getting to know you more.”

Richard leaned forward and poured three glasses of what looked

like a light-colored brandy. He handed her the first glass. “There you

She shook her head. “No, thank you. After my last experience

with the drink, I best stay away from it.” She couldn’t help but blush
once more, remembering how she acted that night thanks to the
alcohol, and how her stomach rejected it after that.

He smiled. “Yes, I figured that much. Brandy doesn’t quite agree

with you.” His blue eyes twinkled as he gazed at her, and she felt like

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“This is apple cider, Elizabeth.”
“Oh”—she took the glass and twirled the liquid in it, staring at its

spinning motion—“thank you.”

George grabbed the glass his brother offered him and once the

three held their glasses, Richard lifted his in a toast and winked as he
stared at her. “Here’s to new beginnings and the adventures ahead.”

They all clanged their crystal glasses together, but Elizabeth

couldn’t help but wonder what exactly he meant by that.

* * * *

It took all his willpower not to kiss her on the lips when George

saw her at the door. The blue, low-cut velvet gown that showed off
her plumb bosom, and the pearls in her soft, blonde curls made him
want to grab her in his arms and squeeze her tight to his chest. His
desires for her ran rampant.

Given the fact that he and Richard had been going over their plan

for quite some time also added to his excitement. He never expected
convincing Richard that they should both seduce her would be so
easy, but when he explained his dreams to him and that she was the
woman he loved, Richard didn’t look surprised. He guessed that much
from the way George kept looking at Elizabeth.

He admitted that at first it bothered him, but then he understood

his brother’s feelings because he felt the same way. They had both
fallen under her spell without her even trying to enchant them. It came
naturally with her beautiful eyes and face. It came also with her
alluring body and seductive curves. Although they hadn’t yet had the
pleasure of seeing them firsthand, they knew they made her all
woman. And most importantly, her character, her feistiness,
demureness, and innocence, all of these put together made her the
perfect and only woman for them.

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They wanted to hold her, make love to her, and protect her for all

eternity from the dangers that lurked outside these castle walls, and
those within, as well.

That’s why it was very important that he and Richard stick to the

plan and make sure not to botch things up. They needed to know
exactly what Elizabeth and Ann saw and heard in the dungeon the
other night. The Stuart sisters’ lives depended on the secret George
and Richard had been keeping remaining hidden.

If not, then he and Richard had a lot of explaining to do, and

preparing, too, to protect Elizabeth from the creatures in the dungeon.
Once the truth was out, there was no turning back. What would be her
reaction? Whichever way he looked at it, he knew it wouldn’t be

But they need not go down that road just yet. It was a road they

would need to go down sooner or later, especially since they both
vowed to make her theirs, but all good things came to those who

In this case, the saying couldn’t be truer.
After finishing her glass of cider, she licked her lips, placing her

glass in the silver tray on the table before them. “Mmm, that was quite
good. Thank you.”

She looked at Richard and then George, grinning shyly. “So what

would you like to discuss with me?”

Richard leaned back on the couch and rested his half-empty glass

on his knee. “Mary told me that she found you and Lady Ann in the
basement the other day.”

Her eyes widened and she paled. “Yes, she did.”
Richard nodded. “I see. George tells me he told Lady Ann that the

basement and dungeon were off-limits to you. You were free to go to
any other part of the castle and the grounds outside whenever you
wished, but not down there.”

“Yes, Ann told me that.”

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“All right, so you knew. May I ask, then, why did you disobey our

instructions and go down there just the same?”

She gulped and stared at Richard for a few minutes in silence,

then said bluntly, “Because I was curious.”

George couldn’t help but laugh. She was curious. Another reason

why he loved her so much.

She looked at him, her brows furrowed. “I see no humor in what I

said, George.”

He brought his hand slowly up to her face. He pulled away from

her beautiful face a strand of blonde hair that kept going in her eyes,
which she kept shaking her head to the side to remove. Her pride
made her so desirable.

“You’re right, Elizabeth. So by you and Lady Ann going into the

basement did you sate your curious trait?”

She shook her head, looking him straight in the eye. “No, I am

more curious now than I ever was.”

She then turned her attention to Richard and had another

counterreply. “Nor am I satisfied with your response the other
evening when you told me you weren’t the reason for all of my
misfortune, and that all you were doing was protecting me.”

This time Richard laughed. “You said you wouldn’t forget that,

and you didn’t.”

“No, I didn’t. So would you gentlemen care to tell me the truth?”
Richard looked at George and then at her, nodding. “Yes,

Elizabeth. You deserve to know the truth. All of it. But before we tell
you, would you indulge us in our wishfulness?”

“If I agree, will you promise to tell me everything?” She looked

first at Richard, who agreed, and then at George, who nodded with a
reassuring smile.

Richard’s grin widened. “We’d like to spend the afternoon and

evening in your company.”

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George almost spit out the apple cider. His brother was never one

for smoothness and collectedness. He tended to put his foot in his
mouth often. This was no exception. From the look in Elizabeth’s
eyes, she did not like his proposal.

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Chapter Twelve

“You’d like what?”
She needed to hear him say it again.
George took her hand and smiled when she turned to face him. He

kissed her palm as he gazed into her eyes. “Richard didn’t quite word
that right. We’d like to take you out horseback riding and then have
an early evening picnic in the gardens, just the three of us. Since you
came to stay here, we’ve hardly been the perfect hosts.”

“What about Ann?”
The brothers exchanged a look, then George continued, “We’d

both like to spend this time with you alone, Elizabeth. Getting to
know your sister will come in due time. Besides, she told me you love
horseback riding, while she does not.”

She nodded. “That’s true.” She looked at her blue gown. “But I’m

hardly dressed to ride a horse.”

Richard pointed to the closed door on the other side of the room.

“I had one of the servants buy you a riding gown in your size. It’s on
the bed in my room. You can go in there to change.”

Her jaw practically fell open. “How would you know my size?”

Then it dawned on her. She looked at George. “Once again, my

“Yes,” was all he said, winking. Yes, he certainly did his

homework. It’s like he planned all this right from the start.

Getting up and straightening her gown, she said, “Very well,” and

headed for the door. Something told her they had far more planned
than horseback riding and a simple picnic. A part of her worried what
else would be in store for her this late afternoon and early evening,

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but at the same time, she was very excited and anxious to spend time
with them. The powerful attraction she felt for them both stirred so
many lewd longings in her. Her body wanted to experience what
started with Richard the other night and go beyond that. She didn’t
only want it with him but with George, as well.

Before ever setting foot in Norfolk Castle, such lustful thoughts or

wanton images never crossed her mind. Her life was one of
innocence, but now that she was here, and in their close proximity, a
hungry, primitive instinct overcame her, and she wished to be ravaged
by not one Albert brother, but both.

When she closed the door behind her, she fanned her face with her

open hand. It did little to calm the heat brewing in her body. She
gazed around the bright, sunny room, admiring its vastness. Richard
had good taste in artwork. Throughout the castle beautiful paintings of
nature and portraits hung on the walls, sculptures of eloquent figures
rested on furniture, complementing each room and its theme. His
room was no exception. The dark birchwood furniture was massive
but not heavy, the perfect size for the huge room. The paintings on the
walls had a rainbow of colors in them, depicting nature’s beauty. Each
painting reflected an uplifting mood. The sky-blue bedcover added to
the cheeriness in the room. She imagined herself waking up in the bed
beside him and gazing upon the artwork. She’d awaken with a wide
smile each morning, no doubt because of it, and because of the
company beside her.

She shook her head as the image of him holding her, them both

nude and in each other’s arms, stirred in her mind’s eye. She saw they
were giving each other good-morning kisses and continuing on to
making passionate love.

She needed to stop the forbidden thoughts before they consumed

her. It felt like the temperature in the room kept rising and rising.

She began to undress, and as the cool air hit her exposed skin, she

sighed. It felt refreshing. The riding dress resting on the bed was a

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dark emerald green. It was beautiful and looked comfortable for her to
move in it with ease. Sure enough, the fit was perfect.

Observing her reflection in the mirror beside the bed, she smiled.

Whichever servant bought the dress had impeccable taste. She took a
step to the door when an overwhelming urge came upon her. She
turned and sat on the bed. She twisted her body so she lay on her
stomach and she rubbed her hands and nose on the soft cover,
inhaling Richard’s manly scent that remained in the material, however
faint. Mmm. It intoxicated her.

A knock came at the door and then it opened a second after that.

Richard peeked in. His brow lifted, and an amused look spread on his
face. “We best be going if we want to ride soon. The stableboy
usually brings the stallions back in around four o’clock for

She jumped to her feet and straightened the dress that had twisted

to the side with her movement. She cleared her throat and felt her
cheeks burn fiery hot. “I was just stretching so my muscles would not
stiffen with the exercise outside.”

He opened the door wider for her to pass him, his smirk widening.

“Yes, of course that was what you were doing.”

* * * *

She was really unpredictable. Richard loved that the most about

her. Right when he thought he had her all figured out, she went and
did something like she did in his room. It took all his willpower not to
break out in hysterics at seeing her comical position on the bed. From
what he could decipher, she was sniffing his cover. The smile he
caught right before she realized he had opened the door told him she
liked his room and his blanket. Did it mean she liked him, too?

God, he certainly hoped so. He hoped the days where she despised

him and looked down upon him with hatred were over. He wanted to
move forward and build a life with her. Of course, there was George

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and his deep love for her to take into account, plus their secret, and
the secret from her past. Yes, those factors certainly added big twists
and complications to their relationship. Things would never be simple
where they three were concerned, but that made it all the more
interesting and exciting.

When they arrived at the stables, John had saddled Excelsior,

Hayden, and Britton. He expressively told the stableboy to saddle the
most docile of the stallions so Elizabeth could have her pick of which
she wanted to ride. He had thought of asking John to saddle only two
horses and make her ride either with him or George, so she could be
in their arms for a little while. But knowing her independence and
stubbornness, he didn’t want to risk her not liking the decision he
made for her and then refusing to ride with them.

All his and George’s plans would be ruined if that were the case.

He couldn’t bear that.

The moment Elizabeth saw Excelsior, she walked over to him

with a smile and big, sparkling eyes. “Oh, he is so beautiful!”

“Would you like to ride him?”
Her eyes widened. “May I?”
Richard smiled. “Of course you may.”
He extended his hand so she may take it and he assisted in lifting

her into the saddle. At one point she almost fell backward when he
placed his hand on her buttocks and pushed her up. She sighed and
blushed as she sat sidesaddle on the stallion.

He liked the feel of her bottom, what little of it he felt, and wished

he could get a better feel, skin on skin, later in the evening.

Just as he and George began to mount their horses, he saw her

kick Excelsior on his sides, and off she went.

Richard hollered after her, “Wait for us.”
George started galloping after her. “Bloody hell, look at her go.

She’s far more experienced a rider than Lady Ann let on. Hurry up,
Richard, and let’s catch up to her.”

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George didn’t have to say it twice. Richard wasted no time

motioning Britton to gallop and catch up with the free-spirited maiden
that had won his and George’s hearts.

It took them a few minutes to catch up to Excelsior. Elizabeth’s

hair blowing in the wind, her smile, and the look of happiness and
freedom in her eyes made her the most beautiful she had ever been.
He registered the image in his mind, wanting to never forget it.

They continued to gallop along the castle grounds for what

seemed like a quarter of an hour, when suddenly a massive eagle flew
up above. Its extended wings’ range was something Richard never
saw before. It was no doubt almost three times bigger than a normal
eagle’s size.

It turned and began to circle around them. Richard found it odd.

Elizabeth didn’t notice it above her, but George did. He stared at it
with a blank expression.

A very bad feeling instantly churned in Richard’s stomach and

rose into his esophagus, with acid right behind it. His sixth sense
screamed danger!

When he looked at George and saw his blank expression had been

replaced with an alarmed look in his eyes, he realized who had sent
the eagle.

Panic-stricken, Richard shouted, “Elizabeth, be careful!”
But it was too late. The eagle swooped down and hit her head with

its beak. She jumped in shock and quickly slid off Excelsior, falling
onto the ground and rolling to a stop. She didn’t move after that.

Richard saw it all scroll before him in slow motion, yet his

reflexes didn’t kick in until it was too late. Bringing his stallion to a
quick halt, he jumped off his horse and ran in desperation to her. Was
he too late to save her?

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Chapter Thirteen

“What we did was a very, very stupid thing!” Richard said in a

loud, nervous voice.

“How were we to know Pondora would send one of her creatures

over the castle grounds? Doesn’t the castle’s enchantment block her
from doing that?” George replied.

“Well, apparently not. Pondora can send any one of her creatures

past the moat and outer castle walls. They seem to be immune to the
spell. This means she can’t step foot outside anymore.”

“So now we ban her from going in the gardens, too? Why don’t

we simply lock her away in the dungeon for safekeeping? She will
really love that!”

“You know the dungeon isn’t exactly a safer place. Anyway, we

don’t have a choice. It’s the only way to protect her,” Elizabeth heard
Richard answer.

Taking a deep breath, she fought to open her eyes. “Protect who?

Who is Pondora?” she asked.

Both George and Richard came and sat on either side of the bed

she lay upon. The worry in their eyes told her they had not slept for
quite some time. George took her hand and kissed the outside of it,
smiling. “It’s a long, complicated story. We’ll tell it all to you when
you are stronger. How are you feeling?”

She moaned as she tried to lift her head. She realized she was in a

gigantic bed. She was in her nightgown, and from how unrestrained
she felt in the gown, she surmised she wore nothing underneath it.

“Like my skull was cracked open,” she mumbled. She touched her

head and felt a bandage on her forehead.

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“Do you remember what happened?”
Fogginess encompassed her mind. The image of the stallion came

to her. “I fell off the horse.”

George gazed at Richard, then back at her. “Yes. Yes, you did.”
“You were unconscious for almost a day. We were so worried,”

Richard added.

“A day? Where’s Ann?” she asked, trying to focus on the room.

From what she could make out as her vision adjusted to the view, she
was in Richard’s room.

“Your sister is in her room, sleeping. She’s caught the flu that has

been spreading throughout the castle. The doctor ordered her to rest as
she almost fainted earlier. She was up all night looking after you,”
George replied.

“From the redness in your eyes, you both haven’t slept, either.”
They smiled. “No, we haven’t. We couldn’t sleep worrying about

you. Even though the doctor said you would be all right, we wanted to
make sure to be here when you woke up.” Richard gently pushed the
hair off her face.

She slowly sat up. The room spun for a moment. She closed her

eyes and lay back down, waited a few seconds until it stilled, and she
reopened her eyes. “Well, now that I am awake, I’ll be fine. So you
can go get some rest.”

Richard looked at George, who stared back at him with a slight

grin. “Would you mind if we rested on the bed beside you? That way
we can keep an eye on you if you need anything, and rest at the same

She liked the sound of that. “Of course. These are your private

chambers, after all,” she said to Richard.

He smiled as he stretched out beside her and propped his head on

his elbow. “That is true.”

George followed suit coming to rest beside her on her right side.

He kissed her hand softly and trailed his index finger up and down her
arm. “Just relax.”

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Goose bumps of pleasure formed on her skin from his warm

touch. They continued to spread up her shoulder, traveling to her
neck, chest, and around her breasts. She could feel her nipples
become erect and rub against her garment with every breath she took.

Just relax. Bloody hell, no! That was the last thing her body

wanted. It yearned to be awakened in a sexual way that it had never
been before, by these two virile, desirable men. She hardly believed
her lustful urges were surfacing right now. She was tired and sore as
hell, but that didn’t stop her arousal or her desire to have them.

It was almost as if a power stronger than her will and mind was

pulling her toward them, like a metal fork toward a magnet. It had
started the first day she came to the castle and had been getting more
powerful each day that passed.

Try as she might, she could not break free of the strong sexual

attraction she had for these brothers.

“Would you like something to eat?” Richard asked.
She slowly pushed herself up on her elbows and rolled up to a

sitting position. She had started to lose her breath as her raging heart
began to drum quickly with excitement in her chest.

“No, thank you. But perhaps some water.”
George sat up and leaned to the side, reaching for the full glass on

the center of the table. Handing it to her, he said, “Here you go, my
lovely lady.”

She couldn’t help but laugh after drinking the quenching liquid

that soothed her parched lips and throat. A throbbing pain in her head
and limbs made her stop short in her chuckle. “Thank you, but I must
look horrible.”

With a serious look, George gazed into her eyes. “No. Never. You

are the most ravishing woman I have ever seen. Today, even
bandaged and bruised, you are so beautiful, inside and out.”

Butterflies formed in her stomach from the compliment.

Suddenly, she was on a high that she never wanted to come down

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“My brother is right, Elizabeth. You are the most beautiful woman

in the world to us. You have charmed us and our hearts.” Richard sat
up, looking at her with large, sincere, love-struck eyes.

Could this be real? Or was it the beginning of another of her erotic

dreams? Could these gorgeous men both have fallen for her as she
had fallen for them?

She wanted to pinch herself to make sure it really was happening,

but then thought better of it. If she were hallucinating and the dream
ended with the pain of the pinch, then where would all the fun go?
She wanted to savor the moment for as long as she could.

George moved behind her. “The doctor said you would be very

sore when you awoke because of the terrible fall. Would you allow us
to rub your shoulders, back, and limbs? We’ll be extra gentle.”

My, but her dream kept getting better and better. “Yes, the doctor

was right. My body is stiff and sore. I’d like that. Thank you.”

“Your wish is our command, my lady. Just take a deep breath and

relax. Close your eyes.”

She followed George’s instructions and waited with anticipation

as his warm hands touched her shoulders. A tingling sensation formed
over her skin with each circular motion he made with his nimble
fingers. He worked first her shoulders, then her neck, and then down
her arms, going back up to her neck.

Richard moved around so he faced her. He pushed her nightgown

up until half her legs were exposed. The cool air in the room seemed
to blow a gentle wind over her skin. More goose bumps formed and
she tensed up, but when his warm, gentle hands made contact, she
calmed down instantly. She absorbed his up-and-down motions while
he started at her feet and worked her calves and lower legs, up to her
knees, and then back down.

When he stopped after a minute, she opened her eyes to peer at

him, only to see a wicked, daring glint in his eyes. “May I massage
your upper legs, as well?”

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She knew the proper response to that, yet at this moment she

didn’t feel proper. Her wayward emotions had her on a string like a
puppet, making her perform their every wish. With barely a whisper,
she replied, “Yes.”

His smile intensified. He was obviously happy with her response.

Instead of continuing where he had stopped, he pushed her gown up
way above her thighs. Much to her delight, she had been correct in her
supposition before. She wore no petticoat underneath. She was
completely naked. She wondered who had undressed her and slipped
her into her nightgown when she was unconscious. Was it her sister,
or them?

Her pussy throbbed with the cool air’s contact. Her nipples stood

erect with her rising excitement, as the image of them undressing her
came to mind. This sent her sexual urges into a frenzy. Her heartbeat
that already raced in her chest picked up speed. Her breaths became
shallow and fast. And her whole body wanted them to make love to

Her pussy lips wept for caresses. But Richard’s magic hands

didn’t touch her there. He instead started at her lower leg and worked
himself languidly up her limbs. When he came close to her cunt, she
held her breath, anticipating the experience of his fingers rubbing her
clit and pussy lips, but once again, he didn’t touch her there.

He just jumped over to her other leg and worked his fingers

downward. Disappointment chocked her and she wanted to scream.
But she didn’t dare. She just stood still and waited to see what his or
George’s next move would be.

* * * *

Damn, but his erect cock felt like it would burst out of his

trousers. Its wet tip had dampened the material, he was sure. Her
body, that of a goddess, drove him crazy. She had on the almost-sheer
gown Ann had changed her into when she was unconscious, and he

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could see her plump breasts and dark, pert nipples through it. He
hungered to touch them, to take them in his mouth to lick and suck,
just as he had done so many times in his dreams. She was exactly like
he imagined and dreamed she would be.

When he saw Richard pull her gown up, and her heavenly pussy

lay exposed for them to admire, he almost drooled. Added to that he
saw her rising desires as her breathing quickened and she instinctively
widened her legs, and he wanted to pounce on her and make love to
her. But her condition made him hesitant. It would be too much too
soon. She needed to rest and recover now, not have Richard and him
make passionate love to her.

He asked with concern, “Are you all right, Elizabeth? Perhaps we

should stop the massage, so you may rest?”

Richard gazed at him. The sexual yearning in his eyes diminished,

and worry obsessed him. Apparently, his libido had also almost taken
over, and he forgot her frail condition for the briefest of moments,

She turned to look George in the eyes and a serious expression

overtook her features, as if she didn’t like what he suggested. She
shook her head. “No, please don’t stop. I’m fine, and would like you
to continue.”

He peered at Richard before asking again, “Are you sure you’re

strong enough? There is no rush.”

Even though his question was vague, he knew she understood

exactly what he meant by it.

“Yes, I’m sure. Please, I’d like us to continue.” She smiled,


Her strength seemed to be increasing by the minute, her recovery

fast. Yet, he knew that sometimes sexual urges push people beyond
their limits, and given she was obviously a virgin and inexperienced,
he knew she had no idea how tolling it could get physically.

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George looked at Richard. He gave him the signal that they should

continue, but at a slow pace, and not overexert her. Her first time with
them would be just an awakening.

* * * *

Elizabeth’s anticipation got the better of her. She blurted out the

words before realizing what she said. Granted, it was exactly what she
wanted and needed at this moment, but what would they think of her?
Would they consider her a trollop and cast her away? A lady didn’t
beg for sexual gratification. A whore did.

She was about to take back her words when Richard bent down,

kissed her on the lips gently, and then looked at her to caress her face.

“You’ve come to mean so much to us, Elizabeth. We’d like to

show you just how much. We promise we will take things slow, and
whenever you feel uncomfortable or weak, just tell us and we’ll stop.”

She nodded, as she was at a loss for words, but her heart wasn’t. It

beat doubly fast, firstly because what he said was so sincere and
beautiful, and secondly because she anxiously awaited what they
would do next.

George pushed her hair away from her neck, and leaned in to kiss

the nape. His warm, wet lips on her skin made her lose her breath. He
trailed kisses up to her earlobe, nibbling it for a second. She giggled
as it tickled.

He laughed and said, “Lift your arms.”
She obeyed and sighed when he worked diligently to remove her

gown without her having to move too much. She sat completely bare
on the bed, her puckered nipples pointed outward. Shy and awkward,
she tried to cover herself from their hungry stares, but Richard
blocked her hand, smiling reassuringly. “No, don’t hide. You are

He slid his hand from her arm that he held to her chest, cupping

her left breast. He first squeezed it delicately for a few seconds, then

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rubbed it up and down, side to side, and in a circular motion. Her
nipple’s peak hardened and sensations of sharp arousal flowed
through both her breasts down to her cunt and clit. Wetness seeped
out of her cunt, and she moaned.

Meanwhile, George pulled her down on top of him. He continued

to caress her shoulders and arms and leaned over to kiss her on the
lips. Hot and demanding, his tongue licked her lips from side to side.
Then he sucked her lower lip. More sexual excitement surged through
her, this time from her mouth, down her neck, and continued traveling

When he pushed her lips open, slipping his seductive tongue into

hers, he first licked and probed her mouth, and then twirled and
danced around her tongue. She tried to follow her teacher, mimicking
his tantalizing tongue’s movements. Feeling daring, she instinctively
pulled her tongue out and grabbed his lower lip between her teeth.
When he groaned with pleasure, she knew she was a fast learner.

Letting go of her breast, Richard moved from the middle of the

bed to the foot. He pushed her legs wide apart in a slow movement.
Cool air hit her wet pussy, making goose bumps form on her legs and
her inner and outer pussy lips whimper. He kissed her heel and slid
his lips up her left leg, while his other hand caressed her right leg with
the same upward movement. He advanced in a seductive pattern until
he got to the apex.

To her delightful surprise, he brought his scorching hot lips to her

clit, circling it with his tongue. His heated breath made her shiver
with excitement. He circled her clit a minute longer as George took
over where Richard had left off massaging and fondling her breasts.
That didn’t last long, though. Soon after, George stopped kissing her
lips and brought his mouth to her right breast. With his left hand, he
pinched and rolled the tip of her left breast between his index finger
and thumb. Then he flicked it back and forth.

She moaned at the sensations flowing through her. Her heart

pounded crazily and she could barely hear anything other than its

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drumming in her ears. Her clit throbbed and wetness seeped out of her

Richard brought his tongue to her opening and circled her pussy

lips, then slipped his tongue inside her. In and out and around his
movements went while George continued to switch breasts,
alternating from sucking and nibbling her nipple to pinching and
pulling the other.

A heat grew inside her as blood surged through her body, homing

in on her breasts and pussy that were being bombarded with such
wonderfully sinful sensations.

When Richard began to suck her clit and slipped his finger into

her cunt, at the same time that George sucked her right breast while
pinching her left nipple, she exploded. She moaned and arched her
back as her climax rushed over her like a tidal wave of ecstasy
possessing her. She cried out in satisfaction and she shook with

Panting after it passed, she felt her heartbeat calm and the sweat

on her skin quickly cool.

Both Richard and George had stopped by now, realizing she had

achieved her peak. Richard came to sit beside her and kissed her
forehead. “Are you all right?” he asked.

She smiled, still trying to catch her breath. “Yes. Just a little


George laughed as he brought her the glass of water. “From your

reaction, I gather you enjoyed it?”

She couldn’t help but blush at his joke, then smiled and took a sip

of water before saying, “Yes, I did.”

George winked when he came to sit beside her, opposite Richard.

“And that was just the beginning, my dear. It only gets better and

Oh, she liked the sound of that!

* * * *

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Richard stood at the open window staring at the sunset, pondering

when Pondora would strike next. Now that he knew she had found out
where Elizabeth was, her hunt would be relentless. Pondora wouldn’t
stop until she caught and killed her. Which of her creatures would
Pondora send next? From past experiences, he knew she had many.
Some were nature-born while others were her own creations, spawned
from her evil cauldron of spells.

The powerful sorceress was a formidable foe that he and George

could not kill. The only weapon of protection lay inside the castle.
Inside the castle, no harm by Pondora or her creatures could come to
Elizabeth, except for the two creatures in the dungeon, deep in the
basement. Those two creatures, if they ever would be let loose in the
castle, could kill Elizabeth.

He could never allow that. He’d move heaven and earth to make

sure they could never get free again like they did years back. One of
the servants on guard hadn’t realized the shackles were loose on one
creature, and when it had broken free, it pounced on him and killed
him instantaneously by biting his throat.

No, an error like that one could never happen again, for if it did,

and one of the beasts got loose and God forbid Elizabeth was hurt or
killed by it, Richard would never forgive himself.

They had to do everything possible not to risk her safety, even if it

meant he or George had to give up their lives to do it.

He took a sip of brandy when he heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

George walked in sporting a grin. When he looked at Richard, his

smile turned to a frown. “I thought you said you would rest now that
you know Elizabeth was all right.”

He huffed. “Rest? I couldn’t sleep. How can I when I know

Pondora has found out she’s here?”

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George’s frown deepened. “You need to rest. You’ve gone almost

three days without sleep, Richard. That is not good for the situation.
How can you help Elizabeth in this condition of fatigue and stress?”

Richard lifted a brow. “Don’t start dictating to me, dear brother.

You think I’m blind. From the redness in your eyes, you didn’t sleep
much yourself.”

George sat on the smoking chair near him. “That’s true, but the

reason is more because the time is quickly approaching than the worry
of Pondora’s next strike.”

Richard checked his watch. “Yes, it’s almost eight thirty. We best

get on with the preparations. Who will be looking after Elizabeth this

“Ann will stay vigilant next to her bed tonight.”
“Is Ann strong enough? She almost fainted the night before.”
George nodded. “She looks better, stronger this evening. Besides,

she refused a servant’s aid. She said she wanted to take care of her
sister herself.”

“You did warn her once more to stay clear of the basement?” He

pointed a stern finger.

“Yes, I repeated it twice, and she promised.”
Richard took a deep breath and slowly released it to relax and let

the stress slide off him. “Let’s just hope Elizabeth doesn’t awaken and
slip out without her sister’s acknowledgement. With more than half
the staff sick, she could easily slip into the basement without being

“No, there is nothing to worry about where that is concerned. The

doctor gave Elizabeth a strong sleeping remedy that should make her
sleep until late morning tomorrow.”

“Good. Then we’re all set.”
George nodded. “Yes, let’s get this over with. Once we’re back

tomorrow, we’ll figure something out. Pondora has an Achilles’ heel.
It’s up to us to find it.”

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Richard loved to see his brother’s enthusiasm, but he knew the

road ahead was a hard and unpaved one, full of hidden obstacles and
danger at every turn.

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Chapter Fourteen

With its giant claws aimed for her eyes, it swooped down. Its cry

of attack echoed and intensified around her as it got closer. When it
sank its sharp, needlelike claws into her scalp, she screamed.

Elizabeth’s eyes shot open. Panting and wheezing, she sat up. The

room was dark. Where was she? This didn’t look like her room at the
manor. Soon her eyes adjusted to the near darkness. The only light
seeping into the room came from the moonlight outside. She
recognized the room now. This was her room at Norfolk Castle.

Her nightgown clinging to her body bothered her. She was

soaking wet with perspiration. The heat on this hot summer evening
and the warm cover on her bed had been to blame. She kicked off her
bedsheets and got up. She needed to change.

She wondered what time it was. Walking over to the window and

peering out, she noted the moon stood high above. At this angle, she
surmised it to be around midnight.

Hours earlier, the doctor had asked her to drink a sour, powdered

concoction that would help her sleep. He said she needed the rest.
Rest? All she had been doing these past couple of days was resting
and sleeping, apart from the sexual escapade with Richard and George
the day before.

Butterflies formed in her stomach and goose pimples of pleasure

spread on her body recalling all that they had done to her yesterday.
Even her cunt and clit throbbed. They had said that it was only the
beginning and that what came after that would be much more
enjoyable. She had no doubt about that. Seeing their naked bodies,
their muscular, heavenly torsos and cocks in full erection, and then

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having them make love to her, these fantastic thoughts had her excited
and equally nervous.

She had heard so many stories of how painful and frightening the

experience could be. But she knew George and Richard would never
do anything to hurt her. She couldn’t wait to take the next step in this
wonderful sexual encounter with them.

That’s why she didn’t drink the remedy the doctor prepared for

her. One of the servants left it on her table in the room this early
evening and instructed her that she must take it after eating her dinner,
doctor’s instructions. Elizabeth agreed, but when the time came and
she smelled the liquid, she almost gagged. She took a small sip and
her throat refused to make her swallow any more. She poured the vile
drink outside her window, pretending to have drunk every last drop.

As she felt her way to the bureau to get another nightgown to

change into, she heard a soft moan. She jumped, frightened. She was
not alone. Who was in the room with her? Richard? George? No, the
moan sounded like that of a female’s.

She felt her way to the table and lit a candle. Bringing it up in the

air so its light illuminated part of the room, she saw Ann lying on the
couch in the corner of the room. She was fast asleep.

Her poor sister. What was she doing here worrying about her

when she should be in her own bed taking care of herself? That nasty
stomach flu that she caught from one of the servants wasn’t letting up.
And it wouldn’t until she rested and took care of herself. She walked
over to her, intending on waking her so she may go rest in her own
bed, but Elizabeth quickly stopped in her tracks. Knowing her sister,
she would refuse and insist on staying with her to take care of her.

No, it was best she didn’t disturb her and let her sleep where she

lay. The couch was comfortable enough and the blanket over her was
neither too hot nor too cold. Just right for the warm summer night’s

She placed the lit candle on the furniture and quietly opened her

drawer to take out a clean nightgown. Shrugging off the damp one

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from her shoulders and body, she slipped the other over her head. She
looked at her bed and frowned. She should return to it and fall back to
sleep, but she didn’t want to. Her stiff limbs needed to stretch. A short
walk would do her good. Perhaps a glass of water would quench her
thirst. The pitcher on the bedside table was empty.

Picking up the candle, she slowly and quietly made her way to the

door and opened it with as much care. Closing it behind her, she
headed downstairs. The kitchen was empty as it should be at this time
of night. She helped herself to a big glass of water and stared outside
the window. It would be nice to take a walk in the gardens, but
unfortunately, the dim moonlight wouldn’t light her way to see where
she walked. Also, stepping out in the darkness alone at this ungodly
hour sent shivers of fright through her.

Deep in her bones, fear stirred. It felt as if something evil and

dangerous lay waiting for her outside. The minute she placed her foot
out the door, it would attack her. No, she didn’t dare go out now.

She turned and was heading back upstairs to crawl under her

covers and wait for the eerie feeling to dim away when she heard a
male voice cry out, “No! Stop that!” Then she heard growling and

Instantly, she recognized whose voice it was that had cried out. It

was Richard. Panic choked her when she realized that his scream
came from down below. The door to the basement was just beside
her. She tried it in desperation, figuring it would be locked. After it
had been mistakenly left open the last time, she figured the servants
would make sure to keep it locked from now on, as per Richard’s and
George’s orders. But the fact most of the staff was sick with the
contagious stomach virus could be the reason it was left open once

Did she dare go down there? She remembered how frightened she

and Ann had been when they went down and heard the hounds’ cries.
But she couldn’t stay there and do nothing. Richard was obviously in
danger and needed her help. Perhaps he was the one who left the door

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unlocked and had gone to check on the hounds, and one of them got
loose and was attacking him at this very moment.

And here she was contemplating if she should go to his rescue or

not. What a pathetic woman she was. Wasting no more time, she
headed down the steps as fast as she could, hollering, “Richard, are
you all right?”

No answer. She ran to the door at the end of the narrow, long

corridor and turned the handle. It opened with a creak. A stale, humid
smell attacked her nose, as well as an animalistic scent. The lit torches
on the wall illuminated the dungeon well enough. That’s when she
saw the creatures. One looked like an upright wolf, its red eyes staring
at her, its protruding fangs ready to kill. It was loose and coming
toward her in a calculated predator’s pace.

The other creature that looked partly human was trying to break

free from the one shackle chaining it to the brick wall. It howled at the
wolf-beast when it saw her, a frightened look in its eyes.

She should have run. Her brain was screaming that she must, but

her legs and feet weren’t listening. She simply stood there in shock,
quivering in place. Just as the wolf-beast pounced on her, its ferocious
teeth aiming for her neck, she saw the other human-looking creature
had finally broken free and had jumped on it.

Blackness encroached on her vision and she instantly lost


* * * *

Richard and George paced outside her door, waiting. When the

doctor opened the door, George was the first to ask, “How is she?”

He frowned when he looked at George’s face and neck. “She’s

fine. She’ll be waking up soon.” He paused then commented, “I
cannot say the same for you. I’d like to check those wounds, my

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“The carriage we were traveling in last evening had an accident

and both Richard and I were thrown out of it. I got the cuts on my
face and neck from the tree branch I encountered right before I hit the
ground,” he stated.

“Yes, it did quite a lot of damage,” the doctor said as he put his

finger next to the cut on his cheek.

George brushed his probing hand away. “It’s quite all right,

Doctor. The wounds will heal.”

He nodded. “Perhaps, but the risk of infection is great. The

wounds should be cleaned and dressed so that the risk is reduced.”

“All right, Doctor, you can tend to my minor wounds, but Richard

and I would like to see her just for a moment first. Even if she’s
sleeping. When we got back this morning and heard what had
happened to Lady Elizabeth, we were very worried.”

“Yes, I see. But there is nothing to worry about, my lords. She is

quite all right. The hound didn’t have time to bite her before help
came to her rescue.”

George sighed in relief. Yet he would never forgive himself that

this happened to her.

The doctor headed past them for the stairs. “I’ll wait for you in the

study, my lord.”

George nodded and followed Richard into the open room.
There she lay sleeping like an angel. He wanted to run to her bed,

lean down, scoop her into his arms, and kiss her, wiping the
nightmare of last night from her memories.

He glanced at Richard and noted his long face. Without turning to

return his gaze, Richard whispered, “My bringing her to the castle put
her in more danger than if she would have stayed at the manor.”

If it were two days ago, before what happened, George would

have responded, “No, Norfolk Castle is her best protection.” But after
last night, it became perfectly clear that it wasn’t.

He nodded as he began to pace as quietly as possible. Then he

whispered back, “We will make preparation for her and Ann to leave.

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We must make haste to get her as far away from here as we can. I’ll
leave this morning for Pembroke. I’ll speak to the Duke and convince
him to take her and Lady Ann in his care.”

He heard a soft moan and then a garbled, “No, I want to stay here

with you.”

Realizing she was awake, he spun on his heel and ran to her.

Getting on his knees at her bedside, he kissed her lips as he tried to
hold back his raging emotions. “You’re awake.”

She smiled and took his hand while Richard came to kiss her from

the opposite side. “How do you feel?” he asked.

“A little worse for wear, but it’ll pass. Though I doubt I’ll never

forget the image of the beast and its red eyes or fangs ever in my life.”

George’s heart sank to the very pit of hell with despair. If only

God could hear his prayers.

A look of concern overcame her features as her eyes widened in

fear. “You’re both hurt. Are you all right?”

They both nodded in reassurance, as Richard responded, “We’re

both fine. They’re minor wounds that are quickly healing.”

“Thank God.” She tried to push herself up in the bed, but Richard

stopped her.

“What are you doing?”
“I wanted to sit to talk to you. I heard you said you wanted to send

us away. No, please don’t!” Her eyes filmed with tears and her lips
trembled as she tried to hold back her emotions. “I want to stay here
with you. Don’t you want me anymore?”

Richard smiled, trying to reassure her. “Of course we want you.

That’s a ridiculous question. We love you, Elizabeth.”

Her eyes widened with Richard’s proclamation. George held back

the urge to kiss her and forget their plan.

Instead, he steeled his voice as best he could and said, “It’s

because we love you that we must send you far away from here.”

The tears broke free and trickled down her cheeks. She was

obviously too emotional to speak.

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Kissing her hand and her cheeks, trying to dry her tears, he

continued, “There is so much we need to tell you. And once we’re
done, you’ll understand why you must leave Norfolk Castle and never

* * * *

Was she dreaming? Yes, she had to be. What Richard and George

were telling her was impossible.

Richard huffed. “The look in your eyes tells me this will take

some time to sink in.”

“It’ll never sink in!” She frowned.
“We’re telling you the truth, Elizabeth,” George said, lifting his


“You’re telling me that a witch put a curse on my head the day I

was born, and she vowed that she would kill me in my twenty-first
year of life?”

“Yes, but not a witch. She’s a powerful sorceress.”
“And that’s why my father had Ann and I come live here with

you, to protect us from her?”

“Yes, to protect you. He knew of Norfolk Castle’s enchantment.

Pondora cannot physically pass through the enchantment, past the
outside castle walls.”

“But the enchantment cannot stop her creatures. They can pass

through the outside walls, though they cannot make it farther. They
cannot enter inside the actual castle, where the enchantment is the

She shook her head. She was getting dizzy for how crazily her

head spun. “This makes no sense! If the castle’s enchantment is so
strong, how can your servants and my sister and I stay here?”

“The spell only affects Pondora and her creatures. No one, or

nothing else, is affected by the spell.”

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“But if she cursed you both, then aren’t you considered her

creatures, as well, and thus denied entry, too? How can you remain

“Even though Pondora put a curse on us many, many years ago,

and we became part of her cast of enchanted creatures, our father had
a wizard cast a special protection spell on the castle after that. And
because we were both born in this castle, we are allowed to remain in

The image of the beast pouncing on her the night before sprang in

her mind and a shiver of chill crawled up her spine. Then her heart
ached at the realization it was George and Richard in the dungeon.
“You’ve been living with this curse for so long.”

“Yes,” Richard bluntly said.
Anger rose in her and she lifted her hand to slap his arm. His eyes

widened in shock then confusion. “Why on earth did you do that?
You do enjoy slapping me, don’t you?” He laughed, obviously trying
to make light of their dire situation.

She couldn’t help but laugh back. “Yes, I do. You could have told

me the truth from the very beginning. Instead, you and my foolish
father came up with such a ridiculous excuse of winning me in a bet.”

Richard raised his finger in emphasis. “Correction. That was all

your father’s doing. Not mine. All I wanted was to protect you.”

His blue eyes simply captivated her. An irresistible urge to pull

him to her possessed her, and she almost did just that. His hot lips on
hers would surely rekindle her sexual excitement. Now that they had
admitted their love for her, she wanted them to show her exactly how
deeply their sentiments went. Making passionate love to her would be
the perfect way.

But unfortunately, she was still feeling too weak thanks to last

night’s ordeal. Plus the wounds both on Richard’s arm and leg and
George’s face would make their lovemaking impossible for now.

They had gotten their injuries when Richard, in half beast form,

had fought off his brother to protect her. George had been in complete

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beast form. His rational mind had disappeared when his animal, rabid
mind took over. He didn’t know or have any control over what he did

Now that she knew the whole truth, the situation did look very

grim for all of them. But she needed to find a solution. She couldn’t
give up hope. Now that she had found her true loves, she would never
let them go. Even if it meant she would have to turn into a beast

As soon as the thought came to her, a memory of something her

sister has said about Lady Margaret’s new lover followed. Her heart
began to beat with excitement, and she wanted to jump out of bed and
run to get her sister. But she was too weak to do that.

Instead, she smiled and said, “Can you get Ann to come to me

now? I think perhaps there is someone who can help us.”

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Chapter Fifteen

George and Richard sat in the room waiting for God knows what.

All they knew was Elizabeth and Ann had called the meeting this
early morning. Yet here he and Richard sat, alone, twiddling their
thumbs, staring at the wall before them.

“We’re wasting time,” George said to Richard.
“Indeed. I don’t know why we listened to them. We should have

followed our instincts and gone to Pembroke to make the
arrangements.” Richard crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yes. The changing will take place in a few days once again, and

we have done nothing to protect Elizabeth.”

“She insisted we wait until she and Ann had spoken to Ann’s

friend,” Richard commented.

His response irked George. “You’re the Duke of Norfolk,

Richard. Since when do you procrastinate on something this
important, especially when you know someone under your reign is in
danger? Your judgment in this case is not only clouded, it’s distorted.
Love is blinding, especially where you are concerned.”

Richard turned in his chair to face his brother, an angry sneer

spread over his face. “I don’t—”

Suddenly, the door opened and in walked Lady Ann and

Elizabeth, followed by a young man and woman George didn’t
recognize. They all had wide smiles.

How nice. Elizabeth and Ann had called a social gathering rather

than address their dire situation.

He was about to speak his mind when Elizabeth, looking at him,

raised her finger to silence him. What? The audacity! He was not

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Richard. No, he would not be silenced in this way. Precious time was
slipping away thanks to this ridiculous gathering. Even if she shhh’d
him with her beautiful eyes and puckered red lips that he yearned to
kiss, he would not be silenced.

He opened his mouth to speak when Elizabeth beat him to the

punch. “Richard, George, I’d like you to meet Lady Margaret and
Myrddin Wyllt. Margaret, Myrddin, this is the Duke of Norfolk and
his brother, George.”

Both strangers bowed in curtsy to them. “My lords.”
Richard and George did the same.
Elizabeth motioned for them to sit while she and Ann came to sit

on the couch with them, Elizabeth in between him and Richard. She
took their hands in hers and gave them both a reassuring smile. It
calmed him for a moment.

Then she began to speak. “Richard, George, remember I told you

that there was someone who could perhaps help us?”

They nodded, but said nothing.
She looked at their guests and smiled. “Well, Myrddin here is a


George’s jaw fell open. “A wizard?”
“Aye, I am, my lord.” Myrddin nodded.
“And a powerful wizard at that,” Lady Margaret said, smiling and

squeezing her lover’s cheek. Her lover humbly blushed and lowered
his gaze to the floor.

How cute.
“What exactly can you do as a wizard?” Richard asked, looking


Myrddin opened his mouth to speak, when Lady Margaret

interrupted him. “He can do many things, even cast out demons from
animals or men. He did this very thing to my sister, Eleanor.”

George’s brow lifted and he slid to the edge of the couch.

Suddenly, this social gathering had gotten a whole lot more

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fascinating. He smiled. “Really? That’s very interesting. What else
can you do, Myrddin?”

Lady Margaret answered for her lover once more while she gave

the young wizard a seductive sideways glance. “Just call him Merlin.
He likes that name much better, my lord.”

* * * *

“Does he even know what he’s doing?” Richard whispered in

George’s ear.

George shrugged as he glanced at Merlin, who stirred a green

mucous liquid in a bowl in front of them while he read the
instructions from his notes.

The preoccupied, young wizard had asked them to come to his

home this early morning, claiming to have found the perfect solution
for their curse. Yet here they were several hours later, sitting and

Merlin had greeted them with a serious expression and disheveled

hair when they knocked at his door earlier. He confessed he had not
slept these past few days as he had been diligently working on a
potion and spell for them.

The way the wizard kept talking to himself and correcting himself

as he followed the instructions he had written in his book before him,
there was no doubt in Richard’s mind that his lack of sleep was
affecting his mind and thought processes.

He leaned forward as he said, “Perhaps we can come back later,

after you’ve slept a bit, Merlin. You seem to be staggering on your

Merlin frowned. “But time is of the essence, my lord. If I do not

administer the potion and chant the spell now, it will be too late. You
and your brother will change into the beasts this evening.”

George looked at him before saying, “We are well aware of that.

But having you rush like this, and with your fatigue, wouldn’t it be

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worse to let you continue? What if you add the wrong ingredient in
the potion because you haven’t slept in days?”

Merlin’s frown intensified. “My lords, I understand your concern,

but there is no need to worry. Although I am physically exhausted,
my mind is quite alert. I took something the day Lady Elizabeth asked
for my help, in order that I could work nonstop to find a cure to your

“That may have been a good idea at the time, young man, but—”
Merlin began to laugh loudly then.
“Did something I said amuse you, Merlin?” Richard asked,


“Yes, my lord. You referred to me just now as a young man.”
He nodded. “Yes, you look no older than twenty, perhaps twenty-

two years of age.”

He bowed. “Thank you for the compliment, my lord. But I am

older than you both. I am actually thirty-eight years of age.”

Richard’s jaw fell in awe. He peered at George. His expression

was just as shocking.

George said, “I beg your pardon.”
“I am thirty-eight years of age, my lord,” he repeated.
“But how…?”
Merlin’s brow lifted and a devilish smile spread over his face.
Richard returned his smile. “Oh, I see. Magic.”
“Yes, my lord. It’s as simple as that.”
George lifted himself from the stool he sat on to peek at the bowl.

“So is this potion and spell you’re creating just as simple?”

“Oh, no. Hardly.” He shook his head vigorously to affirm how

difficult it really was. “Actually, this is the hardest spell I have had to
work on all on my own.”

“On your own?” Richard squinted.
“Yes, you see, I have a twin brother. My brother Jacob usually

helps me with the spells. We’ve both trained under the guidance of
one of the most powerful wizards, named Orion.”

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“I see. I never heard of him. Did this wizard recruit you?”
“No, my lord. You cannot be recruited into wizardry. You must be

born into it.”

He paused to stir a black powder into the bowl, then continued,

“When we were young lads and our magical powers began to surface,
Orion saw us in his magic power orb and came to us. He took us
under his shelter and we became his apprentices. He taught us all we

George tapped his lips. The look in his eyes was one of intrigue.

“That is quite fascinating. You must be born into wizardry. So that
means Pondora was born into it, as well?”

He nodded. “Yes, my lord. Although she obviously was born into

the black magical world. Not white magic.”

“There are two worlds?” Richard couldn’t believe it.
“Yes, my lord. Two. Very rarely a wizard can cross from one

world to the other. Only a few have.”

“Well, I doubt Pondora would ever cross over to the good side,

the white side. She is evil incarnate, I’m afraid.”

“Yes, I know. And she is also very, very powerful, my lords. Only

a very powerful sorceress can cast such a curse as she cast on you. It
cannot be broken.”

Richard’s heart fell with Merlin’s words. “You cannot break her


“No, my lord. Although the curse she placed on Lady Elizabeth is

easier to fix, yours is very, very difficult. Almost impossible. Even if
my brother were here with me, together we cannot undo it.”

George stood up with anger. In a raised voice he said, “Then why

do you waste our time with whatever concoction you’re working on
there?” He pointed to the bowl.

Merlin motioned with his hands. “My lord, please relax.” He

gestured to the stool. “Please sit down. I am almost done.”

He waited until George took a calming breath and sat down to

continue. “I may not be able to vanquish the powerful spell she cast

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years ago, but all hope is not lost. If I am right and this spell works,
then there is hope.”

Richard’s fallen heart did not rise. Instead, worry set in. “And if it

doesn’t work?”

Merlin poured the green, icky liquid into two gold cups that had

weird symbols on them. Richard had never seen those symbols before
and wondered if they had any magical significance. The wizard
handed the cups to them, and lifted his eyebrow with a curious look.

“Well, I’d rather not talk about that. Here you go, my lords. It’s

time to drink up.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Elizabeth sat at her dresser staring at her reflection in the mirror

when a knock came at the door to her room. “Come in.”

Ann peeked in, grinning widely. “Are you ready?”
It was déjà vu all over again. Only this time the situation was

completely different than that day she left the Stuart Manor for good.

She grinned back. “No, I’m not, and I won’t be unless you come

and help me, please.”

Ann walked in, closing the door behind her, laughing. “What

would you do without me?”

Elizabeth laughed back. “Be completely lost.”
Ann took the comb on the dresser and began to comb her sister’s

hair. She gazed at the satin royal-blue gown that lay spread out on the
bed waiting for Elizabeth to wear. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Yes, and very expensive, too. It comes from France.”
Ann’s brow lifted. “Richard and George certainly have good


She nodded. “Yes, very good taste. I just wish they would have

told me what they had planned for this evening. And also what
happened at Merlin’s home yesterday. They came home hours later.
And when I wanted to see them, Brent said they were indisposed.
When I went back late at night, Brent was still there and said the lords
were not yet ready to see me, but that today they had a big surprise for

Ann tilted her head sideways and stared at her through the mirror

while she continued to comb her hair. “I wonder what it is? Do you
think Merlin was able to vanquish the spell?”

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“I hope so. If anyone could, it would be him.” She took a deep

breath and grinned. “Yes, I am so curious what their surprise is for
me.” She tapped her sister’s hand and smiled wide at her through the
mirror. “I promise to tell you everything when I come back.”

Ann laughed. “I hope not everything.”
Elizabeth blushed, knowing what her sister meant.
Suddenly, another knock came at the door. Ann walked over to

the door, opened it, and stepped out to talk to whoever was there.

She came back in a few minutes later and rushed over to

Elizabeth. “You need to get dressed now. You’re late!”

“I’m late?”
“Yes, the carriage is outside waiting for you. You are going to a


“What on earth are you saying, Ann?”
“There’s no time to explain. Let’s just get you ready quickly.”
Elizabeth’s mind spun. She couldn’t understand why they didn’t

tell her she was going to a ball. She didn’t like surprises like this
sprung on her suddenly.

She’d let her sister help her get dressed in a hurry, and when she

saw George and Richard, she would give them a piece of her mind.

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Chapter Seventeen

George came walking in, rubbing his hands together in

anticipation. “The carriage is finally here.”

“Good,” Richard responded.
“But I must warn you she had a scowl when she stepped out, not a


Richard didn’t like the sound of that. Obviously, she wasn’t

pleased with their surprise. “Then I might as well get ready for the
slap she loves to give me whenever she’s angry.”

George laughed out loud. “Yes, she does enjoy slapping you,

doesn’t she? Soon it’ll become a habit.”

“What will become a habit?” he heard a female voice say as she

entered the room.

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he turned to

behold her beauty. The blue gown he had chosen for her was perfect.
It complemented her alabaster complexion and gorgeous hazel eyes.
The low-cut front showed off her cleavage that he had stroked and
caressed a week or so ago. How he longed to touch her breasts again,
their plumpness and her pert nipples. And he also wished to touch her
enticing pussy, to sink his cock deep into her divine, wet cunt and feel
her tightness wrapped around his shaft. His body began to react to his

He took a deep breath to simmer his libido. His just reward would

come soon enough. By the time this evening were over, she’d be in
his and George’s arms, making passionate love with them.

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“You look breathtaking.” He smiled as he came up to her. Tilting

her head back, he stared into her heavenly eyes and then kissed her
sweetly on the lips for the longest moment.

When he ended the kiss, she gazed up at him with sultry eyes.

“Thank you. And you look very dapper in your attire, as do you,

George came up beside her and took her in his arms to twirl her

around in a big hug, then placed her on her feet, kissing her
passionately on the lips. “We’ve missed you so much.”

A serious look overcame her then. “I’ve missed you both, as well,

and have been so worried. Why did you not want to see me last night
after you came back from Merlin’s?”

George looked at Richard and then returned his gaze to her.

“Because the potion Merlin had us drink made us very sick.”

Her eyes opened wide and panic seemed to set in. “It made you


“We’re fine now.” George cupped her face and kissed her lips,

smiling in reassurance. It seemed to calm her.

“So you’re cured?”
Richard replied, “Not completely. Even though the curse couldn’t

be erased, Merlin wanted to alter it.”

She turned to look at Richard. “Like he did for me. He was able to

counter it. Instead of the curse being that I die at the age of twenty-
one, he altered it to be a spell of death at eighty.”

“For us, he wanted to change it. Although the curse would still

affect us every seven days, instead of us transforming into rabid
beasts that would kill anything living if set free, we simply would
have an unquenchable hunger for blood or meat of an animal.”

“And was he successful?” she asked.
George nodded, grinning in approval. “Yes. Yes, the brilliant

wizard was.”

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Richard added, “Last night, we didn’t change into the hounds.

After the ill feeling disappeared a few hours later, we turned into

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, no, pigs!”
Richard had to laugh. George followed suit and they continued to

laugh hysterically until a frown overcame her and she said, “This is
not funny!”

George kissed her forehead. “Yes, it is, my darling. We didn’t

actually turn into pigs. We’re speaking figuratively. We ate blood
pudding to our inner beasts’ content.”

“You ate blood pudding. That’s all you did?”
George nodded and she began to laugh, now obviously realizing

how comical their comment had been. “So the urge to kill never came
last night? Nor did you turn into hounds?”

“No, to either question. The spell is still there and an

inconvenience, but it no longer is a curse that will haunt us and ruin
our lives as it had done for so long. Nor will it ever put any human
life in danger ever again.”

Elizabeth took a deep breath. “So it is all over. The torment, the

fears, the haunting are now all gone.”

“Yes, my love. All that is left is our happy, loving future

together.” George took her hand and kissed it. “And it begins right
here, and right now.” He put his arm around her waist and guided her
to the set table in the corner of the room. He motioned her to sit to eat.

She lifted her brow curiously. “I thought I was going to a ball.

That was what Ann said.”

“Yes, you are at a ball for just us three, where we will eat, dance,

talk, and then make passionate love.”

Her smile spread across her face. “That sounds wonderful.”
Richard came to kiss her neck from behind as she sat down. “We

can always have a social ball in the coming weeks to officially
welcome you to the castle if you’d like.”

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She gave him a whimsical look. “No, I never liked those social

gatherings. They are such a bore.”

“Then why did I always see you attending them?” Richard asked.
“Because my father wanted Ann and I to attend them with him.”
He smiled. “I never liked them myself.”
“Then I throw the question back at you. Why did I always see you

at them?”

“You know the reason, my dear.” He winked and leaned in to kiss

her lips.

“Well, I abhorred them and refused to accompany my brother.

Had I known I would see the woman of my dreams, and I do mean
that in the literal sense, at the gatherings, then I would have surely
accompanied you, Richard.”

Her eyes widened with surprise. “You dreamt of me?”
He nodded. “Yes, and for so long.”
She laughed. “So have I been dreaming of you both! The dreams

started not long after I came to the castle.”

George’s brow lifted with curiosity. “That’s fascinating, because

mine ended soon after you came. I don’t dream of you anymore, my

Her smile turned to a scowl. “No?”
“Now that you’ve come into my life for real, there is no need for

the passionate dreams. Everything I dreamt we did, we can do in real

“What exactly did we do in your dreams, George?”
His brow lifted naughtily. “How about I show you what we did in

my lewd dreams and you show us what we did in yours?”

He took her hand and pulled her in for a kiss. His arms wrapped

around her shoulders. Richard could see his tongue slip into hers.
Then he slid his hand into her bodice to cup her left breast, fondling
it. She moaned with pleasure. The view of George teasing her
puckered nipple with his finger and thumb excited Richard. His cock
stiffened in his pants.

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Then as suddenly as George seduced her, he stopped. “You must

be famished.” He removed the covers on the meals and motioned with
his hands. “We have the finest poultry and potatoes for you to savor.”

Her wide, disappointed eyes stared at the food. Richard couldn’t

help but smirk at the spectacle. The sly dog George was obviously
hoping his play would speed things up. And it seemed to be working.

Helping him along, Richard poured her a glass of wine. “And the

finest wine.”

Elizabeth took the glass Richard offered her and gulped the liquid

down quickly while she stared at him with sultry eyes over the rim of
her goblet. She glanced at the food, sighing. “It all looks delicious,
but I am not very hungry, I’m afraid.”

Richard frowned in mock. “The meat does not appeal to you.

Would you have preferred beef?”

She laughed after swallowing. “No, the food looks delicious. But

I’d prefer hearing more about George’s lewd dreams.”

George grinned and stood up. He came to her chair and lifted her

up. She giggled as he walked her over to the other room. It was the
master bedroom that housed a very huge bed in the center of a wide,
rectangular room. “How about Richard and I show you what
happened in those dreams?”

Richard followed, not far behind. Even though George had never

told him about his dreams, nor had Elizabeth, he could imagine how
hot their lovemaking had been in them, for he’d had the same dreams
about Elizabeth ever since he laid eyes on her years ago. They had
often left him wet and sleepless afterwards.

Perhaps something magical was behind the dreams. Maybe

someone used the dreams to bring them all together. It sounded
preposterous, indeed. But after what he saw that Merlin was capable
of doing, he realized anything was possible.

One thing was for sure. The dreams may have brought them

together, but their love was a godsend. They were meant for one

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As Richard smiled at the thought, he saw George had placed her

on the bed. She stared at him in silence, waiting. He began to undress
before her. She followed his every movement with her approving

Richard did the same, and when she gazed at his cock as it sprang

open out of the confining trousers, it seemed to twitch to say At your
service, my lady

He smiled and came to the bed stark naked, bending down to kiss

her lips with demand for so much more. She wasted no time in
bringing her probing tongue into his mouth to caress his.

While Richard kissed her, George set out to undress their beautiful

maiden. First, he removed her stockings and petticoat, then asked her
to turn to her side so he could untie the lace closing in the back of the
gown. He slipped it off her with Richard’s help.

After a few minutes’ time, there she lay naked, her legs purposely

wide open so he and Richard could behold her pussy in great detail.
Her pert nipples pointed upward. God, but he couldn’t wait any
longer. He needed to fuck her now. He looked at George to see if he
wouldn’t mind if he made love to her first.

George nodded, then came to rest beside her on the bed, kissing

her lips and working his way down to her breasts. With his tongue, he
circled one areola, while his hand teased and fondled the other nipple.
He switched from one breast to the other, suckling the nipple, pulling
it gently between his teeth, or pinching it between his thumb and
index finger.

Richard walked over to the bed, never breaking his stare at

Elizabeth. She was a virgin. This would be her first experience. It was
best he took things slow and made sure the pain of breaking the
threshold would be minimal. The last thing he and George wanted
was for her to remember how painful the first time was. He wanted
her to remember it being the best experience she had ever had.

He bent to kiss her ankles, working his lips, tongue, and fingers up

her left leg in slow, seductive movements. He sensed gooseflesh form

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under his touch and she widened her legs when he got to her cunt.
Bringing his lips to her clit, he sucked it gently first, then circled it
with his tongue.

He felt it throb with his ministrations. He then circled her outer

pussy lips, rubbing his tongue from side to side over them. She
moaned and he slid his tongue into her wet cunt. The salty taste of her
excited him. He continued to play with her until he sensed she was
wet enough. He moved up, bringing his legs on either side of her.

Giving her a reassuring smile when George moved to the side so

Richard could enter her, he promised, “I’ll take this slow, my love, so
it will hurt only a little.”

“I trust you completely, my love.”
Hearing her call him back my love made his heart pound in his

chest and butterflies flutter in his stomach. She loved him as much as
he loved her. And he was sure she loved George equally as much.

Bringing his stiff cock to her cunt, he rubbed the head back and

forth for a minute or two. Then he slipped it into her passage a mere
inch and slipped it out, and repeated the movement over and over
again, lubricating her.

George resumed fondling and licking her breasts while he gazed

every once in a while at Richard’s movements. Seeing what he was
doing to Elizabeth must be exciting his brother as much as him seeing
George play with and adore her breasts.

When she moaned with pleasure as George gently tugged at her

left nipple, Richard saw it as the perfect time to slip completely in her.
He asked, “Are you all right?”

She nodded, smiling, but remained motionless a few seconds. He

didn’t dare move for a bit, either. He waited until she contracted her
pussy around him, signaling him the pain had subsided and pleasure

He slid out of her and slowly slipped back in. He continued this

movement, going deeper and faster each time while she followed each
of his thrusts with her own.

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His heart drummed in his chest as he approached his peak. It beat

so hard and fast that he could hear it in his eardrums. As she rubbed
his ass with her hands and she squeezed his cheeks, pushing him
deeper into her, chills of arousal formed all over his body. He thrust
into her faster and harder as she moaned in pleasure with each

God, but her tight cunt had him wanting to cum right away. She

excited him so much that if he was selfish and insensitive, he’d cum
now and forget about her climax. But he could never do that to
Elizabeth. Her pleasure mattered more to him than his own. Besides,
there was nothing more exciting or pleasurable than having a woman
moan in climax.

And when her pussy tightened around his thick cock and she

gasped and spasmed around him, his climax followed a few seconds
after. He groaned her name when he peaked. It was a cry of jubilation
at their coupling.

Panting, he came out of her, noting the blood. He walked over to

the basin and dipped a cloth in the water. He gently washed away the
blood and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

She shook her head. “No, not at all.”
With no delay and full of apparent eagerness, George asked,

“How about we do that again right now? But this time, it’ll be the
both of us fucking you?” He moved his eyebrows up and down,
smiling mischievously.

* * * *

George was full of surprises. She never ever expected he’d use the

word fuck. It should have made it sound dirty, but instead it made it
sound so exciting. Them fucking her at the same time…

Then as she tried to conjure an image of how it would be like, she

became confused.

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“Both of you in me at the same time? How?” She may have

sounded completely ignorant asking such a question, but she couldn’t
pretend she knew what was involved.

George walked over to the table and brought back a bottle filled

with a white ointment. “One of us would make love to you like
Richard just did, the conventional way, while the other would
penetrate you by the back.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “By my buttocks? But

it’ll hurt!”

Richard came to her, combed her hair out of her face, and quickly

kissed her lips, then stared into her eyes. “We would never do
anything that would hurt you. With a lubricant and flexing your ass
muscles to open wider, it will be a slight discomfort at first, but once
your body adjusts within minutes, it’ll be very pleasurable.”

His reasoning sounded logical and the perks outweighed the cons,

plus she trusted them implicitly. She nodded. “Then yes, let’s make
love, the three of us.”

George beamed with enthusiasm. “That’s my girl.” He playfully

rubbed her ass cheeks from the side and then licked his lips. “Mmm,
yes, this will indeed be exquisite.”

She giggled as giddiness empowered her under his hungry stare.

He made her melt.

He lay down and pulled her onto his body. His engorged cock

pulsated under her pelvis. Chills of sexual euphoria tingled through
her, making her pussy wet. Her breasts crushed against his muscular,
tanned chest felt good, especially when her nipples rubbed against his
scorching hot skin. She shivered with delight.

She could actually hear the beat of his raging heart. It matched

hers to the split second. And when Richard touched her ass cheeks, a
chill of excitement shot straight to her heart on their contact, making
her heart skip several beats. A powerful energy flowed from George,
through her, and passed to Richard. She could sense it channeling

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energy and love. If that weren’t a clear sign they were all meant to be
together, nothing else was.

“This may be a bit cold, my love,” Richard said as a wet, cold

sensation coated her ass and pussy. She gasped when his hot, nimble
fingers began to spread the ointment around. Its coldness transformed
to heat, exciting heat. She moved her buttocks in accordance with his
massaging motions on her cunt. He bent and kissed her left ass cheek
and sucked on it. Shots of arousal shot to her pussy, making her lips
quiver and her clit throb. He circled her clit with one hand. With his
right index finger, he slowly and gently slipped it into her asshole.

It felt quite odd at first. Her body tensed instinctively at the

intrusion. And when he slid his finger out, her muscles relaxed. She
couldn’t see how this would be pleasurable for her. But she didn’t

George’s tongue was wreaking havoc on her senses. It danced

with hers, and when he slipped it to the back of her throat, she lost her
breath with heightened arousal. He motioned her to lift her upper
body and support herself with her arms while he massaged her
breasts, pinching the nipples every so often, making her pussy lips
and clit throb even more.

Richard continued to awaken her in ways she never knew

possible. Using his left hand, he worked diligently, circling her clit
and sliding his finger into her wet pussy. His right hand worked on
her ass. First, he slipped one finger in, going deeper each time he slid
it back in. He gradually worked up to two fingers going in and out of
her hole. She shook uncontrollably.

She began to sway her pelvis back and forth with his movement to

heighten the pleasure. That was when George guided her down onto
his wet, hard, thick cock. He slid into her in one slow, steady
movement. The ridges of his cock caused friction on her pussy, and
she moaned. She almost came when he pushed all the way to her
pleasure spot. But it quickly subsided as he slid back out. He
continued to thrust into her and slip completely out.

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She could feel the walls of her cunt hugging his cock, caressing it

with each thrust he made. Her juices slipped out of her and felt so
good as they cooled on her clit and pussy. She moaned with pleasure.

Richard pulled out his finger and positioned himself close to her

opening. He added a little more ointment that cooled the burning
sensation and made goose bumps form all over her body. George
stopped moving, staying deep in her pussy while Richard eased his
cock into her ass an inch and came back out. It didn’t hurt, but it
didn’t depict the pleasures they described.

He continued to slip in and out of her, progressing steadily with

each slow, calculated movement. It felt uncomfortable as his thick
cock pushed wide her asshole walls, but not painful thanks to the
exercises Richard performed before, and also because of the lubricant.

Soon he had his cock the deepest it could enter. It felt awkward as

their big and long cocks filled her completely. Her breath caught in
her throat. She didn’t stir an inch. George was the first to move. He
moved slowly out and slipped back in while his fingers caressed and
fondled her breasts and nipples.

Richard followed suit at an even slower pace and she didn’t move,

just absorbed the friction their every move made. The slight
discomfort disappeared completely as her passage became lubricated
with more of her own juices of arousal, and once the pleasure began
to build, she followed their thrusts with those of her own, her body
moving in sync with theirs. Her excited heart drummed so strong and
quick that she felt it throbbing at her neck and in her eardrums.

A faint perspiration filmed her skin, making it tingle as it cooled

in the air. Her blood pumped through her veins and arteries like a tidal
wave of pleasure, and when it came crashing down on her pleasure
spot, she climaxed not once but twice. Convulsions after convulsions
flowed through her torso and pussy and she screamed their names in

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George came in her almost simultaneously as she did the second

time, holding her tight and panting. Richard followed with his long,
low moan a few seconds after that.

When they slipped out of her, the fullness she felt before now was

gone. She felt light, sexually sated, and bonded to her men for all
eternity to come. Their lovemaking not only had them joining
physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.

She turned over to look at them as they sat on the bed beside her.

Richard caressed her calf, smiling serenely at her, not speaking. But
she could tell that what they just shared opened that door for him, too,
and now he saw their relationship and bond in a different light.

With George she didn’t need to see it, for he literally blurted after

kissing her, “That was magical and perfect. It connected us forever. I
know now that what I suspected for a long time is true. We belong

He took her hand and caressed the outside of it. “I know my

brother will agree with me.” He glanced at Richard and smiled, then
returned his gaze back to her. “Now that you have come into our lives
and we have fallen madly in love with you and see how beautiful it is
with you by our sides, we never want to let you go.”

She beamed with hope, happiness, and love. “It is the same for


Richard’s smile widened from ear to ear. “Really?”
She laughed. “Yes. Why does that shock you?”
He looked away for a moment, remembering. “Well, it was not

too long ago you despised me.”

She took his hand and pulled him closer to her so she could kiss

his lips. “I was stubborn and blind. I didn’t know how sweet and
gentle and wonderfully amazing you really were.” She took George’s
hand and brought their hands to her chest to signify they belonged in
her heart. “George helped me see the true you, and by doing so I saw
the true him, too. You both are my soul mates, and I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.”

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“That is the most amazing thing I could ever wish to hear. Yes,

my beautiful Elizabeth, you are our soul mate, and we will live
happily together, forever in love.” George kissed her lips hard, with a
smacking sound, and jumped up to get dressed hurriedly.

She gazed at him with perplexity forged in her mind, and giggled

at his clumsiness when he almost lost his balance putting on his
trousers. “What are you doing?”

He stared at her sideways with that notorious, mischievous look

he gave her often. “Why, to get our love something to eat in the other
room, of course. You must be famished, no?”

Her stomach growled at the thought of food. She hadn’t eaten for

several hours and was indeed hungry. “Perhaps a little something to
eat would be a good idea.” She started to get up, but Richard shook
his head. “No, my dear, relax.”

She didn’t argue, because soreness had begun to sink in. Her

muscles and body obviously were unaccustomed to the lovemaking
they just participated in.

Instead, she lay back in the bed and replied, “All right.”
Richard got up then, too, dressed fast, and winked before leaving.

“We’ll be back in a few minutes.”

When he exited the room, she closed her eyes for a moment and

an image stirred in her mind. In it she saw herself and the loves of her
life walking in the gardens at Norfolk Castle, holding hands and
laughing and smiling. She couldn’t wait to do that and so much more
with her loves.

It dawned on her at that moment that fairy tales did come true, and

a happily ever after was always possible no matter how high the odds
were set against it. She and her Prince Charmings were a perfect
example of that.

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Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts




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Jessica Frost has always had a passion for fiction and the written

word. Add to that her wild, vivid imagination and her pure romantic
tendencies and she soon realized she had the traits needed to become
a romance author. She decided to take the very big step not that long
ago and wrote her first erotic romance story. And she hasn’t looked
back since.

Being a romance writer is a dream come true for her. Having the

opportunity to create fantasy worlds where anything and everything
can happen is an amazing feeling. She hopes these worlds and the
delightful characters she creates will bring hours of enjoyment to her
readers as they have done for her.

Also by Jessica Frost

Ménage Everlasting: Haven for the Lustfully Damned 1:

It Begins with a Rogue’s Bite

Ménage Everlasting: Haven for the Lustfully Damned 2:

Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us

Ménage Everlasting: The Lost Collection:

The Good, The Bad, and the Naughty

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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