test sprawdzajacy (1) doc

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Present continuous


Uzupelnij zdania uzywajac nastepujacych czasownikow: get change rise fall
. Nie musisz uzyc kazdego slowka i niektore z nich mozesz uzyc wiecej niz

The population of the world is rising very fast.
Ken is still ill but he ......................................... better slowly.
The world .......................................................Things never stay the same.
The cost of living ........................................... Every year things are more expensive.
The economic situation is already very bad and it ........................................ worse.

Present Simple


Uzupelnij uzywajac jednego z nastepujacych slow:
I appologise I insist I promise I recommend I suggest

It's a nice day. I suggest we go out for a walk.
I won't tell anybody what you said. ............................................................
(in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. ............................................................
....................................... for what I said about you. It wasn't true and I shouldn't have say
The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. ................................................. it.

Past simple


Uzupelnij zdania ponizszymi slowami:
drink sell teach win

Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
'How did you learn to drive?' 'My father ............................. me.'
We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we ...................................... it.
I was very thirsty. I .............................. the water very quickly.
Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He's much better than me, so he ................................

Have and have got


W brakujace pola wpisz have. W niektorych zdaniach musisz uzyc formy czasu

'Excuse me, have you got a pen I could borrow?'
Why are you holding your face like that? ................................................................ a
.................................................................. a bicycle when you were a child?
'................................................................... the time, please?' 'Yes, it's ten past seven.'
When you did the exam, ..................................................... time to answer all the

(I'm) going to (do)


Napisz pytania do kazdej sytuacji uzywajac konstrukcji going to.

Your friend has won some money. You ask:

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(what/ do with it?) What are you going to do with it?
Your freind is going to a party tonight. You ask:
(what/wear?) ........................................................................................................................
Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:
(where/put it?) ......................................................................................................................
Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask:
(who/invite) ..........................................................................................................................

When and if


Wpisz when lub if.

Don't worry if I'm late tonight.
Tom might phone while I'm out this evening ............. he does, can you take a message?
I'm going to Rome next week. ................... I'm there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
I think Jill will get the job. I'll be very surprised ................ she doesn't get it.
I'm going shopping. ............... you want enything, I can get it for you.



Uzupelnij zdania can/can't/could/couldn't oraz jednym ze slowek.
eat hear run wait

I'm afraid I can't come to your party next week.
When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He....................................... 100 metres in 11
'Are you in hurry?' 'No, I've got plenty of time. I..................................'
I was feeling sick yesterday. I ................................................. you very well.

Must and have to


Wpisz w puste pola must lub have to (w poprawnej formie). Czasami mozesz uzyc
obydwu wyrazen, czasami musisz uzyc tylko have to.

It's later than I thought. I must OR have to go now.
Jack left before the end of the meeting. He .......................... go home early.
In Britain many children ............................................... wear uniform when they go to
When you come to London again, you...................................... come and see us.
Last night Don became ill suddenly. We ..................................... call a doctor.



Uzupenij zdania should lub shouldn't + uzyj nastepujacych wyrazow.
go to bed so late look for another job take a photograph use her car so

(Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days.
(My salary is very low.)
(Jack always has difficulty getting up.)
(What a beautiful view!)
(Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.)

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A/an and the


Wpisz a/an lub the.

This morning I bought a newspaper and ........ magazine. ............. newspaper is in my bag
but I don't know where I put ............ magazine.
I saw............ accident this morning. ........... car crashed into ......... tree. ............ Driver
of ........ car wasn't hurt but............. car was badly damaged.
There are two cars parked outside: ........... blue one and.......... grey one. ...........Blue one
belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who ...........owner of..............grey one is.
My firends live in.............. old house in.............small village. There is.......... beautiful
garden behind.......... house. I would like to have........... garden like that.

Some and any


Wpisz some lub any w brakujace pola.

We didn't buy any flowers.
This evening I'm going out with................. friends of mine.
'Have you seen .................... good films recently?' ' No, I haven't been to the cinema for
I didn't have............ money, so I had to borrow...............
Can I have................ milk in my coffee, please?



Wpisz much/many/few lub little.

He isn't very popular. He has few friends.
Ann is very busy these days. She has.............................. free time.
Did you take............................ photographs when you were on holiday?
I'm not very busy today. I haven't got..................... to do.
The museum was very crowded. There were too................... people.

All/every and



Ktora odpowiedz jest poprawna?

I've spent the whole money/all the money you gave me. (all the money jest odpowiedzia
Sue works every day/all days except Sunday.
I'm tired. I've been working hard all the day/all day.
It was a terrible fire. Whole building/The whole building was destroyed.
I've been trying to phone her all day but every time/all the time I phone her the line is

Each and every


Wstaw each lub every.

There were four books on the table. Each book was a different colour.
The Olympic Games are held every four years.
............................ parent worries about their children.
In a game of tennis there are two or four players. .............................. player has a racket.
Nicola plays volleyball................................ Thursday evening.

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I understood most of what they said but not................. word.
The book is divided into five parts and................ of these has three sections.

Still/yet and already- Anymore


Wstaw still/yet/already lub not...any more w podkreslone zdania(lub czesc
zdania). Przeczytaj uwaznie przyklady.

Jack lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed. he is still unemployed.
Do you want me to tell Liz the news or does she know? does she alredy know
Can we wait a few minutes? I don't want to go out.
Jill used to work at the airport but she doesnt work
there. ................................................................
I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there.
'Shall I introduce you to Jim?' ' There's no need. We've

At/On/In (time)


Wstaw at,on lub in w brakujace pola. Zostaw (-) jesli zaden przyimek nie jest

I'll see you on Friday.
I'll see you - next Friday.
What are you doing .......... Saturday?
What are you doing............the weekend?
They often go out............ the evenings.
They often go out .......... Sunday evenings.
Do you work ............. Wednesdays?
Do you work............. Wednesday?

In/At/On (place)


Uzupelnij zdania. Wstaw in,at lub on oraz ponizsze wyrazy.
Your coffee that tree my guitar the next garage

Look at those people swimming in the river.
One of the strings ........................................ is broken.
There's something wrong with the car. We'd better
stop ...............................................................
Would you like sugar .............................................................?
The leaves........................................ are a beautiful colour,

On/In/At/For (other uses)


Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek : on/in/at lub for.

Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.
When I was 14, I went ..........................a trip to France organised by my school.
I wouldn't like his job. He spends most of his time talking ............................... the phone.
Julia's grandmother died recently.....................the age of 79.
Can you turn the light on,please? I don't want to sit...........................the dark.
We didn't go .................... holiday last year. We stayed at home.

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Singular and plural (liczba pojedyncza i mnoga)


Wybierz odpowiednia forme czasownika:

Gymnastics is/are my favourite sport. (is jest poprawna odpowiedzia)
The trousers ypu bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.
The police want/wants to interview two men about the robbery last week.
Physics was/were my best subject at school.
Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.


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