Diana Palmer Teacher of the Love

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Teacher of the love

Chapter One

Danetta Marist watched infuriated door of the office of its head. It could well remain

seated there in its sofa of leather throwing roots because to her little it mattered to him. It
never seemed that it mistook, whereas she always did it.

- aguantarte is not only worth the trouble in order to be able to pay the letters of the car

- she said the closed door in front of -. I am a fantastic secretary and could work anywhere
if me it proposed.

And with that brief speech, that nobody listened more than the closed door of the office

of Mr. Ritter, Danetta a tuft of its brown melena in moño was placed that took in the nape
of the neck. Jugueteó with a pencil while it imagined that its letter of resignation wrote and
it planted it to his head in the noses. Of course, it was not going to request pardon to him a
that man of bad character, old petroleum extractor. It was not fault hers if he had confused
the dates of two of his more important appointments and had gone to one by the other.
Perhaps she was responsable she of which it did not know to read?

And above it had had to hold that it blamed it her by it to have done deliberately. It

always happened same, from a pencil disappeared to its bottles of burbon, Danetta always
she was the person in charge.

The pay was good, of course, and sometimes between week, Ritter Fits let it leave

before the hour, stops that it could make the purchase. And the truth was that either he was
not so bad...

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The office was to all hours filled with clients who spoke with a language difficult to

understand, since he was very technician and it turned around the equipment of the derricks
of petroleum. Danetta not even knew what was a geologic study or that the geologists did in
certain prospections, but knew that they are consideraban secret investigations. All that had
heard it in mouth of its Jenn cousin, who worked for the father of Ritter Fits.

But, in spite of its ignorance, Mr. Ritter, Eugene, that it seemed to entertain itself

looking for the form of to do the impossible life to him to its son, had to him already
counted in some of visits that did to them, some things of that business. Eugene it was
proprietor of a petroliferous company for which He fits no longer worked and that fled
towards the business from the technical equipment of the towers and wells he was the
source of all the rubbing between father and son.

In spite of the crisis of petroleum, Eugene it was able to make money thanks to a good

equipment of geologists, who discovered a strategic metal deposit that they could to be sold
to the government. That business was high secret and she knew it by his premium Jenny,
that she was the one that informed into that the money it obtained more of that form than
thanks to petroleum.

Danetta did not do anything so dangerous nor exciting like the search of geologic

deposits, but that it was dedicated to the correspondencia of Fits, to take note from the
letters that it wanted to send and to arrange the appointments to him.

-¡It is that you cannot read, by the love of God! - the thread exclaimed Fits Ritter by

the intercom interrupting of pensamientos of Danetta -. For which demons you have not
said to me that I have one meeting in the Chamber of Commerce to noon? Twelve less the
ten are and no longer I arrive. ¡I am the person in charge of the table!

With a sigh, it pressed the button opportune.

- the meeting is not today - she said forcing an amiable voice -. It is tomorrow. You are

watching the date mistaken - she said and thought for her adentros that had returned a again
to throw the fault to him without having it -. Today he is ten of April, not eleven.

A brief pause took place.

- Who the page has passed me? - he with same humor said badly.
- I suppose that I will have been - she murmured with resignation -. God knows in

where I have the head, right? - it added with irony.

- It shuts up and see my office.
It took to the notebook and his ball-point pen and rose being placed better the blouse

and the skirt. She was a woman discharge, but its dimensions and appears were perfect. It
had long legs and modeled that was very attractive and to a brown melena well that him it
arrived until the waist when loosen it. She was very handsome when it did, but
normally it took collection to it in moño. it made up very little and it only made to give
certain brightness to its eyes and color to its cheeks. Its face was a perfect oval and its skin,
smooth and target. She was not exactly beautiful, but at least yes attractive and many heads
they would have noticed themselves although she did the possible thing to disguise her

Generally it used to hide them, since his head was mujeriego and she did not want to

risk its heart with a man of that will. It had already had occasion to know it in that facet in
celebration that did in the office when Christmas arrived. Then, it had flirteado with her and
one had approached dangerously to kiss it. Without embargo, at the moment in which

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Danetta thought that it was going it to do, Fits Ritter it seemed to recover the common
sense and

it separated from her.

Until that night, Danetta had dress always with showy clothes that heightened its type,

already of by pretty himself. But since then, it decided not to return to dress that way so that
no one paid attention to her and it began to choose with well-taken care of its indumentaria.
In nobody case Fits seemed to prefer them blond and very sophisticated. Boy was play
behaved shamelessly and that it infuriated completely to Danetta. It had never said to him
that it thought of its style of life, since was not subject his, but not him it would please to
have relations with a man like him.

In addition, it was only twenty-three years old and he thirty and six, and therefore

considered a girl more or less, because in both years that never took working for him he had
done him one proposal. It used to speak with her as if outside a young boy and called it
They give, thing that bothered it very many, since it was a masculine name rather. It treated
it as if outside its small brother.

In those last times it was leaving much with a stunning blonde that was called Karol

Sartam and although it seemed a little calmer with her, its badly humor did not improve.
Even a times, Danetta surprised it watching it with a strange expression, as if it wanted to
send it far from him very. In any case, if it did not want to Karol, much less to her, than she
was young enough reprimida and a preservative one, according to it admitted she herself.

It opened the door of the office and entered. Only his it is present at physics served to

torment it. He was a high and muscular man. It had the blue, deep and penetrating eyes, the
black hair and the forehead cleared, although flequillo covered it partly. The eyebrows were
thick and its pronounced pómulos. Sometimes its nose seemed to be broken and in chin had
several scars. But, in spite of those desperfectos in his face, its glance continued being
devastating and no woman could resist to it him, or, that was at least what Danetta thought.
It had all the enchantment of world when it wanted something and if it did not obtain it
fought for that reason until bursting. It was not scared to nothing else that to the serpents
and often, Danetta was had asked if would be had it to its mascot, that belonged to the
family of reptiles.

When it was of the very bad humor or passing bad temporada, Ritter Fits used to retire

to the farm that had his father to the outskirts of Tulsa, where it had invested money in
cattle, to same time that mounted a business of powerboats in all the state of Roofing tiles
and Oklahoma. Shortly after it was when It fits became independent with his propia

It took directing it more than ten years with enough success, but his father infuriated it

because never he said to him to people nothing of the business of its son. In fact, like
revenge, it used to say to him to his friends who his son was waiter in a bar of the zone.

Therefore, the old Ritter never. the independence of its son had accepted too much

well. To him it liked to take to all the business and the life of all that that was bound to his
company and therefore, that group also entered its own son. When it arrived at the office to
do some visit to them, always stopped to give him advice to Danetta. The last one of that it
had given him was that it was concentrated more in the clothes than it was put by the

- you will never call its attention with that clothes - the old Ritter said, without showing

no repairs in censuring the blouse and the skirt that took Danetta.

- Mr. Ritter, I do not want to call its attention - it talked back -. It is not my type of

man, I make sure it.

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- I believe that it likes - it continued Eugene without to do case to him -. Mantenle far

from those girls with whom it leaves because a goes away to put patient with some of those
evils... you already know - it whispered -. ¡Who knows with who has been those girls!

In that point of the conversation, Danetta it excused and it went to the bathroom, where

one lay down to I laughed almost with hysteria. It had desire of being able to say that to
him to the own one Fit, but it did not know how to introduce it in a conversation.

Finally It fits realized which fruncía frown.

- Good, not you be there of foot, Give, sie'ntate-said observing how it watched it -. I do

not know what you it happens lately but your mind is not in the work.

- How? - she said vacillating, before the chair that there was in front of the solid table

of office.

-¡Siéntate! - he said, and she obeyed immediately.

- it is not strange to me that your father no approve your operations - she said -. You

are like him.

- the insults are thing mine, not yours - it indicated and one inclined on the table -. You

do not seem very friendly this morning. What happens?

- you have shouted Me this morning twice and it does not have be fault mine - it talked


- and what? Most of the mornings I stick enough voices to you, is not thus? It is part of

this work; it remembers that to principle my shouts cost several weeping to you and now
only you get upset.

- a death fear Had at that time.

- Yes but well that you threw the calendars to the face - it said -. I like to have

secretaries who know to talk back to me and you have lasted much in the use, Give.

She meant to him that perhaps too much, but one did not dare.
- No commentary? - a said and began to balance the armchair -. Sight, we must do

something with respect to my father.

It blinked before a so sudden change of conversation.
- "We have"? - it asked been strange.
He watched it.

- Yes, we, we. It is extending that way the rumor that I am looking for wife and no they

do more than to call me by the nights women.

She smiled when seeing her irritation.

- You know why it has done, no? - she asked -. Now that you have changed the key of

your apartment no longer can enter for vigilarte.

- God mine,I do not have privacy! I had to do it. Other Friday was hoping to me at

night - it said and entrecerró the eyes -. I took to Karol to the apartment and there he was
he. And it raises car invited to a glass and a coffee. One did not leave to its house until
more there of the average night and it bored as much to Karol with a monólogo on
castration of the cattle that had itself to march almost with a hysteria attack.

- Oh, already I am made position - it said Danetta, although at heart was glad of that

play of Eugene -. To once I heard tell him him to one of your friends the treatments that
you followed for curarte a contagious enfermedad.

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The eyes of Fit were opened crazy.

- was said it to Side, it is not truth? Sure for that reason the day left with as much haste

that I was with she, who was the last one. ¡That poisonous serpent! - it said and Danetta
remembered that Side was the previous fiancèe of Fits.

- It is that one form to speak of its father Sir Ritter?- poniéndose said very serious.
He watched it with tolerance.

- They give - it began using that tiny that as much him desagradaba to her -, when it

was here the last week, one of the things more affectionate than said on you was that it
seemed that you got dressed in the warehouses of the Army of Salvation.

It so felt like victim who forgot the defense that had done previously of Eugene and it


-¡Poisonous serpent! It bent an eyebrow.
- That is what I believe that I have said, no? it happens some idea to you?
- None by which they did not jail to us - it talked back -. Why is putting so much in

your life lately?

- Because it thinks that I need a wife and it says that it is going to me to encontrar one.
Perhaps - is boring-murmured pensativa it -. You could pedirle to your madrastra that

took to give it the return to the world in cruise.

- With my madrastra I have the smaller possible treatment - he with dryness said.
- I feel It - it talked back, when occurring account of that that one was a weak and dark

point in the life of its head.

It shrank of shoulders.

- I suppose that your parents will follow married, no? She smiled.
- Yes, they have done thirty years in November.

- I do not want to marry - he said and after breaking a pencil, one rose and he walked

towards the window -. I do not want to love anybody.

She watched to him with perplexity while she was of backs to her descrying the

landscape of the city that was seen from that floor.

- You will not have passed him any information of Karol to my father, right? - it asked

unexpectedly, becoming towards her.

- Not - it began -, no, Ritter. It is the one that speaks and he speaks, like always.

- and what said the last time to you? She it laughed by
low it.

- That you are going to take a terrible one disease if you do not separate from those

women with whom salts - she said -. It says that you do not know with whom they have
lain down before.

He lay down to laugh and the sound of his outburst of laughter he was clean, deep and

pleasant in that man who did not use to never laugh. She it smiled to him.

- So it hurts to him there. Perhaps it must have with it one releases conversación.
- That will not solve anything to you if you do not tie it first and you gag it.
- are doing You secrets, no? - it said with the ligeramente gathered lips, while it

observed it and its glance was strange and unusual -. How many years you have, Give?

- Twenty-three - she said.

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- you did not have nor at least veintiuno when you arrived here - pensativo said, as if it

was remembering -. Eras nervous, trouble terriblemente and timid. Of some form, still you
continue being it.

- Very amiable of your part - she said -. It takes, here you have the mail.

- nonsalts with anybody - said as if a knew to it certain science. It crossed the legs.

- Then, no, not very frequently - it said with clear reluctance.
- Why?
She chose her words with much well-taken care of.

- I am not the sufficiently modern thing it stops most of hombres - it said.

- you talk about to be sexually released? - he emphasized. It felt that the cheeks
burned to him.
- My parents were a very conventional pair. Me they taught that the love was not only
sex, but I have discovered that the majority of the men they only look for an pleasant
supper and soon a bed session. Thus that no longer I leave to avoid catastrophic end and
alive with Norman.

He frunció the frown.
- Norman?
- Norman it is my iguana - it explained.

It remained pale and he watched it with authentic horror.

- Your what?
- My iguana. It is a mascot wonderful - she said to defensiva -. When I only adopted it

was a young.

-¡A iguana! - it exclaimed he with a loathing expression and disgust -. ¡God mine,

nobody has a iguana like mascot! ¡It is like a serpent with legs!

She watched it infuriated.

-¡Of that nothing! It is as a small Chinese dragoon and is a very clean animal.
- and why you have a reptile like mascot? It is that you think that is an enchanted


She sighed of the bad humor.

- That it only works with the frogs and the toads. Listening, I only have to Norman like

mascot and does not stop to give kisses - the frown said to him and frunció -. Good, it used
to do it before, when she was a baby...

-¡Oh, God! - it exclaimed again with disgust -. ¡It is not strange to me that you do not

leave with any boy! No man in his healthy judgment could kiss a woman who kisses to

- it does not have badly no in it - she said and sighed without disturbing herself

minimum, when thinking about kiss that was on the verge of giving him in Christmas.

It rose and began to move around the table. Soon one seated.
- By the size of the safe iguana that delays a king and not a prince.
- Good, you will be first in enterarte when it happens - said she. It fits it ignited a

cigarette and it smiled with gathered frown.

- You can pass the peculiar ash tray to me that you gave to me in Navidad?
It went it.

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- Taking, but you would have to make case of the message that comes writing in him

and to let smoke.

- I have tried It.

- To me not me it seems - it murmured and it returned to offer the mail to him so that it

watched it, because she also it had many things that to do. He smiled with indulgence.

- I know It, I am postponing the decision - it said -. You know how much hatred to

answer the mail? Still I am trying to remake last - it said to me at night -. Karol invited to
me to go to concert of camera music and the truth is that I became bored during very many
the four hours that lasted. I prefer modern music, but it is so exquisite and so intellectual...

Danetta lay down to laugh discreetly.

- Of what you ***reflx mng yourself? - he asked -. It hears, Give, why you put those

fastened blouses until above? It is that you are scared of which sees the neck you? And you
have not loosen the hair from Christmases - it added.

The eyes of Danetta were opened with surprise. That commentary was most personal

than it had done to him since they were known.

- the blouse... it is that it is thus - stuttered without to say nothing.

- I do not like. No you can be put one with the normal neck?

- But what is that it happens with my clothes? - it exclaimed -. My hair you are bad,

does not like my form of to dress and the bellboys now... ¡what lacked!

- be-it did not say and him it gave one pierced to its cigarette watching of involuntary

form the long legs of Danetta. The skirt arrived to him just over the knees and he
contemplated with admiration the perfection of its ankles -. Perhaps my father is right and
no he must have a monjil secretary - he added absorbed.

She watched to him perplex.

- you are well? - it said.

Él sighed something bad-tempered.
- I feel impotent it said and it extinguished its cigarette in cenicero -. It tries not to

leave with a woman in four months and you will know why.

- I have not left with any woman in twenty-three years and I do not feel anything of

individual - she said.

- Oh, already you know to what I talk about.

Unfortunately it knew. It fits was a very sincere and clear man. It did not take care of

either of its language, of such form that the first week of work of Danetta listened to more
palabrotas that in its whole life.

- you never have to me spoken of your loving life - it said Fits mirándola with


- I suppose that it could to invent something to me that decirte-said trying to pretend


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- Already I said - she said and it continued watching it of a strange form. It seemed that

it was doing it with too much frequency that semana -. Many things are those that do that
one woman is vulnerable, specially to whom they are repressed.

- you are trying to say something to me? - she said finally.

- I am worried by you - it said amazingly -. Horseradish tree Meadows, my new head

of sales, has said to me this morning that is been trying to leave with you during two weeks
and that there is no conseguido - it smiled -. It thinks that you are enamored with me. In
fact - he added with a malicious glance -, my father says the same.

-¡God mine! - she exclaimed sonrojando itself.

- Good, it does not do lack that you put yourself as if outside something terrible - it

said -. The women me they find very attractive.

- a certain type of women,I no!

It remained seated and she asked herself if she would have passed a little.

- Why you no?
- That is personal.

- Then if he is personal I want an answer - he said authoritarian.

It breathed deeply and she could not lie to him.
- Because you are mujeriego - it said and account occurred of which It fits reacted of

dangerous form -. I feel it, but no encounter that type of attractive man.

It ignited another cigarette, gave one him pierced and he let save the smoke lenta-


- I suppose that me I deserve the answer by haberte asked. But I did not think that you

went a to answer that - it added to me -. It is well, Give, you have convinced to me that
my father no it knows of which it speaks. We go with the mail.

It felt like culprit, although already there was no form to give reverse gear. Nor it did

not want either. It fits respected to people with character. Why would be a man so
promiscuo? In two years no it had learned nothing of him more than the type of women
whom it liked. On their feelings and their thoughts did not know anything, that her mother
only had died for ten years and that his father had become to marry with a woman call
Cynthia. Danetta knew that it passed ciertos periods of time with them, but never spoke of
the subject.

It fits began to dictate to him walking it arrives and down by the habitación and

Danetta it had to hurry when taking notes, since it did not give breathing him. During the
rest of the day he was quiet and colder the normal thing and at the time of leaving the work,
one left before she. Danetta saw him leave with a mixture of emotions in its interior.
Perhaps it had not had to open the mouth, because for the only thing that had served it was
in order to complicate the things.

It covered the typewriter and computer. The shelter was put, took the purse and left to

take the bus. While it hoped in the shutdown, its mind did not do more than to think about
its head and one said that someday it was going to kiss to his iguana to only take revenge

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itself of him and if it gave the chance of which more lady's man became somebody than
Robert Redford, then, its oportunidad Fits Ritter would feel much lost salary.

Chapter Two

Norman was curled up in the radiator, like always, when Danetta arrived at house. It

opened eyes and soon it returned them to close.

- You are so expressive, Norman - she said and she sighed while she passed the hand to

him through the back.

Of course it had an aspect ferocious, but since she had taken care of it since she was

born, did not find it dangerous terrorífico or. All the opposite; it was difficult to be one
scared creature to whom it liked the pie of spinach and that responded his whistles. It knew
by several books that had read that the iguana one was an animal quite stupid and one was
glad of which It fits did not know it.

It warmed up something of pie of spinach and put a sonata of Beethoven. As soon as

the animal smelled its plate favorite lowered of the radiator in search of its food. It seemed
dinosaurio in miniature and Danetta observed it kindly while it devoured the plate with
authentic anxiety. Danetta passed most of afternoon brooding the conduct of Ritter Fits.
First it had said to him that it wanted that it dressed form more feminine, soon it had
accused it to be enamored with him and later it was had gotten upset because she had
denied it. He was the man more amazing than it had never known.

Finally, one went to the bed and it left Norman in the radiator. Still it was cold by the

nights and the heat attracted it.

It closed eyes with determination, but continued visualizing the firm and enigmatic

face of his head. The attraction had refused to itself that felt towards him and counted on
the advantage of it to have known to disguise. If that were lost the stirrups tomorrow, when
he did the accusation to him, that same afternoon would have had to go in search of another

As if it did not have hopes with that man, sighed. It could have all the women who she

wanted, but it was not going to enter that game. It was only asked for what had gotten upset
so much when it said to him that he was mujeriego. Surely no it would want that it fell in
love with him. It loosen another sigh and the return occurred in the bed, without being able
to sleep.

To the morning following, one felt as if one hour had not rested nor and went to the

work almost crawling. One got dressed as quickly as possible, for that reason one of the
dresses was put that a long time ago it had kept in the closet and the loose hair was left.
No it hardly had time to comb itself. His head used to arrive later half an hour that it, but
that precious day, arrived soon, so Danetta was prepared for good sermon. Nevertheless,
he did not say anything to him although he watched it with coldness when it entered the
office while it spoke with another person by telephone.

She requested excuses and its shelter took off.

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- you you do not clear it - it said Fits to Danetta, covering the earpiece with the hand -;

it takes the tape recorder and your note notebook. We go away to a perforation to fix the
new one machine that we have installed him a Harry Deal.

Danetta was put tense. Harry Deal it was an old drill that hated the women and who it

left well clear since it knew it. It made feel like fish outside the water and Ritter knew it
For that reason same, according to Danetta thought, it took with him. It thought to take
revenge itself by the one of the previous day.

- Today no, please - she said, although she was put again the shelter -. I am not of

humor to deal with Harry Deal.

- It leaves of quejarte-said he with certain badly humor, although his eyes colds did not

lose detail of the new one aspect that had Danetta that morning.

One paid attention to the drawn affluent line of its chests and in the sensual curves of

its body; the coldness of his eyes it disappeared and one became in a warm and deep
brightness. Then, when it opened the door of the office so that she left, almost blocked the
step to him, without letting observe it.
She watched with certain caution and that to him precaution expressed en its factions. To
smaller distance, the attractiveness of Todavía fits was more devastating. It smelled of
masculine colony and his eyes they nailed in its mouth, Danetta could feel the heat that
gave off its enormous one body and that sensation made it wish to be able to embrace itself
to him.
- He is all this by me? - it asked with tranquillity and their eyes settled in their vaporous
the heart of Danetta began to strike violently inside its chest and its eyes they were in
one tense glance.
- Of course that not - said she titubeando -. It was going to arrive late and I did not have
time to gather it to me.
- I do not talk about your hair - talked back with deep voice. It moved the arm of such
form that cleared the shoulder slightly of Danetta -. Well-taken care of Ten - I murmur with
dulzura -. You yourself you said that he was mujeriego. If you put that certain clothes so
sexy it can that me DES dangerous ideas.
the perplex eyes of Danetta were seen catched in the glance of It fits. It was as if an
electrical current happened of one to the other.

- I did not want... it did not try that - it stammered.
- To no? - he asked and he let it pass ahead.

She walked fearing who their legs failed to him at any time and they went to the car.
Danetta sonrojó when occurring account of the vulnerable thing that was to the
enchantments of Is fitted without that not even it was trying to seduce it. What was going to
do if really intentaba?

A tense one took place silence while he lead towards the new well that Harry Deal it

had perforated in its properties. Still it had not found petroleum but Danetta was sure that it
would obtain it. Harry it could to smell petroleum and had demonstrated suficientes times
to it.

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- My father has percentage in these operations - he said Fits after several minutes of

silence, while cigarrillo was smoked -. Relájate, by love of God - it said with abruptness -.
¡I am not going to rush itself on you!

It bit the inferior lip until damage became.
- Thanks - it said, forcing its sense of humor.
It fits gave one him pierced to its cigarette and it sighed to the time.

- It is well, Give-it said after a minute -. I do not have any right to decirte how you

you must dress, although I believe that you have felt forced by the words that I said to you
yesterday - incómodo began something -. It is because of my father,damn it is! Not even it
had fixed to me to your clothes until it had to come to say it to me - it added -. This dress
is... it feels to you very well.

It occurred she tells that she returned to sonrojar itself and once again felt like a rare

tiny beast. It turned aside the glance towards the highway, trying to ignore that fulfilled.
- You said that your father it had interest in the business of Deal, no? It took off the
cigarette of the mouth.

- It has small percentage - it talked back and one felt alleviated when seeing that the

previous tension it disappeared. Seeing dressed it that form did not help it to control
himself and it gave account of which the inexperience of Danetta was the one that it
prevented to see that his him badly humor was the cover of its attraction by her -. A
Eugene him it pleases to participate in any business that finds to shot.

- I thought that petroleum was one bad investment nowadays.
- the market is in loss, but already it will return to raise. Like gold, it fluctuates, but as

it is a necessary product prices will finish raising. Eugene and Harry Deal they are good
industralists and they will come out ahead.

- It is that there is some problem with equipment that you did the gentleman to him

Deal? - she asked.

- That thinks he, but I not - it said and it watched it with one slight smile -. I know the

man who him it is digging the foxhole and I know that very it is not given to use new
methods. The plus probable it is that nor it has proven it.
Which turned out to be certain. Danetta, in foot behind Fits while this one fought with a
lubricated piece of the equipment, it observed that hombre to which talked about Ritter it
blushed when piece inserted in the machine was put to work accurately.

Ritter cleaned the hands in handkerchief that no longer would return never to be

white and directed a glance significant a Harry Deal.

Harry he was a low man, with the white hair and him it gave back to an altered glance


- Very well - it murmured Sam, already you will explain this later to me.
- Yes, Sir - it stammered Sam and it watched at Fits with hardness, before returning

to its work.

- How he is your father? - it asked Fits.

- Making money; it hopes that soon you can to buy to him Rolls Royce with the


- I do what I can - it said and it indicated with the head to Danetta -. Still you have

the same secretary, no? Not yet one has married, Marist young lady?

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Danetta embraced the hunting of It fits, that was been holding while he worked.
- I found suitable candidate, gentleman Deal - it with dulzura responded -, but she

was that when it changed a tire could not speak, so I left it.

Harry it smiled reluctantly.

- cannot change you the tire?

- I have not had more remedy in these last days. Most of the men they are so fine that

no they like to see itself forced so troublesome tasks.

It fits realized of which that conversation was very dangerous and took to Danetta by

the arm in order to separate it a little from Harry, that it looked for the occasion to cause

- Comunícame if you have some problem, Harry - it said over the shoulder -. We must

return to the office.

- Thanks, Fit - it said Harry and it also marched.

- He is an old one arrogant - Danetta murmured, although It fits held it well of the arm

stops that it did not do nor said nothing inconveniente.

- you are exaggerating the things - it indicated -. And now quédate and you do not say

nor a single word here - it said watching amused it -. You had never talked back a Harry.

- Perhaps it is by the scent to petroleum and to fat - she said and smiled with malicia.
The sensation that had to him produced the salary to him talked back a Harry Deal it

made feel released, since finally one had faced that old devil. Perhaps to work for Mr.
Ritter had given a little him more confidence in itself. It had had to face as much It fits that
one felt able to do it with anyone.

- Damn they are those types so old fashioned - it said with a deep sigh, when they

entered the car -. Harry it would have that to command to fry asparagus to that son of...

-¡Mr. Ritter! - she exclaimed.

- I feel It, he in sarcasm tone Miss-said, while he started up the car -, you would have

to be customary already to my form to speak.
- It would have... - she said. It was put comfortable in the front seat and it closed the
eyes -, but just when I believe that already there am it ear everything, is when you invent a
new word.

He ed ***reflx mng himself by low it.

- you do not say to me? - it said watching it to the time that warmed up a little the

motor. Then, with the hand stained of fat, it forced Danetta to twist the head to watch it -.
You are small wild cat when you get upset, you knew it? - it indicated, in a tone that it had
never used before with her -. You did not have that fire in the beginning and it has to you
flank many tears to get to obtain it, but lately no longer you lie down back before nothing
- it murmured and with the thumb it caressed the lips of Danetta.

The sensation that produced to him that deliberate action, surprised Danetta. Its body

was put rigid and it warms up to a same time. For him it was a delicious reaction, since
there was forgotten what a woman could feel with her caresses. It was innocent, no like

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the sophisticated women who used to happen through their life. The sensuality parecía
something new for Danetta. It fits felt that its body was also put in tension. His eyes blue
they shone, watching it to a distance so reduced that that situation became untenable
without a conclusión.

- you did not know that your mouth could to feel these things, small? - preguntó he

with altered tone, looking for eyes of Danetta -. That your lips could awake when a man
you it touched?

It swallowed saliva with nervousness and all his body vibrated put under new


- the men of the well... - it whispered.

- the crystals of car is opaque - it indicated dragging the words and returned to move

the finger thumb with sensuality, while their lips approached the mouth more and more of

The so masculine perfume of its skin it surrounded, urging it to succumb. Of the same

form, it felt that he wished it with all its forces while one struggled between his instinctive
impulse and reason. Nevertheless, all their repairs disappeared when observing with
authentic the reaction of Danetta delights.
-¡Mr. Ritter...! - it, defenseless murmured and afraid.

- they have kissed to You sometimes as it must be? - it whispered and slid his glance

until the lips half-opened of Danetta -, with your mouth opened under the lips of a man? - it
added with the altered breathing. It moaned -. It is so easy... I it could approach you - it said
to me more and it made what was saying -, and to leave you proved the flavor of my
breath... and soon my hand by your could slide hair - it followed and it did it at the same
time -, and could besarte introducing to me in your mouth so deeply that you felt the beats
of my heart in your throat...
To her horrified it perspective of that possible scene, and trying to the desperate one to
maintain the sanity, put the hand to him in the chest to reject it.
-¡No! You would not have to do this... Work for you - suplicó she. It fits it observed its
drawn and sensual affluent mouth and felt that necesitaba to kiss it. Their last words were
repeated time and time again in his mind, but suddenly blinked and it paid attention to the
confused and atemorizado face of Danetta.
-¡God mine, what I am doing! - it said abruptly and it left it frees of its hug -. I feel it,
Give - it added very ashamed -. It will not return to happen.

Later, without returning to watch it another one time, removed the car to the highway

and left in the direction of the city.

Danetta also it turned aside the glance of his hard factions, without hardly thinking

that that scene he had been real. Only the slight inflammation of its lips and their meat of
hen indicated to him that it was not dreaming. Still it could feel its breath in the mouth
and palabras that so deliciously it had pronounced in his ears.

It fits the passage from return to the office remained quiet throughout. The radio he

was the unique thing that was listened to in the car. But throughout that time, she it was
thinking if it had acted deliberadamente to make see it the vulnerable thing that it was to
his attractiveness. Perhaps one was a to have called revenge to him mujeriego, to mostrar
to him that it also could fall in her networks if it proposed. When they arrived finally at

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the garage of the building in which they worked, Danetta had reached the conclusion that
everything what had done had been in order to humiliate it.

As soon as it extinguished the motor, she made gesture of to leave, but Fits retained


- Still not - it said in low voice, and its eyes they looked for those of her in half of

that tense silence -. There am victim to you.
- I called mujeriego to You - indicated she, lowering the Vista -. He has been that
what...? Why? You want to give one me lesson?
- No, nothing of that. In addition, I have be I the one that has received the lesson - said
and sighed deeply -. I am customary to women who are of return of, which they know
perfectly that it is going to make the man. But I have never had relations with a woman
timid and virgin, that can cause that everything seems new and fascinating - said and she
smiled when seeing that sonrojaba -. And by the way, Marist young lady, has kissed you
to some man in the mouth?

It still put itself redder and separated the Vista.
-¡That is not thing yours!
- In other words, not - it murmured and he smiled -. It is well, affection, I I will teach

to you.

-¡I do not need classes anybody! - she exclaimed and finally she could open the door

of the car.

- Oh, I would say yes that - said he and returned to imprison it so that it could not
lower -. You do not know what I can give of me like professor. Nevertheless, it would be a
disaster for both, since I am too much passed and you are too pure. The best thing than
could ofrecerte would be hours in my bed and the truth is that you would not have sentirte
victim if you it made that proposal. Nevertheless, which you need is a good man who
cuidarte knows and that it gives you children - it added and it shrank of shoulders while it
removed a cigarette -. All that requires one confianza that I cannot give a him no woman. I
do not like to be so vulnerable, Give.

-¡Nobody is requesting to you that you are it! - it said she, shamed. He watched it at
the face.
- You are vulnerable? - it asked with tranquillity -. Perhaps it had my father reason?

You are not a little enamored with me?

-¡No! - she exclaimed.

- and then, why you do not reject to me? - he in a calmed tone asked, that demonstrated
its experience.
Ella left the car and walked towards the elevators with as much rapidez, that when it
arrived at the office as soon as it could breathe. first that had the intention to make era sign
its dismissal, but when it opened the door, Eugene Ritter was seated impatiently in waiting
room and seemed to be outside himself.
- What is what you have done with my son? - it asked belligerent.
Danetta remained petrified, with the hair somewhat unkempt, the reddened, and out of
breath trembly mouth.
- Or rather - corrected Eugene to to observe it atentamente more -, what is what my son
has done you?
Cabe entered that moment behind she with air paid of itself and very arrogant.

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- Hello, papa - it said like absentee -. You need something?

Eugene it surely watched at its son looking for the rest of carmine in its lips.

- the truth is that no - it said -. It wanted to know if you were going to come tomorrow
to our celebration of anniversary by the night. Nicky hopes that you go.

Nicky? Danetta it was with that name, since it did not know to whom they talked

about. It was a name of woman or of man? Probablemente would be of woman, according
to thought sadly.

- Tomorrow at night I will be occupied - it said Fits immediately -. I go with Karol to

the ballet - it added and soon it watched challenging Danetta.

- So that pintarrajeada woman is more important that I, it is not truth? - it indicated

Eugene infuriated -. And what happens with Cynthia? It is that it is going to have to
undergo the rest of his life to have married with me?

It fits thundered against to its father with the glance.

-¡It could never be my mother and Nicky never will return to be part of my family!

Damn you are,I it loved my mother! Not even esperaste to bury it to marry you with

That is lie and you know it - she said Eugene in a tone extraordinariamente night

watchman -. Cynthia it worked for me when your mother lived, but after his death, I did
not fall in love with her. Nicky was a wonderful surprise, not an accident, and I do not
regret it to have had. God mine, son, he is not snatching to you nothing. Not even it is
going to inherit more than what it corresponds to him. Cynthia and I we agreed to that
from the beginning; it has sufficient money like in order to raise it, if she is that you do
not remember it.

- I have not forgotten anything - it said Fits in a tone frozen.

Eugene it wanted to return to speak, but was contained and it shrank of shoulders,

with the hands in pockets.

- it would not do to you badly no that you spent one night with us. Nicky thinks that

you ignore it to intention.

-¡I to not must nothing him to that boy!

Its father watched to him with a smile that seemed more a face and occurred average
Cabe gave puñetazo in the table of Danetta. She it shook and the shelter took off to put
itself to work.
- It is well - said gotten upset -. Damn it is, I will go.

- This one is my son - said Eugene with a tenderness little frequents in him and
watched Danetta, that tried to become hair net -. Why you do not leave yourself to that
stunning blonde in house and you are engaged in a this charming creature with you? - it
indicated -. He has a iguana and I believe that him he is going to fall very well to Nicky.
Danetta gave respingo.
- How it knows that I have to Norman? - it asked.
Eugene it smiled.

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- Pregúntale a Jenny - it said, and it changed of subject -. Your secretary seemed
altered very when she entered the office - she said a to him its son.
- We finished arriving from the well of Harry Deal - it explained Fits with a malicia
little common in him -. She and Harry they have had palabras.
- I hope that she outside the one that won. To me it removes to me of quicio - it
commented with a misfortune sigh
- Good, I will see you tomorrow at night - it murmured -. Stunning blondes, anyone
it knows cuántos men...

-¡Lárgate! - it exclaimed Fits.

Eugene it knew when it had to leave and thus it did it.

Danetta was put to manipulate the computer treating to put it in operation. Considering
that habitually it knew how to utilizar it perfectly, it turned out peculiar to see it to act as if
outside a novice. That one had been a horrorosa morning stops she.
Until her arrived the aroma from tobacco. He fits approached with cigarrillo in the hand
and unemployed remained certain distance of her, with its observant eyes blue pale
watching it and their hair black covering to him part with the forehead. It had an expression
typically masculine.
- To me I do not like - said she trying to pretend calm.
He took the cigarette to the mouth and gave one pierced.

- I am thirteen years old more than you - said with serenity -. From a practical point of
view, you cannot do to me in front, and compared with mine, your life it is as a page in
target - it added between one dense smoke cloud -. No, I am not suitable anything
absolutely - it said to you -. It will not happen never plus the one this morning. Let us return
to the work.

It fits returned to its office, she it thought that aliviada would have to feel, but was not

thus. It was like to have finished something that had still not begun.

But it was not arranged either to allow that play twice him; as of that same moment she

promised to be immune to his attacks, or at least, she would try to think that she was.

Later it was asked who would be Nicky. Reason why they said, imagined that he would

be some boy near family, but, why she would have to well only fall she to him because she
had a iguana? It sighed and it thought that its life was becoming an authentic one question
those days.

Chapter Three

Danetta was intrigued with attitude of its head during the days that followed. It did not

direct word to him a than less outside necessary and they did not talk of another thing that
not outside strictly professional. Danetta had returned even to get dressed in the same one
style that in the beginning, but that did not cause any change in him; even it got to think
that if appeared naked, It fits nor it would direct a glance to him of curiosity.

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Danetta felt single, even more than when it had to change itself it made two years to

live with his premium Jenny. It wished to be independiente, to live its own life, and their
parents had admitted that necesidad. But at those moments it missed to its family. It threw
of less a Jenny, because its prime one was a good interlocutor and it listened the others.
Jenny it was still outside, in the southwest, fulfilling a mission secret.

It needed to somebody with that to speak, because until then account of much had not

occurred that was left It fits penetrated in his life. It every day waited for with yearning the
one that the hour arrived to go to work because it had become something very important. Its
smile made shake, its attractive masculine ones were challenge and a source of excitation
and its cold talent made laugh. To only be near him it made feel more alive and vital than

It was even eróticos sleepy with him from that morning in which they had had that

slight contact in his car and in that he had waked up his senses towards that new horizon of
sensuality. But that famous morning did not have to never happen, because attitude that had
taken he since then was cold and distant.

It finished the letters that were state writing and while it filed them, thought that

perhaps his head wanted to dismiss it little by little. That idea seemed to him very
depressing, but if it were that what he looked for...

It fits entered just when she it meditated on its disagreeable futuro if it dismissed it and

when seeing him to happen, it frightened.

- Nervous? - it commented -. That is new. What it happens?

It offered the letters to him that it had written so that it reviewed them, but their hands

shook of clear form.

-¡By the love of God! - he exclaimed displeased, leaving letters to a side -. But what

happens to you?
- Quieres that it goes to me of here? - she asked trembly. The face of Fits became
cold and inescrutable.

- It is that you want it? - it talked back.

It lowered the Vista and she fixed it to its white shirt.

- This one is a good one work - something tense said -, but if you it prefieres I can


- I do not know what is that I prefer - said trying to pretend that it did not do much case

to him and that his attitude towards her was rather cold. It had returned to hurt it and one
felt culprit of its candor and the form in which he could put the heart to him in fist.
Nevertheless, why it could not forget that glance its face when it tried to kiss it? Why it
could not be amused in company of Karol?

With deep sigh, took the hand of Danetta and took it to the chest; under the fine one

fabric of the shirt, she could feel the its pectoral and heat of its body. It fits remained quiet
while presionaba its fingers against him and while it fought against desires that it had to
do much more with her.

It felt that one melted per moments. Its vigorous torso was hard and warm under his

hand and nevertheless, also felt it so smooth... It had never seen him naked but at those
moments it wished it with all its forces. It was wondered what aspect would have under

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all that clothes, and what would feel she if its arms they took hold and their lips kissed it
of the form on which it kissed and it embraced to others women.

Danetta it breathed with difficulty and it thought that no longer it could return to

breathe with normality never more while it was near him. It fits caressed its fingers
lengths and noticed that its breathing became faster, although it astonished to him the
form in which it remained him in front of, docile and quiets. When Horseradish tree
Maedows and their father had said to him that the young person and timid Danetta had to
be something enamored with him, one felt very flattered but after the scene of the car he
thought that that was not certain. It did not have counted with the effect that she it would
not cause in him, like either with the scorn that it showed by her style of life, or of the sort
of life that thought that it took.

- Your fingers they are as the ice - it commented with the hoarse voice, when warning

the tenderness that it, so different from the hardness of the women emanated all with
whom she was accustomed to to share its life. Its innocence was the one that did that the
mind of Fits imagined exquisite fantasies around its initiation in the mysteries of sex. And
worse of everything it was that it could not forget the expression its eyes when him it
whispered that it wished to kiss it...

- For a little cold in office - she said and she was astonished of being able to hear his

own voice -. I will put heating.

- Yes, it good-responded but not it he let march but that took hold with more force its

hand and he forced it to approach more to him.

It fits put to him the hand in the throat and soon took it to the mouth. Its eyes they

observed the color of their lips and their fingers could notice the smoothness of their skin.
Little later it caressed the cheek to him and it returned again to the lips, that a began to
graze with a slowness that was becoming gradually anxiety until it produced in her the
same effect that the first time that did it. Danetta it moaned.
To it Fits liked that sound of his throat but still more it liked the sensual glance of its
eyes. It noticed that the previous time was exciting much more it that. When the movement
it turned an abrupt rubbing, It fits it left the lips and it happened to the nape of the neck, that
it took hold with firmness.
- it is Here where the game finishes - said with rudeza -. Once my mouth kisses yours
no longer there is return back.
She sent a exclamación that almost broke the magic of momento. But it continued
watching it implacably.

- This is not right - it moaned -, she is like going to fish with dinamita...

- Yes - said he and began to make descend its head while it watched without blinking
the lips of Danetta, that shook -. Thus it is as you are going away to feel, as the dynamite
doing explosion - it added and his lips were opened on those of her -. I like to kiss and
savage hard... thus...
She felt that the hand of Fits tightened to him the nape of the neck and savored its warm
breath mixing itself with the his own one while she remained quiet and defenseless.
But just when its lips they put on his, the estridente sound of the telephone burst in into
silence and made them separate. Danetta was shaking as if they had to him given to a scare
of death and such era its state that not even had the reflection of to go to the telephone. He
less watched only a little stunned and when seeing that it did not react, went to take the
apparatus he himself.
- It says.

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- It fits, you could tomarte one hour frees late this to go to a supper of charity with me?
- it asked Karol with its smooth and modulada voice, to the other side of the telephone -. It
is stops to collect bottoms for the new infantile hospital.
- This late? - it repeated absents -. I suppose yes that. I will gather you to five.
-¡Wonderful! Thanks, affection. So long.

It hung but it did not return a to leave the earpiece in its site and remained watching

eyes perplex of Danetta.

Silence among them was so loaded like for three minutes, but before they could speak,

Horseradish tree Meadows it entered the office with a document folder under arm.
- I feel molestaros, but I need to make some copies - it whispered to Danetta when
thinking that It fits followed the telephone.
- I... I you will do them - Danetta responded and it took the folder to him with
temblorosas hands before leaving running towards quarter of the fotocopiadora.
During the rest of the day, was nervous and altered but It fits did not return to appear
before her. She was not safe of if one felt contents or sorry, but its relation with Ritter had
returned to change again from that morning.

It returned to its solitary apartment, wishing that its premium estuviera in house. But

Jenny, no it seemed arranged to return in enough time. Most of its work it consisted of trips
to rustic places and Danetta knew once in a while that they were dangerous sites. In certain
occasion a man had followed it until his house and had intentado to attack it; later they
knew that she was an agent of competition in search of the information on prospections of
high secret.

The letters of Jenny they were floods of intrincate hints on their work and Danetta were

always worried about her. Often it had envied the work of its premium, so exciting
adventurer and; nevertheless, since they had passed all those things with Fit, that type of
life did not attract so much.

It opened the door and there it was Jenny, bronzed, blonde and exuberante.
-¡Dyne! - it exclaimed embracing a Danetta -. ¡Oh, what wonder to be in house again!
-¡But if no you had to be here! - it with the same tone talked back that denoted

surprise and to please -. But,Oh, I am so contented that here you are! ¡You are fantastic!

The long hair and blonde of its premium fell on shoulders in precious waves and their

suit to him of white jacket and trousers gave a very sophisticated aspect him. His eyes
blue dark they shone full of life while it smiled. Danetta observed it and wanted to be like
her. Then it sighed and it left the purse on a armchair, to the time that one took off the

- How long you can quedarte? - it asked and one went to the kitchen, that

communicated with the hall by means of a counter. - One night - it said Jenny and one lay
down to laugh when seeing the expression of Danetta -. I feel it, affection, but I am on
leave towards another place. And that is everything what I can contarte, so not me
supliques. You do not have preocuparte except of the lizard that is there knock down-
indicated refiriéndose to Norman, that like it was always raised the radiator -. Norman
does not do more than to observe to me ever since I have arrived. It must be thinking
about how I will know.

- it does not eat meat, is vegetarian - Danetta said, that as siempre had to remember that

detail to him to its premium.

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- Already but what would happen if it bit to me and him it pleased the flavor. Re-

cuerdas to the captain Hook and the crocodile? - it murmured Jenny.

- Norman never it has proven - Danetta said to you smiling -. Además,if it likes much!
- you do not say to me? - it said Jenny and frunció the frown -. How you know it? - it

added watching the iguana that remained with its habitual inexpresividad.

- I can read in its mind - it responded Danetta and suddenly was put serious -. I know

that you like much your work, but of truth you think that he is necessary as much secret?

Jenny one lay down to laugh amused.

- Of course that yes. In addition I believe that it is a contribution patriotic for my
country, or perhaps for the entire world, who knows? Now, háblame of you.

- there is no great thing that to count - it responded Danetta -. I am not as pretty as you.
- That is not truth, and you know it. Only coat benefit of which I have - said and

observed its premium -. In fact you also could do it. You can be an authentic chocolate if
you you propose. What is ese atuendo that you take that it seems trimmed and sewn of
- they are not curtains, but I make to defend itself.

- Knowing your attractive Mr. Ritter, not me strange - it said Jenny -. But he is not the

only Earth man, Dyne and you are going to turn twenty-four years soon. You are not buried
in that office sighing by the bones of your head - it added with the greater gentleness

The lips of Danetta were half-opened.
-¡I am not sighing by its bones!
- To no? - it said Jenny and it put the mayonnaise and the bread on the table. Before

seating and observing its premium grasping a knife next to the top one, it put the rest of the
things -. Always you speak to me of him when I return to house and have not left with
anybody for year, you remember?

- I do not have desire to have to fight against the men - Danetta said.
- That is not certain. To you you like the gentleman Ritter.

-¡That is ridiculous! - it said and one lay down to laugh with nervousness -. Taking,

you have something of jamón here.

Jenny it raised the eyebrows while Danetta took a pie plate that it had already cut and

offered a piece to him to its premium.

- Uh, Dyne, this are not jamón - it said.

The young person frunció the frown and watched alternatively to the pie and jamón

that there was been starting off and he felt that their cheeks burned.

- It is this so boring life that it is to me returning crazy - Danetta said and sighed

while the pie replaced by jamón -. Perhaps it must prove to give a kiss him to Norman to
see if one becomes my prince.

- That them it happens to the toads, not to the iguanas - it corrected Jenny -. But you

can use a prince - its premium added -. One lady's man and stop that treats to you as if you
were a princess. It beats to you enough to have a house in the field with a wood fence of
white color and small children playing around your skirts.

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- the two we used to use that dream, right? - Danetta with a smile indicated while it

warmed up pie of spinach for Norman. Then it watched a Jenny and she saw that its
premium had a sad expression -. Jenny, what it happens to you?

- Nothing - it said Jenny with calm -. It is that I am tired. It does not pass anything to

me, truely. How they are the uncle Rob and the aunt Helen?

Danetta allowed him that it changed of subject although with reluctance.
- Mother and papa are well - she said


. Now they are organizing a course for young

people against the drug addiction and they have to me said that your mother is giving
classes of break dance.

Jenny one lay down to laugh.

- That told me in a letter. I hope that broken nothing is had. Ah, is so pleasant to be in

house, Dyne - it said and it sighed -. Only it even although is for one night.

And indeed it was thus, because when rose in the morning, its premium already it had

gone. The bed in which it had slept was done and had placed one note on edredón in
which it said to him that it had had to take the first one airplane in the morning.

Danetta gave Norman whichever bananas and went away to work with certain

preoccupation. Something was happening, and by the glance that had discovered in Jenny
and his attitude rather absents, had to be tratar of something fat.

Jenny it had been working in a project of high secret for months. All the family was

worried because she did not know exactamente to what she dedicated myself. But Jenny
she was not a very convencional person and it seemed to work to taste in those missions.

Danetta spent a morning very occupied in work. They received many visits and that

helped to that their contacts with Fit they were insignificantes. At the time of eating it left
running in the direction of restaurante Chinese of the corner to gather what it had ordered
by telephone.

- I can traerte something of the Chinese? - a asked It fits before leaving.
- nonthanks - it said with forced indifference, already that it wished to continuar

maintaining the distances after the one of the day previous -.
- I leave with Karol to eat - added and when Danetta went to occur return mediates to
leave, called it -. They give?

It became, contents from which she returned to call it thus.
- Yes, Sir?
The blue eyes of Fit were narrowed and with an undeniable fascinación observed its

thin figure.

- been very you have shut up today.

- been I have occupied - it said -, and in addition, I have not slept much tonight.
He frunció the frown.
- Why no?
It did not have right to ask, but answer left to him automáticamente.
- I had company, although only until the dawn - it began, asking itself how much it

could say to him of Jenny.

The expression of the face of Fits was almost comedian. It seemed pale rather and in

just a short time it happened of the surprise to the rage.

- I thought that eras become fond of to you do not bind them of one night.

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- it binds? Oh, already I understand... no, one is not a man - it said immediately -. It

was my premium Jenny.

It seemed surprised so as own Danetta, since account occurred of which that question

must not have neither formulated nor responded. Their eyes were and during seconds pro-
dujo among them the same electrical current of the previous day. The smile of Danetta
disappeared and felt its heart again rampant. Observó that It fits tightened muscles of the

Suddenly, and before it could move or to say one more a word, entered Karol the office

with a vaporous dress in clear tones and a bow of such colors in its blond and silky hair. It
fits it raised and it separated its glance from Danetta to direct it to just the arrival.

- Good, good, what beautiful decoration for my office - murmuró Cabe and the voice

failed to him while Karol saluted and smiled coldly to Danetta, before going to It fits.

- You are a flatterer - Karol said.

- I would not call flattery to him - she said Fits.

Danetta was becoming an obsession for him and those glances that lately they were

producing among them, do not conducían to anything good. For that reason it had to make
him see that it was not interested in her. Of that form it would obtain that Danetta did not
become false illusions and that it was not itself surrounded in one relation with an innocent
and young virgin who had neither idea of the men nor of the life. And only there was a
form to do it.

One approached Karol and it kissed it with almost crude ardor, in front of the ashamed

and perplex Danetta.

- Better I retire to me - it stammered, trying to watch towards another part.
While it lowered in the elevator towards the restaurant, that scene of the head could not

take off. It hurt to him to remember it and did not know why. It could not support to have
seen to him act with so much passion and as much impudence and wanted to put
themselves to cry of impotence.

From deliberate form its time was taken in returning to the office so that when did it,

Karol and Cabe already were had marched there. When it was seated in the table prepared
for its food, it appeared Horseradish tree Meadows, with its habitual smile.

- You are single? - it murmured -. Unprotected?

- Not exactly - it talked back with a malicious smile -. Estoy armed until the teeth with

this delicious one chicken plate.

- In any case, you will not want to attack the poor director of sales, right?

It shook the head.
- You want a little?
He made a face of displeasure.
- No, nonthanks.
- But if it is only chicken with sauce Eastern of vegetables. He is delicioso.
- That is the same that they have said to me of the pie of spinach - said watching

horrified it -. But, what would seem to you a food in an expensive restaurant with white
wine and last succulent? Paying I, of course - it added.

It observed it with curiosity. He was not an ugly man and it must have the same age

that Fits. Horseradish tree it was a man more balancing, than did not dedicate itself to the

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hunting of women. To Danetta it liked, although it knew it personally and not because it
had not put interest, but because it always had rejected her proposals. But like one had
found out that Horseradish tree it had said to him to Fits that it had rechazado to him
because it was enamored with him, it changed of opinion and it said yes to him that.

- enchant-it said to Me with one smile -. But it is that now I am eating.
- Tomorrow - he said immediately -. What seems to you tomorrow?
- it would enchant to Me Horseradish tree - she said -. Thanks.
- Wonderful, I... Oh - it moaned. It hopes a little while, I must be outside the city until

Wednesday, so what seems to you Thursday?

She smiled.

- Very well - it said.

- Thursday, then. We will go to some fashionable site, so vístete for the occasion, is



Horseradish tree one went away whistling and Danetta finished its food hoping not to

have made a bad election. After all, Horseradish tree only it would be in the company
around a month, but it seemed very amiable and it would go to him to come out well with

It fits did not even return to the office two and the average one and seemed despeinado.

Too much imagination did not make lack in order to realize of which there was been doing
with his friend. Danetta him it directed fast a cautious one and it returned to his work in the
computer. It answered a his preguntas with educated answers and amiable smiles, treating
to work without one noticed to him much that suffered.

It fits noticed that glance hurt and it felt a stranger and culpable satisfaction, to the time

that dealed with to justify its performance with noble aims. To Karol it did not like that
they messed up hair, so he himself had to mess up hair so that it seemed that they had been
doing something more than to eat in those two hours. And his stratagem had worked, since
the expression of Danetta was a good indicador. The information already had arrived at its
mind and its enamoramiento would die of form natural. It did not wish to hurt it more than
what already it had done and only it it had left to already erase that glance of sadness of its
eyes. To hurt it was the latest that it wished in the world, but it recognized that it did not
have anything to offer to him unless it accepted to have with him sporadic relations, and
that would have been also a cruelty for her.

Often it was wondered what she would think if the truth knew, if the single thing knew

that it felt and few women who in fact had had in their life. Its image of mujeriego he was
very useful in that sense. It maintained the formal women that they looked for to jeopardize
outside its reach park to him they did not know that in its private life era as demanding as
the one that more. And Karol was not more than a well-known one of the world of the
businesses that never wanted complications with the men. It and Fits they mentioned to
protect and funcionaba mutually very well. What it could not to suppose era that the young
person and timid Danetta it was going to get to like as much.

That late, Danetta left a its hour o'clock of the office although always she was the last

one in doing it, and nor so at least one took leave of his head. It passed one late stupid in

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front of television set and the silence in which it was sunk only was broken of time in when
by some movement of Norman by the house.

One lay down, although it did not sleep very well that night and only the thought of its

next appointment with Horseradish tree Meadows it was what it made it stay still on during
both days that they followed. That, thought, would show Mr. Ritter who would not die of
love by him.

It fits behaved of educated form except by the glances that once in a while directed to

him, that did not obtain to disguise complacencia that felt when observing its pretty figure.

Danetta ignored his provocative watched; probablemente it would be scared of which

after the kiss that it had given him to Karol so ardent and in front of her, his heart it had
broken or that could do something that put to him in a commitment. But she guardaba the
letter of its appointment with Horseradish tree in order to demonstrate that not him to him it
mattered minimum what did with other women.

The day of the appointment was fixed of special way. The melena, waved and

abundant loosen, and more was put maquillaje of the habitual one to intensify the length of
its eyelashes, their eyes great and its pretty skin. A red one was put carmine that ignited the
color of his mouth and that combined perfectly with its white and red dress. That dress it
cleared his chests, it accentuated his narrow waist, it heightened his hips and it let see his
long legs, exquisitely modeled. And As it ends of that atuendo, one wore shoes of high heel
of red color that gave more him stature and the appearance of a model. During all the
morning it had put it very nervous that Fits so at least nor it deigned to raise the head stops
to watch it, whereas when it arrived Horseradish tree, this one remained watching it from
quicio of the door with soñadora expression.

That scene made it smile and when It fits Ritter left its office, the expression that put

when seeing the one of Horseradish tree it was indescriptible.

- You need something, Horseradish tree? - it asked with severe gesture, because it did

not like anything the form in that Horseradish tree it watched to Danetta.

- No, It fits. I have come to gather a Danetta; we are going away to eat - it said

Horseradish tree satisfaction plenty -. You will have it of return a its hour o'clock, you I
promise it. Danetta, we can go to us already?

It fits observed how they disappeared and in its mind all type of things imagined. He

was furious. The life always him it had seemed sencilla, until it began to tontear with
Danetta those Christmases. While it struggled between desire and the nobility, Horseradish
tree it had taken to the girl; and Horseradish tree it was a cloudy type in which one talked
about to women. Culprit felt because she knew that Danetta never would have left with
Horseradish tree if it had not impelled it to it with its attitude. But he did not dedicate
himself to seduce to the virgins and Danetta surely he was it.

Nevertheless, the subject was in that Horseradish tree it would not have so many escrú-

pulos with respect to its abstention.

-...I have said that if wants that him say to the gentleman Samples that he calls to him,

Mr. Ritter, or he prefers to speak with him now? - the secretary asked of Horseradish tree
through the door half-closed.

It fits one clarified the throat and it returned to reality.

- I feel It, I will answer the call - it said absent and it returned to put in its office.

Chapter Four

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Danetta never had been in a restaurant like that one, with the exception of certain

occasion in which it was with parents of Jenny to have supper years back. The decoration
of the place she was exquisite and the menu was sprinkled of French names that Danetta
hardly it remembered from his French classes in the institute. It requested a plate of chicken
that did not burden too much the budget of Horseradish tree and he requested a sirloin,
lobster and a bottle of white wine of import.

- I only want a glass - Danetta insisted with a smile, when they had already served the

food to them -. I do not support nor drinks more moderate in alcohol.

- Oh? - it said Horseradish tree and it smiled -. I will have to remember it.

- You are a demon - she joked and she drank I suck of his copa. He has been very

amiable by your part inviting me a to eat.

- I would like that she became one custom - it talked back buscando his glance -. I

thought that never you would say yes to me that.

- ground not to leave with men - she confessed -. I am not, reason why it seems, a

released girl.

It raised the two eyebrows.

- Truely? - it joked taking that confession to light. - You I really say it.
It observed it then with greater thoroughness and one lay down to laugh. - If that is

truth, then you are a woman only-said and it raised its glass to offer for that reason -. But
you are first of the secretaries of It fits that it can make that affirmation. It is not that it is
badly a type, but him the women please much.

She sighed.

- That has said to me - he talked back -, but I do not pleasure to him; I mean of the

form in that you say.

- Because he is blind - he said and smiled stops to please it -. You are a chocolate.
She sonrojó.
- Thanks.
- There is somebody just as you in your family? - it asked with the gathered lips

observing the wine glass.

- I am unique daughter - she said -. I have a very handsome cousin, but does not spend

long time in house.
- Why no? - he asked as if he did not matter to him.

She it began to tell him what knew of its premium and its conversation flowed easily

helped by the wine. But after a few minutes, account of which occurred it was only

- I feel It, I suppose that the wine has risen to me at the top.
- you do not worry, everything in you fascinates - it said to me immediately -. And

your cousin really seems a woman interesting. The truth is that it must not have roots

- That is what I also think.

- I suppose that you it will please to share the apartment with her - it murmured -, since

you have it to your disposition most of the time.

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- the truth is that yes. This week came but one night only remained - it said and it lay

down to laugh -. ¡Oh, Horseradish tree, this it came is very strong!

- That says - he said and returned to fruncir lips observing it at great length -. I would

like conocerte better, Danetta Marist, if it is that you are not already in the agenda of Mr.
Ritter. I would not like to have to encounter to me over him.

- I do not belong to Mr. Ritter - she indicated and frunció the frown -. I never thought

that nobody could think that it was thus.

- people do not think it - she said -. Only I - it added and one shrank of shoulders -. I

am new in the company and all that I know of the people is by the commentaries that I hear.

- Where you worked before? - she asked with a smile.
- In California - it said and it changed of subject immediately -. Cuéntame which you

know of those geologic prospections. Your premium she works for the father of Ritter, no?
I thought that Ritter Fits would have interest in that business when I arrived here, but it
does not seem that he is thus.

- Oh, no, he and its father do not work together - she said and shook the head -. I

suppose that he will inherit someday, but so it is only dedicated to the business of the
equipment. I believe that even it ignores to what it dedicates its father.

Horseradish tree it said something by low it and it drank a wine drink. During a minute

it seemed distant and soon it returned to focus its attention on Danetta.

- Good, I suppose that your premium takes a life very shaken. It tells its viajecitos

sometimes you?

Something in its tone of voice, did that Danetta it was strange, but too much it was

stuned by the wine like considering it.

- Nor a word, is all stop secret - Danetta said -. But it draws strange things - the frown

said and frunció -. I have east geologic map in which there are rare marks and outlines. One
forgot to him another day and you must send it to it by mail.

Horseradish tree it seemed to be glad exaggerated.
- a map? It would enchant to see it to me.
- Oh, I cannot enseñártelo - it said she with a smile of disculpa -. It would be put

furious. Why you thought that I had I bind with my head? - it added with curiosity.

- there is no reason makes specific - it murmured absent -. I suppose that by the form in

which it watched the other day to you. But it is Karol Sartain, of course - it said and it
smiled of indifferent form -. So it seems being who at the moment is hunted. Reason why I
have heard, Karol is not of which they lie down with first that pillan; she is a woman with
much brain - it added absent -. Very intelligent. It will go far in the world of the businesses.
I knew it it makes a pair of years because it left with an uncle mine.

Danetta did not want to speak of Karol. In addition, one was mareada and it saw that its

hand shook. He was ridiculous to feel like so sad because already it knew very well that It
fits Ritter was mujeriego and that it had been long time leaving with Karol. What concerned
her to him? In addition, a Horseradish tree yes it liked.

- You are well? - it asked Horseradish tree frunciendo the frown.

- Of course. The wine is had to me raised at the top, I feel it - one apologized -. I am

not customary.

- you do not worry. I will take you of return to office - he said --. Even I can llevarte in

arms until the elevator, if you want.

- You are a prince, Horseradish tree - it said she with dulzura.

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- Hopefully my head me he paid as if outside - he said sighing -. The wages are not

very high, Danetta. In agreement, if you are ready, we go away.

- I have liked much the food - she said smiling.

- we will repeat another day - it promised it and took it by the waist with firmness so

that he did not stagger.

Horseradish tree it took it until the office and it smiled when it saw it worried.
- you do not leave says nothing to you - it whispered when hearing that It fits moved in

the contiguous room -. You are more of veintiún years old and you can to drink what it
desires to you at the time of eating.
- Of course - said she -. So long and thanks again. It yawed to him eye and it

When the door of the office was closed, It fits it left its colérico and irritated office.
- You you have passed it well, no? - it said with eyes colds.

It had above been walking and down during one hour and it had answered everybody

with bad ways by telephone. And there she was she as if Horseradish tree it had drowned it
in alcohol and the worse thing of everything was that it did not like anything to feel
protective. That one was feeling that did not know completely.

- it is Only the one less quarter - it said vacillating she, leaving the purse on its table.

The wine did that its face he was ardent and his audacious spirit -. I wonder how much
people in this building it will think that I lie down with you - it said suddenly.

It put an expression of maximum disagreement.
- How you say? - it asked.
- Horseradish tree it thought that you and I lay down. It said that you had a good record

with your secretaries.

He watched towards the door with the eyes throwing sparks.

- Damn Horseradish tree - it said -. I will divide the neck to him. Danetta was scared and
run towards him to dissuade to him.

- you cannot - it said under the effects of the alcohol. His voice slightly it was altered

and it was graceful -. You cannot go that way killing to people at the time of eating, is
nobody can gather the rest.

The rage seemed to disappear of face of Fits and one stopped just in front of her.

Danetta it felt the smooth fragrance of his body and the same it happened to him to him,
who it watched wishing to be able to control that impulse that woke up his virilidad.
- I do not lie down with my secretaries - said -, like you would have well to know after
two years - it said and more approached her -. You smell a it came.

- I do not smell - she said indignant -. I have only drunk a glass - it added and it

seemed amused -. I feel it - it said after a small attack of laughter -. A quite great glass, I
want to say.

- you do not have to drink, crazy youngster - he said of badly humor -. More it is worth

to you to return to house.

-¡I am not drunk! Sight, I can walk in air line... ooops, I feel it - it said and one tripped,

falling in arms of Fits.

It took it in his arms and she sighed curled up against its chest. It fits it walked with her

until its office and closed door with the foot. Danetta thought that he was stronger of which
there was assumption, since it transported it as if outside a pen. Then it watched the face to

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him with an expression of defenseless fascination because it only had been once so near
him. It wanted that it kissed it with force and that it made it feel its mouth opened on the

He noticed that desire in his watched and he thought that he could not aprovechar itself

of it, although that dress that he took him was torturando with the lines and the curves that

- What you are going to do with me? - she in a whisper asked.

He watched it without blinking while he knocked down it in the leather sofa.

- No DES ideas - it said to me in tension -. What I am going to do is to leave that the

effects of the borrachera and hacerte go to you a coffee.

- I cannot be fallen down in your office - mientras protested she he accommodated it in

the sofa.

- Why no? - it asked.

- you lie down with Karol? - it whispered.

Then yes that a hand by the loose hair of Danetta moaned and slid.
- You cannot ask those things to me - she said.

- Why no? ¡You say to me to me everything what he gives the desire you! The glance

of Fits slid by the tended body of Danetta. It wanted to have it there same, fallen down as it
were on the sofa; deseaba to undress it and to make the love with her and to enjoy the
pleasure that that so beautiful body could provide to him.

- No, I do not lie down with her - it said with tight teeth and the hand in the waist of

Danetta -. You need a coffee - it added with firmness to eliminate its eróticas fantasies -. I
go to hacerte good tank of coffee right now.

- Why? - she asked defenseless moving on the sofa, while she watched to him with


- Because if I do not do it, I will have to you right here - it murmured with the voice

taken by desire -. ¡And now estate it quiets!

It was put of foot and one separated from her in order to go to the small kitchen that

was located in one of the corners of its office. The coffee would solve everything to it and
leave windy that situation if it were able not to watch it too much.

She sighed while she observed man whom as much it liked of backs doing the coffee.

One felt so well, so light and so desinhibida, that it began to hum by low it and to raise the
legs, that were in the open under the silk averages.

It fits had prepared the coffee already and average right return at the moment in which

occurred the skirt of the dress him it discovered the whole legs. It had never seen a so pretty
and then ones no it recriminated a Horseradish tree by it to have invited to eat. The miracle
had be that had brought it of return. That body was almost perfect and when one got
dressed more feminine form, Danetta discovered all those enchantments that normalmente
it hid.

It twisted the head slightly and perplex account of its cautious one occurred. It had

never seen it thus and although alcohol dimmed its mind, considered that it did not have to
cause it. He was mujeriego and it was not of whom they gave themselves by one night.

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With in a faint a sigh, it returned to be placed the dress in its site and closed eyes with


It fits observed it with emotions found. Why Horseradish tree it had made it drink of

that form? His new head of sales had been behaving of strange form in those last weeks and
además, a jaguar had bought itself. It fits knew his financiera situation and of course was
not a young person who could allow itself luxury of a millionaire car with which they paid
to him in the company. Frunció frown and went to answer two calls of telephone while the
coffee became. Luckyly, that one was not a very anxious day.

It served a very dark coffee to him and it seated to its side. It had to clear the shoulder

to him so that one awoke.

Turned desire in amor 43

It opened eyes and him it watched. Then it smiled and that smile was for him like a day

of sun radiating.

- Hello -- she said.

- Hello - it murmured Fits -. God, what pain head you are going to have. Taking,

siéntate and drink this.

It was gotten up with its aid and it took the cup from coffee between his hands.
- He is very strong - it protested when proving it.
- there is no more remedy - it talked back -. I cannot take only it office.
It gave respingo and she occurred it counts suddenly of which it happened.
- Oh, I feel it, Mr. Ritter - sonrojó exclaimed and -. Horseradish tree compró a very

expensive wine bottle and although I did not want to drink, little seemed to me courteous
to say that not when she had paid as much by her. The frown fits frunció. Nothing of that
less still had sense and that sudden interest of Horseradish tree by her. Horseradish tree it
was authentic play boy of the company, although like was relatively discreet nobody one
found out.

- Your parents would have haberte animated so that you left once in a while with

some skull - he said unexpectedly with the gathered frown, while he observed how she
sonrojaba -. You do not know to reconocer one when you see it.

It raised the eyebrows.

- Of course that yes - it said -. Work for one.

- As far as my image, you have guessed right - it said he -. She is the one that I set out

to have, but you always do not entrust yourself in which you see.

That did not have sense and Danetta drank another one I suck of his coffee.
- Horseradish tree it is very pleasant.
- I imagine that cause is he it of your change in the uniform, no? - it asked and their

blue eyes slid by all its body.

- I do not wear any uniform - she protested.

- long Skirts, blouses without decollete and the hair gathered in moño - he said -. You

never come to office since you have done it today. Except once - it added remembering
certain occasion.

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- I know that the attractive women they run the risk of being attacked by all type of

skulls - she said with deliberately aggressive tone against him -. You yourself you said to
me that it did not give you a mistaken idea. - I said many things - it talked back gotten
- Of course that yes - said she asking itself for what so would be gotten upset -.
Ground not to bind for one night and you would not want to one secretary whom you have
seduced... Only I have gotten dressed stops Horseradish tree. - Danetta, convencerte of
which is going to me to be difficult I go to decirte, but I want that you know that I do not
bind either by one night - said with serenity -. In fact, I do not lie down with women in that
plan never. She lay down to laugh by low it.

- Sure clear.

It raised an eyebrow.

- Only one chiquilla as you the story of my facade would swallow.

- the form on which you kissed to Karol the other day it was not a facade - it talked

back immediately, with all the rage that was accumulated to to be witness of similar kiss.

It observed it with interest.

- I have not said to you that he is inexpert in the love. To only I have said you that I

do not lie down with anyone.
- Then why him beams to everybody to think that it is thus? Its sensual mouth was
turned towards a side.

- Because it maintains far from me the women whom they love to marry. No woman

to whom it likes the family could go behind play boy.

- No, I suppose that not - she said without to be able to believe absolutely what she

was oyendo.

- you are not dreaming. Your head you it will say later - it murmured he when seeing

that it followed perplex. Then him it caressed the hair and it separated some tufts to him
that fell by their face -. You it bothered much to see me kiss to Karol? - it asked
unexpectedly and it saw answer in the face of Danetta.

It was finished the coffee.

- Now I am better - she said -. I will return to the work.

But he did not move and she could not do it either. The hand of Fits caressed its

cheek leaving like other times that its thumb torturase its lips.

eyes blue of Ritter they grew dark.

- She is that never you it has narrowed a man against its body nor has kissed to you

with desire?

It blushed.

- the men no they feel those things by women as I - he said trying to escape to his


- Why no? - it asked and his fingers climbed up fine garganta of Danetta.

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- I am not... I am not the type of woman who inspires passions violentas - stuttered -.

I am old fashioned, I am stable and pacific and...

- and tremendously sexy - he said almost are whisper. Little después its mouth cleared

the lips of Danetta with a dulzura that it paralyzed it. It fits it raised the face and it very felt
a refined pleasure when it saw that she watched to him defenseless -. Dame that - the coffee
cup indicated that had she between the hands and it placed it in the table.

Soon it returned to watch it with intensity, burning with emotion and without the

smaller sign of its hard factions. It took the face of Danetta between its hands and it kissed
it on the lips.

- You said that... the other day - it stammered trying to think when the only thing that

she wanted to feel era warm breath of Fits in its mouth.

- I said that one to You time that my mouth kissed yours, would not have returned back

- it murmured -. And I said it in serious. You do not flee from me. It leaves kisses to you...
it leaves opens your lips of the form that... ¡Danetta!

And it did it, slowly, with terrible masters, of such form that she lost her will to resist.

His eyes they were closed when it felt the smooth contact of those warm lips that they
ignited his and warned how It fits was opening them while the kiss it made deeper, more
intimate, until it felt its language moving sensual in its interior.

It shook without knowing how how to react before that invasion. That type of kiss was

the one that it always had avoided in her little frequent appointments, but it Fits not it
would let flee. One of its hands had it taken hold by the nape of the neck and from there it
pushed towards him, reason why it had it catched and its language entered one and another
one time in her causing who its body shook.

It moaned. Their nails were taken hold to strong shoulders of Fit and felt that it lost the

notion of the reality when push of the kiss became more violent more and. Then the one
was he that moaned.

The danger that locked up what they were doing assaulted to Fits, although its body

was already beginning to suffer the symptoms of a passion nonsatisfied. It had to arm itself
of value stops to raise the head and not to fall in the temptation to return to kiss it when
contemplating its expression alienated by the ardor of the kiss.

Danetta opened eyes slowly and its glance seemed to him vague, soñadora, given and

slightly hungry. Their lips were inflamados and trembly.

- the kisses to the French no longer they will be sufficient after this, does not seem to

you? - he with the voice asked he snores.

- You have caused who feel to me... - it began but its voice was lost by the emotion

that felt.

- Yes - it responded and he touched the lips to him -. You need that they give some

classes - said to you -. You are completely virginal.

Its heart began to bark with force when their glances were. It had never felt that

sensation with anybody and one imagined if in the bed one would feel equal...

- it has only been a kiss, Danetta - it said with calm voice -. You do not have to fear


- She would have to be equal in the bed - it whispered so altered that their thoughts

received voice.

The expression of Fits became hardened.

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- Yes - it answered -. Equal. You have to lose the fear and to leave I take to you. I

would love to you of the form sweeter than it has and your body would be united to mine
and then you would let be scared... I know that you would resist, but only during the first
minutes. Later you would wish me and both we would be fused in a single body.

The body of Danetta shook low that description and realized of which had been

described it to intention. His eyes they stayed fixed in her, without blinking, observing his

- Someday - it followed -, I will have to you. In spite of everything, I will have to you

in my arms and you will give yourself me.

She as soon as it could breathe and less even though it embraced it against its body of

violent and unexpected form. His powerful arms rodeaban it with such force that nor so at
least was possible to him to speak. It felt that it must have protested against the last
affirmation that was fact, but could not say nothing. At heart it knew that it was truth and
that if not it marched that office would end up happening. Mainly in those moments on
which already they had been kissed and would not be satisfied only to that light one and
sporadic contact. It closed eyes and it wanted to lie down to cry. Always it had feared that
took place that; siempre, from the first time that entered in the office and it saw elegant and
attractive Mr. Ritter with his eyes blue, colds like the ice, and its sensual mouth.

Account occurred of which he moved and of which it pushed it so that one eased up

again in the sofa. It was it seducing and the expression of its face she was exciting and
terrorífica, because it watched like a man who is lost the control. His eyes they shone
ignitions, their hands took hold it with a slight tremor... and she him it observed,
defenseless, with the so anxious body to receive its caresses like they indicated its eyes,
confused by its own reaction before that vigorous assault.

- Hello?

Both jumped of the sofa when listening the strong one voice that approached by the

contiguous room.

- There is somebody here? - it asked voice strong and something malhumorada.
- God mine - it said It fits and it watched a Danetta, before going towards the lobby.
It closed the door behind him and Danetta it tried to get up itself. Still he was

something navigated, but the coffee was beginning to make its effect, so it decided to take a
little more. Its life had been complicado in those last days and thought much, while it
watched the coffee of his cup, in if there were been being delirious or if he had been real
kiss of Mr. Ritter.

The right coffee was finished when he it again entered the office with shady expression

and something distant.
- you feel better? - it asked. She did an affirmative gesture.

- I feel much - something said confused still -. It did not have intención of emborrachar

to me in the food and no it will return to happen. I - the Vista began and directed towards
the sofa, everything ruborizada -, I will return to the work.

It left the cup of coffee and walked towards the door. Although It fits had desire to

reach it and to do it to remain there, leaned against its table and it observed it with the heart
in throat.

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- I feel much it forms in which I have behaved - she said from the door -. It has been

the wine. No I have never made nothing similar. I hope that it has not confused to you - it
added vacillating.

- Not - it answered -. There is nothing of which to feel shamed, Danetta.
She tightened the jaws.
- I feel It, Mr. Ritter.
- My name is Fits - it said and its voice was deep and night love song.
- Yes, I know it, but...
- it does not matter to me that you call to me thus when there is clients in the office, but

when we are single, llámame Cabe, please.

It accumulated the sufficient value like watching it, fascinated by the expression of its

face. The tenderness it mixed with a smooth indulgencia and his eyes blue they did not
show habitual hardness.

- She is well, Fits - she said almost in whisper.

eyes of Ritter settled in their lips and it watched it of possessive form. The kiss

remembered deep length and that had occurred and their body reacted to the pleasure that
that thought produced to him. He was dangerously exciting. Danetta looked for marriage.
Why it could not cause that that idea was recorded in its mind?

- Ponme with Howard Drake by telephone, in agreement? - it indicated suddenly and

one seated behind the table.

- Yes, Sir - it talked back.

It returned to its place e it did what it requested to him. It was going to be a challenge

to forget of which it had passed that day. It was like a new door that was opened in its life
and towards where it would lead, was something that did not manage to guess.

Chapter Five

Between the headache and what it had happened, Danetta was more than eager to leave

to five in point. It fits observed it from the door of its office while it gathered.
- You will be well? - it asked. She smiled before its preoccupation.

- Yes, thanks. I already know that I do not have to drink the wine as if outside water for

the next time.

Its face was contracted.

- It is that it is going to have a next one time? Horseradish tree he is a smart boy, but he

is too astute for one innocent like you.

-¡Sight who is speaking! - it exclaimed. He watched it perplex.
- I would not take advantage of and he yes; that one is difference.

She asked a what talked about with that to take advantage of, but she was so ashamed

that it could not nor to ask. The shelter was put and took the purse.

- Good... that you spend a good night. He sighed.

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- Good night, affection. I will not get upset if tomorrow you come something later.
Danetta watched to him been strange once by the affectionate name and it more tried

not to draw more conclusions from had.

- Good night, Ritter - it said, but the glance of interrumpió Fits -, I mean, Fits.
The form in which it said his name it shocked and it watched it with such intensity that

took place a magical moment between they.

- Oh, you are here, Danetta - it said Horseradish tree Meadows, that it appeared in the

half-opened door -. We go, you I will accompany to the shutdown by autobús.


Thanks, Horseradish tree. Good night - she said again to Fits.

It fits saw how they left with opposed emotions. It knew that it was vulnerable to the

men and who Horseradish tree it was mujeriego. It had given any thing to be able to follow
them and to make sure of that Horseradish tree it did not try to go taking advantage of that
was something drink. Nevertheless, it also knew that it did not have right and in addition, if
it interfered Danetta could be asked why and guess that he was interested in her.

It returned to its office and it closed blow door. Well, it had muchas things that to do

and haste did not have by to return to house, if it is that its apartment could be called so.
One seated next to its table and opened the file to extract the last numbers of sale.
Danetta arrived at its house stunned and with the rebosante head of dreams. When it
arrived until the door of its apartment in order to open it with its key, account occurred of
which the door was opened before single of which it put the key.
Immediately had the sensation of which something abnormal had happened. It opened
the door slowly and it was remaining more overwhelmed as more opened it was. All their
drawers were scrambled on the carpet, its books outside the bookcases and the cushions
scattered and with the cleared covers. All its casseroles and their frying pans the counter
and the mail open and esparcido were thrown on by ground.
Then leaned in the wall looking for a support. Its first thought dedicated it to Norman
in case the one that was entered it had hurt to him.
-¡Norman! - it exclaimed and it entered the apartment very slowly as if still it feared
that that was fact that destruction was there.
Busco' in the service and his dormitory equally disordered and finally found it
underneath the curtains of the hungry hall.
-¡Oh, thanks to God!- it said alleviated -. Thank heavens that they have not taken to
you with them.
As soon as left Norman on radiator to tranquilize it, prepared a stock market yet the
necessary thing. No it thought to remain to sleep there and it either did not want to call to
the police, although it knew that it would have to do it. But it had the prefeeling of which
that intrusión was
related to its premium Jenny and last that wished it was to put in danger its premium. In
addition, it also knew that Jenny it had contacts at level of the government and who would
be better to leave that subject them. For that reason first that it wanted to do it was to put
itself in contact with its premium.

When Norman was tranquilized, it took and it put it in a box with part of his supper.

The telephone began to sound but she did not answer, fearing who outside the thief or the
thieves who were entered.

With a slight chill it closed the door of new and one went of the apartment.

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It and Norman spent the night in a near motel. To the following morning one rose with

ojeras and very nervous. It did not want to leave to single Norman in its apartment, but in
the end it did not have more remedy that to do it and to leave to work. Not even the hair
took shelter, then it did not have time to repair in him, and the dress did not change either,
that it took enough wrinkled.

Nevertheless, when it arrived at afraid office of which Ritter of its aspect would think,

took a great one surprise. It had aspect so badly as she and noticed that it had not been
shaved and that it took the undone shirt. Rare times it had seen it with that aspect and paid
attention immediately to its discovered chest, its brown skin and in the smooth hair that
grew to him in that zone. It did not take shirt and its body was as sensual as his eyes when
watching it with its fit dress.

- Where demons you have spent the night? - it asked inmediatamente, with eyes

brilliants and the scrambled hair.

- and you it is that you have not gone to house either? - it with a very cold attitude

talked back, while she was placed in his table.

- No, I have not gone to house - he answered -; by that it also seems you you have

spent one night very long.

- Yes, the truth is that yes - she said and sighed deeply -. Hardly I have slept...
- Doubtlessly - it indicated and outlined a frozen one smile -. And how he has been


It blinked when occurring account of that they were not speaking of the same.
- I do not understand to you.

- woman Comes - she said he with the more and more cold tone -. They always say that

sex is not pleasant first time for a virgin woman. It is that you did not like?

The eyes of Danetta blinked confused and the words were clogged in their throat by the

indignation that it felt before that supposition.

Just when it was going to answer to him, it appeared Horseradish tree in the office.
- Good days, affection-it said con.estusiasmo and it sent a kiss to him with the hand -.

¡I will see you in food! Good morning, head-it added to Fits -. You are not very hard with
her, has had his.

Horseradish tree it greeted them with the hand and it left in the direction of the lobby,

while It fits shook of rage, with the more and more pale face and without leaving of to
watch Danetta.

- your notebook Takes and see my office - it said -. It can that we pruned to do

something if you do not think too much about your lover.

Average return occurred and it put in the office, while Danetta tried to recover. She

thought then that She fits thought that she had spent the night with Horseradish tree, which
was to him comedian, specially after which the previous day had happened.

It took to the notebook and the ball-point pen and it entered the office of its head, but

when it tried to explain the happened thing to him, he it interrupted it. While it dictated
letters to him, it was shaved, put the jacket and it was combed without watching it hardly.

- you have pointed everything? - it asked in the end -. Llama to average Karol and dile

that I will gather it to eleven and to eat and cancels all my appointments of this late - it
added -. I do not know to what hour I will return - it said and it was ed ***reflx mng of the

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worried reaction of Danetta -. You did not know that people also can do the love by day? I
am surprised.

It put itself still on and returned to his she pulls without saying a word to him. All the

morning without raising the Vista worked and without speaking, since if it did it feared to
put itself to cry.

- You will have to do that Meadows comma contigo-said here Fits of dry form when it

left to eat -. No you can separarte of the telephone because they are going to call from a
platform of coast to request material - it indicated and when it arrived at the door it returned
as if something forgot to him -. Ah, manteneos outside my office; the sofa is not stops to
retozar at the time of the siesta.

She opened the mouth to protest, but she was too much late. Nevertheless, it took the

dictionary that it had on it pulls and it printed it against the door.
The desire turned amor 53

-¡Stupid idiot! - it exclaimed with the trembly voice -. I hate to you! - añadió with the

tears in the eyes.

Horseradish tree Meadows it appeared then and it gathered the book of the
- Truely?
It clarified the throat and she cleaned the tears.
- I feel It. My head finishes going.
- That I imagined. You are prepared for venirte to eat?

- I cannot go - it said with sadness -. It has said me that the telephone must have left


- Oh - it said and it blinked -. Good, you love that you bring something? - the truth is

that it does not desire anything to me, Horseradish tree - it said -. Thanks in any case.

It seemed vacillating. - We can leave to have
supper... She it shook the head. - I do not create.
Their eyes studied it with intensity. - It is that something goes
She watched and was on the verge of saying to it it to him, nevertheless, there was

something in his face that threw it for back.

- Why? Nothing absolutely - she said. He then smiled.
` Is well, hears, how is your iguana?

Danetta did not remember to have said to him nothing referring to its iguana, although

immediately thought that perhaps it had been It fits.

- It is well, thanks. That commas affluent.

- Clear. I feel much which you cannot come with me, but I will bring a hamburger to

you to the return. I have an appointment to the one. I will see you later.

- So long.

Danetta remained single in the office thinking about the good that was going it to

spend that night single in its apartment. Their parents were too much far and their only
friend, Jenny, it was in some place to the southwest of the country. ¡Slight panorama waited
for it!

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The hour to eat passed and Danetta volume two cups of black coffee. It was an

atrocious hungry and caviar imagined to Ritter taking and lobster, or something of the sort,
in company of its blonde and stunning friend Karol. Hopefully that seated everything badly
to them what they ate. Then one remembered it forms on which it had kissed to that woman
on his despacho. Perhaps it was doing exactly the same in those momentos.

One rose of the table and it was towards the office of its head to return to see the sofa

on which they had been kissed previous day. It closed the eyes and it felt the contact of its
mouth and its hands in the nape of the neck. One leaned against the frame of the door with
the arms crossed in his lap and realized of which it had desire to cry. It thought that it did
not have any opportunity with him and that must not it never have touched, mainly
knowing as the innocent knew who was she still. Why it would have kissed it of that form
if it only wanted to play with her?

- It is that you do not have anything to do, Marist?

It gave respingo when listening the voice dry that came from back. Average return in

the direction of its table occurred, avoiding to watch to him.

- I... I thought that you would not return - it stammered.

It observed it at great length. It noticed the rest of tears in its cheeks and it related to

the form in which it had discovered it watching the sofa.

It could not think that it had spent the night with Horseradish tree and more still to the

surprised salary that glance tormented in his eyes, in that it read perfectly that it had been
deciding the kisses of the previous day.

It took it of the arm and it took hold it with firmness.

- Where you were last night, affection? - it asked with dulzura.

The tone of their voice and the name did that Danetta forgot all its reserves.
- In a motel - it said -. With Norman. Somebody... somebody entered my apartment


- Oh God - it said it and embraced it with force when warning that he lay down to cry

-. We go, tranquilízate. I will take care of of you. It offs-hook the telephone during
minutes and it closes the door with key. We will speak of the happened thing.

- But it is that we cannot - whispered she with the eyes plenty of tears -. The call that


- I already called them during the food - it said while it dried the tears to him -. It

closes the door.

She obeyed and she followed to him his office. When it went to seat in a chair, it took

it and he made it put itself upon him in the great leather armchair of its table. Later it
ignited cigarette while she watched to him confused before that unfolding of affection.

- Cuéntame which has happened to you - it said with serenity.

She told the happened thing him from that she arrived at his apartment until left him

with Norman put in a box.

- Not even I know what is what they were looking for - it said desolate -. But my

apartment is desordenadísimo and I have so much fear...

- Why you did not call to me? - he asked.
She watched to him with timidity.

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- I had liked - she confessed -, but it did not seem to me meterte in the subject well.
- To me it does not concern that to me. It can have something to see with the new

project of Jenny? - it asked.

- I have thought something of that said -, but I do not know it. It seems that it is high

secret - it added -. You could ask to him your father?

- Yes, considering that can clarify things - it said and it sighed -. ¡God mine, I cannot

believe it! At least they entered when you were not in house.

- Yes - it affirmed she, but Danetta it was scared of which they returned to do it when

yes it was.
Nevertheless, could not say to him to Fits that it was frightened and it did not want to
return to its house. It had been much to request and in addition he she was only its head.

- I thought that there were been with Horseradish tree - it said of suddenly -. For that

reason I so badly behaved with you this morning. I feel it.

The fingers of Danetta touched to their jacket and him it watched defenseless the lips.
- I do not feel anything that she impels to me to do that with Horseradish tree - it talked

back. To him it liked the insinuante tone of its voice and approached her to kiss the mouth
to him, but Danetta turned aside the lips and it sank the face in his neck.

- Not - she said vacillating -. You have been with her.

It fits felt that its heart it stopped and one straightened up hitting against the chest of


- No, I do not have been with her - it said -. I mean, that not as you imagine. I said to

you what I said to you because I thought that you had made the love with Horseradish tree -
it confessed -. You do not remember that I said to you yesterday that I do not lie down with
Karol? Then it is certain, I have not lain down with no woman from before Christmas.

To her it had liked to ask to him why to include/understand it better. He had already

said to him that really he was not mujeriego, but it was too timid since to do questions to
him personal, even being in its arms.

- you are not going away to give a Horseradish tree, truth? - it asked abruptly.
-¡No! - she exclaimed quickly.
He sighed with annoyance and he gave one him pierced to its cigarette while its glance

crossed the smooth volume of the sines of Danetta after its dress.

- it did not have to matter to me - it said in murmur -. It does not concern to me what

you do after your schedule of office, but no I can remedy it - it added returning to watch it
to the eyes-. Only of to think that you are in arms of another man, does damage to me.

It almost let breathe during seconds.
- Why?
- you do not know it? - it said and one approached more to its lips -. I wish, affection -

it added to you and the half-opened mouth grazed to him -. You desire from the first time
that you were with me... - it murmured and it kissed it first with slowness and little by little
with greater anxiety.

In agreement the kiss intensified, the pleasure increased and Danetta arrived at a point

in which it could not support it more and it threw the arms to him to the neck.

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It fits felt that it responded and it forgot all brake that could cloud the passion of its

contact. One undid of the cigarette and as soon as it had the free arms, devoured it among
them. it forced to open the lips
and it introduced its language kissing it of such form that it made it moan of pleasing.

The kiss was not already sufficient. It fits it boiled and its hand escaped to the environs

of the chest of Danetta; finally it dared to touch them plenamente and it watched it at the
eyes in order to see his reaction.

It put something rigid but no she stopped his hand nor she said nothing. Then the

fingers of Fit began a to caress it without fear over the fabric of the dress.
- I cannot remember to me to have felt so excited caressing a woman - it whispered -.
All this is new for you, right? - it said feeling the tremors of Danetta.

- I never have wished that somebody did to me this - she could say almost out of


- Until now, with me...

It fits followed feeding the passion in her until it forced it to move of pure pleasing.

His body instantaneously responded suave contact of the feminine belly against its sex
while it continued caressing with vehemence his chests turgentes and plenary sessions.

It gave a choked shout that could not to control and its hands they sank in the nape of

the neck of Fits when shaking with his caresses.

- Affection - it whispered -, affection, never I could believe that... bésame - it

murmured closely together of its mouth -. Bésame, you are not scared of which you show
much that I wish you...

Danetta thought fleetingly about to maintain the control, but had been useless, since it

very was excited. But it was not scared of him but all the opposite; it was sunk in a sea of to
please in that it enjoyed each caress and of each kiss that received. By that, when it began
to undo the dress to him, the only thing that thought was what it would feel when noticing
his hand on the naked skin.

He felt it to shake and succumbed to enchantment of its reactions, although everything

was hurrying too much. His own erection did damage to him and the sanity returned to him
its weight yet. Danetta was virgin; that was its office and were in a day of intense work. It
raised the Vista and it watched in its eyes brilliant and loving and it wanted to shout presio-
nado by the impotence of not being able to continue.

It tried to recover the normal rate of his breathing without letting watch it.
- we cannot make the love thus - he said -. God mine, is not possible... here no.
- To make the love? - it repeated perplex.

It fits helped it to rise with gentleness and took it by the arms.

- the things are not made thus - it said -. I cannot seducirte in my revolving armchair at

the time of the food. Hay something in the manual of the company that something says of
the sort. Perhaps we would have to read it together. She noticed her joking tone slightly and

- I believe yes that.

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- I go away with my east father aim of week. It prepares to your iguana and I will take
to you with me. My... my stepbrother... Nicky he is a fan of the reptiles - it said vacillating -
. He and you will make migas good, already you will see it.

- But, I cannot go to house of your father without he has invited to me - said with the
mind in target.

- he will do It - he with a sad smile said and with a pallor that denoted the anguish that

had produced to him to stop -. When know that you I have requested it, will not be able to
stop of joy. It likes enough - the mouth said and twisted slightly -. You are number one in
its list of candidates to marry with me.

She thought that number one about the list of his father, was not the same one who in

the one of its son.

It realized immediately that thought and caressed the sonrosadas cheeks to him while it

grazed with lips the sweet mouth of Danetta.

- If I had a list - she said with slowness -, I believe that you would be also my number

one. Hacerte is so delicious the love...

- Between a dozen of other women... - it said she taking it to it to laughter.

The thumb of Fits pressed his lips enlarged by the kisses.

- I do not want more to anybody - she said -. how you imagine if not that I have been

able to maintain to me all these months celibate? Whenever you cruzabas with me, dreamed
every night about poseerte; I have not been able to do nothing with any other woman.

She watched astonished to him, without being able to believe in which she was di-

ciendo to him.

- You think that I am play boy; mujeriega that uses the women as if they were paper

napkins - he said and one lay down to laugh -. But I will say a thing to you; I am as special
as you for these things. Sex by sex never has attracted me much.

It breathed with difficulty and felt hands you cold supported against its jacket. Then it

moaned and he took them to chest.

- I would like hacerte to include/understand what it feels when you wish a person.
- and what makes you think that I do not understand it? - she with the so expressive

eyes asked that he could read what wanted to say.

- wish you to Me of that form? - it whispered Fits immobilized by the adoration glance

that saw in its eyes.

It bit the inferior lip and she occurred it tells of the dangerous thing that it was to admit

it; nevertheless, that one seemed the moment adapted to make secrets.

- Yes - it whispered with the trembly voice.

It fits inspired and soon it expired with force. It tightened the jaws and it surrounded

the face to him with its great and warm hand in order to attract it towards him.

- You are virgin - it moaned -. ¡God mine... I cannot...!
It returned to reject it with an oath and one went the hands by the hair. It ignited

another cigarette after fighting with burner.

It remained watching it without to move, with the arms connected in the lap and the

heart shaking in the chest. That one had been another late unexpected one.

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-¡I do not want to marry! - it exclaimed suddenly -. No I go to seducirte; no; although

you undress and you do the dance to me of the seven veils.

It raised the eyebrows.

- Good, never I have undressed in front of a man - she said vacillating -, nor I either do

not know to dance the dance of the seven veils.

- She is only one forms to speak - it said he and sighed gotten upset. It gave one

pierced and it observed it through the smoke of his cigarette. She was an adorable woman;
it had the hair unkempt and the lips slightly very red inflations and by the kisses -. I have
made you damage in lips? - preguntó -. It was not my intention.

- No, no... they are well - it stuttered she and ruborizó -. I must return to the work.
- If you do not want that return to tenerte in my arms, is a good idea - it said he with


It vacillated.
- you are gotten upset?
- I am frustrated - it talked back -. I wish so much you that it does damage to me.
The lips of Danetta were half-opened.
- Oh... I feel it...

- To speak of it no it will help - it said and it watched it with a sad smile in the lips -. It

hangs again the telephone and opens the door. It can that ten people want to enter
simultaneously and thus so we will be occupied that we will not return to watch to us until
the hour of exit - it added and it watched it with the shining eyes -. I do not joke - it said -. I
have heard to people doing the love upon the tables of its offices and this one is sufficiently
great, so mantente moved away.

- Yes, she Mr.-said watching it with adoration.
- That glance - he protested -. Danetta, please, it leaves thus of mirarme!
- Yes, Sir - it responded and although account occurred of which it was repeated like a

parrot, it fascinated to see it so vulnerable and so lost by her.

Once in its table, it returned to hang the telephone and it opened the door, but nobody

called nor entered office, so It fits, to do something, called by telephone and it stayed to
apparatus until somebody got to do a visit to him. Danetta continued with his work and
tried not to think about the weekend and in how it was going to survive without to give
itself to Fits so being near him.

When the five arrived, Danetta it was shipwrecked in doubts and temores. It fits left its

office. It extinguished to the lights and him it said:

- Ponte the shelter, affection, and vámonos.

She obeyed and when they left, it took it of the hand.

- No have fear-said watching it while they waited for the ascensor -. I believe that I

will be able to maintain the head in its site; but you come with me. I do not want dejarte
single in your apartment.

- Your father...

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-...It is enchanted - it talked back -. I called to him before leaving despacho. Cynthia

also it invites to you and in addition, no longer I am scared of your iguana; I suppose that a
man can be accustomed to everything - concluyó with certain irony.

- she will not bite to you - she promised -. It is vegetarian.

- If you say it - it said and it sighed tightening the hand to him with more force -.

Tonight it closes with key your dormitory - it whispered -. It is better than you do not
entrust much in me. By less so far.

She wanted to speak, but the door of the elevator she opened herself and entered

without interchanging nor a word. When they arrived at the garage, It fits it initiated the
conversation again and it spoke all the short while of businesses, as if that subject distracted
it of her. Danetta smiled for himself.

"Please", it thought with fervor, "that it wants to me, that one falls in love with mi>>

Chapter Six

It fits took to Danetta to its apartment, although to to arrive at the door seemed to


- she is not going to you to attack - it assured when occurring account of why it had as

much reluctance to enter his house -. We go, it will not pass anything to you. It fits hoped
to that it opened the door and soon entered. Desgraciadamente, Norman finished leaving
the bath and was in the lobby that it lead to the hall. As he were not customary to see men,
it watched at Fits and one bristled, shaking to the body, pronouncing its papada and
opening its mouth pink.

-¡God mine! - it exclaimed It fits and it backed down towards lobby.
- Norman, it was of here - Danetta with annoyance exclaimed -. ¡Vamos, outside,

outside! - it said and it did to him to put in the kitchen.

The animal obeyed to its master and was walking until the kitchen watching over the

shoulder as if they had to him victim terriblemente. Then, Danetta prepared something to
him of food, that Norman hurried to devour.

-¡No longer there is nothing to fear! - it said calling to It fits -. ¡It is eating!

It entered the apartment with caution.

- Not him taste - irritation plenty said.
- he is not customary to it man-explained -. In fact, it is put nervous whenever it sees

one, except a my father. The iguanas are nervous animals and in fact it has more fear of you
who you of him.

He watched it with intensity.

- I am not scared to him - she said very prim -. Simply I do not want to trip over him.
She smiled.

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- Already she will be accustomed to you - she said soon and she clarified garganta -. I

mean during this weekend.

It remained observing it seconds.

- I hope that she is by more time, Danetta. It put itself nervous suddenly and felt that the
knees him they failed.

- I do not know if I will be able to maintain one relation - it whispered.
- I do not know it either - he said -. Never there am it had.
- Never?
- Never. Once in a while the typical one crazy night and when a presumed

enamoramiento was younger - it said smiling and soon its smile disappeared. But never I
have felt what I feel now by one woman and for that reason I do not know how to act - it
added and it put the hands to him in shoulders -. And to be sincere, it is the first time that I
am a terrible scared.

She directly watched the eyes to him.
- Why?
- I already said to you that I am not mujeriego - it said and it raised shoulders -. I know

anything of virgin women and never I have had to check itself - it said with the fixed glance
in her -. It is not easy to hold when you take one season of abstention and I do not know if
that is influencing in my relation with you. In addition it would physically do damage to
you if it had to you. you include/understand? - it said and it sighed -. I do not know if it

Danetta was not expected that point of Vista in a man and one felt moved when seeing

that It fits worried about she. It supported its head in the shoulder of Ritter and sighed when
feeling to taste and reconfortada between its arms.

- it has always given a little me fear - it confessed to timidity -, but if it is not to me

pleasant, will only be by being the first time and later - saliva said and swallowed -, later,
no longer you will return me a to make damage, right?

- Later - it in his ear whispered -, I will excite to you very slowly, I will do the love to

you of the sweetest form and soon you will sleep in my arms. It shook before that thought
and closed the eyes abrazada a he.

- I cannot think that this is happening.

- the truth is that to me it happens to me the same - he said and their lips cleared the
forehead of Danetta -. But, I do not regret that it has happened, and you?

She watched and shook the head to him.
- Absolutely.
It fits breathed with difficulty and its eyes they seemed to adore it.
- More bond than you gather your things - he said and he loosen -. They hope to us

towards the six.

- She is well - she said and began to place it everything in a small suitcase of trip.
Soon it went to the kitchen to prepare the food of Norman.
- Why beams that? - he asked frunciendo the frown when seeing that he removed food

from the refrigerator.

- She is for Norman - it explained -. It likes pie of espinacas.
- Oh, by God does not make lack that you take food. You only must say to him to Mrs.

Fitchens which eats and she it will prepare it - it assured. She watched with serious doubts
to Norman.

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- It likes to Mrs. Fitchens the iguanas?

- Not much - it answered he -, but to Nicky yes, so all will not be in against yours.
- How many years it has Nicky? - she with certain precaución asked, because she knew

that that one was not a subject anyone for Fits.

- It is eight years old - it said and one moved by the kitchen with nerviosismo -.

Cynthia the same year remained pregnant in which my mother died. That almost kills to

- I feel It - she said and she approached stops to embrace to him -. You wanted much to

your mother, right?

- Too much - he said and he embraced to Danetta against him -. More than what I want

a Eugene. When something died also died within me. Eugene one became to marry
immediately and hardly one had married returned to have another son. A could not have
wanted much my mother and to do what did so precipitadamente.

- How it is Nicky? - she asked.

- I do not know how decirte, we do not have much contact - he said and he shrank of

shoulders -. But I know that it likes iguanas and the frogs. Danetta included/understood
then the conversation that was mantenido father and son around Nicky one of those days in
the office.
Nicky had to adore its stepbrother and it did not have to include/understand why it was
suffered towards him.

- To me also I like the frogs - she murmured she.

- me it already imagined it - the frown said and frunció -. Why you like the iguanas?

Why not something more sensible, like for example the cats?

- I am allergic to hair and a the skins - she said -. It wanted a mascot and I found to

Norman in a store. It had the ill mouth and I thought that nobody would want to take care of
it, so me the suit and I could heal it. Most of the young of iguana patients they do not
survive. They need many cares.

It separated the hair to him from the face and he watched it become absorbed in

thought in its beauty.

- You are a very generous person - it said -. But no demasiado DES.
- You if embargo you prefer to give enough - it said she -, and sometimes you do not


The expression of Fits became gloomy before that so hard commentary.
- I do not know if I like that they read the thought to me - it murmured and he took it

by the arms to raise it until the height of his eyes. - I feel It, Fits, you do not get upset - she
said and she smiled to him -. And when you know if you like or I did not occur it - she
without letting said smile -. You are very strong - it murmured.

- To work in wells can to fortify a man or to kill it - it said and it kissed it on the lips -.

It enchants to me tenerte suspended in the air, Marist young lady. Nonweights much, right?

- No, not much - it said -, but I am strong.
- Of that nothing - he joked.
- You know to cigarette...

- To himself? - it said Fits and it let it in the ground to embrace it.

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It fits could not avoid that sudden one excitation and was tightened against the body of

Danetta, that felt its erection and it moaned.

- Danetta - it in his ear whispered, almost with he distresses and he returned to sink the

lips in his mouth.

- Please - she said struggling when feeling that also it had been excited -. Please, It

fits... please, please...

He heard it through a desire cloud unstoppable. Demasiado it was excited like giving

reverse gear, but his hands loosen it and it fell collapsed. Nevertheless, before falling to the
ground, It fits gathered it and it watched anxiety plenty.

- We must stop - it said -, if I am not going to lose the head.
- If I get to feel like you, I will not feel that you do damage to me, right? - it whispered.
He sighed full of pride and pleasure.
- More bond than we go away, small.
- It is well-said she and one separated of him with few desire -. I will put to Norman in

its box.

- That I have to do it - it murmured and one leaned in counter to observe the operation.
It was not difficult, since Danetta the only thing that it did went to take to the animal

and to put it in the box in which it used to transport it.

- it does not seem to you very rich? - she said.

It raised an eyebrow indicating that he had serious doubts on the matter.

- Vámonos - it said finally, with body still suffered by a frustrated excitation.
Eugene and Cynthia they lived to the northwest on Tulsa, a several kilometers of

Keystine Lake. The fishing was one of the occupations more popular in that region and the
stores of baits and equipments were very abundantes, along with the oil wells.

- Why it will be called Tulsa thus? - Danetta asked suddenly -. It had never given

account me, but it has a sound so strange...

- It can that is of Indian origin.
- This way there were many Indians.

- Yes, until Oklahoma State in 1907 became were three Indian sovereigns of three

different nations, Creeks, Cherokee and the Osage - it explained.

It observed it at great length.

- will not have you something of India blood?

- you have paid attention to my eyes blue?- it joked he -. Then although it seems to you

lie I have two Osage cousins and an Apache of Arizona. It lowered the Vista to her hands
and she was put to think about children without knowing why. If it had descendants
someday, would have a interesante legacy.

- Today he is going to rain - it murmured contemplating the clouds that threatened

storm in the horizon -. My father has a boat, but if the time spoils, I believe that we will not
have opportunity of to remove it.

- Rains, storms and tornados - she said and shook the head -. The time is not boring at

least here.

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- Of course - it said and it smiled -. Papa there is counted to Nicky the one to him of

your ugly mascot and already has terrible desire of to see your iguana.

- Norman he is not ugly - she said defending to her mascot -. It is... - it added and one

stopped in search of the suitable word.

- Ugly - he insisted.

- For him surely the ugly ones we will be - she said.

- Without a doubt.
Danetta contemplated the profile of Fits full of enthusiasm.
- You know how is sailed? - it asked.
- I learned being a boy and truth is that I got wet much in the beginning - it indicated -,

but to the aim I finished learning and now I like very many. And you?

- I only know to fish with the normal cane - she said -. It used to go with my

grandfathers when she was a girl.

- Wonderful, and what plus things you like to do?

- To mount in bici, to play the baseball, to raise mountains - it said tímidamente -. We

lived in the Ozarks and he was so pretty...

- Of course that yes. To me also I like the baseball although already I am having an age

in which to run the bases he is a little difficult - the frown said and frunció while he smoked
his cigarette -. thirteen years that we took you will notice any day.

The heart of Danetta gave I jump but no it separated the eyes from him.
- Never they will matter to me - it said with serenity -. Never.
It extended the hand to take of Danetta and he tightened it with force. It did not say

anything because there was nothing no to say, then its glance said everything to it.

The farm was in a zone wooded with many grass for the horses and the cattle of

Eugene, and to one it distances prudent of the freeway, although the noise of the traffic it
did not get to bother them. The lake that gave its name to the zone was a strip brilliant in
the distance. Eugene it left to receive them. Behind him one rose a great house of gray color
with many windows, a balcony and two porches in each side. The oaks made shade on him
and also there was a swimming pool in back part, as well as a garage and a tennis court.

- She is very pretty - Danetta said.

- This house has few years - I sandpaper Fits and its expression winch is lasted -.

Eugene it threw the one that was before and in that I was born, and constructed this one.

- Perhaps it wanted to break with the past so that Cynthia sintiera better - she said and

tightened her hand to comfort to Fits.

- Perhaps. But for me it is not so easy to break with all the memories.
Eugene it dressed in cattle tenders and a field shirt and undid in smiles when It fits

opened the door to Danetta so that it lowers of the car. father of Ritter watched pleased the
dress of the young person, in spite of the wrinkles that he had.

- contented What I am of which there are come - it said Eugene to Danetta -. I feel

much what it has happened to you - it added -. It fits is counted the one to me of your

- you have discovered something? - it asked Fits to his father while it removed the

luggage from Danetta.

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- Still not - his father answered -. I already have my agents investigating - she added

while they walked towards the house -. Encontraremos to the guilty, but now we will not
speak of that. We go to house before it is put to rain.

- I believe that she is going to fall one storm, more than rain - it indicated Fits when

raising the stairs of the porch -. It was already raining when we left Tulsa.

- It is because we are in spring - it remembered Eugene -. Thanks to your good star you

do not have pillado a tornado along with rain. They already go by the second in the capital
of State.

Eugene it opened the door and just at that moment, Danetta remembered that they were

had left another box in the car.

-¡Norman! - it exclaimed she -. ¡We have forgotten him!
- That is what I tried - began Fits.
- I will bring it - she said and ran towards the car.

- Norman? - it asked Eugene with the gathered frown.
- you do not make questions - it answered Fits.
Danetta returned in seconds with the box of Norman.
- Here it is.
Eugene it watched a traverse of a peephole of the box and saw Norman.
- the iguana, very well. Danetta smiled.
- Norman is called and had three years.

Eugene it put the hands in the pockets and sighed.

- Good, because we are already all contentments. Nicky had of everything except a


- It is already here? It has brought it? - it listened to a boy voice. When it appeared

Nicky in the porch, Danetta paid attention to the similarity that was to its stepbrother -. You
must be Give. I am Nicky; she is this one your iguana? I can see it?

She lay down to laugh, since enthusiasm of the young one was contagious.
- Yes, I am Give - it said -. And this one is Norman.
The boy inclined to see through crack and soon raised the head to watch at Fits.
- Hello - something timid said, although with one smile but Fits turned aside the

attention towards its father and it ignored it. The smile of Nicky disappeared right away.

A woman of about forty years she appeared smiling in the porch. It took to cattle

tenders and a fine jersey of pink color. It had the gathered blond hair in moño and its
complexion was pale. His eyes were black and sweet.

- To Nicky it likes the animals with warts and great tails - it explained to Danetta with

the same dulzura of his eyes -. I am Cynthia and you must be Danetta. I am glad of
conocerte finally. I have heard speak much on you.

- good Things? - Danetta with one asked smile.

- you would be surprised - it answered Cynthia with malicia -. Hello, It fits. I am glad

of verte.

It fits shook the head while it watched Nicky with the hard expression. Cynthia it

noticed it and it requested that they entered house.

- I will bring something to You of coffee with sponge cake - it said -. You have eaten?
- Not - it said Fits.

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- What seems to you if I prepare to you sandwiches? Mrs. Fitchens has had to leave

this weekend so we have not eaten either still. I can cut something of jamón.
- I can ayudarte? - Danetta was offered -. Since I go a daros some problems with the
food, I would at least like to help something.

Cynthia it took of the arm and took it with her to the kitchen.

-, Yes sure Nicky, you do not open box of the iguana still - it said -. It hopes to that

Danetta and you prune to take it to garage.

- He is well, mami - the boy said, that he was already fallen down in the ground

speaking with the iguana.

- it does not bite - Danetta assured.

- Oh, I am customary to the reptiles - he said Cynthia with naturalness -. The encounter

fascinating. Cuéntame something of your work. The truth is that I miss mine... it was
already made work for Eugene - it said and it sighed while it placed jamón for cortarlo -.
Now, I pass the life doing all type of works volunteers or with Nick. I do not need to work,
but to have money can to be quite exhausting sometimes because it locks up you when not
having to leave a to work - it concluded with a smile.

To Danetta already it liked that woman. it seated in a stool and it helped a Cynthia to

prepare the mayonnaise on lettuce leaves.

- To me I like to work for Fits - she indicated -. Good, not siempre... it has a so

irritating character...

- Yes, I know it - it murmured Cynthia -. He and their father does not take very well -

its face said and it contracted with a pain face -. It is suffered with me and I cannot blame it.
Gene and I hurried a little, but I so was enamored... and in addition for the first time in my
life. We married and immediately I remained pregnant. By that, Fits closed the door to us to

- It is a pain - Danetta in compungido tone said. Cynthia one became.
- Yes, it is it. It fits as much being needs leaves from us, part of a family... Nicky

adores it but it does not have time for his brother. Nicky is its fundamental source of

- Because they look like very many - it said Danetta -. When it grows, much more.

- He is more handsome than Gene, just as Fits - it indicated Cynthia with a melancholic

smile -. I thought that seemed he could do maravillas, but he was not thus. Of some form,
it even is worse.


Perhaps that changes someday.

- That I have been hoping during eight years - it talked back -. But already I have
occurred by won. I am very contented of which there are come with It fits; it is the first
time that we see it with somebody.

- he has been very amiable on the other hand - she said -. The truth is that gave I fear to

have left to me in the apartment and motels are not very safe either. Still I do not know
what wanted to find in my house.

- you do not worry for that reason. All those secret subjects in which Gene is put also

put me to me very nervous-it said and loncha passed one to him of jamón to Danetta so that
it put it on the bread -. I put separated rooms to you?

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The question was very simple, but the reaction that supposed in Danetta was complex.

Sonrojó and watched a Cynthia with eyes that caused that this last one lay down to laugh.

- Oh, poor man Fits. Retirement it asks and what implies. Encanta to see me that still

they are left women like you in the world. I believe that this geographic zone in that we
lived is more conservative; in other States the things do not work like here.

Danetta was limited to smile.

- and I do not only believe that be a geographic question. I have friends of other States

supposedly liberal that is as old fashioned as I - Danetta said and it complied in stool,
although the question had put it nervous -. I feel that you see me with this dress, but he is
with which I went to sleep to the motel last night and seems as if it had slept with him.

- If you want cambiarte, we can eat a little later.
- No, it is well - Danetta said -. I am dead of hunger - confesó -. ¡I have not eaten


- Oh, poor man creature. I will call to the men and we will seat to the table - it said

Cynthia and five minutes later were eating. The food was developed pleasantly, except by
the attitude of It fits, that continued ignoring a Cynthia and to Nicky to speak almost
exclusively with its father. Danetta spoke of clothes with Cynthia and of reptiles to Nicky,
so much did not notice the bitterness of Fits.

Later Danetta was installed in a pretty room decorated in blue target and and changed

there of clothes. it put cattle tenders and a yellow jersey and soon accompanied Nicky until
garage with Norman.

It was an extensive place in which there was warehouse and one liveción in the floor of

- Here it is where the guard of the house used to live - Nicky explained while they
walked towards the garage under rain -. But it marched and now nobody uses it. For that
reason I have all my mascots there. Míralas - it said when they arrived.

And there there were several aquariums that had been reconverted for reptiles and


- This box is for Norman - it said boy -. Papa constructed it stops Bunny, but the last

summer died. I believe that it will be pleasant place for your iguana.

- Of course - Danetta said and smiled -. We go a to put it.
- I can take to Norman? - Nicky asked with full glance of sense of expectancy.
- Clear - she with certain objection said, since it knew that Norman was not customary

to the men.

But when it put it into the hands of Nicky, animal half-closed the eyes and soon it

watched at the boy without no sign of irritation.

-¡Go! - the boy said -. It does not seem to you precious?

- That I create - she said Danetta -. I have been having it for three years and eats pie of

spinach and pizza and all type of strange things that usually do not eat the iguanas.
Sometimes even you it obeys if you whistle to him.

- He is iguánido - Nicky said occurring importance.

And then they both began to speak in scientific terms of the species of reptiles and of

all their families and both were astonished of which the other knew, reason why they were
glad much to have that point in common.

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Then, in the middle of

conversation between strange animal names, it entered Fits.

- But of what demons you speak? - it said.

- we are trying to classify to Norman - Nicky said.

- you do not say to me? - it murmured Fits, that did not forget to maintain a distance

prudencial of Norman -. It seems that it likes.
- Yes, right? - Nicky said and sighed -. Me it would please to be able to have one.

- and why you cannot? - it asked Eugene, that it had been acompañando to Fits.
- In the stores of mascots they do not have them, they say that they are demasiado

difficult to raise.

- Beam that the gentleman Harris you order one. I will pay what costs to bring it of

where is - it said Eugene.

- Really? - Nicky asked with the eyes illuminated by the joy -. ¡Papa, thank you very

much! They give, could teach you to me how grow up?

- Clear - she said smiling.

- You want to take it, Fits? - it asked boy. It fits lay down for back rejecting the proposal.

- No, not really. One already got upset with me once and I have had enough.
- It thought that eras an intruder - it said Danetta -. I suppose that he would do the same

when the thief entered the apartment. She could to him have bitten if she had gotten to him
to have close - it added pensativa -, or at least she had to give him with the tail.

- I thought that it did not bite - it remembered Fits.

- Good, he is not frequent - it explained she -. Any animal can bite if it is threatened.
- It is truth - Nicky in agreement with her said.

Danetta put a Norman in its box and soon contemplated to the collection of reptiles and

frogs that it had the boy. His especimenes was varied and some came from distant parts of

- Slight collection you have here, Nicky - it said she.

- it has cost to Me long time to reunite it - the boy with the same tone of authority said

in which he referred his animals -. And them care to all single I.

- and in addition it beams very well - Danetta indicated -. It does not seem to you, Fits?

- added with a smile with which suplicaba to its outside more pleasant head who with the

He sighed and he watched it at the eyes before directing the Vista to its small

stepbrother, who watched it hoping a friendly answer. Entonces, Fits smiled for the first
time with affection.

- Yes. I also believe that it beams very well, Nicky - he responded. The change that had

an operation in the boy was miraculous. It seemed to overflow with happiness.
- Thanks, Fit - stammered paralyzed by the then timidity and began to speak of the
genealogy of one of the frogs white that it had in the aquarium.

Danetta observed Fits while this one watched a Nicky without as soon as the previous

hostility noticed to him and thought that there was one sinña hope of which it accepted to

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his certain last brother time. In addition, at heart, It fits needed its brother as much as the
small one it seemed to need it to him.

The hand in the one slid of Fits and it immediately gave account of which it was

surprised before that gesture. It returned the head and it watched it with the gathered frown.

That reaction did that Danetta one felt rejected and it wanted to separate the hand.

Nevertheless, the fingers of Fit they took hold it well and all their doubts disappeared.
Then, one approached him and it returned to take care of Nicky, that continued with his
char it on the different ones species of frogs. She fits watched it smiling and it felt as if she
had herself drunk a reconfortante wine glass.

Chapter Seven

Danetta learned more of Fits in that late that in two years. It saw its titles of bachelor

and lawyer in enterprise by the University of Yale, its trophies in the competitions
equestrian and its diplomas of pilot of small planes.

It was Eugene the one that it told the interest him that it had Fits in the history of the

West and the aid economic that contributed to two students of the University of Oklahoma.

And although it did not like reptiles, yes enchanted the horses to him and was an expert

rider. Nicky was that it told that him with certain disguised pride.

While it was discovering more things on it fits, he tried to solve certain urgent subject

of the company by telephone.

- Hatred the equipment business - it murmured when it was united to the rest of the

family once had solved the problem.

Danetta observed it and it could not separate from him the glance. It seemed to him the

most masculine man and attractive than it had seen never. Nevertheless, It fits it noticed
that glance and it responded to her with one somewhat arrogant smile. It liked that they
watched to him with that mixture of boldness and timidity and seated in the sofa next to
Danetta, happening to him the arm through shoulder. Eugene and Cynthia they
interchanged glances amused.

- If really you hate the business of equipment, returns to trabajar with me - it murmured

Eugene dryly.

- Of that nothing. I like too much what I do - said Fits and watched at Danetta with the

calm and sweet eyes -. In addition, you would always have to me outside the city and I
already begin to have age like stops to establish to me.

- We could think about another thing.

It fits it retired the glance of Danetta and it watched its father.
- No.

Eugene it shrank of shoulders.

- It is well, at least there am it tried. Somebody wants that we put the science film

fiction that there am brought?

Eugene it raised the videotape in its hand and Danetta smiled of ear ear.

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- You like science fiction? - it asked Fits while Eugene it put it.
- Much - it whispered full of joy.

Hardly she could think outside that the one that there she was seated with the arm of

She fits by his shoulders.

- To me also - it murmured and he kissed slightly on the lips. The astonishment of

Danetta was increased still more with that kiss in front of all the family. But it had not
dreamed it, thought while they were put to see the film.

It took the hand of Danetta and it put by the shirt half-opened to the height of the chest

and there it pressed it against its body so that it felt the heat and smooth pelusa of its hair. it
gave then account of which she tried to disguise erótica answer a that caress turning aside
the glance towards the rest of the family with one smile that really did not come to story.

But it did not have of what to worry because Cynthia and Eugene they estaban curled

up in the sofa closest to the television and Nicky it was fallen down in the carpet. Nobody it
paid attention to which they did, which allowed him to not only Fits that Danetta touched to
him below the shirt, but to touch her the sines with hand that it had frees. She thought that
she could kill to him if she continued torturing it of aquella she forms. Sitting could not
support to be hiding there a desire that it was increased per moments, since their caresses
were and more insistent more.

- What seems to you if I prepare a coffee? - it asked suddenly Fits still on putting itself

-. Danetta and I it we will prepare - it added when Cynthia it went to rise to do it she.

- You want that we stop the film? - it asked Eugene maliciosamente.

- it is not necessary; us we will find out later - it said Fits and after taking to Danetta by

the arm it took running to the kitchen. In the kitchen it placed it against the refrigerator -.
Finally - it whispered and one inclined towards her to kiss it -. God mine... it did not have
been able to hold much more...

When its mouth covered the one with Danetta, its hand slid by its chests without

repairs, caressing them with one sweet masters. It moaned and the neck with the hands
surrounded to him, giving welcome to all the body of Fits. With a total unconsciousness it
kissed to him while the noises of the refrigerator palliated as far as possible jadeo of its res-

It fits separated of her and it made him put to him hands in the chest.
- Ponlas here... - it murmured and everything undid the shirt -. I hope that you like the

hairy men - she added guiding the hands of Danetta by all its chest -, because I am it.

- Yes - it responded almost out of breath -; I believed to die there inside - it added


- Just like I - he confirmed and their hands slid later below the yellow jersey of Danetta

and on the smooth weave of the sujetador -. I will not do damage-said to you in a whisper -.
By where undoes this wonderful article?

- By... behind... He smiled.
- It is a loss of time to take it - it murmured while their fingers undid it. Then, their

hands enjoyed turgencia of its discovered sines and she gave respingo when feeling by first
time the hands of a man playing with its nipples -. You like to feel my hands in the chest? -
it asked closely together of its mouth.

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- It fits - she sobbed and their hands took hold firmly muñecas of him so that it

embraced it.

- Calm - he said smoothly and he raised the Vista -. No, you do not fight against which

you are feeling - it indicated when he tried to separar itself.

The hands of Fit continued moving on she of devastating, insistent form.
- Oh - it moaned bending the body -, for, please...
- you do not worry, precious - he said -, he tries not to shout...
But she did not understand until She fits kissed the chests to him. Danetta had not

waited for anything so intimate and when it felt that warm humidity of his mouth and
watched downwards, shook to to see its black head next to its sines.

- he is not so terrible, affection mine - it whispered and he raised the face to see the

reaction his caresses.

She tried to breathe with normality and watched to him with an expression difficult to

describe. eyes of It fits they had been darkened and they shone while it contemplated those
round, small but generosos chests, with the pink nipple.

- I have never known the beautiful thing that it can be a woman until now - she

whispered -. I do not know if I will support the pleasure of poseerte...

She only oía already by halves what it said. Their lips jugueteaban with their black hair

while it followed still on shaking from top to bottom, to the time that the hands of their
lover woke up desconocidas sensations by all its body. Then, the thigh of Fits it introduced
between his legs and Danetta believed to lose the sense.

The hands of Danetta slid by back of Fits recreando itself in each muscle of its torso.
- More down - he said -. You do not stop there... It swallowed saliva.
- I cannot... I cannot tocarte thus...

- Yes, yes you can - it talked back and took its hands to place them on its own sex -.

Atráeme towards you - it whispered -. No be scared.

- But she will hurt to you - it whispered obeying to him.
He smiled embriagado by desire.
- No, it will not hurt to me.
It kissed it on the lips while with the hands in the hips of Danetta it caused that their

bodies were close.

- If we were single, not me stop-it whispered on the trembly lips of Danetta -. It would

do the love to you right here.

The tears appeared in the eyes of Danetta because it knew that it wished so much him

as he to her. It fits knew it also.

- you would let to Me do it if you it requested it, right? - it murmured.
- Yes.

- and if I say to you that you come with me tonight to my room? It bit the inferior lip

treating of which its body let request to him what it could not obtain in those moments.

It caressed his cheek with dulzura.

- you do not worry. I have still not requested to you that you sleep with me - it said

and one separated from her so that the sujetador was fastened again. Their hands were
temblorosas just like those of her and it smiled with certain faint -. The men and the
women have occurred to please mutuamente of this form since the world is world. Still we

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do not have intimado the sufficient thing as to overcome your repairs - it added with a
knot in throat -. Many things are happened to me that hacerte could, you love that you

- No.
- Yes, yes you want - it whispered and he approached his ear to say them to it. It felt

that it shook and it did small guttural sounds of protest. Then one separated from her and it
saw with pleasure that had been sonrojado -. You do not want that it does all those things to

It pushed to him slightly.

- You are a beast - it murmured although its timid smile betrayed its desire.
- Yes, I am a hungry beast - it talked back and it embraced with all its forces. It kissed

it on the nose and one paid attention with delight to it forms in which the curls of their
melena fell by their shoulders and in the so feminine scent that it gave off his skin -. What
seems to you if we prepared that coffee and a little sponge cake of Cynthia?

She smiled.
- In agreement.
- and what we are going to do if you fall in love with me? - he said and its tone of

voice said that it did not concern anything to him that that happened.

It felt a new upset in her heart, although account occurred of which it could not fall in

that trap.

- That would be catastrophic.

He smiled and Danetta saw that it seemed young and relaxed much more of the normal


- You are adorable. When we return to the hall Eugene it is going to laugh of us.
- You have been the one that you have dragged to me even here - she began. The
eyebrows of Fit bent.
- I? - it interrupted it -. God mine, if eras you the one that you were caressed me the

chest. What I could do, to have left there seated and to leave to me you continued torturing
until dying?

She watched to him with intensity.

- and you what you were doing to me while I tortured to you? - protestó she.

He frunció the lips and watched the chests of Danetta.

- Learning the one reactions virgin when the chest is touched to him.
-¡We are going to make the coffee! - it exclaimed.

He let it escape, smiling when seeing so worried it. While she did the possible thing

to find coffee and the cups, he remained supported against the refrigerator, with the arms
crossed watching it sensualidad.

She watched and felt the influence to him of her glance deliciously libertina.
- You are... you are a sensual one.

- She is that one one hint so that it fastens the shirt and it returns to the hall so that

Cynthia and Eugene they do not suspect that we are making the love in the kitchen? - he
asked becoming the innocent.

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- If the form in which it watched to us your father is a good indicator, is very possible

that when we return he tells us on hairs and signals which we have done.

He lay down to laugh and looked for a cigarette in pocket of its trousers.
- there is no doubt of that - it said and it ignited it enjoying first pierced -. It is well, I

will leave, but before I will give him piercing to my cigarette; he is so pleasant, mainly
after... - it stopped.

She also it it did with the jar of the coffee in a hand and it watched to him perplex

before that sudden one interruption. Then, which occurred to account of had shut up. To
smoke itself cigarette was pleasant whenever it made the love with a woman.

Average return occurred and prepared coffee without interchanging no other word. The

harmony that had reigned between both it disappeared, swept by the reality, much more
bitter. For him that he was something current.

He approached with a sigh and his hands leaned slightly in their shoulders.
- I cannot erase happened no matter how much it wishes it - después of moments said -.

But either I am mujeriego as it says my reputation. It is very important that you create to

She watched to him.

- Why? - she asked with dulzura -. I soy more than gavevertimento...
The lips of Fit interrupted their words.
- I do not treat to divertimentos as I am treating you to you tonight - it said very serious

-. And I believe that that you know it.

- That I am afraid - it whispered rejecting its doubts while she directly watched the

eyes to him.

- Then already we are two, affection - it talked back of he forms inesperada -. The

commitment in a relation is for me like the man of coat. He is something that never I have
wished - it said without leaving her turned aside its glance of him -. But I do not want an
adventure with you either. I do not want that any other man touches to you.

- I do not want either that other women touch to you to you - she said vacillating and

lowered the somewhat ashamed glance.

He lay down to laugh with certain bitterness.

- God mine, us we are putting in danger area. Cuantos kisses and it seems that the

world it is closed for us. It did not have nor idea that this it go thus to being.

- We can leave it.

- How? - it asked he -. ¡Sight! - the hand of Danetta exclaimed and took to its chest so

that it felt the beats of its heart -. You have tried sometimes to stop a tornado? Because that
would be easier. Unless you are wanted to march to Siberia or Alaska and you change of
name, I believe that we will not be able to leave it. Even if outside thus, you encontraría - it
said and it pressed plus the hand of Danetta against its ardent chest -. It would find you
there where you were. You would not have more remedio.

- Why?

- Because a man divided by half cannot live - it said before kissing it on the mouth

with passion.

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She was confused with her body to to feel its lips and realized again of which also it

felt just like he. If it lost to him it would stay as game by half. Nevertheless, that sensation
would not last.
He would get tired of her; at those moments it wanted it because it was a newness,
nothing else.

But it yes wanted it. It loved it, whereas It fits only wished it and that was well

different. Nevertheless, Danetta was not afraid before that situation and slid its hands below
the shirt to again feel the tension of its muscles and the heat of his body under its caresses.
This time, was Danetta the one that moved against his body with boldness, enjoying the
evidence of its desire by her.

- Now no longer you fear to me? - he said when seeing so sent it.
- Not - it whispered.
The hands of Fit they also slid towards the hips of Danetta and caused that one

moved rythmically and with slowness until it moaned of pleasing.

- I believe that in bed you and I would occur much pleasure and would be satisfied so

that no we would need to lie down more with nadie. And that - it added -, is what it has to
me so scared.

Danetta thought that the cause of that fear was in which it did not want to commit


- we do not have why to lay down to us.

- It is that you have yourself returned crazy? - he asked, tightening the hips of Danetta

against his pelvis -. How long you think that I am going to be able to support this?

- I could have left pregnant - it murmured she and sonrojó when occurring account of

which it had said.

- If you went to being a conquest, I would make sure well to put the measures

opportune so that no you remained pregnant - it said with firmness -. Nevertheless, it would
not matter to me that you you were left embarazada, They give. It seems to you that own
one of a man who only it wants to lie down with you?

Danetta feared to become crazy.

- I do not understand what is what you want - it stammered -. You have said to me that

you do not want comprometerte and now you speak to me of babies and...

He smiled.

- I like you drink and you?

- Oh, clear - it said she accepting that descabellada conversation so -. It enchants to me

to go to department store to see infantile clothes

it confessed and one shrank of shoulders -.

I never thought that it was some right to buy it, but is something that ground to do when I
am single and I am it almost always.

- I also - he confessed and he kissed it on the eyelids -. I have been single during long

time. Then you arrived at the office and the light returned to my life. I do not know how I
could live until last Christmas, when I kissed to you. Soon I thought that perhaps you

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thought that it went to perseguirte and I retired discreetly. Now I know that it could not do
without of you in the work, there would not be joy nor incentive to work.

- I already know clearly that I am going to work by you, not because I like what I do -

she also confessed.

He sighed and he kissed it on the lips.

- How we could have been so blind? - it asked -. My father was right. You are worth by

two like Karol.

Danetta had wanted to ask to him more on Karol but was scared to spoil that moment

and it did not do it.

- the coffee or is - the jar said when seeing that or he was full and smoky.
- I suppose that we will have to do something before they send a patrol to look for to us

to us - said he with sigh -. It is well, I I will divide the sponge cake - it said before Danetta
left of the kitchen with the coffee.

It fits loosen to Danetta and the clothes were fixed with the cigarette in the comisuras

of the lips. Soon it extinguished it in the ash tray and it divided the sponge cake while it
was placing each piece in a small plate with the possesor and a napkin. Later they put
everything in a pretty tray of silver and they took it to the hall.

Chapter Eight

Nicky went away to sleep to nine and suplicó that let sleep to Norman in their room. It

fits watched it with hardness, but their parents accedieron, if Danetta accepted. And of
course it accepted.

- you really have it loose by house? - Nicky asked once it had to the iguana in his

room, put in one box.

- Yes, really. It is taught to do his necessities in a sheet of paper of newspaper that I put

to him in the quarter of bath.

- That is hallucinating - Nicky said -. Ay, me it enchants.

- you do not speak so high, or you will do that begin to be conceited - it said in a


Nicky lay down to laugh.
- It is well...
- and by God it is not happened to leave to you the open door - she said suplicante -.

Usually it vagar by the nights, although no he is frequent in other iguanas.

- You mean that if puts in the bed of my brother, will happen a catastrophe, right?

Danetta had to think seconds before realizing of which one talked about to It fits and

soon one imagined scene. Then one lay down to laugh and it could not stop.

- You are sure that that animal it does not have to be put in its box? - it asked Fits from

door, watching a Norman, that was on a book shelf of Nicky.

- Absolutely safe - it assured Danetta -. He is very quiet and very clean and I do not

believe that it bothers to anybody. So only it told Nicky how to prepare his to him...

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- I could sugerirte a form - she murmured dryly.

- It is only one young said Danetta -. Ten compassion of him...

- Yes, slight young. Uggggh - it said It fits and one shook of repulsión.

- It closes your ears, affection - it said Danetta to the iguana while it caressed the head

to him. But Norman closed eyes and Nicky lay down to laugh excited.

- you have made It happy - it said Fits while they walked towards the room of Danetta,

next to the one of Nicky.

It fits was in the door of it faces, so it felt something uncomfortable. In addition, they

shared the same bath, so it said so that Nicky maintained affluent the door closed.

- He is a wonderful boy - it talked back with hand put in the gunner.
It was soon to go away to the bed but it was tired and it had not slept much the

previous night. In addition, It fits it had mentioned something on going to fish early on the
following day, although no the weather was good.

- I will take You to the lake and we will fish from wharf - it murmured while it

watched it tenderly -. You seem tired.

- It is that I have not slept much tonight - said she.
- Then already we are two - he said -. I was tormenting all along with rare ideas on you

and my head to me of sales until the five in the morning. So I only could sleep one hour
before to begin to work.

- Horseradish tree he is an pleasant man - she said -. But the truth is that I left with him

stops... good, for probarte that it was not excited with you. So that you did not think that it
went to cazarte or something thus.

It narrowed his face between the hands.

- it had enjoyed much if you had gone behind me, small mine - it said -. You are

something new in my life.

One inclined, it soon kissed it with dulzura and it sighed.

- it is not a good one idea to begin things that we cannot finish - said -. Duer to me

well, affection. Cynthia it will remove you from the bed when amanecer. It and papa rise
very early and they prepare a great breakfast.

- they enchant the breakfasts to Me - she said -. And also to Norman. It likes eggs with


It shook the head.

- This seems a strange triangle. You, I and the iguana. Good night.
She lay down to laugh and it remained contemplating it while one put in its room. He

was the man more handsome than it had never seen.

The scent to bacon woke up it before of which Cynthia it went to warn it. One rose

quickly, it put the cattle tenders, a simple blouse and boots. Still it was the sky grayish,
although the sun seemed that it would win finally to clouds and it would leave of to rain.
Cepilló the hair, took off the rest of maquillaje of the previous day and one washed the
teeth with precipitation to lower to have breakfast.

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It fits already was in the kitchen putting the table and its aspect it was different. The

suit had replaced of work by ajustados cattle tenders, a pair of boots and a shirt.

While it had breakfast, it observed to him with thoroughness and according to believed

she, without nobody realized, but Cynthia and Eugene they were intercambiaron cautious of
conspiracy, so its interest by Fits had to be more evident of which she thought. But in any
case, It also fits observed it without repairs some.

Nicky was the one in charge to give of to eat to Norman, which did enchanted, and

soon transferred to the animal to the garage, where it would spend all the day with the rest
of the animals of its collection.

It fits prepared the equipments and everything the necessary thing for the day of

fishing and borrowed to him light truck a Eugene it stops to go until the wharf of the lake.

Cynthia a basket with the food had prepared them along with last and drinks you cold,

that it had placed in a portable refrigerator that it went in the back part of the automobile.

- I do not like the idea to take so many things, but Cynthia it seemed to be sure that we

were going to happen hunger.

- Cynthia it is a very pleasant woman - Danetta talked back -. And your stepbrother


It directed the glance to highway e he increased the speed.
- That says everybody.
She sighed with certain sadness and she thought the difficult thing that she would be to

make disappear those emotional misalignments of She fits with respect to his family.

They unloaded all the things in boat of Eugene, that it was in the house of the wharf

together to the lake.

- Can prepare single you the cane with the bait? - it asked Fits with animation.
- It hears, that there am servant doing it - it protested she while with skill it put the bait

in the cane.

- God mine, that one is not form of to place it - it exclaimed -. ¡You must give to the

fish more bait so that it can bite! - it explained and it showed his to him with five or six

- You will lose the bait and I will fish a fish - she said with arrogance.
- we will already see.
They sent its canes and they seated in the boat. In the distance the motors of other

boats, but the boat were heard of Eugene it was in a private cove where nobody would
bother to them. Very far from there, they were descried the triangular forms of other
candles that shone under the blue sky.

- We used to also put balls of miga of bread as bait - he indicated to Danetta,

remembering the days in which he left to fish with his grandfathers.

- Good, I believe that the lombrices are good baits, unless you put a reptile young.

Those are better - he joked.

She watched with hardness when occurring account to him of which she returned to

put with Norman.

- Nor it is happened to you to think what I know that you are thinking - it said-Norman

is not a bait for fish.

- I have not slept in all the night thinking that there was some open door - it murmured

-. It imagined to me that if is as ready as you say, could open the door of my room and eat
to me while he slept.

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It left the cane supported in the ground of boat.

- Sight, you I will say it for the last time, the iguanas do not eat the men. ¡Specially to

petroliferous well drills like you, that surely will know like leather old!

It also left the cane with one malicious smile and the following thing that knew Danetta

was that she was leaning upon on the endorsement of its seat with him upon her.

- I do not taste to old leather and can demostra'rtelo-he whispered and he was

approaching his mouth little by little.

She nor so at least made minimum movement to reject, but that it embraced to him so

that one eased up totally above. It fits one realized of which it wished it and began to kiss it
with slowness, recreándose in the emotion that made him feel. One of its hands it slid
behind its body to protect the back to him of the humidity of bank.

- What flavor I have? - it whispered very near the entreabiertos lips of Danetta.
- To coffee - she in the same one said tone and with the fingers caressed its mouth just,

feeling the smoothness of its skin shaved and savoring the clean and fresh aroma of its

- It would give what outside by tenerte in this moment behind a closed door - it


- and what you would do? - it murmured.

- Already you know it - it against his moaned mouth and caressed its chests with

possessive hands -. You remember what you felt when I kissed to you here? She
remembered it perfectly and moaned of pleasing to to feel its capable fingers on its nipples;
those slow caresses began to return it crazy.

It fits it raised the face and it watched around the boat. The zone was completely desert

and when his eyes ardent they watched it again, she knew, before a began to undo the
blouse to him, which wished to do.

- Somebody... somebody can see us - she said but at heart she gave him equal.
- If somebody sees us, I will kill it - it said immediately and in opening and closing of

eyes it undid to him blouse and the belt of the cattle tenders. It discovered then the sujetador
and it moaned of impatience when it raised a little
in order to also undo it to it -. Hatred these devices that you you put the women - it

It put something tense when she felt that she was going to him to clear all the clothes.
- It fits... ¡you cannot...! - it exclaimed.

- Yes, yes I can - e talked back he the face inclined towards its chests. Danetta forgot

all protest when its mouth it cleared the turgid nipples. With the hands it took hold the nape
of the neck strongly to him being nauseated the body


moaning when feeling the

ferocidad of its mouth on his skin. With the hand that it had left frees, It fits took hold by
the nape of the neck despué


to scatter its long melena, while the other hand caressed its

belly still covered by the trousers.
She sighed with that smooth contact in its more intimate part and he it watched it when
feeling that it followed tense.

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- It is well - it whispered when it noticed that it vacillated and it returned to caress the

chests to him so that it did not think that it went too much of prisa -. We will leave that for
when we are behind a door closed. - I suppose... that you are customary to which we are
doing... It fits frunció the frown, but immediately relaxed when watching it.

- They give - it began tenderly -, never I have felt what I feel by you - added and their

words seemed to flow with certain difficulty. Nunca has been for so exciting me to touch to
a woman and to see how it reacts before my caresses. Fíjate how I am already and not even
I have touched you.

Its mouth covered the one with Danetta and she it shook when occurring account of

which it could happen. Suddenly it felt fear.

- Shh - he said -. I am not going to you to make damage, small; everything will go


The calm and whispering voice of Fits it relaxed. Little by little, its body was being

destensando and Fits straightened up the sufficient thing like undoing the shirt. Then it
pressed its body against the one of Danetta and it felt the hair of its chest against the smooth
skin of his.

- you are shaking as a leaf - he said jugueteando with its ear while with the hand he

caressed his thigh -. Yes, you me you wish - added -, and I to you...

It bit the shoulder of Fits through the shirt.
- She fits - it whispered out of breath.
- Oh, God mine,how much I wish you! - he exclaimed while its mouth continued

kissing it with ardor -. I want a bed stops to be able to make the things affluent...

It opened the mouth for him sinking in one sweet passion that caused the new desires

in its body. It did not understand that impulse that felt to bite it, but to him did not seem to
matter to him, but all opposite, instigaba to that he continued doing it, that he continued
biting it and kissing it untiringly.

It fits one shook and it moaned of pleasing looking for the hand of Danetta. It kissed it

with anxiety and it guided its hand through its body vigorous until its sex. Once it had the
delicate fingers of Danetta on its member, pressed them, but it seemed to be scared and
wanted to retire the hand. Then, It fits realized of which that situation was untenable.

With a sigh in a faint, it loosen hand of Danetta and separated of her. After minutes,

one seated yet the tembloroso body and looked for a cigarette in the pockets of its hunting.

It also seated and pretended to return to be interested in the fishing, but realized of

which It fits so nor at least it watched it. It had the gathered frown, perhaps by the
frustration that him it had produced the unexpected and sudden reaction of her.

Its black and waved hair was unkempt and its shirt wrinkled by the position in which

they had begun to make the love. She had a sensual aspect and she sighed to the salary be
incapable to continue. By the minus Fits had stopped before the things escaped to them of
hand, although suddenly seemed different to him, sad introvert and. With more stable
breathing, smoked the cigarette in silence without saying one word, until that mutismo
became unbearable. The canes to fish they followed in the same place and Danetta
remained mirándolas with the mind in target, asking itself if some fish would have mordido
the hook.

He, abstracted in his thoughts, watched at distance.
-Cumplire' thirty and seven within months - it said -. He is peculiar, but never I have

stopped myself to think that I will become old. Been I have always so occupied with the
businesses and making money that the time one goes away to me of the hands without

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giving account me. I am immensely rich, but I do not have nothing. My house is an empty
apartment and my life does not have incentives. Until Last Christmases my diversions were
occasional and frivolous. From Christmases - it said and their eyes were ensombrecieron
when watching it -, there has been nothing. I want to you. By God that are certain and you
also love me to me. If you did not have a mind so puritana and I did not do I marry of my
conscience, we would be already loving. I no I can follow thus, Give - it concluded -. We
must decide what is what we go a to do.

Then Danetta realized that he was that what bothered it. Its conscience did not allow to

seduce it a him less than she it really wanted. But it either did not want to commit itself
with her.

- It can that is easier if I am going away to work to another place - it said between

teeth, although it did not have any desire to do it. That one was not the answer that he had
hoped to listen. One became towards she and watched it with certain annoyance. It wanted
it and she knew it with certainty. What it was hoping it was that it yielded at that same
moment, but was very stubborn.

- You think that marchándote you went a to solve this? - it asked and the cigarette to

the mouth with a movement took energetic -. ¡I wish you, damn you are!

It put something tense.

- It fits, I I am not a modern girl... - it began.

It went ahead to his words and he felt impotent. Any other woman would have fallen

already rendered in her arms, but that stubborn young person inexperta and was able to
refuse eternally and no he knew why. Good, if what waited for it were to delay it until it
had ring of commitment in the hand, soon would clear that idea to him of the head.

- Because you are a little retrograde - hecho said with hardness, watching it a fury -.

Nothing of sex before marriage, nor permisividad with the emotions. They give, it do not
give account to you of the century in which we are? It felt that she began to lose the stirrups
and rose.

- Yes, I know it. And not me DES no conference on the advantages of the modern

world. Why you are going away to marry if you can sleep with who desires to you? And if
you remain pregnant woman, there is a pile of modern alternatives to solve the problem...

That so firm answer surprised it. it raised abruptly.
- If you remained pregnant woman, it would not leave you. But in any case, it would

also put all the measures so that no it happened.

- Good, but always there is risk - it talked back.
He watched it completely infuriated.

- How it has been possible to strain the pregnancy in this conversation?

-Es that goes related to sex - it with sarcasmo responded -. Or it is that you do not

know it?

It remained watching it with a chaos of sensations and emotions in its interior. Danetta

seemed to him different when it got upset; their eyes lost dulzura, its skin sonrojaba and its
body it shook with energetic movements. It wished to take hold it and to knock down it in
the boat stops to have it.

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Its body had betrayed to him and, gotten upset with he and with itself, began to fasten

the shirt.

- Good, because you do not wait for any proposal of marriage as for me - it said with

coldness -. I want to you not as much but.

- Magnificent,a man like you last it that he wishes in the world is to marry, clear! - it

talked back furious.

- Wonderful - he said and he seated occurring by won -. It takes canes, if it does not

matter to you - the refrigerator said and removed and the basket -. We can eat in house.

- it seems to Me perfect - it talked back -. In addition, no I am hungry - it added and it

began to gather canes. But suddenly one occurred it tells that it had pricked a fish -. ¡There
is mincemeat, has itched! - it exclaimed and it watched cane of Fits -. Your lombrices have
disappeared and I have fished a fish, what you I said? - enthusiasm flood said.

- it has not been by your technique of to place the bait reason why you have fished it

but because it will have listened to you to expose all your anticuadas theories on sex and
has died of laughter.

-¡What you say...! - she exclaimed to to see that one made fun of descaradamente and

gave him with the fish in the cheek.

It fits cleaned the face of badly humor and returned to put sombrero that had fallen

with the blow.

- Dame and you go away a again find out-it warned with the gathered frown, watching

it dangerously.

It lay down backwards.

- You you deserved it - it said. Its lip inferior it began to shake and the tears shone in

their eyes -. ¡You are mujeriego!

The tears of Danetta did that It fits calmed and that misfortune in serious was not


- That is better than to be a small one and fries prude - it talked back. It became from

backs and gathered canes to fish. It fits felt more shocked by the attitude of Danetta that by
hers own. The things had been developed until then with as much dulzura that it did not
understand how at those moments they could be enemigos. It wished much it, but it could
not give him what it requested to him. It was not going to marry with her only by pleasure
that its body could give him and in addition felt still less desire reason why it had said to
remain pregnant. Nevertheless, the idea that someday a son of another man could conceive
returned it crazy. One became and it jumped to wharf without worrying if she it followed it
or no.

It was the first real dispute that they had had, excepting the one of the day in which it

said to him what thought of him. He was furious and one even noticed in the form that it
had to lead light truck towards the farm.

- I believe that it will be better than returns a my apartment - she said very dry.
- No, young lady - it talked back while he parked -. The only reason by that I decided

traerte here was for protegerte until a private detective investigates what is what it
happened in your house and why. My father and I have worked in it only from yesterday
and this morning he was going to call to your premium Jenny - it talked back -. So you will
remain see you tomorrow, at least - it added and soon it smiled -. I am sure that I can trust
that you will not attack to me while I sleep.

She watched it furious and left light truck.

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During the rest of the day, Danetta ignored and helped it a Cynthia in the kitchen to

prepare fish while Eugene and It fits were encerrados in the study by questions of
businesses. Later, It fits went to the garage where Nicky was giving to eat to its animals and
Norman. Its mind did not do more than to give returns to which it had happened that
morning and its body still were suffered by the frustrated excitation that had felt.

Nicky watched to him when it entered the room. The boy had a dwarfed crocodile in

his hands.
- I thought that you and Give you were of fishing - something timid said. It fits
shrank of shoulders with a cigarette in the lips.

- róbalo has fished and I believe that they are it preparing. What is that that you have in

the hand?

- It is anolis carolinensis, also call "chameleon of the new world". It changes of color

and are very tame. You want to take it? It fits shook.

- I do not like those small lizards.

- Technically they are reptiles - Nicky talked back and it gave back it box to his -. To

that it seems a crocodile in small? But Norman is much more pretty...

Norman had been put in guard since It fits had entered the room and it watched to him

timid like a cat.

- Eh, Norman - it said Fits -, with which I you I want, you do not watch to me thus.

- it is scared to You - Nicky explained -. They are not aggressive except when they are

at time of fervor. Then they are put of very badly humor.

- I can understand it - it said Fits almost in a whisper.

- it is only scared because you are very great - it continued Nicky -. Like Give-added I
something vacillating -. You are going away to marry with she?

The frown fits frunció.
-¡But what you say!
- Oh.

- She is my secretary - it added Fits when he saw that the boy had been scared with his

so abrupt answer.

- He knows much of lizards - the boy indicated -. majority of the girls is scared to

them. Mother has it, although she disguises it very well. It fits seated in an old sofa that was
that way and a ash tray approached that there was on a table.

- What so goes the school to you? - it asked.

- Well - Nicky with one talked back smile -. I have gone to the museum of Will Rogers

in an excursion that we did this month. It was a wonderful type.

- Of course - it responded Fits and it observed the boy thinking that if someday married

it would have a son like him -. What you are going to do when you are greater?

- I will be zoologist - Nicky without vacillating said nor moment.

- Well, because this it must be a good practice for you - it said and it indicated all the

boxes with animals -. In addition you have much idea of how maintaining inhabitants
similar to the natural ones and you have everything very clean.

Nicky smiled shining.

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- Thanks.
- something is counted papa to You of business of petroleum? Although you never

want to work in him, would not come to you bad that you knew a little of what goes.

Nicky approached him with the hands in back.
- Papa always is occupied - he talked back.
That same one was the history of the childhood of Fits. His father always was in el'

petroleum field or in coast in some prospección. It traveled around the world and It fits and
its mother they had spent long time single. Peculiarly, Eugene no it did not seem to have
established either after its second marriage, although parecía to take care much of Cynthia.
Nevertheless, the attention that had to lend a to him his son seemed to be more of economic
type. It gave to the boy everything him what wanted, except time and attention.
- you have never seen a well of petroleum? - it insisted Fits. Nicky shook the head

- One of my clients have a great well near Beggs - something vacillating said and

watched at boy, who watched it with hope -. I can llevarte the next weekend - it added and
it smiled -. I used to work in one of those wells.

- I know It. Papa me he counted. You will really take to me, Fits? - preguntó with

timidity -. I would like much if I do not cause problem to you. Papa says that I am very

It fits one rose and it caressed the hair of the boy with affection.

- No you will be no problem - it said with amiability, without letting smile -. We are

going to see if we can make another thing that is not to watch these lizards - a said and
watched Norman with certain aggressiveness -. They do not eat to the iguanas in Hispano-

-, Yes clear - it said Nicky -. They call "wood hens", because they know like the

chicken. ¡But you no you can! - it exclaimed -. ¡They give you would not pardon it!

It fits it sighed and it walked towards the door.

- I have the sensation of which it will not pardon to me in any case - said, something

melancholic, remembering what it had happened in the morning.

He was sorry by it not to have dealt with more gentleness and in addition, it did not

like anything to remember the tears that had seen in their eyes. In fact they did not do the
minor to him grace and could not olvidar them.

Chapter Nine

Danetta did not direct the Vista to Fits during the food, nor it did not speak to him

either. Luckyly Nicky was excited with the idea to see the oil well the following weekend
and it did not talk-off. Danetta also was contented with that change but it felt wound when
seeing that it did not direct the word to him; and much worse than that it was the sensation
of which it did not wish it more than by his body and that could not to offer to him more
than an adventure.

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They ate ródalo fried, that was delicious, although Danetta as soon as it proved it.
- I have given to eat to Norman by you - the boy said -. It fits thought that it was going

away to eat - it added with a smile -. Surely that it would not like anything, right? - it asked
its stepbrother.

- I do not know - Danetta said speaking by first time -. If the condimentáramos

affluent, I believe that whole number would eat.

Everybody lay down to laugh, even Fits.

- He is vegetarian, at least that is what you say - added. Although its tone was
conciliador she did not trust.

- I suppose yes that.

- I have a new one program for the computer - Nicky said while they ate the dessert -.

It solves mysterious cases and make very good graphs. Papa has said to me that you like the
films of Sherlock Holmes, so I believe that you will like.

It fits smiled to him with affection.

- For that reason you bought it? Nicky it clarified to the throat and sonrojó.
- Good, more or less.

- I would like to see it, Nicky - his said brother, without regreting its decision when he

observed that its expression was exaggerated alegre. It soon watched Danetta, but their eyes
were fixed in pie and not even raised the head when it went away.

- worries to You something? - it asked Eugene frunciendo the lips while he and

Cynthia they watched Danetta.

- Pardon? - she with nervousness asked.

- It fits wants to you, but without wedding of by means - it observed Cynthia shaking

the head -. we know well - it added with dulzura -. But you do not become sad, never had
brought to nobody to house, thus, that you are a unique case. It will already yield. You will
already see.

- Everything what you must do is to follow a little to him the current - it said Eugene -.

You already know, échale prudent like a the great fish. Dale the sufficient one until it has
fallen in the hook.

- it is not so easy - it vacillated.

- Clear that yes - it talked back -. It already is means strained by you, if no, why it has

brought to you to house?

- But already you I said it - it moaned -, my apartment was assaulted.
- haberte Could commanded to a hotel, affection - it said Cynthia acariciando the hand

-, or haberte to him commanded here single. It did not have why to come with you.

Eugene it smiled while it drank I suck of its coffee.

- I will even say to you that he is preocupadísimo to discover who has entered your

house and it removes to him from quicio to think that they have threatened to you thus.

Although Danetta smiled with certain skepticism before all those reconfortantes words,

one felt better.

- you have known something of Jenny? - it asked.
Él affirmed with the head.

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- and the private detective also has right call before you came from the lake. We have

something planned; Jenny it comes tomorrow and you can marcharte tomorrow at night.
Fits will explain you everything.

Nevertheless, Danetta lost everything hope of which was counted it, since in all the day

it seemed to find moment to speak with her. It was playing with Nicky in the computer and
speaking with its father. This one noticed it worried.

- you are worried - it said Eugene clearly -. It is by Danetta, right?
He was not very frequent that its father and he they spoke of its personal subjects, so it

was surprised.

- Yes. It is Danetta. We have arrived at impás. I I want it, but it wishes comprometerse-

explained and she put the hands in pockets without letting watch through the window -. I do
not trust much feelings, usually do not last.

- To no? - it protested Eugene and it supported in the edge of its table of office -. I

believe that that idea you have removed it from me because I married with Cynthia instead
of to me to have maintained faithful to memory of your mother. It fits became with
accusing eyes.

- That one is a good form to say it. Eugene it smiled pensativo.
- Your mother and I married enamored and our love one did not become broken in

thirty years, son. I married with Cynthia because it was the only hope of not ending my life.
That will give one you idea of which it loved your mother. I will tell the truth you, if it is
that you want it to know - it added with a cold rage -. A day I wanted to fly the cover of the
sesos with the pistol which I have in my office and Cynthia it appeared just at that moment
and it convinced to me that it did not do it. Soon, it seduced to me.

- God mine - it said Fits and one seated in the sofa, lowered.

- So now already you know everything to it, nonson? - it asked Eugene -. For that

reason that day it remained pregnant woman, since in the middle of our fever we did not
take measures and when I knew that it waited for a boy, I could not leave it or yield to the
impulses to force suicide on to me knowing that it took in its entrails a son mine. We
married with precipitation and Nicky arrived nine months later - it explained and it returned
to smile when seeing that It fits it could not think what it had listened -. Conversation this
to all the questions that you have wanted to do to me in these eight years?

- I feel It - it said Fits with sincerity -. I long before feel very many not to have spoken

of all this. Not me it pleases to remember the form in that I have treated a Cynthia and a
Nicky. Me I will not be able to pardon in long time.

- Cynthia it includes/understands it - it said -. It did not want that you she counted it -

she added without joy -. It thought that you would underestimate to me if you knew that it
had tried to force suicide on to me.

- All the opposite - it said Fits -. That had changed my life completely. All we must to

much a to him Cynthia.

- and not less to Nicky - it said Eugene with serenity -. It went like returning again to

tenerte to you. But it seems to me that there am assignment such errors with him and I have
maintained section to it to take care of a my businesses - it said and it sighed -. I must it
have taken sometimes to see wells, truth?

- you do not worry. You can venirte with us if you want - respondió Cabe smiling.
Eugene it raised an eyebrow.

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- It is a possibility. Why no? I have left with my two children and never I believe that I

will be able if you can.

- Of course - it said Fits.

- Very well, then dalo by fact - his father talked back and soon the throat was clarified -

. What you go a to do with Danetta?

It fits sighed.
- I do not know.
- She is a proud woman and if you do not take care of it it will go to you of the hand.

You will not find another one like her.

- I know It - it responded and the hand went through hair -. It is the idea of the

marriage, to tie to me.

- Good, all in the end we do it - it said Eugene -. It has its compensations.
- Like sex? - it asked Fits with irony.

- Not only sex, but to have to somebody when you return to house - added Eugene -,

somebody that it is to your side when you become ill, they alguien with that you can speak
when rest of the world is closed for you - it indicated and its glance became soñadora -. sex,
of course, also exists and is good part of the marriage, but if no you are united
sentimentally to a person, you pass it well while it beams, but you both forget to to have
finished seconds.

- That is certain - it commented Fits.

- Danetta is virgin, right? - it asked Eugene with its habitual abruptness.
- Yes - it confessed Fits and sonrojó.

Eugene one approached its son to give taps him in the shoulder.

- Tómate your time with her. Everything it will come out and cásate well. The virgins

are nowadays as the diamonds. Very rare.

With that last commentary, it left office and left to Fits totally confused. All those

years blaming his father being unfaithful to the memory of its mother, to only end up apren-
diendo an amazing truth: that the love yes lasted. Cynthia it had to love a much Eugene to
have sacrificed as much, by having itself arriesgado and to have accepted to remain
pregnant. Perhaps the feelings of Danetta was so deep?

Meanwhile, she dealed with to find out the plan that had prepared to him for when it

returned to his apartment. It fits left the office of Eugene with distracted and distant aspect,
and nevertheless, it watched it with fixedness, of a form that put it nervous. If no it wanted
it, if it were certain that he was not united to her sentimentally, why it watched it thus?

- On Jenny... - she began when they closed television to eleven.
- Tomorrow - it said Fits with serenity.

Its blue eyes they watched during seconds with curiosity, but it did not have desire of

watched games of and average return occurred. Nicky had gone away to the bed one hour
before with Norman, so it also gave good night all and a went away its room. Mientras
undressed thought about that Monday would begin to look for work in the announcements
of the newspaper. It watched its nightgown of yellow silk, that it had bought guided by an
impulse. Nobody was going it to see, except her.

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One put in the bed and it took enough in to fall asleep. It dealed with not thinking

about which it had happened although still it hurt to him; nevertheless, to the few minutes
of to have slept, a shout woke up it.

-¡Aid! - it exclaimed Fits.
The Albornoz put itself and left means slept to the corridor, in the direction of the

quarter of He fits. The door was open and it could hear voices in other rooms when it
entered the dormitory. Then it remained paralizada. Norman was on the feet of the bed of
Fits On guard of attack with the papada one expanded and the tail upwards, with a glance
ferocious. It fits, naked completely, it was standing on the mattress, patch to the head,
brandishing the lamp of the small table at night. Danetta remained pasmada when seeing
the body of Fits.

-¡Norman...! - it exclaimed with the hands in the hips, treating to maintain the glance in

its mascot.

Few minutes later, Danetta had obtained to take it in its arms and the animal went

returning to its normal state.

He fits jumped of the bed and the Albornoz put itself quickly.

- it already is calm-it assured she watching it landmark in landmark, as she feared that

she was not still covered.

- It is calmer - he protested watching at the reptile with authentic hatred -. God

mine, I thought that they finished my days. I felt something humid and cold in the
feet and...

- Cold? - she with altered voice said -. ¡Norman is not cold...!
-...When I ignited the light, it was that monster of film next to my feet!
- She is only one raises and damage had not done you - she said.
-¡How that no! - he exclaimed and did gesture to send lámpara to him.
- No you say to me that you had beaten to him with that? - she protested.
- No, he was only going to send it to it - he corrected.
-¡Oh, stupid idiot! - it accused -. Why you did not take a newspaper and you

signaled to him so that it left the room?

-¡Because he was not safe if it would eat the newspaper as it has supper and to

me of dessert!

-¡I have said you that she does not eat people!

- How you know it? There are counted your relatives and to your neighbors


Eugene and Cynthia they entered in the room watching at the iguana that Danetta

maintained in arms and a Furibunda fits with that glance.

- one has escaped? -- it said Eugene.

- Yes, it has left the room of Nicky and has come to mine explained Fits

indignant -. ¡It treated of subírseme above!

- you were not nervous? - it exclaimed Cynthia.
- A little - it admitted Fits.
- It was in the middle of the bed shouting as a crazy person - Danetta explained.
-¡Of that nothing! - it shouted Fits -. ¡It was trying to put to me in the best

position to send to him lamp!

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- Barbarian What you are - it murmured Eugene -. Norman Poor man.
- it cannot remain in this house - it said Fits of the bad humor -. I do not think to

sleep patch to the room where she is this infernal creature.

- I will take It to garage - Danetta said -. Is sleepy Nicky?
- Yes - it said Cynthia -. One never awakes by the nights, so it will not throw of

less to Norman.

- It will be sufficiently to taste there it was?- it asked Eugene

frunciendo the frown -. I believe that the best thing will be that you ignite the calefacción of
the room of the garage.

- If it does not matter to you - Danetta said.

- Nothing absolutely. It fits can enseñarte how one ignites.

- You could...?
- I am not scared of those damn lizards - it said Fits to the defensive -. We go.
It shrank of shoulders and lowered to the lobby with She fits. Cynthia and Eugene they

returned to its dormitory, ing ***reflx mng itself by low it.

- they will be ed ***reflx mng during weeks - it murmured Fits and it watched furious

Danetta -. And everything because of your damn animal.

- it is not a damn animal - she said and she followed the garage. Danetta put to Norman

in the box that corresponded to him once that they arrived and gave account of which there
indeed it was very cold. It fits it started up the thermostat and it left ignited a small light.
Soon it watched a Danetta as if it wanted to penetrate with the Vista the fine fabric of its
dressing gown of silk.

- you do not imagine things gratuitously - she said when warning its expression -. I

have not put east nightgown for your benefit.

- Hopefully you had done it - it said with a deep sigh -. That would mean that you are

not hurt reason why you already I said this morning.

- and what concerns you to you if I am hurt or no? - it asked occurring the return -. You

do not want to me more than for acostarte with me.

It put the hands in the pockets of his Albornoz.

- That is what I said to you, no? - he asked with bitterness. One seated in the sofa of the
room and a cigarette removed.

- Yes - it talked back -. And it seems to me that you took reason. The best thing than I

can do is to look for another work, so I am going to begin same Monday.

-¡No! - he exclaimed -. Still no. She watched it with nervousness.
- Why no? ¡The sooner better!

It loosen the smoke with impatience. It had begun all that mess and it had to find the

form of to fix it.

- Still not - it repeated calmer -. Dame a pair of semanas. We must find our thief


- Oh. That had forgotten to me - she said, enchanted of encontrar an excuse by which

she could not leave it.

With a sigh also it seated in sofa.

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- Eugene it has said to me that you have planned something and that Jenny it comes


It returned to give pierced other his cigarette and of unexpected form extinguished it.

When inclining to extinguish it in ash tray its Albornoz was opened and let see good
Danetta part of its chest and of its stomach. It turned aside the Vista when noticing the
weakness that felt by that man. The desire that it had of him was so strong that it did not
understand how Fits not it it warned. But it was not watching it.

- We are going to tend a trap to him in your apartment. You explicaré when it comes

Jenny, because he is a little complicated, although it will solucionará the problem.

It shook the head and decided to happen to another one subject.

- You and your brother seems that you you take better - he indicated to break tense


- Yes, we are in it. He is a boy wonderful and I have been thinking that he would not

be bad to have a son - it said and it watched it with intensity -. You like the children?

It put itself alerts.

- Yes - it said and it was placed better dressing gown and the nightgown -. How you

are going to have children if you do not want to marry?

- I suppose that I will have to marry to me - it confessed to the fixed eyes in her.

It swallowed saliva when occurring account of which she watched his body with


- With Karol?

- perhaps you imagine to Karol putting in danger its figure by me?

She smiled of form in a faint.

- If it wants to you, I suppose yes that.
- Then you think that a woman would accept that risk if it loved a man? - it asked


She affirmed with the head.

It raised the face ardent watching it.

- If it is thus why you do not come here and you leave colocarte me underneath my

body so that it does the love to you...

The eyes of Danetta they nothing else dilated to hear its words and it was put red.
- I believe that I have not heard to you...

- Yes, yes you have heard to me well - it said he -. You finish saying to me that you

like the children and to me also. Let us have one...

It rose shaking from top to bottom.

- You are crazy... You do not want comprometerte, there are me this sure good you do

not want... ¡It fits!

It took it by surprise and he attracted it towards himself placing it between its legs.

Then a fight in which began the Albornoz of It fits was opened much more and before the

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overwhelmed Vista of Danetta Cabe it remained almost naked. That vision cut the
breathing to him and it could not separate Vista.

- This is a triviality - he said -. I want that you see such me and as I am right now.
- This is a madness - it whispered treating about to maintain the control.

- Not if you want to me, They give - he said and its voice was deep and solemne -. If

you want to me, and this is not a flirteo, I go a quitarte that dressing gown and the
nightgown and I am going to make the love with you in this same one moment. I do not
know another better form convencerte of my good intentions more than haciéndote to see
than I can dejarte pregnant to intention.

- and what your father would say and your madrastra? - she in her desperation


- Good, that you I will tell another day it because it is one releases history - it said and

their hands already were in their Albornoz -. It tell me, yes or no.

She shook when feeling her hands and she was confused to not to have hoped that that


- I am scared - it confessed in a whisper.

- and I also - it talked back -. I suppose that it is natural when two people commit

themselves of this she forms. It give account you of which I am speaking to you of
marriage and not to live together? As far as that I also am something old fashioned.

- You can arrepentirte later - it said vacillating she -. It can that only we are physically

attracted and that you are something fascinated because I am virgin.
- Because we find out it - said he and began to clear the dressing gown and the
nightgown to him although it vacillated moments to make sure of which it wished it.

But Danetta did not protest and when it cleared the clothes to him, it lost the breath

when seeing that sonrosado and naked body in front of him. During moments not even one
dared to touch it.

- you are sonrojando yourself - it whispered when by aim watched it at the eyes.

- Never I have done this - she said with an afraid smile -. It is more difficult of which it

believed to be naked ahead of a man.

- Why? You are precious - it said and it caressed a shoulder to him.
Their fingers crossed their chests slowly with all experiencia that it had soon and they

descended by his stomach, its hips and their long legs. It kissed it of a form that never it had
done, with as much tenderness that it relaxed completely.

- You are going to have to trust me totally, you understand it? - susurró closely

together of its lips -. Because this is something that you do not know and that at some
moment can impresionarte. You can echarte in the sofa and to leave my hands they caress
to you without you fight against me nor against same you?

- Yes... I suppose - it whispered and her eyes they looked for those of Fits desperately.
Danetta did not let shake by the tenderness of its caresses, but although even watched

to him scared, he it it more down touched more and every time.

- I will not do damage-said to you with dulzura -. I hope that it does not matter to you

that the light is ignited, small - it added -, because I want verte. Those were their last words

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during long time, porque began a to touch it with its mouth, its language and its teeth while
the beats of heart of Danetta was accelerated.

It was knocked down to his side, no on her and that position varied not even when it

slid his hands until the hips of Danetta to press them against its body with a firm one

- It is on the awares - it whispered and both they watched while it was placed in better

position -. Quiet Estate now - it murmured -. You are not scared, to only it will hurt you in
the beginning - it added and one moved of new.

She sobbed although its body accepted the one of He fits almost to first and it

embraced it with force. Danetta shook.

- It is... so intimate - it whispered watching the eyes to him -. Already... we have

finished? - it asked when not knowing nothing absolutely of that.

He smiled and shook the head embriagado by the pleasure.

Then a began to move of rythmical form and she was astonished when feeling an

infinite delights, because whenever it made a movement of penetration, it felt delicious
sensations that crossed all the vertebral thorn to him. It bit the shoulder of It fits, his chest,
and their hands slid downwards eager while it enjoyed the form in which the thighs of Fit
were contracted. It could feel heat of its body and the beats of its heart, each anxious
breathing and each movement that did on her.

When it noticed that It fits was checked, one occurred it tells that it did by

consideration her and then began to move trying to follow the same rate that he. Little by
little it was feeling sensations more forts until the tension was insuffrable and a shout
escaped of his throat.

- Soon - it said it in his ear -, soon, soon - added jadeante and it felt her teeth in

shoulder -. ¡God, I cannot, I cannot...! But it obtained because the world to it around them
one dissolved in an eddy of movements and sobs. Danetta felt that its body put few seconds
rigid before the one of It fits and the accumulated tension broke in amazing waves of
pleasure that left it exhausta in its arms.

It felt the tears of Danetta falling by the neck but he could not make nothing clean them

to it since he was equally exhausted. One embraced her while she tried to stabilize
breathing and time later, their lips kissed the delicate face of Danetta.

It swallowed to free itself of her hug, but he she did not leave it.

- you do not retire to me so soon - it whispered -. I will die if you remove to me from

your body.

It seemed to say it so seriously that it yielded and it watched with the shining eyes and

the face to him sonrosado by the exercise and emotion.

- you want to Me - he said -. Not me you had let do this if you did not want to me.
It swallowed saliva.

- It can that has been an uncontrollable desire.

- But you know that it is not thus - it talked back and one straightened up on her lo
sufficient like contemplating its united bodies -. God mine, watches...

But she could not watch and closed eyes.

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- you do not feel ashamed - it whispered -, affection, you are not it, is so pretty...
She shook when hearing the emotion of her voice.
- You already have done it other times - she murmured.
-¡No! - it exclaimed he and kissed it so that he shut up -. Not of this form, never. This

is wonderful - it said -. It has been like returning to be born. Desire to do it again, often,
during the rest of my life.

The breathing of Danetta she was difficult and their words parecían a declaration to

him of love. Nevertheless, it could not become illusions. It raised the head and it watched
a eyes looking for an answer.

- You I have left satisfied? - he asked. She it returned to hide its face.
- Because if is not thus - it continued moving the hands with extremado eroticism -. I

can return to try it.

She it shook when feeling its prepared body to begin again. It took hold to him with

force and meant to him that no; it had preferred to ask to him what was what it felt by her,
but the lips of It fits sealed his mouth already to the time that it returned to move like
before. Soon it began to do it of enthusiastic form and his voice shook when discovering
an inner world just released by him. Finally, his voice became broken to the time that
embraced it and it satisfied it with a dulzura infinite.

When finally one separated of her pale and it was tremendously tired with the

factions harder than she it had never seen in him. His Albornoz rose and gathered. Was
put it without to watch it. Although Danetta did not know it, had given its whole soul him.
For that reason, It fits was a terrible scared.

Danetta also got dressed feeling something nervous and shamed.
- You are... well? - she with hesitation asked.
- Yes, I am it, and you?

She did a gesture affirmative lowering his watched the ground. All its body shook

before that discovery and before sadness of Fits.

- You are sorry?

It fits did not know what to answer because it did not know if it was it or no. One was

stunned too much like speaking of it and too confused.

- I suppose that not - it said without to commit itself with a definitive answer and

ignited a cigarette without to realize of which Danetta was scared by its distance -. We must
return a the house.

She walked towards the door thinking that that it had begun with dulzura, sensuality

and passion had become coldness and crudity. One finished giving to a man who did not
believe in marriage nor in the commitments, in spite of the passion whereupon had loved it.

In the return way, It fits it followed without noticing the effect that its coldness had

produced in her. It was too much shocked by its own feelings like finding out nothing, so a
cigarette without saying a word throughout was smoked way. It went when they arrived at
the door of the room of Danetta when it gave account of which the tears rolled by their

- Affection... - it said smoothly taking it of arm. But it undid of her hand.
- Good night - it said with sob and closed the door with bolt before it could react.
It remained in the door feeling like a stupid one.

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- Oh, God mine - it whispered -. ¡Danetta!
But she answered not even when she called to his door. With a resignation sigh one put

in its room and it was then when account of the error occurred that had committed when not
rendering to him attention to be sunk in its own thoughts. It had offered to him its
abstention and it had taken it without no word from affection after doing the love; if
Danetta cried were by fault hers and of nobody more; it had been stupid. It loved it.

Finally one lay down and it closed the eyes treating about not thinking about the

damage that had done. In the morning it would speak with it and would clarify the things to
make see it what felt by her.

And to the following morning one rose early and it lowered the stairs with

precipitation. Down, one was with Cynthia, Eugene and Nicky, but was nor sign of no

- Where it is Danetta? - it asked with nervousness. Eugene it was ed ***reflx mng with

- Good, son, lowered this morning with their things and left with Norman before we

awoke. It has left this note. It fits took it of hands of its father and it read it with anxiety in
high voice.

-"He had to return to house. Thanks for your hospitality. Danetta Marist.»
It fits collapsed in a chair and then it saw with clarity the dimension of its own


Chapter Ten

Danetta returned a Tulsa stunned and without thinking how much they were going to

him to receive by that trip in taxi. It already had asked the taxi driver before entering if it
accepted checks and like a the conductor it had seemed to him that it needed aid, had
accepted what it offered to him.

Danetta did not want to think en loque had happened in the garage of It fits. In one

night there was lost the abstention that was salvaguardado all the life only because its body
was too weak like in order to resist. The stomach shrank to him and the head gave to
returns every time him that it thought what would say to him to its parents if it remained
pregnant. It was asked how one would feel It fits and it thought that the salary marchado
would have facilitated to him much the things, since it would not pass the drink badly to
face her. It had demonstrated that one regreted which had done, although it was not had
worried not even about disculpar itself.

The taxi stopped in the same door of his building and the taxi driver helped to raise it

the suitcase and Norman until the floor of his apartment. It opened the door with tears in the
eyes and was face a face with Jenny.

-¡Surprise! ¡I am! - it said Jenny, who the expression of its premium stopped right

away when seeing -. What happens to you, affection, something goes bad? - it asked.

Danetta left Norman, that followed put in his box, in the ground and closed the door

before putting itself to cry.

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Jenny it embraced without saying nor a word and soon one went to the kitchen to

prepare a coffee.

- Norman... - it began Danetta with the difficult voice while one dried the tears with the

sleeve of its shirt.

- I will remove it from the box - she said Jenny swallowing saliva and released to

Norman of its temporary confinement.
Norman, that always pleased to intimidate to people who were scared to him, left the
box immediately and watched a Jenny with ferocidad.

- We go, Norman - it said Jenny and it threw towards back you do not watch to me
- It is... - Danetta began.

-...Vegetarian - he concluded Jenny by her -. Then explícale to him what is to be

vegetarian while I serve a coffee to you.

Shortly after they were taking the coffee in silence, without Danetta seemed to have

desire to begin to speak.

- Why you have returned? - a asked Jenny -. And what plan is the one that you have

thought Eugene, you and... It fits? - it added almost without being able to mention the name
of Ritter.

- a wonderful plan - it said Jenny lying down towards ahead mientras its long melena

was balanced on shoulders -. We go to extend certain erroneous information and to leave
those that have entered house goes after her. What we think that they were looking for here
is the map of strategic metal deposits that we found.

-¡The map! - Danetta exclaimed still on putting itself inmediatamente -. But how they

knew that that map existed?

- You said it.

- delay Hears a little while, I only I mentioned a to him Horseradish tree - sonrojó said

suddenly and -. Oh, no,it does not have been able to be he!

- Oh, yes, clear that yes - it assured Jenny -. You have not seen the jaguar that leads? It

thinks a little, already you know what the executives win of Fits.

I never could it have related. Horseradish tree, put in a robbery? - Horseradish tree do-

it did not say it Jenny -. truth is that not even it knows in which is put. To him they have
said to him that it tries to find a new oil well and they are paying to him very well by to
pass información. It does not have nor idea that foreign agents are put in this.

- and how foreign agents can put noses here? - Danetta said.
- I cannot be thought that you are so ingenuous - it said Jenny -. You have never heard

speak of foreign investors? Everything what they have to do is to immediately buy the
Earth in which we looked for.

- and cannot do it you before?
- he is not beneficial to buy earth with which it is speculated on, especialmente with the

type of grounds with which we worked. Even if we bid up by them they would raise
commentaries and people would believe that there is some mopping. Instead of thinking
that we want them for mining aims, they can think that we needed a nuclear waste dump or
something of the sort.

- Now I include/understand - Danetta said -. Good, and what we are going to do with

Horseradish tree?

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- you are going to give certain information to Him when the next Friday comes from a

trip of businesses that is doing.

Danetta not even it had thought about the long week that it had left ahead, in that

would have that to see It is every day possible and to support the memory of which they
had done together. Its hands apretaron the coffee cup.

- and soon what? - a asked Jenny.

- We will hope results - it talked back Jenny -. You remember to haber to him heard a

Eugene name of the gentleman Hunter?

- Yes I believe that it is ordered to solve all the problems of the company; the one that

recently it formed an equipment of antiterrorist fight in one of the marine platforms of north
of the Atlantic.

Jenny it did affirmative gesture.

- it has come with quite ugly scars... but in any case he is the one that is going to stop a

the foreign agents when we open this subject.

- We will have to know it? - Danetta asked. Jenny it put more comfortable in the sofa.
- I already know it - she said -. It is more, hates to me.
- Then what you have done to him?
- Nothing, that is most graceful. I suppose that I must remember somebody to him or

perhaps it is that hates to the blondes. It is most amiable with the others, so it is very
probable that you like.

- To me I like everybody almost - she said Danetta and sighed before drinking another

one I suck of coffee.
- Why you have returned to house? I thought that you were with the Ritter. Danetta
sonrojó immediately.

- Other fled from your head? - it asked Jenny -. Oh, Dyne,what I am going to do with


- Ayúdame to find another one work-said Danetta -. Because I am going to need one. I

cannot work for that mujeriego nor a day more.

- So finally proposals have done you? - it said Jenny with a smile that to its premium it

did not like anything -. Not him blame; terriblemente is masculine and you are a very
handsome youngster. I suppose that your innocence is like a fresh air whiff.

And that one was the truth, but to Danetta it did damage to him to oir it.
- What sounds? - it asked Jenny frunciendo the frown.
Danetta also had heard it and they were furious steps that approached towards the door

of their apartment. Somebody called shortly after and one was listened to palabrota that
transferred the door.

- good looking You what you want to that I know who is - it said Jenny with dulzura,

and one rose to open.

It fits not even was bothered in saluting like he was due and it entered like an eddy the

apartment, dress with its clothes tejana.

- Where she is she? - it asked point-blank.
Jenny it had common sense and lay down to a side.
- It is in the hall with the iguana - it explained.

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For the first time, It fits was not scared when hearing the name of Norman and entered

although it had to happen next to animal, which, when seeing that it was not scared, relaxed
and it went away to sleep.

Danetta resisted the impulse of to leave running to receive it and to lie down in its

arms. Instead of that spontaneous reaction, remained quiets.

It went in search of an explanation, but to to see that Danetta must have cried, all its

fury disappeared.

- Oh, affection - it said tenderly -, I feel it much.

It then lay down to cry very heartbrokenly and She fits was enseguida to embrace it.
- We go, we go - it murmured -, we go already I am here, everything will go well.
- No, it is not truth - she said with the difficult voice, while their hands surrounded the

neck by Fits and their face one hid in his throat.

It fits caressed its long melena noticing that Jenny one had retired discreetly and it had

closed the door. Then it was asked if Danetta would have said something to him.

- Why you fled?
- you already know it.
- No, I do not know it - it responded and he forced a to be on the awares flooded in

tears -. perhaps 0 if I know it - corrected when feeling thousand of emotions when
contemplating its face saddened by the weeping -. It was not my intention that you thought
that what we did for me did not have importancia. He was something stunned.

It lowered the Vista and she watched the mouth to him.

- I also it it was - it talked back -. I never had made nothing similar before. I thought

that you were sorry, that only you wished me and that for that reason, when finishing, me
you rejected - it explained -. Soon I thought that if went to me you would feel better.

He sighed with force.

- you do not have to me understood and I do not know how explicarte what I feel so

that you include/understand to me. Of soon I began to feel something different from which
it had never experimented. Something deeper, and I felt scared. For that reason you thought
that it was gotten upset with you or something thus.

It bit the lips. It was not saying to him after all that one regreted which it had done?
- Good, by me you do not have preocuparte - it said with pride. Yo I am not going to

you to put in any hardship or...

He lay down backwards to contemplate it. With the hand dried the tears to him, to the

time that chose the most opportune words.

- I am not ashamed, nor gives hardship me that we did - said and tried to smile with

dulzura -. But I believe that you yes.

She sonrojó remembering all scene of the garage, the passion that felt the one by the

other. With a sigh it lowered the glance. It fits took the hand to him and the palm took to
the lips.

- you are not timid - it said -. I do not have intention to joke or to burlar to me of you

reason why happened last night - it added and Danetta elevated the face again. You lost a
wonderful breakfast - it said -. No you want that we leave to take doughnuts?

It vacillated.

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- I cannot leave a Jenny.

- Then then we will take them here.

It blinked and her last tears they disappeared.

- It fits, I do not have anything to do them.
- you do not have anything? And I am going to live with a woman that it cannot

prepare doughnuts?

It felt confused and the hair lay down towards back.
- I can hacerte rolls - it said vacillating.

- I like the doughnuts - said with firmness -. Also the black coffee and strong, the
Italian paste, the fillets of sirloin, and peach and apple pies.

It every time felt like more confused and her eyes they moved anxious.
- You want now all that? - it said.
- to Only I am saying you to the things that more me they please - it explained -. Later

we can go to most specific, like for example, how I like that they cook eggs. ¡Ah!, and
never you do pie to me of espinacas because I have read in this book that is not a food for
men - it said and it smiled.

She felt desire to laugh and she did it.
- In agreement.
After all what there were past, the things seemed to solucionar themselves little by

little. It fits realized which it could not hurry. It had to cause that Danetta trusted which it
felt towards her and to convince it that it much more wanted it that by its body.

- Meanwhile - it said -, we will leave and we will take buñuelos. Jenny it can come

with us. Why you do not go a by her and you say it?

- I can prepare something now - it tried again.
- Affection, I die by doughnuts - it said and it sighed. She it yielded.
- I will put a jersey, still I have them in suitcase.

But while it removed the jersey from the suitcase, Fits noticed its expression in a faint.
- Danetta, everything will go well - it said and it happened to him hand by the cheek. -

No you are scared, we will not spend of the ray this time. You I promise it. It swallowed
saliva with difficulty.

- What is what you want? - it asked, because it had to know it.
- To you - he said simply.
- But you...

- But I what? - he with his deep and smooth voice asked -. But I have had you, that is

what you were going to say - it said and it smiled with dulzura -. I have almost spoiled it
everything, but now we will begin again. This time, we will not skip the intermediate steps
- she added and she watched to him confused -. Us we will take it with calm - it said -, we
will leave together, I will send flowers to you and chocolates and I will call you to two of
dawn to speak with you, and we will make the love, although - something sad added -,
better we will pospone it for when we really know ourselves.

- and soon?

It took hold it by shoulders and he shook it slightly.

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- and soon, what you think? That you I will drag until my apartamento and I will do the

love to you until you cannot more? God knows that that is what I would like to do right
now, but I prefer to hope until you are prepared to do it, until you include/understand that
not you treatment like a a woman any.

- In other words - she said fighting against the desire of llorar -, you want that she is

your lover.

It fits did not react bad but that it caressed and it observed it during moments.
- Why it costs as much to believe to you that I always can quererte? I already said to

you a long time ago that I was not play boy.

- What you said to me a long time ago is that you did not want comprometerte - added.
- That was before - he said.

- Before I became crazy person in the garage and gave you. It loosen it exasperated.

-¡You do not listen to me!

- You only you feel like culprit and I she be-said to it still more separating from him -.

Thus that you do not go to return to convince telling me those stories to me.

- No?

- No, mantente moved away of me - she in a amenazador tone said -. I will not let to

you be convinced and in addition I am going to look for work in another company.

- Of that nothing - he with one said ironic smile -. You must take your references and

that writing touches me to do it. I will put something truculento so that nobody accepts to

- they will not believe to you.

- Your uncle himself-said he -. You do not remember? The one that thought that you

worked in a factory of torpedoes.

It leaned against the wall.

-¡Norman! - it called to its iguana like last means. Norman it watched it with attention
and soon it closed the eyes.

-¡Apostatized! - it murmured by low and infuriated.
- It is that now taste-it said to him Fits -. I did not separate from him when happening

and for that reason it respects to me. We are going to be great friends.

- I cannot work more for you - she said returning to the subject. It shrank of shoulders.
- I agree in that. You go to limitarte a to work in house.
- What you mean? - it asked with the frown gathered.
It fits indicated to the stomach of Danetta and frunció the lips.
- You know to weave?
Danetta opened the mouth as if it tried to find something that to say. It could not think

that It fits had said that she had heard.

- You can leave there already? - it asked Jenny from the lobby. Acabo to arrive at

apartment and I am hungry.

- Indeed we spoke of food lay Fits -. Ponte the jersey and vámonos to a site that I know

where they put doughnuts wonderful.

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Danetta happened to his so confused side and troubles that it cost to him much to put

the jersey and to fix themselves the face. They spent the day pleasantly and they did not
return to house until the hour from the supper.

On the following day, the conduct of Fits in the office continued the same pattern of

the previous day. Him it opened the doors of the offices, it took coffee to him to the table
and it treated it like if outside its woman.

She, on the other hand, one was halfway between the sky and the Earth, so confused by

that change that several times was confused in the work and was confused when writing the

But the authentic surprise arrived when it appeared Karol in oficina asking for Fits.
Danetta called it by the intercom but instead of making happen to Karol, it was the one

who left the office.

- Man, affection, you are here, your small petunia does not have be very

communicative - dulzón murmured Karol in a tone, approaching mucho a It fits -. We are
going to dance tonight?

- I feel It, affection, but I am out of play from Saturday -- it said with a placentera

smile -. Danetta and I am going to go to have supper a Big Tom and soon I am going to
take it that mine knows an uncle who lives in the west on Tulsa.

Karol remained watching it with the expression in target and without palabras to react.
- You are going to leave with your secretary?

Danetta knew that it must have a face as perplex as the one of Karol, specially when It
fits watched it with one smile that could desmayar to anyone.

- Exactly - it talked back Fits.
- Why? - the other said.
- So that it is accustomed to my family - she said -. My father and my madrastra and

my brother are enchanted with her. We spent a wonderful weekend in the farm.

- So it was there where Karol in a frozen tone be-said -. Good, you do not hope that I

remain sitting hoping to that serves to this chiquilla to take a walk, I have better things that
to do with my time.

- I am glad to listen to that - it said Fits with one smile -. Why you do not go away and

beams a few?
Karol watched it furious and left the office with hasty step. It fits rubbed the hands.

- one finished - it said and it became a Danetta -. It reserves a table in Big Tom - it said

-, and ponte something special to go to see Abe uncle. You will like. He was a cattle tender
of Roofing tiles and it tells each history you...

- That is that is truth which you have said a to him she? - Danetta said.
- Clear - the frown said and frunció putting hands in the pockets -. You had not found

out? I go in serious. I do not want more showcase women, I want more nights playing
poker, neither the more trips outside the city. I am going to seat the head and I do not want
that you create to me without darte no test, so you will be able to verify it from now on
same you yourself.

The heart of Danetta barked wildly in its chest.
- and all that... by me? - it asked.
- Of course - he said smiling -. I like when you smile thus, you warm up the heart to


She sonrojó moved by the smoothness of its voice and by piropo.

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- Beam the reserve - it said -. What type of flowers you like?
- the daisies - it talked back.
- That seemed to me to me -- it said and it returned to put in its office without saying

one more words.

That Danetta night was put broach new of daisies in his dress, had supper in Big Tom

and soon they went to visit the uncle of Fits.

- He is majísimo - she said when they returned to house.

- I adore the uncle, although most of the family no he can hold it in great doses - he
said and he watched it. It seemed to him that she was divine with its black suit and the
daisies in the chest -. I already knew who you would like - it added and the cigarette took to
the lips -. But it had not fallen in which to you you like everybody, is not truth, affection?
- Everybody has something good.

- Your iguana also?

- Norman it listens to me when I speak to him and it comes towards me if him whistles,

and sometimes it seems that it understands what I say to him. I do not know if it is
intelligence or instinct, but bucket of form different with me from with rest of people.

- Nicky it liked.
- Oh, and to me also.
- I never gave to Nicky an opportunity, nor a him Cynthia either. But my father and I

had an interesting conversation the other then day and I realized the stupid thing that I have
been during eight years. It would wish to be able to compensate badly that I have done him
these years and to have to him with we during one season, if to you it does not matter to

She began to breathe with difficulty.

- To have to him with us? - it repeated she and watched at Fits in penumbra of the car,

that it had stopped.

It caressed the cheek to him and soon he slid his fingers towards its lips.
- With us.
It swallowed saliva when She fits undid his belt of seguridad and the one of her to

embrace it.

- You mean that we are going to live together? - it said vacillating, before feeling the

warm mouth of Fits in hers.

- Normally married people are what does. Yes, that is, opens the mouth...
She obeyed but to speak, which was not exactly what She fits had in the mind. Danetta

felt its language by lips and closed the eyes. They embraced themselves with more force
and it responded to her kiss with a smooth one moaned. The hands of fit began to move
from the thighs until the chest before one occurred account of which it did.

- What stupidity I am doing - it said and it loosen -. We cannot follow.
It reclined in him treating about to recover the normal rate of the breathing while its

mind enjoyed remembering the words that had said to him before the kiss.

- you have said... married people...
- Exactly - it said -. What seems to you?
- I believe that it would be far better if you were surely-it talked back she and it

watched to him with boldness.

- It is that you think that I am not it? She smiled.

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- No. You have been free during much time and what happened in the farm of your

father, good, happened very fast. It can that she is not pregnant - added with certain

- Good, because we will try it of he new-said shrinking of shoulders -. After marrying

to us - it insisted giving him a tap in the end of the nose -. I do not want more madnesses in
the sofas.

- But you were not requesting to me that married to me with you because you thought

that this pregnant woman?

- No.

- Then because he was virgin.
- No.

- Then, why?

- Why?
One inclined and it kissed it with dulzura.

- When you find out it, they see see me and I occurred it. It sees above, Jenny it will be


It waited for until She fits opened the door to him and soon she raised his apartment. It

gave a kiss him, smiled and he moved away whistling like a boy.

Chapter Eleven

The rest of the week went a to him Danetta like a blowing. It fits left with her all the

nights, but no longer the enthusiastic kisses in the car nor any other returned to repeat
themselves dangerous contact.

It fits did not return to mention what it happened in the garage, but once in a while it

surprised to him watching to him belly with a strange brightness in eyes.

Finally Friday arrived and Fits made pass a Danetta in its office with certain


- Horseradish tree it finishes of to arrive -- he said -. It will ask to you surely if you

want to go out with him to eat, and you must accept.

She watched to him without including/understanding.
- But you will not want that she accepts.
- Not - he answered -. But I do not have more remedy. Everything depends on which

you do it. We are tending him a trap and is necessary that you leave with him. Those men
are very dangerous and although first he has been simple robbery, soon can be turned
something much more burdens. We have to stop them and this one is the only form.

It felt something of fear, but she smiled in spite of it.
- In agreement.
It fits slid a hand by the hair of Danetta and it attracted it towards himself causing that

reclined in their chest.

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- You must have much taken care of, by favor-it said thinking that if it happened

something to him, would never be pardoned it -. If you are scared dice in a while, you do
not let call to me here. I will be all the short while in case something happens.

- you do not worry, will not do damage to me - she said pretending more confidence in

itself of which she had -. You do not worry.

- It is that I cannot remedy it - said -. You are my life.

She sighed and contemplated the fierce and possessive glance of his eyes.
- I will have very many well-taken care of - it promised. He ed
***reflx mng himself.
- you do not risk too much. You do not go a no single part with him. Nowhere, not

even to a cabin telephone, you understand to me? Danetta watched to him with intensity,
with a gesture something mocking and one approached him of insinuante form. It fits
embraced it with force and it kissed with ardor.

- I feel It - she said when both they felt already excited and they could not follow -.

This time has been fault mine. ¡This it only makes worse the things!

- You are going to have to marry with me very he closely together of his mouth soon-

said -. It thinks about which you want, a presumed one pregnancy, culpabilidad... what it is
happened to you. But already I say to you that it has to be soon.

It felt the chill that shook to Fits and she watched to him with eyes ardent.
- We can close the door - it suggested vacillating.

- No. Once let us be in the sofa already you know what can happen - it said and it

returned to kiss it -. In that occasion I had to be stronger and to me to have checked.

- she does not pass anything - it whispered, something astonished by the emocionado

tone of its voice.

- Yes that happens - the face said and raised of Danetta so that it watched it -. You

soon deserve a wedding dressed target and one night of weddings like in stories; and I have
cleared you that pleasure and I feel. She did not know what to say. It had not hoped to hear
those words. arms of Fit surrounded it.

- I cannot regret the pleasure that I felt that night - admitió Cabe -. The memory

perfectly and when I do, desire that I feel by you is unbearable. But he is not only physical -
it said looking for the words -. It is like feeling the totality. The unit. That night my soul felt
like shock, was as if something within me exploded or burst in thousand pieces.

With a sob, it sank face of its chest. It had always thought that what Fits felt towards

her was only culpability. But at those moments it included/understood that he was
something more deep.

- you worry about me, right? - she asked with the entrecortada voice.
- That one is a very smooth form of decirlo-talked back with a forced smile.
- Pon you them words - suplicó she and took hold to him with more force of the neck.
- Still not - he answered shaking the head and smiling.
- When?
- the day of our wedding - it said and it threw to him hair backwards -. You I will say it

until you are satiated to you with oir it.

- That will never happen - she promised.
- In that case it is going to be one night very long. She smiled to

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- Prométemelo.

- You I promise it - he said and he kissed it on the eyelids -. Now salt was and dile

there that yes a Horseradish tree while I try to remember how many revolvers I have in the

It separated of him with certain reluctance.

- Everything will come out well - it said -. Jenny it says that the best man of security of

Eugene he is the one that will be in charge of everything tonight.

- Yes, be-it said and it raised it an eyebrow -. They have to you presented/displayed

sometimes a Hunter?

- No, Jenny it says that... good, it must be gigantón.

- she is not that one word that describes it - said -. Its name in the company was Green

Beret, mercenario... I suppose that of that you take control an idea; I of course it would not
put to me in the skin of the types to which we want to take.

- and what we will do if Horseradish tree it does not fall in the trap?
- It will fall - it said Fits with a mysterious expression.
And indeed it was thus. Horseradish tree it invited it to eat and with certain

dissimulation in its questions, it obtained that Danetta gave everything him the information
that it had on the maps and other documents that its premium it kept in the house and also it
said to him that Jenny and she they would leave that night to a celebration and therefore
that the house would be empty.

- Good? - it said Fits when it entered office and closed the door.
-¡It has fallen!

- Thank heavens - it said -. In agreement. It returns to your work, now we do not have

more to hope.

That night, Fits a very elegant black suit was put and Danetta had to check its impulses

to send itself directly on him when it got to look for it the apartment.

- You are fantastic - it said with a sigh.

It fits thought the same with respect to her. A dress of blue silk with the decollete had

been put very pronouncing and the skirt to average leg. He was very fitted.

- You are a chocolate, but already you I have said others to it times, right?
- and I do not deserve some piropo? - it asked Jenny, with the hands in the hips. It wore

a red dress that seated to him very well.

- That color is pretty - it said Fits.
- I am going to see if with himself make that your colleague no it has as much odd

habit to me - it said with arrogance.

Danetta had to disguise a giggle, Jenny it was something is strange and everything was

surely because it was going to see the gentleman Hunter.

It did not have to wait for long time stops to know it because to the few seconds

somebody called to the door and Jenny it was to open.

A high man, of black eyes, he entered the apartment. Dress, as It fits, with suit went at

night, but it had a as cold face as the ice and its lips was fine, as if never it smiled. It had the

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very high pómulos and the as straight nose as a rule. To to pay attention with more intensity
to its black and penetrating eyes, noticed that it was American Indian.

- This one is the gentleman Hunter - it said Jenny without at least to watch it -. Danetta

Marist - it continued -, and this one...

- Hello, It fits - it said just arrived and its voice he was deep and strong.
- Hunter - it responded It fits -, how long. Hunter it became a Jenny.
- You, according to I imagine, you are my companion, no?

- You are a strong and big man - it said Jenny with a malicious smile -, so you will be

able to survive one night to my side.

All smiled, except the cold gentleman Hunter, that it remained mirando its clock.
- We must go to us.

- We are ready? - it asked Fits. Hunter it affirmed with the head.
- the reserve is confirmed - it said.
- Then vámonos, I am dead of hunger-said Cogiéndose of the arm of Danetta fits.
They went away together and Danetta it noticed that the gentleman Hunter colocaba in

the elevator in a corner, while Jenny it was in the opposite one. It was obvious that that it
forms to behave was forced.

The restaurant was full, but they seated quickly.
- and now what? - Danetta asked.
- Now we hoped - it said Hunter while it studied the menu.
- What you are going to take, Jenny? - it asked Danetta while she tried to be decided

between a chicken cord bleu or medallones of cheese sauce calf.

Jenny it watched a Hunter.

- Something crude - it said almost of badly humor -. Ostras, I create. Hunter it raised an

eyebrow and it watched without saying it one word. Jenny sonrojó and turned aside the
glance to the menu.

- a cocktail of prawns will go to me well - it said with nervousness.

- I want sirloin - he said He fits and he watched a Hunter sonriendo -. And you? - it

added and soon it began a to speak in a strange language stops Jenny and Danetta.

Hunter it answered in the same language and it finalized again in English.
-...But I believe that I will incline by calf.
- What language you spoke? - Danetta said fascinated.

- Apache - it said It fits and it smiled when seeing the expression of Danetta -. I have

never said to you that my grandmother was apache? It is the one that me she taught to speak
it and it is easy when you get to dominate certain sounds.

When they already had been certain time enjoying its supper, they heard slight pitido a

rythmical one. Hunter it took its portable intercom and spoke through him.

- they have fallen in the trap - it said and one rose -. No, quédate, this one are my part.
Jenny it also raised.

- I must go to identify to the man who follow-said to me.

background image

- Yes - it answered Hunter without to watch it -. And to see if from now on you can

leave the espionage for professionals.

She watched to him furious.

- we can be gone, Sir Hunter? - it asked with coldness and soon it dealed with to smile

to Cabe and Danetta -. So long, I will see you later, Dyne.

Danetta made a gesture affirmative and it observed them until they desaparecieron.

- Slight cold war maintains those two - said Danetta.

- They are enemy from that they were known. God knows why, but they seem two

identical halves although of different size and color - the hand of Danetta said and took -. It
tell me one dates.

She watched her great and strong hand.
- you wish It?
- Yet my heart - he said smiling.
- the fifteen of May - she said.
It raised the eyebrows.



- Because I like - she immediately said. It shook the head.
- In agreement. Tomorrow we will go to comprarte fiancèe dress. What seems to you

the honeymoon in Jamaica?

She smiled and in their eyes Fit could read all the joy of their heart.

One week later, the enemy agents they were in good hands, Horseradish tree Meadows

it lost the use and one faced in those moments to positions by conspiracy, Jenny it returned
to work with Eugene after the wedding, and Cabe and Danetta enjoyed an immense one and
desert sand beach in the bay of Montego, under the light of the moon.

- This is as to be in the sky - Danetta said and it sighed fallen down next to Fits totally


- You yes that you are the sky - he said and he smiled inclining to kiss it.
The three days that took there they had happened to them quickly. It fits contemplated

the body of Danetta under the light of the moon, thinking about the pleasure that supposed
to do the love to him. Everything had happened as it were fiance' to him, as if it had been
one first time.

- You are sure that nobody sees us? - it said she.

They had been swimming and It fits had insisted on taking off the clothes to enjoy the

water in all the body. At those moments they were surrounded in its towels, knocked down
in the sand and It fits watched it with desire.

- Nobody will see us - it murmured and it kissed its nipples.

- How it can be so sweet? - it whispered when their hands slid by their hips and they

began to move with sensuality.

- Because we are wanted - he said smiling while he kissed his lips -. You are tired

already of oir it?

- Oh, not - she said.

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- want-it murmured to You Fits and his hands began to move again.
She had it at that same moment and it gave respingo when not being expected that so

fast reaction.

- She fits - it whispered.
- Siéntate.
-¡I cannot! - she exclaimed with all nerves and the timidity to skin flower.
- Yes, yes you can. I am your husband and I love and you to you to me. We are

married, you do what I say to you.

It fits forced a to be placed so and as he wished and it held it by the hips while it

followed fallen down. It watched with a smile maliciosa, until it could not support plus to
please of the movement of Danetta on him.

- Thus... - it murmured more taking hold itself hard to her and one lay down to laugh

when seeing that one approached the point more and more maximum of its passion. The
body of Danetta also shook and felt that his throat pronounced strangers moaned of
pleasing, until it felt desire of to shout.

- It leaves hears your voice - it said Fits -. Nobody more it is going to you to hear. You


- Yes - she said -,Oh, yes...!

It fits moved against the body of Danetta guided by its ardor, trembly with the hands in

the smooth feminine hips, while the heat and the excitation arrived at his algid points.

-¡Mírame! - it whispered.

She did and his body melted on the one of Fits. Intense moaned they escaped of the

lips of its husband while it took hold it so that one did not move, with eyes fixed in her with
authentic fascination.

That one was the first time that Danetta was witness of his orgasmo with total

conscience and it was to him so erótico to see it moan and twist of pleasure that she herself
was excited more than what already it was and it began to sob defenseless, stingy to him.
They did not spend nor two minutes before It fits it knocked down it to her of backs and it
initiated its movements with the same wild passion of the principle until it felt tremors of
orgasmo and shouted of satisfaction.

After that they rested one in arms of the other embriagados by the sensation of being a

same body. It fits it caressed the hair tenderly to him to help to that one relaxed.

- This time you have remained watching to me - it said in its ear -. No longer gives as

much shame, right? you

- Not so much as in the beginning - she confessed -. It fits, I believe that I can be

pregnant - it whispered.

He smiled.
- I know It. She watched to him with curiosity.

- and it does not matter to you? - it asked smiling to him also.

- Not - it said and it kissed it -. And to you?
- No. The truth is that it desires much to me - added and jugueteó with the inferior lip

of Fits -. What we are going to do with Norman?

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- To leave Nicky remains it - it suggested -. Thus you will be able to visit it when you


- It is well-said she, although it gave him certain pity to come off itself its companion

of apartment.

When he noticed the slight shade of sadness that it appeared in its face said:
- Later, when we have our son, we will buy a iguana young to him so that they grow

together - it said, but soon it watched it as if it had discovered some impediment -. What
happens it is that as will be son mine, it will not want to know nothing of iguanas.

- That is truth-said amused she -. To better what it likes they are the serpents... ¡Oh!

It lay down on her and he filled it of kisses until he could not breathe. The winds of the sea
blew slightly on them. Danetta closed eyes and it sighed full of happiness. There she was
she, in a gathered corner of an island with the man to that it loved. It smiled thinking that
they could be a pair of the Robinsons and to to watch at Fits, realized of which what it
wished more in the world he was a son his. It closed the eyes, it was curled up against him
under the light silverplated of then moon and, the world seemed to him very remote of that
paradisíaco place.


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