food scrambled sentences

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Directions:    Unscramble the sentences below. 

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Food Sentence Scramble


1. cream an ice Do want you?


2. yes, ice cream want an I.


3. you Do chocolate want?


4. Yes, want chocolate I.


5. sandwich a Do want you?


6. No, sandwich I don't want a.


7. want you What do eat to?


8. eat a I want hamburger to.



background image


Directions:    Unscramble the sentences below. 

Copyright, 2005 – www.english‐                                                                                          

   Name:  _________________                                Class: ______________

Food Sentence Scramble



1. Do you want an ice cream?  

2. yes, I want an ice cream. 

3. Do you want chocolate?  

4. Yes, I want chocolate. 

5. Do you want a sandwich? 

6. No, I don't want a sandwich. 

7. What do you want to eat? 

8. I want to eat a hamburger. 


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