Charlie Richards [Wolves of Stone Ridge 28] Paws for Change [eXtasy MM] (pdf)

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Out of the Cage: Pause...a temporary stop or rest, a cessation
of activity because of doubt or uncertainty.

Derek Sommers is fleeing a bad situation, made worse by
foolish decisions from years before. He’d given into his
father’s demands once and it had cost him a relationship
with his brother, Deke. When Derek’s father demands he
marry a certain woman, Derek has had enough. He decides
to find out if Deke’s partner was telling the truth and travels
to Stone Ridge in hopes of repairing ties with his brother.
Except, even from states away, Derek’s father doesn’t want
to let him go.

Dillan Shoreman travels to Stone Ridge to visit his

godson, Edwin. When he nearly takes out a man jay-
walking, he discovers the battered human is his mate.
Having been alone a long time, Dillan thanks Fate’s oddly
timed blessing. Unfortunately, he discovers that convincing
his mate they have a future together will be harder than he
thinks. Between a manipulative father, a guilt-tripping
mother, and a conniving wannabe bride, Dillan’s mate
already has plenty on his mind. Can Dillan convince Derek
that he can give him the peace, healing, and strength that his
heart so desperately needs?

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Paws For Change

Copyright © 2015 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0270-9

Cover art by Angela Waters

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Paws For Change

Wolves of Stone Ridge Twenty-Eight


Charlie Richards

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To Hugs.

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Chapter One

e will be announcing your engagement this

Derek Sommers gaped at his father, Forest. Surely he had

not heard what he thought he’d just heard. His father
couldn’t truly expect him to marry Jennifer Davidson. Derek
had met her twice, and each time it had left a sour taste in
his mouth.

While the woman appeared strikingly beautiful with her

heart-shaped face, flowing blonde hair, and the perfect hour-
glass figure that most women would probably kill for, she
was conniving and manipulative.

Maybe that’s why his father liked her so much.
Derek had first met her when attending a dinner function

at the country club six months before. After Derek’s mother,
Sophia, had introduced Jennifer, the blonde had attached
herself to Derek’s side like a crustacean. While, he loved
seafood, and his first inclination had been to take Jennifer
home and show her just how much, he’d quickly grown
tired of her personality. Looks, it seemed, really were not

When Derek had introduced her to Lindsey, his old high

school friend, Jennifer had dutifully taken her hand. Then,
after releasing Lindsey’s fingers, Jennifer and rested her own
hand just below her throat and swept her gaze over
Lindsey’s yellow and blue-dress-clad form. She’d smiled
and stated, “You look absolutely lovely, Lindsey. Last year’s
fashions look wonderful on you.”


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A look of uncertainty on her face, Lindsey had replied,

“Wh-Why thank you.” Lindsey had excused herself and
walked away.

Derek would have chalked that up to Jennifer not

thinking before speaking, but she’d continued with those
sorts of comments most of the evening. She’d say something
that sounded like a compliment, but was really an insult.
Just because Derek’s dick found her somewhat interesting,
that didn’t mean he was ruled by it. He’d always prided
himself in using his head, and his mind had been telling him
to get as far away from Jennifer as possible.

After asking for her phone number, Derek had lied and

told her he had an early meeting he needed to double check
his reports for. He’d deleted her number from his phone as
soon as he’d gotten in his car. Unfortunately, that hadn’t
stopped his mother from inviting Jennifer, as well as her
brother, Wayne, and parents, to a dinner party.

Derek had been extremely irritated to discover his mother

had assigned their seats so he sat next to Jennifer. He’d spent
the entire dinner gritting his teeth and listening to her tell all
about herself...what charities she was involved in, how she
donated her money—or rather, her father’s money—and
how she volunteered her time at a hospital reading to
children in the cancer ward. Okay, so that last one was
actually pretty damn admirable. Still, that didn’t make
Derek want to be with her. There were too many nicely said,
snide comments about how the dresses other women wore
made them look, or even how a man’s cufflinks were
beautiful but they didn’t match his tie. It was ludicrous and
superficial. Derek didn’t understand any of it.

Neither did Derek want to. Derek didn’t want anything to

do with Jennifer. He’d worked hard to be polite throughout
the dinner, then he’d made his excuses to his mother and
gone home. Derek hadn’t missed his father’s look of

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disapproval, but that hadn’t stopped him.

To have his father literally set up his engagement for him

as if they lived in the fifteen hundreds, blew Derek away.

“So don’t be late.”
Forest’s words drew Derek out of his musings. Evidently,

while his mind had been shocked into nothingness, his
father had kept talking. Derek had absolutely no idea what
his father had said. In truth, he didn’t care, either.

Derek lifted his gaze from where he’d been staring

vacantly at Forest’s desk. He met his father’s gaze and noted
the man’s narrowed eyes and jutting chin. It was the same
look Forest gave paralegals that he thought were doing
shoddy work. The man expected to be obeyed.

“I understand,” Derek replied. Even as he said the words,

his chest tightened. Somehow, he needed to figure out a way
out of this. “I have the Anderson report to finish before
leaving,” he stated. “Is there anything else? Or am I free to
go?” While Derek wanted to snarl the words, he kept his
voice level and respectful.

Forest leaned back in his chair. Smiling indulgently, he

waved his hand. “Go on. Send the report to my inbox before
you leave today.”

Derek turned on his heel and strode from the room.

Clenching his jaw, he ground his teeth. Anger seethed
through him.

One choice had started this trend of Forest controlling his

life. Derek had so wanted to keep his father’s approval.
When he’d played football in high school, he’d dated the
head cheerleader. Forest had showered him with praise,

Derek had enjoyed that.
After Derek had graduated from high school, he’d

dumped the girlfriend and gone to law school. He’d thought

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that was what his father would have wanted...for him to
focus all his attention on his studies. His only out of school
activities had been spending time with his brother, Deke.

Unfortunately, Derek had heard more than one

conversation between his parents about ways to fix Deke, as
if being gay was some kind of disease to be cured. Derek
didn’t agree, but he’d never spoken up, either, for fear of
reprisal. It had blown Derek away when Forest had finally
given Deke an ultimatum—stop being gay or be disowned.
He’d sat in shock as Deke had risen with dignity and walked
out of the house.

Derek had missed his time with his brother, but he’d

stood by his father’s decision for years. Finally, he’d pulled
his head out of his ass and decided to talk to his brother, to
apologize to him. Derek had tracked Deke down and
watched him for several months, trying to get up his
courage. Unfortunately, before he could figure out the best
way to approach his brother, Deke had moved, disappeared,
only to have his brother’s new boyfriend show up with
friends and pack his stuff.

When Derek had approached them, he’d demanded to

know what they were doing. He’d met Luther, his brother’s
new partner, and a few of his friends. Derek had learned
Michael was now an ex-boyfriend—he viewed that as a good
thing—and something in Luther’s eyes and the hardness of
his voice told Derek how much the man cared for his

At one point, Derek had watched a tall Native American

and a lean Caucasian practically jump each other’s bones. He
had to admit, watching the pair making out had caused his
dick to thicken. The aggressive interaction was fucking hot.

Reaching his desk, Derek realized he couldn’t remember

the walk back to his office. He sighed and shook his head.
Easing into his seat, he rested his elbows on the desk and

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rubbed his temples. When had his life become so

Right. When I let pleasing my father become my whole life.

When did I stop caring about my own needs?

Growling softly under his breath, Derek grumbled, “Time

to take back my fucking life.”

Derek picked up the phone, dialed nine to get an outside

line, then called his mother. If anyone could tell him how
long these bullshit wedding plans had been in the works, it
was his mother.

“Hello, dear,” Sophia greeted. “How’s my baby boy


Narrowing his eyes, Derek glared at the far wall. He

remembered, once upon a time, she’d called Deke that. “I’m
fine, Mother,” Derek responded. “I just had a disturbing
conversation with dad and thought maybe you could help

“Of course, dear,” Sophia agreed. “What’s the matter?”
Derek decided to be blunt. If he’d been smart...and patient

enough...he would have gone to his parent’s home and
asked her in person. Now, Derek would have to rely on her
voice tells.

“Why is dad planning an engagement party between

myself and Jennifer Davidson?”

“Oh, I’m so happy, Derek,” Sophia squealed, sounding

like a giddy school girl. “I’ve been waiting for this day for
years, sweetie. I admit I was a little worried when you left
our dinner party early, but when Forest heard from
Raymond who says Jennifer showed him the ring? Oh,” she
gasped happily. “Well,” she scolded. “You’ve always kept
things close to the chest. You really shouldn’t do that, you

“Jennifer told you what?” Derek swallowed hard. If he

hadn’t been sitting, he would have collapsed, his knees
suddenly weak. “Why?”

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Sophia tutted. “You really think your fiancée could keep

that kind of secret? Especially from our families?” His
mother huffed. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I
hate seeing you alone,” Sophia continued. “You’re my only
child, darling. I just want you to be happy. Settled down.
Taken care of.”

After taking in a deep breath, Derek let it out slowly. He’d

never been much of a drinker, but at that moment, a shot of
whiskey sounded like a damn good idea. Maybe he could
pass out, wake up, and find out this had all been a bad

Derek closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, struggling

with something, anything to say. It rankled more than he
admitted that his mother so easily dismissed Deke. He was
her child. How could a parent do that?

“I need to go,” Derek whispered. “I-I’ll call you


“Oh, don’t be angry at Jennifer,” Sophia cried. “She was

just excited.” She giggled, then added, “After all, how could
a woman as lovely as Jennifer not get excited over snagging
such an amazing catch as my wonderful boy?”

“I’m not angry,” Derek mumbled. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
Derek hung up before his mother could say anything else.

He then called his receptionist and told her to hold all his
calls. He was just hanging up when his cell phone rang. He
pulled it out of the inside of his suit jacket pocket and
checked the number.

My mother.
Shaking his head, Derek shut his cell phone off, too.
He buried himself in work. He’d already finished the

report he’d said he needed to finish, so he worked on other
stuff. Finally, a soft knock on his door drew his attention.

Derek glanced at the clock and realized it was nearly six

thirty. “Enter,” he called. As he pulled up his email and
attached the spoken-of file to an email to send to his father,

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he saw Tiffany enter. After hitting send, Derek forced a
smile and asked, “What are you still doing here, Tiffany?
Shouldn’t you have left half an hour ago?”

Tiffany strode to his desk and squared her shoulders. She

placed an envelope on the desk. Derek saw Mister Sommers
was written on it.

Resting the tips of his fingers on the envelope, Derek slid

it toward him. “What’s this?”

“My resignation.”
Derek jerked his head up to see the look of determination

on Tiffany’s face. “I didn’t realize you were unhappy here,
Tiffany. Is it something I’ve done? Is someone bothering

“Not someone from the company, no,” Tiffany told him.

She flicked her gaze to Derek’s eyes, then lifted her chin and
focused on the windows beyond his desk. “I heard about
your upcoming nuptials. I’d like to say congratulations, but I
can’t. I’m not certain what I did, but Jennifer has made it
clear that as soon as you’re married, she is going to have me

Derek frowned. “What? Why?” Then, he lifted his hand

and stood, stalling her answer. “Look. It doesn’t matter.” He
saw her face flush, and he realized how those words
sounded. He shook his head and picked up the envelope.
“I’m not accepting this.” He tore it in half.

“Wh-What are you doing?” Tiffany cried.
Leaning his left hand on the desk, Derek held up the two

pieces of envelope in his other hand and waved them in the
air. He leaned toward her and rumbled grimly, “Look. I’m
not going to marry Jennifer.” Upon seeing Tiffany gape at
him, Derek continued, “I don’t even like the woman. I don’t
know why my father is spreading rumors about us getting

Derek tossed the torn envelope into the trash and

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straightened. “Take tomorrow off,” he ordered, leveling a
serious look at her. “I’m going to straighten this out, and I
don’t want you caught in the cross-fire. Okay?”

Tiffany nodded slowly. “Okay,” she murmured, her

confusion written clearly all over her face. “Why would—”
She paused and looked to the left, in the general direction of
Forest’s office. “Why?”

For just an instant, Derek had wondered the same thing.

He hadn’t had to think on it long. “My father is an anal,
control freak who wants to manage the lives of those around

Tiffany gasped. Her eyes widened as her face paled.

“Mister Sommers,” she whispered, clearly shocked. She
glanced around as if Forest would suddenly appear. “You
shouldn’t say such things about your father.”

Derek snorted. Settling in his seat, he shut down his

system as he continued, “It’s Thursday, Tiffany. I give you
tomorrow off. Don’t come in,” he told her again.

Once he shut everything down, Derek stood and smiled

at her as he picked up his phone and briefcase. “I won’t be
in, either.”

Then, walking past her, Derek headed out of the office.

He slipped into his father’s office, sat at the man’s desk, and
pulled out a piece of business stationary. After a moment of
thought, Derek wrote his father a note and left it on his desk.

As he rode the elevator to the parking level, he wondered

where he should go. Suddenly, he remembered the business
card Luther had given to him.

Would Deke really be interested in seeing him?

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Chapter Two

illan Shoreman slowly rode his motorcycle along the
winding, mountain road. Looking left and right, he

enjoyed the pleasant views of pine trees and streams, while
drawing the clean fresh scent into his lungs. His cat rumbled
in the back of his mind.

Smiling, Dillan silently agreed with his other half. He

looked forward to running amidst the pines, climbing trees,
and taking down a doe. It’d been far too long since he’d
engaged in some feline play. He’d been stuck in the city for
too long.

Now, however, excitement of a different nature flooded


Slowing his motorcycle, Dillan checked the address

written on the plank nailed to a tree. He confirmed the
number and turned his bike onto the gravel driveway
disappearing into the woods. His motorcycle vibrating
between his thighs, he rumbled along the path.

Dillan smiled upon seeing the large structure appear

between the trees. Taking in how the home was tucked into
a large clearing, he admired the dark brown and deep green
siding. The place had a red shingle roof and a massive front
porch that wrapped around the left side of the building.

He stopped his bike ten feet in front of the garage door,

then pushed the kickstand into place and leaned his bike on
it. After easing his helmet from his head, he admired the
area again. His godson had done well.

When Edwin Aldridge had declared his intention to work


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with the Central Intelligence Agency, Dillan had nearly had
a heart attack. For years, his godson had been working with
Edwin’s blood. He’d wanted to discover a way to use a
shifter’s healing ability to speed up a human’s healing.

Edwin had discovered that Dillan could turn into a puma,

or mountain lion as many called it, when he was sixteen.
Dillan had been lounging in the back yard with their
German shepherd, Congo. He’d forgotten Edwin had a short
day due to some teacher meeting thing.

When Edwin had opened up the sliding glass door, he

hadn’t even stepped all the way onto the deck. He’d
squeaked in alarm, dropped his glass of iced tea, and run
back into the house, slamming the sliding glass door behind
him. Edwin had disappeared, then reappeared, phone in
hand, staring out at him.

To Dillan’s eternal gratefulness, Edwin had pressed his

face and hands—phone clutched in his left—to the glass, and
peered out at him with wide eyes. The instant Edwin had
opened the door, Congo had leaped to his feet and, barking
excitedly to see his other master, had bounded across the
yard. Now the dog whined and wriggled at the sliding door,
entreating his human to open the door and let him inside for
pets and scratches.

Edwin looked down at the animal. He spoke to Congo,

but Dillan couldn’t make out his godson’s words through
the glass.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Dillan had shifted.

His back yard had high, thick, seven foot hedge fences,
ensuring his privacy. On top of that, his place backed up to a
private game preserve and his neighbors were acres away on
either sides of him. It’s why he’d chosen to buy this home in
the first place.

Drawing on centuries of practice, Dillan transitioned

smoothly from cat to human. His mountain lion grumbled a

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bit in his mind, having wanted to play with their human
godson. Dillan had pushed the desire away, promising his
beast that he’d introduce them soon.

Dillan stood to his full height of a few inches over six feet

and headed toward the door. Meeting Edwin’s gaze, it
wasn’t until his godson glanced down a few times that he
remembered that he was naked. Hell, shifters didn’t really
worry about things like that under normal circumstances.

“Edwin,” Dillan called, grabbing his pair of sweats where

he’d left them over the railing of his back porch. He
wrapped them around his waist. “Let me in, Son. Let me

Instantly, Edwin had slid the door open, grabbed Dillan,

and yanked him into the house. While Dillan could have
resisted, he’d allowed his godson to maneuver him into the
room. Seconds later, he’d heard the sliding glass door slam
closed, the lock clicking into place.

“Did you see it?” Edwin had whispered, sounding more

excited than afraid. “Is it still out there?”

“No, Edwin,” Dillan stated softly. “It’s not out there. It’s

in here.” When Edwin turned and stared at him in shocked
confusion, Dillan smiled. He reached out and gripped his
godson’s shoulders. “There have been so many times I’ve
tried to come up with a way to explain.” He shrugged. “I’m
a shifter. I share my spirit with a mountain lion.”

That revelation had been followed by many questions,

plenty of explanations, a series of changes, and much fear,
gasping, and finally acceptance.

Dillan had felt relief that the biggest hurdle had been the

whole healing thing...

Edwin’s parents had been killed in a drunk driving

accident. While his godson realized that even an intrusion of
Dillan’s blood wouldn’t have saved them, Edwin still had
become obsessed with figuring out if shifter blood actually

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had any generalized healing capabilities.

Smiling, Dillan shook his head as he pushed the

memories away. It’d been years since he’d seen Edwin, but
he had still sent his godson fresh blood samples every few

Dillan had had mixed feelings about Edwin being

involved with the feds, but he’d had to allow his godson to
choose his own way. Discovering that a wolf shifter had
claimed his godson, he’d had to have the same faith. Edwin
had grown up with a shifter and knew about mates. Dillan
trusted that Edwin could take care of himself.

That didn’t mean Dillan didn’t check out the wolf shifter

and his pack where Edwin had settled.

After nearly five years, Dillan had finally deemed it safe

to return to the state of Colorado. Due to caring for Edwin
after his parents had died, he’d stayed in the area for far too
long and people had begun to notice how he never seemed
to age. Now, with the gray strands peppering his newly
trimmed hair and the thin goatee around his lips and chin,
few of his old circle would recognize him.

Dillan pushed his memories to the back of his mind. He

swung off his bike as he settled his helmet on the gas tank.
After running his fingers through his hair, Dillan strode up
to the deck. He climbed the couple of steps onto the porch
and rang the bell. Backing a few steps, he rested his ass
against the porch railing and waited.

After a few seconds, Dillan’s sensitive hearing picked up

the sound of footsteps inside the home. He smiled as he
anticipated Edwin’s reaction. He hadn’t told his godson that
he was coming, having wanted it to be a surprise.

When the door opened, Dillan caught the heavy scent of

wolf. His hackles instantly rose, but he pushed down the
response. Instead of Edwin appearing before him, a tall,
broad, African American male glared at him.

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“Who are you?” the wolf shifter snarled. He sniffed the

air and a low growl erupted from his throat. “What are you
doing here, cat?”

Dillan realized that this must be Byron Ziegler, Edwin’s

wolf shifter mate. He remained where he was, leaning
against the railing. While the position put him at a
disadvantage, he needed the shifter to believe he wasn’t a

Forcing a smile, Dillan told him, “I am Dillan Shoreman,

Edwin’s godfather. You must be Byron.”

Byron’s low growling stopped, but his stance remained

tense. “Yes, I’m Byron,” he confirmed. “Edwin didn’t say
anything about you visiting us. Does Alpha Declan know
you’re in his territory?”

“Actually, yes,” Dillan replied. “I asked your alpha to

keep the information to himself, as I didn’t know when I’d
get here.” He grinned and held out his arms. “And I wanted
it to be a surprise.”

“Byron, who’s at the door?” Edwin called from inside the

house. “Who are you growling at?”

“An unexpected guest,” Byron rumbled, his voice

softening. “It’s for you.”

Instead of stepping backward and allowing Dillan into

the house, Byron stepped forward onto the deck. His
expression remained wary, his eyes narrowed, watching
every move Dillan made.

“You know I raised him, right?” Dillan asked quietly,

making certain his voice wouldn’t carry to Edwin. From the
sound of his godson’s footsteps, he knew he approached.
“I’d never harm a hair on his head.”

“That makes two of us,” Byron grumbled. “And I’ll

believe it when Edwin confirms it.”

Dillan shrugged. It didn’t matter to him either way. He

did hope to at least get along with the wolf, for Edwin’s sake

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if nothing else. At least, this confirmed his godson would
always be safe.

Edwin appeared in the doorway. “Who’s—Dillan!” he

cried. “You’re here!”

Opening his arms, Dillan caught Edwin when his godson

flung himself at him. He relied on his shifter strength to pick
his up and give him a tight hug, just as he used to do when
he was a child. Almost instantly, a low growl reached
Dillan’s ears and he set Edwin right back down. His godson
was immediately pulled from his arms.

Edwin laughed. He grinned broadly as he glanced over

his shoulder at a glowering Byron. Patting the arm wrapped
around his waist, he returned his focus to Dillan.

“I didn’t know you were coming! It’s so good to see you.

How long can you stay?” Edwin gushed. “We have a spare
bedroom you can use. I’ll just need to change the sheets.”

Dillan knew Edwin couldn’t see the scowl on Byron’s

face, but he certainly could. Shaking his head, he grinned
widely and replied, “No, Edwin. I don’t need a room. I’m
renting a cabin in the woods.” Hoping to erase the sudden
look of disappointment that he saw on Edwin’s face, Dillan
added with a wink, “I’ve been in Arizona, so it’s been ages
since I’ve climbed a proper tree.”

After a few seconds, Edwin smiled again. “Well, come in

and meet Diana, Byron’s half-sister. She’s staying with us
over spring break,” Edwin told him. “We were just getting
ready to head to town and meet a few others at a diner. You

“Ah, that explains Byron’s overprotective growling,”

Dillan responded with a chuckle. “And, yes. I could eat.” He
grinned at Byron. “If your wolf will let me into the house, I’d
love a cup of coffee while you finish getting ready. It was a
long trip.”

“Of course, Byron will let you inside,” Edwin

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immediately responded, snickering. Then, he sobered and
looked over his shoulder at his wolf shifter lover. “This is
Dillan, my godfather. He’d never hurt me or anyone.”

Byron scoffed. “I highly doubt the truth of that statement,

my love,” he responded. Using a hand on Edwin’s waist,
Byron urged him to turn and face him. He cupped Edwin’s
jaw with his other hand. “However, I trust that he wouldn’t
hurt us.

From where he stood off to the side of them, Dillan could

see the way Edwin furrowed his brows. His godson opened
his mouth, probably to counter him.

Not wanting to see Edwin fight with his mate over

something so ridiculous...and since Byron was right, Dillan
stepped forward. He patted his godson on the shoulder,
gaining his attention. Dillan smiled fondly at the man he’d
raised as his own.

“Byron is right, Edwin,” Dillan admitted softly. “I have

killed. In self-defense against other shifters. In battle.” He
shrugged upon seeing Edwin’s surprised expression. “I’m
gonna make myself a cup of coffee.”

“Oh,” Edwin replied, his brows furrowed. “How come I

didn’t know that?”

Dillan grimaced. “It’s not something that would come up

in normal conversation,” he revealed. “I was young, thought
I was invincible, and it was the Civil War.” Forcing a wry
smile at Edwin’s shocked expression, he added, “It’s not
something I really like talking about.”

“Oh,” Edwin whispered again.
Nodding, Dillan turned away and headed into the house.

He glanced around with interest, taking in the rustic décor
and Native American theme. The walls were a medium hue
of tan that probably had some colorfully exotic name. There
were hardwood floors throughout the rooms he could see,
and with an open concept, that was plenty.

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Dillan could hear Edwin’s soft steps and the whisper that

could only be another shifter moving over wood, telling him
the pair followed. He did his best to ignore the way the hairs
on the back of his neck stood on end. It’d been far too long
since he’d been on a pride’s land...or a pack’s, for that
matter. Dillan reminded himself that he had Alpha Declan
McIntire’s permission.

The big Irish African American had been understandably

wary, what with his mate and adopted daughter in his
home. Once his beta, Shane Alvaro, and enforcer, Carson
Angeni, had arrived, he’d turn surprisingly warm. He’d
even introduced his human mate, Lark, and their daughter,
Sara, before they’d headed off to take the teenager to school.

“You have a beautiful home,” Dillan complimented,

striding to the kitchen and helping himself to the coffee he
saw filling the glass carafe. “Is this that weak shit you used
to make?” he asked, turning to grin at Edwin.

“Whatever,” Edwin grumbled as he headed down a hall

and out of sight.

Byron chuckled. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t

stand Edwin’s coffee,” he said. “No, I make the coffee. It’ll
put hair on your chest.”

“Which is why I don’t drink it,” said a young woman as

she strode into the room. With mocha skin and deep green
eyes, she looked to be a mixed heritage of African American
and Caucasian. She walked to the kitchen bar and settled on
a bar stool. Then, she held out her hand across the bar to
Dillan. “I’m Diana Ziegler, Byron’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you,” Dillan said, taking her hand. He gave

it a quick shake before releasing it and focusing on removing
a mug from one of the hooks over the sink. After pouring a
mugful, he returned his focus to her and grinned. “I’m
Dillan Shoreman.”

“Edwin’s godfather, right?” Diana replied, nodding. She

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tilted her head and sniffed, scenting the air. “Cat shifter.
What kind?”

“Diana,” Byron scolded. “You know better than to ask

like that.”

Diana scowled. “What? It’s not like I couldn’t just ask

Edwin. What’s the big deal?” She focused on Dillan, lifted
one brow, and smirked. “Is it a secret? Are you here because
you’re going into hiding?”

“Your blunt curiosity is refreshing,” Dillan responded,

chuckling. “I am not in hiding and it is not a secret,” he told
her. “I’m a puma. Some would call me a mountain lion or
cougar depending on the region we’re in.” He shrugged.
“I’m a large tawny cat.” Winking, he added, “Much prettier
than a wolf.”

Snickering, Diana shook her head. “Not my wolf. I’m a

beautiful, deep tan color that matches my hair,” she said,
feigning haughtiness as she flickered her light brown hair
over her shoulder and tilted up her chin. A gleam of
mischief lit her dark green eyes.

Dillan snorted. “Well, we’ll have to go running and see,”

he offered.

Diana hummed for a second, then nodded. She turned

and looked at Edwin, who’d just returned to the room
wearing different jeans and a blue pull over. “Edwin can be
the judge.”

“Uh, judge of what?” Edwin asked, pushing his glasses

further up his nose. His brows furrowed in confusion.
“What are you guys talking about?”

Byron snorted. “Diana thinks her wolf is prettier than

Dillan’s cat. I guess we’re all going for a run later.”

“Oh, cool,” Edwin responded, grinning. “I can get some

equations worked out while you guys play.” He winked.
“Then I challenge you to a game of chess, Dillan.”

“You’re on,” Dillan responded, pleased that Edwin had

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kept up with the game.

“You’re going down, old man,” Edwin teased. “I’ve been


“Bring it on, youngster,” Dillan quipped right back. He

downed the last of his coffee. He held up the mug and
saluted Byron with it before saying, “You’re right. Good

“Ready to go, then?” Byron asked.
Dillan nodded. “Sure am,” he confirmed, turning away

and rinsing out the mug before leaving it upside down in the
sink. “Show me this town of yours, Byron.”

Byron snorted, leading the way out of the house. “There

isn’t much to see.”

“So, you liked my straight-forwardness, huh?” Diana

said, skipping a few steps to catch up to Dillan and walk
next to him.

Amused at the young woman’s antics, Dillan nodded.


“Can I ride on your bike with you?”
Dillan laughed, knowing he’d walked right into that one.


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Chapter Three

erek spotted the electronics store just as he pulled into
the parking spot for the diner. Since he didn’t know

what time a small town electronics store would close, he
decided to run across the street to the store before supper.
He still couldn’t believe he’d forgotten his phone charger.

Maybe it’d been an unconscious thing. Derek didn’t want

to talk to anyone in his life right now anyway.

When Derek had walked out of his job’s office building

Thursday evening, he’d left his phone off. He’d driven
home, packed a few things into a sports bag, along with his
shaving kit. After tossing everything into his car, Derek had
started driving.

Derek realized he’d made an unconscious decision to

head east when he passed a Welcome to Nevada sign. He’d
driven until he could barely keep his eyes open. Pulling into
a rest stop, he’d joined the trucks and other travelers parked
in the large lot, pushed his seat back, and slept in his car.

The next morning, Derek had dug out Luther’s business

card and punched Stone Ridge, Colorado into his GPS. Over
more than a dozen hours later, his eyes burning from lack of
sleep, Derek wanted two and sleep. To make
things even better, he’d attempted to turn on his phone and
discovered it was dead. It’d been oh-so-tempting to toss it
out the window and not worry about anything.

Unfortunately, Derek couldn’t walk away completely

from his family. He couldn’t do that to his mother. Already
he felt guilty for not calling her and letting her know he was


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okay. After Forest had kicked Deke out of their family, she’d
become extremely overprotective, always wanting to know
how he was doing.

Yawning widely, Derek rubbed his eyes with one hand as

he hit the lock button on his key control. He strode toward
the road, marveling at how there could be eight cars in the
diner parking lot, but not one on the road. After glancing
left, Derek stepped off the curb and headed across the street.

Derek reached halfway when he heard a high-pitched

horn and the squeal of tires. Turning right, he gaped upon
seeing a black motorcycle swerving around him only a few
feet away. He stumbled back a couple of steps, his eyes
wide. He tripped and, flailing his arms, he landed hard on
his ass on the far side of the road’s sidewalk.

Gaping, Derek watched the man driving the motorcycle

nearly topple, managing to catch his balance just in time.
The woman behind the driver was cringing as she hunched
close to the man, her entire body tense. Her grip on the
man’s belt-loops were white-knuckled.

After righting the bike, the driver turned his head and

focused on Derek. A feral glare turned down his dark brows
and a snarl curled his goateed lips. Anger caused his green
eyes to sparkle.

“Son of a bitch,” the lean, leather-clad biker roared.

“What the fuck? Don’t you know how to watch where
you’re going?”

Derek gulped. While he’d always thought of bikers as big,

fat, and tattooed, this guy was none of that. He appeared
lean and toned, what with the way the black leather chaps
caressed his firm thighs.

Shaking his head, Derek frowned at his thoughts.
Geez, where did that come from?
Another horn honked and someone yelled, “Damn, man.

Get out of the fucking road!”

Focusing at his surroundings again, Derek spotted the

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biker rolling his motorcycle out of the middle of the road
and into the electronic store’s parking lot. He just stared as
he watched the man offer an arm and help the young
woman off the back of the bike. Derek hoped it was his
daughter or something and not his girlfriend because there
was a hell of an age difference between them. It had nothing
to do with how his tired mind placed him on the back of the
bike instead of the woman.

Good God, I must be exhausted.
“Hey, are you okay? I didn’t think I hit you,” the biker

growled, suddenly all up in Derek’s space. The guy even
reached out and took hold of his upper arm with one hand.
“Look at me.”

Obeying the demanding voice, Derek struggled to focus.

When had he gotten so tired? Maybe his first stop should
have been a hotel room. He looked up just a bit, which
didn’t happen too often with him being six foot two, and he
stared into the biker’s eyes...which—oddly enough—
appeared concerned.

“Yeah, yeah,” Derek muttered. “Fine, just tired,” he

admitted. “I’m sorry for walking in front of you.”

The man’s eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. His grip

tightened just a bit. “Are you injured?”

“Uh,” Derek started in surprise. He yanked his gaze from

the man’s intriguing eyes and glanced down, first at his arm
where the man held him, to his elbow, which stung. Lifting
his arm, Derek noticed a scrape from where he’d fallen.
Several tiny beads of blood pooled on his skin. “Just a
scratch,” he finally replied. “I’m fine.”

“Not fine,” the man rumbled. “We should clean that up.

We wouldn’t want it to get infected.”

Some of the daze caused by fatigue must have lifted—

because it surely couldn’t be how his blood was pumping
fast in his veins by this man’s presence—for Derek finally
managed to focus. He furrowed his brows and asked, “Wait.

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You just about ran me over. Now you want to clean my
wounds?” Derek snorted. “Are you afraid I’ll sue you or

“You’d lose,” the man replied, his voice full of certainty.

The corners of his mouth curved up into a smile. “You were

Derek scoffed. “Right. Like you’ve never done it.”
“I didn’t say I hadn’t,” the biker said with a grin. “I just

never did it while half asleep.” He cupped Derek’s jaw and
tilted his chin up a bit, blatantly inspecting his face. “When
was the last time you slept? Truly slept?

Now there was a loaded question. Tough to answer, too,

especially with his mind muddied by not just fatigue, but by
the feel of the warm, calloused hand touching him so
intimately. He should be stepping away, breaking the

Instead, Derek whispered, “I’m a lawyer. I always sleep

with one eye open. Ya know?”

“That is a shame, handsome,” the biker rumbled, a

calculating gleam entering his green eyes. “It sounds like
you need a little rest and relaxation.” He tilted his head and
swept his gaze over him. “Are you a local? Or just visiting?”

“Visiting,” Derek replied without hesitation. Holy shit.

What was this man doing to his brain? It had to be the

“You have a room around here?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. You’re in no shape to drive,” the man pointed out.

“Hop on the bike behind me and we’ll get you to a bed
where you can rest.” The man said the words as if expecting
to be obeyed. He slid his hand down Derek’s neck, caressed
his pulse point with his thumb for a couple of seconds, then
released him. “Come with me.”

“W-Wait,” Derek muttered, frowning, getting frustrated

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with how foggy his head felt. “I need a charger.” Right, that
was why he’d crossed the street. Street. “And what about my

“I’ll make certain it’s brought to my cabin,” the man

assured. He wrapped his right arm around Derek’s waist,
and suddenly Derek found himself pressed against the
leaner, taller man. “We’ll get you a charger, handsome.
You’re dead on your feet. Let’s take care of your need to rest,
first, hmm?”

“Um, okay?” Derek mumbled, deciding he was far more

wiped than he’d thought. Driving, with his adrenaline up,
he hadn’t realized he’d grown so fatigued. Now, though,
after not even ten minutes out of the car, and all he could
think about was finding a place to collapse. Except, wait...
“Who are you?”

The biker didn’t answer until they’d reached his

motorcycle. The young woman stood beside the parked bike,
eyeing them both with obvious curiosity. “Everything
okay?” she asked.

Derek’s strange helper nodded. “Fine, Diana. Will you let

my son know I met my mate, and he’s not feeling the best?
I’m going to take him some place to lie down.”

The woman, Diana, her eyes widened. “Oh. Oh! Yeah,

sure.” She swept a gaze that, even in Derek’s sleep-deprived
state, could clearly be called assessing. “Not bad, Tomcat,”
she said, grinning at the biker, obviously teasing. “He’ll be a
hottie once he’s had some sleep and doesn’t look like death
warmed over.”

While Derek felt a blush creep up his neck, he heard the

biker growl softly. Oddly enough, he felt his cock thicken in
his jeans. Derek shifted his stance, trying to find a
comfortable way to stand without drawing attention to his
sudden, unexpected problem.

“That’s enough, Diana,” the biker scolded. “I’ll call Edwin

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in a little while. They’ll give you a ride?”

“Of course,” Diana replied. “See you around.” She

winked cheekily. While jogging down the sidewalk to the
corner, she looked over her shoulder, waved and called,
“Have a good night!”

“Edwin told me she was a quiet, studious girl,” the biker

grumbled, shaking his head. “Little puppy has some cheek.”

“Puppy? Tomcat?” Derek said their odd nicknames out

loud. “Are you guys animal environmentalists or gang
members?” They gave each other odd names, too, right?

Focusing on Derek, the biker gave him a smile. “Not

environmentalists. No. My name is Dillan Shoreman,” he
told him, releasing him and swinging aboard his motorcycle.
“I’m here visiting my godson and his husband. I’ve rented a
comfortable cabin in the woods. You’ll have plenty of peace
and quiet to rest and regain your strength,” he assured,
holding out his hand. “Climb aboard and let me help you.”

Derek couldn’t pinpoint why, but he obeyed. He gripped

Dillan’s hand and used it to climb aboard the motorcycle.
Settling on the small bitch seat, Derek remembered riding
his buddy’s dirt bike years ago.

This was completely different.
For one thing, Derek wasn’t driving. He was instead

trying to balance on a small bit of seat behind another
body...a male body that did odd things to his tired mind.
Trying to keep enough space between them that he wasn’t
pressing his still mostly hard prick against Dillan’s ass,
Derek struggled to get reasonably secure.

Dillan reached back and grabbed Derek’s hip. While

Derek tensed, Dillan ordered, “Don’t be shy. Scoot closer
and wrap your arms around my waist. The trip won’t be
long.” With surprising strength—especially at the odd
angle—Dillan easily pulled Derek’s groin flush to his ass.

Derek bit back a moan when the pressure on his dick sent

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dizzying pleasure through his system. On instinct, he
grabbed for something to steady himself. That happened to
be Dillan himself.

“Good,” Dillan practically grunted, his deep voice

sounding pleased. “Let’s get you a comfortable place.”

Without another word, Dillan brought his bike roaring to

life. He pressed the throttle and turned the bike. Seconds
later, Dillan drove back onto the road. He waved to a pair of
men standing beside Diana in the diner parking lot, then
with a roar, they were out of town.

Derek clung tightly to the man driving the bike. He

couldn’t remember the last time he’d acted so recklessly.
From leaving home without telling anyone to driving
himself into exhaustion, add in almost getting hit, then
climbing onto the back of the motorcycle with the man
who’d almost hit him...every one of the decisions he’d made
in the last forty-eight hours were completely out of character
for him.

With that thought firmly in mind, Derek decided to just

go with it. If this guy decided to attack him, he still had the
mace attached to his keychain. While the first one he’d
received had been a gag gift from his brother...the last gift
he’d received from Deke, as a matter of fact...Derek had
actually used it. He’d had a run in with a mugger in an alley.

Derek had gone to the drug store the next day and

replaced his spent keychain mace with a new one.

Peering over Dillan’s shoulder, Derek watched as the

biker turned onto a gravel road. He passed several other,
smaller turn-offs, finally coming to a surprisingly pretty iron
gate. To further Derek’s shock, as soon as they rolled up to
it, the gate began to open.

Evidently, Dillan must have noticed his confusion, for he

looked over his shoulder and grinned. “The land lord gave
me an automatic opener,” he said. Then, Dillan started the

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motorcycle rolling forward again.

After riding slowly over gravel for a moment or two,

Derek spotted a building between the trees. He felt his eyes
widen as the cabin came into view, the structure nestled in a
large clearing.

Dillan stopped the bike before it.
When Derek had heard the term cabin, he’d thought rustic

and old fashioned. This, certainly was not that. While the
log-style was definitely a nod to western, the home appeared
new and clean. The porch was large and well-maintained.
The railings weren’t missing any spokes. There didn’t even
seem to be any grass growing between the stones that led up
the walk.

“Come on,” Dillan urged, tilting the motorcycle onto its

kickstand. “Let’s get you inside. There’s a very comfortable
looking bed in the second bedroom.”

The thought of a bed, comfortable or otherwise, overruled

everything else in Derek’s mind. He followed Dillan into
what could probably be categorized as a small home. He
declined the shower. Then, after only kicking off his
sneakers, he fell across the bed Dillan showed him to.

Derek couldn’t even remember Dillan leaving the room.

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Chapter Four

illan wanted nothing more than to crawl onto the
queen size bed, pull Derek into his arms, and hold him

close while the human slept. Unfortunately, if Derek woke
like that, Dillan figured he wouldn’t appreciate it. There was
something extremely vulnerable and confused about the
man...but underneath that, Dillan sensed a sharp intellect
and a spine of steel.

Just what had caused the human to drive himself to the

brink of exhaustion?

Knowing he wasn’t going to get the answers by staring at

him, Dillan turned away. It was tough. His mate! After over
three and a half centuries, Dillan had finally stumbled across
his mate. He’d righted his bike, yelled at the man, then
caught the crazy jay-walker’s scent.

Dillan realized he’d just about run over his mate.
Seeing the man’s dazed expression, Dillan had quickly

trundled into the nearest parking electronics store by
the looks of the neon sign. He’d instantly seen the lines of
fatigue around Derek’s mouth and the confusion in his
pretty, dark eyes. One more whiff of the guy’s scent had
confirmed it.

This human was his mate.
Dillan couldn’t help glancing over his shoulder. He

mentally groaned at how the sexy man’s dark five o’clock
shadow graced his jaw. Even better were his messy dark
locks. They weren’t long or short...just past business casual.

Dillan wanted to touch so badly.


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Instead, Dillan turned away, gently closing the door

behind him. He strode out the back door and onto the deck.
Moving into the nearby trees, Dillan stripped off his clothes,
folded them, and left them at the base of a tree.

Dillan sighed and let the shift flow through him. It’d been

a few months since he’d let his puma out and the change
happened quickly, the cat eager to run and hunt. His bones
cracked, his muscles popped, and his tendons snapped. In
seconds, he stood on all fours. After a satisfying stretch,
arching his back, Dillan sprang into action. He lunged
forward and sprinted through the forest.

A couple of hours later, Dillan the puma prowled around

the house containing his mate. He rounded the structure,
sniffing the ground and scenting the wind. No knew smells
marred his territory markings.

While Dillan had been given permission to enter Declan’s

pack territory...and yes, technically, this was the wolf’s
territory, this home was still Dillan’s for the time being.
After unpacking his things, he’d immediately shifted and
marked a small bit of territory, only fifty paces out, that way
the wolf shifters and other animals would know this place
was freshly occupied. It was just enough to satisfy his cat’s
desire for solitude.

Once he was sure no one had come or gone...and that his

mate was still safely inside the dwelling, Dillan leaped into a
tree a distance outside Derek’s room. He sprawled on a
forked branch, closed his eyes, and took a cat nap.

Dillan blinked his eyes open. He flexed his paws and

arched his back, stretching contentedly. Once fully awake,
he noted the dark shadows stretching across the ground. He
also felt his stomach rumble.

Remembering that he’d missed dinner—and why—Dillan

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decided he should check on his guest and start an evening
meal. He should also call Edwin. He hadn’t missed the
shocked surprise on his godson’s face when he’d driven
away from the group.

Dillan leaped out of the tree and padded around the edge

of the clearing, sticking close to the shadows. He’d need to
introduce his mate to his cat and the world of shifters soon,
but now wasn’t the time. Dillan needed to woo the human a
bit, see how receptive he was to his advances.

He didn’t know the first thing about Derek Sommers,

after all. That wouldn’t stop him from doing a little light
touching to see how Derek responded.

Upon reaching the tree where he’d left his clothes, Dillan

quickly shifted. Once more in human form, he stretched his
arms over his head and popped his back, letting out a
satisfied grunt. Dillan then yanked on his jeans, zipping the
fly but not bothering to button them. Holding the rest of his
stuff, he padded barefoot across the thick grass and entered
the house.

Dillan smiled, spotting Derek seated at the dining room

table. His hair was damp and appeared as if Derek had
finger-combed it with water in an attempt to tame it. He had
a mostly full bottle of beer between his hands. Staring at the
glass, he seemed entranced by the label.

“Good evening,” Dillan greeted softly as he placed his

clothes on a nearby bench.

Derek started, lifting his head and turning his head to

gaze at him. He stared at him with wide eyes for a second.
Then, he blinked and smiled back.

Sauntering slowly to the refrigerator, Dillan took his time.

He purposefully gave Derek plenty of time as he retrieved a
beer of his own. Bending over a bit as he reached for a beer
from the bottom shelf, he tightened his ass, knowing it

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looked fantastic in the worn, faded jeans.

When Dillan turned back around, he bumped the fridge

door with his hip, closing it. He noted how Derek’s gaze
quickly lowered to the beer he clutched, a rosy glow staining
his cheeks.

“How are you feeling?” Dillan asked. He rested his lower

back against the bar top and leaned against it. By placing his
elbows behind him on the counter, he knew he put his body
on display. While he might have salt-and-pepper hair these
days, his body remained toned and lean, in thanks partly to
his feline shifter genes. “Are you feeling better?”

Derek lifted his gaze and cleared his throat. While licking

his lips, he swept his gaze over Dillan’s form. Then, he
cleared his throat again. “Y-Yeah. Thank you.” He rubbed
his hand over his face. “How long did I sleep?”

Dillan rolled his shoulder in a half shrug. “However long

you needed.” He glanced at the laminate deer head clock on
the left wall and saw it was already almost half past nine in
the evening. He figured he’d have at least three calls from
Edwin by now. Deciding he’d worry about that later, Dillan
stated, “Maybe three hours or so.”

Nodding, Derek mumbled. “Sorry to put you out.”
Chuckling, Dillan finally popped the cap off the beer and

tossed it onto the counter behind him. “You’re not. I’m
happy I could help.” He tipped the beer toward Derek, then
lifted the bottle. “Cheers,” he said before taking a swig of the
cold brew.

Derek smiled and drank. He downed several gulps.
As Dillan swallowed his own mouthful, he found his gaze

riveted to Derek’s Adam’s apple as it bobbed. He wanted to
suck on that little nub. He wanted Derek to arch his neck for
him, moaning and gasping for more.

Forcing back his carnal thoughts, Dillan took in Derek’s

tight shoulders and white-knuckled grip on the beer. His

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mate seriously needed some down time. What had him so
keyed up?

Dillan decided to try another approach. Pushing away

from the counter, he downed his beer in several long
swallows. He pointed at Derek’s and ordered, “Finish that.”

While Derek looked confused, he obeyed.
Grinning, Derek once again opened the fridge, this time

pulling out four more bottles, two in each hand. He hip-
bumped the door and closed it again. Then, strode to the
back door. He tilted his head at the sliding glass door.

“Wanna open this for me?” Dillan asked, holding up his

full hands.

Derek rose and crossed to him. Reaching past him, he

opened the door.

Dillan couldn’t resist inhaling deeply, taking in his mate’s

earthy, masculine scent. The heady aroma sent desire
streaking through his system. His blood surged southward
and his cock thickened to full mast. He wanted to adjust
himself in his jeans, but his hands were full. Besides, he
planned to take them off in a minute anyway. While Dillan
didn’t want to scare the human, he had no intention of
hiding how the sexy man affected him either.

“Come on,” Dillan said again. “Shut the door behind


“What are we doing?” Derek asked. “What about my car?

Don’t you want me out of your hair? Why’d you even bring
me here?”

Dillan chuckled softly. It seemed his mate had finally

found his tongue. He set the beers on a plastic table next to
the plastic lawn chairs. Next, he crossed to a hot tub set up
off in the corner of the deck. Dillan had been extremely
pleased to discover that little bonus.

“We are going to relax in this hot tub,” Dillan stated,

filling his voice with confidence as he pulled the cover off.

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“We’ll drink a couple of beers. Tell each other about
ourselves.” He glanced over his shoulder and winked at his
human mate. “Generally, tonight we’re just gonna relax.”

Dillan hadn’t missed the way Derek had instinctively

responded to his commands when he’d been half out of his
mind with fatigue. He was interested in knowing just how
much he could use that to his advantage.

Picking up the beer, Dillan lined them up on the side of

the hot tub. Then, he gripped the zipper of his jeans and
carefully lowered it...didn’t want to catch anything, after all.
Finally, he pushed the jeans down and off. Half-turning to
face Derek as he folded the pants, he looked toward the

Dillan spotted the blush on Derek’s cheeks and noted

how the human’s gaze was riveted to his hard cock. Hell, he
liked that Derek seemed unable to resist staring at him, and
he sure wasn’t going to do anything to embarrass him.
Instead of drawing attention to his mate’s staring, Dillan
tossed his jeans onto the table where the beers had been and
climbed into the hot tub.

Groaning in pleasure upon feeling the heat envelope his

road-weary muscles, Dillan slid onto a seat. He sighed,
grabbed a beer, and popped the cap. After tossing the cap in
the direction of his jeans—and feeling proud he landed it on
top of the folded fabric—he held up the bottle and waggled

“Come on, jay-walker. Get in here and loosen up,” Dillan


Derek moved forward a few steps, looking uncertain.
Dillan beckoned with the beer again, then set it on the

side of the tub. Picking up a second bottle, he opened that
and did the same with the cap as the first one. Dillan took a
long drink from this one. He swallowed, then rested the
back of his head on the pad of the seat and waited for Derek

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to make up his mind. As he eyed the handsome human, he
tried to ignore the twitching of his throbbing cock.

“I, uh, don’t have a suit,” Derek objected halfheartedly.
Snorting, Dillan shook his head. “I know you didn’t miss

that I don’t either.” He narrowed his eyes and grinned. “If
you’re feeling shy, leave your underwear on. It’d be a shame
though, because I bet you have a sexy ass.”

Derek’s cheeks turned almost scarlet and he took a step

backward. “You’re gay?”

“Bisexual,” he corrected. “I’m an equal opportunities

connoisseur of the pleasures of the flesh,” Dillan told him
with a wink. “Why limit myself?”

Chuckling, Dillan sobered. “Get in the damn hot tub, jay-

walker. I won’t bite unless you ask me to.” He pointed at the
beer, then at the seat across from him. “Get undressed and
relax, Derek.”

Finally, as if he’d suddenly come to a decision, Derek

started moving. He whipped his shirt over his head and
draped it over the back of a chair. Next, he unbuttoned his
belt and jeans, then stripped them off, too. These he folded
and set on a chair as he kicked his socks underneath it.

Derek stood in his navy blue briefs for an instant, the line

of his rigid cock showing blatantly leaning a bit toward the
left. His face still red, he quickly climbed into the tub and
slid into the water. He glanced around the four person tub,
hesitating, then grabbed a beer and sat in the seat to Dillan’s
left instead of the one across from him.

Pleased with Derek’s choice, Dillan took a sip of his beer.

“So, you mentioned visiting Stone Ridge. Are you here to see
someone? Just to view the sites? Go hiking?”

After swallowing his own swig of beer, Derek licked a

drop of the beverage from the corner of his lip and stared
out at the forest. He scoffed. “I’m running away, actually.”

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Dillan felt his brows shoot up, but he couldn’t seem to

help himself. “Really? From what?” Then, he cocked his
head, something about the wistful look on Derek’s face
triggering something. “Or perhaps you are running to

“I never thought of it that way, but yeah,” Derek

mumbled. He rested the beer on the edge of the tub, still
gripping the bottle. He stared at it. “My father ran off my
brother, Deke, and I didn’t do anything about it. I was too
chicken shit. I’d like to mend things with him.”

Dillan hummed. Interesting. His mate seemed to have

some baggage. From the way he stared vacantly, obviously
deep in thought, it was obvious these weren’t happy
thoughts. Still, if his mate needed to talk about it, Dillan
would listen.

“Why did your father run your brother off?” Dillan asked


Derek’s jaw clenched. “Because Deke is gay.”
“Ah,” Dillan replied softly. That explained his question

about Dillan’s sexuality. “And what about you?” he probed.
“Do you have a problem with those that are gay?”

“No!” Derek snapped. He scowled. “Sorry.” Sighing, he

rubbed his free hand over his face, then took a gulp of his
beer. Finally, he leaned his head back and muttered, “This
probably isn’t relaxing like you’d hoped.”

“This seems like it’s something you need to get off your

chest, though,” Dillan purred, lowering his voice to a
soothing rumble. “They say sometimes sharing with a
stranger is easier than sharing with someone you know.”
Trying to lighten the suddenly somber mood, he added,
“Why do you think therapists are paid so much?”

Derek snorted. “Right. Like you want to listen to my


Dillan chuckled. “I have a good ear.”

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“Well, talking about how my father is an asshole and

bought my silence because he paid off a police officer to get
me out of joyriding charges that I don’t even remember
doing...yeah, that’s not really going to help me relax.”

“Talking about family does have a way of killing a

boner,” Dillan confirmed, smirking.

When Derek’s gaze snapped to him, Dillan grinned.

Yes, got his attention now.
“Oh, come on,” he rumbled. “You saw mine and I saw

yours. I can think of a far better way to relax you than
talking about family.” He smirked. “Maybe after that, when
you’re already relaxed, we can talk about solving all your
family problems.”

While Dillan meant his offer about helping Derek solve

his problems, he wanted to touch his mate even more.
Sitting there, remembering the sight of his mate’s cloth-
covered dick, Dillan was having a hell of a time not
touching. He wanted to rub up against his wet, sexy human
and mark him with his scent. He wanted to please the
human, seduce him with pleasure.

Derek sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes widened for an

instant as he licked his lips. His breathing sped up. Finally,
Derek mumbled, “I’ve never been hard enough for a guy to
want to act on it before.”

Before. Dillan liked the sound of that.
“And now?”
Derek peered at him through water-beaded lashes. “What

did you have in mind?”

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Chapter Five

f Derek didn’t like what this guy offered, he could say no.
That’s what he told himself as he asked his question. Just

because his cock was hard as a steel pipe, it didn’t mean he’d
act on his attraction.

I’m not gonna suck his dick or anything.
Derek mentally told himself that again as he watched a

knowing, feral smile curve Dillan’s lips. Shit. Why did that
hungry look make him want to agree to anything the older
male wanted?

When Dillan had uninhibitedly stripped in front of him,

showing off not only his lean muscular form but his long,
slender erection, Derek had just about swallowed his tongue.
He’d had to swallow hard or run the risk of drool dripping
down his chin. Not only had he wanted to touch it, stroke it,
he’d wanted to taste it. What would it feel like on his

That thought had just about scared the shit out of him.

However, since Dillan hadn’t made a big thing of it, Derek
had pushed his reaction down. Seeing the guy’s ass had
been just as ball-tightening. It’d taken Derek a few seconds
to realize Dillan had been talking to him.

“Well, let’s start with the idea of me relaxing you,” Dillan

rumbled, his voice coming out impossibly low. “I’m going to
slide a little closer and put my hand on your leg.”

Dillan put deed to word, sliding closer in the sort-of

rounded tub. The seats were plastic and at slightly different
levels, showing where one ended and the other began.


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Dillan’s seat was higher than his own, allowing Dillan to
loom over him. He turned to place his left arm along the
back of the tub and his right hand rested on his submerged
right thigh.

Derek found himself craving whatever Dillan seemed to

be offering him. “Y-Yeah?” he mumbled. “Then what?”

His skin tingled where Dillan touched him. Goose bumps

broke out over his inner thigh upon feeling how the other
man rubbed ever-so-lightly with his fingertips. A zing shot
up his leg to his groin, causing his balls to tighten and his
cock to jerk in his briefs.

Shuddering, Derek opened his legs a little, giving his cock

more room to jerk and twitch. He panted harshly, his gaze
riveted to Dillan’s green eyes. Even in the evening darkness,
Derek easily made out the feral desire in the other man’s

“Now, I’m going to slide my hand up your leg,” Dillan

rumbled huskily. “I’m going to tickle your skin, tease your
flesh, then I’m going to cup your balls. Do you think you’ll
wish you had removed your underwear then?”

Derek licked his lips, then swallowed hard. He stared at

Dillan, who leaned so close his face was only a hairsbreadth
from his own. God, when had he moved so close?

Then, Dillan skimmed his fingertips up Derek’s inner

thigh. He scraped his nails just hard enough to cause Derek
to shiver. Pleasant tingles zinged across his skin, spreading
through the rest of his body.

By the time Dillan reached the apex of his leg where his

thigh met his groin, Derek trembled—fucking trembled! He
wanted Dillan’s hands on his balls so badly. Not only that,
but he already wished he wasn’t wearing his briefs.

Why the hell had he left them on?
Right, as if he’d ever in a million years expected

something like this to happen.

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Then, Dillan cupped Derek’s balls and all thought ceased.
Derek moaned and bucked into the hold. He spread his

legs even wider, begging for more stimulation with his

Dillan gave it to him.
While rolling Derek’s balls with his fingers, he used his

thumb to stroke up and down the underside of his hard
length. Pleasant sparks danced up and down his prick.
Groaning, Derek rested his head against the headrest of the
hot tub. His hips rocked, pressing harder into the

“Now, wouldn’t this feel better with nothing between

us?” Dillan growled softly. “Wouldn’t you love to have my
hand cupping your balls? My fingers massaging your flesh?
My thumb working your shaft? And how about this?” He
paused his thumb directly below Derek’s cock head, teasing
the sensitive wrinkled flesh.

Sparks shot down his cock.
Derek moaned and bucked into Dillan’s grip. “Oh. Fuck!”

He couldn’t help his slight whine. His balls were pulling
flush to his body, causing the best kind of pain to erupt
through his groin. “D-Dillan!”

“That’s it, handsome,” Dillan crooned into his ear. “Let


Feeling Dillan’s warm mouth seal over the pulse point in

his neck, Derek roared. His body convulsed. He felt his
orgasm rock through his system, bliss rolling through him.
Heady pleasure swamped him as he shuddered and bucked.

Floating on waves of endorphins, Derek couldn’t

remember the last time he’d experienced such an intense
release. He’d been trying so hard to fit into one particular
mold...a mold set by his father. Now, after a single, short
hand job from a stranger, Derek knew why he’d struggled so

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Derek didn’t fit.
For so long, Derek had suppressed his desires.
Having gotten boners in the locker room for as long as he

could remember, Derek had begun using bawdy stories
about his girlfriend to excuse his randy state around the
other guys. He didn’t have to make up most of it, either.
Derek had dated the head cheerleader in high school and she
really had been a horny bitch.

He had rarely been more than half mast while making out

with her. Claudia, however, had been more than happy to
do the rest of the work to get him hard enough for her to
ride him. Claudia had been a top—a dominant top. It had
worked well for them.

She’d writhe and moan on top of him, and Derek would

buck up into her. Eventually, he’d come. Friction, any kind
of friction, would do that to a man. Derek still had no idea if
what he had done pleased her. She acted like it did and she
kept coming back for more so...

This comparison.
A sharp bite to his neck had Derek hissing and shivering.

His cock even jerked, sending a fresh wave of arousal
through his body. Groaning, Derek opened his eyes and
turned his head.

Through a heavy-lidded gaze, Derek took in Dillan’s

narrow-eyed gaze and smug expression. “Feeling better?”

“Oh my fucking God, yes,” Derek whispered hoarsely.

Had he been shouting? He didn’t even know, but his throat
sure felt as if it had been. “How the fuck did you do that?”

“Welcome back, sexy man,” Dillan purred roughly, his

voice thick with what Derek suddenly realized was arousal.
“Gods above, you coming was the fucking sexiest thing I’ve
ever seen.”

Dillan nipped and licked Derek’s pulse point, which sent

another set of tingles through Derek, causing his beaded

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nipples to ache. When had they become so sensitive?

“H-How is this possible?”
“How is what possible?”
Still reeling from the most intense orgasm of his thirty-

two years, Derek scowled. He tried to get his scrambled
brain to sort out what he was trying to ask. Licking his lips,
he blinked once, then focused on Dillan.

“How is your touch better than any woman’s I’ve ever


While Derek couldn’t help voicing the question, he hadn’t

actually been with that many. He’d made out with a few,
done plenty of fucking with Claudia, but after dumping
her—okay, she’d actually dumped him, but he’d lied to his
family and friends. He hadn’t been sorry to see her go, but
his parents sure had been. If only they’d known what they’d
been up to.

Now, Derek realized he’d never known what he was

missing. It was a little bittersweet. By denying himself, just
what possible relationships had he missed out on over the

“I’m a man,” Dillan murmured. “I have a dick. I know

what feels good and what doesn’t,” he pointed out.
Shrugging, he added, “Of course, you wouldn’t enjoy it if
you didn’t have some level of attraction.” He lifted his head
and grinned. “Your dick was already hard, after all.”

“Yeah, it was,” Derek admitted. He wasn’t too proud to

admit that. Hell, his cock had all but been straining for this
man’s touch. He’d wanted it more than anything he’d ever
wanted in his life. Derek met Dillan’s intense gaze. “Your
touch was better than anything I’ve ever experienced.
You’ve—” He paused and smiled. “You’ve opened my

Dillan shuddered a breath. His smile turned almost

painful. “Good,” he whispered. “I hope you’ll allow me to

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top it someday soon.”

Suddenly remembering Dillan’s long slender erection, the

way it had jutted from his soft-looking patch of curls, he
whispered, “Did you need me to return the favor?” Good
God, had he just offered that? Yeah, he wanted to touch
Dillan’s pretty cock. Licking his lips, he added, “No man
appreciates blue balls.”

Dillan’s nostrils flared and his expression turned hungry.

“One stroke and I think I’ll blow,” he rumbled gruffly. “You
turn me on that much.”

“I do?” Derek responded, disbelief seeping into the

euphoria caused by his release. “Why?”

Chuckling roughly, Dillan began to ease away. “Why is

anyone attracted to another? Pheromones, maybe?” He
smirked as he lounged back on his own seat and picked up
his beer. “Animal magnetism,” he added with a wink before
taking a sip.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity to satisfy a curiosity

he’d had since...forever, Derek did what he did in court.
Took the bull by the horns and charged ahead. Or rather, the
horn in this case.

After downing the last swallow of his beer, Derek set the

now empty bottle on the side of the hot tub. He slid to the
edge of his seat, then knelt on the bottom of the hot tub. The
water just reached his collar bones. Looking over the other
man’s relaxed form, Derek judged where his waist would be.

Derek reached through the water, searching for the other

man’s leg. He bumped his fingertips against the top of his
knee. Glancing up, Derek saw Dillan’s narrowed eyes
watching him intently.

Using the man’s leg as a guide, Derek skimmed his

fingers up Dillan’s leg. He marveled at how the man’s
crinkly hairs felt against the pads of his fingers. It was so
different than a woman’s and he felt his own heart thud in

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his chest as his arousal flared once more.

Hesitating at the apex of his thigh, Derek’s gaze switched

to Dillan’s face. The older man’s green eyes smoldered. His
lips were parted just a bit as he panted softly. Anticipation
seemed to thrum through him.

Derek continued holding Dillan’s gaze as he moved his

hand that last little bit. Feeling the silky hard skin of another
man’s rigid cock for the first time caused Derek’s own blood
to once more flood his own, becoming engorged for the
second time in less than an hour. His chest heaving, he
struggled to breathe as he wrapped his hand around Dillan’s

Dillan groaned softly. The water swirled around them as

he moved his legs, and Derek instinctively knew he was
spreading them wider. Then, Dillan’s hips twitched,
thrusting up.

“Oh, God,” Derek whispered.
Pleasure at finally gripping another man’s dick filled

Derek. He didn’t understand why he found it so arousing,
but he couldn’t deny his body’s response. With his free
hand, Derek grabbed the band of his underwear and shoved
it down under his balls, freeing his prick. Then, he gripped
his own now throbbing cock and began jacking it, doing the
same to Dillan’s cock.

Dillan growled softly, the sound full of masculine

pleasure. “Yesss,” he hissed. “Harder.”

Derek couldn’t help but follow the order. Hell, his own

cock jerked and twitched, aching in his grip. “Oh, God,” he
whined again, feeling his balls tighten.

“Oh, shit,” Dillan mumbled. “Are you going to come

again, Derek? Does touching me, jacking my dick,
pleasuring me, get you so hot?” Groaning again, he
rumbled, “So close, handsome. Come with me. Show me
how much you like touching me.”

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Then, Dillan’s body bucked. He let out a guttural cry.
Derek felt Dillan’s cock swell and twitch in his grip. The

water around his hand warmed. He knew it must have been
from the hot seed Derek figured was pulsing from the man’s
prick. Instead of being disgusted, Derek wished he could
have seen how that looked.

Watching Dillan throw his head back, seeing the look of

ecstasy on his lean face as he came, caused Derek’s own balls
to pull tight. He saw the man’s body bow and shudder,
expressing his completely uninhibited bliss. Then, hearing
Dillan moan his name, Derek, oh fuck, yes, Derek, sent him
right over the edge.

Derek’s body jolted as he came again in such a short time,

fiery bliss cascading through his body. He moaned loudly,
clamping his eyes shut as he shuddered. On his knees before
Dillan, Derek rode out the second most intense orgasm of his
life. Panting harshly, he pried open his eyes and stared at the
man sprawled before him. He knew it was because of this

Confusion, embarrassment, and even shame flooded

Derek, warring with the bliss. He released his grip on not
only his own cock but Dillan’s penis. He clenched that hand,
fighting his urge to explore the softening appendage.
Instead, he grabbed his underwear and jerked the fabric
back into place, covering his spent dick. He groaned as the
wet cotton rubbed over his too sensitive appendage.

“Derek? You okay?”
Jerking his gaze to Dillan’s face, seeing his relaxed

expression slowly give way to concern, Derek stumbled to
his feet.

“Uh, y-yeah. No.” Derek frowned and shook his head.

“I’m gonna shower and go to sleep.”

As Derek scrambled out of the hot tub, he ignored Dillan.

He ignored the concern in the man’s tone when he called his

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name, and he ignored his desire to assure the man he was
fine...because he wasn’t. Beyond being confused and
ashamed, Derek didn’t know what he was.

In the span of an afternoon, Dillan had turned Derek’s

whole world upside down.

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Chapter Six

illan let out a slow breath as he watched his mate run
away from him. He resisted the urge to follow Derek.

While he’d much rather have spent the next hour holding
Derek as the human worked through his panic over his first
gay experience, Dillan realized this was something Derek
needed to muddle through on his own.

Gods, the possessiveness Dillan had felt upon learning his

mate had never been with another man. It had nearly been
overwhelming. He’d wanted to bend the man over the side
of the hot tub, lick his way into his sexy man’s ass, stretching
him with his tongue, before claiming him in every possible

Soon...I hope.
Rubbing his forehead, Dillan grimaced. Had he pushed

too hard? Maybe. Still, after over three and a half centuries
alone, then feeling his mate’s arms wrapped around him, his
body pressed along his backside, his heady aroma
surrounding’d been impossible to keep his distance.

Dillan shook his head at his eagerness. He hoped he

hadn’t ruined his chance with the man. No, he decided. He’d
find a way to get through to his handsome Derek.

Knowing he had other things to complete, Dillan stood

and climbed from the hot tub. He grabbed their clothes and
carried them into the house. Unable to help himself, he
pressed his nose to Derek’s shirt and inhaled his new lover’s

So good.


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His prick twitched between his legs, threatening to rise.

Deciding his mate would probably like to put on clean
clothes after showering, he left everything in the small
laundry room. He heard the shower start, so—after fishing
out Derek’s keys and wallet, left the dirty clothes on the

Next, Dillan wandered to his own room and grabbed a

pair of sweatpants. With Derek’s thicker frame, the sweats
might be a little tight, but that would only make him look
sexier. He stood outside the bathroom door and knocked

When he heard the water shut off, Dillan called, “I’m

leaving a pair of sweats on your bed. If you need anything
else, I’ll be on the back porch.” Without waiting for a
response, he turned and headed outside, grabbing his cell
phone on the way.

Dillan picked up his jeans and pulled them on. If he’d

been staying alone, he would have remained nude. Perhaps
once his mate was comfortable in their relationship, they
both could do that.

Smiling at that idea, Dillan grabbed one of the remaining

beers and settled into a seat. He awoke his phone and peered
at the screen. Seeing he had four missed calls, all from
Edwin, Dillan chuckled softly. He selected his godson’s
number and held the phone to his ear, waiting. It only took
one ring.

“Dillan? Is that you?”
Dillan grinned widely. “Of course, it’s me. Who else

would be calling you from my phone?”

“Well, you took a complete stranger home. Diana said he

looked like he was strung out on drugs. I was worried!”

“I did not!” Diana’s muffled cry could be heard in the

background. “I never said that!”

“You said he looked like he was strung out,” Edwin

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snapped, obviously no longer talking to Dillan. “That means

“No, it doesn’t,” Diana responded. “Sorry, Dillan!”
“It’s fine,” Dillan replied, shaking his head. “Edwin,


Edwin huffed. “Well? What’s this about him being your

mate? Did she at least get that right?” he snarked.

“Edwin,” Dillan growled in warning. “Tell me what’s

really bothering you.”

Sighing, Edwin muttered, “I haven’t seen you in six years.

You show up, say you’re going to spend a few days with me,
then disappear again.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Edwin,” Dillan murmured. “Now,

get your head out of your ass and be happy for me.”

Dillan heard a masculine snort in the background which

he guessed was Byron. It seemed Edwin’s mate was in the
room with him, now...or too. Dillan had no idea if Diana had

Edwin remained quiet for a few seconds, then he

mumbled, “I’m sorry, Godfather.”

“You’re forgiven,” Dillan responded.
It was an old custom. One they’d used many times over

the years as Dillan raised Edwin...on both sides. If one of
them did something thoughtless and stupid, the other
person could call them to the carpet on it. If no harm was
done and the first person apologized, then the second would
accept the apology. Then, they could both move on with a
clean slate. No grudges.

“So, tell me about this guy?” Edwin urged. “Byron hadn’t

recognized him. Who is he?”

“His name is Derek Sommers,” Dillan replied without

hesitation. Once his shifter secret was out to his godson, they
hadn’t hidden anything from each other. “He is new in
town, my guess having just arrived since he hadn’t even

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found a hotel room, yet. He’s in the midst of some kind of,
well—” He paused, wondering how much he should
actually share, since it wasn’t his story. Finally, he decided it
was safe to say, “I think there’s some family problems. His
father’s a bigot.”

“Wait. Did you say Sommers?”
Dillan nodded, even though he knew Edwin couldn’t see

it. “He says he has a brother in town. One that had been
kicked out of the family,” he told Edwin. “I’m thinking he’s
trying to figure out how to make amends.”

“Deke,” Edwin mumbled.
“What?” Dillan scowled, confused. “No, Derek.”
“No,” Edwin countered. “Deke Sommers is mated to the

wolf shifter Luther. Word around the pack is that he has an
estranged brother.” His tone took on a speculative quality,
his analytical mind probably going at full speed. “What do
you want to bet your Derek is the brother?”

My Derek.
Dillan liked the sound of that.
“Hmmm,” Dillan mused. “That very well could be. He’s

finishing up a shower and then heading back to sleep right
now.” Hearing his stomach rumble, he realized that, once
again, he’d forgotten to cook food. “Damn.”

“Uh, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, I’d just planned to cook for him and got a little

distracted,” Dillan admitted. “I wonder if he wants
something before going to sleep.”

“Maybe soup or a grilled cheese,” Edwin teased.
Dillan chuckled. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Look,

we’ll need to pick up his car tomorrow. Why don’t we meet
you tomorrow for breakfast?”

“We? You want to introduce him to us already?”
“Actually,” Dillan began, an idea forming. “Would Byron

be willing to contact his pack-mate Luther and set up a
surprise meeting at the diner? Well, it’ll be a surprise for

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Derek, anyway,” he continued, thinking out loud. “I assume
Luther won’t want to keep the fact that Deke’s brother is in
town away from his mate?”

“Probably not,” Byron said, his voice a bit echoey, making

Dillan realize that Edwin must have put him on speaker
phone. “Are you certain you want to spring something like
that on your mate? Won’t it just cause problems later on if he
finds out?”

Dillan sighed. Yeah, he hadn’t thought this entirely

through. “You’re right. It could cause problems, but—” He
frowned, remembering how Derek had been evasive,
defensive, hell—even self-recriminating—regarding his
family dynamics. “I’m not certain he...” Dillan sighed, then
told him, “I’ll deal with that when he figures it out.”

“Very well,” Byron responded. “I’ll give them both a call.

I’m sure this will be just as hard on Deke, depending on why
they were estranged.”

“Wait, wait,” Dillan said, waving his hand. “How about a

new plan. Would you come by early tomorrow? I’ll make
breakfast if you bring Derek his car.”

“Good morning,” Derek murmured.
Dillan didn’t miss how his mate wouldn’t meet his eyes as

he walked into the dining room. Nor did Derek join him in
the kitchen, although he did see the longing in his
expression as he gazed at the coffee pot.

Deciding to nip the awkwardness in the bud, Dillan

swept his gaze over Derek’s body. His hair was slightly
mussed, his arms were crossed over his chest, and he wore
only Dillan’s sweatpants. Just as Dillan had figured they’d
be, the sweatpants were a bit tight...showing off everything.

“You look sexy in my sweatpants,” Dillan stated. “The

fact that they’re a bit small shows how you’re not wearing
underwear.” He hummed. “Fucking sexy.” Then, with one

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hand he pulled a clean mug from a cupboard and set it on
the counter. With his other hand, he held the coffee carafe
over the mug. “Coffee?”

For several long seconds, Derek just stared at him, his

eyes wide. Finally, he jerked a nod. “Y-Yeah. Yeah, thanks.”

As Dillan poured the coffee into the mug, he asked,

“Cream? Sugar? Milk?”

“Uh, no. Black is fine,” Derek replied.
Dillan nodded. He pointed to one of the wooden bar

stools on the other side of the counter. “Sit. Drink your

He slid the mug across the counter to a position in front of

where he knew one of the stools was situated. Dillan
watched with most of his attention while he refilled his own
mug. He waited until after Derek had taken a sip of his
coffee and placed his mug back on the counter.

Then, leaning on the counter opposite him, Dillan closed

the distance between them. He held his own mug between
his palms as he stared at Derek. Dillan waited until Derek
looked at him.

Smiling, Dillan stated, “There is no elephant in the room,

Derek.” He softened his voice to a throaty purr. “I am
attracted to you, and I know you are attracted to me.” Seeing
Derek suck in a shocked gasp as his eyes went wide, Dillan’s
smile widened into a grin. “While soon I do plan to show
you how pleasurable it feels to have my dick in your ass,”
Dillan rumbled, narrowing his eyes as he carefully watched
Derek’s response. “If you’d like to know what it feels like to
fuck me, I will bend over for your cock any time.”

Derek had a white-knuckled grip on his mug as he stared

wide-eyed at Dillan. “H-How can you just blurt out shit like

Dillan chuckled roughly. “I am...a few years older than

you, Derek. I came to grips with my desire for men long

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ago.” He gave him a wry smile. “From what you said last
night about your father kicking out your brother, I’m going
to assume that your family would not approve of a
relationship between the two of us.”

“Most definitely not,” Derek immediately whispered.
Humming and nodding, Dillan eyed his mate. “And what

about you? Have you come to grips with what happened
last night?” He smiled as he watched the warm flush creep
up Derek’s cheeks. “Because I sure would love to explore
your delectable body.” He winked. “I’d do all the work. All
you’d have to do is lie there and enjoy.”

“What if I wanted to touch, too?” Derek’s eyes widened,

as if shocked he’d said that out loud.

Dillan leaned further across the counter until Derek’s face

was inches from his own. “You, sexy man, can do anything
to me you want.” He saw Derek’s nostrils flare, heard his
sharply indrawn breath, smelled his arousal, and Dillan’s
own lust surged in response. “I’d let you feed me your dick.
I’d suck it better than you have ever experienced. I’d lick
your balls and eat your ass. I bet I could make you come just
from my tongue in your channel.” He narrowed his eyes and
continued, “Or maybe, you’d like to lie out under the stars
and watch the world turn as I licked every single inch of
your body.”

“Oh, my God,” Derek breathed. His pupils were dilated

as he straightened, lifted his coffee to his lips, and downed
nearly half of it. Still panting, he licked his lips, met Dillan’s
gaze, and whispered, “No matter how much I try to tell
myself it was just because I was hard up last night, I can’t
get it out of my head. I loved how it felt to be touched by
you, to touch you, and I get hard every time I think about
doing it again.”

“You can do it again,” Dillan crooned. “Any time you

want, I will give you what you need.”

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“I don’t—” Derek paused his brows furrowed. “I don’t

live here. You don’t live here. I—”

“Ah, but we could, right?” Dillan pushed. “We both have

family here. We’d have each other. We wouldn’t be alone,”
he pointed out. “What do you really feel is the trouble?”

“My parents. My dad says I’m engaged,” Derek blurted

out. While that shocked Dillan, Derek continued with, “My
mom will be devastated if I don’t go through with it. Ever
since my dad disowned Deke, she’s been driving me to
marry and have kids. I-I hate the woman. Jennifer Davidson.
I never dated her, but I’ve always allowed my dad to control
my decisions. I wanted to be a good son, to please him.”

Derek lifted his head and focused on Dillan, his

expression bleak. “I made a mistake when I was in college.
At least, that’s what he tells me. He has a police file that he
bought off an officer to keep me from being charged with
drunk driving and grand theft auto.” His face colored as he
once again focused on his coffee. “I don’t really remember.
There was a party.” Derek licked his lips, then admitted, “I
don’t drink much anymore. A beer or two, like last night, is
about it.” He scoffed and stared out the window into the
woods and muttered, “I don’t even drink on the golf course
anymore. You wouldn’t believe the shit that my clients and
coworkers say after they’ve had a few drinks.”

“You don’t remember stealing a car?” Dillan ignored the

rest of what he man said. That could all be dealt with. His
mate had said he was a lawyer. If he ended up being
charged with a felony, he’d lose his license. “What do you

Derek shrugged and shook his head before downing the

last of his coffee.

Dillan quickly refilled his mate’s mug.
“Nothing,” Derek mumbled. He lifted his gaze to stare at

Dillan. “Just like hundreds of dumb college students every

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year, I went to a kegger and drank. I was under age, only
twenty at the time.” He sighed and glared into his coffee. “I
woke up in the backseat of a car, halfway across campus. I
don’t know how I got there, but when I woke up, my dad
was already there with a cop and he ushered me home. I
never went to jail, but any time I got close to fucking up, my
dad was damn quick to remind me of the police file in his

Narrowing his gaze, Dillan tried not to show just how

fishy that whole thing sounded. “Uh, how do you know
there’s a file? Did you read it?” he ventured.

“No,” Derek muttered, sounding wary.
Dillan couldn’t help it. He had to ask. “Then how do you

know there actually is a police file?”

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Chapter Seven

y father showed it to me once,” Derek replied
instantly. He frowned at Dillan. “I’m not an idiot,”

he snapped. Sighing, Derek stared at his mug as Dillan
refilled it. “It’s too early for this conversation. Can’t we just
talk about the elephant?”

Dillan snorted. “You’d prefer we talk about sex as

opposed to why you think you can’t have sex with me?”

“It’s better than talking about my youthful stupidity that

my dad still uses to blackmail me,” Derek grumbled. He
closed his eyes and inhaled the coffee’s bitter aroma. Head
bowed, Derek figured a man like the one across from him—a
man with his life obviously together, who’d raised a child,
from the sounds of it—probably thought he was being
stupid. “You probably think I’m so young and foolish.”

“Young, yes,” Dillan responded softly. “Foolish, no.”
Derek felt Dillan’s hands wrap around his own where he

gripped his mug. “Handsome and sexy, hell yes.” His voice
lowered even more, taking on a husky tone. “So, we remove
this file from your father’s possession and see what it truly
says. Then, you can decide to do whatever the hell you want
without his interference. How’s that sound?”

Jerking up his head, Derek opened his eyes to find

Dillan’s face inches from his own. His green eyes appeared
to glitter with the intensity of his stare. Dillan was close
enough that with each breath he took, Derek felt the warm
puff of air against his lips.

Derek wanted to lean forward and taste those lips, that


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mouth. Would it taste of the coffee they were drinking?
Would his lips be rougher than a woman’s? Dillan had a thin would that feel?

Wait, what were we talking about?
“Remove the file? H-How?” Derek whispered. “How

would we do that? Why would you even want to get
involved in my mess?”

A smile curved Dillan’s lips. “My family has a few odd

quirks of our own,” he told him. “When we meet someone
we like, we want to solve all their problems and to take care
of them.” He leaned forward, closing the distance just a bit.

Upon hearing Dillan’s words, Derek scowled. “I’m a man.

I’m supposed to take care of my own problems.”

Dillan’s brows shot up, then down again as his eyes

narrowed. “Is that something your father says, too?”

Derek opened his mouth to deny it, except... “Uh, yeah.”

Damn, why hadn’t he thought of that?

“Getting help from friends does not make you any less a

man, Derek,” Dillan stated firmly. “It just means you have a
good support system. Friends. People who care about you.”
He grinned. “Hell, to do this, I plan to ask for help from an
old army buddy of mine.”

“You were in the army?” That would certainly explain

this man’s fit form and confidence.

“I was,” Dillan confirmed. “I’ll tell you all about it

another time. Right now—”

Dillan didn’t finish his thought. He lifted his hand from

where it still rested around Derek’s own. Before Derek had a
chance to miss Dillan’s touch, the older man cupped his jaw.
Dillan closed the distance between them and pressed his lips
to Derek’s.

While Derek had wanted just that, he still gasped in

surprise. He felt Dillan lap lightly at his bottom lip, playfully
almost. Part of Derek, the part freaked out by finally giving
in to his buried desires, wanted to pull away. The rest of

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him, the part desperate to feel close to someone, to soothe
the loneliness he’d battle for so very long, urged him to grab
Dillan and deepen the kiss.

The second voice won.
Derek lifted his left hand and mirrored Dillan’s move,

cupping his jaw. Tilting his head, he opened wider and
slipped his tongue out to touch against Dillan’s own. He
lapped at the other man’s appendage, then thrust his own
tongue into Dillan’s mouth.

Dillan’s masculine taste burst across Derek’s taste buds.

He moaned at the deep flavor and swept his tongue around
his new lover’s mouth, wanting more. He felt Dillan slide his
own tongue against Derek’s, tangling them together.

Moaning into the other man’s mouth, Derek pushed

harder. He pulled the other man’s tongue into his mouth
and sucked the appendage, reveling in the combined flavors
of man and coffee. The taste enflamed his blood, sending it
roaring south to his prick. Hard as nails in seconds, Derek’s
engorged cock throbbed almost painfully, soaking the front
of his borrowed sweats with pre-cum as he battled
aggressively for control of the kiss.

Derek nipped at Dillan’s bottom lip. He sucked Dillan’s

tongue. He released the appendage as he slid his hand from
Dillan’s jaw into his hair. He tightened his grip on the short
strands and tugged.

Dillan grunted.
Jerking back, ending the kiss, Derek stared at the man.

He’d worried he’d hurt him, but seeing the passionate glaze
over Dillan’s eyes eased his concern. Dillan was enjoying
this just as much as Derek was.

“Holy shit,” Derek whispered. “Never kissed anyone like


Dillan grinned, seeming to ignore how his head was kept

at an odd angle by Derek’s hold. “You can kiss me like that

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anytime, handsome.”

“Hell, yeah,” Derek growled.
Derek began to lower his head to renew their passionate

lip lock. Upon hearing the sound of a vehicle approaching,
he paused and frowned. “Who?”

“I made a few calls after we separated last night,” Dillan

explained. “My godson and his husband stopped by around
six this morning and picked up your keys. That’s probably
them, bringing your vehicle here.” He cleared his throat and
gave him a sheepish expression. “I was going to tell you, but
we got a bit distracted.”

“I liked the distraction,” Derek blurted out. Feeling his

face heat, he released his hold on Dillan’s hair and
straightened. “Uh, sorry.”

Dillan released Derek’s jaw and straightened as well.

“Don’t apologize for something we both enjoyed,” he chided
softly. “Come on. Let’s get food cooking.”

“Uh, I don’t suppose you have larger sweats or a shirt?”

Derek asked, looking down at his erection tenting the fabric.
He adjusted himself and cleared his throat. “Um, so they
don’t, uh—” His face felt like it was on fire and he couldn’t
finish his thought.

Dillan nodded. “I washed your jeans and shirt. They’re in

the back room there, if you want to change,” he said,
pointing toward a room behind the kitchen.

Derek nodded. “Thanks,” he said.
He quickly strode through the kitchen and into what

appeared to be a mud room. Seeing his clothes folded on the
dryer, he picked up his t-shirt and pulled it over his head.
He tucked his thumbs into his waistband and prepared to
pull it over his erection and off, but the hairs on the back of
his neck stood on end.

Looking to the right, Derek saw Dillan leaning against the

counter. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he

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blatantly stared at Derek. Upon seeing Derek looking at him,
Dillan grinned and lifted one brow.

Derek recognized a challenge when he saw one. Dillan

wanted to know if he’d strip in front of him. Narrowing his
eyes, Derek held his gaze as he pushed the sweats down,
kicking them off his feet.

Dillan licked his lips, his gaze focused on Derek’s

erection. Derek’s body responded instinctively to that look.
He felt his cock twitch as a bead of pre-cum oozed from him.
Derek ached to grab his erection and stroke himself to

“Oh, that is such a pretty, pretty sight,” Dillan rumbled

just loud enough for Derek to hear. “I want to suck you like
a lollipop, Derek. I bet your cum tastes better than your

Derek shuddered at Dillan’s words. He gripped his cock

and jacked himself once, twice, unable to help himself. Need
surged through him. Need to experience exactly what Dillan

Growling, Dillan pushed away from the counter and

stalked toward him. His green eyes glowed and his own
erection tented his sweats. “Tell me no now, Derek,” he
stated gruffly. “Because once I get my hands on you, my
mouth on you, I won’t stop until I drink you down.”

Unable to find his tongue, his mouth dry with

anticipation, Derek just stared at the man.

Dillan kicked the door closed, enclosing them in the small

room. He hummed softly as he closed the last couple of feet
between them. With impressive fluidity, Dillan lowered to
his knees at Derek’s feet.

Holding up his hands, Dillan reached toward him. He

paused, his fingers an inch from Derek. “Last chance,”
Dillan whispered harshly. “Once I taste you, I won’t let you
go so easily.” His green eyes were heavily dilated with his

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own want. “I will give you so much pleasure, fulfill your
desires, you won’t ever want to leave.”

Swallowing hard at Dillan’s possessive words, Derek

finally found his voice. “Wh-What about your guests?”

“They will wait outside until I invite them in,” Dillan

responded confidently. He placed his palms on Derek’s hips,
using his thumbs to trace the muscular vee at the base of his
abs. Dillan lifted his gaze and met Derek’s eyes. “Tell me
you want to be mine.”

Derek’s heart thudded in his chest. Want unlike anything

he’d ever experienced filled him. Something in the man’s
sure touch, the strong cut of his jaw, and his steady gaze told
Derek that Dillan would fulfill his word.

“Yes,” he whispered, unable help himself. He wanted

what this man offered more than he needed air to breathe. “I
want to be yours.”

“Soon,” Dillan vowed. “You will be.”
Derek groaned when Dillan opened his mouth, stuck out

his tongue, and swiped it over the crown of his cock. The
warm, mobile appendage moved across his sensitive flesh,
sending tingles down his stalk and through his groin. He
moaned as goose bumps spread over his skin.

Lifting his gaze, Dillan peered at Derek through his

lashes. A smile curved his lips around his tongue. Then, he
leaned forward and swallowed Derek to the root.

Derek shouted as Dillan’s mouth encased his throbbing

dick in warm, wet, sucking heat. When Dillan drew partway
off him, Derek instinctively bucked. He sank his prick back
into the man’s pleasure-giving heat.

Dillan hummed, and Derek moaned upon feeling the

older man vibrate his cock. Tightening his grip on Derek’s
hips, Dillan’s fingertips dug into his skin. When Dillan
slowly drew off Derek’s cock, this time, he held him steady.

Panting hard, Derek stared down at where his prick

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stretched Dillan’s mouth. His shaft gleamed with the man’s
spit while his head remained lodged in Dillan’s mouth. His
lips curving obscenely around just Derek’s flared head,
Dillan smiled up at him. Then, he sucked...hard.

Derek shuddered at the feel of the power behind Dillan’s

suckling. He felt as if the man were trying to pull his cum
from his balls and his dick was the straw. When Dillan
pressed his tongue to the wrinkled flesh beneath his cap.

Pleasure-pain erupted through his cap, causing Derek to

grunt. The base of his spine tingled, sending a zing of
pleasure up his spine. Derek reached behind him and
grabbed the dryer for want of something to hold onto.

Dillan released his hips and opened his mouth, allowing

Derek’s cock to slip from between his lips. A line of spit
stretched from his mouth to the tip of Derek’s cock as it
bounced up. When it slapped against his abs, the strand

Derek found his tongue. “Wh-Why?” He thought his

voice sounded whiney, but he couldn’t help it. He’d been so
close. Dillan’s mouth felt far better, looked far more
amazing, than any woman’s...ever. “Wh-Why’d you stop?”

“So I could tell you that you’re welcome to touch me,”

Dillan told him. He licked his lips and smiled as he reached
out and gripped Derek’s wrists. “Now that I’ve tortured you
a little, I think it’s time you took what you want, don’t you?”

Dillan tugged Derek’s hands off of the washer and pulled

them toward his own head. He placed Derek’s hands on
Dillan’s shoulders, then released him. Next, Dillan grabbed
the base of Derek’s dick and brought the head back to his
mouth. He peered up at him through his lashes as he kissed
the head.

“Now, fuck my mouth with this pretty cock of yours

while I play with your balls.”

Derek moaned and nodded. Nothing had ever sounded

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so fantastic. He wanted to drive his cock into Dillan’s mouth,
bury himself in his throat and coat his throat with his seed.

Dillan opened his mouth and sucked him in. He placed

his left hand on Derek’s hip, lightly holding, probably to
keep himself steady. As he reached out with his other hand
and palmed Derek’s balls, Dillan swallowed his prick down
to the root. He slowly drew off, sucking lightly, as he
fondled Derek’s orbs through the sensitive skin of his sacks.

Groaning, Derek’s hips jerked. This time, Dillan massaged

the skin of his groin, encouraging him instead of stopping
him. Derek’s control snapped at the sensual sight and feel of

Derek thrust, driving his dick into Dillan’s mouth. When

he pulled back out, Dillan sucked hard, exerting the most
exquisite pressure on him. Wanting to feel that again, Derek
slid his hands up and cupped Dillan’s jaw. He started
snapping his hips, sinking into his lover’s mouth over and

Dillan kept up with him. He sucked strongly each time

Derek pulled out and tickled the wrinkled skin beneath his
cap every time he sank back into his mouth. Somehow,
Dillan even managed to swallow around the cap of his prick
each time he lodged his head into his throat.

When Dillan rolled his balls, the combination of

sensations became too much. His testicles felt as if they were
sucked up by his body. His cock erupted, his seed expelling
from his shaft in pulses of nearly painful bliss. Dillan
swallowed around him, humming, drinking his seed down
swiftly as if it was so good he didn’t want to miss a drop.

Finally, Derek’s orgasm eased, leaving him floating on

heady waves of endorphins. His softening penis grew too
sensitive and he grunted and shuddered.

Evidently reading Derek’s responses, Dillan allowed his

dick to slip from his lips. He rose to his feet, sliding his

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hands to Dillan’s bare ass as he did so. Gripping and
squeezing his globes, Dillan pulled their groins flush

At some point, Dillan must have shoved his own sweats

down below his balls, for he pressed his naked groin against
Derek’s. Feeling a hard, thick erection pressed against him
for the first time, his softened prick twitched as if readying
for round two.

Dillan slowly began to rock against him, grinding his

erection along the groove of Derek’s thigh. Releasing his
right hand’s hold on his ass, Dillan gripped Derek’s neck as
he rested his forehead against Derek’s own.

“That was the best fucking breakfast I’ve ever had,”

Dillan whispered. “You are so fucking sexy in passion.”

Derek felt his face flush at Dillan’s words as he thought

his lover’s voice sounded a bit hoarse. Perhaps from his
rough treatment, which was a sexy-as-fuck thought.

“I can’t wait to fuck you and feel your tight ass wrapped

around my hard cock,” Dillan continued. As he spoke, he
rubbed his prick against Derek harder. “I want to fill your
ass with my seed, just like you coated my throat.”

Derek’s ass clenched upon hearing Dillan’s words and he

moaned. At that moment in time, he was almost ready to
beg for just that.

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Chapter Eight

illan rutted against Derek. His mate’s sweaty and spit-
slicked groin felt fantastic against his throbbing shaft.

He wished he could pick his mate up, set him on the washer,
and bury himself hilt-deep in his tight ass. Unfortunately,
Dillan knew now wasn’t the time...and his mate wasn’t

Instead, Dillan rocked against Derek, keeping a smooth

steady pace that he knew would quickly bring him to

Using his grip on Derek’s neck, Dillan captured his mate’s

mouth. He pushed his tongue between Derek’s lips. He
reveled up hearing Derek’s moan, knowing his lover could
taste himself on his tongue and seemed to enjoy it.

Dillan felt his balls draw up. He’d almost come from

tasting his mate’s seed and knew this wouldn’t take long.
Breaking the kiss, Dillan stared into Derek’s eyes. He
watched his lover sweep his gaze over Dillan’s face, his face
flushed as he panted softly.

Derek eased his grip on his shoulder blades. Then, he slid

one hand down Dillan’s spine and teased the top of his
crease. Staring into Dillan’s eyes, Derek whispered, “I’m not
the only person who’s gonna get fucked.”

Surprise shot through Dillan and another wave of lust

burst within him. The image of Derek drilling him with the
long, thick cock he’d just had in his mouth flashed across his
mind. His balls pulled tight and his orgasm washed over


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Dillan’s cock spurted, soaking the front of Derek’s shirt

with his seed. Waves of heady bliss pulsed through his body
in time with his spurts. Moaning softly, Dillan rested his
head against Derek’s shoulder. He nuzzled his lover’s neck,
licking and nipping the warm flesh, the urge to bite his mate
nagging at him like an itch he couldn’t scratch.

Instead, Dillan enjoyed the feel of Derek’s arms around

him. He held his mate close and reveled in the knowledge of
their combined scents. Dillan loved that any shifter that
came close would know that Derek was Dillan’s.

“I don’t know if I should feel grateful or jealous of all

those other guys,” Derek whispered.

Dillan lifted his head. Staring into Derek’s eyes, he used

his thumb to gently massage the pulse point of his mate’s
neck. He saw the rueful look on Derek’s face and cocked his
head, trying to understand it.

“What do you mean?”
“You suck like a pro hoover, so I should be grateful,”

Derek replied, his face turning a light shade of pink. “On the
other hand, it means you’ve been with...well, a lot of

Clearing his throat, Dillan nodded slowly. “I can

understand that predicament,” he murmured. Hell, he
couldn’t even count the number of people he’d fucked and
been fucked by over the past three-hundred-plus years.
Seeing Derek’s grimace and guessing by that look and by his
scent that it stemmed from insecurity, Dillan assured,
“While I do have plenty of experience, I will never stray.
You are it for me.” Then, his eyes narrowed. “Just as I will be
it for you,” he growled. The idea of another touching his
mate setting off every possessive instinct he had. “No other
will touch you.”

Derek’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth, then closed

it again. Furrowing his brows, he whispered, “How can you

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be so certain so fast?”

Realizing he couldn’t explain about shifters and mates

just yet—hell, he needed to get his ass out on the front porch
and invite his godson in—Dillan decided to say, “I will
explain this to you, but I think my godson is probably
getting impatient right about now.”

Gaping, Derek’s face turned beet red. “Shit. I totally

forgot they were out there.”

Dillan chuckled softly. “Ditch the shirt. We’ll toss it back

in the wash,” he advised as he eased away from Derek.

He slid his sweats up his hips just enough to keep them

on without putting them over his cock and balls before
opening the door to the kitchen. He quickly made certain it
was empty before crossing to the sink. While he was ninety-
nine percent certain Edwin and Byron wouldn’t enter
without permission, that didn’t mean that one percent
couldn’t happen.

After he grabbed the dishtowel from a drawer, he soaked

it with water and rung it out, then he gave his cock, balls,
and abs a quick wipe-down. He wanted the sight of the
semen gone, but didn’t care so much about the smell. Once
visibly clean, he rinsed out the towel, and returned to Derek.

Seeing his mate completely naked, his mostly flaccid dick

lying against his left thigh, Dillan nearly swallowed his
tongue. He paused for an instant and admired the view as
Derek rubbed his once again dirty shirt over his abs.

Dillan wasn’t certain what Derek did to work out, but it

showed. His abs were even more defined than his own. His
arm muscles bulged. His thick thighs looked like he spent
hours every day doing leg presses.

“Holy shit, Derek,” Dillan whispered, finding his tongue.

Seeing Derek pause and look up at him in surprise, he
smiled in appreciation. His mate had no idea of his appeal.
“You are fucking stunning, handsome. I thought you were a

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lawyer. Do you spend the rest of your time in the gym?”

Derek’s cheeks pinked and he looked down at his own

body. “Uh, just, you know, to work out to blow off steam.”

“Well, it certainly shows,” Dillan stated, closing the

distance between them. “Here.” Without asking, Dillan
pressed the warm, wet cloth to Derek’s abs. He smiled upon
hearing his mate’s sharply indrawn breath, but that didn’t
stop him from rubbing the cloth over his skin. Lifting his
gaze to Derek’s wide brown eyes, Dillan narrowed his own
and huskily whispered, “Part of the fun is clean-up

Derek grunted. His chest heaved as his breathing sped up

and the abs under Dillan’s touch quivered. When Dillan
lowered the cloth to gently rub his mate’s cock and balls,
Derek moaned. To Dillan’s pride, his mate’s prick stirred,
reacting to his touch.

Gasping, Derek pulled away from him. Putting a couple

of steps between them, he grabbed his jeans and started
yanking them on. “Th-That’s good.”

Dillan met Derek’s furtive glances, hoping he looked

innocent...sort of. Derek’s face again flushed pink, betraying
his innocence. Dillan truly loved that about his mate. While
a grown man, his mate still had a somewhat limited,
innocent view of sex.

Shrugging, Dillan stated, “I do love how you respond to

me, Derek. I can’t resist touching you.”

“Well, uh, your-your godson is waiting, uh, what’s his


“Edwin. His name is Edwin Aldridge,” Dillan told him,

tossing the towel in the basket beside the washer. He noted
Derek had helped himself and threw his t-shirt in there as
well. Dillan liked that. “Edwin’s partner is Byron Ziegler.
I’m not certain if Byron’s half-sister Diana will be with them.
She was the one on the motorcycle with me yesterday. She’d

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never been on one before and wanted a ride.”

As Dillan pulled up sweats into a comfortable position

low on his hips, he headed toward the kitchen, calling over
his shoulder, “If you want to go to my bedroom, you’re
welcome to rummage through my drawers for a shirt.” He
paused in the doorway and turned back to grin widely at his
lover. “Of course, none of them would be surprised to find
that we’re both shirtless, so don’t get dressed because you
think they expect modesty.”

Without waiting for a response, Dillan headed through

the door into the kitchen. He took a moment to start a new
pot of coffee, then he headed to the front door. Opening it,
Dillan stepped out on the front porch.

Dillan spotted Edwin and Byron arguing in front of a

vehicle he didn’t recognize. Edwin had his hands on his hips
and scowled at Byron. Byron wore a long-suffering
expression as he reached out, placed his hands on Edwin’s
upper arms, and rubbed them.

Hearing Edwin say his name as well as some human and

Derek and trust him, Dillan decided to give the couple a
minute. Looking around, he spotted Diana sitting on the
front porch swing. She had her foot on the railing and gently
rocked the swing. Diana smirked at him.

Dillan crooked a finger and beckoned her. She rose, so he

backed up a step and headed back into the house. He waited
in the foyer and made certain she left the door open.
Eventually, Edwin would come up for air from his irritation
and he’d realized the open door and the missing Diana
meant come on it. In the meantime, Dillan would start

“Good morning, Diana,” Dillan greeted, once inside the

house. He stepped forward and gave her a quick hug. “Sorry
to keep you waiting.”

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Diana snickered and gave him a knowing look. “Yes, you

have had a good morning,” she teased, sniffing him. “No
wonder you kept us waiting. I would have, too.” She winked
and grinned.

Snorting, Dillan grumbled, “Don’t say anything to Derek.


“Oh, a shy boy,” Diana responded playfully. “That’ll be

so much fun.”

“Diana,” Dillan rumbled in warning.
Diana’s laughter tinkled through the front room. “Oh,

please,” she said, grinning happily. “As if I’d do anything to
jeopardize your bonding.”

“Good,” Dillan grumbled, frowning. He cleared his

expression. “Now, you can help me make breakfast.”

Still smirking, Diana responded, “You haven’t started

breakfast?” She laid her hand across her breast. “Why ever

“Smart ass.”
Listening to Diana snicker happily, Dillan led the way

into the kitchen. “Grab the bacon and eggs out of the fridge.
I’m going to heat up the oven to cook the hash brown
patties, then I’ll heat up the skillet.” As he spoke, Dillan
placed a metal flat iron over two of the burners and turned
them on. “And the butter,” he added, turning on the oven.

“Sure thing,” Diana said. “Think fast.”
Dillan turned just in time to see Diana tossing the tub of

butter at him. He easily caught it. He managed to frown in
Diana’s direction for just an instant before he cracked up,
chuckling. Shaking his head, Dillan pulled out a knife,
popped open the container lid, then sliced a few tabs and
tossed them along the flat metal surface.

Turning, Dillan saw that Diana held out the package of

premade, frozen hash brown patties. He took it and set it on

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the counter. Next, he pulled out a cookie sheet. After
spraying it with cooking spray, he arranged ten hash brown
rectangles on the sheet before shoving it into the oven.

Dillan pulled a timer from a bottom drawer, twisted the

dial, and set it on the counter. Then, he turned and froze. He
saw Derek standing at the counter watching him, his
uncertainty clear.

Setting down the package of bacon and carton of eggs

Diana had just handed to him, Dillan grabbed a paper towel
from the role. He wiped his hands as he crossed to his lover.

“Hey, handsome,” Dillan greeted. He reached out and

touched Derek’s jaw with his fingertips, pleased when he
didn’t flinch. Instead, just his cheeks turned pink in that
endearing response Dillan loved so much. “Will you set the
table for me?” he asked. “There should be—”

“Seven of us,” Diana cut in. She stopped next to Dillan

and held out her hand. “I’m Diana Ziegler. You’re looking
better after a good night’s rest.” She smiled and added,
“Death warmed over, flipped and heated in the oven.”

Derek’s eyes widened. His jaw slackened.
Dillan grabbed Diana and pulled her backward breaking

their handshake. “That’s enough, funny girl,” he grumbled.
“Go start the bacon,” he added. He released her, pleased at
least that she giggled, and pointed toward the bacon on the
counter. “Start cooking, wench.”

Diana blew a raspberry, the turned and flounced the

couple of steps it took her to reach the food. Smiling and
shaking his head, Dillan turned back to Derek. “I could use
someone to toast the bread, too,” he told him. “You don’t
mind, do you?”

A relieved look appeared on Derek’s face and he nodded.

“I’d be happy to set the table and make the toast.”

Dillan resisted the urge to round the counter and kiss his

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sexy mate. The human had somehow managed to locate his
one and only tank top. Fucking hell, the black fabric
showcased Derek’s arm muscles and pectorals to perfection.
Dillan couldn’t help licking his lips at the beautiful sight.

“You’re so fucking sexy, handsome,” Dillan rumbled.

“Now,” he continued, winking. “Let’s get breakfast started.
We have a few others who will be joining us.” Pointing at
the cupboard, Dillan told him, “Just make yourself at home.
The dishes are in there. Pull out enough for seven.”

Derek nodded, then his brows furrowed and he cocked

his head. “Wait. Seven?”

Dillan grimace. “Yeah, I, uh, have something to confess.”
The door banged and Edwin shouted, “Dillan, what the

hell? How come you didn’t holler at us?”

Shaking his head, Dillan sighed. He kept his gaze on his

lover and whispered, “I’m sorry for any surprises,” gave
him a grimace, then turned and looked at his godson.
“Edwin, Byron, join us.”

“We’re not alone, Dillan,” Edwin stated, his gaze serious
Returning his focus to the front door, Dillan spotted a pair

of strangers standing just inside the doorway. While one
looked shocked beyond belief, the other had his arm
wrapped around his shoulders and appeared to be
comforting him. Dillan saw that man whisper something
into the first man’s ear, but he was too busy turning around
so he could focus on Derek...his mate’s scent drawing his

“Deke!” Derek whispered his brother’s name, clearly


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Chapter Nine

ulling his gaze away from Deke, Derek shifted his focus
to Dillan. “H-How?” He frowned, trying to process not

only everything that had happened in the last twenty-four
hours, but the fact that his brother was standing just inside
the foyer, watching him uncertainly. “How do you know my
brother? I thought you weren’t from around here.”

“I’m not,” Dillan confirmed. “But Byron has lived around

here for decades. He knows Luther and he recognized your
last name.”

Derek nodded slowly. That made sense, small towns and

all. Slowly, he made his way to where Deke and Luther
waited until he stood a few feet in front of his brother. For all
the times he’d imagined this, coming up with just the right
apology, his words failed him.

Then, Deke closed the last few steps. He grabbed him and

wrapped him in a tight hug.

Choking back a sob of relief, Derek held his brother,

returning his hug. “I’m so sorry,” Derek whispered before
his throat closed.

“Me, too,” Deke muttered.
Finally, Derek eased his hold on his brother. He took a

step back and rested his hands on Deke’s shoulders. Smiling
down at his shorter sibling, Derek took in his tanned
features, artfully messy do, and the eyeliner and lip gloss.
The radiant grin on Deke’s face as he peered up at him
settled something that Derek hadn’t even known he’d been


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“Married life looks good on you,” Derek told him. He

glanced toward Deke’s partner, then returned his focus to
his brother. “Has Luther been treating you well?”

If possible, Deke’s grin widened even more. His face

flushed a bit under his tan and he replied, “Oh, yeah. Luther
treats me very, very well.” He added a little eyebrow waggle
to accentuate his words, so there’d be no mistake to what
Deke referred.

Derek chuckled. “Good. Michael was an ass, little

brother.” He cupped Deke’s cheek and sobered as he added,
“I’m glad you ditched him and found someone worthy.”

“Me, too,” Deke replied wryly. Then he cocked his head.

“How’d you know about Michael?”

Grimacing, Derek admitted, “I tracked down where you

lived and worked months ago.” He felt his face flush, but he
had to be honest. “I wasn’t...I wasn’t ready to go against
dad, yet, but I wanted to know where you you
were doing.” He swallowed hard, then muttered, “I’m sorry
it took me so long to get my head out of my ass.”

Deke nodded slowly. He grimaced and pulled away,

heading to a sofa in the family room.

Following his brother, Derek sat on the other side of the

sofa, angling his body to face him. He noted that everyone
else appeared to be busy in the kitchen and dining room. He
appreciated at least getting the appearance of privacy from

“It hurt, ya know?” Deke admitted. “But I lived.” He

sighed as he turned to look at him, tucking one foot under
his butt. “I stayed with Dirk for a while before getting my
own place. At least, I wasn’t stupid enough to move in with
Michael when he asked,” he finished dryly.

“Yes, but you moved in with Luther awfully quickly,

didn’t you?” Derek watched Deke’s brows shoot up and he
realized how that had sounded. “Sorry,” he muttered. “I

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slipped right back into the overprotective big brother role
damn fast, didn’t I?”

Deke chuckled, not looking at all upset. “It’s actually

kinda refreshing to hear.” He smiled. “Been a long time.”

Smiling, Derek nodded. “Yeah,” he softly agreed. Guilt

flooded him, but he knew you couldn’t change the past and
he could only apologize so many times. Clearing his throat,
he searched for something to say. “In that case, how did you
know so quickly?”

“Know?” Deke scowled. “Know what?”
“That Luther was the one?” Derek asked, nodding toward

the big blond who chatted with Byron while helping to set
the table.

“That’s a pretty loaded question,” Deke responded

slowly. His brows furrowed as he glanced furtively toward
the men—and Diana—who were cooking and cleaning.
“Um, you’re staying with Dillan, you mind me asking
how you feel about him?”

Derek felt his chest and neck heat as discomfort filled

him. He opened his mouth, then snapped it closed, realizing
he’d been about to lie and say there was nothing between
them. Derek couldn’t do that to Dillan though. Besides, if he
couldn’t tell Deke the truth, who could he tell? He wanted to
be in his brother’s life again, and lying was no way to start
repairing his relationship.

Instead, Derek licked his lips and worked his jaw. He

gathered his courage and admitted something out loud that
he’d never said to another. “I...I think I’m gay, too, Deke. Uh,
bisexual, at least. I like Dillan a lot.” He watched Deke’s jaw
sag open in shock as his eyes widened. Derek shrugged as
he plowed ahead. “Dad’s been blackmailing me, but I finally
reached the point where I don’t care if I lose my license. I
know...” He sighed. “There’s no pleasing that man, and I
guess it finally hit me that I can’t live for his approval. He’d

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control me forever.”

“Yeah,” Deke whispered. “He would.” Reaching over,

Deke settled one hand on Derek’s knee. “I’m really happy
you figured that out, big brother.” He pulled his hand back
and folded them in his lap. “What blackmail?”

Derek quickly explained his stupidity in college and the

consequent police report. He explained how he’d lose his bar
license if he had a record. While paying for a fine wouldn’t
bother him, Derek really didn’t want to go to jail for stealing
a car. He also explained that Dillan said he could help him
recover the file, so his father couldn’t use it against him any

Deke grinned. “Yeah. These guys do seem to have a way

of working a little underhanded from time to time.” He
winked. “If Dillan can’t snag that file, there’s a guy in our
pack I’ll introduce you to. He’ll take care of it.”

“A guy in your pack?” Derek asked slowly. “What does

that mean? Pack?”

Deke’s face turned a slight shade of pink. “Uh, well...” He

paused and licked his lips. Grimacing, he turned toward the
guys and called, “Hey, Dillan?”

Instantly, both Dillan and Luther separated themselves

from the group and joined them in the living room. “I’m
Dillan,” Derek’s lover stated, holding out his hand to Deke.
“It’s nice to meet you.”

The pair shook briefly.
Deke glanced toward Luther, who smirked and nodded.
Derek had no idea what the looks passing between the

men meant, and he didn’t understand Deke’s question

“Is Derek your mate?” Deke asked, his gaze fixed on


Dillan grinned. “He is indeed.”
“Then you should tell him the truth up front,” Deke

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stated. “The brother I remember doesn’t like surprises.” He
turned and looked at Derek, lifting his brow. “Is that still the

“Yes,” Derek responded slowly, drawing out the word.

Just what was going on here? “What, uh...” He paused and
focused warily on Dillan. “What do I need to know?”

Dillan blew out a breath, then settled on the coffee table.

Facing Derek, he settled his hands on his sweatpants clad
thighs and rubbed along them once, twice. Dillan stilled his
hands and glanced around the group again.

Derek suddenly realized that everyone was staring at

them. Nerves surged through him, and he felt exactly as he
had once in college. He’d walked into class and realized he’d
forgotten there was a quiz that day. His gut churned and
sweat beaded on his brow as he glanced around at
everyone’s serious expressions.

Deke huffed a sigh, drawing Derek’s attention. He rolled

his eyes and snapped, “It’s not that hard. Geez.” Leaning
toward Derek, he rested his hand on his knee and said, “You
know all those stories about things that go bump in the
night? Well, some of them are sort of true.”

“Huh?” Derek couldn’t help the ridiculous response. He

shook his head. What the hell was his brother talking about?

Deke nodded, countering him. “These guys, and Diana,

are shifters. They turn into wolves,” he stated, sounding so
matter of fact. “They say it’s like...sharing their spirit with an
animal, which gives them heightened instincts, better sight,
smell, hearing, healing, etcetera, etcetera,” he continued,
waving his hand. “They also live longer, like hundreds of
years longer, so Fate grants them a mate, so they won’t be
lonely. That mate is like the other half of their soul. They do
everything they can to make that person happy.”

Grinning widely, Deke looked toward his partner.

“Luther is my mate. He claimed me, and now I’m going to

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live as long as him.” Deke returned his focus to Derek, still
smiling. “I’m glad you’re Dillan’s mate. It would have
sucked being on speaking terms again and having to hide all
this from you,” he said, waving his hand at the group.

Diana cocked her head and snickered. “Well, that was

about as concise as I’ve heard us explained before. Way to
go, Deke.”

“Thanks,” Deke replied, chuckling.
“Actually,” Dillan cut in softly. “I’m a puma. A large cat. I

don’t turn into a wolf.”

Deke’s eyes rounded. “Oh, right. I should have asked you

about that.” He grimaced. “Sorry about that.”

Derek glanced around the group. He took in their

expressions, seeing that most appeared hopeful, but of what
he wasn’t certain. Deke just grinned at him, while Dillan’s
expression remained serious, watchful even.

“You all actually believe this,” Derek mused, shocked and

concerned. Just what the fuck was going on with these
people? “H-How can you believe this?”

Deke smirked. “Seeing is believing.” He glanced around

the group. “Who’s gonna show him?”

Dillan stood and gripped the waistband of his sweats.

“He’s my mate. I’ll do it,” he said, shoving his pants down
and kicking them off. “Besides,” he grumbled. “I was almost
naked anyway.”

Diana wolf whistled. “Look at that fine backside,” she


“What the hell are you doing?” Derek growled, jealousy

surging through him. Even if he did think his lover was
crazy, he didn’t want the man showing his sexy ass to

Dillan looked over his shoulder at Diana, scowling.

“Don’t make this harder than it already is,” he snapped.
Turning back around, he gave Derek a warm smile and told

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him, “You’ll get used to the nudity, handsome. Shifters
aren’t very modest since we don’t want to get hung up in
our clothes when we change.” He winked. “We’re all super
great at stripping down with speed.”

Before Derek could even fathom how to respond to that,

something happened. He gaped upon seeing Dillan’s skin
ripple and twitch. When Dillan dropped to his knees, Derek
started to rise and go to him, but Deke grabbed his arm.
Glancing toward his brother, Derek saw Deke shake his

Derek obeyed, settling back on the sofa as he returned his

focus to Dillan. Hearing the pop and crack, seeing the way
his lover’s body rippled and reformed, Derek gasped and
stiffened. He saw tawny fur sprout all over Dillan, covering
his skin as a tail grew out of his ass. After what couldn’t
have been longer than twenty seconds, Derek stared in
shock at a large, golden-furred cat.

Gasping, Derek pressed backward into the sofa cushion.

He realized he was holding his breath, but who could blame
him. A few feet in front of him, a massive puma—or what
looked like a mountain lion to Derek—arched and stretched,
showing off a long, lean, powerful body and very sharp

“Holy shit,” Derek squeaked. He glanced toward Deke,

but his brother didn’t seem at all alarmed. “Wha-what’s
going on?” Was this some kind of a trick?

Deke smiled encouragingly at him. “Don’t worry, Derek,”

he assured. “That’s still your Dillan. Even when he’s in that
form, he can still think and reason and he knows you. He
recognizes you.” Deke released his arm and patted his knee.
“He’s completely cognizant.”

“Completely cognizant,” Derek whispered, frowning. “I-I

have so many questions.” While he said the words, he found
his mind shutting down. Derek figured he should be talking,

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asking for explanations, but...right then, his mind was
completely blank.

The cat, Dillan, took that moment to lift his head and peer

at him. He rose to his feet and padded toward him. With his
ears forward and interest shining in his deep green eyes, for
all the world he looked like an oversized house cat.

When Dillan settled his head on Derek’s lap, he tensed.

He just managed to resist the urge to leap over the back of
the couch and hide behind it. Only seeing Deke’s grin and
his twinkling eyes kept Derek calm.

Derek watched and felt the cat rub his big head over his

thighs, then nuzzle his groin. There was no way he was
going to admit that feeling the animal’s big head on his shaft
caused his blood to pool in his groin, filling his cock behind
the fly of his jeans. The cat must have known, for he chuffed
softly and rubbed against him further.

Uncertain what to do, Derek sent a questioning glance

toward his brother. “Wh-What’s he doing?”

It was Luther who answered. The big man chuckled as he

replied, “Dillan is marking you. You’re his mate and he
wants you to carry his scent on you.” He grinned widely.
“It’s a shifter thing.”

“Come on, guys,” Diana called. “Is show and tell over?

I’m ready for breakfast.”

Deke snickered. “I think eating might be a good idea,” he

said, holding out his hand. Luther took it and hauled him to
his feet. He turned and looked back at Derek. “Eating will
give your brain a chance to stop spinning in your head.” He
winked. “Just push Dillan’s head off your lap. He’ll shift and
join us.”

Derek watched as everyone turned and headed into the

kitchen and dining area. Returning his focus to the big cat in
front of him, he tried to figure out if it was really as simple

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as his brother had told him. He settled his right hand on the
cat’s neck. Immediately, the animal started to purr, a look of
adoration on his feline face.

“Holy shit,” Derek whispered. “Is this really happening?”
Then, the cat in his lap eased away.
Derek watched as the process reversed. The fur receded,

the tail disappeared, and with many painful sounding pops
and snaps, the cat disappeared and Dillan knelt before him.

Dillan stared intently at him as he knee-walked forward.

He settled his hands on Derek’s thighs and pressed between
them. Derek spread his legs and shivered as Dillan slid his
hands around to cup his ass. He used his hold to pull Derek
closer to the edge of the sofa, pressing their torsos flush
together. Finally, he lifted one hand to cup Derek’s jaw.

“Now you know,” Dillan murmured. “You are my mate,

and I will do everything in my power to please you. Can you
give us a chance?”

“I—” Derek paused. His cheeks heated, knowing they

had to be the center of attention. He’d never been a touchy-
feely person in public, but he couldn’t help wrapping his
arms around Dillan’s shoulders. “My life is so fucked up
right now,” he warned. “My father isn’t going to take my
leaving lying down. He’s used to getting his way.”

“As long as dealing with him means you’re by my side,”

Dillan stated, “then I don’t give a fuck about what he tries to
do. We have resources to put him in his place.”

Derek’s heart pounded in his chest. He felt fear and

arousal mixing through his system in nearly equal measure.
Still, he couldn’t deny that Dillan was offering him
everything he’d ever wanted. Even with all the questions he
had about Dillan’s shifting, he knew this was a man he could
make a go with.

“Yes, Dillan,” Derek whispered. “Yes.”
Dillan leaned forward and pressed his lips to Derek’s,

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thrusting his tongue into his mouth. Knowing dozens of
others could be watching didn’t stop Derek from opening to
his lover and kissing him right back.

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Chapter Ten

an I borrow your phone?” Derek asked.
Dillan turned and nuzzled Derek’s neck. With the way

they were sitting, relaxing in the hot tub, curled up against
each other on the largest seat, his mate’s neck was within
easy reach. They’d spent a good fifteen minutes making out
like horny teenagers before they’d backed off, just letting
their desire simmer for the time being. Dillan looked
forward to getting Derek to his bedroom later, but was
content to hold him...for now.

After nibbling along the prominent tendon for a few

seconds, Dillan replied, “Sure. Who you calling?”

“My mother,” Derek softly admitted. “I need to tell her

myself that—” He turned his head and met Dillan’s gaze.
“That I’m moving.”

Dillan’s heart felt like it skipped a beat. Heady

anticipation filled him upon hearing those words. “Moving,”
Dillan whispered. “Where would you like to move to?” he
asked, tightening his hold.

“Uh.” Derek’s brows drew together. “What do you

mean?” Then, his eyes widened. “Oh, right. This isn’t
actually your home.” He grinned. “Maybe we should buy

Dillan grinned, joy bubbling through him. “Buy this

cabin? You’d be happy in a tiny place like this in the middle
of the woods?”

Derek shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
“This is the mountains of Colorado, Derek,” Dillan


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reminded his lover, wanting him to understand what this
kind of choice would mean. “We could be snowed in in the
winter. We may lose electricity and have to use that fireplace
as the only source of heat.”

Grinning, Derek cuddled closer. “Hauling and chopping

wood for our fire would give us a great work-out, keeping
us fit.” He narrowed his eyes and lifted one brow. “Being
snowed in and losing power means time alone together. No
one could bother us.” He deepened his voice, his words
turning husky. “You and me, alone. I’m sure we can come
up with ways to keep ourselves occupied.” He nipped
Dillan’s chin. “I have an extensive collection of books, after

Dillan chuckled roughly. “Oh, I think I’ll look forward to

exploring collection,” he replied, moving his
hand up Derek’s thigh to grip his shaft, pleased to find it
rock hard where it rested against Derek’s belly. “Yes, your
book feels very appealing.”

Derek groaned and bucked in Dillan’s grip. “Shit, wait.

Gotta call my mom before it gets too late.” He panted softly
as he added, “Her name is Sophia. She worries. God, she’s
going to be pissed,” obviously still trying to concentrate.

“Okay,” Dillan responded. “I left my cell just there on

your left. Wipe your hands on that hand towel there and
help yourself,” he said.

Hissing, Derek dug his fingers into Dillan’s thigh. “It’s a

little hard to concentrate with you jacking my dick,” he said,

“Poor, poor human,” Dillan crooned. “Is this better?” he

asked as he released Derek’s cock, only to lower his hand
and cup his lover’s balls. While he didn’t do anything but
hold the sensitive orbs, Dillan did rest his thumb against the
base of his erection, rubbing lightly.

Derek moaned again. “Aww, fuck, you’re evil.”

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“No, I’m not,” Dillan replied. “I’m very, very nice.”
“You are,” Derek confirmed, panting softly. “I think this

has been the best, most relaxing day I’ve had in nearly
twenty years.”

Dillan’s heart ached for a young Derek at that knowledge.

The idea of a teenage Derek pushed so hard that he lost the
ability to just have fun...Dillan would have to make certain
to change that.

“Call your mother,” Dillan urged, releasing his lover’s

balls. He placed his hand on his thigh instead, pressing his
forefinger into his crack so he could still play with his
genitalia should he wish. “Then, we will go to our bed and
relax all over again.”

Derek nodded. He dried both hands and grabbed the

phone. After dialing he pressed the device to his ear.

“Sommers’ residence,” a feminine voice with a Hispanic

accent greeted.

“Hi, Rosalee,” Derek responded. “Is my mother


Si, Senior Derek, si,” Rosalee said, her voice growing

concerned. “You are okay, Senior Derek? Your momma has
cried and your father has yelled. Whatever is wrong?”

Derek smiled, glancing toward Dillan. He returned his

human’s smile and lifted a brow.

“There was some confusion about a girl. They thought I

was dating her and planning to get married and when I said
it’s not happening, they weren’t happy,” Derek told the
person on the other end of the phone. “I just needed to get
away while they calmed down.”

“Oh, si, Senior Derek. Good idea,” Rosalee said, not

sounding surprised at all. If she was the hired help as Dillan
suspected, Rosalee probably knew a lot more than she
would let on. “You go find someone to make you happy,
Senior Derek. Can’t live to please others all the time.”

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“You’re right, Rosalee,” Derek replied softly. “I know that


“I get your momma now,” Rosalee told him.
During the lull in conversation, where Dillan’s sensitive

ears picked up the soft click of heels on some kind of hard
flooring, Dillan turned his head and whispered into Derek’s
ear. “I wanted you to know I can hear every word said. I
hope that’s okay.”

Derek turned and pecked a kiss to his lips. “I wouldn’t

have asked to use your phone right in front of you if I had a
problem with it,” Derek murmured. “If we’re doing this,
there shouldn’t be any secrets between us. You need to
know what kind of in-laws you’re getting.”

Dillan grinned. “Gonna ask me to marry you soon or

something, handsome?” he asked, moving his thumb to once
more caress his lover’s dick. He wasn’t at all surprised when
he found that Derek’s erection had wilted.

That didn’t stop him from enjoying touching his mate,

though. He petted Derek’s softened shaft gently, earning a
grunt and shudder from his lover. Derek’s cock once again
began to thicken and Dillan remembered his man’s taste.

How difficult would it be to give a blow job in a hot tub?
“Derek? Is that you?”
The woman’s shrill voice cut into Dillan’s thoughts of

what he wanted to do to his mate. He almost jerked his hand
off his lover, too. That’s how loud the woman’s scream was,
as if she were standing next to the hot tub instead of her
voice coming through the phone.

“Hello, Mother,” Derek greeted. “I’m sorry I upset you. I

needed some time.”

“Time? Time! Right now?” she responded. “You missed

your engagement announcement breakfast this morning. I
was able to smooth it over with Jennifer’s parents, since your
father explained that you called in sick to work on Friday,
but then to blow off your engagement dinner this evening,

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too? Without even a call? What is so wrong with you that
you couldn’t even call?”

Dillan grimaced upon listening to her shrill rambling.

Damn, he felt guilty just from listening to her tirade and he
wasn’t even involved with this. Dillan couldn’t imagine how
Derek felt.

“Mother, I’m not engaged. I tried to explain that to you

Thursday, but you didn’t want to listen,” Derek told her.
From his tone, he seemed to be trying to sound soothing and
stern at the same time. “I’m not marrying Jennifer. I don’t
even care for the woman. I don’t know why father told you
we are engaged. I don’t know why Jennifer thinks we are
engaged. We’ve never even been on one date.”

“B-But, no, no, that’s not right,” Sophia denied. “Did you

hit your head? Are you suffering from amnesia or
something? Are you at the hospital?”

Derek sighed and rubbed his forehead with his other

hand. “No, Mother. I didn’t hit my head. I’m not at the
hospital. Nothing is wrong with me,” he claimed. “I am
simply telling you the truth.”

“Why would they make up an outlandish story about you

and Jennifer marrying?” Sophia asked, sounding confused.
“Jennifer seemed pretty convincing this morning. Everyone
thinks you’re a couple.” She paused, then asked, “Are you
certain you’re all right?”

“I’m certain,” Derek replied softly. “Mom, I need to tell

you something, and I know it’s going to come as a shock.”

“Oh, honey,” Derek’s mother responded. “Of course, you

can tell me anything. Is this unexpected wedding thing
because Jennifer is pregnant? Was she a one night stand?”

Derek snorted. “No, absolutely not,” he snapped.

“She’s...Mom! Jennifer just is not a nice woman.”

Derek’s mother sounded as if she was spluttering,

struggling to find something to say.

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“Mom, I’m bisexual. I have a boyfriend who I am

committed to,” Derek blurted out, interrupting his mother’s
attempt to say something. “It’s why I haven’t dated for
years. I feared you wouldn’t be able to accept him. When
dad ordered me to marry Jennifer, I knew it was time to
leave the company.” Derek turned and stared into Dillan’s
eyes. He smiled faintly, then added, “Mom, I didn’t call in
sick on Friday. I left my termination notice on dad’s desk
Thursday evening. I can’t work with him anymore.”

“Wh-What are you saying?” Derek’s mother asked


Derek smiled at Dillan as he told her, “Your little boy

grew up, Mom. I will not allow Dad to call the shots on my
life.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds, then when he
opened them, they were filled with heat. “I’m moving out of
state with my lover. I’ve received a better opportunity

Dillan’s heart thudded in his chest. While he knew Derek

was weaving a slightly skewed version of events, Dillan
couldn’t say he minded. No, scratch that. He didn’t care at
all. His mate was claiming him to his family.

“You stop talking like that this instant,” Sophia snapped

in a commanding voice only a mother could pull off. “You
are my only son. It’s your job to get married so I can throw
you and your bride a big wedding.” Her voice rose shrilly.
“Then, you’re going to give me dozens of grandbabies to

Dillan couldn’t help but grimace at that proclamation.

Only child? Not only had Derek’s parents disowned Deke,
but now his parents wouldn’t even acknowledge that he
existed? Dillan’s heart went out anew for the young,
flamboyant man he’s met that day.

“Mother, please calm down,” Derek responded.
Dillan could actually hear his lover grit his teeth.

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“I will not calm down,” Sophia replied hotly. “Not until

you desist in this ridiculous, juvenile behavior. You were
always such a good son. Is this your way of—”

“That’s enough, Mother,” Derek barked. “I am not your

only son and I’m sick and tired of you and father pretending
as if Deke doesn’t exist. I have a brother that I care about and
he was happy to see me today. He forgave me, even though I
didn’t deserve it,” he roared. “From now on, I will surround
myself with people who care about me and my well-being,
both physical and mental, not to mention emotional.”

“How dare you mention that deviant’s name!” Sophia

sneered. “Is he the reason for your behavior? Has he
bewitched you in some way?”

“I am done with this conversation, Mother,” Derek stated

gruffly. “I love you and I want you in my life, but I will not
have you insulting me, my soon-to-be husband, or my
brother and his husband. Yes, Mom,” he continued, his tone
turning hard and cold. “Deke is in a committed relationship
with a good man who makes him happy. You should be
proud of both your sons.”

Dillan could hear Sophia say well, well...obviously gearing

up for a vindictive rebuttal. Derek didn’t give her a chance.

“Goodbye, Mother.” Derek’s words were spoken with

calm dignity. Then, he pulled the phone away from his ear
and hit the end button. Derek set Dillan’s phone to the side
of the hot tub, then turned and focused on Dillan. “I’m sorry
you had to hear all that.” He grimaced and added, “I did
kind of expect it, though.”

“I’m honored that you claimed me to your family,” Dillan

told him seriously. He leaned over and gave him a mist-
damp kiss on the cheek. “Soon, I will claim you in my way,

Derek’s nostrils flared. “This is all happening so fast, but I

can’t deny how right it feels,” he stated. “This is exactly

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what I’ve been missing.”

“Now, you won’t miss it anymore,” Dillan vowed. “Also,

there is something I want to do for you right now.”

Derek grinned and waggled his brows. “Oh, really? What

would that be?”

Dillan barked a laugh. “Tempting, but not that. Hand me

the phone,” he requested as he grabbed the towel and dried
his own hands. When Derek handed the device over, Dillan
winked, hit three on speed dial, and lifted it to his ear.

“Dillan Withers,” a deep voice greeted him. “I haven’t

heard from you in decades. How’d you even get this

Chuckling, Dillan answered his old friend by saying,

“Well, how did you know it was me, Hessian Roshburg?”

Hessian, Hess to his friends, rumbled a laugh, the sound

deep and low. “Same way you got my number, I think. So, to
what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Do you remember when I baled your ass out of jail in


“Of course,” Hess replied. “I owe you for that.” Then, he

barked a laugh and added, “Of course, if you hadn’t caused
trouble with that gang of bikers, I wouldn’t have ended up
in jail in the first place.”

Dillan laughed upon hearing his old friend’s cheek. He’d

met Hessian almost a century ago. As a Kodiak bear shifter,
the man was a natural loner. He was also six foot eight,
tattooed, and—last Dillan had heard—drove a massive black
hummer and wore leather just because.

“Well, I have a favor that will make us completely

square,” Dillan said. Seeing Derek’s wary expression, he
winked at his mate.

“Oh, really?”
“Really.” Dillan couldn’t resist leaning forward and

pecking at the confused tilt of Derek’s lips. “I met my mate

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and he needs a little...paperwork retrieval to extract him
from an overbearing father. I figure with your, uh...special
military training, this would be a snap.”

Derek grimaced, but he nodded. Obviously, he could hear

most of what Hess was saying, too. Dillan wasn’t trying to
hide anything from him anyway. While he hadn’t, yet,
admitted he was over three-hundred-fifty years old, he’d get
around to it eventually.

Hess’s laughter rumbled through the line, again. “Where

is this safe you need me to break into?”

Dillan lifted a brow in question at Derek. To his relief, his

mate rattled off an address without prompting. Dillan
relayed that information to Hess, who responded with No
and Congrats, man. I’ll call you in a day or two.

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Chapter Eleven

erek followed Dillan into the house. He shivered with
anticipation. His cock thickened to full mast as he

couldn’t help but watch the flexing globes of Dillan’s ass just
a few feet in front of him. Instead of wrapping his towel
around his waist as Derek had done, Dillan wore his towel
over his shoulders. Dillan hadn’t been kidding about a
shifter’s lack of modesty...and wasn’t that just a mind fuck?

While Derek knew he hadn’t quite come to grips with the

fact that his lover could turn into a cat—good thing he
wasn’t allergic—he chose to think about the coming pleasure
instead. He just knew there would be plenty of both, coming
and pleasure. Derek felt mirth bubble inside him at the inane
thought. He savagely pushed down his ingrained response
to run away. Derek wanted this, wanted Dillan.

When Derek’s dick had softened during his conversation

with his mother, he’d completely expected that.
Unfortunately, the conversation had gone exactly as he’d
always feared, too. She’d demanded he do as he was told.
Interestingly, his father had the same attitude toward him.

It was only when Derek realized that he’d allowed them

to control his life in just that manner for years, that he
understood it had been his own doing. He’d never stood up
to his parents. He’d never started making his own choices.
Hell, when had he stopped growing up? Probably about the
time he’d decided to put away his own wishes so he could
please them.

Not anymore.


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Now, Derek knew what he wanted...and it was Dillan and

what Dillan offered. Freedom to be himself.

Stepping into the bedroom behind the other man, Derek

glanced around the space. It was a decent size room with a
large, king bed. While that may have been plenty big for one
man his size, Derek knew that once they were both on it,
they’d be forced to remain very close. Derek found that he
liked that idea very much.

Derek watched Dillan pull his towel off his shoulders and

drape it over the back of a nearby chair. Next, he crossed to
the nightstand and pulled out a tube of something. Moving
closer, Derek realized it was slick. He felt his face heat and
his ass clench at the knowledge that, very soon, he’d have
his lover’s dick buried deep inside him. Instead of being
turned off, his body flared hot with arousal. His dick flexed
and twitched beneath his towel as his pre-cum oozed from
his slit. If the towel hadn’t already been damp, it would have
been now.

Dillan sat on the side of the bed, placing the slick next to

his thigh. “Come here,” he urged, lifting one hand.

Needing no extra encouragement, Derek closed the few

feet between them and stopped before Dillan. His abs
clenched on reflex when Dillan reached up and gripped the
towel. One light tug on the material was all it took for Dillan
to pull it free, so he could drop it on the floor. Derek’s cock
reared from the apex of his thighs, pointing straight at
Dillan’s face.

Threading his fingertips through the edges of Derek’s

pubic hair, Dillan peered up at him. A sensual smile curved
his lips and a warm burning light of desire lit his eyes as he
leaned forward and licked Derek’s pre-cum from his head.

“Your cock is a thing of beauty,” Dillan told him. “I look

forward to feeling it buried in my ass, moving inside me,
stretching me open.”

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Derek’s cheeks heated at the picture his lover’s words

created in his mind. Combined with the warm puffs of air
that coasted over his now damp cock head by Dillan
speaking, Derek’s prick twitched and jerked as if begging for
Dillan’s mouth to return. Derek moaned, agreeing with his

“Y-Yeah,” Derek mumbled, swallowing hard. “Your ass is

so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to plow it.” He panted at his
own words. “I wanna pound into you, make you feel me.”

“And you will,” Dillan assured. “I want that, too, but

first—” he reached over and grabbed the lube. “I’m going to
prepare your ass as I suck your dick. Then when you’re
good and ready, I’m going to mount you and make you

“That sounds good, too,” Derek whispered roughly.
Derek settled his hands on Dillan’s shoulders and

threaded them through the short, salt-and-pepper strands.
When Derek smiled up at him, then leaned forward and
kissed the head of his prick, he moaned. As he watched,
Dillan opened his mouth and sucked on his cap.

Warm, wet heat enveloped the head of Derek’s dick. He

watched, mesmerized as Dillan wrapped his lips to form a
tight seal around his crown. When Dillan sucked strongly on
his flesh, dipping his tongue into his slit in time with his
pulls, Derek’s balls tingled and his thighs trembled.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Derek realized

Dillan’s hands were moving. He still started when he felt
Dillan’s left hand grip his ass and pull slightly, separating
his cheeks. Derek shivered upon the first touch of someone
petting his tight ring.

Dillan hummed. The vibration traveled down his stalk,

causing goose bumps to break out over his groin.

Derek moaned and shuddered, his hips twitching no

matter how hard he tried to keep them still. He felt Dillan’s

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digit breach his entrance, and Derek’s ass muscles
instinctively clenched against the intrusion. His lover’s
finger was slick and insistent, moving inside him, deeper
and deeper. Then, Dillan did something, touched something,
deep inside Derek and dark, hot sparks of pleasure shot
through his system.

Derek roared. His nipples beaded as tingles erupted all

over his body. “More,” he pleaded. “Holy fuck, more!”

Dillan hummed as if agreeing. Then, he gave Derek what

he wanted. Moving his finger in and out of Derek’s channel,
he touched that spot each time he sank in deep.

To Derek, Dillan wasn’t moving fast enough. He wanted

more. He tightened his grip on Dillan’s head and began
rocking his hips. He fucked Dillan’s mouth only to rock back
onto that spark-giving finger.

Derek had heard about how the right stimulation to his

prostate could cause pleasure. Why hadn’t he ever tried this?
It felt amazing, having Dillan’s fingers—holy hell, when had
Dillan added more fingers—buried deep inside him,
stroking him from the inside out.

All too soon, Derek felt his balls pull tight. The new

sensations were too much, too exquisite. His body was on
overload and he felt as if he could fly.

With a hoarse cry, Derek shuddered and came. His balls

unloaded and Dillan continued to suck him, drinking him
down. His ass clenched on his lover’s fingers, as if keeping
them in his body was paramount to wringing every bit of
bliss from his system.

Derek floated.
Finally, Dillan released his prick, but he didn’t remove his

fingers. He continued to move them just a tiny bit,
stimulating Derek’s prostate as he stood and pressed a
sloppy, open-mouthed kiss to Derek’s lips. He thrust his
tongue in deep, swirling it around, making certain Derek

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could taste himself on Dillan’s tongue.

Derek moaned, his dick twitching between his legs,

threatening to thicken once more. He sucked Dillan’s
tongue, wanting to take a little of that taste for himself.
When Dillan pulled away, Derek moaned in protest.

Dillan grinned down at him. He wiggled his fingers,

stimulating Derek’s prostate. “I’m going to bend you over
this bed and replace these fingers with my dick,” Dillan
stated. “I’m going to fill you up with my seed and claim
you.” He lowered his head, bringing his lips to Derek’s ear.
“You’re mine, Derek Sommers.”

Then, Dillan latched his lips onto the skin just below

Derek’s ear and sucked. Having never had a lover tall
enough to do that, Derek hadn’t realized just how sensitive it
was. He grunted and tilted his head, offering more access.

“Yes,” Derek begged. “Now.” He rocked his hips

forward, pressing his once again rigid shaft against Dillan’s
own. “Please, fuck me.”

Dillan growled softly and released his neck. “Love

hearing you beg for my cock,” he rumbled gruffly. “Gonna
make you do that for the rest of our lives.”

Derek nodded, beyond words as Dillan easily worked his

body back up.

Pivoting around Derek’s body, Dillan placed his hand

between his shoulder blades and pushed. Derek obeyed,
bending at the waist. He rested his elbows on the thick
comforter, arched his back, and pushed his ass out. He even
spread his legs further. He felt wanton and hot and so
excited his dick once more leaked. He wanted to grab his
cock and jack to completion, but he wanted to see what
Dillan would do next even more.

Panting softly, Derek turned his head just enough so he

could watch Dillan. He saw his lover pick up the tube of
lube and snap the cap up with his thumb. He shivered upon

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feeling the cool slick drip onto his crack.

Dillan slid the fingers in Derek’s ass partway out, then

back in. Derek shuddered and canted his hips, searching for
that little zing he knew would be coming. Once more, Dillan
didn’t disappoint. As he slid his fingers in and out, he
touched Derek’s prostate with each thrust.

Then, Dillan’s fingers were gone.
Derek whined at the loss of stimulation.
“Easy, my lover,” Dillan crooned. “I’m here.”
Dillan pressed something wider and blunter than his

fingers to Derek’s stretched hole, proving his words. Derek
wanted to rock back and impale himself on what he knew
must be Dillan’s dick. He wanted the empty ache to be gone,
so he could be filled, taken, completed by his lover, once

Instead, Dillan gripped Derek’s hip, forcing him to be

still. “Push out, Derek,” he urged as he pressed against his

Derek obeyed.
In the next instant, the wide flared head of what Derek

knew was Dillan’s long, slender prick popped past that
guardian ring of muscle. An unexpected flair of pain shot up
his rectum. Derek hissed in surprise.

Dillan placed a slightly slick hand on his back and rubbed

slowly up and down his spine. “Easy, Derek,” he crooned.
“Easy, my mate. Just relax.”

“I’m trying,” Derek snapped through clenched teeth.
Chuckling, Dillan leaned over him, pressing his chest

flush to Derek’s back. He once again nibbled at that sensitive
patch behind Derek’s ear. “Try harder,” he whispered before
rhythmically blowing warm puffs of air over his dampened

Derek gasped, then shivered as tingles of pleasure spread

from his neck down and across his chest. His nipples beaded

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pleasantly. His abs clenched at the sensations.

Dillan reached around him and gripped each bud, one in

each hand. He tugged them lightly. When Derek groaned,
Dillan chuckled roughly.

“There you go, Derek,” Dillan purred. “Now you’re


Dillan began to move, rocking slowly. He thrust in and

out, sinking deeper with each penetration.

Derek felt his ass stretching to accommodate Dillan’s

intrusion. The odd pain eased to be replaced by a warm
burn. Sparks once again tingled through his channel as
Dillan’s dick slid over his prostate. When Dillan stopped
moving, Derek realized the man’s balls were flush to his
crack and his dick was completely buried inside him.

“Gods, you feel good, Derek,” Dillan growled. “Only I

will ever feel your amazing ass.”

“Yes,” Derek agreed. “Only you.”
“Yesss,” Dillan hissed as he slowly withdrew his dick.
Derek shivered at the strange sensation of his lover’s cock

head rubbing along the muscles of his chute. He felt Dillan’s
crown tug at his guardian ring, but before popping all the
way out, his lover reversed direction. Derek groaned when
Dillan changed the angle of his thrust and drove back into
him, nailing his prostate.

“Mine,” Dillan snarled as he began a swift rutting pace.
Shuddering as heady tingles erupted through his system,

Derek twisted his fingers into the comforter. He rocked into
each of his lover’s thrusts. Feeling Dillan’s balls slap against
his ass cheeks combined with the burning stretch and
blissful sparks caused by his lover’s prick in his chute. He
felt his balls pull tight as his cock slapped against his belly in
time with the pounding.

“Oh, God,” Derek whimpered. “So close.”
“Do it,” Dillan demanded. “Come for me. Show me how

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much you like me claiming you.”

Dillan wrapped his arms around Derek, holding him

close as he picked up his pace. He pounded relentlessly into
Derek, sawing in and out of his channel. After three more
strokes, Dillan sank into Derek and stayed there. He rotated
his hips, stimulating Derek’s ring.

Derek shouted. His body bucked as he lost control. His

balls pulled tight and his orgasm slammed through him,
coating the side of the comforter with his seed. Derek floated
on endorphins as he reveled in the sensations his lover gave

Dillan moaned into his ear. “Oh, fuck,” he ground out.

“You hold my cock so good.”

Smiling to himself, Derek clenched his channel, trying to

make himself even tighter for his lover. He realized he must
have done something right, for Dillan growled gutturally.
Then, hot seed warmed his channel.

“Oh.” Derek shuddered at the odd sensation. He smiled

and hummed, deciding he liked knowing he’d pleased his
lover so much that he lost control. “Dillan,” he whispered.
“That was amazing.”

Dillan nuzzled his neck and hummed. “You are amazing,”

he countered. “But we’re not done.”

Confused, Derek turned his head and peered over his

shoulder at his lover. “Huh?” He couldn’t pull enough
thoughts into his head for a more eloquent question.

“I am going to give you one more orgasm,” Dillan

whispered hotly into his ear.

Derek chuckled. “I don’t think that’s possible,” he

mumbled honestly. “I just came twice. A third orgasm like
that this evening would probably kill me.”

“Let’s hope not,” Dillan stated.
Before Derek could finish his question, Dillan opened his

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mouth and wrapped his jaw around the fleshy part of
Derek’s shoulder. He bit, hard. Pain seared through Derek’s
shoulder and he yelped and jerked.

Then, the most intense pleasure surged through Derek.

He cried out his lover’s name as, to his shock, his dick
thickened and his balls pulled tight. Just as Dillan had
claimed, Derek came again. Dark spots flashed across his
vision and Derek panted hard, trying to catch his breath.

“Holy shit,” Derek whispered. “Holy. Oh, God.”
Dillan chuckled roughly. “Gods, that was fucking hot.”
“What the hell did you do?”
“I bit you,” Dillan stated smugly. “I claimed you. My bite

will get you off every single time.”

Derek smirked and peered back at Dillan. “Well, feel free

to bit me anytime.”

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Chapter Twelve

erek groaned softly.
Dillan smiled, tightening his hold on Derek. He’d been

watching his handsome mate sleep for almost twenty
minutes. Last night as he’d drifted off to sleep, Dillan
discovered he hadn’t realized what he’d been missing. He’d
found and claimed his mate. Dillan couldn’t be happier.

Focusing on Derek, Dillan nuzzled his mate’s neck. “Sore,


When Derek rolled toward him, Dillan eased his hold,

shifting up onto his elbow. He smiled down at his handsome
human, watching as Derek stared at the ceiling. His face
appeared flushed and he didn’t meet Dillan’s gaze.

“Yeah,” Derek replied softly, his voice scratchy from

sleep. He grimaced and finally looked at Dillan. “Definitely

Dillan nodded. He didn’t want his mate more

embarrassed that he already was, but he wanted to take care
of him, too. He leaned down and pressed a quick butterfly
kiss to Derek’s lips.

“Stay still, my mate,” Dillan urged. “I have something

that will help.”

Slipping from the bed, Dillan padded quickly to the

bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet and scanned
through the contents, knowing he’d put it in there the day
before. Spotting it, Dillan pulled down the tube of cream.

Dillan returned to the bed. Kneeling on it, he grabbed the

comforter and sheet, flipping it toward the foot of the bed.


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Derek stiffened...and not in the way Dillan enjoyed.

“What are you doing?” Derek asked, scowling at him. He

lifted a hand for a second as of to wave him away or maybe
to cover his groin, then allowed his hand to fall back to his
stomach. “Dillan?”

Dillan settled his hand on Derek’s thigh. “Easy, my

lover,” he soothed. He winked, then added, “There isn’t a
part of you I haven’t seen and don’t want to lick.” Dillan
pushed gently against Derek’s inner thigh.

After a second, Derek spread his legs. His face turned a

pale pink as he muttered, “What are you doing?”

Removing his hand, Dillan unscrewed the cap of the

cream and placed it on the nightstand, then he poured a
small amount of the yellow ointment onto his fingertip. As
he did that, he explained, “I’m taking care of you. I should
have done this last night.” Dillan met Derek’s gaze and
added, “I’m sorry, Derek. I was a bit rough with you last
night, but...Gods, you responded so beautifully.”

Now, Derek’s face turned beet red. “Uh, how about you

let me put that on?” he mumbled.

Dillan’s first instinct was to refuse. Remembering that

they were still getting used to each other, he nodded. He
handed over the tube, then slid off the bed. Picking up the
towel, Dillan wiped the cream from his hands.

“I’m going to clean up and piss,” Dillan told him,

realizing his mate needed a little privacy. Next time, he
vowed to himself. He’d remember to take care of his lover
right after fucking him. That way, Derek would be too bliss-
out to protest the intimacy. “You can move your bathroom
items into the master bath if you want after I’m done,” he

Without waiting for a response, Dillan turned and headed

back to the bathroom. After doing exactly as he said, he
returned to the bedroom. Dillan noticed Derek still lounging

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in bed and he’d pulled the sheet up around his waist.

“I’m going to start breakfast,” Dillan told him.
Dillan leaned toward him again, intending to kiss him.

When Derek held up his hand, stopping his forward motion,
he cocked his head and lifted one brow in silent question.

“Uh, I haven’t brushed,” Derek stated. “We shouldn’t,


Dillan chuckled. He shook his head as he gripped Derek’s

wrist and pushed his hand from between them. Leaning
down the rest of the way, Dillan finished his intention and
pressed a slow, sipping kiss to Derek’s lips.

Lifting his head so there was a couple of inches between

them, Dillan stated, “I will always want your kiss. No matter

Derek nodded once. “Okay.”
Dillan straightened and crossed to the dresser. He pulled

on a pair of jeans, leaving the top button undone, then strode
from the room. As he started the coffee pot, he listened.
Within a few minutes, Dillan’s sensitive hearing picked up
Derek’s movement, letting him know his mate was up.

They’d just finished their meal and were sitting together

on the sofa with fresh cups of coffee when Dillan heard the
sound of an approaching vehicle.

Frowning, Dillan turned to Derek and asked, “Did Edwin

or your brother say anything about stopping by this
morning?” He’d really hoped to get at least one quiet day
with his mate before he had to deal with possible pack
business. Dillan knew he’d have to approach Alpha Declan
with his request to stay on the outskirts of his pack’s
territory indefinitely.

Derek shook his head. “Not to me.”
Dillan growled softly and pushed to his feet. “Then let’s

go see who our uninvited guests are.” He smirked and held

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out his hand. “Then, we can send them on their way.”

Nodding, Derek took his hand, allowing him to pull him

to his feet.

Knowing his mate was still getting used to public

displays of affection, Dillan released him. Besides, he
couldn’t open the door if both hands were full and he
planned to take his coffee with him. Dillan crossed to the
front door and pulled it open. He stepped on the porch,
shivering just a bit as the cool, morning mountain chill hit
his bare chest.

Dillan crossed to the wide steps. Standing at the top, he

leaned his left shoulder against the wooden pillar and lifted
his coffee cup to his lips. As he watched, a navy green SUV
with tinted windows appeared from between the trees.

Keeping his expression neutral, Dillan watched as the

vehicle parked. He saw three doors open and four people
exit the vehicle...the man who vacated the back seat turned
and held his hand out to aid a woman dressed in a very
pretty yellow sundress. Too bad her glacial blue eyes
dimmed her beauty.

“Oh, my God,” Derek whispered.
Dillan didn’t pull his focus away from the three glaring

men that accompanied the woman. Two were older, one a
little heavy around the middle. A third was perhaps around
Derek’s age. None of them were smiling.

Dillan’s cat hissed in his mind and he completely agreed.
Intruders were in his territory.
“Do you know them?” Dillan asked softly.
“That’s my father, Forest Sommers,” Derek muttered.

“Shit. And that’s Jennifer, her father, Raymond, and her
brother, Wayne. What the hell are they doing here? How did
they even find me?”

“That is a very good question,” Dillan agreed. “We

should be certain to get that information before they leave.”

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He finally tore his gaze away from the group and turned to
look at his lover, although he did keep the uninvited guests
in his peripheral vision. “May I kiss you?” he asked softly.
“Nothing big. Just enough to put my claim on you in front of
your father and these people.” He forced a smile as he
admitted, “My cat really needs it, since this woman is
claiming to be your fiancée.”

Derek’s eyes widened just a bit as he glanced toward the

group. Then, he focused on Dillan and nodded once. “Uh,
yeah. I’ve never really done public displays, but—” he
cleared his throat and his cheeks pinked just a bit, reminding
Dillan of his mate’s...well, inexperience. “I don’t want to
ever deny you.”

“I think I love you already,” Dillan whispered.
Derek’s eyes widened and his jaw sagged open.
Dillan took complete advantage. He rolled his shoulder

on the wooden pillar so his back pressed against the wood.
Then, he reached out, grabbed Derek’s neck with his free
hand, and reeled him in, pulling him against his own body.
Dillan thrust his tongue in deep for just a couple of seconds,
and he swept his tongue around his mate’s mouth. Just as
quickly, Dillan ended the kiss and lifted his head. He smiled
at his mate.

“Thank you,” Dillan whispered.
Derek stared back at him, his expression a little amused

and very much pleased. “Anytime.”

“You get your filthy hands off my fiancé!” a feminine

voice shrieked. “You old bastard! He’s mine,” she continued
screaming. “I get his money!”

“That’s enough,” one of the older men roared, yelling

over Jennifer’s continued claims and obscenities. “Derek,
you will cease that deviant behavior right now.”

Stiffening, Derek licked his lips, then slowly turned and

faced the speaker. “Hello, Father. I’d say it’s nice to see you

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but perhaps next time you should call first.”

“Don’t you give me cheek, Boy, or you’ll be sorry,” the

man Dillan realized was Forest Sommers warned, his face
turning pink in obvious anger. “Don’t forget what I have in
my safe. You wouldn’t want that little secret getting out,
would you?”

Derek’s jaw clenched, and he paled, looking for all the

world as if he’d been smacked.

Dillan’s possessive need to protect what was his roared to

life. Hissing between his teeth, he stepped down the couple
of steps needed to reach the ground, placing himself
between the four and Derek. “You’ve come to my home and
insulted my partner,” he snapped. “Leave now before I call
the police.”

Having gotten into the habit of researching possible

places to live long ago, Dillan had checked out the pack and
surrounding areas where Edwin had moved. He knew a
local detective was a Bengal tiger shifter and had his number
programed into his speed dial...just in case. Dillan pulled his
phone from his pocket.

“Don’t make me call the cops,” Dillan declared.
Forest barely spared Dillan a glance, which caused

Dillan’s cat’s hackles to raise. How he’d love to shift and tear
this human’s throat out. Only the fact that this was his
mate’s father stayed the instinct.

“Derek, get your car keys and give them to Wayne,”

Forest ordered. “He’ll drive your car. You will ride in the
SUV with us.” He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms
over his chest. “We have a long drive ahead of us and can
have a nice long chat.

Wayne stepped forward, his hand extended, an arrogant

smirk on his face. Dillan knew the type. This human had had
everything handed to him. With the blond hair, lean build
and icy blue eyes, it was easy to tell he was Jennifer’s sister.

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“Come on, asshole,” Wayne snapped. “I missed a

bachelor party last night because of you. Let’s get a move

“God,” Derek snapped, coming down the steps to stand

beside Dillan. “I knew your sister was a selfish piece of
work, so I should have known you were a chip off the old
block.” Derek curled his lip at Wayne for a second, then
turned and sneered at Forest and the other older male.
“Forget it, Father. I don’t know how you found us or what
you think to accomplish with this stunt, but I’m not
marrying her.” Derek glared at Jennifer, curling his lip.
“What? Did you buy your own ring for this façade? Or did
you get it from one our daddies?

Jennifer’s eyes widened and her face turned an interesting

shade of red.

Raymond beat her to a response. “You said you had

control of him,” he thundered, glaring at Forest. “Now he’s
making my daughter look the part of a fool.”

“Damn you, Boy!” Forest roared. “I did not track your car

across three states for you to have a childish meltdown.” His
eyes narrowing, his nostrils flaring, the heavy-set human
continued, “You will do right by your family and—”

Derek barked a laugh. “Right by my family? Right? Right

like you disowned Deke?” He scoffed and shook his head.
“Okay, Father. I disown you. I don’t care what business deal
you have going on with Raymond. You all can leave me out
of it.” He pointed his finger at his father and snarled, “I quit,
remember? I’m done being your whipping boy and lap dog.
I’m living my own life now.”

“You disgusting abomination!” Forest roared. “After all

I’ve done for you, I will not have you speaking to me that
way. Get in the fucking car,” he continued, pointing at the

“You’re such an ungrateful jackass,” Wayne hissed,

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drawing attention. “Denying my sister so you can act out in
this deviant way.” He stalked toward the porch, lifting his
right hand and shaking his fist at Derek. “If marrying you
didn’t mean millions,” Wayne added in a harsh snarl, “I
would never let an abomination like you near my sister!”

Wayne swung his arm, aiming a fist at Derek’s jaw.
Dillan roared and lunged toward Wayne, but it was too

late. Except, Derek easily stepped to the right, blocked the
blow with his left arm, and landed a right hook of his own.
Wayne was already tumbling ass over tea kettle when
Dillan’s body hit him and took him the rest of the way to the
ground...hard. Dillan’s sensitive hearing picked up the
distinctive sound of a pop. Judging from that and Wayne’s
howl, Dillan bet the human had at least one cracked rib.

Rolling off the man and springing back to his feet, Dillan

curled his lip at the remaining trio.

“I don’t give a fuck what—” Forest began.
The sound of a rifle crack echoed through the morning

air. “I don’t have to miss,” a clearly amused tenor called.
“You’re in the mountains of Colorado and you’re harassing
my friends. Even the cops wouldn’t touch us. You swung
first!” The voice chuckled. “Now might be a grand time to
leave and never return...Forest Sommers. You and your
bigoted kind aren’t welcome here.”

The sounds of half a dozen wolf howls filled the morning

air...and they weren’t very far away.

Dillan’s cat’s hackles raised in his mind. He tried to

remind himself that he wasn’t their prey. He was a friend to
the local pack. He had permission to be here.

“Ah, better hurry,” the stranger called, clearing enjoying

this. “I don’t like people using tracking devices to harm my
buddies, and my wolves would love an excuse”

After the older men exchanged a look, they rushed

forward. Dillan grabbed Derek’s elbow and urged him back

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a few steps. Wayne’s father bent down and wrapped an arm
around his son. Forest curled his lip and snarled, “I will ruin
you, Derek. You’ll never work in law again.”

Derek scoffed. “Good.” Then, he narrowed his eyes and

snarled, “Do you think I’ll need evidence that you were the
one to pay the cop off? Or will insinuation be enough to ruin
you, too?”

While Forest sneered and turned to help Wayne, too, the

man’s father curled his lip at Derek. “Faggot.”

Wolves howled again and several appeared, bounding

across the lawn toward them. While their teeth were bared
and their ears were pinned, giving them a ferocious look,
Dillan couldn’t help spotting the amusement in the shifter’s
eyes. They were having fun.

Within two minutes, the uninvited humans had piled into

the SUV and sped away. The wolves—it looked like six of
them, much to Dillan’s irritation—trotted around the
clearing, sniffing at his cat’s scent markers. Derek was
pressed against Dillan’s side, his eyes wide as he stared
around at all the shifters in animal form.

“Well, that went well,” the stranger stated, human by his

scent, as he sauntered toward them. The lean man had a
scoped rifle slung over his shoulder. “Jared Templeton. Mate
of Carson Angeni,” he said by way of introduction. “I do
hate bigoted assholes in our territory.” Jared looked at Dillan
and smirked. “I disabled the tracking device he had on
Derek’s car, but I’d recommend selling it.” He winked.
“Have your mate get something that will handle the snow.”

Dillan nodded slowly. He recognized Carson’s name.

Looking over, he noted Declan McIntire speaking with
another naked male, whom Dillan didn’t recognize. Seconds
later, that man turned and started giving orders to a couple
of wolves, who immediately turned and took off into the
woods. Dillan guessed that they were told to follow the

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vehicle to make certain the humans really were leaving.

In the next instant, Declan turned and looked Dillan’s

way. He nodded and held up a couple of fingers, indicating
he needed a couple of minutes, then wanted to talk to him.
Dillan waved in understanding. It seemed, there was plenty
to explain.

“Oh, my God! There are so many of them!”
Derek’s declaration drew Dillan’s attention. He realized

his mate peered around the clearing with wide eyes, his
focus skipping from one shifter to another. Derek was
obviously still coming to grips with shifters.

That didn’t really surprise Dillan.
Grabbing Derek’s upper arms in a gentle hold, Dillan

rubbed up and down. He hated the confused look that
slowly turned to...defeat as he took in his mate’s face.
“Derek, my mate, are you okay?” Dillan asked, glancing up
and down, scanning his lover for injury. Other than scraped
knuckles from nailing Jennifer’s brother, Derek appeared

Derek let out a slow breath and blinked. He met Dillan’s

gaze. After a second, he smiled. “Yeah,” he said with a nod.
“I’m okay. That went kind of how I expected.”

“I’m sorry about your parents,” Dillan told him, meaning

every word. His own pride had disowned him centuries ago,
but every once in a while, that pang of sadness hit him.

Shaking his head, Derek shrugged. “I wish it were

different, but you can’t build a life on wishes.” He lifted his
hand and cupped Dillan’s jaw. “Besides, I have you and
Deke and all our new friends,” he said, glancing around at
the group of wolf shifters whose unexpected arrival had
helped send Forest packing.

“Anything you want or need,” Dillan vowed. “Name it

and it’ll be done.”

Derek shook his head. He leaned forward and pressed a

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quick butterfly kiss to Dillan’s lips. “I don’t need anything.”
Then he scoffed. “All I want is to sit and relax the day away
in our hot tub. Is that okay?”

Dillan nodded. “That sounds like a fine idea,” he replied,

grinning. “After we chat with the alpha, we’ll do just that.”

“Good,” Derek said. He pecked another fast, hard kiss to

Dillan’s lips, he stepped away and waggled his brows. “Let’s
hurry up then. I want to have a long, hard, deep discussion
about the best ways to relax in our hot tub.”

As Derek turned away and headed toward Alpha Declan,

Dillan growled softly as he trotted to catch up. His mate’s
idea sounded just about perfect.

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after
stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing gay
erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of her
husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her life-long
goals...move to acreage with her horses. You can often find
her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of
wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring
the mountains of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-
wheeler, or motorcycle.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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