Okati, Willa Black Swan

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Black Swan
Willa Okati

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2011 Willa Okati

ISBN: 978-1-60521-598-3
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF, EPub
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader

Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Crystal Esau
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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Black Swan
Willa Okati

Wild things are not meant to be caged. But if they choose, they can stay…

A tattoo artist who seeks beauty in all things, Paulian has had his fill of man’s
inhumanity to man, and to the world. In the wake of an Atlantic oil spill, he wishes
with all his heart that he could save one. Just one.

And then he meets Adek.

A stranger in a strange land, Adek is a black swan that has lost his wings. Before he
can fly again, he needs to find one good man who’ll finish the tattoo of his wings on
his back. Though he’s searched for the right one, he hasn’t found him yet.

And then Adek meets Paulian.

Paulian knows that Adek is the one he can save. But if he finishes tattooing the
wings of the exotic man he’s fallen in love with, Adek will fly away. All he can hope
is that Adek will return to him.

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Chapter One

“… And in breaking news this evening, the most recent oil spill shows no signs

of stopping its progress despite international attempts to --”

Paulian grimaced. He‟d only turned on the TV for background noise to keep him

company in the studio, alone with no customers and no colleagues needed. With a

couple months to go before the weather warmed and the summer tourist season started

on the boardwalk, more nights than not the tattoo parlor counted itself lucky to have

one, maybe two customers.

Miami Ink they weren‟t.

Paulian liked it that way. As long as they could pay the bills he could still have

quiet hours with nothing else to do but lose himself in drawing at his drafting table.

Angled close to the window, he could glance out as the urge came to him and watch the

sea flow into and ebb away from the black sand shore. Beautiful in a way he itched to

capture with pen and ink, and ink and flesh, but he‟d never -- quite -- captured the

sense of movement.


He would. Someday. For now, his ears pricked and he abandoned his sketch of

spiky tribal swirls and edges to angle his neck and watch the TV sideways. Ugly dark

pools, malevolent in their mindless destruction, flooded clean waters.

“… The effect on the local wildlife is --”

Paulian pushed his drafting stool back with a clatter of wheels, stalked across the

room in three paces and turned the TV off. He‟d spent the better part of his twenties in

the Peace Corps. After a point, a man could only break or be broken, stop caring, or

walk away. He‟d seen damage, disaster he couldn‟t fix, and though his mind knew it

his heart… his heart wasn‟t satisfied.

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Black Swan


He hadn‟t been able to stop caring.

If he could save one of the injured, he thought, whether they were hurt in mind,

body, or soul. Just one. Then, maybe

Paulian rolled his shoulders to work out a knot of tension between them. Didn‟t

work. Restless now, he pushed his chair back and took the three steps needed to the

window, and then sideways to the door. There he propped it open regardless of the

chill wind off the ocean and braced himself with one hand on the frame, searching the

deepening twilight for the unspoiled blue of these waters.

So much beauty. How could anyone…

The shadows that fell darker and deeper were cut only by the fiery red sparks of

a bonfire down the beach. That made Paulian chuckle to himself. Even with all that the

world threw at them, nothing fully quenched every spirit. Fire, a passion for dance, for

music; these were the good things in life.

Good, too, was the gently surging need for skin against skin. Though it‟d been a

long time, too long some might say, Paulian remembered what it was like to lie down

with someone upon a blanket on the sand in the cool, yielding dark. To close his eyes

and surrender himself to sensations of sound and touch.

More, he remembered how good it had been to rest himself upon a firm yet

receptive chest both sleek and hard, to press his lips to throat, to collarbone and down.

To press himself inside warm and willing flesh.

Yes. Definitely too long since he‟d found someone he wanted to indulge with.

But not just anyone would do…

Lost in dreams, Paulian‟s sense of time swirled away as he stood in the doorway.

His vision lost its focus too as the sound of the waves filled his mind; he swayed yet

kept his balance, moving to the rhythm, idle dreams of masculine kisses and sweeping

hands saturating him with a desire, a need he couldn‟t put a proper name to, but


He wanted tonight, but differently. With a sense of anticipation. As if something,

someone, were almost within arm‟s reach. His grandmother, the woman who‟d raised

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Black Swan


him, had been superstitious-minded. She‟d have nodded wisely and said that was a

sign, that his senses were learning to reach for what most would call impossible.

After the life he‟d led, and the things he‟d seen, Paulian was not as inclined as

the child he‟d been to scoff off her fairy tales. There were more things in heaven and

earth than in anyone‟s philosophy.

So he‟d see.

But he didn‟t see the man approaching; Paulian only noticed him, a stranger,

when he was nearly at the door of the studio. The sound of his footsteps on the

sidewalk were oddly off, clumsy, soft and hard, decisive and slow. The pace of a man

with many things on his mind.

Paulian knew the feeling.

The man walked with his head bent and dark wings of hair fell forward hiding

his face. True black hair, so black there would be blue highlights when the sun or moon

struck him. He wore a V-necked T-shirt too light for the weather that bared his long,

slender arms, and faded denims with artful rips and holes and frayed marks. They

betrayed hints of smooth cream flesh and the lithe flex of muscles stronger than they

first seemed. There was a power to him that caught the eye and held it. Around his

neck, he wore a simple cord of twisted black hemp with a red stone as a pendant that

nestled in his hollow of his throat.

Beautiful. Paulian‟s lips parted. Like no one he‟d ever seen; next to him no man

could compare.

Though he was steps away from moving past and disappearing into the night,

the man must have sensed Paulian‟s staring at him. He raised his head to stare back at

Paulian with eyes as pale as blue-tinted quartz. It wasn‟t quite a glare; he might have

meant it that way but he belied himself with a flicker of surprise, the slowing of his


More so with the hesitation in his odd gait when he came close enough for

Paulian to see his hair glittered with salt dried after a swim.

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Black Swan


Slower still when he glanced at the studio windows and Paulian saw him notice

the racks of flash art, the chairs, the gleaming rows of rings and gauges waiting for

willing flesh to accept them. He stopped completely when he looked at Paulian, truly

looked, and saw the full sleeves of color that decorated Paulian from shoulders to

wrists, and over the feet that peeked out under his cuffs.

The stranger, whoever he was, took a step forward as if drawn toward either

Paulian or the studio. Still clumsy -- though Paulian didn‟t think it was drink or drugs --

he missed a rough, slick pool of seawater in a board that needed replacing and

stumbled. He knew how to take a fall, palms slapping the ground first and rolling. That

was graceful enough; curiouser and curiouser, as they said.

Looked like it had hurt, too. Paulian could see red scrapes on those smooth

palms when the stranger rolled back onto his knees and rose. Dark color suffused the

man‟s cheeks, and any smile that might have been forming disappeared.

Paulian couldn‟t blame him. No man wanted to be made to look the fool, ever.

But he couldn‟t let the man leave -- didn‟t want to -- and it came to the same thing in the

end, without thinking first. He took a step forward toward the stranger, his hand

outstretched for -- he didn‟t know.

Come, stay, be with me.

Too much. The man‟s pride had been injured more than his body. He turned

sharply away and toward the beach, down the sand and into the ever-deepening

shadows. Within moments, he was gone.

But not forgotten.

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Chapter Two

The stranger didn‟t return. Of course he wouldn‟t. Paulian supposed he

shouldn‟t have expected him to. A man had his pride. He couldn‟t blame the stranger

for shying away from someone he‟d humiliated himself in front of.

Yet he couldn‟t stop looking out the window, wondering.

A hour later -- maybe two -- Paulian laid down his pencil, his drawing not

finished, and stood to stretch out the knots that grew ever tighter between his shoulder

blades and down his back. He‟d been watching the fire, too, fading from bonfire flames

to crackling embers as the night grew colder and the revelers made their way inside. A

few stubborn souls remained, lingering on with their bodies warmed by bellies full of

beer, laughing and seeming as bright as birds in the bonfire‟s light.

Watching from the door, Paulian drummed his fingers against it in a light

rhythm, then made up his mind. He could flip the “back in at…” sign on the door and

lock up; it‟d manage fine without him and if any customers did come in he‟d eat his

leather sandals without salt. He couldn‟t stay here in the quiet, drawing, not after he‟d

been startled off course by the stranger who‟d captivated him.

So. He‟d walk down the beach. Even if he‟d missed the peak of the party he

could still go and soak up the afterglow.

* * *

Walking down to the fire took Paulian only minutes, but they were sharp ones

with the night wind cutting into his exposed face and through his sweater. He ignored

it, bending his body forward as had the dark stranger, and didn‟t stop until he reached

the circle of rocks in the sand. Almost everyone had gone, perhaps five left, loose and

easy, red-cheeked from drinking to keep off the cold. He knew them by sight, if not by

name, and they did the same. One tossed him a can of beer.

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Black Swan


Paulian caught it and put it to one side. A single can wouldn‟t impair him, but he

wanted his head completely clear. He had a sense that it needed to be.

A sense, that same sense, of waiting for something to happen.

He made himself relax in the sand, legs crossed in front of him and leaning back

on his arms to look up at the sky. Birds never all flew south for the winter. Some

remained, wheeling and soaring in dark shapes against the night sky. They looked so

free, especially when he thought back to the news report he‟d seen.

It was the birds Paulian felt the most for. They were born to soar, not to sink

under the weight of human faults. They were made to be free, not caged…

He let out his breath in a sigh. The radiant heat from the fire soaked through

almost immediately, saturating him through skin and bone, and felt as good as rays of

light breaking through a stormy sky. Warm enough that within moments he toed out of

his sandals and slipped the sweater over his head.

Without the sweater he left himself naked from the waist up save for the fitted

sleeveless shirt he wore beneath, but he still wasn‟t cold. No wonder there were still

some lingering partiers, even if they were cozied together.

His wisewoman of a grandmother would have said there was something not

canny about this fire, too, that it was as close to a fairy ring as America could get. It

didn‟t feel dangerous, though. More welcoming, drawing him into an embrace that

would last while he waited for -- whatever was coming his way. The warmth caressed

lover-like across his skin and the ribbed black cotton that fitted him like a second,

sensual skin, rough and soft at the same time. The full sleeves of his tattoos were only

shadowed enough by the ember-light to deepen from vibrant to deep jewel tones,

dragons and Koi flowing down his limbs.

Paulian turned his face to the stars. Warm, the ocean a soothing white noise, and

the wind -- gentler here -- almost like wings at his back. Flexing now brought peace,

and a sense that he could, if he wanted, take flight.

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Black Swan


He didn‟t hear the footsteps at all this time, silent on the sand, until a shadow fell

over him and blocked the warmth of the fire, a blacker darkness piercing his closed

eyelids. “You‟re a quiet man,” a stranger to him said.

Paulian opened his eyes, and was somehow not surprised to find that the man

from the boardwalk had found him. Less surprised -- but well pleased -- that his senses

told him yes, this; this is what you waited for.

He liked that.

He liked still more that this was a man who couldn‟t be caught, only coaxed to

the hand. “I speak when spoken to,” he said. He gestured to the empty stretch of sand.

“There‟s enough to share, if you‟re interested.”

“I might be,” the man said even as he sat. When he spoke, Paulian noticed

something exotic about his speech. An accent Paulian couldn‟t place. Was he then a

stranger from a strange land, a long way and many years from home, lonely and alone?

There was a sort of wistfulness in the way he moved subtly closer that made Paulian

think that if nothing else this man was alone in the world.

Paulian… well, he knew the feeling.

He waited for the man to sit, watching him and knowing the man didn‟t miss

that. Whoever he was he seemed discomfited by the gaze but not offended. He folded

his legs beneath him and took a place on the sand in a loose lotus position, his feet at

angles instead of resting on his thighs. More graceful than before, but not entirely; he

moved as if his limbs were as unfamiliar to him as a teenager hitting his growth spurt.

Fair being fair, he studied Paulian as if Paulian were something rare and

fascinating and not the other way around. Paulian let him. “I‟m Adek,” the man said

abruptly. He picked up a handful of sand and let it sift through his fingers. “I was rude

before. I think.”

“Paulian,” Paulian murmured, as quiet as the night and feeling a sense of

lassitude and peace that matched the ebb and pull of the waves. “Adek. It suits you.”

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Black Swan


Adek made a face. He rubbed the back of his neck, endearing in his uncertainty

with taking a compliment. It charmed and fascinated and made him seem less fey, more


“You‟re not much of a talker yourself,” Paulian observed. “No, don‟t.”

Sheepishness had shifted to a warning flash of almost-anger. “I wasn‟t criticizing. It‟s all


Adek shifted his weight. He frowned at his feet and their lack of cooperation. It

almost made Paulian smile, but he held it in. This man was prickly with pride and he‟d

grow as many thorns as a tribal design if anyone needled at that pride. He waited

instead, lazy with a sense that he could take his time, not sure where it‟d come from…

but not questioning.

He raised one shoulder in a movement both fluid and jerky, aborted before it

came to a natural finish. “I was rude before. I never did have much skill with manners.”

“It‟s forgiven,” Paulian said, not because he‟d held a grudge but because Adek

seemed to need to hear it. It was easy to speak to Adek as if they were not strangers, but

had known each other for a long time, in this seemingly enchanted circle. “Did you

grow up with a rough crowd?”

“You could say that.” Adek had an unusual sort of smile, one that tilted the right

side of his lips up and left the rest in guarded stillness. He drew his gaze slowly over

Paulian‟s body, a study of him so intense as to be nearly tangible, one that made

Paulian shiver, and return it in turn.

Paulian didn‟t know Adek, not yet, but he understood him. A hungry man. A

lonely man, with the shadows of night and the ember-light lending him the fire to

move, to act, to take.

And yet… more than that. The way he hunched and moved his shoulders,

drawing them close to him… that reminded Paulianof something. He couldn‟t put his

finger on what -- yet. But he could lay hands on something else. He could sense from

Adek the need to touch and be touched, the hunger for human contact that if too long

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denied would drive a man mad. Adek looked exhausted, pale and desperate, but

unsure, not knowing how to ask for what he wanted.

But Paulian did.

He lifted the pendant that hung around Adek‟s neck. So deep a red. Not ruby.

Not as dark as garnet. Something altogether different. “This is beautiful.” He wound

the pendant‟s cord around his hand, then his wrist, not stopping until the pads of two

fingers rested against the hollow of Adek‟s throat.

Adek laughed as uncertainly as he walked, as little used to the one as he was the

other. “I wasn‟t sure if you liked men. I‟m not used to --” He made a face and raised his

hands in a gesture of surrender. He dropped his head and looked up at Paulian with a

steady, hooded gaze. “But I hoped.”

“What did you hope for?” Paulian caressed the smoothness of Adek‟s throat. He

recognized now one of the things that gave Adek a different look from other men: a

long, slim neck, almost elegant. An aristocrat‟s turn of shoulder and a fine-boned face.

“Many things.” Adek‟s hand hovered over Paulian‟s skin a hairsbreadth away

from contact, tracing the tattoo designs in the air. “These are… I want a closer look.”

His crooked smile quirked up. “Is that rude too? I told you I had no manners to speak


“I never said I minded.” Paulian guided Adek‟s touch, pressing the man‟s warm

hand to his skin. His hands were rougher than Paulian would have suspected, and lean

and hard too. They tingled where they brushed against him and left wide-awake sparks

behind them. Electric.

It was only to brace himself -- at first -- when he laid a hand on Adek‟s chest,

over his breastbone, and found it hot to the touch. Almost too hot for a man, even one

who sat by a fire. Paulian frowned --

Thoughts, idle and otherwise, ceased, then coalesced into simplicity at the touch

of Adek‟s curious fingers tracing the tattoos at his neck. The first brush of fingertips

against flesh were so very close to the same as a lover‟s kiss.

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Black Swan


Lonely men found one another in the dark, sometimes. Paulian wouldn‟t

question it.

Adek would. “I have your permission? You don‟t know me,” he said, almost

making Paulian want to laugh quietly if he didn‟t think Adek would take it wrongly.

Paulian brushed the back of one knuckle against the fine bones in Adek‟s wrist.

“Go on. As much as you want. Unless you hear me say „stop‟, then don‟t.” He encircled

that same wrist and drew it down to press Adek‟s hand against his chest. “But I don‟t

think I‟ll say that.”

“What will you say?” Adek asked. Someone not feeling his touch would have

said he bantered and teased; someone who did, someone who was Paulian, knew there

was more than an idle question in those four words.

“I‟ll say something I don‟t need words for.” Paulian brushed his knuckles gently

beneath Adek‟s jaw, cradled his face -- it was so oddly easy to be gentle with this

strange man, and so natural it needed no thought -- and feathered a touch of his lips

across Adek‟s.

Adek shuddered and sighed. Paulian could feel the surprise in his flinch despite

his telegraphed want. He almost stopped -- almost -- but then Adek dropped a sort of

shield he held about himself and went pliant to the touch, leaning into Paulian‟s kiss

and returning it with one of his own.

He tasted -- different. Wild, somehow, and free. Paulian stroked Adek‟s lips

apart with the tip of his tongue and sought inside for more of that flavor. He could

grow addicted, very quickly. Even more so to the surge forward and Adek‟s too-warm

hands pressed wide-fingered to his back, holding onto Paulian to keep him steady. He

moaned deep in his throat and drew closer, bringing them nearly chest to chest. Paulian

could feel the hammering of Adek‟s heartbeat -- as fast as he was warm, more so than

any other man Paulian had known -- as fast as hummingbird wings.

Adek wasn‟t the only one who needed to cling to another, who needed more skin

against skin. His shirt had come untucked at the waist, making it easy for Paulian to

tease beneath the loose fabric and to skate his palm upward.

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“You have tattoos of your own,” Paulian broke the kiss to murmur, pleased and

surprised. They were new, mostly healed but not very old, still a slightly traceable

pattern of raised lines on his flesh.

“Mmm.” Adek rolled his head on his neck and pressed closer, seeking Paulian‟s

lips for a better use than speaking. He kissed the way he moved, a little awkward, but

with the strength and grace of a master lying just below the surface if only he could

access it. A quick learner, he stole Paulian‟s words away and gave him in their place a

rising fire of need, of want, coaxing the flames higher with the strokes of his hands and

the rising surge of his cock.

Paulian wanted to touch… but he couldn‟t tear himself away from his new

fascination with Adek‟s tattoos. What pictures did he carry on his body? But who said

he couldn‟t have both? “Here,” he said, and he did laugh softly this time when Adek

protested the loss of his lips.

Adek changed his mind and returned the quiet chuckle, pleased, when Paulian

lifted Adek to straddle his lap. Both hissed when they molded into full contact, the

ridges of their cocks snug together and straining eagerly, denim damp with proof of


“There,” Paulian encouraged, just as pleased. He rocked his hips, guiding Adek

into a rise-and-fall that ground them languidly together even as their breathing

quickened and Adek‟s kisses grew harder, melting one into the other, as if he would

devour Paulian with the force of his desires now they‟d been unleashed. Desperate,

almost; hungry, certainly, the short bluntness of his nails digging into Paulian‟s back.

And Paulian? Paulian stroked eager swathes up and further up Adek‟s back,

tracing the shapes of the tattoos to fill out the picture. He felt a pattern of lines but no

solid blocks within them. Most likely blackwork with no color. Angled oblongs with

quill-like edges on their sides, sweeping down in long arcs on both sides.

Now he recognized the shapes. They were wings. He‟d seen tattooed wings

before, but none like what his fingers told him he felt now. These were -- what were


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Adek flinched away when he realized what Paulian was doing. “Shh, shh,”

Paulian soothed. He broke long enough to flick open the top buttons of their jeans and

to mold his hand over Adek‟s straining cock, giving him something to rock into.

Yet the tattoos drew Paulian back. Kneading Adek‟s cock with one hand, he

carefully searched higher on Adek‟s back. What was…? His sensitive fingertips had

found something odd. He traced beneath and above the deeper line that slashed from

the tip of one shoulder blade to the end of the jut of bone. A scar? A deep one, if it was.

Paulian didn‟t think this was wise, but it would eat at him if he didn‟t know for

sure; he knew himself. Carefully, carefully, he eased Adek tighter to his lap and guided

Adek‟s arms around his waist. He urged Adek in his pace, as fast as he wanted. God.

Felt so good. He could forget, almost, his need to --

But he could not forget entirely. Driven by an urge Paulian could not explain, as

foreign from a dull night in a dead studio as anything could be, he cradled both of

Adek‟s shoulder blades in the palms of his hands.

There, he found the match to Adek‟s scar on his opposite shoulder. Paulian

winced, not in disgust but in sympathy. He‟d taken a knife wound or two in his day,

even in the Peace Corps -- not everyone wanted peace -- and he could tell these had gone

deep to leave such heavily indented, ragged-edged scars. He pressed his lips to the

bend of Adek‟s throat and feathered his fingertips over what he could only call war

wounds. “What happened?” he asked.

He might have expected many things, but not what he got. Adek‟s passionate

touch turned to a hard shove, throwing himself off Paulian‟s lap to skittering backward

on the sand. An wild, animal-like anger glowed dark and savage in his pale, pale eyes.

He bared his teeth, and Paulian almost thought he would bite.

Paulian held up his hands in surrender, held his body back too, struggling to

recover from the shock and not sure at all what Adek meant to do. “I‟m sorry,” he said,

as neutrally as he could. Had he seen this kind of reaction in men with PTSD? Yes. He

recalled that now. Stupid, he told himself.

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Black Swan


He reached for Adek, palm up, not demanding but asking. “It‟s all right. I won‟t

hurt you.”

Adek‟s face twisted in disgust. “I‟m not a child,” he said. “I don‟t need your pity.

Leave me alone.”

“Adek --”

Too late. The wild man had risen to his feet as if he were the bird his tattooed

wings suggested, but still slightly unsure of the length of his limbs. With a snarl -- at

himself, or at Paulian? No telling -- he turned his back and ran, up the beach and down

the boardwalk.

Left alone with an aching hard-on, abruptly cold now that Adek had bolted,

Paulian gingerly stood and brushed a heavy coating of sand off his hips and knees. He

could go after him…


Just before he disappeared from sight, Adek stopped. He looked back, over his

shoulder, at Paulian. He didn‟t stop moving or come back, but… he would. Whatever

this was between them, it didn‟t need an enchanted fire. It needed ink and skin and the

beat of a heart and the touch of a master‟s hand.

Adek would come back to him. And for that, Paulian could wait.

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Chapter Three

The studio seemed emptier than it had before. Silence pressed in too closely on

Paulian‟s ears, yet he grimaced and turned away from the TV remote. Music didn‟t

seem right either, though on a busy day you could hardly hear yourself speak over the

cacophony of death metal, fusion jazz and classic rock blaring from one booth or

another, and he liked it that way. Sometimes.

Tonight he wanted the quiet -- and he didn‟t, too. The sense of waiting mantled

heavily on his shoulders, making him restless.

He‟d have bet that no customers would come in that night, and he‟d have been

wrong. Technically. A small cluster of probable teens with beer on their breath and too

many giggles for the number of girls among them, there to page enthusiastically

through the racks of flash art before hemming and hawing about ID. One tried to sweet-

talk him, all batting eyelashes and pouting lips.

That wouldn‟t have worked on a normal night. Now less than ever, with falling

wings of black hair over pale-blue eyes in the back and forefront of Paulian‟s mind;

those and a memory of a man as fragile-seeming and sinew-tough as a bird briefly

touched down to earth.

The thought stayed with Paulian when he shooed the girls out, and when he sat

down at his drafting table to draw it was wings that flowed out beneath his pen. He still

couldn‟t quite capture that sense of movement that eluded him, and it would be harder

still to capture on living flesh, but…

A second customer wanted to get an estimated price for a full sleeve design. She

didn‟t want the price Paulian gave her. She wanted least of all the number of hours he

warned her a piece that large would take.

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He couldn‟t really bring himself to mind too much when she huffed her way out.

Honestly, if he weren‟t waiting -- hoping -- then he‟d turn out the lights and lock the


Instead he sat at his table drawing wings and idly listened to the clock tick by its

minutes. Without trying to, or thinking about it, he found himself copying the pattern

he‟d only felt on Adek‟s back. It‟d been a mix of artists, he thought, each doing part of

the design. Some better than others, but none unskilled. The wings almost felt alive…

Paulian shook his head and rubbed hard at his eyes. Sparks danced behind his

eyelids as he yawned, almost -- almost -- missing the sound of the door opening once

more. He glanced up, annoyed now and ready to show anyone else who didn‟t belong

here the way out that door.

The pen dropped unheeded from his fingers and rolled across his desk, down to

the floor where it disappeared beneath the desk. “Adek,” he said, surprised that he was

surprised. Hadn‟t he been waiting for this? Hoping for it?

Yes, he decided. But waiting and hoping were nowhere near the same thing as


Adek stood awkwardly in the doorway. He carried a plastic sack in each hand

filled with plastic take out boxes that smelled of nothing except a sharp breath of

wasabi. “I was rude before,” he said. “Again.” He lifted his shoulder in a movement

that wasn‟t exactly a shrug. More like a bird trying to settle its wings, but without any

tangible feathers to smooth. “I‟m still not used to -- I forget.”

Paulian took care to take his time responding, turning the paper he‟d filled with

sketches over, hiding them. “It‟s all right,” he said once Adek fell silent. “Is that a peace


Adek brightened slightly. “If you like sushi. Do you?”

“I do tonight,” Paulian said. “The spicier the better.”

“I figured,” Adek said. “Take anything that smells strong. I‟ll have the plain.”

Paulian kicked away from his desk and rolled a few feet closer to Adek on the

wheeled stool. “How‟d you know I‟d be hungry?”

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“Your stomach growled earlier.”

Had it? “I forget to eat sometimes,” Paulian admitted. He made bring-it-here

gestures. “Stay and eat with me? To do this right we have to break bread together. At

least I think that‟s how it goes.”

“Does it still work if we break nori and rice?”

“Close enough.” Paulian held his breath and beckoned again; he let that breath

out slowly, and let a small pleased smile touch his lips when Adek braced his shoulders

and approached. “There‟s a second chair behind you. Come and eat with me.”

Adek settled more or less gracefully on the low perch but dropped the bags on

the table clumsily enough for them to spill out. He grimaced, shrugged, and looked his

rueful apology to Paulian as he opened a container of unspiced yellow tuna and used

his fingers to pop a slice in his mouth. “I forget,” he said as he chewed and swallowed.

He licked his lips, clearing away the taste. “There‟s so much that‟s not safe to eat raw.

Except this.”

“Depends on what your culture dictates,” Paulian said. He savored his portion of

spicy sashimi with wasabi and soy sauce. It burned, but so enjoyably. He didn‟t even

mind when Adek laughed at him for snatching up a bottle of water beneath his desk

and taking a deep drink. He grinned sheepishly. “I don‟t mind a little pain. The

reward‟s worth the risk.”

He broke apart a pair of the chopsticks they‟d ignored and lifted a segment of

red snapper to Adek‟s mouth. “The risk is worth the reward, too,” he said.

Adek parted his lips and let Paulian slide the bite between them. He closed his

eyes in pleasure and sighed. The sight made Paulian ache inside, desirous of more,

but… time, they had time, and he‟d do it right this go-round.

He‟d begun to have ideas, and those ideas had begun to coalesce. It seemed

impossible, but… well. He‟d seen enough of the impossible in his time to know that

word no longer meant what most thought it meant.

He‟d wait and see, but somehow Paulian didn‟t think his instincts were wrong.

They‟d see.

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* * *

Adek ate silently, in between tapping his chopsticks against the rim of the plastic

container. Paulian knew deep thought when he saw it, just as now he saw -- when he

was looking for it -- the haunted darkness behind the pale blue of Adek‟s eyes. He held

his tongue, tingling from the spices, and waited.

“Why are you nice?” Adek blurted. “To me. Sex is sex. I know you want to fuck

me, but you act like you care about the rest, too. How can you?”

Paulian took his time chewing and swallowing a bite. Because you make me want to

take care of you wouldn‟t go over well; troubled or not a man still had his pride. Adek

more than most. Because he‟d lost more than most? Hard to say. “Is there a reason I

shouldn‟t?” he asked at last.

Adek lifted one shoulder in that unique way of his, then made an impatient

noise. “Because most people won‟t or don‟t? When they see someone different.” The

faintest hint of his smile, unexpected though it might be, and a little bitter, was still

surprisingly beautiful. “People really don‟t like it when someone gets them worked up

and bolts before he follows through.”

“I‟ve had worse cases of blue balls in my time,” Paulian said, nibbling at a

fragment of nori.

“See? There you go again. Nice.” Adek shook his head and made a face.

There was a deep conflict inside him. Paulian could see it; he could almost feel it.

A struggle between what he wanted to say and what he felt comfortable saying.

“There‟s no harm in being nice, and trust me, I‟m not usually. You should have

seen me kick a group of underagers out.”

Again the hint of a smile. “I did see.” Adek laid the chopsticks down. He‟d eaten

more than Paulian had noticed, almost all the unspiced sushi vanished quickly if not

neatly. “I don‟t understand you.”

“Nor do I you,” Paulian said. He laughed at the sharp rise of Adek‟s eyebrows.

“See? That wasn‟t nice.”

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As fine as his smile had been, Adek‟s laugh was better still. He resettled his

shoulders more easily this time. “I didn‟t say I minded not understanding. Though I do.

Sort of. It‟s hard to --” He let out a frustrated breath. The curl of warm hair hit the edge

of the paper Paulian had filled with sketches and lifted its corner. Far enough, it

seemed, for Adek to see beneath.

“Don‟t mind those,” Paulian said.

Adek ignored him. “Those are wings,” he said, stroking the paper. He hesitated,

glancing up at Paulian, though Paulian could tell he‟d do what he meant to do whether

or not Paulian gave him permission. “I want to see.”

Maybe not a good idea… or maybe so. Paulian cleared away the boxes, tossing

them catch-as-catch-can into the trash bin, and kicked his stool back in silent surrender.

Adek handled the paper roughly. If it weren‟t sturdy, he‟d have caused rips and

poked holes through as he drank in the designs. “These are my wings,” he said,

pointing to the central design, the strongest set of wings that almost -- not quite --

seemed to fly. He wiped his hands on his thighs. “You figured that out by touch?”

No sense in denying it. Paulian nodded. “I‟m good at seeing what isn‟t there to

see. Visual memory. Touch sensitivity. Making guesses based on what I feel and have


“In older times, they‟d have called you a witch.”

Paulian laughed. “I wouldn‟t be surprised.”

“You wouldn‟t have found it funny then.” Adek bent his head to study the

drawing more closely.

With his neck at so sharp an angle, Paulian could see beneath the fall of his

smoother, darker locks to the shorter, softer hair at his nape. Soft as down, and almost

as if it would feel that fluffy and light to the touch. He watched the faint pressure of the

circulating air in the studio riffle its fingers through that soft down, and remained quiet,

lost in thought.

“This is…” Adek stopped. He pressed his lips together. “You‟re good,” he said.

“You see them more clearly than I do.”

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Paulian wanted to ask, and did. “Let me see how close I came?”

Adek‟s head came up sharply. Paulian sat still, waiting. “It was too fast the first

time,” he said. His mind had fallen slowly but surely into the peace of the quiet, and the

calm whiteness that came when decisions mattered. “Not just the ink. All of it. I‟m okay

with slow. Show me if you want, but only if you want.”

Adek shook his head, but in fast, furious thought, not denial. Paulian let Adek

take him in, all of him from head to toe, lingering on the tattoos that showed on his

arms and legs, neck and hands. He lingered there, hungry in a way Paulian thought

he‟d never be able to understand, but coming to a decision.

He stood and lifted his shirt, pulling it over his head in one move almost as swift

as a wingbeat, if that wing had crooked feathers. In the same motion Adek turned,

baring his back to Paulian.

If Adek had stolen Paulian‟s breath before, that had only been a pale shadow of

what came now.

“These are --” Paulian hesitated, feet flat on the floor; he would have surged up

and laid hands on Adek, but knowing what he suspected he now knew… not a good

idea. He dug his toes into his shoes and calmed himself before he took the chance.

Waiting wasn‟t the hardship it might have been. Not when he could and did

gaze at Adek‟s back in awed silence. Feathers, wings, yes, all of that, but not as he‟d

imagined after all. His sense and his drawings had been of neat, orderly feathers.

These? Far from it, but perfection here would have been… dull.

Adek was anything but dull. Did he know that? He looked back over his

shoulder, coal-black strands of hair that fell over his face nearly hiding it from view

save for one clear, crystal-blue eye that glinted in the studio light. Hair of black, eyes of

blue, skin of cream…

And waiting as if he expected Paulian to curl his lip or back away, warding him


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Paulian swallowed down a knot in his throat and rubbed his hands along his

thighs to still the sparking muscle tremors. He stood -- slowly -- and telegraphed his

reach for Adek. “May I?”

Adek shivered. He dropped his head, hiding the blue of his eyes, and nodded.

Paulian made himself go slowly. They had gone too fast before, in the rush of

need for skin on skin and the surcease of loneliness, strangers who‟d collided in the

night rather than coming to rest together as they should have.

So hard to stay patient, though, with the living canvas of Adek‟s tattoos bared for


Paulian spread his hands wide and together -- as if he were making shadow

wings -- and laid them at the small of Adek‟s back. The inky feathers began there, their

tips brushing the tops of his thumbs. He had and hadn‟t been wrong about some things.

As he glided his touch both soft and rough across the tattooed pinions and overlapping

blackwork lines, he saw he had guessed right that some artists who‟d worked on this

were better than others. A couple of the feathers were as crude as prison ink, and


He laid his lips to the top of the biggest and most roughly etched of the feathers,

then held his breath until Adek shivered and bent forward in silent, almost pleading

permission. Paulian laid his hand on the curve between Adek‟s ribs and hip and kept it

there to steady him, stroking his thumb lightly over the soft skin.

Better, he thought, to see the feathers this close. Or better simply to be close to

Adek. He kept only distance enough to drink in the details of each as he made his way

up Adek‟s back.

He liked that they weren‟t exactly as he‟d imagined. That there were things to be

discovered, and hidden beauty in the tatterdemalion feathers that overlapped one

another in a mismatching patchwork set. They would have looked false and superficial

if they‟d been perfect, a cartoon of wings. Fine for some, for those who desired


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Rough, ragged, ready, tumbling: Adek‟s wings were inked into his skin, but they

were almost -- almost -- alive. Paulian hid his smile in a kiss at the center of Adek‟s

back. Now he knew what Adek‟s odd shrug reminded him of. The pattern of the

feathers seemed to make them rise and fall with his breathing, and this close their

pattern-that-was-no-pattern made them seem to shift as if Adek were settling them as a

bird would.

They should have joined to or covered over the tops of his shoulder blades, and

indeed some few tentative lines had been etched that far, but there they stopped. The

twin scars, long and ragged and white even against Adek‟s pale skin, ran the length of

each blade. Paulian bit back a wince that would have seemed like pity, but he could not

stop himself from thinking that, whatever had made the marks, how much it must have

hurt. They might have gone as deep as the bone; in fact they probably had.

Paulian had tattooed over plenty of scars in his time, even with less than five

years as a full artist to his credit. Sunbursts to disguise gunshot wounds and kanji to

cover scars on wrists. He‟d known it for the honor it was to help tattoo vines and

symbols on a woman who chose to celebrate her body after conquering breast cancer.

She‟d been a survivor. All of them had.

Adek, too, was a survivor. Not the same kind as those Paulian had done work for

in the past. But he‟d made it through something awful and lived to face another day.

In a way, the scars made him more beautiful still.

He kissed the knobs of Adek‟s backbone, tracing a path upward. His kisses were

light and soft as the brushes of feathers, but his hands were firm as they followed

against Adek‟s side.

This close to him, Paulian could sense the shift in Adek‟s mood -- and more -- as

he moved. Flattening his palm against Adek‟s stomach, he felt the tight flex of muscle.

Against his chest he felt the rapid beat of Adek‟s heart and he could hear the

shallowness of his breathing. He knew Adek could feel him, too, nestled together as

they were with his groin pressed to Adek‟s ass. If he let himself stroke downward he‟d

find Adek hard, but… not yet, not yet.

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Paulian stopped when his lips were at Adek‟s nape and his thumbs -- just --

below the bottom edges of Adek‟s angled scars. The soft, short down of new hair

brushed against Paulian‟s forehead. He could feel Adek holding his breath. “Why

weren‟t these ever finished?” he asked, stroking ever so lightly. “They‟re too beautiful

to leave undone.”

Adek stiffened, and not in the way Paulian might have wanted.

“Shh. It‟s all right. You don‟t have to tell me.”

“It‟s not --” Adek said, Paulian picturing exactly what sort of face Adek was

making now. That frustrated grimace when words deserted him. He let out a ragged

breath and drew in a sharp one when Paulian stroked the backs of his knuckles down

Adek‟s stomach. “I didn‟t want them to be finished. By just anyone,” he said, pauses

between words growing longer and more uncertain. “When they‟re done, it needs to be

by someone… I don‟t know the word. Someone who wants to, who I want, too. It

matters. And even then…” He made an impatient growling noise. “I can‟t explain in a

way that you‟d understand.”

“Can‟t?” Paulian hooked his finger through one of Adek‟s empty belt loops. He

bit lightly at the nape of Adek‟s neck. “Can‟t or won‟t? I only want to know.”

Adek shivered. “Both. It matters, who finishes these. They‟ll be…” He spread his

hands wide. “I‟m not trapping anyone,” he said, soft and low. “No one belongs in a

cage. Never mind. I didn‟t say that. I --”

“Listen to me.” Paulian cradled Adek‟s neck carefully in one hand and used the

other to guide him around until Adek faced him. Deliberately, so deliberately, he put

his arms around Adek and his hands high on Adek‟s back. He drew the rough pads of

his forefingers up the length of the jagged, ragged scars. “Not everything is a cage, and

all cages have keys.” He drew his lips across Adek‟s in a hint of a kiss.

“I want to finish these,” Paulian said. “I could be the one, if you‟d let me.”

Open the door, if you trust me, and let me in.

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Chapter Four

Paulian could feel Adek‟s abrupt tensing, the rush of a bird gathering itself in

preparation for a burst of flight. He caught Adek and hung on tight.

Adek struggled, and though Paulian had mostly expected it, the man was

stronger than his light weight and slim bones would have led anyone else to believe.

Even prepared, Paulian could only hold him for a moment before he broke free and

whirled. He was clumsy still, but swift, wheeling about and almost at the door of the

studio before Paulian recovered his balance.


Adek stopped. He looked back over his shoulder, but not with hesitant shyness

this time. Now he had a fierce gleam, a challenge and a warning.

Paulian had had to catch his balance on the table, but now he stood upright and

braced, not going anywhere. “I know,” he said. “I know what you are.”

Adek went still as ice, as stone. Though the circulating air blew over him,

nothing about him moved save for the tips of his hair. “You can‟t know.”

“I couldn‟t prove it.” Images of the news report he‟d seen flashed through

Paulian‟s mind‟s eye. Of the birds caught in disaster, struggling to free their wings and

fly away. Of Adek and his strange ways, the things he‟d said, and the simple instinct

that Paulian chose to follow. He looked Adek in the eye and refused to let him break the

contact. “That doesn‟t mean I don‟t know.”

Adek‟s shiver racked him from head to toe. Chillbumps rose on his bare skin.

“Your body temperature. The lightness of your bones. How fast your heart beats.

And now this, the wings?” Paulian gestured to them. “I have no proof. But I think I‟m

still sure.” Moving closer, he stroked Adek‟s side. “Let me finish the wings.”

Adek recoiled, as savage and fast as a hawk‟s strike. “No.”

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“Then tell me why not. If it matters who finishes them, why won‟t I do?”

Adek shut his mouth tightly and looked as if he wanted to glare, but wrenched

his gaze away instead and stared laser-sharp holes at the floor.

“Do you think I‟ll be trapped the way you were?” Paulian had almost reached

him now. He could have stretched out his arm and touched, if he‟d wanted, but if Adek

was -- what Paulian thought he was -- then it mattered, coaxing him to the hand instead

of grabbing. “I‟m just a man.”

“And not a bird trapped in a man‟s body?” Adek said, bitter as ash. “I‟m not like

you. Don‟t expect me to have the same reasons.”

“One thing I‟ve noticed over the years.” Paulian stopped between one step and

the other to make sure Adek heard clearly and understood. “Animals and men are more

alike than they seem. They care, they breathe, they fight, they fly -- one way or another.

When a man trusts no other, he might trust an animal.”

“And I‟m just a --”

“I think you‟re something only you could be,” Paulian said. “Something new.” If

I could save one, just one, he‟d thought earlier. Let it be this one, he thought now. “Come

back.” He turned to one side to make a path for Adek, back to the table and the chairs

and the booths he could take his pick from. “I‟m not asking for your story. How you

lost your wings, or why, or what happens when they‟re finished. Though I don‟t think

you know for sure.”

“I know that when they‟re done, then the man who finishes them --” Adek‟s

hands flexed. “The men who inked my first feathers, they would have kept me with

them. I didn‟t want to stay. Shackled, with a ring around my leg. Maybe I‟d never fly


“Did you know that before you started?”

Adek bent his head as he shook it, but the tightness with which he crossed his

arms over his chest and held himself close told a different story -- different, but the

same. Loneliness. It sought a home even for those who looked up and ached to fly free.

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Even those that flew needed a nest to come home to. “Let me try,” Paulian

coaxed, hand held out for Adek, if Adek would take it. “You can let me go, if -- if that‟s

what needs to be done. After. I won‟t hold you here. Then.”

Adek squeezed his eyes tightly shut. He shook his head again, sharply, strands

of black hair whipping at his pale cheeks. “No. I --” He lifted his head, glossy in all his

hues, so cleanly cut and finely carved that Paulian wondered how for a second anyone

ever mistook him for human. “I know you mean well,” Adek started, slowly. “I don‟t

worry about you letting me go. I wonder if I could --” He stopped.

Paulian kept his hand out for Adek. “If you did keep me, I wouldn‟t say no.”

“Nice,” Adek said, with a bark of a laugh. “Always nice.”

“It‟s not niceness. It‟s not even unselfishness. It‟s wanting.” Paulian opened his

hand and spread his fingers wide to draw Adek closer. “Let me. Please.”

Adek warded him off. Paulian could see the confusion, the want and the

wariness chasing themselves roundabout one another in Adek‟s head, etching quick

paths across his face and flashing through his eyes, and it made Paulian‟s heart ache for


Adek licked his lips at the last and shuddered. He took the doorknob in hand

and twisted it, letting in the cold night air and the wild scent of sea air and salt water.

The wildness of the night. “I have to think about this,” he said. “I can‟t -- not right


“You came to me after what happened before,” Paulian said. “I think you

already know what you want.” He took a step back. “But I won‟t hold you. Come down

to the beach with me, and I‟ll show you. I don‟t like cages either. Go. If you choose, if

you want me, then I‟ll be on the beach again. Waiting.”

The tension he saw in Adek hurt. Paulian did want to take care of him, and if

that meant… letting Adek go, he‟d let Adek go.

Even if it left him lonely for the rest of his life.

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Chapter Five

Paulian led Adek down to the fire they‟d found to nest at before, settling him in

the still-warm sand around it. He lay casually on his stomach and said nothing for a

long time, waiting for Adek‟s ruffled feathers to smooth down.

Adek sat next to Paulian. He tugged at his necklace, rolling the pendant between

his fingers. “You‟re a strange man,” he said.

Paulian folded his arms behind his head to rest it in the cradle of his hands. “So

I‟ve been told.”

Adek rolled to one side, the spiraling movement bringing him close enough to

touch. He stroked the rococo designs visible above Paulian‟s collar, tracing them in

intense fascination.

“Here.” Paulian lifted the shirt off over his head. “Now. Touch all you want.”

Adek frowned even as he did as he‟d been told. Did what he wanted to do.

“Finders-keepers, they say. Whenever anyone has guessed, they‟ve wanted to cage me.”

Paulian shrugged. “I‟m not everyone.”

Adek scoffed.

Paulian laughed. “I know. I‟m not right in the head.”

The ghost of a smile touched Adek‟s lips. “I guess that makes two of us, then.”

“All I know is…” Paulian searched for the words. He took Adek‟s pendant in his

palm and let the red glass warm in his hand. “It matters, what I do with you. And I‟m

not going to keep you if you don‟t want to stay.”

“You say that now --”

“I mean it.” Paulian rose on one elbow. “I think you know that.”

“Nice,” Adek said. “Always nice. It‟s irritating.” He wrinkled his nose when

Paulian laughed again. Paulian didn‟t mind. It‟d been almost as long since he‟d had

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occasion to laugh as he‟d had occasion to love. Adek shifted his shoulders irritably and

sighed. “Here.” He slipped the necklace thong over his head and let it fall over

Paulian‟s wrist, the pendant still in Paulian‟s loose clasp. “Keep that.”

Paulian opened his hand to look at the dark glass. It looked like a drop of heart‟s

blood in the shadow, and a fireberry from the sun in the light. He‟d forgotten that old

story, of the bird that flew to the sun to bring back the rarest and sweetest fruit for his


He smiled and slipped the length of cord around his neck.

Adek nodded, satisfied. “Now you „shh‟.” He pressed his lips to the elegant lines

that spiraled up Paulian‟s neck and to the point where they faded away into the edges

of his cheekbones.

Paulian turned his head to one side and brushed his lips across Adek‟s palm.

Testing the waters, coaxing him on. “Do you like what you see?”

“Delicate work,” Adek said, and not just meaning the tattoos. He lifted Paulian‟s

chin with two fingers and breathed across his lips. “I like…”

Being with Adek in a gentle mood was like swimming through honey and

burning at the same time. He bit at the webbing between Adek‟s thumb and forefinger.

A nibble, nothing more.

Not enough. Paulian needed more. He extended his arm the length of Adek‟s

body and stroked him, feathering a light touch. His teasing grew stronger and more

certain as he traveled the length of Adek‟s right thigh and stopped just short of his

groin. He could feel the heat of Adek‟s stiff cock before he stopped just shy of it and

waited to see how he‟d react.

Adek bowed inward. Surprising, yet beautiful to see him slowly -- and quickly --

crumbling beneath the gossamer touch of temptation. He breathed more rapidly when

he rose. Kneeling with his knees apart, an intoxicating vee of spread thighs and hard

muscle presented itself to Paulian.

“I know what being close to me does to you,” Paulian said. He drew his tongue

across his lips. It was one thing to suspect; another thing to know. His mouth watered at

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the sight, the shape and hard shadow trapped in black jeans, and he wanted more than

anything just then to draw Adek‟s cock out and press his lips to the length. He was

temptation incarnate, and it seemed as if in this moment, here and now, it didn‟t matter.

He took Adek by the wrist and drew his hand lower, pressing it atop his groin,

molding the fingers around the outline of his shaft. He‟d been half-hard since they

started this, and fully hard now, aching for touch. He moaned when Adek‟s muscles

spasmed and when Adek kneaded him with a master‟s skill, drawing the arousal higher

and harder.

Adek shuddered, harder. He knelt forward and stroked a hard path down

Paulian‟s chest, tracing almost sharply the dragons that twined roundabout one another

atop and among their I Ching treasures; he ran the faintest scrape of fascinated scrapes

down the Koi tattoos that swam around and down Paulian‟s arms. “You‟d trust me

with this? Are you mad?”

Paulian‟s breathing slowed, though his heart beat faster and the answering pulse

echoed in his cock stretched painfully tight over his jeans. “No,” he said, closing the

distance between them. “But I want something beautiful, too.”

He could see Adek‟s need grow; saw it in the parting of his lips and the hooding

of his eyes; saw it in Adek‟s aborted surge forward.

Paulian hissed at the pleasure of feeling Adek‟s hard-on eager in his hand. It

throbbed under his touch, straining toward him. “You want me. This doesn‟t lie.” He

stroked the length of Adek‟s shaft and rippled in pleasure at feeling it stiffen still more.

“Why fight?”

“I have my reasons,” Adek said. But he didn‟t let go.

Paulian could have rebutted that. He might have said, you need this, I can tell. Or I

need this, and you can tell.

There was no need. Their bodies spoke for them.

Only small words remained. “I said I‟m yours,” Paulian murmured, so close now

to Adek‟s lips to taste his breath. He had a wild flavor, something of the sand and sea,

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not unpleasant, only strange. Something that, when breathed in, felt like breaking

chains within his chest.

This wasn‟t his way, but it was his desire.

“I mean what I said,” he spoke on. “Even if it‟s only tonight.”

Adek kneaded with abrupt firmness. Paulian could see the last of the barriers

begin to crumble, and they were beautiful when they fell. “Even without knowing those


“Even without.”

Paulian could tell Adek believed him there, too; he had an advantage, he

thought. He understood Adek. Not the other way around.

He‟d keep trying until he found his way through the cracks. They had time, here

in this circle of ember light.

“Don‟t say that if you don‟t mean it.” Adek bowed his head and put his mouth to

Paulian‟s neck, the curve where neck met shoulder, the dip between collarbones. His

arm came around Paulian‟s waist to hold him there, to steady them both as they moved

toward one another, torsos rocking in a mimicry of fucking even if their groins were

nowhere near enough to one another.

That Paulian could and would fix. He shifted forward, moving as fluidly as Adek

had moved, settling into place astride Adek‟s spread thighs and pressing their bodies

together. His moan mingled with Adek‟s. “I do mean it,” he said, reckless and languid,

needing and needing to give. Both hissed when skin pressed against skin.


“Because I want to mean it.” Paulian arched his back and pressed his groin

against Adek‟s, rocking slowly, tempting him. This would wipe away the darkness that

had smudged his heart not so very long ago. An hour, two hours. It seemed like longer.

That wasn‟t the only reason, needing something beautiful. He couldn‟t put a

name to the other reason. Only that Adek called to him, ever stronger within each

passing moment, until he drowned out the rest of the world, even to the sound of the

waves washing to shore.

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He would question this another time. Not now.

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Chapter Six

Paulian searched for the hem of Adek‟s shirt and lifted it, stretching the dark

cotton over his head and casting it aside. Better. Thin, but so finely shaped. As fluid as

the finest lines of a master‟s tattoo, done in cream white.

“Be sure,” Adek whispered against Paulian‟s skin, his lips moving in hungry

patterns. “Be very, very sure…” He traced Paulian‟s tattoos with the tip of his tongue.

“You are so beautiful,” he said, breath and voice ragged, moving faster and harder,

body rigid and devouring the distance at the same time. “These designs on your skin,

like but not like feathers beneath… color and light. I saw them on you at the door of the


Paulian ruffled up the softer hairs at the back of Adek‟s neck; strangely soft, they

were, and almost as fine as the down beneath -- feathers.

“Say you‟re sure.” Adek put his thumbs beneath Paulian‟s cheekbones to lift his

head, to make their eyes meet. “Promise me you‟ll be true.”

“I do.” Paulian yielded to temptation and began to pluck open the buttons of

Adek‟s tight jeans, one by one, slowly, ever so slowly setting his cock free. “I will.”

Adek stopped him, one hand hard on his forearm. “It‟s been… a long time,” he

said, his confession broken in the middle by the need for a deep and ragged breath.

It cost him pride. Not easy for a man like Adek. Though -- was there any other

man like Adek? Paulian thought, perhaps not.

“Then tell me what you want. It‟s yours. I am yours.” Paulian eased out of

Adek‟s hold and pressed forward, drawing Adek‟s rigid cock out. He didn‟t look yet.

Only felt. The sensation made him want to close his eyes and sway to the rhythm of the

faint sound of the sea surging back toward shore. Smooth. Hard. Hot. Silky. Wet at the

tip. Uncut.

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He dragged his palm up the underside and toyed with the slit, coaxing out more

proof of need. Adek sank his teeth into his lip and butted his head against Paulian‟s

shoulder. When he let go, his teeth scraped over Paulian‟s skin. He held himself rigid

again, too rigid, and that wouldn‟t do.

Paulian opened his eyes, for he had closed them after all, and pressed his lips to

the top of Adek‟s head. That was soft, and sweet, but it had to be done for himself. And

for both of them, he took steady hold of Adek‟s cock and worked him with a firm hand.

“Even if it‟s been a while,” he said, whispered into Adek‟s hair, “A man‟s body

remembers. Let me show you.” He pressed on, faster with his strokes, slower with the

rocking of his hips. “You‟ll see.”

He knew it when Adek let go and gave way. Adek‟s nails dug into the bare skin

of his back -- over a twisting dragon, if only he knew, a creature with a long and

sinuous neck and a mouth opened in a roar of pride or possession or passion. A dragon

with its wings spread in flight.

Paulian knew what he wanted, and what Adek needed. He pressed his palms flat

against Adek‟s chest to ease him backward onto the sand. “Like this,” he said, following

Adek as Adek fell to rest in the sand. “It‟s been a while for me too, you know. But I

haven‟t forgotten.”

“Haven‟t you?” Adek set his hands at Paulian‟s belt. “Then show me.”

Paulian answered him with a kiss before he drew up to his knees, then to his feet.

He couldn‟t help but tease Adek with a soft rippling laugh when Adek frowned and

reached after him. “I‟m not going anywhere. But I need these off.” He made fast work

of his jeans and shed them, nothing worn beneath the denim.

Adek approved. He stroked the cut of muscle at the corners of Paulian‟s stomach

and made a noise that was less groan, more growl. Craving him.

“And these,” Paulian said. He caught the belt loops of Adek‟s jeans and eased

them down long legs, off his feet, and cast them aside to join his wherever they might

have fallen.

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Telegraphing his every move for show and for pleasure -- both of theirs -- he

knelt astride Adek again and stroked their cocks lightly one against another. “Take

what I‟m giving you,” said. “Give me what I ask of you.”

Adek‟s pupils were dilated wide now, nothing but the thinnest ring of pale blue

left glittering beneath his heavy lids. He caught Paulian by the wrists. Paulian could feel

him shudder with the need to fuck up, in, deep.

“Say you want me,” Paulian coaxed, holding back just a little, just for now.

Adek‟s throat jerked when he swallowed, before he closed his eyes, before he

opened them again to pin Paulian into stillness. “Want you.”

“Good.” Paulian took Adek‟s cock, needier still, and worked him with fast

strokes and no mercy. “Then take me.”

Adek moved faster than Paulian figured he would, all-in the way Paulian would.

Breath knocked out of him, almost, Paulian rippled with a full-body shudder of

enjoyment that snugged them as close together as they could be. Adek‟s arms wrapped

around him, fingers digging in without intent to hurt but sure to leave marks of where

he‟d been.

And yet he was careful. Mindful enough not to want to abuse, no matter how

urgent the broken thrusts of his hips were.

“So tight,” Adek murmured. He thrust two fingers inside and stretched them


Ahh.” The noise escaped Paulian in an explosive gasp. He wanted Adek, but he

hadn‟t lied about how long it‟d been. It‟d been months, almost a year, and his touch

was not the same as another man‟s. The push stung, burned, but after the first shock it

was worth it. Like inking himself, the pain and the pleasure mingled and married until

there was no telling where one left of and the other began.

“Beautiful,” Adek said. He braced Paulian with one hand hard on his hip,

though his fingers were shaking with the need to fuck in and fuck deep. “I could watch

this for hours.”

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Paulian bent to nip his ear. “Watch, or take?” he queried, soothing with his

tongue where he‟d bitten.

Adek‟s eyes, so pale, still flashed dark. “Take.”

Adek slid his fingers free, the loss abrupt and leaving Paulian open, empty, so

ready to be filled.

Paulian eased himself down and pressed his hands flat, spread wide over Adek‟s

chest to keep him still, bent to kiss him with a clash of teeth and tongue before he sat

up. In the smooth motion that still came like second nature to him, he sank down on

Adek‟s straining dick. He didn‟t stop, not until his ass nestled against wiry, crinkling

hair and tight balls.

He barely heard Adek‟s stifled groan, and then his shout. He‟d shut his eyes

tight, lids pressed together with explosions of fireworks behind them in the darkness,

and squeezed around the heft and width of Adek‟s cock. He rose, but that wasn‟t good

enough; he‟d had enough of loss; he sank down and stayed there, grinding in figure-

eights that took Adek deep, so deep. He lost his grip on Adek‟s hands, his arms, his

chest, and he might not have stayed upright if Adek --

If Adek hadn‟t caught him and held him up. If Adek hadn‟t lifted up, one foot

planted flat on the beach. Balancing him. He might have fallen. “Fuck, Paulian, fuck,”

he panted.

“Give it to me,” Paulian demanded, though almost out of air to speak through

his tingling lips with, Adek‟s hard kiss still there in sense and spirit. “Hard. Fast. Now.”

Adek took Paulian by the hips, and the wildness in the animal baring of his teeth

shone white in the darkness of the beach. “Your wish,” he said.

“Your wish.” Paulian let Adek hold him. He shifted his hips. He hadn‟t laid a

hand on his cock and it throbbed, his balls so tight, so ready to spill. “Now. Now,

before, before, it‟s too late, Adek, now --”

“Oh -- God --” Adek said, the cry to heaven dragged from him. “I have to. I have

to, I -- fuck, Paulian --”

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“Take,” Paulian goaded, needing it as much as Adek, maybe more, maybe just

the same, but the word that fell from his lips was what Adek needed to shed the last of

his restraints.

Adek‟s drive up betrayed every ounce of the strength he‟d never lost, every bit of

the power in his legs, a shove so deep and hard Paulian‟s teeth clacked rough and

painful together. He was barely gone half a stroke before he came back, and back again,

and again, the sweat slippery as the precum dripping down Paulian‟s cock onto his

stomach, drops sliding together in a puddle. He hit Paulian the way he‟d learned long

ago, and he hadn‟t forgotten each, just how rough he should go, deeper than he should

be able to, driving Paulian hard and fast toward the highest he could go, and never a

hand on his dick still.

Paulian shook his head, sending drops of sweat flying, sweat that burned his

eyes when he forced them open. His lips were strung wide apart and he couldn‟t speak,

but he shouted it at Adek with his moves and his stare, and Adek knew. Adek took

Paulian in hand, though that was too gentle a word; he seized Paulian and showed him

he knew, remembered just how, to twist it out of him.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Paulian heard someone gasping, and knew it was him. His

nails left deep scratches on Adek‟s chest. “Oh God, gonna come. Gonna come.”

And Adek answered him, raw, ragged, tight, thrusting deeper and harder, jolting

Paulian, going after his orgasm and giving Paulian what he wanted. He never let go.

“Want to see,” he said, his soft dark hair tickling Paulian‟s skin. His strokes roughened.

“Let me see how you‟re beautiful now, let me see you --”

Paulian couldn‟t hold back the scream, the shout, and he didn‟t want to,

wouldn‟t even if he‟d had a choice. The rush, the release, the jolting of his hips as he

shot over Adek‟s stomach, splashes of white landing as far up as between his nipples.

That was his heaven.

Almost. Adek‟s chest heaved, the shuddering in him almost strong enough to

knock Paulian free of him as he panted through the last of his coming, ass squeezing in

merciless spasms around that magnificent cock.

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“Harder,” he goaded, flexing even if his arms wouldn‟t work right to hold Adek

down. “Give it to me good, all the way, harder, deeper --”

He didn‟t expect the sharp jolt when Adek sat upright, dragging Paulian on his

lap while still buried inside him, or the desperation in Adek‟s bruising kiss that went on

and on and on, lips curling back only -- only -- when he strained up, stilled, and buried

his face in Paulian‟s shoulder as he came, spurting deep inside, hot cum where it

belonged burning Paulian up from within.

Paulian thought it, but didn‟t say it, clutching Adek as best as he could with

sweat-slick fingers and clumsy nails, riding him through it though it went on forever.

And didn‟t go on as long as he wanted, but there was never enough Adek like this, not

ever, and he would never forget this moment.

It was worth any cost.

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Chapter Seven

Aftershocks were always the worst -- or the best -- and, with men like Adek, each

striking as hard as the climax itself. He jerked in Paulian‟s arms that held him tight and

waited for him to settle. For his wings to fold and rest against his back. Paulian stroked

the smooth skin with its light pattern of raised lines, laid his palms over the vicious old

scars, and whispered nonsense words into his ears.

When Adek‟s shakes had subsided, the tide had turned and begun washing into

shore. Sunrise wouldn‟t be too far off now, perhaps an hour or three.

Time enough to finish the wings.

Paulian was certain Adek knew what he would ask, and that was why Adek

spoke first though his voice was still rough-edged with sex. “I know what you want

now,” he said, lips and breath warm on Paulian‟s bare skin. He grasped Paulian‟s arms,

kneading them and the tattoos both, as if he could sink into the bright colors and soak

up their warmth. “I should say no.”

“Will you?”

Adek remained still for a moment so long that Paulian wondered if it‟d ever end,

or if he‟d have the patience to wait it out until Adek made his decision. He forced

himself into equal stillness. This mattered too much to rush.

He still shut his eyes tight and breathed out long and shallow when he felt Adek

nod, before Adek raised his head to meet Paulian‟s gaze. His crystal-blue eyes were

darker, and not just from the sex; he didn‟t smile, but the wing‟s beat of a shift in his

mood, a choice made, brushed from his lips over Paulian‟s.

“All right,” Adek said. He was the one to stand, and to offer Paulian a hand to

his feet. He was shaking, faint tremors beneath his skin, but his shoulders were square

and his vision focused. He looked up at the sky and took one more breath.

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The yearning that Paulian saw in him -- was it hope, or was it uncertainty, or was

it goodbye? Now, when he needed to most, Paulian couldn‟t tell.

“Finish the wings and -- come what may.”

As it had to be, then let it be done. “Get dressed -- except for the shirt -- and

follow me,” Paulian said. He took Adek‟s hand. “I‟ll give you your wings.”

Adek smiled. It was the first smile Paulian had seen out of him that mattered,

truly mattered. “Yes.”

* * *

“Lie down.” Sand clung to Paulian‟s skin beneath his shirt, damp with the

humidity of the salty sea air. He‟d found it almost at the water‟s edge, ready to float out

on the tide, and it‟d be ruined after tonight. No matter. He had others, and he enjoyed

the slight rasping. It kept him in the moment. Focused.

Adek stood by the edge of the tattooing chair, extended to its full length of black

vinyl. Narrow to lie on, but so was Adek. Slim of hip but powerful of shoulder. More so

now than before? Paulian couldn‟t tell. He thought, when he laid his hand to rest on the

left one, that the muscles flexed and strained.

Eager for flight.

Yet Adek lingered. His fists opened and closed, loose and tight, and his jaw

worked with words he couldn‟t or wouldn‟t say.

Paulian knew how Adek felt. He was as strong a man as Adek, and pushed him

gently. “Lie down, I said.”

Adek flashed him a glare, colder than most from his ice-blue eyes. Paulian still

saw the fear behind the mask of stone and anger.

Paulian kneaded Adek‟s shoulder. “Come what may,” he said. “It‟ll be all right.”

Adek lay down.

Though he‟d come to the art later in life than some, Paulian knew his station

well. It was second nature to catch the rolling stool behind him with one foot, without

looking, and slide it into place beneath himself. He‟d laid out all that he‟d need,

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machinery and ink, but no stencil. Even if he‟d taken the time to try to draw Adek‟s

wings, they could only be done right on Adek‟s body. They belonged to no paper.

Their design was in Paulian‟s mind‟s eye, and he kept it there, just behind his

forehead, as he bent to work.

Adek hissed and flinched when the needle touched down. “Cold,” he said,

crossing his arms to rest his forehead on them.

“I‟m sure.” Grains of sand still clung to the fine down at Adek‟s nape. Paulian

cleaned the skin, chuckling when Adek grumbled. “Lie still. This has to be right.” He

stroked the top of Adek‟s shoulders. “I won‟t let you down.”

Adek glanced back at him, ice and crystal through fallen and falling locks of

ebony. His lips were paler. In softer light -- the moon, perhaps -- he might have looked

as if he were a being carved from ice and shadow. How Paulian had ever thought him

human, he‟d always wonder. “I know,” Adek said. He turned away and pressed his

forehead to his joined wrists, took a deep breath, and settled as a bird would sink into

repose. “Finish them. Please.”

Paulian stroked the blank spaces above and below the scars on Adek‟s back, took

his own deep breath, and settled to work. “An hour,” he said. “Maybe more. Maybe


Adek said nothing.

Speed mattered in a busy studio, but nowhere near as much as quality. Both

flowed through Paulian this night. A freehanded design flowed onto Adek‟s back,

gliding up and up in the shapes of pinions and pinfeathers. He wanted to go back and

mend as best as he could some of the shoddier work Adek had had done in the past; he

restrained himself, but only just. The past was a rough road, no matter where one

traveled to. Let it rest in the past.

As Paulian worked, soothing Adek‟s occasional flinch, he could not help but

stroke down the middle of those tatterdemalion wings. Partly to soothe himself, and

partly -- as he went on, and the feathers he tattooed seemed fuller and more real than

art -- to see if his mind were playing tricks on him.

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He thought not. Every so often, from the corner of his eye, Paulian saw a flicker

of dark movement. Each time, Adek arched as if aroused, and settled more uneasily.

Paulian shushed him, gentle and steady on his flesh, working on, and --

And finally came to the last of the feathers, the two that would join to the base of

Adek‟s scars. There, he stopped, teeth sunk into his lip and the machine slightly

unsteady in his hand.

No. He‟d said he‟d finish it, and finish it he would. Paulian wiped his forehead

with the back of his arm, murmured soothing nonsensical sounds to himself, to Adek,

and laid needle to skin.

The first of the feathers flowed raggedly, the workmanship almost as poor as the

oldest tattoos in the shakiness of the line. Paulian swore at himself and clenched his

jaws. When he began again the lines were smooth, darker, and flowed seamlessly into

flesh. He watched, almost not believing his eyes, but when the first wing was completed

and he ran his thumb over the fresh lines, he could feel no scar at all.

He‟d known, but to see, that was another matter.

“Swans,” Adek said. He peeked at Paulian through his hair. “What do you know

about swans?”

“Is that what you are?” Paulian pretended to refresh the caps of black ink,

though he didn‟t need to. He‟d poured out just enough. Giving that up, he brushed a

fallen tangle of dark hair away from Adek‟s eyes. The tangle fell back across them

immediately, making him smile. “A black swan?”

“Warrior birds,” Adek said. He hid his face, but held his shoulders tense.

“Among other things.” He squeezed his fists. “Do you want to finish me now?”

“I want to see these as they should be. Is that enough?”

Adek caught his wrist. “But you won‟t keep me?”

“Not if you don‟t want to be kept. Don‟t ask me that again.” Paulian washed the

last scar clean with alcohol and rolled his chair around for a better angle. From there, he

caught a flashing glimpse of Adek watching him. There was an almost fierce clarity to

his stare now. Something not human at all, but proud and animal. Wild and free. It

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would have made him back away, once. Not now. He let what he‟d said stand and

dipped his needle in ink. “Are you ready?”

He didn‟t expect Adek to resettle himself abruptly and rest one hand on his

thigh, kneading the muscle. It put his shoulder to an awkward strain until Paulian

moved forward to give him room. He kissed the side of Adek‟s mouth, ran a thumbnail

lightly down his back, and began. If he didn‟t do it now, brave words or no, he never


The last feather took shape faster and smoother than any design Paulian had

worked before. It wanted to be made; Adek and the magic that made him what he was

called through an age for completion. Paulian almost thought he might not have needed

to keep an eye on the needle, that it would have drawn the lines without his attention,

but that would leave him with nothing but an ice-blue stare he couldn‟t break.

He finished the last line and palmed it to feel the scar fade to nothingness. Adek

shuddered, ripples of motion flowing down his back. Paulian rolled a foot away and

stood to look down at the work he‟d done. Even the poor tattoos, the ragged and

awkward ones, had smoothed themselves. They all looked like his work, finally joined


When Adek flexed his shoulder, the motion almost seemed to make the feathers

raise themselves. They were symbols, too small for a man of Adek‟s size to fly with…

but perhaps the symbol was all that was needed.

A bird could not be caged, much less a swan. Paulian nudged the stool away and

offered Adek a hand up. He did not let go, guiding Adek two steps to the left with the

man‟s -- the swan‟s -- back to a mirror. “There,” he said, hushed as if they were in a

monastery. “Look.”

Adek craned his neck to look over his shoulder. He shuddered, and the noise he

made was nothing like human. When he flexed his arms, the wings moved. Very little

time remained.

But time enough for Adek, not at all the man he‟d been when he and Paulian first

crossed paths tonight, to take Paulian by the shoulder and the chin, and to kiss him

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with the flavor of the sea air on his tongue. “Thank you,” he whispered into Paulian‟s

mouth, and if that were to be all, it would have to be enough.

Paulian broke the kiss first and moved abruptly, roughly, guiding Adek toward

the door. “Outside,” he said. “And I‟m coming with you.”

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Chapter Eight

Paulian left his shoes off for the walk down the beach. The sand was cold

between his toes, but he wanted to feel everything. Next to him, Adek‟s body heat

would have warmed anything and his presence saturated Paulian now. He imagined

blue flames dancing down his skin, and did not dare look in case he was right.

In case he was wrong.

They stopped at the water‟s edge, bare inches away from the salt and foam from

washing over their toes. Adek tipped his head back to look up at the sky, the yearning

that Paulian had seen in him from the start clearer now. Hungrier.

He took Paulian‟s hand and held it tight, flexing in small, capillary motions so

very like the wingbeats of a bird. Without looking at him, Adek said, “You never

answered my question.”

Paulian could no more look at Adek now than he had been able to look at

himself before. He could feel a slow-moving waft of air behind him, and he could

almost hear the rustling sound of wind through wings. “Which one?”

Adek chuffed. “What do you know about swans?”

“Almost nothing,” Paulian said. He too gazed up at the sky, seeking the blue

inside the black. Dawn wouldn‟t be far away now. They‟d spent longer in the studio

than he‟d thought, time ceasing to have any meaning while he gave Adek back his

wings. A long night, a short night, a night he would not soon forget.

“What is „almost nothing‟?” Adek pressed.

“Only that they‟re beautiful.” If this was goodbye, then Paulian refused to let

himself shy away from facing it. He held Adek by the elbow -- for this last moment --

and turned the tall, slim man to face him. “That‟s enough for now.”

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Adek‟s face was human; the spirit behind his eyes was not. His voice sounded

different in ways Paulian couldn‟t begin to describe. He was the one to brush the back

of his knuckles across Paulian‟s cheek. “If I could take you with me, I would.”

Paulian swallowed. He made himself take a step back, the sea air swirling cold

between them. “I know.” Best to do it now, before he changed his mind -- or Adek did.

Not that Adek could. He was what he‟d been made to be, and the shadows behind his

back, the sound of wings, both were darker and louder. “Let me watch you go.”

Adek shivered. He tipped his head back further still, displaying his long, pale

length of neck, and parted his lips. Forward he stepped, the lightest touch of sea foam

brushing his bare toes, and raised his arms above his head.

He looked back once, just once, and caught Paulian with his eyes. “I‟m glad it

was you,” he said, less human still. “I --” He shook his head. “Watch, then.”

“Watch,” Paulian echoed. He crossed his arms over his chest to warm himself

now that Adek‟s body heat had withdrawn. “I‟m ready. Go.”

“No. One more thing.” Adek dropped his arms and moved; he was quick, and

his body molded itself against Paulian‟s to warm him, heat him, almost burn him. The

wide-fingered press of his hands against Paulian‟s back seemed as if it would leave

scars, burn marks that he would always feel with every move he made.

Adek‟s lips on Paulian‟s were hotter still. Paulian had once read a story about a

prince who swallowed a berry from a tree that grew only on the sun, brought to him by

a bird burned black by the heat. He could taste the sweet juice of that berry on his

tongue. Fire and light ran down his throat, making him gasp.

The heat of Adek‟s kiss burned on after Adek had gone. Paulian only realized it

in time to stagger back a step and open his eyes to see --

There were no words. Blue on black, light and shadow, shape and form and then

-- not. Vast black wings spread in flight as a swan caught the rising wind from the sea

and stroked toward the heavens with power beyond any man‟s.

And Paulian stood alone, cold, still tasting Adek‟s kiss, watching Adek until he

had disappeared completely from sight in the rising dawn.

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He had spent much of his life set apart from others, because it had to be that

way. Sometimes, because he liked it, had grown accustomed to it, sitting at the edge of

the circles of fire on the beach and content with the crackle, not the flame.

He had been alone for a very long time, but until now he had never been lonely.

If I could save only one, Paulian thought, Then I am glad it was him. So be it. He

turned toward the studio and a new day, carrying himself from wet sand to dry; he

closed his eyes against the first streaks of gold in the sky and breathed deeply.

And -- he was not looking, nor expecting it, when the sound of wings filled his

ears once more.

Though in the back of his mind, he had hoped. There was one thing he‟d known

about swans, but hadn‟t spoken of in case he was wrong. It made sense to him, though,

to look ahead of himself and see black on blue, shape and light, a bird and then -- not.

“If you hadn‟t let me go, I wouldn‟t have come back,” Adek said before he

surrounded Paulian with heat and the softness of feathers over the hard cut of muscle

and the strength of sinew.

Paulian let himself be consumed. He welcomed it. “I know.”

“I thought you might,” Adek said. “I wondered if I was wrong. I‟m glad I wasn‟t.

Open your mouth for me.” When he touched his lips to Paulian‟s, slanting their mouths

together in a kiss, he slipped a small drop of golden light between Paulian‟s lips and

onto his tongue. He stroked Paulian‟s throat until he swallowed.

Paulian slipped his arms around Adek and stroked his back, over the

smoothness of inked feathers settled into skin for now, until they were needed again.

“What was that?”

“I think you know,” Adek said. He lapped the juice away from the seam of

Paulian‟s lips. “I think you knew one other thing about swans you didn‟t tell me, too.”

Paulian thought, though they were smooth, he could sift his fingers through the

softness of Adek‟s wings all the same. He couldn‟t hold back his laugh, and didn‟t want

to. “What‟s that?”

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Adek cupped Paulian‟s face in both hands and eyed him narrowly, having

trouble holding back his own enjoyment and far less practiced at it. He was less than

wild now, but still more than human. He‟d fool no one, but he didn‟t have to. Paulian

would take care of that.

“That swans mate for life,” Adek said. He kissed Paulian again, and again, his

mouth moving against Paulian‟s time and again until time itself dissipated into

nothingness and the sea flowed into the shore.

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Willa Okati

Willa Okati is made of many things: imagination, passion for manlove, creativity

and a lifelong love of storytelling.

You can reach Willa at willaokati@gmail.com, visit her at her website

www.willaokati.com Join Willa on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/willaokati, blog with

her at www.FictionWithFriction.com or join her Google Group for updates at



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