Cultural Look 1
Perceiving an Object and its Context in Different Cultures:
A Cultural Look at New Look
Shinobu Kitayama
Kyoto University
Sean Duffy
University of Chicago
Tadashi Kawamura
Kyoto University
Jeff T. Larsen
Princeton University
3980 words
Running head: Cultural Look
We thank members of the cultural psychology labs at both Kyoto University and the
University of Chicago for comments on an earlier draft. Address correspondence to
Shinobu Kitayama, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University. Yoshida,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan. E-mail may be sent to
Cultural Look 2
In 2 studies, a newly devised test (Framed Line Test) was used to examine the hypothesis
that individuals engaging in Asian cultures are more capable of incorporating, but those
engaging in North American cultures are more capable of ignoring, contextual
information. Participants were presented with a square frame of varying size, within
which was printed a vertical line of varying length. Participants were then shown
another square frame of the same or different size and asked to draw a line that was
identical to the first line in terms of either absolute length (absolute task) or proportion to
the height of the pertinent frames (relative task). In support of the hypothesis, whereas
Japanese were more accurate in the relative task, Americans were more accurate in the
absolute task. Moreover, when engaging in another culture, individuals showed a
cognitive characteristic that resembled the one common in the host culture. (148 words)
Cultural Look 3
Perceiving an Object and its Context in Different Cultures:
A Cultural Look at New Look
Although perception depends on sensory input, it also involves a variety of
“top-down” processes that are automatically recruited to actively construct a conscious
percept from the input. According to this thesis, called New Look in the 1950s, percepts
are significantly modified by expectation, value, emotion, need, and other factors that are
“endogenous” to the perceiver (Bruner, 1957; Bruner & Goodman, 1947;). “Exogenous”
factors, such as physical properties of the impinging stimulus, cannot account, in full, for
the emerging percept. Although initial demonstrations evoked a considerable controversy
and skepticism (e.g., Postman, Bronson, & Gropper, 1953), the basic idea has proved quite
viable (Erdelyi, 1974; Niedenthal & Kitayama, 1994; Zajonc, 1980), and has since taken a
strong hold in the mainstream of cognitive and social psychology (Higgins & Bargh,
For a large part, however, this literature has so far ignored culture. This
omission is both surprising and unfortunate. As a pool of ideational resources (e.g., lay
theories, images, scripts, and worldviews) that are embodied in public narratives,
practices and institutions of given geographic regions, historical periods, and groups,
whether ethnic, religious, or otherwise (Kitayama, 2002), culture may be expected to be
one, perhaps the most fundamental source of each person’s values, expectations, and
needs. The purpose of the current work, then, was to take a renewed look at the New
Look from a cultural point of view.
Culture and Cognition
An important lead on this point has already been made by a number of recent
studies that focus on cultural variation in cognitive processes, which as a whole suggest
that different cultures foster and encourage quite different modes of cognitive processing
Cultural Look 4
(Kitayama, 2000; Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001).
In particular, people engaging in North American cultures (North Americans, in short)
are assumed to be relatively more attuned to a focal object and hence to be less sensitive
to context. North Americans are thus described as analytic (Nisbett et al., 2001) or
field-independent (Witkin & Berry, 1975) in cognitive style. Conversely, those engaging in
Asian cultures (Asians, in short) are hypothesized to be attuned more to contextual
information—namely, information that surrounds the focal object. Asians are thus
described as holistic or field-dependent in cognitive style. These culturally divergent
cognitive characteristics have been examined with several different measures such as
attitude attribution (e.g., Masuda & Kitayama, 2002; Miyamoto & Kitayama, in press),
performance in a rod and frame task (Ji, Peng, & Nisbett, 2000; Witkin & Berry, 1975), a
Stroop interference effect (Kitayama & Ishii, 2002; Ishii, Reyes, & Kitayama, in press),
and context-dependent memory (Masuda & Nisbett, 2001). A reasonable conjecture from
this emerging literature is that the cross-culturally divergent modes of cognitive
processing must be differentially advantageous, depending on the demands of a
particular task.
Specifically, some tasks require ignoring contextual information when making a
judgment about a focal object. For example, a judgment about another person may often
be tainted by wrong stereotypes associated with a group of which she is a member. In
these circumstances, it is necessary to discount any such stereotypes. Such tasks may be
called absolute tasks in that the focal judgment must be made in terms that are
uninfluenced or unchanged by any contextual information. In these tasks, performance
should be better for North Americans than for Asians. Using a rod and frame test (RFT;
Witkin & Berry, 1975), Ji and colleagues (2000) have recently provided evidence for this
prediction. Participants were presented with a tilted frame in which a rotating line was
placed at the center. The participants’ task was to rotate the line so that it was orthogonal
Cultural Look 5
to the earth surface (or it was aligned to the direction of gravity) while ignoring the frame.
Ji et al. (2000) found that Americans were more accurate in line alignment (hence
indicating their superior ability to ignore contextual information) than Chinese. This
evidence is noteworthy because the RFT has no obvious social elements.
In contrast, some other tasks require incorporating contextual information. For
example, a judgment about another person often benefits from attention duly given to the
specific social situation in which she behaves. These tasks may be called relative tasks in
that the focal judgment must be made in terms that change in accordance with the nature
of relevant context. We may expect that Asians with contextual sensitivity would have an
advantage. Unlike the evidence for the absolute task, evidence for this prediction comes
exclusively from social domains. Thus, it is well known that North Americans often fail to
give proper weight to significant contextual information in drawing a judgment about a
focal person. This bias, called the fundamental attribution error, is typically substantially
weaker in Asian cultures (e.g., Miyamoto & Kitayama, in press; Morris & Peng, 1994).
Present Research
The available evidence indicates that there is substantial cognitive difference
across cultures (Nisbett et al., 2001). Furthermore, this difference can be demonstrated
with tasks that are both obviously social (e.g., Miyamoto & Kitayama, in press) and those
that are minimally social (e.g., Ji et al., 2000). Nevertheless, there still exist some
significant limitations that have hampered the further development of theory on cultural
variation in cognitive competences.
First, with an important exception of Ji et al. (2000), virtually no existent studies
evaluate performance against any objective criterion. This makes it difficult to draw any
conclusions on the normative status of cognitive biases that are suggested in the
literature. Second, in all existent studies that examine relative tasks (e.g., attitude
attribution), participants are never instructed to use contextual information and,
Cultural Look 6
therefore, it is uncertain whether the cross-cultural difference was due to Asians’ greater
propensity to attend to the context, their greater competence to incorporate information
in the context, or both. Third, though Ji and colleagues’ (2000) RFT findings suggest that
North Americans’ greater ability to ignore context extends from social to nonsocial tasks,
it is not clear whether Asians’ greater ability to incorporate context extends to nonsocial
tasks. Fourth and, perhaps, most important, in all the existent studies, very different
domains such as line alignment and social perception are used in defining the two
theoretical types of tasks. This makes it impossible to draw any meaningful comparison
between performance in an absolute task and performance in a relative task.
In an effort to address these limitations inherent in the current evidence, we
developed a new test called the framed line test (FLT). The FLT is specifically designed to
assess both the ability to incorporate and the ability to ignore contextual information
within a single domain that is arguably nonsocial. Further, within the FLT, this
assessment can be made in reference to an objective standard of performance. Specifically,
participants are presented with a square frame of varying size, within which is printed a
vertical line of varying length. The participants are then shown another square frame of
the same or different size and asked to draw a line that is identical to the first line in
terms of either absolute length (absolute task) or proportion to the height of the pertinent
squares (relative task).
In the absolute task, the participants have to ignore both the first frame (when
assessing the length of the line) and the second frame (when reproducing the line). Hence,
the performance in this task should be better for North Americans than for Asians. In the
relative task, the participants have to incorporate the height information of the
surrounding frame in both encoding and reproducing the line. Hence, the performance in
this task should be better for Asians than for North Americans. Moreover, one major
advantage of the FLT is to allow an assessment of the relative ease or difficulty of the two
Cultural Look 7
tasks. It was predicted that whereas for Asians, accuracy should be higher for the relative
task than for the absolute task, for North Americans the reverse should be the case.
Twenty undergraduates at Kyoto University, Japan (8 males and 12 females),
and 20 undergraduates at the University of Chicago, the US(9 males and 11 females),
volunteered to participate in the study. All Japanese undergraduates were native
Japanese and all American undergraduates were of European decent.
Materials and Procedure
Upon arrival in a lab, participants were explained that they would perform
simple cognitive tasks. They were given both the absolute and the relative tasks in a
counter-balanced order. They received specific instructions for each task right before they
performed it. In both tasks, they were shown a square frame. Within the frame, a vertical
line was printed. The line was extended downward from the upper center of the square
(see Figure 1-A). The participants were then moved to a different table placed in the
opposite corner of the lab (so as to ensure that iconic memory played no role), shown a
second square frame that was either larger, smaller or equal in size to the first frame, and
instructed to draw a line in it. In the absolute task, the participants were instructed to
draw a line in the second frame so that it would be the same absolute length as the line in
the first frame (Figure 1-B). In the relative task, the participants were instructed to draw
a line that had the same proportion to the second frame as the line in the original frame
(Figure 1-C). Care was taken to ensure that the participants understood the respective
tasks by using concrete examples such as the ones given in Figures 1-A through 1-C.
Cultural Look 8
Five different combinations of frames and a line were prepared such that in 2 of
the combinations the first frame was smaller than the second and in 2 of the
combinations the former was larger than the latter. Furthermore, in half of the cases, the
first line was longer than one half of the height of the first square and in the remaining
half, it was shorter than half of its height. Finally, in the remaining one combination, the
first and the second frame were identical in size. This last case is of interest because the
correct response would be identical in both the relative and the absolute judgment. See
Table 1 for specifications of the square size and the line length of the combinations used
in Study 1. The five combinations were presented in a random order. The same set of
target stimuli were used in both the relative and absolute tasks.
Results and Discussion
An inspection of data showed that both over-estimation and under-estimation
happened to a nearly equal extent in all the five stimulus combinations. Accordingly, in
order to assess the performance in the two tasks, the lines drawn by the participants
were measured and the absolute difference between the lines drawn by the participants
and the correct length of the lines were calculated. Because the absolute size of error was
somewhat larger for longer lines, we also analyzed the percent of the error relative to the
correct line length. The results were no different. This was the case in both Studies 1 and
2. We therefore discuss only the results for absolute error.
The mean error scores (in mm) for the two tasks are summarized in Table 1.
These means were submitted to an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with one
between-subject variable (culture of participants [Japanese vs. Americans]) and two
within-subject variables (task [absolute vs. relative] and stimulus version [the five
combinations noted above]). A preliminary analysis had shown that effects do not depend
on either gender of the participants or the order by which the two tasks were given.
As predicted, an interaction between culture and task proved significant, F(1, 38)
Cultural Look 9
= 24.41, p < .0001. The pertinent means are plotted in Figure 2. As predicted, Japanese
performed the relative task significantly more accurately than the absolute task (Ms =
4.52 vs. 6.05), t(38) = 2.56, p < .02. In contrast, Americans performed the absolute task
more accurately than the relative task (Ms = 3.71 vs. 6.35), t(38) = 4.57, p < .01. Moreover,
the performance in the absolute task was significantly better for Americans than for
Japanese, t(38) = 3.92, p < .01. But the reverse was true for the performance in the
relative task, t(38) = 3.06, p < .01. The pattern was more pronounced for some
combinations than for others as indicated by a significant main effect of version and a
significant interaction between version and task, F(4, 152) = 8.95, p < .001 and F(4, 152) =
9.44, p < .001. Importantly, however, the pattern in Figure 2 emerged, albeit to a varying
degree, over all the five combinations.
Remember when the two frames are identical in
size, the correct length for the relative and the absolute tasks is identical. Curiously, even
here, the same pattern emerged. Specifically, performance for Japanese was significantly
better in the relative task than in the absolute task, t(38) = 2.53, p < .02, but this
difference was considerably attenuated for Americans, t < 1. We return to this issue later.
Study 2 sought to replicate Study 1 and, further, to extend it by testing both
Americans and Japanese in both Japan and the United States. This effort was motivated
by a concern with the variability and malleability of cross-cultural variations. If, for
example, the cross-cultural difference is both relatively uniform within each culture and
relatively stable and trait-like over time, then the cross-cultural variation should be
entirely a function of the cultural origins of each participant: Americans (or Japanese)
should show a prototypically American (or Japanese) pattern more or less uniformly
regardless of where they are tested. If, however, the cognitive abilities at issue are both
Cultural Look 10
variable and malleable, there ought to be a considerable variation as a function of both
the cultural origins of participants and the specific location in which they are tested.
Specifically, participants in a foreign culture would show a pattern of cognitive biases
that resembles the pattern typical in the host culture.
Four groups of individuals (Total N = 111) volunteered for the study. Japanese in
Japan were 32 undergraduates (20 males and 12 females) at Kyoto University, Japan.
They were tested by a Japanese experimenter. Instructions were given in Japanese.
Americans in Japan were 18 exchange students (8 males and 10 females)—all
Americans—who were temporarily staying in Kansai Institute for Foreign Languages.
They had stayed in Japan for four months at most and their Japanese proficiency was
quite limited. They were tested by a Japanese experimenter. Instructions were given in
English. Americans in the US are 40 undergraduates (21 males and 19 females) at the
University of Chicago, and Japanese in the US are 21 Japanese undergraduates (13
males and 8 females) who were temporarily studying at the University of Chicago. These
Japanese stayed at the University for a varying length from 2 months up to four years.
The Americans and the Japanese in the US were both tested by an American
experimenter and instructions were given in English.
Materials and Procedure
Six different combinations of frames and a line were prepared. They were mostly
identical to the ones used in Study 1, except, first, that some of the ratios of the size of the
two frames were somewhat changed and, second, that the pattern with the two frames of
the identical size was run in two variations. See Table 2 for specifications of the square
size and the line length of the combinations used in Study 2. The participants were tested
individually within the same procedure as in Study 1.
Cultural Look 11
Results and Discussion
As in Study 1, there was no systematic tendency for over- or under-estimation in
any of the stimulus combinations. Preliminary analysis showed no significant effects
involving the gender of participants. Although past research tended to show females to be
more context-sensitive than males (Cross & Madson, 1997), this effect appears to be less
robust than the cultural difference.
The means were thus submitted to a 2x2x2x6 ANOVA, with two between-subject
variables (cultural origins of participants [Japanese vs. Americans] and testing location
[Japan vs. US]) and two within-subject variables (task [absolute vs. relative] and
stimulus version [the six combinations noted above]. The mean error scores (in mm) are
summarized in Table 3. The size of error varied systematically across the four groups of
participants, as indicated by a significant main effect for testing location and an
interaction between testing location and participant culture, F(1, 105) = 15.97, p < .0001
and F(1, 105) = 8.25, p < .01. Further, the error size was larger for the absolute task than
for the relative task, F(1, 105) = 39.56, p < .0001. Importantly, however, replicating Study
1, the critical interaction between task and participant culture proved to be highly
significant, F(1, 105) = 10.18, p < .002. Moreover, we also found a highly reliable
interaction between task and testing location, F(1, 105) = 56.19, p < .0001.
The pertinent means are summarized in Figure 3. Replicating Study 1, Japanese
participants in Japan proved to be much more accurate in the relative task than in the
absolute task, t(105) = 9.90, p < .01. In contrast, Americans in the US were significantly
more accurate in the absolute task than in the relative task, t(105) = 2.15, p < .05. The
remaining two groups of participants showed an effect that strongly resembled the effect
of the host culture. Thus, the pattern for Americans in Japan was closer to the pattern for
Japanese in Japan than to the pattern for Americans in the US. Likewise, the pattern for
Japanese in the US was closer to the pattern for Americans in the US than to the pattern
Cultural Look 12
for Japanese in Japan. When examined from a different angle, the performance in the
relative task was significantly better for Japanese than for Americans, t(105) = 7.84, p
< .001; but the performance in the absolute task was better for Americans than for
Japanese, t(105) = 4.73, p < .001. In both cases, the data in the remaining two groups fell
in-between. It is noteworthy that essentially the same pattern was observed across the
six combinations of stimuli (see Table 2). In particular, as in Study 1, the same
cross-cultural difference in error pattern was observed for the two combinations where
the two frames were equal in size.
Socio-Cultural Shaping of Attention and Perception
In agreement with recent theorizing on cultural variation in cognition (Nisbett et
al., 2001), the current work showed that Japanese are more capable of incorporating
contextual information in making a judgment on a focal object, but North Americans are
more capable of ignoring it. Importantly, we demonstrated the cross-cultural variation in
a non-social task that is specifically designed to simultaneously assess the two cognitive
competences of either ignoring or incorporating context. The FLT may be an important
source of information for a nonsocial, basic cognitive capacity that is recruited in the
making of more complex, contextualized judgments and perceptions. Future research
should clarify both the social origins of the nonsocial cognitive and attentional skills and
processes and the contribution of the nonsocial cognitive and attentional processes to
judgments and inferences made on social objects and events.
We repeatedly found the same cross-cultural variation in error pattern even
when the two frames were identical. This finding contradicts the notion that Asians (or
Americans) are predisposed to perform the relative (or the absolute) task even when they
Cultural Look 13
were instructed to do otherwise. Should individuals have these predispositions, errors
should have been minimum when the two frames were identical because, under these
conditions, the answers of the two tasks converge. In view of the current evidence, we
may suggest that errors were due, in part, to a difficulty in accurately encoding the
central line. That is to say, whereas Japanese may have had a difficulty in releasing
attention from the frame and then refocusing it on the line in the absolute task,
Americans may have had a difficulty in releasing attention from the central line and
shifting it to the frame in the relative task. It is of note that the errors in the two tasks of
the FLT were largely independent within each experimental group in the both studies
(-.08 < r < .44, with the medium = -.06), indicating that the two attentional abilities are
mostly separate. Yet, in both cases, the difficulty in controlling attention may be expected
to cause an impairment in the adequate encoding of the line. Future work should
examine this and other mechanisms in greater detail.
The effects of cultural origins of participants and test locations in Study 2 are
quite suggestive, but require caution in interpretation. One provocative interpretation is
that the effect of test location was caused by immersion into a new culture. That is to say,
cognitive and attentional capacities and tendencies may be modified in accordance with
new demands and affordances of living in a new host culture (Kitayama, Markus,
Matsumoto, & Norasakkunkit 1997). Importantly, this modification can be permanent
once it takes place or relatively temporary and reversible, with an important implication
in what might be expected to happen when our participants go back to their home country.
Nevertheless, for a variety of practical constraints associated with cross-cultural
experimental research, we could not exercise the degree of experimental control that
would have otherwise been obligatory. Among others, we depended entirely on
convenience samples. We wish to acknowledge three ensuing difficulties in
Cultural Look 14
First, the average length of stay in the host cultures turned out to be very different
between the Americans in Japan and Japanese in the US. Although this variable did not
correlate with the error size in the two tasks, a better balanced sampling would have been
Second, the language used for instructions was also chosen for convenience. In
particular, in the US not only Americans but also Japanese were tested in English, but in
Japan participants were tested in their native languages. This might have had an
unknown degree of influence on the results because evidence indicates that language can
prime the associated culture (Hoffman, Lau, & Johnson, 1986; but see Ishii et al., in press,
for an important caveat).
Third, both the Japanese participants in the US and the American participants in
Japan were people who voluntarily moved to the other culture. Though obtained effects
on cognitive biases may have been due to immersion in a new culture, the possibility of
selection bias is equally viable. That is to say, only those people who have psychological
affinities to another culture may find themselves living in this other culture. Although
these explanations for the effect of test location are not mutually exclusive, future work
should empirically address their relative significance.
Culture is a source of generic expectations, default goals, desires, and needs, and
overarching values. Cultural variations in attention, perception, and cognition, then,
would enable us to take a renewed look at the New Look (Bruner, 1994). The current work
suggests that culture’s practices and beliefs encourage very divergent cognitive and
attentional capacities—the ones to either incorporate or ignore context while making a
judgment about a focal object.
Future work along the line proposed here may reveal a degree of socio-cultural
Cultural Look 15
shaping of attention and perception that is substantially greater than has so far been
assumed in the psychological literature. If so, this evidence would provide a solid basis to
re-conceptualize the human psychological processes and structures as fully embedded in
and thus significantly constituted by the collectively shared practices, values, and beliefs
of culture (Kitayama, 2002). Indeed, if properly analyzed, the thesis of the New Look will
be instrumental in breaking a self-imposed shell of the traditional psychological
discipline and broadening its horizon to include society, culture, and history in its
territory of investigation.
Cultural Look 16
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Cultural Look 18
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Cultural Look 19
Table 1. Mean error scores in the absolute versus relative line-drawing tasks by Japanese
and Americans (Study 1, the metric is in terms of mm in all cases).
Height Length Height
of 1
of 2
Japanese American
Frame Line
89 62 179
102 29 153
127 53 127
153 87 102
179 31 89
Cultural Look 20
Table 2. Mean error scores in the absolute versus relative line-drawing tasks by Japanese
and Americans in both Japan and the US (Study 2, the metric is in terms of mm in all
Height Length Height
of 1
of 2
Japanese Americans
Frame Line
in Japan
in Japan
in the US in the US
81 68 162
M 9.2
M 4.3
108 22
M 5.1
M 3.1
101 28
M 8.1
M 3.1
141 102
M 3.9
108 73
M 8.0
M 3.0
162 30
M 6.7
M 2.0
Cultural Look 21
Figure 1-A. The original stimulus
Figure 1-B. The absolute task
Figure 1-C. The relative task
Square=90 mm tall
Line=30 mm/
one third of the
height of the
30 mm
one third of
the height of
the square
Figure 1. Framed Line Test (FLT). Participants are shown a square frame with a vertical
line, followed by the tasks of drawing a line in a new square of the same or different size.
The line has to be identical to the first line either in absolute length (Figure 1-B) or in
proportion to the height of the respective frames (Figure 1-C).
Cultural Look 22
Jap anese
A m ericans
C ulture
Mean Absolute Error (mm)
A b solu te T ask
R elative T ask
Figure 2. Mean error scores (in mm) in the two line drawing tasks of FLT for Japanese
and Americans.
Cultural Look 23
1 0
Jap an ese in
Jap an
A m erican s in
Jap an
Jap an ese in
A m erica
A m erican s in
A m erica
Mean Absolute Error (mm)
A b solu te T ask
R elative T ask
Figure 3. Mean error scores (in mm) in the two line drawing tasks of FLT for Japanese
and Americans in the two cultural locations (i.e., Japan and the United States).