Wolves of Stone Ridge 7 Through Dagus s Eyes

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Dagus Whitton is tired of being controlled. After his brother Drake m oved in with his shifter m ate, Dagus had felt a great sense of accom plishm ent from finally living on his own, especially considering his blindness. But that was before

being kidnapped by scientists bent on using him as a bargaining chip against the shifters living in the area. Now he struggles being alone, but hates alway s having som eone watching over him . He’d had his life neatly in hand and j ust wants to get
that feeling of contentm ent back. Discovering a m ate has its pros and cons, and Dagus isn’t certain he’s ready for m ore dram a.

Brad Nadeau never thought he’d find a m ate, since his hom ophobic father filled his head with the belief that Fate didn’t grant them to gay shifters. When his biker gang walks into a gay bar in Colin City for a night of fun, Brad’s world is

turned upside-down. Not only does he find his m ate, but he discovers that the guy is hum an, blind, and already knows about shifters. That should m ake claim ing Dagus easy, right? Except accepting his m ate m eans Brad will have to leave the
only fam ily he’s known for the last thirty -seven y ears, his m otorcy cle gang. When his leader tells him that the gang needs to m ove out in less than forty -eight hours to search for a m issing m em ber, Brad is faced with an im portant choice, and
not m uch tim e to m ake it in. Learning that the local wolf pack is experiencing dangerous unrest due to several m em bers not liking all the other shifter breeds in the area doesn’t m ake his choice any easier. Is Brad ready to face down shifters like
his father to start a whole new life with a m ate he isn’t certain wants his brand of care?

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This book is a work of fiction. Nam es, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s im agination or are used fictitiously . Any resem blance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Through Dagus’s Ey es Copy right © 2012 Charlie Richards ISBN: 978-1-77111-117-1 Cover art by Martine Jardin
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Published by eXtasy Books Look for us online at: www.eXtasy books.com

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Through Dagus’s Eyes Wolves of Stone Ridge: Book Seven
Charlie Richards

To my mother-in-law, Susan, for teaching me the power of unconditional love.

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Chapter One


rad Nadeau swung off the seat of his custom Chopper. As soon as the rumble from his bike

disappeared, he could feel the ground pulse with the beat of the music pouring from the nightclub even
through the closed doors. He locked his helmet into a saddlebag, ran his thick fingers through his
shaggy, sandy locks and then pulled the thick mane into a tiny tail at the base of his neck. He caught
most of it, but a few strands that weren’t quite long enough fluttered into his face, and he shoved them
distractedly behind his ears.
“Let’s go find some ass, boys!”

He turned and grinned at the excited words of one of his friends, Vail Tamang. The wolf shifter

was a notorious playboy and would happily have a different man in his bed every night if their biker
gang ever settled down near a metropolis. As it was, Vail still managed to locate the only available

and some not-so-available

gay man within fifty miles of wherever they stopped for the night.

“What’s the matter, Vail,” razzed Eli Raetz. “Has it been three days since your last fuck?”

Vail laughed as Brad dropped into step next to the others. “No, man. Two days. And that is two days
too long!” he added, slapping Eli on the back.
Eli rolled his eyes, but the grin on his face clearly expressed his amusement. Brad stepped close to
Vail and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Then let’s go see what we can find,” he said, his
deep voice rumbling from his chest.
“Remember where we are, boys.” Kontra’s gravelly voice carried to each of them, and all the men
sobered immediately and nodded.
Kontra, their de-facto leader, was right. They needed to remember they were walking into a nightclub
full of humans. They’d need to be careful not to get too exuberant, use too much strength, or get too
drunk. They didn’t know if there were any other shifters in the area, and although Brad couldn’t
imagine running into any in a gay bar, since all the shifters in the gang had been kicked out of their
respective tribes, prides, etc. for exactly that reason, but stranger things could happen.
He followed his friends into the club, paid the cover charge, impressed that the human at the door
didn’t even blink at the sight of a dozen leather-clad bikers striding into the place. Of course, three of
the bikers weren’t in the traditional black, but in other colors, showing off their orientation in startling
Who would have thought leathers could come in neon green? Brad grinned at Yuma, a penguin shifter
that refused to hide his desire for men, instead flaunting it with all the flamboyance one would expect
of the stereotypical gay man, right down to the eyeliner, lip gloss, and frosted blond tips on his black
While he watched, Yuma’s eyes lit up and the small shifter squealed. “I love this song!” Yuma
grabbed Adam’s hand and pulled. The big tiger shifter laughed and followed Yuma onto the dance
The rest of them wandered to the bar, and Brad didn’t miss the numerous appreciative looks they
received from the men they passed. It looked like they wouldn’t have any trouble finding
companionship for the night, he decided with a smirk. As he stood at the bar, a scent caught his
attention, more rich and potent than any other in the bar. It tantalized his senses and his cock
immediately took notice, turning rock hard in seconds and straining against his leathers. He struggled
to find the direction it came from, but with so many bodies crammed into the place, he couldn’t get a
fix on it.

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Growling in frustration, he glared around the room.
“Brad.” Kontra’s sharp tone caught his attention as the bigger bear stepped directly in front of him.
“What the fuck is the matter with you?”
He wouldn’t have heard the quietly growled question if he weren’t a shifter. It was then that Brad
realized he’d let his canines lengthen and he could feel the tingle along his arms that told him his
polar bear was dangerously close to the surface. He took a deep breath and regained control, then
glanced around to see if anyone else had seen. Fortunately, no one seemed to be paying him any
attention except Kontra and a couple others from his gang.
Brad grimaced and blew a stray lock out of his face. “Shit, I’m sorry. I don’t know what that was
about,” he admitted.
Kontra’s dark eyes pierced him for several seconds, then he turned to address Mutegi. “Order us a
couple whiskey shots, a Guinness for me, and a black wolf on the rocks for Brad. We’re going to find
a table.”
The warthog shifter nodded once and turned away, but not before he saw the concern in the African’s
nearly black eyes. The other shifter knew what Brad realized. Both shots were for him. Kontra
dropped a hand to the small of Brad’s back and guided him through the throngs of men. They spotted a
large booth near the edge of the dance floor. A curled lip and glaring snarl from Kontra had the pair
of men sitting there quickly vacating it. Clearly unnerved, the humans kept a wary eye on them as they
disappeared into the throngs of men. Brad dropped onto the seat, Kontra next to him.
Kontra leaned close and scented him. “You’re running hot there, Brad. Tell me what’s going on,” his
leader ordered.
He frowned and shook his head slowly. “I really don’t know,” he admitted. “There was this scent. It
was absolutely amazing. I—” His hands fisted on the tabletop as he remembered, and he had to
struggle to contain the desire to track down the owner as the memory once more sent a surge of lust
through him.
When he felt in control, he risked a glance at Kontra. To his surprise, the big grizzly was smirking at
him. “What?” he asked, confused.
“You ever think that might have been your mate you scented?”
Brad’s jaw dropped. “But… I didn’t think gay shifters had mates,” he sputtered.
Kontra growled softly. “Who told you that shit? Your old pack?”
Taken aback by his leader’s anger, he dropped his gaze and bared his neck. “My father,” he admitted.
“Fuck, I’d forgotten he’d told you that,” Kontra muttered. Brad felt his leader’s rough fingers settle on
his neck, keeping his grip gentle as he squeezed to get his attention. Brad lifted his head and met
Kontra’s smile. “I know none of us have found our mates, but I still think that’s bullshit.” The other
man’s gaze swept the dance floor. “Maybe we should help you find the source of that smell and we’ll
see if we can’t prove your father wrong, hmm?”
Brad smiled, following Kontra’s example and sweeping his gaze over the men filling the club. “I’d
like that.”
Drinks appeared on the table in front of them and Mutegi and Sam dropped onto the bench across
from them. “Everything all right?” Sam asked.
Giving a quick nod, Brad actually found himself smiling. “Yeah…just, uh, I think I smelled my mate.”
The very idea that his mate could be in the club somewhere sent his pulse racing and excitement
pounding through his veins.
The other two’s eyes widened. “That is great!” Mutegi replied, his accent thickening with his
excitement. Brad knew his fellow shifters would be happy for him, but their excitement actually

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stemmed from what finding his mate meant to them. Hope! It gave them hope that they had mates out
there waiting for them. Well, except for Vail, Brad amended. Every time the conversation of mates
came up around the wolf shifter, he’d laugh and ask why they’d ever want to be tied down to one man.
The rest smiled indulgently, not really understanding the wolf’s reticence.
“Since Brad is the only one who can actually scent the guy, we’re going to keep pretty close to him as
he moves through the crowds. That way if he needs help with anything, a couple of us can step in,”
Kontra told the other two.
Brad and the others knew what his leader wasn’t saying out loud. If he started to lose control of his
bear again, they’d be there to talk him down. He frowned, trying to remember the last time his bear
had pushed that hard to get out. Brad shook his head. He didn’t know.
“We got a problem, boss.” Payson slid to a stop at their table. A high strung hyena shifter, he was the
only one who got away with calling Kontra boss. They all figured the guy had a few screws loose
because it didn’t matter how Kontra threatened him, Payson just laughed wildly and ignored the
warnings. Kontra had finally just accepted the inevitable.
“What is it?” Kontra asked, straightening.
“There are shifters here,” Payson revealed. “A lot of them.”
Sam’s hand tightened around his beer bottle. “Are you sure?”
Although none of them knew all the particulars, Brad knew the scar bisecting Sam’s left cheek was a
constant reminder to the man of other shifters’ bigoted attitudes. “Easy now,” Kontra toned. “They’re
in a gay bar filled with humans, too. There isn’t anything they can do to us here.”
“I’m not leaving without finding my mate!” Brad snarled.
“Drink these,” Kontra ordered gruffly, shoving the two shots of whiskey toward him. Brad growled
but complied. Once done, Kontra handed him the black wolf and after Brad had taken a sip of the
strong mixed drink, he said, “I’m not suggesting we all leave, but those who do want to go can head
out now and meet us at the hotel.”
Although Sam’s grip didn’t ease from where he squeezed his bottle of beer, he shook his head. “I
refuse to leave anyone behind.”
Mutegi was a lot calmer when he, too, nodded.
Kontra smiled slightly at their reactions and nodded, then looked at Payson. “Spread the word to the
rest of the guys that there are other shifters here. They can stay or go, but only if they leave in pairs or
more. I don’t want anyone alone.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Payson went to leave, but Kontra gripped his arm. “Can you point them out from here?”
The hyena shook his head. “No, but if you walk around to the other side of the dance floor, there are a
couple guys sitting at a table. One is a blond tiger shifter and the second guy’s a shifter with gray hair,
but I don’t recognize his species from his scent. I also know there’s a wolf on the dance floor with a
human.” For a second, a look of fear entered Payson’s eyes, but then he grinned. “It’s a big black
wolf, boss.”
Kontra nodded, releasing his arm. “Interesting.” He jerked his head once and Payson took off,
weaving rhythmically between dancers as he sought out the rest of their group.
“Okay, let’s go scope out these shifters,” Kontra said.
Drinks in hand, their eyes carefully scanning the men around them, their noses working hard to
differentiate between scents, the four men strolled between tables. They made their way slowly
around the dance floor.
They spotted the pair of men Payson had spoken of sliding back into their table across from a

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redhead. A slender black-haired man leered at the redhead, then laughed at his shocked expression
before sauntering away with a swing and swish of his hips.
“How the hell did Payson know they were shifters?” Mutegi growled. “I cannot scent them from
Kontra frowned. “His nose is something else. Where do you think the other one is?”
Brad followed his leader’s gaze as they once more looked across the dance floor, but there was very
little way to tell who could be a shifter. A flash of toned brown skin caught his attention, and he
moved his head, trying to see between men. For a second, the crowd of men parted and Brad saw a
grinning, light-skinned African American with his head thrown back and his eyes closed. His hands
were in the air as he danced and a look of absolute contentment made his stunning face seem to glow.
Suddenly, the scent hit him again, stronger and more potent than before and Brad’s eyes dilated as lust
made his cock twitch in his pants and pre-cum ooze from his still-hard dick. His gaze riveted on the
beautiful slender man. He started through the crowd snarling, “Mine.”

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Chapter Two


agus felt Phillip’s hands on his waist, grounding him and letting him know he wasn’t alone on the

dance floor. It felt so good to be free of the cell he’d been forced to endure by the asshole scientists
who’d kidnapped him two weeks earlier. They’d tossed him in a small room with a cot, a sink, and a
toilet. He had to thank the maker for that small favor, at least. Their only warning had been that if his
brother valued Dagus’s life, Drake would comply with their demands.

He’d stewed over that for days while sitting on the cot in his cell, alone, but it hadn’t made sense

until he’d been rescued by shifters. The scientists were trying to use him as because the local wolf
pack capture one of the scientist’s men.

He appreciated the lengths his friends went through to free him. Now, getting out among other

people at the club reminded him that he was a bargaining chip

had managed to alive. He swung his hips, lifted his hands into the air, and let the music carry him.
He kept his hips well away from the wolf shifter behind him, knowing the guy didn’t swing his

way. Phillip was just protective, and after his experiences, Dagus didn’t mind that the guy directed
his energies toward him. It was hard for him to be alone anymore, every unidentifiable noise setting
off nerves. Phillip moving into his spare room was actually a godsend, and the fact that he was
comfortable enough in his masculinity to dance with Dagus was an added bonus.

A second pair of hands landing on his hips had him freezing for just a second, but then he started

moving again, thinking Carson had returned to dance at his back. A warm, musky scent rolled over
him, making his skin tingle and his dick began to fill. Okay, not Carson, but whoever it was had some
fantastic cologne!

Phillip’s growl had Dagus cocking his head to the side, then he was jerked from the other man’s

grip as Phillip pulled him close and maneuvered Dagus partly behind him.

“What is it?” he asked, unable to mask his alarm.

“Back off, man,” Phillip snapped at someone instead of answering him.
“That’s his decision,” said a deep voice that seemed to vibrate all the way through Dagus, setting his
pulse racing.
Oh, that sounds nice!
“He’s dancing with me,” Phillip growled.
“Would you like to change that, babe?” the deep voice asked.
It took Dagus a couple of seconds to realize the stranger was talking to him. With the pounding bass of
the song still vibrating through him, it was hard for him to pinpoint the man’s direction. Doing the best
he could, Dagus tried to look in the stranger’s direction. Before he could formulate a response, he felt
Phillip pull him closer.
“He does not want to change that,” Phillip retorted.
Okay, so he’d appreciated the protectiveness until this little scene. “Phillip! I’m standing right here.
What’s your problem?” he managed to snap, pulling his wits about him.
He knew he finally had Phillip’s attention when the hand around his waist shifted to his shoulder. “He
“Dancing with me,” Dagus interrupted. Working past his irritation, he smiled and looked up at where
he guessed Phillip’s face would be. “We’re in a club. It’s what people do here.” He rested a hand on
Phillip’s chest, rubbing lightly, trying to calm the wolf shifter, always amazed at how volatile they
could be.

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A low snarl sounded from his right, where he knew the stranger stood. Suddenly, he felt himself thrust
behind Phillip again. “You’re a…” Phillip started.
“You’re drawing a crowd, Brad. Let’s take this off the dance floor,” a gravelly voice issued the
proposal, but it didn’t really sound like a request to Dagus.
He sighed. So much for dancing away all the stress of the last few weeks. And when Phillip
wrapped a hand around his upper arm to lead him from the dance floor, Dagus nearly brother had
mated with a moved out of the condo they’d shared, Dagus had worked hard to establish his
independence and not move with them, including proving that he could pay for the condo and other
necessities with the royalties from his writing. Everything that had happened after getting kidnapped
felt like a step backward

Phillip moving in with him, always having someone around, even having

someone cook for him.
Growling in frustration, he pulled away from Phillip. Dagus planted his fists on his hips and glared in
what he hoped was the right direction. “I’m blind, not a child. What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You’re blind?” That deep smooth voice sounded shocked.
Dagus huffed. “Yes, I’m blind. You probably snapped. After his panther shifter and don’t want to
dance with me now anyway, huh?” he retorted.
A calloused hand gently cupped his cheek, tilting his head back. Dagus shivered as he felt the warmth
of a massive body lean close, though not actually touching him.
“Don’t put words in my mouth, babe.” The voice sounded right in his ear as warm breath ghosted
over his skin. “I was simply surprised, especially after seeing that incredibly sexy display on the
dance floor.”
“Get your paws off him!” Phillip roared.
“You all need to break it up right now or you’re all out of here,” a new voice shouted.
“We’re sorry for the disturbance,” Declan’s unmistakable Irish lilt drew Dagus’s attention. “We’ll be
takin’ our leave now. Dagus, please come to me.”
It was said as a request, but Dagus knew it wasn’t. The alpha wolf always expected obedience, and
under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have had a problem with it. But for some reason, pulling
away from this stranger’s hands felt wrong. “I—” Shit, what should I do?
“Don’t leave yet, babe. Please. I just want to get to know you,” the big man in front of him rumbled.
But Dagus didn’t really have a choice, and he knew it. The wolves were not only his ride, but his
friends. Decision made, he said, “I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. My name is Dagus Whitton.” After that, he
rattled off his number. “Call me.” Gently, he pulled away from the man and walked to Declan. Before
he reached him, he felt what could only be the big wolf shifter’s hand land on the small of his back
and he was gently guided from the room. It was times like this that he cursed his blindness. He
imagined he could feel dozens of pairs of eyes on him, and being escorted from the room felt like he
was a child being punished.
The cool wind caressed his heated skin, and he let Declan help him into the wolf’s SUV. Before he
shut the door, he heard several pairs of booted feet jogging toward them.
“We want a word with you, Alpha,” said the deep, gravelly voice that had tried to get them off the
dance floor in the first place.
“Holy shit,” Lark whispered from where he sat in the front seat. “Those guys are all huge!”
“Who?” Dagus asked, leaning forward. “What’s going on now?”
“You’ve been scoped by a leather daddy, dude,” Lark informed him, “and if the dozen or so
motorcycles sitting on the far end of the parking lot are any indication, these guys are the real deal.
Not the fake dudes who play at being a biker. These guys are part of gang!” A second later, a real live

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motorcycle Lark added worriedly, “And it looks like the leader isn’t too pleased with my man’s
His jaw dropped. “They called him Alpha. Does that mean they know about shifters?”
“If I had to guess, I’d say these guys are shifters, too,” Lark replied. “And they’re definitely good
looking. The guy who wanted to dance with you has shaggy blond hair tied back in a tail, stands a
little over six feet, is wearing black leathers, and has some really nice muscles.”
“Really?” Dagus whispered, easing back in his seat.
“Yeah, hush for a second. Let’s see if we can hear them.”
Dagus heard the unmistakable sound of the window motor as Lark lowered the glass down a little.
“If your own mate is a human male, why are you pulling my friend’s mate away from him?” someone
It was that gravelly voice Dagus had heard a couple times now. Is he their pack alpha?
“Ye all were making a scene,” Declan replied calmly. “We already have to watch our backs because
scientists in the area like to experiment on us. I’ll not have me pack run out of town by a lynch mob
because ye stumbled into me territory and found a mate.”
“How dare you…”
“No,” Declan growled. “I won’t keep them apart if Dagus wants to meet Brad, but it won’t happen
here either. Here is me number. Call me tomorrow and we’ll set something up.”
“He can’t make that decision for me,” Dagus whispered, more to himself than to Lark as anger
coursed through him. “I’m not part of Declan’s pack.” He eased the door open on silent hinges,
grateful Declan took such good care of his vehicle. He wasn’t certain he really wanted to become
involved with a shifter. After all, it was his association with them that had caused him to be
kidnapped in the first place, but Dagus would be damned if he had someone else make decisions for
him, again.
“What are you doing?” Lark squeaked.
“If I want to dance with a guy, shifter or not, that’s my business!” Trailing his hand along the side of
the car, he moved toward the arguing men. He heard Lark mutter oh shit and get out of the car behind
When he felt he was close enough, he announced, “You all need to stop arguing about something you
have no say in.”
From the silence, he knew he had everyone’s attention. “Declan, I appreciate everything you’ve done
for me, but technically I’m not part of your pack. You can’t keep me from going home with someone
else just because I came here with you guys.”
A long silence greeted his statement, and he kept his head tilted, listening carefully for any movement
from the now quiet men. Instead, he felt the thrum of bass music vibrate the ground. He heard the low
pitched groan of hinges followed by a thump as people opened and closed the club’s doors while
entering and exiting the building. The sound of boots thudded across pavement before a car door
squeaked, slammed shut and then an engine roared to life.
Over the sound of tires on asphalt, Dagus almost missed hearing the boot steps coming his way. He
tensed, but then the smell of Brad’s cologne reached his nose. He swallowed hard, trying to control
the desire trickling down his spine and settling in his dick, making his cock thicken and press against
his suddenly-too-tight jeans.
A calloused hand touched his cheek, startling him. To his pleasure, Brad paused, but didn’t pull
away. Seconds passed and then Brad slid his palm around to cup Dagus’s nape. He felt the man’s
thumb caress the skin under his ear, and he had to fight a shiver. He didn’t think he succeeded by the

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way the other man’s breathing hitched for a second.
“I guess we did make a mistake,” Brad murmured, his deep voice washing over Dagus’s senses.
“What would you like to do this evening?”
With Brad touching him, Dagus had a hard time focusing. “Um,” he whispered, trying to activate his
brain. Finally, he managed to whisper, “I wanted to dance, but that option seems to be out.”
“We’re sorry about that,” Lark murmured. “Maybe we can try again another night?”
He sighed, unconsciously tilting his head to get more pressure from the hand cupping his neck. “If
you’re still interested in talking, how about you take me on a date tomorrow night?” he whispered. He
figured if the shifter wanted more than just to get lucky, he’d accept. Dagus hoped he did.
“I’d like that very much, Dagus,” Brad replied without hesitation. “What time?”
“Six,” he replied.
“I’ve already entered your number into my phone. I’ll call you tomorrow morning for your address.
Will that work?” he asked.
Dagus nodded. “Yes. That’ll be fine. I’ll talk to you then.”
Turning away was more difficult than Dagus knew it should be, but he forced himself to reach to his
left where he knew Declan’s SUV stood. It didn’t stop the stab of dismay that shot through Dagus
when Brad let him go. He felt Lark’s slender hand cup his elbow as he guided him back into the
The jingle of a ring tone caught his attention, then Declan’s clipped greeting. His door shut, cutting off
the sound and he buckled his seatbelt. Seconds later, he heard Declan and Lark settle into their seats,
but the car engine didn’t start right away.
“He may have done what?” Declan growled.
Dagus almost asked what was wrong when he realized Declan was still on his phone.
“Pull Nick off guard duty and meet me at home in an hour,” the alpha ordered. Dagus heard the soft
beep of the call being ended, and the shifter whisper, “Bloody hell.”
“What happened?” Lark asked.
“I’ll tell ye at home, mate,” Declan replied.
Dagus heard a soft kiss being passed between the men and then the keys jangled as Declan inserted
them into the ignition.
A soft, growly sigh escaped Declan, before he said, “We don’t know anything about these shifters,
Dagus, and make no mistake that they are shifters. The two that approached us were bears, although I
don’t know what kind. There were two more ten feet away watching us, one a bull and one some
African animal I’m not certain of. I don’t want to see ye get hurt by them, and I can’t have them
staying in me territory for long. There are too many of them.”
Dagus understood the warning. These guys weren’t staying, so don’t get attached.

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Chapter Three

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How are you holding up?”

Brad turned, looked at Mutegi, and shrugged. “As well as can be expected, I suppose,” he said. He
flopped into the hotel easy chair and tried to get comfortable. The place wasn’t too bad, as far as
Motel 8s went, cleaner than a lot of them that they’d stayed at.

Leaning his head back, he eyed the other man. He often roomed with the guy, unless they planned

to get lucky. Then the other would goodnaturedly give up the room for the other guy’s pleasure. Being
on the road so much, they often took companionship where they could, but it got lonely. Having a mate
would change all that.

“So, you think Dagus is your mate?” Mutegi prodded for more information.

Brad nodded. “I’m sure. Once you smell him, man, you’ll know.” He grinned suddenly. “I never
thought I’d find one, you know?”
Grimacing, he thought about his time before Kontra found him. “My father told me there were no such
things as gay shifters, so I’d never find a male mate.” He ran a hand through his shoulderlength hair,
pulled out the band, and scratched his scalp to soothe his tingling skin. “I know now that he said that
because he wanted me to conform.” He smiled depreciatively and stared at Mutegi. “He’d picked out
a nice girl for me, one that would raise our status in our pack if I mated with her. I almost did.”
Mutegi sat crossed-legged on the bed and leaned forward. “What happened?”
“I met Kontra, thank the gods.” He shuddered, thinking of what would have happened if he’d actually
mated the woman. He’d have missed out on ever meeting his true mate.
“So the guy is blind,” Mutegi mused. “Do you think he does anything for a living? Or can they just
live on disability?”
“His name is Dagus,” he automatically corrected. At Mutegi’s amused smirk, he smiled. “I have no
idea. I don’t know much about how someone who’s blind lives,” he admitted.
A frown creased his African friend’s brows. The shifter twisted one of his dreadlocks between his
thumb and forefinger for several seconds before suggesting, “Maybe we should ask Lamar.”
“Because he went to Harvard?” Brad asked, not certain why Mutegi would suggest asking the other
Mutegi shook his head. “Because since he graduated from Harvard, he knows how to do research. I
bet he could find all kinds of information on it for you. You do not want to walk into this date without
knowing what to expect or how to act, do you?” Mutegi asked.
Brand nodded. “You have a point.” He grabbed his cell phone from the table and hit number eight on
his speed dial. “Hey, Lamar. You got a few minutes?”
“I’m sitting in my hotel room, same as you,” the guy answered dryly. “Of course I have time. What do
you need?”
He bit his tongue against his initial reaction to make a snarky comment back. It wasn’t the shifter’s
fault that he was no longer able to practice law in thirteen states. Lamar’s peacock shifter flock had
black-listed him, which made it incredibly difficult to find thirty-seven states willing talked about
opening his own firm, but they knew that couldn’t happen until he could find another flock to accept
him, and by the welcome they normally received from others, that didn’t seem very likely any time
“I’m hoping you can help me find information on what to expect since my mate is blind. Can you a

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firm in the other to hire him. Lamar bring your laptop over and help me?”
Lamar’s tone immediately changed. “Of course. I’d be happy to help. Tell me which room you’re in,
and I’ll be right there.”
“Thanks,” Brad replied, fifteen. The door’s open.”
A moment later, the haired blue-eyed shifter let himself into Brad’s room. Even ready for bed, the
man looked completely put together in his dark green silk pajamas. It didn’t surprise Brad for a
second, since even after a day of riding, the man’s dark gray leathers always seemed to somehow
look pristine, while the rest of them were covered in several layers of road dust.
Flashing a smile, Lamar settled his laptop on the small hotel room table and sat across from Brad. “I
heard you’d possibly found your mate. You really think this human is the one?” he asked while
booting up the machine.
Brad nodded. “Definitely. There’s no mistaking that scent.”
Lamar nodded. “I’m really happy for you,” he said, glancing up and flashing even, white teeth in a
sincere smile. “We all are.”
Grinning back at him, Brad said, “I’m still in a bit of shock, I think.”
“It’ll mean quite a change for you,” Lamar commented, typing on the computer.
meaning it. “I’m in

well-groomed blond“What do you mean?” Brad asked.

Lamar paused and looked up at him. “Well, I

just mean you could end up needing to leave the gang,” he said quietly. “We’re on the road almost

daily. I’m not certain someone who is blind would be able to handle that.” Lamar shook his head,
refocusing on the screen. “I can’t imagine that I’d want to drag my mate all over the country anyway,
but that’s just me,” he added with a shrug.

Brad frowned. He hadn’t thought about that. He’d spent the last thirty-seven years traveling with

Kontra. He’d been the third to join the man on the road after Sam. The idea of leaving him caused his
chest to constrict as something akin to bile rose in his throat. “Leave the gang?” he whispered.

Mutegi crossed to him and gripped his shoulder. “Breathe, Brad. Even though this is something

you need to consider, you do not have to decide anything right now. Once you get to know Dagus, it is
something you can discuss.”

He nodded, forcing himself to take several slow breaths before giving Mutegi a wan smile. “I

guess that never occurred to me.”

“I didn’t mean to cause alarm,” Lamar murmured, his blue eyes clouded with concern.

Brad shook his head. “It wasn’t you. I should have thought of that.” He titled his head toward the
laptop. “What does it say about blindness?”
Lamar swung the laptop around and showed them a screen. “Here’s a list of several things that can
cause blindness. Do you know if he was born blind or lost his sight later?”
Frowning, Brad admitted, “I didn’t really get a chance to talk to him. I have no idea.”
“Well, that will at least be fodder for conversation,” Lamar commented, then he scowled. “Unless
he’s sensitive about it.” He pulled the laptop back toward him. “I wonder if he has a seeing-eye dog?
If not, does he use a cane? He was at the club,” Lamar mused, “so I’m assuming he doesn’t keep to
himself. His friends seemed a bit protective of him though, huh?”
Nodding slowly, he held up a hand. “I guess I have a lot of questions to ask him.”
“At least he knows about shifters,” Mutegi pointed out. “That will save you from explaining about us,
Brad smirked. “I guess I better be grateful for small favors, huh?”

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Clutching the phone, Brad took a deep breath and let it out. Mutegi rolled his eyes. “Just call him


Brad nodded. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but for some reason he knew this call

would change his life. “What if his shifter friends talked him out of meeting me after I left?” he
whispered, voicing his biggest concern.

Mutegi took the phone from him and while scrolling through the directory and pulling up Dagus’s

number, he said, “You will not know until you call. Do not borrow trouble.” He handed the phone
back and grinned. “Besides, if that is the case, you have a dozen men who will help you win his heart

Smiling faintly at his friend’s comment, grateful beyond words for the support, he lifted the

ringing phone to his ear and waited with baited breath. At four rings, he cast a worried look toward
Mutegi. He’d started to pull the phone away from his ear, when he heard a breathless voice.
Relief flooded him. “Dagus? This is Brad


“Hey,” came the soft reply that sent heat
through Brad’s bloodstream only to center in his
He splayed his legs to make room for his
growing erection, shocked at how just the man’s
voice could affect him. “Hi,” he replied, then
rolled his eyes at his inane response, cursing how
all his blood had already dropped to his little
head. He cast about for something else to say as he
watched Mutegi give him a thumbs up and slip from the room. “We’d agreed I could take you to
dinner,” he managed. “What’s your address?” “Yeah, we did,” Dagus replied immediately.
“Where were you thinking we’d go?”
Brad’s mind blanked. “Uh…since I’m not from
around here, why don’t you choose? What’s
He could hear his mate’s smile in his next
words. “That depends on what kind of guy you
A smirk curved the corner of Brad’s lips. He
liked the sound of the warmth in Dagus’s voice,
and found himself relaxing. “Oh, yeah? What are
my options,” he teased back.
“Well, are you more interested in a quick,
thrifty meal so you can get me home and on my
back? Or are you the kind of guy who likes to
spend too much for a plate and the rich
impression it creates? Unless you’re the one who’d
like to show your date a good time without going
Liking his mate’s sense of humor, Brad

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laughed. Although Dagus’s first idea had his cock
jerking in his jeans and lust coursing through his
veins at the idea of bedding his mate, he said, “I’ll
take option C, babe. How about a decent
steakhouse that’s not too expensive, huh?” “Perfect,” Dagus chortled. “I’ll have Phillip
write out the directions.”
“Phillip? The guy you were dancing with last
night?” He couldn’t hide the jealousy tinting his
growled words. “Who is he to you?”
To Brad’s relief, Dagus didn’t sound upset
when he answered. “Phillip is a friend. Just a
friend,” he added, emphasizing his point. “He’s
also currently my roommate. I…I have trouble
being alone right now.”
Dagus murmured the last bit, and Brad couldn’t
shake the feeling that his mate sounded somewhat
shamed by that fact. “I bet there’s a story behind
that statement,” he said softly. “I’d like to hear it
when you’re ready.” He wanted to know
everything about his mate, but figured he’d start
with one thing at a time. No reason to overwhelm
the guy.
Dagus sighed into the phone. “There’s not
much to tell, really. Declan mentioned the
scientists his pack is having trouble with. They
kidnapped me.”
“What?” he practically roared into the phone.
He heard the groan of plastic as his anger caused
his grip to tighten too much.
“Easy, Brad,” he heard Dagus’s voice soothe
through his sudden haze of anger. As his mate
continued to croon, he took several deep breathes.
“Are you okay?” he finally heard.
“Yeah,” Brad forced out. “I’m sorry. Just the
thought of you getting hurt makes me see red,” he
“That’s a typical shifter response when a mate
is in danger,” Dagus murmured.
Brad could hear the warmth in Dagus’s tone. It
pleased him that his mate seemed to know shifters
so well. He focused on his mate’s words when he
spoke again.
“Declan and his pack rescued me. They’re good
people. I’ll be fine in time. It just makes me a little
jumpy being alone right now. I should warn you

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that this area is dangerous right now,” he added. Brad smiled. Even with the warning still
ringing in his ears, and yeah he’d have to tell
Kontra about the danger, it was nice that Dagus
felt enough concern to give him that news. It also
meant Brad would have to keep an eye out for
anything suspicious while out with him. “I’ll pick
you up tonight at six then. I hope you don’t mind
riding on the back of my bike.”
The warmth returned to Dagus’s voice
immediately. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle. I
look forward to it.”
Grinning, relieved that at least the man wasn’t
timid, he teased, “I look forward to having your
arms around me.” Before Dagus could reply, he
asked, “So, what’s your address?” After Dagus
told him where he lived and offered to have his
brother call him later with directions, Brad replied,
“That won’t be necessary. I have GPS on my bike. It won’t be hard to find you.” After saying their
goodbyes, he hit the end button.
“There, see? That was not nearly as hard as you
made it out to be,” Mutegi said, grinning from
where he stood just inside the hotel room door. When did he come back? Accepting that his mate
was extremely distracting, Brad smiled. “You
were right, of course, my friend. And now I have
almost seven hours to kill before going to pick him
up.” He sprawled on a chair and grimaced. “Any
Mutegi smirked. “Yeah. It is my turn to handle
the grocery run to restock our supplies. Since you
need a distraction, you can help me inventory and
then shop.”
Brad groaned good-naturedly. Mutegi threw
his jacket at him. Catching it on reflex, he laughed
and then pulled on his boots.

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Chapter Four


agus paced restlessly, counting his steps on autopilot. He pushed the button on his watch and a

soft electronic voice told him it was only five-forty-seven. Trying to settle down, he perched on the
edge of the sofa cushion.

He heard Phillip’s footsteps, listening to his progress as the wolf strode down the hall and into

the living room. Phillip sprawled on the easy chair and asked, “Why are you so nervous? I thought
you were looking forward to a date with this guy.”

Leaping back to his feet, Dagus started to pace again. “I am,” he snapped. “That’s why I’m ner—”

His feet hit an obstruction, and he tripped. Flailing his arms, he tried to get his feet back under him.

“Shit!” Phillip hissed as he wrapped his strong arms around Dagus from behind, saving him from

a header. As Phillip steadied him, he said, “That was thoughtless of me, Dagus. I’m sorry.”

Hearing the contrition in his friend’s voice, he couldn’t get upset. He sighed and smoothed a hand

over his shirt. “Let me guess,” he said wryly. “That was your feet I hit.”

He knew Phillip was nodding because he was standing close enough for him to hear the slight

sound of his neck tendons popping, and he could feel the displaced air on his cheek. “Yeah,” Phillip
added as an afterthought. “It didn’t occur to me that you’d start pacing. Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine.” He made his way back to the sofa and sat. “It is just that kind of thing that I’m

worried about. I don’t want to make a fool of myself, and it’s very easy for me to do in a restaurant.”
He grimaced and shook his head. “I’m not graceful, and even eating can be a challenge. You know?”

Phillip sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Awe, you’ll be fine.

Besides, if this bear really is your mate, then it won’t matter if you drop food all over yourself or
even him, or if you’re as graceful as a dancer. He’ll want you anyway and be grateful Fate has
deemed him worthy to find his mate.”

Dagus cocked his head and looked toward his friend. He recognized something in the man’s voice

he’d never heard before. Sadness. “Oh, Phillip. This must be hard for you.” He reached out and
touched the man’s leg. “Having to watch all these people find their mate and you still don’t have
yours,” he whispered.

“You have a good heart, Dagus,” Phillip murmured. “Don’t worry about me.”

The knocking on the door interrupted them. “I’ll get it,” Phillip said, rising from the couch.
Dagus’s sensitive ears allowed him to track the wolf’s progress across the room and through the
foyer. He rose as he listened to Phillip greet their guest. He heard Phillip lead the way back to the
living room.
“Your date’s here, Dagus. The directions are on the kitchen counter. I’ll go get them,” he added,
discreetly giving them a few moments alone, even though Dagus knew Phillip would be listening to
every word.
Evidently, Brad knew it, too. He could hear his date’s smile in his voice. “It’s good to see you again,
Dagus,” his deep voice rumbled. “I admit I have a couple questions before we go, if that’s okay with
you.” He sounded uncertain, and quickly added, “Just so I know how best to keep you safe and, um,
Dagus smiled as he stood and held out a hand. The man’s uncertainty really was endearing. He didn’t
often meet dates who wanted to double check etiquette before they headed out. “I can understand that.
Thanks for coming.”

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To his relief, Brad took the three steps separating them and gripped his hand in firm warmth. A
second later, he felt his hand lifted and dry, soft lips brushed a kiss against his knuckles.
“I’m really very pleased to be here, Dagus,” he murmured.
Brad didn’t release his hand, so Dagus found when he sat back down that Brad was so close he could
smell the pleasant cologne he’d had on last night. “You smell really good,” he whispered absently as
he inhaled deeply.
“So do you,” Brad replied. They sat in silence for several seconds before Brad cleared his throat. “I
know you know about shifters, so I’m not going to beat around the bush. You’re my mate,” he
declared. “None of us in my gang knew gay shifters could have mates until I scented you at the club
last night. Then we realized we weren’t the only shifters in the place and got pretty worried that
someone may have followed us.”
Brad rubbed his thumb across Dagus’s knuckles as he spoke, making it difficult for him to pay
attention. The soft, repetitive movement sent warm tingles radiating up his arm, and Dagus wondered
what that hand would feel like on his cock. It’d been a long time since he’d had sex, and this shifter’s
wonderful smell and gentle caresses had his dick thickening in his slacks.
“Imagine our surprise when we realized this area was already claimed by a wolf pack and that it was
led by an openly gay alpha,” he added dryly.
“That must have been quite a shock,” he whispered.
“Yeah,” Brad replied softly. He cleared his throat and shifted on the couch.
Pleasure filled Dagus that he wasn’t the only one affected.
“So tell me how to make our date an enjoyable experience for you. I already told you I don’t have a
car so I can’t take a dog, if you have one.”
“No dog,” he replied. “Molly passed away six months ago. She’d developed a tumor in her abdomen
and was in terrible pain. Because of its position, it wasn’t operable, so…well, she had to be put
down.” Dagus’s throat constricted as he thought of Molly. He still missed her terribly, and even
before getting kidnapped, hadn’t gone out nearly as much as he once had. “I haven’t had the heart to
ask for a replacement yet,” he admitted.
“I’m sorry, Dagus,” Brad whispered. Leaning close, he brushed a kiss across Dagus’s temple. “It’s
hard losing a friend.”
Dagus smiled, amazed that Brad understood so easily. Some people didn’t consider their pets family,
but Dagus did. “Thank you.” Then he cleared his throat, refocusing on what they should be discussing.
“I hate people leading me by the elbow. It makes me feel like a naughty child,” he admitted. “If you’re
comfortable, I’d prefer a hand on my back to guide me when needed, and instruction on number of feet
in a particular direction.”
There was a moment of silence and then Brad said, “Shit, you can’t see me nod.” He grunted.
Dagus heard the telltale sign of a hand being run through thick hair.
“That will take some getting used to,” he added, chagrined. “What else?”
“I carry a cane to help me keep from running into things, but if you could warn me when we’re coming
to steps or uneven ground of any kind, I’d appreciate it.”
“Right. I can do that.”
Dagus nodded. “At the table, I’ll need you to let me know the layout. Where the napkin is, my water
glass, silverware, even where the food on my plate is.” He swallowed and grimaced. “I should warn
you now that I’m kind of a messy eater. It’s best if I don’t have anything too saucy when out with
others since I need to use my fingers to see where things are.”
Brad must have known how uncomfortable that admission made him, for he gave his hand a light

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squeeze. “That’s just fine. If other people have a problem with it, I’ll glare at them for you,” he
teased. “I can be quite intimidating.”
That had Dagus smiling. “Lark described you as a huge biker dude. Is that true?”
“How about I get on my knees in front of you and let you learn for yourself?” he whispered in reply.
“Okay,” he replied, surprised at how breathless he sounded.
For a second, Brad released his hand, and Dagus couldn’t believe how much he missed the man’s
touch. Then the warmth of the Brad’s hands returned as he settled one on each thigh. Brad applied
slight pressure, silently asking Dagus to open his legs to him. After a second of hesitation, Dagus
He heard fabric rubbing on carpet as Brad pressed forward, positioning himself between Dagus’s
legs. Brad released Dagus’s thighs and gently gripped his hands, slowly lifting them.
Tentatively, Dagus settled his hands on the other man’s face and held them still for several seconds as
Brad’s hands returned to his legs. He knew that many people found this to be an intimate experience,
and to have Brad offer, showing that he trusted Dagus, filled him with a rush of pleasure.
He ran his hands slowly over Brad’s skin, feeling a smooth, square jaw. It told Dagus that Brad had
shaved for him, even though he knew Dagus wouldn’t see. He slid his hands up and felt high
cheekbones, a prominent brow ridge, broad forehead, and a slight widow’s peak.
Brad had pulled his hair back, and Dagus slowly petted the thick locks, finding a short curly tail at the
base of Brad’s neck, complete with a few loose strands. “Curly hair, huh?” he whispered, smiling as
he slid his hands down Brad’s neck. He ran into a soft cotton shirt as he continued to slide his hands
over broad shoulders and well-muscled upper arms.
“A little bit, yeah,” Brad murmured back breathlessly.
Dagus paused where he roved his hands over the man’s chest, feeling firm pecs and tone abs.
“Sorry,” he said, jerking his hands away.
“Don’t apologize,” Brad said. “I enjoyed your touch. Just a little too much. I’m trying to be a
gentleman here, and I really want to take you out and get to know you, take things slow between us
before anything happens. But if you’d gone any lower, that idea would have flown out the window in
a hurry.”
His tone was teasing, but Dagus could hear the underlying tension in the man’s voice. He smiled.
“Good to know. I guess we should leave then.”
“Yeah.” Brad stood, took Dagus’s hand, and helped him to his feet.
Dagus knew he stood five-foot-nine, because his doctor had told him. Brad towered over him.
Resting a hand on the man’s arm, he asked curiously, “How tall are you?”
“Six-foot-one. Are you okay dating taller men?” Brad teased.
He chuckled and nodded. “Yep. Just curious.”
“Here’s the directions,” Phillip called from the doorway, announcing his presence to Dagus. “Are
you sure you don’t want to borrow my car, Brad?”
Dagus glared in Phillip’s direction, irritated by the man’s meddling. “We already discussed this,
Phillip. I want to ride the bike. I’ve never done it before and since we both know Brad is my mate,
he’d never let anything happen to me.”
“Of course he wouldn’t allow you to get hurt on purpose,” Phillip snapped back, clearly frustrated
with him, again. He hadn’t liked it when Dagus had refused to offer Brad the car in the first place
hence, his not-so-subtle end-around. “Motorcycles are dangerous. How will you react if there’s an
“Are you questioning my ability to care for my mate?” Brad growled.

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Dagus reached over and gripped the big man’s arm, squeezing to get his attention. At least he hoped
he had the man’s attention. Then a large arm wrapped around his waist and Dagus relaxed against
him. “It’s time to go. I’m hungry,” he said to Brad. Turning to look where he’d last heard Phillip
speak, he said, “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” Phillip replied.
Dagus could hear the frustration lacing his tone. He’d probably get an earful when he got home.
A nudge got Brad moving, and Dagus headed toward the foyer. He paused and grabbed a thick jacket,
his keys, and his retractable cane. “Do you have saddlebags you can put this in?” he asked, suddenly
“Sure, babe. Plenty of room, and I have a helmet for you.”
A firm hand on the small of his back sent a shiver of awareness down his spine. Brad must have felt it
because he was grinning when he said, “I’m assuming you know down and your sidewalk long.”
Dagus grinned back. “Yeah, but it was nice of you to double check.”
“Anything for you, Dagus,” Brad replied, walking beside him. “I don’t want anything to happen to
you, babe.”
Smiling for a second, he chose to change the subject. “What kind of bike do you have?”
“I ride a Night Rod Special,” Brad told him.
“Oh, a Harley. You must be a serious biker,” he teased.
“I don’t currently have a home, Dagus. My gang is my family, so yeah I take my bike seriously,” Brad
murmured. Before Dagus could there are five steps is about fifteen feet think up a reply, Brad added,
“If you give me your cane, I’ll tuck it away. Then we’ll get settled on the bike and get to that
“Sure.” He knew he’d have to talk to his mate about his wandering lifestyle eventually, but didn’t
think now was the time. He handed over his cane and waited for his mate to return to him. It only took
a second, where he heard a couple clasps clicking closed, telling him the motorcycle had hard, not
soft, saddlebags.
“Okay,” Brad said, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close. “The bike is directly in front
of you. I’m going to climb on and then help you behind me. You’ll need to place your foot on the peg.
Don’t worry, I’ll guide you and then rest your hands on my shoulders as you swing your leg over.
There’s not a backrest for you, so don’t worry about your right leg striking anything, but that does
mean you’ll have to wrap your arms around my waist to hold on,” Brad explained.
Dagus smirked. “I’m sure that’ll be a hardship.”
Brad growled playfully. “It better not be.”
Brad fitted him with a helmet, which Dagus found surprisingly heavy. Following the big shifter’s
instructions, he carefully lifted his foot, looking for the peg Brad had referenced. It took Brad’s foot
locking under his own and guiding his boot to the peg for him to find it, but once there, he easily felt
the seat in front of him, gripped Brad’s shoulder, and straddled the bike.
Brad told him to follow his lead and lean into the turns, and if he felt uncomfortable at any time, he
needed to tap the back of Brad’s helmet to get his attention. Seconds later, the engine of the machine
roared to life, and Dagus found himself gripping tight to Brad’s waist and enjoying his first
motorcycle ride.

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Chapter Five


he skin of Brad’s back tingled where his mate was plastered against him. The tight band of

Dagus’s arms sent soothing sensations through him, and his animal growled happily in the back of his
head. It made Brad smile. Now if he could just figure out a way to keep them together and happy, then
all would be right in his world.

He followed the directions Phillip had written and spotted the steakhouse on the right. Pulling into

the parking lot, he settled the Harley on the stand and placed his helmet on the handlebars. Swinging
his leg over the front, he leaned against the bike, reached for Dagus’s helmet, and unfastened it.
Carefully, he lifted it from his mate’s head as Dagus used his shoulder for balance.

“And now you have helmet hair, just like me,” he teased.

Dagus chuckled. “As long as you don’t mind, I don’t. I couldn’t tell you what I really look like
“Well, I think you’re an incredibly sexy man,” Brad admitted. “With your closely buzzed black hair,
slender frame, and toned arms and chest, you have an amazing profile. And let’s not forget your
gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and full, kissable lips,” he added in a whisper. “I’m surprised you
don’t constantly have to beat people off with a stick.”
Blushing, Dagus shook his head as he allowed Brad to rest a hand on his back and guide him forward.
“Most people don’t want the added responsibility of dealing with someone like me.”
Brad nodded. “Yeah, I can see how always having to worry about people hitting on your boyfriend
could be stressful.”
It pleased him to see the pleasure brighten Dagus’s expression as he glanced over at him. “I
appreciate the sentiment.”
“My pleasure. In three steps there are two steps up onto the steakhouse’s porch,” he informed him.
“How come you don’t wear sunglasses?”
Dagus looked directly at him and replied, “Because it’s dark outside.”
Shock hit Brad. “Holy shit! You’re not completely blind?”
“I see some shadows,” he admitted. “Just light and dark, mostly.”
“How…” Before he could finish the question, he realized he’d led the way into the restaurant, and the
hostess was staring at them expectantly. “Uh, two,” he said to the question in her eyes. As she led
them to a table, Brad ignored the speculative look in her eyes. He saw a flash of disappointment cross
her face, but he didn’t feel remorse. He wouldn’t have gone for her even if he hadn’t been with his
mate. Wrong sex.
The waitress appeared almost immediately, so he held off his questions while they placed their drink
orders. Since he had no intention of endangering his mate, or allowing anyone to insinuate that he
might, he ordered a coke. Dagus ordered the house white wine.
“So, how do you like your steak?” Brad asked.
“You just assume I’m having steak?” Dagus teased.
“Well, we are at a steakhouse,” he replied with a smile.
For a second, Dagus returned the grin, then his smile faded and he dropped his head, focusing on his
clasped fingers. “I probably shouldn’t,” he said softly. “I can’t cut a steak very well on my own, and
trying to eat a baked potato is a slow, messy process.”
He reached across the table and took Dagus’s hand in his own. “I’d be more than happy to cut your
steak for you, handsome. And if you’re worried about a baked potato, I’m sure they can substitute

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steak fries.”
“Thank you,” Dagus whispered.
The look of appreciation glowing on Dagus’s face and lighting up the man’s pale brown eyes had
Brad’s breath catching. “By the gods, you’re stunning,” he whispered.
That had Dagus snickering as he played with the napkin-wrapped silverware on the table.
Once they’d placed assured at least a interruption, Brad leaned forward, took one of Dagus’s hands in
his own, and asked softly, “Will you tell me what you meant earlier? About your blindness?”
Dagus nodded slowly. “I have Leber’s congenital amaurosis. It a genetic disorder passed from the
parents to the child that affects the eyes of an infant upon birth. My mother told me once that for two
weeks I could see just fine, and that I inherited the disorder from my father’s side of the family.” He
paused and stared off vacantly, his expression telling Brad that Dagus was reliving some memory. “I
was in and out of the hospital for two years being treated for it, but it didn’t do much good. I
eventually lost all sight until I could detect only light and dark, and if it’s a bright sunny day, I can see
some shadows.”
“That must have been difficult,” he responded, uncertain how to proceed.
their orders, and were few moments without
“I remember hearing a lot of fighting while I was growing up,” he admitted. “Harsh words about Dad
not telling my mom he was a carrier and the risks it entailed. He never said anything back to that. He
just let Mom rant. My dad, he loved us all so much, even my older sister, who wasn’t his,” he paused,
grimacing. “Doriah knows who her father is, but won’t speak of him. She was five when my mom
divorced the guy and a year later was married to my dad,” he said, frowning. “Even after all this time,
she still won’t talk about him.” He shook his head. “I know there’s a restraining order involved.”
Brad paled. “Ouch! I’m glad she had the strength to leave the man. Many who get in that situation
“Me, too,” Dagus whispered before taking a deep breath and getting on with his story. “Dad was
always very patient with me. He taught me to read Braille, how to count my steps so I’d know where I
am in a room, basically, how to survive as a blind man. He did a lot of reading, a lot of research.”
Struggling for something to say after all that heartfelt honesty from his mate, Brad whispered, “My
father tried to force me into an arranged marriage. I’m glad yours ended up more understanding.”
Dagus squeezed the hand Brad held. “I’m glad you didn’t go through with it, otherwise I never would
have met you.”
“I am, too,” Brad replied. The arrival of their meal interrupted them, and he took a few moments to
cut Dagus’s meat and tell him where his steak was in relation to the steamed veggies and the fries. As
they started eating, Dagus’s forehead creased in concentration. Brad knew he struggled with making
certain he didn’t make a mess. Wanting to distract him, he asked, “Do you remember colors at all?”
Brad asked curiously.
To his surprise, Dagus smiled. “Only one. Red. It was my mother’s favorite color, and my first hazy
memory is of her leaning down to pick me up from my crib. She was singing and wearing a red
“Oh, yeah? That’s amazing,” Brad said with a grin. After a quick glance around, he leaned forward
and murmured, “I wasn’t nearly that young in my first memory. I remember riding around on my
father’s back while he was in bear form. I must have been about six.”
Dagus laughed. “I’d like to see you that way sometime,” he said earnestly.
Brad nodded before remembering Dagus couldn’t see it. “Sure. Just as soon as I get permission from
Declan and instruction for the best place. I don’t plan on doing it in your living room,” he added with

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a grin.
“Did you rough house like that with any brothers or sisters?” Dagus asked.
“I have six sisters. All older. That’s why my dad took it so hard that I’m gay.” Brad grimaced,
remembering that conversation. “Let’s just say the conversation didn’t go well, including the typical
non-belief and once-you-find-the-right-woman comments, etc., etc. After several years, when it
became apparent that I wasn’t going to find a woman on my own, he arranged a marriage for me.”
“How’d you get out of it?” Dagus leaned forward, eager for an answer.
Brad chuckled. “I almost went through with it. Dad drilled into my head how shifters couldn’t really
be gay because Fate didn’t make mates for us. Since I thought I’d never find my true mate, I figured
what the hell? I’d never be truly happy, right? A couple days before the wedding, I went to a gay bar
a couple hours away. I ran into Kontra there.”
He grimaced and Dagus knew he could hear the remorse in his voice for falling for his father’s
words, because the smaller man reached a hand blindly across the table, searching for his. Brad
saved him the trouble, grabbing his mate’s hand and returning the man’s initial squeeze.
“After a few drinks, Kontra sought me out.” He snorted. “Originally it was to get it on, but…” “Did
you guys?” Dagus whispered brokenly.
Brad’s eyes widened, and he realized what his mate must think. “No! Never!” he assured. “As soon
as he realized what a mess I was, he took me under his wing and helped straighten my head out. His
belief that there were mates for gay shifters gave me hope. Hope that someday I may find a partner
after all, even if he weren’t a true mate. It would be someone I’d love and I’d be happy, regardless of
what my father said. It also gave me the strength to break off the engagement and leave my herd. I’ve
been traveling with Kontra ever since.”
“How long ago was that?” Dagus asked quietly.
“Thirty-seven years,” he admitted. He watched his mate’s mouth round slightly, and after a glance
around to ensure their conversation’s privacy, he murmured, “I’m nearly seventy years old, Dagus.”
From his mate’s slow nod, Brad realized Dagus was probably still thinking about how much could
happen in that length of time between men. “Hey,” he said, squeezing his mate’s hand to make certain
he had Dagus’s attention. “I’ve never even kissed Kontra. He’s the leader for our gang and a mentor
to each of us. I can’t say that he hasn’t taken companionship with some of the other guys, but never
with me.”
Dagus smiled. “I got it. I believe you.”
Relief filled Brad. Having his mate believe him was important to him. He needed his mate to trust
him. “So, what about your family? You have an older sister. Any other siblings?”
“Yes. I’m the middle child. I also have a younger brother.” Dagus’s lips curved into a wry grin. “My
parents hadn’t planned to have any more children after what they’d gone through with me, so when
Mom got pregnant with Drake when I was three, all hell broke loose. I remember my mother crying
for three days straight. It was awful. Then once the doctor ran tests to see if Drake would turn out like
me and they all came back negative, things settled back down.”
“Wow! You have memories of when you were really young. Do your brother and sister remember
things from that far back?”
Dagus shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never asked them.”
Carefully, Dagus felt for his fries. He picked up a couple with his fingers and then carefully dipped
them in the cup of ketchup before popping them into his mouth. Brad stifled a moan at the sensual
sight, wondering how that mouth would feel around his cock. Blood flowed south with his thoughts,
and the willing organ began to rise, pressing uncomfortably in his jeans.

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Realizing he’d better focus his thoughts on something else, Brad ate a bite of steak as he watched
Dagus’s careful movements. He had to admit that he was relieved that the place had fries and didn’t
mind substituting, just because he could imagine how difficult other things could be for his mate.
Swallowing his food, Brad asked, “Do you cook?”
His out-of-left-field question had Dagus chuckling and lifting his brows. “Don’t tell me if it can’t be
heated in a microwave you don’t know how to cook it,” Dagus teased.
Laughter erupted from Brad’s chest, drawing the scowls of several patrons. “Uh, no,” he managed to
get out between smothered chuckles. His guffaws almost started again when he heard Dagus’s amused
“I’ve obviously said something funny, but I don’t know what it is,” Dagus pointed out.
Finally getting a hold of himself, Brad leaned forward and said, “I’m extremely good in the kitchen.
It’s just not too often I get the opportunity to show off my talents.” He shrugged. “We’re on the road
so much.” He tapped the back of Dagus’s hand. “I just don’t want to step on any toes if I take over
your kitchen to make you breakfast in bed.”
That had Dagus grinning. “You think you’ll get a chance to make me breakfast in bed?” he teased.
He gripped the hand he’d tapped and brought it to his lips. After kissing it, he said, “Oh, yeah. I’ll
definitely be making you breakfast in bed at some point.”
To his surprise, Dagus pulled his hand away and leaned back in his chair. The look on the man’s face
as he patted his stomach and smiled could only be called sultry, and it had the blood in Brad’s veins
quickening in seconds.
Dagus took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. “I guess the question is, can you cook as well as
these guys?”
Brad chuckled. “Oh, I think I can scrounge up a recipe or two that will impress you.” He signed the
credit card slip before shoving the second receipt and card back into his wallet and his wallet into his
pocket. “Ready to go?”
Dagus nodded and stood.
They headed out of the restaurant, and Brad led the way back to his bike. “It’s a nice night, and I’m
not ready for our date to end,” he admitted. “Is there somewhere around here that we can go for a
walk or something?” He’d do anything to keep the evening from ending yet. He told Dagus he’d
wanted to take things slow and get to know each other. He knew he shouldn’t regret that decision
since they’d just met last night, but it sure was difficult keeping his hands in appropriate areas.
“Um, I’m not actually certain where we are,” Dagus admitted softly.
That made Brad pause. Although Phillip knew where they were supposed to be, Dagus didn’t know
their location. The trust required for Dagus to leave himself so completely in Brad’s hands staggered
Brad and scared him. “Do you trust all your dates this completely?” he asked.
Dagus must have heard his concern for he quickly shook his head. “No. Normally I know exactly
where I’m going and so does my brother, and I have an established time of when I’m going to be
back.” Dagus paused and lifted a hand to Brad’s chest. “I’ve seen how shifters are with their mates,
and I know I’m safe with you,” he whispered.
Relief and pleasure flooded Brad in equal measure. “Thank you,” he replied. Glancing around, he
spotted a street sign and said, “The restaurant is at the corner of Rustler Street and Vine.”
“Okay. There’s a nature walk not too far. It was set up by the park rangers to educate people on
proper safety in the woods. For the most part, it’s all wooden sidewalks with information about the
plants and trees you pass.” Dagus hesitated for a second, and Brad worried Dagus was offering out of
politeness and didn’t really want to go. “I’ve only been there once with Drake, because there are a lot

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of steps and turns.”
Brad smiled and leaned close. “Well, if you don’t mind taking instruction from me, I’d be happy to
take you.”
To Brad, his mate’s breathless reply acted as an aphrodisiac. His desire to taste the man’s lips
became all-consuming, and after glancing around the parking lot, he lifted a hand to cup Dagus’s face
while using his body to pin him against his motorcycle. “I’m about to kiss you,” he whispered. “Is that
Pleased that he’d rendered Dagus’s speech to one word answers, he closed the scant distance
between them and sealed his mouth over the smaller man’s. The warm, soft flesh of Dagus’s lips sent
tingles through his mouth, frying his brain. Brad needed more. He traced Dagus’s bottom lip with his
tongue before nipping it lightly.
Dagus opened with a soft moan, and Brad slid his tongue into the heat of his mate’s mouth. He tasted
the wine Dagus had with dinner, mixed with Dagus’s unique spiciness. He brushed his tongue against
Dagus’s, encouraging the muscle to come out and play. Seconds later, Dagus did exactly that. His
hands gripped Brad’s shoulders and he pressed forward, plastering his body against Brad’s as he
tilted his head so Brad could deepen the kiss.
His already hard cock jerked at the contact, and a feral growl escaped Brad’s throat as he ravaged
Dagus’s mouth. He gripped Dagus’s hip and held him tight against him, grinding his dick into his
stomach. Seconds later, shock hit him when he realized he was about to pass the point of no return.
Carefully, he eased the kiss to an end and leaned his forehead against Dagus’s. Both of them were
panting hard. After a few seconds, he whispered, “Maybe we should save the walk for another time. I
want you, Dagus.”
“That sounds fantastic.”
Relief flooded him. “Good.” He helped Dagus put on the helmet before donning his own. Then he
drove as swiftly as he could back to his mate’s condo.
They reached the door, their tongues again tangling, which made it difficult for Dagus to get his keys
out, but Brad didn’t care. Soon he’d get Dagus on a flat surface and—
His cell phone’s cry of Yogi, Yogi Bear cut into his thoughts. After bringing the kiss to an end, he
hissed, “Shit. Sorry, babe, I gotta check this. That’s Kontra’s ring tone.”
“The Yogi Bear song?” Dagus teased breathlessly.
Brad chuckled, knowing the irony wasn’t lost on the man since Kontra was indeed a bear. Seeing the
words of his leader’s text, he groaned. “Unfucking-believable,” he growled. Meeting Dagus’s
sightless eyes, he said, “I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. Some emergency has come up and he’s calling
everyone in.”
Dagus forced a smile, but Brad could see the disappointment on his mate’s face, and it nearly tore his
heart out. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Sure,” Dagus replied. “When the alpha calls, you gotta go. My prick hates him right now, but I’ll
soothe it with my right hand,” he quipped.
Talk of his mate masturbating had Brad groaning and pressing the palm of his hand to his hard dick,
trying to ease his pain. “Fuck!” He gave Dagus a hard kiss, before releasing him. “I’ll be jerking off
to the vision of you getting yourself off,” he whispered. “Now get in the house, so I can get out of
After one more kiss, which was decidedly too short, Dagus disappeared into his home and Brad

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returned to his bike. As he straddled the machine and brought it roaring to life, he wondered if the
vibrations could get him off before he managed to even get back to the hotel.

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Chapter Six

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He didn’t jump your bones on the first date so I guess he may be an all right guy.”

Dagus paused in counting his steps across the living room and turned toward Phillip’s voice. He

grinned. “The only reason you’re not getting an eye-full right now is because his leader called him
and the rest of the gang for a meeting. Otherwise…” He waggled his eyebrows, making it clear
exactly what he and Brad would have been doing.
Phillip groaned. “TMI, dude.”

Shrugging, he started toward his bedroom again. “You started it,” he replied flippantly.

He heard Phillip rise from the couch and follow him. “So? How did it go? He looked quite a bit
different in jeans and that shirt than he did last night in biker leathers. Is he a decent guy?”
Dagus smiled, wondering how he’d managed to gain another brother so quickly. “It was nice,” he
said, feeling for the bed and then sitting. “We talked about our families mostly, and my blindness. He
really seemed interested in the things I had to say. It was…well, nice,” he said again with a shrug.
Phillip replied dryly, “And the fact that just his smell gives you a boner has nothing to do with it?”
Laughing, Dagus grinned. “There is that.” Sobering, he asked, “How did you know?”
“I can smell your arousal,” Phillip admitted. “Have a good night.”
His brows shot up, and he couldn’t think of a thing to say as his friend left and strode to his own
room. Seconds later, he heard Phillip softly close his door. Shaking his head, Dagus stood and made
his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

He woke to the sounds of people talking in his kitchen. Recognizing his brother’s voice, he rolled

out of bed and picked up the robe he’d left draped over his chair. Wrapping the fabric around him, he
wondered what his brother and his mate would be doing here this early. Only one way to find out, he
reasoned. He shoved his feet into his slippers and headed out to greet his guests.

To his surprise, before he could even reach the room, he heard the snarling of two shifters facing

off. “What the hell is going on?” he questioned, stepping into the room.

“Your brother’s mate has impregnated my mate!” Phillip practically roared his reply. “I smell his

seed in her.”

Dagus paused, trying to process the convoluted statements without his first cup of coffee. One

thing finally penetrated. “You found your mate, Phillip?” He grinned. “That’s great! Who is she?”

“Doriah,” Drake murmured from near the head of the table.

“Does someone want to tell me what’s going on?” came his sister’s irritated voice.
He reached out a hand, knowing his older sister would come to him if she was able. Seconds later,
her slender fingers gripped his hand and he pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s good to hear your voice,”
he said.
“It’s good to see you, too, Dagus,” Doriah replied before pulling away, although she kept hold of one
of his hands. “Now can someone tell me what your friend is talking about?”
“Uh, did you guys tell Doriah about shifters before getting her agreement to carry your baby?” Dagus
“Of course we did,” Ailean snapped. “We had to take her to a shifter specialist to have the procedure
done. Not to mention the gestation period is nearly two months shorter. That would be a little hard to
explain, wouldn’t it?”
“Wait a minute,” Phillip said, his voice lowering into a growl. “What procedure? What have you
done to my mate?”

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“Now wait just a damn minute,” Doriah barked, obviously losing her patience. “I don’t even know
you! Stop calling me your mate!”
“Okay, enough!” Dagus snapped. “I can’t handle this drama first thing in the morning. Has anyone
made coffee?”
“Yes,” Phillip snarled, clearly angry over Doriah’s dismissal.
“Thank God for small miracles.” Dagus breathed. He let go of Doriah’s hand and made his way to the
kitchen, pleased that everyone seemed to get out of his way since he didn’t trip over anyone’s feet.
“Does anyone else want any?” he asked, lifting the carafe and gauging its fullness. “I can start another
“No, thanks,” Ailean replied, his voice now coming from near where Drake replied in the
Doriah must have sat down next to them, judging by her voice’s proximity when she answered in the
“I have some already, but thank you,” Phillip replied, his voice quiet. Evidently, he’d figured out that
forcing the issue with Doriah wasn’t the best way to go with Dagus’s strong-willed sister.
Dagus carefully poured a cup of coffee for himself and his brother and sat down at the table, handing
the second cup to Drake. After inhaling the fragrant aroma, he took a sip and then sighed happily.
“Okay. Now then. Doriah, meet my roommate, Phillip. He’s a shifter, too,” he said, waving a hand
between them. “A wolf shifter. And evidently, he seems to think you’re his mate, just like Drake is
Ailean’s mate.”
“Uh…not that I don’t find you attractive, dude, but don’t I have a choice in this?” Doriah asked, her
frustration clear. “You don’t even know me! What if I were married? Or in a relationship? I’m just
supposed to drop everything and become your little woman? I don’t think so!”
“Wait! I—”
“I’ll see you boys later,” Doriah said, cutting off Phillip’s words. “Sorry, Drake. You’re going to
have to tell Dagus on your own.” She rose from the table and headed out of the room. “I’ll see you
later, Dagus!” she called over her shoulder.
“Holy shit. She’s amazing,” Phillip whispered after the door slammed shut, his adoration clear.
Drake tittered. “You have your work cut out for you, Phillip.”
“Treat her right,” Dagus warned.
“Oh, I will,” Phillip assured. “I’m going to need to pick both your brains about her likes and
“Let’s see…she likes teddy bears, Whammy, pearls, and opals,” Dagus quipped, trying to hold back
his amusement over the wolf’s immediate infatuation, “and dislikes domineering, controlling,
possessive men.”
“What’s Whammy?” Phillip asked in confusion.
“A game show,” Drake responded, chuckling. “And she has the show’s schedule memorized, and if
she’s not home, she’ll check to see what episode is on and record it if it’s one she doesn’t already
“By the gods, that…uh…”
Knowing Phillip was at a loss for what to say to that, he saved the shifter. “Obsessive. I think it’s a
way for her to feel in control. There were too many years where she was under Marc’s thumb, so we
encourage any safe act of independent control she displays,” Dagus explained.
“Who’s Marc?” Phillip growled out.
“Her ex-husband,” Drake replied.

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“She was married?” Phillip asked, shocked.
Dagus rolled his eyes. “She’s thirty-six,” he pointed out. “How many relationships have you been
“Right, I understand I don’t have any right to be jealous, but that doesn’t stop the feeling,” Phillip
admitted irritably. “Is she seeing anyone right now?”
Dagus frowned, realizing he didn’t know the answer to that. He turned to look toward where he knew
his brother sat and lifted his brows.
“No. No boyfriend right now,” Drake answered. “She’s dated a few different men over the last six
months, but nothing steady.”
“Is she living here?” Phillip asked. “I guess you all used artificial insemination to get her pregnant?”
“Yeah, that’s part of why we’re here. Well, sort of,” Drake said. “There was a lot of blood work
done, so we found out some interesting news.”
Drake’s subdued voice got Dagus’s attention. “What is it? Is something wrong with the baby?”
“No, of course not,” Drake quickly assured. “It’s just that, we found out some information that we
thought may interest you.”
“What?” he asked, taking a sip from his coffee, partly to hide his confusion, and partly because he
needed the caffeine to get his brain to follow his brother’s words.
“You remember Mom ranting about how Dad was the one with the gene for Leber’s?” Drake asked.
“Sure,” Dagus replied. “They fought about it until I became a teenager and could pretty much care for
Drake took his hand. “It wasn’t Dad who had the gene.”
Dagus jerked away in shock, but Drake wouldn’t release his hand. He took a deep breath, letting it out
slowly. “What are you saying?”
“It was Mom,” Drake whispered. “Mom is the one who carries the gene, which means she passed it
on to Doriah, too.”
“But how can that be? I remember—”
“You remember what Mom said, just like I do. But it wasn’t the truth,” Drake said sadly.
He sat back and wrapped his free hand around his mug, trying to absorb the liquid’s warmth.
Suddenly, his thoughts turned to Brad, and he desperately wished the shifter was there to wrap him in
a hug. Odd, since I’ve just met him. “That’s…that’s…” He straightened. “Your baby. You said your
baby is okay?”
Drake squeezed his hand in reassurance, but it was Ailean who spoke. “Our baby is not in danger.
Because your sister is impregnated with my sperm, the shifter DNA will overrule your sister’s. It’ll
be the same when she and Phillip eventually have cubs.”
“But how can you know that already?” He frowned as another thought hit him. “How can you even
know that she’s pregnant already? It’s only been a few weeks.”
Ailean chuckled. “Shifter DNA, remember? Twenty-nine week pregnancy? Everything is a bit sped
up. Shifter women know almost immediately since there’s a change in their scent.”
“Oh, well, congratulations,” Dagus murmured, still in shock over the news. All those years they’d
listened to Mom rant about how Dad should have said something, and it was his mom all along. Did
she know? Or did she just refuse to get tested and assumed it was Dad? At this point, he couldn’t even
ask his mother since for the most part, she was so far gone with Alzheimer’s that she wouldn’t
remember anyway.
The doorbell rang, but he didn’t respond. He heard Phillip get up to answer it while Drake moved
beside him and wrapped him in a hug.

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“You okay?” his brother asked softly.
He started to nod and then thought better of it. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “It makes me
wonder about so many of her actions over the years, ya know?” He forced a smile. “I think I just need
some time to process it.”
“Don’t wonder about things you have no control over, Dagus,” Drake whispered. “That’s not why I
told you.”
A soft growl sounded from the doorway, interrupting them. “Release my mate.”
Dagus recognized Brad’s deep voice. Just as always, it sent a shiver of desire through him. Then he
realized what this could look like, a group of men that Brad didn’t know, one of them having his arms
around him. It didn’t matter that it was hard to miss that they were brothers. Shifters were still oddly
unreasonable about others touching their mates.
He patted Drake’s hand and stood, feeling his brother’s arms slide away from around him. “Hello,
Brad. This is my brother, Drake, and his mate, Ailean Carmichael. Everyone, this is my mate, Brad
Nadeau. We just met the other night,” he explained. After a round of nice to meet yous and
congratulations, Dagus frowned, suddenly concerned. “I thought you were going to call. Is something
Brad’s scent enveloped him as the big shifter stepped close and wrapped him in a hug. To his
surprise, Brad buried his nose in Dagus’s neck and inhaled deeply before answering.
“I needed to talk to you,” he murmured, “and I wanted to do it in person. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” he replied softly. “Are you okay?”
“The minute I walked in I scented how upset you were. I didn’t like it.” One of Brad’s large hands
slid down Dagus’s spine, caressing him through the thin fabric of his robe. “Is everything okay here?”
It suddenly occurred to Dagus how little clothes he was wearing in front of a shifter who, if the thick
ridge pressing into his stomach was any indication, wanted nothing more than to distract him from the
troubles of the world with a sweaty round of sex. Dagus’s cock flooded, pressing through the fabric
of his robe to rub against the abrasive fabric of Brad’s jeans. He gasped as delicious sparks shot
down his shaft and he rocked his hips, looking for more.
“Oh, everything is very okay,” he whispered breathlessly.
He knew he should be embarrassed over this wanton display, but when Brad growled and took
possession of his mouth, Dagus moaned and he couldn’t remember why. Brad’s hands caressed the
knobs of his spine, and the other kneaded the tendons in his neck, tilting his head for better access of
his mouth.
The hand on his neck dropped to his thigh, and Dagus felt Brad bunch up the fabric of his notquite-
knee-length robe. The big, warm, calloused hand on his bare ass had him gasping in shock. He
dropped his head back on his shoulders and panted out, “Wait, wait. Are we alone?” With his senses
overwhelmed by Brad’s very presence, he didn’t know if there was anyone else in the room with
“Yes, I wouldn’t let anyone else see what’s mine,” Brad growled. “I heard the front door slam a
couple minutes ago.” His head dipped down to Dagus’s neck where he trailed kisses and nips up and
down the tendons of his neck.
Brad easily lifted Dagus, and he instinctively wrapped his legs around the big man’s waist. Brad
growl sounded like approval, and he tapped the guardian muscle of Dagus’s hole. Dagus couldn’t
stop his hips from tilting in invitation. When Brad’s thick, blunt finger sank into him, he let out a
pleased sigh and clamped down on the digit.
This is what he needed. His mate had left him so needy last night, but now Brad was here, and he’d

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make it all better.
“Which room is yours, babe?”
It took Dagus a few seconds to process Brad’s growled question since the man hadn’t stopped
dipping his finger into his ass again and again. “First…first room on the right,” he finally managed,
then he felt them moving.
His door slammed behind them, and he felt his bed under his back as Brad settled him on it. With one
finger still in his ass, Dagus spread his legs wide and the bed dipped when Brad knelt between them.
Brad’s second hand gripped his aching shaft where it poked between the folds of his robe, and he
stroked firmly, creating delicious tingles over the length of his sensitive sex. Dagus arched into
Brad’s touch. He let out a soft cry of pleasure as he rocked back onto that finger. It had been so long
since someone had touched him, and he wanted, needed, more.
“Open your robe, Dagus. Show yourself to me,” Brad ordered gruffly.
Dagus scrambled to obey, only too happy to clear away the barrier between them. His fingers
stumbled on the knot for several seconds and he mewled in frustration.
“Easy, babe,” Brad crooned. “We aren’t in any rush. Take your time.”
As he spoke, Brad slowed his strokes on Dagus’s cock and stilled the finger in his ass. It allowed him
to gather enough coordination to untie his robe and shrug the sleeves off his shoulders. Then he
dropped back onto the bed, surrendering to the amazing sensations racking through his body from his
mate’s touch.
A hot mouth replaced the hand on his dick and Dagus cried out in ecstasy as Brad sucked him. The
pulling sensations on his sensitive skin had his balls pulling tight in no time, and he barely felt any
burn when a second thick finger was pressed into his ass alongside the first.
Fingers tweaked his nipple, and Dagus was lost. His orgasm bowled through him so fast he didn’t
even have time to shout a warning to Brad. His cock pulsed, spraying cum into the mouth sucking him
so wonderfully. Brad swallowed his seed down without any hesitation, heightening the amazing
sensations by softly sucking on the head of his prick and encouraging one more string of cum out of his
Brad let his penis slip from his mouth and leaned up to kiss him, allowing Dagus to taste his essence
on Brad’s tongue as he thrust it deep into his mouth, mimicking what Brad’s fingers were still doing
to his ass. He moaned into the kiss, feeling his limp dick jerk in an attempt to rise when Brad’s agile
fingers rubbed over his prostate with each thrust.
“Please fill me, Brad,” he begged, not caring how he sounded.
“I will, Dagus. I will.”

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Chapter Seven


rad stared down at his mate, so stunning in his passion. The way Dagus responded to his touch

made Brad feel ten feet tall, and he wanted nothing more than to replace his fingers with his cock right
then. Instead, he asked, “Lube?”

“Drawer,” Dagus huffed out, still riding his fingers with an enthusiasm Brad found astonishing.
With his free hand, he reached into the drawer Dagus had half-heartedly flailed his hand toward.

He grabbed what felt like a tube, but when he pulled it out, he froze. He hadn’t found lube, he’d found
something much more interesting.

“What is it?” Dagus asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

Brad realized he’d stopped moving, so he slowly started fucking his mate with his fingers again,
making certain to scrape the spongy gland buried in Dagus’s chute every few strokes. “Look what I
found,” he teased, placing the object in his mate’s hand.
Instantly, Dagus’s face darkened in what could only be a blush on his man’s already chocolate
features. “I-I—”
Brad chuckled and kissed his mate while reaching into the drawer again, this time pulling out the tube
of lube. “Oh, I think your dildo is sexy as fuck, babe, and we’ll definitely play with it another time.
But right now, I need inside you,” he admitted.
“Yes, please,” Dagus gasped, shoving the purple dildo up under a pillow before returning his grip to
the sheets.
Brad pulled his yanked his clothes tearing come from somewhere, but couldn’t be bothered trying to
find out what he’d torn. Getting into his mate was of the utmost importance. By the time he’d shed
every stitch of clothes he had on, Dagus was whimpering on the bed, moving restlessly. His hand was
wrapped around his once more swollen dick, and he thrust shamelessly into his fist.
The sight nearly took Brad’s breath away, and then he growled as lust slammed through him and his
cock jerked and twitched. A drop of pre-cum oozed from his slit and he shivered.
“Brad?” Dagus whimpered, stilling his movements.
fingers from his mate and from his body. He heard
Realizing he’d been staring too long, Brad settled back onto the bed, resting one hand on Dagus’s hip
so the man knew where he was, before leaning down and giving his mate a quick kiss. “I’m right
here,” he whispered. “You’re just so stunning. I love watching you,” he told Dagus.
“I didn’t know where you’d gone,” Dagus whispered uncertainly, his hands lifting to trace Brad’s
Brad grinned, letting Dagus feel his lips. “I needed to get undressed and then I looked back down at
you and you stole my breath away. My mate,” he crooned, giving in to the desire to kiss the man
again. He sipped at Dagus’s lips, savoring his taste.
Popping the top off the lube, he slathered some first on his cock. He was so turned on that just those
few seconds of contact hurt. Pouring out more lube, he thrust two fingers back into Dagus’s channel,
pleased that he opened right back up for him. It only took Brad a few moments to get a third finger
into Dagus and then a fourth.
His mate moaned and writhed in wanton abandon, and Brad loved the noises the man made. Pulling
out his fingers caused a whimper of distress from Dagus, but he quickly lined up his cock and pushed.
The bulbous head of his thick, ten inch dick popped inside Dagus’s channel and his mate clamped
down on him, surrounding his head in delicious pressure.

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It took everything in him to stay still and not slam his dick all the way inside. His big body trembled.
He crooned nonsense as he caressed his mate’s face, trying to soothe the much smaller man into
Finally, Dagus’s chute unclenched, and Brad let out a sigh. He started gently kissing Dagus’s neck and
sucking his ear while rocking his hips, burying his dick deeper and deeper into the human.
Once buried balls deep inside Dagus, Brad stopped. His body shuddered as he assimilated the
amazing sensations of having his cock surrounded in his mate’s tight heat. Leaning down, he took
Dagus’s mouth in a deep, claiming kiss. Some desperate part of his mind wanted his mate to
remember this moment for all time, because Brad knew he would.
When breathing became paramount, he broke the kiss before oh-so-slowly easing his dick halfway out
and then pushing back into Dagus with the same smooth motion. He adjusted his angle, making certain
he scraped the flared head of his dick over Dagus’s prostate with each thrust. Keeping up the slow
movement might kill him, but Brad wanted their first coupling to last as long as possible. He wanted
to memorize the heat of Dagus’s body, the excruciatingly wonderful grip of the man’s chute on his
dick, and the wonderful noises escaping Dagus as he rocked up to meet each slow thrust. He
wondered if Dagus’s nails digging into his shoulders would leave marks, hoping they would, wanting
that reminder for days to come.
“So handsome. So sexy. So sweet. My mate,” he babbled unabashedly, knowing Dagus was just as far
gone in lust as he was.
Finally, he couldn’t hold it any longer, and Brad sped up his thrusts. He felt the telltale tingle in his
gums, and his bear wanted desperately to sink it’s fangs into Dagus’s neck and claim him as their
own. It took everything in him not to give in to the urge, reminding himself that they hadn’t even talked
about it yet.
Reaching a hand between them, he gripped his mate’s cock and gave it a firm stroke while
whispering, “Come for me, Dagus.”
Dagus’s light brown eyes rounded, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, and his mouth opened in a silent
scream. His mate’s ass clamped down on Brad’s cock as his warm seed shot between them, coating
both their stomachs and chests. The added pressure on his dick sent Brad hurtling over the edge, and
he found himself soaring as bliss coursed through his senses.
Several moments later, when he could focus his thoughts, Brad found he’d tucked his forehead into
Dagus’s neck and he enjoyed his mate’s caressing fingers as Dagus skated his hands over his back.
“Mmmm,” he moaned softly, enjoying the man’s touch. “That feels wonderful.”
“I like how your skin feels,” Dagus whispered.
“Good,” Brad said, turning his head to peck a kiss on the side of Dagus’s jaw, “because I like you
touching me.”
He could feel his cock taking a renewed interest as Dagus’s hands skimmed over the sensitive skin of
his ass crack. His ass involuntarily clenched a bit, and Dagus must have felt it, for he moved his
hands to Brad’s hipbones and then higher up his sides. He found he missed the exploration below and
wondered if his mate ever topped. Brad had never bottomed before, but it could possibly be
something he’d be willing to share with his mate should Dagus ever ask.
Pushing the thoughts away, he grunted and moved away, already feeling the sticky cum beginning to
dry and itch. His dick slipped from Dagus’s body and his mate groaned, but Brad could tell it was a
pleasant sound. He leaned down and kissed his mate before saying, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to
get a cloth to clean us up with.”
After Dagus nodded, Brad slipped away. He hustled to the bathroom, cleaned himself up, and

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returned to Dagus’s side in record time. For some reason, holding his mate seemed the most important
thing to do right now. After wiping Dagus clean, he rolled him off the now soiled robe and tossed it to
the floor. Climbing onto the bed, he curled his bigger body around Dagus and pulled his mate’s back
to his chest. He exhaled, finally letting relaxation cloud his mind. This I could definitely get used to.
They lay like that for some time, neither in a hurry to move or talk, just enjoying their postorgasmic
Finally, he felt Dagus stir in front of him. His head turned toward him and he murmured, “So, I know
we got a bit distracted, but what are you doing here?”
Brad laughed softly. “We did get distracted, didn’t we?” He nipped the ear close to his mouth and
then sucked the abused flesh into his mouth to soothe the sting.
Dagus’s body shivered in his arms, and Brad smiled.
“Stop trying to distract me. What’s up?” the man asked breathlessly.
“I just can’t seem to convince myself to stop touching all your glorious skin,” he teased, scraping a
fingernail over Dagus’s nipple to accentuate his words, liking how his mate responded to his touches.
Forcing himself to focus, he rubbed his hand over the smooth, chocolate skin and said, “Well, I told
you last night that Kontra called everyone back, right?”
Burying his face against Dagus’s ear, he whispered, “It seems one of our gang is missing.” He
couldn’t help the pang of regret that shot through him as he remembered hearing the news. “His name
is Gallo Ricci, and he’s a horse shifter. He went ahead of the group to visit with his sister for a few
days. Kontra received a call from his sister last night asking when he was supposed to arrive.
Evidently, he never made it, and his phone is going directly to voicemail.” He figured he may as well
get it all out now. “Kontra wants to leave tomorrow morning if we don’t hear from him.”
That had Dagus tensing in his arms. “You’re leaving?” he squeaked.
“Easy, easy,” he crooned, rubbing the man’s flat stomach before carding his fingers through the curls
at Dagus’s groin. He knew he was playing dirty, but he didn’t want his mate pulling away just yet.
Brad found holding his mate extremely relaxing, which made the decision he’d tossed and turned with
all night seem ridiculous.
“I have an appointment with Declan at three this afternoon. I’m going to petition to stay in his
territory,” he revealed.
Dagus instantly relaxed, sinking into his embrace. “Really? Why would you do that?”
“Because you’re my mate, and this is where you are,” he replied simply.
His knuckles brushed up and down the thick vein of Dagus’s already erect cock. Brad had to admit, he
was impressed with his mate’s recovery time. Scenting his mate’s arousal, his own dick filled
swiftly, and he wanted to take advantage of that particularly wonderful quality of his mate’s.
He nipped Dagus’s earlobe while moving his hand between them and pushing Dagus’s top leg
forward. “I want to fuck your ass with your toy, Dagus,” he whispered into the man’s ear while
sinking one finger into his man’s hole. He pegged Dagus’s prostate and added, “Then while I’m
playing with you and your toy, I want you to suck my cock.”
“Oh my god!” Dagus moaned, thrusting his ass back and Brad sank in two fingers this time, giving his
mate just a bit of burn to relish. He reached a hand up and pulled the dildo from under the pillow
where Dagus had shoved it earlier and then cast about for the lube, finding it behind him.
Pulling his fingers from his mate’s hole, Brad rolled Dagus onto his back and then crawled over him
backward in the classic sixty-nine position. He felt Dagus’s slender fingers wrap around his prick

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and gasped. His mate’s touch felt more intense than anything he’d ever felt before, and he prayed he
would last.
Quickly, he slicked up the toy, which was about half his girth, but a bit longer than his ten inches, and
pressed the tip against Dagus’s opening. He pulled it away, just to watch his mate’s pretty pink
opening wink at him and enjoy the sound of Dagus’s frustrated mewls for more. Giving in to his
mate’s desires, and his own, he settled the toy against his star again and pushed. The head of the
purple dick sank into Dagus’s rectum, and Brad pressed it steadily into his mate until just the end
stuck out of his hole. It was a beautiful sight, his mate taking what he gave him, moaning and thrusting
his hips as he attempted to fuck the air while getting more of the toy inside him.
He rocked back against his mate’s face. “Take me in your mouth, Dagus. Suck me.” The words came
out more a whine than an order, but with his mouth filled with Brad’s prick, Dagus didn’t call him on
it. Warm, wet heat surrounded his shaft, almost making Brad’s eyes roll back in his head with
Gritting his teeth and regulating his breathing, he worked his own penis in and out of Dagus’s mouth,
thrusting the dildo in and out of his ass to the same rhythm. The groaning of his mate vibrated his dick,
heightening the tingles shooting up and down his own spine and telling him just how good his mate
felt, too.
Wanting it to be even better, Brad dipped his head down and pulled Dagus’s bobbing prick into his
mouth. He swallowed to the root and then pulled back, sucking strongly. He used his other hand to
roll Dagus’s balls in his palm. He felt the orbs contract tightly and that was all the warning he got
before his mate’s salty essence shot into his mouth. He sucked each shot down, massaging the pulsing
vein and tonguing the slit, getting every last drop of his mate.
The man’s moaning and the wonderful taste of his mate’s cream had Brad’s own balls pulling tight.
His cock swelled and he just caught himself before ramming his hips forward to bury his dick in his
mate’s throat. It didn’t stop the orgasm, and it pulsed through him, his body shuddering with
aftershocks as he shot his seed into Dagus’s mouth.
Using hands and tongue, Dagus carefully searched for and swallowed every drop, purring in pleasure.
Grinning and panting like he’d run a marathon, Brad dropped to the side. After a second to catch his
breath, he carefully pulled the dildo from Dagus’s ass and dropped it to the floor.
He somehow found the strength to turn back around, then flopped on his back and pulled his mate onto
his chest. Dagus gripped his face and lowered his head for a deep, teeth-clacking kiss, both too
exhausted for finesse but needing the connection.
“Your mouth is fucking amazing, babe,” Brad murmured after the kiss ended. He grinned when Dagus
murmured an unintelligible reply and burrowed deeper into his chest, tucking his head under Brad’s
chin. Minutes later, his mate was sound asleep.
Thinking that was a fantastic idea, Brad reached down, grabbed the blanket, and flipped it over them.
Seconds later, he followed Dagus into slumber.

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Chapter Eight


e woke up to the most tantalizing scent filling his nostrils and a warm body curled around him.

embrace and
“It does, doesn’t it?” Brad whispered, nibbling
his ear. “I’m glad you woke. The timer is set to go
off in two minutes.”
“Mmm, timer for what?” he asked, a shiver
working down his neck.
“The cinnamon rolls.”
His stomach rumbled at those words and he
grinned. “That sounds wonderful,” Dagus replied.
“I kinda got distracted before I could eat breakfast
this morning, so I’m starving!”
Brad lifted up on one arm behind him and
kissed his cheek. “Sorry about that. I didn’t
“I’m not,” Dagus whispered, interrupting him. “Good,” Brad said, pecking his lips. “Go get
cleaned up while I pull the rolls out of the oven.” Dagus snuggled back into Brad’s sighed. “Wow.
Something smells Just as the words were out of Brad’s mouth, the timer on the oven beeped. “Sounds
fantastic,” Dagus said. He reached over his shoulder and felt Brad’s shoulder. He slid his hand up
Brad’s neck, leaned up and pecked his mate’s mouth in a quick kiss. “I’ll be right out.”
* * * *

Dagus wasn’t certain how he’d let Brad talk him into coming. It was probably the amazing taste of

the cinnamon rolls that he’d been plied with for brunch, complete with a sweet brown sugar glaze. He
hadn’t tasted anything that wonderful in years, and Dagus had been very vocal about it, making Brad

He knew he already thought of the shifter as his mate, and the guy’s tone had sounded so nervous

and plaintive when he’d asked for Dagus to go with him to Declan’s. Dagus knew, even without the
wonderful food, he’d have agreed to anything Brad asked. Two days and I’m already wrapped
around his finger.

They sat in the front room of Declan’s large home. Down the hall, the study door was closed to

them, and he reached over to grip the fingers of Brad’s hand, stopping his nervous tapping.

Brad’s hand turned over, and he intertwined their fingers, squeezing gently. Without the tapping,

Dagus realized he could just make out the conversation in the other room.

He didn’t recognize the voice that said, “You’re letting too many other animals into our territory,

Alpha. Some pack members are getting restless.”

“Restless?” Declan’s unmistakable Irish accented voice reached Dagus’s ears. “What the hell are

ye talking about, Shane? We’ve never had unrest in me pack before.”
“That was before…”

The other man’s voice drifted into silence at the sound of a low growl. “Before what?”

“Well,” there was nervousness in the other man’s voice, “before you mated a man, and opened our
territory to every gay shifter couple that crossed your door’s threshold.”

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“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Declan roared.
From the stiffening of Brad’s spine, Dagus knew his mate had heard the alpha’s words, too. He
squeezed Brad’s hand and held a finger to his lips. He figured his mate listened, since Brad didn’t say
“Please, Alpha, you need to remember that most of your wolves lean to the more traditional side of
the fence. They respect you and love you.” From the placating sound of his tone, Dagus realized that
the stranger, Shane, realized how much ire he’d roused in his alpha. “Most of them have followed you
for decades, and you’ve always been a fair leader. They accepted Rainy decades ago, because he’s
one of us and you supported him. And even though your own mate’s gender came as a surprise,
they’re trying to accept that, too.”
Shane’s tone showed his concern as he continued. “It’s the fact that you’re letting all these other
breeds settle on our lands. A tiger, a black panther, an elephant? Where will it end?”
“It will end when no more shifters are forced to go rogue simply because they’re gay,” Declan
snapped. “I will not turn someone away just because they are not a wolf when they have no other pack
to turn to. It’s not right, Shane,” he growled, “and ye know it.”
The guy let out a long-suffering sigh, as if he were speaking to someone with a very thick head.
Personally, Dagus thought whoever argued with the alpha was a fucking idiot.
“I know, I know,” Shane replied. “It’s just… You’re putting members of our pack in danger to help
shifters not of our pack, as well as humans. Kyle died for a human and then we sent in shifters to
rescue the human they took captive!”
“Aye, it put some of our members at risk, but all those on the rescue mission volunteered,” Declan
“And Kyle?”
“Bloody hell,” Declan growled. “Ye don’t think I have enough guilt over that? Aye, I sent the wolf to
his death. It turns me stomach that those bloody scientists killed him, but those humans that Jared
didn’t kill we’re tracking down. Or trying to,” Declan amended. “What happened to Kyle tears me
apart, but saving those in the laboratory gave us valuable information.”
“Of course, but—”
“No,” Declan snarled. “There is no but. Ye tell me who has a problem, and I’ll deal with them.
Thank ye for bringing this situation to me attention, but ye’re me damn beta, Shane. Back me or admit
ye can’t follow me anymore. I’ll not condone bigots, especially amongst me own pack!”
“Yes, Alpha,” Shane replied, sounding contrite.
Dagus decided the guy must have decided to cut his losses and agree with his alpha. He’d never met
the beta personally, but evidently they didn’t share views on how the pack should be run. It made
Dagus grateful that Declan ran the pack and not Shane.
He heard a door open and heavy footsteps heading toward them. Brad rubbed Dagus’s shoulder, the
pressure changing slightly, and Dagus knew his mate had stood. He hurried to do the same. Shane said
farewell to Lark and Declan, and when the door opened, Dagus caught a distinct scent of sandalwood,
but after the door shut, the scent faded, and Dagus wondered if it came from Shane or something
outside. The approach of the alpha and his mate cut into his musings, and he focused on the pair.
“Sorry for the delay,” Declan apologized. “Please follow me. Lark, will ye bring us a pot of coffee,
please? Do ye drink coffee, Brad?”
“Uh, yeah, occasionally,” Brad replied. “Just black is fine.”
Dagus relished his mate’s hand on his back as Brad gently guided him down the hall. The hand slid to
his waist and tightened slightly and then exerted pressure to let him know that it was time to turn left

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into the study. Brad eased onto a couch and guided him down next to him. A breeze blew across his
face and he shivered, catching the same sandalwood scent he had before.
Brad may have felt his body’s shudder, or maybe he noticed the goose-bumps rising on Dagus’s arms,
either way, the man asked, “Do you mind closing the window, please, Alpha?”
“Of course not,” Declan replied. Seconds later, the scrape of wood on wood told him the window
was closed, and the scent was gone. Dagus wondered what made it, not able to think of anything in the
forest that would create it. Huh, maybe they started a garden.
“Thank you, Alpha,” Brad said respectfully.
“Of course. It looks like ye two are getting along well,” Declan noted. “It’s good to see. Not mated
yet though,” he pointed out.
“Uh, no. We haven’t really talked about it,” Brad replied.
That immediately made Dagus wonder why they hadn’t talked about it. Was the man trying to decide
if being mated to a blind man would be too much trouble? Brad must have sensed the tension that had
crept into his spine, for a rough hand cupped his chin and turned his head. Warm lips brushed a soft
kiss across his mouth.
Brad whispered, “I didn’t want to rush you. I know your brother is mated to a shifter, so you know
how quickly we become attached. I still wanted you to get to know me first, just like I wanted to get
to know you.”
Dagus smiled, appreciating the explanation. “Thank you.”
The door opened, and he heard someone enter. From the light footsteps, he figured it was Lark. The
slender man’s voice confirmed Dagus’s suspicions.
“Here’s your coffee, two sugars,” Lark said. “Reach for it at twelve o’ clock.”
Dagus obeyed and the tips of his fingers brushed ceramic. He wrapped his fingers around the mug and
gripped it, murmuring his thanks. He took a sip and the rich, slightly bitter, flavor the sugar couldn’t
quite hide, flowed across his tongue. “You always made a good cup of coffee,” he said to the alpha’s
“Thanks,” Lark replied sweetly.
The man moved away and Dagus heard leather creak across from him, telling him the other two men
sat down. “So what can I do for ye, Brad? Or should I just guess?” Declan’s tone was slightly teasing,
but Dagus could hear the underlying worry in it. “Yer gang will be movin’ on soon and ye’d like to
stay in the area.”
“Yeah, except Kontra and the group are probably leaving in the morning, so the only one who’d be in
your hair for the foreseeable future would be me,” Brad said.
For a moment, Declan didn’t reply, and Dagus felt the tension seeping into Brad’s body.
Finally, Declan replied, “I want to give ye open access to me lands, Brad, but I can’t. I don’t know
anything about ye, and I just had a conversation with me beta about how some of me wolves aren’t
pleased with how many other shifters are in the area. It wouldn’t be safe.”
“So you’re saying I can’t stay?” Brad whispered. His hand slipped into Dagus’s and squeezed. “So in
order to be with my mate, I have to ask him to leave with me?”
“No, of course not,” Declan answered. “I can give ye temporary access to the lands north of Colin
City between there and Stone Ridge, but ye need to be with one of me pack. If Phillip isn’t available,
contact me and I’ll find someone else to go with ye. Now, if ye don’t want a chaperone, ye can head
south of the city, but we don’t monitor those lands, so if ye plan to shift, ye’ll need to be very careful
ye don’t run into humans,” he warned.
A relieved sigh escaped Brad. “Okay. Thank you.”

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“Wait a minute,” Dagus said. “How long is temporary? Should I be making plans to move?” His
entire life was here, but if Brad couldn’t stay then what was the point? And how could these wolves
decide where they could live anyway. It wasn’t fair. “And what gives you the right to decide where
someone can and cannot live?” he snapped, his frustration mounting. He’d just found a good thing, and
now, to keep it, it seemed he’d have to turn his life upside-down.
“Easy, babe,” Brad said, pulling him close with one arm while holding his head still so he could peck
a quick kiss to his temple with the other. “We’ll be okay.”
Leather creaked, and from Declan’s moving voice, Dagus could tell he paced as he talked.
“Unfortunately, I can’t give ye an answer about a time-frame right now, Dagus. I do this with both yer
safeties in mind. I’ll talk to Carson, and Shane again, and we’ll figure out who is behind these rumors
of unrest. Once they’re shut down, where ye want to live will be entirely up to you.”
“Right. Okay. Sorry I snapped at you,” he replied, instantly remorseful. He hated losing his temper
and he knew Declan was a good man. He was just looking after the safety of everyone in his territory.
That’s what a good alpha did.
“I don’t think Phillip will be available for a while,” Dagus said, smiling suddenly. “I’d like to check
out Brad’s bear form, so we’ll probably just go south.” He grinned toward his mate. “Right,
“Anything you want, babe,” Brad replied, this time kissing him on the mouth.
“What kind of bear are you?” Lark asked.
“A polar bear,” Brad replied.
“Wow, that’d be something to see,” the small man’s enthusiasm was clear.
Declan chuckled. “Aye, it would. Perhaps someday, once things settle down.”
Brad rose and urged Dagus to stand as well. “Thank you for taking the time to see me.”
“Hey, wait,” Declan said. “Why isn’t Phillip available? Is his practice picking up that much?”
Dagus knew the wolf had opened a law practice a couple months ago when he and his brother Todd
had been rescued from the same scientists who’d held him. The brothers had decided to stay in the
area because Todd had scented his mate. “It’s not that, although his law practice is doing very well,”
Dagus said. “It’s just that my sister came to town and when Phillip met her, he realized that Doriah is
his mate.”
“Oh, well pass on me congratulations to him!” Declan said.
“Huh,” Lark chimed in. “What’s the odds that all three of you are the mates of shifters?”
Dagus shrugged. “Never really thought about it,” he said. “I just think he’ll be busy trying to win her
trust. She was married once, and it didn’t end well.”
“Well, damn,” Declan whispered. “Let me know if he needs anything.”
Nodding, Dagus smiled. “I’ll pass that along.”
“Thanks again,” Brad said, leading the way from the house.
Dagus paused on the porch, cocking his head and sniffing. “Do you smell that?”
He heard Brad sniffing. “I smell that the beta passed by not too long ago. I’m impressed you can smell
him.” Brad touched his cheek lightly. “Maybe it’s because your other senses are heightened to make
up for your blindness?”
Dagus smiled. “They’re not so much heightened as I know how to utilize them better than most
humans, since I rely on them more,” he pointed out.
“Well, I still think it’s amazing,” Brad said, kissing him gently.
Once they were settled on the bike, Dagus wrapped his arms firmly around Brad and asked, “Where
are we going?”

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“You said you wanted to see my bear, right?”
Dagus smiled. “I’d love to see your bear. It won’t hurt me, right?” he asked, suddenly worried.
“Oh, no, babe. I’m perfectly cognizant while in animal form and my bear will recognize you as my
mate. Don’t worry.”
“Does it hurt to shift from human to animal and back again? I’ve heard others do it and the popping
ligaments sound kinda painful,” he pointed out.
Brad chuckled. “Yes, it probably does sound painful, but it’s not because magic is involved.”
“Yes, Dagus, what you’d call magic. There are many magical creatures out there. Shifters aren’t the
only ones,” he said.
“I’d love to hear about it sometime,” Dagus said. A shiver suddenly worked down his spine, and he
frowned. “Let’s get going. I feel like we’re being watched.”
“Hmmm,” Brad toned. “That wouldn’t be surprising, but I think you’re right. Let’s head south of Colin

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Chapter Nine


fter picking up sandwiches and snacks for a picnic, Brad drove the bike down the road, enjoying

the scenery and the feel of his mate’s arms around his waist. His talk with Declan hadn’t gone quite
like he’d planned, but at least he had some time to work things out with his mate. They needed to
figure out what their plans were, and the urge to claim the sweet man behind him was riding him hard,
especially after watching Dagus come to his defense against the local wolf alpha. He knew Declan
was just doing his duty for his pack, but it still frustrated him. He felt rushed. He saw signs for a
trailhead and turned that way. The blacktop ended a mile into the forest at a small parking area. He
settled the bike and helped his mate from the back. “Stay put, babe, while I lock up these helmets.”

Dagus nodded, his head titled as he listened to the sounds of him putting the helmets away and

birds singing in the branches of the forest around them. Seeing the contented expression on Dagus’s
face, Brad smiled. Whatever it took to be together, it would be worth seeing that happy look every

He grabbed a tightly rolled blanket from a saddlebag and a backpack in which he’d shoved the

food and crossed to his human. Settling a hand on Dagus’s shoulder, he guided his way forward.
“Think you can carry this blanket? It’s pretty tightly rolled, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble.”

“Oh, yeah. No problem,” Dagus said, reaching for the item.

He held it out and found himself impressed by the way Dagus quickly used his fingers to determine
the size and shape. Then he tucked the bedroll under his arm and grinned. “Let’s go.”
Tossing the bag over his shoulder, Brad headed toward the trail. “According to the sign, the trail is
three miles of fairly easy traveling to a lake. It should take about an hour and a half, give or take,
considering…” he let his sentence trail off.
Dagus smirked. “Considering I’m blind and you’ll have to tell me about every root and rock?”
Leaning down while carefully keeping his stride, he kissed Dagus’s neck. “Yeah, babe. Because
you’re blind.”
“Does it bother you?” he asked, still walking.
“No, Dagus. It doesn’t bother me, but I don’t want to offend you in any way. Only you can teach me
what bothers you and what doesn’t. I already care greatly for you, and hope we can learn to be
comfortable together soon,” Brad admitted.
Brad liked the pleased expression on Dagus’s face. “So, tell me, babe. What do you do with your
“I’m a writer. I write gay romantic mysteries.”
He grinned at the obvious pride in his mate’s voice. Not much of a reader himself, he said, “Really?
Am I allowed to ask if they’re popular?”
Dagus snickered. “I’ve sold six manuscripts over the last four years, and I bring in enough royalties to
pay the mortgage on the condo and live comfortably.”
“Well, excuse me,” Brad teased back, squeezing the shoulder he held. “This area’s a bit rocky. Be
Once they were through the bad stretch, Brad asked curiously, “How do you write, since you can’t
Grinning at him over his shoulder, Dagus said, “I was wondering when you were going to get around
to asking me that. Several years ago, Drake helped me set up a voice recognition program on my

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computer. It records what I say, then I have a Braille printer where I’ll print what I’ve spoken and tell
the computer how to edit.” The pride was evident in Dagus’s voice and Brad grinned at him. “It’s
really quite marvelous what technology can do these days.”
“That’s amazing,” Brad murmured.
“It was hard the first couple years, because original voice recognition programs were real touchy.
Last year we installed a new program called Dragon. It works much better, and made writing my last
novel run much smoother.”
Amazed at all his mate had accomplished despite his handicap, Brad felt his heart fill just a bit more
with emotion for his man. He pulled Dagus to a stop and cupped his jaw. “Amazing man,” he
whispered before wrapping him close in his arms and kissing him deeply. Delving his tongue into his
mate’s mouth, he tasted the sweet headiness he could only describe as a craving for his mate.
Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against Dagus’s and whispered, “I want to claim you, Dagus.
Do you know what that means?”
“Yeah,” Dagus replied, just as breathless. “It binds us together, right?”
“Yes,” Brad replied. “I desire only you. I want to bury myself deep in you, hold you close, and make
you mine.” He closed his eyes and breathed in his mate’s scent. “I know it’s too soon, but I think I’m
falling for you Dagus. You’re like no one I’ve ever met before.”
The man in his arms shivered. “I—I feel the same about you, Brad. Waking up in your arms this
afternoon felt amazing. I felt so content, so happy. Feeling your cock in me, your hands on my body, I
can’t even describe how wonderful my experiences with you have been.”
“Will you let me claim you, Dagus?” Brad whispered, his voice holding a note of pleading.
The smile that lit Dagus’s dark face could have rivaled the sun in Brad’s eyes. “I’d like that. I’d like
to belong to you.” Then his face clouded slightly and he pulled back a bit. “You’re not just behaving
this way because you have to, do you? The mate pull and all? I’d hate for you to be saddled with me
just because Fate stuck you with a blind man.”
Brad growled softly, grabbed the man, and tucked Dagus’s head under his chin. “Finding the mate that
Fate gives us is a blessing, Dagus. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re blind. Just look at all you’ve
accomplished. You’re an established writer. You own your place. You lived through an abduction.
You’re sexy, and sweet, and…”
Dagus chuckled. “Okay, I get it.” He tilted his head back and rested his hands on Brad’s face. “I just
wanted to be sure. It’s hard for me to know when someone actually likes me when I can’t see their
body language. I worry.”
“Well, don’t worry any more, babe,” Brad said, secretly pleased his mate would share such an
insecurity with him. “You’re everything to me now.”
Instead of replying, Dagus let out a low sigh and sank into his embrace. The hands on his face slipped
up to cup his jaw and bring Brad’s face down for a heated kiss. When he traced Dagus’s lips, his
mate immediately opened for him. He sank his tongue into the warm, wetness of the smaller man’s
mouth and plundered his mate’s heat in a teeth-clacking kiss.
He dropped a hand to Dagus’s hip and pulled him tight to his groin, relishing the hard ridge that
ground into his thigh as he rubbed his own dick against his man’s flat stomach. Dagus whimpered and
rutted against him, Brad swallowing the man’s sexy moans. Dipping his hand between them, Brad
hurriedly opened Dagus’s jeans.
He felt the ridge of his mate’s slender shaft pressing against the man’s silk boxers. Expertly finding
the front flap, he threaded Dagus’s prick through the opening and wrapped his hand around the heated
flesh. Dagus grunted in pleasure, thrusting into his hand repeatedly. Seconds later, Dagus’s

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movements stuttered, the dick in his hand swelled, and cum shot out of the slit, coating his fingers.
While Dagus rested against him for several seconds, obviously trying to catch his breath, Brad lifted
his hand to his mouth and licked his mate’s cum from his fingers. He groaned at the salty, slightly
bitter taste, his cock jerking in his jeans. “Oh, gods, you taste delicious,” he growled before cleaning
the rest of his mate’s seed from his hand.
A moment later, Dagus kissed Brad’s cheek, and then to his pleasure, Dagus dropped to his knees.
His breathing sped up as he watched Dagus open his pants and pull out his red, swollen shaft.
He couldn’t help but be impressed with how quickly Dagus managed to open his pants, then all
thought ceased. His mate wrapped his hand around his stalk, holding his dick in a firm grip that sent
sparks of pleasure through his balls and up his spine. Dagus’s lips wrapped around his head, sucking
lightly on the tender flesh, and a low growl escaped Brad’s throat. Cupping his mate’s head, Dagus
opened his mouth a bit wider in invitation and supported himself by holding Brad’s thighs. Though
Brad knew he couldn’t see him, Dagus still seemed to look up at him and smile around his thick shaft
before swallowing him halfway down and sucking strongly as he pulled back off again.
“Your mouth is amazing, babe. Just like that,” he praised as he slowly began to fuck his mate’s mouth.
He watched his dick sink into the warm recess again and again as he thrust. Dagus used lips, teeth,
and tongue, bringing him quickly to the edge. One of Dagus’s hands released his thigh and moved to
his balls, gently caressing and rolling the sensitive orbs. Brad groaned and let his chin drop to his
chest, his head too heavy to hold up as he struggled to remain standing. “Gonna come soon, Dagus,”
he warned.
His mate hummed happily at his words, and that was it for Brad. His balls pulled tight and cum shot
from his cock into Dagus’s waiting mouth. Dagus continued sucking and swallowing, not missing a
drop. Finally, his dick grew too sensitive and Brad’s breathing hitched as he slowly pulled his hips
Brad dropped to his knees next to Dagus and pulled him close, taking his mate’s mouth in a
plundering kiss, relishing his own taste mixed with his mate’s. Lifting his head, he grinned and said,
“That was amazing, my mate.”
“Yeah,” Dagus whispered, his kiss and fuck swollen lips grinning up at him.
After he’d caught his breath, Brad whispered, “Would you like to finish our hike and picnic? Or
would you like to head home?”
“That depends,” Dagus whispered, his body suddenly stiffening.
Uncertain what he’d done, Brad rubbed his hands over Dagus’s shoulders. “What is it, Dagus?
What’s wrong?”
“If we go home, will you claim me?” he whispered.
Brad smiled. “I would love to claim you, babe. Whenever you’re ready, I’d like to make you mine.”
Dagus nodded slowly before whispering uncertainly, “And then are you going to move in with me?”
Brad sucked in a surprised breath. He hadn’t expected the human to want to move that fast, and his
heart started beating faster. “I’d love to live with you, Dagus, wherever you want. If you want to stay
at your condo, then that’s where I’ll move,” he promised.
“What if Declan makes us move?” Dagus whispered.
“Ah, don’t worry about that, darling. He’s a fair shifter. Once he works things out with his pack,
we’ll be fine,” he said, praying his words were accurate.
Dagus nodded, tucked in his cock, and rose. “Let’s finish our picnic. I haven’t been on one in ages.”
Brad smiled, righted his own pants, and took Dagus’s hand. “Sounds fantastic.”
They walked in silence, other than Brad giving the occasional warning or instruction of where to

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walk. Nearly fifteen minutes later, the trail ended at the promised lake. “Absolutely stunning,” Brad
whispered, taking in the lovely view.
“Tell me about it,” Dagus requested.
He pulled Dagus’s back close to his chest, locking him in front of him by wrapping his arms around
the man’s shoulders. “Well, the trail we took, as I’m sure your legs are telling you, was a slow,
steady ascent. Now the trail has opened into a valley. Twenty feet in front of us is the lake. The trail
branches ten feet in front of us to circle the water. There are beds of wildflowers in purples, yellows,
and reds all around the perimeter.”
“At the back of the canyon are seventy foot cliffs, and at the top of the cliffs are pine trees,” he
whispered into Dagus’s ear. “To the right of the lake is a forty foot diameter clearing, filled with tall
grass and more wildflowers. It’s a perfect place for our picnic.”
“Sounds wonderful.”
He stared down at his mate’s smile for a moment, then led the man to the clearing, spread out the
blanket, and settled onto it with his mate beside him. After handing Dagus his sandwich and an open
bag of Doritos, he took food for himself and started eating. Brad found that the silence wasn’t
oppressive or uncomfortable, but companionable. He could see them doing this every weekend,
maybe even inviting Drake and Ailean with them, that way Dagus wouldn’t be alone when Brad let
his bear out for a run.
He’d just started wrapping up the garbage and shoving it back into his backpack when the scent
touched his nose. Inhaling deeply, he recognized wolf shifter, but it wasn’t one he thought he’d met.
“Why do I smell sandalwood again?” Dagus asked.
“Because I think we’re about to have company,” he answered. “And they don’t look happy to see us.”
His blood ran cold as he watched four wolves appear at the edge of the forest. Two were browns,
one tan, and one a tawny and reddish color. All four crouched low to the ground, and three had their
lips curved in silent snarls.
“I may have to shift, Dagus,” he warned. “Keep one hand on my hip. You’ll feel my fur spread. I want
you to roll into a ball. Protect your face and stomach,” he ordered. “Once I’m shifted, I’m going to
stand over you. No matter what you hear, I will keep you safe.”
“Brad? What’s going on?” Dagus asked, fear evident in his voice as he immediately obeyed Brad’s
orders and curled up on his side.
“I don’t recognize any of these wolves, babe,” he said, not adding that even if Phillip or Declan
showed up in wolf form would he recognize them either. He pulled his shirt off and kicked off his
shoes as he yelled toward the wolves prowling toward them, “We have permission to be here from
the pack leader, Declan. If you attack us, I will use deadly force to protect my mate!”
When one of the browns, the biggest wolf of the bunch, let out a loud snarl, Brad knew talking wasn’t
going to solve this. He kicked out of his jeans and called on his bear, who was already close to the
surface, and swiftly initiated his shift. He barely completed the change when he felt the first wolf land
on his back. He ignored the light animal, knowing his thick fur and hide easily protected him.
Crouching over his mate, he let out a loud roar, showing off his impressive teeth. The tawny animal
prowled toward him on his left while the small brown headed toward him from the right. Seeing the
large brown coordinating the attack straight ahead of him, Brad realized it must be the blond scraping
up his back with his claws.
The small brown leaped toward him, and he batted the animal away with one huge paw. The quick
move jostled the animal on his back, and he felt the wolf’s drawing blood. charge toward him, but at
the last minute, lifted his nose to the air and then rolled under Brad’s swipe.

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A quick little bugger! I’ll have to watch him closely.
The tawny wolf pivoted on his haunches and then leaped. Quickly judging the trajectory of the claws
dig in deeper, probably The tawny animal started to animal, Brad dismissed him, knowing he’d
jumped too high and too hard to actually hit him or even land on him.
Of course that didn’t stop the pain from lancing through Brad’s back as the blond’s claws were
ripped out of his back when the other animal slammed into it, the momentum pulling the blond wolf
off his back. It almost distracted him from the large brown’s attack. The animal managed to grab his
ruff, and Brad whipped his head around, smacking his bigger, heavier forehead into the animal’s,
sending it flying a good fifteen feet away.
Keeping his body carefully straddled over his whimpering mate, although he had to give Dagus credit
for doing exactly as Brad instructed, Brad eyed the slowly rising wolf while trying to pinpoint the
others. The small brown was rising to its feet on the right. The blond and tawny were rising on his
left, and the large brown was only a few feet behind them.
Suddenly, the tawny animal leaped toward Brad, but instead of attacking, the animal spun around and
positioned itself between the large brown wolf and the blond wolf and growled menacingly, his
canines clearly on display.
The good-sized wolf’s actions caused confusion between the other shifters. The large brown growled
out a warning and advanced. The tawny snapped back at it and then turned his head to snarl at the
small brown to their right. The small brown immediately backed down, his head and body lowering
to the ground.
A glance back left showed the large brown growling his displeasure, or maybe it was a threat, before
it disappeared into the woods, followed closely by the blond animal.
To his surprise, the tawny stayed where he was for several seconds, his nose lifted as he scented the
wind. After five, long minutes, where Brad nuzzled his mate’s head, snuffling softly and offering his
now silent mate reassurance.
Finally, the tawny animal turned and shifted. Seconds after the change, a well-muscled male with
reddish blond hair stood before him. “My name is Nick Greely. I’m sorry we attacked you.”

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Chapter Ten


agus froze, hearing the stranger’s words. What the hell is going on? One minute his mate was a

snarling angry mass of fur, muscle, and power, crouching over him and protecting him, and the next
second everything was quiet.

He felt his mate move so he was only half on top of him, and Dagus slowly uncurled from the ball

he’d been tucked into. Even though he couldn’t see what was happening, Dagus lifted his head and
asked, “Why did you attack us? Are you with Declan’s pack?”

“Yes. I’m a tracker with Declan’s pack, which is how we found you,” Nick said, his voice taking

on an odd note, making Dagus believe the man was blushing.

“You were tracking us?” Dagus snapped, finally getting into a sitting position. “Why?”

“Cameron is pretty high up in the pack, and he told us you were dangerous. Once I realized the bear
was telling the truth, after all, you both have Declan’s scent on you, I stopped. Just as they all should
have. Damn Cameron and his prejudices,” he added irritably. “Hey, Sam. Shift.”
Dagus knew that Nick wasn’t talking to Brad, but the fur under his hand quickly disappeared, to be
replaced by toned skin covered in crinkly hair. Brad’s arms were instantly around him, pulling Dagus
against his chest. It only took him a second to realize the flesh under his fingers wasn’t covered,
making his cock take an interest.
“Behave, Dagus,” Brad growled softly.
“Sorry, sexy,” Dagus quipped back, wrapping his arms around his mate and hugging him back. A
pained hiss from Brad made Dagus aware of the sticky fluid under his fingers. “You’re hurt!”
“It’s not too bad if you don’t squeeze, babe,” Brad said. “Although I appreciate your help calling off
your packmates, Nick, what the hell are you all doing up here anyway? Dagus told me the woods
north of Colin City were where you ran.”
“Ah, yeah, I’m not sure about that except Cameron seemed to know the general area you’d be in,”
Nick replied.
“The scent!” Dagus whispered.
“What?” Brad wondered.
“When we were at Declan’s I smelled something similar to sandalwood. It was outside Declan’s
office, carried in on the breeze before he shut the window,” Dagus told them. “I told you I smelled it
“Good nose!” Nick praised. “Most humans can’t differentiate between wolves. The beta asked me to
track down the rumors about certain pack members being displeased about the non-wolf shifters
Declan was letting in the area. I ended up having to convince Cameron I agreed with his stupidity so I
had proof that he was behind the unrest. Now I have that proof…”
“And if you hadn’t scented Declan on us, would you still have called off the attack on my mate?”
Dagus snapped, extremely disgruntled by Nick’s words. Declan had told them some wolves were
displeased, but to seemed a bit extreme!
“Yes,” Nick replied Cameron attacked the bear, too. I needed Cameron to commit to the attack. I
couldn’t have him saying afterward that it was a misunderstanding.”
Dagus didn’t like that answer, but at least it was honest. Nick obviously had had a job to do. He heard
the man moving toward them.
“I have a first aid kit in my car, so if you’ll get dressed, Sam and I will escort you both back to the
parking area and dress taking you to Declan’s.”

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“No,” Dagus snapped, “We’re not going back to Declan’s,” he insisted. “We’ll talk to him about what
happened, but it’s actually be attacked
firmly. “As soon as
those wounds before

his ire still peaked. already been pointed out more than once that we’re not part of the pack.

We’re going to my condo. I’m sure I can have Ailean waiting for us when we get there.”

“Whatever you’d like, babe,” Brad assured, burying his nose in Dagus’s neck and inhaling deeply.

“I’ll need to call Kontra, too. Let me get dressed, and we’ll get out of here.”

Dagus nodded, releasing his man’s arm. A moment later, Dagus cringed when he heard Brad let

out a pained hiss. Dagus wondered how many scratches were on his mate’s back. He’d have to find
someone to check when they got home. “I’m sorry it’s going to take me so much longer to get back,”
he whispered.

“Ah, babe, don’t worry about it,” Brad murmured, kissing his cheek. “I’d rather be in pain with

you, than be healthy and whole without you. Now, let’s get out of here.”

Dagus smiled faintly at Brad’s words and let his mate tuck him against his side. It wasn’t the

easiest way to walk down a trail, but he sensed the shifter needed the contact more than Dagus needed
his balance. It took them over an hour, and many stumbles from both of them, but they finally reached
Brad’s motorcycle.

He placed a call in to his brother while Nick placed several bandages on Brad’s back and Brad

called his leader. Drake assured him that he and Ailean would be there at the condo waiting for them.
While his mate helped him into his helmet, he whispered, “Are you okay to drive?”

“Yeah, babe. I’ll get us home just fine. Don’t worry,” Brad answered, his voice more calm than

Dagus felt.

“I’ve called my alpha, and he and Shane will meet us at your place,” Nick told them.

He finally heard Sam’s voice when the man drew near and murmured timidly, “I’m really sorry about
trying to hurt your mate. I’m glad you both are okay.”
Before he could think of anything to say to the obviously severely submissive wolf, Brad brought the
bike to roaring life and he gripped the belt loops of his mate’s pants, unwilling to put pressure on his
shifter’s sensitive back.
His mate took it slow. Dagus could tell by the vibrations of the bike beneath him. He knew it was
because he wouldn’t wrap himself tight to his mate as he’d done in the past. It took way too long, in
his opinion, to make it back home. Finally, the engine cut, the bike tilted, and Brad helped him remove
his helmet.
“Come on,” Dagus urged. “Let’s get inside. I’m sure Ailean is waiting, and he’ll clean those cuts up
properly.” He inserted his key into the lock and quickly opened the door, letting them into the condo.
“There you are,” Drake called, announcing his presence. “Oh my god! Brad! What happened?”
“Come over here, bear. Let’s see what you’ve done to yourself,” Ailean ordered.
Dagus heard the telltale sounds of Ailean picking up something off the couch, probably his doctor’s
bag, and Brad was pulled from his grip and ushered away. Seconds later, he felt Drake’s hand on his
shoulder just as a series of knocks echoed against the doorframe, and he realized he’d left the door
“Who are you?” Drake snapped at whoever had entered.
“Nick Greely,” came the familiar voice. “This is Sam Bailey. We were with the wolves that attacked
the bear.”
“The bear has a name,” he pointed out dryly. “Brad Nadeau.”

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“You were with the wolves? Then why didn’t you do anything about it?” Drake added indignantly.
Dagus hid the smile he felt at his younger brother’s ire.
“Actually, he did,” Sam’s soft voice interrupted.
“Sam is right,” Dagus cut in. “We were having a picnic when the highest ranking wolf in the group
decided he didn’t like us in their territory. Once Nick realized Brad told the truth about already
seeing Declan for permission, he forced the aggressive wolves off and these two escorted us down
the mountain.”
“Well, come on in then,” Drake muttered.
Dagus headed toward his bedroom, hoping that was where Ailean took his mate. Running water in the
shower caught his attention and he paused in the doorway. Is Brad in the shower? Wet and naked?
Will he need someone to wash his back?
“He’s in the shower,” Ailean’s voice came directly behind him, and he started. “Sorry about that,” the
doctor added. “I thought you heard me.”
“I was listening to the shower,” Dagus admitted, and there was no way in hell he was going to tell his
brother’s mate that he was thinking about Brad being wet and slippery.
Ailean chuckled, as if reading his thoughts anyway. “Your mate will be fine,” he assured, dropping a
hand on Dagus’s shoulder and squeezing. “There were a few claw marks on his back, but the bear has
a thick hide, so they weren’t deep. There was a bit of a deeper scratch on his neck, but that will be
gone before too long. Shifters heal quickly,” he added. “Since Brad wanted a shower anyway, I’ll
look at them again when he’s done. If they need wrapping, I’ll do it then.”
Tension he didn’t know he carried released from his shoulders. “Oh good,” he breathed.
After slapping him on the back and whispering that the door to the bathroom was unlocked, Ailean’s
steps retreated toward the living room. One hand on the wall, he moved toward the door that would
take him to his waiting mate.
Nervous anticipation rolled through him as he turned the knob and slipped into the room. He’d never
showered with a lover before and couldn’t wait to get his hands on Brad’s well-muscled body when
he was wet and soapy. He closed the door behind him and listened for a moment to the water running.
“Hey, babe,” Brad called, a cheeky note in his voice. “You gonna come help me wash my back?”
“I’d like to do that,” he said, moving forward slowly. “Ailean said the scratches weren’t too bad. Are
you in any pain?”
“None that a little distraction wouldn’t cure,” Brad’s deep voice rumbled.
A ripple of lust shivered down his spine to settle in his balls. His dick filled, pressing against his
jeans, and he quickly stripped off his clothes.
“That’s it, Dagus,” Brad crooned. “Let me see your sexy body.”
A shy smile lit his lips. He liked that his mate found him so appealing. He wasn’t toned and muscular
like Brad

after all, he worked at a computer

but he did run on a treadmill several days a week to

keep the bulge away.
“Get in here.”
The low growled command got his legs moving, and Dagus carefully climbed into the tub beside his
mate. Brad pulled him close and hot water cascaded over them both as he took Dagus’s mouth in a
deep kiss. Immediately opening for his mate, Dagus welcomed Brad’s tongue with teasing swipes of
his own.
He loved the pressure of his mate’s hands on his hips, the weight of Brad’s hard dick against his
stomach, and the feel of the other man’s body plastered against his own. He never wanted to be
without it. The very idea of anything happening to Brad sent fear cascading through him. It hadn’t been

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terror for himself that made him curl into a ball like his mate instructed. It had been terror that
something he did would cause his mate to get hurt.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Brad whispered against his lips, refocusing Dagus’s thoughts on the here and
“Up on the mountain, I was so worried I was going to lose you. I don’t think I could stand anything
happening to you,” he admitted.
Brad tucked Dagus’s head to his chest and sighed. “Ah, Dagus, you’re feeling the mate pull, the need
to be together.” The man kissed his temple before nuzzling his neck. “Once we mate, some of that fear
of losing each other will ebb. We’ll be connected, our soul’s one.”
“I wanted you to mate with me before,” Dagus whispered. “Now I really want you to claim me.”
“There’s a house full of people out there, babe,” Brad growled, “but I’d still be more than happy to
pleasure us both.” To punctuate his words, the big shifter cupped Dagus’s ass and pulled their bodies
flush together.
His dick was pressed between them, and he couldn’t stop thrusting his rock hard cock against Brad’s
thigh. “Yesss,” he hissed. “I want to feel you.” His hole fluttered at the thought. Somewhere in the
back of his mind, he realized it hadn’t even been a day since they’d been together, but that didn’t stop
the craving. He needed to feel his mate filling him, soaking his channel again.
“Now,” he whimpered, pleading. “I need you now.”
“You never have to beg me, babe,” Brad said, “but I won’t do it in the shower.” Brad cupped his face
and gave him a slow, sensual kiss. “You deserve a bed, a soft mattress. I want to make love to you,
Dagus, because that’s how I feel.”
His heart nearly skipped a beat in his chest. “You love me? Really?”
“Yeah, babe, I love you. I know I already told you I was falling for you, and from watching your
brother, you know it happens fast,” Brad pointed out.
The man’s tone caught Dagus’s attention. “Are you worried I’m going to regret letting you claim me,
because we’ve only known each other less than seventy-two hours?”
Brad dropped his forehead against Dagus’s and he felt the man nod slightly. “I don’t want you to
regret anything. Shifters do things fast. It’s in our makeup to hold onto our mate with everything in us
since they’re so hard to find.” Brad paused for a second, before adding, “I’ve told you how I see you.
How do you see me?”
Smiling slightly, Dagus touched his mate’s face, feeling his features, reading his expression with his
hands. “People rarely ask me what I see,” he commented. “Through my eyes, I see you’re a good man.
A kind man. Someone I’d be honored to have at my side. And I feel grateful that Fate gave you to me,
that she led you to me.” He continued roving his hands slowly over Brad’s face, feeling the lines of
worry around Brad’s eyes ease, revealing laugh lines as a slight curve appeared on his mate’s strong
jaw, and a slight softening came to Brad’s firm lips.
“I can’t imagine how many places you’ve traveled over the thirty-seven years you’ve spent with
Kontra. How many people have you met? And to wind up at a club I just happened to be at?” He
grinned. “It’s an amazing improbability, really.”
The smile under his fingertips turned into a grin. “There’s Fate for you.”
“Then let’s stop second guessing her, huh?” Dagus whispered. He pecked a quick kiss to the smile he
touched. “Claim me, mate.”
“Yes, sir,” Brad growled. He shut off the now cooling water and seconds later Dagus felt a towel
wrap around his shoulders.
Unfortunately, when they stepped out of the bathroom, they didn’t make it to the bedroom before they

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were intercepted by Drake. “I’m sorry, guys. Declan and Shane and a couple others are here, and they
really need to talk to you.”
Grimacing, Dagus nodded. “Okay. We’ll get dressed and be right there.”
In the bedroom, he pulled on clothes, but it became apparent that none of his shirts would fit Brad.
“Good thing shifters aren’t much on modesty,” the big man teased.
Dagus glared. “That doesn’t mean I like everyone else staring at what’s mine,” he groused.
Brad chuckled and pulled him into a quick kiss. “I like hearing you say that.”
“Say what?” he pouted.
“That I’m yours.”
That got a grin forming on Dagus’s lips and he couldn’t stay upset. “Let’s get this over with.” He
headed toward the door. Upon opening the door, he turned his head and looked toward his mate,
whose heat he could feel at his back. “I bet now you wished you’d huh?” he teased.
Brad growled, erection against Dagus’s ass, making a soft moan slip from his lips. “Yes, babe. I do.
And as soon as these wolves get out of our house, you won’t be leaving our bed for a very long time,”
he promised.
“Oh, I like the sound of that,” he panted, rubbing his ass against the quickly thickening length behind
Letting out another irritated growl, Brad gently started Dagus moving. “Let’s get this over with.”
claimed me in the shower,
rubbing his still half-hard

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Chapter Eleven


rad followed Dagus down the short hall to the living room. Surprise filled him at how many

people were crowded into the room. Ailean and Drake were curled up together on an easy chair, with
Kontra and Mutegi standing behind them, the four talking quietly together. Declan and Shane
conversed with Nick and a very apologetic looking Sam. They all turned to look at the pair as they

Ailean stood and crossed behind him, saying, “Let’s see about getting a couple bandages on

these.” He nodded, and Ailean made quick work of rubbing ointment on the slightly tender scratches.

Kontra joined them and rested a hand on his shoulder. “It doesn’t look too bad,” he commented.

“How do you feel?”

He smiled at his leader, ignoring the slight sting as Ailean worked. “I’ll be fine.”

His leader grunted in acknowledgement and turned toward the wolves. “Your wolves attacked one of
mine. What the hell happened?”
“To the point,” Shane said, smirking. “I like that.”
Nick grimaced and lowered his gaze, clearly contrite.
Declan’s eyes narrowed. “Now is not the time for humor,” he admonished. Shane dropped his head,
offering submission.
Ailean finished the last bandage and sat back down next to Drake.
“Nick tells me that ye identified yerself and still Cameron, the large brown wolf, initiated the attack,”
Declan said, getting down to business, “even going so far as to continue the attack after they’d gotten
close enough to detect me scent on ye. Is that true?”
Brad tucked Dagus close to his side, for a second reliving those tense moments where his mate was in
danger. “Yes. That’s true. I let the four wolves know that you’d given me permission to hike that land,
although since I wasn’t in shifted form I didn’t see why they’d have a problem with me being there
“Ye’re right,” Declan replied, his expression hardening. “There shouldn’t have been a problem
unless ye were putting the secret of shifters in jeopardy. Ye don’t strike me as someone who’d do
that.” Declan turned to Sam. “Ye say this has happened before?”
Sam swallowed and nodded. “Yes. Cameron and Simon, that was the blond wolf,” Sam added, “they
agree on not only their bigotry with gays,” his dark skin paled slightly as he glanced around the room,
“no offense.” He swallowed and kept going. “They also agree that other kinds of shifters shouldn’t be
allowed to stay in the area,” he finished in a whisper.
Anger coursed through Brad and he roared, “If you all knew anything about injured!”
Dagus petting his arm and massaging his neck caught his attention, and he looked down to see his
mate’s concerned expression.
“Easy, handsome. They wouldn’t be here if they weren’t trying to stop it.”
Brad took a deep breath and nodded, then remembered his mate couldn’t see it. He cupped Dagus’s
jaw, tilted his head and took a brief taste of his mate’s lips, letting the contact soothe him. “You’re
right, babe,” he murmured. “Sorry.” Looking up, he waved for the others to continue.
“Brad has a point though,” Kontra cut in gruffly. “What are you doing to stop it?”
“Sam went to Shane, me beta, after Cameron ran a fox shifter out of Colin City a few days ago.”
Declan growled, obviously still angry that the about this, why didn’t you do it? My mate could have
been incident had happened at all, and not at all pleased to have another alpha question him.

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Sam cringed at the noise, and Brad wondered about the wolf. His submission seemed a bit too much
like fear to Brad.
“That’s standard procedure in a pack,” Declan told them, resting a reassuring hand on Sam’s brown
Sam leaned into the touch, soaking up the approval from his alpha like a dry sponge.
“We assigned Nick to befriend the group, gather evidence of Cameron’s misdeeds, and keep anyone
from becoming too badly injured,” Shane said.
“Keep someone from getting injured?” Dagus piped up with a snort. “Well, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t
look like he did a very good job!”
“I am sorry about that,” Nick hurriedly apologized, his remorse clear. “I couldn’t very well report
back that Cameron may have orchestrated an attack on your mate. There had to be an actual misdeed.”
Amused and secretly pleased by his mate’s protectiveness, Brad gave Dagus’s waist a squeeze. “Hey,
now. I got in a few good licks of my own,” he reminded. Then he looked toward Sam and rubbed the
back of his neck. “Uh, sorry about the backhand, man.”
Sam nodded and cringed, gently fingering the bruise on his cheek. Brad almost felt bad about hitting
the small wolf, almost, but knew it had been necessary to keep him and his mate safe.
“So, now that you have your proof,” Kontra said coldly, “it’s customary to give recompense to the
wronged party.”
Declan nodded. “Ye’re right. Brad asked to remain in me territory. I’d be happy to have him. Also,
I’ll help ye find a job or help ye start yer own business, whichever ye’d prefer.”
Brad scowled, not liking the idea of taking a new alpha.
Declan must have read his expression, for he held up a hand and added, “I wouldn’t expect ye to
swear fealty to me, but I would ask that ye defer to me when we’re in the same room.”
His grin could only be called feral. The big alpha must know Brad’s bear could probably knock him
on his ass, but Brad wasn’t an alpha. He had no desire to rule over anyone. And Declan knew it.
Brad glanced toward Kontra who lifted a brow and gave him a slight smile. He could tell his leader
was pleased with how things had turned out, but Kontra couldn’t quite hide the sad gleam in his eye.
Brad had been friends with the man too long and felt the same way. He’d miss him and his friends.
Brad nodded at Declan. “Thank you. I’d actually like to start a bakery. Think there’s call for one
around here?”
Dagus moaned from next to him, licking his lips. “Oh, you guys haven’t lived until you’ve tried one of
Brad’s cinnamon rolls! They’re simply orgasmic!”
Most in the room laughed. Even Sam loosened up enough to snicker. Declan smirked. “No one in me
pack has a bakery, although Liza has a restaurant, but that’s in Stone Ridge. I’m sure we can get that
set up, and if ye’re as good as yer mate says ye’ll have plenty of repeat business. Most wolves have a
sweet tooth,” he admitted.
Brad held out a hand. “Thanks,” he said once Declan took it.
“One other thing,” Declan said after he released Brad’s hand. “Would ye be willing to be a liaison of
sorts with yer gang?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, confused, glancing toward Kontra. From the narrowing of Kontra’s
eyes, he knew the grizzly didn’t follow either.
Declan ran a hand over his bald scalp and sighed. “Ye may have learned from Dagus that we’ve had a
problem with a group of humans who not only know about shifters, but like to capture us and run
experiments on us.” Declan’s voice turned into a low growl. “With yer gang constantly on the move,
I’d like to request that yer group notify any other shifter packs they come across to keep an eye out for

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other sects of these humans. We know there was once a group operating out of Georgia, but they’re no
longer there,” he added.
Brad lifted a brow, and he looked at Kontra. The big man let out a low growl.
“Brad mentioned your problem with scientists. There is the little fact that we’re all gay and many
packs find that offensive, but if they’re willing to listen to me, I’ll pass your information on,” he
Declan nodded. “I’d never ask ye to knowingly put yer people in danger, so only when it’s safe, of
“Of course. I’ll share any information I learn with Brad so he can keep you apprised of anything I
hear from other shifters,” Kontra promised.
“Me thanks.” Declan grabbed a coat from the back of the couch and said, “We’ll get out of yer hair
then, Brad. We have a pair of wolves to track down, and I’m sure ye have other things ye want to be
getting to,” he added with a wicked grin and a wink.
Brad laughed as everyone said their goodbyes and left. Even Drake and Ailean said their goodbyes
and headed out. Kontra and Mutegi were last to leave, and they agreed to meet everyone for a
farewell breakfast in the morning.
Once everyone was gone, Brad turned and pulled his mate into his arms. “Now that we’re alone, I
think we do have something important to take care of, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Dagus replied breathlessly.
Growling at the clear need in his mate’s eyes, it always stunned Brad that even though the man
couldn’t see out of those beautiful dark eyes, they still expressed his emotions. He gripped Dagus’s
ass and lifted. To his pleasure, Dagus immediately wrapped his legs around Brad’s waist.
Brad strode down the hall and into the bedroom. It reminded him of the first time, except this time
would be so much better. He wouldn’t have to fight his bear on claiming the man. Settling his mate
gently on the bed, Brad slowly undressed him, taking time to stroke, kiss, and nibble every piece of
newly exposed flesh.
Once his mate lay naked and spread out for him, Brad quickly kicked off his jeans, glad he hadn’t
bothered with his underwear. He started at the bottom, gently massaging Dagus’s feet, then his calves.
He nibbled behind Dagus’s knees, nipping the sensitive skin, enjoying not only the taste of his mate’s
skin, but the whimpers and groans escaping his mate.
As he moved up Dagus’s thighs, the sexy, darkskinned man spread his legs wide, eager for his touch.
Brad took him time, ignoring Dagus’s waving, leaking cock, taking his time to nibble the crease
where his thigh met his groin.
“Oh, oh god, Brad,” Dagus cried, his pelvis thrusting as he searched for some kind of friction on his
dick. “Please touch me.”
Brad immediately wrapped one hand around Dagus’s stalk. “Your wish is my command, mate,” he
rumbled before opening wide and sucking both of the man’s balls into his mouth.
The broken cry filled Brad with pride. He stroked the thin prick in his hand, working its length,
rubbing his thumb over the head and digging his nail gently into the slit. Above him, Dagus’s body
jerked and twitched. While rolling the quickly tightening orbs with his tongue, he used a thumb to
breach his mate’s waiting hole.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up to find Dagus waving the lube at him. “Please hurry,”
Dagus whispered. “I need you,” he gasped. “I need you now!”
Letting Dagus’s wrinkled sacks slip from his lips, Brad settled onto his knees and took the lube. “You

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have me, babe. Any time,” he whispered, pouring a generous amount of slick onto his fingers.
“Yesss,” Dagus hissed, as Brad inserted one thick finger deep into Dagus’s ass.
The warmth clamped down on his digit, and a moan bubbled through Brad’s chest. “That’s it, babe. I
love opening you for my cock,” he crooned. “You feel so good, any way I can get you.” To his
pleasure, Dagus reached down and gripped his thighs. He pulled his legs up and splayed himself open
for Brad’s touch. Brad’s cock jerked, thickening further at the sexy sight before him. He thrust in a
second finger, watching them move in and out of Dagus’s body. His mate rocked up, meeting each
thrust, his mewls of pleasure music to Brad’s ears.
His aching shaft had him hurrying, and a few moments later, he slicked up his cock and poised his
head at his mate’s entrance. “Are you ready to be mine, Dagus?” he whispered. If his mate said no,
he’d stop. His dick might fall off from blue balls, but he’d somehow manage to do it.
“No, don’t stop. Please!” Dagus whimpered. “Make me yours!”
He gripped Dagus’s legs and settled them on his shoulders. “Mine,” Brad growled, pushing forward.
He stared as Dagus’s ass opened and easily swallowed his aching penis in heat and pressure. Once
buried balls deep, he couldn’t keep still. He immediately pulled out again and shoved back into his
mate’s warm, willing ass.
Leaning forward, almost folding his mate in half, he captured Dagus’s lips in a deep, possessive kiss.
He thrust his tongue into the man’s mouth, mimicking what his cock did to Dagus’s body. He groaned
as he felt his balls pull tight, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer, and not wanting
the erotic sensations to end.
Brad felt his bear ripple beneath the surface, and he gave his animal a bit of rein. His canines burst
through his gums, and he nuzzled the tendons of Dagus’s neck. His accommodating mate tilted his
head, giving him more room. Scraping his elongated teeth up and down the thick tendons, he asked,
“Are you ready to be mine?”

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Chapter Twelve


oving the tingles caused by Brad’s teeth scraping up his neck, Dagus gripped his mate’s shoulders

and dug in his short, blunt nails, relishing how they bit into the shifter’s skin. He knew he’d be leaving
marks. He’d never wanted to mark a lover before, but the instinct rode him hard now. Dagus couldn’t
wait to know that his mate had marked him, too, permanently.

Rolling his hips up to meet each thrust, he felt each ridge of his lover’s dick as it slid in and out of

his body. Brad grunted as he pounded into him hard for a moment, then the man above him froze.
Dagus knew Brad wasn’t coming, so what…then the teeth scraping up and down his neck and his
man’s whispered questions made sense.

“Oh, yes.” Dagus couldn’t get the words out fast enough. “Yes, I want to be yours, just as you’ll

be mine.”
“Yessss,” Brad moaned, moving again. “Mine!”

The deep growl didn’t even begin to prepare Dagus for the sudden, sharp pain slashing through

his shoulder. His gasp turned into a strangled moan as the throb from Brad’s bite swept down his
spine and morphed into the most intense pleasure of his life. His nuts pulled tight so fast his head
swam and his cock jerked and pulsed as his orgasm erupted through his system.

Warm cum spewed from his dick, coating both their abs and chests with stream after stream of

seed. Each ejaculation caused his ass to tighten further around the hard dick still pounding in and out
of his hole, hitting his prostate with every stroke, intensifying his orgasm even further.

He heard a roar just as the cock in his ass swelled and jerked in his chute. His mate’s seed coated

his rectum and he had just enough presence of mind to squeeze his ass around the prick invading him,
working hard to heighten his mate’s pleasure, rewarding him with more and more jets of cum filling
his ass.

Eventually, Brad dropped onto his elbows, carefully keeping his weight off Dagus as he licked

the blood he could feel slowly oozing from the wound on his shoulder. He smiled, surprised at the
sense of belonging he felt now that Brad had claimed him.

“That was amazing,” he whispered, leaning up to kiss whatever skin he could reach.

He heard the smile in Brad’s voice as he replied, “Hell, yeah.” As Brad nuzzled his neck, he shifted
his hips and pulled his softening shaft from Dagus’s ass, making him hiss at the sensations.
“Oh, damn!” Dagus groaned, grinning. “Is it bad that I’m already looking forward to the next time
you’ll fill my ass?”
“Not at all,” Brad replied. “I happen to enjoy filling your ass,” he added while rolling off the bed.
“I’ll be right back.”
Letting out a sigh, Dagus waited, listening to his mate stagger down the hall, pleased he’d worn out
the man. He felt his mate’s cum start to ooze from his ass, and he smiled at the proof of their mating.
“What are you grinning about,” Brad teased as he moved toward the bed.
Stretching out, Dagus let his mate clean him up, pleased that his mate didn’t mind doing an act so
intimate. “I was just thinking that I love having your dick in my ass as much as you like having it
“Oh, yeah?”
Dagus blushed, knowing even his dark skin wouldn’t hide the slight redness in his cheeks and neck as
he admitted, “Your cum oozing down my thighs makes me feel sexy.”
“Gods, you are sexy,” Brad growled, crawling back into bed. He wrapped an arm under Dagus and

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pulled him over onto his chest. “I’ll never get enough of you,” he admitted, kissing the mating mark.
“Good,” Dagus replied, snuggling against his mate.
Brad let out a sigh and Dagus felt the big body beneath him relax. “It’s going to be interesting staying
in one place all the time,” Brad commented.
Dagus rubbed a finger around Brad’s nipple. “Are you going to miss traveling to new places?” he
asked quietly.
Chuckling, Brad kissed Dagus’s cheek. “Never, babe. I haven’t had a home in over thirty-five years.
Nothing would make me happier than making that home with you. I just hope you’ll be able to tolerate
me once you learn all my quirks,” he teased.
“Do you think your gang will visit?” Dagus asked, realizing how important it would be to Brad to
keep in touch with his friends turned family.
“I’m sure they will,” Brad said, his surety filling his voice. Brad pecked a kiss on Dagus’s forehead.
“We’ll be sure to keep a couple pullout couches handy, so they have a place to crash,” Dagus
Another kiss pecked his forehead. “Sounds great, babe. Thanks.”
Dagus smiled and wiggled, getting more comfortable. “So a bakery, huh?” Dagus asked, his chest
resting comfortably on his mate’s broad chest.
“Yeah. I love cooking. Watching you enjoy those cinnamon rolls this afternoon reminded me how
much I like creating things for people to enjoy.”
He rubbed his hand idly over Brad’s chest as he thought about it. He loved the excitement in Brad’s
voice but… “That’ll require some really early mornings,” he whispered.
“It will,” Brad admitted. His arm tightened. “That’s why I was thinking our bakery should have a nice
apartment over it, so I don’t have to leave your side any earlier than I have to in the morning.”
He could feel Brad holding his breath, and realized the man worried he wouldn’t want to move with
him. Dagus smiled. “That sounds like a fantastic idea,” he whispered.
“You’d move with me?” Brad asked, pleasure filling his tone.
Dagus moved his head and kissed the firm flesh underneath him. “I’d move anywhere with you,
Brad,” he replied very seriously.
Brad cupped his cheek and tilted Dagus’s head up for a soft kiss. “In my dream, our bakery will have
two offices, one for you to do your novel work, and one for the bakery’s accounting. The upstairs
apartment will have a deck, with an enclosed hot tub.” He nibbled Dagus’s ear and Dagus could hear
Brad’s excitement as he whispered, “I can think of all kinds of fun things to do in that hot tub with
Dagus grinned. “I like your dreams.”

About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her handsome, supportive husband. She started

writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, often of the paranormal variety,
with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of
tea or glass of wine, creating her next story, which could pair a sexy hero with an adventurous
heroine… or maybe with another handsome hero. horseback riding, jump lessons watching movies
with her husband, and listening to her muse tell her about her next project.
Charlie enjoys with Apache,

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She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com

Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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