Jackie Nacht The Sting of the Death Stalker Scorpion

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Sometimes, to protect your mate, you need to run
before coming back to fight another day.

From the moment the scorpion Wilder laid eyes
on the sick anti-venom Leif, he knew his life
would be changed. Now, Wilder will have to use
the hands with which he killed so many enemies
to heal the man meant for him.

Since Leif started to come around, Wilder has

always been there to help. While Wilder is known
as ruthless, Leif sees past that to the gentle venom
that takes care of him daily.

When betrayal happens, Leif and Wilder will

have to run with their friends. However, things
are unexpected in the wild and new allies are

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The Sting of the Deathstalker Scorpion

Copyright © 2014 Jackie Nacht

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0008-8

Cover art by Latrisha Waters

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The Sting of the Deathstalker


Venomous Mates, Book Two


Jackie Nacht

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There are three people that I owe a great deal of

gratitude for getting venomous mates series off to a

good start.

To Will—Without you tagging me in all your scary

spider and snake pics, I would have never thought

about writing about the things I fear. Your delicious

evilness sparked a thought that turned into a series.

Thank you.

To T.A. and Steph—Thank you for your patience and

listening to me when I ran into a brick wall in the

beginning. I cherish each of your friendships and look

forward to many more times where we can hang out

and have some fun. Hugs.

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Chapter One

his was messed up. And in a world where
everything was already fucked up, that was

saying something. Wilder was bone tired as he
checked on his leader and best friend, Kalder, after
the fight on the roof. The king cobra had taken a
lethal dose of stonefish venom injected into him.
With his anti-venom mate, Reese, giving him his
blood, Kalder seemed to be healing. However, it
wasn’t pretty.

Kalder’s body burned with fever and trembled

while Reese held onto him, murmuring softly to
Kalder. The four anti-venoms that had recently
come into their lives had completely turned their
hard, cold lives upside down.

Wilder, Kalder and Cash had once thirsted for

power. Hell, Cash, the octopus that seemed distant
to the anti-venom, might still, but for Kalder and
Wilder, the only purpose they now lived for was
protecting what was theirs.

Sighing, knowing that there wasn’t much more

he could do at the moment, Wilder turned and left
Kalder’s room, making his way to his own anti-


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venom mate, Leif. With the chaos on the roof, Leif
had not let on that he had taken a blow to the
head. The knot, which Wilder had seen growing
before his eyes, made him want to bring the
spiders back to life just so he could kill the fuckers
all over again.

Approaching his door, Wilder opened it and

stepped in as quietly as possible. Leif was so damn
small in his bed as he slept. Dark red hair peeked
from a pile of covers. Pale skin marred with an
ugly bruise from when Leif had taken a hit during
the attack. It had been twenty-four hours since the
attack, and Wilder had kept the anti-venom up,
fearing he had a concussion. Finally, Leif was able
to get some sound sleep after Wilder had
constantly checked up on him all night long.

Wilder walked over and sat on the stool next to

his bed, rocking back and forth as he held the
hand of the healing anti-venom. Concerned,
Wilder then began tucking the blankets around
the thin frame as strange emotions continued to
wash over him. This had been going on since the
moment he had held the emaciated anti-venom in
his arms just weeks ago. Fuck, he was still thin
and weak. Leif couldn’t handle any more attacks
like he’d just experienced on the roof.

He didn’t know why, but from the moment he

saw Leif being carried in with the other anti-
venom, Wilder felt a need to take care of this

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smaller man. Which was fucked up since Wilder
was in the middle of a turf war in Venom City.

Currently, Wilder’s group led Mission

Territory. Venom City was a constant battle for
territory and control. Venom City, as a whole, had
four territories—Mission, Pacific, La Jolla and
Fiesta Island. His best friend, Kalder, and Killian
were their leaders in Mission Territory. Just a few
weeks ago, Kalder’s brother, Killian, had been
killed, and now, the sole leadership was upon
Kalder’s shoulders.

Reef, a stonefish, was the leader of Pacific

Territory; Magnus, a box jellyfish, controlled
Fiesta Island; and Veronica, a beautiful viper, led
La Jolla Territory. It was a constant battle for
control of the whole city. They didn’t want just a
piece of Venom City; they wanted it all, including
Wilder and his friends.

Wilder glanced down at the wounds on his

arms. He’d barely survived the attack on the
rooftop. It was savage, and he had yet to change
out of his bloodstained clothes, being so concerned
that Leif had taken a hit to the head during the

Sure, others might have had a blow like that

and bounced back, but Leif was different. The guy
had just escaped starvation. Wilder knew that just
going to the picnic tired Leif out, let alone being
attacked. But Leif wanted to see his friends, and
Wilder couldn’t refuse the man anything.

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Fuck! He should have just listened to instinct.

Wilder didn’t want anything to do with
preventing Leif from healing. Wilder remembered
all those weeks ago when Leif first opened his
eyes. He expected fear and rejection. What he got
surprised the hell out of him. Wilder thought back
to the moment. He had been sitting in the same
spot just weeks ago.

Wilder gently set the soup down on the table with a

shaky hand, careful not to spill a drop. He knew that the
small man lying in his bed needed every precious drop.

His scorpion’s tail swayed as he watched the

beautiful redhead’s erratic breathing. Dark circles
pooled under his eyes, and Leif was ghostly pale. Death

was upon him, and even though Wilder had just met
him, he knew he couldn’t lose Leif.

Wilder leaned forward and placed his hand behind

Leif’s head, angling it slightly up. “Leif, I need you to

wake up so I can give you some broth.”

Leif moaned and his head rolled. Wilder, never

known for being gentle a day in his life, sat up and
adjusted Leif until the smaller man sat across his lap on
the bed, Leif’s head resting at his elbow.

Leif’s eyes fluttered open, and the green gaze

captivated Wilder. He tried to give Leif a reassuring

smile, but the man looked over his head and panicked
when he got a look at Wilder’s scorpion’s tail. Leif

began a pathetic attempt at escape, but Wilder held onto
him, fearing Leif would hurt himself.

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“Shh, shh, settle down. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Wilder tried to catch the thin, flailing arms. One
clipped him in the jaw. If it had been anyone else…

Blowing out a breath to calm himself, Wilder grabbed
the offending arm and pinned it.

“Scorpion.” Leif’s wide-eyed gaze never left his tail.
Wilder dropped his tail and rested it on the bed

behind him so that it was out of sight. “I’m not going to
hurt you. If you calm down, I can give you this broth

that’s getting ice cold over there.”

“Food? You have food…for me?” Leif’s shocked

expression said it all. Venom and anti-venom had

always been at war since the toxins went airborne.

When the toxins rained down, most people were

immediately killed by whatever was in the gas. Others
were mutated, making them human with the

characteristics of a venomous creature. Strangely and
with no one to explain why, since all the creators had

died in the beginning, only one creature’s DNA would
latch onto a person. Wilder was the third generation in
his family to come out of the mess with the venom and

characteristics of the deathstalker scorpion.

Then, there were some who walked away

unscathed—the anti-venom. At first, the anti-venom
sought to destroy those who were altered. The first

couple of years were a bloodbath until the strongest
survived. Anti-venom were slaughtered, and the few

anti-venom that survived were considered good for one
thing—their blood could help counteract poisons or
prevent death. Most venomous creatures still held

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hatred for the anti-venom kind even though three
generations had passed since the world had changed.

Looking down at the anti-venom now, he knew why

his friend Kalder never saw Reese, another anti-venom
and one of Leif’s friends, as an enemy either. They were

just a group of young men that desperately needed help.

Wilder blew out a breath. “I know you have no

reason to trust me, but yes, the food is for you.” Wilder
reached over to the table and grabbed the bowl of broth

and spoon.

Wilder held the spoon out, and Leif’s body shook as

he leaned toward the offered broth. Full lips wrapped

around the spoon before an appreciative moan resonated
from the thin man.

Wilder pulled the spoon back and scooped up more

broth, entranced by the sight and sounds coming from


Squirming in his perched position on the bed, Wilder

tried to figure out the damn foreign feeling inside him
as he helped Leif sip one spoonful at a time. He was the
hunter and killer for the group. Just the week before,

he’d tortured a sea snake for daring to kill Kalder’s
brother Killian. He was too tainted to be doing this shit.

Wilder paused and gripped the spoon, bending the

handle. For a moment, he thought of dropping the bowl

and just getting the fuck out of there, but the heavy
breathing from the man in his lap caused Wilder to

turn and focus on Leif. A little bit of broth had dribbled
down the man’s chin, and Wilder watched as Leif’s
tongue peeked out to lick it away.

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“What am I going to do with you?” Wilder shook his

head. This world was too damn hard for someone as
small and young as Leif.

“Keep me,” Leif murmured.
“Now, why would a little anti-venom want to play

with a scorpion?” Wilder smirked down at Leif;
however, his heart felt like it was beating out of his

chest. No one wanted him. He was the freak amongst

“You’re kind,” Leif murmured.
Wilder tilted his head back and laughed. “You have

no clue. I kill on a daily basis.”

“Not me,” Leif whispered.
That sobered Wilder up. No, he didn’t, and for some

reason if a knife was held to his very own throat, he
knew he wouldn’t be able to harm a hair on Leif’s head.

“No, not you.”

“See. You have a little sweetness in you.” Leif

smiled for the first time, and if Wilder hadn’t been
sitting, it would have knocked him on his ass.

Snorting, Wilder said, “If you say so.” Then, he got

back to business of feeding Leif.

Coming back to the present, Wilder stared

down as he remembered that first conversation.
Well, Leif got a very good dose of just how
ruthless Wilder could be. He still hadn’t even
bothered to clean the blood or gore off his tail
from when he’d impaled his enemy on the roof.

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All his thoughts were focused on getting Leif back
to rest and heal.

A knock sounded at the door. “It’s open,”

Wilder called.

Cash stuck his head in the door. The man was

infected with the toxin of the blue ring octopus,
and even on his beautiful face, the signature blue
circular markings of a poisonous cephalopod were
visible. Sought after by the leader of the Pacific
Territory, Cash had fled and found sanctuary and
friendship in the Mission Territory.

“How’s he doing? The funnel web spider got a

pretty good blow in, huh? Do you want me to
check him out, or do you need me to bring you
anything?” Cash asked while stepping in and
closing the door softly.

“He’ll need to eat.” Wilder murmured.
“I can prep something for both of you in a few

minutes.” Cash stepped closer, brushing his wet
blue hair back. The octopus must have already

“How’s Kalder?” Wilder should’ve been

looking after his leader, but he just couldn’t bear
to leave Leif’s side.

“Memphis and Tucker are watching him. He’s

in rough shape, but Reese’s blood is turning him
around. He’ll be better in a matter of days.” Cash
came over and sat down on the edge of Leif’s bed.
Wilder tried not to let his friend being so close to

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Leif bother him, but it did. He didn’t want anyone
near him or touching him, especially on a bed.

Then the words sunk in for Wilder. “Wait?

Memphis and Tucker?”

Memphis and Tucker were two young guys,

barely twenty years old. Okay, so he wasn’t much
older at twenty-four, but these guys were green
and they were protecting Kalder when he was

Tucker was infected by poison dart frog DNA

and had bright red skin. He’d had a tragic past
when his sister died in his arms from the poisons
excreted from Tucker’s skin.

Memphis was infected by the black mamba

DNA. Even though Memphis was stunningly
beautiful in the face, his entire body was covered
with the olive-colored scales of the snake. He was
lean with soft muscles, and as he got older, he
would be able to use his wicked speed to take
down the enemy before they even knew it.

Cash shrugged. “I trust them the most. You

need to take a shower.” Cash’s gaze strayed to his
bloody scorpion’s tail.

“I’m not leaving Leif.” Wilder leaned forward

and grabbed Leif’s hand, bringing it to his lips and
kissing it softly. He wanted this man healthy and

Cash tilted his head, staring at Wilder in

confusion. “I’ll watch over Leif. He wakes up and
sees you like that, he’ll be scared.”

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Wilder wanted to tell Cash just how fucking

wrong he was. Leif was the only one who had
never feared him. However, Wilder did want a
shower, and he trusted Cash with his life as well
as Leif’s. He wouldn’t forget that it was Cash and
his expert bow that had helped Wilder keep Leif
from harm on the roof yesterday.

“I’ll be a few minutes.” Wilder stood, making

his way to the en suite that was a few feet away.

“Take your time.” Cash waved his hand at him

as he sat on the stool next to Leif.

Wilder made his way into the bathroom and

glanced at himself in the mirror. No wonder Cash
told him to shower. His body and clothes were
still covered with the blood of his enemy.
Stripping, Wilder turned on the water and
climbed in the large shower. With his tail, he was
always cramped, but he managed. Others had
seen his tail and thought he was cursed, but when
Wilder was younger, he had seen others infected
with the scorpion venom. Some had claws where
their hands should be, and some of them had extra
legs. If Wilder just had a lethal tail—one he could
use to protect his mate—that was fine with him.
He hustled to wash up so he could get back to his
mate. He wasn’t sure who needed who more, him
or Leif.

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Chapter Two

eif woke to the worst headache of his life. He
remembered taking a blow from the spider on

the roof, but even his neck and back was sore from
the attack. Groaning, he rolled over to see Wilder
staring at him.

The scorpion had been terrifying to watch as

Leif got his first look at the venom in action.
However, he had been too damn weak and sick to
do anything. He was happy that even though he
was sick, it gave him the opportunity to see
another aspect of Wilder.

Leif was positive anyone who got a good look

at the large scorpion would find fear overriding
any thoughts of knowing him. Wilder was well
over six feet, probably close to six and a half.
Solid, bulking muscles and a wicked tail that,
when held in aggression, had to be well over eight
feet high.

However, when Leif gazed at Wilder’s face, he

got to see another side of the venom. Soft brown
eyes that hardened to anyone but those he cared


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for and light brown hair with the sides appearing
pale blond.

“Hey,” Leif rasped. Sheesh, his mouth was sore.
Wilder gave a small smile before bringing over

a cup to him. Groaning, Leif sat up, feeling as if he
had been beaten by a team of spiders last night
instead of just taking one hit in the attack. He
knew the venom was a lot stronger than him, but
damn, he was lucky the spider hadn’t broken his
neck. He peered over Wilder’s shoulder to the
window to see that the sun was going down. With
this wicked headache, light was not his friend
right now,

Taking the cup, Leif brought it to his lips and

drank thirstily. He emptied two more cups before
he leaned back against the pillow. “What I’d

The corner of Wilder’s mouth lifted in a smile.

“Just a whole lot of everyone healing. How are
you feeling?”

“I’ve been better.” Leif groaned, grabbing the

back of his neck where it ached.

Wilder repositioned him and began massaging

the tight knots in his neck. Leif closed his eyes,
moaning at the sensation of those fingers working
over the muscles. He remembered what Wilder
had done with those hands just yesterday. How
they had killed many. It should bother Leif, but
somehow, he found himself comforted by
Wilder’s strength. While others feared him and his

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skill, Leif felt safe. Then, he remembered the fight
and Kalder.

“Did Kalder—” Leif couldn’t even say it. The

last he’d heard, Reese’s mate, Kalder, hadn’t been
doing so well.

“He’s out of danger. Kalder should be back to

himself in a couple more days. Now rest and get
better.” Wilder pushed him back down on the bed.

“I’ll be fine. I want to see Julius and Prescott.”

He hadn’t seen his friends since the attack. He
wanted to make sure they weren’t harmed in any

“They’re fine. Prescott was pretty good out

there. With a little more meat on his bones and
training, he may prove himself a pretty cunning
fighter. Julius is okay. Cash got to him and
guarded over him before any of the funnels
harmed him.” Wilder grabbed ahold of Leif’s
hand and squeezed it.

Leif nodded. Prescott had been their leader

before they met up with the anti-venom. Leif had
seen firsthand how Prescott would sacrifice his life
to protect Julius, Reese and him. Maybe even
recklessly, since Prescott would give his food to
others to keep them from starving.

Julius, on the other hand, was the timid one of

the group. He remembered just weeks ago that
Julius had fearfully mentioned seeing a scorpion
hunting. Had it been Wilder? Leif was going to
have to ask.

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“I’d still like to see how they are doing. I

haven’t been able to see them much.” Leif groaned
as he stretched his arms over his head. He needed
to get out of bed and stretch the sore muscles.

A muscle ticked in Wilder’s jaw.
“What’s the matter? Did something happen to

them?” Leif began to worry.

“No,” Wilder stated firmly.
“Well, what then?” Leif asked, completely


Wilder spoke through gritted teeth. “C’mon. I’ll

take you to see them.”

“Okay,” Leif murmured. He wasn’t sure what

the hell was bothering Wilder. Leif quietly dressed
and then went toward the door. Before he could
get to it, Wilder pulled his machete out of its

“What the hell, Wilder?” Leif waved to the


Wilder turned to him with a flash of wild

brown eyes. “Humor me. You want to see your
friends. I’ll be the one protecting you.”

“We’re in your home, Wilder.” Leif stared

wide-eyed at the wicked-looking machete.

“Didn’t stop the spiders from trying to get in.”

Wilder opened the door and led them to a room
that was three doors down.

There was a scream behind the door, and

Wilder pushed Leif back against the wall before
charging in. From the hallway, Leif could see a

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guy in nothing but a pair of jeans and dusty boots
jumping out of Julius’ window and disappearing.
It happened so fast that Leif didn’t even get a look
at the guy’s face.

Julius ran out into the hallway as Wilder

jumped out the fucking window. They were two
stories up!

“Wilder!” Leif yelled. Leif turned and ran to the

stairs to get down below. Julius and Leif hurried
to the exit, running outside just in time to see
Wilder cussing up a storm.

Wilder whipped around, and his gaze seemed

to penetrate Leif. “Get back inside!”

Leif didn’t think twice before he grabbed ahold

of Julius shirt and ran back the way they had

Tucker, the poison dart frog, ran past them, and

Leif couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Now Wilder
had backup.

A few minutes later, Wilder walked back in.
“What was he?”
Wilder was shaking his head, “Hell if I know.

He looked pretty human to me. The only way I
could tell he wasn’t anti-venom was the fangs, but
there are a lot of different kinds with those.
Tucker, did you see him?”

Tucker shook his head. “No, he was gone

before I was even out there. What was he doing?”

Everyone turned to stare at Julius, who was

shaking uncontrollably. “I don’t know. I woke up

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and the guy was staring at me from the window.
Those things need bars on them, dammit.”

Wilder sheathed his machete. “We need to be

on guard. Get everyone back inside and go into
lockdown. No one, even those that live in the
territory, come into this building from now on.”

Leif was gently pushed back up the stairs

before he was separated from Julius again. Tucker
took Julius to another room while Wilder grabbed
Leif by the arm, bringing him back to Wilder’s

As soon as they entered the room, Leif asked

Wilder, “Was it another assassination attempt?”
Leif wrapped his arms around himself, a sudden
chill sweeping over his body.

Wilder rubbed his short light brown hair

vigorously. “Hell if I know. Guy definitely had
enough time to go in for the kill, but all he was
doing was watching Julius sleep.”

“Creepy.” Leif shuddered.
“I watch you sleep,” Wilder smirked.
“That’s different.” Leif walked over and sat on

the bed, crisscrossing his legs.

Wilder’s face suddenly changed. “I wonder…”
“What do you wonder?” Leif asked.
“Is it different? I knew right off that you

were…” Wilder turned and went into the
bathroom before finishing his sentence.

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Leif got up and followed Wilder. He watched as

the scorpion washed his face in the sink. “What
did you know, Wilder?”

Wilder shut the water off and grabbed a ratty

towel, wiping the water off his face. He turned to
stare at Leif with dark eyes. “That you were mine,
the moment I saw you being carried into Venom

Leif stared down at the floor and frowned.

“That’s just Kalder and Reese.”

Wilder put his hand under Leif’s chin, lifting

until his gaze met with Wilder’s. “No, it isn’t.”

Leif slowly lifted his trembling hand, touching

Wilder’s cheek. Leif felt like his heart was
thumping out of his chest. Raw attraction hit him
hard, and he found himself aching to kiss the
scorpion. His friends might think he was crazy,
but at the moment, he couldn’t care less what
others thought.

Wilder licked his full lips and leaned forward.

Leif’s eyes closed as he met Wilder halfway and
kissed the man softly. Moaning, Leif opened his
mouth, thrusting his tongue into Wilder’s mouth.
His body reacted instantly, cock hardening and

Wilder cupped Leif’s face with both hands and

took over the kiss. The dominance of the venom
awoke something in Leif, making him hungry for
more. He wanted it all. Never breaking away,
Wilder walked them over, then pushed Leif on his

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back across the bed, lying on top of him. He could
feel Wilder was just as affected, the scorpion’s
erection pressing against his own. Leif rolled his
hips, grinding their clothes-covered cocks

Leif moaned and gripped Wilder’s shoulders as

the kiss turned feral. Wilder growled, hips
thrusting. Leif was sure that they were about to
take things further when Wilder slowed down.
Wilder kissed his swollen lips a couple of times
then pulled back to stare down at him.

Leif huffed out a breath as he stared up at

Wilder’s glazed eyes. Wilder sat up, grabbing the
hem of his shirt when a knock sounded at the

Wilder growled, tail lifting as he jumped off the

bed to stalk to the door and threw it open.

Leif watched as Cash shook his head. “Aww,

I’m sorry I interrupted. I need you to come and
take a look at Kalder real quick. Reese is worried,
and I need an update on what happened outside
just now.”

Wilder let out a juicy curse. “I’ll be there in a


Wilder practically closed the door in Cash’s

face. Wilder turned back toward the bed to find
Leif rubbing his head. Now that the mood had
officially been broken, the aches that had bothered
Leif came back with a vengeance.

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Wilder pushed Leif to lie back down. “Rest. We

need to wait until you fully recover.”

“I’ll be good in an hour,” Leif protested.
“There’s nothing to rush, and I got carried

away.” Wilder grabbed a couple weapons off the
floor and leaned down to kiss him softly on the

We got carried away, you mean.” Leif smirked.
Wilder came back over and sat next to him on

the bed. “Yeah. We. What’s happening between us
isn’t going to go away anytime soon. Rest and I’ll
bring you back dinner in a little bit. Okay?”
Wilder brushed Leif’s hair back, and the touch felt
so damn good to Leif.

Leif nodded and closed his eyes. He felt

Wilder’s weight lift from the mattress and then the
door opened and closed. His last thoughts were
that Wilder was right; if these feeling kept
growing, there was no way they would ever be

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Chapter Three

week later later, Wilder stood off in the
shadows as he heard one of their own in

Mission Territory betray them. Not twenty
fucking yards from where Leif and his friends
slept. Montgomery, the eastern brown snake, had
been kissing their ass for the last two years, but
now that their leader was down, he was prepared
to make a deal with the devil himself. He was
talking to one of the coral snakes that was known
to be a soldier for Reef.

Wilder had initially been out there to watch for

the venom who’d come into Julius’ room. The
asshole had come back another time, and now,
Durango was stationed in Julius’ room until they
caught the guy. They weren’t sure if he posed a
threat, but he definitely needed to be questioned
for his actions.

Wilder focused back on the conversation in

front of him.

“When’s he coming to take over the territory?”

Montgomery asked the sea snake.


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“Tonight. You just need to be ready. When we

infiltrate, you’ll be rewarded,” the coral snake

Yeah fucking right! You’ll be dead with the rest of

us, asshole.

“We’re in. I’ll let them know.” Montgomery

glanced over his shoulder, staring right at Wilder
in the shadows. Too bad the guy had such poor
senses he couldn’t even spot or smell Wilder.

Wait! There are more deceivers?
Slowly, Wilder unsheathed his machete and

stepped toward the two snakes. He struck swiftly,
removing the arm of a coral snake at the shoulder
before turning and beheading the man. Turning,
he brought the machete up in time to remove the
hand of Montgomery that was wielding a blade.
The scream was deafening as the eastern brown
snake fell to his knees.

Wilder smelled the coppery scent of blood as he

pulled the head of hair back on the snake. “Is it
just you?”

Montgomery laughed maniacally up at Wilder.

“Fuck you!” the snake hissed at him.

Taking the machete, Wilder swiped the blade

across the top of Montgomery’s head, scalping

The snake screamed in agony, writhing on the


Wilder squatted down and tilted his head as his

tail rose. “Now, how far does this treachery go?”

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“You’re dead, and so are your friends. We all

want you gone.” Montgomery spat at him.

Wilder dodged the venomous spit and struck

with his tail, aiming true to Montgomery’s heart.
Montgomery began to gasp and choke and seize
around the tail as his life expelled before Wilder’s
eyes. The combination of the venom and the fatal
blow were no match.

Wilder pulled his stinger free and stood, blood

dripping on his shoulder as his tail lifted aloft.
Turning, Wilder knew he had to inform the others
and get the fuck out of Dodge before they had an
army they couldn’t defeat breathing down their
necks. He sheathed his machete and took off at a
fast pace, entering the building that was their
home and taking the stairs two at a time. Kalder
had only been moving about again since the day
before. Well, Wilder hoped Kalder was ready to
fucking run.

Wilder ran into his room, throwing the door

open and slamming it against the wall. Leif was
on the bed and jumped right before Wilder’s eyes,

Wilder grabbed Leif by the arm, pulling him

from the bed to make his way to Kalder’s room.
Cash was in the hallway, and with his other hand,
he grabbed Cash by the front of the shirt and
spoke softly to him.

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“Grab Julius and Prescott immediately. Pack

light. Get Tucker, Memphis and Durango. No one

Cash’s bright blue eyes widened before he

pulled his shirt free and took off for the others.

Wilder entered Kalder’s room without even

bothering to knock. He didn’t have time for
manners. They needed to be on the move. They
were about to be overthrown and seconds

Kalder was lying in bed with Reese. Wilder was

pretty sure that under the sheets, they weren’t
wearing a stitch of clothing.

Kalder sat up, hissing, “What the fuck?”
“No time. We have to leave now. Plot to

assassinate us all, and our territory is turning on

Wilder heard Leif gasp beside him, and Wilder

brought him in tight to his side, embracing him.

Reese scrambled out of bed, uncaring of his

nudity, grabbing a pair of pants and pulling them

Kalder looked pissed, “The venom we’ve been


Wilder knew this would hit Kalder hard. He

had been a great leader, ruthless in protecting the
ones that were about to turn on him. They would
pay, but not today. “Yes. We need to pack and

Kalder stood and began dressing. “I’ll fight.”

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“Assassins are coming in, and our own people

are turning on us. Today, we run. Tomorrow, we
will find another way to reclaim Mission.” Wilder
tried to reason with the cobra.

Kalder hissed, “Over my dead body I’ll run.”
Reese walked over, standing toe to toe with

Kalder. “Is that the way of it? Your life for a piece
of land? Didn’t we just talk about finding a safer
place to live?”

“That’s to live and keep you safe,” Kalder

argued with his mate.

Wilder squeezed Leif to him, his mate shaking

in his arm.

Reese’s face contorted in anger. “You need to be

safe, too!”

“I will not run like a coward,” Kalder hissed.
“Then run like an intelligent man and come

back to fight another day. You can’t get your
vengeance in the grave!” Reese was shouting in
Kalder’s face.

Wilder was impressed that the much smaller

anti-venom wasn’t the least bit intimidated about
standing up to his mate. Of course, when it came
to mates, Wilder was learning firsthand just how
much they were the exception to the rule.

Kalder hissed and turned, gripping his

Mohawk with one hand. Wilder waited for his
friend and leader.

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The doorway filled, and the others filed into the

room. Wilder wasn’t sure what Cash said to them,
but they were armed.

Kalder took a deep breath and addressed them

all. “We have fifteen minutes before we leave. Get
as much arsenal as you can and prepare for the
elements. Julius and Prescott, pack clothes and as
much food as you can carry. Durango and Tucker
go with them. Wilder, go and get Leif ready to
travel. Reese…” Wilder watched Kalder pull Reese
into a hard embrace. “You’re right. We live today.
Pack, mate.”

Wilder left with Leif under his arm, following

the others as they scrambled.

“How are we going to carry everything?” Leif

asked as they walked back in the room. Leif was
already running to the boots that Wilder had
obtained for him before the picnic up on the roof.

“You pack to survive. Grab clothes. I have a

survival pack already packed in the closet.”
Wilder went and retrieved his kit. Opening it, he
took a quick inventory, seeing a fire starter,
several blades, first aid items, canteens and a mini

Wilder turned back to the closet and grabbed

an old, worn sleeping bag. It had been made
before the toxins dropped, but it would still do the
job and keep them warm at night. Hopefully, the
others had a couple extra, because as it was, he
and Leif would have to share this one.

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Leif was hurrying around the room, and Wilder

stared at his mate for a moment. He was better,
much better than when he’d first come, but they
didn’t know where in the hell they were going.
Was Leif’s health going to decline with the journey
to safety? Grabbing his bow and a quiver of
arrows, he prayed that he could hunt large game
so that no one suffered from lack of food.

Leif was grabbing another worn backpack,

stuffing clothes for both of them into it,
movements panicked.

Wilder stopped what he was doing and walked

over to Leif, grabbing both hands of his hands,
staring down at the scared green eyes.
“Everything’s going to be fine.”

“Spoken like a man who hasn’t been hunted all

his life and never had to fend for himself to live.”
Leif’s voice shook.

Wilder leaned down and gave the trembling

lips a small kiss. Murmuring against Leif’s lips, he
stated “I’m hunted all the time by other territories.
Plus, now it won’t be just the four of you. I’m
skilled and so are the others. We will find a new
home. I promise I will keep you safe.”

Leif pulled back. “I worry about your safety,


“If we get out of here, we’ll have enough

daylight to be out of danger before they come into
the city. Durango and Kalder are excellent at
hiding our tracks.”

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Leif reached up and hugged him before they

broke apart and got back to packing. They left the
room after five minutes to meet the group in the
hallway. Everyone had backpacks, and the venom
had blades drawn, ready for action. Kalder came
forward and stalked to lead them out of the
building, Reese close behind him.

Wilder pulled his machete and grabbed Leif’s

hand as he led them out into the open. The sun
was starting to set over the waters. The waves
were crashing along the shore as the sky turned a
beautiful gold and pink. Wilder spent many
evenings sitting in the sand and watching sunsets
much like this one. However, tonight, Wilder
knew that it was only a matter of time before
Pacific Territory assassins made their way in.

The ten of them walked toward the path along

the water. All of them removed their hiking boots,
so that the waves would remove any trace of the
direction they were heading. They would need a
couple of days’ head start before any of them
would feel even mildly safe.

Wilder turned and stared back down the beach

at Mission Territory. Wilder couldn’t help but
notice how eerie it was that no one was to be seen.
The place was usually booming with venom, but
at the moment, it was deserted. Were they waiting
for others to arrive? Were they afraid?

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Kalder turned to stare at him. “Do you think

there is anyone that is left that still holds loyalty to

Everyone must have been thinking along the

same lines, because everyone stopped except
Cash. The cephalopod kept on going, talking over
his shoulder. “They may not want to, but they
never warned any of us. As far as I’m concerned,
no one is to be trusted, and that means they fend
for themselves.”

“He’s right.” Prescott walked past them all and

followed Cash. “Survival is trust, and if they
didn’t tell you that danger was coming, they may
be the one wielding the knife to your throat the
next time you sleep.”

For the first time, Wilder saw why Prescott had

been the anti-venom’s leader before they met.
Prescott was right. Wilder could trust none of
them. Even Durango, Tucker and Memphis were a
risk, but the guys had been with them all week,
never leaving the building. Memphis was
especially protective of Prescott, which made him
wonder if there wasn’t something more going on
than Wilder knew.

Leif squeezed his hand. Wilder and Leif began

walking behind the others, facing the unknown
journey before them. He wasn’t sure where they
would end up, but he was going to do everything
in his power to protect his mate until they found a

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Chapter Four

our hours later and well into the night, Leif
was bone tired as they got as far away from

Mission Territory as possible. Living in the wild
before, Leif knew how dangerous it was to be
traveling at night. There might not be too many
venom living in the wild, most choosing to live in
one of the territories in Venom City, but it didn’t
mean they couldn’t run across some crazy asshole.
Or god help them, the assassins that were no
doubt on their way.

Leif felt horribly guilty. He knew that he was

slowing down the whole group. Several times,
Wilder stopped the group so that Leif could get a
quick drink of water or a bite to eat. He wanted to
be strong for everyone, not hold them back. The
walk seemed to take forever as they ventured
down Mission Bay Blvd., trying to avoid others.
They turned off and went onto Sunset Cliffs before
traveling over the water on a bridge to another


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Finally, at about two in the morning, the group

stopped in an overgrown field that still had access
to the ocean. Wilder pulled off his backpack and
set it on the grass.

Others pulled sleeping bags.
Kalder was unlacing Reese’s shoes, “No fire

tonight. I don’t want it to attract others until I
know who’s around here. I can take first watch.”

Wilder unzipped the sleeping bag. “Rest,

Kalder. You’re still healing. I’ll take first watch,
and Cash can take second.”

Tucker squatted next to Julius. “I can take a

watch, too.”

“Two-hour shifts?” Wilder asked the group.
Cash and Tucker nodded before everyone

climbed in and began to settle. Leif felt guilty for
sleeping and got up to walk over to Wilder, who
sat with his back against a tree.

“Hey, you should be resting. We have a long

walk ahead of us in the morning,” Wilder

Leif knew that, but it didn’t stop him from

sitting next to Wilder. He leaned his head on the
scorpion’s shoulder. “I know, I just wanted to be
by you is all.”

Wilder wrapped his arm around Leif, holding

him tight. “There’s not much more you can do
tonight except rest. I think we got far enough

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“I just want to sit with you for a bit if that’s

okay.” Leif shivered from the cold.

“Only if you bring the sleeping bag over and

get in. We can talk then,” Wilder compromised.

Leif retrieved the sleeping bag and tucked

himself in. “Do you want to come in here as well?”

“Later, after my watch. I need to be ready.”

Wilder stared off into the distance, and Leif had to
wonder how far the venom could hear. A lot of
them were extrasensory from the toxin, even if
their animal didn’t possess it. The human side was
altered to be physically more capable, too.

Leif felt like a weak fool in the world.

Stumbling along, trying to avoid death from far
superior beings. He had been spoiled the several
weeks, almost forgetting what he was because he
had been so well taken care of. Now, it was
survival mode once again, and he couldn’t help
but feel like the weakest link.

“Talk to me. How did you survive as a child?”

Wilder reached down and brushed his hair back.

Leif searched through the memories he wasn’t

too keen on. “My father was killed when I was just
five years old. I don’t remember much of him
except that he hid my mother and me the night the
black widows came. They took him as my mother
and I hid. My mother died not too long after that
when I was seven. She went out to get firewood
one day and never came back. I wandered around
the area for days, starving, and that’s when I

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found Prescott fishing. He was a little older than
me, but he took me right in. Reese and Julius were
already with him.”

“You were just children.” Wilder rubbed his

face as if the thought bothered him.

“Yeah, we were. We all lost our parents to

venom. I don’t know how we survived as long as
we did, but we managed. We lived off the land
and found abandoned shelters where we could,
but mostly, we lived in the wild. Venom stick to
cities and buildings, and until we were desperate,
we avoided those at all cost,” Leif murmured.
“What about you?”

Wilder shrugged. “Kalder and Killian took me

in. I wasn’t much in the way of a prize to my
parents, and they both were killed.”

Leif’s heart sank at the nonchalant way Wilder

mentioned that his parents didn’t love him. Leif
might not have known his dad and lost his mom
at seven, but he knew they had loved him.

“Killian was Kalder’s brother?” Leif pulled the

sleeping bag up to his chin.

“Yeah, he was murdered. We killed the guys

that bragged about it.” Wilder picked up a stone
and threw it five feet in front of him.

“That must have been tough for Kalder, to find

his brother.” Leif felt horrible for the guy.

“We didn’t. All they said was how they tore

him apart. Bragged about the torture. We never

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got to say goodbye.” Wilder stared hard down at

Leif frowned at that. “I don’t mean to be

insensitive, but you never found him?”

Wilder shook his head. “No, but they had items

of his, and they were covered in his blood. Their
confession was enough. If they had anything more
to tell, they would have. We weren’t…kind to

Leif bit the pad of his thumb, lost in thought.

That didn’t add up. Something was off. He
wanted to ask Wilder if there was a possibility that
Killian might still be alive, but something held
him back. Wilder knew the game better than Leif.

“How’d you meet Kalder?” Leif steered the

topic in another direction.

Wilder chuckled. “I was in the middle of a fight

in Mission Territory. Venom had issues with my
scorpion’s tail, and I was more lethal when I was a
kid. Adults avoided me like the plague, but some
kids were too stupid to live and gave me a hard

Wilder picked up another rock and threw it.

“That was when Kalder’s parents used to be
leaders. Anyway, I was trying to take on five
snakes at once, and Killian and Kalder came up,
saying they wanted to even the odds. After that, I
teamed up with those two. No one ever stood a
chance against us. Killian and Kalder never feared
the scorpion kid like the others. We were a

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threesome after that and moved up in the ranks
until the brothers took over for their parents.”

“How old were you?” Leif wondered.
Wilder smirked down at him. “Six when I met

them. We were always a bit of a handful.”

“When did Cash come to you?” Leif stared over

at the blue head that was huddled up with Julius
in a sleeping bag. The venom may seem aloof to
the group but Leif could see the octopus slowly
changing. Maybe it was because Reese and him
were mated to his friends? Maybe he initially
feared for his friends being hunted for giving anti-
venom sanctuary? Leif could see that Cash loved
Kalder and Wilder like they were his own

“Cash came to us about five years ago. He was

only seventeen and on the run from Reef. The
Pacific Territory leader would give anything to
have Cash back.” Wilder’s fingers grazed over
Leif’s cheek.

“They were mates?” Leif’s eyes closed at the

tender touch.

“I think Reef would like to think so. No, they’re

not mates. Cash is considered rare and beautiful.”
Wilder spoke softly, and his hands rubbed over
Leif’s shoulders through the sleeping bag. It felt
wonderful to his aching muscles.

“Cash is handsome,” Leif murmured, and the

rubbing stopped.

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Leif looked up to see Wilder staring at him with

an eyebrow quirked. Leif huffed, “I’m not blind,
you know.”

Wilder snorted. “Don’t let him hear you say

that. He happens to think his beauty is a curse.
Draws the wrong venom to him that tries to claim
him as a prize.”

Leif watched Wilder smirk.
“It’s a good thing we trained him well. Cash

would cut down anyone now that tried to claim

Leif chuckled, and then they grew quiet. Leif

could hear the waves crashing in the distance.

What would it be like if they moved into the central

states, away from the ocean?

Wilder spoke to him in the darkness. “How

come when you woke up that very first time, you
didn’t fear me?”

“I just knew you wouldn’t hurt me,” Leif


“You knew a killer wouldn’t kill you?” Wilder

turned and stared at him in confusion.

Leif blew out a breath. “I knew that Reese came

back and was willing to come to you all for
protection. I trusted him. Then, when I woke and
saw your eyes, I knew. You weren’t looking at me
with cold and hard eyes. Confusion, yes, but they
didn’t hold the look of someone ready to kill me.”

“You read people well. No, you were never in

any danger with me. I was just curious how you

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didn’t even react in fear upon seeing me. I’m one
of the more lethal venom in Venom City. Well, I
was…I’m no longer in the city anymore.” Wilder
scrubbed a hand over his face.

“Why is it so important to have a piece of

Venom City?” Leif wondered what tied these
venoms to a city where their lives were constantly
on the line.

“We feel we have a duty to protect the children

and the innocents that reside in the city. Someday,
it would be nice to have the city at peace, like the
one that is so successful in the central part of the
United States. There’s just so much crime and evil
in the city. No organization unless it’s a united
goal to take over. Kalder’s parents had a piece of
Venom, and it was turning around. Children were
thriving, learning, and now…well, we’ve lost that
last hope of turning the city around.” Wilder
pulled his knees to his chest and loosely wrapped
his arms around his legs.

“Don’t give up hope, Wilder.” Leif reached out

and gripped Wilder’s hand, squeezing.

Wilder glanced down as their hands entwined

before he leaned down and brushed his lips over

“Sleep, Leif. It’s going to be a tough day

tomorrow.” Wilder began stroking Leif’s hair.

Leif wanted to protect Wilder. He was falling

hard for the scorpion. Those wonderful hands

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continued to comb through his hair, comforting
him. Closing his eyes, Leif let sleep take him.

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Chapter Five

he next morning, Wilder woke to Cash
shouting. Tangled with Leif, he couldn’t get

out of the fucking sleeping bag quickly enough as
he saw that asshole who had been in Julius’ room
toss Cash twenty yards into the deep grass. The
venom pulled a hunting knife and crouched over

Laughter from the tree above Wilder had him

looking up to see a man sitting on a limb of the
tree, laughing at the scene before them.

Wilder got up and grabbed his machete, intent

on killing the venom.

The venom ignored him and grabbed a hold of

his arms Julius, while inspecting him. The blond-
haired, blue-eyed man stared at the venom in

Julius pulled his arm free. “What the hell are

you doing?”

“What the hell are you doing sleeping in a bag

with a venom?” the guy growled.


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It was then that Wilder noticed the large,

round, puckered marks on the sides of the guy.
The man still wasn’t wearing a shirt but had a
beat-to-hell cowboy hat on, covering the long
brown hair that he had seen the last time Wilder
had chased him.

“Spider,” Wilder growled.
The guy looked over his shoulder and smirked

cockily at him, “Having trouble figuring me out,

Kalder stood and threw the guy away from

Julius. The man from the trees, flew down with
huge black bug wings in an instant and was then
next to the spider.

Flyer, fucking perfect!
“Don’t let Boone get under your skin. He tends

to be a pain in the ass when he sees his mate
wrapped in another venom’s arms.” The guy
pulled a piece of tall grass and stuck it in his
mouth as if this was a damn campfire instead a
possible fight about to break out.

Julius gasped and scrambled out of his sleeping

bag, “I’m not…”

Boone adjusted his cowboy hat on his head and

leered at Julius. “Just give me time, sweetheart.”

Wilder pulled Leif behind him. He wasn’t sure

what the motives of these two were, but hell if
they would even think about claiming his Leif.

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Fly boy laughed around the grass. “Relax. We

don’t want to claim any of your mates. We just
want to help you.”

The guy was dressed a lot like the spider. No

shirt and a pair of jeans and hiking boots. The only
difference was the guy sported a ball cap from
way back before the toxins dropped.

Kalder stepped in front of the group, and

Wilder backed him. “Who are you?”

Kalder pulled his blade, “TL, what venom

species are you and your friend Boone?”

TL adjusted the cap on his head, smirking.

“Boone here is a wandering spider, and I’m a
pompilid wasp.”

Wilder shook his head. “You’re a spider killer

traveling with a spider?” These two were fucking

Boone laughed. “What can I say, we’re a unique

pair.” Boone bent down and pulled a wide-eyed
Julius to his feet.

TL flew back into the tree, gazing off into the


Wilder hated an unknown above him.
TL glanced down at them, face serious,

“They’re coming. You all need to pack your shit
and get ready to run.”

Wilder didn’t hesitate, grabbing his weapon as

Leif grabbed his backpack and sleeping bag.

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“What do we have coming our way? Coral

snakes? Sea kraits?” Kalder shouted up to TL.

TL glanced over at Wilder. “I think your

cousins are coming to play. Looks like an army of
fat-tailed scorpions are coming our way with a
dozen or so sea kraits. They don’t look quite as
pretty as you. Some of them have some wicked

Wilder knew those pincers could sever an arm

or, worse, a head, if they were big enough. “Tails?
How many with tails?” Wilder shouted up.

TL squinted, “At least five.”
Too fucking many. All their stingers would

have to be severed if any of them hoped to
survive. Wilder grabbed Leif, pulling him over to
his pack. There was a junior-size machete in there.
He handed it over to Leif, still sheathed. Wilder
stared at the frightened green eyes. Leif’s hand
shook as he held the smaller machete.

“Listen to me.”
“Wilder, I can’t,” Leif protested. “I don’t know

what I’m doing.”

Wilder could hear them coming in the distance

now. They needed to be running, but where
would they go? “This is only to protect you. I
don’t want you fighting, but if one of the
scorpions breaks through, aim for the stinger.”

“We need to go!” Kalder shouted, taking off

with Reese at his side.

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Prescott and Cash followed. Wilder grabbed

Leif and took off, following the others south. He
just hoped they found a place they could hole up
for protection of the anti-venom.

They were running full out, but even then,

Wilder could feel them closing in.

Wilder glanced up to see TL fly off to the east,

and Boone passed him, running next to Julius.

“You boys piss off the whole city?” Boone

hollered over at Wilder.

“Everyone has a price on their head in Venom

City,” Wilder shouted back.

Boone pushed Julius ahead of him. “That’s why

I don’t live in the fucking city.”

They were able to get to a shell of a building,

but it would have to be enough. Wilder glanced
over his shoulder to see that it looked like an
entire army breathing down their necks. He was
able to push Leif behind a column before the first
scorpion was on him. This one didn’t have a tail
but had a single pincer and he knew how to use it.

With a swipe, Wilder removed the pincer,

producing a horrific scream from the venom. Not
wasting any time, he took a swing at its neck,
silencing the scorpion forevermore.

Two more came at him, one with a stinger, and

he jumped to the side just as the stinger came
crashing down at him. The stinger struck the earth
next to his foot, and Wilder struck the tail with his
blade. The stinger remained in the earth as the

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grotesque, severed remains sprayed blood and
venom as it swayed wildly.

Wilder couldn’t even see where his friends

were. A snake approached with no legs but a tail,
and Wilder moved quickly and struck him with
his stinger. The venom seized and fell to the

The venom count was piling up before him, but

still, it felt like he hadn’t even made a dent. A buzz
began in his ears. Pivoting, Wilder saw that the
anti-venom were still safe for the moment.

Boone was stabbing a snake at the doorway,

and Cash was using a bow, firing arrows straight
through the eyes of the venom.

Kalder was an impressive sight. No one would

have suspected the king cobra had been ill as he
savagely used his fangs to cut down the scorpions.

The buzzing grew, and Wilder realized that it

wasn’t from the fighting or the exertion, but
coming from the skies.

“About fucking time they got here!” Boone


Wilder was about to swing his machete at a

scorpion when something came over the building
and swooped down to take off the scorpion’s
head. Wilder ducked just in time before staring up
at the sky in total shock.

The air turned black and gold as a swarm of

various bees, hornets and wasp venom took out
the army of snakes and scorpions. At the head was

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that crazy bastard TL. Wilder blew out a breath as
the swarm swooped down and engaged. Several
lifted snakes or scorpions into the air only to let
them go and fall to their deaths. Others held
strange daggers and would fly in to stab the
enemy before taking off once again. A few actually
had stingers and used them with a precision that
awed Wilder.

Wilder took out three more snakes, and then,

the area was eerily quiet except for the buzzing of
wings. Several men and women landed. Some
were solid black in color, some gold, some a
mixture. Many had antennae sprouting out of
yellow or black hair. They were strangely
beautiful. Slim and sleek as they approached their
small refugee group of ten.

Wilder had to give them credit. They were

impeccably organized on how they took out
venomous creatures, taking down more than
them. Leif came out and stood next to him,
grasping onto his arm.

“There’s TL.” Leif pointed to the venom leading

the swarm their way. A woman with long golden
and black hair walked next to him with
confidence. Wilder had a suspicion that she was
the queen by how everyone followed, yet kept
their eyes on her in a protective nature.

“Stay close to me, Leif. I don’t know what we’re

up against.” Wilder placed Leif behind him.

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Boone chuckled. “They just saved your ass,

scorpion. I don’t think they mean you any harm.
I’ve known this swarm for a long time. And trust
me, they weren’t coming here to protect you, but
the ones you protect.”

Wilder’s eyes widened. They had come for the


Hell no! They aren’t taking Leif from me.
“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted you.”

Wilder glared at Boone.

Kalder stepped closer, and now, the swarm was

surrounding them. They were fucked.

Boone laughed. “You have it all wrong. Just

shut your fucking mouth and come with us.”

Wilder pulled his machete and stood in front of

Leif. “You’re not taking him from me.”

The woman came forward, and Wilder watched

as she stood in front of Kalder, whose fangs were
dripping venom. The closer she came, the more
that Wilder realized that she was about a foot
shorter than his six feet. She had a lean frame with
sleek muscles. Her face was stunningly beautiful,
and two men flanked her with a possessive nature.

She smirked at Kalder before addressing Reese

behind him and holding out her hand. “Hello,
anti-venom. I’m Abigail.”

Boone came over and shook his head. “Abby,

they have no clue what’s going on, and Mission
Territory just turned on them.”

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Wilder watched as Abby’s eyes shifted to

Julius, Prescott and then Leif. She smiled softly to
them. “It’s okay if you want to bring your friends
and mates with you. I’ll provide sanctuary for all
of you.”

Wilder held onto Leif. “No offense, but I don’t

know you, and people I’ve known a lot longer
have betrayed us.”

Abby turned to TL. “Can you go get Tristan?”
TL maneuvered through the hive, and Wilder’s

tension grew. He wasn’t sure what was about to
happen, but he knew there was no way to fight
out of this.

A man came forward with TL. One with short

brown hair and pale blue eyes. The guy was six
feet, the same height as Wilder and carried several
blades, daggers and even a sword. He was built
strong with a lean waist, and there were several
scars marking the handsome man.

Holy hell…man. Tristan is anti-venom!
Tristan stared at the anti-venom with

sympathy. “You will be safe. I give you my word.”

Kalder stepped forward, clearly about to

protest when Wilder watched Cash come through
the crowd, staring with mouth agape at Tristan.
The two caught the attention of the whole crowd
as they stared at one another.

Cash cleared his throat. “We’ll go with you,”

the cephalopod rasped out.

“What?” Kalder stared in shock.

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Cash never turned his gaze as he spoke to

Kalder. “We’ll go with them.”

Tristan raised a single brow at Cash. “That was

easier than I thought, TL. You said they were
going to need convincing.”

Wilder watched as TL scratched the back of his

neck. “Hell, I thought so, too.”

Didn’t we all. Wilder thought as Cash followed

the anti-venom through the crowd. He didn’t even
have a fucking clue where they were going.

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Chapter Six

eif followed the large group with reluctance.
He was shocked that they had only walked

about a mile before coming upon a huge structure,
which had been radically altered. The exterior was
covered with mud and combs and a mixture of all
the types of bees, wasps and hornets surrounded

Cash had simply walked right into this. What

the hell is he thinking, dragging us along?

Prescott came up next to Leif. “I can’t believe

there is another group of anti-venom. Can you?”

Leif shook his head. He knew there had to be

more; he just didn’t think he would ever see them
in this lifetime. Leif grabbed ahold of Wilder’s
hand and gazed up at the scorpion. Wilder’s lips
were pursed and his eyes were intense as he
scanned the swarm around him.

Prescott spoke behind him. “I think he’s being

led by his dick.”

Leif thought Prescott wasn’t a big fan of good

ol’ Tristan.


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Leif watched the corner of Wilder’s mouth lift.

“I think you’re partly right on that, Prescott. I’ve
known Cash a long time, and there’s only one
reason why he would go blindly into a situation
like this.”

Leif’s eyes widened as he finally understood.

“You think him and Tristan are…” Leif stared at
the two, and yeah, Cash’s whole demeanor had
changed. He was aggressive with those near
Tristan, although the anti-venom looked like he
could take care of himself.

“That’s exactly what I think. I just hope we’re

not walking into trouble,” Wilder murmured as
they entered the large building.

Leif gasped as they stepped inside. The place

was part warehouse, part comb and housing. The
three-story structure was open. The large living
area was filled with a swarm and a group of…oh

my god!

“Anti-venom,” Prescott said in awe next to Leif.
Leif stared at the group that Tristan now


Tristan turned and beckoned for Leif, Julius,

Prescott and Reese.

Leif wasn’t going anywhere without Wilder

and held the scorpion’s hand as he approached at
least fifty or so men and women. There was even a
boy that looked to be around sixteen or so
amongst the group.

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Tristan smiled at them. “Make sure you

introduce yourself to the group.”

A couple came over and shook Leif’s hand, and

he suddenly felt completely overwhelmed. All this
time, he’d thought that there weren’t many of
them left, but here they were all along. Leif
pressed his back against Wilder as he met anti-
venom after anti-venom.

Prescott was the first to ask, “Tristan, how is

this possible?”

Tristan waved to Boone and TL. “It was those

two that started it. Boone and TL traveled around.
TL had a small group of flyers he was with, but
they wandered and collected. When more came,
they found this building and created a sanctuary
and dome to guard against Venom City’s worst.
We’re lucky, though, most are so focused on their
territories and fighting for a small piece of land
that they don’t look beyond the boundaries. Boone
found me five years ago after I was attacked by a
pit viper. He brought me back here, and they’ve
been giving sanctuary to the anti-venom they find
ever since.”

Leif turned to stare at Boone, who was nuzzling

Julius’ neck.

Julius pushed the spider off with an aggravated

sigh. Julius murmured, “That means nothing. You
still broke into my room.”

Boone laughed. “I’ll wear you down.”

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Julius rolled his eyes as he moved closer to

Prescott and away from a hungry-looking Boone.

Leif wanted to tell Julius that it was no use.

That eventually the venom would wear him

Leif couldn’t believe this place. Somewhere

anti-venom were safe. It seemed impossible in a
world that wanted them dead or enslaved.

Wilder hugged him from behind, and

suddenly, Leif was completely worn out from the
day. He turned and hugged into the solid chest,
closing his eyes.

There was discussion going on around them,

but Leif just listened as people introduced
themselves. He would get to know them in time,
but right now, he was just so thankful that Wilder
made it out of Venom City alive, he couldn’t seem
to pull himself away from his mate long enough to
do the whole meet and greet. He would later; he
just wanted to soak up the warmth of Wilder for
all it was worth.

Wilder murmured over his head, “Is there a

place we can shower and rest?”

Leif could hear Tristan behind him. “I’ll lead

you to a set of living quarters.”

Leif released from Wilder’s embrace and

walked next to him as they were led to an area
toward the back of the large building. What had
this place been before, a hotel?
They ascended several
flights of stairs before entering a room—well, a set

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of rooms really, with a living area in the center.
The place appeared to be reconstructed. It had a
circular common room and several closed doors
around the living area. Leif could only assume
that they led to bedrooms.

He gazed over at Boone and Tristan, who

walked around, inspecting the place before
turning to the ten of them. “It’s stocked up. Just
wanted to make sure the fridge was full and
there’s linens in the bathrooms. We figured you’d
want to be together. We have several domiciles
like this, for when small colonies prefer to live
amongst themselves.”

Leif felt more comfortable not having to live

away from Julius, Prescott or Reese. The thought
of them somewhere else in this huge hive scared
the shit out of him. Plus, now that he knew Wilder
and the others, he felt safe with them and only
them. He still wasn’t sure he could trust this
group. They had saved them, but for how long
and to what end?

Boone and Tristan walked out, and Cash threw

open the doors in an angry gesture before going
into each and every room.

Wilder followed, leaving Leif to stand with the

others as the venom checked out each and every

Leif turned to Prescott. “What do you think?”
Prescott scrubbed his hands over his face. “I

think we have no choice but to trust them. They

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did save us. I just can’t believe there are so many
more of us, and we were so close by. How could
we not know about others? How’d they not find

Julius sat down on a wooden table in front of

them. “The world is big, Prescott. Maybe they
weren’t looking toward Venom City. Maybe they
were content where they were. Boone did say it
was his first time in the city when he saw me
earlier this week.”

Leif frowned, sitting down next to Julius.

“Yeah, what about that? Popping in and out of
your room. He could have just introduced himself
instead of being a creeper.”

Julius laughed. “I’ll have to ask him that the

next time I see him.”

“He’s probably hanging out in your room now,

you just don’t know it.” Reese laughed as he came
over and sat down next to Leif in the chair. It was
tight, but they’d snuggled before. Being with his
friends again brought a comfort to the situation
that he didn’t expect.

Boone and Tristan were right. Having a little

place like this did make it feel more secure.

Wilder came out a couple minutes later. “Place

looks safe and clean.”

Kalder came out of another room and frowned

at Reese before pulling him out of the chair. The
snake flicked out his forked tongue and began
licking a path up Reese’s neck.

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Reese laughed. “What’s wrong?”
The king cobra continued to lick Reese’s neck

moaning, and Leif felt a blush creep into his cheek.

Kalder pulled back between licks, murmuring,


Leif’s eyes widened as he stared at Wilder who

was staring back with a hungry expression. Wilder
sauntered toward Leif and pulled him to his feet
before guiding him to a door.

Wilder all but pushed him in before he closed

the door behind the two of them. “Hey,” Leif
protested. “What is wrong with you two?”

“What can we say? Mating’s all new to us, too,

but I can tell you one thing, both Kalder and I
didn’t like you two touching each other.”

Leif stood up straight. “Friends hug. Sometimes

they snuggle up and share a chair when they just
went through hell. Get used to it.” He cared for
Wilder, but he also wouldn’t quit hugging his
friends because his mate was being over-

“Like I said, it’s new to us. I’m sure, in time,

things will simmer down a little. However, not
after the fucking day we had and how close we
came to losing both of you.” Wilder stalked after
him as Leif walked in a slow circle around a small
wooden table.

“Do you want to shower?” Wilder’s voice


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“With you?” Leif’s nerves ratchet up. He had

zero experience, but just the thought of seeing
Wilder naked had his body responding and

Wilder quirked his finger as he walked

backward to another door and opened it wide. A
small bedroom was revealed behind him, and Leif
swallowed the lump in his throat. Could he do
this? Of course he could. Was he ready to be with
Wilder? Hell, yeah.

Leif grabbed the hem of his shirt and raised it

over his head, revealing his thin frame. It would
take a long time before he would put on the
weight that he needed. He just hoped that he
didn’t repulse Wilder.

Wilder held out his arm, and Leif took it. The

scorpion pulled him into an embrace, resting his
head on his shoulder. “You feel so good, warm.”

“Warm?” Leif smiled into the hard chest.
“Alive,” Wilder rasped. “I just found you, and I

could have lost you just as fast. All I could think
was that I wanted more time with you. I don’t
want to waste any more time. Every second

Leif squeezed Wilder. He was right. In this life,

you had to grab onto what you wanted and run
with it. Seize the day because there might be no
tomorrow. Nerves settled, Leif stared up at
Wilder. “Let’s go take that shower together.”

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Wilder nodded and pulled him into the

bathroom. A calm settled over Leif. He was going
to be with his mate tonight, and everything else
would have to wait until tomorrow.

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Chapter Seven

ilder turned on the water with trembling
hands. He had to practice restraint like he

had never done before. Leif was still weak and not
altogether healed from years of damage. Wilder
would need to be gentle with him, and that was
something that was completely foreign to the
scorpion. He glanced over his shoulder at Leif,
who was removing his jeans and realized he
would do whatever it took to take care of this

Leif was stunningly handsome. The dark red

hair and pale skin made his green eyes pop.
Wilder never took his eyes off of Leif as he turned
and faced him, removing his shirt. The bathroom
was a tight fit with his tail, but he would make do
in order to get wet with his mate. He unbuttoned
his pants and removed them, watching as Leif
mirrored his actions.

Leif stood completely naked in front of Wilder,

and Wilder looked his fill. His mate was
breathtaking. Wilder walked forward and pressed


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himself against Leif, pushing his mate against the
counter as he soaked in the warmth. Both of them
were hard and aching, and Wilder prayed for a
little patience. This would be their first time
together, and Wilder wanted to make it perfect for

Never letting go, Wilder guided Leif into the

shower and wet the dark red hair. With Leif’s hair
soaked, it almost appeared black. Wilder’s tail
swayed against the exterior of the shower as he
traced his hands over Leif’s body. There was no
way that the two of them and his tail would ever
fit in the shower stall.

There was a bar of soap in the corner of the

shower, and Wilder made a grab for it. He smelled
the clean, fresh scent, and it caused him to smile as
he lathered up and began cleaning Leif. Leif closed
his eyes and moaned, while the water hit his body.
Wilder would remember this vision forever. For
the first time, he saw peace on Leif’s face, and that,
more than anything, was what he craved for his

Lathering more, Wilder scrubbed the dark red

hair then rinsed his mate.

Leif opened his eyes, lashes wet as he gently

grabbed the soap out of his hand. “I want to wash

Wilder was hungry for Leif’s touch as the man

lathered the soap and put it to his body. The
slippery soap and the gentle fingers were too

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much for him, and he leaned down and kissed his

The sound of the soap dropping echoed in the

tiled enclosure, and then Leif’s hands were pulling
at his hair as their kiss deepened. Wilder pressed
Leif against the wall as the kiss turned feral,
tongues dueling.

Wilder’s cock was achingly hard as he pressed

every inch of his body against Leif.

Leif moaned into the kiss, and Wilder grabbed

ahold of Leif’s hands, lifting them above the
smaller man’s head and pressing them onto the
tile. Leif mewled, and Wilder could feel Leif’s
erection pressing against his thigh.

Leif broke the kiss. “I want to touch you,


Wilder released Leif’s wrists, and Leif began

kissing him again, sucking on his lower lip. Wilder
thought he might go mad from the boldness of
Leif’s lovemaking. His mate grabbed both cheeks
of his ass, squeezing his flesh and grazing the base
of his tail. Wilder smiled into the kiss. Seeing this
side of Leif was a pleasant surprise.

Their cocks ground against one another, and

Wilder’s thoughts scrambled at the pleasure. If
they kept going like this in the shower, they
weren’t going to make it to the bedroom, and
Wilder wanted it to last all night.

However, that didn’t prevent him from at least

tasting his mate. Wilder pulled from the kiss and

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knelt before Leif. He gazed up at Leif, the water
falling onto his pale shoulders as Wilder grabbed
Leif’s cock. He watched Leif’s breath hitch before
he closed his eyes and took Leif’s cock in his
mouth. Fuck, his mate tasted good. He pulled
back, licking along the vein; he sucked and licked
every inch of his mate before retaking the cock in
his mouth.

“Wilder, if you don’t stop…” Leif huffed out.

“I’m going to…yeah, do that again.”

Wilder smiled around the cock in his mouth as

he worked it. He sucked it all the way to the root.
He wanted Leif to come. He wanted him to have
as much pleasure from this night as possible.

Leif began thrusting in his mouth, and Wilder

had to grab Leif’s hips to keep from choking.

“Wilder,” Leif gasped, and then, Wilder felt the

first splash of cum hit his tongue. Leif screamed
his name, and Wilder sucked every drop up as
Leif continued to moan above him.

Wilder glanced up to see Leif’s eyes were

closed, the back of his head leaning against the
wall. His mate was breathing heavily as Leif’s
cock softened in his mouth. Wilder pulled free and
took one last lick of the tip before he stood. He
brushed the wet hair out of Leif’s eyes then leaned
down and kissed him lazily. The water was
turning cold, and Wilder hurried and washed up
his whole body before moving out of the shower.

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“Wait, what about your tail?” Leif asked inside

the shower as Wilder stood in the middle of the
bathroom, soaking wet.

“It doesn’t fit in there.” Wilder scratched the

back of his wet head.

Leif walked out of the shower and pushed him

back in.

“What the…”
“I want to wash it for you,” Leif murmured, but

Wilder couldn’t see a damn thing because he was
facing the wall.

“Is there blood on it? You can’t touch the

stinger.” Wilder didn’t like others touching him,
especially his tail. It was a side of him that had
been painful growing up, and now it was a
weapon to kill his enemy. He didn’t want
someone he was beginning to love to touch it.

“I want to touch. It’s no different than any of

my body parts,” Leif responded, as he placed a
washcloth under the showerhead next to him.
“Can you bend down and pass me the soap,

Wilder laughed without humor. “My tail kills,


“It is a part of you, Wilder. You have to give me

all of you or none of you. I choose to love all of
you, even your tail. Now, are you willing to let me
touch and wash it for you?”

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Wilder nodded. He didn’t trust his voice at the

moment. He feared his mate would be hurt and he
hated that, for the first time, he felt vulnerable.

Fingertips skimmed along his back and his ass,

soap making the sensation slippery. The
washcloth started working its way along the tail,
and Wilder shivered. This was the first time
someone touched him there voluntarily.

“I just don’t understand why you’d want to

touch me there.” Wilder felt the washcloth get the
last spot on his tail before pulling away. Wilder
glanced over his shoulder to see Leif putting the
cloth in the sink.

He stepped out to face Leif. Leif grabbed a dry

towel and handed it to him. “Because I’ve fallen in
love with you, and we take care of each other.”

Wilder grabbed ahold of Leif, kissing him on

the nape. “I love you, too.”

Wilder dried Leif, and Leif returned the favor.

Wilder saw a cabinet and opened it up to search
inside. There were a few items in it, and the oil he
found was what he was searching for. He grabbed
it before taking Leif’s hand and venturing back
into the bedroom.

Leif shook, and Wilder knew it didn’t have

anything to do with the cold. “We don’t have to
do anything if you’re not ready.”

Leif lay on the bed in front of him. “I’m

nervous, but I’m ready. I want to make love to

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Wilder crawled from the end of the bed up to

Leif. Leaning down, Wilder kissed his mate, trying
to soothe his nerves with tender kisses and gentle
touches. His cock throbbed as Leif reached down
and grabbed him. Wilder hissed in pleasure,
praying for patience.

“Wilder, I’m ready,” Leif moaned into the kiss.
Pulling back, Wilder grabbed the oil and

opened it, pouring a generous amount onto his
fingers. He spread Leif’s legs wider as he circled
his mate’s entrance, trying to loosen him.

Leif moaned as Wilder began working one

finger at a time into his mate. He huffed out a
breath as he saw the passion on Leif’s face. He
worked a second and then a third finger in,
watching for any signs of discomfort. His cock
was aching to fill Leif, but the man wasn’t ready.

“Wilder, I want you inside me,” Leif gasped.
“You’re not ready yet,” Wilder gritted out as he

scissored his fingers in and out. He wasn’t a small
man, and Leif was going to have to trust him and
understand Wilder knew what he was doing.

“I am. Now come on,” Leif ordered.
And if Wilder hadn’t been so damn turned on,

he might have laughed at the order. As it was, he
was hanging on by a thread and feared his control
would snap at any moment.

“Now!” Leif commanded.
A haze filled Wilder as he mounted Leif. He

took his cock in hand, smearing oil all over it, then

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guided the head toward Leif’s entrance. Wilder
moaned as the head sunk in and then inch after
inch of him was surrounded by that tight heat.
Fuck if he was going to last long.

He bottomed out inside Leif, and he shook for

the last of his restraint. Leif wrapped his legs
around him, and that was it.

He began pumping his shaft into his mate.
“Harder,” Leif shouted.
Wilder began pistoning into Leif. He couldn’t

stop now even if he wanted to. He took ahold of
Leif’s legs and lifted them to get a better angle. He
stared down as his mate worked his own cock in
his hand to the rhythm of their sex.

Wilder leaned down, kissing Leif. They bit,

licked and sucked at each other. The kiss was
carnal, and Wilder wanted more of it. Leif pulled
at his hair with one hand, groaning into his

“So close,” Leif huffed against his lips.
Wilder pulled back to watch Leif. He was so

damn close himself. Wilder’s balls drew up tight,
and he didn’t think he was going to last when he
saw the first splash of cum hit Leif’s stomach. His
mate shouted in pleasure. Wilder’s hips snapped
as he pumped a couple more times before
emptying himself into Leif. His tail snapped
forward, stinger hitting into the wall above their
heads, drywall falling down on them.

Leif’s eyes widened.

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Wilder put both hands down on either side of

Leif’s head, using the momentum to pull his
stinger from the wall.

“Has that happened to you before?” Leif asked

as he flicked a piece of the wall out of his hair.

“No.” Wilder pulled out his shaft and fell on

top of Leif before rolling to his side. “You have
nothing to worry about. I would never hurt you.

“I know that. It’s just if I make love to you like I

want to, we’ll have a nice sized hole in the wall,
and then everyone will be seeing what we’re

Wilder laughed. “I don’t think we have to

worry about holes in the wall. I think you need to
worry more about how loud you were.”

Leif chuckled before rolling over and lying on

his chest. They were both a mess, but at the
moment, he couldn’t care less. “I wasn’t that loud,
was I?”

Wilder laughed, and it felt so damn good to

have this moment where they could just relax.
“Hang on.”

Wilder climbed out of bed and grabbed a cloth,

wetting it before he returned to clean up Leif and
him. His mate was still chuckling while he cleaned
him off.

Wilder dropped the towel as he climbed back in

bed, pulling the covers over top of them. He

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pulled Leif to his chest and spooned the man,
kissing the top of his head.

“Are you sore?” Wilder asked.
“I will be, but it was worth it.” Leif glanced

over his shoulder and kissed him softly.

“I love you,” Wilder murmured into Leif’s hair.
“I love you, Wilder,” Leif murmured, and

Wilder could tell that Leif was falling fast asleep.

He stayed awake until he heard his mate’s

breathing even out, relishing every second of the
night. Wilder hoped this was the first peaceful
night of many. That they could live happily and
away from danger. Maybe it was meant to be that
they had found this place. Wilder held Leif to him
even tighter. He knew there was no such place in
this world. They couldn’t hide forever. For now,
they had to make each moment count. Wilder
stayed awake as long as he could, holding onto his
mate, imprinting this night forever in his

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ilder sat down next to Kalder with Leif on
his other side. He had taken his mate again

that morning before they were called down to the
main area. Now, Leif was sitting a little gingerly.
However, one smile from Leif and he knew his
mate thought it was all worth it. He reached over
and kissed his mate before looking at the table
before him.

They had a nice meal laid out before them, but

no one was touching it. Breads and fresh fruit. A
clear jar with honey was right in front of Wilder.
Wilder pushed a piece of bread at Leif, and his
mate smiled at him.

He had to keep remembering that Leif had a

long road ahead of him and Wilder needed to take
care of him, but at the same time let his mate grow
on his own.

Leif grabbed the jar of honey and poured some

on the bread liberally before popping a gooey
piece in his mouth. “The honey is really good. I’ve
never had it before,” Leif said around a mouthful.


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Wilder chuckled a little, watching his mate take

another large bite and couldn’t help but notice that
Julius was grabbing the bread and honey as well.
Wilder grabbed his own and began eating, eyes
trained on the hornets across from him.

He had no clue why Abby asked for this

meeting, but the team of hornets across from him
made him uneasy. Altogether, there was about
twenty in the room. Boone, TL and Tristan sat on
the other side, staring across at the ten of them
solemnly. Cash paced behind him. Wilder wasn’t
sure how things were going with Tristan, but by
the tension coming off of Cash, he didn’t think it
was too well.

Abby sat down and leaned her elbows on the

large wooden oval table they all sat at. She licked
her lips before she began. “I hope you all slept
well in your new living quarters.”

The confident queen was gone. Wilder tensed at

the change in the woman and dropped his bread,
grabbing ahold of Leif’s hand. He was ready to
run if he needed to.

Wilder watched as Kalder stared hard at Abby.

“We slept well. Thank you. However, I’m pretty
sure you didn’t bring us here to chat about how
well we rested.”

Abby stared down toward her entwined hands.
Wilder couldn’t help but notice this wasn’t the

look of a queen but someone who was deeply

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She swallowed before she rasped out, “Three

weeks ago, a bee was taken from us. We had
trackers follow the kidnappers, and the trail ended
in Pacific Territory.”

Wilder’s brows raised in shock. “You didn’t

bring us here to help us. We were just run out of
Venom City, not only by Pacific Territory, but also
by our very own people who betrayed us. We lost
what little grip we have on the city.”

Abby stared at Wilder. “I did, but I found out

something that affects all of us. Boone was the one
who followed the coral snake and cone snail who
took the bee. You see, two venom were in chains.
He came back to tell me, but got a little
sidetracked on his way to the hive when he
discovered his mate in Mission Territory. A
territory he had overheard was in danger. He
worried about Julius and stayed while he sent TL
back to talk to me. But that’s when he figured out
who the other man was that was taken. The other
venom he tracked to Pacific Territory.”

Kalder leaned forward. Wilder could feel the

pulsing anger coming off of him. “Who was the
other man?”

Two men approached Abby and put their

hands on her shoulders in support. Wilder knew
these two men were her mates. Abby grabbed
ahold of one of the men’s hand before she, pain
etched on her face, answered, “One was my

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Jackie Nacht


Cash stopped pacing behind them and spoke

for the first time. “Who was the other?”

Abby stared at Boone, and Boone took a deep

breath, before speaking. “A king cobra.”

Wilder jumped as Kalder stood up and swept

the food off the table in fury. “My brother is dead!
It’s been confirmed. You’re lying.”

Wilder stood and grabbed ahold of Kalder’s

arm as his friend shook with visible rage. Wilder
swallowed with difficulty. If Killian was still
alive…it was unthinkable what those bastards
could be doing to him.

Boone shook his head. “I assure you, he’s alive.

Hurting, but alive. They wanted you to believe
him dead. Break you. Abby has instructed me to
go and talk to the fire ants colony to form an
alliance. We want to go in and get them. Are you
with us? We’re going no matter what.”

Kalder huffed out a breath and turned to him.

Wilder nodded, letting Kalder know whatever
path he took, he was with him. Kalder then
focused on Cash before turning to Boone and
Abby. “We’re with you.”

Wilder grabbed Leif and held him as he

watched the king cobra and queen bee hands came
together in an alliance. He kissed the top of Leif’s
head, seeing the new path laid out before them.

Wilder watched as Abby stared down at her

and Kalder’s hand. “We’ll get our brothers back,
and we’ll make them pay.”

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The Sting of the Dealthstalker Scorpion


Kalder nodded to the smaller woman, eyes

fierce and determined. “Yes, we will.”

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About the Author

Short, sexy and sweet— where a little love goes a
long way.

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s

stories. She was introduced to M/M Romance
through her sister, Stephani, and read it for years.
Then, she thought it was time to put her own
stories on paper. Jackie began writing short and
sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after.

Thinking back to her own book addiction,

where there were many nights Jackie stayed up
way too late so she could read just one more
chapter—yeah, right—Jackie decided to write
short romances for young adults as well as adults.
Hopefully, they will give high school and college
students, or working men and women, something
they can read during their lunch hour, in between
classes or just when they want to briefly get away
from the daily stresses of everyday life.

You can find Jackie at:




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Document Outline


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