jezyk angielski sp test

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 1 z 7



dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa


Etap I

– 19 listopada 2013 r.

KOD UCZNIA: …………..


Drogi Uczniu,
przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję i postaraj się prawidłowo
odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania.

Arkusz liczy 7 stron i zawiera 9


Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdź, czy Twój test jest

kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś je Zespołowi


Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.


wiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem lub


Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi.

Nie używaj korektora. Jeśli się pomylisz, przekreśl błędną

odpowiedź i wpisz poprawną.

Oceniane będą tylko te odpowiedzi, które zostały

umieszczone w miejscach do tego przeznaczonych.

Przy każdym zadaniu podano maksymalną liczbę punktów

możliwą do uzyskania za jego rozwiązanie.

Pracuj samodzielnie

– powodzenia.

Czas pracy:

45 minut

Liczba punktów
możliwych do

80 pkt.

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 2 z 7


Zadanie 1.

Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.

Saint Patrick was probably born in Wales. One day some Irish pirates captured him

and sold him to an Irishman. Patrick had to work very hard. After some time he escaped back
to Wales. He became a priest and decided to bring Christianity to Ireland. He returned to
Ireland in 432 AD. People who listened to him became Christians. They believed that Patrick
performed many miracles: he brought the dead back to life, drove all snakes away from
Ireland. He died on 17 March, 461.

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. People celebrate St Patrick’s Day on 17

March. It is a national holiday in Ireland, but people from some other countries also
celebrate the day. You can see great parades in many cities. The most famous are the ones
in Dublin and New York. Plenty of participants, organizations, marching bands and dance
formations take part in the events. There are also special masses in honour of the saint. In
the afternoon people join various games and sports, and in the evening they go to clubs,
discos or gather to sing their traditional songs. This is called community singing. St Patrick’s
Day is a joyful holiday.

On that day people wear green clothes, green ribbons and shamrocks. They decorate

their houses with shamrock ornaments to express their love for Ireland. The shamrock is the
symbol of Ireland because St Patrick used it to explain the idea of Trinity. Another sign of
Ireland is the harp. The Irish also send shamrocks and greeting cards to their friends.



1. St Patrick’s nationality was Welsh.

2. He did not have to work.

3. He came back to Ireland to become a priest.

4. In people’s opinion he could do extraordinary things.

5. Only people in Ireland celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

6. People go to church on that day.

7. There is only one symbol of Ireland – a shamrock.

8. The shamrock is the image of the Trinity.

9. St Patrick Day is a cheerful holiday.

10. The Irish put on green things on that day.

………./ 10

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 3 z 7

Zadanie 2. Przeczytaj plakaty reklamowe trzech nowojorskich restauracji;
zdecyduj, do której z nich pasują poniższe opisy. UWAGA! Czasem więcej niż
jedna restauracja pasuje do podanego opisu.

Le Jardin – A Los Amigos – B Bosfor – C

Which restaurant(s):

is closed on Sundays?

1. …..

serve traditional food? 2. …..

3. …..

is more expensive than the others?

4. …..

always has live music?

5. …..

has a lot of dishes to choose from?

6. …..

7. …..

is also open at lunchtime?

8. …..

9. …..

are in the same street?

10. …..

11. …..

is the cheapest?

12. …..

……. / 12



(11 AM – 11PM EVERY DAY)
45, Wallaby St

Traditional Mexican Food
music and lots of fun


(12.30pm – 11pm every day)
Mexican restaurant
Meal for two $35
the band plays every night
Recommendation 
23 Green St

Choose from hundreds of starters, main dishes and


(7 pm – 11 pm, Monday – Saturday)
Turkish restaurant
Meal for two $30
Wide variety of traditional Turkish dishes
Recommendation: 
20, Wallaby St

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 4 z 7


Zadanie 3. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1) I can’t help you with the housework today. I ….. my friends in the evening.

a) will meet b) meet c) met d) am meeting

2) Yesterday I went shopping and I bought ….. meet,……banana, and …… cookies.

a) some ,a, a lot of b) a, any, some c) many, some, much d) much, a, little

3) How many questions ….. answer?

a) do I must b) do I have to c) I must d) I have to

4) He …… to work by car because of the traffic jams.

a) doesn’t usually travel b) usually don’t travel c) not usually travels d) don’t usually travels

5) Would she like ….. some hot chocolate?

a) drinking b) drink c) to drink d) drinks

6) She is ….. her brother and sister.

a) smarter as b) smartest than c) the smartest than d) smarter than

7) Please, be quiet! The baby …… .

a) cries b) is crying b) cried d) cryed

8) The journalists didn’t have …… news from Africa.

a) some b) a c) any d) the

9) ….. house is large, but ….. is simply huge.

a) Ours/ theirs b) Our/ their c) Ours/ their d) Our/theirs

10) Oh, my God! The door is locked! What ….. now?

a) did you do b) are you going to do c) are you going d) do you do

11) easy answer to this question, I’m afraid.

a) it is no b) It isn’t no c) There is no d) There isn’t no

12) I see you are very sleepy. ………… make the bed for you now?

a) Am I b) Shall I c) Have I to d) Do I to

……. / 12

Zadanie 4. Ułóż pytania o podkreślone części zdań, np.:

My father found the camera.

What did your father find?

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 5 z 7


I lost my money in the morning.



You can get the tickets at the central station.



Palm trees grow in hot countries.



Small children must be in bed at eight o’clock.



My neighbour is going to move to Canada soon.


…… / 5

Zadanie 5. Podkreśl właściwą formę czasownika.

Dear Mary,



write/ am writing to tell you about my visit to Bristol. I


stay/ am staying with my aunt’s

family. Every day I


go/ am going out with my cousin Penny. We usually


visit/ are visiting

a tourist attraction in the morning and then in the afternoon we


meet/ are meeting her

friends. It’s Sunday morning. My aunt


prepares/ is preparing lunch. Oh, somebody


knocks/ is knocking at the door! Bye!

……. /7

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 6 z 7


Zadanie 6. Dopasuj słowa o przeciwstawnym znaczeniu.

weak soft ugly careless healthy hardworking tired empty stupid eastern

1. strong - ……………….

2. pretty - ……………….

3. clever - …………………..

4. full - …………………..

5. western - ……………….

6. hard - ……………………..

7. ill - ………………………

8. careful - ………………….

9. lively - ……………………

10. lazy - …………………..

………. /10

Zadanie 7. Połącz wypowiedzi z reakcjami na nie.

1.What does she do?

a) Oh, dear. What’s wrong with her?

2.What does your mum look like?

b) I won’t. I promise.

3.Do you mind if I open the window?

c) She’s a dancer.

4.Sonia won’t be here today. She’s ill.

d) Don’t mention it.

5.What is your sister like?

e) Of course not.

6.Thanks for your help.

f) I’m looking for a nice T- shirt.

7.Don’t forget your homework!

g) She is tall and slim.

8.Can I help you?

h) She is nice and funny.

1. ……….

2. …………..

3. ………..

4. ……………

5. ……….

6. …………..

7. ………….

8. …………….

………/ 8

Zadanie 8. Zakreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych, np.:

zebra tiger lion dog elephant

1. crossing pavement traffic roundabout hall

2. bake slide fry peel boil

3. caravan cottage bungalow bridge hut

4. onion cauliflower parsley leek peach

5. envelope stamp dish notepad sharpener

6. electician liar gardener dentist vet

…………/ 6

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Wojewódzki Konkurs Języka Angielskiego dla uczniów szkół podstawowych województwa świętokrzyskiego

Etap I

Strona 7 z 7


Zadanie 9. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź

1. The Halloween is held on

a) 30th October b) 31st October c) 1st November

2. On Guy Fawkes Day people

a) have bonfires b) go to church c) eat turkey

3. The holiday celebrated on July 4 in the USA is called

a) Columbus Day b) Thanksgiving c) Independence Day

4. On Shrove Tuesday people eat a lot of

a) turkey b) pancakes c) eggs

5. The traditional Scottish clothing is called

a) a buskin b) a blanket c) a kilt

6. Fathers Pilgrims came to America on

a) The Mayflower Ship b) The Santa Maria c) the Titanic

7. A daffodil is a national emblem or ‘sign’ of

a) Scotland b) England c) Wales

8. Which sport is Wimbledon famous for?

a) football b) squash c) tennis

9. Which meal is a traditional takeaway in Britain?

a) fish and potatoes b) fish and crisps c) fish and chips

10. The British flag is called

a) The Union Jack b) The Stars and Stripes c) Trooping Colours

……… / 10


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