I'm happy. So am I.
I am right but so are
My car is fast. So is
I'm reading a story. So
am I.
Lucy is crying. So is her
I work in an office. So do
You look good. So do
I saw her and so did
We watched a film
yesterday. So did we.
I did a great job, and so
did Ted.
I've lost his number. So
have I.
I've been to France. So
has she.
I'll speak to him. So will
I'll accept his offer. So
will Sue.
You should come. And
so should your friends.
He may be here soon.
So may be the police.
I'm not afraid. Neither
am l.
John isn't married and
neither is his brother.
He's not friendly. Neither
are you.
I'm not going to work
today. Neither am I.
I can't swim. Neither can
You shouldn't be here.
Neither should you.
I don't understand.
Neither do I.
We don't want to fight.
Neither do we.
Steve doesn't like music
and neither does Ann.
Linda didn't want to go
there. Neither did John.
I haven't eaten anything.
Neither have I.
I haven't read the book
yet. Neither has my wife.
I won't be here
tomorrow. Neither will I.