Wolves of Stone Ridge 6 Goading the Enforcer

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Jared Templeton returned to Colin City for one reason, to make it through his sister’s wedding.

After that he wanted to return to his home in Massachusetts and go back to his blessed solitude and
his life as an assassin. He didn’t plan on attending a viewing for a deceased mentor, agreeing to help
his shifter friend rescue a blind man, or learning that he had a shifter mate, a male shifter mate. He’d
never been attracted to a man before, but he couldn’t deny that he lusted after this one. And he had no
clue what to do about it, or how he could fit the wolf shifter into his life if he did give in to his

Carson Angeni is the enforcer for the Stone Ridge wolf pack. He’s followed his alpha’s

commands and obeyed him without question, even to the point of taking lives to ensure the safety of
his pack. When he’s faced with a mate who kills for money, with no remorse and no conscience, he
questions Fate’s choice. How can he accept someone who seems to get his jollies by goading those
around him, not to mention Jared lives halfway across the country? But as he gets to know the man,
Carson learns that there is more to him than Jared’s brash exterior displays. There’s definitely a
connection between them and both have trouble denying it, but Carson can’t accept Jared’s work as
an assassin. And when Carson discovers that Jared knew from the beginning that he was Carson’s
mate, it creates even more tension between them. Can Carson learn to trust his mate while trying to
convince Jared to give up the only life and the only job he’s ever known, to settle with him in Stone

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Goading the Enforcer Copyright © 2012 Charlie Richards ISBN: 978-1-77111-101-0 Cover art

by Martine Jardin

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Goading the Enforcer Wolves of Stone Ridge: Book Six
Charlie Richards

For those that hate reading a cliffhanger ending as much as I do… May we never have to go
through one again.

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Chapter One


ared stared up at his childhood home. Ten years was a long time to stay away, even though he

knew it was for the best. He didn’t want his life as an assassin to touch his parents or sisters. But
when his mother had told him his older sister was getting married, he’d had no choice but to make the
trip to Colin City. Jared took a deep breath and climbed out of his rented Porsche, prepared to put on
the façade of his life.

He hadn’t even reached the porch when the door swung open and Patricia stepped out and rested

her hands on her hips.
“You are so giving me a ride in that!”

Grinning up at his sister, he drawled, “Oh, yeah? Who says?”

He was ready when she screeched and launched off the porch and into his arms. He swung her around
in the air, laughing the whole time. She pecked his cheek before pulling back and grinning. “Welcome
back to Colin City. Hasn’t changed much, has it?”
“Nope, it sure hasn’t,” he replied, setting her back on her feet. “Where are Mom and Dad?” he asked,
his gaze straying to the empty doorway.
Patricia immediately sobered, making alarm bells go off in Jared’s head. His sister rarely did
serious, which meant this was big. “Mr. Giovanni was killed. They thought you were coming into
town tomorrow, so they’re at the viewing.”
He frowned. “What happened?” he asked as he headed back to his car to grab his bag, already
thinking of what dark shirt he had to go with the black jeans he wore. He was glad he hadn’t checked
into his hotel yet and still had his clothes with him.
She grimaced. “It’s kind of weird, really. The story is he was out jogging and got hit by a car. Hit and
run. The police haven’t arrested anyone though.”
“Well, if it was a hit and run, then they wouldn’t know who it was,” Jared pointed out, dropping his
bag on the dining room table and pulling out a black sweater. He whipped the light blue button-down
shirt he wore over his head and quickly replaced it. Catching Patricia’s expression, he lifted a brow.
“Why are you changing?” she asked.
“I knew Mr. Giovanni growing up. I’m going to pay my respects,” he replied. He picked his keys
back up and eyed his sister. “Where is it at?”
Letting out a sigh, she said, “Give me a sec and I’ll come, too.”
Five minutes later Jared was back in his car, driving toward Colin City Memorial. Patricia turned to
look at him. “I only saw him a few times growing up. Why did you spend so much time with him?”
“He taught advanced computer courses when I was in high school. He’s the one who helped me get
ahead and win that technology scholarship.” He grimaced, knowing the man wouldn’t approve of
what he’d ended up doing with his skills, but he could still pay his respects to the deceased. “I kept in
touch with him for a number of years.”
“That was him, huh?”
Nodding, he fell silent, thinking how his life had changed after he’d gone to college. During his
second year, he’d saved a woman’s life, taking the life of her attacker in the process. In his panic
over what he’d done and afraid of getting charged, he’d hid the body and made it look like the man
had run away instead. That had been the first of many deaths to dirty his hands, but the money was
good and he really didn’t mind the work as an assassin. He didn’t know what that said about him, but

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there it was.
He pushed those thoughts away. He was on vacation. It was a mandatory vacation, but a vacation
They arrived at the memorial center and headed into the building, quickly locating the viewing. Jared
stood in line, listening to those around him tell stories of the man. When he reached the side of the
grieving sister, he offered his condolences.
“How did you know my brother?”
Jared reached out and took one of her hands in both of his, offering comfort. “He was my teacher in
high school,” he explained. “He tutored me and helped me get a scholarship. The world has lost a
truly great man.”
“Aye,” the man standing next to her replied when it became apparent the woman was too choked up to
answer. “Kyle was a great man. He’ll be missed.”
Releasing her hand, Jared turned to study the speaker. A large, shaven-scalped African American
with dark brown eyes returned his gaze and Jared had the distinct impression he was being measured.
He nodded, forcing himself to move aside. Then he stepped up to the casket.
Jared’s eyes narrowed. He was familiar with killing blows and the marks they left on a body. Mr.
Giovanni’s death was not the result of a hit and run. Although mostly hidden by the suit jacket and tie,
Jared still saw the thin discolored line around Kyle’s neck, which told him a completely different
story. Someone had garroted the man.
“What the hell?” he muttered, forcing his body to get moving again. He regarded the crowd,
wondering if anyone else had noticed the discrepancy. As he strolled toward the bar, his gaze locked
onto a pair of ice blue eyes that stared right back at him.
Sucking in a surprised breath, he raised one brow and lifted his chin toward the bar. He didn’t have
long to wait until the huge blond appeared next to him. “Tanis,” the other man growled.
“Grady.” Jared grinned for a second before schooling his features into a more appropriate expression
for attending a viewing while he remembered the mission where he’d met the detective. He’d ended
up sick as a dog in the middle of a foreign country, which allowed some insurgents to capture him. If
it hadn’t been for the man next to him, he would have been killed. He spotted his sister headed toward
him, leading his parents and turned to the man who’d rocked his world by shape-shifting into a tiger.
“Better call me Jared here,” he murmured quietly. “And hit and run my ass.”
He spotted the flicker of amusement in Grady’s eyes before the shifter could hide it. “Jared then and
you’re right.”
Patricia draped a wrist through Jared’s arm and smiled coyly up at the big detective. “Hello,
Detective Stryker. My brother’s not in trouble, I hope.”
Jared wanted to roll his eyes, but resisted the urge. First, this was in no way the place to flirt. Second,
the man didn’t look like he played for the other team, but Jared knew Grady was gay. His sister was
barking up the wrong tree.
Grady gave a respectful nod. “Of course not, Miss Templeton.” Before he could say more a slightly
heavy man with steel gray hair pulled into a queue that ran down his back stopped beside Grady and
wrapped a proprietary arm around his waist. Grady smiled fondly at the man and the gray-eyed
stranger’s face made something click in Jared’s memory.
Two months ago, he’d done research for Grady on a Doctor Gordon Digby, a psychiatrist. He’d sent
his tiger friend most of the information he’d located, but kept a few details to himself. Like a recent
picture he’d located as well as a few details of the man’s—shifter’s—likes and dislikes. He hadn’t
thought it pertinent at the time. Now he knew he’d been mistaken.

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He ignored his sister’s surprised gasp and stuck out a hand. “I’m Jared Templeton. You must be
Doctor Gordon Digby. I’ve heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Gordon’s brows shot up and he glanced at Grady before taking Jared’s hand. “Nice to meet you,
Jared. I’m afraid I can’t say the same.”
Grinning, he shrugged. “Can’t say I’m too surprised. Not much to say about me really.”
Grady snorted, quickly covering it with a cough.
“I’m in town for my sister’s wedding. I hope we can catch up,” he said to the detective, letting his
hazel eyes meet Grady’s for a second, requesting information and offering aid at the same time.
For a second, he didn’t think the big man would take him up on his offer, but then Grady wrapped an
arm around Gordon’s shoulders and grinned. “Sounds like a plan. We’re playing poker tomorrow
night at my buddy’s place. I’ll text you the address if you’re available.”
Jared smirked. “You’re texting now? Well, how about that?”
“Yup. I’m moving up in the world,” Grady teased goodnaturedly.
“Will miracles never cease,” he quipped back, remembering how he’d had to bust Grady’s balls,
figuratively of course, to get the man’s promise that if he ever needed anything he’d call. The tiger
hated technology. After chuckling over Gordon’s snort, Jared grinned and said, “Yeah. I came in early
to make sure I had extra time. You have my number.” He winked at Gordon and added, “I’ll bring the
As he turned away and greeted his parents, he heard Gordon mutter, “Who is that and how the hell
does he know what kind of beer I like?”
He almost felt bad for causing trouble for the tiger. Almost.
Wrapping his arms around his mother, he said, “Patricia told me where you were. When I heard, I had
to come and pay my respects.”

He didn’t think they were really going to play poker, but he’d picked up a twelve pack anyway.

Carefully following the instructions Grady had sent him, he turned his Porsche onto a gravel driveway
and stopped, staring at the ruts and holes. “Well, damn,” he grunted, easing the car forward, doing his
best to avoid bottoming out.

From the state of the driveway, he expected the building to be a rustic little cabin in a weed-

strewn clearing. He couldn’t have been more wrong. The massive lodge with beautiful stone trim
shocked him. He parked next to a truck and headed toward the impressive building.

The door was opened after only a few seconds by a short blond man with vibrant blue eyes. Jared

had never found himself attracted to a man before, but even he had to admit that this guy was cute. He
grinned and held out a hand. “Hello, handsome. I’m Jared Templeton. Grady invited me,” he said.

The man took the hand and chuckled. “I’m Lark and don’t let Declan hear you say that to me.”

“Too late. I heard,” an accented voice snarled.
He released Lark’s hand and lifted it in placation, chuckling softly. “Don’t worry. I’m not gay, but
even I can appreciate that your…” he paused, realizing the large man who now had a possessive arm
around Lark’s waist had been at the funeral. He’d assumed he was the sister’s husband or boyfriend.
He’d been wrong. This man oozed alpha male from every pore. “Let me guess. You’re a shifter and
Lark is your mate?”
The growl from Declan almost drowned out Lark’s shocked gasp. Suddenly, Jared found himself
pinned against the door, an angry two-hundred-fifty pound male holding his throat. “How do ye know
about us? Who the hell are you?”
He grinned, flipping through the different moves he could use to break the bigger man’s hold and
wondering if they’d work on the shifter. Instead he held out a hand, never breaking eye contact. “I’m

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Jared Templeton. You must be Declan McIntire. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Whoa! Whoa, Declan, wait!” Grady rushed into view. “I was gonna tell you about Jared earlier, but
it kinda slipped my mind with everything going on,” he said in a rush, resting one hand on Declan’s
shoulder and the other on the man’s arm. “He can help us.”
Declan’s lip curled. “How can this human help us?”
An indignant huff sounded from Lark. “Excuse me, big guy. Human standing right here. Do you want to
sleep upstairs tonight?”
Slowly, the hand around his neck eased and dropped away. Declan stepped away and pulled his mate
into his arms, a sheepish expression on his face. “Sorry, baby,” he whispered. He gave Jared one
more scowl before heading into the house.
Grady turned to Jared and shook his head. “Are you trying to get yourself shredded?”
Jared shrugged. “Of course not. How’s Gordon? Is he here?”
“Yeah, he’s in the other room and thanks for your comments last night. It took me an hour to convince
him I’d never fucked you,” Grady muttered, leading the way into a large study.
Laughing, Jared followed.
Twelve people crammed into the room made the study seem much smaller than it really was. He
already knew Gordon, Lark and Declan. Grady introduced the others. Travis, Rainy and Cliff
MacDougal—it didn’t escape his notice that Travis and Rainy were clearly a couple— sat on a
leather couch. On an easy chair sat Shane Alvaro, who Declan introduced as his beta. Todd
Abernathy was curled up in Lyle Sullivan’s lap in a matching recliner. Nick Greely and Carson
Angeni sat on another, smaller sofa. The several inches between them told Jared that they were not a
couple. And he made thirteen. Jared grinned. My lucky number.
His gaze returned to Carson. With long black hair framing classic native American features and a
bump in his nose telling him it had been broken at least once, add in a firm, tone body, bronzed skin
and piercing brown eyes, the man was truly stunning. He stared unashamedly for a second, watching
Carson stare right back at him. He suddenly found himself reevaluating his earlier statement about not
being gay. In the span of ten minutes he’d found himself appreciating the features of two different men
and this second guy definitely made his prick take notice. Huh, maybe I’m bisexual.
His grin widened further and he turned to where Lark now sat curled up on Declan’s lap. He waved a
hand between them. “Okay, ya got me. Lark is handsome, but this guy’s stunning. He just might make
me reconsider my sexuality, because he’s definitely fuck-worthy,” he finished, giving Carson a
lascivious wink.
Ignoring the shocked silence caused by his rather sadistic sense of humor, Jared settled into a chair
and focused on Grady. “So, since it’s obvious this isn’t really a poker party, why don’t we cut to the
chase?” His gaze turned predatory as he focused on Grady. His lips curved into a malicious smile and
his voice lowered as he asked, “Who do you want me to kill?”

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Chapter Two


arson forced his breathing to remain slow and even, refusing to react to Jared’s words. It didn’t

help that the very mention of fucking between them had his dick so hard it hurt. Good thing he wore
loose pants or he’d be hurting.

The second the muscular, light brown haired human had stepped into the room and he’d caught

Jared’s scent, Carson had known. This man was his mate. Then Jared had opened his mouth and all
Carson’s hopes were dashed. Not only was Jared not gay, or even bi, regardless of his barbed words,
he was a damn assassin. What the hell is Fate thinking?

As Declan’s enforcer, Carson spent his life upholding shifter law. How can this happen? What

can I do? He’d looked for his mate for almost seventy years and then to be saddled with this man, a
man with no conscience and an obvious knack for raising ire in others, if the snarled words said by
his alpha while in the hallway that the entire room had overheard, was any indication.

It only took two seconds for Carson to realize that, if he decided he wanted the man, he’d have to

fight not only Jared, but the man’s profession as well. Slowly rising, he wondered if the human would
be worth it. Fate only knew. “Fuck-worthy, huh? What makes you think I’d sully myself with someone
like you?”
That drew Jared’s attention. The human lifted his gaze until he looked Carson in the eye. He had the
audacity to wink. “Oh, I’d be the best lay you ever had, Injun.”

Carson certainly couldn’t argue that. The man was his mate, so of course he’d be the best lay he

ever had, but the Injun comment stung. And it didn’t take a genius to realize that was why he’d said it.
It just confirmed that the human enjoyed riling people. Taking a second, Carson narrowed his eyes
and studied the human. In his line of work, being a good judge of character was essential. He saw
things others often missed, usually able to peg a person’s personality within five minutes of meeting
them. The skill allowed him to quietly advise his alpha of possible problems in the pack.

Still, Carson almost missed the wary gleam in Jared’s eyes that made him realize the man didn’t

really mean anything by his comment. It was his mate’s way of keeping people away. He kept his face
impassive as understanding dawned. The human just may care about others after all. Jared just
couldn’t show it.

A small smile curved Carson’s lips. In the next second, he grabbed Jared’s shoulders, hauled him

to his feet and pinned him to the wall with his body. “I doubt you could handle me,” he growled.

He slammed his lips down on his mate’s, knowing instinctively that he’d surprised the man and

that didn’t happen often. Jared probably didn’t expect him to willingly demonstrate his sexuality in
front of all these people, but these were his pack-mates and he knew they had his back no matter what.

When Jared moved his hands to Carson’s shoulders, presumably to push him away, Carson

grabbed the man’s wrists and pinned them to the wall above his head. Then he pried the man’s mouth
open with his lips and tongue and sank into the warm, wet heat. An explosion of masculine flavors hit
his senses and Carson growled low in his chest in appreciation of Jared’s unique taste.

Seconds later, he felt Jared’s tongue begin to duel with his as the man fought for dominance even

while pinned to the wall. It took everything in Carson to keep from rutting against his mate. Instead, he
kept his hips away from Jared’s body, hiding his obvious desire for the human.

They came up for air, both of them panting. Jared somehow managed to find his tongue first.

“Well, all that proves is you can kiss, Injun,” he teased. “I’ve found that plenty of great kissers suck in

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Carson growled, not wanting to hear about his mate’s other bed partners. Before his lust-infused

manage to compose a thought, Declan “Enough. We’re here to plan a rescue for compare dick sizes.
Carson, sit down!”

Releasing Jared, who still grinned like a loon, he returned to his seat. Jared did the same, openly

adjusting a nice sized erection. When Carson glanced down at it and then back up to his face, Jared
winked again.
“Carson, tell us what ye’ve learned,” Declan ordered.

Tearing his stare away from Jared, Carson swept his gaze over the others in the room, seeing

expressions that ranged from curiosity to amusement. Giving himself a mental shake to refocus on the
purpose of their meeting, he eased forward in his seat and rested his forearms on his knees. “The
complex is three times what we originally thought. There are three levels underground, in addition to
the one we can see.”

He picked up his laptop and pulled open a file as he spoke. “The ground floor is offices and

conference rooms, nothing to raise suspicion if authorities were to check the place out.” He swung his
laptop around so the others could see. “In this office here, which is occupied by the senior accountant,
there is a sliding panel hiding a door to an elevator.

“The first underground floor is comprised of labs. The brain could commanded,
Dagus, not second and third are made up of exam rooms, cells and cages.” He twisted his lips in

disgust as he said the words. His stomach churned. “Currently, Dagus is being held in one of these
cells on the east wing of the second floor.”
“Who’s Dagus?” Jared asked mildly.

“He’s the brother of a friend,” Carson snapped, irritated at being interrupted.

Jared cut in again. “And what do you want with him?”
Grady answered, “We need to rescue him. This building is owned by a company called the Crystal
Lake Corporation. They’re a research company, but what they research on the sly is how to combine
shifter DNA with human. The shifters are held against their will,” Grady growled. “Dagus is a human
they took to trade for one of their own that we are holding. We want Dagus out and don’t want to give
up Miach. He’s too valuable a resource if we can get him talking.”
That had Jared’s brow lifting, but he only asked, “Got a picture?”
“I’ll find you one,” Grady replied.
Jared nodded.
Lifting a brow as he watched Jared, Carson waited to see if he had any other questions. He got a
smirk and a wave of his hand for his trouble. He fought against the urge to roll his eyes and returned
to his monitor. “The security is tight. Employees have pass-cards they scan, logging when they enter
and leave the building. Guests must have an appointment. Even pizza delivery is monitored,” he
added dryly.
“To access the hidden elevator, there’s a fingerprint scanner, along with the pass-card and they must
match. Now, we have a contact on the inside who is willing to get us in the building, but since Pascal
Ignoto is an accounting assistant, he doesn’t have access to the elevator.” Carson ran a hand through
his long black hair, feeling the frustration welling again. “We don’t yet have a way of getting the door
open so we can reach the elevator once we’re inside.”
Jared leaned forward, his scent intensifying as he closed the distance between them and stared at the
map. “What is this?”
Carson had trouble focusing on the man’s words, let alone what his mate pointed at and he felt
grateful that the laptop hid his twitching erection. Looking at the screen, he spotted the box Jared

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pointed at and answered. “It’s an air vent.”
“How big is it?”
“Uh, let me see,” he replied, swinging his computer back around and flipping through a few more
schematics. “Fortyeight inches by eighteen inches.”
“I can get through that.”
His head jerked up. “What?”
Jared had the audacity to grip the laptop and pull it closer. “Right here it connects to the elevator
shaft. I can slide through the vent system and—”
“No,” he interrupted quickly. “It’s way too narrow. You could get stuck.” There was no way in hell
he wanted his mate trying to squeeze through that.
Jared’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t think that’s your decision, Carson.” He relaxed back in his seat and
looked around the group. “The only other man in this room that could possibly fit is Lark and I’ve got
a funny idea that Declan isn’t letting his mate anywhere near this place.”
“Ye’re right about that,” the big alpha growled.
Grinning, Jared said, “You didn’t have a way into the elevator and I just gave you one. In fact, I have
the computer skills to rewire the damn thing so we can use it without cutting out someone’s eyeball.
There’s no reason to refuse me. Besides, I’ve been in tighter places than that,” he scoffed.
Carson had to fight back his initial reaction, to confess that the man was his mate and he didn’t want
him putting his life at risk. Instead, he turned his head and stared at Declan. “Then we have a way into
the elevator,” he said, but he couldn’t hide the tension in his jaw and he knew Declan noticed. He’d
have some explaining to do later.
They made plans to enter the facility the day after next, knowing they’d need a little time to schedule a
last minute meeting with their contact. As much as Declan’s decision, prompted by Grady’s
suggestion, to send Jared into the meeting alone irked him, Carson had to admit that Jared would be
the least likely to raise suspicions, since he wasn’t familiar to people in the area and he was familiar
with covert operations. They wouldn’t know his face.
After sending all the information they had to Jared’s secure email so he could study it over the next
day, Carson wanted to jump out of his skin. He couldn’t touch the man, since Carson wasn’t certain he
wanted to try to pursue him. On the other hand, the kiss notwithstanding, he wasn’t even certain Jared
would welcome his advances. There were a lot of hurdles and he needed time to think. To do that, he
needed space away from the man.
He put away his laptop and left Jared talking with Lyle, Grady and Gordon. Before he could make a
clean get-away, his alpha caught up with him.
“Come with me,” Declan ordered, leading the way into the empty living room. Carson swallowed
hard as he watched his alpha pace for a moment. After a moment, Declan turned toward him and said,
“That was quite a display ye made before the meeting started. I’ve never seen ye attack someone
quite like that. Care to explain?”
Carson cleared his throat and ran a hand through his long hair before confessing, “He’s my mate. It
was a little hard to…focus.” He hated having to admit that.
That had Declan’s brows lifting. “And yet ye were just about to leave without speaking with him. I
know that he knows about shifters and mating, so why is that?”
“Because I haven’t decided if I’m going to pursue him,” he answered honestly. “I need time to think.”
“Not certain?” Declan’s glare surprised Carson. “What aren’t ye certain about?”
“He’s an assassin… And straight,” he objected.
Declan crossed his arms over his powerful chest and stared at him for several long seconds. Carson

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forced himself not to squirm under his alpha’s knowing gaze. “He didn’t appear too straight to me
when ye both were making out in me study.”
He couldn’t stop the flush that worked up his neck. “It shouldn’t have happened.” The softly spoken
words nearly tore out his heart, but there it was and under his alpha’s watchful gaze, he kept talking.
“I’m not sure I want to try to turn a self-professed straight man into my mate. Besides,” he added,
“could I learn to trust a guy like that to give up women for me?” he asked, rubbing a hand over his
face. “I mean, he’s an assassin. His life is cloaked in lies and death. I’m your enforcer. I don’t—”
“Ye’ve dealt yer own killing blows, Carson,” Declan cut in gently. “And since many times it was at
my behest, how does that make ye different?” Before he could reply, Declan held up his hand. “I
understand about the lies and the problem about him giving up women. He’s a human and they don’t
always feel the same pull we do.” He wrapped a big hand around Carson’s shoulder and squeezed.
“Ye do have a lot to think about, me friend. Going after yer mate could be life changing for ye. Take a
day. Decide if it’s worth it.” He smiled. “Ye have me support either way.”
Carson nodded, relieved that his alpha understood. He pulled open the door and stepped into the
chilly night air.
“Just remember one thing,” Declan said, causing him to turn back and look at him. The big man stared
at him hard before whispering, “Ye only get one.”
Carson watched his alpha disappear into the house, feeling more confused than he could ever

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Chapter Three


ared stood in the shadows of the darkened hallway and watched Declan escort Carson to the door.

Their murmur of words after they’d stepped outside made it impossible for him to hear what else was
said. He probably shouldn’t have eavesdropped on their conversation, but he couldn’t help himself.
The habit was too ingrained to stop just because he wasn’t on a job. He smirked. Well, technically,
now I
am on a job. So much for a vacation.

The smile faded just as quickly as he remembered the two men’s conversation. So, Carson thinks

I’m his mate. That put an interesting spin on things, didn’t it? He didn’t blame the man for not jumping
him and trying to claim him. Jared couldn’t really even tell himself how he’d respond to that. He’d
admit that the kiss was hot, but he’d never been interested in a guy before. What was it about Carson
that drew him? Huh. Mate-bond, maybe?
“Hey, what are you doing?”

Grady’s voice had him spinning. He hadn’t even heard him approach, which told Jared just how

out of it he’d been. Jared stared at his friend, searching for an answer. Is Grady my friend? Maybe.“I
think we need to talk,” he finally said. “Is there a pub nearby? I’d like to buy you and Gordon a beer.”
That had Grady’s brows lifting. “Sure. It’s a bit out of your way though. The closest one is in Stone
Ridge, which is fifteen minutes in the other direction.”

“No big deal,” he said, shrugging. “I’m a night owl, so a long drive in the dark won’t be an issue

for me.”
“If you’re not expected anywhere, you can crash in our spare bedroom,” Grady offered, leading the
way back to Gordon.
“Maybe,” he replied, know if he could sleep trusted the tiger, he wasn’t quite so comfortable with the
man’s mate.
He watched Grady greet Gordon with a deep kiss and found himself wondering what it would be like
to be in a committed relationship. His work had never made such a thing possible. He supposed that
meant Carson’s worry was well founded. Why the hell does that bother me so much?
When they walked outside, Gordon let out a long, low whistle. “Damn. Nice ride!”
Jared grinned. “Yeah. What can I say? I’m a car snob. I always special order something when I’m not
at home.”
“Where do you call home, Jared?” the big man asked.
“Boston,” he answered. “I went to college there and liked it so much that I had to buy a place just
north of there.”
“Follow me,” Grady said and Jared lifted his hand in acknowledgement.
To his surprise, they never reached the town. Grady pulled his truck into the driveway of a small
house and shut the vehicle off. Stepping from his car, Jared took in the two story, darkly painted
home, wondering what the man was up to. He obeyed warily when Grady motioned for him to join
him on the porch.
Grady must have noticed his tension, damn cop instincts, because the man grinned and leaned against
the railing. “Sorry for the change of plans,” he said when Jared got close enough, his voice carrying
softly on the evening wind. “It unwilling to commit. He didn’t in Grady’s home. Although he occurred
to me that one of the reasons we’re using you is because your face isn’t known. I didn’t want you seen
at a bar with me where someone could report our meeting.”
Jared nodded. “I can get behind that,” he said, seeing the sense in Grady’s explanation. Stepping on

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the porch and following the tiger shifter into the room, he teased, “Of course, then you’ll miss out on
that free beer.”
The other man laughed, leading him into the small house. “We’ll take you up on it another time.”
He walked through a small foyer and into the living room. Jared glanced around, taking in the large
flat screen TV and a pair of reclining love seats. Hooked to the TV was an impressive sound system.
He walked over to it and looked closely at the set-up before turning and grinning at Grady. “Nice.
Like your toys, huh?
Grady laughed. “Not me. That’s all Gordon.”
Gordon walked into the room and grinned. “Can’t watch my soaps without surround sound,” he stated,
handing them each a Bud Light.
For a second, Jared stared at Gordon before he started laughing. “You almost had me there, Gordon.
Good one!” He took a sip of his beer and settled onto one of the sofas.
Laughing along with him, Gordon and Grady settled onto the other small couch. “It’s really for the
football games,” Gordon admitted. “I’m a diehard Dolphins fan.”
“You’re a little out of your fan area, aren’t you?” Jared teased.
Gordon shrugged, his mirth disappearing. “You know I used to live in Georgia.”
“Ah. Yes, of course.” Jared nodded. He took another sip of the beer before pinning his hazel-eyed
gaze on the big man. “No hard feelings, Gordon. I was returning a debt.” Before the other man could
pry, he said, “So tell me about Carson. He’s part of the…” He paused and grinned. “What do you call
someone important in a pack?”
Grady chuckled. “He’s the pack enforcer and would you be asking about him because you made out
with him?”
Schooling his features into an amused smirk, Jared replied, “It was a very nice kiss, but no. I’m
interested in the posturing. If it hadn’t been for the alpha, I’m fairly certain he’d have refused my
option out of hand. Why is that?”
“Well, yeah, he’s the one in charge of finding the place’s weakness, so for you to point out an entry so
easily definitely would raise his hackles,” Grady allowed.
Jared nodded, wondering how much more he could pry without sending Grady’s cop instincts into
overdrive. He took another swallow of beer, buying time. “Well, I definitely don’t want him thinking
I’m stepping on his toes.” Then he smiled, “Although, riling him was entertaining.”
Rolling his eyes, Grady warned, “Do you really have a death wish? Carson is a formidable enemy if
you piss him off.”
It was just the opening he needed. “Well, then perhaps I should make certain he knows I’m not a
threat. I want to work with him to save Dagus’s life.” He cocked his head, amused at the irony. He’d
come on vacation and found himself in a situation where he was saving a life instead of taking it.
“Where does he live? I’ll find time to visit him in the morning after my tux fitting.”
“Tux fitting?”
Jared grinned. “I did come to town for my sister’s wedding, after all.”
Grady nodded. “Of course.”
Grady rattled off Carson’s address and Jared committed it to memory. They sat and talked for an hour
about the problems they’d been facing with the scientists in the area. Jared found himself seething at
the treatment of the shifters and had to mentally take a deep breath to calm down.
When they offered him a second beer, Jared declined and took his leave. He drove the hour back to
Colin City, listening to the soothing whine of the Porche’s powerful engine as he zipped along the
curving mountain roads. Even though he’d been offered a room at the house by his parents, Jared had

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opted for a hotel. Sitting in the whirlpool tub in his suite, he booted up his laptop, checked his
firewalls and logged into his accounts. A smile curved his lips when he confirmed that he had indeed
been paid by his last employer. It had been a simple job, needing only his customized rifle and scope,
plus a spotter. He’d taken Raul with him, the one man he trusted.
Thinking of his longtime friend, he picked up his phone and dialed. “Hello, Raul,” he teased, hearing
the man’s sleepy greeting.
“Hey, Jared,” Raul grunted. “What the hell do you need at this hour?”
“I’m just confirming that you over-nighted the items I requested,” he replied. Jared grinned and pulled
the phone away from his ear for a moment. Even at a distance of six inches, he could still hear Raul’s
outburst, but at least it didn’t blast his eardrums.
“What the fuck, man? Of course I sent it! Why’d you call at three thirty in the morning for that?” Raul
snarled. Then the man became eerily quiet for several heartbeats and Jared knew what his next
question would be. Predictably, Raul asked, “I thought this wasn’t a job, Jared. What’s going on?”
He blew out a quiet breath. “It isn’t. At least not in the traditional sense,” he amended. “I’m helping a
Raul snorted. “You? Helping a friend? I didn’t even know you had any friends.”
That comment made Jared pause and think for a moment. He stared out the window, contemplating the
other man’s words. Raul was right. Other than him, Jared had never claimed to have any friends.
Although, with his lifestyle it wasn’t surprising, it was still a sobering thought. What made Grady so
different? Did these shifter creatures simply intrigue him? Or was it something else? Jared had no
idea, which suddenly bothered him even more.
Glaring at the phone as if it were the cause of his suddenly sour mood, he sneered. He lifted it back to
his ear and replied, “That’s not your concern, Raul. Thank you for sending those items.” He hit the
end button on his phone and tossed it onto the tile at the foot of the whirlpool tub. Rubbing his temples
with his fingers, he sank into the water up to his neck. Maybe he was just getting too old for this game.
But what the hell else would I do?
No longer finding the water soothing, Jared rose and dried himself off. Tossing the towel over his
shoulder, he walked naked onto his balcony. Leaning on the rail, he let the chilly mountain air tease
his skin and senses. He let the cold snake around him, calming his irritation. Once he felt more like
himself, Jared walked back inside, crawled into bed and went to sleep.

So, he’d lied about the tux fitting. Jared had brought his own from home. The next morning he

spent with his family, which was an interesting experience. He hadn’t seen them in person in so long
and their lives were so different than his own that it was hard to relate to any of them. He met
Brandy’s fiancé, a decent looking brunet with a bright smile and eyes only for his sister. Jared could
see the love between the pair and he hoped the harsh realities of the world wouldn’t destroy that.

Patricia had arranged for a champagne brunch and he struggled to socialize. Other than his family,

he didn’t know anyone. He could honestly say he’d had more fun in the wolves’ den plotting how to
extract their friend. He sighed, taking a tiny sip from his champagne glass, trying to keep up
appearances. He made a point of never drinking too much, since his job required that he always keep
his wits about him.

“Hey, Jared! There you are,” Brandy called a little too loudly, but he managed not to cringe. She

wrapped her arm through his and started dragging him through the crowd. “I have someone I’d like
you to meet.”

He’d faced down men with guns, ninjas and had even been tortured without backing down, but

when it became clear his sister was leading him toward a woman, Jared felt the unmistakable desire

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to run. It suddenly occurred to him that this brunch could be nothing more than an elaborate scheme to
set him up.

“This is Cindy,” Brandy introduced. “Cindy Pritchard. She’s a schoolteacher at the local high

school. I was just telling her about how Giovanni. God rest his afterthought.

Blanketing his expression into a bland smile, Jared reached out his hand and shook Cindy’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Pritchard. It was indeed a shame to see Mr. Giovanni pass while still in his

“Oh, no,” the woman giggled, before her eyes widened. “I mean, yes, it was a shame about Kyle,

but no, you don’t have to call me Misses. Just Cindy is fine.”

Keeping his expression the same, he nodded. She’s obviously had one glass of champagne too

many.“Of course, Cindy. Did you work closely with Mr. Giovanni? What classes do you teach?” Did
you know he was a shifter? Are you one?
He kept those thoughts to himself as he conversed with
Cindy. She really was the opposite of his usual MO for what he looked for in a woman, someone who
knew the score and didn’t expect more than a few hours of mutual pleasure. fond you were of the late
soul,” she added, clearly as an

Jared realized the woman was on the prowl for a husband, but even with that knowledge, he

realized he could probably have a few nights of meaningless sex with her and then walk away. She
was attractive, with glossy brown hair, expressive blue eyes and full breasts. Too bad he didn’t feel
even a modicum of attraction to her. In fact, even as he looked at her dark brown hair, his thoughts
conjured up an image of black hair long enough to wrap around his fist so he could hold in place the
head that was attached to the mouth he ravaged as he pounded into the firm body beneath him. His
dick sprang to life faster than it had since puberty and Jared had to fight back a groan as his pants
suddenly became too restrictive.
“What do you think?”

Cindy’s question jerked him back to the conversation. “I’m sorry? My mind wandered. The hotel

beds are definitely not as comfortable as home’s, no matter what their ads say,” he said with a smile.
“What were you asking?”

“I wanted to know if you’d be interested in going to dinner with me this evening. I understand

there aren’t any wedding plans.”

She looked expectantly at him, her blue eyes shining with what could only be hope. Jared

searched his brain for a response that wouldn’t crush the woman but would still get him out of sitting
through a meal with her. To his utter shock, his future brother-in-law saved him the trouble.

“Jared, Brandy said you were over here.” Terry grinned at Cindy. “I’m sorry, Cindy. I just need to

borrow Jared for a few minutes to discuss the bachelor party.”

Jared smiled at Cindy and lied smoothly, “We’ll talk in a bit.” When she was out of earshot, he

glanced sideways at Terry. “Thanks. I haven’t seen my sister in ten fucking years and she tries to set
me up!” he growled.

Terry chuckled. “What can I say? I make her happy.” To his soon-to-be brother-in-law’s credit,

he didn’t seem at all intimidated by Jared’s ire. “She just wants everyone else to be as happy,” he
said cheekily.

Licking his lips, Jared suddenly smiled. “Tell her I’m gay. I’m sure that’ll back her off.”

His brother-in-law froze, stared at him for a second and then shrugged. “Sure, but she won’t believe it
and then I’m gonna say I told you so.”
Jared wasn’t certain if Terry believed him or not, but he smirked anyway. “Let me worry about that.

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Just be certain she sets an extra plate for my date.”
After another shocked look from the other man, Terry started to laugh. He slapped him on the back.
“For being a douche who hasn’t visited in ten years, you’re all right! I’ve heard them wonder why
you’ve never come back and now I know.” Terry winked. “You were just afraid of how they’d take
you being a fruitcake!”
Jared showed plenty of teeth when he smiled back. “Just don’t let my date hear you call us that. He
may be gay, but he’ll still beat your ass.”
After a laugh, Terry nodded. “Got it. Now, about the bachelor party.”
Jared grinned and nodded. “Sure. What are we doing?” As he listened to Terry, Jared really only
thought about one thing. How am I gonna convince Carson to come as my date?

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Chapter Four


arson stepped out of his car and inhaled deeply. He frowned and shook his head. He’d been

smelling his mate all day, even though he knew the man wasn’t around. Even here at home he thought
he detected a whiff of Jared’s scent. It was distracting as hell at work and he needed to get his head
on straight.

Letting out a sigh, he strode up his walk, unlocked his front door and entered his home. A wall of

Jared’s scent nearly had Carson’s eyes crossing as blood raced to his groin and his dick stiffened in
his tan slacks.
“Welcome home, darling.”

The teasing voice had him whirling to the left and Carson found the object of his obsession

sprawled across his couch. Lust bolted through him, followed closely by anger. A snarl tore from his
lips as he stalked toward his mate. His wolf wanted to dominate the man, to teach him who the alpha
in this relationship would be, but Carson reined in that desire. He didn’t know if he would try to
claim Jared and until he made a decision, he refused to flirt with the man.

He leaned over the man, placed both hands on the back of the couch on either side of Jared’s head

and used his body to box him in and get into his personal space. “What are you doing in my house?”
he growled.
Much to his consternation, Jared didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by his display. He grinned up at
him. “I came to apologize.”

“Apologize?” he repeated inanely. The human’s answer left him more confused and even a bit

pissed off that he’d just repeated it like that. He leaned closer until his nose was only inches from his
mate’s. Probably not the best tactic. Trying to focus as Jared’s scent tantalized his senses, Carson
sneered, “Do you break into people’s houses to apologize often?”

Jared’s grin managed to grow. “Actually,” he whispered back, “you have the honor of being the

first person I’ve apologized to in over ten years.” His mate’s eyes sparkled with what only could be
described as mischief. “I also wanted to know if it was a fluke.”

“A fluke?” he asked before he could control his tongue. Carson immediately wanted to smack

himself for once again parroting his mate.

“Yeah.” Before he could move, Jared reached up, tangled his hands in Carson’s long, black hair

and yanked his head down into a demanding kiss. His startled squeak allowed Jared access to his
mouth and his mate plunged his tongue inside, stroking it against his own.

The heat, taste and smell of the human enthralled Carson, just as it had last night. He growled

possessively, before settling his body on top of Jared’s and moving his hands to cup his mate’s jaws.
Carson thrust out his tongue, dueling with Jared’s as they both battled for dominance of the kiss. His
hard shaft throbbed in his slacks and he gave in to the need to rut against the man beneath him.
Rocking his hips forward, he discovered that Jared’s cock was just as full.

Carson managed to tear his mouth away from Jared’s, but he couldn’t still his hips or disguise the

breathy growl as he spoke. “Is this what you wanted to know, Jared?” he snarled, anger filling him
that he’d somehow managed to lose control of his own body. “You wanted to know what it would be
like to kiss a man, to feel his dick pressing against yours?”

Jared grinned cockily. “Never really thought about it before,” he replied with a wink, “but since

you gave me one hell of a boner last night, I wanted to know if it’d happen again.” Jared rocked his
hips up, rubbing his shaft in counterpoint with Carson’s. “Fuck, that’s good.”

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His hazel eyes dilated and while one of the hands in Carson’s hair tightened, Jared dropped the

other one to Carson’s hip in an attempt to control the pace.

Carson’s wolf snarled, seeing the move as a fight for dominance. Somehow, he managed to get his

hips to stop moving. He gripped the wrist of the hand at his waist and pinned it to the sofa beside
Jared’s head. Then he reached down and unfastened his slacks. His cock sprang from the open flaps,
the angry purple head already gleaming with pre-cum.

“Commando, interesting,” Jared said after a glance down. His hips rocked a bit and he grinned.

“How about you help me out now?”

Smiling confidently, Carson used a thumb to caress the ridge of Jared’s dick through his jeans.

“Stroke me and I’ll do that.”

Jared hesitated and Carson wondered if he’d see his words as the challenge they were. Finally,

Jared grinned crookedly. “Fair enough.” Still, it took the man a couple more seconds to unwind his
hand from Carson’s hair and wrap his fingers around his cock.

His mate’s warm hand stroking him firmly nearly had Carson shooting right then. His body

shuddered slightly and he had to swallow hard before he could get his fingers to cooperate and open
Jared’s pants and work them low enough to maneuver his mate’s cock through the hole of his boxers.

Unable to resist, Carson scraped the nail of his thumb over the slit of Jared’s cockhead, scooping

up the glittering drop of fluid. He locked gazes with Jared and licked his finger clean. Satisfaction
filled him when Jared’s breathing stuttered for a second, his eyes dilating in arousal before his lids
dropped to half-mast. Carson rocked forward, pressing his aching shaft against Jared’s and
manipulated the other man’s fingers until Jared’s grip encompassed both their cocks.

“Like this,” he growled, settling his hand over his mate’s and showing him how to pump them

When Carson started thrusting his hips, making his shaft slide against Jared’s, the body under him
trembled. Jared’s head dropped against the couch and a low moan escaped his parted lips. “Oh, fuck,
that’s good.”
If he hadn’t been a shifter, Carson wasn’t sure he’d have heard Jared’s strangled words. His gaze
focused on the man’s neck, beautifully presented for him and he leaned down to lick and nibble the
other man’s tendons as they continued to masturbate both their cocks. His mate’s breathing sped up.
He rocked his hips in counterpoint, creating delicious friction. He tilted his head further, giving
Carson more access.
Carson felt his canines tingle and he fought the desire to wrap his jaws around the man’s shoulder and
bite as he scraped them over the fleshy area he longed to sink them into.
“Oh hell, yeah,” Jared breathed huskily. “Feels so fucking fantastic. Nip me, Injun. Show me your
wild side.”
He reared back at the man’s words, his entire body freezing as he stared down at Jared. “What the
fuck did you say?”
Jared’s intense and heated look shocked Carson. Did the human know what he was asking? Then a
slow, feral smile curved Jared’s features and the other man’s body bucked. Carson found himself
tumbling unceremoniously to the floor. Shock held him immobile as his backside landed on the throw
rug. A hard body pressed on top of him and he found himself pinned by Jared’s lighter, wiry frame.
Jared’s naked, leaking cock ground against his own, making him groan and thrust up into the delicious
friction. When his mate grabbed his wrists and moved them over his head as he leaned down and bit
into Carson’s neck, his wolf howled in outrage. Carson’s need to dominate his human took control.
Wrapping a leg around Jared’s calves, he used his shifter strength to flip them. He felt Jared

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wriggling beneath him, but refused to release him as he used his claws to shred Jared’s shirt from his
shoulders. He prepared to give Jared’s jeans the same treatment, but their wild movements already
had them pushed to Jared’s ankles.
He flipped the human onto his stomach and plastered his body over Jared’s, finally taking a moment
to run his fingers over Jared’s lean, tone body. He rubbed his aching erection against Jared’s ass, his
pre-cum easing the glide as he shoved his dick between the human’s cheeks. “You want wild, do you,
Jared?” he growled.
“I don’t think you can deliver, Carson,” Jared jeered, looking at him over his shoulder.
Carson felt Jared’s knees bend and his legs splay as he bucked under him. The move spread Jared’s
cheeks and his dick sank further between them. A low growl erupted from his throat as he pinned his
mate beneath him and rutted against him for several seconds. Then the man’s words registered and he
snarled. “I’ll give you wild, human,” he growled.
He leaned sideways and fished the lube out from under his couch cushions. The move left him just off
balance enough for Jared’s next buck to knock him sideways.
A low growl escaped him and, lube in hand, he lunged at his mate. Jared landed on his back, grinning
cheekily up at him as he cradled Carson’s body between his thighs. “What else ya got, Injun?” he
asked, his hips bucking, but now the move was clearly intended to stimulate and not to get away.
The friction on Carson’s cock, the lusty gleam in Jared’s eyes and the slight tilt of his mate’s head,
giving him just the slightest look of submission, had Carson’s wolf howling with excitement. “By the
time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me to let you come.” He growled the promise around his
lengthened canines, no longer able to control his wolf’s urge to dominate their pushy mate.
“Not gonna happen,” Jared denied. But then the man let out a low groan of his own when Carson
shimmied down his body and swallowed his cock in wet, sucking heat.
Fingers buried in his hair again, urging him on, but Carson refused to be rushed. He sucked the head
lightly as he tried to use his shoulders to push Jared’s thighs wider, but the man’s jeans impeded his
actions. He pulled off his mate’s cock with a slurp, ignoring the other man’s moan of protest. He
grinned up at Jared, catching his eye for a heartbeat before he flipped the man onto his knees. He
draped his body over the other man’s back, rubbing his cock between his legs, nudging the tender skin
behind Jared’s balls with the head of his dick.
Popping the lid on the lube, he poured out a large dollop of the slick onto to his fingers. He put just
enough room between their hips to rub the liquid over Jared’s taint. He felt the man’s body tense
beneath him, so Carson reached under them and gripped Jared’s cock in a tight hold. He stroked
firmly while slipping one finger into his mate’s hole. It only took him a second to find Jared’s
prostate and the body beneath him jerked as Jared howled.
“Nice wolf impression,” Carson teased, slipping in a second digit and fucking his mate with his
“Fuck you,” Jared growled.
Carson chuckled. “Oh, no. I’m going to fuck you, Jared, but not before you beg me for it,” he
promised. Jared shook his head and Carson grinned into the nape of his neck. “Oh, but you will,
human,” he whispered. “You’re going to be trembling, your body burning with need and only I will be
able to quench it.”
Jared gasped beneath him as Carson stroked his prostate again and again. Using both hands, one
alternating between stroking his mate’s cock and fondling his balls and the other stimulating the
sensitive bundle of nerves inside his rectum, it only took a couple minutes for Jared’s body to betray
him. Jared trembled and jerked, alternating between shoving back against the now three fingers in his

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ass and the hand manipulating his genitals.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jared whispered. “Why—”
“Why what, Jared?” he purred. Carson nibbled his mate’s neck, using the last of his limited hold over
his wolf to keep from sinking his fangs into his neck and ramming his cock deep into the man’s ass.
Instead of answering him, Jared looked over his shoulder at him. His hazel eyes were filled with lust
and need. “Fucking do it already. You know you want to. Take me, Injun. Fuck me.”
It wasn’t necessarily begging, but it was damn close. Carson grinned. He rubbed over his mate’s
prostate a couple more times before pulling his fingers out and leaving his mate empty. “Is that what
you want?” he asked, bumping his cock’s head against Jared’s twitching hole.
“Yes, damn it. Sink your dick in me already.”
“I suppose I could do that,” Carson whispered. Still not willing to hurt his mate, he ordered, “Push
out for me.” To his surprise and pleasure, Jared did it without question and Carson’s cockhead
popped easily into Jared’s well-prepared hole. Then the man slammed backward, making Carson
bury his dick balls deep inside him.
He heard Jared’s shocked, pain-filled gasp and snarled. He dug deep inside for some semblance of
restraint. Carson wrapped one bronzed arm around Jared’s body and hauled him upright to lean
against him. “Don’t move,” he snapped. His other hand remained on Jared’s shaft, working the
softening member until it was once again hard and twitching. “There’s a difference between being
wild and being cruel, Jared,” he whispered solemnly before nipping his mate’s ear. “I am one, not the
“And yet still you want me to beg,” Jared pointed out.
Carson smiled and sucked gently on the tender skin behind Jared’s ear, liking the shiver that worked
through his mate’s body. “Having to wait for your pleasure makes it that much sweeter when you
attain it, my m-man. I can give that to you. I can give you so much.” He snapped his mouth shut before
he said something he shouldn’t.
“Then fuck me and give me an orgasm,” Jared snapped. “Fucking move!”
The last vestiges of control snapped and his wolf’s instincts took over. He slid partway out of Jared’s
warm, tight hole and slammed back in, adjusting his angle with each stroke until he found what he was
looking for. Jared’s body trembled and jerked, telling him he’d found that special bundle of nerves.
Noting that spot, he started fucking his mate in earnest, making certain to hit his prostate on every
Combined with his hand on Jared’s dick, it didn’t take long for the human to start babbling nearly
incoherently as he shuddered and shook in Carson’s arms. He leaned forward, struggling to make out
the man’s ramblings. Jared dropped his head on Carson’s shoulder. The move exposed his mate’s
neck to him completely and he started to nip his way up the tendons he desperately wanted to mark.
The move also put Jared’s mouth near his own ear and his words suddenly made sense.
In his pleasure-drunken haze, Jared muttered, “Fuck, yes, let me feel you. Only ever wanted your
cock. Never wanted another. Please let me come. Let me squeeze you. Only want your cock to fill me.
Take me.”
The words were enough permission for his wolf and before Carson could rein in his burning desire,
his instincts had him sinking his canines into Jared’s neck.

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Chapter Five


flash of pain shot through Jared’s shoulder, chased quickly by the most intense pleasure he’d ever

experienced. The feeling zinged straight to his balls. The already over-stimulated orbs pulled
impossibly tighter to his body and his cock exploded. Jets of semen shot from his cock, landing across
the rug and Carson’s fingers.

Through the amazing endorphins making his senses float, he was dimly aware of Carson behind

him. The shifter shuddered, his arms tightening convulsively as he buried his cock deep one more
time and came.

It was an interesting sensation, feeling another man’s cock up his ass and warm seed filling his

rectum, but not unpleasant, he decided. In fact, it probably wouldn’t take much to get addicted to
Carson’s touch, especially if future sex was just as primal. The man was fucking hot when he got
riled. Well, he was fucking hot all the time, but getting the tightly leashed wolf to lose control like this
was indescribable!

Jared grinned at his slowly softening cock. He trembled as Carson licked his neck. Glancing over

his shoulder, he smirked. “Thanks, Injun. That was…beyond belief,” he admitted. “We’ll have to do
it again,” he added with a wink.

It took a second for the shifter to lift his head and meet Jared’s eyes. Although it was fleeting,

Jared knew he hadn’t imagined the haunted look in the wolf’s brown eyes. “Yeah,” Carson

Fucking hell! What happened? The twinge in his shoulder as they moved apart registered and

realization hit. Holy shit! He just mated me! And he still doesn’t know that I know we’re mates!

Uncertain how to fix this problem, after all, he didn’t really know where he’d be in a week, he

smiled and grabbed his jeans, pulling them up from where they were bunched at his ankles. “So, I
have an idea for a second date. Will you come to my sister’s wedding with me?”

Carson took his time answering, straightening his pants and pulling his shirt off, dropping it on the

cum streak across the rug. He nodded. “Yes. I’d like that,” he finally said.

Jared nodded, the tension in his neck easing. Odd that he’d been worried. “It’s Friday, two days

after our rescue tomorrow.” He grimaced. “Speaking of which, I sure hope we get done with the
rescue before nine.” At Carson’s lifted brow, he grinned. “It’s Terry’s bachelor party.” He suddenly
grimaced. “Damn, I hate clubs. Too many people to keep track of.” He started tucking his cock into
his jeans, but paused when he saw Carson’s thunderous look. His shaft twitched and he struggled not
to leer at the man. Well, well! I thought out-of-control-Carson was hot. Angry Carson is
“What’s wrong?”

The wolf shifter’s eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath. “Nothing. What time should I pick

you up from your hotel? Do I need a tux or will a suit do?”

Letting the odd reaction go, Jared replied, “A suit is fine. If you want to go early with me, pick me

up at two in the afternoon. I’m at the Holiday Inn Express.”

Carson nodded. “I know the one. I’ve set up the meeting with Pascal for four o’clock tomorrow

afternoon. Once you disable the outside security, a pair of shifters will enter through each side door
and four through the front. There won’t be much time before an alarm sounds and more security will
try to come from the lower levels. We need to secure the elevator before then.”

Jared didn’t blink at the man’s sudden shift from sexy lover to wolf enforcer. He’d had to make

that kind of radical change enough times himself. Besides, for some reason Jared knew Carson was

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uncomfortable, perhaps even regretting their time together. It filled Jared with an unfamiliar emotion,
something difficult for him to define, but he knew he’d have to figure it out eventually.

“Thanks for the romp, Injun,” he murmured. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned close and

brushed a quick kiss over the lips of a surprised Carson before slipping out the door.

Jared hiked silently through the forest, his mind running in circles around what had just happened

between them and what it would mean for his future. When he slipped behind the wheel of his
Porsche, he knew only one thing for certain. Even though he’d first used the derogatory term for
Indian to rile Carson, now he used it as a term of endearment and he’d never given a pet name to
anyone before, ever.

Never in his wildest imagination would Jared have thought he’d willingly walk into a police

station and yet here he was. He needed someone to talk to about this situation with Carson and Grady
was the only one he could think of. While waiting for easily the most uptight woman he’d ever seen to
acknowledge him, it occurred to Jared that he’d never imagined he’d let another man fuck him either.

A smirk curled his lips just as the woman, Michelle the nameplate said, looked up at him. No

wonder she was so unhappy. Her brown turtleneck sweater looked uncomfortable and restrictive. She
frowned at him. “Can I help you?”

Jared gave her a benign smile. “Is Detective Stryker in, please?”

“Yes. Who should I tell him is here?”
“Tanis.” No way in hell was he telling his real name to

this woman and he knew his non-descript clothes would make it difficult for her to remember him

within an hour. He’d use the art of plainness more times than he could count over the years.

A moment later, he spotted Grady striding between desks toward him. The detective paused in

front of him, for a second a frown marred his brow as he discreetly scented the air around them. Well,
shit. I should have thought of that. Damn shifter noses.
“Follow me, please,” Grady ordered.

Jared didn’t bother replying, just followed the big tiger between desks and into an office. He

closed the door behind him, turned around and discovered Grady in his personal space. The shifter
sniffed his neck and frowned. “Who is she?”

There was no point in pretending he didn’t know what Grady was talking about. He just hoped the

man wasn’t too shocked that the gender was wrong. He forced a smile. “Carson.”

For a second, confusion clouded the detective’s features, then his brows drew into a glare. “Holy

shit! Carson Angeni? I know you made out the other night, but what the fuck? I thought you weren’t

Uncertain what to say for a moment, he glared at the floor. Finally, he lifted his gaze and pegged

Grady with a frustrated look. “It’s your bloody Fate that chooses. Why don’t you ask her?”

That had Grady’s jaw dropping. “You mean you’re Carson’s fated mate? Holy shit!” Grady

hissed again. He paced away from him, turned back and ran a hand over his jaw. The right jab to his
stomach took Jared completely by surprise. Pain exploded through his ribs as he bounced against the

“Fucking hell, man! What the hell was that for?” he snarled after he could catch his breath.

“You knew,” Grady snapped. “You knew Carson thought he was your mate last night when you asked
about him, didn’t you? Why didn’t you say anything?”
Growling in frustration, Jared dropped into a chair. “Of course I knew!” he declared. “I overheard
Carson telling his alpha after the meeting.” He frowned. “How the hell was I supposed to know he’d
go all feral on me when I pushed him a bit?”

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That had a corner of Grady’s lips curling and one brow ratcheting up in a look of disbelief. “You
pushed him a bit? We both know better than that.”
“All right, so it was more than a bit,” he muttered, throwing up his hands.
“You fucking challenged his wolf, didn’t you?” When Jared glanced away, Grady growled. “Un-
fuckingbelievable. I’d belt you a new one, but then Carson would have my hide!” he nearly roared.
He paced his office for a moment, before clenching his jaw and glaring at Jared. “What about after
your vacation? You’re leaving in four days. What then? Now that you’re mated to him, he’s only able
to get it up for you!”
Jared’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d, however inadvertently, pushed Carson into. “That
sucks!” he whispered.
“Fucking right, it sucks!”
Jared groaned and ran a hand through his short, dark hair. After a frown, he realized the unfamiliar
feeling he’d been experiencing was guilt. He lifted his head and grimaced. “I can do my line of work
from anywhere, but Carson seems a little straight-laced. He’s probably not too pleased with the idea
of mating an assassin, huh?”
Grady snorted. “Ya think?”
Jared glared angrily. The man didn’t have to sneer at his line of work that quickly. Some people
really needed to die. Sure, he’d taken a couple questionable hits when he was first starting out, but
after that he’d always researched who they’d asked him to kill before accepting the contract. If the
punishment didn’t fit the crime, he didn’t take it.
Jumping to his feet, Jared slammed his fists onto Grady’s desk. “I do what needs to be done. He’s a
fucking wolf enforcer. Certainly he’s had to kill a few people! So he didn’t do it for money, they still
needed to die!”
Grady lifted a hand. “Keep your voice down, Tanis.”
Growling softly, Jared paced the tiny room. After a moment of silence, he rounded on Grady. “What
the fuck am I supposed to do? Give up my way of life because of fucking Fate?”
He watched Grady’s shoulders drop and his brows crease. It took him a long time to meet Jared’s
gaze. “I can’t answer that for you.”

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Chapter Six

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hy’d ye mate him?”

Carson turned to see Declan slip between the trees behind him. His alpha wore all black, like

himself. A pair of wolves was stationed at every side entrance, while Grady and Lyle and a couple
more wolves were waiting at the front.

He sighed, returning his gaze to the camera on the edge of the Crystal Lake Corporation’s

property. He was impatiently waiting for the nearly silent hum of power to disappear, his signal that
Jared had succeeded in his task of shutting down security.

“He broke into my house. He pushed me, challenged my wolf.” Tension seeped into his shoulders

as he thought about the evening before.
“Did ye lose control, Carson?” Declan asked.

He glanced at his alpha, but the man was staring at the building, his head cocked as he, too,

listened. “Yes. I wanted him to submit and he did. A little too much,” he growled.

“What are ye going to do? Do ye need help with anything?”

And that was his alpha. No judgment, no disapproval, just understanding, just a desire to see the
member of his pack happy. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “I may need you to lock me up tonight.”
That had Declan’s brows lifting. “Excuse me?” he growled.
He grimaced as he met his alpha’s concerned gaze. “Jared is going to a bachelor party.”
Declan grinned. “Why not crash it? I’m sure I can get a couple wolves to go with ye to keep the
That had Carson smirking. “I could do that.”
Before more could be said, the buzz of power disappeared. Both men sprang to their feet and sprinted
toward the building over one hundred yards away. Carson reached the door first and yanked it open.
Men’s shouts echoed through the halls and he led the way down the corridor. He turned a corner and
spotted three men holding guns on a petrified human.
He growled. “That’s Pascal and the door to the head accountant’s office. We need to get in there.”
“Well we’re not leaving Pascal high and dry after what he did for us. Let’s take these men out.”
Carson nodded once before bringing up his silenced Glock and lunging forward. He brought the
handle of the weapon down on the back of one man’s head, sending him crumbling to the ground. His
alpha was right next to him, giving a second man the same treatment. The third man turned toward
Carson, crying out in alarm. Carson swung a large fist, connecting with the man’s jaw. The human’s
head snapped back, but he didn’t go down, telling Carson the man had probably been altered.
Declan jumped into the fray and between the two of them, they quickly brought the man down. Carson
looked at the human, whose eyes were wide in shock. “I’m Carson Angeni. We spoke on the phone.
Where’s Jared?”
Relief seeped into Pascal’s expression. “Oh. Thank God!” he said. He turned and headed into the
room and Carson and Declan quickly followed. “He already headed into the shaft.” He glanced back
at them while pointing at an open vent. “That guy is flexible! I never would have thought anyone could
fit in there!”
A growl rumbled through Carson’s chest, but he quickly cut the sound off with a cough when he saw
the human’s eyes widen. “Sorry,” he whispered. “When did he head in?”
“Ten minutes ago,” Pascal answered after a glance at the clock. “I don’t know why it’s taking him so

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Even as he spoke, a loud thump sounded from the vicinity of the elevator shaft. Then a loud screech
echoed through the room and something thudded on the other side of the door. Carson heard a second
thud and then a crack appeared in the wall. Quickly he and Declan wedged their fingers into the crack
and heaved, forcing the wall open.
They revealed a sweating, dirty, cursing mate. Seeing them, Jared straightened and grinned. “Hey,
Injun. Sorry it took so long. Shorting out the security also shorted out the damn elevators and doors. I
had to hot wire them.” He slapped his hands over his clothes, brushing off the dust and cobwebs.
“Ready to go then?”
Unable to help himself, Carson stepped forward, grabbed the nape of Jared’s neck and pulled him
into a hard kiss. After releasing him, he whispered, “Now I’m ready.”
To his surprise, Jared chuckled and leaned forward to give him another quick kiss. “All right then.”
He turned away and Carson let him go, following him through the door.
Declan laughed quietly, but only said, “Pascal, come with us. The others should know ye on sight, but
better safe than sorry.”
The four of them piled into the elevator and to his shock, he watched Jared lean forward and scan his
own eye while swiping Pascal’s pass-card. Jared met his gaze and winked. “Why do you think it took
me so long to rewire it?” He pinned a stare at Declan. “You should let your group know that if they
can get hold of a pass-card, they can use the elevator to follow us. The retinal scan activates the shaft,
but it doesn’t actually verify who is using it anymore.”
Declan nodded as the elevator started moving. He spoke quietly into the radio, ordering certain
groups to stay above and guard their asses, plus one pair of shifters to remove the three men from the
accountant’s office, while other groups needed to sweep the first floor labs and the cages on the third
Seconds later, they stopped on the second floor and ran as silently as possible down the hall. Declan
held Pascal back since he was the noisiest, leaving Carson and Jared up front. They came to the room
Carson had memorized on the maps he’d found and stopped at a door. He tried the handle, but found it
locked. “Shit,” he hissed.
“Hang on,” his mate murmured, leaning close and staring at the locking mechanism. Jared pulled out a
roll of cloth and unfolded it. He pulled three slender rods from the cloth, tucked the wad of linen back
into his belt and inserted two of the rods deep into the lock with one hand. With the third rod, he
began to poke and prod, shift and slide them around the small, oval hole. Carson shifted impatiently,
glancing up and down the hall uneasily. Jared must have seen the movement from his peripheral
vision, for he said, “I’m almost done.” The last word was punctuated by a faint click.
“Nice, white man,” he murmured, pushing the door open. Something in his chest warmed at the soft
smirk on his mate’s face.
He found Dagus curled up on a cot, recognizing him from the myriad of pictures Drake had left with
them. The darkskinned man jerked to a sitting position and backed away from them. “Who is it?”
Dagus whispered.
“Easy, Dagus. My name is Carson Angeni. I’m with Declan. We’re here to help you.”
He kept his tone soothing and prayed Dagus would come easily. He didn’t want to knock out the
already traumatized man. The captive’s words came as a shock. “I want to hear Declan’s voice.”
“I’m right here, Dagus,” Declan responded from behind them. “Yer brother is worried sick about ye,
lad. Let’s get out of here, aye?”
Dagus’s chest released a breath and a relieved smile curved his lips as he pushed to his feet. “Thank
you for coming.”

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Carson went to him, resting one hand on his shoulder and the other on the small of Dagus’s back. “We
never leave our own,” he promised. “Do you know if there are others on this floor?”
Dagus nodded. “I know the room to my left is occupied. I’ve heard noises, but can’t identify them.
When they first put me here, there were noises from the room on the right, but I haven’t heard anything
for two days.”
“We’ll start with the room on the right then,” Declan said from the doorway before slipping away.
Jared moved to the left and Carson gritted his teeth as he disappeared from sight.
“Right is empty!” Declan called.
“Left is not,” Carson heard Jared say right before a snarl echoed through the hall.
Carson brushed by Dagus and skidded to a stop at the sight that met him in the doorway. A large
spotted cat crouched over Jared, his incisors inches away from Jared’s throat and a low growl
emanating from the shifter’s throat.
Acting on instinct, the instinct that told him another shifter threatened his mate, Carson leapt forward.
He shifted in midair, clothes shedding from his body as he transformed into his lupine form. He
slammed into the larger animal, jaws latching onto a malnourished neck. The skinny animal buckled
under his weight, yowling piteously. Carson immediately backed off, keeping himself between the
shifter and Jared, growling out a warning.
Declan appeared over his shoulder with Pascal at his elbow and Dagus in tow. “We’re here to help
ye. I’m alpha of a nearby wolf pack. Let me show ye the way out.” When the shifter hunched in on
itself and snarled, Declan stepped forward. He held up a dart gun in one hand and an open palm in the
other. “I don’t wish to hurt ye, young one. Let us help ye. Me pack can care for ye and keep ye safe.”
Seconds later, the leopard shifter mewled sadly. It rushed forward and rubbed against Declan’s leg,
trying to get as close as possible. Declan grimaced. “Oh, Lark is so not goin’ to like this,” he
muttered. Shaking his head, he indicated the rest of the doors. “Let’s check out the rest of these and
get the hell out of here.”
After shifting back to human form and wrapping a nonetoo-clean sheet around his waist, Carson
followed the others down the hall. They checked out the remaining rooms, finding one after another
empty, but the stench and unclean conditions made Carson shudder. He prayed they didn’t find any
more shifters here and he thought his wish may be granted until Jared unlocked the door to the last
room. Inside they found a bunny cowering in the corner. In some spots, the white fur was matted, in
others it was gone. The right side of its haunch had been shaved and three incisions cut into its flesh,
now sewn together with purple thread. It tried desperately to get away, but couldn’t put weight on its
right hind leg.
Jared leaped at the animal, catching it carefully around its chest. He pulled it close as he rolled to his
feet. The look on his face showed absolute horror as he stared around the soiled room, dirty
newspaper strewn across one corner of the place, obviously used as the animal’s bathroom. Carson’s
shifter nose made it nearly impossible to approach his mate as Jared walked out of the room.
His hazel eyes glittered as he stepped close and whispered, “Is this a shifter, too?”
Carson leaned close and sniffed. Underneath the scent of feces, chemicals and terror was the
unmistakable smell of a rabbit shifter. He swallowed, took one last look around the room, taking in
the inhumane treatment forced upon the creature and nodded. “Yes. He’s a shifter.”
Jared snarled, making the animal in his arms squeal in panic while thrusting out his back leg in an
attempt to get away. His mate wrapped the animal up in a loose embrace while crooning softly. “Easy
now, little bunny shifter. No one else will hurt you! You have my word on that. You’re safe now.
You’ll never be hurt again.”

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He watched in surprise as the rabbit stopped fighting Jared and his mate tucked the little shifter close
to his chest before stalking back to the elevator and punching the button. He could read agitation in
every line of his mate’s body, but didn’t know what to do to ease it.
Waiting for the elevator to open, Declan pulled his radio out and spoke into it, asking for a report.
Carson heard Lyle’s static-filled voice tell them that he and Grady found two more shifters on the
third floor and freed them after being forced to take out four guards. They were already on the main
floor heading out of the building. Nick and Cliff had swept the first underground floor and found
nothing but empty labs.
As they stepped into the elevator, Jared whispered, “I find it odd that the place is so empty.”
Suddenly, he stabbed at the button for level one, making them lurch to a stop one level underground.
“Take him,” he ordered, thrusting the bunny toward Carson. He reached out automatically, surprised
when the animal struggled and thrashed, trying to get away from him. Jared stepped close and drew
the shifter’s attention. “This is my mate Carson, little bunny. He’ll guard you with his life.”
Completely floored, his brain froze in shock. Jared knew! Jared knows he’s my mate! How can he
know this?
Before he could even get close to voicing that question, Jared pressed the button for
ground level and darted out of the elevator.
He roared in anguish, slamming one fist on the closed doors. The struggling bunny caught his attention
and Carson pulled it close, forcing his voice to come out soft. “Easy, rabbit. You’ll be just fine. I’ve
got your back.”
Carson desperately wanted to stay on the elevator and go back down a level, but he wouldn’t make
his mate out a liar. Instead, he tucked the rabbit close and followed his alpha and Pascal, who
carefully guided Dagus out of the building. Carson noted that Lyle joined them once they were out of
the building and he prayed his mate hurried along.
Ten minutes later, he waited near to where he’d hidden while waiting for the cameras to be shut off.
Most of the others waited nearby, knowing his concern stemmed from waiting for his mate’s safe
return. Declan had ordered a number of wolves to take the shifters they’d found to Rainy and Lark for
treatment, but Carson had been unable to relinquish the rabbit. He knew it irrational, but his mate had
entrusted the small shifter’s care to him and he refused to do any less.
He absently threaded his fingers through the bunny’s fur, trying to keep himself as calm as the animal
in his arms.
When the building exploded, Carson lost it, screaming Jared’s name as he launched toward the
burning structure. It took the combined strength of Lyle, Grady and Declan to restrain Carson. As
flames licked from the windows, his muscles gave out and they let him sink to the ground. Tears
streamed down his face as he curled around the bunny Jared had entrusted him with. If it was the last
thing he did, Carson would keep the other shifter safe.

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Chapter Seven


ared pulled Carson close, trapping his mate in his arms and the rabbit Carson still clung to

between their bodies. “Easy, Injun. Be still. I’m here.” Never in his wildest imaginations did he think
he’d be comforting another man because he howled in agony over thinking he’d lost him. He didn’t
think even his friend of twelve years, Raul, would feel that way. It was a novel idea for Jared that
someone cared for him so much.

His scent must have finally hit Carson, for the man’s wild eyes finally lost some of their glazed

look and Jared found himself pinned to the ground under two hundred pounds of very sexy male.
Answering Carson’s desperate kisses with his own, Jared let the man’s desire wash over him, making
his cock fill and his balls pull tight. When he thought he’d explode just from kissing the man, he
pulled back, panting for breath.

Carson growled in frustration, but Jared turned his head, saying, “Hey man, I like you, too, but I’m

not into exhibitionism.” Jared’s eyes met the oddly pale pink orbs of the rabbit’s, forgotten in
Carson’s exuberant greeting. It sat a foot away from their shoulders, a gleam of interest lighting its
eyes as it took them in. “You doing okay?” he asked the creature, for lack of a better thing to say.

The rabbit stood up on its back legs, looked around once, then settled back onto all fours and

wiggled its tail. Jared smirked, thinking that was as good an answer as any. Perhaps not okay, but the
shifter was at least content to sit surrounded by a group of other shifters.

The deep breath from Carson’s chest caught his attention and he returned his focus to his mate.

Well, fan-fucking-tastic. I really do think of Carson as my mate. What the hell am I going to do

Although he felt anything but calm, Jared forced a smile. He ran a hand through the long, straight

hair he found himself fascinated with and forced Carson to meet his gaze. “Why were you so upset?”
he whispered.
“I thought I’d lost you.”

His simple admission, so honest and so straightforward, shocked Jared to the bone. His

astonishment must have shown in his expression because Carson’s face darkened a bit and Jared
realized the man was blushing. He leaned up and kissed his lips gently. Not knowing what else to say,
he whispered, “You need to let me up, babe. We have a rabbit to help.”

He glanced meaningfully at the rabbit shifter still watching them avidly. Jared wondered what the

little animal looked like in human form. Was it so fascinated with them because it was actually a
woman or what?

A sigh from the bigger man had him refocusing on Carson. The wolf shifter nodded and rolled off

Jared, clutching tightly to his sheet and surprisingly, Jared missed the man’s weight on him. Jared
rolled to his knees and stared at the bunny. “Are you staying like that?”

The animal hunched in on itself and Jared nodded. “Right.” He picked up the shifter and rose to

his feet. He glanced around, surprised to see that they were now alone. “Uh…your friends?”

“Privacy,” Carson muttered before leading the way through the woods. They walked in silence for

several minutes, then Carson turned and glared. “How’d you know?”

It took him a second to realize what Carson referred to, but once he did, Jared had the decency to

flush. “I overheard you talking with Declan that first night.”

To his surprise, Carson’s face clouded with anger. “You knew you were my mate when you came

to the house and pushed me yesterday? What the fuck?” he roared.

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Jared took a step back from the upset man and frowned. “What does it matter?”

“You fucking challenged my wolf, then submitted to it. Now we’re mated, I’m fucking bound to you
and you’re blowing up buildings and making me think you’re dead.” Jared’s brows lifted as Carson
built up a head of steam. “Then you’re going to leave in three days and I’m going to slowly go fucking
insane without you!” Carson glared, spun on his heel and prowled a few strides away. He turned back
around and roared, “Why didn’t you fuck with someone else’s life?”
Jared’s jaw dropped as he watched his mate stalk into the forest and disappear amidst the trees. A
sharp pain unlike anything he’d ever felt before stabbed through his chest and he gasped. “My god,”
he whispered, his eyes widening. He’d never truly set out to hurt the man. When he’d broken into the
house to talk to Carson, he’d gotten just as carried away as the other man obviously had. He knew
they’d both enjoyed it.
Movement from the animal in his arms caught his attention and he nearly dropped the shifter. Instead,
he managed to fall to his knees, but still the creature gave a soft hiss as it hit the ground. Jared didn’t
know if it was from pain from the impact, or if it was due to the contortions the shifter’s body was
going through.
What fur the animal had receded, bones contorted, tendons popped, limbs lengthened and its head
reshaped. Seconds later, a small albino-skinned man lay curled up on the ground, gasping for breath.
Even curled up, Jared knew the man couldn’t be more than five feet tall and his alabaster skin and
white-blond hair made him look like he hadn’t seen sun in years.
Staring up with pain-filled, pale pink eyes, the guy whispered, “You really fucked that up.”
Jared stared at the shifter for several seconds before whipping his shirt over his head and growling
softly. “Yeah. I fucking figured that out already,” he snapped. He watched the man cringe and Jared
sighed and shook his head. “I won’t hurt you. You know that.” Lifting his palms up, he forced a smile.
“I think we need to get you out of here. Don’t you?”
The man nodded hesitantly.
“And to do that, we need to get some clothes on you. You’ll be swimming in it, but at least you’ll be
covered,” he said, holding up his shirt. After another hesitant nod, Jared forced himself to gently
cover the man with his shirt. “Do you heal when you shift, like in some of those fantasy books?” he
asked, curiosity filling him as he took in the stitches that had somehow transferred to the man’s human
“That’d be really nice, but no,” the small man whispered. “The injuries remain. Things that are part of
our skin, like stitches, shift with us, but things that are on us, like casts, do not.”
“If you don’t mind my saying, that’s just weird,” Jared commented, hefting the tiny man into his arms
and heading through the forest. He kept looking around, hoping Carson would reappear, but they
reached where he’d parked a getaway car without seeing him again.
“He’s not around anymore,” the guy said as Jared set him into the passenger seat.
“Who?” Jared asked, though he knew the answer.
“Your mate,” the bunny shifter answered softly. “He won’t stay away long though.”
Jared climbed into the car and stared at him. “Why do you say that?”
“Because you’re his mate.” Cocking his head, he frowned. “Why’d you mate him if you didn’t plan to
stick around?”
Running a hand through his hair, he glared out the windshield. “I didn’t do it on purpose,” he growled.
He grabbed his phone and punched a number. Grady answered on the second ring. “It’s me. I have the
bunny shifter with me. He needs medical attention. Where do you want him?”
“Take him to Declan’s,” Grady ordered.

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“Be there in thirty.” Jared hung up the phone and got the car moving. After several moments of
silence, he asked, “What’s your name?”
“Casey Streusel.”
“Nice to meet you, Casey. I’m Jared Templeton.” He flashed a smile toward the guy. “How long have
you been with those guys?”
The albino cocked his head. “What’s the date?”
“September twelfth.”
“Three months and eighteen days,” Casey whispered with a shiver.
Jared had no idea how to comfort someone. He patted the man’s bare knee gently. “I’m taking you to
Declan McIntire. He’s the alpha of the nearby wolf pack. He’ll take very good care of you, Casey.”
“Why’d you blow up the building?” Casey whispered. “Did you get everyone out?”
A fresh wave of anger swept through him at the treatment of the people held there and Jared’s grip
tightened on the steering wheel. “Because it will set them back. They’d closed down for the night, so
no one was there that late except the guards.” He hazarded a glance and from the way the man
immediately looked away, Casey had seen the icy glint in his hazel eyes. Jared knew he could make
people uncomfortable with his cold detachment about taking other’s lives. “The guards were dead,
Casey,” he said.
He didn’t bother telling the young man that he’d found three hiding in the labs. How the shifters who’d
checked the labs had missed them, he wasn’t certain, but they wouldn’t bother anyone else now. And
he hadn’t bothered to check the third floor or the offices, so it was entirely possible there were still
people living when the building went. He gave a mental shrug. Oh, well.
“You weren’t carrying any bombs,” Casey mused softly. “How did you blow up the place?”
Jared chuckled. “A few household chemicals in the proper proportions.”
A moment later, he looked to the right and saw his passenger was asleep. When he arrived at
Declan’s house, he rounded the hood of the car and gently eased Casey into his arms. The small man
instinctively mewled unhappily before snuggling against his chest and slipping back into sleep. As he
crossed the yard toward a smirking Grady, the irony of the situation wasn’t lost on Jared. He’d just
come from killing a half dozen guards and yet he carried one small shifter to safety.
“Where do you want him?” he asked gruffly.
“Upstairs, third door on the left,” Declan ordered.
Jared turned toward the alpha’s voice and saw the big man pointing up the stairs overlooking the
dining room. He followed the instruction and settled the small man on the bed. Casey stirred, shifting
restlessly. The shirt rucked up, revealing far more than Jared wanted to see on any man, with the
exception of Carson. Oddly enough, he couldn’t wait to see more of that man and hoped he could
figure out a way to apologize to him. He paused in the act of laying a blanket over Casey’s body.
When did I decide this whole thing was my fault?
Pushing the thoughts away, he gently roused Casey. He introduced him to Grady and Declan, knowing
the small man probably remembered their faces from the rescue. When Lark walked into the room,
Casey cringed away from the doctor. “No,” he murmured. “No more.”
Settling on the bed, Jared pulled Casey into his arms. “Easy, little bunny,” he crooned. “These are
good people. They won’t hurt you.”
“Are you sure?” the man asked, his eyes so big. “They won’t sell me?”
“Sell ye?” Declan murmured. “Why would we sell ye?”
“You’re predator shifters,” he whispered as if that explained everything while staring around the

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room. “You mate with humans.” He looked up at Jared and added, “No offense,” even as he clung to
Jared smiled, rubbing Casey’s back lightly. “Grady tells me that not all shifters are so accepting of
outsiders, but that’s not the case with this pack, little one. They are the ones who asked for my help to
break into the facility to save a blind human, who is the brother of a leopard shifter’s mate not in their
pack, but living nearby.”
At Casey’s shocked expression, he ruffled the man’s hair lightly. “They won’t hurt you. I’ve heard
Lark is an excellent doctor and will take great care of you.”
“Will you stay here?”
The squeaked question nearly tore his heart out of his chest and Jared couldn’t imagine what the man
saw in him that made him latch onto him like this. He was a hired killer. The shifter knew that. Why
would Casey think he would take care of him?
He flicked his gaze to Grady, who lifted a brow in interest. Jared knew the tiger shifter’s thoughts
mirrored his own. What the hell does the little shifter see in me?
Jared looked back to Casey’s hopeful face and nodded. “Sure. I’ll stay for a little bit. I’m in town for
my sister’s wedding, so I have plans late this evening.”
“Okay,” he whispered.
Settling Casey back on the pillows, Jared leaned against the headboard as Lark looked the man over.
“I’ll need to draw blood to see if there’s anything we need to treat you for,” Lark explained,
preparing a needle. They both saw Casey’s panicked expression and Jared gently squeezed his
shoulder while Lark explained, “We had a friend escape from there with things he needed treatment
for. If we hadn’t gotten to him, he would have died without help. We don’t want the same to happen to
Casey nodded jerkily.
“Where are you from?” Jared asked conversationally, trying to take his new friend’s mind off what
Lark was doing.
“Arizona,” Casey replied. “A half hour south of Tucson.”
“Yeah? A bunny troupe or something?” he teased.
That earned him an eye roll. “A group of rabbits is called a herd and no. I left my herd when I refused
to mate with the female my family arranged for me.”
“Not into women?” Jared asked curiously, “Or just not that particular female?”
Casey lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “I don’t know. I’ve never been attracted to anyone that way.
They kicked me out, so…”
He looked slightly panicked for a moment and Declan stated, “Ye need not worry about me reportin’
ye in me territory, Casey. I don’t hold with the same values other alphas do. Who ye mate with or
don’t mate with is yer choice and just because ye’ve been banished from yer herd for that reason, I
certainly won’t do the same. Yer safe on me pack land for as long as ye need to stay.”
Casey’s eyes widened and he looked toward Jared for confirmation. Jared winked. “Declan’s a
decent guy, for a wolf.” At the alpha’s un-amused snort, Jared laughed.
By the time Lark was done examining Casey, the small man was struggling to stay awake. And after
getting a sandwich and a glass of milk, he was out like a light. Jared sighed and headed out of the
room. “Is he going to be okay, Doc?” he asked Lark as he paused in the kitchen.
Lark shrugged. “He seems okay so far. The blood tests will tell if anything serious was tampered with
internally. The stitches were kept clean, so at least infection’s not an issue.”
Jared nodded. “When he wakes tell him I’ll swing by tomorrow around noon.” He ran a hand through

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his short hair. Staring out the window, he settled his hands on his hips. “He seems to have developed
an instant dependency on me. I’m not sure what to make of that,” he admitted.
“I can’t tell you how to react to that, Jared.” His brows furrowed in thought as he stared up at him.
“From what I’ve heard from Declan, I know you have enough things you need to work out with
Carson.” He rested a hand on Jared’s shoulder and Jared lifted a brow in question. “Carson’s a good
guy. A little stiff sometimes, but none of us want to see him hurt.”
He recognized a warning when he heard one and crossed his arms. “Thank you for the vote of
confidence, Lark,” he muttered. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that, he turned and headed out of the house. Pulling open the front door, Grady caught up with
him. “Hey, make sure you take a shower, man.”
Jared frowned over his shoulder at Grady as the other man followed him to his car. “What the hell
does that mean?”
Grady grinned. “You smell like bunny, Jared. If you run into Carson again smelling like Casey, you’ll
only make your problems worse.”
“Damn shifter noses,” Jared grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. After a
second, he nodded. “I’d planned on getting cleaned up anyway, but I do appreciate the warning.”
“Why wasn’t he with you?” Grady asked curiously, watching as Jared settled behind the wheel of his
Jared shook his head. “We had a fight. He stormed off. I don’t know where he went.” He had to admit
that part bothered him more than just a little bit. He wasn’t familiar with the area, so wasn’t certain
where he should even look for the man if he’d wanted to find him.
Grady tapped the hood of the car. “Don’t worry. He won’t go far. Fate only gives us one mate,” he
reminded him. “Now that you’re mated, he won’t stray.” Then he grimaced, “And he’s going to be
extremely jealous that you’re going to a bachelor party.”
Confused, Jared frowned. “Huh? Why?”
“Never been to one, huh?” Grady asked, smiling sardonically. “Strippers are a pretty normal
occurrence and it wasn’t too long ago you claimed to be straight, my friend.”
“Oh,” Jared murmured. He frowned, not liking that if the situation were reversed, he’d probably be
pissed, too. “Well, if you see him, tell him to swing by Spacers. I already told my soon-to-be brother-
in-law that my date was a man, so it probably wouldn’t surprise him to see that same man show up.”
Grady’s brows shot up. “You seriously already told your family about him?”
Jared shook his head. “Not all of them. Just the groom.” Then a thought occurred to him and he
groaned. “Of course, by telling Terry, he’ll feel obligated to pass that information on to my sister,
who’ll very quickly tell everyone. Huh. I didn’t see my family last night. After fucking Carson, I kind
of hid in my room,” he admitted.
“Sex with a man is a big step,” Grady acknowledged. “I can see how you’d want to take some time to
get your head on straight and panic in private.”
Jared grimaced. “Yeah, that was about right. When I’m with him, it’s easy to forget everything else.
The attraction is…” He shook his head as Grady laughed.
“Yeah, I know, man.” He grinned. “I have a mate, remember?”
“So do I,” Jared whispered, losing focus of his surroundings as he thought of the man and how it felt
to be held by him. His cock started to stir at the memories and he suddenly found it difficult to
remember why it was so important to attend that bachelor party instead of hunting down his mate.
Shaking his head, he smiled ruefully up at Grady. “And now I have to figure out what to do about it.”

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Chapter Eight


arson stepped into Spacers, still marveling over Grady’s words. His mate had already told his

family about them? What did that mean? Coming out to one’s family was a big step. Jared wouldn’t
do that if he planned on leaving and never seeing Carson again, would he?

Uncertain of his welcome, he remained on the outskirts of the room so he could scope out the

place. He appreciated Declan’s promise of a couple other wolves there and easily spotted Nick and
Trace seated in a corner talking. He had no notion of either man’s orientation, but neither seemed
particularly interested in the dancer. He traded nods with the other shifters and let his gaze rove over
the clusters of men.

It only took him a moment to spot Jared sitting at a table with a half dozen other men. While the

others stared at the woman on stage, laughing and cajoling each other, Jared lounged back in his chair,
which Carson noted was against a wall, and surveyed the rest of the bar.

Seconds later, their eyes met and a flash of heat lighted Jared’s eyes and one side of Jared’s lips

curved into a small smile. Assured of at least a moderate welcome, Carson started toward them. He
noticed a blond man slap Jared’s arm, trying to get his attention. Jared broke their gaze and frowned
at the man, dropping his eyes to look at where the man touched him, before lifting a brow in question.

The man, oblivious to Jared’s displeasure at the contact, waved a hand at the brunet dancing and

stripping. Jared’s gaze flicked over the woman, but to Carson’s pleasure, no interest was expressed
in his look. Carson drew close enough to hear the blond’s comment.

“Not to your liking, man?” the guy said. “I like blondes myself, but redheads really get me going,”

he added with a leer.

“Oh, I like mine with long raven hair,” Jared quipped back. “It gives me something to hold while I

fuck them.”
Carson nearly swallowed his tongue and struggled to get words out when he reached the table.
“Jared,” he finally managed.
“Carson,” Jared purred, standing and gripping his shoulder. “I’m glad Grady passed on the message.
Join us.” He pulled up another chair and settled it between him and another man. “This is Terry, my
soon-to-be brother-in-law,” he said, indicating the man to Carson’s right. “These yahoos are his
buddies, Lance, Phil, Tom, Larry and Brady.” He pointed at a man as he said a name, going around
the table counterclockwise. “Guys, this is Carson Angeni. He’s a forest ranger in the area.” He
grinned at Carson. “In the summer, I’m going to talk him into showing me some of the more secluded
He grinned back at Jared, he and his wolf on the same page about what to do at those secluded places.
“I’d be happy to, Jared,” he replied. “Anytime.”
“Are you eventually coming back to stay?” Terry asked. “I know Brandy would be happy to hear that,
even with the shock you gave her yesterday. How many of your family have you heard from?”
Jared chuckled. “I turned my phone off,” he admitted. “I figured I’d give them time to settle down.
Think about it a little, you know?”
Terry laughed. “Yeah, there was definite confusion. I still don’t know if they believed me.”
Shrugging, Jared replied, “There will be no doubt left by the day after tomorrow.”
“What are you talking about, Terry?” Brady cut in. “What shock? Did you tell them you’re a serial
killer or something?”
Carson nearly choked on the beer Jared had poured from the pitcher for him. His eyes widened and he

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stared at Jared. To his surprise, Jared laughed. “Knock it off, you ass. You’re scaring my date,” he
replied easily. “I don’t come around much because I’m gay and didn’t know how to share it.” Then he
grinned at Carson, his gaze turning heated. “But now I have a reason to come out to them.”
Beer spewed from the mouths of three of the men, Lance laughed, Tom paled and Terry stared at
Carson. He met the other man’s gaze evenly, trying to decide how that revelation was going to be
swallowed by the groom’s group of friends. They were in a strip bar with nearly naked women
dancing not too far away, but now everyone but Terry stared at Jared.
“You’re a fucking fairy! But how? You look normal!” Larry gasped, his eyes nearly bugging out of his
The blond who sat on the other side of Jared shifted away, clearly uncomfortable being that close to
Jared. “Why the fuck are you here?” Brady asked.
“It’s Terry’s bachelor party.” Jared shrugged. “Just because I don’t have any desire to screw the
entertainment, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a woman’s grace and ability.”
Brady’s gaze switched to Carson. “Long, black hair…” he whispered. “You’re the guy he’s fucking.”
Before he could formulate a response that wouldn’t be rude or crude, Jared drew everyone’s attention
by laughing loudly. “Don’t be ridiculous. Carson’s fucking me.” But then he turned speculating hazel
eyes on Carson. “Of course, he does have an ass that I do intend to tap at some point, but we haven’t
really discussed it yet.”
That comment had Brady and Phil leaping to their feet. “You two better leave, right now!” Phil
“Sit down, Phil, Brady,” Terry jumped in. “This is my bachelor party and I invited them. They are
more than welcome here.”
Brady glanced at the other guys uncertainly. Tom refused to meet anyone’s gaze, which Carson found
interesting. Instead, the man took a long swallow of his drink.
Lance rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Sit down and shut the fuck up, Phil. I never
realized you were such a bigoted ass.”
Phil’s face heated. “You’re okay with these fags?”
Lance shrugged. “I have a cousin in San Francisco who’s been in a committed relationship with his
man for eight years. That’s a hell of a lot longer than any of my father’s marriages,” he stated dryly.
Slowly, Brady sat down, his face coloring, but he reached for his beer, took a sip and then looked
back toward the stripper, who now wore only a thong as she twisted and shimmied around the pole.
Shoving his chair back, Phil stalked around the group. Terry rose as the other man stopped next to
him. Phil lifted a fist. “We’ve been friends for eight years and you’re choosing these fruits over me?”
Terry stayed silent for a moment and Carson was ready to stand and offer to leave. A hand on his
thigh made him keep still. Finally, Terry lifted a brow and nodded. “Yes. Jared is family and even
though I like you, you’ve always been an ass.”
Phil’s fist pulled back and this time Carson did leap to his feet. His shifter speed and instincts served
him well and he managed to get between the groom and Phil. He took the punch to his jaw and pain
exploded through his head. Through a haze of pain, he heard shouting and saw Phil pull back his fist
He braced for another impact, lifting his arms to ward off the blow, knowing he couldn’t strike the
human back and run the risk of seriously injuring him. But the blow didn’t come. A glass shattered
and men cried out in shock. Carson blinked, struggling to clear his vision. He spotted Jared grab Phil
around the middle, swing him around and slam him face first into a nearby table. Somehow, he’d
managed to maneuver one of Phil’s arms behind his back and it was pulled high and tight to his body.

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Jared’s other hand was draped over the back of Phil’s neck, forcing him to remain still.
The cold look on Jared’s face told Carson how close his mate was to doing the man serious injury.
“Wait, Jared, wait,” he said through a suddenly dry throat. He couldn’t describe the feelings
cascading through him at the fact that his mate was defending him. As a shifter, it should be the other
way around, but it didn’t stop the flood of pleasure sweeping through him.
He laid one hand on Jared’s back and the other on the hand that pulled Phil’s wrist toward his neck.
“Don’t hurt him, Jared,” he leaned close and whispered. “That will only raise questions we don’t
want to answer.”
Jared turned his head to stare at him and glared, but the anguish filling those vivid hazel eyes softened
the look. “But he hit you.”
“And now he’s been bested by a fag and all his friends know what kind of man he is,” Carson
whispered back. “I’m fine. Let him go and we’ll have a drink, huh?” he asked, entreating his mate
with his eyes. He rubbed Jared’s back and prayed his scent would soothe the human like it would a
shifter mate.
To his relief, Jared’s hold loosened. He leaned close to Phil and snapped, “Don’t let me see you try
to hurt someone I care about again, or a broken arm will be the least of your problems.”
Carson must not have been the only one who heard the cold edge in Jared’s comment, because Phil
actually trembled. The whites of his eyes showed as he scrambled to get away from Jared. Once the
man was out of sight amidst the crowd, Jared turned and lifted a hand to Carson’s jaw, tracing the
tender area gently.
He tried not to flinch, but didn’t think he’d quite succeeded. Jared’s brows creased and Carson lifted
a hand, wrapped it around Jared’s and slid his mate’s hand to his shoulder. “I’ll be fine. Just give me
a day.” He winked and grinned. “I’m a quick healer.”
Jared let out a breath and nodded. “Let me know if it pains you any worse. I’ll take you home and
we’ll put ice on it.”
Touched at his mate’s thoughtfulness, Carson smiled. “Thanks. I’ll let you know.”
He leaned in to lay a soft peck on Jared’s lips, but then remembered where they were and stopped.
Clearing his throat, Carson started to straighten.
Jared growled and moved the hand from his shoulder to the back of Carson’s neck. “If I’m going to do
something, I do it all the way,” he hissed before plastering his mouth over Carson’s.
The kiss was brief, hard and way too short. By the time they sat back down, the rest of the table was
sitting and discussing the stripper, a redhead this time. On a conversation lull, Terry leaned over and
said, “Thanks for taking that hit. I owe you one, man. Can you imagine how angry Brandy would be if
I showed up tomorrow evening with a black eye?” Terry shuddered.
Carson shook his head. “If it weren’t for me, that wouldn’t have even happened.”
“Phil has always been an ass, but he’s always had my back when I needed him.” Terry grimaced. “I
don’t condone his behavior, but I do hope he comes around.”
“He may just yet,” Carson murmured, though he didn’t have much hope for that. Most bigots didn’t.
After a nod, Terry leaned toward Jared. “Hey, man! Since you’re involved with Carson, are you
really moving out here in the summer?”
Carson froze, his beer halfway to his lips. Jared smiled faintly and Carson finished lifting his drink
and taking a sip. From the corner of his eye, he watched Jared shrug. “It’s something I’m entertaining.
I travel a lot, so should be able to base my business out of anywhere.”
“Oh, yeah? I thought you did commodities.”
Jared shook his head. “Not any more. I’m into security. People pay me to break into their buildings.”

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Terry frowned. “Really? People do that?”
Jared laughed. “Oh, yes. It’s not real lucrative, but I’m good at it.”
“Breaking into secured buildings?” Lance asked incredulously, the brunet leaning across the table
toward them.
Jared just laughed harder. Carson shook his head. “He did a job this afternoon,” he said. “He’s
“Really? Amazing!” Tom whispered.
Suddenly, Carson didn’t like the way Tom was looking at his mate. Now it made sense why the man
had paled and looked away at the mention of being gay. He was in the closet. When he caught Tom’s
gaze, the man swallowed hard and tried to hide the look. Apparently, Tom was very deep in the
He tried to dismiss the man, since Jared had obviously come out to his family for him, but it was
difficult. They hadn’t really made any commitments to each other. He realized they’d have to have a
chat about that and soon. “I’m surprised the bouncers didn’t try to kick us out,” Carson muttered,
leaning close to Jared.
Hearing the comment, Lance snickered. “They were on their way over, but since you were defending
Terry’s good name here, Larry and I greased their palms, as it were.”
Carson’s brows shot up. “Really? You bribed them?”
“Sure,” Larry replied with a shrug. “We knew you’d calm your man and I gotta say, if someone had
hit my girlfriend, I wouldn’t have been nearly as kind as Jared.” Realizing what he’d said, Larry
sputtered, “Not that I’m calling you a girl, man.” He blushed. “Sorry.”
Snorting, Carson reached for his beer. “Not a problem. It was an apt analogy.” He lifted his drink in
salute. “Thank you.”
Larry waved away his words and turned back to the show.
Two hours later, a slight buzz singing through his system, Carson realized the group was preparing to
leave. He couldn’t say what any of the dancing girls had looked like, having been too focused on
keeping up with the conversation and not exploding as Jared massaged his thigh under the table,
occasionally brushing his rock hard cock.
“Well, I guess you pass muster,” Jared stated, holding out a hand to Terry. “Welcome to the family.”
Terry laughed. “I better, after you used me the way you did. Damn, your family really had no idea,”
the drunk man chuckled, waving a hand between the two men. “But it’s obvious you care for each
other. I’m sure once the shock wears off, they’ll be fine with it.”
“What do you mean?” Jared said, cocking his head. Terry blushed. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Well, you better tell me everything,” Jared ordered, his tone firm. Looking at his mate, Carson
realized he hadn’t seen his human refill his beer glass all evening and it was still a quarter full.
Interesting, did the man not drink?
“Shit,” Terry slurred. “Your mom nearly passed out. She dropped onto the couch and your little sister
had to get a cloth for her head. Your dad called me a liar and threatened to send the wedding bills to
me if I didn’t stop spreading rumors about you being gay.” He blushed. “Sorry, man.”
Carson paled at Terry’s words and he turned to see how Jared took the news of his parent’s not-so-
accepting attitude. Jared let out a breath slowly and stood, then he smiled. “Don’t worry about it,
Terry. Tomorrow’s the rehearsal dinner. I’ll set them straight.” Helping the groom to his feet, he said,
“I apologize for putting you in that position.” Terry nodded and Jared wrapped an arm around his
waist. “In the meantime, let’s get you home.”
He turned to Carson and handed him a keycard. “I’m in room three-oh-one. Just let me make certain

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he gets home and I’ll be there in thirty minutes.” Then to Carson’s shock, Jared leaned toward him
and placed a quick peck on his lips…right in front of everyone…again.
One thing could be said for his mate. He told the truth about when he decided to do something. He
really did do it all the way.

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Chapter Nine

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ot damn, you really are gay,” Terry whispered as Jared helped him from the strip club.

“Guess so,” he replied, grinning. His future brother-inlaw wasn’t the only person he’d shocked by

his little displays of affection. After settling the man into the car, he paused and cocked his head.
“Thanks for not making it a big deal. I know I put you in a tight spot by sharing that tidbit. It didn’t
occur to me until afterward that you’d probably end up telling my sister.”

Terry chuckled sleepily. “Don’t worry about it. I couldn’t give a shit either way and if people

were fucking smart, they’d realize sexual orientation isn’t what makes a man.”

Jared nodded and headed around the car, surprised to find an ally in Terry. “Saddle up, boys,” he

called to the others as he settled behind the wheel of Lance’s SUV. Most of the men planned to sleep
at Terry’s place and since he didn’t drink much anyway, he’d volunteered to drive. It gave Terry and
his crew one last night to act like bachelors without worrying about one of them DDing.

Ten minutes later, he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. “Wake up, you bums,” he

ordered. Many of the men grumbled and started moving, but Terry didn’t even stir. Jared chuckled at
the passed out man. Shaking his head, he rounded the vehicle and hauled the guy out in a fireman’s

Lance took his keys, Larry dug the groom’s keys out of the man’s pocket and led the way into the

house. Following them through the rooms, he dropped Terry unceremoniously onto a bed and grinned.
“You all get the honor of undressing the groom. I have my own man waiting for me,” he added with a

Good-natured ribbing followed him out of the room and Jared had to admit, he liked those guys.

He locked the door behind him and headed to his Porsche. He wasn’t certain what caught his
attention, but suddenly all his senses went on alert. Slipping into the shadows near the driver’s side
door, he scanned the area.

To his surprise, Brandy got out of a car parked on the street and headed toward the house. She

paused at the back bumper of the Porsche, twisting her hands in clear agitation as she tried to peer
into the shadows. “Jared?”

“Good god, Brandy,” he scolded, stepping into the light of the streetlamp. “It’s after three in the

morning. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I had to talk to you before the rehearsal dinner tonight,” she said. Her big brown eyes, so like

their mother’s, conveyed her worry. “Is it true?”

At least she didn’t beat around the bush. He leaned a hip against the car and crossed his arms over

his chest. “Is it true that I’m gay?” She nodded. Jared rolled his eyes. “I hate labels,” he grumbled. “I
always have. You know that. But if you need a nice little box to put me in, I’d prefer you use

Some of the tension in her shoulders eased. “Oh, so you do like girls?”

And, shit. He suddenly knew where this was going. Jared decided he’d better nip this right in the bud.
“I’ve enjoyed women in the past, yes, but none have ever affected me the way Carson does. I don’t
care what others think. I plan to explore a relationship with him and see where it goes.”
Even as the words came out of his mouth, he had to hide his own shock at them. He did want to get to
know Carson better, Jared realized. He wanted to find out what made the man tick, find out what
pleased him, what his pet peeves were, his past and most definitely, Jared wanted to explore the
explosive passion that bubbled beneath the surface any time they were in the same room.

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“Well, how long have you known him? Does he live in Massachusetts?” Brandy asked tentatively.
“I’ve known him three days and he lives outside Stone Ridge.” He forced a smile. “Just think, if it
works out, I’ll be moving closer to home.”
She seemed to ignore that second part, fixating on his first words. “Three days? How can you feel that
way after three days? You’ll be creating chaos for the family!”
Glaring, Jared asked, “How long did it take you to realize you wanted to know everything about
She huffed, setting her fists on her hips. “Well, that’s different.”
“Why?” Jared growled out. She opened her mouth to answer, then snapped it shut, but Jared knew
what she’d planned to say. “Because he’s a man?” he sneered.
“Yes! You never expressed any interest in men, why start now?”
Even though her words were true, there was no way in hell Jared would admit to them. “You haven’t
seen me in ten years. How the fuck would you know that?” He shook his head, strode to the driver’s
door and pulled it open. “My man saved your man from a black eye on his wedding day. You should
be thanking him, not busting my balls because I like him. More than I like you right now!”
At her gasp, he paused and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Brandy. That was uncalled for.” Staring at
her pale face, he shook his head. “Carson has come to mean a lot to me in a very short time. I’d
appreciate it if you gave him a chance. Don’t ostracize us just because of his gender.” His lips
quirked into a smile. “He makes me want to be a better man,” he admitted. He knew she didn’t
understand as he slid into his car and left her staring after him as he drove away. And Lord willing,
she never would.
As he drove back to his hotel room, a jaw-cracking yawn over took him. Blinking back his
exhaustion, he looked forward to what was to come. His dick had been hard all evening until he ran
into his sister and his desire to see the man again, even though it’d been less than an hour, grew with
each mile that passed under his car’s wheels.
By the time he stood outside his room’s door, his cock once again pulsed in his jeans and he prayed
Carson had taken him up on his offer. After locking the door behind him, he stripped as he moved
through the suite of rooms. He made his way to the bedroom and sucked in a breath. Sprawled across
the comforter was the man he couldn’t seem to get enough of, the man who consumed his thoughts and
he was naked.
Jared hadn’t seen the man nude when they’d fucked two days ago. Now he looked his fill, taking in
the bronze skin, impressive muscle definition and tall, strong body. Long lashes hid Carson’s dark
brown eyes, long black hair spread across Jared’s pillows, an almost straight nose accentuated high
cheekbones and full lips Jared found he loved to kiss.
His gaze swept down the man’s body, taking in the dark flat nipples, the sculpted abs and the tiny
treasure trail of hair starting below Carson’s belly button and leading the way to the thin thatch of
dark curly hair, nestling around the man’s impressive, even while semi-erect, cock.
His focus glued to that proof of Carson’s manhood and suddenly Jared found his mouth watering. He
wanted to taste. He wanted to feel the man’s dick fill up with blood as he sucked it, feel it come to
life in his mouth. Never one to deny his urges, especially when his lust-filled mind couldn’t find a
good excuse not to, Jared crawled onto the bed and over to his lover.
Pausing over the slightly plumped flesh, Jared cocked his head and swallowed. He’d never done
anything like this before and a case of nerves hit him hard. He wanted to please this man, more than
he’d ever wanted to please anyone else. He realized how important Carson had already become to

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He leaned down, inhaled deeply of the man’s musky, masculine scent and had to fight back a groan.
Carson smelled amazing and Jared’s cock twitched where it hung between his legs. His nerves,
erased by the desire swamping him, let Jared take his first taste of man, swiping his tongue up the
underside of Carson’s cock, tracing the thick vein running its length. Liking the feel of the smooth
flesh on his tongue and enjoying how the man beneath him moaned softly in his slumber and shifted
restlessly, his legs sliding further apart as if in invitation, Jared circled the flat of his tongue around
the cock’s head before dipping the tip of his tongue into the slit. A drop of pre-cum oozed out and
Jared rolled the flavored gem around on his tongue, analyzing the slightly bitter taste and deciding he
liked it.
Opening his jaw wider, he sucked the head of Carson’s shaft into his mouth and flicked his tongue
along the glans, knowing how much he liked it when that soft wrinkled flesh was worked. A low
moan sounded from Carson and a hand slipped into Jared’s hair. He looked up through his lashes to
see Carson’s hooded, lust-filled eyes staring down at him.
He smiled around the flesh in his mouth and moved further down on Carson’s shaft, taking another
couple inches into his mouth. It didn’t take long for his gag reflex to make itself known and Carson
knew he wouldn’t be able to get much more of Carson’s eight-inch dick into his mouth.
When Carson bucked under him, trying to get more from Jared, he reacted by wrapping his fist around
the stalk of the man’s erection. He increased his suction and worked the bit of length he couldn’t get
into his mouth with his hand.
The fingers in his hair tightened as Carson gasped his name and started babbling. “Jared! Oh, gods
that’s good. Wish you could see what you look like with your mouth wrapped around my dick. So
fucking sexy. So hot. Ugh!”
Carson’s other hand tangled in the sheet as he thrust up and Jared had to grab the man’s hip to keep
him from gagging him, even with his hand helping to keep too much from his mouth. He pulled off the
hard, silky flesh with a pop and Carson growled his frustration. Jared grinned up at him. “Are you
going to come for me, Carson? Are you going to fill my mouth with your seed?” Carson’s eyes
widened at Jared’s words and his smile turned feral. “Let me taste you, mate,” he ordered.
The man under him moaned as Jared once more took the mushroom head of Carson’s shaft into his
mouth. He used his tongue to flick the glans as he sucked strongly, then dipped his tongue into the
man’s slit, encouraging more precum to ooze from the leaking opening. He worked the stalk with one
hand and moved the other hand to Carson’s balls, rolling and tugging the twin orbs. He felt the man’s
testicles pull tight and knew Carson’s orgasm was inevitable.
Still, the first shot took Jared by surprise and he had to swallow quickly as Carson’s penis shot a
second string of cum onto his tongue. He did his best to keep working the man’s shaft, prolonging his
orgasm as he swallowed him down. Finally, the dick in his mouth began to soften and the man
actually whined as it became too sensitive.
Jared released him and crawled up his man’s body. Grinning at the thought, yeah, he liked calling
Carson his man. Weird! He settled his body over his blissed-out mate and slid his cock into the
crease of the man’s thigh, enjoying the smooth glide through his own spit against the man’s skin.
“I want in your ass, Carson,” he crooned right before taking the other man’s mouth in a demanding
kiss. He swept his tongue inside repeatedly, mimicking what he’d like to do to Carson’s ass. The
bigger man’s hands clamped onto Jared’s ass and pulled him close as he ground up into him, but
Jared refused to allow him to take over the kiss. He had every intension of proving that this wouldn’t
be just a one-sided relationship.
Relationship? Holy fucking god!

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He broke the kiss and Carson’s brows rose in question. Jared stared down at Carson, his brain
replaying what he’d said to his sister. Even when not around the man, he wanted him. That had never
happened to him before.
Yeah. Yeah, I want a relationship with Carson. “I’ve never been in a relationship before,” he
whispered, his thumb caressing Carson’s kiss-swollen lips. “But with you, I want to try, but you need
to know I can’t be your bitch. Even though you’re a shifter, we have to be equals. I can’t have it any
other way.”
“I…” Carson paused, staring up at him for several seconds. His expression ranged from disbelief, to
concern, to fear, to acceptance. He exhaled a slow breath and gave a single nod. “I haven’t been on
the receiving end in a long, long time, Jared, but if that’s what you need, I’d like to give it to you.”
Jared didn’t miss the other man’s increased breathing or the slight sheen of sweat that broke out on
Carson’s face, telling him Carson worried about what would happen if they did this. He leaned down
and nuzzled his mate’s face. “I’ll make it pleasurable for you, Injun,” he promised. “And we’ll do it
face to face, so your wolf won’t think I’m dominating you. No doggy style.” Carson gave him a
relieved smile for his teasing.
Reaching into the nightstand, Jared pulled out a brand new bottle of lube and opened it. He smiled
sheepishly at Carson’s questioning look. “What can I say? I’ve been craving you ever since I left you
that afternoon. I wanted to be ready,” he added with a shrug.
That had a smile curving Carson’s thin lips. “You planned to seduce me?”
“I didn’t think you’d need much seducing,” he whispered back before nipping Carson’s earlobe.
“Now walk me through how to prepare you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Start by pouring a glob onto your fingers, letting it warm briefly. Then insert one finger past my
guardian muscle…”
Jared listened to the man, working him open step by step, stunned at not only the amazing give of
Carson’s body, but of the tight heat that now surrounded his fingers. His dick jerked and he moaned at
the feel of the man beneath him. “Fuck, I want in here.”
Just as he whispered the words, his knuckles pressed against a spongy bump deep inside Carson’s
channel. The man beneath him shuddered and moaned. His cock twitched and jerked, a drop of pre-
cum oozing from the slit. “Oh, hell yeah. I’d forgotten how good this felt. More, Jared. Fill me with
your cock.”
“Oh, yeah,” Jared growled. He eased his fingers out and smeared the remaining lube onto his dick,
then guided the head of his penis to Carson’s twitching hole. “Ready?” he whispered.
When Carson nodded, he pressed forward. It took more pressure than he thought it would to pop the
head of his shaft inside the shifter and he gasped as the tight ring of muscle clamped down on him. He
trembled, listening to Carson hiss as the man below him stared at him and shivered. He held his
position, using more strength of will than he’d ever thought he possessed. He waited until Carson
relaxed around him.
“Now,” Carson moaned. “Fill me now.”
He didn’t need further prodding and pushed his hips forward. He felt his cock sink into a channel so
hot, so tight, it was like nothing he’d ever felt before. “Oh my god,” he groaned once he’d sunk all the
way to the hilt. “I never imagined anything could feel like this.”
While sliding into Carson’s body felt amazing, pulling back out was indescribable. Pleasure so
intense that Jared shook with it rolled over his senses as he felt Carson’s walls squeezing and
massaging his sensitive dick. Breathing deeply, he forced his hips to start a measured thrust and
retreat action. Exquisite pressure unlike anything he’d ever imagined surrounded his cock, making

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tingles shoot through his balls and up his spine.
Carson’s clutching hands on his shoulders brought him back to the moment and he stared into the
liquid brown eyes of the man he was beginning to care deeply for. He adjusted his angle, searching
for that same spot he’d managed to hit with his fingers. On the fourth try, he knew he’d struck pay dirt.
The shifter’s body arched against him and Carson cried out his pleasure. Fighting his urges to just rut
into the body beneath him, Jared kept his thrusts smooth and measured, nailing his lover’s gland over
and over. He leaned close and sucked on the skin where Carson’s neck met shoulder, knowing it was
the exact spot where Carson had marked him on his own body.
Moaning, Carson trembled. He rocked against him, meeting Jared thrust for thrust. The sounds of skin
slapping skin, grunting bodies and the smell of sex and sweat filled the room. Jared felt his balls pull
tight as tingles of pleasure zipped up and down his spine and he knew his orgasm quickly approached,
but he wanted Carson to come again first. He reached a hand between them, wrapped it around
Carson’s prick and stroked.
The shifter’s breath hitched, the pupils dilating nearly to cover his eyes and then Carson’s dick
exploded. Cum shot from the tip of his cock and coated both their chests and Jared’s fingers. Carson’s
chute clenched tight, holding Jared’s dick in a stranglehold of pleasure that had him erupting on the
next stroke.
He roared as the ecstasy of his release coursed through his system and he barely managed to keep
from collapsing on the panting man below him. Soft kisses along his neck made him smile and Jared
looked down to see the relaxed look in Carson’s eyes.
Once he’d regained a modicum of control, he eased his softening shaft from Carson’s ass, eliciting a
soft gasp from the other man. He rolled off the bed, his legs unsteady as he made his way to the
bathroom. Cleaning himself up, he realized he’d never been affected by sex like he was with this man.
For once in his life, he wanted more, so much more.
Returning to the bedroom, he carefully wiped down his mate, all while Carson silently watched him.
Letting out a soft sigh, Jared crawled back into bed and settled next to the man. Jared had wondered at
his reception and relief filled him when Carson turned and pulled him close. He let himself be
manhandled by the bigger man and found himself turned so Carson’s front was spooned up against his
At first he tensed and Carson must have felt it. He stroked his hand down Jared’s chest and nibbled
the back of Jared’s neck sensually. “Relax, babe,” he whispered. “It’s just me here.”
After several slow breaths, Jared turned slightly and looked over his shoulder at Carson. “I’ve never
slept with anyone before,” he admitted.
Carson smiled and pecked a kiss to his shoulder. “Be careful. You could get used to it.”
Smiling back, Jared whispered, “I’d like the chance to try.”

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Chapter Ten


arson woke slowly, aware of the solid body in front of him and the amazing sense of calm his

wolf felt. He knew immediately when his mate became aware of him, for the man’s body stiffened
slightly. Teasing his fingers through the soft hair trailing across Jared’s chest between his nipples, he
nuzzled the back of Jared’s neck in an effort to soothe him.

It worked and Jared’s body sank back against him. “Mmm, this is a nice way to wake up,” Jared

“Let me show you an even better perk of waking with me,” he crooned, willing to use persuasion to
get his mate to want to stay with him.
Carson enjoyed how Jared’s breathing sped up as he trailed his hand down and teased the hard flesh
of his morning hard-on. “Oh, yeah?” Jared whispered as he rocked his ass against Carson’s waking
“Oh, yeah,” Carson repeated, shoving against Jared’s ass. “You gonna let me in here?” he asked,
gripping one of his mate’s ass cheeks.
“Mmm, I can get behind that,” Jared teased.
“I think I’m behind that,” Carson chuckled, enjoying the man’s humor. “Where’s the lube?”
Jared reached up and grabbed the tube from the nightstand and handed it over his shoulder to him.
Carson smiled, pleased that his mate didn’t even question him. In fact, from the way Jared rocked
back into his groin, Jared wanted it just as much as Carson did.
He took his time preparing his mate, sliding first one finger in and then two. He rubbed the man’s
gland every few strokes, loving the way Jared moaned for him. He pushed Jared’s top leg forward,
instructing his mate to prop it on a pillow, opening him further. It only took a couple moments for
Carson to slide a third finger inside Jared.
When he deemed Jared ready, he pulled his fingers out, lubed up his cock and pushed his way slowly
into his mate. As silky warm pressure surrounded him, he moaned softly and buried his face in
Jared’s neck. “Oh, fuck you feel good, Jared. So hot. So tight.”
Jared growled and pushed back against him as Carson moved. “Fuck me, damn it. I want to feel you.”
Loving his mate’s enthusiasm and taking Jared at his word, he sped up his strokes. He gripped his
mate’s hip tightly as he rocked into Jared over and over again, knowing his hold would leave bruises
on the human’s skin and loving that he’d marked him that way.
Jared groaned loudly, holding nothing back as he expressed his enjoyment. “Never thought I’d enjoy
this so much, but I love how you fill me, Carson,” he growled. “Your cock fills me so completely.”
Carson snarled. “So good, so good,” he repeatedly panted. “Love how you take my cock. I’m gonna
fill you, baby,” he said. “Gonna fill you so good.”
“Oh, yeah,” Jared moaned.
Unable to resist his desire, Carson felt his canines extend and he wrapped them around the fleshy part
of Jared’s shoulder. As he felt his balls pull tight and his orgasm approach, he bit. Jared’s blood
flowed into his mouth and his mate cried out in shock before moaning in bliss as the cock in his fist
shot stream after stream of seed. The man’s ass clamped down on Carson’s dick. Carson groaned
around the flesh in his mouth and emptied himself into his mate.
Seconds later, he carefully removed his canines and licked Jared’s wound clean.
“I thought you only did that when you mated,” Jared whispered several moments later after his
breathing had somewhat evened out.

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Carson chuckled. “Who the fuck told you that?” He kissed the back of Jared’s neck to take the sting
out of his words. “We bite to enhance our sexual pleasure,” he explained.
“Oh,” Jared commented softly. Then he looked over his shoulder at him and glared. “You’ve bitten
others? You have more than one mate?”
The man’s anger took Carson by surprise, until he realized from where it stemmed. Jared is jealous!
Carson leaned forward and nuzzled his human’s neck. “You’re the only one I’ve ever bitten, Jared.
I’ve never even been tempted by another,” he told Jared softly.
Jared’s gaze searched his face for several seconds before he whispered, “Okay. Good.”
Carson let the silence fall between them, content to just relax and hold his mate. Half an hour later,
his bladder told him he could no longer put off his morning routine.
As he headed to the bathroom he heard Jared ask, “What time is it?”
He glanced at the clock on the end table. “Almost eleven.”
“Shit,” Jared growled, rolling to a sitting position on the bed. “We need to get moving. I told Casey
I’d visit him at noon.”
“Who’s Casey?” Carson snapped, before he could rein in his possessiveness.
Jared chuckled, crossing the floor and kissing him gently. “The bunny shifter. You can come with
me,” he added with a grin before disappearing into the bathroom.

“Are you sure about this?” Carson asked for the third time, his voice slightly muffled as he pulled

off his shirt.
Jared smirked. “For the last time, yes! With Phil refusing to speak with Terry, my brother-in-law
insists that you take the guy’s place in the wedding line-up.” He held up the tux. “I’m pretty sure it
will fit you.”
Pulling on the black and white outfit, he frowned. “This was supposed to be for you, wasn’t it?”
“Yup,” Jared replied, “but I traded it in for one your size.” He sighed, looking away. “I didn’t have
the heart to tell my family that I owned one.”
“You own a tux?” he asked incredulously. “Why would you own…” At the thinning of Jared’s lips,
Carson’s brows shot up. “Oh,” he muttered, realizing it may be needed to get in and out of high-end
“Let’s see how this looks,” Jared said, changing the subject.
His human mate expertly creased and buttoned the shirt around his neck and tied the tie before helping
him into the jacket and smoothing it over Carson’s broad shoulders. Jared took a step back and
grinned. “You’re one sexy man, Carson.”
“I’m your sexy man,” he whispered, unable to let the opportunity go for him to express the seriousness
of their relationship.
Smiling, Jared nodded. “I know.” He stepped forward and pecked an all-too-brief kiss to Carson’s
lips. “That’s not something I’ll ever forget.” He stepped back and gave him a serious look. “I do plan
to come back to Stone Ridge, Carson. It’s just going to take some time to get my shit straightened out.”
Before he could ask Jared to expound on that comment, a pounding on the hotel door told them they
were out of time. Jared crossed to the door and opened it, revealing Lance. “You fairies ready?” he
quipped, grinning, but Carson knew a good-natured tease when he heard it.
Jared rolled his eyes and turned to Carson. “And this breeder just epitomized one of the many reasons
it took me so long to come out,” he snarked back, sweeping his arm toward Lance.
Carson couldn’t help it. He started to laugh at their banter. He’d never have thought Jared had that
kind of sense of humor. Both men watched him in shock as he doubled over for several minutes
before he could manage to get himself under control. “Okay,” he gasped. “If you two are done casting

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pebbles, let’s go. We don’t want to be late.” He sobered as another thought hit him and he grimaced.
“That’s all I’d need,” he groused, “to meet your parents by holding up the wedding.”
“Ah, Injun, relax,” Jared crooned. “Everything will be fine,” he promised, throwing an arm around
Carson’s shoulders and leading him out of the room. He didn’t resist, just let his mate help him into
the back of the vehicle before Jared slid in next to him. Lance settled behind the wheel and they
headed toward the church.
Carson felt his tension ratchet up degree by degree the closer they neared the church until he could
hardly keep still. His wolf paced inside his mind and his foot tapped the floor as he bounced his leg
Once Lance parked his vehicle, Jared waved a hand at him in a shooing gesture. “Give us a moment.
We’ll be right in.”
“Sure,” Lance said, his gaze drifting to Carson, who knew his face must have been pale from the way
the human’s brows drew together in concern. “Everything okay?”
Jared smiled and nodded. “Yeah. My man here is just having a case of nerves. Nothing to worry
about.” After Lance nodded and left, shutting them in the car together, Jared pulled Carson into his
arms. “Are you okay?”
Carson nodded before burying his face in Jared’s neck and inhaling his human’s scent. The musky
scent of his mate soothed his wolf and he felt his pulse settle. Slowly he eased away and looked into
his mate’s eyes. “I’m fine. Just never met a date’s parents before,” he admitted. Then he grimaced.
“That’s male or female dates. I’ve never had a serious relationship either.”
Jared nodded, smiling. “Then I’ll tell you this now. It doesn’t matter if my parents like you or not.
I’ve been protecting them by keeping them at a distance for years, but you are the man I want to figure
out a way to spend my life with. It may not be easy, or immediate,” he warned, “but I swear to
whatever deity you believe in, it will happen.”
Cocking his head in surprise, Carson stared at his mate, reading the sincerity in every line of his face.
“Okay,” he replied simply, uncertain what else to say. His mate’s expression gave him not only hope,
but the strength to get out of that car and head into the church. He could do this. He could meet the
family of his mate. Pausing at the door, he settled a hand on Jared’s shoulder and whispered, “I’ll
hold you to that, mate.”
Without another word, the pair walked into the building. Carson and Jared were greeted by the men
he’d met the other night, Larry, Tom and Brady. He smiled and shook the hands of each, returning
their greetings. Ten minutes later, Terry came and gave each of them a quick man-hug, complete with
Following behind him were two well-dressed couples. One man had dark hair and hazel eyes and
Carson immediately pegged him as Jared’s father. The woman on his arm had blonde hair and brown
eyes, a fine bone structure and although she smiled, a worried crinkle still lined her eyes.
He felt Jared’s arm go around his waist in a claiming gesture and Carson cast a smile in his man’s
direction while grinning at Terry. “Congrats, man and I’m honored to stand with you and your
Terry grinned. “After taking that punch for me, how could I do any less?” His eyes fixed to the slight
discoloration on Carson’s jaw. “Doesn’t look too bad. Hope it doesn’t hurt much.”
Carson shook his head. “Naw. I’ve got a hard head.”
“Good. That’s good. Thanks again. I can’t imagine what Brandy would have said if I’d showed up to
our wedding with a black eye,” Terry said with an exaggerated shudder. He turned, pretending to
notice the couple of parents for the first time. “Mom, Dad. Mr. and Mrs. Templeton. This is Carson

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Angeni.” He grinned. “Good man to have watching your back and Jared’s boyfriend.”
“Never could get used to that term,” Jared muttered.
“I could have used a few others,” Terry pointed out with a smirk.
“I think boyfriend will work just fine, young man,” a heavy-set brunet admonished before turning to
Carson. “I’m Lila Brussels, Terry’s mother. Please call me Mrs. B. All Terry’s friends do and from
the way you saved the day, I’m certain you will become a close friend in no time, especially since
you’ve snagged the attentions of Brandy’s brother.” She grinned and turned to Jared. “What a
handsome boy, don’t you think,” she said, winking at Carson.
Carson chuckled, suddenly feeling more relaxed, knowing that at least one couple didn’t have a
problem with them. He turned and looked at Jared, meeting his eyes and giving him a heated stare.
“Yes, ma’am. I do believe you’re right.”
A throat clearing had Carson smoothing out his features and turning to the other set of parents. Jared
settled his arm on Carson’s shoulder. “Mom, Dad, this is the man who’s talking me into moving back
here.” He lifted a brow and gave them something Carson could only call The Look.“Be nice!”
Mrs. Templeton stepped forward and held out a hand. “Well, I think it’s wonderful that my baby boy
has finally found someone to bring him back home. It’s very nice to meet you, Carson.”
Carson reached out and took her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it old-world style, which
made Jared’s mother smile, just as he’d hoped. “The pleasure is mine.”
Mr. Templeton stepped forward and Carson took his hand as well, although he refrained from kissing
it, offering pleasantries instead. “Good to meet you.”
After receiving a look from his wife, the man cleared his throat and said, “I won’t lie and say I’m
okay with this.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “It’ll take some getting used to, but since
it’s been years since we’ve seen Jared… I’m happy he’s found a measure of happiness.” He grimaced
and looked between them. “That’s all any parent really wants for their child. Happiness, right?” he
growled, obviously uncomfortable.
Jared smiled and slapped his father on the back. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it.”
The wedding coordinator took that moment to come scurrying through the place and hollering for
everyone to get into their places. Carson thought it sounded more like a theatrical production than a
wedding, but what did he know? Jared grinned from where he stood next to him and winked. “That
went well, huh?”
“Yeah, good thing I don’t have parents you need to meet,” Carson growled softly.
That had Jared frowning. “Why don’t I get to meet your parents?”
Carson shook his head. This was so not the place for this conversation. “They’re deceased,” he
whispered. He knew he’d have to explain about poachers trying to clear out the wolves in southern
Oregon eventually, but now was not the time for it. Besides, it had been almost fifty years since it had
happened. That’s another thing I’ll have to explain. I’m ninetyseven years old and Jared’s aging
will slow down. Another time.
“I’m sorry, Carson. How’d it happen?” Jared whispered.
Carson’s reply was cut off by the sounds of an organ and then the bridesmaids Carson found himself
know down the aisle, praying she didn’t see anything into it and that he’d never see the woman again.
appeared. A few moments later, escorting some woman he didn’t

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Chapter Eleven

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amn it!” Jared snarled, slamming the phone onto the holder. Carson had refused to answer his

calls every night for the last five days. Pacing the room, Jared thrust his hands through his brown hair
and thought furiously. Sure they hadn’t confirmed any real plans, but he’d told Carson that he’d be
back. Jared just hadn’t been able to give a date. After the amazing twelve hours they’d spent together
in his hotel room after the wedding, how could Carson just shut him out like this? They’d talked every
night for a week, then all of a sudden, nothing. The man refused to answer or return his calls!

Picking up the receiver, he dialed another number. A moment later, a deep voice answered.

“Didn’t think you’d be calling me for a while. What’s up?”

“Damn it, Grady. Is Carson okay? He hasn’t answered my calls all week. What the hell is going

on out there? Is it the scientists again?” he couldn’t stop his rant, desperate to think it was something
other than that Carson just didn’t want to speak with him. “If it is, I’ll hunt down each and every one
of those sorry sons of bitches and—”

“Whoa, there, Jared. Stop before you say something that makes me have to arrest both of us!

Carson’s okay, although a little out of sorts. With his mate halfway across the country, I’m not
surprised. I saw him yesterday at Declan’s. What’s going on?” Grady asked. “Carson said he spoke
with you the other day.”

Jared let out an angry snarl. “The other day would be Sunday night. It’s Friday. I can’t get him to

pick up! I talk with Casey more than I talk with my mate. What the hell is that man’s problem?”

He heard a longsuffering sigh come over the phone. “Is he not happy with the time-table you’ve

established for you to come back? Yesterday, he seemed upset when I asked when you were supposed
to return. He said you were still discussing it.”

“Fuck!” Jared yelled, throwing his brandy glass across the room. It shattered with a satisfying

spray of glass.
“I’ll take that as a no. Is it still a month out or something?” Grady asked slowly, having obviously
heard the shattering crystal.
Letting out a long breath through his teeth, Jared pinched the bridge of his nose. “I haven’t given him a
date, yet,” he admitted.
“Bloody hell, man! What’s your problem? You know his wolf can’t handle a prolonged separation,”
Grady reprimanded. After a second of silence, because really Jared had no idea what to say, Grady
warned, “Distancing from you is probably the only way he can keep from going out of his mind. He
needs you, man.”
“Okay,” Jared whispered, thrusting a hand through his hair. “I miss him, too. I knew the minute I
stepped onto that god-damned plane that I needed to get back to Carson as soon as possible. As soon
as I hit home I started moving around accounts and erasing electronic trails so I could do just that, but
when he stopped answering my calls I just…” He shook his head, suddenly realizing he should have
given Carson some kind of timeframe. “Fucking hell. Do you know his schedule for the week?”
“Uh, no, but I’m sure I could get it from Declan. What’s up?”
“I only have a few things left to take care of and then I’ll come out. Hopefully, it’ll only take a few
days, but I can’t make a guarantee.”
“All right,” Grady replied. “I’ll get back to you, then.”
Jared disconnected his cell and dropped it on his desk before crossing to his sideboard and pouring
two fingers of brandy into a fresh glass. He stared at the amber liquid for a moment before downing

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the alcohol. He cringed at the burn.
“You’ve been restless since you’ve been back and I’ve never seen you drink this much.” Jared turned
at Raul’s comment. His friend flopped onto a sofa and sprawled. “It’s been almost two weeks since
you returned and you still haven’t accepted another job. What’s up with you?” he asked, waving a
hand at the shattered glass and lifting a brow.
Jared crossed his arms over his chest and leaned a hip against his desk. He took a deep breath and
popped his neck. “I fell in love,” he replied bluntly.
Raul spit out the sip of rum he’d just put in his mouth. “What?” he sputtered, once the coughing
stopped and he could take a breath.
He shrugged. “Not what you were expecting?” Jared asked, smirking. The other man’s response and
gaping mouth answered his question easily enough. “Well, here’s something else then. Not only did I
fall in love, I fell in love with a man.”
“Well, what the hell, Jared?” Raul ran a hand through his thick red hair. “I didn’t even know you
liked men!”
“Me neither,” Jared admitted, shrugging. He pushed off the desk and walked to the fire. He rested his
hands on the mantle and stared into the flames. “Carson is one of a kind.”
“Well, that’s…wow.” Raul came and stood next to him. “What are you going to do? Does he return
your feelings?”
Jared glanced toward his friend before returning his focus to the flames. “I didn’t know I felt this way
until I had to walk away from him,” he admitted. “I know he’d prefer to have me with him, but he
doesn’t approve of my choice of occupation.”
To his surprise, Raul snorted. “Not many people would,” he commented.
“You do have a point.” He turned and rested an arm along the wood to stare at Raul. “You seem
awfully calm about this.”
“This?” Raul asked, waving a hand vaguely and lifting a brow.
Smirking, he stared at his friend for several seconds, but Raul’s expression gave away none of his
friend’s thoughts. “The fact that I just told you I’m seriously entertaining the possibility of a
relationship with a man.”
“Oh, that,” Raul scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I have a nephew that’s gay. Very, very gay, actually,”
he added with a chuckle. “My oldest sister’s son came out three years ago. She flipped. I had to
explain that it wasn’t anything she did. It’s just the way nature makes some people.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, nature,” Jared whispered. At Raul’s questioning look, he shook his head. “I guess I’m going to
have to find something else to do with my time.” He frowned and stared into the fire again.
Raul slapped him on the back. “So where are we moving?”
Jared turned his head to stare at his friend. A slow smile curved his lips. With Raul’s support, the
idea of uprooting his life, especially for Carson, suddenly didn’t seem so daunting. “Thanks,” he
whispered, wondering when he’d come to depend on his friend so much.
Raul grinned back at him. “Come on, man. After everything we’ve been through? This is small
“I guess you’re right, but what the hell am I going to do with myself?” Jared frowned. That question
had plagued him ever since he’d gotten home. Stepping off that plane, he’d already known he’d end
up returning to Colorado eventually, but he didn’t want to do it until he knew what he’d do when he
got there. Jared just wasn’t the type of person to sit around and do nothing and he knew it. He’d go
crazy within a month.
“Don’t worry about that so much,” Raul replied. “You’re rich. It doesn’t really matter. Now where

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are we moving?”
Jared grinned, suddenly feeling relieved he had a friend who could put it into perspective. “Stone
Ridge, Colorado.”

“I can’t believe you talked me into coming in here with you,” Raul snapped.

The tension in his friend’s shoulders told Jared exactly how uncomfortable the man was to be walking
into a gay bar. “Aw, come on,” he teased, hiding his own unease. It wasn’t so much having to walk
into a gay bar that bothered Jared, it was the fact that somewhere amidst these dancing, gyrating
bodies was his mate. “Are you afraid some cute twink will catch your eye?” At Raul’s glare, Jared
laughed. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t realize you were looking for a bear.”
“Shut the fuck up, man. I don’t want either and you know it!” He shoved his hands into his pockets and
shouldered between men to lead the way to the bar. When the bartender, a muscular brunet probably
in his late twenties gave him the once over, Raul hunched his shoulders, growled his request for a
Heineken and looked away. “And I’m perfectly fine with my masculinity,” he grouched.
Jared slapped him on the back and chuckled at his friend’s hissed comment. “I know. I appreciate the
support you’ve shown me over the last few days.” He took the two beers from the bartender and
handed one to Raul before paying. “Now, drink your beer and loosen up.” His gaze swept the dance
floor and then the tables, trying to make out features in the darkened interior. “Grady said they’d be
here tonight,” he muttered.
“An Indian, right? Is that him?”
He followed his friend’s line of sight. He spotted Declan’s bald head first. He could make out Lark
tugging on his hand, obviously trying to convince him to dance. To Jared’s amusement, he watched the
big mate’s pleas, heave himself off disappear amongst the gyrating bodies.
That’s when Jared spotted him. He was dancing with Dagus and another wolf, whose name he didn’t
remember. A shot of jealousy speared through him and he growled. “Yeah. That’s him.”
“Dude, you okay?” Raul gave him a concerned look.
Taking a deep breath, Jared nodded. “Yeah. Guess I better go say hello.” He pointed at the booth
Declan had vacated. “If you don’t want to join me on the dance floor, that’s my friend Grady and his
husband, Gordon. Feel free to interrupt them.”
Raul turned to look where he pointed at the kissing couple. “Shit. I don’t think so. Now that you’ve
found your man, I’m going to…”
“Hey there.” Both men turned to look at the speaker. A five foot eight-inch brunet with shining green
eyes and a big grin was staring at Raul like the man was a steak and he hadn’t eaten in a week. He
boldly rested a hand on Raul’s arm, which to Jared’s amusement, caused his friend to tense. Their
new friend didn’t seem to mind. “I’m Bobby. You want to dance?”
“Okay, you gotta admit he’s cute,” Jared said to Raul. Bobby beamed up at Jared for a second before
returning his focus to his friend.
alpha wolf cave to his the booth’s bench and
He watched his friend pale slightly, making his red hair and freckles stand out just a little more on his
skin. “But I’m straight,” he squeaked.
Bobby shrugged. “Does that mean you don’t know how to dance?” He rubbed his hand up and down
Raul’s tense arm. “Oooo, nice.” He grinned. “I promise not to bite.”
Jared snorted a laugh and slapped his friend on the back. “Go dance with the man,” he cajoled. To his
utter amusement, Raul downed the rest of his beer, handed Jared the empty bottle and then Bobby led
his obviously shellshocked friend to the dance floor.
Setting the empty on the bar, Jared headed through the crowd in the direction he’d glimpsed his mate.

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Chapter Twelve


arson downed the shot of tequila Grady handed him. Only a few were privy to the reason why

Carson had been so tense the last two weeks. The alcohol sent a burning trail down his throat to settle
in his stomach. It was his sixth shot of the evening and since it took far more alcohol to get a shifter
inebriated than a human, he appreciated that the tiger shifter kept them coming between beers.

He just wanted one night where he didn’t have to fight his wolf’s desire to track down their mate

and drag him back to Stone Ridge. One night of peace.
“I want to dance,” Dagus announced.

Carson cocked his head and rose. “I’ll go with you,” he volunteered. It beat sitting there with his

thoughts and Gordon’s concerned looks.

“Me, too,” Phillip said. He put down his half-full beer and stood.

Carson knew the plan would be to sandwich their blind friend between them, giving Dagus a sense of
security while still having the freedom to dance to the music. After downing the rest of his beer, he
followed the pair onto the dance floor. He moved up behind Dagus, met Phillip’s look over the
shorter man’s head and nodded. Then they started to dance.
He settled his hands on Dagus’s waist, right below where Phillip held him and began to swing his
hips, letting the music move him. Carson took a deep breath, growling in frustration when he smelled
the phantom scent of his mate. He decided scenting his mate when he wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity
and never had been must be similar to people that had lost limbs. There were reports that sometimes
they could feel phantom pain in the non-existent limb.
Letting his eyes slide to half-mast, he emptied his mind and let the music take him. He swung his hips
in time to the beat, the buzz of alcohol in his veins loosening his limbs.
Three songs later, he felt a pair of strong hands grip his waist and a hard cock press against his ass as
a man plastered his body to Carson’s backside. He growled low in his throat before turning a glare
over his shoulder at whoever interrupted his solace.
His eyes widened in shock. “Jared!” he whispered as his mate’s scent enveloped him, making his
cock harden and strain against the confines of his jeans.
“Hello, Injun,” Jared greeted silkily, right before he gripped Carson’s chin and took his mouth in a
deep kiss.
He’d never been into public displays of affection, but somehow Carson found himself turning and
wrapping one arm around his mate’s waist while burying the other in Jared’s short, soft hair. They
deepened the kiss, their tongues and mouths dueling for dominance. He ground his aching shaft into
Jared’s, pleased to find the other man just as turned on.
The hoots and whistles from those men dancing around them weren’t enough to deter Carson’s
conquest of his mate’s mouth. It wasn’t until the lack of oxygen threatened to make him pass out that
he broke the kiss. He stared into the dancing hazel eyes of his mate and could think of only one thing.
“How long are you here for?” Carson needed to know how long he had with his mate.
“I’m not going anywhere, Carson,” Jared revealed with a smile. “Well, at least not unless we
discover other friends to rescue.”
“You’re not…” Carson paused and glanced over his shoulder to see an amused smirk on Phillip’s
face and a grin on Dagus’s. Evidently the other wolf had told their friend what caused the
interruption. “Are you okay without me?”
“Sure. Go sit down,” Phillip answered, clearly amused.

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Carson pulled his unresisting mate across the floor. “Hey,” he heard Jared say, “Isn’t that Phillip? I
didn’t get the impression he swung that way.”
Carson shook his head. “He doesn’t, but he’s quite comfortable with the scene. He told us that he used
to go out with Todd when his brother wanted to dance.” At Jared’s surprised look, Carson laughed,
his heart suddenly lighter than it’d been in weeks. “Evidently, Phillip was always extremely over-
protective of his older brother. He’d go to keep an eye on things and eventually felt comfortable
enough to dance, too. When Todd mated with Lyle, Phillip kinda lost his purpose, you know? So
when we rescued Dagus, he just naturally moved his protective instincts to him,” he explained.
Reaching the table, Carson looked back at the dance floor and shrugged. “Dagus doesn’t seem to
“Hey, Jared! Ya made it, man! What do you think of the place?” Grady’s words caught Carson’s
attention and he frowned as he watched Grady slap Jared on the back, a big grin splitting the tiger’s
Carson glared. “You knew he was coming tonight?” Frustration and betrayal shot through him. He’d
thought Grady his friend and all this time the other man had known Jared was returning. Then shame
filled him. He’d been the one to refuse to answer Jared’s calls for the last week. After six days of not
getting any indication from his mate of when he planned to return, he’d let despair take him. Carson
had worried that being across the country had put too much distance between him and Jared and his
mate had no longer felt the pull to return to him. He’d buried himself in work, exhausting his body so
he could sleep at night.
Grady held up his hands in the face of Carson’s conflicting emotions. “I wasn’t sure if he’d make it in
tonight. I let Jared know where we’d be every night this week.” The big tiger fisted his hands and
settled them on his hips. “It’s a full time job keeping you busy at night so you didn’t drive yourself
nuts,” he pointed out.
At Jared’s questioning look, Carson blushed. “Oh, Injun,” Jared whispered. “I’m so sorry I caused
you pain.”
Carson shook his head. “I should have trusted you when you said you’d return, but every time we
spoke and you never said anything about coming back, it hurt,” he admitted bowing his head. “I hated
not knowing when I’d see you again.”
“You won’t have to worry about that ever again,” Jared vowed. The smaller man wrapped his arms
around Carson, buried his hands in his hair and pulled his head down for another kiss, this one deep
and thorough, full of promise.
Jared licked his bottom lip, asking for entry, which Carson immediately gave. Their tongues tangled
in slow caresses, sending shocks of pleasure down his spine to settle in his balls. He could feel them
pull tight to his body as precum oozed from his dick, soaking the fabric of his jeans.
He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against his mate’s. “We keep that up and I’m going to come
in my pants,” he whispered.
Grinning, Jared winked. “Can’t have that, can we.” Jared pushed him into the booth across from
Gordon and Grady, where he proceeded to settle his near arm on Carson’s thigh as he leaned on the
table with his other arm. It effectively blocked the view of anything below Carson’s chest, which
Jared quickly took advantage of by sliding his hand up and cupping Carson’s cock through his jeans.
Carson hissed through his teeth, his eyes widening in surprise as pleasure shot like liquid fire through
his veins. His hips jerked in an effort to get more pressure on his cock and Jared chuckled, grinning
evilly as he massaged him. His breathing picked up and he struggled to still his body.
“We’re going to go dance a couple songs while you two get reacquainted,” Grady said with a laugh.

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The pair disappeared amongst the throng of dancers.
Jared leered at Carson. “I’ve been meaning to ask. Do you want me to move in with you or should we
buy a house together?”
“Uh,” Carson had trouble focusing on his mate’s words, since Jared’s hand under the table was
unbuttoning his jeans and carefully lowering the zipper. “We’ll have to see what’s on the market.”
“We could do that,” Jared replied, nodding. A wicked grin lit his features as he slid his hand beneath
the fabric of Carson’s boxers and maneuvered his dick through the hole. The warm air of the club
caressed his heated skin and Jared took his engorged cock in a firm hold and stroked it. “You’re right.
This would definitely be a problem for dancing,” he commented. He leaned close and brushed a soft
kiss against Carson’s lips. “And I do plan to dance with you, Injun. I’m going to plaster my body to
yours and grind my cock against your thigh. I’ll let you feel how hard I am, how excited I am for you
to take me home and fill my ass,” he whispered.
The picture his mate’s words created had a whimper of need escaping Carson’s lips. It’d been too
long since he’d been with his mate and the scent of Jared’s desire had his balls pulling tight against
him. Jared swiped his thumb over the head of Carson’s shaft before pressing it into his slit, sending
sparks down his shaft.
“So close,” Carson panted. No longer able to control his hips, he thrust up into Jared’s firm grip,
unable to get enough of his mate’s touch.
Jared moved his lips to the tender skin beneath Carson’s ear. “Grab a handful of cocktail napkins
from the table,” he ordered. “We don’t want to make a mess out of that nice green shirt you have on.”
Carson scrambled to obey as Jared’s hand sped up and his lips sucked on his sensitive skin. He’d just
managed to get a wad of napkins over the head of his cock when Jared nipped his neck. His balls
pulled even tighter, his thighs trembled and his dick pulsed. Warm release soaked the napkins as
Carson bit back a hoarse cry.
“That’s it, Carson. Show me how much you missed my touch,” Jared crooned.
His mate continued to nibble and suck on his neck as Carson came down from his orgasm. Warm
sensations cascaded over Carson, knowing his mate had returned to him, wanted him, intensifying his
release. Finally, he pried his eyes open and looked at him. “What about you?”
Jared grinned. “You can suck me in the car later.”
Carson chuckled, but his cock twitched at the thought of tasting his mate’s cream. He leaned forward
and kissed Jared. “I look forward to it.”
Just then, a pair of men he didn’t recognize flopped onto the seat across from them. “You wore me
out, Bobby. You sure can dance.”
“Hello, Raul,” Jared greeted the redhead, amusement clear in his tone. “I’d like you to meet Carson.”
Jared turned to look at him, grinning with his knowledge that Carson was struggling to discreetly tuck
his dick back into his jeans under the table while keeping a wad of cum covered napkins away from
his clothes. “Carson, this is my buddy Raul. He helps me with jobs on occasion and chose to relocate
with me.”
“Jobs?” he questioned, taking the opportunity to discreetly finish righting his clothes. “I thought…”
Well, I guess he didn’t really say he was quitting, did he? I just sort of assumed…
“Don’t worry, Carson,” he softly reassured, brushing a finger down his jaw. “You remember the
business I told Terry’s friends I do? Well, it shouldn’t take much to open up a base of operations
here.” He grinned cheekily. “I bet I can even get a recommendation from Declan.”
Carson grinned, certain the relief he felt showed clearly on his face. “I’m sure you could.” And he
meant it. Jared had already proven that he had skill at breaking into high security facilities. Now the

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man planned to get paid for it.
“So this is the guy you fell in love with and uprooted our lives for?” Raul interrupted.
Carson froze for a second, surprised at the man’s words, before he swung his gaze to focus on Jared.
“You love me?” he whispered.
Jared glared briefly at Raul and then took hold of Carson’s hand. “Yeah. I love you, Carson.” He
squeezed the hand he held before bringing it to his lips and nipping the skin of Carson’s palm
sensually. “You think I’d move ‘cross the country for just anyone?”
The mix of playfulness and intensity had his heart beating faster in his chest, as a fresh wave of desire
flowed through him. Carson buried his free hand in Jared’s short dark hair and pulled his face close.
“I love you, too, Jared,” he growled and then took his mate in a hungry kiss. His cock started to fill
again and Carson dropped the tissues on the floor, no longer caring what happened to them or who
may find them later. He grabbed his mate’s thigh and pulled him closer still.
“Awe.” Bobby’s sappy sigh cut into his senses and Carson eased the kiss to an end, remembering
where they were. “You guys are so cute together!” He turned to Raul, leaned close and batted his
eyelashes playfully. “Do you think we’ll ever be like that?”
Carson could hear the teasing in the young man’s tone, but evidently Raul didn’t. His eyes widened
like a deer in the headlights and he tried to pull his arm free. “No! I told you…”
Bobby started to laugh. “Yeah, yeah, straight boy,” he teased. “But you do make a great dance
gracefully unfolded himself from the seat “Anyone want a drink?”
“Bobby Truman?”
The young man spun around, his eyes widening comically. “Detective Stryker! Hi!” For a second the
guy glanced around, obviously looking for someone, then his eyes returned to Grady’s imposing
figure. He opened his mouth as if to ask something, but snapped his jaw shut when Grady shook his
head once. “It’s good to see you,” Bobby said instead.
Carson wondered how the pair knew each other, but the warning that had flashed across the big tiger
shifter’s expression didn’t invite questions. The grin he focused on Bobby didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m off the clock right now, Bobby. Call me Grady.” Bobby nodded and Grady glanced at the table
and spotted Raul. “Is this your date?”
Raul sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Jared laughed. “Naw. Raul’s a friend of mine from
Massachusetts. He’s just dancing,” he added with a grin. Jared slid from the booth and held a hand
out for Carson. “Speaking of dancing, I believe you owe me a couple before we get out of here.”
Carson grinned and gripped his mate’s hand, loving how natural it felt to tangle their fingers together.
“Then let’s get partner.” He and grinned. to it, because I have plans for your ass later,” he growled,
squeezing his mate’s rear firmly.
“Oh, well, do tell, Injun. Do tell,” Jared teased.
The others at the table chuckled as they sauntered onto the dance floor, both of them grinning largely.
Carson pulled his mate into his arms and sighed. Jared was there, with him, to stay and he couldn’t
wait to get home.

About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her handsome, supportive husband. She started

writing fantasy when she was eight and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, often of the paranormal variety,
with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of

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tea or glass of wine, creating her next story, which could pair a sexy hero with an adventurous
heroine… or maybe with another handsome hero. Charlie enjoys horseback riding, jump lessons with
Apache, watching movies with her husband and listening to her muse tell her about her next project.
She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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Wolves of Stone Ridge 16 The Vampires Special Lover
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Wolves of Stone Ridge 1 Werewolf at the Zoo
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