Lilith in House

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// PH Planet in House
// Lilith In The Houses
// English version by Paul Hysen 2006

[13.01] LILITH IN THE 1st. HOUSE
Lilith in the First House provides sudden urges to initiate battles that promote
liberalism and fairness. You have ingenuity and brim over with energy for
relationships, partnerships and public-related interests. You can get enticed
easily into sexual adventures and if someone offers you a leading role to you,
you take it without thinking. With this placing there is a tendency to get
repeatedly into problematic situations, and also to see life as only worthwhile
when it is full of non-stop action.

[13.02] LILITH IN THE 2nd. HOUSE
Lilith in the Second House directs efforts towards hedonistic activities and the
acquisition of property. You like to accumulate property and quickly succumb to
material temptation. You probably do not recognize the problems that arise from
that, or simply don't want to admit to them and wish to ignore them. You look
for harmony in the world and have a sense of art. You can quickly regret
entering into a partnership, particularly if this takes away some part of your
financial independence.

{13.03] LILITH IN THE 3rd. HOUSE
Lilith in the Third House can cause misunderstandings and misjudgments in
relation to yourself or other persons. You may not realise, or do not want to
admit as to how much independence you really need and therefore may tend to
finish a relationship when it becomes serious, or be inclined to become very
dissatisfied and unhappy with a relationship. This may make you unwilling to
commit yourself and loathe to give up any freedom in thinking. You are inclined
to seek out, and feel safe with, informal contacts with whom there will be no

[13.04] LILITH IN THE 4th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Fourth House looks for fulfillment in family, home and country of
one's birth. It may well be that you are unhappy because you feel that you are
not in charge of your life. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to change in short
term. You enjoy getting together with your family for meals, social events and
simply to exchange information. You try to maintain harmony around you and be
diplomatic, but tend to misjudge your fellow human beings. It is possible that
there is a conflict between what your logic tells you and your feelings.

[13.05] LILITH IN THE 5th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Fifth House brings you charisma, but is also makes you inclined to
misjudge your children. If you do not use your intuition and wisdom, serious
misunderstandings may develop. This placing can indicate manipulation by one
side, or even by both parties. You may be prone to showiness or may try to be at
the centre of attention. You enjoy creating a luxurious environment for
yourself, look for harmony, and need a great deal of freedom. You tend to be
easily tempted into getting involved with financial speculation and gambling.

[13.06] LILITH IN THE 6th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Sixth House indicates and excessive focus on perfection,
correctness and hygiene; while it can also be associated with irrational and
impulsive desires. A conflict between your logic and emotions could occur here.
Maybe you deep-down dislike anyone or anything that is claimed to be perfect.
You can at times misjudge the facts and criticise people, events or things
without the necessary objectivity. On the other hand, you tend to have a natural
insight into people's psychology and are often able to help others through your
emotional support and sympathy. You like to give "your all" in any partnership
or relationship - and expect the same from the other party; there is however a
danger of conflict here because of your need for autonomy. If dealing with the

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outside world gets too stressful for you, you may tend to retreat from it for a

[13.07] LILITH IN THE 7th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Seventh House represents a conflict between one's desire for
commitment and one's striving for independence. You probably understand every
aspect of your emotions and thought processes, and how these affect your
situations in life, but often find change too daunting or difficult and decide
to do nothing, even though you know change would be in your own best interest;
as a result you are inclined to get caught up in the same vicious circle time
and again. You like to manipulate others, which you do with the best of
intentions; and particularly like flirting which may well be your specialty.
Music is one of your loves, as is fairness and harmony with others.

[13.08] LILITH IN THE 8th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Eighth House provides a link with power. You may be unaware of
your link with power, or perhaps do not wish to admit the role of power in the
world around you. Conversely, you may underestimate your own power and tend to
suppress others without realising this. You may also be attracted to the thrill
of danger, which can bring involvement in dangerous physical pursuits or in
risky sexual behaviour. This placing is often associated with death and losses
early in life. It also indicates that later in one's years there will be the
achievement of wisdom that provides insight into the ultimate meaning of life
and death.

[13.09] LILITH IN THE 9th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Ninth House indicates optimism and generosity, and inclines
towards an interest in philosophy and religion. There is an intensive striving
for education and a tendency to overload oneself with knowledge. It is possible
that others misjudge you or take advantage of you; or conversely that you negate
your abilities or don't want to admit to them. You are inclined to be honest and
fair and have a love of justice, but require a great deal of independence. You
make good use of your innate understanding of others by trying to improve their
life. You may well be misunderstood by others however, because of your lofty
ideals, and may be viewed by them as being out-of-touch with reality or perhaps
simply somewhat odd. You are unlikely to pass up the opportunity for a journey
that you believe will provide you with new information or education. In
addition, there is a tendency to idealise far away places or destinations, then
to move there, only realise later that your expectations were unrealistic and
will not be met in real life. Nevertheless, if you fulfil your, probably life-
long, urge to travel far and wide, you will come into contact with many
fascinating people, and will through this deepen you personal insight.

[13.10] LILITH IN THE 10th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Tenth House represents a striving for fame, power and status. This
placing also indicates that a certain amount of satisfaction may be gained
through manipulating others. Additionally there may be a refusal to admit that
these actions can cause adverse effects, or it may be that these adverse effects
are simply unrecognised. This can result in problems, restrictions and in long
and bitter struggles and discord, which causes interference in one's life. Hence
you either have difficulty accepting authority, or simply fail to take into
account that there are people who can use their power or authority to your
disadvantage; thus leading yourself into ongoing conflict with persons more
powerful than yourself. As you need a great deal of freedom, it is perhaps
prudent to avoid partnerships or best to keep them at friendship level only. It
may well be that you demand too much of yourself and overload yourself with
responsibilities related to partnerships or public relations. This placing also
indicates attempts to break taboos, the questioning of conventions and
opposition to undemocratic social structures.

[13.11] LILITH IN THE 11th. HOUSE

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Lilith in the Eleventh House engenders a powerful impetus towards personal
autonomy. You are very tolerant and open to the unusual, and more than likely
have an unconventional, but very creative artistic flair. You also tend to
prefer partnerships in your life, that are of an open nature, and that others
would see as little more than friendships. You look for adventurous friendships,
but may easily misjudge the nature or quality of your friends, or may simply
refuse to admit the truth about your friends. Nevertheless your intuition and
wisdom are well-developed, as is your ingenuity; you may well have a talent for
inventing. You often like to present yourself as being somewhat eccentric.

[13.12] LILITH IN THE 12th. HOUSE
Lilith in the Twelfth House indicates a desire for illusions, fantasies and
unreality. This placing is often associated a craving for intoxication and a
tendency towards drug or alcohol misuse. And also with impressionability. On the
other hand, it is also associated with powerful creativity and with the ability
to be inspired and to inspire. You are sometimes involved in much social
activity, but at other times prefer to find solitude. You are empathetic, and
quick to lend a hand when you feel called upon to do so, but may in the process
easily neglect yourself. Perhaps you go through life without recognising
yourself as being worthy or an individual, and because of this don't recognise,
or do not wish to admit to your own needs.


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