Scarlet Hyacinth Tides of Love 02 Craving Owen

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Tides of Love 2


Craving Owen

Reaching Uli while trying to find Connor, Owen falls in love with
five men involved in a terrible war. Yane, Alcharr, Sassaki, Hash,

and Kyllian are bound by age-old histories of enmity, hate, and
greed. Nymph Yane is in love with Alcharr, but forced into an
arranged betrothal for the purpose of a political union. Their two

nations mean to fight the wyrms attacking Yane's lands—Sassaki's
people. All the while, Hash tries to investigate the situation and

find a way to control it.

But when they meet Owen, their priorities change, and they

become involved in a desperate fight to keep Owen safe. They
enlist the help of air wizard Kyllian. But even as Kyllian's forceful

passion teaches them the truth about themselves, the five
struggle against a plot that can destroy the world. Can craving
Owen unite his five lovers? Can Owen's love defeat the differences

between them?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 68.596 words


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Tides of Love 2

Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Scarlet Hyacinth
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-843-5

First E-book Publication: October 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For R.D. Writing is like falling in love. Never say never.

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Tides of Love 2


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Owen scanned the expanse of the desert in front of him in

dismayed frustration. Two months of efforts finally led him into The
Silent Zone, where his friend Connor had disappeared. He was here at
last, and he didn’t know what to do now.

He recalled his last conversation with the official in charge of

Connor’s case.

“What do you mean you’ve given up on the investigation?” Owen

fumed, glaring at the police officer in front of him. “You can’t be

The man sighed in a mix of exasperation and tiredness. “And

we’ve told you before, sir. We’ve combed the entire desert to look for
your friend. Beyond the tattered clothes, the camera, and the vehicle,
there’s no trace of Connor Spade.”

“But surely, there must be something you can do.”
The police officer shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir. We can’t help


The man had not cared enough to persist in the search, but Owen

knew somewhere in this godforsaken place, he could find a trace of
Connor. Something in his gut told him, and he always followed his
instincts—except when it came to men, and his stupidity always led

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Craving Owen



him to abysmal relations. But his love life or lack thereof didn’t
matter. Connor meant more to him than anything else in this world.
The other man was Owen’s only family, his only friend, and Owen
would rather die before he allowed Connor’s disappearance to be
swept under the rug just like that.

Angry and frustrated, Owen began walking forward through the

desert. The sun scorched him, even at the early hour, and the sand
seemed to glow with an unholy light. It was just an illusion caused by
the heat, Owen knew, but it didn’t make him feel any better.

“Connor!” he shouted at the nothingness. “Connor!”
He didn’t get any reply, and he squashed his irrational

disappointment. He knew better than to believe it would be so easy. If
only he could get one lead, one single lead…but the desert did not
answer, and the smoldering heat mocked him. How would he possibly
find his friend here when the police had failed?

Cursing, Owen trekked forward, clinging to his resolve to

eliminate the physical discomfort caused by the high temperature. The
authorities were hiding something, he just knew it. They’d refused to
show him any of the things left behind by Connor and to return them,
even when his friend had been declared dead. Owen did not know the
policy in such cases, but something didn’t feel right about all this. He
could tell.

He’d asked around in the city, and he’d found out Connor had

intended to go to the ruins in The Silent Zone the day of his
disappearance. Owen meant to do the same, except he couldn’t find
enough funds to rent a car. With Connor gone, it had become
increasingly difficult for him to keep the apartment and continue
paying the rent by himself. The travel expenses also cost him quite a
bit. He hoped he’d still have a job when he came back, because
otherwise he didn’t know what he would do.

But none of those glum thoughts deterred him. Onward Owen

went, seeking his friend, calling out his name. The sun continued to

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relentlessly attack him, and Owen felt certain his light coloring would
cause him to look like a boiled crab the next day.

Perhaps for that reason, when he first saw the clouds gathering

over the horizon, he let out a sigh of relief. However, when the sound
of thunder reached his ears, he realized randomly strolling through the
desert while a storm raged would be even more dangerous than doing
so during a sunny day. True enough, he hadn’t managed to come up
with an alternate solution when he’d first come here, but he knew
better than to stick around with the ominous darkness looming over

He decided to backtrack and return once the storm passed, but

then he realized what he was doing. He couldn’t abandon Connor to
his fate, not even for an hour, let alone a day, or whatever time it took
for the storm to end. Then again, if Owen got lost or killed, who
would help Connor? It was impossible to decide, at least until Owen
spotted something ahead of him he hadn’t originally seen.

The ruins he’d heard so much about, the same ones Connor

supposedly intended to visit, appeared in his line of sight. He was
pretty sure the police must have investigated them—locals did know
how to get there after all. But the desert seemed so deceptive and
tricky. Owen couldn’t risk losing his chance.

The storm clouds seemed to gather above them in an unnatural

manner. Light crackled around the ruins, manifesting in a weird,
bright whirlpool. Anyone in his right mind would have turned tail and
run for his life. Owen didn’t. Something in the sight called out to him
in a strange way, and he found himself walking forward.

In spite of it all, he might have still changed his mind if the storm

didn’t suddenly burst into a full-blown hurricane. Owen froze in his
tracks, unable to move a muscle. He could no longer see a thing.
Sweat trickled over his spine as the temperature increased more and
more, energy sizzling over his skin. Owen could swear he caught
sight of some of the sand turning into bright, silver glass.

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Craving Owen



But before he could compute the mind-melting idea, the desert

disappeared into an overwhelming mass of white. Owen cried out,
and to his dismay, he didn’t even hear his own voice. He felt himself
falling, falling, the choking void swallowing him whole. There was no
up, no down, no true sense of reality, just the falling, absurd and

He didn’t know how long the torment lasted. The world

materialized again, and Owen found himself falling into a swirling
abyss of water. Desperate, he tried to struggle against the current that
threatened to drag him to his doom. The storm continued to rage
around him, wicked and fierce, and Owen’s arms were getting weaker
and weaker.

Just when he thought things could not get any worse, lightning

flashed against the sky, illuminating the dark waters, and Owen
caught sight of a nightmarish image. A large, snakelike neck appeared
from the water, two heads looming over at the other end. The creature
let out a roaring screech, revealing sharp fangs that looked like they
could tear a man in half—in both its mouths. Owen tried to swim
away, but a thin paw wrapped around his waist, lifting him from the
water as if he were nothing more than a toy.

Owen tried to struggle, to break free of the disgusting grip

tightening around his waist and chest, cutting his breathing. He
clawed at the three-fingered paw, but his fingernails were useless
against the armored skin of the beast.

And then, the two-headed animal let out another screech. This

time, however, Owen detected an undertone of pain in the banshee-
like noise. Another roar joined him, and Owen couldn’t resist the urge
to look toward the source of the sound. He realized in horror another
beast joined the first one. It was larger than the first, but it only had
one head. The second monster attacked Owen’s original captor. The
paw holding Owen loosened, but before Owen could even begin to
feel relieved, another grip wrapped around him, the one of the second

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Completely in the creature’s power, Owen faced the reptilian eyes

of the beast and went limp. He could not move. He could not think.
He did not understand anything that was happening to him.

And still, the animal did not move, as if hesitating. Perhaps it was

contemplating the best way to eat Owen. It turned out
counterproductive, as the sound of a battle cry filled Owen’s ears,
followed by the swish of weaponry.

The large beast roared again, directing its attention toward the

new threat, whatever it might be. In the process, it dropped Owen and
he fell and fell, gasping as the dark water approached once again.
From the height he’d been at, an impact would be at least unpleasant,
if not deadly.

To his shock, the waves caught him in a soft but secure grip. It felt

shockingly solid, and Owen remained motionless, for fear that
whatever made it appear would dissipate. At the same time, he stole a
look toward the snake-looking thing in front of him. The loud screech
echoed in his ears when he watched odd arrows shoot at the animal.
The two-headed one seemed to have disappeared. Obviously
discouraged, the second beast joined its companion and vanished into
the waves beneath with a deafening splash.

Owen had the strangest sensation as he watched the animal go. As

he processed the events, he realized the second snake actually saved
him from the first one. Why hadn’t it eaten him? Something kept the
animal from killing Owen, but what?

As he contemplated this, Owen found himself lowered slowly on

something that looked like a square boat of sorts. The watery claw
holding him up abandoned him on the wooden floor of the sea vessel,
and Owen stared up at the man that seemed to be his rescuer.

“What are you doing here, human?” he snarled at Owen. “Do you

want to get eaten?”

Owen would have snorted at the ridiculous question, but he

couldn’t make himself move or answer. For a few instants, he was too
taken with the sight of the man in front of him. His rescuer’s blue-

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Craving Owen



green eyes speared through Owen, their turquoise depths as
tumultuous as the sea the man just rescued Owen from. Long, dark
blue tresses framed his face, and the wind occasionally brushed
through it, making the strands sweep over the man’s high cheekbones
and aristocratic features. Owen had never seen a man who looked
quite so amazing, and he cursed himself for remaining tongue-tied.

But as the adrenaline and the fear began to dwindle, Owen

realized there was something clearly amiss with him. He could not
move a muscle, and the paralysis seemed to extend over him more
and more with each passing second.

Owen wanted to cry out for help, but no sound came from him.

Still, the man seemed to understand, as he uttered an unfamiliar string
of syllables which seemed to be a swear word. He looked away from
Owen and shouted, and someone answered. Obviously, there were
more people there than Owen realized.

Owen felt something vibrate against his back and realized the boat

had started to move. The blue-haired man knelt next to him and
caressed the side of his face. “Calm down, human. Everything is
going to be all right.” His fingers traveled over Owen’s face and to his
lips, oddly wet and soothing.

His voice was as gentle as it had been angry, and Owen allowed it

to comfort him. But soon, he could no longer hear it, nor feel the other
man’s touch. Desperate and afraid, Owen could do nothing but fall
into the darkness.

* * * *

Yane knew the exact moment when the little human surrendered

to the dark snake’s spell. Unfortunately, the stranger had not known to
avoid the wyrm’s gaze, and now the paralysis was already taking over
his body. Here in the middle of the ocean, Yane could do very little
about it.

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That didn’t mean he couldn’t try, of course. Yane shouted another

order at Lyole, directing his second-in-command to lead the group in
his stead. He trusted Lyole implicitly and knew the other man would
deal with whatever came up. Yane then rummaged through the boat’s
supply stash. No nymph went to battle without having some medicine
with him, and Yane was no different.

He retrieved the necessary item and took a deep breath. The

physiology of earthlings was different from that of water nymphs.
Whereas the body of an adult male human contained up to 60 percent
water, Yane and his people could reach up to 90 percent. Yan learned
that the hard way, through heavy dehydration during his many trips
on Earth. However, if he left the stranger to the mercy of the wyrm’s
spell, the human would die.

Kneeling next to the stranger he’d rescued, Yane retrieved the vial

of medicine. A nymph would just drink it, but at the last minute, Yane
decided to pour it on a cloth instead. He pressed the wet cloth to the
stranger’s face, adding some of his own body water for good measure.
For a few moments, he thought the medicine would not work, but at
last, the vapors of the potion snapped the human out of his daze.

Wide blue eyes analyzed him with undisguised panic. “It’s okay,

little human,” Yane said. “You’re fine. Now, look at me. It’s very
important that you stay awake now.”

He wasn’t sure to what extent the medicine would work, so he

needed to keep the human busy, force him to will his own body out of
the paralysis. “Now, tell me, what’s your name?”

The human’s lips trembled as if he were trying to open his mouth

and failing. His eyes filled with tears, and the human looked so very
young and vulnerable a fist clenched around Yane’s heart. He could
not explain it. For crying out loud, he had too many problems of his
own to worry about a human. But he couldn’t exactly leave the man
and abandon him to the sea monsters. The human needed his help.

Yane gripped the youth’s hand and squeezed it tight. “Try again.

What’s your name? I’m Yane.”

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Craving Owen



The human stared at him, then, after a few seconds, choked out,


It was weak and barely audible, but a good result, given the ordeal

the human had just been through. “All right. Owen.” As a side
thought, he asked again, “And your last name?”

“T–Tomassen,” Owen replied a bit louder.
“Okay, Owen. The paralysis you feel now is because of the animal

attack you suffered.” Yane struggled to recall what a human would be
told in such circumstances. “We’re going to a hospital,” he said. It
was close enough to the truth and something the human would

Owen looked a bit relieved, but his eyes started to drift closed.

Cursing, Yane summoned a spell and splashed the human’s face with

“H–How?” Owen asked. “You…W–Water? How?”
“I’m a nymph,” Yane answered. He decided panic and shock

would be more likely to keep Owen awake than relaxation. “Owen,
you’re not on your world anymore. You’re on mine.”

Owen’s eyes widened, and he looked like he was going to faint.

“Listen closely,” Yane said. “It’s very important that you hear me out.
Don’t fall asleep on me.”

Owen gave him a look of disbelief, as if to say “how in the world

do you think I could sleep?” Yane suppressed a sigh of relief and
proceeded to explain, “This is my world, Uli. It is a parallel
dimension to yours. Sometimes humans get sucked in through energy
storms. I gather the same thing happened to you.”

Owen nodded and looked like he wanted to say something.

“What?” Yane asked. “What is it?”

“A–A friend of mine. C–Connor Spade. He went missing. I–I

wanted to find him. Do you know...Connor?”

The human gave him a pleading look, and Yane considered the

question. He’d never met a Connor, but the name did sound familiar.
He distantly recalled a human had a run-in with the Golden Eagles,

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just a few weeks back. His name had been Connor, yes. He didn’t
know too many details, other than the fact the missing Prince Valderr
had been recovered from Almareya, apparently with the help of this
mysterious human.

“I do not know him,” he replied, “but I have heard of him. He

appeared in a different land, away from here.” When Owen looked
confused, he elaborated. “Energy storms don’t happen in just one
place. They can pop up all over the world. Your friend was somewhat
luckier than you, I believe.”

Or at least, so Yane thought. It was only a matter of personal

preference in the end. Almareya—where the whole Connor business
supposedly happened—seemed far better than the plague lands where
Yane lived, but for a human, it would be very difficult to live there.
At least in the plague lands, Owen would be less likely to be taken for
a prostitute, like Connor must have been.

Owen, however, looked relieved. “N–No monster?” he


Yane shook his head. “Sea snakes like you saw are native to the

area. At any rate, I believe your friend is safe now.” He didn’t know
much more than that, but he might be able to find out. The Golden
Eagles would know. “I’ll look into it more if you want.”

Owen seemed very excited at the prospect, and he beamed. “Yes,


His voice sounded a bit steadier, and a weird sense of jealousy

invaded Yane. He’d have liked to put that smile on Owen’s face. He
hastily pushed away the random, strange thought. His love life was
already complicated enough.

Guilt gripped his heart at the realization that he lusted for a human

when he should be worrying about the love of his life, the man he
would be separated from by his own people. But something about
Owen grabbed him and refused to let go. Yane shook himself. He
could just watch over Owen like a friend, just a friend. In the end, he
could not have pursued anything romantic or even sexual with

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Craving Owen



anyone, let alone a human. He was engaged to be married, for fuck’s

“Yane,” Lyole’s voice shouted, “we’re here.”
Yane stole a look behind him and realized that, indeed, during his

conversation with Owen, they’d reached the shore. The boat worked
automatically, set on following the course of the other sea vessels, but
he needed to make some maneuvers now that they were so close.

“Owen, I’ll be right back. Remember not to fall asleep.”
Owen nodded, and Yane rushed to his controls, switching the boat

to manual steering. His power coursed through the magical
mechanisms, and he increased the speed. The other boats fell in
formation behind him. After all, it wouldn’t do for the leader of the
battalion to come in last in the harbor. Here in Tanarak, few people
cared about formalities, but the respect toward Yane anchored them,
and he couldn’t afford it to falter.

Finally, they reached the harbor, whereupon Yane threw the

anchor and headed to the back of the boat. As his men also arrived,
Yane grabbed Owen and jumped onto land. Much to his relief, the
human had obeyed and remained conscious.

“What is this place?” Owen asked, taking in the sight of the

harbor with wide eyes.

“This is Tanarak.” The name of the town roughly translated into

Dead Waters, but Yane didn’t go into details. Instead, he wondered
about Owen’s first impression of Yane’s country. What did Owen see
when he looked at the silent people, at the dirty, rough buildings?
Could he smell the scent of death and destruction like Yane did?

“What happened here?” Owen asked, his voice choked.
Yane began to walk forward, his men following behind him.

“Well, Uli was much like Earth once, but tides of high water
swallowed large portions of land. It destroyed much of our world’s
industry and agriculture. In fact, once, the place you landed in was a
very fertile plain, where my people used to grow food. But after the

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flood, disease roamed the land. Many died of starvation. The
subsequent plague worsened the situation. Then, the beasts appeared.

“Now, our country survives only because we fight to keep the

great wyrms at bay. This town is our base, so to speak. All of us here
are water nymphs.” He refrained from saying the rest, from
explaining the truth about The Great Dryad Nation. Water nymphs
were a rare breed, and all of them were banished into Tanarak to fight
against the wyrm invasion. Meanwhile, the dryads lived further
inland, where the plague lands didn’t look quite so bleak. The dryad’s
affinity with nature had actually managed to mend some of nature’s
wounds in some places. But because of Yane’s diluted blood, all he
got was deadly waters and the scent of death.

At first, Owen remained silent, but just when Yane thought he’d

shocked Owen too much, the young human spoke. “The wyrms…Are
they all evil?”

Yane tensed. “Of course,” he shot back. “One just tried to eat you.

How can you even ask that?”

He cursed himself for being snappish when Owen winced, but he

found the question very odd. In the end, he walked toward the clinic
in silence, and Owen didn’t speak again either. When they reached
their destination, a nurse appeared and gave them a wide-eyed look.
Her name was Hannah and he liked her a lot. He considered her his
sister more than his own dryad one. “This is Owen Tomassen. He
looked into the eyes of a wyrm,” he told her in their language. “I gave
him first aid, but he needs careful medication.”

“Yes, My Lord,” she answered. “This way.”
“I told you a million times to call me Yane,” he answered as he

followed behind her, leaving the receiving room of the clinic through
a dark corridor.

“Where are we going?” Owen finally asked. He seemed to be

tiring again, which made Yane thrilled that they’d gotten to the clinic.

“To get you looked at,” he replied. “Don’t worry. Hannah will

take good care of you.”

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He entered the room Hannah directed him in and placed Owen on

a bed.

“All right, My Lord,” she said. “You can go. I’ll look after him.”
Owen looked frightened and sleepy. “Y–Yane,” he stammered.

“Don’t go.”

Yane watched as Hannah started working on Owen. The human’s

eyes closed as she medicated him. “It’s all right,” she told Yane. “His
vital signs are good. The treatment you gave him seems to have
countered most of the effects of the attack. I expected him to have a
full recovery.”

Yane nodded, feeling relieved. “Thank you, Hannah. I appreciate


Outside, the sun lingered over the horizon, and Yane remembered

he had someplace to be. “I’m busy this afternoon,” he told Hannah.
“Watch Owen for me, will you?”

“Of course.” She smiled softly. “I’d love to.”
After thanking her again, Yane turned his back on Owen and left

the room. In his ears, the voice of the human still rang out. Why did
he have to feel guilty about someone other than Alcharr?

* * * *

From the deep cover of the water, Sassaki watched the nymph

boats reach the harbor. A man jumped out of the first one, carrying
the motionless body of the human.

Sassaki bared his fangs, barely able to suppress his growl. The

nymph—Yane—had been his opponent for quite a while. Sassaki
didn’t enjoy this war, but neither did he appreciate being banished to
the polluted waters. It wasn’t their fault for the great flood, and his
people deserved to live on what little land remained as much as the
dryads did. Not that Sassaki blamed them. The wyrms weren’t exactly
friendly folk or people who one would want to share borders with.

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But Sassaki hadn’t risked his life by coming within sight of

Tanarak for this reason. No, he sought a far greater prize today, the
young human who’d come through the energy storm. Usually, Sassaki
forced himself to avoid the surface whenever storms emerged. His
kind were drawn to the angry energy Mother Nature unleashed, and
the nymphs used this to hunt them down. But today, Sassaki had been
unable to keep himself from staying underwater. The call of his mate
had pulled him toward the storm stronger than any other energetic

He still didn’t know if he’d made the right choice. He’d managed

to keep his siblings from eating the human, but in the process, he’d
hurt his mate. He’d realized it the moment he’d met the human’s eyes.
The gaze of a wyrm was deadly for the nervous system of most
beings, and more so for humans. For this reason, Sassaki allowed the
nymph to take his mate when everything inside him protested.
Nymphs had medicine that could somehow counter the effect, and
Sassaki knew it would be the human’s only chance to live.

It was difficult to see into Tanarak from the edge of the sea. All

the buildings were built further inland, keeping them out of reach of
wyrm vision. But Sassaki didn’t let it deter him. He went around the
harbor and found the very edge of the city. Once there, he waited.
Slowly, it began to get dark. At one point, he noticed the nymph
leaving. It was a good thing. For one, it meant the human must be in a
stable condition. At the same time, Yane would be most likely to
detect Sassaki, should he try to infiltrate the harbor.

Finally, night fell on the nymph town. Guards surrounded Tanarak

from every direction, and Sassaki knew he needed to be very careful.
Choosing the best moment, he swam closer to the shore, mentally
grimacing as the enchantment on the plague lands pushed him back.
Long ago, the damn dryads placed a spell on their lands preventing
any shifter from using their second form here. And yet, the spell felt
very strange, not as strong as it used to be. Sassaki made a mental
note of the information. It might be useful in the future. Then, taking

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a deep breath, he forced his reptilian nature back and changed into his
two-legged form. In a flash, he slipped into the city, just nearly
missing one of the nymph guards. It had been close, but Sassaki made

Sassaki never tried to go into Tanarak before, but that didn’t stop

him now. From shadow to shadow he went until he reached the
building he sensed housed his mate. It seemed to be a hospital of
sorts. Through the windows, he spotted nymph nurses bustling
around, arranging medicine or dealing with patients. Today, the
hospital didn’t have too many injured folk, since Sassaki’s kin
decided on keeping a low profile until they figured out all this
business with the Golden Eagles. Disturbing rumors had reached their
ears, that of an alliance between the dryads and the flying little
bastards. Unfortunately, wyrms were vulnerable to attacks from the
air, and if the alliance was completed, it could mean the end of the
war. It all rotated around a wedding between Yanentah and an eagle
prince named Valderr.

But right then and there, Sassaki couldn’t care less about such

things. He just wanted to find his mate and make sure the human was
unharmed. The mere thought that he could have killed his own mate
made his cold heart shrivel and die.

Sassaki went around the building and at last found his mate’s

room. The human seemed to be resting, although Sassaki couldn’t tell
for sure. He tried to look closer, but the reflection in the window
taunted him in its ugliness. Gods, how he hated himself. Perhaps he
should leave. Perhaps he should never have come here. He belonged
in the deep dark waters beyond the harbor.

But no. He needed to make sure his mate would be all right. He

owed the human that much. Of course he wouldn’t try to take his
mate with him. The other man deserved better than to be tied down to
a monster for an eternity. But just once…just once. To see him up
close. Just to know that his mate would be all right and cared for.

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First, however, he decided to put some clothes on. He didn’t think

the man would wake, but it wouldn’t hurt to cover his nudity up. He
backtracked to a nearby house and slipped inside. It was empty, and
Sassaki quickly found a pair of pants in a wardrobe and left.

Returning to the hospital, Sassaki made his way to his mate’s

room again and slowly opened the window. He didn’t have too much
trouble with the flimsy lock—the nymphs must be concentrating their
efforts on the outskirts of town and didn’t focus too much on the city.
Sassaki considered himself lucky water nymphs were so rare and
slipped inside the room.

Even if it looked quite barren and sterile, the chamber itself felt

warm and cozy. Sassaki supposed it would be necessary for patients
being treated against the effect of wyrm attacks. In fact, Sassaki
enjoyed the heat quite a lot. He hated the cold waters that were his
home, a remnant of the melted polar ice caps that caused the flood so
long ago.

At first, he hesitated to approach the bed. From the window, he

could tell the human’s breathing was quite even and his color good.
Obviously, the nymphs had worked their magic on him. Technically
speaking, he’d seen what he’d come for, but he couldn’t resist his
mate’s draw. Just this once, he told himself. He would touch his
mate’s skin one time and then return to the water.

Pushing away all his misgivings, Sassaki made his way to the bed.

His hand trembled as he reached out for the human’s palm. Almost
instantly, he pulled back. His scaled skin looked obscene against the
delicate softness of his beautiful mate. Sassaki gritted his teeth. Why
couldn’t he have been born as something else? Why a wyrm? What a
cruel destiny he had. He’d have preferred to never find his mate rather
than to be taunted with the beauty of one he could not claim.

Sassaki reached out to pet the human’s blond hair but retracted his

hand at the last moment. He couldn’t touch his mate. For all he knew,
the polluted waters might still cling to him, and the touch would hurt

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the other man. This had been a horrible idea. He needed to leave,
now, before he did anything even more stupid.

He turned and was halfway back to the window when a soft voice

said, “Wait. Don’t go.”

Every muscle in Sassaki’s body froze. He looked back at his mate

and realized in shock the human had awoken. He had blue eyes,
Sassaki realized. In his snake form, he’d completely missed their
color, but they were blue, as blue as the sky in the rare days when the
sun shone over the water. For Sassaki, they were the color of peace
and hope, and they pinned him in his place more effectively than any

“Come closer,” the human said.
Even if everything in Sassaki screamed he needed to leave, his

beast refused, roaring in satisfaction at the acceptance of its mate. So
Sassaki obeyed and approached the bed once again. He fidgeted,
uncertain on what to say or to do.

“I know you,” his mate continued in a raspy voice. “Where do I

know you from?”

Sassaki gulped. How could he explain he’d almost killed the other

man just earlier that day? But then, he noticed his mate was forcing
himself to speak. That couldn’t be good for him. “Don’t,” he
answered. “You need to rest. You’re just recovering from a severe

He suppressed a wince as he spoke, but his mate didn’t seem to

realize his identity. He nodded and answered, “Okay. Just…stay with
me. A while longer.”

Sassaki was in shock. He’d have expected his mate to scream

bloody murder at the first sight of him, but instead the human asked
him to stay. How could he refuse?

Nodding, Sassaki knelt next to the bed. The human smiled and

said, “I’m Owen. What’s your name?”

“Sassaki. It’s nice to meet you, Owen,” Sassaki answered.

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It was odd to talk to Owen. Sassaki’s knowledge of the human

language stemmed from a couple of books he’d stolen from ships
sunken nearby his lair. The humans inside these ships had all been
eaten by his kin. Sassaki himself disliked that sort of thing, but he
could hardly stop it. On impulse, he’d taken some of the usable items
on the ship, and he felt thankful for that now. It gave him at least a
basis of knowledge to chat with his mate, even if he did have trouble
with longer words.

Owen asked him about this world, about the nymphs and the

storms, and much to Sassaki’s dismay, about the nymphs and wyrms.
He understood so little, Sassaki realized. The nymph had left without
giving him too much information. Perhaps Sassaki could at least
provide some amount of support. What would it hurt?

“Well, Owen,” he said, “the nymphs here are soldiers for The

Great Dryad Nation. Their power over water gives them the ability to
stand against the wyrms. The dryads have been fighting the sea
snakes for ages now, ever since they took hold of the plague lands,
leaving the polluted waters to the wyrms.”

Owen listened, occasionally nodding as he took in the

information. Unfortunately, he was a very sharp young man. As
Sassaki spoke, Owen interrupted him.”You are a wyrm, aren’t you?”
Owen said. “You’re the second wyrm, the one with just one head.”

Sassaki wanted to lie. He hated the thought of seeing hate and

disgust in Owen’s eyes. But it was inevitable, he realized, and lying
would jut prolong the agony. And so, he nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t
mean to hurt you.”

“I know,” Owen said with a smile. “The other one. He was

different. He wanted to eat me. You saved me.”

For a few moments, Sassaki just stared at Owen’s beautiful face.

“They,” he said at last. “When a wyrm has more heads, it means they
are more than one person.”

Owen’s eyes widened. “Wow. Seriously? Why do I have the

feeling Yane doesn’t know that?”

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Sassaki chuckled bitterly. “The nymphs don’t know many things.”
All of a sudden, Sassaki heard footsteps outside. He got up and

rushed toward window. “I have to go, Owen.”

“Will you come back?” Owen asked him.
Sassaki hesitated. He wanted to say yes, but he didn’t think it

would be a very good idea.

“Is it hard for you to sneak in here?” Owen prodded. “Maybe we

could meet on the shore after I feel better.”

Sassaki’s heart leapt at the thought of his mate giving him such a

chance. He could not push Owen away. In the end, he was just a
beast, one who yearned for his mate. Selflessness paled in front of
that need. “I will come again,” he answered.

“Promise me,” Owen insisted, giving him an earnest look.
“I promise,” Sassaki answered. After a moment of indecision, he

turned back and pressed a quick kiss on Owen’s forehead. With that
goodbye, he fled the room, never once looking behind.

* * * *

Owen watched the strange man go in a mix of shock and

unsettlement. He did not know what to believe anymore. While
Sassaki had been here, everything seemed to make sense, at least to a
certain extent. The way Sassaki spoke made this odd world feel more
real, less crazy. After all, Connor disappeared mysteriously, and the
explanation could very well lie in the existence of another world. And
Sassaki looked so handsome, in his strange, outlandish way. Green
scales lined the skin of his neck, and Owen had barely refrained from
touching them or sinking his fingers in the man’s long green hair.

Even as he thought this, Owen realized how crazy his musings

were. Left alone in his room, he couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t
dreaming the whole thing. Perhaps he’d hit his head while in the
desert. There were plenty of snakes there, right? Perhaps he was
blowing their size out of proportion and imagining all the water here

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out of sheer thirst. And Sassaki could very well be a daydream, as

He was working himself into a real panic when a woman entered

the room. He thought he remembered her from someplace but
couldn’t figure out her identity.

She spoke to him, but Owen didn’t understand a word. He blinked

and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you’re

The woman frowned and repeated her sentences, a bit slower.

Naturally, Owen didn’t grasp their meaning, so he just shrugged.
Couldn’t she tell he didn’t know their language?

Apparently, she could indeed tell, because she pressed her hand to

her chest and said, “Hannah.”

She did the same to him and stated inquiringly, “Owen?”
It was obviously an introduction of sorts, and when she spoke, a

flash of memory passed through Owen’s mind. “Right. Yane said you
were going to look after me.”

It was very strange to remember the scene now. It felt bizarre, just

like his meeting with Sassaki had been. Seeing Hannah served to
thrust him once more in this strange reality. She looked somewhat
similar to Yane, sharing his dark blue hair. Her eyes were green,
though, and her facial features completely different. If Owen had to
guess, he would bet the slight similarity stemmed from them both
being water nymphs.

“I’m very confused,” he admitted, even if she didn’t understand

him. “This is all so new to me.”

If he was completely honest to himself, it went beyond the sea

snakes and the new world he found himself in. A lot of it came from
the odd warmth he sensed in his chest whenever he thought of either
Yane or Sassaki. He didn’t know what it meant, but what suspicions
he did have made his brain hurt.

Hannah petted the bed and forced Owen to fall back against the

pillows once more. She spoke softly, her voice gentle and soothing. A

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warm trickle of some liquid slipped over Owen’s forehead and face.
Whatever she was doing, it made Owen feel better. Her words, while
incomprehensible for him, gave him a measure of comfort when
nothing made sense.

Owen closed his eyes and allowed her to care for him. Soon,

Owen fell asleep in the arms of the new friend he didn’t quite

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Chapter Two

Alcharr flew through the dark night, his wings unerringly carrying

him to his destination. Beneath him, Uli’s plague lands rose, looking
even gloomier at night than they did in the day.

A few years back, Alcharr wouldn’t have come here to save his

life. He was among the lucky few who didn’t suffer too much because
of the flood. His people, the Golden Eagles, lived in a city high above
the clouds. When the waters came, they’d retreated there to their
flying fortress. Even when the high temperatures made it more and
more unbearable for the eagles to live there, his people still avoided
this place. But now, the plague lands had become a sanctuary, a
sanctuary for his impossible love.

Alcharr spotted the accorded meeting spot and landed next to the

one surviving tree in the endless, depressing marsh. It was the last
survivor of a once lush forest and the only spot he and his lover could
come to hide away from the world.

From beneath the heavy branches of the tree, a shadow emerged.

“You came.”

Alcharr stepped closer to the man, taking in the beloved features

of his lover. “Of course I did. When have I ever missed our

Yane gestured him to sit down. The solidity of the ground was

questionable in the plague lands, but the huge tree kept them safe with
its unbreakable roots. “I heard about Valderr. I’m so happy you found
your brother.”

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Alcharr nodded. His young sibling meant the world to him. But an

evil part of him regretted the fact that Valderr had not stayed away.
Because of Valderr, he would lose his lover.

“It’s not his fault,” the other man said, obviously guessing his

thoughts. “It’s not yours, either.”

Alcharr pulled his lover close and wrapped his wings around

Yane. “I know. I just wish I didn’t have to choose between the two
men I love most in this world.”

He closed his eyes as he buried his nose in his beloved’s dark blue

hair. What would happen if they eloped? What would everyone say if
they found out the crown prince of the Golden Eagles had fallen in
love with his brother’s fiancé?

Their two peoples were against them. It shouldn’t have mattered,

but Alcharr was the first son of the eagle royal family and therefore,
required to provide heirs. His younger sibling didn’t have that duty,
and as such, could be thrust in a fruitless union. At the same time,
Yane was the water nymph amongst the leaders of dryads. As such,
he ended up as the only one who the dryads would agree to marry off
to another man.

Essentially, both Valderr and Yane were expendable to the two

royal families, tools to cement the alliance between their lands. And
Alcharr was forced to impotently watch as both his little brother and
the love of his life were pushed into a marriage of convenience.

His brother’s kidnapping had endangered the alliance. It was still

a mystery as to who exactly arranged Valderr’s disappearance.
Valderr hadn’t been able to tell them much. He hadn’t seen the men
who’d stolen him from the palace, only the slavers who’d sold him to
Malius, the governor of Almareya. All of those identified by Valderr
had been punished, but the root cause remained an uncomfortable

And in spite of it all, Alcharr’s main worry still rotated around the

man in his arms. Yane’s hands clenched into fists in Alcharr’s shirt.

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“If only I wasn’t a nymph…Then I wouldn’t have to marry your

Alcharr broke the embrace and forced their eyes to meet. “Babe,

it’s not your fault either. They’re the ones who don’t value you.”

Alcharr still could not understand how the dryad nation could not

see how special the water nymphs among them were. The nymph
gene was a latent one and appeared very rarely in an otherwise normal
dryad family. But while a dryad’s affinity with nature gave him or her
high fertility rates, a nymph didn’t have the same luck. The high
water percentage in their body made their seed or eggs useless for
procreation. For that reason, nymphs had become cannon fodder in
the Dryad Kingdom’s war against the wyrms. Certainly, the power
over water that all nymphs boasted helped, but it didn’t make the
situation right.

Yane looked away. “Let’s just not talk about that now. I don’t

want to think about the wedding.” He faced Alcharr once again. “Hey,
about your brother. I heard he was saved by a human?”

The inquiring statement made Alcharr arch a brow. “Yes, actually.

A Connor Spade. As is my understanding, the human just left to his
world to visit a friend of his. Something with an O. I can’t quite

Valderr had been complaining about it just the day before. He’d

insisted that their father, King Amadeus, take him to see Connor one
last time before the human left. Eventually, Amadeus agreed and
decided to go with Valderr himself. The king’s absence also gave
Alcharr the time to meet with Yane.

“Owen?” Yane asked.
Alcharr nodded. He thought that indeed, the name of Connor’s

friend was Owen. “Why do you ask?” It seemed strange that his lover
would develop a sudden interest in Valderr’s supposed rescuer and he
would know an obscure fact Alcharr himself didn’t remember.

“We found a human in the wyrm-infested waters next to

Tanarak,” Yane explained. “He’s recovering from an attack now. He

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told me he was looking for a Connor Spade and his name is Owen

Alcharr’s brows shot up. “Talk about bad luck. Just when his

friend went after him.” Perhaps he’d have chuckled, but he knew
Yane well and he could something was bothering his lover a lot.
“Yane? What’s wrong? What’s on your mind?”

Yane shook his head. “It’s nothing. The human just concerns me,

that’s all. You know how it is in Tanarak.”

Yes, Alcharr knew, and he hated that the man he loved had been

forced to live and fight in such conditions. The only good thing about
the alliance was that Valderr would not be expected to live in the
border town, so most likely, Yane would be relocated as well.

“We’ll check in on the human,” he told his man. “It will take a

while for Father and Valderr to come back. I can come with you to

Yane smiled warmly at him. “Thanks. It means a lot to me.”
Alcharr gulped at the way Yane’s face lit up. Gods, his lover was

gorgeous. Growling, he pulled his man into his embrace once more.
“Come here, love,” he murmured. “I need you.”

Yane’s smile turned into a wicked grin. He crushed his lips

against Alcharr’s, making him moan in delighted arousal. Alcharr
demanded entrance to the other man’s mouth, and Yane gave it. Their
tongues tangled in a sweet dance of passion, taking, giving, the want
growing more and more. Their urgency increased as they greedily
tasted each other. Clothes flew off, the desire to be skin to skin too
powerful to contain.

Alcharr pushed Yane down and pressed kisses over his lover’s

face. He licked across Yane’s ear, nibbling on the lobe. He could
already feel Yane’s throbbing cock against his thigh, begging for

“Fuck, Charr,” Yane growled. “Don’t tease.”
But Alcharr was drunk on Yane’s need and passion. He advanced

down his lover’s powerful chest, lingering over the other man’s

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nipples. The tight buds peaked under Alcharr’s ministrations, as if
demanding more. Alcharr bit down on the piece of flesh and reached
out to tweak the other nipple, chuckling when Yane panted his name
out. He very well knew Yane loved to have his nipples sucked on, and
enjoyed driving the other man wild every time.

But soon, the light touches weren’t enough. Yane groaned and

arched his back as Alcharr licked down his abdomen. “Yes,” he
begged. “Suck me, Charr. Please.”

Alcharr followed the treasure trail over Yane’s belly to his lover’s

genitals. The other man’s cock pointed accusingly at him, the
weeping slit drawing Alcharr like a moth to the flame. Alcharr
lowered his mouth over Yane’s dick, closing his eyes in ecstasy as the
flavor of sex and Yane hit his taste buds. Gods, who could ever be
stupid enough to berate Yane’s proficiency in the bedroom? The man
was passion, sex, and sin, all wrapped up in a delicious package that
Alcharr always loved to unpack.

He licked across his lover’s glans, tasting the pearlescent pre-cum

beading at the top. Yane glowered down at him, blue-green eyes
going almost aquamarine. “Charr,” he growled threateningly.

In answer, Alcharr licked over the hard cock, following the

thickest vein with his tongue down to the very base of Yane’s dick.
On instinct, he lapped across his lover’s wrinkled sac, tonguing the
testes. If Alcharr judged after the sounds the other man made, Yane
certainly enjoyed his ministrations. He spread his legs wider, giving
Alcharr more space to maneuver. Alcharr took his cue to return to
sucking on Yane’s cock. His fingers went to the hole just waiting for
his invasion. Courtesy of Yane’s nymph heritage, his body was very
flexible and required little prep. Still, Alcharr didn’t intend to take his
lover without proper stretching. The last thing he wanted was to hurt

He bobbed his head up and down Yane’s dick, at the same time

rubbing his lover’s opening with his finger. Yane moaned, trying to
impale himself on the digit, but Alcharr held the other man down.

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Breathing through his nose, he continued to worship his lover’s cock,
twisting his tongue just so in a whirlwind motion he knew Yane
loved. Yane howled, breaking free of Alcharr’s hold. He threaded his
fingers through Alcharr’s hair and started fucking his mouth. Alcharr
let his lover do just that, loving the feeling of both power and
surrender it gave him. He knew Yane was close. He could feel it
building, hear it in the sounds Yane made.

Smirking to himself, Alcharr pushed a finger in Yane’s ass. Just

like always, Yane’s anus greedily sucked in Alcharr’s digit. Alcharr
unerringly found Yane’s prostate and stroked it. Just like that, Yane
howled, pushed his dick one more time in Alcharr’s mouth, and came,
sending his seed down Alcharr’s throat. He gulped it down, reveling
in the slightly different consistency, appreciating every difference that
made Yane who he was. Even if Yane disliked the things marking
him as a nymph, Alcharr would always love them, just like he loved
the other man.

Alcharr licked Yane clean, thankful when his man didn’t pull

away. At the beginning of their relationship, Yane had always tried to
avoid letting Alcharr taste him, self-conscious about his nymph
characteristics. Gradually, that reluctance had faded, at least when
they made love. Alcharr liked to dream that one day, it might happen
outside sex games too. Of course, given the current situation, it might
not happen.

But Alcharr pushed the glum thoughts out of his mind. He

removed his mouth off Yane’s dick. “Ready?” he asked his lover.

Yane nodded, still looking dazed from the orgasm. Alcharr

retracted his finger from his lover’s ass and spat in his palm. He
pushed two digits into his man’s anus, barely able to contain a groan
when Yane took them right in.

Impatient, he scissored his fingers, stretching Yane and preparing

him for invasion. Yane moved with him, obviously as needy as
Alcharr himself. “Come on, Charr,” he somehow managed to say.
“Fuck me.”

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But as difficult as it was, Alcharr still took his time. He added

another digit, finger-fucking his mate with them until Yane went wild
in his arms. When he could no longer withstand the sensual torture he
was putting both of them through, he at last retracted his fingers and
lifted Yane’s legs on his shoulders. Yane’s heels touched the tips of
his wings, and the unwilling caress made him shudder.

Groaning, Alcharr positioned his dick at his lover’s hole and

pushed. His cock slid home, the tightness that engulfed him almost
making Alcharr climax on the spot. Yane closed his eyes and sighed
in a mix of contentment and lust. Yes, it was like coming home, and
Alcharr would have liked to stay buried inside Yane forever.

But the need for friction won out, and he started to move in and

out of his lover. Yane urged him on, his groans and gasps the best
aphrodisiac Alcharr could have asked for. The beautiful sounds mixed
with Alcharr’s own pants and grunts in a sexual symphony. They
moved together, Yane pushing his ass back in an attempt to impale
himself deeper, Alcharr thrusting harder and harder. He knew Yane’s
body like he did his own, and he aimed for the other man’s special
spot, yearning to feel Yane come around his dick. Predictably, the
previous orgasm gave Yane a measure of resistance, and Alcharr lost
himself in the slapping of flesh against flesh, the feel of Yane’s wet
skin under his fingertips, the almost liquid motions his lover made as
they fucked. They simply fit together, like they’d been made for each

With Yane’s ass squeezing him so deliciously, it came as no

surprise that Alcharr soon found himself on the brink of coming. Even
his feathers sizzled with the energy of sex, and he trembled in need
and ecstasy. It was better than even the first time Alcharr had ever
flown, because he now flew at the side of his one and only.

His voice became a litany of his lover’s name. “Yane, Yane,

Yane.” In turn, Yane answered with his own moans and pleas. “Yes,”
he gasped. “Please, Charr. Please.”

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Alcharr reached between their joined bodies and gripped Yane’s

cock in his fist. He furiously started jacking the hard flesh, at the same
time pressing his lips to Yane’s once again. Two pumps of his hand
and it was all over. Yane screamed into his mouth, his nails digging
into Alcharr’s flesh so hard they must have drawn blood. When his
lover’s ass tightened around Alcharr’s dick, he saw stars, and with
another deep thrust, he sent his seed deep inside Yane’s anus.

They collapsed on top of each other, lost in the afterglow and in

their own affection. Yane winced slightly when Alcharr’s cock left his
body. “One of these days, lover, I’m going to melt in your arms,”
Yane panted out.

Alcharr squeezed Yane tight. “No, you won’t. No, you won’t.” He

couldn’t even fathom the thought of ever losing Yane.

They stayed like that, embraced under the shadow of the one

remaining tree in the middle of the marshlands. All too soon, the
reality of their surroundings intruded in their little cocoon of comfort.
As the wind started to blow, it brought with it the stench of the swamp
and unknown beasts.

Yane sighed and broke away from Alcharr. With a little help from

Yane’s magic, they cleaned up and pulled their clothes on. “We
should go anyway,” Yane said. “I want to check on Owen.”

Alcharr nodded, remembering his previous promise. He grabbed

Yane in his arms and launched himself into the air, knowing the trip
to Tanarak would be shorter like that. But even as he flew, he couldn’t
help but wonder about Yane’s odd concern for the human. Yane
always treasured the little time they could steal away from their
peoples. Why had that suddenly changed?

* * * *

Hash stared at his leader in wide-eyed disbelief. “What do you

mean I have to go to the plague lands? On account of what?”

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The other dragon just arched a brow. “On account of the utter

embarrassment you caused our coven just a while ago.” Ogash’Dral
offered Hash a small, cool smile. “I’ve told you a million times to
contain that temper of yours. But no. You just have to provoke your

“The Imperium asked for our assistance,” Hash fumed. “Someone

had to go.”

“The Imperium are a bunch of arrogant twits,” his leader and

father growled. “I will never understand why Che’kendral chose to
work for them. There are other shape-shifters who could do their
bidding.” He glared at Hash. “At any rate, you knew Che’kendral
must’ve had a good reason if he’d disobeyed. You knew you should
have helped him. Instead, you attacked him in front of the entire
Golden Eagle army.”

Hash waited as his father continued to rant. It was true. He had

indeed attacked his half brother. But he’d always been convinced that
behind his cold mask, Chek was a loose cannon. After all, he’d
abandoned his coven in favor of the Imperium and a partnership with
a wolf shape-shifter.

It might not have turned out this way, but Chek had been furious

after their unpleasant meeting. Much to his dismay, Hash found out
his half brother was merely protecting his mate, something quite
understandable even from Hash’s point of view. And when
Che’kendral subsequently refused to come home on account of
Hash’s faux pas, their father grew furious.

“You should have let me deal with the situation,” the older dragon

said. “But that’s over and done with. For the moment, you will go to
the plague lands. In Che’kendral’s absence, you’re taking over his job
as an agent.”

Hash cursed under his breath. He didn’t want his brother’s job. If

he agreed with his father on one thing, it was that he would never
understand why Chek had gone off to join the Imperium’s security
force. However, he didn’t have much choice but to obey. At least the

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trip would get him out of the coven and give him a break from his
father’s endless nagging.

Nodding his understanding, Hash listened to the details of his

mission. Apparently, a human emerged in the plague lands the same
day of Chek’s departure. Nothing else was known, and both
Ogash’dral and the Imperium officials wanted to know what in the
world happened there. Had Chek lost his mate in the energy storm? It
seemed very unlikely, since energy storms acted like one-way portals.
A storm that opened on Uli could only be used to take someone to
Earth. Similarly, a storm on Earth served just for transport to Uli.
They were mutually exclusive. For that reason, the Imperium could
not control who came to their world but did keep a heavy watch on all
intruders and carefully regulated all departures.

At the same time, the alliance between the Golden Eagles and the

dryads needed to be looked into. The two nations would be united
later that year through the marriage of the sons of the royal families,
Valderr and Yanentah. The power of such an alliance would be
significant, and the eagles were known to be a volatile force in the
equilibrium of the world. The dragons had to know if they should
prepare for war.

After his father gave him the final details, Hash left the office and

headed to his room. He quickly packed his bags, taking only a couple
of essentials with him. He hoped he would not have to stay long in the
plague lands. Shape-shifters in general hated that part of Uli,
especially the polluted waters beyond Tanarak. He’d have preferred to
go in shifted form, but it wasn’t an option, not with the enchantment
on the plague lands. As such, Hash went to the very top of the
building housing their coven and summoned his wings. Without
further hesitation, he launched himself into the air.

The trip to the plague lands didn’t take as long as he’d have liked.

The very edge of the former continent now stood as a hideous bog,
with very little left of what had once been lush vegetation. Beyond lay
the main city of the dryads, Anethone, and what the nation had

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managed to restore. But the dryads were very protective of that part of
the land, and few ever got to see it. Finally, toward the north lay the
polluted seas infested by the great wyrms who continued their attacks
on the nation.

Personally, Hash did not understand what in the world possessed

his father to send him here. Hash was a fire dragon and his element
would not earn him any fans amongst the dryads. The water nymphs
would be particularly reluctant to his approach. But, oh well. If
anything happened, he’d at least have that to use as an excuse.

As he flew, he sensed the enchantment over the plague lands but

found in great surprise it didn’t feel as strong as he’d expected. Hash
expected the spell to be more powerful than this if it could control the
shape-shifting abilities of whoever entered the plague lands.

He was drawn out from his musings when he spotted a small dot

amidst the clouds. It seemed to be another flying person heading in a
similar direction as him—a Golden Eagle. He increased his speed but
did nothing to disguise his presence. He did not intend to spy, and
most likely, the eagle in question had every right to be here.
Pretending would be stupid and useless.

He noticed the exact moment when the other individual sensed

him. The man—because the eagle was clearly a man—stopped and
turned. There was someone else with him, in his arms, perhaps a
dryad. From this distance, Hash could not tell.

In the end, the eagle waited for him, and soon, Hash realized he

actually knew the flying man. “Greetings,” he said as he reached the
two. “It is nice to see you again, Alcharr.”

Alcharr nodded. They’d met during the famous failure of a

mission. The eagles disliked humans greatly and had been furious
upon receiving a report from Governor Malius of Almareya,
according to which Connor Spade corrupted two Imperium Agents.
The entire attack ended up an embarrassment for all those present, but
it did have a good result, since in the process, Alcharr found his
missing brother, Valderr.

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Meeting Alcharr had, perhaps, been the only good point of that

entire expedition. In spite of the awful circumstances, Hash still
sensed the chemistry between them. Nothing had come of it, since
Alcharr seemed reluctant to even broach the topic. Hash respected the
other man’s decision, but he enjoyed spending time with Alcharr,
regardless, even if just as friends.

“And it’s a pleasure to see you again too, Hash,” Alcharr


For a few moments, their gazes met, but then the man Alcharr

held cleared his throat. “Oh, forgive my manners,” Alcharr said
hastily. “This is Yanentah, a good friend and—”

“Your future brother-in-law, correct?” Hash completed. The

nymph gave him a scathing look, to which Hash just smirked.

“That’s right,” Yanentah said. “And you are…?”
“Has’hendral. Alcharr and I met a few weeks ago in a mission for

the Imperium. As a matter of fact, I come as an envoy of them and of
my people now.”

Yanentah arched a brow. “Oh? I was unaware fire dragons had

business in the plague lands now.”

Hash suppressed another grin. He could practically see the other

man dripping with jealousy. What an interesting development.
Apparently, Yanentah’s interest didn’t lie with Prince Valderr, but
with his brother.

“Well, you know how it is. Everything that concerns the world

concerns the dragons.” He paused and gave his companions a faux-
innocent look. “And what about you, my friends? What are you doing
here? It’s a very odd place to meet.”

Alcharr looked uncomfortable while Yanentah opened his mouth,

obviously intending to come up with some excuse. Hash didn’t know
what made him say what he did next. “Never mind. It’s none of my
business. And don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret.”

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“There’s no secret to keep,” Yanentah shot back. “We were

merely discussing my impending marriage with Valderr, nothing

“Of course,” Hash agreed, still grinning. “How is your brother,


Alcharr sighed. “Still hung up over that human. He went to

accompany Connor Spade off Uli.”

Hash remembered his actual mission and asked, “About that. We

heard a human has been spotted in the sea beyond Tanarak. It is not
Connor Spade, then?”

Yanentah shook his head. “It’s a friend of his, Owen Tomassen.”
Hash was shocked to realize he felt relieved at the news. Truly,

even if he disliked Chek, he didn’t hate his half brother so much so as
to wish him to lose his mate. “Thank the gods.”

“We’re heading back to Tanarak now,” Alcharr said. “You can

join us if you like.”

Hash nodded. “That would be great.”
Nothing else was said as Alcharr started flying again, leading the

way. Hash wondered what other surprises waited for him in the land
of the dryads.

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Chapter Three

Sassaki swam deep within the water, his mind still on the mate

he’d left behind. He wondered if it had all been a dream or if Owen
truly insisted on his staying and then visiting again. Now that he’d
shifted back into his animal form, it seemed even more unlikely.

Lost in thought, he reached his lair in record time. He slipped

inside, hoping against all hope that he wouldn’t run into any member
of his family. As it turned out, in a rare occurrence, no one assaulted
him upon entry. No one reproached his unusual behavior or his
stealing of his brother’s lunch. Instead, his arrival seemed to be
completely ignored.

Surprised, Sassaki turned back into his legged form. Remaining

like this would just cause further arguments with his siblings,
something he did not look forward to. He slipped deeper into the lair
until he heard the sound of raised voices. Intrigued, he followed it to
the so-called family room, carefully disguising his approach as he did

“But how?” one of the twins, Assahir, was asking. “How can the

enchantment be destroyed?”

“It seems its source has finally been discovered,” their mother,

Lota, replied. “It is a crystal located deep under the dryad palace. Its
power is already being weakened.”

“By whom?” Assahir’s twin, Grehan, inquired.
“That, I do not know,” Lota answered. “But it will be good for us,

regardless. We’ll be able to take up our rightful place in the world.”

“Don’t tell me you plan to mention this to him,” Assahir replied,

his voice practically a growl. “You can’t. I don’t trust him.”

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“He is just passing through a phase,” their mother shot back. “It’s

clear enough that after today, he must’ve changed his mind.”

“He attacked us, Mother,” Grehan insisted. “How can you take it

so calmly?”

But Sassaki knew how. His mother had always been protective of

him. Out of their entire family, he was the only one born as a single
egg. All the others had at least one brother. As such, they banded
together, leaving Sassaki the outsider. Lota, on the other hand, cared
for him. Perhaps it had been merely interest since one-births were
stronger than twins or triplets. They could morph in their shape-shifter
form without the need of another. It was the only reason why he’d
been allowed his peculiarities in the first place.

But his mother also seemed convinced he would come around and

become her definition of the perfect wyrm son. As much as he hated
to disappoint her, Sassaki would never do that, especially not now
when he had Owen to worry about.

“Your mother is right,” their father, Arssan, said. “Leave your

brother be. For the moment, we will not bring up the issue with the
crystal with Sassaki. We don’t know if it will happen anyway. But
should its power indeed fade, Sassaki will be the first to know.”

A mix of emotions swelled through Sassaki. His father trusted

him, at least to a certain extent. Just like his mother, he’d always
shown Sassaki a great deal of affection, insofar as wyrm parents could
be loving, at least. For that, Sassaki felt grateful. But at the same time,
if the plague lands were no longer protected, his mate was in danger.
Sassaki could not rely on his family to help, not this time.

Knowing he could not linger there for much longer without

risking discovery, Sassaki retreated and left the lair. He headed
toward the shipwreck where he’d found the human books. He spent a
lot of time here, since his family rarely came around this area, having
lost interest in the ship after it had been emptied of humans. Sassaki,
on the other hand, enjoyed simply spending time there. Perhaps a part

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of him had always known his mate would be human, and the ship was
the thing closest to his mate’s nature.

But Sassaki visited the ship for another reason, as well.

Unbeknownst to his family, these waters were inhabited by someone

As he entered the shipwreck, Sassaki scanned the darkness. He

couldn’t see anything unfamiliar or suspicious. He ducked inside, then
looked back the way he’d come, checking to see if someone had
followed him. When he noticed no sign of any wyrm behind him, he
called out, “Kani, are you in here?”

The flash of an elegant red fish tail appeared from above.

Moments later, Sassaki found himself in the strong embrace of a
beautiful merman.

To Sassaki’s knowledge, Kani was the only mer who lived in the

waters close to Tanarak. Most of Kani’s people built rich, well-
guarded underwater cities in the lands beyond Almareya. Those parts
of the great ocean had been spared of the ugliness down here. But
Kani had been banished from his home under pain of death and found
refuge down here in the wyrm-infested waters, where a merman
would never come.

“Sassaki! Hi,” Kani said. “Come in, come in.”
He pulled Sassaki deeper into the ship. They swam through

various rooms, through doors and holes, and as always, Sassaki noted
the odd beauty of it all. Sure, Kani deserved better than a shipwreck
for a home, but at least he was reasonably safe here.

Kani led him to a more well-preserved room and gestured Sassaki

to find a seat someplace. “Wait a second. I’ll get you a snack or

Sassaki arched a brow but didn’t comment. He knew Kani prided

himself on managing to hunt and provide for himself. In fact, Sassaki
knew the mer could take out sea creatures much bigger than himself
and knew how to care of himself. As such, even if Kani’s meals

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weren’t exactly filling for a wyrm, they did taste delicious, always
varied and full of surprises.

His friend was very inventive, so he managed to use human

furniture even underwater. He retrieved a previously caught fish and
offered it to Sassaki on a shell-made plate. Sassaki thanked his friend
and took a bite out of the fish. It was as tasty as always, seasoned to
keep and better than anything Sassaki could ever cook or catch on his

“This is great,” he mumbled at his friend.
Kani beamed at him, his bronze eyes twinkling. “Now tell me.

What’s on your mind? You looked thoughtful.”

“I found my mate,” Sassaki answered without preamble.
Kani’s eyes widened. “Seriously? Congratulations! But where?


“He’s a human. He came from an energy storm. The twins almost

ate him.”

Sassaki went on to tell his friend the whole story of the meeting

with Owen, including what he’d overheard in the lair. “What do you
think?” he asked. “I’m worried about this plan. If the enchantment on
the plague lands is broken, Owen could be in danger.”

Kani nodded. “You’re going to have to consider your priorities,

Sassaki. What’s more important for you—your people, or your

It was a difficult question to answer. Sassaki had always waited

for the moment when he and his kin would manage to make a new
home for themselves. He didn’t want much, just to be allowed a small
piece of land for a city and fishing grounds that would, for once, be
clean and fresh. With the spell down, this goal might finally be within
their reach.

But was Sassaki willing to pay the price? The first thing his kin

would do once the enchantment fell would be to attack Tanarak. No
one would be spared, not even one innocent human who’d ended up
here by accident.

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In the end, it truly wasn’t all that difficult to answer Kani. “Owen

is the most important thing for me. I just don’t know how to help him.

Kani gave him an inquiring look. “Unless what?”
It was a crazy idea, but it might be the only thing that could help

Owen. The enchantment’s power had already started to fade. He
himself noticed just hours before. Sassaki couldn’t allow any harm to
come to his mate.

“Unless I join forces with the enemy,” he told his friend. “The

nymphs might be able to protect Owen in my stead.”

Kani seemed concerned. “But Sassaki, they’ll never agree. And

what if they hurt you in the process?”

“I guess I just have to take that chance.” Sassaki grinned. “Come,

my friend. Do you have a piece of parchment lying around here? I
have a message to write.”

* * * *

When they reached Tanarak, Yane immediately detected

something was amiss. Soldiers were running around, shouting, almost
in a panic. The silent Tanarak had turned into a bustling battlement.
The change shocked Yane greatly, and for the first time, he realized
he much preferred the quiet. At least it meant a reasonable amount of

He’d left Lyole in charge of the garrison, in case something

happened. The other man was the only other nymph who knew about
his trysts with Alcharr and offered to take over Yane’s duties to allow
him a few moments with his forbidden love. But Yane hadn’t actually
thought the wyrms would attack Tanarak. They rarely ever did, even
years back, since the enchantment made it difficult for them to
approach. Perhaps the damn beasts had come up with something
different. Fuck. His love for Alcharr was making him lax in his duties.

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Quickly, Yane scanned the area for his second-in-command. As

soon as he found Lyole, he stopped the other man. “Lyole, what’s
going on?” he asked. “What’s with all this chaos?”

“Yane, thank the gods you’ve returned.” The other man sighed in

relief. “We found something strange in the harbor. It’s a message for
you. We didn’t open it, but as far as we can tell, it came from the dark

Yane gaped at his friend and second-in-command. “A message

from the wyrms? You can’t be serious. They shouldn’t be able to get
close enough.”

“Of course, we can’t be certain it is from them yet,” Lyole

answered. “It might be just a joke.”

Judging by Lyole’s expression, the man knew better than to think

anyone would have such a poor sense of humor. Yane extended his
hand wordlessly and Lyole gave him a piece of parchment. It was
leathery, the kind only water creatures used to write on.

His heart thundering, Yane unwrapped the parchment. In cursive

letters, the message said,

My esteemed enemy,
As you undoubtedly realize, there are things about my people you

don’t grasp. Your borders are in danger. As it happens, I have certain
interests that make this inconvenient for me. Meet me tomorrow at
midnight, north of Tanarak. You needn’t come without guards if you
don’t wish to do so, but don’t assume that you will capture me. And
bring the human with you. This concerns him, too. It is very important
that you do so. In fact, don’t bother coming if you don’t bring him


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Yane gaped, fury and shock coursing through him. Who was this

S and what did he or she want? More importantly, what business did S
have with Owen?

“What does it say?” Has’hendral asked.
Yane pushed back his irritation with the other man. He would

have to be jealous over Has’hendral a different time. Perhaps he could
use the dragon’s presence in this problem. “Come along,” he told
Has’hendral and Alcharr. “You too, Lyole. We need to discuss in

The men looked puzzled but didn’t comment. Yane led them to

the small house he used as a residence. It was quite luxurious in
comparison to the barracks his men inhabited, but truthfully, it was
just a hovel he kept his supplies and bedding in. His family didn’t
bother sending him adornments and such here. Besides, funds were
better used for weaponry and medicine, not for his luxury.

Still, Yane did feel a bit self-conscious. He knew his visitors—

except Lyole, who didn’t count as one—were probably used to more
luxurious settings. For that reason, Yane rarely, if ever, allowed
Alcharr to come here, preferring to meet in the wild.

Yane gestured the other men to sit on the available chairs. As

everyone gave him questioning looks, he reread the message, causing
shocked looks all around.

“No,” Alcharr said. “You’re not going. It’s too dangerous. I won’t

allow it.”

“His Lordship is right,” Lyole agreed. “It must be a trap.”
Has’hendral looked thoughtful. “I don’t think so. This wyrm

might be right.”

Yane gaped at the dragon and waited for Has’hendral to elaborate.

Seconds later, the other man added, “I think the enchantment on the
plague lands is fading. I could feel it when I was coming your way. It
might be the reason why the wyrm managed to get so close.”

Yane felt sick. If the enchantment fell, the wyrms would be able

to band on them. The nymphs didn’t have the strength to keep them at

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bay if this happened. His legs threatened to give way at the
nightmarish images that appeared in his mind, but somehow, he
managed to keep his calm. He was a leader. He couldn’t afford to
have a mental breakdown. “We have to get to the bottom of this,” he
told his companions.

“Still, why does this person want the human to come along?”

Has’hendral inquired. “Isn’t that the most puzzling request of all?”

Yane nodded. The only business a wyrm could have with a human

would entail the latter being eaten. Surely, the mysterious S must
know Yane would never surrender anyone to be wyrm dinner.

“Perhaps we should ask him,” Lyole suggested. “The human

might know something.”

Yane’s hackles rose. “What could Owen possibly now about a

wyrm? No, it must be that the beast has some sort of unnatural
fixation with him.”

He sounded far too vehement, and Has’hendral seemed to notice

it. “So what are you going to do?” he asked with a smirk. “Will you
refuse? Ignore the request?”

Yane hated himself for noticing how gorgeous Has’hendral

looked when he grinned like that. A distant part of him didn’t blame
Alcharr for whatever had been between the two. He didn’t think
Alcharr had cheated on him. He knew better. But the flirty banter
Has’hendral exuded, even when he talked to Yane, was irresistible.

Yane pushed aside the traitorous thoughts. He needed to focus on

Owen and the wyrm’s request. He could not refuse, that much seemed
clear. His duty was to investigate. It might be a trap like Lyole said,
but they could also get valuable information. If Has’hendral was
indeed correct and the enchantment had started to fade, he could not
lose the chance to find out the reason.

“No,” he replied. “We have to agree. I’ll discuss it with Owen

first, though, and see if he’s up to it. He was just attacked by a wyrm,
and I have no wish to torture him.”

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There were nods all around, even from Alcharr, who, through his

education and heritage, didn’t like humans much.

Finally, they agreed that Alcharr and Has’hendral would come

with Yane. Alcharr might know more about Connor and the
information regarding the other human could help Owen get over the
shock. In the meantime, Lyole returned to his duties of organizing the
watch in the town.

With a heavy heart, Yane led his two companions to the clinic.

Hannah wasn’t in the main room, so Yane surmised she must be
caring for Owen. Indeed, Yane found Hannah in the human’s
chamber, chatting to the man about nothing in particular. It was quite
obvious Owen didn’t understand a word, but a sense of camaraderie
appeared to exist between them nonetheless.

Hannah greeted them with a curtsy, to which Yane smiled. “How

is he doing?” he asked.

“Fine, fine,” she answered. “He’s recovered even faster than I

expected. It’s almost unusual.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Yane answered, ignoring her last

comment. For the first time since coming inside the room, he had the
courage to really look at Owen. His breath caught as his eyes met the
human’s. Gods, Owen was beautiful. Even with the man he loved in
the room, Yane still wanted him. Fuck. This was bad news. Very,
very bad news.

“Thank you, Hannah,” he told the woman. “You can go.”
As she left, he directed his attention to Owen. “Hi, Owen,” he said

in English, struggling to control his voice. “I’d like you to meet
someone. These two men are Has’hendral and Alcharr. They know
your friend.”

Owen beamed at them, his eyes sparkling a blue so vivid that

Yane nearly died. “You’ve seen Connor?” he asked. “Tell me, how is

Yane waited as his two companions advanced to the human’s side.

To his surprise, he noticed Alcharr was acting somewhat strangely.

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He didn’t know Has’hendral well enough to tell, but he could have
sworn the dragon seemed tense as well.

It could have very well been the recollection of why they were

here, which became even more real now that they stood in front of
Owen. Yane’s stomach turned at the thought of handing Owen over to
a wyrm, or even forcing the human to meet one. But he didn’t think
he’d have much choice, and judging by Alcharr’s and Has’hendral’s
stances, they agreed with him.

Alcharr, however, showed a measure of tact and started a

conversation about Connor. He spoke of his meeting with the other
human, of how Connor had rescued Valderr, while Has’hendral
mentioned Connor mated his half brother. As they spoke, Owen
looked more and more shocked. When Alcharr mentioned the other
four men who looked after Connor, Owen seemed torn between fear
and disbelief.

“Wow,” he finally said. “This is surreal. Connor was never into

multiple partners before. I hope he’s okay.”

Has’hendral chuckled. “He’s fine. Chek is very protective of him,

and so are the others. I’m sure you’ll see him soon.”

Silence stretched between them for a while, and Yane took the

opportunity to introduce the subject that concerned him. “Owen, I
wanted to talk to you about something else.”

Owen arched a brow. “Oh?”
“We received a message from a wyrm claiming that our borders

are in danger. I haven’t mentioned this before, but my country is
under an enchantment that keeps shape-shifters from changing to their
second form. As such, wyrms rarely approach Tanarak and never
without a good reason. But it seems this enchantment is fading now.
The sender of this message said he wanted to see you in exchange for
his cooperation and for telling us the reason behind the problem.”

“Do you have any clue as to what a wyrm would want with you?”

Alcharr asked.

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For a few seconds, Owen didn’t speak. Yane would have thought

the silence to be a sign of shock, but something told him different.
Perhaps it was the way Owen didn’t quite meet his gaze, or perhaps
the memory of Owen’s inquiry if all wyrms were bad. Owen did
indeed know something. But what?

To his surprise, it was Has’hendral who broke the silence. “Tell

us, Owen. Tell us about the wyrm who came to visit you.”

Owen’s eyes widened and he paled visibly. “W–What?” he

stammered. “I…No. It’s not like that.”

Yane couldn’t suppress his shock. “A wyrm was here? When?


“Recently,” Has’hendral replied. “I can still smell lingering traces

of his scent, and judging by it, my best bet is that it’s the same wyrm
who wrote the message. Now, Owen…tell us.”

* * * *

Hash was furious. No, beyond furious. He felt confused, angry,

and scared. When he’d come here, he’d never expected to find his
mate, let alone a human one who seemed to be courted by a wyrm.

But there could be no doubt about the situation. Owen Tomassen

was his mate, and a wyrm had been in here. He could smell the other
man on Owen. They hadn’t done anything sexual, but the wyrm had
touched Owen. It made Hash want to roar and snarl, maybe rub
himself against Owen to cast away any lingering traces of the wyrm.
But he barely knew Owen, and his primal behavior would just scare
the human. So he forced himself to show a calm he did not feel and
insisted for Owen to speak.

At first, the human seemed reluctant. Whatever the wyrm had

done must have gotten to him. Hash couldn’t scent fear on Owen, but
he did smell a healthy dose of apprehension and uncertainty.

“He didn’t mean me any harm,” Owen finally said. “He just came

to see if I was okay.”

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“Okay?” Yane repeated in disbelief. “You could have died. I don’t

believe the state you were in qualifies as okay.”

Owen’s lower lip trembled as if he were struggling against anger

or tears. “He’s not a bad person,” he shot back. “Is that so hard to

On impulse, Hash reached out to his mate and took Owen’s hand.

The human looked surprised but didn’t break away. “It’s not that we
don’t believe you, Owen,” Hash said. “But wyrms aren’t known to be
exactly trustworthy. We just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Sassaki wouldn’t hurt me,” Owen replied, certainty and

frustration in his voice. He looked like he would pull away from Hash
any minute now, but much to Hash’s relief, he didn’t.

At the same time, Hash was startled at the first mentioning of the

wyrm’s name. Clearly, the other shape-shifter had been busy and
made Owen trust him. Hash couldn’t do anything about that now. He
had a strong suspicion he understood the reasons behind this Sassaki’s
behavior. Any other time, he’d have called this thought insane, but
after seeing his brother’s mate have four more lovers, he knew
anything was possible.

“All right.” He caressed Owen’s wrist. “We’ll go meet your wyrm

and see what he has to say. Perhaps he’s not so bad.”

He sensed the twin looks of disbelief the other men gave him, but

ignored them. The gratitude Owen showered him with felt almost
palpable, and Hash nearly melted right then and there.

Alcharr cleared his throat, sounding irritated. “At any rate, this

doesn’t make the situation any less dangerous. Even if your wyrm
doesn’t have any baleful intentions, he could be followed by others.”

Owen’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh, no. His people will never

agree with him meeting up with you. This is bad, very bad.”

Owen pushed away the covers, as if intending to jump out of bed

and go to the famous Sassaki’s rescue. Hash wrapped Owen in his
arms, holding him tight. If Owen’s scent had drawn him before, now
that his mate was so close, Hash wanted to roar and sink his fangs in

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Owen’s exposed throat. Instead, he caressed Owen’s tense back,
suppressing a sigh of relief when the anxiety gradually began to drain
out of Owen. “Calm down, Owen. Sassaki can take care of himself,
otherwise he would have never contacted us.”

“I guess,” Owen said hesitantly. “I just don’t understand any of

this. I’m very confused.”

Alcharr chose this exact moment to intervene. “Completely

understandable,” he answered. “But don’t worry. It’ll all make sense
in the end.”

Hash didn’t know what to believe about those words, but neither

did he allow himself to dissect them too much. This annoying trip had
suddenly become so much more. The plague lands hid too many
secrets, and Alcharr, Yane, and Owen were in the middle of it all.
Hash had a feeling that by the end, they would all need to stick
together if they wanted to make it out of this alive.

* * * *

Night had finally fallen. After several hours of debates, the group

stuck to the original decision and decided to see what the wyrm
wanted to say. Together, they snuck out of Tanarak, careful to avoid
the nymph guards.

As they walked, Alcharr stole a look toward Yane. The nymph

seemed tense all day, and Alcharr supposed he had every reason in the
world. After all, they were going to see a wyrm who, for whatever
reason, set his sights on Owen. But there was more to it than that, and
Alcharr suspected the reason could lie simply in Owen’s presence,
and perhaps, even in Hash’s arrival.

Alcharr knew Yane well, and he could tell when Yane felt

attracted to somebody and wanted to hide it. It was just like it
happened with them, years back, when Yane first became engaged
with Valderr without even meeting him. Alcharr had gone in his
brother’s stead to make arrangements for the wedding. Yane had been

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so cool and arrogant it almost hurt to remember. Later, Alcharr took
great pleasure in fucking that chill out of him.

“Whatever happens, you stick close to us,” Yane told the human,

his voice all business. “I know you trust the wyrm…”

“Sassaki,” Owen corrected. In the past day, Alcharr noticed that it

troubled Owen exceedingly whenever either of them referred to
Sassaki in a derogatory manner.

Yane took a deep breath. “I know you trust Sassaki,” he said

again, stressing the name, “but you’re very new here and you don’t
realize how things work yet.”

Owen didn’t answer, and Alcharr realized the human was quite

upset about the comment. Indeed, it sounded bad, and Alcharr wanted
to scold Yane for his brusqueness.

He himself didn’t know what to believe about any of this. Seeing

someone else get close to Yane should bother him. But the human…
The human was strange. He seemed so affectionate, and at the same
time so very lost, that Alcharr couldn’t blame him for clinging to the
first person he’d met here. And now, Yane was acting so cold that
Owen seemed hurt.

Unfortunately, Owen would not be able to deal with Yane’s

barriers like Alcharr had. As such, it would be up to Alcharr to fix this
from becoming a real problem. If he wanted to be honest, it would be
no hardship to befriend the human. Something about Owen made
Alcharr wonder if his skin was as soft as it seemed and his lips tasted
as good as they looked. But he reined in his lust and focused on the
matter at hand. He loved Yane, for crying out loud, and he had
enough trouble with his attraction toward Hash to think about the
human, too.

That didn’t mean he couldn’t at least offer Owen a helping hand.

Even if his education spoke poorly of humans, judging individual
people after such standards would be stupid. Besides, Alcharr might
doubt Connor Spade’s ability to aid Valderr, but the friendship

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between the two remained genuine—something Alcharr appreciated a

He started walking slower, allowing Owen to catch up to him.

“Hey, Owen,” he said. “Yane didn’t mean anything by that. He’s just
worried about you. You received a serious injury in an attack, and
now, you’re supposed the meet a wyrm. Even if this Sassaki didn’t
hurt you, it’s still cause for concern.”

Owen looked startled, as if it hadn’t occurred to him. “A serious

injury?” he repeated. “I didn’t consider it so bad. I mean, it was scary
then, but I’m all better now.”

“That might be true, but it’s still something to think about.

Besides, you have to remember Yane has been fighting these people
all his life. It’s not in his nature to like them.”

Owen visibly deflated. “You’re right. I guess I should apologize.”

He looked away and clenched his hands into fists. “I just don’t want
anyone to fight. I can tell Yane and Sassaki are both good men.
And…I hate fighting.”

The tone in which Owen spoke made Alcharr think there was a

story there. Someone had hurt this young man. Alcharr viciously
squashed the desire to inquire into the identity of this someone and go
teach him—because it must’ve been a him—a lesson. It was part of
Owen’s past now, and something Alcharr couldn’t change, as much as
he wanted to.

He could, however, change the here and now. On impulse, he

wrapped his arm around Owen’s shoulder. He kept the touch as
friendly as possible without going into lustful, even if his muscles
strained to pull the other man close. “Then we won’t fight.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Yane said from in front of

them in the dryad language. “You know how wyrms are. He must
have just been playing with Owen.”

Hash didn’t say anything, but his stance seemed tense. To Alcharr,

it almost looked like the other man knew something they didn’t. But
Hash didn’t comment, and Alcharr eventually answered in his stead.

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“Wyrms are what they are. But he did reach out first. We need to give
him the benefit of the doubt.”

Neither Hash nor Yane looked too excited about the idea, not that

Alcharr himself felt very optimistic. But someone had to keep this
from becoming a disaster, and it seemed it would have to be him.

“Look,” Hash said. “If things don’t work out, I’ll take Owen to

my coven. He’ll be safe there until the next energy storm.”

“That’s a good idea,” Yane answered. “The dragons would be

able to keep him safe.”

Owen remained silent, but he didn’t look very pleased with the

concept of being stashed away. Alcharr agreed with them, though. If
push came to shove, he could even take Owen to his city. Valderr
would love talking to Owen. Of course, Alcharr would prefer to avoid
that. No matter what, his father still disliked humans.

They slipped out of Tanarak without being heard or seen. They’d

decided of common accord to keep the meeting from everyone, except
Lyole. Soon, the meeting spot was in sight, a good thing, too, because
Alcharr hated the awkward silence that had fallen.

Alcharr returned to his position, leaving Owen to walk behind

them. In truth, he himself didn’t like wyrms. They never had found
out who’d kidnapped Valderr, but the only one with an interest would
be the wyrms. The mere thought of what his little brother had gone
through in Almareya made him furious, but he tried to contain
himself. If he lost his temper, too, this meeting might very well turn
into a disaster.

* * * *

“What if they don’t come?” Sassaki did his own version of pacing

underwater. “I don’t think I can protect Owen without their

“They’ll come,” Kani said soothingly. The merman had joined

him in a show of support, even if it meant taking quite a chance. On

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one hand, Sassaki would have preferred to know Kani was safe, but
on the other, he valued Kani’s presence. It calmed him down and
stopped him from retreating to the deep waters or going in search of
Owen on land.

Kani kept him busy and talking until the hour of the meeting

finally came. Sassaki spotted a small group of people approaching the
beach. He’d set the time and place, but he had given his long-time
enemy enough leeway to bring whomever he liked. He was curious
who Yane had chosen for this little endeavor. After all, not all the
nymphs would be open to idea of chatting it up with a wyrm.

The group stopped and Sassaki took a few moments to analyze

them. There was a Golden Eagle and another man he didn’t know. His
bulk and stance made Sassaki think he might be a shape-shifter, too.
Together with Yane, they formed a barricade in front the much
smaller Owen.

Truth be told, Sassaki felt a bit relieved at the sight of their

protectiveness. He feared what would happen should the enchantment
fail completely. For the moment, the spell might be keeping the
weaker wyrms at bay, but after the nymphs’ defenses failed, Owen
would need all the support he could get.

He swam toward the beach with his merman friend close behind

him. “Perhaps you should remain in the water, just in case,” he told

“No way,” Kani answered. “I know how much this means to you.

I won’t let you stand against them alone.”

Sassaki gave his friend a concerned look. “Can you come on land,

though?” Kani was so young, and the last thing Sassaki wanted was
for the young mer to get hurt.

Kani seemed to consider the question and sighed. “I suppose

you’re right. I can’t control my shift as long as my tail is wet. Damn

“Don’t worry,” Sassaki answered. “You can root for me from


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Kani didn’t look very pleased, but they didn’t have time for

further conversation. The mer hid behind a rock, and Sassaki left the
water, heading toward the waiting group.

“I assume you are Sassaki,” the nymph, Yane, began. He spoke in

English, for Owen’s benefit.

Sassaki nodded. He wasn’t surprised Yane knew his name. They

must’ve asked Owen, and with a shape-shifter around, the human
couldn’t have deceived them even if he tried. “Owen told you about

Owen perked up from behind the wall of solid muscle formed by

the three men. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

Sassaki just smiled. “It’s okay. It’s no big secret, if it is kept only

between the people who know about this arrangement.”

Owen seemed relieved, and Sassaki directed his attention toward

the other three men. “But now you have an advantage over me,
gentlemen. You know who I am, but, other than Yanentah, I do not
know who you are.”

Yane didn’t delay in introducing his companions. He pointed at

the eagle and shape-shifter respectively, and said, “These are my
friends, Alcharr, of the Golden Eagles, and Has’hendral, of the dragon
kind. I trust you have no problems with them being here.”

Sassaki scanned the darkened faces of the two men. “As long as

they know the score.”

“Oh, we know the score,” Alcharr said. “What I don’t get is what

your sudden interest in helping Yane is. Your people have never been
particularly kind.” The eagle’s expression was dark. “As a matter of
fact, I would appreciate it if you told me who is responsible for my
brother’s kidnapping.”

Sassaki arched a brow at the eagle. He’d heard about the missing

prince, of course, but only because of the scouts who always rotated
around the plague lands. “You have him back now, don’t you?” he

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When Alcharr nodded, Sassaki added, “Then it wasn’t the wyrms

who had him. I assure you, if my kin had taken him, you’d never have
found him.”

In fact, if an eagle ended up in the grasp of a wyrm, he’d most

likely be dinner. But Sassaki didn’t say that. He didn’t want to scare
Owen more than he already had. “I cannot guarantee we weren’t
involved,” he finished, “but I don’t know anything about it. As for
why I’m doing this, it’s for Owen, of course.”

The men didn’t look convinced, although Sassaki did detect a

certain tension in Has’hendral. As a shape-shifter, the other man
would understand Sassaki better. Still, Sassaki half expected the
dragon to laugh in his face and tell him wyrms didn’t have mates. But
Has’hendral did no such thing. “Who’s that mer in the water?” he
asked instead.

Sassaki met the other man’s gaze, surprised at the change in topic.

What he saw there shocked him into both jealousy and
incomprehension. He saw himself, or rather his own emotions
echoing in Has’hendral, so much so that for a few moments, the
question didn’t even compute. He remembered to answer only when
Yane cleared his throat.

“My friend, Kani,” he answered. “I’d have brought him along, but

he has problems shifting when his tail is wet.”

“Hey!” Kani shouted from the water. “I can hear you.”
Owen actually slipped around from his protector, peeking into the

darkness to see toward the water. Of course, his human vision didn’t
have a chance of noticing Kani’s hidden form. He crossed his arms
over his chest in a gesture of discontent. “How is it that I’m the only
one who gets left out?”

“I also get left out,” Kani said, this time at a lower volume.

“You’re not alone in your pain.”

The little banter was oddly refreshing, and Sassaki found himself

relaxing. Still, he forced himself to return to the matter at hand. “So, I

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wrote to you because I believe the plague lands are in danger. It
seems the crystal is being assaulted.”

Yane just stared at him. “Crystal? What crystal?”
Sassaki just stared at Yane. Sure, he’d suspected nymphs were

kept out of things in the plague lands, but not quite to this extent.
Things weren’t exactly looking up. He’d been hoping for some insight
from Yane, but that didn’t seem to be forthcoming.

“According to my mother,” he answered, “a crystal is the source

of the enchantment on the plague lands. It seems someone intends to
destroy it and is already working on it now. I was hoping you might
know more.”

Yane shook his head. “I haven’t been…home in ages. And even

then, I wasn’t privy to all the secrets.”

“But who would know if not you?”
“A wizard,” Kani suggested. “You need to ask a wizard.”
Of course. A wizard would know about something like this. Why

hadn’t Sassaki thought of that? Oh, wait. He knew why. Wizards
weren’t exactly the most social of beings. In fact, they never showed
up unless you gave them a good incentive. No one really knew where
wizards lived, and even their representatives with the Imperium
remained very secretive about things strictly referring to their race.

“But how would we find a wizard?” Alcharr threw his hands up in

exasperation. “They don’t exactly appear at the corner shop.”

At that, Has’hendral just grinned. “Perhaps you’re just not looking

in the right stores.”

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Chapter Four

One week later

Owen scuttled after his companion in a daze. This city both scared

and awed him. In front of him, Hash urged him to go faster. “Hurry
up and stay close. We have a lot of things to do today.”

Owen nodded, heat rushing to his face as the dragon looked at

him. These days, the feeling of strangeness had become omnipresent
whenever he was around either of his friends. He liked to blame it on
this sudden trip and everything going around him. After all, he’d
never have expected the day he’d gone in search of Connor that he’d
somehow end up on this odd world and getting involved in a strange
quest to revive a crystal. But somehow, he knew it wasn’t just that.

As it turned out, they’d kept the new information from the main

dryad capital of Anethone, going on the premise that the dryad royals
would not appreciate cooperation with Sassaki. In the end, after a
suggestion from Hash, he, Owen, Alcharr, and Yane had come to
Almareya. It took quite a bit of effort to coordinate this action, since
Alcharr needed to dodge his father’s controlling ways and Yane had
responsibilities in Tanarak. They’d managed, but they didn’t have
much time before they needed to return.

Supposedly, Almareya was a resort of sorts, where rich folk came

to relax away from their own lands and peoples. But recently, its
governor had been removed due to a conflict with the upper echelons
of Uli, and the entire island had fallen into chaos.

As such, there were soldiers all over the place, scouring for

possible accomplices of the governor. It was, apparently, a big deal,

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since Prince Valderr, Alcharr’s brother—as well as Connor—had
been kidnapped by the man.

To Owen, everything seemed so very confusing and scary,

especially acknowledging everything his friend must have gone
through. But throughout this week, his companions had done their
best to reassure him, and he felt better knowing Connor did, indeed,
leave Uli safe and sound. Owen should be worrying about himself

Hash dragged him into something that looked like a bookstore.

Alcharr and Yane followed behind them, and none of them wanted to
leave Owen alone. Thankfully, the bookstore seemed innocent
enough, and it took him away from all the hustle and bustle of the
main street. He didn’t know why, but whenever he spotted a guard,
his heart just started beating faster and he wanted to run back to their
rented room and hide.

“You okay?” Alcharr asked, his tone concerned.
Owen did his best to smile. “Yeah,” he answered. “Just a bit


Yane took his hand and squeezed it, his dark blue eyes so deep

Owen felt he could fall and drown in them. “Just tell us if anything
gets too much, all right?”

Hash turned toward Owen, gently cupping his cheek. His rough

hands advanced over Owen’s lips, caressing them. Their eyes met,
and for a moment, Owen forgot all about where they were. “It’s
okay,” Hash whispered. “We’ll take care of you.”

Owen nodded numbly, his entire body abuzz with something he

couldn’t quite identify. It wasn’t the first time this had happened.
Owen was afraid of what Alcharr and Yane would say, but he needn’t
have feared. Yane’s hand left his own, traveling up his clothed torso
to caress his neck. Yane nibbled on his earlobe, drawing a choked
gasp out of Owen. At the same time, Alcharr’s heat smothered Owen
as the eagle’s arm went around his waist.

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Owen felt so confused and out of sorts. He wanted someone to

stop and explain, but everyone seemed to dance around the topic as if
they were afraid of something. But Owen never got the chance to ask,
not before, and not this time, either. Hash broke away from him, and
so did Alcharr and Yane. All three men turned their attention toward
the bookstore once again.

Frustrated, Owen could do nothing but follow. He wanted to

scream, but making a scene would just draw the attention of the
guards. Sassaki’s face popped in his mind, and guilt coursed through
him. The wyrm was taking a big chance by cooperating with his
enemies, and all for Owen’s sake. Owen needed to focus if he
intended to be of some assistance for the other men.

Hash pulled Owen deeper into the shop and up to a counter. An

old man sat there, engrossed in a big tome, his long gray hair and
beard reminding Owen a bit of Gandalf.

He cleared his throat, and the man lifted his face toward them. To

Owen’s surprise, he realized the man’s pupils were completely white,
as if he were blind. But the shopkeeper had been reading, right? Did
they have Braille here? Probably.

The shopkeeper gave him a bemused look and said something to

Hash that Owen didn’t understand. There was a brief exchange
between the old man, Hash, Alcharr, and Yane, after which the
shopkeeper left his post. Still confused, Owen allowed Hash to drag
him away from the counter. The old man led them deeper into the
store. They stopped in front of a big shelf, and the man finally said,
“Don’t worry, young man. This won’t hurt a bit.”

Several things passed through Owen’s mind at the same time.

First, he asked himself why the man spoke his language. That led to
him automatically wondering about Hash, Sassaki, Alcharr, and
Yane’s abilities in English. Somehow, he’d never gotten around to
ask. And at the same time, he tried to process what the shopkeeper
was telling him. A distant part of his mind registered that whatever
happened wouldn’t be a good thing.

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But Hash’s arms came around him, wrapping him in a tight

embrace. He smelled like ash and burnt coal, and yet Owen felt
comforted by the intensity of the scent. Alcharr and Yane came to join
the hug, and Owen clung to their presence and closed his eyes.

It was only when the floor gave way under his feet that the

certainty and self-assuredness faltered. He couldn’t suppress a
panicked yell as his eyes shot open and he looked up. He seemed to
be falling into a dark, black hole. Above him, the shopkeeper was a
white dot quickly disappearing into the distance. But the three men
continued to hang on tightly. Something that looked like a white flash
of light replaced the darkness, reminding Owen of the time he’d been
transported on Uli.

And then, the black disappeared altogether, and they floated down

in a strangely controlled motion. The three men let him go when they
hit the floor. Floor? Wait. What floor was this again?

Owen dared to look around and found himself in a wide,

cavernous room. They seemed to be on some sort of dais, and a
slender, white-haired man waited for them at its base. His eyes, like
the ones of the old man, were also white. However, unlike the
shopkeeper, he looked young, his face clear of any lines and his
stance secure and proud.

Hash pulled Owen down the stairs, then briefly left Owen’s side

to hug the mysterious young man. Owen experienced a weird pang of
jealousy as he watched the scene. In truth, he had no hold over Hash
and no right to control the other man’s actions. But he remembered
the strength of Hash’s arms from earlier and he wanted that again, and
only for himself.

Thankfully, Hash released the stranger from his embrace and

nodded at Owen. “This is Owen, the man I told you about, and these
are Alcharr and Yane,” he told the stranger. Turning toward them, he
added, “This is Fayre. He’s a dear friend of mine, from a long, long
time ago.”

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Fayre beamed at them. “I’ve heard a lot about you all. I’m so glad

Hash found what he was looking for.”

Owen blinked, uncertain as to how to reply to that. He didn’t

know anything about Fayre, and he couldn’t understand the undertone
of the man’s words. Stumped, he finally said, “I’m happy to meet
you, too.” He did his best not to stare, since it became apparent that in
spite of Fayre’s odd eyes, the young man could obviously see.

“Thank you for agreeing to see us,” Alcharr said politely.
“It means a lot to us,” Yane added. “Your help is much


Thankfully, Fayre seemed to be satisfied with that. He smiled

once again and gestured for them to follow him. “So, tell me more
about the problems in the plague lands.”

“We don’t know a lot,” Yane answered, “other than that the magic

is fading. It seems the wyrms can get closer. A source told us a certain
crystal involved in keeping the enchantment up is in danger.”

Owen noticed the way Yane avoided mentioning Sassaki, and

appreciated it. Even if Fayre looked willing to help, the walls could
have ears. They couldn’t be sure of anything yet. Anxiety coursed
through him. Had they done the right thing in leaving Sassaki behind?
The wyrm had insisted he would be all right, and he would not be able
to leave without his family noticing. That was probably true, but what
if something happened while Owen and the others were away? Who
would help Sassaki? His one friend, the mer, could do very little
against a wyrm bent on destruction.

He only realized he’d missed a good part of the conversation

when Alcharr squeezed his shoulder. “…can probably help you,”
Fayre was saying.

Owen gave Alcharr a sheepish look, but the other man just looked

concerned. “So this man who can help us—your brother, you said—
where can we find him?” Alcharr asked, providing Owen with a brief
summary of the chat in the process.

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Fayre would be referring them to someone else, then. The

wizard—undoubtedly, he was a wizard—sighed. “Alas, people like
him are quite reclusive. Older wizards often are. But I did talk to him
and managed to extract a promise. We established a meeting point.
I’ll take you there.”

As Fayre spoke, they reached the end of the corridor they were

currently walking through. Owen shielded his eyes as bright rays
assaulted him. It wasn’t as strong as the one they’d come through, but
rather like the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

And indeed, when his vision cleared, Owen found himself staring

at the clear ocean. Unlike in the plague lands, the waters were blue
and shining, even more so than in Almareya. They looked almost
magical, and Owen wouldn’t have been surprised if, indeed, the sea
held enchantments hidden in its depth.

Before Owen could admire the beautiful landscape any further,

Fayre gestured them to a small boat. “Come on. My brother tends to
be impatient.”

They jumped on the boat, and Owen realized it seemed strangely

translucent. Beneath it, Owen spotted fish swimming in the clear
waters, sea vegetation, the view so clear it could have been through a
window. He had a flashback of the one time he and Connor had gone
on a holiday together, back when they’d still been university students.
They’d chosen the seaside and managed to gather enough cash for a
tour much like this one. Connor…Where was his friend now? Was he
doing better than Owen?

Shaking himself, Owen looked away from the water just in time to

watch the corridor they’d come through disappear into thin air. “Don’t
worry,” Fayre said, as if guessing his anxiety. “It’s only a passage
leading into the astral plane. I’ll open it again for you when you need

“So this place, it’s not real?”

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Fayre laughed. “Of course it’s real. Everything wizards create is

real. It’s like a shadow of Uli, only through the filter of our magic.
That’s why we have presences in both worlds.”

Owen blinked. He could be sure he understood that, but then

again, he wasn’t a wizard. He couldn’t see a steering wheel or
anything else resembling controls for the boat, and Owen pretended
not to realize they might very well be drifting away into the
nothingness. He was comforted by the fact that Hash seemed to trust
Fayre’s abilities, but he still felt much better when the boat slowed
down. Another vessel waited for them, a muscular, silver-haired man
standing in the center of it.

“Finally,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for ages.”
He sounded pissed, but Fayre laughed lightly. “Don’t be like that,

Kyllian. These are my friends.”

There were introductions all around, and Kyllian swept his silver

eyes over them in a mix of bemusement and boredom. “So, I hear you
need my help in the plague lands,” he said without preamble. “Well, I
don’t do anything just because. I expect a reward.”

“Certainly,” Hash answered. “You’ll be richly compensated.”
Kyllian chuckled. “I don’t need money, dragon. Gold is useless

for me.” His silver gaze fixed on Owen. “However, your human is
interesting. Tell you what. I’ll trade you my services for one night
with him.”

For a few moments, nobody spoke. And then, the water around

them started to move in angry waves. A claw formed out of the ocean,
threateningly looming over the wizard. “How dare you?” Yane
snarled. “The very suggestion sickens me.”

The water shot toward Kyllian, but the wizard just waved a hand

and it dissipated. “You forget, nymph, that this is my realm.”

Hash and Alcharr shot into the air angrily. For the first time,

Owen saw bright burning wings shoot from Hash’s back. “Coward,”
Alcharr shouted. “Face us like a man instead of hiding behind your

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Kyllian looked bored. “I thought you wanted to use my tricks. I

just suggested a business deal. You’re free to take it or leave it.”

“Kyllian, they’re my friends,” Fayre said in a wounded tone.

“How can you even ask that?”

Kyllian sighed in exasperation. “Little brother, what they’re

asking for is no easy task. Believe me, I know.”

The conversation continued in a language Owen didn’t

understand. What in the world were they going to do? He was pretty
sure Hash didn’t have any other wizard friends. Apparently, they were
quite rare, and Fayre’s connection with Hash was unusual in itself.

Owen remembered the plague lands, the two-headed wyrm, and

the tired, sad people of Tanarak. He thought of Sassaki and the risk
the wyrm took in contacting Yane. He knew the wyrm was merely
trying to keep him safe, but this had become so much more now. It
was bigger than all of them, and it would influence Yane’s people for
ages to come.

At the same time, he wondered if Kyllian’s magic could create a

balance in the plague lands. Sassaki had mentioned the unfairness of
the situation, and Owen silently agreed. Perhaps he could bring it up.
But to do that, he needed to pay Kyllian’s price.

“Can you really help us?” he asked Kyllian.
Kyllian nodded. “I haven’t actually studied it, but it shouldn’t be

too hard to consolidate a protection spell. I will be able to tell you
more once I look into it.”

“I don’t want this war to continue,” Owen said softly. “Can you

help us find a way to stop it?”

For a few moments, Kyllian remained silent. “I can’t make any

promises on that,” he said. “Some things are beyond the power of one
individual. But I will do my best to aid you in whatever you need.”

Owen gulped. “All right then. We have a deal.”
“No,” Hash said. “Absolutely not. We took you here to keep you

safe, not to have some pervert force you into something you don’t
want. “

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Kyllian chuckled. “Never fear. Little Owen will enjoy everything

I do. And besides, if you hadn’t brought him along, I’d have never
agreed in the first place.”

They were stuck and they all knew it. They could go back and

ignore the situation, but how long would that last? The wyrms were
already planning an attack. It wouldn’t take long for Yane’s people to
be assaulted.

But the three men were beyond angry. “Owen, you can’t be

serious,” Alcharr whispered. “You don’t have to do this.”

Owen smiled, suddenly feeling at peace with his decision. “I do.”

* * * *

Kyllian watched the exchange between the human and his

companions with carefully hidden satisfaction. He’d known from the
moment he’d first seen the four that there was sexual tension there
and a tremendous power that just waited to be unleashed.

But his magic told him the union between his visitors was not

complete. They just needed a little nudge, and it was exactly what
Kyllian intended.

Clearing his throat, he said, “In a gesture of good faith, I will wait

for my payment until my part of the deal is complete.” Smirking, he
added, “But first, a sample.”

Before anyone else could answer, Kyllian jumped from his boat to

Fayre’s and took the human in his arms. The other three men were too
shocked to even move, but Kyllian threw a shield around them,
regardless. Just in time, too, as seconds later, Alcharr’s claws raked
the surface of the energy bubble.

Smirking, Kyllian ignored the attack and focused on Owen. His

eyes were wide, beautiful, and fearful, and Kyllian wanted him so
badly it hurt. “Don’t fear me, little human,” he whispered. “I won’t
hurt you.”

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Owen nodded, still hesitant but a bit less tense. Unable to resist

the temptation, Kyllian pressed his mouth to Owen’s. He licked
across the seam of the human’s lips, coaxing them open. Immediately,
Owen complied, and Kyllian drew him closer, loving the young
man’s instinctual reply.

Their tongues tangled as Kyllian took possession of Owen’s

mouth. He plundered the wet cavern, exploring each recess. Owen let
out a small moan, and it aroused Kyllian even further. Images of
Owen tied down and at his mercy flashed through his mind, and he
ravaged Owen’s lips, frustrated with the knowledge that he could not
take what he wanted, not just yet, at least.

They broke apart when the need to breathe forced them to.

Kyllian’s cock throbbed in need at the feel of the soft, warm body
against him. He pulled Owen closer, keeping a strong hold on Owen.
He slipped a hand between them and reached down to cup Owen’s
prick. The human fidgeted and tried to get away, but he was hard and
responding to every touch from Kyllian.

“Stand still, little human, or else I might fuck you right here in

front of your men.”

Owen’s face flushed, and Kyllian read both shame and arousal in

his blue eyes. Owen wanted what Kyllian promised, but he felt guilty
for doing so. Kyllian could not push any further today without
wrecking the whole thing.

As such, Kyllian released Owen from his hold. “They want you,

but they’re afraid,” he told Owen. “Remember that.” Surprise flashed
on the human’s face, but Kyllian didn’t give him time to ask any
questions. He allowed the shield around them to fall. Almost
immediately, the three men attempted to attack him. To Kyllian’s
surprise, Owen stepped in front of him. “We have a deal now,” he
said softly. “Don’t get angry on my behalf. There’s no going back.”

Hash’s nostrils flared, his eyes burning coals of anger. The water

around them swirled, Yane’s power threatening to push them over the
edge of the boat. Alcharr spread his wings out threateningly. Still,

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none of them moved, and life seemed to drain out of them. Their
shoulders slumped, and Hash pulled Owen close. “Okay,” he said,
while caressing Owen’s hair. “Okay. We’ll see what happens.”

Judging by Hash’s tone, the man didn’t intend to allow Kyllian to

set another finger on Owen. For the moment, Kyllian was satisfied
with that. Time would decide how this little project would end up.

“If you’ve made your decision, we should go,” Fayre said softly.

“There’s not much time.”

Kyllian mentally sighed. His brother was clearly upset with him

for his request. He’d have to talk to Fayre soon, sometime when the
other men weren’t around.

“Okay, then,” he said, trying to sound cheerful. “Here we go.”
Since he was older and stronger than Fayre, he created a larger

boat that allowed them to have a reasonable amount of space between
each other. He knew the four men needed some time to process what
they, or rather, what Owen had agreed upon. The trip continued in
silence while Kyllian led them to the rift through which they’d come.

The men jumped out of the boat and climbed into the corridor that

would lead them back to Uli. “What about you?” Owen asked.
“Aren’t you coming?”

Kyllian shook his head. “The crystal is here, in the astral plane,”

he explained. “It’s here where I need to work.”

Owen’s companions frowned at him in nearly identical

expressions. “How do we know you won’t cheat us?” Yane asked.

“I’ll stay behind,” Hash said. “I’m knowledgeable with magic.”
Hash hugged Owen and the other men, then jumped in the boat.

Kyllian would have been pissed at the blatant distrust, but he
supposed he hadn’t made a very good impression on the men by
demanding Owen for himself.

As Fayre and the remaining three disappeared into the corridor,

Kyllian turned toward the shape-shifter. “Brace yourself. It’s going to
be a wild ride.”

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* * * *

“What do you mean you agreed on giving Owen to some wizard?”

Sassaki snarled at Yane. “I told you to look after him. Can’t you at
least do that?”

Night had fallen over Tanarak, the sky clouded like always, hiding

the stars. He’d waited for one week, one endless week for the four
men to return. Every day, he’d watched Tanarak, yearning to see
Owen once again. Finally, this evening, he’d noticed Yane and Owen
return. He’d been puzzled by the absence of Hash and Alcharr, and
even then, he’d sensed something was wrong. Even so, the last thing
he’d expected was for Yane to tell him about the deal they’d made, a
trade-off between Owen’s happiness and the plague lands’ safety.

The nymph opened his mouth to answer, but Owen stopped him.

“It’s my fault.” He gave Sassaki a pleading look. “Please understand.
Yane had nothing to do with this decision.”

Sassaki looked away from his mate. The beach was silent and

lonely, and all of a sudden, Sassaki felt like he couldn’t breathe. For
the first time in his life, he wanted to shift and kill. He would not
accept this. He would rather die.

Yane scowled back. “I assure you, I’m not very happy with the

situation either.”

It was easy for Yane to say that. After all, no matter what choice

was made, he won. His people would continue to be protected. But
the very point of Sassaki’s involvement in this had been to keep
Owen away from all harm.

“No.” He shook his head furiously. “I refuse.”
“There’s no going back now,” Owen answered. “The wizard is

already in the plague lands, studying the enchantment.”

“I don’t care.” Sassaki fumed. “I’ve only ever cared about keeping

you safe. I don’t want any part of this war.”

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Owen seemed disappointed. “Sassaki, you’re part of it, whether

you like it or not. You told me that your people are banished into the
polluted waters. Maybe we can work things out with Kyllian’s help.”

Yane didn’t comment, so Sassaki surmised this wasn’t the first

time the topic had come up. Unfortunately, Owen’s view was
idealistic. If a war could be ended just by the involvement of one
wizard, there would be very little conflicts on Uli, or any other world.

But Owen looked so eager and so hopeful that Sassaki didn’t have

it in him to say no. He tried to squelch his anger and said, “All right.
So where is this Kyllian?” He looked around the beach and
considered. “Then again, where are Alcharr and Hash?”

He had to admit that in the short time he’d spent with the men,

he’d become fond of them, even of Yane, his longtime enemy. To see
Alcharr and Hash gone disconcerted him. “Hash went with Kyllian to
deal with the crystal,” Owen answered. “As for Alcharr, he just said
he had trouble at home.”

Yane looked uncomfortable, and Sassaki detected a story there, a

lie, something Owen didn’t know of. He recalled the famous alliance
between the eagles and the dryads. With everything that was going
on, he’d completely forgotten about Yane’s wedding.

He narrowed his eyes at Yane, silently telling the other man to

speak to Owen. He’d noticed Owen’s fondness for Yane—how could
he not?—and he knew keeping Owen in the dark was unfair, to all of
them. So far, Sassaki had been very accepting about this odd
situation, but he refused to allow anyone to use Owen. On that note,
he’d have a little word with this Kyllian. Perhaps he could convince
the wizard to change his mind. The liberal application of fang always
did the trick.

“So what now?” he asked, feeling a bit more reassured.
“We have to pretend nothing’s wrong, at least until we hear from

Kyllian,” the nymph answered in a low voice. His deep blue eyes
seemed to send Sassaki a message. I’ll tell him.

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Mentally sighing, Sassaki caressed Owen’s cheek. On impulse, he

hugged Yane. The nymph’s warmth felt strangely familiar, but
Sassaki didn’t allow himself to dwell too much on it. It would be

“I’m going back,” he told the two men. “If I find anything else,

I’ll let you know.”

Owen and Yane waved at him as Sassaki returned to the dark

waters. When he felt certain they couldn’t see him, he shifted into his
wyrm form. He wanted everyone to leave him alone, and the best way
to ensure that was to stay like this.

Upset, he curled at the bottom of the ocean, wondering and

remembering. Could Owen be right? Could they have a chance at

The sound of a familiar voice drew him out of his musings. “What

are you doing, son?”

His mother’s figure appeared in front of him. Great, just great.

She was probably among the few who dared to approach him while he
stayed in wyrm form. She’d opted to be discreet and chose her legged
form, but that didn’t make her any less intimidating.

“You’ve been odd lately,” she commented when he didn’t answer.

Sassaki gave her a look, and Lota added, “Well, son, speak. What’s
on your mind?”

For a brief second, Sassaki considered telling her everything. He

disliked keeping secrets from his mother. She was the only one who’d
always stood by his side. But then, he’d have to tell her about his odd
relationship with Yane, about Alcharr, and Hash, and Kyllian. It
would be a mess.

Turning into his normal form, he shook his head and answered,

“Nothing, Mother. Just feeling out of sorts.”

She reached for him and took his hand. Her palm felt strikingly

warm, something he found strange given their reptilian blood. But
then again, his mother always seemed warm to him. Perhaps it wasn’t
even a physical thing, but rather the affection she lavished upon him.

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Did he dare tell her about Owen? He wanted to. He wanted to share
this with the person who’d always been by his side, but he was scared.

“You’re hiding something from me,” she said, her expression

closing off. “You’ve never done so before.”

“Mother, I—”
“Enough,” his mother interrupted him. “We’ve been pretending

nothing is wrong for far too long. I’m willing to accept that you do
not wish to act like your brothers. But these secrets you keep…What
is it that you want to hide?”

She sounded stern, but behind her chilly demeanor, Sassaki sensed

hurt. Still, he feared for his mate, and for Yane, as well. He didn’t
know how he could possibly make someone of his own kind
understand the situation.

“It’s nothing, Mother,” he repeated. “I just need some time alone.”
Saying goodbye to Lota, Sassaki swam away. His entire being

screamed for him to return to the surface and to Owen, but he knew
better. His mother already suspected something. If he wasn’t careful,
she could find out about Owen. Would he ever be able to be with his
mate? He didn’t know the answer, and he was afraid of it.

* * * *

After Sassaki disappeared into the water, Owen turned toward

Yane, still puzzled. He felt there were many things they weren’t
telling him. Yane looked very thoughtful, and there seemed to have
been a silent exchange between him and Sassaki that Owen couldn’t
quite grasp.

“What is it, Yane? What’s bothering you?”
At first, Yane didn’t answer. It occurred to Owen that it could be

any of the things happening lately, from the sudden threat to the
plague lands to Kyllian’s appearance. But somehow, Owen thought it
was more than that.

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Frustrated, he moved into Yane’s personal space and pressed their

bodies close. He was sick of dancing around the subject. If Yane and
the others didn’t intend to do anything about it, he would.

Yes, it seemed crazy. For all Owen knew, it might even be an

elaborate hallucination, a dream his fucked-up imagination had come
up with. But Owen had taken a lot of risk throughout his life, mostly
with all the wrong men. He’d take a chance again. He had a feeling
Yane was worth it.

Without allowing himself to change his mind, Owen pressed his

lips to Yane’s. Because of the difference in heights, Owen found
himself forced to stand on his tiptoes to reach Yane’s lips. But he did
take the other man by surprise. Their kiss was gentle, close-mouthed,
and with restrained passion. Owen wanted more, but instead of
yielding, Yane pushed away from him.

“Owen, stop,” he panted out. “I need to tell you something. But

not here.”

Owen gave Yane a curious look but didn’t get the chance to ask.

The other man started dragging him away from the beach and in the
direction of Tanarak. Owen could do nothing but follow, even if he
still felt confused and hurt over the obvious rejection. What could
Yane possibly want to tell him? What was he hiding?

Yane took them to his living space, the small home he owned in

the port town. Owen had also received a spot here, since sleeping
anyplace else would have been even more awkward. As soon as the
door of the house shut behind them, Owen reached for Yane again.
“Wait. What’s going on? Please tell me.”

He hated the trembling of his own voice, but he couldn’t keep it in

check. Yane gave him a pained look.

“Owen, I…I’m engaged.”
“To Alcharr?” Owen asked. He’d suspected something was going

on between the two. Oddly, he didn’t mind. He liked Alcharr, and he
thought the eagle could make Yane happy. But that didn’t explain the
connection between them. Could it be just in his mind? “I’m sorry if I

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was out of line. I don’t mean to get between you two. I just want to
understand what’s going on.”

Yane shook his head. “I…It’s not Alcharr.” He paused, as if he

were having trouble speaking. “It’s his brother, Valderr, an arranged
marriage for the benefit of our nations. But you’re right about one
thing. Alcharr is my lover.”

Owen blinked in shock. He plopped down on Yane’s bed, too

astonished to even speak. Out of everything Yane could have said,
this was the last thing Owen expected. “So…you’re cheating on your
fiancé with Alcharr?”

He couldn’t disguise his dismay at the thought. He’d never

imagined Yane and Alcharr being guilty of such a deceitful thing. But
perhaps there were circumstances involved Owen didn’t know about.
He shouldn’t judge without knowing all the facts. “Please tell me you
have a good reason.”

Yane sighed and sat next to Owen. “We’re in love, Owen. But we

can’t be together because the alliance requires me to wed Valderr. I
just…I thought you should know.”

The pain in Yane’s voice reached out to Owen, and he realized

how wrong he’d been. He took Yane’s hand in his own and squeezed
it. “It’s all right,” he whispered. “There’s always a way.”

He didn’t intend the caress to be any more than a friendly support,

but it turned out completely different. He didn’t know which one of
them reached for the other first. The next thing he registered was
Yane’s lips crashing against his. As if through a dream, he wrapped
his arms around the other man’s neck. He parted his lips, allowing
Yane entrance, and the nymph’s tongue invaded his mouth, exploring
and devouring. Yane change their positions on the bed, pushing Owen
down and keeping their bodies close together. Their kiss broke briefly
for the seconds they needed to breathe, then continued as if it had
never stopped.

Yane’s hands worked at his clothes, tearing the material to pieces.

Owen gladly yielded to the assault, the need to be skin to skin so

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intense it hurt. Before he could do so, however, Yane lifted his head
and pulled away.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Yane said, panting. “It’s not right.”
Owen nodded. His cock throbbed with desire, but he didn’t want

to push Yane more than he already had. Yane loved Alcharr and he
was engaged. They’d just talked about it, for fuck’s sake. Sex would
just complicate things.

He tried to move away, but to his surprise, Yane pushed him back

down. “I can’t. I can’t let you go. Gods help me, but I can’t do it.”

Owen’s eyes widened as Yane descended upon him again.

Impossibly, the kiss seemed to be even hungrier, more frantic. Owen
knew he should put a stop to it before it was too late, but he could not
have given it up to save his life.

He wrapped his legs around Yane’s waist, rubbing against the

other man in wanton despair. Yane groaned, and faster than Owen
could even process, he removed the rest of Owen’s clothing. “Now
you,” Owen croaked out. “Clothes. Off. Need. Skin.”

Yane chuckled breathlessly but obeyed. He pulled away from

Owen to get rid of his shirt, breeches, and boots. Owen watched
greedily as every inch of Yane’s glorious body was revealed. His
mouth watered, and he didn’t even think of holding back. He pressed
his mouth to the first patch of skin he could reach, laving it with his
tongue. Yane’s taste, the flavor he still had on his tongue from their
kisses, emanated from his body, salty and wild, like the sea itself.
Yane groaned, a tortured sound that Owen almost mistook for pain.
The look in Yane’s eyes told him differently, though, as did Yane
himself moments later. “I want you so badly, Owen,” the nymph
whispered. “I have to be inside you.”

And then, there were no words, just the sweet sounds of male

pleasure. Yane’s hands caressed Owen’s chest, his lips exploring
Owen’s face and neck as his fingers tweaked Owen’s nipples. The
nymph’s caresses made all the confusion go away. Owen simply
surrendered to the pleasure, reveling in his soon-to-be lover’s touch.

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Yane’s tongue traveled from his neck to his chest as the nymph

moved down his body. He tasted every inch of Owen’s skin, a
seduction of the senses, slow like the caress of the warm ocean in the
eye of the storm. Sexual energy sizzled over them, but Yane kept
every motion gentle, almost worshipful. Owen arched against him,
needing to touch and to be touched in return. He thrust his hips up,
wordlessly indicating to Yane where he wanted him to be.

Yane chuckled. “Impatient, are we?”
Owen let out a disgruntled groan, but it morphed into a strangled

gasp when Yane’s nimble fingers cupped his balls. It was a promise
meant to tantalize, not bring him over. Or was it? The wicked touch
traveled to Owen’s taint, rubbing the sensitive zone, making him
dizzy with lust. His hole clenched, waiting for the invasion that didn’t
come, but needing it more and more.

Yane’s face was so close to Owen’s dick he could actually feel the

nymph’s breath tickling the sensitive skin in a moist caress. Owen
couldn’t take it anymore. He threaded his fingers through Yane’s soft
hair and tried to push Yane’s mouth where he most wanted it to be.
Yane allowed him to do so. Wet warmth engulfed Owen’s dick, and
he howled in pleasure as sensation assaulted him.

This time, Yane didn’t tease. He bobbed his head up and down

Owen’s dick, tracing the thickest vein with his tongue. When he
returned at the head, he greedily sucked the glans, his moans
illustrating his enjoyment. The sweet noise sent delicious vibrations
through Owen’s dick, pleasure pooling in his balls. All the while,
Yane’s clever fingers continued to work him. Owen was so lost in the
ecstasy he almost missed the moment a wet digit rubbed at his anus.

Distantly, Owen asked himself where the humidity came from

before he remembered Yane’s nymph nature gave him the ability to
command water. Convenient.

Still, water wasn’t exactly known for its lubricant properties, and

the penetration of the finger burned a little. It had been a while for
him. His last failure of a relationship made him doubt his own

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abilities in ever finding the right man. He’d just needed to go to
another world to achieve his goal, because being with Yane certainly
felt right.

Yane’s mouth on him helped him relax his body, and soon, he

found himself taking the digit and wanting more. Much to his dismay,
though, the finger left his body and Yane began to move away. Owen
moaned in protest. “Please. Don’t. I need…”

He knew he was being incoherent, but the mere thought that Yane

would stop now scared him. Yane pressed a light kiss on his nose.
“Give me a second. I just need something to prepare you with.”

And with that, he was gone. Owen blinked, half expecting this to

be only a dream. But before the haze of arousal could even vanish,
Yane returned to the bed, carrying a vial with him. “Relax,” he
whispered. “I won’t let you go.”

Yane poured some transparent liquid on his fingers, and Owen

took his cue. He spread his legs and lifted them as far as he could,
exposing his hole to Yane’s gaze. The nymph groaned, and two
fingers penetrated Owen’s opening. With the oil slicking the way,
Owen took them easier. He kept his eyes on Yane, on the play of
muscles of Yane’s chest, on his beautiful hair and eyes. He thought
about how much he wanted Yane’s cock inside him. He thought about
Sassaki, Hash, and Alcharr. Oddly, they were all in his heart, and he
wanted them with him. Yane understood that. Yane loved Alcharr,
and even if he’d been hostile toward Sassaki and Hash, the tense
attitude had gradually disappeared. And then, there was Kyllian. He
remembered Kyllian’s strange words, comforting and completely
clashing with everything Kyllian had ever done. They want you, but
they’re afraid.
Well, Owen wouldn’t be afraid. He’d embrace this, no
matter what happened.

With this decision came renewed acceptance, and his body

swallowed up Yane’s fingers. Yane gently stretched him, and Owen
began to move, fucking himself on the invading digits. “More,” he
panted. “Give me more.”

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Yane used more lubricant and added another finger. Owen’s flesh

yielded with ease, demanding a stronger, more forceful penetration.
The urge became unbearable when Yane hit his prostate and
mercilessly rubbed the spongy gland.

“Oh, God,” he gasped out. “Please, Yane. Please.”
Yane didn’t acknowledge his request in any way, but seconds later

he removed his fingers. He positioned his cock at Owen’s opening
and pushed. Owen clung to his lover’s shoulders as he rode out the
initial pain. Yane was well-endowed, and Owen had not been with
anyone in quite a while. But simply the knowledge of who was taking
him made the pain turn to pleasure.

At last, Yane slid home, fully impaling Owen on his cock, so deep

Owen thought he would feel the nymph forever inside him. At first he
took it slow. He moved his hips in a rotating motion, making his cock
stretch Owen’s body, giving Owen time to adjust. Owen whimpered
as the light touches stimulated his prostate. He embedded his finger
nails in Yane’s skin, wordlessly begging for more.

Yane’s blue eyes went nearly black like a stormy sea. He pulled

out of Owen and thrust back in so hard Owen saw stars. He gasped,
wondering if he was even going to survive this. His prostate was in
fucking heaven. His cock throbbed, and his climax threatened to
overcome him any minute now. He’d been at the edge ever since
Yane started to touch him, and he felt like he would explode if he
didn’t come soon.

But Owen forced it back, never wanting this moment to end. Yane

continued to thrust in and out of his body, harder and harder, until
Owen lost track of anything except the delicious burn and the
tormenting pleasure. Slideshows of faces flashed through his mind,
aching for the men he acknowledged as his to share this moment. And
throughout it all, Yane used him, fucked him, loved him, drove him
crazy with each perfectly aimed motion.

His anus was stretched to capacity, beautifully so. In the

circumstances, Owen didn’t have a chance of keeping himself in

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check for much longer. His pleasure peaked and with a cry, he came,
sending thick ropes of pearly cum all over his chest. Yane’s
answering growl signaled the imminence of his orgasm, and moments
later, Owen felt heat flood his channel.

Yane collapsed on top of him, pressing featherlight kisses over his

neck and face. A slight hiss of water flowed over Owen’s skin,
cleaning him in mere instants. He cuddled at Yane’s side and closed
his eyes. In his mind, the memory of Yane’s confession still lingered.
But he’d deal with that later, much later.

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Chapter Five

Alcharr flew through the clouds, furious and frustrated. It was a

particularly hot day, and Kyllian’s unreasonable demands still rang
out in his head. His wings hurt with the speed he’d gone at, but still,
he continued at the same rhythm. Over and over, he saw the moment
Kyllian had kissed Owen—and gods, he hated it. He’d been
powerless to help his…Owen.

Distress passed through him as he realized Owen wasn’t really his

anything. He’d had many chances to try to approach the odd attraction
between them, but neither him nor the other men did anything about
it. He wished he could have stayed in the plague lands with Yane and
Owen, or at least gone to help Hash. The gods only knew what other
tricks Kyllian had up his sleeve.

For the moment, though, he had other worries, namely his father.

He hoped Amadeus hadn’t figured out where he’d gone. It was the
last thing he needed right now.

Soon, his city loomed in front of him, the golden buildings shining

in the sun. Lately, the sight that once made his heart soar simply
disgusted him.

Few people knew the engines that held The Golden Thrones

floating were failing. Unlike dragons, eagles were not creatures of
magic. They used science to keep their city afloat. But with the flood,
the lack of fuel had become a severe problem. They’d tried to temper
the consumption of the engines, but it was only a matter of time until
the engines died altogether.

This was why the alliance with the dryads meant so much. The

dryads managed to tap into the wellspring of energy of the earth and

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healed a small part of the plague lands. They could provide fuel for
The Golden Thrones. But the price they had to pay seemed too steep,
and not only for Alcharr, Yane, and Valderr. A battle with wyrms
would undoubtedly bring about losses in their ranks.

With all these concerns rotating in his mind, Alcharr landed on the

wide palace terrace. His entire being just wanted to retreat back from
where he’d come, but from this battle, he could not retreat. He’d
managed to evade his father for a few days, but Amadeus would
require his presence now.

Just as he thought this, he noticed Valderr’s slender figure appear

from the doorway ahead. Alcharr met his sibling halfway and hugged
him tight. “How have you been, little brother?” he asked.

“It’s horrible.” Valderr buried his face in Alcharr’s chest, sniffing.

“Father means to push up the wedding. Connor won’t even be here by
then. And gods, brother, I don’t want to get married.”

Alcharr felt guilty for all the times he’d unwillingly blamed his

brother for his separation from Yane. “There’s more,” Valderr
whispered, “but I can’t tell you here. It’s not safe.”

As if to confirm Valderr’s words, their father emerged from the

halls beyond. He smiled at Alcharr, but his eyes were cold chips of
ice. “Hello, son. Welcome back.”

Alcharr broke away from his sibling and bowed in front of his

father. “Greetings, My King. It’s always nice to be home.”

Amadeus ushered him inside, with Valderr following silently

behind them. “So tell me, son, any news as to who kidnapped your

Alcharr shook his head. He trusted Sassaki with regard to the

wyrms’ lack of involvement in it, but he couldn’t exactly tell his
father that. “There is no news,” he answered.

For a few moments, Amadeus didn’t speak. Alcharr expected his

father to have an outburst of anger on Valderr’s behalf, but it didn’t
happen. Instead, he hummed thoughtfully. “I can’t say I’m surprised.
They covered their tracks well.”

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It wasn’t a reproach directed at Alcharr, but still it bothered him.

He didn’t have the time to say anything though, as his father
continued, “At any rate, we’re focusing on the wedding now. It’s in a
couple of days, so there is a lot to do.”

Alcharr gaped in disbelief. A couple of days? Sure, his brother

had suggested something similar in their brief exchange, but that was
pushing it, especially after the ordeal Valderr had gone through.

“Father, with all due respect, shouldn’t we take our time with this

ceremony? It’s a very important event.”

Amadeus froze and turned to stare at him. “Are you questioning

me, boy?”

The hostility took Alcharr by surprise. Their father had never been

particularly kind, but neither had he hurt them in any way. The way
Amadeus spoke now almost suggested an underlying threat. “I’m
merely pointing out my opinion, Father,” he answered.

“Did your little brother come crying to you?” he asked mockingly,

throwing a glare over Alcharr’s shoulder. “Don’t bother. I don’t want
your opinion, boy. Just close your mouth and do what I say.”

Without further ado, the king turned and started to walk again.

Alcharr tasted bitter humiliation in his mouth as he started to follow.
His father never treated him and Valderr like this, not even when the
marriage had first been established. For crying out loud, they were
still in the hallway and all the servants could hear the unpleasant

By some miracle, his father suddenly turned and said, “Just go. I

don’t want to see your faces.”

Even if being pushed away like this hurt, Alcharr was thankful for

it. He bowed in front of his father, mumbled a formal good-bye, and
dragged his little brother out of the palace. They flew off the terrace
and into the clouds. Alcharr wordlessly led Valderr out of the city but
didn’t go too far before he stopped. He didn’t know if there were still
hostiles watching Valderr, waiting to strike.

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They descended toward the surface and found a small patch of

land that, according to Alcharr’s history lessons, had once been a
small hill. There were similar spots all throughout Uli, like scars
reminding them their world hadn’t always been like this.

They landed on the ground, and Valderr sat on a rock, biting his

lip in the endearing way that reminded Alcharr of their childhood
years. “Do you remember when you found me on Connor’s boat and
Father saw into my mind?”

Alcharr nodded. How could he forget? He’d gone on a hunt for

supposed Imperium offenders, and he’d been reunited with his brother

“Well, our minds touched then—mine and Father’s,” Valderr

continued. “And it felt so odd. For a minute there, it seemed he was
hiding something.”

He gave Alcharr a desperate look. “I might have thought it was

just me, but now he’s acting like this with you, too. He’s become a
stranger, and I just don’t know what to believe. You’re the only one I
can trust.”

Alcharr felt awful. His brother’s words were like a dagger

piercing his heart. After all, he’d betrayed Valderr more than anyone
else. For several years, he’d been fucking Valderr’s fiancé.

Alcharr knelt at his brother’s feet and took his hand. “I’m not sure

I’m worthy of that trust,” he whispered.

Valderr gave him a wide-eyed look. “W–What do you mean?”
“I have a confession to make.” Alcharr gulped, anxiety coursing

through him. “I’m in love.”

His sibling’s expression of anxiety disappeared in a wide smile.

“That’s wonderful. Who is she? Do I know her?”

Of course, Valderr assumed Alcharr would want to wed a woman,

since he was expected to sire heirs. It only made Alcharr’s next words
even more difficult. “His name is Yane and he is a nymph.”

Silence. Total and utter silence. Alcharr suppressed a wince.

Finally, Valderr whispered, “Yanentah? My fiancé?”

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Alcharr nodded and dared to speak again. “I know I shouldn’t

have lied, but the circumstances are just so awful.”

He looked into Valderr’s blue eyes, for the first time uncertain of

what his little brother thought. In many ways, Valderr was so much
braver than him, but the kidnapping had affected him greatly. Alcharr
hated adding another thing on top of this mess, but if he continued to
hide this secret, it would just grow in a hideous, purulent wound that
could never be healed.

All of a sudden, Valderr threw his arms around his neck. “I’m so

sorry,” he said. “If it weren’t for me, you’d be able to be with your
loved one.”

That was, indeed, the case, but the fault didn’t stand with Valderr.

Alcharr hugged his sibling. “Don’t ever say that. I love both you and
Yane. We’ll find a way to make things work.”

For the longest time, they sat there, embracing, finding comfort in

each other’s presence. Alcharr found himself telling his brother about
Owen, and his brother showed quite a lot of enthusiasm in hearing
about it. He didn’t speak of the crystal or the plan involving the damn
wizard, but he still felt a bit more relieved that his brother had taken
the news of his relationship with Yane well.

He didn’t know how long they remained there, but their chat

abruptly came to an end when Alcharr sensed someone approach.
Above them, a couple of guards loomed. “Your Highnesses, His
Majesty requires your presence,” one of them said.

Mentally sighing, Alcharr nodded. He needed to come up with a

plan. If Valderr was right, something was amiss in their kingdom, too,
not only in the plague lands. And for Alcharr’s part, he didn’t believe
in coincidences.

“We’re coming,” he told the guards. “Go on ahead.”
The guards obeyed and flew off. Hugging Valderr once again,

Alcharr whispered, “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to Yane. We’ll figure
something out, even if we have to go against Father.”

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Valderr gave him a wide-eyed look. “But what about the dryads?

We’re supposed to be leaving for their palace in two days.”

Two days? Fuck. Talk about a rushed wedding. Why were the

dryads and Amadeus suddenly so intent in hastening it? It had to be
because of the crystal. They needed the alliance before the crystal
failed them and the wyrms attacked.

Still, there had to be a way. Alcharr refused to give up on Yane,

and Valderr deserved better than a loveless marriage. If push came to
shove, he’d just wed Yane himself. He’d deal with the issue of the
heirs later on. Eagles weren’t crazy about surrogate mothers, but
perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider it.

Even as he thought this, Alcharr knew his father would never

agree. Well, too fucking bad. This time, Alcharr would not allow
Amadeus to rule his life, not if it meant losing his love.

There was one more thing he needed to make sure of. “Little

brother, don’t mention Owen to Father. It’s very important, okay?”

Valderr nodded. “I already grasped that. Don’t worry. I won’t say

a word.”

Unfortunately, they couldn’t linger there any longer. They flew

off the small strip of land and headed back toward the city. All the
while, Alcharr wondered what other plans Amadeus had for them. He
needed to make arrangements with Yane to fight this. There was too
much at stake to simply go with it.

* * * *

“Fucking hell…This is the crystal?”
Hash stared at the accumulation of energy in disbelief. It was

roughly of a diamond-like shape, and even bigger than Hash himself
in shifted form. Odd shocks of light crackled all around it, emanating
from its surface into the water around it.

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Kyllian had stopped the boat quite a distance away and seemed to

be contemplating the huge object. When Hash spoke, the wizard
turned toward him. “I need you to do something for me.”

Hash arched a brow. “As long as it helps.”
Kyllian looked almost absent. “It will,” he answered. “I just need

you to shift into your second form and approach the crystal.”

Hash found the request odd. He couldn’t shift in the plague lands.

How did Kyllian expect him to do so this close to the source of the
enchantment? Nevertheless, he tried to change into his second form.
Unsurprisingly, he failed. He could sense the powerful energies
coming from the crystal reining him in like an unbreakable leash.

“I can’t,” he told Kyllian, unable to keep the frustration from his

tone. “It’s impossible.”

Kyllian shook his head and turned toward him. “What’s

impossible is this thing. This crystal…It’s not just a binding
enchantment, Has’hendral. It’s so much more than that. How did I
never know about it?”

Hash didn’t like the sound of that. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“This, my friend, is the reason why the waters around Tanarak

have never cleared and the plague lands never healed.” Kyllian turned
and gave Hash a serious look. “The dryads might have wanted the
wyrms off their land, but they made a terrible trade in doing so.”

For a few moments, Hash didn’t understand exactly what the

wizard meant. But dragons were creatures of magic, and he focused
on the crystal, trying to figure out what Kyllian meant. In mere
moments, he saw it as well. The light seemed to morph into dark
energies that flowed beyond this plane and into the next. With his
mind’s eye, Hash saw the plague lands being swallowed in the deadly
shield, keeping the shape-shifting magic at bay.

It was a shield against life, he realized, the only type of

enchantment that could possibly keep their power at bay. How had he
never grasped it? The spell on the plague lands had always puzzled
him, but he’d never considered such a thing could exist.

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“This is dark magic,” Kyllian said. “We need to go talk to your

friends. I’m not fixing this.”

Hash couldn’t blame the wizard. He himself felt reluctant to go

through with the original plan now. What in the world was going on?
What did the plague lands really hide?

He nodded wordlessly, still staring at the dark crystal. Just the

sight of it gave him the shivers. He could definitely believe this thing
had something to do with the death of Yane’s lands.

Kyllian started to maneuver the boat back the way they’d come.

They moved away from the evil thing, but Hash wasn’t really relieved
until they lost sight of the crystal.

“So what now?” he asked.
“We’re going to my home,” Kyllian said. “Perhaps we can find

something on this type of magic in my books. Then, we need to let
your friends know of the problem. Perhaps by that time, we’ll realize
what we’re dealing with.”

Hash suspected Kyllian had a clue as to what exactly they were

facing, but didn’t ask. Even if he disliked the wizard for the trade he’d
suggested, he also sensed the other man was competent in his field of
work. Truth be told, he was somewhat relieved they hadn’t fixed the
crystal. He still needed to figure out a way around Kyllian’s request,
because he didn’t intend to just hand in his mate to the wizard.

Neither of them spoke during the trip. Hash watched the scenery

as it passed them by. The boat seemed to go faster and faster until
everything around them became a blur. At one point, Hash swore
they’d started flying. Thankfully, he was used to such voyages, so he
just took it in stride, his mind still on Owen. He remembered Owen’s
hopeful voice and the way the human had spoken of the possibility of
fixing things between wyrms and dryads. Could it be done? What
would they do about the crystal? The situation seemed to be getting
out of hand. As soon as Hash returned to the plague lands, he’d steal
his mate and take him someplace safe. Even if he wanted to help,
endangering Owen wasn’t acceptable.

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He was so lost in his musings he almost missed the moment the

boat-aircraft finally began to slow down. “We’re here,” Kyllian said

The vehicle evaporated and they landed on what seemed to be a

balcony. Without another word, Kyllian went inside. Shrugging to
himself, Hash followed.

Kyllian’s home looked nothing like Hash expected. In fact, it

reminded Hash of the few times he’d been on Earth. The walls were
see-through glass and the tables transparent. The entire room held an
airy, uncluttered feel, even with the many tomes lining the walls.

There were also several comfortable-looking couches, and

beyond, a hall that seemed to lead to other rooms. Kyllian didn’t give
him the grand tour, though. He made a beeline for the bookshelf and
started browsing. Several tomes floated from the shelves and onto the
tables. “Start looking,” he told Hash. “We don’t have much time.”

The authority in Kyllian’s voice left no room for argument. For

whatever reason, Hash obeyed without comment. Kyllian also joined
him in his scrutinizing of the various books. Hash ignored his
inexplicable apprehension at the other man’s proximity, forced out the
desire to bash the wizard’s face, and focused on the tomes.

He didn’t know how much time passed while they worked in

silence. They briefly abandoned the research for a snack in the
kitchen and a quick wash, then returned to the books, keeping the
chatting to the minimum.

They registered little progress, although Hash still had the

impression Kyllian knew something he wasn’t saying. It frustrated
him beyond measure, especially since they were supposed to be
looking for information on this very delicate situation.

All that stopped mattering when he felt a glow of pleasure course

through him. He gasped, an image forming itself in his mind, that of
Owen writhing in another man’s arms. A name popped in his
consciousness. Yane. A mix of anger and arousal assaulted him, the
bitter jealousy and dismay he expected combining with something

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else entirely. He wanted to be there with them. He wanted to see Yane
touch Owen, and touch them both in turn.

However, his unreasonable desires didn’t matter in front of reality.

Yane was out of both his and Owen’s reach. He would soon get
married to Alcharr’s brother, something Hash had been studiously
trying to ignore. With Yane taking Owen to his bed, he couldn’t forgo
the situation any longer. It wouldn’t be fair to Owen. He deserved
better than getting his hopes up with a man who would eventually
leave him.

Besides, Hash was Owen’s mate. He held the right and the

privilege to protect Owen. So far, he’d failed abysmally, unable to get
his head wrapped around the complicated labyrinth of feelings that
involved five other men. But no longer. He had to intervene before
Owen got hurt.

Kyllian’s voice drew him out of his musings. “What is it?” the

wizard asked. “What happened? Is it Owen?”

Hash didn’t have to give any explanation to the wizard. And yet,

Kyllian sounded concerned, and oddly, Hash found himself pouring
his heart out at the other man. “He’s with Yane, in bed.

He had trouble even saying Owen was having sex with someone

else, but Kyllian understood, regardless. “Ah. He is your mate, then?”

Hash nodded, unsurprised Kyllian had put two and two together.

“But you did not claim him,” Kyllian continued.

Hash frowned at the wizard, noticing the unconcealed disapproval

in the other man’s tone. “He is human. He’s not ready for everything
that’s happening with him.”

Kyllian arched a brow. “Well, it seems someone considered him

ready. In the circumstances, you have no say in who he sleeps with,
whether it be Yane or me.”

The matter-of-fact tone made Hash see Kyllian truly took for

granted that he’d have Owen in his bed. “You do realize I won’t allow
you to touch him,” he said between gritted teeth. Yane was different.

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Yane…Yane would take care of Owen. He didn’t know how and why,
but Hash would wait to see what explanations the nymph offered. But
the wizard was an unknown factor in this equation, something Hash
could not accept.

Kyllian laughed. “Keep fooling yourself, Has’hendral. Perhaps if

you try hard enough, you’ll actually manage to think you can stop

Hash shot to his feet, furious. His mate’s arousal taunted his beast,

and without Owen there, Hash would have to unleash the primal
energies within him on Kyllian.

Flame licked over his skin as his wings burst from his back.

Kyllian looked nonplussed as he got up. “Careful now,” he said.
“These books are fragile.”

“You shouldn’t keep them around a fire dragon, then,” Hash


His voice sounded like a growl now, his instincts itching to be

released. He’d never been particularly good at keeping his beast in
check. Fire dragons were by nature impulsive, and Hash was no
exception. This time, he didn’t even try.

He lunged forward, straight at the damn wizard who’d gotten on

his nerves from the very moment of their meeting. Kyllian lifted a
shield between them, stopping Hash’s claws from reaching him.
Right. Hash had forgotten about that. He fumed, sending a firebolt at
the protective bubble. The energy field rippled and moved but didn’t
seem affected by the intensity of the blaze.

As he did so, the wizard waved a hand, and the tomes they’d been

studying returned to a shelf, safely out of reach of their impromptu
battle. Hash watched him and wondered what kind of wizard Kyllian
was. Fayre had never mentioned it. In fact, Fayre rarely, if ever,
talked about his older brother. But the young wizard and Kyllian were
very much alike, at least regarding magical issues. Fayre was an air
mage, so it stood to reason that Kyllian would be one, as well. The
way his home looked confirmed this guess.

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Armed with this knowledge, Hash considered a new approach. He

surrounded Kyllian in a circle of fire, intensifying the heat around
them. To his satisfaction, the shield seemed to be made from aerial
energy, and the indirect attack began to make it falter, consuming its

For the first time, Hash saw a brief flash of admiration on

Kyllian’s face. “Clever,” he said. “But you forget, shifter, that this is
my realm. Even if you did have the power to beat me, you can never
do it here.”

Indeed, as the wizard spoke, the fire summoned by Hash dwindled

and died. Hash growled, not exactly surprised by the display of
power, but still frustrated. He felt the shift course over him. If he
couldn’t burn the man, he’d just use brute force.

But before he could unleash his beast, Kyllian’s magic flowed

over him, so intense it nearly choked him. His fire retreated under the
assault, swamped by the hurricane of power. But the spell didn’t have
the same nature as the unnatural binding from the crystal, and Hash
broke free of it. He considered shifting but thought better of it. The
wizard obviously had an advantage here, even if Hash did change to
his second form. “You coward,” he snarled at Kyllian. “Fight me like
a man.”

Kyllian grinned coldly. “Tell you what. I’ll stop using my magic if

you stop using yours. Let’s settle this the old-fashioned way.”

“Deal,” Hash said immediately. Even if his beast itched to tear at

Kyllian’s flesh, he could very well pummel the wizard into the ground
with his fists.

The wizard nodded and beckoned him closer in a mocking

gesture. The game was on. With the speed of lightning, Hash attacked
but was surprised when Kyllian dodged him. His instincts warned him
of the wizard’s next move, and he managed to evade a kick that
would have sent him flying to the ground. Hash grinned. He’d
underestimated his opponent, but he didn’t mind. He always liked a

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The second kick came instants after the first, but Hash blocked it.

He grabbed Kyllian’s leg and threw the man toward the wall. Kyllian
landed on his feet like a cat, smirking. “You’re going to have to do
better than that.”

And so it went. Punches and kicks flew, sometimes missing,

sometimes striking true. Hash got in some good hits, but Kyllian
didn’t seem deterred. In fact, he attacked with relentless persistence,
showing a strength Hash wouldn’t have expected from a magic user.

In the back of his mind, he continued to feel Owen’s pleasure,

increasing more and more. It gave him a ferocity that Hash almost
didn’t recognize, the need to exorcize his arousal so intense it
shrouded his brain.

He knew he was getting lax in his defense, but he couldn’t help it.

For that reason, a part of him wasn’t surprised when the wizard
dodged one of his hits and countered it, sending Hash to the floor. In a
heartbeat, he jumped on Hash, pinning him to the floor with his

“Enough,” Kyllian said. “As much as I enjoy playing this game

with you, we don’t have time for it.”

Hash could have easily thrown Kyllian off him. But their gazes

fixed and a spark of electricity flew between them, something entirely
unconnected to their battle. Hash’s dick, still hard from the feeling he
experienced through Owen, responded to Kyllian’s proximity. He
swore he saw an answering flash of heat in Kyllian’s silver eyes. The
man didn’t even try to hide it. His erection rubbed against Hash’s leg,
demanding attention. Hash felt uncomfortable at the realization that
his own arousal increased at the feel of the other man’s cock against
him. What would it be like, he wondered, to have the wizard in his
bed? Gods, no, he shouldn’t be thinking about this. He already had
too much on his plate. How did his brother deal with the mechanics of
his relationships? Perhaps Hash should have asked instead of
attacking him.

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Kyllian didn’t try to exploit the phenomenon in any way. He just

got up and extended his hand to help Hash to his feet. “Come on. We
still have work to do.”

Hash took the wizard up on his offer. He gripped Kyllian’s hand

and lifted himself off the floor. As he did so, he registered the mess
they’d made of Kyllian’s home during their battle.

The apology was on his lips, but he couldn’t quite say it. As a

rule, he hated to apologize. Thinking clearly, he knew Kyllian was
right, at least to a certain extent. Hash had not claimed Owen and
therefore could not demand any explanations. But admitting that out
loud was out of the question. In the end, Kyllian had been out of line
with his vulgar statement.

So he just waited in silence while Kyllian waved his hand in the

air, setting everything back in place with just a flick of his wrist. The
books returned to their previous position, and Hash mentally sighed as
he plopped back down on the couch to resume the research. Owen and
Yane wouldn’t leave his mind, and his body still sizzled with
unfulfilled arousal. The paragraphs blurred in front of his eyes as he
imagined Owen moving with Yane, their beauty entwined in a dance
of passion. He saw himself joining them, touching them, showering
their bodies with kisses and caresses.

He was so lost in his fantasy he almost missed the moment

Kyllian let out a victorious sound. Pushing the images of Owen and
Yane to the back of his mind, he focused on the wizard. “What is it?
What did you find?”

For a few moments, Kyllian didn’t answer. But when he did look

up, his expression was glum. “Something I would have preferred to
never see in my life.”

Hash got up and went around the couch to scan the pages Kyllian

studied. The wizard’s musky scent filled his nostrils, fueling his
arousal, but as the information in the book started to penetrate his
consciousness, all thoughts of sex disappeared. “A necromantic
crystal? But how?”

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To his knowledge, necromancers were very rare. Few people

knew that the plague after the flood had been fueled by their magic.
As such, the rest of the wizards hunted them down and eliminated the
guilty parties. Even so, spots such as the plague lands still lingered. It
was unfathomable that no one noticed the accumulation of dark power
in all these years.

“I do not know how. The only explanation I can find is that

somehow, the necromancers who created it also managed to disguise
it from other wizards.” Kyllian took a deep breath, as if struggling for
calm. “It seems we’re being taken for fools. But I won’t stand for this.
That crystal is going down, if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Pardon me for saying,” Hash intervened, “but the very purpose

of this intervention was to fix it. Have you forgotten?”

“I haven’t forgotten, no,” Kyllian snapped at him. “It’s only

because of the promise I made that I’m not going back to destroy it
right now.”

“So what are you going to do, smart guy? We’re supposed to be

saving Yane from imminent war.”

“As long as the crystal exists, there can be no peace,” Kyllian

answered. “And, if I’m not mistaken, the crystal isn’t in any jeopardy
in the first place. It will be recharging soon.”

“Recharging?” Hash repeated, confused.
Kyllian nodded and turned the page of the tome. There, in black

and white, was spelled the most horrifying revelation of the day. “A
wedding,” Hash said numbly.

Yane and Alcharr’s brother were due to marry soon. They’d all

been convinced the reason behind it was the alliance, but something
more sinister seemed to be going on.

Kyllian snapped the book shut. “Come. We need to talk to your


With that, the conversation essentially ended. There was no more

time for sarcasm or banter. Kyllian’s tone told Hash everything he
needed to know. When Kyllian grabbed the tome and headed toward

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the exit, Hash followed without another word. His mixed emotions
would just have to wait until they figured out the solution for the most
urgent problems.

* * * *

The morning after his heart-to-heart with Valderr, Alcharr arrived

at Tanarak, carrying an urgent message from his father. Truth be told,
he was supposed to go to the dryad capital, whereupon the royal
family would send a summons for Yane. But Alcharr had already
decided to go against Amadeus’s orders, and this was only the

To his surprise, on his way there, he ran straight into Hash and

Kyllian. The two were entering Tanarak just as Alcharr landed there.
“Hello,” Alcharr greeted them. “Any news on the problem we

Kyllian nodded, his expression solemn. “We need to talk. The

situation is more serious than I expected.”

Alcharr didn’t like the sound of that. He looked toward Hash, who

seemed thoughtful and uncomfortable. “What is it?”

Hash shrugged, although his demeanor looked anything but

nonchalant. “It isn’t my place to say, and now is not the time to
discuss it.”

Alcharr frowned. Whatever Hash wasn’t saying, it couldn’t be


“Come on,” Kyllian said. “Let’s find your companions.”
It was early morning, but Yane always got up at the crack of

dawn. In a strange development, they couldn’t see the nymph
anywhere around the town. As such, they headed toward Yane’s small

“Is he there?” he asked Hash. As a shape-shifter, the dragon

would know.

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Hash nodded, although his attitude was getting stranger by the

second. “Maybe I should go get him,” Kyllian suggested.

The mere idea surprised Alcharr, and he knew the two were

hiding something connected to Yane. Frowning, he stalked to the
house and knocked at the door. “Yane?” he called out softly. “It’s

A muffled curse sounded from inside. “Just a minute,” Yane


Something in Yane’s voice unsettled Alcharr. Coupled with Hash

and Kyllian’s silence, it defeated Alcharr’s usual scruples. He pushed
the door open and gaped at the sight that met his eyes.

Yane was half-naked and pulling his clothes on. On the bed, a

dazed, sleepy Owen lay, blinking away the remnants of slumber. The
human’s body bore distinct traces of a night of passion. It didn’t take
a genius to realize what happened there.

Owen’s eyes widened in alarm, and Yane cursed again. Alcharr

backed out of the house, too shocked to even process what he’d seen.
Sure, he’d known about Yane’s attraction to Owen. He himself felt it.
But he hadn’t expected Yane to actually pursue anything, and now, of
all times.

He leaned against the outer wall of the house, unable to breathe.

He remembered the last few days they’d spent together with Owen
and the others. If he wanted to be honest, he couldn’t say he felt very
surprised. He realized then he felt jealous not only of Owen, but of
Yane, too. He’d have liked to be with them. He’d have wanted to
share the moments that had surely been special.

“Are you okay?” Hash asked.
Alcharr stared at the shape-shifter in dismay. He didn’t understand

anything anymore. “How did you know?” he asked. “Why didn’t you
say anything?”

Hash looked away. “Perhaps I should have. I just couldn’t find the

words. As for how I knew…I felt it, deep inside.”

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Alcharr blinked, uncertain if he was understanding the man’s

words right. Slowly, realization struck. He finally grasped the reason
of Hash and Sassaki’s interest in Owen. The human was their mate.

But Alcharr and Yane didn’t even have that excuse. He wondered

where they stood now that Owen was in the picture. He wondered
what Yane would decide regarding the wedding.

Just as he thought this, Yane and Owen appeared from the house.

Yane took his hand and pulled him inside. Reluctantly, Alcharr
accepted Yane was right. They couldn’t exactly talk outside, where all
the locals of Tanarak could see them.

“Look, Charr, I can’t say I regret it,” Yane said. “What I feel for

Owen is different than what I feel for you. I just…Please understand.”

“What about us?” Alcharr asked. “I wanted to face my father, to

find a way for us to be together in spite of the alliance, in spite of
everything. Where are we now?”

Yane’s eyes widened. “You truly want that? You truly think we

can face King Amadeus and win?”

“The alternative is simply unthinkable. My father wants you to

marry Valderr in two days. Two days, Yane. And no matter what
happens between us, my little brother also deserves to find his own

Owen looked between him and Yane, his blue eyes wide.

Obviously, he didn’t understand the conversation between Alcharr
and Yane. Once, Alcharr would have hated any person who would
attempt to steal Yane from him. He’d even been resentful of his own
sibling, even if Valderr didn’t actually want Yane. But Owen…He
couldn’t hate Owen, especially not when the human looked at him
like that.

“Alcharr…This is my fault,” Owen whispered. “I got between

you. I’m so very sorry.”

Alcharr didn’t answer. He wanted to say it was okay, but at the

same time, he didn’t think it would be true.

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Thankfully, Kyllian intervened, providing a welcome distraction

from the awkward situation. “As problematic as this is, there’s
something else that requires your attention, namely the crystal. It is
not what I expected at first.”

Alcharr clung to the lifeline Kyllian offered, focusing on the

problem he could deal with rather than his own messed-up love life.
“How so?”

“The crystal is actually a source of necromantic power. It is the

reason why the plague lands have never recovered from the effects of
the flood. For the moment, it has been weakened by the ages of use,
but it will be recharged. The sacrifice of a newly wedded couple will
take care of that.”

Alcharr blinked, at first thinking he hadn’t heard correctly. “You

can’t be serious…”

“Do you think that I’d be joking with something like this?”
Indeed, the implications of Kyllian’s words were too grave for any

amusement to be appropriate. If Kyllian was right, someone seemed
to be planning Yane and Valderr’s death. Alcharr suddenly felt sick to
the stomach. The knowledge of his lover’s affair with Owen began to
matter less in light of Kyllian’s revelation.

“There’s no way I’m going to allow that to happen,” he said

decidedly. No way would he just stand by and lose his brother and the
man he loved at the same time.

“Well, at least Valderr and I don’t have to wed,” Yane said in a

poor attempt at humor.

Silence met his words, until Hash finally spoke once again.

“Whatever the case, you have to remember that with the crystal
falling, so will your protection on the plague lands. Once the wyrms
are unleashed, we have to prepare for war.”

Alcharr nodded. His mind went to Sassaki. He wondered what the

wyrm would say. Sassaki’s betrayal of his people initiated this entire
discovery. If Sassaki hadn’t told them about the crystal, they might
never have known about its necromantic powers until it was too late.

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But in a war between dryads and wyrms, which side would

Sassaki take? Alcharr was afraid to ask that question. And as he
looked toward Owen once again, he realized he was afraid of many

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Chapter Six

Sassaki tapped his leg impatiently against the ground. They were

supposed to meet after dark, but Sassaki had sensed urgency in his
mate and decided to push the time up. It was still daytime, something
that made Sassaki uncomfortable.

But truth be told, Sassaki had more to talk about than just the

famous crystal. He was a bad mood. No, he was in a horrible mood,
mostly because of a particular event the night before. Just a little after
his discussion with his mother, he’d felt a wave of arousal invade
him. Owen. Owen and Yane. He’d sensed them touching each other,
in bed together, kissing and fucking.

“Are you all right?” Kani asked by his side. Seeing his mood, the

mer insisted on coming for this meeting. He’d even made an
additional effort and come on land, although it had been somewhat
tiresome to dry his tail. “I hope you’re not going to attack the

Sassaki glared at his friend. He should confront Yane. The man

would soon get married, for crying out loud. He should not be playing
with Owen’s heart. But as much as he hated to admit it, he liked the
nymph. “Of course not. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

The sun shone brightly in the sky, and for the millionth time,

Sassaki wished the plague lands were not devoid of trees. He felt
exposed on the beach, where everyone could see him. It didn’t help
that he still recalled the torturing moments he’d spent while
experiencing Owen’s pleasure. He’d have gone after Owen, but the
remnants of his reason told him it would mean a risk far too great to

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Strange emotions coursed through him, beckoning at his beast,

making him unable to concentrate. The wild nature of the wyrm
threatened to emerge. He ached to claim his mate. And oddly, he
yearned to do so with Yane as well.

“Calm down.” Kani tried to soothe him. “I know it seems bad, but

there must be some sort of explanation.”

“I would very much like to know it,” Sassaki replied bitingly. He

sighed at the look of hurt on Kani’s face. It wasn’t the mer’s fault for
his predicament. “Sorry, my friend. I’m just…”

Kani nodded, his upset expression vanishing into a kind smile.

“It’s okay. I understand.”

Their conversation ended as Sassaki sensed several presences

approach. His mate was coming, and with him, several others. Most
were familiar, and he recognized Yane, Hash, and Alcharr simply by
the feel of their power. But there was someone else, someone Sassaki
hadn’t met before. He growled as he realized this must be the wizard,
the famous Kyllian who wanted Owen for himself.

Kani gave him a concerned look but didn’t say anything else. At

last, the group appeared on the beach. The tension they radiated was
obvious, even in Owen. Sassaki looked over each man, wondering if
the others knew about Yane and Owen.

“Hi, Sassaki,” Owen greeted him, smiling. Sassaki surmised his

expression didn’t look very happy, because the beam immediately

“So you felt it, too,” Hash said.
The fact that Hash knew about it unsettled Sassaki even further.

He began to understand, however, that even if Owen was his mate,
Hash might very well have the same right over the human as Sassaki

“Is this going to be a problem?” Alcharr asked. He looked tired,

and he seemed to be avoiding Yane’s gaze. “We have more dangerous
things to talk about.”

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Sassaki wondered what that comment meant. He’d seen the

closeness between Alcharr and Yane and realized the night Owen and
Yane spent together bothered the eagle as well. But something more
serious seemed to be worrying the group—or rather, something that
didn’t involve their romantic entanglements.

“What is it? What did you discover?”
He almost wished he hadn’t asked. Kyllian launched himself in a

complicated explanation over the crystal’s necromantic powers and its
implications. By the time the wizard had finished, Sassaki was
horrified. He’d always wondered why the waters around Tanarak had
never cleared, even with eons passing since the flood. He would have
much preferred to not believe the wizard, but everything made sense,
and somehow, Sassaki knew Kyllian was telling the truth. The fact
that Yane’s wedding would be used as a recharge for the crystal
worsened the situation even more.

In the circumstances, it seemed clear that the crystal needed to be

destroyed. But if this happened, the plague lands would be under
attack by the wyrms.

“What are you going to do?” Kani asked, just as Sassaki readied

himself to inquire the same thing. “Sassaki’s people aren’t going to
lose this opportunity to take control of the plague lands.”

Kyllian opened his mouth, obviously intending to answer. But

before he could do so, he tensed and looked toward the waters.
Sassaki sensed the same thing Kyllian did. He pulled Kani away from
the ocean, waiting for what he knew would appear.

His mother and father emerged from the sea in their bonded

shifted form. Even if they could shift independently, they sometimes
chose to unite their powers. When this happened, they looked
extraordinary indeed, two heads emerging from the same reptilian
body, hissing and snarling threateningly. Sassaki had never thought to
see that threat directed at him, but here it was.

Thankfully, in that shape, his parents could not come on land.

They shifted into their legged form and made their way to the shore.

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“Sassaki,” his father said, “I do hope you have an explanation for

Sassaki suppressed the urge to wince. He’d been caught red-

handed, and there was no point to lie and pretend. “It depends on what
kind of explanation you want to hear,” he replied, surprised at his own

His mother glared at him. “What’s wrong with you? What is this

treachery?” She gazed over Sassaki’s shoulder. “Is it your mate?”

For a few moments, Sassaki’s mind went completely blank. He

wondered how in the world his mother could have realized Owen was
his mate.

She continued, undeterred. “Do you have any problems with that

mer of yours? I always feared mating outside our species would cause
trouble, but the mer seemed nice enough. Was I wrong?”

Lota’s words finally registered in Sassaki’s consciousness, and he

realized his mother had been looking at Kani. He blurted out the first
thing that came to mind. “You knew about Kani?”

Arssan arched a brow. “Of course. You didn’t really think I

wouldn’t notice your visits to the shipwreck, did you? And besides,
these waters are our territory. It is our duty to know about every
creature that lives here.”

Sassaki found it shocking that his father, who was always so

adamant about keeping the waters under their control, would agree to
allow Kani inside. He felt horrible about betraying them, but at this
point, it couldn’t be helped.

His mother continued to glower at him. “We would not send your

mate away, even if the situation is less than ideal. We’ve been waiting
for you to introduce us for ages now.”

Sassaki had two choices—to perpetuate the misunderstanding or

to tell the truth. His parents had been kinder to him than he’d known.
Perhaps they might be able to help. Regardless of what happened with
the crystal, Sassaki didn’t want the war to continue. And Sassaki had
already lied enough.

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“Kani is not my mate,” he whispered.
“He isn’t?” His mother seemed surprised. She took a deep breath.

“Then explain this situation to me. Explain what you’re doing on the
mainland with a nymph and an eagle in your presence. And Yanentah,
out of all people.”

The conversation was surreal. Sassaki had never expected his

parents to actually give him the chance to defend himself. Alas, there
were no words he could say that would wash their anger away. His
reasons were treasonous, at least to the wyrms, as was his affection
toward Yane, Owen, and the others.

“I assure you, I have a good reason. Mother, Father, don’t you

think this war has gone on long enough? Eagles, dryads, nymphs,
wyrms. Why should we fight? We can achieve peace, if only we try.”

Arssan’s eyes flashed briefly at his words. It was the only warning

Sassaki had before his father lunged for him. But Arssan did not get
the chance to reach him. A thick column of water hit him face-front,
sending him flying into the ocean.

“Back off, wyrm,” Yane snarled as he joined Sassaki. The group

had been silent while Sassaki talked to his parents, but it seemed all
bets were off now.

Hash stepped forward as well, his wings emerging from his back

threateningly. The dragon might not be able to shift fully with the
enchantment in place, but unlike Sassaki, he controlled fire magic.
Alcharr also came to stand by his side, and to Sassaki’s surprise,
Kyllian. Owen and Kani also joined the line. Even without the human
and the mer, Lota and Arssan were outnumbered.

Lota looked shocked. “What have you done, my child? What is


To Sassaki’s surprise, it was Owen who answered her question. “I

do not understand half the things you shouted at each other,” he said
in English, “and I’m not even sure you can understand me. I can
appreciate that you’re shocked at this situation. But I also think, and I

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see in your eyes, that you love Sassaki. And I want you to see that we
do, too.”

As if to illustrate this message through actions too, Owen came to

Sassaki’s side and pressed their lips together. Just like that, Sassaki’s
doubts and fears evaporated. His wyrm settled, understanding that in
spite of Owen’s bond to Yane, Owen remained his mate. The
lingering traces of jealousy faded, replaced by pure desire. He wanted
to see Yane and Owen together. He wanted to touch them both, to join
their bond in body and soul.

What started like an innocent lip-lock evolved into a hot and

heavy kiss. Sassaki couldn’t hold himself back. He licked across the
seam of Owen’s lips, demanding entrance. When Owen let him in,
their tongues tangled in a duel of passion. Owen tasted delicious, just
like Sassaki knew he would. He wanted to kiss the human forever. He
wanted to touch him and claim him right then and there.

The sound of a cleared throat was like a bucket of ice water on his

fervor. He remembered his parents were there and he’d just been
caught consorting with the enemy. Now was not the time for a make-
out session.

Reluctantly, he broke away from Owen and looked toward his

parents. During his kiss with Owen, his father had reemerged from the
water. They both seemed to have realized the new realities of
Sassaki’s life.

“So he is your mate,” Arssan said, “the human you saved from

your brothers.”

Sassaki nodded. “This is Owen. I care for him deeply.”
“That’s understandable,” Lota replied. “But you don’t have to

help the dryads to keep the human by your side. There are
spells…things that can make your human breathe underwater. He
could live with the mer. He’d be safe.”

Sassaki’s heart squeezed in pain. Even with the evidence of his

betrayal, his mother was still attempting to bring him back. As much
as he’d have liked to cling to that lifeline, he knew he could not go

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back. “This is no longer about just Owen and me. I care about Yane,
about all these men. I care about making the plague lands a better
place.” He loved his parents, but this was the right thing to do.

Arssan stared at him. “So you’ve made your choice then. You’re

abandoning us for them.”

“I don’t want to do that,” Sassaki answered. “Things can still

work out.”

His father shook his head. “I’m sorry, Sassaki, but no. Wyrms and

dryads are enemies, and by choosing to side with them, you’ve
become an enemy, too.”

Without another word, the other wyrm turned his back on Sassaki

and headed back toward the water. After giving Sassaki a pained look,
his mother did the same. It was the time his parents had showed most
emotion, and when their forms vanished into the ocean, Sassaki knew
he’d lost them.

Owen’s arms went around him, hugging him tightly. “I’m so

sorry, Sassaki.”

Sassaki felt numb. In his heart, he’d always known this would

happen eventually. The affection he had for these men could not be
accepted by the wyrms. But in this particular moment, it didn’t really
register. It didn’t seem real.

He looked out at the ocean where his parents had disappeared. It

was his home, his home of so many years. But now, he would no
longer have a place there.

“Where are we going to go?” Kani asked in echo of his own

thoughts. “What will we do?”

To Sassaki’s surprise, Kyllian answered, “Worry not. You can

stay with me. There’s plenty of space.” He met Sassaki’s eyes. “In
fact, it would be best if you took Owen and your mer friend and
remained there for the moment. Hash will come with you.”

Hash looked temporarily startled and gave the wizard a side

glance. “A word with you in private?”

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Privacy was hardly possible on the beach with no vegetation

around, but Kyllian nodded nonetheless. The two of them burst into
the air, disappearing above the clouds. Sassaki blinked in surprise. So
the wizard knew how to fly. He supposed that could be useful.

He turned his attention toward Alcharr and Yane. “What about

you? What are you supposed to do?”

“The rest of us will be needed for the…wedding,” Alcharr

answered. He was gritting his teeth, obviously displeased with the

Sassaki agreed with the man. “Why would you even want to do

that? Why chance it?”

“It’s the only way we can find out who is out to get us,” Yane


Alcharr sighed. “I’m pretty sure it has to be my father. He’s the

one who rushed the wedding in the first place. Why would he do it if
he didn’t know about the crystal?”

Yane didn’t seem convinced. “And how do we face him then?

How do we know no one else is involved? We have to go there,

That was true, except Sassaki wished there could be another way

which wouldn’t imply Yane risking his life. It was strange to realize
how much he’d come to care about the other man in so little time.

Yane must have guessed his thoughts, because he offered Sassaki

a small smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. We have too much to deal
with to give up now.”

And for whatever reason, the promise in those words made

Sassaki feel better.

* * * *

Hash hovered above the clouds, glaring at the wizard in front of

him. He understood Kyllian’s interest in the destruction of the crystal,

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but he didn’t really appreciate being stashed away in the man’s home
as if he were useless.

“I’m coming with you,” he told Kyllian. “I can justify my

presence there as an agent of the Imperium.”

Kyllian sighed. “Has’hendral, don’t be stubborn. I assure you I

would not have said that without just cause.”

The arrogance of the man made Hash want to scream. “Why?

Why do I have to go? Give me one good reason.”

Kyllian smirked at him. “I’ll give you two. The first I intended to

talk to you about anyway. I need you to watch the crystal for me.” His
silver eyes seemed to pierce Hash’s very soul as he spoke. “As one
with magic affinity and a shape-shifter, you’ll be able to tell what
modifications it goes through. The wedding was pushed up, so
someone is panicking. If I’m right about this, this person, whoever it
is, might attempt to strengthen the wards around the crystal. If that
happens, you have to be there to stop it.”

Hash’s anger deflated. “Oh. That makes sense.”
Kyllian chuckled, but then his expression turned serious. “And the

second reason is just as important. You have to take care of the others.
Sassaki… He will be torn and distracted by the separation from his
family. The mer and Owen might need protection, even in my realm.
Also, if that happens, I’m worried about Fayre. He’s young still and
not ready to face something like this.”

Hash felt humbled by the trust Kyllian placed in him. He silently

agreed with the wizard. Fayre was young and very impetuous. He
might very well go charging into battle if he didn’t have someone to
temper him. And Sassaki might be able to deal with that, but the
wyrm was not a creature of magic.

“All right,” he answered. “Agreed. As long as you take care of

Yane and Alcharr.” And of yourself, he finished wordlessly. He
frowned to himself, uncertain why he would even worry about the
wizard. At most, they were unlikely allies in a war that had swept
them both off their feet. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Kyllian smiled, the irritating smirk that seemed to say he knew

something Hash didn’t. He flew closer to Hash and whispered, “And
don’t waste any more time. Your mate needs you.”

Hash gaped at the wizard. “Excuse me? Why do you even care?”

Anger returned as he recalled Kyllian’s unreasonable request. “You
want Owen for yourself.”

Kyllian laughed. “I might, but that doesn’t mean he’s the only one

I want.” He winked. “Figure it out, will you? Poor Owen doesn’t
know which way is up at this point.”

Hash opened his mouth to retort, but his angry reply was cut off

by Kyllian’s lips on his. He didn’t even get the chance to protest,
because Kyllian’s tongue assaulted his own. Even knowing that he
shouldn’t be kissing someone else, Hash couldn’t help but surrender.
There was just something about Kyllian that made him feel light-
headed, a silent strength and a knowledge Hash couldn’t hope to

Hash allowed the other man to take possession of his mouth, at the

same time doing some exploration of his own. The wizard tasted like
lightning would if it had a flavor, electrifying, airy, and with a hint of
danger. Hash wanted him so badly it hurt. His beast roared inside him,
demanding to be released, to fulfill the coupling of their bodies.

But unfortunately, they could not afford to prolong the stolen

moment too much. Their kiss broke, and it was by miracle that Hash
didn’t fall out of the sky. Kyllian gave him an unreadable look,
panting slightly. “Remember that, all right? I’m on your side.”

Without further ado, the wizard started to descend. Disgruntled,

Hash joined him. He knew better than to try to continue the
conversation now. It was not the time or the place to try and decipher
Kyllian’s enigmatic behavior, and his mind and body still buzzed after
the kiss.

Even so, as they landed next to the other men again, Hash

couldn’t help but remember Kyllian’s words. He looked at Owen, the
wizard’s voice ringing out in his mind. Your mate needs you.

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Kyllian was right. Owen looked confused, lost, and frightened.

Unlike other times, they’d avoided speaking in English alone, mostly
because of the awkwardness that appeared after seeing Owen together
with Yane. But it seemed clear to Hash that Owen irradiated affection.
He was a naturally caring person, and asking him to choose, now of
all times, would be selfish.

Of course, Kyllian had a point. Relationship-wise, they were a

mess. Alcharr was in love with Yane, and Yane with him. But Yane
had slept with Owen and was due to marry Alcharr’s brother. And
even if Alcharr might try to deny it, he and Hash had a great deal of
chemistry going on. With Sassaki added to the mix, it was no wonder
that none of them knew what to do. If Kyllian became involved
too…well, suffice to say that Hash would give up on ever trying to
understand the affairs of the heart.

Once more, he remembered his brother, and he wondered how

Chek handled his own relationship. Probably better than Hash. Chek
always knew what to do, unlike Hash. In that respect, Kyllian
reminded Hash of Chek, a bit disturbing, given that they’d just shared
a mind-melting kiss. But whatever the case, the fact remained that
now, Hash needed to be by Owen’s side. Yes, his mate needed him.

Without allowing himself to hesitate further, Hash made his way

to Owen’s side and wrapped his arms around the human. His resolve
faltered when Owen tensed, but the dragon within told him that this
was right, this was true. They were meant to be together.

“Hash?” Owen asked, his voice trembling. “What?”
“Shhh…It’s okay. We’ll protect you.”
“I don’t know,” Owen answered. “I’m just making a bigger mess

of things. I should just leave you all alone.”

Silence fell, and Hash felt the eyes of the entire group on them.

Perhaps the others had not even realized how much Owen could be
hurt by this. Hash himself hadn’t even considered it. He berated
himself for his mistake and vowed to never do such a thing again. As

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a shape-shifter, he should have sensed Owen’s apprehension. He
should have realized that Owen truly did not mean any harm.

But in that moment, Hash also realized another thing. It wasn’t

only him who needed to accept Owen. The human cared about them
all, and Alcharr and Yane’s situation hurt him. Hash willed them to
say something, anything, before they left and got separated from them
for the gods knew how long.

Alas, Alcharr and Yane didn’t say anything. Instead, Yane nodded

in the general direction of Tanarak. “We should go. We don’t have
much time to prepare.”

Owen looked away from them, and Hash wanted to kick Yane in

the face. Thankfully, Sassaki intervened. “Yeah, we should,” he said
tightly. He took the mer’s hand, dragging him to Owen’s side. “How
do we get to your place?”

“Hash knows the way to my realm,” Kyllian answered. “My

brother will help you from there.”

“All right. Thank you.” With another glare at Alcharr and Yane,

Sassaki turned his back on the sea. “Come on. It’s not safe here.”

Hash released Owen from his hold and took the human’s hand,

gesturing to follow behind Sassaki. But just as they were about to
leave, Alcharr’s voice stopped them.

“Wait,” the eagle said. “This is all wrong.”
Hash could practically feel Owen’s hope emanate from him. They

turned, looking back to the men they’d left on the beach. “What do
you mean?” Owen asked in a small voice.

Alcharr and Yane walked to their side. Alcharr sighed. “Look, we

don’t have time for clarifying things now, but I want you to know I
don’t begrudge you for what happened between you and Yane. I
admit I’m a bit…confused. I’ve never felt like this.” He took Owen’s
hand and kissed it. “I’ve only ever loved Yane,” he whispered. “But I
think that, in time, I can grow to love others as well.”

There was no question as to what “others” Alcharr referred to.

Relief coursed through Hash. He felt a gaze on them and looked

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beyond Alcharr’s shoulder to meet Kyllian’s gaze. He nodded,
silently acknowledging Kyllian’s assistance. He remembered their
kiss and somehow knew Kyllian would be very important for them in
the future.

Yane and Alcharr took their turns hugging Owen. Hash didn’t

know what else to expect and was surprised when the two offered
embraces to him and Sassaki as well. It was odd, unexpected, and
somewhat unsatisfying, but it would have to do for now.

When at last they said their good-byes, Hash felt a bit better about

the whole thing. He held Owen’s hand as he directed his companions
to the harbor. There, they’d grab a boat and leave to Almareya. To his
knowledge, Kyllian hadn’t contacted Fayre yet, but he undoubtedly
would by the time Hash reached their destination.

By noon, Hash, Sassaki, Kani, and Owen left the plague lands

behind. They didn’t see the other men again, but Hash forced himself
to be optimistic. For the moment, there was nothing he could do but
hope and guard his charges.

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Chapter Seven

The dryad capital of Anethone was nothing like Tanarak and its

surrounding waters. Yane had almost forgotten how beautiful it
looked, with the many years he’d spent focusing on their outer
defenses. But finally, he’d been called home—or where his home was
supposed to be.

Green surrounded him from every direction, trees growing

proudly toward the clear sky, supporting buildings created to be in
perfect harmony with nature. The main road was clear of people, but
to their right, the intricate bazaar stood, offering all the goods
possible. Even if the dryads kept to themselves, there were certain
merchants who brought outside goods, and their commercial life was

Yane never thought he’d one day return to the palace with Alcharr

by his side, let alone in these circumstances. The wizard left once
they’d reached the outskirts of Anethone, with a promise to contact
them as soon as possible. Inexplicably, he’d also demanded a lock of
hair from both of them. Yane and Alcharr complied, even if they
knew that in the hands of a magic user, such a thing could be very

But now, Yane had something else to worry about. He needed to

face the dryad royal family. Suffice to say Yane wasn’t looking
forward to it.

“Are you all right?” Alcharr asked, reaching for Yane’s hand. The

carriage they rode in gave them a measure of privacy, even if it was
uncomfortable and quite small.

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Yane squeezed his lover’s palm, grateful for the support. “I just

haven’t seen them in a while. I don’t know what to expect.” It
certainly didn’t help that one or more of them could be plotting his

Alcharr nodded. “I understand. Just remember I’m here for you.”
And Yane knew that Alcharr did, indeed, understand. He felt

relieved the eagle no longer seemed upset about Owen. Perhaps the
moment of their separation from the human really brought about a
realization, the fact that they were no longer the only ones who
mattered for each other. It was difficult to acknowledge for Yane,
especially since it meant grasping the connection he sensed between
him and his former enemy, Sassaki. He imagined it to be just as hard
for Alcharr.

He wished he could forget about all this business with the crystal

and run, retreat to the wizard realm with the others. But that would be
cowardly and dangerous. Their enemy needed to be dealt with, for the
sake of his people, and for his loves as well.

Yane found strength in that knowledge and in Alcharr’s presence.

By the time the carriage rolled in the courtyard of their palace, he’d
already gathered enough courage to face his family. At last, the
vehicle stopped, and taking a deep breath, Yane opened the door. He
exited the carriage and almost instantly found himself facing his

How much time had passed since he’d seen them last? A few

years, since he’d come here to arrange the engagement. He’d met
Alcharr then and, after a period of arguments, had begun their secret
relationship. Yane wondered what his family would say if, or rather
when they found out about that.

“Greetings, Mother, Father.” He bowed his head in front of his

parents. “It’s nice to see you are well.”

“Greetings, Yanentah,” his father, Enyas, said.
“I see you’ve finally arrived,” his mother, Tarah, added.

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Why did his mother always need to point out the obvious? It

wasn’t like he’d been away on a vacation. Okay, so he had enjoyed
himself the night before with Owen, but that was hardly relevant for
the conversation. Besides, he’d sent them a message as soon as
Alcharr arrived in Tanarak announcing their imminent arrival and the
issue with the wedding.

Thankfully, Alcharr intervened, greeting Enyas and Tarah in the

formal way of their people. Yane’s parents turned on their courteous,
polite faces. “I have to admit I was surprised when I received the note
from Yanentah,” Tarah said.

Alcharr smiled tightly. “The fault lies with me. I just considered it

easier and faster to speak to Yanentah directly. This way, he will be
here by the time my family arrives, and he’ll get to talk to Valderr, get
to know him a bit.”

The king gestured them inside while servants fussed around their

carriage to take their bags. Yane almost laughed. He had very few
belongings, personal items having little value in Tanarak, since the
humidity always ruined most things.

“I can understand that,” the king said. “I’m sure your brother is

very anxious about the wedding.”

Yane struggled to control his temper. As if they cared. Valderr

and he were just tools used in a larger game, a game that now seemed
to be more ruthless and evil than ever before. He scanned his father’s
face, trying to detect any sign that the man knew about the issue with
the crystal. He couldn’t. Enyas was the same as always, but that didn’t
reassure Yane at all. Even if Alcharr claimed his father was most
likely responsible for the arrangements, Yane didn’t feel convinced.

Trying to push his mind away from his glum thoughts, he asked,

“Where’s Ciera?”

He hadn’t seen his sister in a while, either. Even if they didn’t get

along, she was still his blood, and he missed her. “Oh, that’s right, we
didn’t tell you. She’s with Dorien, her fiancé. You remember him,
don’t you?”

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“Fiancé?” Yane repeated. “When did this happen?”
Unfortunately, Yane did indeed remember Dorien far too well. In

fact, he recalled more details about him and his naked body than he
would have liked. He and Dorien had once been great friends. In fact,
they’d grown up together and shared their first sexual explorations
with each other. Yane had lost his virginity to Dorien, and the other
way around. But once his nymph power emerged, he’d no longer been
considered adequate company for the young noble, and he’d been
relegated to a fighter against the wyrms.

Of course, his mother knew about their friendship but not about

their intimacy. As such, she continued, undeterred, “Since they’re
getting along so well, we’ve decided to make it a double wedding.
She’s probably taking care of the arrangements as we speak.”

Yane froze. “D–Double wedding?” he stammered. “You can’t be


Tarah turned to glare at him. In one single look, she managed to

convey both disappointment and anger. Given that he was a nymph,
Ciera would be the one required to produce heirs. As a fine,
upstanding member of dryad aristocracy, Dorien would be an
excellent match for the princess—never mind that his sexuality could
be considered questionable. At this point, Yane couldn’t say anything
about it. Ciera’s situation didn’t seem much better than his.

“My apologies,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to be rude. I just

thought that it might be a bit soon.”

After all, Ciera hadn’t been seeing Dorien when Yane last visited

Anethone. But his mother just turned her back on him again. “Keep
your opinions to yourselves. Ciera loves Dorien, and that’s what

Yane shared a look with Alcharr. In the circumstances, they didn’t

know whose wedding would be sabotaged. Would both couples be
attacked? What in the world was going on?

From then on, the day just worsened as they received explanation

as to their duties in the future ceremonies. Yane saw Dorien and

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Ciera, and naturally, his sister’s fiancé didn’t look too pleased to see
him. For her part, Ciera didn’t seem as cold as Yane remembered her.
She actually hugged Yane and congratulated him on the marriage,
wishing him happiness. When Yane looked into her eyes, he realized
she was being pushed into wedlock, too.

That night, the eagle family arrived. Yane was nervous, since he’d

never met Valderr before. Their wedding had been arranged behind
closed doors as a requirement for the treaty. Yane’s opinion had never
even been taken into account. The eagle king hadn’t even brought
Valderr with him upon his last visit.

All dressed up in his royal attire, Yane stood at the door with

Alcharr to his right and his father to his left. Ciera and Dorien were
also there, the meeting with the eagles apparently important enough to
draw them away from the wedding preparations.

Unlike Alcharr and Yane, the eagle delegation arrived by air.

Even at night, Yane spotted them coming in the starry sky. From the
distance, he couldn’t tell how many soldiers guarded the convoy, but
it seemed a heavy group. There was also a flying vehicle, which Yane
guessed held the royal family.

Indeed, the guards landed first in the courtyard of the palace,

framing a perfect square and bowing in front of the waiting dryads.
The vehicle hovered a bit further in the sky then came down and
stopped on the ground. Its doors opened and King Amadeus stepped
out, followed by a young man—Valderr.

The two eagles made their way toward Yane and his family.

“Welcome, King Amadeus,” his father said. “I trust you had a safe

“Greetings,” Amadeus answered. “Yes, thank you. As always, it is

a pleasure to fly over your beautiful city.” He gestured his second son
to come forward. “This is Valderr.”

The poor young eagle looked so pale Yane felt bad for him.

Valderr’s eyes traveled from the dryad royals to Alcharr and seemed

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to fix on his brother until Amadeus gave him a not-so-gentle nudge.
“It is very nice to be here,” he said in a small voice.

Yane took his cue and stepped in. “I am Yanentah,” he answered.

“I’d love to show you around.”

Thankfully, there were no objections. In fact, both Amadeus and

Yane’s parents looked pleased. Valderr seemed surprised but nodded,
perhaps reassured by Alcharr’s presence.

As they were led inside, Amadeus turned his attention toward

Alcharr. “I am glad to see you obeyed my instructions, son,”
Amadeus said. “I’m certain that soon, we might be able to celebrate
your wedding.”

“If you say so, Father,” Alcharr answered. Yane wondered if he

was the only one who could detect the barely restrained anger in
Alcharr’s voice.

“That would be delightful,” Tarah added. “In fact, my daughter is

getting married as well, and we thought it would be great if we had a
double wedding.”

It was only because Yane had been watching Amadeus that he

detected the slight flash through the man’s eyes. “Is that so?” he said
pleasantly. “How wonderful. I suppose congratulations are in order.”

From then on, Yane tuned them out, finding the conversation

about tablecloths and chairs tiresome. He did, however, notice the
furtive looks Dorien gave Valderr when he thought no one was
looking. In Yane’s opinion, Valderr also did some looking back.
Interesting. Perhaps this wasn’t so hopeless, after all. Yane’s friend
might still be in there, under the layers of aristocratic training.

For the moment, he needed to make his escape. He could hardly

investigate under his parents’ watchful eyes, and he’d already figured
out today that whether they were involved or not, they wouldn’t slip

“Mother, Father, with your permission, I promised to give Valderr

a tour.”

“I could go with them,” Alcharr offered at once.

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It was not unusual or in any way improper. In fact, they were

technically fiancés, and as such, should have chaperones with them
during their walks. So, their parents waved them off and directed their
attention to more interesting issues.

Immediately, Yane pulled Valderr to the gardens. As soon as they

left the palace and reached a private spot, he stopped. “Okay. They
can’t hear us now.”

“Thank the gods,” Valderr answered as he collapsed to his knees.

“I don’t think I could have withstood it for much longer.”

Alcharr knelt next to his brother and hugged him. “I’m sorry for

leaving you, but don’t worry. We won’t let this wedding come to

As they spoke, Yane noticed an odd flash of light float above

them. He watched as it went lower and lower down until finally, it
hovered in front of Yane’s face. On instinct, Yane reached out to
touch it. As his hand connected with the flash, a scroll appeared in
front of him. With airy letters, it spelled out the name of an inn
located in the city outskirts and a room number.

“What is it?” Alcharr asked as the scroll began to fade. “What was


“A message from Kyllian,” Yane answered. “We have to go see


“Who’s Kyllian?” Valderr asked. “And you can’t leave. Our

parents will figure it out.”

Valderr was right. They couldn’t exactly abandon him in the

middle of the gardens to search for the wizard. One of them could go,
but if their absence was detected, they’d be in trouble anyway.

“We’ll sneak out after everyone turns in for the night,” Alcharr


Yane nodded. “It won’t be long now. Dinner should be served

soon. We’ll be fine if we meet again at midnight.”

Or so he thought. Who knew if his parents had changed their

habits in the time he’d been away?

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At any rate, they didn’t have much choice. They made

arrangements to meet there again in a few hours. After that, they
lingered a bit in the gardens, showing Valderr around like he’d said,
then returned to the palace. As it turned out, they reached the dining
room just in time for a slightly strained and frustrating meal.

The dishes were just as perfectly cooked as Yane remembered

them, but the arrival of the eagles had changed little of his parents’
attitude toward him. When the dinner ended, Yane gladly retreated to
his room.

He couldn’t rest, of course, and he hoped his parents would also

turn in soon. The hours seemed to drag on until finally the clock rang
for midnight. Yane went to the balcony of his quarters and looked
outside. Guards roamed the premises of the palace grounds, but it was
dark, so Yane had confidence that he would be able to go past them

Without allowing himself to hesitate further, Yane jumped from

his balcony. His water element helped him land, and as soon as he
reached the ground, Yane made his way into the gardens. As dryads,
the royal family had placed a lot of attention into the greenery, and it
surrounded the entire palace in a maze very few could hope to
navigate through. Alcharr was one of those few, simply because years
back, he and Yane had used the deep labyrinths as a refuge to
consummate their first time together—and not only on that occasion.

With practiced ease, Yane made his way to the established spot.

As he reached his destination, he found a hiding spot next to a large
bush and waited. He didn’t have to linger there for too long. He heard
footsteps approaching but, much to his dismay, realized they didn’t
belong to Alcharr.

“Where are you, Yane?” Dorien whispered. “I saw you. Come


Yane sighed in irritation. He had no choice but to come out of his

hiding place. Some things never changed, and Dorien was quite

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capable of shouting his name in the gardens and alerting all the guards
in the process.

He stepped forward and met Dorien head-on. “Hello, my dear

friend. It’s been a long time.”

“Quite. What are you doing here?” Dorien asked, suspicion thick

in his voice.

Yane didn’t appreciate the tone. “None of your business. What

about you? Do you always go around sneaking in the gardens at

As they glared at each other, Yane sensed someone else approach.

“No,” Alcharr said. “He only does so when he wants to spy on

Even with the thick night around them, Yane still saw Dorien’s

face flush. “It’s not like that. I was merely—”

“You were spying on my little brother.” Alcharr growled.

“Fucking pervert. I should kill you.”

Yane felt surprised at Dorien’s gaffe. The man had never been a

Peeping Tom and always respected the privacy of others. “Look, I
know he’s off-limits,” Dorien said. “I just wanted to see him.”

He sounded so disheartened, so upset that it broke Yane’s heart.

Alcharr, however, didn’t seem convinced. “My brother has enough on
his plate without you watching him like a creep.”

He looked ready to attack, and Yane wondered what he could do

to prevent his current lover from murdering his former one. Dorien
didn’t help the situation. “Oh, please. As if you weren’t drooling over
Yane all throughout the dinner. I wanted to tell you to close your
mouth or at least control some of the panting.”

Yane gaped. To his knowledge, Alcharr never let it show that they

were lovers when in public. Dorien was more perceptive than he’d

The dryad laughed. “No more smart replies, hmmm? I bet the king

will be very interested in finding out that little piece of information.”

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“You wouldn’t do that, Dorien,” Yane couldn’t help but say. “We

were friends once. We are still.”

Dorien crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah, right. You left to

be a great warrior, whereas I got left behind to cater to the whims of
these fools. Thank you for nothing.”

“Do you even know what Yane has to do every day?” Alcharr

sneered. “You selfish son of a bitch.”

Yane wanted to scream. At this rate, Dorien wouldn’t even have

to reveal their liaison. The guards would surely appear any moment
now. But Alcharr was furious, and whenever the eagle got angry, he
didn’t let go easily.

Thankfully, a soft voice came from the darkness. “Wait, please

wait,” Valderr said. “Don’t fight. Someone will hear.”

Alcharr and Dorien stepped away from each other as Valderr

approached them. The young eagle fidgeted, obviously uncomfortable
with the attention.

“It’s okay, brother,” he told Alcharr. “You don’t have to defend

my honor. And I’m sure Yane is not upset with Dorien for that
inappropriate comment.”

The words were delivered in a gentle tone, but the reprimand in

them was clear. Dorien rubbed his eyes, probably realizing his
unreasonable attitude. “He’s right. I apologize, Yane. I shouldn’t have
said that.”

Yane acknowledged his friend’s words with a nod. “It’s okay. I’m

not upset.” But Alcharr clearly was, and Dorien’s next observation
didn’t help.

“So, you two are meeting in secret. You do realize tomorrow

you’ll have to wed Valderr?”

He sounded quite upset, and it occurred to Yane that maybe

Dorien could help. “I realize that, but we can’t marry people whom
we don’t love. As for tonight, we have a meeting. Could you cover for

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Dorien looked doubtful. Yane supposed it wasn’t easy to let go of

the compulsion to obey the orders of the royal family. “I don’t

“You can spend some alone time with me,” Valderr coaxed. He

seemed to be trying for seductive, and it sort of worked, because
Dorien’s eyes immediately focused on Valderr, all serious thought

“Okay,” he whispered. “I like that idea.”
“No,” Alcharr snapped. “No way.”
“Calm down, brother,” Valderr said with a smile. “I’ll be fine.”
And he sounded so sure of it that even Alcharr’s anger seemed to

falter. He took a deep breath and glared at Dorien. “All right. But if
you touch him or hurt him in any way, you won’t see the next
morning. Got that?”

Dorien nodded. “You really want to stop this wedding, don’t you?

What are you planning?”

Yane smirked. “If you play your cards right, Dorien, you might

just find out.”

* * * *

In his room, Kyllian waited for Yane and Alcharr to come. He

knew it would take a while, or it might even be impossible. The two
men would have to escape the palace to visit him. If they didn’t arrive
in the next few hours, Kyllian intended to go there himself, although,
truth be told, he preferred not to. He didn’t want to push his magic. It
would be needed tomorrow.

At last, about a half hour after midnight, a knock sounded at his

door. Kyllian already knew who it was. He hastily let Yane and
Alcharr in and gestured them to sit. “Sit down,” he said without
preamble. “We have some planning to do.”

“I take it you found out something.”
Kyllian nodded. “Yes, and you won’t like it.”

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* * * *

Earlier that day

Kyllian slipped through the narrow alleys, scanning the markings

of the shops. In this area of Anethone, the buyers came for specific
services that could be found no place else. Kyllian was looking for a
particular one, but alas, quite a long time had passed since he’d last
been here. Dryads weren’t exactly a welcoming people, and Kyllian
preferred to avoid them.

Still, as a rule, wizards knew many useful individuals all over the

world, some of whom they helped and would help them in turn.
Sandros was one of these men.

A blacksmith and an architect quite respected for his participation

in creating the infrastructure of Anethone, Sandros had been allowed
to live here even if he wasn’t a dryad. Kyllian had never been exactly
sure about Sandros’s parentage, other than the fact that the man had
some wizard blood. For all he knew, he could be half wyrm or
something equally as strange. But Sandros kept to himself, and
everyone respected his lifestyle because of his skills.

For Kyllian’s part, as much as he admired the man’s craft,

something else urged him to look for the man. Sandros was one of the
few real seers left on Uli and the only one who’d actually care enough
about the situation in the dryad kingdom to help.

Finally, Kyllian spotted the marking that pointed out Sandros’s

shop. He made his way there and entered the building. It didn’t take
him long to find the other man. He waited, seated at a table in the
middle of the main room, his eyes closed and his seer crystals
arranged in the shape of a pentagram.

“Well, you certainly took your time to get here,” he said.

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Kyllian smiled. He never could take Sandros by surprise. He

joined Sandros and sat down on a chair opposite to the seer. “You
know me. Always waiting until the last moment.”

Sandros opened his eyes. As always, he looked striking, his

crimson gaze fixing on Kyllian with a sense of all-knowingness. “You
never wait. You’re always running ahead, and people always have to
fight to catch up to you. But not this time. This time, fate has reached
you and there’s no turning back.”

Kyllian was used to Sandros’s enigmatic statements. He didn’t

believe in fate, which made him an oddity among wizards, but he
could deal with Sandros’s comments, as long as the other man helped.
“Right. Well, maybe you can help me a little with that.”

Sandros’s full lips twisted in a barely perceptible smile.

“Certainly.” He extended his palm. “Hand them over.”

Kyllian gave the seer the locks of hair from Alcharr and Yane. He

disliked the notion of having another wizard work with anything
belonging to the two men, but he didn’t have a choice. He doubted
they would manage to figure out whether their parents were involved
or not, so it was up to Kyllian—or rather, to Sandros—to do so. Since
they didn’t have access to personal items from the people in question,
the spell would have to be cast indirectly.

“This isn’t risky in any way, right?” he blurted out before he could

stop himself. He didn’t even know what came over him. He was never
uncertain or hesitant, and he knew all too well that scrying didn’t
affect the person in question in any way.

Sandros actually chuckled this time. “One of these days, you’re

going to have to let me do a reading on you, my friend. Even after all
these years, you can still surprise me. And no, it isn’t risky. Don’t
worry. No one will be hurt.”

Kyllian nodded, feeling a bit awkward now that he’d essentially

revealed his personal involvement in the situation. Because as much
as he hated it, he had started to care. Otherwise, he’d have never
offered Sassaki a place to go after the man had been scorned by his

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family. He’d have never told Hash to be there for Owen. Perhaps he
never would have bothered to even come here. He consoled himself
with the thought that most likely Sandros would have seen the state of
things regardless of Kyllian’s words.

Sandros positioned the locks of hair in the middle of the

pentagram. “Very good,” he said. “Now, here we go.”

Sandros muttered an incantation under his breath, holding his

hands over the crystals and occasionally rotating them over the
middle of the pentagram. Kyllian held his breath as he watched the
man work. He’d seen the seer do this before, of course, but it was still
a marvel to him and a gift he appreciated above all others.

At last, a slide show of images appeared in front of them. At first,

they passed very quickly, but Kyllian realized they were either
Alcharr or Yane’s memories. As the spell delved deeper, the picture
stabilized, stopping in someone else’s mind.

The image showed the crystal, but not in its current state. Rather,

it looked white and beautiful, apparently still cloaked by the spell.
However, it wasn’t the same crystal as in the astral plane, but rather, it
seemed like its equivalent on this realm.

A voice rang out, coming from the memory. “This is the very

foundation of our nation, Enyas. You have to protect it, come what

The memory shifted, presenting the figure of a tall dryad male.

“What is it, Father?” a boyish voice said. Kyllian surmised the
memory belonged to the current dryad king, Enyas, and the other man
must be the former ruler and Enyas’s sire.

“The reason why the wyrms can’t attack us. It was created a long,

long time ago by a wizard who wanted to help us.”

“I swear, Father, I will never let the wyrms defeat us. The crystal

will be safe.”

The image faded, turning into another slide show, until it stopped

once again. A dark-clad figure appeared in front of Kyllian. “I don’t
want my son to marry that nymph,” a decided voice said. “This is

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what you’re going to do. You will take Valderr away from the palace
and hide him. Everyone must believe he has been kidnapped,
including Valderr himself. He’s too young and innocent to know how
to lie. But no matter what, he must be kept safe at all times.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” the dark man said. “When should we

return him?”

“I will talk to King Enyas and convince him the wyrms are behind

the kidnapping. Once they agree to the alliance—without forcing the
issue with the wedding—I will contact you to bring him back. But
again, if he is any way harmed…”

The black-clad man bowed. “I understand, King Amadeus. You

can count on us.”

The second memory vanished as well, and the slide show of

images seemed to be shrouded by something. But Kyllian did catch
sight of the pages of a book on necromantic spells. Clearly, the king
of the eagles was at least one of the guilty parties.

Finally the spell faded, and Kyllian waited for his friend to

recover. The indirect spell had drawn a lot from Sandros, and he
looked very pale. When at last Sandros seemed to be breathing better,
Kyllian inquired, “So, are they both involved? Amadeus and Enyas?”

“No,” Sandros answered as he opened his eyes. “None of them


Kyllian gave him a surprised look. “Pardon me?”
“The dryads don’t know about the crystal losing its power. They

don’t even realize it is necromantic. The alliance is genuinely meant
to support the two nations in trading and military. However, King
Amadeus… his mind is blurred. There is a dark force there beyond his
will. I could feel it. Someone, or something, is controlling him.”

Kyllian almost dreaded to ask the next question. “What do you


Sandros hesitated, and the slight pause just made Kyllian more

apprehensive. “I think…I think it is the crystal, Kyllian,” the seer said

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at last. “It is awake, alive, and it somehow managed to gain control of

“But how could that happen?”
Sandros arched a brow. “It is a necromantic crystal. It’s been

keeping life energies at bay for ages. Absorbing the shape-shifting
attempts of the wyrms must have given it the ability to become
sentient. As for the king…People are vulnerable to dark magic when
in times of great emotional distress. I believe he truly meant to help
his son Valderr by hiding him, but something went wrong. The
extreme guilt of knowing himself the reason of Valderr’s suffering
made him a perfect prey.”

Unfortunately, that made far too much sense. Kyllian remembered

earlier comments of Alcharr, who’d explained their father had
changed a lot. But how did they fight an accumulation of energy?
How could they defeat something that held so much magic and

“The king will try to kill his child and Yanentah tomorrow—or

rather, the crystal will, through its puppet. To stop him…I would say
you’d have to remove Amadeus from its sphere of influence. I believe
it is possible to destroy the crystal here on Uli. In the astral plane, it’s
a whole different matter, but the conduit here should be vulnerable to
your magic, and anyone else’s, for that matter.”

Kyllian hummed thoughtfully. “But destroying it here will only be

a temporary fix, right? The crystal will appear again, on its own,
given that it’s sentient.”

Sandros nodded. “I’m afraid so. To prevent such a thing from

happening, you’ll have to face it in the astral realm. I will help you, of
course. I still have friends, and I will contact them as soon as possible.
But still, this, my friend, is a battle I’m not sure we can win.”

* * * *

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Kyllian waited as Yane and Alcharr processed what he’d just told

them. It was a very serious situation, and he would need their
complete and utter trust if they were going to stop a disaster from

“Did you contact Sassaki and Hash?” Yane finally asked.
Kyllian nodded. He’d sent a message to the dragon shifter as soon

as he’d left Sandros’s shop. In truth, the two shape-shifters were in
danger now, and Kyllian half wished he’d never have told them to
watch the crystal. But then, he’d never suspected the extent of the evil
within the thing.

“I told them to keep away from it, yes, and to leave the astral

plane as soon as possible. If they stay in Almareya for a day or so,
they should be all right. I only hope they’ll listen.”

“Gods,” Alcharr whispered. “I can’t believe this. My father is

behind Valderr’s kidnapping? Are you certain?”

Kyllian nodded. He almost wished he could have kept that part to

himself, but even the slightest bit of secrecy could damage their
tenuous friendship. Information was vital if they intended to beat this

“I’m sorry, Alcharr. I wish I had better news.”
“At least we know,” Alcharr replied, his voice dim and defeated.

“What will I tell Valderr?”

Kyllian’s heart hurt for the man. “The truth,” he answered. “He

needs to know, to protect himself.”

Alcharr didn’t answer, apparently musing over his future

conversation with his younger sibling. Yane, however, gave Kyllian
an inquiring look. “Do you know where the crystal is?”

“Sandros showed me, yes,” Kyllian answered. It had been the first

thing Kyllian asked. Even if the destruction of the current physical
form of the crystal would not solve the root problem, it might help
them with healing the king. Besides, he had a wedding to stop, and
they didn’t have time for any other better ideas.

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“It’s in the castle. It seems there is a passageway beyond your

parents’ quarters.”

Yane groaned. “There’s no way we can get in there now. My

father will most likely feel us.”

“We’ll have to wait until tomorrow then.” Kyllian had suspected

that much already. “It will be better since everyone will be distracted
with preparations.”

Yane got up. “Come on. We can sneak you inside the palace

tonight and deal with the rest in the morning. We don’t have much
time anyway.”

Kyllian agreed, and they left the inn, paying close heed to not to

be seen departing together. As they progressed through the city,
Kyllian stole the occasional look at his companions. They didn’t
speak, and Kyllian didn’t try to initiate conversation. He followed
behind Yane and slipped into the palace grounds. With his magic and
the nymph as a guide, it was easier than Kyllian expected. True
enough, they almost got caught once or twice, but they eventually
escaped notice. Soon, they reached Yane’s room, whereupon Kyllian
found himself facing two other men, a dryad and a young eagle.

“Finally,” the dryad said. “Where have you guys been? Who is


Kyllian arched a brow. Apparently, Yane and Alcharr had made

an unexpected addition to their group. “I’m Kyllian. And you?”

“Dorien, an old friend of Yane’s,” the dryad answered. “What are

you doing here?”

Judging by Dorien’s comments, the man didn’t know about the

situation. Kyllian decided to ignore the question and turned his
attention toward the eagle. “And you must be Valderr,” he said. “It’s
nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from your brother.”

Valderr offered him a shy smile. “Thank you for your help. We

really appreciate it.”

“Did anyone come looking for us?” Yane inquired.

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Dorien shook his head. “No, but there’s something going on. The

guards seem more numerous than ever. With the wedding, security is
strict, but it really increased tonight.”

“It’s okay,” Yane answered. “We’re back now. Go get some rest.

Tomorrow is a big day.”

Dorien looked confused and reluctant, but Valderr pulled him

toward the exit. Before they could leave, Alcharr stopped his brother.
“Don’t trust Father, Valderr,” he said. “Whatever you do, don’t be
alone with him. He’s being controlled by an outside force and he
might hurt you.”

Valderr gave him a pained glance but nodded. “Thanks. I’ll

remember that.”

Without further ado, Valderr and Dorien left the room. Kyllian

plopped down on a comfortable armchair, studying Alcharr and Yane.
“You didn’t tell him the truth,” he noted.

“With Dorien here?” Alcharr said in a disbelieving tone. “You

must be kidding.”

“I didn’t say you should have,” Kyllian shot back, “just that you’ll

probably need to do it sometime in the future.”

Alcharr sat down on Yane’s bed. “I’ll worry about it when the

time comes.”

Yane joined the eagle and wrapped his arms around him. “It’s

okay. We’ll save your father.”

Alcharr turned to look at Yane. Moments passed in silence as the

two men just stared at each other. They seemed to have forgotten
about Kyllian’s presence altogether, so Kyllian just remained silent
and watched.

Slowly, gently, Alcharr lowered his lips over Yane. The mouths of

the two met in a kiss that seemed more like a comforting caress than a
lustful endeavor. But as the kiss went on, Kyllian sensed the
atmosphere change. Alcharr’s hands started to explore Yane’s body.
He pushed the nymph down on the bed, covering Yane’s body with
his own.

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In turn, Yane started tearing at Alcharr’s clothing, rubbing against

the other man wantonly. Kyllian’s cock went rock hard as he watched
them. Careful not to make any noise, he undid his breeches and
cupped himself in his fist. He moved his hand up and down his dick,
all the while keeping his gaze fixed on the men in the bed.

Clothes flew off in a flurry of passion, and Kyllian bit his lip

against the moan that threatened to come at the first sight of his
companions’ naked bodies. Alcharr broke the kiss between him and
Yane and licked down Yane’s torso, lapping at the other man’s skin.
He lingered over Alcharr’s nipples for a few moments, then went
lower down, following the treasure trail of dark blue hair to Yane’s
hard cock.

The moment Alcharr took Yane’s dick in his mouth, the nymph’s

eyes shot open. His gaze met Kyllian’s and he gasped, finally
remembering Kyllian’s presence. Alcharr must have sensed
something was wrong, because he moved away from Yane.

Immediately, Kyllian got up and walked toward the bed. “Don’t

stop,” he said. “Continue to suck him. Now.”

Alcharr stared at him, at first seeming shocked. But then, he once

more turned his attention to Yane and lowered his mouth over the
nymph’s cock. For a few moments, Yane looked like he wanted to
protest, but what man would refuse a blow job? Kyllian smirked as he
sat next to Yane on the bed. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “Just enjoy it.”

Yane moaned in reply, and Kyllian could no longer hold himself

back. He pressed his lips to Yane’s, swallowing the nymph’s
gorgeous cries. Yane tried to wrap his arms around Kyllian, to pull
him closer, but Kyllian held him down, immobilizing his arms with
one strong fist.

He tore his mouth away from Yane’s. “Oil?”
“Nightstand, I th—” Yane panted out. A moan swallowed the rest

of his sentence as Alcharr did something with his mouth that seemed
to drive Yane wild.

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Kyllian followed Yane’s instructions and found a bottle of oil in

the bottom drawer. He placed it on the bed within Alcharr’s reach.
“Alcharr, get him ready.”

Instantly, Alcharr obeyed. Never once stopping his motions on

Yane’s dick, he reached for the oil and poured some on his fingers.
Yane spread his legs, exposing himself for Alcharr’s exploration.
Kyllian’s mouth went dry at the sight. He couldn’t resist the guilty
pleasure of watching Alcharr’s fingers invade Yane’s body. Releasing
Yane, he made his way to the back of the bed, giving the two men
room to maneuver.

Yane’s moans were increasing in volume as Alcharr’s digits

pierced his body, so Kyllian threw a shield around the room, just in
case. He caressed the curve of Alcharr’s back, sweeping his hands
over the smooth feathers. Finally, when he realized Yane was seconds
away from coming, he squeezed Alcharr’s hip. “Stop. Move away.”

Yane let out a cry of protest as Alcharr released his cock and

stopped the finger-fucking. “What? No!”

Kyllian just smirked. “You’re doing what I say now, little nymph.

Got that?”

Yane gulped, his beautiful face flushed and his eyes gone stormy

with frustrated pleasure. As their gazes met, the nymph nodded.
Kyllian suppressed a chuckle. He’d never expected to find such
delicious submissiveness in two men with such strength. “Now, get
Alcharr ready.”

As he spoke, he used a spell to lift Alcharr’s body in the air and

flip him over. The man’s bulk made maneuvering somewhat awkward
without magic, and his wings, while beautiful, took some getting used
to. At any rate, Kyllian didn’t intend to press Alcharr and Yane into
bondage play—not yet. Flying beings in particular weren’t really
receptive to that sort of thing, although Alcharr could be the
exception. They would explore the possibilities later, not now when
the two lovers were hardly in an emotional state to consider such a

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Kyllian hoped they would accept. He hoped he and the others

would live long enough to try to make it work. Because he knew that
such a relationship would need to involve the other three men, as
well. He’d lived too long to not recognize genuine affection when he
saw it, and there were clear bonds between Owen, Hash, Sassaki,
Yane, and Alcharr.

Smiling to himself, Kyllian held Alcharr in his arms. The eagle

met his gaze dead on, pressing his naked body to Kyllian’s. Kyllian
suppressed a groan as Alcharr reached for his dick and wrapped a
strong fist around it. A small smirk appeared on Alcharr’s lips, and
Kyllian wanted to give the man a lesson he would never forget—a
lesson in pleasure.

“Take my clothes off,” he told Alcharr.
The eagle shuddered visibly but proceeded to do as ordered.

Alcharr leaned back and allowed the other man to work his boots and
pants off. His shirt went next, and Kyllian gestured for Yane to wait
until Alcharr finished. At last, the three of them were naked together
on the bed and Kyllian surmised it was finally time to have his way
with the two men.

With a brief nod, he silently told Yane to continue. The following

second, Alcharr gasped, his fingers digging into Kyllian’s shoulders
as Yane’s fingers pushed inside him. From his angle, Kyllian couldn’t
see too well what Yane was doing, but judging by the trembling of
Alcharr’s wings and body, the eagle must be enjoying it a lot.

Alcharr pushed against Yane and back toward Kyllian, as if

unable to decide where he wanted to be touched most. His cock
leaked pre-cum on Kyllian’s thigh, and this time, Kyllian no longer
held back. He pulled Alcharr close and pressed his lips to the eagle’s,
greedily demanding entrance. Alcharr opened for him and Kyllian
invaded the other man’s mouth, tasting him, delving deep, massaging
Alcharr’s tongue with his own.

A groan from Yane reminded Kyllian he needed to involve the

nymph as well, not that he had forgotten. He broke away from

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Alcharr and flipped him over once again. The man let out a sound that
seemed to convey surprise, dismay, and annoyance, and Kyllian
decided to give him one last chance for an out.

“I want to fuck you, Alcharr,” he said. “Would you like that?” He

stole a look toward Yane. “Do you two want to share your bond with
me? Decide quickly.”

Yane just nodded, while Alcharr answered, “Yes. Yes, please.”
“Good answer.”
With that, Kyllian placed Alcharr on all fours and caressed his

naked hip, waiting. “Go on. I want to see you fuck him.”

Alcharr didn’t wait for further encouragement. He maneuvered

Yane in a similar position, murmuring soft words of encouragement
and endearments. Oddly, Kyllian didn’t feel left out, but privileged
for being accepted in such a special moment.

In one single thrust, Alcharr slid home. Yane’s gasp mixed with

Alcharr’s moan, the two echoing each other’s pleasure like only
longtime lovers could. Kyllian would have been humbled, and in a
sense, he was. At the same time, though, he knew that, in spite of the
connection of the two, he himself shared a bond with them. He could
feel it, sense it calling out to his magic.

The eagle stilled inside Yane’s ass, and Kyllian didn’t delay in

taking the offered opportunity. Without giving Alcharr a single
warning, he pushed inside. The cries of his two lovers were even
louder this time, and Kyllian distantly realized that his own grunt had
joined them.

Alcharr’s ass was hot and tight around his dick, and only the ages

of discipline and control Kyllian had lived through kept him from
coming on the spot. He tightened his hold on Alcharr’s hip when the
eagle would have tried to move and, with his other hand, traced the
texture of one of Alcharr’s feathers. It provided enough of a
distraction to keep him from exploding like a youth of barely fifteen

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When he thought he could move without embarrassing himself,

Kyllian pulled out of Alcharr and thrust back in. Into this motion he
put all the strength of his inner self and all his frustrated desire for the
men he’d never actually thought he would have. Over and over, he
pushed in and out Alcharr’s channel, aiming for his man’s prostate.
Alcharr and Yane moved with him, and they fell into a perfect rhythm
of carnal pleasure, pushing, pulling, grinding, groaning, again and
again, until Kyllian thought he would lose it.

On instinct, he slapped Alcharr’s ass as he rode him. Alcharr went

wild, howling as if he were a canine shape-shifter, not a Golden
Eagle. Kyllian increased the pace even more, delivering well-placed
strokes on Alcharr’s buttocks and thighs. He loved the red glow that
appeared on Alcharr’s ass and distantly made a mental note to test
some of his special crops on it as soon as they made some clearer

His balls ached with the need to come, but he kept a tight leash on

himself, wanting to make his lovers climax first. Thrusting one more
time inside Alcharr, he whispered, “Come.”

Alcharr bit down on Yane’s shoulder, and his ass tightened around

Kyllian’s cock as his body instantly responded to Kyllian’s command.
Seconds later, Yane cried out, and Kyllian registered the beautiful
sound through a slight haze, the haze of his own imminent orgasm. It
was too much, and even if he’d have liked to prolong the moment, he
could no longer hold back. With another thrust, he came, filling
Alcharr’s channel with his cream.

Somehow, he found the strength to pull out of Alcharr and roll off

them, not wishing to squash the two under his bulk. Seconds later,
they collapsed together on Yane’s bed. Thankfully, it was large
enough to hold them all, although Kyllian wouldn’t have minded a
smaller bed either.

For a few moments, none of them spoke. As the afterglow began

to dwindle, he took it upon himself to find out if he hadn’t fucked up
their struggling friendship. “You all right?” he asked the two men.

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Yane cracked his eyes open, still panting. “I will be. Thank you.”
Kyllian hummed, not entirely convinced. Alcharr’s silence didn’t

encourage him at all. “Are we all right?”

At his new question, the eagle finally reacted. He looked straight

at Kyllian and smiled. “I believe I said so before. I’ve only ever loved
Yane, but I think that, from now on, I might be able to love others as
well.” His smile turned into a grin. “And if you’re wondering if we
enjoyed that, we certainly did.”

Yane nodded and cuddled by Alcharr’s side. At their answer,

Kyllian no longer needed any further reassurance. Spooning Yane, he
closed his eyes and swore he would not allow any sentient crystal to
hurt these men.

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Chapter Eight

Owen looked around the house, finding it strangely familiar-

looking. It reminded him so much of home, well, of Earth, that it
shocked him. “Are you sure we’re still on Uli?” he asked Fayre.

The young wizard nodded, offering him a weak smile. “In our part

of Uli, at least. I know it feels strange, but Kyllian is just like that. He
does what he wants.”

“Do you live here?” Owen asked, half to keep the conversation,

half out of interest.

Fayre shook his head. “Usually, I don’t stay on this realm. It’s

too…surreal. That’s how I met Hash, actually, two magic users
randomly bumping into each other on Almareya.” Fayre sighed. “I
suppose I’m not old enough to appreciate the astral plane.”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with age,” Kani commented.

“Perhaps you haven’t felt the need for its sanctuary.” He smiled,
looking out the huge windows and toward the clear seas. “I would
stay here forever if I could.”

Owen didn’t have a reply to that. The realm of the wizards was,

indeed, beautiful, but it seemed wasted on him. There was still so
much he didn’t know, so much that scared him. He didn’t like what
was happening around him. He didn’t understand half of it. He felt
helpless and useless, like a burden for the men he’d come to care for.

The décor of Kyllian’s home brought back memories to him of

Earth and of Connor. He wondered why the wizard had gone to
Earth—because he’d clearly been there—and it kept him busy for
about half a minute before darker thoughts intruded, from where
Connor was to what the other men were doing.

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Sassaki and Hash had left shortly after their arrival here, much to

Owen’s silent dismay. Fayre insisted to be taken along, arguing that
they needed him to navigate, but the shape-shifters refused. Secretly,
Owen knew Sassaki and Hash meant to keep Owen, Fayre, and Kani
safe, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating.

Now, Owen, Fayre, and Kani were all alone and trying to pretend

they weren’t counting each passing second. Owen liked the two
young men, but he simply couldn’t focus on anything else but his

Finally, Fayre broke and cursed to himself. He took their hands

and dragged them outside. “Let’s just go look around. It will distract

Kani looked doubtful. “I’ll have trouble shifting back,” he said.

But Owen could easily see how much the young mer wanted to jump
into the clear waters. He shared a look with Fayre, and, smirking,
pushed Kani straight into the ocean.

Seconds later, Kani emerged, red tail having appeared in place of

his legs. “That was mean,” he shouted at Owen, laughing.

Owen couldn’t help but smile a little, too. “Come on,” Kani said,

splashing water at them. “I dare you to join me.”

Owen couldn’t resist the challenge. He took off his shirt, pants,

and shoes, remaining only in his underwear. It wasn’t very decent, but
he didn’t have a bathing suit, so it would have to do. Without
dwelling on it further, he jumped straight into the water, barely
missing a painful collide with Kani. Seconds later, Fayre joined them.

For a while, the three of them swam around, enjoying the water

and the beautiful day. The dark thoughts still lingered in Owen’s
mind, but he tried to be cheerful and patient. Even so, many times he
found himself staring in the direction Hash and Sassaki had

His persistence was rewarded when he spotted a dot approaching

in the sky. He directed his new friends to look, and Fayre confirmed

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that it was, indeed, Hash. As a few more moments flew by, Owen
realized Hash held Sassaki in his arms.

In no time, the two shape-shifters reached them. Hash dropped

Sassaki into the water and landed on the balcony above them. Sassaki
swam toward them, a frown on his face. “What are you doing

“Just wasting time,” Owen answered. “What is it? What’s


“We received a message from Kyllian,” Sassaki said. “We are to

leave the astral realm at once. Apparently, it’s too dangerous to try to
approach the crystal.”

Owen’s eyes widened. “Did he say why?”
“It seems the damn thing is sentient,” Hash answered. “I can’t

believe no one saw this coming. Why did the dryads agree to it in the
first place?”

“Perhaps they didn’t know,” Kani suggested. “Or perhaps they

didn’t care, as long as they kept everyone else at bay.”

“I think they truly didn’t realize,” Sassaki replied. “Dryads may

be my enemies, but I do not believe they would knowingly hurt Uli.”

“Any chance of finding out who was behind the original spell?”

Kani asked.

Fayre shook his head. He murmured an incantation, and they

floated out of the water and onto the balcony next to Hash. “There are
no records of that time left, and necromancers were never under
official control in the first place,” he said. “It’s entirely possible the
wizard who placed the spell is dead and the crystal is sustaining

Another spell from Fayre dried Kani’s tail and also helped Owen,

Sassaki, and Fayre himself. Owen turned toward the two shape-
shifters and asked, “What do we do?”

“For the moment, there’s little we can do,” Hash answered. “If

Kyllian is right, this place is no longer safe. We have to return to the
other realm.”

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Sassaki looked just as upset. “In the circumstances, I would love

to go help Yane, but at this point, we might just interfere and
complicate things further.”

Sassaki didn’t say it, but he clearly believed it was his own fault

for this inability to be by Yane, Alcharr, and Kyllian’s side. Owen
wasn’t thrilled about the situation either, but he forced himself to trust
the other men. He pulled his clothes on and hugged Sassaki. “I’m sure
they know what they’re doing.”

Hash nodded, squeezing the wyrm’s shoulder. “They’ll contact us

again tomorrow. Now, let’s go.”

Nothing more was said as they packed up the few bags they

hadn’t really bothered to empty out and departed. The trip to
Almareya seemed to take far too long, yet far too little. Before Owen
knew it, they’d passed through the passageway again and reached the
intimidating town.

Nothing had changed in the past few days, guards still quite

prevalent in the busy streets of Almareya. Truth be told, he himself
would have very much liked joining Yane, Alcharr, and Kyllian, but
Sassaki was right. A human, a wyrm, and a dragon would just draw
unwanted attention.

Kani seemed just as nervous as him, and in a trembling whisper

explained he wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near mer-controlled

“Don’t worry.” Fayre tried to soothe him. “With everything going

on here, the mer are most likely staying down below where it’s safe.”

As it turned out, Fayre seemed to be mistaken. The inns where

they went were all booked to capacity. It looked like everyone was
trying to take advantage of the chaos and the occasional lapses in
security caused by the political instability of Almareya. With great
difficulty, they found two rooms in a more discreet, less fancy
establishment. The owner didn’t ask any questions. He just directed
them to the two rooms, whereupon a new problem appeared—
accommodation distribution. Who would stay in which room?

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Before Owen could even voice his question, Kani took Fayre’s

hand and grinned. “We’re turning in,” he said. “Have a nice rest.”

Without further ado, he pulled the young wizard to the smaller of

the rooms, leaving Owen, Sassaki, and Hash staring after him. Owen
surmised Kani knew something he didn’t but refrained from
commenting. Self-awareness began to grip him as he realized he
would be alone with the two shape-shifters. It shouldn’t have made
any difference. He’d been close to Sassaki and Hash before. And yet,
it did. Did he feel more sexually aware of them after the night he
spent with Yane? Or had their acceptance of it given him a renewed
sense of their connection? He didn’t know, and yet again, he found
himself confused and apprehensive.

“Come on,” Sassaki said. “Let’s get some sleep. I have a feeling

we’re going to need it.”

Owen followed behind the two shape-shifters and into the larger

room. On first impression, it didn’t seem like much, two single beds
with nightstands, one table with two chairs, a lamp, some shelves, and
a sink. But the few items there were stylish in a discreet way, and the
muted coloring, complemented by two paintings, created a pleasant
ambiance. For a rented room, it felt homey.

For a brief moment, Owen wondered who would get the beds

before he realized how stupid he was being. There was no sense in
anyone sleeping on the floor. If they pushed the two singles together,
they would be able to crowd together on the joint mattresses.

Hash seemed to have the same thought. He started to move the

nightstands around, then hesitated, giving Owen a look. “Is this okay
with you?”

Owen nodded. “Sure. It makes sense to join the beds.”
The two shape-shifters made no comment, although Sassaki did

lend a hand to Hash in preparing their sleeping arrangements. In no
time, they had a reasonable double bed for them to rest in. They also
fixed the sheets and pillows so that it would fit the new shape.

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In the meantime, Owen did his best to keep busy by taking care of

their bags. They didn’t have much luggage, but they had bought some
outfits before leaving for the astral realm. He couldn’t run around
dressed only in the clothing Yane provided in Tanarak, and Sassaki’s
clothing habits were poor at best. The man only ever wore the
occasional pants, although Owen surmised even those were chosen
for the purpose of their meetings.

As soon as Hash and Sassaki finished with their own task,

however, they gestured for him to come closer. “Sit down, Owen,”
Hash said, patting the bed. “What is it? Are you worried about them,
or is it something else?”

Owen would have thought the man was a mind reader, and he

almost wished he was, too. He couldn’t exactly put into words what
he wanted and what concerned him. “I just…I don’t understand.”

Sassaki let out a deep sigh. “Come here, Owen. I think Hash and I

need to explain something to you.”

Owen saw the two shape-shifters share a look. He made his way

to their side. “Does this have something to do with why Kani and
Fayre left so quickly?”

Sassaki smiled. “In a way.” When Owen sat on the bed, the wyrm

joined him and reach for his hand. “I know this is hard for you, but
there’s something you have to know. It’s probably a terrible time to
say it, but it might shed some light on some of what’s going on.”

Owen had never before been thankful for his degree in theater. He

managed to school his features into neutrality and silently urged the
man to continue. “You are our mate,” Sassaki said. “The other half of
our soul.”

“Mate?” Owen repeated, his resolve to stay calm faltering. “Wait,


“All shape-shifters have mates,” Hash explained. “It is the one

thing that distinguishes us from other races. In spite of the differences
between Sassaki and me, we figured out that you are ours.”

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“For both of you?” Owen’s mind whirled. “But...Yane? And the


He was being incoherent and he knew it. “I’m not sure if they

realize,” Hash answered, “but they must suspect. Kyllian told me
outright that he knew about me. As for the others, they can’t have
missed the risks Sassaki took for you. Something like that is generally
expected of a mating bond.”

Owen struggled to understand what they were saying but failed.

For his part, he’d liked Sassaki on sight, and even if Hash puzzled
him at first, he was drawn to them both. Was it all because of some
weird force of destiny, or a chemical imbalance, or whatever caused
this mating thing? It disappointed Owen. He wanted to believe that
their relationship, however strange, was based on their own will and

“So where does that leave us, then?” he asked, disheartened.
“Owen, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Sassaki

replied quickly. His tone sounded gentle, but Owen sensed hurt
underneath the words. “We won’t force you, of course.”

“You seem upset,” Hash added. “Tell us. What’s on your mind?”
“I…I know we don’t know each other all that well, but I really

thought we had something special, something true we built together.”
He hated the trembling of his own voice. “I suppose I wanted to
believe I could make you like me even if I am just a simple human.”

Hash’s eyes widened. “Oh, baby. You misunderstand. This is very

true and very special. Fate does not simply push someone onto us. It
is like a book that says what will happen but rewrites itself again and
again according to our actions.”

Owen didn’t understand anything anymore. “If that’s true, where

does a fated mate fit in?”

“A fated mate is the person whose soul most suits our own. He or

she is the one who will love and understand us, no matter what, who
will be able to protect and support us in everything we do.”

“And you think I can protect you?” Owen asked in disbelief.

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Sassaki cupped his cheek, his green eyes sparkling like emeralds.

“You already do, Owen. You brought us all together, even if you
don’t realize it.”

Owen looked from Sassaki to Hash, taking in their earnest

expressions. He’d never been good at accepting fate or anything along
that line, but since coming here, his life had changed. The same way
he’d trusted Yane, he could trust Sassaki and Hash, too.

“I don’t understand yet, no,” he said softly, “but maybe you can

teach me.”

He didn’t mean it as a come-on or erotic suggestion, at least not as

he spoke the words. Even so, he caught a flash of something
dangerous pass through Hash’s eyes, and he identified it as arousal.
All of a sudden, nothing sounded better than to have the two men
touch, to really show him what they meant through their actions, not
their words.

“Owen,” Sassaki whispered, “we need to know…If you want to

back down, now is the time. If we claim you as our mate, you will be
bonded to us forever. Your life thread will be united to ours. You
won’t be able to undo it. You won’t be able to go back to the life you
lived before.”

Owen crawled closer to Sassaki. He ached to touch the two shape-

shifters but forced himself to pay attention at the same time. “The
only thing I miss from Earth is Connor,” he answered, “and from
what I hear, he’s mated, too. So maybe he and I have the same luck,
after all.”

He offered Sassaki a smile. He probably should have taken more

time to decide, but Owen had never been more certain of what he
wanted in his life. Perhaps he couldn’t fully grasp what it meant to be
the mate of a shape-shifter, but he was sure the two men would never
hurt him or allow any harm to come to him. The only thing that made
him hesitate was the thought of Yane, Alcharr, and Kyllian. He
remembered the look of shock in Alcharr’s eyes and didn’t want to
see it again. He didn’t want to feel like he’d betrayed him or Yane. “I

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want you to claim me,” he answered before he could stop himself.
“But with such an important thing, I think it might be best if we wait
until after this whole business with the crystal is over, until we can
talk to Yane, Alcharr and Kyllian, too.” He had no idea why he added
the wizard to the mix or if Hash and Sassaki would understand his
request. Hell, for all he knew, they might not survive this damn
situation. But, no. He refused to believe that. They would live through
it, because they had too much still to do, too much to love.

He wished he had words to express everything he wanted to say.

Thankfully, the two shape-shifters seemed to understand. “I agree,”
Hash replied. In a flash, he was at Owen’s side and brought their
bodies close. “I fully agree.”

They were so near now that Hash’s body heat burned Owen. He

blinked, his previous decision beginning to fade. He ached to touch
and be touched in turn. Heat flooded his face and he tried to move
away, knowing that if he didn’t, he would end up doing something
he’d regret.

But Sassaki stopped him before he could get too far. “Hold on,

lovely,” he murmured. “Claiming is not the same as touching, as
kissing. It’s a commitment. We don’t have to decide on it now, but
that doesn’t mean we have to stay away from each other.”

Sassaki’s hands went around Owen’s chest, effectively keeping

him trapped. “It’s okay,” he said. “You don’t have to be afraid.”

Owen opened his mouth, intending to argue with that comment.

He thought about Yane and Alcharr again, then remembered
Alcharr’s parting words. He took a deep breath and nodded.
Surrendering to fear would only break what they were trying to build.

“Okay. Okay. I’m not afraid as long as you’re here.”
If he’d have liked to say anything else, he wasn’t given the

chance. Sassaki pulled him in his lap, and Hash descended upon him,
pressing their lips together. Owen’s body reacted before he could
even truly grasp what was going on. He opened his mouth for the
other man, greedily taking in Hash’s invasion. Sassaki’s hard cock

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nudged against his ass, arousing him in spite of the barrier of material
between them. Owen wanted more. He wanted skin to skin, their
naked bodies touching, moving against each other.

As if thinking the exact same thing, Hash’s hands worked at his

clothes, ripping up the carefully chosen outfit. His lips never ceased
their attack on Owen’s mouth. He tasted hot and spicy, a flavor Owen
couldn’t identify except to call it uniquely Hash. He ravaged Owen,
exploring every recess, taking no prisoners.

At the same time, Sassaki nibbled on his throat, strikingly sharp

teeth sending combined pleasure-pain through Owen. The wyrm’s
clever hands helped Hash with Owen’s clothes, and between the two
shape-shifters, the material didn’t have a chance. Before long, Owen
ended up naked in Sassaki’s lap with Hash still kissing him.

When the dragon finally broke away from him, Owen moaned in

distress, not even sure what he wanted to ask for. Sassaki caressed his
naked skin, his cold hands making goose bumps rise all over his body,
at least at first. The touch soon became as heated as Hash’s, the
warmth of their passion affecting Sassaki as well.

The wyrm flipped Owen over, and before Owen could even regain

his breath from the previous kiss, took his mouth in a lip-lock that
rivaled Hash’s in its passion. No, that wasn’t right. They were too
different to ever be rivals. Where Hash took, Sassaki gave, sharing his
very heart with Owen, a need so intense that it shocked Owen to the
core. He trembled in Sassaki’s arms, for the first time acknowledging
the true extent of their desire for each other. They couldn’t stop, not
now, not ever.

Sassaki took his time kissing Owen, but Hash didn’t waste it

either. His hands traveled down Owen’s back, massaging and
caressing every inch of him until they reached his ass. Owen gasped
into Sassaki’s mouth. His arousal skyrocketed, and anticipation filled
him as Hash kneaded his cheeks, parted them, and rubbed his hidden
hole. Even if he’d only just been with Yane the day before, he
yearned to be filled, owned again. Did that make him slutty? He

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didn’t know. But right then and there, he couldn’t bring himself to
care either.

“Look at you,” Hash whispered. “You’re practically begging for

our touch.”

Owen couldn’t have found a reply even if his mouth wasn’t busy

being taken by Sassaki’s. It didn’t help that the wyrm’s hand slipped
between their bodies and zeroed in on Owen’s dick. The now-hot fist
that gripped him tightly almost made Owen come on the spot.

Sassaki broke their kiss and met Owen’s gaze, his own eyes so

green they were almost black. “Not yet, lovely. Don’t come.”

To his shame, Owen whimpered. “I really need to, Sassaki.”
The fingers rubbing at his opening retreated, and Owen heard

Hash move around the room. “What?” he protested. “Wait…”

But Sassaki held him tightly, soothing his anxiety with butterfly-

light kisses. In no time, Hash returned to the bed. “We don’t have
oil,” he said in a frustrated tone.

No oil meant no sex. Owen had not seen the two men naked, but

judging by the girth he’d felt against his ass while in Sassaki’s lap, he
would have trouble taking him. A stolen peek over his shoulder
revealed quite an impressive erection from Hash as well. Owen barely
managed to suppress a sob of dismayed desire.

But Sassaki didn’t seem all that upset. Instead, he grinned

wickedly. “We’ll just have to be inventive.”

Owen yelped as Sassaki pushed him down on the bed. He landed

with his head on Hash’s lap and had the time to give Sassaki a
confused look before pleasure exploded through his body. Sassaki’s
mouth lowered over his cock, and Owen cried out as his lover took
him all the way into his throat. Never once he’d felt such ecstasy.
Sassaki didn’t seem to have any gag reflex at all. In fact, that might
very well be the case, given Sassaki’s wyrm nature.

It was his last coherent thought, and Owen lost himself in the hot

suction, in the skilled whirl of Sassaki’s tongue over his dick. Sassaki
seemed to be enjoying himself immensely, and his groans and grunts

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sent delicious vibrations through Owen’s cock. Sassaki’s hands didn’t
stay useless either. The wyrm’s fingers teased Owen’s sac, rubbing at
the wrinkled skin. He briefly abandoned Owen’s dick to lick over his
testes, devouring him with the ferocity of a predator. His tongue
explored Owen’s taint, making him howl in pleasure.

As if through a dream, Owen heard himself beg, “Please,


Thankfully, the wyrm didn’t prolong the torture for much longer.

He took Owen’s dick in his mouth once more and bobbed his head up
and down the other man’s cock. Owen was on the brink of coming,
close, so close.

And then, Hash’s sharp fingernails rolled over his nipples,

tweaking the nubs of flesh. The bite of pain pushed him over the edge,
and he found his peak, crying out his lover’s name in a rush of

Hash’s hands were gentle in his hair as the dragon held him

through the aftermath of his orgasm. He was so dazed and
comfortable he almost missed Sassaki’s following actions. The wyrm
spread Owen’s legs wide, exposing his hole once again. His fingers,
now slick, went straight to Owen’s opening. Owen’s eyes widened at
the realization that the wyrm was using his own cum to lube him up.

Just the thought made his spent cock go rock hard once again.

Sassaki chuckled and two of his fingers went deep into his body.
Owen groaned, renewed need assaulting him. In spite of it, his body
remained relaxed and he took the two fingers without too much

Sassaki kept his eyes on him as he scissored his digits inside

Owen’s body. Owen gasped when the wyrm hit his special spot and
massaged the spongy gland. On instinct, Owen started to move, trying
to impale himself on the fingers, seeking deeper penetration.

Much to his dismay, however, Sassaki removed them from his

body. The next thing he knew he was being flipped on all fours. In
front of him, Hash removed his clothing, exposing hard muscles, a

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taut abdomen, and a thick erection that made Owen’s mouth water.
He found it hard to keep himself upright, especially when he felt
Sassaki caress his back. “Go ahead. Suck him,” Sassaki hissed.

Owen didn’t have to be asked twice. He licked his lips and looked

up at Hash. The dragon’s eyes seemed to hold an unbearable flame.
Owen wanted to burn in it. He wanted to feel Hash scorch him with
his fire.

His wordless plea wasn’t left unanswered. Hash pushed his cock

against Owen’s lips, teasing him with just a taste of his pre-cum. At
the same time, Sassaki’s fingers pierced Owen’s anus once more. He
gasped and Hash took advantage of the opportunity to slip his dick
into his mouth. Owen closed his eyes in delight at the feel of the
dragon’s prick on his tongue. It was amazing and so right that he
didn’t know how he could have ever hesitated.

When Hash tried to pull away, Owen moaned in protest, causing

his new lover to groan. He understood the dragon’s actions, however,
when Sassaki’s fingers disappeared and something bigger nudged at
Owen’s opening. Hash remained practically motionless while Sassaki
impaled Owen with his thick dick.

It hurt. Owen had expected it, of course, but in a weird way, it still

surprised him. How could his body yearn for something painful? The
few times he’d tried to explore that path with his lovers it had ended
up an abysmal failure. But Sassaki wasn’t like those men. He didn’t
hit him or force him. He pushed in slowly, allowing Owen to get used
to the invasion. Gradually, Owen found himself relaxing, and the burn
became pleasurable instead of agonizing.

“That’s it, Owen,” Sassaki said. “You’re doing great.”
His voice sounded strained, and Owen wanted to tell the two men

he was okay, that they could move now. Instead, he moaned and
tightened his ass muscles around Sassaki’s cock. Twin groans came
from his lovers, and Hash’s hands landed on his head, caressing his
scalp and threading through his hair.

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Owen looked up at him, feeling dizzy, wanton, and afraid. He

didn’t know how the mate thing worked, but he tried to will them to
touch him, to fuck him. It seemed to work. The next thing he knew,
both Sassaki and Hash pulled out of him, then pushed back inside in
simultaneous thrusts.

Pleasure exploded through Owen’s body when Sassaki’s cock hit

his prostate. His cock—which had briefly lost interest during the
initial stages of his penetration—now demanded more of the delicious
sensations. Energy sizzled over his skin as the two men took him,
branding him as theirs.

Their pace increased more and more, and Owen actually thought

he felt claws against his hips and his scalp. It was entirely possible,
and the knowledge that he’d drawn his mates to the limit aroused him
even more. Breathing through his nose, he did his best to take Hash in
all the way to his throat while opening his body for Sassaki.

Over and over, they fucked him, the carnality of it all mixing with

the unfathomable emotions in Owen’s heart. His balls threatened to
blow their load, and at the same time, his soul was humbled by the
weight of the feelings between them. His own name sounded in his
ears, coming from both Sassaki and Hash’s lips. It was almost like a
drug, and Owen lost track of space and time, becoming a mere
receptacle for their pleasure, taking and giving in perfect synchrony.

But nothing lasted forever, especially the things that were so

good. All too soon, Owen felt his climax approach. When Sassaki
buried his cock deep inside him one more time, he climaxed once
again, the orgasm even more intense than his first. At the same time,
Hash roared, finding his peak as well and sending hot streams of cum
down Owen’s throat. A few seconds later, Sassaki joined them, filling
Owen’s passage with his seed.

Dazed and exhausted, Owen couldn’t have kept his balance if he

tried. His hands and knees—which had miraculously supported him
during the vigorous fucking—lost all strength, and he collapsed on the

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mattress. Sassaki and Hash fell with him and they cuddled together in
a messy, sweaty heap.

Hash recovered first and briefly left the bed, bringing back a

washcloth to clean them. As the dragon wiped him off, Owen thought
about everything he’d felt and experienced in the past few days. He
thought about the three men who were out there confronting an enemy
on their own. They couldn’t just stand around here and do nothing.

“There has to be a way to help,” he said.
It wasn’t exactly the ideal postcoital conversation, but neither of

the men seemed surprised. Sassaki kissed his forehead and nodded.
“Yes, there is. I have to return to Tanarak. I trust Yane, Alcharr, and
Kyllian to deal with the crystal, and I would not be able to aid them
there, anyway. But if they do destroy it, my people will not delay in
taking advantage of the situation.”

Owen’s eyes widened as he took in the meaning of Sassaki’s

words. His lover was right. He remembered all too well the hostility
Sassaki’s parents showed them. As soon as the enchantment fell, the
wyrms would most likely assault Tanarak. The people there were in
grave danger.

Owen was torn. A part of him wanted to protest. If Sassaki

returned to Tanarak, he would be facing the same perils as the
nymphs, perhaps even more since he would be considered a traitor.
“It’s too dangerous,” he whispered. “You can’t go alone. Take me
with you.”

Sassaki gave him a horrified look. “No. No way.”
Owen opened his mouth to protest, but Hash stopped him before

he could make any comment. “I will leave with him. But Owen, you
have to make me a promise. No matter what happens, stay close to
Fayre. He might be young, but his magic is strong. He can protect

Owen turned his attention toward the dragon. Hash looked so

pained, so very upset that it broke Owen’s heart. What could he
possibly say in such circumstances? What was the right thing to do?

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Owen wanted to stay by their side, but he would just be a distraction
in Tanarak.

It was hard to believe that mere minutes before they’d been deep

in the throes of orgasm. Now, arousal was the furthest thing from
Owen’s mind. He remembered Hannah and all of Yane’s friends in
Tanarak. Were they sentenced to death? And if so, would Sassaki and
Hash’s presence truly make a difference, or would they just sacrifice
themselves for nothing?

At that thought, Owen could no longer keep his composure. Silent

tears fell down his cheeks, even as he berated himself for his
weakness. Sassaki and Hash held him in a double embrace, caressing
him without speaking. And in that moment, Owen knew the decision
had been made, and Owen would have to resign himself to its

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Chapter Nine

The next morning

Yane woke up pleasantly sore and spooned between Kyllian and

Alcharr. His face flooded with heat as he remembered the events the
night before. He almost couldn’t believe he’d lost control like that.
Then again, the high chances of death that threatened him today made
all other issues seem so very insignificant. He couldn’t regret
enjoying the night before or consummating a bond that seemed to be
beyond all boundaries of reason.

He stole a look outside and cursed when he realized dawn was

already peeking over the horizon. Taking a deep breath, he focused to
control his panic. The servants would be up by now, but they
wouldn’t bother him for a few more hours. His parents never woke
early, and he wondered if they’d made an exception for his and
Ciera’s wedding day. The first thing he needed to do was to find out.

Extracting himself from Alcharr’s hold, he slipped out the bed.

Unsurprisingly, his departure woke both men. Alcharr rubbed his eyes
blearily and asked, “Yane, what time is it?”

Kyllian got up and stretched, and against his will, Yane was

drawn to the sight of the man’s muscular torso. “It’s morning
already,” the wizard said.

Alcharr sighed and left the bed as well. “We should get ready,


Yane nodded wordlessly. He couldn’t believe the day he’d

dreaded for years had come. Only, instead of binding him in a union
he didn’t want, it might very well lead to his demise.

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Shaking himself, Yane struggled to come up with a plan. He

started putting his clothes on while his lovers did the same. “I will
question the guards and find out if my parents are awake. We’ll go
from there.”

Kyllian hummed, sounding deep in thought. “I figure that most

likely, you’ll have to sneak me in there, then leave before anyone
realizes you’re missing.”

Alcharr nodded. “It will be up to Yane to distract everyone. I’ll

lead you there. I’m familiar with the palace, with the time Yane and I
spent avoiding everyone.” His attempt for a light-hearted comment
failed, and he gave Kyllian a concerned look. “But can you handle the
crystal on your own?”

The wizard grinned, but there was little amusement in his smile.

His eyes held a steely determination that somehow comforted Yane.
“I have to,” Kyllian said.

They made general arrangements, whereupon Kyllian explained

the full directions Sandros had given him the day before. Yane began
to have a fair clue of where the crystal was located. Truth be told, it
was really a no-brainer. The dryads’ palace had been built as the
epicenter of the magic they worked to keep the plague lands green.
The most powerful men and women of their kingdom had pooled their
powers there for the purpose of fixing at least a measure of the
damage done to the ground. But it was a continuing battle, since if the
dryads didn’t feed the greenery with magic, everything died again.
Therefore, it stood to reason that the crystal that killed life energies
would be located below ground, where it could reach the very core of
their land.

At last, they could no longer delay putting their plan into practice.

Kyllian and Alcharr found a hiding spot, and Yane went to open the
door. Predictably, on the hallway outside, he spotted two guards.
“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning, Your Highness,” one of them answered.

Shockingly, he sounded quite respectful. Perhaps for this day at least,

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the guards would try harder to disguise their dislike for nymphs. “Can
I help you with anything?”

“Do you know if my parents are awake?”
The second man nodded. “They are, Your Highness. I believe they

are rechecking everything downstairs.”

Yane thanked the guards, then returned to his room. This was it.

As his lovers left their hiding spots, he shared a look with them. On
impulse, he pressed brief kisses to both their mouths, sobering before
they could even comment. “Here we go. I’ll distract the guards. You
two leave after that.”

There were nods all around. Just as Yane readied himself to exit

the room once more, Kyllian pulled him close and pressed his mouth
to Yane’s. Behind Yane, Alcharr wrapped him in his arms, squeezing
him tight. “Be careful, all right?” he murmured.

Yane didn’t know who Alcharr was even talking to. Technically

speaking, the hardest job would be Kyllian’s. He and Alcharr would
just have to go through the day as if nothing were wrong and make
sure no one thought of investigating the crystal. Still, for a few
moments he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of the kiss and the
affection his lovers provided.

They broke apart all too soon, and when Yane started regaining

his composure, he realized they didn’t know what guards provided
security for the crystal. “Kyllian, there must be some soldiers
protecting the thing.”

“I realize that,” Kyllian answered. “If your parents did choose to

add guards, I suspect it’s a recent development. No one is completely
trustworthy, and rumors of the crystal would have reached the wrong
ears in its ages of existence. The proof lies in the fact that the wyrms
have found out now, of all times. But don’t worry. Between Alcharr
and me, we’ll handle it.”

Yane wanted to believe that, but he still felt terrified. At this point,

however, there could be no going back. He wondered if he could get
Dorien to help but put that thought out of his mind. He couldn’t trust

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his friend, not for something so important, at least, and Dorien would
be busy with his own wedding anyway.

And so, Yane acknowledged the wizard’s words with a nod and

broke away from the embrace. With another look toward his lovers,
he exited the room and closed the door behind him. Thinking quickly,
he said the first thing that came to mind. “Have you seen my
betrothed today?”

“I do believe he is still in his quarters,” the first man replied.
“Would you go give him this message from my part? I would like

to see him in the gardens at his earliest convenience.”

The guard hesitated. “Certainly. But, My Lord, are we to leave

your room unattended?” The second soldier would automatically have
to follow Yane around, as per his station.

Yane shrugged. “It’s not like there’s anything valuable in there.

Besides, we don’t have servants who would steal, and you’d only be
gone for a few minutes.”

Even if he went for a nonchalant remark, he put a degree of

authority in his voice. He might be a nymph, but he was also a warrior
and had spent three quarters of his life fighting wyrms that would eat
this man alive. He wouldn’t take any disrespect, not this time.

The man didn’t question his order again and simply took off to do

as he’d been told. Satisfied, Yane gestured the second guard to
follow. Doing his best to keep a straight face, he left the royal wing of
the palace and headed to the ground level, where the wedding
preparations would be taking place.

As soon as he entered the main hall, he was intercepted by his

mother. “Oh, thank the gods, Yanentah,” she said. “Why did you take
so long waking up?” She grabbed his hand and dragged him toward
the main entryway. “Guests are already arriving. I have people asking
for you, and I don’t know what to tell them.”

People asking for him? What in the world? Who could be showing

such interest in him at this hour? His heart thundering, he allowed his
mother to lead him there. Once they reached the main hall, Yane

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caught sight of his father talking to a tall, familiar-looking man. At
first, Yane couldn’t quite figure out where he’d seen the guest before,
but when he and his mother reached them, he finally understood.

“Greetings, Prince Yanentah,” the man said. “I’m Ogash’Dral. I

do hate to intrude on you and your family during such a special day,
but I had an issue to discuss with you that could not wait.”

Yane’s heart fell as he realized the seriousness of the situation.

This man was Hash’s father. Apparently, whatever excuses the dragon
had made for his family didn’t work out. It was the last thing Yane
expected and a problem he did not need.

His father smiled tightly. “I understand His Lordship sent his son

to inquire into the appearance of a human in Tanarak. You can
imagine we were quite surprised. We had no knowledge of such a
thing happening.”

His father’s usage of the royal “we” spoke volumes of the other

man’s anger. Yane plastered a smile on his face and said, “It
completely slipped my mind. The only thing I can tell you is that His
Lordship’s son—Has’hendral, if I’m not mistaken—left with the

The explanation might later cause them problems, but it had the

temporary advantage of placating both his father and the dragon.
Additionally, it wasn’t an actual lie, since Hash had indeed left with
Owen. Ogash’Dral might suspect he was hiding something, but he
wouldn’t be able to call Yane out on it, especially not now.

“I see,” the dragon said. “I suppose I owe you an apology then.”
Yane’s mother intervened before the dragon could say anything

else. “Not at all. We’d be honored to have you as our guest for the

As his parents made nice with the dragon, Yane suppressed a sigh

of relief. For the moment, he’d dodged danger. But the day was only
just beginning. Who knew what other unpleasant surprises would

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* * * *

After Yane left the room, Kyllian and Alcharr waited for a few

moments, their ears peeled to catch the exact moment when the coast
would be clear.

Kyllian heard Yane initiate a conversation with one of the guards

but didn’t catch the words. He was too busy focusing on the magical
message that suddenly appeared in front of him. Frowning, he took it
in his hand and opened it. Almost instantly, he felt like he was going
to vomit.

Alcharr must have noticed the change in his demeanor. “What is

it?” he whispered. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s from Fayre,” Kyllian answered. “It seems Sassaki and Hash

went to Tanarak to help the nymphs when the wyrms attack.”

All the blood drained out of Alcharr’s face. They both knew what

the message meant. Essentially, if they destroyed the crystal, Sassaki
and Hash faced almost a certainty of death. But if they didn’t, an even
worse situation might appear.

It occurred to Kyllian the night before that the crystal was too

powerful to have its influence on the plague lands fail. If anything, it
should be strengthening with time. Something else must be amiss,
something even darker and more evil. Kyllian feared that the crystal
might very well intend to expand its influence over the entire world. It
was a stretch, but not entirely impossible to achieve. Sacrifices held a
tremendous energy, which was why they could be used to boost the
power of a crystal. But if the crystal in question didn’t need boosting
to achieve its normal potential, it stood to reason that it might grow
bigger and more dangerous than ever.

“We can’t back down,” he said, keeping his voice level in spite of

the pain in his heart. “I didn’t mention it to Yane, but I believe the
crystal might be seeking to grow further, to control Uli itself. This is
bigger than us now.”

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Alcharr looked a little green but nodded. “We should go. It won’t

take long for the guards to come back.”

Without further ado, they left the room. There were still guards in

the royal wing, but not on this particular corridor. Still, it wasn’t easy
to evade the watchful eyes of the dryads. It took far too long, for
Kyllian’s comfort, to reach the royal apartments.

Unsurprisingly, once they were there, they found themselves

facing a new obstacle. This particular room was well guarded,
something that, of course, did not surprise Kyllian. Like he’d told
Yane before, he’d expected this development.

“Don’t do anything for now,” he told Alcharr. Insofar as he could,

he wanted to avoid involving the eagle.

As such, he muttered a couple of simple spells that would not

draw to much energy out of him. A gust of wind broke through the
large windows in front of the royal quarters, spraying the five guards
with glass. The distraction gave Kyllian time enough to shoot forward
and take out three of the men. Unfortunately, the other two recovered
and were about to draw the alarm when Alcharr descended upon them
from behind. Two well-placed hits from the eagle and the soldiers fell
in a crumpled heap to the floor. The five were only unconscious, but it
would hold them until this whole business was done.

“I thought I told you to stay put,” he told Alcharr.
“You’re not the boss of me, at least not outside the bedroom,”

Alcharr answered cheekily.

In a strange way, the comment made Kyllian feel a bit

encouraged. Chuckling, he went to the door, muttering another spell
to figure out if there was someone else inside. It seemed to be empty,
although beyond, even through the simple probe, he sensed deep
power. It messed with the spell, and he couldn’t be sure if the crystal
was guarded or not.

Shrugging to himself, he opened the door and let himself in the

room. Together with Alcharr, he dragged the unconscious guards
inside. They used a quilt on the bed to improvise bindings and gags,

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since Kyllian didn’t want to waste his magic on it. After they finished,
he smiled at the eagle. “Go on. People are bound to wonder where
you are, and you need to keep an eye on your father.”

Alcharr hugged him. “Take care and good luck.”
With that, his lover left the room. Kyllian took a deep breath and

closed the door behind Alcharr. From this point on, he was on his
own. It was, perhaps, the most important thing he’d ever done in his
life, and it made him sick to his stomach to know that it might bring
about the death of Sassaki and Hash. He didn’t know the wyrm all
that well, but the man struck him as both iron-willed and caring. At
the same time, Kyllian forged at least a certain friendship with Hash,
but the destruction of the crystal could wipe it all away.

Pushing aside his misgivings, Kyllian studied the room, paying

close attention to each detail. The passage to the crystal wasn’t
immediately evident, but with Sandros’s instructions, Kyllian found
it, masked by a huge bookcase. It would be easy to move it away, but
unfortunately, there were a number of powerful wards beyond that
might make his job harder.

Carefully, he removed the tome he knew would part the bookcase

from the wall. Indeed, seconds later, the piece of furniture revealed
the hidden doorway. No obstacles seemed to exist, and no guards.
However, Kyllian’s powers saw what the physical eye could not. A
heavy magical barrier protected the passageway. This might be more
difficult than Kyllian initially thought.

Knowing he didn’t have much time, he set himself to work.

Closing his eyes, he delved deep in the material of the spell, weaving
his way through the ward, finding its weaknesses. It was a strong
spell, so it took him quite a while until he succeeded in his task. But at
last, the barrier fell.

Of course, the magical shield was only the first step. As Kyllian

walked inside the passageway, he found more wards, some thicker,
some slighter than the first. There were no actual guards, a fact for

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which he felt both thankful and surprised, but as time continued to fly,
Kyllian was beginning to doubt his own ability to do this on his own.

However, he persevered. Lower down he went, through the

seemingly endless corridor, the darkness and small space choking
him. At one point, he must have left the surface, because the
temperature started to decrease more and more. Even as he started to
despair, the passageway suddenly opened into a huge chamber. In the
middle of it, the crystal floated, at first glimpse looking white and
pure. But beneath the surface, Kyllian caught sight of the dark
energies looming just underneath the surface and seeping all over the
chamber. Unsurprisingly, the effects extended into the ground around
them. Everything felt lifeless and dead. Kyllian wondered how
anyone could have ever believed this thing would protect them.

Kyllian frowned at the crystal. “You’re not going to beat us,” he

said. “I’m destroying you if it’s the last thing I do.”

He thought he heard ghostly laughter, and out of the blue, an

image appeared in his mind. He saw Sassaki being torn apart by his
kin while Hash helplessly tried to fight the wyrms back. He saw the
dragon dying, his remains scattered over the waters of Tanarak. He
watched as the darkness spread from the plague lands until it engulfed
the whole of Uli, seeping into the astral realm like an infection.

“No,” he shouted. “It won’t be like that. We will beat you.”
He took a deep breath and ignored the mental assault. So the

crystal knew his weakness, but it didn’t understand his strength. It
couldn’t grasp the fact that people were capable of the most incredible
feats for their loved ones. Kyllian clung to the trust and affection he
felt. He imagined Owen’s smile, his voice as he wondered if, perhaps,
there could be a way to make wyrms and dryads accept each other.

“Never,” a voice whispered. “You will never succeed.”
Kyllian cast everything away. He focused on his task, searching

deep into his soul for his very center. Wind blew around him as
Kyllian unleashed his magic on the crystal. Lightning crackled around
him, the power of the storms at Kyllian’s fingertips. He poured it all

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over the evil in front of him, over and over until he thought he had
nothing left to give.

Much to his dismay, the power of the crystal didn’t yield. Even so,

after a while, Kyllian did see the effect of his spells on the thing. The
darkness seemed more obvious, the façade of the crystal dissipating
completely. The laughter he heard turned into anger. His efforts were
not in vain.

Taking a deep breath, Kyllian sent a bolt of lightning at the

crystal. It hit the accumulation of energy with a deafening noise. For a
few moments, nothing happened, but then the crystal seemed to glow
even darker and a shot of energy flew straight to Kyllian. Kyllian
managed to dodge it, although he came close to being taken out. The
crystal seemed to have understood this wasn’t a game and Kyllian
truly did intend to destroy it.

As the battle continued, the crystal made several assaults that

made Kyllian lose his focus. Soon, exhaustion threatened and Kyllian
knew he was moments away from losing the chance to destroy this
evil. There was only one thing left to do, one thing he could try to
save the people he’d come to care about so much. He felt disheartened
as he recalled Sassaki and Hash, but he encouraged himself by
thinking this was what they all wanted, to save the plague lands from
the malignant influence of the crystal.

Before he could convince himself to back down, Kyllian focused

his every bit of remaining power on the one spell that could, at this
point, give him a chance against the crystal. Alas, its absolute strength
stemmed from its self-destructive nature. Few wizards ever survived
using it. In fact, there was an almost 99 percent probability that
Kyllian would die.

But he’d never been afraid of death. He’d lived for too long and

seen too much to be scared of it. He had his regrets, of course. He’d
have liked to see his brother achieve his full potential as a wizard.
He’d have wanted to have a chance at a relationship with the men

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he’d come to care about. But it was for these men and for Fayre that
he needed to do this.

Kyllian pooled every single drop of energy into one single spot

inside of him. He kept nothing back, turning himself into a mere
conduit for the attack he would release. A hurricane burst around him,
beating against his flesh, roaring angrily. A lightning storm burst out
of Kyllian’s heart, angry bolts aimed straight into his target. Kyllian
had the time to see the necromantic crystal shatter into a million
pieces before his world turned into pain and then complete and utter

* * * *

Alcharr fidgeted as he watched his father talk with Valderr. In a

few minutes, his brother would have to go below and wed Yane.
Things didn’t look good.

“Be calm, son,” Amadeus was saying to Valderr. “This is the right

thing to do.”

It should have sounded comforting, but it ended up anything but.

To Alcharr, his father’s voice sounded foreign, cool, and almost
slimy. Valderr offered the man a weak smile. “Yes, Father. I know.”

Amadeus clapped Valderr’s shoulder and left the room,

supposedly to give Valderr a few moments to gather his thoughts. It
would be Alcharr’s job to escort his brother downstairs. From there,
Valderr would be on his own. Fuck. If something didn’t happen soon,
all they’d done would be for naught.

A fair amount of time had passed since he’d left the wizard in the

royal quarters. With Kyllian taking so long to destroy the crystal,
they’d feared someone would see the absence of the guards. So far, no
one seemed to have discovered a thing.

Truth be told, Alcharr couldn’t say he didn’t understand it. Most

of the guards now focused on the ceremony, especially with the

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unexpected guests who’d arrived. Alcharr nearly had a heart attack
when he realized Hash’s father had joined the party.

But the elder dragon’s presence was the least of their problems

now. Alcharr wished he could go check up on Kyllian. He never
should have let the wizard go alone. Doubt assaulted him, and Alcharr
struggled to push it away. He had to believe Kyllian could handle it.
Until then, he needed to buy some time.

“What do we do?” Valderr asked, as if guessing his thoughts.
“We need to delay things somehow.” He gave his brother a

speculative glance. Valderr had been very brave. Alcharr hated
putting the spotlight on him, but at this point, only something related
to one of the people to be married could stop the wedding. “Could
you feign illness?”

Valderr nodded and actually smiled. “It won’t be very hard. I

think I’m going to be sick anyway.”

Indeed, Valderr’s coloring rivaled the marble white of his

wedding garb. In fact, he seemed even paler, because the traditional
outfit boasted golden thread entwined through the material.

“All right. Here we go.”
Valderr sat on the bed, curled into a tight ball with his wings

around him and closed his eyes. Alcharr admitted he looked pretty
convincing. Just in time, too, because a knock sounded at the door.

“Enter,” Alcharr said.
It turned out to be Yane’s mother, the queen. “Is everything all

right?” she asked. “We’re waiting for Valderr downstairs.”

The fact that she had come herself instead of merely sending a

servant spoke volumes of their impatience.

“He feels a bit sick,” Alcharr said. He didn’t even have to fake his

concern. It was quite genuine, given the current circumstances.

“Sick?” the queen repeated. “Oh, no. Should we get the healer?”
Alcharr gave his brother a look. “Maybe just a cup of tea and a

few minutes. It’s the nerves. He is very young and he doesn’t even
know Yanentah.”

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“Completely understandable,” the queen replied, although Alcharr

detected annoyance in her voice. “I will send a remedy up and explain
the situation.”

She departed in a wave of woodsy perfume. Alcharr sat next to his

brother on the bed and caressed Valderr’s hair. “So tell me,” he
whispered, “what about you and that Dorien character?”

“Dorien is nice,” Valderr murmured back, “but he’s only a friend.

I…I don’t think I would be ready for more, even if we weren’t in this

Alcharr nodded and lay down next to his brother. He covered

Valderr with his wing, just like he used to when his sibling had been
only a nestling. They cuddled together, finding comfort in each
other’s presence. So much had changed since then. He had failed
Valderr in so many ways. His young sibling should have never been
forced to face this evil, especially after the trauma he’d been through.
Alcharr wondered if he’d ever come up with the courage to tell his
brother it was their father who’d orchestrated the kidnapping.

A few moments later, a servant knocked at the door and, upon

being bid to enter, brought them the required remedy. As soon as she
left, Alcharr sniffed the tea. It seemed to be harmless enough, but he
didn’t risk it. He threw it out in nearby potted plant, just in case his
father had decided to begin his little plan early.

Unfortunately, they could not delay the wedding further. Half an

hour or so later, he and Valderr left the room and headed toward the
main hall. Yane and Valderr would come inside through two separate
entrances and meet at the center, where their parents would be
waiting. As there were two races involved, both kings would be
required to give their blessing. At the same time, Ciera and Dorien
would be joining the first pair. Basically, Ciera would be coming in
with Valderr and Dorien with Yane through the two opposite doors,
and they would stop in the middle, in front of their parents. It was
quite an irony, given the attraction existing between Valderr and
Dorien. Essentially, Valderr would be meeting the other man in the

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middle, as if to mock the fact that they could never be together.
Alcharr couldn’t even imagine how his brother felt.

The entire setup made it very easy for their father—or rather, the

crystal-controlling Amadeus—to attack the two couples. Alcharr had
done his best to keep an eye on the man, but he had a feeling he knew
when Amadeus would strike. At the very moment when the binding
would be made, the two couples would drink from the goblet
symbolizing their joint union. Everything inside Alcharr screamed
that the goblet in question would be the weapon of choice.

When they reached the main hall, Alcharr hugged his brother and

went to join his father. He didn’t meet Amadeus’s eyes, afraid his
own gaze. If push came to shove, if Kyllian didn’t come through for
them until the moment of the union, Alcharr fully intended to stop the
wedding. He and Yane had come up with a Plan B when they’d
realized Kyllian was having trouble with his part. Alcharr looked at
the chandelier dangling from the ceiling. It was held up by thick vines
that would be vulnerable to a blade. He rechecked his pockets and
ensured the fact that he had the throwing knives they’d managed to
acquire with Dorien’s help. It would not be easy, but it might be the
only solution to their predicament.

Finally, the doors opened and the two couples walked inside the

hall. In spite of himself, Alcharr couldn’t help but think Yane looked
very dashing in his traditional wedding garb. The four met at the
center and were steps away from reaching the waiting royals. Alcharr
prepared his knives and took a few steps back, ready to go through
with Plan B.

And then, a heavy explosion shook the palace. Day turned into

night and the vines above withered. The chandelier came crashing
down with a deafening thud. Screams sounded in the hall as a thick,
dark power swept over them all. Alcharr’s father let out a cry and
collapsed to the floor, seizing like a man possessed. His skin had gone
pasty and his eyes rolled in his head. Alcharr hastened to his side and
did his best to keep Amadeus from hurting himself during his fit. In

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the general confusion, Alcharr lost sight of his brother and lover. He
forced himself not to panic and focused on keeping his father alive.
Thankfully, Amadeus was a fighter, and Alcharr managed to stabilize
the man’s condition. He blinked blearily, moaning, “Son…What’s
going on?”

Alcharr would have loved to have all the answers. Clearly,

Kyllian had succeeded in his task, and the destruction of the crystal
was creating a powerful whiplash. He couldn’t say he felt surprised.
Such an accumulation of energy would not simply disappear into thin
air. According to Kyllian, some of it would seep into the astral realm,
but that didn’t mean it would not leave any effects.

However, something else happened that Alcharr could not

explain. In a strange development, a heavy wind started, shattering the
windows. Alcharr looked up and caught sight of a dark storm

Concerned, he tried to find his loved ones. Thankfully, they soon

appeared by his side. Both couples seemed unscathed, if a bit shaken.
“What’s happening?” Valderr asked.

It was the dryad king who provided the answer. “It’s the crystal,”

he replied, seemingly talking to himself rather than to Valderr.
“Something’s happened to it.” As if his own words had snapped him
out of his trance, he shouted, “Guards! Follow me.”

Alcharr cursed as he realized Enyas intended to investigate the

crystal. They would surely find Kyllian, and that couldn’t end well.
Before he could say anything, his father spoke. “Son, help me up.”
Alcharr obeyed, his heart falling at the sight of Amadeus’s wings.
They looked almost withered, the feathers falling in a sad display.
Amadeus paid it no heed. He placed himself in front of the dryad
king, blocking the man’s path. “Your Majesty, listen to me. That
crystal you speak of is evil.”

“What? What are you talking about? How do you even know

about it?”

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“I was possessed by it. I…only remember bits and pieces,

but…it’s a necromantic crystal. It’s killing your land.”

The queen snorted. “What nonsense. This is dryad business.

Please don’t interfere.”

“Mother, he is right,” Yane piped up. “Can’t you see it?”
Tarah looked surprised, but instead of questioning Yane’s

knowledge of the crystal, she looked around the room. She was a
dryad. How could she not feel the death that lingered after its
destruction? Even Alcharr sensed it, even if he didn’t have a dryad’s
affinity to earth and living creatures.

Tarah gulped, her eyes fixing on the shattered chandelier.

Ogash’dral appeared by their side, looking completely unruffled. “I
do believe the young man is correct,” the dragon said. “Only magic
that’s against life can stop shape-shifters from taking their second

“Whether that is true or not, we still have to investigate,” Enyas

said. He went around Amadeus and headed out of the hall, ignoring
all of the confused dryad nobles who stared after him. Alcharr
hesitated before his father waved him off. “Go. Help your wizard.”

Somehow, his father knew about Kyllian. Alcharr supposed the

explanation could lie in the other man’s connection with the crystal.
He didn’t wait around to ask. Instead, he rushed after the dryad king.

To his surprise, Ogash’dral followed, as well as a group of other

dragons. He offered Alcharr a dark grin. “Whatever King Enyas
might say, this is an issue concerning the Imperium as well.”

Alcharr couldn’t be sure this was supposed to be a good thing or a

bad thing. Perhaps Alcharr could convince them to aid him with
whatever happened next.

Like he’d known it would happen, they went up to the second

level at the palace and toward the royal quarters. The doors were wide
open, and once inside, Alcharr spotted a passageway dug into the
wall. He hastened inside, the dark magic getting more and more
intense as he progressed.

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“You have a hand in this, don’t you?” the dragon leader

commented idly as they ran. “That’s why your father said what he

“It’s a very long and complicated story,” Alcharr answered. He

didn’t have the strength or the time to argue with the dragon.

Thankfully, they reached their destination before Ogash’dral

could argue with him further. The first thing he spotted was King
Enyas and a group of soldiers standing in front of a wide chasm. At
first, he felt puzzled, but he forgot all about it when he spotted a
motionless body on the floor. Dread coursed through him as he
recognized Kyllian. Spots danced in his vision as he made his way
there. He ignored all the eyes he sensed on him and knelt next to the

Kyllian didn’t move a muscle. Pieces of something that looked

like shining black glass were embedded in his chest and thighs.
Alcharr hastily pulled them out, hissing when the crystal made contact
with his skin. He dropped it, and as soon as it hit the scorched-looking
ground, it transformed into black ash, leaving behind a noxious fume.

As Alcharr did so, Yane arrived as well and joined Alcharr next to

Kyllian. “Do you believe us now?” Yane snarled at his father.

King Enyas didn’t reply, but the dragon spoke again. “I do believe

this is something a dryad in charge of his land couldn’t have missed.
Isn’t that so, King Enyas?”

The man didn’t even try to defend himself this time. “It was the

only thing that protected us from the wyrms. What will we do now?”

A gasp sounded from behind them. “How could you?” the queen

said. “Do you not realize how much damage we ourselves did to our
people, to our world?”

It was the greatest sin a dryad could commit. Queen Tarah took

out the ring that signified the bond between her and Enyas and threw
it down into the ground. “You are not my husband,” she said. “I
renege our union.”

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“You can’t break up with me.” The king laughed. “I’m your

husband and your king.”

“I would beg to differ, at least on one of those accounts,”

Ogash’Dral stated. “In the name of the Imperium, I hereby place you
under arrest for crimes against the planet.”

King Enyas gaped. “You can’t do that.” He glared at the guards.

“What are you doing, men? Seize them.”

But the guards took position next to the queen, spines ramrod

straight. “I’m afraid we can’t,” the man leading them replied.

And so, in an unexpected turn of events, Ogash’Dral did turn out

arresting Enyas, and a couple of the elder dragon’s companions
escorted Enyas out of the passageway. The queen and several dryad
guards went with them. But Alcharr registered this almost distantly,
his mind still focused on Kyllian. Yane pressed his ear to the wizard’s
chest and lifted his eyes. “He’s still alive, just barely.”

“He must have used those self-destructive spells some wizards

know,” Ogash’Dral noted. “At this point, he could be beyond aid.”

The dragon’s nonchalant tone irritated Alcharr beyond belief.

Suddenly, he remembered the pain he’d experienced earlier upon
realizing the danger Hash and Sassaki were in. With the king arrested,
the dryad kingdom would be more vulnerable than ever, and Tanarak
and the people there lost to the wyrms. Alcharr could use the man’s

“You should know, Your Lordship, that even if Kyllian might be

beyond aid, your son is not. He is in Tanarak as we speak, probably
fighting the wyrms.”

Even as Alcharr spoke, he felt overwhelmed with his own panic

and terror. He didn’t even know whom he feared for to a greater
extent. It was all too much.

He took Kyllian in his arms and started to head back the way

they’d come. He was just exiting the passageway with Yane trailing
behind him when he ran into Dorien and Valderr. His brother’s eyes
widened. “What happened?”

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“The dragon says he cast a self-destructive spell to defeat the

crystal,” Alcharr replied numbly.

Valderr didn’t speak. What else was there to be said? Outside, the

storm still raged, angry and uncontrollable. Much to Alcharr’s
surprise, the queen appeared behind his brother. “It is all right,” she
said. “We will bring healers. I shall not forget the sacrifice he has
made to save our lands.”

She led them out of the royal quarters and to Alcharr’s room.

Once there, they placed Kyllian on the bed. Between Yane and
Alcharr, they stripped Kyllian’s torn clothing. As promised, the queen
ordered for a medic, but when the man arrived, he told them Kyllian
suffered from an extreme form of magical depletion. He had fallen in
a deep coma, and while the dryads could keep him stable, they could
not bring him out of it.

Alcharr felt emotional exhaustion crawl over him. He was torn

between trying to aid Kyllian and running to Tanarak. There was just
too much going on, and he had difficulties in processing it. He buried
his face in his hands, his mind working in overdrive.

Ogash’Dral chose this exact moment to make his appearance. “Do

you intend to go to Tanarak?” he asked brusquely.

Alcharr looked up at the elder dragon. “We can’t exactly leave

him,” he growled.

Silence fell over the room. At last, Valderr wrapped his arms

around Alcharr and hugged him tight. “Go, brother,” he whispered. “I
know you want to. Dorien and I will care for Kyllian. And Queen
Tarah will help, I’m sure of it.”

In the background, Alcharr heard Yane talk to his mother. “Can

you do this for me, Mother? Can you care for him?”

“I swear, Yanentah, that no harm will come to him. We’ll bring

more healers. We’ll find a way.”

Alcharr still wasn’t sure. He wanted to stay by his lover’s side, if

only to hold Kyllian’s hand, but at the same time, he knew he could

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not help here. In Tanarak, however, he might be able to make a
difference. He might manage to save a life.

In his mind, he saw Kyllian’s image as he had been just a few

hours before. This was bigger than all of them, and in spite of how
much Alcharr would have liked to stay and care for Kyllian, he
couldn’t be in two places at the same time.

Taking a swift decision, he sobered and got up. He met Yane’s

eyes and saw the same sad resolve in them. “We will go with you,” he
told Ogash’Dral. “Now come, there’s not much time left.”

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Chapter Ten

Sassaki had realized, of course, that their plan would not be

without difficulties. He’d understood upon leaving Almareya that they
might not even come back. He and Hash even considered the issues
they would have in convincing the nymphs of Tanarak to trust them,
and he’d acted accordingly. Instead of just bursting inside Tanarak, he
and Hash sent a message to Lyole, Yane’s second-in-command,
intending to have the nymph smooth up the situation for them.

Lyole, however, met them outside Tanarak and proved to be

skeptical as to the second part of their plan, actually talking to the
other nymphs. He didn’t seem hostile toward Sassaki, but he did
shake his head at them. “I can’t let you come inside the city. You’ll be

Sassaki felt frustrated. “Do you really think we’d come here just

to play with you or waste your time? Don’t you even realize what risk
we’re taking?”

Hash squeezed Sassaki’s shoulder, offering silent support. It

calmed Sassaki down a bit, even if the entire situation still made him
edgy. “Look, Yane trusts you for a reason,” Hash told Lyole. “If we
can’t talk to your people, you can. You need to be ready. Today, it is
very possible that an extensive attack from the wyrms will reach
Almareya. The enchantment that keeps them from shifting will fall.”

Lyole paled visibly. “So it’s come to this then. I knew you were

discussing it with Sassaki, but I never—”

“It will happen.” Sassaki interrupted him. “I will try to buy some

time or make my people understand, but it’s quite unlikely that I’ll
manage to convince them.”

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Lyole gave him a stricken look. “You have my thanks,” he said

weakly. He looked out into the dark sea that hid so many things.
Taking a deep breath, he nodded, his voice turning level and calm.
“We will be ready. You can count on us.”

A measure of relief coursed through Sassaki at the certainty in the

man’s voice. As Lyole turned and headed back toward the town, Hash
and Sassaki took up position next to the beach. The wyrms would be
coming from that direction. They would be gathering at Sassaki’s
parents’ lair, the closest one to Tanarak. Even their leader, Dassan,
would most likely come. In the past few years, the man very rarely
patrolled these waters, choosing to rely on Sassaki’s family to do so
instead. This, however, would be too important to be delegated, and
Sassaki feared what Dassan would decide. As a traitor to their kin,
Sassaki’s hopes to survive were slim to none.

He and Hash sat down together and waited. There was not much

left to do except think, remember Owen and the time they’d spent
together. Sassaki wondered why Hash had decided to come here. He
wondered what would become of Kani after Sassaki was gone. The
others would care for him, that much he could be certain of. Even so,
the fact that he might never see them again pained him. His mind
went to Alcharr, Kyllian, and Yane. Would they even manage to
fulfill their plan? What would happen to them once they did?

He didn’t know if he’d spoken the words out loud or Hash simply

sensed his anxiety. “They’ll be fine and so will we,” the dragon said.

Sassaki smiled sadly but didn’t answer. Hash didn’t know

Sassaki’s kin. Even if both dragons and wyrms were reptilian in
nature, they were very distinct races. With the passage of time, the
wyrms had grown even more bitter and angry and would leap at the
chance to tear into the dryads or anyone else who got in their way.

Still, in spite of this knowledge, Sassaki found Hash’s presence

comforting. They waited there in silence until at last, they sensed a
group approach. It was Lyole, followed by the nymphs of Tanarak.
Hash and Sassaki got up and met their unlikely allies halfway.

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The nymphs looked upset, and Sassaki didn’t blame them. He’d

been their enemy for the better part of their lives, and that sort of
thing couldn’t just be cast aside.

“I know you don’t trust me,” Sassaki said, “and I’m not asking

you to. But just for today, remember I’m on your side when the time
comes. Gods willing, we might even survive if we work together.”

He very much doubted his words had any effect at all, but Lyole

seemed to be better at keeping their restlessness in check. It was a
good thing, too, because all of a sudden, a chill wind began to blow.
The sky was never clear in Tanarak, but impossibly, it darkened even
more. Storm clouds gathered and lightning bolts shot from the sky.
Sassaki felt something in the air shift, like an evil changing,
unraveling. He sensed the exact moment when the enchantment fell
and he was free to shift once more.

As the water of the ocean began to ripple, Sassaki shared a look

with Hash. This was it, the moment they’d dreaded ever since
learning of the crystal’s failing power. Reptilian heads emerged from
the water. There were so many of them…Sassaki nearly choked at the
realization that he hadn’t felt them at all. Only one person would have
the power to cloak the wyrms’ approach. Sassaki had been right about
one thing, at least. Dassan did indeed join the invading forces.

At last the wyrms appeared from the ocean, moving slowly as if

they had all the time in the world. The nymphs fidgeted, but Lyole
held them back, not giving the signal to attack yet. Rain began to fall,
and as it touched Sassaki’s cheeks, it left behind hissing trails of pain.

Sassaki barely registered it, too busy counting all the heads in

front of him. He spotted everything from twelve-headed smaller
wyrms to single-headed leviathans. His mother and father were also
there, as well as his siblings.

As expected, Dassan was in the lead. Together with Sassaki’s

parents, the man shifted into his legged form. “Sassaki, I’m going to
give you one last chance to join us,” he said without preamble. “I’m

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not a merciful man, but for your parents’ sake, I’m willing to forgo
your mistake.”

Sassaki was shocked, but the comment gave him hope. “I

appreciate that, My Lord,” he said. “If you would be willing to hear
me out, I would be very thankful.”

Dassan arched a brow but didn’t look very pleased. “You have

one minute,” he said, his voice going a low hiss.

Hastily, Sassaki did his best to explain everything. He mentioned

Owen, finding out about the crystal, the importance of destroying it.
He explained the fact that the nymphs were not to blame for the war
and that with the crystal gone, the area would clear up anyway.

“We wyrms are water creatures,” he insisted. “Since the

necromantic crystal will no longer pollute the ocean, we’re better off
there anyway. I’m sure the dryads will be willing to compromise.”

Dassan actually looked amused. “But you have not even discussed

it with them, and you expect me to go on your hopes and opinions to
stop what is, in effect, a righteous action.”

Obviously, he had not been impressed by Sassaki’s arguments. “It

might seem like a righteous action to you,” Hash piped up, “but the
Imperium will not be impressed. In their name, I urge you to cease
and desist.”

Dassan snorted. “I’m not afraid of the Imperium. These are our

lands. Let them come if they want to fight me.” He waved a hand
dismissively. “I’ve heard enough. Choose your side now, Sassaki. I
don’t have time for more foolishness.”

Sassaki met his mother’s eyes, his heart aching at the undisguised

pain he saw there. She knew what he would choose and that no matter
the outcome of the battle to come, he would be lost to them. She had
never been a warm mother—it would be impossible for one of their
kin—but in her own way, she loved him. Sassaki regretted leaving her
behind, and his father, as well, but he didn’t have a choice.

Straightening his back, he answered, “I already have.”

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The words seemed to trigger some sort of switch inside the wyrm

army. Dassan and his parents turned back into their animal form and
lunged toward Sassaki. Lyole gave the order of attack, and water
swirled around them, fighting to push the wyrms back.

At the same time, Sassaki and Hash changed shapes as well. In

dragon form, Hash shot toward the sky, his fire breath sending
scorching waves over the wyrms. The wyrms retaliated, their huge
bodies making the ground shake. In turn, Sassaki found himself
fighting his furious leader. The other wyrm was bigger, older, and
stronger than him, so his chances didn’t look too good.

They were outnumbered and overpowered. Just as the wyrms

began to get out of the water and climb on the beach, the storm
around them shifted, turning even angrier. The wyrms screeched, their
motions turning erratic and uncoordinated but even more violent as
the odd bloodlust invaded them. It was an energy storm, Sassaki
realized. Fuck. This was the last thing they needed. The crystal’s
destruction must have created the necessary energies for it to happen.

Ripples of light fell across the beach, turning the battle even more

chaotic. Sassaki could no longer see or feel Dassan. He received
several blows from nymphs who confused him with an enemy
wyrm—or maybe just wanted to hurt him and took advantage of the

Dazed, he tried to look around to find Hash. Finally, he spotted

the dragon just as the other shape-shifter got struck by a lightning bolt
and fell out of the sky. On instinct, Sassaki turned into his legged
form, dodged all the fighting bodies, and rushed toward his lover.

He reached Hash just as the other man shifted and shook his head,

looking a bit confused, but otherwise unscathed. Before any of them
could move or even say anything, a flash of blinding white swallowed
their vision, then began to dim. When at last the light cleared, a
deafening roar sounded. Above them, a white dragon loomed, and
several other men appeared in the water. The dragon steered them all
away from the still-agitated wyrms and onto the beach.

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“What in the world is going on?” a handsome redhead shouted.
The dragon shifted and turned into a man that bore a striking

similarity with Hash. He made his way toward Hash and Sassaki,
glowering. “Do I even want to know why you’re here, little brother?”

Hash shot to his feet. For a few seconds, he looked like he

intended to spout something back, but instead, he took a deep breath
and whispered, “We don’t have time to argue. I really need your help,

The other dragon—Chek—made no further comments. Instead, he

took position in front of Hash. His companions joined him. There
were two elves, the redhead who also seemed a shape-shifter, and two
other men, both with exotic human looks. One of them, a slender
blue-eyed brunet, was pushed behind the wall of muscle formed by
the other five.

“In the name of the Imperium, stop this at once.”
The wyrms just screeched. “I already tried that,” Hash said.

“Didn’t work for me either.”

The blond sky elf stepped up. “Let us try. Greetings. I’m Prince

Tallean of the Sky Elf Kingdom and this is Prince Wren.” He pointed
toward the other elf as he spoke. “I urge you to stop this madness.”

“Do you really want a war with the dryads, the dragons, two elven

nations, and the Imperium?” Wren offered. “How can you possibly
think you can win?”

At that, Dassan seemed to hesitate. As the energy storm began to

quiet into a dark, bitter rain, Sassaki’s mother turned into her legged

“Perhaps they are right,” she said. “Maybe we could give

Sassaki’s idea a chance.”

Sassaki held his breath. His parents had always been high in favor

with the court, and the presence of their unexpected allies might help.

“I offer you my word that we will look into this situation

officially,” Chek said. “It is true the Imperium never bothered to
control the situation in the plague lands. It’s high time that changed.”

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Dassan didn’t move to attack them, but he didn’t shift either. He

seemed to be contemplating his options. Sassaki knew he didn’t have
much time to add arguments before Dassan decided the entire debate
was pointless.

“I swear to you, Your Highness, that I will gladly die at your

hands should things not work out.”

At that, Dassan really did shift. He was smirking, Sassaki realized.

“Do you think I am a fool?” he asked. “I can take your life any
moment I want. In fact, all of you are most valuable to me dead. No
one will ever find out the young elven princes were even here.”

A wave of his hand brought the rest of the wyrms forward. At the

same time, a strange feeling of warmth filled him then, and Sassaki
knew that, for some reason, his mate had ignored all common sense
and come to Tanarak as well.

In a strange development, Dassan gestured for the other wyrms to

stop. Three slender figures appeared from the harbor. Owen rushed to
their side, his expression a mix of relief and fear. “Oh, thank God,” he
said. “Thank God you’re okay.”

“Owen, what are you doing here?” Sassaki asked. “It’s not safe.”
“How could we abandon you?” Owen said with a smile. The dark-

haired human who’d appeared with Chek gasped.

“Owen? Owen, is it really you?”
Clearly, the man was Owen’s friend, Connor, but their reunion

could not take place right now. A low growl sounded from Dassan.
“Won’t you introduce us?” he asked in a hiss.

Sassaki wanted to scream. What could have possessed Owen to

come here, knowing that they would end up smack-dab in the center
of a war?

“This is Owen,” he told his leader, unable to contain the hostility

from his voice.

“I don’t care,” Dassan answered. His gaze was fixed on someone

else. “Who is he?”

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Sassaki stared in confused disbelief as his best friend left their

side and headed toward the wyrm. “K–Kani, Sassaki’s friend,” the
mer introduced himself. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

To his credit, Kani didn’t even flinch when Dassan pulled him

close, nuzzling his neck. He caressed Kani’s hair, whispering softly in
his ear. Sassaki’s hackles rose and he took a step forward, ready to
jump to his friend’s defense.

Before he could do so, however, Dassan directed his attention

toward the assembled group. “In celebration of finding my mate, I
will give you one day to discuss the issue with the dryads. If
arrangements can be made, we will attempt a truce. If not, well...Well,
you won’t get another chance.”

Kani briefly broke away from Dassan after whispering something

in the wyrm’s ear. Dassan nodded and Kani made his way to Sassaki.
He hugged Sassaki tight, murmuring, “Thank you for everything.
Until we see each other again, farewell. You’ll always be my best
friend, my brother.”

Sassaki’s heart was breaking. “You don’t have to go with him.”
Kani smiled sadly. “I do, and you know it.” He shrugged. “I’ll be

fine. I’m his mate. He won’t hurt me.”

Kani said his good-byes to Fayre and Owen, as well, and indicated

for the rest of their companions to take care of Sassaki. After that, he
returned to Dassan’s side. Pulling Kani’s hand, Dassan wordlessly led
his troops back into the water. Sassaki helplessly watched his friend
go after the wyrm leader. He continued to stare until all the wyrms
vanished, at the same time remembering all the moments spent with
Kani in the past years. All that was lost now. Whatever Kani said,
Sassaki didn’t trust Dassan not to hurt the mer.

Sassaki turned toward the nymphs, angry and brokenhearted. Kani

had sacrificed himself to buy them time. He hoped the bastards
appreciated it.

Thankfully, the nymphs looked chastised. No one made any

further comment on Sassaki’s presence, and the small army returned

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to Tanarak. Sassaki was completely disheartened. How could he even
convince the dryads to consider a truce with the wyrms in one day? It
would be impossible, and Dassan fucking knew it.

Lyole led him to Yane’s quarters and told him to get some rest.

Owen stayed with him, hugging him, whispering comforting words.
Sassaki accepted the caresses, hating the guilt that appeared within
him whenever Owen’s hands touched his skin. Later, Hash joined
them. They didn’t make love, but simply their presence helped.

Sassaki’s mind whirled as he tried to figure out what to do.

Dassan was no fool. He would use this extra day for his own benefit
and gather more troops, perhaps attack the plague lands from all sides.
What could they do to stop this disaster from happening?

He was so lost in thought he didn’t feel the approaching army

until they were close to Tanarak. Startled, Sassaki shot out of the bed.
Together with Hash, he ran outside. Once there, they met Lyole who
busied himself with arranging medical assistance for the injured.
There had been no fatalities, but some of the nymphs did suffer grave

“What is it?” the nymph asked.
Sassaki smiled as he watched familiar figures materialize from the

dark night. “It seems we might have a chance yet.”

* * * *

Kyllian was lost in the shapeless darkness. His limbs felt heavy

and he could not move a muscle. He remembered very little since his
decision to cast the powerful spell on the necromantic crystal. Was he
dead? If so, the entire thing disappointed him. He’d expected
something more…intense after the existence he’d led.

In the void, his memories were his only company, and Kyllian

focused on remembering the good times, not the bad. Perhaps he
would meet his loved ones again in a new life. Stranger things had
happened, like him falling in love.

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An acute pain coursed through him as he realized he’d never see

his men again. The pain doubled and Kyllian felt as if an implacable
force were pulling him inexorably toward an unknown destination. A
warm power surrounded him, smoothing his way, and slowly, Kyllian
opened his eyes.

At first, he didn’t register what had happened. When his vision

began to clear, he caught sight of Sandros’s familiar figure sitting by
his side. “Sandros?” he croaked out. “What?”

“Welcome back, my friend,” the other man said. He looked pale,

but his eyes were as alert as always. “How do you feel?”

“I’ve been better.” Kyllian experimentally tried to get up and

found with surprise that he could move. “Considering the
circumstances, though, I’d say I feel remarkably well.”

Judging by the décor, they seemed to be in the dryad palace. The

room they were currently in looked a bit like Yane’s, but it was more
spacious and ornate. Kyllian surmised that if the dryad palace still
stood, he must have succeeded in his task.

Sandros chuckled weakly. “I’m glad you’re better. You gave us

quite a scare. I understand Owen was quite brokenhearted. Alcharr,
Yanentah, Sassaki, and Has’hendral weren’t very happy about it

As Sandros spoke, Kyllian spotted a slumbering silhouette on a

settee next to the bed. It was Owen, looking more gorgeous than ever,
but at the same time, exhausted. Dark circles shrouded his closed
eyes, and even in his sleep, he seemed restless.

Kyllian gave the human a concerned look, then turned toward

Sandros. “What’s happened? How long was I out?”

The door opened even as he finished talking. For a few moments,

Yane stared at him, then rushed inside. “Oh, gods…You’re awake.”
He knelt next to the bed and took Kyllian’s hand. “I can’t believe it.”

“You were out three days,” Sandros said. “Rallion and I have been

struggling to feed you energy, but it seemed to be failing. Fayre left

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for a healer, but the storm that started after the destruction of the
crystal stopped all boats.”

“Wait…Back up. What happened in Tanarak, and what in the

world was Fayre doing here in the first place?”

“Helping out, apparently.” Yane sighed. “You see, as Sassaki told

me, the wyrms were ready to attack, when Owen, Fayre, and Kani
showed up. It seems Kani is the mate of the leader of the wyrms. So,
in the end, the man agreed to a meeting with me and surprisingly,
even believed the story of the crystal. He granted us a temporary truce
until we manage to deal with it in the astral realm.”

To Kyllian, that sounded suspiciously like the wyrm intended to

use them to cleanse the area of the crystal’s influence and take the
spoils afterward. He didn’t say it, however. It was, after all, the
responsibility of the dryads to destroy the crystal. “What else?” he

“Well, Hash’s brother and his mates arrived. Rallion, a half fae,

helped out with your healing. And yesterday, Sandros arrived. We’re
gathering a group of mages and magically inclined creatures to go
attack the crystal.”

As they spoke, the door opened once more, and Hash and Sassaki

walked in, followed by Alcharr. “Well, well, look who’s up,” Hash
noted with a smile. “Welcome back.”

The words might have sounded nonchalant, but the emotion in

them was undeniable. On the settee, Owen stirred and opened his
eyes. He gaped at Kyllian, obviously shocked. “Oh, my God.”

Kyllian chuckled. “This is beginning to sound repetitive. Yes, I’m

awake. Still feeling a bit weak, but I’ll be just fine.”

Sandros shook his head and got up. “And on that note, I’m going

to leave you all alone. See you in a few hours, all right?”

The seer left the room, and once more, Kyllian felt thankful for

Sandros’s acute perception, both magical and emotional. “We were
due a conversation,” he said. If Yane was correct, they would soon be
leaving for the final standoff against the necromantic crystal. Kyllian

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didn’t want to lose the opportunity to put things out in the open. He
didn’t want to leave things unsaid, not again.

But his desire for a nice chat was thwarted when Owen shot from

the couch and into the bed. The human’s slender arms wrapped
around Kyllian in an enthusiastic embrace. “Words are overrated,” he
whispered, his voice trembling.

Owen pressed his mouth to Kyllian’s in a kiss that tasted like tears

and relief. Kyllian immediately took over, loving the way Owen went
pliant in his arms. The human parted his lips, and Kyllian thrust his
tongue inside the wet cavern, savoring the flavor of life from Owen’s

With each passing second, Kyllian felt his energy return more and

more. It was as if Owen’s touch awoke his sleeping, weak magic. The
power of the elements invaded him once again, as furious as ever, and
Kyllian yearned to unleash it, to release it through the union of their

As their mouths separated, Owen gave him a dazed look. “Sorry,”

he panted out. “I shouldn’t have attacked you like that. You’re still

“I’ve never been better.” Kyllian grinned. He turned to the still-

waiting men and gestured them to the bed. He silently watched to see
if they would take his invitation. Yes, words were overrated and often
complicated things. They were better off talking through their bodies.

Hash, Alcharr, and Yane didn’t delay in joining Kyllian and

Owen. However, Sassaki stood there, looking uncomfortable and
glancing away from them. Out of their entire group, Sassaki was the
one with whom Kyllian barely had any contact. He’d met the wyrm a
total of one time, and half of that meeting Sassaki spent glowering at
him for Kyllian’s supposed trade. Kyllian knew Sassaki would not be
so easily convinced. It would seem he owed someone words, after all.

“It was never about buying Owen,” he explained. “Even with the

attraction between us, I never would have pushed. I merely wanted all

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of you to see what you had. People have a way of avoiding things
they don’t understand.”

As a rule, he never gave the reasons for his actions to anyone,

because he didn’t feel the need to. But in a strange way, he felt an odd
sense of kinship with Sassaki. It could have been because Sassaki’s
affection for Owen rivaled his own, or simply that, like Kyllian, the
wyrm no longer had any family. With the exception of Fayre, Kyllian
had lost all his kin long ago, and he well remembered how much that
hurt. Sassaki was in a similar situation, worse still since his best
friend Kani had also been stolen from him.

“We might not know each other all that well,” he said, “but I

really do believe all things happen for a reason.” He laughed lightly.
“It’s quite strange. Fayre has known Hash for many years, and yet,
we’d never met until now.”

Sassaki offered him a reluctant smile. “Yane and I have been

enemies for longer than that.”

He took a few steps forward, seemingly encouraged. Owen

reached out to Sassaki, beaming, and Sassaki’s smile widened. It was
an expression that should have been out of place on a wyrm’s face,
but it suited Sassaki. “Owen is our mate, you know,” Hash piped up,
“mine and Sassaki’s.”

There were chuckles all around. “How is that in any way a

surprise?” Alcharr said.

For whatever reason, the lighthearted comment made all the

difference in the world. Sassaki climbed on the bed as well and took
Owen in his arms. “This is not easy for me,” he said, his hands
traveling on Owen’s still-clothed torso, “but I’m willing to try if you

Sassaki’s agreement was the only thing Kyllian needed. Grinning,

he pulled the wyrm toward him and tore off his clothes. As he did so,
he growled at the other men, wordlessly telling them to follow his
example. They didn’t seem to need the extra incentive. Alcharr was

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already on top of a half-naked Yane while Hash busied himself with
Owen’s clothing.

Sassaki gave as good as he got, and Kyllian grinned as he felt the

wyrm’s control slip. They managed to get each other naked in record
time, and Kyllian enjoyed the first touch of Sassaki’s hard body. On
occasion, his greedy hands ran into scales, and the smooth, unusual
surface of the skin drove a renewed wave of arousal through him.

For a few moments, Kyllian allowed Sassaki to do his own bit of

exploring. The man’s cool body rubbed against his own, Sassaki’s
hard prick weeping pre-cum over Kyllian’s thigh. Sassaki pressed
kisses over Kyllian’s neck, and Kyllian pushed him lower down. Even
if he wanted this, he didn’t bare his neck to anyone. In fact, he would
bet Sassaki needed a bit of disciplining of his own. Besides, Kyllian
owed Alcharr a spanking. It wouldn’t hurt to combine the two and
give his men a taste of what to expect of him.

With that in mind, Kyllian pushed Sassaki down on the bed and

pinned him with his weight. He allowed himself the luxury to trace
Sassaki’s hard chest with his tongue. He lingered over the nipples and
bit down hard, loving the way Sassaki groaned and arched against
him. He’d have liked to push the limits a bit more to see how much
Sassaki could really take, but he had better plans.

He lifted his mouth from Sassaki’s skin and manhandled the

wyrm upright. Smirking, he nodded toward Alcharr. “Hold him
down,” he said.

Sassaki’s brows shot up, but he obeyed. Yane’s eyes widened as

he watched them, but Alcharr didn’t make a single protest. Perhaps
he’d been expecting this.

Yet again, Kyllian didn’t have the benefit of his own dungeon, but

he’d have to make do without it. Scanning the room, he caught sight
of a reasonably sized table. It looked sturdy enough to hold Alcharr.
He supposed he’d have to test it. Sassaki followed his gaze and
shepherded Alcharr there.

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“Brace your hands on the table,” Kyllian ordered Alcharr. “Legs

spread, away from the wood. Ass up.”

As Alcharr obeyed, Kyllian turned to Yane. “Yane, get under him.

Suck his dick.”

Yane blinked, and after a few moments, crawled down under the

table. A moan from Alcharr indicated Yane had taken Kyllian’s
instructions quite seriously. However, Alcharr threatened to lose his
hold on the table. Kyllian briefly considered manifesting energetic
bindings but decided against it. “Sassaki, what are you doing?” he
asked the wyrm. “I told you to hold him down.”

The wyrm hastened to comply, and Kyllian smirked as he watched

the scene. He turned toward Owen and Hash, who were kissing lazily,
their eyes riveted on the three men waiting for Kyllian. Kyllian met
Owen’s eyes. “Remember this, little human,” he said. “You’re up

Owen shuddered and let out a little sexy moan. Kyllian couldn’t

resist pressing a kiss to the human’s lips. Oh, yes, he would most
definitely make it his business to play a scene with Owen as soon as

But first, Kyllian directed his attention to Alcharr. He made his

way to the table where the eagle waited, still in Sassaki’s hold.
Alcharr trembled, sweat already pooling at the bottom of his spine as
Yane pleasured him. Kyllian slapped Alcharr’s ass. “Stand still. Let
him touch you.”

Alcharr cried out, and Kyllian could almost sense the other man’s

pleasure skyrocket. He admired the red handprint already appearing
on Alcharr’s buttock. If Alcharr reacted like this from merely a
spanking, he couldn’t wait to see the man’s behavior at a real scene.

Struggling to keep his own need in check, Kyllian manifested a

soft flogger out of thin air. He kept the rod of electricity at a medium
intensity. Alcharr wasn’t used to this, and Kyllian didn’t want the man

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“Alcharr, listen to me. If at any point, you want me to stop, I will.

Come up with a word, something to say to convey that message.”

“Doesn’t no work?” Alcharr gasped. “I really can’t think of


No often means yes,” Kyllian replied. He caressed the eagle’s

spine with the flogger. “Come on now. Think.”

“Wing,” Alcharr replied quickly. “Does that work?”
“It works fine.” Kyllian nodded in satisfaction. “Remember it, and

say it whenever you feel like it gets too much. Now count for me,” he
told Alcharr. “Ten blows. You don’t come until I tell you to.”

* * * *

Alcharr held his breath as he waited to see what Kyllian would do

next. He already felt a step away from orgasm, and his entire being
protested Kyllian’s words. Yane’s mouth felt so heavenly around him,
hot and wet. His lover sucked him all the way into his throat. Yane’s
moans sent delicious vibrations through Alcharr while Sassaki’s
strong hands held him down. Anticipation filled him as he recalled the
feel of Kyllian’s palm on his ass. Would this be in any way similar to
that spanking?

Another order rang out in his ears, but this time it was directed at

Yane. “Yane, sweep water over him.”

Instantly, the nymph obeyed. Liquid trickled over Alcharr’s back

and buttocks, cool and soothing. “That’s fine,” Kyllian said. “Ready,

“Yes, Sir,” Alcharr answered. He didn’t know what prompted him

to reply this way, but it seemed to be the right answer. His reward was
the fulfillment of his curiosity and desire.

An unusual shock coursed through his body as Kyllian’s first hit

fell. For a few seconds, Alcharr had trouble processing it, but as
electricity swept over him, it slowly shaped into an odd sense of

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pleasure-pain. By some miracle he remembered to count, and he was
shocked at his own choked voice as he whispered, “One.”

The second and third strokes fell in quick succession, so much so

that Alcharr didn’t even have the time to recover from one before the
other assaulted him. He skirted at the edge of an abyss he didn’t think
he could pass. It was only by a miracle that he managed to remember
to continue counting. “Two. Three.”

A cool breeze caressed his heated skin, soothing his hurts. It felt

so relaxing Alcharr almost forgot about where he was altogether. A
hard stroke on his thigh reminded him, and this time, his voice
shouted the needed words. “Oh, God…Four!”

His vision started to dim, but in front of him, he still saw Owen

and Hash touching each other, kissing, watching him. Hash found a
bottle of oil and poured some of the liquid on his fingers. He pushed
two fingers in Owen’s ass, all the while keeping his eyes on Alcharr.
Similarly, Owen’s blue eyes fixed on him, awe, pleasure, and delight
making them shine with an almost surreal light.

The fifth stroke fell, and Alcharr found he could no longer focus

on Owen’s beautiful face. He felt strange, as if he were flying in the
wide-open sky, higher and higher, into the very sun. His breath
caught, as if he couldn’t draw enough air in his lungs, as if he’d gone
too high up and could no longer go down. Lightning and wind held
him up, toying with his body. He was like a toy at the whims of the
powerful elements, and he loved it.

The crackle of lightning—another wicked stroke. The soft whisper

of the wind—a gentle caress calming his senses. And throughout it
all, Yane’s continuing suction and Sassaki’s strong presence, the
almost palpable feel of Owen and Hash’s eyes on him.

Over and over, Kyllian’s flogger whipped his skin, leaving him

gasping and moaning. He felt the shocks of lightning all the way to
his wings. Between cries, he managed to continue counting, but by
the time he reached ten, his voice sounded hoarse, and above all, he
wanted to come with acute despair.

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Kyllian’s flogger caressed his spine once more. “That’s good,

nestling,” he murmured. “Very good. Now come for me.”

Just like that, the storm inside Alcharr reached its peak. His eyes

fixed on Owen once more, and his soul focused on Kyllian’s guiding
voice. With an agonized shout, he climaxed, sending his seed down
Yane’s throat. It went on and on, and Alcharr rode the wave of the
pleasure, allowing it to consume him.

* * * *

Owen watched as Kyllian brought Alcharr to orgasm by using

something that looked like a flogger. He’d tried BDSM with lovers
before, but he’d never found true satisfaction in the act. At one point,
he’d come to believe he should abandon the lifestyle altogether, that
he wasn’t a true sub because he could not please any of the men
who’d wanted him.

But with Kyllian…In this moment, Owen thought that maybe, just

maybe he could do what Alcharr was doing now, take the pleasure
and pain Kyllian offered. He both dreaded it and yearned for it. He
wondered if he would be ready by the time Kyllian offered to take

Thankfully, Hash held him when he would have panicked. His

fingers moved in and out of Owen’s body, stretching him, preparing
him, giving him a teasing hint of the pleasure to come. Owen pushed
back against the invading digits, moaning when Hash hit his prostate.
His greedy gaze took in Alcharr, the way the eagle shook through his
climax, his entire body stretched taut with pleasure.

Owen wanted to feel that very same pleasure. He leaned into

Hash’s caresses, wordlessly begging the other man for more. Hash
didn’t deny him. He pulled his fingers out of Owen and positioned his
cock at Owen’s opening.

Owen willed Alcharr to open his eyes, to look at him, and by

some miracle, the other man did. Their gazes held as Hash pushed

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into him. Owen buried his fists into the sheets, biting his lip at the
delicious pain that coursed through him as Hash’s thick dick pierced
his passage. Fuck, had it been only a few days since he’d been with
the shape-shifter? It felt like longer.

For a few moments, Hash didn’t move, giving him time to adjust.

Impatient, Owen pushed back against Hash, and the dragon rewarded
him with a grunt and a hard thrust. Owen cried out, and as Hash’s
clawed hand entwined in his hair, he lost sight of Alcharr and the
others. The dragon began to fuck him hard, almost roughly, making
his teeth rattle and his cock throb.

Owen took it all in, accepting the pleasure Hash offered. When his

focus returned, he realized Kyllian was now helping Alcharr up,
wiping him down as he pressed a kiss to the eagle’s mouth. At the
same time, Yane and Sassaki supported the still-trembling Alcharr.
Alcharr leaned against them, and Owen’s heart hurt at the tenderness
of the moment. Strikingly, he didn’t feel jealous. Instead, he was in
awe, and the beauty of the four men together humbled him.

Kyllian whispered something in Alcharr’s ear, and after a few

moments, Alcharr nodded. Yane took Alcharr in his arms, and
together, the four made their way to the bed and Owen’s side. Yane
placed Alcharr in front of Owen, and the eagle caressed Owen’s
cheek, looking content and exhausted. “Hi,” he said weakly.

Owen would have laughed at the man’s greeting if he could have

mustered anything more coherent than a moan. Alcharr’s smile turned
into a grin, and he pressed his lips to Owen’s in a lazy kiss. Alcharr’s
kiss tasted like ecstasy and energy, and Owen closed his eyes,
allowing the other man to do what he wanted.

With Alcharr’s tongue sweeping in his mouth and Hash’s dick

fucking him, Owen was completely distracted and oblivious to all
else. It was only when Kyllian’s rough hand tore him away from
Alcharr that he remembered his previous thoughts.

Kyllian’s eyes were hot as they scanned his face. “Ride him. Do it

now. I want to see his cock in your ass.”

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Owen didn’t even get the chance to say yes or no, not that he

would have refused. Hash pulled out of him and manhandled him
over Alcharr. Owen ended up with his hole over Alcharr’s dick.
Kyllian helped lower his body over Alcharr’s thick cock. They both
groaned as Owen took Alcharr inside his body. Renewed pleasure
exploded within Owen. His hole was already well stretched and lubed
up from Hash’s fucking, and he had no trouble taking Alcharr. The
new position gave him an even deeper penetration, and he started
moving up and down on Alcharr’s prick.

Kyllian tweaked his nipples, and shocks of electricity coursed

through Owen, as if invisible nipple clamps bound the little nips.
Owen increased the speed of his motions, fucking himself on
Alcharr’s cock harder and harder.

A gust of wind took him by surprise, so strong it flipped him on

all fours on the bed. It dislodged Alcharr’s cock from his body, and
Owen cried out in shock and protest. When he recovered from his
surprise, he found Kyllian grinning at him. The wizard’s cock bobbed
in front of Owen’s mouth, demanding attention. “Come on, little
human. Suck me.”

Owen obediently parted his lips as Alcharr thrust into him once

again. Alcharr buried his face in his hair, stilling inside his body,
while Kyllian slipped his dick inside Owen’s mouth. Distantly, Owen
heard his other lovers move behind him, but he only understood what
was going on when another thrust echoed inside his body. Alcharr
groaned Yane’s name, and Owen realized that the same way Alcharr
was fucking him, Yane fucked Alcharr.

He held his breath, his mind already anticipating what would

come next and his body screaming to get on with it. Moments flew
with excruciating slowness, and two more hard thrusts notified Owen
of his lovers forming a chain of passion. He couldn’t have said the
exact order, but to him, it didn’t matter. His men didn’t have a
ranking in his heart, and the connection he experienced in this
amazing moment was equally as strong with all of them.

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The five men started a gentle rhythm, in and out, pushing and

pulling. Owen became a being of pure sensation. He tasted Kyllian’s
pre-cum in his mouth, and the wizard’s strong hold on his hair sent
shocks of pleasure through his scalp. His ass burned, his cock
throbbed, and his balls ached with the desire to come. And throughout
it all, Owen held on to the bond he felt forming, clinging to the
moment, dragging it on.

Gradually, the gentleness melted into pure, unaltered passion. The

music of sex filled Owen’s ears, male grunts, the slapping of flesh
against flesh, and moans of pleasure all blending like the most
beautiful of symphonies. Owen moved with his lovers, each stroke of
Alcharr’s prick against his prostate bringing him closer to orgasm.

Thankfully, Kyllian took pity on him. He pulled Owen’s hair and

forced their eyes to meet. “Come, little human. Come for us.”

The words were just what Owen had been waiting for. A rush of

energy exploded through him, and he cried out around Kyllian’s cock,
finding his peak. Moments later, wet heat filled his ass as Alcharr
came too. With a groan, Kyllian buried his prick inside Owen’s mouth
one last time and came, hot, salty seed scorching Owen’s throat.

The high of the orgasm took over Owen’s brain, making

everything fuzzy, as if he were engulfed in a cloud of ecstasy. The
knowledge of his lovers’ pleasure made it even better, and he rode the
wave of pleasure, embracing it fully.

When he recovered, he found himself in a joined hug, held close

to Kyllian’s chest. The wizard smiled gently at him. “I suppose you’re
right. Words are overrated.”

Owen smiled back, but as the haze of the orgasm began to dim, he

recalled their unfortunate circumstances. The realization that this was
a temporary respite made his heart fall. He didn’t speak, but
thankfully Kyllian didn’t seem to expect him to. The man kissed his
forehead and whispered, “I made you a promise. I plan to keep it.”

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Chapter Eleven

The crystal gleamed black in the distance. No disguise could be

strong enough to cloak its evil now, or perhaps it didn’t even bother.
Either way, Hash could see and sense its necromantic nature with
ease, and he knew the rest of the magic users must be in a similar

By his side, Kyllian examined the thing with narrowed eyes. “It

won’t be easy,” the wizard said. “Even with the number of people we
gathered, we might not make it.”

Indeed, the crystal was much bigger than the first time Hash had

seen it. According to Kyllian, the energy once distributed across the
plague lands pooled here, even if the lingering aftereffects of the
explosion still affected the dryad kingdom. It dwarfed the magical
rafts that gathered around it, the sea vessels that held the crystal’s

Their hopes now lay in the small army they’d managed to muster

in the past few days. Unexpectedly, Hash’s father joined in with a fair
number of dragons, including Chek. Sandros cashed in on a number
of favors and recruited other wizards. Even elves had come,
summoned by their princes. In turn, the Imperium also sent a number
of magic users. And still, in front of the size of the crystal, Hash
feared they would fail. His only relief was that Owen would be
temporarily beyond the crystal’s reach and could, perhaps, retreat to
his own world should things go wrong. Both Owen and his friend
Connor had been taken to the dragon coven the day before, and they
would be well cared for by the remaining soldiers.

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Shaking himself, Hash focused on the current situation. They all

knew the plan. Kyllian would give the signal, and at the same time, all
magic users would hit the crystal. They needed to have perfect
coordination and to focus on blending their magic together. Different
types of power would have to mix, and that could be both an
advantage and a disadvantage.

By Kyllian’s side, Fayre winked. “Don’t worry,” he said. “We’ll

be fine. It doesn’t stand a chance.”

The young wizard had insisted on coming, and Kyllian had been

unable to keep him from doing so. They needed all the help they
could get, and Fayre, while young, still commanded considerable
power. Each of them could make a difference in this battle.

Kyllian didn’t answer, his gaze still on the black crystal. Taking a

deep breath, he nodded at Hash. This was it, the moment of the attack.

White energy began to glow from Kyllian’s body. Hash admired

the man. Somehow, Kyllian managed to muster the courage and
power to face the crystal once more after being almost killed. The
mere thought was staggering. But Hash had learned to never be
surprised at Kyllian’s strength. The wizard had quickly become their
guardian, just like Owen was the beacon that brought them all

Taking Kyllian’s cue, Hash summoned his own power. His beast

roared inside him, kept in chains by the enchantment and aching for
revenge. Hash might not be able to unleash it, but the anger fueled his
fire magic, making it more intense than ever.

A few moments passed while everyone prepared their own spells.

Elves, dragons, wizards, dryads, and nymphs all had come for the
good of their planet and all their friends. It was strange to see them all
side by side, ignoring each other’s differences and the conflicts
between races. Hash admitted he felt afraid they were too different.

He needn’t have feared a thing. Countless spells joined Kyllian’s

first lightning bolt and as one, assaulted the crystal. Much to Hash’s

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dismay, the crystal absorbed it. Dark laughter surrounded them, and
impossibly, an even blacker night seemed to fall.

Well, they had known this wasn’t going to be easy. In the astral

realm, the crystal’s evil spread extensively, and a single flurry of
spells, however powerful, would not destroy it.

Kyllian gestured their army to attack again, but just as they

focused their energies, a loud screech assaulted Hash, hurting his
sensitive ears. Hash ignored it and, following Kyllian’s example, sent
another firebolt toward the crystal.

Unfortunately, the crystal seemed to decide it would not just stand

around to be attacked. The shadows around it took shape, and
demonic forms appeared from the necromantic magic. At first, Hash
had no trouble dispatching a couple, but then, an odd black light filled
his vision. Suddenly, he found himself facing not a necromantic
crystal or evil spirits but Sassaki, Alcharr, Yane, Owen, and even
Kyllian—Kyllian, who should have been right there by his side.

Unavoidably, Hash panicked. It allowed Alcharr—or the thing

that looked like it—to scratch his chest, his wicked claws leaving
behind burning trails of pain. Even his father showed up, a heavy
wing making Hash collapse on the bottom of the magical raft. He
might have been able to fight against that, but not against Owen,
whose slender form fell on top of him, punching him with surprising

Dazed, Hash tried to summon his fire, but his beast was confused.

His dragon sensed this was not their mate but at the same time, felt
reluctant to attack. His confusion allowed fake Owen to push him
down into the water. Almost instantly, the poisoned liquid began to
burn Hash’s skin and eyes. Fake Owen seemed unaffected and
continued to bury him deeper into the polluted waters.

Hash almost thought he’d die like this, defeated by his own heart,

but a strong arm tore Owen away and pulled him out of the water.
Hash found himself in the unlikely embrace of his half brother.

“It’s not him,” Chek said. “Get yourself together.”

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“Thank you,” Hash gasped out. He looked at his brother, and he

realized the other dragon looked quite shaken as well. With the
number of familiar-looking people attacking them, Chek was the only
one he could trust. His ever-present jealousy and resentment toward
his sibling clearly kept the crystal from exploiting their relationship.

Chek must have thought the same thing, as he gestured toward the

fighting people. “We have to try to take out those who look like
people who would not be here.”

Hash nodded. Sassaki, Alcharr, and Owen had not come, as they

were not magical beings and could not help in this battle. The wyrm
and the eagle were currently trying to control the unstable situation
between the wyrms, the dryads, and the eagles. Any approaching
figure who looked like them was an enemy.

With that plan in mind, Hash started blasting his fake lovers.

Every time a firebolt hit one of them, he felt it as if it were his own
pain. Hash forced himself to see beyond appearances and focused on
the connection between him and the other men. These creatures were
merely a lie, he reminded himself, a lie and a mockery of the affection
between him and his lovers. They needed to be destroyed. The
thought anchored him and gave him renewed strength and
determination. Slowly, he began to push the demonic forms back. As
it turned out, Chek helped a lot. On some occasions, they could not
take out an enemy, since it looked like one of their present loved ones
for both him and Chek, but oftentimes, the ones Hash couldn’t touch
didn’t coincide with Chek’s.

Of course, that didn’t mean they were winning the battle. Even as

they destroyed the creatures, more and more appeared. The crystal
was learning, however, and the new ones took the shape of the men

If they continued to attack the demonic manifestations, they

would not get anywhere, and at any rate, they could not hope to win
against an army looking like the people they loved. Even if they told
themselves it wasn’t real, even if they just followed their senses, the

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spell was simply too strong. They needed to go to the source, to the
crystal itself.

Of course, it was easier said than done. Whatever they did, the

crystal countered. The spells they managed to cast at the thing failed

All of a sudden, Chek roared. For a few moments, Hash was

confused and followed his brother’s gaze to a certain spot around
them. It seemed some of the demons had surrounded Chek’s half fae
lover, Rallion. Sandros was with him. As healers, the two could not
attack anything directly but insisted on coming, regardless.

Rallion and Sandros surrounded themselves in strong shields.

When that didn’t work, Sandros directed a spell at one of their
attackers. Shockingly, the thing screeched and disappeared in a poof
of dark smoke.

Of course. The crystal absorbed life magic. It had grown to

unreasonable proportions after ages of feeding on it. But it had been
the enchantment who’d allowed it to do so. With the filter of the spell,
the raw black magic would be vulnerable to light magic. They’d
thought the same magic that worked before would help, but they’d
forgotten its nature was different here in the astral realm. Essentially,
they needed to heal the crystal. How had it not occurred to them?

It seemed that Kyllian realized this at the same time as they did. A

lightning bolt swept over the area around Sandros and Rallion. “Get
them to attack the crystal,” he shouted at Hash.

As it turned out, from their entire army, only two people were

actually useful. The rest of them struggled to form a barrier around
the fae and keep all distractions at bay. Through their new purpose,
Hash managed to gather a good number of his actual friends around
him—Sandros, Chek, Lyole, and even Yane and Kyllian. It was
disconcerting to say the least to see Kyllian fighting himself, but it
couldn’t be helped.

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“How are we supposed to attack the crystal?” Sandros shouted

when they got a brief respite. “We’d have to touch it, and that would
kill us and cancel out the very point of it.”

“We combine magic,” Chek suggested. “An ice bolt from me

imbued with Rallion’s power would work.”

Sandros looked puzzled. “But who could I combine power with? I

don’t have a mate.”

“I’d be honored to help,” Lyole piped up.
Sandros scanned the nymph’s face and nodded. “All right. We

don’t have much time.”

While the four men focused their power, it was up to Hash,

Kyllian, and Yane to protect the group. It was a mess, complete
chaos, and Hash’s mind had trouble processing all the emotions and
stimuli assaulting him. He closed his eyes and focused on his
instincts. Knowing that he had his lovers by his side, he could focus
on holding back the avalanche of demons.

It seemed to take forever. Blasts filled his ears as Sandros and

Rallion attacked the crystal. At one point, the thing began to shoot
direct bolts of darkness at them. Hash sensed them coming and
pushed it back with a firebolt of his own. He might not be able to
destroy the crystal, but he could at least distract it and hold it back.

At last, just as Hash thought they would fail, Sandros and Rallion

shouted and sent two more spells at the crystal. Entwined with
Lyole’s water magic and Chek’s ice power, the bolts shone eerily
white against the utter black surrounding them all. They hit the
crystal, and the spot they struck began to glow. The surface of the evil
sentient artifact began to crack, as if a black shell were being
removed. And as Sandros and Rallion went limp in Lyole and Chek’s
arms respectively, the crystal exploded with a deafening sound.

The intensity of the blast created a huge tidal wave that threatened

to engulf them all. Thankfully, Kyllian, Fayre, and several of the other
magic users managed to hold it back through their own elemental

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powers for enough time to allow the rest of them to retreat. “Hurry,”
Kyllian shouted. “I don’t know how long we can hold it back.”

In the circumstances, the wave was bound to engulf the wizards.

Hash would rather die than to allow that to happen. His beast burst
from the enchantment keeping it bound, and he shifted into his dragon
form. By his side, Chek did the same. They grabbed the wizards and
flew up just as the tidal wave came crashing down, swallowing
everything in its path. The sky elves helped, their levitation abilities
coming in handy, and between them and the dragons they managed to
sweep everyone away just in time.

Hash refused to take any chances, though. He hastened to get out

of reach of the blast zone and retreated toward Kyllian’s home, his
brother close behind him. It took a while, but with Hash’s speed, he
reached his destination just as Kyllian started to fidget.

Hash dropped Kyllian and Fayre on the balcony and turned into

his legged form. He had the time to hug Kyllian before the crowd of
people interfered on the moment.

“Well, the good news is that my wards held,” Kyllian said in

bemusement. “The bad news is that I seem to have no home because
of it.”

Hash pressed a kiss to Kyllian’s lips. “Don’t be ridiculous. You

have five lovers. You’ll always have a home.” He grinned. “And you
forgot the best news of all. We did it. We destroyed the crystal.”

Kyllian nodded, although he looked thoughtful. “Or rather,

Sandros and Rallion did. Are they all right?”

“They’re fine,” Chek offered. “Don’t worry about them. Fae are

sturdy creatures. Or so Rallion tells me all the time.”

His brother sounded calm, and for once, Hash knew Chek actually

meant his words and it wasn’t just a mask. They had one more thing
they needed to do, one thing both he and his lovers yearned for. Owen
was waiting.

* * * *

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Owen paced through the room, chewing on his fingernails

nervously. He still couldn’t believe his men dumped him in the
dragon coven and had flown off to fight the crystal on their own. By
his side, Connor fumed. “They’re unbelievable,” he said. “Sometimes,
having five lovers is such a pain.”

Owen nodded. “You just worry and suffer five times more.” But

they also loved five times more, and Owen wouldn’t give it up for the
world. He plopped on Hash’s huge bed and moaned. “Why aren’t we
receiving any news? What if something went wrong?”

Connor shook his head and joined him in the bed. His friend’s

arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. “I don’t think so. You know
what they say. Bad news always travels fastest. We’d know
something already if they’d failed.”

Owen closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax in his friend’s

embrace. “It’s so strange, isn’t it?” he said. “This entire thing.
Sometimes, I believe I’m dreaming, and then I look into my heart and
realize I could not be imagining these emotions.”

Connor chuckled. “I know. Who’d have thought it, huh? I guess

we owe my editor big-time for sending me to that desert. Otherwise,
we’d never have found out about this place.”

Owen couldn’t help but laugh as well. “I owe you,” he said,

absently drawing an IOU on Connor’s thigh. “Big-time.”

And truth be told, Connor’s presence was the only thing keeping

him sane. With Sassaki and Alcharr struggling to keep the political
situation in the plague lands in check and the other men fighting
against the crystal, Owen thought he would lose his mind.

They spent the entire day just moping around the room, but the

next morning, Connor cracked and dragged Owen outside. The
dragon coven was situated on a beautiful island, a fair distance away
from the plague lands, just far enough so that the dark clouds above
the dryad country were visible without reaching them. There were a
lot of people milling about, talking in hushed voices. Many dragons

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had gone with Hash and Connor’s mate, Che’kendral, and it made
everyone nervous.

Owen and Connor made their way to the beach and sat on the

sand. “They’ll come back,” Connor said. “You’ll see.”

Owen thought his friend might be trying to convince himself, as

well as Owen, but he didn’t say it. Instead, he stared at the horizon,
willing someone to appear, to bring them good news from the
proverbial front.

When he first spotted the tiny dot, he thought it was his

imagination playing tricks on him. But as the dot became larger,
Owen shot to his feet. “There!” he shouted. “I see people coming.”

As it turned out, the small thing Owen had spotted morphed into a

cloud of approaching dragons. Owen’s heart thundered as other
people burst from the coven and lunged into the sky, ready to meet
the incoming group. He wanted to ask someone to carry him there,
but in the chaos, they seemed to have been forgotten about him

Frustrated, he swore at the careless dragons. He didn’t think

anyone would stop, but a huge beast did backtrack and landed in front
of them. It gripped him and Connor in its paws and took off once
more. Once, Owen might have pissed his pants out of fear, but now,
he couldn’t have been more thankful. As the huge dragon took
position in front of the group, Owen realized it was Ogash’Dral, Hash
and Che’kendral’s father, and felt even more thankful. It surprised
him to see the man seemed so accepting of human and male mates for
both his sons. Then again, dragons seemed to live very long lives.
Perhaps heirs weren’t a problem.

With both groups flying toward each other, it didn’t take long for

them to meet. Owen couldn’t suppress a sound of glee when he
spotted Hash among the other dragons, Alcharr and Kyllian by his
side, looking shockingly small but comfortable in spite of it. Fayre
was also there, smiling widely. Sassaki and Yane rode on Hash’s
back, having foregone transportation through their favorite element

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for the purpose of this trip. Similarly, Che’kendral carried his
flightless mates.

As soon as they reached each other, the dragon leader handed

Owen to Hash. Alcharr helped him climb on Hash’s back, stealing a
kiss in the process. “My God,” Owen whispered. “Does this mean you
destroyed the crystal?”

Kyllian nodded. “It was difficult, but it’s gone. We’re safe.”
“We came after you and Connor, and to lead the others back, but

we have to return to Anethone,” Sassaki added. “There’s still a lot to
be done.”

Owen didn’t care. As long as he was with his lovers, the sky could

fall and he would not mind. “All right,” he answered. “Let’s go.”

He had very few possessions brought here to the coven, and

nothing that could not be replaced.

The other dragons continued their journey, but Hash and Chek

stopped. They seemed to communicate silently to their father, and
then the dragon elder gave them a sort of nod and gestured for them to

After saying good-bye to Ogash’Dral, Hash and Chek turned

away from the coven and started to fly back toward the plague lands.
It was strange to journey like this, but Owen felt safe and comfortable
on Hash’s back.

On occasion, whispers of conversation reached his ears but didn’t

really process. He was too happy, too ecstatic that, against all odds,
his men had managed to defeat such a strong foe.

Reaching the plague lands reminded him of the consequences of

the crystal’s existence but also of the hope for a better tomorrow. The
dark clouds still lingered, heavy and thick, but they seemed less
threatening than when Owen had seen them last.

At last, they reached Anethone and landed in the courtyard of the

palace. A flurry of activity surrounded them almost instantly. Yane’s
mother, Queen Tarah, met them at the entryway. She didn’t look
surprised at seeing them, but she could not disguise her relief.

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“Welcome home, Yanentah.”
Yane’s sister came rushing out of the palace and hugged him with

enthusiasm. Yane seemed gobsmacked at the warm reception, and
Owen himself wondered at the sudden affection Yane’s family
showed for his lover. He’d already learned about the horrible
treatment Yane had received simply for being different.

Whether the queen had a special interest in keeping Yane close or

not, Owen found that it didn’t much matter, at least not then. Yane
made their excuses and dragged the five of them to his quarters. Owen
had no idea how they managed to reach the room, but before he knew
it, the door closed behind them and Yane was tearing at his clothes.
Alcharr, Sassaki, and Hash joined in, and in mere seconds, Owen
ended up naked in the middle of Yane’s chamber.

Kyllian crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the

door, the heat in his eyes the only thing betraying the passion and
desire beneath the nonchalant demeanor. He nodded appreciatively. “I
do believe I made you a promise, little human,” he said.

Owen shuddered, the memory of Alcharr’s orgasm at the wizard’s

hands still powerful in his hands. “You want it, don’t you?” Alcharr
whispered in his ear. “You want what he did to me.”

Owen leaned against the eagle and moaned. “Yes. God, yes.”
The next thing Owen knew, a strong gale stole him from Alcharr’s

grip, bringing him to stand in the center of the room. Invisible
bindings of pure energy wrapped around his wrists and brought his
arms up, forming a chain that hung from the ceiling.

Kyllian sat on an armchair, sweeping his gaze over Owen’s body

as if admiring his handiwork. Owen felt his face flame at the wizard’s
scrutiny, acutely aware that he was the only one nude in a room of
dressed men.

Kyllian didn’t seem to care about his embarrassment. “Touch

him,” he told the other men. “Touch him everywhere. But don’t fuck
him, not until I say so.”

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It was the only warning Owen had before his lovers descended

upon him. Every inch of his skin received full attention. His men
licked, sucked, and teased, driving Owen wild with lust. Yane took
position at his back, massaging his muscles with warm, wet hands.
Sassaki pressed his mouth to Owen’s in a devastating kiss while
Hash’s wicked fingers tweaked on his nipples. At the same time,
Alcharr knelt in front of him and took Owen’s hard cock in his mouth.

He was completely and utterly at their mercy, and he couldn’t do

anything about it. Even without the bindings holding him
immobilized, he couldn’t have moved. In fact, he might have fallen
without their invisible support. The pleasure coursing through him
was simply too intense. His knees turned to jelly and he whimpered
into Sassaki’s kiss, unsure of what he’d done to deserve this.

Alcharr rolled Owen’s testicles in his palm, rubbing at the

wrinkled sac. Sweet torture exploded over Owen’s skin as his lover’s
fingers continued to map his body and tease his taint. He was already
so close to coming, and they’d only just begun touching him.

“Don’t come,” Kyllian said in his ear. Owen gasped, having

missed the other man’s approach. Sassaki released his mouth,
allowing Owen to turn toward Kyllian.

“Yes, Sir,” Owen gasped out.
It came out so naturally it surprised Owen himself. Never once in

all the times he’d tried bondage had he felt like this. Never once had
he truly believed he could trust the men to not hurt him.

Just like Owen knew he would, Kyllian asked him for a safe word.

“Remember,” he added, “at any point if you say this word, I’m going
to stop.”

With the delicious suction around his prick, Owen had trouble

coming up with the requested word. He figured it would be best to
keep it short and simple. That way he’d actually have a chance to
remember it even with his lover sucking his brain through his dick.
“Red,” he answered.

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Kyllian caressed the side of his face in a silent praise. He then

went around to stand behind Owen. An odd soft shock seeped through
Owen as Kyllian caressed his back with something like a whip or a
flogger. “Don’t forget your word, little human.”

“I won’t, Sir,” Owen answered. He closed his eyes, waiting,

hoping, and fearing what would come.

He didn’t have to wait for long. The whip—it was a whip,

apparently—fell on Owen’s buttocks, sending an electrical current
through Owen. He cried out and tried to brace himself against the
bindings, but their magical consistency only heightened the pleasure.
It was nothing like any spanking or whipping Owen had ever
received, and Owen at last understood why none of the Doms he’d
been with were enough. Some of them might have been freaks, but
the real reason was that all this time, Owen had been waiting for his
Dom, the one made for him, Kyllian.

The second strike fell on his upper thighs, and the skill with which

Kyllian manipulated the whip made the shocks flow all the way into
Owen’s prick. Owen screamed. It hurt so good, and he wanted more.
At the same time, he desperately ached to come, but he refused to
disappoint Kyllian. More than anything, he yearned to please his
master and his lover.

As the blows continued to fall, his reality started to fade. His

blood seemed to flow faster through his veins, and the world felt
swallowed in cotton. He could only focus on the trails of fire
Kyllian’s whip left behind, acknowledging the sweet pleasure-pain
with striking clarity. All else became a side thought, unimportant next
to his lovers’ presence and the sensual torture Kyllian delivered.

Throughout it all, his men never once ceased touching him. Their

lips, mouths, and fingers explored every possible inch of his body
while Kyllian continued to whip him. On occasion, their lust for him
was tempered by a soft breeze blowing over his flesh, Kyllian’s way
of caressing him, of soothing his hurts. But just as the burning left

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behind by the whip faded under the cool wind, Kyllian struck him
again, driving the air of his lungs.

Soon, Owen became delirious from the overload of sensation. He

could not take it much longer. If he didn’t come soon, he would surely
die. No one could withstand emotions so intense and live through it.
His soul was bare in front of his lovers, and he accepted it, like he
accepted the gift and the punishment Kyllian delivered. In his heart,
he felt his lovers shared the profound perfection of the moment,
perhaps not physically, but indirectly, through him.

Owen carried that thought all the way to the moment the whipping

stopped. He let out a choked cry of protest, already wanting the pain
to return. Instead, two slippery fingers invaded his passage, Yane’s
soothing, wet touch. It felt slicker than water, so Owen surmised the
nymph must have found lubricant someplace. The dynamics of it
hardly mattered, especially when Yane’s touch stimulated his
neglected anus and made the abused muscles of his ass burn. When
Yane hit his prostate, he bit his lip so hard he tasted blood in his

“Does it feel good, little human?” Kyllian asked.
This time, Owen really could not reply. He just whimpered, and

his disobedience caused Yane to remove his fingers, probably by
Kyllian’s order. “Answer the question, little human,” Kyllian purred.
“I don’t like repeating myself.”

Just then, Alcharr increased the pace of his suction on Owen’s

dick and Sassaki started nibbling on his ear. Hash knelt next to
Alcharr and bit down on Owen’s hip, as if intent to drive him wilder.
It was by a strange miracle that Owen found words. “Y–Yes, Sir.”

His effort was rewarded by three fingers invading once again.

Owen tried to impale himself on the digits, at the same time wanting
more of the wet heat of Alcharr’s mouth, more of Sassaki and Hash’s
touch. What did they intend to do to him, kill him with pleasure?

Yane finger-fucked him, stretching him, preparing him for a

deeper, stronger penetration. Like before, the soft breeze caressed the

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skin tortured by the whip, and all the while, Owen waited for the next
strike to fall. His ass and thighs were on fire, but he couldn’t care less.
He wanted it, God, how he wanted it.

Alas, the blow never came. Instead, Yane removed his fingers

from Owen’s ass. Something else prodded at Owen’s opening. For
about a second, Owen thought it might be Yane’s cock but quickly
dismissed the idea as it began to push inside. It felt like the hilt of a
whip, and yet it was so very different. In a way, rather than a whip, it
reminded him more of a vibrator, only one that sent shocks of energy
through his body.

“And how does that feel, Owen?” Kyllian asked as he thrust the

thing deeper inside Owen. “Do you like it?”

Like it? Like was such a weak word for the ecstasy he felt. Owen

thought that he might very well have a heart attack at the intensity, or
perhaps a brain aneurysm. And yet, in spite of everything, his body
took what Kyllian offered and asked for more. It was as if the wizard
stretched Owen’s every limit, tearing him apart and rebuilding him
from scratch.

It was for this reason that Owen found the strength to shout, “Oh,

God! Yes, Sir! Yes!”

Kyllian chuckled, and his motions became faster as he fucked

Owen with the whip. Everything became a blur as energy sizzled over
Owen’s skin. Distantly, he was aware of his own voice begging and
of the fact that he shouldn’t be telling his Dom what to do. But at this
point, his tenuous control threatened to break, and only through
superhuman effort—or rather, through his need to please—did he
manage not to come.

Just as he thought he would lose his mind before Kyllian allowed

him his orgasm, the wizard removed the whip from his ass. “Come,”
he said as he slapped Owen’s ass one last time.

The words triggered an elemental explosion inside Owen. Blindly

clutching at the bindings, he found his peak, and his reality turned
into a wild rainbow of colors that swallowed him whole and refused

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to release him. For once, Owen didn’t even think he ever wanted to be
free of the amazing pleasure or of his lovers.

* * * *

Hash took Owen in his arms, holding him through the tremors of

his powerful orgasm. Owen was truly beautiful in his pleasure, and
Hash ached to claim him, to bind them together as all mates should

He and Sassaki had held back and not claimed Owen, not

knowing whether they would survive, but now that ceased being a
problem. Now, they could let go and take what was theirs.

Hash shared a look with Sassaki, then looked toward Kyllian and

the others. They did not need the wizard’s permission to make Owen
theirs. It was their right, and they all knew it. But this relationship, as
strange as it seemed, had turned into a six-way bond that Hash never
expected. And Hash knew they owed it all to Owen. In a way, the
human brought them together and made them see how powerful love
could truly be, how special life could become if shared with the
people they cared about.

Hash and Sassaki received smiles and nods from their lovers. The

importance of the moment almost frightened Hash, but their presence
anchored him. His dragon roared, demanding to be united with their

Hash carried Owen to the bed, and, as Sassaki joined them, he

allowed himself the luxury to caress Owen’s naked skin. His mate
was limp and pliant in his arms, courtesy of the amazing orgasm he’d
been given. Kyllian seemed to expect this, or perhaps he’d anticipated
and planned accordingly. “Fuck him,” he ordered, “both of you.”

Hash gaped, certain that, for once, Kyllian couldn’t possibly be

serious. Owen was their mate, yes, but he was also a human. They
could hurt him if they weren’t careful.

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As if sensing his doubt, Owen cracked his eyes open. “Claim me,”

he croaked out. “Fuck me. I want you to.”

Even if the human’s voice sounded low and husky from his cries,

the certainty in it could not be denied. In that moment, Hash realized
he’d been wrong to hesitate. Owen was their mate, made for them. It
would all work out, because Owen simply fit in his life, in his arms, in
his soul.

Hastily, Hash took his clothes off as Sassaki did the same. Yane

tossed him a bottle of oil, and, with trembling hands, Hash lubed up.
Owen had been well stretched and prepared by Yane and Kyllian,
insofar as someone could be prepared for what they had in mind. Still,
Hash kept the oil close, just in case it was needed. He helped Owen
straddle him and positioned his dick at his mate’s opening. At the
same time, Sassaki echoed his motions behind Owen. They sat
mirroring each other, sandwiching their mate between their bodies.

Meeting Sassaki’s eyes, Hash slowly pushed inside Owen.

Owen’s body greedily took him in, as if it had been waiting for that
very same thing. The human moaned and buried his face in Hash’s
shoulder. In turn, Hash held Owen tighter and higher to facilitate
Sassaki’s access to their mate’s nether regions.

As Hash pulled out, Sassaki pushed in. This time, Owen let out a

choked sound that seemed a cross between a grunt and a whimper.
With striking ease, they established a rhythm, and they moved with
such fluidity that they never left Owen empty for one single instant.

The pleasure of Owen’s tight body engulfing his dick magnified

as the synchronicity of their motions rubbed his prick against
Sassaki’s. He’d never actually fucked the wyrm, but now, Hash found
that he wanted to. But beyond the pure lust, they were united by
something deeper, the bond that tied them to Owen and had somehow
reached through and beyond the human, bringing the six of them
together against all odds.

Knowing this, acknowledging their connection and how close

they’d come to losing it, Hash let go. He released his dragon and

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pounded into Owen, in, out, in, out, moving with Sassaki in a
symphony that seemed to know no end.

But all too soon, the urgency to mate prevailed. His fangs

dropped, and Hash ached to sink them into Owen’s flesh. He met
Sassaki’s gaze over Owen’s shoulder. Together, he thought. We’re
together in this, and we will claim our mate together.

* * * *

Sassaki saw the same need and arousal in Hash’s eyes he felt

within himself. He sensed rather than heard what Hash wanted. His
own fangs lowered, and he kissed a spot on Owen’s right shoulder.
There he would mark his mate, claiming Owen as his own. Hash
echoed his motion, licking his own chosen place on Owen’s left.
Their human trembled, his cries a true song of beauty echoing in
Sassaki’s ears. “Yes,” Owen said. “Yes, please, claim me.”

At the same time, Sassaki and Hash bit down. A rush of ecstasy

coursed through Sassaki, incomparable with anything else he’d felt
before. He felt his bond with Owen click into place, as real and true as
the very air he breathed, as his shape-shifter nature and the sea that
for so long had been both his refuge and his prison. He realized then
that everything he’d ever done led up to this moment, the moment
when he had his mate in his arms and in his mind. And then, he
sensed something different, his and Owen’s life threads entwining
with a third one. Hash’s hot, bright energies swept over his skin, and
Sassaki embraced it. At a visceral level, he’d somehow known this
would happen. It was impossible not to. Fate would not be so cruel as
to mate two people with the same man without giving them a similar
bond. He only wished he could achieve this connection with Kyllian,
Yane, and Alcharr, too. It was the last thought he had before an
explosive climax took over him, comparable only to the one other
time he’d been with Owen, but so much better because of their bond.

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His mate tensed in his arms and, with a beautiful cry, came as well,
just as Hash followed Sassaki in finding his pleasure.

Both of them licked the wounds on Owen’s neck, reluctant to

leave their mate bleeding for even one single instant. Owen collapsed
on top of Hash, looking completely spent. But as if to Sassaki’s
previous thoughts, their three lovers joined them on the bed. When
Hash and Sassaki slipped out of Owen, Alcharr and Yane pulled the
human close and Kyllian caressed his face. At one point, they’d
gotten rid of their clothing as well and seemed to be asking for

Impossibly, Owen opened his eyes once more and nodded,

offering them a wide, happy smile. For a few moments, Yane and
Alcharr hesitated, uncertain, but then, Owen supported himself on
Kyllian and lifted himself on all fours shakily. “I want this. We all do.
Don’t be scared.”

The words seemed to be what Yane and Alcharr needed. They

took position in front and behind Owen and pushed inside him, Yane
inside Owen’s mouth and Alcharr in his ass. If Sassaki had doubted
Owen’s willingness to do this, if the expression on Owen’s face
hadn’t been enough to convince him, he’d have been more than
reassured by the feelings he experienced through their new bond.

And so, Sassaki watched Alcharr and Yane fuck Owen,

completely amazed. Hash crawled to his side, and Sassaki found
himself reaching for the dragon’s prick, jacking the other man off
slowly. Hash grinned at him, and they kissed lazily, their souls and
bodies following everything that went on in the room.

* * * *

Kyllian watched as Alcharr and Yane fucked the human. Owen

had been so amazingly responsive to his touch, more than he’d even
expected. Now more than ever, he yearned to be inside Owen as well.

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Craving Owen



But he was a patient man, and he knew things needed to follow

their course. And since Sassaki and Hash had claimed Owen, it was
now Alcharr and Yane’s turn to cement their bond, to reassure each
other and themselves that they were truly alive and had Owen in their

Alcharr and Yane moved together in smooth perfection, like the

longtime lovers they were. Their grunts and groans filled the room,
combining with the quiet yet seductive whisper of Sassaki and Hash’s
kiss. Kyllian would have very much liked to test out Yane’s ass, to
hear the nymph cry out for him, too. Perhaps next time, when they
weren’t so exhausted mentally and physically.

Oddly, Kyllian found the simple observing of the scene more than

satisfying. Well, it wasn’t all that odd, really. The three men were
beautiful together, and the sight of Yane and Hash’s pricks moving in
and out of Owen should have been declared illegal. It was just too
sexy to resist. Hash and Sassaki joined him, taking in the sight of the
three fucking men. Under his very eyes, he saw twin tattoos appear on
Owen’s neck where Sassaki and Hash had bitten the human.

Kyllian sensed the magic, and with every motion of Alcharr and

Yane’s hips, it seemed to gather more and more, echoing inside him.
It didn’t surprise him when Alcharr and Yane came with guttural
groans, then grabbed Owen and bit down on his skin. Hash and
Sassaki did, however, look shocked. Kyllian supposed that made
sense, since shape-shifters were, as a rule, the only ones who ever
mated. It seemed that in their case, they would make their own rules.

Without waiting for a second longer, Kyllian snatched Owen and

buried his cock inside the human. Owen trembled and moaned in his
unique way, and Kyllian could tell the human was mere seconds away
from coming. “Wait until I tell you to, little human,” he told his lover.
“Do you understand?”

Owen just nodded, but Kyllian let it slide. He could not possibly

expect Owen to be coherent after the fucking he’d received. At last,
Kyllian allowed himself to release his desire and let his barriers fall.

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With abandon, he pushed in and out of Owen while the human met
him thrust for thrust.

Energy sizzled over his skin, intense, wild, and untamed. His

element responded to Owen’s proximity, caressing the human with a
gentleness that surprised Kyllian himself. It fit, he realized. It fit,
because Owen was the one who’d made this affection possible.
Without Owen, Kyllian might have never realized what he was
missing. He might have been celebrating the destruction of the crystal
alone, buried in a solitude of his own making.

His former life was over now, and as Kyllian took his lover, he

could see another fate for them, writing itself at that very moment.
Owen’s fate, his own, Yane’s, Hash’s, Sassaki’s, and Alcharr’s,
forever bound together.

The carnal pleasure of Owen’s tight passage squeezing his cock

and the emotional fulfillment in his heart finally broke the last of his
defenses. “Come, my human,” he whispered. “Come with me.”

And, as always, Owen obeyed, splashing Kyllian’s chest with

pearly-white essence. Following his impulse and his instinct, Kyllian
bit down on Owen’s neck, just a little lower from the snake-like tattoo
marking Owen as Sassaki’s mate. In that instant, he sensed an
amazing connection snap into place, flowing through him and Owen,
binding him together not only with his human but also with his four
other lovers.

Thrusting one more time inside Owen’s tight body, Kyllian came

stronger than he had his entire life. The pleasure felt so intense
Kyllian actually lost control of his powers. A gust of wind swept
through the room, sending the furniture flying around. It was only his
lifetime of discipline that gave him the ability to recover in time and
put the items back in place.

Exhausted, he slipped out of Owen and collapsed on the bed,

holding Owen tight. His four lovers joined them, none of them saying
a word. It wasn’t necessary. Personally, Kyllian couldn’t have spoken
if he wanted to. He was too drained and very much enjoying it.

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Thankfully, they didn’t have to move to get cleaned up since Yane
summoned his element and used the water to wipe them down. And as
his lovers fell into slumber together, Kyllian smiled to himself. As
unusual as their relationship might be, they could make it work if they
stuck together.

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Alcharr waited on the terrace of the dryad palace, scanning the

gardens beneath. It was difficult to believe how much had happened
in the past month. He’d managed to complete his relationship with the
man he’d loved in secret for the past years and meet four others and
fall head over heels for them. As if that weren’t enough, in the
process, he’d managed to become involved in a very troublesome
diplomatic situation between three races.

Of course, if he wanted to be honest, he’d have been forced into

these discussions indifferently of his relationship with Yane and
Sassaki simply because he was an eagle. But as it was, he had a
vested interest for all sides through his loyalty to his own nation and
his mates.

Thankfully, it seemed that the wyrms, the dryads, and the eagles

agreed to a reluctant peace, at least for the moment. It had taken a lot
of compromising and a fair intervention from Kani’s part to convince
Dassan of the necessity of this ceasefire, but Alcharr could honestly
say they’d succeeded. They still couldn’t figure out how news of the
crystal reached the wyrms in the first place, but Kyllian was
investigating it. On a more personal level, Alcharr felt quite satisfied
his father recovered nicely from the necromantic crystal’s spell.

However, there was one thing that still concerned him, or rather

one person. Alcharr sighed as he caught sight of his sibling in the
gardens. Unsurprisingly, Dorien accompanied Valderr, but they were
a fair distance from each other. The dryad had ceased trying to hide
his interest from Valderr, and in the circumstances, Queen Tarah had
been happy to accept it, especially since Ciera didn’t seem to mind.

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Craving Owen



But out of all of them, Valderr himself was the one who refused to
consider a relationship, even if, as Alcharr knew all too well, he
wanted to. Valderr still remained so fragile, so close to breaking. For
crying out loud, Alcharr still kept the secret of their father’s
involvement in the kidnapping, too afraid what it would do to his

Behind the two men, Sandros and Lyole walked together. The two

had become close since the battle and had taken to watching Valderr
and Dorien. It only complicated the situation, and Alcharr didn’t
know if he should interfere or not. After the trauma he’d suffered,
Valderr might not be ready for a relationship, and if Sandros and
Lyole were interested, too…well, anything was possible.

Slender arms wrapped around his torso, and Alcharr felt better at

his lover’s touch. “I know it hurts,” Owen whispered, “but Valderr is
a strong man. He will beat this, and we will help him through it.”

Kyllian, Yane, Sassaki, and Hash made their appearance as well.

Alcharr almost laughed, knowing they’d all sensed his anxiety.
Instead, he felt touched by their concern. “Thank you,” he said.
“You’re all family now, and Valderr is going to need all the help he
can get.”

Before anyone could answer, a thick heat filled the air, and a

strange energy seemed to surround them. It was familiar, but it didn’t
come from Kyllian. Alcharr frowned and spread his wings, intending
to go after his brother.

He didn’t get the chance. The already-cloudy sky that had only

just started to clear from the lingering traces of the crystal’s
destruction went dark, and wild lightning bolts pooled together in a
huge hurricane, forming a sweeping force of light that rushed over the

Alcharr cried out in terror and flew toward his brother, trying to

reach Valderr before it was too late. At the same time, Kyllian tried to
fight the angry elements and make his way there, but the energy storm

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seemed surprisingly powerful, more intense than any Alcharr had ever
seen before.

Valderr and Dorien were too far now, and Alcharr could do

nothing but watch helplessly as both men disappeared into the
blinding light. The gale tossed him around like a toy, and he landed
on the ground, unable to reach his brother. He shot forward again,
knowing that he had very little time before the storm’s portal shut.

Unfortunately, it seemed to move away from him, and even

flying, Alcharr couldn’t reach it. In shifted form, Hash passed him,
but not even the dragon had any luck. Just as Alcharr thought his
brother and Dorien would be lost without aid, Sandros and Lyole
jumped into the blinding light and disappeared as well. Moments
later, the energy storm quieted, and the clouds actually began to clear.

Alcharr stared in shock at the spot where his brother had vanished.

Kyllian landed at his side and hugged him tight. “We’ll find him,
Alcharr. I promise you, we’ll find him.”

Alcharr wanted to believe his lover’s words, but he feared that by

the time that happened, Valderr’s heart would forever be scarred. His
hopes now lay with Dorien, Sandros, and Lyole. Please protect him,
he sent to the men. Please, keep him safe.

Unsurprisingly, no one answered, and Alcharr’s scream echoed in

the now-silent garden. What would they do now? Would he be able to
reach his brother in time?



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A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid

fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and
adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she
delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled
onto romance.

As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer

day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her
to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As
it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but
Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting
to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation,
studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the
Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people
who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in
the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.

Also by Scarlet Hyacinth

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: Tides of Love 1:

Saving Connor

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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