Wolves of Stone Ridge 2 Alpha s Prerogative

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Declan McIntire, alpha of the Stone Ridge pack, spent over a century rejecting the daughters paraded
under his nose, hiding his preference for a male. Scenting Lark Trystan at a pack BBQ, he‟s ecstatic
to discover the cute, sexy human is his mate. He‟s even more pleased that Lark knows about shifters
and has been interacting with them for months. Declan quickly realizes that instead, the issue is his
large size and dominant personality.

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Since the pack alpha is straight, Lark can‟t figure out why Declan‟s suddenly taking an interest in
him. He also doesn‟t understand why he‟s so drawn to the big man, especially considering his poor
track record with relationships. Dominant men always seem to think he‟d make the perfect punching
bag, and Lark has the scars to prove it.

When Lark ends up in the hospital, Declan puts everything on hold, determined to take his mate home
and prove that he‟s nothing like Lark‟s previous lovers. But not everyone in his pack is accepting of a
gay alpha. Can Declan find a way to reconcile the two? Or will he have to choose between the pack
he‟s devoted his life to and the man who‟s quickly coming to hold his heart?

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Alpha‟s Prerogative

Copyright © 2011 Charlie Richards ISBN: 978-1-55487-929-8

Cover art by Martine Jardin

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Alpha’s Prerogative

Wolves of Stone Ridge Two


Charlie Richards

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Thanks to my father, for always being supportive and proud, even when he doesn’t understand.
And thanks to my husband, for

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Chapter One

ark grinned at the young werewolves‟ antics.

L The older kids bounced between forms, first tumbling around as wolves, only to shift and chase
each other around the clearing as humans.

Those that hadn‟t hit puberty yet yelled and screeched, cheering their brothers and sisters on.

One teenage shifter settled next to Lark on the bench.

“They‟ll learn to control it better as they mature,” he said with authority.

He smiled and turned to the child, Kenny, if he remembered correctly. “What does it feel like to shift?
How do you do it?”

“Well, ya gotta think about it real hard and picture a wolf in your mind,” Kenny said, his forehead
scrunching in thought. Then he grinned.

“It feels like goose bumps all over your body while your fur grows, and then your butt kinda tingles
when you get your tail.” Lark saw the excitement in the boy‟s eyes as he explained the process.

“When your muzzle forms, it feels like your 1

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face is being squished and then stretched. That‟s my favorite part!”

On that cue, the screaming kids landed in a pile not far away. Lark glanced around and noticed a
number of men and women eyeing them indulgently. Watching the kids tumble, he thought he felt
someone‟s gaze on him, but when he glanced around, he didn‟t notice anyone focusing directly on
him. He knew if someone had a problem with him playing with their kids, they‟d have said so
already. Werewolves weren‟t shy.

“I‟m hungry!”

The voice cut through his thoughts. Oh, well. It was probably his imagination anyway. Lark glanced
around at the children. “Is everyone hungry?” At the affirmative cheers from the kids surrounding him,
he laughed. “Then sit tight, y‟all. I‟ll bring back some food.” Rising from the ground, Lark weaved
through the crowds. It was tough, him being so small, but he managed since he could squeeze through
gaps larger men had to go around. He spotted a couple of his friends, and the reason for the party, to
his right and headed toward them. Rainy had found and claimed his mate, Travis, and this gathering
was to introduce the human to the pack. It‟d been a while since Lark had arrived at the BBQ, so he
figured he should make an appearance. He almost faltered when he saw the sexy African American 2

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standing next to them.

Damn, the alpha was fine. Tall, like most shifters, Declan stood six foot three. Dark chocolate skin,
bald scalp, and more toned muscles than Lark would know what to do with.

The man was absolutely drool-worthy!

He‟d only seen the man up close and in person once, and that had just been in passing. Lark had been
hurrying back to the kitchen at Cliff‟s house to clean, and he‟d passed the alpha in the hall.

Declan had been making his way to a bedroom to find out if Rainy‟s mate, Travis, was freaking out
after learning about shifters. Cliff and Rainy, brother werewolves, had been so kind, trying to include
Lark in activities. He felt grateful they had found their mates and that Travis and Lisa had accepted
the brothers‟ wolf counterparts.

As he approached, he glanced surreptitiously at Declan. The alpha stared out over his pack, the
Wolves of Stone Ridge, filling out his black t-shirt and blue jeans with well-defined lean muscle and
looking sexy as fuck. His bald head made Lark want to run his palms over it. Would it be stubbly,
because he shaved? Or was he naturally smooth?

What would it be like to trace the contours of Declan‟s muscled abs and thighs? Knowing he‟d never
get the chance, he tried to ignore his attraction and focused his attention on the guests of honor.


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Lark stopped in front of Rainy and Travis and grinned up at them. “Hey, guys!” For some reason,
nearly every werewolf Lark had seen stood almost six foot or more, which meant Lark had to tip his
head way back to meet the eyes of his friend Rainy. What did they feed their cubs? At least Travis
was only a few inches taller than him.

“Hey, Lark. Where have you been hiding? I haven‟t seen you since you got here three hours ago!”
Travis said, grinning at him.

Lark returned the hug Travis gave him. A growling cough caught his attention, and he glanced toward
Declan. God, the man was absolutely breathtaking, which probably meant Lark shouldn‟t be attracted
to him. He had deplorable taste in men. They were either straight or liked to slap around their lovers.

Giving himself a mental shake, he refocused on Travis. “I‟ve been hanging with the cubs. We‟re
playing near the picnic tables, and a couple of the youngsters are explaining shifting to me. It‟s really
cool. I just came up to get food for everyone.” He couldn‟t hide the excitement. He loved kids. Lark
felt comfortable with them. At least they answered questions without making him feel stupid.

He grinned again, knowing it wouldn‟t be long before the children started wandering away from the
play area, looking for their own food. “Well, congrats again. I‟ll see you later!” 4

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Alpha’s Prerogative

Lark grabbed several plates and filled them with hot dog buns. From past experience, he knew that
shifters ate plenty, especially growing ones.

Stopping at the grill, he grinned up at Carson. At a poker game several months ago, Cliff had
introduced him to the wolf enforcer. The man was always polite, if a little formal. “Hey, Carson. Got
stuck manning the grill, huh?”

The handsome Native American shifter smirked. “I volunteered,” he said in his deep bass.

“It keeps me from having to mingle.” Understanding, Lark nodded. Carson liked crowds even less
than he did. “I know what you mean. I‟d rather just hang with the kids. Trying to converse with a
whole bunch of shifters can be intimidating for someone my size.” He grinned, softening his words,
“What do you feed your kind?”

Carson smiled sympathetically as he filled the buns. “Looks like you‟re on chow duty, huh?” Lark
shrugged. “I don‟t mind.”

“Then you already know what we feed our young, meat, meat, and more meat.” Lark threw back his
head and laughed. It wasn‟t often that the straight-laced Carson made a joke, but Lark enjoyed his
sense of humor when he did. After saying goodbye to the pack enforcer, he headed back to the picnic
tables laden with food.

He started filling plates with chips, potato salad, 5

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cole slaw, and fruit. Staring down at all the food, he giggled. How was he supposed to get all this
back to the kids?

* * * *

Declan stared after the small man. Fuck, he smelled good. “He‟s not pack. Who is he?” Declan asked,
still watching the man‟s retreating, sexy ass. He couldn‟t believe he‟d actually growled at Travis
when he‟d hugged the man. What is wrong with me?

A memory niggled at him, taking him back to a Saturday night about a month ago. He‟d been at home,
trying to figure out how to get rid of another mother and her would-be-mate daughter when his phone
rang. It had been Cliff, informing him of an uninitiated sighting. He‟d thanked his guests, kindly
excused himself, and hurried to his lead tracker‟s son‟s house.

He‟d found the tiger shifter, Grady, guarding the wolf, Clyde. Cliff had explained that they‟d been
playing poker, Clyde had been making snide comments about Rainy‟s sexuality, and Rainy had made
an off-hand comment which essentially told Clyde to put his money where his mouth was.

Clyde had snapped, turned wolf, and attacked Rainy. Cliff had intervened and pinned Clyde, then

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called for Declan.


Alpha’s Prerogative

A spicy cinnamon scent had drawn his attention, making his cock take notice, and he‟d had to struggle
to focus on Cliff‟s words. He‟d headed upstairs and walked past a slender, blond man. The spicy
cinnamon smell hit him again, harder this time, and he‟d realized the sexy little man was the source.
His dick had hardened so quickly his eyes had almost crossed. When he‟d started to turn toward the
human, the man had cringed and ducked his head, murmuring,

“Alpha,” as he slipped past.

He remembered the mixture of lust, confusion, and anger that had swamped him. Anger at whoever
had hurt the man to make him cringe from Declan‟s larger frame. Lust because he wanted to chase the
cute, sexy blond man down, toss him on the nearest bed, and fuck him until they both passed out into
sweet oblivion. He‟d wanted to hear his name on that man‟s lips, to wrap his arms around him, pull
his body close, and hold him tight. And then reality had hit him, reminding him of the job he needed to
do. Safety of the pack came first. Declan had had to stand in the hall for nearly ten minutes to get his
raging hard-on under control before checking on Rainy and Travis.

As it had turned out, Travis had easily accepted Rainy‟s wolf. They‟d talked for a bit, and when
Declan had gotten back downstairs, the sweet-7

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smelling man had already left.

The guest of honor‟s words brought him back to the present, forcing Declan to focus.

“I‟m sorry, Alpha. I should have thought to introduce ye. That‟s our friend, Lark Trystan. He‟s known
about shifters since our Fourth of July party several months ago. Our father and Shane initiated him.”

Lark Trystan. Even the name aroused him. Mate.

The realization hit Declan so suddenly that he let out a startled oh. After all this time, he‟d finally met
his mate! Excitement coursed through him, and he practically vibrated, the worry that followed
immediately settled him. Since Lark knew of werewolves, enjoyed playing with the cubs, in fact,
Declan didn‟t think that his being a shifter would be the problem between them. But he couldn‟t get
the way the smaller man had cringed away from him that Saturday night out of his mind. Tearing his
gaze away from Lark, Declan watched Rainy‟s eyes widen.

“Oh, God, please tell me they informed you.” Declan watched Lark laugh at something Carson said,
who manned the grill. His eyes narrowed as jealousy ripped through him with the force of a tornado.
Feeling his gums tingle, his canines threatening to descend, he took several deep breaths. He smelled
Rainy‟s near panic and turned to the newly mated wolf to reassure him.

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Alpha’s Prerogative

“Lark Trystan. Aye, I vaguely remember the name.” He forced a relaxed smirk and said, “Sorry to
alarm ye. This is just the first I‟ve met him.”

“Alpha, excuse the interruption.” Declan turned to see Nick Greely, one of his best trackers, after
Duncan and Cliff, standing near him. “Yes, what is it?” His gaze traveled back to the sexy little man
filling a number of plates with food. Did Lark have a hollow leg? The word poachers caught his
attention, and he realized he hadn‟t heard a word Nick said.

“I‟m sorry. Say that again?”

“Yes, I said we located the warehouse. We‟ve left a message for Detective Stryker and are waiting
for him to call us back.” Declan nodded. That was great news. They‟d been looking for where the
poachers housed the animals for weeks, ever since Cliff had ended up caught by them. He‟d been in
wolf form at the time, and under heavy sedation, so hadn‟t been able to remember the place‟s
location. “That‟s great. Notify Duncan, Carson, and Vernon to be on standby. They‟ll need to go in
with Stryker. As soon as ye hear from him, notify me and have everyone meet at Duncan‟s.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Once Nick had left, he excused himself, stepped off the deck, and headed toward the food. He found
Lark staring at almost a dozen plates laden 9

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with hot dogs, potato salad, and an assortment of other goods. He suddenly remembered Lark‟s
comment about feeding the kids and knew he planned to take the food back to the cubs. He couldn‟t
stop the grin. What a sweetheart! “Feeling a bit hungry, are you?” he teased.

Lark blushed prettily and ducked his head.

Damn, Lark’s a beautiful man.

“It‟s not all for me. I told the kids I‟d bring them something to eat, but I didn‟t plan on how much…”

Chewing his lip, he didn‟t meet Declan‟s gaze.

“I mean, weres eat more than humans,” he rambled. “I‟m just trying to figure out how to get all this
food to the kids, Alpha.” His dick twitched at the submissive move, his desire to dominate the man
roaring to the forefront. Struggling to hide his lust, Declan smiled. “Then let‟s not disappoint them.
Let me give ye a hand.”

His blue eyes widened in surprise, and Lark backed a step. “Oh, no! You don‟t have to do that.

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I can get—”

Declan grabbed Lark‟s arm. “Don‟t be silly, Lark. I‟m here, offerin‟ to help. Let me help, aye?”
God, could his lilt get any thicker? Over a hundred years out of Ireland and he sounded like he‟d just
stepped off the damn boat.

Then Lark smiled and the whole world seemed 10

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to brighten. “Thanks,” the small man murmured.

“That‟s very nice of you.”

“It‟s me pleasure,” Declan managed.

Lark smiled again before blushing.

What was that all about? Was Lark attracted to him as much as Declan was to him? Hope blossomed
through Declan. Grabbing the rest of the plates, Declan followed his mate‟s small, sexy body as it
easily weaved through the crowds. The man‟s slender five-foot-five-inch body moved like a dancer.
He could imagine holding his mate as they moved to music. He was so lost in his fantasy that he
stumbled over a kid‟s toy, nearly spilling the food all over himself. Smooth, Declan!

“Sorry, Alpha,” a soft voice whispered.

He glanced down, happy for any distraction to his thoughts. A small girl stared up at him, her hand
clutching the Barbie doll to her chest, as her big blue eyes stared wide-eyed at him. “It‟s okay,
sweetheart. Are ye ready for supper?” He dropped to one knee and lowered a plate in front of her.

She stared at the food for several seconds before her gaze darted around. “Is this for me?” she
whispered again.

“Aye, if ye want it.” He kept the confusion from his face. Why was the girl worried about taking the
food he offered? Finally, she nodded. Her hand snuck out and grabbed a hotdog. She 11

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managed to shove nearly the whole thing into her mouth, no mean feat for a ten-year-old. Or was she
older? Unfamiliar with most of the cubs, he couldn‟t be sure.

Once she‟d chewed it down, he murmured,

“What‟s yer name, child?”

The girl stared at her Barbie when she answered, “Sara.”

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Before he could ask for a last name, Lark dropped down next to Sara, and without hesitation, she
crawled into his lap, still holding her Barbie in one hand and the remnants of her hotdog in the other.
Wow, Lark sure must spend a lot of time with me pack’s children.

“Hey, Sara, want some of this?” the blond asked.

Lark grabbed a plate of potato salad and fruit from Declan‟s hand. She nodded eagerly and took the
plate. After shoving the rest of her hotdog into her mouth, she dug into the fruit with her fingers.

Lark grabbed the other plates from a shocked Declan and handed them to several children, Connor‟s
middle sons, if he wasn‟t mistaken. The boy thanked them before passing out the food to the others.

Seconds later, one of the young boys returned and plopped into a surprised Declan‟s lap. “Hi,
Alpha,” he greeted happily.

“Hello,” he got out. Who is this? The boy smiled 12

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up at him, his big brown eyes reminding him of Connor‟s sister, Clarice. Ah, that was it! This is
Donny, Clarice‟s son. “Are ye enjoying the BBQ, Donny?”

To his amusement, the boy‟s blond head nodded emphatically while swallowing the bite of food in
his mouth. “Me and Danny got to swing on the tire swing. I wish we had one at our house!”

Damn, did he feel lacking. Who is Danny?

Declan should know, if not the cub‟s names, at least which parents went with each kid! Suddenly,
Nick crouched next to him. “Sorry, Alpha, but I got hold of Stryker. He‟ll be at Duncan‟s in half an

Well, fuck! So much for spending a few minutes getting to know me mate. Declan nodded at Nick.

“Very good. Round up the others and meet there.” He lifted the child that had crawled into his lap and
set the boy aside. “Sorry, Donny, but duty calls.”

He tapped the boy‟s nose. “I‟ll see ye later. Tell yer momma I can‟t wait for her Christmas bread.”
The boy nodded eagerly. “I will, Alpha!” And then he was gone.

Declan looked at Lark and smiled. “I enjoyed sharing this with ye. Thank ye, Lark.” He couldn‟t stop
himself as he reached out and traced the jaw of the smaller man. Lark stared up at him, shock 13

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evident in his wide, blue eyes. “I‟ll see ye later.” He‟d find a way to earn Lark‟s trust, even if it
meant crashing poker night at Cliff‟s. Declan grimaced at the thought. I hate poker.

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* * * *

Lark fingered his cheek where Declan had touched him. What had that been about? He stared after
him, watching the graceful, predatory gate of the alpha. Declan‟s jeans hugged his ass, and Lark
couldn‟t help but lick his lips. He‟d love to trace that man‟s ass and thigh muscles with his tongue.

Overcoming the shock that Declan not only knew his name, but had happily served the children with
him, Lark focused on Sara sitting quietly in his lap. After all, it didn‟t mean anything except the man
took an interest in the humans who interacted with his pack, which was as it should be. The small girl
munched happily on the plate of fruit, unable to get enough. Lark thought it odd that she loved it so
much, being a wolf cub. The other kids weren‟t nearly so keen on it, but after playing with the kids at
several BBQs, he‟d noticed how she‟d pile her plate with fruit instead of hotdogs like the other cubs.

Suddenly, the child on his lap stiffened. Lark rested a hand on her back and rubbed, trying to soothe
her, but she quickly shimmied off his lap 14

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and sat a few feet away. Sara glanced furtively around, and then shoved as much fruit into her mouth
as she could before pushing the plate away.

Confused, Lark opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, when he heard a growling voice bark out,

“Let‟s go, Sara. We‟re leaving.” Sara scrambled to her feet, and Lark followed her lead, slowly
getting up. He turned to see her slinking toward her father. Randall Castro only stood five foot eleven,
but to Lark‟s five-feet-five-inch stature, that was still tall. And what the wolf didn‟t have in height, he
made up for in girth.

Lark thought the man must have been a body builder in his younger years, because he had muscles on
muscles, even with the little paunch starting to form at his belly.

“Randall,” Lark nodded slightly, greeting the wolf.

Randall‟s eyes snapped to him and his lips curled into a sneer. “Lark Trystan. Still hanging out with
the cubs, I see.”

Lark didn‟t rise to the bait. He knew Randall was a homophobe, and if one glance at Lark‟s styled
blond locks with the frosted tips and carefully chosen tight jeans and polo shirt didn‟t clue someone
in to Lark‟s sexuality, the eyeliner and lip gloss would definitely do it. During their first run-in at a
BBQ three months ago, Randall had made several snide comments about how 15

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Lark had to hang out with the cubs because only they would tolerate his pretty boy looks and fag

He smiled sweetly at the man and stepped toward him. The way Sara stood forlornly at her father‟s

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side nearly broke his heart, but if he acknowledged it in any way, Randall would find a reason to skip
the next pack gathering. Lark had seen it happen. “Caroline, Synthia, and I are organizing a trip to the
zoo for the kids. We wanted Sara to come, too. Can we pick her up next Saturday morning at ten?”

The man growled low in his throat, but Lark knew he had him. If Caroline was involved, Randall
almost had to say yes. She was a powerful wolf in the pack, her mate, Shane, was beta to the alpha.
Lark had heard rumors that everyone had expected Declan to mate their daughter, Amanda.

It had come as a shock when Amanda had discovered a mate-bond with a wolf in another pack and
left to live with him.

“Fine, as long as you pick her up and drop her off. I‟ll be working and won‟t have time.” Lark
nodded. “I‟ll be sure to take care of that.

Thank you.” He nodded at the girl. “I‟ll see you next week, Sara.” His gaze lifted back to her father.
“Randall.” Then he turned and walked back toward the other kids. Damn, that man was an asshole.


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Chapter Two

o you‟re the head honcho of the wolves,

“S huh?”

Declan eyed the man sitting next to him in the SUV. He‟d been introduced as Detective Lyle Sullivan,
Grady‟s partner of seven years. The man knew about shifters and Grady trusted him, which went a
long way in Declan‟s book. He didn‟t bother hiding his amusement. “That I am.”

“How long have you been alpha?” And the amusement was gone. “Many years.” It had been a dark
time for the pack when he‟d become alpha. His grandfather had nearly run the wolves into the ground,
refusing to leave Ireland.

They‟d been starving, their hunting grounds overrun with poachers and hunters. Werewolf rumors
were prevalent, causing myth hunters to scour the hills. Declan‟s father had been too weak due to an
injury obtained while hunting decades earlier. He‟d seen no alternative but to challenge his
grandfather for the right to lead the pack. He‟d 17

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won and moved the pack to America. He had no intention of sharing that information with Lyle or
anyone else.

“Ye and Grady are certain ye can control the information about how many animals we find?” he
asked. Better to focus on business.

Lyle grinned, but it didn‟t reach his eyes.

“We‟ve done it before.” If his scent didn‟t confirm Lyle was a human, Declan would be certain he sat
next to a jackal. He seemed far too certain of his ability to hide the truth.

At least this time Lyle worked with Declan.

“Good. If there are shifters among them, they‟ll need to be taken to Travis and Rainy‟s home.”

“Oh, I‟ve met Rainy. Played poker with him a time or two. He‟s a hottie. Did he move? I thought he
lived in a one bedroom.”

Declan fought back a growl. Yup, definitely a jackal. “Rainy recently mated to Travis, who‟s a vet.
They moved to a cabin near my own a couple weeks ago.”

“Too bad.”

If he didn‟t have wolf hearing, he probably would have missed the words. Declan turned to Lyle, his
eyes hard. “Grady trusts ye, which means ye must be a good man, so I‟ll give ye this bit of advice.

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Don‟t come between mates, even if only one is a shifter. It won‟t end well for you.” Lyle‟s eyes
widened. “Oh, God, no! I‟d never 18

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poach on another man‟s territory.” His face clouded, and his lips pinched. “I‟ve been on the
receiving end of that and know all too well how it feels.”

“Ah,” Declan murmured. “Good to know.” He‟d never experienced a cheating lover himself, but
knew many wolves that had. In fact, he didn‟t know much about relationships at all. Declan stuck with
one-night stands on business trips, and almost always women. They didn‟t satisfy Declan like fucking
a man did, but he refused to take the chance of falling for someone, and in one hundred thirty-seven
years, he‟d never desired the same woman twice. Seeing Travis‟s devotion to Rainy gave Declan
hope for him and Lark.

Lyle parked the car and looked at him. “You coming as is or…” He waved a hand.

Declan chuckled. “Aye, I‟m shifting. Don‟t worry if ye don‟t see me. I‟ll see you.” He noticed Lyle
smirk appreciatively as he stripped, but Declan didn‟t care. Most shifters rarely worried about
modesty, because none of them wanted to shift in clothes. It was too easy to get tangled.

Letting out a deep breath, he dropped to his knees and released his wolf. Declan‟s body trembled as
the shift started. Goosebumps broke out over his skin as hair grew, bones and sinew shifted and
popped to realign for his new form, and his ass tingled as his tail grew. The pinch and pull of his 19

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face heralded the growing of his snout.

A second later, he snapped open his eyes and stared at the black and white forest around him.

Taking a long slow inhalation, the scent of the forest swept over Declan. Damp moss from that
afternoon‟s rain, decaying leaves telling of the early fall, wildflowers closing down for the evening,
and water feeding the growth of the trees. He glanced at Lyle‟s shocked expression and let out a low
chuffing noise. Evidently, Grady had never showed him a shift.

“Holy shit. You‟re the biggest wolf I‟ve ever seen.”

Declan chuffed again, his equivalent to laughing. At just over two hundred pounds in wolf form, he
knew he was large, and as chocolate brown, also a little off colored for a gray wolf, but it came in
handy when fighting off would-be challengers to his alpha position. Intimidation went a long way.
He‟d have to remember to ask Lyle if he‟d ever seen a wolf before, but for now, he wanted to
capture himself some poachers. He headed into the forest, Lyle jogging behind.

Loping through the trees, he wondered if Lark would respond to watching his shift with the same
amazed appreciation.

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He tried to push the thoughts away. He shouldn‟t be thinking about his mate now. He needed to focus.
But it didn‟t take long for Lark‟s 20

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face to return to the forefront of his thoughts.

Would his mate run his fingers through his ruff like he‟d seen Travis do to Rainy? He didn‟t want to
envy the newly mated couple, especially since Rainy was the one who befriended Lark, ultimately
allowing Declan to meet him and recognize him as his mate, but while jogging through the forest, with
just Grady‟s partner for company, it was hard.

* * * *

“They‟re what?” Lark couldn‟t stop the concern from seeping into his voice.

Travis grabbed his hand and pulled Lark from the house. The last of the guests had left half an hour
ago, but Lark had insisted on cleaning the alpha‟s house. No one wanted to return to a mess,
especially late at night and tired. The brothers, Cliff and Rainy, and their mates, Lisa and Travis, had
chuckled at his comments, but they‟d eventually agreed.

Now he couldn‟t believe what he‟d just heard.

Declan and several other wolves were working with Detective Grady Stryker, who Lark knew from
their poker nights, to catch a bunch of poachers. He held up a hand. “Why is he involved? If it is
poachers, shouldn‟t the police handle it?” He couldn‟t stand the thought of 21

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anything happening to the alpha. Somehow, in the few minutes they‟d conversed today, the man had
gotten under his skin. Not good!

“The poachers caught and sold Cliff, as a wolf, to the zoo. That makes it pack business,” Travis
explained. “Declan is the one who alerted Grady to the poacher‟s activities. He needs to be there just
in case any other animals captured are shifters. That‟s where we come in. If anyone is injured, you
can help them if they‟re able to shift to human form, I can help them if they‟re in animal form. That‟s
why I need you to come back to the house with me and Rainy.” Lark ran his hands through his short
blond hair, his hands stopping and latching onto his neck as he massaged the tendons. God, he felt
tired. He‟d worked a double shift before going to the party, unwilling to let his friends down by not
attending their mating ceremony. All he wanted to do was go home and sleep, but he couldn‟t
withhold his services if someone actually needed them tonight.

Rubbing his hands over his face, Lark nodded.

“Okay. But I‟m going to need to nap before they arrive. Otherwise I‟ll be no good to you. I spent the
last twenty-four hours at the hospital before coming here and don‟t want to run the risk of screwing up
due to lack of sleep.” Travis sighed and nodded. “Sure.” He grabbed Lark and pulled him into a hug.

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“You work too 22

Alpha’s Prerogative

hard, Lark. Don‟t let my father walk all over you just because he knows you‟re my friend. Please?”
Travis‟s father, Doctor George Carlyle, was the head physician at Sugar Creek Memorial where Lark
worked. The hospital was thirty minutes from Declan‟s and forty-five minutes from the town of Stone
Ridge. The doctor was a homophobe and an ass, but still Lark‟s boss as one of three doctors with
seniority. Lark had just finished his degree, and Sugar Creek Memorial had hired him on full time.

The earnest look in Travis‟s eyes ate at Lark, but he needed his job. He enjoyed helping others, and
he was good at it. Laying a hand on Travis‟s cheek, he smiled. “Thanks, but don‟t worry so much.
It‟s just the way the hospital industry works. Everyone works long hours. You of all people should
know that.”

His friend nodded again before leading him out the door. Lisa and Cliff had already gone home, and
Rainy waited in the car for Travis. “I‟ll be right behind you,” Lark said, pasting a tired smile on his
face and getting into his own, small compact car. Being small made the car comfortable. The thought
of Declan trying to fit his big body into his car popped into his head, and he giggled. Nope, wouldn’t
be comfortable for the
man. Then he frowned, realizing the direction of his thoughts. Lark sighed. It
would never happen.


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An alpha werewolf would never want a scrawny, little twink like him.

Lark practically fell into the bed Rainy offered him, almost dead on his feet. Rainy chuckled as he
helped Lark out of his shoes, jeans, and shirt.

Travis watched from the doorway, shaking his head. “I told him he worked too hard.” Rainy just
nodded, settling Lark under the covers, his big hands gripping his thighs to position him. Lark‟s cock
didn‟t even stir. Odd, because he‟d always thought the man attractive, had even thought about asking
him out a time or two before Rainy had mated to Travis. I must be tired. He was asleep before the
door closed.

It felt like he‟d only managed ten minutes of rest before someone was shaking him awake.

Mumbling a curse and forcing an eye open, he saw Carson frowning down at him. What was he doing

“We have injured. Please come.” Well, that answered that question. Lark tossed off the covers and
grabbed his jeans. After pulling them and his t-shirt on, he picked up the emergency kit he‟d brought
in from his car and followed Carson into the family room. The furniture had been pushed against the
walls, leaving the room open. Blankets lined the hardwood floors, and a number of animals lay on 24

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them. He spotted three fox, three wolves, an elk, a deer, and even a cougar. Welts and sores covered
most of the animals, which were skinny, with some losing fur in patches, speaking of prolonged
malnourishment and abuse.

Lark‟s eyes zeroed in on the one wolf that looked healthy, except for a wound oozing blood near his
shoulder. A gunshot wound. This he could help with, man or animal. He turned to Carson and pointed
at the downed wolf.

“Gunshot, right? I need hot water and towels.” Without waiting for a reply, he crossed to the wolf and

As he opened his bag, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Carson shook his head.

“The alpha wants the others cared for first.” He felt his brow lift in surprise as Lark focused back on
the wolf. A huge chocolate brown animal, it easily weighed in at over two hundred pounds.

It was then Lark realized his hands hovered over Declan in wolf form. He glanced around at the other
animals, and his resolve hardened. Lark glared up at Carson as he snapped a pair of latex gloves over
his hands. “Well the alpha isn‟t going to get what he wants right now. I‟m not pack, and he doesn‟t
command me. I‟m a doctor and can plainly see that the others will recover with food, water, care,
and time. Declan might not be that lucky, but unless I check, I won‟t know.” Lark 25

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shrugged off Carson‟s hand, grabbed a needle and prepared a dose of morphine. Without looking, he
commanded, “Now get what I asked for, and then go help the others.”

Silence descended over the room.

Lark knew everyone stared at him, but he ignored them. He stabbed the needle into the muscle of
Declan‟s haunches and administered the powerful painkiller. Still refusing to acknowledge the others,
he put the needle away and grabbed scissors and wipes and started cutting away the dried blood and
matted fur. He knew what needed to be done and that was care for Declan.

Everyone else could go to hell. Finally, the wolf beneath his fingers let out a small chuff, and Lark
heard everyone start moving again. Lark rolled his eyes, irritation making his hands tense. Evidently
the alpha had granted permission.

Lark took several slow deep breaths to calm down and regain his focus. “I swear. You dominants are
all the same. You need someone to look after you or you‟ll self-destruct,” he muttered under his
breath. Lark‟s eyes widened when he saw the goose bumps break out over Declan‟s body. “No,” he
hissed, burying his hands in the ruff around Declan‟s neck, as if that would stop the change. “No
shifting. Not until I get the bullet out. If you shift now, there‟s no telling where it will end up.”


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Alpha’s Prerogative

The wolf stilled, but Lark felt Declan‟s gray eye watching him as he took the water and rags from
Carson and finished cleaning the wound. Pulling a flashlight and a set of small forceps from his bag,
he finally met Declan‟s eye. For a second Lark thought he saw warmth and caring in the gray depths
and then dismissed the silly idea, telling the shifter, “I‟ve got to get this bullet out and it‟s going to
hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, even with the morphine I gave you. Do you need me to get someone to hold
you down?”

Declan gave a grunt, lifted his head and licked Lark‟s arm.

He smiled. “No, get going. Got it.” Lark‟s smile faltered. “Stay as still as you can.” He tried to make
it quick, but unable to see the bullet from the opening, Lark had to poke around a bit. He felt amazed
at the strength of will the shifter exhibited and the beginnings of respect for the alpha. Not only did he
remain perfectly still, Declan didn‟t even make a sound. Would he exert that same strength in bed?
Slowly seducing his partner…

Lark‟s cock began to fill at the idea of being stripped naked and tied to the bed, giving Declan ample
opportunity to explore.

Shit, he needed to focus. And Rainy had told him once that most shifters could smell arousal.

Lark sure hoped the blood scenting the air masked it. Where is the bullet? Ah, there it is. “Just
another 27

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second,” he murmured soothingly, once again fully focused on his task. Nudging the metal slightly, he
managed to grasp it and carefully pull it out. He set it in a plastic container from his bag and stared at
Declan. “Do you want me to stitch it now or after you shift?”

In response, the goose bumps returned, covering the wolf‟s skin.

This time, Lark watched in fascination as the hair receded, revealing smooth brown skin so similar in
color to Declan‟s fur that he almost missed it when it vanished. Bones reshaped, muscles and tendons
popped and repositioned, and the muzzle and tail receded. The whole shift happened so fast, Lark‟s
jaw dropped as a perfectly sculpted six-foot-three-inch God lay in front of him. Declan rested mostly
on his stomach, propped up on the elbow nearest to Lark as he looked at him. And wouldn‟t you
know it, Lark‟s cock took that moment to perk right back up at the sight of all that naked flesh
stretched out in front of him.

“Wow,” Lark didn‟t realize he‟d whispered the word until Declan grinned up at him.

“Glad ye approve.”

Declan‟s rumbling voice washed over him, jump-starting Lark‟s libido and his cock tightened to the
point of near pain. It also jump-started his brain. “Sorry,” Lark muttered, tossing a side of the 28

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blanket over Declan‟s lower body. What a shame to hide the man‟s tight ass, but… Lark gave himself
a mental shake. Enough! The man had been shot and operated on, not to mention was probably

With that thought firmly in mind, Lark nudged Declan‟s arm. “Lie down. Do you want a local
anesthetic before I stitch this?” he asked as he felt around the slightly oozing wound on the back of
Declan‟s shoulder.

“Not necessary.”

“Gotta assert your manly alphaness, huh?” Lark teased, trying to lighten the situation as he inserted the
needle into flesh and began pulling the wound closed.


“You‟re not going to tell me that it doesn‟t hurt, are you?” He couldn‟t keep the disapproval from his

Declan glanced over his shoulder at Lark and smiled. “No. That‟s not it either.”

“Then why?” What could possibly be the reason Declan wouldn‟t want something to numb the pain?
He knew from experience that gunshot wounds hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. “Oh, are shifters allergic or

Shaking his head, Declan closed his eyes and murmured, “No, no allergies.” He cracked an eye and
watched Lark while he worked. “Are ye sure 29

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ye want the truth?”

“Well, yeah.” The question confused Lark.

“Why wouldn‟t I?”

Declan grimaced and turned away. He remained silent for a moment.

Lark thought he wouldn‟t answer. He finished up the last stitch and started tying the thread off.

Declan whispered, “The pain in me shoulder gives me something to concentrate on other than what
yer smell and touch does to me.”

* * * *

Fuck! Declan couldn‟t believe he‟d just admitted that out loud. Now Lark would probably go

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screaming for the hills. Damn morphine messing with me brain. But Lark‟s touch aroused him like
no other, and there wasn‟t even anything sexual about it. Every brush of a knuckle and glide of his
fingertips sent heat straight to his cock. His dick pulsed painfully against the blanket under him and he
fought the desire to rub off on it.

His mate‟s hand on his neck, massaging gently, caught his attention. The small man still knelt beside
him and now leaned his face close, too close, to Declan‟s where he lay on the floor.

“What did you say?” Lark whispered, clearly disbelieving.

And that‟s when he smelled it. Lark was just as 30

Alpha’s Prerogative

turned on as Declan was. Oh my God, the man smelled wonderful: earthy and warm, with a hint of
spicy cinnamon. Declan‟s precarious control snapped. He wrapped an arm around Lark‟s waist,
yanking the man to the floor and pulling him half under his naked body. He hated the fact that Lark
wore clothes. He wanted skin. Declan wanted to feel his mate‟s body against his own.

Burying his face in Lark‟s neck, he inhaled deeply, memorizing his scent, groaning slightly as he
nibbled on Lark‟s neck. Damn, the man even tasted fucking fantastic.

Lark lay frozen underneath him, but he didn‟t smell of fear, just shock and—concern? Declan trailed
his fingers over Lark‟s slender body. The man was slight, compact and muscular. With a leg thrown
over Lark‟s waist, Declan rubbed his aching cock against the man‟s jean-clad hip and moaned at the
tingling pleasure that spread through his body.

“What are you doing?”

“I‟d think that‟s obvious, pretty man,” Declan whispered, licking a trail up Lark‟s neck. His mate
turned his head, giving more access. Such natural, sweet submission in his mate, Declan growled his
excitement and nipped Lark‟s neck. Lark gasped, the scent of his arousal increasing. Sucking his
earlobe into his mouth and tugging, Declan felt the tremor pass through the body under him and 31

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grinned. “Ye obviously didn‟t believe me words, so I knew I had to show you.” He rubbed his cock
against his mate‟s hip again to emphasize his point.

Shifting his weight, he inserted his leg between Lark‟s and rubbed his thigh against the human‟s
crotch. Declan wasn‟t disappointed. He felt the hard length of Lark‟s cock trapped behind the fly of
his jeans. The man whimpered, bucking slightly against him as Declan continued to bring pleasure to
them both.

Declan lifted his head and stared into Lark‟s face; it was absolutely breathtaking. Lark had his head
thrown back and eyes closed in bliss, his flawless skin flushed, Declan had never seen anything more
beautiful. Everything about Lark screamed feminine, but he had enough masculinity that no one would

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mistake him for a woman, even with the eyeliner and lip gloss. He had arched brows, slightly slanted
eyes that were a crystal blue when open, and a straight nose that was slightly turned up at the end.
Lark‟s full lips, with the bottom being slightly plumper than the top, would be great for sucking cock.
Declan couldn‟t wait to see those pretty lips wrapped around him. While inspecting his mate‟s face,
he‟d paused in his rubbing.

Lark‟s eyes snapped open. “No,” he whispered.

“No, what?” Declan asked.


Alpha’s Prerogative

“You don‟t want to do this,” Lark continued.

“You‟re in shock. You‟re hopped up on morphine.

You don‟t know what you‟re doing.” Declan reached down, his fingers manipulating the button on
Lark‟s jeans. “I do want this.”

“Well, I don‟t!” Lark declared.

The hands that had rested passively on his biceps moved, one to his chest to push against Declan, the
other to the wrist of the hand working on his jeans.

“Stop it.” As he pushed, he glanced around the room before snapping angry blue eyes back to Declan.
“I don‟t do exhibitionism. Let me up.” Shit! How had he so thoroughly forgotten that they weren‟t
alone? He‟d almost taken his mate like a common street whore in a room full of people. “I‟m sorry,
Lark. I didn‟t mean…” he let the sentence hang as his mate scrambled to his knees. Declan knew
exactly what he‟d meant, and shame filled him at his treatment of his mate. Lark shoved his supplies
back in his bag, not meeting his eyes. Declan knew he had to try one more time. “Lark, I am sorry. I‟ll
make sure we‟re alone next time.”

Lark‟s eyes snapped to his. “There won‟t be a next time, Alpha.”

He fought off the cringe that threatened at the use of his title. Declan knew Lark used it to put distance
between them, but he wouldn‟t let him.


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Lark was his mate, and as he watched him move away and help Travis with the other shifters,
Declan‟s resolve strengthened. He‟d get Lark alone, and they‟d have a long talk. His mind made up,
Declan watched the still blushing man move gracefully around the room and made his plans until an
exhausted sleep overcame him.

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Alpha’s Prerogative

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Chapter Three

ey, are you okay?”

“H Lark glanced at Travis across the back of the elk they worked on and forced a smile.

“Yeah. You forgot to warn me that shifters can‟t tolerate morphine.”

His eyes widened. “Oh, shit! Is that what happened?”

Lark nodded ruefully.

Travis rolled his eyes. “No wonder. I‟ve never seen the alpha act like that.”

“Yeah. Being doped up can make you do some loopy things.” Lark glanced over at the now-sleeping
alpha. “Hopefully, he won‟t remember when he wakes up.” Lark prayed for all he was worth that
Declan wouldn‟t remember, because he‟d almost been ready to let the man fuck him right there in a
room full of people. His kisses had been intoxicating, his smell an aphrodisiac, and his touch still had
his body tingling and his dick hard enough to pound nails. Lark didn‟t need 35

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Declan to remember what affect his touch had on him.

Lark looked at the cougar crouching a few yards away. The tawny skin was stretched across his
almost skeletal frame, but the shifter still appeared ready to launch at them if they hurt the unconscious
elk. He held up his hands, showing the cleaning supplies to the agitated animal.

“She‟s dehydrated. We‟re going to hook up an IV, so we can get some fluids in her. She‟ll feel a lot
better when she wakes up.”

He watched the telltale shiver of a shift. It took almost a minute, but finally a gaunt young man
appeared next to them. “Help her,” he rasped.

“Whatever it takes.”

Travis nodded. “Don‟t worry. She‟ll be fine. It will just take time.”

Lark handed the needle and tubing to Travis and headed toward the cougar shifter. The man tried to
wave him away, his movements jerky.

“No. Her first.”

Lark grabbed the wrist the man waved and smiled. “Travis will take good care of her. He‟s a vet,
and knows how to help her. I‟m Lark Trystan, and I‟m a doctor.”

The cougar tried to pull away from him, his body shivering. “Humans,” he hissed.

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“Yes, Travis and I are humans, but we only want to help. Travis is mated to the wolf shifter 36

Alpha’s Prerogative

helping the fox over there.” He motioned with his head.

That information seemed to confuse the shifter further. “The man? But—” He frowned. “And you are
mated to the wolf that was shot? The alpha?” Lark‟s eyes widened, but took the shifter‟s willingness
to converse as a good sign. He shook his head as he began cleaning the sores on the man‟s arms and
chest. “No. No one told me about a shifter‟s reaction to morphine. Declan was just a little confused.”

“I can still smell your arousal,” the cougar whispered.

Lark couldn‟t stop his blush. “Yeah, well. I‟m gay. I get touched like that and it‟s bound to happen.”
In desperate need of a subject change, Lark asked, “What about you? Do you have a mate searching
for you?”

The cougar opened his mouth, but didn‟t say anything as his gaze strayed to the unconscious elk.

Lark smiled, understanding seeping through him. The protectiveness made sense now. “The elk is
your mate? Does she know?”

“I‟m not sure. I think she‟s fighting it,” his patient whispered.

Hearing the sadness, Lark gave him a sympathetic look. “I‟m sure it‟s just the situation.

Be patient. You both have a lot of healing to do.” 37

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Packing his supplies, he asked, “What‟s your name?”


“Well, Robbie,” Lark said, handing the man a tube of salve. “Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids,
keep your wounds cleaned and medicated with this, and you‟ll heal in no time.” Lark stood.

“It was nice to meet you, and I‟ll see you in a couple days to check on you.” When Carson arrived
with pain pills and water, Lark glanced around the room.

Two of the foxes had shifted, revealing two lovely, lithe women. From their similar dark coloring and
petite features, Lark would guess at sisters. The third fox remained in animal form, curled up and
asleep. Neither of the malnourished wolves nor the elk had shifted yet, and Lark hoped they would be
okay. He stopped next to where Rainy stood, watching Travis doctor the last of the elk‟s sores, and
let out a tired sigh.

Rainy dropped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “Thank ye, Lark.”

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He nodded. “I‟ve gotta go home and get some rest.” His gaze took in the streaks of dawn filtering
through the window and bit back a groan. Most of his day off would be spent sleeping. “I start another
twenty-four hour shift tonight. I‟ll swing by Tuesday to check on them.”

“Working a Sunday night? That‟s not normal, is 38

Alpha’s Prerogative


Lark shrugged. “I had to switch shifts with Carla to make sure I had Saturday off next week for the
zoo trip.”

“Ah, Travis told me about that.”

“Give me a call if there are any problems,” Lark said, shrugging into his jacket.

Rainy nodded.

Lark waved a hand at Travis and slipped out the door. A half hour later, too tired to do more than
brush his teeth and wash his face, Lark curled up in bed and slept.

Lark sipped his martini and stared around the bar. Coming out tonight probably hadn‟t been the best
idea, since he had to work tomorrow morning, but he‟d needed a distraction. It had been four days,
and he still found himself thinking about Declan any time his mind wasn‟t occupied.

The feel of his hands on his body seemed to have been branded into his mind—the weight of his body
pressing him into the floor… Lark huffed out a breath and shifted on the stool, trying to alleviate the
pressure of his rapidly filling cock in his now too tight jeans.

Irritated with himself, he downed the rest of his drink and headed onto the dance floor. A few
moments later, he lost himself in the pounding beat of the music and the bump and grind of 39

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bodies all round him. Lark felt hands land on his hips and a body press against his back. He
instinctively pushed back against the hard dick of the man behind him and smiled. Yeah. This is what
he needed, a way to purge Declan from his system.

The hands slid up under his shirt and caressed the ridges of his abs. Lark turned in his partner‟s arms,
his hands landing on broad shoulders. He looked into the face of a handsome man with brown hair,
green eyes, and a laughing smile. The man was either of mixed heritage, or really, really tan, his skin
not nearly as dark as Declan‟s. Lark gave himself an internal smack for comparing the man to the

Banishing the thoughts, he returned the man‟s grin. The stranger inserted a leg between his thighs and
pulled him close. Lark felt the man‟s erection against his hip as he rubbed his own dick against his

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dance partner‟s thigh. The pressure sent tingles up his spine and made his balls tighten. Shit, it had
definitely been too long.

The man‟s hands rubbed circles along the skin of his back as they ground together. He leaned his face
close to Lark‟s ear and called above the music,

“What‟s your name?”

“Lark,” he yelled back. “And you?”

“Derek.” The man‟s green eyes glittered like emeralds in the swirling lights of the club. “You 40

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want to get out of here, cutie?” His lips skittered down Lark‟s neck, making his dick throb.

“How about we step out back?”

Lark hesitated. He didn‟t normally do backdoor hook-ups, but the large dick rubbing against his hip
felt too good to ignore. He nodded. The man grabbed his hand and led him through the throng of
dancing, gyrating bodies. Reaching the end of a hall, he released Lark‟s hand to open the door that led
to the alley, tossing a suggestive grin over his shoulder. Lark followed the man out the door.

Just as the door clicked closed behind him, a fist hit the side of Lark‟s face, sending him bouncing
into the side of the building. He felt the stone scrape the other side of his face and pain exploded
through his head. Another fist connected with his stomach, doubling him over. Someone grabbed his
hair, forcing him to look up. “You fags are all the same. Can‟t wait to get a cock up your ass and it
doesn‟t matter who‟s it is.”

Through his tears of pain, he made out brown eyes, a crooked nose, and a sneer. Lark glanced behind
the one holding him and spotted the man he‟d been dancing with. Two men held Derek‟s arms,
keeping him in place regardless of how he struggled.

Growling low in his throat, Lark glared. “You just wish it was you, asshole.” Lunging forward, 41

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he shoved his shoulder into his attacker‟s stomach.

The man‟s breath left him in a whoosh and stumbled back a step.

Using the distraction, Lark swung a fist at the closest man holding Derek.

The surprised man grunted, and Derek used the opportunity to wrench his arm free.

Lark ducked a swing as Derek landed a right hook to the man holding his other arm. Freed, he
followed up his hook with a jab to the sternum and a kick to a knee.

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Arms wrapped around Lark from behind, holding him in place. Fists from the man he hit connected
with his nose and then his chest. “Go,” Lark shouted through the haze of pain.

Derek glanced between the man rising to his feet in front of him and the two men working over Lark.

“Now. Get help!”

The blows rained, sending Lark to his knees. He heard footsteps retreating down the alley, and relief
filled him that at least Derek got away. Self-preservation kicked in and he rolled into a ball to protect
anything vital. When the darkness came, he welcomed it.

* * * *

Declan paced the room. “The answer is no. I‟m not 42

Alpha’s Prerogative

meeting any more daughters.” Just the thought of being set up with any more women made his skin
crawl, and he had to suppress a shudder. He heard a gasp and realized his tone may have been a bit
harsher than necessary. But he couldn‟t help it. His body had remained in a perpetual state of half-
arousal for the last four days. Ever since Sunday morning when he‟d been shot and Lark had stitched
him up. He wanted to hunt his little mate down and fuck him, but knew that would ruin any remaining
chance at earning the smaller man‟s trust. And so far, he hadn‟t been able to come up with a viable
excuse for going to see him.

He turned back to the group sitting in his living room, his gaze straying over them. In attendance were
his lead tracker, Duncan, and the wolf‟s two sons. Cliff trained to replace Duncan someday. As a
CPA, Rainy handled the pack‟s accounts.

Carson, his pack enforcer, reclined in an armchair, a smug smile on his face. Did the man know why
he now refused to entertain others? Then his gaxe fell on Shane, his beta, and the wolf‟s mate,

“I‟ve had way too many females thrown at me recently, Caroline. I don‟t appreciate feeling like a
piece of meat.” He forced his voice to come out calm, but firm.

She let out a small sigh. “I only set these meetings up because it‟s plain to see that you‟re 43

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not looking, Declan. How will you find her if you won‟t at least meet new wolves?” He bit back his
first reaction, to correct the pronoun. God, how would his pack react when they found out he had
indeed found his mate, but it was a man? They‟d accepted Rainy and Travis‟s pairing just fine, but
Rainy had been out for decades. Declan couldn‟t help but think there might be some resistance to their
alpha being gay.

“When the time is right, Fate will provide. This is not open for discussion.”

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Caroline opened her mouth to argue, but Shane‟s hand on her leg stopped her. She ducked her head
and murmured, “Yes, Alpha.” The chirping of a cell phone interrupted his question about the health of
the shifters. Now there would be a reason to seek out Lark, Declan mused as he lifted an amused
brow at Rainy‟s obvious discomfort.

“Excuse me, Alpha,” Rainy murmured, pulling his phone from his pocket and flipping it open.

“Rainy here.”

Declan heard a flurry of murmured words he couldn‟t make out, but the near panic in the tone was

“Travis, slow down. What happened? Where‟s Lark?” The man rose, holding up a hand in apology as
he left the room.

A fist of dread knotted in Declan‟s stomach, 44

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and he pointed at Shane, letting him know to carry on without them. They still needed to discuss what
to do with the injured shifters, but he knew he wouldn‟t be able to concentrate after hearing that
snippet. What had happened to Lark? He found Travis pacing his entrance hall.

“No, it‟s good that ye called. I‟ll meet ye there.” Declan‟s jaw clenched and words failed him when
Rainy turned back to him.

“I‟m sorry, Alpha. An emergency has come up, and I need to go. I‟ll email the records ye wanted, and
we can discuss them tomorrow.” Rainy stood there for a second.

Declan realized he waited for permission to leave. Well, that wasn‟t going to happen until Rainy told
him about Lark. “What happened?” He glanced at his watch. “It‟s nearly eleven o‟clock in the bloody
night. What‟s going on?” The wolf‟s mouth opened, but no sound came out. He couldn‟t stand the
waiting anymore. “Is it Lark?

Did something happen to him?” he snapped.

Rainy nodded. Obviously sensing his agitation, he ducked his head in submission. “He‟s in the

“What?” he snapped. He grabbed the man‟s shirt and shoved him back against the door, his voice
lowering dangerously. “You‟d better explain that right now. What happened to me mate?” At that,
Rainy‟s head snapped up and met his 45

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eyes. “Yer mate?” he whispered.

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Any other time, Declan would have taken it as a challenge, but he knew Rainy only looked for the
truth of his shocking words. Yeah, probably not the best way to share the news, but Declan didn‟t
care. His low growl had Rainy whispering.

“I know only that because Lark doesn‟t have any close kin, the hospital called Travis, Alpha.

Lark was beaten. He‟s still unconscious. I don‟t know anything else.”

His body vibrated. “Stay there,” he growled the order. He spun on his heel and returned to his study.
“Rainy and I are leaving. Something important has come up. Shane, finish the meeting and report back
to me tomorrow.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Shane answered immediately, recognizing the tension filling.

Declan grabbed his keys and returned to the door. Walking out, he tossed his keys to Rainy.

“You‟ll drive,” he ordered, knowing he had no business operating a vehicle in his current agitated
state. A moment later, his SUV roared out of his driveway. He wanted to tell Rainy to go faster, but
that was exactly why he‟d given the keys to the other wolf. Declan knew he wouldn‟t do Lark any
good if he wrecked the vehicle trying to get to him.

“Lark doesn‟t know, does he?”

Rainy‟s quiet question caught his attention, and 46

Alpha’s Prerogative

Declan eased back against the seat with a sigh. A twinge in his shoulder reminded him of his injury.

Shifters healed a lot faster than humans, thank the maker, so in another day, he‟d only have a scar.

But for now, it still ached every now and again.

Declan focused on Rainy. “No, and ye‟re not to say anything. I don‟t think he‟s ready to know.”

“That explains…”

Declan smirked at the unfinished statement.

“Aye. That explains Sunday morning.”

“It wasn‟t just the morphine.”

“No. That just botched me self-control.” He sighed. “Which I‟m sure didn‟t win any points with
him.” When he noticed the tight expression on Rainy‟s face, he frowned. “What?” Rainy grimaced.
“Lark has horrible taste in men. He‟s picked some real losers in the past for boyfriends, so doesn‟t
do much more than quick hook-ups now, and normally with someone not much bigger than himself.”

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Rainy‟s worried gaze met Declan‟s. “I‟m sorry, Alpha. Yer size will be a cause for concern to him.”

He shrugged. “Not yer fault,” he muttered. “I‟d figured that may be the case.”

The pair lapsed into silence for several minutes, before Rainy spoke again. “With all the females
ye‟ve rejected over the years, I have to admit that I began to wonder.”

Declan heard the amusement in the other man‟s 47

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admission. “I like both just fine, but sex with men has always been more intense for me,” he found
himself admitting.

“Both, huh? Then how come no one ever hears about…”

“I‟m discreet, and I never take a lover from our pack. No favoritism.”


He shook his head. “I‟ve seen what that can do to a pack and didn‟t want to run the risk. Besides,” he
said, shrugging, “what‟s the point of a steady lover when they‟re not yer mate? What if yer mate
comes along while ye‟re in a relationship? I didn‟t want to have to worry about that.” Rainy frowned,
nodding slowly. “I can see yer point. It just sounds—lonely.”

Rainy turning the vehicle into the Canton County Hospital parking lot saved Declan from answering.
As soon as Rainy parked the vehicle, he sprang from it and headed toward the emergency room doors.
Rainy followed close behind. He spotted Travis in the waiting room.

The slender human hurried over. If he was surprised to see Declan, he didn‟t show it. He gripped
Rainy‟s hand as he started talking.

“He was found in an alleyway outside of Rooster‟s.”

“Shit! I told him not to go there alone. What the hell did he think he was doing?” 48

Alpha’s Prerogative

“Rooster‟s? What‟s that?”

“A gay bar downtown,” Travis answered before turning back to Rainy. “And don‟t go busting his
chops over it. He‟s resting right now, but…”

Declan saw the haunted look in Travis‟s eyes and something cold and unfamiliar squeezed his heart.
Fear. He touched the man‟s arm. “What?

What is it?”

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“He doesn‟t look too good. I saw him briefly, but they kicked me out when they had to prep him for

“Bloody hell,” Declan groaned. “Surgery for what?”

“His nose was broken, and they needed to make certain it didn‟t damage his nasal cavity. I also heard
talk of three cracked ribs. I don‟t know what else,” Travis said. “I‟m waiting for Doctor Carmichael
to come out.”

“Doctor Carmichael,” Declan exclaimed. “Fuck.

What‟s he doing here?”

“I work here,” a low voice growled behind them. Declan swung around to face a muscular man in
scrubs. A frown tightened the corners of the darkly tanned man‟s thin lips and piercing brown eyes
swept over the group, missing nothing. “I thought I smelled wolves.” Doctor Carmichael took a deep
breath before smirking at Travis. “Well, well. Mating with humans? Tsk, tsk.


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I‟m surprised you allow such things to go on in your pack, Declan.”

Travis‟s face flushed, and Rainy pressed closer to him, his eyes narrowing in a glare as he let out a
low growl.

Declan‟s blood heated at the doctor‟s condescending tone. “What happens in me pack is not the
concern of a cat. Now tell me how Lark is.” Doctor Carmichael‟s lips twisted, revealing a fang,
before he smoothed his features. “He has a concussion, three cracked ribs, a broken nose, and a
broken left wrist.”

Declan couldn‟t keep the stricken look from his face and the doctor‟s eyes softened.

“Humans are resilient, Declan, or they never would have lasted this long. As long as there aren‟t
complications from the concussion, he should be fine. It will just take time.”

“I need to see him,” Declan stated.

Doctor Carmichael‟s brow lifted and a speculative gleam entered the shifter‟s eyes. “Lark will
remain in observation for the next twelve hours. I can allow you all back for only a few minutes, after
that, it will have to be two at a time.”

Declan nodded, following the doctor. “Has he regained consciousness?”

“Not when I left him.”

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“Is that a concern?” Declan had to ask.


Alpha’s Prerogative

The man paused midstride, shoved a lock of black hair away as he glanced over his shoulder.

“Because of the concussion, if he doesn‟t wake in the next three hours, we may become concerned,
but we won‟t really know anything until the swelling goes down.”

Appreciating the straight answer, even if he didn‟t like the information, Declan nodded.

No one said anything until the doctor reached a room and ushered them inside, murmuring, “You have
thirty minutes.”

Declan ignored the comment in favor of reaching the small man in the bed. His heart seized in his
chest at how pale Lark looked lying on the sterile white sheets with wires attached at various points.
He took in the cast on Lark‟s left wrist and the bandage on his nose that didn‟t cover the
discoloration and swelling on Lark‟s face. Declan knew he‟d find more bruising if he could see
Lark‟s chest. Rage swept through him.

Rage that someone had attacked his mate. Rage at himself for not being there to protect him.

Even with the bruising and swollen left eye, he thought Lark was the most stunning creature he‟d ever
seen. Needing to touch the man, Declan pulled a chair close and clasped the small man‟s free hand.
Leaning close, he whispered, “Ah, baby. And ye said I needed a keeper.” He glanced up and caught
the concerned looks Travis and 51

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Rainy shot between them. “Have ye heard who found him? Any idea what happened to him?” Travis
shook his head. “The paramedics said it was an anonymous call about a mugging.”

“Mugging, my ass,” he hissed. “If I find out who did this, I‟ll…” Declan cut himself off and screwed
his eyes shut. He felt his claws begin to extend. His canines threatened to drop and his body trembled.
He fought back the urge to shift and hunt down whoever had injured his mate.

“Easy, Declan,” Rainy murmured.

The man‟s hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed.

“Ye can‟t help him that way. If Lark sees your anger—”

Declan nodded. “I know,” he snarled. When he‟d gotten himself back under control, he opened his
eyes and looked up grimly at Rainy. “I know,” he repeated.

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Rainy gave a curt nod and released his shoulder. “So, ye and Carmichael have a history?” A snort
escaped him. “Not the kind of history yer thinking, but aye. I met him in St. Louis when the ranger
service sent me over there to track a rabid animal that had been attacking hikers.

Carmichael performed autopsies on a couple victims, confirmed it was a bear, and then helped me
track it down and kill it.”

“What kind of cat is he?” Travis asked.


Alpha’s Prerogative

“A jaguar. Considering the cat in him, I understand why he‟d want to move out of the city.

Canton City is a bit larger than Sugar Creek, but still never figured him for small town life.” A soft
groan from Lark had Declan‟s head whipping around. He gave the hand he held a soft squeeze.

“Come on, baby. Let me see those gorgeous blue eyes. Show me yer all right, Lark.” He held his
breath as Lark‟s eyelids fluttered.

Finally, they blinked open only to immediately close. His lips moved, and Declan leaned close to
make out the words. Looking up at Rainy, he commanded softly, “Dim the lights.” Why the hell
hospitals had such powerful lights on in the first place, he‟d never understand.

After the lights were turned down, Lark‟s eyelids fluttered again. This time he managed to pry open
the eye that wasn‟t already almost swollen shut due to his broken nose. Lark‟s overly dilated eye
nearly blocked out the blue, but that was okay as far as Declan was concerned. At least he was

Lark‟s gaze swept the room before he groaned.

“Shit, Travis. What the hell is he doing here?” Travis chuckled at Declan‟s stricken look. “I‟m not
sure, Lark,” he said, drawing close. He smiled at Lark. “I didn‟t ask, but I‟m kinda thinking he‟s
worried about you.”

“God, I‟m sorry, Declan,” Lark murmured, his 53

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voice scratchy and nasal. “It‟s just the drugs talking.”

Declan grinned. “Don‟t worry about it, pretty man.” As he spoke, his finger found the call button on
the bed. “Can I get ye anything? Do ye need anything for the pain? What do ye remember?”

“I…” Lark‟s brow furrowed and he let out a small moan.

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“I‟m sorry, Lark,” he murmured. He gently brushed a sweaty blond lock from Lark‟s forehead. “I
shouldn‟t be asking all these questions. Ye need to rest.”

Doctor Carmichael strode through the door, quickly taking in the way one of Declan‟s hands gently
held Lark‟s while his other continued to caress Lark‟s forehead. Declan saw the understanding fill
the werecat‟s eyes, but when he turned to Lark, he was all professional.

“I‟m glad to see you awake, Mr. Trystan. You had your friends a bit worried.” He gave Lark a warm
smile. “How are you feeling?” Lark‟s gaze flittered from the doctor to Declan and back again.
“Thirsty,” he whispered. “Tired.

In pain.”

“All those are perfectly normal under the circumstances,” Doctor Carmichael acknowledged gently.
“I‟ll have a nurse bring you some ice chips.”


Alpha’s Prerogative

Declan listened as Dr. Carmichael explained his injuries to Lark.

“It was reported as a mugging, so there was an Officer Farley here earlier. He asked to be notified
when you were ready to give a statement.” The doctor held up a card.

Declan quickly took it and tucked it into a pocket.

“How long do I have to stay here?” Lark asked.

“We‟d like to keep you for thirty-six hours for observation. After that, barring any complications, you
can leave. You‟ll be extremely sore, so I will be writing a note to allow you at least a week more off
work. And no heavy lifting while the cast is on. Do you have someone who can help you?” Before
Lark could respond, Declan cut in. “He‟ll be well taken care of.”

“Good,” the doctor said with a smile. “Now, as I told you, gentlemen, one of you will have to leave.
Visiting is restricted to two at a time.” After the doctor left, a nurse bustled in with a cup filled with
crushed ice.

Declan motioned for the cup. He filled the spoon, and after a defiant glare from Lark, fed it to the
little man. He fought back a smile, loving the spirit his mate displayed, even while lying in a hospital

Lark moaned appreciatively as the ice melted in his mouth.


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The sound went straight to Declan‟s cock, which was never far from half-mast when in Lark‟s
presence. His dick tightened painfully behind his zipper, and he bit back a groan of his own. His mate
made a disgruntled sound, and with considerable effort, he pulled his attention back to the matter at
hand. Carefully, he fed another spoonful of crushed ice to Lark.

“Thank you,” Lark whispered, closing his eyes.

Declan knew the pain meds were getting to him.

Travis stood and approached the bed. “All right, handsome. I can see that you‟re in good hands, and
one of us has to scoot before the good doctor gets us all booted out of here. I‟ll see you in the
morning, maybe with something a little better than hospital food,” he added with a wink.

Declan had to bite back a growl at the familiar way Travis spoke to his mate. Mine! He glanced at
Rainy, who caught his look and stepped forward.

“Ye‟re sticking around then, Declan?”

“Of course,” he replied automatically. Rainy nodded and returned his keys. “We‟ll be back in the
morning with breakfast.” Then he inhaled deeply and grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
“Good luck trying to find a comfortable position.”

He growled a warning, knowing the other shifter smelled his arousal. “I was going to thank 56

Alpha’s Prerogative

ye, but not anymore, asshole.”

Rainy laughed and then both men said their goodbyes and slipped from the room.

Staring down at his now-sleeping mate, Declan adjusted his dick, trying in vain to find a comfortable
position. Sighing, he stepped into the bathroom to relieve the ache himself.


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Chapter Four

don‟t see why I can‟t just go home.” Lark

“I glared at Declan, frustration and need coursing through him. Frustration because all he wanted to
do was go home and jack off, need because the object of his lust had sat in his hospital room almost
non-stop for two days. His sexy voice and intoxicating wild scent teasing his senses until his body
practically tingled every time Declan touched him. “I‟ll be fine.”

“No, ye won‟t,” Declan denied. “Until ye can get around easily, ye will stay with me.” Lark growled
from his position on Declan‟s couch. He had to think of some way to get the stubborn man to take him
home. Staying with him was too much temptation, and he‟d end up doing something to embarrass

“Did ye just growl at me?” Declan asked softly from where he stood in the kitchen on the other side
of the bar.

His eyes widened. Oh, shit. He heard that?


Alpha’s Prerogative

Would the wolf consider that a challenge? Could Lark use being doped up as an excuse? His felt his
heart rate increase as Declan‟s footsteps got closer.

The sexy shifter appeared from behind the couch and eyed him, cocking a brow in question.

“Uhhh…” Real eloquent, Lark!

A smirk pulled at the corners of Declan‟s lips.

“Ye did,” he murmured, stalking closer. “Do ye have any idea what that does to me, pretty man?”
Lark found himself unable to get his mouth to work as Declan rested a knee next to his thigh on the
couch and a hand next to his head.

He leaned close until his face was only inches away. “I don‟t think ye‟re up for a dominance match,
just yet, Lark.”

He drew in a startled breath, taking in the musky, wild scent of the other man. He let out a strangled
moan as his cock hardened in his sweats, reminding him that other things were very much up. He
stared into Declan‟s intense gray eyes, unable to confirm or deny anything. He could feel his blood
pulse through his veins, his cock twitching as Declan leaned closer and inhaled his scent.

“Ah, me pretty man, but ye do smell nice. Too bad I can‟t do what yer scent calls me to do.” Declan
rubbed his cheek against Lark‟s in a rough caress as his five o‟clock shadow rasped across Lark‟s

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smooth skin. “Rest and heal, little one,” he 59

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Was it Lark‟s imagination or did Declan‟s voice sound deeper?

Declan pushed away from the couch and moved away. “Do ye need water to take yer pain meds,

Lark bit back a whimper at the loss of contact.

He had to clear his throat twice before getting his voice to function, and it still came out almost a
squeak. “Yes. Thank you.” He listened to Declan move around the kitchen, a cupboard door opened
and closed and water ran. Suddenly, the man‟s words returned to his lust-addled brain.

Declan could smell Lark‟s arousal, and he liked it.

He‟d inhaled it, and, if Declan had been a cat shifter, the man would have purred as he rubbed against
Lark. Did that mean the alpha wanted him, too?

A fresh wave of lust flowed over him at the thought, and he groaned. Fuck, no. He couldn‟t let that
happen. He buried his good hand in his hair, trying to get his big head to function as opposed to
thinking with the little one.

“Are ye all right? I heard…”

Lark‟s eyes snapped open as Declan‟s voice trailed off. He saw the man‟s nostrils flair and his eyes
darken. Lark realized Declan‟s gaze was fixed on his lap and the prominent bulge tenting the fabric.


Alpha’s Prerogative

“Shit,” Lark hissed, his cheeks flushing. He grabbed the throw blanket next to him and pulled it over
his lap.

For several seconds, Declan didn‟t move or speak.

Lark stared at the floor, twisting the blanket between his fingers. He knew his heart raced a mile a
minute, and he wanted to ask if he could please leave now, but couldn‟t get his lungs to do more than
suck in just enough oxygen to keep him from swooning under the man‟s intense gaze.

Closing his eyes, Lark tucked his chin to his chest, praying the big man wasn‟t taking offense at his
body‟s reactions and wondering why he had no control around Declan.

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Lark nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt the gentle grip on the back of his neck and a whimper
escaped him, the contact making his dick harden nearly to the point of pain. Fuck, he‟d never reacted
like this to any man, so why Declan?

The couch shifted under Declan‟s weight as the man used his grip on Lark‟s neck to pull him closer.
The shifter started a soft, rhythmic massage on the tendons he held, and Lark felt his body begin to
relax. Well, most of his body, his cock began to twitch and pulse in time with the massage. Faintly, he
wondered if he could come just from Declan massaging his neck. It felt that good. How embarrassing
would that be?
But, God, 61

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would it relieve so much pressure.

He felt something small and round being pressed into his good hand. His pain meds, he realized, and
he forced his good eye open.

Without looking at Declan, he slipped the pill into his mouth. A glass of water appeared in his field of
vision next.

“Drink,” Declan commanded softly.

Lark obeyed. The glass was taken from his hand and disappeared out of sight. A soft clink told him
Declan had set it on the end table on the other side of the armrest the man leaned against.

The hand returned to cup his chin, lifting his gaze to Declan‟s. Lust tempered by compassion shown
from his gorgeous eyes, now the color of dark thunderclouds. Declan‟s head lowered slowly, giving
Lark the chance to move away, but the memory of Declan‟s lips on his had him shivering, the need to
feel that again keeping him in place.

Declan‟s kiss was feather-light, closed lips brushing across his lips once, twice, three times.

Then the man increased the pressure, sealing his mouth over Lark‟s. He nibbled Lark‟s bottom lip,
asking him to open. Lark did, unable to stop himself. Declan‟s thick tongue slipped past his barely
open lips, forcing them wider as he angled his head to get a better taste. The hand holding his neck
tightened to keep him in place while the one cupping his cheek slid down his chest to tweak his 62

Alpha’s Prerogative

nipples through his t-shirt. Lark‟s cock jumped and the muscles of his chest and stomach spasmed.
Pain shot through his tender ribs, and he broke the kiss with a hiss.

“Sorry, baby,” Declan crooned. “Just relax. Let me take care of you. I‟ll make ye feel so good.” Lark
sucked in as much air as his healing ribs would allow. The lips on his neck moved to his collarbone,
then back up to his ear. When Declan sucked softly on the sensitive skin below his ear, the sensations
quickly banished the pain. Unable to fight his desire anymore, Lark tilted his head, giving Declan
more room to play. The hand on his chest slipped under the waistband of his sweats and traced the

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crease where his thigh met his groin, causing Lark‟s breathing to hitch. Fingers tangled in his pubes
for several seconds, caressing the sensitive skin beneath, before Declan dipped his hand lower and
cupped his balls, squeezing and rolling the sensitive orbs.

A keening cry reached his ears, and it took Lark a second to realize it came from him. He snapped his
mouth shut, but he couldn‟t keep quiet for long. He‟d always been a noisy lover, just never been able
to figure out how to shut it off. Declan moved his hand to his prick, wrapping it in a tight fist and
pumping twice. Lark‟s eyes popped open, and he started panting. “Declan! Oh, God.” He shifted his
legs, giving the man more room while 63

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trying to gain leverage to hump into that hand.

Declan swiped a thumb over the head of his engorged cock, smearing the sensitive head with the pre-
cum leaking from his slit as he used a couple fingers to massage the sensitive glans underneath.
Groaning, Lark‟s head pressed into the shoulder of the man holding him, trying to drive his hips into
the hand massaging his phallus.

“So good,” he whimpered. His good hand gripped the knee next to his hip in a white-knuckle grip and
his ass pushed into the hard dick behind him.

He took Declan‟s grunt as one of pleasure and rocked between the man‟s hand and cock again.

Taking the hint, Declan‟s large hand enveloped his cock fully and began to stroke in earnest as Lark
rocked shamelessly against the man‟s prick behind him. He couldn‟t stop the words as they tumbled
out in a breathy whisper. “Oh God, yes.

Harder…just like that. Oh, Declan, that‟s so good.” When Declan‟s thumb pressed into his slit, he
lost it. “Declan!” He cried out the man‟s name on a wail as he came. His balls tightened against his
body as his cock pulsed and jumped in Declan‟s grip. Streams of white cum shot from the head of his
dick as he shuddered, waves of ecstasy rolling over him. As he came down from the endorphin high,
he began to make out the murmured words.

“I‟ve got ye, pretty man. That‟s it. Let it go.” 64

Alpha’s Prerogative

Soft kisses feathered over his neck, sending another shiver through him and his spent cock twitched.
After taking a deep breath, he murmured uncertainly, “Do you—um.”

“What is it, baby?”

“Do you want me to take care of you?” he asked, fighting down a blush and losing. Damn fair skin.

Declan chuckled softly. “No need, Lark.

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Watching and smelling ye was enough to set me off,” he admitted, rubbing the wet spot of his jeans
against Lark‟s back. “Now, let‟s go get cleaned up before a nap, aye?”

Lark didn‟t say a word as Declan effortlessly picked him up and carried him down the hall to the
master bathroom, too amazed that the man holding him had gotten off just from taking care of Lark‟s
needs. No one had ever done that before.

* * * *

Declan stared down at a sleeping Lark. The man had passed out shortly after their quick shower.

Although he‟d wanted to explore every inch of his naked mate, he‟d kept the shower short and
focused on getting clean. Lark had insisted on washing his own genitals, and Declan hadn‟t pushed,
since he knew if he‟d touched him again, he‟d probably have taken him against the shower 65

Charlie Richards

wall, and Lark was in no shape for that.

He placed a chaste kiss on Lark‟s lips, happy to see the man smile in his sleep before heading out of
the room to the kitchen. He hoped Lark would wake soon. He‟d planned on feeding him before
sending him to bed, but the overpowering smell of his mate‟s arousal had gotten the better of him. It
had taken several seconds to calm his wolf enough to even touch his mate without running the risk of
pouncing and hurting the man.

A smile curving his lips, he started the steaks he‟d had Rainy pull from his freezer that morning while
getting clothes. The wolf had turned out to be extremely helpful and supportive, acting as liaison
between himself and pack members while he‟d stayed with his mate in the hospital. His beta had
stopped by the first morning, and he‟d been grateful for Shane‟s assurance that, between the two
wolves, everything would be taken care of in his absence. He still hadn‟t told anyone but Rainy, and
he assumed Travis now knew that Lark was his mate. But no one questioned him about his reasons for
staying at the hospital. Well, no one except Lark, who still didn‟t trust him.

As he cut potatoes to fry, he thought about the young man‟s insistence that he didn‟t need to stay at
Declan‟s. He chuckled. Lark certainly had fire, which was good, because he‟d need it dealing with
the pack at his side. He couldn‟t remember 66

Alpha’s Prerogative

an instance where the alpha-mate wasn‟t female, but Declan refused to entertain the thoughts that his
pack wouldn‟t accept his mate, even if it did take time. Most of the wolves already liked Lark, as he
saw at the BBQ. He saw many indulgent smiles as they watched Lark play and corral the pups. Lark
even knew all the kids by name.

A soft thud and the sound of breaking glass interrupted Declan‟s musings. “Bloody hell,” he growled,
jogging down the hall to the bedroom.

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He found Lark lying on the floor, broken pieces of lamp all around him. “Stay there.” Concerned, his
order came out gruffer than intended.

He wanted to kick himself when Lark flinched, his murmur soft.

“I‟m sorry about your lamp. I‟ll pay for it.” Slipping on a pair of shoes, Declan shook his head. “I
don‟t care about the bloody lamp, Lark. I care about you. Why didn‟t ye call me?” He grabbed a t-
shirt from his hamper and started flicking the glass away from Lark.

“I needed to go to the bathroom, but when I stood, I got dizzy and lost my balance,” Lark murmured,
his gaze fixed on the glass around him.

Clearing a spot, Declan dropped to a knee in front of Lark. Crooking his finger, he used it to tip
Lark‟s face up and gave him a soft kiss. “Are ye hurt, baby?”


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Lark shook his head, his blue eyes wide.

“Then I‟ll help ye to the bathroom.” Careful of the man‟s injured ribs, his bare feet, and the glass all
around them, Declan assisted Lark, leaving him at the door.

Quickly fetching a broom, he swept up the glass. A sigh escaped his lips, thinking of Lark‟s initial
reaction to his appearance. Flinching away and trying to placate his anger. But Declan hadn‟t been
angry, and he hoped that, in time, Lark would realize that even if upset, he‟d never strike him. “Have
patience,” he whispered to himself as he dropped the last of the glass into a trash bin.

Hearing the bathroom door open, he turned and spotted Lark standing in the doorway, looking
uncertain. He smiled and crossed to him.

“I‟ve just started supper. Why don‟t ye relax in the living room while I finish. Do ye need another
pain pill?”

Lark shook his head. “Not until after supper.” His stomach took that second to growl loudly, and he
grinned ruefully. “Which I hope won‟t be in too long.”

“Not long at all,” Declan assured.

His mate‟s smile sent a warm flush through Declan. Damn, how long had he been looking for this
man; and to have him turn out to be kind, thoughtful, and sweet? God, he couldn‟t wait to claim him.
Returning Lark‟s grin, he wrapped an 68

Alpha’s Prerogative

arm around his waist and helped him down the hall. After settling Lark on the sofa, he returned to the

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“Oh, this steak is delicious,” Lark murmured appreciatively. “Thank you so much!” Declan grinned.
“Pleased ye like it. It‟s about all I have in the house at the moment,” he admitted.

“I have a nine o‟clock meeting tomorrow morning at Shane‟s to discuss the shifters we rescued, so
I‟ll go shopping after that. Let me know if there‟s anything special ye like.”

Concern filled Declan when he saw Lark nibbling his lip. “Is something wrong?”

“Well, do you think you could drop me off to get my car on your way to Shane‟s? It‟d be nice to have
it in case of an emergency or something.” Declan smelled Lark‟s nervousness and bit back his initial,
automatic no. Cocking his head, he frowned, trying to figure out what bothered his mate.

The man ducked his head.

“I‟ll pick up some clothes before I come back,” he whispered. He planned to claim Lark as soon as
possible, and to do that, he‟d need his mate comfortable. Perhaps having him bring his own things
from home would facilitate that. Declan nodded. “Sure, Lark. That‟d be fine.” The man let out a sigh
and relaxed visibly.


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“Thank you.”

Pleasure coursed through Declan, happy that he‟d pleased his mate. While he cleared the dishes, he
glanced over his shoulder and asked, “Would ye like to watch a movie? We could get comfortable in
the living room.” Lark flushed, probably thinking about the hand job that had happened in there not too
long ago.

Declan admitted to himself that it would be fun to repeat, but that wasn‟t his goal. He just wanted to
hold his mate, get Lark used to his presence.

After a second of hesitation, Lark nodded.

“Okay. That sounds good. I‟m not ready to go back to bed just yet.”

“Good. Got any preferences?”

Shrugging, Lark stared at the table and mumbled.

“I‟m sorry,” he said, drawing his mate‟s gaze back to him. “What was that?” He lifted a brow and
held his man‟s look.

“I noticed you have The Princess Bride.

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hiding his

amusement. “It was a gift from me beta‟s wife.”

“Caroline,” Lark murmured.

“Caroline, aye.” He‟d almost forgotten Lark‟s knowledge of the pack. “Come on. Make yer way to
the couch, and I‟ll start the movie. Do ye want popcorn or anything?” Warmth spread through him
when he heard Lark‟s soft chuckle.


Alpha’s Prerogative

“After the dinner you made? No way. That steak was delicious by the way.”

“Good, because it‟s about all I know.” Grinning, Lark settled on the couch. “I guess I‟ll have to make
you my chicken enchiladas. They‟re to die for!”

Declan settled on the couch next to Lark and picked up the remote. “Well, I have no intention of dying
for them, and I won‟t let ye either,” he added, “but I‟d love to try them.” He hit the play button and
eased back into the cushions.

Wrapping his arm around his mate, Declan eased Lark closer, refusing to take no for an answer.

Sitting stiffly beside him, Lark‟s voice came out strained. “I know were-animals live a few hundred
years—can I ask how old you are?” Declan wanted to tell him that as his mate, Lark could ask
anything. But uncertain of how the man would react, he just nodded. “Of course. I‟m one hundred

“Wow,” Lark whispered. “That‟s a lot of years alone.”

“Aye,” he acknowledged. “It is. What about you?” he asked, looking for anything to change the
somber mood settling over Lark. “I know ye‟re twenty-seven, and ye‟re a doctor. What made you
decide to go into medicine?”

Lark smiled slightly. “My mother was sick ever since I could remember. It wasn‟t until I was ten 71

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that I understood what leukemia was. She fought for another twelve years, seeing me graduate high

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school and win a scholarship to the University of Colorado. My senior year, she finally passed, but
there wasn‟t a conversation where she didn‟t tell me how proud she was of me. I saw all the doctors
that helped her, and I wanted to be that person.” He smiled and shrugged. “You know. The one that
helps lift someone‟s spirits as well as aids their health.”

When his mate‟s voice trailed off, Declan gave Lark‟s shoulder a squeeze. He pulled him close and
kissed his temple. “I can see that ye do that.

The way ye interact with the cubs…ye seem to know each one. Rainy told me ye found out about
shifters several months ago at the fourth of July party. I‟m amazed at how easily ye‟ve accepted us.”

Lark laughed. “You weren‟t there! It took Rainy, Duncan, Shane, and Cliff to calm me down.

I flipped out, Declan,” he said ruefully. “They ended up locking me in a bedroom for two days,” he

Declan bit back his instinctual growl that someone in his pack hurt his mate. “What happened?” he
forced out.

“They‟d come to me in pairs. One would change to a wolf and one would stay human, explaining the
same things over and over again.


Alpha’s Prerogative

You‟re completely cognizant while in wolf form.

You have complete control of your shift, even during the full moon. You don‟t attack humans.

You mostly just keep to yourselves, for obvious secrecy reasons. The pack takes care of its own.”
The words came out as if by rote, but Declan heard Lark‟s amusement.

“Rainy refused to leave me alone. He kept reminding me of happy memories. Fun times at clubs,
poker nights, laughs we had together at BBQs.”

Declan caught Lark‟s smirk. “What finally convinced you?”

Lark remained quiet for a moment. “A wolf came in injured,” he finally admitted. “Rainy persuaded
me to look at him. I stood in the middle of the room, the injured wolf on my bed, blood oozing from a
bullet wound, and I told Rainy that I didn‟t work on animals.” Lark shook his head.

“Well, the wolf shifted.” Emotion clogged Lark‟s voice.

“Easy now,” Declan murmured, catching a tear with his lips. “I didn‟t mean to upset you.”

“You didn‟t,” Lark answered bitterly. “I did. It was Carson lying on that bed. We‟d played poker

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several times together. He‟d always been nice.

Very polite. He always seemed to know that his size intimidated me.” Lark looked at him and
grimaced. “I try to hide it, but you big, sexy 73

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fuckers scare the hell out of me.” Declan smiled gently. “I know.”

“Anyway. Seeing him there, lying naked on the bed, pale from blood loss, and blood oozing from the
hole in his chest—” Lark frowned, his voice fading for several seconds. After clearing his throat, he
went on. “I looked into his deep brown eyes and that‟s when I knew. Shifters are no different than me
or anyone else.” Declan tried to keep his expression understanding, though the idea that his mate had
seen his enforcer naked didn‟t sit well with him.

Which was ridiculous, since he knew Lark wasn‟t a virgin, and nor was he. Not to mention he and
every other shifter got naked every full moon for a run. Lark‟s voice drew him back to the

“I cleaned and sewed up the wound, accepted shifters into my life, and I can say that the pack does
truly take care of each other.” Declan nodded. “That we do,” he whispered.

“What about you?”

Declan lifted a brow, wondering at Lark‟s question.

“Rainy told me the pack moved here from Ireland over a hundred years ago, but you appear African
American. How did that happen?” Smiling, he said, “Me father‟s mate was a black slave brought to
Ireland two centuries ago. He 74

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rescued her. She died in childbirth. I was told it nearly killed me father when he lost her, and he was
always a little sad, but he never failed to show me how much he loved me.”

“Oh,” Lark whispered, rubbing his thigh soothingly.

Declan wondered if the man even realized he did it.

“So, you eventually moved the pack to Colorado. Rainy and Cliff didn‟t really know details, since
they were both born in the states.” Lark shrugged. “Well, other than that Ireland had become
dangerous for the pack, so you decided to relocate.”

“Ah,” he murmured. “Well, that was part of it.” At Lark‟s questioning look, Declan grimaced.

Accepting that his mate needed a change of subject, he started, “Me grandfather was alpha for over a
hundred fifty years. Near the end though, me father and I knew his mind was slipping.” He paused,

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gathering his thoughts. “Me grandmother died when I was twenty-eight. He seemed okay for a few
years. But when poachers killed six members of the pack, and mythical creature hunters kept
appearing in the nearby villages, and he still wouldn‟t move the pack, we realized he‟d never truly
gotten over her death. It tied him to the area. For the safety of the pack, me father and I agreed he
either needed to step down or be taken 75

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He stared at the TV screen for several minutes, but couldn‟t bring himself to keep talking. Lark
seemed to know what choked him up. “Your grandfather wouldn‟t leave, wouldn‟t step down, and
you were the stronger wolf. The safety of the pack was left up to you.”

“Aye.” Lark laid his head on Declan‟s shoulder, his eyes fixed on the movie neither of them seemed
to be watching.

“I‟m sorry that happened to you, Declan.” His jaw clenched as he struggled to contain his grief. Fuck,
he missed his father and grandfather.

Declan settled his forehead on his mate‟s shoulder, burying his nose in the curve of Lark‟s neck. He
inhaled deeply, letting the scent and feel of his mate surround him and soothe his ragged emotions.
“Aye,” he whispered. Lark held him, his good hand stroking his back in long, even caresses. Declan
lifted his head.

Lark smiled and kissed him on his cheek. “I love this part of the movie.”

Declan grinned, loving his mate‟s sensitivity.

“Me, too,” he whispered. Fuck, I never thought I’d tell that story to anyone. He stroked a thumb
over Lark‟s lips before feathering kisses over them.

Easing back into the couch cushions, he pulled his mate close, and they watched the rest of the movie
in silence.


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Chapter Five

ark got out of the car and smiled. “I‟ll see you L after a while. Thanks, Declan.” Knowing the man
still watched, he forced his stride to remain steady, if a bit slow, as he climbed the six steps to the
hall leading to his apartment.

After walking in, he turned left, crossed his kitchen and peeked out the window. Relief hit him when
he saw Declan‟s car‟s taillights. The man made him nervous and very confused. Between the hand
job and the shared emotional confession session on the couch, he didn‟t know what to make of Declan
McIntire. Lark didn‟t doubt the man‟s strength, hence his ability to not only kill his own grandfather,
but lead the pack for over one hundred years. It was his grief and compassion that Lark hadn‟t
expected. Lark connected with the man, understood him. What Lark didn‟t know was why.

And God, that hand job. He couldn‟t get it out of his mind. Lark didn‟t remember the last time he‟d

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come so hard and felt so satisfied. Fuck! The sleeping arrangements hadn‟t helped. After the movie,
without a word Declan had led him back to the master bathroom where Lark had completed his toilet
and laid down.

He‟d listened to Declan walk the house, checking the locks on doors and windows. Then the man had
returned, crawled into bed with him, pulled Lark‟s back to his chest, and buried his face in Lark‟s
neck. He‟d planned to pull away after Declan fell asleep, but it had felt so good to be held by the big
man that he‟d passed out almost immediately.

Waking to the man‟s morning wood pressed against his ass had only fueled Lark‟s desire for the man.
He‟d wanted to thrust back, feel that thick rod slide inside him, and fuck them both to completion.
Unfortunately, Lark didn‟t have the guts to do anything about it so he‟d slipped from the bed and hid
in the bathroom until he was certain Declan was up. Cowardly, he knew, but Lark couldn‟t figure out
what Declan wanted from him. The man had never shown any indication for being gay, or even bi,
until now. Leaning his head against the cool pane of glass, he closed his eyes.

Lark knew he needed to grow a set and just ask Declan. Maybe tonight I will.

Shoving his thoughts away, he hurried to his bedroom as fast as his aching body would let him.


Alpha’s Prerogative

With several hisses and grunts of pain, he managed to pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Buttoning the jeans one handed was a lesson in patience, but he got it done. Lark stopped in the
bathroom, looked at his reflection and groaned.

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No way in hell was he going out like this. How did Declan stand looking at him?

Shaking his head, he grabbed his brush, water bottle, and mousse, and got to work. Fifteen minutes
later, he‟d managed to get his short blond hair to stand up in spikes near the front, showing off the
frosted tips, and to lie down in the back.

“Much better,” he murmured. “Now, about the shiners…”

He knew if Declan saw him without the small nose bandage the ass chewing would be worse than
what he already invited, but there was no way he planned to walk out the door with two black eyes.
At least the swelling had gone down enough that he could open both eyes. After using an excessive
amount of cover-up and powder, he managed to hide the unsightly bruises. “There,” he said with

A glance at the clock showed him he had twenty minutes to spare. Lark threw several changes of
clothes into a duffel bag, along with his make-up and other toiletries. He downed another pain pill to
try to delay the inevitable pain and headed out the door.


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When he reached Sara‟s house, he eased carefully out of the car and headed up the walk.

Lark knocked on the door and waited. He spotted Sara peek through the window before opening the

“Hello, Sara,” Lark greeted. “Are you ready for the zoo?”

As she nodded, Randall yelled from somewhere in the house, “Who is it?”

“It‟s Mr. Trystan, Papa. I‟ll see you later.” Lark didn‟t hear a response before the girl grabbed a
backpack sitting by the door and stepped out. Once she‟d closed the door carefully behind her, she
stared up at Lark and smiled tentatively.

“Hello, Lark,” she whispered.

He grinned, pleased that she‟d remembered to call him by his first name, even though he figured
she‟d only do it while they were alone. “Hello, Sara. Are you ready to go?” He held out his right
hand. She nodded and leaned close to take it, her eyes widening slightly. She glanced over her
shoulder at the house. Concerned, Lark led her to the car as quickly as he was able. He had to let go
once they reached the vehicle, since he couldn‟t open the door with his broken wrist.

Sara‟s smile faltered. “What happened?” she whispered, taking in the cast on his wrist and tape on
his nose.


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He waited until she was belted in and he‟d eased back into the car before answering, wanting to get
away from the house as quickly as possible.

“It‟s nothing, sweetie. I just had a disagreement with some guys.”

“Does it hurt?”

“A little bit, but it‟ll be good as new in no time.” He smiled in the rearview mirror at her and
changed the subject. “Are you ready to see some animals?” After she grinned and nodded, he asked,
“What‟s your favorite animal?”

“A deer!”

He laughed at her enthusiasm, and the two discussed the different animals as he drove toward Sugar
Creek. By the time he got to the zoo, the muscles around his ribs had stiffened up, and he had to fight
back tears as he got out of the car.

Forcing a smile, he locked the car, took Sara‟s hand and led the way to the zoo‟s entrance.

He waved when he spotted Synthia and Caroline. The two women were surrounded by a group of
kids who all rushed toward him. When they threw their arms around him for hugs, he knew he‟d made
a huge mistake. Pain exploded through his ribcage, and he couldn‟t hold back the agonized shout. His
vision darkened, and his knees buckled. Slender arms wrapped around him, catching him before he hit
the ground.

“Easy, Lark.”


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He heard Caroline‟s voice as if she were down a long tunnel. Or maybe he was the one in a tunnel.

“Come on, Lark. Walk with me.” She encouraged him forward and eased him onto a nearby bench.

As he sat, Lark watched her take a deep whiff of his scent. Shit, why hadn‟t he thought of that?

All the wolves would know he‟d been with Declan this morning. “Shane said Declan visited you in
the hospital, Lark,” she said. “Are you sure you‟re okay to be here?”

Lifting his eyes to her deep brown ones, he knew what she was really asking. Had Declan given his
okay that Lark attend the zoo trip today?

Lark forced a smile and shifted away from her.

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“Yeah. Sorry about that. My ribs are just a little sore and all the kids‟ hugs took me by surprise.” He
gave her the bright grin he knew most people couldn‟t resist and forced himself to his feet. “I‟m
fine.” He turned to the subdued kids and allowed his grin to widen. “All right, guys, no more group
hugs. Now are you ready to see the animals?” All the kids shouted and cheered. Out of the corner of
his eye, he saw the look that passed between Synthia and Caroline, but they didn‟t say anything as he
ushered the group toward the gates.

* * * *


Alpha’s Prerogative

Declan‟s phone vibrated at his hip, and he pulled it from his pocket. Not recognizing the number, he
frowned. “Hold that thought, Shane.” He flipped his phone open. “Declan here.”

“Hi, Declan. It‟s Travis. Sorry to bother you.”

“Travis?” He frowned. What could the veterinarian possibly need? “Is Rainy okay?”

“Uh, yeah. That‟s not who I‟m calling about.” He could hear the concern and trepidation in the
human‟s voice. “Take a deep breath, and tell me what‟s got ye so worked up, Travis,” he
commanded evenly.

Travis sighed, and he could imagine the man rubbing his forehead. He‟d seen him do it often enough
when tired or concerned. In the background he heard a feminine voice murmur something.

Travis said, “I don‟t mean to question your judgment, Alpha, but…”

Declan knew it was serious for the man to be so formal. “Are you sure it‟s okay for Lark to be up and

“What? Of course he shouldn‟t be up and around.”

“Well, he‟s at the zoo.”

“He‟s what?” Declan practically roared into the phone. “What the fuck is he doing there?” Out of the
corner of his eye, he saw Shane‟s jaw drop and 83

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Carson rose from the couch he lounged on, ready to back his alpha if needed. Taking a deep breath, he
felt pain in his fisted hand. Declan looked down and saw that his claws were out and digging into his
palm. Damn, when was the last time he‟d lost control of his shift? Sheathing his claws, he realized
Travis had started talking.

“It‟s the pack field trip. He‟s been planning it with Caroline and Synthia for weeks. I figured he‟d

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find a replacement chaperone because of the attack, but then I saw him here with the kids.” Forcing
his voice to come out reasonably calm, he said, “Keep an eye on him. I‟m on me way.” Disconnecting
the call, his gaze swept over Shane and Carson. “I‟ve got to go.”

As he turned away, Shane grabbed his arm.

“Alpha, I don‟t understand. Why have ye appointed yourself guardian of Lark? He‟s not one of us.”

Declan let out a sigh, knowing it was time to share the truth with his beta. He turned and looked the
wolf in the eye. “Aye, he is. He‟s me mate, Shane.”

The man sucked in a breath, dropped Declan‟s arm, and backed up a step. “Yer mate? But…” He
shook his head. “The alpha can‟t mate with another man. It‟s just not done.” Fuck! His beta had just
voiced the concern he knew he‟d hear from more than one member of 84

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his pack. Declan let out a breath and frowned at Shane. “What? Ye think this choice is alpha‟s
prerogative? We don‟t choose our mates, Shane.

Ye know that.” His frustration mounting, he glared. “Besides, Lark is sweet, thoughtful, and kind.
He‟s the best damn thing that‟s ever happened to me.” When he stopped speaking, he realized the
truth of his words. He couldn‟t lose Lark, no matter what.

“But ye‟ve never liked men before, and he‟s been around us for nearly four months. Shouldn‟t ye
have realized it sooner?”

Carson chuckled. “Fuck, Shane. What hole have you had your head in? Declan‟s bi. Always has been.
If the Fates have willed his mate to be male, than who are we to question it?” Declan couldn‟t stop
his jaw from dropping while Shane‟s face flushed.

Carson‟s deep laughter filled the room. “What?

You didn‟t think I knew? Like knows like, Alpha.” He clapped him on the shoulder. “Go round up
your mate, Declan. I got your back.” Relief flooded him, knowing his enforcer supported him. Declan
smiled grimly. “Thanks, Carson.” He flicked his gaze to Shane and lifted a brow in question.

The man grimaced, but nodded. “Ye‟ve never steered us wrong, Alpha. Ye won‟t get any challenge
from me.”


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Declan gave a curt nod, but saw the question in his eyes, so he lifted his chin in acknowledgement.

Shane hesitated before answering, “Have ye claimed him yet?”

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Declan shook his head. “Not yet, but I will.” He strode from the house.

Thirty minutes later, he was at the zoo. Damn, he hated this place. He knew the necessity of it, so
humans could learn about the animals around them. And he knew they helped with breeding programs
to help replenish endangered species, but all the cages—it just made his skin crawl.

He got out of the car and strode toward the gates. After paying the fee, he entered. He could just make
out the faint traces of Lark‟s scent, but it was too old and too many other people had been through the
area for him to decide on a direction.


He turned toward the caller. A short, blonde woman strode toward him, carrying a snake.

“Lisa,” he said, forcing a smile as he recognized Cliff‟s human mate. When she reached him, she
went to give him a hug and he held up a hand.

“Uh, whoa. I don‟t mind snakes, but I‟m not going to hug one. Have ye seen Lark?” Lisa rolled her
eyes. “Yeah, that‟s why I‟m hanging at the gate waiting for you. Come on.” Relief swept through him,
and he followed quickly after her. A couple moments later, he 86

Alpha’s Prerogative

rounded the elephant pen and spotted Lark amidst a crowd of cubs. Declan strode purposefully
toward him, his gaze fixed on his mate. Perhaps realizing someone watched him, or maybe sensing his
presence, Lark turned to look at him. He watched his mate‟s eyes widen in surprise.

Lark took an involuntary step backward.

Seeing the move, Declan forced his frustration aside, softening his expression. He knew Lark would
never learn to trust him if he couldn‟t prove he‟d never harm the man, even in anger.

Declan smiled. “Lark,” he said. “Fancy meeting ye here,” he purred.

“Declan,” Lark gasped. “What are you doing here?”

He took in Lark‟s too-pale face, the tight lines around his mate‟s mouth that spoke of his pain, and
leaned close. “The question is, Lark, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Do we have to do this here?” Lark whispered.

Declan looked at the kids glancing curiously at them before moving on to look at the animals around
them. “Come sit down before ye fall down, Lark. Ye shouldn‟t be on yer feet like this,” he murmured,
leading him to a bench. Once Lark was seated, Declan dropped next to him. His mate didn‟t look at
him, so he cupped his cheek and raised Lark‟s face to his. “What is so fucking 87

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important that ye had to be here?” Lark‟s blue eyes searched his face for several long seconds before
he whispered, “Sara.” Declan blinked. His confusion must have been evident, for Lark continued.

“I told her father I‟d pick her up for the zoo trip. I knew it was the only way she‟d be allowed to go.”

“Sara.” Declan racked his brain, but came up blank.

Lark realized his loss, because he looked pointedly at a small girl standing alone. She glanced
uncertainly between the group of kids as they moved along the pathway with Caroline and Synthia,
who were giving them covert looks, to the elephant in front of her, to Lark.

Then Declan remembered the cute little girl sitting on Lark‟s lap at the BBQ last weekend.

“Sara Castro, Randall‟s daughter.” Lark nodded. “She wouldn‟t have been able to come otherwise.”

Declan leaned forward and rested his forehead against Lark‟s. “Why didn‟t ye just tell me?” he
whispered, but he already knew the answer. Lark didn‟t trust him yet. He smiled slightly. “I‟m
grateful that ye think of others in the pack before yerself, Lark.”

“You‟re not mad?” Lark murmured.

“A bit frustrated, aye, but I could never stay 88

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mad at ye, pretty man. Besides, yer devotion to the pack is a wonderful quality. One I appreciate and
certainly don‟t want to change.” He grinned as he ran a finger over Lark‟s jaw. “Let‟s just maybe
temper it a bit.” Declan kissed the surprised man‟s forehead. “Now let‟s get ye a wheelchair and
catch up with the group, aye?”

Declan‟s gaze slid to Lark‟s slightly parted lips and couldn‟t resist the unconscious invitation. He
captured Lark‟s lips, his tongue sliding in for a taste of his mate.

Lark‟s eyes widened and he whimpered in surprise.

God, Declan loved the sounds his mate made.

Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Lark pulled back and looked around self-consciously.

Sensing his discomfort, Declan eased back. “Relax, pretty man,” he murmured. “Let‟s go find that

Declan caught Lisa‟s eye, who still hovered nearby, now with a knowing smirk on her face. “A
wheelchair, Lisa, for Lark.”

She grinned. “Coming right up.”

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“Cliff‟s very lucky to have her,” Lark murmured, following her disappearing form.

“Aye,” Declan said. “Shifters are always lucky to find their mates.”

“How does that work anyway?”

Realizing he may have tipped his hand before 89

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he was ready, Declan motioned for the still-hovering Sara to come to them. “What do ye mean?”

Lark smiled as the girl headed toward them.

“The cougar shifter we rescued thinks his mate is an elk shifter. What happens if they have kids?

What will they be?”

“That‟s decided at puberty,” he replied, relieved at the direction Lark‟s question was going. He saw
Sara stop in front of Lark expectantly and knew what she wanted. “Hey, Sara. Lark‟s tummy hurts like
his wrist does. Will ye sit on me lap instead?” He opened his arms to the girl and waited, wondering
if she‟d take him up on his offer. She sent an uncertain look toward Lark. When his mate smiled and
nodded encouragingly, the girl crawled into his lap. He pulled the girl close, and she curled up
against his chest. When he inhaled her scent, he frowned.

Seeing his look, she stiffened and started to get down. “Easy, Sara. It‟s okay. Just relax.” At Lark‟s
questioning look, he gave him an imperceptible shake of the head.

Lark frowned, but then asked, “What do you mean about being decided at puberty?” Again he felt the
girl stiffen, so he gently rubbed her back, silently entreating her to settle back against him. Once she
had, he answered. “If the parents are two different species, it‟s decided 90

Alpha’s Prerogative

in the genes. Ye‟ll get signs as they begin to age, but the first shift confirms it. There are no half-
cougar half-elks,” he said with a laugh. “The children will either take after one or the other.” He
grinned. “Once I heard about a bear shifter and a deer shifter mating. They ended up with three kids,
two bears and one deer. So, it‟s really all in the genes the cubs end up with.”

“That‟s amazing! I wonder if I could study blood samples from shifters and see if I could figure out
what determines it!” Declan‟s brow lifted in interest. “I knew ye were a doctor, Lark, but I didn‟t
realize ye specialized in that.” His mate blushed prettily and glanced away.

“I don‟t. It‟s more a hobby.” His eyes brightened. “Oh, there‟s Lisa and Travis.” Declan recognized
the subject change for the evasive tactic it was, but decided to let it go. He‟d revisit the subject later
because having a doctor who could help with shifter diseases would go a long way in aiding not just
his clan, but others around the globe.

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He rose, settling a tired Sara on his hip while Travis helped Lark into the wheelchair. His mate
sighed and rolled his eyes. Frowning, Declan shook his head. “Not a word. If ye expect to enjoy the
zoo for the rest of the day, ye will suffer through the wheelchair. And have ye taken yer 91

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meds this afternoon?”

Lark glared, but shook his head. “Synthia said they were stopping at the café for lunch next, so we can
meet them there, get a bite to eat, and I‟ll take my pills.”

“What‟s wrong with his belly, Alpha?” Sara whispered.

“Ye may call me Declan while out among humans, sweetie,” he murmured back. “And he hurt his
ribs.” He tickled her side, eliciting a laugh from the cub. “Feel these?” he asked, while she giggled
and nodded. “These are yer ribs. He banged them up and they‟re tender.” Nearly five hours later,
Declan pulled the car up to Russell Castro‟s house. On the drive home, Sara had become more and
more quiet, and Declan worried about her home life. As the alpha, it was his task to see to the safety
of everyone in his pack, including the cubs. He decided it was time to look into a certain wolf‟s
background. He left Lark in the car and walked the girl up to the door.

She opened the door and stepped inside.

“Thank you, Declan.”

Her whisper barely reached him. “Wait. I‟d like to talk to yer father, sweetie. Let‟s see if we can
find him, aye?” he said, stepping into the home.

The smell of sweat and beer hit his nostrils, and he 92

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had to force back a cringe. Did the man not know how to clean?

They found a note on the table telling Sara that there was ramen noodles in the pantry and to do the
laundry. Declan frowned. “I don‟t feel right leaving ye home alone, Sara. I‟m going to tell yer father
to pick ye up at me place. Why don‟t ye pack an overnight bag, just in case?” He knew from the
stricken look on her face that Sara wanted to refuse, but he just smiled and waited for her to comply.
Finally, she left the room and did as she was told. Pulling out his cell phone, he called Carson.

“Carson here,” his enforcer‟s deep voice greeted.

“Aye, it‟s Declan. Do ye have a cell phone number for Russell Castro?”

“Let me check.”

He heard some papers shuffling in the background before Carson returned to the phone.

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“Yeah, I got one.” After the man rattled it off, he asked, “Is there a problem?”

“Maybe. Do ye know who Russell‟s mate was?” The wolf had showed up eight months ago with a
daughter in tow, which was the only reason Declan had agreed to let the wolf into his pack.

“There may be something in my files. Let me get back to you.”

“Thank you.” After hanging up, Declan dialed 93

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the number.

It rang four times before Russell answered gruffly, “Yeah.”

“Hello, Russell. This is Declan. I‟m glad I caught you.” He waited a beat, smirking and wondering
how the son-of-a-bitch would respond.

“Alpha? What can I do for you?”

“I went with the cubs to the zoo today and was running a few of them home. Look, I don‟t feel right
about leaving Sara by herself, so I‟m going to take her home with me. When ye get done there, swing
by me cabin and pick her up.” There was a long pause on the other end of the line. If his wolf hearing
hadn‟t picked up Russell‟s breathing, he would have wondered if the line had disconnected.

“You don‟t need to do that, Alpha. I work swing shifts, so Sara is used to being home alone.”

“Oh, aye? She mentioned it‟s no big deal, but, well, I‟m a bit old fashioned, ye see.” He couldn‟t
keep the grin off his face and hoped the other wolf didn‟t think he was laughing at him. “But since ye
work a swing shift and probably won‟t be done until late, why don‟t ye just pick her up in the
morning. I have spare rooms, so don‟t ye worry none. Just give me a ring before ye‟re on yer way
and I‟ll have her ready.” His tone broached no argument and the other wolf knew it. This wasn‟t a
request. It was an order from his alpha.


Alpha’s Prerogative

“Yes, Alpha. I‟m sorry she‟s been such a bother to you,” Russell practically growled.

“Oh, „tis no bother at all. I‟ll see ye tomorrow.” Declan hung up his phone without giving the other
wolf a chance to reply. He turned around to find Sara standing behind him, her big brown eyes staring
at him, her small hands clutching a backpack in front of her. “How old are ye, Sara?” he asked

“Nearly twelve,” she whispered.

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He gave her a nod and then swept a hand toward the door. “After you, sweetie.” Once he reached the
car, he helped her settle again in the back and slid into the driver‟s seat. He smiled at Lark.
“Russell‟s at work, so Sara‟s going to stay with us for the night.” He grinned mischievously and said,
“Now, something came up this morning, and I wasn‟t able to get to the grocery store. Is it okay if we
pick something up on the way?” Lark blushed, nodding. “What about Chili‟s?

They have pick-up, and I have the number for the local office in my phone.” He flushed, muttering,

“I love their queso.”

“Sounds fantastic,” Declan said. “Just order me a big steak and I‟m good.”

The man‟s chuckle sent shivers of lust through Declan and his cock, which had been half-hard ever
since the kiss on the bench.

Lark grinned. “You‟re easy.” Realizing what he 95

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said, Lark‟s eyes widened. “I mean—” Declan cut him off by wrapping his free hand around Lark‟s
neck and pulling him in for a quick kiss. “Ye‟re right,” he murmured. “I am, and soon I‟ll show ye
just how easy I can be.” Lark‟s face flushed and he glanced over his shoulder at Sara. “You shouldn‟t
say stuff like that,” he hissed.

Chuckling, Declan released Lark. “Relax, m—

me pretty man. She‟s going to see me holding ye all night, so ye‟d best get over yer shyness.”

“What?” Lark squeaked.

Declan laughed. “Pull out yer phone and order dinner, baby.”


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Chapter Six

ark watched Declan move around the kitchen, L gathering plates, utensils, and drinks. He handed each
to Sara, who brought them over and set the table. He‟d offered to help, but Declan had set him in a
chair and told him not to move. Then he‟d captured Lark‟s mouth in a scorching kiss that still had his
cock hard and his lips tingling.

He shifted, using a hand to adjust his dick to a more comfortable position in his jeans.

Catching the movement, Declan gave him a knowing smirk.

Lark flushed, again cursing his fair skin. What the hell was wrong with him?

Declan set the take out cartons on the table and scooped the food onto each person‟s plate. His brow
lifted when he saw the chicken salad Lark had ordered for Sara. She took it with a smile and dug in.

Lark took his plate of southwestern eggrolls and dipped the first one in ranch. He took a bite, 97

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letting out a quiet moan of appreciation.

Lark blushed again when he saw the heated look Declan leveled at him. Trying to ignore the sexy
man, he ate his food, occasionally shoving his hand into the bag of chips and dipping it in queso.

Damn, that stuff was good.

Declan had just finished his steak when his cell phone chirped. “Declan here. What did ye find,

Lark paused in his eating, wondering what was going on. He lowered his eggroll.

Seeing the action, Declan winked. “That‟s very helpful, Carson. Thank ye.” After hanging up the
phone, he turned to Sara and smiled.

She paused and looked at him, sensing his perusal.

“Have ye started shifting yet, Sara?” Seeing the girl‟s tension ratchet up, Lark rested a hand on
Declan‟s. “Maybe this isn‟t the time.” Declan turned his hand over and threaded his fingers through
Lark‟s, but his gaze didn‟t waver from Sara.

She hunched her shoulders. “I‟m not sure.”

“What do ye mean?” Declan asked, genuinely curious.

“My dad says he saw me do it in my sleep once, but…”

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His brows drew into a frown and Declan rested his free hand next to Sara‟s. His fingers stroked the

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hand holding the fork. “But what, sweetie?”

“He said I was malformed.”

Barely hearing the whisper, Lark held in a gasp.

Damn, that man was a piece of work, calling his daughter‟s beast malformed! Before he could say
anything, Declan‟s hand tightened, warning him to keep silent.

“If it was done in yer sleep, then maybe the shift wasn‟t complete. Why don‟t ye and I go into the
back yard and practice?”

Sara‟s lips tightened and her brown eyes turned to Lark. God, what would Declan do if she couldn‟t
pull it off? Lark couldn‟t believe he‟d hurt the child. The man seemed to have such a big heart, but
how did that translate to his pack?

Realizing he‟d never seen the man be anything but fair, Lark gave Sara an encouraging smile and
nodded once.

“Okay,” Sara murmured.

Half an hour later, Lark walked outside to join Declan and Sara. Declan had sent him inside to get a
blanket while he explained the basics of shifting to the girl. When Lark held out the blanket, Declan
unfolded it and shook it out. “Go ahead and undress, sweetie.” He winked at Lark. “Ye don‟t want to
get stuck in yer clothes.” The girl nodded and, hiding behind the lifted blanket, undressed. “I‟m
done,” she whispered 99

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from the other side.

“Now get down on your hands and knees, and I‟ll lay the blanket over you.” Once done, Declan
pointed at a chair.

Lark sat as Declan knelt beside the girl.

“Now I want ye to relax, sweetie. Just think about yer animal. Can ye feel it moving around inside yer
mind, restless to get out?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Picture her in yer mind. Think about releasing her from the cage of yer body.” Seconds later, Lark‟s

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jaw dropped. Fur began to sprout on Sara‟s arms.

Declan continued to encourage. “That‟s the way. Let her out. Release yer mind to yer animal.” The
fur quickly covered her body. Sara‟s legs lengthened and narrowed. As she grew, the blanket slipped
from her body. Her face elongated and ears enlarged. Horns sprouted on her head, and a short tail

“Oh my God,” Lark whispered.

Sara stiffened.

Declan shot Lark a warning glance. “Easy, sweetie. Ye‟re doing great. Now open yer eyes and see
the world through yer beast‟s eyes for the first time.”

The beast relaxed at his words, and big brown eyes blinked open.

Declan grinned. “Hello, sweetie. Ye‟re 100

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He motioned Lark forward and he came, dropping to his knees in front of the creature. Lark smiled
into Sara‟s large worried eyes. He lifted a hand to brush the soft fur of her nose and cheek.

“You‟re amazing, Sara. Absolutely stunning!”

“Do ye remember yer mother, Sara?” Declan asked.

The animal shook her head.

“I had Carson do some research. Ye‟re a gazelle, Sara. Just like yer mother. Ye‟re kind are very rare
and very special. I‟ll do everything in me power to keep ye safe. Even though ye‟re not a wolf, ye‟re
still part of me pack for as long as ye wish to be.” Lark‟s eyes widened. “Wow!”

“Now, I bet ye‟d really like to stretch yer legs, aye?” Declan said, grinning. “I‟ll shift and we‟ll go

“You won‟t attack her by mistake, will you?” Lark blurted out.

Declan laughed. “Of course not, baby. I‟m completely cognizant, remember?” He wrapped his arms
around Lark and pulled him close. “Go inside and get some rest. We‟ll probably be a couple hours.”

He sighed into Declan‟s mouth when the alpha claimed his lips. Damn, he loved kissing this man.

He wrapped his arms around Declan‟s neck and held on, opening his mouth to accept Declan‟s 101

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invading tongue, tilting his head to follow Declan‟s lead as he deepened the kiss. Gaining confidence,
Lark stroked his hands over Declan‟s scalp, feeling short stubble scrape against his skin.

Declan broke the kiss and grinned. “Hold that thought, darling. I‟ll be back soon.” Releasing him,
Declan grinned largely before stripping and shifting. Thirty seconds later, a large chocolate colored
wolf stood in front of him.

Declan bounced forward and licked Lark‟s face before moving away. It took some encouragement,
but finally Declan had Sara moving and the wolf and gazelle took off into the woods together.

Grinning, he watched their movements until the pair disappeared amidst the pines. Lark turned, still
smiling and headed into the house.

An hour later, the dishes were done, he‟d showered, and now dragged his exhausted body to bed.
After the eventful day, Lark thought he‟d pass right out. Instead, he laid awake, thinking about
everything that had happened that day.

He‟d been sure Declan would ream his ass over the coals for going to the zoo. Instead, he‟d showed
up, understood why Lark had chosen to attend, and made certain he was okay.

He‟d recognized the potential in a lonely little girl and took her under his wing. Declan seemed to see
inside others, assess their motivations and 102

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worth. Assess their souls almost. And he seemed to care for Lark. Declan had devoted his last few
days to watch over him. He took off work and put off pack duties to dote on Lark‟s needs, keeping
him safe, satisfied, and fed. What if the man truly cared for him? The thought made him smile.

Maybe he should take advantage for as long as it lasted.

* * * *

Declan slid into bed, wrapping himself around the warm body of his sleeping mate.

“Holy shit,” Lark hissed, cringing away from Declan.

“I‟m sorry, baby,” he murmured, easing away.

“I didn‟t realize I was so cold.” Lark seemed to hesitate for a second, then, to Declan‟s surprise,
whispered, “Come here and let me warm you up.”

For several seconds, Declan didn‟t move as he tried to understand his mate‟s sudden change of
behavior. Before he could come up with an answer, Lark rolled over, carefully keeping his injured
arm above his head and away from pressure, and wrapped his good arm over Declan‟s chest. His

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mate snuggled against him. He hissed again at Declan‟s cold skin, but didn‟t move away.


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“How‟d it go?”

Relishing in the warmth of Lark‟s skin, and the feel of his mate plastered against him, Declan
murmured his approval and said, “Very well. It took a little coaxing to get Sara to shift back, but
she‟s upstairs sound asleep now.” Declan felt Lark cuddle closer and rub his hand over the smooth
skin of his chest. His muscles relaxed and contracted as Lark‟s fingers danced over them, sending
tingles of arousal through him, warming him faster than he thought possible.

“You‟re a good man. You know that?” Lark murmured.

“Not really, Lark,” Declan replied, suddenly wondering if his mate was completely awake. “I just
look out for the members of me pack.”

“Such an admission,” Lark murmured. “But you‟re wrong.”






contradicting him. Lark leaned onto his elbow, draping his body across Declan‟s larger frame. By the
light of the moon, he saw amusement dance in the blue eyes above him. Lark smiled, and Declan
watched in amazement as Lark leaned down and stroked his tongue slowly over the nipple closest to
him. He couldn‟t stop the growl as tingles danced across his chest. He brought his arms up, sliding
them around Lark as he fought for breath.

He could barely concentrate when Lark started 104

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talking between slow leisurely licks.

“You could have assigned someone else to take care of Sara,” he pointed out. “Instead, you did it
yourself. You found it in your heart to encourage a little girl and help her learn how to shift. You
taught Sara to embrace her animal, something her father has been trying to suppress for her entire

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That’s part of me job as alpha. He wanted to say the words, but couldn‟t get his tongue to work as
Lark grinned down at him. The lust and hunger he saw glittering in his mate‟s eyes took his breath
away. Lark wrapped his lips around his nipple and sucked hard. Declan almost came unglued.

His body bowed underneath the smaller man, and his cock jerked against his stomach, smearing pre-
cum across his abs.

“Lark!” he groaned, trying to warn him with his voice.

The lips around his nipple let go with a pop.

“You have an amazing heart, Declan. One I want to hold for the night.”

“Just the night?” Declan asked, panting quietly as he stared into Lark‟s eyes. A flash of sadness filled
his mate‟s eyes before Lark‟s smile banished it.

“For however long you‟ll tolerate a twink like me?”

Ah, now he understood. His mate wanted him, 105

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but didn‟t think Declan could care for Lark in the long term. How wrong he was, and Declan had
every intention of proving it to him. “Ye‟re not a twink to me, Lark,” Declan whispered before
pulling Lark‟s head down and capturing his lips.

He heard the man moan, and Declan instantly drew back. “Are ye okay?” he asked, worried he‟d hurt
his mate.

Lark grinned. “Never better.”

Before Declan could move, Lark shimmied down his body and wrapped his lips around his cock.
Declan‟s shaft jumped as that hot, wet cavern engulfed him. Lark laved his tongue over the pulsing,
dark skin, tracing the heavy vein running its length. Looking down, he saw his girth stretch his mate‟s
lips to capacity, and Declan groaned, knowing it was the sexiest thing he‟d ever seen.

Lark‟s head bobbed down, burying his nose in Declan‟s pubes. He growled in pleasure and tangled
the fingers of one hand in Lark‟s short, blond hair. “God, Lark. Oh, yeah. Take it.” He felt Lark grin
around his shaft, before opening his throat and swallowing. Feeling the muscles of Lark‟s throat
massage his cock head had his thighs trembling. Lark sucked hard, his cheeks hollowing as he slid
back up Declan‟s dick.

Before Lark could move back down his shaft, knowing he‟d lose his seed in his mate‟s mouth if 106

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he did, Declan wrapped his hands around Lark‟s forearms and drew him upward. Claiming his

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mouth, Declan thrust his tongue inside, sweeping the inside of Lark‟s mouth, tasting, learning the other
man. Lark met him stroke for stroke, rocking his hard cock against Declan‟s hip.

Declan wrenched away from Lark and stared.

His body trembled with desire and need as his small mate stared right back at him. “I‟m going to fuck
ye so hard, Lark. Ye‟ll never want another to fill yer ass,” he promised. Just the idea had him
growling his words.

“Yes,” Lark whispered.

Declan saw his lust mirrored in his pretty mate‟s eyes.

“I want that, too.”

Declan carefully shifted Lark to his side, positioning his back to Declan‟s chest and his broken wrist
out of the way. Must not hurt him—

Declan moved Lark‟s top leg forward and piled pillows underneath it, opening Lark‟s legs and
exposing his hole. For a second, Declan stopped and stared at his mate, so beautifully displayed for
him. His wolf howled, spurring him to get a move on. He leaned backward and felt inside the
nightstand drawer for lube, pulling out the cobwebbed tube.

He poured a large amount onto his fingers, smoothing the liquid around, warming it quickly.


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Reaching down, Declan‟s fingers teased Lark‟s opening. His mate whimpered and pushed back into
his probing fingers.

“Relax,” Declan whispered.

“Please, Declan. I ache,” Lark panted.

Declan grinned, loving the need he heard in his mate‟s pleading voice. He felt Lark‟s body vibrate,
and Declan could hold back no longer. He pushed a lubed finger inside Lark‟s hole and heard Lark‟s
strangled cry. He paused for half a second, but Lark shoved back, impaling himself further on the
digit. Leaning over his mate, he placed open mouth kisses over Lark‟s neck as he slid his finger out
and quickly back in.

“Oh, God yes,” Lark murmured, rocking back and forth on Declan‟s finger, impaling himself again
and again.

“Ye‟re so sexy, Lark. Love how ye sound and smell.” Hell, he just plain loved this man, but Declan
didn‟t think Lark would appreciate that revelation during the heights of passion. Declan shoved a

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second finger in alongside the first, vowing to explain everything to Lark in the morning.

Lark rocked his hips, crying out, “More. Please!

I need…”

Declan brushed a knuckle across Lark‟s prostate, causing him to let out a hoarse cry.

“Oh my God, Declan. Yes!”


Alpha’s Prerogative

Declan smiled, his dick jerking at the sound of his name on Lark‟s lips. Fuck, he had a noisy mate! He
nibbled his way up Lark‟s neck and around to the sensitive skin behind Lark‟s ear while sliding a
third finger into Lark‟s ass, stretching that pretty hole wide open. Declan stroked Lark with his
fingers, nailing his prostate on every third stroke, loving the way Lark shivered and thrust back onto
his fingers, riding him shamelessly.

“Now. Declan, now. I need your cock. Please, Declan. Fuck me now.”

With how vocal Lark was, Declan doubted his mate could stop the words, a string of pleas and
whimpers, even if he‟d been aware of it. And Declan certainly didn‟t want him to. He loved what
Lark‟s breathy cries did to his cock, making pre-cum leak from the tip as it strained toward it‟s mate,
almost with a mind of its own.

“I‟m right here, me sexy little man,” Declan whispered into Lark‟s ear before latching onto the lobe.
Lark whimpered, his fingers clutching the sheet in front of him when Declan pulled his fingers from
Lark‟s ass. Declan nudged his cock head against Lark‟s stretched hole, quickly replacing his fingers.
“Are ye ready for me, Lark?

Are ye ready for me shaft to split ye wide open?” Lark moaned, practically shaking with need.

“Fuck, yes. Take me, Declan. Make me yours.


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Pound my ass!”

A growl erupted from Declan‟s throat at Lark‟s words. His wolf took them as consent to claim, and
he latched his jaws around Lark‟s shoulder.

His canines tingled, threatening to drop, and Declan began a series of slow steady breathes as he
thrust the head of his cock forward, popping through Lark‟s first ring of muscle.

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“Declan,” Lark groaned, trying to shove back against his dick when he stopped. “Please!” Struggling
for control, he forced his jaw to loosen the grip on Lark‟s shoulder, but his arm around Lark‟s waist
seemed to tighten of its own accord. Slowly, oh so slowly, Declan shoved his cock forward in one,
long, smooth glide. “Fuck, Lark. Yer so tight. I love how ye squeeze me dick.

Yer body was made for me. So warm. So snug.” Now it was his turn to murmur incoherently, his one
goal was to allow Lark time to adjust to his girth.

“Move, God damn it,” Lark growled. “Fuck me!”

Declan let out a strangled laugh, and he obeyed. He slid out and thrust back in, repeating the move
again and again. The grip Lark‟s ass had on his prick quickly went to his head, and he gained speed
with each stroke until he slammed into Lark‟s hole with enough force to move him across the bed if
Declan hadn‟t had a firm hold 110

Alpha’s Prerogative

around his hips.

Declan knew he wouldn‟t last. Lark‟s ass felt far too good, massaging his dick with each pull out and
then sucking him greedily back in. His balls pulled tight to his body, sending tingles up and down his
spine, heralding his orgasm, regardless of how he fought to stave it off. Declan felt Lark move his
hand more than he saw it, his mate reaching for his own dick. Declan batted it away and wrapped his
large hand around his mate‟s stiff shaft, squeezing tightly. His pounding rhythm had Lark‟s prick
sliding through his fist.

He ran his thumb over the head, scooping up the pre-cum oozing from the slit and using it to ease his


“Yer mine, Lark. All mine,” he growled.

“Yes,” Lark howled. “Yours. All yours.” Lark‟s words destroyed his fragile control over his wolf.
Declan wrapped his jaw back around the point of Lark‟s shoulder. His canines lengthened, and he bit.
The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. Internally, his wolf howled in triumph.

The dick in his hand pulsed, shooting hot seed over his fingers. Lark shouted Declan‟s name as his
ass tightened around his cock, and Declan exploded, showering his mate‟s rectum with stream after
stream of seed.

His body trembled. His wolf relaxed, finally 111

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satisfied. As Declan regained awareness, he realized, though his canines had retracted, he still
gripped Lark‟s shoulder in his jaws. Slowly, he eased his mouth away and licked the claiming mark

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closed. Lark murmured happily as Declan‟s tongue stroked over the closing wound.

“Wow,” Lark whispered.

“Aye,” Declan replied, happy to hear the languid satisfaction in his mate‟s voice. True, he had some
explaining to do tomorrow, but he felt certain he could get his mate to understand. He had asked to be
claimed, after all. “Be right back,” he said, rising from the bed and crossing to the bathroom. After
cleaning himself up, he washed the cloth and took it back to Lark. He found his mate dozing.

When Declan gently cleaned him up, Lark leaned over and kissed him deeply. Declan welcomed the
interruption, meeting Lark‟s tongue thrust for thrust, loving the man‟s spicy taste.

“Ye‟ve made me the happiest wolf alive, sexy man,” Declan whispered, before capturing Lark‟s
mouth again and giving him a soul-crushing kiss.

When it broke, Declan smiled, unable to hide the joy and contentment he felt at finally claiming his

“Good,” Lark murmured. “I like being your sexy man.”

When Lark blushed, Declan realized he 112

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probably hadn‟t meant to say that out loud, but Declan felt grateful for the man‟s slip of the tongue.
“Good, because I‟ve finally found me home,” he admitted. Declan knew he‟d surprised Lark, but
pleased him as well, if the smile was any indicator.

Declan pulled Lark back against him again, his half-hard cock settling in the crack of his mate‟s ass.
“God, ye‟re sexy,” he murmured into the skin under Lark‟s ear. “I love touching ye, having ye close.”

Lark snuggled against him, pulling Declan‟s arms closer around his lover. Damn, that sounded nice,
Declan decided. He liked thinking of Lark as his lover, his mate, his lover, and in time, hopefully his
love and friend.

“Any time, handsome,” Lark murmured. “Any time.”

Declan smiled, snuggling his face into Lark‟s neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in his mate‟s scent and
whispering, “I‟ll hold ye to that.” 113

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Chapter Seven

ark woke to the doorbell ringing. Frowning, he L tried to gather his thoughts. Turning his head, he
looked at the clock. Eight in the morning. Who the hell— The bedroom door swung slowly open and
he spotted Sara standing uncertainly in the doorway.

Sitting up slowly, hiding his grimace of pain at the soreness in his ribs and ass, he smiled. “Hey,
Sara. How are you, darling? Did you have a good run last night?”

Heartened, she bounded toward the bed.

Before she could pounce, he patted the side of the bed and chuckled. “Climb up here, but be careful.
My ribs still hurt a bit.”

“Thank you for having me, Lark,” she murmured.

“Of course, Sara,” Lark said. “I enjoyed having you here.” The doorbell sounded again and Lark
groaned. “Guess I better get that, huh?”

“It‟s my dad,” Sara whispered.


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He heard the fear in her voice loud and clear.

“I‟m sorry you have to go, sweetie. But you‟ll be back here for the full moon run in a week, right?”
He‟d never been to one himself, but Travis and Rainy had told him that the entire pack gathered at
Declan‟s every full moon to run and play together. They‟d said it was quite the party. Now that he
seemed to be dating Declan, Lark wondered if he‟d be invited.

“Dad‟s never let me come before,” she admitted, sliding off the bed when the doorbell sounded

Wrapping the blanket around him, Lark eased off the bed and reached for his jeans. Just because
shifters didn‟t care about nudity didn‟t mean he planned to start flashing everyone, especially kids.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Sara turn away, obviously picking up on his discomfort. He
smiled. “Well, now that you can shift,” he said, tugging the jeans on, “I‟m sure Declan will make
certain your father knows to bring you.”

“He can do that?”

His heart nearly broke at the hope he heard in Sara‟s voice. After pulling on a shirt, he reached for
her and gave her a hug. “Of course, sweetie.”

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The whispered word had him releasing her. He forced a confused smile. “For what?” Sara smiled
back at him. “For mating with 115

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His face burned. She knew they‟d fucked? Had they woken her last night? Then it dawned on him.
Damn shifter noses. She could probably still smell Declan‟s scent on him. “Uh…thanks,” he
muttered. “Where is Declan, anyway?” he asked, heading slowly toward the door.

“He left a note on the refrigerator saying he was getting breakfast.”

“Oh. That‟s nice of him.” He paused at the door and frowned. “Was your father expected?” Sara

Suppressing a groan, Lark pulled the door open.

“It‟s about time,” Russell grumbled, glaring at Lark. “Get your bag, Sara.”

While Sara scurried to obey, Lark invited the belligerent man in. “Can I get you some coffee?” As he
passed, Russell grabbed his arm and jerked him close. “What the fuck?” Lark snapped, trying to
wrench away.

“Hell, no! It‟s not true!”

Lark glared. “What the hell is your problem?

Let go!”

“What‟d you promise him, you little shit? Are you that good at sucking cock?” Realization had his
eyes widening before he growled out, “My relationship with Declan is none of your concern.” The
man‟s sneer chilled 116

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Lark to the bone.

“That‟s where you‟re wrong, little human.

Everything the alpha does is pack business. There are wolves in the pack that won‟t accept your
mating with Declan.” The man pulled him close, bending over him, his nose inches from Lark‟s. “I
can‟t wait for the shit to hit the fan, because Declan will be finished.”

Lark‟s eyes narrowed as he stared up at the other man. Mating? What the hell did that mean?

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A vague memory of Declan sinking his canines into Lark‟s neck while he fucked him came to mind,
and then Sara‟s congratulations. Oh, fuck.

He‟d told Declan to make him his. Words spoken in the heat of the moment, and Declan had taken
them literally. Declan had made Lark his. Lark was his mate! No wonder the man had spent the last
few days caring for him. It was Declan‟s duty!

How could Lark have been so stupid, so blind?

Anger heated his blood, blocking out his usual common sense.

Lark saw the burning hatred in Russell‟s eyes.

Smiling slowly, Lark leaned closer, his lips a hair‟s breadth from Russell‟s ear. “Admit it, big boy.

You‟re just jealous. You wish you could shove your tiny cock into my tight, sexy ass,” he whispered,
lashing out at the only man near.

On hindsight, Lark knew that probably wasn‟t the smartest thing to say. The massive fist against 117

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the side of his head reinforced that fact. He went down like a ton of bricks. His head slammed into the
table by the door, agony exploding behind his eyes. He still tried to twist off his left side, but pain
shooting up through his broken wrist told him he‟d failed. His vision dimmed, and he struggled to
breathe through the pain.

He heard screaming and shouting. Sara called his name, but he couldn‟t seem to get his mouth to
answer her. Seconds later, through star-speckled vision, he saw a crying Sara being dragged from the
house. He tried to roll to his knees, intending to go after them, but the slamming door echoed through
his already pounding head and he grimaced. “Fuck,” he groaned.

He wasn‟t sure how long he lay there, but when the door swung back open, call him a coward, but
Lark wanted to hide just in case it was Russell coming back to finish what he‟d started.

“Shit, Lark! What happened?”

Strong arms wrapped around his waist and helped him to his feet. He pried his eyes open and forced
a grin. “Hey, Rainy. What are you doing here?”

“Damn it, don‟t hand me that shit. Why are ye trying to bluff me? We play poker together, remember?
Now what the fuck happened?” Lark sighed and eased onto the couch. A second later, Travis
appeared with a steaming 118

Alpha’s Prerogative

mug of coffee. He took it gratefully, relieved to find his hand wasn‟t trembling. “Sara stayed the night

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with us. Russell was just here to pick her up.

He started spouting things about how Declan fucking me would tear the pack apart.” Rainy growled
low in his throat. “Are ye telling me that after he recognized ye are Declan‟s mate, he still hitcha?”
Rainy shook his head.

Lark grimaced. “I may have said something to antagonize him.” Then he frowned. “You knew I was
Declan‟s mate, too? Why the hell didn‟t you say anything?”

Rainy shook his head. “Well he‟s still a fucking idiot. When Declan finds out, he‟ll kill him.” His
patience snapped. Slamming the half-full cup of coffee onto the end table, ignoring the mess as some
sloshed over the sides, Lark shoved to his feet. Ignoring the spots still clouding his vision, he yelled,
“I don‟t give a rat‟s ass about Russell. I‟m mated to a damn shifter and no one bothered to tell me
about it.”

Rainy took a step back, his eyes growing wide.

Travis shook his head. “I warned you, Rainy.

You told me you‟d speak to Declan. Let him know that keeping secrets wasn‟t wise.” He crossed his
arms and lifted a brow. “Let me guess, you never got around to it?”

Rainy cringed. “No, I just couldn‟t figure out how to tell me alpha that he was making a 119

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“Well, now you can tell your alpha that I‟ve gone home!” Lark shouted. Okay, so it was nice to be
wanted, needed even, but that didn‟t give them all cause to lie, even if it was just a lie of omission.

Ignoring the pain infusing just about every part of his body from the waist up, Lark strode to the
bedroom, grabbed his bag and started tossing clothes inside. If he was lucky, he could get out of here
before Declan returned. He needed time and space to think.

Ignoring Rainy‟s protests, he tossed the bag over his shoulder and headed out of the house.

Never had he felt more grateful that Travis and Rainy had dropped his car off from the zoo last night.
When Rainy reached for him, Travis grabbed his mate‟s arm and held him back.

Travis said, “Rainy, stop. This is something Declan needs to fix.”

Lark slammed his car door. Damn straight!

* * * *

He noticed Lark‟s missing vehicle first. Declan frowned at the empty parking spot. Then he spotted

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Rainy‟s truck. He swung out of his SUV, worry quickening his steps. He‟d run into Carson at the
bakery, and his enforcer had filled him in on some disturbing information regarding Russell 120

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Castro. When he‟d realized he‟d been gone for almost an hour, he‟d hurried back, eager to discuss
the information with Lark Walking inside, he found Travis on his knees in the foyer, mopping. A
bitter, metallic scent hit his nostrils. Blood. Panic had him grabbing Travis by the shoulders and
lifting the human to his feet.

“Why do I smell blood? Where‟s Lark?” Please, please, don’t let him be at the hospital again!

“Lark‟s fine, sort of. He‟s not here.” Travis spoke slowly, as if the veterinarian soothed a distraught
animal, which wasn‟t that far off.

He rested his hands on top of Declan‟s and peeled them carefully off him.

“Declan, you need to sit down so we can explain.”

Knowing he wasn‟t going to like it, Declan nodded. He felt out of control. Not a good feeling, and
one as alpha, he wasn‟t familiar with. Declan let Travis lead him to the living room and he sank onto
the couch. He rubbed a hand over his shaved scalp and watched Rainy join Travis on the coffee table
in front of him.

After handing Declan a cup of coffee, Rainy said, “Ye claimed Lark last night.” Declan felt his face
heat. Not truly wanting to talk about his and Lark‟s sex life, he just nodded.

Travis exchanged a look with Rainy before saying, “But you didn‟t tell him what it meant.” 121

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Embarrassment filled Declan, and he shook his head. “In the heat of the moment,” he whispered,

“Lark asked me to make him mine. Me wolf responded to me mate‟s request and instinct took over. I
planned to explain this morning over breakfast, but got held up at the bakery.” Declan searched
Travis‟s worried eyes before seeing Rainy‟s understanding look. “What happened?” Rainy cleared
his throat. “We‟re not sure of everything, but when we got here, we found Lark on the floor. He‟d
been hit upside the head and when he fell, knocked his head on the table in the foyer. The most we
could get out of him was that Russell Castro came, picked up Sara, and made some snide comments
about ye taking Lark as mate.”

“Lark said something back, and Russell hit him,” Travis murmured.

Anger swept through Declan, but before he could jump off the sofa, Travis snapped his fingers to
regain his attention.

“He was far more angry about no one telling him he was your mate than he was about getting hit. You

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need to talk to him. Explain why you didn‟t say anything.”

Travis looked at Rainy, and the man grimaced.

“What?” Declan asked.

“He‟s been manipulated by boyfriends in the past.” Rainy sighed. “I‟m sorry, Alpha, but ye 122

Alpha’s Prerogative

have some ground to make up this time.” Declan made it to his feet before Rainy reached out and
grabbed his wrist.

“Give him an hour or so to calm down. Let him think things through a bit. He‟s a good man, and he‟ll
understand. Just be honest.” Swallowing hard, he nodded. Fuck. He wanted to scream, but instead he
paced. Everything had been going so well. His mate had wanted him, wanted to be claimed. Sure, the
words were said in the midst of passion, but he‟d been smelling his mate‟s arousal for days. Lark
wanted him. And Declan wanted Lark. Aye, his little mate had been fighting it, but they‟d made such
progress yesterday.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to do something about Sara first. He pulled out his phone and hit a

“Alpha, is everything okay?”

Hell no, it wasn‟t, but Declan‟s problems with Lark weren‟t Carson‟s concern. Besides, Declan
knew Carson only asked that because they‟d just talked. “I need ye to go to Russell Castro‟s house
and fetch Sara.”

“His daughter?”

He grimaced. “Aye, that‟s right. His daughter.

She‟s not to stay with him anymore. Bring her here.”

“Do I need to bring him, too?”


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“No. Not at this time,” Declan decided. If he saw the man now, Declan knew he‟d kill him.

“But ye will need to watch him. Now that he knows about me mate, I‟m certain he‟ll start trouble.”
His doorbell rang. “In fact, it may already be here.”

“Alpha? Do you need me there?”

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“No. Rainy and Travis are here. Get Sara first.

That will be soon enough for you to get here.” He hung up the phone and strode to the door.

Wrenching it open, his jaw dropped.

Lark slammed his good fist into Declan‟s jaw, driving him back a step. “Damn you, Declan. You
lying sack of shit! How could you do this to me?” he screeched.

In a glance, Declan took in the red eyes, wild hair, and rumpled clothes. Fuck! His little man was
hurting, and it was all his fault. Declan stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Lark, pulling
him against his chest.

Lark wriggled and cussed, trying to get away.

He held onto his mate, pulling him into the house and shutting the door. Leaning his back against it,
Declan leaned his head against the door, closed his eyes, and waited, letting Lark scream himself out.
Declan deserved every name Lark called him.

Finally, Lark stopped and stood stiff in his arms. “Yer right, Lark,” Declan whispered, finally 124

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meeting Lark‟s angry gaze. “I am an ass. I was so excited to find ye, after nearly a century of
searching, but so afraid ye‟d leave if I didn‟t let ye get to know me first. I manipulated ye just like
others have, but I never meant to.” Declan closed his eyes again, forcing back moisture. “God, I never
meant to. I wanted ye so much, ever since I saw ye at Cliff‟s, but I‟ve never been in a relationship,
Lark. I don‟t know what to do.” He felt his grip tighten and the tears escaped as he shared his fears.
For several long, agonizing seconds, Lark remained silent and still in his arms.

He whispered, “You remember me from Cliff‟s?”

“Oh, God yes, baby,” he easily admitted. “Yer scent had me dick so hard I had to wait almost ten
minutes before going in to talk with Rainy and Travis. I looked for ye when I came back out, but ye
were already gone.” Knowing he needed total truth with his mate now, he murmured, “I didn‟t
understand me reaction at the time, but when I saw ye at the BBQ, I finally understood. Ye‟re me
fated mate, Lark. And every moment I spent with ye, I fell more and more in love with ye. I love how
ye look after the cubs. How ye put others before yerself. And especially how ye make me feel when
I‟m around ye. I can‟t think of anyone I‟d rather spend the rest of me life with.” Lark lifted his gaze
from Declan‟s chest and 125

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looked up at him. “You love me?”

“With everything that I am, Lark.” Lark smiled. “I love you, too, Declan.” Hope blossomed in his
chest, easing the tension filling him. “Ye do?”

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Nodding, Lark blushed. “It‟s why I was so angry and hurt. The people you love have the greatest
capacity to harm you.”

“I‟ll do me best not to let it happen again,” Declan promised, letting his sincerity show in his eyes.

Lark nodded. “I know.”

“And I am sorry.” His mate‟s grin had his heart lightening.

Lark asked, “For what?”

Before giving in to his desire to kiss his man, Declan grimaced. “For not being here when Russell
came. I asked him to call first, but—” He shrugged. “And I‟m sorry for trying to force meself on ye in
a room full of shifters.” At that, Lark giggled. “Yeah, probably not your finest moment.”

“God, no,” he said, letting out a dry chuckle.

Sobering, he looked down at Lark. “Then ye‟ll forgive me?”

Lark nodded. “Yes. I forgive you, Declan. I‟m sorry for jumping to conclusions and painting you with
the same brush as my exes.”

“Ye had no reason to think differently,” Declan 126

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Lark shook his head. “Maybe not at first, but now I do. You‟ll make a wonderful mate, Declan, just
like you make a wonderful alpha.”

“Then ye‟ll stand by me side?” he asked, hope filling him again.

“Always,” Lark promised.

His grin practically split his face. Declan pulled Lark close, tightening his hold around him.

Lark tapped his forearm. “Easy, stud. Ribs!”

“Sorry, baby,” Declan murmured, easing his grip. He couldn‟t believe it. His mate forgave him,
accepted him and his wolf, his status as alpha, and wanted to stand by his side. Damn, he was a lucky
shifter. He sealed his lips over Lark‟s. A nibble to the succulent bottom lip had his mate eagerly
opening to him. Declan delved his tongue inside, loving his man‟s taste. Seconds later, he pulled
away and buried his nose in Lark‟s neck. “God, I love how ye smell, Lark.”

Lark chuckled. “Well, since some of the scent is from you, I sure hope so.”

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He couldn‟t help but laugh along with his mate.

“So,” Lark murmured, poking him in the ribs.

“Is any of that breakfast left? I was too worked up to eat earlier and I‟m hungry.” After a wink, he
added, “Then you can explain this whole mate thing to me. I only know bits and pieces.” Declan
grinned. “Sounds good. I‟ll tell ye 127

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anything ye want to know.” Declan kept an arm around Lark, unwilling to let go of the man just yet.
Walking into the kitchen, he grinned. “Ye two better have left us some.”

Rainy laughed. “Sure thing, Alpha. Ye bought enough to feed the entire pack!” He slid two plates with
several cinnamon rolls each across the table toward them.

After getting a couple glasses of milk and a cup of coffee for himself, Declan picked up a roll and
studied it. He‟d wanted to surprise his mate with breakfast, instead he‟d left him vulnerable. Lark
shouldn‟t need protection in his own home. He needed to do something about that. Lifting his gaze, he
stared at Rainy and Travis. “Thank ye for helping Lark. It‟s time I did something about that wolf.” He
took a bite, chewing thoughtfully.

Rainy and Travis nodded. Travis tucked his hand into his mate‟s and smiled. “It‟s our pleasure,
Alpha. Lark is a good friend, a good man, and well worth the effort. If there‟s anything either of us
can do, just ask it.” Declan nodded. “And I thank ye for that, too.

For yer loyalty. Ye both have already done so much. I‟m truly grateful.”

Rainy grinned. “And now that we‟ve all become so maudlin, let‟s eat.”

Declan chuckled before shoving the cinnamon roll into his mouth.


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Lark laughed, enjoying his own breakfast.

The doorbell ringing interrupted the chuckling group. Declan shook his head, rubbing a hand over his
brown skull. He looked up and smirked.

“Do me a favor and get the door, Rainy. I‟m eating.”

Rainy chuckled and rose from the table, Travis following.

Declan winked at Lark, who‟d begun to look uneasy. Reaching over, he took his mate‟s hand.

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“Stop worrying, sexy man. All will be fine.”

“Russell said mating with me will destroy you.” Declan shook his head. “No, baby. I‟ll agree that
there will be some in me pack that will have a hard time accepting it, but those truly loyal will back
me.” Lark smiled at him, his blue eyes darkening with warmth and something else. Love.

God, he loved seeing that look on his face.

“I‟ll back you, Declan.”

Declan liked the sound of that, to have someone to rely on, someone to discuss things with, someone
who cared about the pack as much as he did. He especially liked having someone who cared about
him, and not just because he was alpha. And he knew Lark was that man. His desire to give Sara
something better, to give all the children the experience at the zoo, proved that fate knew how to pick

Declan grinned and brought the hand to his 129

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lips. “Aye.” When Lark smiled back, he couldn‟t resist. He pulled Lark onto his lap and wrapped his
arms around the man, latching his palms onto his man‟s ass. Yeah, his man. “All mine, baby,” he
whispered against his mate‟s lips. Then he claimed those same lips, delving deep, exploring the other
man‟s mouth. He rubbed his tongue over Lark‟s teeth, across his tongue, tasting cinnamon roll and
man. His hands tightened on Lark‟s ass. He tasted so good.

Lifting Lark off his lap and onto the table, Declan stood and wrapped his arms around the other man,
inserting himself between his mate‟s legs. Lark moaned as Declan pushed his hard, aching dick
against him. Their shafts bumped and rubbed, sending tingles of pleasure up his spine.

“Oh God, baby. I want ye. I want to shove me shaft into yer tight ass. I want to sink me canines into
yer neck. I want to feel ye spasm around me, and I want to watch yer face as ye come all over me

He stared into the face before him, the eyes so filled with need and lust. He grinned before capturing
Lark‟s lips again. “I love you,” he whispered.

Lark grinned against his lips. “Good,” Lark whispered. “I love you back.”

“Aye,” Declan answered without hesitation, never had he felt so certain. “You, Lark, are me 130

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perfect complement.” He claimed Lark‟s lips again. “Need ye,” he moaned seconds later.

“Here,” Lark gasped.

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His hand found its way between their bodies to the button of Lark‟s jeans. Of course the man would
wear something restrictive. Seconds later, he had the man‟s pants open and Declan wrapped his hand
around Lark‟s hard prick. He loved the silky smooth skin, the blood flushing the white cock head a
deep red hue, so different from his own dark shaft. Lark‟s cock twitched. Declan pumped it slowly,
and Lark moaned into his mouth.

Someone cleared their throat. Declan lifted his head, a growl escaping his throat at the interruption.
His jaw clenched when he saw Shane and Caroline standing just inside the doorway.

Giving Lark one last slow, thorough kiss, he lifted his head to stare at the members of his pack.

“Hello, Shane. Caroline. What can I do for ye this morning?”

“So it‟s true,” Caroline whispered.

Declan lifted a brow, “Did ye think I lied to yer mate?” Once he heard Lark zip his pants, he gave the
man‟s butt a squeeze and released him. He couldn‟t do anything about the erection straining his
slacks, but then, he didn‟t really want to. If they needed proof of his desire for Lark, they‟d certainly
get it. He turned to them, boldly 131

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adjusting his cock in his slacks. Caroline‟s eyes widened and Shane sighed. “What can I help ye
with?” Declan asked again.

He saw the corners of Shane‟s mouth twitch as Lark slid off the table to stand beside him. Shane
shook his head. “I‟m sorry, Declan, but we had a visit from Russell Castro this morning.” He felt
Lark shudder against him. “Bastard,” his mate muttered.

Declan settled his hand on Lark‟s shoulder and squeezed. “Yes, me mate had a run-in with him
already this morning. Did he tell ye about me claiming Lark? Is that what has ye so worked up?”
Shane and Caroline exchanged glances before Shane chuckled. “Congratulations. Both of ye.” He
glanced at his mate, and she laughed, hugging Shane. “From both of us.”

Declan nodded. “Thanks.”

Shane flopped down in a chair and grabbed a cinnamon roll. “So, Russell‟s going to be a problem.”

Declan nodded. “That he will be.”

“Are ye going to bring him in?”

“No. He‟s too much of a bastard to wait long.

Give him a few days, and he‟ll tip his hand.” Declan grinned. “I‟d say I never should have accepted
him into the pack, but then I‟d have never met Sara.”

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“Sara? His daughter?”


Alpha’s Prerogative

Declan grinned at Shane before turning his gaze on Lark. “Aye. And if ye hadn‟t seen her need, I may
not have either of ye.” Oh, he hadn‟t even asked yet. Maybe his mate didn‟t want anyone else in the
house, although he didn‟t seem to care last night. “I should have asked sooner, baby. Do ye mind if
Sara comes to stay with us?” His heart warmed at Lark‟s chuckle.

“Of course not.” Then he pulled away, his brow lifting. “Us? Are you asking me to move in with

Declan shifted his gaze to his laughing beta.

Shane shook his head and stood. “Ye‟re doing everything backward, Declan. Ye fix this mess first,”
he said with a grin. “We‟ll deal with Russell soon enough.” When he reached the doorway, he paused
and glanced back. “Congratulations, and welcome to the pack, Lark.”

Declan grinned at his mate. “See? Those who are loyal—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lark muttered before sliding onto his lap and claiming his lips.

Coming up for air moments later, Declan grinned down at Lark. “And what happened to me sweet,
submissive, mate?”

Lark grinned. “He never existed. Did you ever wonder why my ex-boyfriends hit me? I have quite a
mouth on me.”

“Well, since I‟ll never hit ye, I guess I‟ll have to 133

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come up with another way to silence that sexy mouth.” After another deep kiss, Declan drew away.
“And if I ever meet one of these ex-boyfriends, I‟ll kill them for hurting ye, Lark.” Lark grimaced.
“Then I‟ll be sure to never introduce you. I want you in my bed each night, not in jail.”

Declan chuckled, but his gaze strayed to Rainy and Travis still standing in the doorway.

Something suddenly dawned on him. “What are ye doing here anyway?”

Rainy grinned. “Well, it‟s about bloody time someone asked that.” He laughed. “Travis and I came
over to talk to ye about the rescued shifters.

We still haven‟t been able to get the elk and one of the fox to change, but the two wolves are asking
for sanctuary. They want to be part of the pack.” Nodding, he smiled. “The full moon is less than a

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week and a half away. Will they be well enough to be properly accepted by then?” Rainy nodded.
“They should be.”

“Then ask Carson to run a background check on them. I‟ll be over in a couple days to meet them.” His
gaze fell on his mate. “I mean, we‟ll be over,” he amended with a grin.

Rainy nodded. “And the ones who won‟t shift?” He grinned. “Don‟t get me wrong, it‟s interesting
having an elk in me living room, but she comes with a cougar shifter who refuses to 134

Alpha’s Prerogative


“Maybe a shifter psychologist could help?” Lark said.

Declan lifted a black brow at his mate. Lark rolled his eyes. “Please, when I got shot, they made me
see a psychologist before going back to work. Why wouldn‟t that help them? They may not be able to
talk back, but they can listen. Then once they change, the psychologist would be able to help them
reenter normal society…or whatever you shifters consider normal.”

Declan chuckled. “Not a bad idea. Rainy, talk to Shane and Carson. See if anyone knows a shifter


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Chapter Eight

efore Rainy and Travis made it to the door, B Carson arrived with Sara. Lark spotted the swelling on
the girl‟s cheek and his blood boiled.

He gave Declan a kiss, took the bag Carson carried, and led the girl upstairs. Once they reached the
bedroom, Sara turned and wrapped her arms around Lark. He grunted in surprise, but wouldn‟t let her
retreat, regardless of the pain to his ribs.

Smoothing a hand over her hair, he smiled down at her. “I know Declan didn‟t ask, but are you okay
with staying here?”

Big brown eyes peered up at him. “Will you be here, too?”

“Yes,” Lark said. “I‟ll be here, too. Is that okay?”

Sara smiled up at him. “Yes. I like being with you.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, her eyes turning
questioning. “Are you happy with Declan?”


Alpha’s Prerogative

Lark smiled. “Most of the time,” he answered honestly. “We haven‟t been together long, and we‟re
still getting used to each other, but we do love each other. We‟ll work out our differences, and we
want you with us, Sara.” He grinned down at her surprised expression. “We enjoy having you here.
You‟re a sweet, wonderful girl, a beautiful gazelle, and we look forward to the next full moon when
we can show you off!” His smile firmly fixed in place, he prayed that Declan felt the same way.
Seeing Sara yawn, he helped her into bed. “Have you eaten, sweetie?” When she shook her head, he
slipped downstairs, put several cinnamon rolls on a plate, and filled a glass with milk. While in the
kitchen, he heard Declan talking with Carson about Russell. He noticed Shane had returned as well.

Lark heard them talk of putting the man down, clenched his jaw and headed upstairs, trying not to
think about them plotting someone‟s death, even if it was a dangerous shifter. Some things in this
world would definitely take some getting used to.

Lark handed Sara the plate and sat down beside her.

“Thank you, Lark,” Sara said shyly. She shoved a cinnamon roll into her mouth and chomped it down.
Half an hour later, her eyelids drooping, Sara rested against her pillows.


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Lark smiled and murmured, “I‟ll be downstairs when you wake. Get some rest.”

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Sara nodded, her eyes drifting closed. Ten minutes later, Lark heard slow, even breaths and smiled.

Leaving the room, he returned the plate and glass to the kitchen and found Declan sitting at the dining
room table with a cup of coffee.

“How is she?”

“Sleeping. She‟s been through a lot recently.” Declan rose and stalked toward Lark. “And you? How
are ye, Lark?” he asked, backing him against a wall.

Lark shivered as Declan‟s large, dark body pressed into his. He rubbed his palms across the solid
chest hidden by the black shirt Declan wore.

“I‟d be doing much better if this shirt wasn‟t in the way,” he murmured huskily. “I want to touch you,

“Yer wish is me command, sexy man.” He swept his shirt over his head, then repeated the process
with Lark‟s shirt. Gentle brown fingers swept lightly over the dark bruises marring his chest. Lark
smiled. “They‟re healing.” Declan dropped to his knees to press soft kisses over each bruise.

Lark moaned, enjoying the image of Declan on his knees in front of him as well as the feather-light
touches of his lips on his chest.


Alpha’s Prerogative

Touching Declan‟s head, he smoothed his hands over the man‟s bald pate. “You shaved this
morning,” he murmured absently, loving the feel of Declan‟s scalp.

“Like that, baby?”

“So damn hot,” Lark moaned.

Declan grinned up at him, his fingers moving to the button of Lark‟s jeans. His dick had never gone
all the way soft since the make-out session in the dining room earlier. Now as Declan stroked his
fingers over the denim, his cock re-hardened, pushing against the zipper of his jeans. “Oh, God.” His
zipper clicked as Declan slowly lowered it, freeing his erection.

“Fuck,” Declan hissed. “I love that ye go commando, baby.”

“Yeah,” he panted as Declan‟s tongue took a long slow swipe up the underside of his shaft.

“Was kinda in a hurry this morning.”


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The big man purred against his balls and Lark whimpered. He widened his stance as much as
possible with his jeans around his thighs, and Declan took the hint. He sucked one nut into his mouth
and wrapped a big fist around Lark‟s cock.

A low moan erupted from his throat as Declan‟s cool hand stroked his heated flesh.

Releasing Lark‟s testicle, he tilted the cock he held and laved his tongue over the head. “Oh my 139

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God,” Lark moaned. The feel of Declan‟s tongue sliding across his cock head sent tingles through his
body. The tongue dipped into his slit, and Lark‟s hips bucked. Declan opened his mouth and allowed
him to shove his shaft deep into the man‟s warm, wet mouth. His hands clenched on Declan‟s
shoulder as he scrambled for support.

Declan wrapped his big hands around Lark‟s hips, locking him in place. He sucked hard as he pulled
off Lark‟s cock, sending delicious waves of pleasure throughout Lark‟s body, before sweeping back
down. The heat of Declan‟s mouth was unlike anything Lark had experienced before, although he had
to admit, he normally gave head and wasn‟t on the receiving end. Still, Lark couldn‟t think of
anything that could feel better than Declan‟s tongue as he traced the veins of his dick, or how he
flicked Lark‟s glans, shooting heat through his stomach, chest, and thighs. If Declan weren‟t holding
his hips, Lark just knew he‟d have melted into a puddle already. Tilting his head and resting it on the
wall, he closed his eyes and moaned. His balls drew tight and he tried to thrust his hips, but Declan
held him in place.

Sensing his orgasm‟s approach, Declan lessened the pull on his cock. He kept just the head in his
mouth, laving the glans with his tongue and sucking lightly. Declan grasped Lark‟s balls, pulling them
away from his body, easing his 140

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impending climax. Lark panted, soft cries escaping his throat. His body burned. His shaft ached. His
thighs trembled.

Declan licked his way up Lark‟s body to latch onto his lips. One hand wrapped around his cock,
continuing to massage it slowly, with just enough pressure to keep him on the edge. Declan‟s other
hand squeezed his ass, his fingertips stroking deeper and deeper into his crack. His over-sensitized
body couldn‟t decide whether to rock forward into the grip on his cock or push back into the fingers
caressing his ass.

Sensing his indecision, Declan laved the tendons of his neck, right where he‟d bitten the night before.
Lark tilted his head and moaned, giving his mate more room.

“Are ye ready for me to sink me cock into yer ass, mate?” he murmured against his neck.

The hair at the nape of his neck stood on end, and his cock twitched in Declan‟s hand at the image.
“Yessss,” he hissed. “Please, fuck me.” Suddenly Declan‟s hands were gone from around him. Oh,

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God, did he say the wrong thing?

He opened his eyes and saw Declan leaning close, his hands on either side of his head. “Get in the
bedroom, mate.”

The low growl in the voice sent shivers up his spine. Biting back a whimper, Lark scurried to obey.
As soon as he hit the bedroom, he shed his 141

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shoes, socks, and jeans. He grabbed the tube of lube from the bedside table and crawled onto the bed.
Popping the cap, he slathered two fingers with slick. Lark reached behind him and shoved two fingers
into his ass. He sighed, relishing the stretch and burn. Slicking his hole, he pumped his fingers in and
out and moaned. Shit, he was so close. His balls tightened against his body, heralding his impending

A hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping his movements, and he cried out in frustration.

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Declan‟s aroused smile.

“Started without me, I see. Finish what ye‟re doing, but don‟t come.”

Panting several breathes, Lark nodded eagerly.

He bit his lip and then made quick work of stretching his ass. When he finished, he dropped his head
to his forearms, presenting himself for Declan. A low growl sounded behind him before he was
unceremoniously flipped to his back.

“Not this time, sexy man. I want to see yer face when I bury me shaft inside you.”

“Yes,” Lark replied, breathless at the sight of Declan‟s unbridled lust. “Now. Please, now.”

“Now,” Declan promised, inserting himself between Lark‟s legs.

He propped a pillow under Lark‟s hips and slathered a good amount of lube on his cock.


Alpha’s Prerogative

Never taking his eyes off Lark‟s, he pushed. Lark moaned when Declan‟s cockhead popped inside his
first ring. He felt his greedy ass sucking in the man‟s big, brown dick as he pushed further inside.

Once fully seated, he could feel Declan‟s balls rub against him and grinned. “Fuck, yeah. So full. I
love how your cock fills me.”

Declan leaned forward, his lips a breath away from Lark‟s. “And I love filling it. Ye‟re mine, Lark.

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Me mate. All mine.”

“Yes,” Lark hissed as Declan slowly pulled his shaft out until just the head remained inside him.

“All yours.” Then his gaze focused on the blown pupils of the man above him. “And you‟re mine,

Declan gave a hoarse yell, his features twisting into a look of joy as he grinned at Lark. “Aye.” And
then he was reaming Lark‟s ass, pounding into him again and again. Declan latched onto Lark‟s hips
so hard, he knew he‟d have bruises later. He raised his good hand and pressed it flat against the
headboard, so he didn‟t slide forward with Declan‟s thrusts. Wrapping his legs around Declan‟s
waist, he lifted his hips and met Declan thrust for thrust. A cry erupted from his throat when Declan
pegged his prostate. Declan‟s grin turned feral and he began to peg his gland with each stroke. Lark‟s
cock bobbed. His balls tightened to near pain. Suddenly, Declan lunged 143

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forward and latched his mouth around Lark‟s neck. The pain of Declan‟s canines piercing his flesh
morphed almost instantly into pleasure. The zing zipped through his system, hitting his cock and balls,
and he erupted, shouting Declan‟s name.

Warmth hit his rectum as Declan growled and twitched above him, the man‟s teeth still buried in
Lark‟s neck. Lark wrapped his arms around Declan, holding him close at the big man shivered against
him. Their beating hearts slowed, and Declan slid out of him on a sigh. He flopped down next to Lark
and pulled him close.

Lark grinned. He knew he should get up and grab a cloth to clean them, but he wanted to remain
wrapped up in Declan‟s arms for a while first. His smile still firmly in place, Lark drifted to sleep
with his mate.


Alpha’s Prerogative

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eclan stared out over his pack, watching the D fifty plus members milling around his back yard. Lark
wrapped an arm around his waist and turned up his face for a kiss. Happy to oblige his mate, Declan
sealed his lips over Lark‟s. He flicked out a tongue, delving into his mate‟s mouth and enjoying his

When he started to pull away, Lark held him close. “Your pack is restless tonight.” Declan smiled.
“Then we must remain vigilant,” he whispered back.

He watched Lark smile up at him, though he could see the worry in his mate‟s eyes. From Rainy‟s
mating with Travis, they‟d discovered that the human could end up gaining a gift from the were-
animal‟s claiming. While Travis knew when his mate was close, Lark now had a mild empathic
ability. If someone‟s feelings were strong enough, he could pick up on it. Declan admitted that the gift
would be extremely handy in keeping 145

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contentment in the pack.

Declan signaled Carson, and the big Indian drew the attention of his pack. Silence fell over the filled
clearing. Stepping forward, he grinned. “I‟d like to welcome two new members of the pack today.”
He motioned to a pair of similarly featured blond men, motioning them forward.

Both tilted their heads, baring their necks in submission.

“Thank you, Alpha,” the larger of the two replied.

“Ye are welcome here, Phillip Abernathy.” He shook the younger brother‟s hand and turned to the
smaller blond. “As are ye, Todd Abernathy.

We are honored ye‟ve chosen to stay.” He saw a shiver pass over Todd‟s body, but after a second‟s
hesitation, the smaller, older brother took Declan‟s hand. He‟d had a long conversation with the two
men several days ago, and after the ordeal they‟d gone through, it surprised Declan that they‟d
wanted to remain in the area. While Phillip was recovering nicely, Todd remained extremely skittish.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Todd repeated his brother‟s words, his voice breathy and timid.

He nodded to them both and watched them for several seconds as they moved away. Todd made a
beeline for a large man leaning against a deck railing. Doctor Gordon Digby had arrived 146

Alpha’s Prerogative

yesterday, and already the psychiatrist had met with all the recovering shifters. He‟d even spoken to
the pair that still refused to shift.

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When he‟d picked Gordon up at the airport, he‟d been surprised by his appearance. Most shifters
were toned and muscled, and although Declan had no doubt Gordon had plenty of muscle, the six foot
man carried quite a bit more weight than he‟d ever seen on a shifter. Gordon kept his steel gray hair
shoulder length and tied in a thong at the nape of his neck. The extra weight gave him a baby face
appearance, but his black eyes gleamed with seriousness. But it was the man‟s scent that confused
Declan the most. He couldn‟t place it, and had no idea what kind of shifter Gordon was. He‟d invited
the man on their full moon run, but Gordon had laughed and shook his head, saying, “Thank you, but
no. A run through the trees would not be conducive to my animal.”

Returning his gaze to the moon-lit backyard full of wolves in human form, he grinned. “Tonight we
shift and run as a pack, re-affirming the bond between us all.”

“We‟re done bonding with you, Declan.” Declan turned toward the belligerent speaker.

His lips curled into a smirk as he watched Russell shove his way through the murmuring crowd. Out
of the corner of his eye, Declan saw Sara press 147

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against Lark‟s side. Lark wrapped a protective arm around the girl, but didn‟t take his gaze away
from Russell.

“Is that right, Russell?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. It was about bloody time the man
made his move. Declan had been getting tired of waiting. Only Lark‟s calming presence had kept him
from having Carson haul the wolf‟s ass to him.

“We‟re done accepting you and your fag friends.”

Already disgusted by the man‟s mouth, Declan started stripping. “I see only ye, Russell, standing
there insulting me and a number of other pack members. I could let them have ye, but ye made it
personal when ye struck me mate.” Kicking out of his shoes, he reached for his belt. “I take yer words
as a challenge, Russell. Now shift and face me, or leave pack lands forever.”

Russell let out a growl and whipped his shirt over his head.

Declan grinned. Excellent. Giving himself to his wolf, he dropped to his knees and shifted. He paced
toward the shifting wolf, letting his challenger know he could have ripped his throat out while

Russell bared his fangs and lunged.

Declan dodged to the right, avoiding teeth and claws. Pivoting on his haunches, he swiped at 148

Alpha’s Prerogative

Russell as he passed. He caught the other wolf‟s side and dug in his claws.

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The wolf‟s yelp of pain almost drowned out a shout on the deck. Dividing his attention, he watched a
second wolf launch at Lark and Sara.

His mate shoved the girl away, clearing her of danger. Gordon‟s meaty fist hit the side of the wolf‟s
head before it could land its attack on Lark, sending the other wolf flying sideways. It landed heavily
on the deck, taking out several chairs in its path. A small gray wolf leaped into view, engaging the
quickly rising wolf.

Trusting his enforcer to protect his mate, Declan returned his full attention to Russell just as the wolf
tried to latch his jaws around his neck.

Moving sideways, Russell‟s teeth scraped down his side, and Declan felt the sting. Pivoting on his
haunches, he shoved his shoulder into the other wolf‟s body, latched onto a leg, and yanked his
opponent off his feet. Seconds later, he wrapped his jaws around Russell‟s neck. The wolf went limp
in submission, and Declan growled low in his throat.

His wolf desperately wanted to end Russell‟s life, and Declan‟s body nearly vibrated with the
desire. But knowing pack law required a shifter to give the submitting wolf one last chance, Declan
held his position.

Shane appeared over them. “Russell Castro, ye 149

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are hereby banished. Ye‟ll be escorted to yer home to gather yer things, and then taken to the edge of
pack territory. If ye ever set foot on pack land again, yer life will be forfeit.” Russell‟s eyes flickered
to the deck, and from the corner of his eye, Declan saw Lark pull Sara closer to his side.

Shane shook his head. “No. Yer daughter stays.

Ye‟re not fit to care for her.” The wolf whined softly, but moved his head, baring his neck further and
indicating his acceptance of Shane‟s words.

Slowly, Declan released his hold and backed away from Russell. As Shane commanded Russell to
shift, Declan turned and headed toward the deck. A shout sounded behind him, but before he could
turn, pain flared through his back as a weight landed on top of him. Declan slammed onto his side,
dislodging the traitorous wolf.

Declan launched at the smaller wolf, but the pain made him sluggish. Russell managed to evade him.
He pivoted to face the wolf. Knowing Russell would see the move as weakness, he pinned his ears to
the sides of his head and growled low in his throat. He didn‟t have to wait long. The smaller wolf
rushed him, his jaws snapping.

Declan dropped sideways at the last second and twisted to his back. Ignoring the ache of his 150

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injuries, he reached up with his jaws and caught the soft underside of the pouncing wolf‟s neck.

Before Russell could react, the wolf‟s momentum carried him forward, ripping out part of the
shifter‟s throat. Russell dropped where he landed, blood pouring from the wound.

Rising, Declan crossed to the prone wolf and wrapped his bloody jaws around Russell‟s neck.

The wolf whimpered, but it was far too late for that. Tightening his jaws, Declan jerked his head and
snapped the other shifter‟s neck.

He released the body, threw his head back, and howled his victory to the full moon, but knowing his
work wasn‟t done, he jogged toward the deck.

Spotting Lark, Declan shifted in seconds and wrapped his arms around his mate. His hands ran the
length of Lark‟s body quickly, assuring himself that his mate was unharmed.

“Declan, you‟re bleeding. Let me get the first aid kit,” Lark whispered.

It was then Declan realized his mate wasn‟t hugging him back. Lifting his head, he saw the concern in
Lark‟s eyes and knew he worried about where to rest his hands. “Not yet, love,” he replied. “They‟re
just scratches. I‟ll be fine until after the run.” Seeing Lark‟s disbelieving look, and knowing the man
wanted to force the issue, he squeezed Lark‟s shoulder gently. “I‟ll let ye play doctor when I get
back,” he purred.


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Lark blushed, and after a second‟s hesitation, nodded.

Declan looked over Lark‟s shoulder and spotted the rogue wolf. He recognized Sam Bailey, a recent
addition to the pack. Carson‟s gray wolf stood over the larger brown wolf. He strode toward the
pair, sorry he‟d missed that fight.

Carson may be small in wolf form, but the Native American shifter had to be the craftiest fighter
Declan had ever seen. It was why he‟d made him his enforcer.

“Shift, Sam,” he commanded. Seconds later, a naked black man sprawled across the deck at his feet,
staring up at him. “Explain yerself.” Sam kept his gaze averted and his neck and stomach bared,
proving his submission. “Russell helped me get a job. He convinced me he was the stronger wolf.
I‟m sorry for my mistake.”

“Why did ye go after me mate?”

A shudder passed through the man Carson still stood over. “I…I was ordered to by Russell.”
Declan‟s jaw clenched. He wanted to kick the little shit out of the pack, but knew that wouldn‟t help
the wolf in front of him. He felt Lark‟s hand on his arm and moved his gaze to his mate. The young

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man‟s expressive blue eyes told him everything he needed to know. “I‟ll not kick ye out of the pack
for being conned by Russell, Sam, but I hope ye will use better judgment in the 152

Alpha’s Prerogative

future. Tradition calls for punishment by whipping, but the kind of whip I‟ll leave up to you. You can
accept thirty lashes from the standard, leather cat-o-nine tails. Or ye can endure five lashes from a
silver tipped whip.” He saw Sam‟s face pale, but the man nodded.

Although touching silver wouldn‟t hurt a shifter like in werewolf myths, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch
when lodged in cuts. It also slowed down a shifter‟s healing time, since the body first had to expel it.
Declan was asking Sam to decide if he wanted more pain now with a quicker heal time, or less pain
and a longer heal time. Not an easy decision.

“Come back here tomorrow evening at nine to tell me yer choice and accept yer punishment,” he
added quietly, his gaze boring into the other man‟s. “And if ye don‟t show, then I will be forced to
exile you,” he warned. After getting another nod from Sam, and the gleam of resolve appeared in the
shifter‟s eyes, Declan turned to Gordon.

He held out a hand to the large man. “Thank ye. I owe ye one. If ye ever need anything, just ask.”

The big man lifted a brow, a small smile curving his lips.

Declan pulled Lark back into the circle of his arms and kissed him deeply. When the hoots and
whistles started, he released his lover‟s lips. “We‟ll 153

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finish this later,” he promised.

Grinning at his pack, the light of the full moon shining on his face, Declan yelled, “Let‟s run!” 154

About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her handsome, supportive husband. She started writing
fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at nineteen, she realized
her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, often of the paranormal variety, with
heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or
glass of wine, creating her next story, which could pair a sexy hero with an adventurous heroine… or
maybe with another handsome hero. Charlie enjoys horseback riding, jump lessons with Apache,
watching movies with her husband, and listening to her muse tell her about her next project.




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Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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