J. Simmonds á G. K. Robinson
Formation of benzaldehyde by
Pseudomonas putida
ATCC 12633
Received: 16 March 1998 / Received revision: 20 May 1998 / Accepted: 21 May 1998
Abstract Aromatic and heterocyclic aldehydes may be
produced by the mandelate pathway of Pseudomonas
putida ATCC 12633 via the biotransformation of ben-
zoyl formate and substrate analogues. Under optimised
biotransformation conditions (37 °C, pH 5.4) and with
benzoyl formate as a substrate, benzaldehyde may be
accumulated with yields above 85%. Benzaldehyde is
toxic to P. putida ATCC 12633; levels above 0.5 g/l
(5 mM) reduce the biotransformation activity. Total
activity loss occurs at an aldehyde concentration of
2.1 g/l (20 mM). To overcome this limitation, the rapid
removal of the aldehyde is desirable via in situ product
removal. The biotransformation of benzoyl formate
(working volume 1 l) without in situ product removal
2.1 g/l
removal by gas stripping produces a total of 3.5 g/l be-
fore inhibition. However, the most ecient method is
solid-phase adsorption using activated charcoal as the
sorbant, this allows the production of over 4.1 g/l
benzaldehyde. Addition of bisulphite as a complexing
agent causes inhibition of the biotransformation and
bisulphite is therefore is not suitable for in situ product
Aromatic aldehydes are commercially signi®cant com-
pounds with applications in the fragrance, ¯avour and
pharmaceutical industries. Biotransformations to pro-
duce these compounds are of interest as the products
may be described as natural and exist in a relatively pure
form, because of the high speci®city of enzyme reactions.
The production of aromatic aldehydes is limited by
the toxicity of the products, therefore the rapid removal
or sequestration of the aldehyde by in situ product re-
moval (Freeman et al. 1993) is desirable. Such tech-
niques previously used for aldehyde removal include gas
stripping (Wecker and Zall 1987), pervaporation (Lamer
et al. 1996), solid-phase adsorption (Berger 1995),
aqueous-organic two-phase systems (Du and Murry
1989) and condensation reactions (Shacher-Nishri and
Freeman 1993). In situ product removal reduces the
exposure of the bacteria to the aldehyde product and
therefore decreases the toxic eect to the organism.
This paper discusses benzaldehyde production by
Pseudomonas putida ATCC 12633 with a bench-scale
bioreactor for the production of benzaldehyde and in-
dicates the problems encountered when this method is
used, including toxicity of the product and methods of
product removal.
Materials and methods
Growth and maintenance of bacteria
Pseudomonas putida ATCC 12633 (NCIMB 9494), also designated
P. ¯uorescens A.3.12 (Stanier 1947), was maintained on nutrient
agar plates and subcultured bi-weekly. Pseudomonas minimal
medium (PMM), as described by Hegeman (1966), was used for the
liquid culture of the bacteria. Sodium succinate or glucose (5 mM)
was used as a carbon and energy source for uninduced bacteria (no
active mandelate pathway). For bacteria with an active pathway,
racemic mandelic acid (5 mM) was used as the growth substrate.
Appropriately induced bacteria (overnight seed culture grown in
50 ml PMM + 0.5% yeast extract + 5 mM carbon source) were
grown for biotransformation in 2-l ¯asks containing PMM
(500 ml) and mandelic acid (5 mM) and incubated at 30 °C,
200 rpm, to mid-exponential phase (3 h).
Whole-cell biotransformation protocol
Washed bacteria were resuspended to 0.5 g l
in McIlvaine (ci-
trate/phosphate) buer (0.1 M, pH 5.4) and equilibrated to 37 °C
before the addition of benzoyl formate, or an alternative substrate.
Cells were reciprocally shaken (100 rpm) and samples were taken
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1998) 50: 353±358
Ó Springer-Verlag 1998
J. Simmonds á G. K. Robinson (&)
Department of Biosciences, University of Kent at Canterbury,
Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NJ, England
Tel.: +44-1227-764000, extension 3530
Fax: +44-1227-763912
over 3 h, the bacteria were removed by centrifugation (10 000 rpm,
2 min) and the resulting supernatant was analysed by HPLC.
Benzaldehyde was removed from the biotransformations at this
scale (250 ml, working volume 150 ml) by gas stripping with an
aeration rate of 2.6 vvm. It was reclaimed by passage through two
hexane solvent traps (100 ml). Polytetra¯uoroethylene tubing was
used throughout, as benzaldehyde was shown to be adsorbed by
rubber and silicone.
Large-scale biotransformations
P. putida ATCC 12633 was grown in an Applikon AD1-1012 1.5-l
aerated fermentation vessel (working volume 1 l). The vessel was
heated by an infra-red lamp, connected to a Systag TC1-88L tem-
perature controller, and pH was monitored by a Mostec pH regu-
lator. PMM was autoclaved within the vessel with 0.5 ml
polypropyleneglycol as antifoam; mandelic acid (30 mM) was
sterilized separately. An additional 20 ml minerals supplement
(Hegeman 1966) was also included. The seed culture was grown for
15 h (30 °C, 200 rpm) with yeast extract (0.5%) and mandelic acid
(5 mM) as the carbon and energy source. The reactor was equili-
brated to 30 °C, pH 6.8, agitation 500 rpm, aeration 0.75 vvm,
before inoculation with an overnight seed culture. P. putida ATCC
12633 was grown under these conditions for 15 h. Biotransforma-
tions (1 l) were performed in the growth medium. The accumulation
of benzaldehyde in these large-scale biotransformations was initi-
ated by adjustment of conditions to pH 5.4, 37 °C, 0.2 vvm aeration
and 200 rpm agitation. The organism was allowed to equilibrate to
this environment for 30 min before the addition of substrate.
A number of dierent methods of benzaldehyde removal were
Gas stripping
Enhanced aeration at the 1L scale was generated by aeration of the
vessel at 0.8 vvm with agitation at 750 rpm.
Bisulphite addition
Sodium pyrosulphite was added directly to the reactor at intervals
after the formation of 5 mM benzaldehyde (below toxic levels). A
benzaldehyde-bisulphite complex was formed immediately, there-
fore no free bisulphite remained in the reactor. At the end of the
reaction the biomass was separated by centrifugation (10 000 g,
10 min), the complex was precipitated from the supernatant by the
addition of excess bisulphite. The benzaldehyde was regenerated
from the precipitate by the addition of NaOH (®nal concentration
1 M), with a recovery eciency of 85%.
Solid-phase adsorption
Granular activated charcoal, mesh 4±8 mm (Fluka) was added
directly to the reactor (25 g l
), prior to the addition of the bio-
transformation substrate. Sucient stirring of the vessel was
achieved by 0.2 vvm aeration, therefore agitation was discontinued
to prevent attrition of the charcoal pieces. The benzaldehyde was
extracted from the adsorbant with ethyl acetate.
HPLC analysis
A Shimadzu LC-6A HPLC with a UV spectrophotometric detec-
tor, 10-ll loop and a Shimadzu CRGA Chromatopac integrator
was used for all analyses in combination with a 4.6 ´ 250-mm
Spherisorb ODS2 column with 5 lm packing (Jones Chromatog-
raphy, Mid Glamorgan). The mobile phase was 47% acetonitrile,
0.2% orthophosphoric acid in water, with a ¯ow rate of 1 ml/min.
The detection wavelength was 235 nm. All samples were compared
to authentic standards to calculate concentrations.
Relative toxicity of benzaldehyde
A method was developed to compare the toxicity of a range of
aldehydes. P. putida ATCC 12633 was grown on a number
of concentrations of dierent aromatic aldehydes in the presence of
yeast extract (0.5%). The critical concentration was de®ned as the
aldehyde concentration at which the cell density at the stationary
phase was half that achieved when the organism was grown on
yeast extract alone.
Measurement of short-term toxicity
1. The eect of benzaldehyde on the benzaldehyde dehydrogenase
isoenzymes was measured at pH 7.0 as these enzymes were not
active at pH 5.4. Bacteria were exposed to dierent benzalde-
hyde concentrations for 10 min in NaCl (0.9%) at pH 7.0 and
37 °C. The benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity was measured
by calculating the rate of benzoic acid production, using a
Mettler DL21 titrator.
2. The eect of benzaldehyde on the benzoylformate decarboxyl-
ase enzyme was then measured. Conditions in the bioreactor
were mimicked by incubating a suspension of bacteria with
dierent concentrations of benzaldehyde at pH 5.4 and 37 °C.
Benzoyl formate was added after 5 min and decarboxylase ac-
tivity was measured by the rate of substrate utilisation.
Toxicity of aldehydes
The ability of P. putida ATCC 12633 to grow on benz-
aldehyde was used as an indication of long-term toxicity.
Growth was in PMM at pH 7.0, as at pH 5.4 dehydro-
genase activity was reduced and this would prevent
utilization of the carbon source. The organism was un-
able to grow with benzaldehyde as the sole carbon and
energy source at concentrations above 4 mM. This toxic
eect was shown to be related to inhibition of the
pathway by which benzaldehyde was metabolised by
growth on yeast extract (0.5%) in the presence of
benzaldehyde. Toxic eects, i.e. a slower growth rate
and a reduction in ®nal cell density, were observed above
5 mM; there was no growth on yeast extract (0.5%) in
the presence of 8 mM benzaldehyde.
Under biotransformation conditions, low levels of
benzaldehyde (below 5 mM) caused an increase in ac-
tivity of the benzaldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes as
previously indicated (Simmonds and Robinson 1997).
Exposure to concentrations between 10 mM and 30 mM
for 10 min had little eect on the biotransformation
ability of P. putida ATCC 12633 (Fig. 1a). However, at
concentrations of benzaldehyde above >35 mM there
was no further conversion after 10 min exposure.
The toxicity of benzaldehyde relative to that of other
aldehydes was measured. A range of aromatic and het-
erocyclic aldehydes were tested (Table 1) and indicated
that the toxicity of benzaldehyde was within the range of
other aromatic aldehydes.
Benzoylformate decarboxylase activity was increased
by 50% in P. putida ATCC 12633 exposed to 20 mM
benzaldehyde, compared to the control, which had no
exposure (Fig. 1b). However, bacteria were inhibited by
the addition of more than 30 mM benzaldehyde 5 min
before the addition of substrate. The experiment was
repeated with the bacteria being exposed to benzalde-
hyde for 2 h before the measurement of enzyme activity;
there was no increase in activity of the benzoyl formate
decarboxylase in the presence of low concentrations of
benzaldehyde. The rate of biotransformation of benzoyl
formate decreased with increasing benzaldehyde con-
centration (Fig. 1b).
Substrate inhibition
Growth of P. putida ATCC 12633 on benzoyl formate at
concentrations above 20 mM was at a reduced rate,
causing lower cell densities after 4 h. No growth beyond
that achieved with no carbon source added was shown
with a substrate concentration of 160 mM, indicating
total inhibition. In the presence of yeast extract (0.5%)
and benzoyl formate, a similar growth pro®le was ob-
tained with concentrations above 10 mM inhibiting
growth, although to a lesser extent than in the absence of
yeast extract.
The biotransformation activity of P. putida ATCC
12633 was also aected by high benzoyl formate con-
centrations. A suspension of bacteria presented with a
high (above 75 mM) concentration of benzoyl formate
had an initial biotransformation activity the same as
those challenged with a low (below 10 mM) concentra-
tion. However, after 10 min incubation with the high
concentration of substrate, there was no further bio-
transformation and no more benzaldehyde was pro-
duced (data not shown).
Production of benzaldehyde
A suspension of P. putida ATCC 12633, grown on
mandelate (5 mM) was used for the fed-batch bio-
transformation of benzoyl formate. The substrate was
fed at a constant rate and further benzoyl formate was
added on substrate exhaustion; product removal was by
gas stripping (Fig. 2a). The total amount of benzalde-
hyde (Fig. 2b) was distributed between the reactor and
the two solvent traps, which were placed in series.
Consequently, benzaldehyde was produced to levels of
3.5 g l
over 3 h with a productivity of 1.81 g benzal-
dehyde h
g dry weight
with fed-batch feeding of the
substrate, 2.6 vvm aeration and polypropylene glycol
(0.03%). However, after this time the rate of biotrans-
formation of benzoyl formate was reduced.
Process optimization
The above results indicated that both benzoyl formate
and benzaldehyde levels should be kept low during the
biotransformation, to prevent either substrate or prod-
uct inhibition. Dierent feeding regimes in fed-batch
culture were investigated, to ®nd which gave the most
ecient conversion to benzaldehyde. These included 5,
10 and 40 mM spikes at de®ned intervals and continu-
ous substrate addition (Table 2). When 10 mM spikes of
benzoyl formate were added at 30-min intervals, the
Fig. 1 Biotransformations P. put-
ida ATCC 12633 after incubation
with benzaldehyde. (a) Benzalde-
hyde dehydrogenase activity mea-
sured after 10 min exposure to
benzaldehyde at pH 7.0, 37 °C by
biotransformation of benzalde-
hyde. (b) Benzoylformate decar-
boxylase activity measured after
5 min and two hrs exposure to
benzaldehyde at pH 5.4, 37 °C by
biotransformation of benzoylfor-
Table 1 The relative toxicity of a number of aromatic and het-
erocyclic aldehydes
Critical concentration (mM)
yield was 40%, with 33% of the substrate remaining.
The frequency of additions was decreased to every
40 min, consequently the yield increased to 82%, and
only 1% of the substrate was not biotransformed.
However, as less substrate can be added within the same
period, the amount of benzaldehyde formed is reduced
and thus productivity decreases.
The continuous addition of benzoyl formate, at a rate
equivalent to that of the biotransformation, gave the
highest molar yield of benzaldehyde. However, the bio-
transformation activity of benzoylformate decarboxyl-
ase was reduced after 2.5 h. The decrease in
biotransformation rate occurred after an aldehyde con-
centration of 17 mM (2 mM) has been reached within
the reactor. A more ecient method of aldehyde re-
moval was required to prevent product inhibition and
extend the viability of the biotransformation. This was
studied on a larger scale.
Larger-scale benzaldehyde production
Growth of P. putida ATCC 12633 in a bioreactor (1.5 l)
with mandelic acid as the sole carbon and energy source
gave a cell concentration of 1.9 g dry weight/l over a
15-h period. The growth rate was initially rapid, with a
doubling time of 60 min, and then slowed as the culture
became oxygen-limited. The rate of biotransformation
of benzoyl formate by P. putida ATCC 12633 was 30%
less after a period of oxygen starvation, compared to the
activity during exponential growth.
The biotransformation of benzoyl formate was car-
ried out without removal of the cells from the growth
medium. The accumulation of benzaldehyde was initi-
ated by reduction in pH to 5.4 and an increase in tem-
perature to 37 °C.
A biotransformation (1 l) in growth medium, with no
removal of benzaldehyde, produced 2.17 g l
dehyde over 3 h (a productivity of 0.41 g benzalde-
hyde h
g dry weight
). The reaction stopped after the
benzaldehyde concentration had reached 20 mM, indi-
cating inhibition of the synthetic pathway because of the
toxicity of the benzaldehyde. A more ecient method of
benzaldehyde removal was required to maintain the
product at low levels within the biotransformation.
Benzaldehyde removal
Gas stripping was tested as a method of benzaldehyde
removal at the 1-l scale, with a combination of aeration
at 0.8 vvm and agitation at 750 rpm. The rate of
Fig. 2 Biotransformation of ben-
zoylformate by Pseudomonas put-
ida ATCC 12633 grown with
mandelic acid (5 mM) as a carbon
and energy source. Reaction in
McIlvaine buer at 37 °C, pH 5.4
with removal of benzaldehyde by
enhanced aeration, 2.6v/v/min
Table 2 Eect of feeding regime on the eciency and yield of benzaldehyde production from benzoyl formate by Pseudomonas putida
ATCC 12633: 3 h biotransformation at 37 °C, pH 5.4, 2.6 vvm aeration, polypropyleneglycol (0.03%)
Benzoyl formate
spike size (g l
Total number
of spikes
Interval between
spikes (min)
Remaining benzoyl
formate (g l
Total benzaldehyde
Produced (g l
Molar yield
benzaldehyde (%)
4.24, 2.12
Continuous addition, rate: 1.33 g l
removal from this type of reactor was much slower than
from the 150-ml reactor used previously. Only 55% of a
5 mM solution of benzaldehyde was removed over a 3-h
period, compared to 77% from an equivalent concen-
tration at the smaller scale. The total benzaldehyde
produced was 1.5 g l
, with a yield of 78%.
Bisulphite addition was also examined as a method of
in situ product removal. However, the addition of
bisulphite to a biotransformation (1 l) of benzoyl for-
mate caused immediate cessation of the biotransforma-
tion. No further substrate was metabolised and no more
benzaldehyde was formed. The relative toxicity factors
for bisulphite and the bisulphite-benzaldehyde addition
complex were 6 mM and 12 mM respectively. Thus,
bisulphite was as toxic as benzaldehyde to P. putida
ATCC 12633 and the adduct only slightly less toxic.
Solid-phase adsorption was the ®nal method of al-
dehyde removal tested. Activated charcoal was used in
the bioreactor as a model sorbant, as it was non-toxic
and cheaply available in variable mesh sizes. The sub-
strate, benzoyl formate, did not sorb to the activated
charcoal. The total benzaldehyde, after extraction, was
compared to that produced in an equivalent biotrans-
formation with no activated charcoal present (Fig. 3).
As seen previously, the concentration of benzaldehyde
produced by the standard biotransformation reached a
plateau when the free benzaldehyde concentration in the
reactor reached 2.3 g l
(20 mM). With activated
charcoal the biotransformation continued beyond this
point, as the free benzaldehyde concentration remained
below 5 mM, even when the total benzaldehyde, in-
cluding adsorbed compound, was above 40 mM. The
rate of benzaldehyde production was constant to the
termination of the biotransformation at 3 h. The total
benzaldehyde produced was 4.8 g l
, with a molar yield
of 88% and a productivity of 0.82 g benzaldehyde h
dry weight
. Ethyl acetate was used to recover the
benzaldehyde from the sorbant with a recovery eciency
of 39%.
The partial inactivation of the mandelate pathway
benzaldehyde dehydrogenase isoenzymes of P. putida
ATCC 12633 at pH 5.4 allows the accumulation of
benzaldehyde. In this study in situ product removal de-
creased the in¯uence of aldehyde toxicity and also pre-
vented the enzymic conversion of the aldehyde to
benzoic acid by separating the compound from the
P. putida ATCC 12633 was unable to grow on high
(above 8 mM) concentrations of benzaldehyde with or
without yeast extract (0.5%), indicating that benzalde-
hyde toxicity was a general phenomenon unrelated to
the speci®c pathway for metabolism of the compound.
This long-term toxicity also probably contributed, in
part, to the 15% lower activity seen after 2 h exposure to
concentrations of benzaldehyde above 10 mM. The loss
of activity was proportional to the increase in benzal-
dehyde concentration. There was no reduction of ac-
tivity in cells that had not been exposed to the aldehyde.
However, there was a more signi®cant eect on the
biotransformation rate in the reactor; after 2 h exposure
there was no activation associated with the low con-
centrations of benzaldehyde (Simmonds and Robinson
1997). Thus, there was a 60% dierence in the bio-
transformation rate between cells that had been exposed
to 10 mM benzaldehyde for 5-min and those exposed for
2 h.
Benzoyl formate decarboxylase was aected by lower
concentrations of benzaldehyde than the benzaldehyde
dehydrogenase isoenzymes. Therefore, high concentra-
tions of benzaldehyde (above 20 mM) were avoided in
the bioreactor, as this would prevent the rapid bio-
transformation of benzoyl formate, although benzalde-
hyde was oxidised to benzoic acid at higher
concentrations (below 30 mM). The ``deactivation'' of
pyruvate decarboxylase, a related enzyme, by benzal-
dehyde has been demonstrated (Chow et al. 1995). The
process was shown to be ®rst-order with respect to
benzaldehyde concentration, in the range 100±300 mM,
with a square-root dependence on time.
Benzoyl formate was also shown to be inhibitory at
levels above 20 mM. Therefore, the maximum benzoyl
formate concentration in the reactor was restricted by
the fed-batch feeding of substrate; with substrate added
to a level of 10 mM at 40-min intervals, a molar yield of
benzaldehyde of 82%, with a concentration of 3.5 g l
was achieved in 3 h. This gave a productivity of 1.81 g
benzaldehyde h
g dry cell weight
. Therefore, if the
feeding regime and the rate of removal of benzaldehyde
are balanced to reduce the toxic and inhibitory eects to
a minimum, this method may be used for the ecient
production of aromatic aldehydes.
Fig. 3 Benzaldehyde production by Pseudomonas putida ATCC
12633 from benzoylformate. Eect of benzaldehyde sequestration by
activated charcoal on the total benzaldehyde produced. Experiment
performed in duplicate, error bars show the range
Gas stripping was an eective method of in situ
benzaldehyde removal at the 150-ml scale, raising the
total amount of benzaldehyde produced from 2.1 g l
to 3.5 g l
. However, the method did not remove the
aldehyde rapidly enough at the 1L scale. This was partly
because of the relative reduction in the amount of air
passing through the medium, 2.6 vvm in the small re-
actor to 0.8 vvm on the larger scale. Increasing the air-
¯ow would increase the eciency of the removal but
would also become progressively more dicult and ex-
pensive to scale-up further. Gas stripping also caused a
decrease in productivity; this was related to slight ¯oc-
culation of the organism exacerbated by the enhanced
aeration at pH 5.4 (data not shown).
Aldehyde sequestration by bisulphite was also tested
as a method of in situ product removal. However, the
biotransformation stopped immediately the bisulphite
was added and further experiments showed that
bisulphite was more toxic than benzaldehyde to the
biotransformation. Therefore the biomass must be sep-
arated from the bisulphite sequestration stage. This
separation could be achieved in a hollow-®bre reactor,
or a recycling system, where the biomass is returned to
the reactor and the benzaldehyde removed from the
aqueous phase by bisulphite, either free or immobilised.
This step would also act as a concentration stage, be-
cause a saturated solution of bisulphite would result in
the formation of an easily separated, insoluble, benzal-
dehyde-bisulphite adduct.
Solid-phase adsorption was the most ecient
method of in situ product removal tested. The rapid
rate of benzaldehyde extraction from the aqueous
phase prevented build-up of the compound to toxic
levels, and the activated charcoal did not appear to
aect the eciency of the reaction. However, for this
approach to be useful a dierent method of recovering
the benzaldehyde from the solid phase must be devel-
oped. The method could also be improved by use of a
dierent solid-phase adsorbant. A potentially more ef-
®cient method of extraction would use an external
vessel containing the solid phase, through which the
biotransformation mixture could be pumped. This
would allow for change of adsorbant on blockage or
saturation without interrupting the biotransformation
(Berger 1995). The rate of removal of product may also
be controlled by the size or number of extraction
vessels. A diculty with this approach is the rapid rate
of recycling required to maintain the correct conditions
in the medium during the recycling process, any vari-
ation of pH or temperature would reduce yields from
the biotransformation.
The mandelate pathway of P. putida ATCC 12633
was used to produce benzaldehyde by biotransforma-
tion. The reaction gave good yields and, with eective
product removal, was not terminated by aldehyde tox-
icity. The major limitation of this technique for the
production of aromatic aldehydes was the diculty of
obtaining substrates with an aromatic or heterocyclic
ring and an appropriate glyoxylate moiety. However, the
range could be signi®cantly increased by the methyl
group oxidation of acetophenone derivatives. This re-
action is currently under study.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Lonza Ltd. and BBSRC for
funding this research and to Dr. Olwen Birch for assistance during
the work at Lonza Ltd., Visp, Switzerland.
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