Hyacinth Scarlet Draechens Mate

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Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 2


Draechen's Mate

Black dragon Karein Tersain is the ultimate soldier. He has fought

to contain the werewolves and vampires who once nearly
destroyed the world, enforcing a Shifter Directive he doesn’t really

believe in, all the while struggling with nightmares and plagued by
restless guilt.

But as his two hundredth birthday approaches, his time is running
out. Without a mate, he risks being killed by his own people. To
top things off, his father, the draechen emperor, arranges his

marriage with a fae, Sari Norrenddare.

A political match is the last thing Karein needs. Or so he thinks,

until he meets Sari. The moment he sets his eyes on the beautiful
fae, Karein realizes Sari is his true mate.

But even as the two men fall desperately in love with each other,
Karein’s family aims to begin a war with the fae. Can the strength

of one mate bond change the destinies of two peoples and save
the paranormal world from chaos?

NOTE! You are purchasing Siren's newest imprint, the Siren Epic

Romance collection. This is Book 2 of 7 in the Chronicles of the
Shifter Directive series. The series shares an overall story arc with

many crossover characters playing major roles in each book.
These books are not stand-alone and should be read in their

numbered order.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 80,830 words

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Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 2

Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Siren Epic Romance, ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Scarlet Hyacinth
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-186-9

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Siren Publishing
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 2


Copyright © 2013


Many humans value mythology a great deal, as in it, they see the

heart and truth of their nations. Some even tell the old stories to their
children, spreading the legends to the next generation. But what these
humans don’t know is that behind their legends lies a truth, one the
paranormal world has desperately been trying to contain.

The Black Death and the Great Sacrifice left behind a world torn

apart by anger, pain, death, and sorrow. The loss of so many humans
and of the warriors who bravely gave their own lives for the greater
good ushered the supernatural races to gather together and start work
on a piece of legislation they hoped would prevent such a thing from
happening again.

Deep in the Black Forest citadel of Draechenburg, where the great

river Danube bursts out of the bowels of the earth, all of them met in
hope for a better future. As the ones who had lost most, the draechen
and the fae presided over the proceedings, but there were many others
who made their appearance. Even rare shifters like gryphons and
hydras came, but also a great deal of magical creatures. Elves, fae,
sprites, djinn, and many others formed a gathering intent on coming
up with the best solution for themselves, and the world.

The talks lasted for over five decades, and in the early fifteenth

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century, the Directive of the Shifter Castes—also known as The
Shifter Directive—appeared. Some argued that it was too harsh.
Others claimed that it didn’t provide enough punishment for those
guilty of the atrocities that had brought them all there. In secret, the
majority of them felt that, on the whole, the Directive provided the
draechen with far too much power. But the Tersain dynasty was not to
be denied. The only ones who could have, the Ivenian fae, were no
longer the strong force they had been, as their nation was in political

After the death of his beloved son, Talrasar, King Amarion

Myrthylar had committed suicide, leaving behind no known heirs.
With the throne empty, Ivenia fell into chaos. Finally, one of the
noble ruling houses of Ivenia, the Norrenddare, came forward and
took over the leadership of the country. With the support of the other
nobles, they began to rebuild, although, of course, there were those
who argued the death of the unfortunate king was never a suicide in
the first place. And then, twenty years after the change in dynasties,
an heir appeared, the bastard child of the late King Amarion, Nathein.
The precarious balance the Norrenddare had managed to build
crumbled like a castle of cards as the political system of Ivenia was
thrust into chaos for the second time.

The Norrenddare could do nothing but step back and give Nathein

his rightful position and hope that they would at least be considered as
advisors for the future king. The bloodline of the Myrthylar was too
respected for anything different. But fortunately for them, and for
Ivenia, Nathein was a well-meaning fae. He was also a peasant,
having lived the first years of his life as a simple man. The potential
for brilliance glimmered inside him, but he had no wish for political
intrigue. And so in spite of suddenly having been thrust in a most
advantageous position, Nathein refused becoming a king.

To pacify the voices that claimed the naive Nathein had been

deceived and forcibly quieted, the Norrenddare returned Nathein
Myrthylar all his previous privileges and acknowledged the value of

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his heritage. And so, the Myrthylar remained one of the most
important families in Ivenia, no longer royal, but forever bound to the
throne nonetheless.

But by the time the Norrenddare managed to sort out their internal

problems, it was far too late for them to do anything about the
Directive of the Shifter Castes. And so, the draechen instituted their
regime over the shifters, with the magical creatures hoping that they
would not be affected. Alas, they were wrong, and their descendants
had to pay for the legacy of their cowardice.

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Chapter One

Draechenburg, somewhere in the Black Forest, Germany

“Married? Again? Who in the world have you managed to draw in

this time?”

Karein scowled at his mother, clenching his fists in fury. His

claws dug in his flesh, drawing blood, but he paid the pain no heed.
He could not imagine what kind of arrangement she had managed to
come up with. After the failure of his last engagement, he had not
expected her to come up with another plan so soon.

Completely immune to his anger, she crossed her legs and arched

a brow. “Stop making a spectacle of yourself. You’re not a child. I
won’t allow any tantrums.”

Karein fought back a scathing retort. It was clear to him that this

meeting was not one between a mother and a son, but between an
empress and the commander of her armies. It always was.

He should have known better than to lose his temper, but

unfortunately, his dragon had been growing more and more restless as
of late. “Of course, Your Majesty,” he said coldly. “I apologize. I am

Whether she was angry with him or not, she didn’t show it. But

that didn’t surprise Karein. Rowenasheb Tersain had always been the
epitome of a draechen empress, in all the wrong ways. “Rise and look
at me,” she commanded. “We have too many important things to
discuss to waste time like this.”

Karein obeyed and got up. He actually expected to be punished

for his outburst, but his mother didn’t address his comment again.

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Instead, she chose to resume the unpleasant conversation from earlier.

“As I was saying before you rudely interrupted, you are well

aware that for a while now, your father and I have been actively
looking for a mate for you. Given the latest fiasco, it’s proven to be
quite difficult, but we’ve finally come up with the perfect solution.”

Karein took a deep breath, trying to hold onto the mask of

coldness he was legendary for. He had a feeling he knew exactly what
she meant by those words, and he didn’t like it. “Your Majesty, with
all due respect—”

“Now, don’t start, Shtamakarein,” she interrupted. “You know

very well what I’m talking about, and you realize that it’s partially
your fault. Had you not been so foolish as to lose your betrothal to a
certain sprite…” She waved her hand in the air, as if trying to dispel
an unpleasant thought. “Surely you realize your mistakes in that

Karein just remained silent. Yes, of course he understood what

she meant. For crying out loud, he was the main strategist of their
armies and knew all too well the intricacies of the political game. But
truth be told, if the only consequence that appeared because of his
connection to Caelyn Sutharlainn was a failed engagement, he’d
count himself lucky. So far, his parents had remained unaware that he
had actually assisted the sprite and his wolf mate into escaping, and
were just frustrated because of the original cause of the entire fiasco.

“Well?” his mother prodded. “Do you have anything to say?”
“If you’re talking about the fae problem, I am very much aware of

what you’re referring to,” he replied icily.

“Good.” She smirked, crossing her legs. “Then you’ll be happy to

note that we’ve already sent a request of matrimony in your name to
the king of Ivenia, requesting the hand of your future mate. We’re
waiting for the reply now, but I expect it can only be positive. Your
father is very pleased.”

In that moment, Karein felt a looming presence approach, as if

summoned by her words. The door opened, and his father walked

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inside, each footstep like thunder on the tiles of the throne room. The
swish of his tail always reminded Karein of a heavy whip. Karein kept
his head down, already resigned to his fate. If his father had deemed
the issue so important as to come personally, it was clear that Karein
had no choice in the matter.

“Your future mate’s name is Sareltae, and he is the youngest

prince of Ivenia,” a hissing voice said in Karein’s head.

Karein knew better than to believe that this marriage was for his

own benefit. Granted, with the approach of his two hundredth
birthday, he needed a mate. But Sareltae Norrenddare had been at the
core of the entire plot to help Caelyn. So far, attempts to prove this
beyond any shadow of a doubt had failed. However, Karein’s father
was nothing if not determined, and his current goal was to start a war
with Ivenia.

Given this new information, it suddenly made sense why his

father had endeavored to keep Sareltae’s involvement in Caelyn’s
flight from the general public. So far, the knowledge had only reached
the people closest to the throne. Caelyn’s family, the Sutharlainn, had
been sent back to their home and forbidden to mention it again under
threat of death, something that, at the time, had relieved Karein. He
should have known nothing good could come out of an action his
father condoned.

“Thank you, my Emperor,” he replied. “I am honored by your

presence and generosity.”

As his father stopped in front of him, a huge, scale-covered paw

hovered in front of Karein, and a sharp claw traced his face, drawing
blood. “Good,” the emperor finally said. “The fae have no choice but
to comply with our demands, or risk the war.”

“In the case the mating does happen, what is required of me?”

Karein inquired.

“You will need to use your new mate and provide proof that he

truly did participate in the plot to free that sprite and his mutt,” the

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emperor indicated. “Once you mate him, you will be able to see his
memories, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Yes, but that implied Karein forcing a mate bond onto the fae,

which was monstrous to say the least. Having sex with someone was
one thing, but what his father suggested meant that he’d have to bind
his life and existence to Sareltae Norrenddare.

In the end, what did it matter? He was a soldier, and he complied

with the orders of his sovereign. Besides, even in the eyes of his
people, he was nothing but an automaton built, born, and raised to kill
for the emperor and empress. Not to mention that his two hundredth
birthday was ominously approaching. In a little over a month, if he
didn’t find a true mate, he would be killed. It was the law governing
the existence of the black dragons. Sareltae wouldn’t have to suffer
for too long.

For Karein, everything was very clear. He didn’t have a family,

and he didn’t deserve one. This marriage would serve the purpose of
the draechen nation of Ornoz, just like everything else Karein had
done in his life.

Without bothering to check his wound, Karein saluted his father

and bowed lowly in front of his mother. “I live and die by your

As they dismissed him, he turned on his heel and left the throne

room, heading toward the barracks. He wasn’t even angry anymore.
He had long ago accepted that he was nothing more than a tool for his
parents. There was no point in dwelling on it.

Besides, perhaps having an Ivenian as a mate wouldn’t be so bad.

At the very least, he’d end up with a regular bed partner without
having to bother to find people who weren’t frightened of him. The
thought didn’t fill him with much enthusiasm, but it was something to
be considered.

Then again, with Karein’s luck, the Ivenian would be hideous or

have a horrible temper. The best solution was to just disregard the
entire thing completely and act as if nothing had changed. He would

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wed the famous Sareltae, but his life would just go on like before. His
dragon could sate itself on Sareltae’s body, and Karein could continue
enforcing the Directive of the Shifter Castes, just like he’d done all
throughout his life.

Nodding to himself, Karein left the main building of the palace,

his mind already on more important things. The real issue in this
entire matter was that Karein actually wanted to avoid the war. He’d
always aimed to maintain the peace his ancestor had earned with so
much sacrifice, but now, he was more dedicated to that goal than ever.
He knew that someone out there had weapons that could hurt
draechen. Unfortunately, if he shared this information with anyone, it
would likely trigger a massacre, so Karein was stuck between a rock
and a hard place.

He hoped that, at the very least, the rest of his family would leave

him alone to figure this out. Alas, the world seemed against him
today, as he was intercepted by his older brother, Hareem. “I hear
congratulations are in order,” Hareem said. “A marriage with an
Ivenian prince. Must be your lucky day.”

“Quite,” Karein replied. “Thank you for the sentiment, brother.

Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

He tried to move past Hareem, but his sibling was nothing if not

persistent. “Of course, it means you won’t have any legitimate heirs.
Oh, wait. You can’t have any children anyway. My bad. But not to
worry. I’ll be the next emperor.”

At that, Karein stopped and turned toward his brother. Something

dark rose within him at the reminder of his inability to breed. “Be
very careful with what you say, Hareem. Last I checked, Emperor
Kavehquader, our father, is still on the throne. Your ambition might
be considered treasonous.”

A brief shadow of fear clouded Hareem’s eyes before it was

quickly masked. Hareem laughed. “As if. Enjoy your little Ivenian
whore, brother. It’s the only thing you’re going to get, from Father,
and me.”

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Karein arched a brow at his brother. “Is that right? At least I’ll get

a mate. You, on the other hand, seem to be missing one. Where is
your beloved—?”

A gust of ice struck him before he could finish the phrase. “Shut

your mouth, Karein,” his brother snapped at him.

Karein was very tempted to teach his brother a lesson. That dark

side of him that always responded to hostility by fighting back roared
to harm, hurt, and destroy. But Karein pushed it back, having long
ago learned to control it.

“I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with your moodiness

right now,” Karein shot back. He didn’t even bother to dodge the
spell, instead absorbing its cold energy within him. “If you want to
take out your problems on someone, do yourself a favor and don’t
pick me.”

Hareem’s anger drained out of him, and he suddenly looked very

tired. “At least you understand,” he mumbled, “and I can’t hurt you
with my magic if I lose control of my dragon.”

Karein mentally groaned. He really didn’t need to deal with a

morose Hareem, on top of everything else. Usually, they got along
well enough, as the two of them had long ago understood that to
survive and prosper in spite of the choking presences of their parents,
they needed to be allies. Hareem was the only one who ever helped
Karein out with more delicate operations. Similarly, Karein
maintained the secrecy of what Hareem did behind their father’s back.

“I’m going to the barracks,” he finally offered. “If you want, you

can come with me and we can spar. I promise I won’t kick your ass
too badly.”

Hareem grinned. “That sounds great, and painful. It should help.”
As they fell into stride next to each other, they headed together

toward the barracks and the sparring field. The familiar sight of the
soldiers he ran into reminded Karein he had a job to do. No matter
who he wed, that would never change.

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* * * *

Rose Noire, somewhere near Calais, France

“Married? Jenarra help me… Father, you cannot be serious.”
Sari felt like he was going to faint as his sire frowned at him.

“Sareltae, remember yourself and your position. This is an important

“Yes, of course.” Sari shook himself and straightened his back. “I

just don’t understand.”

“Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure that you do,” Selbrian answered,

his voice thick with regret. “Given recent conflicts, Emperor
Kavehquader has decreed that he wishes to ensure the peace between
our two nations. For that purpose, we will sign a truce and decide the
terms once and for all. As a sign of our cooperation, you will wed one
of his sons.”

Sari’s knees felt like jelly, and he thought he might collapse right

then and there in front of his father. His assistance to his friend,
Caelyn, had largely dragged him into his position. He didn’t regret
what he’d done. Caelyn was happy with his mate and expecting a
baby. From time to time, Sari even went to visit them.

Realizing all that, though, meant that he couldn’t possibly refuse

his father’s command and avoid marriage to a man he didn’t know, let
alone love. The selfish part of him screamed at the injustice. He was
far too young to be marketed off like a piece of meat, and he had too
many things to do here. He had never even had the chance to explore
the real world as he’d always been trapped in the fae palace and its
environs. Even knowing that it was his responsibility, that he couldn’t
ask anyone else to pay the price for his decisions, he asked, “Why me,
Father? Surely, the draechen prince would expect someone more
skilled in the erotic arts.”

“My dear son… You might be young, but you’re uncommonly

intelligent and gifted in understanding foreign cultures. You’re greatly

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empathetic, and that will help you adapt.”

Sari knew the decision had already been made, so any protest

would be futile. “Who am I to wed?” he asked in a trembling voice.

“Prince Shtamakarein Tersain, Commander of the Ornoz army

and General of the Chrysalidian Wyverns.”

Sari closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Finally, the true

reason of him being picked emerged. It wasn’t his intelligence or
empathy that had urged his father to decide on him. Shtamakarein was
a notoriously violent and cruel man. The special division he led
enforced the Directive of the Shifter Castes, an absurd piece of
legislation Sari considered disgusting and obsolete. One thing was
more than clear. Sari’s healing abilities would come in handy in the
next couple of years.

“I see,” he replied, calling on Jenarra for help. “It will, of course,

be an honor.”

At his answer, his father left the throne and came to his side. “You

know you are the dearest of my children, Sari,” he said, hugging Sari.
“I would not do this if I had any other choice.”

For a few moments, Sari allowed himself to relax in his sire’s

embrace. It was always so comforting to be held by his father.
Selbrian had protected him for as far as Sari could remember. It was
Sari’s turn to do something for Ivenia. He was afraid, yes, but he
would not allow that to stop him.

The decision gave him a measure of steadiness, and he broke

away from the embrace. “Worry not, Father. I will be fine. I will not
let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” his father answered. “Keep in mind

something. I don’t believe for a second that Kavehquader has peace in
mind when requesting this. He wants us to fuck up. He wants us to do
something that will give him the freedom to attack. This marriage
might be the only chance we have to prevent the war.”

Sari’s heart started to beat even faster. Talk about pressure. Could

he do all that? Was he capable of handling such intrigue? Of course

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he was. He had been navigating the murky waters of politics for as
long as he could remember. His precarious position as both a prince
and a bastard son guaranteed it.

This was a good thing, an opportunity to help Ivenia, and the

world. Sari smiled, aiming to reassure the older fae by doing so. His
sire didn’t seem convinced in the slightest. “Go speak to your
mother,” he urged Sari. “I’m sure she has many pieces of advice to
give you.”

Sari bowed lowly and thanked his father. As the king dismissed

him, Sari practically fled the throne room and headed toward the
temple. His steps carried him there with the ease of practice, but
sadly, this familiarity meant that Sari’s mind was free to dwell on
things he’d rather not consider.

He might have been a virgin, but he was not ignorant as to how

the intercourse between two males took place. As a healer, he was
required to understand everything about the body’s functions. And
there was that time when he’d seen two servant boys all over each
other behind the stables. As much as it had embarrassed Sari, it had
also excited him, and he’d always imagined that one day, he would
fall in love and surrender his body to his fated mate.

But now, that dream was gone like smoke wisps in the wind. It

made Sari sick just to think that the act he had waited and craved for
would be turned into something ugly and forced. Shaking himself,
Sari decided that his life wasn’t over just because of this. He had
another, stronger dream, that to defend Ivenia at all costs. He would
go on for that, and as the mate of a very powerful man, he could
pursue his country’s interests.

Besides, for all he knew, his betrothed might not be such a bad

man. Rumors had a way of exacerbating the reputation of people,
especially where notorious warriors were concerned. In the end,
Shtamakarein was just a man, and Sari would wait until he met the
draechen to form his own opinion.

And of course, Shtamakarein had once been Caelyn’s fiancé. Sari

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had seen the side effects of Shtamakarein’s power on Caelyn, but he
also knew that the draechen had, for some reason he couldn’t
understand, helped Caelyn and Caelyn’s mate, Graham, to escape.
That spoke highly of him and gave Sari hope that there might be more
to Shtamakarein than people thought.

He was still deep in thought when he reached his destination. The

High Temple of Jenarra was within the palace grounds, guarded from
every side by female soldiers armed to the teeth. There were few
males who were allowed inside, and Sari was, courtesy of his
ancestry, one of them.

The soldiers nodded at him and moved their weapons. Sari

murmured a blessing and slipped inside, where he was promptly
intercepted by a priestess clad in white.

“Your Highness…” The priestess seemed surprised, having

obviously not expected his visit. “Welcome. Is there anything we can
help you with?”

“Actually, I’d like to see my mother,” Sari replied. “Is she


For a few moments, the priestess was silent. She closed her eyes

and froze, seemingly not breathing at all. Sari waited patiently,
already accustomed to the ways of the High Temple of Jenarra. His
patience was rewarded when the priestess looked at him again. “Yes,”
she said, waving him onward. “She will see you now.”

So far, so good. Sari suspected that his mother was already

informed regarding his betrothal. Otherwise she wouldn’t have agreed
to see him so readily. He walked through the cavernous halls of the
temple, keeping his eyes down whenever he passed a priestess in
deference to her vows.

Finally, he reached the quarters of the woman who had given him

birth. It was a great privilege to even be allowed here. He was one of
the two men given permission to approach the Great Priestess of
Jenarra in private, with the other being his father. He loved and
respected his mother. However, in that moment, a small, guilty part of

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Sari would have very much liked to have been born from someone
else, a normal fae without such powerful healing abilities.

Sari pushed the thought away, chastising himself for even

allowing it to register. Angry with himself, he reached for the knocker
to announce his presence. The door opened on its own before he could
even touch it.

Unfazed, Sari waited a few moments, then slipped inside. As

always, the room was dark, dimly lit by blazing lamps in each corner.
The windows were covered, though, leaving the bed in the center of
the room in the shadow.

Even so, Sari had no trouble in seeing his mother. She lay on the

scattered pillows, her eyes closed and her long hair spread on the
pillows. Sari had many times been told that he looked a lot like her.
He wondered what his future mate would think about that.

“He’ll desire you greatly,” his mother replied, as if hearing his

errant thoughts. “And worry not. I’m not offended if you sometimes
wish for a different parentage.”

Sari didn’t even know which comment to address first. He had no

idea how his mother could do that since, as a rule, fae didn’t have the
ability to read minds. It seemed something that happened only when
Eanera was deeply connected to Jenarra. “I’m just a little upset about
the betrothal,” Sari finally said. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have thought

His mother opened her eyes and beckoned him closer. “Like I

said, don’t worry about it. Come. Sit with me. I want to touch you.”

Sari obeyed. He joined her on the bed and crawled next to her,

relaxing as her warm arms wrapped around him. Her hands tangled in
his hair, caressing him. “We don’t have much time together, dearest. I
know I haven’t always been a good mother to you, but I do want
what’s best for you. Tell me, what’s on your mind?”

Technically speaking, she could see his every doubt and fear, but

Sari knew that it was better to verbalize it just the same. “I’m not even
sure what to say. This is a good thing for Ivenia, I realize that. But

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I’ve always dreamed to marry for love. It’s selfish to even think that,
but I can’t help it. And my future mate… I wish I knew how he was
like, what he thinks, what he feels. The thing with Caelyn helps a bit,
but… Oh, Mother, I don’t know how I’ll handle this.”

His mother listened to everything he had to say without making

any comment. At last, when Sari finished, she kissed his forehead,
right under the jewel decorating it. “I have always known you were
meant for great things, dearest. I knew that when Jenarra gave me my
first vision of you and I saw your little, beautiful face in my mind.
You have great strength, my child, and you must trust it. I won’t say
anything about your future mate as you need to get to know him
yourself. Just don’t be afraid, and you can face him.” Her tone grew
harsher, more serious. “Now, for the other Ornozians. Don’t trust
them, dearest. They will hurt you if they can, especially those closest
to your betrothed. Selbrian is right in that they’re planning to use you
to start a war. So remember your lessons and be very careful.”

The warning should have frightened Sari, but it didn’t. Instead, he

felt reassured. “I will remember,” he promised. “Thank you, Mother. I
won’t let you down.”

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Chapter Two

“This is a disaster.”
Kael looked at the human who lay on the ground, moaning and in

pain. The grotesque sight of the buboes that had appeared over his
neck and groin made anger and frustration course through Kael. “We
have to stop it.”

He turned toward Talrasar, who was currently working on

healing another fallen man. “An angel,” the sick patient gasped out,
his eyes glazed with agony and the knowledge of imminent death.

“Hush,” Talrasar said. “I’m here.”
The gem in the center of Talrasar’s forehead shone as he allowed

his power to flow over the human. The light emanating from the fae
touched Kael, and he immediately felt more at peace, calmer. But
then, Talrasar always had that effect on him. Even under the worst
circumstances, the fae calmed down Kael’s dragon, keeping him from
losing control.

As the light started to dim, the human patient slumped on the

ground, his coloring much better. The buboes that had oozed blood
and pus had completely receded. Likely, he would make a perfect
recovery, and even if he remained in the presence of other sick
individuals, he wouldn’t fall sick again.

Once the healing process was finished, Talrasar got up.

Unfortunately, the effort seemed to have drained him as he staggered,
looking very pale. Kael caught him and brushed Talrasar’s white-
blond hair out of his face. “Are you all right, Tali?” he asked.

His lover nodded. “It’s just been a hard day,” he whispered. “Oh,

Kael… How can we even hope to control this plague? We have people

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all over the world, trying to contain it, and still, it continues to

“As much as we fight it, the wolves and the bats keep attacking,”

Kael reminded his mate. “They’re infesting more and more humans.
You know how bad it was centuries ago, in the Byzantine Empire. The
wolves and the vampires are stronger now, and it shows.”

It was true. Historical records of Kael’s people had long ago

proven that the Plague of Justinian had also been caused by the
involvement of werewolves and vampires. Ultimately, the virus had
been stopped, but its cause had never been contained. And now, a new
outbreak had spread out, all throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa.

All the while, the armies of the now-united wolves and bats

marched onto those who would oppose them. The draechen tried to
push them back, and to some extent, they succeeded. Their magic was
very strong, and their invulnerable skin helped in fighting off the
wolves and the bats. But draechen were so few, and their opponents
so many, that eventually, they were overcome. Talrasar’s people, the
fae, were trying to stop the plague, to keep it from decimating the
humans, and they had saved countless lives up to this point. But still,
it was not enough.

Taking a deep breath, Talrasar pulled away from Kael.

“Nevertheless, we have to keep trying,” he said.

He knelt next to another human and repeated the healing process.

Kael would have liked to stop it, to keep his lover from the pain and
the strain, but he knew all too well that it wasn’t possible. Talrasar
was extremely dedicated to the welfare of the humans, so much so that
sometimes he threw all caution to the wind so that he could help them.
Kael loved his generosity and spirit of self-sacrifice, but sometimes,
he wished Talrasar had been a little more selfish.

Since he couldn’t convince the fae to stop, Kael pressed his hand

to Talrasar’s shoulder and focused on his magic. Before meeting
Talrasar, he’d only used his powers as a weapon, never as a tool for
good. He could drain the energy of a foe with a simple spell, leaving

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the man or woman in question helpless. This time, instead of taking,
he gave, offering his lover the strength he needed to complete the
healing process.

It worked, and within the light that engulfed them, Kael felt

Talrasar’s gratitude and love for him. As his lover finished healing
the sick human, Kael considered dragging Talrasar off for a few
kisses. It was irresponsible, and he wouldn’t be able to do it, but that
didn’t stop him from dreaming.

As it turned out, his desires had to wait. Just when Talrasar got

up, another fae made his appearance, rushing to their side. “Your
Highnesses, we’ve just received word from Eternelle. The wolves and
the bats are attacking.”

Kael shared a look with his mate. “We need to go,” he said

through their bond.

Talrasar nodded. “If Eternelle falls…I can’t even imagine the


Also called Rose Blanc, Eternelle was the strongest, most

important citadel of the fae. It was shielded by heavy, near-
impenetrable enchantments. But with the fae troops dispersed all over
the place in a desperate attempt to control the plague, it was in
danger. Kael couldn’t even imagine how the wolves had figured out
Eternelle’s location, but it clearly illustrated the seriousness of the

“Take over here,” Talrasar ordered the other fae. “Do what you

can for the sick and try to work with the human doctors. Make sure no
one realizes the truth about us.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” the man answered, saluting.
Talrasar and Kael rushed away from the plagued humans. Kael

hated leaving them, and so did his mate, but they had no choice.
Eternelle needed them. Kael only hoped it wouldn’t be too late.

* * * *

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Karein opened his eyes, absently staring at the ceiling as he

processed what he’d seen. Another nightmare. Compared to others, it
had been mild, but it still reminded him all too well of what
werewolves and vampires had once done. The image of the plagued
humans would likely haunt him for the first few hours of the day
before he could shake it off and focus on the present.

It was unfortunate, but Kael and Talrasar had never managed to

stop the plague. Even after the ninth caste had been contained, the
virus had kept spreading through different means in different times. It
haunted them to this day, the threat never quite vanishing even with
the advent of modern medicine.

Groaning, Karein got up off the floor and shook himself. He

extended his arms, stretching, getting rid of any lingering confusion,
clearing his mind and calming his dragon. Hareem called it a form of
yoga, and to a certain extent, it was, since it gave Karein a measure of
control over himself and a way to tame the nightmares that sometimes
overwhelmed his mind.

The metal floor was cool under his feet, but Karein didn’t mind.

He’d long ago gotten used to it, and the benefits far outweighed the
disadvantages. He stepped toward the door and allowed his energy to
flow over it. The only way to open it was by pressing a specific
pattern embedded in the metal. He couldn’t have focused on the spell
if he wasn’t completely sober and awake, so it kept him trapped here
during his sleep hours.

During the last decade, as the nightmares grew worse, Karein

found it impossible to sleep in a bed. When he did, he almost always
woke up with the room a wreck. Sometimes, he even hurt the
unfortunate people who’d been foolish enough to bother him in his
quarters. Therefore, in all the residences he used, including the one in
Draechenburg, Karein had built additions to his dormitory, cages
made out of metal that only he could access when completely awake.
It was very frustrating, but at least he no longer heard strange voices
like he had during his childhood. And he really didn’t want to think

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about that because it would stir all sorts of old wounds that Karein
really didn’t want to handle.

Instead, he focused on the present and shook off the tension that

appeared at the back of his mind whenever he remembered his
childhood. Fortunately, the spell needed to exit came easily to him.
Like always, the door obediently opened, and Karein stepped into his
supposed bedroom. He headed straight toward the bathroom and
stepped into the shower. As he turned the knob, hot water rushed over
him, scorching his skin. It did wonders to get rid of the lingering
remnants of the dream, and although the shadows of the past didn’t
leave his mind, he felt a bit more clear-headed.

Distantly, Karein wondered if he should masturbate. Whenever he

dreamt of his ancestor, he inevitably awoke with a great deal of sexual
need pent up within him. It was the lust of a dead man for his equally
deceased mate, but that didn’t mean it didn’t have an effect on Karein.

He might have waved it off, as he often did, since it seemed

wrong somehow to experience pleasure from such a strange source.
But today was a special day. His future mate, Sareltae, would be
arriving, likely around noon. The entire palace was in an uproar.
Karein was stranded here for the foreseeable future, so he couldn’t
afford any distractions.

With that thought in mind, Karein reached for his dick and slowly

started to move his hand up and down. He rubbed his finger over the
already-weeping tip, groaning as pleasure rushed through him.
Overlords, he really should indulge more often. He couldn’t even
remember when had been the last time he’d taken someone to his bed.
The least he could do was masturbate.

He sped up his strokes, fucking his fist in almost desperate, angry

motions. As he closed his eyes, he imagined his own hand being a
tight ass, one that opened right up for him as he thrust in and out of
the eager hole. Oh, yes, that sweet, pink eager opening. Karein didn’t
even know what he liked more, to fuck it with his dick or with his
tongue. The sweet cries of his lover echoed in his ears as the smaller

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man threw his head back, long, white-blond hair flying all over the
place. Karein buried his face in those soft locks, loving the sweet
scent of incense and vanilla, one that he’d never found anywhere else.
Combined with the smell of their shared passion, it made for an
intoxicating aroma that got to Karein’s head like nothing ever had.

As he moved in and out of his lover’s body, the fae dissolved into

incoherent cries and pleas. Karein’s mind whirled with lust and
overpowering need, and his fangs dropped, aching to claim his mate.
But as the fae tilted his head, offering himself to Karein, the rush of
an unexpected climax exploded through him. With a roar, Karein
came, pumping his lover full of seed.

When he began to come to, he was very much tempted to try for a

repeat performance. But as he opened his eyes, he realized there was
no dream lover. It had all been a fantasy, one born from Karein’s
imagination and likely his nightmare.

Karein groaned and leaned against the shower wall. He had not

seen the face of the man he’d been fucking, but he had certainly
recognized the white-blond hair. Shame rushed through him at what
he’d done. He couldn’t believe that he’d masturbated over his
ancestor’s mate. It was completely unacceptable. He respected the
bond of the two men so much. Damn it.

His arousal dissipating, Karein finished washing up in swift and

efficient motions. Any hope for a good mood was completely lost.
Grumbling to himself, he stepped out of the shower and toweled
himself dry. He debated finding Hareem and pummeling him a little
to release his frustration, but knowing his luck, he’d probably receive
a request to see his father at once.

As he stepped back into his bedroom, Karein quickly pulled on his

official uniform as a general. Today was a special occasion, so he had
to look his best for the honor of the Ornozian Empire. Never mind
that his future mate would most likely see him in his worst moods.
For now, he could, at the very least, grant Sareltae the same courtesy
he’d once given to Caelyn.

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No sooner had he finished dressing than a knock sounded at the

door. “Enter,” Karein called out.

A guard slid into the room and bowed lowly. “His Majesty wishes

to speak with you at once,” he announced, confirming Karein’s
original guess.

“Very well,” Karein replied, “I will be there shortly.”
With a brisk salute, the guard retreated. Karein just had one last

item to add to his outfit. From his wardrobe, he retrieved his seal ring,
the one that marked him as part of the long-living Tersain dynasty.
Karein didn’t wear it on a day-to-day basis as jewelry of any kind
could make shifting troublesome. But since today, he likely wouldn’t
be changing shapes, the ring would be more than appropriate.

The ring was actually a sort of depiction of Ouroboros, a dragon

eating its own tail. It was also the original seal ring of Prince Kael, the
only heirloom that had survived him since he hadn’t worn it the day
of the Great Sacrifice. No one else had ever used it since those days as
its color, black, had eliminated any other candidate.

As he slid it on, Karein murmured a word of apology toward his

dead ancestor. He had meant no disrespect in his earlier actions, and
he couldn’t dwell on them. “Give me the strength to do what’s
needed,” he whispered. “Show me what to do to prevent the war.”

He received no reply, but he didn’t expect it. It was actually very

strange. Sometimes, shortly after waking up, Karein thought he could
almost hear his ancestor, but there always seemed to be a shadowy
veil between them. Karein shook himself. It was likely just his
imagination. He couldn’t afford to dwell on it too much.

Taking a deep breath, Karein steeled himself for what would soon

come and stepped out of his quarters. As he walked toward the throne
room, everyone he met on his way stopped to salute and congratulate
him. Some of them seemed honestly enthusiastic about it, although
Karein suspected that had something to do with the fact they
suspected this mating might keep him from running amok. Others put
on forced smiles, but their skepticism was more than obvious.

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In the end, Karein was glad to reach his destination. As he stopped

in front of the huge doors and waited to be announced, Hareem
jogged to his side. “Well, you’re looking sharp,” he commented.
“You want to make a good first impression to your new mate, hmm?
Maybe you won’t scare this one away.”

Karein glowered at his brother, wishing his brother to just shut the

fuck up. Hareem seemed in one of his moods today, because he
shivered and smirked. “Well, that won’t work. You’ll just make it

“I hardly think it could get any worse than last time,” Karein shot

back. “Now are you capable of being serious for one minute, or do I
have to remind you what we both stand to lose?”

He hated making threats, especially within earshot of the guards,

but Hareem’s behavior had become increasingly erratic since a few
months back. He’d been unpredictable before, but now, his temper
came in outbursts, as if he couldn’t decide how to react to his
environment. More often than not, he ended up teasing Karein, who
was the only one who knew the reason behind this strangeness. But if
this continued for much longer, not even Karein would be able to
keep their father from learning the secret Hareem kept.

Fortunately, his reprimand silenced Hareem. His brother nodded,

straightening his back, visibly leashing his dragon side. Just in time,
too, because finally, the huge doors in front of them opened, allowing
them inside. Karein and Hareem walked past the guards into the
humongous throne room. His mother and sister were already there, as
was, of course, his father.

“Ah, Shtamakarein.” From her throne, Rowenasheb urged him

closer. “Very good. I see you’re ready to receive our guests.”

“Indeed,” Karein answered. “Is there anything else you’d like to

tell me?”

His father’s large dragon form appeared in front of him, the floor

shaking under his massive paws. “Actually, yes,” he said in Karein’s
mind. “We will be pushing for a quick wedding. Likely, it will take

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place here since the last thing the fae want is for us to step onto their
territory. Keep in mind that your fiancé’s mother will probably not
attend. If she does so, avoid her. We don’t need someone like the High
Priestess around here. But most importantly, watch your future mate
at all times. Remember your task is to find out information that will
give us cause for the war. He will make a wrong move sooner or
later, and we will be there to exploit it.”

“I live and die by your command,” Karein replied formally. “And

what will happen at that time, once we learn something of use for the

“The war, of course,” the emperor answered. “But as your prize,

you will be allowed to keep the fae. If nothing else, he will serve as a
good vessel to sate your lusts.”

At that, Karein’s mother grinned. “A win all around, don’t you

agree, Shtamakarein?”

“Of course,” Karein answered, suppressing his dragon’s anger and

frustration. “As always, thank you for your generosity.”

Even as he spoke, though, he wondered how in the world he’d

manage to stop the war. He might be able to lie with regard to what he
learned for Sareltae, but how long would that keep them happy? What
could possibly stop his father’s plans for good?

Karein had a feeling he knew the answer, and he feared it.

Because as long as Kavehquader led Ornoz, the paranormal world
would be forever headed toward disaster. Whether the magical
creatures knew it or not, time was running out, and Karein could do
very little to stop the incoming apocalypse.

* * * *

“And make sure you don’t do anything to insult them.” Queen

Onyerre scowled at Sari, her blue eyes glittering with barely
concealed disgust and satisfaction. “In specific, pay heed to respect
your mating. I know that it’s probably hard for you, given that

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whoring is in your genes, but—”

“Be silent, Onyerre!” Sari’s father snapped, interrupting her rant.

“This is too important for you to add further tension to the situation.”

Sari remained silent, knowing that speaking would only make

things worse. Onyerre chose any occasion she could find to shower
Sari with insults. Although under normal circumstances, she tried to
be more elegant about it, she seemed to have decided to clutter as
much venom as possible in Sari’s remaining time in Rose Noire.

It was perhaps fortunate that Sari’s mother hadn’t come for this

meeting. It was supposed to be a conversation between the members
of the royal family, to give Sari some general guidelines he should
follow. Eanera had been invited, but she hadn’t shown up.

Sari had to admit he was a little disappointed, but his mother knew

best. Perhaps she hadn’t wanted to encourage further hostility from
Onyerre’s part. Whenever the two of them were in the same room,
chaos inevitably followed.

“I’m right, and you know it,” Onyerre argued with Selbrian.

“You’ve been far too lax with him. He is spoiled, and once he leaves
the constraints I’ve managed to erect, he’ll go wild.”

From that point on, Sari tuned them out. Inserting his hand in his

pocket, he idly toyed with the wooden wolf he’d stolen from Caelyn
and Graham, back in Eternelle. He didn’t know how he’d explain
having it on him if someone found it, but he didn’t want to risk losing
it either. For some reason, the wolf gave him the same sense of peace
and strength that a visit to the Obelisk of Eternelle granted him.

He wondered how Shtamakarein was truly like. So far, all he had

to go by was rumors. His father claimed that he and the draechen
prince would have a little time to get to know each other, but would it
be enough?

“Did you know that draechen lay eggs?” A voice suddenly

snapped him out of his musings.

Sari turned toward his brother, Darian, who stood next to him,

grinning. “Pardon?” Sari asked.

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“Draechen lay eggs,” Darian repeated. “Tell me, Sari, will we see

you hatching eggs when we come to visit?”

Darian was the oldest of the royal offspring, and the heir to the fae

throne. He and Sari rarely, if ever spoke, which was probably for the
best, given the comments he made whenever they did talk. Sari was
tempted to ignore him this time around, but even he had his limits.

“It’s unlikely,” he answered. “I don’t think my body is compatible

to producing draechen eggs. It would be a physical impossibility for
me to give birth like that.”

“Does that mean you’re considering a child with the draechen?”

Darian chuckled. “I probably shouldn’t be surprised. Like mother,
like son. You’d do anything to secure your position.”

“Actually, I wouldn’t bring a child into the world to use him or

her as a tool,” Sari answered. “And I don’t know if my mate and I will
have children. I’m of a firm belief that certain people don’t deserve to
breed because they’re only capable of bringing misery onto
themselves and others.”

In truth, Sari didn’t even want to think about building a family

with Shtamakarein in that poisonous environment. He had no idea if it
was even possible as he’d never studied draechen physiology in his
life. But he wasn’t referring to Shtamakarein when he said that. He
just couldn’t resist using the opening to show his brother that he
wouldn’t allow anyone to walk over him, not even the heir apparent
of Ivenia.

Onyerre was too engaged in conversation with their father to react

to his comment, but Darian hissed angrily, looking like he wanted to
lunge at Sari. “Why you little whore.” He took a threatening step
forward, clenching and unclenching his fists. “I’ll make you swallow
your words.”

And he’d have undoubtedly tried had their brother, Misael, not

intervened. Misael stepped between them, releasing a heavy sigh.
“Oh, would you give it a rest, Dar? This is hard enough for everyone
without you adding fuel to the fire. Sareltae, please stop. That was

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uncalled for.”

Misael was forever trying to referee the arguments between the

two halves of their family. Out of his half siblings, he was the only
one who even attempted to be civil to Sari. They weren’t in any way
friends, not that Sari expected it. After all, Onyerre had been very
careful to raise her children into complete and utter hatred of Sari and
his mother. Misael’s attempts to temper the hostility were never well
received by the queen or the rest of her children.

Right on cue, their sister Charlize piped up, “I think you should

stop trying to win the Nobel Prize for idiocy, brother. Mother is
completely correct. For all we know, sending him there will just cause
the draechen to attack.”

As she spoke, the doors to the throne room opened, and Sari’s

breath caught as his mother walked in. “Then perhaps you would like
to take his place, Princess Charlize,” she suggested coldly. “After all,
you are older, and far more experienced in the bedroom than my son.
I’m sure the draechen prince would consider you an acceptable

Charlize spluttered, her face going red with anger, but it was

Onyerre who answered. She turned toward Eanera and sneered. “How
dare you show your face here?”

“I dare because I was invited,” Eanera said. “I belong by my son’s

side, as always.”

Sari walked to her, already feeling a little better about things. He

knew that, as a High Priestess, her time was not her own. She was
also forbidden to leave the Temple, which was also the main source of
why Sari himself had never been allowed to mingle with other
children and get to know the world. It was even worse for her, and the
exceptions to the rule that governed her life were few and far in
between. Today, however, by the king’s decree, she had been allowed
to abandon her usual routine, and the fact that she’d done so meant a
lot to Sari.

“You belong in a brothel,” Onyerre shot back. “You and your

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spawn have no place in—”

“Enough!” Selbrian shouted, interrupting her. “Onyerre, remove

yourself. Until you learn more awareness of your position, and mine,
you’re banished from my sight. You’ve gone too far in your pettiness.
You are disrespecting your throne and your king. Eanera was chosen
by Jenarra to be High Priestess. Remember that.”

Onyerre’s eyes widened. Selbrian had never gone quite so far in

his attempts to tame Onyerre’s temper. Usually, he tried to cultivate
peace between the two sides of his family, a fool’s errand given their
current circumstances. It seemed that Sari’s imminent wedding had
him on the edge, though, as he continued, “The matter I wanted to
discuss today is very serious, for the future of Ivenia. Since it seems
you don’t have the slightest ability to concentrate on anything else but
your own frustrations, leave us.”

It was a royal command and one that not even Onyerre could

deny. Gritting her teeth, she bowed, and without another word,
stalked out of the throne room.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Darian spoke out, “With all

due respect, Father, we all know that Sareltae is the only reason why
this is happening in the first place. Had he not assisted the rogue
sprite, we wouldn’t have drawn the hostility of the draechen onto us.”

Unfortunately, all of the royal family were aware of the

accusations addressed to Sari and his mother, accusations he couldn’t
exactly deny. When the entire debacle had started, a few months back,
the draechen had been quite vocal about it. Of course, the throne’s
formal stance had been that they in no way supported any enemy of
Ornoz. The Elusian High Judges, the Krites, had fortunately helped,
although they must have known it was all a lie. In the end, the
draechen had been forced to back down, until now.

“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Selbrian walked to his son’s side

and squeezed his shoulder. “Stop letting your resentment for your
brother blind you. The draechen have been targeting us for years.
What Sari did or didn’t do is irrelevant.”

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Charlize looked like she wanted to say something, but she held

her tongue, obviously unwilling to be sent away in shame like her
mother. “But you knew this already,” the king continued. “We came
here today to figure out what’s the best policy we should take with
regard to Sari’s mating.”

“I didn’t think there was a choice,” Misael said hesitantly.
“There isn’t,” Eanera answered. “However, once the draechen

have Sari in Draechenburg, they’ll be granted access to sensitive
information they can use against us.”

Darian frowned. “But it’s not like Sareltae is going to suddenly be

claimed by the impulse to say he betrayed Ornoz.”

“Of course not,” Sari replied, “but there are other ways they can…

Well, Prince Shtamakarein can get into my head.”

“Through a mate bond.” Charlize crossed her arms over her chest

and huffed. “It will never happen, not if the two of you aren’t true

“A man of Shtamakarein’s power can force a mind-link,” Eanera

whispered softly. “It wouldn’t be like the mate bond, but it would be
enough to achieve his goals.”

Sari shivered at the thought of what such a thing would imply.

Forcing a link like that was akin to slavery, so much so that the
Directive actually forbade it as a method to use against the ninth caste
shifters. It could break the mind of the targeted individual, in this
case, Sari.

“I didn’t think draechen had that ability,” Darian said with a


“They don’t, not usually,” Eanera answered. “Their power is

more…straightforward. But all sources show that Prince
Shtamakarein is different.”

“Are you sure he’s going to try it, Mother?” Sari inquired.
“Jenarra has showed me very little, dear child,” Eanera answered.

“We’re trying to fill in the blanks by speculation, but we can’t know
anything for certain right now.”

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“So what am I to do?” Sari inquired. “I cannot deny him if he

wishes to claim me. It will be in his right once we are mated.”

He was surprised that his voice didn’t shake at those words

through which he was practically damning himself. But he was
holding onto the wooden wolf, and it helped him more than he would
have thought. Still, that toy wouldn’t help him keep Shtamakarein out
of his mind, or his body. Likely, nothing would.

“We could try to exploit this,” Charlize said softly. “The Directive

clearly states that a true mate bond is to be respected. We could
condition this mating on not forcing a connection that isn’t real, out of
that respect. With luck, the draechen would change their minds

“And it’s a reasonable condition.” Selbrian grinned. “They

couldn’t find motive in it to start a war. Excellent idea, my dear.”

“I concur,” Eanera answered. “But how will we convey this


“I’ve already considered this issue,” Selbrian said, sitting back

down on the throne. “For obvious reasons, your mother and I cannot
accompany you, Sari. However, your siblings can. Darian is my heir,
so Misael will be my envoy of choice. And since Charlize’s
suggestion had proven to be so useful, I will allow her to go as well, if
she so desires.”

Sari half expected his sister to refuse, but much to his surprise, she

didn’t. Instead, she said, “I would be honored to represent you in
Ornoz, Your Majesty.”

“Excellent.” Selbrian clapped his hands together and smiled.

“Now, I want the two of you to promise me something. Insofar as it is
within your power, you will protect your brother. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Majesty,” Misael and Charlize both said.
Sari didn’t know if he believed them, but their promise still made

him smile. Perhaps this wasn’t so hopeless after all. In the end, he
wasn’t alone in this fight. He had his mother, his father, and even his
somewhat-reluctant siblings. And as he squeezed the toy wolf in his

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hand, he knew he had an even greater power by his side, one that
wanted to prevent the war as much as he did.

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Chapter Three

That afternoon, the jet carrying Sari and his siblings from Rose

Noire to Germany entered draechen airspace. The more Sari
approached what would likely be his future home, the faster his heart
raced. Neither Misael nor Charlize or any of the guards that had come
with them seemed to have any inclination to speak to him, but even if
it hadn’t been so, Sari didn’t think he’d have known what to say. The
silence would have seemed disheartening, except Sari hadn’t expected
anything different from his siblings, and the soldiers had better things
to do than to engage him in conversation.

As such, he just kept staring out the window, admiring the view,

but really seeing very little. From up above, Europe seemed very
beautiful, but Sari had never truly been able to explore it. Now, he
would be exchanging his previous gilded cage for another one. He
wondered if he could find a way to convince his mate to travel
together. Probably not.

All too soon, their destination loomed ahead. The dark silhouette

of the Draechenburg citadel made Sari shiver in nervousness. His
siblings tensed, and Sari distinctly suspected his sister must be
regretting having agreed to come. There was just something dark and
ominous about the way its towers seemed to stab the clouds,
spreading a distinctive poisonous aura.

Taking a deep breath, Sari sent a prayer to Jenarra and fixed his

robes. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to make a good first
impression. He combed his fingers through his locks, making sure the
pins holding his elaborate hairdo in check hadn’t decided to go astray
during the trip. Judging by the look his siblings threw his way, he was

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likely overdoing it, but he couldn’t for the life of him stop himself.

A part of him had expected the voluminous jet to have to land

somewhere in the Black Forest below. The cliffs were far too abrupt
to allow the construction of a runway. As it turned out, he’d been
mistaken, because a huge platform had been erected, almost as if for
that exact purpose.

As the plane started to descend, Sari’s eyes caught a few figures

waiting for them on the runway, some male, some female. He
wondered if any of them were his future mate. Somehow, he doubted
it, because none of the men he glimpsed seemed to fit the vague
descriptions Sari had received of Prince Shtamakarein. The draechen
was said to be larger than life, and so powerful that it showed in every
step he took. The waiting people didn’t have that.

Finally, the plane landed and came to a halt on the runway.

Steeling himself for what would follow, Sari unbuckled his seat belt
and got up. Shouldering his weapon, one of the guards politely
gestured him toward the exit. “Right this way, Your Highness.”

Sari forced a smile and nodded silently, watching the doors of the

plane open with dread. As per their rank, his brother and sister went
first, followed by guards. Finally, Sari exited the aircraft as well, and
for the first time, he stepped onto what was, according to the
paranormal laws, Ornozian soil.

One of the women he’d spotted from the plane, a beautiful

redhead, came forward. “Welcome, Your Highnesses,” she said. “I
am Princess Akarawem Tersain. I will be your host for whatever you
require throughout your stay here.”

“Greetings, Princess Akarawem,” Misael said. “I am Prince

Misael, and this is my sister, Princess Charlize, and my brother,
Prince Sareltae. In our names, and that of My Lord Father, I thank
you for your warm welcome and hospitality.”

At that, the draechen princess turned toward Sari. She said

nothing, although Sari thought he saw a glimmer of calculating
disdain in her eyes. Minding his manners, Sari decided to speak. “And

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I must personally express my gratitude for the honor you’ve bestowed
upon me through your proposal of uniting our houses.”

“The honor is all ours,” Akarawem answered, “although all thanks

should be directed to my father, and of course, my brother.” The latter
part of the phrase seemed to have been added as an afterthought,
making Sari suspect that the draechen prince hadn’t had much choice
in the matter either. Naturally, he didn’t get the chance to prod into it
as Akarawem added, “Please, follow me. My brother is very eager to
meet with his future mate.”

Sari very much doubted it. If it had been so, Shtamakarein would

have been here with Akarawem to welcome him. But of course, Sari
wasn’t so arrogant as to believe himself entitled to such a thing. It just
confirmed his previous knowledge of the way this day, and likely, the
rest of his life would go, at least, if Sari didn’t do something about it.

Remaining quiet, Sari followed after the princess as she led them

inside. He said nothing, instead taking heed of anything that might be
able to help him. He did figure out that one of the men with
Akarawem was stealing occasional glances at him. The chill in the
stranger’s stance could have had something to do with the obvious
fact that he was an ice dragon—or so Sari surmised given the dark-
blue color of his hair and eyes—or it might have been just because he
didn’t like him, period. Either way, Sari made a mental note to watch
out for him. Something told him the stranger was a very dangerous
man when he wanted to be.

At last, the walk through the cavernous corridors ended, and Sari

and his companions stopped in front of huge, wooden doors. Sari
gaped at the sight of them. They seemed so large that someone would
have had to be twice Sari’s height to hit the upper threshold. But then,
everything inside the draechen palace was like that. The hallways
themselves were spacious and tall. Sari supposed that made sense,
given the size draechen could reach in shifted form.

The guards opened the doors and bowed lowly. “Presenting Their

Highnesses, Princes Misael and Sareltae Norrenddare and Princess

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Charlize Norrenddare of Ivenia, accompanied by Her Highness
Princess Akarawem Tersain and His Lordship Lieutenant
Sagenamadeen Zager.”

Sari didn’t hear anything spoken or any permission being given,

but the soldiers gestured them inside. As he stepped forward and the
large doors closed behind him, several things struck him at the same
time. The draechen throne room was almost obscenely huge, just like
the palace itself, and for good reason. A red dragon sat curled on a
pile of jewelry, eyeing their approach with shrewd, intelligent eyes.
Sari would have been surprised, but he distantly remembered now that
the draechen emperor never shifted to his legged form in public,
instead using a form of telepathy to talk to his people. This must have
been what had happened earlier, with the guards. Still, in spite of the
remarkable presence of Emperor Kavehquader Tersain, Sari almost
didn’t see him at all. As if on instinct, his gaze went to a tall,
muscular man, waiting silently next to a slightly shorter one. Both of
them stood by the two thrones, one of which was occupied by a
draechen woman.

Dressed in a majestic black uniform, the mysterious man watched

them approach with an impassive expression. At first, the size of the
room and the somewhat tricky lighting prevented Sari from taking in
every detail of the stranger’s face and body, but as he and his
companions walked closer, that changed. The man’s midnight-black
eyes met Sari’s, and a flash of awareness seemed to course through
them, echoing deep inside Sari.

He didn’t even know how he kept walking, how his knees didn’t

buckle right then and there. Everything inside him screamed “mate.”
This man was his true mate. Could it be? Could he be so lucky as to
believe that, by some miracle, the man he was supposed to marry just
happened to be his other half?

Distantly, he spotted the woman who’d been sitting on the throne,

obviously the empress, gesturing them forward with a regal wave. She
said something, and Misael replied, but the words didn’t really

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compute for Sari. The only thing he could focus on was the
overwhelming presence of the dark-haired man. He wanted to taste
those stern, sensuous lips and thread his fingers in that dark hair, to
see if it was as soft as it seemed. He wanted to undo the buttons of
that uniform and trace the muscles it hid with his tongue, to kneel at
the draechen’s feet and take the other man’s cock in his mouth.

Sari realized he was staring at the draechen’s groin, and felt his

face flame. Taking a deep breath, he struggled to calm his racing
heart. Just in time, too, because finally, the empress turned her
attention toward him. “Prince Sareltae,” she said, “I’d like you to
meet my sons, Prince Hareematek, and your future mate, Prince
Shtamakarein, General of the Chrysalidian Wyverns.”

Oh, Jenarra… She was pointing to Sari’s mate and the man next to

him. Her introduction had made clear which was which and shattered
Sari’s last doubts. Now trembling, Sari still managed to focus and
said, “It’s a pleasure and an honor to meet you, Your Highnesses.”

* * * *

The soft words went straight to Karein’s dick, and his dragon

reared inside of him, roaring in lust and anger. Karein found himself
taking a step forward, then another, until he reached the fae who was
to be his mate. Taking Sareltae’s hand in his own, he kissed it,
lingering on the gesture for longer than it would have been strictly
appropriate. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said lowly.

He didn’t miss the shiver that passed through the fae, nor could he

hide the reaction it had on him. But he was in the presence of his
family, and if he didn’t get a grip, they would realize something was
wrong. He didn’t doubt that if they learned the truth, they would
prevent his mating. So he stepped back, straightened his spine, and
did his best to look as cold and aloof as possible. “Ornoz welcomes
you,” he finished formally.

The fae’s face fell at the chill in his tone, his silver eyes flashing

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with pain, but it couldn’t be helped. Karein’s dragon lashed its tail out
furiously, demanding what in the world Karein thought he was doing.
Because Karein, as a man, and as a beast, knew all too well that the
lovely fae standing in front of him was his true mate.

His instinct was to lunge forward and touch Sareltae, to crush his

lips to Sareltae’s full ones. He wanted to free Sareltae’s white-blond
tresses from the elegant hairdo and hold onto those locks as he thrust
his dick in and out of the fae’s body. He wanted to brush his fingers
over the gem glittering in the center of Sareltae’s forehead. He’d
already realized that his fantasy hadn’t been about Prince Talrasar, but
about Sareltae, so he knew that it might have not been just
imagination after all. He understood how good he and Sareltae would
fit together.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, his brother intervened before he

could do any of the things he wanted. Hareem stepped forward and
made a courtly, appropriate bow. “Your presence honors us,” he said.
“Should you want for anything during your stay, either I or my
siblings would be more than happy to provide it.”

Karein wanted to punch his brother. Why was Hareem always the

charming one? He should keep the smooth-talking for the werewolf
he’d stashed away from their father.

“Your generosity humbles us,” the Ivenian princess, Charlize,


Karein honestly didn’t want to hear any more of the lies both

parties were spouting. He just wished he could drag Sareltae away
from this room and fuck him until neither of them could walk. His
dragon craved it more than anything in the world, even his freedom,
even peace between the nations.

From the beginning of time, draechen had always valued their

mates a great deal. At first, almost all draechen had eventually found
their mates. But in Karein’s time, it had become next to impossible.
Karein only knew a handful of people who’d had the luck to
encounter their other half. He had long ago abandoned hope that he’d

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be granted this amazing gift.

But he had to be patient and wait. Sareltae’s brother, Misael,

provided him with the perfect, and most unwanted, distraction. “If I
may, Your Majesties, I bring a message from my father.”

“Oh?” The empress arched an elegant brow. “What does King

Selbrian wish to convey to us?”

“As you know, Father respects your ways and our traditions a

great deal. Therefore, we greatly emphasize the value of a true mate
bond. While we are, of course, honored by the union of our houses,
the fact remains that this marriage would be a political one. Therefore,
Father requests that my brother should not be forced into a mind link
as only true mates should have.”

“Oh, don’t they think they’re clever,” Karein’s father said in his

mind. “They know you can draw out everything he knows out of that
whore’s mind. Won’t they be surprised? Tell them that we agree to
their conditions. Sareltae will share with Shtamakarein no more and
no less than he chooses.”

As the emperor indicated, Rowenasheb said, “Of course, we

wouldn’t ask for anything Sareltae isn’t comfortable with. We’re
quite certain that he and Shtamakarein will have an excellent
marriage, but we agree that Sareltae can make his own choices with
regard to what he shares with our son.”

While she spoke, Kavehquader directed his attention solely on

Karein. “It seems, son, that you’re going to have a more difficult task
at hand. Instead of forcing your way into Sareltae’s mind, you’ll have
to seduce him.”

Karein just nodded since he couldn’t reply without the fae

overhearing. He decided to start complying to his emperor’s order at
once. After all, it was what he wanted anyway. The reason behind it
might not be ideal, but it still allowed him to be less cold to his mate,
and Karein was thankful for that.

Misael looked surprised and a little wary that his proposal had

been accepted so readily. He shared a puzzled glance with his sister

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and threw a look toward Sareltae. The younger fae was completely
focused on Karein, though. He licked his lips in what seemed to be a
subconscious gesture, and the action almost made Karein soil his
elegant uniform. If the fae didn’t stop looking at him like that, Karein
couldn’t hope to hold back, in spite of the discipline he’d cultivated
all throughout his life.

Distantly, he heard his mother continue to speak, “On this note,

we do have a personal request. We’d like for the wedding to be held
here, at the end of this week. I trust that is satisfactory for you, as it
would allow the future mates to get to know each other a little, too.”

“I’d have to speak with my father to confirm the date,” Misael


“Understandable,” the empress answered. “You can send him a

message from here. In the meantime, you are, of course, our guests.”

Karein realized with a dose of despair that the fae were being

dismissed. Overlords only knew when he’d get to see his mate again.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to chance his parents’ disapproval
and offered, “Should Prince Sareltae feel it adequate, I’d be honored
to show him around.”

The fae blushed prettily. If he was trying to keep himself from

showing the truth about them, it certainly didn’t seem like he was
doing a very good job about it. The coy look the fae threw Karein’s
way made him wonder just how he looked at people during sex, but
that brought to mind questions he’d rather not answer. He didn’t want
to think about Sareltae’s previous lovers. Instead, he focused purely
on the fae prince’s words.

“I wouldn’t presume to impose on Your Highness’s time,”

Sareltae said, “but if you so desire, I’d love to get to know your
beautiful home.”

Yeah, right. Beautiful home. If Karein had wanted to come up

with a description for the palace, he certainly wouldn’t have
associated those two words with it, either together or separately.
Nevertheless, Sareltae’s reply was more than satisfactory, both polite

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and enthusiastic.

“For now, you’re probably tired from your trip,” the empress said.

“Go with Akarawem. She will lead you to your rooms. You’ll be able
to get accustomed to Draechenburg later on.”

Karein could do nothing but watch his mate leave. He wanted to at

least ask Sage to guard Sareltae, to make sure the fae had someone
watching his back in this place where enemies hid behind any corner.
His lieutenant would, of course, be mindful of their guests’ behavior,
but what Karein knew now changed everything.

Akara led the fae—Sareltae included—out of the throne room,

and the heavy doors closed behind them. “Well, that was
informative,” Hareem said once they were granted privacy. “They’re
certainly hiding something.”

“We’ve already established that,” the emperor replied through his

telepathic power. “But not to worry. The fae rely on the loyalty of
their prince to get them out of this. It won’t work.”

“Just don’t overdo it, Shtamakarein,” his mother warned. “They’d

never believe that a draechen general would be so generous with his
time out of the kindness of his heart.”

“I will be careful,” Karein promised, “but I feel that it’s preferable

to set the basis of the relationship right now, so that I can exploit it

“Shtamakarein is correct,” the emperor said. “Seduce the fae,

son, and crush his heart under your boots. I can see already that he is
attracted to you. It will be up to you to use that lust for your purposes.
We will sign an agreement upon your mating, pointing out Sareltae’s
obligations and yours. Once the fae breaks his part—as you will make
sure happens—the world of the fae will fall.”

“And you’ll get a conduit to siphon your excess energies in the

process.” The empress grinned. “Aren’t you happy, my son?”

“I live and die by your command,” Karein said, unable to find a

reply that wouldn’t in one way or another give him away. Actually,
yes, he was happy, but for the first time in his life, he was also

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Right now, the emperor had chosen a slow and careful strategy for

his plan to defeat the fae. However, if he saw that Karein made no
progress, he would go for a more aggressive stance. Since the end
result of it all was undoubtedly world domination, he would have no
qualms in attacking anyone who got in the way, whether they were
other shifters or magical creatures. The thought horrified Karein, and
now more than ever, he not only had to worry about his people, but
also for a mate who’d unexpectedly popped up in his life. What was
he going to do?

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Chapter Four

A few hours later

“Sage! Come here.”
Sage turned away from the guard he’d been talking to, only to see

his general approaching. As always, Prince Shtamakarein looked
completely calm and composed, but there was something about him
that immediately made Sage realize something wasn’t quite right.

The fae. The fae had done something already. Sage gritted his

teeth to suppress his anger and frustration. He knew it was disloyal of
him not to agree with his emperor, but he still believed that this
mating was in no way fair to his general. After everything Prince
Shtamakarein had done for the draechen, after all the effort he put into
making the world a safer place, he deserved better than a political
marriage. He had never been told outright what reasons his leaders
had for making this choice, but whatever they were, he still wished
his general could refuse.

But Sage was only a soldier, and he couldn’t intervene in those

decisions. The only thing he could do was to be there for Prince
Shtamakarein when the older draechen beckoned. “Yes, Your
Highness?” he asked at once. “What is it?”

“I need a word.” The general gestured Sage to follow him, and

together, they walked away from the other guard.

For a few moments, Shtamakarein didn’t say anything. Sage

didn’t prod, knowing that walls had ears in the palace and aware of
the secrets the prince kept. Finally, Prince Shtamakarein stepped
outside, heading toward the cliff that served as a landing space for

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both modern aircrafts and draechen in shifted form. There were more
guards all over the place, especially around the fae jet. They saluted
as Shtamakarein passed, but the general didn’t stop, acknowledging
them with only brisk nods.

As they reached the edge of the cliff, Shtamakarein started to take

his clothes off. It was highly unlikely that he’d decided to take Sage
up on his old offer to couple, so Sage surmised he planned to shift.
Judging by the fact that the general had summoned Sage here,
Shtamakarein probably wanted Sage to accompany him on a flight. It
wasn’t unusual since they had many times done so in the past,
especially when they needed to discuss issues of grave importance.
Sage knew better than to believe the prince shared everything with
him, but in some respects, Shtamakarein trusted him.

And so, Sage pulled off his own uniform and summoned his beast.

As always, it took a little time for him to change shapes, and by the
time he finished, a majestic black dragon already stood in front of

The general launched himself into the air, and Sage didn’t hesitate

in following his example. As they flew away from the cliff, he
wondered what in the world had determined the prince to demand this
sudden departure from the palace. He had been monitoring the fae,
but so far, he couldn’t imagine what they could have done. Like she
had been told, Princess Akarawem had led them to their quarters and
strongly suggested that they should stay there until dinner. They had
the freedom to move around—after all, the emperor could hardly
make them prisoners—but they had guards on them at all times.

It seemed that the prince had every intention to explain the

situation. When they were far enough away, Shtamakarein flew down,
heading toward the forest beneath. Both he and Sage landed on the
grassy ground and changed shapes. “What is the matter, Highness?”
Sage inquired as soon as his dragon allowed him to speak.

“What I’m going to tell you now is very important, Sage.”

Shtamakarein gave him a serious look. “Before I speak, I need to

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know something. You have been in my service for decades, and
you’ve never disappointed me. Recently, you’ve given me a show of
loyalty that I have not forgotten. But I have to hear from your mouth.
Who do you trust? Who do you obey? Emperor Kavehquader or me?”

It was a tricky question. Usually, obeying Shtamakarein meant

that, indirectly, he was following Kavehquader’s orders. It seemed
that, this time around, things would be different. Sage considered the
question and decided to provide an honest reply. “As a draechen, I am
aware that my duty is above all to Ornoz. But if I were to choose, if I
was presented with an either-or option, I would always say that you
are the one I trust.”

If this was a trap, Sage could have easily signed his own death

sentence by saying that. But being in the general’s command for
decades had taught him a thing or two about Shtamakarein. No matter
what rumors said, Prince Shtamakarein wasn’t mindlessly ruthless.
He did what he had to do and obeyed the Directive, as they all had to.
He caught the rebels, but insofar as he could, kept the other draechen
from being unnecessarily cruel toward the captives. Sage would have
never continued in the job he loathed so much, if not for Prince
Shtamakarein’s example. Someone had to enforce the Directive, and
if the general didn’t do it, another draechen would, and likely he
wouldn’t have Shtamakarein’s scruples.

“I thank you for your honesty,” Shtamakarein replied. “The truth

is, Sage, I don’t know what to do anymore.”

He paused, as if struggling for words, and Sage could see how

hard it was for the general to ask anyone’s help with this. “Is this
about the fae?” he prodded gently.

The general nodded. “What I’m going to say now can go no

further. This is extremely important. I cannot stress enough how vital
secrecy is.”

“You can rely on me, Highness,” Sage replied without hesitation.

“I won’t let you down. I swear it.”

Shtamakarein seemed pleased with his reply. “My father is

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planning a war against the fae. This entire wedding is a ruse. He
means to use Prince Sareltae as an excuse to start the war. Suffice to
say, I want to prevent that.”

Sage couldn’t have agreed more. He might have become a soldier,

but his only goal was to protect his people and Ornoz. Things were
already difficult enough without the draechen shattering an already-
frail state of affairs. “But what can be done, Highness? The Emperor
seeks more power. It’s natural for him to expand toward the magical

“Unfortunately, that’s true. But our opponents aren’t stupid, Sage.

I’ve recently discovered that they’ve invented weapons that can hurt
us. I’ve tested them on my own scales, and they actually affect me.”

Sage gaped. He couldn’t believe his ears. If there had been one

thing he’d always considered a certainty, it was the reliable strength
of the draechen. No one could take on his people and win. No one.
But if his general was correct in his assessment—and Sage had no
doubt that it must be the case—then even if the draechen won, the
price they paid for victory could be very high indeed.

“If I share this with Father, or even with my brother, the war

would undoubtedly erupt at once. Therefore, the only way to prevent
bloodshed is to stop the war.”

“You have my assistance, for whatever you need,” Sage

answered, “but I’m not sure I can do anything that could help you in
such an overwhelming endeavor.”

“You’ve helped me once.” Impossibly, Shtamakarein’s expression

grew even more cautious. “Tell me, Sage, what did you think of my

The odd non sequitur took Sage by surprise. “I’m not sure what to

think,” Sage admitted. “I suppose he’s attractive enough, but I don’t
like that you were forced into a marriage with him. And earlier this
year, there were some suspicions regarding his integrity.”

He had heard a rumor that Sareltae had been involved in the

escape of the general’s ex-fiancé, Caelyn, but the emperor had quieted

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it down, probably because they’d never been able to prove anything.
It was only Sage’s proximity to Shtamakarein that had allowed him to
know about it in the first place.

“Well, whatever you heard is likely correct,” the general

answered, “but that’s irrelevant right now. Sareltae is my mate.”

Sage nodded, unsure of what his general meant. “Yes, I know.”
“No.” Shtamakarein shook his head, looking a little frustrated. “I

mean, my true mate. My other half.”

Sage would have been less shocked if someone had told him the

moon was made out of cheese. “But how?” he gasped out.

“I have no idea,” the prince answered, “but I’m not going to

question it. I need to see him, in private. He’s alone in his rooms right
now, but I can’t allow anyone to know I’m going to see him. My
parents encouraged me to seduce him, but such a move would be too
bold, suspicious.”

Sage was finally getting the picture. “Worry not, Highness. I can

be your alibi and distract the guards while you go see your mate.” In
spite of all the serious things he’d learned tonight, he couldn’t help
but smile. “Congratulations, General Shtamakarein.”

He felt truly relieved that his general had found his mate. With

Shtamakarein’s two hundredth birthday approaching, the risk of
losing the man he respected so much had become exceedingly high.
Sage had been more than willing to offer himself to Shtamakarein as
an anchor, even if he’d know he’d only ever be a poor substitute to
what his general really needed. However, he’d been refused.
Fortunately, the Overlords were on their side as they had granted
Shtamakarein the beautiful gift of his true mate.

“Thank you,” the prince replied. “And please, at least when we’re

alone, call me Karein. I grow weary of such formality everywhere.”

The honor humbled Sage, and he started to protest, “I couldn’t


“You can, and you will,” Shtamakarein interrupted him.

“Considered it a command if you must. And now, I have to go. My

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mate is waiting. Here’s what you need to do for me. Distract the
guards as I fly toward them, and then make sure the soldiers watching
Sareltae’s door don’t interfere or overhear us.”

“I understand, Highness.” When Karein gave him a look, Sage

corrected himself. “I mean, Karein.”

With a satisfied nod, Shtamakarein—no, Karein—melted into his

dragon form. As Sage did the same, he made a mental vow to himself,
Karein, and the Overlords that he would not fail his leader and his
people. Somehow, he and Karein would find a way to stop the war, no
matter what.

* * * *

Sari leaned against the banister of his room, admiring the view in

the distance. It was very different from his home in France, but Sari
found that he liked it. The fresh mountain air cleared his head, making
him breathe easier. The green of the forests seemed to beckon him
closer, and Sari wished he could go and explore, but he was trapped
here, in his room.

A gust of wind swept over the balcony, reminding Sari that

Draechenburg was definitely not Rose Noire. With a sigh, Sari
shivered, wrapping his cloak tighter around him. He should be going
back inside, but the room held no appeal to him. In fact, just the
thought of waiting there, alone and abandoned, horrified him. He
wondered where his mate was. He wondered if Karein even cared
about him all. The draechen’s behavior had been puzzling to say the
least, and while the situation certainly seemed better than this
morning, Sari didn’t know what to think.

Out of the blue, Sari felt a strange, almost familiar presence

approach. He looked up, scrutinizing the horizon, and gasped as he
saw a black dragon approach.

He had never seen his mate in shifted form, but it didn’t surprise

him that Karein’s dragon was as majestic as his human shape. As the

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black beast flew closer, Sari’s mouth grew dry, his knees turning to
jelly. He gripped the banister, trying to steady himself. It wasn’t fear
that made him so nervous, but rather, the knowledge that, for the first
time, he would be alone with his mate. He had no clue how to react.
What was even appropriate under these circumstances? Sari’s instinct
as a fae drew him to Karein in a sexual way, but he’d also been raised
into chastity. So far, his life had been dedicated to Jenarra, like his
mother’s had been. He’d known that would change upon his marriage,
but he hadn’t been prepared for the pull Karein had on him.

At last, the black dragon reached the balcony and landed onto the

dark marble. Sari watched as the large beast melted into the very
naked form of his mate. His face flamed at the sight, and he
studiously looked away, but not before he caught a guilty glimpse of
the generous member between Karein’s legs. Oh, Jenarra above, help

“W–what are you doing here?” he stammered out.
“Don’t you know?” Karein’s voice was a growl as he stepped

closer to Sari. He gripped Sari’s chin and forced their eyes to meet.
“Are you afraid of me, my beautiful prince?”

Sari shook his head, swallowing around the sudden knot in his

throat. “I’m afraid of what you make me feel.”

He had promised his family that he’d never allow the draechen

prince in his head, but now that he’d learned Karein was his mate, all
bets were off.

Instead of addressing that, Karein caressed Sari’s cheek with

striking gentleness. “You’re cold,” he murmured. His breath formed a
cloud in the frigid air, and Sari whimpered as he realized just how
close they were. This time, when he shivered, it wasn’t because of the
chilly wind. Even so, by some miracle, he managed to answer, “So
are you.”

“I’m fine.” Karein chuckled. “We’re more than used to it.

Draechenburg was built to facilitate the most important things we
need, secrecy and flight. The chill is a side-effect that doesn’t really

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bother most, and that some of us, ice dragons in particular, enjoy.”

Were they really just standing here, discussing geography and

architecture? It was insane. They had far more important and
worrisome things to handle. But Sari really couldn’t remember what
they were, not when Karein’s heat was chasing away the coldness in
his body and in his heart away.

Lost in the night of Karein’s eyes, Sari found himself dropping his

cloak. He was dressed in only thin layers of silk, which in hindsight,
might not have been such a good idea given the temperature in his
place. The lust that flashed through Karein’s gaze made it all
worthwhile, though. Slowly, the draechen maneuvered Sari back until
he pinned him against the wall of the building. He buried his face in
Sari’s hair and just inhaled. “Incense and vanilla,” he murmured. “I
knew it.”

The new position practically brought Karein’s naked form right

next to Sari’s body. The nudge of Karein’s erection against Sari’s hip
left no doubt to the fact that Karein desired him. Sari knew he should
have probably pulled away, but he simply couldn’t make himself do
so. A voice that sounded shockingly like his own croaked out, “Touch

He half expected Karein to lunge at him, to devour him whole.

That dangerous promise lived in Karein’s eyes. Sari could see it.
Instead, the draechen started to unpin Sari’s locks, releasing them
from the elaborate hairdo they had been arranged in. He threaded his
fingers through Sari’s tresses, all the while rubbing against Sari’s
body. “So soft,” he whispered as he brushed his lips over Sari’s
temple. “Your skin is like the silk of your robes. I can’t bear it.”

There was pure torment in his voice, and Sari had to do something

about it. He wrapped his arms around Karein’s neck, his heart
hammering as he said, “You don’t have to hold back. You’re with me

Karein shook his head and pulled away. The motion struck Sari

like a physical blow. “Karein, what is it?” he asked.

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“You don’t understand,” the draechen answered. “I can hurt you

so easily. That’s what I do. I hurt and destroy. I’m a murderer.”

The pain and shame in Karein’s voice nearly shattered Sari. How

foolish his shyness seemed now. Compared to what Karein must have
suffered, Sari’s loneliness and doubts were nothing.

Taking Karein’s hand, Sari started to pull the draechen into the

bedroom. “Come on,” he said. “It’s cold out here.”

Fortunately, Karein complied, and together, they left the balcony,

closing the door behind them. The temperature in Sari’s quarters
wasn’t much higher as Sari had let the fire go out. However, the coals
were still burning in the hearth, and with a wave of his hand, Karein
created a jolly, strong blaze.

Sari had heard a great deal about Karein’s mysterious power, and

he suspected it must be just like Prince Kaelezrin’s. Still, he wanted to
know more. “What can you do, exactly?” he inquired.

As he spoke, he scanned the room for anything Karein could wear.

His own clothing would never fit the draechen. Eventually, he
remembered a robe he’d seen in the bathroom and offered it to

The draechen grinned at him as he took the item and pulled it on.

“I’m going to be offended that you don’t like the sight of my
nakedness,” he commented.

“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Sari replied honestly. “I like it too

much. And you haven’t answered my question.”

“There’s no such thing as liking one’s mate too much,” Karein

shot back. His grin melted into a more serious expression when he
added, “And I drain energy. I can manipulate it to my whim, no
matter what its source might be. Whether it is magical, organic, or
even kinetic, I can control it.”

Sari had to admit that he had trouble registering Karein’s

explanation. His mind had become fixed on that single word. Mate.
“Do you realize what you’re saying?” he blurted out.

Karein’s breath caught as if Sari had slapped him. “I realize all too

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well. I’ve always known that my existence is parasitical to—”

“Stop!” Sari interrupted him, placing his hand over Karein’s

mouth. “Jenarra above, that’s not what I meant. You said that I was
your mate. Do you really believe that?” Because of their unique
situation, he elaborated, “Do you realize that I’m your true mate?”

Karein nodded and slowly removed Sari’s palm off his lips. As if

he couldn’t help himself, he kissed Sari’s knuckles. “I thought we
were both clear on that point. Believe me, I’d have never risked such
a bold step so soon if I hadn’t know for sure that we were meant to

“Oh.” Sari’s knees gave out now, and he would have fallen if

Karein hadn’t caught him. Looking a little worried, Karein carried
Sari to the couch and deposited him there with excruciating care.

“Are you all right?” he asked as he sat down next to Sari. “Am I

hurting you?”

“What?” Sari blinked, truly having trouble processing the

question. Karein’s confession finally dawned, and he understood that
Karein feared draining Sari’s energy like he must have done with
other people before. “No, of course not. I mean, you’re not hurting
me. I’m just being stupid. I didn’t expect any of this.”

“Neither did I,” Karein admitted. “But I have to ask… Why aren’t

you shocked or afraid at what I can do?”

“I understand it more than other people might be able to,” Sari

answered. “For years, I’ve studied the lives of Prince Talrasar and
Prince Kaelezrin. There are few records of what actually happened
then, but I’ve compiled some things and figured out pretty much how
his power worked. I’m told that you’re the only black dragon who
was born after him, so I just guessed that it must be similar for you.”

Caelyn had also told him a couple of things, but Sari didn’t want

to get into that. In fact, he didn’t want to think about Caelyn at all.
He’d never thought he’d be angry with his friend, but just the thought
that Caelyn had, in one way or another, hurt Karein infuriated Sari.

His anger and frustration must have showed, because Karein

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inquired, “What are you thinking? You were frowning so fiercely just

“Nothing,” Sari replied automatically. When Karein arched a

brow, Sari amended, “I was just remembering what Caelyn used to
say about you. His behavior toward you upsets me.”

Intellectually, he realized that Caelyn couldn’t have done things

any different. Caelyn had his own mate and family to worry about.
But Sari’s heart screamed that Caelyn had just been one of the many
people who’d turned their backs on Karein. Just hearing the self-
loathing in Karein’s voice when he had called himself a parasite made
Sari realize how many things were wrong with this picture.

“Circumstances forced us all in a regrettable position,” Karein

replied. “He cared about his wolf, as he should have.”

Karein’s strange phrasing reminded Sari that they were still in the

draechen palace, where foes could be hiding behind every corner. Of
course, Karein knew that Caelyn and Graham were still alive, but his
words suggested differently. Sari decided to play along. Perhaps his
mate knew something he didn’t. Was someone listening in on their

He must have looked panicked, because Karein said, “It’s okay.

No one can hear us. Just keep your voice down, and we’ll be fine. I
made sure the guards were distracted.”

“How?” Sari inquired. “They’ve all been watching my family and

me like hawks since we arrived.”

“I have my ways. Do you remember Lieutenant Sagenamadeen?”

When Sari nodded, Karein explained, “Should anything go wrong, at
any time, should you need something when I’m not around, go to him.
He will help you.”

Sari recalled the glowering draechen who’d been with Princess

Akarawem and frowned. “I remember. Are you sure? He didn’t look
like he liked me much.”

“Sage is loyal to me, and he will protect you,” Karein soothed

him. “At this point, there’s no one else in this palace that I can trust.”

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Slowly, Sari brushed his lips over Karein’s cheek. “You can trust

me,” he told his mate. He realized this wasn’t what Karein meant, but
he still needed the draechen to know that Sari was here for him.

The end result was a different one. Karein released a low growl.

Before Sari could even realize what was going on, the draechen
pushed him back, shoving Sari against the couch. Sari fell, and Karein
crawled on top of him, pinning Sari’s hands above his head with one
strong fist.

The draechen’s eyes were like oceans of fathomless black. “Do

you even realize how close I am to throwing all caution to the wind
and making you mine, right here?” His lower lip curled into an almost
angry snarl. “You’re so beautiful and so very cruel.”

“I’m yours,” Sari replied, relaxing in Karein’s touch. Of course he

was. It made so much sense now. He and Karein had been born to live
and love like their ancestors had never gotten the chance.

“Do you know what you’re offering, Sareltae? Do you know what

I wish of you?”

As if to answer Karein’s own words, Karein’s hand traveled under

the silk of Sari’s garments, leaving a trail of fiery pleasure behind.
Had Sari thought this was place was cold? He must have been out of
his mind. Now, he felt like he’d fallen into an inferno. How could he
be expected to reply under these more than distracting circumstances?

It took everything in Sari’s power, but he finally managed to

muster a reasonably coherent response. “I–I’m not a child. I might not
have been with anyone, but I understand what happens between

For a few moments, Karein’s expression went completely blank.

His hand stilled on Sari’s skin, and he almost seemed to have stopped
breathing altogether, as if Sari’s words had turned him into a statue.
Sari cursed himself for his clumsiness. “Karein?” he asked, his voice
trembling. “What’s wrong?”

His words snapped the draechen out of his trance. Much to Sari’s

dismay, Karein pulled away, so quickly that Sari didn’t even see him

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move at all. He didn’t even remain on the couch next to Sari, but
instead got up, wrapping the bathrobe around himself, as if trying to
shield his body from sight. Sari couldn’t imagine why Karein might
have felt self-conscious about his looks. The man was breathtakingly
gorgeous, more than Sari could have ever dreamed he’d find. But
unfortunately, so far, he hadn’t managed to convey his need for his
mate adequately.

Karein gave him a look that could have meant anything at all.

“You’re a virgin.”

It wasn’t a question since Sari had admitted to it earlier, but Sari

still nodded. “Does it bother you?” For all he knew, there was some
strange draechen tradition that Sari had yet to hear about.

Karein didn’t answer to that question. “I knew that you were

sheltered, but I didn’t imagine… I thought that you must have surely
had lovers before.”

So it did bother him. Clearing his throat, Sari got up as well and

started to arrange his clothes and hair. “It’s because of my connection
to Jenarra. Jenarra’s priestesses are forbidden to have sexual
relationships. It’s not an official thing for me, but my stepmother used
to enforce it herself, arguing that it’s necessary.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Karein answered. “Your mother is

High Priestess, is she not?”

Sari shrugged. The topic always made him uncomfortable. He

didn’t want to discuss the reasons behind his conception because it
had always hurt him. Once, he’d been a wide-eyed child who didn’t
understand why he was different, but then, his father had finally
pulled him aside and explained. From that moment, Sari had
understood that the love his parents showed to him wasn’t for him as
a person, but for Jenarra.

He supposed that Karein would find out sooner or later, so he

decided to explain. “My mother had a vision from Jenarra. The
goddess told her to have me because I was needed for our people to
thrive. She never would have given birth to me if not for Jenarra

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telling her to.”

The king had believed her, but naturally, the queen hadn’t. Of

course, the problem might have been solved if after that one time the
two had shared a bed, they’d stopped seeing each other in that
capacity, but Selbrian and Onyerre’s marriage had been an arranged
union, and what little balance had existed in it had been shattered after
Sari’s birth. Or so Sari had been told at least. He’d only ever known
Onyerre as the bane of his existence and his parents as loving, in their
own strange ways and for reasons he had always doubted.

Karein must have noticed the shift in Sari’s mood. Just like

before, he cupped Sari’s cheek gently, his previous shock apparently
forgotten. “I knew it. You are a gift from above. No one so beautiful
can exist out of mere mortals.”

Sari opened his mouth to argue against that assessment since he

wasn’t perfect at all. But before he could say anything, Karein
crushed their mouths together in a soul-wrenching, all-consuming
kiss. At first, the move shocked Sari so much that he couldn’t even
respond, but Karein’s tongue licked over the seam of his lips,
demanding entrance, and Sari automatically gave it. His eyes drifted
closed, and he melted into his mate’s embrace. As he surrendered to
Karein’s demand, the draechen’s tongue thrust into Sari’s wet cavern.
Tentatively, Sari met the slick muscle with his own. While he was
fairly certain that his clumsy shyness couldn’t have satisfied Karein’s
sexual need like the skill of an experienced partner, his mate groaned,
stabbing his fingers through Sari’s long hair. It was Sari’s first kiss,
and far better than anything he’d ever dared to imagine. He found
himself rubbing against Karein’s body, his dick throbbing,
desperately needing the friction, craving more contact with his mate.

A rip of material warned Sari that Karein wanted the same thing,

and whatever scruples had held him back until now were no longer
enough. Sari honestly didn’t know what would have happened had a
knock not sounded at the balcony door. Karein broke the kiss and
released an oath. “Give me a minute,” he said. “Something’s wrong.”

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Sari nodded, taking a few deep breaths as his mate opened the

door. As it turned out, the person intruding on Sari’s private moment
with his mate was the lieutenant Karein himself had mentioned. The
new arrival saluted Karein and bowed slightly at Sari, then said,
“Highness, you need to go. I believe Prince Hareematek is looking for
you. I’ve managed to distract the guards so far, but they were
predictably unwilling to leave their post. It’s far too risky to linger

“Thank you,” Karein replied. Returning to Sari’s side, Karein

pressed another bruising kiss to his lips. When he pulled away, he
murmured, “I’ll see you in a while. Wear your hair down for me,

It bothered Sari that his mate still called him by his full name.

“Sari,” he corrected. “Please, call me Sari.”

“Sari,” Karein repeated. His lips twisted into a small smile. “All

right. Sari.”

Without further ado, Karein dropped the robe Sari had provided

for him. He and his lieutenant left the room, and Sari followed them
onto the balcony. He watched them shift, Karein into a black dragon,
and Sagenamadeen into a blue one. Neither of them looked back,
instead launching themselves into the air, their powerful wings
leading them away from Sari. As Sari watched them disappear into
the distance, he went to pick up his cloak from where he’d abandoned
it. Only, instead of pulling it on, he returned with it into the room.
Abandoning his cloak on the couch, he retrieved the robe Karein had
worn and pulled it on. Wrapping himself into the garment, he curled
on the settee, inhaling deeply. Karein’s scent filled his nostrils,
reminding Sari of that unique smell of ozone and lightning that
sometimes teased the senses before a storm. It was powerful, virile,
untamed, just like the man himself.

Moaning, Sari buried his face in his hands. He was already

addicted to Karein’s presence, and they’d only spent maybe ten
minutes in each other’s presence. How in the world was he ever going

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to keep Ivenia safe now? Would he be forced to choose between his
mate and his people? The questions refused to let go of Sari, but in all
the uncertainty, he knew one thing. He would wear his hair down for

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Chapter Five

Karein was pissed. No, he was so furious. He’d finally tasted his

mate, and his brother had chosen this exact moment to interrupt him
for whatever nonsense had occurred to him. Overlords, if Hareem
didn’t have a good, no, an excellent reason for this, he’d finally see
how Karein really fought when he was angry.

As he landed on the cliff side, he changed shapes and pulled on

his clothes with jerky motions. The guards saluted him, but didn’t
seem to know anything out of the ordinary had happened. Some of
Karein’s stress drained out of him, although the sexual frustration still
had him and his dragon on the edge. Sage was right behind him and
remained mercifully quiet, obviously sensing Karein’s mood.

Hareem was waiting for Karein at the entrance of the palace. No

sooner had Karein stepped into the building than Hareem ambushed
him. “You picked an excellent time to put on a disappearing act with
your lieutenant.”

“What is it, Hareem?” Karein asked, struggling to keep his voice

calm. “And this better be good.”

Hareem stole a look at Sage. “I need a word with you. In private.

It’s urgent.”

The tone of Hareem’s voice instantly put Karein on alarm. “Of

course,” he replied. “Sage, continue with what I told you. You’re

As the lieutenant saluted, Karein guided his brother to a nearby

empty room. He’d have much preferred to take this conversation
elsewhere, but leaving again, with Hareem in tow, would be
suspicious. He and his sibling would just have to be careful and make

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sure no one overheard. With that in mind, Karein closed the door
behind them and gestured his brother to sit. Their senses would alert
them if someone lurked outside. He did note that Hareem ignored his
invitation, now looking quite anxious indeed.

“All right,” he said. “It’s safe for now. Tell me.”
His brother didn’t delay in complying. “Taryn’s pregnant,” Harem

blurted out.

Oh. Okay, that was a good reason. Karein gaped at his brother.

“Are you sure, Hareem? I thought male wolf-shifters couldn’t fall

Hareem released a bitter laugh. “Yeah. So did I. Imagine my

surprise. I didn’t know for certain until recently. It’s why I’ve been so
agitated these past days. But I’m sure now.”

It seemed that Hareem truly was serious. “How could this happen?

It’s anatomically impossible.”

“According to Taryn, there’s some dubious magical blood in his

line.” Hareem passed an agitated hand through his hair. “The child-
bearing gene must have passed on to him. I didn’t believe it when he
first told me, but at this point, it would be idiotic to continue doubting

“Overlords, Hareem… What are you going to do?”
“I was hoping you could tell me.” There was no trace now of the

ice dragon legendary for his charming, yet fake façade. Hareem was
dissolving into pure panic, and that was bad, for all of them. “Taryn
wants to keep it, but you know as well as I do that it’s a recipe for

Karein’s stomach roiled at what Hareem was saying. A child was

something so precious, especially when he or she came from one’s
mate. Karein would never have that. Even if fae males had the ability
to give birth, Karein’s energy stealing abilities also prevented his
semen from ever impregnating anyone. It was why he could never
stomach the idea of a child being harmed. Well, he had another
reason, and he swallowed around the sudden knot in his throat as the

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dark guilt threatened to choke him again. But no, he couldn’t think
about that death now. He needed to focus on Hareem, and of course,
on Sari. The past was the past, and he couldn’t change it.

“You can’t do that to Taryn,” he said. “He’s your mate.”
“I know, okay? I’ve known from the moment I saw him. But he’s

ninth caste, Karein. No matter how much I want this to work, the
Directive forbids it. And even if it wasn’t against the law, if one word
of it reaches Father’s ear, Taryn’s dead.”

Karein tried to come up with something that would work under

these circumstances. No matter how many times he’d threatened
Hareem with exposing the truth about Taryn, he never would have
done it. He knew how much the werewolf meant for his brother. But
sadly, Hareem was correct. Breeding outside one’s own caste was
forbidden by the Directive. There were a few exceptions, but none of
them applied to Hareem’s situation. In fact, if anyone even learned
that Taryn was more to Hareem than a plaything, Hareem would be
forced to take a different, official mate out of the draechen. The most
Taryn could ever expect was a life as a concubine, deprived of any
chance to breed.

Fortunately, the Directive didn’t apply to magical creatures, but

Karein could easily place himself in his brother’s position now that he
had found his own mate. “You need to stall,” he said. “Keep moving
him around. Make sure he never stays in one place for too long. In the
meantime, we need to find a place to stash him until the baby is

“But where?” Hareem asked, looking more desperate than Karein

had ever seen him. Wait. Karein had never actually seen him
desperate at all. “Where could we take him that wouldn’t draw
Father’s attention?”

Karein was very tempted to approach Philip Strange once again.

He’d done it once so that he could save Caelyn and Graham. Philip
might be able to help them contact Taryn’s pack. Because Karein
could avoid his father’s scrutiny for a couple of things, but the

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expense required to maintain a pregnant werewolf in a secure place
would draw the eye. To Karein, one thing seemed certain. Hareem
couldn’t keep Taryn anymore. The secret would come out, and then,
Taryn and the child would be killed. “You need to speak to his family.
They have to take him back, at least temporarily. Then, if he so
desires, he can return to your side. The child can stay with the

“You’re insane.” Hareem shook his head stubbornly. “It will

never work. I can’t do it.”

Karein arched a brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “Do

you have any other options?”

“I could ask the fae to take him,” Hareem mused.
The random comment took Karein completely by surprise. “You

must be joking. We’re on the brink of war, and you’d have the fae
protect Taryn? That’s even more idiotic than getting him pregnant in
the first place.”

“What else would you have me do?” Hareem threw his hands up

in obvious exasperation. “I can’t lose him, Karein. I can’t.”

“I know, brother,” Karein replied quietly. “Believe me, I


At that, Hareem finally snapped. “No, you don’t. Don’t take that

condescending tone with me, Dog-Catcher. You have no idea how I
feel, and you never will.”

Karein let his brother spout his venom. Normally, he had no

patience with Hareem’s insults. Like Hareem had told him once, they
weren’t friends, and more often than not, didn’t even consider each
other brothers. They were allies. This time, though, Karein made an
exception and allowed it. It might have been because of the shadows
of guilt still lingering in his heart and mind or due to the fact that he
truly did understand how Hareem felt. His goodwill melted, though,
when Hareem said something he really shouldn’t have.

“You’ll never have a mate,” Hareem spat at him. “The only thing

you’ll get is an Ivenian whore who—”

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Deadly fury filled Karein. Hareem didn’t even manage to finish

the phrase. Karein’s spell stopped him, cutting off his breathing and
sapping his energy. As his brother collapsed to the floor, Karein gave
him a cold look. “Enough. You will not disrespect my fiancé.
Understood? I don’t care what problems you have, but if I see you
causing problems for him in any way… Well, let me just put it this
way. Remember our little alliance? Well, it’ll be off, and you can
handle Father and your pregnant mate on your own.”

Hareem managed to nod. Satisfied with the response, Karein

released the spell, withdrawing it from Hareem’s body. “Now, if
you’re done, I have a great deal of things to do. Tell me if you want to
go through with what I suggested. I might be able to find a way to
contact the werewolves for you.”

“Do I even want to know how you’ll manage that?” Hareem asked

while struggling to his feet. Ironically, Karein’s spell had calmed him
down a little. Perhaps Karein should have started the whole
conversation by kicking his brother’s ass.

“Probably not,” he replied. “Keep me posted. And whatever you

decide, just don’t do anything you might regret later.”

Hareem didn’t answer to that, and Karein left the room, even more

frustrated than before. As if things hadn’t already been complicated
enough. Overlords, how could he possibly be expected to handle an
incoming war and a family crisis? He was only one man after all.

A pair of kind silver eyes flashed through Karein’s memory, and

Karein couldn’t help a small smile. Sari was a gift from the
Overlords, he was sure of that now. Now that he had Sari by his side,
he’d found new strength and new resolve. The battle had just become
personal, and Karein would win it, for his mate, for the two of them,
and the future he hoped to build at the fae’s side.

* * * *

“So, I understand your home is called Rose Noire? How exactly

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did you come to name it that way?”

Sari turned toward Prince Hareematek and offered him a forced

smile. He and his siblings had been invited to a private evening meal
with the draechen princes. Organized inside a private dining room, the
feast—as Sari couldn’t have possibly called it anything else given the
quantity of food on the table—clearly illustrated the lavishness of the
draechen’s lifestyle. They drank from goblets encrusted with gems,
which were taken away and replaced with others upon being emptied.
Even the plates and spoons seemed to be crafted out of precious
metal, but not silver. Likely, the draechen would never use anything
so mundane for their table. The room itself glowed with the amount of
gold present.

The fae court was just as lavish, but generally, Sari didn’t eat with

that side of his family, so he’d only witnessed it on occasion. Perhaps
he would have enjoyed this insight into draechen civilization, but all
throughout the dinner, Prince Hareematek had been asking questions
about Sari’s home. It made him uncomfortable as he didn’t know
what interest the draechen had in Rose Noire. This particular
information seemed harmless enough, but Sari was still wary of it.

He took a sip of wine from his own jeweled goblet while trying to

come up with an appropriate reply. Unfortunately, as he did so,
Charlize intervened, “It’s called that way in honor of the former fae
citadel that was destroyed after the Great Sacrifice.”

“Ah, Eternelle.” Hareematek released a thoughtful sound. “Yes, I

think I recall something on it.”

Since Charlize was a member of the royal family, she knew about

Eternelle’s enduring existence. Sari couldn’t risk her accidentally
revealing the truth. As such, he took over the conversation. “It had a
second name,” he explained. “Rose Blanc.”

“And you changed in sign of mourning,” Hareematek guessed

correctly. “Admirable.”

“I don’t think it was particularly great of us to change a name,”

Sari answered, half because he was quite sensitive about the topic and

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half since it would be far safer to discuss history than present day
Rose Noire. “I feel the sacrifices that were made that day were the
admirable ones. To this day, I don’t think we’ve done enough to
honor it.”

“The Directive was written for all those who died,” Princess

Akarawem argued. “You do not deem it sufficient?”

Actually, the Directive was the thing that Sari most had a problem

with. He somehow doubted that Prince Kaelezrin and Prince Talrasar
would have been happy to see what their choices and deaths had, in
the end, led up to. He’d known it before, but now even more so.
Meeting Caelyn’s mate, Graham, convinced him of it.

But he couldn’t say any of that, not without insulting the

draechen. He wanted to come up with a clever reply, but the princess
was staring at him, almost sneering. Fortunately, Karein intervened,
rescuing him from Akarawem’s hostility. “What His Highness means
is that the contribution of Princes Kaelezrin and Talrasar was so great
that we could never thank them enough. After all, without them, we
might not even be here today.”

He was seated right across Sari, which made Sari desperately want

to touch him. But Misael stopped him from going through with it. “I
propose a toast,” he said, getting up. “To Kaelezrin and Talrasar!”

As Misael lifted his glass, everyone echoed his motion, joining in.

“Here, here,” they all said. Sari remembered the wolf he’d packed in
his bags and gladly followed their example. When the toast ended,
they all sat back down, returning to their meals. But it seemed that
Prince Hareematek was in a talkative mood tonight. “I suppose it’s
appropriate for their descendants to bind their destinies since as I hear
it, Kaelezrin and Talrasar were mates.”

“There was never any proof of that,” Akarawem argued,

narrowing her eyes and Hareematek. They were twins, but they didn’t
really seem to be getting along.

“It is all depends on what you mean by proof,” Karein replied. For

some reason, his expression grew thoughtful, as if he wasn’t really

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thinking about his sister’s words anymore.

Akarawem chuckled at that. “My brother is very dedicated to their

memory. He has paintings of them in every office he owns. I swear,
he’s practically obsessed.”

Sari chose not to reply. He wondered if every night at the

draechen dinner table was like this. Actually, it was better than Sari
had expected, likely because the empress and emperor weren’t in
attendance. Had the imperial couple been present, things would have
undoubtedly been far tenser. But apparently, the draechen emperor
always ate in private, and the empress had made the choice to do so as
well so that she could accompany her husband.

Of course, Sari’s enjoyment of the evening had a lot to do with his

mate. He’d worn his hair down, like Karein had asked, and Karein
kept throwing him hot glances whenever their siblings were focused
on something else. Sari suspected that if he and Karein had been
obsessed with their ancestors before, they’d impossibly found
something even more fascinating—each other.

Around them, the conversation continued, although at one point,

Sari tuned it out. He knew he should be paying attention, but he had
his mate right there, in front of him. Who could blame him if he lost
focus? Sadly, whenever Sari did something, he got completely
engulfed in it, and now was no different. He found himself sliding off
his shoe and carefully reaching out with his socked foot over to
Karein’s lap. Karein seemed to be doing his best to maintain
appearances, and as Sari went about his little devious plan, his mate
was just taking a bite out of his steak. When Sari’s foot slowly came
into contact with Karein’s groin, rubbing lightly, Karein’s eyes
widened, and he released an almost funny noise that sounded like a
cross between a moan, a growl, and something not entirely human. He
must have been swallowing, because he ended up choking with the
bite of food in his mouth.

As his mate started to wheeze, Sari immediately retracted his foot

and put his shoe back on, horrified. He quickly got up, unable to

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believe what was happening. Before he could run to his mate’s
assistance, though, Prince Hareematek rushed to his brother’s side and
hit Karein’s nape, dislodging the piece of half-chewed meat in the
process. Somehow, the bite of food flew directly at Sari. Impossibly,
its momentum was such that even if Sari was standing, it landed right
on his face.

Silence fell over the dining room. Everyone was looking at Karein

and Sari. In that moment, Sari would have wanted the ground—or the
mountain—to open up and swallow him whole. He couldn’t believe
that he’d been daring enough to do something like that where
everyone could see them, and in the process, had caused this
ridiculous, embarrassing episode.

The deafening quiet was broken by Prince Hareematek. “Well,

that’s appropriately impressive.” The draechen cleared his throat
awkwardly. “I feel like I should be saying something witty, but I can’t
come up with anything that would illustrate it.”

“Err, it’s quite all right.” Sari wiped his face, his face flaming.

“No harm done.”

Charlize tried to laugh, but failed. “It was only an accident.”
“Quite.” Akarawem smirked. “Thank the Overlords for Hareem’s

hasty intervention. It would have been quite interesting for the nearly
invulnerable Prince Shtamakarein to perish while choking on food.”

“Would you give it a rest, Akara?” Karein finally asked. He took a

sip of wine, then got up. “My apologies, Prince Misael, Princess
Charlize. I need a word with your brother in private.”

“Of course,” Misael nodded. He must have thought that Karein

was embarrassed because of his gaffe. As Karein went around the
table and took Sari’s arm, Sari’s heart started beating faster,
impossibly so. “Thank you for a wonderful dinner,” he said to the
other members of the imperial family.

“It was an honor to have you,” Hareematek answered. “Perhaps

breakfast will be less eventful.”

After saying good-bye to his siblings as well, Sari allowed Karein

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to lead him out of the room. While out in the hallway, neither of them
spoke, but the tension between them was undeniable. Sari honestly
didn’t know where Karein was taking him since the draechen was
walking too fast for Sari to figure it out. They passed a good number
of guards who saluted when Karein and Sari walked by. Karein just
greeted them with dismissive nods and walked on.

Finally, they reached their destination and burst into a dark room.

Karein ensured their privacy by closing the door, then pinned Sari
against the solid wood. In the obscurity, Karein seemed like a
mysterious seducer who appeared out of the shadows of the night.
Sari didn’t even know how he managed to speak. “I’m so sorry about

His words were cut off when Karein’s lips crushed against his.

Sari instantly wrapped his arms around Karein’s neck, surrendering to
the kiss. But it was far more than just a kiss. It was a claiming, one
that left no doubt as to what Karein wanted to do. Karein didn’t ask.
He took. He practically devoured Sari, thrusting his tongue into Sari’s
mouth, tasting him over and over. Sari simply couldn’t get enough,
and distantly, he made a mental note to flirt with Karein at dinner
more often.

They broke apart to breathe, but didn’t move away from each

other. “You let your hair down for me.” The draechen growled.
“You’re so beautiful. How can you even expect me to hold back?”

“I don’t,” Sari confessed. Much to his embarrassment, his words

came out in a moan. Not only that, but he also found himself rubbing
against Karein, his dick already as hard as a rock. Damn it, had he
always been such a wanton? Probably not. Karein just made him that

“I want to fuck you so badly,” Karein murmured in his ear. “I

want to rip these clothes off and lick you all over.” Taking a deep
breath, Karein pulled back, releasing Sari. “But I can’t, not until we’re

Gobsmacked, Sari released a low sound of protest. “But why?”

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“Because you deserve better than to be fucked over the couch like

some sort of cheap whore,” Karein replied. “I want to give you the
world, to show you how good we can be together. And sadly, right
now, we wouldn’t be able to have more than a few stolen moments. If
we got too close, too soon, my family would be suspicious.”

As Karein spoke, Sari was reminded that no, he hadn’t suddenly

stepped out of his reality into another one, like it had seemed for a
moment there. He was still in Draechenburg, in Emperor
Kavehquader’s home, or rather his headquarters. He still carried the
burden of his nation’s safety on his shoulders. At the same time, his
mate was clearly struggling to come up with a way to mend their
situation. Sari should have more control, and instead, he was acting
like an animal in heat. Things were already hard enough for Karein
without Sari making them worse.

In truth, there was something in Karein’s words that didn’t sound

quite right to Sari. Yes, Karein had a point in fearing Kavehquader,
but there was more to it than that. Karein’s hesitation also had another
reason, which he didn’t want to expose, or rather repeat. Sari had seen
it back in his bedroom, the deep self-loathing Karein was hiding. The
draechen was trying hard not to let whatever plagued him show, but in
the process, he was putting up a barrier between himself and Sari.

For the moment, Sari couldn’t do anything about it. It would be a

longtime project, which he could only embark on when Karein
allowed him to, likely after their wedding. Straightening his hair and
his robes, he nodded jerkily. “Yes, of course. You’re perfectly right.”

To his surprise, Karein smiled fondly and pecked his nose. It was

a gentle gesture that held honest affection that had very little to do
with the burning lust between them. “I like it when you do that,” he

“Do what?” Sari asked, confused.
“You arrange your clothing and play with your hair when you’re

nervous, frustrated, or anxious. I love it. It’s sexy.”

Sari had some trouble in processing that answer. He was a little

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embarrassed at having such a quirk exposed. He’d never realized he
even had it, which was likely kind of silly. But most importantly,
hearing the word “love” in Karein’s mouth made butterflies flutter
their wings wildly in his stomach. He couldn’t be too hopeful. Karein
hadn’t said he loved him. And besides, they might be mates, but
they’d only just met. They still had so much to learn about each other.
Karein desired him, yes, but the mate pull was legendarily strong for
draechen. For the moment, Sari needed to take a step back and think
things through, before his excitement and infatuation made him fuck

In spite of the fist clenching around his heart, Sari smiled at his

mate. “I’m glad I please you,” he said neutrally. Seeking some topic
of conversation that wouldn’t involve how much he wanted to be with
Karein, he fumbled around the door and found the light switch. His
senses were far better than that of a human, and he could make out the
shape of a couch and a desk in the darkness, but he wanted to see it
better. He suspected he knew where Karein had taken him.

As he pressed the button, light flooded the room. The first thing

Sari’s gaze fell on was a portrait of the two princes that had been a
topic at dinner. “Is this your office?” he asked, quite pointlessly,
given that he already knew the answer. “We’re in the imperial wing?”

Karein nodded. “Don’t worry, though. It’s safe, and separate from

my father’s wing. No one ever comes here without my permission.
Well, no one except Hareem. He tends to overstep his boundaries at
times, but mostly, even he knows better.”

His lips twitched in a ghost of a smile, and Sari’s gaze was drawn

to that impossibly sexy mouth. Jenarra above, he was hopeless.
Quickly, he looked away, focusing on the painting, which really
didn’t help, given that Prince Kaelezrin was a lot like Karein. And
then Karein gripped Sari’s chin and forced their eyes to meet. “Don’t
hide from me, Sari,” he said. “I know I was a little brusque. I wish
you could see inside me right now so that you’d know how much I
want you. But we have to be careful.”

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“I know we do.” Sari couldn’t have looked away from Karein’s

face to save his life. “I just want to be with you, to learn you. We
don’t have to do anything. Just… Don’t push me away.”

For a few moments, Karein didn’t say anything. His face went

completely blank, and that non-expression hurt Sari like a thousand
daggers through his chest. At last, Karein took a deep breath, and that
strange look vanished. “I’ll try, beautiful. I can’t promise it’ll happen
overnight, but I’ll try.”

Sari beamed brightly. It wasn’t a promise of undying love, but

they were definitely making progress. If he could get Karein to fully
open up to him, the rest would be a piece of cake. There were still too
many secrets between them, but in time, that would change. Sari
would make sure of it.

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Chapter Six

It was dark, too dark. Eanera tried to scan the void, seeking

answers to the questions hidden deep within her heart. She sought the
comfort of the goddess she believed in with all her might. But her
faith was no longer enough. Eanera wanted to see Sari. She wanted to
know what would happen to her dear child. Where are you? Where
are you, Jenarra? What are you keeping from me?

She knew it was unfair and irrational of her to make demands. The

visions came and went as Jenarra wished. Eanera had no control over
them, and while she could ask questions, whether Jenarra replied or
not was strictly at the goddess’s discretion. This time, Eanera’s
inquiries were falling to deaf ears, much to her despair.

A stirring at the back of her skull alerted her that her presence was

required elsewhere. Eanera opened her eyes and found herself facing
her king. “The emperor is requesting that the wedding be held at the
end of the week,” Selbrian said without preamble.

He sat next to her on the couch and sighed heavily. “I wish there

could have been another way.”

“We knew it would happen,” Eanera replied. “And we know that

Prince Shtamakarein will care for and desire Sari.”

Jenarra hadn’t kept them completely in the dark. Before Sari’s

departure, Eanera had been granted several visions, and all of them
seemed to suggest that Sari would eventually become close to the
draechen prince. In fact, a small part of her was daring to hope that
the two of them were mates. She couldn’t be sure, as Jenarra hadn’t
confirmed it one way or another, but it made so much sense. Alas,
since Sari had left, not even the briefest flash had come to Eanera. It

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unsettled her.

Unfortunately, Selbrian knew her well, far better than she’d have

liked, and he saw right through her. “You’re worried,” he said.

“I am,” Eanera admitted. “Jenarra has been quiet. I miss Sari, and

knowing he’s there, in the proverbial lion’s den… I hate it.”

“Do you wish to come?” Selbrian inquired. “I’m going to have to

go to Draechenburg. Do you want to join us?”

Eanera hesitated. Yes, she wanted that so much. She should be

with her son in such a difficult moment. Even if Sari’s half brother
and half sister were with him, he was, right now, essentially alone
among strangers, he who had only ever left Rose Noire to go to
Eternelle. He was so naive and so fragile. The draechen could break
him so easily. Jenarra, what had she been thinking when she had
allowed this?

“Eanera?” Selbrian asked when she didn’t immediately answer.

“Are you all right?”

Selbrian brushed a finger over her cheek, and Eanera realized that

she was crying. As she met his gaze, he saw genuine concern and
affection in his eyes. She wanted so much to take what he offered, but
contrary to what most people—Sari included—believed, they’d only
shared a bed once. Eanera might loathe Onyerre for her treatment of
Sari, but the fact remained that Onyerre was married to Selbrian.
Eanera had no right to take another woman’s husband away. Jenarra
had given her a beautiful gift in allowing her to even experience
Selbrian’s passion for that beautiful night, and more importantly, in
the product of their union, Sari. She could ask for no more.

Still, just this one time, would it be so bad if she allowed herself

the comfort of his embrace? Eanera squashed that thought viciously
just as it appeared. Yes, it would be bad. It would be terrible. She was
High Priestess. Whether other people believed her to be Selbrian’s
concubine or not, she had to respect her position, and his. She
couldn’t afford to be just a mother and a woman. She was Jenarra’s
chosen envoy, and that would never change. No matter how much she

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wanted to be with Sari, her place was here, in Rose Noire, in Jenarra’s
temple. Not with her child, in Draechenburg. Not with the man she
loved, in the Rose Noire throne room. Here, alone with her faith.

Steeling herself, Eanera wiped her tears and shook his head. “I

cannot. You know it’s forbidden for me to leave the temple, let alone
Rose Noire.”

“I could grant you special permission,” Selbrian replied. “It’s

Sari’s wedding. No one would deem it improper.”

Eanera smiled sadly. “You forget, My King, that it isn’t just

tradition keeping me here. The High Priestess needs to stay within the
citadel. We cannot afford to disperse our troops as we once did, and
no matter what happens, I, as head healer and the most powerful fae
mage, have to remain here. Sari’s departure is already a serious blow.
The safety of Rose Noire and of our people has to be a priority.”

That was the law, ever since Eternelle’s destruction. Back then,

the healer mages of the former fae citadel had spread out all
throughout the world in an attempt to control the spreading plague,
but it had left Eternelle vulnerable. Only the sacrifice of Princes
Talrasar and Kaelezrin had saved them all from ultimate disaster,
although the city itself had still been destroyed. When Rose Noire had
been erected, the legislators had vowed to never let that happen again.

Selbrian released a heavy sigh. “As always, you’re right. I do wish

things were different, but it can’t be helped.”

“I’m going to send Sari a message,” Eanera replied. “He’ll


He always did, and that was perhaps the worst thing of all. Sari

never blamed either her or Selbrian for the fact that they hadn’t been
able to fully protect him from Onyerre. He never made irrational
demands, and the few times he’d asked for favors, it had never been
for himself. It hurt, but Eanera knew Sari didn’t even expect her to
come. Her absence would pain him, but what else could Eanera do?
Even if she hadn’t been a priestess, she was a Myrthylar. Protecting
the fae was in her bloodline. Her family might no longer be the ruling

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dynasty, but that didn’t change her duty, or Sari’s.

Selbrian didn’t reply to her words. He got up and nodded silently.

Briefly, he brushed his lips over her cheek. It was the most intimate
contact she had allowed ever since that night they’d spent together.
As he pulled away, he finally said, “Just remember that whatever you
need, I’m here for you.”

Eanera left the couch as well, arranging her robes as she did so.

“So I shall, My King.”

Selbrian kissed her hand, and without further ado, left her

quarters. Once he was gone, Eanera knelt on the floor. She thought
about her son, about how fearful and uncertain he’d looked the last
time she’d seen him. She thought about how many things she wanted
to say to him, but she couldn’t. A tear slid down her cheek, burning
her skin as it fell. As it fell, it solidified into a white, perfect pearl that
landed in her palm.

Eanera murmured a word of thanks to Jenarra. Speaking to her

son like this wouldn’t be enough, she knew that already, but she had
to believe in Jenarra and Sari. Ivenia itself was at stake, and Eanera’s
emotions, no matter how intense, didn’t matter. They never did.

* * * *

“Kael, we have to do something. I don’t think there’s any other


Kael held onto his mate tightly and kissed the fae’s forehead. No,

there wasn’t, but just the thought of what they were planning made
Kael sick to his stomach. “I don’t want to lose you, love. I can’t lose
you. The world needs your light.”

Talrasar hugged him back. “We’ll still be together.” His voice

was trembling, as if he was holding back tears. “I promise I’ll never
leave you. But… Oh, Jenarra, Kael… My shields are falling. We need
to decide now.”

The werewolves and the vampires were closing in on them. They

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were so many, too many. Not even Kael could take them all out. His
power drained energy, and by rights, he should have been able to
hold back the advance of the enemy forces by stealing their life force.
But even he had his limits, and there was only so much energy that a
mortal body could contain.

Meanwhile, Talrasar was desperately trying to shield the

remaining survivors of Eternelle from the attack. But reinforcements
hadn’t arrived. King Amarion was likely still on the front himself and
wouldn’t be able to send aid in time. Kael couldn’t expect further help
from his own people. Therefore, he and Talrasar were on their own.

There was one last thing they could do, one final desperate step

that could save their world from falling. Here and now, the vampire
and werewolf armies had gathered as a crushing force meant to
eliminate one of the greatest powers on Earth. It was the perfect
chance for a devastating counter-attack. But to do so, to fight back,
Kael had to die. He’d have eagerly given his own life in service of his
people and his duty, but this spell, this enchantment would imply
Talrasar dying as well. And that was something Kael simply could not
accept. His dragon roared angrily inside him, protesting the thought.
Let everyone else die. He didn’t care as long as his mate was safe.

And then, Talrasar pressed their lips together, and Kael felt

something stir inside him. He saw a flash of a different time, of a
different man, embracing someone else. It was so brief, but it gave
him hope. For this world to survive, for that future to be possible,
Kael had to sacrifice the thing he treasured most. He had to kill his
own mate. He’d have never done it, but a soothing light filled him,
whispering unintelligible promises in his ear. Talrasar was right.
They would still be together, no matter what happened.

As their lips parted, Kael met Talrasar’s gaze. “I love you so

much. Please forgive me.”

“I love you, too, and there’s nothing to forgive.” Talrasar smiled.

“We’ll find our way back to each other. I’m sure of it.”

Everything would be over. Their lives, their world as they knew it

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would be gone. But they had no other choice. Without giving himself
another moment to hesitate, Kael reached for the thread keeping him
anchored to Talrasar. Only he and his chosen mate could ever break
it, but it would shatter them both. Closing his eyes, Kael sent another
“I love you” to his mate and tore the bond.

* * * *

Karein roared as his eyes shot open. For a few moments,

everything was darkness. His energy flailed wildly out of him,
crashing futilely against the metal walls. Finally, as his own identity
settled into him, his vision cleared and he could see again. Great.
Another of those fucked-up death dreams. It was the last thing he
needed right now.

Groaning, Karein got up and fumbled with the pattern on the door.

With some effort, he managed to open it and stumbled into the
bedroom. What were these dreams supposed to mean? The day
before, he’d gone to his supposed bed feeling a little more at peace
with himself. After all, he’d finally found his mate, his other half. In
spite of everything still standing between them, it was certainly good
news. And now, this dream. It was one of the worst nightmares to
date, which was saying a lot, given how many times he’d seen Kael
and Talrasar die together.

He tasted bile in his throat as a flash of those final moments

passed through his mind’s eye once more. He barely managed to
reach the bathroom before it got too much. Karein dropped to his
knees and threw up. As he heaved over the toilet, he tried to exorcise
the guilt and death of another man and focus on his own priorities. He
couldn’t do this. He hadn’t had such a bad reaction to a nightmare
since they’d first started, nearly two centuries ago. At the time, Karein
had only been a hatchling. It was unforgivable for him to act like this
now. For fuck’s sake, he was a general, the most feared shifter on
Earth. What would his foes say if they saw him weak and on his knees

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because of a dream? What would his mate think?

The thought snapped him out of his trance. He began to recover,

and the dry heaves stopped. He struggled to his feet and washed his
face, grimacing when he noticed his reflection in the mirror. He
looked like he’d been through a battle with twenty-five werewolves
and lost. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, the image of
his own face vanished, melting into the one painted in so many
portraits Karein himself had commissioned. Kaelezrin’s face.

With an angry roar, Karein punched the mirror, sending shards of

glass flying all over the place. Fortunately for Karein, his skin was
quite tough even in human form, so he wouldn’t be cut, not that
Karein would have cared either way. He was angry and frustrated,
sick of having his happiness shattered like the mirror he himself had
broken, sick of asking himself what it all meant and of the darkness
encroaching on his mind at the worst possible times. Damn it, he had
a little time left. He hadn’t hit his two hundredth birthday yet. Why
was he being plagued by the memories and pain of someone else?

All right. He had to stop it. He needed to focus. This wasn’t

anything new, and he could handle it. Nodding to himself, Karein
gathered the glass and threw it in the trash. He caught a glimpse of his
reflection in one of the shards. Kaelezrin was gone. Karein was just
himself, the son of Kavehquader and Rowenasheb Tersain, general of
the Chrysalidian Wyverns and Sareltae Norrenddare’s mate. He was
also Hareematek Tersain’s brother, and as all those things, he had a
thousand and one things to do. He couldn’t afford to fall apart.

Already feeling a little better, Karein returned to his room and

dressed for his day. For the moment, Hareem refused to consider
returning Taryn to his people, so that matter would have to wait. But
Sari couldn’t. Karein desperately wanted to see the fae, to make sure
Sari was all right. After finishing his preparations, Karein stalked out
of the room and headed directly for the guest wing.

He changed his mind at the last moment. What was he going to

do, just knock at Sari’s door? Would that even be appropriate? Of

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course it would, his dragon replied. Sari belonged to him. By rights,
they shouldn’t have slept apart in the first place. Karein frowned at his
own thoughts. Once he got married, he and Sari would have to share a
bed. What would happen if he had one of those horrible nightmares
while Sari was next to him? Overlords, Karein didn’t even want to
imagine it.

And what if the voices from his childhood returned? Karein was

studiously ignoring their possible cause, but that didn’t change the
fact that it had been there. More importantly, it didn’t wash the blood
off Karein’s hands.

It was all so very confusing. Karein had never figured out the true

connection between his episodes of near schizophrenia as a child and
his nightmares, if there was one. Did it even have any link to his
steady advance toward his two hundredth birthday, or was it
something different? Karein didn’t know anything anymore, except
for the fact that he was a complete mess. Sari deserved much better.
He might not be safe at Karein’s side.

Karein was so lost in his horror that he didn’t even realize his

steps had carried him to one of the numerous dining rooms until he
was already walking inside. There, his eyes fell on his mate, sitting at
the table with Prince Misael and Princess Charlize, as well as with
Karein’s own siblings.

Hareem greeted him cheerfully. “Good morning, brother. We

didn’t expect to see you at breakfast since you never eat with us.”

“I decided to make an exception,” Karein replied. He sat down

next to Sari, ignoring the puzzled looks the rest of the fae threw his
way. Obviously, the aftereffects of his bad morning were still

“Are you all right?” Sari murmured in his ear. His dragon started

to settle down at Sari’s mere presence, forgetting about the shadows
of the past.

Karein nodded. He’d have liked to tell Sari so much. No, what he

wanted was to take Sari in his arms, hold him close, and never let go.

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But that wasn’t possible, so Karein just remained silent as servants
swept in to provide him with plates and silverware. Karein snacked on
the quiche and scones, enjoying Sari’s nearness while taking note of
the conversation between his brother and Princess Charlize. It seemed
that Hareem was still stubbornly clinging to the idea of sheltering
Taryn with the fae, so much so that Akara was beginning to look

He might have intervened had the doors not suddenly opened,

interrupting all discussions. Much to Karein’s surprise, his mother
walked in. All those present got up, bowing. “Good morning,” the
empress said. “Prince Misael, Princess Charlize, Prince Sareltae, I
trust you all slept well.”

“Very well, Your Majesty,” Misael replied politely.
“Excellent.” Rowenasheb smiled, obviously not caring one way or

another as to how the fae had fared on their first day in Draechenburg.
“We’ve just received word from Rose Noire. King Selbrian has
agreed to our terms. The wedding will be held at the end of the

There were cheers all around, although likely, none of them were

genuine. Sari’s hand brushed against Karein, a slight touch that could
have seemed accidental but clearly wasn’t. The simple affection in
that gesture was like a balm for Karein’s heart. At last, his dragon
truly began to settle, and he managed to throw a brief smile in his
mate’s direction. Since he couldn’t allow his mother to notice any
closeness between him and Sari, he couldn’t say or do anything else.
Instead, he turned toward the empress. “I believe that’s great news,”
he said neutrally.

“It is, indeed,” she answered. “And on this note, I must applaud

your initiative, Shtamakarein. It’s very good that you’re taking
advantage of this time to get to know Prince Sareltae better.”

Hoping that he was interpreting her words correctly, Karein

allowed himself to do what he’d wanted in the first place. He took
Sari’s hand and kissed it. “Every moment spent in Prince Sareltae’s

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presence is an honor and a privilege.”

“Sadly, I must rob you of that privilege after breakfast. Come see

your father and me. We have much to discuss.” Turning toward the
group of fae, she added, “Have an excellent meal. I’m afraid my
husband is waiting and I cannot stay. Good day.”

She turned on her heel and stalked out without another word.

Karein wondered what exactly she wanted to tell him. Had he been
too obvious in his affections toward Sari? No, that couldn’t be it. He
knew his parents well, and he could read their cues. They wanted him
and Sari to become close. They couldn’t have learned about his visit
to Sari’s bedroom. The only one who knew was Sage, and if Sage
betrayed him, Karein had no doubt that his mother wouldn’t be
bothering with smiles and polite platitudes at breakfast. No, they were
going through with the original plan. Karein just had to continue to
pretend, like he’d done for three-quarters of his life.

Everyone sat back down, and they finished the meal, this time

remaining mostly quiet. Once the servants removed the plates, Karein
excused himself. His mother’s intervention had given him the
opportunity to stop being so wary, so before he left, he said to Sari,
“Perhaps I’ll see you later in the library.”

“I’d be honored,” Sari murmured back. He still looked puzzled

and a little concerned, but Karein couldn’t explain things, not just yet.

With a simple nod as a good-bye, Karein left the room. He was

disinclined to allow Sari to just wander around in the palace without
someone to assist him. Fortunately, Sage almost seemed to guess his
thoughts as he made his appearance at the most opportune moment.
“Good morning, Highness,” the other draechen said. “I heard you
were having breakfast and wanted to check if you have any special
dispositions for today.”

“Actually, yes,” Karein replied. “I want you to help Sari get to the

library after he leaves here. Don’t lose sight of him. I want him to be
safe, no matter what.”

Sage saluted. “Understood, Your Highness. I will protect him with

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my life.”

Karein truly hoped no such dire measurements would be

necessary, but anything was possible in Draechenburg. Thanking
Sage, he headed toward the throne room. His parents were waiting.
Even if he had no desire to see them, he kept a brisk step, wanting to
get this over with. Besides, the information they provided could clear
things up a little.

The soldiers guarding the throne room let him pass without the

usual process of announcing him, which was somewhat of a surprise.
He half expected it to be a trap of sorts, but when he entered the room,
his mother just greeted him with her normal coldness. “Ah,
Shtamakarein. Excellent. Your father and I were just discussing your
approach in the Ivenian matter.”

From his position on the pile of jewelry, the emperor said, “Your

mother tells me that you have been taking steps to seduce Sareltae.
That’s very good, but I want to see faster progress. Do you think that
as the situation is right now, he will allow you to claim him during
your wedding night?”

Karein shook his head. “We’ve only just met. It’s far too soon.”
“Well, you need to put more effort into it,” the empress said.

“Sweep him off his feet. Don’t go too far, because you’ll scare him
away, but romance him. I understand he’s never left Rose Noire. He
has no idea what a relationship even means. You can use that for your

“So I shall,” Karein promised. On impulse, he decided to throw a

riskier comment out there, hoping he wouldn’t fuck up things further
while doing so. “But if I may, even if he isn’t inclined to be seduced
by me, I can always force him into it. What can the fae do? Start a

Of course, he had no intention to let it get to that. Once his parents

got impatient, he would just tell them that it had been a mistake, that
Sari had nothing to do with the ploy to free Caelyn’s mate. He could
easily blame Eanera alone for it since they had no chance of proving

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the High Priestess had been involved.

His mother gave him a disapproving glance. “It’s not like you to

be rash, Shtamakarein.”

“I’m just considering every scenario,” Karein replied. “Of course I

will do my best to make him surrender to my will. But the
circumstances are already highly in our favor.”

“You are correct, Shtamakarein,” the emperor said in Karein’s

mind. “However, should we begin an unjustified war, the magical
races would pile up against us. Our forces would be decimated, and
we can’t afford that.”

Karein had the urge to look around for flying pigs. He couldn’t

believe it. The day had come when he and his father actually agreed
on something. Of course, as it seemed, the emperor had a very
unpleasant motive behind his reasoning. As he left the pile of jewelry
and gold that served as his secondary throne, the red dragon added, “I
have big plans for our people, Shtamakarein. The shifters have
remained in the shadows for long enough. It’s time to squash these
insects that call themselves humans.”

In hindsight, Karein supposed he had expected this. The

emperor’s lust for power wouldn’t stop at one conquest. The fae were
just the first step in his campaign for world domination, which was
why he’d even decided to take things slow with Sari. “I understand,”
Karein said. “As always, I live and die by your command.”

“That’s what we wanted to hear.” The empress smirked. “Now,

go, Shtamakarein, and make sure that by the time you are wed, that
fae will be eating out of the palm of your hand.”

Karein bowed and abandoned the throne room. A part of him was

relieved as his parents clearly had no clue of the true extent of the
bond between Karein and Sari. The other, however, dreaded the
future. He remembered all too well the diamond-tipped bolts that
Caelyn had launched at him. The emperor thought his forces were
largely invulnerable, and still, he realized that the war would be
difficult. What would he do should he learn of the existence of these

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weapons? Should Karein find a way to inform him, or would that just
make things worse?

Suddenly, Karein felt very tired. He just wanted to fall into his

mate’s arms and for a few moments, forget that he was even a
draechen prince. At least his parents had given him that, the freedom
to be with Sari at will, within reason. Hiding from his responsibilities
would do him no good, but no matter what Kavehquader was plotting,
Sari was still the most important thing for Karein.

A flash of his earlier nightmare passed through Karein’s mind.

Talrasar had been important for Kael, too, but it hadn’t been enough.
A war had forced them into making the ultimate sacrifice. What if the
story was repeating itself? What if this was the message Karein was
supposed to grasp? The idea filled him with terror, and he practically
started to run toward the library. The memory of Talrasar’s dead eyes
still lingered within him, and while it wasn’t his own recollection, he
could easily replace Talrasar’s figure with Sari’s. No. He had to avoid
that at all costs. He would not allow Sari to pay the price for the
emperor’s greed. Before that happened, Karein would step into that
throne room and use his powers on his own father. It might plunge the
world of the draechen into chaos, but for Sari, he’d do that, and more.

* * * *

Sari was truly puzzled. The day before, Karein had opened up to

him, if only a little, but this morning, that same shadow that had made
Karein pull away seemed to have settled over Karein’s heart. It was
too soon to fix whatever long-term problem ailed Karein, but still Sari
ached for him.

He wondered how he was supposed to get to his meeting spot with

Karein. He supposed he could ask one of Karein’s siblings, or even a
soldier. As it turned out, he wasn’t forced into either of those options.
The moment he stepped out of the dining room, Karein’s lieutenant
intercepted him. “Good morning, Your Highness,” he said. “I’ve been

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instructed to accompany you to the library.”

Oh. That was a relief. Smiling, Sari replied, “Thank you very

much. Please lead the way.”

He said good-bye to his breakfast companions, then followed after

Sagenamadeen as the draechen lieutenant started to walk down the
palace corridors. The library seemed to be a good distance away, and
they lapsed into awkward silence. Sari desperately tried to come up
with something to say, but no topic of conversation would appear in
his mind. He was greatly relieved when Sagenamadeen finally
stopped in front of two large doors and opened them.

As he walked into the room beyond them, Sari revised his opinion

of Draechenburg. There might be something else of value in this place
other than Karein. Shelves over shelves of books were lined in front
of him, and the smell of leather and old pages tickled his nostrils. Sari
had always been passionate about reading, and he thought that he
might have found a place in the palace where he could actually feel
right at home. He pushed past the draechen lieutenant and
immediately started to explore.

Some of the books were of human origin, treatises on philosophy,

mathematics and astrology, or even fiction and poems. Sari even saw
copies of the Bible, the Koran, and many other religious books, as
well as Sun Tzu’s Art of War. A lot of the older ones weren’t even in
bound volumes, but in scrolls, some of which were in encased glass.
His gaze finally fell on one of the stands, where an ancient, open tome
lay. Sari scanned the first few visible lines and instantly knew. It was
a copy of the Directive of the Shifter Castes.

Sari had been well educated on each detail of the Directive.

Another copy existed in Rose Noire, having been handed in to the
first Norrenddare king after the Directive had been signed. He had
seen it many times, in the Temple. Still, for some reason, browsing it
here and now left him unsettled.

Turning away from the book, Sari glanced at Sagenamadeen.

“This place is left unguarded?” he asked.

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The draechen smiled, although the expression held no warmth.

“The most valuable items or artifacts aren’t kept here. Naturally,
that’s not the original Directive.”

“Of course it isn’t,” Sari replied, arching a brow. “I can tell the

difference between a copy and the real thing. I just meant that the
value of the literature on these shelves is overwhelming.”

His comment seemed to surprise the lieutenant. “You’ve seen the

actual Directive?”

“Naturally,” Sari answered. Actually, he knew it by heart, which

was one of the reasons why he hated it so much.

“I never have,” Sagenamadeen commented, sounding thoughtful.

“Sometimes, I wonder if that’s for a good reason.”

Before Sari could figure out what that meant, the door opened and

Karein walked inside. Instantly, the lieutenant saluted. “General, if
there’s nothing else you require, I’ll take my leave.”

Karein nodded and waved him off. “You’re dismissed, Sage.

Thank you.”

The tone of his voice and his expression alarmed Sari. Whatever

the draechen imperial couple had told Karein, it couldn’t have been
good. As soon as the lieutenant left the room, Sari rushed to Karein’s
side and hugged him. “Tell me, Karein. What’s the matter?”

Karein didn’t reply. Instead, he just looked at Sari, his gaze so

intense that it took Sari’s breath away. Neither of them moved, and
yet, Karein seemed to be all over the place, all over the room and
inside Sari. “I want you to promise me something,” Karein finally

“Of course,” Sari replied automatically. “What is it?”
“If something bad happens to me, or if for whatever reason,

Draechenburg becomes a danger for you, I want you to leave. Don’t
look back. Don’t think about me, or the fae, or anyone else. Find a
safe haven and leave.”

Sari gaped at his mate. “Karein… What’s happened? Why are you

asking me this?”

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“Just promise me. Swear it, on my life, on our bond.”
Karein’s voice was ragged, desperate. This was important for him.

Sari didn’t want to make this promise. He couldn’t imagine
abandoning Karein in his time of need. But the pain in Karein’s eyes
finally made him surrender. “All right. I swear it.”

Instantly, the tension within Karein’s body melted away. “Good.

Now, come here and sit with me. I have good news. My father’s given
me leave to woo you, and I plan to start at once.”

Together, the two of them sat down on one of the couches. It

didn’t take a genius to realize Karein was trying to distract him, and
Sari had every plan to draw the truth out of his mate. And then,
Karein kissed him, and Sari forgot about promises, ominous feelings,
and political entanglements. They’d managed to solve it all somehow.
The only thing that mattered now was that they were together and
soon getting married. The rest could wait.

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Chapter Seven

A few days later

The wind blew through Sari’s hair as he walked onto the cliffside,

making the long tresses fly into Sari’s face and tickle his nose. He
released a frustrated sound, trying to tame his locks. It was pointless.
Why had he ever agreed to come out without tying his hair back?
Right, Karein liked how it looked this way.

Huffing, Sari glowered at his mate. Karein just grinned back. “Do

you want to go back inside?” he asked.

Sari shook his head. Windy or not, this place was at least free of

annoying presences like his siblings or Karein’s. In the past couple of
days, he and Karein had been spending a lot of time together, but
somehow, their brothers and sisters always got in the way. Akarawem
in particular always seemed to find it very interesting to intrude in
their private time, but Hareematek was no better. From time to time,
he’d sweep in and steal Karein with no explanation and only random
words of apology to Sari.

But now, through some clever maneuvering from Karein’s part

and with the help of Karein’s lieutenant, they’d managed to escape.
Sari estimated that it wouldn’t take long until they were found, but
any moment spent together was precious to him. He looked out
toward the forest and inhaled deeply, wishing he could be down there,
walking through the woods with Karein. “When are you going to take
me exploring?” he asked.

“Soon,” Karein answered. His voice gained that strange quality it

had when he was holding something back. “Soon, beautiful. After the

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Sari frowned at Karein. Stepping closer to his mate, he took

Karein’s hand and met his gaze. “Talk to me, Karein. What are you
afraid of? Is it about what you said that first day? Are you afraid of
hurting me?”

He’d been acting so strangely, running hot and cold all the time.

Sari didn’t even know how he could detect it and not judge this was
normal for Karein, but he did, and he wasn’t the only one who’d
caught onto it. A group of guards passed within a few feet of them.
Karein just glanced at them, and they immediately rushed away. It
was a strange reaction, but Sari had seen it many times. At first, he’d
thought it to be a natural thing, caused by the respect Karein’s
underlings had toward him, but he was beginning to doubt that.

It was clear to him that Karein’s power could be very destructive,

but Karein wouldn’t harm him. Sari knew that. Then why did his mate
always shy away? Why hadn’t he shifted in front of Sari ever since
that first day when they’d met? And that promise Karein had pushed
him into making in the library. What did it all mean? It bothered him
more than he’d have liked to admit.

“I guess it’s about time I told you.” Karein grimaced. “You

deserve to know before you tie yourself to me. Come on. I need to
show you something.”

They left the cliff and reentered the building. Karein led him

toward the imperial wing, just like he had that first night after the
dinner. This time, though, they bypassed the office without stopping.
Sari didn’t ask any questions, knowing Karein well enough by now to
realize that his mate would reveal everything now that he had
basically agreed to do so.

He was, however, more than a little surprised when Karein

ushered him into what seemed to be a personal apartment. “Are we in
your quarters?” he asked. Karein had never brought him here—after
all, it was hardly appropriate—but Sari couldn’t imagine Karein
taking him into someone else’s quarters. He experienced a surge of

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heat at the thought of what it might mean, but Karein obviously didn’t
have anything sexual in mind. They did enter the bedroom, but Karein
didn’t even look in the direction of the bed. Instead, he gestured at a
side door that Sari had originally thought to be either a bathroom or a
closet. “It’s through here,” he said.

The draechen’s tone made Sari dread what he would find beyond

that door. This assessment proved to be more than correct. As Karein
let him inside the mysterious room, Sari was astonished to find
himself in something that looked like… Well, Sari didn’t even know
what it was. It seemed to be a cage of sorts, as every wall was made
out of metal, and there were no windows or any other access point
other than the one they had used. “What is this place?” he asked. He
caught sight of thin scratches over the metal, and felt sick to the
stomach. Who or what had been trapped here? He had a feeling he
wouldn’t like the answer to that question.

Predictably, he was completely correct. “Do you remember when

Akara said I’m obsessed with Prince Kael?” Karein asked. Upon
Sari’s nod, he continued, “Well, it’s true. The truth is, Sari, that I
dream of them. I dream of Kael and Talrasar. Sometimes, I have
nightmares of how they died, and it gets so bad, that I try to fight it,
with them. Every night, I lock myself in here so that my power is
contained when it happens. And it gets worse with every passing day.
I’m approaching my two hundredth birthday. When that day comes,
my dragon will take over completely, and whoever gets in my way
will die.”

Sari didn’t even know what to say. He had expected the situation

to be bad, but not quite to this extent. “But surely, there must be a
way to prevent it.”

“There is,” Karein replied. “I need an anchor, a mate to calm my

dragon down.”

Sari breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, you’ve found me then. You

don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

“That’s the problem, baby.” Karein looked a little desperate now.

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“My beast is so wild that I’m afraid that if I touch you, if I even do
more than kiss you, I’ll crush you. I’m on the edge. An anchor is
supposed to be someone with whom the dragon feels safe to let go.
But I worry that it’s too close to the deadline now. You asked me if I
was afraid to hurt you. Overlords, yes. I’m terrified. Right now, I
can’t even shift long enough to carry you into the forest without
worrying I’ll lose it.”

It seemed Karein was stuck inside a vicious circle, and he

stubbornly refused to leave it out of some misguided sense of
protectiveness. “You need to have more faith in our bond,” he
whispered, stepping closer to Karein and pressing his body against
that of his mate. “We have enough people trying to sabotage it
without us doing the same thing.”

Karein’s arms came around him, as if of their own accord. “It’s

not that I’m lacking faith,” he argued. “But when I see them… It’s so
easy to put you in his place. Do you realize what truly happened there,
Sari? Do you understand?”

“I admit that I don’t grasp it fully,” Sari answered. “I’ve read

records of the onslaught of power that was triggered there, and I can’t
imagine what spell they could use to do that.”

“It wasn’t a spell,” Karein answered. “Kael tore their bond. His

dragon ran amok and absorbed everything, including Talrasar’s
power. That’s what happened. Kael killed his mate.”

Silence fell in the room. Things were finally starting to make

sense. Sari could see now why Karein was so reluctant to share his
secrets with Sari. But he and Karein were not Talrasar and Kaelezrin.
“We can’t let the past haunt us forever, Karein,” Sari said. “If we do,
you’ll never have a future.”

Karein broke their embrace and shook his head. “Baby, you don’t


“Then show me.” Sari met his mate’s eyes with decision. “Show

me your truth, as you experience it. Close that door and let your
dragon out. It’s only growing impatient because you’re refusing to do

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At first, Karein seemed reluctant, but Sari had never been one to

give up easily. “Please,” he insisted.

Finally, the draechen yielded to Sari’s wishes. “All right. If

anything goes wrong, just press this pattern on the door.”

He showed Sari how the mechanism worked a couple of times

until he was sure Sari had memorized it. He obviously didn’t want to
do this, and it was unfair of Sari to push him into it. But as a healer,
Sari knew that sometimes he had to be cruel to be kind. Karein’s guilt
and self-loathing were like a disease that could only be cured once he
let it all out.

At last, Karein closed the door with a metallic bang. He stepped

away from Sari, walking to the other side of the room while gesturing
for Sari to remain next to the exit. Sari complied, realizing that now,
any refusal would easily cause the draechen to stop this.

Karein took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He started to

remove his clothing, and Sari had to admit that, in spite of the
seriousness of the situation, he found himself growing aroused.
Shaking himself, he buried that feeling in a deeper corner of his heart
and focused on what mattered right now—understanding Karein’s

Finally, the draechen finished discarding his garments. Sari held

his breath as Karein’s form began to change, growing into something
else, a much larger creature, the black dragon Sari had seen that first
night. But there was something different about it. When its eyes
opened and fixed on Sari, the dragon looked wild, like he wasn’t
Karein at all anymore.

The beast watched Sari with an almost predatory expression, its

tail swishing back and forth on the metal floor. For a few moments,
they just looked at each other without moving. And then the dragon
finally began to move. It—he—headed straight for Sari, and Sari was
honestly surprised the room didn’t collapse under the beast’s massive
paws. Had it been so big before? It didn’t seem like it.

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Well, Sari could definitely see now why Karein had been so

apprehensive about sharing this with him. And all right, Sari couldn’t
say he wasn’t a little anxious, too. He refused to allow it to get in the
way of helping his mate. Dragon form or no, this was still Karein. No
matter how powerful the beast was, Sari didn’t think Karein would
ever hurt him.

The mate bond was something so precious that when it united two

people, the couple in question simply couldn’t bear to be without one
another. In fact, Talrasar and Kaelezrin’s case proved it beyond any
shadow of a doubt, no matter how wary it made Karein.

And so, Sari smiled and stepped closer to the dragon. When the

beast saw him approach, he froze, as if Sari had cast some sort of
spell on him. Whatever Karein, as a man, thought, it had definitely
transferred onto Karein, the dragon, because he seemed to be seeking
avenues of escape that would avoid Sari making contact with him.
However, the size of the room made it such that the dragon couldn’t
turn without swinging his large tail around. If he did so, the
appendage would strike Sari and likely send him crashing into the
metal wall. The dragon tried to move to the side, having apparently
forgotten about his tentative effort to reach out to Sari. Even so, the
predatory demeanor had vanished as well. Emboldened, Sari followed
him until he finally crowded the large beast in a corner.

As his hand landed on the scales of Karein’s belly, he whispered,

“This is still you, Karein. And I’m not afraid of you. I never will be.”

Karein’s tail curled around Sari’s waist. Tentative, almost shy, the

touch made Sari smile. He leaned against Karein’s massive body,
placing his head on the dragon’s scales and closing his eyes. In some
respects, it was very much like the other times Karein had hugged
Sari while in legged form, although by rights, it shouldn’t have been.
The feel of the skin was all wrong, just like the size of the body.
There was no element of arousal. But the warmth, comfort, and the
feeling of safety were still very much present.

The one time Sari had seen Karein in shifted form, his mate had

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changed shapes before Sari could touch him. Now, Sari allowed
himself the luxury to fully explore his mate’s dragon side. He mapped
the scaly skin with his fingers, tracing each individual ridge, getting
accustomed to this part of Karein. All the while, Karein remained
perfectly still, almost like he was afraid of making any sudden
motions that would spook Sari. That wasn’t about to happen. Sari
wasn’t the spooked one. When this became obvious, Karein appeared
to calm down a bit, until at last, he turned back into his human form.

The change was a little disconcerting for Sari, who had been so

very close to the dragon. Karein’s large tail vanished from around his
waist, and while Karein was quite muscular even in his human form,
his bulk couldn’t be compared to that of his beast. Therefore, Sari lost
his balance and fell forward. But naturally, Karein was right there to
catch him. He hugged Sari so tightly that it almost stole his breath.
“Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for this.”

Sari didn’t reply. Instead, he just embraced Karein back, knowing

that words would be useless right now. They sat together on the cool
metal floor, curled against each other, likely in the same place where
Karein must have slept at one point. Sari could still see some claw
marks on the walls. As he petted Karein’s hair, Sari made an oath that
Karein would never have to be alone again. Both of them had been
wandering through life like lost men in a desert, but now, they’d
finally found each other.

Still quiet, they got up, and Karein headed toward the door.

Karein pulled his clothes on, then pressed the pattern that allowed
them to exit. Together, they stepped out of the cell—because Sari
could only call it a cell—and into the bedroom, then out of Karein’s
quarters altogether. Apparently, Karein didn’t want to be here
anymore, and Sari had to admit that he wanted to put as much
distance as possible between the two of them and that horrible metal
room. But things couldn’t be changed in one single day, and it seemed
that Karein was still intent on one certain thing. “Just keep your
promise, baby,” he said. “I’ll do my best to stop hiding from you, but

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keep your promise.”

“All right,” Sari answered simply. He knew how to pick his

battles, and this one was a fight he couldn’t win.

He looked forward to spending more time with his mate,

preferably in a more pleasant way. But as they walked through the
corridor, they were intercepted by Prince Hareematek. “There you
are,” he exclaimed. “My apologies, Prince Sareltae. I have to steal my
brother for a few moments.”

“Of course,” Sari replied automatically, although what he really

wanted to do was to refuse and keep his hold on Karein’s arm.
Instead, he released his mate and smiled. “I couldn’t presume to keep
Prince Karein all to myself.”

Karein looked concerned. “Will you be all right by yourself?”
“I’ll be fine,” Sari assured him. “I’ll just go to my room.”
“I can accompany you,” Karein replied, his dark glance scanning

Sari’s face with striking earnestness.

Sari would have actually liked that very much, but Karein’s

brother was starting to fidget in impatience. With a mental sigh, Sari
answered, “Please, don’t trouble yourself. It’s very close from here.
I’ll go directly there.”

To a certain extent, Karein seemed pacified by Sari’s words. He

allowed Hareematek to drag him off, although he was obviously not
pleased about it. Sari watched them go, then, just like he’d said,
headed toward his room. He did, however, note that there were
soldiers watching his every step. Even if they didn’t actually follow
him as he passed by, he was never truly unsupervised.

It was a great relief for him to finally reach his quarters. As he slid

inside and closed the door behind himself, he could almost feel the
eyes of the draechen on him, their hostility so obvious and glaring it
made Sari wonder how he would ever handle it. These were Karein’s
people, and for Karein, he had to do it somehow. But how?

And then, Sari remembered something. He rushed toward the bed

and reached for the nightstand, where he found a wooden box. As he

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swept his hand over it, the shield protecting the box fell. It opened,
revealing a wooden wolf inside. It was a completely harmless-looking
item, but Sari had decided to keep it safe and private, just in case.
Given the circumstances of his arrival, anything that could make a
connection between him and werewolves would be suspicious. And
yet, as he took the wolf in his hand, he knew he couldn’t have
possibly left it behind in Rose Noire.

He remembered Karein’s words about what had happened to

Kaelezrin and Talrasar, then all his visits at the Obelisk of Eternelle.
After the supposed spell that had killed the two, their bodies had
disappeared without a trace. Right now, Karein might be the only one
who knew what had truly happened, although even that was
somewhat doubtful. But if Sari’s guess from all these years was
correct and the spirit of the two princes had endured in Eternelle, why
were they sending Karein these dark visions? What was coming their
way? Sari shivered and clutched the wooden wolf tightly. He had a
feeling that he really didn’t want to know the answer.

* * * *

Charlize frowned as she watched her half brother disappear into

his quarters. There was something going on between him and his
fiancé, although Charlize couldn’t have said what it was. It seemed
that they’d gotten too close, too soon. Half the time, Sareltae seemed
to be staring in a besotted way at Prince Shtamakarein. Charlize
didn’t like it.

As she slipped back into Misael’s quarters, she shared a look with

the older fae. “We have to stop this wedding,” she said.

Misael grimaced. “I know. I noticed it, too. The prince is doing

something to ingratiate himself into Sari’s favor. But really, Char,
there’s nothing we can do. The date has already been agreed upon.
Father is coming here. What could possibly prevent the ceremony

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A few things were occurring to Charlize, most of them involving

her half brother suffering an untimely accident. Shaking herself, she
pushed that thought out of her mind. No matter how much she
disliked Sareltae, she didn’t actually wish him ill. Well, not seriously
at least. As a princess, she understood that like Charlize and her
brothers, Sareltae had also been thrust in circumstances beyond his
control. She wasn’t inclined to believe that Sareltae had truly been
born because Jenarra had wished him to be, especially given than
Eanera had insisted for Sareltae to be named not only Norrenddare,
but also Myrthylar. This wasn’t common knowledge, but Charlize’s
mother had always suspected Eanera secretly planned to make
Sareltae the heir to the Ivenian throne. Sareltae’s connection to the
ancient line of Ivenian kings gave him an advantage that Charlize’s
eldest brother simply didn’t have.

That wasn’t a problem anymore, for obvious reasons, and a small

part of Charlize had been relieved upon hearing of the wedding. But
her feelings toward her half brother aside, the draechen could easily
use Sareltae for their purposes and start a war. Sareltae had sworn that
he would not allow it, but it seemed quite obvious that he had
forgotten it.

“We can’t allow Sareltae to run around thinking he’s somehow

managed to tame the infamous Dog-Catcher,” Charlize said.
“Whatever happens, even if Sari marries Shtamakarein, they can’t be
allowed to bond.”

“So what do you suggest?” Misael arched his brow at her. “I

assure you, Sari knows his duty very well. He won’t do anything

Sometimes, Charlize really hated Misael’s propensity to believe

the best of people, even when it seemed obvious that it would lead
them to a catastrophe. “Are you willing to bet the safety of Ivenia on
that?” she asked.

Misael looked away, seeming torn. “This is a pointless

conversation anyway. The draechen will never allow us to stop the

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“They have to if we offer them someone else in return.” Charlize

had been thinking about this ever since Eanera had mentioned it.
“This isn’t Sari’s destiny. It’s mine.”

Misael’s eyes widened. “No, Char. It isn’t. You will leave things

as they are. Your distrust of Sari will cause us all to make an even
bigger mess of things. Do you understand me, Char?”

Charlize considered her brother’s words. Misael might have a

point. If she pushed too hard, too fast, the end result could be
disastrous. And the couple of days they had before the wedding didn’t
allow her for any complex preparations, especially since she was
trapped here, always watched by the draechen guards. “All right,” she
answered. “Do you think Sareltae can at least keep his mouth and his
mind shut for the first few days of his mating?”

Misael nodded. “He’s aware of what’s at stake. He won’t just

jump into trusting the draechen.”

Charlize had her doubts, but given the circumstances, her hands

were bound. “We’ll talk to Mother when she comes here for the
wedding. Perhaps she’ll be able to come up with a better idea.”

Even as she spoke, a shadow of frustration settled over Charlize.

She had a feeling that, no matter how hard she and her family were
trying to prevent it, war was coming to Ivenia. And it was all
Sareltae’s fault.

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Chapter Eight

As the wedding approached, Draechenburg opened its doors to

guests from all over the paranormal world. Important shifters from the
first three castes received invites, as well as magical creatures, elves,
sprites, and many others. Draechenburg hadn’t seen so many people
from such diverse backgrounds since, perhaps, the wedding of
Karein’s parents.

He didn’t like that his mating had turned into a political event, but

in the eyes of the world, that was its whole purpose. In spite of it,
though, the morning of the wedding, he woke up with great
enthusiasm. He’d had a great night, and since Sari had proven to be so
open to him, not even a nightmare had return to haunt him. He took
that as a good sign. Of course, he hadn’t dared to sleep in his actual
bed, and he was a little anxious about sharing one with Sari, but at the
same time, he looked forward to it. Whenever he thought about finally
making Sari his, his dragon practically purred in satisfaction, almost
like it was a feline. It seemed that, despite the beast’s fierce nature,
Sari had successfully managed to tame it.

The truth was that a part of Karein remained more than anxious

about hurting his mate. It could especially happen when they had sex.
Karein had found with past partners that when he came in someone’s
body, his semen triggered a transfer of energy between him and the
person in question. But Karein’s dreams of Kael and Talrasar had
served to tell him one good thing. His ancestor had successfully
mated Sari’s. Karein had faith in his bond with Sari, and he knew he
and his fae would manage to work things out somehow.

As he slid out of the bed, Karein retrieved his clothing, an even

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more elaborate version of his uniform. He considered forgoing the
seal ring, but decided against it. There was a reason behind those
nightmares. He just hadn’t discovered it yet. But Sari was right in that
they couldn’t let the past shadow their present. Karein would take the
gift he had been granted and enjoy it.

His good mood didn’t even go south when he left his room and

found Hareem already waiting for him. “The fae king is arriving in
ten minutes,” Hareem said. “You have to talk to him for me.”

“And tell him what? That you have a mate who needs sanctuary

from the draechen? Uh-huh. Sorry, Hareem. No can do.”

He pushed past his brother, humming under his breath. Not even

Hareem’s annoying inability to make a decision could ruin his day.
But if King Selbrian was arriving, Karein did have to greet him. After
all, the man would be his father-in-law.

The notion amused Karein. He should probably be going there

right now, but instead, for some reason, he headed toward the guest
wing. By rights, Sari was likely at breakfast, but Karein wanted to
check, just on the off chance that he might be able to speak to Sari.

As always, the guest wing was well guarded, perhaps even more

heavily than usual. He greeted King Shaw’nyel Murdokain of the
elves, but didn’t stop to chat. Instead, he made a beeline for his mate’s
quarters. There were several soldiers watching Sari’s room, far more
than usual, in fact. Scanning their faces, he realized they were the
people assigned Sari’s siblings. Karein supposed that it was only
natural, although as he gathered, Misael and Charlize had never been
close to Sari.

Shrugging to himself, Karein knocked at the door. He straightened

the collar of his shirt and almost burst into laughter when he realized
what he was doing. He was still smiling when the door opened,
revealing Prince Misael standing at the other side. “Good morning,”
Karein greeted the fae. “I wish to see Prince Sari.”

“Apologies, Your Highness, but you can’t go in,” Misael


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Karein blinked, not even bothering to keep his irritation in check.

“You can’t possibly tell me that the fae borrowed that strange habit
the humans have of not allowing the couple to see each other before
the actual wedding.”

Misael didn’t even flinch. “Where do you think the humans got it

from? Please, Highness, I must insist that you respect our ways.”

Karein stole a look over Misael’s shoulder, hoping against all

hope that he might catch a glimpse of Sari. If Sari was inside—and
Karein’s dragon told him this was the case—he must have heard
Karein at the door. When Sari didn’t emerge, Karein got the message.
His shoulders slumping, he took a step back and decided he had to
respect his mate’s traditions. “I see,” he said. “Would you please
convey one message to him? Tell him I very much look forward to the
moment when we are finally bonded.”

Misael didn’t seem to like that, but Karein didn’t care. As an

afterthought, he added, “Oh. Your father will be arriving
momentarily. Perhaps you’ll like to greet him.”

“Thank you,” Misael answered. “We shall.”
As the fae closed the door, Karein actually considered waiting for

Misael and Charlize to leave and slip inside to see Sari, but decided
against it. He wasn’t an errant child. He could be patient, and soon,
Sari would be entirely his. Forever.

* * * *

Sari released a heavy sigh as the door closed, keeping Karein out

of this room. He fidgeted impatiently which only caused his sister to
pull his hair. “Stay still,” she said. “I’m not patient enough to
withstand you being a diva today.”

“We have staff to do my hair, and I can dress myself,” Sari

pointed out. “You didn’t have to come help me.”

“Yes, we did,” Misael said. “We’re concerned, Sari. You’re

getting far too close to General Shtamakarein. Surely you must realize

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that he’s playing with you.”

Sari had known that this conversation was coming. He’d tried not

to show too much enthusiasm when Karein was concerned, but how
could he, when he had found his mate? His half siblings might not
realize how things truly stood, but even if they had, they’d only think
Sari’s perspective was poisoned, tainted by Jenarra knew what. He
couldn’t share it with them, not even with Misael who was a little less
hostile toward him. So, he just shrugged. “Since I’m going to marry
him, I’d much prefer it if we got along.”

Charlize pulled his hair again as she tightened one of his braids

back. Sari would have wanted for his locks to be left loose, like
Karein had asked him once, but fae had very specific marriage rites,
and as a prince, Sari had to obey them. However, his half sister was
using the opportunity to point out her frustration with him. “I trust
you’ll remember the importance of your duty even when you have his
dick up your ass.”

“Char, that’s enough.” Misael pushed her hands aside and took

her place. As he continued from where she’d left off, he added,
“Ignoring the vulgarity of her comment, she has a point in that you
need to keep in mind what’s really important. I understand that it’s
exciting to have a dose of romance in your life, but Prince
Shtamakarein’s interest isn’t in building a life with you. Please,
remember that.”

They didn’t know Karein like Sari did, and Sari had no intentions

of clarifying the situation. “I always understand my priorities,” he
replied simply. Misael didn’t have to know the fact that these
priorities had changed.

Charlize snorted, obviously not believing him. Not that Sari cared.

He was finally getting married today, to the man of his dreams. Okay,
so the circumstances might not be ideal, but it didn’t matter, not
really. Not even Charlize and Misael could frighten Sari with their
ominous words and supposedly well-intentioned pieces of advice.

After Misael finished arranging Sari’s hair, he proceeded onto the

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tedious task of helping Sari with his clothes. Sari might have said he
could handle it himself, but it was an outright lie. His traditional fae
garb had to be wrapped around him in several layers, like a toga of
sorts, but artfully arranged and pinned in just the right places to show
a hint of the body hiding beneath. Normally, Sari’s mother would
have helped him with this, but he knew that there was no way she’d
leave Rose Noire to come to Draechenburg.

In a way, it was risky for the king himself to make the trip,

although to miss the celebration would have been a terrible insult.
Sari guessed that Darian would be staying behind to watch the throne,
just in case something happened. Sari really didn’t want to think that
the draechen emperor might be planning to use this marriage to strike
at all the world leaders present. Karein would have known about it.
Besides, Kavehquader seemed to have more long-term intentions,
which would be effectively sabotaged if he took action now.

Finally, Sari was dressed, literally all wrapped up, with his hair

pinned so tightly that he wondered how Misael had managed not to
rip the strands. Misael gave him a once-over and nodded in
satisfaction. “All right. You’re all set. Now remember what we told
you. We need to go and greet Father.”

As if on cue, the sound of an approaching plane reached Sari’s

ears. It could have been anyone as aircrafts had started to arrive since
the day before. But Sari instinctively knew this particular jet carried
his father and king. He wished he could go speak to Selbrian as well,
but he had to wait here until the moment of the wedding came. “We’ll
see you later,” Misael added.

Without a word, Charlize stalked out of the room, and Misael

followed. Left alone, Sari closed the door behind them, then stopped.
He simply didn’t know what to do with himself. He couldn’t sit down,
because he risked making a mess out of his elaborately arranged
clothing and hair. He couldn’t read as he didn’t think he could focus
on a single paragraph. He had the impulse to find the mysterious
wooden wolf, but any moment now, other people would arrive, and

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Sari didn’t want to risk being seen with it. Besides, he’d placed it at
the bottom of his trunk, which the servants would move to his new
quarters during the wedding.

It was a little mind-boggling to think his married life would start

today. Misael was right in that he’d always been very romantic and
dreamed of the moment when he’d finally find his mate. Karein was a
unique and wonderful man, and Sari had faith in him. But there were
still so many questions on Sari’s mind. Would they have children?
Was it even a good idea to bring a full family into this?

Sighing, Sari slipped out into the balcony where he and Karein

had first spoken. He closed his eyes as he leaned against the banister,
remembering the way Karein’s hand felt in his hair. It would be so
beautiful between them, Sari just knew it. His sister’s comment might
have been vulgar, but oh, he wanted exactly that, to feel his mate’s
cock pounding in and out of him, stretching his channel, filling him to
the brink. Sari’s dick hardened as a rock, and he couldn’t help but rub
it a little through the material of his clothing. Damn it, he should have
thought to masturbate before Charlize and Misael had made their
appearance. There was no way he could get himself off now without
soiling himself and delaying the entire wedding because he needed to
start the whole process of dressing from the beginning.

Fortunately, Sari was distracted from his arousal by the sound of a

knock outside. He slipped back into the room, already anticipating the
presence of the one person it could be. Indeed, when he opened the
door, he found his father at the other side, beaming brightly. “You
look beautiful, Sari,” he said as he entered Sari’s quarters. “Jenarra…
You look amazing.”

Sari felt his face flame at the praise. As he closed the door, he

replied, “Greetings, Father. Thank you. Charlize and Misael helped
me get ready.”

“They did a very good job.” Selbrian chuckled self-deprecatingly.

“And here I am, being rude. Hello, Sari, and congratulations. I’d hug
you, but I’ll probably undo all of Charlize and Misael’s hard work.”

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It was very tempting to tell his father the truth about Karein. Sari

could see the sadness in Selbrian’s eyes, even as he remarked on how
nice Sari looked. But it wouldn’t be safe. For a little while longer,
Sari had to keep this secret, no matter what. “How is Mother?” he

At that, Selbrian’s enthusiasm—half-faked as it might have

been—melted altogether. “Concerned. She asked me to deliver this to
you since she couldn’t make it.”

He retrieved a white pearl from his shirt and handed it to Sari. Sari

swallowed around the sudden knot in his throat. Even knowing that
Eanera’s first duty was to Rose Noire, it still hurt that she wouldn’t be
here to see him get married. If there was anyone he could have shared
his deepest joys and sorrows with, it was her. The only other person,
Caelyn, would likely be lost to Sari. He couldn’t go to Eternelle
anymore since his visits would jeopardize not only the secrecy of the
sacred temple, but also the life of his friends.

Sari desperately wanted to use his gift, but he wasn’t sure it was

safe. His father must have guessed his thoughts, because a few
moments later, he created a shield around the room that would keep
the sound inside. Usually, communication pearls carried a similar
power, to a lesser extent, but Sari was reluctant to trust in that while
here in Draechenburg. Other than his mother and the oldest, wisest of
the fae, some of them members of the Jenarra priesthood, no one
could use such complex shields.

Relieved, Sari brushed his thumb over the pearl. Almost instantly,

it started to shine, growing into a bright sphere of energy. His
mother’s familiar face manifested from it. She was smiling, although,
like Selbrian, she also seemed a little sad. And were those circles
around her eyes? How odd. “Hello, dear child,” she said. “How have
you been?”

“Very well, Mother, thank you,” Sari replied. The question

actually puzzled him, because she always knew how he was. Jenarra
told her. “You were right in that Prince Karein and I make a great

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“I’m happy to hear that.” She paused, her smile fading into a

serious expression. “Sari, I can’t see you anymore. I don’t know what
will happen to you. Please, dear child, take care.” Her voice was
trembling, and for a few moments, Sari could swear he saw tears in
her eyes. Quickly, though, she composed herself and added,
“Remember the fate of Ivenia lies in your hands.”

“I will remember,” Sari promised. “I’m sure that Jenarra will

return you your sight once she deems it necessary.”

“I don’t doubt Jenarra,” Eanera answered. She sounded upset that

Sari could have even hinted at it. “I never have and never will. My
intention was to merely give you a piece of advice.”

“I understand,” Sari answered. “As always, I thank you.” He

paused, uncertain as to whether he should ask for this favor or not. He
didn’t want to burden her with the foolishness of a child clinging to
the skirts of his mother. Still, she had been such an integral part of his
life that he was deeply pained at the knowledge that it would take a
while until he’d see her again. “Could I dare to ask you for one
wedding gift?”

“If I can, I will gladly provide it,” Eanera replied. “What is it?”
“When you have the time, please send me the occasional pearl. I

will miss Rose Noire.” He was a very powerful healer, but he didn’t
have the mastery necessary to create something like that.

Eanera’s forcibly stern expression cracked. “Of course, dear child.

You’ll likely get tired of me sending you messages.”

Sari would have liked to keep talking to her for a while longer, but

it seemed that finally the moment he’d been waiting for had come. A
knock sounded at the door, and Misael slid into the room. “It’s
starting. Come on, Sari.”

“All right,” Sari said to his half-brother. Turning toward Eanera’s

glowing figure once again, he said, “Thank you, Mother. And don’t
worry about me. I will be fine.”

She smiled and murmured a blessing in the name of Jenarra. “Be

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safe, dear child.”

As the light from the pearl finally dissipated, Sari experienced a

brief moment of abandonment. But no, he wasn’t alone. Outside this
room, his new family was waiting. Today, he would at last be united
with his mate, Karein. As always, when new things started, old ones
had to end. Sari’s life in Rose Noire was over. His new existence as
Karein’s husband and anchor was only just beginning. His parents
might not be happy about it, but in his heart, Sari knew this was
where he belonged, at Karein’s side.

* * * *

From the beginning of time, draechen wedding ceremonies had

been among the most complicated marriage rites ever created. Other
shifters didn’t bother with such things. They simply claimed their
chosen mate according to their own ways—usually through a mating
bite—and called the union complete.

Draechen had a different thought process. Since they were as old

as time, tradition dictated that the more important the ceremony, the
longer it should last. There were countless things that needed to be
said, speeches from the emperor, from representatives of the two
mates, and so on and so forth. The friends of the draechen getting
married would gather around and stage a show of flight acrobatics in
his honor. If both mates were draechen, they would also participate.

Karein had always respected the ways of his people, but today, he

was impatient. The ceremony hadn’t even begun yet, and he already
wanted to fast-forward to the end, when he’d finally have Sari in his
arms, and kiss that sinfully beautiful mouth. His dragon was already
pacing, as nervous as Karein the man. But instead of rushing to find
his mate, like he wanted to, he knelt on the floor of the temple of the
Overlords and prayed.

He had never been an exceedingly religious person, at least, not

by the standards of the draechen. When he addressed the Overlords,

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he did so in the privacy of his own mind. Once, a long time ago, he’d
tried pleading for the nightmares to go away until he understood that
they’d been given to him for a purpose.

Since that moment, Karein had understood that he didn’t need to

be physically present in a certain location for the Overlords to see him
and guide him. But today, for the purpose of the ceremony, he’d come
here regardless.

He knelt there for the longest time, in the quiet and absolute

loneliness of the meditating chamber. He was supposed to be
communing with his dragon, to understand if his beast accepted what
was to come. This was particularly important because of the
apparently political nature of their union. But his dragon more than
agreed. In fact, it wanted for Karein to stop wasting its time and find
Sari already.

Karein would have long ago done that, had he thought it would be

permitted. Fortunately, his patience was rewarded when, at last, the
door to the temple opened, allowing Hareem to enter the room.

Nodding, Karein slowly got up. “Is everything in place?”
“Your future mate is waiting,” Hareem replied. “I must say, upon

seeing him, I’m revising my opinion of being stuck with an Ivenian
mate. It certainly seems to have its perks.”

Karein glowered at his brother. “Indeed,” he said between gritted

teeth. “Just remember to hold your tongue around him.”

He was just about to step out of the room when Hareem suddenly

grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside. Karein was getting tired
of his brother’s insistence on a matter that could have long ago been
settled. “Hareem, I told you a million times. Taryn—”

“This isn’t about Taryn,” Hareem interrupted him. “I’ve been

watching you, brother. I know the difference between pretense and
honest enthusiasm. And you might have an excellent poker face, but
you aren’t fooling me. Tell me honestly. Is Sareltae your true mate?”

Karein narrowed his eyes at his brother. He knew he should

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probably say no, but his heart and his dragon wouldn’t let him deny
his connection with Sari. “This doesn’t concern you, Hareem,” he said
instead. “Now get out of my way. I have a wedding to get to.”

“So it’s true.” Hareem narrowed his eyes at Karein. “I think I

don’t have to tell you how disastrous it would be if Father found out.”

Karein gave his brother a dark look. “Then it’s a good thing that

he won’t. Isn’t that right, brother?”

He didn’t have to actually point out that Karein could easily tear

Hareem’s life apart, and not by physically attacking him either.
Hareem understood it without saying. Arching a brow, he said, “Of
course. If I’d wanted to speak to him about it, I’d have already done
so. Just be careful. You’re playing a dangerous game.”

“We all are,” Karein answered. His dragon scoffed off Hareem’s

unsettling comments. “It’s called life. Now, if you’re done trying to
get information out of me, can I go marry my fae prince?”

Hareem actually seemed bemused, but nevertheless, didn’t try to

stop Karein again. Finally, Karein rushed out of the temple room and
headed toward the throne room, where the actual celebration would be
held. The area had been lavish before, but now it was decorated with
the finest draechen ornaments, which was saying a lot given the
amount of wealth accumulated by the Tersain dynasty. In front of the
throne, a wide pool had been erected, although that was part of a fae
tradition. Usually, something that alluded to the draechen’s element
had to be present, but since Karein couldn’t exactly illustrate the
concept of energy through one single item, he’d chosen to disregard
that part of the process.

The guests were already gathered in the room. Karein’s mother

and sister were present, although the emperor had yet to make an
appearance. Sari and his father had not arrived either, although Karein
did spot his half siblings next to another fae woman who must have
been his stepmother. He debated greeting them, but his dragon was
actually frustrated at the idea since he was well aware of how that part
of Sari’s family treated his mate.

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Instead, Karein made a beeline to his mother, who undoubtedly

expected him to do so anyway. “Are you ready, Shtamakarein?” she

Karein nodded. “As always, I live and die at your command.”
“Excellent.” Rowenasheb said. “As I hear it, the fae will provide

you with rings, although you won’t be required to wear them on a
regular basis.”

Karein listened to her with half an ear, most of him too tense and

focused on the door to pay attention to anything else. Hareem had said
the ceremony was beginning. If so, where was Sari?

As it turned out, Karein’s little stay in the temple seemed to have

been appreciated, as even as he thought this, the large throne room
doors opened. A vision of beauty walked inside, and Karein’s breath
caught as he watched his mate approach. The rest of those present
faded out of existence, as Karein’s mind and body fully concentrated
on Sari.

He’d always liked the silky, albeit unpractical robes Sari wore.

Today’s garment was perhaps the most unpractical one ever. It
seemed wrapped around Sari’s body so tightly that Karein didn’t even
know how his mate was walking in it. But the sight of the layers of
silk framing Sari’s delicate form had quite an effect on Karein. His
dick went rock hard, and he was horribly tempted to just ignore the
entire ceremony and steal Sari away to the first available bedroom.
An elbow struck his ribs, snapping him out of his trance. Karein stole
a look at the culprit who was, naturally, Hareem. He stood by
Karein’s side, together with Sage. Huh? When had they arrived there?

Hareem arched a brow, wordlessly reminding Karein of their

circumstances. Karein did his best to shake off his lust-induced haze,
and he managed to gather his thoughts a little, to the extent that he
could actually process more complex ideas than “I want to tear my
mate’s clothes off with my teeth.” But then Sari reached his side and
smiled at him. “Hi,” he said shyly, a slight flush covering his cheeks.

Just like that, Karein was on the edge again. Hareem had to step

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on his foot for him to find his voice. “Hello,” he replied. Was that his
voice, so low and husky? He didn’t even sound aroused. He sounded
frightening, like the last thing he wanted was to be here.

But Sari’s smile didn’t fade. Sari understood him. In fact,

sometimes, Karein thought his mate grasped the full extent of
Karein’s emotions better than Karein himself did. Sari’s companion,
though, King Selbrian, didn’t seem so enthused. Nevertheless, he
stepped to the side, giving room for the ceremony to proceed.

Sari and Karein took their position in front of the artificial pool.

For a few moments—or perhaps for an age—they just waited, looking
at each other. And then, the side door to the throne room opened and
the emperor sauntered inside. Still in dragon form, he scanned the
gathered crowd with piercing red eyes. As his gaze settled on Karein,
Karein did his best to keep himself from showing any of the emotions
that whirled through him. He must have succeeded, at least to some
extent, because his father’s voice drifted into his mind.
“Congratulations on your progress,”
he said. “The fae seems quite
enthusiastic about the wedding. Make sure you use your chance

Karein couldn’t speak without the rest of those present

overhearing, so he just nodded slightly. Kavehquader took position in
front of them, and the empress placed a hand against his scales. She
would be speaking for the emperor since the guests of different
species couldn’t hear him.

At last, the long speech began. Karein just stood there, hearing it

two times, once in his mind and the second time through his mother’s
voice. His parents spoke of the importance of this day, of how much
the reunion of all those present honored Draechenburg. Karein
distantly wondered if anyone believed him, or if they were all just as
bored out of their skulls like he was. After the general stuff was out of
the way, the emperor actually began to talk about Karein himself.

“Prince Shtamakarein has been a vital member of the draechen

community all his life,” he said. “His contribution to world peace and

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order is undeniable. We believe that, in Prince Sareltae, he has found
a perfect match.”

This was King Selbrian’s cue to intervene. He was somewhat

more succinct, and fortunately, refrained from reiterating what
Karein’s father had already said. Instead, he explained, “My son,
Prince Sareltae is one of the most priceless treasures of the fae. We
hand him over to the draechen in good faith, and in the belief that his
union with His Highness, Prince Shtamakarein, would help perpetuate
the enduring alliance between Ivenia and Ornoz.”

Hareem spoke next, and Karein threw a warning glance his way.

But he needn’t have worried. Hareem proceeded to be his oddly
charming self and added, “My brother has been looking for the right
mate for a long time. Today, through Prince Sareltae, he has finally
been granted his wish.”

When the time came for someone to speak in Sari’s name, it

became painfully obvious that no one from the fae royal family, with
the exception of the king, of course, had any words to share regarding
Sari. The king couldn’t do so for obvious reasons, so he glared at
Prince Misael. Misael opened his mouth and closed it, doing a very
good imitation of a fish while seemingly attempting to come up
something to say about his own brother.

Sari’s face flamed again, but this time, it was clearly because of

embarrassment. The silence drew out for so long that Karein was
tempted to just take matters in his own hands. Fortunately, he was not
forced to break tradition as Sage intervened. “I’ve only just met
Prince Sareltae. At first, when he came here, I truly didn’t know what
to think about him. But in the past week, I have seen his gentleness,
his kindness, and his honesty. I am convinced that he is exactly the
mate Prince Shtamakarein wishes for.”

Karein could have kissed his lieutenant, but really, he had no

interest in kissing anyone except Sari. At last, they’d reached the end
of the first part of the ceremony, and they could get on with the actual
bonding. Normally, for draechen of Karein’s rank, the emperor would

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officiate the wedding, but since that wasn’t possible today, the
empress would do it in his stead.

“Do you, Prince Shtamakarein Tersain, second born of Emperor

Kavehquader and Rowenasheb Tersain of Ornoz, vow to take this
man as your mate in the eyes of the Overlords and the Great Goddess
Jenarra?” she asked.

“I so vow,” Karein quickly answered.
“Do you, Prince Sareltae Norrenddare Myrthylar, first born of

King Selbrian Norrenddare of Ivenia and High Priestess Eanera
Myrthylar, vow to take this man as your mate in the eyes of the
Overlords and the Great Goddess Jenarra?”

“I so vow,” Sari replied softly.
“Prince Shtamakarein, you may mark this man as yours.”
Karein reached for Sari, ready to go through with the process. But

Selbrian had other ideas. “One moment. Exactly what does this

“Prince Sareltae will be branded with a tattoo that will forever

mark him as belonging to Shtamakarein.” The empress lifted her arm
and exposed her own mark. It was a brutal burn, which did nothing to
soothe Selbrian.

In fact, the fae king’s eyes widened in horror, but he quickly

masked it. “Can this part of the ceremony not be skipped?”

“Absolutely not,” Rowenasheb replied. “It’s been draechen

tradition for millennia. They cannot be considered bonded otherwise.”

“It’s all right, Father,” Sari whispered. “I’m not afraid.”
Turning toward Karein once again, he offered Karein a tentative

smile and extended his palms. “All right. I’m ready.”

Slowly, Karein took Sari’s hand and closed his eyes. For fire and

ice dragons, the process could be very painful, while the rarer earth
and wind dragons had the freedom to be inventive. Karein could also
be imaginative about it, especially since he had energy itself to work
with. But he didn’t want to dazzle his father’s guests with his amazing
powers. He only intended to mark his mate while making sure Sari

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experienced limited discomfort.

Closing his eyes, Karein gathered his energy and willed it into

Sari’s body. He fashioned a tattoo that would fit Sari’s beauty and
gentleness, while still illustrating Karein’s possessiveness.
Unfortunately, he knew the process wasn’t absolutely painless, but
Sari didn’t protest for one single second. And when Karein opened his
eyes again, he found his mate smiling. “Thank you,” Sari mouthed.

For a few moments, Karein admired his handiwork. Around Sari’s

right wrist, a black dragon wrapped its body like ivy. The tattoo went
further up on Sari’s arm, but it wasn’t visible because of Sari’s
clothes. Impossibly, the fae king looked even more displeased,
obviously interpreting the tattoo as a sign of slavery. What Selbrian
didn’t know, though, was that Karein had created one on his own
body, a stylized depiction of his beautiful Sari. If—or when—his
parents saw it, Karein would have a lot of explaining to do, but it felt

Without commenting again on the ritual, Selbrian silently offered

Karein and Sari their rings. It wasn’t a draechen tradition, but
Karein’s hand still shook as he slid the band on Sari’s slender finger.
Once Sari echoed his motion, Selbrian continued, “May Jenarra grant
you long-lasting bliss and happiness like no other couple has known.
Your vows have been heard and acknowledged. Step into her embrace
and kiss as mates for the first time.”

Still holding Sari’s hand, Karein guided his mate into the pool.

The water was supposed to be a symbol for the life-giving goddess.
At this point, Karein didn’t really care. Once both of them were in
position, he pulled Sari into his arms and crushed his lips to the fae’s.
And just like that, they were married. Finally, after a wait that seemed
to have taken forever, Sari belonged to Karein and Karein to Sari. No
matter what happened, that would never change.

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Chapter Nine

Sari’s feet ached. He was hungry, tired, and sexually frustrated.

The lower part of his robes was still a little humid from the ceremony,
and he needed to go to the bathroom. He’d known that today would
be difficult, with so many different traditions to go through. At first,
he’d actually been a little excited about experiencing it all with
Karein, but that had changed at noon, when it had become obvious
that he couldn’t even take his clothes off to go do his private needs.

Therefore, when he burst into the apartment he would share with

Karein from now on, he almost didn’t register the romantic paradise
he’d stepped into. As the smell of roses tickled his nostrils, Sari froze,
taking the room in with wide eyes.

“Do you like it?” Karein asked from behind him, his voice a low


For a few moments, Sari couldn’t even speak. He was too busy

taking in the sight in front of him. There were roses, white roses
everywhere. Dozens of vases with the flowers sat on the table and in
the corners of the room, petals covering the floor and the bed. In the
light of the candles illuminating the large apartment, it all seemed

He probably should have berated Karein for such a waste of

lovely flowers, but he was too charmed to do so. Throwing a look
over his shoulder, he smiled. “I love it. It’s beautiful.”

“It’s nothing compared to you.”
Karein reached for him, lust burning in his gaze. Oh, yes, this was

what Sari had been waiting for. Sadly, his bladder chose this exact
moment to notify him that it wouldn’t be a good idea to have sex.

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“Hold that thought,” he whispered. “I’ll be right back.”

Sari ran toward the bathroom, where he was presented with

another problem. It would take forever for him to unpin everything,
and he wanted to get back to Karein already. Making Karein wait
because he needed to take a piss was definitely not the sexy beginning
he had imagined for his wedding night.

“Need help?” Karein asked from outside.
Sari honestly didn’t know if he could have felt more mortified.

“No,” he called out. “I’m fine.”

Biting his lip, he started to unpin his robe. Predictably, he couldn’t

reach some of it, and he almost fell over as the material seemed to
tangle around him further. Frustrated, Sari just wanted to rip it off,
except it was essentially his wedding garb. He wanted to save it, as a

“Are you all right?” Karein inquired, now sounding concerned.
Sari gave up and finally opened the door. “I’m having trouble

with this damn garment. Help me?”

Karein gave him one look, and his lips twitched in a small,

affectionate smile. “My poor love. You’re exhausted, aren’t you?”

As Karein slid into the bathroom as well, Sari instinctively

reached for his hair, aiming to arrange it, before he realized what he
was doing. Yes, he was tired, but largely, the fatigue stemmed the
onslaught of hostility in this place. Sari had dealt with Onyerre’s
hatred all his life, but now, he had an entire palace of draechen
glowering when they thought he wasn’t looking, on top of his
stepmother and her kids. If not for Karein, he didn’t know how he
could have handled it.

“I’m sorry,” he replied. “I’m messing things up.”
“Don’t be silly,” Karein said as he started to undo Sari’s clothing

and hair. “You’re giving me the chance to do what I’ve craved for a
while now. Spoil you.”

Sari was too tired to protest, and really, who could blame him? In

the end, embarrassment had no place between two mates. And Karein

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seemed to genuinely want to do this. They might not have completed
their bond, but Sari could still tell.

Karein was quick and efficient in freeing Sari from his clothing.

As the pins fell, Sari’s garment finally yielded to Karein’s
ministrations, leaving Sari in only his undergarments. Karein’s eyes
were dark with desire, but he made no move to pursue Sari in any
way. Instead, he stepped back and said, “I’ll run the water in the tub.”

Sari appreciated Karein giving him a little space and

independence to do his private business. While he finished, Karein
busied himself by the huge tub. Just the idea of taking a warm bath
with Karein made Sari tingle inside, but he didn’t really know how to
approach his mate. As he washed his hands, Sari mentally cursed. He
was so frustrated with his own inexperience. This could have gone so
much better.

Before he could continue to berate himself, strong arms wrapped

around his waist, pulling him against Karein’s powerful chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” Karein whispered huskily, “just like I knew
you’d be. Let me take care of you.”

Sari turned in Karein’s embrace and cupped the other man’s

cheek. He wanted to say that Karein was the beautiful one. In fact,
there were so many things on the tip of his tongue, just waiting to be
uttered. But for some reason, his vocal chords refused to obey, and he
simply nodded.

Grinning, Karein took Sari into his arms. He didn’t even bother to

take his clothes off. He just climbed with Sari into the tub, seating
them both in the water. Sari couldn’t help it. He laughed. “Karein,
your clothes!”

“Ah, yes.” Karein smirked. “How could I have forgotten? They’re

quite an impediment, aren’t they?”

That was the only warning Sari got before Karein took off his

uniform with striking elegance. His entire body was taut with sensual
tension, and yet, he somehow managed to slide out of his elegant
uniform without ripping it. As it seemed, Karein didn’t want to

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destroy the clothing they’d worn for their wedding day either.

Of course, any thought of the value of those garments vanished

when Sari was finally granted access to his mate’s naked body. He
hadn’t realized it before, but Karein had created another tattoo to
match the one on Sari’s own arm. Karein’s was clearly a depiction of
Sari, although not an in-your-face way. Rather, Sari’s body and the
fall of his hair had been branded onto Karein’s arm in a wave of
sinuous curves that almost seemed to glow. Sari distantly wondered if
this was what his mate saw when he looked at him.

As much as the tattoo attracted him, though, he had to admit there

were other, even more interesting perks to Karein’s new disrobed
state. In spite of Sari’s exhaustion, his dick twitched when he realized
that Karein wasn’t wearing underwear. Karein’s cock was right there,
within his reach, and Sari wanted to lick it, touch it, suck it in his
mouth, and feel it in his body.

Sari reached into the water, fully intending to grasp his mate’s

member. Sadly, Karein had other ideas. He grabbed Sari’s hand,
stopping him from achieving his goal. “Ah, ah, ah.” He tsked and
shook his head. “Remember what we agreed upon. I’m spoiling you.”

Sari didn’t remember agreeing to anything that in any way

implied him not having access to his mate’s dick. Before he could
utter any protest, though, Karein divested Sari of his last remaining
garment, his underclothes. As the draechen dumped the sodden
material on the floor, Sari had to admit that they were finally getting
somewhere, so he forced himself to relax and trust his mate.

His decision proved to be the correct one. Even if they’d waited

for seemingly an age to finally come together, Karein took his time.
He found the bottle of shampoo and poured a generous amount in his
palm, then spread it onto Sari’s hair. As Karein massaged his scalp
and toyed with his hair, Sari melted into his mate’s embrace, a puddle
of warm, aroused satisfaction. He’d had people touching his locks
hundreds, no, thousands of times, mostly for the purpose of the
elaborate hairdos necessary at the fae court. But with them, he’d never

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felt even the slightest stirring of sexual excitement. Karein turned this
seemingly innocent process into a sensual experience, while keeping
it all gentle, slow, without putting any sort of pressure on Sari.

And he didn’t stop with just Sari’s hair. Instead, he went on to

soap up the whole of Sari’s body. It should have been embarrassing to
have Karein touching him like that, literally everywhere. Jenarra
above, Karein even went ahead and cleaned Sari’s genitals. He didn’t
linger like Sari would have liked, keeping his touch nearly platonic,
but since Sari was leaning on Karein’s body, he could tell how much
the entire process excited the draechen.

Distantly, Sari knew that he should do something about that, to

touch and pleasure Karein. But his bones seemed to have melted and
refused to comply. The only sounds he could make were “mmms” and
“nnghhs,” whatever that meant. He could practically feel the tension
and fatigue of the day seep out of him, leaving behind just lazy

At last, Karein rinsed Sari’s hair, paying close attention so that the

shampoo foam wouldn’t hurt Sari’s eyes. He appeared to like it, too.
It was almost humorous, given how much Karein had feared hurting
Sari. Sari had never been one to appreciate excessive pampering, but
he had to admit that, this time around, he could certainly make an

Finally, the draechen quickly cleaned himself up as well. Again,

Sari was awfully tempted to echo Karein’s earlier demonstration on
his mate’s own body, but Karein didn’t allow him to do so. He
finished with striking expedience and, holding Sari close, climbed out
of the tub.

Water dripped all over the place from Sari’s hair, but Karein took

care of that problem. He grabbed a towel and started to dry Sari’s hair
and body, somehow managing to be both thorough and gentle. It was
as if he aimed to avoid tearing even one single hair from Sari’s head.
In spite of being in a castle full of enemies, Sari didn’t remember ever
feeling so safe.

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It wasn’t Karein’s actions themselves that made it so. In the end,

Sari was completely capable of drying his own hair. But the
protectiveness behind Karein’s behavior mattered to Sari, making the
remaining awkwardness disappear.

He didn’t comment at all when Karein finished toweling him and

took him in his arms, still nude. Karein deposited him on the large
bed, among the rose petals. Completely relaxed, Sari smiled up at his
mate. “That was nice.”

It had been more than nice, and so was the view from here. Lying

on the pillows, Sari got a great look of his mate’s sculpted physique.
From his hard muscles, to his rigid, jutting prick, Karein was all man
and all power. Sari wanted to kiss his mate’s luscious mouth, to bury
his fingers in Karein’s hair as his mate fucked him into the mattress.

Karein seemed of a similar mind. “Not done yet,” he answered

with a slight twist of his full lips.

He gestured for Sari to turn over on his stomach. Sari’s stomach

fluttered as he obeyed. The position exposed his ass to Karein’s
scrutiny. Finally, Karein would take what was his. And indeed,
Karein reached for the nightstand and retrieved a bottle of clear oil.
Sari might not have any practical experience in bed, but he knew the
mechanics of it, and he realized where it would go. Okay, so he was a
little nervous, having clearly seen the size of Karein’s dick. But he
had confidence that even if it would hurt at first, his body would
adapt. Or so he hoped. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint

A small part of him was dissatisfied that Karein hadn’t even

kissed him. By rights, the intimacy of a kiss paled in front of what
they were about to share, but there was something truly drugging
about Karein’s kisses. Still, his mate had been so gentle with him so
far. Sari couldn’t be so selfish as to demand only what he wanted.

As it turned out, his guess regarding Karein’s intentions proved to

be completely incorrect. Instead of reaching for Sari’s opening,
Karein poured the oil on Sari’s shoulders and started to knead. At

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first, Sari was so surprised by this turn of events that he went a little
rigid. But Karein didn’t stop his massaging. “Relax,” the draechen
purred in his ear. “Close your eyes and just feel.”

Hypnotized by the sound of his mate’s voice, Sari obeyed. When

was the last time someone had given him a massage? He couldn’t
remember. No one had ever been so intimate to him. The only person
he’d have allowed so close was his mother, and such a thing between
her and Sari wouldn’t have been in the slightest bit appropriate. But
with Karein, it was perfect. The draechen found every knot of
lingering tension, weeding it out with almost humbling expertise.
Karein’s mastery of Sari’s body made him settle in a haze of lazy
pleasure. Whatever discomfort that might have clung to him after the
bath completely vanished. He was putty in Karein’s talented hands,
but very relaxed putty.

Karein didn’t only linger on Sari’s shoulders and back. He went

lower down, bypassing Sari’s buttocks and instead focusing on his
legs. Even his feet got the royal treatment. At one point, Karein even
turned him over, although Sari wasn’t exactly sure when it happened.
With just as much focus, Karein massaged Sari’s front, too, although
he managed to avoid Sari’s cock and balls, just like he had with Sari’s

In a strange way, Sari found himself dangerously close to falling

asleep. It was only the sexual desire his mate arose within him that
kept him awake. However platonic Karein might have tried to be, Sari
still wanted him too much, and he couldn’t have hidden it if he
wanted to.

At last, Karein was left with nothing to massage except Sari’s

genitals. Sari opened his eyes and glanced at Karein. “Come to me,”
he said simply.

Karein looked torn. “You’re tired,” he murmured, his voice full of

gravel. “You should get some sleep.”

“And I will,” Sari replied, “after you claim me.” A touch of

uncertainty filled him as a small part of Sari wondered if Karein

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might not want to bind them together at all. It was a huge step to
make, and the fact that Sari was ready didn’t mean that Karein
automatically felt the same. “If you want, of course,” he hastily

Karein’s nostrils flared, and all of a sudden, his dark eyes gained

that wild look that Sari had once seen in Karein’s dragon. “If I want?”
he repeated incredulously. “Oh, baby. There’s nothing I crave more in
this life.”

“Then come to me,” Sari said once more. “Kiss me and take me.

It’s what I desire, too.”

Fortunately, Karein’s resistance broke at Sari’s words. Faster than

the eye could see, the draechen climbed on top of Sari and crushed
their mouths together. Sari parted his lips, moaning as his mate thrust
his tongue inside his wet cavern. He fulfilled his own earlier wish,
fisting his hands in Karein’s soft, dark hair. Karein groaned wildly,
rubbing his hard erection against Sari’s hip, no longer trying to hide
what he craved.

If Karein’s earlier ministrations had been soft and relaxing, the

buildup that had gathered during the sensual massage made their
current actions frantic, almost desperate. Karein practically devoured
Sari’s mouth. There was no other word that could have explained the
way Karein kissed, like his life depended on it, like Sari was the last
drop of water in an endless desert. When they broke apart to breathe,
the draechen proceeded to map the rest of Sari’s body with his mouth.
He peppered Sari’s face with butterfly-light kisses, although when he
reached Sari’s ear, he bit down on the lobe instead. As he continued to
explore, he alternately sucked, nipped, and licked. Sari’s collarbone
seemed to fascinate him, but when he reached Sari’s nipples, the real
torture began. Briefly, he lifted his head to say, “These naughty things
are going to be the death of me.” He tweaked one little nub—the left
one—hard, causing Sari to cry out in pleasure. “I don’t know how I
managed to touch them at all without losing it.”

Sari didn’t get the chance to reply because Karein engulfed his

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right nipple in his mouth. More inarticulate sounds escaped him,
although they were likely far louder than the ones he’d made in the
bath. A small part of Sari was aware that he probably sounded like a
cheap harlot, but he couldn’t care less. In fact, if he had to judge by
Karein’s own groans, the noises Sari was making seemed to excite
Karein a great deal.

But they were only just beginning, and Karein seemed to have far

more elaborate plans in store for Sari. He released Sari’s nipple with a
wet pop and licked his lips. “I love how you taste,” he said.

Sari wanted to argue that likely, half of the flavor Karein had

sampled could be traced back to the oil used for the massage. But
Karein obviously didn’t care about that, or if he did, he planned to
solve the problem in the simplest way imaginable, by tasting Sari
where the oil hadn’t touched.

When Karein took Sari’s dick in his mouth, Sari thought, for a

few moments there, that he was simply going to die. He then thought
that he was to climax embarrassingly soon, just at the delicious
suction around his cock. Miraculously, neither of those two things

Sari could only find one reason behind it, well, behind why he

hadn’t come yet. He had to taste Karein, too. He wanted to feel the
weight of Karein’s cock on his tongue so much that his own pleasure
was secondary. Pulling on Karein’s hair, he somehow managed to
gasp out, “Please… I need… Come here.”

Those couple of words must have come out a hundred syllables

long, but Karein still understood. Without even releasing Sari’s dick
from his mouth, Karein changed positions, straddling Sari’s face. As
his mate’s dick and plump balls hovered over him, Sari moaned and
reached for his prize. He took Karein’s prick into his mouth, greedy
for the taste of Karein’s pre-cum.

The first time he tried to suck Karein’s dick in, he gagged and was

reminded of his previous assessment of Karein’s package. But Sari
was never one to give up just like that, so he persevered. It was a little

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awkward, and not at all the skilled blow job he’d have liked to give.
Sari almost regretted asking Karein to do this now, because he
couldn’t possibly focus on pleasuring Karein like he deserved. Jenarra
above, the way Karein was swirling his tongue around Sari’s prick
had to be illegal in some countries, because Sari had flashes where he
couldn’t even remember what he was doing—something quite
remarkable, indeed, given the hard cock in his mouth.

Still, Karein didn’t seem to mind his lack of experience. Once Sari

realized that, he stopped overthinking everything and just went with
it. He allowed himself to enjoy the natural flow of things, the simple
pleasure provided by Karein’s sinful mouth. At the same time, he took
Karein’s dick as far as he could and used his hands on the girth he
didn’t manage to accommodate.

The taste of Karein’s pre-ejaculate made his head spin with lust,

and soon, nothing else mattered but their simple chase for their
orgasm. And then, a slightly slick finger wormed its way into Sari’s
ass, somehow managing to zero in on his prostate. His eyes widening,
Sari came, an explosion of bliss rushing through him. Karein grunted,
drinking Sari’s spunk down with no hesitation. Moments later, hot
streams of cum filled Sari’s mouth at the draechen followed Sari over
the edge.

Sari did his best to swallow his mate’s jizz—after all, it had to be

a sin of sorts not to do so. For the most part, he managed, although a
small part of it did dribble down his chin. He released a moan of
protest when Karein started to pull away, half because he wasn’t done
with Karein’s cock, but also due to the fact that… Well, Sari really
did like the feel of Karein’s mouth on his dick.

Karein, however, refused to be thwarted. As the draechen freed

himself from Sari’s grip, his finger left Sari’s ass. Almost seeming
oblivious to Sari’s dismay, Karein scanned Sari’s face eagerly, as if
seeking the answer to questions Sari couldn’t hear. “What?” Sari
asked when he thought he could speak.

“Nothing,” Karein answered. Climbing on top of Sari, he brushed

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his thumb over Sari’s lips. “You have cum all over your face.”

Sari couldn’t help but blush at that. He honestly didn’t imagine

how he’d been so utterly shameless as to demand Karein’s cock, but
he didn’t regret it. He had a feeling there was more behind that odd
look Karein had given him, but then, Karein pressed their mouths
together, and Sari forgot all about it.

There was something so impossibly erotic about this kiss. Sari

tasted Karein, but also the flavor of his own essence on Karein’s
tongue. In spite of having just come, Sari found himself hardening

Karein pulled back, his hands clutching Sari’s hips convulsively.

“I need you, baby. I must have you now. Forgive me.”

Sari wanted to say there was nothing to forgive, but decided that

anything he uttered right now could propel them both into endless
conversations that would just bring them back to their current point.
So he stayed quiet and allowed his body to do the talking. Smiling, he
extended his hand, beckoning Karein closer.

Karein groaned and reached for the bottle of oil once more.

Taking his cue, Sari lifted his legs, exposing his opening to Karein’s
gaze. The draechen’s breath caught, so he must have liked what he
saw. But Sari couldn’t be flirty or coy, not when Karein poured a
generous amount of liquid on his fingers and reached for Sari’s
opening. This time, when Karein slid one finger in, he went slow,
spreading the slick substance all around. Earlier, Sari had never really
even gotten the chance to acknowledge the slight invasion before it
had propelled him into climax, but now, the strange pressure made
Sari hyperaware of every nerve ending in his body. It was unfamiliar,
but it didn’t feel wrong. And then, Karein brushed that single finger
over Sari’s prostate, and Sari cried out, pleasure skyrocketing through
him. “Oh, yes,” he hissed. “Please, Karein… More.”

This time, Karein didn’t deny him, nor did he try to delay things.

Adding more lubricant, he slid a second digit next to the first. This
time, the stretch was a little more challenging, but very enjoyable just

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the same. In fact, Sari’s body practically swallowed both fingers, as if
it had been waiting for exactly that.

A choked groan escaped Karein, but for all his words and his

expressed need, he didn’t rush. Instead, he kept finger-fucking Sari,
preparing him with the same thoroughness that he had used when
washing Sari’s hair. Of course, back then, Sari had been far more
patient, but it was a little hard to hold onto that when he was
so…well, hard. It certainly didn’t help that Karein ruthlessly rubbed
Sari’s prostate, as if intent on showering Sari with the maximum
amount of sensual torture he could endure.

By the time the third finger went in, Sari had become nearly

mindless with desire and want. He wanted to beg and plead with his
mate, but his thoughts and ideas were scrambling under the assault of
the pleasure. His synapses seemed to have short-circuited, and his
hold on his power—always legendary both due to training and to his
ancestry—started to crumble on itself.

With a distant corner of his brain, Sari heard something shatter in

the room, but he couldn’t have cared less, not when Karein finally
deemed him prepared. His mate retrieved his fingers from Sari’s
body, then, after a few moments of hesitation, flipped Sari on his
belly. He propped a few pillows under Sari, providing him with a
more comfortable position. “I want to look into your eyes as I fuck
you, but it’ll be easier for you like this,” he explained.

Sari just nodded and whimpered. He felt like he was no longer a

person, but a vessel of pure want. Okay, he’d have liked to gaze up at
Karein’s handsome face, too, as the draechen took him for the first
time, but whatever they did together would be perfect. Sari was sure
of it. He just needed it now, so badly it hurt.

There was a brief pause, during which Karein must have slicked

up his dick, because instants later, something hard and thick nudged at
Sari’s opening. Sari held his breath as anticipation coursed through
him, making his heart beat a million miles an hour. And then, slowly,
ever so slowly, Karein started to push in.

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It wasn’t an immediate process. Even now, Karein kept a

measured pace, going slow, allowing Sari to get used to the invasion.
Still, it hurt a little, although Sari wouldn’t have changed that for the
life of him. He found that he liked the burn, the bite of pain. It gave
him an anchor, made the surreal pleasure more real, convincing him
that no, this wasn’t a dream. And yet, when Karein finally bottomed
out inside him, Sari could barely breathe because of how very
overwhelmed he felt. Spots danced in his vision, and the world
seemed both brighter and blurrier somehow. It was dangerously
addictive, and Sari couldn’t think about anything else except how
desperately he wanted more.

“Okay?” Karein asked in his ear, obviously feeling the same

urgency Sari did.

Sari opened his mouth to say “yes,” and surprisingly, he actually

managed to utter one word. It wasn’t the one he had been going for,
but it worked just the same. “Karein…”

As always, Karein understood. He pulled out of Sari and thrust

back inside, this time impaling Sari in one single motion. Sari arched
his back, clutching the sheets as hard as he could. The soft rose petals
crumbled in his fists, and their perfume combined with the scent of
Sari and Karein’s desire to create an intoxicating aroma.

Karein might have tried to be gentle in the beginning, but soon, it

became painfully obvious that he could no longer keep himself in
check. Faster and faster, he fucked Sari, always hitting Sari’s prostate
in nearly mind-numbing blows. He held onto Sari’s still-damp hair as
his dick moved in and out of Sari’s body. The tight grip pulled on
Sari’s scalp, which completely clashed with the gentleness Karein had
used before in the bath. But Sari didn’t mind. He loved it, oh, how he
loved it. Karein’s heat burned him from inside out, his cock stretching
Sari’s channel so perfectly. When Karein rocked inside him, Sari felt
full, full of his mate, both physically and emotionally. It was as if all
his life, he’d wandered around aimlessly, without realizing that he
was only half a person. Now, he’d finally found that other half he had

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been missing.

His mate pounded him harder and harder, as if he couldn’t get

deep enough no matter how much he tried. And then, out of the blue,
he gripped Sari and flipped him on his back yet again. In the process,
he had to leave Sari’s body, but he quickly thrust back inside again. It
all happened so fast that Sari barely registered the absence.
Apparently, he had changed his mind about the best position for their
coupling. And when their eyes met, Sari mentally congratulated
Karein for this idea.

Simply the sight of the draechen almost made Sari come. He had

witnessed Karein losing control before, allowing himself to let go.
However, this time was different. The wildness in Karein’s eyes was
purely sexual, and the tension in his strong shoulders spoke of a man
in search of the ultimate pleasure. Sweat beaded his brow, and his lips
were curled in near-snarl, but desire was the emotion behind that
expression, not anger or discontent.

Even under normal circumstances, Sari would have had no words

to describe what he felt, let alone now, when he was overcome by lust
and sensation. Therefore, he didn’t even try to vocalize anything. He
just clung to Karein’s shoulders, finding them a strong anchor in a
world that was quickly collapsing around him.

He was close, so very close to coming. He just needed one more

thing, one last thing to push him over the edge once again. Tilting his
head, Sari offered himself for Karein’s claiming. He might not have
known everything about draechen wedding rituals, but he did know
this. In his mind, in his heart and soul, he craved it.

Karein didn’t delay in taking Sari’s offer. In one single instant, he

struck, burying his fangs in Sari’s throat. The rapture that filled Sari
was unlike anything he had experienced. It was pain, pleasure, no, a
sensation that went beyond any simple concept like that. A million
small suns exploded inside Sari as he climaxed. As Karein followed
him into orgasm, Sari actually felt the mate bond click into place. A
strange rush of heat swept through him, as if a tidal wave of lava, of

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pure energy was invading him. It was so intense that Sari almost
feared what would happen when it retreated. But oddly enough, it
never seemed to retreat. Instead, it reached out to Sari’s very core
until he didn’t know where he ended and Karein began. Karein’s
feelings and memories were his, and Sari was an open book to the
draechen. Even knowing what kind of chance he was taking, Sari
experienced no doubt or hesitation. He knew his mate would never
betray him.

It went on and on, for what seemed like forever, and yet, lasted far

too little. Finally, Karein released his hold on Sari’s neck. Sari
returned to reality, feeling dazed, humbled, and in awe with all the
emotions bubbling inside him, both his own and Karein’s.

Karein was the one who recovered first. “Are you okay?” he


“Better than okay,” Sari answered. “What about you?”
He knew his mate had been worried about this night. All of

Karein’s doubts and fears were now clear to him. “Do you see now
that I was right?” he continued.

Karein chuckled as his spent dick slid out of Sari’s ass. “Yes, of

course. How could I have ever thought differently?”

“Well, now you know.” Sari grinned and cuddled close to his

mate. “Don’t make the mistake of doubting me again.”

Karein’s hand tangled through Sari’s locks. “Never,” he

murmured. Although Sari’s comment had been teasing, Karein
sounded completely serious.

Sari was more than ever aware of the gift he’d been granted and

the task that came with it. Karein was so very strong, but inside that
shell he’d created for himself, his soul was bleeding. Sari ached for
him, but he had faith that, in time, with a lot of love, he’d manage to
mend all wounds. Because, starting this night, they were truly one,
like both of them had wanted.

“One.” Karein’s voice drifted into Sari’s mind, confirming the

reality of their bond. “Yes, we are.” He met Sari’s glance and added,

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“I know I haven’t said this before, but in case you don’t know
already, I love you, baby.”

Was this man ever going to stop melting Sari’s heart? “I love you,

too,” Sari replied. “So very much.”

Karein smiled at him, and the expression was the most open,

calmest one Sari had ever seen on the draechen’s face. His mate
looked—he felt—at peace. It meant the world to Sari that he had
managed to give Karein that.

“Sleep now, baby,” Karein said. “You’re safe.”
Sari believed him. He closed his eyes and relaxed against Karein’s

chest. As he succumbed to the exhaustion of the day and their sensual
acrobatics, he knew that for good or ill, this had been the best day of
his life.

* * * *

When the cries of passion finally stopped, Charlize didn’t know if

she was supposed to feel relieved or terrified. She had truly been
worried about tonight, but not even in her worst nightmares had she
imagined her half brother would act so shamelessly.

Jenarra above, Sari and his new mate had retreated in the imperial

wing for the night. And yet, while she and Misael had been talking a
walk outside, on the cliff, the practically pornographic noises had
reached their ears. Sadly, they hadn’t been the only ones around, so
half the guards in Draechenburg had overheard Prince Sareltae
Norrenddare Myrthylar lea Tersain scream, “Yes! Oh, yes! There.

The entire thing had grown so vulgar that the draechen had started

to give Charlize and Misael lecherous looks, as if wondering if the
two of them were up for a ride, too. “See?” Charlize hissed. “I told
you that whore wasn’t to be trusted.”

Misael grabbed her arm and dragged her back into the building.

“Keep your voice down. Making a scene will solve nothing.”

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“And what do you suggest then?” Charlize asked, throwing her

hands up. “That we just leave things as they are? At this rate, Sareltae
will plunge Ivenia into a war just because he’s interested in bending
over for a draechen.”

“It occurred to me that Sari’s behavior is strange,” Misael

answered after a brief pause. “I don’t understand how he even
accepted Prince Shtamakarein into his bed when he knows full well
that the Dog-Catcher killed his best friend.”

Charlize blinked. “You’re right. I didn’t think of that.”
It wasn’t exactly common knowledge, but word had reached their

ears that Caelyn Sutharlainn had found his death at Shtamakarein’s
hands. Not that it had surprised Charlize, given the rumors of what
Caelyn had done. The fact that Sareltae openly accepted this
relationship with Shtamakarein was strange, indeed. “Do you think he
doesn’t know about it?”

“It’s possible,” Misael answered. “Eanera could have kept it from

him. She’s entirely capable of doing so, if she thought it for her own

“Well, then, perhaps not all is lost,” Charlize answered. “If

Sareltae hasn’t crossed the line tonight, we can tell him the truth about
his new mate in the morning. I’m betting that once he sees the truth
about Prince Shtamakarein, he won’t be so eager to share a bed with
his new mate.”

Misael nodded, then lifted a hand to his lips. Charlize quickly

silenced herself. He was right. It simply wasn’t safe to talk in
Draechenburg, especially in the middle of a corridor. They hadn’t said
anything that would endanger the safety of their people, but still they
had to be careful.

“Tomorrow, we’ll handle it,” Misael added quietly. “There’s still


Charlize snorted. Relying on Sareltae’s loyalty was now folly. If

she and her family wanted Ivenia to be safe, they had to take matters
into their own hands.

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As it turned out, their tentative plan had no chance of success.

Before they could reach their quarters and escape for the night, they
were intercepted by their father. “A word with you, children.”

Selbrian’s tone clearly pointed out that this was an order and not

something Charlize and Misael could refuse. Charlize followed after
her father, wondering if she could approach him about Sareltae’s odd
behavior. Surely, as king, Selbrian was concerned about Ivenia as

Selbrian ushered them into his quarters. Their mother wasn’t

around, but that didn’t surprise Charlize. As the Ivenian queen,
Onyerre had to play the political game tonight and pretend to be a
loving parent for Sareltae. Since Charlize and Misael had no claim to
the Ivenian throne, they had a little more freedom, although Charlize
couldn’t fathom why their father had chased them down.

“We didn’t get to speak enough this morning,” Selbrian said. “Be

very careful with what you say or do while here. You will be coming
home with me when we leave, but until then, I expect you to support
your brother in any way that you can.”

“About that.” Misael cleared his throat awkwardly. “We’ve

noticed a certain…eagerness in Sari regarding Prince Shtamakarein.
We really can’t understand it. Isn’t he aware that his new mate killed
Caelyn Sutharlainn?”

Selbrian’s expression darkened. “Don’t mention that name here.

It’s too dangerous. And no, your brother isn’t aware of it. Eanera and
I have kept it from him.”

Charlize couldn’t understand his reasoning. “But why, Father? If

we don’t tell him, he might fall victim to the draechen’s seduction.
You don’t know what we heard just now.”

“Whatever you heard, you are forbidden to discuss the sprite with

your brother or anyone else in Draechenburg.” He took a deep breath,
and Charlize felt a wave of magic sweep over the room. A few
moments later, Selbrian spoke again, “Do not forget Caelyn
Sutharlainn is one of the reasons we’re here in the first place, or, the

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pretext the draechen are trying to use to start this war. One wrong
whisper reaching the ears of the Emperor, and it’ll be all over.”

For the first time since Charlize had reached Draechenburg,

Charlize felt safe. She knew that, for a limited period, her father’s
powers could keep a shield up that would prevent anyone from
hearing their conversation. Sadly, the kind of mastery required for
that sort of spell was beyond her and her brothers. Her only comfort
was a little petty since Sareltae couldn’t do it either.

Either way, this gave Charlize the chance to say what she hadn’t

managed to do all day. “I understand, Father. But Sareltae will betray
us. He’s the one who is whispering all the wrong things to our
enemies. He got us in this mess in the first place by becoming
involved with that treacherous sprite. Why should Ivenia have to
suffer for it?”

Selbrian fixed her with a glare that pierced Charlize to the very

core. “What exactly are you suggesting?”

“Nothing,” Charlize backed down immediately. She knew better

than to follow on that line of conversation, at least with this audience.
“But there must be something we can do to prevent disaster.”

“For now, we will trust Sari,” Selbrian said. “I have faith in his

judgment, and I know he will do the right thing. Whatever attraction
exists between him and his new mate matters little since Sari is well
aware of his duty.” His gaze went from Charlize to Misael, then back
to her. “As for you two… You are not allowed to mention Caelyn’s
death to anyone, and Sari in particular. Do you understand, children?”

He sounded more decisive than Charlize had ever heard him,

which was kind of a record, given the countless times she’d been
witness to Selbrian reprimanding her mother or Charlize herself for
their behavior toward Sareltae and Eanera. Charlize automatically
nodded. “Yes, Father. Of course.”

Misael said the same thing, which seemed to please Selbrian. But

even as their king and sire dismissed them, Charlize couldn’t help but
wonder what could have possibly urged her father to react like that. It

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simply made no sense. For the moment, Charlize’s hands were tied,
but she had every intention to investigate it. She only hoped that
whatever her father was hiding wouldn’t contribute to the fall of

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Chapter Ten

When Karein opened his eyes, the first thing he thought was

Overlords, I’m married. Then, his gaze fell on the sleeping figure by
his side, and that original idea melted into something else, pure awe.
He’s really mine. How can this be?

The night had passed with no incident, if Karein discounted the

incredible sex he’d had with his mate. But no nightmares had come
back to haunt him, and he hadn’t hurt Sari in any way. It almost
seemed too good to be true.

The best part about it was that he knew that this perfection was

wholly and absolutely real—at least, where the two of them were
concerned. The beautiful creature slumbering in Karein’s arms made
it all possible. Memories of the day before flashed through Karein’s
mind eye as he caressed Sari’s silky hair. His mate had been so
beautiful in his passion. Sari probably hadn’t realized at the time, but
he’d literally glowed. The gem in the center of his forehead had
started to shine, and Karein had almost been reluctant to touch him
out of fear that he’d shatter that purity, that loveliness.

But somehow, Sari managed to be both the ultimate image of

innocence and the most sensual creature on the planet. Karein had no
idea how it was possible, but Sari made it work. Even knowing how
tight Sari’s ass had felt around his dick, and how eagerly the fae had
sucked on Karein’s member, he couldn’t see Sari otherwise but pure.

The recollections he himself conjured made lust flow through

him. His morning erection pointed out that Sari’s likely willing body
was right there. All Karein had to do was wake Sari, perhaps with a
kiss, and they could start over what they’d done the night before.

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As if hearing his thoughts, Sari slowly opened his eyes and

released a soft hum of contentment. “Mmmm…I like waking up next
to you. Think about me some more. I love the feel of your desire.”

Karein chuckled. The mate bond certainly had its perks. He took

his mate’s hand and brought it to his dick. “You can feel it all you
want,” he replied.

Sari didn’t delay in complying with Karein’s request. Karein

hissed as his mate’s delicate hand moved up and down his cock.
Sari’s pink tongue peeked out from his lips as he rubbed his thumb
over Karein’s glans. He was considering what he should do first, what
was the best way to pleasure Karein. Sari enjoyed Karein’s taste a
great deal, and he was now remembering how Karein’s dick had felt
in his mouth.

It was very strange for Karein to get accustomed to the roll of

Sari’s erotic thoughts, especially when they all starred him, but he
didn’t plan to complain. Of course, this meant that his focus was
completely off, so Sari took him by surprise when he suddenly
released Karein’s prick. Karein would have grumbled at the loss of
his mate’s touch, but then, Sari straddled him, his ass hovering over
Karein’s jutting erection. Apparently, as much as a blow job appealed
to him, Karein’s urgency and his own made it insufficient.

“Wait,” Karein gasped out, seeing Sari’s intentions in the fae’s

mind. He couldn’t believe what he was saying. His dick was
practically screaming at him “you idiot,” and Karein was about to
stop the whole thing. “You need lubricant. I haven’t prepared you.”

“I’ll be fine,” Sari said. “I’m still slick from last night.”
Without allowing Karein to protest any further, Sari positioned

himself over Karein’s dick and pushed down. Karein groaned as the
head of his erection popped past the guardian ring of muscles and into
the snug hold of Sari’s channel. He held onto Sari’s hips, trying to
control the fae’s motions so that Sari wouldn’t accidentally hurt

Sari allowed Karein to guide the rhythm, but wouldn’t be thwarted

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until he fully impaled himself on Karein’s dick. Still, in spite of his
words and daring, his full lips twisted in a small grimace of pain. It
took everything in Karein’s power not to start fucking his mate in
earnest, but he remained completely motionless, allowing Sari to take

“Slowly, baby,” he whispered through their bond. “Don’t rush it.

We have all the time in the world.”

His lust was so intense that he couldn’t have uttered the words out

loud, but fortunately, it wasn’t necessary, not anymore. Sari met his
gaze and smiled slightly. “We do, don’t we?”

The fae’s body relaxed, and Karein could practically feel the pain

melting away into a pleasurable burn. And then, Sari lifted himself off
Karein’s dick and shoved his body back down. Both of them cried out
at the ecstasy that exploded through them. The thin threads of
Karein’s control snapped, and he started to thrust, meeting his mate’s
every motion.

From that point on, everything became a blur of passion and

desire. Sari rode Karein with abandon, and the position made Karein
feel like he could go deeper inside Sari than ever before. He allowed
his own possessive instincts to run wild, fucking Sari harder and

Sari’s cries rose in the air, a hypnotizing siren song to which

Karein became a willing slave. The fae’s white-blond hair flew
everywhere like wispy waves, falling around his shoulders and
curling around his flushed cheeks. The gem—that fascinating jewel—
was glowing again. In spite of all the treasures the draechen had
accumulated, Karein had never once fallen into gem lust. However,
that strange stone enchanted him. He wanted to kiss it, touch it, trace
it with his tongue.

But there was no time for that, not right now. Karein’s climax was

already approaching. He could feel it sizzling in his spine, in his balls,
so close. He had to do one last thing to feel complete. Surrendering to
that urge, Karein rolled them over, changing their positions so that

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Sari was on the bottom. Continuing to move in and out of his mate, he
lingered on the edge for a few moments longer. When he couldn’t
bear the nearly suffocating fire of his need for Sari, he struck. Burying
his fangs in Sari’s flesh, he claimed his lover once more, just like he
had the night before.

The moment Sari’s blood hit Karein’s taste buds, he came, filling

his lover’s channel with his seed. Fireworks of energy burst through
his body as his mind became one with Sari’s. Before mating Sari,
Karein would have never thought any type of power could surprise
him, but the beauty of what they created together swept over him like
a transformative wave, cleansing his heart and soothing his soul.
Sari’s ass tightened around Karein’s dick as the fae came as well, his
orgasm propelling Karein into renewed rapture.

Together, they tumbled in a world where only the two of them

existed and mattered. Karein was still in awe of it, but he’d long ago
forsaken any doubts. The love and acceptance Sari had unexpectedly
brought into his life had given him real hope that he deserved a
chance for a real future.

His dragon lay tamed at Sari’s feet now, content and anchored by

Sari’s gentleness and honesty. The bond between Karein was so
strong and so bright that he couldn’t even imagine why he’d ever
feared it wouldn’t be enough. A million emotions and sensations
swirled through him, both his and Sari’s. And then, Sari’s voice
drifted into his mind, overwhelmed and blissful. “Karein…”

No other words came, but Karein felt what Sari had intended to

say. “I know, baby. I love you, too.”

Unfortunately, nothing quite so perfect could last forever. The

orgasmic haze began to dwindle, and Karein was thrust back into
reality. He released his hold on Sari’s neck and licked the wound, not
wanting the blood loss to in any way endanger Sari. He couldn’t help
a wince when he slid out of Sari’s body, but the true essence of their
connection remained just as real within him. When he collapsed at
Sari’s side, he did so with a smile.

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Sari curled against his chest once again, his lazy, contented

thoughts slowly drifting into Karein’s mind. Karein reveled in the
simplicity and beauty of it, in having his mate so close to him at the
most intimate level possible. Not only their bodies had become
connected, but everything they were, including their souls and their
rational sides.

A regretful whisper at the corner of Karein’s consciousness

reminded him of Prince Kael. No wonder Karein’s ancestor had run
amok if he had been forced to give this up.

“Don’t worry.” Sari’s hand landed on Karein’s chest, straight over

his heart. “It won’t happen to us.”

No, it wouldn’t, because Karein wouldn’t let it. He would do

anything he had to in order to protect his mate and their bond.
Nothing was more important than Sari, not the war, not Ornoz, not
even Karein’s loyalty toward Prince Kael.

Sadly, it seemed that Karein’s self-appointed task had to begin

early. A knock sounded at the door of Karein’s quarters. He groaned,
reminded that his father would be awaiting a report after the wedding
night. “He expects you to have drawn the secrets of Ivenia from me so
Sari asked through their bond. “What are we going to do?”

Karein brushed a kiss over Sari’s temple, his fingers dancing over

the gem in the middle of the fae’s forehead. It flashed lightly as
arousal coursed through Sari, and Karein made a mental note to
explore it again, a different time. Shaking himself, he slid out of
Sari’s tempting embrace and left the bed. “I’ll just tell him you
haven’t allowed me to bond with you just yet,”
he replied.
“Eventually, it will stop working, and when that happens, I’m going
to say that we mated, but you know nothing about Caelyn.”

“But do you think he’s going to believe that?” Sari asked, his

incipient sexual excitement melting into concern.

Karein shrugged. “Likely, he’ll have his doubts. I’ll have to try to

give the story a different spin, maybe say your mother was behind it.”

Sari’s discomfort with the idea swamped Karein. He obviously

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cared about his mother a great deal. Karein had seen that much in his
memories. It therefore made sense that Sari wouldn’t like Karein’s
proposal. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, it was the only
thing Karein could do. “I’m sorry, baby,” Karein sent to his mate.
“I’ll try to come up with something different, but the fact of the matter
is that your mother is likely the most untouchable person in the world
of the magical creatures. Even if I blame this on her, nothing can be
proven, and my father wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.”

Sari released a heavy sigh. “I suppose I understand. It’s just…I

don’t like it.”

Karein would have done anything to keep that expression of

concern off Sari’s face. The knock sounded again at the door, but
Karein was still looking at his mate, wondering if he’d already failed
in his resolve to make Sari happy.

Sari laughed, although the sound held no mirth, but rather

affection. “Would you stop? I’m not made out of porcelain, and you
can’t keep everything from touching me. I’m convinced that whatever
you decide will be for the best.”

Just like the time Sari had reached out to Karein’s dragon, the

fae’s confidence in him soothed Karein. “You have no idea how much
that means to me,”
he replied. Grinning, he added, “Wait, you do.”

This time, when Sari started chuckling, the bright peals of

laughter were like a joyous melody, crystalline and pure, reminding
Karein of Sari’s gem. He was very tempted to go back to bed, but he
couldn’t afford to lose himself in Sari again.

Shaking off his lustful daze, Karein walked out of the bedchamber

and to the door of the main apartment. As he opened it, he found a
wary-looking guard facing him. “Highness, the Emperor has
requested that you meet with him at once.”

Karein nodded. “I will be there shortly. Return to your post.”
With that, he closed the door, dismissing the guard. When he

turned around, he found his mate watching him from the entrance of
their bedroom, clad in only a sheet. “I suppose it would be too much

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to ask not to go greet people naked,” he commented.

Karein arched a brow. He hadn’t even given a second thought to

the fact that he was nude. Modesty couldn’t be an issue for a shape-
shifter. Nevertheless, Sari’s words made Karein’s dragon purr in
pleasure. He went to Sari’s side, crowding his mate against the
doorjamb. “I could be persuaded to limit the occurrences,” he
whispered in Sari’s ear, “for a price.”

Sari shivered, his arousal flooding Karein through their bond.

Sadly, he proved to have more restraint this time and pulled away.
“I’ll gladly pay it,” he answered, “but later. Go already, so you can
come back earlier.”

It was hard for Karein to leave his mate the very morning after

they had married, but it had to be done. Forcing himself to look away
from Sari, he rushed toward the bathroom and cleaned up a little.
Once finished, he returned to the sleeping quarters and pulled on his
uniform. He was always aware of his mate quietly watching him. Sari
might not have said it out loud, but he remained unsettled by the
Emperor’s summons. Not that Karein blamed him. He himself didn’t
look forward to meeting with his father. But he’d lived for centuries at
Kavehquader’s side, and he’d learned how to handle his sire.

After he was dressed, Karein turned toward Sari once more. Still

wrapped in the sheet, the fae looked so beautiful, young, and brave
that Karein’s heart clenched. “Don’t worry. I won’t be long.”

Smiling, Sari leaned over and pressed his lips to Karein almost

chastely. “For luck,” he whispered when he broke the kiss.

Karein caught him before he could pull away and crushed their

mouths together. Sari moaned, wrapping his arms around Karein’s
neck. The sheet slid off his body, pooling at his feet and granting
Karein access to his mate’s naked skin. For a few moments, Karein
allowed himself the luxury to taste the ambrosia of Sari’s mouth while
mapping the silk of his flesh with his fingers. Oh, how he craved this
man. Every fiber of his being, both dragon and man, screamed to
claim him again.

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It would have been easy, so very easy to tumble Sari back in bed

and thrust his cock inside that delicious ass. But the Emperor didn’t
like to be kept waiting. Besides, Sari needed to rest and recuperate.
He might have enjoyed what they’d done together very much, but the
fact remained that he’d experienced some discomfort. Karein couldn’t
allow that to happen again.

Forcing himself to break the embrace, he repeated, “For luck.”
Ignoring his dragon, who was roaring to get back to Sari now,

Karein turned his back on his mate and practically ran out of the
room. Sari had anchored him all right. He was too busy being aroused
to even dwell on anger or nightmares. Distantly, Karein wondered
how in the world he was even going to manage to keep his reputation
as the scariest shifter in existence. It would take some work.

In the corridor, he noticed the soldiers giving him curious looks,

which they were desperately trying to hide. Karein ignored the first
couple, then started to return them with glowers. The Emperor would
doubtlessly be monitoring both Sari and Karein’s reaction to the
wedding. Showing weakness would practically be asking for trouble.

He just had to imagine something happening to his mate because

of it, and he was practically seething. The other draechen scampered
from his path, throwing startled exclamations of “Your Highness” and
“Greetings, General” his way. On the whole, Karein reached the
throne room with no particular problems.

The guards in front of the large doors took one look at his face

and rushed to announce him. Finally, after what seemed like forever,
Karein was allowed in his father’s domain.

Steeling himself, Karein sought the calm he found in Sari’s love.

His mate was right there with him, supporting him. “It’s going to be
all right, Karein. He can’t separate us. Nothing can.”

Karein wanted to smile, but instead, he kept a straight face and

walked into the room. Today, his father hadn’t even bothered to wait
on the pile of jewelry. He stood in front of the thrones with Karein’s
mother. “What did you learn, Shtamakarein?” he asked.

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Still keeping his glum facade, Karein walked to their side.

“Greetings, Your Majesty,” he said. “I’m afraid the fae has proven to
be more resilient than expected in that regard. He has not allowed me
to claim him.”

“That isn’t what I heard.” Rowenasheb narrowed her eyes at him.

“The entire palace is speaking of his…enthusiasm during your
wedding night.”

They must have heard Sari’s cries. Karein supposed he wasn’t

really surprised. His mate had been very vocal, indeed, and as thick as
the palace walls might have been, some things couldn’t be muted
even by brick and stone.

“He was,” he admitted. “But the sexual pleasure I drew out of his

body didn’t suffice to convince him, at least, not yet.”

“So you think it will happen eventually?” his father inquired, his

tail sweeping onto the floor in a show of agitation. Karein half
expected his father to hit him with it, but no such thing happened.

“I do,” he replied. “He is loyal to Ivenia, but I have faith I will

earn his trust.”

For a few moments, neither of his parents spoke. Karein wondered

if they were using a mate bond to communicate. Then again, a part of
him doubted fate or the Overlords would grant them something so
precious. Perhaps they were merely lost in thought.

At last, his father delivered his decision. “You have one month

for…diplomatic methods. After that, you are free to force the
information out of him, in whatever way you see fit.”

One month. That was actually more than Karein had expected.

Bowing, he said, “I live and die by your command.”

“In the meantime, make sure our troops are well organized,” the

empress said. “We want to be ready for when the time comes for the

“Of course,” Karein answered. They were giving him too much

leeway. He had to be careful and tread lightly, because they would
undoubtedly be watching him. “Should the Wyverns cease searching

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for rebels of the ninth caste?”

Rowenasheb shook her head. “Not at all. Continue with all

activities. We don’t want to warn our enemies that we’re planning

“Of course, the fae might already suspect,” the emperor mused,

“but that won’t help them. Will it, Shtamakarein?”

Judging by his father’s tone, Karein could only offer one answer.

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”

* * * *

It was a little frightening to see the emperor and empress through

Karein’s eyes. Sari had been aware before that the draechen rulers
wanted to start a war, but the way they spoke of it, so ruthlessly, made
shivers run down Sari’s spine.

To distract himself from it, Sari decided to clean up, too. After

making the bed and putting the filthy sheets in the hamper, he took a
brief shower, then returned to the room and rummaged through his
wardrobe. As he did so, he realized with a gasp that his clothes had
been replaced by an entirely new set. These particular items of
clothing seemed to have been crafted by draechen standards, likely
more appropriate for the cooler weather. Sadly, they were also very
tight, and putting them on would be close to wearing next to nothing.
He was accustomed to them since they were pretty much what Karein
and the other shifters used—when they deigned to even cover
themselves. Dressing in these garments, though, would be a different
matter entirely.

Upon closer inspection, Sari found the silken robes hidden further

back, but the draechen style outfits were clearly what he was expected
to wear. With a sigh, Sari pulled on some tight pants and a shirt,
completing the outfit with a pair of boots. When he was finished, he
went on to the excruciating task of untangling his hair. Unfortunately,
in his quest for clothing, he’d let it dry without combing it

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appropriately, which was, suffice to say, a recipe for disaster.

With a huff, Sari sat in front of the mirror and got to it. Between

monitoring Karein through their bond and struggling with the tangles
of his locks, he had his hands full. However, he was interrupted from
his task by yet another knock at the door of the apartment.

Sari glanced at his reflection and frowned. He wasn’t really

presentable, but he’d tamed his hair a little. Besides, he wouldn’t be
going in public. Likely, he shouldn’t even be worried about it at all
since he had a feeling his visitor would be someone familiar to him.

Satisfied with his conclusion, Sari abandoned his comb and went

to get the door. As he opened it, he was only a little surprised to find
his father at the other side. He had expected a visit from Selbrian,
although not quite so early. His father had been very worried about
him yesterday, especially after learning about the tattoo Sari would
have to wear for the rest of his life.

“Greetings, Father,” he said, gesturing for the older fae to come

in. “It’s a pleasure to see you.”

Selbrian slid into the room and closed the door behind himself.

Instead of replying in words, he hugged Sari tightly. Sari waited,
knowing that his father was likely creating a shield that would allow
them to speak freely. He felt the wave of power settle over the room
and knew the spell was complete. At last, Selbrian released him and
said, “I’m so very sorry, my son. I wish I could have spared you this

The pain in Selbrian’s voice nearly choked Sari. He desperately

wanted to tell his father the truth, to soothe the guilt he saw in
Selbrian’s eyes. Obviously hearing his thoughts, Karein whispered in
his mind, “Tell him. You trust him to do what’s right for us, so share
your news with him.”

“But do you think it’s safe?” he asked.
“It’s only fair,” Karein replied. “Hareem and Sage know on my

side. Your parents love you. They deserve to be informed.”

He was right, of course. By keeping this from his mother and

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father, Sari was hurting them. Taking Selbrian’s hand, he smiled. “I
have no regrets, Father. In fact, I’m very happy.”

Selbrian took a deep breath, as if struggling to control a great

pain. “Sari, you’ve been speaking in riddles. What is it about this
situation that can make you happy?”

“Karein is a good man,” Sari replied. “And he’s my mate. My true


For a few moments, Selbrian just stared at him. “Are you certain,


“I would stake my life on the truth of it,” Sari replied without


“And Ivenia?” Selbrian’s posture straightened, and from father, he

became king. “You would risk that, too, by trusting this…good man?”

“There is no risk,” Sari answered. “Karein is on our side. He is

aware of everything. He sees into my mind, and he wants to protect
me. It goes both ways, Father. I have faith in Karein for good reason.”

“So you’ve allowed him to claim you,” Selbrian said. “I hope

you’re right about Prince Shtamakarein. I know he helped your friend,
but that isn’t enough to qualify him as trustworthy in my book.”

“You don’t know him like I do,” Sari replied. Likely, Selbrian

never would, because Karein had told Sari private things that he
would never share with another soul. “But I don’t expect you to.
Just…trust me, all right? You know how much I love Ivenia. My true
mate wouldn’t be someone who would harm it.”

Selbrian didn’t look convinced, but eventually he nodded. “I

suppose there’s nothing I can do but believe.” His tone changed,
growing almost ominous. “There’s something I have to tell you.
Charlize and Misael have started asking questions. They’re surprised
you’re so affectionate to Prince Shtamakarein given that he was
supposed to have killed Caelyn.”

Oh. It had never occurred to Sari that Karein’s scheme would

come back to bite them in the ass in that particular way, which, in
hindsight, had been stupid of him. “Likely, they won’t be the only

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people to notice.”

“You have to pretend you don’t know about it. The news spread in

limited circles, but the draechen are aware you were very sheltered.
They would believe it if you told them your mother and I kept it from

“He’s right,” Karein said in Sari’s mind. “Father hasn’t brought

it up, but he will undoubtedly do so at one point.”

Sari’s heart fell. This automatically meant that, when someone

from Draechenburg came to him with the information, he’d have to
pretend to be grieved, broken-hearted, and more importantly, furious
with Karein. He’d have to renege of his bond with Karein. Just the
thought made him sick to his stomach.

“Karein and I will handle it,” he told his father with far more

conviction that he felt.

“Very well. I will be leaving with Onyerre, Misael, and Charlize.

If I’m right, they won’t rest until they figure out what’s going on. I
want to at least have them on Ivenian soil when that happens.”

Concern flooded Sari, this time not for himself or Karein. “You’ll

take care of Caelyn, won’t you?” Sari’s irrational anger with Caelyn
was gone now, and he just wanted his friend to be safe. “He’s
expecting a child.”

“I know. Don’t worry about him. Onyerre can’t touch him in

Eternelle, not when he and his mate have been accepted there.”

He had a point. The only people who could give any command to

the priestesses of Eternelle were Sari’s parents. Besides, Sari fully
understood now that the spirits of the obelisk were actually the
ultimate authority in Eternelle, and they had extended their welcome
for Caelyn and Graham.

This brought Sari to the essence of what Selbrian was saying.

“When are you going?” he asked quietly.

“In a few hours,” Selbrian replied. “The servants are already


“So soon?” Sari blurted out before he could stop himself. He

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might have been aware of the problems his half siblings’ and
stepmother’s presence could create, but right now, his father was the
last link he had to his old life. A part of him, the one that had felt at
home in Jenarra’s temple and had relaxed when kneeling in front of
the Obelisk of Eternelle, couldn’t just let go of it so easily.

Through his bond with Karein, Sari felt his mate’s distress as his

pain. “Oh, baby,” Karein whispered, “how I wish I could bring Rose
Noire to you.”

Those words served as a reprimand and a sharp reminder that he

might have been forced to leave his fae family behind, but he had
found a new one. Karein was everything to Sari now, and while he
would miss his parents and friends, his mate would always be more

Besides, he’d long ago stopped being a child, and had become a

prince. He wasn’t afraid of any challenge, and that included
rebuilding his life, even here in Draechenburg if need be.

Shaking himself, he threw a sheepish glance his father’s way.

“Sorry about that. I shouldn’t have said it. I understand completely.”

Selbrian smiled fondly. In a strikingly gentle gesture, he petted

Sari’s hair. “You always do.” He blinked in surprise as his hand found
the remaining tangles. “Oh, dear,” he commented. “Your hair is a
mess. Come on. I have a little time. I’ll fix it.”

Sari showed his father to the bedroom he now shared with Karein,

congratulating himself for his previous idea to clean the place up.
Selbrian’s gaze lingered on the bed a little, but he made no comment
regarding Sari and Karein’s private life. Instead, he took the comb
Sari had abandoned and gestured for Sari to sit down.

“Okay. Let’s see if we can mend this problem.”
Sari obeyed, allowing his father to work his hair free of the

tangles. It was a surreal event. Selbrian was not only his sire, but also
his king. He’d never once deigned to come into Sari’s room just for
the purpose of combing his hair.

Perhaps this was Selbrian’s way to express his own regret for his

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hasty departure. But really, neither Selbrian nor Sari had to be so
tragic about the whole thing. It wasn’t like they were lost to each
other forever.

“Once the situation settles, we can go visit,” Karein promised

through their bond. He had now exited the throne room and heading
toward the barracks to check up on the troops. The pang of sadness he
had experienced when Sari had foolishly clung to his father had
disappeared since he now seemed to have a clear plan in mind. He
couldn’t bring Rose Noire to Sari, but he could get Sari to Rose Noire.

“Thank you,” Sari replied. “I know it won’t be right now, but it

means a lot to me, just the same.”

Because whatever his father said, Sari knew that he could trust

Karein. His mate would keep his promise to Sari. This was why, in
spite of all the hostility around him, Sari now thought that he could
find a home here. Karein was his home, not Draechenburg, not even
Rose Noire. And that made Sari happier than he’d ever been in his

* * * *

When Karein slipped back into his quarters, he was well aware

that Sari was not alone, and not only because the guards had told him
so. King Selbrian still remained with Sari, presumably to comb Sari’s
hair. Karein guessed Selbrian had just picked this excuse to spend
more time with Sari, which he honestly appreciated.

Careful to be as stealthy as possible, Karein peeked into his

bedchamber. Sari knew he was there, of course, but likely, Selbrian
didn’t. “He does,” Sari corrected him. “He felt you when you opened
the door. There was a shield around the room.”

Ah. Well, Selbrian would never speak freely as long as Karein

was there. Even knowing that Karein was Sari’s mate, the fae king
couldn’t fully trust him.

“You can tell him it’s safe to speak,” he whispered in Sari’s mind.

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“I’m going to find Sage and patrol the grounds a bit.”

As much as he valued his time with Sari, Karein would have Sari

all to himself from now on. These last minutes Sari was spending with
Selbrian were precious to him. Given Karein’s relationship with his
own parents, he valued Selbrian’s affection for Sari and wanted to
encourage it.

He stepped out of the room once more, giving the two fae privacy.

His mate’s gratitude followed him even as he walked through the
winding corridors of the palace. “Thank you, Karein.”

Karein hid a smile. “No, Sari. Thank you.”
Without Sari, Karein would have never felt the true warmth a

family could offer. Sari’s relationship with his parents might have
been strained, but, insofar as Selbrian was concerned, at least, Karein
had seen and experienced genuine familial love. In a way, Sari never
stopped sharing the beauty of life with Karein. In fact, Sari himself
was the greatest gift of all, and Karein would never cease thanking the
Overlords for being entrusted with something so special.

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Chapter Eleven

A few days later

The forest was quiet, the only sound that reached Sari’s ears being

the rustling of the leaves and the soft whisper of the wind. He slipped
through the foliage, scanning the area carefully. He knew better than
to believe he was alone. He was running from a predator, one who
would likely catch him no matter what Sari did. But Sari wouldn’t go
down without a fight. At the very least, he could make things difficult
for his pursuer.

He hastened the pace, his heart beating a million miles an hour.

The predator was close now. Sari could feel him practically breathing
down his neck. It wasn’t something he could physically sense. By
rights, nothing in the forest gave him any warning as to where his foe
was hiding. But Sari knew, regardless.

He tried to use this knowledge to make his escape, but it was

futile. Out of the blue, a heavy figure appeared from the bushes and
jumped Sari. On instinct, Sari threw up a shield, which made the man
miss him. He attempted to flee, but lost his concentration. The shield
fell and at last, his foe jumped him. They fell together onto the
ground, with the larger man on top. “I got you,” Sari’s captor

Sari laughed as Karein pinned his hands over his head. “That you

did,” he replied. “I do wonder what you’re going to do with me now.”

“Mmmm…” Karein buried his face in Sari’s hair and inhaled. “Do

you want me to free you? Because if you do, you need to pay up.”

“And what if I don’t want to be freed?” Sari wiggled his eyebrows

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coyly. “What will you do then?”

Karein met his gaze, his lips twisting into a wicked smirk. “I’ll

take my payment as I wish, of course.” He pressed a kiss to Sari’s
forehead, impossibly close to the gem on Sari’s forehead. “Perhaps
I’ll steal this,” the draechen said, wiggling his tongue around the gem.

Sari gasped as sensation shot through him. “Y–you have a fetish

for that thing,” he stammered out.

“How could I not?” Karein snickered. “You’re the only person I

know who was born with a gem attached to his body.”

Ever since finding out the jewel was organic in nature, Karein had

taken every possible opportunity to touch it. It was something Sari
had never allowed from any other person since the jewel marked him
as a chosen child of Jenarra. Only his mother had it out of all the fae
he’d met, although history had documented other instances where it
had been present, like with Prince Talrasar. But what those books
didn’t describe was that when a lover touched that gem, it felt
amazing. Karein had once made Sari come just by wiggling his
tongue around the jewel.

Karein seemed to have similar intentions today, but less patience.

In fact, this time, he abandoned the gem and crushed his mouth to
Sari’s. Sari moaned, immediately parting his lips for his mate’s
invasion. Karein thrust his tongue into Sari’s mouth, wildly, almost
aggressively, his animal instincts very close to the surface. Sari could
feel the dragon so close to the edges of Karein’s consciousness,
brought forth by Karein’s need for him and their little impromptu
hunting game.

Either way, Sari would never be able to forgive himself if he left

his mate wanting. Fortunately, Karein was completely naked above
Sari, courtesy of the fact that he’d flown Sari to the forest in shifted
form. Taking advantage of that, Sari allowed his hands to roam over
the delicious expanse of his mate’s nude form. Karein groaned
whenever Sari’s fingers made contact with a particularly sensitive
spot, which seemed to be every time, really. His hard dick nudged

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against Sari’s thigh, demanding attention Sari gladly gave. Smirking
to himself, he slid his hands between their two bodies and engulfed
Karein’s prick in his fist. Karein released an animalistic noise that,
like his groans, was swallowed in their kiss. But it didn’t matter. Sari
got the message loud and clear, and he started massaging Karein’s
dick like he knew his mate wanted.

It was hard to believe that a few days before, Sari had never

touched a dick other than his own. With Karein, the process flowed so
naturally. Sari had learned to love the feel of Karein’s dick in his
hand, or better yet, in his mouth or his ass. Of course, it certainly
helped that he could experience everything Karein did. Even now, as
he fisted Karein’s prick, it seemed as if Sari was touching himself,
and yet, oddly not. The filter of Karein’s pleasure made it different,
and so much better than anything Sari’s imagination could have

But predictably, Karein was not satisfied with only that. Still

fucking Sari’s mouth with his tongue, he clutched at Sari’s clothing,
seemingly moments away from ripping it off. Unlike Karein, Sari was
dressed in one of those draechen-style outfits, but taking into account
the way Karein’s hands were passing over his sides, the material
wouldn’t survive for much longer. “Just remember not to tear my
he managed to say through their bond.

Karein broke their kiss long enough to give him a look of

disbelief. “You have your hand on my dick, and you can still think
about fashion?”

He spoke so lowly it would have been frightening had it come

from someone else. No, to someone else. Sari would never be scared
of his mate, not when he could sense the desire emanating from
Karein, smell it in the air, taste it on his lips. Really, he understood
the point of Karein’s question. How could Sari even dwell on any
other considerations except that of reveling in that desire, bathing
himself in it? He must have been insane, but even as he swept his
thumb over Karein’s erection, he said, “Suit yourself. I just don’t

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want half of Draechenburg to see me naked.”

Sari tried to sound nonchalant, but he couldn’t hide his own need,

and his voice came out breathless, every word punctuated by a gasp.
Karein’s dark gaze flashed with unrestrained lust. “You’re mine.” He
practically snarled. “Only mine.”

Karein tore Sari’s garments, pants included. He moved so fast Sari

had trouble following his actions, and he was overwhelmed by the
hypnotic hurricane of Karein’s lust. When he could think, Karein
usually shied away from pushing Sari too far, out of the lingering
apprehension that he’d hurt Sari. But not now. Now, his dragon had
taken over, and it was roaring to claim Sari. Sari could almost hear its
furious cries, and oh, yes, he wanted to be claimed. He wanted
Karein’s dick inside him so much he was surprised he hadn’t simply
jumped the draechen already.

Karein flipped him on all fours on the grass and squeezed his hip,

hard. Following the wordless command and the images he could see
in Karein’s mind, Sari spread his legs wide and pushed his ass out. In
moments such as these, the mate bond was strongest, guaranteeing
that Sari knew exactly what Karein planned. Some people might have
thought it would just lead to boredom, but instead, it heightened the
anticipation, making him desperate for the moment when that sweet
touch would finally come to grant him relief.

Of course, not even when the urgency threatened to burn them

both alive did Karein fully forsake his nearly unbearable tendency to
keep Sari from harm. Knowing what would likely happen, Sari had
brought a small bottle of oil, but it had been in his now-discarded
pants, and Jenarra only knew where it had landed, or if it was even
usable. However, Karein was nothing if not resourceful. Instead of
trying to find the lost lubricant, he just spread Sari’s ass cheeks and
licked across Sari’s crease. Sari cried out as pleasure exploded
through him, threatening to propel him into an early orgasm far too
soon. He blindly clutched at the grass beneath him, but the blades
ripped in his palm, doing very little to anchor him. The feel of

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Karein’s hands on him only made him want more, or rather, all of it.
Karein was relentless. He wormed his tongue inside Sari’s body,
using it like a little cock to stretch Sari’s channel. The sinful, nearly
taboo touch awoke every nerve ending in Sari’s already
oversensitized body. He pushed back against Karein, fucking his
mate’s face with a lust that he might have once considered too much.
Jenarra above, he’d never even thought someone would like doing
something like this, but there was no denying that Karein did enjoy it,
and a lot. In fact, Sari’s gem was just one of Karein’s fetishes,
because half the time, the draechen was always bending him over to
rim him or fuck him.

Karein’s amused voice slipped into Sari’s mind. “I don’t hear you


Yeah, like Sari would ever complain about that. Besides, he had

his own fascination, with Karein’s dick, so things worked out pretty
well if he said so himself. He could imagine it now, the purplish head
slipping into Sari’s asshole, the burn and bite of pain that followed,
only to be replaced by mind-numbing pleasure. Oh, yes… The
sensations were always out of this world and more than Sari could

Fortunately, Sari’s thoughts caused exactly the reaction he’d been

hoping for. With a growl, Karein lifted his head. “You want to be
fucked?” he asked huskily, slapping Sari’s ass. “I’ll give you the
fucking of your life.”

Sari felt guilty for manipulating Karein, or would have if moments

later, the thick head of his mate’s prick hadn’t nudged at his opening.
As it was, he could only congratulate himself for his idea, as
instinctual and unintended as it had been. And then, that distant
thought melted as his mate’s dick entered him in one single hard

That initial burn, the sudden fullness, and the overwhelming

feelings that always swamped Sari whenever he and Karein made
love nearly triggered his orgasm. By some miracle, he managed to

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hold it back. Meanwhile, Karein stilled inside of him, allowing Sari to
get used to his girth. Sari didn’t want to wait anymore, though. He
craved exactly what Karein had promised him, to be fucked hard,
taken, and branded by his mate, the same way he had been the day of
their wedding.

Thankfully, Karein’s legendary composure couldn’t withstand the

pressure either. The draechen started to rock in and out of Sari, first
slower, then gradually increasing the speed. It was just like Sari had
imagined it, only better. As impossible as it might have seemed, every
time they spent together was perfect, and yet, their next coupling
gained a new layer of complexity, like with each passing second and
each breath they took, they loved each other more. Their bond had
been strong from the very first moment they’d met, but it grew even
more powerful every day. And today was no exception. Even if he
was naked on the grass, his channel only superficially lubricated, the
entire experience was like Sari’s own personal version of the heavens.

Sari’s brain now worked in a staccato rhythm that followed the

pace of Karein’s thrusts. Yes. One hard shove struck Sari’s prostate,
making stars burst into his vision. So good. Karein pulled out his dick
and slid back in, the friction massaging the walls of Sari’s channel,
stretching him to capacity. So hot. Karein’s breath tickled his ear as
the draechen leaned over him, holding Sari aloft with one single
powerful arm. Karein. The draechen buried his face in Sari’s hair like
he often liked to do—another of his fetishes—groaning. Mate. Over
and over, Karein moved in and out of him, the dragon’s hunger
flooding Sari through their bond like an all-consuming blaze. Mate.
The sensual energy that they created together seemed to stop time
itself. Mate. Sari didn’t even know if he was thinking these things, or
if Karein was whispering them to him. It didn’t even matter. They
were one.

And then, Karein finally gave them both what they wanted and

buried his fangs in Sari’s neck, and one last thought crystallized in
Sari’s mind, as bright as the sun rising over Rose Noire and as clear as

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the Danube as it burst out of the mountain that housed Draechenburg.
Love you. Again and again, until that was the only thing that
remained, the love, carnal, passionate, and yet so pure. Sari’s love for
Karein and Karein’s answering feelings propelled them both over the
edge as they came together in a supernova of rapture. The wet heat of
Karein’s spunk filled Sari’s channel while Karein’s emotions spilled
into Sari’s soul through their connection.

For a few beautiful moments, the world ceased to exist outside the

union of their bodies and hearts. Their memories and thoughts fully
connected, their identities winding together in a single cohesive
whole. It couldn’t last—it never did—but even as the high of it began
to fade, the emotion never vanished. It settled into a beautiful
afterglow that enveloped Sari’s soul like a warm blanket.

Karein slid out of him, and together, they collapsed onto the grass.

“Mmm, love you,” Sari said again, this time out loud.

His mate pulled him close, and Sari obediently cuddled to his side.

“Love you, too,” Karein answered, petting his hair.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, in comfortable silence,

enjoying the lingering buzz of their orgasm. Sadly, they couldn’t
remain here forever as Karein had to return to his duties. They’d
already lingered in the forest for too long. With great reluctance, Sari
pulled away from Karein’s warm embrace. Both of them got up, and
it was in that moment that Sari remembered his torn clothing.

Karein snickered. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll carry you directly to

our room. The guards will see us approach, but I’ll hold you close so
that you won’t be cold and none of your charms are exposed to their

As Karein spoke, his gaze swept over Sari’s body. He obviously

wanted to sample the charms he’d mentioned again, but sadly, they
had no time for that. Instead, Karein started to shift into his dragon
form. Meanwhile, Sari went to gather his garments, hoping he could
salvage something. Alas, no part of the outfit had survived Karein’s
almost wrathful desire, not even the boots. Sari did manage to wipe

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himself down a little since having spunk leaking out of him while he
was carried over the forest wouldn’t be smart or comfortable. He
made a bundle out of the unusable clothing since he didn’t want to
leave any traces of their presence here.

When he was done, he turned toward his mate. The black dragon

patiently waited for him, his tail swaying back and forth, his eyes
fixed on Sari with striking eagerness. Fleetingly, Sari thought that
right now, the famous prince Shtamakarein Tersain looked like an
overgrown puppy.

“A puppy?” Karein’s outraged voice sounded in his mind. “You

know, for some draechen that would be a severe insult.”

Sari had only meant it jokingly, but it seemed that the random

thought had triggered a memory in Karein’s mind. “But not for you,
he asked.

Karein took Sari and the bundle of clothing in his large paw and

answered, “No. I know better now.”

As Karein launched himself into the air, a flash of Graham Powers

slipped into Sari’s mind. He had been fighting for his life with two
draechen warriors. No, being compared to a canine shifter—or in this
case, a werewolf—was not an insult at all.

“You know, baby, I have a reason for believing the worst of

werewolves,” Karein said. “It has been on my mind and in my head
for as long as I can remember. But now that you’re with me, I can
think clearer. You’ve given me new perspective, and I thank you for

“Do you want to change the Directive?” Sari inquired, curling

against Karein’s scaly chest to keep the frigid air from reaching his
naked skin. Like he had promised, Karein protected him from the
winds at this height. He was strikingly warm, in spite of this reptilian-
looking shape, something which Sari was more than grateful for.

“I would, if I could,” Karein answered. “But as long as my father

is leading, that will never happen. In fact, we have more immediate
problems than the Directive right now.”

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Sari nodded. He hated having politics intrude on his time with

Karein, but the fact that he was blissfully happy with Karein couldn’t
change the attitude of the other draechen. It would be irresponsible to
say the least if he and Karein lost themselves in their love and forgot
about the reasons they’d met in the first place.

He was still musing over this when Karein landed in the large

balcony of their room. As they stepped inside, Sari saw a small white
box on the table. His heart started beating faster. The box hadn’t been
there when they’d left, and he knew exactly what it meant.

As he picked it up, he murmured an incantation his mother had

once taught him. The box opened, revealing a flawless white pearl
inside. He was just about to use it when he remembered he was still
naked, likely with his hair all over the place and looking freshly

“You look great,” Karein said from behind him, having now

shifted in his human form.

One glance at the lecherous grin on Karein’s face told Sari that he

had to take a quick bath before speaking to his mother. Pushing past
Karein, he hastened into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. It
was the quickest cleaning session Sari had ever had. Since moving to
Draechenburg, baths had become moments of sensual exploration he
shared with Karein. In fact, it was the first time since their mating that
Sari had showered alone at all. He half expected that Karein would
join him, but the draechen didn’t, obviously respecting Sari’s

As much as Sari would have enjoyed another quick fuck, he was

actually quite worried. He hadn’t expected his mother to send him a
message so soon. Maybe she just wanted to see how he was adapting,
but somehow, Sari doubted it.

Once he finished with his shower, Sari quickly toweled himself

dry and rushed out of the bathroom. Karein was already waiting for
him with new clothes to replace the torn ones. At last, after getting
dressed in record time and combing his hair as quickly as he could,

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Sari reached for the pearl for the second time.

The moment he activated it, his mother’s face manifested in front

of him, and Sari knew he’d been right to fear a problem. “Your
stepmother knows about Caelyn,” she said. “Be wary, Sari. This is
only just beginning.”

* * * *

Meanwhile, France

Charlize quietly trailed after her mother, having no clue as to

where they were headed. Onyerre had been quiet ever since they had
returned from Draechenburg, but Charlize knew better than to
question her. She was fairly certain that her mother had been digging
around the reason for her father’s skittishness. Onyerre must have
found out something, because she’d assembled Charlize and her
brothers and explained that they would be going on a little trip.

Her siblings seemed just as curious regarding their destination.

Finally, Darian was the one who broke the silence. “If I may, Mother,
where are we going?”

“To Eternelle,” Onyerre answered. “I have reasons to believe

we’ll find some answers there.”

Charlize had only been to the old fae citadel once or twice. As a

member of the fae royal family, she was among the few privileged
enough to be informed about it and visit the area with very few
restrictions. She’d never had much interest in it because she disliked
the idea of stepping on soil that had witnessed so much death. So,
before she could stop herself, she asked, “Answers? Regarding

Her mother threw a disapproving glance Charlize’s way, but

nevertheless responded. “Caelyn Sutharlainn.”

Sareltae’s sprite friend? What information could Eternelle

possibly provide regarding that dead traitor? Confused, Charlize

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nevertheless kept her mouth shut. She wordlessly followed after her
mother as Onyerre led Charlize and her brothers out of the palace.

Outside, a helicopter was already waiting to carry them to their

destination. The pilot, a priestess of Jenarra, bowed to them.
“Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highnesses. We’re ready to depart
whenever you wish.”

In spite of her words, the pilot didn’t seem very happy about the

task she’d been granted. Onyerre ignored her and just got into the
aircraft. Charlize followed her mother’s example and entered the
helicopter, with her brothers right behind her.

The pilot slid into her seat, and at last, the helicopter took off. No

one spoke during the flight, which was perhaps fortunate. Ironically,
Sareltae’s departure had only worsened the tensions in Charlize’s
family, making her mother more ill-tempered than ever. Even Misael
seemed to be losing his patience. Sometimes, Charlize just wanted to
stalk into the Temple of Jenarra and punch Eanera in the face for
destroying her parents’ mating. But since she couldn’t do that, she just
waited to see what plan her mother had come up with to get even with
the Myrthylars.

Eternelle wasn’t too far from Rose Noire, but the trip still seemed

to last an eternity. Finally, the old citadel, now a temple dedicated to
Jenarra, loomed ahead. In spite of having been practically destroyed
during the war, it was now quite a well-developed city, combining a
quiet lifestyle in the middle of nature with the latest technologies in
terms of security and comfort.

The helicopter landed next to the main administrative building. It

didn’t seem that the priestesses had been given notice of their arrival,
because guards rushed around, ready to attack any intruders. Likely,
the only reason why the chopper hadn’t been shot out of the sky was
that it bore the black rose mark of the royal fae family.

In spite of the commotion, Onyerre didn’t seem in the least bit

intimidated. As she stepped out of the helicopter, she faced one of the
approaching priestesses and asked, “Where is he? I know you’re

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keeping him here. Bring me Caelyn Sutharlainn.”

* * * *

Caelyn sat in front of the Obelisk of Eternelle, scanning the

carvings with eager eyes. By his side, his mate was quietly doing the
same. Usually, Caelyn and Graham liked to come here just to gather
their thoughts, but this time, they weren’t alone. Several priestesses
fussed around them, analyzing the monument with concerned

“There!” Graham finally shouted. “That image was different a few

minutes ago.”

Instantly, the priestesses looked at the area Graham had signaled.

One of them snapped a photo, while another said, “You have good
eyes, Mr. Powers. Yes, you’re completely correct. The carving is

Caelyn frowned, trying to figure out what the new words meant,

but they were written in a language he didn’t know. “Doesn’t anyone
here understand what this says?”

The priestess shook her head. “It’s not in any language of the fae.

It seems to be a form of draechen, but an ancient one we don’t know.”

Caelyn shared a concerned look with Graham. Something was

happening. The obelisk could feel it, and it—or whoever was inside
it—was trying to tell them. Did it have something to do with Sari?
Caelyn hoped not, but it was probably too much to ask for. News had
reached his ears that Sari had been chosen as a mate for Shtamakarein
Tersain in Caelyn’s stead. While the draechen prince no longer
seemed so terrible, Caelyn still feared for Sari’s life. He couldn’t
shake the memories of Draechenburg, of how he and his mate had
been treated there, nearly killed by the brutal draechen. Likely, Sari
hadn’t been received like that, but that didn’t change the fundamental
makeup of the draechen emperor and his predisposition to harm
people he saw as enemies.

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The obelisk could provide them with some sort of answer, but

until they understood what the new carvings said, it would be useless.
Caelyn wanted to ask if there wasn’t a book of sorts that could help
them translate, but he didn’t get the chance. Another priestess
hurriedly approached, coming straight for Caelyn and Graham.

“The queen is here,” she said. “She demanded to see you.”
“Me?” Caelyn asked in disbelief as he got up. “But how?”
The fae queen shouldn’t have been aware Caelyn was even alive,

let alone in Eternelle. The priestess shot him an apologetic look. “I
suspect she must have spoken to some of the pilots who make regular
rounds here. If she pushed them, they couldn’t have kept her from the

“But don’t worry,” another one said. “The queen can’t expel you

from Eternelle. You are here under the king’s authority, and another
one we all recognize.”

As she spoke, she threw a gaze toward the obelisk. The idea that

the spirits residing in the monument approved of Caelyn and Graham
encouraged him. “Thank you,” he answered. “I suppose we should go
see her.”

“No,” Graham said. “I don’t want you meeting with any

potentially hostile person. You’re not in any condition to withstand
the stress.”

Caelyn rolled his eyes at his mate. “I’m perfectly all right,

Graham. Would you stop worrying? Besides, we can’t exactly refuse.
She’s still a queen albeit a…not so pleasant one.”

“Not so pleasant?” Graham asked through their bond.
“Insufferable, more like it,” Caelyn answered. “She used to make

Sari’s life a living hell.”

He didn’t want to say that out loud because this was still Ivenian

land, and the priestesses had been good to him. In fact, the fae had
given him refuge when no one else would. Caelyn owed them for that.
He had to respect their queen, if only because of their kindness.

Graham released a mental sigh. “You win, Caelyn. But if she tries

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anything, I can’t promise my wolf won’t attack her.”

Caelyn took Graham’s arm, ironically finding comfort in

Graham’s threat of violence. Like always, it wasn’t the idea per se
that appealed to him since as a rule, he much preferred diplomacy
over war. But the emotion behind Graham’s words made him feel
safe, especially when Graham’s hand came to rest on Caelyn’s
swollen stomach. Smiling at his mate, Caelyn said, “Come on,
Graham. Let’s get this over with.”

Led by one of his hosts, they headed toward the administrative

building. Halfway there, they were intercepted by another group,
comprised out of the fae royal family and some more uncomfortable-
looking priestesses. It looked like the queen hadn’t been patient
enough to wait for Caelyn and had decided to find him herself.
“Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highnesses,” Caelyn said politely. “I
understand you wished to see me.”

Queen Onyerre fixed him with a glare that would have easily

killed him had she been given such powers. “Indeed,” she answered.
“I must admit I’m quite surprised to see you so…healthy. The rumor
out there was quite different.”

“Rumors have a way of being misleading,” Caelyn answered.

“But I’m forgetting my manners. Your Majesty, Your Highnesses,
this is my mate, Graham Powers. Graham, I’d like you to meet Queen
Onyerre Norrenddare and her children, Prince Darian, Prince Misael,
and Princess Charlize.”

Caelyn hadn’t seen the fae royal family in quite some time.

They’d never liked him, probably because of his closeness to Sari, so
much so that the queen hadn’t stopped until she’d eventually
forbidden Caelyn’s regular visits to Rose Noire. Caelyn had never
forgiven her for that, but he tried not to let it show. His mate took his
cue from Caelyn.

“It’s an honor,” Graham said smoothly. He extended his hand to

greet them, which turned out to be a mistake. The eldest prince,
Darian, looked like he was about to punch Graham for daring to

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suggest such a touch between them. Misael and his sister seemed torn
between disgust, shock, and outrage. But it was their mother who
spoke for them all. “How dare you?” she asked. “Someone like you
should never have the audacity to even look our way. Know your
place, mutt. Respect your betters.”

At that, Caelyn exploded. “And I suppose you’re better than

Graham. I truly must disagree. He’s a kind, strong man, while you…”
He wanted to say she was a petty, bitter, and vile woman who didn’t
deserve a husband like King Selbrian, but he held his tongue just in

Darian narrowed his eyes at Caelyn. “I dare you to finish that

phrase, mutt-fucker.”

Misael placed a hand on his brother’s arm. “Calm yourself,

brother. This is neither the time, nor the place for an argument.”

“Misael is right,” Charlize said. “Of course, a whore like him

would see things this way. He’s not worth it.”

Graham took a threatening step forward. “You can say whatever

you want about me, but you will not insult my mate.”

Obviously realizing the situation was quickly deteriorating, one of

the priestesses intervened. “I beg you, Mr. Powers, control your
temper. I understand you are insulted, but this is a place of peace.”

Graham gritted his teeth, but nodded jerkily. Onyerre smirked in

satisfaction, but her grin died when the priestess turned toward her
and her family. “My queen, I’m afraid that if you’ve come here with
baleful intentions, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. These men
are our guests and have been taken under Jenarra’s wing. We cannot
allow any affront to them.”

Onyerre gaped, having obviously not expected the priestesses to

turn against her. “They won’t be your guests for long. I demand that
you release them in my custody this instant.”

“They are not prisoners,” another priestess said. “They stay and

go as they please. So says Jenarra.”

The first woman nodded. “They have been accepted by the

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obelisk. They are welcome here.”

The implication—however veiled—was that Onyerre and her

children were not. “This is treason.” Darian snarled. “You can’t do

“Oh, but we can.” One of the priestesses actually smiled. “As your

honored mother will tell you, we obey only the authority of the king
and that of the High Priestess. The only other orders we follow are

Caelyn had to admit the turn of events shocked him a great deal.

He hadn’t expected his hosts to stand up for him and Graham quite
like that, especially when faced with the queen. The generosity of the
people of Eternelle humbled him.

Undoubtedly, though, the queen wouldn’t have given up so easily

had the sound of an approaching helicopter not interrupted their
conversation. Caelyn hadn’t heard the queen’s chopper approach—
likely because of his strong focus on the obelisk—but he didn’t miss
this one, and neither did any of his companions, or the queen’s family
for that matter. As the aircraft appeared in the distance, Caelyn saw it
bore the mark of the Norrenddare family. The blood drained from the
queen’s face, and Caelyn had the overwhelming urge to say “busted.”
Obviously, this visit hadn’t been sanctioned by the king, and likely,
the consequences wouldn’t delay in appearing.

“We should go, children,” the queen said, turning away from

Caelyn and the rest of the group. “Come.”

The priestesses said nothing, just followed her in silence as she

headed back toward her own helicopter. Caelyn wondered if she was
really going to make her escape like that, so he joined the group, more
out of curiosity than anything else. Maybe he should have let it go,
but after the insults she’d thrown Graham’s way, he could at least
allow himself the enjoyment of seeing her run with her tail between
her legs.

Onyerre didn’t look his way again. As they reached the helicopter

they’d used to come here, the fae royal family climbed inside and the

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pilot started the engine. But the blades of the helicopter refused to
move, seemingly straining against an unseen force. Caelyn gaped as
he realized there was a shield around them, effectively keeping the
chopper from taking off. Realizing the problem, the Norrenddare left
the aircraft. The queen seemed furious, but shockingly said nothing.
She must have realized the source of the situation, just like Caelyn

“It must be Selbrian,” Caelyn sent to his mate. “Oh, he’s likely

furious if he’s doing this.”

“Well, if I can’t maul her, I hope her husband does it in my

stead,” Graham answered darkly.

As it turned out, Graham’s wish was very likely to come true.

When the second helicopter landed, the king stepped out of it,
immediately pinning his wife with a glance. “Hello, Onyerre,”
Selbrian said pleasantly. “It seems you’ve discovered my little

The tone was so warm that Caelyn instantly knew Selbrian was

more than pissed with the queen. If Onyerre had been wise, she’d
have backed up right then. Instead, the words seemed to give her
strength. “Indeed, I have. You would do well to hand in the whore
and his mutt to the draechen. It will then be clear that Emperor
Kavehquader has too many problems within his own house to focus
on a war on us.”

Caelyn shared a look with Graham. She didn’t have evidence of

Karein’s participation to their escape, but really, they could have
never gotten from Germany to France had Karein not gotten
personally involved. It was sickeningly obvious, and a risk Karein had
taken regardless. “I will do no such thing,” Selbrian said. “Jenarra

“Oh, please,” Onyerre interrupted him. “You and your acolytes

always blame Jenarra for everything, including your infidelities. How
convenient for you to have that slut in a position where she can
confirm everything you say.”

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Caelyn’s eyes widened. This was no longer about them. In fact, it

had never been about them at all, but about how much Onyerre hated
Sari and his mother. But she was questioning her king in front of an
audience. Regardless of what problems the royal couple had, it
needed to be dealt with in private because some things, once
overheard by the population, couldn’t be taken back.

Obviously, Onyerre’s children knew that. “Mother,” Charlize said,

“calm down. I’m sure we’ll come up with a way to solve this a
different time.”

Onyerre shot a glare toward her daughter. “Don’t you talk down

to me, Charlize. I know how to handle this. I always have. Shut your

Charlize stepped back warily and threw a glance toward her

brothers. But if they wanted to stop Onyerre from saying something
even worse, they didn’t get the chance. Crossing her arms over her
generous bosom, Onyerre turned toward Selbrian. “I will not allow
you to dismiss me and humiliate me any longer. You’ve become
nothing more than a puppet in Eanera’s hands. The only reason why
you hid these two here was because Eanera’s spawn demanded it.
You’ll push Ivenia into a war with your weakness.”

Finally, Onyerre stopped speaking, breathing hard as if spouting

her venom had exhausted her. Silence fell, and Caelyn was almost
afraid to move lest he cause another outburst. He needn’t have
worried, because the king at last spoke out. “Enough,” he said. “You
are a queen. If you had stopped thinking about how to hurt me and
Eanera, you might have realized that today’s actions only bring you,
and the Ivenian throne, shame. I admit it’s my own fault. I should
have never attempted to perpetuate our political marriage after I found
out I could have had something much truer. But you were the mother
of three children I loved so much. For them, I gave you far more
lenience than you should have had. Sadly, you’ve gone too far.
You’re entirely capable of bursting into a volatile situation and
making a huge mess, just to hurt Sari and Eanera. I refuse to justify

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my political decisions to you. This stops now. Get in the helicopter.”

Finally, Onyerre realized the situation. “Selbrian,” she gasped out,

all anger drained out of her. “I—”

“Get in the helicopter, all of you,” Selbrian repeated, interrupting


As the Norrenddare family obeyed the king’s order, Selbrian

pulled one of the priestesses aside. Caelyn couldn’t hear what was
said, and he surmised the king must have thrown a shield around
himself to ensure privacy. It didn’t matter. He realized that, at this
point, Onyerre had forfeited a lot of the privileges that had come with
her position. A small part of Caelyn could actually understand her
situation. Having her title as queen continuously threatened by
another woman just as powerful as she was couldn’t have been easy.
But even Caelyn’s ability for compassion had its limits, and given
everything she’d done to Sari in the past, Caelyn couldn’t really feel
bad for her.

“And yet, you do,” Graham whispered in his mind.
“Maybe, in a way,” Caelyn admitted. “I’m never going to like

her, but I do wish things could have been different.”

The king finished his conversation with the priestess, then joined

Caelyn and Graham. “I was notified you were expecting, Lord
Caelyn,” he said. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty,” Caelyn answered,

bowing. “We’re very happy here and are extremely grateful for your
generosity at having offered us this haven.”

“It’s not just generosity. My wife might dismiss Eanera’s visions,

but I know them to be true.”

Did that mean Eanera had seen Caelyn and Graham’s future?

Caelyn really wanted to ask, but the king stopped him before he could
do so. “I have to convey my deepest regrets for what Onyerre did and
said today. You are honored guests, and I hold you in great esteem.”

“We’re the ones who are pained, Your Majesty,” Graham

answered. “We never wanted to give you any problems.”

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That actually made the king smile a little. “I’m afraid these issues

have existed long before today. And speaking of which, I’d better go
handle it. Don’t worry. Onyerre won’t bother you again.”

With those somewhat ominous words, the king said his good-byes

and joined his family inside the aircraft. Everyone stepped back,
ensuring the chopper had enough space to take off. Caelyn leaned
against Graham’s shoulder as he watched the aircraft begin its ascent.
He should have been relieved at the knowledge that Selbrian would
take care of Onyerre and not allow her to harm him. But there was
something else on Caelyn’s mind, a deep, strange apprehension that
gripped him. As the helicopter disappeared into the distance, Caelyn
shot a look toward the obelisk, and suddenly, he knew. This wasn’t
over yet, not by a long shot. No, it had only just begun.

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Chapter Twelve

A few weeks later

The dining room was quiet, almost obscenely so. The members of

the imperial family had never been very chatty when Sari was around,
but tonight, things were even more tense than usual.

He took a sip of his wine, trying to calm down and not bristle at

the obvious hostility. It wasn’t even directed his way, which somehow
seemed worse. In fact, all throughout the dinner, people had been
giving Karein weird looks, as if they expected him to run amok any
moment now.

“They do,” Karein told him through their bond. “It’s my birthday

tomorrow, remember?”

Sari did, as Karein had warned him about it beforehand. He had

seen the wariness increase as the days pass. Personally, Sari didn’t
fear this day. Their relationship had freed Karein from the burden of
his loneliness, so there was no danger. But the rest of the draechen—
with a few exceptions—didn’t know that Sari was Karein’s true mate,
so they expected Karein to lose it.

Their fears might have been justified by the bloody history of the

black dragons, but Sari still hated it. Underneath the table, Karein
took his hand and squeezed it. “It’s all right,” he sent to Sari. “After
tonight, it’s going to be all over.”

“Yes, but until then… I just hate how they treat you.”
Sari shook himself and focused to push back his resentment. It

wouldn’t help Karein, and it was Sari’s job as an anchor to remain
calm under all circumstances. Besides, even if he couldn’t do that,

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Karein shouldn’t have to soothe him when he was the one being
slighted. “You’re right,” he added. “We just have to be patient.”

Karein’s lips twisted into a barely perceivable smile. Knowing

that their exchange might have been monitored, Sari glanced away,
directing his attention toward Karein’s siblings. Prince Hareematek
knew the truth, but he still remained silent, presumably because he
didn’t want to draw attention to himself. Meanwhile, the princess
scanned Sari and Karein with shrewd eyes. Sari wondered what she
saw when she looked at them.

Before he could get an answer to that question, the doors to the

dining room opened. The empress stepped inside, followed by several
guards. “Come with me, Shtamakarein,” she said without preamble.
“It’s time.”

Karein grimaced, but got up. “Of course.”
Instantly, Sari panicked. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

“Where are you taking him?”

His mate had told him that, in all likelihood, his parents would

trap him in a cell for the night, as per the law governing black
dragons. If Karein didn’t lose his control over his powers—and he
wouldn’t— he would be released. Still, Sari couldn’t help but fear for
his lover. It all seemed so brutal. His heart ached for Karein.

“To the dungeon, Prince Sareltae,” the empress replied. “Surely,

you’ve been notified of this.”

Karein shot Sari a look meant to both calm him down and

reprimand him. Sari was aware that he shouldn’t be questioning the
empress, but he couldn’t help it. He got up as well and said, “With
your permission, Your Imperial Majesty, I’d like to join him.”

“No,” Karein said out loud. “Absolutely not. This is none of your


His voice sounded cold and ruthless, but Sari could read the

undertone of affection. Through their bond, Karein continued, “I
won’t have you withstand the discomfort of the dungeon. Please,

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“I’ll withstand it anyway because I’ll feel what you do,” Sari

argued. It wasn’t exactly true since Karein was used to poor
accommodations and wouldn’t be very affected by them. Still, Sari
refused to abandon Karein. “Besides, none of that matters. Nothing
could be worse than your absence.”

Karein didn’t seem convinced, but in the end, it wasn’t his

decision. Empress Rowenasheb smirked at Sari, as if amused. “Very
well, Prince Sareltae. You can join him.”

They probably wanted to monitor Karein’s interaction with Sari,

but even knowing that, Sari rejoiced. He bowed in polite gratitude.
“Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty.”

They bid Karein’s siblings good night and followed after the

empress as she left the dining room. All throughout the trip to the
dungeons, they ran into countless people, mostly soldiers who knelt in
front of the procession and gave them regretful looks. They acted like
Karein was going to his death. It felt quite unsettling, and a thick veil
of anxiety settled over Sari’s heart.

Fortunately—or unfortunately—they reached the dungeons soon.

The empress gestured them into a cell very similar to the one in
Karein’s quarters. A couple of blankets and a mattress were brought
in, probably for Sari.

“Well, good night,” the empress told them. “I trust we’ll see each

other in the morning.”

“So we shall, Your Majesty,” Karein replied. “As always, I live

and die by your command.”

Rowenasheb acknowledged his words with a nod and left the cell.

The guards closed the door behind her, and just like that, Sari and
Karein were left alone.

Karein released a heavy sigh. “It looks like you got what you

wanted,” he said.

“I did what I thought was best,” Sari answered. He’d have been

saddened by the thought of his mate not wanting him there, but he
knew Karein was just being overprotective again.

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This time, when Karein replied, he did so through their bond. “I

just love you so much, Sari. And the truth is, even if our bond anchors
me, tonight will still be difficult.”

Sari sat down on the mattress and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here then.”

His mate gave him a bemused look and joined him. Sari placed his

head on Karein’s shoulder. For the first time, he realized the
apprehension he’d been feeling hadn’t just been his own, but also

“Tell me, Karein,” he said. “What are you afraid of? You’re a

good man. You can’t hurt me.”

The question made Karein tense up. Their bond went strained, like

Karein wanted to show him something, and yet, hide it.

“I’m not a good man,” he replied quietly. “I’m not one at all.

Just… close your eyes, baby. I’ll tell you one day. I don’t think I can
do it now.”

Sari respected Karein’s wishes. It wasn’t distrust that made Karein

reluctant, but rather a nearly irrational fear of rejection. There was just
too much hurt in Karein’s past for him to let go of it so easily. It
would happen in time. Sari just had to be patient.

So, Sari obeyed Karein and closed his eyes. He doubted he’d get

much sleep, but he was by his mate’s side, and that was the only thing
that mattered.

* * * *

Karein hugged Sari close, inhaling the fae’s sweet incense scent.

He was still in awe of how his lover accepted him with all his faults
and secrets. Of course, he realized that he’d soon have to tell Sari
about his past. It was painful to even try to keep it from him. The only
reason why he’d managed to do so was that, throughout his life, he’d
gotten used to burying that secret deep within his subconscious.

Tonight, though, he was more than ever aware of his black dragon

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nature, of what it meant and what it had brought for the people around
him. He sometimes wondered if he truly deserved a mate as beautiful
and gentle as Sari.

Sari snorted. “You know as well as I do that you and I fit,” he said

through their bond. “Stop underestimating yourself.”

“How can I, when I’ve somehow managed to earn such respect

and love from you?” Karein asked, petting Sari’s hair.

They succumbed to silence after that. At one point, Karein must

have dozed off, content while holding Sari. He woke up when
something stirred inside him, the same force that usually helped him
defeat his foes.

Frowning, Karein released Sari from his embrace. Sari had been

slumbering, too, but he instantly snapped out of it. “Karein? What’s

Karein wanted to answer with “nothing,” but that would have

been a lie. “Just… Stay there,” he told his mate instead.

Sari’s eyes were wide with concern. He nodded, although his

entire body was vibrating with the obvious need to reach out to
Karein. Karein couldn’t allow that, not just yet.

If he had to guess, the time had finally come. Like most black

dragons, Karein had been born shortly after midnight. He and Sari had
probably slept for a few hours, so Karein now had to deal with what
he’d feared for most of his life.

He couldn’t fight this. He had to accept it and trust himself and

Sari. Something clicked in his mind, and Karein shifted into his
dragon form, surrendering to his beast.

It should have been scary, but it wasn’t. His animal came to him

naturally, and Karein accepted its power, became one with it.
Everything was over in what felt like seconds, and then, Sari stepped
into his embrace, caressing his scales. “Are you all right?” he asked.

At first, Karein remained in dragon form, allowing Sari to feel it,

to experience what Karein did. For the first time, he could truly
understand the essence of his power. It made him drunk, almost lost

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in it, but his bond with Sari was there, reminding him of who he was,
of the most important truth in his life. Sari.

Finally, it all began to fade, and Karein shifted back into his

normal form. He could see why other black dragons had gone insane
because of this. His abilities skirted omnipotence, and for a few
seconds there, he might have actually thought he was the only one
who deserved to rule the world. But Sari’s presence had shown him
the truth, that power mattered very little without love.

When his vision focused, he pulled Sari closer, more thankful than

ever that he had the fae by his side. He still didn’t have any answers
regarding his mysterious nightmares, or the voices in his past, but he
didn’t care. Right now, he was happy.

Sari beamed at him. “Happy birthday, Karein,” he said.
Karein smiled back at his mate, the feeling of dread that had

settled over him the day before completely gone now. “It is happy,”
he replied, kissing Sari’s temple. “Thanks to you.”

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Chapter Thirteen

A few days later

“I don’t know, Hareem.” Akara hummed thoughtfully, tapping her

fingers against Hareem’s desk in a rhythmic manner. “I find it all very
suspicious. I thought Prince Sareltae was supposed to have been good
friends with Caelyn Sutharlainn. Why is he so close to Karein?”

Hareem had to admit the dynamics of the couple had him puzzled,

too. He had been genuinely concerned when he’d guessed the extent
of the bond between Karein and Sareltae—insofar as he could be
worried about anything that didn’t involve Taryn. In any case, he’d
feared that upon mating, Sareltae would see what Karein had done in
Karein’s mind and would end up rejecting him. The results could
have been disastrous. Karein could finally lose control over his
dragon, and Overlords only knew what would happen then.

So far, none of Hareem’s scenarios of destruction had come true.

The relationship between the young couple seemed to be progressing
nicely. To everyone else, Karein appeared to be unchanged, but
Hareem saw his brother was less likely to snap, and had even caught
him crack a smile once or twice. That expression hadn’t lasted, but its
existence, however brief it had been, pointed out that Sareltae was the
anchor Karein had hoped for.

This was one of the reasons why his sister coming to visit him

today had Hareem out of sorts. Getting up from his seat behind the
desk, Hareem faced Akara. “Karein is appealing in his own way,” he
answered. He had to find something that would keep her from digging
too deeply. If she found out about Karein and Sareltae’s mate bond,

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their parents would, too, and that was at the top of the list of the
futures Karein dreaded. “As I understand it, Sareltae was very
sheltered before coming to Draechenburg, so Karein is likely the only
relationship he’s ever been allowed to have.”

Sadly, he had to be very careful, because as his twin sister, Akara

was one of the few people who could get information out of Hareem.
Once, they had been very close, but their bond had lost its power as
time passed. It was strange and somewhat painful for him to realize
that the person in his family who should have cared about him most—
if not loved him unconditionally—had become his enemy.

“You have a point,” his twin admitted. “And if he was so kept

apart from the world, he might not even know about that whore’s
death in the first place.”

Her words were agreeable, but her tone clearly illustrated that she

didn’t plan to let this go anytime soon. “You’re not convinced.”

“Of course not,” Akara replied. “For crying out loud, Hareem,

Karein just passed his two hundredth birthday without a hitch. And
the fae was there with him. Don’t you thing that’s strange?”

Hareem shrugged. “I hardly believe Prince Sareltae’s presence

made it possible for Karein to do this. You know he’s always been

It was the widespread belief in Draechenburg that Karein had

managed to defeat the deadline on his own. Of course, Hareem had
done his best to encourage the rumor since he didn’t want anyone to
actually guess the truth. Fortunately, the draechen as a whole
respected Karein very much and were far more inclined to believe in
him than to be grateful to a strange fae in any way.

Akara wasn’t likely to be deceived so easily, though. “Not strong

enough for this,” she mused.

Hareem didn’t insist on convincing her since it would make her

even more suspicious. “What do you want to do?” he asked instead.

“Do?” Akara repeated, almost sounding shocked. “Why, nothing

of course. I wouldn’t dare to get involved with my brother’s mating,

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especially when it’s so important for Sareltae to remain besotted with
Karein.” She paused, her lips twisted into a smirk. “But you know
how many people make their way through Draechenburg every day.
Most of them know about Caelyn Sutharlainn’s death. That tidbit of
information is so interesting. Any one of them could slip up.”

“So, what then?” Hareem inquired. “How will it even be

connected with our brother’s birthday? What reaction are you hoping

“I’ll know that when I see it,” Akara replied, that strange smile

still on her face. Her eyes widened as if she’d suddenly remembered
something. “Oh, I completely forgot. Father is expecting some second
caste guests today. I have to be off. Bye, Hareem.”

She headed toward the door of his office, but stopped before

exiting. Throwing a gaze over her shoulder, she asked, “Before I
forget, when are you leaving?”

“The day after tomorrow,” Hareem replied neutrally. He had a

perfectly good excuse for his absence that in no way related to Taryn.

His sister nodded and left the room without another word. Hareem

watched her go, suddenly feeling exhausted. There was only one
remaining advantage about having shared a womb with Akara. She
might know him well, but it went both ways. For that reason, Hareem
would have staked his title on the suspicion that she had guessed
something wasn’t right in Karein’s relationship with Sareltae. She
hadn’t figured it out yet, but she was predisposed to doubting
everyone, especially Karein, whom she’d never been able to bend to
her will. The birthday thing certainly hadn’t helped, and while she
couldn’t exploit that angle, she’d certainly use Caelyn Sutharlainn’s
death for her own purposes.

Worse, that last question suggested that she might have been

informed about Hareem’s own secret. Hareem had to do some damage
control, and fast. But likely, Akara expected that and would exploit
any panicked knee-jerk reaction from Hareem’s part.

So, for the moment, Hareem did nothing. He sat back down on his

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chair and waited. “Be careful,” a soft voice came in his mind. “Your
sister is a dangerous woman.”

“I know, sweeting,” Hareem replied. “She’s also very determined,

and she will try to sabotage Karein’s mating. In the end, I can’t stop
her. Right now, you’re my priority, and I don’t want anything
drawing her attention onto you.”

His situation with Taryn was complicated to say the least, so

Hareem couldn’t afford making risky decisions. At this point, there
was only one step he could take, and he needed to see Karein for that.

“Just be safe,” he told his mate. “I’ll be there soon.”
“And I’ll be waiting,”
Taryn answered.
Distantly, Hareem wondered exactly how much longer Taryn

would be willing to say that. He pushed the thought away, not
wanting to dwell on it. He’d find a way for him and Taryn to be
together. The important thing now was to keep Taryn a secret, for his
own safety, and that of their child.

* * * *

Sari retrieved a book from the shelf and added it to the growing

pile he intended to take to his quarters. Since Karein couldn’t stay
with him at all times, he’d taken to reading a lot, trying to learn more
about draechen culture, and simply enjoying the literature available.
Sometimes, he stayed here, in the library, but he really preferred to
just retreat to his and Karein’s room.

When he finished selecting the books for today’s reading session,

Sari left the library and stepped out into the corridor. Sage was
waiting for him and took most of the tomes from Sari. Sari would
have rolled his eyes—he was perfectly capable of carrying the books
himself—but he knew Sage was under strict orders from Karein to
protect Sari at all times. Besides, in the past month, Sari had actually
grown to like the quiet draechen lieutenant. He might not say much,
but he was clearly very loyal to Karein, which meant the world to

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Neither of them spoke, but it was a comfortable silence. Together,

they headed toward the imperial wing. Karein was at the barracks
now, and after that, he had to go to a meeting with his brother, but
Sari thought that he could get time to pass a little faster by reading the
books he’d plundered from the library.

As he walked, though, he ran into Princess Akarawem, who

seemed to be leading a group of guests around the palace. “We could
try to slip past them,” Sage whispered in his ear.

Sari shook his head. His duty as a prince’s mate meant that he

needed to make himself available for guests whenever he was
required to. This happened very rarely, but when it did, like now, he
couldn’t just turn tail and run away. He handed the rest of the books
to Sage and answered, “We will stay.”

Sage didn’t protest again. In fact, out of the blue, a strange look

came over his face, one Sari had never seen in him. But he didn’t
have time to dwell on that. Akarawem saw him and came forward,
followed by the group. She took the arm of the man who must have
been the most important guest, a slender, dark-haired young man.
“Your Highness, I’d like you to meet Prince Sareltae Norrenddare
Myrthylar lea Tersain. Prince Sareltae, meet His Highness, Prince
Camden Isaiat.”

“It’s an honor,” Sari answered as the other man watched him with

slitted eyes. The way Akarawem had presented him still echoed in his
ears. Sareltae Norrenddare Myrthylar lea Tersain. He belonged to the
Tersain family now, and he had to remember it.

“The honor is all mine, Prince Sareltae,” Camden replied slowly.

His tongue lingered over the first syllable of Sari’s name, making it
come out in a hiss. When they shook hands, Sari was not surprised to
note Prince Camden’s hand was cool.

“We are very happy to have you in Draechenburg,” Sari

commented. He managed to extract Prince Camden from Akarawem’s
grip and hooked his arm through that of his guest. At the corner of his

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mind, he felt his mate watching the entire scene through their bond.
“Your people weren’t at the wedding. You were missed.”

Camden arched a perfectly defined brow. Perhaps he thought Sari

couldn’t have heard of the Isaiat since they weren’t as well known as
the Norrenddare, let alone the Tersain. He paused, as if wanting to
argue against Sari’s words, but instead, he said, “Unfortunately, it was
impossible for my parents to make the trip, for…personal reasons. I
hope you were not offended.”

“Of course not,” Sari said soothingly. “I hope their Majesties are

all right.”

Camden just nodded, but didn’t give any details, which didn’t

surprise Sari at all. The naga were very private people. While not the
most reclusive shifters in the world, they certainly came very close.
The only reason Sari even knew about their existence was that he’d
studied the nine castes extensively and had documented himself on
the most preeminent families out of each of them.

Princess Akarawem cleared her throat, drawing Sari’s attention to

her. “I’m told Prince Camden has been visiting the most important
paranormal families.”

Something in her voice put Sari on the edge. “Oh?”
“In fact, he was just at the Great Krites’ court,” Akarawem added.

Her eyes widened as if she’d realized she’d committed some
unpardonable gaffe. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned Elusia.
You must still be so…crushed after what happened.”

Sari froze. “Crushed?” he repeated. “I don’t understand.”
The naga prince didn’t speak, looking completely unreadable, and

that seemed to frustrate Akarawem. After a brief pause, she
elaborated, “Well… This isn’t appropriate for me to mention… I was
just referring to your friend Caelyn Sutharlainn, may he rest in

“Rest in peace?” Sari knew he sounded like a broken record, but

he hadn’t been ready to put on a performance today. “Caelyn is

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“I’m sorry,” Akarawem said with obviously fake regret. “I

thought you knew.”

“Stay calm, Sari,” Karein said through their bond. “Ask her how

it happened. I’m heading your way now. Don’t lose your head.”

“H–how did he die?” Sari stammered, following his mate’s

instructions to the letter.

This time, the princess didn’t answer, at least not through words.

However, the look she gave Sari clearly illustrated what she meant to

“That bitch,” Karein snarled in Sari’s mind. “She clearly suspects

something is amiss and wants to get information out of us.”

Karein was completely correct, and Sari’s father had anticipated

this as well. At this point, Sari had to react as if he felt betrayed by
Karein, but he really didn’t know how to do that. Caelyn was still
alive, and Karein had been instrumental to his escape. Sari could lie if
need be, but the elaborate deception required in this regard left him
stumped. Not to mention that his mother’s warning still rang out
clearly in his mind. Sari’s stepmother had no interest to reveal
Caelyn’s whereabouts, but just the fact that she knew made Sari feel a
little sick to his stomach.

And then, Sari realized that the strange sensation wasn’t caused by

his apprehension. Nausea and dizziness flooded him, and Sari
swooned, losing his balance. He would have fallen had someone not
caught him before he hit the ground. He wished the person in question
had been Karein, but even through his haze, he knew this was not the

“Highness, are you all right?” a voice called out to him. “Prince


Sari blinked, his vision a little fuzzy at first. At last, it cleared up,

and he realized the man who’d caught him was Sage. “Fine,” he
replied. “I don’t feel well, Lieutenant. Can you help me to my room?”

“Of course,” Sage replied.
Before they left, Sari threw another look toward Camden and

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Akarawem. He noticed the princess’s smug look, but ignored it. “I’m
afraid I must go now, Prince Camden. It was very nice to meet you.”

For a few moments, Camden was quiet, as if he hadn’t even heard

Sari at all. Finally, he snapped out of his trance and said, “You do me
a great honor. I hope you’ll feel better soon.”

With that good-bye, Sari allowed Sage to carry him toward the

imperial wing. It seemed that his tentative peace had finally come to
an end. What in the world were they going to do now?

* * * *

Karein walked toward his quarters, doing his best to keep a

measured pace and not show the urgency he felt. His people weren’t
aware of the bond he shared with Sari. If he suddenly had knowledge
that only a mate link could give him, it would be more than

His dragon roared at him to get moving. His mate needed him.

Sari hadn’t fainted because of shock at hearing about Caelyn’s
supposed death. Something else was wrong. But what? Could Sari be

His mind rotated around one single idea. Sari had seemed to be all

right for one month, showing no effects to their lovemaking. Karein
had dared to believe that Sari was truly immune to his powers. But
what if the only thing that had kept Sari going had been his healing
magic? What if he’d finally reached his limit, and Karein was slowly
killing his beloved?

Was that what Prince Kael had been trying to tell him? The

visions hadn’t returned, so Karein didn’t know. But regardless of the
reasons behind Sari’s problem, Karein had to see him. He had to hold
Sari in his arms, at least, one more time.

“Stop being foolish,” Sari whispered in his mind. “I’m just fine.

Nothing of importance happened.”

“You fainted,” Karein answered. “How can you call that

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“It was just a slight dizziness,” Sari shot back. “You needn’t go

into a panic over something so small.”

While they were arguing, Karein finally reached his quarters. The

guards in the area gave him wary looks, having obviously heard about
what Akara had done. Karein just kept a straight face and slipped past
them and into the room.

Sage was waiting with Sari inside Karein’s sleeping quarters.

When Karein stepped inside, Sari looked at him and smiled, although
it didn’t reach his eyes. “I guess now, the pretend game is going to

Karein sat on the bed next to his mate and gently reached for Sari.

At the last moment, he pulled back. He remained afraid to touch Sari
since he could worsen whatever condition Sari had. But the fae would
have none of it. He grabbed Karein’s hand, scowling. “Stop this. We
have enough problems for you to start doubting us again.”

Karein tried to reason with his mate. “Sari…”
“No, Karein. Don’t.” Sari shook his head, sounding frustrated.

“You’re my mate, and that won’t ever change. What do I have to do
to make you see that?”

Karein cursed to himself. Sari was obviously upset about having

to lie, and Karein wasn’t helping things. “I’m just worried, baby.”

“I know.” Sari took a deep breath and gave Karein a pleading

look. “But pushing me away is not a solution.”

He was right. Karein had to control his panic and think. “I’m

sorry. You’re perfectly correct. Just…tell me if you feel something is

“If I may, General,” Sage intervened, “it could be anything,

fatigue, indigestion…or foul play. There are plenty of people here that
would want to harm your mate.”

“That’s all well and good, Sage,” Sari answered, “except I’m a

healer. I know my body, and I don’t feel sick. Let’s just worry about
what the princess is planning.”

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Karein met Sari’s gaze, who stared back at him impotently.

“There’s nothing we can do,” Karein answered. “You have to act like
you hate me.”

Sari grimaced. After a brief pause, he slid out of the bed and

walked to the mirror. Karein watched in fascination as his mate swept
his arm over the table that held all their toiletries. “Get out!” Sari
shouted with all his might. “I don’t want to see you ever again.

He winced as he said the last word, and Karein had to admit it

made his stomach roil, too. But it was the only way no one would
suspect Caelyn was actually alive. If the truth came out, it would be
worse, much, much worse.

Resigning himself to the inevitable, Karein quietly left the bed. He

brushed his lips over Sari’s, his heart clenching. “I promise I’ll find a
way to fix this,”
he murmured through their bond.

This time, Sari’s smile was a little more genuine. “I know,” he

replied. “Now go. You’re supposed to be angry, too.”

Karein nodded and turned away from his mate. “Come on, Sage,”

he told his lieutenant. “We’re done here.”

He left the bedroom without looking back, all the while very

much aware of Sari’s sadness and frustration at the situation. As he
stepped out into the hallway, though, he knew there was nothing else
they could have done. The soldiers had clearly been waiting for a
reaction from Sari, and if it hadn’t come, Karein’s deception would
have been exposed.

Furious with himself and, most of all, his people, Karein headed

toward his brother’s office. Whatever he did, he couldn’t show the
need that burned through him, begging him to return to Sari’s side.
His dragon lashed wildly within him, and everyone moved out of his
way, obviously afraid. At one point, Karein realized that even Sage
was excessively quiet.

He stopped and pulled his lieutenant aside. “What’s wrong?” he

asked Sage snappishly. “Are you afraid of me, too?”

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Sage seemed to snap out of a trance. “Huh? I mean, I don’t

understand, General.”

For the first time, Karein realized something wasn’t quite right

with Sage. In spite of his concern for Sari, Karein realized all too well
that Sage had become more than an underling to him. He was a friend,
and Karein couldn’t let him handle whatever troubled him alone.
“What’s the matter? Is it about Sari, or something else? Has
something happened to Hanna?”

Hanna was Sage’s twin sister, and the two of them were very

close. Unfortunately, she didn’t live in Draechenburg, which Karein
knew pained Sage a great deal. Nevertheless, the twins had kept in
contact and continued to have a close bond that transcended
geographical distance. She was the only reason why Sage would look
so out of it.

“I…” Sage scanned the corridor to see if it was safe to talk.

Noticing Sage’s need for privacy, Karein guided his lieutenant into a
nearby empty room. Once they were behind closed doors, Sage
continued, “When we met up with the princess, there was someone
with her, a member of naga royalty. I think…I think he’s my mate.”

Karein just stared at Sage. “A naga,” he repeated. He distantly

remembered his brother mentioning the arrival of the delegation, but
he hadn’t given it too much thought. “He’s second caste, Sage.”

“I know. But he’s a prince, and I’m just a lieutenant. By rights, his

position is far higher than mine.”

Karein shook his head. “It doesn’t work like that. Breeding

outside your caste is forbidden. You can mate him, but if you do, he
will be forced into a concubine position. You’ll have to marry
someone else, a draechen.” Not to mention that nagas were chimeras.
But Karein didn’t say that since he had a feeling Sage might not
appreciate hearing it.

“He’s royalty.” Sage’s nostrils flared. “He’s my mate. I can’t

humiliate him like that.”

Karein’s mind whirled as he tried to come up with a solution to

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this new problem. He could easily understand being kept apart from
his mate, especially now. He didn’t want that to happen to anyone, let
alone Sage, who had been so loyal to him. “No, you can’t. We’ll think
of something.”

Sari’s voice popped into Karein’s mind. “Tell him to speak to

Prince Camden. I’m sure there wasn’t time for him to do so since
Sage has been with me. He needs to find out what Camden wants.”

“Talk to him,” Karein told Sage, just like Sari had asked him to.

“He must have realized he is your mate as well. Maybe he has an

“He didn’t show any reaction to me at all,” Sage argued. “Perhaps

nagas don’t recognize their other halves on sight, like we do.”

Karein couldn’t be sure one way or the other. There wasn’t much

information on naga mating habits. Karein was fairly certain about
one thing, though. Nagas didn’t mate in pairs. In fact, the nagas didn’t
have a royal couple at all—but a royal triad, currently made up out of
two men and a woman.

A draechen would never accept that. Draechen were, by their

nature, very possessive, and wouldn’t allow anyone to touch their
mates. “Should I tell him?” he asked Sari. “It will break his heart.”

“He’ll find out eventually,” Sari answered. “It’s better for him to

know ahead of time.”

Karein groaned and rubbed his eyes. He didn’t want to do this. He

was horrible at handling emotional situations, which was why he
always had to follow Sari’s lead in situations like this. “I’m not sure
about whether he realizes you’re his mate or not, but… Well, nagas
don’t mate in pairs. They usually have three or more people involved
in a relationship.”

Sage’s eyes widened, then filled with cold fire. “No,” he said.

“Not for him. He belongs to me. Highness, if you’ll excuse me, I need
to go.”

Karein stepped out of Sage’s way and let him pass. He couldn’t

ask for Sage’s help now, not when Sage had his own problems to

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As soon as his lieutenant was gone, Karein left the room and

headed toward his meeting once again. Ironically, his conversation
with Sage had calmed him down a little. Perhaps it wasn’t its topic
per se that had helped, but rather the realization that nothing had truly
changed between him and Sari. They had to hide their love, yes, but
they could still speak through their mind bond. In time, he’d figure
out a way to free them both of this frustrating problem.

When he reached Hareem’s office, though, his improving mood

faltered a little. As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw his
mother had already received the news and was waiting for him. The
fact that she’d deigned to come here and not summoned him to the
throne room was actually quite worrisome. More importantly, she
looked very displeased.

“I’m told that your fae threw you out of your apartment,” she said

without preamble. “Shtamakarein, we cannot allow this to continue.
The month you had at your disposal has expired. You have to force
your way into his mind.”

“Now is a horrible time,” Karein replied. “He will fight me and

likely shut me out. If I push, I will fracture his mind, and likely,
whatever information he has will be lost.”

She glowered at him. “Are you saying you can’t do it?”
“I am a draechen, Your Majesty. As you well know, our specialty

doesn’t lie in reading minds. So far, the fae has proven to be quite
impressively powerful as my energy draining magic hasn’t harmed
him.” Karein allowed himself a frustrated noise. “I was making good
progress. Any day now, he would have opened his mind to me. What
happened? Who told him?”

The best strategy to escape his parents’ anger was to divert it on

someone else. “Apparently, your sister.” Impossibly, Rowenasheb’s
expression grew even darker. “She will be dealt with separately for
her indiscretion.”

“If I may,” Hareem piped up, speaking for the first time, “I have

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an idea about how to fix this. As you know, I’m leaving to the States
soon. Perhaps Karein could come with me for a few days. It would
allow the fae to calm down.”

Karein threw a glare at his brother over his mother’s shoulder. His

brother was just using this chance to get Karein’s help for the Taryn
issue. The last thing Karein wanted was to leave Draechenburg and
abandon Sari in such a bad situation. Not to mention that Sari seemed
to be getting sick.

“I’ll be fine,” Sari whispered in Karein’s mind. “Your brother’s

idea is good, and he does need your help. If you stay now, your
parents will only push you to force-claim me, and it would be worse.”

Karein gritted his teeth in anger. “I should just take you from

Draechenburg. We could escape together. No one would ever find

“And then what?” Sari asked quietly. “Without you here, there

would be no one trying to stop the war, no one to temper the
Emperor. We have to stay and fight, Karein.”

“Kael and Talrasar stood and fought, and they died for it. I refuse

to allow the past to repeat itself.”

“It won’t,” Sari answered. “Have faith in Jenarra and the

Overlords. Help your brother and return to me.”

Karein was still musing over his mate’s words when his mother

turned toward him. “Do you think that would work, Shtamakarein?
Would a brief departure help?”

In her eyes, Karein saw his only possible course of action. “It

might,” he answered. “The fae is furious now, but once I come back,
he’ll be exhausted by his grief. I’ll be able to tame him.”

“Then go.” Rowenasheb crossed her arms over her chest. “You

have two days. After that, you will return and get what you need from
the fae. We’re tired of playing games. Break the whore’s mind if you
have to. After all, he insulted you today. You have every right to take
whatever measure you wish. And if it doesn’t work… Well, wars
have been started for less. We’ll suffer more losses, but it’s something

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your father and I are willing to accept.”

Karein said nothing. There was nothing left to discuss. It seemed

clear to him that his parents had made his decision. War seemed to be
approaching, no matter how much he and Sari wanted to fight against
it. At this point, whatever information Karein could provide would be
insufficient. His parents no longer cared about the death of the
draechen. They never had, but now, finding a pretext to start the war
had lost its importance.

When his mother stalked out of the room, Karein turned toward

his brother. “We need to hurry. There’s not much time left.”

Hareem nodded. “What will you do?”
Karein took a deep breath, swallowing around the sudden knot in

his throat. “Whatever I have to.”

* * * *

As a lieutenant of the Wyverns and Prince Karein’s right hand,

Sage had quite a lot of influence in the palace. Under normal
circumstances, he only ever used it for Karein’s benefit, but today,
things were different. He unashamedly took advantage of his rank and
reputation to slip into the guest wing and past the countless guards
who had manifested in the area upon the arrival of the naga

The naga were a mystery to most draechen, not only Sage, but

then, most second-caste shifters were. They’d been deemed rare for a
good reason. Compared to the overwhelming population of other
types of shifters, nagas, gryphons, basilisks, and others like them were
impossibly few. Before the Great Sacrifice, draechen had been one of
these rare shifters, but their subsequent rise to power had encouraged
unprecedented growth in numbers.

However, the naga hadn’t changed, and information on them was

scarce. Sage desperately hoped that this lack of knowledge had been
behind Karein’s earlier words, but somehow he doubted it. Either

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way, he wanted to speak to Camden Isaiat. He needed to make sure
the naga understood the two of them were mates.

He found Camden’s quarters with ease as his dragon guided him

there. The naga were apparently a suspicious bunch as they had their
own people keeping watch. Still, they let him pass without giving him
too much trouble, something which made Sage suspect his arrival had
been anticipated. Indeed, he didn’t even get the chance to knock at the
door. It opened before he even got the chance, revealing Camden
standing in the doorway. “Well, you certainly took your time,” he
said, narrowing his eyes at Sage. The effect looked quite striking in
Camden’s slitted gaze.

“You gave me no sign that I’d be welcome here at all,” Sage

pointed out.

Camden snorted and stepped back inside, but left the door open, a

silent invitation for Sage to follow him. Sage did, a little taken aback
by the reception, but pleased that Camden had, at least, recognized
their bond. He quietly shut the door behind himself, ensuring their
privacy. For a few moments, neither of them spoke. Sage allowed
himself the luxury to admire his beautiful mate. He’d seen many
handsome men in his lifetime, and shifters weren’t shy so to speak.
Karein, for example, had many times been naked in front of him.
Prince Sareltae wasn’t quite so audacious, but he was very lovely
regardless, in a different way.

But nothing had prepared him for the sight of Camden Isaiat.

Camden moved sinuously, elegantly, his long, dark hair swaying in an
almost hypnotic way. He was tall and slender, and in many ways, he
looked very young, but something about the way he walked screamed
predator. Sage had to admit that he had become a more than willing
prey, a strange position to be in for a draechen.

Camden went to the bar and poured himself a glass of scotch.

When he turned toward Sage, he said, “So, here we are. What now?”

Everything inside Sage screamed to say, “Now, I claim you,” but

he had a feeling that wouldn’t go over well. He met his mate’s gaze

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without flinching, wondering what was hiding behind those
mysterious snake-like eyes. Camden might be trying to unbalance him
for some obscure reason, but Sage wouldn’t allow it. He could play
the game with the best of them, even with a naga.

“First of all,” he said calmly, “I want to make sure we’re on the

same page. The two of us are mates.”

“We are,” Camden confirmed. “In a way.”
Sage frowned. “You mean I haven’t claimed you yet. That’s

easily fixed.”

He regretted his dismissive words seconds later when Camden’s

eyes flashed angrily. “Is that right? How does it work for draechen?
Meet in a hallway, run off with another man, then come back to

“That isn’t what I meant,” Sage answered. “Look, I’m sorry. I

just… Things are hard enough as it is. You’re right that we barely
know each other, and I’d never push you into anything. But I need to
know how you want to deal with this.”

“What you need to do is to introduce yourself,” Camden answered

and took another sip of scotch.

Sage’s mind simply went blank. Hadn’t he…? No, he hadn’t.

He’d heard Camden’s name, but before he could introduce himself,
Prince Sareltae had gotten that strange dizzy spell. Fuck, he was
making such a mess of things. But he’d never been one to dwell on
his failures. He preferred to fix them. “Lieutenant Sagenamadeen
Zager, at your disposal,” he replied.

“Prince Camden Isaiat,” his mate said. “And now that we’ve made

that clear, a man in your position must realize that we can’t possibly
take this further or expose it. I’m not willing to become a concubine,
and the Directive forbids anything different.”

“Exceptions can be made,” Sage argued. “Nothing is set in stone.”
Camden grimaced. “Perhaps if I’d been a different type of shifter,

I would be inclined to hope. But I am a chimera, Lieutenant, a half,
like your people call me. That makes us twice incompatible. To tell

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you the truth, I’m surprised they still consider us second caste.”

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Sage answered furiously. “That

description is idiotic anyway. You’re a shifter, just like me.”

“Well, some people don’t agree,” Camden answered. “Do yourself

a favor and forget about me. Fate played a trick on us, but draechen
and naga are about as right for each other as…well, draechen and

That was hardly a fair comparison. Yes, chimeras—half-shifters

like naga and mermaids—weren’t well viewed in some circles, but
official law still had them in the second caste. Nevertheless, the fact
remained that, according to the Directive, Camden was still very
much below Sage. The entire situation made no sense. Camden was
the prince, and Sage’s rank meant nothing compared to that. But Sage
was a draechen, and Camden only a naga, so they couldn’t be
together. And Camden didn’t even want to try. He seemed completely
convinced that there was no point in making the attempt.

“Do you even care at all?” he asked. “Do you feel the mate bond

like I do?”

Camden didn’t reply. Well, he just looked away from Sage, and

that was reply enough. “I see,” Sage said at last, the bitter taste of
rejection and heartbreak filling his mouth. “Farewell then, Prince
Isaiat. I wish you the best in your further endeavors.”

Yes, it was much better this way. It hurt to leave, but he didn’t

know Camden yet. He instinctively realized how good it could be
between them, but the true potential of a mate-bond relationship only
became fulfilled once the people involved spent some time together.
Sage could only hope that if that didn’t happen, the seed of desire that
had been planted in his heart would wither and die. He didn’t bet on
it, though, or rather, he suspected that once that happened, his soul
might just go with it.

Regardless, Sage had told Camden the truth in that he would in no

way force the young naga prince to accept a relationship with him. So
without another word, Sage turned away from Camden and headed

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toward the door. But before he could step out, a delicate, but strong
hand landed on his shoulder. “Don’t go,” Camden whispered.

Sage glanced toward Camden once more. “Don’t play games with

me, naga. I…”

The rest of the words died in his throat when he saw the naked

vulnerability on Camden’s face. “Don’t go,” Camden repeated.
“Nothing about this is a game, but… If you leave, I don’t think I’d
ever be able to bear it.”

Sage didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t think he could have

spoken to save his life. Instead, he pulled Camden close and crushed
their mouths together. The glass Camden had been holding clattered
to the ground, shattering with a sound both of them ignored. At first,
Camden went rigid and almost seemed like he wanted to pull back,
but in the end, he relaxed against Sage, parting his lips in a strikingly
shy way. Sage took the hint and slid his slick muscle into Camden’s
wet cavern slowly, not rushing, simply giving Camden—and
himself—a taste of what it could be like between them.

As a rule, ice dragons weren’t known for their passionate natures,

especially when, like Sage, they came from a full line of draechen
aligned with this element. But as Camden’s forked tongue made
contact with Sage’s, lust exploded through Sage, so potent it melted
away the icy control he’d been desperately hanging on. Flipping them
around, he pinned the naga against the door, delving deep into
Camden’s mouth, needing more.

He’d have liked for the kiss to go on forever, but the need to

breathe forced them apart. As he broke the lip-lock, Sage met
Camden’s serpentine gaze, fascinated with it. He could so easily
imagine glancing into those slitted eyes as he thrust his dick in and
out of Camden’s body. Oh, and Camden’s tongue… It would feel so
good as it danced over Sage’s prick. “Is your tongue always forked?”
he asked huskily.

Camden chuckled and nodded. “Just another thing that we can’t

change when we shift. You know, legend has it that the gods once

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spilled the essence of immortality into the grass and my ancestors
licked it up, therefore getting forked tongues.”

Sage couldn’t believe they were talking about mythology. “And is

that true?”

His mate snorted. “It depends on who you ask.” Camden slid out

of Sage’s embrace and groaned. “We really shouldn’t be doing this. I
can’t stay in Draechenburg. I have to return to Patala. And even if I
did stay, we can’t be together.”

Reason dictated that Camden was correct, but Sage refused to

accept it. “There has to be a way. I’m sure of it.”

Camden sighed. “You know why I’m here, Lieutenant. Your

people are dangerous for mine. Even if the Directive and our societies
hadn’t been against it, the fact remains that draechen are a danger for
all castes.”

Sage studied his mate in shock. Did that mean the naga knew

about the war the emperor was planning? It wouldn’t be too
farfetched, and it would certainly explain why Camden had been sent
to Draechenburg in the first place. The naga shot him a disapproving
look. “I never should have said that. Lieutenant, you have to promise
that whatever the two of us discuss, you will not share with your

“And what will you promise back if I do so?” Sage asked. As

loyal as he was to Karein, he wouldn’t betray his mate’s confidence,
but he wanted to see the same openness from Camden.

The naga took a deep breath. “I will make a solemn oath to you.

Right now, we don’t even know each other. I would be inclined to
bond with you, but it would be irresponsible and disrespectful of such
an important thing. Sadly, my duty summons me back to Patala, but I
will return to your side. That, I vow.”

Everything inside Sage screamed to keep Camden here with him,

to claim him like the ways of their people demanded. But Camden
wasn’t a draechen, and Sage couldn’t force his mate into something
the naga wasn’t ready for. He just needed to know one simple thing.

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“Before you say that, I’d like to ask you a single question. I know
your people… You don’t mate like draechen. Is there someone else,
in Patala?”

Camden shook his head. “No one. There never has been.”
A heavy weight lifted off Sage’s chest. “Then we’re agreed.

Whatever we speak of will remain strictly between the two of us.”
Sage paused. “On one condition. Call me Sage.”

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Chapter Fourteen

The morning of Karein’s departure, Sari dressed in his most

elegant and strict outfit. He considered braiding his hair back by ways
of his people, but in the end, left it loose, like Karein always asked
him to. He exited his quarters with his head held high and his spine
straight, meeting every gaze without flinching.

He had not seen Karein since their supposed argument. Sage had

come to officially notify him of Karein’s decision, although, of
course, Sari had already known about it. A part of Sari wished he
could have hidden in his room and not been forced to watch his mate
leave without him, but he couldn’t do that. The naga delegation was
leaving at the same time. Besides, no matter what differences Sari and
Karein had—or rather, pretended to have—in public they still needed
to keep up the appearance of a happy couple. It was horrible and
frustrating, creating a nearly farcical situation. Basically, Sari would
have to simulate masking a dislike he didn’t really feel, while
attempting to hide his genuine need for his mate. It was enough to
make his head and his heart ache.

Nevertheless, he did what his position demanded and went to the

throne room. The imperial family would gather here to officially see
off Karein, his brother, as well as the naga prince. So far, only
Akarawem was present. Sari experienced a brief moment of panic,
during which he thought he’d have to stand next to the princess, but
then, Sage intervened, guiding him across her. For once, she didn’t
smirk at him. In fact, she didn’t spare him one single glance.

“My parents didn’t appreciate what she did,” Karein said in

Sari’s mind. “I gather they must have punished her somehow,

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although I’m not sure what happened.”

Sari did his best not to show the relief he felt at hearing Karein’s

voice. All thoughts of Akarawem vanished, and he focused on Karein.
“Thank Jenarra we have this bond. Otherwise, I don’t think I could
have let you go.”

“I can still back out of it,” Karein replied. “Just say the word.”
But Sari couldn’t be so selfish. Karein was the only one who

could help Prince Hareematek in such a delicate matter. Even if Sari
didn’t get along with his own siblings, he wanted Karein to be close
to his brother, to build a real relationship with Hareematek. “Go,”
Sari answered, “but come back soon. I already miss you, and you
haven’t even left yet.”

As he spoke, the doors to the throne room opened, and

Hareematek walked inside, followed by Karein and Camden Isaiat.
The rest of the naga delegation completed the group. According to
what Sari had been told, this official farewell wouldn’t have happened
normally, as the Isaiat weren’t considered important enough. In fact,
Karein and Hareematek’s trip wouldn’t have warranted such attention
either. But since the two princes’ departure coincided with that of the
Isaiat, the emperor had decided to add a gesture of goodwill toward
the naga, throw them a bone, in a way.

It seemed to take forever for Karein and the others to make their

way across the huge room. Sari honestly didn’t know how long the
trek lasted, because every part of him was fully focused on Karein.
Impossibly, his mate seemed even more handsome today, dressed in
one of his formal uniforms, the Ouroboros-like ring on his finger. His
dark gaze met Sari’s at one point, and time seemed to stop altogether.
“You’re the beautiful one,” Karein said through their bond. “I can
never get tired of looking at you.”

“Stop complimenting me, or I’ll make a fool of myself right here,”

Sari warned him, “and then all this will be for naught.”

In spite of his own words, the warmth of the connection kept him

rooted in his spot. Even if he was physically distanced from his mate,

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the bond soothed him somewhat, so Sari could control himself even
when Karein walked past him. Finally, the group stopped in front of
the thrones. The side doors opened, and the emperor stalked inside,
his heavy steps making the walls and floors shake. The empress
followed behind the red dragon and wordlessly sat on her throne.
With a regal wave, she beckoned her two sons forward.

“Today, you leave Draechenburg. You will be messengers of the

Tersain name. We wish you good fortune and safety in your travels.
May the Overlords watch over you.”

Sari had a feeling none of those present were convinced by the

warm words. He definitely wasn’t. The empress just recited them, like
they were a boring poem. Obviously, she considered this entire
ceremony pointless. The process was repeated when Camden was
beckoned closer, with a small difference in that the Tersain reputation
wasn’t invoked. The entire thing lasted a few minutes, maybe less,
and then, the gathered group was dismissed.

“We were honored by your visit,” the empress told Camden.

“Please join us again as soon as you can.” To Karein and Hareematek,
she said, “Draechenburg will eagerly await your return.”

As she got up, everyone bowed. Judging by the elaborate rituals at

his wedding, Sari had expected this to last much longer, but
apparently he’d been mistaken. The imperial couple was already
leaving, with the emperor having given no sign he even cared about
his sons’ departure. Sari swallowed around the sudden knot in his
throat. He was not ready for this to be over so soon. In fact, he was
not ready for Karein to go.

But he could not stop it. Hareematek lingered for a few moments

after his parents departed then turned toward the door and headed out.
His sister accompanied him, and Karein followed, not sparing Sari the
slightest glance. Sari would have been hurt, except he could feel the
desperate urge Karein had to rush to Sari’s side, take him in his arms,
and never let go. Honestly, Sari wondered how both of them were
managing to put up this elaborate show without bursting.

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“We should head out to the cliff,” Sage told Sari. “Come,


Sari nodded, scanning Sage’s face for any sign of heartbreak.

There was none. Sari knew Sage had to be upset that Camden had
chosen to leave, but the ice dragon remained as calm and composed as
ever. It helped somewhat. If Sage could watch his mate go, Sari had
to be as brave as the lieutenant. He couldn’t disappoint his own lover.

Outside, the plane that would take Karein away from Sari was

already waiting. By the time Sari and Sage reached the cliff,
Hareematek had already boarded, obviously eager to get to his
destination. On impulse, Sari went to his mate’s side and hesitated.
What was he expected to do in such a situation? Would it be all right
if he kissed Karein?

“Have a good trip, Your Highness,” he said at last.
Karein scanned him from head to toe, then smirked darkly.

Pulling Sari close, he crushed their mouths together in a bruising,
nearly violent kiss. To everyone else, it might have looked like a
humiliating claiming, but it wasn’t, not at all. All right, Karein did
seek to claim him, but not to shame him. Sari desperately wanted to
surrender to the desire burning between them, but he didn’t. He
allowed himself the guilty pleasure of Karein’s kiss for as long as he
dared, then pulled back, glaring.

“Sorry,” Karein said through their bond.
He didn’t sound apologetic at all, but the simple words still melted

Sari’s frustration. “No, you aren’t,” Sari answered, “but that’s all
right. Neither am I.”

There were a million things Sari would have liked to do in that

moment, and none of them involved Karein leaving. His mate shared
his desires, and for a few seconds, he hesitated. But then, Sage pulled
Sari aside, and it snapped both Sari and Karein out of their trance.
Karein turned on his heel and boarded the plane without looking back.

While Sari had been distracted by Karein, the naga delegation had

already joined Hareematek inside the aircraft. With the last passenger,

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Karein, inside, the jet doors closed. Sari clenched his fists as he
watched the plane speed off the runway and take off. For a few
moments, the other draechen lingered on the cliff, observing the
disappearing plane into the distance. Soon, though, everyone lost
interest, and they all returned to their various tasks or plans. Everyone
but Sari and Sage.

The two of them remained there for a while longer. “They’ll

return to us,” Sage finally said.

Sari didn’t know if the draechen was trying to convince himself or

Sari. Nevertheless, he nodded and smiled at the lieutenant. “Yes, they
will. Soon.”

For his sake, for Karein, but also for Sage and Camden, he hoped

he was right.

* * * *

Eanera opened her eyes and gasped as the nightmarish images

threatened to overcome her. She swept a hand through the air, trying
to reach for Sari. Only, Sari wasn’t there. He was in Draechenburg.

As the last traces of the dream finally faded into reality, Eanera

shot to her feet. The vision had come to her so suddenly, taking her by
surprise. It was very rare for her to see an immediate event so clearly.
More often than not, she only caught glimpses or flashes of things to
follow, sometimes, a whole generation in the future. She managed to
interpret them through Jenarra’s will. But there was no divine
intervention needed to understand this particular vision. Her son was
in trouble. Eanera just knew it.

Eanera didn’t linger to even think about what she was doing. She

just grabbed her cloak and ran out of the room, already knowing what
she had to do. As she burst out of her quarters, startled priestesses
intercepted her.

“High Priestess, what’s the matter?”
“Your Holiness, where are you going?”

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“Is there anything we can help you with?”
But there wasn’t. Only Eanera could do this, and she had waited

long enough.

All her life she had put her duty as a priestess before her own

desires. She had held onto it, even when she had met the recently
married king and fallen desperately in love with him. She’d told
herself that simply remaining by his side would be enough. That had
clearly been a desperate attempt at self-deception, one Eanera had
been forced into. Still, when Jenarra had given her the chance to have
a child with Selbrian, she’d still been deliriously happy.

Only, once Sari had been born, her priorities had suffered a great

change. A part of her had wanted to fully dedicate herself to her
beautiful boy. Since she’d known she couldn’t do that, she’d ended up
cutting Sari out of her life at times.

But no longer. As important as her duties might have been, Eanera

wouldn’t let them stand between her and her son, not again. Pushing
past her underlings, she ran, heading straight toward the hangars.

When she exited the temple, shock rippled through the guards.

Like the priestesses, they tried to approach her, but Eanera ignored
every attempt.

If only Selbrian had been here today. But he was visiting his

exiled wife, making sure Onyerre wasn’t up to any mischief. It was
hard to believe that even after Selbrian had finally cracked under the
pressure of her poison, Onyerre was still keeping Selbrian and Eanera
apart, but it was nevertheless the truth. Her transgression hadn’t been
serious enough to warrant the dissolution of their marriage, and she
remained queen, even if her authority had been drastically reduced.

Either way, there was no time to contact Selbrian. Every second

counted, and Eanera needed to get out of Rose Noire as soon as
possible, before Onyerre’s kids found out she’d fled and decided to
stop her.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Darian appeared in front of her,

seemingly manifesting out of nowhere. “And where do you think

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you’re going, High Priestess?” he asked.

Eanera didn’t even bother to answer. She knew she was likely

forfeiting her position, maybe even her life, but she wrapped him in a
powerful shield and shoved him aside.

At this point, she’d drawn quite a lot of attention from the guards,

but no one dared to stop her or get in her way again. She exited the
palace without further incident and headed directly toward the
helipad. Once more, the soldiers manning the area attempted to find
out what was going on. “Your Holiness, is everything all right?” one
of them asked.

“My presence is required elsewhere,” she answered. “If you are

loyal to Ivenia and Jenarra, you will take me there at once.”

The soldier blinked, but nodded. “Of course. Just point me in the

right direction. I am at your disposal.”

Eanera slid into the helicopter, and as the aircraft took off, she

sent a prayer to Jenarra. She didn’t regret breaking her oath and
leaving the temple. She’d chosen to be a mother, instead of a
priestess. She just hoped that she hadn’t waited too long to make this
decision, because if so, Sari would pay the price.

* * * *

Sari walked through the corridor, with Sage following right

behind him. The palace was strikingly quiet, but Sari could still swear
he heard the whispers of the draechen as he passed. He’d have
thought he was being paranoid, except Sage had assured him it was
very much true. It was beginning to get on Sari’s nerves, especially
since, according to Sage, he had to ignore the draechen lieutenant,
too. The only good thing about the entire situation was that the
emperor had decided to ignore him. Sari knew better than to believe
this would last, but at least they’d left him alone.

He’d spent most of his time during the past few days in his room,

but now he’d decided to leave his quarters and go to the library. He

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wouldn’t be able to focus on doing any reading, but at least he’d make
a show of not having anything to hide.

“Except we do,” Karein said through their bond. “We have plenty

to hide. Be careful, baby.”

“I will,” Sari said. “Don’t worry about me. Just focus on what

you have to do.”

Karein had arranged a meeting with a man named Philip Strange

so that he could help his brother. The last thing Sari wanted was to
distract Karein from it. Fortunately, the library was close by, so Sari
hoped that he’d find some privacy, and perhaps even some way to
occupy his time.

With a sigh, Sari slid his hand in the pocket of his jacket. Since

Karein had left, Sari had taken to carrying the box with the wooden
toy with him. As risky as it might have seemed, it soothed him
somewhat and gave him hope that things would be all right.

Sadly, the toy wolf couldn’t warn him ahead of time what paths to

take to avoid certain undesirables. As such, before Sari could get to
his destination, he was intercepted by the princess. It seemed that she
had somehow convinced her parents to forgive her for her gaffe,
although she did have several draechen soldiers with her, perhaps
meant to make sure she didn’t commit any more mistakes. “Good day,
Prince Sareltae,” she said. “I haven’t seen you in forever. Is
everything all right?”

“I’m afraid I’ve been unwell,” Sari answered. “My apologies for

not being able to attend meals with you, Highness, but I likely
wouldn’t have been good company.”

Akarawem released a sound that seemed to be meant to convey

distress. “Oh no. Is it serious?”

Sari shook his head. “I thank you for your concern, but it’s

probably just fatigue.”

As if his words had taunted fate, Sari suddenly felt a sensation of

dizziness flow over him. Just like the day of his supposed argument
with Karein, he swayed and was caught by Sage. Karein’s voice

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immediately appeared in his mind. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

At the same time, Sage asked, “Highness, what’s the matter? Do

you need to go to a medic?”

“I’m fine,” Sari replied automatically to both of them. Only then,

he knew that it wasn’t exactly true. Something had happened to him,
although not something bad.

Dazed, Sari leaned against Sage’s shoulder and gasped out,

“Jenarra above… I’m pregnant.”

Out of all the possible things that could have happened, Sari had

not expected this. He’d known that it might happen eventually since
his healing powers made him very fertile. But since his mate wasn’t
fae, he’d thought it would take a while longer. Apparently, his body
didn’t agree.

“Pregnant?” Karein repeated in his mind. “No. That’s not


He didn’t seem very happy about it, which made Sari frown.

Okay, so the circumstances weren’t the best, but unlike in
Hareematek’s unfortunate case, Sari was not forbidden to breed with
Karein. He had to admit it wasn’t the best time for a baby to be born,
with a war looming ahead and their relationship suffering because of
the pressure of others. Maybe that was the reason for Karein’s
attitude. Sari couldn’t immediately tell because Karein’s mind had
become a confusing whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that made
very little sense.

Unfortunately for Sari, he didn’t have the time to figure it out. In

his shock, he had made his little confession out loud. Therefore,
everyone around him, including the princess, had heard him.

Just like Karein, she asked, “Pregnant?” She actually laughed a

little. “Well, that’s going to make things easier.”

Her smirk puzzled Sari. “I don’t understand. Easier how?”
Akarawem ignored him and instead turned toward the draechen

soldiers who accompanied her. “What are you waiting for, fools?” she
shouted. “You heard it from his own mouth. He has committed

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treason to the crown. Get him.”

Instantly, the guards lunged toward Sari. On impulse, Sari threw

up a shield, blocking the attack. He didn’t know how he even
managed to do so since his focus was completely off. Still, his
enchantment held to the original blows. But then, the draechen
summoned various ice and fire spells, and Sari knew the shield
wouldn’t be able to withstand the combined energy of it. He couldn’t
grasp the reason behind this sudden, nearly irrational hostility.

Obviously understanding more than Sari, Sage started to pull him

away. “We need to get you out of here,” he said.

Even if he clearly meant to help Sari, his voice held barely

concealed anger, and not at Akarawem. “Lieutenant, what’s going on?
Why is everyone suddenly so furious with me?”

Karein was the one who explained. “It’s because I’m sterile, Sari.

I can’t have any children. For Sage, for everyone in Draechenburg,
the fact that you confessed to being pregnant equals an admittance of
cheating on me.”

Sari gaped, the shock caused by Karein’s words nearly freezing

him on the spot. He probably wouldn’t have been able to even
continue moving, except Sage continued to pull him along, seemingly
determined to save him in spite of believing him to be a traitor.
Personally, Sari couldn’t have cared less about what Sage thought. As
much as he appreciated the lieutenant, Sari had more pressing
concerns right now.

“You don’t believe that, Karein, right?” he inquired a little

desperately. “You don’t think I’d do that to you?”

“Of course not,” Karein answered, his tone softening. “I wouldn’t

have believed it even if I hadn’t seen the truth through our bond. I
admit I don’t understand it, but I do believe it.”
A hint of terror
echoed through their bond. “But they don’t know you like I do. They’ll
hurt you, baby. You need to run.”

Karein’s urgency made Sari snap back to reality. He was in a

serious problem here, and given the cruelty of the emperor, if he got

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caught, his child would be in danger. Sari couldn’t allow that, no
matter what.

Sage seemed to be leading him toward the exit of the palace,

obviously realizing the severity of the situation as well. But as Sari
and the lieutenant ran together, they were intercepted by another
group of draechen. Sari threw one more shield up to block their path,
but they could no longer continue in the same direction.

“Back,” Sage gasped out. “Go back.”
Karein’s panic flooded Sari’s mind, making him stumble.

“Overlords… Sari, please! I’m coming now. Find a way out.”

Sari would have loved to do just that, but there was nowhere to

run. More soldiers were coming from every corridor until Sage and
Sari were completely surrounded. One of the groups was actually led
by the princess. Sari tried to keep the soldiers from approaching by
using his shields, and to a certain extent he succeeded. His powers
had grown since mating Karein, just like he had known they would.
But his attackers were simply too many. As Akarawem summoned a
fire spell and threw it at Sari, it slipped past Sari’s defenses.

The magic might have hit him had Sage not pushed Sari behind

himself, summoning an ice spell that clashed with the fire bolt.
Akarawem sneered at Sage. “So you’re the one who had fun with the
Ivenian whore. Tell me, Lieutenant Zager, what do you think my
brother will do when he finds out you stabbed him in the back?”

“I would never betray His Highness,” Sage answered. “I am

merely following his orders and protecting what is his.”

“You know as well as I do that the child the whore carries isn’t a

Tersain,” Akarawem shot back. “Last chance, Lieutenant. Stand

“I will not,” Sage insisted. “My general will decide what to do

with Prince Sareltae upon his return from the United States.”

Akarawem shrugged. “Suit yourself. Guards, attack!”
As a last resort, Sari released the full extent of his abilities,

creating a bubble which the draechen guards could not penetrate.

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Taking a few deep breaths, he created small force fields and
attempted to use them as weapons that would give him and Sage room
to pass. But Sari was a healer, not a warrior, and he only had limited
success. A great deal of his opponents shifted into their dragon forms,
becoming far harder to combat. Sari’s powers held the soldiers at bay,
but still kept him and Sage trapped.

Likely, he and Sage would have never managed to escape this

place, but then, Sari remembered something. He reached into his
pocket, where he kept the wooden wolf. Not even knowing what kind
of instinctual knowledge guided him, he retrieved the toy and placed
it on the floor, straight in front of the draechen soldiers.

At first, the guards—even those in dragon form—seemed puzzled.

Akarawem actually burst into laughter. “What is this? Has the whore
lost his mind?”

Her chuckles died, though, when the toy dissipated into thin air

and a pack of huge, black wolves appeared in its stead. They passed
through Sari’s shield and lunged at his enemies.

By rights, a wolf-shifter had very few chances against a draechen

in hand-to-hand combat. The only reason Caelyn’s mate, Graham, had
escaped with his life from Draechenburg was that he’d used trickery.
Therefore, the draechen didn’t seem fearful or impressed upon seeing
the black wolves advance upon them.

But these were no ordinary animals. As the dragons summoned

their elemental magic to crush Sari’s aids, the spells just went through
the beasts, as if the wolves had been wisps of shadow, invulnerable to
whatever the draechen tried. And when they attacked, one hit of a
wolf’s paw was enough to send a dragon sprawling to the ground,
completely drained of energy.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers lost their courage. “It’s General

Shtamakarein,” one of them said as he shifted back into his legged
form. “Sage is right. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Karein isn’t here, you fools,” Akara shouted. “Go—”
She didn’t get to finish the phrase because one of the wolves

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pounced her, and she fell to the floor in an unconscious heap. It
wasn’t even something Sari had consciously commanded, but it still
made him ridiculously pleased. He didn’t dwell on that foolish
emotion, though, as he didn’t know how long the wolf enchantment
would last.

“Can you fly us out of here?” he asked Sage.
Sage nodded, seeming surprised at this development. “I can shift

and carry you away from Draechenburg,” he answered as he started to
pull Sari through one of the corridors. “I don’t even have to go to the
cliff. A room with a big enough balcony would do. But I don’t get it.
How did His Highness do that?”

“It’s not me,” Karein said in Sari’s mind. “It’s not my power. I

can’t do anything like that.”

“I know,” Sari replied. “It must be Prince Kaelezrin’s, and likely,

Prince Talrasar’s.”

He had no idea how to tell Sage that without startling him further,

but he planned to try. As he opened his mouth, though, another wave
of dizziness swept over him. This time, it must have been fed by his
exhaustion, because Sari could no longer keep hold of his
consciousness. Reaching out one last time to Karein, Sari surrendered
to the darkness and prayed that, for his child’s sake, Sage would
manage to find a way out.

* * * *

“So let me get this straight.” Philip Strange crossed his arms over

his muscular chest and glowered at Karein and Hareem. Even if he
was wearing a mask, his disbelief and bemusement remained obvious.
“You want me to contact Monroe Lovington, asking him to come
discuss his brother’s welfare with you. You must be joking.”

“Not at all,” Karein answered, his tone completely neutral. “You

know me well enough by now to realize I have no intention
whatsoever to set a trap for Monroe.”

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Hareem had no idea how his brother could be so calm when this

seventh-caste mercenary was giving them so much trouble.
Nevertheless, he allowed his brother to do the talking. Karein had
warned him ahead of time that he needed to keep rein over his temper,
because an outburst from Hareem wouldn’t encourage Philip to

For a few moments, silence fell as Philip seemed to muse over

these words. Oddly enough, the mercenary did appear to believe
Karein in that regard. Karein hadn’t told Hareem how the two of them
had met. Hareem only knew that after a back-and-forth dance of
messages being sent through the underground grapevine, Philip had
agreed to meet with him in this dirty, random alley in New York.

The half-public nature of the area made Hareem uncomfortable,

but Philip didn’t seem to care. “And what exactly is the reason you
suddenly decided to free Taryn Lovington?” he asked, leaning against
the wall of the building behind him.

“He has become a burden for my family,” Karein answered.

“That’s all you need to know. The rest, we will discuss with Monroe.”

At Karein’s words, Hareem could no longer hold his tongue. He

didn’t appreciate Karein speaking of Taryn so dismissively. “What
my brother means is that we’re doing this for Taryn’s own good,” he

In hindsight, he should have probably accepted Karein’s fake

disregard of Taryn, because Hareem’s sudden helpfulness sounded
suspicious even to his own ears. Indeed, Philip huffed at his answer.
“As if I would believe that. The truth, Prince Shtamakarein, or you
can say good-bye to any help you get from me. I might be a
mercenary, but you won’t rope me into treachery.”

Karein shot Hareem a glare, as if to ask him what in the world he

thought he was doing. Hareem didn’t appreciate being reprimanded
like a child by his younger brother, even through this silent exchange.
He might have actually said so, especially since, with everything that
had happened with Taryn, he was on the edge. But then, Karein’s

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expression went curiously blank. His fists clenched and unclenched,
and he started breathing faster.

“Karein?” Hareem asked his brother. “What’s the matter?”
Karein didn’t answer. Instead, he just melted into his shifter form

and launched himself into the air. His large bulk didn’t fit in with
their cramped surroundings, and he grazed a nearby building with his
abdomen, sending bricks flying all over the place.

“Whoa!” Philip jumped back, barely dodging the projectile.

“What the fuck? This wasn’t what I had in mind when I agreed to
meet with you people. I’m out of here.”

Before Hareem could stop the other man, Philip disappeared into

the darkness. Hareem would have liked to at least give Philip his
personal phone number. That way, Monroe could have contacted
Taryn himself and seen that Hareem’s intentions were perfectly
reasonable. But it seemed that Philip had no desire to get involved in
the personal entanglements of others. As much as it frustrated
Hareem, he really couldn’t blame the feline-shifter.

And now, Hareem had another problem to worry about, namely

Karein’s unexpected departure.

“What’s happened?” Taryn asked softly in his mind.
“I don’t know, sweeting,” Hareem asked, “but whatever it is, it

can’t be good.”

Something was wrong in Draechenburg, something serious that

probably involved Karein’s mate in some way. Unfortunately, this
meant Hareem had to cut his visit to the States short. He had to return
to Germany at once, because he suddenly knew that his presence
would be required.

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Chapter Fifteen

When the fae prince fainted, Sage had the urge to let him fall and

leave him right there for the emperor to find. However, he did no such
thing. Instead, he caught Sareltae and took him in his arms. Taking
advantage of the protection of the mysterious wolves, he slid into a
nearby room and headed toward the balcony.

He must have lost his mind. Sareltae was a traitor. The fae had

admitted it himself. Perhaps he had been carrying a child before he’d
even come to Draechenburg, and he’d somehow managed to
circumvent Karein’s notorious powers by seducing him. As vigilant
as Karein might be in military issues, his mate was his weakness.

And that was exactly the reason why Sage couldn’t let anything

happen to Sareltae. On the off chance that the fae might actually be
pregnant with Karein’s baby—something Sage simply couldn’t
fathom, but remained a possibility—Sage’s duty was more important
than ever.

Clinging to that thought, Sage shifted into his dragon form. The

process took far longer than he’d have liked, and once he finished, he
noted with concern that the black wolves that had accompanied them
had disappeared. So much for the mystical assistance Sareltae had
somehow managed to conjure. Sage was on his own.

Not allowing that to dishearten him, Sage gripped Sareltae’s

unconscious form in his paw and launched himself into the air.
Predictably, it didn’t take long for other draechen to detect him.
Draechenburg was built with a structure that allowed the guards
watching it to note everyone who approached or left the area. It came
as no surprise that soon, Sage found himself followed by a large

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group of dragons. Most of them seemed fire or ice dragons, but there
were two wind dragons with them, something which concerned Sage
a great deal. They were very powerful in air battles and could easily
take him out if he wasn’t careful.

Bolts of magic came his way, narrowly missing Sage. He tried to

fly in zigzags, and that helped dodge the fire bolts. He wasn’t as
concerned about the ice magic since he was resilient to it, but the
flame could do some damage if it struck him. When he got the
chance, he briefly turned and breathed a small blizzard in their
direction. He had no chance of actually taking them out, but if he
could at least stall them, he might be able to exit draechen air space
before they caught him.

His only chance was to head toward France. He didn’t actually

know where Rose Noire was located, but he suspected Sareltae would
wake soon enough. Or so he hoped. He was no healer, and he didn’t
know the exact extent of the strain Sareltae’s spells had put on him.

Unfortunately for him, his pursuers realized his plan and seemed

to have no intention to allow him to succeed. One of the air dragons
summoned a small whirlwind that angrily beat at Sage, threatening to
tear apart his wings. He almost dropped Sareltae, and only succeeded
fighting his way through the enchantment through sheer force of will.
He wasn’t fighting only for himself and the fae prince, but also for
Camden. Camden had promised to return to him. That wouldn’t be
possible now since Sage had fled Draechenburg, but he would find a
new way to track his mate down. He just needed to survive this battle.

He aimed another ice blast at the air dragon, but the other shifter

dodged. Cursing to himself, Sage focused on flying. He realized in
panic that up ahead, the mountain narrowed into nearly a strait. He
couldn’t avoid the area anymore since he was going too fast, and once
he entered the area, he’d be a sitting duck.

Still, he kept going, hoping and praying that he’d somehow

manage to find a way out of this. As he slipped between the rocks, a
fire spell hit his wing, but he ignored the pain and kept going. It

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seemed that the Overlords were watching over him, because as his
pursuers followed him through the strait, the mountain began to
rumble. The stone seemed to explode from within, and an avalanche
of rocks fell on top of the draechen. It should have hit Sage as well,
and for a few moments, Sage actually thought he’d be knocked out by
a particularly large fragment of stone. But oddly enough, the rock
bounced off him as if there had been some sort of invisible force
protecting Sage from it. Sage stole a look at Sareltae, thinking that the
fae prince might have recovered, but no. Sareltae was still very much

In the end, the source of the unexpected aid didn’t matter, just the

fact that it had come. With his former allies, now opponents,
distracted, Sage continued to fly. But another obstacle appeared in
front of him, this time as a helicopter.

Sage stopped, eyeing the aircraft warily. It didn’t seem to belong

to the draechen. Sage would have recognized it. He caught a glimpse
of a black rose painted on its side and realized the fae had sent
reinforcements. He couldn’t really understand how they’d known
about what had happened, so he remained cautious.

The aircraft doors opened, and a woman dressed in white came

into view. Sage had never met her, but it didn’t take a genius to
realize who she was. The gem shining in the center of her forehead, as
well as her long silver locks, marked her as High Priestess Eanera,
Sareltae’s mother.

Comprehension finally dawned, and Sage flew closer to the

helicopter. Carefully, he handed the unconscious fae to Eanera. The
priestess shot him a grateful and somewhat tearful smile and mouthed,
“Thank you. Follow us.”

As she closed the doors, the helicopter turned around and headed

toward France. Sage could do nothing but comply with Eanera’s
command. He had to say he completely agreed with how she’d
approached the matter. She’d managed to keep the draechen away
from her son without visibly getting involved. Of course, the Emperor

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would undoubtedly use this to attempt starting a war, but him not
knowing where Sareltae had been taken couldn’t hurt.

There wasn’t time for the helicopter to stop so that Sage could

shift and get into the chopper himself, so they flew like that for a
while longer. Finally, it became too risky for Sage to remain in
dragon form. They were approaching human settlements, and if
someone saw him, there would be hell to pay.

Fortunately, Eanera seemed to realize this as well, as the

helicopter descended and landed in a small clearing. Quickly, Sage
did the same, paying close attention to keep his distance so that his
large wings wouldn’t accidentally hit the blades of the aircraft. Taking
a deep breath, Sage went through the shifting process one more time,
this time turning into his legged form.

At last, he stood as a human in the center of the clearing. On

somewhat shaky legs, he made his way to the helicopter. The door
opened and he climbed inside, where, predictably, he found Eanera
holding Sareltae.

“Will he be all right?” Sage asked quietly as he closed the doors.
Eanera nodded, beaming down at her son. “He’s just sleeping

now. The strain of the spells he cast, combined with his pregnancy,
pushed him into exhaustion. It could have seriously harmed another
magic user, but my Sari is very powerful. He should wake up in a few

She looked up at Sage and took his hand. “I owe you a great deal.

You don’t realize right now just what an important thing you’ve done
today. In fact, you’re very upset with my son. But know this. Sari’s
child will be the first baby to be born out of a black dragon. It should
have happened a long time ago, but too many mistakes stopped it.”

The gem in the center of her forehead began to glow hypnotically.

Sage felt a warm power slide into his body, and for a few instants, he
caught glimpses of himself and Camden, sometimes arguing or even
crying, sometimes kissing or making love. A lot of it didn’t make
sense, but Sage’s heart was instantly flooded with hope as he

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understood that yes, he and Camden did have a future together.

As he opened his eyes—when had he closed them?—he realized

the helicopter had taken off once more. Sage’s fatigue and minor
injuries had disappeared altogether. He’d have liked to ask what
Eanera meant by those cryptic words. She clearly knew about
Sareltae’s baby and thought it was Karein’s. But even if that was true,
the draechen would never believe her or Sareltae.

As Sage stole a look at the fae prince’s face, though, he knew that

he’d done the right thing. He could easily imagine Camden in a
position of danger. For that reason, because he understood how
Karein felt about his mate, he’d thrown everything he’d known away.
But he feared what his decision would bring. He feared for them all.

* * * *

The moment his connection with Sari succumbed to silence,

Karein’s dragon completely took over. The only thing that kept him
from going on a rampage was that the bond remained there. However,
Sari was in terrible danger. Kael and Talrasar’s power had assisted
him, but it would never be enough. Karein knew Draechenburg, and
he realized all too well that it wasn’t a place someone escaped so

Having abandoned his brother, Karein flew toward Draechenburg,

uncaring that someone might see him. Thankfully, his black scales
gave him a measure of camouflage, and Karein melted in the darkness
of the night, soaring as high as he could go, his large, powerful wings
carrying him toward his beloved mate.

Intellectually, he knew that it would be foolhardy of him to try to

cross an entire ocean by flight. However, he couldn’t be bothered to
turn back. His dragon urged him onward, roaring that nothing else
mattered but getting to Sari’s side. Besides, Karein was much faster
than any human plane could ever be.

Hours passed and night melted into dawn as Karein continued his

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desperate journey. He monitored his connection with his mate, hoping
Sari would give him a sign, speak to him. On occasion, he felt a
stirring of warmth inside him, like Sari was trying to reach out to him
but couldn’t quite manage. But Sari’s voice never once sounded in
Karein’s mind, and Karein’s nearly insane fury increased.

He never should have left Draechenburg. He knew that now. In

his heart, he’d seen the only solution to their current predicament a
long time ago. But he’d been reluctant to go through with it, mindful
of the chaos it might cause. And all right, maybe Karein still held a
thread of loyalty toward the emperor. No matter how insane and
power-hungry Kavehquader might be, he was still Karein’s father.

Karein had been weak, and his mate would pay the price now.

And his child… Oh, Overlords, Karein still couldn’t believe he was
going to be a father. The thought still hadn’t registered fully, and he
didn’t dare to analyze it too deeply. He’d always accepted the fact
that, even if he found an anchor, he’d never be able to create a new
life. Now that he was faced with this, he honestly didn’t know how to
handle it.

Memories surfaced again, those voices Karein had been pushing

back ever since he’d been a child. Karein roared, forcing himself to
go faster. He didn’t want to think about the life he had ended, so long
ago. If he did, he’d truly lose his mind.

Beneath him, the shine of the ocean taunted him with the memory

of the glow of Sari’s gem. The waves reminded him of the fall of
Sari’s hair. The rays of the sun summoned recollections of the
radiance of Sari’s smile. And watching it all, Karein could only
collapse further into his mindless rage.

In his heart, Karein knew that Sari was alive, and that knowledge

kept him from insanity. However, beyond that, everything else was a
mystery. More and more, Karein began to imagine terrible scenarios.
Images of Talrasar’s death returned to his mind, coupled with a guilt
he hadn’t dwelled on for a long time.

By the time European shores finally loomed ahead, Karein was a

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furious mess. At one point, a small part of him wanted to stop, change
his direction. He might have, except he spotted a human plane
approaching him and quickly resumed his flight. He was very close
now, too close to hesitate.

Strikingly, the flight grew harder after that. Karein’s wings started

to ache, and it was only the knowledge that his mate needed him that
kept him going. At last, after what seemed like forever, the familiar
Black Forest Mountains appeared ahead of him. They appeared to
have been the scene of a battle, as a particularly tricky area to
navigate now lay crumbled, as if after a sudden avalanche. It was too
easy to imagine what had happened. Likely, Sage had escaped this
way, heading toward France to seek haven with the fae. However, the
draechen guards must have caught up with him at some point. The
thought made ice course through Karein’s veins.

More furious than ever, Karein forgot all about his fatigue, guilt,

or any other emotion that could have kept him from his goal. He shot
through the clouds like a dark lightning bolt. When he spotted
Draechenburg, decision crystallized inside him. He saw guards
scampering beneath, as if torn between intercepting him and greeting

Karein couldn’t have cared less about anyone who even tried to

get in his way. He landed on the cliff and shifted into his legged form.
The process was actually faster than usual, but even so, by the time he
stood there in his human shape, he was surrounded by guards. Karein
didn’t even blink. “Where is my mate?” he asked.

No one answered. They looked from one another, as if not

knowing what to say. Completely losing what little patience he’d had
left, Karein pushed past them and stalked into the palace. There were
some real benefits to being the most feared shifter in the world. His
men were loyal to him, but also terrified of what he could do. They
couldn’t stop him, and they knew it. He could absorb the energy of
whatever spell they cast. Perhaps if all of the draechen had gathered
together and attacked him, they could have overwhelmed Karein

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through their combined efforts. But that would never happen. They
wouldn’t dare to go against him like that. More importantly, they
weren’t aware of his intentions, so they couldn’t possibly think that
such a strategy would be justified.

A couple of soldiers did attempt to approach him, but one glare

from Karein deterred them from their self-appointed task. Without
even bothering to put any clothes on, Karein headed directly for the
throne room. Predictably, the guards there looked quite dismayed
upon his arrival. “Highness,” one of them said, “I’m afraid we can’t
allow you to pass.”

Karein felt an eerie sense of calm flow over him. “You don’t have

to. I’m giving myself the permission.”

Without another word, Karein used his powers on the other

draechen, leaving them unconscious on the floor. With them out of
the way, Karein was free to pass into the throne room. He pushed the
large doors open and stalked inside. His mother greeted him with a
cool smile. “Ah, Shtamakarein. I see you’ve received news of
your…mate’s actions.”

“What happened?” Karein inquired, barely managing to keep

control of his temper. “Where is he?”

“The Ivenian whore eloped with your right-hand man after

apparently conceiving a child with him.” The emperor actually left
his pile of jewelry and came to stand in front of Karein. “It seems that
you won’t have to investigate after all. We’re already making plans as
to how to retaliate to this gross insult.”

Meanwhile, Rowenasheb scanned him from head to toe, clearly

finding him lacking. “I understand your urgency to hunt them down,
Shtamakarein, but really… Must you appear like this in front of us?”

Karein slowly approached, ignoring Rowenasheb’s disapproving

inquiry. Did he dare believe what they were saying? No. It would be
too beautiful, too much to hope for, and his parents had deceived him
many times before. Karein needed to know for sure. “So you’re
saying that Sari and Sage escaped together? Where to?”

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“All signs point that they must have taken shelter in France,

although we’re not sure exactly where,” the empress replied.

Her dismissive tone put Karein on alarm. They hadn’t mentioned

anything about the black wolves Sari had summoned, likely through
Prince Kael’s power, which was suspicious to say the least. And then,
the emperor’s voice drifted into his mind. “Worry not, Shtamakarein.
As I understand it, the Ivenian whore received serious injuries during
his escape. Likely, he will not survive.”

Just like that, Karein’s control snapped. With a mighty roar, he

changed into his dragon form once again. There was a brief
moment—that delay during which his body got accustomed to his
new size—when perhaps his father could have actually done
something to prevent the inevitable. But the emperor was too arrogant
to believe that Karein would ever attack him. “What are you doing,
he sent out.

Karein couldn’t speak while using this form, but even if he’d had

that ability, he wouldn’t have been able to muster an answer. The fear
and piercing rage came together in a malicious cocktail, and he
lunged at his father, ready to take the emperor down. The red dragon
leapt back, dodging Karein’s first attack and summoning a fireball.
Karein didn’t even bother to avoid the spell. As it struck him, the
energy filtered through his abilities, giving him even more power.

“Shtamakarein!” his mother screamed.
Karein ignored her and used his own magic on the emperor.

Focusing strictly on his foe, he drained Kavehquader’s energy, like he
should have done a long time ago. But his father had never been one
to give up without a fight. The red dragon roared, wildly lashing
about, his tail swinging in Karein’s direction as he futilely tried to
escape the spell. He tried to create more enchantments of his own, but
the fire sizzled and died, absorbed by Karein’s dark power.

And then, a bolt of ice struck Karein, the cold energy contrasting

with the hot one he received from the emperor and creating a few tiny
instants of discomfort. Irritated, Karein glanced in his mother’s

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direction. Without releasing his hold on his father, he sent another
spell her way. In instants, her energy rushed into him, and Karein
adapted it to his body, accepting it and turning it into a tool he could
use. The empress collapsed, unable to continue her fight. She shifted
back into her human form and cried out, “Karein, stop! You’re killing

Karein didn’t remember the last time when she had called him by

the smaller version of his name. She only did so—or only referred to
him as her son—when she had some sort of scheme and planned to
use him somehow. Now, though, she seemed genuinely terrified. She
was staring at him with wide eyes, no longer the empress, just a
woman who could do nothing to stop the far more powerful foe
killing her husband.

Beneath him, the red dragon’s form melted into that of a red-

haired man. Karein analyzed him for a few moments before
dismissing the peculiar occurrence. In two centuries, he’d never seen
his own father, and he had no interest in it now. The man was a
stranger, and in the blink of an eye, he could be a dead one.

But first, Karein needed to know a few things. Changing shapes

once more, he glanced toward his mother. “The truth, Mother. Where
is Sari?”

“We’ve already told you the truth,” Rowenasheb said. “He

somehow managed to escape with your lieutenant. The people we had
on his tail said he was unconscious. They were deterred by a sudden
avalanche in the mountains.”

“Is that right?” Karein narrowed his eyes at her. “And why didn’t

you continue searching? Why didn’t you send scouts?”

“We simply don’t care about Prince Sareltae,” she continued in a

panic. “We got what we wanted. The war.”

“Oh, no, you didn’t.” Karein tightened his hold on his father, who

was now barely breathing. “Because I won’t allow it.”

He’d have undoubtedly ended Kavehquader’s life right then and

there had Sari’s voice now suddenly appeared in his mind. “Don’t,

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Karein. You’re better than that. You’re better than them.”

Karein gasped, relief crushing him, almost making him collapse

right there and then. “Baby? Sari? What happened? Where are you?”

“I… I don’t really know.” Sari still sounded confused a little.

“I’m with my mother.”

In his mind’s eye, Karein saw a lovely woman approaching Sari.

Her resemblance to Sari clearly identified her as High Priestess
Eanera. Thank the Overlords, Sari was safe. “And our child?” Karein
insisted, almost unable to believe the truth.

“Fine,” Sari replied softly. “Can’t you feel it?”
Karein frowned a little, focusing on his bond with Sari. At first,

Karein couldn’t quite tell what Sari was referring to, but then he
sensed it, the spark of new life that hadn’t been there before. It
shocked him so much that he finally remembered himself and realized
what he’d been doing.

Shaken, Karein released the spell on his father and stepped back.

His mother practically crawled to his father’s side. The sight made
Karein shockingly uncomfortable, but he didn’t have the time to dwell
on it. He realized that, during his fight with his parents, several guards
had entered the throne room. They were now standing in the doorway,
gaping at Karein and his parents.

Technically speaking, the duties of the draechen soldiers included

protecting the imperial couple. However, draechen tradition dictated
that the emperors could be challenged, mostly by their own
descendants, but also by other draechen who didn’t even share the
emperor’s lineage. This was the reason why recent emperors had
taken to remain in their shifted form at all times while in public, for a
show a strength that would deter any potential challenger. Sadly, this
brought Karein in the somewhat frustrating position of automatically
being chosen as the next draechen leader.

Predictably, all the guards went on their knees and bowed their

heads. “We live and die by your command, Your Majesty!” they

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Karein had no interest in being emperor. He was a soldier, not a

bureaucrat, and he had little patience for politics. He rushed to clarify
the situation. “The former emperor is indisposed. Make sure he and
my mother are secured in a safe area. When the new emperor, my
brother, returns, he will give you further orders.”

One of the guards opened his mouth, as if meaning to protest, but

Karein just arched a brow and the man thought better of it. Good.
Karein had someplace to be. His mate was waiting, and he couldn’t
linger here much longer. As he left the throne room, he reached out to
his mate once more. “Tell me, baby. How do I come to you?”

He saw the answer in Sari’s mind. Of course. Eternelle. Karein

had learned of its enduring existence when he had mated Sari. He
should have figured out that Eanera had taken her son there. As
quickly as possible, he rushed through the corridors, ignoring the
confused and somewhat panicked looks other draechen threw his way.
Finally, he left the palace and reached the cliff. Paying no heed to the
way his own people were watching him, he melted into his dragon
form and launched himself into the sky.

It was almost foolish that he hadn’t realized the reason why his

dragon had wanted to stop during his trip toward Germany, but now
was no time for regrets. Karein pushed away every thought that
wasn’t related to Sari from his mind and focused solely on his mate.
“Tell me again,” he said. “Tell me you’re all right.”

Sari’s soft laughter came to him through their bond. “I’m just fine.

But why don’t you hurry here to see for yourself?”

Karein had every intention to do exactly that. In fact, he planned

to never leave his mate’s side again. He was no fool. He might have
taken out one enemy, but this wouldn’t magically solve all their
problems. It was like with legendary hydras. He had cut one head off,
but undoubtedly, more would sprout. Ironically, he was fairly certain
real hydras died when decapitated, but that really didn’t matter right
now. The only thing that did was Karein’s renewed resolve to love
and protect his mate forever. He wouldn’t fail the person closest to his

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heart. He wouldn’t fall in the same mistake he’d committed before
he’d even been born. This time, the power of the black dragon would
serve to keep Sari safe, no matter what happened.

But even as he flew away from Draechenburg, a voice kept

whispering in his mind, the same one Karein had been trying to avoid.
“Go back,” it said. “Kill them. Destroy them all.”

It wasn’t Sari, so Karein ignored it. But how much longer would it

take for it to turn against his mate? Karein didn’t know, and that
scared him.

* * * *

Sari paced in front of the obelisk, feeling worried and impatient.

He could keep track of his mate’s progress as Karein made his way
toward him, but Karein’s emotions were still all over the place.
Karein’s fear for Sari’s life seemed to have stirred old wounds,
awakening a guilt Sari hadn’t even been aware of.

He was so lost in thought that when a soft hand pressed against his

shoulder, he released a gasp and jumped back, instinctively throwing
a shield in front of himself. Caelyn shot him a surprised look. “Are
you all right?” he asked.

Sari deflated and cancelled his spell. “Just…restless, I guess.”
With a soft smile, Caelyn walked to his side. “Come on,” he said,

taking Sari’s hand. “Tell me.”

They sat together at the foot of the obelisk, right next to the spot

where Sari had found the strange wooden wolf. Sari remembered that,
technically speaking, the toy had belonged to Caelyn and Graham,
and he’d never apologized for taking it. “I stole one of the wolves
Graham carved for your son. Sorry.”

Caelyn gave him a confused look. “Huh? Sari, what in the world

are you talking about? Take a deep breath and start from the

So, Sari did. He told Caelyn everything that had happened since

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the last time they’d seen each other. As it turned out, Caelyn knew
some things, having been kept informed by the priestesses. The
details of Sari’s relationship with Karein were, however, all new.
Caelyn listened in silence, never letting go of Sari’s hand. As he
spoke, Sari was reminded how much their friendship had always
meant to him and how easily Caelyn understood him.

He was reluctant to confess some of the more private things

Karein had shared with him, but he knew Caelyn didn’t mind. At one
point, he had to address something that had bothered him ever since
he’d met Karein. “You shot my mate. With a crossbow.”

“Oh.” Caelyn blinked, as if surprised by the words. “Well, I did

what I had to do. At the time, I thought Karein was my enemy.”

“Yeah, I know.” Sari groaned, very aware that Karein hadn’t been

exactly nice to Caelyn’s mate, Graham. It was unreasonable for him
to hold a grudge for something like that. “I’m all over the place, Lyni.
This is so very confusing. Today, something really strange happened,
and I feel like Karein is a Pandora box of secrets.”

At that, Karein’s voice drifted into his mind. “I’ll tell you

everything you need to know. Just… Don’t be afraid of me, all right? I
don’t think I could bear it.”

“Never,” Sari answered. “But something’s changed inside you,

Karein. What is it?”

For a few moments, Karein didn’t answer. Sari’s concern for his

mate increased. Caelyn must have noticed it, because he asked,
“You’re talking to him now, right?”

When Sari nodded, the sprite continued, “Good. I admit I don’t

know Karein that well. He was my enemy first, but he saved my life
and that of my mate. So he strikes me as a person of contrasts. But I
do know one thing. In spite of all his paradoxes, if what you say of
him is true, he loves you. Trust him, Sari.”

“I do,” Sari answered. “I trust him with my life, my body, and my

soul.” But he felt something inside Karein just now, something that he
didn’t trust. He’d heard that voice, urging Karein to kill. It sounded

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like Karein himself…but not. How could he explain that to Caelyn
without sounding like a complete lunatic?

Caelyn squeezed his hand again. “When we were on the road,

Graham and I kept fighting over the most idiotic things. I know it’s
not the same, but what I mean to say is that you and Karein are just
getting accustomed to the mate bond. You’ll see that soon, Karein
will open his heart completely to you. Just give him time. He’s a
private man, with a lot of secrets.”

A chuckle sounded in Sari’s mind. “I knew I liked him for a

reason. He’s just like you, always so kind and diplomatic.”

“So you were attracted to Caelyn because he superficially

resembled me? Wow.”

Sari might have actually been a little jealous at the thought, but he

had greater concerns. Caelyn kissed his cheek and got up. “I’ll leave
you alone to talk to him now. Whenever you want to see me, I’m here
for you.”

“Thanks,” Sari replied. “I will.”
As Caelyn walked away, Sari leaned against the obelisk and

focused on his mate. Karein was close to Eternelle now. Sari would
have asked his mate for an explanation that would actually make
sense—unlike the whirlwind of strange and somewhat unfamiliar
emotions now invading their bond—but he wanted Karein to hold him
when he gave Sari the answers he sought.

“I’ll hold you for as long as you like me to,” Karein replied. “Just

as long as you don’t let other men kiss you.”

That was a strange comment to make, especially when coupled

with the odd jealousy now rushing through their bond. Karein had just
said that he liked Caelyn, and now he was angry because Caelyn had
kissed Sari’s cheek. His mate’s possessiveness had always made Sari
feel safe and protected, but not this time. This time, there was a touch
of genuine hostility, maybe even hatred behind it. Now more than
ever, Sari desperately wanted to see Karein, to make sure his mate
was okay.

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He didn’t have to wait for much longer, as soon, he spotted a dark

shape against the horizon. There was no panic among the priestesses,
and Sari guessed his mother must have spoken to them. Of course, the
idea of draechen in Eternelle didn’t scare them since the monument
was dedicated to Prince Kaelezrin, too. Judging by the strange gift
Sari had received, perhaps the draechen prince still inhabited these

As Karein approached, Sari shot to his feet. He found himself

running while still gazing up at the sky, which made him stumble as
he ran into someone he hadn’t seen. The person in question, Sage,
steadied him and said, “Easy there. I’m sure General Shtamakarein
wouldn’t appreciate you hurting yourself in your eagerness to meet
with him.”

Sage still puzzled Sari a little. He seemed completely unfazed by

Eternelle, even if he hadn’t known about its existence before. But Sari
suspected that, deep inside, Sage wanted to see Karein, too. After all,
the ice dragon had abandoned everything to rescue Sari. He needed
some reassurance that he hadn’t lost his chance to be with his mate.
Sari hadn’t told him what had happened in Draechenburg since the
entire thing had shaken Sage’s trust in Sari.

“I’ll be more careful,” Sari replied. Taking Sage’s hand, he

dragged the draechen after him. “Now come on. We’re wasting time.”

Sage complied, and they met Karein halfway. The huge black

dragon landed and began to shift into his legged form. Sari gave him
space, barely managing to contain his enthusiasm and anxiety. At last,
when Karein stood in front of him as a man, Sari lunged forward and
embraced his mate. Karein hugged him back, so tightly it almost hurt.
“Oh, baby,” he whispered, “I thought I’d lost you.”

Sari didn’t answer, at least not by words. Instead, he swamped

their bond with pure love, trying to chase the shadows of fear that still
haunted Karein. In the meantime, Sage approached and bowed.
“General Shtamakarein, I’m glad to see you arrive here safely.”

“You’ll be even happier to learn that my father won’t be a

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problem anymore.”

Even Sage couldn’t keep a straight face when Karein said that.

“You killed the emperor?”

That same strange force stirred at the back of Karein’s mind,

flooding both him and Sari with discontent. “No, although likely I
should have.”

Sari squeezed his mate’s waist, and Karein shook himself,

frowning. “In any case,” he continued, “I’m not taking over. I will
allow Hareem to do so. We’ll return to Draechenburg soon, so you
don’t have to worry about losing touch with your family or your

“Thank you, Highness,” Sage answered. Obviously realizing

something wasn’t quite right, he added, “I will leave you to reconnect
with your mate. Let me know when it’s time to go.”

Sage departed, and Sari was left alone with his mate. The silence

that fell wasn’t wholly comfortable, a first between Sari and Karein.
Frustrated with himself, Sari made a split-second decision. “Come on.
I need to show you something.”

“Mmmm…” Karein caressed Sari’s hair, refusing to let go when

Sari tried to pull away. “There’s only one thing I have interest in right

Sari had to admit that he felt very tempted to go with what Karein

was asking. Jenarra above, his mate was completely naked. Dragging
him through a temple of chaste priestesses would be disrespectful to
say the least. But a niggling sensation at the back of his mind told him
that he needed to do this. There was just something off about Karein,
as if…well, as if he wasn’t really the Karein Sari knew and loved.

As Sari thought that, Karein released him as if he’d been burned.

“I told you I would explain.” He actually scowled. “You told your
friend you trust me.”

“And I do.” Sari took a deep breath. “Won’t you trust me back?”
For a few seconds, Karein just looked at him. His eyes flashed

with a strange light that Sari had never seen in him before. It

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reminded him of the way the carvings in the obelisk changed and
shifted on the surface of the monument. Even so, Karein nodded.
“Very well, Sari. Lead the way.”

Relieved, Sari grabbed Karein’s hand and dragged him toward the

main Eternelle compound. Fortunately, someone, likely Sari’s mother,
must have anticipated what Sari planned to do, because their path was
clear. As they approached the temple, Karein’s hold around Sari’s
palm tightened. Their bond strained against the erratic emotions going
through Karein. “Where are you taking me?” he asked, his voice low
and threatening.

Sari experienced a brief urge to look behind himself, to see if his

mate was really there and not some stranger. He had never thought
things could be awkward and unpleasant between them, but they
were. Regardless, Sari held onto the strong love they’d built together.
“To meet someone dear to your heart,” he answered, pouring those
feelings into his bond with Karein.

The shadows receded once again. Still, it seemed to take forever

until they finally reached their destination, the Obelisk of Eternelle. A
simple cloak and a pair of sandals sat next to the monument,
obviously a gift from Eanera. It must have been impossible to find a
suit of clothes Karein’s size, but those items would do for now. “Your
mother thinks of everything,” Karein commented as he released Sari’s

He almost sounded resentful, displeased at the simple gift. “I

suppose she does,” Sari answered neutrally.

“Too bad she didn’t anticipate what would happen to you. All of

this could have been avoided if she really cared about you.”

Sari’s eyes widened at the venom in Karein’s voice. To a certain

extent, he was aware of Karein’s disapproval regarding Eanera’s
tendency to always put Jenarra first. However, Karein had always
been respectful of the ways of the Ivenians and had never made a
comment like that. Yes, something was definitely amiss.

“She does care.” Much to Sari’s shame, his voice trembled and he

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felt tears gather at the corner of his eyes. Unfortunately, this was a
sore subject for him, and having his mate expose it like that hurt, and
hurt a lot. “Her position simply hasn’t been easy, but she loves me.”

Karein reached for him, releasing a choked sound. “Sari… I…”
“Hush.” Sari took a deep breath, fighting back the pain. “You’re

not yourself. Come here.”

Karein complied, and together, they approached the obelisk.

Taking Karein’s hand once again, Sari pressed it to the carvings.
Karein twitched, and beneath his fingers, Sari felt a buzzing, as if a
strange force was emanating from the obelisk. The entire thing
couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, but then, Karein
convulsed and slumped into Sari’s arms. Sari caught him and slowly
placed him down. Panic swelled inside him. He’d been so convinced
that this was the right thing to do. What if he’d made a mistake? The
obelisk had obviously hurt his mate somehow.

But Sari didn’t allow that terror to paralyze him. Instead, he

transformed that fear into healing energy, flooding Karein with it. As
it turned out, he shouldn’t have been worried quite so much, because
Karein recovered quite quickly. He blinked several times, as if to
clear his vision. “Sari… What? What’s going on?” He reached for
Sari and cupped his cheek with a tender hand. “Are you all right?”

It was so like Karein to be worried for Sari when he was the

injured one. As Karein’s fingers brushed over Sari’s skin, though, Sari
realized the reason for his mate’s concern. He was crying.

Quickly wiping his eyes, Sari gathered his wits and explained,

“You were acting strangely, so I took you here, to the Obelisk of

With Sari’s help, Karein got up. Upon spotting the cloak left by

Eanera, he grabbed it without comment and wrapped it around his
shoulders. “So this is the obelisk,” he said, unmasked awe in his
voice. “I’ve seen it in your memories, but being here is quite

“You didn’t look very impressed before.” Sari arched a brow. “Do

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you remember anything at all?”

“Bits and pieces.” Karein scowled. “I recall leaving

Draechenburg, landing… We spoke… I’m not sure what happened
really or what I said.”

“It was very odd. Like…you were you, but not really.” Sari

arranged his robes and his hair, laughing nervously. “Like you had an
evil twin or something.”

At that, Karein’s expression darkened. “I think it’s time I

explained my last secret. Do you have a room here? We need privacy
for this.”

Sari nodded and guided Karein inside. As he did so, he kept his

thoughts to himself so that he wouldn’t learn what Karein intended to
say before his mate was ready. Whatever Karein was hiding, Sari
could handle it. He was his draechen’s mate. Karein might want to
protect him, but it went both ways. Sari would do whatever it took to
make Karein see that together, they could defeat anything. The first
step had been taken. The strange shadow had disappeared. Now, the
ball was in Karein’s court. What had truly happened back there? Sari
had a feeling that he wouldn’t like what he would find out.

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Chapter Sixteen

Karein paced back and forth in the room, struggling to come up

with a way to begin this conversation. He threw a look his mate’s
way, who sat patiently on an armchair, studying him with those lovely
silver eyes. Karein’s memories of the past hour were fuzzy, but he
distantly recalled making Sari cry.

And yet, even with all the mess in Karein’s mind, body, and soul,

Sari hadn’t given up on him. Still gazing into those brilliant silver
orbs, Karein took a deep breath and began to explain. “You know
how most draechen have twins?”

Sari nodded. “It’s a shape-shifter thing, right? Single births are

very rare.”

“Well, for once, I wasn’t an exception.” Karein rubbed his eyes,

wondering if this was such a great idea after all. Now that he’d
started, though, he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t disappoint his mate by
keeping secrets between them. “I was supposed to have a twin
brother, too,” he continued.

Sari didn’t say anything else, allowing Karein to take his time.

“You know, this is somewhat connected to what happened to you in
Draechenburg, why everyone, including Sage, refuses to believe
you’re carrying my child,” Karein said. Deciding to stop beating
around the bush, he blurted out, “My powers manifested before I was
even born. When I was in my mother’s womb, I absorbed the living
energy of my brother’s life. I had a twin with whom I should have
shared an egg, but instead, I killed him.”

His mate’s jaw dropped. Obviously, Sari hadn’t expected

something quite so bad. “Jenarra… I’m so sorry, Karein. It must have

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been so terrible for you.”

Karein chuckled, although he felt no amusement. He knelt next to

his mate and leaned against Sari’s knee. He was wearing silken robes
again, and the soft feel of the material was sinfully familiar,
reminding Karein of when they’d first met. “You would. I wasn’t the
one who died, baby.”

A gentle hand landed in his hair. “A small part of you did,” Sari

said. “Finish the story.”

Karein heaved a heavy sigh. “There isn’t much to tell really. I’ve

always known about it, but for a while, when I was a child…I didn’t
handle it well at all. I heard voices all the time. In fact, I couldn’t
think or do much of anything half the time.” Memories resurfaced, but
this time, they brought no vengeful shadow with them. “I suppose it
was a schizophrenia of sorts. Anyway, the emperor refused to have an
insane child. I was a soldier, so I ignored it all until it finally went
away. I guess it never fully disappeared.”

It had been one of the concerns Karein had as his two hundredth

birthday had approached without him finding a mate. The two issues
had seemed unrelated as nothing documented such an affliction
happening to black dragons. Sure, a small part of Karein had
wondered about it. However, he’d actively tried not to remember, and
it had worked, until Karein’s panic that he had lost his mate had
broken every barrier he’d ever set up.

Oddly enough, though, as Karein thought back to what he’d done,

he no longer sensed the dark shadow encroaching upon his mind and
consciousness. He didn’t even hear the voice anymore. It was like a
heavy burden had been lifted off his mind and heart.

“You healed me.” Karein shot to his feet, gazing at Sari in shock.

“It’s gone. I don’t feel it anymore.”

He might not remember everything he’d done since landing in

Eternelle, but he clearly recalled the light of Sari’s powers bathing
him in pure love. Sari must have gotten rid of Karein’s longtime
disease. There was simply no other explanation.

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“Are you certain?” Sari asked.
“Positive.” Karein grabbed Sari’s hand and pulled his mate into

his arms. “You know, baby, I realize I’m not exactly the man you
deserved for a mate. My past is tainted with blood. But I swear to you,
I’d die before I ever harmed you, or our child.”

At that, Sari smiled, cupping Karein’s cheek in a stern, yet gentle

gesture. “I don’t want you to die, Karein. I want you to live, to love,
with me.”

As he met Sari’s silver gaze, Karein forgot all about the past. He

just knew that his mate had been returned to his side. He’d come so
close to losing this, the most important, precious thing in his life. His
family. Overlords, it was only by miracle that Sari and their child had
survived. Watching the events in Draechenburg unfold without being
able to help had been a torment Karein didn’t wish even upon his
worst enemy. But now, the past didn’t matter anymore. Just the
present did, and the future.

Karein’s instincts stirred inside him, wild and hungry. He needed

to claim his mate again, to reassure himself that this wasn’t a dream,
that Sari was truly safe and not a figment of Karein’s imagination.
With a hungry groan, he pressed his mouth to Sari’s. As Karein licked
across the seam of Sari’s lips, his mate melted in his embrace and
eagerly granted him entrance.

At first, Karein managed to keep the kiss tame, to explore Sari’s

taste, so fresh, so familiar, so alive. They’d been apart for too long.
Even before Karein had left Draechenburg, they’d been forced to play
that ridiculous charade of being at odds because of what Karein had
supposedly done to Caelyn. But there were no more lies now, no more
secrets or deception. Everything was out in the open, and just their
honest passion remained, flooding their bond and their hearts.

When they broke the kiss, Karein scanned Sari’s face one more

time. Sari beamed at him, his cheeks flushed, the gem in the center of
his forehead twinkling like a star in the night’s sky. He passed his
hand through his hair, as if to put it back in order, and Karein fell in

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love with him all over again. He hadn’t thought it possible, but the
extent of it choked him. It was like a dam that had held back the true
extent of his emotions for Sari had finally broken, and he finally
experienced the truth of it. Oh, he’d acknowledged it before, but
now… It seemed as if that perpetual fog of doubt and self-hatred was
finally gone, defeated by the love that pulsed within him like a living

Karein couldn’t take it anymore. He had to touch his mate, to

show Sari how much he meant to Karein through the one method that
had never failed him. Slowly, he guided Sari to the bed. Sari
obediently sat down, still holding Karein’s gaze. It seemed that he had
anticipated or heard Karein’s thoughts, because his hands started to
work the bindings of his robes. Karein discarded his own cloak and
sandals, and then joined Sari on the mattress. “Let me,” he whispered.

He had to admit that he had a nearly worshipful fascination with

undressing Sari. There was something powerfully sensual and almost
transcendental about the experience, like he was pushing aside an
earthly shell to reveal a star hidden beneath. Sometimes, Sari helped
him, but more often than not, the fae got too worked up to focus on
disrobing. Now was no different as Sari’s hands were trembling, and
he didn’t manage to make much progress. Karein took over and began
the process of undressing his mate.

First, he removed Sari’s sandals, his fingers dancing over the soft

soles of Sari’s feet. Sari shivered and fell back on the pillows with a
slight whimper. Karein immediately jumped at the invitation in that
single, sensual noise and reached for the bindings of Sari’s robes. As
he worked off the layers of silk, Sari’s beautiful body finally came
into view. With each inch of skin he revealed, Karein grew more
aroused, the desire to claim his mate more powerful than ever. But he
never sped up. He didn’t even allow his claws to shred the soft
material, let alone to touch Sari’s skin. He removed the fae garment as
it was meant to be pulled off, not by tearing it into pieces. Of course,
his patience reached its limits when he saw what it had been hiding.

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Karein might be feeling much freer of tension now, but nothing could
have held in check the desire he experienced when he set his eyes on
the sinful way Sari’s erection strained against his undergarments, a
bead of moisture making the flimsy material transparent. That
particular item of dress had no chance to survive. With a small snarl,
Karein pulled them off and finally had his mate completely nude.

For a few moments, Karein just stared. Love and lust mixed inside

him, so much so that he didn’t know what to touch first. Every part of
Sari taunted him, beckoning him closer. He craved to bury his hands
in Sari’s silken hair and to touch that lovely gem again. He wanted to
press his lips to Sari’s mouth again, to taste the delights of Sari’s
mouth. He needed to trace the lines of Sari’s tattoo, the one he himself
had created on his mate’s skin. But Sari’s pert nipples also demanded
his attention. Not to mention Sari’s erection that stood rigid and
weeping, the purplish head already leaking copious amounts of pre-

In the end, he decided to do all those things. He started with the

shining jewel in the center of Sari’s forehead, then progressed to the
tip of Sari’s ears. Sari’s eyelids and his nose were next, and then, of
course, his beautiful mouth. It was almost like their wedding night
when Karein had first found hope that life could be different. Daring
to believe, daring to dream had nearly shattered his mind when he’d
seen his happiness ripped out of his hands. But they’d emerged
stronger out of it and free of the burdens of the past.

The kiss they shared grew more frantic with every second that

passed. Soon, Karein found himself forced to break away from his
mate, but not because of the need to breathe. Rather, his desire for
Sari was quickly reaching unbearable proportions, to the extent that
he couldn’t be gentle anymore. One thing was certain. Whatever
burden Sari had lifted from him today, Karein would always remain
the same black dragon, with the same desperate urges where his mate
was concerned.

In that moment, Karein remembered. “Oh, fuck. We shouldn’t do

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this. My powers…”

Sari just arched a brow, and Karein shook himself. Right. When

was he going to learn? His powers had no effect on Sari. Overlords, if
Karein’s semen had helped create a child, it certainly wouldn’t kill
that baby now. “Of course it won’t,” Sari confirmed.

But still, Sari had just been injured. Surely it couldn’t be safe…
Sari glowered at him. “Karein, I was only tired. I’m perfectly all

right now. Stop worrying and touch me. Fuck me.”

Hearing the filthy words spoken by Sari’s dulcet voice nearly

made Karein swallow his tongue. He decided that such a thing would
be very unproductive, and physically impossible. Besides, he could do
far more interesting things with his mouth. Without giving his mate a
word of warning, Karein dove in and took the fae’s shaft all the way
into his throat.

Just the flavor and scent of Sari’s pre-cum nearly made him come

undone, and it certainly didn’t help that he could feel everything Sari
did. When Sari’s slender fingers entangled in his hair, Karein groaned
around the dick in his mouth. He started to bob his head up and down
the shaft, greedy for Sari’s pleasure, seeking to give Sari the ultimate
ecstasy that could only appear between true mates. It was raw and
carnal, and it made the heat between them escalate, so much so that
Karein was surprised it didn’t scorch his skin. As Sari started to thrust
in and out of Karein’s mouth, they became one with the rapture. With
everything that had happened today, they were more on the edge than
Karein expected. Soon, Karein found himself on the brink of orgasm
without even touching himself.

Needing to taste Sari’s essence, Karein slid a dry finger into Sari’s

channel. Arching his back, Sari tightened his hold on Karein’s hair.
His dick jerked in Karein’s mouth, and bliss exploded over Karein as
hot streams of cum filled his wet cavern. Sari’s climax practically
electrocuted him, propelling him over the edge. Even as he spent
himself all over the sheets, he drank down Sari’s offering, the flavor
of his mate’s essence making him high with the drug of desire. By

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some miracle, he managed to pull away at the last moment, and some
of Sari’s spunk landed on his cheeks and in his hair. He was not done
with Sari, not by a long shot.

One look at Sari’s flushed face had Karein rock hard once more.

Gathering Sari’s seed and his own on his fingers, Karein used it as
lubricant. Noticing his intentions, Sari released a small whimper and
instantly responded, lifting his legs to expose his nether opening to
Karein’s gaze. It was with great satisfaction that Karein realized his
mate hadn’t grown soft either.

His mate’s lust fueling his, Karein slid two digits inside Sari’s

channel. The fae’s body opened up to him like a flower, receiving him
eagerly, demanding more. Sari pushed back against the two fingers,
keening. “Please, Karein. Now.”

Karein added a third finger, scissoring them inside Sari’s body.

He was as thorough as he could be under the circumstances. Truth be
told, he’d have liked to take more time to stretch Sari adequately, or at
least to find a better lubricant, but he couldn’t exactly go wandering
around Eternelle for oil. Sari didn’t seem to care about that. In fact,
judging by his rising cries and the increasingly frustrated need
flowing into Karein, Sari just wanted to be fucked. Karein’s dragon
was more than eager to comply, and at one point, he finally snapped.
Retrieving his fingers from Sari’s ass, Karein used the remaining
spunk to slick up his cock. He supported Sari’s legs on his shoulders
and positioned his member at Sari’s opening. As gently as possible,
he slid home.

His mate was impossibly tight. With the previous orgasm, his

urgency should have faded, but it hadn’t. It took everything in
Karein’s power not to start rutting like an animal. Sari’s flesh parted
for him eagerly, and as Karein bottomed out inside his mate, he
stilled, giving Sari time to adjust to the penetration. Sari took a couple
of deep breaths, then whispered, “Karein…”

Karein wasn’t sure if Sari said that out loud, or in his mind, but it

didn’t matter. Hearing his name spoken by Sari was one of the most

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potent aphrodisiacs in existence. With a growl, Karein surrendered to
the passion between them. He pulled out of Sari and thrust back
inside, impaling Sari in one hard motion. He’d have liked to be a little
gentler than this, but his body demanded that he claim Sari, and his
mate wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, Sari went wild under
him, crying out obscene pleas that fueled Karein’s lust even more.
Karein became a conduit of that lust. He fell into a frantic rhythm,
instinctively finding Sari’s prostate every time he slid inside. Sari
moved with him, and together, they lost themselves in the oldest
dance of time, in the liquid flow of their shared desire and the bright
glow of their bond.

At one point, Karein realized that the glow wasn’t only in his

mind and heart, but surrounded their bodies, too, emanating from
Sari’s gem. Sari himself seemed to shine, like an angel fallen from the
heavens. Overlords, he was so beautiful that Karein couldn’t take it
anymore. The heat, the lust, the love, so much passion, desire, and
sensation, it all came together inside him, urging him to brand Sari as
his once more. And so, Karein did. Thrusting inside Sari one last
time, he buried his fangs in Sari’s flesh.

Pure, absolute bliss exploded over Karein as Sari’s sweet blood hit

his taste buds. With a groan, he came, filling his mate’s channel with
his seed. Wet heat splashed against his abdomen, signaling that Sari
had come as well. But it didn’t stop there, oh, no. The climax
bypassed the carnal into a spiritual realm. Sari’s energy flooded
Karein, but not stolen, shared. There was no more up, nor down, only
a reality Sari and Karein built for themselves. Sari’s cleansing powers
flowed through Karein, making him feel like a new man, a better one,
who actually deserved this, who had, through some miracle, earned
the love of this beautiful fae. And throughout it all, he felt the spark of
new life deep inside Sari, bright like a beacon of hope for the future.

He didn’t know how long it lasted. Time stopped having any

meaning. As it finally receded, Karein released his hold on Sari’s
throat, but he didn’t slide out of his mate’s body. Instead, he spooned

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Sari, keeping their bodies connected in the most intimate way two
men could possibly be.

“I love you, baby,” he murmured through their bond.
“Love you, too,” Sari whispered softly.
Slowly, Karein surrendered to slumber, but not before overhearing

a conversation just outside their door.

“Did you feel that?” a priestess was asking.
“It was like Jenarra herself touched me,” another answered.
Karein smiled and tightened his hold on Sari’s waist. Likely, he

couldn’t have put it better himself. Sari was a gift from the gods,
showing Karein the way out of a labyrinth of darkness he himself had
created. He was Karein’s mate, the most beautiful one a draechen had
ever found. For that, Karein would always be thankful, and somehow,
he’d find a way to express that gratitude.

* * * *

The obelisk shook and protested as the last echoes of Sari’s magic

started to fade. Now that Karein had escaped his demons, Sari’s
power would only continue to grow until it reached its full potential.
The dark surface of the stone almost seemed to stretch, reacting to it,
the carvings erratically changing, but not making any sense. Eanera
watched it all quietly, alone in front of the monument. She had sent all
the priestesses away, knowing this would happen. She’d felt the
restless soul as it had entered Eternelle, heard the chaotic messages it
was trying to send. Sari had sensed it, too, but his perspective had
been different because of him being Karein’s mate. Eanera wondered
how long it would take her son to realize what had happened—if he
didn’t already realize it.

As she mused over this, the ripples over the obelisk’s surface

finally died out. Eanera approached and took a deep breath. Slowly,
she knelt and pressed a hand to the stone. “I know you can hear me,”
she said. “Be at peace. Your time will come.”

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Almost instantly, a dark force lashed out at her. There was so

much hatred, loathing, and despair that Eanera recoiled. At first, the
power refused to release her, as if it was trying to pull her inside, into
the obelisk. But Eanera had expected the hostility. She severed the
connection between them and pulled away, returning to the real
world. How had the draechen prince carried that inside him all of this
time and not lost his mind? Karein must be stronger than she herself
had originally thought.

“Are you all right?” a soft voice asked behind her.
Eanera turned, only to find Caelyn and Graham standing behind

her. “Fine,” she replied, struggling to her feet. “I need you to do
something for me.”

“Of course, Your Holiness,” Graham replied politely. “What is


Eanera stole another look at the obelisk, then turned toward

Graham once more, marveling at the twists and turns fate kept taking.
“I’ll be leaving to Rose Noire soon. In my absence, you need to watch
over the obelisk. You in particular, Mr. Powers. I’ll instruct everyone
here not to approach it, but you have to be its guardian.”

She hoped that everything would go over well in Rose Noire,

although she did expect to be punished for leaving like that. Onyerre’s
children would never let her get away with it. Therefore, she needed
someone she could trust to handle this.

“Why me?” Graham asked, giving her a puzzled glance. “And is

there something wrong with it?”

“I think we both know there’s always been something wrong with

it,” Eanera answered. “Just make sure to keep an eye on it and let me
know of any developments. And it’s very important that you avoid
touching it. If you have to, keep your mate nearby. His presence will
help. But at all costs, avoid using magic around it.”

“Very well, High Priestess,” Caelyn said. “We will do what you

ask. But… What should we watch for?”

“Darkness,” Eanera answered. “Darkness, and a lost soul.”

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She couldn’t say any more because she herself didn’t know what

would happen. But she believed in her son, and in Sari’s friends. She
had to, because they would need to be strong to face the challenges
that followed.

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Draechen’s Mate




The throne room of the Draechenburg palace was quiet and cold.

The pile of jewelry where a red dragon had once lounged was gone,
but there were a million other ornaments adorning the cavernous area.
The only ones that remained the same were the thrones. This time,
one of them was occupied by a somber-looking Hareem.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Karein asked his brother for

the third time. “You’re going to be emperor. You don’t need to obey
Father anymore.”

“Father is not the problem,” Hareem answered with a sigh. “The

Tersain line needs continuity, and after what happened, our people
require stability. They know that I’m not the strongest draechen, and
they wonder why you haven’t taken up position like you should have.
I need to prove to them that I’m worthy of the throne.”

A pang of guilt coursed through Karein. He had not considered

the effects his outburst of temper would have on Hareem. While he
still believed that he’d done the right thing in removing Kavehquader,
it could have gone much better if he’d included Hareem in it. It was
too late now. Their father was in a coma, and although he would
likely recover in time, neither he nor Rowenasheb would ever present
a danger to Hareem or Karein again. Similarly, his sister had been
sent away to live under heavy guard at a mansion in draechen

That aside, Karein knew he should have manned up and become

emperor, but some things he was required to do, the same ones
Hareem planned, were beyond him. At the same time, though, it
wasn’t fair that Hareem had to sacrifice himself for Ornoz.

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“Our people know I support you,” he argued. “No one will go

against you. This is completely unnecessary.”

Hareem released a heavy sigh. “Regardless of that, the fact

remains that I need to provide an heir for the Tersain dynasty. You
can’t do it. You wouldn’t be able to have any children with anyone
except your mate, who is a healer. And no offense to you or Sari, but
a pure-breed is needed for that purpose.”

“I’m not offended,” Karein argued, even if he did bristle a little at

the reference. “But what will Taryn think? Have you told him?”

Hareem winced. “He’s not happy about it. Like you, he thinks I

have freedom to do whatever I want now. But my duty still shackles
me, Karein. I have to take an official mate.”

Karein shook his head. “It’s your choice, but I think you’d be able

to find another way if you really wanted to. You’re afraid, Hareem.
You were born to be an emperor, and you know how to do that, but
you don’t understand how to be an emperor with a werewolf mate.”

Sari’s voice drifted into Karein’s mind, full of honest concern.

“Surely there must be something we can do.”

“The only option is for me to take over in Hareem’s stead. The

draechen don’t trust me, Sari, and they don’t trust you. I don’t even
want to imagine what will happen when our child is born.”

Even as he spoke, Karein knew he had to make the offer to his

brother. “Look, Hareem…I can take up the throne. Sari is a prince.
He’s perfectly capable of leading by my side.”

“And then your child—whom most people doubt is even yours—

will be heir,” Hareem answered. “No, Karein. That’s a horrible idea,
and you know it. The old laws forbidding black dragons to lead Ornoz
have been abolished, yes, but this is still my duty. It always has been.”

This was hopeless. Karein didn’t want to be emperor, but it was

his responsibility since he had taken out Kavehquader. Hareem was
much better for it, but stubbornly insisted that he couldn’t serve his
people adequately if he didn’t have an official mate. “You don’t need
to make a decision right now,” Karein finally said. “You have all the

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Draechen’s Mate



time in the world to choose an empress if that’s what you want to do.
There are a million options, Hareem. Don’t be rash about this.”

“The nobles are restless, Karein, as is the army. The eyes of the

world are upon us. What would you have me do?”

“The obvious,” Karein answered. “Focus on your people, not your

marital state. They can accept you as emperor without you having an
empress by your side.”

Hareem didn’t answer, and Karein forced himself to shelf this

conversation until another time. This wasn’t the reason he’d
approached his brother today, or rather, the only one. “On a different
note, there’s an issue of grave importance I need to discuss with you.”

“Oh?” Hareem arched a brow, looking a little more interested.

“What is it?”

“I’ve learned of the existence of weaponry that can hurt the


Since he’d been under the constant scrutiny of his father after his

mating, Karein hadn’t managed to look into the matter more closely,
but now that they were free of that, the problem needed to be
approached. As it turned out, Sari didn’t know anything about it,
which had puzzled Karein quite a bit.

“You’re joking,” Hareem said. “How bad?”
“Several bolts pierced my skin while I was in human form,”

Karein replied. “After that, I tested the tips on my scales. The results
weren’t encouraging. With enough momentum, it can bypass our
defenses even in dragon shape.”

All the blood drained out of Hareem’s face. “When was this? Why

did you never mention it?”

“Why do you think?” Karein glowered at his brother. “It would

have been the perfect reason for Father to begin a war that could have
killed us all.”

“So this is a fae thing,” Hareem concluded. “Look, Karein, I know

you care about your mate, but if the fae are plotting something against

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“Don’t start,” Karein shot back, interrupting him. “I will be

looking into it, but you have to realize the last thing we need is a

Hareem rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to tell me that. I’m not

Father. Make this your priority, Karein. With the change in
leadership, we’ll be considered vulnerable. Having weapons that can
hurt us out there is the last thing we need.”

For once, Karein agreed with his brother. “I will,” he promised.

“And you keep in mind what I said about your bride.”

Predictably, Hareem ignored him. With a frustrated huff, Karein

turned on his heel and stalked out of the throne room. He knew
already that, with regard to Hareem’s personal life, his words had
fallen to deaf ears.

Outside, the palace was in an uproar. They were all getting ready

for Hareem’s crowning, the most important event of the shifter world
in centuries. The ceremony would take place in only a couple of days,
so everyone was becoming quite frantic. A huge crowd had gathered
for Karein’s wedding, but it would be nothing compared to those
who’d visit Draechenburg this time. Even so, all the servants who ran
and rushed for various tasks stopped and bowed as Karein passed.
Karein wondered if he and Hareem would ever find a solution to their

“You could both lead,” Sari suggested, “kind of like the sprite


“The draechen would never accept a kritarchy, baby,” Karein

replied. “All we’ve ever known, since the time of the Great Sacrifice,
is an empire. We can no longer give that up.”

They were in quite a quandary, indeed, and the situation bothered

both of them a great deal. There were a million things to handle and
prepare for the crowning. And yet, Karein headed toward Sari’s
location, drawn to his mate’s light like a moth to the flame.

He found Sari in a newly prepared room in the imperial wing. Sari

greeted him at the door with a kiss, and together, they slipped inside.

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“I’m sorry I can’t help more,” he said.

“It’s not your fault,” Karein said. “It’s centuries of frustratingly

mistaken tradition that brought us to this point.”

“I’ll speak with Father about the weapons,” Sari promised. “He

must know something. I’d have asked Mother when I saw her in
Eternelle, but you know how things were.”

Unfortunately, Karein did know. It had slipped his mind, too. He

could have approached Eanera about it since she had been in Eternelle
briefly during his stay there. But he’d been too focused on his mate to
worry about that. In any case, the fae royal family would be flying in
for the crowning. They could inquire into it then.

Not wanting to think about politics any longer, Karein looked

around the nursery. It was done in shades of blue, as per Eanera’s
advice. According to Sari’s mother, the child would be a boy.
Already, several presents from their friends and family filled the
room. Eanera herself had provided them with some of Sari’s old
clothes and toys, mementos from Sari’s childhood. Her assistance of
Sari hadn’t come without a price since she was more watched than
ever, but the king had covered for her, claiming he’d given his
approval for her departure beforehand. Eanera couldn’t join them for
the crowning, but she was safe.

In a more surprising development, Graham had made them a crib,

which Karein appreciated a great deal, even if he couldn’t say so. He
hoped that one day, they’d be able to change the Directive so that
Graham and Caelyn wouldn’t have to be stuck in Eternelle.

As he thought that, memories of the obelisk returned to his mind.

For some reason, he simply couldn’t forget what had happened that
day. “Don’t think about it,” Sari said. “You left something dark in
Eternelle, but you’re free now. We’re free.”

At that, Karein shared a smile with Sari. Yes, they were free to

enjoy their love and their family. But Karein had every intention to
use this freedom so that everyone else could have what he did.

Now that he had his mate, he anticipated the future with renewed

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hope. He would build a better world, one where no one had to live in
fear and hide their bond. For Hareem, for Sari, but also for Kael and
Talrasar, Karein would do it. It was his solemn vow, and with Sari’s
help, he had no doubt that he could succeed.

* * * *

Caelyn glanced at the obelisk, holding Graham’s hand tightly. Its

shifting surface made him shiver and want to run, but he and Graham
were doing what Eanera had asked them to. “I wonder what happened
to it,” he mused.

Graham pressed a kiss to Caelyn’s forehead, then released his

palm. As he approached the monument, the obelisk seemed to vibrate,
as if reaching out for Graham. It nearly knocked Graham over, or it
would have had Graham not been very steady on his feet. Caelyn bit
the inside of his cheek, suppressing the urge to run to his mate’s side.
He needed to keep his distance since his magic was, apparently,
dangerous to have around the obelisk.

Meanwhile, Graham ignored all the vibrating and started to snap

photos of the monument and film the occurrences. They did this every
day, keeping their visit as short as possible, as per Eanera’s specific
instructions. The rest of the time, the obelisk was kept completely
isolated, all other people forbidden to come here by the express order
of the High Priestess.

When Graham was finished, he rushed to Caelyn’s side and

quickly wrapped an arm around his shoulders, squeezing him tightly.
As they hastened away, the werewolf said, “I don’t know what
happened, angel, but there’s something evil here now. I have no idea
when and how it happened, but it needs to be kept contained at all

Caelyn couldn’t have agreed more, but he had a feeling it

wouldn’t be so easy. Already the obelisk was straining under
whatever power was trying to get out. Caelyn suspected that soon,

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they would learn what was hiding behind the black surface of the
obelisk, and they wouldn’t like it.

End of Book 2: DRAECHEN’S MATE

To be continued in



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A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid

fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and
adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she
delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled
onto romance.

As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer

day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her
to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As
it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but
Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting
to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation,
studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the
Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people
who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in
the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.

For all titles by Scarlet Hyacinth, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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