Mark Alders Beast Within the Maze

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Always be prepared for love.

To appease the Minotaur each month a young

man of age from the city of Argros is sacrificed. To
be chosen is a privilege and those who face the
beast become heroes…forever. Also, to be
sacrificed means that the people of Argros will
have good fortune, bumpers harvests and
protection from both invaders and the beast’s
hunger for that month.

This month it’s Dymas’s turn to be sacrificed.
Dymas has been preparing for this day for over

a year. Now, with his purpose in life clear and his
fate sealed, Dymas prepares to meet the beast
within the maze. But will all be what it seems?
Will Dymas, a young man who’s quite different
because of his love for life and of others, change
the Minotaur’s mind so he doesn’t become its next

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Beast Within the Maze

Copyright © 2012 Marc Alders

ISBN: 978-1-77111-377-9

Cover art by Carmen Waters

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Beast Within the Maze


Marc Alders

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Chapter One

ate would have it that Dymas was taken from
his family a year after he came of age. To be

selected to appease the beast within the maze for
the benefit of all of those who lived on the island
near the labyrinth was a privilege and an
honour…so the elder folks of the city told him.
Dymas understood the why—it was the why him
he was more concerned with. He knew deep in his
heart that he had so much more to give than to be
sacrificed on his nineteenth birthday to a monster
whose hunger for young men knew no bounds.
But fate, it would seem, wasn’t on his side for this
lifetime. He had been chosen and every other life
in the city of Argros depended on him when it
came to be his time to do what he had to—do
what he was to be prepared for. After all,
protection from the beast who could wipe out an
entire army within a matter of hours was a small
price to pay in exchange for the life of a young
man of age each month.

“This is where you’ll be staying, our Dymas,”


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the house master said. He was a brutish looking
man with an imposing presence and gleeful look
on his face and he pointed to a bed near the
window with enthusiasm.

Dymas had found himself in what he could

only describe as a dormitory. Ten other beds were
in the room placed in rows with the one that he
had been allocated. As he went to his bed he
thought about how he was about to be trained in
the fine art of offering himself to a beast. How
could anyone prepare him for death in such a
way? He imagined there would be many sleepless
nights between now and his time to die.

“Thanks,” was all Dymas offered.
To be honest, everything was overwhelming.

He missed his parents and his brothers as soon as
the dormitory door was closed and the large man
had left him to settle in. At least he had been given
permission to bring a companion, even if no one
understood his reasoning—he wanted to keep a
connection to home. Also, Dymas knew deep
down he would rely on his companion Nathanial
more and more as his time to walk the lonely road
toward the maze grew closer.

“So you’re, Dymas?” a young male voice said

from another bed.

Dymas turned to look at the one who had

spoken to him. He set his gaze on a man who was
as handsome as he had ever seen. He was about

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understandable seeing as this was a training
facility for the chosen ones. He had thick black
curly hair that cascaded down to his shoulders
and a body that was well toned and tanned. He
was also as naked as the day he was born and he
made no effort to hide his ample cock that rested
comfortably on the bedclothes between his legs.

Dymas couldn’t help but gasp. “Yes. Yes, I am


The man smiled. He shifted his weight—an

action that saw to it he revealed even more of
what he was blessed with. He had big, red ripe
balls that hung lazily below his foreskinned dick.
“I’m David, just so you know.” David looked
Dymas up and down and a charming smile
formed to brighten his face. “I bet you’d look good
without your tunic on.”

Dymas didn’t know what to say or how to

answer the man. Was David coming on to him?
Was this a tradition in the training facility? Did the
men here get as much sexual pleasure as they
could with others who are chosen, because their
days were numbered?

Eventually, Dymas said, “Um…I’m pleased to

meet you, David.” But Dymas couldn’t help but
think of Nathanial. Not in any sexual way—far
from it. He didn’t have that sort of relationship
with his companion—but because Nathanial was

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outside waiting for him. “I’m sure…I’m sure
you’d like to see me without my tunic on…but

David rubbed his chest, concentrating on his

nipples. “You don’t like the company of men…is
that it, Dymas?” Before Dymas could answer, the
man added, “You’ll get no women in here, my
man. The chosen ones aren’t allowed any
relationships with the fairer sex—such things
complicate matters. You’ll never be wed off. Your
family would have known since your birth that
you would be here one day. You might as well
make the most of it—you’ll be inside the beast’s
stomach soon enough. Come. Sit next to me. Let
me show you how men share a bed together. From
the outline of your bulge I’d say you’ve got a cock
I could really get my lips around. How about it?”
His smile had widened, and there was a glint in
his eye that was unmistakable.

David obviously wanted Dymas.
As if to prove the point, Dymas couldn’t help

but notice that David’s cock was no longer
flaccid—the mouth of his foreskin was wet with
pre-cum and opening wider and wider as he
became more and more erect to reveal his bulging
head. Dymas took a step back. “I…I can’t. I have—
Nathanial…outside waiting for me.”

David’s smile was wiped from his lips like he

had been slapped in the face. “You have a

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boyfriend?” The question wasn’t asked to discover
the answer, but spoken out of disbelief. Which in a
way hurt Dymas. Sure, he wasn’t as handsome as
David, but he could hold his own and get anyone
he wanted he was sure. In fact, many farm hands
and stable boys had chased him into haystacks or
behind feed sheds for some mutual sexual fun
before he was told of the duty he had to perform.
Dymas remembered the day like it had only just
happened yesterday instead of only a few months
ago. To be told he was going to be murdered
when he turned nineteen by the most respected
elder of his town sort of destroyed his libido. At
the time of being told this he was about to become
very friendly with the local butcher’s son. Dymas
remembered with fondness how they had moved
beyond the kissing stage and were going to
consummate their new found love. A knock on the
door changed all that. That night Dymas had to
tell Aldar that he had to go—never to return.

Instead of getting upset and angry, Aldar

suggested they celebrate their last night together
in a way that was special to the both of them. That
night, under the stars and as the gods of the sky
bore witness, Dymas lost his virginity to the only
man he had feelings for. Aldar gave to him the
greatest gift he had ever received. Sure, the others
lads were fun to be with, but Aldar was the one he

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Dymas would never forget him.
Unfortunately he would never love again, yet

he missed those days already and didn’t want to
relive them now. Not with David looking at him
with jealous eyes and a cock that didn’t want to
return to being flaccid without some manual
encouragement. Dymas felt bad about getting
David excited—he wasn’t to know the man
Dymas had told him about didn’t exist. Not
technically, anyway.

“Yes.” Dymas lied. “I have a boyfriend. I’m

sorry.” He hated to lie, but the alternative was to
have David grunt and groan above him—
something he couldn’t bear right now. Not on his
first day at the facility or with the memory of
Aldar so painfully present in the forefront of his
mind. Perhaps as the months wore on and his time
came close he would take David’s cock with
enthusiasm. Just not now.

For now he had to see Nathanial.
David nodded slowly—a forlorn look

overcoming him. “I understand, but damn I’m
going to have to masturbate now. Thanks for
nothing, Dymas. Hey, if you see Simon out there
lurking in the passageways, send him in. He can
lick up my mess. He’s wanted my cock since
forever—might even give it to him if he’s quick
about it, too.” David began to pleasure himself—
his cock more than a handful. With a grunt and a

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low, deep groan, he added, “Jesus, Dymas, you’ve
given me a solid boner, that’s for sure. If you ever
dump that man of yours I’ll give you what you
need, no doubt about it.”

Dymas didn’t want to witness anymore. He left

the dormitory and went outside. The air was clean
and the sun was intense on his skin. He breathed
in deep, glad to be out of the facility. A bleat from
a goat greeted him as soon as he entered the
holding pen where the master of the facility had
said he put Nathanial.

“Thank the lords above I have you to keep me

sane, Nathanial.” Out of the safety of a solid
looking shed a goat appeared. It came to Dymas
straight away bleating like mad and wagging its
stubby tail. “I had to use you as an excuse to get
out of a bit of a bind. I hope you don’t mind, my
friend.” The goat rubbed itself against Dymas—
wanting more attention and petting. Dymas gave

After what seemed an eternity, Dymas said

goodbye to his only friend by scratching it firmly
under its chin—the animal that would keep him
sane until his nineteenth birthday, he knew it.

As he turned to leave the pen, a shadow fell

over him. Dymas looked up straight into the eyes
of another young man. This time he encountered a
blond-haired lad with piercing blue eyes and a
cute smattering of freckles across his nose. “I

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heard you’ve met David already?”

Dymas nodded. “Word gets around fast.”
The man laughed. “So would your reputation

of being easy if you had slept with him within five
minutes of arriving.”

“I take it you turned him down as well.”
“Sure did. Any man who sits naked on a bed

waiting for a fuck is a man to avoid in my book.
Although, I’ve got to give it to David for trying—
but seriously, who in their right mind would
accept his offer only days after being told they
were to be sacrificed to the beast? He lives in hope
that one, let me tell you.”

Dymas liked this man already. He extended his

hand. “I’m Dymas.”

The blond lad lifted an eyebrow. “You’re from

the northern province, aren’t you?”

“I know your family.” The man shook Dymas’s

hand. “They call me Martin, but my friends call
me Mouse because…well, I’m not exactly the
tallest fellow you’ve ever seen, am I?”

Dymas had noticed that Martin was short, but

really hadn’t considered it a reason to give him
such a name. “So will I call you Martin or

Mouse smiled. “I think you know the answer to

that. Now, come with me—I’ve got something
pretty awesome to show you.”

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Dymas stopped dead in his tracks. “You’re not

going to show me your cock in the hope I’ll suck it
or let you shove it up my arse, are you?”

Mouse laughed again—this time more

gutturally. “If such a thing didn’t work on you
when David tried it, why would I do the same
thing to get under your tunic? No, what I have to
show you is something amazing, just you wait and

For the first time since he had arrived at the

facility Dymas didn’t think about what the future
held or what the past had meant. Right now he
was in the moment—and that made him happy.

Mouse led him across golden fields and over

craggy rocks until they came to a precipice.
Beyond the cliff was the ocean. The sea was a vast
unfathomable expanse that seemed to go on
forever and touch the sky at the far horizon. Was
that where the gods of the sky met with Poseidon
to make sure humanity continued to exist and to
save them from disaster just like the beast did
when he was fed?

Mouse gestured for Dymas to sit on a large rock

next to him. “You’re going to want to watch this.”

“Watch what? What is it?”
“Shh, just look.” Mouse pointed toward the


Sure enough, and without Dymas noticing

before, the sun was about to sink below the

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horizon. All of a sudden the sky turned a brilliant
hue of orange, painting everything in a wash of
warmth. Dymas had to admit he had never
stopped to enjoy the sunset before, and he was
glad he did now. More so, he supposed, because
he was sitting next to a man who was certainly
different to any other he had met. Alder had
wooed him with gifts while David had tried the
direct approach. Out of the two, Dymas had to
admit the romantic angle sure had its appeal.

Without even realising it, Mouse had reached

over and grabbed Dymas’s hand. It was only
because the air began to chill once the sun
disappeared that Dymas felt the warmth at his
hand. He welcomed it.

“You are handsome, Dymas,” Mouse said.
Without thought, and because he felt

comfortable sitting hand in hand with this man, he
said, “You’re not so bad looking yourself.”

“You do know that we shouldn’t really get into

a relationship, don’t you?”

Dymas didn’t see that. “Why should we live

without love—no matter how short our days are?
Just because we have been chosen doesn’t mean
we can’t enjoy the time we have left. If that means
we are to spend that time together, then who is to
tell us otherwise? We will have everything here at
the facility. Why can’t we have each other if that is
what we both desire?”

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Mouse snorted, but smiled. “So are you saying

you could come to love me?”

Dymas looked at him, straight into his brilliant

azure eyes. “Anything is possible.”

Over the next few months, Dymas made sure

he spent as much time as he could between his
facility classes with Mouse. Over the course of that
time, while he learned about the path he was to
take and how to behave when facing death, he
came to admire Mouse more and more. The man
was gentle and caring, and in stark contrast to
David, he didn’t rush him or expect anything that
Dymas didn’t want to give. They spent every
spare moment together, most of the time naked
and carefree as the hot summer wore on and the
nights meant the only warmth they needed was
each other’s body heat. Even though they shared
the same bed, Mouse never asked Dymas to give
himself to him. David had fucked every other lad
in the dormitory—most nights sleep was found
with the cries of a young man taking David’s cock.
Perhaps that was why Mouse didn’t force himself
on Dymas. He didn’t want to be remembered as
someone who took advantage of a situation. Just
because they were to die, didn’t mean they lost
what or who they were.

Mouse was a man who cared about how others

felt. Dymas came to love him for that and because
of that wanted to be with him more and more. In a

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way, Dymas was glad he met Mouse and didn’t
succumb to David’s handsome charms. Sure, to
get cock so easily before the end was always an
inviting prospect, but really, Mouse was more
important to him than that. He’d never do
anything to upset his new love. In his heart he
knew that one day they would make love—even if
it was right at the end.

Patience was a virtue, after all.
One hot summer evening, and with the both of

them remaining naked after a swim at the facility’s
lavish bath house, Mouse invited Dymas to the
precipice that overlooked the eternal ocean once
more. When he was seated and admiring the sun
making its final descent for the day, Mouse—like
he always did—slipped his hand into Dymas’s.

Then, much to Dymas’s surprise the next words

Mouse spoke seemed to hold a desperation within
them he hadn’t heard before. “Do you love me,

“Of course I do. Why do you ask?”
“I just want to know because—well, some have

said the beast doesn’t eat all those who walk into
his house.”

“What do you mean?”
“I have heard that sometimes the beast takes

young men into his bed instead of eating them.”

Dymas didn’t believe such a thing for a minute.

“Who told you that? David? Perhaps he’s trying to

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use a different method of seduction on you
because everything else he’s tried has failed.”

Mouse moved closer to Dymas. “I guess you’re

right. In any case, if the beast did take you as a
lover, would you still think of me—of us?”

Dymas couldn’t help himself. He laughed—

even if it wasn’t a confident one. “Oh, Mouse,
don’t be so silly. The only thing the beast will
enjoy is my bones to pick out my flesh from
between his teeth. All the elders have been
teaching us since we arrived is how to die with
dignity. If the beast has taken lovers, where are
they all? If men have survived because they bent
over for the monster, surely they would be free
now, wouldn’t they? Now, c’mon, let’s not talk of
such things. Next month it is my turn to sacrifice
myself—yours a month after that. We will soon be
together in the kingdom of the sky gods and that’s
all we should be thinking about, not a false hope.”

Mouse pressed his lips together. “You’re right.

That’s silly talk.”

Without thought, and perhaps because of what

they had been talking about and the romantic
setting, Dymas blurted. “Now, how about giving
me a kiss? I think we’re both ready for more than
just hand holding, don’t you?” To tell the truth
Dymas would take Mouse right now if he was
asked. For months they had held hands—most
times while naked. Each passing day Dymas’s

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tension built and many times Dymas had to
retreat to the latrines to masturbate after brushing
against Mouse in a way that fired more than his
emotions. Only the other night, when he turned in
his bed because his cock was engorged with the
thought of Mouse and he couldn’t get comfortable,
he touched Mouse’s genitals with his own. Mouse
was erect as well. The heat of each other’s dicks as
they made contact was more than tangible and
also more than enough to send Dymas over the
edge. He was back in the bathroom to masturbate
in no time.

As far as Dymas was concerned now was the

time to act. He didn’t have much time left in this
beautiful world and for the first time since he had
arrived at the facility he understood David’s
reasoning—enjoy what time was left. They had
treated each other well and because of that,
Dymas was prepared to go all the way with

But Mouse hadn’t answered.
Instead, he kissed Dymas without question.

Dymas held his man tight as the sun sank lower
and lower. Soon he ran one hand down to his
lover’s groin. Mouse was hard and that pleased
Dymas. This time he could do something about
it—and do something he would.

For many long precious moments they

continued to kiss. Dymas’s mind spun in a

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wonderful way as he enjoyed the touch of
Mouse’s lips against his. Even the sensation of his
man’s tongue touching his offered delicious tastes
both manly and sensual. He got as hard as ever—
more so when Mouse reached down to hold his
manhood in the same way Dymas did to him.

When parted, and with his lips tingling from

the attention, Dymas smiled at his man while he
moved his hand over Mouse’s hard cock with ever
increasing intention. He played with Mouse’s
foreskin, running his fingers over its silk to help
stir him into even more excitement. That seemed
to work. Mouse’s cock was wet with his pre-cum.
He was ready. Then again, so was Dymas. If they
were to masturbate each other while kissing on a
cliff that overlooked the eternal ocean, then that
was what the sky gods would witness. For them to
see such a thing would ensure Dymas and Mouse
would soon be together in their kingdom—proven
to be lovers.

“Play with me until I orgasm,” Mouse

whispered with a groan.

Dymas did so. While he pleasured Mouse, he

received it with the same intent. Soon the air was
filled with the gentle sound of the breeze off the
water and of their pleasuring one another. Mouse
began to breathe harder—and had to part their
deep kiss as he was obviously coming close to

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Dymas looked down just in time to see thick

ribbons of ejaculate spurt out of Mouse’s dick.
Most went on his own stomach—a stomach that
quivered with the after effects of ecstasy—but
some of Mouse’s jizz covered Dymas’s hand.
Without thought Dymas brought those cum-
splattered fingers to his mouth.

One by one he licked them clean.
Mouse tasted bitter and tangy and sweet all

rolled into one. It was fantastic. Dymas had never
tasted a man before—not even Alder. To
experience Mouse in such a way only added to
their bond. He had never felt so close to anyone
before which was surprising seeing as they hadn’t
shared each other on an intimate level yet. To
Dymas it was proof Mouse was the one for him.
The man who he would love for the rest of his

Whether it was because he had tasted his lover

or because Mouse still pleasured him, or both, but
Dymas blew his load as well. His whole body
seemed to help pump more and more of his
ejaculate out of his cock so that it covered his leg
and Mouse’s hand. It was fantastic to finally be
relieved by the one he cared for in so many ways.

Like Dymas had done only moments before,

Mouse tasted the result of his efforts. Then, before
Dymas could say how much he had enjoyed—and
needed—what they had just done, Mouse leaned

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over and kissed him once more. The taste of both
of their ejaculate mingled with their saliva to
enhance the kiss that saw the sun set on a day that
had been more than wonderful.

After they had held each other tight and kissed

some more, Mouse took Dymas by his hand and
led him to the dormitory. That night they not only
masturbated each other but sucked on one another
as well, sixty-nine style. They soon shared their
efforts in an equally intimate way—this time to
the sound of Simon being pounded by David.
Dymas loved the taste of Mouse and wanted more
and more. In fact, even when Mouse had gone
flaccid and he had swallowed every last drop,
Dymas continued to suck on him until he got hard
again to get more of what he loved. To take what a
man could give, that was a true sign of love.
Dymas needed Mouse and he was more than
happy to supply Dymas’s need.

As was Dymas for Mouse.
The month went fast. Mouse and Dymas had

shared each other in every way possible—except
to consummate their love. They had spoken of
how they should save that final stage for when
they were with their gods. To make love in the
afterlife in front of the ones they had worshipped
all their lives, that would be something wonderful
and something they would save themselves for.
Even if—in some strange way—the beast didn’t

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want to eat Dymas but take him to his bed instead,
he would have that final joy with Mouse waiting
for him when they did meet again.

That was their promise to one another.
Dymas remembered how David had walked

the path to the labyrinth only a day after Dymas
and Mouse had shared their sunset experience.
The dormitory was quiet after David had left.
Sure, other lads found solace with each other’s
touch, but none of them did it with the same flare
and brash openness as David had done. In a way,
Dymas missed that. It was kind of comforting to
fall asleep to the sound of another man having his
brains fucked out because he was promised a
good time before he sacrificed himself.

The day soon came when Dymas was to walk

the path.

He was taken to a small room adorned with

treasures of every imagination where the elders
stripped him naked and oiled his flesh with sacred
and scented oils. They chanted a blessing while
they prepared him. All Dymas could think about
while he was blessed for the journey he would
take was Mouse. He would wait for him in the
afterlife. Wait for him forever if he had to.

When the ceremony was done, Dymas was

taken outside into the main street of the town. The
whole population was there to see him off and lay
flowers at his feet as he walked the path to his

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destiny. He swallowed hard. His time had come
and all he wanted to do was to be in Mouse’s arms
for one last time.

“What do you wish to take with you, Dymas?”

the eldest of the elders asked. “Did you want to
take anything with you?”

“Yes.” Dymas’s mouth was dry and even that

word was hard to pass. He felt anxious, but above
all was terrified of what was to come. Sure, he
wanted Mouse to be with him, but he also knew
that was impossible. His time would be soon and
no amount of delay would change that fact.
Dymas felt even worse for that thought. He didn’t
want Mouse to die. He didn’t want anyone to die.

“Speak it and it shall be yours.”
“I wish to take Nathanial with me.” Dymas

wasn’t sure why he wanted Nathanial to come
other than the fact the goat would give him
comfort during his last hours. He was well aware
that such a request hadn’t been offered, but
wished it anyway. Maybe the beast would like the
rich milk Nathanial gave and would kill him
quickly out of kindness for offering an animal he
could use. After all, one thing was certain. If
Nathanial went with him, the animal would be
looked after. The beast only devoured men.

“A strange request.” The elder whispered to

another. That man left after bowing. “But one we
will grant you, young Dymas.”

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In a blink of an eye, or an eternity—it didn’t

really matter, Nathanial’s rope was placed in
Dymas’s hand. The people of the town began to
lay their flowers across the street and the song of
sacrifice and departing rose up to fill his ears.

Dymas stepped forward.
As he walked on, he felt worse and worse. He

was scared out of his mind, but was afraid to
show it. Perhaps that was why he was stripped
naked before being presented to the beast—so he
couldn’t show his fear. If he wore his tunic he
would have sworn he would have wet himself by
now. To be naked in front of so many meant he
had to show his bravery even if he felt like a
frightened child. He would bet many lads let their
bladder’s go even if the whole town was to bear
witness. Still, the one thought that saved him from
such embarrassment was a simple one.

Dymas was well beyond the walls of the city

and on his way to his death in no time. He would
see his Mouse soon and when he did they would
make sweet, passionate love. He would be in the
kingdom of his sky gods before too long.

The fear of the beast became all too apparent for

Dymas as he stood at the iron gates to the entrance
of the labyrinth. He had been chosen by the city
elders to sacrifice himself on this day and as he
looked up at the rusted gates, his duty and what
he had been trained for became clear. The beast,

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the Minotaur of legend whose anger was eternal,
only demanded one thing from the city of
Argros—to supply a man of age once every lunar

This was the month Dymas would meet his


A light sprinkle of rain had covered his skin

while he made his way to the labyrinth. The water
beaded off his oiled skin, yet he still felt a chill
from it. Perhaps he shivered from the cold stones
that seemed to grow out of the ground and chill
his naked feet. Still, no matter how he felt, he
knew it was a condition he had to suffer. He was
naked because to be presented to the beast he had
to be that way. Maybe because it made it easier for
the blessing and for those to see how brave he
was, but he suspected the real reason for being
naked was that the Minotaur didn’t like to unwrap
those he consumed.

A crow cawed, startling him.
Dymas stepped forward, tugging on the rope

he clasped tight. The iron gates opened with an
ear-piercing scrape of metal on metal. It was like
looking down into the maw of hell when they
were opened fully. Smoke and heat struck Dymas.
He swallowed hard. His time had come.

“Come, Nathaniel,” he said to his goat. “It’s

time to meet our fate, my dear friend.” Again he
tugged on the rope and the animal bleated in

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response. The bleat seemed to be sad, a far cry
from Nathanial’s usual call. That made Dymas sad
as well. He didn’t want Nathanial to be unhappy.
Dymas hoped Nathanial would have a good life as
the beast’s friend, just like he had been his.

With a heavy heart and while thinking of

Mouse—and even of Aldar—Dymas entered the
ancient labyrinth. The roots of trees had crumbled
walls and all manner of weed grew where the last
rays of sunlight touched the stonework.
Everything beyond was dark and dead. He knew
the way to go. To learn the path to the beast had
been part of his training. He imagined the steps in
his mind and followed his mental map deeper and
deeper into toward his own end. A glorious end,
but an end nevertheless.

After what seemed no time at all, even though

he had walked miles, Dymas turned the last
corner. He was in the lower levels, and the heat
was almost unbearable. He craved for water, but
at the same time knew such luxury was pointless
now. He was glad he was naked. Clothes would
be uncomfortable now. If he was going to die for
the glory and preservation of his city then he
should be as comfortable as possible. He liked
being naked, anyway. Most of his days had been
spent with nothing on but a smile or a heartbeat
away from an erection with Mouse by his side.
Dymas regretted nothing.

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A solid iron door confronted him.
Dymas opened it. Straight away he heard

movement. Loud, laborious steps pounded the
ground. The room was better lit than any other he
had passed through, but the sight of the one
coming toward him remained shrouded.

Suddenly, a massive form appeared to startle

Dymas. It was the beast, a creature whose
presence demanded respect. Dymas took in a
breath. His moment had come and far from being
saddened by it, he was pleased. A strange notion
he admitted, but he couldn’t help himself. He had
found love before this day, and in life, wasn’t that
all that mattered?

Dymas feasted his gaze on the Minotaur and he

had to admire it. Yes, it was huge and muscular
and as terrifying as anything…but it was also
magnificent. It was also very much a man—only
horns protruding from his head could indicate

Before Dymas could bow and offer himself, the

beast roared. The walls shook and dust and debris
that had been settled for generations rained down
on him to stick to his wet skin.

With a booming voice, the Minotaur said, “All

you bring me is a goat, boy?”

“And…and myself.” Dymas looked up at the

Minotaur. “I bring you all I have, my lord.”

The beast snorted. “What makes you think that

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you can make me happy with all you have
offered? The goat is skinny and its teats look dry—
while you…you look like someone I could snap in
half as easily as I break bread. Why should I
accept you and what you offer?”

Dymas was taken aback. As far as he was aware

he was to be sacrificed so the beast could be
appeased and the city protected for another month
in return. But from the way the Minotaur spoke
there was more to this than what even the elders
had told him. Sure, he had heard whispers of the
beast wanting young men for his bed, but they
were rumours…weren’t they? Even Mouse had
told him of such a thing and even then Dymas
didn’t believe it. Then again, perhaps that was
why the facility was made up of only men—to get
them used to the Minotaur’s other desires while
they explored each other. He suspected David’s
sexual advance when he first arrived wasn’t so
random, after all. Dymas would bet Nathanial’s
next supply of milk that David was instructed to
do that to all the new comers to help prepare them
for a possible outcome. How many lads were
taken to bed instead of being eaten? What was
Dymas’s chance of surviving if he appealed to the
beast’s eye? Would he ever see Mouse again if he
was taken to the beast’s bed instead of being
consumed for meat?

Dymas tried to increase his chances of

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appealing to the beast’s other desires. He ran his
hand down to his groin—to emphasis what he had
to offer. “I will do whatever you ask of me, that’s

The beast studied Dymas for a while, rubbing

his chin. “You may not like what I ask of you.”

The goat bleated again. Dymas patted it.

“Nathaniel and I will do whatever you like, don’t
you worry about that, my lord.”

“You named the goat Nathanial—it’s a female.”

Surprise was drawn on the Minotaur’s face. There
was also something else there, and Dymas
imagined it to be curiosity. No matter the
expression, Dymas couldn’t help but think about
how handsome the beast was when he studied
him further. Sure, he was a creature of legend and
of untold age, but to Dymas he also had a
presence about him that Dymas liked. He was
virile and…to tell the truth, seemed to have a
caring side, just like Mouse.

Dymas said, “I liked the name.” He didn’t want

to admit that when he named the goat it was when
he rescued her from the butcher’s knife. She was
still suckling so he couldn’t tell its sex. A good
thing really, because that was how he came to
meet and fall in love with Aldar. Nathanial had
given him his first love. Actually, in a way, she
had given him his second love in Mouse as well. If
David hadn’t been so forward he may have never

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lied about Nathanial being his boyfriend. He may
have never seen that sunset with Mouse.

“You are a strange one.”
Dymas stepped forward into the shadow of the

beast. “She is my best friend and I offer her to you
as I do myself as part of the arrangement you have
with my city.”

The Minotaur burst into laughter. “What is

your name, boy?”

With joy still held in his voice, the beast said, “I

give those who enter my labyrinth one chance to
live. You amuse me, Dymas. You are a boy who
offers me a female goat with a man’s name and
therefore you are someone different to all who
have come here before you. I like that.”

Dymas blessed the sky gods he had chosen

Nathaniel over gold and jewels at the blessing
ceremony. He bowed again. “Then I am grateful to
you…what is your name, my lord?”

“I am Gorn!” Again the walls shook with the

beast’s booming register. This time Dymas wasn’t
frightened. He was more intrigued than anything.

“Well, Gorn it is nice to meet you.”
Dymas placed the rope onto the floor, an action

that let the Minotaur stare as much as he liked at
what Dymas was blessed with. Gorn’s eyebrows
rose ever so slightly as a result. It seemed Gorn
liked what he saw. Dymas smiled.

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“Come. Sit on my knee, Dymas. Let me look at

you in greater detail. I like what I see and I see
that you need some of my attention.”

Dymas did so without hesitation. To sit on the

Minotaur’s knee was something he considered a
blessing. A lot better offer than all the others got
before him, he wagered. When there, and for no
other reason than he wanted to, Dymas ran his
hand across Gorn’s muscular chest. It was thick
with black magnificent hair—a joy to touch. He
smelled manly, too, with a pungent and attractive
musk. Sort of like how Mouse smelled as well. But
once again, he couldn’t think of the past. He had
to focus on the here and now. If he was to make
the beast happy so he could live—so he could
enjoy life for many more days—then that was
what he had to do. Aldar understood when he left
for the facility over a year ago, as did Mouse when
he trod the path to the labyrinth. Dymas couldn’t
dwell on what could have been, but had to believe
in the future—and if that future was with the
beast, then so be it.

“Do you like that?” Dymas asked.
“I do.” His words must have been true, because

the gesture was returned. Soon Gorn’s huge hands
were on Dymas. Yet, unlike how Dymas would
have expected, the beast’s touch was tender and
caring. In fact, he seemed to worship Dymas’s
body—another attractive quality the beast had.

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“Would you like me to please you in other

ways?” Dymas had come here to offer himself,
and now that he knew that didn’t mean being
eaten, he took that meaning to the next logical
conclusion. He would give Gorn his body—if
that’s what the beast wanted. To feel Gorn’s
perfect muscles and to take in his manliness with
his touch was more than alluring. Dymas enjoyed

“No,” Gorn said with a roar.
Dymas was taken aback again. “I’m sorry if I

offended you. I…I won’t do it again. You know I
am yours to do with as you please. I was only—”

“You do not need to offer me anything.” Gorn

grabbed Dymas and carried him like he was
nothing more than a doll. When at his bed he
placed Dymas carefully down so that his head
rested on the mountain of pillows. In a softer,
gentler tone, Gorn said, “You do not have to do
anything, my beautiful one. I want to pleasure
you. Would you like that?”

Dymas couldn’t believe his ears. Here was the

beast, the terror of the city and the lands beyond,
asking him if he would like to be pleasured. All
Dymas said in return was a simple and breathy,

The next thing Dymas knew, there was a

stirring in his groin. The heat of the room and the
close presence of a man who was as gentle as he

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was beautiful was enough to do that to him.
Dymas smiled again as Gorn came over him. Their
gaze met and Dymas’s heart pounded hard in his
chest. He gasped. He had no idea what would
happen from here on, but loved the feeling of
anticipation that overwhelmed him as he waited
to find out.

Gorn wasted no time. He ran his hands over

Dymas’s stomach, moving his touch up toward his





determination. Then, like a relief and a wonder all
rolled into one, Gorn grabbed Dymas’s cock.

Again Dymas gasped. “Oh, my lord.”
The Minotaur didn’t speak—he didn’t have to.

His actions were enough. The beast’s touch was
not only tender, it was careful as well. Dymas was
hard within a blink of an eye and he arched his
back to let Gorn know he was doing everything
right—oh, so right.

Gorn kissed and licked Dymas’s cock over and

over, concentrating his efforts on his foreskin. The
beast kept him unretracted so he could stick his
hot, wet tongue into the mouth of it to tease and
excite. No one had ever done that to Dymas and
he was soon closing his eyes and enjoying the

After Dymas’s mind had become clouded with

the excitement at being touched in such a special
way and he was writhing on the bed, Gorn took

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Dymas’s cock into his mouth proper. Like a baby
at a teat, the beast sucked and slurped on what
Dymas was blessed with and what defined him as
a man. Dymas didn’t mean that having a cock was
all that was needed to be a man, far from it. But it
was certainly wonderful having someone worship
his manhood like his other lovers had done.
Within another heartbeat, Gorn shuffled so that he
was lying next to Dymas—no easy feat
considering he never let go of Dymas’s cock, not
even for a second. The thing Dymas noticed was
that Gorn’s cock was now within reach of his own
mouth. A large, throbbing cock that oozed with
pre-cum and was as magnificent and beautiful as
the rest of the man it was attached to. Without
thought, and because he wanted to, Dymas
reached out and grabbed Gorn’s thick, veiny cock.
It was hot in Dymas’s hand.

“You are magnificent,” Dymas said.
There was no reply. How could there have

been? Gorn was still enjoying Dymas’s hardness in
his mouth. Then, Dymas did what Gorn had
obviously planned since he had moved into the
position that would mean they could both suck on
each other. Dymas kissed the beast’s cock.

At first he was overwhelmed. Not only for

being sucked on, but for the taste from Gorn’s
manhood that washed over his tongue to drown
his senses. Gorn tasted bitter, yet at the same time

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had a sweet after tang. A lot like him, really.

Soon, Dymas opened his mouth and began to

enjoy it. He kissed Gorn’s cock many times. He
also licked it, copying what Gorn had done to him
by concentrating on his ample foreskin. The beast
groaned approval.

Dymas took that as a signal to continue, and

even though Gorn had so much cock it was almost
overwhelming, he wanted to please his new lover.
Besides, Dymas liked a challenge—and sucking on
Gorn would be a challenge indeed.

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide.

Moving slowly and deliberately, Dymas took
Gorn into his mouth as far as he dared. He didn’t
want to gag on it, that wouldn’t be right for the
moment they had built up together. Instead, he
managed to take in enough to let Gorn know what
he was doing—his bulging head and half his shaft
disappeared into Dymas’s mouth. He sucked on
the beast with enthusiasm.

For what seemed like an eternity they sucked

on each other. The ancient room was filled with
the sounds of their actions—Nathaniel bleated
happily as well. Dymas’s jaw ached, but he didn’t
stop. He dare not, because he wanted to taste his
man more than ever now. He wanted a reward for
all his efforts, after all. He wet Gorn’s cock with
his saliva over and over, lubricating it so it could
pass easier over his lips. The beast groaned and

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grunted and Dymas had to admit, he more than
enjoyed what they did together. He moaned as

Dymas was close to climax.
Gorn was a master at what he did. He knew

how much pressure to apply on Dymas’s cock. He
also knew that fondling and cupping his balls
while he sucked on Dymas would drive him
crazy. How he knew that was anyone’s guess, but
Dymas wasn’t about to complain. Again Dymas
copied his lover. Again grunts and long delicious
groans of approval resulted.

Then it happened—Dymas ejaculated.
Surprisingly, Gorn came at the same time, too.

Dymas had got his reward—and what a reward it
was. Dymas’s mouth was soon filled with the hot,
sticky result of his efforts. Dymas was proud that
he didn’t choke, but managed to swallow each
pulse of ejaculate he was given just in time. His
tongue tingled and his tastebuds were soon awash
with a sort of acidic tang that he knew all too well
from his own body and from Mouse.

Dymas loved what they had done and a

wonderful sense of both achievement and
contentment came over him. He also loved that he
had taken the beast’s huge cock without
embarrassing himself. Sure, his tongue was now
numb and the taste of Gorn lingered, but if this
was how he was to give himself then Dymas

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considered himself lucky. He could suck on the
Minotaur all day and every day if he had to.

When both of them were spent, and Gorn had

moved so he could lavish sweet kisses all over
Dymas’s chest and neck, Dymas said, “You made
me happy, my lord.”

Gorn looked at Dymas—deep in his eyes. “You

make me happy, my beautiful one. Now, let me
pleasure you again as you pleasure me. This time
we will go further—I will make love to you. Then
we can milk your Nathanial. I have a hankering
for goat’s cheese. Pleasuring makes me hungry.”

Dymas was pleased with the arrangement,

especially considering he wasn’t eaten but
worshipped instead, but without thought, he
blurted, “So does that mean I’m yours?”

Gorn sniffed. “You are not mine. We are each


“I see.”
“Do not see. Understand. I have been lonely

here for an eternity waiting for the right man to
come along. When you walked in with your goat I
knew you were different. When you rubbed my
chest I knew you had accepted me. When you
took me into your mouth like I had done to you, I
knew you were my lover. No man has ever gone
that far with me. Next we will consummate our
new found love. I want you, my beautiful one.”

“And I want you, my Gorn.”

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“Good.” Gorn smiled.
Dymas closed his eyes once more as Gorn

sidled into position so he could suck on Dymas,
but opened his legs so the beast’s tongue could
pleasure other parts of him and prepare him for
what was to follow. Dymas had to admit his
training at the facility hadn’t prepared him for
this—thank the sky gods. Nathanial bleated again.
Dymas smiled. The goat had saved his life and
given him another lover at the same time. Was
there anything a goat couldn’t do?

How wonderful fate was.
“Can I ask you one favour though, my lord?”
“Speak,” Gorn said between licks on Dymas’s

cock to lap up his excitement.

“Next month there is a man who is due to enter

your labyrinth. I…I have feelings for him
and…I’m sorry if this is out of place, my lord, but I
would like it very much if he didn’t die as soon as
he came into your chamber.”

“You love this man?”
Dymas had to be careful here. He knew the

relationship that would grow with Gorn was a
tenuous one right now even though they had
shared a bed. “As much as I now love you, my

“Would this man love me in return if I were to

grant him his life?” Gorn opened Dymas’s legs
wider so he could run his thick masculine fingers

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over his arsehole. An action that sent shivers of
delight up Dymas’s spine. Gorn was preparing
him for what was to come next as promised and
knowing the size of the beast, Dymas appreciated

“I believe he would. Yes.”
Gorn seemed to think for a moment. After what

seemed an eternity, and after he had run his
tongue over Dymas’s balls and down toward his
anus in long lashes to wet him in his most intimate
places, he said, “Then it is simple.”

“What is so simple?” Dymas asked. He couldn’t

help it—he let out a deep groan of pleasure as
Gorn began to lick him with more intent over his
arsehole. Dymas had never been pleasured in such
a way before—not by any lover. He wanted more
and he moved on the bed so that Gorn could
continue to lick him with even greater ease. If he
was to be made love to, then he couldn’t think of
any other way that was better to prepare him for
such a thing. Soon the chamber was filled with the
sound of Gorn’s tongue on Dymas’s sensitive and
sensual skin.

Dymas needed Gorn.
“What you ask, my Dymas. I will take this man

you love to our bed as well. All three of us will
pleasure each other forever—if that is what you

Dymas’s mind was clouded once more. He was

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moaning as Gorn continued to lick him where he
enjoyed it the most. He was hard again and ready
for more—oh, how he was ready for more. Finally,
he said, “I would want that—but I want you, too.
Forever and ever and until the day I die. Take me,
my lord. Take me until I see the sky gods so I can
thank them for this moment and the many others
from now on that we shall share.”

Gorn licked Dymas even more and with greater

enthusiasm. When he was done and Dymas’s
whole body sung with ecstasy from the beast’s
actions, he said, “That is what I wanted to hear. I
have never had anyone say they love me like you
have done. For you I would do as you ask. Your
man will be with us in my bed. Tell me his name.
Tell me as I make love to you, my dear sweet,

Dymas’s lips were quivering with the

anticipation of what was to follow now that Gorn
had finished preparing him in such a sensual way.
His arsehole was tingling from the attention of
Gorn’s tongue, but in another heartbeat Dymas
knew he would get even more. Within a blink of
an eye, the beast got into position above him. He
came to kiss Dymas and without hesitation he
returned the gesture. Seconds later, Gorn pushed
his massive cock against Dymas’s arse.

“Mouse,” was all he could manage after he

broke their kiss and was penetrated.

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The beast smiled. “I like that name. If he is like

you and just as caring then I will be a very happy
man indeed. I shall then worship the both of you
while you enjoy my love. That is what I would

Stars wheeled in Dymas’s vision and every

muscle and sinew in his body screamed out in
both agony and pleasure as the beast began
moving so he could gain his rhythm inside
Dymas. Once more Dymas arched his back, but
this time he clung onto the beast for dear life as he
was made love to—wrapping his legs around
Gorn’s hips so he could go in deeper. Numerous
times Dymas racked his nails over the beast’s skin
in fits of passion, an action that seemed to spur
Gorn on even more.

Dymas was one with the beast.
They consummated their affection for each

other for what seemed a lifetime. Over and over
Gorn made love to Dymas. For the first time since
Dymas had left Alder with such sadness in his
heart, and after he had to inevitably say goodbye
to Mouse as well at the ceremony of blessing, he
held hope within his heart. From a situation where
he thought he would never see love again and had
thought he met his last day, he found something
special. He had found an even greater love—love
that would soon be shared with two men instead
of one. Dymas would now live to see many more

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beautiful days in happiness. He had Nathanial to
thank for all of it and would make sure she was
treated well for now and forever because of it.

Funny how fate unfolded.

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About the Author

I’m Mark and I live in Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia. By day I am a public servant, but by
night, when I get in front of my computer, I can be
anyone. I let my imagination go. I can go
anywhere, from the farthest reaches of space, to
the dilapidated house at the end of the street, and
anywhere in between. I write about people from
all walks of life, from teenagers finding out what’s
it’s like to be an adult to adults who discover what
it’s like to become a child once more. Characters
move my stories just as much as they move me.


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