Scarlet Hyacinth Mate or Meal 02 The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg

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Mate or Meal 2


The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg

Snack or sweetheart? Definitely sweetheart. Or so werewolf Liam
thinks when he meets swan shifter Shiloh. Shiloh is everything

Liam’s soul yearns for, a gorgeous, feisty spitfire who turns his
blood into flame and makes his entire being sing. But Shiloh is
reluctant to believe in Liam’s good intentions.

Shiloh has been searching for The One for as long as he can
remember. In his quest, he made several mistakes, and now he is

reluctant to believe again, especially in a wolf. After all, wolves
prey on his kind. How could he possibly entrust his heart to one?

As they struggle through misunderstandings and try to build a
relationships, a third member joins their little family—a mysterious

swan egg abandoned in front of their door. Will it strengthen
Shiloh’s bond with Liam or will it separate them forever?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 40,703 words


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Mate or Meal 2

Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Scarlet Hyacinth
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-964-4

First E-book Publication: November 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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For my dad, who first made me see the innocence in the souls of

animals and taught me how to love them as much as he does. Thank
you for all your amazing support.

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Mate or Meal 2


Copyright © 2011


“Shiloh, it’s high time you found a mate.” Shiloh’s mother took a

deep inhale from her long cigarette and blew out the smoke. “You’re
at the perfect age for it.”

Shiloh suppressed a grimace. He didn’t know how his mother

managed to make even smoking look elegant, but she did. Shiloh was
no ugly duckling, but he didn’t have the effortless grace she boasted.
Then again, Shiloh was not many things, and his parents never ceased
in pointing that out.

His father nodded at her words. As if to confirm Shiloh’s

thoughts, he added, “Norma is right. It’s not normal for you to keep
this lifestyle. Charles cares about you. You should think about settling

Shiloh mentally groaned. Charles Meyer had been a mistake with

a capital M. Shiloh still couldn’t get over his own stupidity of giving
his virginity to the man. He’d trusted Charles, believing him to be a
good man, the perfect mate he’d been looking for. But he’d been oh
so very wrong, and Charles had proven it to him by trying to control
his every move, forbidding him from seeing his family, and even
hitting him.

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


Shiloh had finally managed to break things off with Charles, but

alas, he’d never dared to tell his parents about the man’s abuse. He
was too ashamed. Now, his parents wanted to marry him off to the
dreadful man. Ironically, they didn’t have a problem with Shiloh
being gay. With swans, it wasn’t all that unusual for two males to
partner up, and they’d been quite supportive of him, even if not
thrilled with it. His continuous refusal of every eligible bachelor
they’d chosen for him had upset them, and they’d been pleased when
Shiloh seemed to have settled for Charles. Shiloh didn’t have the
heart to tell them the truth about what really happened.

“Look, Mother, Father, I appreciate your concern, but Charles and

I aren’t as close as you think.”

His mother extinguished her cigarette in a crystal ashtray and

sighed. “I simply cannot understand you, Shiloh. Why is it so hard for
you to settle down?”

Shiloh would have liked to know that as well. He saw many swans

his age get mated every day, and couldn’t understand why he was
different. Why couldn’t he find his own soul mate? Was there
something wrong with him or what? Had Charles been right in
kicking him around? No, that couldn’t be it. God, he needed a break,
to not think about this.

“I just need to find to right man,” he told his mother. Knowing

that wouldn’t satisfy her, Shiloh added, “Thank you for your advice. I
need to go fly for a half an hour.”

His parents didn’t protest, as Shiloh had known they wouldn’t.

After shaking hands with his father and giving his mother a brief kiss,
Shiloh headed to his room. He took off his clothes and abandoned
them on the bed. At last, he went outside, onto the balcony, changed
into his swan form, and launched himself into the air.

The sky was clear and sunny as Shiloh’s wings carried him over

the valley that had housed him and his ancestors since time
immemorial. Shiloh flew, simply losing himself in the sensation and
the motions that came to him as naturally as breathing. The music of

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the wind soothed him, making him feel much better about the fiasco
of his low life.

But his relaxation vanished in a flash when he felt another swan

approach. For a few moments, Shiloh considered continuing his
flight, but he decided against it. His oasis of relaxation was no more,

Inwardly sighing, Shiloh landed below and shifted back to his

legged form. He looked over the beautiful pond and took in the scent
of the forest and of the water. Like most bird-shifters, swans didn’t
have an acute sense of smell, but even with that, he still felt soothed
by what he did perceive. Perhaps it would help him prepare for what
would be a very unpleasant conversation.

Indeed, moments later, another swan landed next to him and

changed into Charles. “Hi, Shiloh. You look great.”

Shiloh grunted, for the first time in his life regretting that shape-

shifters always ended up naked when changing from one form to
another. “What do you want, Charles?”

“Your parents said you mean to refuse me,” the other man said.

“Shiloh, you can’t do that.”

Irritation coursed through Shiloh. “What makes you think you

have the right to tell me what to do?”

Charles offered him what was probably supposed to be a

seductive smile. “All those wonderful nights we spent together.” He
grinned as he stepped into Shiloh’s personal space. “I can’t stop
thinking about it, about how you moved, how you felt around my—”

Shiloh felt a little sick now, remembering his time at Charles’s

side. Ironically, he’d even enjoyed those first few encounters. Charles
was hot, and he hadn’t begun to show his real face until after he’d
started bonding Shiloh to him. “Stop, Charles, just stop,” he said
before the other swan could continue. “Do you even hear yourself?
Good sex does not a relationship make.” He took a few steps back,
feeling better without Charles so close. “You don’t want me to be
your mate, not really.”

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


Charles’s pleasant expression didn’t change for a moment. “Of

course I do. Shiloh, I love you. We’re perfect for each other.”

Shiloh rolled his eyes at Charles’s words. He very much doubted

the other man’s words. Perhaps he’d have believed them once, but he
could see Charles for the cruel man he was now, and not the ideal
partner Shiloh once willed him to be.

“I’m sorry, Charles,” he replied. “I just don’t agree with you.”
He intended to end the conversation there. Charles’s next question

stopped him in his tracks. “You want a family, don’t you?” the other
man said.

Shiloh gritted his teeth, hating the low blow. Of course he wanted

a family. He wasn’t so out of touch with his roots as some people
thought. In fact, he wanted a partner and children more than Charles
could imagine.

Shiloh was tired of being nice. If Charles couldn’t take a hint and

leave him alone, Shiloh would just have to say it outright. “Yes, I do,”
he answered, “but not with you. I’ll never, ever be your mate.”

Without further ado, Shiloh shifted into his swan form again and

took flight. Beyond the valley, the open road loomed. A thought
flashed through Shiloh’s mind. Perhaps, all this time, he’d been
looking in the wrong place. Perhaps his destiny lay away from the
swans and with another man, still waiting to be found, living with
other shifters.

Behind him, he heard Charles laugh. “You’ll change your mind,

Shiloh. You’ll see.”

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Scarlet Hyacinth

Chapter One

A few years later

A small line appeared on the window as Shiloh uttered the last

note of the song.

The nightingale’s lips spasmed slightly, as if she were struggling

against a grimace.

The sound of the clock made the heavy silence seem even more

oppressive. Finally, the nightingale got up and sighed. “It’s quite
admirable that you want to better yourself, Shiloh, but truly, I don’t
think singing is the way to do it.” Her voice sounded kind as she
spoke. “Perhaps you could try something else, maybe take up an
instrument or photography. Swans are talented at many things. It
doesn’t have to be singing.”

Shiloh would have much preferred it if she’d been disdainful like

all the other teachers who’d listened to him sing. That way, he could
at least be angry at her. As it was, he just felt empty inside, empty and

“Thank you for your suggestion and for your time,” he replied.

“I’ll consider it.”

The nightingale looked relieved, and she smiled at him.

“Excellent. Do let me know if you choose an instrument. I can refer
you to some of my colleagues. They’d be happy to instruct you.”

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


Shiloh nodded and thanked her. They said their good-byes and

Shiloh escaped her home, never once looking behind him. He just
didn’t know what to do anymore.

As he headed toward the subway, he mused over what the

nightingale had told him. Instruments? Self-improvement? No. No

There was so much more than self-improvement involved in this.

They couldn’t understand. None of them could. Shiloh was different.
Unlike other swans, he’d never managed to find his partner, the one
person who would complete him. It didn’t have anything to do with
his homosexuality. There were plenty of swans of his sexual
orientation, or other shifters compatible with his race. But to Shiloh,
they’d always been good for a roll in the hay and nothing more. He
hadn’t found the one man who could make his heart race and his soul
complete, not even after he’d left his home behind and come into the

Now, he was officially known as the man-whore of the shape-

shifters in LA. In his never-ending quest for finding his mate, he’d
gone through half the population of shifters in the city. He’d begun to
lose his hope.

His dream of singing was the only thing he clung to now. He

wanted to have something beautiful, something pure he could be
proud of. It might have been arrogant, but he wanted to be known as
the swan who’d learned how to sing, not the one who’d become a
willing hole for all the men interested in a cheap fuck.

A few years back, when he’d first come to LA, singing couldn’t

have been further away from his mind. Sure, he loved music, always
had. He loved the way the notes of a skillfully played sound ran
through him, reaching to his very heart. Whether it spoke of anger,
love, or betrayal, whether the singer was a shape-shifter, a human, or
even an animal, Shiloh understood it. But in his first years of life,
he’d never thought he would sing himself. The nightingale had a
point. Swans were completely tone-deaf.

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Scarlet Hyacinth

But with his dream of finding his mate failing so abysmally,

Shiloh needed a new goal. He wanted to prove anything was possible.
Perhaps that way he could also believe he’d one day find his perfect
mate. As it was, he’d turned into a person he himself despised.

Shiloh sighed, hating that he’d fallen into self-pity. He needed a

break from all this. Living in the city had its advantages, but Shiloh
started to tire of it.

At the last moment, Shiloh changed his mind and headed toward

the small park nearby. Once he reached his destination, he plopped
down on a bench. Perhaps he could ask Nicolas for some time off. He
had no doubt the other man would allow him to take a break. But
where could he go? His family was out of the question, since they’d
just try to push him into matings he didn’t want. The rest of his
friends were all in the city.

But wait…That wasn’t quite right. Carson no longer lived here.

The lamb had moved a few months back to a property in the Rocky
Mountains with his wolf mate, Brody. Shiloh had only been there
once, but he remembered it as very beautiful, an almost idyllic setting.
Of course, if he went there, he would be intruding on a recently mated
couple. Then again, Carson and Brody had children now. Perhaps
Shiloh could help them out with the two little devils and give his
friends a breather. He liked children, and it would be a welcome
distraction from the mess of his love life. Of course, the baby lion and
antelope were a handful, as Shiloh had found out during his one
meeting with them, but that was all right.

Shiloh knew that if he mused over it more he’d just change his

mind. As such, he retrieved his cell phone and dialed his friend’s
number. Reception was a bit poor in the mountains, but Carson and
Brody had installed a satellite phone to make sure they could reach
their friends at all times.

“Hi, Shil. What’s up?”

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He sounded breathless, and Shiloh couldn’t resist teasing his

friend. “Hey, there, Carsie. I hope I’m not interrupting you and

“Uh…Not quite. Well, nothing like you’re thinking.” A muffled

curse sounded, then Carson shouted, “Angel, get back into the house.
I told you a million times not to run around naked. Clark, what are
you doing? No, don’t climb the tree. It’s too tall. Clark!”

Shiloh couldn’t help it. He burst into laughter. The troubles of

parenthood seemed to be getting to Carson. Not that Shiloh didn’t
understand it. Carson and Brody had applied for adoption believing it
would take a long time for their file to be processed. As it turned out,
after an unpleasant rejection, they’d been contacted that very same
day and entrusted with the care of Angel and Clark. Alas, it seemed
the two hyperactive children had taken Brody and Carson by surprise.
Perhaps Shiloh and his friends could help each other after all.

“Stop laughing, Shil,” Carson said. “It’s not funny.”
“I can call you at a different time, if you want,” Shiloh answered,

still chuckling.

“No, that’s fine.” Carson sighed. “Brody’s got it. So, what’s on

your mind?”

“You know me so well.” Shiloh grinned. “Actually, I was

thinking. I kind of need a break from the city, and I don’t want to just
run around all by my lonesome. Perhaps I could give you and Brody a
hand with the kids and stay with you guys for a bit?”

For a few seconds, Carson didn’t speak. Shiloh cursed himself for

even calling. He should never have assumed his friends would just
take him in like that. Christ, they had a family life. They didn’t need
Shiloh to intrude on their time together.

“Carson? Carson, are you there?”
“What? No. I mean yes,” Carson stammered. “Geez. Sorry. I was

talking to Brody.”

Shiloh felt a pang of jealousy upon realizing just how strong

Carson’s bond with the wolf was. He hastily pushed the envy away,

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knowing how much the two had suffered before achieving it. “So
what did your man say?”

Relief coursed through him when Carson answered, “When can

you get here?”

* * * *

Shiloh stared out the window of the bus, deep in thought. He was

just a few miles from the town closest to Carson and Brody’s home,
and had started to doubt his plan. What if Carson only accepted
Shiloh’s offer for Shiloh’s own benefit? God, he hoped he wouldn’t
alienate the man through his insistence.

Now that he’d taken a few hours to think about it, he’d realized

things would not be so easy. He and Brody shared a sort of
ambiguous relationship. Shiloh had been by Carson’s side for two
years, watching his friend suffer after the wolf left him. Intellectually,
he knew it hadn’t all been Brody’s fault, but a part of Shiloh couldn’t
help but still resent Brody. Besides, even if Carson didn’t have a
problem with Brody being a carnivore, Shiloh still disliked wolves.

Living with them would be a recipe for disaster. What had

possessed him to call Carson? Christ, his family was right. He was
such a fuckup.

But he couldn’t back out now, and before Shiloh knew it, the bus

reached his stop. He got up, grabbed the bag with his stuff, and exited
the vehicle. Carson would be somewhere around here to pick him up
from the station.

But as he looked around, Shiloh realized he could feel someone

else—a predator. Shiloh’s heart fell as he spotted Brody’s distinctive
silhouette. The man looked as gorgeous as ever, and Shiloh was
reminded why he’d hit on him and Carson in the first place, almost
three years ago.

Brody waved him over and grinned at him as Shiloh reached him.

“Hi, Shiloh. We had a small issue with the kids and Carson asked me

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


to come in his stead. Thanks for offering to help. You have no idea
how much we appreciate it.”

Shiloh smiled back, struggling to hide his discomfort. “I’m the

one who has to thank you. I really needed a break from the city.”

If Brody sensed his apprehension, he didn’t show it. Instead, he

laughed. “I don’t know how much of a break you’ll get with the kids
around.” His expression sobered. “Now, don’t get me wrong. I love
them to bits. I couldn’t fathom life without them. But…I’m a wolf.
And sometimes, I just want to…”

Judging by Brody’s pained expression, it wasn’t hard to figure out

what the wolf wanted to do. Two small children in the house would
have a detrimental effect on one’s love life. Had Brody and Carson
lived with a pack, they’d have benefitted from the help of their
families. Alas, their strong connection had come with a price. In an
instant, Shiloh changed his mind all over again and congratulated
himself for his idea. It seemed Brody and Carson needed the time off
more than he did.

“Don’t worry,” he told the wolf. “I get it.”
Brody’s comment made him feel a bit more relaxed. He wondered

if Brody had shared that little personal info on purpose, and
surreptitiously analyzed the wolf. What could Brody be thinking?
Why did he accept Shiloh’s presence even if they were so very

Brody gestured him into his car, a Land Rover built to scale the

dirt roads and rough terrain in the area. As Shiloh climbed inside,
Brody took position on the driver’s seat and started the mammoth

After a few moments of silence, Brody spoke again. “I know

we’re not exactly the best of friends, but I want to get to know you
better, strengthen our relationship.”

Shiloh gave the wolf a suspicious look. Perhaps Brody

misunderstood the purpose of his visit. Shiloh had, after all, flirted
with Brody and Carson once. But no, that couldn’t be it, could it?

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Scarlet Hyacinth

They had small children to worry about, and shared a bond stronger
than anything Shiloh had ever seen.

“Uhh…Right. I’m sure it would make Carson feel much better.”

On impulse, he added, “But not in the biblical sense, yeah?”

Brody looked away from the road and arched a brow at him. He

was smirking, Shiloh noticed. “Sorry, I’m a one-lamb wolf, and I
really doubt any of us would be interested in it anyway.”

From then on, the tension began to disappear, and Shiloh found

himself joking and laughing with the wolf. Why had he held onto his
doubts anyway? Now that he’d seen Brody again, he realized he was a
perfect match for Carson.

After a drive through a gorgeous forest, Brody stopped the car.

“We have to walk from here for five minutes or so,” he said as they
left the car.

Shiloh had no problem with that. He inhaled the fresh mountain

air, already feeling much better about his decision. The difference
between being here and living in the city was staggering. He could
already feel a good portion of his stress draining out of him. Perhaps
he could even go flying for a bit. In LA, he had to do it in parks,
where humans would not be surprised to see swans, but it simply
wasn’t the same.

All of a sudden, a slender, naked child appeared from the

shrubbery and pounced on Brody. “Daddy! Where did you go?”

Brody lifted the boy in his arms. “Didn’t your papa tell you we’d

have a guest?”

Wide brown eyes turned to Shiloh and Shiloh smiled at the child.

“Hi there, Angel. It’s Shiloh. Remember me?”

The antelope calf nodded, a shy smile gracing his face. “I

remember. The pretty bird.”

Shiloh couldn’t help a laugh. Angel really was adorable.
At last, they reached the house, and Shiloh noticed Carson waiting

on the deck with his second son, their lion cub, Clark. Clark looked

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disgruntled, and Shiloh guessed he’d have liked to go find his errant
brother. The two were inseparable.

Once he saw them, his expression turned relieved, and, together

with Carson, he made his way toward Brody and Shiloh.

Carson hugged Shiloh enthusiastically. “Hi, Shil. So glad you

could visit. Clark, say hi to Shiloh.”

The cub gave Shiloh an assessing look, as if not knowing what to

make of him. Shiloh had already gathered the young lion was quite
intelligent, very protective of his younger sibling, and suspicious of
outsiders. “Hello,” he said.

Shiloh offered Clark a smile. “Hi there, Clark.” He knelt next to

the child and shook his hand. “I’m glad to see you again.”

As the five of them entered the house, Shiloh couldn’t help but

think that he’d have lots of fun here.

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Chapter Two

The wind ruffled Liam’s hair as he drove his bike. He loved the

speed of driving on the open road, the feel of the engine revving
between his legs, and yes, he also loved the danger inherent to it. He
never wore a helmet, even if he’d been in a couple of accidents.
Unlike with humans, the danger of dying in road crashes was very
small, and more so when the vehicle involved was a bike. Besides,
Liam liked this too much to restrict himself.

It must have been the only thing that kept him going these days.

The situation in his pack had become toxic. With Brody’s mating, the
families of the unmated wolves were pushing their children into
arranged unions, out of fear that the men and women in question
would find a mate outside their species and lower down on the food
chain. The fact that the elder mysteriously decided to change their
policy and not attack the sheep and other herbivores anymore didn’t

Liam’s Alpha—who, as luck would have it, was also Brody’s

brother—had a difficult time in controlling the pack. The man had
lost two betas in the past few years, both of them having tried to kill
Brody and Carson, and finding good help proved to be very difficult.
Until now, Liam had served as Soren’s beta. However, after Brody’s
reunion with his mate, Soren decided he needed Liam on the road and
watching Brody. Even if Brody found happiness with his new family,
sometimes every wolf needed one of his own.

Still, perhaps Liam should have called and not just dropped by

unannounced. Brody would have been pissed at Liam and Soren for
babysitting him, but just appearing like that would be rude, even if

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they were almost brothers. Brody had a mate now, and for all Liam
knew, his friend could be getting it on with his mate. Then again, with
two small children in the house, that was highly unlikely.

Either way, Liam would call, just in case. He was close enough to

Brody’s house that his friend wouldn’t turn him away.

Liam pulled over the bike, retrieved his cell, and speed-dialed his

friend. A few seconds later, Brody picked up. “Hey, Liam. How’ve
you been, man?”

“Good. Well, sort of.” Liam paused, considering how to approach

the issue. In the end, he decided to just plunge right in. “I was in the
neighborhood and wondering if I could drop by.”

Brody laughed, seemingly in a good mood. “Drop by. Right. Sure,

go ahead.” His tone changed, sounding a bit more cautious. “One
thing, though. Remember Carson’s friend, Shiloh?”

Liam nodded, even if Brody couldn’t see him. “Sure. The swan.


“He’s visiting, too,” Brody answered. “Just as a word of warning.

He’s still a bit leery of wolves. He’s gotten used to me, so there
shouldn’t be too big of a problem.”

Liam hummed thoughtfully, not entirely pleased about this

development. Sure, he knew Carson would also have friends over, and
Liam least of all was entitled to decide who Brody could receive in
his house. Even so, he couldn’t help but worry about the kids. Would
Shiloh be able to treat them the same, with one of them being a
carnivore and the other an herbivore?

During the years of Brody’s separation from his mate, it had been

Liam’s task to keep his friend informed about Carson’s life. He’d
hired a private investigator for this purpose, though, and he’d never
seen or met the famous Shiloh Holden. He just knew the info he’d
conveyed to Brody, that the swan was unusual, a bit of a slut, but, as
far as anyone could tell, a good friend.

“Well, I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” Liam told his friend. “Are

the kids okay with Shiloh being there?”

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“Of course,” Brody replied. Liam could almost see his friend

frowning, and winced. “You know I would never push them into
being in the presence of anyone who treats them poorly.”

“Sorry,” Liam apologized hastily. “I know it sounded bad.”
“Just don’t say it in front of Shiloh. He’s got quite a temper.

Anyway, come on over. The kids will be thrilled to see you.”

They said their good-byes and Liam climbed onto his bike once

again, wondering how his meeting with Shiloh would go. He hoped
Brody was right and there wouldn’t be any problems.

An hour or so later, Liam reached his destination. He would have

some trouble getting the bike up the mountain—he always did—and
for that reason, Brody came to help him out. Indeed, his friend was
there, sitting against his truck, arms crossed.

Liam got off his bike and hugged Brody. “It’s great to see you

again.” He looked the other man over. “You’re looking good.” Better
than last time. Clark and Angel were sweet, but they were also
difficult to take care of for parents with no experience, and more so
for a couple who’d only just reunited.

Brody arched a brow then dissolved into laughter when Liam

punched his shoulder. “Jesus. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I know, I know.” Brody chuckled. “You know, Carson’s great

with the kids, but I’m hopeless as a dad, and learning has been taking
up all my time with my mate,” he said as he helped Liam put the bike
in the back of the truck and secure it there. “With Shiloh here, I’ve
actually managed to enjoy our kids, rather than fear what they’ll come
up with next.”

Liam was pleasantly surprised by the comment. “Well, then, I’m

looking forward to meeting him.”

The trip to Brody and Carson’s house passed quickly, with Liam

bringing Brody up to speed with pack news and his friend recounting
the children’s pranks and achievements. When they left the car, Brody
suddenly said, “Oh, one more thing. Shiloh doesn’t know you’re

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coming. He was out flying when you called. We figured he’d come
back before you got here, but he didn’t, at least not until I left.”

Liam shrugged. Well, that could get interesting. He knew swans

were quite protective of their territory, and Shiloh might not take
kindly to Liam’s sudden appearance. “Perhaps after I say ‘hi’ to the
kids, I could go looking for him?” he suggested to his friend. That
way, Shiloh would find out about his presence before getting to the
house, and Liam could explain his presence here without children’s
ears around.

“You know,” Brody said, “that might not be a bad idea. Just be

careful. He can be quite a spitfire.”

Liam only smiled. His stay at Brody’s was already proving to be

more interesting than he’d expected.

* * * *

Shiloh landed in the shadow of a pine tree and shifted into his

human form. He took a deep breath, loving the fresh air. This was the
life. Why had he left the forest again? Right, his eternal quest for a
mate. Well, whatever. This break would do him good.

Naked, he lounged under the tree and closed his eyes. This land

wouldn’t be trespassed on. He felt safe, and he could take a few
moments to just relax. The kids were at home, safe with their parents,
so they wouldn’t accidentally run into a naked Shiloh.

Shiloh smiled as he thought about the past few days. Angel and

Clark had warmed up to him quickly. The kids and Shiloh were now
the best of friends, much to Brody and Carson’s delight. Shiloh
wished he could stay here for more time, but he’d have to go back in a
few days. He had a job and a life waiting in LA, and once he
recharged his batteries, he could continue with his quest of finding a
singing teacher and a mate.

As he thought this, he realized that here, in the middle of nowhere,

he could practice without people overhearing and laughing at him.

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Shiloh leaned against a tree and chose a song from the countless he
knew by heart. It was a lullaby, something he’d overheard Carson
singing to his kids.

Just as he finished the last line, Shiloh opened his eyes and

gasped. He realized he’d been so lost in the song that he’d completely
missed the predator approaching. And now, there, in front of him,
stood a tall wolf who made no attempt to disguise his presence.

“Wow, that was something,” the man commented.
The wolf grinned, and Shiloh felt his face flame. He shot to his

feet, glaring at the stranger. “Who the hell are you and what are you
doing here?”

The man lifted his hands, as if to point out he was unarmed.

Despite himself, Shiloh couldn’t help noticing he was breathtakingly
handsome. The wind played with the stranger’s black locks, making
Shiloh want to do the same thing. The wolf’s broad shoulders could
have rivaled the width of the trees around them, and his muscular legs
seemed to go on for miles. The chiseled features of his face made
Shiloh think of the Greek gods of old. And, damn it, the green eyes
that twinkled at Shiloh in undisguised amusement threatened to melt
him into a puddle of goo. “Whoa there, gorgeous. Don’t frown so
much. You’ll get wrinkles, and we wouldn’t want that to happen,
now, would we?”

Shiloh had never felt so embarrassed in his entire life. The man

had overheard Shiloh’s horrible singing voice, and was making fun of
him. He must have realized Shiloh felt attracted to him, too. Wolves
could smell that sort of thing, couldn’t they? Shiloh didn’t know.

Shiloh bit the inside of his cheek and struggled to push back the

humiliation. “Why would you care? And you still haven’t answered
the question. Who are you?”

The wolf began to approach, and, on instinct, Shiloh took a step

back. In the end, even if Brody was a good guy, it didn’t mean all the
other wolves would be the same. Sure, Shiloh could just fly off, but
he hated running away without a fight. Not to mention that he’d hate

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leaving without knowing the identity of the hunk. Focus, Shiloh. This
guy spied on you and laughed, remember? He’s a jerk. Focus.

“I’m Brody’s friend, Liam Denning. And you must be Shiloh,

right? It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Shiloh wished for the ground to open and swallow him right then

and there. This guy was Brody’s friend? Fuck. Shiloh would most
likely be forced to share a house with him. It seemed his holiday
would be over before he’d expected.

“Likewise.” He forced himself to take Liam’s hand when the man

extended it, but pulled it back as soon as he could. His skin burned
pleasantly well after the other man had touched him, and Shiloh
cursed to himself. He must have gone too long without getting laid.
“Brody and Carson didn’t mention you were coming.”

“We just made arrangements today.” Liam shrugged. “I drop by

all the time.”

That was hardly an explanation, and Shiloh wanted to throttle

Liam for his arrogance. But that thought brought about another, the
image of their naked, sweaty bodies sliding against each other, Liam’s
hard cock thrusting inside Shiloh.

Shiloh turned away from the man and began to walk toward the

house, knowing he’d just embarrass himself further if he stayed. “So
you’re just going to strut back to Brody’s naked?” Liam asked.

Shiloh froze in his tracks. Fuck, he’d forgotten about that. He had

his clothes at the bottom of the pine tree, since he didn’t want to
startle the kids by suddenly appearing in front of them in shifted form.
Even if Angel and Clark liked petting “the pretty bird,” they were still
getting used to him, and Shiloh didn’t want to overdo it.

Taking a deep breath, Shiloh retraced his steps and pulled his

clothes on. “Of course, I myself would not mind at all if you stayed
naked,” Liam commented. “You have an amazing body.”

This time, Shiloh couldn’t contain his irritation. He’d been told

that a million times, by a million people. Nobody ever cared about
what he was inside. They just saw a shell, a body to use for their

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pleasure. Liam undoubtedly knew all about Shiloh’s history and
found a great opportunity to get his rocks off, perhaps experiment
with someone outside his species. Maybe Brody’s luck had made him
curious, and Shiloh, the slut who spread his legs for half the shifters in
LA, would be naturally eager to comply.

Furious, Shiloh took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

What was the point of getting angry? He’d made his own bed and he
needed to sleep in it. Perhaps he’d just give Liam what he wanted.
That way, they could forget all about this god-awful first meeting.
Liam might be able to just ignore him, and they could pretend to be
civil to each other so they wouldn’t offend their hosts.

“You want to fuck me, Liam?” He arched a brow, offering the

man a seductive smile. “Is that what you’re saying? Because if you
do, I’m game.”

Liam’s eyes widened, and Shiloh couldn’t but feel satisfied at the

wolf’s surprise. So, the man wanted to play? Shiloh would show him
how it was done.

He made his way to the wolf, putting an extra sway in his hips.

Once he stood in front of Liam, he marveled at the man’s height.
Shiloh was by no means short, but he still had to look up to meet
Liam’s eyes. It didn’t surprise him, since Brody seemed even bigger,
but it did arouse him like hell.

He pressed his body against Liam’s and licked the wolf’s neck.

“What? No answer now. I thought you liked my body.”

Liam let out a choked sound and wrapped his arms around Shiloh.

The heat the wolf irradiated was incredible, and Shiloh inhaled, taking
in the other man’s scent. For whatever reason, his nostrils seemed
more sensitive to Liam than to anything else in the world. Liam’s
hands slipped under his shirt, and Shiloh couldn’t contain a gasp
when their skin made contact. He felt Liam’s hard-on against his hip
and, all of a sudden, this stopped being about proving anything. Right
then and there, Shiloh ached to taste Liam, to wrap his mouth around
the wolf’s dick and suck him deep.

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Breaking away from Liam, he knelt at the wolf’s feet and began to

unzip the man’s jeans. Liam’s cock sprang out of its confines, and,
impossibly, Shiloh’s heart began to beat even faster.

He gripped the hard prick in his hand, experimentally massaging,

testing to see what Liam liked, alternating between softer strokes to
harder squeezes. Liam leaned against a tree and growled, “Don’t
tease. Suck me.”

Shiloh trembled, and his body instinctively obeyed Liam’s

command. He took the glans in his mouth, moaning when the flavor
of Liam’s pre-cum hit his taste buds. At first, he took it slow,
enjoying the novelty. He traced the thick vein on Liam’s prick with
his tongue then returned to suck Liam inside once again. He bobbed
his head up and down Liam’s cock, taking him deep, so deep his face
reached Liam’s bush. Liam smelled exciting, spicy and erotic, and
Shiloh couldn’t help another moan as all the scents assaulted him. It
felt so very new, and more so since Shiloh’s sense of smell had never
been stimulated during sex.

Liam’s hands reached for Shiloh’s head, strong fingers threading

through his hair as the wolf started fucking his mouth. Shiloh
breathed through his nose and focused on simply giving the man in
front of him pleasure. He knew he gave great head, but, for whatever
reason, he wanted to make this particular blow job spectacular. He
allowed Liam all the way into his throat and swallowed, his arousal
sky-rocketing when the wolf howled his name.

Desperate, Shiloh reached for his own pants and struggled with

the zipper, gasping in relief when his own fist enclosed his prick. He
jacked himself furiously, the lust flowing over him in waves. Liam
continued to thrust his cock in and out of his mouth, and, oddly, it
seemed to Shiloh that he could almost feel Liam’s pleasure as well, as
if the man was broadcasting the sensations coursing through him. The
thought almost distracted him, but the ecstasy was too powerful to be
contained even by such strange ideas. Shiloh just accepted it all,

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accepted the bliss Liam gave him, and offered everything he knew in

With another howl, Liam came, filling Shiloh’s mouth with his

seed. The taste of Liam’s sperm and the knowledge of the wolf’s
pleasure brought Shiloh over the edge as well. He found his peak, his
cock spurting all over the grass, and, funnily enough, Liam’s shoes.

Liam however, didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he picked Shiloh up,

effectively tearing him away from his prize. Shiloh would have
protested, since he already yearned for Liam’s prick in his mouth. But
then, Liam pressed their lips together in a kiss that made his toes curl,
and Shiloh melted, barely even remembering why he’d wanted to
protest. His body still buzzed with the aftermath of his orgasm, and
his every nerve tingled from Liam’s proximity. He was drowning in
Liam, and he didn’t want to be saved.

At last, they broke apart, and Liam smiled at him. Shiloh started to

smile back, but as he looked up at Liam, he realized a terrible thing. If
he wasn’t careful, he could easily fall for this addictive man. He
couldn’t under any circumstances do that. For Liam, he was just a
fuck and nothing more.

* * * *

Liam couldn’t believe his luck. The last thing he’d expected when

he’d come here to visit was finding his mate. Who’d have thought it
would be Shiloh Holden? If only he’d known earlier, he’d have
already claimed the man a long time ago.

He’d been exploring the forest when he’d heard the high-pitched

voice singing something that sounded like a lullaby. It was quite bad,
but in a sense, Liam had felt the emotion the singer put into it. It
called out to him, and he’d followed the voice, only to find himself
faced with the hottest sight ever, a gorgeous, willowy blond, with a
body that seemed carved by the gods.

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Liam couldn’t remember everything he’d said to Shiloh. He knew

he’d fallen into his old habit of teasing when he was flustered, but his
mate seemed to have understood it was good-natured bantering and
nothing more.

He grinned at his mate, and for a few moments, he thought Shiloh

would smile back. But then, the swan’s expression closed off and he
stepped away from Liam. He started to clean himself up and arranged
his clothing in quick, efficient movements. “Okay. There. Problem

Liam blinked in confusion. Problem solved. What the hell?

“Shiloh, what?”

“You wanted some quick fun right?” When Shiloh looked at him

again, he did smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. In fact, those beautiful
black orbs looked as cold as the darkest night. “There you have it.”

Liam gaped, wondering how he could have misinterpreted his

mate’s behavior so badly. “So are you going to turn your back on me,
just like that?” he asked in incredulous shock.

Shiloh arched a brow at him. “What? You expected anything


Blood roared in Liam’s ears. His dreams of a happily mated life

were crumbling around him. He remembered Shiloh slept around a
lot, and anger coursed through him at the realization that his mate
was, essentially, done with him now that they’d fucked.

Liam took a deep breath, struggling to calm down. This wasn’t

about Shiloh’s previous romantic habits. Whatever happened, Liam
would not allow his mate to get back to that. They could be great
together, he just knew it.

Alas, Liam had completely messed up with his teasing. Shiloh

obviously didn’t understand Liam hadn’t meant to make fun of him.
Not to mention that, regardless of their friends’ lives, Liam and Shiloh
were still predator and prey. It was natural that Shiloh would be
reluctant to befriend him. Liam needed to backtrack as soon as
possible and, hopefully, get another chance. “Look, I’m sorry, all

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right?” he said. “We began on the wrong foot. Can we maybe start

Shiloh frowned at him. “Why in the world would you want that?

What do you even want with me?” He let out a deep sigh. “Look, if
you want my ass, you’re gonna have to wait until tomorrow. Brody,
Carson, and the kids must be wondering where we are, and I don’t
want to get back to the house smelling more of sex than I already do.”

The no-nonsense approach took Liam aback. Did sex really mean

so little to Shiloh? Did he give his body away to everyone who
wanted him? Why? Sure, they were shape-shifters, and they took their
pleasure whenever they could, but somehow, this seemed different.

The wolf inside Liam whined, and he sensed a hidden pain inside

Shiloh. Perhaps his mate had enjoyed the physical aspect of what
they’d done, but he certainly didn’t like Liam too much right now.
Liam swallowed against the knot in his throat as he realized he’d
behaved like an asshole and used his mate.

“No, it’s not like that,” he rushed to say. “This was a mistake.”
For a few moments, Shiloh’s seductive façade faltered. Liam

caught sight of the sorrow behind the mask. But then, the wall was
back up, and Shiloh shrugged. “Oh, okay, then. Let’s get back. I’m
sure Carson and Brody will be pleased we made nice with each

Shiloh turned, obviously intending to go, but Liam caught his

hand and stopped his mate. “Don’t. Wait, please. I’m sorry.”

Shiloh didn’t look at him. “You have nothing to be sorry about. It

was just no-strings sex.”

“Can I at least make it up to you somehow?” Liam asked

desperately. He was losing more and more ground. He cursed his own
stupidity for having spoken like that to Shiloh in the first place.

Much to his surprise, this time, Shiloh did turn toward him again.

“Actually, yes. Don’t ever bring up my singing to anyone. In fact,
let’s just be civil to each other while we stay here and then pretend
we’ve never met. And we should keep this entire episode from Carson

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and Brody, too. No sense making them anxious over nothing, right?
I’ll be leaving soon anyway, so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

Liam felt like he’d been hit by a truck. When Shiloh moved away

from him, he couldn’t even make his muscles move. Completely
frozen, he just watched as his mate disappeared into the forest again.
How could things go from perfect to trashed in only a few seconds?

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Chapter Three

Shiloh made his way back toward the house, still in a daze.

Behind him, he heard the occasional wolf howl, and his heart ached
whenever the sound echoed through him. It seemed to hold so much
loneliness and pain, and it sang a story of sorrow and abandonment.
But Shiloh forced himself not to think of such things. It was stupid.
He must be imagining things because of his weird meeting with Liam.
He needed to get the man out of his head and calm down.

He stopped by a little brook to clean himself up better, then

resumed his trek. Finally, he reached Carson and Brody’s home. The
lights were on, and Shiloh let himself in. “Hi,” he shouted. “I’m

“In the kitchen,” Carson replied pointlessly. Shiloh had already

figured out his friend’s location.

When he reached the cooking area, he caught sight of Angel and

Clark playing in the adjoining room, just within sight of their parents.

“Uncle Shiloh,” Angel greeted him with a smile. “You’re back.”
He flung himself at Shiloh and embraced him enthusiastically.

Clark hugged Shiloh as well. “Will you play with us? Daddy says we
can’t go out if we’re not supervised.”

He sounded quite put out by the fact, but Shiloh understood

Brody’s protectiveness. Angel and Clark were still very young. Even
if they’d passed through more things than other kids their age, they
couldn’t just go around roaming in the forest without an adult to look
after them.

“Let’s see what your parents say first,” he answered.

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“After dinner,” Brody shouted, having obviously heard the

exchange. “We’re having steak, rare, just the way our favorite lion
likes it.”

“And spinach strawberry salad, for our dear antelope,” Carson


The kids cheered, and Shiloh shook his head, amused. He ruffled

their hair then headed into the kitchen. The two boys would be good
after the promise of the feast to come. Brody was keeping busy next
to the stove, expertly flipping steak. Judging by the strong smells, the
meal would be ready soon.

“Need help?” he asked automatically. He wasn’t much of a cook,

but he did know his way around salads and various vegetarian dishes,
and he did occasionally dabble with fried fish.

Carson shook his head. “It’s fine. You’re a guest. And besides,

we’re almost done.” He gave Shiloh an inquiring look as he gathered
some ingredients in a bowl, beginning to make a salad. “Brody’s
friend Liam came over. He was supposed to go find you. Did you run
into him?”

Shiloh nodded, struggling to push back his discomfort. Carson’s

words had brought back his conflicting emotions he’d managed to
push away while focusing on the kids. “We met, yes. He should be
coming back soon, as well.”

“Why didn’t you return together?” Brody asked. “Anything


Thankfully, Shiloh was not forced to lie to his friends. All of a

sudden, Brody turned away and tilted his head. Shiloh instantly knew
Liam had arrived as well. “There you go,” he said. “He’s here, too.”

And with that, he fled the kitchen and returned to the kids’ side. It

was cowardly of him to hide behind their innocence, but what else
could he do? Carson knew him well, and the last thing Shiloh wanted
was to bring his drama into his friend’s home.

* * * *

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When Liam arrived back at the house, he found his friends in the

middle of dinner preparations. He headed toward the kitchen,
intending to offer Brody a hand, and at the same time knowing Shiloh
would be in that direction. When he reached his destination, he froze
in his tracks.

In the room adjoining the kitchen, Angel and Clark were rolling

around, laughing with Shiloh. The swan allowed the two children to
climb over him, tickling them, looking carefree and beautiful.

If Shiloh’s naked body had aroused Liam’s base instincts, seeing

this called out to him differently. He imagined Shiloh with their child.
Sure, it would be a bit difficult until they managed to adopt or
something, but Shiloh would be a great parent. Liam wanted that. He
wanted a family with his mate.

And then, Shiloh looked up, and for a brief second, their gazes

locked and held. Liam had the impression that Shiloh knew exactly
what he was thinking. However, the moment broke when Shiloh
averted his eyes and Liam became aware of Brody’s voice calling out
to him.

“Hey, man. We were just wondering where you’d gone.”
“Just admiring the sights,” Liam said. “It’s amazing.”
He realized he’d inadvertently tossed an innuendo at Shiloh and

winced. Thankfully, the swan seemed focused on the children and
didn’t react. “It is,” Brody answered. “Hey, the kids were missing you
earlier. Why don’t you go say hi? Dinner will be ready in a bit.”

Liam would have laughed at the domesticity of it all, except

Brody’s words effectively sent him in Shiloh’s proximity. While
Liam couldn’t imagine a better place to be, he didn’t think his mate
liked him very much right now.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t exactly say “no.” First of all, Brody

would realize something wasn’t quite right, and second, he didn’t
want to. He joined the kids and Shiloh and sat cross-legged on the
floor. A few seconds later, Angel pounced on him with his typical

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enthusiasm. “Uncle Liam! You were gone a long time. Where were

Liam chuckled and stole a look at Shiloh, uncertain as to what to

say. His mate had wanted to keep their meeting under wraps, and
Liam wasn’t sure if he should mention it. “Your uncle Liam met up
with me, Angel,” Shiloh helped him.

It seemed Shiloh wouldn’t deny their meeting and contact. Well,

that would be easier to work with, at least. “Yup,” he added. “But you
have me all to yourself now.”

Angel laughed, and Liam began to tickle his friend’s son. “Who’s

my little tyrant?”

The four of them played together for a few minutes until, finally,

Brody appeared in the room. “Dinner’s ready. Come along, kids.
Let’s go wash up.”

Angel and Clark obediently followed after Brody and left the

room. With the children gone, awkwardness fell between Liam and
Shiloh. They got up and stared at each other.

“I think—” Liam began to say.
At the same time, Shiloh spoke as well, “Maybe—”
They stopped, stared at each other some more, and then Liam took

a deep breath and added, “You go first.”

“No, that’s fine,” Shiloh said. “You first.”
Liam would have insisted, but he knew they could just go on like

this forever without achieving a result. He’d originally intended to say
they should go wash up, too, but now, he figured he could use this
opportunity to apologize. “About earlier…I didn’t mean to offend

Shiloh sighed. “Look, I already said it’s fine. Besides, I don’t

walk to talk about that. Come on. We should get ready for dinner as

Liam would have laughed at the fact that obviously they’d been

thinking the same thing, but Shiloh’s dismissive attitude cut into his

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heart. He had his work cut out for him if he was going to get his mate
to forgive him.

A few minutes later, they all sat down at the dinner table. Carson

and Brody had cooked a delicious meal, adding great desserts to the
main course. Liam noticed absently that Brody nibbled on some
veggies and Carson added a bit of meat to his plate. He hid a smile
when he realized the effort his friends were making to make their
children feel right at home. The children seemed to know it as well,
because at one point, Clark snatched the piece of meat off of Carson’s
plate and gulped it down, grinning.

“The steak’s delicious, Papa. Thanks.”
Carson snickered at his precocious child. “I can’t win with you,

can I?”

Observing the happy family made confused emotions swirl

through Liam. By accident or by design, Shiloh was seated right
across from him, and Liam couldn’t help but steal the occasional
glance at his mate. Sometimes, he thought Shiloh was doing the same
thing. Liam wondered what Shiloh saw when he looked at Brody and
Carson with their kids. Did he imagine himself with a family like
Liam did?

The warm atmosphere kept the strange situation between Liam

and Shiloh from manifesting, and the dinner passed without incident.
After clearing the table, all of them went outside and changed into
animal form. They did it step-by-step, so as not to take the kids by
surprise, and Liam understood his friends were getting their kids used
to other shifters.

Despite being the only bird, Shiloh didn’t look uncomfortable at

all. He allowed the small lion cub and the antelope to sniff him,
flapping his huge wings around from time to time, much to the
children’s delight.

Liam just watched them, his beast yearning for Shiloh. He wanted

to claim his mate, to bring their bodies together, to fuck him until
neither of them could walk. But at the same time, he wanted a future

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with his mate, the white picket fence thing, a house, two kids—
without a dog, though, since domestic canines didn’t like wolves

Brody padded to his side and gave him a penetrating look. Even in

this form, Liam could tell what his friend was thinking. He was
busted. Brody gestured toward the forest with his snout and yipped,
telling him in the way of the wolves to follow him for a run. Liam
was reluctant to leave his newfound mate, but perhaps talking to
Brody would do him some good.

As such, he followed his friend into the woods. For a few minutes,

they ran together in silence, shoulder to shoulder, and it felt like
nothing had changed, like they were back in Soren’s pack, years ago,
before Brody met Carson.

At last, Brody stopped and shifted into his human form. As Liam

did the same, he realized things had indeed changed. Brody had a
family, and Liam himself just found his mate. But even though their
lives might have taken unexpected turns, Brody and Liam were still
the best of friends. If someone could help Liam get out of this mess, it
was Brody.

“So want to tell me what all that was about, at the house?” Brody

asked. “Any problems with Shiloh?”

“Actually, yes,” Liam answered. “He’s my mate, and I fucked up

when we first met.”

Brody blinked, took a few seconds as he seemingly processed

Liam’s words, then grinned. “I knew it.” He pumped his fist in the air.
“I’m gonna have fun tonight.”

Liam gave him a gobsmacked look. “Carson and I made a bet,”

his friend explained. “Whoever won got a BJ from the loser.”

Liam shook his head, uncertain when the conversation had

derailed so much. “Jesus, Brody. I can’t believe you put out a bet on
my love life. And besides, you’d have gotten a BJ either way.”

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“That’s beside the point. It’s the principle that counts.” Brody

shrugged, and then his expression turned serious. “Now tell me, how
bad is it? Maybe I can help.”

“It’s bad. Worse than bad.” Liam sighed. “I can’t even tell you

everything because he forbade me from doing so, but suffice to say,
he’s angry at me, and with good reason.”

Brody arched a brow. “Hmm…Well, have you apologized?”
Liam nodded miserably. “He doesn’t want to hear it. What do you

do when Carson gets pissed at you?” Surely, the two men fought, too.
Every couple fought.

“I get him roses,” Brody replied.
“Roses?” Liam repeated. Somehow, he couldn’t imagine his

friend in a Romeo position offering his mate a bouquet of roses.

“Yup.” Brody nodded. “He eats them up. Literally. Who knew

roses were aphrodisiacs for lambs?”

“Okay, TMI.” Liam was beginning to doubt Brody could help

after all. “I very much doubt that’s going to work with Shiloh.”

Brody seemed thoughtful. “It’s a different situation. You need to

woo him, get him to accept you as his mate. What are a swan’s
mating habits?”

Liam drew a blank at that. He didn’t have a clue. He didn’t know

all that much about his mate in the first place. The detective reports
hadn’t provided any information about the real Shiloh, the one behind
the mask, and Shiloh didn’t seem forthcoming with information. “Oh,
God, I don’t know. What am I going to do?”

“Calm down. Breathe. Carson is Shiloh’s best friend. He’s bound

to know something to help you.”

“But do you think he’ll tell us?” Liam asked.
“Not if it’s anything secret, no, and I wouldn’t ask him that,”

Brody replied. “But I don’t think it will be necessary. Come on. Let’s
go back home. It will be fine. You’ll see.”

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They shifted back into their wolf form and started toward the

house. Night had already fallen by the time they reached it. Shiloh
was waiting on the deck, alone, deep in thought.

“Carson’s putting the kids to bed,” he said as he saw them. “Go on

inside, Brody. They’re probably waiting for you.”

Brody padded inside the house, but Liam stayed behind. He

jumped onto the deck and made his way to his mate. He put his head
in Shiloh’s lap and looked up at Shiloh’s gorgeous profile, trying to
wordlessly convey his regret.

“Don’t look at me with those eyes.” Shiloh scowled down at him.

“I can’t be angry with you when you look at me like that.”

And how is that a bad thing? Liam wanted to ask, but since he’d

stayed in form, he didn’t. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that
Shiloh didn’t pull away. He climbed on Shiloh, licking his face

Shiloh attempted to push him away, but the effort was halfhearted

at best. Finally, Shiloh lay down on his back on the deck, with Liam
next to him. Night had fallen, and the crickets had started their sweet
concerto. Beyond the deck and the trees, Liam could see the stars
twinkling, as if saying hi.

“What do you want with me?” Shiloh said softly. “Seriously,

Liam, I told you that there’s no need to apologize or court me or
whatever it is that you think you’re doing. It was just no-strings sex,
and nothing more.”

It was the first time Shiloh had called his name. Liam found that

he liked the way it sounded on his mate’s lips. Still, he didn’t much
appreciate or agree with Shiloh’s words. In wolf form, he couldn’t do
much about them, however, so he changed back to his human shape.
“Shiloh, baby, that’s not true. I know I fucked up. Let’s just start over.

Shiloh sighed, but he seemed closer to giving in. “I suppose I

might be judging you too harshly. Fine. There’s no reason why we
can’t be friends.”

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“Friends” wasn’t exactly what Liam had in mind, but it was a step

in the right direction. “I’m sorry I inadvertently insulted you. I
shouldn’t have spied or said that. I just blurt out stupid things when
I’m nervous.”

Shiloh laughed self-deprecatingly. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I

know I have a horrible voice. I mean, all the singing teachers in LA
never tire of saying so.”

“You want to learn how to sing?” Liam asked. That was a little

piece of information he could work with.

“Do you have to sound so surprised?” Shiloh shot back, and now

sounded irritated again. “I know I’m a swan, and swans are tone-deaf,
but nothing is impossible if you just try.”

Liam didn’t let his mate’s bravado sway him. He could see the

fear and the hurt hiding behind it all. “I agree,” he answered. “And
I’m pleasantly surprised. I love music, too. In fact, when I was
younger, I used to sing.”

Shiloh gave him an incredulous look. “You can’t be serious. A

wolf who can sing?”

“Don’t look so shocked.” This time, Liam allowed himself a

laugh. “Wolves actually have good singing voices. Mind you, I’m no
Andrea Bocelli, but it was nice to just enjoy the music, you know?
Sometimes, I’d go out on pack land, grab my guitar, and just let go. It
was the closest thing to hunting I’ve ever experienced in human

It seemed so strange that the confession seeped out of him. Only

Brody knew about his former hobby, and how much it had meant to
him. Somehow, with Shiloh, speaking about it came so naturally.

Shiloh looked at him, his eyes scrutinizing Liam in the darkness,

as if trying to see into his very soul. “But if you liked music, why did
you stop singing?”

Liam shrugged. “Life. At a certain age, I no longer had the time to

be carefree. I needed to hunt, to protect the pack, to go scouting for

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my Alpha. Things stopped being easy. But I do still sing from time to
time, in my own way.” All wolves did, whether they knew it or not.

Shiloh smiled. “I’m glad. A gift like that should never be


Silence fell again, and Liam struggled to come up with something

to keep this camaraderie, to prevent his mate from leaving. What had
Brody said? To find out what he likes. Well, he knew that now, but
how could he use it?

An idea finally occurred to him, and before he could change his

mind, he blurted out, “I could teach you, if you want.”

For a few moments, he thought he’d fucked up even more, but

then, Shiloh spoke, “You’d do that?”

Liam nodded. “Mind you, I’ve never tried it before, but if you’re

willing, we could make the attempt.”

Shiloh’s face lit up in a smile that could have sent the entire night

away. “I’d like that.”

* * * *

Hidden away in the shadows, a man watched the two shape-

shifters together. He’d taken care of finding a good hiding spot, where
he couldn’t be sensed, but he couldn’t exactly burst in and separate

Biting on his fingernail, he considered his options. In the end, as

he analyzed the two men once more, he decided it couldn’t last
anyway. A wolf and a swan were no good together. Eventually, they
would go their separate ways, and then he would be ready to make his

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Chapter Four

The next day, the preparations for Shiloh’s singing lessons started.

To help out with this new plan, Carson and Brody made them a
delicious lunch and sent them off into the forest. Judging by the
smiles on the two men’s faces, Shiloh suspected they thought more
than singing lessons would take place. It was entirely possible, since
the attraction between Shiloh and Liam remained as strong as ever.

Liam led him through the forest, claiming he knew a place that

would be ideal for the purpose of the lessons. Apparently, Liam had
been here more often than Shiloh and had explored the area a lot.

They finally stopped on a high spot on the mountain. The day was

clear, and from this height, one could see all the way below. Shiloh
felt awed at the magnificence of nature, and knew he needed to thank
Liam for sharing this with him.

“It’s really great here,” he told Liam. “I’m glad you brought me.


“Don’t mention it.” Liam grinned and patted a place next to him

on the grass. “Now come here, my dear student. We have a lesson

Shiloh dutifully obeyed. At Liam’s bid, he sat down and began to

sing. When he finished the melody, he waited for Liam’s verdict.

“You’re forcing your voice,” Liam said at last. “Music—like most

of the arts—is all about creativity. You’re pushing yourself to sound
like other birds.”

Shiloh blinked. Was he truly doing that by his stubbornness to

learn how to sing? “So it’s hopeless, then?” he asked, his heart falling.

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“I didn’t say that,” Liam answered. “You just need to find your

own individuality, your own style. Don’t think about how someone
else sang that song. Think about what it evokes in you. Do it your

Shiloh liked the sound of that, if only because it gave him a

freedom he’d never experienced before. He didn’t know how much
progress he made throughout the day, but he certainly had fun, more
fun than he’d had in ages. He sang until he couldn’t anymore, and
then they talked, laughed, and ran together. They shifted into their
second forms, and Shiloh allowed himself to feel the silk of Liam’s
fur again. In turn, Liam touched his feathers, both as a wolf and as a
man, always wearing a smile that made Shiloh’s insides do a funny
dance. They ate under the shadow of the trees and just sat side by
side, staring at the fluffy clouds.

It was such a simple joy that Shiloh couldn’t help but relax. He

closed his eyes and cuddled into Liam’s warmth. He’d almost fallen
asleep when Liam suddenly started to speak.

“I have a confession to make, about yesterday.”
Instantly, all desire to sleep fled. Fuck. He’d known it was too

good to be true. In the end, Liam truly wanted just a fun romp and had
been playing him all along.

Not trusting his voice not to tremble, he simply said, “Oh?”
As if encouraged, Liam continued, “We’ve already established

that I acted like a complete tool. But remember when I told you I had
a reason for it?”

Yes, Shiloh remembered. It had been an odd comment, Liam

claiming he said stupid things when he was nervous. Shiloh didn’t
understand why Liam would be nervous. Perhaps the man would
explain now.

Liam pulled him close, turned him around, and forced their eyes

to meet. “You might not be ready to hear this, but I have to say it, or
else I’m going to burst. You’re my mate, Shiloh.”

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Shiloh just stared. Some part of him was not surprised at the

words. He’d felt something special between them, something he
couldn’t really explain. Was this what other swans experienced with
their partners? If so, how did it work with other shifters? Seeing
Brody and Carson together was encouraging, and, supposedly, wolves
mated for life. But did Liam want all that with him?

Shiloh bit his lip. “I…I don’t know what to say.”
“You just have to say ‘yes,’” Liam answered, his voice like

honey. “I’ll take care of it from there.”

Shiloh would have very much liked to do that, but he felt afraid.

This wasn’t like any of the times he’d gone home with a man,
knowing the next morning he’d be shown the door and never called
back. This meant so much more, and Shiloh didn’t think he could
recover if Liam turned out to be a jerk like all the other men he’d
known. “I need to think about this for a bit.”

Liam seemed disappointed, but nodded, caressing Shiloh’s cheek

gently. “I don’t want to rush you into anything. Take your time. I’ll be

In spite of Liam’s words, Shiloh could sense the other man’s hurt,

and felt awful about it. Still, the lingering doubt inside him didn’t
allow him to reach out like he’d have wanted to. They stayed in the
area for a few more minutes, but the silence was strained and
uncomfortable now, heavy with the knowledge of Shiloh’s refusal.

When they at last reached the house, Liam pecked Shiloh’s cheek

then went inside without a word. Even that slight touch enflamed
Shiloh’s senses, and he cursed himself for causing the rift between

Frustrated, he sat on the deck, just like he’d done the day before

when Liam had come to see him. A few moments later, Carson came
and sat next to him. “Hey, what’s up? Everything okay?”

Shiloh leaned against his friend’s shoulder. Whether he liked it or

not, Carson would worry about him. Hell, Carson and his mate were
already matchmaking. It was quite possible that Liam had mentioned

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the bond between him and Shiloh to Brody. Hiding it from Carson
would be rude and pointless.

“He said he’s my mate,” he answered to Carson’s query.
“Congratulations,” Carson said. “So what’s the problem then?”
“I didn’t accept it,” Shiloh replied morosely.
Carson gripped his shoulders and forced their eyes to meet.

“What? Why?”

“I just don’t know if this is going to work out, Carson. What does

he see in me anyway?”

Carson just stared at him as if he’d never seen Shiloh before.

“You’re gorgeous, kind, funny, just to list a couple of qualities. Why
wouldn’t he like you?”

Shiloh wiped his sweaty palms against his trousers. “He’s a wolf.”
“So what?” Carson asked. “Brody is one, too. Liam’s been great

about Brody and me mating.”

Shiloh broke away from his friend. “It’s not the same. You’re not

like me.”

Carson frowned at him. “Where’s all this coming from? We’re not

exactly the same, of course, but that doesn’t mean anything for you
and Liam.”

Anger rose inside Shiloh. “You don’t get it, do you?” he said.

“I’m a whore, all right? You were a virgin when you mated Brody. Of
course he’ll love you. I mean, who wouldn’t? But me? Who would
want me? I’m used goods.”

Carson’s eyes widened, and as silence fell between them, Shiloh

realized he’d been shouting. His heart fell as he turned and saw Liam
and Brody standing in the doorway, their eyes fixed on him. How
long had they been there?

As if to make things worse, Angel’s head popped up from the

house. “Daddy, what’s used goods?” he asked.

A vein twitched in Brody’s forehead. “Nothing, little man. Go

back inside and stay with Clark.”

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Guilt flowed through Shiloh. He opened his mouth to apologize to

his friends, but nothing came out. What could he do to explain or
make things better? He’d just known that he would bring his drama
here, especially with Liam present. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I’ll go pack,” he finally said, marveling that his voice came out


Alas, to reach his room, he’d have to go through the door

currently barred by a wolf wall of muscle. He considered shifting into
his swan form and flying to the second floor, but he didn’t get the
chance. Liam shot forward, grabbed his hand, and pulled him away
from the house.

Shiloh’s mind whirled as Liam forced him through the greenery.

What did the wolf intend? Clearly, Liam was pissed off about what
Shiloh had said. Would he point out how much Shiloh disgusted him?
Perhaps Liam hadn’t even known about Shiloh’s past until he’d
stupidly shouted it to the four winds. Then again, Shiloh had given
Liam a blow job within moments of their first meeting, and then
pointed out it was just sex. If that didn’t spell out slut in neon-like
letters, Shiloh didn’t know what did.

Much to his surprise, Liam shoved him onto the ground and

jumped on him. His breath was hot on Shiloh’s face as he whispered,
“Don’t you ever say shit like that, baby. It hurts you, me, and our

Shiloh trembled at the other man’s proximity. “Do you have any

idea how many men I’ve been with in the past?” Truth be told, Shiloh
himself had lost count.

“I don’t care,” Liam answered. “I knew you slept around before I

came here, but that doesn’t matter to me.”

For some reason, the comment bothered Shiloh. So the wolf had

chosen an open relationship with him. For all his pretty words, he
only wanted Shiloh as a fuck toy, and nothing more. “So it doesn’t
bother you that I’m such a slut? You’d just happily fuck me even if I
slept with others at the same time?”

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He struggled to release himself from Liam’s grip, but the wolf

was far stronger than him. Liam growled at him. “Make no mistake,
baby, starting now, no one else touches you. Just me.” He held
Shiloh’s arms captive with one powerful hand, the other traveling
under his shirt to caress his skin. “The past is the past. It’s a part of
you, sure, but it’s your future I want.”

Shiloh could feel the honesty shining from the other man like the

rays of the sun. He closed his eyes, fighting against the tears that
threatened to fall. He couldn’t bring himself to resist any longer. In
one single day, Liam was tearing apart all the walls Shiloh had
erected, all the certainties and the doubts.

“I know you can’t make any promises now,” Liam continued, “but

if we just try, if we get to know each other a little better, I’m sure
things will work out.”

“Okay,” Shiloh murmured.
“Please don’t say no,” Liam continued, completely missing

Shiloh’s reply. “We’re perfect for each other, I just—”

“I said okay,” Shiloh said a bit louder, smiling now. Liam’s rant

was actually quite encouraging.

Liam stopped and gave him a wide-eyed look. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” Shiloh smirked. “What? Did you want to hear

another reply?”

Liam didn’t say anything. Instead, he just crushed his lips to

Shiloh’s, stealing the very breath out of his lungs. Shiloh wrapped his
arms around his lover, pulling him closer. God, why had he resisted
this again? He couldn’t remember.

Liam’s tongue delved deep into his mouth, exploring, claiming.

Shiloh surrendered to the passion, letting it flow over him like a wave.
His mate’s hands began to tear at his clothing, and he allowed it,
greedily following Liam’s example. There were no more words, just
the amazing lip-lock, the friction and the lust that knew no bounds.
Shiloh was drunk on it all, drunk on Liam. He felt like he was
dreaming and he never wanted to wake up.

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The first to go was Shiloh’s shirt, then his shoes and pants. After

that, Liam’s clothing followed, until, at last, the wolf was
magnificently and mouthwateringly naked. Shiloh would have loved
to take some time to just admire his lover, but Liam seemed intent on
distracting him. Liam’s mouth traveled over Shiloh’s skin, nibbling
on his neck, licking his Adam’s apple. Shiloh arched against Liam,
moaning, “Oh, God. Please.”

He knew what Liam wanted. He could feel the other man’s urge to

clamp his fangs down on Shiloh’s throat, to claim him. And right then
and there, Shiloh couldn’t think of anything better than being claimed.
His mind seemed to be invaded by emotions half his own and half
foreign, mingling through a veil, and Shiloh yearned for that barrier to
be down. He ached to have Liam inside him, body and soul.

He spread his legs and wrapped them around Liam’s waist,

grinding against his lover. The wolf was still keeping him trapped,
and Shiloh let out a sound of protest. “Liam…Come on. I want to
suck you.”

He’d never had a man deny him such an offer, and yet, Liam

shook his head. “No, baby. This is for you, all for you. Let me love
you. Let me do this my way. “

Swallowing around the sudden knot in his throat, Shiloh nodded.

Liam squeezed his wrists one last time and said, “Keep your arms
there. Don’t you move.”

“I won’t,” Shiloh replied breathlessly. “Just…touch me. Please.”
And Liam did. He released his hold on Shiloh’s hands and

continued his journey down Shiloh’s chest and abs. His tongue left
trails of fire on Shiloh’s skin, burning him, making him want to reach
out and demand to be fucked. But he didn’t. He just waited, holding
as still as possible in the circumstances.

Finally, he had Liam’s mouth where he wanted it most. Moist heat

engulfed his cock, and shocks of energy shot through his spine,
arousing his every nerve, some he hadn’t even known existed. It took
an inhuman effort on Shiloh’s part to remain motionless underneath

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the assault, but nevertheless, he did so. He wanted, no, he needed to
obey Liam.

Liam spread Shiloh’s legs wider, his tongue continuing its

naughty journey. Liam took Shiloh’s balls in his mouth, sucking them
deep inside, laving them for an obscene amount of time. Lower down
he went, brushing over Shiloh’s taint with his mind-numbing sensual
torture. When Liam moved away, Shiloh half-expected the man to
fuck him, but instead, Liam did something entirely unanticipated. He
stole another peck from Shiloh’s lips, and then proceeded to worship
every inch of his body, kissing, caressing, loving him exactly like
he’d said. If Shiloh had ever doubted the genuine feelings Liam had
for him, he could safely say that was a thing of the past—if he’d been
able to speak, of course. As it was, he lay there, at Liam’s mercy,
almost insane with the pleasure Liam gave him, his climax so close,
but not close enough.

Just when Shiloh thought the man would keep him on the brink

forever, Liam returned to Shiloh’s prick and really went to town,
taking Shiloh deep. His gaze held Shiloh’s, so hot and intense that
Shiloh couldn’t have moved if he tried. He was hypnotized, the carnal
pleasure registering through a filter of an emotion he couldn’t quite

And then, a dry finger rubbed at his hole and pushed inside just a

bit. Liam did something with his mouth, a sort of corkscrew-
whirlwind motion, and Shiloh distantly thought he could take lessons
from Liam at giving BJs, just before coming harder than he had in his
entire life.

Some miracle saved him from blacking out, and through the haze

of his orgasm, he watched Liam gather up all of Shiloh’s cum on his
fingers. “Still with me, baby?” Liam asked in husky tone.

Shiloh nodded, unable to make his vocal chords work. His entire

body trembled with need and his anus clenched in anticipation of
what was to follow. He couldn’t help but feel anxious, his earlier

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doubts returning with a vengeance. What if Liam realized he was just
a piece of trash after this? What would Shiloh do then?

Liam must have felt his hesitation, because he pulled back

slightly. “We don’t have to,” he offered, even if the idea obviously
didn’t please him very much. “We can wait.”

His eyes held that very same heat, more intense than an actual

volcano, and Shiloh’s every thought melted into one single
realization. “No,” he gasped out. “No more waiting. Been there, done

All his life he’d waited for this moment, for this man. Now, it

didn’t matter that they were so very different. It didn’t matter that
their positions on the food chain should have marked them as sworn
enemies. The only thing Shiloh cared about was this amazing person,
who touched him like no other and made him feel things he hadn’t
thought possible. “Make love to me.”

He couldn’t remember ever saying that to any man. Even with all

the guys who’d fucked him, no one had made love to him. Liam
seemed to understand, and he simply smiled back.

Leaning even closer to Shiloh, he pushed a finger inside Shiloh’s

anus. The digit slid into Shiloh’s ass easily, and Shiloh moaned,
begging for more. All of a sudden, his body seemed to burn with a
flame only Liam’s touch could quench.

Liam added another finger, scissoring them gently, with exquisite

care. Shiloh didn’t manage to suppress the urge to thrust back onto
them, needing a stronger, deeper invasion. But whatever Shiloh did,
Liam still took it slow. He rubbed Shiloh’s prostate with merciless
insistence, and at one point, Shiloh lost control of himself, thrashing
against Liam.

And then, Liam pulled his fingers out of Shiloh’s ass and hugged

him tight. He lifted Shiloh’s legs, and he positioned his prick at
Shiloh’s opening. “Shh,” he murmured. “It’s okay. I’m here.”

With that, he pushed inside. His cock stretched Shiloh’s anus so

perfectly that Shiloh thought he must have fallen into a dream. Shiloh

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was no virgin—he couldn’t be farther from it—but he still felt like
one when Liam touched him. The penetration hurt, but it was also
better than anything Shiloh had ever felt. Shiloh bit his lip in a futile
attempt not to cry out. He clung to Liam’s shoulders, choking,
needing an anchor in a world that no longer made sense. How could
this be? How had he never known this type of pleasure? Why was it
that only Liam reached a place no one had ever before?

“Just let go, baby,” Liam whispered against his lips. “Don’t be


He pulled out of Shiloh and thrust back in, a quick, hard motion

that somehow still managed to be tender. Shiloh released a sob. How
could he not be afraid? Liam was inside him, inside his body, his
heart, and his mind. What would there be left when the man dumped

“I’ll never, ever abandon you,” Liam said. “You’re safe now.”
Shiloh didn’t know how Liam had guessed his fears. Perhaps they

were written all over his face. Perhaps the wolf could read his mind.
Either way, Liam’s words seemed like a balm for the wounds he’d
never even realized he carried. He wanted to be safe. He wanted to be
with Liam, always.

Liam started a gentle rhythm, in, out, in, out, rocking rather than

thrusting. He went slow, always holding Shiloh’s gaze. He didn’t say
another word, but it wasn’t necessary, not anymore. Everything
Shiloh needed to know was right there, in those gorgeous eyes, along
with the reassurance, the acceptance, the lust, and oh, God, the love.

At one point, Shiloh’s vision went blurry for a few moments, and

Shiloh realized he’d lost the battle with his tears. He pushed them
back angrily, hating looking weak in front of his mate. The thought
sent a wave of shock through him, especially because it came so out
of the blue and felt so natural.

When Liam gently swept his finger over Shiloh’s cheek and

wiped away a stray tear, Shiloh knew there was no way back. For
good or ill, he’d already chosen his path, and it lay with this man.

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* * * *

Shiloh’s tears would have broken Liam’s heart had they been of

pain. But Liam sensed the true emotions behind them. There was so
much need, confusion, relief, and affection hidden behind them that
they were a treasure. Shiloh himself was a treasure. Unfortunately, the
man didn’t know it, but Liam would take the rest of his life to make
sure the man understood his own worth.

He continued to push in and out of Shiloh, loving the tight grip of

his mate’s ass on his cock, but, at the same time, feeling the swan’s
pleasure echo inside him. His beast snarled its satisfaction, but he still
took it slow, knowing it was what Shiloh needed—making love, not

On and on it went, and Liam felt each and every one of Shiloh’s

barriers break. He held his mate through the passion, reassuring him
with soft words. “I’ll always be here, baby. Always.” He’d never tire
of saying it, either, because it was true, and he wanted Shiloh to
remember it, to never doubt again.

The pleasure increased slowly, like the sea that came closer with

the rising tides. Shiloh moved with him, and their bodies fell into a
perfect rhythm, into complete harmony. They fit together just right.
Shiloh’s scent, the hold of his anus around Liam’s prick, the sparkle
of his unshed tears, the beauty of his swollen lips, and his eyes, God,
his eyes…Everything about him made Liam want to prolong this
moment, to have it last forever.

However, his beast demanded its due, the wolf needed the bond to

be completed. Liam’s fangs dropped, and he couldn’t help but thrust
harder inside Shiloh. Shiloh arched his back, digging his fingernails
into Liam’s skin. “Yes, Liam, yes. Claim me.”

Liam might have hesitated. He knew Shiloh still had doubts. But

if there was one thing they could both be certain of, it must be their

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bond, the connection so real and deep that only true mates could

So Liam went with his instincts. He lowered his mouth over

Shiloh’s neck and bit down into his lover’s delicious skin. Instantly,
the taste of blood and Shiloh assaulted him, reaching out to his senses
like the most potent drug. The made bond snapped into place, and a
whole new array of feelings swept into Liam, no longer filtered and so
intense they took him completely by surprise.

Burying himself one last time inside Shiloh, Liam found his peak.

Seconds later, he felt his mate reach climax as well, tasted the rush of
endorphins in Shiloh’s blood. It drew his orgasm out even more, and
it was only his concern for his mate that snapped him out of his lust.
He released his hold on Shiloh and licked the wound closed.

Exhausted, he collapsed, remembering at the last moment to avoid

squashing Shiloh with his larger bulk. He felt a brief pang of regret
when his spent cock left Shiloh’s body, but decided he could fix that
later. For the moment, he was quite content simply holding his mate
and exploring their new bond.

He spooned his mate and sent a thought out through their

connection. “Shiloh?”

“Mmmm?” a still-dazed mind voice answered. “What is it?”
Then, as if just realizing he’d spoken to Liam through their bond,

Shiloh turned to face him. “You’re in my head.”

He sounded in awe, but not angry. “It’s because I claimed you.”
“I didn’t know wolves could do that,” Shiloh replied breathlessly.

“That’s amazing.”

Curiosity gripped Liam at Shiloh’s words. “Can I ask you a


Shiloh smirked at him. “You’re already doing it. What is it?”
“How do swans mate?”
Shiloh seemed to consider the question. “Well, we don’t actually

do anything in particular. Instead, we kind of just isolate ourselves

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from everyone else except our intended partner and just spend time
with that person. The bond forms itself in time.”

Oddly, Liam liked that. It made so much sense, and he was

pleased to know their connection would cement if Shiloh agreed to
get to know him. “And can you speak in each other’s minds?”

“I think some can, but it’s very rare these days.” He sighed.

“Sometimes, I wonder why that is. We’re supposed to be the epitome
of partnership for life, and yet…”

Shiloh’s sadness reached out to Liam, and he hugged his mate

tight. “Don’t be upset. Everyone just has to find the right person for
them, and then things fall into place, like they happened with us.”

For a few moments, Shiloh remained silent, and it made Liam

worry that Shiloh would change his mind about their mating. As he
thought this, his mate pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “You’re right.
My people just have to look harder. I did it the wrong way, but in the
end, I found you, so I’m happy.”

Liam was speechless. He hadn’t expected his lover to open his

heart to him so soon, and glee gripped him at the show of trust. He
wanted to take Shiloh again, to bring their bodies together once more,
but he realized night had begun to fall during their coupling. “We
should get back to the house,” he said. “Brody and Carson must be

Shiloh’s eyes widened. “Oh, God. I completely forgot. I owe

Brody and Carson a huge apology for what I did. I can’t believe I
spoke like that in front of the kids.”

Liam was pretty sure Carson and Brody would forgive Shiloh for

his lapse. Hopefully, little Angel would not remember much of what
Shiloh had said. He looked for their clothes, only to find them in a
pathetic state. “I think we’ll have to go back in shifted form,” he told
his mate.

Shiloh snickered, and Liam couldn’t help kissing him again. “For

the record, baby, I’m happy, too,” he told his mate. “So very happy.”

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The honest delight that flowed through their bond was more

irresistible than any seductive technique. And when Shiloh met his
eyes once again, Liam surrendered the fight. Pushing away all rational
thought, he pounced on his mate again and lost himself in the desire.

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Chapter Five

It was probably something like midnight when Shiloh and Liam

made their way back to Brody and Carson’s house in shifted form.
Shiloh spotted the light still on and surmised their friends must still be
up. He’d have actually felt a bit guilty that the two men had waited for
them if he hadn’t been so terrified. Well, in a sense he did feel guilty,
but for uttering profanity in front of the kids.

“It’s nothing they won’t hear in a couple of years,” Liam tried to

console him.

“That doesn’t make it right and you know it.”
Brody and Carson met them on the deck. “The kids are sleeping,”

Brody said without preamble, arms crossed on his massive chest.
“Angel was a bit worried about you fighting, but I assured him things
are okay. They are okay, right?”

Shiloh shifted into his human form and nodded. Thankfully, his

mate did the same and answered in his stead. “More than okay,” Liam

Carson smiled gently. “Excellent. Now come inside before you


“I’m sorry about earlier,” Shiloh said hastily. “I shouldn’t have

shouted or said that.”

“Just this once, we’ll let it slide. Call it…a mating present.” Brody

grinned and his eyes twinkled with merriment. “Besides, it’s not so
bad.” He sighed, now looking a bit put out. “Unfortunately, I do it
myself sometimes.” He paused and gave Liam a serious look. “At any
rate, I needed to tell you something, Liam. Soren called. He’s worried
about you.”

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“We told him you were distracted.” Carson’s grin looked wicked.
Liam groaned. “He’s going to tease me relentlessly when I go

back. I don’t even want to know what he said.”

Brody and Carson laughed. “You can call him yourself tomorrow.

Now, inside the house and off to bed.”

Shiloh obeyed his friends, but his mind remained on Liam’s

comment. When I get back…Ecstatic from their newly created bond,
Shiloh had forgotten that soon they’d have to return to their real lives.
Liam had a pack and Shiloh friends and a job in the city. Would they
go their separate ways? What did Liam want now? Shiloh didn’t think
he could live in a pack of wolves. He might be willing to try it, but he
doubted he’d be well received. He’d love to have Liam by his side in
LA, but would the wolf agree to leave the pack for him?

He distractedly headed toward his room, but to his surprise, Liam

grabbed him and draped him over his shoulder. Before Shiloh knew it,
they’d reached Liam’s quarters. Liam shut the door behind him with
his foot and dumped Shiloh on the bed. “You think too much, baby,”
he told Shiloh. “Carson and Brody make it work. Why couldn’t we?”

That was true, and in spite of what Shiloh had told Carson, their

situations truly were similar. “In fact, it might be easier for us,” Liam
amended. “Soren and the elder might not be pleased that you’re my
mate, but they won’t try to tear us apart either, not after what
happened with Brody.”

That was true. The elder would be a complete idiot, not to

mention an asshole, if he tried to part Shiloh and Liam after the
complete fiasco with Brody. For crying out loud, in an effort to part
Brody and Carson, the man had paired Brody up with a murderess.
Thankfully, Carson had saved Brody’s life. That must have put things
into perspective and, perhaps, would help them.

“I’m not gonna lie,” Liam added. “The wolves still don’t like it.

It’s very hard for Soren to get them used to this new policy. But we
don’t have to worry about that, since, like you realized, we won’t be
living in the pack.”

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Shiloh bit his lip, feeling bad at his own relief. “But won’t it hurt

you to leave them behind?”

“I’ll miss the pack, of course.” Liam looked thoughtful as he sat

on the bed. “Most of all, I wish I could stay to help Soren out. But
between the pack and you, I’d choose you any day, and consider
myself lucky that I got the choice.”

A warm and fuzzy feeling took hold of Shiloh’s insides. Was this

love? It couldn’t be, could it? It was much too soon. But the
undeniable glee remained there, nevertheless. Shiloh decided against
labeling it and smiled at Liam. “Come on. Let’s get some rest. It’s
been a long day.”

Liam came to him, and they cuddled together on the wolf’s bed.

So much had happened between them in only forty-eight hours.
Shiloh closed his eyes and buried his face in Liam’s neck. They
needed a bit of time to process it all, but thankfully, they could do all
that together.

“That’s right, baby,” Liam said through their connection. “Get

some sleep. Tomorrow is another day, and between the two of us,
we’ll decide what to do next.”

As always, Liam’s words were soothing, and Shiloh found himself

drifting into slumber in his mate’s safe embrace.

* * * *

The next day, Liam slipped out of bed before his mate had

awakened. It was way past dawn already, and judging by the
occasional sound of glee he heard coming from outside, the other
inhabitants of the house must be up.

Liam quickly washed up, found a change of clothes, and left the

room. Before going downstairs, he slipped into Shiloh’s quarters and
got his mate some clothing as well. He’d have loved to have his mate
wear stuff from Liam’s own wardrobe, but Shiloh might be

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uncomfortable with that, especially given the questions the inquisitive
young members of the Williams-Wade family could ask.

At last, after leaving his mate a carefully chosen outfit, he went

downstairs. He needed to have a serious talk with Soren and figure
out his next step. He’d been honest with Shiloh the night before. He
truly did think the wolves would leave them alone. But Brody had
thought the same, and Liam was not willing to take any chances.

He found Brody and Carson cooking breakfast, with their kids

running around them. “Good morning,” he said.

A lion cub jumped on him and embedded strikingly sharp claws in

Liam’s thigh. Even if Clark only meant it to be a game, it kind of hurt.
He retrieved the cub from his leg and took him in his arms. Clark
started purring, a huff-like sound quite unlike that of house cats, but
just as cute.

The baby antelope let out a sound of protest at being ignored and

butted Liam with his forehead. Unfortunately, holding both kids
would have been impossible—they were damn big in shifted form.

Chuckling, Carson took Clark from Liam and allowed Angel to

have his own hug. As Liam took the baby antelope in his arms, the
two children shifted. “Uncle Liam!” Angel squealed. “Clark said you
and Uncle Shiloh are going to get married.”

“Mated,” Clark corrected, looking at Liam expectantly. “So?”
Brody groaned. “Angel, Clark, what did I tell you about asking

questions like that?”

“That we shouldn’t.” Angel didn’t look the least bit repentant. “Is

it true?”

“We don’t know yet,” Liam answered, unwilling to commit to an

answer without Shiloh there. “That’s what I’m hoping.”

Angel let out another happy sound. “You’ll make a great couple,

just like Daddy and Papa.”

Liam laughed and kissed the child’s forehead. He put Angel down

and reached for the phone. Brody handed it to him. “I’m going to talk
to Soren,” Liam told his friend. “I’ll be right back.”

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Holding the phone in his hand, Liam headed outside and dialed

Soren’s cell number out of memory. A few moments later, his Alpha
and friend replied, “Well, hello, stranger. I hear you’ve been enjoying
your stay at Brody’s.”

“I found my mate,” Liam answered.
“So I gathered. Shiloh Holden, right?”
Soren didn’t sound angry, and Liam took it as a good sign. “Yeah.

He’s everything I ever wanted in a mate.”

“And he’s also a swan,” Soren added, now sounding thoughtful.
Immediately, Liam bristled. “Anything wrong with that?”
“Not from my point of view,” Soren answered. “I learned my

lesson. Look, I can talk to Father on your behalf. He won’t be happy,
but I don’t think he’ll give you too much trouble. Just between you
and me, the thing with Brody really took its toll on him.”

Liam sighed and stole a look toward the house. Brody and Carson

would never know just how much the wolves had been pained at
Brody’s near death at the hands of their own kind. Even those who
didn’t agree with the mating between a lamb and a wolf admitted it
had gone too far. “Well, since you’re going to talk to him anyway, tell
him his son is doing great. They’re really happy, and the kids are

“I’m glad.” Soren’s voice sounded choked. The man hadn’t seen

his brother in almost six months, since the day of Brody’s injury.
Hell, he’d never even met his nephews. Brody was still very
protective of them, and he could hold on to a grudge for an
unreasonable amount of time. “Carson’s working on him. He’ll agree
to meet you soon.”

“Thanks.” Soren cleared his throat, now all Alpha once again.

“But that aside, I will contact Father today and call you later. As a
word of warning, he might want to meet your mate. You should warn
Shiloh ahead of time.”

Liam wasn’t very pleased about that, but he knew Soren had a

point. After saying his good-byes, he cut the connection and headed

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back into the house. He’d just passed the door when he felt Shiloh
wake up and stir at the back of his mind.

“Where are you, Liam?” his mate asked through their bond.
“Downstairs.” Liam grinned to himself. “If I’d stayed, I’d be

tempted to ravish you, and we’ve got innocent kids around.”

“We could be really quiet,” Shiloh suggested. Seconds later, he

took back his own words. “Ignore that. We’re just gonna have to wait
for privacy.”

Liam chuckled. “Come on down, baby. Carson and Brody are

making breakfast. If you can believe it, the kids asked me if you and I
are going to get mated.”

Soft laughter invaded their connection. “And what did you say?”
“I said I hoped we would. They saw right through me, though.”
Technically speaking, they were already bonded by the way of the

wolves. They still had a lot to do, however, accepting it through the
swans’ customs and actually registering as mates. Liam trusted all that
would come in time.

“It will,” Shiloh assured him. “Did you talk to your Alpha?”
“Yes,” Liam answered. He made his way to the living room and

sat down to wait for Shiloh. “He said he’s going to contact the

For a few moments, Shiloh didn’t answer. Then, Liam felt his

mate’s approach. Shiloh stepped into the living room, looking
gorgeous in spite of his frown. “I don’t trust that man,” Shiloh said
out loud. He leaned in to kiss Liam, and Liam couldn’t resist but pull
his mate onto his lap.

Their lips met, and Liam forgot all about Alphas, elders, and

everything else except the man in his arms. His body responded to
Shiloh’s proximity, and when Shiloh melted against him and parted
his lips, he couldn’t help but release a groan.

He reached down to knead Shiloh’s buttocks, and his mate gasped

into his mouth. Their tongues tangled, and Liam actually began to

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take Shiloh’s shirt off. He might have gotten even further if the sound
of a cleared throat didn’t interrupt them.

Cursing, he broke away from Shiloh and turned to face Brody.

Much to his dismay, he spotted the two kids behind his friend.

“See?” Clark told his brother, sounding smug. “I told you so.”
Angel did a happy dance, seemingly quite excited for Shiloh and

Liam. Liam wanted the ground to open up and swallow him,
especially when Carson showed up as well. Brody was arching a
brow, but Carson just looked amused. “Breakfast’s ready,” he said
before ushering the children out of the room.

Brody followed after him, thankfully without comment. Shiloh

groaned as their friends left the room. “God, this is hopeless.”

Liam pressed another peck to Shiloh’s sweet lips. “Unfortunately,

baby, it would seem we’re going to have to cut our visit to Brody’s
short. I don’t think I can keep my hands off you, and I doubt our
friends appreciate us giving their kids a show.” He sighed. “Life is so
strange. A few days ago, I was laughing at Brody’s predicament, and
now I understand how he feels.”

“Well, let’s look at it on the bright side.” Shiloh left his lap,

snickering. “It’s good practice for when we have our own kids.”

Both of them froze at the same time. Shiloh seemed to have

realized exactly just what he’d said, while Liam tried to process its
implications. Shiloh opened his mouth then closed it, the result
making him look like a beautiful blond fish. The thought was funny
enough that it snapped both of them out of their trance.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Shiloh said hastily. “I didn’t mean to say that.”
Liam forced himself not to make any interpretation of Shiloh’s

words. “You don’t want kids with me, then?”

“I…Uh…” Shiloh looked lost. “I just…It doesn’t scare you?”
Shiloh’s uncertainty called out to Liam. “The only thing I’m

scared of is that one day you’ll change your mind and decide I’m not
good enough after all. But we don’t have to make any decisions now.

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I do want a family, but for the moment, let’s just take it one step at a

Slowly, Shiloh relaxed. “One step at a time. Yes, I like that.”
Hand in hand, they joined their friends for breakfast. And as the

happy sounds that spoke of family surrounded them, Liam caught a
stray thought coming from Shiloh. “I’d love to have this with him.”
Liam couldn’t agree more.

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Chapter Six

Shiloh fidgeted on the seat of the car, more and more nervous with

every passing second. Now that they’d said their good-byes to Carson
and the kids, they were headed toward Liam’s pack land. Brody had
insisted he come with them, and Shiloh appreciated the additional
support. Still, he was scared of what would happen when he would
finally meet the elder of the werewolves eye to eye. Liam claimed the
man had learned his lesson, but Shiloh just couldn’t bring himself to
believe it.

“Stay calm, baby,” Liam said. “We’re not going to let anything

happen to you. And if push comes to shove, you can simply fly

“But unless you changed species in the past five minutes, you

can’t,” Shiloh shot back. “How do you possibly expect me to leave
you at that man’s mercy?”

“It will be all right,” Brody said. “I don’t trust him either, but he

has left me and Carson in peace.”

Shiloh frowned and cursed his previous decision of not taking his

gun along on the trip. Of course, he couldn’t bring a weapon in a
home with two small kids, especially one designed to kill paranormal
species. Nicolas had a little obsession with guns—a very unusual
thing for a hummingbird—but it had helped them defend themselves
in the big, bad city. Whether it was silver bullets, toxic gas, or even
swords of all types, Nicolas had them. Alas, Nicolas’s gift to Shiloh
was still in his apartment, and it wouldn’t help him should the elder
wolf decide he didn’t like Shiloh after all.

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The trip seemed to take forever, but at the same time, not long

enough. By the time the car stopped, he felt so antsy he wanted to

Liam and Brody got out of the car, and Shiloh took a deep breath.

This moment meant so much, and Shiloh would not fail his lover. He
was a swan, no longer just Shiloh Holden, but the proud bonded mate
of Liam Denning. He would act as such if it was the last thing he did.

His head held high, he followed after Liam and Brody. His senses

were assaulted by the feel of predator as, for the first time, he faced
elder Kevin Wade. To his right was a man who looked a lot like
Brody—obviously Brody’s brother, Soren. To Shiloh’s knowledge,
Soren was on their side, so his presence might be a good sign. A
beautiful young lady stood to his left. There was something familiar
about her, but Shiloh couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He hoped the
elder wouldn’t try anything funny like he’d done with Brody. No
bitch was getting her paws on his man.

The older wolf offered Brody and Liam a neutral smile. “Brody,

how nice to see you again. Liam, Soren tells me you’ve found a
mate.” Looking toward Shiloh, he said, “And this must be him, isn’t
that right?”

“Yes, Elder,” Liam answered. “This is Shiloh.”
Shiloh made a short bow. “It’s an honor to meet you.” He kept his

voice level and polite, and somehow managed to find the cool, neutral
façade his mother had taught him. First, be polite, she’d said. Then, if
they don’t listen, you protect what’s yours, at all costs.
And that was
exactly what Shiloh intended.

The elder didn’t seem hostile. There weren’t any other wolves

present, save for Soren and the girl. Liam took Shiloh’s hand and
squeezed it. “Come on, baby,” he whispered. “I want you to meet
someone who’s very special to me.”

The two parties walked toward each other, while Shiloh noticed

Liam was giving the female werewolf the eye. He frowned to himself,
not liking the situation very much. Someone special to him, huh?

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He felt the moment when Liam intended to say something, but all

of a sudden, the bitch shot forward and lunged at Liam, hugging him
tight. When Liam hugged her back, a little switch snapped inside
Shiloh, and he jumped on the two wolves, forcibly breaking them

“Hey, hands off,” he snarled at the she-wolf. “Get your own


He didn’t know what he’d expected from her, but it certainly

wasn’t what happened. She started to laugh, and a mix of fury and
humiliation coursed through Shiloh.

Before he could scratch her eyes out, Liam held him back and

said, “Shiloh, this is my sister, Carlie. Carlie, this is my mate, Shiloh.”

Shiloh’s face heated at the realization of what he’d done. “I’m

going to kill you, Liam. Why didn’t you tell me you had a sister?”

“I was going to. I just didn’t realize Soren would bring her


Shiloh couldn’t find an adequate reply and focused on fixing the

poor impression he’d made on the werewolves. “I’m terribly sorry,”
he said. “I didn’t know Liam had a sister.”

He tried to hide his embarrassment and convey his utmost regret.

Thankfully, Carlie just laughed. “That’s fine. Anyone who protects
my brother like that is okay in my book. I think you and I are going to
get along great.”

She sounded so convinced of the fact that Shiloh found himself

smiling. “I think you might be right.”

Carlie took position next to him, and they looked toward the elder

and Soren. “Well, you’re certainly not what I expected, Shiloh, I’ll
give you that. I don’t have anything against you mating Liam.
However, I’ll ask you exactly what I asked your lamb friend a while
back. Do you have what it takes to give Liam a replacement for his
pack? It won’t be easy, and even with my support, you and he will not
be able to live with Soren.”

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Shiloh felt Brody tense up as the elder mentioned Carson. Shiloh

spoke before the wolf could do something they would all regret. “I
think we can build our pack in time, step by step. The most important
thing is that we care about each other. As long as no one stands in our
way, we’ll build our own path.”

“From my part, you don’t have to worry,” the elder said.

Strikingly, Shiloh realized the man was being honest. He and Liam
might actually have a chance. “But what about your kin, Shiloh?
Won’t they be angry at you mating a wolf?”

Shiloh sighed. Truth be told, he’d tried not to think about that too

much since deciding to attempt a relationship with Liam. His mother
would most likely be hurt, his father shocked, and everyone else
outraged. “They won’t be happy about it,” he answered, “but I’ve
long ago severed ties with my roots. I don’t depend on them. They
can’t do anything to stop us.”

Or so he hoped, at least. Swans might be territorial, but they were

unlikely to come after him and Liam for something like this. “Fair
enough. Should you require assistance, you can always contact Soren.
Liam, I still consider you one of us, even if circumstances force us to
part ways.”

“Thank you, Elder Wade,” Liam answered. “I appreciate all your


“No thanks are needed, my boy,” the elder answered. He then

turned toward his son. “Now, Brody, could I have a word with you in

Brody seemed to struggle between agreeing with his father and

denying the man’s request. “Very well,” he said at last. “I’ll be right
back,” he told Liam and Shiloh.

As Shiloh watched the wolf head to talk to his family, he couldn’t

help an overwhelming feeling of relief. “We really can do this, can’t

Liam nodded and grinned at him. “Yeah, Shiloh. We can and we


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As they stood together, chatting, another car pulled in. Shiloh

tensed when a tall, handsome wolf exited it and headed their way. A
groan escaped Liam, and Shiloh didn’t find that very promising.

He frowned, but didn’t say anything, having learned his lesson

with Carlie. The wolf reached them and immediately bowed his head
in front of the elder wolf. “Elder Wade, apologies for interrupting the
meeting, but I didn’t want Liam to leave without me seeing him first.”

The elder released a sigh of discontent. “Fine, Anson. We’ll talk

about this later.”

The words seemed threatening, but Anson didn’t look deterred. In

fact, he grinned and turned toward Liam. Before Shiloh knew it, the
wolf wrapped strong arms around Liam, squeezing him tight. To
Shiloh, it didn’t look like a friendly hug.

Liam laughed awkwardly and extracted himself from the embrace.

“Hello, Sonny. It’s nice to see you again. This is my mate, Shiloh
Holden. Shiloh, this is a good friend of mine, Sonny Wright.”

“A pleasure,” Anson said, “and congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Shiloh smiled tightly as he squeezed the other

man’s hand. “It’s always great to meet my mate’s friends.”

He detected a flash of jealousy pass through Anson’s eyes. It was

gone so fast that Shiloh might have thought he’d imagined it if not for
Liam’s visible discomfort.

“Liam,” he said through their bond, “anything you’d like to


“It’s nothing, baby. Sonny and I were an item a while back, but it

was nothing serious. I swear.”

“Does he know that?”
Liam didn’t answer, and it occurred to Shiloh that they still had

many things to sort through. Their pasts would not let go of them so

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Chapter Seven

“Hey, baby,” Liam shouted. “Where do you want the couch?”
Shiloh considered the question, wondered why Liam was shouting

in the first place, then remembered they also had guests helping them
with the move. “Just dump it in the living room,” he yelled back, and
returned to sorting all the boxes. Who knew he had so much junk
gathered? It almost seemed that he was a magpie or a ferret, not a
swan. Sheesh.

Over three-dozen boxes filled their new apartment. To be fair, it

wasn’t all Shiloh’s stuff. Liam had brought quite a lot with him as
well. Most of the bigger furniture was brand new, since Shiloh had
never bothered buying too much for his rented apartment. However,
there were all sorts of adornments, things Shiloh had picked up from
various antique markets, gifts from their friends, old mementos of
Liam’s, books, DVDs, quilts, pictures, Liam’s guitar, and everything
the wolf used for the maintenance of his bike. Their new place wasn’t
huge, since, unlike Brody, Liam didn’t have huge-ass accounts. But it
was theirs, and once they managed to set everything up, it would look
great. If they managed.

Shiloh opened a box labeled “miscellaneous shit,” snorting. He

must’ve been drunk when he’d packed them up. Then again, lately, he
couldn’t focus on much else except his mate.

One would think that after several months of being together,

Shiloh would start getting bored. He’d never once had a relationship
that lasted so long. Hell, he’d never had a relationship, period. Even
with their occasional disagreement, mostly rotating around their
jealous natures, he and Liam fit together. Thankfully, Anson hadn’t

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tried to contact Liam again, so Shiloh now felt reassured of the
solidity of his relationship with his mate.

At first, they’d decided against moving together, going on the

premise that they’d already rushed quite a lot in mating and they
needed to take their time. Shiloh had resumed his job at Nicolas’s
store, while Liam searched for employment. With his physique and
looks, he could easily become a bouncer at any club, but the hours
would keep them from being together. In the end, Liam had taken a
position of guard at a museum until something better popped up.

Even if neither of their jobs would make them rich anytime soon,

both of them had some savings set aside. After a few weeks of
dancing around the topic, Shiloh decided it was truly pointless to
struggle with their hours when they could easily live in the same place
and save money.

And so, with a little help from their friends, Shiloh and Liam had

managed to buy a little place of their own. Shiloh hated borrowing
money, but he swore to himself that once Nicolas’s shop began
bringing better income, he’d pay every cent back. Liam would also
get a better job. In time, things would fall into place. He was sure of

For the moment, such concerns couldn’t shroud his day. He

already missed Liam, even if the man was just one room over.
Surrendering to his guilty desire, Shiloh tiptoed out of the bedroom
and snuck a peak into living room. His gaze zeroed in on his mate,
taking in Liam’s naked back, all the delicious muscles. Shiloh wanted
to lick the man head to toe. He wanted to throw all caution to the
wind, jump Liam, and christen their apartment, in the best way

“Baby, don’t test me,” Liam’s voice came through their bond. “I

only have so much resistance, and we need to finish with the move

Shiloh took a deep breath and struggled to quench his arousal. It

was true. They did need to wrap up things today. Brody had come to

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help them out, and the man needed to get back to Carson and his kids.
Shiloh’s friend, Daniel, was also lending a hand, and even Nicolas
had briefly dropped by before having to go man the shop. Each of
them had jobs and lives to get back to, and they couldn’t stay with
Liam and Shiloh forever.

“Okay, okay, I’m going,” he told his mate. “But I don’t like it.”
I promise you that I’ll more than make it up to you after our

friends are gone.”

Shiloh gulped, the slideshow of images that came through his

mind from Liam’s making his body even hotter. His nipples perked
up and his cock went rock hard in his jeans. He tried to think about
something else, anything except Liam’s prick pounding inside of him,
Liam’s hands on him, their mouths together. Right. This wasn’t

“God, baby…We’ll finish this, and after that, I’ll fuck you until

you can’t walk.”

Shiloh clung to that promise and retreated to the reasonable safety

of his bedroom. There, he found Daniel grinning at him knowingly.
Damn. Shiloh had completely forgotten his squirrel friend was
around. Now he’d never hear the end of it.

“It would seem you are having difficulties with focusing on

productive endeavors with your handsome beau in your immediate
presence,” Daniel said.

“Can you blame me?” Shiloh stuck out his tongue. “And stop

checking him out, Dani. I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that.”

For once, Daniel didn’t reply. He just laughed and returned to his

task. Shiloh might have had serious doubts about letting a squirrel
handle his belongings, but it was different with Daniel. Not only was
the man his good friend, but he also handled things with much more
focus than other squirrels. It was quite paradoxical, given his foot-in-
mouth personality.

For whatever reason, Daniel seemed to realize that Shiloh needed

distraction to work, and continued to be a chatterbox all throughout

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the day. The squirrel’s relentless talking drowned out Shiloh’s need
for his mate, to a certain extent at least. Slowly but surely, they made
progress through the boxes, while Brody and Liam continued their
own work and added the remaining furniture items.

By the end of the day, most of the stuff had been safely put away.

There were still a couple of things Shiloh wasn’t sure what to do with,
but he felt too exhausted to give a damn. Still, they’d moved with the
typical efficiency of shape-shifters. Their home was, if not complete,
livable. Most importantly, they had a bed, and Shiloh intended to put
it to good use as soon as possible.

At last, they said their good-byes to their friends, with promises of

visiting and returning favors. When they were finally alone, Shiloh
headed straight into the bedroom and collapsed on the mattress. As
much as he wanted to touch Liam, he was completely beat.

Liam’s mental chuckle filled their connection. “I know how you

feel, baby. Let’s just take a quick bath and get some sleep. Tomorrow
is another day.”

“Sure,” Shiloh replied. “You go right ahead. I’ll be right here.”

He didn’t think he could move a muscle.

He heard Liam go into the bathroom and start the water into the

tub. A few moments later, Liam returned to their sleeping quarters.
The bed dipped as the wolf joined Shiloh on it. “Come on, baby,”
Liam coaxed him. “I’ll wash your back.”

Shiloh admitted the offer was very tempting. Liam had the hands

of a god, and the mere thought of having the wolf touch him made
Shiloh hard in spite of the fatigue. He rolled onto his back and
narrowed his gaze at Liam. “You sure know how to make a man
question his decisions.”

Liam snickered, took Shiloh in his arms, and left the bed. “How

about I carry you into the bath and you wash my back? How does that

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Better and better. Shiloh cuddled in Liam’s embrace as his mate

crossed the distance between the bedroom and the bathroom. Once
there, Liam placed Shiloh down and began to take off his clothes.

Even if the touches began as platonic, Shiloh would have needed

to be made out of stone to remain unresponsive. As each garment fell,
his exhaustion melted into renewed arousal. He reached for his mate,
and before he knew it, both of them were naked, bodies grinding
against each other, hard cocks sliding together. Their lips met, and
Shiloh fell into the kiss he’d yearned for all day. Liam’s tongue
invaded his mouth, claiming him, devouring him. Shiloh gave as good
as he got, loving Liam’s taste, needing more.

They only broke apart when the need to breathe forced them to do

so. Shiloh realized the tub was pretty much filled now. Liam must
have noticed the same thing, as he stopped the water, then took Shiloh
in his arms once again.

With more patience than Shiloh himself could muster, Liam

gently placed him in the tub. The water felt hot, but soothing, just
right for Shiloh’s sore muscles. It would’ve had the potential to make
him sleepy, but how could he possibly think about slumber when he
had Liam’s prick just inches from his mouth?

He imagined his lips around Liam’s cock, taking him deep,

feeling its weight on his tongue. Liam groaned, notifying him that
he’d caught on to the thought. “My little incubus. You’re going to get
burned if you’re not careful.”

But Shiloh couldn’t think of anything better than burning up in the

heat of Liam’s passion. He imagined he would be like the mysterious
firebirds of old and fly, fly together with Liam, united by a connection
that would never fade.

And indeed, when Liam joined him in the tub, the wolf’s eyes

were enflamed with the fire of desire. He pulled Shiloh close, and
Shiloh climbed into his mate’s lap. They both groaned when the
change in position made Liam’s prick slide across Shiloh’s crease.

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Liam pulled him in for another kiss, and this time, they didn’t

rush. Shiloh drank in his mate’s taste almost lazily, wanting to enjoy
the moment and the joy of being in Liam’s presence. He allowed his
hands to roam over all the skin he could reach, wrapping his legs
around Liam’s waist in the water.

In turn, Liam’s palms explored his body, tracing his spine until he

reached Shiloh’s buttocks. He kneaded Shiloh’s ass cheeks, his
fingers rubbing at the hole hidden between them. Shiloh gasped into
their kiss, already aching for the penetration. At this point, their
couplings had gone beyond the mere carnal pleasure. It was a
reassurance of their bond, of the fact that against all odds, they were
managing to build a life together.

Liam broke their kiss and pulled him even closer, his mouth

traveling on Shiloh’s neck, biting down slightly without breaking the
skin. Shiloh threw his head back, half because of the pleasure, half to
give his mate better access. In reply, Liam shifted their position in the
tub, leaning Shiloh over its edge. He went lower and lower down on
Shiloh’s chest, until he reached Shiloh’s nipples.

Being a bird, Shiloh didn’t have nipples in shifted form. Perhaps it

was for this reason that they were extra sensitive when he took human
shape. Shiloh cried out as his mate’s hot mouth wrapped around the
tight buds. As if of their own accord, his hands threaded into Liam’s
hair as he tried to force his mate even closer. Liam went with it, never
once ceasing his caresses on Shiloh’s body.

He bit down and tortured Shiloh’s nipples, occasionally even

applying a hint of fang. Shiloh’s prick throbbed, and he felt his
orgasm approach more and more. But no, he didn’t want to come so
soon, not before he fulfilled his previous daydream.

Through a strength he didn’t know he had, he pushed Liam away.

He felt his mate’s surprise, but didn’t give Liam time to inquire or
protest. He dove deep into the water and zeroed in on Liam’s prick.
As an aquatic bird, he could hold his breath much longer than most
people, and he planned to take full advantage of it.

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The moment Liam’s cock filled his mouth was even more

amazing than he’d imagined. Shiloh actually felt Liam’s pleasure
through their bond. “Yeah, baby,” Liam said. “Suck me.”

Enthralled with the ecstasy he was delivering to Liam, Shiloh

bobbed his head up and down his mate’s cock, taking him deep into
his throat and swallowing. Soon, his lungs started to burn, but oddly,
it added to the sensation, and the extreme need to have Liam mark

Liam fucked his mouth, thrusting in and out of the cavern,

invading his throat. Shiloh would have clung to the rawness of it, but
all of a sudden, Liam pulled him up and out of the water. Shiloh took
in gulps of air as his mate’s voice filled his mind, “I’m taking no risks
with you, baby.”

Shiloh grinned at him. “No risks,” he confirmed. “I’ve never felt

safer than with you.”

Safer, happier, and more loved. Shiloh didn’t say that out loud,

even if Liam must have heard it in his head. He’d never said those
three special words either, but they both knew the feeling was there.
Liam beamed back and took his lips once again. “You’re amazing,
you know that? I need to be inside you right this moment or else I’m
going to burst.”

Water didn’t make the best lubricant in existence, but it seemed

Liam had taken precautions. He flipped Shiloh over the tub’s edge,
exposing his genitals to the cool air. A snap and a squirt sounded
behind him, and then a slick finger traced his hole.

Shiloh pushed his bottom up, wordlessly expressing his demand.

Seconds later, Liam gave him what he needed. The digit pushed
inside Shiloh’s channel, making his gasp.

“I love your ass,” Liam murmured. “Just swallowing me up, so


“Just for you,” Shiloh choked back. He wanted more, so much


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Their bond did its job yet again, and Shiloh almost sobbed in

relief when Liam added two more fingers. As his mate thrust the
digits in and out of him, Shiloh focused on not coming right then and
there. It was difficult, since his climax had been building all day and
Liam’s previous touches had been driving him crazy with lust. He bit
his lip as hard as he could and the slight pain distracted him—well, at
least until Liam hit his prostate.

Shiloh’s eyes widened and he clawed at the tub. “Oh God, Liam.

Fuck me, please, fuck me.”

“Oh, baby, you plead so beautifully. How can I ever tell you no?”
Liam pulled his fingers out of Shiloh’s ass. He pulled Shiloh back

into the water and into his lap. In one single thrust, he impaled Shiloh
with his cock.

Shiloh’s cry echoed against the tiles of the bathroom walls at the

sudden penetration. From this angle, Liam seemed to get even deeper
inside him. “Ride me, Shiloh,” Liam whispered. “Come on.”

Shiloh lifted his body and pushed back down, fucking himself on

Liam’s prick. In turn, Liam thrust up, hard jabs that made Shiloh’s
teeth rattle and his body buzz with ecstasy. Liam knew his body so
well, and each and every time, he hit Shiloh’s prostate.

They moved together, the water lapping at their skin, their bodies

connected in the most intimate way two men could possibly be. With
the bliss growing more and more, Shiloh could not take it for much
longer. He needed just one more thing to make it perfect.

Even as he thought this, Liam pulled him close and embedded his

fangs in Shiloh’s neck. With the rush of ecstasy that washed over him,
Shiloh found his peak. It was simply too amazing to grasp, let alone
resist. He felt so connected to Liam that they no longer seemed two
people at all. Shiloh didn’t even know where he ended and Liam
began. Their bodies and minds were completely in synch. It was his
drug, and Liam was the only man with whom he’d ever imagine
having such a bond.

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He sensed Liam’s climax as the other man came as well, filling

him with hot seed. Their link teemed with their joined pleasure,
carrying them into an orgasm that went on and on, swallowing them
whole. Worn out, he collapsed on top of Liam, and together they
leaned against the tub, enjoying the afterglow.

It was only when the water began to cool and their skin started to

go pruny that they managed to muster enough strength to move.
Quickly, they cleaned up and left the bath. Liam emptied the tub and
then they wiped each other dry. If their fingers lingered on each
other’s skin more than necessary, neither of them protested.

Once more, Liam took him in his arms and carried him to the

bedroom. It was a bit cool there after the heat inside the bath, but his
mate tucked him in, covering him with the blanket. More importantly,
he slipped under the quilt as well, and in moments, Liam’s heat drove
away all chill.

More satisfied than ever, Shiloh closed his eyes and surrendered

to his exhaustion.

* * * *

From outside the small apartment, a man watched the now-

slumbering couple. White-hot fury coursed through him as the two
cuddled together. Taking a deep breath, he focused on calming down.
He stole one more look through the binoculars then turned his back on
the apartment. Let them enjoy their misguided relationship. It
wouldn’t last. He would make sure of it.

* * * *

“One more time, baby,” Liam said patiently. “Let’s start from the


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Shiloh frowned at him, his lower lip stuck out in an all-out pout. It

should have looked childish, but on Shiloh, it seemed fucking sexy.
“This is hopeless. I’m never going to get it right.”

Or so Shiloh said, but in Liam’s opinion, his mate was making

real progress. Now that he’d learned not to force his voice, he
sounded much better. He’d never be a superstar, but his voice was
warm and soothing, even if he didn’t know it.

Shiloh stuck his tongue out at him. “You just think that because

you’re my mate.”

Liam smiled, put his guitar down, and leaned over toward his

mate. He pecked Shiloh on the cheek, loving the way Shiloh’s cheeks
went red. “Not true,” he told Shiloh. “But if you’re tired, we can take
a break. You’ve earned it.”

Shiloh’s eyes shone with anticipation. “What do you have in


Liam couldn’t help a laugh. “How about we take a short walk

through the park for a breath of fresh air? If no one is around, we can
even shift.” He lowered his voice, half because he knew it drove his
mate wild, half due to the fact that he couldn’t actually help it. “And
then, we’ll come back here and I’ll make love to you over and over
and over again.”

Shiloh grinned at him. “Oh, I like that idea, although I could do

without the walk.”

Liam shook his head at his mate’s comment. “Stop it, you, or else

we’ll never get out of our house.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” Shiloh snickered. “Come on, don’t

be such a spoilsport.”

Liam found himself very close to yielding. After all, they could

always go for a walk another day. But just as he thought so, Shiloh
escaped his arms, dancing just out of his reach. “But you’re right,” he
teased. “We should go out for a bit.”

Liam growled playfully at his mate, but went with it. They

changed into street clothes and left their apartment. It was a beautiful

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Saturday evening, and Liam thought that most likely, they would not
be able to steal a moment in their shifted form. No matter. He felt just
as happy simply walking hand in hand with his mate, just another
couple enjoying the beautiful weather. If anyone looked at them
wrongly, it was just because they were gay, and not because Liam
was a wolf and Shiloh a swan. To a certain extent, it almost felt

The humans left them alone, though, and with the pleasant

evening, Liam found himself prolonging the walk. They stopped and,
in a rare moment of decadence, grabbed some ice cream. Both of
them enjoyed the human concoction, although Liam admitted that
more than the taste of the treat, he liked watching Shiloh suck on the
cone and making pleased noises. Damn, that sort of thing should be
illegal, especially in public.

At last, they decided to return home. Liam’s arousal kept building

all throughout the walk, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on his
mate’s naked skin. As they headed out of the park, however, Liam
sensed a familiar presence approach.

He couldn’t suppress a sound of dismay as he watched Sonny

walk toward them. The other wolf had been his occasional fuck buddy
before Liam met Shiloh. Liam always made clear that they were
friends with benefits and nothing more, but Sonny seemed to have
misunderstood, regardless.

Liam and Shiloh didn’t have time to make their escape. Sonny

reached them in seconds. “Hey,” he greeted enthusiastically. “Long
time no see. How’ve you been?”

“Fine,” Shiloh answered, and Liam could practically hear the

“until you got here” even if it went unsaid. “Enjoying our new life

Sonny didn’t even blink at Shiloh’s words. “Excellent. I was

actually thinking to give you a call.” His eyes fell on Liam. “You look
great, Liam.”

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The situation seemed out of this world. Could Sonny be doing this

on purpose, just to piss Shiloh off? It was possible, since Shiloh
practically vibrated with jealousy at this point.

“Thanks,” he answered hastily. Knowing he found himself on thin

ice, he added, “Look, Shiloh and I were just headed home. See you
later, okay?”

Sonny arched a brow, but didn’t protest. “Sure. Have fun.”
With far more haste than it was actually required, Liam and

Shiloh left the park. “Damn him,” Shiloh snarled. “Can’t he just stay
away? You belong to me.”

All of a sudden, Liam’s apprehension melted into arousal, oddly

answering to the little show of possessiveness. “I’m all yours, baby,”
he said. “Now let’s get home so I can prove it to you.”

An answering surge of lust came through his bond with Shiloh,

and Liam hastened the pace. Soon, they finally reached their
destination. But as they approached their apartment, Liam sensed
something was not quite right. It seemed almost like the feeling he got
when other shifters were around him, but not exactly the same. He
and Shiloh shared a look and rushed toward their apartment.

He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it certainly wasn’t what

he saw once he reached his door—a large wicker basket, covered in a
blanket. The first thing that occurred to Liam was that their friends
might have some sort of gag gift for them. But surely, they wouldn’t
choose something like this. Besides, it didn’t explain the odd feeling.

Shiloh knelt next to the basket and pushed the blanket away. Liam

gaped. Inside, there was a big egg. Well, that would account for the
odd sensation he’d experienced.

“It’s a swan-shifter egg,” Shiloh said breathlessly. “Oh, my God,

Liam. Who would bring it here?”

“I have no clue.” He’d have very much liked to know, too, since

that person obviously knew Shiloh’s identity. “It can only be one of
your people.”

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Shiloh’s discomfort came clear through their connection. “Come

on. Let’s get it inside. Even if the weather’s nice, it needs to be kept

Liam wordlessly unlocked the door and opened it. His mate took

the wicker basket and carried it into the apartment. He seemed
completely hypnotized by the egg. Well, so much for hot sex.

If Shiloh felt his disgruntlement, he didn’t show it, not that Liam

blamed him. The basket in front of their door had brought in a huge
problem, something Liam didn’t know how to deal with.

His heart squeezed in his chest as he watched Shiloh retrieve the

egg from the basket with utmost care. “Baby, we have to let someone
know about this.”

“But why?” Shiloh asked. “Someone left it here. Obviously, they

wanted us to have it.”

“I don’t know. It seems very suspicious to me.” Eggs didn’t just

pop up out of the blue in the middle of Los Angeles. Why would
someone bother to bring them one? Sure, they’d wanted a family, but
this felt off.

Shiloh frowned as he gently cradled the egg. “Okay, so they’re not

ideal conditions, but who are we supposed to call?”

“I don’t know. Your family, perhaps? The adoption agency?”
Shiloh’s frown turned into a glare. “You can’t be serious. The

adoption agency? You want me to give it away?”

“Us, Shiloh. Us,” Liam corrected. “And I didn’t say that. I merely

wanted to point out that maybe we should tell someone about this.
They’ll be able to tell us what to do.”

“Liam, for whatever reason, this baby’s parents entrusted him or

her to us. Now, I don’t know about you, but I won’t squander this

“Shiloh…” Liam took a deep breath. “Look, perhaps this is not

the best time to talk about this. Let’s just make sure the egg is okay
for now.”

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His mate seemed satisfied with that, and in spite of the lingering

sense of tension, they proceeded to check on the egg. It seemed in
good condition, clean, and showed no cracks. Whoever had brought it
must have taken good care of it before. But then, the question
appeared as to why the person in question had abandoned it in the first

Still, when he looked at Shiloh and the egg, he couldn’t help a

feeling of tenderness. “Liam, I know we weren’t exactly expecting
this,” Shiloh said, “but this baby needs us. How can we possibly push
him or her away?”

“I’m not saying we should.” Liam sighed. “It’s just that I’m

worried for you.”

Hell, he was worried for both of them. They could easily get

attached to this baby, and then the parents would come knocking,
demanding it back. Liam might be able to withstand that kind of
heartbreak, but he feared for his mate.

Shiloh placed the egg in the middle of their bed. “Well, there’s

nothing we can do about it tonight anyway,” he said. “Come on.
Come here.”

Liam gulped, his concern skyrocketing. He didn’t know how to

care for an egg. Wolf cubs were different, and the egg looked so
fragile. What if he accidentally crushed it?

“You won’t.” Shiloh smiled gently as he took off his clothing.

“We’ll take care of this egg, you and me.”

And oddly, as Shiloh spoke, Liam found an echoing need appear

inside him, the need to protect the baby beyond that delicate shell.
Without another word, he removed his own clothes and shifted into
his wolf form.

He didn’t even know what instinct prompted him to do so, but he

realized he’d done the right thing when Shiloh changed shapes as
well. In bird form, Shiloh looked so majestic it humbled Liam, and he
was invaded by an unprecedented desire to protect his mate and the
egg. Okay, so maybe the situation was a bit suspicious, but he’d

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worry about that later. For the moment, he and Shiloh would protect
this baby.

Shiloh sat on the egg, protecting it with his heat, while Liam took

position next to his mate, ready to deal with whatever threat came.
True enough, he hadn’t expected this, but together, Shiloh and he
could deal with anything. It would all turn out okay in the end.

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Chapter Eight

Shiloh had not spent so much time in shifted form since being a

baby. From the moment he’d begun to hatch the egg, he seemed to
have fallen into an instinctual part of himself, one that told him to
protect this child at all costs.

His argument with Liam from the night before had upset him, but

thankfully, the other man seemed to have forgotten about his previous
concerns. The morning after the egg’s appearance, the wolf changed
into his human form. At first, Shiloh didn’t know what Liam
intended, but their connection soon made him realize it, and he
allowed himself to relax. He should have known better than to doubt

A few minutes later, Liam brought him a tray of salad and sushi. It

had been specially prepared so that Shiloh could eat it without having
to shift. Liam sat on the bed and gently caressed Shiloh’s feathers.
“Eat up, baby. You’ll need your strength.”

“Thanks,” Shiloh sent through their connection. He ate up the

provided meal, never once moving off the egg.

As he did so, Liam retrieved a sandwich for himself, gulped it

down in a few bites, then shifted back. It seemed the wolf shared his
instinct of protecting the egg.

Liam cuddled closer to Shiloh and licked his bill. “It’ll be all

right, baby,” he said. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Shiloh inwardly smiled. “I know.”
They just stayed like that for a few hours, still in shifted form,

Shiloh on the egg, Liam in front of him, always vigilant. After a bit,
Shiloh found it necessary to visit the little swan’s room. He didn’t

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want to leave the egg, though. How did other swans deal with such

“I can take over for a bit,” Liam suggested.
Shiloh was surprised at the offer, but he did recall his people often

shared egg-hatching responsibilities. Perhaps it might not be exactly
the same, but Shiloh knew he could trust Liam to keep the egg warm
and safe until he stretched his legs and did his private needs. He
nodded and carefully moved off the egg. Liam took his place, curling
around it, as Shiloh shifted into his legged form and headed into the

He used the facilities and even dared to take a quick shower. He

didn’t linger there too long, though, and was in and out of the bath in
perhaps five minutes. Liam was squatting over the egg when Shiloh
entered their bedroom, having found a better position to distribute the
heat evenly. It might have looked funny, if it hadn’t been so touching.

“Okay, I’m ready to get back to it now.”
Before Liam could answer, Shiloh heard the phone ring. His entire

being summoned him toward Liam and the egg, but the call might be
something important.

Sighing, Shiloh left the bedroom and went to pick up the phone.

The only people who ever called them—landline or otherwise—were
their friends, and whichever of them chose to do so now would be
worried if Shiloh didn’t pick up.

He retrieved the phone. “Hello.”
At the other side of the connection, Nicolas chuckled. “Hi, Shiloh.

Just checking to see if we’re still on for tonight.”

Shiloh’s mind went completely blank. He searched his memory to

figure out what Nicolas was talking about. Right, he and Liam were
supposed to meet with Nicolas and Daniel to go bowling. Bowling, of
all things. Well, Shiloh had the egg to worry about now. They
couldn’t just leave it.

“Sorry, Nico,” he said. “We won’t be able to make it. Something

came up.”

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“Shiloh, what happened?” Nicolas sounded surprised and worried.

“Anything wrong with you and Liam?”

“No, of course not,” Shiloh answered. “Why would you say

something like that?”

“You just sound a bit tense, that’s all,” Nicolas replied. “Do you

want me to come over?”

Fuck, no. That was the last thing Shiloh wanted. Friend or not,

Nicolas needed to stay away from Shiloh’s egg. “No,” he said with far
too much vehemence. “No, don’t.”

“Sheesh, way to make a guy feel wanted,” Nicolas answered. “Are

you sure you’re okay?”

Shiloh hesitated. He couldn’t hide the existence of the egg,

especially since he’d have to take time off to hatch it.

“We have to tell them,” Liam said through their bond. “They’re

the only ones who can understand us.”

Shiloh agreed. “Thing is, something did happen,” he told Nicolas.

“I won’t be able to come to work for…the foreseeable future.”

Silence. “Okay, now you really got me worried,” Nicolas said.

Shiloh could sense his friend was frowning. “Look, I hate to ask
this…Liam didn’t…you know?”

Shiloh wanted to be outraged, but he knew his odd behavior was

making Nicolas concerned. “God, no. We…We sort of added a new
member to our family.”

“What? Shiloh, what?”
“The other day, when we came back from a walk, we found a

swan egg in front of our door,” Shiloh explained. “I’m going to have
to stay home for a couple of weeks to hatch it.”

“Shiloh, I won’t tell you not to take time off, but honey, you have

to realize what a chance you’re taking with this. What if that egg was
stolen or something? You can really get into trouble.”

Shiloh bit his lip nervously. It was pretty much what Liam had

told him the night before, but he didn’t want to hear it. He already felt
a connection with the poor, helpless egg. He wanted it to be his.

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“Shiloh, baby…I want that, too, but we also have to be realistic,”

Liam said in his mind.

Shiloh took a deep breath and ignored Liam’s comment. He

turned his attention toward Nicolas once again. “Look, don’t worry
about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Nicolas sounded doubtful. “Just call me if you need


Shiloh promised that he would, even if he had no intention to. Not

that he didn’t trust Nicolas. Hell, the man had been a faithful friend
for many years. But Shiloh couldn’t endanger his egg. The only
person he’d allow around it was Liam, his mate and partner.

“We’ll just deal with this one day at a time,” he sent to Liam as

he ended the call with Nicolas. “I’m sure it will be all right.”

* * * *

The weekend passed with Liam and Shiloh going through the

same routine. Then, Monday morning came, and they were forced to
make the inevitable choice. Liam still needed to go to work, while
Shiloh would stay home and care for the egg.

The day felt hellish. It was only Liam and Shiloh’s connection

that kept him sane, when all he wanted was to run home and guard his
mate and the baby. Hell, the egg hadn’t even hatched and he’d already
become so attached. Fuck.

His coworkers steered clear of him, apparently noticing his ill

temper, so Liam was not forced to make idle conversation. Half the
time, he zoned out and focused on his bond with Shiloh, calming his
mate and keeping Shiloh’s company in his mind, even if he couldn’t
with a physical presence.

At last, halfway through the day, Liam cracked and went to see

his boss. Thankfully, the lady liked him and agreed to give him a few
days off. Perhaps it wouldn’t be enough to guard Shiloh all the way to
the moment when the egg hatched, but it was better than nothing.

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As soon as his shift ended, Liam said good-bye to his coworkers

and headed out. He stopped by a store to stock up on groceries,
knowing they’d need them in the following days. He didn’t remember
feeling so anxious in his life, and he had no plans of leaving the house
if he could help it.

Even if he knew Shiloh was okay, he still felt relieved when he

finally reached their home. Shiloh didn’t meet him at the door as he
would usually do, but Liam didn’t expect him to. He put the groceries
away as quickly as he could then headed into the bedroom. Shiloh
was exactly where Liam had left him in the morning, on the bed in
shifted form, still on the egg. The food Liam left him had been
consumed, but Liam knew he was feeling the strain.

“Come on, baby,” he said. “Go take a break. I’ll take over.”
He took his clothes off as he spoke. Taking a deep breath, he

allowed the change to flow over him. Now in wolf form, he changed
places with Shiloh, slipping over the swan egg. His mate shifted back
into his human shape and rubbed his eyes. “Thanks,” he said. “I have
to say I’m glad you took a couple of days off. We felt really lonely

Liam inwardly smiled at the way his mate was already referring to

the egg. “Do you think the baby missed me?”

“Oh, I know it.” Shiloh grinned. “I’ll be right back.”
As his mate left the bedroom, Liam closed his eyes and focused

on the egg under him. It felt warm and alive. It was so very strange. If
someone had ever told him he would one day be hatching an egg,
he’d have laughed, maybe even punched the person in question. But
now, it seemed like such a natural thing. He wondered why. Was it
something about Shiloh that made him a better person? Whatever the
case, he couldn’t deny he wanted to protect this baby.

He didn’t know how long it took until Shiloh returned to take

over. It seemed his mate had taken longer than strictly necessary,
perhaps meaning to have Liam bond with the egg. It was certainly

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Liam moved away without being told to and allowed Shiloh to

resume the egg-hatching process. Just as he prepared himself to take
up his guarding position, he heard the phone ring.

Liam briefly considered letting it ring, but that would just be a

fucked-up thing to do. Shiloh seemed to know this as well. It didn’t
stop the irritation that flooded their bond. “I never thought I’d feel
like this whenever our friends called us,”
Shiloh said. “I just wish
they would leave us alone.”

Liam knew how his mate felt. He changed into his human form,

petted the soft feathers, and smiled. “They just worry. Nicolas must
have told them about the egg.”

It wasn’t exactly a secret, at least not between these close friends

who were used to telling each other everything. In truth, Liam had
been surprised Shiloh hadn’t immediately told Carson. But in a way,
he did understand. The egg was theirs. He didn’t want anyone to
interfere either. He shouldn’t even be forced to consider discussing its
existence with anyone outside their circle—especially the adoption
agency. But Liam still couldn’t shake a bad feeling, and he oscillated
between the need to hope and the knowledge of an unknown peril.

Sighing to himself, Liam went to pick up to the phone. Almost

immediately, Brody’s voice began to rant, “What’s this I hear about
you getting an egg?” he asked. “Damn it, Liam. You have any idea
how much trouble you could get into?”

“Why would anyone care?” he asked, half because he actually

wanted to hear what his friend intended to say, half because he needed
to defend his own position. “The egg was abandoned. Of course we’re
going to want to care for it.”

Brody sighed. “Let me give you a little hint, Liam. You’re a wolf.

The egg belongs to a swan. Some people don’t take kindly to that.”

Cold chills ran down Liam’s spine. “So what you’re saying is they

might think I’d hurt it. I’d never do that.”

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“Yes, well, they won’t believe that,” Brody answered. “You

remember what they told me and Carson when we first wanted to

Yes, Liam remembered. The woman at the adoption agency had

said that Brody and Carson couldn’t possibly be adequate parents for
either a carnivore or an herbivore. Brody might eat a young herbivore,
while the carnivore could grow up to attack Carson. But at the same
time, there had been someone who’d trusted them, enough to give
them custody of two wonderful kids. It was that someone Liam had
been thinking of when he’d suggested talking to the agency. They
needed some sort of insurance if things went wrong.

“I remember,” he answered. “I don’t really know what to do.” He

considered his next words for a few moments. “Look, can you do me
a favor? That Skylar Pierce guy? Do you still keep contact with him?”

“Sure,” Brody answered. “He even comes to visit from time to

time. You want me to talk to him?”

Liam immediately felt Shiloh’s alarm. “No,” Shiloh shouted in

his mind. “No, don’t.”

For once, Liam ignored his mate. “Yes. Really quiet. Ask him a

few questions, off the record.”

Brody hummed thoughtfully. “He might want to see the egg.”
A litany of nos filled Liam’s mind, streaming from Shiloh. “Just

be discreet. Don’t tell him it’s us you mean to speak to him about. If
he wants to see the egg…I don’t know. We’ll see.”

“I suppose it’s the best thing we can do at this moment.” Brody

sighed. “All right, Liam. I’ll talk to Skylar and let you know what he

“Thanks,” Liam answered. “I appreciate it.”
As they ended the conversation, Shiloh’s fury bubbled inside

Liam, threatening to make his skull burst. “I can’t believe you went
against me and asked Brody to speak the agency,”
Shiloh shouted
inside his mind.

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Liam winced and headed back into the bedroom. “I merely want

Brody to ask their agency friend a few unofficial questions,” Liam
corrected him.

“There are no unofficial questions, not in a situation like this.

Everything matters. Everything is recorded.”

Liam struggled for a calm his mate clearly couldn’t have. “So you

realize how serious this whole thing is and still you don’t want to tell

It was very strange to try to reason with Shiloh with his mate still

in shifted form. Predictably, Shiloh didn’t take his question very well.
“It’s my egg.” Shiloh bristled. “They’d just take it from me.”

“Baby…As much as we want our family to be complete, if we

push it, it’ll just be a big, fat mess. I care about the egg as much as
you do, but—”

A snort from Shiloh interrupted his phrase. “Care about the egg?

Really? You’re not a swan. What could a wolf possibly understand
about this? Hell, for all I know, your kind eat our eggs.”

Liam froze and he stared at his mate in disbelief. He couldn’t

believe Shiloh had said that.

But Shiloh didn’t even stop there. “You know what? I don’t need

you here. Just go. Leave me alone with my egg. Return to your pack.
That’s where you belong. You’ll never understand me anyway.”

“Baby,” Liam took another step forward, “you don’t mean that.”
Shiloh flapped his wings and hissed low in his throat. “Don’t get

any closer, Liam. I’ll protect this egg, even against you.”

Liam felt like he’d been slapped. His mate just continued to sit

there, snarling in his typical swanlike fashion, and for the first time in
months, Liam felt like he’d made a huge mistake. Had he really been
so wrong about Shiloh? Surely his mate couldn’t believe such
monstrous things about him.

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But the evidence lay in Shiloh’s behavior toward him and could

not be denied. Liam slowly backed out of the bedroom. He couldn’t
look at Shiloh. It hurt too fucking much.

He felt like he couldn’t breathe. The wolf inside him whined at

Shiloh’s rejection, at the separation from his mate and the baby he’d
quickly begun to care about.

The walls of the home that had been his sanctuary now stifled

him. He wanted to go outside, shift, and run, but he lived in the city,
and he didn’t have that option. Perhaps it was better. Whether Shiloh
liked it or not, Liam would stay. He would not encroach upon
Shiloh’s personal space, but he’d stay by his mate’s side and protect
him in this moment of vulnerability.

Sighing to himself, Liam let himself slump to the ground. He

didn’t even bother to change into his wolf form, since his pain would
be even more acute. For the longest time, he just sat there, waiting.
For what, he didn’t know. The connection remained silent, but
Shiloh’s words still echoed through it, heavy and poisonous. Hell, for
all I know, your kind eat our eggs. Just go. Leave me alone with my

Over and over, those phrases assaulted Liam’s consciousness.

They didn’t mean anything, he tried to tell himself. Shiloh had a
temper. He was just angry and protective over the egg. He’d come

But then, if it only took one single disagreement to make Shiloh

turn tail and run, what did that say about them? Liam had thought
he’d managed to bond with Shiloh. He’d thought theirs was a genuine
mating, and he’d even allowed himself to consider making it official.
He’d wanted the world to know he had the most beautiful, amazing
mate. But apparently, it took a little wave to rock the boat and bring
him to reality. He and Shiloh were still predator and prey. For fuck’s
sake, Shiloh had even insinuated Liam would attack the egg. How
could he build a mating on a trust so frail? The answer was easy—he

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At one point, his connection with Shiloh began to vibrate with

regret, fear, and sadness, all coming from Shiloh. Liam wanted to go
back inside the room and hold his mate, soothe Shiloh and push every
troublesome thought away. But, for once, he didn’t know if he would
be welcome. It was quite ironic that he’d been propelled back to their
first days, when he’d done his best to make Shiloh forgive him for his
lapse. He’d actually thought they were beyond things like this, and
Shiloh would understand that anything he did was for the good of
them all.

It could truly be his fault. Shiloh was right. Liam should never

have asked Brody to consult Skylar Pierce without Shiloh’s accord.
For all he knew, Skylar would find out who they were and ask them to
hand over the egg. Fuck.

He didn’t know how long he sat there, outside the bedroom he

shared with Shiloh. A shrill sound snapped him out of his trance—the
sound of the phone.

“Hi,” Brody said. “I talked to Skylar.”
“Really?” Liam rubbed his eyes tiredly. “So soon? I didn’t think

you’d contact him at this hour.”

“Liam, it’s nine a.m.” Liam blinked and stole a look outside.

Indeed, the sun had already risen. He’d been waiting at the door all

“Right,” he replied. “I just didn’t realize you were on such

friendly terms.”

“He’s a good guy,” Brody answered. “Anyway, listen up. This is

very important if you want to keep the egg.”

Liam felt panic course through his connection with Shiloh. Oh,

no, no, no, no, no. The chorus of continuous nos echoed inside Liam’s
head, and Liam couldn’t help but try to calm his mate down.

“Shh, baby. It’s going to be fine. Brody would never do anything

that could potentially harm us.”

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He didn’t know if Shiloh had heard him or not, since Shiloh’s

anxiety didn’t really dwindle. His heart falling, Liam tried to focus on
the conversation with Brody. “I’m listening.”

“I told Skylar that I had a friend who mated a non-carnivore and

found a baby of his mate’s species. I don’t know if Skylar suspects
Carson and I mean to adopt again, but that doesn’t matter. Anyway,
what he says is this. It’s unusual, but not unprecedented, for
carnivores to adopt herbivores. There have been several examples,
like the lioness who previously took charge of Angel, or even Carson
and me. However, to do this, there is a procedure you need to follow.
Otherwise, the baby will be considered in danger and the baby’s
people will be entitled to intervene.”

“Procedure?” Liam repeated. “What procedure?”
“Well first thing, the couple has to be able to provide the baby

with a family. That is, they need to be officially mated.”

“Shiloh and I are not registered as mates, Brody,” Liam said.

“You know that.”

“If you want to have a chance to keep the egg, you’re going to

have to be,” Brody answered. “Second, the carnivore parent or parents
need to make a commitment that they won’t hurt the herbivore child.
I’m not sure I mentioned it to you before.”

“You did it?” Liam asked, surprised.
“Yes, when Carson and I took in Angel. Then, you have to

arrange for an official adoption, through the agency. Skylar can do
that for you, but he needs to meet you and the baby first, to make sure
you can provide an adequate family.”

“It’s a ruse,” Shiloh said through his bond with Liam. “He just

means to take away the egg.”

“I’m not sure it is, baby. It makes sense.”

And truly, it did. Even if the egg’s original parents didn’t appear,

the swan nation would not take kindly to a wolf raising a cygnet.
Shiloh and Liam might not have any choice but to resort to Skylar’s

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Shape-shifters didn’t have all-encompassing authorities. They just

had their elders, and according to whatever these powerful men or
women decided, they lived in war or peace with other species. The
adoption agency was the only organism all shifters used, and as a rule,
it stayed neutral. However, it also had significant power that allowed
it to enforce its decisions. If Liam could convince Skylar he could be
a good parent for the egg, they were all set.

“Brody, what do you think? Should we meet up with this guy?”
Brody sighed. “You definitely have a better chance with Skylar

than waiting and hoping for the best. I can’t be sure of how things will
turn out, but Skylar did help me and Carson with our sons. I’m sure
he’ll keep an open mind.”

Liam bit his lip, uncertain. “Look, I’m going to have a talk with

Shiloh, and then I’ll call you back and let you know. Thanks for

“Don’t mention it.” Brody paused. “Take care of yourselves, all


“Will do,” Liam answered. “Thanks again.”
With that, Liam ended the call and made his way to the bedroom.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside. His
mate was still on the bed, waiting on top of the egg in shifted form.

“Baby, I know you don’t trust me,” he said, “but you have to

realize our best chance to protect the egg is to stick together.”

“I know,” Shiloh said weakly. “I’m sorry. I truly am.”
Liam sighed and sat on the bed. He allowed himself to pet Shiloh,

relieved when his mate didn’t shy away. “We’ll be fine, baby. We’ll
be just fine.”

Now, if he could just make himself believe it.

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Chapter Nine

Liam had never really known what registrations for mate bonds

entailed. In the pack, people simply went to Soren. For Shiloh, it had
been similar, to the extent that mated pairs would go to the leader of
his valley.

But since Shiloh and Liam now lived in LA, they needed to go to

whoever dealt with such things here. Thankfully, Brody and Carson
helped them out. They’d gone through a similar process, and
explained to Liam that the agency would aid them in this, as well. As
such, Shiloh and Liam had eventually agreed to meet up with Skylar

The man was nothing like Liam expected. He’d greeted them with

a kind smile, made small talk, and asked them a little about how they
met and how they felt about the egg. Then, without any other
comment, he’d agreed to arrange both their mating and the adoption
for them.

Now, the big day had come, and Liam admitted he felt quite

nervous. He’d never thought he’d do this out of a need outside his
mere bond with his mate. Somehow, it made him feel reluctant, as if
he were tainting the process. But no, both Shiloh and he wanted the
egg to be safe, and they yearned for the warmth of a family. Besides,
Shiloh and he were already mates. This was only a formality, a piece
of paper that would make things a little more real in the eyes of
whoever tried to question the solidity of their bond.

“Hey, don’t worry.” Skylar smiled as he led them inside the

building where the ceremony would be held. “It’s not that big a deal. I
know a guy here, and he’ll deal with things quickly and painlessly.”

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Shiloh looked nervous too. “I…Okay. Okay. Fast is good. I’m just

concerned about the egg.”

Liam sighed to himself. He could understand that. This was the

first time in weeks that Shiloh had left their home. He’d always stayed
with the egg, taking care of it, providing the warmth needed for it to
hatch. Truth be told, Liam was a bit worried about the egg, too, but he
consoled himself with the thought that their friends were watching
over it.

At last, Skylar gestured them into a large office. A large, blond

man sat at a desk, looking over some papers. As they entered the
room, the man got up.

“Hey, Skylar. Are these the guys you told me about?”
“Hi, Garth. Yeah, this would be them. Shiloh Holden and Liam


Liam analyzed the man with narrowed eyes. He smelled like

feline, and he didn’t like it, especially around Shiloh. “Don’t give me
the evil eye, wolf.” Garth chuckled. “I won’t eat your mate. I’m used
to having all sorts of shifters around here. Now, should we get this
show on the road? I’m Garth Mckenna. Now, depending on the
officer you run into at an agency, this can be very easy, or very
difficult. I’ll make it easy, since I hear you’re in a rush to adopt an
abandoned egg?”

Shiloh nodded. “Liam and I really care about it, and we don’t

want anyone to take it from us.”

Feeling his mate’s anxiety, Liam took Shiloh’s hand and kissed it.

“We’d have come here either way, eventually, but we needed to speed
things up a bit, for the egg.”

Garth nodded. “All right. I’m going to trust what you’re saying,

because Skylar vouches for you.” He retrieved the papers he’d been
looking at when Liam and Shiloh had arrived and handed them over.

Liam scanned through the pages with haste. It wasn’t even all that

long, since the agency operated on the assumption that a mating was
already in place by the time the couple came there to register it. The

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commitment required for a wolf mating was far greater than anything
the agency could enforce.

“When you’re ready, just sign at the bottom of the last page.”
Without hesitation, Liam took a pen from Garth and signed. To

his relief, Shiloh followed his example.

“Congratulations,” Garth said as he gathered the papers. “I hope

you lead a long and fulfilling life together.”

“That’s it?” Shiloh asked, sounding shocked.
Garth grinned. “Like I said, it can be as easy or as hard as we

make it. Now, it’ll take a few days until this is processed, but until
then, you can deal with the paperwork for the adoption. Just one more
thing. Would you like to keep your names, hyphen them, or take up
one over the other?”

“Hyphen is fine, I think,” Liam said.
“Denning-Holden,” Shiloh added.
“Very good,” Garth answered. “You’ll have the paperwork ready

and returned to you in a couple of days.”

Liam nodded and numbly thanked the man. Somehow, he felt it

should have been more complicated, more earth-shattering. But if he
wanted to be honest, what truly bothered him was that they’d taken
this important step in a moment when he sensed Shiloh so distant,
when their bond was so…wrong.

As they left Garth’s office, Skylar began to speak, “I’ve already

made arrangements for the rest of the documents to be ready. If you’ll
come with me, we can deal with that, and after everything is
processed, the egg will be officially yours.”

Liam would have loved to feel glad about that, but something kept

him from doing so. The egg needed parents who got along, a loving
family, not two estranged mates who could no longer make their bond

“Wait,” he said. “I need a word with Shiloh, in private.”
Skylar offered them an understanding smile. “Certainly. Come

this way.”

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Skylar led them to his office and then discreetly left them alone.

Shiloh plopped on the couch, looking at his hands. “You wanted to

“Yeah.” Liam knelt next to his mate and took Shiloh’s hand.

“Baby, you know how much you mean to me, how much the egg
means to me. But…I just want to be sure this is what you want.” He
licked his suddenly dry lips. “The documentation hasn’t been
processed yet. We can still decide against registering officially.
And…you can find another mate, a swan mate.” His heart hurt even
as he said the words. “I would…I would let you go.”

Shiloh’s eyes shot up. “What? You…You’d do that?”
Liam forced himself to ignore his connection with Shiloh and

focus on what he meant to say. “I just want you to be happy. If you
can’t do that by my side, well…”

“But I thought we were mated for life,” Shiloh protested. “You

can’t just suddenly change your mind.”

Liam closed his eyes, the sight of Shiloh’s earnest gaze too much

to contain. “We could try to break it. I mean…Brody managed, kind
of, and…You never bonded with me, the swan way, so it should be

Liam was so focused on not breaking into a million pieces that

when the punch came, he didn’t even realize it until it was too late.
The blow sent him falling to the floor, and he cradled his hurt cheek
in shock. Distantly, he registered the fact that Shiloh might have
busted his lip.

“How can you say that?” Shiloh glared down at him. “I know I

haven’t been the best mate in the past couple of weeks, but how can
you say we didn’t bond the swan way?”

Liam gaped as he watched his mate’s eyes fill with tears. Shiloh

hastily looked away, but Liam had seen what Shiloh was trying to
hide. He got up and made his way back to his mate. He hugged
Shiloh’s back, inhaling the swan’s unique scent. “Baby…I’m sorry.
I…I want what’s best for you and the egg.”

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Shiloh pushed away from him and turned, bringing them face-to-

face once again. “And if we were to break this mating, what would
you do? Would you go back to the pack, find a nice, sexy bitch to
have puppies with? Or would you hook up with the famous Anson

The sarcasm was nothing but a mask for Shiloh’s emotions, and

Liam struggled to ignore it. “No,” he replied levelly. “I would stay
here and watch you from a distance. I would go wherever you went,
even if you were no longer mine. I would make sure our egg hatched
safely and grew up happy.”

Shiloh looked gobsmacked. He stood there, frozen, staring at

Liam as if he’d never seen him before. Tears shone in his beautiful
eyes again, but this time, Shiloh made no effort to hide them behind
sarcasm. Instead, he buried his face in Liam’s chest.

“Oh, God, Liam, I’m so very sorry. I shouldn’t have said those

awful things. I was just so scared for the egg. Please, please give me
another chance.” He clung to Liam, his nails digging into Liam’s skin
through the material of his shirt. “I need you. I…I love you.”

Liam felt afraid to say anything lest he break the beautiful

moment between them. He knew Shiloh was being honest. Hell, he’d
known Shiloh regretted the nasty exchange even then. But to have
Shiloh acknowledge it was something entirely different. And to hear
Shiloh say the words he’d been waiting for ever since they’d met
astonished him. Still, a part of Liam feared Shiloh’s panic pushed him
into a declaration he might not fully mean.

“It’s okay, Shiloh.” He wrapped his arms around his mate and

squeezed him tight. “I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

Shiloh looked up at him. “Are you sure about that? Forever is a

long time, you know.”

It was Liam’s turn to stare in shock. Shiloh was truly serious

about this, then. Suddenly, the huge chasm of distrust that had loomed
between them in the past days began to disappear. Liam could almost
see the bridge between them form once again. Words often hurt more

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than silver daggers, and Shiloh’s had done quite a lot of damage to
Liam’s heart. But as their connection flowed back into place, it
seemed as if he finally understood the truth behind everything Shiloh
had ever said and done.

“Forever isn’t long enough,” he answered. “I’m sorry, too, Shiloh.

I should have never suggested breaking up.”

Shiloh laughed shakily. “You’re always trying to care for me,

even when I’m a jerk.” Their gazes held, and, for a moment, neither
of them spoke. Liam’s heart began to beat even faster. They hadn’t
slept together ever since their argument, and while Liam missed the
sex, he missed the closeness even more. Hell, they hadn’t even kissed,
and Shiloh’s lips, his touch, were like a drug for Liam.

Ever so softly, Liam pressed his mouth to Shiloh’s. Shiloh closed

his eyes, gasping and parting his lips. It was a gentle kiss, almost
chaste, and it aroused a deeper need inside Liam. He wanted to touch
Shiloh, to make sure his mate was truly there in his arms.

Slowly, the kiss began to turn heated, and Liam’s hands slipped

under Shiloh’s shirt. Their tongues dueled, and Shiloh surrendered the
battle, his arousal assaulting Liam’s every sense. He drank in his
mate’s taste, almost in disbelief that he’d earned this again.

When they broke the kiss, Liam pushed his mate back on the

couch and climbed on top of Shiloh. He peppered Shiloh’s face with
kisses, needing more contact, wanting more skin to skin.

“We don’t have much time,” Shiloh gasped out. “We have to wrap

things up with Skylar and go back home.”

It was true. Their egg was waiting. They were parents now, and

had a responsibility. Liam broke away from Shiloh, panting hard. He
wanted to touch Shiloh all over, to lick him, fuck him, take in all that
delicious skin. But this was hardly the time, or the place. As long as
they were together, he could deal with a little case of blue balls.

They got up from the couch and arranged their clothing and their

messed up hair. It was a good thing, too, because a little while later, a
knock sounded at the door. “Can I come in?” Skylar asked.

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It was quite amusing, given that technically speaking, this was

Skylar’s office in the first place. “Of course,” Liam replied.

The door opened, and Skylar slipped inside. “Everything all

right?” Skylar asked.

Liam nodded. “Great. Thank you.”
Skylar headed toward his desk, looking as kind and unruffled as

ever. He offered them another smile. “Now, are you ready to sign the

Liam and Shiloh looked at each other. “Readier than ever,” Liam

replied, grinning at his mate.

Skylar offered them the papers, and much like before, in Garth’s

office, Liam and Shiloh put their names on the documents. It was
done. They’d soon be the official parents of the egg.

This time, Liam truly felt enthusiastic. When Skylar congratulated

them, he couldn’t contain his excitement and hugged the other man.
“Thank you for everything.”

Shiloh did the same, and through their bond, Liam felt his mate’s

happiness. “You have no idea what it means to us.”

Skylar laughed. “It was my pleasure. It’s always nice to see

abandoned children go to good families.”

“We have to go now, but we’ll keep in touch,” Liam added. He

was very eager to return to their home and their egg. Daniel was
temporarily babysitting, but a squirrel couldn’t be expected to take
care of a swan egg for an extended period of time.

Skylar led them out, and the two headed toward the exit of the

building. They reached their car in a much better mood than they had
left it.

Liam got inside, taking the driver’s position, while Shiloh claimed

shotgun. They both put their seat belts on and Liam drove off. As he
engaged himself in traffic, he couldn’t help but remember the scene in
the office, the taste of Shiloh’s lips on his, the feel of his mate’s body
in his embrace. He sensed Shiloh’s answering arousal, and before
Liam knew what was going on, Shiloh unbuckled his seat belt and slid

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on the car’s floor. The swan’s talented hands landed on Liam’s crotch,
massaging his already-hard penis.

Liam groaned, struggling to control himself and focus on driving.

“Baby, I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

The sound of the zipper echoed loudly in the car. “Of course it is,”

Shiloh said. “We both need it.”

And they did, Liam knew it. He didn’t protest further as Shiloh’s

hand sneaked into his briefs and enclosed his shaft in a hot fist. Liam
groaned and spread his legs wider to give Shiloh room to work. The
swan took advantage of his silent offer and slid between his legs.

It took some smart maneuvering, but they managed to find a

balance. Liam hissed when his mate released his cock from its
confines. Without giving Liam one single warning, Shiloh lowered his
mouth over Liam’s prick.

Pleasure exploded over Liam, and his vision crossed. He knew he

should probably stop the car, but driving with his mate sucking his
cock gave him an incredible rush. On occasion, he even stole looks at
the thing of beauty that was Shiloh.

Shiloh bobbed his head up and down Liam’s cock, creating a

delicious suction. His fingers massaged Liam’s ball sac, slender, soft,
and so very familiar. Liam would have loved to touch

“Focus on driving, Liam,” Shiloh said through their bond.
Liam obeyed, even if Shiloh’s sinful touch was driving him crazy.

Over and over, his mate teased him, at times swirling his tongue
around the head of Liam’s prick and then shifting to an almost
unbearable rhythm of sucking. Every nerve in Liam’s body was alight
with passion and sensual tension. He heard the sound of another
zipper and realized his mate was touching himself.

The moment he felt Shiloh jacking himself off, his pleasure

skyrocketed. Shiloh increased the pace of the suction and Liam
couldn’t take it anymore. With a roar, he buried himself in his mate’s
throat and came. Moments later, Shiloh found his peak as well, their
bond entwining their orgasms together.

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A different time, Liam might have tried to do more, but they were

already taking too many chances. By some miracle, or rather, a
combination of his shape-shifter instincts and his experience with
vehicles, he’d managed not to crash the car. Sheer luck helped them
not get pulled over by a police car. But as the haze of the orgasm
faded, his mind returned to the most urgent issue—their egg.

His mate did his best to clean up and extracted himself from

between Liam’s legs. “Time to rush home. Our egg is waiting.”

With a laugh, Liam sped up a bit and headed toward their

apartment. He and Shiloh were lovers, mates, and parents. What more
could he ask from life?

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Chapter Ten

A few days later

Shiloh chewed on his salad thoughtfully, content in the knowledge

that Liam was protecting the egg. He couldn’t believe that he’d
doubted his mate even for a second. The wolf clearly loved their
future child as much as Shiloh did. He’d proved to be an invaluable
help, taking over for Shiloh whenever Shiloh needed assistance or
simply wanted to stretch his legs.

He leaned against the counter, imagining himself, Liam, and their

child a few years along the way. What would it be like? He’d always
wanted a family, but he’d sort of gotten both a mate and a baby within
a short expanse of time. He’d barely managed to wrap his mind
around it, but somehow, he knew it would all work out. Liam would
help him.

All of a sudden, a strange feeling assaulted him, shaking him from

his thoughts. His salad forgotten, Shiloh frowned, strangely
apprehensive. Since he’d bonded with the egg, his senses had become
more acute, always trying to find threats to its safety. And now, they
told him someone was coming. When Shiloh focused, he sensed it
clearly—the proximity of his own kind.

“Come to the bedroom, Shiloh,” Liam said through their

connection. “I’ll deal with this.”

“No,” Shiloh answered. “I’ll talk to them and listen to what they

have to say. You stick with the egg.”

Just as he sent this message to his mate, the doorbell rang.

Anxiety coursed through him as he made his way to the door. He

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hadn’t seen another swan in years. Most just stuck to their territories
and didn’t bother with those who chose a different lifestyle, namely
him. There was only one reason why they would seek him out now,
the egg.

Shiloh cracked the door open and couldn’t say he was entirely

surprised when he saw his parents at the other side, accompanied by a
group of other swans. “Hello, Shiloh,” his mother said. “Let us in,
will you?”

Shiloh frowned at her. “No, I don’t think I will.” He didn’t have

any intention to allow them next to his mate and egg.

He’d told his parents about Liam, of course, since he’d had no

intention of keeping his mating to himself. He was proud of his mate
and happy to have found the other half of his soul. Predictably, his
parents hadn’t been happy, and Shiloh hadn’t talked to them since
he’d hung up the phone on them. Judging by his mother’s expression,
their attitude hadn’t softened in the past months.

His father sighed, sounding irritated. “Now, Shiloh, don’t make

this harder than it has to be. We know you took it. Just hand it over
and everything will be all right.”

It was as the older swan said this that Shiloh noticed the presence

of one of his biggest mistakes, Charles. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about,” he told her. “And what is he doing here?”

“Shiloh, let’s not play games,” Charles piped up. “You and I both

know why I’m here.”

At this point, Shiloh was completely confused. He felt Liam’s

alarm and sent a wave of comfort to his mate. “Stay with the egg,” he
told Liam again. “I can deal with them.” Directing his attention
toward his parents, he added, “Actually, I don’t know, and to tell you
the truth, I don’t really care. Just leave me the hell alone.”

“We can’t do that,” his mother offered. “Shiloh, give back the

egg. You can’t seriously think we’d allow you to keep it.”

Shiloh was unsurprised that they’d learned of the egg. Still, he’d

expected to have a little more time. He’d just had the egg for a couple

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of weeks. It hadn’t even hatched yet. Not that it mattered. Shiloh
already loved it as if it were his own.

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of it,” he answered.
His father glared at him. “Right. And I assume your carnivorous

mate will help you with it.”

“Actually, yes,” Shiloh answered. He sent a thank-you to Liam

and his insistence to contact the agency. “He’s already committed to
do that. He and I adopted the egg officially just a couple of days ago.”

The blood drained out of Charles’s face. “That can’t be,” he said.

“There’s no way you could have gone through the bureaucracy so
fast. You’re lying.”

Shiloh shrugged, making a mental note to buy Skylar Pierce a

huge present. “Believe what you want. It doesn’t make it any less

His father looked thoughtful, and he gave Charles a narrowed-

eyed look. Shiloh didn’t have the time to figure out the reasons behind
it. The older swan turned toward him and said, “Son, whether you
adopted the egg or not, that doesn’t change the fact that Charles has
more right over it than you do.”

Shiloh blinked, not really understanding what his father was

trying to get at. “I’m sorry, what? You lost me. Why would Charles
have any rights over my egg?”

His mother let out an irritated sigh. “Shiloh, please, stop this

pointless act. You know as well as I do that Charles is the egg’s
father. Now, stealing an egg is a felony, Shiloh. We can easily
imprison you for it. Charles has agreed to let things go as long as you
return it, but you need to give it back now.”

Shiloh felt like the world was spinning. The adoption papers

backed him up, as did Liam’s commitment to the egg, but Charles’s
parentage of the egg could throw a wrench in his every plan. Still, he
kept his calm and didn’t allow the other swans to intimidate him. “I
haven’t stolen any egg,” he said. “I haven’t been to the valley in
years, and I couldn’t have done it if I’d wanted to. If Charles is the

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egg’s parent, then perhaps he can explain to me how it ended up
abandoned on my doorstep.”

“As if that would ever happen.” Charles sighed. “Please, Shiloh.

Don’t be like this. Open the door and let me in.”

Shiloh snarled at Charles. “Like I said, I have no intention to.”
“Shiloh, I still love you. You want a child, I get that. It hurts that

you stole my egg, but we could still raise it, you and me.”

Shiloh hadn’t thought he could get more surprised, but there it

was. “You can’t be serious.” He took a deep breath, struggling to
make sense of what was going on. “What about the egg’s mother?
Where is she?”

Charles’s expression darkened. “She left me,” he said. “Now,

don’t change the subject. You and I belong together. Now we can
finally have a family.”

“I already have a family—my mate and my egg.” With that,

Shiloh shut the door in Charles’s face.

“Shiloh, you’re just making things worse for yourself,” his father


Shiloh hastened to the bedroom. His mate had already carefully

packed up the egg in its basket, shielding it with blankets. “We need
to go.”

Shiloh nodded, grabbed his documents, and made for the fire

escape. He considered grabbing his gun, but decided against it. He’d
have to be crazy to shoot someone with an egg close-by. Even if his
aim was great, the bullet could still ricochet and accidentally hit the
egg. The chances were slim, but Shiloh wasn’t willing to risk it.

As he left their apartment, he could hear the entrance door

protesting under the assault of the swans. Liam followed after him,
carefully carrying the egg.

They managed to reach their car, but unsurprisingly, their motions

were anticipated or felt. Swans surrounded them as they reached their
vehicle, and they were far more than Shiloh had even expected. Liam

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handed the egg to Shiloh, snarling. “If you think you’ll touch a hair on
his head,” he growled, “you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Stay out of this, wolf,” one of the men said. Shiloh found with

surprise he didn’t even know the guy. God, had so much time passed
since he’d been to the valley?

Liam bared his teeth at the gathering. “I think not. You’re the ones

who’re attacking my family.”

As the swans approached, Liam spoke to Shiloh through their

bond. “Baby, get in the car,” he said. “I’ll stall.”

Shiloh wanted to question the command, but he knew his egg was

relying on him. With trembling hands, he opened the car door and
took the driver’s seat, placing the egg on the car floor and doing his
best to secure it.

Outside, he spotted several swans shoot forward toward the car.

They didn’t get the chance to reach him. Liam shifted into his wolf
form and attacked with a speed that surprised even Shiloh. He stopped
at least two of the swans, while the others shifted in their animal form
and took off into the air.

Shiloh yelped as one of them landed on the car and tried to break

the windshield with his bill. He rushed to insert the key into the
ignition and started the vehicle. Using the wipers, he managed to
temporarily dissuade the swan attacker. He didn’t think the
windshield could be so easily shattered, but swans were large birds,
and could be very persistent.

Liam’s wolf form pushed the swan off the car, and, together, the

two animals rolled back onto the tarmac.

“Go!” Liam shouted in Shiloh’s mind. “Find Skylar. Get help.”
Shiloh was torn between his mate and his egg. In the end, he

decided the only thing he could do was to try to secure assistance.
Even if he did attempt to aid Liam, they would still be outnumbered,
and God only knew what would happen to the egg.

Tears streamed down his face as he drove off, keeping a steady

pace and occasionally stealing a peak at the egg. A measure of relief

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coursed through him at the realization that the egg looked safe. It
didn’t last, however, as moments later, a bullet passed straight
through the back window, narrowly missing Shiloh’s head.

* * * *

Liam mentally cursed as he watched a tall swan male prepare

himself to shoot after Shiloh again. He knew the first bullet had
almost hit his mate. Even the distraction was just enough to cause
possible damage to the egg.

Without hesitating, Liam lunged at the man endangering his

family. He managed to get there just as the swan shot once again. The
strength of his momentum sent them both crashing to the ground.
Thankfully, Liam’s intervention made the guy miss his aim.

Liam buried his fangs in the swan’s flesh, feeling slightly

disgusted as he did so. After all, his mate and child were swans.
However, this guy had attempted to hurt them, and Liam would do
whatever it took to stop him.

It shouldn’t have taken him long to deal with the swan. One swift

motion, a tear of that important vein that pumped blood to the other
man’s heart, and it would all be over. But he kept seeing his mate’s
gaze in his mind’s eye, kept recalling the warmth of the egg, the life
growing under the delicate shell. And remembering all that, he

Unfortunately, that gave the swan the occasion to regain his lost

composure. Liam felt the man struggle with his weapon. His instincts
kicked back and he was just about to tear into his opponent’s throat,
when a shot rang out.

Oddly, it was the sound he registered first. Seconds later came the

pain. Fuck it hurt. Liam had never managed to get himself shot with a
silver bullet, and he had to say he didn’t enjoy the experience.
Thankfully, his hold on the guy made it so that the bullet didn’t hit
anything vital. Instead, the shot affected Liam’s hind leg.

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Liam would have tried to continue his attack, but he became

aware of all the other swans around him. In his mind, he felt Shiloh’s
panicked cries. “Liam, get out of there. Oh, God, Liam…Run.”

Liam wasn’t above doing just that. He pushed off the swan and

slowly backed away, trying to keep hold of his senses. The silver
already burned through him, and, surrounded, he didn’t have much
chance to escape.

Surprisingly, the swans didn’t seem to be focused on him. An

older man approached them, glowering at Liam’s attacker. “Jesus
Christ,” he said. “Have you lost your mind, Charles?”

“Shiloh was getting away,” the man called Charles answered.

“And besides, we still got the wolf.”

“You only got him because he fought for Shiloh,” the man

answered coolly. “Now, Charles, I never trusted your words too much
in the first place, but now, I’m beginning to doubt them even more.”

“You can’t be serious.” Charles let out a sound of disbelief. “That

egg is mine and Shiloh stole it.”

A woman appeared by the older swan’s side. “And yet, you shot

at the vehicle carrying it, endangering both the egg and Shiloh. Even
if Shiloh did take the egg, we don’t appreciate having him hurt. He is
our son, after all, and you agreed to leave him be.”

So the man and the woman were Shiloh’s parents, then. It was

somewhat comforting to see they at least cared about Shiloh.

Liam took advantage of the distraction and began to slowly back

away. Charles must have sensed his motion, though, as he reached for
his gun. Before he could point it at Liam again, though, Shiloh’s
mother pulled it away from his grasp. “I don’t think so. I said it
before. No guns.”

Charles gritted his teeth in obvious anger. “What do we do about

the wolf, then?” he said.

For a few moments, the woman turned toward Liam. Her gaze

looked familiar, and Liam saw Shiloh in her. He wished he knew
what she was thinking.

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Then, the woman broke eye contact and went around Charles. The

motion blocked Charles’s body from sight, and Liam would’ve bet
money the man couldn’t see him either. As he looked around, he
realized everyone was studiously looking at the talking swans. Some
of the gathered men discreetly stepped forward, allowing him to pass.
What the fuck?

“Get out of there, Liam,” Shiloh said. He sounded a bit calmer,

but still afraid. “Us swans respect matings, and they must have
realized there’s no way you could have done what you did if you
weren’t my mate. Go before they change their minds.”

Liam didn’t wait to be told twice. His leg hurt like hell and he was

bleeding heavily, but his connection with Shiloh seemed to be feeding
him strength. He took off, following the feel of his mate in the

Somehow, he knew Shiloh waited for him. He hated the risks his

mate was taking, but asking Shiloh to back down would be useless,
and it could only lead them to a worse situation. If the swans caught
Liam, they could use him against Shiloh. Liam would avoid that, even
if it cost him his very life.

“Don’t even think that, Liam.” Shiloh’s voice came through their

connection. “I’m driving your way. Meet me at the coffee shop on the
corner of the block.”

Liam focused every ounce of strength he had on his destination.

Moving would cause the silver to affect him even more, but the swans
could change their minds any minute now. As much as Liam hated
running away from a fight, he knew how to pick his battles.

The coffee shop wasn’t too far. In fact, in normal circumstances,

he could have gotten there in minutes without breaking a sweat. In the
current situation, he didn’t even succeed in reaching it. Of course, it
didn’t help that he was essentially a huge-ass wolf wandering in plain
sight in the middle of LA. He had no idea how the swans would cover
this up, but right then and there, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

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His mate came to him, meeting him halfway to the coffee shop.

Liam limped to the car and Shiloh hastily helped him inside in quick,
efficient motions. He was trying to be brave, Liam realized, and he
felt so very proud of his mate.

“Hang in there, Liam,” Shiloh said. “I’ll get us help.”
Shiloh started the car again, and Liam focused on the sound of his

mate’s voice to keep himself from losing consciousness. “Don’t
worry, Liam,” Shiloh continued. “Nico will give us a hand and I’m
sure Skylar will know what to do.”

Liam wanted to be as confident as his mate, but with a silver

bullet lodged in his flesh, it wasn’t easy. Still, he surmised it could
have been much worse. His mate or the egg might have been injured.
Liam could deal with his own physical pain, but he didn’t think he’d
be able to stand it if anything happened to his family.

Lying on the backseat of their car, he didn’t register everything

Shiloh was saying. He distantly acknowledged the fact that they
didn’t seem to have been followed, thank God. Even so, Shiloh was as
tense as a bowstring, and Liam could see how much it tore him up to
have to choose between going faster and risking the egg and keeping
a more sedate speed and chancing Liam’s health.

In the end, they reached Nicolas’s house without further incident.

The hummingbird lived over his own store, a very convenient thing,
especially since it wasn’t too far by LA standards. Nicolas ran toward
them as Shiloh parked the car. “What’s the matter, Shiloh?” he asked.

Liam couldn’t be sure how Nicolas had guessed something was

wrong, but Shiloh must look pretty anxious right about now. “We
were attacked,” Shiloh said. He stopped the vehicle and took the egg.
“Liam’s hurt. Silver.”

Nicolas cursed under his breath. “Okay, let’s get him and the egg


Shiloh opened the back door and reached for Liam. Liam forced

his tired muscles to obey and crawled out of the car. “Don’t strain
Shiloh whispered in his mind.

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“I’ll be fine. I just need to get this bullet out.”
Shiloh led him into Nicolas’s music store-library and upstairs to

the apartment. “Have you called Dani?” Liam heard Nicolas ask. “We
need all the help we can get.”

“I didn’t get the chance to call anyone, really,” Shiloh answered as

he helped Liam onto a bed. “Nico, they most likely know where I
work. They’ll come for me here.”

“Okay, let’s not worry about that for now. I’ll deal with the bullet.

You take care of the egg and call Dani.”

“And Skylar,” Liam added mentally. “And contact the pack.

They’ll help.”

“Will they?” Shiloh inquired. He sounded doubtful.
“It can’t hurt trying anyway.” At most, they would refuse, but

Liam doubted it.

“All right,” Shiloh replied hastily. “Just stay put. Nico will help

you out.”

Trusting his shot ass to a hummingbird hadn’t been on Liam’s

bucket list, but he couldn’t exactly protest. He just lay there, forcing
himself to struggle against the burn. For a little while, it actually
worked, but then the odd flame began to fade, and so did Liam’s
consciousness. Liam sent Shiloh a brief surge of affection and
surrendered to the darkness.

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Chapter Eleven

The next day

Shiloh buried his face in his hands, emotionally and physically

exhausted. With his mate shot, he hadn’t been able to rest at all, and
he was still very concerned about the egg. A hand landed on his
shoulder and squeezed it. “Don’t worry, Shiloh,” Skylar Pierce said.
“It will be all right.”

For a brief moment, Shiloh allowed himself to absorb the comfort

coming from Skylar. He’d never actually figured out what kind of
shifter Skylar was. In his opinion, he was a sea creature of sorts, but
he also had a knack for comforting others that seemed almost
uncanny. As soon as Shiloh contacted him, he’d offered his assistance
in their problem.

Thankfully, Nicolas had been successful in retrieving the silver

bullet from Liam’s body, and his mate was recuperating nicely. This
knowledge kept Shiloh going, together with the thought that his egg
needed him. He’d expected some resistance to his adoption of the egg,
but not quite to this extent.

“My mother knows I’m not one to live in hiding.” Shiloh sighed.

“We need to prove we have a right to this egg.”

Skylar nodded. “It’s going to be quite a battle, but ironically, the

shootout will help. You two were merely trying to protect the egg, but
this Charles person shot at you, endangering it. That counts a lot and
allows the agency to get involved.” Skylar frowned slightly. “Still, it’s
not going to be easy, and we need all the help we can get, especially if
Charles is the biological parent.”

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Shiloh hated the thought, more so since he’d already claimed the

egg as his. “It might all be a lie, for all I know,” Shiloh said. “We
can’t be sure the egg is Charles’s.”

As he spoke, he felt his mate’s presence approach, minutes before

Liam walked into the room. “Who is this Charles guy anyway?” Liam
inquired. It was a wonder that he could move around after his injury,
but his voice came out strikingly strong. It seemed that after the silver
left his body, his shape-shifter abilities helped him heal. “What does
he want with you?”

He was carrying the egg in his arms, and Shiloh smiled, even if

he’d just left its side minutes ago to wash up and grab a bite. He only
remembered his mate’s question when Liam prodded, “Baby?”

Shiloh really didn’t want to go into his past history with Charles.

He’d actively tried to wipe out all of his failed relationships and one-
night stands from his mind and didn’t even have to work too much to
do it. None of those men could ever measure up to Liam. Still,
Charles represented a mistake he thought he’d left behind. God, how
wrong he’d been.

Liam’s expression darkened and Shiloh knew his mate had

registered his thought. “Oh,” Liam said simply.

“I’m not sure you caught everything he said the other day.” Shiloh

sighed once again. “Supposedly, he believes or wants to make
everyone believe I stole the egg. And he suggested that he might be
able to forgive me, and he and I should take care of it after it hatches.”

Silence followed his proclamation. “I didn’t quite grasp all of

that,” Liam said tersely. The bond often made them share thoughts,
but the flow wasn’t continuous. In a way, Shiloh couldn’t say he felt
bad about Liam not hearing this the other day. If he had, he might
have been even angrier and consequently gotten more hurt.

Skylar hummed thoughtfully. “You know, Shiloh, that’s really

suspicious. You said you found the egg at the door, right?” When
Shiloh nodded, Skylar continued, “Well, what if this guy planted his
egg there on purpose, knowing you’d want to care for it? Since he’s

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the birth parent, he’d have first right to it, and he could take it away.
Then, he’d have a way of forcing you by his side.”

Shiloh blinked in shock. It made an astounding amount of sense,

and it was exactly what someone like Charles would do. “But then,
we adopted the egg faster than he expected,” he said, “and ruined his
plans. No wonder he was so pissed.”

“If that’s true, I don’t think your parents or anyone else knows

about it,” Liam answered. “They let me out of there even if they could
have easily put another bullet in me and finished the job.”

Shiloh unwillingly shuddered, the thought making him sick to his

stomach. He strode toward his mate, retrieved the egg, and headed
back into the bedroom. As he well knew, Nicolas and Daniel were
waiting for him there. The looks they gave him told him they’d
overheard at least part of the conversation.

“Shiloh, I am certain the situation will soon remedy itself,” Daniel

offered. “You have our assistance, and that of Mr. Pierce. It is in no
way possible that anyone can break in here and take your egg or
injure your mate.”

Nicolas elbowed him in the stomach. “Liam’s fine, now, Shiloh.

Come on. Sit. Just spend some time with your egg and let us deal with
the rest.”

Shiloh smiled tightly at his friends. He didn’t want to remember

the image of Liam bleeding on the backseat of their car and then
struggling to limp into the store. His mate had been so very brave,
impossibly so, and Shiloh still didn’t know what he’d done to deserve
Liam’s loyalty. “Thanks,” he answered.

His heart heavy, he placed the egg on the bed and changed into his

swan form. As he took position on top of it, he wondered how much
longer it would take for it to hatch. He couldn’t be sure as to how
much time had passed between the moment when the egg had been
lain and its abandonment. His best bet was not long, and the cygnet
still needed time to develop.

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As he thought about the little being still under the shell, an odd

feeling of anxiety attacked him. He couldn’t exactly put his finger on
it, but it reminded him of the moment he’d felt his parents and the
other swans. Still, it was different, and something inside Shiloh
screamed “predator.”

Moments later, he noticed his friends tense as well. “Someone’s

coming,” Nicolas said unnecessarily.

“Do not worry, Shiloh,” Daniel added. “We will not let any harm

come to you.”

Shiloh felt somewhat reassured by their words, as well as by the

knowledge that, technically speaking, the people out to get them
wouldn’t be predators. In fact, through Liam, he was already ninety-
five percent sure of the identity of their visitor.

The doorbell rang and Shiloh felt, rather than heard, Liam go to

let the new arrival in. There was a round of greetings, and then Liam
appeared in the bedroom, followed by Soren. Daniel and Nicolas were
analyzing him with undisguised suspicion, and Shiloh managed to
squash his urge to hiss at Soren. Intellectually, he knew the Alpha
wolf didn’t mean him any harm, but his protective instincts screamed
at him to push away the threat. Hell, he even disliked having Daniel
and Nicolas next to the egg, let alone Soren.

The Alpha wolf ignored the tension in the room. “Hello, Shiloh. I

hear you have a little problem.”

Shiloh had been the one to call Soren, yes, but he knew that he’d

been quite incoherent with concern. He hoped Liam would take care
of bringing Soren up to speed with the information. He didn’t shift,
and just continued to stare at Soren. His scrutiny paid off moments
later when he noticed Soren’s gaze slip toward Daniel in a barely
perceivable motion. Interesting.

“I’m not sure how much you know,” Liam answered in Shiloh’s

turn, “but Shiloh’s people attacked us yesterday. They mean to take
our egg and even attempted to kill Shiloh.”

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The brief explanation had Soren focusing on the conversation

once again. “Right. The famous egg. I admit I didn’t understand much
from what your mate told me on the phone regarding it.”

“Long story short, Shiloh and I found an abandoned egg. We

mated and adopted it, but now the egg’s parent is claiming it and
accusing Shiloh of having stolen it.”

Soren blinked at him. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just give it back?”
To Shiloh’s surprise, it was Daniel who answered. “Would you

give your pup away?”

Soren went silent at that and looked from Daniel to Shiloh and

back. “All right,” he said finally. “Just tell me what we can do to

“Simply being here helps.” Liam grinned. “The swans won’t take

us by surprise again.”

“It’s not enough,” Shiloh sent through his connection with Liam.

“Eventually, they’ll get to the egg if we don’t have a definitive

Liam’s grin vanished. “Any ideas?”
Shiloh thought for a few moments, struggling to remember

everything that had happened the day before. Something was bugging
him, but with Liam’s injury he hadn’t really gotten around to figuring
out what. At last, he recalled it. “The egg has to have a mother,” he
told Liam. “Charles looked really nervous when I asked about her.
We have to find her

This time, Liam’s smile was warm and encouraging. He walked to

the bed and sat next to Shiloh. His arms wrapped around Shiloh’s
long neck. It should have been awkward, but it wasn’t. Shiloh felt like
they fit together, and for the millionth time, he wondered how he
could have ever doubted it. He placed his head on Liam’s shoulder
and closed his eyes. It would work out. It had to.

* * * *

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The building loomed large and quiet in front of Liam. Liam had to

force himself to stand still and wait. As a predator, he was used to
stalking, but somehow, he’d never thought he’d be in this situation.

Shiloh had told them that the only way to find out who the egg’s

mother was would be to go to the swans’ valley and search the birth
records. After all, no one would expect them to be here of all places.
Of course, Shiloh stayed behind to watch the egg, and Liam knew that
if he didn’t have the connection between them, he’d have been
worried sick. Hell, he was still worried sick, but it couldn’t be helped.
In these circumstances, standing around and waiting irked him

“Stay calm,” Shiloh said. “I’m fine and so is the egg. The guys

haven’t been inside for that long.”

Liam knew that, but he still felt anxious. He’d hated having to

send Daniel and Nicolas all alone inside the building. As the smallest
shifters, they were less likely to be sensed if they got too close to the
guards, not to mention that they could sneak inside with ease. The rest
of their group acted as backup, in case something went wrong and
they needed to extract the two. Other than Liam, Soren, Brody, and a
couple more wolves stood by.

In truth, Brody’s presence helped Liam. The man had dropped

everything and come to Liam’s aid as soon as he’d heard what
happened. To a certain extent, Liam felt bad about forcing Brody to
leave his family, but he knew Carson and the kids were perfectly safe.
Simply having his old friend by his side counted more than he’d

Still, it seemed to take forever until he sensed Daniel and Nicolas

approach. At first, he couldn’t even spot the little hummingbird, not
that he was surprised. At last, the two shifters reached the group of
wolves. The small squirrel climbed on top of Soren—something Liam
secretly found intriguing—while the hummingbird buzzed around
their heads. Obviously, the two had found what they’d been looking
for. Liam led them out of the valley, through the tricky paths,

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following Shiloh’s instructions to the letter, letting his mate guide him
through their connection. Shiloh had insisted that in some places, the
land was tricky here, so they needed to be careful.

At last, they were home free and heading out of enemy territory.

Liam allowed himself to speed up, and felt tremendously relieved
when they finally reached their car. They’d covered it as best they
could to shield it from possible swans coming from above, but a
lingering doubt had still niggled at the back of his mind.

As soon as they reached the vehicle, they all shifted and grabbed

their clothing from inside. “Okay,” Nicolas said as he dressed. “Found
it. Her name’s Sandy Anderson. Looked up her location. It seems she
lives in England.”

“England?” Liam repeated in disbelief. “Why the hell would that

guy hook up with a woman from there?”

“I guess he wanted to keep the egg without having any hassle,”

Shiloh answered through their bond. “Female swans are generally
protective over their eggs, so having someone from the valley as the
mother of the egg would have caused him trouble.”

Liam sensed Shiloh’s apprehension over what they were doing.

After all, this Sandy might demand her child back, and then where
would they be? “Do you want to abandon the plan?”

Shiloh hesitated for a moment. “No. I think we should ask her, but

we shouldn’t tell her we found the egg, at least, not outright.”

“Okay, Shiloh.” Liam took a deep breath and opened the car door.

“You can count on us.”

* * * *

Unsurprisingly, it took a while for Liam to find Sandy Anderson.

Even if they had the general address, they still needed to go to some
obscure village in the middle of Southampton. Luckily, Soren
managed to arrange for a private plane to carry them over the ocean.
Liam would have preferred to see Shiloh and the egg one more time

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before they were forced to leave the United States, but he didn’t have
any choice. Shiloh needed to stay behind to care for the egg, and they
didn’t have much time before the swans tried to take it back again.

Skylar had enlisted Garth’s assistance for Shiloh’s protection, so

Liam was pretty sure Shiloh would be safe. Still, just in case, he sent
Brody back to the city and told Nicolas to go with him. His mate
would need a couple of friendly faces, especially since it had been
established that Skylar would go with them.

Daniel stayed with them, and distantly, Liam noticed the

occasional furtive looks between Soren and the squirrel shifter. He
made a mental note to inquire into it as soon as was necessary. To a
certain extent, it concerned him. The elder might have been okay with
Liam taking a mate outside their species, but he already had one son
bonded to a male herbivore, and he might not take kindly to Soren
doing the same.

In the end, they sneaked into the British airspace without too

much trouble. Their pilot dropped them off just minutes from their
destination, a small community of shape-shifters. When they landed,
they found Skylar already waiting for them.

Skylar explained that according to their original reconnaissance, it

didn’t consist only of swans, but also of other species that could
coexist. Of course, Liam very much doubted he or the other wolves
would be welcome. “It’ll be best if Dani and I go inside alone,” he
said. “That way we won’t initiate any hostilities.”

Soren didn’t look thrilled about it, but he nodded. Daniel led the

way, and the group of wolves stopped at the outskirts of the village.
Yet again, they were forced to wait, and the feeling of uselessness
crowded Liam’s mind. He’d have been of better use by his mate’s

The wait seemed to take ages, but at last, Daniel and Liam

approached them, followed by a tall, slender woman. “Hey, you
didn’t say anything about wolves.” The woman gave Skylar an ugly
look when she saw them. “I think I changed my mind.”

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Liam suppressed the urge to growl at her. “Look, we just want to

ask you a few questions.”

The swan didn’t seem particularly convinced. “About Charles. I

just knew I shouldn’t let this guy convince me. If Charles is involved,
it means trouble.”

Somehow, she managed to sound both elegant and sleazy. It must

be a feat only a swan would be capable of. Liam kept a stance as
neutral as possible and offered her a smile as he started the camcorder
hidden against his hip. “Just tell us how you know him, when was the
last time you saw him. That sort of thing.”

A casual interrogation would probably be best and would not alert

her that she was being recorded. Technically speaking, this would be
illegal for a human, but shape-shifters had the advantage of skirting
some human laws.

The woman arched a brow. “Very well. He and I met in the States.

I was on holiday and decided to visit some friends there.” She laughed
self-deprecatingly. “At first, I thought he might be my mate, but then
realized he’s not partner material. He seemed fun enough, so I hung

So far, nothing she’d said was of any use to him. No-strings sex

might not be the norm for swans, but it wasn’t unusual for shape-
shifters in general, and it wasn’t a crime. “Right,” he prodded. “What
else? Did he ask anything of you?”

Sandy tensed. “What is this all about anyway?” she inquired. “I’m

not really happy with answering all these questions.”

Skylar wrapped an arm around her waist. “It’s nothing you should

be worried about. You just need to tell us what you know, and then
we’ll let you go.”

“With my money,” Sandy insisted. “And I won’t get into any

trouble for this.”

Skylar nodded, but Liam could sense a tension in the man. He

hoped they wouldn’t have problems because of this. It seemed Skylar
promised her cash in exchange of her cooperation, but Liam didn’t

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think he could have come up with the idea. “You have my word you
won’t have any problems,” Skylar said.

Sandy shrugged and started to speak again. “I suppose it’s not that

big of a deal. Most people know anyway. I laid an egg for him. He
promised to pay me handsomely if I did it, and hey, who am I to

Through his connection with his mate, Liam sensed Shiloh’s

disgust. “No wonder she doesn’t live in a swan community, with that
kind of attitude.”

Liam smiled tightly. “Did he say why he wanted it?”
“Not at first,” Sandy answered. After a small hesitation, she

continued, “I really won’t get into trouble for this?”

Skylar nodded. “Don’t worry about a thing. I take full

responsibility. Go on.”

Sandy seemed pacified. “One night, though, he got a little drunk

and told me he had a plan.” She laughed unpleasantly. “Apparently,
he’s stuck on this guy who dumped him years back. Shiloh, I think his
name was? Anyway, he was going to take the egg and give it to the
guy, then, after a while, accuse him of having stolen it. The only way
for this Shiloh person to keep the egg would be to mate him.”

“And it didn’t bother you to have your egg taken?” Skylar asked


The woman shrugged. “It’s not the first time I’ve lain eggs for

same-sex couples. Whatever they choose to do with them afterwards
is their business.” She arched a brow at Liam. “So, I’m assuming he
got into trouble for it. Well, as long as no one badgers me for it, I
don’t care.”

Liam grinned back at her. “I appreciate your cooperation, madam.

Don’t worry. No one will bother you.”

They had what they’d come for, and he suspected Shiloh’s parents

would be very interested in it.

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Chapter Twelve

Shiloh fidgeted on the chair, as nervous as hell. He stole another

peek at the clock on the wall. God, it was taking them forever to get

Through Skylar’s assistance, they’d managed to set up a meeting

with his parents, Charles, and the swan elder at the agency. It made
Shiloh anxious that the situation even reached the elder, but at this
point, he couldn’t back down. It didn’t help that he missed his egg
like crazy. It was in the nursery, cared for by professionals, but he still
wouldn’t be happy until he had it with him again.

Liam took his hand and squeezed it. “It’s going to be all right,

baby. With what we have on Charles and all of Skylar’s research,
there’s no way that custody won’t be granted to us.”

Shiloh offered his mate a tremulous smile. “I hope so, Liam. I

hope so.”

Thankfully, he was not forced to wait for much longer. A few

minutes later, Garth entered through a side door. “Ready?” he asked.

Shiloh nodded and got up. As Liam followed his example, Garth

gestured them to the door. “This is how it’s going to work. Skylar will
be explaining the situation,” he said. “I will stand by with all the
documents and the video. You two don’t say anything unless you
absolutely have to or you’re asked a question.”

Shiloh nodded in acquiescence of Garth’s instructions. Finally, the

other man led him and Liam to Skylar’s office. As they walked in, he
almost sensed the hostility thicken in the air. Of course, Skylar was
there, accompanied by several guards, but they weren’t the ones who
held Shiloh’s attention. His mother sat on one of the chairs, and his

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father stood next to her. They gave Shiloh twin pained looks, but
didn’t speak. Charles glowered at them, and the elder was the only
one who smiled.

“Shiloh,” he said. “Look at you. How long has it been since we’ve

seen each other?”

“Uh…Five years?” Shiloh replied. He knew Elder Kingston acted

diplomatically in any occasion. As a rule, the man was fair, but also
harsh. Shiloh hoped the elder would see the truth in their words and
not give them any trouble. “It’s an honor and a privilege to be in your
presence once again,” he added formally. “This is my mate, Liam

The elder’s smile dimmed. “So I see. The wolf. I didn’t think it

was true until now.”

The elder didn’t look pleased, but Shiloh refused to back down.

“Our official bonding is a new development,” he said with a dishonest
smile, “but we’ve been together for months.”

A vein twitched in the older swan’s forehead, and it almost

seemed like a cue for Charles. The man shot forward, pointing at
Shiloh angrily. “You see, elder?” he shouted. “He is actually planning
to keep the egg in the proximity of this predator.”

“Shiloh, is this true?” the elder asked.
“I don’t see the problem,” Shiloh answered. “Liam and I have

adopted the egg and taken responsibility for it. The fact that he is a
meat eater is irrelevant.”

“I disagree,” the elder answered. “With the situation as it is, the

most logical course of action would be for the egg to return to

Shiloh had expected this conclusion, but he relied on his friends to

present their case to the elder.

“If I may, Sir,” Skylar piped up. “I believe you don’t know all the


In silence, Garth provided Skylar with the video of Sandy’s

confession. Skylar pressed a button on his desk, revealing a large

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entertainment center. He inserted the disc into the DVD player and
pressed play.

Shiloh had seen the entire thing before, but it was somehow still a

novel experience. On the wide, flat screen, Sandy seemed even more
truthful and disdainful than he’d originally thought. Her words echoed
through the room, hitting them all like an avalanche. Shiloh looked
away from the television in favor of observing the rest of the
occupants of the room. His parents looked shocked and horrified,
while the elder’s expression had turned completely blank. Charles had
gone a funny shade of gray, and Shiloh hid a smile at the sight.

Several times, Charles tried to speak, but the elder lifted a hand,

stopping him. At last, the recording ended, and Charles unleashed his
vitriol. “Everything she said is a lie,” he shouted. “She’s lying! You
heard it yourself. She said that they would give her money. It’s Shiloh
who stole the egg.”

Skylar cleared his throat. “It’s true that Miss Anderson required

some monetary persuasion, but given the circumstances and the
limited time at our disposal, we couldn’t do anything different.
However, I can assure you she spoke the truth.”

“In addition, Mr. Meyer, you don’t have any evidence to support

your claim that Mr. Shiloh Denning-Holden stole your egg.” Garth
arched a brow. “I have here documents attesting to the fact that you
were in LA the day he found it. Could you tell us why you came

“You know, I always wondered about that.” Shiloh’s mother

brushed an invisible piece of lint off her skirt. “How would the egg
ever get to Shiloh? You were not supposed to be out of the valley,
Charles, especially not with an egg.”

Charles looked nervous. “I never left. The egg disappeared from

my home.”

Garth handed the papers to the elder. “Registers of the hotel where

Mr. Meyer stayed. We also have the security video to prove his
presence there.” Garth offered him an unpleasant smile. “And that

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includes the moment he left the hotel with the egg, and returned
without it.”

Garth retrieved another video, but Charles took a deep breath and

hastily said, “All right. I admit I was here. I intended to contact Sandy
again and perhaps reunite. I did take the egg with me. At one point, I
looked away from it for a second, and it was gone.”

“That makes no sense whatsoever,” Shiloh’s father said. “If you’d

wanted to contact her, you could have easily done it from the valley.”

“Even if what you say is true,” the elder added, “what you did is

very irresponsible. A mere moment of inattention can be fatal for an
egg. You know that as well as I do.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. That still doesn’t make them better

parents than I could be.”

“Perhaps not,” Shiloh’s mother answered, “but you tried to shoot

at Shiloh’s car with the egg inside. The wolf took a bullet for them. I
do believe that has to be taken into account.”

The elder turned so fast it was almost a blur. “You did what?” he

said to Charles as he grabbed the man and shook him.

“I…Shiloh was getting away with my egg. I had to stop him.”
“And you risked both Shiloh’s life and that of the egg for your

own selfishness.” The elder released Charles in obvious disgust. He
turned toward Liam and Shiloh. “Liam, is it?”

Liam nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“Tell me, Liam, why are you so intent on keeping this egg?”
“I would think that it’s obvious,” Liam answered without missing

a beat. “It’s my egg and Shiloh’s. We love our child.”

It was such a simple explanation, and exactly what Liam needed

to say, more so since anyone with a brain and a heart could see
Liam’s honesty.

The elder nodded, looking thoughtful. “It seems I’ve been quite

poorly informed. But I’m not a man afraid to admit his own mistakes.
Keep the egg, Shiloh, and take good care of it.”

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A boulder lifted off Shiloh’s chest. “I’m no longer accused of

stealing it, then?”

The elder shook his head. “You don’t need to worry about that.

Even if you had stolen the egg, a fact which I very much doubt, you’d
have been protecting it from inappropriate parents.” He paused and
gave Charles a look full of meaning, then turned toward Shiloh once
again. “Of course, you’ll have to contact us more often to tell us about
it, and yourself.”

“Don’t worry, elder,” Skylar offered. “Here at the agency we

always make sure children adapt well into their new homes. I have
taken quite an interest in this case and will personally make sure the
baby is safe at all times.”

“And of course I’ll call,” Shiloh answered, almost light-headed

with relief. “Thank you, elder.”

Elder Kingston offered him a smile. “One last thing. If I could see

the egg, with your permission, of course?”

Shiloh considered the request and decided it wasn’t risky. After

all, he needed to go pick up his egg anyway. “Certainly. We’re going
to retrieve the baby now. If you like, you can come join us.”

“We’d like to come, too, son,” his father said. “After all, we have

to meet our future grandson or granddaughter.”

Shiloh nodded, pleased about his parent’s request. Liam gestured

him toward the door, and Shiloh turned. His gaze fixed on Liam and
they shared a long look. At last, it was all over. Soon, they could go
back to living their lives and building their family.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he absolutely lost track of all

motion behind him. All of a sudden, he spotted Liam’s eyes widening
in horror. He registered Liam trying to tell him something, then the
sound of a gunshot. Pain exploded inside his head, but it only
registered for a brief moment, and then everything went black.

* * * *

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Liam knew the exact moment when the bullet knocked Shiloh out.

Their connection stuttered and, for a horrible moment, Liam thought
it would disappear. It didn’t, and that was the only thing keeping
Liam breathing while he lunged to catch his mate before he hit the

It had been one second, one single second when none of them had

been paying attention, when Charles Meyer retrieved his hidden gun
and shot Shiloh in the head. Liam realized what was going on an
instant before the bullet hit Shiloh.

Distantly, he registered Garth lunging at Charles and relieving

him of his gun, while Charles shouted, “If I don’t have him, no one

Liam wanted to kill him. He wanted to tear the swan into little

pieces. But the instinct to be by his mate’s side was stronger than the
instinct to kill. He leaned over Shiloh, frantically trying to figure out
what to do.

Ballistic injuries had never been his specialty—hell, he was no

doctor—but he knew a wound to the head could easily be fatal, even
for a shape-shifter. His mind was screaming, Oh God, Shiloh, oh God,
, over and over again, and he had no idea what to do.

Instinctively, he snarled when a stranger tried to approach them.

He would not let anyone hurt Shiloh further. He would protect his
mate. He had to.

His hackles rose when the swan elder knelt next to him and

Shiloh. “Liam, you have to move,” the elder swan said gently. “You
need to let the medic see him.”

Liam snarled at the man, not wanting to allow anyone to touch his

mate. Reason prevailed, however, and he slowly backed away. Even
so, he kept a close eye on the new arrival, just in case the man tried
anything funny.

“We need to get him to the clinic,” the medic said. As if by magic,

a gurney appeared by his side, and shortly after, Liam realized a
couple of assistants had carried it here.

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It was by miracle that he managed to contain himself and not

lunge at them as they placed Shiloh on the gurney. He clung to the
knowledge that they were trying to do the best thing for Shiloh, but it
quickly faded, replaced by anger and despair.

He trembled with the need to shield his mate from everyone else,

and his heart collapsed on itself when he realized his intervention
could only do more harm. Lost in a haze of pain and sorrow, he
followed behind the doctor and the assistants. He became aware of
Shiloh’s parents joining him, but his gaze could just focus on Shiloh
and his pale face, the blood staining the white of the gurney, and their
connection flickering like a candle struggling against a hurricane.

The assistants seemed to be moving too slowly, far too slowly.

Every second counted, and Liam wanted to scream at them, to tell
them to get their lazy asses into gear to help his mate. At last, they
reached the section of the building that served as a clinic. On
automatic pilot, Liam trailed after them, until the assistants
disappeared beyond a pair of white doors. The doctor turned toward
Liam and hastily said, “You can’t come in right now. Please wait here
and we’ll come get you when we have news.”

Liam opened his mouth to protest, but the doctor didn’t give him

the chance. “You have to let us do our jobs. I assure you your mate
will get the best of care.”

What could Liam say? He nodded numbly and took a step back,

allowing the doctor to follow the assistants into the room beyond the
white doors. His eyes glued onto those same doors, he plopped down
on a nearby bench and prepared himself for a long wait.

Around him, he registered all sorts of activity. Some other persons

appeared around him. At one point, Brody’s familiar voice tried to
reach out to him, but failed. He knew Shiloh’s parents and friends
were also in the area, but couldn’t bring himself to care.

He didn’t know how long he sat there, his body frozen in the same

position, his mind desperately trying to catch any change in Shiloh’s

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condition. At last, the doctor emerged from the room beyond the
white doors.

Liam shot to his feet, spurred into motion by the man’s

appearance. One look at the medic’s carefully neutral expression told
him what he needed to know, though. “Is he going to die?” he asked,
his voice trembling.

“We’ve managed to stabilize his condition,” the medic answered.

“The injury was severe, the bullet penetrating a sensitive section of
the brain.” Liam swooned on his feet, his world going dim around the
edges. “In these conditions,” the doctor continued, “a human would
have died. However, we did extract the bullet successfully. From this
point on, we can only hope his shape-shifter abilities will facilitate his

“H–How is he now?” Liam stammered. His heart was beating a

million miles an hour. He needed to trust Shiloh’s strength. His mate
would recover. Liam could not accept any other alternative.

“Still under anesthesia, but stable,” the doctor answered.
“But that’s a good thing right?” Shiloh’s mother asked from

behind Liam.

The medic looked hesitant. “What is it?” Liam prodded. “There’s


He had a feeling he didn’t even want to know the answer, and his

suspicion was confirmed moments later, when the doctor added, “You
have to know that even with the help of his abilities, there is a chance
that the bullet might have damaged the patient’s nervous system
beyond repair. Even if we did manage to save his life, he might never
wake up.”

* * * *

A few weeks later

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Liam stared at the pale figure of his mate and offered Shiloh a

small smile he didn’t really feel. “Hey, baby. How are you this
morning? Look who I brought to see you.”

Unsurprisingly, Shiloh didn’t answer. He never did, although

Liam never ceased hoping that one day, he would. His eyelashes
didn’t even flutter, and he gave no sign that he’d heard Liam at all.

Liam sighed and sat next to Shiloh on the bed. Cuddling the egg

in his arms, he continued to speak. “I hope you’re feeling better. The
egg is due to hatch any moment now. You wouldn’t want to miss

No reaction. Liam’s heart hurt, and he closed his eyes for a

moment, trying to calm down. The doctor told them that if Shiloh
didn’t wake within a week of the shootout, his chances would start to
dwindle. With each passing day, it became more unlikely that Shiloh
would wake. But no matter what the man said, Liam would never lose

When he opened his eyes again, the sight of his mate’s figure still

came as a shock. Truth be told, other than the close-cropped hair
already starting to grow back, and, of course, all the medical
equipment around the bed, Shiloh could have very well been sleeping.
Even so, there was something missing. Shiloh didn’t seem really

Shiloh had been so full of life, so quick to laugh and to burst into

anger, that it was difficult to accept all the energy had been drained in
one terrible moment.

He turned to look at Carson, who’d been waiting in silence on the

chair next to the bed. As soon as he’d learned of the shooting, the
lamb took his kids and came to the city. Brody was in charge of Clark
and Angel now, while Carson, Nicolas, and Daniel took turns in
helping Liam with Shiloh’s care.

“How is the egg?” Carson asked.
“Should be coming any day now.” Liam sighed, wondering how it

had all gone so wrong. “Shiloh should have been the one hatching it.”

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But Shiloh had been robbed of that privilege, among many other

things. Liam could only hope Shiloh would eventually wake. In the
meantime, the care of the egg had fallen onto Liam.

Skylar had offered to keep it at the agency, but Liam refused.

He’d already made a decision. No matter what happened with Shiloh,
he would still take the egg in. It was as much for Shiloh as for
himself. The egg belonged to them, and Liam knew Shiloh would
want him to do this. Thankfully, with the help of Shiloh’s friends, he
could care for the egg and for his mate at the same time.

Carson looked pained. “Brody called,” he whispered.
Liam blinked in surprise. He hadn’t heard the sound of the phone

ringing. “When?”

“An hour or so ago,” Carson replied. “They found Charles dead.

Someone killed him.”

Shock and anger coursed through Liam. Charles had been

imprisoned by the swans shortly after the shootout, and Liam had
been unable to get to the man and punish him like he deserved. He’d
sworn he would deal with Charles as soon as Shiloh got better.
Apparently, he would not get the chance.

“Killed?” he repeated. “How?”
“Officially, no one knows.” Carson gulped and looked away. “But

off the record, an unknown e-mail address sent pictures.”

Carson retrieved a tiny netbook from the nightstand and turned it

on. It had been on standby, Liam realized, and in a few moments, it
loaded the images in question. They were quite gruesome. It seemed
someone cut off Charles’s arms and pushed him off a high point. He
noticed Carson didn’t even look away, an unusual thing given the
lamb’s sensitive nature. “Seems swans really do take care of their
own,” Carson murmured.

Liam nodded. A part of him wished he’d have been the one to do

it. He still blamed himself for not killing Charles when he’d had the
chance. He’d known then Charles represented a threat to Shiloh’s life,

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


and yet, he’d hesitated. Because of that moment, Shiloh paid the

Still, judging the current circumstance, he didn’t think he would

have been able to deal with Charles for quite a while. Perhaps it was
better this way. He didn’t know how he’d have told the cygnet that
he’d killed his or her father.

All that faded to the back of his mind when he felt something

stirring in his arms. His heart fluttered as he realized the surface of the
egg was slowly cracking.

“Baby, look,” he told Shiloh. “It’s our egg. It’s hatching.”
On impulse, he placed the egg next to Shiloh, took his mate’s

hand, and placed it on the cracking shell, his own palm pressing over
it. His vision blurred as he reached out to Shiloh through their strained

“Come on, baby. We need you. I need you. I can’t do this alone.”
A shock of something passed through him, and into their bond. He

almost sensed their cygnet reach out for Shiloh the same moment he
did. The burst of energy was like a wave that swept away the barriers
keeping Shiloh’s consciousness from Liam.

Liam choked, astonished at the new life that was now breaking

into the world. As he blinked away his incipient tears, he watched in
shock and awe as a little cygnet emerged from the egg. His happiness
soared as he watched his mate’s eyes slowly open. From the bed,
Shiloh smiled at him. “Beautiful, isn’t he?”

Liam couldn’t believe it. A part of him had thought he’d never see

that amazing smile again. “Shiloh…Oh, baby.”

Shiloh wrapped his arms around him, enveloping both Liam and

the cygnet in a tight embrace. “It’s okay, Liam. I know. I’m never
going anywhere again.”

Between them, the cygnet honked, demanding attention. Shiloh

laughed and broke away from Liam. “Seems our little one has needs.”
His expression sobered. “Thank you, Liam. Thank you for caring for
our baby.”

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Scarlet Hyacinth

The way Shiloh said those words made Liam realize something

incredible. “You could hear me when I spoke to you.”

Shiloh nodded. “Sometimes. Most of all, I could feel you and the

egg. You two saved me, Liam. And I’m sorry for ever doubting you.”

A choked voice drew Liam’s attention. “Oh, Shil,” Carson said. “I

can’t believe it.”

Liam had completely forgotten about the lamb’s presence. He

took the cygnet in his arms and allowed the two friends to hug. His
heart felt like it would crumble under the weight of so much
overwhelming emotion. His mate had recovered and they had a child.
Liam held onto the new life in his arms, the beautiful baby swan
who’d helped bring Shiloh back, and smiled. At last, at last, they had
a chance at the happiness they’d been denied for far too long.

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg



A few weeks later

Sitting on the shore, Liam watched Shiloh swim in the pond,

followed by their cygnet. He still couldn’t believe his mate had
recovered from the gunshot wound. According to the medic, the
energy from the egg’s hatching had boosted Shiloh’s abilities and
brought him back to Liam.

Now, watching Shiloh with their son, Reed, it was hard to believe

that mere weeks before, Shiloh had been lying on a bed, motionless
and on the brink of death.

Don’t think about that,” Shiloh said through their connection. On

the water, he switched his direction and headed back toward Liam, the
cygnet obediently following. “I’m fine now, and that’s what matters.”

As the two swans reached the shore, Shiloh shifted to human

form, while Reed wobbled on the grass on his little cygnet legs. Reed
was too young to shift into human form. It would take him a year or
so until he would gain that ability. Chuckling, Liam took his son into
his arms. “Come on, son. Let’s go home.”

Reed honked a bit and settled into Liam’s warmth. Shaking his

head, Shiloh pulled his clothes on and wrapped his arm around
Liam’s waist. Together they made their way out of the park and
toward the car.

It was almost lunchtime, and there were many other people

around. It should have been unsettling, and it was, to the extent that
other shape-shifters still weren’t used to seeing a wolf cuddle a
cygnet. But Liam felt quite thankful that Skylar had helped them find

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Scarlet Hyacinth

this place, a more reclusive park reserved for shifters. Here, everyone
could come, with the condition that they remain peaceful at all times.
They could shift into their animal forms, teach their children to fly or
hunt. Of course, it didn’t feel like the wild, but Liam couldn’t yet
afford a house away from the city. Unfortunately, even if both his
pack and the swans agreed to their mating, that didn’t mean he,
Shiloh, and Reed could live in either location.

He was making arrangements with Brody, though. Brody had the

land, and together, they were building a small home for Shiloh, Liam,
and Reed. It would be perfect, since that way, Reed would also have
playmates and Brody could build his own little pack, like Carson used
to say.

In the meantime, though, Liam had found a new job—he’d lost his

previous one while caring for Shiloh—and enjoyed spending time
with his mate and son. He temporarily worked for Skylar and the
adoption agency, and having his boss as a friend really had perks.

They reached their car without incident, and Shiloh sat behind the

wheel. Liam took position in the back seat. After ensuring Reed was
safe, Shiloh started the vehicle.

“You know, I was thinking. You never did finish teaching me how

to sing.”

Liam froze. He’d never been superstitious, but he couldn’t help

but remember that old legend according to which swans only ever
sang when they died.

He noticed Shiloh’s kind smile moments before his mate began to

hum a lullaby under his breath. It was the same one Shiloh had been
singing when they’d met. Reed let out a sound of contentment and
cuddled closer to Liam.

“Legends are just that, legends,” Shiloh said in Liam’s mind.

“We’re making up our own story—the story of the swan who sang
and the wolf who hatched an egg.”

The lingering apprehension faded from Liam’s mind and they

both burst into laughter. Against Liam’s chest, Reed honked again,

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The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


and the familiar sound told Liam everything he needed to know. This
time, nothing would be able to separate them.



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A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid

fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and
adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she
delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled
onto romance.

As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer

day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her
to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As
it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but
Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting
to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation,
studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the
Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people
who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in
the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.

Also by Scarlet Hyacinth

Siren Classic ManLove: Mate or Meal 1: The Lamb Who Cried Wolf

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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