Diana Palmer Love Comedy

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Bett Cambridge had been able its

dream to become a star of
Broadway. The only shade in his
carrera was an unfortunate sen-
timental adventure with Cul
McCullough, famous author of

When, after the years volvieron

to work together, the love that had
existed among them arose from
new, pero also the problems...

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Silence was spectral. Only there was an ignited light in the ceiling, in
agreement with the rules of union. Bett Cambridge was standing, in the
emptiness and calm scene with a libreto in the hands and escudriñaba the
dark theater. It knew that judges were present, but she did not see
them. They had selected it next to other three girls, after one first test.
It was more scared than before, but it imagined that they had liked she
because otherwise they had not requested to him who she returned.

It knew the work well and the personage who it wished to interpret. It

knew it so well like its own name since it knew much of the author. It
thought that he was dangerous to appear because it could to find with him.
Nevertheless, it needed to work and it was a reestreno of a well-known
work. He was not he in Hollywood, working in a script for the cinema? His
hands, that maintained the libreto, shook a little. Dicién was animateddose
that everything would come out well.

Anyway, among them no longer nothing existed. Edward McCullough it

had moved away of his circle since it obtained fame like dramatist. It did
not have any interest in her. From years ago it maintained it remote of its
life; his indifference it confirmed when of time in when they were in
some celebration. Although sometimes they maintained brief conversacio-
nes, the past dead and was buried for both. By what would have to bother
the fact to him that she did test in order to act in a work that before
was successful?

It took hold with force the libreto leaving itself to take by motivates

themciones of the personage who wished to represent: the one of a young
person single poor man and, with little less than three months of
pregnancy. it put a dress similar to which used the last one time that was
represented the paper. It was spent jubón of velveteen, without sleeves nor
neck. It decided, to move away loose its long hair of reddish tone. It
lowered the shoulders to pretend exhaustion. It imagined sadness and
desperation of the small left poor woman and. It began to read its
parliament in

A girl in room dark

written by Edward McCullough.

-- Crei'ste that Tom was a horseman -- one read clear voice that it listened in

all the theater. the hair threw backwards laughing --. Who went a to imagine
that it would leave to me? Good and bondadoso of Tom, that used to
accompany to me to house from the factory by preparation all the

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afternoons so that not me they assaulted. My Tom one bit inferior lip and
closed the eyelids with sentimiento of agony --. ¡God mine! what will happen
with creature that I take in my entrails? How I will be able to give the life
him and to take care of it? ¡I am sola! ¡I do not have to anybody! ¡No I have
parents who help me! ¡A nobody in this world matters to him if alive or I die!
it was covered face with the hands and one moved troubles in the scene. It
raised the head and sighed to the time that extended the arms in a gesture
of uselessness --. I cannot resort to abortion stops to kill it, but either I
can allow that it is born. ¡God, aconséjame what to do! -- suplicó with the
hoarse voice and the fixed glance in the dark. It closed the eyelids and felt
desires to cry, were real tears that appeared to him of eyes --. ¡God mine,
by favor, if you love tell me to me what I must do!

It made an inspiration deep in order to leave the critical moment that

it had created. centers illuminated the theater. There was a length
silence before oir a dull conversation. Bett followed with the fixed Vista
in the dark, hoping customary thanks that it would indicate to him that
everything had finished and that not him they would give paper. In
silence it requested that they did not reject it.

A man put itself of foot and he approached by the corridor. He was high,

hard and it had a blond hair that would shine like gold to the light of the sun, but
that man emerged from the past of Bett, of one nightmare. Bett it was
surprised to see it. What devils did he there?

Edward McCullough subió al escenario. It had the cynical aspect of always.

It had not changed much from time at which he was an actor with little work
and illusion to become dramaturgo. Now, he was one of the authors more
quoted in the country and its form to dress, sweater of fine wool and
expensive trousers to the measurement, demonstrated it. It seemed more
mature, perhaps a little traqueteado and tired, but in exchange for it it had
achieved the success.

It raised the chin when she stopped Bett as opposed to and it imitated it

with challenge. ¡That it did what wanted, she encontraría another paper! -- it
thought -- New York was a big city.

—¡We become to see! -- it murmured when contemplating his rebeldes and

dark eyes in a face a little pecoso --. ¡Elizabeth Cambridge, how you have
changed from the days of Atlanta!

Calm, it raised an eyebrow, but it did not smile like it would have made the

girl who loved it. Ella se hubiera arrojado a sus brazos, sin inhibiciones,
ofreciéndole todo lo que deseara. But Bett had matured and the only thing

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that it wanted of him was a paper in its work, only that. Occurred it to
understand with the glance and he laughed mocking.

-- By the sight you do not have to me pardoned -- it murmured --. What

made think you that it would give east paper you, Bett?

—No tengo por qué decírtelo —respondió—. I will only speak with the


--Yo I am the director -- Cul responded and their eyes shone before their

evident surprise --. I repeat, by what you think that I will give east paper
you? -- it added with smooth and dangerous voice.

—Porque doy el tipo y actúo bien —repuso con tranquila dignidad—. Because

I have often represented it and I can interpret it completely without

Possible --Es, but responds a my question -- body observed esbelto and

their eyes settled in the small one waist.

Bett, delivered attacks for no to jump. Cul would not force it to stop. El

sabía tan bien como ella que era la actriz perfecta para interpretar el
personaje. Not even it would have to pretend the accent sureño because it
dominated it, lived its childhood in Atlanta.

-- I am hoping, dame reason.

-- Empeñe' everything what I have -- it responded.

--No the news are those that they have arrived to me from you -- an

eyebrow --. was nauseated Durante los dos últimos años has ido de éxito en
éxito y el año pasado fuiste una de las candidatas a recibir el premio Tony.

-- Disfrute' until the last cent -- it accepted distressed --. But my financial

adviser convinced to me that he put money in which one assumed was a safe
investment. I lost everything what had, I remained without savings and the
debts are drowning to me.

—¡Ah! —murmuró.

--El easy money also disappears with facility one shrank of shoulders.

They had interchanged the same one expression, years back in Atlanta,

when summer works of and that acted in it brought but memories to him of
which Bett imagined. It raised the eyes towards those of he and Cul escudriñó
with coldness.

--No you offer to me the past, Elizabeth -- it declared -- it desire nor I do

not wish you to you. No quiero cargar con una adolescente herida de amor.

Bett had to resort to everything its force of will not to slap it because it

needed to work. it understood thus and was demonstrated it with an ironic

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--Si you wish the paper, is yours -- it declared after leaving burned on the

inside with fury --. Ted and James think that you interpret it very well, and in
addition you have the precise accent.

—¿Y tú qué dices? You are author.

It crossed its body with watched as if it was feeling it.

--Lo you will do very decently -- it said of final form and one moved away.

_ "Very decently" -- Bett with rage repeated when it returned to the

apartment that shared with Janet Simms, model very cotizada --.
¡Decorosamente! ¡It never had confidence to me! It does six years it augured
to me that I would fail, but was mistaken -- it added gotten upset --. ¡No it
was thus! ¡I came to New York, I worked hard and I occurred to know! Tuve un
abrigo de piel y un apartamento en el distrito residencial y, según los críticos,
me aguardaba un gran futuro...

-- you are become indebted with government. You must at least a year of

pay remembered Janet to him sighing --. You are crazy, why you appeared to
the test?

-- Because I need to work and that is the only paper available that would

please to me to represent seated close of the window, it had pensativo face --
. Además... -- its lap observed --... in addition..

-- It was your great opportunity of to nail the knife to him to Edward

McCullough? -- Janet --. suggested From one it distances of where you could
not fail?

--Te you mistake, I could not to resist the temptation to represent that

personage -- tired, it moved head --. He is a very tender, intensely dramatic
personage... —enredó los dedos en su cabello rojo dorado—. They did not
announce the name of the director so, how it was going to imagine that Cul
would be present in the test?

--Es the author, why no it would have to be present? You did not say to me

that in its contracts always it stipulates that it will give the last approval in
writing to the distribution?

-- Yes -- distressed Bett murmured. Observaba sus pies y odió su estatura.

She was high, with tendency to be very thin, but at least, he was graceful.

-- How you are going to pay your taxes? -- Janet asked.

--No I know it -- it raised head --. Según mi contador, sólo tengo treinta

días de plazo para presentar mi declaración estimativa. I will have to save in
everything and that means that no I could remain here -- it sighed sad. During
the last days, their safe life one had crumbled. It would throw much of less to

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Janet, but it could not pay half of the rent of the apartment in Park Avenue. I
suppose that I will find some solution.

-- Of course --la animated Janet --. You did not convince to the director of

the work to the naked one of Elizabeth First of which it let to you use corsé?

-- Someday, recuérdame that you count all that subject -- Bett drowned

laughter --. Es mi destino seguir interpretando el papel de Elizabeth.

-- You are exact to paintings that there is of her, unless your line of the

hair covers more in front to you and no you have the so white complexion.
Nevertheless, the eyes and the factions, even hair color is equal -- it smiled --
. Also it was virgin.

—¡You do not say it so hard, somebody can oírte! -- Bett laughing --.

exclaimed ¡In the work I must be three days old of pregnancy!

-- Biologically, it will be first time; that is to say, embarazo without

fertilization. It imagines, would describe it in all the medical magazines --
Janet joked.

—¿Me acompañas a buscar otro apartamento? -- its shelter asked to Bett

when taking and to go to the door.

-- it is worth to you More because I know the best city than you. It leaves

goes by my shelter.

Bett wished not to have had that to sell his of skin. The old wool shelter

sighed when examining that it had kept by sentimental reasons. Cul had taken
it of stroll to Piedmont park a day of end of spring and she wore to it...

The eyes dimmed to him, it put the shelter without enthusiasm and it

followed Janet.

The apartment that they found was very different. Quedaba in Queens, the

superior floor of familiar block and the noise of the neighboring ones was

--No I can dejarte here -- it declared Determined Janet --. I cannot,

acompáñame, we will find another one.

--No, this one is perfect -- the antecomedor of chipped white painting

assured Bett when staring at, table of work with the cover of formica broken
and the room with sofa -- bed and chairs of abraded linings.

-- Although they cleaned it, health department would close it protested


--Es adapted for an actress that it tries to survive -- Bett forced to smile -

-. It remembers that I began in something similar.

Promissory note the first rent and soon we will buy something to eat.

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-- Also we will buy curtains added pensativa Janet --. Perhaps a pretty

blanket to cover that horrible sofa, leafy plants...

Of no way --la it interrupted Bett --. I cannot allow the luxury me to live in

agreement with the level social of a celebrity. I will have to save during long
time. Janet moaned and murmured something about the volubility of the


BETT returned to live like in the old ones times. It knew what and where to

buy gangues and the fact that it was in New York and not in Atlanta, did not
change the things. The poverty is in many places.

--No I include/understand why you do not allow me that your rent pays until

you leave the jam -- Janet commented while it helped to Bett to take some
things to the apartment.

-- Because during the six weeks of tests they will pay only the minimum pay

to me -- it responded --. Soon we will act in Filadelfia like test before
releasing in Broadway. I do not know when I will gain the sufficient thing in
order to live and desire well not to become indebted to me with anybody,
Janet, not even with you -- it added smiling sad. One seated in the deformed
sofa and it sighed --. So soon begin to make Sufficient money I will pay to
Property and I will be able to return to house with you.

Of agreement, I suppose that you know what beams -- Janet observed its

friend, who piled up plates on the table of work --. Me I will feel very single
without you.

-- Ven have supper tomorrow with me, I will prepare espaguetis.
Of agreement and you, will come to have supper to my house the following


--Yo also I will miss to you, but it will be -- it smiled with dulzura.
—¡Clear that yes!
-- That I hope.
-- Very well, I will try to be optimistic. It tell me in what I can help you. I

do not have anything to do during the rest of the day, so you are of luck.

-- Wonderful, because I did not imagine that it had so many things.
It took the rest them from the day to only accommodate half of the things.

For when Janet one left, Bett too much was tired and it went to lie down. Its
dream was anxious and dreamed about Cul. It woke up before dawn because of
the weeping of a boy in one of the contiguous apartments and no it could

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return to fall asleep. One rose to prepare a coffee and one approached
window from where the wall of another building was seen. The only free Vista
that it had was upwards and much cold ago so that it was shown by the

It proved the coffee and it remembered its life of six ago years. Then, it

fought to survive acting and Cul had written his primera it builds. The local
group of actors represented it and both had papers in her.

Until then, it and Edward McCullough were only friends since it was not

possible to work together in a so small group without to know itself. But from
the beginning, for Bett that relation was more intense and emotional that
stops Cul. It remembered that it did not clear the eyes to him of above when
they presented/displayed like the actor of more recent incorporation to the
company and that it enamored crazy with him. He was surprising that a man
caused that effect to him because she was bred with severity in Atlanta.

It tried a physical approach but his hints were rejected by Bett. That type

of performance became with time in I live. Edward took it with unexpected
the good humor. Soon, they began to try its work.

Due to its talent and attractive stranger, a Bett gave the stellar paper him.

Cul had been perfect in the principal paper masculine, but it rejected it to
yield it to it to Charles Tanner, actor of great physical complexión and
moderate talent.

The feminine personage was the one of a young person released woman who

laid way in the single life and enjoyed adventures sentimental. The masculine
personage reticente and frankly strict era. it has been building for resisting
the preservative and liberal points of view of way ingenious. A theater
promoter saw the work and spoke with Cul. Just a short time later, he left to
New York, causing a serious emotional damage to Bett.

Bett always thought that it had also gone to New York to demonstrate to

him that it was mistaken with her. Edward had to him said that it did not have
talent to be star because of his problems emotional. And she, sometimes
asked herself if the true reason of being there she was because she loved it.

It closed the eyelids and it imagined that first night, cuando he directed it

in its paper and were single.

-- "you cannot desinhibirte, Bett?" It had accused it after average dozen of

insolvent attempts in the dialogue. It threw then the libreto on the small
table for coffee in its small apartment and one went to her saying to him:

"Very well, youngster, we see if this type of preparation is what you need "-

-y kissed it.

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Six years later, it continued feeling wild impact of its mouth. During months

it had been pending of him, hoping, suplicando that it embraced it sometimes;
of pronto it had happened.

It remembered that it was put rigid with a mixture of to please and fear by

the privacy of the caress. Cul was eight years old more than she and it was
evident that it had experience and that she did not know like reacting. It was
a revelation to see its expression when he raised the head to say to him: "you
cannot do it better?"

Bett had been ruborizado then and dealed with to loosen, but it had fitted

it with more force to his esbelto body. Its fingers and arms seemed of steel.

-- Still not -- it had murmured while it observed --. You remember Elizabeth

to me First. You know how called it, Bett?

-- Yes the inferior lip had bitten stops that it let shake.
--La Virgin Reina --la had watched fixedly --. Also you have that in common

with her, in addition to its hair and its eyes?

Then, Bett had tried to turn aside glance, but it had maintained the head to


-- Now I explain myself why you cannot to represent the paper well -- it had

smiled --. , young lady frustrated very well, veamos what we can do about
those unexpected inhibiciones.

It had kissed it again and little by little the sleepy fire of Bett woke up.

This responded to its caresses and it gave to him its heart. Minutes later, he
sent it to house, without accepting what she he wished to give him then.

During the following weeks they were inseparable in the scene and far from

him. For the aim of the summer, Bett it had enamored crazy and it hoped that
outside for all the life.

It underwent a terrible shock when Cul broke relation. Without previous

warning, it announced before all the company, including a Bett, that one went
away to New York to direct its work in Broadway.

That night, Bett had gone to the apartment from him to wait for it and Cul

it arrived with one from the actresses of the distribution, with fame of
libertine, and it was ed ***reflx mng when Bett asked to him what would
happen with its relations. Both had been ed ***reflx mng and Bett cried all
the night until the exhaustion. Soon he was worse. On the following day, all
the group had found out. Bett had to brood its rage until the summer contract
finished. In addition, Cul, before to go away, it had augured to him that never
would leave those small groups of actors fans, reason why Bett decided to

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demostrar the opposite to him. It had flown a New York and lived there since

It gave him I suck to the cold coffee.
From the beginning, Cul speaks this that no it wanted to have with her no

physical relation; it did not accept his virginity although Bett had offered it
without reserves. Perhaps it was the best thing because it had declared aloud,
so that all they heard it, that the marriage was not within its plans. It would
continue living like unmarried and the friendship that took with Bett was only

They had had a special relation because it could hablar with him like did not

do it with anybody; and Cul had trusted she, more than in any person. Anyway,
she had not explored well its character and doubted that somebody could
know it thoroughly because it kept with fervor his private life.

In New York it began to progress of work in it builds and he was inevitable

that was in social activities. Sometimes it caused it with her commentaries,
but Cul accepted these of the good humor. A times, Bett was asked if deep
account of the wounded one occurred that had to him inflicted; it tolerated
without protesting the mordacious words that she some times it loosen to him.

But its thirst of revenge followed present and it left to the superficie at

some moments. Cul never would know how much there was it hurt nor how
much damage had done to its innocent illusions. Bett could not to establish no
deep relation since he had left it. Perhaps he would never obtain it and it was
the culprit.

It spilled the rest of the coffee and went to get dressed.
The first day of test was exciting and rest of elenco pleased to him. The

work promised and all wished that it remained long time in the billboard of
Broadway, Considering the cost of production, would be disastrous that they
had to close soon. Of course, any work was a risk, but with the caliber of the
libreto of Cul and with antecedent of the success that was years old back,
had a feeling that they would achieve a success full.

McCullough spoke with the actors and commented good fortune that they

had to find to an actress with as much talent as Bett. During the first day, it
was dedicated to direct the movement of protagonists in the scene so that
they did not encounter over others while they acted. Each movimiento had to
be precise, since the actors worked with the libreto in the hand, without to
have memorizado still its papers, and that did more difficult its displacement
by the scene. Of time back, Bett Cul knew that it hoped that all their papers
of memory for the third day would be aprendieran.

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Bett obeyed immediately, without discussing indications of Cul and wrote

down their movements in the libreto.

But there was necessity to explain each to him movement to the film star

who came from one reputed school of theater of the city. Cul showed an
unexpected impatience and everything was explaining him in agreement they
advanced. Unfortunately, the actor put objections to him to half of the
movements and wished to cambiar them to their way. The discussion lasted
half an hour until Cul, with courtesy said to him that it would do it as
indicated to him or it looked for another work.

-- Cul, you know that there is no another better work in city -- David

Hadison --. replaced I rejected a contract to act in a film to participate in
this work. I do not deserve although it is a mini change?

David, stop and colored person, with tendency to change suddenly of mood,

he was an excellent actor. Cul sighed and yielded, but only in a brief movement
through the scene. That had to satisfy a David because it let discutir. One
went the rest of the length and arduous test smiling to him to Bett.

It took the libreto to house and she studied it until the eyes became cloudy

to him. It repeated its parliaments aloud, to weighing of the shouts of a baby
in the contiguous apartment and the desafinado song of man in the floor of
down. It had just a short time to learn the dialogue of memory. It had to
speak much more that David and was very meticulous in work. Perhaps she was
that one of the reasons for which Cul gave the paper him.

For the following morning it had memorizado almost everything, but the

putting in scene still did not have it controlled. It had to do movement from
the center towards the left of the scene, to walk around of the table, instead
of doing it to the front and that it uncontrolled it. Cul was mistaken and it
watched it with irritation.

--Lo I feel, I was mistaken -- I murmur Bett and David smiled to him.
--No you worry, all we were mistaken sometimes. Also to our director it

happened to him when it was one more of the flock, is not truth, Cul? -- David
put in and McCullough was limited to maintain to him watched.

-- Descanso of ten minutes -- Cul --. declared Soon we will follow. Bett, sees


The tone in which it said it indicated that there was problems. It followed

it with certain titubeo because she remembered others conversaciones. One
felt very small, dressed in its trousers vaquero and point t-shirt, when
following Cul towards the dressing rooms.

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-- What happens to you? he asked to him after to prepare two cups of

coffee and to give one her.

-- They are the movements -- it murmured --. No you want that it walks the

table in front of and is not far from easy.

--Si it beams, you will rob the scene to him to David.
--Lo I know and I become position, but they ten patience, I will take a day in

accustoming to me. In agreement? -- it asked the defensive.

Cul proved the coffee and it watched it with curiosity crossing with the

eyes his esbelto body and its hair slightly curled.

-- you have interpreted the paper of Elizabeth lately? -- it asked suddenly.
-- With enough frequency -- it smiled --. I suppose that I give the type.
-- In all the senses? -- it inquired.
--No hoped that you went to direct this opening, I thought that you were in

Hollywood working in a cinema script -- it said turning aside the subject to the
time that savored the smoky coffee.

-- That did, but I asked if it could do work in my apartment; they answered

to me that yes -- it laughed --. I did not mention that my apartment is in New

--Si I am not mistaken, William Faulkner did same once -- she commented.
--Un great writer who fascinates to me reclined against the wall and it

sighed --. Why you appeared to the tests for my work, Bett? -- it asked of
good first.

It observed the most mature and bronzed face that years back and that

emphasized the brightness of their green eyes.

-- Necesito the money. .
--No referred me to that, are other works of theater in the city.
--No had sufficient possibilities of to work in them -- sigh and smiled --. I

know this personage like the palm my hand and I cannot wait for the
necessary time so that they contract to me in another one site. I am only
thirty to empezar to pay my slow taxes. I can do it, but I must survive while
payment the balance of my debt it shrank of shoulders --. I did not think that
you would be here and I supposed that they would give the paper me if --lo
read well my parliament it stared at --. I represented the same paper that
summer in Atlanta.

--Lo memory -- it declared dryly and it finished of to drink coffee --. To


To Bett had liked to continue speaking it of happened to ask to him why

there was broken the relation of so cruel way, but it thought that that was

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something very distant and it did not have connection with the present. She
was actress, it needed money and Cul was only the director. Soon it would
finish its participation in the work and Dick Hamilton, the scene director,
would become position of everything.

It would have to do Cul weeks but, all the days, and to suffer remembering

the past. One went to the scene and it decided that it could support since the
situation had lived six years without Cul and present it could not worse be.

For the third day, the work was channeled, the established movements and

tried already without libretos. One or two of actors had to make an effort
more than the rest of elenco, but Bett not it he noticed. Its paper was known
well and only it needed to give him the exact interpretation. Nevertheless, Cul
criticized each oration that she pronounced, although it said them of memory
and it remembered the tests with him of that summer in Atlanta.

That night, when they finished the work of day, Bett was exhausted. There

was lost the custom to work so many hours followed and it was difficult to fit
its rate to him to a day that began to ten in the morning and it finished after
eight or the nine at night. It had nerves to flower of skin by las critics of Cul
and only wished to put in bed.

--No you go away -- Cul indicated stopping it in door of exit --. We must


-- Cul... --a point to cry. ¡She was exhausted! He saw how the other actors

left and closed the door.

-- east Quisiste paper remembered to him smiling with cruelty.
-- --lo Was a triviality of my part watched jumping to it him tears --. ¡I had

to allow that they put to me in the jail!

-- Guarda the emotions for your performance, you will need one became

hoping that it followed it and raised its libreto of one of the tables. One
seated in a chair and it crossed long and the muscular ones legs. One went the
fingers through the hair already despeinado --. You begin to fail in the page
thirty and six, where you inform to him to David which you are pregnant -- it
added with rough voice.

-- Cul, I am interpreting it like me you indicated in Atlanta.
--No we are in Atlanta and, I prefer that no mentions the past answered

furious --. to him The things are made here of another one it forms.

—¡Of course! -- she exclaimed --. ¡I also I am more demanding now!
--No you have changed -- masculló after throwing the libreto to the ground

and to put itself of foot --. You continue being same chiquilla malcriada,

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undisciplined, impulsive and unsettling. But while you act in main paper of my
work, you will follow my indications. It is clear?

-- Yes, Sir -- it murmured, although Cul it had hurt in the deepest of its

being, swallowing its pride. It closed with as much force its hands that
became damage.

-- By the sight, also you are very proud him escudriñó face --. In addition to

being colérica and passional.

It could not choose better way to hurt it and Bett no longer it could be

controlled more. It closed the eyelids and the tears deslizaron by their
cheeks, but did not emit any sound.

-- Bett... -- masculló.
-- very I am tired, Cul -- the face turned aside and one became thin eyes --.

Please, we continue -- it murmured with the latest that him it was of pride.

Cul titubeó awhile before raising libreto and to return to seat. When it took

off the shelter and she became, she had the calm, but pale factions. It
noticed and entrecerró the parpados ones like if it irritated it.

--Lo I feel, I had to choose to look for a use of waiter or something similar;

I regret to have come here -- it declared.

-- Also I, but it is late for changing things. I cannot allow the luxury me to

waste more time. As far as your performance, has spent six years so it vetoes
doing to the idea that my point of Vista and my conception changed, that the
interpretations will be different and that you will work with me and not
against me.

-- Yes -- it sighed.
-- Comencemos with the first parliament of page thirty and six -- it

suggested, reclining in the endorsement.

Bett obeyed and remembered the indications of day and Cul asentía while it

listened, with the tight lips and the eyelids entrecerrados. Also it observed
the movements of Bett.

-- Far better -- it declared when it finished --. Far better, it seems that

already you included/understood that desire the maximum of emotion. I want
that the public cries to alive tear when you finish your monólogo in which you
declare that you did not resign to the baby.

-- Comprendo put the shelter raising hair that had been within article --.

Before you did not like that there was much emotion in this part.

-- they have spent the years.
-- For me also -- its libreto murmured and took and it along with placed

underneath the arm his purse -- Escribes theater works in that your feminine

background image

personages are left encintas, and you nevertheless, you do not have yourself
married. You do not wish?...

--Es takes -- clock --. consulted I have one it mentions, but I will take you

apartment to your.

—¡No! -- it responded hastily, since no it wished that it saw where he lived -

-. I will take a taxi.

-- As you please, affection -- frunció entrecejo and it did not insist.
Bett thought that if Cul had known how much it hurt when it pronounced the

word affection, perhaps would have used it ten times more. In the past it had
used it and then yes it had sense.

It stopped a taxi and it opened the door to him, it returned and Bett was

commited not to see move away it in opposite direction. Minutes later, it was
in his laid down apartment. So soon it supported the head in pillow remained

It slept bad, but it arrived half an hour at the test before. In the theater a

cup used as coffee. David Hadison was recostado in the one of the metal
chairs, reading libreto and it seated in another one. it raised the head and it
smiled when seeing it.

-- I am reviewing a complicated passage -- he confessed.
-- That beams? -- it inquired --. I thought that you cursed the dialogue.
Of fact, you have guessed right -- it sighed --. My paper it is not very

important, beloved, yours is far better.

-- Deseas that we interchange the papers? -- it asked outlining a smile --

You I can lend the maternity dress that use.

--A Cul would not please to him -- it laughed --. I am very high.
—¡What pity! it gave a slow one him I suck to coffee --. I do not offer

coffee to you because it seems that you are not addict to this drink.

--Me it enchants the Coca-Cola -- it accepted, and leaving the libreto was

crossed of arms to watch it --. openly They have said to you that?... -- a
foreseeable phrase began.

Before he finished speaking, Bett it put of foot, a chal with majestic

bearing lay down on a shoulder and it watched it with the gathered frown.

-- Good man, suplico him has the decency of not to watch to me with as

much insistence -- he spoke with the English accent that was perfected --. It
does not please to us that our subjects fix the Vista to a single one person.

--Lo beams with naturalness, wanted -- it laughed and it applauded --. You

are Elizabeth in person.

-- it pleases to Us that therefore it seems to you -- did one reverence.

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-- How many times you have represented it? -- it asked when it returned to


-- At least, ten -- it confessed --. Once it was in a work to the naked one,

but I convinced the director that he let to me use corsé...

-- I saw equal similarity and Never I take in the theater ten years -- the

head moved in as much observed the exquisite factions, dark gray eyes and
reddish hair --. Surely that you are wonderful in that paper.

--Me it pleases, although already one is becoming tedious -- confesó --. The

queen was everything a personage and I doubt that she has existed another
woman who equaled itself to him in the art to govern or in anger and

--Te you initiated in Atlanta, right? I saw you in this work once, does like

six years. You were wonderful.

-- What you did in Atlanta? -- it asked with curiosity.
-- Buscaba work in a group of theater of summer season shrank of shoulders

--. I did not obtain it and I had the luck of to finish in New York.

-- You are a great actor -- she declared with sincerity while it gave I suck

to coffee --. But it had understood that you have yourself specialized in
works of Shakespeare.

—¡By God, yes! -- the British accent imitated laughing --. He acted in all

works of Shakespeare, but treatment of to diversify to me.

--Me it would please to begin if it does not matter to them -- a voice to its

backs roared.

One rose to the moment and saw that the rest of the actors one was in the

scene and that Cul was very impatient. it watched with misfortune when they
met with the others and its mood no it improved during all the morning. It
admonished with insistence to Bett and finishing day it was on the brink of
madness the tears.

-- Vamos, wanted -- David in she suggested as much it was protected of the

cold with his articles of shelter, before leaving --. I invite one to you coffee

-- you will also buy a sponge cake to Me? -- it asked smiling and something


--Lo that you wish -- verified the content of his pocket and added --: Good,

almost everything.

--Se supposes that this profession does not allow that one starves in an


-- How you can know it if you are in the top?

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-- That you create? You would have to accompany me to my house.
-- I can? -- it asked animated --. I will prepare coffee.
Bett accepted enchanted to have company without to give importancia to

the fact that David saw its miserable apartment. Surely, it thought, he would
live in one similar one.

Of agreement -- they left together, without being conscious that green

eyes followed them.

Although soon it would be spring, night was cold. Bett was covered better

with the shelter and lead to David by long stairs until the door of its
apartment. The creature of the apartment contiguous, like always, she cried,
but at least the man who desafinaba she made rest his throat. Bett opened
the door and entered with David.

--No is great thing, but it is my house.
—¡God, you did not joke! -- it exclaimed when observing apartamento --.

What has happened to you?

Financial advisory --Mi it put to me in a mess -- it confessed --. It convinced

to me that it invested badly in a business and it forgot to mention the
payment to me of taxes. My debt with the state is great shrank of shoulders
--. But Property was merciful with me because it must be customary to fight
with as idiot people as I.

--No you are idiot. There is no verte more to act it exclaimed approaching

the pantry. Is this one the coffee?

-- Yes -- it returned the head. -- It is like stops to lie down to cry, but


Old fashioned --Es -- it murmured while it prepared coffee --, This is

necessary to put it to the fire.

--El coffee is coffee.
-- Supongo that yes -- it whispered and it ignited grill, before seating to the

table, as opposed to Bett --. How you arrived at tables?

--Mi mother it convinced to me that that was what I wished to do -- she

laughed --. It found me in the difficult dilemma to decide me by theater or to
lead a small taxi and she declared that he was more feminine to be actress.
Although I suppose that he was natural in me since at heart, never I wanted
to dedicate me to another thing. And you?

--Lo same -- with a finger it made drawings on chipped surface of table --.

My first paper was the one of a squirrel, when it attended the third year of
primary and I was fascinated; I did not want either to dedicate me to another

background image

thing. Study and you worked until finally I got to be almost unknown actor
that you have before you.

-- That is not certain, I heard say that you acted in a soap opera.
-- During six weeks, until they killed my personage -- the face in hands --.

supported You must know that I am expert in to die to me in the scene.

--Lo I know, pity that in this work you have to do it outside him -- it

murmured laughing.

--Se happened to me that it could do it with effects of sound -- it declared

with malicia in eyes --. Moaned shouts and, that type of things.

-- Cul would kill to you.
-- Creo that always has wished to do it --la it observed relajado --. Although

it is to you to whom it persecutes. I never saw no director to demand as much
as he does it with you. What you did to him so that it has so much to you

-- Simply breathing -- it responded --. But no desire to speak of that. You

want pie with your coffee? I have left two pieces just.

-- What type of pie?
-- Chocolate.
Favorite --Mi.
Bett served the pie and David spilled the coffee in two cups that it had

bought in, a store of used objects.

-- he is not this amused? -- it asked laughing while they ate --. It lived in an

apartment of luxury in Park Avenue, had fur coat and bought underclothes to
me of silk... but it did not give account to me of what it lost to me.

-- It must be hard for you -- it declared with conmiseración.
--No you create it -- it replaced after thinking while it moved the coffee

with a spoon --. It had confused the values when thinking that they only
matter, the money, the power and the fame. I have noticed, rather I did not
have more remedy than to do it, how people live on here around and that gave
back to me the perspective to focus my life in the correct direction.

In effect, to see the less lucky people it makes to one think -- it accepted -

-. I have still not had the life that you had, nevertheless, I hope not to forget
who I went if I arrive at the summit.

--No you will forget it -- it stressed very serious --. But no you would have

to say if, you must say when it arrives at the summit.

-- Tienes reason -- I smiled timidly -- I once discourage per week and

breathlessness my pains drinking wine cheap.

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-- All we were discouraged, is part of ours profession, but never you DES by

overcome nor ceases of darte spirits. That treatment of to do I when I
imagine how it will be the Christmas Eve of this year -- sighed --. I will have
paid my delayed taxes, I will act in a success work and will be it contents.

-- there is no a man in your future? -- it inquired I am.
--No, never I inspired to no man so that it proposed marriage to me -- it

moved head --. I do not see it in my future.

It would never happen due to the scars that it had left Cul him, but would

not be said it to a stranger.

-- perhaps One of these days you are surprised -- coffee --. finished of

beberse More bond than goes to me and if we have luck, we will sleep a little
before the morning test. It had not given account to me of late that is.

-- Repite the visit --lo invited smiling of frank way. The man was amiable and

he pleased to him.

--Me it would enchant. Good night, Bett.
-- Good night -- the door closed after that he left. He was pleasant to be

accompanied, thought before going away to sleep.

As a result of that evening, she and David they turned good friends, but

that caused a terrible effect in Cul. All the days it watched them as if their
eyes were daggers.

In addition, to Bett it did not help it to be with Cul because it brought

memories to him of sensations that did not wish. It was enough whereupon it
watched so that she shook. It did not think that that could happen him when
one appeared to the test. It did not imagine either that it would direct the
work. It must have be more cautious.

One night, when they left the theater, she it encountered over a metal

chair and Cul held it just on time to prevent that it underwent a bad fall. She
watched at the eyes and seeing her expression, heart him desbocó. Their
strong fingers maintained to a moment and its eyes to it they observed the
smooth mouth. It was as if it had kissed it and Bett almost savored lips that
had caressed years before.

-- Ten more care, Bett, affection. This personage cannot imagine with a

broken leg said to him in low voice.

--No you worry, will not happen -- it murmured titubeante, treating to smile.
-- Vamos, I will take you house to your.
--No -- it responded.

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But Cul was not let convince. It lead a its Porsche and seated it in the front

seat. What could do? How it went she, to allow him that it saw where lived?
The humiliation would be terrible.

-- Vamos, you are not scared. Dame the direction.
-- Queens -- it responded after controlling itself and to aspire pro-


-- understood Teni'a that you lived in Park Avenue --la watched of I avoid

and frunció the frown.

-- Vivi'a there when it made sufficient money -- it responded tired --. I had

to give to a fort advance payment to pay my taxes and now I must save. I saw
myself forced to leave my apartment, that is to say, half that it corresponded
to me.

-- you shared It with a man? -- it asked.
--A Janet would not please to him to find out that you believed man --

masculló --. In addition, it is not incumbent to you with whom alive one.

--Me it mattered before, six years ago when almost I requested to you that

you lived with me.

-- I? -- it asked pasmada.
-- You --la sarcastically watched the time that turned the steering wheel in

one curves --. If you had not been virgin...

-- the women have always repelled you without experience? -- it asked with


--Es a strange fact, to only happened me with you. I did not want to take

advantage of your feelings, mainly, because in my vocabulary did not exist the
word marriage... and it follows without existing became in order to see its

--No I am a threat for you -- the plus replaced calm that could, clinging to

the purse that it had in lap --. Now me I dedicate only to the work.

-- You are a star in blossoming -- it accepted --. I went a verte in the last

work of Lewis and you acted very well.

-- Thanks -- it murmured pasmada since Cul no it was used to praising to


-- Towards where I follow?
--A the left and in the following corner, a the right.
Cul stopped the car in front of the building of apartments and watched it

fixedly. It extinguished the motor and it kept the key.

-- Cul, you do not raise.
-- I must see it.

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There was no way to dissuade it so, resigned, it lead it until the door of the

apartment. It had the face rigid when it opened and it let it pass.

—¡God mine! -- it exclaimed displeased.
--No has nothing of bad -- it said to the defensive and it dropped the purse

in the sofa -- He is warm, it does not have leaks and if my shouted neighbors
would go running. In addition, if you remember, the apartamento that it had in
Atlanta he was similar to this one.

-- That was different -- gruñó --. Then you fought to come out ahead.
-- Sigo fighting --lo corrected --. You want coffee or ambiente seems to you

very depressing?

-- I give the impression You of being a snob? -- it inquired I am.
-- Never you were it, Cul -- it answered while it filled cafetera and placed it

on the fire.

-- Espero that not -- one took from the chairs and it seated astride. Its

aspect was devastating, its blond low hair brillaba the light and its eyes
seemed almost transparent in brown and hard face --. I was born in rich
house, but it pleases to me to think that never I despised the poor men. They
were fortuitous circumstances because I could well be born in a poor home.

Bett had forgotten the antecedents Cul. One of its ancestros was an

English Duke and Cul had relatives with titles of nobility. It thought that its
straight nose and proud good could be shaped in a good one picture.

The man who desafinaba began to accompany with the voice a disc of opera

and Cul was straightened.

-- Verdi? -- it asked with the gathered frown.
Surprising --Es that you have recognized it -- it laughed --. My neighbor has

much enthusiasm, but he does not know to sing. I have myself customary to
oir it.

-- Perhaps it dreams all the nights that are singing of the Metropolitan -- I

murmur without malicia --. Those are few that get to see made its illusions --
it added in shady tone.

-- Deseas something that not yet you have obtained? -- coffee --. asked

when serving You have fame like writer and director, is filming one of your
theater works... you have done it everything.

-- That you create? -- the cup took from hands of her and Bett seated --

Not everything, Bett, there is something I wished with desperation and not it
I obtained.

—¡What thing? -- it asked distracted.

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-- You, in the bed with me -- it responded observing face to him --. I wished

so much you that got to be an obsession.

-- Very interesting --el customary pain it undertook with force --. It was

before or after which as opposed to you humiliated me to everything the

--Ya me imagined it, you follow bitter for that reason -- account of the

coldness of question --. replaced when occurring I do not blame to you, but it
was the only way to do maintained the glance without showing it to him
repentance --. You were enamored with me and I did not have anything more
ofrecerte than kisses a the light of the moon or when much, a brief
sentimental adventure. I had to break of a edge.

-- You could say it to me -- it alleged.
-- You are a bulldog, Bett -- a smile --. outlined It had not given result, so I

saw myself forced to make something drastic it shrank of shoulders --. Gloria
was by hand and arranged and I knew that your pride he would save to you.

-- Sure it made me run to New York -- it laughed with bitterness -- you did

not think about which it would do the company later to me?

--No I include/understand.


the voice of which ran I it beat to me to you like a cupping

glass. I finished being to hazmerreír of all the company -- their eyes became
gloomy when remembering their suffering --. Tuve that to flee from Atlanta
for that reason.

--Lo moan -- it inspired deep --. I did not have that in account.
-- Why you would have to do it? I was a hand and necesitabas to somebody

with that divertirte, no?

--No, and to move away to me of you was one of the things more difficult

that I have had to do in the life --la it watched with the eyelids

-- As much it pleased the youthful flattery to you? -- it asked laughing.
-- It was more than that -- it finished drinking coffee --. By nature, I am

unmarried, Bett, I cannot marry. I will live single all life, with exception of
which another fleeting diversion. You are not thus and someday you will marry
and have the children who you wish. If I am not mistaken you want three.

Bett was surprised of which something rare in the voice of he it enternecie-

ra, but before he could become questions, he consulted clock and was put of

-- More it is worth to us to rest because the tests are agotadores, certain,

affection? Thanks for the coffee.

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--No you have why to give them --lo it accompanied to door.
Suddenly, it became to take him face with the hands and to observe it

kindly to it.

-- as beautiful Sigues as before, Bett -- it murmured, shining desire in its

eyes --. Your hair seems wild honey... it was accustomed to sonar that saw it
extended on my pillow.

Bett half-opened the lips when inspiring. No he was right that it continued

affecting it of that way. It felt the calidez of masculine body and wished to
have it next to the own one to return to kiss it.

-- That is something that never you will see -- it obtained to stammer.
-- you challenge to Me?it raised the chin to him, inclined the head and half-

opened the lips before making a brief contact with enemy with the mouth of
her -- Perdi' the noble feelings that they protected to you, Elizabeth -- it
murmured --. No longer you are virgin and for serte frank, you would be very
easy to dominate.

As it spoke approached it towards his body. With its mouth it opened the

one of her, mordisqueó since it used to make it a way of prelude to those
warm kisses that as much pleased to him. She treated to push it, but their
fingers remained on the sweater that covered the smooth one silk of the
shirt. It had right hair upon the breastbone, she discovered it that time in
the park when almost they arrived at the union and he it had to him caressed
the sines, before laying down it on the mullido turf.

-- Cul -- it moaned and it embraced it, its bent body next to the one of him.
Something next to its lips murmured to him almost and it raised when

caressing to him the mouth to it with hers like giving testimony of which it
could have it.

Bett clung to him, moaning, suffocating in the sensations and yielding. It

returned to be eighteen years old and Cul was the man that it loved.

--No --la loosen without previous warning and laughing with harshness --. Ah,

no, pelirrojita, you will not return to do it. I will not tolerate the same by
second time. Your witchcraft with Hadison practices, to me you will not
enchant to me.

One became and it left giving portazo. Bett it was watching the door a good

short while before returning to the kitchen and taking cups to the laundry. It
raised the one of him, it examined and sadness tenderly. it approached the
lips and it kissed the site where it had placed the lips. It cried when it washed

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On the following day one felt disappointed because it thought that Cul

would have been enternecido after the kiss; but one was so cold as a day of
winter and shot the indications to him as if they were bullets. When it took
second more of the account in repeating a parliament, it put itself furious. It
did not help that the other actors watched it because all they had given
account of which Cul showed no mercy with her.

-- Now what you have done to him, wanted? him David at the time of the

food asked playfully when she left with the purse.

-- Sigo breathing -- it answered smiling --. Olvídalo, we have been enemy for

a long time.

-- Truely? -- it asked peculiar.
--No has importance shrank of shoulders --. I am going to the park to eat. I

will see you soon.

-- Quieres that it accompanies to you? -- it asked esperanzado.
-- Thanks, but I need to be single moments -- the head moved.
With shady eyes and sad glance, he it it observed to move away. Bett had a

feeling that it observed it and almost became stops to invite it to accompany
it, but knew that it could not offer to him what he looked for. Everything
what it was belonged to him to Cul, although it rejected it.

One seated in a bank of the park and observed a children who played and

gave food to the ducks in the lake. If Cul it had loved, as she speaks thought,
would have given children him.

The last time remembered that that was together it was during a day

similar to that one, with blue sky and warm sun on grass. They were laid down
in an isolated site in a park of Atlanta, underneath a great oak and they spoke
sluggishly about the fame, the fortune and the future...

In the long term, what you wish to do? it had to him asked, laid down on the


It wore to position a white dress with bodice elastic that let see its

bronzed skin. It dressed the customary trousers cattle tender and a woven
sweater of color came whose tone towards emphasizing its hair blonde.

The eyes of Cul had become gloomy when it observed the loose reddish hair

and the long legs that the dress left to discovered.

-- To be your lover -- it had responded in tone malicious.
-- Perhaps someday -- it had murmured laughing almost with bitterness,

with the arms extended over the head and the eyelids closed.

It felt before seeing it it and it was on the awares before the weight of its


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-- it seems well to You that it is today, Bett? -- it had asked inclined

towards the mouth of her.

They had already been kissed before tenderly and passion. But that kiss

was different and very sensual. Cul had mordisqueado to him the lips to slow
rate and it felt something strange from the neck to feet.

Cul had risen a little, supported in elbow to have a free hand and to be able

to caress it; suavemente slid to it to waist before upwards moving it, until
underneath the sines. Him escudriñó the eyes and when noticing fascination in
them, lowered the bodice of the dress stops to discover the sines that the
sun illuminated while he admired them.

Bett contained the breath when remembering. That it produced a great

impact to him and it frightened it. It had never allowed that a man it watched
it of that way, with the entrecerrados eyelids and the eyes brilliants and
astonished by the smooth curves of its body.

--Ay, Bett -- hoarse Cul had murmured to to touch with trembly hand the

hardened nipples to him, as if outside first time that thus caressed a woman -
-. Bett, you know what means when happen strange things in the body?

She had ignored it, but it explained it in smooth and sensual murmurs when

one inclined to kiss the sines to him. It remembered to have shouted and that
it with his mouth drowned the sound. The hands of Cul they had empowered of
her and they caressed it with smoothness affecting it until weeping.

-- Conóceme just as I know --la you urged with full glance of passion,

fascinated by the surprise that was in the eyes of she.

--No you stop there -- it had murmured when the hands of Bett shook in

their waist. It fitted the hands to him and it moved them. She it contained
the breath when it listened to the rough one moaned that left lips of him.

The ground was hard and the masculine body it seemed that it was fused

with the one of her, to the shade of that warm day. It put the hands
underneath the dress and only the sudden noise of steps aproximándose it
avoided that the caresses concluded of natural way.

Bett still listened to the moaned one of Cul together to his mouth and it

felt his tremors before they moved away.

The worse thing was than he had to dress it because she could not do it

because of the weeping.

--No you cry -- Cul when singing to sleep it had murmured next to its

discovered chest --. He was as beautiful as I imagined it. We were desired
and he is natural, Bett, just as to breathe. You do not have reasons for

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--No I am ashamed, I am frustrated.
-- Imagina how I feel.
-- Cul, I love to you -- it had murmured yielding to exquisite emotions that

he had waked up in her --Desire to marry to me, with you and darte children!

The brilliance of the passion had disappeared of the face of Cul. It always

happened equal when she mentioned a relación permanent or children.

Cul had held the face to him stops to escudriñar the eyes to him and to kiss

it like never before nor never later. It was a kiss tender, without passion, but
given with the heart.

--Lo I know and it will be enough to know how it to me to live rest of my life.
It was a strange declaration. Cul helped a it to put itself of foot and they

had returned to the apartment of her, taken hold of the hand.

With timidity, it had invited it to enter, but he refused with a head


-- You are virgin, affection -- it murmured clearing to him tuft of cheek --.

Although in the park I forgot the little sanity that have, still has left
something to move away I to me of you. It do not give account to you of which
no I have nothing ofrecerte, Bett?

--El money does not interest to me... -- declared speech with vehemence.
--Lo I know... either to me, but it did not refer a that had given a fleeting

kiss him in forehead --. You deserve much more of which I can darte,
affection, someday me you will thank for it. So long, Bett...

And one had moved away. At that time, Bett it did not know that it would

disappear of his life. That day, later, Cul announced his it travels to New York,
without watching Bett. That same night it found it with Gloria. In few hours it
had happened of a dream to a nightmare.

It felt tears in the eyes when finishing his emparedado and to take hold the

coffee, but it retired the hand when it recognized hombre that one was of
foot, next to her.

--Te bring memories, right? -- Cul asked with coldness, watching at his

around with the hands within the pockets. It dressed the customary jeans,
but it took a yellow shirt and she hated it being so powerfully sensual and
because she wished him with intensity.

-- That you create? -- it asked pretending indifference.
--Te I know too much well so that you act with me it raised the chin to him.
In effect, you know me -- it laughed with bitterness and him it gave I suck

to the coffee. If she ignored it, she thought, he would go away, but Cul
seated to its side stretching its long legs.

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--El day has been long and we need hours of work. Hatred the damn tests.
--No as much as I, mainly yours -- it responded, forgetting caution --. You

need to humiliate to me before the others?

--Ya imagined that we would speak of that -- it laughed and it left its eyes

observed feminine body --. I wish you, Bett -- comentó gotten upset --. He
was sure that the six transcurridos years would have erased to you of the
memory of my body, but it was not thus. Ever since I was in your apartment I
have sore all the body.

Bett thought that it was a trap. it forced to smile.
-- I am sure that you are not customary a that they reject the women to

you, Cul, but I have very good memory and your tracks in my spine follows

-- To move away to me of you was to me equally painful --la watched eyes --.

It loved to you.

Had never been said it before, although Bett it had sospechado. To hear

those words caused that it wished to cry by the years lost and the love in a
faint. It turned aside the head.

-- Truely? -- it asked with tremulous voice --. Your it forms to express it

was very strange.

--No did not wish to marry to me, now either it desire, but you dreamed like

an adolescent about the marriage, the children and a life happy,

-- Date a light tap in the back because you managed to escape.
-- Certain, but why you did not marry, Bett?
-- You cured to me, dear -- she smiled Already with pain -- I am not able to

love. You do not see the scars or you do not want them to see?

--No you try to blame to me -- the voice raised crossing the legs impatience

--. You were the one of the dreams; I was frank with you from the beginning.

--Yo he was only eighteen years old and you were first man who made me

shake. I learned to being woman with you.

--No absolutely -- the head raised with arrogance.
-- Good, of course, not with you -- it wished to hurt it and felt the triumph

when it saw that he entrecerraba the eyelids and it tightened jaw --. My first
lover was not of your ancestry, but to horse given the tooth is not watched to

Cul was put pale, but in its green eyes and severe it did not appear no

feeling. It turned aside the glance towards the lake.

-- it did damage to You?

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-- Of course -- it responded with an indifference that she was not sincere -

- But nobody plus it it has done since then -- suspiró leaning in the
endorsement -- Supongo that darte would have thanks to help me a to forget
my inhibitions --lo watched and was satisfied when seeing that it tightened
chin --. That day in the park you gave a good lesson me, pity that people
arrived at that moment.

-- Certain -- it agreed and it scandalized it by brightness of its eyes -- You

must know that it never interested the paper to me of maestro.

-- For that reason you repressed yourself? -- it murmured without leaving

of observarlo -- Pense' that you feared that I tried to remain embarazada
stops thus retenerte.

A strange expression covered the face to him and it darkened the eyes to

him. Cul laughed mockingly and it became.

--No you had nutgalls to retain a man against its will -- it declared hoarse.
-- Mainly, after one of your lovers me threw it in face -- she accepted and

she was put of foot without concerning the pain to him that it glimpsed in the
eyes of Cul --. It does not have importance, was a experience curativa,
although would not please to me to repeat it.

--La another night you were not so badly arranged, affection remembered

when putting themselves to him of foot and approaching her --. In fact, you
embraced to me with passion, although you said that you were not interested.

--Ha last enough time since I had relations with a man -- it sighed

pretending disdain --. Of course, it is David ...

-- Déjalo peacefully -- it roared throwing tipsy by eyes.
-- You are like the dog of the market gardener who nor it eats nor it lets

eat, Cul? --lo challenged.

The changing temperament had to remember of Cul before speaking. It

fitted the arm to him and it took it high shrubs ago; there it embraced it.

-- Curse, Bett -- masculló before to incline to kiss its mouth.
But Bett was controlled not to respond to him because the ridicule had

congealed it. Nevertheless, the sensual rudeza of the kiss it made wish more
and that frightened it. It had to bite the language not to moan and to close
the fists not to embrace it. It wished it and it loved it, but it feared to him. it
would return to reject it and that would not tolerate it. He was better not to
let itself surround another one time.

To Cul it was enough to him a little while to include/understand a Bett. I

raise the head and it watched it.

-- you were congealed? it said to him sarcastically.

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-- you have guessed right -- it responded outlining one smile --. No longer I

wish you.

Cul breathed deep and it went loosen it little a little. It put the hands in the

pockets and smiled with irony.

--Si wanted to take the annoyance me could persuadirte, but you do not

deserve it, affection. Nowadays I can conquer to nobody woman who feels like
to me. ¡David can remain with you!

It turned on its heels and one moved away. Partly, Bett was happy for

having been able to hurt it, but most of her it wished to seat in the sidewalk
and to put themselves to cry. Why it could not love it?, it thought with
sadness. "I had been the one that wished, it had done nobody thing, if only it
had given the opportunity me ". But he had done it to include/understand that
only she physically wished it and it had itself in too much esteem like
accepting it. It raised its purse and it threw the empty cardboard glass to
waste basket together with its memories.


WHEN they initiated the second week of tests, Janet invited it to have

supper to its apartment, but Bett did not have time it frees. Cul had sped up
and it also showed no mercy with David. Cul lost the patience the first time
that David mistook a word and its critic constant did that cometiera more
errors. It and David went enough time speaking between scene and scene and
in one or two occasions, David it accompanied his apartment. That seemed to
infuriate to Cul.

That Cul day was worse than ever, it seemed bull enfurecido that gave

attacks by all the scene. When tomaron rest of the food, Bett shook. It was
fault hers and it knew it. Cul followed furious reason why it happened the
other day and it would do impossible life to her and a to him whatever it had
the minimum relation with Bett. There was no solution, of way that it would
have to resign and to look for another work. It did not tolerate injustice of
which they humiliated to David, because he was a kind man.

After the others went away to eat, she approached Cul, that was inclined on

a libreto with the pen in the hand. It raised the head and it watched with
ferocity and hostility.

-- you are not hungry? -- gruñó.
Bett interlaced the hands and it tightened them stops to occur value.
-- Deseo to resign.
-- What you say? it was put slowly of foot.

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-- Renuncio, is not right that you break to David only because he is amiable

with me; perhaps but it is your form to force to me to stop. Anyway you have
obtained it, you have won gave its libreto, but he to him it only watched its
extended hand.

-- Llevamos almost two weeks of tests and a these heights will be no

substitutions in the chosen actors.

--No, only you limit yourself to censure to us hard, truth?
-- You wanted that paper, affection -- she talked back mocking --. Also

Hadison wanted his.

--Y we are for that reason guilty of some terrible one crime, no? -- it

replaced --. I already said that moan to you to have requested the paper, but
God it knows that never but I will return to commit the same error. But I
cannot support that make suffer to David...

--Se I mistake in its parliament -- it declared -- By that I criticized it. And

if it returns to happen, I will criticize it again. I want one perfect
performance and I will not accept mediocrities. Him gritare to whatever no
act well and that includes to each one of the actors of the work.

—¡You showed no mercy with us two!
-- Perhaps both they would have to study better his parliaments -- it

replaced poisonously --Instead of being retozando in the bed!

Bett aimed a slap to him without measuring consequences, but Cul did not

perturb. With great parsimony, it left the pen on the small table, surrounded
the waist to him to Bett and it approached it its muscular length and body.

-- Esperaba this -- masculló watching it --. It hoped and it requested that

you gave new samples of your passion...

It pressed the mouth of her and the years passed they desaparecieron, one

by one, until Bett was transformed into ingenuous adolescent of that spring.

-- More fort -- Cul next to the trembly one murmured mouth. -- strong

Bésame since you did it when we were recostados in the grass and you wished
that it caressed to you. You remember it, Bett?

Without the smaller doubt and occurred it to understand with the lips. It

was put of finishing nails, it embraced it and it kissed it with ardor. It burned
with desire without being able to control and the mouth of him it kissed with
calidez and intense passion. It raised to the head breathing difficult and him
escudriñó the eyes.

-- Six years -- it murmured moved --. It is enough with tocarte so that it

disappears and I wished you more than then.

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Bett could not speak nor breathe. Without saying one more a word, Cul

inclined and it raised it in arms.

-- we cannot love to us comfortably in scene, Bett -- it murmured with

certain amused tone --. But in my office it has length and mullido sofa. There
I will be able to lie down to your side, we will so try to be young people like

-- Cul... -- it murmured.
--No you discuss, affection -- it responded and it gave him fleeting kiss in

the mouth while passage was opened to the office and closed the door of a
kick --. It allows that it kisses to you during minutes so that calms this damn
hunger. I have driven crazy from the other night and I savored to you in
dreams. ¡You desire, God mine, I wish you with all the soul!

Also Bett wished it with desperation, but if it yielded the situation would

get worse. It continued being virgin, although he not it it would believe, and
the life with a sentimental adventure did not wish to be complicated. Damn it
is!, it thought, she continued loving it, in spite of the course of the years and
of the humiliation. It wished it like woman who was, but she would not be
satisfied to only that.

-- Cul, not -- it requested when he laid down it with smoothness on the long

sofa and observed it, dressed in fitted trousers and blouse black.

-- Yes one lay down to its side --. It has passed much time, but I did not

forget how the eyes dim to you when you wish me.

-- we never arrived until the end remembered to him shaking.
-- Eras virgin, affection -- it murmured while him it caressed a sine --. I

could not robarte your virginity before you married. Your husband had wanted
to be first.

-- and now? -- it inquired.
--Ya you are twenty-five years old and you are not virgin it molded and it

caressed a sine to him and it noticed the traicionero movement in the body of
she. -- In addition, it seems that no longer you wish to marry, reason why is
different. We can unite our bodies... in order to love to us.

--El sex is not love -- it murmured.
--Lo that we will make together will not be a union physics. Something

between us exists more than simple lujuria and you know it -- it inclined the
head and him mordisqueó a sine through the thin fabric. Bett it was nauseated
and it moaned.

--La first time that I did the same, you shouted -- it murmured rubbing the

smooth body with nose --. We were recostados underneath of the oak, in the

background image

park. I kissed to you and before you occurred account of which it did it had
discovered the sines to you. ¡God, eras very beautiful! You wanted to protest,
but before you obtained it, I placed my mouth here, thus --la kissed and I
raise the blouse to him with the hand so that it did not hinder to him. Its
mouth found the naked skin of the sine and she him revolvió the hair with the

Bett undid shirt to him helping it a to clear it to it. The same it had

happened then, that magical day in the park desert, when they were
embraced, united skin with skin and gimieron by necessity to control itself.
But Cul had controlled and no of its requests they convinced.

-- Yes -- Cul when pressing to him murmured the sines with its warm and

velludo chest --. ¡God mine!

Bett moved the legs underneath the body masculine, it felt that it was

burned. It had passed long time and she it necesitaba intensely... finally Cul
would be his. ¡It wished it, still wished it!

-- Now -- Bett murmured without it mattered to him nothing else, aside

from maddening caresses --. Now, please. ¡Please!

-- Everything? -- it asked raising the hip.
-- Everything -- it accepted shaking.
Cul slid the hands within the prebathtub of the trousers and it placed his

legs between those of her.

-- Mírame -- Cul murmured.
It opened the eyelids when it inclined on her and she made it feel his

masculinidad, that urged more. It shouted, was drowned shout that all the
paradise contained and it observed it with its factions rigid by the passion.

-- Now? more approached.
-- Yes -- it moaned.
It half-opened the lips, without leaving of to watch it and with slowness,

lowered the hip of sensual way.

-- Thus? -- Cul asked.
—¡Yes! one bent upwards.
-- Here? -- it asked and it kissed it.
Bett could not answer; its mind imagined union and its body was demanded it

to shouts.

--Yo I will undress to you and soon you will undress to me. I will have to you

here in the sofa...

Bett moaned again moving troubles hip underneath the weight of him, but

Cul held it being able to calm it.

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-- Still not -- it murmured nervous --. You do not excite to me demasiado

because I will not be able darte what you need. It quiets until it clears clothes
that hinder to us...

Cul undid the belt when one door of the bottom of the theater was opened

and it was closed of blow. It watched it and it cursed.

Bett closed the eyelids when it moved away of it stops to put itself of foot.

It could not move and she remained laid down, with the blouse opened and the
shining sines in the open, iluminados by the tenuous light.

-- No matter how hard it pleases mirarte to me, I believe that you must

abrocharte the blouse. Within a minute we will have company.

—¡Ah! -- it exclaimed and seating one buttoned blouse with trembly fingers.

Cul in front of knelt down her and returned a to open it to it to adore what
saw. One inclined to kiss its sines with smoothness. When tense seeing it by
the éxtasis, it fastened the blouse again to him.

-- Tonight -- it murmured watching it to eyes --. I will take to house and we

land on water all the night.

The eyes of Bett filled of tears; he was very weak to declare his love to

him. It was as if all its dreams e illusions had become in fact, after those
lengths and empty years. How it could refuse if it loved it? No longer it
mattered to him that only it dealed with one night.

-- Siento that I have waited for all the life to you -- Cul when straightening

itself murmured to comply shirt --. When it touched to one woman, during
these six years, always imagined that eras you.

Its declaration made it cry. Cul spoke in serious and it expressed it with the

face. If it wished so much it, it was not logical to think that it loved it,
although outside a little?

It also put itself of foot, complied hair and felt cohibida. When

extinguishing itself the passion its mind was sprightly and it remembered
what it had suffered after the first rejection. It would be enough hard to
support one new one?

-- Bett.
It raised the head.
--No you become distressed yourself -- it murmured --. Tonight we will

speak and formulate plans.

-- What type of plans we can do? -- it asked triste --. You will take me to

the bed, you I will allow it and in the morning, you will go away.

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--No --la embraced and sigh -- I am not stronger that you. The last years

have been a hell for me. If we loved ourselves it will not physically be only one

The Heart of Bett was excited. It took a step back and it watched it with

one hundred questions in the end of the language. Cul touched to him mouth
with a finger.

-- Olvídate de Hadison -- Cul smiling --. murmured You are mine and tonight

you I will demonstrate it.

Bett smiled, as soon as it gave time him for that, before the stepped on

forts resonated in the lobby, announcing regreso of some of the actors. It
returned to the work feeling happy of way fatalist. It had never considered
the posibilidad to lie down with a man that not outside its husband. Good,
perhaps once, with Cul. Now, that was its unique one illusion, knew that in the
modern times, that type of relation was frequent. Marrying with Cul would not
jeopardize it more than what it already was. Nevertheless, his conscience
remembered to him that it grew up very in a home of moral principles strict.
It would be difficult to him to fight with its conscience.

In spite of it, it forgot the consequences and it dedicated completely to the

interpretation of its personage. It was evident that Cul was pleased because
it even animated to David, that remained surprised.

About nine and the average one, half an hour before that Cul gave by

finished the work of the day, Bett was put nervous. It stops when the others
had gone away shook of emotion because Cul watched it like no it had done it
during six long years. One felt febrile and destitute.

David stopped in the door and account occurred of how Bett observed Cul.

With sadness, it closed the door, after leaving leaving them single.

-- Tienes fear? -- Cul in tone asked of joke while it lead it in the dark.
--No I know it -- it responded moved.
--Al less no longer you are virgin -- she laughed and she shrank when hearing

his laughter --. We will not have that problem surrounded shoulders to him
and it approached its body --. Bett, I burn by your fault approached its car --.
From for days I have not been thinking about another thing gave the return
him, made it lean in Porsche and, pressed its hip against the one of her.

Bett almost could not breathe when it noticed the passion in the face of

Cul, illuminated by the light of the street.

Dreamed --He how it would be to be to your side -- temblorosa --.

confessed In the bed, with fresh sheets and all the lights encendidas...

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-- Therefore you wish it? -- it contained the breath and him escudriñó the


-- Yes, desire verte while it happens -- it responded she.
-- Vamos -- moaning gave and it kissed it with abruptness visiblemente

excited --. Before it loses the forces to lead.

Nervous, Bett seated to its side and the car it lead them to the attic that

had he in the center of Manhattan. They stayed rigid within the elevator.
When arriving at the Cul apartment it closed the door with key and went to

-- Deseas to drink something before? -- it asked I am.
Bett denied with a slow movement of head. After waiting for six years

loving it with madness, the only thing that wished in that moment was to be in
arms of Cul. One approached him, surrounded the body to him with arms and
closed the eyelids.

-- Cul... you are not in a hurry with me, of agreement? -- it suggested almost

out of breath.

-- Hare' all the possible one caressed the back to him and it kissed the

eyelids, the nose and the lips to him -- I wish You obsessively, Elizabeth, but
will be as slow as it can.

-- Very well -- it smiled and it watched it at eyes --. Cul, I did not bring...

will be able you?...

-- Of course, I will be in charge of precautions touched the mouth to him

with the fingers and laughed with strange bitterness --. We go --la raised of
the ground and it lead it in arms until the main alcove.

The bed was immense, appropriate for a man of high stature. It laid down it

and it watched it fixedly, smiling with the lips tightened and brightness in the

Bett seated when it dropped itself on bed.
--Lo first is first --la pushed smiling.
Cul undressed slowly and allowed that it observed it. Bett was fascinated,

because it had never seen a man naked. It knew that it had the ignited face,
but did not turn aside the eyes. Cul was physically very attractive. It could
not clear the eyes to him of above.

-- You are cohibida? it asked to him with one smile when putting it of foot.
--Un little -- it confessed touching the chest to him to fascination --. We

have never shared this privacy.

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In my mind yes -- Cul added and let smile when beginning to undress it. Bett

stayed immovable, when he even admired his esbelto body and its firm sines
when being totalmente undresses.

-- Long ago that you do not lie down with man? -- Cul asked.
-- Why it questions? -- it murmured nervous and he him acarició the sines


-- Because of being thus I will have to be more careful with you one inclined

to kiss it --. You would be like... virgin for me.

Last --Ha long time -- it accepted trembly.
Cul smiled next to the mouth of Bett and approached its thighs to those of


When Bett contained the breath and moaned, he it smiled openly. It half-

opened the lips and she tenderly to him conmocionó when feeling the contact
of its naked body. One also shook by joy to love and to be loved.

Cul raised it, it accommodated it in the bed and it laid down to its side.
The lights shone in the ceiling and Bett not it shamed of which it observed

it and caressed. It was like being dreaming, in addition, it loved it closely and
that was enough so that it forgot his strict ones moral principles.

Bett shook when Cul caressed it of diverse maneras, without letting observe

the reactions of her. It smiled to to see how she contained the breath.

--Me I imagined it, was almost safe... it inclined towards the sines and it

rubbed them with the face, the nose and the chin even that finally it did it
with the warm half-opened mouth.

That was the beginning. During the following ones minutes, Bett descubrió

sensations that made it explode of pleasing. lentitud of Cul almost drove crazy
and contorsionaba moaning itself.

When no longer it could support the torment, it shouted that it wished the

satisfaction and Cul placed its body on the one of her. it lead, it calmed his
frenetic movements and, suddenly, Bett noticed that it happened.

Agonizing, it was on the awares and she watched it of in front.
-- Virgin -- Cul murmured before kissing it and to be united more deeply.

Everything was confused by the febrile movements and the pleasure that
finally took them to the tranquillity to the exhaustion and.

Bett felt the humid skin next to cheek; stuned, it was on the awares to

observe it. It continued perceiving beats of the heart of Cul next to those of

-- you kept It for me during so many years? -- Cul murmured while it

smoothed the length and humid hair to him.

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-- What thing?
--Tu virginity -- it responded --. You even had it for ten minutes. I realized.
Bett contained the breath. It thought to notice that he something

murmured during the act, but the passion was so strong that it did not render

-- you realized?
-- Yes -- it responded with languor --. It bothers to you if I say to you that

I feel very well? I never made the love with a woman without experience, but
you did not give the impression to suffer pain -- it added to droughts.

--No had given account to me of it -- it hid face in chest of him --. Cul,

matters to you that it says to you that I love to you?

--No, I never have left of amarte.
Bett raised to the head feeling the necessity to watch its face. In him it

saw passion, tenderness and love.

-- Then, why?... -- it asked with bitterness.
-- Eras very young -- it responded clearing tuft of its front to kiss it --.

What we finished #***aing-refl mng itself is everything what I can
ofrecerte, Bett. Still it does not interest matrimonio to me. I love to you
almost with desperation, but I cannot casarme with you.

--No I include/understand -- she said watching it to eyes.
--No I try that you do it, affection inclined in order to kiss the swollen lips

to him -- Existen reasons.

-- Then, what is what you want?
-- Compartir my bed with you, of course -- the hand slid with slowness on

the body of her and it did estremecerse --. All along.

-- How long? -- Bett clinging a asked the little sanity that it had left.
-- While the tests last -- it murmured before to perhaps kiss the lips --

some time to him more. We could not live ours relation day to day?

-- Cul, I need to know...
But the body of Cul covered it and it seized of its half-opened lips making

that with slow and smooth movements it ignited the fire again. When finally
they fell asleep was almost at daybreak and Bett no longer had breath to
make more questions.

Its relation was looked like that maintained in Atlanta, but it was better.

They were inseparable and David Hadison accepted a grumblings. Bett felt
pity by him, but its intense love did that it forgot during the following days.

Cul and it from then went to attic all the nights and were loved in the

immense bed so that she never it imagined. In agreement it gained experience

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and it lost inhibiciones noticed that he no it took precautions. One night, mien-
tras saw a film in the television, I am mentioned it.

--No would bother to me to be pregnant and you know that desire to have

children -- it murmured, but it felt that Cul put --. rigid But no we are making
nothing to avoid that that happens.

Cul did not answer immediately, and breathing shaken next to her.
-- Tienes reason -- it responded finally, with voice contained. We are going

to finish the tests and I will be in Hollywood at least a month. You will have
irte to Filadelfia to representar the work. It agrees that we let see us during
a time.

Bett separated of him and remained it watching. Cul had not said to him

before it had to go away to Hollywood. Its eyes they opened stupor plenty. It
was saying to him that one had gotten tired of her and that the relation had

--No you watch to me thus -- it spoke distressed. It embraced it with as

much force that did damage to him --. ¡After God, you do not watch to me
thus, I love to you!

-- Then, why you return to leave to me? -- it asked with the eyes flooded in


--No I do --la fitted with more force --. You know that I must finish the

script for the film, is a commitment that I must to fulfill. In addition, you
very will be occupied treating about ganarte a Tony prize. No it is truth? it
touched the humid face tenderly to him.

-- Certain -- it smiled sad --. You are sure that you are not ending our

relation? It would not support it, Cul.

-- one only is a rest to breathe -- it tried to outline a smile and one put --.

pale and shady I love, Bett, you must to you to believe to me.

--Te I create it was curled up next to him and it sighed calmer.
But of to have been able to see the face of Cul perhaps it would have been

worried because it seemed destroyed.

That night, Cul lead a for the first time his pobre apartment, Bett

protested because it saw it very determined.

Soon the general tests began and already they were prepared to leave the

city. The theatrical designers had finished designing the scenery and clothes
and they were ready stops to send them to Filadelfia. Everything was packed,
Cul took leave later of Bett of which she lead the Guard so that she
approached the airplane stops California.

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-- Escríbeme suggested to him with sadness when Cul him escudriñó the


-- Of course. You feel well? You are very pale --la observed meticulously.
-- Very well, although I believe that Janet infected to me the influenza

when I went to have supper with her, for days.

-- Cuídate, I will return before DES tells you.
--Lo I doubt -- Bett murmured. It was difficult to him no to cry because it

had a feeling that something finished. It watched Cul to make sure that it
continued loving it and that was not the final goodbye, but it did not find
answer in his eyes.

-- Until soon, affection -- it murmured and one inclined in order to kiss it.
They had been kissed never with more tenderness and Bett one clung to him

because destitute felt and needed the force him. eyes became damp to him
while he kissed it and embraced without you would be apercibieran of which
the passengers went already to the exit incline.

-- Pórtate well, affection, until soon --y saying these words one moved away.
Cul smiled with sadness, raised its suitcase and the incline without returning

raised the head.

Bett return to its apartment feeling enough badly and it gave back the


That infernal virus did not loosen and him to it it mined the forces. It

managed to survive during the representations of tests and the two weeks
were longest of their life. Fortunately, the work was well received and they
did not have to make no change. The director of the group called a Cul to give
good the new one him of the wonderful welcome of the public.

-- it gave some message You for me? it asked to him Esperanzada Bett.
--No --la watched with the lost Vista -- Crei' that it had called to you -- it

added smiling --. They took very well before he it was, right?

Bett managed to smile and it became. So that everything had finished. to

love it, it had written to him or called. It had solely wanted to satiate its
appetite, once she did no longer represented nothing stops he. Perhaps it goes
had another compañera, some beauty of Hollywood...

Stuned, I seated, in its dressing room. Why had not imagined the danger?

Why it had trusted his promesas?

That night, after the last function, it returned to his room of hotel and

desperate, it called to Cul. It had suplicado to him to the director who
provided his telefónico number to him. Perhaps one stooped. but it needed
that he himself confirmed to him that everything had finished.

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The impression answered the telephone giving of to be distraído.
-- Cul, cómo.estás? -- it asked with voice trembly,
-- Well, Bett, I found out that the work had success.
-- Thus it is -- enrosco the cord of the telephone in fingers --. You will

return to New York for the opening?

--Me I fear that no, affection -- it responded --. I have much work -- it

shut up and it was evident that it spoke with somebody --. What there are
saying, Cherrie? No, thanks, nondesire more. Surely, the towels are in the
bath, love, you can use them -- soon its voice was listened to, with more clarity
--. I feel it, Bett, I have company.

--Ya I have realized -- it murmured and one clung to little pride that it had

left --. Moan haberte bothered. Good bye.

It hung and one lay down to cry with the heart destroyed. Fortunately, it

had prevented that Cul realized torture that it suffered because pretended
much calm. ¡God! Why she was so stupid of to trust him? At least already wise
the truth and would not have to undergo another one humiliation as opposed to
all the company. It forgot it again... now it would do it again.

But it was so weak that every time him it did more difficult to move. David

worried about her and it demonstrated it.

-- Tengo a medical friend who finishes opening one clinic commented to him

when they returned to New York, a day before opening --. You want that it
takes to you so that it examines to you?

-- It is well -- it accepted resigned and sighing --. It leaves of preocuparte,

I believe that it is an emotional reaction.

--No I agree.
Bett went to see the doctor and it stayed it quiets., almost without

breathing when he did significant questions to him.

-- Cree that I am pregnant? -- it asked incredulous.
-- Yes -- it responded amiable -- But calm, it is not the aim of the world.

They do not please the children to him?

-- Doctor, I am not married -- it murmured with tears in eyes --. I am the

main actress in a work that will be released in Broadway tomorrow at night. I
am in the ruin and the man who left me embarrassed it left to me. ¡Yes, it is
the aim of the world!

The doctor calmed it and he asked to him its nurse that it brought a coffee

cup to him.

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-- Tomorrow we will have the results and we will be insurances. Meanwhile, I

will give the name him of a good gynecologist for the case of which my
suspicions are confirmed. It will need much rest and proteins.

--El aim of the world -- it murmured smiling, before to go to the waiting

room where was David.

-- What said to you? -- David asked when they left to the street.
-- That I am pregnant.
-- What? one stopped in dry.
-- Cree that I am pregnant -- it repeated stuned and it laughed --. Cul left

to me definitively, the work not yet has been released and no I have money.
David, I am specialistic in ruining the life to me. I wanted it and that was my
only crime. ¡Damn!

-- Tendra's to say it to it -- I murmur -- you cannot to make another thing.
-- God santoit will enchant to him to know what I did! -- it moaned --.

Although part of the fault is of him -- the attitude added when remembering
neglected of Cul with respect to taking precautions.

-- right Tiene to knowing it.
-- Moan if I destroyed your illusions -- it commented feeling guilty -- I have

loved It since it was eighteen years old, I could not to avoid it, David.

-- Comprendo maintained the hand to him in a gesture protector. It

observed its pale face and it smiled -- I will take care of to You and if he
refuses a marry with you, I will make. What seems to you?

-- David, I want much to you -- it moaned and it embraced it like a sister.
-- Nothing of that -- gruñó and separated it with smoothness -- I said that

I will take care of to you and I will do it, but not coquetees with me, mainly in
your state. You scandalize to me.

-- Good, a small possibility that exists she is not pregnant -- it laughed,

while it walked stingy of the hand of David --. I will maintain the fingers
But it did not have luck. To the following morning, the nurse of the doctor
called to say it to him the test results. It was positive.


BETT hung the telephone and it felt strangely calm. It reacted of form

different from since it had imagined. It accepted the news with great sense
of responsibility.

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Embarrassed. His esbeltas hands felt slightly its belly, and lowered the

eyes as if it hoped to see the baby through his body. It and Cul had generated
a being.

Ever since it knew Cul had wished to have children with the same intensity

as he wished him. It was a so natural result of the love that accepted its calm
pregnancy with orgullo. Surely that Cul no she would wish that the creature
was born without last name. But, how would be said it?

One rose to seat in the sofa astonished by: miracle of the life. It smiled

and it sighed. A son. After to have dreamed about them during years, finally
would have it.

It was asked if Cul would be excited so much like her. It had declared that

loved it and had to be certain. How I could be so tender with her if it did not
want it? But also one remembered how one separated, of her and it turned
aside the eyes when it expressed her misfortune to him by trip a California.
Also Cherrie existed, the girl who was with him when Bett it called by
telephone. Cherrie. He would be somebody that he finished knowing or it knew
before? One would have lain down with her wishing that woman?

It was put of foot and one took a walk nervous by room. Moments before

seemed to him that the life did not present/display problems to him. It
thought that it would call to Cul to say it to it and that he would marry with
her of immediate, but now account occurred of which the subject was more

Cul had repeated until the fatigue that no it wished casarse because it did

not want commitments. It had right to force it a to do it? If it did not want
to be father, she would not be better creature to only have it mother, if this
one wanted it, that to also have a father who did not worry about nothing?

To worry tired it. One put in the bed and it closed the eyelids. It had

convinced to Dick Hamilton, director of the group, stops that it granted more
free time to him and would use it to sleep. That night would be the opening of
the work and its paper were too important so that it spoiled the things
because of the preoccupation. One would worry later.

Nevertheless, it woke up worried and indecisa. One got dressed quickly and

it went to the theater.

-- you feel better? Dick asked to him, seated behind the borders while the

technicians prepared the scene.

-- Far better -- it lay.
-- You are safe of same you?
-- In night of opening? ¡Impossible! -- it laughed.

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-- Well, we are going to prepare to us.
All, even David, were nervous. one stopped in the dressing room of Bett and

took in the spent hands a pair of green socks.

-- you feel well? -- it asked worried, but smiling.
-- Very well, thanks.
-- you already said it to Cul?
--No -- it let smile.
--No you worry, will be enchanted -- it assured while it raised socks --. It is

my amulet of the luck, never I leave a scene without them. in the opening of a

-- lava sometimes? -- it raised the eyebrows.
-- Sure but the feeling does not disappear. Which is tu amulet?
Bett sighed and removed a cross from silver of underneath the dress.
--Mi mother me it gave it when I began to act with the summer group. Not

me Quito during the performance.

-- the actors we are crazy -- David commented with a drowned giggle.
-- Rather we are eccentric -- she corrected --. Cul always took to a chain of

shell key ring nacre. I suppose that all we have certain peculiarities.

-- Thus it is, luck, wanted.
-- Actuare' the best thing than can. Luck to you also.
David yawed an eye to him and followed its way. Bett was made up to the

mirror in front of and its heart barked when imagining that Cul could to be
between the public. Without a doubt the first night would not be lost,
although outside a reestreno. If it arrived, would be said after finished it the

And if they were not successful? Frunció the frown. No it had to be

pessimistic, safe that they would be successful since the work era of Cul.

Would arrive it with Cherrie? The heart gave him an upset and cursed all

the men.

It was applied I touch end when door was opened of unexpected and

appeared Cul dressed in formal dress. hand mirror that it maintained slipped
and struck the dressing table to him.

-- it surprises to see to You me? -- he asked.
--Un little -- it confessed, It wished to rise and to run towards him, but its

severe semblante --. stopped when seeing You have good aspect.

-- Californian it makes wonders with any badly -- it murmured while it

observed --. You are nervous?

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-- Always I am it before a function cepilló the hair and dominated the

tremor of its hand.

-- Trate' about llamarte this morning and like no you were in house, I called

to Janet. It informed to me that you were with David

-- Yes, it was with him -- it accepted with indifference --. You wish


-- Desearte luck.
Single --Yo me I give it -- I murmur feeling and hard able. It watched it in

the image of the mirror -- How is Cherrie? you brought?

-- Bett... -- their factions became hardened.
--No you become distressed, I will not make a scene to you -- it assured

without letting watch it to the face.

--No I thought that you went it to do -- frunció frown -- You are different.
-- I am pregnant.
It had not glided to say it thus, but she was one reaction that could not

control before the strange behavior of Cul.

-- What you have said? -- it asked bending one eyebrow.
-- I am pregnant -- it repeated.
--Lo I know, is in the libreto.
-- Cul, is not only in the libreto, no longer one dried the mouth and him to

him escudriñó the face, fascinated by his pallor and brightness that gave off
their eyes. It laughed nervous --. Memory that I mentioned to you that we
had to take precautions...

Cul breathed nervous and their characteristics seemed to grow and to

ensanchar themselves. It watched it with fury.

-- Who did it? -- it asked in very cold tone.
-- You, of course -- titubeó --. You knew that it was virgin.
In effect, it eras -- it accepted --. But since I was myself you have been

with Hadison.

-- I never lay down with him... only I did it with you.
Cul began to laugh, slowly and bitterly. It threw the head backwards and

leaned in the door with the hands in the pockets.

Of way that you are pregnant and I was cause.
-- Without the smaller doubt -- the back felt that it congealed to him.
-- This is very interesting -- the breath contained, but its aspect was more

and more atemorizante --. It is a biológico miracle.

-- Miracle? one put of foot and the legs him --. flaquearon ¡We had intimate


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-- Of course, affection -- it responded mocking, and with the entrecerrados

párpados, it observed body --. Just as I have done it with dozens of women,
but no was pregnant and never we had to worry to us to take precautions --
the lips of Bett shook before those words --. You do not include/understand?
If delays to really have a baby, Bett, and are not scheme to take me to the
altar, you have put the leg of disastrous way. reality is that I cannot generate
children. One of the experts in fertility more known the country it said to me
that a miracle would be needed so that I left pregnant to a woman. I am

Sterile, sterile, sterile... the word it repeated like a litany in the mind of

Bett. Cul added something, something offensive, but she no longer listened to
it. It had the been on awares, with expresión of horror while the words began
to receive meaning for her. It was to him saying that the creature was not of
him, who was impossible. But she knew a certain science that it was certain
because never had relations with another man.

--No was another man -- I murmur overwhelmed.
-- Of course and this news comprises of the mysteries of the nature moved

away of the door -- If you say to him to somebody that that creature is mine,
I will demand the weight to you of the law yet. I will not allow that my
infertility is known in a judgment to establish the paternity of your it drinks
nor that the newspapers soil my name -- his eyes shone of way peligrosa -- In
addition, I will make sure that never you return to work. Guárdate your lies,

-- But the creature... -- it murmured trembly.
--Es problem of Hadison, mine did not become -- That he takes care of to


—¡Cul! -- it shouted.
It contemplated it from the open door and it watched with as much scorn

that Bett wished to hide itself.

-- you have never thought why I have written so many works with

embarrassed women, right? Nor why I moved away of you when you were
eighteen years old? You wished children... -- it laughed with coldness --. Pity
that no I have camera because your expression when there am you this era all
a revelation. You thought that it would be running to marry to me with you?

It felt her lívido face and had nauseas. One seated to recover the balance.
-- you feel bad? -- it asked with irony --. Proud papa will call al ; I am, surely

of which he will be eager of cuidarte. Luck for tonight, Bett, you will appear in
scene although you have arrastrarte until her, you include/understand?

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It left and it gave portazo. Bett dealed with to remember all the words

soeces that had listened in their life and it repeated, with the head between
the legs, until nausea disappeared. It was destroyed, but it would not allow
that that animal knew it. Of course, it would leave to scene and it would act as
never it had done it.

It was put of right foot when David entered, pale and decided.
-- You are well? -- it asked.
--Yo it would have preguntártelo -- it still responded overwhelmed, but

having recovered pride --. It struck to you?

--No, but as if it had done it. ¡God!, he is blind? -- it asked --. Why it does

not accept the paternity?

-- Because it does not wish to be father -- it responded. No it could say the

truth to him, did not have right to do it. It breathed deeply and it added --:
David, it moan.

--No you have nothing to be sorry, unless it is confianza that you had that

son to him of dog. You do not worry, beloved, us we will marry and I will take
care of to you.

--No approached to kiss the cheek to him. It stops me you are like an older

brother and if you meditate it you will give account that is not bad kinship.
The master, David, never I have let love it and I will never do it, although in
this moment I would like to estrangular it.

-- Quieres helps? -- it laughed weakly.
--No, olvídalo leaned in him --. Thanks of all ways -- it closed eyelids --.

David, I thank for your interest and cariño to you.

--Te I like but of which you wish -- it murmured and it embraced --. You are

not excited, is not beneficial for the creature.

--Lo I know -- the face in shoulder of him --. rubbed One will go to me, you I

assure it.

—¡What so tender picture! -- a voice roared severe from the door and both

they became and they saw Cul.

--Al scene, if it is that they can separate moment. The function is about to

to begin.

-- Vamos, wanted? Bett asked to him David treating deliberately about

which Cul confirmed its odiosas suspicions.

-- Of course --la took from the arm and it accompanied outside.
Bett appeared in the scene with one serenity that had not felt since it had

interpreted to Elizabeth First. Its majestic and total bearing of confidence
irradiaba like the fire. When the monólogo in the theater finished reigned a

background image

burial silence, but when the drop curtain lowered at the end of the first act,
the applause exploded like one pump.

—¡What performance! -- David exclaimed behind bambalinas and embracing

it with force --. ¡For that reason you will receive the Tony prize of

-- Vaya representation -- it laughed --. by halves I am one pregnant lady who

acts in the paper of another lady in the same condition. No I not even had to

--Lo which you have made in front of the public yes is it --la corrected and

their eyes let glimpse affection --. I am very proud of you, Bett.

-- Thanks, but the function continues -- it commented, although the heart

was broken to him in pieces.

-- You are well? -- Dick shouted rubbing bald head.
-- Very well -- it responded.
-- it knows It?... -- it watched at David with annoyance and he it made a


-- Temi' that made you work much and that you you allowed it. I know that I

did not have to communicate it to it, but somebody has cuidarte. ¡The damn
Cul will not do it!

She knew that it was certain, but she did not please to him that Dick

estuviera found out. Inevitably it would say without occurring it to account
and all they would know it. But it could not leave the work, since it would need
the money with more urgency than before.

-- David, you are very amiable, but...
--Lo I know inclined and it gave a kiss him in cheek --. I will speak later with


It pushed it towards its dressing room so that they dressed in a more well-

known dress of maternity.

It was one night long and Bett got tired more of that it imagined.

Nevertheless, knowledge that Edward McCullough was between the public and
it judged it maintained it of foot, although it felt desires to lie down in scene.
It would demonstrate to him of which he was able. Nothing concerned the
opinion that he one had formed of her. If he thought that it deceived it with
another man it was signal that it did not have confidence to him. Therefore, it
did not love it, the love was to have confidence to him to the being loved until
the death.

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By the sight it had taken advantage of her, but the only thing that Bett was

not sorry was that it would have a son of Cul. Even perspective to have to
raise it and to educate it single did not bother it; it knew that it would obtain.
Cul was too cold to love somebody, but the creature it would let want. The
tears showed to their eyes. Why did not believe to him Cul? It was evident
that it was not sterile since it was pregnant. Perhaps it had itself tortured
for that reason, too much time, so that the reality could aceptar. Like badly a
habit, it could not undo of him.

Perhaps someday Cul would recall to mind, but it stops then it would be too

much late. In addition, the possibility that siempre existed she thought that
the creature era of David, although had blond hair and eyes green. As a rule,
people think what she agrees to him and to be father not him she agreed to
Cul because she did not accept that she said the truth.

When finally the drop curtain fell at the end of it builds, Bett was

exhausted and on the verge of collapsing, but it left to receive ovación, the
red roses, yellow and white of long stem that they threw to him and the floral
adjustments that raised to him the scene. Bitter tears they slid by the
cheeks as the night of the triunfal opening finished. It had assured its
trajectory and it would begin to make good money. Its preocupaciones
financiers would finish, but the personal finished beginning.

In the dressing room the maquillaje was cleaned and it put trousers and

blouse before the public entered to congratulate it. It accepted situation
con.estusiasmo and felt animada unexpectedly.

The bubble exploded when Cul appeared accompanied by a stunning blonde...

David was not close for supporting it.

-- You were wonderful, love -- the blonde commented of exquisita figure,

obstinate to the arm of Cul --. I wanted to be actress, but mother no me it
allowed -- sad sigh it --. I enjoyed much your performance. Cul had to me
insured that you are good actress but had to do it with my own eyes; I
verifiedand how!

-- Thanks -- amiable Bett responded and asking itself what would say the

blonde if it informed to him that she was in pregnant and who was the father.

-- Vámonos, Cul, if we want to go to us to Nassau tonight it said the blonde

to him to Cul --. Cul will spend weeks with us while truth works in its script,
wanted? Although estando I to its side no it will be able to advance much -- it
added in suggestive tone.

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-- Mantén the good quality, Bett -- Cul murmured with veiled praise --.

Tonight you acted exceptionally well.

--No you worry about me, dear -- it responded Bett with sarcasm --. I am a

survivor cream.

-- Certain, already I have occurred to account --la watched with annoyance.
--Te I will make arrive an invitation for the wedding -- it smiled deliberately

lying. Cul had hurt it and she wished to do to him damage también --. But Cul
did not react, only bent the eyebrow.

-- perhaps Hazlo, I attend. You are ready, Tammy?
Rubia began to say something, but he it it pushed with smoothness towards

the door.

-- Now no, wanted -- it even murmured laughing -- soon Bett.
When single remaining, Bett seated --. Cherrie. Tammy. So that the women

who Cul frequented had that aspect. Exquisitas, rich and educated. Everything
what Bett was not. It felt very unfortunate and they filled the eyes of tears.

It took the shelter, fled from the people who him it wished the best thing

and it ran until arriving at the door of the scene. Creyó to listen that David
called it, but ignored it. The behavior of Cul it had destroyed because one not
only made fun of of his state but that one appeared with another woman.

Bett did not know by where it went. It did not know it nor it mattered to

him that outside night and that was cold. One went towards the river. It
walked much, to good passage without realizing danger. With each step that it
took they would be aterían to him plus the feet and listened to the echo of
the voice of Cul that repeated "I am sterile... I am sterile... the creature is
not mine "...

The noise of the traffic that surrounded him it seemed unreal. It noticed

the lights without really seeing them. It arrived at the river and it was so
hurt and desperate that did not think about the creature who took in her
entrails. It fixed the Vista to the dark water and it was asked if it would find
peace at heart.

During a little while madness a was had to jump.
-- Bett,no! --el tone of anguish of the voice it stopped. It blinked one

became and it saw that David ran towards her.

-- David? -- it murmured.
It embraced it so that it let shake.
—¡Bett! -- it murmured jadeando --. ¡You do not do trivialities!
Bett relieved its sadness by the rejection of Cul.

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--El does not think that he is its son -- it stammered --. And it dared to

take to that blond aristocrat to be conceited and said... it said... ¡that I am a

-- Sabes that that is not certain --la followed embracing --. Stupid, you did

not think about the creature? God mine, of not having been worried until the
point about seguirte, aspen tree when thinking what had happened.

--No I can support it -- it cried very heartbrokenly aferrándose to him --.

¡For six years, when it left to me, I underwent much, but now I feel to die! ¡I
am destroyed, David, it master much!

-- Vámonos of here, is not place to remain in the dark, we will take a taxi.
-- You can permitirte that luxury? -- it asked becoming thin the tears with

the handkerchief that David put to him in the hand.

-- Of course that not -- it declared --. But of all ways we will take it. And I

will eat emparedados until the weekend, that is when they will pay to us.

-- I can prepararte something to have supper -- it offered amiable.
-- Food done in house, nothing prepared in street?
-- If they desire eggs to you with bacon? -- it managed to smile.
Bett shut up during the passage to apartment, cooked stuned and it was

wondered why she was so aterida. In addition, one horrified by to have had
that moment of madness that had threatened its life and the one of the baby.
With slowness the hand took to the belly.

-- You are well and also the creature -- it commented David that observed


-- Yes, but it does not seem to me real, that is to say, what I was on the

verge of committing. I do not have suicidal tendencies and I am strong --lo
watched with tortured eyes.

-- Nobody is perfect and you received a blow very hard it remembered to

him -- very tense and you were excited by the opening. It is not of to be
strange that you had a madness kidnapping. Given the circunstancias, until it is

Perhaps of not to have been by you, it had jumped -- it murmured.
Possible --Es that there were sorry a time -- it refuted.
--No I know it -- the fire frying pan retired and it slid eggs on a source,

along with the bacon and toasted bread --. That had never happened me and
not even I realized of which it did.

-- Necesitas to rest. I will take you to the park.
—¡No! -- it exclaimed lívida --

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--Te I will take to the cinema -- it added. We will see that new exciting film

of science fiction. In agreement?

-- It can be well, excites science to me fiction seated to recover the


--A my also. As it give account you, we have I interest common. Why you do

not marry to you with me so that we discover others more?

Bett knew that he joked, although intuited that there was something really

in the proposal of him and was attemped to accept so that it loaded with the
responsibility to take care of it. But it knew not that it had to hurt it because
it did not love it.

-- Moriri'amos of hunger -- it responded smiling --. I cannot eat cardboard

announcements in the street.

-- the food publicity Could trim of the magazines.
--Al baby would not please to him.
-- Tendra's to be a firm mother and to say to him that one calms.
--Le I will put the name of Buick -- it laughed because him it seemed that

the creature in gestation was already a person.

-- Buick? -- it blinked.
-- I always wanted to have one.
—¡It does not give shame you! -- it exclaimed with tried annoyance.
-- It is well, would not be right -- it meditated moment --. What such

Jason? It is pretty name, I will call Jason Clarke.

-- and if she is young? -- he asked.
--Se will call Jackie, but she will not be young.
-- You are safe?
-- Cul was only child, but her mother had two brothers and their father

were one of six brothers. Yes, I am quite safe.

-- In where you learned to cook thus? -- it asked giving I suck to the


In house, to the twelve years. Mother said that girls must know how to cook

reclined remembering their childhood and the previous years to the encounter
with Cul.

It became late and David took leave.
--Si you wish it, I can sleep in the sofa -- it in the door offered.
-- I am well -- it assured --. I will not try to jump more by the bridges. Cul

would be glad instead of grieving, so that only it would make damage to the
creature. I will not return to try it.

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-- Therefore I like, sometimes the perspective changes after one night of


-- Thanks to be my friend, David was put of finishing nails to give a kiss him

in the cheek.

--El to please is mine touched to him tenderly face --. Good night, Elizabeth

First. It pleases your value to me.

-- Little it lacked so that it lost it, no? But it will not pass more, I will have

the creature -- it smiled determined --. And I will not allow that Edward
McCullough the touch nor returns to touch to me. They say that the revenge
is sweet and someday it will wish me, but he will not have to me.

-- I know that now you undergo much, Bett, but you it will pass -- murmuró

amiable. It deals with dominarte and you will feel well.

-- Thanks.
-- Duer to me well, I will come tomorrow by you early.
-- David...
-- It shuts up. I am able to give much affection, by what there am of

dártelo to you and no the creature? -- it asked with calm --. I will not request
to you nothing in return.

--No is just.
--La life never is right -- it accepted --. But people who never risk obtain

nothing important. If someday Cul decides to return to your side I will move
away. But if not it...

--No will return became -- I cannot darte that I do not feel and I do not

want herirte, David. I know what is to suffer.

-- Prefiero that you do damage to me to that she kisses to me another

person. It rests, I will see you tomorrow.
It turned on its heels and one moved away, Bett it observed until arrived at
the elevator, then it closed the door with key.


At the following morning, Janet arrived a to prepare desayuno and took the

full newspaper arms to him.

-- David informed to me that you are delicate so I came to cuidarte -- it

declared --. The critics are wonderful, there are causado sensation, love.

-- Truely?-- Bett sighed, and when getting up itself, it was put lívida and it

gone just running to the bath on time. When return, Janet it observed
worried, with an egg plate that finished preparing in hands.

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Certain --Es, now I notice your malaise. Pobrecita. knows to it he? Bett

agreed feeling very unfortunate.

-- one will marry with you?
Bett denied it with a head movement and Janet emitted a deaf sound,

before leaving the plate on the table of blow.

-- Why?
-- Cree that is not his.
-- Trivialities -- Janet seated next to Bett, on the bed, and it caused that

hombro --. supported its humid face of tears in his Why it thinks that?

--Es a secret.
-- Loved friend, when I have disclosed secret?
-- Alega that it is difficult -- Bett outlined one smile.
-- Cul?
-- Yes, Cul -- it sighed tired --. Janet, he thinks that I have had sexual

relations with another one. He is sure that the creature no it is of him and
one refuses to speak of the subject. I do not know who said to him that it
cannot have children, but,quienquiera that has been would fall of backs if I
say it!

-- What you are going to do?
-- Tener to the baby.
--Me I appear it, but How you you will fix them?
--La work is successful and I am making money, enough money. I will be able

to pay my taxes -- it sighed --. I will remain here and when the moment
arrives, I will go into in a hospital to give light. Soon me I will worry about the
diapers, the nursemaids and others -- it smiled --. Janet, all m life there am
deseado to be pregnant and I fell in love with Cul his voice quebró --. If I
cannot have I will at least have it its son and I will take care of it, I will adore
it like no I will be able to do it with the father. I will come out ahead and have
more than what much people it never obtains.

-- Supongo that it will happen thus, but is a mess -- Janet observed it


-- David requested to me that it married to me with him.
-- Wonderful, they would die of hunger together -- Janet it laughed -- He is

a good man.

-- Yes, but it master was not sprightly the hair of face -- He could be the

padrino of the creature.

-- I can be its godmother? We will celebrate his baptism.

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-- it was put Very well of foot, and it walked to window --. The spring begins

to be and for Christmas I will have a magnificent one special gift.

--Un special gift -- Janet when seeing repeated radiating face of its friend

--. What seems to you if you eat a little? You need alimentarte very well so
that both they are healthy.

Of agreement, I will go by the tomato sauce.
Janet tightened the teeth and served eggs in two plates.
The days almost passed and Bett nontapeworm moments for the

autocompasión. The paper that it interpreted occupied almost all his time.
They at night gave to representations of Tuesday to Saturday and function of
late Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Monday was the only free day and
by the general passed it with David and Janet.

Both they had it surprised by its eagerness protector. They were

determined to protect it of the life. No longer one was the son of Bett, he
was the one of the three. Inevitably, the day in which arrived the others in
the company noticed the state of Bett. Then the problems began.

An ambitious reporter of one of local newspapers obtained the data without

interviewing to Bett. It published the news in the section of spectacles with
the holder: "convertida Fantasy in fact, pregnant woman represents the
principal paper en the work of McCullough

A girl in the dark room ".

Little it lacked so that Bett desmayara when it read it. The article praised

the idea, apparently preconceived, of which one pregnant actress interpreted
the personage. The reporter especuló that when Bett gave light, its
substitute would as much replace it in she was in hospital. Of course, it did
not mention the father because he decided to leave it in the dark, like part of
the mystery.

Bett became infuriated, but to David it seemed to him wonderful.
-- it gave good publicity Us -- it commented when three took coffee in the

terrace from a restaurant. Also aid to that no work too much.

-- How I can do it if all the actors me they take care of and they insist to

me on which he rests?

-- You are radiating and you have the healthful skin -- David smiled.
-- Very healthful -- Janet I observe the face of Bett and loosen a giggle.
--El fact that it cannot run rack of my trousers nor to fasten the blouses to

me does not mean that it is fat person -- it said as a challenge and it
requested a cream pie.

--No feels to you well to eat many pies -- Janet murmured.
--Y you need to walk more -- David put in.

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-- Very well, I will let eat pies with cream and I will walk a little now -- the

hand raised when putting itself of foot -- I can be worth by me same and to
walk single. I will see them later.

-- Iremos to have supper with you remembered Janet to him.
Of agreement, I will give bitter gherkins them and yogur mixed with puré of

Popes -- it responded smiling.

Janet finished drinking the coffee and David it sighed. Bett left them

seated one next to the other and it seemed to him that they formed very
good pair. Perhaps someday something among them could be. Bett walked of
showcase in showcase, enjoying the free time. The last week of general tests
trabajaron the twenty-four hours and that had tired it. It began to recover
and to feel well. The doctor had prescribed to him tablets against I am
annoying and although he did not take them with regularidad, helped it. And
the vitaminic complex that also prescribed to him made feel able of to raise a

Nevertheless, although it had not increased much of weight, already one

felt heavy. Their trousers had elastic in the waist and no they tightened to
him and one put greater supports and ampler blouses. The one that it had
been to putting that day was perfect for the beginnings of spring. It was of
white cotton, with the neck in "adorned v" and with feminine embroider. It
dressed pantalón blue and a light sweater, had left the hair loose on
shoulders. One felt like young person and flood of hopes. Although Cul it
almost gave the finishing nail him, returned slowly to the life. The people who
were a his around one behaved well with her, mainly as a result of the
publication of article. And although nobody knew who was the father,
suspected that it was David or Cul. But they discarded to Cul when noticing
the relation that it took with David, who was at any moment very kind with
the young person. Bett smiled and he was happy with his pregnancy. Still it
had not notified to him to its parents, but it trusted that they would
include/understand; and as it lived in a as big city as New York, almost nobody
notary's office the lack of husband. Their parents would say to his friends
which they wanted.

It gave the return to the corner to arrive at his apartment and stopped in

dry when seeing the black Porsche, parked in front a its building. There was
nobody within him, but it knew of whom was. It raised Vista towards the wall
of its apartment and doubted, before raising. It wished and hambriento
needed to Cul to feed his heart, but, it would not be counter-productive to
see it?

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The door of the apartment opened and Cul it left him. It had excited the

hair because of the wind, dressed beige trousers and white sweater of turtle
neck, underneath a wool jacket. When seeing it one stopped a little while and
it lowered by the stairs.

It remained quiet, with the hands inside of the bolsillos of the sweater.
Cul in front of stopped her and lowered the eyes to the belly that the

comfortable blouse covered.

-- Who has disclosed the news? -- it inquired.
--No I was, in case you have come to see me for that reason -- he

responded with same coldness --. I have enough problems so that it multiplies
them announcing my state. It worries to me that my parents can read that

--No you have good face, Bett -- I murmur when seeing it more close by.
-- I am pregnant remembered proud --. to him first meses is uncomfortable

for some women.

-- Llegara's in the end? -- it asked after to inspire deeply and to put the

hands in the pockets.

-- Of course -- it responded with calm.
-- It is contented Hadison?
The words sounded offensives to him and sarcastic, but from the point of

view of Cul, perhaps justified. It was surely of not being the father because a
doctor had said to him that he was sterile. Perhaps the same doctor did not
believe in miracles, but Bett yes. It took one in his entrails.

-- David is not the father of my son -- it repeated.
-- Then, who is? -- it asked --. sarcastically milkman?
--Mi son it is not incumbent to you -- it replaced with coldness --. Almost all

they take care of to me except the father of the creature.

-- it does not wish the son?
--Es yours, Cul -- it responded distilling poison in its voice --. You will be able

to deny it with all your forces, but that will not change the reality. I feel that
you do not create to me!

-- you did not listen to me? -- it demanded excited --. You I said that I am

sterile, Elizabeth. You do not include/understand? ¡no matter how hard it
tried it, no it could generate a son! ¡The son which you take within your body is
not mine!

-- Then, of whom it is? You are the unique one person with who I have had

sexual relations -- asked.

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Of Hadison -- it roared --. Ever since we initiated tests of the work are not

had separated of you.

--Es a friend, pleases much to me, but not me I laid down with him, had not

been able.

-- Of course -- it laughed incredulous.
-- you cannot accept that your doctor could to be mistaken? -- it asked

furious --. ¡We are human! It is possible that the laboratory that it tested has
mistaken of sample or that a technician has interpreted the result badly!

-- I never left pregnant no woman -- it responded.
--La majority of the women who you frequent they take the pill and you

know it. How many they were not taken care of? -- it laughed --. You and your
women. How many you have now, Cul? Surely that you have an agenda ordered
for no to lose them of Vista.

—¡Sight who speech of agendas, ramera! -- masculló, excited by the scorn

that was come off the voice of her.

Bett aimed a slap to him, more hard that it could, and fascinated, observed

that its hand left a red spot in the cheek of Cul, but it did not perturb,
limited itself to watch it at great length.

--No was nobody more you -- it murmured trembly. ¡Nobody more than you

and loved to you!

-- Truely? -- a slight movement did with eyelids --. Then, so that you have

looked for a lover?

--No is truth -- it declared with fervor trying that it believed it, but was

useless and it noticed it in its face --. Why you do not create to me?

-- Hopefully it could and you do not know how much desire to have children,

Bett, nor what he had given to have generated the son who you take in your
sine. But I do not believe in miracles and you had to accuse anybody less
cynical than I.

-- I have lain to You sometimes? -- it asked with sadness.
-- How I can know it? one shrank of shoulders -- You are actress, affection.
-- Now I am not acting felt the belly and escudriñó the face of Cul, but did

not see anything. Cul was capable to hide his emotions, if it had --. And well,
you looked for some way of deshacerte of me, it is not certain? This
facilitates the things.

-- You are safe of that? -- it asked without to blink --. How you can know

what I feel?

In effect, nobody knows because it to it hidden very well -- it declared with

bitterness --. Not yet I have as much experience and I was one it seizes, but

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it wished you back from time. I was stupid when thinking that me you had a
little affection, me equivoqué. From the first moment, you only wished my

--Te you mistake -- masculló and lowered the eyes to belly femenino -- I was

on the verge of pedirte that you married with me. I was strange to you during
the weeks that I was outside -- it thought much that it longed for --. I was a
point to enamor to me with you.

-- It was before or after Cherrie and Tammy? -- it asked amiable --. You

accuse to lay down to me to me with others, but you have you relate with
others, a different woman every night. ¡It surprises to me that I have lasted
as much time to your side!

-- Calla -- gruñó and watched towards street --. No speak of the subject

like of something squalid.

-- it was not it? For you it was only a diversion, a satisfacción for your

necessities and I was not the sufficiently ready thing stops to know it. At
least no longer I will have to pass the rest of my life languishing through your
cause. I believe that the pregnancy was a blessing.

--Yo it would not say that the maternity without marriage be a blessing -- it


-- That is because you do not need stability -- it explained --. I yes need it

and also I need affection.

-- Amaste the father of the creature?
--Lo I loved much -- a sad smile --. sighed and outlined Stupid what you are.
--La creature is not mine and the fact to wish it it will not turn it in fact --

it spoke with severity.

-- Without the smaller doubt, that says bundled up better with the sweater

when it felt that the cold pierced to him the bones -- I am safe that some
woman hopes to you in some side and I do not have to be in cold. I go away.

-- Saluda of my part to your other lover.
-- Atrévete to hacerte that test again it returned with the open and

accusing eyes affluent.

--No I need to do it.
--Te you will regret it not to have done him it augured throwing tipsy by

eyes --. Someday you will include/understand that it said to you truth, but will
be already too much late. That will be a gigantic irony; you will have a son to
that you will not know and,you will have refused what you say to wish more!

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One became and one moved away, without realizing which Cul put the body
rigid and hardened its expression. Then not him it mattered not to return it
to see more never.


The fight was like jarro of cold water on the emotions of Bett. It continued

living without feeling nothing. The words of Cul they had hurt like a knife. How
it could be so blind?, it was asked. How it could say that it liked to him if one
refused to think what she said?

Its appetite was first, in suffering consequences. David noticed that it

almost did not eat and one night, after function, took it to a restaurant, that
remained open during all night, and animated it to request eggs and toasted

Bett accepted pleased and closed the eyelids in order to extasiar with the

flavor and aroma of the food.

The sky was cloudy and rained.
-- you feel well? -- David asked smiling, seated to its side in a bank, before

the showing desert.

-- Now yes -- it agreed and a mouthful took to mouth. It had not given

account me of which it was as much hungry.

--La function of tonight was very good. we must be doing well because we

continued having public -- David said.

-- When I encountered I was mistaken of parliament -- --, That long dress

moaned makes me encounter, thanks to have to me taken hold.

-- It was a pleasure. I imagine that they thought that it was part of the

action -- it added --. Nobody laughed.

--La builds is not lent to the laughter -- a little took of milk and in its eyes

bitterness --. glimpsed I imagine that Cul went to visit a the amiguita that it
has in the Bahamas. It dresses the night the opening? She was one stunning
woman and very developed.

--No, was chatting with the few admirers who I have -- responded inclined

towards her and escudriñando to him face --. Cásate with me, Bett -- it
murmured suddenly -- Criaremos together to the baby.

-- David, I cannot -- it responded, leaving possesor in the plate, after

sighing --. deep You are my friend and I want to you much, but not of that
way. I only can love a man, although it is insensible and in addition blind.

--No I will request much to you -- it insisted.

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-- Indeed for that reason I cannot ofrecerte much. No, thanks, are my


--Es the problem of all, also Janet is worried about you, it is scared of

which alive single.

-- Why? -- it laughed --. I have good neighbors.
—¡Not even you know its names!
-- Conozco Mr. Bartholomew -- it alleged --. It is horseman of the

desafinada voice that seems singing of opera.

--No has talent -- David added.
Of all ways, always it waits for to me when return by the nights. It said to

me that I need a father and who it would assume that paper -- the eyes filled
to him of tears --. He is incredible, David, that people be so amiable with me...

--No you cry touched the hand to him with smoothness -- Bett, what seems

to you if I speak with Cul and I explain to him that only we are friends?

-- Piensas that it would believe to you? -- it asked --. It said that it loved to

me, but does not think that the creature is hers. Nevertheless it is what more
it wishes, to have a son.

-- Then, why one did not marry to have it? -- David with logic asked.
But Bett could not disclose that secret.
perhaps --No I know it, does not please the idea to him of to tie itself to a

woman shrank of shoulders and their eyes dimmed --. The sky is witness of
which in a moment one got tired of me.

-- Bett -- it moaned and it tightened the fingers to him.
--No you worry, we lived and we learn, but I feel very idiot and vulgar.
--No you have nothing of vulgar.
--Te you mistake -- it moaned --. Not even I dealed with to fight. David, my

parents tried to teach to me to the values tradicionales. I thought that it
would marry and have children to me, I never imagined that everything would
throw by it embroiders because of an illusion. Mírame, I am pregnant and
single... how I will be able to say to my parents? They live in a small zone of
Atlanta, the community them it respects and are people who attend the
religious offices regularly -- she hid face between hands --. How they will be
able to live with this shame?

-- Bett, escúchame. We can marry and they they will never know the truth.

I can at least give last name to the boy.

-- it do not give account you of which he would not be right stops you? -- it

asked distressed --. ¡David, I do not love to you and I cannot correct an error
committing another error!

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—¡God mine, you are very stubborn! -- it sighed gotten upset.
--No, I am idiot -- it explained cleaning itself tears --. And it is not the

moment so that it has conmiseración to me, I must be dominar.

-- How you you will fix them single? -- refunfuñó impatient.
--No I am single -- it responded -- I have to you and a to You Janet so that

they console to me.

-- Supongo that you are right. How much it does that you know Janet?
-- From always -- it raised to the milk glass and him it gave I suck --. The

two we began to act to, same time, but she decided that she preferred the
security and she obtained a position like model for a seamstress with who
learns design. It enchants its work to him and it has talent. Someday it will be

--Me it would please to see its work -- it murmured David.
-- it interests the clothes to You? -- Bett asked smiling with malicia.
-- Only what covers -- responded with a giggle -- Janet always is attractive

in spite of which it wears.

-- Without the smaller doubt -- it agreed.
-- Sale with somebody?
--No, hates the men.
—¡How interesting! one reclined in endorsement -- Why?
-- Pregúntaselo someday -- clock --. consulted David, has been delicious, but

it is late and tomorrow it will be another long day. It has function in

--Lo I know -- sighing it was put of foot to go a to pay account --. You are

going to continue working?

-- I am hard -- it assured foot --. In addition, work for me is diversion. And

my doctor, your friend, said that if rested sufficient the activity would not do
damage to me. In fact, it assured that it will help me in the moment of the

--Te it said if she will be young or young? -- David joked.
-- Yes he knew would not allow it that me Quiero that said -- it declared

with firmness -- it is a surprise. We go away?

--Si you are ready dear.
When it arrived at the apartment, Bett began a to ramble by him, more

worried about its parents whom by she herself. Until that day had not
thought about them. Her mother would undergo much...

The body was embraced and it was wondered why no it thought about the

consequences when it shared the bed with Cul. It loved so much that it forgot

background image

the consequences, would pay for that reason. Although a was arranged to love
its son with all its forces, its life was a mess.

Almost all the girls who she knew they took sex with indifference. In a city

like New York, and in present times, he was not nothing scandalous, but for
her he was estigma. it had maintained reserved and it signs in its principles
until Cul reappeared in its life and drove crazy it. Then, its dream had become
in fact, but, where it had lead it? Their friends were not left encintas,
however a it was enough few nights to him next to Cul to fall in the trap.

The worse thing is than he had said that he wanted that their relations

were permanent before finding out that it hoped son. ¡What idiot! It longed
for to have a son and when it obtained it it did not accept to be father. It
thought that it had deceived it con David and that was ridiculous. Never
another man with the thought betrayed con not even. Cul was the unique one
man whom it loved and it wished. It would always be thus, although at those
moments it hated it with all the soul.

Anyway it was the culprit because no one felt with forces to reject it. And

it would have to pay very expensive consequences.

It remembered the monólogo of the work and raised eyes.
—¡God mine! -- it murmured --... if masters to creature, perdóname and

muéstrame the way.

Suddenly, one felt exhausted and one lay down; by first time since it found

out his state slept deeply.

At the end of the week she was ready to go a the office of its accountant

with the money to pay the taxes. Disculpó and it informed to him that her
secretary had been mistaken and who the debt rose a several thousands of
dollars more. When mentioning the number, Bett included/understood that
hardly it would have left the money sufficient to buy foods and to pay the
rent of months more.

With tears in the eyes it returned to apartment. It was dropped in a chair,

had the lívido face. It thought that it went of badly in worse. It took its
jacket and it extended a check. Since it had to pay more it was worth to him
to do it of once. It put it in on, along with the declaration that it had given
the accountant to him and put the seal to him. It could not continue going to
the doctor and it would have to look for another way.

An infusion of grass was prepared, and in followed I move to the center so

that the gynecologist did the revision to him acostumbrada. The doctor
diagnosed anemia to him, prescribed expensive vitamins to him prenatal and he
suggested became a new revisión for more ahead.

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It informed to him that she could not allow those expenses, but he insisted

to him about his health and of the necessities of creature. What could do?

One week passed before David and Janet is enteraran of their state of

health. They horrified to the knowledge that his situation was so precarious,
after Janet, with the aid of David, him it was able to sonsacar the truth.

—¡God mine, this is the aim! -- Janet --. exclaimed You allow me that she

calls to your parents...

--No. If it beams, never you I will pardon it, no it would tolerate that

mother worried about me, of by himself has weak the heart.

Of agreement, tranquilízate -- it spoke of immediate and one seated next to

its friend to take hand him --. But it includes/understands, beloved, we must
do something.

-- Why? I am taking care of myself -- it protested --. Only I need to save

what can.

-- That is the question, you must not have to do it -- refunfuñó Janet --Cul

can allow the luxury of mantenerte with silk and ermine!

--No, to not must nothing me, nor to my son -- it replaced with conviction --

I was the culprit of which she happened. Me I will fix them, so we do not
speak more of the subject -- it watched them determined when seeing that
they opened mouth --. By favor, is good and they do not speak more of the
subject. They want coffee?

It thought that they would forget it, but Janet no it was of that they left a

friend in hardships. It lost serenity and it called a Cul; soon, more calmed and
nervous simultaneously by his initiative, it confessed a to him Bett which, had

Bett to him remained watching. He was early by tomorrow and Janet had

taken the breakfast to him of a cafeteria. Bett dressed his old dressing gown
of franela when her friend did the confession to him.

She remained rigid with the toasted one in a hand and humeante coffee in

the other. It was the alive image of the desperation.

Suplico --Te who you do not hate to me -- Janet requested with

contorsionadas factions --. She was furious... Bett, and I cried when thinking
about your situation while that patán... God mine, whatever it knows you knows
that no you would lie down with a man to whom nonmasters! And for you never
nobody existed more that Cul. If not outside so gross it would
include/understand it. ¡It has ayudarte!

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--No must nothing to me -- it stammered snores --. Nothing, Janet and I

want that you include/understand that desire not to return to see it. It did
much damage to me and I do not want that that situation is repeated.

Its proud voice became broken and Janet wished to cry. It cleared the

sponge cake and the cup to him to put them on the table and power to
embrace its friend.

-- Perdóname -- it murmured tearful -- By the sight I returned to put the


--No you worry, I know that you want to me well and you I thank for it -- it

aspired deeply becoming thin tears --. How you located?

-- Llame' to the study of Hollywood -- voice confessed more calmed --. I

really feel it.

-- Sabes if it has glided to return here? -- it inquired frightened.
--No, I did not ask it -- Janet turned aside face --. It was occupied insulting

it by its behavior. I drove crazy porque you are my friend and I could not
tolerate your situation became towards Bett --. You you will marry with
David? It said to me that it proposed marriage to you.

--Le I rejected -- restlessness murmured when noticing in it asks --. Not it

master, although is an extraordinary man.

-- Certain, but he is a died actor of hunger -- Janet agreed laughing nervous

and avoiding to watch its friend --. front It is not the illusion of any woman.

-- But she is good pleasant person and -- Bett it defended --. Someday he

will be famous.

--No would bet on the matter -- Janet talked back.
--Tu problem it is that you hate the men. By what do not give an opportunity

him to David? I suspect that they take well because in the last times do not
discuss like before.

--Ya does not need to me.
--Y you let need it.
--Se is cooling you the coffee and the sponge cake -- Janet clarified the

throat and raised its cup --. Moan much called salary a Cul.

-- Olvídalo. Knowing it he is almost safe that it forgot cut communications it

so soon. It is not going to travel up to here stops to see how I am. It hears,
the coffee is not bad.

Janet did not respond, but silence remembered to the other side of the

communication when it informed to him to Cul on the situation into Bett. It
did not know if it would get to appear, although was tormented by fear of to

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have caused more problems to him to its friend. God was witness of which
Bett it was crushed by the problems.

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BETT was asked if someday it would return a to feel like before. The

anemia had debilitated it and it was difficult to him even to walk. It followed
ahead only by his great voluntad and account of which occurred they were
preparing very well its substitute. One said that the work would follow with
she or without her. How it would survive without pay in case that something
happened and it prevented him to work?

On the following day it arrived at the test, but to half an hour one

collapsed. David took it apartment to its.

--No would have to go -- titubeó to me when a went the door.
--No you are idiot was curled up in the sofa -- I can to take care of to me

and was only a faint, normal in my state.

--Lo -- it sighed -- But if you need llámame to me to the theater.
-- Of course -- it smiled.
-- Well, I will come later to verte.
-- David, of God, I am in favor well and I can call a Janet.
-- We are for ayudarte and you would have to call a one of nosotros -- it

protested --. The bad thing is that you are too independiente, wanted.

-- I am customary to take care of to me, in addition, Mr. Bartholomew...
--Ya I know. For from adoptive father and it will come if him outcries. But

anyway, cuídate.

--El baby and I will be well, you do not worry as much.
David took leave and left closing the door. Bett relaxed in the smooth

cushions of the sofa and sighed. A glance threw to his shoes and noticed the
spent thing that were. One of the soles had almost disappeared. It would have
to send them to fix. No longer the luxury could occur of to buy new clothes.

Their sad thoughts finished by to wear down it. It cried to alive tear as it

had not done it before its friends. His situation was desperate, no matter how
hard it struggled to leave ahead the things they made worse every day more.

One was becoming thin the tears with backstitch of the faded blouse

bought of second hand when it heard that they called very insistently to the

It imagined that it was David and it was put of foot stops to open. Segura-

mente was had sorry it to have left single.

--Ya I said to you that I am well... -- descorrió lock to open the door but

remained immovable when seeing Cul that, stops overflow, was furious.

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-- Pasa -- it murmured, although it thought that he was the unique thing

that it lacked to initiate Third World war --. I do not need to ask why you
have come, Janet me confessed it.

--No you say to me that you did not request to him that it called to me -- it

roared. It seemed higher and fornido than before. It had the hair unkempt
and his green eyes and shady face accused it.

-- Ahead the hair lay down to the back and it watched eyes --. Desahógate -

- it smiled. But it remained of foot, respirando deeply and their pupils seemed
not to exist by the contracted thing that were.

-- been so I have never displeased as now. Both we know that the creature

is not mine, Bett. To complicate in this to others people will not make change
me of opinion, on the contrary will cause damage to you. Nothing of what you
say or you do will convince to me that you did not have another lover.

--A to say truth had solved all this without your aid espetó crossing itself

to him of arms to the time that maintained the glance to him with challenge --
. Nondesire nothing of you and at any moment quise. Janet and David they
worry about me and Janet took the initiative from llamarte. I did not request
and me it would enchant not to return to verte.

--Si Hadison is so very damn worried, why not house with you? -- the old

plea repeated.

--No can be discussed with a stone.
--No I came to that, but to decirte that if no you let indicate to me as the

father of your son I will bring a action against you.

-- it would be amused -- it commented distracted --. I imagine the holders:

"pregnant Actress mysteriously in its room of bath ".

—¡It shuts up, is not nothing graceful!
It accepted that she was not it, but or laughed or she cried and already she

had done the latest with too much frequency.

--Mi explanation it is as good as yours -- it responded when becoming. To its

backs, the old coffee began to sound when the water began to boil.

—¡Stupid! -- it roared furious --. You do not know that it would give my

blood to be the person in charge of your state? I write works about
embarrassed women, dream with children... but the facts... they are done. I
give you the telephone number of my doctor so that you speak with him? -- it
asked exasperated --. ¡Perhaps if he you confirms it you give account of the
useless thing that is your accusation.

Bett him escudriñó the face and seemed to him aged. Mouth had wrinkles of

tension around its formed good, of his it releases and elegant nose and of his

background image

deep eyes. It gave the impresión of not having slept well in long time, because
of some preoccupation. It was not of to be surprised, since perhaps some of
its conquests was making him the life difficult. To think increased it the
depression of Bett.

-- You would be a magnificent lawyer in a judgment -- it murmured

distracted --. That constant approach of the same desperdicia subject in

-- you are listening to Me? --la challenged.
-- Of course, Cul. You described to me as --al mentirosa to see that it

wished to interrupt it, added --: You say that I deceived to you and that
demonstrates that you do not know me. So it was enamored with you that I
did not allow that another man touched to me. How you explain that lover
without face?

-- Perhaps you drank too much in some celebration... -- uncomfortable, one

shrank of shoulders.

—¡Or it kidnapped a votador subject of gossip to me and I was seduced by

extraterrestrial! -- it raised the hands.

-- you cannot take the subject seriously? -- it roared anxious.
--No I dare -- it responded solemn --. If me it allowed to think about which

you are saying, it would react giving shouts histéricos and Mr. Bartholomew
would go running for matarte. You got it something in which to think.

-- Bartholomew? -- entrecerró eyelids --. It often raises verte?
--No eyebrows, Cul, continues sending accusations to me. Why you stop in

Mr. Bartholomew? -- it spoke with annoyance --. Why no you add to the
mailman, to the boy of the store that brings the orders, to the conductor of
the truck and to the man who sells emparedados in the corner? ¡God mine! ¡I
am one prostituta and without aid of anybody I have obtained my own

-- Calla -- masculló.
-- you only say that -- it sighed tired and one became towards the coffee to

the time that removed a cup from the pantry to fill it with the dark liquid. It
had to prepare the coffee less hard, not only by caffein but because it did
not have the sufficient money. The cup was chipped, but just as his shoes, it
could not replace it. Sighing, it filled the cup. By the good of the creature it
saved money in which it could.

It was happened to him that the baby had a father very idiot. A light tap in

the belly little enlarged occurred and smiled. Not you worry, creature, we will
leave in front of some way, was said.

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-- Tienes another cup? -- Cul asked backs of her.
-- Of course. The cups are there above -- it indicated with vaguedad and

one went to the spent sofa with a cup in the hand.

It listened how Cul opened and it closed the doors of the pantry. It

happened long awhile until it listened that it filled a cup. Cul it opened the
refrigerator and silence was greater. Bett did not imagine what he it thought
until it listened to it sigh. It only had milk and cheese, courtesy of special
program of nutrition for embarazadas women, slices of bread, a tin of soup
and other small things. It would go on the following day to the store in order
to provide itself.

--No I will die of hunger -- security pretended to to see rostro him --.

Tomorrow it is my day of market.

Very important --Es that you nourish --la well it observed of feet head

taking the cup with two hands --. ¡Mainly, during the first months!

—¡You do not say to me! why me it will not have said it my


-- Because almost you are not going to see it, me Janet said to it.
--Mi life it is not incumbent to you.
-- know to It your parents?
--No -- lívida responded, soon tightened teeth and observed the cup in their


—¡God mine, you had at least to communicate it a to it they! -- it whistled

between teeth.

-- My parents are not the type of people who they accept to a daughter like

unmarried mother. They are very religious, Cul, and they raised to me
educating to me in a strict moral.

Of agreement..it will do position to me of you -- it murmured.
-- That no, affection -- the head hurt raised in its pride and thundered

against it with glance --. I prefer the aid of a robber.

--No you can live thus.
-- Others do it and come out ahead. You, ocúpate of your complicated loving

life, enchantment, small and I will take care of myself single. That is to say,
when suficiente has the age.

-- Necesitas alimentos -- it returned to observe to him belly.
--No I will starve -- refunfuñó --. I have taken care of and it would not put

in danger the life of the baby. But I cannot have it everything, saving in which
I can.

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—¡You would not have to have to do it! -- it exclaimed watching the cup of

coffee --. The father of the creature must cuidarte.

-- Why? -- it asked with logic --. He is my son.
--No you generated single.
-- Certain -- it talked back --But according to you thus it happened!
-- This leads to us to anything -- it spoke last minute --. More bond than

goes to me.

-- Magnificent idea -- it shook the eyelashes, in front a he --. Saluda

affectionately to Mary, Kate, Gail, Beverly or to who shares your bed in the

-- Good night -- it responded dominating the fury.
--Me I will assure that Janet does not return a molestarte -- it shouted --.

Although it must gag it.

Cul gave portazo and the false composure of Bett disappeared. Little by

little it recovered the normal rate of its breathing and it cheered of to have
hidden its desvalidez. Cul goes would not think what Janet had to him saying,
would go away and it would leave it single so that it could find a little peace.

Cul, unemployed outside the building of apartments, under rain, ignored the

vulnerability of Bett. Why no aceptaba Bett the truth? Why it dealed with
which it assumed responsibility of the pregnancy? She did not know how much
damage was producing to him that?

It walked by the sidewalk, losing itself between people, but felt vaguely

single and destitute. The words of Bett they persecuted. She said to him that
she loved too much like having another lover and like it was not a preposterous
declaration, was terrible. It had never thought that she would lie down with
another one after it to have done with him. It could not to accept it,

His doctor had communicated it with everything certainty. It tried to

remember the exact words. Very improbable, it had said the doctor, it would
be improbable that it generated a son. Entrecerró eyelids because that meant
that it could be possible.

But it discarded that thought. Bett played with him, that was taken revenge

because he had left it, was everything. Perhaps no it had been as much time of
pregnancy and it happened after it divided a Hollywood.

One had almost been convinced when it remembered that single they spent

three weeks of absence when she knew that he was pregnant.

Roundness in its belly was real. No it happened during the absence of him,

happened when they were loving. That hurt to him more than nothing.

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Without thinking it, it entered about a store of eatable and it filled a food

stock market. Bett had to eat and the creature it had to survive without it
mattered the who outside father. It was asked yes would be boy or girl. The
colorful stranger of Bett smiled tenderly when remembering: hair red gilded,
dark eyes, pale complexion with a few freckles in the bridge of nose. It
sighed. An equal niñita would be beautiful. But... she would not be its daughter.

-- That is all gentleman? -- the tendero repeated with extreme courtesy.
-- What?-- Cul clarified the throat, was not had dice tells that it was in

front of recording box --. Yes, he is everything, thanks -- it removed to the
wallet and pagó smiling cohibido.

When walking from return to the apartment of Bett it thought about the

creature. Position would not make damage him become of her, could be permi-
tir that luxury. It wished a son with as much intensity that was arranged to
love it and to mimar it. In its life always it needed love. Their parents did not
occur it because they sent to a boarding school. Soon it wished to marry with
a girl. They became tests of routine and it were offered like volunteer for
the one of the fertility, stops to make sure that it would have family. He was
entonces when it underwent the commotion of his life. No longer it
remembered the girl to whom left after saying to him that no they could
marry. From then, it avoided any lasting commitment until it knew Bett. All
their persistence and testarudo pride did not save it of she. It could not let
love it, although it thought that it had deceived it with another

It called to the door of the apartment, with food stock market in a hand

and hoped impatient to that Bett opened.

Bett listened to the call and it had ignored it of not thinking that it could

be Janet or David. Refunfuñando, opened the door and saw to Cul.

-- Vete -- it murmured.
-- After it has left this in the kitchen -- it responded. --Y you do not dare

to say one more a word. Before you assured to me that you would leave to a
side your pride by the good of the baby. In agreement, wrist, I want that you
do it at this moment.

--No desire nothing of you -- it responded, while he it kept foods.
-- Then, tíralos by the window -- it replaced with indifference.
It placed tins in the pantry and the cheese, meat and milk within the

refrigerator, just as the fruit, whose Vista to Bett the mouth was done to
him water. It even bought lettuce and French bread, that as much him it

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pleased her. The eyes filled to him of tears, but it became thin them of

--No I need your charity -- another one tried approach.
-- Necesitas something, love -- it responded and it doubled stock market of

the store to put it underneath sink --. This apartment is worse that the one
that I had in Atlanta, for so many years.

-- you have never had necessity to live thus. Even then, you had money, much


-- Certain, but he was not mine -- a new one placed stock market of coffee

next to the coffee, used coffee and it offered to him to her, but Bett
rejected --. It pleases to me to win to me what can with my work.

-- Thanks for the food -- it inspired deep and it turned aside eyes --. I will

pay to you when it obtains the money for it.

-- I requested to You that you will pay to me?
Of all ways I will do it -- it replaced with arrogance.
-- You are sure that you are not reincarnation of Elizabeth First? You are

exact to the image of its pictures.

--Mi reputation it could not be described inside of the same category it

remembered to him sighing. One approached the window and it watched
boisterous street that rain had dyed of gray --. The atmosphere of the
street is depressing.

-- Yes. I found out that your substitute tries a forced marches.
In effect -- it was its painful point, but it faced that without flaquear --.

After happened the this morning, it is possible that it represents my
personage bothered to him to bring to light its fears. It knew that the work
had to follow and that if she could not act would be necessary to replace it,
but, how one would fix them to follow? It fixed the Vista to ground --. I am
little anemic.

-- You are in treatment? -- it asked worried.
--Me I feel well.
-- the medicines are expensive.
Pale, Bett watched it.
-- That I imagined, I will be in charge to pay them.
--No you will do it -- it talked back with coldness --. ¡Only on my corpse!

-- That you will be if you do not begin to cuidarte and if I I do not make sure
that therefore you do -- frunció the lips, without leaving of observarla --... I
have decided to marry to me with you.

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To marry you with me? I have heard well? -- incredulous, it was on to the

awares and the mouth.

-- you do not have anything to say, Bett? -- it asked amiable --. I have said

it in serious.

Bett could not believe it. It would not be deceived thinking that Cul seted

out it by love. If it really lands on water it it had accepted that it was the
father, in spite of the opinion of a respected doctor. It was clear that seted
out it by mercy.

-- Thanks -- a minute responded, last and sitting in sofa --. It will not marry

to me with you.

-- You must include/understand that you need the aid economic. By God, if

you cannot mantenerte less you will be able to do it with creature. You will
have medical expenses. The baby will need clothes, well-taken care of doctors
and very good feeding...

-- I am conscious of that -- it responded tense.
--No you will be able to leave ahead single unless you say it to your parents.

Hadison and Janet cannot ayudarte, have their propios problems. The only
person who is I am I.

--No I am your problem -- the chin raised.
-- Nevertheless, you insist on which yes you are it -- it talked back --.

Finally you accept that he is not my son?

-- Permíteme that accompanies you to the door, Cul, wanted it was put of

foot --. I am sure that somebody is hoping to you.

-- Piénsalo well -- it added when putting itself of foot --. No it would bother

to me to marry to me with you.

--A me yes would bother to me to be your wife -- it spoke with much calm --.

You are offering me charity and as I said to you before, they exist agencies
dedicated to that. Thanks anyway, but my son and I us we will fix single.

Cul, frunció the frown when seeing the reaction of Bett, unexpected for


-- Surprised, wanted? -- it laughed when opening to him door --. Realmente

is very simple. I cannot share my life with a man that it does not have
confidence to me. Would not be our relation and I prefer to fight single to lay
way to me in the life.

-- we have spoken until the fatigue -- it roared --. Why you do not say the


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-- Although it seems to you ironic, that is what there am fact -- respondió -

-. But you are deaf and blind. Good bye, Cul, have been a pleasure to return to

-- Dick Hamilton will have despedirte -- it murmured --. It do not give

account you of which all we have interests put in the work? We cannot traerte
and llevarte in arms for each function.

-- That me Dick says to it -- it responded knowing that it was truth which

said --. He is the director of the company and your participación in the work
already it finished.

-- But I have not finished with you --la watched irritated.
-- By tonight, yes. Good night, I am very tired and the boy it needs to rest.
—¡To the devil! -- masculló, sighing to the time that it observed the body of


—¡You do not curse to me! -- it exclaimed --. ¡You insisted in which there was

no necessity to take precautions and if somebody is the guilty of that I am in
this state, you are you!

—¡I am sterile, damn is, sterile!
-- Surely -- its belly observed soon and the face of Cul before closing the

door in its noses.

That night, David returned before having supper and it seemed to be


-- Dick will come to speak tomorrow with you early -- it said grudgingly.
-- I know what one is -- a sad one outlined smile --. Dile that is not

necessary, that I include/understand and that I will not keep resentment to
him. I do not feel with spirits to work.

-- Why you do not want to marry with me? -- it asked with moaned --. ¡I will

take care of to you!

Bett thought that a record was everything the salary received two

proposals of marriage in less than two hours.

-- David, we would starve together. You I want, but not of that way. You are

like my older brother and in addition, Janet never it would pardon to me that
it married to me with you.

-- Janet does not know that I exist.
-- Invítala to eat. The women bloom when they are alimentadas -- she


-- Supongo that we could speak of which we will do with you -- it accepted.
-- Your words are offensive, you speak of me as if outside a disturbed

cheese piece that must be thrown -- commented laughing.

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--Vi to Mr. Bartholomew in the stairs and it mentioned that you had visit.
-- Cul -- it informed --. to him But dile to our mutual one friend who please

makes forget her telephone number.

-- it bothered to You? -- it asked as if it was arranged to strike with

violence to Cul. He had been interesting to presenciar the assault because, by
far, Cul was stronger and temperamental than David.

--Me it requested that it married to me with him -- murmured.
-- and well? -- it asked agape.
--Lo I rejected.
—¡Stupid, you had solved all your problems!
opposite --Al, had increased -- it declared and it had to lean in the sofa

because it felt something of nauseas, combined to a great one fatigue --. It
follows without thinking that he is its son. How I can marry with a man that
me it proposed it single by mercy? No, thanks, of by himself the situation are
bad -- it watched at his --. around I imagine that I will have to go to live to a
establecimiento beneficial for unmarried mothers...

—¡That never! -- it exclaimed horrified.
--No you become distressed yourself, joked, although I know that Christian

houses for people like I exist. I will find something.

—¡I will kill it! -- David was put of foot.
-- That would be easy -- it responded and it closed eyelids --. Now I need to

rest, tomorrow will happen something to me because it must to have some

-- Good, to duer to me -- it murmured more worried than nunca --. Janet

and I will speak of this and will try to find the solution. Dick very is
distressed by the situation.

-- I am actress and I include/understand remembered to him.
--Ya you know that underneath its armor it keeps great doses of

tenderness. Infame feels to have to do it.

Bett was desperate, but it smiled with value and assured to him to David

that would be well. Nevertheless, when single remaining, everything became
shady, since it could not be in worse situation.

It was almost midnight when Janet and David they arrived at the

apartment. Janet was ruborizada and David seemed pasmado. Without the
smaller doubt, were hidden currents among them, but Bett pretended no to
notice them. One complied in the sofa, cover with the old dressing gown and
listened what him Janet proposed.

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-- One of my clients, Lovewear, is going to remove a line of maternity

clothes -- it spoke with much enthusiasm --. It would please to him that a
pregnant woman presented/displayed that clothes. If you think that you can
do it, I will accept by you and I will establish the bases for the contract.

Bett smiled because his animated friend no it included/understood the

complications that could appear due to the pregnancy and anemia.

-- Loved friend, I want to you, but if I cannot to maintain to me of foot in

the scene to act either I will not be able to act like model -- it murmured

--Lo I forgot -- Janet sighed --. I suppose that like I give it by fact I do

not realize difficulty. In addition, in your state... but I wanted ayudarte.

--Me you helped to preocuparte by me. You want a coffee? -- it asked.
-- Not -- David answered by Janet taking him hand and observing its face --.

We must go to certain place.

In effect -- Janet titubeó moving troubles when watching at Bett.
—Diviértanse -- Bett, smiled.
Janet was tranquilized because without speaking him it had asked Bett if it

would not bother to him that she left with David and his friend had made sure
it, without no of the two said a word. David did not realize anything of which
it had happened.

--Te I will call tomorrow -- Janet promised.
--Te we will call -- contented David corrected -- That sleep well, Bett.
--Lo I will do, until soon.
It closed the door behind them. At least life of others improved, thought.

It was enchanted of which its two better friends they had discovered that
they had something more a friend in common.

According to the hoped thing, Dick Hamilton appeared to apartamento, to

the following morning, but it did an unexpected propuesta to him.

--La company that produces the work will pay your medical expenses

informed to him to Bett, smiling --. You will continue working with condition of
which yes at some moment you cannot follow our rate you will allow that the
substitute occupies your place just as did it last night.

-- Dick, I cannot allow that you... -- it had desire to cry.
-- It was idea mine -- it declared with firmness --. Your performance is so

good that nobody can reemplazarte without we close. Us we will assure that
you are the best medical careful, will even have doctor in the theater. You say
what to me?

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--No you imagine the worried thing that it was... -- it laughed with


--Lo I imagine. It rests, but before, you have to call to your doctor and to

arrange an appointment.

-- Actuare' tonight -- it declared --. I feel far better, I have the full

refrigerator and I have eaten well -- cohibida confessed. The lip when
occurring bit account of which it had revealed. Dick had to know that Cul had
taken the foods to him that as much lack did to him. If they paid to him the
medical expenses, could be fed like was due.

--Te we considered as an investment -- it commented Dick before going

away --. A good investment that has been to us better from which you
imagine. In addition to that, all we want to you. Pity that I did not find out
before that you needed money, because had done something on the matter.

--No I wanted to bother to anybody -- it responded.
—¡Women! -- it raised arms --. I will see more you late, pequeña.
Bett recovered energies during the following ones days. Costosas vitamins

that the gynecologist had prescribed him and a good one diet made the
miracle. It was a luck that the producers decided to help it. I almost get to
suspect that Cul was at heart of the subject, although it thought that it was
convencido which she did not need its aid.

It did not see it during little more than one week until late it appeared to

his apartment with an immense box underneath of the arm.

-- Tienes better aspect -- it commented when seeing it with its faded

dressing gown, covering a long nightgown with cotton.

--Me I feel better, thanks took the hand to the despeinado hair and the

face was sprightly.

--Te I have brought something -- it said when entering, dressing trousers,

cattle tender and as green shirt as its eyes. It offered the box to him.

-- Why you bring gifts to me? --lo watched with distrust.
--Te it sends all the company shrank of shoulders --. It was idea of Dick --

it added while it observed it with the eyelids entrecerrados when noticing a
gesture of disappointment in its factions.

Bett opened the box and saw three suits of pregnant woman, very elegant

and of its measurement. It raised to one color cream and beige, of skirt and
loose shirt, with embroider neck.

Beautiful --Es -- it murmured, lack of breath --. ¡What amiable they are all!

I have bought me clothes of second hand...

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-- Pensamos that it would please ponerte something to you new -- it

returned the face, that had become hardened and put the hands to him within
pockets of the trousers.

-- Quieres coffee? -- it asked watching the rigid one back.
--Yo I will prepare it -- it murmured hoarse --. Your coffee is water caliente

with a drop of colorante.

—¡The coffee is very expensive! -- it exclaimed.
-- Then,you I will buy it! -- it talked back --Me you exasperate! To deal with

ayudarte in minimum is all a fight.

-- I am proud and nondesire your charity nor nothing of you.
-- Not even by the son that you take in your entrails? -- inquirió I am.
-- Recuerda that is not yours -- it smiled --. sarcastically That you said.
--Lo moan -- Cul apologized and its voice did echo in room --. I have not

come to molestarte.

That was something new, Cul never apologized. Perhaps one of its many

amiguitas was reforming it.

Bett seated on the arm of the sofa and touched the pretty new suits.
--Me I will put one of these to go to the church Sunday -- it commented


--No knew that you went to the church.
--No used to do it, but Mr. Bartholomew it supposed that that could animate

to me so it took a Sunday to me.

-- That does not please --la to me watched with severity.
-- Ire' to the church when it pleases to me.
-- When you want to go I I take to you -- its eyes they shone when

becoming from the coffee that began to boil.

-- Ignoras how it is a church on the inside -- it commented with joke.
--Lo I will find out. ¡That desafina baritone who no he has why rondarte!
-- Sospechas that it can be the father? -- it asked with dulzura.
-- God, dame forces,of course that is not of him! -- exclamó Cul, being pulled

the hair.

Bett chasqueó the language and I cross myself of arms.
-- you are diminishing the possibilities -- it commented with dispproval --. If

you follow therefore the list of possible will finish to you parents. It imagines
cheers it that it will be the baptism -- it commented sonriendo --. David and
Mr. Bartholomew, the man who sells sausages, the mailman...

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Throwing tipsy by the eyes, Cul approached a it and before Bett could

prevent it raised it of the ground. Afraid, Bett it thought that Cul was very

-- It could... -- masculló.
-- You could what? -- it asked and it noticed that he titubeaba between

speaking and acting.

-- Elizabeth -- it murmured hoarse, tense and frustrated, before kissing it.
Bett wanted to fight, but it feared that it could to loosen it and to damage

its son. It allowed that it kissed it; one stayed submissive in his strong arms
and received a fierce caress in their smooth lips.

-- This will not solve anything, Cul -- it murmured together to the mouth of

him when Cul raised the head to breathe.

-- the pain Can mitigate -- it responded and it caressed to him the cheek,

when seating in the sofa with her in its lap.

-- you do not have sufficient women for this? -- prosecutor asked.
-- By the sight, you do not have confidence either to me --la watched the

eyes and slid its hand towards the hardly enlarged belly. it touched and Bett
was put rigid.

--No you fight against me -- it spoke almost with tenderness --. I do not

have decirte which are my feelings about the pregnancy. During all my life of
adult I have wanted to have a son. But never I touched to one pregnant
woman; I never saw some as close as now. Desire to know it everything -- its
own hand observed that slid and seemed to speak with same himself --. Desire
to know everything about the pregnancy, how one feels, how one sees and the
changes that they are operating.

-- Vete to the medicine faculty -- it suggested with the last vestige of the

good humor. The sound of the masculine voice and the seducer contact of
their fingers mined the defenses little by little to him.

-- What feels? -- it asked with the hand extended on the belly, of warm and

strangely protective form.

-- Tengo nauseas almost all along -- it turned aside the eyes towards the

ample chest and noticed that it rose and sank, underneath green shirt --. I
get tired with facility. It is difficult to me to mantener to me wakes up by the
nights and I feel sore at some moments.

-- In where?
In the sines, that have been swollen to me it touched --. I undergo stomach

acidity and that is the worse thing.

-- What plus you feel? -- it insisted and escudriñó the eyes.

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-- Something wonderful, affection -- it murmured --. It is more moving

experience of my life. Soon my son will move, soon he will be born and I will be
able to touch it. Never I will already be single, I will belong to him to
somebody and I will have to that it belongs to me -- it sighed and it smiled --.
But you do not understand it, Cul. I talk about to sentirte part of something.
You never wanted east type of relation nor commitment. You have lived single
and that pleases to you.

-- Deseo a family -- it replaced to droughts.
--No, is not certain because it pleases to believe that to you triviality of

which you are sterile since it protects you for not comprometerte; it is your

-- You are crazy -- it roared with sharp voice. It seated it in the sofa and it

was put of foot to ignite a cigarette. To Bett it seemed to him stranger
because for much who did not see it smoke.

-- That you create? -- it asked --. I have hit the nail on the head, truth? I

know your terrible secret. You cannot accept that he is your son because of
being thus your protective barriers they would crumble. You would have to
demonstrate that you really wish the family that you say to long for. But you
cannot do it because you would have to give something and that does not say
with your personality.

--No I am an egoist -- it responded, watching it of in front.
-- Emotionally you are it -- it corrected. It observed rigid figure of Cul. It

was a perfect body and Bett had difficulties stops to leave its dream and to
return to reality --. No sensible man me he had done what you did in Atlanta.
Knowingly, you humiliate a in front to me all the company. You said that it was
for saving to me of a relation without children and without marriage hope, but
was not truth. You made it to escape.

--No is certain -- it sighed with force.
-- Yes, wanted. Even when it existed certain commitment between us you

fought against him. You took me to the bed by desire Cul, not by love. And I
confused your feelings. Nevertheless, one was enough to me call to California,
to include/understand your devotion. It was Cherrie, no?

-- Era only another woman -- it murmured --. And we no...
-- No? -- it asked incredulous --. I called you stops decirte that were

pregnant and you became infuriated because you had the security of that
noneras the cause, in spite of knowledge that very was enamored with you and
that it would not allow that another man approached to me. ¡You knew it! But
you recriminated to me hard by acusarte of being the father of my creature.

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--No I am the father -- it insisted hoarse.
-- Poor Cul -- head --. moved You have yourself customary as much to your

own company that you do not wish intruders in your life. No you have the
sufficient confidence to him to anybody to love nor allow to him that
somebody it loves to you. You say that you wish a son, but is lie. You do not
want to anybody, Cul, because the love demands altruismo and confidence
blinds and those are two qualities that you do not have.

--No, is certain -- it responded in glacial tone --. It would give any thing to

have children, wife and home.

-- Of course -- it accepted following to him current. It went to the door and

it opened it and it thought that that was becoming habit --. For that reason
you have different groups from friends, and diferentes women who they
enter and they leave your apartment as they enter and they leave your life.

-- Piensa which you want -- it talked back.
-- Thanks for the permission, good night. Cul.
-- Not yet it is at night.
--No you fill my life with a pile of facts irrelevant. Please, it vetoes, this

late we will celebrate one orgía here and I need to pelar a kilo of grapes.

Normally, he had ed ***reflx mng himself of commentary, but then had

rigid and severe expression. He was the man true, underneath the mask that
had used during long time. It watched it as if he hated by to have discovered
it a facet of his personality that no it wished to know.

There was something really in the accusation, but he it was not prepared to

accept it.

--Si I leave by that door I will not return him he warned calmed --. I will

propose to you only once that you marry once again with me, more.

--No I will marry with you. Perhaps you think that you are the ideal

companion because you are rich and attractive, wonderful in the bed and your
impeccable genealogical tree. But I do not fit in augusta company so. Desire a
man who has the put Earth feet affluent and whom he loves to me. Like
husband, beloved, Mr. Bartholomew would take a great advantage to you. It
has wonderful heart in spite of desafinar as much when it sings.

—¡Then, cásate with that blessed and old one horseman! -- replicó Cul when

it left by open door --. ¡And it vetoes the devil with him!

-- Quédate with your damn pride, braggart -- it shouted when seeing that

one moved away. It gave portazo so hard that a picture fell of the wall.

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After exabrupto, Bett felt desires of to cry, and cried heartbroken,

cursing all the men, mainly a Edward McCullough. It wished not to return to
never see it.

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In spite of being furious with him, Bett it felt worried reason why it had

said to him. Just as she, Cul used cynicism like armor to protect themselves
and to prevent that it hurt it. But it had hit the target. It feared to assume
the responsabilidad that entailed the love and for that reason it fled from
that type of commitment. Bett imagined that Cul had had a childhood without
affection, although he never spoke of that time of his life.

Even with the destroyed heart, the pride it maintained activates in the

theater, could not defraud to the company. It decided to upset its emotion in
the personage whom it interpreted. She was proud of the critics that they
praised the reestreno of the excellent work of Cul.

After the night in which Cul went to see it a its apartment, nobody saw it

nor had the news of him. Bett was almost safe of that it had returned to
California to finish the script that had slope it stops the cinema; also it let
pay attention to the conversations in which him it mentioned. No longer it was
part of its life. It only thought about its son.

Thanks to the medical cares that received due to the generosity of the

company, Bett felt like better every day and received more and more
energies. The only thing which it needed in the life was the man who it loved.
Cul would never pardon its words to him. Bett, on the other hand, would take
long time in pardoning the accusations to him that he had done to him, and by
no to accept to be the father of the creature who took in her entrails.

Solitary ones passed three long and weeks before Bett found out that Cul

followed in New York.

-- Last night, Dick went to see Cul -- Janet commented one night, after the

function, while Bett took off the maquillaje in dressing room.

-- Truely? -- it asked hiding its emotion.
-- Parece that it has decided to even work to kill itself -- Janet laughed

suffered with Cul by the form in which it treated his friend --. it has locked
up in its apartment and some nights not even it has supper. Dick said to him to
David that Cul was beginning a new work, but as before it has to give the
other, now works the double.

Bett was asked if the sobrework of Cul no it would be effect of which she

had said to him and him remordió the conscience. By experience knew that it
was able to work without rest to give his it builds on time. It would be days
without eating nor sleeping and would finish exhausted.

background image

-- you have pity to Him? -- Janet --. asked A to weigh of which it has done

to you?

-- Not -- it responded to the defensive in as much cepillaba the hair, but

their eyes ran into with those of Janet in the mirror.

-- You and your conscience -- Janet smiling --. joked Someday it will be your

perdición. You are not responsible for which Cul does.

-- Supongo that no.
Of all ways, it is only work, only work that does not have anything to do with

you and you know it -- Janet insisted with terquedad.

But Janet did not know that they had a bitter one argument nor that Bett

had hurt it.

Was too much late to do something that night, but on the following day,

Bett it cornered to Dick to ask what him to him it happened to Cul.

--Te right of perpetual ownership that I do not know it -- Dick responded

with hands in pockets --. I have seen it work before thus, but now it is more
compulsive. The last time that I saw was very pale and said incoherences. In
those conditions are difficult that it does something of value. It does not eat
and it drinks much.

-- Cul? -- it asked scandalized --. Never it had seen drink more than a glass

in social meetings, and that, reluctantly. It had mentioned that did not please
the drink to him because its father emborrachaba in the celebrations.

-- That is not normal in him -- Dick --. commented But I cannot do nothing. I

suggested to him left a little the apartment and me it answered... good, in
summary it shouted to me that it left it peacefully. I have instinct of survival
and I will not see it unless me it requests it.

-- He is ill? -- worried Bett inquired.
-- Creo that yes, Bett -- a answered grumblings --. But I do not know to

what extent. Perhaps it drinks because they say that alcohol kills the germs.

In spite of the opinion of Janet with respect to which the health of Cul was

not subject of Bett and of her own distrusts, it felt culprit. Cul was the
father of the son who took in his entrails. It could to really allow that it was
consumed trabajando?, it was asked.

There were past very good together moments and in memory to them and

by the son, she would have to help it somehow.

It forgot the pride and the following night that it had frees went to its

apartment. Apparently, Cul was arranged to receive it because when it
touched the timbre, it opened the door to him of the facade; although it took
five minutes in opening the door of the apartment.

background image

Bett saw a man who seemed a corpse revived; he was thinner, the face

without shaving had color blanquecino and the eyes were injected of blood.
The hair seemed grown dark more and had lost brightness. It was average
dress, cubierto by a fine barefoot dressing gown and. Its aspect was terrible.

-- Bett? -- it murmured stuned.
--La same, but Mr. McCullough,how there is changed!
-- What you wish? -- staggering a little it raised barbilla with pride and

observed --. You have come to loosen another sermon to me? No, thanks,with
one it was sufficient!

--No you scream, you will bother the baby -- it responded with calm and it

entered. To the woman of the cleaning it would give an attack him to the
heart if it saw that disorder. The ash trays were full, were dirty plates and
glasses , clothes everywhere thrown from a corner to another one, wrinkled
papers and tapes of machine used by all the carpet.

-- Vete -- Cul murmured, without closing the door.
Bett took off the long beige sweater, bought in reductions and it

discovered a pretty dress of yellow maternity. The day he was primaveral,
although they lacked weeks for that time of the year.

-- Calla, wanted -- it murmured moving the head when contemplar chaos --. I

prepare something to you to eat while you bathe?

--No I have foods in house -- it responded.
-- Saldre' and I will buy something. It walks approached door to close it and

pushed Cul towards the alcove.

-- Mira, Bett stopped in dry.
-- You sight by where you go or you will encounter. First the shower and

soon the food.

Cul began to speak, raised the hands, it staggered towards his alcove and it

gave portazo.

Bett entered the kitchen and opened refrigerator, but closed it

immediately. It would go of purchases after preparing something to eat and to
wash some plates to serve. In the freezer it found great and substantial fillet
that roasted; it opened a tin and it warmed up the vegetables that it
contained. It washed all plates in the fregadero and served the hot meal.

For when it called to the door of the alcove, also the room had cleared a


-- and well? -- it asked when it opened door.

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-- Far better -- it said giving its approval. Cul a pajamas of blue silk had

been put, had again the clean and blond hair, but it continued having sickly
aspect --. I will bring the supper to you.

--No I have nothing is worthy to eat -- Cul protested.
Bett did not do case to him and returned to the kitchen in order to put the

plate and a coffee cup on a tray. Was placed it to Cul in the lap, on the
immense bed and seated in a chair with a coffee cup in the hands.

Cul jugueteó awhile with the food, before to eat with pleasure.
-- You do not eat? -- she only asked when seeing that she drank coffee --.

The small one also needs forces.

--El small taking appropriate vitamins. And I I already have sufficient like

raising a truck.

Cul laughed weakly and it observed it while it finished eating.
-- it sent Dick to You? -- it asked smiling with cynicism.
--No, I have come by my account -- it responded.
-- to rescue to me of same me? -- it spoke with weakness, but in

authoritarian tone. It gave tray to him --. Thanks, but I can to take care of to
me single.

--No I doubt it, dear -- it agreed animated and it placed the tray in a lateral

small table --. It is not necessary more to see the good that beams. How long
you take without eating?

-- I yesterday finished a cheese cake box -- it assured.
-- you have been going to see the doctor? -- it insisted.
-- Why devils? -- it roared --. I only am tired.
-- Parece that you have fever -- murmured --. You are lívido.
-- Teni'a to finish the script for the cinema -- cansado answered, without

above clearing the eyes to him of --. You would have to read it, is better than
I have written.

-- Thanks, I will hope to see the film. You want that it brings something

more to you before it finishes ordering the room?

-- Déjala as it is -- it spoke with severity --. One woman comes to do the

cleaning to me.

-- It must have died of an attack to the heart to to see this spectacle -- it

said putting itself of foot.

—¡It was working!
--No is strange to me that you have not married -- tray --. raised The quite

brave thing does not exist woman to fight with this disorder.

-- Then, why you are here? -- it asked amiable.

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--Te I will say it when it ends this disorder --lo observed --. But before you

must know that no longer I languish by love and that you were right. Our
physical relation was good and I realized of which it was not more than that.

-- Of what you speak? it was straightened.
-- I was thinking and I realized of which I left of amarte and no longer I

accuse to you to be the father of my son -- it managed to smile --. You you

-- Also I was meditating -- she chose well words --. Bett, with respect to

the son...

-- Quedo' in the past, wanted -- it responded animated --. I have forgotten

it for always went to the door with the tray in the hands.

-- But, Bett...
--No -- it responded determined --. It tries to sleep little, Cul. I will wash

plates and I will leave single. You only needed to eat well and little of order in
the house. You will put yourself well.

-- Why you have come? -- it insisted without clearing to him the eyes of


--Tu it builds is wonderful shrank of shoulders --. And I am paying my debt

at the same time who I enjoy actuando. I came because it had a favor to you,
but now we are peacefully. Good bye.

He closed the door and it was intrigued and exasperated simultaneously.

Bett was surprised just of his acquired maturity and its ability in order to
face the situation without crumbling. It seemed to him surprising that a
broken heart and a pregnancy made it return to the life. Only that him it
lacked to make era discipline itself to follow ahead without Cul its side.

Also it surprised to him to find it single because he knew so many women

who some had to be arranged to take care of it during its imprisonment.
Perhaps although Cul they liked only when he was healthy.

To the following night, Cul went to the dressing rooms after the function to

take to Bett to house.

--Yo I am used to taking it -- it declared with pride Janet watching it with


Of now in ahead I will do maintained to him glance --. Some but?
-- By God, Cul... -- irritated Bett put in.
--No, --la did not admonish Cul --. The fights are bad for the creature. Date

haste, you need to rest.

--Te I will see -- masculló irritated Janet --. tomorrow But if you need to

me before, it shouts -- it added watching Cul while it left.

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-- You are a pendenciero accused when finishing to him of to take off the


-- Obtengo results -- it responded calm. It had good aspect, it seemed

rested and less tense. It took pantalón fitted gray, white shirt, red necktie
and wool jacket. Bett excited it like no man, mainly now who within his body
took to his son.

-- he has been sensible that you went out so soon? -- preguntó.
-- After your cares of nurse I rested and I feel far better.
-- I can go single to house --lo to me tried again when seeing it in front of


--No, we go small, if you are cold I will allow that you acurruques next to me.
In the Porsche there is site no to do another one thing -- murmuró.
--No I bring the Porsche, this morning I changed it by Lincoln because he is

more comfortable.

-- Crei' that the Porsche was the indicated vehicle for unmarried a happy


Matured --He, Bett -- it openedto door of dressing room --. I am already

too old to be being conceited with a sport car.

--No you say to me that you think to take roots -- it laughed --. I cannot

believe it.

-- you do not create it?
Bett ignored the strange tone of his voice and bundled up with the old wool

shelter, before leaving to the cold night.

-- It is the only shelter that you have? -- it asked Cul.
--Me it warms up and it is sufficient
Cul sighed while it lead it to the great one Gray Lincoln, parked in front of

the theater.

-- Why you do not leave helps you? -- it asked with tranquilidad --. I am rich

and I do not have in who to spend my money. I can to buy what you need for
the boy.

Of being you in my place would not allow it -- a glance talked back echán-

dole, sitting in the front seat.

-- It would be different -- it protested.
--No -- it responded when it as opposed to complied steering wheel --. You

are as independent as I, although to your way.

-- you had not accepted that the boy has priority?
--Ya I do not have to worry thanks to me to company and to the producers

that pay to the invoices of the doctors and the purchase of foods.

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-- Necesitara's other things.
-- Of course -- it smiled deluded closing eyelids --. It would please to me to

be able to buy toys and infantile clothes, to see it with dresses of steering
wheels and zapatitos of charol...

-- She? -- it asked when stopping in traffic light, watching it fixedly.
--Me amniocenteses tested de and of ultrasound to make sure that

problems do not exist. With that they can to know sex. She is a girl, Cul.

The inferior lip with so much bit force that hurt and lowered the eyes to

the bulky belly. It had imagined it that late in the store when it thought about
the creature. It was already convinced of that he was hers.

-- you have thought about the name that you will put to him? -- it asked

pretending indifference before reinitiating the march.

--Me it pleases Kathryn. Kate in diminutivo.
-- you do not like Elizabeth? it asked smiling.
-- With a coarse Elizabeth. But also me it pleases Helen, the name of ms


-- Agrégale one "and" and will sound better. Kathryn Helene.
--Me it pleases -- it observed the hands that rested in its lap -- How is

called your mother?

-- Michele -- it responded tense.
-- and your father?
-- Thomas.
-- They live? -- it asked intrigued by the coldness in the answers of Cul.
-- Papa died somewhere in France, was rolled with dos small adolescents.

Mother finished in a sanatorium stops alcoholic. I visit one or per year twice.

--Lo I feel, your life had to be very hard.
-- Pase' almost all my youth in a boarding school. Given the circumstances, it

was the best thing because I did not miss them.

Bett thought that last one was not truth that and that it had to suffer

knowing that it did not have who lands on water it and she worried about him.

-- you feel well? -- Cul --. asked suddenly He is not dangerous that you

continue acting?

opposite --Al, feels to me well -- it smiled --. Thus I make exercise daily and

do not have left time to think I about my situation, I follow indications of my
doctor and cannot go to me better.

Of now in ahead I will make sure that thus be -- declaró decided --. I will be

your shade.

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--Ya I said to you that I am well, Cul, am perfectly able to take care of to

me and to take care of the creature. I am not responsibility yours.

-- Yes you are it -- it talked back.
--No I request nothing to you and last night I said no longer to you that I

have the same affection to you of before.

-- you will never forget what I said when me to you you gave noticia? --

shocked, it turned aside the face so that it did not see his factions.

-- You were very hard with me -- it confessed to watched perdida and

crossing the hands on lap --. I very was moved -- he remembered smiling with
sadness --. I thought that it had arrived at the end of the arc rainbow, but
you did not want to escuchar to me and that was what it hurt to me more.
Now, by assumption, I include/understand why you did not believe to me, but
no longer matters.

-- You are sure that Hadison does not wish to marry with you? -- indeciso


-- Very safe -- it smiled --. openly And I believe that not pasara long time

before one marries with Janet. They make very good pair.

-- What you say to me of the creature?
--Le I will provide the best cares and no I include/understand why there am

to share it.

-- Necesita a father -- it alleged --. Somebody that protect of the boys

when it grows and who it consoles it when it cries by nights.

--Yo I can do it -- Bett assured.
—¡Not since a father would do!
--Le I will ask Mr. Bartholomew who protect of the boys -- it declared after

pretending that it meditated.

—¡By then it will have died!
--No you shout, Cul, what thought my neighbors? -- it protested. They were

right under the window of its apartment and the face of Cul was ignited.

-- You could marry with me. Thus both we will raise and we will educate it.
--No, thanks responded to him amiable.
—¡She is my daughter! -- it exclaimed.
--No -- it responded and it watched eyes to him --. No you will manage to

convencer to me, pretending that to finally you create me. It is not possible
that there are changed of opinion.

-- Then thus it is.

background image

-- very I am tired, Cul, and tonight no I am of humor to discuss. Thanks to

bring --. to me It left the car to go to open the door to him; it had the face
tormented byindecision and the eyes desire and frustration shone of.

Bett narrowed the hand to him that it offered to him feeling to please by

the fort and warm contact of its skin when helping it to leave of the car. But
it did not loosen it and he accompanied it until the door by the apartment.

-- He would be calmer if you went away to live with me -- it murmured --.

You will be safer, although you do not marry with me.

-- Without a doubt, protected by your legion of lovers.
--No I have lovers, Bett who distrusts now? -- respondió very

serious. --He aprendido your lessons -- descorrió the bolt
and fixed the Vista to oxidized handle --. Thanks again to bring to me to

Cul touched the shoulder to him with smoothness, did it to become and

tightened against its stop and fort body. It watched it at the eyes.

--Te I will take care of Bett, although you fight against me a every minute.
-- Cul...
-- Shhh -- it murmured tenderly, Bett perceived breath with scent to mint -

-. That you sleep affection well -- pronounced this last one word in sincere
tone and Bett did not protest when it imprisoned his mouth and mordisqueó.

The tender caress was very sweet. Cul by first time gave without

demanding. Something had changed in him.

-- Good night, Elizabeth -- the head raised and with the fingers it caressed

the cheeks to him.

-- Good night.
With tears in the eyes, it saw how it moved away. Wretch felt very,

because she thought that he had been pretending.
Apparently, Cul intuited that it observed it because suddenly, one became.
Smiling, it raised the hand before giving return in the corner. It became
slowly to enter the apartment with many questions without responding.


THINK that really it has changed of opinion? Janet asked to him Bett to

the following morning when they took coffee in small cafeteria, near house of

--No, I believe that only it loves the creature and since nobody has come to

protest the paternity decided to do it he.

background image

--No you allow that it returns to herirte -- murmured Janet with the fixed

Vista in the coffee.

--No you worry, I will not allow it assured to him Bett removiendo its coffee

--. He is strange, but last night I found out more its life than in all along that
I was with him. It opened its heart for the first time to me.

-- luck it will end fulfilling his obligations. ¡What brazenness hers when

thinking that David is the father!

-- David is my friend and it has never been more than that, leaves of

preocuparte -- it observed its friend.

--Ay, Bett, were not my intention... -- Janet ruborizó.
--No you are idiot -- it said laughing --. You know that there am loved Cul

during many years and nor by revenge it had been able to lay down to me with
another man.

In the bottom it knew it, but I believe that it wished to listen to it of your

lips -- Janet confessed.

--Ya I have done it -- the head moved and it leaned in the endorsement of

chair --. Janet, what I am going to do with?... ¡ay! one took hand to the
navigated belly and, contained the breath.

-- What happens to you? -- Janet inquired.
--La young has kicked to me -- it murmured laughing with tears in the eyes -

-God mine!

—¡By all the saints! -- Janet exclaimed intrigued.
-- you did not know that they move? One begins a to feel them to the four

months and means -- it sighed while it was caressed belly --. Imagínate, I am
going to be mother and that seems to me increíble...

-- Speaking of incredible things, you do not become, I see that a problem


Bett became and saw that Cul looked for it. it sighted it and one went with

haste towards them. He was high a man and fornido, it dressed a suit to very
thin rays.

-- What you do here? -- it asked seating side of Bett.
-- Breakfast, as always -- it talked back.
-- You like east breakfast? -- it asked --. Very well, cásate with me and I

will buy this cafeteria.

Bett ruborizó and Janet was on the awares with astonishment.
--Se I have requested it ten times explained a to him Janet --. I seted out

it in the breakfast, food and has supper; ebrio and sober, but not it will marry
with me. Please, dile that I am rich. I can give him what wants; I will educate

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and dress to the girl like a a princess... mimaré to the mother... ¡If house with

Two men of robust aspect, in the table following, they escucharon the

conversation and they became.

-- Lady, it needs some screw? -- it asked one of them --. This man is not bad

similarity and the babies need many things.

Certain --Es -- the man put in more under browner stature and --. My wife

and I raised to six and I can say to them that diapers are not cheap.

--Lo worse of the case is that it takes to my creature -- Cul sighing --.

informed to them It does not want to marry with me and it prevails to the
baby of last name. She will be a girl.

—¡How tender! -- it murmured smiling the man more stop.
--Es truth --el under both more smiled --. I have two.
-- It would have to marry with him, dulzura -- it advised more stop --. He is

not correct that the pairs live together without the married bow. The
children realize those thing and for them, the situation is difficult.

--El does not think that he is his -- Bett informed to them.
-- Yes I create it -- Cul put in immediately.
--No is certain. You only say it so that it marries to me with you. ¡You have

pity to me.!

-- Quieres to listen to me of a good time? -- Cul demanded.
--No bothers the young person -- a man threatened of the contiguous table

-- Its state is delicate.

-- Certain -- the head repeated Bett moving.
--Te you will put worse if you do not have breakfast more -- it declared Cul

--. You need bacon, eggs, toasted bread and other things that they feed.

In that it is right -- it accepted the man more under --. The creatures need

good feeding.

--Si I to it will not know -- the waiter took part serving more coffee to

them --. I will never forget the appetite that it had when I was pregnant.

--Mi woman it says the same -- it commented the man of greater stature

approaching the chair.

Lowest also it approached its chair forcing to Cul to approach Bett more.

Cul smiled and embraced to Bett while the waiter it took a chair to seat. They
spoke of pregnancies, policy and theater.

-- With reason its face was to me familiar -- it observed the man of greater

stature when he discovered the identity of Bett --. Todos they speak of that
work. And his friend wrote the work, right? It must be very ready.

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--No as much -- the hair sighed Cul caressing of Bett --. Of being it it would

convince it that one married with me.

-- What type of life would take next to your multitude of amiguitas? --

Janet asked.

--No I have amiguitas informed Cul to him --. I have myself reformed and I

will be a husband and father model.

--Ya I said to you that I will not marry with you -- it declared determined


--Ya we will see it -- Cul replaced.
--No I will marry... ¡ay! it was frightened to to receive a patadita in the


-- What happens to you? -- intrigued Cul asked.
--La creature has given to a kick him to him Janet --. informed In case you

do not know it, usually they do it.

Cul almost did not listen to the discussion that it provoked about the kicks.

It did not take off the eyes of Bett and both seemed to be in an own world.

It placed the hand of on her abdomen and she pressed it. Bett bit the lip

hoping another movement. Cul felt kick. its face was illuminated and their eyes
were enternecieron.

—¡God mine! -- I murmur smiling and she him it corresponded to the smile.
-- Truth that is strong? The doctor assures that this somewhat premature

actividad is good signal.

--El that two people can create something so beautiful it is magic -- the

glance murmured Cul maintaining to him.

Certain, Bett only thought, but if he really it thought that she was his

daughter and not of another one. It could not think that Cul had changed of
opinion of so radical way because all the others followed equal. She was safe
which he still doubted.

The others continued speaking of the pregnancy. Almost they did not notice

when Cul raised to Bett, did a sign to him with the head to Janet and it took
to Bett to the street.

-- Where we go? Bett asked to him.
--Se happened me that we could go to the section infantile of department

store -- it said, taking it from the hand.

-- But...
--Un son is a son. You take to one in your belly and I wish one. If you allow

that it helps you to raise to the girl, mimaré as it is deserved.

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Bett half-opened the lips and Cul inclined for besárselos with exquisite

tenderness, which made it shake of pleasing.

-- But... -- it repeated.
-- Bett, you wish me -- it murmured, watching it to eyes --. And I wish so

much you or more than this she touched abdomen to him --. We have much in
common, affection. It enchants the theater, we loved the children, we are
attracted like and we were always respected. Is not enough that so that we
begin again?

Bett bit the lip because it thought that girl would need a last name and that

she needed to Cul, but, how she could to marry with that she did not accept
his paternity? Preocupada and with fear in the eyes, raised the head.

--Me you concern -- he declared very serious -- Desire cuidarte to you and

the girl.

-- You do not want to marry.
--Te you mistake, it desire with all the soul -- it declared with fervor. The

face with hands --. surrounded to him ¡You do not imagine how much!

One inclined and it half-opened the lips to him with mouth before

mordisquear it. Bett felt that the legs flaqueaban to him and had that to cling
to him not to fall. It smiled next to the warm mouth of her.

-- flaquean to You the legs, small? -- it inquired with a drowned giggle --.

Vente to my house and I landed on water to you with delirium, Bett.

Bett wished to sing of happiness, but it contained the breath.
--No you can make that type of proposals a a pregnant woman in the middle

of the street.

-- Acabo doing it. We go -- it said mordisqueando inferior lip to him --. I will

do the same with your sines, Bett, like a you you like.

—¡Cul! -- she with a tremor exclaimed,
-- Ven with me my house, you do not become frightened yourself. I know

that also you wish it.

-- This late I have function...
Substitute --Tu it will replace to you -- it murmured --. I want to be contigo

moments, both single, rather the three was corrected sliding its fingers by
the bulky belly of Bett.

It closed the eyes asking itself where it was his pride and its dignity now

that as much needed them.

-- Yes -- it stammered. It took hold it of the hand and it attracted towards


background image

In few minutes they were in the apartment of Cul without knowing she how

they had arrived. It seated it on its legs in sofa, and kissed it with

-- Sabi'as that the possession is nine tenth parts of the law?
-- What you mean?
-- That now that I have to you to not I will let you leave here -- it laughed -

-. Eres mine.

—¡You have raptado to me! -- it exclaimed in tone supposedly accusing.
-- Only I have done it when not having left another resource -- it accepted.

It cleared the shelter and it discovered the maternity skirt to him color came
and blouse that matched to him.

-- Cul, very I am swollen -- it murmured afraid and apartándole the hand

that undid the blouse to him.

-- Crees that I will not like thus? him escudriñó eyes --. ¡You are not idiot!
It raised it in arms and laughing it even took it the alcove. It laid down it on

colcha and with capable and expert hands it began a to undress....

-- you do not know that that does not exist nothing else beautiful a rose in

the heat of blossoming? it touched to the belly and the sines to him.

-- Still I will swell more -- it said, biting the inferior lip.
—¡Perfect, there will be more Bett than to embrace! it exclaimed contento.
-- I do not seem to you horrible? -- it asked with empañados eyes by the


-- Espera to that it undresses to me, affection, and you I will demonstrate

what I think.

The clothes took off slowly allowing that it observed it fascinated. Other

times it had done it with prewalls, now it took its time to stimulate it with its
fort and esbelto body.

-- you wish Me, Bett? -- it asked, already naked, challenging it with the

hands supported in the hip.

Their eyes settled in him with adoration, was his lover, the father of his

daughter, was all his world.

-- More than to breathe -- it murmured.
Cul seated to its side and it took hands to him a its chest so that it slid

them by the hair; it observed it while it felt the contours of its muscular

-- we never did it thus, right, Bett? -- it murmured and empezó to teach to

him how to caress its body to please it --. Nunca we have done with love.

--Yo yes -- it stammered.

background image

-- Tienes reason, but I not -- it murmured and it inclined towards its mouth

--. Not this way.

When kissing it, Bett noticed the difference. Rather it was a exploración of

souls instead of bodies, was to take in consideration to another one with
altruism. It seemed to him that its heart let bark when feeling tender passion
whereupon he conducted themselves.

It noticed that the body of Cul slid on she leaving a warm sign by all its

body. It acted more with conciencia and their fleeting kisses were more
touching than before... it was love.

-- Exquisite -- it murmured hoarse when its mouth it arrived from the waist

at the hip of her finally to settle on belly --. ¡I did not imagine that something
could be as deep as this!

Cul shook, but it did not stop of to caress the body that was shaken; it was

as if never it had touched another one woman body. Bett moaned trusting
reaching the éxtasis with the experts caresses of Cul. These already burned
the body to him in a delicious agony.

—¡Cul, please! it requested to him watching it to eyes with infinite desire

and the tense body.

The eyes of Cul shone of strange way and it had the face ignited by the

contained passion. It smiled when raising stops it to approach its hip the one
of her.

-- you cannot resist more, Bett? For that reason you you shake so much?
--No I can more -- jadeante --. responded You desire... much... Cul.
--No -- it murmured when she tried to give him haste --. Quiet Mantente,

allows that I control the situation. Sight, cariño, it observes our bodies.

—¡Cul! -- it exclaimed overwhelmed because never they had shared as much


-- Very well -- it murmured closing the eyelids and opening mouth --. ¡, very

well perfect, this time is something wonderful, Bett?

She almost did not listen to it. It felt that its body it was burned

underneath the body of him; it could listen to the beats of the heart
masculine moving to a anxious rate.

Cul moaned and she rose more looking for more total satisfaction. And it

was happening. Suddenly, it began to cry to to feel the climax that made it
lose the reason and of shaking at the same time that Cul. Seconds later, Cul
moaned and the rate of its hearts barking to unisonous it seemed to fill the
room with a deafening sound.

background image

Cul kissed the closed eyelids to him, the forehead, the cheeks, the neck. It

kissed it to console it and to wipe the tears to him.

Astonished, it was on the awares and it saw a face so warm and tender that

again began to cry.

Cul smiled smooth and sweetly and it cleaned to him tears with the end of

the sheet.

-- Hopefully my neighbors are not in house -- he murmured bromeando --.

Otherwise they will have called to the police so that it finds out a who is
torturing here.

--No I could avoid it -- it murmured ruborizada.
-- I one did not incline Either to kiss to him mouth --. Affection, was very

sweet, never we had been loved thus.

-- Certain -- one clung to him and after observing the blond hair, watched

the ceiling.

--No knew that it loved so much to you murmured to him to ear --... until you

accused of not knowing how to me to love. When you said that you to me it
left peacefully, I included/understood that it could not live without you.

The heart of Bett gave an upset; finally it knew that Cul loved it. After

which it finished happening, she was safe. Of all ways, were wonderful to
listen to it of their lips. It embraced it with more force and tenderly it
smoothed the hair to him húmedo.

--Y I left obligándote to you to that you you faced single the problem, the

pregnancy and to the disease...

-- Olvídalo -- it murmured and it sang to sleep --. I include/understand.
--No you can include/understand it separated of her with slowness and it

extended the arm to take a cigarette. It was gotten up, without to cohibir
itself by its nakedness and attracted it its flank --. Bett, which you said with
with respect to my position... good, most is truth. I did not know it, but yes he
used my sterility like weapon, to avoid a commitment. My parents no they were
precisamente a good example for the marriage. Each one of them had its
lovers and I did not know the love nor the security familiar a home. It
yearned for all that, but the fear made me back down --la observed --. It was
scared of amarte porque thought that it would lose to you.

-- Pity that you did not know -- the head supported in the arm of Cul and

observed it mockingly smiling, -- that had followed to you until the aim of the
world. My feelings never changed in all these years. Why you think that I kept
my virginity?

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--No I wanted to think it, but I realized which he meant for me to be the

first man in your life touched the belly much to him and he smiled --. And
now... our daughter. God mine, never you will know what me qualifying I gave
when I thought that there were them lost to two. From that late, when I left
your apartment I have lived in a hell. It was terrified of which in your
ofuscamiento you would marry with another one, in search of security.

-- By this you locked in yourself in your tower of ivory and you embriagaste?
--No is absolutely certain -- it confessed --. It worked in something.
It extinguished the cigarette and one rose going to the other habitación. A

minute later returned with a manuscript in the hand. It threw it to the bed
and mouth next to her lay down down.

-- Léelo while I sleep a siesta -- it murmured --. When it wakes up, we will

return to love to us febrile and we will formulate the plans for wedding.

It opened the mouth, but he did not allow him to speak.
—¡Lee, woman, read!
That was what Bett did during the hour following; it read the script for the

film. One began presenting/displaying to two actors in blossoming, members
of a theater group of summer, and the hero was sterile. His lover was
pregnant and he did not believe to have been the one who left it embarrassed.
But in the end, without testing new of sterility, it included/understood that
most important it was the confidence. It loved the woman and it believed in
its word or did not love it. She decided that the creature yes was of him.
They married, after a turbulent courtship and they lived happy with the
binoculars that they had.

Bett did not take off the Vista of the leaves during a long short while, was

the history of Cul and her. Cul informed to him that yes it believed that the
creature was of him, in spite of the tests that indicated the opposite and she
proclaimed to the world that she loved Bett.

Feeling empequeñecida, Bett left tears them they slid by its cheeks.
-- Bett, you do not cry -- Cul murmured approaching for abrazarla --. You

will disturb to the small Kate.

--Ay, Cul -- lloriqueó supported in the warm one and hard hombro --. ¡I love

to you with madness!

-- Truely? ¡Demuéstramelo! I will confirm my to you affection before we call

to your parents to notify to them that they will have son-in-law and a

--Se will scandalize -- it laughed tearful and it became thin the tears with

the sheet.

background image

-- They will be so contentments that not they will scandalize. It walks,

weeping willow, ámame --la approached its velludo chest.

--No I know how -- it protested timid --. It never has to you pleased that I

took the initiative.

-- That was before being conscious of the reason that it made me feel to

me like man by halves, since I fled from Atlanta -- I murmur and it caressed
it with glance --. Bett, never was another woman. I do not deny that I had
some, but any man will say to you that desire is not enough. Soon, I left sex by
the comradeship, is to say until you reappeared in my life. Now, desire to do it
everything with you! I want to live to your side, amarte and mimarte; to
formulate plans with you and to wait for our daughter cleared the lips to him
with own --. I want to age to your side, dear.

--Yo desire the same, Cul -- Bett murmured.
-- But not at this moment -- it murmured, attracting it its side --. Before we

must experience much. Primero places your hand here -- it laughed when
ruborizada seeing it --. Thus, now siéntate... ¡God, what expression! Affection,
you did not know that we can change once in a while of position? Not you
desmayes, permíteme that teaches to you... ¡Yes, thus, beloved, that are!

-- But Cul... -- it moaned.
It placed the hands in the hip of her stops to help it and Bett realized of

which he did not listen to it so that he was left to take by those wonderful
sensations that ofuscaban the mind to him.

Bett did not remember happier days like that sucedieron. He changed

himself to house of Cul, a judge married them being Janet and David the
witnesses. Cul and it were inseparable, compraron ajuar of the baby together
and it waited for it between frames and he made sure that he did not get
tired too much during the functions. The creature grew and grew, just as the
love that she united to his parents.

-- When it grows, I believe that it will be able to play in football team -- one

night, several months later when coming out of one moaned Bett function --.
You realized of how kicked?

-- Of course -- Cul drowned a giggle and it embraced --. The doctor did not

say to you that you would give to light any day of these.

--A to judge reason why I felt during last acontecimientos could at any time

be -- Bett, inspired profundamente when feeling another painful contraction.

Cul was put lívido. Janet and David noticed his expression worried.
-- What happens? -- David asked.
--Va to give light -- horrified Cul --. murmured God mine! What I can do?

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Of not to have had so strong pains, Bett it had been laughed heartily. ¡Cul,

always so able and dominant, asked that to do!

-- Llévame to the hospital -- Bett, obstinate murmured to the arm of its

husband --. ¡Express, wanted!

-- Deje' the car in house -- masculló Cul.
-- Pide a taxi -- it managed to stammer Bett very sore.
-- We will obtain it -- Janet announcement signaling to David --. Llévala to

the lateral door. Cul, conseguiremos a taxi although we must kidnap to the taxi

Cul raised it and it transferred it with facility, a to weigh of the weight, to

the lateral door.

-- Calm, affection, calm -- it repeated while it walked --. quickly I will take

you to the hospital.

David and Janet had obtained a taxi already and they helped it to comply in


—¡God santo, you are! --el fornido taxi driver it smiled when reconocer to

its companions of cafeteria --. Has arrived the moment?

-- Yes -- Cul --. moaned ¡By God, dése haste!
David and Janet also put in car.
-- To what hospital? -- the conductor asked.
--Lo I forgot -- horrified it watched taxi driver --. A hospital what we took

it? it asked to him Janet and David.

--No we know it -- Janet responded watching anxious face of Bett.
-- Llévenos to any hospital -- Cul demanded.
-- Hospital... General -- Bett murmured to conductor.
-- Very well -- it smiled and it initiated march --. Value and it holds -- it

stepped on the accelerator.

-- What will happen if we did not arrive on time? -- Cul asked, -- What we

will do?

--La we will help to give light -- it responded taxi driver.
—¡God, no! -- Janet exclaimed taking hands to cheeks --. ¡It could not do it!
-- Either I -- David moaned.
--No watches me to me, I am theater writer -- Cul said out of breath.
-- Cantemos all -- taxi driver --. suggested That it will help. It advanced, It

rows, it rows, it reigns your canoe... -- it began to sing and it indicated to them
to the others that did choir to him --. ¡We go, that will tranquilize them!

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While all sang to alive voice, taxi a great speed almost doubled a corner in

two tires and was on the verge of to hit a patrol car of the police. The sirens
of this one began a to sound and his blinkers they ignited.

—¡No! -- Cul moaned.
The taxi driver stopped and lowered the crystal of window.
-- Necesitamos helps shouted police to him --. it deals with the pregnant

actress who acts in

A girl in the dark room

that one appears in Broadway; he

is the author of the work and the other gentleman is film star. A girl wishes
to be born and if I do not arrive inside at the General Hospital of minutes...

—¡Sígame! --el police smiled --. Value, wanted it spoke to him to Bett --. ¡I

have seen the work twice and its performance seemed to me wonderful!

Bett tried to give thanks, but he to him the motor introduced in the patrol

car igniting.

-- All together ones -- the taxi driver shouted returning head back before

reinitiating the march --,It rows, it rows, it rows your canoe!...

And they rowed until they saw the silhouette of casualty department of the


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KATE was born less than one hour after they arrived at the hospital and

weighed little more than three kilos and means. Thanks to classes of natural
childbirth that Cul and Bett had taken, the process was not difficult. The
best thing was than Cul was next to Bett at any moment. Not it it left until
they put to the girl in its hands and it observed it with tears in the eyes. In
spite of the pain, Bett smiled to them both to enternecida. "That it is my
world ", thought.

Minutes later, Cul went to the room of it hopes where one was with the taxi

driver, the police, Janet and David, the other man of the cafeteria, the
waiter, Mr. Bartholomew and half of company that waited for the news.

Cul loosen an outburst of laughter when seeing to discuss them on the work

and it thought that that only could happen in New York.

-- What has been? -- Dick Hamilton asked putting itself still on.
-- What was? -- the others repeated.
--La better work of my life -- it responded smiling --. Kathryn Helene

McCullough. ¡Weight more of three kilos and means, it measures fifty and
centimeters and it has all the fingers of the hands and feet!

They congratulated to him. The taxi driver flattered to him with a box of

pure that Cul distributed generously.

-- I invite Them to take coffee! -- Cul announced and it lead to the machine

that served it. The police could not drink alcohol being on watch and in the
hospital it would not obtain a bottle of champaña. They offered by the small
Kate with coffee and hot chocolate.

Later, seated in a chair next to bed of Bett, Cul observed the small one

that it was fed with the chest on mother and the eyes of tears filled to him.

Gorgeous --Es -- it murmured and it caressed tenderly the small head with

little blond hair --. She is beautiful -- it murmured tired Bett.

-- Truth that is precious? -- imagínate, we created it.
--La waiting room was full informed to him contentment --. I was

distributing pure.

-- From where you removed them? -- she asked.
--Me it gave the taxi driver them. Mr. Bartholomew also he came and I

called to your parents. They will come in airplane.

-- She is affluent mother of health? -- it asked worried.
-- to vary, your mother takes her medicine regularly and your father

assures that he feels better than ever. It says that it will die of exhaustion

background image

treating to follow the rate of the renewed ardor of its wife -- Bett ruborizó.
It was difficult to him to think that their parents continued loving itself

-- they have been young as we it remembered --. to him Young people with

the first-born in arms -- it observed the small one that it sucked --. Me I
cheer of which you have decided to give the chest him. Somehow, the baby's
bottle is not the same.
--El doctor said to me that the children immunize themselves when they feed with
maternal milk and I wanted to give that advantage to the small Kate.

-- Aside from that, observarte is delicious -- his eyes shone tenderly.
-- you thanked to Him to the taxi driver and to police to bring to us on

time? -- it asked.

-- I will invite Them to have breakfast, also to David and to Janet.

Tomorrow early in the cafeteria -- it smiled --. You and the small one they will
have breakfast here.

-- You are very good, Mr. McCullough, I am glad of to me to have married

with you.

--Yo also one inclined to kiss to him parched lips --. She is as beautiful as its


Bett him escudriñó the eyes and was asked if Cul really accepted to the

creature like its daughter... it would not have left some doubt?

--Me it asked... -- it murmured titubeante.
-- What thing?
-- to Once they said me that it was impossible, but equivocaron -- it

observed girl --. It asked to me if we will be able to have a boy in order to
complete the parejita -- it declared outlining a smile.

--Ay, Cul, I love to you -- their eyes returned a to become damp.
--Yo also -- the salt of the tears proved of she, sonriendo next to its warm

lips. Finally Cul trusted totally Bett.

But Cul absolutely was not convinced. It was difficult to accept that a

specialist had been mistaken as far as his sterility. On the other hand, it
could not imagine to Bett in arms of another man. She was so honest that had
been said it to have given the case. It was safe that the daughter era of Cul
and he had to accept it. About an occasion, it thought to test another, but
with that had demonstrated distrust towards Bett; with that it had erected
more barriers among them and it did not wish to do it. It accepted it and it
incorporated to the familiar life immediately.

-- it had passed almost a year and the work of Cul it was filming. It was

absented frequently to verify that everything marched well. Bett continued

background image

acting in the theater, representing the same paper. Janet and David was had
it jeopardize and soon they would marry and the small Kate had one airplane
that took care of it in the dressing room while her mother as opposed to
acted filled theater.

The spring arrived and everything bloomed; Bett it hoped to Cul with the

shining face.

-- You are every more beautiful day said Cul to him when it went to wait for

it to the airport. Posesiva admired its body of way and affectionate --. You
have missed to me?

-- it was put Much of finishing nails and it kissed it on Kate lips are with

their grandparents in the hotel Roosevelt. I gave the free day him to airplane
and the woman of the cleaning finished early and it went to its house. I have
desires of amarte with passion, on the carpet of the room and with the
windows opened.

—¡By God, Bett! -- gruñó laughing, betrayed by its full body of desire.
-- Reason why I also see you you are interested, so vámonos to house,


-- Espero that we have time to arrive -- incómodo commented, clarifying the

throat and leading it outside terminal of the airport.

Enough time ago they were not single and they reaccionaron before the

opportunity with passion. Bett did not remember another one occasion in
which there were been so desperate to control itself. Its commentary
mocking one became in fact so soon entered the apartment because no they
arrived more far than the room.

Cul laid down it in the ground and tightened its body against the one of her

and it began to devour it to kisses.

--No I can hope -- it murmured hoarse --. The moan, affection, I will

compensate to you, but at this moment I will not be able contenerme.

-- Ahead -- it murmured with febrile eyes, obstinate to him and helping it to


The way contained the breath when finding it frees and it was surprised of

the rate that it followed without difficulty. Bett thought that it listened to
drums in the jungle when contemplating the dark depths of eyes.

Cul fitted the hip to him and rose it to time that it lowered his body; it

moaned to the rate of his palpitaciones that they confundían with those of
Bett and both they arrived at the culmination to the same one time.

background image

Bett was conscious of the humidity of the body of Cul, of the smooth voice

that spoke to him to the ear asking to him if it were well and if damage had
not done him.

-- Damage? -- it laughed tenderly --No, affection!
It raised the head and shaking I watch dark and to tier eyes to us, soon it

admired the dressed average body.

-- God mine, speaking of the men who last a minute -- it smiled before his

own urgency.

—¡Haste goes! You seemed desperate -- it declared she with malicia --. Now,

llévame to the bed and hazlo as it must be, if still you can... -- it joked.

--Te I will demonstrate who can -- she replaced proud and it took it to the

alcove in arms. It laid down it in the bed and it demonstrated its virilidad
causing that jadeara and shook before granting the satisfaction to him that
Bett him it requested.

-- Insultaste to my virilidad -- one murmured he hour later, supported in an

elbow and place setting of sweat.

-- I am dead -- it almost could not breathe --. I must to be it because

nobody could live after that.

-- That happens to move away two weeks to me of you -- it laughed and it

cleared the lips to him with the mouth. It was average dead of desire.

-- Perfect, now I know that you were not with some young actress.
-- As if some could satisfy me -- rio by old joke --. You feel well?
-- Very well -- it sighed and one lay down very deluded. It had the sweet

news for Cul and closed the eyelids for saborearla.

-- very you are shut up -- it murmured caressing to him the mouth with a


It was on the awares and she watched it discovering to him all its heart.
-- Affection -- it began slowly and it touched the humid one to him hair of

its chest --. You remember that to once you asked me if would be possible to
have a boy to complete the pair?

-- Yes, but dulzura, we can adopt it -- it spoke without amargura nor

annoyance, on the contrary, it smiled --. A miracle in the life is sufficient and
you know how much I adore to our Kate. It would not change it by a boy.

--No I have meant that -- it threw of a tuft of blond hair --. Today I was in

the consultation of my gynecologist.

Cul remained quiet, without breathing, his body seemed petrified while it


-- and?

background image

-- Not it fortune tellers, Cul? -- their eyes shone --. I am embarazada!
It opened the mouth to speak, but it was dried to him the throat. With the

body shaking of joy it embraced it with force. No longer it had the smaller
doubt. Its marriage was the Earth paradise and both they were so united that
the separation of one night was a torment.

-- Cul, now we must inform into this birth to your doctor -- it laughed

obstinate to him.

-- Tienes reason -- it murmured hoarse --. ¡Beloved, you I adore!
--Yo also it murmured to him to ear --. And if you needed one proves,

already you have it.

-- you did not know that the eyes green of Kate they were sufficient test? -

- the mouth of its wife kissed and proved the salt of tears --. I love to you
and that means confidence. The day that I included/understood how much I
love to you my doubts finished all.

--A times I thought that never you would accept it -- it confessed caressing

face to him --. The first loving days that we were me it seemed that it lacked

-- Also then it loved to you. It had to me customary to be single and he was

not safe of being able to tolerate another person in m life; mainly to a woman,
but never you will know how I felt in California.

-- Yes, with the such Cherrie --lo tweaked and he it responded

mordisqueando the inferior lip to him.

-- I never said to you that Cherrie, and their husband is the owners of the

house where I was lodged? Bob and I was companions of school.

-- What? it remained agape.
-- the men we needed to have some secrets --la laid down again and it

cleared the hair to him of face --. You know that you have freckles here? it
kissed the bridge to him of the nose.

-- Quiet, I cannot speak with you if you kiss to me -- it murmured.
--No desire to speak.
-- you made think Me with premeditation that you had one ventures? -- it


-- Trataba about alejarte because you had to me catched, Bett. It loved to

you with desperation. I returned to the opening for verte and no in order to
see how they welcomed m it builds.

-- With the stunning Tammy it remembered to him.

background image

-- It was a screen, my armor so that not you you gave account of much that

it loved to you, from Atlanta. I dealed with convencerme of that it was
physical only attraction.

--Me you convinced of that, after the opening -- it replaced.
-- Crei' that it would die when you informed to me that you were encinta.

He was sure that you had deceived to me with another one. It was interesting
mental exercise of logic. Finally I decided that if in fact you it loved had
tenerte confidence. And right cuando was prepared for decírtelo, you let
want, you at least let to me listen to me. I isolated myself to write it builds,
for demostrarte that really I love to you, but by then was safe of which you
hated to me. Suddenly, you arrived at my apartment and you saved to me of
total decline -- sonrió --. Then, I included/understood that there was a small
ray of hope and I began to perseguirte with the explosivos results that we

Bett remembered the febrile union, the dulzura of to know, finally, that she

was loved. When reading the cinema script discovered what significaba she
stops Cul... their eyes were enternecieron.

Of the only thing that I regret it is of not having to me married with you

from the beginning. Your parents follow a little sad by sequence of the events
and I do not blame them. We will not allow that Kate lay down with a man until
one marries -- it declared with determination --. ¡To the devil with the socie-

—¡What forms to speak! -- it joked --. ¡It give you it tells of the strict thing

that you have become!

-- You are the guilty to take me to the force to the church, all Sundays. By

the way remained it watching --. It is indispensable that Bartholomew
accompanies to us?

-- it is aging remembered --. to him And it cannot to pay a taxi. In addition,

you know that it adores his goddaughter -- a figure delineated in chest of Cul
and noticed that the rate of the breathing accelerated --. You do not have to
forget that we will have another baptism and somebody must be with us.

-- Tienes reason held the hand to him and observed relaxed feminine body

with admiration --. It must be a miracle. For the second time it has happened
-- it laughed next to Bett --. Who had believed it! ¡I have much aim!

-- That you create? -- Murmuro' offering to him lips --. Demuéstramelo.
-- It will be a pleasure -- it breathed anxiously while him acariciaba the

sines, the hips and the belly where his was developed son. It half-opened the

background image

lips and mordisqueó those of Bett to cause it --What pity that you have
yourself exhausted of your clothes of maternity! -- it murmured.

--Te you mistake, I kept it -- it laughed when seeing it surprised.
-- you kept It?
-- Perhaps you did not wait for this, but I if I believed in two miracles.
--No you say his face to me radiated infinite love and felicidad --. Then I

can believe in the angels because I married with one -- he murmured next to
the tender mouth of his wife --. You and two children, that will be my Earth
Bett laughed inner and it was curled up next to Cul, that ansiosamente began
to kiss it by all its body. Before feelings dimmed the mind to him, Bett began
to think about names... names masculine.


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